Mark Collett
Elections, Demos & Activism
PA Update – with Laura Towler
Sat, May 6, 2023
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“Join Laura Towler and I as we report on a month of demonstrations and electioneering. We will then report on our recent web statistics, new regional appointments and unveil two new regional groups that were founded in the last month.”
Also discussed is the recent split among several Regional Organisers and their supporters from PA (to form a new movement) who are dissatisfied with the lack of electoral focus from PA.
Published on Sat, May 6, 2023
Elections, Demos & Activism – PA Update – with Laura Towler
May 6, 2023
Mark Collett
Join Laura Towler and I as we report on a month of demonstrations and electioneering. We will then report on our recent web statistics, new regional appointments and unveil two new regional groups that were founded in the last month.
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Laura Towler
local elections
patriotic alternative
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(1:33:53 mins)
[Demo video clips]
Steven: There’s no hate here. The only hate I’m seeing is from them!
Laura Towler: Do you even know what Fascism is?
In fact, can any of you people define Fascism? [sound of crickets] I don’t care about being called racist. And that word has no power here! [crowd cheers] You think I’m racist? I don’t care!
Steven: They don’t care about you! They don’t care about your community! They don’t care about your children! They hate you!
Laura Towler: How many girls being abused is too many for you? How many? Why don’t you love your own people?
Sam Melia: The replacement is becoming so obvious that it’s only the literally deaf, dumb and blind! Many of those behind you.
Laura Towler: I noticed there’s a gentleman here that’s got a sign that says “Immigration Built Britain”. Mass immigration began in 1948. You do realize that Britain existed before 1948, don’t you?
Sam Melia: Just ignore this bunch of communist scum here. [crowd cheers]
Laura Towler: We’re in Long Eaton today to protest against the housing of illegal migrants.
Sam Melia: In this world there is nothing braver than speaking truth to power! And Lord knows that’s what we’re doing here today!
Laura Towler: We’ve got the Novotel hotel and the Best Western hotel. One of those is a four star hotel. Ladies and gentlemen, can you afford to live in the four star hotel? [crowd shouts “No!”]
Sam Melia: Let’s not mistake these actions for ignorance or accident. 13 years of Tory rule and the numbers have never been higher! They know exactly what they’re doing! And when it’s our daughters crying in pain, they smile and they look away!
Laura Towler: So while all this is happening, we have 250,000 homeless people on the streets.
Male: It’s madness! Why is that doing anything?
Sam Melia: It’s a humiliation because as we cried out about the tens of thousands of raped girls, we were called fools who didn’t appreciate the benefits of multiculturalism!
Joe Marsh: We’ve done protests all over longer Wales. And after our protest, the migrants are moved out. There are thousands more coming in every week!
Eventually the day will come when they’ll have to send them back! They have no other choice! So keep the protest going. It works!
Sam Melia: It’s a humiliation because we were forced to our knees for Black Lives Matter, while we knew that the lives of our own White girls mean nothing to them! [crowd cheers and applauds]
Steven: We love our children. We want them to have a place where they will not be a hated minority in our own country!
Sam Melia: I don’t know about you, but I’m getting pretty damn tired of being humiliated! I’m damn tired of going along to get along k. I’m not gonna let these scum walk all over me anymore!
Joe Marsh: No one has ever asked the British people if we want to be a minority in our own country!
Sam Melia: Patriotic Alternative activists have been busy people leafleting this town ever since those hotels opened. This will not stand in Long Eaton! This will not stand in England!
Steven: What a wonderful response from anybody who cares about their children, cares about their ancestry, cares about the work that your grandparents, and great grandparents made, the sacrifices that they made for your community!
Sam Melia: You’ve been looking for an alternative. A movement that puts you and your family at the front! We are, that Patriotic Alternative! We have to fight to secure our future and our future for our children! Thank you long Eaton! [crowd cheers]
Mark Collett: Hello everybody, and welcome to tonight’s stream. It is, of course, the Patriotic Alternative monthly update for the month of April [2023]. And we are live tonight on Odyssey. We are live on DLive and we are live on
And boy, do we have a show for you. Do we have a lot to get through, do we have a lot of interesting things to discuss and relay to you, because it has been one hell of a roller coaster of a month! Now. If you’re watching tonight, and you want to put over your point of view, if you want to ask a question, or if you just want to contribute to the work we’re doing at Patriotic Alternative, the largest ethno-nationalist organisation in the whole of the UK, you can do so!
You can contribute via Odyssey or via Entropy. The links to Entropy are in the chat. And if you’re watching on Odyssey, you can hit that support button. And that support button allows you to send paid donations. Any paid donations sent tonight. We will read out your questions or comments live on tonight’s stream. You can ask myself and Laura about any of the events that we’re discussing, or you can ask us about future plans or just leave a donation.
Now, I always say this, but if everyone just gave three or $5. We have hundreds, thousands of people will watch this stream. In total, three or $5 from everyone. Wouldn’t be noticed by them, but would make a huge difference to us. You can also donate by a crypto-currency. All the crypto links are in the description below.
And finally, you can write to me at or contact us as an organisation through our website, which is at
So we’ve got a lot to talk about tonight. We’re going to talk about demonstrations, recent elections, introduce you to some new regional organisers, tell you about new regional groups we’ve started. And also talk about some major successes we’ve been having behind the scenes. There’s a lot to say, a lot to say. But I’m going to start by saying hello to the lovely Laura Towler. How are you doing, my dear? It’s good to be here with you tonight. How have you been?
Laura Towler: Hi. [chuckling] I’m doing very well, thank you. I’m a bit tired. My daughter is sleeping even worse than usual, if that was possible. But I’m looking forward to the stream. And April was just an absolutely crazy month!
I mean, I’m not going to sit here and say it was the best month we’ve ever had. Everything went our way, because it didn’t. We definitely had highs and lows in April. But I feel like we got through it and it maybe took us about two weeks to sort everything out. We’re at the other side now and I would say that we’re actually in a stronger position now than we were a month ago or two months ago. And we’ll get into that, obviously in a bit more later.
But, yeah, it feels good now. I feel like everyone’s happy again. We’ve had two regional organiser calls since the resignations. And they’re probably the best RO calls we’ve ever had. Everyone’s just really enthusiastic and optimistic and positive. We’re all singing from the same sheet, shall we say. So, yeah, positive changes. And we’re going to tell you everything that’s happening, so we’ll get into it.
Mark Collett: Okay, well, let’s start with what you just saw, because you have just seen a massive demonstration, another PA win, this time in Long Eaton. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg, because on that particular Sunday, St. George’s Day, we had a lot going on. A lot going on! And it wasn’t just protests we were up to. And some of you might be saying:
“I saw a lot of people speaking of that protest.”
And Laura spoke. Sam spoke. Our regional organiser from the Northeast, Steven spoke, big Joe Marsh was there, you couldn’t miss him. He spoke.
But where was Mark Collett? Well, I will tell you where I was in a few moments. But Laura, it’s only fair to throw it over to you because you helped pull together an amazing event in Long Eaton. You were there, there was a bit of a battle. Tell everyone about it, tell everyone how well it went.
And also tell people what you were asked to do after the event. Because this didn’t just turn out as one demo in one day, it turned out as two demos. Fill everyone in and let’s discuss this for a while.
Laura Towler: Yeah, I’ve just sent you some pictures of the second demo if you want to get them up to share with everyone, because that’s a really positive move and a positive connection that we’ve created there in Long Eaton.
But, yeah, Long Eaton was a strange one because it was organised by the previous regional organiser who obviously resigned. So he initiated the demo and then I think it was about a week before the demo started, he left the chat for the demo and we were like:
“Okay, well, that’s booked in Patriotic Alternative name. We can’t have the public turning up for the demonstration and we just leave them.”
So we took over it. Myself and Sam went down, Joe from Wales and Steven from the northeast. And there were a number of activists from the East Midlands who still went. And we had this demo. It was a really good demo and it was exciting and it was really fun!
But the problem that we had was the police liaison officer that we were speaking to before and we were saying, this is where we want to stand. Two days before the demo, he just disappeared. And we got there on the day and they’d given us, like, this sort of junior police officer to sort everything out. And he just didn’t have a clue what he was doing. And they were so unprepared for the amount of people that were there. Some people have said to me:
“Do you think they did it on purpose?”
He genuinely didn’t seem like he had a clue what he was doing.
So what they ended up doing while we still stayed on the square where we were supposed to be, there was no way that we were going to leave that. But they asked us to have our backs to the wall and they used two police vans to go at the sides of us and then they stood as a row in front of us.
So there was about maybe 40 of us stood there surrounded by two police vans and then the police. And then all the Reds and the anti-Whites and that lot were in front of them. The problem that we had there was it meant that the public weren’t able to reach us.
So if you look at the video, you can see it’s like an Antifa sandwich! [chuckling] Like the public, all the decent people are like, round the sides and round the back. Most people didn’t dare push through, but those who did dare to push through all the Reds and try and push through the police to get to us. Some of them got through and some of them were declined. So, unfortunately, on the video, it does look like there were more than them, but I promise you there weren’t! The guys who did the leaflet in beforehand did a really good job.
Obviously, we advertised it on our mailing list. And we definitely had the bigger turnout on the day. We spent the start of the day just throwing some abuse and a bit of banter back and forwards with the Reds, but we quickly drew a line under that and we were like, okay, we’re here for a serious reason.
And then we addressed the public regarding the issues, why we were there. And it was one of those situations where it didn’t really turn out like we thought it would. The speech that I wrote, I had to adapt it a lot to deal with the situation on the day. But that’s what you do! That’s a professional thing to do. Sometimes something is thrown at you that you don’t quite expect. You’ve got to adapt, you’ve got to deal with it. And I’m really proud of everyone who got up on that stage and everyone who stood alongside us as well.
I mean, there were elderly ladies who pushed through the Reds and pushed through the police with our St George’s Cross flags to come and stand with us. And it was a really good day. We got some really good content, we had some really good speeches. We got a lot of new people sign up to Patriotic Alternative. And, yeah, it was a good one.
And then afterwards, we were invited to a demonstration with a group called Save Kegworth, who also have a migrant hotel in their area as well. They invited us along. We went to their protest with them and attended their protest.
Yeah, these are some pictures of them. It was interesting because it was a group of ladies, these ladies here who were organised that they decided to, … It always seems to be women who were heading up these local demos. It was the same in Linton-on-Ouse and Hull as well, and then in Kegwaf here. But they were just absolutely lovely!
And afterwards we were all in the pub together having a drink and just chatting away. Swapped some leaflets and business cards and that kind of thing, and we’re looking forward to seeing them again.
So, yeah, it was a really good demonstration. The speeches were really good. Steven and Joe gave their first speeches and they were both absolutely fantastic! Yeah, so that was it. I don’t know if you’ve got any questions or anything that you want to say about it, Mark.
Mark Collett: Well, I don’t have a lot of questions because I obviously wasn’t there. And people might think:
“Well, why wasn’t Mark there on the day?”
And that is basically because I was away! And I was doing a podcast. And I was invited down to London to do a podcast called The Domino Effect. Now I’m going to show you this. This is us up on YouTube now, so I’m just going to share the screen again. Two seconds. Here it is. This is a Domino Effect and it’s a podcast run by a couple of black chaps that you can see here. When it pops up, there’s me speaking to them. I can’t find a bit where you can actually see them.
But anyway, I went down to London to speak to them. That was booked months in advance of the actual demonstration, so I didn’t actually miss out on the demonstration to go and do that. But it’s been seen seven and a half thousand times on YouTube. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. I’ve had people from all over the world messaging me and writing to me saying:
“I’ve seen that and you’re a totally reasonable guy. And I never thought White nationalists had such reasonable views.”
And I think it’s really, really important that we do these outreaches as well. I love doing the demos. If I could have been at both, I absolutely would have done. And I’d have loved to have met the ladies from Kegworth as well.
But I think this shows that we’re really growing as an organisation. We can manage to do multiple high profile events on the same day. So to basically have an event like that in Kegworth, preceded by the event in Long Eaton, on the same day, when we have a major media appearance, which has been seen by thousands and thousands of people and has been overwhelmingly received in an overwhelmingly positive manner. That is absolutely fantastic! And that’s what we’re aiming for.
Because remember, the whole point of Patriotic Alternative was to create a nationalist community that could advocate for themselves in the ways they saw fit.
Now we’re going to get on to other more sort of salacious bits and bobs later on. But what I want to make clear, and I think this really needs underlining, when we started Patriotic Alternative, we said this was a community based movement and our primary goal was to build a nationalist community. Now that nationalist community was intended to be a way for people to come out, meet one another, make friends, socialize, gather together, and then advocate for our collective rights. And there are multiple ways to advocate for our collective rights.
And I do think that we should be a political party. I would like to stand in certain elections, but I don’t think elections are the be all and end all. And I know that many nationalists don’t want to stand in elections. I know many nationalists want to advocate for their rights in other ways. I also don’t think every single person who is a nationalist has to be face out. I don’t think every person who’s a nationalist has to use their real name and dox themselves. I think all those things aren’t really a one-size fits all approach.
And obviously some people have decided to leave Patriotic Alternative based on the fact that they think the only way forward is to be a solely electoral movement.
And also they believe that everyone involved in their group should dox themselves, be completely face out, use their real names and put themselves on the line like that.
Now that was never the intention of Patriotic Alternative. In an ideal world, I would love everybody out there to be able to use their real name, to put their face to things. But that’s not feasible. There are many people who have sensitive jobs. There are many people who live in areas where if they put their name and their face out there, they may face violence, they may face some kind of retribution.
And I also don’t think elections are the only way forward.
