[Dr Paul Alexander is a COVID-19 Consultant Researcher in EBM, Research Methodology, and Clinical Epidemiology gives the floor to Dr Mike Yeadon, a British expert who was formerly the Vice President and world-wide head of Respiratory Research and Development at Pfizer for 17 years.
Yeadon discusses his view that responses to Covid has been deliberately mishandled for the larger agenda of eventual total control over society, and that the vaccines have been created to harm people.
Dr Paul Alexander with
Dr Mike Yeadon – Former Pfizer VP
Devastating Covid Response
and Harmful Covid Vaccines
Jun 9, 2022
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Published on Jun 9, 2022
Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer VP: devastating COVID response and harmful COVID Vaccines
PAlexanderPhD Published June 9, 2022 8,823 Views
5:34 / 35:05
Dr. Mike Yeadon speaks with Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, June 9, 2022
My content is available for free. I have lost extensive income due to my advocacy for early treatment and my stance against the COVID vaccines, especially for children. Your kindness and generosity is very much appreciated in my sharing of research and the fight against scientific censorship where several good and brilliant doctors and scientists are silenced and cancelled, including myself. It is absolutely imperative that people/populations are given accurate information about the benefits and harms of societal restrictions or medical interventions such as vaccines. Only then can people make informed decisions about what is best for them.
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(35:05 mins)
Dr Paul Alexander: Hello once again. It’s June 7, 2022. I’m Dr Paul Alexander. I’m in the United States right now. And I’m with fantastic Dr Mike Yeadon. And well, there’s so much we can talk about. We have about 30-35 minutes. I want us to get straight to the point.
You guys knew from the beginning, when I worked in the Trump Administration, that our [word unclear] was myself, Kulldorff, Bhattacharya, people like Scott Atlas, etc., Gupta. But we use a more focused age stratified approach. We felt very early on we knew after about three weeks to a month that Covid was amenable to risk stratification. And your baseline risk was prognostic on the severity of outcome.
So we felt that the lockdown, the [word unclear] approach, school closures, etc., were wrong! Were not needed. And we actually knew that it would have resulted in a catastrophic failure! We found no evidence, anywhere in the world to date, after over two years, that any Covid restriction has ever worked! Locked downs, school closures.
I want to put it over to Dr Yeadon, because he’s world renowned. And I would like him to briefly introduce himself. You guys know me. And let him talk, ad lib, about his feelings, next half an hour, to talk to you, to help you continue to understand what we’ve been facing! Thank you.
Dr Mike Yeadon: Okay. Well, thank you very much, you know, Paul. So I’m Dr Mike Yeadon. And I’ve been an admirer, and I think a friend of yours as well Paul, for some time. So yes, I’m a person that’s spent 32 years in bio pharmaceutical R & D. Most of it inside big companies. And my last long-term job was as Vice President and world-wide head of Respiratory Research and Development at Pfizer. So I left in 2011. But I was there for 17 years.
So I have a good understanding of how the industry selects drug targets, runs research programs to discover exploratory Medicines, and then advances them through toxicology clinical trials, all the way through manufacturing, to a regulatory submission.
It also happens that because I’ve been around a long time in Britain, that I ended up knowing the chief scientific advisor to the UK government, Sir Patrick Vallance. And I noticed early on in 2020, as early as about February, certainly in March, on the TV every night, lying to us.
I mean, it’s an awful thing to have to say. But he was saying things that would lead people to have an exaggerated sense of the threat, of whatever this pathogen was, that was coming coming out of Southeast Asia.
And then, as you’ve mentioned Paul, as time went on the suggestion, and then eventually the forced introduction of a variety of control measures, that I knew that he knew, were not correct. And I will emphasize this very briefly. How do I know that he knew, as we have just outlined, that they couldn’t work?
Well he and I trained in the same university system, UK, across the same period of time. And although he is a doctor, and I have a Phd, our base level training, foundational training, would have been the same. Microbiology, immunology, you know, organic chemistry.
You’d have a term, or two, of every one of these things in order to then build on it. And we would all have the same set textbooks. And I can even quote you which one it was for immunology. Essential Immunology by Ivan Roitt. So I knew that Patrick Vallance had a copy of that, and would have probably been trained in the same unit as I was, at the same time.
And you didn’t need advanced immunology, for example, to know that once you’ve been exposed to one of these pathogens you acquire robust, complete, and durable immunity. And you can’t, you’re really unlikely to become clinically ill again, the second time. You might acquire the pathogen, but you won’t get ill and transmit it again.
