Mark Collett
Book Review
The Myth of German Villainy
Sun, Apr 28, 2024
[In this Book Club video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“Aunt Sally, Natty and Bill Atheling and I are joined by Dave Gahary from Money Tree Publishing as we review the second edition of Ben Bradberry’s (in The Myth of German Villainy) fascinating breakdown of atrocity stories that were invented to provoke hatred of Germany and the German people in order to convince the public to support two world wars.”
NOTE: The entire book (first edition) has been serialised (22 parts) here. See bottom of post. Also a transcript of an interview with Ben Bradbury is also available.)
Published on Sun, Apr 28, 2024
BOOK REVIEW – The Myth of German Villainy
April 29, 2024
3 Dislikes
Mark Collett
Aunt Sally, Natty and Bill Atheling and I are joined by Dave Gahary from Money Tree Publishing as we review the second edition of Ben Bradberry’s fascinating breakdown of atrocity stories that were invented to provoke hatred of Germany and the German people in order to convince the public to support two world wars.
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The Myth of German Villainy
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(Words: 17,596 – 1:59:06 mins)
Mark Collett: Hello everybody, and welcome to Book Club.
Now, it’s been a little while since the last book club, and that’s because we had Easter Sunday, and obviously we didn’t want to be streaming on Easter Sunday because everyone’s spending time with their family, etc. And it was a nice night off, but it delayed this particular episode. But we’re finally here, and we are live tonight on Odysee, DLive, Rumble and Entropy.
So you can find us in all of those good places. And tonight we are reviewing The Myth of German Villainy.
Now, this is the second edition, so I could only find this edition available in one place, and that’s directly from Money Tree Publishing. And we have Dave Gahary from Money Tree Publishing tonight to talk about the book, because the author has sadly passed away, so he’s going to be the representative discussing the book and discussing the things that have been added to it and why it’s an important book. So he’s taking the place of the author.
Now, I would just ask you all a small favour. If you like these streams, if you like the book reviews, if you like the work we do, please consider making a small donation, and you can donate via Odysee or Entropy.
And also, you don’t have to donate, obviously.
And if you can’t afford to donate or want to help in another way, a great way for you to help us is by sharing the stream.
And I think this is a really important stream, and it’s a really good book!
And I’m going to throw it over to Dave in a minute because I want him to give sort of the intro. We’re still waiting on Aunt Sally. She’s having a few computer problems, so she might be with us tonight. She might not be, but her computer’s running really slow, so we’ll see if she arrives.
But before we get into the book, I want to say something about this.
Now, we’ve reviewed, or this is the 31st book we’ve reviewed on Book Club. So we’ve reviewed, you know, 30 books up until this day. And we have reviewed other books that have dealt with the realities, the truths of the Second World War. And you might be thinking to yourself:
“Well, Mark, we’ve had a few reviews like this. We’ve covered a few books like this. Why would I want to read this book?”
And I’m going to start by saying, I read this book, and there were things in this book I didn’t know.
Now, I’m not saying that I am the best read or the most educated when it comes to the historical facts of the First and Second World War. But there were some pretty major things that cropped up in this book that I actually hadn’t heard about. And there was things that I had heard about. And this book allowed me to build on my knowledge and my sort of historical grasp of these events. So I found the book very interesting.
So if you’re coming into this thinking maybe:
“Well, this sounds really great, Mark. This is the kind of book I’d like to read. But what makes this book different from other books like this that you’ve reviewed in the past?”
I want to just get that out the way straight away that I enjoyed the book and I always knew I was going to like it. But I didn’t realise what an education it would be for someone like myself who’s been doing this, been in dissident politics for 24 years, who has had, you know, been at numerous meetings where people have talked about things such as revisionism, the Second World War, where there’s been multiple books on sale about the topics that are broached in this book, yet this book still brought new things to the table.
So I’m going to start by throwing it over to Dave. Dave is obviously the commander in chief over at Money Tree Publishing, and we always love having Dave on because he’s a very entertaining guy and he does his own show.
So basically, Dave, why don’t you plug your own show for a start and where we can find you? Tell us a bit about why the second edition was published, how you got the rights to doing the second edition, and a little bit about the author who sadly passed away. And then we’ll go around the group and we’ll give out our impressions.
Dave Gahary: Sure. Sure. Am I coming through loud and clear?
Mark Collett: As loud and as clear as a blackbird song in the morning. Absolutely perfect!
Dave Gahary: Lovely. We’ve got the mockingbirds down here in the Florida panhandle, and they sing throughout the day and night. So you could hear them at, you know, two, three in the morning, going wild. It’s lovely.
Yes, the book.
Now, when I was at American Free Press writing for them and the Barnes Review for about ten years, I remember hearing about the book when it first came out, and it just really struck a nerve with a lot of folks and struck a chord. And it was lauded. And I heard that. I had never read the first edition, but it was brought to my attention at a later date by Jim Rizzoli and Diane King, who, as you may be familiar with, they do the Hoaxbusters show over on our network Speak Free Radio, which you can access by going to And it’s a 24/7 Internet radio network.
And I guess it would probably make sense if it’s okay to read the quick note from the publisher that I put in there. Mark, if I could read that.
Mark Collett: Of course, my friend, you’ve got the floor, so please feel free to.
Dave Gahary: Thank you. It says:
“This book would not exist if not for the enthusiastic encouragement of Jim Rizzoli and Diane King, two true American patriots. Here’s the backstory after Jim heard a radio show with Benton Bradbury, and he’s the author, of course, on as a guest, Diane was able to get a hold of Ben’s contact information to set up an interview with Jim, which was done in January 2016. After the interview, Diane stayed in touch with Ben, and anytime a hurricane would sweep through the Jacksonville, Florida area, she would call to check on him. The last time she did, Ben informed her, probably in his characteristically matter of fact, no nonsense way, he had esophageal cancer and had about three months to live.”
“Seeking to preserve Benton Bradbury’s legacy after his unfortunate passing in 2019, and to give the book a larger audience, Jim and Diane suggested we contact Mister Bradbury’s family to speak with them about the future of the book. They were enthusiastic to keep the book in print, and this second edition, with some corrections and amplifications, is the final result.”
“Thank you to the heirs of this book and to Jim and Diane for entrusting us with this task to keep this most important work alive. We hope it meets with your approval.”
“And that’s it.
Mark Collett: Superb.
So how did you go about putting together the second edition, then?
And I think this fits very well in your library because obviously, we’ve had you on here before. We reviewed Hell Storm, and that was a, I mean, the package you put together for Hellstorm was some interesting, truly special.
I think it was one of the first book reviews we did with you, and that package was incredible! Because you guys really, really went out there with not only the fantastic printed edition, but also with the audiobooks and the documentary as well. I think this fits in well with the rest of your library.
Dave Gahary: Yes, absolutely! And we’re not going to be adding too many more parts to the library, for the simple reason that we just wanted to focus on what we consider to be the best examples of the particular topics that are being addressed.
So this book took, as most books take, a long time to copy edit. And Ben was a former US Navy pilot. He had served in the military for, I think about 30 years. It’s in the actual, About the Author.
Let me just quickly get that. Yeah. So he served from 55 to 77. Yeah, 32 years. I’m sorry, I can’t even add! 22 years in the US Navy. And he was born in 1937.
Of course, as I said, he passed in 2019.
So Ben wasn’t an historian. He was somebody who had visited Germany and was perturbed about what he witnessed up close and personal with the beautiful German people and what the poisonous media was spewing about the beautiful German people and their wonderful history.
And so that’s what spurred him on to write a book about this.
And as you mentioned in the intro, sadly, he has passed. And I, of course, am quite saddened by that because I know we would have hit it off, both being navy guys and both having an interest in this topic. So Ben, again, I wish I would have known the actual steps he went through, but he went through a process of reading a lot of books, as you could see in the bibliography. And he put together a manuscript and self published the book. And it was through another company that self published it wasn’t like money tree or even more traditional publishers. It was a publisher that said:
“Well, just give us your manuscript, and we’ll just make it into a book.”
So when I dig into a manuscript, or a book, I dig in like a copy editor and a proofreader. So I look at not just every page or every paragraph, every sentence or every word, but every character. And it takes quite a bit of time. Some would say that “analysis is paralysis”, but I can’t do it any other way. Just like if I’m reading a book, I always have a highlighter with me because I instinctively highlight stuff that I’m interested in or highlight errors. And then later, many times contact the author or the publisher and let them know, which they’re very much appreciative of.
So I was born with this attention to detail, and I put that to work in Ben’s book, The Myth of German Villainy, the first edition.
I think, because, you know, Ben wasn’t trained as an historian, or a writer there were some things that slipped through, some facts that weren’t facts, some quotes that were spurious, some material that needed, as I mentioned earlier, some amplification.
And so I went through the entire manuscript along those lines. And the structure of what he wrote is there. That’s not changed. But the errors, maybe the wrong dates or the wrong names, the wrong facts, they’ve all been removed. And some parts of the book that I felt needed to be expanded upon were expanded upon. And photographs and images were added. Whereas the first edition had just black and white photos, some of them not very clear. This edition has a lot of colour photos, and when the actual photo itself or image itself was not in colour, black and white.
Amazingly, and of course, I never would have thought it would have turned out this way. But the first edition and the second edition are almost the exact same number of pages! And for all the work that was done on it, that was surprising to me when I discovered that at the end.
But this has 171 images. So we offer, let me see if that’s offered in this book. It is.
So this book is offered in black and white and colour. And the black and white version has 171 black and white images. And the colour version, out of those 171 images, 123 are black and white, and 48 are a colour.
So I was very happy with how it turned out. It’s a project like this that goes on for three years. It’s kind of like birthing something, and you really don’t know until the end, at least I don’t, how it’s going to turn out. But I was very happy with the way that it turned out. And I’ve heard from a lot of folks stuff similar to what you said, Mark, that they knew a lot about this topic, but they learnt a lot from reading the book.
Mark Collett: Fantastic! Thank you, my friend.
Well, let’s go around the group.
We’ll start with you, Natty. Obviously, you’ve been here with the book club since the very beginning. What did you think of this book? Did you enjoy it? Give a bit of an overview, please.
Natty: Well, like you, in fact, I was looking at Hellstorm as you were giving your preface to the stream here. And this is a topic we do seem to cover a lot, but it’s evergreen, and there’s so much that feeds into us, and there’s a lot of stuff that’s going on in the world at the moment that makes this relevant.
And I would argue that World War One and then the lead into World War Two and everything that’s happened since the Second World War is one of the most pivotal moments in the civilisation of Europe and probably the world. And I know it’s easy to say that given that we’re living in a time that is controlled and has echoes of the decisions made then and the events that happen then, because we’re living through it now, but it really does feel monumental.
And the Second World War and the lead up to it and the aftermath of it, the immediate aftermath of it, without understanding it, you simply cannot have any logical or coherent narrative of the way the world is today. So revisiting this period in history, to me, is always interesting. And I echo what you said, and I’ve got it in my notes. There’s things in here that I didn’t know. And I’m less well read on this subject than you, to be honest, Mark.
But even then, it was a pleasure. Might be the wrong word, but it was a pleasure to read just for that simple reason.
Before we get into the heavy stuff, and I know we do this a lot on book club, and we’ve been chastised for it before, but the cover is just so fantastic! Because, …
Mark Collett: You know what, mate? I’m going to cut across you there. Not only is the cover fantastic, but it has loads of pictures in. And this book, it really commands your attention.
And I’m not saying that everything should be a picture book, but that cover made me want to read it. And what kept me going through a lot of it was when I was seeing actual illustrative proof of everything that the book was stating.
Natty: Yes, it makes it a much easier read.
And in fact, the cover which you can see in the thumbnail to the video, has this kind of long nosed, like, big chinned, be-monicled Nazi officer on it, right? And he’s standing in front of the famous train tracks that lead to Auschwitz.
And recently me and my fiance have taken, well, not her so much, me have taken great pleasure in watching films about the Nazis in the Second World War. You know, most of its trash. Some of its slightly more high class, like The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Schindler’s List is obviously, is the most famous one, but there are tropes [chuckling] that come up in these films over and over again! And you could drink yourself silly playing drinking games, you know, jews raking the sand, barking dogs, Nazi officers screaming about:
“Show me your papers!”
You know, it’s the same thing in every film!
And as soon as I saw this, the cover for the book and this kind of be-monicled demonic old Nazi officer, I was like:
“Yeah, it’s very fitting.”
So I know there’s heavy stuff in here, but I thought I’d make a comment on that because I think it’s definitely relevant. And like you said, the pictures go along with everything that’s written here. Makes it very easy to get through.