And I’m going to talk about that, I’m going to be talking very soon because coincidentally, it was the local elections yesterday and nationalists stood all over the country. And the results were pretty poor. Now we’ve got a lot of positive things to speak about tonight and we’ve got a bit of a running order.
But as I’m already talking about the elections, shall we segue straight into that Laura? Do you want me to just get the elections bit out of the way?
Laura Towler: Yeah, sure. Shall I let people know what we’ve been doing? Do you want to maybe get some, …
Mark Collett: Let’s start about what we’ve been doing for these elections, because some people have been saying:
“Patriotic Alternative, they don’t want to do electioneering. They don’t want to fight elections. Oh, they’re giving up! They’re giving up!”
Not true at all! Laura, why don’t you give everyone a rundown of just how much electioneering we’ve been doing over the last month?
Laura Towler: Yeah, so we do this at every election opportunity. It’s not like we’ve just done it for the first time now. But for these elections, we campaigned in the Northwest, Yorkshire, the East Mids and Eastern. I think those were the four regions that we did, but multiple times in some of those regions, I mean, the Northwest, bloody hell, they delivered 8,000 leaflets for a candidate. So we’ve supported candidates who were either independent or who work with the English Democrats or who work with the British Democrats.
And Patriotic Alternative has a really great relationship with those two political parties. We’ve helped them before. I think it was maybe two years ago now that I went out leaflet in for Jim Louis of the British Democrats. I’ve been out leaflet in for Mark Cotterwill before, when he stood as an independent. We’ve been doing this since the start for three and a half years.
We also have a bid submitted with the Electoral Commission to be a political party again. We’ve had that since the start. It’s been really difficult to get through.
I mean, there are times when they’ve said something, we had a meeting with them and we said to them, all right, but you’ve changed your mind about that, you were saying this before, and then they just go, yeah, we can change our mind. And it’s like they’re just making it so difficult for us to get through. But it is something that we’re still pursuing and we will still be pursuing and in the future, and hopefully we’ll have people standing in local elections under the name Patriotic Alternative.
However, in the meantime, there’s a lot of other things that we’ve been doing. We had the opportunity for our activists to stand. Was it the Mayoral elections under the English Democrats this year? Mark Robin Tilbrook offered to financially support our activists in PA to stand in those elections. And also we’d give our manpower and our training to support them.
However, nobody came forward saying that they wanted to do it.
So, despite this:
“Mark and Laura are not allowing us to do this.”
There have been opportunities and no one’s chosen to do it. Being completely honest and saying what I’ve said over the last three years, I don’t have much faith in the electoral system at all. I don’t think it should be the primary thing that we’re pursuing.
However, any avenue that lays in front of us, we should take an opportunity and we should at least try.
So, yeah, we should continue to fight the electoral route, but it shouldn’t be our number one focus. It never has been our number one focus and it’s not going to be our number one focus.
But, yeah, we had kind of went off on one. Then we had activists out across four regions delivering leaflets and campaigning for other parties. And it’s really great work for our activists to do that because PA doesn’t get anything for that. We’re doing that to help other organisations because their message is what’s more important than our organisation.
So we’ll go out and help someone from the British Democrats to campaign, even though that doesn’t reflect on Patriotic Alternative, we don’t get anything out of that. But the guy’s a good guy and he’s a nationalist, so if he gets in, it helps our people as a whole. And that’s something that we’re going to continue to do. So we want to strengthen relationships with other parties and work with more parties going forward.
Mark Collett: So let me just do a quick rundown of what Laura said for people who want to stir rubbish or want to misrepresent us.
Firstly, people said we didn’t want to have anything to do with elections. We did. Four of our regions have spent the last month electioneering, going out, delivering election leaflets, helping other parties. We have electioneered in the past at both Parliamentary elections and at local council elections. People who said, we don’t do that, they are lying.
Secondly, we want to be a political party. We haven’t been allowed to be a political party, thanks to the Electoral Commission, who I believe are unlawfully holding us up.
Thirdly, we did put an offer on the table for people in our party to stand under other banners and be supported by our people on the ground.
And finally, and most importantly, at this round of elections, we have, as in our activists, have delivered, well, in excess, well, somewhere between ten and, 20,000 leaflets, maybe more, for political parties, at least two different political parties, and for nationalist independence. Anybody that comes to us and is standing on an anti-immigration platform, we assist them with their electioneering. I can’t be clearer about that. So not only do we do all that, not only do we do all that, but we do it in the name of nationalist unity.
Now, some of these people who now don’t like PA and have broken off for us, they will not be helping other groups, they will not be working in the spirit of nationalist unity. We are! I don’t want to go to war with people, I want to sit around a table with them. I want to get on with people. I’ve been shaking hands with people at protests from other groups, and we help other people with their electioneering. Let that be completely clear.
Now, let’s get in to some talk about these elections, right? And let’s talk about how these elections went.
Now, I would say at the moment there is more in the press about immigration, demographics, asylum seekers, refugees, than ever before. We’ve seen record numbers of people out at nakedly ethno-nationalist protests. You would think that the conditions are ripe for local election victory.
Also, yesterday’s turnout was the lowest that I can recall ever seeing. I remember when I was in the BNP in the mid 2000s, about 2006, 2007, the local election results were usually around 30% to 40%. Yesterday, many different council wards returned results with around, 25% on average, voting. Sometimes a little bit less, sometimes a little bit more. Usually a very low turnout in elections is a recipe for nationalists to get elected.
And I always remember Hope Not Hate and Searchlight magazine always complaining that when there was a low turnout that would let fascists in via the back door!
Yet despite that low turnout, despite the seeming groundswell of support for an anti-immigration movement, every party right of centre seemed to have a disastrous day. Now, that is not me slating the people who put in hard work. I absolutely commend, endorse and praise every single person who went out leafletting, who went out canvassing, who worked to spread a nationalist message and stand candidates at that election, at yesterday’s election, I praise them, I’d shake them by the hand, and I can’t speak highly enough of them. They are not bad people, they are not fools. They were doing the right thing. But their results were very disappointing.
There’s around, depending on what source you look at, there’s between about 19 and, 22,000 council seats up and down Britain, depending on the source you look at. And let’s say, for sake of argument, an ease of calculation, there’s 20,000. Yesterday, when the polls opened, nationalists, as in ethno-nationalist groups, groups that talk about race and ethnicity, held one of those 20,000 seats. By midday today, there wasn’t a single seat held by an ethno-nationalist group. And not only did the ethno-nationalist groups poll not particularly well, but so did Reform and UKIP. They polled very poorly.
So despite there being a low turnout, despite there being more people turning up to protest, this didn’t result in better votes. Now, there have been some good individual performances. Ashley Simon from Britain First must be commended. She put in a lot of hard work. They actually knocked on doors, they were canvassing, they were leafletting, they put in a proper campaign. And she got, I think it was 19% coming second. That is highly commendable. I’m not knocking her. Great effort, Ashley, well done to you. And Paul, you put in a good, good show.
But despite the fact she took 18, well, 19, nearly 19%, and took around 400 votes, the Labour Party who won that seat took over 1200, three times as many votes as she did. So she was the only candidate I saw around the country who stood on a nationalist ticket, who came second.
Yet her vote was a third of that of the winning party. Julian Leopard, who is a great man, he’s been to PA events, I’ve known him for years. He’s a hardworking nationalist. He stood in Epping Forest District Council, where he was a sitting councillor and he went from taking first place four years ago to coming third behind both Tories and Labour. And I don’t think that’s a reflection on Julian. He’s a wonderful guy and he’s a lifelong nationalist. I’m not slating these people.
But what I am saying is the landscape for elections, despite many thinking it was favourable, did not return favourable results for any of the nationalist parties who stood.
Now, I want to be really clear, so don’t anyone misquote me! Do I think we should ditch elections? No, I don’t! I still think we should do that because I still think there are places in this country where we can win council seats and where we can do local community politics, engage with people and win.
But remember, never in the history of this country have we had a single MP elected on a nationalist ticket. And many people say because of our first past the post system, because of a system which is not proportional representation like they have in places like France or places like Germany, it’s a much harder battle for us.
So what do I think? Well, I think people put in a lot of hard work. I commend them, but I think the results don’t match up with the work that was put in. And that is disappointing. And I praise all those who stood and all the activists who helped them, whether they’re PA activists or not. And I definitely think Britain First did a really, really good job. But they’ve shown us how difficult this is.
So what’s my solution? My solution is we should do everything we can when we think we can win an election and we should definitely exploit that route to power.
However, this is a massive caveat. Remember, we need more strings to our bow than just elections.
Now, some, a small number of people left PA in a huff, in a huff! And have acted appallingly.
And I’ll tell you this now, one of their major gripes was:
“PA should solely be a face out, using real names, electoral machine.”
I do not believe that. I do not believe the only route is elections. The definition of insanity is:
“Doing exactly the same thing over and over and over again and expecting different results!”
Now, nationalists have been doing that since the late 1960s. And the best nationalists have ever achieved is two MEPs, which is impossible again, because of the European Parliament, one GLA member, which is impossible again because of the demographics of London. And 56 councillors and one county councillor out of those 20,000 councilors. And that was achieved when the Nationalist party of the day was turning over on average over the five years 2016 to 2010, 1 million pounds a year!
Now, I’m not saying it’s now impossible, but what I am saying is that we need more strings to our bow, that people who don’t want to do elections should be allowed to advocate for our people through other means, be that demonstrations, be that legal advocacy, or be that just setting up social family group events, litter picks, help the homeless. There are a lot of things people can do without elections. And I don’t believe that simply being an electioneering party is the right way forward. We have to do more things than that! And we have to be a real community. And PA was set up to be that community building event and that party and to do those kind of events.
And I’ll tell you, any of these people who are saying horrific things about me and behaving appallingly, I debate them on this issue, because I’ve got the facts, and I’ve just given you the facts. And those facts can’t be argued with because you can look them up online.
And if people want to go out and smash their face into a brick wall and stand again and again and again and keep getting between two and 5% every time, that’s up to them. And I know what people will say. People will say:
“Oh, well, we can get these local Parish councilors and community councilors and people who are beneath the level of district councilor.”
But they’re meant to be non political, they don’t have any legislative power and they are a great step up, they are a great step up, but they’re not actual proper councilors. The most any Nationalist Party has ever had is 56 councilors and one county councillor.
And some of the areas where that party held those seats, Burnley, Barking and Dagenham, we probably could never win seats again because of the ethnic shift.
I think we need to be doing more things, I think we need to have more strings to our bow, and I think we need to start thinking outside the box for the survival of our people.
I don’t think just repeating or trying to repeat what the BNP did or the National Front did before them is the right thing.
And if you look at parties like For Britain, which had a great degree of funding, they closed up last year. Why? Because it didn’t work out. Because they just did the electoral politics.
Now, we will keep trying to be registered with the Electoral Commission! We will keep assisting Nationalists who stand in elections! We will keep supporting a drive to get people elected, but we will still keep doing the socials, the fitness, the community building, the litter picks, the help the homeless, conferences, camps. We will still keep helping young people with their CVs, we will still keep passing people over and providing them legal help from trained solicitors and barristers. We’ll do all of those things because those things are absolutely important!
And anybody who disagrees with me, why don’t you do everyone here a favour? Stop maligning me, stop maligning PA and show us how it’s done! Show us how it’s done.
Because I’ll tell you what. Unless a Nationalist Party gets between 1000 and, 20000 seats at local elections. So five to 10% of the elected seats across the UK. Because that’s what you’re going to need to really affect change, to really change people’s lives.
Because I’ll tell you something else, and this is a black pill, but it’s true!
And if you can’t take the truth, I’m sorry, but this is the truth. I know people who were lone councilors in places like Halifax, in places like Leeds. They were great people. They were friends of mine and they were staunch nationalists. But I’ll tell you something now, they were boxed in. They were a lone councilor amongst 30, 40, in Leeds, nearly 100 other councilors who refused to work with them, refused to even talk to them, and they locked them out of any form of power.
And those people spent four years helping people with dog poop bins, and helping people fix their garden Gates. And those things are important. Those things are really important on a local level. But none of those sacrifices those men made stop their areas becoming multicultural areas, stop the break-up of their communities. And that’s a bit of a black pill.
And that’s why I’m saying “Community First”. I would like to pour more time and effort into teaching people how to grow their own vegetables. I would like to pour, … Imagine if the BNP’s 5 million pounds that they spent on all those councilors, all 56 of them, and those MEPs was in my hands today. And I bought a giant patch of land and built a new build estate on it in the middle of with a Meadow to one side and a little bit of forest to the other. And we were all living in the same area. There are people out there using new and untested means of building a resistance for our people. And I want to explore all that too!
I want to explore helping people. Woodlander is in the chat. He’s talking about getting people together to buy a patch of land, so we’ve all got somewhere to go. Imagine if the BNP had spent it’s 5 million on a patch of land and put Woodlander in charge. We’d have something to show for it all now. All we have is memories and some old copies of election leaflets to reminisce over.
And again, I’m not saying elections are totally pointless, but we need a multifaceted approach!
And I want to deal with another criticism while I’m at it, because I’m on one. People who are angry that we talk about film reviews, popular culture, computer games and all that, and are seething and acting like babies:
“Oh, if you want to watch computer game streams!”
You know what? We stream computer games for 2 hours a month on a Sunday night. No, one’s electioneering on a Sunday night. 2 hours of doing, …
Laura Towler: You mean to tell me that you play video games for 2 hours a month on your day off! How dare you do that we need to get rid of you right now!
Mark Collett: Exactly!
