Judge Napolitano – Scott Ritter – How Isolated is Israel? – May 14, 2024 – Transcript


Judge Napolitano


Scott Ritter : How Isolated is Israel?



Tue, May 14, 2024


[Scott Ritter on what’s going on with Israel’s slaughter of the Palestinians and how it is isolating itself from the rest of the world. Topics include:

How Israel Is Exposing Its True Self to the World
President Biden Empty Threat to Stop Weapons Sent to Israel
Israel’s Military Is Genocidal
Joe Biden on Israel’s Not Going Into Rafa
Warmonger Lindsey Graham Okay with Dropping a Nuclear Bomb on Gaza







Published on Tue, May 14, 2024




28:47 / 28:50
Scott Ritter : How Isolated Is Israel?
Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
362K subscribers
Streamed live 12 hours ago
Scott Ritter : How Isolated Is Israel?
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Show transcript
Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
362K subscribers




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(Words: 4,708 – 28:50 mins)



Judge Napolitano: Hi, everyone. Judge Andrew Napolitano here for Judging Freedom. Today is Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Scott Ritter joins us now. Scott, a pleasure, my dear friend. Thank you, as always, for your time and for your insight.


How isolated is the state of Israel as we speak?


Scott Ritter: It’s about as isolated as it has been at any time in its history. Israel has always had a very effective public relations capability.


They’ve the necessity of Israel, born out of the Holocaust, an embattled Israel dating back to 1948, sidestepping the reality of the Nakhba, or the catastrophe, to the Palestinian people, instead focusing on how this small band of brothers resisted overwhelming opponents to survive as a nation state, the miracle of 1967, ignoring the attack on the USS Liberty, focusing instead on their ability to defeat three Arab nations at once.


You know, the comeback in 1973, Yom Kippur war, the disaster, the horror of the Munich Olympic massacre, which made Israel more of a victim, the heroism of Entebbe, on and on and on!


Israel just sold itself as sort of this Middle East equivalent of the United States. Indeed, when I was in Israel back in the 1990s, every major holiday, the Israelis would fly an Israeli flag out of one window, and an American flag out of the other. They considered themselves to be the 51st state:


“We are America!”


They would tell me over and over again!


And indeed, the sycophancy paid off with absolute American support in the United Nations and on the international scene. And it was again, as of October 6, this was playing very well. If people recall, on October 6, Israel was on the cusp of closing a deal with Saudi Arabia to normalize relations. That would set in motion the potential for implementation of this India Middle East economic corridor that Joe Biden had sold at the G 20 Summit in the summer of 2023.


Now, Benjamin Netanyahu touted it in September before the United Nations. This was going to be the economic miracle that would keep Israel alive geopolitically, economically. And then October 7 came.


And again, ostensibly, one would think that when you are attacked by a terrorist organization like Hamas, which many nations view as a terrorist organization, that the world would be sympathetic to you.


But Israel didn’t know how to respond properly. This is one of the genius moves of Hamas, by letting Israel be Israel.


You see, Israel had sold itself to be one thing, but anybody who had studied Israel would realize that it was something completely different! I mean, after all, we knew that the Dahiwa doctrine, the “mowing the grass”, the disproportional response to civilians, holding the civilians accountable, dated back to 2006, and had its roots even prior to that. Israel has a tendency to massacre people.




We’ve seen the Sabra Shatila* massacre in the refugee camps in Lebanon. We’ve seen Israel slaughtering Egyptian prisoners of war during the Sinai campaign. This was a murderous nation, and it’s only gotten more murderous!


And what’s happened now, because of their genocidal policies towards the Palestinian people, is that the shroud that made Israel look like a nice, fuzzy little rabbit to be hugged has been removed.


[* Sabra and Shatila massacre. The killing of between 460 and 3, 500 civilians, mostly Palestinians, in Beirut, Lebanon. The Sabra and Shatila massacre was the 16–18 September 1982 killings of between 700 and 3, 500 civilians—mostly Palestinians and Lebanese Shias—in the city of Beirut during the Lebanese Civil War. It was perpetrated by the Lebanese Forces, one of the main Christian militias in Lebanon, and supported by the Israel Defense Forces that had surrounded Beirut’s Sabra neighborhood and the adjacent Shatila refugee camp. Source: Wikipedia]


And Israel has been exposed as the demonic nation that it is! And it’s lost the support of the world. It’s losing the support of Europe, and it’s losing the support of the American people themselves. Our students have picked up the baton and are running with it. These are the torch bearers of everything that America is supposed to stand for. And they’re holding Israel to account, even though our government won’t.


But Israel has never been in such a precarious situation as it is today.


Judge Napolitano: How will any of this, particularly the announcement by President Erdogan of Turkey over the weekend, affect Israel economically?


Actually, let me restate it. Please tell me how Israel’s ferocious genocidal attack on the Palestinians has affected Israel economically, and then how decisions like Turkey not to trade with Israel will further exacerbate their economic Woes.


Scott Ritter: Israel has consistently been fighting any effort to sanction it, any effort to promote divestment, getting the United States, Congress to even considering laws that prevent anybody from talking about sanctioning Israel. Because they understand how precarious their economic situation is. They are totally dependent upon the largesse of the United States. And because of their linkage with America, they have access to global markets. But what’s happening now is that the world is turning its back on Israel.


First of all, we have to understand the horrific economic cost of this conflict to Israel. It’s not just the billions of dollars in weapons that they’re spending or the salaries of the reservists who have been pulled away from the economy. It’s the fact that hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been displaced from their homes in northern Israel and southern Israel and now live as internally displaced persons inside Israel. This is very expensive. They are not contributing to the economy. They’re not paying taxes. They’re literally sucking the life out of the economy.


At a time when Israel’s trade is not being conducted in a normal fashion, the actions of Ansrala, the Hoothis in blockading through action, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Bab el Mandeb strait, has cost Israel billions of dollars in trade.


And now we have Turkey launching its own sanctioning. We see Israel taking economic hits that it can’t recover from. Even if this war ended today, Israel would be face an uphill struggle that will only get worse. Because as pressure is put on Israel to create a Palestinian state and Israel resists this pressure, there will be more and more economic consequences for this is the death of Israel!




You know, when people think of how Israel ends, it’s not going to be because enemies have surrounded it and are overrunning it. It’s going to because Israel has become economically unviable. That the people who went to Israel, the land of milk and honey, the people who made aliyah, the people who thought that this would be the place that they could, you know, hang their coat and call, call it home, they won’t be able to afford there. And those people that have dual citizenship, which is the vast majority of Israelis, will find that the second passport they hold is far more valuable than the Israeli passport, that living in Israel will only lead to their economic ruin.


And if we go back to the famous words of Bill Clinton’s advisor in 1992:


“It’s the economy, stupid!”


That holds true everywhere for Israel. It’s the economy, stupid. When people can’t make a living, can’t make ends meet, you’ll see that Israel become depopulated, and that’s the end of Israel.


Judge Napolitano: Is there any significance in your view, Scott, to the threat by President Biden? I guess it’s more than a threat. He’s actually stopped this. I don’t know if he slow walked it or stopped it permanently. The delivery of 2,000 pound and, 2, 500 pound bombs to Israel. I mean, stated differently, do they still have enough ammunition with which to continue their slaughter of the Palestinians in Gaza without whatever it is that President Biden is holding back?


Scott Ritter: Absolutely! Look, this is an empty action by the president. Politically, it has significance because for the first time in a long time the president has stopped armed shipments to Israel.


It’s the first time ever when Israel’s in a state of war, especially one of an existential nature.


But the fact of the matter is, if you listen to what the President said, he’s only putting a stop on specific weapons and he’s linking it to Rafa. But he said:


“We will not, we will continue to support Israel’s ability to defend itself against Hezbollah.”


Well, you know what you need to defend against Hezbollah? 2,000 pound bombs.


So they’re being poured in by the thousands! They said:


“We help Israel defend itself against Iran.”


Well, you know what you need to defend against Iran. Yeah, you got it. 2,000 pound bombs. No. Israel’s receiving thousands, tens of thousands of these weapons. This is a political gesture that once people see through what it is, realize it’s empty. It’s done purely for domestic political reasons.


Judge Napolitano: Here’s the president’s spokesperson, not Admiral Kirby, but Jake Sullivan on Don’t invade Rafa. Cut number eleven.




Jake Sullivan: We have paused the shipment of 2,000 pound bombs because we do not believe they should be dropped in densely populated cities. We still believe it would be a mistake to launch a major military operation into the heart of Rafa that would put huge numbers of civilians at risk without a clear strategic gain. The president was clear that he would not supply certain offensive weapons for such an operation were it to occur.


Judge Napolitano: I think this is pabulum. Couldn’t Joe Biden call up Netanyahu and say, “don’t go into Rafa, period!”?


Scott Ritter: Absolutely! There’s any number of things that the president of the United States could do. Pick up the phone, make that statement. Have American aircraft appear over Gaza, create a no fly zone over Gaza. You know, there’s any number of things that we can do if we were serious about this.


But the bottom line is we’re not serious about this.


The president has a political problem here at home. We have an increasing number of Americans who are repelled, disgusted by what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people, who have decided that they’re going to take action on this, political action. They are demonstrating, they’re saying they’re going to withhold their votes in the coming election in November. This puts Biden’s re-election chances at serious risk.


And so he’s playing games, word games, to appease this audience.


But secretly, inside Joe Biden, the Joe Biden I know from the Iraq days, wants Israel to bomb Gaza, wants Israel to depopulate Gaza, wants Israel to solve this problem. Because Joe Biden knows what Jake Sullivan knows, what Tony Blinken knows, what everybody knows in the Biden administration. Hamas is not only winning this war, they’ve won this war!


And the only way that you can make Hamas lose this war is to make Gaza disappear.


And the only way you can make Gaza disappear is to depopulate it. So Jake Sullivan’s up there articulating something, trying to win back votes that Biden has lost. But secretly, inside his heart, Jake Sullivan wants Gaza depopulated. Because if he didn’t want Gaza depopulated, there’s other things that can be done to ensure that Israel doesn’t engage in operations designed to depopulate Gaza!


Judge Napolitano: Jake doesn’t accept the fact. And the finding of the international Court of Justice of the overwhelming evidence of genocide. Cut number twelve.


Jake Sullivan: We believe Israel can and must do more to ensure the protection and well being of innocent civilians. We do not believe what is happening in Gaza is a genocide. We have been firmly on record rejecting that proposition.


Judge Napolitano: Again, political pap. And anybody listening to him should know that and should discount whatever the hell he says.


Scott Ritter: Yeah, and I apologize for laughing, especially to you. Anyway.


Judge Napolitano: No, it’s laughable that he would expect people to take him seriously when he says that.




Scott Ritter: But you can’t. Let’s look at the statements that Jake Sullivan and the Biden administration made in regards to Russia and Russia’s activities in Ukraine early on, where Russia was accused of killing hundreds of Ukrainians. Hundreds.


In fact, many of them died because the Ukrainians dug in next to civilian positions. But it was called genocidal, where Russia was accused of denying food and water to the citizens of Mariupol during the siege. Genocidal! Everything Russia did was genocidal! Genocidal! Genocidal! Even though none of it was. But we called it genocidal.


Now we have a situation where Israel is actually carrying out genocide, recognized as such by the International Court of Justice! A court that we respect their jurisdiction, and we’re not willing to call spade a spade, because this is all about domestic politics. This is not about real policy.


Judge Napolitano: How strong is the Israeli military in its efforts to beat Hamas? You say they’ve already lost. And if they’re crazy enough to take on Hezbollah?


Scott Ritter: Let’s never forget that the Israeli military, at the end of the day, is a conscript military.


And anybody who served in a purely professional military, like the United States, Marine Corps, the United States, Army, knows that a conscript military can’t hold a candle to a professional military.


So as good as we like to believe the Israelis are, they are primarily a conscript military. With all of that entails. They have technological supremacy over Hamas. You know, these are very modern tanks, very modern armored vehicles, very modern aircraft. Their pilots are very good.


But at the end of the day, this is a military that if went up against a peer level force. I’ll just tell you right now, you put a company of Israelis up against a company of Marines, and it’s over at about five minutes flat. And it ain’t going to be bad day for the Marine Corps. It would be bad day for the Israelis. They’re just not that good.


They’re going up against Hamas, on Hamas’ home turf, where their technology doesn’t amount to anything. They have to now reconquer. This was the nightmare that I predicted early on. I said, you’re going to level the cities. Hamas is going underground. This is going to be like Stalingrad meets, you know, Iwo Jima meets the tunnels underground, and it’s going to be hell on earth for the Israelis. That’s exactly what it is right now. They can’t win. They can’t defeat the tunnel network.


