Mark Collett
Tommy is Leading You into a Trap
Don’t Go to London
Thu, Nov 9, 2023
[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, wisely warns supporters against attending a counter protest being organized by Tommy Robinson style sympathizers that could clash with the pro-Palestinian protesters this Saturday in London.
Mark says that the government:
“… want[s] to see a clash between the anti-zionist Left and people who are largely anti-immigration. This will allow the government to claim that both the far-Right and the anti-zionist far-Left pose a threat to peace, democracy, decency and British values! And that both need to be targeted under tough new laws that aim to restore order.”
– KATANA]—Don’t-Go-To-London:f
Published on Thu, Nov 9, 2023
Tommy is Leading You into a TRAP – Don’t go to London
November 10, 2023
6 Dislikes
Mark Collett
Tommy Robinson is calling for people to go to London this weekend to ‘defend the Cenotaph’ and the media are already writing headlines about clashes between ‘far right hooligans’ and ‘pro-Palestinian protestors. Don’t fall into the trap of going to London and getting involved in violent disorder – this is what the media and the government want, as they will use this disorder as a reason to pass new laws that will take away our right to protest and diminish our freedoms. This is one big trap – stay away!
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
tommy robinson
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(Words: 1,472 – 9:22 mins)
My message is clear. Don’t go to London this weekend! It’s a trap!
One big setup that is likely to end with people getting seriously hurt, arrested or both. And the fallout will undoubtedly lead to the government pushing for new laws that will clamp down on both the far-Left and the far-Right, taking away our right to protest and diminishing our freedoms.
Firstly, be aware of who you are listening to. The last time people were called into action, when Black Lives Matter and the far-Left were trying to pull down statues and attack monuments, those telling everyone to go to London didn’t actually turn up themselves.
Tommy Robinson was quick to issue a call for action. But on the Friday evening beforehand, he pulled out, leaving his supporters to either lose out and waste the train fares they had already paid for or to go to London alone. And where did this leave those who did turn up on the Saturday?
Well, I can tell you this. Those who did turn up to protect the statues didn’t end up being treated with the same kid gloves that Black Lives Matter supporters were. The people who went to London to protect the statues were treated far more harshly than those who went to London to tear them down. Those protecting the statues were met with police in riot gear. They were split up, they were kettled, and when they were released to go home, the small groups – of often inebriated individuals – were picked off, attacked, and some were badly beaten.
I remember seeing one man who was stabbed. It was horrific! And to make things worse, those who fought back and defended themselves, they were arrested.
In the end, those who went to London to defend the statues faced more time in jail than those who were defacing them. Don’t be a fool! Don’t go down there and put yourself at risk.
I don’t know if Tommy will turn up this time, but if he does, he will have his own security. And if he’s arrested, he will have a well funded legal team to fight his case. You won’t!
And I also doubt very much that any of the other big mouths who are urging people to go will turn up themselves. Don’t wreck your life being a pawn in someone else’s game! If the pro-Palestinian demonstrators do try to attack the Cenotaph, leave the police to deal with them.
Secondly, I don’t know where the rumour that the pro-Palestinian protesters were going to attack the Cenotaph actually came from. But it seems to have come from the mainstream media and several pro-Zionist big mouths.
What’s more, the root of the pro-Palestinian march goes nowhere near the Cenotaph. So why are the mainstream media pushing this incendiary line? Because they want the so-called “far-Right” to go to London so there will be violent disorder this weekend. This is all part of the trap!
So far, the large scale demonstrations in London against the bombing of Gaza have yielded very few arrests, especially when you take into account how many people are taking part in these protests.
Yet the mainstream media are talking up the arrests and the disorder as they are itching for conflict. This is in stark contrast to the BLM riots in 2020. The media called those riots “mostly peaceful”.
The mainstream media are building a narrative because they want to be able to cover scenes of absolute chaos this weekend! And they are already writing their headlines:
“Far-Right and pro-Palestinian thugs clash in London!”
This is because their coverage is all part of the plan. They will help stoke the fires of discontent and then they will back the government’s calls for new laws in the wake of any serious disorder.
Thirdly, the government themselves wants this! For years, the government have been looking for any excuse to pass new laws that will equate what they term as “extremism” with terrorism. The aim of these laws will be to brand anyone that is critical of the mainstream narrative as a “terrorist”! Allowing the government to imprison those people or to ban organisations and protests.