Laura Towler: Stupid argument. Two hours a month on a Sunday night. That’s it! What should we do on a Sunday night instead? Does it really matter? [chuckling]
Mark Collett: Well, I’ll tell you something else. There’s YouTube channels out there, like The Critical Drinker that is getting millions and millions and millions of views talking about wokeness in films. That’s called the “Culture War”. The Quartering gets millions and millions and millions of views talking about wokeness in gaming. There’s other content creators getting millions of views, talking about wokeness in Sci-Fi, wokeness and multi-racialism in comic books.
These are millions of young men and women who are watching their culture being eroded and all of a sudden, a clique of electioneering zealots want to tell me that I can’t reach out to those people, that I can’t talk to those people?
Remember when we were gaming on YouTube and tens of thousands of people watched the streams and we had a ton of new young sign ups? We weren’t doing it as our sole focus, but we were reaching out to people in the Culture War, moving the Overton window by talking about what’s happening in movies, games, comics, popular culture.
I have this lady messaging me and she loves period dramas. She loves period dramas. I’ve been having a lovely chat with her and she’s appalled that every period drama has a black man inserted into it. Should we just ignore those people?
Of course we shouldn’t!
This is more than elections. It’s about the survival of our people. It’s about building a community. It’s about a culture war. It’s about a war of ideologies. It’s about moving the Overton window. And when I went and met those people, those black men from The Domino podcast we got on really well, that’s reaching out to more people and making more of an impact than getting 270 votes in Ward as a one off, ever will.
And again, that’s not to say electioneering is pointless. But it all needs to be balanced. It all needs to be measured. And I hope people understand that. That’s why PA became the fastest growing, the largest and the most dynamic nationalist movement this country has seen in decades! It didn’t become all of that because we decided to bash our face against a concrete block and do the same thing over and over again, ignoring the failures of the past.
And I’m going to tell you something now. Well, I’m not going to tell you it because Laura hasn’t said much, but she’s got something to tell you.
And I’m going to tell you this, okay? We’ve grown so big that we’ve eclipsed every other nationalist movement in the UK, even the civic nationalist ones. And Laura’s going to give you the facts. How well is our website been doing Laura? Give everyone a rundown.
Laura Towler: Do you want to get the graphic up? I sent it to you on Telegram.
Mark Collett: I know you sent it on Telegram, I was in full on speechy mode
Laura Towler: You were in ranting mode.
Mark Collett: Yeah, we don’t use the word rant, Laura! [chuckling]
Laura Towler: I do. [chuckling] Yeah. I just want to echo everything that Mark said. Patriotic Alternative are, and have always been, a radical and revolutionary movement. We’re not an organisation that wants to play the hand that our enemy has given us and just take part in our enemy’s system. A system which is set up to leave us ineffective.
We want to create our own system, we want to create our own future. We don’t want to just play by their rules, we want to make our own rules. This should not be surprising to anyone. This is what we have said from the start.
And our focus has to be on building a community because we don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. But if we have a network of talented people, if we’re self sufficient and we don’t have to rely on anyone, then we’ll be okay. We will be okay. But if we don’t have a community and if we just are these atomized individuals scattered across the country standing in the odd election, then we might not be okay.
In fact, we probably won’t be. I mean, with regards to content as well, so much of what we see is anti-White. Even the adverts between the shows are anti-White. All we’re doing is providing a bit of anecdote, what’s the word? Beginning with like a Medicine? I was going to say anecdote. [chuckling] We’re providing antidote to that where when you turn on your computer for 2 hours or 4 hours a week, it’s not much you can listen to something where the people are the same as you and feel like you’re not alone.
So you can hear people talking about a film once a month for 2 hours and critiquing that film from a nationalist perspective. And it’s good to have alternative content out there that isn’t just anti-White, that isn’t propaganda, that you can relax while you’re listening to it or watching it because you know, it’s not trying to brainwash you into race mixing or something.
And obviously that’s not our number one focus. We are an IRL [In Real Life] movement. We’re the most active nationalist organisation in the whole country. That is our priority. It’s very, very hard work to be an activist, more hard work than it is to be a content creator. But we still do create a bit of content on the side. And I love the fact that PA is an organisation that says to hell with your rules, we’re going to create our own rules, we’re going to create our own future.
So yeah, I agree with everything that Mark said. And with regards to the website traffic, we haven’t looked at these for a while so I was a little bit like how are we doing? But we got the figures for the whole of March and as you can see so these are website Visitors for March 2023.
And as you can see, in number one position, Patriotic Alternative has the best performing website out of all the dissident nationalist patriotic parties. We’ve beat Reform, UKIP, Britain First, BNP, British Democrats, British Freedom Party and the English Democrats, as. Well, I mean, Reform are all over the TV and they’re allowed on Twitter, they’re all over the press all the time and still we’re getting more traffic than they are.
So what we’re doing is working. We’re getting people’s attention, they’re coming to us. We’re getting more registrations on the website than we’ve ever had. It is working and obviously we’re putting something out there that people are interested in, so we’re going to keep doing that.
Mark Collett: And, you know what else? Over the past few months.x.
And I’m going to be very honest about this because I’m sort of taking the gloves off to a degree.
And I’m going to say this.
I’ve been put into a bad position for the probably the last six months by people around me who pecked my head on a daily basis not to be involved with certain people, not to engage with certain people, to not let certain people help. And I’m throwing this out tonight!
Me and Laura had a very different vision for what our website should be from those people who have left. We want it to be a lot more dynamic, a lot more outward facing, and we want new writers, we want a daily news section full of the mainstream news, but written up from a nationalist perspective.
And if you’re a passionate writer and you want to write that stuff, and you want to be a PA writer and part of the PA writing team, you don’t have to be vetted. You don’t have to give us your inside leg measurements. Just send us an email with your articles in them, and if they’re up to scratch, we’ll get them on the website under the news section. There’s no more of this:
“We have to know where you live, where you went to school and what your last three meals were.”
To allow you to write an article or make a comment on our site.
If you want to write articles for us and you don’t want to be face out, you don’t want to dox yourself, that’s cool. Come forward and help us with the website. We’re going to have three sections on the website going forward. We’re going to have national news, local activism and ideology, or long reads, which are more sort of in depth opinion pieces. And that gives everyone that gives something for everybody.
And we want to do these things and we want to get PA back to being the accepting, friendly, positive movement it was when it started out, without this “us and them” nonsense. We don’t want wars with E-celebs. We don’t want people attacking content creators, we don’t want people being branded as sort of slackers or wimps because they won’t go face out or because they won’t hand over their passport, driver’s licence and birth certificate! We want people to help us in the way that they feel comfortable helping us.
And if people take six to twelve months to come out their shell and feel more comfortable about helping us before they buy in a little bit more, that’s cool. There’s no judgement. And we want to take things back to when this movement was a lot more open, positive and accepting.
And we acknowledge that people can play a part in this movement in a number of different ways. And however you help this movement, whether it’s attending demos, whether it’s leafletting, whether it’s writing articles, whether it’s producing beautiful artwork, whether it’s litter picks, whether it’s homeless outreach, however you help this movement, it’s valued and it’s important. This is like a jigsaw picture. It’s a big puzzle and every piece is different.
And I didn’t like the direction, ….
One of the reasons we have this little splinter group break off is because I didn’t like the direction that they wanted PA to go in. I didn’t like the idea of maligning people because they weren’t doing it “their way”.
I don’t want to call somebody a slacker because he doesn’t want to dox himself. I understand there’s lots of young, … And I certainly don’t think young men under the age of 21 should be using necessarily their own names and faces. Young people are unsure of where they’re going in their life, throw themselves into nationalism. I don’t want them ruining their lives. If it takes them a couple of years to feel comfortable and know where they’re going, let them do that.
I think this nonsense that everyone has to throw themselves face first into this cause doesn’t work for everyone. I’m not forcing people to do that. I felt that was wrong. That was one of the issues behind the scenes.
And ultimately I hope people understand what I’m saying, because I want to build a more dynamic and more accepting movement. And I hope everyone understands where I’m coming from. We want nationalist unity, we want acceptance. And we acknowledge that not everyone’s the same, and that different people have different sensibilities about what they can provide.
So there’s also been a lot of rumours going around.
Firstly was that no one likes PA. We’ve debunked that with the website.
Now another one of these rumours going around is that:
“All your regional organisers have left! Everybody has gone! Nobody likes PA anymore!”
Well, in the last month we’ve already set up a group on the Isle of Man, which we never had before. We’ve been doing all this nationalist outreach with different groups. We’ve been helping with electioneering, which debunks another lie. We’ve set up an active group in Northern Ireland, so you can now email Northern
But we’ve also got a raft of new regional organisers who want Patriotic Alternative to be more open, more accepting, and basically back to what it was.
So we’re going to bring three of these people on now. When I say we’ve got a raft of new organisers, they’re not all here tonight. They’re not all here tonight. Couldn’t all make it, but three of them are.
So let’s introduce them one by one, starting with Aaron from the southwest. How are you doing, my friend?
Laura Towler: Hey!
Aaron: Good evening.
Laura Towler: How are you doing?
Aaron: Yeah, good, thanks. Pleasure to be here.
Laura Towler: So Aaron is our new regional organiser for PA Southwest. We’re very excited that he’s our regional organiser. Me and Mark wanted him in a leadership position a long time ago. And you’ve absolutely risen to the occasion. You’ve already held a number of events in the Southwest and tell us about your offices because you had five officers and you’ve now got seven, is that right?
Aaron: Yeah, that’s right. We’ve got a new fitness guy and a new Events Organiser as well. They’re doing really well. My events guy has already organised the next like, two months of stuff. He’s just running away with it.
Laura Towler: And I hear that you’ve already made your plans for indigenous peoples there as well.
Aaron: Yeah, that’s all planned out. I’m looking at a drone, getting a drone for that because that’s not something we had before.
So hopefully we’ll get some very good shots of that. And we’ve already picked our spot. And I’ve lined up all the camera Angles and it’s all planned out. We just need to go and do it.
Laura Towler: Oh, exciting! I can’t wait to see that. Have you got any questions, Mark as well? I don’t want to take over, sorry.
Mark Collett: No, I’ve been doing a lot of talking, so I like to let Laura do the interviews because otherwise it’s just me droning on for an hour and a half.
And if people wanted to see that, well, they could watch one of my other streams. [chuckling]
Aaron: That’s what your Odysee’s channel for.
Mark Collett: Yeah, that’s what I’m here for, just to drone on for everyone’s amusement. [chuckling] But no. Look, we’ve known you for a long time. There was a bit of a conflict about who was going to be the regional organiser in the Southwest, myself and Laura wanted to pick you. You’ve been doing a great job, and there’s been all these sort of rumours swirling that we’ve got no officers left in the Southwest, but by the end of this month, you’ve got things so ship-shaped we’ve actually got more officers now in the Southwest than we did before the little splinter group broke away.
So you’ve sort of whipped everything into shape and you’re doing this with great confidence. And I did say people don’t have to be face out, but you obviously are. Do you want to give us just a bit of a taster of what you’ve got planned or anything you’ve got going on in the future? Because I’ve already seen you’ve been doing litter picks and hikes and the Southwest is well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much activity out of the Southwest.
Aaron: Yeah, it’s good. It’s not that difficult. I’ve got a great team of people behind me. And a lot of it is like with the litter picks, for example, it’s just one person will notice a particular street, or a lay-by, or a path out in the Woods somewhere that people have been dumping litter on. And they’ll just go and do it.
It’s not difficult. You go for a walk, you take a bin bag with you and there’s one of those little litter picking arm things. I don’t know what they’re actually called, but yeah, it’s so easy to do so much!
Like with the homeless outreach. Again, it’s actually very easy. You don’t need to even plan anything because you can see homeless people in your own city just walking around. Just buy them something. Right? There are plenty of cafes around. Just get them a coffee and something hot to eat and there you go, mate. There’s something hot to eat today. That might be the only hot thing they eat that day. It’s just so easy to do so much good!
Laura Towler: How would you say that your region are feeling at the moment? Because one of the issues that we had was that the previous regional organiser wouldn’t allow us to come and engage with your region and be in the chats and stuff and get to know you. And he stepped away and we were like, right, let us in the chats, we want to talk to you. And it was great to see that everyone else had stayed and you’d stayed and all the officers had stayed. Obviously, as we’ve said, you’ve appointed two more offices, so you’ve now got seven.
But what’s the feeling in your region at the moment? Because from what I’m seeing in the chat, people seem enthusiastic and engaged and it just feels like a really friendly, optimistic place. Have I got the vibe right?
Aaron: Yes, you have its it’s a very chilled region down in Southwest. It’s still one of the Whiter areas of the country, barring sort of Bristol really. I think that’s the worst of it. People are pretty much just carrying on as usual. Obviously the RO [Regional Organiser] left. But that’s pretty much it really. We’re just carrying on!
Keep calm, and carry on!
Laura Towler: Very British. [chuckling]
Mark Collett: Keep calm and keep organising!
Well, look, thanks a lot for joining us, Aaron. We’ve got a range of regional organisers coming on now. We look forward to working with you in the future. And we might as well announce it now because we’re having a big announcement, but we are going to be coming and visiting different regions to meet the local activists, to meet the organisers. So even though the Southwest is a right trek, we hope to be down there seeing you soon and do something special with you guys.
Aaron: It is the best part of the country!
Mark Collett: Laura will argue with you on that one.
Laura Towler: It doesn’t make her right!
Laura Towler: Don’t you start! You’ll be going next! [chuckling]
Mark Collett: Look, thank you for joining us, Aaron and I look forward to working with you more in the future.
Thank you, my friend.
Aaron: See you.
