Alexander Mercouris
Prigozhin Rebels, Wagner Enters Rostov, Voronezh
Russian Military, Gov, Society Rally Behind Putin
Sat, Jun 24, 2023
[Alexander Mercouris a Greek-British commentator gives his take on the situation on the Ukraine-Russian war with Wagner’s mercenary leader, Prigozhin, somewhat bizarre “rebellion” against Putin, that has now fizzled out.
Published on Sat, Jun 24, 2023
0:00 / 44:28
Prigozhin Rebels, Wagner Enters Rostov, Voronezh, Russian Military, Gov, Society Rally Behind Putin
Alexander Mercouris
228K subscribers
Jun 24, 2023
Prigozhin Rebels, Wagner Troops Enter Rostov, Voronezh; Putin Demands Suppression of Mutiny, Russian Military, Government, Society Rally Behind Putin
Topic 886
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Alexander Mercouris
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(44:28 mins)
This program, for once, is going to be about Russia, but not about the conflicts in Ukraine.
Now, I say that because though there have been quite a lot of information coming out of the battlefronts in Ukraine, there was a huge missile and drone attack by Russia over the course of last night.
Of course, all the global attention, all the attention in Russia itself, all the attention in Ukraine is now taken up, is fully absorbed, with the events involving Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Wagner Group, even as Prigozhin stages what some people call a mutiny what Prigozhin himself insists is not a coup in Russia.
Now, before I proceed, I would quickly say that one of the reasons I’m not going to talk much about the situation on the front lines is that, somewhat strangely, things have been actually rather quiet on the front lines over the last few hours. That may be coincidence, or as the Russians would say, luck, or it might be due to some other reason.
But anyway, I’m not going to devote more time to that.
So let’s deal with Mr. Prigozhin and what he is doing at the moment.
Now, I should say this has not come out of the blue. For months now, Prigozhin has been conducting a very, very public feud with the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, with Shoigu, the Russian Defense Minister, and with Gerasimov, the chief of the General Staff. And this really all started in February when Prigozhin first of all began to complain that Wagner wasn’t receiving the ammunition supplies that it needed and had been promised in order to carry out the battle of Bakmut successfully.
And then this argument ebbed and flowed. Sometimes it appeared to go to remission, sometimes it escalated. But the general pattern was for this feud to get worse, forever more critical, and indeed sometimes poisonous things to be said on Prigozhin’s part. And eventually the situation, as we have seen, has exploded into the events of the last few hours!
And over the last few hours, Prigozhin has made some statements which will be seen in Russia, to put it mildly, as deeply controversial.
In fact, not just as controversial, but as having put him entirely on the Western side in terms of the conflict in Ukraine. He made statements to the effect that there was no Ukrainian plan to attack Donbas in February 2022, contrary to what Putin was saying. He also said that the conflict in Ukraine never really existed, that the movement in Donbas for independence wasn’t a real one, or words to that effect. He made it appear as if the whole affair had been orchestrated by the Russian Ministry of Defense and various oligarchs in Russia in order basically to plunder the Donbas.
And also in terms of the conflict that was triggered that began in February 2022. He said:
“That all of this happened because Shoigu and the military leadership fooled Putin into thinking that an attack on Donbas was happening, and that in fact, really the whole conflict was staged by Shoigu, who wanted to become Marshall, wanted to be promoted to the rank of Marshall.”
And he also said that it would have been perfectly possible to negotiate with Zelensky, to agree some kind of compromise with Zelensky, and that is what Russia would have done.
Now, it is always the way with Prigozhin. He mixes up points which some people might agree with. Not everybody. Most people, at least in the political system in Russia probably wouldn’t agree with, most commentators wouldn’t agree with, but which some people might agree with but he also makes claims which are demonstrably and obviously false! The idea of Putin, of all people, being led into a war, manipulated into a war by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense is absurd! And I should say that many other things that Prigozhin has also said over the last couple of hours have also been absurd.
Simplicius The Thinker, who is more careful in tracking Prigozhin’s comments than I am, has pointed out that he’s made claims, for example, about the progress of Ukraine’s ongoing counter offensive that are clearly untrue!
I mean, he gives the impression, Prigozhin has given the impression, for example, that the critically important town of Tokmak which is well to the south of where the ongoing fighting has been taking place and which is heavily defended by elaborate Russian fortified lines which the Ukrainians up to now, have not been able to reach.
Anyway, he gives the impression that Tokmak is on the brink of being captured by Ukraine. So he’s been saying lots of things. Some of them people might agree with, some of them they might strongly disagree with. But as is always the way with Prigozhin, in a way that frankly comes across as wild and incoherent, these comments are submerged in a torrent of abuse and falsehoods!
And following, or rather in conjunction with all these comments, Prigozhin then published a video which he said showed the results of a missile strike on Wagner forces by the Russian Ministry of Defense.
Now, I’m not an expert on videos. I don’t actually see anything in this video that would lead me to think that this was the result of some kind of a missile strike. But my opinion perhaps is not important in these sort of matters. Others, notably the Rebar Collective [sp], apparently have looked at this video and have concluded that this video doesn’t show anything of the sort and is, in effect, a fake.
And someone else who says the same thing is. Igor Girkin, better known in Russia as Strelkov, the man who led the Russian fighters during the fighting in Donbas in the first half of 2014, and who continues to be a hero for many people in Russia, but who is also a relentless critic of the Russian defense ministry and of its leadership. And to some extent, by the way, the President Putin and of his government. Girkin by the way, has clearly said that he strongly opposes Prigozhin’s actions. He’s actually, in effect called Prigozhin a traitor.
Now we’ll come to that. Treason is a very strong word, but as I said, we’ll come to that shortly.
In the meantime, Prigozhin announced that he was going to take measures into his own hands. He was going to clear the mess, as he put it, in the Defense Ministry. Last night, he made a statement that:
“His troops had crossed the state border.”
Another statement which many people in Russia would take strong issue with, because of course, what he was referring to as the state border is the border between Donetsk region and Rostov region.
And of course, Russia doesn’t consider that any longer to be a state border because as of the decisions that were taken last Autumn, as far as the Russians are concerned, Donbas, the Donetsk region is now an integral part of the Russian Federation.
Anyway, Prigozhin made that announcement and over the next few hours, sure enough, armoured vehicles from the Wagner Group began to appear in Rostov, the city of Rostov, where they appear to have encircled, though apparently not captured, the headquarters of the Russian military forces in this part of the conflict zone.
Now, to my knowledge, by the way, the headquarters of the overall Russian military grouping which has been conducting this war is located in Rostov. And it could be that this is the building that, as I said, Wagner forces have tried to encircle.
But anyway, for the record, it seems as if that headquarters is still functioning. And it also seems as if there’s been no real actions on the front lines. No sign, at least up to now, of any real slackening in Russian military activity on the front lines, which might plausibly have been caused by a disruption to their headquarters.
But anyway, then we’ve had pictures of Prigozhin having what looks like an argument, a rather heated exchange with a senior Russian military official, the Deputy Defense Minister, presumably somebody either sent to meet him or perhaps already in Rostov. And Prigozhin is insisting at this point on a personal meeting with Shoigu, the Russian Defense Minister, who he supposedly wants sacked. And then we’ve had further reports of Wagner troops, of this convoy, of Wagner troops moving into Voronezh region. It’s difficult to get an accurate picture of how large this movement actually is. There’s lots of varying claims from 50 to 17 vehicles.
But anyway, that this convoy has apparently moved into Voronezh, into Kasma Gandhar [sp] region as well, and that they’re trying to advance towards Moscow, which by the way, is 700 km away.
Meanwhile, the Russian authorities have issued an arrest warrant for Prigozhin. He’s been charged with trying to ferment an armed uprising. And they appear to be taking steps both to secure Moscow itself and also they’ve been carrying out raids on Prigozhin’s offices in St. Petersburg and in other cities.
And over the course of the following hours, there has been a cascade of statements by senior Russian officials, pretty much every regional governor, every senior Russian official one can think of who wants to speak about this matter. But they’ve all been coming out saying that they oppose Prigozhin’s actions and that they continue to support the legitimate authority, the legitimate government, which is based in Moscow.
And one does get the sense of a political rallying around the authorities in Moscow and around President Putin in particular. And there have also been statements by senior officials of the Russian military high command. So that General Survivkin, who Prigozhin, has at times sought to play off against Shoigu and Garasimov, he’s sometimes spoken about Survivkin as if Survivkin was some sort of a friend.
Anyway, Survivkin issued a televised statement in which he called on these Wagner troops to turn back. Incidentally and in passing, Survivkin also said that he’d returned not exactly where to, but that he’d returned to deal with the situation from the front lines. Which reinforces my long held belief that despite the reshuffle that took place some months ago when General Gerasimov, the Chief of the General Staff, was appointed overall commander, Survivkin remains the person in actual charge of the fighting of the Russian troops in Donbas. Sorry, in the conflict area, but I don’t want to spend too much time talking about that.
But anyway, so far, and I have to say this, it looks as if it’s looking increasingly as if Prigozhin is increasingly isolated. He’s got some support, clearly, from the Wagner Group. He’s undoubtedly forged very strong links with the fighters.
As I said, his constant visits to the fighters on the front lines will have bound them, created a deep sense of loyalty between them and him.
So some of them are prepared to follow him in this escapade. But wider Russian society is not! The military continues to accept the leadership of President Putin and of the structures of the Russian Defense Ministry. The government, the civil the civil bureaucracy, the governors, all those people they also continue to function and take their instructions from Moscow, from Putin.
And importantly, through his actions and through his statements, Prigozhin has now lost the support of many of the people who had up to now been sympathetic to him because of their feelings that he was in fact hard done by the Ministry of Defense. And their own feelings that Shoigu and Gerasimov were not up to the job and should have been replaced by other people.
But if one looks, as I said, at people like Gerkin [sp], if one looks at people like Hadirov [sp], who’s now issued a very strong statement critical of the Prigozhin, if one looks at the Rebar Collective, which has made criticisms of the Russian Ministry of Defense as well. Well, I think, without exception, that entire community of war correspondents, bloggers, all of those people have closed ranks with the Russian authorities and are opposing Prigozhin.
So he’s left by himself. He’s still trying to apparently advance his troops towards Moscow. He’s still issuing defiant statements. But given his isolation within wider Russian society, given the fact that there’s some indications now that civilians in Rostov are starting to come out and criticise and abuse some of the Wagner troops who are stationed there, I think it is only a matter of time before this thing fizzles out.
And one of the factors that will undoubtedly facilitate that is a statement that has been made by President Putin and which has now appeared on President Putin’s website. And it’s fairly short, but I will read it out in full, and we see that it shows Putin in a completely uncompromising mood. And Putin said the following:
“I am addressing citizens of Russia, the personnel of the armed forces, law enforcement agencies and security services, and the soldiers and commanders who are now fighting in their combat positions, repulsing enemy attacks and doing it heroically. I know this as I spoke once again with the commanders of all sections of the front line last night.”
So Putin telephoned all the commanders. He wanted undoubtedly to make sure that this mutiny was not supported by any of the commanders, and he clearly isn’t. And they all reassured him that the situation on the front lines continues to be under control. And then he goes on to say:
“I’m also addressing those who were dragged into this criminal adventure.”
Notice the word “criminal”.
“Through deceit or threats, and pushed onto the path of a grave crime, an armed mutiny. Today, Russia is waging a tough struggle for it’s future. Repelling the aggression of.”
And he now refers to people who are followers of the extremist ideology that existed in Germany in the 1930s and 40s.
Apologies for the euphemisms, but I’ve noticed that YouTube has been taking even greater interest in my programs than it usually does.
So I’m going to be very careful, as always, in my choice of words. Anyway:
“Repelling the aggression of such people and their patrons. The entire military, economic, and informational machine of the West is directed against us. We are fighting for the lives and security of our people, for our sovereignty in independence, for the right to be and remain Russia, a state with a thousand year history. This battle, when the fate of our nation has been decided, requires consolidation of all forces. It requires unity, consolidation, and a sense of responsibility. And everything that weakens us, any strife that our external enemies can use and do so to subvert us from within, must be discarded. Therefore, any actions that split our nation are essentially a betrayal of our people, of our comrades in arms who are now fighting at the front line. This is a knife in the back of our country and our people.”
The “stab in the back”. Others have been talking about this in the same way. Very potent language here. Talks about criminality, talks about a stab in the back, talks about seeking to create divisions in society. And then comes a very important paragraph:
“A blow like this was dealt to Russia in 1917 when the country was fighting in World War I, but the victory was stolen from it. Intrigues, squabbles and politicking behind the backs of the army and the nation turned into the greatest turmoil, the destruction of the army and the collapse of the state and the loss of vast territories, ultimately leading to the tragedy of the civil war.”
So he is conjuring the memory, the Spectre of 1917.
Now, there’s some dispute as to exactly who he is referring to in this statement and which events he is referring to. It’s been suggested, and I had an email from the most eminent person, that, in fact, he’s referring to the events of October or November 1917. In other words, the Bolshevik seizure of power.
I tend to think he’s talking about the earlier events which took place in February 1917, when the Tsar was forced to abdicate. He talks about “intrigues, squabbles and politicking behind the backs of the army and the nation”. And then he says that that “turned into the greatest turmoil”, which is the October Revolution, “the destruction of the army and the collapse of the state and the loss of vast territories, including ultimately leading to the tragedy of the civil war”.
Well, as I think but really at this point, I don’t think it greatly matters whether he’s talking about February 1917 or about October 1917. What he’s telling Russians is:
“This is a dangerous moment. Somebody is trying to create divisions amongst us, somebody’s trying to create a kind of civil war situation. We simply cannot afford that at this time. We are at war and this is a stab in the back and it’s risking everything. We risk everything if we allow this to succeed.”
And then he stresses the point further:
“Russians were killing Russians.”
This is about the civil war:
“And brothers were killing brothers, while all sorts of political adventurers and foreign forces profited from the situation by tearing the country apart to divide it.”
Now, political adventurers might refer to Lenin and the Bolsheviks.
But of course, again, Putin isn’t being precise. And of course he doesn’t want to be precise! Because he wants everybody to consolidate behind him.
And of course, he doesn’t want to annoy the Communists, who are a significant force within Russian society, and a patriotic force which has supported him in general over this war at this particular time.
But then he goes on to say:
“We will not allow this to happen again. We will protect our people and our statehood from any threats, including from internal betrayal.”
And he then goes on to say:
“What we are facing is essentially a betrayal. Inflated ambitions and personal interests have led to treason.”
And that is clearly a reference to Prigozhin. And when he talks about “inflated ambitions” and “personal interests”, what he’s saying is that Prigozhin has placed his own grievances against the Russian Defense Ministry, his own grudge against Shoiku, above everything else and this is a reflection of his inflated sense of his own importance. And this has led to treason.