Mark Collett: It certainly does.
Well, now we’re going to introduce Bill. Sadly tonight it’s Bill’s last Book Club. I thought I’d mention this now. We were going to mention at the end, but now’s as good a time as any. Bill is basically simply just doesn’t have time to do this anymore. And we’ve really enjoyed Bill’s input, and if everyone would like to say a big thank you to him, that would be wonderful!
But, Bill, this is your last Book Club. But what a Book Club to go out on, my friend. First, I’d like to thank you for all your hard work, and it has been a pleasure working with you over the years on this particular project. But what did you think of this book? And do you want to give a bit of an overview like Natty did?
Bill Atheling: Well, thank you, Mark, for your kind words. Yes, this book, when I read through it the last few weeks, it reminded me of my own period going through the so-called “red pill”, because mine feel like I come from – my sins – from an academic background and teaching. And I began close on to 20 years ago, starting to look at and ask questions effectively, and I became interested in different aspects of this particular period. I’d really like to echo what Natty, yourself said, Mark.
That period in time is the crux upon which the hammer of the future was hammered out. So it’s absolutely important! And I think for anybody who’s listening who’s not particularly interested or enamored with historical introspection, well, this is a good place to start to actually wake you up a little bit about it.
The thing about this period, of course, is that it’s the time when truth really died! And a complete revision, if you want to use that word, is made of historical facts and occurrences. What this book does, of course, is it lays it out in a very clear, concise, readable, accessible way. It’s not written in highfalutin academic style. It’s not written in a low brow style. It’s written in a way that you can read it, you can enjoy it, and you can engage with it presents a lot of facts, a lot of facts which have been erased or are pushed under the carpet.
So, yeah, it’s a very impressive piece of work. I agree about the aesthetics of it. The cover is very nice. I love the fact there were photographs and illustrations throughout, backing up everything that was being discussed as well. Very impressive piece of work! Yeah, that’s my initial summary, at least.
Mark Collett: Well, thank you, Bill. We’ve got Sally in tonight. I don’t know whether Sally can hear us. She’s been having computer problems. This will definitely be sorted for next time because she’s got a new computer, but she haven’t had time to set it up. So, Sally, if you can hear us, obviously, if you can’t, we’ll just continue on without you.
But if you can hear us, give us a brief overview of what you thought of the book.
Aunt Sally: Well, I can hear you, so please just say yes or no.
Mark Collett: We can hear you now. But yeah.
Aunt Sally: Can you hear me?
Mark Collett: Just about, yeah. There’s a little bit of a delay, I think.
Aunt Sally: Just quickly, in case I have to leave. Because of [words unclear] this is one of those books that’s up there with the greats that we’ve had. It’s a book I wish I’d had in my childhood in the sixties, because much of what I was being told didn’t make sense. It just didn’t make sense even to a child. You just didn’t ask. You didn’t ask because of everyone was war weary. My parents were war weary, even though my mum was a child during the war, but my dad just about got [words unclear]. Yeah, it’s one of the great books. I read it again with my mouth wide open at some of the things I didn’t [word unclear]. It’s a fantastic book and every boomer should read it, really. They should read it. Yeah, that’s it for now.
Mark Collett: Well, thank you, Sally. I think it’s a really, really good book.
And one thing I want to say about this, and this is where I’m going to kick things off, I think this is important when you see, and I do like the cover I do like the cover. I think the cover is a good cover and we have bashed bad covers. But the cover gives kind of this misconception about the book, that it’s all going to be based around World War Two.
Now, the first thing I want to say about this book is its not all about World War Two. This actually goes into a huge amount of detail about other topics, about World War One and sort of the origins of these anti-German myths. And some of the information within it, as I said, is stuff that I didn’t actually know.
And I’ll read something from the beginning of chapter three, because this really jumped out to me. I’ve actually got the book here in my hands and I’m just flying through this.
So this isn’t all just about National Socialist Germany. It isn’t all about the Second World War. It isn’t just sort of a rehashing of Germans did bad things and rounded up jews. There’s a lot of things here that I didn’t know and that give a greater context. Because obviously I know quite a bit about the Second World War. I know a little bit about the First World War, but I didn’t know this. And I’m reading directly from the book, and I quote:
“On December 12, 1916, two and a half years into the war, Germany made a peace offer to the Allies to end the war on a status quo ante basis. That is, no one wins and no one loses, no one pays reparations. Everyone just stops fighting and goes back home.”
“Germany had never wanted war in the first place. By that time, in the course of the war, Germany seemed on the verge of victory. Her submarine force had effectively stopped the supply convoys coming from America to Britain, creating critical shortages of all war material in Britain. France had already lost some 600,000 men in the battles of Verdun and the Somme, and the French soldiers were beginning to mutiny. The Italian army had collapsed completely, and Russian soldiers were deserting in droves and returning home. Germany appeared to be winning on both fronts, but the slaughter had been too great, and the British and French were unwilling to stop fighting short of victory.”
“The only way to justify the carnage and horrific loss of life was to fight on until victory could be obtained.”
“Moreover, as explained in the previous chapter, Britain had entered the war to destroy Germany as an industrial and commercial rival, and that remained her goal. British leaders were determined to find a way to break the stalemate and win the war. And they knew one sure-fire way of doing so was to bring America in on their side. A relentless effort was already underway to bring that about, but so far without success.”
And this goes into basically the jewish role in the First World War, which is very, very interesting indeed! But I didn’t know that when Germany were on top in the First World War that they had actually said:
“Look, we can win this, but there’s a huge loss of life here and we want peace, and we don’t want any more of our young men being slaughtered.”
And that, to me, was this sort of nugget of information that completely changed my perspective on the First World War and I’m sure would change the perspectives of many other people. And I hope those listening tonight will hear stuff like this and be like:
“Wow! That’s really interesting!”
Because I said I didn’t know that. And that’s something I drew from the book.
Now I’m going to throw this over to Dave first, and we’ll go around the group and talk about this. But Dave, when you put this together, have you had any similar feedback to that? Because this is a lot more of a broad topic than the usual sort of post Second World War, you know, revisionary material, which is all based around, really a couple of the larger concentration camps and based on whether they were actually concentration camps or death camps, and then disputing figures based on facts.
But this is a lot deeper than that, isn’t it?
Dave Gahary: Yeah, it is. And let me say that I too, of course, learnt tons from this book.
So it’s not like I went in and knew it all and said:
“Oh, let me find the errors and the misspellings and fix them all and make it better!”
No, I learnt a lot as well, and that was one of the parts that I really was not strong on, and I’m still not strong on it. I’m not, like you said, I’m not someone who knows everything about one topic. It’s virtually impossible to know that. But we can learn as much as we can, of course.
So, yeah, that was an important part of understanding the whole story about, or what we think might be the whole story about how Germany felt, the government of Germany felt at that time and what was happening, how they did appear to be on top.
And of course, that’s where the whole “stab in the back” comes in. Because how could it be that the Germans lost when they were winning on all fronts? Until, of course, the machinations that were occurring behind the scenes with that wildcard of what I call “organised international jewry”.
Mark Collett: Thank you.
Now, throwing this over to Bill. Bill is a very modest man, and he’s actually had a very high profile academic past. He’s a man who is very well read, and he’s a man who certainly knows his stuff. I’m going to throw this over to you, Bill. This book was Illuminating to me, and I’m not for one minute going to suggest I am as well read as you are.
But was there anything amongst this that sort of stood out and taught you something? And what did you think of the structure of the book? Because I think there is a misconception about these books, that they are just going to be sort of going over the well trodden ground.
And as I said this, for me, a lot of it was absolutely new ground. That was fascinating!
Bill Atheling: Yes, absolutely!
And I think the way that the book builds up to the main thesis, the discussion at its centre, is by, as you say, laying the groundwork and touching upon areas which are outside of the central part of the 20th century, the late 1930s, 20th century build-up, and absolutely pertinently relate to that culmination that occurred.
It’s a bizarre thing, you know, that you mentioned there about, and Dave mentions about the Germans were on the top of their game at certain points. And actually, both times, both the First and Second World War, Hitler did the same thing when he conquered France. He turned back to Britain and said:
“Look, I don’t want a war on this front. This isn’t what I’m about.”
Offered generous peace terms, even proposed defending the British Empire, and, you know, he was spurned.
So these are things which, when I first encountered them, I thought:
“Well, you know, this can’t be right.”
And when you start looking at the actual facts of it, it’s there in black and white. It’s there and it’s evidence. You know, I refer to someone like David Irving, who’s someone who have read quite, quite deeply. And he did this, you know, “heinous” thing amongst historians. Instead of going to other historians and quoting and referring to what they were saying, he actually went and looked at source documents and looked at the facts of the original from the period and presented those things. And it tells, it paints a completely different picture.
So I think that’s one of the significant things about this book and some of the books that are out there. But why this book particularly should be widely read, because it lays those grounds, those facts out.
And as I said earlier, these are some of the things which, when I first began to be reckoned were really important to me, was if there’s a fiction that’s being perpetuated here and that’s being blown out of the water, as is evidenced by this information, what else am I being told that isn’t true?
So it begins the whole process, and it’s like a flower opening and you see all the petals. Yeah. So just again, I mean, I don’t think there was anything specifically in this book that I thought:
“Oh, I didn’t know that!”
Only because I’ve had my nose in this topic for such a long time. But this book brings it all together in a very succinct and clear and concise way and presents it in a structured and deliberate ladder of information that you can follow to reach some kind of understanding of the events and truth.
Mark Collett: Thank you. Sally, if you’re still with us and you’re still able to hear us, you summed it up perfectly earlier, saying, if every boomer read this, it would have sort of changed the world. How much of this was new to you?
Aunt Sally: How much of it was new to me? Yeah, I’m here. A lot of [word unclear] was the propaganda that the war generation grew up. Sunday afternoon, there’d be a film on TV, a black and white film. And it was all about the concentration camps and the war and how noble the British were and how evil the Germans were. [words unclear] That’s actually what I would call the book, it’s the other side. The book is the title, because I wouldn’t buy that book if I saw it in the shop. [words unclear] It is the other side of the story, not just the other side to it. It’s why it happened, how things happened, and also the propaganda and deceit, which those [words unclear] what it was and what was going on. Although there were clues, and I would ask questions that they [words unclear] even by my own parents, because they needed to believe the lie, because they suffered.
So everybody was invested in perpetuating the myth of lies. They wanted to perpetuate that. So as a child, you were silenced. I hope you heard all that?
Mark Collett: We did. We did. Natty, again, you’re somebody who’s very well read. How much of this was sort of new to you? And which bits did you feel were the most Illuminating? Because for me, as I said, it was the sort of First World War was the bits which I didn’t really have full knowledge of, …
Natty: Yeah, well, the First World War, again, is this like massive conflagration, that had world changing impacts in the aftermath of it.
But again, it pales, given what happened in the Second World War, it’s become less important, especially given the direction of Western countries, Europe, the United States, Australia, South Africa. So less is said about it. But given what actually happened and the aftermath of the First World War, it’s certainly something that when you start saying to people:
“Well, if you really want to understand the modern world, you need to look at the Second World War.”
And for people in the know, they’ll say:
“Well, it’s earlier than that you know, it’s the First World War.”
And then, you know, someone will come along and say:
“No, no, no! It started with “X”, the expulsion of these people from this, …”
Yeah, whatever.
But the First World War certainly is pivotal. I’m going to read a part of the book here. That talks about the aftermath of the First World War. And Benton says this:
“The generalised belief was replaced by a feeling of pessimism and cynicism. There was a feeling that Europe had been profoundly and permanently damaged, a feeling that turned out to be highly pertinent. In retrospect, ancient empires, the Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, Russian, and German, crumbled as a result of the war.”
And I’ll just add, myself, that I think the British Empire suffered because of the First World War:
“These empires had been a source of political and social stability, and now chaos reigned throughout Europe. The Paris Peace Conference, after the war, did a very imperfect job of putting it back together again.”
“It is clear from the perspective of today that World War One precipitated an irreversible decline in Western civilisation.”
So these great empires and great nations of Europe and the control of parts of the world were stable.
And then all of a sudden, this kind of mass hysteria, mass propaganda, happens, and we end up killing each other in the millions on what’s known as an industrial scale slaughter, artillery shells and machine guns and gas and all the rest of it. And in the wake of that, the continent is devastated! And what follows from it is all these social changes and all this chaos.