Hamas has freedom of action beneath the ground to pop up whenever they want, hit the Israelis when they least expect it. It’s a death by a thousand cuts. Hamas simply wins by surviving. People need to understand that. Israel has said that to win, they have to destroy Hamas. They’re not even close to destroying Hamas.


Judge Napolitano: Does Israel recognize, they would never admit it publicly. Does Prime Minister Netanyahu, do his senior military people recognize the truthfulness of what you just stated?




Scott Ritter: I’ve heard this from Israeli officers, retired, and they’re increasingly active duty. They’ve made these statements. But Netanyahu, remember, war is an extension of politics by other means. Netanyahu is not in this to beat Hamas. Netanyahu is in this to stay in power. This is a desperate bid to remain in power.


In fact, winning, defeating, ending the war in Gaza would be the worst thing for Netanyahu because right now, if things calm down, he didn’t have a war to fall back on. He would be removed from office that quick. So would his Right-wing government. So he needs this perpetual conflict. So it doesn’t matter what his military leaders tell him, he’s going to do what he does to stay relevant politically.


Judge Napolitano: Here’s, here’s Joe Biden on CNN warning Netanyahu about not going into Rafa.


Joe Biden: When I went over immediately after that happened, I said to Bibi, don’t make the same mistake we made in America. We wanted to get Bin Laden and we’ll help you get some more. But we went into Afghanistan, it made sense to go get Bin Laden. Made no sense to try to unify Afghanistan.


It made no sense, in my view, to engage in thinking that in Iraq they had a nuclear weapon. Don’t make the same mistake. Focus on, and we’ll help you focus on getting the bad guys.


And we’ve got to think through what is happening after Gaza? After this is over, who’s going to occupy Gaza? I’ve been working with the Arab states. I won’t mention them because I don’t want to get them in trouble. But five leaders in the Arab community were prepared to help rebuild Gaza, prepared to help transition to a two-state solution.


Interviewer (female): To govern it?


Joe Biden: Well, to maintain the security and peace while they’re working out a Palestinian authority that’s real and not corrupt.


Judge Napolitano: Does he know what he’s talking about, Scott?


Scott Ritter: I mean, he’s repeating soundbites, barely. I never seen such a physically weak president, an intellectually weak president. You know, this isn’t the Joe Biden of the past. This isn’t the Joe Biden that I hooked and jabbed with in the United States, Senate back in 1998, even though I despised the man then and what he stood for. He was a vibrant individual. He was a man who, you know, was very active and physically, and intellectually.


This is a shadow of that man. I don’t know that. The problem when Joe Biden speaks is I don’t know what’s the substances behind that. I think he’s been well coached to say certain words.


But if this was a real interview and she doubled down on questions and dug in, he couldn’t answer these questions. And this is problematic. Because this means that Joe Biden is as superficial as the day is long.


What options is he considering? Normally when you brief a principal like him, you come in and you brief on the substance of the issues, and then you give him a range of options and then you rank them one, two and three. And then he’s supposed to put that into his brain [word unclear] group, chew on it for a little bit and come out and say:


“I choose option one or I choose option two. And this is why.”




Then articulate what goals and objectives are so that everybody else can take that back to their respective agencies and turn it into actual policy. This Joe Biden that you just saw on TV can’t do that.


So somebody else is calling the shots for him. Somebody else is shaping policy for him. And this is extraordinarily problematic because maybe the best interests of the nation aren’t being at play. Maybe it’s the best interest of the individuals who are promoting certain policy courses of action.


Judge Napolitano: They’re the same. Bibi wants the war to continue so he can stay in power. Joe Biden wants a little:


“I’m not punching too hard to the Muslim community in Michigan and elsewhere in the United States.”


But he still wants Bibi to slaughter the Gazans. Here he is. This is cut number six Chris. Stating the reasons supposedly and the sincerity of his holding off on no weapons for Rafa.


Joe Biden: Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers. I made it clear that if they go into Rafa, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafa.


Judge Napolitano: Does that mean he’s not going to supply everything? No, he’s just going to fig leaf by holding back the 2,000 pound bombs until Rafa is over. Am I right?


Scott Ritter: Yeah.


And again, I mean, let’s just dig a little bit deeper into this. Civilians have been killed. Well, you know what number did you suddenly wake up to that fact, Joe? Because when you first. When Hindrajab, and we have talked about her on this program, Judge.


Judge Napolitano: Right.


Scott Ritter: That six year old girl, when she was in the car begging for help and the Israeli tanks rolled up and machine gunned her to death while they slaughtered the two paramedics that came for her.


Where were you, Joe? When the mother was holding the hands of her child, who was waving the white flag as she crossed the street and the Israeli sniper killed her while her son was next to her, as another mother came across, they killed the mother and the child at the same time as the sniper shoot people! Where were you, Joe?


The problem isn’t the numbers of Palestinians. This is the biggest lie in the world. He doesn’t care about the numbers! What he cares about is the political consequences of those numbers, how enraged certain constituencies are in Michigan, in Pennsylvania, in Wisconsin, in these critical battleground states who are now saying:


“We’re done with Joe!”




And so now he has to come out and pretend that there’s a moral fiber in his being. There is no more fiber! And when he talks about holding up this shipment, he’s not talking about holding up all the shipments. I guarantee you as we speak right now, US C-17s are landing in Israel with, 20,000 pound bombs on it because the Israelis are saying:


“Hey, if we go to war against Hezbollah tomorrow, we need these bombs!”


But once we give them to the Israelis, there is no American auditors that go:


“Oh, no, no, no! You can’t load those up on that plane going to Gaza!”


This has zero impact on what Israel’s doing! It’s a political statement done. It’s political farce. It’s political theater. It has no impact on actually impeding Israel’s genocidal actions against the Palestinians of Gaza.


Judge Napolitano: Here’s one of Joe Biden’s fiercest critics, but I won’t even tell you who it is until you, you’ll hear his voice and see his face in a moment, whose histrionics and understanding of history are so perverse, he makes Joe Biden seem rational. The short version, Chris, of cut number ten.


Lindsay Graham: When you’re telling the world you’re going to restrict weapons delivery to the jewish state who is fighting a three front war for their survival, it emboldens Iran. It emboldens Hamas. Sinwar is probably juiced up on the idea there’s daylight between the United States and Israel. The hostage deal is harder. This is the worst decision in the history of the US-Israel relationship, to deny weapons at a time the jewish state could be destroyed.


Scott Ritter: I mean, look, I despise the man! I think that he has, you know, his heart’s been gouged out, replaced by a vacant black hole. His brain has been addled by years of warmongering. He is literally the antithesis of everything we stand for in the American people and the American nation. He’s a disgrace as a Senator. He’s a disgrace as a human being! He’s a disgrace as an American!


Judge Napolitano: Well I love you very much, Scott, but I got to run this one past you. This is Graham at his worst. Number nine.


Interviewer (female): Well, historians would say:


“Why is it okay for Reagan to do it and not President Biden?”


But let me ask you about, …


Lindsay Graham: Can I say this. Why is it okay for America to drop two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to end their existential threat, war. Why was it okay for us to do that? I thought it was okay to. Israel, do whatever you have to do to survive as a jewish state!


Interviewer (female): Senator again military officials say has changed.


Lindsay Graham: Whatever you have to do!


Interviewer (female): But let me ask you about how, …


Lindsay Graham: Yeah. These military officials that you’re talking about, …


Interviewer (female): Let me ask you something.


Lindsay Graham: Full of crap!


Judge Napolitano: I think she finally got to him, Scott. [chuckling]




Scott Ritter: He just exposed that this is a man that’s legitimizing nuclear conflict, and it should scare the hell out of everybody! Because I can guarantee that if he feels that about Israel, you know, wanting to drop a bomb, a nuclear bomb on Gaza, what happens when he gets his tail in a crack over Ukraine? Because Russia’s winning right now. I know we’re not talking about that, but Russia’s just on the cusp of decisive victory, the kind where the front line collapses, it’s over kind of thing!


Is Lindsey Graham going to get on TV and tell the American people:


“We got to drop a bomb on him, we gota nuke them! Because, my God, I’m Lindsey stupid Graham, and I’m going to say this because I got to say something because I have no other ideas in my little addled brain!”


This man is sick! This man is a threat to humanity. This is a man who’s a threat to the national security of the United States, who sits on the Armed Services Committee of the United States.


Come on! The citizens of South Carolina, get him out of office! This is an existential threat to America! You just heard it! I don’t have to sit there and talk about Lindsey. You heard it. This is a man who is legitimizing nuclear war in the present day! Can’t happen. Can’t be allowed to happen.


Judge Napolitano: This is the attitude that politicians take. You know, as Justice Scalia used to say:


“There’s only one reason they say anything and one reason they vote for anything, it’s to get re-elected.”


He must think that he’s appealing to a lunatic base in South Carolina if he thinks they’re in favor of nuclear war.


I mean, there’s no reason to go through the historical arguments about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Truman’s decision has been totally and inexorably discredited! That he should raise this now and say that the Israelis who want to own Gaza, Trump’s son in law wants to build beachfront mansions in Gaza! Actually want to destroy it by nuclear weaponry first!


Scott Ritter: Yeah. I’d remind the South Carolinians that back in the cold War, a B-52 bomber dropped a, inadvertently dropped a hydrogen bomb on South Carolina. Had it gone off, that would have been the end of a whole big chunk of South Carolina. Maybe that should have happened? Because then you’d understand what kind of sick person you have as your Senator. Maybe the people of South Carolina should have been subjected to that. Now I’m glad it didn’t happen. But, my God, if you let this man stay in office, if you let this man articulate policies of this nature without consequence, maybe you deserve to have a nuclear weapon dropped on you.




Judge Napolitano: Wow!


All right, my man. Thank you very much. Sorry to raise your blood pressure, but he needs that kind of comeuppance. He’s still the most frequent member of the senate to appear at the place that employed me for 24 years, Scott, at Fox News. But they obviously have an axe to grind as well. My dear friend, thank you very much for joining us. We’ll see you next week. All the best.


Scott Ritter: Thanks.


Judge Napolitano: Wow! Lindsay Senator Graham, I hope you were watching. If not, I hope you see it, or some of your folks will tell you to look for it.


I’m just looking for our schedule for tomorrow so I can let you know. Phil Giraldi at 03:00, excuse me. Professor Jeffrey Sachs at 1130 in the morning, Phil Giraldi at 03:00 in the afternoon. Judge Napolitano. A very happy and relaxed Judge Napolitano. Thanks to Ritter for Judging Freedom.












Youtube Comments


(Comments as of 5/15/2024 = 1,420)

11 hours ago
South Carolina voters
GET RID OF GRAHAM! That’s an order

38 replies

11 hours ago
I’m here And WE agree

11 hours ago
I’ll try

11 hours ago
AIPAC and its money will stand with him, unfortunately. Most SC voters don’t really care.

10 hours ago
God, I hope they listen to you lol

10 hours ago
I live here and I don’t know anybody who voted for him, ever. I don’t believe voting works, if it ever did.

9 hours ago
It’s bc they have open primaries and democrats vote for him

9 hours ago
God bless Graham

9 hours ago
GRAHAM must be put in jail!

8 hours ago
Good luck with this. Most of them are him

8 hours ago
@he1461 I’m from SC & I do care, never voted for that A H !

8 hours ago
​ @he1461 does AIPAC money vote?

7 hours ago
Graham really sucks! The South Carolina people don’t like him either. Graham has lots and lots of money from special interests groups that are supporting this screwball. He needs to go!

7 hours ago
@Gregory-Masovutch You mean satan who he belongs to?

7 hours ago
Could we sell South Carolina to Mexico? Or rid ourselves of it in any other way? Politicians from that forsaken state have wreaked havoc throughout history, both domestically and internationally.

7 hours ago
​ @he1461
Do they know what it means ? Maybe it’s just another acronym to them, no offence…

7 hours ago
Scott has a clear vision, he sees things in advance. The judge is solid too, thank you both…

7 hours ago
​ @nightowl5475
Ahhh,he has to go?
But he is a good stoolie !

7 hours ago
I’ve lived and voted in SC since 1998. Most Republicans run unopposed over and over. Very rarely is anyone willing to run against them. I always have lots of blanks on my ballot.

6 hours ago
​ @ewmbr1164
They have already sold south Carolina! , to Israel, there are other states too, the Americans know themselves..
Btw, politicians accepting money should be illigal, no matter what country.
Would love to know what the judge could tell us…..

