Red Ice TV – How Jewish Activism Transformed the West, Who Benefits from Ukraine-Russia War? – Kevin MacDonald – Mar 27, 2022 – Transcript


[The Occidental Observer (TOO) founder and scholar Dr Kevin MacDonald on the “jewish problem/question“, has a discussion with Red Ice TV’s Henrik Palmgren, on MacDonald’s ongoing debate saga with Cofnas and his rebuttal of MacDonald’s book, “The Culture of Critique”; and how Organized jewry has taken control of the West and is subverting it for its own interests. Later, the Ukraine-Russia War is discussed and who benefits.



Red Ice TV


Dr Kevin MacDonald


How Jewish Activism Transformed the West

Who Benefits from Ukraine-Russia War?


Mar 27, 2022




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Published on Mar 27, 2022


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Paper On How Jewish Activism Transformed The West, Who Benefits From Ukraine-Russia War? – Kevin MacDonald

March 27th, 2022



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Kevin MacDonald from The Occidental Observer joins Henrik to discuss his latest paper “The Default Hypothesis Fails to Explain Jewish Influence.” The paper was first published in the Israeli-based academic journal “Philosophia” and was heavily demonized and attacked for being ‘anti-semitic.’ Despite the slander the paper seeks to address the very real and provable role of Jewish activism in regards to the transformative changes that have occurred in the West in recent decades. Later in the show we discuss the deeper implications of the war in Ukraine and who really benefits from it. We discuss Putin, Zelensky, NATO, Western corruption and ask how much influence the oligarchs have in Russia and in Ukraine.

In the second part on the show we analyze the wider consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions. What is going to happen with fuel prices, the supply chain and the food supply? Should we expect a catastrophe or can the damage done so far from Covid lockdown and sanctions be remedied somehow? Major globalist institution and the World Economic Forum are not only warning about food shortages and unrest over food supply problems but seek to benefit from the chaos by “rebuilding” a “new world” after the dust have settled. We discuss this and more in the second part. Don’t miss it.

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collapse; food shortages; jewish influence; russia; ukraine



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(64:22 mins)




Henrik Palmgren: Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for tuning into Red Ice TV. I’m Henrik. Always a pleasure seeing you. Thank you for spending some of your time with us today.


Our guest today is Kevin MacDonald. We are going to talk about, well at least initially, about a recent paper that was published back in January, actually. But it was by an Israeli-based academic journal called Philosophia, if I pronounce that correct. And the title of the paper was The Default Hypothesis Fails to Explain jewish Influence.


And, of course, if you’re not familiar with Kevin’s work. I think most of you are. But if you’re not, he’s behind The Occidental Observer, author of “Culture of Critique”, and many other titles as well.


Kevin. Welcome back to the show. Good to see you.


Kevin MacDonald: Hey. It’s great to be here Henrik.



Henrik Palmgren: Always a pleasure Kevin. Thank you for taking some time. So let’s begin with this then. We talked about this offline a little bit. And just the kind of absurd nature to this. And you know this as well as anybody, when it comes to this topic, that the problem is to actually manage to address something both in a serious, but also like in an academic way that people take seriously.


Because otherwise it just goes down the name calling route. It goes off into tangents which is irrelevant to the academic study that you’ve made of this topic. And, of course, it is taboo, right? We recognize that. And that is for a specific reason.


But let me begin with this Kevin. Let me read the abstract to the paper here real quick:


“The role of jewish activism in the transformative changes that have occurred in the West in recent decades continue to be controversial. Here I respond to several issues putatively related to jewish influence, particularly the default hypothesis, the jewish IQ and urban residency explained jewish influence and the role of the jewish community in enacting the 1965 immigration law in the United States. Other issues include jewish ethnocentrism, and intermarriage, and whether diaspora jews are hypocritical in their attitudes on immigration to Israel versus the United States.”


And it continues:


“The post-World War II era saw the emergence of a new, substantially jewish, elite in America that exerted influence on a wide range of issues that formed a virtual consensus among jewish activists and the organized jewish community, including immigration, civil rights, and the secularization of American culture. Jewish activism in the pro-immigration movement involved intellectual movements, denying the importance of race in human affairs, establishing staffing and funding anti-restrictionist organizations, recruiting prominent non-jews to anti-restrictionist organizations, rejecting the ethnic status quo as a goal, because of fear of a relatively homogeneous White majority and leadership in Congress and the executive branch.”


So take us through this a little bit Kevin here. The paper came about, of course, as a reply to Cofnas, right? I know you guys have been going back and forth on Twitter. And there’s been debates there.


But he published a paper called The Anti-jewish Narrative. And then you did this as a reply to that. And it did end up published, as I said, by this Israeli-based academic journal, Philosophia.


So tell us how that came about and do you know, why they accepted it, at least at first, righ? And then it was some back and forth.


[Added Image] Nanthan Cofnas.


Kevin MacDonald: Yeah, Cofnas’ paper came out in like about a year ago. Maybe a little more than a year ago. And yeah my first thought was, … Because the first time this happened, when he published an article in 2018. And I made these long replies. But I couldn’t get them published anywhere. The journal that published his article wouldn’t consider any reply for me. He had an article in Colette saying the same stuff. This was in 2018. And again they wouldn’t accept a reply from me. There was another one like that.


[Added images] See: Luke Ford with MacDonald Vs Cofnas On Culture Of Critique – Mar 2018 — TRANSCRIPT


But this time I just decided. Well, I’ll just ask. And so I sent an email to Philosophia, or however you pronounce it. And they said:


“Okay, yeah. Submit a reply.”


So I worked on this thing have and it went through two rounds of review. And it’s an academic paper. And the common thing for academic papers to send them out to the so-called peer review, or they send them out to other professors and they give their opinions on it. And it was nice. So I went through that. They had some criticisms. And I answered them.


And lo and behold, the editor accepted it. And so then it got published on January 1st, of this year.


And immediately there was a big controversy that came out. And they were going after the editor saying:


“How could anybody ever publish this thing?”


And they said they went crazy about it. And so right now on the website there’s this sort of warning label saying that:


“This paper has gotten very controversial. And so we’re going to send it out for further review.”


So they did send that out. And I got the reviews about two weeks ago. And they were extremely hostile! [laughter] All three of them. There were three reviews.


Henrik Palmgren: Big surprise, eh?


Kevin MacDonald: And they gave me one week to reply. And I begged for one more week. So I get a little time on this. And so I sent in my reply last week, about a week ago. And I haven’t heard back from them on that.


But they were extremely hostile. I mean, just calling me all kinds of names. And I didn’t think they have substantive criticism.


I mean, the problem with the second round of reviews was they basically didn’t have any substantive objections. What they would do is simply rephrase my ideas in a very invidious, you know, negative, crazy sounding, way:


“A conspiracy theory!”


You know.




Henrik Palmgren: Yeah, I saw how they rephrased it. Like:


“This is what Kevin means, or what he talks about.”




Kevin MacDonald: And so that, I don’t know. We’ll see what they do with it.


Henrik Palmgren: Yeah.


Kevin MacDonald: But the jury is out on that.


But anyway, they have the paper itself.


Cofnas has this idea that IQ jews are smarter than the average. And so you expect them to be more common among intellectuals. And that explains why jews are so influential.


And I deny that. First of all, as I say there, that if you look at the activism in, … The main issue really, in the paper, is the 1965 immigration law showing, … Because that’s the only issue that really would, you know, defeat “The Culture of Critique”. It would really be a problem for me if they could get over that.


But the other thing is just looking at IQ, isn’t enough, because jews are smart. So I have a little section on it, beginning, … Where is it? Yeah, it’s like the section, the first section I guess, where I talk about the default hypothesis. And point out that jewish IQ is simply not enough. That for any level of IQ there are going to be more White non-jews than jews. So you take 120. Even though they’re more jews percentage-wise at that, jews are only two and a half, three percent of the population. So for any given level of IQ, there’re going to be more White people at that level of IQ. Or you take 130, 140, whatever it is. And there’re going to be more White people at that level.


So you can’t explain jewish influences by simply saying the jews are smart. Because they’re not really. There’re more White European Americans who have equally high IQ for any level you want to take, for IQ. So that just doesn’t explain it.


And yeah, I’ve got another other points there that oftentimes that, … This really angered a lot of the reviewers. Especially in the second round there. That I would say that these jewish movements will recruit non-jews as a sort of “window dressing”. I used the term “window dressing” actually in “Cultural of Critique”, in Chapter Three. And I had specific examples of that.


And I was actually an example of that back when I was a student at a big anti-war rally. I was on the Left. I knew all these jewish guys and roommates in the whole thing. And they asked me to give a talk on how this guy from a small town in Wisconsin came to be involved in the anti-war movement. And I was there to be the sort of the “goy[Henrik laughs] who had his head screwed on, right? Had become a Leftist. So anyway, …


Henrik Palmgren: Yeah, because usually I hear this Kevin, that it’s like:


“Well, if jews were influential and stuff, they would be the President.”


Or kind of topical things like that.


Kevin MacDonald: Yeah.


Henrik Palmgren: But as an example you just break down, because in our day and age we’re super obsessed, not us, but like the culture in general, unfortunately, about percentages. And like, how many people are represented based on the numbers and stuff like that. I mean, now we’re getting in overdrive, because we’re living in an anti-White age.


So, for example, despite the fact that blacks are only about twelve percent of the US population, in TV media, advertisements, and stuff, they’re like way over a percentage right.


But look at something like Biden’s cabinet, for example. Jews are severely over-represented in Biden’s cabinet. One percent of the population, but about fifty percent of the cabinet! I think one or two have quit. But there’s some new ones that come coming and stuff right.


Like okay, well why is there such an over-representation then, if everything is supposed to be according to how the number parses out, the percentages [chuckling]. How do you explain, just because you don’t have a President doesn’t mean you don’t have influential and powerful people in positions of power that can advocate. Whether that be for themselves as a group, or whether there’s for a specific, you know, political objective.


Kevin MacDonald: That’s right. Yeah. The fact is the jews are wildly over-represented in pretty much any position of real power in this country.


If you look at the media, massive over-representation!


You look at the academic world. I have another paper on that, which I actually reference in this paper. And what I argue there is that jews are, especially in the 1960s, came to the fore in the academic world. And they were much to the Left of the average professor at that time. But that’s exactly the time with the rise of the jews in the academic world. Especially in the most elite colleges, like the Ivy League universities. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, all of them.