I mean, there’s a chapter in here about the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which is a story into itself. But all of this leads into the Second World War, which probably cements the changes that were on the cards during the First World War. And obviously, this book goes into post Second World War, which is also covered in Hellstorm.
And, I mean, there are other books that cover other areas of, you know, expand on things that are chaptered in this book. Like I said, the Bolshevik Revolution. You could read the Gulag Archipelago, maybe, for that. Hellstorm covers the retreat of the Germans from Russia in the east and what happened to the Germans after the war in a little bit more detail. And a lot of, like Bill said, David Irving covers a lot of Hitler and what the Nazi high command was doing at the time.
But this book is fantastic! It gives a great overview of things that led up to the First World War all the way through and things that were happening and decisions that were being made that fed into everything that resulted from that conflict.
Mark Collett: Now, looking over this book and having enjoyed it so much, I think the book essentially stitches together a lot of pieces of history, because people often talk about the First World War, the Second World War, but this stitches it all together and also includes information about the Russian Revolution, the Red Terror, the founding or the beginning of the founding of the state of Israel, as well. It covers information about the Balfour Declaration.
Now, when I was looking through this and we touched on this earlier, I really, really enjoyed the pictures. And I really, really enjoyed the sort of these annotated. Well, there’s just so many sort of, so many pictures, drawings, pieces of propaganda.
And you can see when you look over this book that it draws all these different pieces together, and it allows the reader to see this not as a series of sort of isolated one offs, but as a concerted effort to demonise the German people, and specifically to also demonise nationalism. So Germans became the sort of avatars of, you know, nationalists in Europe, and they were demonised for that to a great degree.
And I think people have, you know, seen snippets of this. But to see it all pulled together in one place and to see the people behind it and to see those people named, and often to see pictures of those people sat together, because it’s very easy to give people lists of names. And if you’re new to this, to just be given a list of names of people who are involved is one thing, but to be given an image showing all those people sitting together at a conference arranging these very things, I think, is also incredibly important!
And then to juxtapose the information that we’ve been fed about German villainy and place it next to a genuine information about the Red Terror, about the Gulags, I think that places a lot of things in context as well. And this book does a brilliant job of placing everything that people may have been taught or may have heard as separate individual pieces and putting them into a larger context.
Now, obviously, when you were editing this, Dave, and putting this together, was that your intention, to bring all this into one place, contextualise it, and ensure that people saw this bigger picture?
Dave Gahary: No, I went into the project not knowing what to expect.
And like I said, it took about three years. I was interrupted by, of course, my hospitalisation from what is known as Covid for four months. But I jumped right back in it after I addressed another book that we had put out that I had begun before the hospitalisation. But no, I went into it without knowing what to expect. And it just evolved the way that it did.
Of course, a lot of time was spent on selecting these photographs and finding the ones that I thought might best represent the text on that particular page. So many hours are spent going through photographs. And Ben did have a lot of photographs of Hitler with children and all of his adoring fans to show how the Germans thought about him.
Of course, we’re pretty much all familiar with that, and it’s a fantastic thing to look at. But I didn’t want to place an inordinate number of those type of photos in there. I just wanted to, as you all have mentioned, select photographs that were applicable to what was being discussed and perhaps some that we might not be that familiar with.
Mark Collett: Bill, obviously people talk about the Second World War as being a critical turning point in the history of Europe, and that’s something we all know. And I often say, I mean, I was at the Awakening Conference in Finland this weekend, and when we talk to anyone about modern Britain and about what is known as liberal democracy, that is something that has essentially grown post Second World War. We look back and we say the Second World War cemented all this, and in many ways it did.
But I think this book puts into context that the plans for this liberal democracy and the sort of taking away of the power of indigenous Europeans, those wheels were set in motion a long, long time before the Second World War even broke out. And this book really placed that in context for me. How would you approach that?
Bill Atheling: Yeah. Yes, I agree. Does that sound better now? I’m not clicking or making strange noises.
Mark Collett: No, no, the clicking is gone.
Bill Atheling: Yeah. It’s just because I’m an old bugger. Okay. That’s what it is. And I had the cable wrapped around my headphone.
You’re absolutely right, Mark. It’s so important that these things are laid out as, rather than being event X happened at this date, event Y happened at this date, and event Z happened at this date. It demonstrates the kind of interlinked and the causality of different events and how they culminated in certain events. And that’s what this book is very good at painting, that picture. But there’s something else, which I think is why it succeeds so well in terms of presenting that kind of mosaic of information. It’s the tone of the writer, and I’m sure Dave had a hand in that, in terms of developing the way that texts work together.
But, you know, he says things about, for example, when he talks about communism, for example, he says:
“The obvious flaw in communist ideology was that it defied human nature, moreover, it defied common sense.”
You know, he says these things in very clear, very concise and demonstrably true manner.
And then in the chapter, when he’s talking about Nuremberg, he concludes about the way that the trial was prosecuted:
“If these standards had been applied at Nuremberg, all sides would have been guilty of war crimes.”
Very straightforward, simple sentence, and underlines everything that’s come before. So he has this ability to say things in a very clear, direct, straightforward way.
And I think that’s one of the most attractive things about this book, is the prose of the writer himself. I did mention this earlier, but this idea that it is presented in a way which is immediately digestible. And these facts are kind of woven together so that we don’t just see the picking over the carcass of a particular event at a particular specific time, but rather the kind of tsunami that rolled into town in the early 20th century and whose fatal flooding has continued to affect our civilisation ever since.
Mark Collett: Sally, how does this place things into context for you? Because, I mean, you and I have known each other for some time now, and it’s one of those things where you do believe that the Second World War was this pivotal moment.
But I don’t think people really realise how long these changes were building and how long this plan stretched back even before the First World War.
Aunt Sally: Yeah, really, the book was a revelation for me. We grew up with so much of it and how righteous we were and how wicked the Germans were. And I felt so guilty already just reading the book. Like when I was a child you looked down your noses on them and you very rarely saw any. But I just so happened to have a [word unclear] as a child, and she was a wicked cow! Real wicked cow! And now I understand why. Yeah, we look down on noses at them, even as early twenties, and if you met a German kraut, we called them “krauts”. And, yeah, I feel guilty. Guilty [word unclear] because I’ve been so deceived. I’ve bought into everything that I’m taught and grown up with, and the book, [words unclear] it’s a fantastic book!
When I read these books for the book club and I write down any questions I have or something to make sense, but when I did write down [words unclear] and the question within two or three, it answers everything that you ever wanted to know. If I just answered your question mark. But the yeah, the book is a revelation. Other people, other boomers should read it. Well if you could convince someone to read it, but then the title would put a lot of the boomers off. It is such a such a good book. I’m still flabbergasted by it!
And I read it a couple of months ago. It really is. And, yeah, I’ll pass now.
Mark Collett: Natty, what’s your thoughts about the way this pulls everything together? And then we’re going to move on to a slightly different topic that I think is very important.
Natty: Yeah, it’s a well presented narrative.
I mean, I’m happy to move on. You guys have covered everything that’s you’ve said about the way this book’s presented.
I will say this. It’s one thing to hear about propaganda against Germans in the First World War and the early in the outbreak of the Second World War and the times in between. And propaganda today looks a bit different and is more sophisticated.
But there are pictures in here of and they’re drawings. They’re not photographs, obviously, this is back in the First World War, where photographs would have been prohibitively expensive. But pictures of German soldiers bayoneting babies or crucifying allied soldiers to trees in the First World War, or dragging women off when they’re marching through Belgium to whip up this frenzy of hate against German people. Whereas that just hadn’t existed before on the outbreak of the First World War.
It’s almost like a switch is flipped, and all of this stuff gets produced, and all of a sudden, without any., … You know, you’ve got to remember this is a time without Internet. No counter narrative was available. All of a sudden, people., … And, it’s hard to know how suckered in by this people were or how much control there was and whether people were resistant to this or not. I’m sure a lot of people would have been, but simply there was no voice for that kind of dissent. Although maybe I’m wrong about that. And you could look into archives and newspaper cuttings and find journalists and newspapers who were sceptical of these claims of the evil of Germany. But just all prevailing, all pervasive and totally.
I don’t know, it’s crazy to think about how effective but crude that propaganda was and how different it is to propaganda from today. But I’m happy to move on. And I know I haven’t really answered your question, but to see it in the illustrations in this book is something else, really impressive.
Mark Collett: Well, you’ve kind of taken me on to the topic I wanted to speak about next, because we’re coming up to the hour and we’ve got some Superchats. If people do want a Superchat, please do consider sending a small donation. If you want to say something about the book or ask any questions to the panel.
But I will say this, reading this book in the current context of the modern geopolitical struggles going on in this very moment was very, very interesting. And it was very, very interesting because at the moment, there are two conflicts. There is the conflict in the Ukraine, and there is the conflict in occupied Palestine.
And as you flick through this book, you see some, well, images and words and phrases and propaganda that alludes to a certain picture of Germans, and the Germans were obviously the enemies at this time.
So you see pictures of Germans pretending to be normal soldiers as they stand over the bodies of women that they’ve just mutilated. You see pictures of German nurses who apparently would rather pour water on the floor than give it to a wounded allied soldier. There are pictures of Germans bayoneting children or walking or marching with children impaled on their bayonets. There are pictures of Germans crucifying allied soldiers or dragging away girls set to the background of villages or towns on fire.
So the Germans are all always portrayed as these murderous brutes who not only are almost sort of like Orcish, if you were to put it into sort of a the writings of Tolkien, these are sort of Orcs, and Orcs in Tolkien’s writings are absolutely inhuman! You know, they don’t think like us. They’re not like us, and they should never be treated like us. They’re a different breed, a different creature. And that’s what Germans were sort of written up like.
But if you take all of that and you look at the propaganda surrounding both the conflict in the Ukraine and the conflict in occupied Palestine, it’s almost amazing, because, you know, from the First World War, we’re now over 100 years on from the end of that war. But the propaganda used to make Britons and the other allied nations hate the Germans is almost identical to the propaganda we see today around the war in the Ukraine and Israel’s wholesale genocide of the Palestinian people, which is incredible!
So you hear today about Palestinians butchering babies, you know, roasting them in ovens, and every day, the number of babies that were apparently either beheaded or carried off, you know, grows. But that’s exactly what the same people were saying about the Germans.
Natty: And we’re supposed to believe that Russian soldiers today, who are fighting on the front lines in Ukraine, if given the opportunity, would storm across Europe and kill us all in our beds and subjugate us to the most terrible tyranny and also believe that Palestinians hate us for some ridiculous reasons that were never solidified.
And like I said, sometimes the propaganda is crude, and sometimes it’s sophisticated. But you see this whole network of today, these supposedly Right-wing influencers and stuff like this, trying to reinforce these narratives as in some cases, more heavily favouring Israel, and in some cases, on the Left or progressive side, more favouring the Ukrainians [Palestinians].
But in both cases, we’re supposed to believe that people who have nothing to do with us and don’t know us from Adam, are kind of eternal enemies and are ontologically evil and would do terrible things to us, given the opportunity. And it’s simply not true! And it wasn’t true of the Germans, either.
But it’s the same propaganda machine, the same people telling us these things, and it’s ridiculous! As soon as you start to scratch beneath the surface and look at the realities of conflict and land and control and governments and policies, it’s just absurd on its face. Palestinians don’t hate me. Why would they? They probably hate my government. Russians don’t hate me and don’t want to take over my country. They’re engaged in a kind of empire expansion, or a quest to take back natural resources.
These are questions that are answerable, and there’s questions, and there’s policies like that that revolve around the First World War and the Second World War. But to expand it into people being evil enough to do something that is kind of almost religiously bad, is just insane! And it’s insane to anyone who’s capable of making their brain cells fire more than you need just to watch the new Netflix, you know, series or whatever.
Bill Atheling: You’re right, Natty. And, it’s absolutely what you’ve said there is spot on! It’s an absolute case of “Plus Les choses changent, plus elles restent Les mêmes”. The more things change, the more they stay the same. And there is that historical echo. The same fallacies are trotted out, and the same number of people believe them, unfortunately. These things are., …
There’s an example of the power of this propaganda is, if I can just deviate very slightly, but there’s a Welshman, a writer called Arthur Machen*, who wrote a story called The Bowman, in 1914. And it’s a fictional story about how, during an attack at Mons, Agincourt bowman arrive and shoots spectral arrows into the air and stops the German advance and so on.
