Mark Collett
White People Aren’t
Real Londoners
Fri, Aug 25, 2023
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“Sadiq Khan’s office recently released brand guidelines that state that White British families are not representative of ‘real Londoners’. Whilst this incident has generated a lot of discussion, the vast majority of commentators have ignored the elephant in the room – the fact that the White British population are already a minority in Britain’s capital. This isn’t just about anti-White rhetoric, this is about White replacement.”
– KATANA]—White-People-AREN’T-REAL-Londoners:e
Published on Fri, Aug 25, 2023
White People AREN’T REAL Londoners
August 25, 2023
Mark Collett
Sadiq Khan’s office recently released brand guidelines that state that White British families are not representative of ‘real Londoners’. Whilst this incident has generated a lot of discussion, the vast majority of commentators have ignored the elephant in the room – the fact that the White British population are already a minority in Britain’s capital. This isn’t just about anti-White rhetoric, this is about White replacement.
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
london mayor
sadiq khan
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(Words: 1,758 – 12:06 mins)
Apparently White people aren’t “real Londoners”! And this comes directly from Sadiq Khan’s Office. He’s the Mayor of London by the way. You see, his office has produced a set of brand guidelines that have to be adhered to when promoting anything to do with the Mayor.
And among these brand guidelines appears a photo of what looks like a normal White British family. And that photo is marked “Doesn’t represent real Londoners”!
Whilst another photo that featured the Mayor surrounded by largely non-white faces was labelled “Recognisable, real and diverse London”.
Now to be fair, there has been some news commentary about this, especially from so-called “Right-wing” tabloids. What’s more, channels like GB News have covered the story. And other pundits and some mainstream politicians have spoken out about it. I should also imagine that there has been a fair bit of outrage from a lot of normal people.
But if you thought I was making a video just to get angry about these pictures and their labels, then you are wrong! This isn’t going to be the easy take, the rage fuelled rant that attacks Sadiq Khan for propagating “anti-White racism” as other some commentators have produced.
I mean, that take is valid, but it’s lazy and crucially it doesn’t get the core of the issue – it doesn’t get to the point that you should really be angry about.
Now, I do want to be clear. Saying that White British people aren’t real Londoners is anti-White! But it’s more than that – it’s a complete inversion of the truth. It’s an example of turning reality on its head.
White British people are the only real Londoners! Because they are the people who are indigenous to these islands, they are the people whose ancestors built London.
They are the ones who ancestors lived through the defining moments in London’s history – the Black Death, the Great Fire, the Blitz! They were the ones who endured war, famine and saw monarchs and regimes come and go!
The migrant population living in London – some of whom will bear a British passport, some of whom will not – can be called “Londoners” in a sense too, but they are not Londoners in the same way as the descendants of those who built the city.
So, for Sadiq Khan’s office to claim that the most “real” of all Londoners are the migrants and their descendants, and equally that the people who are not real Londoners are the indigenous people still living in Britain’s capital, is absolutely an anti-White inversion of the truth!
So, yeah, the photo of the White British family marked with the label, “Doesn’t represent real Londoners” is scandalous and should make you angry! Because it’s simply not true.
But the second photo, the one where the White faces are in the minority, the one marked “Recognisable, real and diverse London” should also make you angry. In fact it should make you just as angry, if not more so, than the other photo. And that is because sadly, the label on this photo is absolutely true and correct! And this is something that most pundits and commentators won’t dare to talk about.
You see, the worst thing about this issue, is that second photo is evidence of the greatest issue of our time! The sweeping demographic changes affecting London, Britain and the West as a whole.
That second photo, the one where the White British faces are a tiny minority, that’s an accurate, yet sad reflection of the truth of the demographic shift that has taken place in Britain’s capital.
Because if you didn’t know, London is only 37% White British. The indigenous people still living in London are already a minority. They have been replaced! They have been displaced!
And the demographic change that has already taken place is now so sweeping that frankly, to claim that a White British family would be representative of the average family in London is quite simply a fantasy. London is lost! And if you hadn’t guessed by my tone, I think that’s a bad thing.
And as I said earlier, yes, we should be angry about the pictures and about Sadiq Khan and his anti-White brand guidelines. But to pretend that’s the big issue here is to deny the real problem.