The academic world’s a top-down institution. The professors at Harvard had much more influence than Professors down the line. In fact, the Professors at Harvard and other Ivy League schools, they train graduate students in these other areas. Their Phd students go to Berkeley, or University of Wisconsin, or University of Michigan, or something like that. And then at the University of Wisconsin, those graduate students go down to the lower level. The Wisconsin State University, or California State, or whatever. And so it go trickles down like that.


And so academic schools are very hierarchical. And so you when you take over the top level you sort of got it under control!


And, of course, during the 1960 was a time when you established all these ethnic studies departments. When sociology became, it was liberal. But then it became radical! And it started being really influenced by Marx.


I was in philosophy, you could see that the transition at the time. I was an undergraduate in philosophy. And I went to graduate school in philosophy. And I actually talked about, … Well I talked about that in an article. I wrote that you could see the transformation of the department. That almost all the hires, the young professors that were hired, were jews. And the chairman of the department was jewish.


It was really an interesting sociological thing. And then I’ll just never forget watching one of these older, you know, non-jewish guys who just retired. He’s at the medical center, and probably not in good health and everything. And I just sort of felt sorry. But what they did was like the changing of the guard.


Henrik Palmgren: Right. Yeah.


Kevin MacDonald: And now you had these young jews. And they were all on the Left. And they were radical! And they came from the best institutions. Just like I was saying. If you’re a Oxford Phd, you go to University of Wisconsin, you could be a professor. So Harvard and that kind of thing.


Henrik Palmgren: Yeah, exactly. So if you can summarize for us how does that work. What happened there? [chuckling] If you can you boil that down for newcomers to your work and stuff like that. I guess get to the essence both of your paper, of course, but also the main study that you’ve done over the years. So, how do we explain it Kevin?




Kevin MacDonald: How do you explain, sorry?


Henrik Palmgren: Basically how do we explain that so many jews ended up in the position that they did? It’s obviously down to the thing of ethnic interest, right? That they have a group interest here, which is about advancing their own group, and their own interest of the group.


Kevin MacDonald: That’s right. I mean, and the whole thesis of “Culture of Critique” is that IQ is important. And they are smarter on average. But only on average. And again, if you look at the numbers, there’re more, far more non-jews than jews. And an IQ, say about over 140, I came up like seven to one. So you can’t explain this by IQ. But you can certainly start to explain it with ethnic networking.


And what that means is that you promote other jews. And you cite them. You view them as leaders, and gurus! So one of my ideas in “A Culture of Critique” is what I call the “guru phenomena”. Where you have a guru like Freud, or Franz Boaz, or Horkheimer, or the Frankfurt School. These people were central figures that were looked up to and idolized. Trotsky’s a good example.


And they were then seen as by other jewish intellectuals, or political activists as, they would sort of gather around and soak up his wisdom. And so there was all this mutual reinforcement, mutual ethnic networking, mutual patting on the back. [chuckling]


Henrik Palmgren: Right. Yeah.


Kevin MacDonald: And initial hiring! So you could see that in Wisconsin. Once the jews got in they started hiring their own people. And pretty soon the whole department’s transformed. And that is sort of written large is what happened I think to the American academic establishment.


But then when it comes to media, it’s a little different. Because there, so much of it involves ownership. But even in the 1930s jews had a very disproportionate ownership of media. The New York Times, NBC Broadcasting. And CBS then became jewish. And all the big networks. So the ABC.


So that by the 1950s – I mentioned this in the paper – by the 1950s, all the television networks when I grew up were three networks exactly. We didn’t have cable, or any stuff. All three were owned by jews!


And there was a big push after World War II by Frankfurt School people. There’s a great paper by Andrew Joyce about this. I mean, something I overlooked pretty much, but he got into how these jewish activists that were associated with the Frankfurt School. You definitely recognize their names. But what they got into, which was really influencing the media! And the basic message was:


“Race does not exist.”


It was the whole Boasian anthropology, that race does not exist. That the worst thing in the world is White people, who are ethnocentric. And if you are ethnocentric it’s a sign of some kind of pathology. You had bad parent-child relationships. You are inadequate personality wise. You’re envious of other people. They’re all kinds of explanations that these people came up with. And they’re all nonsense! They’re not based on any kind of data, really. But they satisfy jewish interests.


And the entire jewish community was much to the Left. And even, whatever occupation, jewish businessmen tend not to be as radical as jewish sociology Professors, or something. [chuckling] But they are to the Left of non-jewish business people.


And there’s a big push now for your sort of social responsibility in business. And these people like the guy, I guess named Larry Fink, from Blackstone, …


Henrik Palmgren: Blackrock. Yeah, Blackrock.


Kevin MacDonald: Yeah, and Mark Benioff, Salesforce. They’re like big push for social responsibility in business. And so the the fact is now, … I mean, when I was growing up businesses tended to be conservative, to the Right of the people as a whole. But business has really been another area that’s been taken over by the Left. And so your big corporations, Coca-Cola, all those, all sorts of big internet companies, social media, all on the Left.


Walt Disney. When I was growing up was run by Walt Disney. And he was very conservative. He was probably an anti-semite. [Henrik laughs] Because the jews tried to take away his company many times.


Henrik Palmgren: Right. Yeah.


Kevin MacDonald: But after he died, guess what? They ended up with it. And it’s been run by jews for a long time. And it’s very liberal. And now you look at the movies and stuff that Disney puts out. They have some for children and some for adults and all that. But even the movies, the cartoons, directed at children are very much on the Left, when it comes to race, and White privilege, and centering black people and all that kind of stuff.


So yeah, our world’s been transformed. And we have to understand that. And what really gets me is like someone like Cofnas comes along and:


“Oh! It’s always like jews!”


And that sort of explains it. I heard other people say:


“Oh, it’s modernism!


Oh yeah! Right! I mean, the world’s been into a modernist state where we have industrial cars, pretty advanced technology, even by say 1940, when you had fascism in Europe. And you had a very different culture in America, very different attitudes.


You have to remember America did pass the 1924 Immigration Law, that was very much biased towards northwestern Europe. Was supposed to reflect the population, the percentage of the population as they existed in 1921, and then went down to 1890. So when you think about the population of the United States in 1890, it was overwhelmingly northern European!


Henrik Palmgren: Yeah.


Kevin MacDonald: They did not want, you know, they certainly, … There was some concern about Italian immigrants. Because they were different. They tended to come from the south of Italy. And that’s where you see the Mafia, and all this sort of familism that really is not good. And it’s very different from northern Europe. That’s a big thesis in my book on Western family structure and everything.




But the big problem really was Eastern European jews. They came from Poland, and other areas in Eastern Europe. And they were radicals! They were either especially, you know, Marxists.


When the Soviet Union was established in 1917, they were entirely on board! I mean, almost the entire American jewish community was entirely on board with the Bolshevik revolution. And it’s no surprise that the atrocities are horrible! The mass murders, and torture, and everything else that happened in the first decades of the Soviet Union, was completely covered up in the American media. These people had never heard about it. It was covered up. And the far Left continued with the jewish community.


If you look at the 1950s, … You know, I grew up in the 1950s. [chuckling] And you think of it as this sort of golden age. And it sort of was for me growing up. Because it was really nice, peaceful it seemed.


But under the surface there was this massive cultural battle going on! And Joe McCarthy famously holding these hearings in Washington. He was a Senator from Wisconsin, 20 miles down the road from where I lived. And he had these hearings to expose the communists in the State Department, and other areas of government. And a high percentage of the people he brought before his committee were jews! And the American jewish community was very uptight about it, because they were so overrepresented.


And so at that time the American jewish community was all in favor of free speech. Well things have changed since then. And now the American jewish community is entirely on the board with censorship. Anything they don’t like. Which means anything like the sorts of things that we would love.


Henrik Palmgren: Yeah, it’s completely changed the attitudes in the environment. And again it was just free speech and all. It was just used as long as they could take control and dominate! Then it’s like:


“Ah! Democracy is not so great anymore! We have to do all these things!”


Kevin MacDonald: Exactly! , you know, they have got no principles here!


Henrik Palmgren: No!


Kevin MacDonald: It’s just jewish interests!


Henrik Palmgren: It’s because it’s about winning! It’s not about being principled!


Kevin MacDonald: It’s about their interest and nothing more! And people don’t get that! I think a lot of White people really are principled. And you see these conservatives, they’re principled to a fault.


Henrik Palmgren: To a fault, yeah.


Kevin MacDonald: They have principles for democracy, freedom, for you all these things that they mouth all the time. And they don’t seem to care about the consequences in the real world! Like immigration! They don’t seem to care, or be aware that this is going to submerge the Republican Party.


So there could be no hope for real conservatism in the future, anything like it was 50 years ago, with this immigration. But they don’t care! They just like the principle. Or else it’s just profits.


But yeah, these jewish organizations have no principles. And it’s really, if you look at jewish ethics, it’s the same sort of thing. It’s whatever is good for jews.


There are no general principles that apply both to jews and non-jews, despite what you read on Wikipedia. By the way, [scoffing] they have a page on jewish ethics! And it’s like fantasyland! [Henrik chuckles]


If you look at actual jewish writing on ethics over the centuries, there’s a great big difference if a jew killed a goy, or a non-jew, versus killing a jew, or stole from a non-jew, versus a jew, and a slave who is a jew, versus, … Anything like that.





Henrik Palmgren: Yeah. So Kevin, before we continue there I want to sneak in this real quick, because it’s actually the perfect timing. The fact that you brought up Blackrock. And I want to play a clip actually with Larry Fink here now too.


But you talked basically about the neoliberal capitalist world, right. How they’ve joined forces with all this, what do you call it? Against “Social Justice”. That’s the boiled down term they use for it. Social Justice. We could call it anti-White. We know what’s going on.


But it’s Blackrock. It’s literally they’re passing the mark. Now, they’re the first company in the history of the world that’s going to oversee, or manage, I think, about 10 trillion dollars! They’re like an asset management company they’re a holding company to handle other people’s.


But I saw an interesting clip the other day too, by the way, apparently the government hires them for regulation. They have insight into specific information that other banks, and financial services don’t have. They came out of nowhere. And it used to be Goldman Sachs. But Blackrock just kind of surpassed him all of a sudden. Like they came out of nowhere, at least as far as I’m concerned, right.


