Mark Collett – White Supremacy – The Greatest Threat to America? – May 19, 2023 – Transcript


Mark Collett


White Supremacy


The Greatest Threat to America?


Fri, May 19, 2023


[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:

Joe Biden and the American establishment are desperate to convince the public that ‘White supremacy’ is the greatest threat the United States. This is more than a lie; it is a complete inversion of the truth. Western leaders are destroying our civilisation, and now they are trying to blame White people for the collapse!



Published on Fri, May 19, 2023




White Supremacy: The Greatest Threat to America?
May 19, 2023

Joe Biden and the American establishment are desperate to convince the public that ‘white supremacy’ is the greatest threat the United States. This is more than a lie; it is a complete inversion of the truth. Western leaders are destroying our civilisation, and now they are trying to blame white people for the collapse!
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(12:13 mins)




Should Biden’s Statement Be Considered a Joke, a Product of His Dementia?

Indicative of the Mindset of the Entire Political Establishment, the “Judeo-American State”

White Supremacy is Absolutely Not Destroying America!

Short List of What Really is Destroying the Us

What is “White Supremacy”?

White Self-Determination and White In-Group Preference is Actually the Solution

Biden’s Attack on Whites is Labelling the Solution to the Problem as the Cause of That Problem

The Attack on Whites is a Deliberate Plan Being Carried out by All Western Leaders

The “White Supremacy” Lie is to Prevent Homogenous White Communities from Existing

Joe Biden, Rishi Sunak and Emmanuel Macron All Want to Destroy Their Respective Countries

The West is on Its Deathbed and the Cure is White Self-Determination


Should Biden’s Statement Be Considered a Joke, a Product of His Dementia?



So, I was feeling a little lazy when I was writing this script, and I actually considered simply reading out the video title and then just playing a laugh track for the next nine minutes or so. It would be a bit of a troll video, and maybe funny for a few seconds, and it would have saved me a lot of time and effort. But it would also have been silly – almost as silly as the idea that White supremacy is the greatest threat to America – I suppose that would have been the point of the joke.


But despite the ridiculous nature of the statement that “White supremacy is the greatest threat to the US”, the statement does deserve proper discussion, not least because it is actually part of a very serious wider topic.



What’s more, this statement also deserves discussion because of who said it. This statement wasn’t made by some dumpy blue haired feminist with, 2,000 Twitter followers and a list of mental health problems that is longer than the list of pronouns in her Twitter bio! This statement was made by Joe Biden, the President of the United States.

Now, he may be a completely incompetent and an embarrassing president, but he is still the president. And when the so-called leader of the free world makes such a statement, it raises the value of that statement.


Now I know that every right-thinking person will have rolled their eyes when hearing that Joe Biden said that:


“White supremacy is the greatest threat to the US.”



Most people watching this video will regard Joe Biden’s comments as total garbage, total garbage spouted by a president who also happens to be total garbage. And because of this, some may make the mistake of writing off what Joe Biden has said as the ramblings of a demented old man, who for the most part doesn’t seem to know what time of day it is. But that would be a mistake.


It would also be a mistake to write his words off as simply being his opinion, as this would imply that Joe Biden was not speaking for the rest of the American political establishment.



What’s more, as Joe Biden made this statement in front of what was largely an African American audience of Howard University graduates in Washington, it would also be easy to wave this all away as just another attempt to pander to ‘woke’ black voters.


But none of this should be waved away, this wasn’t a statement made because of dementia, this wasn’t Joe Biden’s own personal musings and this wasn’t just a cack-handed attempt to appeal to black voters.


Indicative of the Mindset of the Entire Political Establishment, the “Judeo-American State”



What Joe Biden said was indicative of the mindset of the entire mainstream American political establishment. An American establishment that I have termed the “Judeo-American State”.



And under the Judeo-American State, what was once an incredible nation, founded by brave, moral, and pioneering White men and women is now being systematically destroyed.




White Supremacy is Absolutely Not Destroying America!



But what is destroying America? And that’s an important question, with a lot of correct answers that all bear a different weight. However, I can categorically state, that “White supremacy” is absolutely not one of those answers! White supremacy is not destroying America!


Short List of What Really is Destroying the Us



So, let’s make a short list of what really is destroying the United States. Here goes:



– Unchecked mass immigration, both legal and illegal.

– The total collapse of law and order and a rising crime rate that is in part due to both mass immigration and the fact that the police and courts are now giving a free pass to certain criminals based on their ethnicity.