And denying the real problem, is exactly what many of the people commenting on these pictures and feigning anger are actually doing.
In fact, many of those throwing up their hands in faux-outrage are actually people who endorse mass migration and cheer on the demographic shifts that are ensuring that the second photo, the one where the Whites are a minority, is not just representative of London, but also representative of many other cities up and down the UK!
And of those denying that the real problem exists and choosing to simply feign outrage in order to jump on the bandwagon, the leading lights within the Conservative Party were by far the worst.
Here are a few of their responses to this issue that are guaranteed to raise your blood pressure!
South Thanet MP Craig Mackinlay said, and I quote:
“I think it is indicative of the divisive nature of Sadiq and Labour’s view on party politics these days.”
End quote. Yes Craig, Sadiq and Labour are divisive! Spineless toads like Craig won’t even use the term “anti-White”, because to raise that issue would be to talk of White people as a distinct ethnic group, which then opens the door to lots of conversations that the Conservatives don’t want normal people to have!
Deputy Tory chairman Lee Anderson said on Twitter, and I quote:
“Do your job i.e., reduce crime, build some houses and stop robbing folk!”
End quote. Now this is typical Tory misdirection. It involves side stepping the issue at hand and reverting back to safe middle-of-the-road talking points that never involve race or demographics.
I mean, who cares if White Britons are a minority? The Mayor of London’s real priority should be building more houses for the migrants who colonised the city and forced White Britons out of the capital!
But the best is yet to come! That’s why I saved it for last.
Susan Hall, the Conservative Mayoral candidate for 2024 London elections, blurted out the following. And I quote:
“All Londoners are real Londoners. We should be celebrating London’s diversity. But sadly the Mayor is more interested in dividing people. He should apologise.”
End quote. What an absolute load of horse manure! This drivel amounts to the typical Tory argument that “the Left-wingers are the real racists”. This is snivelling conservatism at its very worst! No mention of the anti-White nature of the labels used on the pictures, no mention of the racial predicament White Britons face in cities like London, but instead, Sadiq Khan is rebuked for not following the liberal doctrine of “diversity” and “inclusion” to the letter.
Because surely what London needs in order to be the bustling utopia of peace, love and prosperity that it could be, is more diversity! And crucially, diversity that is implemented correctly.
And I am sure, that if you were to vote for Susan in 2024, and she was to be elected, implementing diversity would indeed be one of her top priorities!
Not one of these Conservatives had an intelligent word to say about the labelling of these pictures, and they certainly didn’t have anything to say about the real issue – you, know, the elephant in the room! The fact that White Britons are already a minority in London and will soon be a minority in Britain as a whole.
Because as I’ve said, that is the real issue here. The real issue is, that Sadiq Khan was, in a way, correct! If the label on the picture of the White British family had just said “Doesn’t represent modern London”, could you really argue? No. Because London is already gone. It’s a city lost to migration.
And if that is something that you don’t feel good about, then you should be even more disturbed to learn that Birmingham, Leicester, and Luton are the same. And soon, that same fate will befall many other cities.
And by 2066, it won’t just be a matter of “cities”, a White British family will not be representative of Britain as a whole. Because if the current demographic trends continue, White Britons will be a minority in Britain as a whole.
So should we be angry with Sadiq Khan? Yes. But we should probably also be a little bit thankful, because he has at least done something that has created a conversation about race and demographics – a conversation that we need to have.
And we should also be a little bit happy with Sadiq Khan because the conversation that he has started has yet again caused the Conservatives to show their hand and reveal that they are just as anti-White as the Labour Party.
The Conservatives aren’t going to help White Britons! They aren’t going to stop our replacement, and fundamentally, they are just as committed to “diversity” and “inclusion” and “immigration” as Sadiq Khan and those on the Left.
So, what is the moral of this story?
Well, quite simply, if you don’t like the fact that White Britons no longer represent the average Londoner, if you don’t like the fact that the real face of London is now diverse and non-White, well do something about it before the whole country is that way!
It’s not enough to sit in silence. It’s not enough to quietly grumble and moan. And if you think voting for the Conservatives will solve this issue in anyway, then you must have had a lobotomy! Over a decade of Conservative rule has resulted in the highest rates of immigration Britain has ever experienced.
