Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Mike Enoch – May 15, 2024 – Transcript


Mark Collett


Patriotic Weekly Review


with Mike Enoch


Wed, May 15, 2024


[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks with Mike Enoch, a prominent American White nationalist:

Topics include:

Israel world central hub for organ trafficking
Debating liberals, conservatives
The racial issue and the displacement of Whites
Tommy Robinson’s support for Israel
Opposing the slaughter in Gaza
MP Mark Tarry promoting bringing Palestinians to Europe
America and Britain client states of Orgjew

and more, …



Published on Wed, May 15, 2024




Patriotic Weekly Review – with Mike Enoch
May 16, 2024
22 Dislikes
Mark Collett
Episode 262 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Mike Enoch.
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(Words: 29,231 – 2:37:34 mins)



Mark Collett: Hello everybody, and welcome to Patriotic Weekly Review, episode number 262. And I am very hyped tonight because I’m joined here by the main man himself, Mike Enoch. Always a fantastic guest. I’m going to get this intro done as quickly as possible.


Now, obviously, we’re live on the usual places Odysee, which is our platform of choice. DLive, Rumble as well. We’re also live on Entropy, and I’ve got a busy week coming up. You’re going to like a lot of the things that I’m doing this week.


On Friday, I’ve got one of my usual scripted videos out and it’s going to be an expose on Israeli organ trafficking and how Israel has become the world central hub for organ trafficking. You’re going to find out a lot in that video, how long this has been going on for, where they get the organs from, how far reaching this is, and the fact that this is a very openly known secret in Israel. They talk about this quite openly, but there’s been a complete blackout of it in the British media, which you can guess why.


Anyway, that’s coming out on Friday. On Friday, I’m also live again with Dr David Duke. That will be at 04:00 pm.


Then on Sunday we’ll be back for the Nationalist A-Team with Natty, Patriarch and hopefully special guest, No Chance!


Now, if you’re enjoying these streams, if you like my work, please consider making a small donation. $3, $5, $10, whatever you can afford. If you could send a donation, you can also attach a message to that donation.


And obviously we will go through those, read them out in the second half of the show, and myself and Mike will answer them.


And obviously I always pump this, but Mike’s always here to answer those salacious questions, those hard to answer questions, those things that you always wanted to ask him.


Anyway, on that bombshell, we’ll move on. You can also donate via crypto-currency. All my crypto-currency links are in the description below and you can write to me at


So please do consider making a small donation. Please ask a question. We will be answering those in the second half of the show.


So that’s the quickest I’ve ever done an intro, and that’s because I want to get straight into this with Mike. Mike is always one of the he’s just one of the best people to have on. Like, if I had to have a regular co-host, Mike would be definitely at the top of the list in fact, if I could stream with Mike every week, I would. It’s always a good conversation. He’s always a fantastic mine of knowledge. In my opinion, he is the best at debating in the whole of America. No one’s ever done Mike.




Mike Enoch: That’s quite a compliment. I appreciate that.


Mark Collett: Who’s better than you then? Who could be better than you?


Mike Enoch: I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s, …


Mark Collett: I mean, obviously me, but I’m not in America.


Mike Enoch: Well, you’re very good.


I mean, I’ve always admired your ability to not get sidetracked and stay on point with people. You know, you’ve seen you take on like three, four people at a time and not get, not let them take you down a blind alley.


Mark Collett: I’m Neo from The Matrix against those agents. They’re all punching and I’m just cool, calm, just batting away.


Mike Enoch: Right.


And that’s how you got to do it. You got to just stay calm, understand the positions. Because when you debate these people, they want to take you down every blind alley, every distraction.


And I sometimes do this to myself on my own shows. Like, I get interested in a topic where I will go down this winding path off the topic. But that’s on my own show, I can just talk about whatever I want.


But when you’re debating these people, like, they’re just gonna try and suck you down into everything that’s not relevant to what the actual discussion is so yeah, and it’s because there’s really no argument against our positions.


I mean, there are arguments against them, but they’re very easy to defeat. Depends on what exactly is that issue.


Mark Collett: Well, let’s sum it up like this, Mike, I don’t know whether you agree. I think the strongest argument is against our position is just that people don’t like it, that people want something different to us. I don’t think there’s actually, how can I put it? There’s not sort of a codified, structural, statistical argument


Mike Enoch: Right!


Mark Collett: Against what we say.


So if you’re going to actually try to prove with facts and statistics that multiculturalism is, on balance, good for White people, Diversity is Our Strength. I don’t think that can be done. So when it comes down to facts, figures, statistics, then there is really no argument. But there is always the argument. You know, somebody is going to prefer something that the vast majority of people don’t prefer. You know, somebody is going to say that they’d rather have a truck stop burger than a Wagyu steak, somebody’s going to prefer that.


Mike Enoch: Right.


Mark Collett: And that’s down to preference.


Mike Enoch: So what happens is also there’s, the other thing is when you say like:


“Oh, proving multiculturalism is good for White people, multiracialism is good for White people, etcetera.”


There’ll be people that will just oppose the idea that White people should have things be good for them. And in that case:


“All right, well, there’s no argument then. Like why are we arguing like this is implacably opposed opinions we have this. I’m not going to convince you to take my side of this. You’re, you’re, you have to set yourself up as someone., …. So what’s the debate?”




But when you then have somebody who also takes the softer position, like:


“Well, I prefer, I like some of these fruits of it or whatever.”


But a lot of times the argument of people don’t like it or they don’t prefer it’s like, well, people are in a propaganda environment in which the main, the media on all sides, conservative, liberal, and even some things that are off on the edges are controlled by people who are not White and people who don’t have the best interests of Whites in mind. So then you’re just like, okay, people are swimming in a sea of anti-Whiteness. They don’t necessarily even know that that’s what it is.


And it’s also like, that’s not an argument. It’s like you’re just saying:


“Okay, okay, fine, the majority doesn’t agree with me or doesn’t think the way I do.”


Well, that’s why we say what we say. The whole point is to try and change that.


So again,, what, am I cheating? Am I doing something wrong? Like what’s making you angry? Right? Why are you upset? Why are people upset? Because a lot of times you’ll get upset with us and:


“Oh, you’re stupid!”


Look, I’m aware of the weight of the system against what we’re talking about. I’m well aware of the propaganda system. I’m well aware the demographic. I know all this. I don’t care. Maybe that convinced you to give up. Didn’t convince me.


Mark Collett: Well, you see, the other thing about this discussion is I always find it very interesting that if somebody states it’s their preference to live in a multicultural, diverse society, firstly, that person is both applauded and taken seriously.


Secondly, that person usually doesn’t live in a diverse or multicultural area. [chuckling]


Now when we have our preference to be around our own. That immediately makes us sort of Hicks. It makes us small minded, low IQ, etcetera. And you kind of have your preference denied from you from the outset. And obviously, there is that huge bias because the way to the media, I mean, we often talk about how the mainstream media is losing it’s grasp, but it’s still a juggernaut. And that does have that effect on people where you are immediately thought of in a demeaning way if you have a preference for being around White people.


Whereas when you go to a diverse area, it rarely is diverse. So there’s parts of West Yorkshire which people say:


“Oh, they’re so diverse!”


They’re not! They’re completely Muslim or they’re completely black. Like, Chinatown isn’t diverse. Chinatown is an ethno-state within a city for Chinese people. That’s not diverse. And generally speaking, I just feel that our preferences are normal. But I can respect people. I would have a lot more respect for Leftists, for liberals, etcetera, if they actually lived in the areas they claim to love!




Mike Enoch: Even Conservatives. Because Conservatives are on this multiculturalism stuff, too. Like what they try and do, what they try and do. And I know this happens in the UK a lot, and I might, people might not like what I’m going to say, but want to say it anyway.


Mark Collett: I like it when you say something! I hope it’s going to lead to something good.


Mike Enoch: Okay, well, my point is that it’s like people, there’s a lot of discourse, actually, from what I can tell on the Right in the United Kingdom about Islam, the religion of Islam. Right? Now, I don’t really care that Arabic peoples are Muslims. Like, that’s their culture!


The issue is the racial issue in the UK. And if they’re going to come, of course they’re going to bring their religion. But what happens is then when you only attack the religion and you’re not attacking the actual, the demographic issue, that actual White English are being displaced and are being moved out. Yes, there’s this cultural clash and you don’t want to hear the minarets from the mosque, and it’s not native to your country. And I understand all that, but the religion isn’t the root cause of its the racial aspect. Because I don’t mind these people.