“Treason” an extremely strong word, as I said before:
“Treason against our country, our people and the common cause which Wagner Group soldiers and commanders were fighting and dying for shoulder to shoulder together with our other units and troops.”
Now notice again the word “treason”. Prigozhin, for the moment, isn’t being investigated for treason. He’s being investigated for planning an armed uprising. But from the look of this, it could be that more serious charges are coming. And I suspect that they are.
Anyway, he then goes on to say, this is now addressing directly Wagner troops:
“The heroes who liberated Solidar and Archeomas [sp] towns and villages in Donbas, fought and gave their lives for Novorosir [sp] and the unity of the Russian world. Their memory and glory have also been but betrayed by those who are attempting to stage a revolt and are pushing the country towards anarchy and fratricide and ultimately towards defeat and surrender.”
And that’s again a clear reference to Prigozhin. So Prigozhin’s actions are putting Russia at risk of defeat and surrender. Very strong words!
And that’s why I say it again, this does point eventually, so it seems to me, to treason charges. And then he goes on to say:
“Once again any internal revolt is a deadly threat to our statehood and our nation. It is a blow to Russia, to our people. Our actions to defend the fatherland from this threat will be harsh. All those who have taken consciously the chance, the path, of betrayal planned and armed and armed mutiny and taken the path of blackmail and terrorism.”
Terrorism? Another very strong word:
“Will inevitably be punished and will answer before the law and after the law.”
And then he says that:
“The armed forces and other government agencies have received the necessary orders. Additional counter-terrorism measures are now in effect in Moscow, the Moscow region and several other regions. Resolute action will also be taken to stabilise the situation in Rostov on Don. It remains difficult. In effect, the work of civil and military authorities has been blocked.”
And so he’s given instructions, in effect to the Russian Defense Ministry, the other internal security agencies and the government to quash what he clearly regards as a rebellion, a treasonous rebellion against Russia.
And he goes on to say:
“As the president of Russia and Supreme Commander in Chief and as a citizen of Russia, I will take every effort to defend the country and protect the Constitutional order as well as the lives, security and freedom of our citizens. Those who staged the mutiny and took up arms against their comrades, they have betrayed Russia and will be brought to account. I urge those who are being dragged into this crime not to make a fatal and tragic mistake, but make the only right choice to stop taking part in criminal activities. I am certain that we will preserve and defend what we hold dear and sacred, and together with our motherland, we will overcome any hardships and become even stronger.”
Now, this speech of Putin and the fact, as I said, that Russian society, the government, the bureaucracy, the military, the security services are consolidating around Putin, or at least that is the overwhelming impression as of this time, and the fact that Putin is taking this uncompromising position, in my opinion, they doom Prigozhin’s entire operation.
He is, as I said, isolated. Sooner or later, I suspect, some of his supporters will start to peel away from him as they begin to sense that this isn’t going to go anywhere. He’s not in a position to take on the entire Russian military and the entire Russian state. He’s already said that he doesn’t want to carry out a coup, himself. It seems to me that this affair will eventually, at some point, probably over the next couple of days, burn itself out.
How has it happened? How did it come about? Well, I have already spoken about the fact that this feud between Prigozhin and the Ministry of Defense was real and has been escalating and has been escalating for a long time. It wasn’t an exercise in psyops or four dimensional chess or anything like that.
But I suspect that the events that has probably precipitated this is that apparently the Russian Ministry of Defense has imposed a deadline requiring all private military companies, so-called, conducting operations in the conflict zone, including Wagner, to sign contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense by the first of July.
And probably Prigozhin felt that if he was manoeuvreed into signing, if Wagner were to sign such a document, he would lose control of Wagner, and there would probably been warnings that if this signature wasn’t received, the Russian Ministry of Defense would itself take action.
So Prigozhin has probably reacted to this by taking this extreme and reckless and, frankly, dangerous and stupid step that he has taken.
Now, there are other theories. You follow the British media, as I do you will know that for weeks and months, there have been predictions in parts of the media, especially The Daily Telegraph, that there would be some kind of uprising in Russia. That Prigozhin, and that the Wagner group might try some kind of coup in Russia. And obviously, people in Russia read this. They take into account that all of this is happening whilst Ukraine is conducting it’s offensive. And inevitably, there are some people in Russia who are putting two and two together and are saying that Prigozhin has been put up to do this by the West.
Now, I’ve seen no evidence of this at the moment. And I’m not going to assume that.
But I will say that Prigozhin’s statements, in which he seemed to support the Western narrative about the conflict in Ukraine, cast doubt on the legitimacy of the movement in the Donbas, question the entire rationale upon which the war started in February 2022. Well, all of that, of course, has strengthened those beliefs that are now becoming widely circulated within Russian society.
Anyway, what is the effect of all of this going to be? Well, I think at one level, it’s probably not going to have a huge effect. It doesn’t seem as if, as I said, it’s affecting, at least up to now, the performance of the Russian military on the front lines. I suspect that within the Russian regular army, Prigozhin hasn’t had many friends for a very, very long time.
And I suspect that many Russian soldiers, like Putin himself, will feel betrayed by the action that he is taking. And it could be, and I think it is very likely, that just as de Gaulle emerged strengthened after the attempt of parts of the French military, and the so-called OAS, to launch a coup against him in France in the early 1960s, from memory, I think it was in 1962.
So I think potentially it could be that Putin might actually emerge strengthened from this affair as well.
And anyway, this ongoing boil of Prigozhin and of the Wagner Group will finally be lanced!
But it must be said that in international terms, in reputational terms, for Russia, for Putin, this has been a disaster! It’s going to reinforce belief amongst Western governments that the political system in Russia is extremely fragile and that there are tensions within Russia and that a coup might happen at any time, and that Putin’s position is far from secure or stable.
We’ve seen that there’s already been articles to this effect in the British media, and the people who’ve been writing those articles, and the people who’ve inspired those people to write those articles, will now feel vindicated and strengthened in those beliefs. And that will make them more determined to continue to support Ukraine through this war.
But perhaps even more damaging is the effect this is going to have on Russia’s friends. Governments like China, India, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Brazil, South Africa, they’re all going to be saying to themselves:
“How stable is the government in Russia actually? How strong is Putin’s real position? We’ve worked with him up to now. We’ve done so because we believe that he is in stable and secure control of the country. But what if he is not? What if all that was an illusion? The fact that there’s been this armed uprising within Russia might, in fact point to a different conclusion that the political situation in Moscow is unstable and that this is an unstable and volatile country. And one, therefore, that we want to keep at arm’s length.”
Now, if that opinion starts to take hold, then I am afraid it will not be a good turnout for Russia. And I predict that over the next few days and hours, on top of everything else, Putin and his Foreign Ministry officials, his diplomats, Lavrov, all of the others will be beating the phones, talking to various leaders around the world. Xi Xinping, Modi, Erdogan, Raisi in Iran, MBS in Saudi Arabia, Lula in Brazil, are eassuring them that they do in fact have the situation in Russia under control.
Now, in order to make that stick, they do need to bring the situation in Russia visibly under control! Now, up to this point, they’ve been very keen to try to avoid, I think, any actual resort to violence. But if this continues, if this is prolonged, they may have no choice but to take firm action to bring it under control, and that could involve military action against the Wagner forces that are supporting Prigozhin in this affair.
So, this is a complicated, difficult, extremely messy situation. And I’m going to say again that it has arisen, not because Wagner is a force on its own, but because, in my opinion, the Russian authorities ultimately cut Prigozhin too much slack! They allowed him to criticise and complain about them, to make incredibly offensive comments about the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense. To say things that were increasingly untrue about the state of the Russian army.
By the way, I suspect that another thing that has needled Prigozhin into this action is precisely that he feels, probably, alarmed by the fact that the Russian army on the battlefronts is performing far better than he’d led people to believe. And he might have felt that his moment, therefore, is passing, if there is a Russian military victory, which people like Shoigu and Garasimov end up taking credit for.
But anyway, with all of that, as I said, it has been a disastrous affair. And as I said, Putin will have to bring it finally to a complete and public end.
I hope and expect and imagine that the Russian authorities will have learnt their lesson, and that they will run a much tighter ship in terms of the overall conduct of the war in future. And that the kind of gross insubordination that Prigozhin has engaged in will not be tolerated.
Now, I will say that whilst the Russians are dealing with this crisis in Russia with Prigozhin, there’s been some rather tantalizing hints that not all is entirely well in terms of the Ukraine command. I’m not going to return to the topic of what has happened to General Zaluzhny and Budanov.
As I said, Budanov is clearly well, he’s given a video recently. Zaluzhny clearly is not dead, as contrary to what some people still insist on saying. He also appeared in the video.
But it’s certainly the case that in Zaluzhny’s case, he’s not actually provided being very visible publicly. And I noticed that The Guardian yesterday published a lengthy interview with General Syrskyi, the commander of Ukraine’s ground forces. And I have to say, I came away very strongly with the impression that it is General Syrskyi who is now in actual command of the Ukrainian armed forces, and that Zaluzhny has in some manner been shunted aside.
Now, saying all of that, I don’t want to make comparisons between the situation that we see developing in Russia with Prigozhin and what happened to Zaluzhny and Syrskyi. It’s clear that in Kiev, Zelensky is in control at this moment. One can’t say the same about Putin in Moscow.
But anyway, I just thought I would throw that in because I did think it was tantalizing.
Anyway, in the meantime, I will obviously keep track of events. We’ll see, as I said, what the international reaction is to what is going on. We will see how long this drags out and how much more damage is done.
And obviously I will be doing that. I’ll be covering it fully in my next program. And until then, all that remains is for me to say to wish you good day, and to remind you again that you can find all our programs on our various platforms locals, Rumble, BitChute, Odysee, Rockfin and Telegram.
My colleague and friend Alex Christoforou, by the way, has been active. He’s also published some videos about this affair on our Locals channel, which are unique to that channel.
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And last but not least, all that remains is for me again to remind you that if you like this video, you can click the like button and you can check your subscription to this channel.
Thank you again for joining me. More from me soon. We’ll see what happens to Prigozhin and how this thing evolves.
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(Comments as of 6/24/2023 = 3,800 (not all shown))
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Pinned by Alexander Mercouris
18 hours ago
Please join us on LOCALS:
178 replies
19 hours ago
Prigozhin is advancing on Moscow faster than Napoleon or Hitler.
19 hours ago (edited)
Putin: Day 485 of my 3 day war. Russia is invading Russia to free Russia from those who invaded Russia to free Russia from those who invaded Russia.
18 hours ago
Alexander is the best person to see through the noise and report the signal. Thank you for your daily analysis.
18 hours ago
@user-wp2mr4hw7y In the Hollywood version currently “in development”.
18 hours ago
New video released just now with the title: The 217th Guards Airborne Regiment of the Russian Armed Forces went over to Prigozhin’s side
18 hours ago
@johanamilli806 ukr CIPSO is on a field day, given the lack of any advances of the Ukr lame (and offensive) offensive. Funny how CIPSO believes in virtual reality.
18 hours ago
Crisis what Crisis?Nothing absolutely drastic. Russia is great.
18 hours ago
@DTJKS First, he got to see through his big NOSE.
18 hours ago
When Kiev was attacked by Russians, Zelensky stayed.
When Moscow was attacked by Russians, Putin ran.
18 hours ago
@johanamilli806 So they’re about to be purged and the ringleaders severely punished, too?
Show more replies
18 hours ago
In my view, Prigozhin has turned himself into a traitor and disgrace, who has discredited only himself, but also stained the honour of his brave warriors, what is doubly sad and unfair
116 replies
18 hours ago
it seems tragic that the soldiers merits are being tainted
18 hours ago
Well said, and I hope the Wagner men realize this soon and decide to support their country under Putin, instead of being pawns for Prighozin.
18 hours ago
@st6548 pawns either way
18 hours ago
@michaelklein2858 No fighting the people who keep on attacking Russian people in eastern Ukraine.
18 hours ago
What this is?? Who knows??
No matter what, Wagners power derives from the Russian state, without that Wagner have no money, no ammo, no fuel etc…
“All soldiers” in Wagner have Russian families.
In short, Wagner can’t fight Russia.
So really, to me it is EITHER
1. A “False Flag” trying to get Ukraine to pursue their “counter offensive”, must say I do doubt that.
BUT it could be as when Prigozhin said they would leave Bakhmut.
2. Prigozhin is like Trump… an old man with a Twitter account THIS MIGHT BE TRUE.
3. Prigozhin IS NOT A MILITARY COMMANDER, he is (in my view) just a “PR Figure” so I DOUBT the Wagner organization is behind him, I DOUBT Wagner soldiers wants to fight Russia…
4. IF THIS IS AS IT IS PUBLICLY PORTRAID, Prigozhin will be bankrupt and in jail soon
IF THIS IS AS PORTRAID this is only an embarrassment for Russia but nothing more.
18 hours ago
What is your view influenced by?
18 hours ago
Putin should have dealt with Prigozhin long ago. Why should one man be allowed to undermine your military leadership for so long. Things would always escalate. I would rather lose a battle or war instead of winning with such a character like Prigozhin.
18 hours ago
The most selfish thing I’ve seen in my life, this guy is like a Dostoyevsky character
18 hours ago
@vantywilliams4507 that’s what autocrats do, Biden a case in point. Russia is democracy; free speech and all. Confusing and twisted; isn’t it?
18 hours ago
Reports that Putin has left Moscow. That’s what Stalin didn’t do in 1941.
18 hours ago
Good point! I should have mentioned that in a video I made earlier about this incident.
18 hours ago
@Rasenkrieger you are right. I forgot to mention that on my channel.
17 hours ago
@st6548 I agree. I should have said this in my video earlier.
17 hours ago
@vantywilliams4507 Prigozhin likes and respects Putin. His animosity is against others. I mentioned that in a video I made earlier.
17 hours ago
This program is going to be about Russia? What, you’re as full of BS about Russia as you are Ukraine.
17 hours ago
It’s a ploy dude.
17 hours ago
cry me a shovel ?
17 hours ago
Or, is it that Prighozin and Wagner have been cheated out of pay & bounty due to them and a certain % siphoned off by Shoigu & Party. Is that the root cause of this fued with Shoigu?
17 hours ago
All the talk of Prigozhin…. But no talk or sign of the Russian army, barring a couple of helicopters.
17 hours ago
Dima, a ploy hiding what? Please entertain us with your wisdom and insight.
17 hours ago
many in Russia see him as a hero… respect the citizens
17 hours ago
Thanks general max
17 hours ago
@banta-pd8zj the ghost of Kiev commented the same thing
17 hours ago
He is a mercenary. I wonder, given the things he said in whose pay is he really?