[* Arthur Machen (3 March 1863 – 15 December 1947) was the pen-name of Arthur Llewellyn Jones, a Welsh author and mystic of the 1890s and early 20th century. He is best known for his influential supernatural, fantasy, and horror fiction. His novella The Great God Pan (1890; 1894) has Garnered a reputation as a classic of horror, with Stephen King describing it as “Maybe the best [horror story] in the English language.” [2] He is also well known for “The Bowmen”, a short story that was widely read as fact, creating the legend of the Angels of Mons. Source: Wikipedia]
And people believed this story, that it was published in the press, and it was published as a piece of fiction, but people implicitly believed it.
And in fact, Machen would receive letters saying:
“What was your source? What happened? How did you find this information?”
He got a letter from a clergyman about this, and he had to say to the clergyman:
“Well, no, it’s a piece of fiction.”
And to the point where the clergyman wrote back to him and said:
“No, you’re mistaken. It’s real. It must be real! What’s your source?”
So this is the problem you have with propaganda.
Mark Collett: Does Dave, or well, Sally’s not commented yet. Sally, would you like to say anything about this? Because I’m going to ask Dave a few questions in a second. Sally, what are your thoughts on this?
Aunt Sally: About?
Mark Collett: Yes, about propaganda.
Aunt Sally: Well, as far as propaganda is concerned, I think I realised that what the telly told you was a lie, and I cancelled my TV licence and actually haven’t watched TV since. And I stopped consuming mainstream [word unclear] or buying and reading their news. Sometimes I keep an eye on what’s going on, or what they are, but I know now, and I’ve known for a few years, and probably that’s the difference, that are still people believing it.
Yet the power of propaganda is, it’s deceit, isn’t it? It’s just all about deceiving you into going with what they want you to believe. And the war generations they were invested in it. And that they invested their lives, [words unclear]. Would have been awful for them to realise the truth! It really would. So they had to invest in the propaganda, and [words unclear] Russians, and it was a righteous war, and the Germans are evil. They needed that. Otherwise, if they realised what they’d really done., … And they’re all dead now, aren’t they? It goes to the next generations, if they ever find out.
Mark Collett: Well, thank you. Dave?
Dave Gahary: Yes.
Mark Collett: I mean, obviously, you do your own show and you publish many books. Do you think this book, at this point in history, is something that carries a more pressing message because of this? I mean, I think we were discussing this briefly before the show and whether we were going to go into this.
And obviously we have got here, and I was thinking about it as we were talking about generally what the book was about.
But I do think the issues in this book today are as relevant as they ever were. And how do you view this? Because, I mean, ultimately, they’ve been telling exactly the same lies now for almost a century. Well, for over a century.
Dave Gahary: Right. Yes. And that actually is., … Well, before I say that, just let me say that I’m floored by all of your comments about how much you love the book, because, as I mentioned, I poured a lot of work into it, and it’s great to hear that, especially from this group, that you all loved it! So thank you. Means a lot to me.
And Tom Goodrich of Hellstorm, he wrote the foreword. As you know, I wanted to mention that earlier, and the cover was done by a close colleague of mine, Paul Angel from the Barnes Review, an American Free Press, we have worked together for going on about 20 years, and he’s a terrific guy. And it took us a while to come up with this cover. It was one of those covers that we really weren’t quite sure about which direction we would go in. And this was what we settled on, and I think it came out very well.
But as far as this topic and how it relates to today and what you and I, Mark, had touched upon briefly was that with all of the stuff happening since we first talked about doing this book review, it’s almost like the discussion of a book like this, a historical book like this, would be viewed as something pedestrian or staid.
Maybe the main attraction that I have to history is what you had touched upon earlier is that everything’s the same. And the reason that everything’s the same, I think, is that people don’t change. One could read The Iliad and The Odysee, written thousands and thousands of years ago, and it’s almost as if you’re hearing about something that occurred in your life in the current day, because human nature doesn’t change!
And I think a book like this is very important, as are many other history books, because they reveal that what happened over 100 years ago, the people who were manipulating and deceiving with their propaganda are doing the same exact thing today at a different target.
So I think that if someone picks up this book and if it gives them just that, the understanding that there really is nothing new under the sun, that all of this was done before, not just in the 19th and, 200th century centuries, but thousands of years ago, because human nature doesn’t change.
So besides giving one the knowledge that I feel is necessary to understanding this particular topic, it also gives the reader the ability to get a greater grasp on human nature and how that stays constant throughout the ages. So, yes, I think that although we are confronted with currently much, much different challenges than you might read about in The Myth of German Villainy, they are all tied together and they can’t be separated.
In fact, it might be that someone gaining the knowledge of the propaganda and manipulation that took place during the First World War and the Second World War and continues to take place via the you know, there’s plenty of terms for the media, but, you know, one of one of my recent favourites is the “lying legacy media”. The lying legacy media, I think, is really the biggest culprit for the dumbing down and kept in the dark propaganda for the public. And that ties into people like us who are looking for answers outside of what the lying legacy media is spewing.
People like us are in the stark minority. You know, I refer to people like us as mutants because we are not afraid to entertain any thought or idea, whereas the masses, who can’t. If you told them that:
“I’ve been looking into the history of this and of World War Two, and I just I don’t think that Hitler was as bad of a guy as they tell us he is.”
You know, most people would recoil in horror because of how they’ve been programmed.
So these are the people. And I mean, like, 99.999% of humanity cannot entertain an original thought, an original idea. If it goes off course from what they’ve been programmed, they are going to have a violent reaction to it.
So I don’t think we can wait. And I’m going a little off topic here, but I think it ties into it.
But I don’t think we could wait for them to catch up to us. I think we just have to steam ahead and try to get the important information, like we’re talking about today, to as many open minds as possible.
Natty: I just want to push back on that a little bit, Dave, because I think that after October 7 [2023, Hamas attacking the Israelis] and for Americans, maybe a little bit more so, the amount of money that’s being sent to Ukraine, I think that people are becoming more receptive to jewish power or jewish over representation and nepotism in a way that I haven’t seen before.
And I’m not sure. Maybe you’re going to tell me:
“No, this is a cycle. And people go back to, …”
Dave Gahary: No, I agree with you 100%. Absolutely! Yeah, 100%. As a matter of fact, I predicted what would happen in 2022. I thought it was going to happen in 2020, but then they rolled out that Covid thing.
But in 2022, I predicted that 2023 would be our best year and, 20024 would be even better than that. And the reason I did was because I saw things happening. And at the time I said that in 2022, none of my colleagues agreed with me, none saw it.
And I’m not saying that I’m some kind of a seer and that I have great, you know, predictive abilities, but I did see it. And it was obvious to me because of what was happening, how people were responding, the comments that were, in posts.
And I’m not an “anti-social media” guy or social media guy, which I call “anti-social media” because that’s what it is. I’m not a social media guy. But I did see a post that somebody brought to my attention on X. And it was this vampire like character from the ADL, Greenblatt, who, you know, had spewed some filth about Leo Frank and saying he was exonerated. And this was the first time I actually read comments on a post.
And this was last year, and the post was made in March of last year. And I read every comment. There were about two to 300. And there was only one that said:
“My God, I’m jewish! You have to tell these people off!”
Something like that. All the rest were saying:
“What are you talking about? You guys framed that black guy!”
And going on and on. When those sort of opinions are allowed in the public square, which they were and are now, it was very clear to me that there was a huge seismic shift in the understanding of organised international jewry and, of course, that imaginary jewish power. And we are in the middle of a great awakening that has never before happened!
And I remember I was talking about it on the show, I do that Mark mentioned with David Duke on Sunday nights, a call in show which allows anybody from anywhere to call in and talk to the good doctor. And I brought that up about this mass awakening.
And, of course, as I mentioned, nobody thought that that was happening, but now everybody sees that it’s happening.
And I said to David that:
“You must be feeling pretty good, because what you’ve been talking about for nearly six decades is finally people are seeing what’s going on.”
But I’ll temper that with saying that the people who are seeing what’s going on are the “mutants”.
So these are the ones who are already susceptible to accepting pretty much anything. It’s just that now it’s so obvious that they were like, wow, I can’t ignore this anymore. So I still think that those, the 99.999%, because we’re a very tiny number, our group of mutants, that 99.99% is still bubbled into their lying legacy media programming.
But I do think we are in a great awakening.
Natty: Sure. Yeah. I do agree with that, and there are a few things to watch out for. I know you say we’re a tiny amount of people, but we for the most part, have remained laser focused on this issue.
And I think it really does help. You know, if you could think about motes of dust surrounding us being pulled in and pulled into that laser as well. And there are a lot of distractions. You know, aliens are now apparently a thing, and the Illuminati and, you know whatever else, whatever else can be a distraction.
But I think for the most part, people like us in larger ways, like you and your publishing house, and sometimes in tiny, small ways, like us doing this podcast and this book review, and millions and millions, which is small in the grand scheme of things. People on places like Twitter and on social media sharing memes and ideas and talking and being dissidents, is forcing people who are trying to hold the tiller into swinging very slowly in this direction.
And to make another point, there are so many inroads into this now. Like I said, the liberal progressive people are suddenly finding out that Israel and the jewish power structure has carved out an exception to, if not genocide, ethnic cleansing at the very least. And they don’t like it. And now they have this inroad into:
“Well, why is there this exception?”
And they start asking questions like that. And it’s only going to lead to one place. And for the American Right, for the kind of the much lauded and shat upon boomers, their money, their tax money is being sent to Israel like never before, and the Ukraine, which for those people is a country on the other side of the world, but shouldn’t be receiving their money.
So all of these otherwise disparate groups are being forced to look into this issue and confront it and start asking questions if they have any desire to enact some sort of political change. Which I know is extremely hard, and we all know that here.
But I don’t think it’s not nothing. I’ll say that.
Dave Gahary: No, no, it’s not. It’s something.
But I think we’re at a point now, and I’ve mentioned this several times on shows in private and publicly, that we can literally kick back a little bit because now the unhinged Left is doing our job for us. And we see that happening.
So it’s a great time to be alive because all of the stuff that we focused on, in our group, if I can call it that, is the most educated group out there, because again, it goes back to not being afraid to entertain any idea or thought. So we are interested in learning. We want to dig into things. And yes, there are a lot of distractions. Flat earth, aliens, the Illuminati, Hitler was a Rothschild, all that stuff.
One of the things that keeps me going is that I feel like I do have that. And I’ll borrow your term “laser focus” on what I’m trying to do. And I don’t let this stuff distract me. And I don’t., As Sally was saying, I don’t watch television. I haven’t watched it since 1991, when my first son was born. I have no interest in it. I have no interest in the jew’s media, or whatever you want to call it. I tangentially look at it, but I know what they’re going to say, of course.
So the good news is that media is dying! But you’ve got people like Joe Rogan and his ilk who refuse to, or are unaware of what is really happening, and they don’t go to that next step.
So I really think that people like us, it is an incredibly small, minuscule group, but it’s those small groups who have changed history.
I mean, I’ll use, you know what you all created, your ancestors created this nation here. And it was only about 8,000 Patriots with a capital “P” who were organising the rebellion against their British overlords. Because of what we mentioned earlier, taxation without representation, nothing has changed. They went against all the odds to defeat the greatest empire in history. So I’m certainly not saying that we cannot win. If I woke up every day and sat down at my desk and thought that I wouldn’t wake up, I just give up.
So I have high hopes. I think that in America, we’re taught that, or at least we were when I grew up – I was born in 1960 – that anybody could be the president.
Unfortunately, we’ve seen that happen. Anybody could do anything that they want to do. I’m a firm believer in that. I’ve experienced that. I’ve done things that I still can’t believe I’ve done them. I don’t think it was myself doing. I think I had help, but I think that we can do anything. And if we don’t think that way, we sell ourselves and those around us short!
And I think we should all believe that we can achieve victory.
And I believe that we can!
Mark Collett: Thank you. Some inspiring words there, Dave.
So this is the part of the show where I really want to throw it open to Bill, Sally and Natty. I’ve done a lot of speaking. Are there anything, is there anything in the book that you guys would like to particularly focus on or bring up or anything about the book that you think I’ve missed or maybe something in the book that was missed? So, Bill, is there anything you’d like to bring up?
Bill Atheling: Well, I don’t know whether it’s something that you might have missed, but there’s a particular quote in chapter 13, which is by an English Daily Express reporter, and it’s quite a lengthy quote. But it’s very interesting as an insight into how Germany was perceived in the thirties before things swung around.
So, for example, this is six months after Germany’s militarisation and the incursions of the Rhineland and a month after the Olympics. And he writes things like this:
“There is, for the first time since the war, a general sense of security.”