If I were to go visit Beirut or I were to go visit, like, let’s say we didn’t have Israel creating endless wars in the Middle East, and we could go on vacation and visit these countries, I’d be happy to hear:


“Oh, this is what their culture is like this is the food they eat. These are the mosques that do this on Friday.”


Experience the other culture and then go home. Right? [chuckling] It’s whatever. There’s no reason not to do that. We don’t have to be like utterly, you know, people that are like, totally not wanting to experience other parts of the world. But so it’s not like it’s Islam that makes me mad. It’s the racial aspect of it. And you get this:


“Oh, Islam is conquering us. Islam is taking over!”


But first of all, you have plenty of migrants that are not Muslims or do not practice Islam, even if they come from an Islamic majority country.


So the issue is the racial aspect. And focusing on Islam, to me, feels like, one. You’re ultimately going to get sucked into some kind of support for zionism when you do that. And look at, like, Tommy Robinson, right? He goes and he says:


“It’s not immigration. It’s Muslim immigration. I don’t mind Hindus, I don’t mind blacks, and I love Sikhs!”


And so it’s like:


“All right, what’s the point, dude? Like, what is the point then?”


Because then you’re focusing on, and I see people that maybe you don’t like the religion, that’s fine if you feel like it conflicts with your values, whatever. But the focus has to be on the demographics, the racial aspect, the fact that White British, native, White British, whether they’re Christian or whether they’re areligious, or whether pagans like, that’s up to them, right? Those are all traditions that British people have had. You know, plenty of them have had these ideas. So that’s, to me, the most important thing.




And I think that’s what the focus should be. And Conservatives are going to focus on Islam and then what happens? They like liberal Islam, right? Because they like Muslim people who are like:


“Well, we were not the radicals! We’re liberals like you. We’ve totally made our religion mean nothing at all! We’re just, we’ve just actually assimilated into, into your liberal system. So we see religion is just like a side thing. We don’t really care about it. And now we’re just like brown people that have ascended into like, elite circles.”


And it’s the whole thing.


So eventually you’re going to get, I mean, this is my thing. What happens when , like, they stop being, a couple generations down the road, they stop being as Islamic, as Muslim as they are. And now you just have them here and they’re deracinated liberals like everybody else. Well, now you just still don’t have your White Britain anymore! And you don’t have Islam, but you don’t have England.


So that’s kind of my thing. I think that there’s a lot of focus I see, and it’s coming out of conservatism. It’s coming out of zionism. You know, it’s used ultimately to support zionism. It never is used to actually get what, what White British want with the end to immigration and things like that it’s used so you’re like:


“Oh, yeah, sure, I hate Palestine now, and I want to see Israel win.”


When that’s just going to create more migrants!


I mean, I saw yesterday, two days ago, you might have seen it. This MP, Labour MP, put forward this plan for immediate settlement of Palestinians from Gaza in Britain, …


Mark Collett: And families as well!


Mike Enoch: And immediate work permits. Right?


And so I was like:


“Don’t tell me that Zionist jews are not supporting that!”


They might, there might be some that have positioned themselves as Conservatives, who are pretending that they’re not for it. But behind the scenes, they are ecstatic! Because that’s exactly what Benjamin Netanyahu wants. That’s exactly what Benny Gantz. What Yer Lepid, Bezalel Smotritch. Itamar Ben-Gvir. All of those jews that run the Israeli government, they want:


“Oh, Britain. Yes, please! Oh, by all means, please! Yes! Take them. Take them off our hands! We don’t want them here!”




And so I actually responded to this guy on Twitter and I said:


“You know, instead of, maybe he’d actually just criticise the ethnic cleansing of Gaza instead of being a party to it. Mister Liberal MP guy.”


Mark Collett: I’m going to say something now, which is gonna probably annoy some people.


Mike Enoch: Oh, okay. [chuckling] There we go. Yes.


Mark Collett: You know, time to shrink my audience by 15%.


Mike Enoch: Oh, I do it every week!


Mark Collett: Prepare for it Mike. I’m opposed to the Tommy Robinson narrative for a number of reasons. But one of the reasons I’m opposed to it is not because he’s necessarily wrong when he says Muslims are coming to take over, but the way he focuses on Islam is like focusing on a single slice of a pizza and saying:


“That’s the whole!”


Whilst you’re ignoring sort of the other seven slices. So you know, by saying Islam’s coming to take over, he ignores sort of Sikhs, he ignores Indians, he ignores Africans, he, …


Mike Enoch: He likes them! He promotes that!


Mark Collett: Not only that, Mike, not only that, but his complete focus on Islam obscures the fact that there is a high number., … There’s a massive problem in India with rapists. Those people are not good for women! What about the problem in London?


So almost every day now in London, a video emerges of black youths literally, like, dueling with machetes.


There was a video a while back where one of them went for the other and the other pulled his machete out and they sort of they hit each other in the air.


Mike Enoch: Like highlander! [chuckling]


Mark Collett: Yeah, [chuckling] we’re back to dueling!


But instead of it being sort of like something that’s, like, done by the upper class, you know, as part of a way to settle a feud over land or marriage, it’s done in Bromley High street by gangs of blacks.


And what Tommy’s saying when he says these people should be welcomed here because the problem is Islam. My issue with him is multifaceted, but one of my big issues with him is he’s ignoring the fact that this is absolutely racial! ! And if tomorrow you clicked your fingers and every single Muslim disappeared, that may be a good thing, but you wouldn’t have solved the problem of London being a place where youths are cycling around with machetes down their leg and dueling in the High Street.


And the fact is, many parts of this country face these problems and it isn’t just Islam. Islam is part of a wider White replacement problem.


Whereas he puts it down to:


“This isn’t about White replacement, this is Muslims coming to take over. All the rest of them are the good guys. It’s just the Muslims. And it’s not about White replacement.”


Well, that couldn’t be more of a lie. Islam is part of the broom that is being used to sweep away White people, but it’s just one part of that broom.


Mike Enoch: Yeah. And he’s also, by promoting zionism a lot. Like vigorously promoting zionism.


In fact he did his special message to jews on Yom Kippur or something. He’s never done an Easter message. You know, he never said, congratulations to the British Christian people on their holiday. He’s never given a Beltane* message for pagans, you know. It’s like, let’s all dance around the maypole. It’s pagan time. Like, let’s do the British pagan traditions.


[* Beltane or Bealtaine is the Gaelic May, Day festival, marking the beginning of summer. It is traditionally held on 1 May, or about midway between the spring equinox and summer solstice. Historically, it was widely observed in Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. In Ireland, the name for the festival in both Irish and English is Bealtaine.]


No, it’s like:


“Oh, no, we’re gonna, like, praise jews on their holiday that celebrates killing a bunch of goyim!”


And additionally, you know, that is the source of much of the Muslim immigration.


I mean, when you see Israel has a war in Gaza, they’re ethnically cleansing those people. What are they gonna do with them?:


“Well, I’ll send them to Britain!”


And that there’s a system in place. There is a multi layered system of propaganda and NGO’s and immigration law. All of it works to create that outcome, because they desperately want those people out! They want them out of the Gaza Strip! They want them gone! And they’re not going back.


And you better believe every Palestinian that they successfully move to British shores. They are not going home! Even if they say “temporary status”. No, the jews are never going to let them back in. They have a history of this. Every time those people leave, every time they get forced out, they get blocked from returning to the homes that were stolen from them.


And it’s not only Palestine. They started a civil war in Syria, and the Syrians lost, like 20% or something like that of their population into Europe. And the EU court, the EU Supreme Court, passed, had made a decision in 2017 that any Syrian male subject to draught into the Syrian Arab army, should he be deported back to Syria, has permanent status inside of the EU. I know that Britain has left the EU. I don’t think that Britain is subject to that law anymore based on Brexit.


However, I don’t see that England and Britain has significantly changed policy on that front after leaving the EU. Like, again, I know that’s very complicated. What happened with Brexit! I don’t even know everything that happened with it, [chuckling] but they seem like they didn’t really.


And of course, you have Nigel Farage out here saying like:


“Oh, this is great. Now, we don’t need any more immigrants from Europe. We can bring them in from the Commonwealth!”