Mark Collett: Well, the next new regional organiser of the night is a big guy with a big beard who has a big show. It is Chief Moody in Scotland. Hello, my E-celeb chum. How are you doing?
Chief Moody: Yeah, I’m doing all right. I thought Joe would have been next, but oh, I don’t know if I gave that away already, sorry! [chuckling] But sorry!
Mark Collett: You wouldn’t invite him to a surprise birthday party, would you?
Chief Moody: No, I wouldn’t to be fair, I would definitely kind of give that away accidentally.
But anyway, no, honestly, yeah, it’s great to be on here just now. And it was quite a surprise because based on all the stuff that happened, but just the fact that I’ve been selected as the new Regional Organiser for PA Scotland, I mean, yes, is a great opportunity. So can’t wait to see how that goes.
Laura Towler: Well, you’ve been amazing and obviously you spoke at one of the conferences about a year ago now. I thought your speech was brilliant. It was really authentic and relatable for a lot of people, speaking about your journey internationalism. And you’ve just been so consistent.
You’re always there at the protests, you’re always there leafletting, but then you’re a friendly, approachable face online as well. So you were a perfect choice. And we have struggled in Scotland just to be completely transparent with everyone who’s listening.
Scotland is the region for us, which is going to be the hardest to mend. And the reason why is because, unfortunately, the chats, the PA chats that we had on Telegram were never handed back to us. I believe that those chats were actually destroyed and everyone was removed from them.
And also when we got the database back from Scotland, there were complete columns deleted and also complete lines of people as well.
So it’s been really hard to find everyone in Scotland and just say, have you heard our side of the story? Are you still with PA? We’re still finding new people every day at the moment. So Scotland is a bit of a mess for us, unfortunately.
However, we are prevailing and we’re going to rebuild PA Scotland again. There’s a lot of people behind the scenes that I’ve spoke to who were still very friendly with Patriotic Alternative.
But what do you envision for your region, Chief Moody? What would you like to do, and what are our plans? I understand that’s quite an intense question, [chuckling] but what would you like to see happen?
Chief Moody: Well, yeah, I do agree that it’s going to be a bit of a challenge at the moment, considering again what’s been happening for the past couple of weeks. But for me, I think it’s a case of we’re just going to slowly but surely build up PA Scotland again. Because I think it would be such a complete waste to just have it completely be disbanded based off of almost everybody completely leaving and moved over to the other group.
Because, again, even prior to that, we’ve done a lot of great work. I know a lot of the guys at the time did Ben Nevis, I wasn’t there, so I can’t exactly brag with regard to that. [chuckling].
We did a lot of good stuff, especially during the White Lives Matter events during the summer. I remember even last year, all of us were in Glasgow putting up the White Lives Matter boards or placards on the statues. I mean, really good stuff! Even got reported on the news, even for that.
So I think for me, I tend to see this at the moment as it was an end of an era, but it can also be viewed as a dawn of a new era for PA Scotland.
And for me, I think it’s a case of we’re going to slowly but surely build it back up again, get as many people to join PA Scotland once again. Again, we’re just also going to be doing a lot more like leafletting, doing banner drops, hiking. We can also do that and also encourage, again, with the fitness stuff as well, what we used to do back then. Just really just continue on the work we did prior to what happened.
And I think even for this year’s White Lives Matter event, again, depends on what happened. I got an idea on what I want to do and for some of the guys that are still in PA Scotland, I would encourage them to maybe try and do something similar. It doesn’t have to be like major or anything like that at all. But it could just be something small or just have a board or like a placard that says White Life’s Matter next to a statue or like a historical building or monument, whatever. But it could definitely just be something like that, really.
So, yeah, I think it’s a case of we’re going to build it bit by bit.
And again, just not lose any hope with it and just continue moving forward.
Laura Towler: And we are still getting lots of inquiries for Scotland. I mean, obviously Scotland is a country, so it’s one of the regions, if you can call it that, that we do get a lot of inquiries from. And we’re taking new people through the vetting system at the moment, and then they’re joining PA Scotland.
So that region will continue to grow, but it will be predominantly fresh faces, whereas with the rest of the regions below Scotland, obviously the vast majority of people are still there. But with Scotland it will be like, almost apart from like, what is it, six people? I think we’ve got, it will be entirely new in Scotland.
But, yeah, it’s a good opportunity and thank you so much for stepping up and also for thinking for yourself and reaching out. Anything from you Mark?
Mark Collett: Yeah, I just want to say thanks for this, because I know that certain people have tried to pressure you and been a bit sort of mean to you about the fact that you’ve come over. We really appreciate that you’ve stayed with us and not jumped overboard. I’m really happy you’re still here.
You gave a great speech at the Southern Conference. You’ve been somebody who we all admire your Mood of the Nation, we all admire your steadfastness and you’re always doing something good, you’ve always got a smile on your face, you always produce engaging content and I really look forward to spending more time with you and working with you more closely.
Thanks for everything, Chief, and I look forward to speaking to you again soon.
Next time you come in on last so you don’t ruin future surprises!
Chief Moody: No worries, [chuckling] I’ll keep that in mind. Sorry, just before I leave, just one last thing before I go. In regards to, again, some of the people pressuring me and all of that, to the other group, I just also want to say again, just for the record, I hold no ill well towards any of those guys or anything like that at all. I know they keep saying to me:
“If you come over to our group, you’d be welcome along.”
Which I appreciate that. For me, I offer the same to those guys as well. If they want to come back, for whatever reason, they’re welcome to come back. Anything that’s been said and done will be water under the bridge type of idea. So just so I thought, again, just throw it out there.
But again, thank you very much for having me on, and I’ll see you guys in the near future.
Mark Collett: Thank you so much!
Laura Towler: Thank you.
Mark Collett: And our last big surprise, that isn’t such a surprise, is the one and only, the indomitable new Welsh organiser, who should always have been the Welsh organiser. This guy got forced out by people who have now left us. He’s back with a bang. It’s big, Joe! How are you doing, mate?
Joe Marsh: I’m okay, how’s it going?
Mark Collett: It’s good to have you back Joe.
Joe Marsh: I’ve always been here. I haven’t been anywhere, have I?
Mark Collett: No, but you are the rightful King of Wales, and when you weren’t holding the Crown officially we didn’t like that.
Joe Marsh: Well, I’m back now.
And the thing is we haven’t got time to mess about, especially here in Wales. The attacks are coming from all Angles. We’ve got this Welsh government, they’re just literally out of control! So we haven’t got time to be messing about and arguing and fighting and all the rest of it. We just need to get on with it. And we’ve had a lot of people out, we’ve had a few activities lately. And for us nothing’s really changed.
Laura Towler: Well, it has changed in one way, Joe. Bigger, more people attending events! [chuckling]
Joe Marsh: Yeah, well, when we we went to Caerphilly last week and we normally get, like, five or six people out. We had ten out for that! And it was really good because we didn’t know there was a market on and it was massively busy. And we got these 15 Minutes City leaflets and we just walked through the market giving them out and out. We had no hostility whatsoever. There’s loads of people taking the leaflets.
I mean, a lot of people don’t even know what the 15 Minutes City things is. They’ve never heard of it. This is how stupid some of the people in this country are. They’re literally sheep! They’re just walking around, they haven’t got a clue.
But we had a lot of people stop and chat with us and it was a really good day. We gave out hundreds of leaflets and then we did a banner drop and that was really good. So it’s business as usual for us down here.
We got events planned for this weekend, but I won’t say what it is because we haven’t done it yet.
But, yeah, we’re still going and we’re going strong.
Laura Towler: And how was it in Long Eaton? Was that your first protest speech?
Joe Marsh: Yeah, my first public speech! [chuckling] It was all right. I always do videos and talk on streams and all that. I just never stood up in front of a crowd like that. But it wasn’t really much of a crowd because most of the locals couldn’t join us because that mob of hostiles there.
But, yeah, it was all right. I’ll do it again. I wasn’t prepped for it. And it was all a little bit last minute, wasn’t it?
But I think we got away with it.
Laura Towler: Yeah, like I said at the start, my speech that I wrote, I completely changed it because of the situation that we were in.
So I think a lot of people just got up and adapted. Here’s your leaflets that you handed out last weekend.
Joe Marsh: Yeah, they’re really good. If you can see, it’s a city in a cage, like a bird cage. And it’s not just that down here, see, we’ve got in September, it’s going to be 20 miles an hour. Everywhere that is now 30 miles an hour in Wales will be 20 miles an hour in September. As well as this. As well as that. They’re talking about introducing congestion charges to, like, Cardiff, Swansea, and they’re saying:
“Oh, don’t worry, it’ll only be two pound, like it’s 12.50 in London.”
It’ll be two pound until it’s accepted and acknowledged and people not kicked off about it. Then it’ll be a fiver, then it’ll be a tenner.
And as well as that, to drive around Wales now at 30 miles an hour is a nightmare, and it’s going to be 20! And I’ve been in a car with people and I’ve said, this is what 20 miles an hour feels like. Your car is screaming because it wants to go up a gear. It’s just honestly! And this Welsh government, and then they’re taking all the statues away, then they’re putting all these gay rainbows in!
It’s like a multi-pronged attack and it’s just like we literally we could have a couple of hundred activists and we still wouldn’t have enough, because we need to be everywhere.
But we’re out, we got people out doing things all the time and we got a really good team. And we’ve had a few new inquiries and a few people who weren’t happy with the level of vetting before have come forward again now and they’re getting active. And these are people I’ve known for years who’ve been active in other nationalist groups as well, so they don’t really need to be vetted because I know them, you know what I mean?
And it’s like when we did the Lancet [sp] demo, we had about 8, 10 lads there, who were good lads, I’ve known all my life, but they would never hand over their details to anybody. But they don’t need to, because I know them and I know that they’re sound. And if they weren’t there in Lancet, we would have been in trouble.
Mark Collett: Keeping people away from leafleting sessions and events that we’ve known for decades to appease one man who wanted to collect everyone’s information and store it, is never happening again!
Joe Marsh: Yeah, well, I think we’ll get more because, … Sorry, when I first took over as RO, we had 155 inquiries. And when I was emailing them saying, right, you need to give me this and that, they were either saying, like:
“Get lost!”
Or I’d never hear from them again. And we lost nearly all of them.
So I think it’s too rigid, and we’ll be better now. It’s not like if somebody comes completely out of the blue, obviously we’re going to vet them, but if they’re people who have been around and we’ve known them for years, it’s going to be minimal. And I think we’ll get a lot more people on board. We’ve already had a few turn up and come back. So onwards and upwards, isn’t it?
Laura Towler: It’s about being sensible.
I mean, if you’ve got a protest, which is a public protest anyway, the Left know that we’re going to be there because they’re doing a counter protest. Just let people come, like a leafleting session as well.
But then obviously, you might have a more intimate event, like, I don’t know, we had an Easter egg hunt in Yorkshire last month, where we had quite a lot of children there, so I’d be more protective over that and wanting to make sure that everyone was in a circle before they get invited to something like that.
But it’s just about using common sense. If there are guys that you used to campaign within another party, invite them to a public protest, don’t turn them away. To me, that’s just absolutely mental! I’ve just never got that, to be honest.
Joe Marsh: Well, if it’s a public protest, I mean, anyone can turn up, can they? And you want the numbers to turn up, so that’s what it’s supposed to be all about! That was good, that Long eaton. It was a good day out, wasn’t it? And we went to Kegworth as well, didn’t we, after?
Laura Towler: Yeah, it was good. [chuckling]
Joe Marsh: It’s good, though, because the Lefties were bussed in from East London. And they knew the Kegworth one was on 15 minutes on road. And they didn’t go there. Probably because the coach driver wouldn’t stop there. He’s like, straight back to East London. It’s the same faces on them Lefty demos, same faces that were in Lanswick. They just like rent-a-mob! They’re pathetic! Really pathetic! And every time they say:
“Ha, run out of town by the locals!”
What, the locals from London? Yeah!
Well, the ones in Lanswick telling us to get out of Lanswick with Bristol accents. It was ridiculous. They’re just a bussed in rent-a-mob because the locals want us there. And if it wasn’t for that hostile mob in Long Eaton, we would have had quite a few more people there. We did have some locals break their way through the crowd, didn’t we? Remember when they came through with, like, England flags? And that was pretty epic.
Mark Collett: The only time I’d ever be embarrassed is if we turned up at a demonstration and the actual normal people in the town, not the Left, but the normal people in the town who were sort of demonstrating against the migrants, told us to go away. That would be embarrassing! Having a group of busting lefties telling us to go away. That means nothing!
Joe Marsh: No, exactly. Who cares what they think anyway, isn’t it?
Mark Collett: Indeed.
Anyway, Joe, it’s been great talking to you. We’ve got a few more minutes to cover before we go to questions and answers. It’s great to have you back as the King of Wales, and I am sure the country of Wales will prosper under you like it has no other, my friend.
Laura Towler: Thanks, Joe.
Joe Marsh: Yeah, thanks for having me. I’ll see you soon. Bye.
Mark Collett: Thank you, my friend. See you soon. Bye.
So that brings us to the end of the new Regional Organisers that we’re showcasing tonight. And I put the emphasis on “showcasing tonight” because we have more. And in areas, if you’re in one of the areas where you’ve been had your nose pushed out of joint, you felt it was cliquey, you felt that you weren’t allowed in, you felt that your efforts were being demeaned. This is now being run in the way I want it to be run! I’m not being told by other people how PA should be run.
I had a vision of an accepting, family based community where everyone was valued. And that message, that motto is going above the front door now. That’s what this is about. And anyone that doesn’t like it, the small splinter of people that have left that’s up to them. But we’re going to be that accepting big tent community movement.