6 hours ago
I hear his nickname on the Hill is Lady G. Can’t some young guy take one for the team, and film Lindsay and leak it online please?

6 hours ago
With due respect, if they were smart in the first place they would not vote for such an embarrassment.

6 hours ago
@Gregory-Masovutch I dont think he wants to do that.

5 hours ago
He’s toxic

5 hours ago
@Gregory-Masovutch Yeah you seem like a really nice person zio !

4 hours ago
We’ve been trying for decades; voting is obviously not the way to do it

4 hours ago
why? he is great for israel…. he will never be replaced

4 hours ago
@SuggieBear-ww1rb im here and we dont…..

4 hours ago
@he1461 not only aipac….. … ..

4 hours ago
@catcherad5444 they love him

4 hours ago
@hossein1969 why? he is great for israel…..how bout starting with bush and cheney or barry…

4 hours ago
@kahutochishisumi9056 yes

4 hours ago
@nightowl5475 actually they do very much so… he is just a neocon

4 hours ago
@haameisanaei6481 nothing he says regarding israel ever happened or will happen

4 hours ago
@thesoultouchers so you say millenial and z are better? lol

3 hours ago
​ @igottheshaft Ya, where’s Epstein when you need him?

3 hours ago
26:49 WOW . Really???

2 hours ago
Did you think he came to Congress through legitimate vote!

1 hour ago
In 2014, Graham received a Bronze Star medal for meritorious service as a senior legal adviser to the Air Force in Iraq and Afghanistan from August 2009 to July 2014, overseeing the detention of military prisoners.
A medal for being a behind the lines lawyer? Does the US give out medals for just being in the military? I bet that pisses off combat troops.

9 hours ago
South Carolina should be embarrassed for giving us Lindsay Graham, Nikki Haley and kickstarting Genocide Joe’s presidential campaign.

15 replies

9 hours ago
(Jimbo Slimeburn)

9 hours ago
But they are popular in Carolina! Why??
Why so personal for that state?

9 hours ago
@Madasin_Paine It’s not just SC. Tom Cotton Ted Cruz Rick Scott The list goes on.

6 hours ago
There was this little thing that happened in South Carolina at 4:30 a.m. on April 12, 1861 … so yeah.

5 hours ago
Remember when Lindsay graham won’t deal with Saudi Arabia and mbs because one human being got assassinated. This man is a joke

5 hours ago
@Support_Ad_Blocker Wow you’re so right!! Thank you for the remainder

4 hours ago
We are.

4 hours ago
Lindsey is queen of the chicken hawks.

4 hours ago
When LG says about nooks he knows it’ll garner votes. Face it, he’s appealing to what the American people really are.

4 hours ago (edited)
@Support_Ad_Blocker we love israel….

4 hours ago
@michelleper5065 You and yourself.

4 hours ago
@Support_Ad_Blocker no WE love israel… it is superpower!

2 hours ago
Voters did not put them there, lobbyists did

2 hours ago
@michelleper5065 go live there then I’m patriot American 🇺🇸 and I’m only going to defend my country 🇺🇸.

2 hours ago
Strum Thurmond was the man.

10 hours ago (edited)
Judge this senator is sick. How could people in South Carolina vote for someone like him? Do most people in the state think like him?

11 replies

10 hours ago
It appears so

9 hours ago
Nikki Hailstone

9 hours ago
Last year when former President Trump came to South Carolina and had a rally, it was in Lindsey Grahams home city and Graham was booed completely off the stage in less than 3 minutes. No one even heard one word he said because the boos were so loud, and it was an OUTDOOR EVENT! South Carolinians despise him but his re-election was right after he made that speech and grandstand on behalf of Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court appointment under Trump, so he did what needed to be done to get re-elected. He’s despised today and no one will vote for him again but theirs is a six year stint so he’ll be around a couple more years.

9 hours ago
@reaazali6347 you have no idea what you’re talking about.

7 hours ago
​ @FaithnGod1558 then explain why he keeps getting elected

7 hours ago
We have (s)elections.

7 hours ago
Probably, unfortunately, that is why he is constantly reelected by them.

6 hours ago
The fault lies with the open primary system which SC has. So in the primary the Democrats cross over and vote for Graham in mass. So he is the only conservative or Republican that GOP voters have to vote for in the general election. The other choice is to vote for the Democrat’s candidate. Thousands of SC voters are extremely frustrates. The fault lies with the GOP leadership. Close the primary to just GOP voters and Graham will lose. Conservative voters are not going to vote for a Democrat in the general election.

5 hours ago
yes bro. evil mind friends of evil people

4 hours ago
he support israel… always has…. great fellow

56 minutes ago
@jameshufstetler3788 Why do Democrats in South Carolina vote for Graham in primarys? Also, similar problems exist in states with closed primaries (like Pennsylvania), the answer might have ranked choice voting like I think Alaska just enacted.

17 minutes ago
Yes. They’re jews

17 minutes ago
Yes. They’re jews

11 hours ago
I can never get tired of Scott Ritter spitting that spice . Hallelujah

16 replies

9 hours ago
He is a convicted sex offender. Was 2.5 years in prison.

9 hours ago
@carrerau7138 LIES!!! BOT!

9 hours ago
@ef7971 How many people are stupid enough to get caught in three separate stings?

9 hours ago (edited)
I agree Scott and col Douglas macgregor are honest and honorable men . I would vote for if they ran president and vice and even go as far as be secret service I think I can I’m a dual citizen I would

8 hours ago
Scott Ritter is amazing!
The man of knowledge, intelligence, humanity, morality, and integrity.

8 hours ago
@MS-nm2kt Hahahahahahahahaha. Both kicked to the curb by the Establishment for very good reasons, and both have an axe to grind. That’s why they work for Russia now.

8 hours ago
@YouTube_Enjoyerlol Again, how many people are stupid enough to get caught in three police stings. It speaks volumes about his character. That you’re good with it is worse than cringeworthy. Why did you delete his court transcript?

8 hours ago
@YouTube_Enjoyerlol “William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief.”

8 hours ago
​@YouTube_Enjoyerlol Are you really equating the situations of a young lady who got married early and had kids and a middle aged man committing offence of the mentioned nature?

8 hours ago
@carrerau7138 so are you

8 hours ago
@carrerau7138 so what.

6 hours ago
​ @user-ob2bz8qd7q ,
Well axes need sharpening too !

6 hours ago

6 hours ago
@user-ob2bz8qd7q – If you think Scott is stupid, you don’t have a clue about human nature.

4 hours ago
but hes always wrong….. regarding israel….

3 hours ago
@hossein1969 you might want to do some research on the morality claim

11 hours ago
Scott Ritter is so right, call a spade a spade !!

4 replies

9 hours ago
He hd his YT .channel canceled for hate speech. Easy to see why.

8 hours ago
Scott Ritter is amazing!
The man of knowledge, intelligence, humanity, morality, and integrity.

4 hours ago
how is he right when hes always wrong regarding israel?

4 hours ago
@user-ob2bz8qd7q lol… hes always wrong regarding israel…

9 hours ago
Agree about Lindsey Graham. Pure warmonger, very dangerous man.

1 reply

3 hours ago
i think he is great… and ritter is the one who is the unbalanced one….

11 hours ago

17 replies

11 hours ago (edited)
About half my comments on that topic get censored. It feels insane. I have not been crude or offensive. The more concise/explanatory I am, the more likwly to get blocked.

11 hours ago
Regardless of if you were.. It’s called free speech. Everyone has the “right” to say the most vile things if they choose. It’s others choice to not listen, agree, but certainly not their choice to censor others because they don’t like what they hear.
“sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but names will never hurt me” none of us know what happened to that

11 hours ago
Hi , nowadays mostly , if not all of my comments get deleted . Is sucks . The algorithm is a bastard . I give up commenting 90% of the time . I’ve been banned for a day due to my comments . It’s really stupid . I’m sensible and it’s just not worth writing anything anyone . So I stopped . I only write this because I agree with your comment .

11 hours ago
@peterminton8105 dont give up. Resort to being cryptic and avoid keywords

11 hours ago
@crackthefoundation_ about 80% of my comments get deleted.

10 hours ago
If your using your smartphone you’ll find it is something to do with your settings. I have the same problem at times. Google why are my comments not showing and it will take to channel that explains how to fix it.

10 hours ago
@Robo67-24 Thanks for the tip, will try!

9 hours ago
@crackthefoundation_ spell phonetically Use punctuation I.S.R.A.E.L

9 hours ago
Same here.. I can’t say more

9 hours ago
You’re on their list. Don’t worry though. There are millons of others on the list too so you’re not alone

9 hours ago
@LostBeagle If you’re not on at least one “list,” then what the hell is wrong with you? (not directed at you personally). After the spicy e-mails I’ve been sending out, I’m waiting for a knock on my front door. (An FBI field office is just up the street from me)

7 hours ago
I would hope You Tube would change their mind and let people voice their opinions. That’s what America is all about. It’s just a person’s opinion. Let the free flow of ideas be posted. Some I agree with and some I don’t but I don’t wanna see anyone censored; not even my detractors. I could learn from another person.

7 hours ago
India has become more free than American social media apps

7 hours ago
@nightowl5475 That was the old America. Welcome to the new America where you’re free to speak your mind as long as it’s what the “authorities” want to hear

7 hours ago
Can’t even mention USS liberty

4 hours ago
its the ai… you sold your freedom for ….. thats right a bag of potato chips and an iphone…

3 hours ago
@LostBeagle they just censored me

11 hours ago
You don’t take people’s land then oppress them for 75 years and not expect them to fight back. I support Palestinians and their resistance 🇵🇸

31 replies

11 hours ago
The most terrifying force of death comes from
the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone.
They try, so very hard, to mind their own
business and provide for themselves and those
they love. They resist every impulse to fight
back, knowing the forced and permanent
change of life that will come from it. They know
that the moment they fight back, their lives as
they have lived them, are over. The moment the
Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to
fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are
literally killing off who they used to be. Which is
why, when forced to take up violence, these Men
who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy
vengeance against those who murdered their
former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a
drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are
merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE
TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and
they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it
will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just
wanted to be left alone.” – Author -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

11 hours ago
Israel owns land about the size of Wales. The Arabs/Muslims own land the size of a continent. So who are the lebensraum fascists?

11 hours ago
​ @flashgordon6670 israhell

11 hours ago
@flashgordon6670 israhell is

11 hours ago
Not their land!

10 hours ago
Do you also support the North American natives since they also experienced the same fate?
You don’t take people’s land then oppress them for 245 years .

10 hours ago
​@ananke2104 two wrongs don’t make a right , I’m always amazed at how a people who were persecuted with their land and often lives were stolen from them can then turn around and do the same thing to another people. You cannot oppress people steal their homes destroy their olive trees and expect them to get along with you especially when you block food trucks from getting to starving children.

9 hours ago
@ananke2104 of course we support the indigenous people of North America….the government controls most of their land and that’s the main thing that needs to be fixed, including the Black Hills of the Lakota aka Mount Rushmore

9 hours ago
​ @flashgordon6670 what a stupid argument LMAO

9 hours ago
​ @flashgordon6670 Europeans have a continent too. Two if you count North America where they are also a majority.

9 hours ago
@flashgordon6670 How the fuck does that matter? They pushed natives off the land who had been living there for generations.

9 hours ago
North American natives are not “oppressed”. ​ @ananke2104

9 hours ago
​ @ananke2104
you want a medal ?

9 hours ago
The Balfour Declaration stated “…it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities.”

8 hours ago
Balfour damn well knew that was exactly what they intended to do.

8 hours ago
@flashgordon6670 go take over and occupy Wales and see how the Welsh and the rest of England react .

6 hours ago
The answer is you and you know it Mr organic juice

6 hours ago
Israel was created in a stolen land taken by the gun from its indigenous owners. So your argument is false to begin with

5 hours ago
Oppressed because they live in a superpower country . They and black Americans are the luckiest people in the whole world. Can you imagine America as a country if the Europeans didn’t come here ?

5 hours ago

4 hours ago
@flashgordon6670 you mean the land “God” gave them 3,000 years ago?
Let me point out the obvious, religion is neither a race nor a political identity.

4 hours ago
its israel’s land…. 6000 years…..

3 hours ago
Who are “we” ?
How do you support them ?

3 hours ago
Most people in the world would disagree with you .