In fact, things are now so bad, that a third of all babies born in Britain are born to women who themselves weren’t born here!
So, if you don’t like the fact that British cities are places where White Britons are increasingly becoming a maligned minority, then you need to get active and push back against the establishment before the demographic changes that we are witnessing go so far that they can never be reversed.
If we don’t organise and act now, then our inaction will ensure that the period we are living through will be remembered as the twilight of our race and of Western civilisation as a whole.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 8/28/2023 = 94)
2 days ago
Pakis are fake sand niggers. They are just a bunch of child raping Jewish controlled biological weapons against white people.
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2 days ago
all mudlimes are like that.
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2 days ago
They are brown Jews yeah.
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2 days ago
which is ironic because they all belong to same semitic group of people. Yet when you hear accusations of antisemitism, it’s exclusively about hatred against Jewish.
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2 days ago
And antisemitism is just a made up word like Nazi. By Jews.
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2 days ago
what should not be forgotten is that kike term is invented by Jews themselves
Dissident Doctrine
2 days ago
A DNA test, the established scientific means of determining whereabouts on the planet a person is from, will conclusively prove that those people aren’t even from this continent, let alone the British Isles. The gubment told us to ‘trust the science’.
2 days ago
another paki larping as ‘british’
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2 days ago
1 day ago
A paki saying they are British, it’s like a dog born in a stable masquerading as a horse.
2 days ago
I said 20 years ago this was going to happen, I was called a racist of course. Same happened when there was a riot in a US city in 2006, I believe, and I said the next riot will be countrywide. Lo and behold, BLM came and destroyed many cities. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to predict the dark future.
2 days ago
All major political parties are fully supportive of the Kalergi Plan of replacement of all white people in Europe, once you recognise this fact what is happening becomes abundantly clear.
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1 day ago
We need to resurrect the British National Party. I’d rather be a racist than genocided.
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No Thoughts Barred
23 hours ago
Who is voting for them? Think bigger than politics because it’s a dead end route for us.
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King Tut
22 hours ago
you’re acting like voting solves anything. look at the last US election.
The North Remembers…
2 days ago
Real Londoners? More like kosher anti-white pets for the ethnocide of Indigenous Europeans. Third world Immigration is the most dangerous biological weapon and an impending ecological disaster. Once the descendants of the whites who fought and built these nations disappear, all the benefits of civilization that these ungrateful anti-whites depend on will be gone. Nature always self-corrects. So basically Sadiq and his ilk are cutting their nose to spite their anit-white face.
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1 day ago
The third world people shaped animals have also been indoctrinated with communism, courtesy of the Russian Bolsheviks.
2 days ago
Retake London, RECONQUISTA
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2 days ago
for start, people need to gather and protest against this folly.
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2 days ago
you are right
No Thoughts Barred
22 hours ago
Protesting achieves nothing unless it plays into the narrative that they are pushing. BLM, ER etc. are all useful idiots that will be discarded when goals are finally met.
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16 hours ago
protesting achieves enough when your voice is heard. I am all for it each time a government proposes a measure that is against indigenous people. Especially when those measures are humiliation and against dignity. In this case, contrary to to BLM, people who would protest are not proxies used by the system.
2 days ago
I live in Romania and I hope
will achieve more.
2 days ago
they successfully genocided the white race out of London.London RIP. I will NEVER go there anymore. The antiwhites took it over
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2 days ago
We will take it back. Think about Iberia: 700 years of judeo-islamic oppression and exploitation reversed completely in 1492.
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2 days ago
Those were Moors.
2 days ago
imagine having absolutely no history, culture, inventions or achievements of your own so you have to pretend to be another group
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1 day ago
That’s what the people shaped animals do best, imitate; that and steal rape and cry racist.
2 days ago
foreign invaders dont belong there.
2 days ago
may as well go and trample on the graves of our ancestors
2 days ago
Black Paki Prime Minister
Black Paki Mayor of London
Black Paki Home Secretary
Black Paki/African? Foreign Secretary
Black African Secretary of State for Business and Trade
Black Paki Chairman of the Conservative Party
Black Paki First Minister of Scotland
Black Paki Prime Minister of Ireland
We’ve been well and truly subverted
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1 day ago
How many of them were actually voted for by the majority? Not many.