And so quite early on people I knew slightly, just from my history, were lying to us! And then when we later got onto the vaccines, I know the head of the vaccine programme in three of the four companies. It’s just shocking to me! I’ve not been able to make contact with them, which is absurd! They’re people I worked with over the last say 20, 30 years. And they won’t reply to my calls and emails!
Anyway. So I will say without getting into the weeds initially, three things that I can tell you that governments all around the world all did.
First they did everything they could to give an exaggerated sense of the threats. And I think the purpose of that, was that we would all become frightened! And if we’re frightened and fearful, we’ll be amenable to the second one a useless and injurious measures! Like lockdown, school closures, mass testing, masking, border restrictions, and the like.
Now the funny thing is, as Paul mentioned, I know because you can go and find this document. The WHO, sort of scientific branch, not the politicians, that you see. The scientific branch of WHO had systematically reviewed all of what are called “non-pharmaceutical interventions”, the kind of things I just listed. And they did this as recently as the second half of 2019. And it’s about 120 page document. You can find it. We can put it in the notes Paul, if you would like.
And it concludes that none of them work! And so the only reasonable thing you would ask a person to do is, almost instinctive, which is, if you are symptomatic, if you were ill, please stay at home, so that you keep away from other people until you are improved.
And that’s because people who are ill, and symptomatic, are much more likely to infect others. It’s as simple as that! That’s the only thing that would have been a rational thing. And you wouldn’t have needed to have made it a law, because people who are heavily symptomatic – we also call that ill – that they almost certainly wouldn’t want to leave home!
If you can remember what it’s like last time you had flu. If it’s a bad flu, and you were heavily symptomatic, you probably needed assistance even in your own home, to give you chicken soup, and keep you hydrated, and taken to the loo. You’re not going to be going out and about.
But so that was all you needed to do. And all the other things such as mandatory business closures, locked downs, you know, saying you can’t leave your home except for an hour a day, I was instinctively sure this was a really bad thing! And not true! It probably took me a few months I think, until kind of poured through all of the science. But by about summer time I was sure that they had exaggerated the nature of the threat.
Bill Gates says in the last few days, said:
“We didn’t realize it was a low lethality virus.”
Yes we did Bill! We knew that! There was an accidental experiment, an actual experiment, called the Diamond Princess, a very large cruise ship. So we knew that even people 60 and older on cruises, only about one percent of them actually died. So that looked like the infection fatality ratio for the older group.
None of the crew who all younger than sixty died. Not a single one! So that maps exactly onto the very early days we got suggested, that it was maybe a tiny bit worse than seasonal influenza in the old, and slightly less injurious in the young. I don’t think in several countries not a single healthy child acquired this pathogen and died as a consequence.
So now the FDA is about to consider whether they should recommend vaccinating children. And the answer is no! There isn’t a hazard to consider reducing.
So please parents, do not go with this, even if the authorities recommend it. Because I’ve just told you, they’ve lied to you repeatedly!
And then the last lie, is superfluous, ineffective, and toxic, “vaccines”! They call them vaccines. But yeah, that’s really an exaggeration. So superfluous! Why do I say superfluous? It’s always a stupid idea – this took me a while to work it out, so forgive me. It’s always a bad idea when it was a new pathogen to start running alongside it and saying:
“We’ll invent a new vaccine to bring this event to a close.”
Why? Because in order to obtain the safety information, the longitudinal safety information that you really should want, before you, or a child, or relative, is exposed to this new vaccine, it will take you longer to acquire that longitudinal data, than any realistic expectations for the length, the elapsed time, of a pandemic.
You can’t do it! I think you would want a small number of years, ideally. Any less than that and you’re saying:
“We’ve no idea what will happen, say a year after dosing this. But we’ll give it to several billion people!”
That’s what they’ve done! It’s the largest medical experiment ever in history! Mostly without informed consent, because these are new technologies, these are gene-based vaccines, I genuinely don’t know what’s going to happen. And I know that they don’t either!
So I feel, I’m shocked every time I say it. So superfluous! They never should have done this! And if that wretched Bill Gates suggests that we’ll be ready with a vaccine even more quickly, put your hand up and say with a new medicinal intervention you need longitudinal safety.
It’s reckless to go into a broad population without that data. And you can’t get it quickly. So it’s the wrong answer.