But showing his screenshot here. Blackrock 10 million dollars to support the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Of course, Amazon did the same. Goldman Sachs, right? And you have much more of some of the other companies, as well. But so this is not strange. Here’s even a screenshot from what Blackrock had on their website, I believe. Social impact is just what you mentioned here:


“In February we established the Blackrock Foundation to augment our efforts to promote a more inclusive and sustainable economy. Through our focus on financial security for vulnerable communities we aim to bring visibility and increased resources to support the upward mobility of black and Latinx communities. Our 10 million dollar plan included, …”


And then they went on from there right. But isn’t this fascinating how this capitalist corporation all of a sudden joins forces with the likes of not only the World Economic Forum, but the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, right. Some people call this Agenda 2030. But there’s a number of names.


But have you heard of “ESG”, equity social, no sorry, Environment Social and Governance? It’s this new kind of stakeholder capitalist system. And it looks like Kevin, that it doesn’t matter what big company you go to they’re all on board on this.


Kevin MacDonald: Yeah.


Henrik Palmgren: And it seems even at some points they’re perfectly willing to put the aspect of profit to the side to start inflicting change in a direction,. Which I think a lot of people wouldn’t agree to. But again, keep in mind these are unelected people, right? They’re taking their massive wealth, and power, and influence, and just steamrolling over, if you will, the democratic process. Right.


Kevin MacDonald: Yeah. And you’re besides donating money they can punish companies that don’t go along. You can imagine a company holds out, pretty soon, you know, Blackrock divests from some of their, … They got all these investment funds. And they might have a harder time on Wall Street getting loans, and stock offerings, and all kinds of things. The supply lines, people might stop using them.


Because I think that’s what’s happened here is that you’ve had a critical mass. And now it’s moving fast forward. That putting incredible amounts of money. And so much corruption! I mean, they’ve exposed a number of these “Black Lives Matter” people taking money, and just nobody knows where the money went. It’s like millions and millions of dollars have been given.


Henrik Palmgren: Four, or five houses, right! In White neighborhoods, of course! [chuckling] They’re buying houses, just squandering the money, or running with it, or whatever. But listen to this clip. Here’s Larry Fink:


“Behaviors are going to have to change. And this is one thing we’re asking companies. You have to force behaviors. And at Blackrock we are forcing behaviors.”


There you go!:


“We have to force behavior.”


Wonder what that means? And I mean, they’re buying, they’re gobbling up everything. If you look at basically any major corporation today there’s two, I think they’re just called holding companies, right? Blackrock is usually number one on that list. And it doesn’t matter if it’s Pepsi, or Coca-Cola, or whether it’s Pfizer, or Moderna right, they’re up there. And then it’s Vanguard, number two. And then usually number three might be State Street, or you get, what’s his name again, is it Warren Buffett’s? I’ll forget what his firm is called now.


But it’s usually those four. My point is here they just have massive influence over the whole business sector, and the whole capitalist neoliberal system!




Kevin MacDonald: What they do is they buy up large blocks of stock in a particular company. Then they have voting rights. And then they can go to the shareholders meeting. And they can put pressure. Any activist investor that has a significant stake in a company can be heard. I mean, you don’t have to have 50%. Even a few percent is enough to make you heard.


I mean, Carl Icahn, for example, famously as activist investor. He’ll buy a whole lot of stock and then he’ll say like:


“We got to get rid of this management team.”


You have a lot of power! And Blackrock has huge resources! They can do this. And so if a company is not on board with this stuff, they better get on board! And as Fink was saying, they don’t have any problems with coercion.


It’s almost like their real ideal model is a Chinese model, where you have top-down total government control, surveillance everywhere. But you do have a wealthy oligarchic elite. And I really think that’s what they’re aiming for. An oligarchic globalist elite that is able to establish a surveillance state and just radically curtail the freedoms of ordinary people.


Henrik Palmgren: Yes, absolutely! It’s the ESG thing. And again, it’s kind of interchangeable. You have the Bank of International Settlements to a certain degree pushing this. You have the World Economic Forum. And then, of course, you have other, you know, United Nations as I mentioned, the Sustainable Development Goals, or Agenda 2030. But it’s like a Social Credit Score for the business world.


And, you know what I think the root of this is? I think the root of it, is that as they previously chose the democratic method, or whatever you want to call that strategy, right. Because to a certain extent they had control of information, they could manipulate. I mean, what does it matter if you have a democracy if everyone is just led around the nose by television, or whatever? [chuckling] It doesn’t matter, right!


But I think the reality is they kind of lost this control at some point, and things started moving and happening. And Trump was a big indicator of this. But you had Salvini in Italy, you had Orban in Hungary, there’s a couple of parties like this in Germany, in Holland, in the Netherlands, in Sweden, of course, right? And I think they slowly began to realize:


“We can’t count on these people to do our bidding! We have to start going to the business world. We have to start getting these massive CEOs aboard. And we have to build, …”


Like again, the Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, he talks about “stakeholder capitalism”. And it’s this kind of integrated system, where basically every company is interdependent on each other. And they’re signed up to this, through the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, or the ESGs under the same kind of globalist institution. They’re saying:


“If you don’t have enough non-White people working for you, you’re gonna get a lower score! And you’re not gonna be part of that grid work of all the other corporations. You can go to them. And yeah, for services, or from materials.”


So it’s like they’re freezing out those who are refusing to comply [chuckling]! That’s what I think they’re doing!


Kevin MacDonald: Right. That’s what it’s going to be.


Henrik Palmgren: Yeah.


Kevin MacDonald: Absolutely!


Henrik Palmgren: ESG, Environmental Social and Governance.


Under “Environment”, we know where that’s going. Climate change strategy, biodiversity, carbon intensity, which, of course, carbon has become an enemy now, all of a sudden. They’re going to use that as a kind of a value point, or a currency, it seems like in the future. And then on the “Social”, it says:


“Equal opportunities, freedom of association.”


Yeah, I wish!:


“Health and safety, human rights, customers production, blah, blah, child labor.”


But under that banner is also like:


“Diversity, equity. What are you doing to make sure that there’s not too many White people in your corporation?”


And things like that. So it’s like a whole neoliberal have capitalist, way of enforcing these very, very radical Left-wing ideas that you’ve been talking about for such a long time. But utilizing this in the business world. It’s a completely new strategy in a way, isn’t it?


Kevin MacDonald: Yeah. And I certainly resonated with what you said before that Trump, and the populist parties, like in Hungary, just scared the hell out of these people! That was a total wake-up call! Because Trump was very popular.


I mean, Trump screwed up a lot of ways. But he was also under attack in his entire presidency. Like no other President has ever been. And there’s never been such a incredible, wall-to-wall, full-court press assault on a President, as they did. They tried to impeach him repeatedly! And one scandal, a hoax actually, after another! It was an amazing phenomenon!


So yeah, they are scared. They want to seal the deal! And I think [word unclear] are the best thing ever happened to them, because they managed to change all the voting laws and everything else, and get fear into the hearts of everyone. And now the war in Ukraine is one crisis after another. We’ll see.





Henrik Palmgren: Yeah, exactly! I guess we can segue over to that a little bit. It’s pretty crazy. But it’s like Putin has actually given these people everything they want, in a way.


I mean, NATO has a new purpose now. They’re kind of like for 70 years what were they, sure they were expanding. But it’s like what do you need them for? What are they doing? Even Trump, didn’t he say:


“We need not to pay as much money to NATO.”


And I guess force other countries to pay, you know, unfortunately European ones, which is whatever. But, the point stands. What are we doing here?


And even here’s a globalist from Sweden here, Carl Built [sp]. You might remember him, who was the head of the Moderate Party, our conservatives. For a while he’s been hanging around on the Bilderberg meetings. He’s going to all these big globalist meetings and stuff. And he said this on Twitter yesterday, actually this earlier today then.:


“It’s going to be a unique Summit of Summits in Brussels today!”


And that’s where Biden is currently right now. He’s speaking there, and many other people. It says:


“It’s a NATO Summit, an EU Summit, and a G7 Summit. I think that’s a first when it comes to these things. President Putin, …”


Here’s the kicker, right:


“Has managed to bring the democratic world together in a unique way with his aggression.”


In other words, Putin is giving them exactly what they want Kevin! Isn’t that fascinating? Now, Putin has justified their existence, all these groups in a way, right? [chuckling]


Kevin MacDonald: The fact is that the NATO was an anachronism after 1991. They really didn’t need it anymore. And I just tweeted as saying there’s an article that Putin gave interviews in 2000, the end of 2000, 2001, saying that he would like to join NATO. And he said:


“That Russia’s part of the West.”


And all that. Well, that was rebuffed. And you could see that this American foreign policy establishment never gave up that hostility! And when Putin came in and got rid of those oligarchs, and he took over real control. Whereas Yeltsin was completely under the thumb of these oligarchs who ran the media, and really ran Russia. And just stole all the wealth, and became billionaires and all that. It was horrible!


And then they invited Ukraine to be part of that they kept expanding and expanding! Every time it happened Russia would object. And then they said that Ukraine could be part of it. Right on the border, big country. And 2014 with the Maidan Uprising, totally CIA operation, neocons, the National Endowment for Democracy, which is a neocon organization, Victoria Nuland, famously. And, of course, they’re freaked out by that!


Henrik Palmgren: Yeah.


Kevin MacDonald: Changed the government! You had a government that was de facto neutral. It wasn’t hostile to the West, wasn’t hostile to Russia. And they were doing the right thing. But then this! So it’s just horrible what’s happening here!


Henrik Palmgren: They’re giving him, this fits perfectly into the bigger picture. And we’ll talk more a little bit later here, because what some of the consequences is here. And, of course, now again so-called the conspiracy theorists, we’re going to say, talked about this a while ago. Even as a result of the Covid measures, right?


But now the upper elites are beginning to address these issues openly, as well. Even Biden today, in fact, talked about food shortages as a consequence of the Ukraine-Russia war. It’s, of course, very convenient, as I said. Because the ball on this has been rolling for a long time. But there is an exacerbated problem as something I think will come down the pipes.