Speaking, obviously, about Germany:
“The people are more cheerful. There is a greater sense of general gaiety of spirits throughout the land. It is a happier Germany. I saw it everywhere. An Englishman I met during my trip and who knew Germany well, were very impressed with the changes.”
And he goes on to say:
“It impressed me more than anything I witnessed during my short visit to New Germany, a powerful revivalist atmosphere, an extraordinary effect in unifying the nation.”
And then he goes on to say about all the different types of Germans who have brought together, Bavarians and northerners and so on.
Natty: Wait, Bill, can you imagine anybody walking around England today and asking any Englishman and getting that impression? I don’t think so.
Bill Atheling: Absolutely! Absolutely! And there’s this sense that we have this lens that has been calcified in the years since 1945, and that was still fluid and it was still moving before that period. And but we still have documentation like this to look at and to access and say:
“Well, actually, there was this idea that there was this, you know, we’re showing all the television dramas and films and movies, and there’s the coming storm and all this kind of thing, and everybody’s gloomy, and everyone thinks that there’s a terrible evil rising in the east.”
And it’s just not the case. There isn’t this kind of Sauron like monster rising in the east. You know, people didn’t see it in that sense. This is a post-war painting. And just looking at things like that, just looking at that, just very simple series of quotes from that particular period really underlines that.
One of the things which when I was teaching, I used to say to students before lectures was “question received wisdom”. That sounds in some ways to be a negative thing. You say:
“Well, you don’t question tradition and so on.”
But actually, we were getting students, kids who had done A levels and so on.
Their minds had been so constricted and narrowed that all of a sudden I was saying to them:
“Well, actually, no, you can question this. You’re allowed to question this. There’s these narratives.”
And I would try and red pill them and show them things and talk about things, and to a degree, got across to them that, it’s okay to actually question these narratives that we’ve been fed because I mean, the classic one thing I said was:
“When we’re looking at history, we are allowed to question all kind of interpretations of was Henry VIII the good king? Was Henry the bad king? And so on. But there’s one period in history we’re not allowed to question, and why do you think that is?”
You know, so I just pose questions to them and leave them to think about, to cogitate a little bit on that. And that’s what this book does in the sense it kind of breaks through that calcification and allows that kind of marinade in information which wouldn’t normally be denied to them.
And I think coming back to what Dave and Natty were saying about the propaganda war and in terms of the shift, we have this thing, the Internet, and as constricted and as restricting as it has become, in some ways, we’re streaming on Odysee and not YouTube, for example.
At the same time, it’s a barrel with too many holes in it, and they can’t plug all the leaks.
And so I think what this book does is it provides buckshot to knock through some of those barrels and let some of the water out.
Mark Collett: Sally, is there anything about the book that you think I’ve missed or anything that you’d like to bring up?
Aunt Sally: Right. My dog might bark because there’s a fox outside.
There is. I mean, for me, the thing, I just keep thinking about mine [words unclear] and I think I’ve covered it already. I don’t want to repeat myself, but we weren’t taught about the war. We were given films on [words unclear] no one talked. The parents didn’t talk about it. The school didn’t talk about it. And I grew up why the war happened? And I used to ask my father:
“Did you go to war to save jews?”
That’s what I thought they went to. He didn’t really answer me, but I presumed it. So I thought it was about saving the jews. I had no idea, even till.
And this book, it’s just all there and I can’t recommend it enough. It’s such an eye opener. It explains every little thing. I wish I’d had it, you know, when I was a child. It would have. [words unclear] Yeah, well, I’ve just written down, we were brought up in total ignorance, that generation. And to go forth, and my father used to say:
“Go! We had to suffer. Enjoy it. Enjoy your life!”
And I think that was the case for all the boomers:
“Go forth, because we never had any [words unclear] go forth and enjoy the world.”
Because our parents and our grandparents, … So that’s me making excuses for the boomers, although I know that they’re kind of irredeemable, but they don’t know what I know. Yeah, I’ll stop now, Mark.
Bill Atheling: Well, you’re quite right, Sally.
And I think and I speak to my dear old mum, who’s in her eighties, and then she’s got a very fixed eye idea of that period in history and, you know, won’t move on it in many ways. But that generation is the old generation, and that’s very different amongst Zoomers and so on.
I think there’s a very different attitude that’s growing now.
Mark Collett: So, Natty, is there anything in the book that you think was missed out or anything you want to add to what we’ve said tonight? And then we’ll do the Superchats.
Natty: Well, there’s loads in here that I don’t think we’re going to get round to, namely the Katyn Forest massacre, which I think you’ve done a podcast, or a standalone video yourself, Mark, and I think was covered in Hellstorm. It’s not famous, normie wise, but it’s fairly well known on the Right, so maybe it’s not worth going into. But I will just note that initially the allies blamed the Germans for the Katyn Forest massacre, in which something like 26,000 of the Polish, the elite, the kind of cream of Polish society, a cream of Polish men, officers and educators and teachers and stuff, were executed, turned out to be the Bolsheviks.
The second thing, this book also goes into Dresden, which we’ve covered before. I know we’ve covered before, which is probably one of the worst war crimes, minus, if you set aside Hiroshima and Nagasaki, one of the worst war crimes, I think, to come out of the Second World War.
But one of the things I wasn’t aware of which I’m not sure if this was covered in Hellstorm, if I’ve read it somewhere else. I don’t think I have. Was the jewish Brigade. And, Dave, you probably know about this. Mark, I’m not sure if this was something you’re aware of but essentially the book says this:
“There was a jewish infantry brigade group, more commonly known as the jewish Brigade, that not many had been aware of a military formation of the British army. It was formed in late 1994 [1944].”
It goes on:
“Using their British army credentials and uniforms, they travelled around Germany (this is after the war) and Austria, hunting down and killing high ranking German officers. They had unlimited logistical support from the British army, could requisition anything they needed and travelled anywhere in Germany or Austria. They had all of Germany’s official records, which the allies had given them, obviously.”
And these guys were, like, hell bent on executing people just for being in charge of groups of soldiers. There’s a quote here:
“One of the jewish executioners, Israel Kami, explained in Beckman’s book how they dealt with their selected targets. When we arrived at the home of our suspects, we were put on British military police helmets, wore white bands and police armlets. Then we would enter the home and take the suspect with us, saying that we wanted them for interrogation. Usually they came without struggle. Once in the car, we told the prisoner who we were and why we took him. Some admitted guilt. (He doesn’t say guilt of what) Others kept silent. We did the job. We were burning with hatred. We knew that our people would never forgive us if we did not exploit this opportunity to kill nazis.”
What he really means is kill Germans. I wasn’t aware of that you know, that’s a British, supposedly a British brigade, a British army unit operating after the Second World War, going around and executing soldiers who had surrendered. There’s so many things like that about the Second World War that just fill you with revulsion and sickness of what your own government was up to!
Bill Atheling: It’s as if the dreadful Tarantino., …
Natty: Yes, exactly. In reverse!
Bill Atheling: Yeah, absolutely!
Natty: Yeah. There’s so many things like that.
I mean, this is going off on a tangent a little bit, but there’s a lot of instances in the media doing that kind of thing, switching up the sides. So Inglourious Basterds [2009] has this, you know, group of jews going around and killing people during the war. Well, it wasn’t, they weren’t taking prisoners in some partisan raid and carrying out daring things. They just got records and were going around extra judicially taking revenge on Germans.
And to get slightly off topic here, the same thing happened with, I’m going to forget the name of the film now, but it’s about a court case in which, oh it’s Our Time to Kill, it’s called. And it’s about a black father who kills two White kind of supremacists in the deep south after they rape his daughter. And the court case is all about the lawyer trying to get this black father off because you probably aren’t going to be judged too harshly for killing those two men.
But it turns out that the case was entirely reversed, and it was actually two black guys who had raped a young White girl. And that was the case that John Grisham had based the book off, which was the film was based off. That’s just an aside, but it just goes to show you the power of propaganda and what media can do.
Dave Gahary: Yeah. A pure jewish piece of propaganda! Screenplay by Akiva Goldsman, produced by Arnon Milchan.*
[* A Time to Kill is a 1996 American legal drama film based on John Grisham’s 1989 novel of the same name. Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson, Matthew McConaughey, and Kevin Spacey star with Donald and Kiefer Sutherland appearing in supporting roles and Octavia Spencer in her film debut. The film received mixed reviews but was a commercial success, making $152 million world-wide. Source: Wikipedia]
And of course, that’s that jewish Israeli spy who up until now has gotten off the hook with all the spying he did for Israel here in the United States.
Natty: Yeah.
Mark Collett: Well, thank you. Let’s do some of these Superchats. We will go through these and then we’ll give our final thoughts on the book. Open borders for Israel gave $5. Thank you so much, my friend. And thank you so much for your continued support. He says:
“Hey, Mark, would you consider doing a review of any Lothrop Stoddard’s books?”
I’m not sure what they are:
“I recommend The Rising Tide of Colour Against White World Supremacy*. It was written in the 1920s and predicted a massive number of non-Whites coming to the West.”
I haven’t actually heard of that, but thank you for the suggestion. I will look into it.
[* The Rising Tide of Color: The Threat Against White World-Supremacy (1920), by Lothrop Stoddard, is a book about racialism and geopolitics, which describes the collapse of White supremacy and colonialism because of the population growth among people of colour, rising nationalism in colonised nations, and industrialisation in China and Japan. To counter the perceived geopolitical threat, Stoddard advocated Nordicism, racial segregation, and general racism, restricting non-white immigration into white-majority countries, restricting immigration of non-members of the “Nordic race” to countries primarily containing members of the “Nordic race”; restricting Asian migration to Africa; and slowly giving independence to European colonies in Asia (including the Middle East). A noted eugenicist, Stoddard supported a separation of the “primary races” of the world and warned against miscegenation, the mixing of the races. Source: Wikipedia]
Natty: I had it. I had a quick look at that, Mark. And Wikipedia is probably not a good source, but it seems that Stoddard had some other ideas, like we talked about earlier, that went off the rails slightly, but it might be worth looking into.
Mark Collett: Okay, I’ll have a look into that. And thank you for the Superchat. D salon seven gave $5. Thank you so much! Said:
“Here in America, German villainy did not exist before 1916.”
Now, this is a really good point. I don’t know if Dave wants to comment on this briefly. He says:
“We had German language schools, newspapers, social clubs, and strong ties to Germany all long gone now. A rich cultural legacy eradicated, leaving only faint traces behind. In any of the context, this would be called a mass atrocity.”
Would you like to comment on that, Dave?
The fact that America was once a lot of German representation and that was basically stamped out.
Dave Gahary: Yeah, a lot of this stuff, personally, I get angry about it. But yes, there was, there still is a huge German population here in America. And unfortunately, because of the propaganda and who spews it, yeah, the Germans were wholesale looked upon as the enemy. And the people who control the media have had it out for these poor folks for a long time. And they still do, obviously.
So that’s why it’s incumbent on us in our positions, in our individual and group positions, to make sure that we do whatever we can to get the proper information out to as many people as possible, not knowing who we’re going to impact, but knowing that we are, in fact, having a great impact, especially now.
Mark Collett: Well, thank you so much, Andy Great Story. Good to see you tonight, my friend. Again, $10. He said:
“The award section of Money Tree Publishing is fantastic! Exemplary awards!”
Well, thank you, my friend. And obviously, if you want this book, please do go to Money Tree Publishing. The link is in the description below. It takes you to where you can purchase this second edition of the book.
And I believe that’s exclusive to Money Tree Publishing. I couldn’t find it anywhere else.
Dave Gahary: Yeah, it is, Mark, I just want to say first two things. One is the awards section. I named it “Awards” because that was if you go to Money Tree publisher and you look on the menu, you’ll see it says Awards. And what that is that was the award I was given by the Anti-Defamation League. So thank you again, ADL and Jonathan Greenblatt!
Now in the United States, and yes, it is exclusive just to us, and we carry a lot of banned books and exclusive products. But the way that the US postal system works, the United States, Postal Service, is that currently the US government is subsidizing China.
And of course, this is at the expense of countries like the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, pretty much everywhere else.
So China is getting great rates because of, obviously, economics, and they’re making everybody else pay through the nose. So if somebody from the UK went to Money Tree Publishing and, let’s say, selected the colour version of the book, the cost of the colour version is $35. The cost of the black and white is 25. The shipping to the United Kingdom is $32.58.
So if you got the black and white version, the shipping would cost more than the actual book, which is really horrible, but we have no control over that.
But what I will say is that if anyone from the UK wants to get the book, just go to and click on the contact tab and send an email to me. I’ll get it. And just have the subject line Villainy or MGV, capital M, capital G, capital V for Myth German Villainy. And just let me know you’re from the UK and I can arrange it so the shipping cost will be reduced to maybe five or six pounds sterling versus almost US$33.