Which is like, well, what is that? The Caribbean? India, Yeah. Pakistan! [chuckling]




Mark Collett: We don’t want those beautiful girls coming here from sort of Serbia, Hungary, you know, we don’t want them. The beautiful Polish women. We don’t want them! We want the males coming from we want Pakistan, Cameroon, Ghana, ..!


Mike Enoch: We definitely want a bunch of people from Cameroon and Ghana coming in! This is important, right? Yeah. So, yeah.


Mark Collett: Do, you know what I’ve got to say this. I’d say I’m generally quite a happy person. Would you go with that? I’m generally somebody quite easy to work with. I’m not somebody who’s hard work or tough going.


But I’ll say this. If there’s one thing that does annoy me, it’s the fact that I accurately predict so many things and don’t get anywhere near the amount of credit I should get.


Now, when this Palestine conflict began, I said to people at the time:


“Don’t support this Zionist crap. It’s genocide, it’s unjust. But if you want to filter this through the view of how this will affect White people, it will be bad!”


I said, and I actually did a video on Odysee which no one shared or watched because it’s on Odysee. So they got about like maybe 1,000 views when it showed 10 million on YouTube. And I said:


“There is a plot here to essentially depopulate the whole of Gaza, 2.2 million people. And they’ll do it by either slaughtering them or sending them to Europe. And British politicians and European politicians will be absolutely complicit!”


Because this is the greater Israel project. And the plan is a sort of a dual plan. One is to grow Israel and secure a place for the jewish people in the Middle East.


The other is to wipe White people out. And you’re going to see this sort of push and pull. The push is going to be Israel slaughtering them, and the pull will be British politicians welcoming them here. Everything I said has come to pass. No one’s going to go back and watch that video and say:


“Mark, you were right!”


But it’s 100% true. Absolutely!


Like I was looking into a crystal ball and seeing it all.


And then you literally now see an MP standing up proposing exactly what I said would happen, when I predicted that during that video.


Mike Enoch: And he gets to pretend, … The thing that made me. Sorry, I want to say I also predicted the same thing! [chuckling] And the thing is we didn’t need to discuss it with each other because., …


Mark Collett me and Mike are mentally linked. You see, when we’re sleeping at the same time, we talk to each other in our dreams.


Mike Enoch: Well, this is the advantage of having a worldview, of having a consistent worldview, isn’t it? Which we both have and we both understand how it works. So, of course, the same conclusion was reached and we didn’t have to necessarily discuss it with each other. Maybe around the edges or here or there. There could be some differences, but generally speaking, this is exactly what was going to happen! We knew it was going to happen. And this libtard MP, what his name, like Mark Terry, I think was his name, or Tarry, you would probably know better than I.




Mark Collett: Something Tarry.


Mike Enoch: TARRY. I don’t know what his constituency is.


Mark Collett: Sam Tarry.


Mike Enoch: Sam Tarry. Okay.


Mark Collett: And I can’t say this for sure, but if I was a betting man, if I was a betting man, which I’m not because, betting’s stupid, because usually people lose.


Mike Enoch: You generally lose. [chuckling] Yeah, yeah.


Mark Collett: But if I was a betting, …


Mike Enoch: Unless there was betting for our political takes then we’d be billionaires, all of us.


Mark Collett: Yeah, we would. Yeah. But if I was a betting man, Sam Tarry will be one of these people who won’t do anything to bring about an end to the genocide in Gaza, but he will do everything to bring Palestinians to Europe.


Mike Enoch: Well, this is how he’s going to present himself, too. He says at the end, he says:


“To save these people from the barbarity they’re facing., …”


And I’m like, okay, so that is actually a very open ended statement. Barbarity from who? Now, depends on what you want to hear in that. Depending on what you’re listening. If you’re a conservative, you’ll be:


“Oh, the barbarity of Hamas!”


If you’re a liberal, you’d be like:


“Oh, the barbarity of Israel, or the barbarity of both!”


A lot of people:


“Oh, these two, ..!”


Mark Collett: Or maybe the barbarity of the modern asylum system. Maybe the barbarity of racism having to cross Europe.


Mike Enoch: Oh, the barbarity of the fact that Egypt doesn’t want to let them in. Like all of the different things, there’s a lot of them. Pick your barbarity! Right? Pick your barbarity!


But the thing he’s not being specific about it, and he will be praised and there will be liberals that will clap like seals for this, because it’s like:


“Oh, he cares. He’s even being critical of Israel. Look, he’s saying that they’re doing a barbarity!”


And so he’s going to get away with that. And I’m like:


“No, man!”


Like, this is why he should be called out as aiding and abetting an ethnic cleansing, when you do that. And that will make him, I mean, I don’t know what kind of response he would have, but given how controlled the media environment is, I mean, it would be great if he’s a doing a press conference, or a town hall someplace or someone ask him a question like this:


“Don’t you feel like this is aiding and abetting and ethnic cleansing? Why doesn’t Britain cut off aid to Israel so they can’t use British dollars and weapons? Pounds. British pounds and weapons?”


Sorry, my Americo-centrism came in there for a second. You can’t use British funds and British weapons.


Of course, Britain is just like. I hate to say it is true. It’s an adjunct of my country, America. We all are conquered by the same beast.




Mark Collett: We’re a client state.


Mike Enoch: Yes, we are a client state! [chuckling] Everybody thinks America is the empire. We’re the colony! And you’re just a sub-colony! Like, they’re tiers. Like, the top is Israel, then America, and then everyone else underneath that. Right?


Mark Collett: You’ve seen Mad Max three, haven’t you?


Mike Enoch: No, actually, I have not seen Mad Max.


Mark Collett: Oh, well, there’s a character in it called Blaster Master, and basically, Blaster Master is a little, tiny, like, gnome sized man called Master who rides a big, dopey, mentally challenged brute called Blaster.


And basically, Blaster goes around beating people up for Master. And essentially, it’s a perfect analogy of America’s power struggle.


Mike Enoch: Yeah. Yeah, this is what. Yeah, that’s what it is so I mean, that’s exactly what it is.


And so, I think these people need to be called out on this.


And of course, you know, people would say:


“That’s not popular!”


Well, I don’t really care, first of all.


And I do also like what you said about how I oppose what happens in Palestine, because it’s unjust in its own right! Okay.


Now, it also dovetails perfectly with my ideology as far as Whites and Europeans, which doesn’t surprise me because it’s the same source behind it, but it is also unjust in its own right.


And I think that I just made the decision in the kind of rhetoric I do and the kind of message that I put out that I’m not going to try and hide the fact that, yes, people who are not White can’t have injustice done to them. There is a sense of justice that does apply to everybody. And, no, we don’t want them coming into our countries and living here. It’s not proper for them to do it, and it’s not good for them either. So I don’t. No one is happy under this, right?


But, like, I think it should be said, like, it is bad that that’s happening. Like, there is a moral issue fundamentally as a human being that I have, as well as, as a nationalist. So these things are in perfect synchronicity with each other. I don’t have to pretend like I’m so callous, like I’m so tough!:


“I don’t care what happens to Arabs, ever!”


No, no.


Mark Collett: I’m gonna stop you there. The people saying things like:


“I don’t care what happens to them.”


Or worse still, the Tommy fans who were cheering, the bombs, dropping, shouting:


“This is what they deserve!”


They’re the biggest idiots going! Because they’re the ones who are actually cheering on something that is going to drive hundreds of thousands more of those people here!


And then in five years time, when they’re surrounded by a Palestinian community that doesn’t speak their language as a completely alien culture and has colonised part of their town, they’ll be scratching their head wondering why it happened. And it happened because of their stupid, pig headed, short sighted support of Israel!


Mike Enoch: And there’s another aspect to it as well, which is you. When you are like that, a lot of White people are sensitive and moral people, and you’re going to make yourself look like a monster to them.


Like if you want to appeal to other Whites and get them on board with you. If you’re worried what we’re saying isn’t popular, what we’re saying isn’t the mainstream thing. Well, if you paint yourself as a caricature of a callous, evil White guy that loves watching brown people suffer, well, there’s a lot of White people that are like:


“Well, I’m not about that.”


Like, they could maybe hear the message, like:


“Oh, yeah, cultures have their place and we have ours, but we don’t need this idea that we’re all like, these callous, like, cruel, delighting in the suffering!”


People are gonna be:


“Okay. You’re just a bunch of psychos. I’m not interested in your weird crap! Like this weird cringey crap you guys do. That’s just crazy! I’m not like that!”