– A complete moral collapse which has led to an “anything goes” society where people act as pleasure seeking individuals and believe that their actions should be totally divorced from any form of negative consequence.

– The destruction of the traditional family and the promotion of other lifestyle choices that have lowered the White birth-rate.

– A drugs epidemic that is currently killing over 100,000 people per year and has left once great cities in a state of complete decay.

– A complete economic collapse with industry being sent abroad and entire areas of the country that once flourished as manufacturing centres lying in ruin.



And we’re just getting started! That’s the tip of the iceberg – just a short list, which isn’t in any way exhaustive or complete. And it’s not complete because I am not going to waste your time by listing all the problems that you have heard many times before.


But all the problems I just listed, and many more for that matter, all fall under the same umbrella. An umbrella of liberal, multicultural, anti-White policies that were created specifically to re-shape America to the detriment, primarily, of White people; the people who happen to be the descendants of the brave explorers and pioneers who founded the United States.


What is “White Supremacy”?




So, we’ve talked for quite a bit now, and we still haven’t come onto the topic of “White supremacy”, which is, after all, what this video is about.


Now the term White supremacy is a very loaded term, and as such, it needs some examination. Not least because when Joe Biden or others within establishment use the term, they mean something completely different to what the average person thinks of when they hear the term “White supremacy”.


You see, for average folk, the term White supremacy conjures up negative stereotypes of angry White men in uniform being abusive to ethnic minorities. But when Joe Biden uses the term White supremacy, he doesn’t mean that at all.



Joe Biden uses the term White supremacy to refer to White people who have some form of in-group preference and who wish exercise their rights to organise in order to defend themselves and their communities against the problems that I talked of earlier.




And this might all seem odd. It’s almost like the President of the United States, a man who is presiding over the complete destruction of America, a man who has received record low approval ratings, and a man who is endorsing many – if not all – of the destructive trends that are wrecking the US, is now attacking White self-determination as if that’s the biggest problem America faces! And… it’s not almost like that, that’s exactly what he is doing! And he is doing that for a reason.


And that reason is more nefarious than you might think.


White Self-Determination and White In-Group Preference is Actually the Solution



You see, White self-determination and White in-group preference is not only not a problem, but it is actually the only solution to the real problems that I listed earlier. White people coming together, taking their destiny back into their own hands, divorcing themselves from the failed multicultural system imposed upon them by the Judeo-American State, White people embracing their traditions, their culture and the moral codes that helped them to establish what was once a strong, cohesive and prosperous nation – that is the only solution that can save America, and deliver the American people from destruction.




Biden’s Attack on Whites is Labelling the Solution to the Problem as the Cause of That Problem



What Joe Biden is doing when he attacks White supremacy is the equivalent of a doctor looking at a sick patient, and then declaring that cause of all the patient’s ills is in fact the one thing that could cure that patient. This effectively ensures that the sick patient can never get better! As why on earth would a sick person embrace something that would make their symptoms worse and is in fact causing their illness?


Well, they wouldn’t! By labelling the solution to a problem as the cause of that problem, the problem inevitably gets worse, and is in fact highly unlikely to ever be solved! But that’s the plan!



This isn’t a mistake, or a series of unfortunate coincidences. This isn’t a case of politicians being out of touch, or of a leader saying something that he doesn’t really believe to be true in order to please a small audience of graduates. This is the plan! The plan to destroy America!


The Attack on Whites is a Deliberate Plan Being Carried out by All Western Leaders



And it’s a plan that all Western leaders are in on, not just Joe Biden. All Western leaders are now reading from the same script. And as a result, it’s not just a plan to destroy America, but a plan devised to destroy the Western World as we know it. And all Western leaders will continue to reassure their respective national audiences that that the problems they see unfolding are not in fact down to liberalism, or tolerance, or open borders.



Oh no! These leaders will tell their people that:


“Liberalism has made us great and strong and is wonderful, and the threat to our current utopia is in fact those pesky White people who want to turn the clocks back to a time when their respective nations were ethnocentric, homogenous, crime free, family focused, moral, and when their people were immersed in their own culture and traditions!”


Yes, we will all be told that:


“White supremacy is what is destroying the West!”


And by extension, the root cause of our decline is of course those awful White people who just can’t stop ruining everything for everyone.



And of those awful White people – the worst of the worst are those who just want to be left alone, left amongst themselves, those Whites who want to break away and live with other Whites, they are the most dangerous of all! They are the “supremacists” who pose the greatest threat to America and every Western nation!




The “White Supremacy” Lie is to Prevent Homogenous White Communities from Existing



This is of course all rubbish! It is a lie! But not only is it a lie, it’s actually a complete inversion of the truth.