So I can do that because we can get this printed in the UK at a facility in the UK and shipped to the UK. So that would probably help out with anyone who doesn’t., … And I can’t blame you. I wouldn’t want to pay those prices. But these books are available only from Money Tree Publishing. And when we first started in January 2017 with one book, we have never raised our prices and we don’t plan on raising the prices because the goal is just to disseminate the information. This isn’t like a typical “for profit business”. It’s to get this information into as many hands as possible.
So we’re not focused on making money, we’re focused on educating with this material.
So please go to, click on the contact tab, fill out that information and let us know you’re from the UK, and we’ll save you close to probably $30.
Mark Collett: Superb. Thank you so much! It Was Made Up gave $5. Thanks so much:
“Just a small donation to keep the lights on. Thank you and farewell to Bill, and thank you for making me aware of Money Tree Publishing.”
Thank you so much! Robbie Herbert gave $5. Thanks so much. Said:
“My maternal grandmother went over the top. Sorry, maternal grandfather went over the top on the first day of the Somme in 1916 with nearly 800 men while serving in the 8th Battalion, King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. He was wounded himself, but returned with less than 200 men on that fateful day. Something that he would never talk about.”
Thank you so much! And Robbie Herbert gave another $3.
Natty: Can I break in on that Superchat? Because, …
Mark Collett: Yeah, sure.
Natty: Someone mentioned this in the chat. There’s a brilliant YouTube channel [] at the moment called Zoomer Historian, or I think it’s Historian Zoomer. I’m not sure it’s even which way around, but he has just produced, I think it’s almost an hour long video saying:
“What would the war veterans think today? Would they have fought?”
It’s a really good channel and I don’t think it’s going to last long. So I’ll give it a plug here and if anyone wants to check it out, you can, because that Superchat, I think it was Rory Herbert, is very relevant to that topic, which is his latest video. So give Zoomer historian a chance if you’re on YouTube, guys.
Mark Collett: Thank you. Good plug there. And Rory Herbert gave another $3. Thank you so much! Said:
“Just over a year ago, I was invited to a St. George’s Day dinner at my old regiment. One of the guest speakers was the Ukrainian ambassador. Needless to say I decided not to attend. But it just goes to show how the British army, the Ministry of Defence and our government are in cahoots with one another.”
Thank you so much! Zach gave an Aussie token, said:
“Mark, please review Joe Haldeman’s Forever War.* And did you ever hear from Jeremy from Kentucky, Patrick Satter is co-host about doing a show about PA on RBN?”
No, but it is something I would like to do, so if Jeremy’s listening, I would do that.
[* The Forever War, a 1974 novel by Joe Haldeman. The Forever War is a military science fiction novel by American author Joe Haldeman, telling the contemplative story about human soldiers fighting an interstellar war against an alien civilisation known as the Taurans. It won the Nebula Award in 1975 and the Hugo and Locus awards in 1976. Forever Free and Forever Peace are, respectively, direct and thematic sequel novels. Wikipedia]
Skip Meister, 68, gave $15. Thank you so much for the kind donation, and Space Can gave $5. Thank you so much! And said:
“What is a world of peace if it is made from the blood of innocents? Our ancestors demand an accounting for the World Wars inflicted upon us!”
I agree. That is a very, very good Superchat! And we have one more Superchat that was over on, … Let me just bring it up. Where’s the where’s the other tab? It was over on Rumble and it’s for $20 from Red Pill. Thank you so much!:
“Thank you, Mark, for all you do. I own this book. Will watch the replay. Wanted to throw you some funds, though. You’re a living legend!”
Well, thank you for so much, my friend. Thank you for the kind words.
So that is the Superchats wrapped up. We’ve got about ten minutes left, so let’s everyone give their summations of the book going around the group. Bill, Aunt Sally, Natty, then me, and then we’ll give Dave the last word. Starting with you, Bill. Go ahead, my friend.
Bill Atheling: Thank you, Mark.
And I must say that I’ve been very fortunate. Every book that I’ve been involved in reviewing on the book club has been really good, and this is no exception. My grandfather was a Dunkirk veteran. He was very badly wounded at Dunkirk and invalided out for the rest of the war. Very patriotic man. Believed he was doing the right thing. Lied about his age to join up. After the war. And what he saw, the way the country was going, he was incredibly disillusioned in it. And I think, just going back to what Natty was saying about with these ex-servicemen, he certainly would have had second thoughts if he had the chance again.
I think this is an excellent book! It challenges the orthodox historical interpretation of events throughout recent history. The last 150 years. It does so in a very concise, direct and convincing way, and in a way that is actually very accessible. It’s very well written. It’s written in a very clear style of prose. It’s well backed up, it’s well referenced and it’s well worth buying.
Aunt Sally: First of all, I want to apologise for the sound quality of me tonight. It will be fixed for the next one.
And also, I want to say thank you, Bill, for being part of the book club. It’s been great having you. This book, out of all the books we’ve done, I think this is the most important book! If I could only keep one, it would be this one, alongside Hellstorm. It’s not my favourite book, but it’s the most important. When I saw it was a book about politics, I don’t like reading about politics in particular, really bore me.
But it was just one of those I couldn’t put it down. In fact, when I did put it down, I was then thinking, it’s a fantastic book and I can’t recommend it highly enough. Thank you.
Mark Collett: Natty.
Natty: Yeah, fantastic! Highly recommended! And, like I said, there are many books that cover various aspects, but this book is a great overview.
So if you are looking as someone who isn’t well read on this subject, this would be a really good place to start, and then you could branch off and dive into other topics.
Just as a final note, there’s loads in this book we didn’t cover, and I’ve got quite a lot in my notes, but Dolo on Odysee says:
“Big A, (and he’s talking about Adolf Hitler) let the Dunkirk lads go.”
That’s correct. And there’s a there’s a section in this book that covers Dunkirk, what happened and how the Brits were amazed when they found out that Hitler essentially let the entire British force go. And didn’t wipe them out and didn’t take them captive, because he was hoping that, … He had a lot of admiration for the British and was hoping that they wouldn’t pester him anymore. Unfortunately, I didn’t pan out for him.
But there’s just so many nuggets of information like that in this book, and there’s a quotation by German admiral on that subject. So, like I said, there’s loads of stuff like this in this book.
So if you want to find out about this pivotal period in history, this book is a very good place to start.
Mark Collett: Okay, well, I’m going to give my thoughts on it. I obviously really enjoyed the book. I thought it was excellent, and it went well beyond the scope of what I was expecting it to go over. It’s much bigger, much more in depth.
And I think I went through a few of the chapter headings earlier, but here’s that again. The myth of Germany is an evil nation. The Bolshevik Revolution spreads throughout Europe, the nation of Israel, life in Germany under Hitler creating the case for war, Germany as the victim. There’s plenty in there, and it covers a real lengthy period of a tumultuous period of European history and puts it all into context.
So I really recommend it. But the thing I really like about this book is its very illustrative as well. I think these books can be very heavy, especially when they’re trying to explain things. But this book stops short. It doesn’t actually explain things. It shows you them with great pictures, illustrations. All these things are annotated, and it let’s, you know exactly the kind of propaganda that the people at the time were being fed.
And I think this book is so important at the moment because it let’s everybody know that this isn’t something new, that what we’re living through now is not unique. Our time is not something out of the ordinary. This sort of manure has been fed to our people for decades. For centuries, in fact, now. The weaponisation of propaganda to force people to go to war, to make people hate other people. This is an age old tactic. And the tactic hasn’t really changed or evolved. It’s still the same today as it was 100 years ago. Babies being beheaded, people dragging women off as they burn their homes down. And in today’s world, these things are being used every day to make British people want to go to war with Russia, to want to stand by and let Israel carpet bomb Palestinian civilians.
So I think this book is not only important from a historical perspective, but it helps people today place what we’re seeing within wider perspective.
So, yeah, a fantastic book! Dave, is there any last words you would like to say before we shut things down?
Dave Gahary: Yeah. Thank you, of course, for having me on and headlining the book, and great to take part in this discussion, and thank you all for your kind words about the book. Like I said, it shows me that I did my job, and I’m very appreciative of that. I want to just thank you, Mark and the panelists here and your organisation for everything you are doing, because we’re all noticing what’s happening, of course, over here on this side of the pond. And we’re very sad about the direction that things are going with the stifling of freedom of speech.
Of course, we have those protections enshrined here in our constitution, thanks to, as I mentioned, your ancestors. We have the Constitution. We have the so-called Bill of Rights with the speech protections and other protections.
And so we’re in a much different position, again, thanks to your country.
So we’re able to say the things that, sadly, you can’t. But we are very appreciative of what your organisation is doing, and we’re very saddened by some of the recent development with Sam and seeing the child born and him not being able to take part in that, it’s very disheartening the direction of things.
But again, I’ll say that for me, as long as I’m alive and breathing, I’m going to do whatever I can to make sure that we do have free speech.
And that’s really what keeps me going. It’s not that I have anything against a particular race or ethnic group. It’s that being an American and being raised with the protections that we were raised with, if you don’t use it, you’re going to lose it. And I don’t want anyone telling me what I can say, when I can say it.
And again, I can’t obviously equate this country with yours, but I can say that we’ll do whatever we can here on our side to help you guys out and make sure that you can get what we have. Thankfully, again, thanks to your great country.
Mark Collett: Well, thank you so much! I think it’s been a great show tonight. I am extremely tired because I’ve been up since 03:00 am, traveling back from Finland. So I hope it’s still been a high energy show and that I’ve been coherent throughout. There’ll be more updates through the week, hopefully when pictures and speeches emerge from the event in Finland, which I hope you all enjoy.
Anyway, we’ll be back next month. I’ve got to just firm up who the, whether the author of the book that we’re having on next month, so I don’t want to announce it, is free on that particular Sunday. So going forward from there. I’ll be making an announcement very shortly on that, and if it is the book we think it’s going to be, there will also be a free PDF of that, which I’ll share with everyone so people can actually read the book before, for free. So that’ll be quite exciting.
Anyway, I just like to say a huge thank you to Dave for coming on tonight. Massive thanks to Aunt Sally and Natty, but a special thanks to Bill. It’s his last episode tonight.
I’d like to thank him for all his hard work with the book club over the years. It’s been really great hosting with him, and I look forward to seeing him at future events. And if he ever wants to come back for a one off, he is more than welcome.
So, would everyone like to say goodnight? And let’s give the last word tonight to Bill. So Sally, Natty, if you’d like to say goodnight, and then we’ll throw it over to Bill and close things down.
Aunt Sally: Yeah, I just want to say good night Dave, and thank you very much for actually doing the book in the first place, because I think it’s a valuable resource for future generations.
And as Natty said, it’s a brief overview. It’s almost, I say, an idiot’s guide to what happened, but it’s an easy read guide to what happened.
So I just want to thank you, really, from the bottom of my heart, for bringing it all about. Thank you for being on the show as well. Thank you.
Dave Gahary: Thank you, Sally.
Natty: Yeah, good night, guys. Bill, you’re going to be missed! And to echo what a lot of people are saying in the chat, we miss Sam as well. And Dave, thank you for your kind words on that.
I mean, I didn’t have loads of interaction with Sam, but I miss him. You know, he was always present and I look forward to the day he’s back.
So thank you Chat, everyone who’s been interacting tonight, it’s been good and look forward to it next time.
Dave Gahary: Thanks, Natty.
Bill Atheling: Oh, thank you, everybody. And Mark, thank you so much! I totally enjoyed doing this. It’s just one of those things, circumstances beyond my control unfortunately, at the moment. It’s been a great privilege and a great pleasure to be here with this group of eloquent and interesting people. And thank you, Dave, for your book. It’s excellent!
As I said, it’s a high recommendation from me. And, yeah, Mark if things. Circumstances change, who knows? Maybe I’ll be allowed to come back on at some point in the future. But we’ll see what happens. But thank you, everyone. Keep supporting our guys. You know, I’m off to see Sam again next month. I write to him each week. You know, I write to Sam as well. Keep supporting them. You know, they, they’re doing well, but they need to hear from everyone and I’m sure many people are doing that anyway. Yeah. Thank you, everyone. And I shall bow out.
Dave Gahary: Thanks, Bill.
Mark Collett: Thank you so much to everyone.
I will be back in the week for Patriotic Weekly Review with Blair Cottrell.