Seems like there might be one or two business interests funding mercenaries on both sides of the divide.
17 hours ago
the guy was a criminal to begin with and has no military experience thats what happens with power it corrupts
17 hours ago
Sounds a reasonable deduction. Probably a mix of mental instability (stress, fatigue, PTSD), hubris, and puppeteering from MI6 and CIA.
17 hours ago
I’m a citizen of Russia, who SAW him as a hero. At the moment no one around me sees him as a hero. This does not mean that Shoigu is ideal and we are on his side, but whatever the issues exist with Shoigu or between them, Prigozhin’s behaviour is unforgivable and surely there have been many other ways to communicate his concerns re Shougu to Putin privately without this public circus.
The way things are now, if I were Putin, I would dismiss them both. They both have caused this embarrassment – both are guilty and unfit for their positions
17 hours ago
@qinby1182 good points,it is indeed really hard to understand what’s going on, we all thought that prigozhin is putin’s man,now there’s doubts,in any way prigozhin will be dead or jailed, also to keep in mind that PMC is outlawed in Russia.
16 hours ago
Just what I was thinking lee.
Just when you think he’s a figment of the imagination others pull him back towards reality.
16 hours ago
@qinby1182 Lol, so they got nothing, still they easily captured a whole district & still have 10000s of troops. They shot a few helicopters down already too. This is a military, one that the national guard, police in Russia won’t be willing to fight.
16 hours ago
You are delusional
16 hours ago
@user-wp2mr4hw7y I guess it wasn’t ammo he needed, it was a ride.
16 hours ago
Prighozin is smart! He saw the writing on the wall!
16 hours ago
@shuggystoater4304 Fighterbomber reports that Russian forces have lost 6 helicopters (3x Mi-8mtpr, 1x Mi-8, 1x Ka-52, 1x Mi-35) and 1 fixed wing asset (IL-22M) so far today.
16 hours ago
@JayTulip Well summed up
15 hours ago
Prigozhin spoke the truth about the actions in Donbas and the whole supposed foundation of the Ukraine war. Russia is a non-free kleptocracy. Prigozhin will set Russia on course for the paradise it was always destined to be before Putin set it on a course of misery and despair..
15 hours ago
Zelensky, “I don’t need a plane I need guns”
Putin, get me on the plane, hurry pleeeeaaaseee wah wah wah, Putin has fled 100’s Km from Moscow, from 3 days to take Kiev to 3 days to take Moscow.
15 hours ago
Yep. Prigozhins claims are not even very convincing and are all over the place. Almost purely emotional and selfish reasons. Nobody is forced Prigozhin who is a civilian to be there. Plus the timing is VERY suspect. I think that this “mutiny” was done in conjuction with Ukrainian offensive, in order to create that “panic” in Russia (Kahovka dam and the dirty bomb were also at play in oder to further the feeling of chaos).
15 hours ago
@user-wp2mr4hw7y Can we have the evidence please?
15 hours ago
@prosvet7137 Why does Shoigu deserve to be dismissed? From what I see, he hasn’t been causing drama, only Prighozin has
14 hours ago
I dont know why they waited so long….. either he is crazy or he is sold to enemy…. but he should have been removed first time he showed disrespect…
14 hours ago
@MaxZadow It’s over. Prighozin the clown got what he wants.
14 hours ago
They starved him of ammo and let him do the dirty work with jail-bait. Now he’s going for them for their treachery !!!
14 hours ago
Yevgeny Prigozhin has issued an audio message confirming his fighters are returning to their bases to “avoid bloodshed”.
He says he “gave the order to turn back because of the risk of blood being spilled”.
14 hours ago
disagree if he manages to remove Shoigu
13 hours ago
@user-wp2mr4hw7y lol “reports” list NONE
13 hours ago (edited)
this is high stakes to pull it off they truly need a sacrificial lamb
13 hours ago
@vantywilliams4507 Exactly. Such a person with such character flaws should never be put in charge of any reasonable sized militia.
13 hours ago
@dukeinbelarus999 If he did, he would do what Kadyrov does every time he has a grievance. Quietly go and discuss it rather than causing chaos.
13 hours ago
Yes I agree and potentially destroyed the Wagner Group as a potential fighting force for the foreseeable future. I can’t see how they will not be disbanded now. How can anyone trust them?
13 hours ago
@william_marshal This justifies not giving him ammo, his plan was to stockpile and use it against his government.
13 hours ago
Prigozhin is what he is a c0rporate oligarch.
Clearly U$UK got to him, offered him a deal he couldn’t resist much like Elensky.
Never underestimate how low U$UK could go.
13 hours ago
Armed rebellion in Russia is over – the parties have reached an agreement on de-escalation..
13 hours ago (edited)
@user-vc5qk9tg7u Wasn’t he already a billionaire though? An old man too. How many years is he separated from the grave? I just don’t understand some people though but we know in every society there are the types that will do this. Somebody was telling me about the Iraqi FM the other day who is Pro-American??? My jaw dropped. I thought he was joking. After what America did Iraq? The answer is yes!!
13 hours ago
@GeoPoliticsCommentry over, yeh right m, it’s just starting
13 hours ago
@andrew300169 Lukashenko’s office said that the talks were held in coordination with Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding that Prigozhin was offered “an advantageous and acceptable option of resolving the situation, with security guarantees for the Wagner PMC fighters.”
Biden wont be as lucky
12 hours ago
@st6548 not likely, Wagner actually pays his men.
12 hours ago
@vantywilliams4507 he was the only group getting even a little bit accomplished…very little.
12 hours ago
You got that right!
12 hours ago
He likes him with a little Chianti!
12 hours ago
Stop your foolishness. Every single soldier on the frontline is equally important. This traitor, Prigozhin, should have been dealt with long ago.
12 hours ago
Ukraine’s reaction: In his nightly address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed Putin is “very afraid,” saying that the Russian president is “probably hiding somewhere, not showing himself.”
12 hours ago
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Saturday that this conflict has exposed Russia’s “weakness,” with a Ukrainian defense spokesperson calling it a “sign of the collapse of the Putin regime.”
“Russia’s weakness is obvious. Full-scale weakness,” Zelensky said in a tweet. “And the longer Russia keeps its troops and mercenaries on our land, the more chaos, pain, and problems it will have for itself later.”
11 hours ago
@MuantanamoMobile So now your a mind reader are you, you knew what was in Prigozhin’s mind did you. I bet Prigozhin himself doesn’t know what’s in his mind because like most Russian military leaders he ain’t got a clue !!!
10 hours ago
You were duped. Your lack of critical thinking and lack of skepticism allowed you to be fooled, along with many others. Don’t feel bad though, it was a convincing performance by not only Prigozhin, but also the Russian authorities and military. There were many hints that you ignored because you will too willing to think Prigozhin was a traitor. That’s why it worked. Nobody else could have played that part better than Prigozhin. The Russian authorities and Military did a very good job as well. I’m really curious how many of the hints some of the most skeptical among us picked up on. I’m also curious how many of them I missed.
10 hours ago
PTSD , Paranoid symptoms & hysteria have to be taken into account under duration of pressure . A couple of Beers , RR & during Prigozhin retirement and he’ll be perfectly fine !
Thank you for your service Sir .
10 hours ago
He was probably in America’s pocket.
10 hours ago
More likely PTSD which can cause paranoid delusions !
A couple of Beers and he can enjoy his Retirement !
9 hours ago
Devil hates Prigozin, devil be failed! In the name of God!
9 hours ago
Is not a traiter .
8 hours ago
@st6548 They had missles fired at them from Russian side They are not traiters.
8 hours ago
He is debil, blin.
7 hours ago
@user-wp2mr4hw7y wrong then, wasnt he
7 hours ago
@andrew300169 CLOWN
6 hours ago
@dewboy910 yes i think it was a psyopp as well
5 hours ago
@user-wp2mr4hw7y fake reports
5 hours ago
@sukhparhar no
5 hours ago
@Telcontar1962 he’s a civilian
5 hours ago
@dmitrimikhalko1442 only the west told u Priz is Putin’s man. He’s not
5 hours ago
@bekeneel Ukraine hasn’t taken down anything
5 hours ago
@becalee33 yet he is about to red ploy with him men onnnext month
5 hours ago
@Russiawithlove9189 Putin saved Russia. And that’s why ur big mad. Nothing can touch Russia
5 hours ago
@cl1ntonbodycount652 Are you really thinking Russia looks strong now? Prigozhin was ready to make a run at Moscow and Putin made a deal so he wouldn’t be prosecuted. That’s pretty darn weak.
4 hours ago
i feel Prigozhin showed his men that he cares for their lives and is willing to go to any length to protect his boys .
4 hours ago
@st6548 Did you notice that the people in the streets supported Prigozhin and his soldiers?
4 hours ago
@vantywilliams4507 ” Why should one man be allowed to undermine your military leadership?” Answer: Because Russian military leadership is corrupt, incompetent, and has no regard for the troops their leading. That is true from the lowest junior lieutenant all the way to the senior leadership.
4 hours ago
@user-wp2mr4hw7y It doesn’t matter now. Vladimir the Great’s throne is safe for the moment.
3 hours ago
@sukhparhar That certainly sounds like part of the problem.
3 hours ago
@cl1ntonbodycount652 And?
16 hours ago
I really wondered about the tolerance of the Russian government to all the harsh criticisms of Prigozhin. For a country with no freedom of speech at all, as it is portrayed in the West, this was somehow unbelievable. In Austria, a supposedly neutral country, journalists get persecuted with lawsuits by the president, if they dare to be of a different opinion, or criticize him.
26 replies
14 hours ago
13 hours ago
In a nutshell and this is the reason why Russia has to win this war. For 27 years, I have had one foot in Russia and one foot in the West. If you are a modest, law-abiding citizen, the greatest freedoms are in Russia.
12 hours ago
@rostik1685 Unless you’re gay? Or not?
12 hours ago
There is a freedom of speech in Russia. You just need to have a personal army for that
12 hours ago
Agree entirely, very well put.
11 hours ago
@bengilkes7676 Homosexuality has been legal in Russia since 1918. It was not in any Western nation until the 1970s.
10 hours ago
@rostik1685 “The longer your troops stay on Ukrainian land, the more devastation they will bring to Russia.”
10 hours ago
@bengilkes7676 Which are basically the only rights we still have in the West, and they benefit only a minority !
6 hours ago
Russia does tolerate pluralism of opinions, but this is not such a case. Putin is a product of KGB/FSB and Prigozhin is a byproduct of such. There is a high likelihood Prigizhin is a bit player in a far more interesting power struggle…
6 hours ago
Who says austria is a free country. I thought all of europe is an occupied state
5 hours ago
@johnnydeppsky3510 that’s false. Surely I will show ur passport and how many times u been to Russia and when ur freedoms were supresssed
5 hours ago
@bengilkes7676 Russia allowed homosexuality before the west
5 hours ago
@pipbananarepublicsqueak3194 ukriane doesn’t exist nor can’ it defeat anyone
5 hours ago
@klarion ur comment has no factual basis
5 hours ago
@sergegrebenschikov1317 it’s not like Canada they are rules by England
3 hours ago
@cl1ntonbodycount652 If that is true, how is it that the Russian army was forced to retreat from the area around Kyiv at the start of the war? Why was the Russian army routed in Kharhiv Oblast, and why did Russia leave Kherson City?
3 hours ago
@sergegrebenschikov1317 The neutrality of Austria would have been a chance to save some souvereignity, unfortunately our politicians follow the EU and NATO course, kicking our neutrality with their feet.
3 hours ago
I listen and read both Russian and European media… it’s difficult to say which is more propaganda
1 hour ago
bearing in mind that Prigozin’s services were also very great and if it wasn’t peaceful then it is likely that there would be many victims and all of them were Russians.. so the decision to exile Prigozin was correct and Russia would get other benefits. 25 thousand Wagner troops under military command may be directly under Putin. Russian military losses in this case. I hope that the families and friends of the deceased can understand this difficult situation and that Putin has made the best decision.. I think
1 hour ago
Move to San Francisco.
19 minutes ago
What do you mean, no freedom of speech? We Brits can say wht we like so long as we dont incite violence or terrorism. No censorship, black listing of journalists and similar 1984 stuff here. Our media can be totally truthful and are not obliged to parrot deceitful government propaganda here. Even our politicians seldom tell lies. Never was there a freer country than UK!
2 minutes ago
Ha ha no they aren’t!! That’s why no one wants to live there and all the former Soviet states are either in, or want to join Europe
13 hours ago
It’s worrisome to see chaos and collapse from inside in any circumstances, especially during war times. Hopefully Russia will solve the issue ASAP.
9 replies
11 hours ago
And they did.
10 hours ago
Yes the “Russian world” a beacon of stability in our troubled times.
10 hours ago
They did
10 hours ago
Putin could have easily nuked Prigozhin but all the nukes failed to launch.
7 hours ago
@Apjooz Ukranian official statement?
7 hours ago
@annelizetterstrom4312 wdymn?
3 hours ago (edited)
Didn’t even last 24 hours, it all fizzled already. Prigozhin walking away scott-free is a big red flag. I suspect it was some sort of elaborated political theater, wonder what was the purpose. Maybe a step towards Russian escalation?
16 hours ago
I didn’t take the reports of a couple of months ago seriously that he had offered Wagner to Ukraine and the West, but this is just too much. Wagner were heroes. My prayers and hopes are with Pres Putin and the Russian people. This is just so sad
3 replies
15 hours ago
Putin has it coming…
50 minutes ago
Russia is such Banana republic –
16 hours ago
Total support and encouragement to Russia and her people!
2 replies
15 hours ago
Team Putin
15 hours ago
Shocking turn of events. Didn’t see that coming. Hopefully it’s resolved peacefully.
4 replies
5 hours ago
Na. K1ll the Nazis
18 hours ago
President Putin should deal with this man once and for all. It has been a catastrophic mistake to have been ignoring this man’s threat to the state.
25 replies
17 hours ago
It’s been a disaster and a huge mistake. Luckily I think this will solve itself fairly quickly. The Wagner soldiers participating will step down, they will not die or be labeled a traitor for the delusions of a very sick man who thinks he’s more important than he is.
17 hours ago
Putin needed Prigozhin: who else was willing and able to fight a battle-hardened enemy fighting for their homeland? Without Prigozhin Ukraine would already have taken back half of Russia’s gains. Putin is no fool: he knew the risks (hell, he’s ex-KGB!); but needed the enthusiastic effort of soldiers who did not need to be mobilized in the traditional way.