3 hours ago
​ @sprinkz6187 that why am worry for them Great Jews people who are hostages of Zoinist regime, get caught up with this Zoinist mistakes and wrath of the resistance.

3 hours ago
You addressed the wrong person.

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

@ananke2104 you wrote in defense of the dispossessing of the indigenous people of America I agreed that was wrong , do you recognize that there is no excuse for the Israelis to do the same to the Palestinians? Because that’s what the subject is about .

1 hour ago
​ @idaa4209 yeah peacefull along with the rest of the world

1 hour ago
​ @AmrHussein1805 آره حاجی منم همش همینو میگم ولی مغز ندارن که

1 hour ago (edited)
@flashgordon6670 By that logic if you have more money than me I’m allowed to steal from you. Not my fault you didn’t have a land of your own.

8 hours ago
Thank you Judge for platforming Scott Ritter. We need voices that criticize our corrupt and morally bankrupt government.

1 reply

4 hours ago
nothing he says ever but ever happens!

10 hours ago
“It takes courage and Integrity to admit when you’re wrong” ~ I believed Israel was democratic and righteous ~ so now I admit it ….. I WAS WRONG.

16 replies

10 hours ago
Respect from Egypt

9 hours ago
Same here

8 hours ago
Me too.

8 hours ago
It’s been a rude awakening to many of us especially in regards to Western Values and Human Rights.

8 hours ago
What is really wrong is your tacky shirt.

7 hours ago
​ @joedon1706 what’s wrong is your dirty mind

7 hours ago
Same here.

6 hours ago
With characters like this fellow Graham,do you think any prestige is left for the US?.🇯🇴🇧🇬🇦🇿🇰🇼🇪🇸🇨🇺🇮🇳🇮🇶🇮🇷🇬🇶🇪🇭🇩🇿🇱🇷🇧🇪🇱🇧🇱🇰🇰🇵🇱🇹🇨🇳🇧🇷

6 hours ago
based on what

6 hours ago

4 hours ago
And good for you, acknowledging that you were wrong
Much respect ️

3 hours ago
Thank you xoxo

2 hours ago
Thank you.

2 hours ago
You’ve got courage and integrity, Madam!

2 hours ago
hacked fake spam account.

2 hours ago
@jeremylindsey94 Like yours 🙂

10 hours ago
Mr. Ritter is rather extraordinary as an educated and experienced guest—I find myself 100% in agreement with him.

2 replies

4 hours ago
he is not … everything he says regarding israel is wrong… and no one can compete with the power of israel…

2 hours ago
he is so… everything he says regarding Israel is right…and
everyone can finally see that for ourselves.

10 hours ago
Freedom to Palestine
From friends in Ireland

3 replies

8 hours ago
Sharia for Ireland or maybe not.

7 hours ago
Amen to that!!

4 hours ago
No such thing as Palestine

2 minutes ago
The Levantine tribe not just Israel has a long history of genoociide, they even have holydays to celebrate. right they are trying to genoociide European people in all western countries by way of demographic replacement and many other ways

11 hours ago (edited)
After reading a few books about the mafia, you will understand American and Israeli policies perfectly.

10 replies

11 hours ago
Also “By Way of Deception” by V. Ostrovsky. (Former m.0774d officer)

11 hours ago
america, israel, mafia, all the same thing really

10 hours ago
even the bad guys in a mario puzo novel don’t use bombs to kill children. in the real world, if you did that, you probably would not want to have to answer to carlo gambino.

9 hours ago
Khazarian mafia yes

9 hours ago
“ one nation under blackmail” by Whitney Webb describes in detail exactly who, why and when. Incredibly detailed research backing up your hypothesis 100%

9 hours ago
I never have but I’ll take a leap of faith and borrow a couple of books from the library

9 hours ago
Idf have rp gangs with kids women in prison

7 hours ago
Yes Cosa Nostra Families literally and worldwide including the Polish Chapter.

3 hours ago
well said

2 hours ago
@zbigniewdzwonkowski3536 You have a good understanding.

10 hours ago
Thanks Judge for having Scott Ritter on you program. Please be advised that nightly C-17s are taking off to support the war effort in the Middle East. I see them flying over my house as they pass over from the Joint Base Charleston in North Charleston, South Carolina. Mr. Ritter knows what he is talking about and it is to your credit for inviting him on your show.

1 reply

9 hours ago (edited)
Some of those chocks are European sustainment flights. I hitched a ride on a few in my day.

11 hours ago
Israel wasn’t attacked in 1967. They attacked everyone else. Come on, Scott, you should know better.

31 replies

12 hours ago
That is right.

11 hours ago
Yes it was a preemptive strike

11 hours ago
Yes. The surrounding countries were just preparing fir what the mad dog did.

11 hours ago
Bc Syria militarised the Golan heights and Egypt and Lebanon mobilised their militaries to Israel’s borders.

11 hours ago
Israel owns land about the size of Wales. The Arabs/Muslims own land the size of a continent. So who are the lebensraum fascists?

11 hours ago
USS Liberty

11 hours ago
​ @flashgordon6670 I still don’t understand why Palestinians have to give up their homeland because of what some Europeans did to some other Europeans. It was wrong then and it still is.

10 hours ago
Also attacked SS Liberty, remember..

10 hours ago
Is that the only thing, you picked up from what he’s saying?

10 hours ago
​@flashgordon6670 .. it STOLE it, which word dont u understand?!

10 hours ago

10 hours ago
@flashgordon6670 Armies can make exercises and put all the weapons they want inside their borders, it is legal. Israel was in the wrong.

10 hours ago
@MariamElsaadany-tp6mz What about USS Liberty?

10 hours ago
​ @donaldmedlock7412 exactly

10 hours ago
Isilreal zs been ethnic cleansing decades befote nakba 1948. The ayrabs finally defended themselves but isilreal reported them to america as bullies and amerikaners bought it. Like 9 11

9 hours ago
If someone drove you from your home in wales and said why don’t you move to Scotland or anywhere else, down the road even, you wouldn’t stand for it.

9 hours ago
Remember the U.S.S. Liberty!

9 hours ago
Either you misunderstood him or I did. I did not hear him say Israel was attacked. Maybe I’ll listen again.

9 hours ago
I think he was saying that the Hamas event of October 7, was portrayed in the mainstream news in a way that, had they not shown their hatred & desire to eradicate the Palestinians, that they could have gained sympathy, at the least, the whole world would not have seen Israel committing genocide.

9 hours ago
@flashgordon6670 what kind of idiotic argument is this? this would be like saying that because the soviet union was bigger than germany that the nazis weren’t ‘lebensraum fascists’

9 hours ago
​ @flashgordon6670 Israel, no contest.

9 hours ago
Just like his knowhow on WW2.

8 hours ago
​ @flashgordon6670 soo. you wait until they attack… you dont attack first and then say they were going to attack you . would you like someone to kill you cause they thought you were going to harm them?

8 hours ago
@flashgordon6670 It’s like some thieves come and take over some houses of a neighborhood, and justify it by saying the others still have more houses, than us.
Thieves justify their crimes, like thieves.

8 hours ago
Well said

7 hours ago
@flashgordon6670 so russia are facists not natsees russia was bigger off yoursel

7 hours ago
​ @dondarius7262 preach!!

6 hours ago
To be a friend of the US is fatal…

6 hours ago
SO GOOD TO HEAR JUDGE! happy and relaxed is what u should be

4 hours ago
@flashgordon6670 2nd bondage in Egypt AGAIN is waiting for you. Deuteronomy 28:68

2 hours ago
​ @donaldmedlock7412 After all these decades, the issue remains just as simple as that.

2 minutes ago
The Levantine tribe not just Israel has a long history of genoociide, they even have holydays to celebrate. right they are trying to genoociide European people in all western countries by way of demographic replacement and many other ways

11 hours ago
Bless you both for telling the truth and exposing the lies!

2 replies

11 hours ago
Israel owns land about the size of Wales. The Arabs/Muslims own land the size of a continent. So who are the lebensraum fascists?

4 hours ago
its not lies… napolitano is very biased… and scott has not said one single thing that happened regarding israel

10 hours ago
Scott Ritter , You have all the respect and appreciation. We bear witness that you spoke the word of truth. May God protect you always and forever

1 reply

9 hours ago
You want God to protect this? “William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief.” From Casetext.

10 hours ago
Remember the U.S.S. Liberty, the Dancing Israelis on 9/11, and the 2 Nakbas.

2 replies

4 hours ago
remember you sold your freedom for a bag of pokemons and an iphone… enjoy the timeline!

2 hours ago
1. Haifa Massacre 1937
2. Jerusalem Massacre 1937
3. Haifa Massacre 1938
4. Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939
5. Haifa Massacre 1939
6. Haifa Massacre 1947
7. Abbasiya Massacre 1947
8. Al-Khisas Massacre 1947
9. Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947
10. Jerusalem Massacre 1947
11. Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947
12. Jaffa Massacre 1948
13. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956
14. Jerusalem Massacre 1967
15. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982
16. Al-Aqsa Massacre 1990
17. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994
18. Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002
19. Gaza Massacre 2008-09
20. Gaza Massacre 2012
21. Gaza Massacre 2014
22. Gaza Massacre 2018-19
23. Gaza Massacre 2021
24. Gaza Genocide 2023 is still ongoing.

2 minutes ago
The Levantine tribe not just Israel has a long history of genoociide, they even have holydays to celebrate. right they are trying to genoociide European people in all western countries by way of demographic replacement and many other ways

10 hours ago
Long Live Palestine ️🇵🇸️

5 replies

8 hours ago
Free Israel 🇮🇱 from Palestine

6 hours ago
yea and I hope you were there to long live it

4 hours ago
No such thing as Palestine

4 hours ago
Freeeee Palestine 🇵🇸️️

4 hours ago
whats palestine?

11 hours ago
Scott is the best guest you got on Nap!

11 hours ago
Imagine kicking and screaming to have your own land, by pushing the rightful owners from the land. After all of that the continued pillage for 75 years culminating in a clean sweep stealing the remainder of the property

3 replies

8 hours ago
They’re shameless.

6 hours ago
Unbelievable – but it seems to have been planned long ago.

4 hours ago
Truly vomitous indeed

9 hours ago
I can’t understand how/why the people of South Carolina continue to support mr. Graham.

1 reply

6 hours ago
You mean princess graham.

11 hours ago
not believing its a genocide does not change the fact that it is one

5 replies

8 hours ago
There are many facts hidden in that statement. One of them is humans never learn.

8 hours ago
@zibam982 Question: why did Scottie cheer when the Russians did the same thing to Ukrainian civilians in Mariupol? But when it happens in Gaza he turns into Mother Theresa.

7 hours ago
​ @user-ob2bz8qd7q you clowns are great in comparing cheese and chalk

6 hours ago
@user-ob2bz8qd7q and this makes me wonder about Scott Ritter. What is his agenda.

6 hours ago
@kahutochishisumi9056 I asked a legitimate question, fanboy. No answer?

10 hours ago
God bless Scott Ritter!

1 reply

9 hours ago
Bless this. “William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief.” From Casetext.

12 hours ago
Albert Einstein, letter to Hugo Bergmann, June 19, 1930: “Only direct cooperation with the Arabs can create a dignified and safe life… What saddens me is less the fact that the jews are not smart enough to understand this, but rather, that they are not just enough to want it.” Mister Einstein was ashamed of the jewish people. (source: Shlomo Sand: The Invention of the land of Israel, page 255.)

9 replies

11 hours ago
Agreed, Dr Einstein.

11 hours ago
Israel owns land about the size of Wales. The Arabs/Muslims own land the size of a continent. So who are the lebensraum fascists?

10 hours ago
@flashgordon6670 Israel is a pain…But good point

10 hours ago
@flashgordon6670 Really? Ok the Brits own a continent and a half (Austrailia & Canada) Why wasnt that a justification for jews to set up home there? Ridiculous!

Show more replies

11 hours ago
Thank you Scott and Judge! #FreePalestine

2 replies

6 hours ago
Free Assange too!

4 hours ago
No such thing as Palestine

11 hours ago
Im moving out of Isreal ASAP.

11 hours ago
The way Scott defined Graham is nothing short of spectacular.

11 hours ago
Judge thanks to you and Mr, Ritter. To opening our eyes as who our politicians are. God bless you

11 hours ago
Thank you both from the UK.

11 hours ago
Thanks for sharing this with us the whole world is watching don’t stop speaking up now!

12 hours ago
Scott you are the best. God bless you

3 replies

9 hours ago
You want God to bless this: Commonwealth [Connecticut] vs. Ritter. “William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief.” From Casetext.