White people who wish to seek self-determination and rediscover their ethnocentric roots are the solution to the real problems the West faces!



And the reason the establishment are so desperate to demonise those Whites who want to breakaway and form their own communities and explore their culture, traditions and pursue in-group preference is clear: It is because the anti-White establishment fears homogenous White communities. Not because homogenous White communities want to do any harm to multicultural communities, but because homogenous White communities work!


And because homogenous White communities work, those communities expose just how awful life is in multicultural areas. And that’s why the system can’t allow homogenous White communities to exist, and why the system has to attack, demonise and even jail White people who call for such homogenous White communities!



Because these homogenous White communities show up exactly how liberal multiculturalism is a cancer to the West.


Joe Biden, Rishi Sunak and Emmanuel Macron All Want to Destroy Their Respective Countries



In short, Joe Biden, wants America to be destroyed! Just as Rishi Sunak wants Britain destroyed! And Emmanuel Macron wants France destroyed!


And that’s why all of these men – and many others like them – have to attack so-called “White supremacy”. Because, in short, they want to see the West collapse. And as such, they wish to attack the only thing that can prevent that collapse. And that, is White people seeking self-determination and peaceful separation.



The West is on Its Deathbed and the Cure is White Self-Determination



The West is on its death bed, and those who have been put in charge of administering the social poisons that brought us to this point, are now declaring that the only cure to these poisons – White self-determination and in-group preference – are in fact the root cause of all of our problems.










Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 5/19/2023 = 37)

Lill Frigg 🌻
6 days ago
Caring for your kin is NEVER a sin 🤍 remember that ALWAYS.

6 days ago
jewish supremacy is the greatest threat to the US… and the whole world

6 days ago
America is a White country. It is absurd to believe that White supremacy could destroy it.

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6 days ago
“America is a White country.” Not for much longer.

5 days ago
It’s so absurd isn’t it. It’s absolutely perverse – as Mark says, telling people that the cure for their illness is what’s causing it.
Imagine if a subversive group had convinced the Anglo Saxons that Saxon supremacy was destroying England. There wouldn’t be an England today, English people wouldn’t exist, the English language wouldn’t exist, nor would Australia, USA, Canada or New Zealand.
What if Spaniards had been told their Spanish supremacy was destroying Spain and they need to accept that Al-Andalus is a Muslim nation. No Spain, no Spanish, no Latin America…
If we do not stand up and fight against all the odds for our right to EXIST then we will not exist in 100 years. I still can’t believe how most people have been convinced that their own demise is a good thing. The West is sick and being destroyed by a vicious parasite that makes the host kill itself.

6 days ago
Mark hits it out of the park every time


6 days ago
White people are so magical they we are never filmed committing the same acts of violence as our negro counterparts.

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Leroy Dumonde
6 days ago
Today I was walking downtown and heard a guy yelling at a Hispanic guy saying that his kind come here and are a bunch of thieves. Guess his race. I’ll give you a hint. It starts with n and ands in igger.


6 days ago
Actually they want whites to be scarred to do or say anything. As well increase anti-white sentiment, so non-whites will kill us in retribution. That is the purpose of their “white supremacy/racism/privilege” bs. They are trying to hasten our demise at all levels. Race mixing, immigration, homosexuality, transgenderism, mass migration, reparations, anti-white media & academia

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5 days ago
Feminism, hedonism etc. All of them are Jewish weapons. But these Jews are naive to not see these weaponised poisons can also be wielded against there ‘people’, their rotten blood.

Leroy Dumonde
6 days ago
Whites being supreme is the greatest threats to parasites in the US.


6 days ago
Joe Biden wants the White people that created America to perish, and the rotten anti-White Zionist regime currently ruling over them to survive. I want the exact opposite.


6 days ago
The mere concept that “White supremacy” destroys anything is a joke, much like Biden as anything other than a nursing home resident.

6 days ago
Attorney General (((Merrick Garfinkel))) said the same thing

6 days ago
For the list of things destroying America, you shouldn’t forget sky-high taxes, inflation, and a national debt guaranteed to ensure they just keep getting bigger. Obviously morals like family, education, healthy living and a devotion to God are more important than money, but taking people’s money is still evil and destructive to the country.

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The Silent Photographer
6 days ago
How do you all like your JewFLATION/Taxation, brought to you by the Zionist run JewFED, your endless Jew wars and everything under the sun that has been systematically destroying the West. These Zionist Jews have been at this for thousands of years, destroying NUMEROUS nations and civilizations, including the Roam Empire. The US and Europe are cooked, the ship has sailed, there is no more America, it’s Jewmerica. The END.
Here is a channel that has done extensive work on the Zios and their history.