But make no mistake, the government is not just going to ban the Palestinian protests. They wouldn’t do that because they will never single out a Left-wing group, or a “Progressive” cause for condemnation. That’s why they will never condemn Antifa or Black Lives Matter. That’s why they will never put a stop to Just Stop Oil when they are defacing priceless paintings or stopping paramedics from reaching those in need.
Instead, if the government get their way, it won’t simply be pro-Palestinian groups involved in trouble this weekend. They want to see a clash between the anti-zionist Left and people who are largely anti-immigration. This will allow the government to claim that both the far-Right and the anti-zionist far-Left pose a threat to peace, democracy, decency and British values! And that both need to be targeted under tough new laws that aim to restore order.
They will claim there was equal fault on both sides. Both sides are extremists and both sides need to be dealt with. This will allow them to push for new laws that will demonise and criminalise everyone that the government deems as an extremist!
These laws will then be used to not only stop anti-Israel protests, but to take away our right to protest against migrant hotels, mass immigration, and other issues related to demographic change, such as the grooming gangs. By playing into the government’s hands, you are allowing them to justify laws that will take away everyone’s freedoms!
Finally, from my point of view, from a tactical standpoint, the pro-Palestinian protests are largely a good thing. We are seeing a large number of people breaking away from the establishment line and criticising Zionist power. These people might not be our friends, but they are the enemy of the system. A system that spends much of its time oppressing and demonizing White people for merely existing.
Leave these anti-zionist protesters to fight it out with the police and the government. Don’t stand in their way, and certainly don’t go and be the first line of defense for a government that hates you!
Our role in this is simple. We should calmly point out to people that these protests are fundamentally a result of two government policies.
Firstly, support for Zionist wars in the Middle East. And secondly, open border immigration policies.
And the only real way to reduce the number of foreign people waving foreign flags on British soil is to stop destabilising the Middle East on behalf of Israel and to reverse the demographic changes that have led to White Britons becoming a minority in cities like London and Birmingham.
But curiously, those big mouths who are calling for everyone to go to London this weekend – you know, people like Tommy Robinson – well, they support immigration! They praise multiculturalism, and they support these wars in the Middle East.
Isn’t it funny that those people shouting the loudest about these pro-Palestinian protests and those big mouths who want you to go and put your neck on the line, well, they actually support the conditions that brought all this about. It really makes you think!
It’s almost as if Tommy is playing a role on behalf of the Zionists, which will create conditions that will make it easier for them to pass new laws that will only further their aims.
I mean, it’s not like they reactivated his Twitter account just in time to stir all this up. Oh, that’s exactly what they did!
Don’t be fooled by these Zionist con men! Don’t be drawn into this. By going to London this Saturday, you are simply putting yourself at risk of both arrest and physical harm. And you are playing into the hands of the Zionist controlled state who want to be able to demonise both the pro-Palestinian cause and the anti-immigration movement. And this is their chance to kill two birds with one stone.
The media have already begun writing their headlines. They have already begun preparing the cause for new laws. Please don’t play their game! Stay away from London this weekend. Stay safe. And don’t do anything that will make it harder for normal British people to protest in the future.
You might think that you are going to London to protect the monuments that honour our war dead. But really, all you will be doing is helping the government and the media to take away the freedoms that those young men, named on those monuments, died fighting for.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 11/14/2023 = 117)
4 days ago(edited)
Tommy Robinson served the Jews. Keep growing PA!
4 days ago
Very sensible words Mark, which I fully support. I don’t believe for one minute that the cenotaph will be ‘attacked’ by those demonstrating against the Israeli Zionist government’s barbarous bombing of Gaza. The media want the Right and the protesters who have been wrongly branded as far left terrorist sympathisers to clash. This suits their narrative, and anyone on the Right responding to that thug Tommy Robinson’s rallying call, is putting themself at serious risk.
4 days ago
sounds a bit like Charlottesville, a complete set up
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3 days ago
Charlottesville was legitimate protest, bro.
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4 days ago
Correct on all counts
4 days ago
Douglas Murray jumped on the first plane to tel aviv whilst asking people to go to London
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3 days ago
I can’t stand Douglas Murray. He’s a nasty little creep.
4 days ago
Tommy’s done more white lines than the people who built the M25.
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4 days ago
Your jokes are always terrible lmao
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4 days ago(edited)
Not as terrible as Tommy’s sinuses. And come on, my jokes make people roll over like Tommy’s £ notes…
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4 days ago
4 days ago
4 days ago(edited)
People have short memories – A ZOG trap without a doubt
They’ll also make sure there are plenty of Israeli flags flying so that it looks like the genuine types there are
also pro-Israel.