8 hours ago
@user-ob2bz8qd7q Are you that scared of reality? Next year you can also echo the verdicts that brought down Trump.

7 hours ago (edited)
@frutt5k After 26 years in intelligence there’s not much that scares me… only the ignorance of the fanboys on this site and the alternate Facebook universe they live in. Funny how I can put up actual court documents and transcripts and people still won’t believe it. Quite an indictment of our education system.

12 hours ago
A house of cards ready to fall….

11 hours ago (edited)
Ritter ignores the economic incentives for depopulating Gaza. Further, the right wing government to replace Netanyahu is more extreme than Netanyahu’s piece of work.

1 reply

6 hours ago
He knows that but just forgot to mention it.

6 hours ago
“Israel has never been in a more precarious position than it is today.” Music to my ears.

10 hours ago
Scott Ritter is an amazing guy… I cannot stress this fact enough.

9 hours ago
Scott Ritter, thanks for your analysis!!
Thank you Judge for the program.

11 hours ago (edited)
Thanks again Judge and Scott for trying to bring peace to the planet.

1 reply

3 hours ago
napolitano is biased…he created los of enemies in israel because of his bias

11 hours ago
What a great conversation.. Scott sure can express himself. Lol. I love it

5 replies

9 hours ago
You should see him with 15-year-old girls.

8 hours ago
@user-ob2bz8qd7q lol.. technically it was an adult agent pretending to be 15

8 hours ago
@timbarry5080 He was caught in three separate stings. “William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief.” From Casetext.

7 hours ago
​ @user-ob2bz8qd7q name one victim out of the three? You got zilch

7 hours ago (edited)
@kahutochishisumi9056 I was just telling someone else that the people on this site are so ignorant and brainwashed they will deny that an official court document is factual. Three police stings in eight years. How many others are there that we don’t even know about? The names of a couple of officers are in the court documents, either on Casetext or Justica. I know that if you’re on here research isn’t your thing but maybe you could make an exception.

9 hours ago
Crazy we have senators irresponsibly calling for nuclear Armageddon

2 replies

6 hours ago
Seems to be the norm in the US congress.

2 hours ago
They seem to think they live in a hermetic bubble.

6 hours ago
Magnificent, Scott Ritter! Compliments! Thank You, Judge Andrew Napolitano and Scott Ritter!

8 hours ago
Scott and judge are true patriots thank you men

10 hours ago
I discovered Judge Napolitano’s channel by following Scott Ritter around the Internet, absorbing his knowledge.

3 replies

7 hours ago
Same case here. I love the fact that he’s passionate about his views

7 hours ago
@kahutochishisumi9056 So passionate he invents facts, figures nad history to support his hateful views

6 hours ago
Is that you Bebe!

11 hours ago
Thank you Judge & Scott for this in-depth interview and analysis. It truly is a shame that it took the Death’s of 35000 and 100,000 injured , for America to enlighten.

1 reply

9 hours ago
In reality most of America doesn’t give a shit.

4 hours ago
Super Bravo to Scott Ritter.
If only America had more people like him.

12 hours ago
Judge and scott

10 hours ago
Reporter should responded to Lindsey by asking him how Jared Kisner and Donald Trump will build hotels in stolen land in Gaza

10 hours ago
Scott is such a pleasure to hear from thanks judge

8 hours ago
Scott Ritter, my favorite analyst. Thank you Judge

11 hours ago
Scott knows his stuff and is a good human being!

1 reply

9 hours ago
“William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief.” From Casetext.

9 hours ago
Great truth-telling as always from Scott Ritter, thank you all at “Judging Freedom”.

11 hours ago
From the first day I saw Scott I believed him love ️ I

2 replies

9 hours ago
Love this. “William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief.” From Casetext.

1 minute ago
The Levantine tribe not just Israel has a long history of genoociide, they even have holydays to celebrate. right they are trying to genoociide European people in all western countries by way of demographic replacement and many other ways

11 hours ago (edited)
DAAAAAAAAAAM! This was intense. Hope South Carolina here’s you.

10 hours ago
Absolutely brilliant show

11 hours ago
An EXCELLENT, ALL TRUE FACTS, no chit report from Scott Ritter!

9 hours ago
“This is the death of Israel” Scott Ritter!…

11 hours ago
The whole world can see what is happening

9 hours ago
“South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum.” —James L. Petigru

10 hours ago
Love Scott’s passion for subjects he surely knows so much about.. could listen to him talk forever – and learn.

1 reply

9 hours ago
He knows very little about his subjects. He invents his facts and figures to support his hateful worldview.

10 hours ago
Thank you Judge and Scott Ritter!

10 hours ago
We have new ways to know what really is going on know. Let’s support Scott.

11 hours ago
Read: Jimmy Carter: Palestine, Peace not Apartheid; Shlomo Sand: The Invention of The Jewish People, How I Stopped Being a Jew, and The Invention of the Land of Israel; Rashid Khalidi: The Hundred Year’s War on Palestine; Yahya Sinwar, The Thorn and The Carnation; Ilan Pappe: The History of Modern Palestine; Dries van Agt: Palestine in Agony, and also A Cry for Justice.

3 replies

11 hours ago
Thank you for the resource material. Much appreciated.

9 hours ago
Thanks for the list. I’ve only read a few of them and I had no idea that Sinwar had a book

8 hours ago
The General’s Son by Miko Peled is another good one. Could not put it down.

11 hours ago
I just love Scott Ritter

2 replies

9 hours ago
Love this: “William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief.” From Casetext.

7 hours ago
​ @user-ob2bz8qd7q who was the victim, hasbara troll

11 hours ago
Thanks Scott

11 hours ago
Love you Scott.
Keep going x

2 replies

9 hours ago
Love this: “William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief.” From Casetext.

7 hours ago
​ @user-ob2bz8qd7q who was the victim? Hasbara troll

9 hours ago
It’s only going to get worse when Rump gets elected. We are so screwed.

2 replies

7 hours ago
So vote for Jill Stein. She is for ceasefire, she is anti war, for the people, and for the environment.

6 hours ago
@irfanhusein1445 It’s not me you need to worry about, son. It’s 75 million people with cranial rectitis….

10 hours ago
What in God’s name is wrong with Lindsey Graham? The whole world is watching this!

10 hours ago
Thank you both.

1 hour ago (edited)
Thank you Scott for telling the truth to truth seekers around the world!

10 hours ago
Scott always the best

2 replies

9 hours ago
Best what?

6 hours ago
Get a life!

11 hours ago
Free Palestine

2 replies

11 hours ago
Another great show

11 hours ago
I listened to Bob Dylan a lot, learned the chords of songs on the guitar, it’s a good part of my life.

6 replies

11 hours ago
Bob is great.

11 hours ago

@jeanleveille5319 and this is to do with what?

11 hours ago
​ @JamesRyan-ql9lr who knows…

10 hours ago
​ @allencollins6031 until he adopted zionist beliefs

10 hours ago
​ @JamesRyan-ql9lr Ritters poster and love for Dylan

10 hours ago
@hunger4jsutice oh I didn’t see that.

10 hours ago
Thanks Judge

11 hours ago
Scott is excellent

6 hours ago
Thank you Judge, Thanks you Scott.
For showing not only America but rest of the World how deranged this US administration is

10 hours ago
why it is hard to understand that until Palestine is Free, there will be resistance. Regardless how hard to fight. An entire population will not give up just like that.

1 reply

4 hours ago
No such thing as Palestine

9 hours ago
I want to thank Judge Nap for opening so many eyes and giving a platform for people of integrity and moral clarity. Please also have Garland Nixon on once in a while and also Dr Gerald Horne.

11 hours ago
Lindsey Graham is pure wacko!

8 hours ago
i used to like Israel.
i’m so very ashamed of myself now!
ashamed & sorry!
it never was complicated.
Max Blumenthal turned me in the first session after o7 forever.

11 hours ago
gotta love a bit of scott ritter. he knows whats going on.

11 hours ago
Magic kingdom is worse than the amusement park, but has the same owners.

1 hour ago
Thx Judge with another amazing podcast with our intellect expert with integrity!!, Viva Scott & Judge!!

11 hours ago
Judge Nap’s face a 23:06 after the Lindsay Graham clip. Omg.. LOL I can’t stop laughing. Says it all without saying a word. Love to Judge Nap & Scott Ritter

2 replies

11 hours ago
Graham is a lunatic!

9 hours ago
Love this. “William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief” From Casetext.

11 hours ago
Imagine a dam that behind of it is full of filthy stuffs like corruptions, war crimes, stealings, bribes, bullies, smugglings, tortures and etc… since 80 years ago till 7 month ago , the dam hided all of these filthy stuffs … however this dam cracked years ago… but the dam broke in oct 7th and all filthy stuffs splashed everywhere …and now all people on earth can see the huge amount of filthy things… thats why very soon , we r gonna see historical events

3 hours ago
America will live as long as people like Scott Ritter, Col. McGregor, and the Judge live. SAVE THE USA!

10 hours ago
The judge and Scott are legend no two ways about it

11 hours ago
I can’t even stand to look at Lindsey Graham.

5 replies

9 hours ago
an old rabid drooling dog

9 hours ago
Something seriously wrong with that guy psychologically. Get him out!!!

9 hours ago
Is he LGBT?

9 hours ago
@Kashmir84828 His closet door isn’t locked shut, it’s WELDED shut!

4 hours ago
Not what you’d call easy on the eyes for sure

10 hours ago
Love you Scott

1 reply

9 hours ago
Love this. “William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief.” From Casetext.

5 hours ago
“This is the death of Israel” Sweeter words Ive never heard.

10 hours ago
American civilians have been conditioned for abuse and to relinquish to their abusers conclusions to what is right and wrong. Obey or be punished keeps us all vulnerable and childlike easy prey for these predators offering protection.

11 hours ago
As I recall it was South Carolina that started the civil war.
I don’t think you can appeal to them to avoid something that threatens the national security of the United States.

7 replies

11 hours ago
I’m a yankee and I’ll be the first one to say that South Carlonia did not “start” the Civil War.

11 hours ago
@allencollins6031 History is not on your side.

10 hours ago
I worked in George Town in DC for a week at Senate’s Enest Hollins of South Carolina back in the 80s. In his downstairs den he had a copy of The Hitler Book in his library. I didn’t talk to him about that book, but I did mention the book about the ship The Alabama wish I did read!

9 hours ago
As I recall, the north invaded the south

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
@LostBeagle You are confused. Recheck your history.

9 hours ago
@LostBeagle go back and study your history.

11 hours ago
Remember USS Liberty

6 hours ago
Really enjoyed listening to Scott & the judge together … Very enlightening thank. you

4 hours ago
Thank you Scott and Judge!

12 hours ago
Thank you Judge and Scott. Thank you, Scott, for expressing some of how everyone feels about issues discussed. The politician with initial LG has been mentioned in Bible many times, I believe in the book of Revelation, it is always mentioned with Of Babylon.

10 hours ago
God Bless Always

8 hours ago
Scott’s the best. Great segment, Judge. Love this show.

1 reply

8 hours ago
It’s pretty ironic….. A sex offender and a judge

5 hours ago
Excellent interview thanks guys. Ritter for President!

11 hours ago
I’m sry for you that Israhell calls themselves part of your country and i’m german …

10 hours ago

8 hours ago
Thank you, Judge & Scott always detailed up to date TRUTH.
For all of those who don’t wish to listen to this YouTube channel you can listen to 100 others that are saying exactly the same thing

8 hours ago
More isolated than a sex offender in protective custody. Hi Scott

10 hours ago
Love Scott

1 reply

9 hours ago
Love this. “William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief.” From Casetext.

11 hours ago
It’s sickening that the current US president of the current world power hegemony is decrepit and out of touch! The cream of the crop!Scary! Scary for the world!

6 hours ago
Scott Ritter is a superstar like NO other

7 hours ago
Good God Bless and keep SAFE Judge Napolitano and Scott Ritter. .

10 hours ago

11 hours ago

45 minutes ago
An exceptionally penetrating dialogue. Scott Ritter’s knowledge base regarding Middle Eastern and U.S. Geopolitik relations within global context on full display…

6 hours ago
Mr. Ritter speaks from a Transcendental intelligence….listen to him .
He has the “eyes that see ” and the “ears that hear”.
Peace on earth………

11 hours ago

11 hours ago

10 hours ago
Lindsey Graham is a bigger embarrassment to the state of South Carolina than Fort Sumpter.