2 days ago
Your country needs more guns. Just saying.
Mercian Films
2 days ago
Commonwealth colonists seem to forget, either through arrogance or entitlement, that they only live among white men for the lifestyle, for the ride, and that they have their own countries where life revolves around them.
Hail Victory
2 days ago
Libtards think they can make nonwhites smarter with immigration and mass lies but it will never work
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2 days ago
It’s punitive, the left hates White people and Western civilization. By now they know what is happening, and they think that it’s a good thing. It is very sick, but it’s true.
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2 days ago
it is indeed sick…basically white genocide..worldwide..what a world!
2 days ago
Sure, there are leftist anti-Whites, including plenty of White Shabbos Goy race traitors. But, the root problem is the orchestrated attack on Whites (Europeans) and Christianity by Organised Ashkenaz.
2 days ago
They’re conformist cowards
1 day ago
Na, it’s a one trick pony with immigration. The goal is genocide. Europeans are the greatest threat to world communism (U.N. and WHO IMF) etc.
2 days ago
Conquered without 1 shot fired and with barely any resistance.
2 days ago
100% spot-on. The primitives colonising OUR LAND breed fast. Ancestral Britons are running out of time to act. The spectre of GB going the same way as Rhodesia (& now South Africa) will actually materialise. I understand you can’t say this, Mark, but we’re going to need armed combat to avert such a cataclysm.
2 days ago
wE wUz bRitTeSh N sHiT
2 days ago
Every sh*tskin in that picture looks inbred.
2 days ago
razor sharp take
2 days ago
Anti white puppet just continuing to push the narrative for his real masters
2 days ago
From a foreigner PoV, if I came to London 40, 50 years ago, I bet heavy majority people I’d come across would be natives. Who are natives?
John Cleese was right and that was before Khan became the mayor of London.
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1 day ago
There were almost no no. natives in Britain before the 1950’s or so. When they started bringing negro’s from Jamaica. And they have grown like a Cancer ever since. But they had to create discrimination laws and all sorts of crap to punish the people who objected.
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No Thoughts Barred
1 day ago
That’s what you get for siding with people who hate you in a war.
2 days ago
anyone have a plan to escape?
can anyone let me know when that conversation starts?
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1 day ago
Escape? To where? That’s the problem…White people keep thinking they can outrun these problems. You can’t.
Show 2 replies
No Thoughts Barred
9 hours ago
Have previously entertained this idea. Whites should consider recolonising a part of the Earth, white flight on a massive scale and let the non-whites eat each other.
2 days ago
Thanks Mark, hopefully your words strike a nerve. o/
2 days ago
2 days ago
MC rules. “The Beginnings” by Rudyard Kipling
2 days ago
yet another brown communist puppet
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2 days ago
worse, globalists pocket.
1 day ago
Khan was elected into power TWICE so it’s likely he will win a THIRD term as mayor.
Why? Because of “white flight” from Greater London to Essex and Kent since the 1980s. As a result blacks, South Asians and now nearly every other ethnic group has taken up permanent residency in the capital city. Plus, the white birth rate is declining each year as white English women are either in relationships with non-white men, become lesbians or choose to be childless.
Khan knows this and counts upon the ethnic vote and that’s why he can also denigrate whites without consequence.
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Wonderful World
19 hours ago
That makes a lot of senses to me. They take advantage of white flight and take control. How does this end? It does not look good.
1 day ago
This Yank’s jaw is on the floor….is this really what has become of the capital of my ancestral homeland? I feel like weeping…
1 day ago
Be very careful trusting Mark Collet and PA.
If you are jew-aware and pro-white, his various channels ban you.
This directly exposes his true agenda.
Be aware
Same/similar as the Yaxley-Lennon guy (tommy robinson)
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Doctor Dickface
1 day ago
They are nothing alike. MC names the jew on a regular basis and is explicitly pro-White. Neither of those apply to “Tommy”. Mark doesn’t allow racial slurs or threats on his channel, anything outside of that is fair game. You’re stupid or lying. Maybe a stupid liar.