But before we get in there, you tweeted out an article as well. And I want to try to get to this. Because a lot of people are going back and forth. And I’m not sure what’s going on in Russia, I’m not sure what’s going on with Putin. Is he controlled by some of the oligarchs that wasn’t kicked out? Is he critical overall of these oligarchs of jewish influence? I’m reading both things at the same time. We can show a couple of things that shows it.


But you tweeted out this one from Tablet Magazine, “The fate of Putin’s jewish oligarchs”. Because as you said, when he initially took control there was a number of them. And they were kicked out, right.


We were talking about Boris Berezovsky. He ended up dying in London. But he was like going between Tel Aviv and London. And basically spent most of his fortune, and the rest of his life trying to undermine Putin. He, together with people like Alex Goldfarb, they sponsored the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. Coup attempt after coup attempt! All these things.


You had other people too, Abrahamovic. You had, what is it Kordorovsky? I think he was in jail for some time, right? Are there some others, Kevin, as well, that you’re aware of that are still there now?


Kevin MacDonald: There are others. Mikhail Fridman, for one. He’s jewish. But I think what happened here is that when Putin came in he wanted to consolidate power. He didn’t want to be controlled by these oligarchs. And there’s a big difference there. So he got rid of Kordorovsky, because he was big time involved in politics. Got rid of Gosinski who had a big position in Russian media, and was very pro Yeltsin and all that.


And these billionaires were not apolitical, they were totally involved in Russian politics. It was very much like what we have in this country, where the media is on one side and pushing certain things. And we can call it a democracy. But they’re giving us some messages and filtering it and everything.


And I really do believe that Putin consolidated power. And that the Tablet article is quite right. And it fits right well.


Also with an article we posted on Occidental Observer, simultaneously, almost, by this guy Rolo Slavskiy, who lives in Eastern Europe, and is a new writer for us. But he said the same thing. That Putin is in control in Russia.


And it’s quite the opposite of what’s going on in Ukraine. Where Zelenskyy is bought and paid for by this jewish oligarch Kolomoisky. And Zelenskyy’s got millions of dollars from this guy. Zelenskyy was a TV actor, he was a comedian. And he was nothing!


And so then all of a sudden this Kolomoisky guy, and there he is. He puts him in a TV show where he’s a President. And so, …


Henrik Palmgren: That’s Servant of the People. That was the title of the show.


[Added Image] Servant of the People – TV Series with Zelenskyy as President.






Kevin MacDonald: Yeah. And he runs for President, on an anti-corruption campaign, if you can believe it. Kolomoisky is so corrupt it’s unreal! He was involved in the same gas company that Hunter Biden got all his money from. He’s got operations in Miami, and all this stuff. Offshore accounts. Complete sleazeball! And, of course, he’s jewish. So President Zelenskyy is just bought and paid for! He’s his boy!


You could never say that about Putin. Putin runs Russia! And anybody, including an oligarch who gets on the wrong side of him, better watch out! He runs the place. And you can say:


“Well, it’s not a democracy.”


Yeah, it’s not. But neither is Ukraine really. It’s an oligarchy. And it’s run by these oligarchs. And Ukraine has a reputation as being the most corrupt country in Europe.


Henrik Palmgren: Yeah.


Kevin MacDonald: And it still is.


Henrik Palmgren: Thanks to the people meddling in it too. Right [chuckling]?


Kevin MacDonald: Yeah. And democracy? Zelenskyy has just abolished all political parties that are opposed to him. Consolidated the media into one big media, that they have one message.


Henrik Palmgren: Yep!


Kevin MacDonald: That’s democracy?


Henrik Palmgren: Yep! Freedom!


Kevin MacDonald: That is what we’re fighting for over there?


Henrik Palmgren: They’re fighting for their freedom, right! And then they’ve had like some of the most, I think even now, these are kind of maybe not side issues.


But I just saw in passing that it’s like the Covid thing have been crazy too in Ukraine. It’s almost like the US is using Ukraine as a playground, as a testing ground! The whole thing with the bio labs. There is an in-depth research on that alone. But those are mostly Pentagon funded at least. Some of them were even operated, they were operated by US diplomats and stuff.


They did the same thing in Georgia, right. All this crazy stuff! But it’s been so corrupt there! And there’s so many American that that have nestled their way in there and they’re using it as kind of like a slush fund, I guess, for the lack of a better term.


Look at Hunter Biden. He gets in there, he gets on the board of Barisma [sp]. He’s like $85,000 a month, or whatever the hell [chuckling] it was for literally doing nothing! And it gets worse! All these companies are in there and they’re meddling, and they’re ensuring kind of that Ukraine never really gets up on its feet and sorts things out. Do you see what I’m saying?


Kevin MacDonald: Yeah. But then Joe Biden goes over to Ukraine and says that if they don’t stop this prosecution, this investigation, this criminal investigation of this gas company, he’ll withhold a billion dollars in aid!




Henrik Palmgren: Yeah.


Kevin MacDonald: So Biden is up to his eyeballs in this corruption! And there’s a possibility that the fact that the New York Times finally publicized those emails, and that stuff on that laptop are is authentic, you wonder what’s going on here. Maybe they understand that the Biden isn’t working. He’s very unpopular. But I don’t know what we’re going to do about Kamala Harris [chuckling]! Who’s the weakest Vice President in history! And everybody said she’s doing a horrible job.


But there was an article we had on Occidental Observer, right around the same time that article from Tablet, by Rolo Slavskiy. And he points out this recent Bloomberg article which is:


“Jewish oligarch, Mikhail Fridman, lamenting the fact that sanctions were imposed on him and his friends.”


With the Biden sanctions. That’s one of the recent things they did:


“And amounted to him, pleading for Washington to relent. Arguing that neither he, nor his friends, had any real pull or power over Putin. Without information indicating anything to the contrary, we may as well take his words at face value.”


I believe that!


Henrik Palmgren: Yeah.


Kevin MacDonald: Putin’s position is strong and consolidated. And nobody can get really get in his way. And if you do you’re going to be in trouble! And he’ll probably confiscate your assets, … He doesn’t mind jews being rich, being pretty wealthy. But he doesn’t want them to be messing with politics, unless they agree with him.


Henrik Palmgren: Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard too, right. And again that’s why I’m getting like conflicting information. And again, maybe we’re looking at this from a different view than he does. Obviously he’s a politician. He knows how to play politics to a certain extent he’s, at times, despite the West would deny, of course. But he’s diplomatic to a certain extent. And as you said, it’s not that he’s like:


“Out to get jews!”


Or something like that. I mean, obviously not. I mean, there’s people in there, and again let’s show a couple of headlines as a way to kind of get that point of view, of like contradiction. He said things like this. This article a while ago:


“Putin’s first Soviet government was mostly jewish!”


Kind of whoops! What is that, right? There’s other articles like this. And, of course, the West would say:


“Well look at how anti-semitic Putin is. He’s literally Hitler! Putin jokes about jews and money during visit to Crimea.”


He said:


“He cracked a joke about jews and money while visiting Crimea. He said ‘Oh! So the jews have fun problems with finances?’ he answered to laughter. Such a thing could only happen in Crimea.”


There’s things like that [chuckling] which is kind of more funny. But the West takes this very seriously. And this is a kind of a big problem, a big issue. But then at the same time people are like maybe looking to Putin, or something for like:


“Oh, he’s ensuring that there’s no jewish ethnic interest in the country.”


That’s obviously not correct either. Here is another compilation of some headlines that people had right. How he’s targetting nationalist groups. He’s going after the so-called far-Right in Russia. They’re a very multicultural country. I mean, they have a lot of different ethnic groups. They’re a federation, they’re very proud of that fact. Here’s Al Jazeera:


“The death of the Russian far-Right.”


The Jerusalem Post:


“Putin not remotely anti-semitic says Russia’s chief rabbi.”


The jewish Daily Forward:


“That Holocaust deniers in Russia now face five years in prison.”


Jerusalem Post:


“At Putin’s side an army of jewish billionaires!”


And that’s from 2012. So not that long ago. 10 years ago. And then Lauder, of course:


“Russia’s fight against anti-semitism isn’t just good for jews, it’s good for Russia as well.”


And then World Net Daily says:


“The day Putin prayed for rebuilding the temple.”


So it’s not as squared away and as easily like just say:


“Oh! It’s this, or that.”


As you said. But it seems to be, and I guess I’m trying to be as just charitable and genuine as, accurate I guess that’s the best term, as possible. And it’s like he’s, as I said, he seems to be very proud of his multicultural, you know, Federation of sorts. I’ve heard he mentioned that many times in talks.


And he thinks he’s fighting Nazism in Ukraine. And, of course, you have Azov there, so I’m not trying to look down on that. But it’s obviously not the biggest problem if you have Washington sponsoring everything, right? The liberal world order of the West sponsoring you. Your problem is not Nazis, they hunt Nazis in the West. So there’re not Nazis taking over everything and running the show in Ukraine.


But my point is he genuinely seems like, as long as you don’t like are engaging in like criminal behavior that undermines the Russian Federation, he seems to be somewhat okay. He doesn’t care what ethnic group it is. That’s what I’m getting to. What do you think of this Kevin?


Kevin MacDonald: Well again. I think it’s hard to really get an inside view of all that. Again this writer Rolo Slavskly has written out, … Well I posted already six articles of his. He’s got one called The State of Opposition in Nationalist Politics in Russia.


And basically what he says is that things have been changing recently. And that really the nationalist right doesn’t really have much of a conflict now with Putin. That Putin is changing their direction enough to molify them.


So I thought that’s very interesting. I can’t really vouch that this is absolute truth. But this guy really seems to understand what’s going on the ground in Russia. I understand that in the past these Russian nationalists had big problem with Putin. But that is not so much the case anymore, if at all.





Henrik Palmgren: No. Exactly. I’m trying to find that article as well. But it’s a very interesting dynamic. And, of course, there’s big fights in the West over this:


“Do you take the Ukrainian side? You take the Russian side?”


And some people say:


“Oh, Putin is great! Russia is going to fix everything!”


And I don’t believe in that. And then at the same time it’s like I don’t want anything bad to happen to Ukraine, or Ukrainians. Obviously not.


But it’s clear to me, at this point, that they’re being used as a as cannon fodder in this battle. And I mean, even Liam Panetta the other day – the former, I think he’s exCIA – he just literally said:


“Whatever people say, this is a proxy war!”