And I’m a big enough man to apologize when I get things wrong. I got it wrong when I allowed someone to turn PA into an “us and them”. I got it wrong when I allowed someone to alienate lifelong nationalists because they wouldn’t give their inside leg measurement, even though they’d be my friends for over a decade. I got it wrong when I allowed Regional Organisers to demand that they did a home visit at single mums houses, and scared them away. They weren’t the Right policies to pursue.
Now, yes, we do need some kind of vetting. Yes, we do need direction. But turning Britain’s largest and best hope for survival into an exclusive clique where other people feel unwelcome, that’s never happening again!
And as I said, I’m a big enough man to apologise when I get things wrong. I was wrong to let people turn PA into that. It should have never strayed from what it was on those first few conferences when we had that massive amount of support from the wider nationalist community. And we’re not letting that happen again.
And I want to send a message out tonight. You can clip this out. You can put it wherever you want. If you were one of those people who was disrespected, if you were one of those people who felt that you couldn’t be part of this, if you’re one of those people who were made to feel small because you wouldn’t go face out, or you just wanted to write articles to the website or make art, or make music or do something slightly different. You’ve got my apology, my hands held out to you. Get back on board! Because this is going back to what it was meant to be!
And I’ll say this as well. This isn’t some kind of clique or cult. If people want to leave, they can. That’s up to them. I’m not holding anyone back. I’m not threatening anyone. [chuckling]
And if you leave and you realise that the grass isn’t Greener, as long as you’ve not done anything horrific to us, you can always come back.
And if you want to work with other groups, as long as it’s not someone like Hope Not Hate [an anti-White organisation], if you want to work with another nationalist group, should I say, you’re welcome to come and work with us as well.
If you want to come to our camps, conferences, leafleting sessions, and you’ve helped somebody else leaflet, or you’re a member of another party, you’re welcome to come to ours as well.
And if you’re coming to ours but you want to go to the English Democrats conference or you want to help Britain First leaflet, you can do that too. You know why? Because I want everyone to be friends.
And I realize that our differences are far smaller than some people like to make out. Our differences are small, but our similarities are huge. So I’m holding out a conciliatory hand of friendship.
But one thing I am disappointed in, is that of the small group that left, some of those people have damaged our local databases, they have deleted our data. Some of those people have taken local monies and decided that they’re theirs. And some people have, unfortunately, vandalised or shut down some of our local Telegram groups. Which is unfair and wrong.
If anyone wants to go and start another group, that is up to them. But acting in bad faith and trying to harm this nationalist group as a way to elevate yourself is not a way a White man acts, it’s not a way an honourable man acts, and it’s not the way a true nationalist acts!
Now, I’m not going to go into all the tittle-tattle and all the gossip. I’m not going to go into the worst things that some people have done. We’re not turning this into a drama stream.
But I want to reiterate. The small number of people who have chosen to take local funds away, who have vandalised our Telegram pages or shut down our Telegram groups, or who have deleted the data from our inquiry so that we can’t get in touch with people who were desperate to get in touch with us. I believe that’s unfair and is deeply, deeply dishonourable!
So that is me drawing a line under it. This isn’t going to be a gossip stream, this isn’t going to be tittle-tattle. And I will be travelling around with Laura to these regional outreach events.
And if people want to ask me questions there in person, or if people want to pick up the phone and know more, never again, never again, is anybody in this organisation ever going to tell me I can’t go in regional groups, that I can’t speak to the officers, that I can’t speak to the activists! I will be in those groups and my door is open to you.
Many people call me or email me and if you want to call me, if you want to email me, my email is And my phone number, well, I’m not going to read that live on stream, but it’s very easy to get. It’s on my Telegram profile. If you private message me on Telegram, you’ve got my phone number, you can call me for a chat anytime. Many people do.
And that is my commitment to moving this movement forward, being open, being accepting and getting people on board! And we will move forward! We will keep building this movement. This is a bump in the road. We’re over that bump.
And I can guarantee you several of the regions that people said “were ruined” have now got more officers installed in a matter of weeks, have got more activists on the ground, have been out electioneering, and have got a full schedule of events planned for the next two months. Watch this space.
And don’t say that I’m a liar. Don’t malign me. Just watch this space.
And over the next two months you will see what we’ve got planned. And trust me. Trust me. If you’re a real nationalist and you love this country and you love what we’re doing in PA, you will love what comes next! I promise you!
Right, so, Laura, I think we’ve announced and done everything. Do you want to do some questions and answers?
Laura Towler: Sure. Did we announce the regions? I suppose we kind of did.
Mark Collett: The regional meetings, yeah. And we showed the 15 Minute Cities.
Laura Towler: Yes. I would just say if you go to the website and go to the Regional Contacts tab, so obviously I won’t go into it in too much depth, but the regions where the Regional Organiser left were, obviously Scotland, which is a big job to fix. We had Wales, which is in a better position than it was before, with a new Regional Organiser. The Southwest, which is in a better position than it was before with a new Regional Organiser.
And then we had the Southeast, where I believe, out of around 50 people, the Regional Organiser and I think two other people left.
However, that region now has more people than it had before. And it’s got seven offices in the Southeast. We do need a Regional Organiser for the Southeast, but the region is there functioning without a Regional Organiser because of the structure.
And then that leaves us with the East Mids and the West Mids.
Now, in the East Mids and the West Mids, the Regional Organiser and a number of officers left.
However, in the East Mids, half of those officers have already come back to PA And I would say in the East Mids, more people have come back to PA of the last three weeks than we’re actually in the region last month. The region has grown by quite a lot because of people returning to PA.
So the East Mids is going to be a big focus for us this month and we’ve got some big events and big meetings happening in the East Mids. We do have a new Regional Organiser for the East Mids as well.
And then the next thing we’re going to be working on is the West Mids. So it’s not as big a problem as Scotland, [chuckling] but yeah.
So the West Mids is next. But yeah. Should we go through the questions, then?
Mark Collett: Serena JB gave five pounds thank you so much! And said:
“Community based nationalism shouldn’t be underestimated. Onwards and upwards, Mark and Laura!”
Thank you so much Serena. It’s great to still have your support. Port Film VM co-op, a good film reviewing buddy from Australia, said gave $5. Thank you so much! Said:
“Hey, Mark and Laura, keep up the good work.”
Thank you so much! He gave another $5. Thank you very much. She said:
“The Democratic system will never allow true nationalism. It’s a rigged system. Use it as a form of activism, but otherwise think outside of it for solutions. I love the buying land idea.”
So do I.
And as I said earlier, I wish that 5 million pounds that the BNP spent on elections had gone on buying some castle in Northumberland or something!
So there was, like nationalist castle! Where we could all have a little plot of land, grow vegetables, go there, have conferences. That would be amazing. I like to think outside the box. And I think as our demographic demise is hastened, we do need to think for alternative solutions more and more and more!
And another thing to say about elections, if you look at elections, the best ever nationalist result in this country was actually Nick Griffin in Oldham in 2001. That was the best ever result. 16.4%. That’s never been matched since. So for two decades, that’s never been matched.
And previously, the previous best, I think, was in 1976. I think. I might have got the year wrong, but it was a long time ago. And that was Martin Webster in West Bromwich and he got 16.1%. So they’re the best results nationalists have ever, ever got, and they were one offs.
So thank you for that. Port Film VM gave $5. Thank you so much!:
“Given what PA about to endure since it’s inception, most groups would have crumbled long ago. This is a testament to how resilient this community is. Always open to support who are making headways on local and national levels. Keep up the good work.”
Thank you so much! And look, I’ve got to say this, the most disappointing thing about this splinter group, and probably the most coincidental or weird thing about this, is PA were just rolling out a membership system, which has obviously been slightly delayed. PA had just held the two biggest ethno-nationalist demonstrations that had been held since the turn of the century in Britain.
Obviously, there’s been bigger demos in terms of civ-nat stuff, like EDL, but as ethno-nationalist demonstrations went, nakedly, ethno-nationalists, as were the biggest in Skegness and Cannock. And to see people breaking away and trying to attack the group when we’re achieving such milestones is very, very disappointing.
How do you feel about that, Laura? I mean, you saw Skegness and Cannock when PA were there, they were massive.
Laura Towler: Yeah, Cannock was probably one of my favourite, probably top five moments in PA, just when we walked out with our flags onto the square and there were like, 500 people who gave us this massive cheer. The Cannock demo was absolutely amazing!
And my thoughts on this whole thing, I’ve not really said anything public about it. I’ve answered a few questions in DMs because lots of people are asking us, where’s my ID? Where’s my membership money? But I’ve not really said anything public about it. But I just feel like it’s so unnecessary!
Like everyone was on this massive hype, having these massive demonstrations, people supporting us who would never have the balls to support us, articles being written about us. You go down to the comments and everyone’s defending PA, everyone in YouTube comment sections defending PA, more inquiries than we’d ever had. A really busy, packed schedule for the year, membership just about to be rolled out, the cards on the way, by the way.
And then I just feel like these people just came to us with all this negativity that was unnecessary.
And obviously a few people have splintered off and gone and started their own thing, if that’s what you want to do, whatever. Wish you well.
But we don’t feel negative about PA and about nationalism and about our future. We feel positive. So it’s always been, despite everything that we’ve had to deal with behind the scenes over the last few weeks, because there has been a lot of crappy behaviour towards us. We’ve just continued and we’ve worked through it and we’ve fixed things privately. And I think we’ve always remained professional.
I think there are other people who have not behaved in a dignified way at all. And I would have personally have preferred to have kept the whole thing private instead of making things public and handing ammunition to Hope Not Hate. To the Reds, to the journalists. It’s unforgivable that they know all this stuff about personal disagreements. It’s just so unprofessional! But it’s happened.
Now I think all we can do is move past it. And I do believe that we will be judged by our actions in the future and our successes in the future, not by a little bit of Telegram drama from the last few weeks.
And like I said, keep an eye out because we’ve got some really exciting things coming for May and June.
Mark Collett: We have. Bill Biz gave $30.
Thank you so much, my friend, says:
“Mark and Laura. Best wishes and support from the Pacific Northwest.”
Thank you very much. And we’ve got some chats over on Odyssey as well. 500 tokens from Stan Juan. Thank you so much! Said:
“Maybe one day these magic beans might be worth a few bob. Hail PA, our folk!”
Thank you so much! James Carlson said, for $5:
“White papers said electioneering incredibly important, but elections do not equal politics. We have to remember to separate the political and the electoral nationalists are capable of doing amazing political actions and manoeuvring without Patriotic Alternative, constantly fielding electoral candidates.”
Well, exactly. More strings to our bow, the better. Max Anderson gave $5. Thank you so much! And said:
“PA’s idea is very forward thinking. It is like building a fully seaworthy ship. You build the ship first, then set sail, then you can set the political direction and not the other way around. This is how the town of Orania thinks.”
Well, that’s another good point. Look at the most White, positive place in the world. It’s a place in South Africa. They didn’t win elections. They bought their own land and set up their own state. And now there are thousands of White families living in a White positive Afrikaner city or town called Orania, where they have their own culture, their own way of life. They’re safe, they’ve got their own hospitals. You know what? That is a beautiful thing. That’s thinking outside the box.
Now, if those Afrikaners had simply stood for election again and again and again against the ANC, they’d have lost. Do, you know, why? Demographics! We have to be honest about these things, guys.
And that’s not to say elections are pointless. I said that earlier. But there are lots of examples from around the world that show us that there are alternative routes, and we need to explore all of those routes for the good of our people. Five Odysee tokens from Beer Hall. Pooch.
Thank you so much, my friend. He said:
“Tonight PA’s position has been music to my ears. Thank the gods Mark and Laura in charge of this outfit. Revolution, not reaction!”
Thank you so much! And British Gammon gave $20. Thank you for your generosity, my friend. He said:
“Keep up the great work, Mark and Laura and everyone at PA.”
Well, we certainly will be doing, my friend. And we have some non-paid Superchats. Trevor said:
“Hi. Mark, what is the next step regarding registering PA at the Electoral Commission? Can you canvas support us on whether we should fund-raise for taking the Electoral Commission to court?”
We did actually have a sizable sum of money that was being built up with PA that could have been used for that. And unfortunately, we’ve had this little hiccup and those funds aren’t now available to us, unfortunately.
However, we will be building up our war chest again and when we do that, we will look towards legal action.
Isle of Lewis Gryll. Thank you so much, my friend. He said:
“Funny you should mention Woodlander was involved in the BNP in the John Tyndle days.”
I didn’t know that. Thank you. Rupert Weasley said:
“Will there still be a membership rollout?”
Yes, we’ve been pushed back by really, it was all going to be out. It would have all been out in April, which was the planned month to launch it. Unfortunately, it is now going to be this month. We have some lovely snazzy cards winging their way to our membership department. We have some other membership stuff. We’ve built up a little bit of, …
Once myself and Laura took the sort of reins again, we beefed up the membership pack. It’s a lot nicer than it was going to be. We look forward to getting them out to you. And keep your eyes peeled because by the next month we update, everybody in the country will be able to join. We’re still testing the form.
If you are in one of our vetted groups, you can help us test that form. You can still sign up. And very soon there’s going to be a mass rollout, so look out for that.
An isle of Lewis, Grill said.
“Hi, Mark. Any plans for a PA kebab making competition? You could give bonus points for people who can make a king sized portion.”
I don’t know. I think you’d need quite a lot of different equipment to start making kebabs. Maybe there could be a PA kebab eating competition. I think I’ve put myself forward for that.
And some of the little things that we had planned, like the chess competition. The chess competition got pushed back because of all of this drama.