1 day ago
Doctor.dickface – i have never seen or heard mc naming the jew (not clear on what you mean exactly by that)
I have seen people banned on his channel were no threats were made.
Racial slur is required – thats completely obvious in this day and age, its open to interpretation.
Your swift and sensitive attempt to debunk the facts that i have exposed – says to me that i hit a truth nerve.
No Thoughts Barred
1 day ago
Who was banned?
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Mark Collett
20 hours ago
No one was banned, this idiot is a troll. He’ apparently been around so long and seen so many people banned, but never watched any of the videos I have produced on Jewish power and influence!
2 days ago
Moscow (which Collett thinks is ”based” and ”trad”) is exactly the same, i would say 10 times worst istead of colonial English immigrats, Moscow is colonial Russian Caucasian Asian also many Africans as well, not to mention that Moscow is horribly rude and filthy.
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2 days ago
please refrain from posting on this channel if anything what you have to say are pure and naked lies.
Wonderful World
2 days ago
Don’t know what to expect from real or former Londoner the real gentile people. So called British people I met in US were mostly sissy and pathetic.
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No Thoughts Barred
22 hours ago
The sissies are the ones with guns that never use them even when the opportunity arises. British people are neutered so it’s up to you guys to lead the way.
10 hours ago
god I can’t wait for these brownies to all get deported, including and especially the joos, there will probably be sad new reports showing brown families crying as they are being pulled out of their flats but I will thoroughly enjoy it
16 hours ago
I bet Anne Marie had a meltdown if she saw this.
21 hours ago
It’s clever to herd all the non-whites into one area and then ramp up the cost to live there. Creating a new debt slave class for the Jesuits to exploit, respect to Rome.
King Tut
22 hours ago
Hi Mark. Would you do a video on whether or not the Jewish guy would be better if he became mayor rather than Sadiq? I always wondered about that.
No Thoughts Barred
1 day ago
Never forget that inaction and complacency led us to this point, we deserve what we’re willing to tolerate. Men of talk must give way to men of action as Mosley once alluded to. The real question is where are all of these great men that are able to lead us to soaring hights as they did in the past? Do they still exist or has the warrior spirit been completely snuffed out of European blood? How the mighty have fallen.
Matt Hammond
1 day ago
If nationalists come to power, how can we deal with Khan other than as a foreign parasite invader heavily complicit in white genocide?
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No Thoughts Barred
1 day ago
Judicially via due process in a court of law as we did at Nuremberg – and you know how that turned out for those on trial. They love to espouse democracy and respect for the rule of law and we ought to honour that.
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Matt Hammond
1 day ago
Yeah, but wasn’t that Nuremberg trial a bit of a sham? I mean I heard of confessions being extracted through torture etc. Were they really guilty of what they were accused of?
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No Thoughts Barred
1 day ago
Perhaps that’s what I was alluding to, or not. We have to turn their own weapons against them.
1 day ago
simply, repatriation and reparation.
2 days ago
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No Thoughts Barred
23 hours ago
Why did we exonerate a traitor?
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22 hours ago
His ”bosses” are still there
16 hours ago
He actually had a quite good life in Moscow.
2 days ago
I caution against defeatism. We will win, but we need to do something about it.
Mark, you use the term “white” Londoner or “white” Briton. Are there any Britons or true Londoners where are not white? In my view, as long as it is legal in the jurisdiction you are in, one should just say “real” Londoners or the naked term “Londoners.” Lyallpuris surely are not Londoners or Brits just because they left the city built by Lyall to a city in Lyall’s homeland.
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Mark Collett
2 days ago
White Briton is a legal term used on the Census to designate people with British passports who are indigenous to these islands.
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2 days ago
Thank you. Does the law provide that there is a black Briton?
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1 day ago
Yes, “black British” is a category on the census and legally recognised as an ethnic group in the UK.
It’s an oxymoron, because there is no such thing as (native) black British, but unfortunately we have lost the word “British” – it’s become a political word, to describe the kind of paper nationality that is freely given away by a traitorous government.
That’s why we need to vehemently defend terms like English, Scottish and Welsh. These are ethnic groups and cannot be acquired. Any black person claiming to be English needs to be thoroughly mocked and refuted, our ethnic group is not something you can identify as, it is a birthright and this is our homeland.
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
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