You have massive amounts of funds. Biden gave them 15 billion the other. Day one billion on that was arms, weapons, all kinds of things. You have foreign mercenaries coming to the country encouraged to come to the country, and just this massive hypnosis campaign, essentially mind control campaign in the West, to just, … No matter what, like Ukraine number one! That’s it!


Like every liberal and Left-wing lunatic in the West now is like super gung-ho about like:


“Our people in Ukraine! The people in Ukraine! And their borders, and their freedom, and their nationalism!”


It’s quite something isn’t it?


Kevin MacDonald: It’s pathetic! Yeah, I really do. That’s why I really hope Russia wins this. At least gets a good settlement, where they are able to insist that Ukraine not be part of NATO. And at least get to Donbas and Crimea formalized.


Because I really do think that this is the globalist elites on one side pushing for Ukraine and against really Russia and China together now. I mean, China’s been backing Russia. And I think it’s an interesting sign that they don’t want to see this Western hegemony that has been going on since World War II. And really long before that.


But I think that they have decided that they want a bipolar world here, at least. Where you have other sort of centers of power. And I think that’s why the West is putting up such a strong fight. They see this as Armageddon here. They don’t want to lose this. Because if they do its going to be a huge setback for globalism. Some people already said that is a huge setback for globalism, anyway.


But I think if Putin really comes out of this looking good, and he may well, if he gets what he wants, I do think that globalism would take a huge hit! That this is an expression of Russian nationalism. It’s a rejection of the West. And it’s really a wake-up call. That this is not going to be a unipolar world anymore.


I mean that’s what happened in 1991 when the Soviet Union died basically. Immediately these neocons in the United States said:


“Look! Unipolar world! We are the boss! We can run things.”


So what you have? War after war! In the Middle East and everywhere else.


The Russian embassies in the UK and Ukraine, everywhere else, they were tweeting this stuff today where you had the pictures of American presidents like Clinton the Bush senior, Bush Jr, and all that. Not Trump, [chuckling] by the way! But Obama was in there. And they’re saying:


“Five wars and six million dead! And all in the name of ‘democracy and non-interventionism’.”


It’s a joke! So that’s the Russian point of view, that America has been intervening all over the place.


Henrik Palmgren: Yeah.


Kevin MacDonald: Wrecking havoc, and death, and destruction! Think what happened to Iraq! I mean, forget about the American causalities. Those who were, you know, large thousands. But Iraqis lost hundreds of thousands, in fact millions of people here!




Henrik Palmgren: Well yeah! Madeleine Albright who just passed away, the former US Secretary of State said, remember that clip from 60 minutes?:


“Was worth it? 500,000 Iraqi kids!”


And look at the waves of migration that’s come in the wake of these conflicts in the Middle East, and North Africa, too!


Kevin MacDonald: Yeah a good example is Gaddafi with Libya. Hillary Clinton is cackling about how wonderful that was!:


“We came, he died!”


That kind of thing. When the result is total political chaos in Libya! You have these warring factions. I don’t think they’ve solved it yet. And then you’ve got migration coming up from Africa that Libya used to stop. They don’t do it anymore.


So they got slave markets and the whole crazy thing! Gaddafi was good in a lot of ways. And it was crazy for NATO, at the behest of Hillary Clinton, was really the prime mover of that. But that’s it. These liberals are, … You think of liberals:


“Oh, anti-war people!”


They’re not anti-war people!


Henrik Palmgren: No. No!


Kevin MacDonald: They want wars that serve their interests.


Henrik Palmgren: Exactly! And again. I mean, it’s like Biden said, this is in his speech there, is that after the Second World War there was a formulation of a liberal world order. And all these countries are beginning to kind of homogenize under this banner and stuff. And now, they’re saying, they’re kind of losing control of this.


And look, I’m not saying, and I personally don’t think that it will be anywhere better for White people if Russia teams up with China, and India, and a bunch of Asian countries, and exerts more dominance than the, … Look, it’s been bad enough under US control.


But we have no idea what’s going to happen if we truly go into like the abyss in terms of economic collapse. And let’s assume that they make it somehow over there, right. Russian alliance with the Belt and Road Initiative, of course, with Israel trying to kind of, … Now Israel is trying to play this little in-between game. They haven’t been quite outspoken about being pro-Ukraine, or pro-Russia. They’ve been asked to mediate many, many, many times, right.


But the point is, it’s like a new alignment, or I guess, a new Cold War, I guess. That’s the best term, a “new Cold War” of sorts is opening up.


Kevin MacDonald: That’s right. And I think if the West, … I just can’t want the West to win, because what we’re about is multiculturalism, massive immigration, anti-White politics. I just can’t get behind it! And I know the nationals in Ukraine, I love them. And I see why they do what they do. But I see it from our point of view, and someone who lives in the West. And if the West wins this, they’re just going to clamp down all the harder. And the whole anti-White revolution is going to go faster and faster.!


Henrik Palmgren: Yeah, I cannot say, … We need to take, rational, normal, sensible, people need to take control of the West again.


Kevin MacDonald: Yeah, right!


Henrik Palmgren: And we need to be in a position where we’re still influential, but on good terms! We should trade with Russia!


Kevin MacDonald: Absolutely!


Henrik Palmgren: We’ll get into this in the second part, we’re gonna take a break. But again like this absolute lunacy from Biden and from these European leaders who are like shooting themselves in the foot! You’re cutting yourself off from oil, and gas, and hydrocarbons. What are you going to do? Fertilizer now, all the grains. Like this will be a disaster! And again, I think it’s by design. [chuckling] But we’ll talk more about that in a second, Kevin. I’m going to take just a quick break here.


You can follow Kevin MacDonald on Twitter, The Occidental Observer edit, for editor. And that’s, of course, The Occidental Observer. Check that out. That’s a great publication. And then, of course, you have the Occidental Quarterly, as well. Still printing that Kevin? Is there a digital version of that, or is it just a hard hard copy version?


Kevin MacDonald: It’s hardcopy, and it’s online. And a hard copy subscription sixty dollars a year. Online is thirty dollars. So anybody can afford it really. And we just put out the Spring issue. Just completed it.


Henrik Palmgren: Awesome! The Occidental Quarterly. Of course, check that out. There’s links from Occidental Observer. And again the website for that is Definitely check it out. Make sure you follow, make sure you support Kevin’s work.


We’ll take just a quick break here ladies and gentlemen. Stay with us. We’ll be right back with Kevin.


Join us in the second part ladies and gentlemen as we continue with Kevin MacDonald at Red, for a very fascinating part two. We’re going to go deeper into the major consequences of some of these policies now that we’re seeing, because of sanctions, because of import-export restrictions, and these kinds of things. And the deeper crisis. These are very important topics, because they’re right at the forefront. And they might drastically change how we live! Not only the within the scope of six months, we don’t know! A year, two years out, maybe longer.


We do not know how these things are going to be resolved! We don’t know if we have the means, in capability in many Western nations to kind of make up for the things that might be lost as a consequence of the poor decision-making that led to this schism between, well essentially Russia and the West.


But in the continuation you have a increasing side on the east being formed, with India, and China, of course, kind of aligning with Russia, Iran, you know, some of these other countries. A new alliance, kind of a new Cold War of sorts is rising up out of this.


And again consequence of this, high gas prices, food shortages, fertilizer shortage. And again these could have massive consequences in a span of very short time.


We’re going to talk more about that with Kevin MacDonald. We have some other topics lined up, as well. We’ll talk a little bit more some about the crazy anti-Whiteness that’s still, as all of this is ongoing in the West, and as we’re collapsing, the anti-White nonsense is still continuing to this day! There’s rising crime, of course. These things are never going away.


And we’re seeing a West in decline. And we kind of ask the question:


“Well, is this what they want?”


Isn’t that one of the goals of the Frankfurt School is to make the West so corrupt that it stinks? So the question is, people are rooting for the West’s collapse, or are they just abiding by this old agenda, essentially, as opposed to advocating maybe for a change in the West? I’m not saying solely political, but at some point sane, rational, sensible, people will have to step up and take responsibility and try to restore our nations to some kind of balance again. Or, that will be it! At least in the current configuration.


But anyway, that’s some of the things we’re going to get into with Kevin in the second part. So join us over at You can sign up over at Subscribestar dot com slash Red Ice, as well. Support us over there. It’s only 10 bucks a month. If you sign up for a longer subscription, we have those as well all the way up to two years, it gets cheaper per month. I think it’s six dollars 20 cents, or so, per month if you get a two year subscription.


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All right guys. Thank you so much again. We’ll be back with more soon. But check out the second hour right now then with Kevin MacDonald. Check out all the different methods that we have to sign up Subscribestar, Entropy stream. We have the cash app. We have an e-check option. We have crypto. And we have a mailing address as well.


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Thank you guys. Part two with Kevin MacDonald is coming up. So we’ll see you on the other side.




[Outro music]





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Odysee Comments


(Newer at the top)


Just now
I’ve made a transcript of this discussion here:

Red Ice TV – How Jewish Activism Transformed the West, Who Benefits from Ukraine-Russia War? – Kevin MacDonald – Mar 27, 2022 – Transcript


6 days ago
I think the time for politeness has passed and the proper price for destroying our society and culture should be handed out instead. No gloves needed..

6 days ago
There is no democracy in a country at war. If USA was at war with Mexico or Canada, the federal govt would declare martial law and force all media companies to sing the same tune. Anyone caught doing anything the feds deemed demoralizing for the contry’s morale would be severly punished and talking shit about the enemy would be encouraged if not sponsored. This is not a new tactic. You also forget that Ukraine has been at war since 2014 when the first Russian invasion occured. In 1994 Ukraine received guarantees from USA, other western powers and Russia that they will not be invaded if they allow Russia to remove the Soviet nukes off Ukrainain territory. Until Ukraine gave up its Soviet nuclear arsenal it was the third largest nuclear power on the planet. In the “Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances” USA was one of the signatories. The bio labs in Ukraine, the Soviet Union had quite a few of them predating any possible American involvment. And about the corruption there, what did you expect was gonna happen in a place where paying bribes was the only way to get anything done?! This shit will not be eliminated overnight or even 30 years, it needs a few generations to change minds and hearts.