But all of these things will come to the fore. That’s why we don’t have people, … Patriarch is still with us, obviously. He’s a great friend of mine. But people have been all hands on deck, keeping the good ship PA sailing forward. And some of the smaller things we were planning to do, some of the community things. You see, this is the sort of resistance I face. I wanted to do a chess tournament. And what did I get from some people? Noses turned up:
“Why do you want to do a chess tournament? This is nonsense. What’s that going to achieve?”
Loads of people wanted to do a chess tournament. I still want to do one. I’m going to put somebody else in charge of running it. We’ll get that sorted. I’m looking forward to it. But it just won’t be this month, which is when it was going to start. And it won’t be this month because some people tried to stop it happening, but it’s definitely going to happen now, so don’t worry. Lots of fun things planned.
So, Laura, that brings us to the end of the stream. It’s been a great stream. Thank you to Laura. Thank you to everybody who’s tuned in and donated so generously. Please share this stream. Please send the message to other nationalists who might have felt that they weren’t welcome at PA anymore. Things are different now. Get involved! Help us any way you can.
And if you need me, email me, get my phone number, call me, and I’ll tell you all about this. Or attend one of our forthcoming regional meetings. I’d love to shake your hand in person.
Laura. I’ll give you the last word before I play us out with our Welsh video, because Big Joe, now he’s King of Wales again, he’s not only pumping out a record number of leaflets, he’s not only doubled numbers of activists on the street, but he’s also been making videos about his superb work.
So don’t shoot off yet, because there’s still a great bit of activism to show you. Laura, you have the final word, my dear.
Laura Towler: Yes, well, I just want to finish by saying, on top of everything that we’ve reported on this stream and on top of everything that we’ve been dealing with behind the scenes, we have had a very busy month of activism. Obviously, we’ve not gone through what every region has done on this stream.
However, if you go to our Telegram channel and if you go to our website, you can see all the activity, homeless outreach, stuff to do with the alternative curriculum. Leafleting, flash demos, banner drops, fitness sessions, everything is on our Telegram channel. We’re more active than we’ve ever been there was one weekend this month, well, April, where the Northwest.
So one region had twelve separate events in one weekend. That’s just one region. We’re out in twelve different places in that region. That’s how busy we are at the moment. But, yes, we have so much to report tonight, we couldn’t go through it all, but go check out our Telegram channel.
I just want to say thank you to everyone for being here. I expected a lot of drama questions at the end. [chuckling] There’s no drama, everyone’s over it! [chuckling] I was prepared for all them.
But, yeah, thanks for being here. Love to you all. Come and get involved with Patriotic Alternative if you’re not at the moment.
And I’ll be back on Monday with Sam for a new Tea Time with Sam and Laura video.
But, yeah, have a nice weekend, everyone, and enjoy your parties. If you go to a party, take care.
Mark Collett: Thank you to everyone. I love you all. Thank you for being here. Thank you for taking the time to listen to our side of the story. And remember, me and Laura, we’re here for you no matter what. We’re not giving in, we’re not throwing in the towel. We’re not letting a small number of wreckers ruin this great organisation! We’re not letting them break up our family or our community. We’re going to go from strength to strength. We’re going to keep on fighting.
And one way or another, we are going to build the biggest, most dynamic, most open, most accepting, and most wonderful nationalist community in the whole world!
Three years ago, we started a fire and no one’s going to put it out!
Thank you for being with us. I really, really hope you like this final piece of activism.
Here it is, Joe Marsh. Take it away, my friend.
[Music Video]
Joe Marsh: We’re in Caerphilly today. PA, Wales handed out these leaflets warning about the 15 Minutes Cities. So there’s quite a few of us here, which we handed out a few hundred already. We had a good response from the public. So there’s the leaflet kit.
[Music Video]
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of May 6, 2023 = 705)
Mark Collett
16 hours ago
Pinned by @MarkCollett
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
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1 hour ago
a coward and a self-made pauper has hit the dislike on this. The sort of person that cant spare a 5 or even a 1 for a pro White cause, but has all the money in the world for takeaways, tins of crisps, and several liters of lager per week. and zog netflix subscriptions even though he’s right there in front of a computer, with full access to torrents
27 minutes ago
Community politics should be the number 1 focus. I guess baking competitions and gaming streams is the path of least resistance
Pria’s Thoughts
40 minutes ago
this will end up being a positive thing. You’ve drawn out the chaff now time to crack on.
1 hour ago
PA must and shall stand in elections. It will happen eventually
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24 minutes ago
Homeland will get registered and I doubt PA will be tbh. Mark prioritises his streams and personal grift over PA.
Awake since 1997
2 hours ago
Audio is a great idea!
3 hours ago
4 hours ago
obey the pwr progrum
4 hours ago
It would be amazing if there was a way you could make future streams into MP3 files and post them somewhere. Even if it was an automatic output when recording. Us folks in the sticks deal with buffering like you wouldn’t believe. We hang on your every word for minutes sometimes. Would be nice to have an audio only option so we can miss your pretty faces
7 hours ago
Reject colonisation. Refuse forced integration. Say NO to Jewish tyranny.
King Tut
9 hours ago
go PA! cheering you guys from America!
Based and Rempilled
11 hours ago
14 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
14 hours ago
Cheers volks!
Saint Harrison
14 hours ago
Good stream
14 hours ago
The official Patriotic Alternative website:
Patriotic Alternative Official on Telegram:
Join us at Patriotic Alternative:
14 hours ago
Thanks folks. Have a great night.
14 hours ago
Thanks for the update, have a good weekend
14 hours ago
PA Wales Caerphilly 15 minute cities leafletting:
The Resident Baker
14 hours ago
I’ll take Mark, Laura, Big Sam and Joe other the ones who left, everyday of the week and twice on a Sunday.
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Beer Hall Pooch
13 hours ago
“But don’t you know, mate, that if we can be a political party and get a few more votes here and there, everything will change? The System will be fair. Elections are key. The System will treat us fairly and open the door like it did with Farage who got 5m votes but only 1 MP. We must play by the rules. I have pictures of Lords on my wall. I’ve read old books that tell me the System works for people.”
FK reactionaries. PA is a revolutionary organisation as rightly declared tonight. We have wasted far too much time pissing about with nicey nicey politics.
14 hours ago
Aquascutum posh scarffff?
14 hours ago
Great vid
14 hours ago
Thanks Laura and Mark.
14 hours ago
what a legend
14 hours ago
Just like that ah ha
14 hours ago
PA Wales Campaign Against 15 Minute Cities:
14 hours ago
Laura Towler
14 hours ago
Thanks everyone
14 hours ago
Chief Moody
14 hours ago
Oh, I’ve seen this. Good video
14 hours ago
14 :heart_on_fire:
14 hours ago
Beer Hall Pooch
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
Follow Joe Marsh (Welsh Nationalist):
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
Bear With A Care
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
Speak your mind
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
Problematic Bob
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
Thanks Mark & Laura! Have a good evening! 14
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
big 14
Problematic Bob
14 hours ago
Good on you. God speed.
14 hours ago
god bless
14 hours ago
Chief Moody
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
stay stron all
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
happy to tell u to flip off?
Secure the future of our people
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
book club on Sunday folks!
The Resident Baker
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
PA .. The way forward
14 hours ago
Follow Mark Collett:
The Fall of Western Man:
14 hours ago
and keep going
14 hours ago
clear them out
14 hours ago
So love PA 14
14 hours ago
Great stream and chat. Night folks.
14 hours ago
g bye. 14. stay strong.
14 hours ago
cheers all the best
14 hours ago
Thank chat have a great weekend o/
14 hours ago
Follow Tea Time with Sam & Laura on Odysee:
14 hours ago
subversion gets in from time to time
14 hours ago
we get it
14 hours ago
Have a great weekend everyone 14
14 hours ago
PA North West:
We Must Secure Our Borders:
Local Outrage At Haydock Migrant Hotel:
PA North West Answer the Call in Bury:
Unstoppable Activists in North West England!:
Ethno Nationalist
14 hours ago
Thanks for a great stream PA 1488
14 hours ago
Cheers folks and thank you Mark and Laura for the great stream and good cheer!
14 hours ago
PA is the best hope
14 hours ago
The official Patriotic Alternative website:
Patriotic Alternative Official on Telegram:
Join us at Patriotic Alternative:
14 hours ago
love u Laura and mark
Beer Hall Pooch
14 hours ago
Ace show; ace honesty from Mark
14 hours ago
Follow Laura Towler:
Grandma Towler’s tea and coffee:
Secure the future of our people
14 hours ago
Hearty kiwi keks
14 hours ago
Thanks for clearing things up, all the best to PA
14 hours ago
Thank you Mark & Laura, I have been listening on my phone whilst out walking the dogs
14 hours ago
Good night good folks.
14 hours ago
Kenny has the 10k?
14 hours ago
look after your brothers and sisters
14 hours ago
Thanks mate :thumbs_up:
Speak your mind
14 hours ago
Thank you PA, stay strong. Have a good night everyone.
14 hours ago
i hate chess. I still remember when mz uncle forced me to play with him every day during one summer
14 hours ago
thanks all great show
14 hours ago
great work sir
14 hours ago
Email Mark Collett:
14 hours ago
thank you PA
14 hours ago
Chief Moody
14 hours ago
Great show tonight
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
the story with the little girl and the kebab shop put me off for life
14 hours ago
kenny king kebab
14 hours ago
aren’t kebabs for street shitters?
Secure the future of our people
14 hours ago
don’t aaaaa make aaaa kebab aaaa joke
14 hours ago
king kebab
14 hours ago
Follow PatriArt:
14 hours ago
deport kebab
14 hours ago
PLease help us in the east midlands, they are trying to turn Scampton into a refugee camp
14 hours ago
kebab removing competition maybe
14 hours ago
right! It’s the blacks that need to return home.
14 hours ago
remove kebabs
14 hours ago
I second that!
Laura Towler
14 hours ago
Thank you
14 hours ago
kebab is goyslop
14 hours ago
Mark and Laura work so well together in the leadership role. Classic male and female strengths and dynamic. So obviously lovely people. Thanks also, both for helping out in SE, recently.
14 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon on the left side of this page for a like!
Beer Hall Pooch
14 hours ago
Pooch gets membership number 1488!
14 hours ago
thank god for PA
14 hours ago
Hello and thank, i hope you are well.
14 hours ago
stay where you are brother
Beer Hall Pooch
14 hours ago
Sounds like it’s personal to you. As it said, leave it now
14 hours ago
90% plus white in Sunderland’, where do we go?
Laura Towler
14 hours ago
If you’d like to ask questions or contribute to our work, please use Entropy:
14 hours ago
u gave Mitchell (who loves this) control of the full official PA Telegram count (btw hi Chris no offence), before later wisely rescindilove you, but it seems a number of groups have seized control
14 hours ago
Follow Stan1 on Twitter
Tweets by s_stan1
14 hours ago
nice! thanks brother
14 hours ago
Odysee donations: Click the ‘Support’ button or click the ‘$’ below the chat box.
14 hours ago
evidence is all over TG if you care to look. and HT being an ADL homosexual is well known.
14 hours ago
PA and Mark have been mentioned by name by the govt several times already, we are having an impact at that level.
Beer Hall Pooch
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
i would not blame government immediately. PA is not big enough to warrant govt interest. probably is typical case of people being greedy jackasses
14 hours ago
– re-arrested for his streams for 77days
14 hours ago
he is back in jail for his stremaing, seemings a bit odd if he is ADL after spending 2 YEARS in jail. Not sure I beleive that.
Speak your mind
14 hours ago
Absolutely, nasty business all this egotism…just stand your ground guys there are many who support you and will stand with you come what may.
14 hours ago
they falsely accused Gypsy of raiding
14 hours ago
But equally, he is the main driver of the j-pill online in the US which seems counter productive for the ADL
14 hours ago
Orania (Afrikaner town in the Northern Cape):
14 hours ago
probably bcos they have other stuff to do than vet these arseholes.
14 hours ago
and multiple articles were written about PA. I hardly believe that govt would infiltrate PA in order to dissolve it from inside.
14 hours ago
good afternoon to Mark and Laura and all the fine folks in chat…kind regards to all….
14 hours ago
I don’t believe that Gypsy is a fed, not buying it. He went back to jail for breaking his parole. HT I am not sure though, but hes been at this for years and is the main source of the flyers in Florida. The new anti-semitism laws there do give merit to your argument
Beer Hall Pooch
14 hours ago
So well known Mark and TRS are enteratiaing him. OK BRO
14 hours ago
GC is not ADL but is a pdfile and not even White.
14 hours ago
Cannock Anti-Migrant Hotel Protest – PA West Midlands:
14 hours ago
Beer Hall Pooch
14 hours ago
QUIT calling folk Feds without evidence
14 hours ago
Hundreds of outgoing parental child abduction cases including those in the UK
(no reporting since the covid hoax)
14 hours ago
I can see HT being ADL but he is quite effective at red pilling
14 hours ago
Telegram dms. video chats, creepy af
14 hours ago
MI5/Special Branch op
Beer Hall Pooch
14 hours ago
This has the State written all over it
14 hours ago
do you mean on stream on Omegle?
14 hours ago
oh no way bro
14 hours ago
more like £500 million
14 hours ago
Gypsy has been recorded having private chats with 15 year old girls. TG:
14 hours ago
I think Bamburgh would be worth far more than £5 million though
14 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
14 hours ago
genuine question
14 hours ago
Bamburgh it is!
14 hours ago
why do you think HT is ADL?
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
we do need to have physical based
14 hours ago
Buy Bamburgh?