And I’m not like that! And I’m a White nationalist!


So like, I just think you’re just pigeonholing yourself in a number of ways when you do that it’s all performative. I don’t believe anybody actually enjoys seeing the suffering, except maybe jews, but other than them, I don’t think anyone actually enjoys seeing the kind of suffering inflicted on these people. It’s disgusting! It’s terrible!


Mark Collett: It is.


And I’ve got to say one thing that I often think about is having a cohesive worldview. And we have a cohesive worldview. That we deserve a right to our place in the world, but so does everybody else.


And ultimately the Tommy Robinson worldview is actually a very liberal worldview. The Rainbow Society. He’s basically saying to liberals:


“Look, I believe in your rainbow society, but the Rainbow Society can only be achieved if we exclude Islam.”


Mike Enoch: Yeah


Mark Collett: Need I’m saying, actually, Islam is part of the Rainbow Society. The Rainbow Society was never intended to work to produce a utopia. It’s intended to destroy us! And we need to oppose every aspect of that Rainbow Society!


And fundamentally if you actually said to me:


“What areas are probably safer to live in, it may actually be safer to live in, say, for certain people, obviously not for young girls., …”


But, you know, these black areas. Well, these black areas are certainly no safer to live in.





Mike Enoch: They’re going to be the most dangerous across the board, period, no matter what. I know what you’re getting at, but, yes.


Mark Collett: I got to ask you a question because this is., … We’re not really going to get round to talking about Ukraine. That’s the big issue at the moment, but we probably won’t even get to talk to about.


Mike Enoch: It’s not a big issue in America. Maybe it is in Europe because a lot of stuff is going on.


Mark Collett: It’s a massive issue in Europe at the moment because David Cameron is arming the Ukraine and telling them that he’s authorizing British weapons to be used against Russian targets in Russian territory, which is a new thing.


But also we’re now at the point where certain European countries are discussing mass conscription, because things are going so bad for the Ukrainians. They want to send young people. But we might get round to that.


Mike Enoch: We can talk about it.


Mark Collett: What I was going to ask you is this, do cities like London have to collapse? And can we even save them? Is it at a point now where these major cities just have to be left to collapse? Because recently we had the Greater London Assembly elections here in Britain and there was one sort of roughly ethno-nationalist candidate on the ballot paper and he took 0.8% and got beaten by a candidate called Captain Binface, who is a man that dresses up as a robot. Dustbin. Basically when you’re looking at that and you’re looking at how bad London is.


The first thing is, can these cities be saved?


And the second thing is, would it actually be beneficial if they sank into the mire so people could actually see just how destructive multiculturalism has been?


Mike Enoch: Well, I think a lot of people do see it.


I mean, this is one of the eternal questions.


I mean, I would say that White people need to just do what’s best for them. Like, if you feel like it’s best for you and your family to get out of this, you have to just do what’s best for you. And try and build our own communities.


I mean, that’s what I’ve been doing since, since the NJP thing happened. I’ve been focusing, look, we need to build up our own internal culture, own internal community. I’m not saying, like, this empire is collapsing right away, but in many ways, as a society, the United States has already collapsed. And in that, there is no social trust, there is no social cohesion, there is no trust between different places, depending on the racial makeup, are totally different from one another.


And even then, you do have this liberal conservative thing where these people are at each other’s throats. All that’s an intra-White conflict where they’re keeping White people at each other’s throats over these stupid superficial differences that don’t really matter that much.


And so it’s already collapsed.


And then you have sections of America. America is actually the poster child for Islam not being the issue because we don’t have that many.


And in fact, the places where we do, which is mainly in a place like Michigan, they have set up a more functional sub society within that state than blacks have set up anywhere. And we have multiple cities like Dearborn, Michigan. I’ll be honest, it is safe! You could go there and walk down the street now, you will be surrounded by Arabs and Muslims, but you won’t be attacked, stabbed, raped or anything.


Now, that’s a different thing. It’s possibly a different class of Muslims that are coming to America versus going to Britain.


But you can’t do that in, only in the wealthiest parts of New York City, in Chicago, can you do that you can’t do that in the bulk of those cities, in places like Atlanta, Newark, Gary.


I mean, I could just list the cities off, like every single large cit, if you want to live in it, either you can’t because it’s all destroyed, or you have to be really, really rich to live in the one section where you can be safer that you can even afford.


And New York City, it’s like there are still hipsters and White people that are going there and trying to scratch something out for themselves, but they are spending thousands of dollars to live in a broom closet and just grinding at their work like 12, 14 hours a day, riding the subway, stabbed or thrown onto the tracks by a homeless, hallucinating black person. Like, it’s just a mess! So it’s like this is a collapsed society. Like there’s nothing. It’s already like that.


So within the husk of this, when the empire is dying, we see all the foreign policy problems. Like, it’s still a big, strong, huge, oppressive government over all of this.


But I’d say within this there’s an opportunity to carve out some kind of space for ourselves and that’s just what we have to do. I will be honest, and maybe this contradicts some people and some agendas that people have. I don’t see, at least in the United States, a Democratic solution. I think that the political process is locked down. We are locked out! The media is locked down. We are locked out.


So I’m, right now what I’m doing is being realistic. I’m putting my message out. Those that want to hear it, those that want to join our community, you can, we have a way to bring people in. And that’s what we need to do and just build up a strong, internal, cohesive community amongst ourselves. Because, and that’s just what I would say. That’s my recommendation. I don’t know what else to say. But the cities, it’s not in our power right now to save them! And I don’t think that an attempt would be a good use of our time and resources.




The other thing is, you said will people need to see that it fails? I think people have seen that it fails. They just don’t know how to do it because the environment that’s created by the combination of the corporate media and the state is just not hospitable to any organising in any way against it. And that’s a very difficult hurdle to get over! You know, where, what do people who find themselves frustrated by this, what do they even do? Vote Tory? They have been in power for almost, 20years! You know, so, like, this is on them really!


I mean, them to continue to blame liberals. It’s like, what? Are you kidding me? How many straight years have they held the PM’s office?


Mark Collett: They’ve been in power since 2010.


So they’ve had 14 years. And 14 years each and every year that they will reduce migration, only to do the very opposite each and every year! That that’s essentially. And it’s the Tory, …


Mike Enoch: It’s not because they don’t have the people in the government.


Mark Collett: No. No. Illustrated in what’s come out today. This is a headline from GB News:


“Sunak U-turns on accepting migrants as Britain takes back 50 failed asylum seekers from Ireland. Britain has accepted 50 failed asylum seekers from Ireland despite Rishi Sunak insisting the country would refuse migrants following an influx from Dublin.”


And it’s the same week in, week out. I mean, you gotta say, U-turn is just political speak for lie. If anyone else had promised that they were gonna do something, then broke that promise, they’d be called a liar. You know, you’ve lied about this, but, it’s just a U turn.


Mike Enoch: The media will always be there to at least some aspects of there’d be some people raging at them, right. Because those that are just angry about it, they’re gonna give them some vent to let off their steam, something that they can:


“Oh, wow! This guy, I’ll never trust him!”


Well, who cares if you trust him again? Because it’s gonna be somebody else next year. How many prime ministers have you had in the last few years? Like, three, four? All of them like, you had Theresa May? Was it Liz Truss? Like, I don’t know. I can’t keep track.


There’s been a bunch. Liz Truss. Wow! She didn’t last too long, right?


Mark Collett: David Cameron, Boris Johnson. Rishi Sunak.


Mike Enoch: Yeah. So you had all these people.


Mark Collett: Five in 14 years.




Mike Enoch: Right.


“And so I don’t trust this one anymore. Oh who’s next? I don’t trust Bojo anymore. Well, here comes Sunak!”


Like like, what are you gonna, …


So obviously, this party has no interest in doing this. They’re just lying to you if you believe them this time. It’s like you’ve been fooled, what, five times now? George W. Bush said:


“You know, he doesn’t want to get fooled twice.”


And the thing is, people are like:


“Well, what do I do then?”


And my answer is like:


“Well, they could join PA and try that at least!”


Even if the political route doesn’t seem realistic, at least you can join a community of people like yourselves, and create something for yourselves.