But the next thing is, and again, I’m a bit stupid, it took me a while to realize this. The people who are vulnerable, the people who get severely ill, hospitalized, and die, tended to be the older people. Over 70, even over 80. The median age of death appeared to be about the same as life expectancy. And I think that most of the time those people became unwell at least in part, because their immune systems, they weren’t as sprightly, weren’t as responsive, as in a younger person.
Well, if that’s true. What do you think will happen when you give them a vaccine? The answer is, they don’t respond as well as the immune system of a young person. I genuinely don’t believe you can greatly assist an older person, whose immune system is senescent. And if that’s why they’re vulnerable, you can’t help them with a vaccine.
What you need to do, is partly shield them, and partly treat their illness with whatever medicines the medical community is able to come up with.
And as it’s turned out, the medical community has come up with lots of old, well understood, generic, and low-cost treatments, which are very good.
So we shouldn’t ever have gone down the route of vaccines! One they’re superfluous, because they don’t work in people whose immune systems are suppressed. It’s the wrong kind of intervention.
Secondly you won’t get the required safety data before blazing away at the whole population. And it turns out anyway these don’t seem to work. And I’m really shocked that former colleagues of mine have got together, you know whatever it was, beginning of 2020, designs what they were going to do, done it. And they really haven’t worked.
They haven’t induced, even younger people, prominent immunity. That is, it doesn’t seem to stop people getting it. It doesn’t stop them catching the virus. At peak levels of pathogen in their airway, it seems to be the same, whether vaccinated or not, suggesting it hasn’t stopped the virus from replicating in their airways. And I’m not convinced it’s reduced deaths.
And in addition, and I’m afraid I knew this just looking at the design in the middle of 2020, I thought there would be safety liabilities, which you’ve got to net that off. So even if you could save some people with this, you’ve got to then subtract the number of people injured and killed by it. And I think that’s a very substantial number.
And I don’t think, here’s the shocking part, none of this is bad luck! None of it is bad luck! So what do I mean? Well again it took me a year before I found the information. But there’s a German documentary filmmaker called Paul Schreyer, S-C-H-R-E-Y-E-R. And if you look on YouTube and other video platforms, and look up a video called Pandemic Simulations-Preparation for a New Era, question mark.
In one hour in a German, but English subtitled documentary, he takes us through 25 plus years of pandemic tabletop simulations, that look exactly like what we’re living through right now! Literally, there are eight, or ten of these, with fantastical names, like Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, I don’t know, Crimson Tide, bullshit like that.
And sitting around the table initially were pretty much the American military, and the spooks. All the CIA types. But, as you came closer and closer to the present day, guess what? It was exactly the same stakeholders! And sometimes the same people, that you see are occupying those roles now, in Covid era.
And the most recent one was Event 201. And that was Bill Gates, and others, Johns Hopkins university, the WHO, the EU, American government, China, and so on. And they all sat round the table and said:
“Imagine if a novel Coronavirus emerges out of Southeast Asia and sweeps across the world, what will we do to get control of it?”
And the thing is, if you watch Event 201, the films are available online, you watch. What do you think they should be doing? I think they should be calming the population down, reassuring them, and doing their very best to find ways to treat, and reduce, new harms and deaths. They didn’t do any of that.
What they did is they sought to take over as quickly as possible! That’s what they did! Almost military martial law. They wanted to get as close as possible to martial law without calling it that. And that’s what all of these practices that they’ve done for the last, 25 years, are identical to what we are doing right now.
I’m telling you, in my opinion, as a 35-year professional scientist, who’s paid to make judgments, and did okay at it, I think the scientific evidence says that the exaggerated threat was deliberate, not accidental. They never corrected it, even when evidence became extremely clear that they’d overdone it. They’re still frightening you now and then they made you lock down, wear masks, get tested, close schools, border restrictions.
I can’t leave America. I’m in I’m in Florida. I got in before President Biden made a requirement for foreigners to be vaccinated before entry. So if we leave we can’t come back, even though we’ve visaed here for a few years to work. It’s literally absurd! The vaccines don’t prevent transmission! There’s no possible public health argument to do what they’re doing.
And they’re not stupid. These people are not stupid! They know exactly what they’re doing.
And then this final thing, superfluous, ineffective, and toxic vaccines. This is my meat and drink. Not vaccines, but drugs on a rational drug design, working out what you think is likely to happen. Obviously you look for efficacy. Is this going to produce an immune response? And hopefully do so in the absence of unacceptable toxic side effects. That was my job. I was the senior most person in Pfizer, for 17 years, in my inner field of respiratory new Medicines. And then I was for six years, a successful biotech CEO..