Golden Apple Channel
4 days ago
Dont be part of the states attempt at garnering flagging support for Israel
4 days ago
I agree with a lot of what you have said don’t go let the police fight these foreigners.
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4 days ago
They made their beds, they should lay in it.
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3 days ago
Yes I would also love to see all of these soldiers and whatever get attacked and defend them self’s, that might get things moving.
No Thoughts Barred
4 days ago
Disrupting anti-Israel protests = Zionist, simple as. The left are doing the leg work for us with a level of impunity that isn’t afforded to ourselves.
4 days ago
“Talmud Tommy”?
Lead his followers into a trap?
Ezra Lavant’s best buddy??
Avi Yemeni’s, the convicted coke head and wife beater and ex IDF sniper, client??
The guy photographed on active IDF tanks after Mossad agent Brian of London cleared it for him…..
Anyone who doesn’t realise Tommy is a Zionist agent is a special kind of stupid……
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3 days ago
That is the one
4 days ago
As a reminder here an old article by the guardian, a good list form whom Tommy Robinson got financed
Sure the guardian das not write in plain words it is by jews who push the islam hate narrative but you can see the names and follow up research, or when they write Rosenwald and Shillman you dont even need to look further, those people do nothing else in their life than financing such influencer as Tommy and lots others in alt media
4 days ago
Like Trump did on Jan 6th. Don’t fall for it.
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4 days ago
Kind of a difference between a sitting US president and a civilian numbskull. Maybe not an apt comparison, hm? And when you find tape of Trump telling the J6ers to walk INTO the actual Capitol building, let me know, ‘kay?
Thanks for playing.
Show 2 replies
4 days ago(edited)
It’s going to kick off without a doubt, Football Lads Alliance are going, West Ham are apparently meeting @ Stratford and you can bet your life there will be agent provocateurs on both sides to ignite it and get a nice bit of footage for the mind-molding media.
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4 days ago
You’re a shill. Under every post loads of likes soon as a video gets posted.
Show 2 replies
4 days ago
If you weant to die for Israel, I am sure you can volunteer for urban warfare in Gaza
4 days ago
this is true
4 days ago
TR is a useful (((to the chicken swingers))) idiot. He must be aware of the financiers behind Europe’s dismantling.
4 days ago
Tommy a Zio cuck faggot
4 days ago
Tommy is a counterjihadist zogbot, ignore and disregard.
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3 days ago
The reprehensible jew, who is responsible for lobbying for liberal immigration policies that have resulted in a mass influx of non-Whites (non-Europeans) into our nations, cunningly plays both sides. As though we are all pawns on a chessboard. As Hitler once said: “It is a small rootless international clique. That is turning the people against each other and does not want them to enjoy peace”
4 days ago
Oh Tommy! Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Zogenstein!
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3 days ago
But Tommy Loves the taste of Jew Spunk !
4 days ago
solid advice Mark
4 days ago
well said Mark very true
4 days ago
fooook tommeh tommeh 🙂
4 days ago
Problem, reaction, solution.
my awesome channel
4 days ago
sage advice. i mightn’t agree with all Mark Collett’s views
/opinions, but this shows he cares about the people who care deeply for this nation. it’s a set-up, just like charlottesville was, and as he mentions here, the blm fiasco was. the spin machines from the likes of gb news and talk tv (britain’s fox news equivalents; think ben shapiro) are in full swing: they want sparks to fly, and for nationalists to get a good beating at the hands of not only the pro-palestine lot, but also the police and then the crooked uk legal system. and anyway, these pro-palestine protestors are doing a good enough job of bringing “normies” over to the cause than anything any nationalists/patriots could’ve come up with the reach that goal lol. we’ll all show our respect this weekend without playing into the hands of monsters
4 days ago
the enemy of my enemy is my weapon
4 days ago
Tommeh : kosher EDL drinkers nationalism
well said Mark o/
4 days ago
Tommy’s real Jewish name is Yaxley Lennon…
4 days ago
Why do people trust TR? He’s a coke head with a short fuse
3 days ago
Tommy Robinson is a Shabbos Goy …he loves the taste of Jew Spunk !
3 days ago
I think it’s more about changing the narrative than anything else. They’re trying to turn the story into one of patriots versus Muslims, rather than right-thinking people versus a genocidal Israeli regime.