And I think that’s just where we have to go now. Because America, and very least in America, it’s already a society, non-existent. People have money, people are able to get food on their table, but there’s no actual cohesive social life. There’s no nation left. And there are parts of the country that are just totally collapsed, like cities when they get completely taken over by blacks, like Detroit, they just don’t have, they actually don’t have basic services.


And of course, we don’t know what will happen when, you know, we have a massive die off of functional, you know, as much as we rail about how annoying boomers are, and they are extremely annoying, when they leave the workforce and die and we suddenly become, holy crap, we’re a 70% non-White country, like, and that’s gonna happen in my life. It’s gonna happen in the life of a lot of the people listening to this. Where are we gonna be then?


And I don’t see right now any way through the government of turning that around. I think that the political process is not in reach of people who would want to turn it around at this point. And even so, doing that would just, it’s like, so we are going to, in America, we are going to be within my life, obviously less than 50%. And it’s going to even dip more than that. And the political environment is going to get even more hostile to us. And I’ve actually been saying this. Here’s a prediction I’m going to make.


And a lot of people, this one really pissed people off. I think Donald Trump is going to become president.


But if he doesn’t, if he doesn’t, he actually has lost a lot of White people. White, older White voters have all moved over to supporting Joe Biden or supporting Democrats.




The idea that older White people support Republicans is not true anymore. Older White people are moving over to support Democrats for a number of different reasons.


If Donald Trump loses, it will be blamed on White people, it will be blamed on White women, it will be blamed on White people. And they will talk about woke White liberals who just can’t handle based Donald Trump. And look at these cool blacks and Mexicans that love Trump. I mean, you should see the Trump campaign in America. It’s disgusting! It’s like black rappers with gold chains and like, Mexican cholos and hoopies, like, doing rap songs for Trump. And then people and even, like, they’ve got I’m just going to use the term like, White trash people that are just acting like blacks, like supporting him. And it’s disgusting! And homosexuals and transsexuals, it’s like, no! Like, get that out of here! Right?


And so that’s where we are!


So the cities are going to collapse. I don’t think there’s anything that can be done about it.


So I suggest White people, we’ve got to just stick with our own and those of us with our, with this ideology, with this worldview, we have to stick together.


Mark Collett: Well, I agree.


And I think for me personally, I find it odd that people are still going out there into places like London and spending tens of thousands of pounds trying to win there electorally. And I find it strange for a couple of reasons.


Firstly, if you’re running as a candidate for a party called Britain First and you’re standing in a city where the population is about 36.8% White British, and that’s a best case scenario. You know, that’s best case scenario. But on top of that, I also think there is a degree of self selection.


So if you go into these highly multicultural areas of cities, you will find Whites there. And yes, there probably are some Whites who agree with us and believe we’re doing the right thing. And they’re either people that are very stubborn and haven’t left out of stubbornness or they haven’t left because they’re not upwardly mobile, they’re trapped there through poverty or they’re too old to move.


But the vast majority of Whites in those areas have selected to live there because they are actually the Whites that do believe in liberalism to some degree. So they want to be living in that cauldron.


Now, some of them will be rich Whites that live in gated communities and never see the problem.


But in London, there are a lot of trendy, hipster, liberal Whites who go there thinking they’re going to be living in this progressive, multicultural utopia that’s going to fulfill their needs of excitement. It’s a metropolitan area. It’s where the buzz is. It’s where everything happens. You’re not reaching those people. I don’t think you’re reaching those Whites. I don’t think they’re people that we will ever be able to get to vote for.


They’re the kind of people that if they were staring down the barrel of a gun and the gun was being held by a black man and the black man was saying:


“Look! You know, you’ve got this coming for what your ancestors did!”


They’d be agreeing with him.





Mike Enoch: Yeah, that exists. You know, it’s funny. I lived in New York City for 20 years, and I grew up in New Jersey, very close to New York City.


So when I moved there to live there, it was basically not a cultural shift. And that’s obviously where I’m from. And when I first got into these politics, there was a lot of people, relatively, obviously not relative to New York City, but relative to parts of the country.


A lot of people there shared our politics. Like, there’s a lot of people I was able to find even in New York City. Now a lot of them have all left now, moved out to different areas, and a lot of them came from communities of Whites that had lived in New York City for a while. Like Italians and Irish and such like that. Right? Or Polish or whatever, like, because every type of every type of European at one point had a little enclave in New York City, including WASPs and so as if they’d had an enclave in the rich parts of Manhattan, which has now totally been taken over. [chuckling] Taken over by our jewish friends.


But the they had, like, Polish neighbourhoods, Irish neighbourhoods, Italian neighbourhoods, et cetera, even Hungarian neighbourhoods, you know, everything! Every single thing! I lived actually right down the street from a Hungarian Orthodox church. You know, you don’t think that you’re gonna see that. German neighbourhoods, the Upper east side used to be called German Town. There’s one German restaurant left there.


So but you would find the find these people, right?


And sometimes they would be the Whites that would be liberal, that weren’t in agreement with that would be coming from, like, Colorado! You know, they’d be [from] Texas, Colorado. These were, like, two states. I noticed a lot of people, a lot of the hipsters. I don’t know why just those in particular, but there was just a ton of these hyper liberal hipsters that had come to live in these neighbourhoods in New York City that were from, like, Colorado and Texas. It was very strange. I don’t know why those states in particular. Maybe because they’re very populous. Well, Texas is very populous. Colorado is not.


Anyway, I don’t know. But I would just see that all the time.


And so they tended to be even more so, where I would have my friends who were like some of whom were Cuban, some of whom were White Cuban or whatever. But they were like:


“What the hell is this?”


I don’t know how much of that exists anymore, how much those people have been chased out or if there’s still these little enclaves of it. I know Staten island is one of these, like, deep red for Trump districts in New York City. It’s like all Italians. But even there, you know, there’s a lot of Mexicans. There’s not as many blacks, lots of Mexicans. There are blacks.




But again, it’s just like, sure, the Italian community there, like, outweighs demographically this other thing for now, but who knows how long that’s going to last?


And I also saw personally in my life, people be kind of ethnically cleansed out of close in suburbs to New York City.


Whereas the town I grew up in had a divided, it was a working class people first. So the town I grew up in had a dividing line where there was this Springfield Avenue, it was called and on the other side of Springfield Avenue. On one side is where WAPSs lived.


And on the other side was Italian and Irish. That’s where they lived. And at some point, developers started moving in Haitians, and those Italians and Irish left like that! And where they moved out to was there was a certain developer, you might have heard this name before, by the name of (((Kushner))), who built 40,000 garden apartment units out in the, what they call the exurbs of New Jersey. Out in the, further out in the hills, like, further out of the urban areas. Like 40,000 garden apartment units he built. And that’s where all these people left. That’s where all they went out to this town called Florham Park. And even further out. And suddenly now they had these little mini Italies in these garden department complexes all over New Jersey.


And it’s like they gotten moved out of where they had lived. It’s just, I don’t know how to stop this process.


So I think that we can observe it, we can document it, talk about it, discuss it, point to the trends in it.


But when you see somebody with billions of dollars who donates to get migrants in to a country, houses them in a certain area, the working class White people leave, and he’s like:


“Oh, and here I have a nice little place for you out here, even further out.”


And this process just continues asnd continues.


So, you know, we have to just document it, talk about it, discuss it, and those people that pick up on our message, we have to just stick together. I really [chuckling] don’t have any other suggestions in that at this point.




Mark Collett: No, no, Mike! Mike, you see what you’re saying, It sounds radical, but it’s actually not radical. We need to stick together. We need to be a community. We need to advocate for our own people. And that starts with living around one another, being in proximity to each other.


Now, the strength that these Muslim groups have. I’m picking on Muslims because we’ve discussed them, but the strength the Muslims group, the Muslim groups have is that the Muslim groups live around one another.


So fundamentally, you have a situation where they cluster together. And because they cluster together and they have an actual community, they’ve chosen to be in that area with each other, and that gives them immense strength. And I was trying to get this over to people because I did a stream. You won’t have seen it. I’m not expecting people like you to keep up with all my streams, but I did a stream last Friday. It was called, Is the Electoral Route a Dead End?


And I laid out in quite brutal detail and with, you know, proper evidence and everything, why, more or less every aspect of the electoral system in Britain is set up to ensure that small parties can never break through. And that went from the actual system of voting to the two party system, to the media’s role, and also to spoiler parties that are put in there to specifically distort voting patterns of people who want to go and vote for a smaller party.