6 days ago

7 days ago
Zilinski’s series ‘ Servant of the People is on Netflix lol

7 days ago
Even though “Putin is giving them exactly what they want”, which is (in my mind) undeniably the case, I believe that things have been orchestrated in such a way that Putin had little choice in the matter, if any. That seems to be the way things have worked for a long time. It was the same recipe that lead to ww2. Hitler and the axis powers literally had no choice but to REACT to what these mostly Jewish globalists had orchestrated after the 1st world war. The whole recipe has been described as a thesis-antithesis-synthesis phenomenon. I believe that there ARE very, very powerful people who manipulate opposites into direct conflict, often giving said opposites no choice in the matter, in order to profit in a number of ways from the conflicts and aftermath. This doesn’t require these opposing forces (the manipulated) to even be conscious of the overarching Master Plan. There truly IS an art to warfare, in bringing opposites into conflict and then initiating a synthesis after. I believe that warfare is even a religion to these movers-and-shakers at the highest level. I’ve studied these people and their little clubs for many a year… was even in the Rosicrucian Brotherhood myself for several… and, at least from my experiences with their common ideologies, am thoroughly convinced that, at the very top, these Kabalists and their goy dupes actually worship “the god of war”…
Show reply

7 days ago
Notice Free Speech is not under Social in ESG.

8 days ago
Awesome interview, Henrik. I caught the 2nd hour over at the Red Ice Members site as well. I really like the fact that you seem to place much importance in Mr. MacDonald’s assessments and opinions. That shows a high intelligence in yourself. Kevin is very wise, like a red-pilled grandfather. And you find that conversing him is like talking to an older version of yourself, don’t you? I just love the guy. Hail to you and your awesome wife. 🤜💥🤛

8 days ago
Is kinda hard to get behind your country when it’s being run by your mortal enemies.

8 days ago
That Finck (doesn’t that mean rat?) Jew looks White. I’ve been around, and seen Jews all around the world. Most are White. Yet, they claim to be the master race from the Levant. Fake. Look at the top Jew, Rothschild. Obviously a European. Something is seriously amiss with these Jews.

8 days ago
Literally EVERYONE should watch this
8 days ago
It’s a great feeleing when you leave a comment a year ago and wake up to find that Kevin MacDonald made a paper on it!
Thank you Henrik and Kevin.
Hail Our People!

8 days ago
KMac’s great. One of my favorite based boomers.

8 days ago
Is Joe Biden a Nefilim Giant? (Yes, he is!)


8 days ago
the “red ice” staff are a fed psy op. they are both jews and masons that worship satan.
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6 days ago
Aaaand you’re a fag. You don’t even understand what “Satanism” is in the sense we use the word. When we refer to Satanism, we mean what Satan represents in the Bible. He represents the worldly tangible things vs Christ which represents more of a spiritual essence.
Jews don’t believe in heaven, hell or Jesus. Therefore, they don’t believe in satan. They don’t believe any of it. So to say they worship Satan is moronic.
So how can anyone take what you say seriously when you don’t even know the fundamentals of what’s going on here?
You provide no anecdotal or direct evidence to suggest they are a psy OP. That means you’re either a Marxist shill yourself trying to sew confusion wherever you can, or, you’re just an idiot who doesn’t realize you sound dumb and you’re just taking what little wind we have out of our sails.
I notice you fucks never provide alternative sources of info which aren’t feds… You just accuse everyone of being feds. You don’t say why you think or “know” that of course…
It’s all so tiresome.
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4 days ago
You are an idiot. The word Satan is of Semitic origin. You have no idea what you are talking about. You know nothing about Freemasonry nor do you know anything about religion. You are an idiot. You are sitting here watching videos produced by a CIA Psy-Op. Both these people are Jews. Both of them are Masons. They both worship Azazel and Cain. You are a moron.

9 days ago
Don’t they attack Trump just to cause the effect of stronger support? We saw how he ushered in this new tyranny, telling us to all get this poison, while actually “shushing” and dismissing his supporters and fans who were booing him….just like he did when confronted with the issue of charging Hillary Clinton. Trump has been “Israel First Baby!” the entire way. He’s owned by Wilbur Ross, as you must know. The main thing about Trump is his ability to unite people. The trouble is that we see how Trump will ultimately throw his support under the bus, in order to cater to the “people(sic)” who run him.

9 days ago
If IQ and racial population is going to be mentioned as a reason for jews not dominating power structures then the book the Bell Curve is my reference. Jews are one stardard deviation above whites in IQ and that is with 1994 data. The problem Charles Murray identified in the book was IQ stratification which has definately(guessing) affected the white races much more then the jewish races. So saying that the white races have more persons at higher IQs because of a larger population then the jewish races may not be true as the white races may have a very different looking bell curve because of IQ stratification. And when looking at jewish culture, hi IQ people usually had large families where as white high IQ family typically have less children then average IQ white families. If Kevin MacDanald is going to make the statement that Whites have more High IQ individuals then Jews he is going to have to produce evidence. The correlation between IQ and outcomes seems to be the best that I have seen demonstrated so far.
There are other personnel characteristics that were mentioned in The Bell Curve but their correlation to outcome was not as good as IQ. Maybe this guy could do a study looking at nepotism on a racial level that is as good as the studies done by the authers of the bell curve and put it in a book. I would read it.
I am not saying this guy is wrong but I am leaning that way without some proof. Anecdotal eveidence does not count.

9 days ago
The whole thing is about getting as many White men as possible to kill one another and to get as many White women as possible impregnated by non-Whites. In other words: the Kalergi/Hooton/Morgenthau/Kaufman/Zionist plan.

9 days ago
How nice, a shareholder ecconomy for the plebs, where 1 jewish family owns 99% of the shares…
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6 days ago
I roll my eyes in disgust every time I hear people say Elon musk is the richest man on earth. What a joke. Its incredible, nobody even knows about the Rothschilds.

9 days ago
They must always be NAMED!!

9 days ago
Kevin McDonald the legend!

9 days ago
Kevin should have submitted the paper Sokal Hoax style using an Israeli sounding name. They’re fine with this type of writing so long as the author is Jewish, eg, Yuri Slezkine’s ‘The Jewish Century’.

9 days ago
Let’s go!!!
9 days ago
vased kevin mike donal?

9 days ago
It’s kind of Amazing that intelligent people like Dr. MacDonald still have a hard time separating Trump the actor from President Trump, the control op character concocted by the powers that be from the very beginning. They did this so that when a genuine nationalist ever ran for president on American values he would automatically be compared to Trump optics-wise, therefore, disqualified in the eyes of the masses who find his mannerisms grotesque and who aren’t part of the left or right. Not to mention having a control op like Trump in office is an excellent stress test to see what laws need to be tweaked or added to prevent someone like him who isn’t controlled to be elected organically. It’s actually quite genius if you ask me.

9 days ago
jews do NOT have higher iq’s than Whites. Theres 3 to 4 times more MENSA tier high iq White people in America alone than there is all the jews in the whole world.

9 days ago
Kevin says “That’s why the West [i.e. Western Neoliberal Progressive Globalist ruling elite] is putting up such a strong fight. They see this as armageddon…. If they lose this it will be a huge setback for Globalism.” I’m skeptical about that. There are plenty of indications that the Western Globalist elites are deliberately destroying the US-centered global economy as part of the Great Reset. Building up the Eurasian economy will fit in with the Great Reset agenda very nicely. An authoritarian regime in Russia, like the one in China, can implement Great Reset Technocratic reforms while Larry Fink and his ilk continue to revolutionize the West from the top down using their control over business, political parties, the media and government.
I rather think that the over-reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a calculated move to further dismantle the American-led global economic order. The Western Globalist ruling elite would do just fine in a multipolar world.

9 days ago
All jews are AntiWhite by default of them being jews. There is no argument that can prove the contrary.

9 days ago
Including Mischlinge, Jews probably account for about 0,5% of the world’s population, but are behind a good 70-80% of the world’s ills and evils.

9 days ago
they attacked Trump simply so that you would defend him. the guy told us the enemy of the people was the media then he signed a resolution making it illegal to criticize them in any capacity. the same people that you are so carefully examining in the beginning of this show. the guy is shabos AF.

9 days ago
“Putin runs Russia.” It is questionable how far this is true. Chabad is extremely powerful in the Russian economy. The Russian Jewish mafia is alive and well. There are still Jewish oligarchs but they are more socially conservative and are grateful for Putin who has been very good for the Jews of Russia according to one Chabad rabbi quoted in the following video from Know More News:
“Rabbi Reveals Shocking History of Putin, KGB, Chabad, & Mossad”


9 days ago
Jews control everything…or are “influential”, because they are scheming, lying, dirty little devil cunts. They will do anything and everything to fullfull their prophetic fantasies of ruling the world. They have no morality when it comes to how they treat non Jews.

9 days ago
▌│█║▌║▌║ Ǫᑌι???!! ║▌║▌║█│▌

9 days ago
Henrik talks about the economic hegemony exercised by asset management companies like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Berkshire Hathaway. Jonas Nilsson recently made a great documentary on this subject and was interviewed by Henrik about this documentary. Here is the link:
“The Power Brokers You Never Elected” –


9 days ago
‘Ethnic Networking’… perfect term.
Memo from Larry Fink – to all those corporations subsumed into Blackrock: Putin bad! Leave Russia.
Instantly orchestrated. A miracle in communications.
This is much what I see the deep state to be, little jew nodes on the jew ethnet, propped up by shabbat goys.

9 days ago
Putin is controlled too. They all are. Just some are in different personal situations. For example, Trump has more money than Hillary but when it comes down to it they all work for the same agenda whether they realise it or not.
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9 days ago
This comment was slimed to death.
Show reply

6 days ago
I think the key to what you said is “whether they know it or not”. I think you’re 100% right, and that’s the hard part.. Figuring out who is knowingly doing us harm vs who is being manipulated/forced into certain avenues without wanting /knowing.

9 days ago
The paper by Andrew Joyce that Kevin mentions at
is very illuminating about how Jewish influence was disseminated in America from the 1950s onward. It is called “Modify the Standards of the In-Group: On Jews and Mass Communications”

“Modify the standards of the in-group”: On Jews and Mass Communications

Henrik should have Andrew Joyce on his show to discuss this paper.