So I think I know what I’m talking about. And when I looked at the so-called “vaccines”, I saw a completely unprecedented approach. Where by design they would take a piece of this alleged pathogen, the spiky part, or spike protein on the outside of what they’ve declared is the structure of SARS CoV-2, and attached it to, in the case of the DNA vaccines, it was like a chimp adenovirus.
And in the mRNA vaccines of Moderna and Pfizer they would just cover it in grease essentially to have the messenger RNA fired into a cell. Well, I knew, thinking about it, that this is the wrong choice. Let me explain why. When you take a piece of a pathogen and then ask your body to practice on it and become immune to it, you always ask yourself:
“Is this a safe thing to do?”
Because I’m going to get the body to practice on it. Yes, but will there be any toxicity from doing what I’m doing? And, you know what? By far the most toxic part of SARS CoV-2, and related Coronaviruses, is the spike protein! Amongst other things the spike protein is able to initiate cascade events that leads to blood clots. It also can have negative neurological impacts.
Well, we know this! And we knew this in 2020, by analogy with similar viruses affecting humans and animals. And yet, not just one company, but four companies! Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and J&J [Johnson & Johnson] all alighted on that! Don’t you think that’s surprising? I wrote to James Merson, who is in charge of vaccines at J&J, and I said:
“No brainstorming team James, that you and I would have ever led, would have come out of that closed door meeting with ‘let’s pick the spike protein’! We even talked about things like that 15 years ago. You would have picked the nucleocap, the capsid, or the nuclear protein, because they’re not strongly biologically active. But here’s the other thing, you would pick a piece of the pathogen that’s very different from you!”
The spike protein isn’t similar to humans. But it’s the least dissimilar. So there are slight overlaps. And to the extent, and I would think it was they’ve taken a risk of what’s called autoimmunity, that as you get the body to respond to spike protein there’s lots of human proteins that are just similar enough, that in the unlucky penumbra, some people will find their immune system, their new immunity is going to attack bits of themselves, that are slightly similar.
They could have avoided that by picking something more different from you. So that when you then mount an attack on that new foreign thing, none of those weapons, those guns and ammo, are going to harm you. So that’s the second thing.
And then the third thing you would pick is genetically the part of a pathogen that’s most stable. Because we know pathogens, when they replicate they make typographical mistakes, and they gradually drift from the version you first worked on.
Well again this wretched spike protein, is and was well known to be the part that adapts most quickly, it’s the bit that interacts with the host, in this case human. Of course, it’ll evolve quickly by mutation. That’s what it does. But the bits in the centre, those are pretty genetically stable.
So for three reasons, acute safety, avoiding any autoimmunity, and maintaining activity over time, you would do something other than what they did. And all four of them did it! Sorry! My conclusion your Honour – if I was trying to persuade a judge with all the references to support what I’ve just said – I would say this is evidence of collusion, and malfeasance! They have intentionally harmed you! They have not put in place the ideal vaccine. But they’ve picked something that’s least likely to work, and most likely to harm you!
And it’s not that much of a shock to me, my original training included toxicology, [word unclear] toxicology, mechanistic toxicity. Understanding why things harm people, sometimes. As I’ve just described. And that when I saw it time I thought:
“This is going to hurt people!”
And so with another doctor, Doctor Vodog [sp] in Germany in December of 2020, before any of the vaccines received an emergency authorization anywhere, we wrote like a hundred page petition outlining these concerns, saying:
“For goodness sake, don’t approve this!”
So here’s the thing, what happened? First, I was de-platformed from almost everything I was on. And secondly, I was systematically smeared in the British media, the BBC and what are called broadsheet newspapers, things like the Daily Telegraph, and things like that.
So someone spent money, and assigned people, to rubbish me, and to hide from you the fact that I was very concerned with good reason about the safety. Does that sound like an error to you? No! It’s not.
So I’ll pause, at this point, because I can use all the time. But there’s no question in my mind that systematic rehearsal, over at least two and a half decades, has been recapitulated in the last two years, with an intention to harm you! Now, I’m not a detective. But it seems to me, if you look in parallel at what bodies like the World Economic Forum, the people who say:
“You’ll own nothing and be happy.”