Now, the interesting thing about this is when you look at voting patterns, Muslims create huge change locally because they live together. They cluster around one another. They have shared beliefs, shared desires, a worldview that they all share.


Now, the only way, I said the only way that we can get on track in a meaningful sense is if we begin to cluster together, create that community, and then elections would become a formality because we’re all on the same side and we just elect ourselves.


But the Whiteman’s understanding of elections is bizarre! It’s that we have to go out there and convince.


So this is how White people elect. We must go out and convince people that we’re right and they should vote for us. The Muslim perception of election is, you go to mosque and the imam tells you which candidate is the best for our people, and we vote for that candidate, so we get what we want. That is a completely different way of looking at elections. One is an organised, almost militarized way of ensuring control over your area and leveraging power.


The other is this bizarre way of viewing everybody as an individual and trying to convince them on an individual basis that your argument has merit. And no wonder we’re getting nowhere!


Mike Enoch: Even, even radical Whites are sort of trapped in that kind of worldview. And it’s something I’ve been talking about how it’s like viewing everything through a lens of like ideology where you would probably get some Conservatives in the UK that would actually look at a Muslim voting area and label it as like “liberal”. Right. You know, because presumably they vote for a Labour candidate or something like that.


Or they vote, you know whatever party that’s not voting for a Tory candidate. Maybe they would. I don’t know. But I’m sure they vote for what appears to be Left. Right? You know, it appears to be that. So they:


“Oh, that’s a very liberal area!”


Is it? I kind of doubt that it is! [chuckling] It’s like they’ve just decided that’s where they’re locating themselves. Right?


And so, you know, that’s like a weird way of looking at it. It’s like ignoring the actual demographic racial issue, looking at things only through a lens of ideology. And that’s where the individualist aspect comes from. It’s like the tribe is the ideology and White people are so trapped in this.


And in America they are so trapped in a Democrat Republican. And where, where you get so sucked into caring about Democrat versus Republican that you get Republicans who love it when suddenly blacks, homosexuals and Mexicans are all voting Republican now!




And then they get, they do this thing where like:


“Oh yeah, look at this. We’re starting to get Mexicans, Hispanics, immigrants, South American immigrants voting Republican. Wow!”


! The libtards that left the border open, I’ll bet they feel burned now!


And it’s like I don’t know what to say!


I mean, I do know what to say to that. But again, I don’t want to say it here because it’s not particularly kind, but you know, it’s like, get your head out of that space. It’s not, there isn’t ideological struggle, but the idea is the principle of your race and you have to think that way. And White people are afraid of that they don’t want to. They were afraid of it! And I don’t know that it’s like they’re naturally, there’s a lot of theories out there that get thrown around by people I consider subversive, that like it is, naturally White people don’t do this. Not historically in this country I live in. 50 years ago, they had to take rifles and bayonets to White people to get them to stop thinking about themselves as a race, to get them to integrate their schools with blacks.


Even into the 1980s, they had to bring riot cops out to beat the crap out of the Irish in south Boston who did not want to integrate their schools with blacks. So historically, White people are perfectly capable of being racially centric, ethnocentric, whatever. Perfectly capable of doing that.


The issue is this media, this isolating propaganda media environment, this feeling that everyone around you can’t trust them. You don’t know where they stand. You know, their belief is there’s this constant Right versus Left thing, that everybody gets sucked into. This feeling like if I say something like everyone’s a spy, they’re going to report on me and I’m going to lose everything. So people just become atomized, they become afraid, and they become lone individuals out there.




And then this idea of how do we, those of us who’ve come to the realisation of how this works, how do we get out and convince other people and say:


“Well, let’s just get the message out to one guy, this guy!”


And I would say, no, I think people really have to start seeing ourselves as a tribe. And the tribe that maybe doesn’t include every other White person.


Mark Collett: No, no, you’re exactly right! I do like this.


I mean, look, I’d love to debate the guy. He won’t even talk to me. But Sargon, you might remember that guy.


Mike Enoch: He ran away from me! He ran away from me one time years ago! He literally bowed out of the debate as soon as I showed up!


Mark Collett: But that, the problem is you’ve got the Sargon types, and the Sargon types will tell you until they’re blue in the face that White people are naturally liberal, that we naturally do not like operating as a group, that it goes against our sort of almost inbuilt or innate sensibilities. This is garbage!


The media have spent billions and billions and billions! The establishment have spent even more billions beating those ideas out of us, deracinating us and turning us into isolated, atomized individuals! And it wasn’t that long ago, and I’m talking living memory. The late 1970s, there were White communities in Britain, that when the government tried to close down their coal mines. They stood on picket lines, they fought with police. When they were cold, they burnt anything they could. They worked together. When one family couldn’t put food on the table or pay a bill, the community came together to make sure they ate and to make sure they were warm and they had enough money. White people had those communities.


Up until the 1970s in Britain, all of that was shattered by an absolutely concerted and well planned campaign to smash any White group that had a functioning community and that could look after themselves.




Mike Enoch: And Conservatives were a big part of it! Margaret Thatcher was a part of it! Yeah, huge part of it. Huge! I mean, she’s the one that was busting it up. She’s the one that was sending the pigs in after the coal miners. And I vehemently disagree with that.


And I also would say, like, I understand your idea of what British liberalism is and even an American liberalism. But you have to understand to some extent your value of those traits, of those ideas of, say, like democracy, freedom of speech, things like that’s a racial trait! Right? Like if you extend it to everybody, particularly to people who are going to take advantage of it for their own benefit. You know what I’m talking about? It’s not necessarily Muslims. But like the people are going to take advantage of your belief in that. And maybe (((they))) kind of look like you a little bit, maybe a little bit funny, but kind of like you, but they’re going to take advantage of that.


And it’s like, you have to understand, I like the idea of a liberal society to a point, right? Like, I don’t want like some tyranny like, [chuckling] like some boot down every person’s neck. Right? That’s silly! Um the idea, yeah. You can say what you want. You can practice the religion you want. You know, you have rights Visa vis the government. You have rights vis a vis other individuals and things like that. You’re represented in court. It’s all a product of liberalism. European people fought wars and had revolutions amongst ourselves intra racially to create that, to create those things.


So that’s not inherently bad. A lot of times you see people, all the Enlightenment was a mistake. No, no, the, there’s nothing wrong with the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment, go back and read a lot of what those guys were saying. They would be appalled at what they’re seeing now!


Just the idea of going backwards, like, not going backwards, like, we have to look forwards. But no, it’s like you have to understand that your idea, your fundamental ideas of what these things are, freedom, democracy, free speech, all that stuff like that is not necessarily shared by others. And that’s not even a knock on them. That’s just not how they are. It certainly, definitely is not how (((those))) that take advantage of this, of these ideas to deracinate you and tell you:


“Oh, look! Yeah, the Pakistanis are just like you!”


And Tommy Robinson is guilty, too. He says, other than Muslims, all these other people are liberals. These Indians, these Sikhs, these blacks, they are liberals. They will assimilate into liberalism. It’s like, well, to some extent they will. And that they will come and they will just be deracinated consumers in a hyper capitalist economy, just like anybody. Sure.


But then that’s not. You don’t have an authentic English British culture anymore. You don’t have your nice little villages. You may The Kinks, the village green Preservation Society. Like, all that stuff’s out the window, you know? I know they were being kind of taking the piss. Like they’re being sarcastic. It’s a funny song, but it’s like, were you contributing to this with that stuff? Ray Davies, you know, who I think is one of the funniest songwriters of all time, but silly, a guy’s an absolute, ..! I don’t want to use the word. [chuckling] But he’s always taking the piss. And what did that get you? And they started complaining about in the eighties.


I know it’s a weird digression, I did.


But, yeah, it’s like, I don’t know. You have to understand, like Sargon even calls himself an English liberal. Yes! Think about that. Stopping an English coward! How about that?





Mark Collett: But the problem with these people is, fundamentally, I actually think for all that they posture, I think they know deep down, I think they know in their hearts that it’s not working. They know it’s not working. They know that none of this is good. They know, if you said to Sargon, would you prefer to live an all White English village, or would you prefer to live in multicultural London? I think he’d go for the all White English village. I think he’d do that in a heartbeat.


But the fact of the matter is, he couldn’t tell you honestly why he’d be making that choice. He couldn’t say:


“Well, it’s because I prefer., …”


And there’s nothing wrong with that you know, if you said to a Muslim:


“Why do you live in Savile Town in Dewsbury*?”