8 hours ago
Don’t blame Lindsey Graham or Nikki Haley, blame the voters of South Carolina

10 hours ago
wow . what an interview

9 hours ago
I agree with Scott, it’s a genocide. See below and judge for yourself.
The term “genocide” was defined in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. According to Article II of the Genocide Convention, genocide is:
“…ANY of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

3 hours ago
Thank you so much for your support
Greetings from Algeria

7 hours ago
Lindsay Graham is a despicable human being. I cannot believe the low quality of politicians that come out of South Carolina. Very disturbing.

1 reply

4 hours ago
love him

2 hours ago
Thank you Judge and Scott!

9 hours ago
I’d like an American government that’s real and not corrupt, great idea Joe

12 hours ago
As I understand it, for that India-Middle East economic corridor, Israel needed Gaza. So what is a good way to expel the inhabitants?……..

2 replies

11 hours ago
Poor Lindsey is upset he has a girls name

4 hours ago
Scott is a geopolitical genius who’s not afraid to tell it like it is. If only more Americans would listen to him . . . .

4 hours ago
Love you for these great, and consciousness shifting interviews. Thanks, Judge Napolitano.

11 hours ago
Judge, on behalf of average Americans, can you begin asking your esteemed US guests on the show: How should an average US citizen vote in order to reverse the all-out-war agenda of the UN|PARTY, particularly in light of the most recent rhetoric of all candidates? Thank you.

2 replies

11 hours ago
Vote Jill Stein

10 hours ago (edited)
@user-fi1ym8zo1x I watched interviews with/like her. HOWEVER, I think it’d be helpful to hear exclusively this channel’s GUESTS opinions, them going on the record, so to speak. (I appreciate your comment, though, thank you)

9 hours ago
The ICC needs to start acting and fast.

9 hours ago
love for both of you from middle east

10 hours ago
Great to have truth, as rare as that is for the masa. Thank you Maj Ritter & Judge.

1 reply

9 hours ago

11 hours ago
“now” they stop 2000 pound bombs!

1 reply

7 hours ago

8 hours ago
Free Palestine….

7 hours ago
Scott Ritter is the best and the wisest amoung the best and the wisest on what is happening now in Ukraine and Palestine.

6 hours ago
Thanks again for Scott’s interview. Semper Fi!

10 hours ago
oh Lindsey…how much does AIPAC give you~

1 reply

3 hours ago
Maybe he takes payment in “rent boys?”

11 hours ago

5 hours ago
Scott is the best ! He does not hold back !

11 hours ago
Listening to biden, is like watching grass grow. Its one pitiful exercise.

8 hours ago

8 hours ago
I told my kids that monsters don’t exist. I lied. There is Lindsey Graham. Brilliant as always judge and Scott

9 hours ago
Stop fascism against university students
Solidarity with the brave students.

3 replies

9 hours ago
Expel them and revoke the foreign students’ visas as some states are doing. We don’t them dragging their problems to our country.

9 hours ago
“The Nazis made me afraid to be a Jew and the Israelis made me ashamed to be a Jew.”
Dr Israel Shahak (a holocaust survivor)

9 hours ago
Scott Ritter is amazing!
The man of knowledge, intelligence, humanity, morality, and integrity.

10 hours ago
Bibi isn’t trying to stay out of jail, he is doing the will of the Israeli people.
That’s a truth decent humans don’t want to admit.

9 hours ago
Always great Scott !

12 hours ago
King JESUS is Coming.

15 replies

12 hours ago
Jesús came and was by decision of Caifas, the main rabia of the Fariseos.

12 hours ago
Everybody look busy.

12 hours ago
@MrB1923 doesn’t matter how busy you look. The condition of your heart towards your Creator and Saviour is what matters. God Bless

11 hours ago
Jesus is from Puerto Rico

11 hours ago
@mutatis-mutandis I’m sure there are many named Jesus there. But none of them can save your Soul. God Bless

11 hours ago
Been hearing that since I was a baby. I’m old now

11 hours ago
he took unpaid vacation,not any time soon

11 hours ago
@lillomutni5656 2 Peter 3:9

11 hours ago
@Luke-zz2zz 2 Peter 3:3-9

11 hours ago
As much as I might like that, no he ain’t. Bet you my last dollar. Unfortunately humans must take care of our own affairs.

11 hours ago
@crackthefoundation_ I wouldn’t take all your dollars in exchange for the knowledge that He is. 2 Peter 3:9

4 hours ago
@Jeremiah20vs9 Austin 316

3 hours ago
@Luke-zz2zz For sure!

18 minutes ago
Don’t worry Lindsey Graham will be his dude

18 minutes ago
​ @Luke-zz2zz

11 hours ago
Vote Trump = Vote Peace
MAGA = Make the whole world great.

1 reply

3 hours ago
Oxygen deprived. Let’s see. Rump would escalate the war against Palestine. He wants to invade Mexico, go to war with China and bomb Mexico. Yeah. Oxygen deprived.

2 hours ago (edited)
Judge, next time you interview Jeffrey Sachs, please ask him his opinion on the fact that Columbia University recently gave the Pulitzer Prize to the New York Times for their coverage of the conflict in Gaza. I heard this from Max Blumenthal speaking at UMass.

9 hours ago
Love ️ Scott’s precision & analysis.

21 minutes ago
Scott and Judge I feel like you guys are the only voice of reason witin a sea of chaos

7 minutes ago
I am glad I found this channel! Thank you for these great interviews.

3 hours ago
Boycott,Ban,Blockade Isntreal.

9 hours ago
I think Israel will come out of this with the American taxpayers paying all the bills.

1 hour ago
Scott at his best as he always been the best, a man of honesty, courage, integrity and patriotism. Something that main stream America lacks and certainly American politicians that they all hold PhDs in deception and unethical policies and practices.

9 hours ago
Thanks Judge.

3 hours ago
“To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”.

7 hours ago
Love you judge, you’re a real one.

5 hours ago
Scott is a great American.

9 hours ago
Excellent as always
Thank you. God Bless

7 hours ago
Hello judge Napolitano GOD BLESS U!

4 hours ago
People Scott Ritter and judge Napolitano is what gives me faith that Americans are great people. However if we are not aware that our government is not doing any favors to our name… there will no longer be an America that I’ve always loved no matter how I critique our leaders.

5 hours ago
Love Scott Ritter!

6 hours ago
Lynette Graham was voted in over a vet with one arm and leg. Some states shouldn’t be able to vote.

6 hours ago
Scott is that “little voice” in the back of our brains who reminds us what is wrong vs. what is right, what is evil vs. what is good, what we should do vs. what we don’t because of apathy and lack of courage.

5 hours ago
Scott for Senate in SC !!!

4 hours ago

7 hours ago
Great showw thx Judge and Scott

5 hours ago

9 hours ago
Scott’s characterization of Graham is spot on.

10 hours ago
Scott you Rock ! You are spot on about what the evil states actions since 48 till now.

4 hours ago
I don’t believe any American is voting in these politicians.

9 hours ago
All My respects to you mr Joe and the guest you

5 hours ago
Two Good Men! With Souls!

8 hours ago
Hated nation is us

3 hours ago
Aa always
Great full cycle analysis .
Thank you Jude and Scott.

9 hours ago
Scott description of G Lindsay is spot on

7 hours ago
Love you judge ️

3 hours ago
Scott, absolute sharp analyses!

9 hours ago
I love you two.

44 minutes ago
Scotty Scotty Scotty is on board

7 hours ago
Great show tonight!

8 hours ago
Love you Scott

3 hours ago
As far as im aware the majority of countries DO NOT see Hamas as a terrorist organisation.

8 hours ago
Brilliant Scott

3 hours ago
Israel is the blessed nation and I don’t care what you said Mr Ritter and God does not care neither God bless Israel forever Amen

10 hours ago

@27:10 boy o boy , what Scott said is so true , but I would say that applies to whole USA , not only for South Carolina .

8 hours ago
eyval Scott
best of the best

8 hours ago
Thank you.

10 hours ago
You are awesome Scott!🫶🫡

3 replies

9 hours ago
How many people are stupid enough to get caught in three separate police stings?

7 hours ago
​ @user-ob2bz8qd7q who were the victims?

7 hours ago
@kahutochishisumi9056 Already answered in another post.

11 hours ago
Conned average Americans for years, and they lapped it up… Till now

8 hours ago
Scott is so erudite and articulate…We are lucky to have him!

10 hours ago
Good reality check. Thankyou

11 hours ago
Please from now on, call “Occupied Palestine” instead of an illegal so-called country.

10 hours ago
We love Scott – thanks Judge – your questions are well served – 10/10 !

1 reply

11 hours ago
The two and only judge and scott.

11 hours ago
So Much to Say for “””Good American’s”””. Keep it up you Guy’s. Love and Respects from Canada. Soldier-On

6 hours ago
Love you, Judge

9 hours ago
Thank you, Scott.

6 hours ago
Thank you Scott for calling out all of Israels transgressions against the USA.

11 hours ago
Judge rules. He really does. 10/10

7 hours ago
Judge , Scott

11 hours ago
“It takes courage and Integrity to admit when you’re wrong” ~ I believed Israel was democratic and righteous ~ so now I admit it ….. I WAS WRONG

3 replies

11 hours ago
You are to late ! Where were you before?!!

11 hours ago
Israel owns land about the size of Wales. The Arabs/Muslims own land the size of a continent. So who are the lebensraum fascists?

11 hours ago
Same here bro..

1 hour ago
Big respect to Mr Scott Ritter

8 hours ago
Thank you!

8 hours ago
Thank you guys for the enlightening

9 hours ago
Removing people from Gaza … is it linked with the ressources found in front of Gaza at sea and the associated trillions?

10 hours ago
If this video isn’t worth liking and sharing then I don’t know what is. Support independent media.

8 hours ago
Freedom for Palestine

8 hours ago
God bless

7 hours ago
Senator Graham comes off as one of the most unhinged people up on Capitol Hill these days. Unsure how much of that is performance for the lobby or if he’s really that off in the head.

9 hours ago

7 hours ago
Thank you. I want to hear from Scott Ritter and Judge Napolitano every chance I get.
If anyone reading this can help, please let me know the names of people in the House and the Senate who have NOT taken money from the Israel lobby. I have heard that there are actually a dozen.

5 hours ago
Scott is right all the times

11 hours ago
welcome Scott

3 hours ago
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein

11 hours ago
LMAO, Scott is a character, great wonderful human being

1 reply

9 hours ago
William Scott Ritter, Jr., appeals, pro se, from the order entered October 6, 2016, in the Monroe County Court of Common Pleas dismissing his first petition for collateral relief filed pursuant to the Post Conviction Relief Act (“PCRA”). Ritter seeks relief from judgment of sentence of an aggregate term of 18 to 66 months’ imprisonment imposed October 26, 2011, following his jury conviction of, inter alia, indecent exposure and three counts of unlawful contact with a minor, based upon sexually explicit communications he had with a police detective who was posing as a 15-year-old female. On appeal, Ritter contends the PCRA court abused its discretion when it failed to consider newly discovered evidence that would have precluded the Commonwealth from presenting evidence of Ritter’s prior arrests for similar crimes in New York state. Because we conclude Ritter is no longer eligible for PCRA relief

5 hours ago
Great work guys

10 hours ago
It was North Carolina, the town was Eureka. But I agree with Scott’s attitude toward that homoglobo maniac Sen. Graham.

8 hours ago
CHF 10.00

4 hours ago
Love this channel

11 hours ago
And just like America they became complacent soft and weak.

9 hours ago (edited)
Good stuff. TY

9 hours ago (edited)
Has Graham just authorised Russia’s use of Nuclear weapons?

7 hours ago
Great interview

1 hour ago
“Ceterum censeo Israelem esse delendam!”

11 hours ago
All this real estate used to belong to the Sultan and Turks in Sweden (a quarter of the population) greet each other with the word “Osman”.

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
Their true colours is showing

11 hours ago
Rev 3:9

9 hours ago
‘Joe Biden is as superficial as the day is long’ – !

10 hours ago
At least Scott expressed himself forcefully without using profanity, as he has done in the recent past

9 hours ago
didnt they realize those bombs we’re always a bad idea?

6 hours ago
u tell truth

9 hours ago
That is right Scott

4 hours ago
Say it all Scott!

8 hours ago
It doesn’t matter if it’s isolated or not it has control of us.

3 hours ago
We need to clean house and the senate of all the criminals which is every congress person

7 hours ago
I would like for the judge to ask Scott one question; how was your 18 months in jail for child sex offences?