14 hours ago
Follow Port Film Co-op on YouTube:
14 hours ago
Is handsome truth ADL? Gypsy is back in jail he is not ADL gtfo
14 hours ago
Follow SerenaJB on Twitter:
Tweets by SerenaJB3
Laura Towler
14 hours ago
Cards are on their way now!
14 hours ago
Follow British Gammon:
Tweets by DesmondMakazi
14 hours ago
14 hours ago
Thanks for your continued support.
14 hours ago
15 minute ghettos
14 hours ago
pa has proven to be resilient under what would break most other groups.
14 hours ago
Patriotic Alternative Regional Contacts:
14 hours ago
been listening and working. white power.
14 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
when will PA membership start?
15 hours ago
no way they can stop it
15 hours ago
flyers are the best way to spread the truth
15 hours ago
I don’t think you know the full story on that one.
15 hours ago
Keep up the great work Mark and Laura and everyone at PA.
15 hours ago
I did a flyer drop today brother promoting your channel & other pro-white content creators, its on my odysee channel & gab o/
15 hours ago
This is the way to act when groups split. Well done Mark
15 hours ago
Hi Rich!
15 hours ago
well, u did this b4 re Chris
15 hours ago
Follow Mark Collett:
The Fall of Western Man:
15 hours ago
PA lead the way – they are the torch
15 hours ago
Mark will never cuck!
15 hours ago
Email Mark Collett:
15 hours ago
I believe in PA, well said
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Agree Mark….just stand your ground and continue your work, forget the back stabbers.
15 hours ago
well said
15 hours ago
Hear hear!
15 hours ago
You’re not wrong
15 hours ago
People should understand that politics is not monkey business. and in circumstances like this, non financially beneficial.
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Yeah, I’ve chosen my team. PA all the way.
15 hours ago
There is no one else organising like this
15 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
15 hours ago
PA is the best hope for us
15 hours ago
but they’ve been put up for this
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
People who did that shouldn’t be allowed back imo
15 hours ago
Sabotage is a bit of a tell
15 hours ago
That’s crazy.
15 hours ago
the public faces didn’t do this,
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Nasty bastards
15 hours ago
just do what you can
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
seems very fair, hope they come back
15 hours ago
there was a great lad telling me he did leafleting on his own because the PA crew were being pricks
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Barkley and Wes are very young and swayed by the promise of electoral success. They are very bright but their intelligence is stupefied by youth,,,,
Hide replies
Beer Hall Pooch
16 minutes ago
But unfortunately not intelligent enough to have ideological grounding and listen to senior experienced Nationalists who have been in this Struggle since before they were born. I’m especially sad at the departure of these two fine gentlemen.
15 hours ago
You are great Mark.
15 hours ago
I’m happy to support anyone in the SW o/
15 hours ago
“Hate is hope”!
15 hours ago
Join us at Patriotic Alternative:
15 hours ago
hope all the people who left can come back
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Well said
15 hours ago
this is more important than any individual
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Honourable position, Mark
15 hours ago
crack the whip
15 hours ago
well done mark sir
15 hours ago
PA will continue going from strength to strength
15 hours ago
Follow Beer Hall Pooch on Twitter:
Tweets by BeerPooch
15 hours ago
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Mark’s position***
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Mark was right from day 1. Simple
15 hours ago
Big Joe, made in Wales!
15 hours ago
thats great to hear
15 hours ago
big Joe has always been the king of Wales. God bless big Joe!!!
15 hours ago
Patriotic Alternative Regional Contacts
Kite String
15 hours ago
Barrys finest
15 hours ago
spirit of Owain Glyndwr.
15 hours ago
Hail Joe \o
15 hours ago
Good man Joe…like
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
happened with homeland last week
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
The official Patriotic Alternative website:
Patriotic Alternative Official on Telegram:
Join us at Patriotic Alternative:
15 hours ago
it’s a shame and most unfortunate that anyone would doubt big Joe.
15 hours ago
and to differing degrees. it should be at the RO’s discretion.
15 hours ago
need to learn the foundation first
15 hours ago
big Joe is on top♥️
15 hours ago
if you don’t understand the economy though its a bit poitnless
15 hours ago
Vetting should be selective, some people need it, some don’t.
15 hours ago
a sensible perspective, follow the money is a good thread to pull
15 hours ago
Follow Toffee:
15 hours ago
just disapointed with wes and barkleys comments but well said
15 hours ago
so? I do not understand the question.
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Agree with this. Common sense needs to prevail. A passport to go leafleting is daft
15 hours ago
the vetting put me off, but now im in the PA North West Telegram
15 hours ago
i know some history, but I do not believe everything i hear, especially when money is involved
15 hours ago
Patriotic Alternative Leaflets and Resources:
15 hours ago
big Joe knows his crew
15 hours ago
Sense of dry humour is hilarious, and so well said like
15 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
15 hours ago
collett won’t let me say frick
15 hours ago
milo how are you a mod if you won’t even watch europa the last battle wtf
15 hours ago
Such is life under tyranny.
15 hours ago
And don’t forget to join Joe and I on the next Welsh Nationalist stream folks
15 hours ago
slave city
15 hours ago
Long Eaton Migrant Hotel Demonstration (featuring Joe Marsh):
15 hours ago
Joe sounds like a Welsh Jethro
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Good on you Joe…
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
yes flipping
15 hours ago
need to wake them up
15 hours ago
big Joe tell them all to frick off love u
15 hours ago
learn some history bro
15 hours ago
Hi they are deleted, totally pointless
15 hours ago
we need GTV flyers applicable for the UK
15 hours ago
8 percent, bro.
15 hours ago
hi! where your comments gone?
15 hours ago
Excelllent leaflet!
15 hours ago
might as well kill the economy now
Kite String
15 hours ago
its to slow like..
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
yeah man
15 hours ago
PA Wales Campaign Against 15 Minute Cities:
15 hours ago
big Joe marsh speaking flipping truths
15 hours ago
Big Joe Marsh Like…
15 hours ago
Joe, Joe, Joe Joe Marsh
15 hours ago
We love you Muddy!
15 hours ago
Smashing that DVD was hilarious!
15 hours ago
No, what’s the point of have all this nonsense
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Good on Joe, respect.
15 hours ago
PA Wales:
Kite String
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Orange Man Chad !
15 hours ago
sorry I meant
15 hours ago
joe got forced out?
15 hours ago
I met chief at the PA conf. A great speech too ~ top man
15 hours ago
Joe Marsh like
15 hours ago
Follow Joe Marsh (Welsh Nationalist):
15 hours ago
Hail Joe
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Well said Chief
15 hours ago
Well said
15 hours ago
thanks chief
15 hours ago
Good words
15 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon on the left side of this page for a like!
Secure the future of our people
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
nice one Chief
15 hours ago
you will be head of many folk in Scotand in due course
15 hours ago
Laura Towler
15 hours ago
If you’d like to ask questions or contribute to our work, please use Entropy:
15 hours ago
best to get them on board, I agree
15 hours ago
PA Scotland:
15 hours ago
I assume this split is now to acrimonious to fix? sad
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Well said Chief.
15 hours ago
Where’s Chief Otis tonight? I can’t hear him snoring !
15 hours ago
Follow Mood of the Nation on Odysee:
15 hours ago
great wallpaper that
15 hours ago
Hail Chief, always so polite on streams which is admirable
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Top marks for Moody stepping up
15 hours ago
love Chief Moody. well done for sticking with PA. can’t understand why the split happened. seems bizarre to me; I wish all the others would come back.
15 hours ago
Well done to Chief Moody for having a mind of his own
15 hours ago
state involvement
15 hours ago
Chief Moody – Embracing the Struggle // Patriotic Alternative 2022 Spring Conference:
15 hours ago
I want to move to Scotland now just so I can join Chief’s team.
15 hours ago
Chief Moody. The Chief of Scotland.
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
So Si has has gone. Far to many for my liking now. THIS STINKS
15 hours ago
hail Moody!
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
The Chief, respect for standing firm.
15 hours ago
Woo Hoo! Mr Moody
15 hours ago
Go to Dorset
15 hours ago
Well said!
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Tonight’s PA position has been music to my ears. Thank the Gods Mark and Laura are in charge of this outfit. Revolution not reaction.
15 hours ago
I’ll bet those are fox and hound prints in those frames!
15 hours ago
Good man Aaron
15 hours ago
I have a great location in the South West for an indigenous people’s day photo if Aaron want’s to get in touch.
15 hours ago
Patriotic Alternative Regional Contacts:
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
South West WILL prevail!!!
15 hours ago
South west is the most beautiful part of England imo
15 hours ago
Follow Chief Moody:
15 hours ago
Oooops – lol
15 hours ago
we all go there on holiday
15 hours ago
ha ha ha
15 hours ago
Hail Chief Moody
15 hours ago
Look who it is
15 hours ago
PA Scotland:
15 hours ago
south west is the best tbf
Kite String
15 hours ago
oof, he’s alright but he’s no Aaron from the SW.
15 hours ago
Top lad
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
Problematic Bob
15 hours ago
don’t overlook the leather chair
15 hours ago
good optics
15 hours ago
PA South West on the Rise!:
15 hours ago
waistcoat Nationalism
15 hours ago
Aaron, top man
15 hours ago
do u wear PA branded vests during litter picks?
15 hours ago
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Very dapper and looks very strong…a no nonsense guy
Rufus Page
15 hours ago
I need that waistcoat.
15 hours ago
loving that waistcoat mate
15 hours ago
Aaron is a top Nationalist
15 hours ago
this guy looks smart like it
The Resident Baker
15 hours ago
I hope you’re getting this mate. We’re not giving that trophy back without a fight!
15 hours ago
Aaron I have drone and can assist
15 hours ago
Aaron seems like a great lad
Problematic Bob
15 hours ago
dapper af
15 hours ago
If you’re concerned about confidentiality, you may wish to consider using gift cards or one-time use bank cards.
15 hours ago
Good optics.
15 hours ago
Hail Aaron
15 hours ago
Looking very sharp!
15 hours ago
Oh it’s Laura dmb
The Resident Baker
15 hours ago
Top man.
15 hours ago
nice waistcoat
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
it’s a beautiful thing
15 hours ago
PA South West:
15 hours ago
I definitely would never out myself irl as supporter of white nationalist, European groups. For the time being, I have to remain anonymous.
15 hours ago
Hail Aaron
Kite String
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
PA Northern Ireland:
Eyeball Kidd
15 hours ago
yeah, just sent a tip via odysee
15 hours ago
Thank you Mark and Laura, superbly said
15 hours ago
love that fake voice
15 hours ago
Patriotic Alternative Now Active on the Isle of Man!:
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
You can also donate via Odysee: Odysee donations: Click the ‘Support’ button or click the ‘$’ below the chat box.
15 hours ago
Hear hear Mark
15 hours ago
is my second fave eceleb ♥️
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Agree Mark…
the woodlander
15 hours ago
gotta run…. good message tonight
Chief Moody
15 hours ago
Hit that :fire: button
Kite String
15 hours ago
alternatives to PA pop up all the time, and all the time they vanish silently
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Contact Patriotic Alternative:
15 hours ago
u r one of my fave e-celebs ♥️
Laura Towler
15 hours ago
Oh sorry about that
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Thank fk Mark is in charge of this outfit. 1488
15 hours ago
Eyeball Kidd
15 hours ago
unable to get entropy to display properly on my tablet, so unable to sens tip that way
Pro Patria: Patriot and Nationalist Channels
15 hours ago
213 watching only 80 upvotes!
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
we are facing orcish hordes and arguing over the colour of the wallpaper
15 hours ago
e u
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
YES! Ideology returns
15 hours ago
well said
15 hours ago
Did Diane Abbott ever “reach out?”
15 hours ago
We need a PA national conference soonest
15 hours ago
Laura Towler
15 hours ago
If you’d like to ask questions or contribute to our work, please use Entropy:
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Sam Melia
15 hours ago
Steve is a stalwart PA man.
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Thank god
15 hours ago
We shouldn’t worry too much about a few people leaving PA (although they are soooo missed and would be welcome back, and great work they willl continue to do) However, there are tens and thousands more who will want to join PA.
15 hours ago
let’s all come together and bury our differences. unite the clans!
15 hours ago
Mark go off
15 hours ago
HnH website gets 4 x the traffic of PA to put things in perspective
15 hours ago
Patriotic Alternative’s Website Leads the Way!:
15 hours ago
Are the figures for UK or worldwide?
Saint Harrison
15 hours ago
Kite String
15 hours ago
the other group will split again before long, then again, then again… until its all single activists arguing with each other. Many such cases.
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
PLEASE tell me Steve Blake hasn’t left?????
15 hours ago
How are people still going to the BNP website? lmao
15 hours ago
I notice that even in my country ads often show non white people or mixed couples. and all these ads are foreign.
15 hours ago
in France Le Pen built a counter culture and a political party. you must do both
15 hours ago
well done
15 hours ago
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
100% Laura
15 hours ago
White people are beautiful
15 hours ago
Tom Jones female lead is simian
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Laura having a bird moment
15 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
The Resident Baker
15 hours ago
I only hope the opportunity comes so soon.
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
here now hi
Sam Melia
15 hours ago
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
ace rant. 100% agree with Mark. To hell with reactionaries
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
infrastructural work around the community building is vital…just concentrating on electoral stuff has and will continue to fail.
15 hours ago
i think they just had interesting lies to listen to.