[* Savile Town is a suburb of Dewsbury, Kirklees, West Yorkshire, England, lying just to the south of the River Calder. It consists of late Victorian housing, which varies between long terraces, semi-detached and detached housing. The mills on the banks of the Calder supplied employment to Savile Town for several decades; these were mostly woollen, and some cotton. As the mills closed, the area became run-down. Source: Wikipedia]


They wouldn’t say:


“Well, it’s for the amenities, it’s for the view, it’s for the weather. It’s just because, well, that’s where my family live. That’s where my community is. That’s where I feel at ease, because there’s people like me and I want to be surrounded by people like me.”


You know, it’s what every person says, except for White people. When you say to a White person:


“Why did you leave London to move to that all White village?”


Not one of them. Well, very few of them would say:


“It’s because that village reflects me. It’s because there’s people like me.”


And that’s the big, big problem. That’s the big, big problem! Most of our people. And this is the final thing I’ll say before we go to the Superchats. But the big problem we have is all these people fled these cities. There was this massive White flight. But when those who were part of the White flight landed in their new area, they did not, or they were not honest. They didn’t say:


“We fled London because of the multiculturalism!”


They made up a reason why they fled London.


And then they let that new area go slowly, the same way that London went.


And again, that’s part of this huge media campaign to beat certain things out of us.




Anyway, let’s do these Superchats. We’re going to the second hour of the show. If you haven’t donated already, please do donate. Remember, all these shows are free.


And fundamentally, if you like to keep them free, and if you like me doing four or five shows a week, which I do every week, please do consider giving something, because that keeps me doing these shows. Dsallen7 gave $10. Thank you so much! And he said:


“Anti-zionist jews are as fake as anti-immigration Conservatives. Both are a false controlled opposition. The first is 100% for Palestinian genocide, while the second is for White genocide. They want it done in a slower, more orderly fashion.”


I would say that, you see, I actually haven’t met any anti-zionist jews. If I met an anti-zionist jew, I would take them on face value and I would talk to them and I would assess their position. I have met anti-immigration Conservatives, and every one of them that I have met is a liar, a fraud, and is just as much in favour of our demise!


Mike Enoch: Probably also a Zionist, probably far more against immigration into Israel than he is into England.


Mark Collett: But have you ever met, you know, people talk about these anti-zionist jews? I know they exist, but I’ve never actually met one myself. I’ve heard names that are dropped, but I’ve never actually met one myself.


Mike Enoch: How to say this? I have met extremely Leftist jews in the Palestine movement, but in my experience, they were mainly there to de-radicalise it, to make sure there was no anti-semitism and to centre the debate in, amongst that movement. And this is even happening amongst these student protests that were the big news a couple weeks last week and the week before that, to centre the debate around jews themselves. And talk about we need a peace settlement.


Of course, all those are always done that in a way that benefits Israel. And we need to make sure that we don’t let anti-semitism creep in. And then it becomes a self perpetuating cycle where they say, like:


“Well, our best allies.”


And you’ll get even the Palestinians that are in these things is like:


“Our best allies are jews. Like, we need to have jews in this so that we’re not condemned, like total radicals!”


And then it becomes like:


“What are those jews actually doing for you?”


“Well, they’re giving us access.”


“What does that access get you?”


“Well, it doesn’t get you anything, but we need them because, …”


And so they spin their wheels. I see White people doing the same thing.


And it’s very interesting that there’s an intense focus on Palestine politics by jews, for obvious reasons.


And that’s why I don’t trust any jew I see in the Palestine movement! And we’ve had some friends of ours have gone out and joined some of these protests for Palestine around the country. And they say if they go up, but they show up and they start talking to the Arabs, they start making friends with them, like some jewish girl who’s there monitoring everything. Watching, watching. Sees a couple of White guys talking to some of the Arabs, making friends, maybe being friendly or just being on the same side on this one issue. And, boy, they’re right in there! Like:


“What’s going on here? !”


You know, like, they are right in there!




So that’s how they exercise power and control, is they keep people with common interests separate from each other.


And I would say you know, every Palestinian that protests for Palestine, I expect that, like that’s your homeland. And I want you to go. I want you to have your homeland. You deserve it. You should have your homeland.


You know, this guy Tarry talks about how capable the Palestinian people are. Their doctors, educated, the doctors and engineers. They, you know, they’re capable of building. Yes, they are. Until Israel destroys it! So why is it that people, these capable people, cannot have their own society in their own country? Well, because the people that you support keep blowing it up! So they can steal it! And we just have to stop supporting that k.


Mark Collett: Yeah, well, I agree with that. And some people have said in the chat, Ron Unz, now, I would be more than happy to have Ron Unz on this show.


In fact, I actually emailed Ron Unz, on some people’s requests and said:


“Would you like to come on this show?”


I introduced myself. He never emailed me back. He would be welcome to come on the show and I would certainly enjoy talking to him. I have actually, I have interviewed Muslims before, and every Muslim. Sorry, I’ve been interviewed by Muslims, but every Muslim that has interviewed me has not ended up coming on this show. They’ve tentatively said “yes”, but it’s never ended up happening.


So although I am willing to have conversations from our point of view with others from all walks of life and all different persuasions, I tend to find that other people are far more closed off.


You got to say this for White nationalists, we as a group of people are generally the most gutsy when it comes to being willing to have debate and conversation. No other group is willing to. But if Ron Unz does want to come on this show, which he hasn’t replied to the email, I would certainly entertain it.


I also threw down the gauntlet to Laura Loomer as well and said she’d be welcome to have a discussion with me because she’s come out and said:


“It’s basically, it is the jews.”


She’s claiming she doesn’t know why it’s the jews, but she’s saying it is. I would have a conversation with her.




But the thing is, Mike, look, Mike, I’ll tell you this. I have never brought anybody on this show ever to drag them, … I’ve never brought anyone on this show to hitch them to the back of my truck and drag them through the weeds for everyone to laugh at. That’s never happened! And I’ve never tried to humiliate anybody.


I’ve been doing this show for 262 episodes. And a hundred episodes before that of This Week on the Alt-Right. And in those 362 episodes, I’ve had three awkward arguments. That’s all!


So they’re outliers. So if somebody did come on the show to talk to me, I would treat them fairly and with respect unless they said something that I felt to be particularly stupid. And the arguments I had were memorable, but they were over things which were, one was an extreme libertarian, and we just sort of clashed because I thought the worldview was childish. One was:


“Europeans didn’t have any culture until Catholicism arrived in Europe.”


And when I pointed out the Roman Empire and the Greeks and all the rest, that ended up in disaster.


And one before that was a guy that wouldn’t stop insulting another guest on a panel. And I just said to him, this isn’t the time or place.


So if these people wanted to come on the show, I would genuinely treat them with respect because I would actually like, I would actually like to have those difficult conversations. Don’t get me wrong, mate. I would have you on every week if I could. But you and I agree.


And sometimes it’s nice to actually question somebody who’s got a slightly different outlook.


And I do that. I do that.


Anyway, Thin Red Line said:


“At popo Vacinian said.”


A few seconds ago:


“Mark Collett, the President of Slovakia, got shot.”


Yes, I’ve heard that there was an assassination attempt on the president of Slovakia today.


However, I haven’t had time to look into.


Mike Enoch: I’ve been in the car all day until I just got back to doing the show, so I haven’t looked. It’s funny, it’s not even in America even a headline yet.


Mark Collett: No. No. So I hope he recovers swiftly. And I’d like to get to the bottom of that.


Mike Enoch: Maybe he could come on the show then? [chuckling]


Mark Collett: Maybe he could come on the show. Yeah. Glen19, said:


“Mr Enoch, I’ve heard you say that Europeans haven’t lost a war with non-Europeans prior to the Russo-Japanese war. I can name several prior to this, but the biggest one was the Sino-Dutch war of 1620 to 1660. Taiwan isn’t a Dutch colony anymore because the Dutch lost this war.”


Mike Enoch: Okay, you got me! [chuckling]


Mark Collett: I don’t know that either. I don’t know that either.