I will also be gracing your screens when the footage from the Awakening Conference comes out. I did a speech all about Sam Melia and about the heroes of the future, so look forward to that.
I will also be back with Natty next weekend for the Nationalist A-Team. He will have all the maps installed or else he will face my wrath! And we will have a special guest for that stream as well, No Chance!
So we will be doing plenty through the week.
And if you haven’t checked it out, I’ve got a video out this week. It’s a bit of a light hearted one. I was in a bit of a rush this week, so I’ve got a light hearted video.
So if you’ve got ten minutes to kill and you want to laugh, that’s up as well. It’s about Lauren Southern. So I look forward to seeing you same time next month and hopefully before then.
And as I said, I’ll be back on Wednesday. Thank you to everyone. Thank you to Dave, thank you to Bill, thank you, Sally, thank you to Natty, and thank you to everyone who tuned in, everyone who donated so generously. Thank you so much! Have a great weekend, have a great evening. Good night, everyone. I’ll see you all again soon.
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I have a copy of this absolutely brilliant book. It is easy to read and full of surprises to those who have been spoon-fed the Jewish propaganda narrative of WW2 all their lives.
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1 hour ago
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
14s for Bill
1 hour ago
Thanks folks. Till next time.
1 hour ago
later o/
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
Mark’s speech on Awakening:
Awakening III 27.4.2024
— Monokulttuuri FM (@monokulttuuri) April 27, 2024
1 hour ago
FREE Mark Collett eBook | The Fall of Western Man:
1 hour ago
Follow Mark Collett:
1 hour ago
Thank you gentlemen.
1 hour ago
The Death of the West by Pat Buchanan idk if it is any good.
1 hour ago
np brother
1 hour ago
oh, Mark was in Finland! Cannot wait to hear his impressions.
1 hour ago
Very good all things considered, i would be miserable lol.
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
thanks Dolo, i havnt read that one
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
Freedom of speech is a precious thing. It should have been part of European nations’ legal constitution. When bad actors are not allowed to monopolize the media, good actors have nothing to fear from allowing (((bad actors))) to spew their lies. You just answer them.
1 hour ago
Nordic Warrior
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
He personally had over 17 hand to hand fights lol
1 hour ago
by Leon Degrelle
1 hour ago
even if Politicians don’t listen to Petitions to release political prisoners they are still helpful.
1 hour ago
Jews don’t care about honor. They care about the collective power of the Jewish global nation-in-dispersion. The shame belongs to Churchill for allowing himself to be used against Britain, Germany and the entire White West.
1 hour ago
That’s greatly appreciated. Thank you for doing so. No worries. We all do what we can, when we can.
1 hour ago
Campaign In Russia: The Waffen SS on the Eastern Front
1 hour ago
but even if you can’t afford to donate theirs other ways to help I’ve also petitioned for Sam Melia and Sven longshanks immediate release.
1 hour ago
what is the book called? is it burning souls?
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
jews who compromised Churchill have zero honor.
1 hour ago
Indeed. We all do.
1 hour ago
14 for Sam.
1 hour ago
i miss sam
1 hour ago
Free Big Sam.
1 hour ago
Free Sam Melia
1 hour ago
Great book sir, thank you.
1 hour ago
Deus Vult.
1 hour ago
All his unit seems to do is go in hand to hand combat, it’s crazy.
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
The Myth of German Villainy | Benton Bradberry:
► Money Tree Publishing:
Dave Gahary’s podcast with Dr David Duke:
1 hour ago
interestingly many british vets became catholics
1 hour ago
I’m always boosting the stream whenever I can. I’d give money if I could but I don’t have a lot of money. if I had the money I’d be donating but I don’t though I do what I can to help. including boosting the stream and advertising on platforms for mark like YouTube.
1 hour ago
cheers mate
1 hour ago
Should read Degrelle’s campaign on the western front, it’s incredible.
1 hour ago
Britain should have fought on the side of Germany against the USSR. If only alcoholic traitor Churchill had died of cirrhosis of the liver in the 1930s.
1 hour ago
You’re welcome. ️
1 hour ago
My great grandfather was in Verdun on the right side. he got shot thru the arm.
1 hour ago
Thank you for all your contributions on Book Club. Always a pleasure. Best of luck.
1 hour ago
Big A let the Dunkirk lads go.
1 hour ago
Thanks for the above link
1 hour ago
Support Bill Atheling’s work (C.P. Webster):
► The Horror Beneath:
► Albion: ARVA – VALA – DEVA:
1 hour ago
Yes, Zoomer Historian is great !!!
1 hour ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon for a like!
All political expressiveness is flatulence; censor a fart and it will come back as thunder.
1 hour ago
zoomer historian looks fantastic
1 hour ago
Zoomer Historian | Do British Veterans Regret Fighting World War 2?
1 hour ago
I had a Great Grandad die at the somme as well.
Reginald Collett
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
moneys tight for everyone RN.
1 hour ago
Bulk buy them mark
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
lol nice Dave
1 hour ago
How tall is mrs Mark?
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
The Myth of German Villainy | Benton Bradberry:
► Money Tree Publishing:
1 hour ago
mark please Review Joe Haldemans Forever war. and did you ever hear from Jeremy from Kentucky Patrick slattery Co Host about doing a show on PA or RBN.
Pro Patria: Patriot and Nationalist Channels
1 hour ago
Which audio of Gilgamesh?
1 hour ago
Hey Mark.
1 hour ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 hour ago
ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.
1 hour ago
there was a hate crime in the mall of america, black man throwing a white baby three stories down, that was used race reversed in Wonder Woman 1984 – it’s just what a miss IDF does
1 hour ago
A Time to Kill (1996 film):
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
No one hates more fervently and maniacally than Jewish supremacists.
1 hour ago
1 hour ago
They love a false flag!
1 hour ago
Just asking, I had a fox that broke into my chicken pen and killed all of them. My young children were upset for months.
1 hour ago
NKVD wore SS uniforms when doing the massacre
1 hour ago
Hellstorm | PA Book Review:
1 hour ago
no Rory … I usually feed it
Long Knife
1 hour ago
… I’m just want to examine the lampshade a little; that’s all … don’t tell me it mysteriously disappeared ?
1 hour ago
Is the fox after your chickens, Aunt Sally?
1 hour ago
If you criticize the Shoes you hate the Jews!
1 hour ago
a black and white photo of a pile of shoes isnt enough for you??? OY GEVALT
1 hour ago
Just over a year ago I was invited to a St. George’s Day dinner at my old regiment. One of the guest speakers was the Ukrainian Ambassador. Needless to say I didn’t attend but it just goes to show how the British Army, the Ministry of Defence and our government are in cahoots with one another.
Long Knife
1 hour ago
it’s ok to demand evidence
1 hour ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
2 hours ago
The vanguard
2 hours ago
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2 hours ago
they’ve dug 666 rabbi holes around the one truth, Jewish Supremacy.
2 hours ago
It saddens me that so many are taken in by him
2 hours ago
The Myth of German Villainy | Benton Bradberry:
► Money Tree Publishing:
2 hours ago
He was in London on St George day with Isreal flag lmao
2 hours ago
I liked how he praised the American Freedom Party, didn’t like what he just said about Patriot Front
2 hours ago
If it wasn’t for the rigid & sophisticated censorship algorithms Jew elites have set on YouTube, millions more would be wake right now. Their shills & controlled opposition assets (Robinson, Murray, Hopkins, etc) don’t help matters
2 hours ago
ancient Persia allowed Neahmiah to rebuild their temple. israel likes Idea of Persia. Its why you see the Paivlvo royal line consulted in the news. Today, the blood soaked temple sacrifice probably going thru.
2 hours ago
Mark Dice was calling Patriot Front feds today, they are hopeless.
2 hours ago
well said
2 hours ago
Follow Dr David Duke:
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
ancient Persia allowed Neahmia rebuild their temple be rebuilt. Today, the blood soaked temple sacrifice probably goung thru
2 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
2 hours ago
you will all live to see concerning iran, it return to the name PERSIA. SEE trump cyrus coin. israel states they can wirk with Persia.
2 hours ago
In the book the, monsters of babylon, he really tries to state how our ancestors have been made to look stupid, and that they were really just as smart as we are, but they just didn’t have access to the updated knowledge that we have in modern times, with modern science.
2 hours ago
They are expert liars. They always invert the truth. Just look at how they’ve continually gas-lit & lied throughout the period of the Gaza genocide
2 hours ago
jews and moslems. same thing
2 hours ago
yeah just like in kuwait, testified to in front of congress……and was exposed as complete horse shit
2 hours ago
… human nature hasn’t change
2 hours ago
so real
2 hours ago
I actually listened to Gilgamesh the other day, fantastic story.
2 hours ago
some people seem to enjoy to hate on germans, ever watched sargoy of akkads video on the Suebi?
Long Knife
2 hours ago
… did they take the babies out of incubators before throwing them ? :hyper_troll:
2 hours ago
Purchase Grandma Towler’s tea, coffee, and honey:
2 hours ago
The book was excellent in my opinion, highly recommended.
2 hours ago
The level of brainwashing is astonishing
2 hours ago
When this book is REQUIRED READING in high schools, youll know America is healed.
2 hours ago
A junior colleague told me of a hospital in Poland he visited. There was a plaque telling of how German soldiers threw babies off the roof. I told him to wake up and think about the German people of today. They are no different and Germans in 1940s were human and would not throw babies off roofs.
2 hours ago
they were Jewish Bolsheviks the ones on top at least.
2 hours ago
Jewish control of western mass media has been their greatest weapon in terms of conditioning the masses
2 hours ago
uh, source
2 hours ago
or stormtroopers from star wars
2 hours ago
For sure! Tikkun olam. looks great. whoever thought putting talmudic mandates in charge of fixing the world, was a good idea.
2 hours ago
ordered. look forward to reading
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
it’s so Ridiculous it should be easy to perceive as blatant propaganda. but many of the Teachers who taught it in school believed it was actually true. my area has a lot of Christian Zionists so I think they were just regurgitating propaganda that they were fed.
2 hours ago
o/ guys
2 hours ago
Please consider a small donation of $3, $5, or $10. When everyone donates $3, $5, or $10 it adds up!
2 hours ago
had I to describe the English in one German word it would be “vermessen”
2 hours ago
ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.
2 hours ago
being a Former liberal I used to think similar to Aunt Sally obviously not her real name. but similar propaganda here in America the German’s and Japanese Roasting Jewish babies on Bayonet’s. similar to the 40 beheaded babies the same people are claiming what a Cohencidence.
2 hours ago
the intelligence agencies have given billions to the true traitorous scum the reporter’s ie activists sellout pukes
2 hours ago
Support Bill Atheling’s work (C.P. Webster):
► The Horror Beneath:
► Albion: ARVA – VALA – DEVA:
2 hours ago
just think about how much more dehumanizing it is to call others cattle/goy by default and compare that to barbarian, infidel or even a rat (which is at least free)
2 hours ago
so clear to even the most gullible fecking normie, or should be
2 hours ago
Truth is, this Ukraine war started in similar fashion to German/Poland.
2 hours ago
id rather call them soviets rather than russians
2 hours ago
moslems and jews. same thing.
2 hours ago
oh there was plenty of pillaging and merrymaking of women to put it in a PG way. but it wasn’t the German’s dragging women and underage girls to the barns. it was the so called heroes the Russians and to some degree the Americans.
2 hours ago
with the printing press, fertilizers and that car thingie that we shared with the world, it’s kinda stunning what propaganda can achieve
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
it answered all my questions for sure. Diane King and Rizolis recomends if the book sold me
2 hours ago
The Awakened Saxon
2 hours ago
‘Find a reason to go to war with Germany.’ Letter from King George V to Sir Edward Grey, Foreign Secretary. However when the Foreign Secretary Sir Edward said that the cabinet hadn’t found a justifiable reason to enter the conflict, the King replied: ‘You have got to find a reason, Grey.’
2 hours ago
The bombing of Dresden was clearly a war crime.
2 hours ago
My mistake. You could always pull a Bowden and whip out the magnifying glass lol
2 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon for a like!
2 hours ago
You’re welcome ️
2 hours ago
Thanks Reed!
2 hours ago
Follow SerenaJB:
Tweets by SerenaJB3
2 hours ago
I’m aware this is available on Audio but apparently the fall of Western man isn’t.
2 hours ago
Mark’s speech on Awakening:
Awakening III 27.4.2024
— Monokulttuuri FM (@monokulttuuri) April 27, 2024
2 hours ago
Good evening.
2 hours ago
Indeed. That would be a good idea.