It seems to me quite reasonable that what they want, why they’re using the vaccines, what they want is for you to carry a mandatory digital ID at all times. And that’s why they’re chasing everyone to vaccinate everybody.
By the way, three groups we would never vaccinate if this was about public health. Three groups. Very quickly, the people have been infected and recovered. There’s no dispute anywhere, that those people are immune, and do not require vaccination. And in fact, they may be more likely to be harmed by vaccination. So the infected recovered, definitely, definitely should not be vaccinated!
Is that what they’re doing? No! They’re making every person have a vax pass, or they can’t go to work, or buy food, or travel on an aeroplane into the US of A. So that’s one thing. You can tell that’s wrong.
The second group, I would say, people who are not at risk at all. So healthy young children. None of them have caught it, and has a consequence side. And yet they’ve already vaccinated lots of young children in the UK. And I think they’re going to do it in the US, if you don’t stop them. So that’s another thing that they’re definitely taking a risk for no gain! And it’s going to result in injuries and some deaths, right? This is mass murder! Sorry!
And then the third category you would never, ever, vaccinate are pregnant women! Because 60 years ago we learnt through Thalidomide, tragically, that babies aren’t insulated from harm in their mother’s womb. The babies are sometimes exquisitely sensitive to toxic perturbation by chemicals. And I would say every woman, either [word unclear], a relative, or otherwise, knows that it’s ideal to avoid normal chemicals while you’re pregnant.
Why in the world would you take a gene based vaccine for which there’s no proper pregnancy safety test? It’s not been done! They’ve not done it! So when they told you it was safe, what were they doing? Lying!
Dr Paul Alexander: Lying!
Dr Mike Yeadon: Lying! And I’m not claiming they’ve harmed lots of people. That’s not my job. I’m pointing out there’s more than a shadow of doubt. And normal caution would say you don’t do this! And they’ve done those three things.
So it’s all lies! And I’m afraid I think the intention is to force mandatory digital ID on everybody. So to enter, or exit, any regulated space, you’ll have to beep your vaccine passport. I don’t really think they care that it’s a vaccine passport. But they want you to carry unique digital identifier.
And I think, in time, you’re going to need it to buy food, or gasoline, or get on an aeroplane. And so the way to resist I think is not to accept any common format. And certainly no mandatory digital ID..
And then there’s this other part of this that’s not my skill area. But I think part of this Great Reset will involve, I think, converting money into a cashless digital form, that is called Central Bank Digital Currencies. As they’re not my skill area, but you go and look it up. And I think that’s the other half of the control grid. Mandatory ID, cash with digital money.
And if we let them take us to this point, we’re through the Gates of Hell! Without any way of getting out.
Dr Paul Alexander: Look, Dr Yeadon. First of all your background, and academic depth, and expertise, can’t be questioned in this. And I know you were one of them were cancelled. I myself was cancelled and silenced, with others.
The point though, is I think from the word go, I actually accept now and believe 99.99% of everything you just saids as a statistician I don’t like to use them with 100%. But before there were things that I would say:
“Hmm. Let me just stick to the science and the evidence base.”
But as the last two years have unfolded, we’ve come to realize that things that you’ve been saying are almost bang on the head! And the reality is that from the word go, we said:
“Look all you needed to do was strongly double, down triple down, protect the elderly, [word unclear].”
That’s it!
Dr Mike Yeadon: Yes.
Dr Paul Alexander: That’s it. Nothing else! Leave the rest of society alone. And we will be fine. They have actually done the opposite. They’ve locked down the healthy, and we still fail to protect the vulnerable.
Dr Mike Yeadon: I know. It’s terrible! Not only do we harm everyone else, we didn’t even protect the elderly. Because if we’d allowed a relatively harmless, you know, dear Bill Gates, are not high lethality pathogen. If we just let it pass through the community of healthy, relatively young people, … I count myself in that group, I’m 62. I’m not going to die of flu. I’m really not. Not now. I might say 10, or 20 years
If we’d done that, that would have blocked the paths to the more vulnerable, elderly people. So that would have provided like passive protection. And then colleagues like Paul, other medics – not me – worked like crazy and have identified a good handful, as I say, of really satisfactory treatments, depending on the stage of the disease. And almost, I wouldn’t say no one needs to die of this pathogen, but you could probably cut the death by at least 10 fold.
Dr Paul Alexander: Yes!
Dr Mike Yeadon: Yeah. And so even if they had made a mistake. Let’s say there was, … Some people have said to me:
“No. It’s safety culture.”