The Jews anti white genocide agenda in plain sight for eyes and ears to see.

The Zio run big pharma industrial complex injected hundreds of millions of people with poisons in the guise of a “virus” that does not exist, again it’s the Zionist Jewish cabal. Their fingerprints are all over the place. They are hell bend in destroying the West, Europe first then the US.

The Silent Photographer
6 days ago
No such thing as a God or Devil exist, they are man made mythological utter nonsense. And Christianity is a Jewish/Roman created HOAX foisted upon the masses by an iron fist by the ruler Constantine and the Jews who ran his government. Christianity/cult is a mind controlling apparatus that has been used for thousands of years to control and pillage the gullible mindless dumbed down masses.

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6 days ago
Leaders (pious or otherwise) have always used religion for reasons of influence, but “mind controlling” …? A stronger case could be made there in regards to Judaism.

6 days ago
This is very simple..with “White Supremacists” they really mean All White People…so it is blatant now..translation: “WS is our biggest threath” =”Antiwhiteism is our biggest priority”(OR replacing/erasing/genociding white people is our biggest priority)..this is the antiwhite establishments actual plan…to erase us..Wake up whitey!

Marshall Sumner
6 days ago
Old Dementia Joe was pandering here. That being said, he & the rest of his allies have told you that you are their enemy. Believe them when they tell you who they are and react accordingly. Just because no bullets are wizzing by your head does not mean you are not at war.

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4 days ago
Exactly. Much more serious than simply the usual and expected “pandering”. Normally, pandering is about securing votes and allegiances. This is about instilling a very deep and paranoid anger against our people, and ensuring that we are seen as a dehumanized enemy faction and a barrier that is blocking all things good in their lives. This is confirming in their minds that we are an obstacle to be destroyed, and is giving the permission to do so. It is a clear call to arms and incitement to war against all that we know and love.

Nordic Avenger
6 days ago
White Supremacy…an Anti-White Genocidal Conspiracy Theory

6 days ago
No such thing as white supremacy but the tribes 👃 supremacy over whites


6 days ago
[ WHITE PROTECTIONISM – The Greatest Threat to America? ]

6 days ago
The ones that have invented, promoted and implemented the anti-white policies…. are of all the same people. Every. Single. Time.


6 days ago
It is if you are a jewish globalist bankster.


6 days ago
‘US’ in that title doesn’t mean United States it means ‘us’ as in from the perspective of jews.

DL’s safe space
5 days ago
Scott Adams was right.


5 days ago
White supremacy is A FACT OF NATURE.


6 days ago
Thank you, Mark. But I would put it even more starkly, to wit, that it is a call to and for vigilantism by the aggrieved against anyone fitting the description “White.”


3 days ago
when youre 90 years old, senile and a degenerate rich who can barely walk around or remember anything. Lets make a faggot like that be a president for some reason


6 days ago
lol Potato Biden

1 day ago
Quite simply, Biden and his (((handlers))) make me vomit green bile.

5 days ago
When they tell you what they fear most, believe them.

Rebellious Goy
6 days ago
Good work Mark! The analogy to our corrupted/inverted/retarded medical industry is spot-on

Awake since 1997
3 days ago
Forwarded post, the PDF is essential reading!
Walter Hallstein: Prominent Nazi Lawyer – And Key Architect of the ‘Brussels EU’
The Oil and Drug Cartel’s attempt to consolidate its political power over Europe. or almost three-quarters of a century, the world has been told that WWII was caused by a psychopath, Adolf Hitler, and his entourage of racist hooligans, the Nazis. The facts are, however, that WWII was a conquest war conducted on behalf of the Chemical, Oil and Drug Cartel with the goal of controlling the multi-trillion-dollar global markets in the newly emerging fields of patented chemical products.

5 days ago
I have always gotten along with Indians well but when they come here they immediately suck up to those that wish to genocide us.



See Also




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript



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Version 1: Fri, May 26, 2023 — Published post. Includes Odysee comments (37).

This entry was posted in America, anti-White, Deception, Democrat Party, Demographics, Family - Destruction, Globalism, Hate Speech, Jew World Order, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Tool of, Joe Biden, Judeo-American State, Karlergi Plan, Liberalism, Mark Collett, Marxism, Media - jewish domination, New World Order, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Public opinion - Manipulation, Racism, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Western Civilization, White Nationalism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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