17 hours ago
sheer comedy
17 hours ago
Friends for 30 years
17 hours ago
@gameburn178 That’s a joke! What “battle-harden enemy”? Ukraine? Putin used willing mercenaries to save his soldiers knowing many would be killed. You’re right in one thing Putin is no fool.
16 hours ago
@gameburn178 Entirely disagree
Without Russia’s vast military back up and IRS capabilities and air cover, the Wagner force would have been unable to fight
15 hours ago
@gameburn178 Rubbish. the Donetsk forces had the Ukraine army on its knees back in 2015 and about to be annihilated until Merkl ran to Putin and begged him to use his influence for peace. Donetsk alone did that, with no direct help from any forces.
15 hours ago
We think exactly the same of Putin.
11 hours ago
Prigozhin saved himself and sacrificed his 25,000+ soldiers today.
He goes to Belarus in exile.
His soldiers will join the Russian MOD and presumably be dead in the front line meat grinder very soon.
A good result for Ukraine. Putin survives for now. Russia looks even weaker though.
10 hours ago
@cynthiademario7331 “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War
9 hours ago
It seems to be resolved, Gerasemov and Shoigu will go. The conductor will take a rest in Minsk and be back to liberate Kramatorsk presently.
7 hours ago
4 hours ago
Nobody is paying attention to all of the troop movements, I think Dima got this right
48 minutes ago
The President did, he just ignored him, and Prigozhin went back to his bedroom to put all his toys back
10 hours ago
This episode is a fascinating example of megalomaniac in charge of military resources. Such as like in many African countries where military commanders treat their armed forces as their own. The resolution of this will be a standard for these countries
12 hours ago
Alexander has the patience of a saint and the intelligence so many other commentators lack.
It’s very instructive and helpful for readers, Alexander’s separation of reality from wishful thinking. Of course, he makes mistakes but is honorable enough to apologise for them, and admits that he doesn’t understand everything on the battlefield, in particular.
But on the important issues, of essential understanding, he is in the top group of people, who bring proper information and analysis, to so many of the people who look for quality and reject propaganda.
16 hours ago
Very glad to see your vlog today. Excellent analysis/commentary focused on the current internal events in the Eurasian nation. Thank you and appreciated.
16 hours ago
It is always a bad idea to have PMCs working within State system. There is always a danger they will get too big for their boots and challenge the very system that created them. In Russia, Wagner was created to carry out tasks that Russian army cannot be officially involved with for legal reasons and it was fine so long as they were acting independently and left alone. Moment you put them along side regular army its asking for trouble in future as comparisons will be inevitable and that’s very bad for army discipline. Putin has to be ultimately responsible for this fiasco. He should have foreseen this coming having known Prigozin for so long
15 hours ago
Thank you for an excellent analysis Alexander n this critical situation . Mr Putin’s speech suggests he now has a firm grip on the situation and I do hope and pray that the BRICS nations don’t lose faith in him as a leader.
2 replies
10 hours ago
They will see how he managed to solve it without bloodshed
17 hours ago (edited)
Thank you Alexander. Situation is definitely serious, but Russia and Russian people have lived through much dire things than Prigojin. Thoughts and prayers for the Russian people and Russian soldiers who are battling through these times.
16 replies
16 hours ago
I havent listened to the video, but am sure Alexander portrayed this as no big deal. He takes it less seriously than Putin does.
16 hours ago
@hudhinton8243 listen to the video instead of making assumptions.
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
Putin has fled Moscow,
15 hours ago
@Engulfing_Darkness Would only help if he deviates from his headlines.
15 hours ago
@hudhinton8243 Alexander Empire isn’t under threat.
15 hours ago
@Andy-P Alexander or The Russian Federation? Hopefully neither.
14 hours ago
@hudhinton8243 Alexander is not under threat. Only Putin at the moment. I don’t see Russia being under threat anytime soon
14 hours ago
@Andy-P But he will definitely have to take a pay cut! Prigozien isn’t going to pay him the kind of money he is making. Better get a day job!!!!!! Lol.
12 hours ago
How is 500 mercs kicking and screaming about a contract serious?. Hasn’t this mostly gone off without even a single casualty?. It seems like a meme coup.
12 hours ago
Ukraine’s reaction: In his nightly address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed Putin is “very afraid,” saying that the Russian president is “probably hiding somewhere, not showing himself.”
12 hours ago
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Saturday that this conflict has exposed Russia’s “weakness,” with a Ukrainian defense spokesperson calling it a “sign of the collapse of the Putin regime.”
“Russia’s weakness is obvious. Full-scale weakness,” Zelensky said in a tweet. “And the longer Russia keeps its troops and mercenaries on our land, the more chaos, pain, and problems it will have for itself later.”
16 hours ago (edited)
Those who did not see that this fellow is unhinged and his case was rapidly deteriorating might be shocked by his actions now. He had always been raveningly mad, but he had hidden his madness under his flak jacket.
14 hours ago (edited)
Whatever the reasoning Wagner and Prigozhin have crossed the line.
Even if you forget about the breach of discipline, you can’t forget the bloodshed of fellow Russian servicemen…
Nothing justifies that and Prigozhin has to pay for this sin.
2 replies
11 hours ago
Totally agree with you disgraceful traitor behaviour toward his own people and motherland
7 hours ago
You were right about pragozhin. Politicians always ignore the problem thinking that it will go away. Hopefully Russia will learn from this incident and take necessary steps to avoid such situations. No major harm done.
16 hours ago (edited)
The MOD let this get too out of hand. However, past a certain point, it woujd have been difficult to arrest Prigozhin which may have led to an armed conflict with Prigozhins coterie. This may have resulted in a backlash from Prigozhin sympathizers. Now that he had made this move, he has isolated himself and made it easier for the MOD to finally srrest him and take whatever action is necessary
14 hours ago (edited)
Prigozhin is a mercenary. “Mercenaries are ruthless, disunited, unfaithful, with nothing more to keep them in a battle, other than a meager wage, which is just about enough to make ’em want to kill for you, but not enough to make ’em want to die for you.” (John Cale, 1979)
3 replies
12 hours ago
“I wish to demonstrate further the infelicity of these arms. The mercenary captains are either capable men or they are not;
if they are, you cannot trust them, because they always aspire to their own greatness, either by oppressing you, who are their master,
or others contrary to your intentions; but if the captain is not skilful, you are ruined in the usual way.” – Machiavelli.
5 hours ago
Wagners are very patriotic people. This time they are using their Russian patriotic feelings to fight. Not just only for money.
28 minutes ago
@MM-xc8kj Patriots don’t try to seek personal power, fame, riches and glory at the expense of their country.
18 hours ago
the ones who kept telling us that Wagner were the real nazis have suddenly turned into Prigozhin’s biggest fanboys
101 replies
18 hours ago
All’s fair in love and war… if you’re a psychopath.
18 hours ago
My enemy’s enemy is my dominatrix.
18 hours ago
all of sudden ukraine fanboy like prighozin, how easily those people believe anything. typical warmonger mentality
18 hours ago
18 hours ago
@Nyet929 Niet
18 hours ago
18 hours ago
May the Lord Jesus Christ help in removing fascist Putin AND fascist Prigozhin from positions of power in Russia. The Russian people deserve better than these war mongers. Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
18 hours ago
Well NAFO are all skitsos so yeah they’ll cheer Prighozin despite his men wrecking the Ukrainian’s in Bahkmut.
18 hours ago
@odinbiflindi Correct.
18 hours ago (edited)
@odinbiflindi : Sure comrade, Prighozin and hs Wagnerites got destroyed in Bakhmut. He admitted losing over 40 thousand of his mercenaries including inmates, which he was unhappy about and has been on a recruiting spree ever since. Now it is said he is 25 thousand strong after rigorous recruitment efforts and heading to Moscow.
18 hours ago
18 hours ago
@shanewilson2484 Biden freaks me out way more, on the subject of God, whys he allowing this to happen?
18 hours ago
18 hours ago
Cope harded, they want both to be destroyed. This is a giant W
18 hours ago
I want to know who are the real NKVD? Who are the real Stasi?
18 hours ago
“I would put in a kind word for the devil” Churchill
18 hours ago
@JayJay-ky6dd Now do Ukrainian KIA comrade and its literally 1 battalion of wagner not the entire group you simpleton 500 men aren’t going to overthrow the government.
18 hours ago
Prigozhyn knows he’s got his fellow tribesmen in Washington on his side.
17 hours ago
@odinbiflindi Wagner has already shot down at least 3 Russian helicopters, according to Russian MOD.
17 hours ago
Clown World
17 hours ago
Prigozhin is the most sane insane person in Russia.
17 hours ago
no we havent, we want wagner and russian millitary to destroy each other.
17 hours ago
They have no gender. Anything goes…
17 hours ago (edited)
@JayJay-ky6dd he also said 1 to 3 ratio. Are you going to say Ukr-NATO lost over 120k in Bakhmut?
17 hours ago
Good point.
17 hours ago
@zambotv8150 Why is God allowing it? Because he is not the god of this world – did you read the bible?
Man was given dominion and Satan was given influence. God has nothing to do with it
17 hours ago
“Putin made the wrong choice. It will be worse for him. Soon we will have a new President “ – Wagner
No wonder Putin fled from Moscow! Lol
17 hours ago
And if Azov went rogue and started marching on Kiev you wouldn’t be cheering them on? You know you would be. You can not support them but support what they are doing.
17 hours ago
Thats not quite how it is, is it.
17 hours ago
@shanewilson2484 the world deserves better the Biden Mr Putin is a good guy
17 hours ago
@JayJay-ky6dd You are so woefully misinformed it is comical. Out of curiosity where do you get your news from? I need more entertainment in my life lol.
17 hours ago
Like a linesman more than a referee here watching from the sidelines, what a nutty day ain’t it?
17 hours ago
@shanewilson2484 The Lord removed you.
17 hours ago
or in the case of usa military femboys …
16 hours ago
Prigozhin and Wagner have run out of sponsors, and financial support – they seem to be Mavericks who refused to toe the legitimate official line of command of duty, and responsibility.
16 hours ago
Ofc, cuz they’re now fighting for the right cause. They better started tho before most of Wagner got depleted by Ukraine in Bakhmut but ok. And Wagner was known for brutal & terroristic activities, but so is the russian army so, that makes no difference, in being a nazi.
16 hours ago
@user-bz2gz8yd3c no we wouldn’t we would no be surprised they are already the power
16 hours ago
The world needs President Putin
16 hours ago
Prigozhin wants total war on Ukraine lol
16 hours ago
@Skabanis I think you are missing the point. If Ukraine started attacking Ukraine you would be cheering them on.
16 hours ago
@maertscisum7243 If Wagner was destroyed as he claims, why he claims too, that Wagner is alive and well and going to take Moscow.
Rhetoric of n a-z ls never made sense…
16 hours ago
Is it wrong to wish harm on Russia after all the stupidity and harm they done to Ukraine, to than wish that same done upon them? No that called karma, not being a fanboy. Let the Russian civil war commence!
16 hours ago
Wasn’t Wagner the favorite composer of Mr. Adolf?
16 hours ago
@unbearifiedbear1885 Nice cop out
16 hours ago
Putin is a psychopath and Prigozien is a psychopath! Watching them both duke it out is such fun, lol.
16 hours ago
@shanewilson2484 I’m not sur you’re praying to god, and i seriously doubt you wish for the best for the russian.
16 hours ago
Vladolf Putler had Z for naZi on his vehicles
16 hours ago
@user-ul7rp5oy8d Absolutely!
16 hours ago
@tomcurran8470 Yes, because the founder of Wagner was a fan of hitler
15 hours ago
going onto CNN and other outlets to watch them is funny
15 hours ago
@JayJay-ky6dd 25,000 isn’t enough to go to moscow but ok…LoL also it was more like 20K he admitted to losing
15 hours ago
@odinbiflindi Mayhem in Russia is good no matter where it comes from.
15 hours ago
Prigozhin will be Time’s Man of the Year. I’m calling it.
15 hours ago
Prizhogin being waved through check points by Russian troops, Putin fled Moscow
15 hours ago
@damn6 Mayhem? There’s videos of people casually talking to wagner on the streets bringing them bottles of water and food does that sound like mayhem?
15 hours ago
@odinbiflindi And it’s going to be like that when they react Kremlin?
15 hours ago
@neilsaunders6009 ….like Putin for example.
14 hours ago
That’s the history of Ukraine always changing their minds never knowing what side they want to support
14 hours ago
The 6 ,5 missing bilions. There you have it.
14 hours ago
Exactly. He said ,numerous time, that kreml don,t react strongly to all provocation, and blame shoigu.
13 hours ago
The wordings of this famous Bible passage has supernaturally changed in all bibles including all existing ones in our possession and in all versions. Jesus is coming back soon !
13 hours ago
Says all you need to know about Churchill
13 hours ago
Armed rebellion in Russia is over – the parties have reached an agreement on de-escalation..
13 hours ago
@gamleyeyesan7045 Stalin had been allied to the nazis until that point in time
12 hours ago
Ukraine’s reaction: In his nightly address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed Putin is “very afraid,” saying that the Russian president is “probably hiding somewhere, not showing himself.”
12 hours ago
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Saturday that this conflict has exposed Russia’s “weakness,” with a Ukrainian defense spokesperson calling it a “sign of the collapse of the Putin regime.”
“Russia’s weakness is obvious. Full-scale weakness,” Zelensky said in a tweet. “And the longer Russia keeps its troops and mercenaries on our land, the more chaos, pain, and problems it will have for itself later.”
11 hours ago
@NumbDigger22 He must be reading Von Clausewitz and getting ideas.
11 hours ago
@damn6 Big coup is over hows the counter offensive going?
11 hours ago
@JayJay-ky6dd Another Banderite fooled…yet again.
11 hours ago
It,s finish. Eat up your words you bam. Less den 24 hours.
11 hours ago
@annarock8966 the only person eating their words is Putin. From calling Wagner traitors and saying they’ll face punishment to consenting for them to go free to Belarus with all charges dropped. What a strong leader Russia has
10 hours ago
Where are the ucr children? Who are the 3 biggest countries in trafficking children. Take a wild quess.
10 hours ago
It,s finish. Less den 24 hours. West is crying again.
10 hours ago
And you are the biggest of them all.
10 hours ago
I am not sure, but europa was and still is .
10 hours ago
@annarock8966 Western news makers are like – can we get now back to ukr is winnin…
10 hours ago
. . . and now all our names have a @ in front, is yewtube nuts?
6 hours ago
@agswaves didn’t age well, did it
7 hours ago
Thank you again, Alexander. As of now, the situation seems to have been resolved. But I take issue with you with respect to what the West says: does it really matter to Russia? As for Russia’s allies, with embassies in Mosco, don’t you think they have a much better understanding of events than we do? And what would they really do if they had a pessimistic assessment of the situation? As to Prygizhin’s outspokenness, doesn’t that debunk the West’s harping on of the supposed lack of the freedom of expression on Russia?