2 hours ago
i cant see it lasting long
2 hours ago
Nice one. I am hooked to his stuff.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
I’m sure it’s a good read but unfortunately because of my eyesight I won’t be able to enjoy it. hopefully someone can make it available in a Audio Format for people with Vision problems.
2 hours ago
was going to plug him at the end of the stream
2 hours ago
ZH’s video on british vets is dope
2 hours ago
The Myth of German Villainy | Benton Bradberry:
Money Tree Publishing:
2 hours ago
heres the cazm of America and Europe ww 2. When my Dad met my mother here in America, 50s, he told her he was a nazi. her ww2 info from America, caused that news to scare her.
2 hours ago
On youtube there is a mind-blowing content creator callled Zoomer Historian. His playlist of AH is absolutely incredible.
2 hours ago
what I find aggravating is how the Jewish plot to kill millions of German’s by Jews. by poisoning the water is covered up by the media and on the rare occasions it’s talked about the Jews are portrayed as the Victims acting in self defense. a blatant lie but stupid people believe it.
2 hours ago
Please consider a small donation of $3, $5, or $10. When everyone donates $3, $5, or $10 it adds up!
2 hours ago
ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.
2 hours ago
This book is fantastic. It’s such a great gateway to give to the Vagues.
2 hours ago
My maternal grandfather went ‘over the top’ on the First day of the Somme in 1916 with nearly 800 men whilst serving in the 8th Battalion, King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. He was wounded himself but returned with less than 200 men on that fateful day. Something that he would never talk about.
2 hours ago
I’m sorry. No, unfortunately.
2 hours ago
im German Hungarian. my dad was a child in ww 2
2 hours ago
I enjoy reading but it’s very hard on my eyes so I’m forced to use audio formats.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
is marks book available on Audio due to my bad eyesight it’s how I learn from books.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
the forever wars is available on Audio it’s not an expensive book either although I prefer Audiobooks over reading due to my bad eyesight.
2 hours ago
FREE Mark Collett eBook | The Fall of Western Man:
2 hours ago
and things my dad said. he was a child in Europe during ww 2
Avid Fan
2 hours ago
Sort your mic out Bill, ffs.
2 hours ago
“concentrate” jews
2 hours ago
let me say, Diane made reference to a vid for zio deprograming. THAT IS A FACT. Deprogramming from what has been puked into the mind if the west makes PERFECT SENSE TO ME. ive dealt with these. My self also. thanks to the Rizoli infos, i made it out.
2 hours ago
it’s because I talk like an Italian, even on my own, waving my arms about
2 hours ago
but I think Haldeman had unintentionally stumbled onto their plans for the military in the Future and it spooked them to some degree. but then again I can’t see the Future just making an educated guess.
2 hours ago
Joe Haldeman that was his name I’ve only read the first book of the series. but I consider the gay parts to be a Warning of the Future of America rather than LGBT Propaganda. especially considering how his book was attacked by the media not to the extent of a WN book would be.
Bianca Fights The Zombies
2 hours ago
“big tiddy goth girls needed, stat”
2 hours ago
steady your mic cord Bill
2 hours ago
so basically our hope should rest on the chinese avenging the opium shame
2 hours ago
I can hear what sounds like a stapler
2 hours ago
Bianca Fights The Zombies
2 hours ago
the code is “send more beer”
2 hours ago
Sign-up to the PA Newsletter (scroll down):
2 hours ago
Morse code
Long Knife
2 hours ago
Finally, England, through the Balfour Declaration, took over the safeguarding of Jewish interests in all states. The Frankfurter Zeitung knew exactly at the time what it was saying when it declared that the Balfour Declaration had been the yeast of English victory.” ~ Alfred Rosenberg
2 hours ago
yep! their walk and talks are awesome.
Bianca Fights The Zombies
2 hours ago
microphone is clicking
Long Knife
2 hours ago
It had allowed the opium trade to fall increasingly into Jewish hands. The Jew Lord Reading, whose real name was Isaacs, took care of important loan negotiations with the United States of America.
Long Knife
2 hours ago
It had handed over control of all financial transactions to Jewish bankers such as Rothschild, Montague, Cassell, Lazards, and the rest.
Long Knife
2 hours ago
“Before and during the World War, Jewish high finance had declared that its policy coincided with the policy of Great Britain. England had conquered South Africa for the Jewish diamond dealers such as Lewis, Beith, Lewisohn, and the rest.
2 hours ago
he was attacked by the Media back in the day as being anti gay. I’m familiar with the Future soldiers being gay and Lesbian but back in the 70s when he wrote the book. his critics said that will never happen mate now look at the state of the military.
Bianca Fights The Zombies
2 hours ago
Rizoli walk and talk are great
2 hours ago
Bill hold your mic cord please
2 hours ago
It was not for nothing that the German Emperor was known as the Emperor of Peace in World War 1
2 hours ago
ive followed the Rizolis since 2014-2015. It was amazing to see Diane King and Rizolis contributions in credits! too.
2 hours ago
ThX for everything you do for our people Dave
2 hours ago
hello Rory!
2 hours ago
makes post ww2 british ‘comedy’ even more disturbing and disgusting
2 hours ago
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2 hours ago
what i loved mean
2 hours ago
always been the bad guys …
2 hours ago
Hello and welcome.
2 hours ago
YES!! THATS what i lived about it. it goes back to Germany becoming a nation, ww 1. And it provided photo DOCUMENTS
2 hours ago
Good afternoon
2 hours ago
Bianca Fights The Zombies
2 hours ago
sup bros
2 hours ago
I wish there was a way to get it in Canada without the crazy shipping. It will cost over 65 USD dollars in Canada, I really want it though
2 hours ago
Thanks for your support.
2 hours ago
good point Aunt Sally
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Just a small donation to help keep the lights on. Thank you & farewell to Bill, and thanks for making me aware of Moneytree Publishing.
2 hours ago
The Myth of German Villainy | Ben Bradberry:
3 hours ago
Good evening ‘Bill the Academic’ ! :laughing:
3 hours ago
Brilliant book a must read for all.
3 hours ago
Good evening.
3 hours ago
Good evening folks.
3 hours ago
Support Bill Atheling’s work (C.P. Webster):
► The Horror Beneath:
► Albion: ARVA – VALA – DEVA:
Rebellious Goy
3 hours ago
Early 20th century, Germans were the USA’s largest ethnic group
3 hours ago
Please consider a small donation of $3, $5, or $10. When everyone donates $3, $5, or $10 it adds up!
3 hours ago
Donation on Rumble:
Thank you Mark for all you do. I own this book. Will watch the replay. Wanted to throw you some funds though. You are a living legend.
3 hours ago
Evening mate. Unfortunately, couldn’t make it.
3 hours ago
howdy milo
3 hours ago
hey Natty
3 hours ago
i read it before i was redpilled
, i thought it was just a boring version of starship troopers but its been a long time so i might re-visit it, dont they end up in a future where everyone is gay and brown??
3 hours ago
hello Reed. I asked where you been last sunday.
3 hours ago
Thanks for your contribution.
3 hours ago
The awards section of Money Tree Publishing is fantastic! Exemplary awards!
3 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon for a like!
3 hours ago
evening everyone.
3 hours ago
the Forever wars is a good read it’s a 3 part series I believe. even though it’s Fiction the writer was a Veteran of the Vietnam War. and is a great anti war book discussing how wars only benefit the Rich. of course he doesn’t talk about who the Rich benefiting from wars are but it’s a good read.
3 hours ago
Thanks for your dedicated support.
3 hours ago
Here in America, German “villainy” did not exist before 1916. We had German language schools, newspapers, social clubs, and strong ties to Germany, all long gone now. A rich cultural legacy eradicated, leaving only faint traces behind. In any other context this would be called a mass atrocity.
3 hours ago
Hellstorm | PA Book Review:
3 hours ago
Great topic. More should be known about what really happened
3 hours ago
Tremendous book!
3 hours ago
The Hoaxbusters podcast on Speak Free Radio:
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
3 hours ago
ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.
3 hours ago
The Myth of German Villainy | Ben Bradberry:
3 hours ago
Follow Mark Collett:
All political expressiveness is flatulence; censor a fart and it will come back as thunder.
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
This stream is also available on DLive:
3 hours ago
there is an audio version on Bitchute and here it is:
3 hours ago
Nice, thank you.
All political expressiveness is flatulence; censor a fart and it will come back as thunder.
3 hours ago
I think its on
3 hours ago
This sounds like a book I would be interested in, looking forward to the stream!
All political expressiveness is flatulence; censor a fart and it will come back as thunder.
3 hours ago
evening chaps
Pro Patria: Patriot and Nationalist Channels
3 hours ago
Dave Gahary:
3 hours ago
stoddard looks interesting
4 hours ago
Thanks for your ongoing support.
4 hours ago
Please consider a small donation of $3, $5, or $10. When everyone donates $3, $5, or $10 it adds up!
4 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the icon for a like!
4 hours ago
Patriotic Alternative official links:
5 hours ago
the racist German stereotype its created by Jews from the propaganda machine Hollywood
Open Borders for Israel
7 hours ago
hey Mark, would you consider doing a review of any of lorthrop stoddard’s books? i recommend the rising tide of colour against white world supremacy… it was written in the 1920s and predicted the massive number of non whites coming to the West
See Also
Part 01 — Cover text; About the Author; Preface; Chapter 1: The Myth of Germany as an Evil Nation
Part 02 — Chapter 2: Aftermath of the War in Germany
Part 03 — Chapter 3: The Jewish Factor in the War
Part 04 — Chapter 4: The Russian Revolution of 1917
Part 05 — Chapter 5: The Red Terror
Part 06 — Chapter 6: The Bolshevik Revolution Spreads Throughout Europe
Part 07 — Chapter 7: The Nation of Israel
Part 08 — Chapter 8: Jews in Weimar Germany
Part 09 — Chapter 9: Hitler and National Socialists Rise to Power
Part 10 — Chapter 10: National Socialism vs Communism
Part 11 — Chapter 11: Jews Declare War on Nazi Germany
Part 12 — Chapter 12: The Nazis and the Zionists Actually Work Together for Jewish Emigration out of Germany
Part 13 — Chapter 13: Life in Germany Under Hitler
Part 14 — Chapter 14 & 15: Hitler Begins Reclamation of German Territory; The 1936 Olympics
Part 15 — Chapter 16: “Anschluss” The Unification of Austria and Germany
Part 16 – Chapter 17: Germany Annexes the Sudetenland
Part 17 – Chapter 18: War with Poland
Part 18 – Chapter 19: The Phony War
Part 19 – Chapter 20: Germany invades France – The Phony War Ends
Part 20 – Chapter 21: The Allied Goal? Destruction of Germany!
Part 21 – Chapter 22: Germany as Victim
Part 22 (last) – Chapter 23: Winners and Losers
See also:
The Myth of German Villainy: Author Ben Bradberry Interview — TRANSCRIPT
The World’s First Anti-Holocaust Convention — Instauration Dec, 1979
An Open Letter to New Jersey’s Governor
Misha: Surviving with Wolves or …
Bradley Smith’s Smith Report # 1
The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies
Powers and Principalities XI – Ewen Cameron, MK-Ultra, Holocaust Revisionism — TRANSCRIPT
Tales of the Holohoax – A Historian’s Assessment – Part 1
The Holocaust Lie — Made in America
Probing the Holocaust: The Horror Explained — TRANSCRIPT
Jim Rizoli Interviews Prof Robert Faurisson, Oct 2015 — TRANSCRIPT
Holocaust Eyewitnesses: Is the Testimony Reliable?
Alain Soral – My Homage to Robert Faurisson, Oct 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Inside Auschwitz – You’ve never seen THIS before! — TRANSCRIPT
Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books!
AUSCHWITZ – A Personal Account by Thies Christophersen
Jim Rizoli Interviews Bradley Smith — TRANSCRIPT
London Forum – Alfred Schaefer – Psychological Warfare – TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report Interviews Eric Hunt — TRANSCRIPT
Red Ice Radio: Nicholas Kollerstrom — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Carolyn Yeager on Johnson vs Anglin debate — TRANSCRIPT
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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Version History
Version 5:
Version 4:
Version 3: Wed, May 1, 2024 — Published post. Transcript now complete. Added links to serialised book (first edition) posts here.
Version 2: Tue, Apr 30, 2024 — Published post. 95/119 mins of transcript complete.
Version 1: Mon, Apr 29, 2024 — Published post. 33/119 mins of transcript complete. Includes Odysee comments (283).
Pingback: Mark Collett – Bronze Age Pervert Exposed – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript | katana17