Or they followed my leader. China did it, then Italy, then everybody else. It’s like, even if I accepted that for a moment, which I don’t. For example, lockdowns. By the summer of 2020 there were lots of academic papers, at least, I think, 20, or 30. And they all said, it may be a bit of a surprise, but this process called lockdown, and various stringencies, and some places you literally couldn’t leave home, and food would be delivered to you. In others it was pretty much don’t go out very often. And it didn’t make any difference regardless of the stringency. It didn’t stop the transmission through the community of this apparent pathogen.
And I think the reason for that, as we mentioned earlier you have to be symptomatic, you have to be ill, floridly ill, in order to be a good source of infection. And this isn’t a surprise. We’ve known this for a long time, just by common observation.
And so, of course, lockdown, if you remove healthy people from their normal day-to-day interaction and shut them in their homes. Well, that wasn’t where transmission was occurring anyway. So you lock them away, no benefits!
Well you’ve definitely killed the economy. And that’s the key thing, Paul. I do think that was intentional, to maintain the fear, to damage the economy, to require for support, each of our governments, to print money it didn’t have money. Literally money printing. And I think that will cause sovereign currencies eventually to fail. A lot of classical economists are scratching their heads thinking:
“What’s holding it up?”
So yeah, I would just say this, at this point, that I’ve not been a conspiracy theorist all my life. I will say I’ve never made a public comment about anything, until the last two years! I just kept my head down and did my job. I only ever spoke in my field. So in the trade press, for research, whatever. That’s the only time you would see me.
And what I’m doing now, I’ve not monetized a single thing. So those who say I’m a grifter, or whatever the word is, I’ve lost money. I’ve been fired from every consulting post I had, board advisory positions. So I’ve lost a ton of money. I’ve not monetized anything. I don’t do it for fame, because I was very happily early retired and I’m relatively shy. And I don’t like doing this.
And then finally, some people said, oh maybe I had a bad experience with my last employer. I mean, for pity’s sake! I left 11 years ago. And left on very good terms.
And then the evidence for how good our relationship was, was that a year later Pfizers’s business development, and myself, and a couple of people, we went into business funding a biotech between us, for six years. And then it ended very amicably. We made them and us some money. So no, that’s not true either!
There’s literally no reason why I would say any of the things I’m saying other than, I think they’re true. And you can judge for yourself well.
Dr Paul Alexander: Dr Yeadon all I could have at this stage of the game is compliments for someone like you. I’m so inspired by a lot of what you’ve done. And the reality is that you have looked at all of the evidence.
To come to close this terrific interview out, we found no evidence too, in the entire world. Look at all countries including America, in all settings, that any lockdowns, any sheltering, any school closure, any mass mandate, any business closure, we have found no evidence that they have worked!
And I recently published a paper with Jeff Tucker and Ian Brown [sp]. And this recent Johns Hopkins School [word unclear] review showed the lockdowns all failed! They provided no benefit! Zero! Just harm the economy.
Dr Mike Yeadon: That is right.
Dr Paul Alexander: Exactly what you’re saying.
Dr Mike Yeadon: Yeah. And like I said, the WHO scientists performed a similar review, without the benefits of the last two years of data poor. But they performed the review with the data they had, and they arrived at the same conclusions, that you’ve just summarized.
Now I can’t believe that the all the primary governments that are part of the WHO did not have a copy of that report. Their public health departments would have had a copy. I found it. And so when they went into spring 2020, and then imposed these, I’m afraid, ridiculous and cruel measures, also ineffective, and damaging, their public health people knew that they didn’t work. So there’s no excuse that they overreacted, or didn’t know! Not true! Not true!
Dr Paul Alexander: So let us close this off. Because I don’t want Zoom to just cancelled out.
Dr Mike Yeadon: Okay.
Dr Paul Alexander: If you have a close-out final words you’d like to say to the public, because I’m gonna put this on Gab, get a Substack, everywhere I can share it. What would you say?
Dr Mike Yeadon: Yeah, just very quickly then. I’ve tried to think global for the last two years, just doing as many interviews as I can. I now say folks. I think it’s time to act local. Think about where you are now, and ask yourself if quite likely there are food shortages, fuel shortages, potential brownouts, or blackouts, how are you going to cope?
Don’t assume the government’s going to come to your aid. I provided you with evidence that they’ve done quite the opposite for the last two years.