15 hours ago
i hate infighting when we are fighting such evil
Secure the future of our people
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
When Labour F up in 2026, and the country is on it’s knees under the weight of gimmegrants. This is when we need to be ready
the woodlander
15 hours ago
good rant though
15 hours ago
The official Patriotic Alternative website:
15 hours ago
PA is the truth
15 hours ago
Well said Mark
15 hours ago
well done mark and laura
15 hours ago
New Mark Collett podcast from London | The Domino Effect Podcast:
15 hours ago
Maybe Mark should dedicate his streams toward movie and video game reviews from anti-woke perspective to get more followers.
Sam Melia
15 hours ago
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Sup, Mark
15 hours ago
I feel her pain!
The Resident Baker
15 hours ago
Evening brother
15 hours ago
Good evening
15 hours ago
When young Wesley realises he has made a huge error, I for one will welcome him back into the fold
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Mark is addicted gamer.
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
15 hours ago
But I like video games. :laser_gun:
15 hours ago
Everyone needs a break. No one’s a robot.
15 hours ago
Good evening
my friend.
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Reactionaries whole actually love the System but want their day in the sun in it
15 hours ago
I wish if all nationalist parties could unite even with minor disagreements. but i am afraid too much vanity is involved.
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Never stop doing whay you are doing, I love PWR, Film and Book review, you guys are great
Laura Towler
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
So well said Mark!
15 hours ago
Thanks for your ongoing support.
15 hours ago
hear. hear Mark!
15 hours ago
PA’s idea is very forward thinking it is like building a fully seaworthy ship. You build the ship first and then set sail. Then you can set political direction and not the other way around. This is how the town of Orania thinks.
15 hours ago
Woodlander was in the BNP
15 hours ago
Follow The Woodlander:
15 hours ago
greay idea
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Love this….
Secure the future of our people
15 hours ago
Boy, Mark is pissed. We should have a fundraiser charity boxing match between Mark and the election council to raise funds.
the woodlander
15 hours ago
mark sounds like me… lol
15 hours ago
Labour would never go down the proportional representation
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
the woodlander
15 hours ago
the whole system is corrupt, which is why we cant waste time on it. we need to go it alone….
15 hours ago
The only way to beat the system, is to not use it.
15 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
Sam Melia
15 hours ago
mainstream parties will come together just to shut on you
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Absolutely, Mark is keeping it real…
15 hours ago
most of your time as a councillor is spent doing jobs that members of the public are too lazy to do themselves.
15 hours ago
Our great hope might well be Labour pushing through proportional representation, but I doubt they’ll do it…
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
The Patriotic Alternative 20 Point Plan:
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Soclial issues and community building BEFORE elections
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Smart move Mark…
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
remember the establishment astroturfed UKIP to block the BNP, and even they only got 1 MP through a tory defection.
the woodlander
15 hours ago
talking sense
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Here comes Catherine !
15 hours ago
Patriotic Alternative Regional Contacts:
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Imagine being so silly to think election goals are the only important issues.
Problematic Bob
15 hours ago
Sam Melia
15 hours ago
aye, Reform would just swoop in and subvert it
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
In my vew, (and I have some experience!) trying for public office will be a complete waste of time. Activism and community building is the way forward.
the woodlander
15 hours ago
we need to keep them not voting at the moment.. community first
15 hours ago
focusing solely on elections will just wear down and demoralise people.
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Saint Harrison
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Ethno Nationalist
15 hours ago
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
That is bloody madness, I agree with Mark on this one.
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Chief Moody
15 hours ago
Laura Towler
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
14s if agree with Mark
15 hours ago
Well said Mark
15 hours ago
When they realise what a dead end the FPTP system is, they’ll be looking rather silly.
15 hours ago
I stand with PA.
Sam Melia
15 hours ago
That’s the voter base that needs reactivating. 80% of the electorate just left on the table.
15 hours ago
Follow Tea Time with Sam & Laura on Odysee:
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
PA should really put candidacy forward.
15 hours ago
I spoilt my ballot paper. I wish more people did that where there are only globalist parties to vote for.
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Those who boycott elections can at least hold their head high and declare, “I didn’t give my permission to this hell”
Sam Melia
15 hours ago
Reform didn’t even put out a leaflet in Bradford, coasted entirely of GBNews promotion.
the woodlander
15 hours ago
galvanise those not voting
15 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
15 hours ago
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
This is why electioneering is NOT as important as reactionaries think. We are appealing to a lot of muppets that are too far gone. At least those who stay at home we can work with
15 hours ago
The British Democrats beat Reform in Bradford.
15 hours ago
do councils have any power
15 hours ago
Joe Owens result still not in afaik. Hope he does well.
15 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon on the left side of this page for a like!
15 hours ago
Hi hi, Laura. Nice to see you as well! Decided to listen to the stream while having my tea!
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
people have given up on politicians
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Fair move. New accounts are suspect
15 hours ago
Thanks for your support.
Laura Towler
15 hours ago
nice to see you
15 hours ago
I’ve handed out timeouts for these accounts created in the last hour trying to stir up gossip. Next stop, bans.
15 hours ago
you have to register as a party
15 hours ago
Electioneering is incredibly important, but elections =/= politics. We have to remember to separate the political and the electoral. Nationalists are capable of doing amazing political actions and maneuvering without Patriotic Alternative constantly fielding electoral candidates.
15 hours ago
Kenny is a good man he just has different ideas and ambitions than Mark
15 hours ago
Electioneering is incredibly important!
15 hours ago
kenny is behide all of this
Speak your mind
15 hours ago
Absolutely, 100% Laura
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
100% Elections are NOT the main focus. Only reactionaries think that
15 hours ago
why didn’t you speak out about Kenny before?
15 hours ago
Follow Robin Tilbrook
Tweets by RobinTilbrook
Workers of England Union website:
15 hours ago
How did Robin Tilbrook do in Epping Forest?
15 hours ago
Not a fan of infighting. It’s PA on the highway
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Reed Sam said it earlier on telegram in public
15 hours ago
Good evening. Gtsy.
15 hours ago
the guy who leaked the bnp member list ?
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Do either of your folks have links to the accusations you’re suggesting? Enough with the gossip. Final warning.
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
PLEASE ensure all comments re the drama are backed up by facts left we descend into a rumour mill. TY
15 hours ago
Hi Reed, hope you are okay
15 hours ago
all I’ll say is, the ringleader of the PA split did the same thing to the BNP in 2007-2008.
15 hours ago
our enemies love infighting and gossip
15 hours ago
i knew he wasnt to be trusted
15 hours ago
thats what sam said today
15 hours ago
did kenny really steal money from pa ?
15 hours ago
elections go hand in hand with community based activities. but PA must stand in elections under their own name
15 hours ago
nationalists stood under which party?
15 hours ago
you can win a local ward with as few as 300 votes
15 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
15 hours ago
albion did you see Sam say about kenny owing pa money?
the woodlander
15 hours ago
floundering for years in the wilderness… this political system is rigged, do not yake part.
Beer Hall Pooch
15 hours ago
Mark has my confidence. I’m more than happy with him at the helm
16 hours ago
let a thousand flowers bloom
16 hours ago
your handle is showing as Woodlader.4:a
16 hours ago
these things always run deeper than that…
16 hours ago
elections wont work we have seen that today
16 hours ago
hnh? you reckon? i thought it was just kenny wanting to be boss
Laura Towler
16 hours ago
Evening everybody
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
and HnH
16 hours ago
kenny smith is a rat
16 hours ago
agreed albion
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
the PA split has MI5 all over it.
16 hours ago
hi woody
16 hours ago
is this really you?
16 hours ago
Join us at Patriotic Alternative:
the woodlander
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
after everything mark did for wes and barkley they shit on him
16 hours ago
Greetings everyone
16 hours ago
turncoats the lot of them.
16 hours ago
Good evening
the woodlander
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
New Mark Collett podcast from London | The Domino Effect Podcast:
16 hours ago
Hi woodlander
the woodlander
16 hours ago
Beer Hall Pooch
16 hours ago
Mark’s productive chat with the Blacks
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
Follow The Woodlander:
Beer Hall Pooch
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
cant beleve wes and barkley sold out pa
the woodlander
16 hours ago
evening everyone
Speak your mind
16 hours ago
Good on you guys….from what I saw online, and I do not want to speak out of turn as it was second /third hand news, but it sounded like a very tough few weeks for you. However, you stand strong as always and continue the fight, respect to you Mark and Laura and all those who stood by your side.
16 hours ago
Feel free to throw that link in the chat then.
16 hours ago
For his first public speech I thought Joe’s was excellent
16 hours ago
The far left tried to terrorise the public into silence – usual tactic.
16 hours ago
It’s always women.
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
It was great work Laura
16 hours ago
they hate Whites with a burning passion
16 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
16 hours ago
Sam Melia said it today on telegram
16 hours ago
good to see you
16 hours ago
imagine wanting to stop your own genocide
16 hours ago
Please refrain from any gossip unless you have verified proof of any accusation.
Beer Hall Pooch
16 hours ago
Mark’s productive chat with the Blacks
16 hours ago
my wigga
16 hours ago
Did you see homeland has robbed money from pa?
16 hours ago
Thanks for your continued support.
16 hours ago
Onwards & upwards
16 hours ago
Maybe, one day, these magic beans might be worth a few bob. Hail PA, hail our folk
16 hours ago
still can not believe wez left pa
16 hours ago
The official Patriotic Alternative website:
16 hours ago
Thank god for that Laura
16 hours ago
whats going on with all this telegram drama, its really depressing.
16 hours ago
Follow Laura Towler:
Grandma Towler’s tea and coffee:
Secure the future of our people
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
Email Mark Collett:
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
Follow Stan1 on Twitter
Tweets by s_stan1
16 hours ago
so was the turnout
16 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
16 hours ago
PA has to register as party and contest local elections
16 hours ago
Odysee superchats: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box.
guy stark
16 hours ago
Wow!!!!!!!! Really passionate. Good stuff.
16 hours ago
Follow Mark Collett:
The Fall of Western Man:
Eyeball Kidd
16 hours ago
impressive opening
16 hours ago
Follow Sam Melia on Telegram:
16 hours ago
Long Eaton Migrant Hotel Demonstration:
16 hours ago
Orange Man Chad.
Sam Melia
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
Election results were disappointing for the CivNat gammon parties like Reform and UKIP
16 hours ago
Bertha wins again
16 hours ago
Follow SerenaJB on Twitter:
Tweets by SerenaJB3
16 hours ago
Hello Serena
16 hours ago
Follow British Gammon:
Tweets by DesmondMakazi
16 hours ago
Support Bill Atheling’s work (C.P. Webster):
► The Horror Beneath:
► Albion: ARVA – VALA – DEVA:
16 hours ago
Good evening
16 hours ago
Evening everyone
16 hours ago
Stream is already on
16 hours ago
evening folks
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
Good evening folks.
16 hours ago
Good evening Saint
16 hours ago
best stream of the month
Secure the future of our people
16 hours ago
Good evening Ladies and Gents
16 hours ago
Aye aye
Beer Hall Pooch
16 hours ago
Be ruthless in the Dlive chat
16 hours ago
Follow Saint Harrison:
Saint Harrison
16 hours ago
Evening all
Secure the future of our people
16 hours ago
Live in 9 second
Secure the future of our people
16 hours ago
Thanks mate!
Beer Hall Pooch
16 hours ago
No time for Pooch -who’d have thought it
16 hours ago
evening all
16 hours ago
Just subbed to your channels o/
Laura Towler
16 hours ago
Yeh but I don’t have time at the moment
16 hours ago
Good evening all
Beer Hall Pooch
16 hours ago
got my email?
16 hours ago
Purchase Grandma Towler’s tea and coffee:
16 hours ago
Follow Chief Moody:
Chief Moody
16 hours ago
Evening troops
Laura Towler
16 hours ago
Evening all
16 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon on the left side of this page for a like!
Beer Hall Pooch
16 hours ago
I’ll email cos I’m disinclined to donate anymore until they sort this. They’ve had 2 fkn years
Beer Hall Pooch
16 hours ago
I can watch a 1 hour YT vid with no buffer but not a 2.35 min Ody vid without constant buffer? I clear cookies etc every time I close. It’s Ody -they are taking the piss now
16 hours ago
Follow Beer Hall Pooch on Twitter:
Tweets by BeerPooch
16 hours ago
Thank you brother! Odysse is playing up for me too, it’s been buffering all day o/
16 hours ago
Many thanks! I’ve followed back, kindly appreciated. Rockwelll & Pierce two great men full of shocking facts o/
Beer Hall Pooch
16 hours ago
Nice work, Steve. Only saw the first 30 secs cos Odysee is seriously taking the piss now with it’s buffering on all browsers. I didn’t see my Ody channel on the flyers, but I’ve subbed regardless. ;o)
Secure the future of our people
16 hours ago
o/ reposted it on gab too
16 hours ago
Thank you o/
Secure the future of our people
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
16 hours ago
Here is some IRL i did promoting
& other Pro-white content. White unity at every opportunity 14
Secure the future of our people
17 hours ago
Repost the stream on Gab
Secure the future of our people
17 hours ago
9 currently waiting who have no life. Oh shit, that’s me too.
Secure the future of our people
17 hours ago
Secure the future of our people
17 hours ago
make it more fancy
20 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon on the left side of this page for a like!
20 hours ago
The official Patriotic Alternative website:
Patriotic Alternative Official on Telegram:
Join us at Patriotic Alternative:
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
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Version History
Version 5:
Version 4:
Version 3: Tue, May 9, 2023 — Added more to my intro. Minor corrections.
Version 2: Mon, May 8, 2023 — Added more transcript. Transcript now completed.
Version 1: Sun, May 7, 2023 — Published post with 42/94 mins of transcript completed. Includes Odysee comments (705).