16 hours ago
“Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.”
Mahatma Gandhi
15 hours ago
There has been a lot of focus on Putin and his cabinet last 18 months. We have all been forced to understand him a lot better than we would normally of wanted to, and I think most of us would say if there is 1 man on this planet who could not only overcome this, but do so with style, it would be him.
5 replies
15 hours ago
14 hours ago
Man, he sure knows how to kill all those Ukrainian civilans with style!
8 hours ago
Putin shall overcome all the bandits
8 hours ago
@BijouCelia He did. He let them go.
17 hours ago
I don’t expect much in the way of negative reactions from the countries that are friendly to Russia. The row between Prigozhin and the Ministry of Defence, has been very public, therefore everyone knows exactly what kind of maniac Prigozhin truly is. However, the countries that are friendly to Russia, will closely follow this developing story, and in particular, international attention will focus on HOW Putin manages to end this crisis. That will be crucial.
2 replies
15 hours ago
Really, most of it should focus on how Putin let this happen.
10 hours ago
I think he did well
13 hours ago
Excellent up to the minute reporting from day one. TX for all you do Alexander.
18 hours ago
Support and prayers for President Putin and all Russian Federation…from America
46 replies
18 hours ago
Support from Liverpool UK citizen.
18 hours ago
Support from Italy!
18 hours ago
18 hours ago
Support from uk
18 hours ago
Typical scouser.
18 hours ago
18 hours ago
From England , UK to Russia
with love.
18 hours ago
I did a video on this earlier. It is a strange situation, but certainly, most or all the problem lies with Prigozhin.
18 hours ago
Support from the
18 hours ago
17 hours ago
Support from Luxemburg
17 hours ago
17 hours ago
17 hours ago
Pray they all meet Stalin in the afterlife.
17 hours ago
17 hours ago
Support fron Swiss, even if my country is dumb againt Russia… they will pay the bill ASAP
17 hours ago
No support from me for RuSSia. Let Preghosin and Putler fight their war in RuSSia and that they leave Ukraine!
17 hours ago
@christinekulper7824 EH PAISANO!
17 hours ago
@Wlados135 heh.
17 hours ago
Big thanks from Siberia!
17 hours ago
@ericpts6811 You mean Khazaria? Western Ukraine is Poland, Eastern Ukraine is Russia, the middle? Khazaria.
17 hours ago
Support and love from this American Israeli Brit in London, who is soon going to be Russian citizen , God willing!!!
17 hours ago
@prettyvacant3900 Privet Sibiriakam, smelim i silnim! Ura!
17 hours ago
Support from India as well to Russia
16 hours ago
@tatianagrunhagen5147 Es tut Mir leid was, in den letzten Jahren in Deutschland pasiert sind. Leider ist me in Deutsch nicht mehr wie es vorher war. Deswegen spreche ich wenig Deutsch an mein “channel”.
16 hours ago
I second that emotion!!
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
keep praying naZi
16 hours ago
Wagner is a Russian paramilitary organization that consists of network of mercenaries, and many consider it to be the private army of Putin. Private military companies are actually illegal in Russia, so basically the group operates beyond the law.
Despite of its illegality, Wagner trains its personnel in a Russian MoD facility, Molkino. This camp is masked as a “children’s vacation camp”. New Lines magazine concluded that Wagner members come from fifteen different countries, but most of them are Russian.
The group doesn’t have any central ideology, but many of its members and leaders have ties to various neo-nazi movements in Russia. For example, Wagner leader Dmitry Utkin has several Nazi symbols tattooed on his body. Neo-nazi group Rusich also fights as part of Wagner.
Wagner has been utilized in many conflicts around the world, but they came to global prominence during the war in Donbas in 2014-2015.Wagnerites helped the Donbas separatists fight against the Ukrainians during the conflict, which helped Putin to “outsource” the insurrection.
Wherever Wagner goes, war crimes follows: Prigozhin’s troops have raped women in Mali, killed and tortured civilians in Ukraine and tortured soldiers in Syria. In Russia, they are famous for hiring prisoners and then send them to the Ukrainian meat grinders like Bakhmut.
The total number of prisoners hired by Wagner from the Russia’s prison system is around 38 000. At the beginning of Jan, 2023, almost 30 000 of them were either killed, wounded, missing or taken as a prisoner. A whopping 106 people, or 0,28%, have been amnestied.
Recently an official Russian TV channel showed an interview of Mikhail Popok, a Russian serial killer, rapist and a necrophile who wants to join the Russian war effort in Ukraine. He said that he’d probably do it “during the Spring” since it’s much warmer then.
In Jan, 2023, Wagner organized a “hero’s funeral” for a man who beat his mother to death in a drunken frenzy. They also put up a plaque for Denis Kovyrzin, a convicted murderer, in a grade school in Saratov.
But Russia is not the only where they do the recruiting – two senior military officers from the Central African Republic reported that Wagner is hiring criminals in Africa and sending them overseas to fight.
These criminals, many of them held in custody for hard crimes such as rape and murder, are called “Black Russians” and now fight in the front lines in East of Ukraine. Some of them complained about the lack of payments after a few months of fighting.
Before Ukraine, Wagner mostly consisted of experienced ex-military people, but after Russia’s failed mobilization and dramatic losses on the battlefield, they started hiring anyone willing to hold a rifle (or just run and die) for money.
They’ve allegedly employed cannibals and serial killers, many of them carrying infectious diseases including hepatitis and HIV. These cannon fodder are marked with appropriate bracelets.
Even though almost 80% of the Wagner’s finest die in the meat grinder, hiring murderers and rapists to fight in Ukraine increases the prevalence of war crimes in Ukraine drastically. The group’s monthly salary is estimated to be something between 700 and 2100 USD.
But for the convicts there is another prize: survive in the meat grinder for 6 months, and you can go free: In Jan, 2023, Prigozhin released a tiny batch of convicts, telling them to “don’t rape women” while in Russia. This release was probably done for PR purposes.
Wagner has promoted the group by producing three movies: Tourist (2021), Hotsunlight (2021) and Luchshiye v adu (2022). I watched the first two so you don’t have to: they’re both shit.
15 hours ago
Support from UK
15 hours ago
Support from Switzerland…
14 hours ago
Support from Canada
11 hours ago
15 hours ago
Sorry Alexander i strongly disagree with you on the matter that none of the countries you’ve mentioned would think Russia is unstable, because theyve all been victims of it themselves and conquered it. It will only strengthen their relationship with Russia that much more
2 replies
11 hours ago
I agree. They are rational and will look at Putin to do the right as these sort of rebellion had been tormented in their own countries. When Putin sets the standard for the punishment those countries will respect Russia more compared to what happened to the storming of capitol hill
10 hours ago
17 hours ago
Thank you for your work.
Could it be possible for you to create some sort of index/time stamp for us to follow better the different subjects? Thanks!
14 hours ago
Reports that just a few hours later, Prigozhin and Wagner have come to some agreement and are returning to the front after negotiations with Lukashenko and the Russian MOD. Not sure if reports are accurate but if they are, this was a very bizarre, short-lived event.
4 replies
11 hours ago (edited)
It’s I an interesting event, do you think Prigozhin will try to regroup and strengthen Wagner in Belarus with a long term aim to topple Putin, or do you think he’s permanently weakened and poses no future threat? Also, regardless of what happens in the future, I think this compromised indicates the weakness of Putin and the Russian military, they made a less than ideal deal. Putin would have preferred the end of Wagner.
9 hours ago
PTSD causes paranoid delusions and that has to be taken into account in this episode of Prigozhin.
Further , Prigozhin although intelligent to a degree is Not an interlectual who has led a traumatic life and will Never be a State Leader but hopefully will enjoy his Retirement !
8 hours ago
@Diamonddavej lol no chance bro
17 hours ago
Prigozhin has gotten out of hand and must be subdued immediately. He has indeed betrayed his country at such a critical time; This is a stunning reversal of his fortunes .
15 hours ago (edited)
JUST NOW: Lukashenko has reached an agreement with Prigozhin to stop the march. Prigozhin issued a massage, he is reversing the columns back into their camps.
I don’t know if we can trust this is actually going to happen, but this is absolutely fresh, official statements.
7 replies
14 hours ago
I’ll wait for him to be arrested and charged appropriately for a whole lot of crimes.
14 hours ago
@rashmigupta9 you do that, this whole “agreement” is out the window
13 hours ago
Hope you’re right.
13 hours ago
Prigozhin is waiting till his forces get more strength before he marches on Moscow.
13 hours ago
@danielbf2821 you think Lukashenko and Putin haven’t dealt with such things before?
13 hours ago
Yes, we have heard this too.
11 hours ago
@rashmigupta9 What incentive would Prigozhin have to stop whatever he’s attempting if that doesn’t mean he can avoid prison?
18 hours ago
I guess we know why “private armies” are illegal now.
24 replies
18 hours ago
America has mercenaries too. Which they used in Iraq.
18 hours ago
they are alive and well and not illegal
18 hours ago
But “contractors” are legal
17 hours ago
Wagner was the key to Russia Success in all over the world and without them would be no Success
However, Just mark my word for what I’m saying
17 hours ago
@mountanarivera4450 nope. Keep deceiving yourself.
17 hours ago
@mountanarivera4450 that’s not true at all. There would be no Wagner without the Russian military and Wagner was used only because of international law.
17 hours ago
@bub6871 Because of Russian domestic law, actually – Putin couldn’t deploy regular forces abroad (LPR/DPR) without authorisation from the State Duma (Russian Parliament), so they created Wagner
17 hours ago
@bub6871 Russia regular Military proved to be very weak in the City and Street Fight unlike Wagner Unit and I repeat without Wagner Russia Military have no Chance of Winning any Battle
17 hours ago
@RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217 Let’s wait and See If I was wrong
17 hours ago
The US uses them all the time. It’s happening in Ukraine now.
17 hours ago
@RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217 Who do you think secures Russian economic interests around the world, particularly in Africa?
17 hours ago
I mentioned to say in Russia
17 hours ago
16 hours ago
@matthewgibbs6886 They are in Russia which always made Wagner a weird middle finger to the law lol
16 hours ago
If prostitution is the oldest profession being a mercenary is the second. They never will go away and have been used by every military in history.
15 hours ago
@TheAlien-H20 Nothing even close to the scale of Wagner. And this is the reason. You run the risk of someone deciding they are the captain now.
15 hours ago
@Circaman8 The only difference is the USA pays their mercenaries better. So they have no need for mutiny.
15 hours ago
But they aren’t. Many countries use them, including the USA.
15 hours ago
@mountanarivera4450 This is simply a ridiculous claim.
10 hours ago
Wagner did not exist for a thousand years of Russian history and Russia has done perfectly fine ! Thank you
15 hours ago
Since it is merchenaries who mutiny, and not regular government troops, I think that the damage to Putin’s perceived political strength is quite limited. If the Wagners “working” in Mali mutinied, one wouldn’t think that the president of Mali lacks domestic support. It would be seen as a dispute over payments or other contracted conditions.
15 hours ago
You were right about Prigozhin Alex. Questions come up about why he was not removed sooner. Why allow it to get to this?
Latest news is good news. De-escalation. Let’s hope it holds.
16 hours ago
Historically speaking, I don’t think there were many military or paramilitary leaders that thought they could not rule the country. However a military is an offensive unit with a training to achieve a goal through force. A country, a Federation, a Republic, is totally different to it. It should be ruled by diplomacy, research, law, and so many other factors.
The two people in question are a cook in para-military leadership, leading ex-cons and the 2nd one, a leadership majority of the world respects, well educated, a man that built Russian Federation from the dust that has 83% votes and the most powerful man in the world today.
This simply reminds me of a dog chasing a car. It might bark, growl but it would never stop a car. Even if by miracle the car stops, what would the dog do with a car?
14 hours ago
I suspect that Russia’s prestige and standing among its friends will not suffer greatly on account of this incident. Rather, most of these nations will recognize these events for what they are: a cheap, western ploy – fomented by western intelligence – to get some positive headlines for them and Ukraine.
14 hours ago
it would not surprise me that Uncle SAM is behind this … anyway I would be very surprised he would achieve anything but his own demise …needless to say that in the western world it is very difficult to know what is going in Ukraine&Russia thank you for your channel and your videos
1 reply
18 hours ago (edited)
Narcissism overtook Prigozhin, possibly with “some ” people whispering in his ear. Thank you Alexander. Competent as usual. God bless.
Good day all, hope all this is resolved soon.
11 replies
17 hours ago
Prigozhin has been going mentally downhill for some time. This makes me doubt his claim that Wagner had suffered 20,000 killed in Bakhmut.
17 hours ago
I also see some signs of self fulfilling paranoia.
17 hours ago
I generally agree with you. Perhaps the SEE-EYE-EH or some other entity of the West paid him higher since Prigozhin is a mercenary after all.
15 hours ago
Narcissism also took over putin
15 hours ago
The timing of this rebellion tells us those people are foreigners.
15 hours ago
Perhaps he thinks that he will get away with this in the same way as with his previous outraguous accusations? Real madness is certainly involved here, some simple and personal explanation is likely true. He doesn’t understand that he will be executed by hanging within a few days.
13 hours ago
Prigohzin surrendered about 3 hours ago. Lukashenko had a chat with him and he got guarantees for his troops, most of which didn’t know what they were doing. But Putin said Prigozhin will go to Belarus in exile and will not be allowed back in Russia.
3 replies
11 hours ago
This was the perfect smokescreen to relocate Wagner troops into Belarus for the upcoming escalation in the war with NATO.
Mr Putin is the ultimate chess master!
11 hours ago
Pregozin got what he wanted, a very sweet deal. He and Wagner can go to Belarus, regroup and grow in strength.
10 hours ago
@Diamonddavej Wagner will not go with him. He will be isolated. And Wagner will be cut loose and possibly come under the MOD
10 hours ago
Reports say he’s not going to be charged for the mutiny but he’s going to be exiled. Anyone else heard about this?
13 hours ago
The need to separate Prigozhin from the Wagner forces immediately is a paramount. He seems to forget he is an individual.
16 hours ago
Such a shame, because Prigozhin and the Wagner Group have performed brilliantly, esp in Bahkmut.
Besides holding grudges, I’m wondering if Prigozhin is suffering mentally (PTSD, nervous breakdown) from being in hard combat conditions for months.
Hoping they catch him and his followers soon, so Russia can go back to concentrating on winning this farce of a war.
2 replies
3 hours ago
I really thought that is his problem.