4 days ago
Fist fight on the streets for Israel, goyim!
4 days ago
Robinson is a fool . a shill .
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3 days ago
He knows what he is doing and who he serves
4 days ago
what people don’t understand is they will inevitably take away all our rights especially if we can use them in any way to fight back it doesn’t matter who provokes who, what, where, why or when, they will do it anyway
3 days ago(edited)
The Best thing we can do Lads before Saturday begins we need to share this video and mass spam it under Tommy’s Twitter to prevent any of his followers of wanting to attend to his trap.
3 days ago
These monsters in our countries are for that very purpose, to break down law and order to a point where they have a justification to enforce more police state measures.
4 days ago
he’s not wrong they will use it as an excuse to crack down on our rights but that has to happen because this is a war and escalation is the name of the game. it has always darkest before the dawn and it has to get a whole lot worse before it will ever get better
3 days ago
Never interrupt your enemy when they are going full face off.
3 days ago
Tommy Robinson is a Tosser…!!
3 days ago
T Robinson has been trained by Israel as an agitator to further the aims of the Zionists, a nasty little shit who should be working for the MSM, excellent advice Mark.
4 days ago
I’m in two minds about this.
Yes it is obviously a trap BUT it is so obvious that I genuinely wonder at the mental capacity of anyone who cannot see this.
It’s hard to have any sympathy for people who are so willingly duped time and time again.
At what point do you just say – “Meh! let them get on with it”
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4 days ago
I feel that way about the millions of idiots who died from the covid jab.
3 days ago
Their “getting on with it” means the govt getting on with deleting your civil rights.
Show reply
4 days ago
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4 days ago
shouldn’t it be \○?
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4 days ago
No, facing out. I’m not saluting myself, moron
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3 days ago
You aren’t the only one looking at it. From someone else’s perspective, you are saluting them.
3 days ago
I won’t go to their protest. It’s not my war. Those who refer to non believers as kufr and goyim can just get on with it. They have no support from me.
3 days ago
Watching closely from the US. Way to go Mark, you’re providing the real leadership needed to overcome zionshit-shills like Robinson. The Charlie Kirks, Shapiros, Robinsons, Juden Petersteins etc are being revealed more and more for what they really are. Keep it up!
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No Thoughts Barred
2 days ago(edited)
PA is a ray of hope in a sea of sh*t.
4 days ago
Wise advice 😉
4 days ago
Biggest trap since Admiral Ackbar
4 days ago
Both sides are our enemies… Globalist/Zionist vs Muslim/leftist… We haven’t got a dog in this fight so get your popcorn ready and enjoy the show from a safe distance.
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No Thoughts Barred
2 days ago
Wrong, PA will be (wrongfully) conflated with the “far right” attending this counterprotest. We say “not in our name” to the kosher nationalists doing the bidding of their masters in Tel Aviv.
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2 days ago
I never said otherwise. The zionists obviously control the “kosher nationalists”… If the mainstream media want to conflate PA with these kosher-nats then why risk giving the media any shred of evidence they’re looking for ?… Of course the media could just lie and say PA was involved anyway, but if so, why make it easy for them by giving any credibility to their false claims ?
MelGibsonAfter4Beers (Mini-Hyph)
3 days ago
cough Real name Yaxley Lennon cough
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No Thoughts Barred
2 days ago
Nice username.
3 days ago
Evil Jews are destroying the world check out my channel for more info!!!!!!!!
4 days ago
There’s something seriously wrong here
I’ve never had a Roman slimed at all, let alone a failed attempt at correcting it, but then that failure ratio’s my original roman.
The infighting is bad enough everywhere else, but this is the last time I’ll visit this channel or interact with your audience.
White Unity Is White Power
Hail Victory o/
o/ Oh-Slash
1 day ago
Thanks for looking out for our people, Mark.
Johnny Boomer
1 day ago
Remember the lessons from Charlottesville.
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1 day ago(edited)
Charlottesville would of been 100% fine if the retard gov. merely done their job and separate the 2 sides.
3 days ago
they are trying to january 6 yall.
The wondering Englishman
3 days ago
You can choose to sit down and do nothing for your lifetime or you stand up and say no to mass importation of the third world and the desecration of our monuments.
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Mark Collett
3 days ago
There’s lots of things you can do without walking into an obvious trap and helping the government to take away our freedoms.
Join the Scampton protests for one!