9 days ago
It’s so funny how Nathan Cofnas is allowed to publish institutionally accredited papers explaining jewish over-representation as a matter of genetic IQ – but his peers and co-ethnics will make it their explicit business to destroy any white gentile that makes the exact same argument to explain White over-representation compared to Africans. I swear, everything these people do proves Kevin’s thesis correct.
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22 hours ago
It gets even funnier…Nathan Cofnas literally wrote papers about academic censorship on topics such as IQ and genetics…but apparently, if you barely touch upon Israel or the “chosen people”, you are antisemitic AND wrong by default…without further examination of the evidence….But what do you expect from then?….Just assuming they have the same morals as us has been the error of our kind for hundreds/thousands of years…and no further civilization could even blossom ever again…unless they seriously addresses the J question

9 days ago
it just seems that with so many very wealthy Jews investing in China, that this war is a smoke screen.
it’s an excuse to force the monetary system to exchange hands from US to China, which seems to be happening with this SWIFT stuff and countries not using the dollar.
the war is fake political theater 🎭 for people to pretend THAT is the reason it was a war.
but on reality the US is on the chopping block and it’s being handed to China.. the war is just filler, dressing.. an excuse for American elites and politicians to point to and pretend they weren’t in bed with the whole thing.
to many politicians in bed with China and Ukrainian and even Russia for us to pretend ANY of this is anymore that a joke. this is the war to provide cover for what they ALWAYS planned to do.. I just wish I knew how to prepare..
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9 days ago
The war is real enough. What is fake is the Western hostile elite outrage. The war is indeed being used as an excuse to further sabotage the Western economies and build up the economic power and geopolitical power of China, Russia, India and other Eurasian nations. Israel, in particular will benefit from the rise of Eurasian economic dominance.
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9 days ago
well yes. I didn’t mean to belittle the loss of life or harm to people; I apologize if that’s how it sounded
I guess it just seems like when some low moral woman has a husband and so she sets it up so the relationship is over because the guy, even tho she always was on her way out. and she doesn’t want the ex to ACTUALLY move on so she sets him up with the next girl, or is trying to. idk.

9 days ago
Great talk with Kevin MacDonald – reposted.
Everyone, please check our channel and sub – you’ll appreciate it.

9 days ago
I love this guy. He needs to be on more often.
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9 days ago
Kevin MacDonald has been a frequent guest on Redice, check out
for previous shows.

9 days ago
God bless the Aryan race! 0/
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9 days ago

8 days ago
They will soon nuke each other out of existence
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8 days ago
Shut up, filthy kike.
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3 days ago
Hey man take it easy, the fact is the West and Russia both have Nukes and will surely eliminate each other, I’m just stating a fact that will happen in the coming era; surely they will use those weapons. Also, don’t assume everyone you disagree with is Jewish.

8 days ago
You are a fucking moron. This is why Henrik has disabled the chat feature in bitchute.
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8 days ago
What’s wrong with saying “God bless the Aryan race”???
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8 days ago
Which man made fictitious sky daddy are you talking about exactly. The gullible mindless dumbed down masses with their idiocracy, no wonder the rulers have been having such an easy time pillaging them for thousands of years. Rinse and repeat.

9 days ago
K’mac <3

9 days ago
Two good & important men. A privilege to listen this discussion; t/y.
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9 days ago
And hehe … was Like #14. Based.

9 days ago
Just letting you guys know you can turn comments back on for Bitchute. They have upgraded the comments section to allow blocking/muting and comment notifications now.

9 days ago
let’s see…. two Jewish leaders, dead white people in between. it’s obvious who’s benefiting. took me way less than an hour.
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9 days ago
aww. someone who loves the mainstream narrative slimed me.

9 days ago
If you think Putin is Jewish then you’re just as retarded as the group that thinks Hitler was one.
btw enjoy your second slime since you care so much.
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9 days ago
you’re the one reacting emotionally. in Putin’s own biography you can find his nationality card. on it his mother is listed as Jewish. those are the facts. you can believe what you want. some people believe in ghosts. I’m going to use evidence for my conclusions. and using his official biography is a lot more reputable than some random sperge in a comment section.
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9 days ago
Press X to doubt.
“His mother was a devoted Christian believer who attended the Russian Orthodox Church, while his father was an atheist.[670] Though his mother kept no icons at home, she attended church regularly, despite government persecution of her religion at that time. His mother secretly baptized him as a baby, and she regularly took him to services.”
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9 days ago
you’re retarded huh? it’s in his biography. on his nationality card it is listed. I already posted it. I guess you don’t know about the Russian Orthodox Church. do some research. it’s the only thing that survived communism for a reason… derf. it only takes 10 minutes to figure out how highly corrupted it was and still is. press the trigger, to doubt, next time. and stop thinking some ghost from the sky is going to save you.

9 days ago
Wikipedia is literally edited by jews.
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9 days ago
You call me retarded but you make comments like this. I can’t take you seriously. You’re an 85 IQ wignat troll.
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9 days ago
that is not an argument. what I said is the truth. it’s not hard to find Israel’s higher ups training other Jews to edit wikipedia. lol wignat… I’d rather be that than a retard because apparently they can accept the truth even when it puts their world viewing question. unlike you, child. you have no place in politics.
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9 days ago
You haven’t provided proof. Documents can be faked easily you imbecile. If you had an IQ higher than 85 you would know this. She was a Christian.
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9 days ago
You’re in denial because your Christian, right? You’re giving this Jew a pass becasue you think he was a christian, like you. LOL Thanks for showing further the weaknesses that come along with your desert religion.
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9 days ago
Name me some good Pagans in the white nationalist and dissident right movement apart from Lana and Henrik. You have Greg Johnson who is a homosexual and vaccine pusher. You have Varg who is a Nordicist sperg who hates almost everyone who isn’t Nordic ane he’s an arsonist and convicted murderer. And you have Augustus Sol Invictus who is a race mixer and a total freak. And you have other Anti-Christians like Richard Spencer who shill for Biden, NATO, Macron and the vaccine. But, yeah, Paganism and racist athisem will totally save us.
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9 days ago
You are still stuck on the mainstream plantation. Oh, you don’t like A… Well then tell me why you like b…. I never said anything about paganism. Nice try. Spencer is a faggot, but he didn’t shill for nato. He said shilling for Russia is anti american. You’re literally the guy who gets caught up on all finkle think. Oh Biden hates something…. That means I love it…. Derp. AGain, you have no place in politics. You can’t even approach a topic without your retarded religious lense on it. Grow up, little boy. You’re still years behind.
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9 days ago
Can you not read? I covered both Paganism, racist atheism and Spencer who has his own religion. Ok, let’s say you’re right about Spencer and he didn’t shill for Nato. He has the EU flag in his Twitter bio and Nato and The EU are partners. And what about all the other points I made and what about Azov? They are Pagan, are being used by Nato/The West (whether they like it or not) and are in another brothers war? Plus there’s evidence they are funded by a Jew. But, yeah, only Christians are the problem.
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9 days ago
LOL You’re talking about twitter bio pics while complaining about burdens of proof. You didn’t make other talking points. Azov are their own thing. Zelensky, in the west, puts his henchmen in their uniforms. Because people are so easily decieved… How many more associated press talking points are you going to regurgitate? You live for the lies. Quora, wiki, Ap. Do you also repeat Wapo, ny and tyt? lol I never said ONLY Christians were the problem. It’s just easy to see where your blindspot is. You want to say there is evidence azov is funded by Jews…… Meanwhile the whole reason you wrote me was to say Putin is not a Jew…. THERE IS FAR MORE EVIDENCE THAT PUTIN IS GETTING MONEY FROM JEWS. But hey… Let’s ignore that for now so your talking points sound stronger. You lack the ability to be willing to see if your own worldview will burn. All you’re doing is repeating the mainstream narratives on why this brother war is acceptable. It’s not.
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9 days ago
You’re such a moron. Are you really trying to argue that Richard Spencer is not pro the European Union? Is that the hill you are willing to die on? Not only does he have the EU flag on his Twitter, he has long argued that Brexit was a bad idea. I would reply to your other stupid points but I just cannot take you seriously.
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9 days ago
You’re the one who can’t be taken seriously. Like I said, Richard Spencer is a faggot. Damn Richard spencer and his TWITTER FUCKING PIC. Then you ignore everything Putin has done for the Jews and how they control him. But let’s ignore that, WHICH IS THE TOPIC, and focus on Faggot Richard Spencer’s twitter pic. You dont’know the first thing about burdens of proof. You know what you want to believe. Keep repeating the associated press, I am sure they aren’t leading you down a primrose path.
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9 days ago
You are the one who attacked Christians. The anti-Christians I listed are degenerates, murderers, race mixers and supporters of liberalism or globalism. Keep attacking Christians though because all those based Pagans, athiests and Apollonians will save us. And for some reason, you keep trying to assert that I am “mainstream” even though I am a long time Red Ice listener and I very rarely read or watch the MSM. Kevin MacDonald at 43 minutes during the interview says “Putin runs Russia and anybody, including a Russian oligarch, who gets on the wrong side of him better watch out.” So is KMac mainstream now, by your absurd standards?
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9 days ago
Yet, red ice has been repeating the mainstream narrative, and hey check it out, now they got you repeating the mainstream narrative. I called out your Chirtianity because it was the obvious blinders that were keeping you from being able to accept easily proveable facts. Like Putin is a Jew. Out of the HANDFUL of people you named, no they won’t save us, but neither will any one of these tlaking heads. And neither will a ghost in the sky. There is no predetermined armageddon. Christians are willing to accept that there is, it is there fate and there is no use fighting it. Christians give more money to Israel than anybody. They help bring illegals into the country. They advocate to WAIT for child birth. Yea, theres a good idea, when we are being demographically replaced. And yes, Kevin or Henrik aren’t telling the whole truth or they are ignorant of it. Both of these leaders are communist Jews. They both want the same thing. Yet we have to hear how these talking heads are ágainst brother wars’BUT….. followed by excuses as to why it’s ok this time. Ignoring Putin’s Jewish ties, communist ties and KGB history. You consider it an attack when I can call a spade a spade? You nver told me you were Christian, yet I was easily able to see that you were by you inability to question certain ideas. Sorry pal, Putin is a Jew. Christainity was created by Jews to make you subservient to them and keep you sitting on your hands waiting for your saviour instead of acting. It has created blinders on you, making you accept brother wars. Race first. Fuck your religion.
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9 days ago
It wasn’t Red Ice who made that point though. It was Kevin who is much more of an expert in Jewish influence than you. And I suppose you know more than the man who wrote this article on Kevin’s website? This is a mainstream source too, I suppose?