1 hour ago
PTSD could definitely be a very major factor. Almost half a thousand days of warfare and its brutality will affect people in very bad ways…many people need years of therapy to get a semblance of normalcy back. He will no doubt face consequences but perhaps it will be tempered if PTSD is found to be a factor.
12 hours ago
Prigozhin’s actions were largely anticipated and prepared for by Putin; et al. Keep in mind the recent meeting between Prigozhin and Putin. Also the very public security briefing Putin conducted just a couple of days ago; which would have reassured the Russian public. Prigozhin could have been detained at any time. This was allowed to flush out the internal enemies. Russia’s international partners have been kept in the loop.
2 replies
4 hours ago
Hahahaha, Sure.
4 hours ago (edited)
@rockfella1377 You have a nervous laugh. Sound he, he,be
19 hours ago
Yevgeny Prigozhin is obviously as mad, as a badger on acid. If Valery Gerasimov had actually ordered an attack on Wagner forces, he would be liable for treason. The story from Prigozhin is utterly absurd.
75 replies
18 hours ago
Badgers on weed are much more friendly
18 hours ago
He’s not mad, he got paid to flip. He’s a mercenary, after all, and works for the highest bidder. Common throughout history.
18 hours ago
@jomamma1750 I agree. This smells of Western interference.
18 hours ago
@jomamma1750 Could very well be the case. Unfortunately, he overplayed his hand, if he thinks that people start to support him instead of Putin in a greater scheme of things. Prigozhin just doesn’t have the same political/diplomatic experience
18 hours ago
@Furykidxxx Agreed. Dude’s toast.
18 hours ago (edited)
@jomamma1750 i am not surprise if CIA pay him higher than russia (or more interesting)
18 hours ago
@jomamma1750 Correct.
18 hours ago
18 hours ago
@shaunfinnigan4326 oh blah blah blah my god
18 hours ago
He’s a J. Like Zelensky. Like Shymhal. Like Blinken, Nuland, Schiff, Fink. I didn’t predict this happening because I have magical prophet powers. I just see how Js punish “slave revolts”. Such as the Slavic nationalism that first needed to be destroyed in Ukraine, then in Russia.
17 hours ago
the story from Prigozhin is just as absurd as the reason for invading Ukraine.
17 hours ago
Copium overdose suspected. Analyse all you like. You’ve always been wrong and having buried yourselves in a rabbit hole it’s now going to show like nobody’s business.
17 hours ago
Like Al Pacino in Scarface. PTSD mixed with cocaine.
17 hours ago
@poopoosplatter99 I won’t ask..
17 hours ago (edited)
@jomamma1750 Wagner is not a mercenary force. Prigozhin is just the titulary head, and Wagner has never, and can never be hired by anyone. They were formed and funded by the Russian intelligence service to operate on behalf of the Russian government in foreign countries without the Duma’s constitutionally-required approval (i.e. Dombass). Now that the Dombass is officially part of Russia, Wagner must become regular Russian military in order to comply with their constitution, because it is no longer foreign soil. Prigozhin refused.
17 hours ago
Your are certainly correct. Either the man is deeply mentally ill or was primised a huge bounty. A billionaire that has thrown everything overboard
17 hours ago
@Astronurd Trojan Horse. How many of those Wagner troops are Ukrainian?
17 hours ago
@jomama. Although Prigozhim may have gone bonkers, it also smells like he has been bought over by the CIA.
Prigozhin said that Ukraine had not launched an attack on Donbass in February 2022 (which resulted in Russia launching its special military operation).
What Prigozhin claims is contrary not just to Russia’s version of events, but also to that of Jacque Baud, a retired Swiss intelligence officer, who had worked with NATO, and therefore no friend of Russia.
Baud said that Ukraine had massed a force (variously estimated at 60,000 to 90,000) to attack Donbass. Baud said on February 16, 2022 (more than a week before Russia launched its special military.operation on February 24, 2022), Ukraine opened its campaign against Donbass with massive bombardments.
Prigozhin contradicting not just Russia’s version of events, but also Baud’s sure smells fishy.
17 hours ago
@Astronurd CIA.
17 hours ago
@banta-pd8zj You roll your eyes when you see other people type in internet babytalk/”meme lingo”. Yet you find yourself doing it. Resist it, the same as biting your fingernails in public.
17 hours ago
17 hours ago
@katong1953 this maybe a Trojan Horse operation. How many of those Wagner troops are Ukrainian operators?
17 hours ago
He is not mad. He’s been bought by the real enemy.
17 hours ago
@jomamma1750 my thinking exactly. And he has an airfield at his disposal for the getaway.
17 hours ago
@thebleeb1681 I won’t necessarily debate the chain of events of which you speak per se, but do NOT preclude a large Western payment involved in the decision making process Prigozhin has utilized. The scenario you mention is a ripe situation within which to take advantage. Be Mindful.
17 hours ago
You’re absolutely right coolguy. I do generally avoid this lingo. I can’t say that I’ve never used the word copium but it is out of character.
To be honest there shouldn’t be anything strange about a coup in a dictatorship, especially with a leadership like Putin’s, whose reliance on chance events is a feature of his leadership. He’s not the brightest spark.
It is a cause nonetheless of a loss of words and a wonder.
Thank you for nudging me back to reality.
However I do try to also avoid ascribing behaviour I have not the slightest hope of knowing about to others as well, hey what not-so-cool-now-are-we?
16 hours ago
Where’s Gonzalo Lira?
16 hours ago
smells like rotten nuland cookies
16 hours ago
Prigozhin has clearly bigger balls than Gerasimov & Shoigu with his toystore medals togethere.
16 hours ago
@jomamma1750 No he hasn’t been paid to flip. The man is fabulously wealthy but cares little for money. He may be a horrible bastard but he has a code.
16 hours ago
@jomamma1750 I think he wrote checks he couldn’t couldn’t cash so to speak and flipped for free to try and save himself from falling out a window at somepoint. He isn’t a military man, for all he goes on about insulting Shoigu, the same crticisms work for him and more so. He’s a businessman man not a solider, he has no concept of a soldier’s honor or duty, just money and narcissim.
16 hours ago
I could go outside of my town where there is foliage and rubble, and could have recorded the same footage of a missile attack…
16 hours ago
@jomamma1750 A mercenary group can not compare in the slightest to a regular army.
It is all theater.
16 hours ago
@uv77mc85 traitor have no code!
16 hours ago (edited)
Absolutely correct
Thought provoking
Jacques Baud is a truly remarkable published academic, a balanced rational and objective geopolitical analyst
Pragmatic rational commentator
Thank you
16 hours ago
Wagner is a Russian paramilitary organization that consists of network of mercenaries, and many consider it to be the private army of Putin. Private military companies are actually illegal in Russia, so basically the group operates beyond the law.
Despite of its illegality, Wagner trains its personnel in a Russian MoD facility, Molkino. This camp is masked as a “children’s vacation camp”. New Lines magazine concluded that Wagner members come from fifteen different countries, but most of them are Russian.
The group doesn’t have any central ideology, but many of its members and leaders have ties to various neo-nazi movements in Russia. For example, Wagner leader Dmitry Utkin has several Nazi symbols tattooed on his body. Neo-nazi group Rusich also fights as part of Wagner.
Wagner has been utilized in many conflicts around the world, but they came to global prominence during the war in Donbas in 2014-2015.Wagnerites helped the Donbas separatists fight against the Ukrainians during the conflict, which helped Putin to “outsource” the insurrection.
Wherever Wagner goes, war crimes follows: Prigozhin’s troops have raped women in Mali, killed and tortured civilians in Ukraine and tortured soldiers in Syria. In Russia, they are famous for hiring prisoners and then send them to the Ukrainian meat grinders like Bakhmut.
The total number of prisoners hired by Wagner from the Russia’s prison system is around 38 000. At the beginning of Jan, 2023, almost 30 000 of them were either killed, wounded, missing or taken as a prisoner. A whopping 106 people, or 0,28%, have been amnestied.
Recently an official Russian TV channel showed an interview of Mikhail Popok, a Russian serial killer, rapist and a necrophile who wants to join the Russian war effort in Ukraine. He said that he’d probably do it “during the Spring” since it’s much warmer then.
In Jan, 2023, Wagner organized a “hero’s funeral” for a man who beat his mother to death in a drunken frenzy. They also put up a plaque for Denis Kovyrzin, a convicted murderer, in a grade school in Saratov.
But Russia is not the only where they do the recruiting – two senior military officers from the Central African Republic reported that Wagner is hiring criminals in Africa and sending them overseas to fight.
These criminals, many of them held in custody for hard crimes such as rape and murder, are called “Black Russians” and now fight in the front lines in East of Ukraine. Some of them complained about the lack of payments after a few months of fighting.
Before Ukraine, Wagner mostly consisted of experienced ex-military people, but after Russia’s failed mobilization and dramatic losses on the battlefield, they started hiring anyone willing to hold a rifle (or just run and die) for money.
They’ve allegedly employed cannibals and serial killers, many of them carrying infectious diseases including hepatitis and HIV. These cannon fodder are marked with appropriate bracelets.
Even though almost 80% of the Wagner’s finest die in the meat grinder, hiring murderers and rapists to fight in Ukraine increases the prevalence of war crimes in Ukraine drastically. The group’s monthly salary is estimated to be something between 700 and 2100 USD.
But for the convicts there is another prize: survive in the meat grinder for 6 months, and you can go free: In Jan, 2023, Prigozhin released a tiny batch of convicts, telling them to “don’t rape women” while in Russia. This release was probably done for PR purposes.
Wagner has promoted the group by producing three movies: Tourist (2021), Hotsunlight (2021) and Luchshiye v adu (2022). I watched the first two so you don’t have to: they’re both shit.
15 hours ago
@shaunfinnigan4326 Lmfao tell me you’re a social outcast without telling me
15 hours ago
@TheArdildo bro stop writing books in the comment section. We don’t need your state department analysis of Wagner. Your not saying anything we haven’t already heard 10000 times. Get a life.
15 hours ago
@bekeneel He is about to learn that when a mosquito is pricking your balls that you do not lash out – not with hitting your ball the end.
15 hours ago
Zelensky, “I don’t need a plane I need guns” Putin, get me on the plane, hurry pleeeeaaaseee wah wah wah pathetic Orcs.
15 hours ago
@driatrogenesis Smoke less, hunter, and you might actually make sense.
15 hours ago
fwiw, Scott Ritter thinks em-eye-sicks is behind it.
15 hours ago
Your’ god ?
15 hours ago
@uv77mc85 Don’t deceive yourself. The entire world is running on my theory right now. Most consider a sizeable payment(the 6 Billion that was just “discovered” by the accountants in D.C.) to be the likely root cause of the mutiny.
15 hours ago
@nonope7592 To whom? His Men?? Not likely. This is a Mutiny and, I suspect, has a root cause the color of which is Green, as in Greenbacks/Dollar Billz/Cashish. Words? No
Loot? Yes
15 hours ago
Well , since I’ve been feeling as though “society ” has become profoundly deranged, I’ll wear the outcast label proudly. Thanks for the compliment dude.
15 hours ago
@Astronurd Putin and the Russian military are omnipotent and always correct no matter what. Right?
15 hours ago
He was mad last week.
15 hours ago
His story seems about 100% right to me. The Russian military and its leadership have shown their ineptness over and over and over again.
14 hours ago
He’s nicked Zelenskys crack stash. Craaaaaaazy.
13 hours ago
He turned back. He didnt get the support he expected
11 hours ago
@TheArdildo I think you should have a caveat at the beginning, imporing people to understand that your claims are all – at this stage – unproven ALLEGATIONS.
11 hours ago
11 hours ago
@jomamma1750 look through the comment section, I said that this afternoon.
This looks a lot like a paid operation,,by a foreign state.
China was my guess. But I agree,, with that $6 billion over accounting, by the US treasury… all the timing starts to lock together.
Prigozhin must swing, for this.
6 hours ago
@karelbellic8480 pentagon 6.5 billion accounting “error” + another hunter again, sound sus ngl well some people will call this cope
16 hours ago
The madness took over that troubled man completely. His behavior is rezultat of insanity. But, there’s a serious possibility that his insanity is used by some more sinister forces behind him.
1 reply
11 hours ago
Also, worryingly, Russia recently transfered some nuclear weapons to Belarus. Now Wagner may grow in strength in Belarus
16 hours ago (edited)
This all solves a HUGE problem for Putin, although it might be messy for a day or two. Something that it would have been hard for Putin to do has suddenly become much easier.
15 hours ago
Prigozhin apparently just went “Oops, just kidding!” and is retreating his forces. I suggest keeping a close eye on things that this little “episode” might be disguising.
15 hours ago (edited)
prighozin was always the most potent achilles heel of putin. the fact that he was given such a long leash for so long is astounding … especially in a time of turmoil. A. big thanks to Alexander for once again providing his clear sighted analysis of prighozins behavior over the past few months… ahead of most other analysis which contended that this was psyops. that clear sightedness speaks a ton regarding Alexander’s knowledge, understanding and analytical prowess.
2 replies
15 hours ago
Don’t underestimate Putin
13 hours ago
@MrJohnnyseven I respect him but he didn’t see Merkel’s and Holland’s treachery, the gas pipes being vaporize etc.
He made a mistake by giving an egotistical, undisciplined, ex-convict hard-line oligarch any kind of military power, the outfit should have been led by a retired General for instance.
13 hours ago
Oh my….I hust found this channel .What a treat to hear the truth.Thank you very much.
18 hours ago (edited)
Prigozhin just lost it!! How could you so fast go from being a wealthy man, an hero to a zero and a traitor …This guy will be the ultimate example of that for centuries to come !!
36 replies
18 hours ago
He is a perfect example of “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
17 hours ago
We will see how the situation unfolds
17 hours ago
Icarus. He reached too high
16 hours ago
He may end up president of Russia.
16 hours ago
16 hours ago
Maybe he was sick of seeing his men used as cannon fodder while the Russian army does nothing. He has been getting more and more pissed off over the last few months since bakhmut. If the russian army had done the fighting there the casualties would be known about by Russia.
16 hours ago
Greed works that way.
16 hours ago
Ego destroys; sometimes, as fast as like this.
16 hours ago
He got tired of Russian incompetence and decided to say “fuck it, Putin needs to go since he is the leader”
15 hours ago
Exactly like caesar crossing the rubicon… wait a minute… caesar actually won and seized / replaced the roman senate.
15 hours ago
Historically, not many higher officers who have mutinied have survived, because mutinies so rarely succeed. Statistics might be better for mercenaries, but in times when it was easier to escape. It’s certainly a disaster for Wagner’s brand name, they’re out of business for good. Where in the world are they active?
15 hours ago
Benedict Arnold comes to mind.