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3 days ago
very good idea
No Thoughts Barred
2 days ago(edited)
You’re being played like a fiddle. The usual suspects want nothing more than for you to march on London and divert attention away from their war crimes. Nobody here is condoning any potential violence or vandalism toward the monuments of our war dead, however we recognize today for the trap it is and aim to spare our folk from getting caught up in it. Stay away mate.
3 days ago
‘It’s a trap.’
Yes but it’s always going to be a trap isn’t it? Whatever the Muslims do we must sit down and shut up. A permanently lose/lose scenario.
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No Thoughts Barred
2 days ago(edited)
PA have organized countless protests however current events regarding Palestine do not require our intervention since our enemy is being scrutinized by the entire world for its crimes. The leftists have the jews on the ropes, we needn’t interrupt.
4 days ago
Police won’t touch the jihadi mob whatever they do. It’s their country now. How dreadful. Betrayed by our governments, conquered by tribal savages.
4 days ago
1st view/comment/🔥
4 days ago
Hopefully nobody knife’s tommeh rabbison 🤞🏻
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4 days ago
Nobody respects a traitor.
No Thoughts Barred
4 days ago
Hopefully not, it would only serve to create a kosher martyr for civnats to rally around.
4 days ago
Regardless, they always hire crisis actors anyhow, but i get it 👍🏻
3 days ago
The government would let them burn down Westminster Abbey. The Muslims are our chosen replacements. They are easily controlled and accustomed to poor working and living conditions; ideal citizens to our fascist globalist masters.
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3 days ago(edited)
Our ‘masters’ are not fascist. Rather, they are jewish supremacist extremists, zionists and communists. They’re tyrannical control freaks like they always have been. They seem to think that their hate manual, the Talmud, commands them to rule supreme over the Gentile.
The Inverted Podcast by Stuart Oswald
4 days ago
I live nearby so will pop over and have a look.
4 days ago
This comment was slimed to death. (Click to view)
5 hours ago
It turned out that every word Mark said, was true. What a shocker! I look forward to him being invited on BBC Newsnight, LBC, Sky News & GB News, to explain the next developments!
Redpill Rundown
12 hours ago
In this case, “please be in London” does not apply.
21 hours ago(edited)
This BBC article about Le Pen marching against antisemitism is interesting. It argues that the far right is being welcomed into the French mainstream (for being philosemitic), while the far left is being pushed out (for being antisemitic)
There’s going to be a re-alignment along pro-jew / anti-jew lines, and post-war notions of far-left and far-right will become a thing of the past (especially as the boomers die off). PA and Tommy Robinson will no longer be part of the same movement, and maybe even the normies will end up seeing it that way.
1 day ago
You sure called it, my good man.
GusinLanzarote Alt Right
2 days ago
You want a Based protest – Madrid 🇪🇸is THE place to go at present- in protests against the corrupt Socialista gobierno- Franco fan Ultras saluting openly en calle 💪🔥& you might meet hermosa Isabel Peralta too 😉
GusinLanzarote Alt Right
2 days ago
No Thoughts Barred
2 days ago(edited)
Every side is being played here, I just hope genuine patriots don’t get hurt today for doing what they (naively) believe to be the right thing. The synagogue of Satan is doing what it does best, sowing the seeds of chaos from behind the curtain.
Regardless of what happens I commend Mark for assuming the correct stance here, history will vindicate all of us who said to stay away.
All political expressiveness is flatulence; censor a fart and it will come back as thunder.
3 days ago
This is a really difficult one. I have been mulling it over a lot. On balance, I advise not going. However I really regret having to reach that conclusion. Perhaps if TR had emphasised that their protest is anti-zionist, and if he had tried to ally with PA to get larger numbers on the ground, then things could have worked out. Obviously that was never going to happen.
I think Mark is wrong about one thing though… staying at home is not a fantastic strategy for avoiding draconian censorship.
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No Thoughts Barred
2 days ago
Yaxley-Lennon is openly Zionist, he was never on our side
3 days ago
Very well said.
4 days ago
Our jihadi enemies must be loving this. They have so much power they’ve prevented the British from recognizing Remembrance Day. What will they do next? Whatever they like I suppose.
See Also
Mark Collett – The Eternal Struggle – PA Conference Speech 2023 – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript
Laura Towler – This is Not a Game – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
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Version 2: Tue, Nov 14, 2023 — Added Tommy image. Updated Odysee comments (117).
Version 1: Fri, Nov 10, 2023 — Published post. Includes Odysee comments (70).