So I think spend a bit of time, basically get yourself together, and maybe even consider being in a safer place if you can so that you can withstand whatever’s coming. Because I’m afraid, I don’t believe we’ve seen even the beginning of the rest of it yet. I wish I was wrong!
Dr Paul Alexander: Okay. And that’s really not a uplifting hand. But what I mean, this thing, …
Dr Mike Yeadon: No! It’s take control. You can take control and then while you’re doing this, people will say:
“Why are you doing this?”
You’ll say:
“Well the evidence is our government’s lied to us!”
And I can’t see any benign reasons for them to do this. And now look at what’s happening to the supply chains. That’s why I’m buying rice, and beans, you know, [chuckling] and extra, …
Dr Paul Alexander: No! No! You are really ending here by saying you are trying to impart to people, like look, you need to stop now and think, that if things get worse, what you’re going to do? And I think it’s tremendous. I really appreciate the time you give today sir.
And let me just end by saying this. For those who have not yet, I will thank you on behalf of them, you have done human service the last years, you really have! I listened to you in the beginning and I learnt a lot that got me to think and try more! It was people like you that spurred me on. Thank you very much sir.
Dr Mike Yeadon: Thank you as well Paul for providing the audience, as it were. It’s useless me speaking if I don’t reach people. So thank you for all your sterling efforts as well, and also reaching out to people. Thank you.
Dr Paul Alexander: As soon as I put this on Rumble I’m going to send you the link.
Dr Mike Yeadon: Thank you.
Dr Paul Alexander: Good day. Bye bye to you.
[Readers: If you see any errors (however minor), or ways to improve things, in the transcript, please let me know in the Comment section.
Also please share the link to this transcript, so others can benefit. Thanks.]
Rumble Comments
Paulsaun, 1 week ago
I have a massive amount of respect and admiration for Dr Yeadon and Dr Alexander. Without them and others I’m not sure where we would be.
28 rumbles
ALLANMACRAE, 1 week ago
The Covid-19 lockdowns and masking were never justified – as proved by Sweden. As I published on 21March2020, all we needed to do was over-protect the very elderly and infirm and get everyone else back to work and school. Six months later world experts published the exact same recommendations in the Great Barrington Declaration. To 1July2020 there was NO increase in Total Deaths in Alberta or Canada above the trend line of the previous six years and average age of Covid-19 deaths in Alberta was 82 – that means there was NO REAL PANDEMIC! Actual USA deaths FROM Covid-19 were exaggerated – more than 93% were actually deaths WITH a positive PCR test, but the cause of death was NOT Covid-19! Total Deaths did increase in the USA because of the harmful treatments applied by USA heath care – those Excess Deaths were avoidable – we did not have them in Canada! The entire Covid-19 worldwide false narrative was a way to sell costly , toxic and ineffective “vaccines” and to exert total dictatorial control over you and me – it was led by Trudeau’s friends at the World Economic Forum and the uber-corrupt World Health Organization. The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” will destroy many more people worldwide than the Covid-19 virus and probably already have. Told you so, 26 months ago, on 21March 2020. SCIENTIFIC COMPETENCE – THE ABILITY TO CORRECTLY PREDICT 20Oct2021. Update 12May2022 https://correctpredictions.ca/ Regards, Allan MacRae Calgary https://energy-experts-international.com
19 rumbles
HMcN, 1 week ago
Well done Mike and Paul,You have logically demolished the narrative and kept exactly the right tone to show the people who don’t believe exactly what is happening.I am in the UK and everyone around me still think I am exaggerating.Please WAKE UP UK. Go to your local astandinthepark.com connect with local people who are forming supportive communities.Together, as free caring people we will overcome unjust and harming policies. Build groups not based on the Internet.Please try this avenue.I have, and in doing so,discovered a diverse group of people,who all have a good heart and community spirit.
13 rumbles
Offroy, 1 week ago
Thank you Dr Mike and Dr Paul. May you never ever give up this very dirty fight. I only find serenity when listening / following all of you great doctors. (also Bridle/Malone/Lawrie etc , also Russell Brand, Jimmy Dore , who give me a much needed giggle) I cannot believe so many of my family & friends, have fallen for this. It’s like they are asleep. I now just try and get through each day and hope that one day, good wins over evil. But I find it so hard to stay upbeat. Stay free.