15 hours ago
@janbiel900 yes it reminded me of that event to.
15 hours ago
@bjorntorlarsson they are active in Russia….
15 hours ago
@bradisaacson4656 more like Julia’s Ceasre. Unlike Benedict he has an experienced army behind him
15 hours ago
He thinks the Russian command is a disaster. He’s right!
15 hours ago
Unless they are all now going towards Ukraine and all this was a joke.
15 hours ago
@Jamicaman516 Nope, his problem is with Shoigu, not Putin.
14 hours ago
@missesCarmenB Who is Putin backing up in this issue? Shoigu, so by proxy he has an issue with Putin as well.
14 hours ago
Because it’s a psyop
14 hours ago
Be a Jew and unable to successfully repress your only true loyalty anymore… being a 5th column is who they always have been & always will be.
14 hours ago
Just a storm in a teacup Everyone goes to the Ukrainian border now i guess. A well deserved break for the Wagners.
10 hours ago
You weren’t saying that last week.
10 hours ago
@pipbananarepublicsqueak3194 I never suspected this. That he would organize a putsch? Next week will be interesting. Let us see if Shoigu and Gerasimov keep their jobs.
16 hours ago
Thank you for your sober commentary and analysis
14 hours ago
Great report. Thank you, Alexander. From The Ozarks, Missouri. USA
13 hours ago
Similar to de Gaulle and the Algerian issue, but more like a version of the 1996 movie “the Rock” where Ed Harris’s rogue military character captured Alcatraz and threatened San Fran with Vx chemical weapons, only to be “bested” by the Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage characters.
12 hours ago
just moved 100s of thousands of troops to their western borders and major western cities. They also just moved Wagner to
. No one noticed..look at the outcome of this so called “mutiny”.
13 hours ago
When actions are considered treasonous, in most countries, the penalty is capital punishment
18 hours ago
Such a shame he’s done this towards the Russian military… I shall expect he takes his own life or goes too prison!
10 replies
14 hours ago
This whole affair makes Putin look weak. There is no other way of looking at it. Even if Putin does not suffer immediately he will suffer in the long run. He should have axed Prigozhin months ago.
14 hours ago
Just did some research on Prygoszyn; he started his career as a thief, allegedly robbing high class apartments for which he did 9 years. He grew up poor and probably carries a life long grudge against rich elites, which may have commanded the respect from his men that brought the results in battle
3 replies
13 hours ago
The age old problem with hiring mercenaries…….Being outbid for their services in midstream.
10 hours ago
Haha. Damage control by Alexander is hilarious
12 hours ago
If countries think Wagner is really a PMC and not a covert part of the military, the political implications are less. It looks like the Russian state is unified but that they made an error in pumping so many resources into a PMC and letting it grow so powerful outside the control of the Russian army. I had thought that that would so reckless that Wagner had to be a covert part of the army created to give the government deniability. It looks like it really was a PMC.
19 hours ago (edited)
Basically, Prigozhen does not like being managed by the Russian MoD. Wagner wants all the benefits of the Russian state but does not like to report and answer to the Russian state organizations. That is where all of this is coming from…
50 replies
19 hours ago
Very true. My sentiments exactly.
18 hours ago
@Well….1234 Yup. The basic gist of it…
18 hours ago
18 months to get 7km across Bakhmut.
24 hours to travel 350km across Russia.
18 hours ago
@RM-vv9eh Cope. Ukraine is losing bad
18 hours ago
@bogdanmeleszczenko1271 Nothing will happen. Keep dreaming.
18 hours ago
Very true he’s big headed
18 hours ago
Well put. That’s why he could be effective. But any army needs a 7 to one ratio of civilians working to pay for the military. Putin has to juggle everything.
Keep the civvies happy as well as the soldiers as well as the economy and trade
18 hours ago
@RM-vv9eh You think that urban enviroment fighting is easy ? must be a CoD expert
18 hours ago
So where’s the army ? 200k at the start of the war… sorry…. “special military operation”, 300k called up. Are we saying all 1/2 million are tied up in another country, whilst a rebel force meets no ground resistance as it marches towards Moscow ?
18 hours ago
What this is?? Who knows??
No matter what, Wagners power derives from the Russian state, without that Wagner have no money, no ammo, no fuel etc…
“All soldiers” in Wagner have Russian families.
In short, Wagner can’t fight Russia.
So really, to me it is EITHER
1. A “False Flag” trying to get Ukraine to pursue their “counter offensive”, must say I do doubt that.
BUT it could be as when Prigozhin said they would leave Bakhmut.
2. Prigozhin is like Trump… an old man with a Twitter account THIS MIGHT BE TRUE.
3. Prigozhin IS NOT A MILITARY COMMANDER, he is (in my view) just a “PR Figure” so I DOUBT the Wagner organization is behind him, I DOUBT Wagner soldiers wants to fight Russia…
4. IF THIS IS AS IT IS PUBLICLY PORTRAID, Prigozhin will be bankrupt and in jail soon
IF THIS IS AS PORTRAID this is only an embarrassment for Russia but nothing more.
18 hours ago
I totally agree that urban warfare is difficult. However, Prigozhin seems to be finding Urban warfare a lot easier in Russia than he did in Ukraine. Since last night, he’s covered almost 200km to get from the camp into Rostov and almost 500km to get to Vorenezh. So almost 700km in what ? 18 hours ?
18 hours ago
@yurichtube1162 Russian army:
from 2nd army in the word
via second army in Ukraine
too soon second army on territory of Russia. What an epic fail
18 hours ago
100% correct
18 hours ago
Well, he has been used as a proxy to do things the state does not want to be seen directly doing, so you kind of understand.
18 hours ago
Russian army appear to be waiting on the M4 at Sitne-Shchelkanovo. Also activity on the M2 at Serpukhov.
18 hours ago
Good comment! I hinted at this on a video on my channel.
18 hours ago
@bogdanmeleszczenko1271 Russia is crushing Ukraine, who has nato help. Calm down.
17 hours ago
@yurichtube1162 Oh dummy. Wagner Gropup is mostly control of borders region – it means that Russian army has not enough supply anymore-which will lead to collapse of the Russian front in few weeks.
17 hours ago
@RM-vv9eh Dunno, maybe they let him cover all that ground on purpose to not stir things up further, he must have ptsd so just give him some slack and let him cool down while talking to Shoigu or Gerasimov, eventually he will understand his mistake and apologize, imo this whole situation is too much inflated for what It really is anyway
17 hours ago
Very true. Bakhmut was Ukraine’s Stalingrad and the army is mostly destroyed. They don’t need Prigozhin any more. I think Prigozhin will commit suicide with two shots to the back of his head.
17 hours ago
Gotta love you Yuich. That’s right. Trust the fuhrer.
17 hours ago
@bogdanmeleszczenko1271 You know what, stop dreaming and wake up.
17 hours ago
@yurichtube1162 So when should I wake up? , when Prigozin will take Kremiln??
17 hours ago (edited)
If you are accurate, that makes sense. Perhaps the SEE-EYE-EH or some other entity of the West paid him higher since Prigozhin is a mercenary after all.
17 hours ago
@bogdanmeleszczenko1271 Why NATO is way at the bottom, and with all this happening Ukraine still failing to win with full Western Support
17 hours ago
@bogdanmeleszczenko1271 Nothing will happen
17 hours ago
Certain people cannot be given any power as they soon lose thier minds. Many signs of his attitude were there but was not timely halted
17 hours ago
If I remember how Putin deals with terrorists, he doesn’t wait around.
Neither do the forces tend to worry about civilian casualties.
If anyone is hanging around these guys I would advise getting to a safe place away from them.
17 hours ago
@ButlerProspect your staff is stron.
17 hours ago
There are also high level foreign agents in the Russian military.
16 hours ago
Ego… this is all what’s it about.
Prigozhin thought himself bigger than the MoD and even Putin.
He is over puffed and finally imploded…. A loose cannon.
The end is near for him.
16 hours ago (edited)
The Wagner Group is an independent mercenary and so a legitimate organization in Russia. While the Group is required to comply with the Constitution of Russia, it is not required to report to the MoD and should not; the Group is neither an arm shoot nor spin off of the MoD. In that regard Prigozhin is quite right to resist being forced into the ambit of the MoD.
15 hours ago
Not really, Shoigu fired missiles at him….
14 hours ago
@RM-vv9eh : Wow…. he loves going fast…
14 hours ago
That means he is not fit to work in the army. Cooperation is very important in this kind of work and if he can’t do it he need to remove himself.
13 hours ago
@bogdanmeleszczenko1271 Thankfully, this nonsense is now over and I’m sure people like you are very disappointed, but it was never going to work. If Prigozhin had Western help with this pantomime it will quickly become apparent. The good news is that Ukraine is still losing and taking heavy losses for no results.
12 hours ago
You have to remember there are innocent civilians in this city of a half backed operation by prigoszin.
12 hours ago
I doubt that seriously.
12 hours ago
Ukraine’s reaction: In his nightly address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed Putin is “very afraid,” saying that the Russian president is “probably hiding somewhere, not showing himself.”
12 hours ago
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Saturday that this conflict has exposed Russia’s “weakness,” with a Ukrainian defense spokesperson calling it a “sign of the collapse of the Putin regime.”
“Russia’s weakness is obvious. Full-scale weakness,” Zelensky said in a tweet. “And the longer Russia keeps its troops and mercenaries on our land, the more chaos, pain, and problems it will have for itself later.”
17 hours ago
Amazing…. I was so wrong about Prigozhin. I thought he was only an effective cheerleader for the Wagner orginization and he was not in the command structure enough to pick up a riffel…. I never imagined that he was unhinged….
4 hours ago
Hilarious watching Bunker Grandpa scared of a few Wagner troops, cave and give Prigozhin everything he asked for.
2021: Russia has the 2nd strongest army in the world.
2022: Russia has the 2nd strongest army in Ukraine.
2023: Russia has the 2nd strongest army in Russia.
4 hours ago
Vlladamir Poutin knows what he’s doing. He’s a wise , shrewd, leader who didn’t fall off the cabbage truck yesterday. I don’t think him or Russia has lost anything short of one idiot oligarch. I suspect there’s a lot more involved than commentators realize and this will be revealed with time. He prevented a blood bath . He has my continued respect for that. Actually even more respect.
12 hours ago
I think Prigozhin is an example of how power in the hands of a person who does not have the personal gifts needed to wield it can drive them to madness. How many Xi Jinpings or Vladimire Putins can we be fortunate to have living among us at one time? My country, the USA, has not had such a leader since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. His successors have been indictable war criminals, from Truman to Biden.
2 replies
18 hours ago
Wagner thought that the Russian military would lose the Ukraine offensive, but it has been surprisingly easy. Wagner now has no leverage and is acting out.
22 replies
15 hours ago
This is the best comedy ever
“Prigozhin says it’s over:
“They were going to dismantle PMC Wagner. We came out on 23 June to the March of Justice. In a day, we walked to nearly 200km away from Moscow. In this time, we did not spill a single drop of blood of our fighters. Now, the moment has come when blood may spill. That’s why, understanding the responsibility for spilling Russian blood on one of the sides, we are turning back our convoys and going back to field camps according to the plan.”
15 hours ago
This is a gift to Shoigu and Girasmove. Pregozhin is most likely going to lose public support. And the two may be seen as being more patriotic. Pregozhin statements sound like a script from somewhere in the West.
15 hours ago
This Pregotion seems to be a pain. His ego is getting the better of him! He definitely should be arrested along with those supporting him & put away!
14 hours ago
How can the Wagner Group be so monolithic? Why no break in their ranks? I find this very puzzling…very puzzling.
15 hours ago
The world in one collective breath needs to hope and pray that Putin and Russia hold together and prevail.
18 hours ago
Thanks for getting in front of this Alex and giving us all the heads up !
16 hours ago
There’s only one acceptable punishment for such treason
12 hours ago
No, Alexander. You have been spot on with a lot of things and got things wrong a few times. This “uprising” was such an obvious act that barely lasted half a day. Got resolved easily and never actually stood a chance at changing anything at any scale or time frame. I respect your opinion and deep historical knowledge, but this was a ruse.
14 hours ago
When a man develops a thirst for money and the power that it brings, there is but one cure. When the survival of the state is at stake, there is can be no tolerance for such nonsense. Why Zelensky hasn’t taken advantage of this situation escapes me entirely.
11 hours ago
Honestly Alex, given how this whole thing ended up, looks more like a psy op than anything
11 hours ago
Excellent analyses, particularly in the last 20 minutes of this video.
18 hours ago
Thanks for the most informative report on this ongoing situation — a crisis one might call it — that I have seen so far.
16 hours ago
This is very interesting, as if they are on the ground in uncontested airspace the convoy can presumably be taken out quite easily… Reports of three attack helicopters shot down but you’d have to think a few su-25s could make short work of the rebel convoy…
11 hours ago
Thank you Alexander. Well explained.
14 hours ago
Prigozhin looking forward to his own show on CNN. face-fuchsia-wide-eyes
16 hours ago
I’ve been thinking for months that Putin needs to get off his rear end and take care of this little Ukraine problem. This PR fiasco is the result of Putin’s fear to take decisive action to bring the action to a close. And, he should have sacked Prigozhin months ago when he first started his petty complaints.
1 hour ago
I think Russian allies do understand that Russia now in the military conflict and they do know how much risks any conflict military creates. Even if some doubts will appear in the near future, I don’t think any of them stick. Especially, as we know now, that situation is mostly resolved already.
19 hours ago
Alex, you are a machine. So committed and a very much appreciated analysis, as always!
4 replies
18 hours ago (edited)
No, Alex is not machine. Alex the crook, convicted ex lawyer who needs money. Thats why he is milking you guys every day.
17 hours ago
It’s almost as if he is given a script to read …
16 hours ago
@JB-ye8fi ru blind? he is reading from the RT script in front of him
16 hours ago
You guys have this man nailed on! Exactly right
17 hours ago
Maybe Prigozhin has PTSD because of his profession? Clearly the statements made by Prigozin suggest he is suffering from some phobia… “Proditiophobia” perhaps?
It would be a mistake to follow his lead! Let’s hope this issue is rectified, corrected, resolved soon! If it’s true, what he is claiming, this is a insane way to handle this situation! His claims sounds Nutz to me.
1 reply
16 hours ago
Who would have thought the Ukrainian offensive would move so quickly to Rostov-On-Don?
4 hours ago
Prigozhin reprise of Julius Caesar having crossed the Rubicon for Victoria Nuland and Kolomoisky, but did not enter Rome armed, and returned to winter camp in Northern Italy.
17 hours ago (edited)
This is one of the risks of using private armies to conduct operations that should be done by the regular military
15 hours ago
Thank you, Alexander!!