10 hours ago
Scott should run for the presidency he makes more sense then all the jokers in the USA government

4 hours ago
I support Palestinians and their resistance

10 hours ago

6 hours ago
The USA government is just a sad case. Smh ️

10 hours ago
Economically it does not really matter what Israel does. Eventually, its somebody else who picks up the tab. And israel uses weapons at their whims and fancies s it does not pay for any war it created. US pays for these.

3 hours ago

6 hours ago
Beware the evangelicals.

10 hours ago
You don’t have to have a penchant for geopolitics such as the late, great George Kennan to realize that the neoconservative faction of the American regime is completely beholden to the Zionist cause. There are different kinds of neocons in the current political paradigm (Hillary Rodham, for one) that transcend America’s grasp of ideology, but the most familiar type is the one that wants war in perpetuity in the Middle East for the sake of Israel.
If you are an American and you are starting to ask yourself hard questions, nothing will make sense to you until you ask the hardest question of all, which is to question J power in your country.

11 hours ago
Well that’s not a good thing to hear about, but I think it is very much more hard than I thought it would be, to get together and pray prayer for the people who are Jewish and Christian people and others as well ️‍ and that’s a very hard thing to take away from this kind of message from your podcast today, Judge Napolitano and the freedom of America we the people who are Jewish or Christian people or Religious students who are now still trying to figure out what is really happening now in the Holy Bible and the Other country of the Middle East Country Gaza Strip and Jerusalem where the Yeshua Christ ️ once walked through.

6 hours ago
perfect assessment of lindsay g. millstone candidate most definitely

6 hours ago
Dual citizenship started with the creation of the promised land by usury Balfour declaration & the transfer agreement.
“No man can serve two masters. Either he will love one & hate the other or hate one & love the other.” Serve God with Jesus New Covenant New Commandment!

7 hours ago
Why would a president care about what AIPAC thinks? The guy has a standing army, FFS.

4 hours ago
600,000 children are hostage in Rafa RIGHT NOW!!!

4 hours ago (edited)
It’s sad for Gaza that oil reserves were discovered under their territory.

1 hour ago

4 hours ago
Scott: I love you and your corrage

5 hours ago
Let’s go

10 hours ago
12:19 exactly. We can see past the hand-ringing

8 hours ago

8 hours ago

5 hours ago
Not isolated enough.

4 hours ago
Demonic nation he said, and he is right.

9 hours ago (edited)
This is what i think of Lindsay Graham when he bumps his gums…..
“A Wise Man Speaks Because He has Something to Say; a Fool Speaks Because He has to Say Something.”
~ Plato ~
Like Scott said, he’s a DANGEROUS Fool!

5 hours ago
Not isolated ENOUGH.

7 hours ago
Turn to God before you return to God

7 hours ago
Yesterdays Nazism is todays Zionism

8 hours ago
So the Judge is saying hundreds of thousands of Americans should have died invading Japan rather than bomb Hiroshama and Nagasaki?

10 hours ago
Pura vida judge napolitano could you give us your opinion about the speech of the Israel zionist ambassador at the UN conference .pura vida judge napolitano and Don Scott always with objective and facts about this horrible genocide and sadness caos that The genocidal state of Israel always use as a strategie to boicott peace proposals:( in the middle East.free palestine ️🇵🇸️

1 hour ago
Its not southern Carolinas that decided if Lindsey graham stays in office. The ADL does.

6 hours ago
Thank you Scott for how you kicked off the call! This is facts us Arabs knew from day one but ofc the west is totally oblivious lol

17 minutes ago
It is utterly depressing seeing and hearing Biden. Ef that!

2 hours ago
I live in Israel. No one I know is leaving. I know a lot of American Jews who are coming, however.

9 hours ago
Get lindsey graham out of office NC

6 hours ago
Judge :
Did you follow Jack used the word for the first time: “Innocent died in crossfire “!
Did they ??

11 hours ago

5 hours ago (edited)
He’s SC’s Tom Cotton, who is the Norman Bates of the Senate.

5 hours ago
Whatever other problems Israel has, they will be just fine economically as they have the backing of the richest and most powerful people in the world

6 hours ago
Ritter was the subject of police sting operations for sex crimes in 2001 and 2009, and was convicted of sex crimes involving a minor in 2011, and he received a sentence of one and a half to five and a half years in prison. He was sent to Laurel Highlands state prison in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, in March 2012 and paroled in September 2014. I’m not sure why anybody gives this guy the time of day.

24 minutes ago
In official Swiss TV were pictures of topping-out ceremonys in North Gaza. Jewish-Israel settlers seem to have already “returned in Israels homeland Gaza”. They would not be very happy to be nuked by the IDF, I presume.

9 hours ago
Ft. Jackson is in South Carolina

2 hours ago
South Carolina loves Lindsay Graham and their sisters!

7 hours ago
In all Israeli wars ,Israelis had covert,overt backing of the US, England,France plus few others.Therefore they were portrayed as super power of the area.🇨🇺🇮🇳🇮🇶🇧🇪🇱🇧🇱🇰🇰🇵🇯🇴🇧🇬🇦🇿🇰🇼🇪🇸🇱🇷🇩🇿🇪🇭🇬🇶🇮🇷🇧🇷🇨🇳🇱🇹

4 hours ago
For those of you who forgot, these Palestinians cheered while our own people died in 9/11. No sympathies…

11 hours ago


5 hours ago
I am making myself a black shirt with Scott Ritter’s face on it.

7 hours ago

4 hours ago
As of May 2024, Palestine is recognized as a sovereign state by 143 out of 193 member states of the United Nations.

3 hours ago
Love your work Scott. It’s hard to hear you talk about JB the actor ( as though it counts) when that really evil JB was around some years ago. Of course, I’ve seen him chastising you on your “pay grade” several years ago. That POS is/was really evil.

9 hours ago
wait until we are old enough no more billions no more weapons you made your neighbors angry i aint paying to get you of jail hope the minority of decent people in israel get out safe

5 hours ago
In all due respect to Mr. Ritter, Israel is DEFINITELY NOT the 51st state; a state only gets 2 Senators!!

11 hours ago
Building WALLS

10 hours ago
Scott one of the VERY few that says it like it IS………..Z

2 hours ago

9 hours ago
Lynny Graham Krackker says a lot about his base an a lot about a nation that finds him abhorrent and criminal, and exceptionally so.

57 minutes ago
For the record Clausewitz didn’t say war is a continuation of politics, he said war is a continuation of policy (,,Der Krieg ist eine blosse Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln”).

5 hours ago

6 hours ago
Graham is crazy…

8 hours ago
Crazy Graham.

7 hours ago (edited)
Lindsay Graham’s posit that a sovereign nation has the right to use any means necessary to defend itself strategically – is correct; in this light, discuss the UN position that IL is an occupying power.

10 hours ago
When you sell yourself as a saint and then start murdering innocent people, it doesn’t look good

7 hours ago
40.000 Innoccent Palestinians Killed, America, continue to argue, is not Genocide ! Then explain to the World what it this. Human Extermination, Right ? Independence or else. Love to Palestinians from Senegal 🇸🇳

11 hours ago
If you think Israel is isolated, you should see my town.

8 hours ago
Judge, are you looking forward to seeing British, French, Polish and Estonian troops in Ukraine?

9 hours ago
Judge you got it in one, a lunatic base , its wonderful what folks will vote for

3 hours ago

53 minutes ago
a bit of cold comfort: Netanyahu is leading his own country by the nose…

8 hours ago
Very isolated, next question.

7 hours ago
necessary imagery

3 hours ago (edited)
quran 5:64
And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. And We have cast among them animosity and hatred until the Day of Resurrection. Every time they kindled the fire of war [against you], Allāh extinguished it. And they strive throughout the land [causing] corruption, and Allāh does not like corrupt .

6 hours ago
us can always donate some empty land in us for israel to make their new homeland

7 hours ago
They gonna stay home there’s no alternative

9 minutes ago
Yet the same guy denies that genocide is taking place!

3 hours ago
CHF 2.00
Merci !

11 hours ago
Lindsey Graham: I remember a time in President Donald Trump’s presidency. Lindsey Graham was in hot water. There was a function, everyone avoided Graham. General Kelley at one point caught Graham’s eye, pointed two fingers at his own eyes, then pointed them at Graham’s eyes, back to his own. Graham was groveling for the rest of the Trump presidency. I sure wonder about that.

7 hours ago

6 hours ago
When was the last time the us army won a war ?

6 hours ago
Mossad has something on Mrs. Graham !

1 hour ago
Trump’s legal issues have protected him from speaking about Israel, I want to know if he will stand against Bibi I don’t think so but he has avoided the issue!

7 hours ago
respect to both of you
today blinken have the courage tosay that russia should be ordered to pay for the damages in ukraine
does he have the courage too say isreal should be ordered to pay for destruction in gaza
let him try to say that

4 hours ago
8:06 “It’s the economy STUPID”

8 hours ago
Every Muslim studied Israel, trust me

10 hours ago
It is called KARMA.

3 hours ago
That Graham guy is just ..
Our favorite weapons inspector!

10 hours ago
17:16 THIS IS ACTUALLY THE 2ND TIME HE SAID SOMETHING NON-DEMENTED THE FIRST WAS WHEN HE IMPLIED jamiedimon business practices with check bouncing fees

10 hours ago
This problem goes back to 2006 B.C.

8 minutes ago
The Levantine tribe not just Israel has a long history of genoociide, they even have holydays to celebrate. right they are trying to genoociide European people in all western countries by way of replacement

6 hours ago
Firmly on record, I thought all war is genocide

1 hour ago
Isolated? They have the only parts of the world that matter on their side.

7 hours ago
at scale, the conscript army (on defense) can beat a professional army

9 hours ago
nothing has happened to hamas, hamas was hidden under ground

5 hours ago
He sounds more like a Lindsay Lohan than Graham. He’s desperate for a real man to make him happy.

7 hours ago
How can a former Judge promote a sex offender? WOW.

11 hours ago
Can you use timestamps, Judge?

10 hours ago
LOOK! It’s Eddie Munster.

4 hours ago
Joe Biden searching for his ice cream cone throughout that interview along with the promise of a ceasefire Monday…

7 hours ago
Push for the ceasefire, HAMAS has agreed, whats the hold up?

7 hours ago
Free Palestine from the River to the Sea One state of Palestine from the River to the Sea 🇵🇸

4 hours ago
Ritter you are an extraordinarily intelligent person. But don’t talk your SHIT about taking somebody in your backyard and settling things. .

7 hours ago
Who is the genius that enabled Israel to get nukes??

11 hours ago
Linda got the same puffed up look of Vicky. Guess things aren’t going to well …

3 hours ago
Poor U.S Leadership,

4 hours ago
lindsey isn’t elected there is never a contest.

8 hours ago
Iz has a $14B surplus. We are $36B in the ho

5 minutes ago
Remember fellas. Don’t get married. Don’t have kids. It’s not worth it. My case proves that. Drizzle drizzle.

30 seconds ago
Respect brother Scott Ritter and judge. N. Scotland UK ️️.

9 hours ago
Why do blinken & sullivan sport the undertaker’s look? The coat & tie etc.

9 hours ago
Lindsey Graham’s Days in politics is over. South Carolinians cannot stand him.

6 hours ago
watching Scott Ritter turn into AngryJoe when talking about Lindsey Graham is quite entertaining. Not good for Mr Ritter’s blood pressure though.

8 hours ago

11 hours ago
At least the Germans built PoW camps, its been 222 days and Israel has built nothing to do with PoW under international law and the convention of war.
Gaza has been seized the same as Poland and France

7 hours ago
How have most nations “defeated” what were considered their terrorist organizations?
A climate was created in those nations whereby there was no need for the terrorist organization to operate anymore.
Take a trip down history lane and see how many times we have been down this road as a species and it’s almost as if we have to learn the same lesson every time.
The problem is that those in possession of the superior force and are able to exert more control keep looking at it as a game to win when in reality in the end how can anyone view this as a game or see any way of truly winning when innocent people are dying all around.
An irrational thinking person would want to stop the casualties immediately but due to agendas, greed, pride, selfishness and a whole host of other drives that humans blind themselves with their sacrificed their humanity with justifications for their actions.

1 hour ago
senator lynsey (neil sedaka) graham.

7 hours ago
Anything i say gets sensored. Makes commenting pointless. They try to get you angry and frustrated. But, watch what happens to these people.

2 hours ago
Which waydoes the wind blow in Gaza? Maybe it changes direction on occassion..

9 hours ago
Hiroshima and na-Gaza-ki?!?