12 rumbles
FreeToBe2, 1 week ago
Thank you Mike and Paul for doing this very important video. We need to keep putting this information out for as long as it takes
10 rumbles
Rosalindroz, 1 week ago
Thank you both for speaking up & info is. My head spins daily at the lies and deception by Fauxchi and crew. I’m 56 and am disgusted by my government intentionally injuring & killing people wi this& zero accountability. How are we going to get these people to trial, we another Nuremberg. Including billy Gates and Fauxchi. God bless and protect you truth tellers. Honestly, a few friends & I pray for the warriors fighting for humanity. I don’t have ma friends but they are true and trusted. Lockdown weeded a lot of people from my life, not from deaths , rather who followed blindly and who trusted in God over fake science. They really do have Stockholm syndrome and cognitive dissonance. So many of us are the only ones in our family that know it isn’t about Covid & our families treat us like freaks or criminals for not blindly trusting the criminal Fauxchi. Even with cancer recurrences , thrybd questions anything, they just say Thank goodness they found it early.
10 rumbles
PamelaDrew, 1 week ago
Much love, respect and thanks to both you courageous champions of truth and freedom!
8 rumbles
Rosalindroz, 1 week ago
I recommend your substack highly!
7 rumbles
Hawedehre, 1 week ago
Thank you both.
7 rumbles
schutzhund, 1 week ago
The Nation Speaks Upcoming Special Series, ‘COVID-19: A Reckoning,’ Premieres This Weekend “We’re at a turning point—our actions now will determine the future.” The Nation Speaks upcoming special “COVID-19: A Reckoning,” gives a comprehensive picture of what happened after two years of aggressive lockdowns, masks, and mandates. The new two-part series will start this weekend, on June 11, broadcasting on the platforms of NTD Television and EpochTV. https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-nation-speaks-upcoming-special-series-covid-19-a-reckoning-premieres-this-weekend_4523202.html?
7 rumbles
Alexa161, 1 week ago
thank you for your continued perseverance. Eventually, more and more people will wake up.
7 rumbles
robnitro, 1 week ago
Lock em all up! Even Trump who started operation warp speed for the MAGAjabs
6 rumbles
mansfield45, 1 week ago
Regarding what Yeadon was saying about the “WHY” behind the idiotic public health policies: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/01/the_vaccine_is_a_dud.html https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/01/the_vaccine_passport_pathway_to_a_social_credit_system.html
5 rumbles
Rosalindroz, 1 week ago
Sorry for so many typos
3 rumbles
Rosalindroz, 1 week ago
* maiming not amp
2 rumbles
Rosalindroz, 1 week ago
* maiming not amp
2 rumbles
Rosalindroz, 1 week ago
I recommend your substack highly!
2 rumbles
Graphite, 1 week ago
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10904349/Biden-FINALLY-announce-CDC-dropping-requirements-international-travelers.html ???
2 rumbles
Rosalindroz, 1 week ago
I recommend your substack highly!
1 rumble
MAGA5tar, 1 week ago
1 rumble
WalterSieruk, 1 week ago
The best way to handle the terrible problem of the coronavirus. By it by gaining natural hard immunity or by the COVID -19 vaccine. Well one ancient wise man ,Aristotle , had written “If one way be better than another, we may be sure that it’s nature’s way.”
1 rumble
123Harrycat, 1 week ago
What we have to do is to come together and stand up against this evil..they can’t get control of us we are millions and there is not that many of them..we have to win this war against humanity they can’t do anything if we don’t listen to them and stop watching that evil program box in your living room switch it off and don’t listen to the radio they can’t brainwashed you if you don’t listen to them don’t obey anything that they want and good will always overcome evil believe in people power
1 rumble
gordonbird, 1 week ago
I agree with Brave Dr. Mike Yeadon!…I agree more with Professor Stefan Lanka…Dr. Amandah Vollmer…Dr. Andrew Kaufman that Viruses do not exist! Covid is a fiction according to the most eminent Stefan Lanka who copied the test done in China and in his second trial DID NOT include the virus samples”!…He got EXACTLY the same result with the same genetic codes showing!…PS I,m an ex Sailor and retired Truck Driver! I am not a “No-It-All!”…LA5 UK
1 rumble
See Also
TheCrowhouse – Funeral Director John O’Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid – Sep 16, 2021 — Transcript
UnHerd – Malcolm Turnbull – Don’t Count Trump Out – Jun 12, 2020 — Transcript
UnHerd – Scott Atlas – I’m Disgusted and Dismayed – Oct 20, 2020 — Transcript
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