18 hours ago
Pregozin started
He made it 10
Then he made it 100
Then A thousand
then a myriad
Then 100000
In his attempt to turn his success to a million
He forgot that the fact that made him so important was 1
And he lost it.
He has not yet realized that he is left with zeros and lost everything.
2 replies
14 hours ago
Prigozhin is either a mad man, or should be made the next president of WWE…
16 hours ago (edited)
Prigozin seems like a very emotional man. Emotions can be good to a certain extent but if you can’t control them they can be a weakness. It could be the stress and ptsd type mental condition. Either way his actions and words cannot be tolerated by Putin. Russia is facing an existential struggle with NATO and the west and has to be the main concern of all Russians. Saying this I am shocked by Putins total transparency in this matter. It shows Putins openness to tell the Russian people the truth. It’s the opposite of what I see in the US now.
16 hours ago
Ego destroys; sometimes, as fast as like the case of Prigozin.
9 hours ago
The good thing is that the Russian MOD can now control n oversee the activities of Wagner not like before
15 hours ago
Everyone would agree that Prigozhne was given too much leverage when he was bad- mouthing the Russian MOD. On the very day that he made first statement against the MOD, he should have been taken to task.
18 hours ago
E Walker not ewalker1057 – Thank you Alexander. Such complete reporting in such a short time. I still marvel at how you and Alex can do such informative coverage on a daily basis. Much appreciated.
2 replies
16 hours ago (edited)
I have, from the start, had doubts about Wagner Group’s efficacy in particular in Bahkmut which seemed to take a very long time. I am very surprised. Otherwise I haven’t got a clue nor an opinion of what’s going on now although I don’t think it will take a very long time to ‘sort out’ and sorting it out quickly is definitely needed
2 replies
13 hours ago
Lukaschenko already negotiated for Wagner to stand down. Putin agreed to a shakeup at the MOD, Shoigu is likely out.
15 hours ago
May just be over already…
“We came within 200km of Moscow without shedding a drop of blood, now there is the possibility of blood being shed, understanding this responsibility we will turn around our convoys and return to our bases.”
15 hours ago
It has just popped up in my notifications on RT that Wagner has agreed to end the insurrection. I can’t access the article because RT is blocked.
I hope this ends peacefully and prigozen is removed and given help. He did well in bakhmut, which shouldn’t be forgotten, but he has clearly lost his mind.
14 hours ago
Alexander you were right on your views
about Prochizin months ago. I had the same views
There is an old Persian proverb.
A person who lies once will always lie.
Good luck.
18 hours ago
It seems as though none of us really know what’s actually going on at the moment. It makes sense to me that someone like Prigozhin would be egotistical/mad enough to maybe roll the dice on this sort of move to embarrass or call out Shoigu. What makes no sense to me is what his plan would now involve at this point. It seems clear he has no real support among the government/military or the population, and it makes no long-term sense for him to think he can pursue some personal feud with Shoigu while not overthrowing Putin. If true, I can’t see this going anywhere in the long or mid-term and in that case this will likely be resolved quickly, Prigozhin will be arrested and tried.
14 replies
7 hours ago (edited)
Personally I hold open the thought that Prigozhin and the Wagner Group will now be stationed in Belarus. Just a stones throw away from Kyiv. Impressive move by the Russians.
16 hours ago
I have a hunch that Prigozhin will be arrested but not charged with a crime. Instead, he will become a resident of a Russian loony bin for a indefinite period of time.
15 hours ago
Prighozin: hero to zero in the blink of an eye
15 hours ago
Prigozhnin may be suffering from battle fatigue, especially as he spends so much time at the front lines
15 hours ago
Prigozhin is a mercenary ….. mercenaries risk everything for money ….. now, who is throwing huge amounts of money at every problem they encounter? This smells like CIA.
17 hours ago
Excellent post as always. Keep up the stellar work. Your ability to report the truth on YT is an art unto itself.
2 replies
12 hours ago
He’s clearly losing his mind. The power and success of Wagner on the battlefield has gone to his head. He got the God complex and lost it.
15 hours ago
BREAKING: Some Belarusian and Russian media reporting Prigozhin has accepted a Belarusian proposal to halt Wagner movement towards Moscow, will take steps to de-escalate tensions.
15 hours ago
That is what I was thinking. He was dogging the normal military and they are actually doing very good. He just seems to have gotten ahead of himself. He has now destroyed his entire life. Weird.
16 hours ago
Years ago a western journalist asked President Putin, what he considers to be the worst thing. President Putin answered: “Treason!” I think this will definitely be a very grave turning point.
1 reply
16 hours ago
one thing is certain, in 50 years historians will still be reporting on Prigogin. AND..this will definitely be the next Hollywood blockbuster. Which actor do you think will play Prigonin’s role?
4 replies
15 hours ago
He’s the right age but would need to put on a few pounds. I’d go with Arnold or Stallone with a shaved head. Malkovich could play Putin.
15 hours ago (edited)
@hudhinton8243 Putin should be played by Anthony Hopkins
2 hours ago
too old
2 hours ago
@nilslarson7532 stylists can make him look younger
18 hours ago (edited)
Prigojin was possessed by many demons and sins: greed, deception and war. He finally subdued and was consumed by a demon of ego, envi and power. He hears in his head trumpets and fanfares of triumph In Moscow and he sees the gold of Kremlins halls , the once he used to walk to see his masters and always lusted and envied them… he is a traitor, the worst kind and the worst time. In the time of Ekaterina the Great he, if his affair fails, would be punished by quartering . What a shame and horror this is.
19 replies
18 hours ago
he is trying to wake you up to what is actually happening. Smell the coffee chap, come on
18 hours ago
Bro you’re not the poet
18 hours ago
@eauegh7660 They are not being a poet.. they are just descriptively telling you some hard truths.
18 hours ago
Good use of vocabulary to reveal some hard truths of the reality we live in regards to this situation.
17 hours ago
@eauegh7660 you are right, unfortunately I am not a poet. But who are people who deserve to be pronounced as poets?
17 hours ago
@RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217 It’s a joke. Though, it did sound like a half-assed and pretentious poetic revelation piece of wisdom, which plays into the joke, but nonetheless. It’s called sarcasm.
17 hours ago
@RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217 You can certainly describe the situation without the vocabularic jargon like describing the halls of the Kremlin lmao.
17 hours ago
@TheBazildog we know what’s happening. In the case the Biblical story of the Tower Babylon. To reach the Havens all must work together an speak the same language. If efforts a split than demise is imminent.
17 hours ago
@Mordorian1984 And now I have to also say, you’re not the philosopher
17 hours ago
Hey Mordor. You have described the whole Russian ruling class.
Got it at last.
And all this time I thought you were all oblivious to the obvious.
Show more replies
8 hours ago
Very good and balanced analysis. This is very bad for the Russian reputation as a world leader.
15 hours ago
Finally russian forces are making big territorial gains
Go, King Priggie
7 hours ago
Recently I learned that Prigozhin has no military background. He was not a soldier, but a businessman. I also viewed the video of the alleged Russian Missile attack on Wagner. It was not very convincing. Right now it looks like Prigozhin is overplaying his hand, and people are starting to realize that.
17 hours ago
Wouldn’t this be the best time for the Ukies to launch a real counteroffensive? The fact they haven’t suggests they are full of p&w and that the true aim of everything is the destabilisation of Moscow.
14 hours ago
This is going to be funny:
“Prigozhin confirmed there were negotiations but denied any agreements.”
18 hours ago
25000 people to lead a coup in Moscow? Right when their contracts ended and they have no air support? Moving around without being stoped? Exactly when things are calm in the battlefield? A situation that can encourage full mobilization? Russia has just declared martial law.
There are many things that are not clear about it and that we will not know of until this is solved. But looks like a Russian masterclass on politics.
And if by any possible means this is really serious, Putin need to crush Prighozin mercilessly. But just remember: 10 days ago they met and both said it was a positive meeting…
25 replies
16 hours ago (edited)
Without an independent inquiry, investigation conducted to look for the facts regarding the Prigozhin accusations against Shogu, or some leadership faction within the Russian Military Command; perhaps a Chechnya or Turkeya tribunal? Currently it’s a “He said, She said”, and the Russian Military has the upper hand on Prigozhin. And Prigozhin knows it?
6 hours ago
I didn’t want to point this out but when following the written script and listening at the same time, there is some pretty bad interpretations made by the software that writes the script from voice. I think Alexander is very clear and the software screws things up as though it were tuned to do so. Example: When referencing the Wagner group at 38;36, I clearly understood what was being said. Imagine my surprise when I read, ” 38:36
and I’m going to say again that it has arisen not because vagina is…” Lol!
13 hours ago
Girkin: “I have to admit with great bitterness that the Russian Federation is one step closer to its final and irrevocable demise.
As of today, the Russian Federation has two presidents – the real president, Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin, and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the acting president to serve his term. The main purpose of the acting president is to periodically address the real president, kneeling down, with the question: “What do you want, Yevgeny Viktorovich?”
Never, even in my worst nightmare, I couldn’t imagine that I would see this shame and destruction of my country. ”
9 hours ago (edited)
For the last 10 months Prigozhin has been defending the interests of Russia, was in the center of the military operation, risked his life every day and inspired the Wagner fighters being side by side with them, fought for them with corrupt Russian officials and the “military elite” who for the most part have never been on the battlefield and have not smelled gunpowder.
Shoigu used his power to settle personal accounts with Prigozhin, deliberately did not give them the necessary weapons and thereby increasing military losses, and when they completed their mission – taking all the fire on themselves in Bakhmut for 10 months, and then took the city, “military elite” decided to simply annihilate Wagners group as dangerous to the authorities and sent helicopters and planes to destroy them. Confirmation of this is the Russian planes and helicopters destroyed by the Wagnerians over the territory of their camp (far in the rear).
Over the past few months, Prigozhin has unsuccessfully tried to reach Putin, explaining incompetence bordering with sabotage in the higher echelons of the Russian military elite, but he was simply ignored by Putin. Then they decided to abolish the PMCs and disband them by other units and demanded that they sign an agreement with the Russian army, and simply make Prigozhin not useful, along and easy target . This could have worked with corrupt official careerists, but the Wagnerians decided to protect their interests by force, which they still had.
I think it is Putin’s fault of not resolving this conflict earlier until it came that far.
Maybe this was the last resort for Prigozhin to be heard as Russian military “elites” has already tried to wipe Wagers out using air force the day before rebellion started
4 replies
11 hours ago
This commentary is going to wear very well unlike the gibberish in the msm. Virtually prophetic except you said a couple of days to burn out but it actually took a couple of hours.
So was it brilliant maskirovka, hardball negotiation by Pr or one close shellburst too many in the ruins of bakhmut?
18 hours ago (edited)
There’s several things to consider about this;
• Wagner vs Russian MOD feud (check wagner group claim regarding palmyra)
• Speculation about Prigz blackmailed or some sort
• Speculation about Prigz “bought” by the west.
• Lastly it’s a chess play (baiting nato into unwinnable war)
6 replies
4 hours ago
Excellent program as usual, and Prygojan fell for the jux, it’s normal. President V. Putin is only close to perfect. He surrounded himself with strong and competent people. He erred with this young man .
16 hours ago
Totally agree Alexander, Prigozhin was given too much freedom and allowed to be terribly critical of the military command, it should have been nipped in the bud before it had a chance to grow so wildly.
14 hours ago
The actor Pregozin, is going back in the front lines!
15 hours ago (edited)
Sky News are loving this and are talking up Wagner. They don’t hesitate to call it a coup
14 hours ago
I take it his drama is being tolerated due to his value to the war effort. Regardless, he needs to be read the riot act.
18 hours ago
Pregozhin should had been arrested long ago. This guy has been hinting his intentions ever since.
17 replies
16 hours ago
Wasn’t there a conversation between the Ukrainians and Prigozhin just before the fall of Bakhmut where he offered the Ukrainians to leave freely without being attacked instead of the heavy casualties the endgame would entail. The western media said there was a conversation between them for Wagner to leave.
1 reply
17 hours ago
Well done Alexander. Well done, as always.
Z = He Lives !!!
5 hours ago
“insubordination” is a strange word here since they are neither part of the military, nor under a contract with it, moreover, neither “war” nor an a martial law have been declared
14 hours ago
Weren’t the military who rebelled in the Sudan against the military government trained by Wagner, totally against Russia’s interest by the way. I thought at the time that political commentators stepped over this aspect of that confict rather indifferently.
15 hours ago
Prigozhin is not a rebel, he has now a warlord.
17 hours ago
The fact that YouTube is interested in your program more than usual Alexander means that you are moving up in the world.
13 replies
13 hours ago
never let a stressed out workforce “rest” without proper supervision
/sun- tzu in the modern age
11 hours ago
We try our best not to deal in rumours. However, it is clear that the deal with the Wagner PMC’s insurrectionists could not have been reached without terms. The following are the likely parameters of the new reality that we will see in short order:
—”Wagner PMC” troops will be incorporated into and merged with the Russian Armed Forces.
—Gerasimov and Shoigu will resign, to be replaced by Surovikin (as Chief of Staff) and Dyumin, Governor of Tula, highly respected in the Russian Armed Forces, who played a key role the Crimea operation that led to the Republic’s reunification with Russia (as Minister of Defence).
—Criminal proceedings against Prigozhin will be terminated, and “Wagner PMC” fighters will be given immunity.
The most complete version of the terms of this resolution has been published by @Condottieros, but various details have been reiterated by other sources.
15 hours ago
“Stop me before I do something stupid. ” A cry for help, from a sick person.
15 hours ago
Latest news, apparently Lukashenco convinced Prighozen to stand down.
4 hours ago
It’s time for Russia to admit things are not going well
18 hours ago
Thank you, Alexander! Really appreciate your insights on this important topic! Love from Italy!
16 hours ago
The man snapped under the stresses of battle. His massive ego got the best of him. His position in history has cemented him as a dark and demented figure.
3 replies
1 hour ago
As soon as I heard reports about Prigozhin I was on pins waiting to hear what Alexander had to say about it
1 reply
13 hours ago
For a coup it is too late for Prigozhin. The element of surprise is gone and that is significant for a coup so the military can’t react to it. I’m sure Prigozhin knows that too, so what is he after?
See Also
John Mearsheimer – Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? – Sep 26, 2015 – Transcript
Mark Collett – NATO is to Blame for the Conflict in the Ukraine – Mar 4, 2022 – Transcript
John J. Mearsheimer – Who (Really) Caused the Crisis in Ukraine – Mar 2, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
The Z Blog – A Ukraine Primer – Jan 13, 2023 – Transcript
Douglas Macgregor – The US Want Russia to Collapse – Feb 1, 2023 – Transcript
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