11 hours ago
Can we send superchat questions?

7 hours ago
Graham must be delusional

7 minutes ago

5 hours ago
Es muy bueno hablar de bomba nuclear cuando el senador esta en deuda cón el cemenetrio…..

9 hours ago

8 hours ago
I wonder what Israël would do if they had the industrial strength and capability’s of the German army in the second world war?

9 hours ago
Israel isn’t isolated with the Republican Party, many Democrats, India, Argentina, UK, France and Germany. Israel has always been isolated being a Jewish State though it’s an ethnically diverse culture.

3 hours ago

9 hours ago
Reagan told israel what to do

36 minutes ago
Like Mr Ritter, I despise Lindsay Graham

8 hours ago
Sen. Graham says a lot about South Carolina. You have a state full of dummies who vote for him. Says a lot about South Carolina’s education system.

1 hour ago
I don’t think President Biden could hold a conversation with Anybody over a phone.

2 hours ago
Jill Stein

8 hours ago
There will only be Palestine. Palestine.

2 hours ago
Linsay Grahman should go to the front

4 hours ago
26:50 WOW Really ???!!! ACCIDENTALLY dropped a nuclear bomb on South Carolina ???!!! WHY didn’t it make any HEADLINES ???!!!

7 hours ago
Do any one of you know about the Marbour Greater Israël project ? ?

30 minutes ago
Just in case people want to point about all the bible stuff saying they were there first. The Canaanites were the first ones there and its been scientifically proven that the Lebanese are descendants of the Canaanites. So I guess it should be Lebanon then if they want to push the bible reference so badly ️

9 hours ago
Well it couldn’t be Obama still pulling the strings, he would laugh in your face if you asked him, the Obama-Nation

10 hours ago
Tik tok army has lost. It’s clear. Waste of US tax dollars that could be spent at home. So much for America first

1 hour ago

9 hours ago (edited)
25:20 .. I’m Lindsey STUPID Graham

10 hours ago

10 hours ago
Mr Graham= a guy with no siblings. What can you expect?

10 hours ago
GRAHAM! Mad Man! South Carolina

4 hours ago
Didn’t he say he’s a zionist

8 hours ago
LG looks bloated.
Maybe he has brainworm.
Poor worms!!!!

8 hours ago
Graham is a psychopath.

8 hours ago (edited)
This sounds like Gaddaffe, sadanm every other Middle East action, but Isreal now.

9 hours ago
What would america if tomorow the immigrant will have There own land in america, like the jews in Palestine ?

9 hours ago
Lindsey Graham on all Fours. , LAdy Bugs………….lol

7 hours ago
Grandma looking Lindsey Graham is on AIPAC PAYROLL, shame on him

2 hours ago
Where were you joe?

4 hours ago
vote for Jill Stein, only anti war candidate now.

13 minutes ago
ll genio è fuori dalla bottiglia, La gen Z è la nuova migliore generazione che cambierà il mondo …
Palestina Libera!!!!

7 hours ago
Sorry….they ain’t alone…..God is on their side…..Ezekiel 35-39 for starters…..

5 hours ago
L.G. can make $$$ as a stand up commedian

5 hours ago
Respect to you both

9 hours ago
Where are the REST of the Muslim countries in helping to suffocate trade with the Z state????

11 hours ago
G joe is a forever liar

1 reply

11 hours ago
Never told the truth in his life…..

10 hours ago
I wish Scott would question his Hamas as a terrorist organization narrative

10 hours ago
What prison was he in and why?

2 hours ago
Satan has revealed himself in Satanyahu.

10 hours ago
Briben 1.0 is with McStain .
Briben 2.0, the rPresident, is #MeatPuppet and RED PILLER.

8 hours ago
Oh god who voted for Joe Biden and Senator Graham

7 hours ago
I dont believe what POTUS is saying about not shipping the 2000 pound bombs, what a joke, its the other bombs and other military supplies and support, like making the pier, intelligence, plus many many many others. Just a smokescreen.

10 hours ago
wrong question. How isolated is Gaza ???

8 hours ago
How old is senator ghram?2 years old, please someone give him at least a cookie and a milk, because he miss ” her” mommy

1 hour ago
Sir do you know this species they call them gog and magog.

9 hours ago
Does Danny Haiphong ever do live shows or does he just copy and “reproduce” everything? My guess is the latter?

9 hours ago
Was the Munich massacre genuine? Not saying it wasn’t – but with ‘false-flag-world-weary’ hat on – retrospectively viewed – the sacrifice of a few athletes for the possible propaganda gain made (especially in view of the treatment of some Israeli citizenry by Israel military forces on October 7th) makes for a suspicious mind.

6 hours ago
Israel was not attacked in 1967. Egypt and others were not in war preparation.Israel attacked.

10 hours ago
Graham has no soul

1 reply

10 hours ago
Wrong ! His soul will be judged in due time . Praise God !

8 hours ago
His mom cant afford a better webcam in her basement for Scott or court order he has low quality webcam?

7 hours ago
Scott, if you read the Bible, you would know that they are Revelation 2:9 and 3:9!!!

8 hours ago
Scott, why did you expose yourself to someone who told you they were a 15 year old girl?

11 hours ago
earbud Joe

11 hours ago
24:07 Can I say this? Why do I expect to see lipstick on this little piggy piggy?

10 hours ago
L. Graham is an intellectual nothing.

9 hours ago
Ritter states that Israel was “born out of the Holocaust”. That is not true. In 1917, the British, who ruled over the land, following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, organized what is now known as Israel. Ritter is creating his own fantasy and needs to educate himself regarding the history of Israel.

1 hour ago
Is Lindsay LGBT ️‍?

9 hours ago
You’re a 54 Muslim countries how many student demonstrations were there against Israel in any of these countries? Why was Egypt the only Muslim country to put sanctions against Israel when Israelclosed the Rafa smuggling route? Listen to the news in Malaysia Turkey Saudi Arabia Pakistan where are the demonstrations against Israel? I think you may be missing some important variables!

7 hours ago
“Demonic Nation” Yep!!

10 hours ago
Scott you do know Joe Biden is old enough to be your Daddy the man is about almost 82

8 hours ago
Lindley gram is disgrace

10 hours ago
Israel shall continue, because within it is a remnant…
Romans 11:1-4
1 I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I [Paul] am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin.
2 God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew. Don’t you know what Scripture says in the passage about Elijah, how he appealed to God against Israel:
3 “Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars; I am the only one left, and they are trying to kill me”?
4 And what was God’s answer to him? “I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal.”

4 replies

10 hours ago
Khazars are not biblical Israel . They converted to Talmudism in the 8th century . Educate yourself .

1 hour ago
@mikelgeren149 So you’re saying that God’s Word is null and void by your short comment, stating that Jacob hasn’t been regathered to Canaan as God foretold?
Ezekiel 38:10-12
10 “‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: On that day thoughts will come into your _[Gog of Magog] mind and you will devise an evil scheme.
11 You will say, “I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars.
12 I will plunder and loot and turn my hand against the resettled ruins and the people gathered from the nations, rich in livestock and goods, living at the centre of the land.” [Canaan]
And when God draws all nations to burn away the chaff in Jacob that He might discover His remnant, those Jews living in Israel have nothing to do with the Jews Paul spoke of?
Zechariah 14:1-3
1 A day of the Lord is coming, Jerusalem, when your possessions will be plundered and divided up within your very walls.
2 I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city.
3 Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on a day of battle.

55 minutes ago
@karlmunford7000 Khazars are converts to the Babylonian Talmud of the Kenites . You do know who the Kenites are , don’t you ?

42 minutes ago
@mikelgeren149 Moses father-in-law was a Kenite, closely associated with the Midianites. But in the spirit of truth, why don’t you share what you know and say what you mean to say?

10 hours ago
the enemy of the world…

6 hours ago
Shitter and the whop.

8 hours ago
President Potato Head

9 hours ago
At least Mr. Ritter acknowledged that state of Israel is in EXISTENTIAL war. Any thinking person should ask themselves this question then – what state, ANY STATE, will do in such a situation where it’s very existence is on the table, no ifs or buts here? Especially if this existential war is against the enemy who is dead set to annihilate you and all jewish people. Enemy who doesn’t care about not only lives of their own people but even their families and in too many cases even their own lives. Enemy which committed barbaric medieval massacre on Oct.07.
Time to think and wake up now, until it’s (arguably) not too late.

9 hours ago
I’m so impressed by the young generation!
The Boomers are the worst generation; both of my parents are ’48 boomers and they’re awful people…

8 hours ago
Yes Hamas’s Air Force is not as good as Israelis… and they do not have as many tanks (lol)…

8 hours ago
Giving so much air time to a child sex predator, what kind of a judge were you?

3 hours ago (edited)
Lindsay Graham..the word is watching you… a Jew in NewZealand. Inhumane is your name.

3 hours ago
**HAKEEM JEFFRIES is next President of U.S. * I PROMISE YOU!

1 reply

1 hour ago
Why not the republican Speaker of the House? The Speaker is currently number 3, and I can imagine scenarios where he would be President. It would require a few more steps for Jeffries to become President rather than Schumer (number 4 currently, right?).

4 hours ago
Stop using cosy name „Bibi“ for that butcher, why do you follow the Israel PR script?

9 hours ago
Israel lost in pr battle and media

10 hours ago
Khazars are not biblical Israel .

10 hours ago
Way to much Israel talk I was looking forward to update on Ukraine/Russia dammit.

11 hours ago
Who do you want to be in the majority???

5 hours ago
Israel is not entirely isolated ,
They have God on their side who will never leave them.

5 hours ago
October 7th was a person break. Let that sink in

9 hours ago
Very well said about biden,(man is good,heart but,is time to go) then,we have trump pure uncoalifid

11 hours ago
Appreciate what scott has to say except on Israeli issues. You are terribly mistaken scott!

2 replies

8 hours ago
Judge, why are you giving a child sex offender so much air time?

8 hours ago
Your view is way off base Ritter. Do not listen to this dope.

11 hours ago
No fly zone over Gaza Scott?? You should know better

11 hours ago
Biden — “Don’t Stop! Don’t stop! “

10 hours ago
What a clown show,,,

10 hours ago
Judge u have stop baiting Scott with foder like Lindsay Graeme .but we do love a fired up Scott.

4 hours ago
Scott Ritter King of BS

7 hours ago
When you hear politicians like Graham and see the arrogance and exceptionalism of Yankee it makes me sick. Shame on America

10 hours ago
Judge knows how to trigger him, and Scott always falls for it, hehe.

8 hours ago
My question to the judge and the sex offender…. which of you receives the bigger Kremlin pay check?

8 hours ago
Well, at 13:40 Mr. Ritter finally completely lost it and descended to bizarre outright lie saying that Israel actually committing genocide in Gaza was recognized by the International Court of Justice. Court never did it. Shame on you, Mr. Ritter and shame on listeners who are not taking everything your saying with a (very big) chunk of course salt.

8 hours ago
Jesus will defend Jerusalem not at all isolated

10 hours ago
How much has Hamas paid you Scott… And was it in gold?

11 hours ago
I’ve never seen a Palestinian passport…..and NEVER WILL !

2 replies

11 hours ago
Ifk about that at this rate , Palestinian people might get all their land back, and we can always hope .

11 hours ago

11 hours ago (edited)
65% of Israelis are from Safarrdim and mizrachi background.. and do not hold the second passport the majority are from Yemen Iraq Iran Egypt Lebanon and native to the land they are in the land of Israel. Unlike what you call “Palestinians” who are originally from Egypt and Jordan

2 replies

11 hours ago
Don’t forget the Christian Palestinians of Jewish lineage stuck in Rafah.

11 hours ago
The poor Sephardic Jews from Portugal and Spain (my family) are second class citizens and treated badly by the Ashk. in Israel.

11 hours ago
Israel owns land about the size of Wales and the Arabs/Muslims own land the size of a continent. So who are the lebensraum fascists?

11 hours ago
Ritter bugs me with calling all independent thinkers, nasis. He does this alot.

11 hours ago
Scott – please tone it down a bit – I appreciate your heartfelt passion – but you tend to go too far….


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Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

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This entry was posted in America, Arabs, Deception, Democrat Party, Gaza, Hezbollah, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Hypocrisy, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Tool of, Joe Biden, Judeo-American State, Judge Napolitano, Media - jewish domination, Muslim, Palestine, Public opinion - Manipulation, Republican Party, Russia, Scott Ritter, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Turkey, Ukraine War 2022, United Nations, USS Liberty, Zionism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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