The Great Russian Restoration IV: The State of Opposition Nationalist Politics in Russia

It’s also hilarious that you attack Christians for birth rates when it’s the Mormons and the Amish who are keeping the white birth rate high. And although I like Lana she waited a long time before having 2 kids. You’re just embarassing yourself at this point.
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9 days ago
HA. Just becuase you can point to a tumor that isn’t cancerous doesn’t mean tumors are good. And guess what. I have the ability to be more honest than Kevin. He needs to remain professional so he can’t touch certain topics. They both literally sit here defending and wishing for a return ro ‘democracy’…. So yea, they aren’t correct about all of their positions. I like facts. You like talking heads. You think facts change based on the credentials of the person saying the fact, they don’t. You can’t understand simple concepts. I didn’t attack Christians ‘birth rates’. I talked about how DEEPLY ENTRENCHED beliefs within Christianity are easy to identify weakness. Want to point to other denominations strong points? The fact that there are denominiations are a WEAKNESS. How many denominations are there now? Talk about a divisive minset. You’re just a fucking pussy. You’re just a retard. You’re just low Iq sperg. These are not arguments. They must be added to actual arguments to have any weighht. All you do is straw man. Hey faggot, PUTIN IS A JEW and I proved it. Keeping the white birth rate high??? LOL Look how you word shit. It isn’t high. They have high birth rates in their small groups but not enough to make a difference. You are cherry picking people as representatives of ideas. I cab point to just as many Christians if not more, who sin, give/take jewish money, promote brother wars and so on…. and they have FAR more influence on the masses than the people you call pagans. I live in the real world. Where people effect outcomes. Not gods, not ghosts and not prayers. Unfortunately, the rest of us have to be vicitimized by the wars those retarded religions justofy in the minds of the elite.
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9 days ago
You wrote a lot without saying much. You accused me of being stuck in the “mainstream.” I listed sources that weren’t mainstream and now you dismiss them because they are pro-democracy or something? It’s funny that they are fairly pro-Putin and Russia in this interview but you also accuse them of being pro-democracy as if Russia is a great example of a demoracy? As for birth rates, yeah, the birth rates are not high now but it will rebound because eventually most of the athiests who don’t have kids will be removed from the gene pool. Eventually it will be mostly Christian conservatives who will be left and they will keep the birth right high. Conservative and Christian birth rates are signigicantly higher than liberals and athiests. Obviously not as high as Africa but more or less above replacement which is good enough. And it will improve. You say you live in the real world but there are almost no Pagans in the real world and atheists are dying out. You say that you like facts. Those are the pesky facts.
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9 days ago
Because you have devolved the conversatoin down to having to explain every minute detail, because simple concepts are easily lost on you. I didn’t dismiss them. I said THEY ARE REPEATING THE AP. And why? I discussed this as well, BECAUSE THEY HAVE TO. He has to stay on the óffical narrative’, propped up by ófficial’s sources’. Putin is a Jew. End of story. Christianity was put together by the Nicaean council from the letters from SAUL. It’s Jewish. Get fucking real. Oh yea, Europeans got their spitiual beliefs from the desert, from which the hordes came from. You are an idiot. You wanted citations, you got them. So then you had to try and nit pick about personalities…. Facts are facts regardless of who says them. You were so easy to manipulate, all they had to do was have the people you hate say they support something and you do the polar oppositte automatically. Becasue you lack agency and critical thinking skills. You can respond, but I AM lowering myself, responding to your every retarded thought and defense of your thoughts, I will not be responding any further. You are literally afraid to research beyond what you currently believe. Why even argue people on the internet? Jesus will surely be making things right soon enough, without our exchange, no?

9 days ago
I already posted his nationality card, that comes from his own biography. Not very hard to find. So yes, I did provide proof. Your WANT to disbelieve is your cross to bear. Yes, I know things can be faked. ESPECIALLY WIKI. If you had higher than an 80 IQ you would know this. If you ever did any research you would know exactly why the roc survived throughout communism. Because it was communistic, aka judaic. Here is fucking NAFATALI BENNET admitting that they edit wikipedia to benefit zionism.
I aklready posted his nationlaity card. You can find his biography easy enough. Do your own research, faggot. But you won’t. Because you are a coward afraid to question your already held incorrect worldviews. Fuck off child. You have no place in politics for that reason. For your very obvious character flaws.
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9 days ago
I already did some research. Of course Quora and Wikipedia are not the best sources but the burden of proof is on you to prove she is Jewish and you have not provided enough evidence to satisfy me.
“The authenticity of the data indicated in the document has not been confirmed.”
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9 days ago
GO READ THE BIOGRAPHY. I provided proof. YOU are the one who wants to hold a ridiculous burden of proof on it because YOU DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE IT. Again, that is your cross to bear. Why don’t you post me some Jerusalem post next. derf. Next time don’t stop researching until your done. Don’t give up when your current beliefs are satisfied.

2 days ago
Even in the Jerusalem of West,USA,they don’t have own president and they don’t need him.The same goes for Russia.Yeltsin was in good terms with them more than Putin,yet he wasn’t one of them.
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1 day ago
Putin is a Jew. I already proved it.
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1 day ago
A random image doesn’t prove nothing,i can photoshop it too to make him be from Bali.Given that he likes them and goes along with them nicely,he would be happy to claim that he is Yid,if would.He would gain sympathy points.
Everything you don’t like isn’t sometimes of Yid.
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1 day ago
Go read the biography yourself. It’s an ID card. Sorry, but yes, ID cards do prove information. Your comment is retarded. How many times has he thrown on the yamika and touched the wall? How much money has he given and taken? How long has Russia been the hideout for Communism? How long has the KGB pushed communism through the back door? I understand that you have been supporting a brother war and now must defend your support. And you will deny all information that highlights your incorrect ideas. Putin will not save you. Just like Trump wasn’t going to save you.
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18 hours ago
Whoah,whoah!Noboby denied that he is Yiddiphile,but Yiddipile was Trump despite not being Yid.I would believe that card if there was a sufficient citation from reliable biography books.Also,i fucking not care about Putin,i am tired of this war,i only wantmy fellow nationals(Hellenes)get back and be safe.What i say,i say that because in this corner of internet there’s the general retardation that everything we don’t like is Jewish.No their upbringing is effective to lead a generation of servant gentiles.
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17 hours ago
Except in our corners of the internet they have been celebrating him. Even red ice is making excuses for brother wars. They report everything about zelensky, excusing Russia’s aggression. When it’s two Jews with dead white people standing in between them. Who would’ve thought it would be so simple to deceive these people just by putting some bad guys in good guys uniforms.
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17 hours ago
Oh gawd!I don’t fucking care about both sides,yet you accuse me as a Russophile.Even when i consoomed Eric Striker,i wasn’t vehenmently pro-Russian.Saying that he isn’t Yid,it’s just sanity,it’s not like joining on Wagner.Of course i know that Putin won’t save me,but only we will save ourselves.He fights for his country and that’s it.
Yids aren’t your only reason to our general deteriotation,that’s the hyperbole of this Internet corner.Yes they are subversive,but no way they are responsible for everything bad regarding huwhites.

9 days ago
never saw Hitler put on a yamica and touch the wailing Wall. you’re comparing apples and oranges.

9 days ago

9 days ago
I was hoping someone like you would respond just so I can post the picture of his nationality card. f*** your beliefs. get some real information and make some solid conclusions. instead of calling people retards on the internet. you’re getting nowhere..

9 days ago
Putin’s mother’s maiden name was Shalomov.
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8 days ago
Hitler’s father last name was something like Shekelgrabber before he changed it
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2 days ago
he may not be Yid,but he’s powered from them just like the cross-dresser comedian



See Also




Luke Ford – Andrew Joyce On The Jewish Question — Apr 17, 2017 — Transcript

David Duke Interviews Dr Andrew Joyce — TRANSCRIPT

Red Ice Radio: Dr Andrew Joyce – The History of Jewish Influence — TRANSCRIPT (Part 1)

Red Ice Radio: Dr Andrew Joyce – The History of Jewish Influence — TRANSCRIPT (Part 2)


TOO – Andrew Joyce’s Podcast – Talmud and Taboo — Part 01 – Jun 30, 2020 — Transcript

Andrew Joyce’s Podcast – T & T No. 1 – The Skype Directory — Jul 15, 2020 — Transcript

Andrew Joyce – T&T No 2 – And then one day… – Jul 20, 2020 — Transcript

Andrew Joyce – T&T No 3 – Kicking Over the Bucket – Jul 27, 2020 — Transcript

Andrew Joyce – T&T 8 – SEMITISM – Aug 28, 2020 — Transcript

Andrew Joyce – Trumpism, Bidenism, and the System – Nov 9, 2020 — Transcript

Guide to Kulchur – The Protocols of the Elders of Zion – Andrew Joyce – Nov 22, 2020 — Transcript



Andrew Joyce – BLM – Irish Edition – Dec 31, 2020 – Transcript

Horus – Discussing the ‘Russian Pogroms’ with Andrew Joyce – Jan 20, 2021 — Transcript

Guide to Kulchur – The Merchant of Venice – Abusive Victim-Identity Syndrome – Andrew Joyce – Jan 20, 2021 — Transcript



How Africans May Differ from Westerners


Barbara Lerner Spectre










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* Total words in transcript = 10,439
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Version History



Version 4: Apr 6, 2022 — Transcript now complete. Added Odysee comments (106)


Version 3: Apr 5, 2022 — 51/64 mins of transcript complete.


Version 2: Apr 4, 2022 — 42/64 mins of transcript complete.


Version 1: Apr 3, 2022 — Published post. 25/64 mins of transcript complete.

This entry was posted in America, Anti-semitism, anti-White, Bk - Culture of Critique, Christian - anti, Communism, Deception, Demographics, Family - Anti, Frankfurt School, Freedom of Speech, Globalism, Hate Speech, IQ, Jew World Order, Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish Diaspora, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Kevin MacDonald, Liberalism, Marxism, Media - jewish domination, Multiracialism, Occidental Observer, Republican Party, Soviet Union, Transcript, Ukraine War 2022, Uncategorized, White genocide, Zionists. Bookmark the permalink.

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