Mike Enoch: I’m sure that I was probably being kind of like. [chuckling] I guess I was totally owned. I don’t know. I mean, good for you. That. Yes. Okay. Corrected. I stand corrected. Well, is it a surprise that it’s the Dutch, though? Like, let’s be honest. [chuckling]


Mark Collett: Well, yeah. The British lost the beginning of the Anglo-Zulu war, didn’t they? They lost. Not Rorke’s Drift [1879], obviously. That was a heroic defense. But the battle before then, the Battle of Isandlwana [22 January 1879], the British actually lost that. And that was, I think that was at the time, the largest ever defeat inflicted on a colonial force, you know, ever. It might still stand as that. But generally speaking, over the course of a war, White people do tend to come out on top.


Kevin gave $10. Thanks. He says:


“Mike has the right take on Islam. There are people who argue Europe is a Christian civilisation. Does that mean pagans like me who follow European myths and folklore are less European men than Christians who follow hebrew myths? There are Europeans who are Muslim, but there’s no black Christian Europeans.”


I’m just going to say this. I’ve got respect for pagans. I’ve got respect for Christians, but I will say this, and it always annoys Christians. But modern European Christianity is a mix of the original Christianity that was imported to Europe and pagan ceremonies and pagan events that were on the calendar.


So there has been an evolution there.





Mike Enoch: I’ve also said this, and it’s gotten me in trouble with Catholics. Now, I grew up as an Episcopalian. Now that’s Anglican church in the United States.


And it’s also considered very hoity toity. Right. A very WASPy. Like, Americans have this thing, WASPs [White Anglo-Saxon Protestants] and whatever. But going back in history, I’m like, I understand why the English did what they did vis a vis the Catholic Church and created their own church. I get it. I understand why it was the best thing for them to be like:


“All right, well, we want total sovereignty. We don’t need Rome over us. We’re gonna create our own English church. It’s gonna be based, kind of like a carbon copy, maybe a few tweaks here and there. And it’s one of the tweaks being like, we’re gonna let priests have families.”


Which I think smart, in my opinion. But that’s not really a debate I’m that interested in, but I think, yeah, I understand why the British created kind of an ethno-religion for themselves. Unfortunately, it’s like this hyper liberal, totally taken over by God knows what kind of crap [chuckling] that goes on in that church today!


Mark Collett: Do you want me to go a step further?


Mike Enoch: Sure.


Mark Collett: If you look, there’s a really odd, there is a really odd thread that runs through Catholicism, which I can’t fathom. So say, in Islam, the closer you are to God, in Islam, the more women you get to sleep with! So the people [chuckling] who follow the religion, the people who follow the religion more closely get to have more wives. So those who are the most fervent, you know, adopters of the Islamic faith have more children.




But in Catholicism, the people who are at the top of the tree and have adopted it the most fervently, whether they’re nuns or priests, they have no children! And that’s always boggled my mind! Why would a religion structure itself in a way that those who are the most committed to it and have taken it on board the most, do the least reproducing? Surely you would want the people who were most behind your faith to have the most children. I mean, am I missing something here?


Mike Enoch: No, I could give you what my theory is on this. And I could also say why I think it was a good innovation of the British too, when they divested from the Catholic Church. And they created the English church, which was very similar, had the similar aesthetics, the cathedrals, the music and even the liturgy was very similar. They changed a couple things and they allowed the priests to get married and have children.


Well, one, they didn’t end up with this problem that the Catholics keep having, which I think we all know what that is. And I know the media is unfair to them because that problem exists in other communities where it’s totally, completely ignored. And it probably exists even worse in those communities.


But nonetheless, they have struggled with it. And that’s the problem of kids and stuff like that.


I mean, the jews have that much worse! It’s a much worse problem in jewish communities. It’s just, it’s not covered at all! But it is an issue with the Catholics, so they get that problem. They get the problem of homosexuals becoming priests.


I mean, let’s just be honest. It’s just true.


Now, what’s so funny is like [chuckling] the Episcopal Church now just openly homosexual! But like, again, that’s also the result of all kinds of other things. I don’t know that that would been in a vacuum without like jewish influence. I don’t know that we would have had that happen.


But again, that’s because jews, jews set up an incentive structure where either way you can rise up the ladder inside their system, if you’re White is by being homosexual!


In other words, make sure that you’re never gonna have kids!


And also you will be totally alienated from the rest of society.


So you’ll be a good little functionary.


In fact, you’ll be be a weird freak that’s like hostile to the rest of society, which is perfect as a functionary in their system! Now it is a whole lot of things.


Now, the theory on why Catholics did this is that, and I’m not saying I understand this or I agree with. This is something I’ve heard, something I’ve read, and it could just be a just so story. That they did it because essentially they wanted to make sure that priests never claimed their Parish, their local churches, as family property for themselves, that they passed down generation to generation, was all part of the central church. I don’t know how true that is. That’s a theory I’ve heard. I don’t know how true that is, but it’s just something I’ve heard.




Mark Collett: You see, Mormons, like Mormonism is a relatively young religion, and I’ve read quite a bit into that. And they had the idea as well, didn’t they, that the higher you climb up the tree of Mormonism, so the more of a, you know, loyal Mormon acolyte you are, the more wise you get. And you know, if you ascend all the way to the top of the Mormon religion, it becomes almost like Islam on steroids. So you don’t just get seven wives, you actually get an entire planet that you are a God of, when you die, and that you shape that planet in your own will.


So basically, like, if you were at the top of it, you would get like planet Mike. And planet Mike would be a reflection of your will and your soul. So you would get to do whatever you wanted on planet Mike.


Mike Enoch: All right, I guess I’m converting. [chuckling] No, I’m aware. Yeah. And another thing is, funny about this, about the multiple wives thing. I thought it was four, but maybe it’s seven. I don’t know. Not exactly familiar with the doctrine. You know, there’s a reason why some of the best Sci-Fi authors have been Mormon. Have you noticed? Like, some of the best American science fiction authors have been Mormon [chuckling] because they’re religion, …


Mark Collett: I’ll tell you what, Mike, I would visit, if we have planet Mike and Planet Mark and they were next to each other, they could be like friendly trading planets. Yeah, we could visit each other.


Mike Enoch: Yeah, it would be great!


Mark Collett: Be pretty similar though, wouldn’t you say?


Mike Enoch: Probably be pretty based. But I would say, it’s funny about that, because, you know, who is a big proponent of women’s suffrage? I know there’s a lot of guys that love to hate on women. It’s all women’s pro-women, women voting, … The Mormons! Because there’s one dude, now you get five votes. [chuckling]


Mark Collett: I’m not going to get into this, but there’s a content creator. I sometimes feel that the blaming of White women for everything, … xx oh, it’s totally subversive. zz It’s a very easy way out for some people who don’t want to blame the real problem.




Mike Enoch: Let me just say this. Anything that’s easy and popular to blame, and you get a lot of back slaps. And there’s a community, you know, there’s is probably because you’re picking on somebody powerless. White women are powerless! And if they lose the defense of White men because of this bitter campaign against them that’s being waged by enemies, I mean, I’m going to be honest with you. Every time I see these accounts on Twitter and on social media promoting this anti-White woman message, I’m like:


“Who’s running this? Who’s behind this?”


And we had another guy just revealed yesterday. You know, these liberals, they don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t understand, actually, a lot of times what they, the system is.


And so they reveal these people and it turns out that they’re jews!


And it’s like:


“Oh, wow, look at that!”


Another one of these anti-woman, kind of like vaguely pro-homosexual bodybuilder guys that’s always showing pictures of muscular dudes and crapping on liberal Whites:


“Oh, it’s a jewish guy!”


What a shock!


And so what happens is White women are vulnerable. They don’t get the defense. I mean, one of the things I pushed very hard against was the “Karen meme”. zz Yeah xx The Karen meme is a racial slur and a sexist slur against White women, because it’s an attack on the expectation of a White woman to live in a society and have people follow some basic rules. Because that’s when you get called “Karen”, when you’re like:


“Hey, look, you’re not supposed to be in this park making noise after dark, and you’re doing it. Can you stop?”


And then:


“Wow! She’s got to be destroyed, right? !”


Or the woman who’s like:


“Hey, can you put a leash on your dog and not have him crapping all over the park?”


Oh, no, she’s got to be destroyed!”


And so, of course, they get robbed of advocates because:


“Oh, you don’t want to be a Karen! You don’t be cringe! Don’t be a Karen!”


We had incidents when, …


Mark Collett: I made a video, actually, about this called Karen is a Racial Slur. And it was about that very attractive sort of middle aged White woman who told those Mexicans who had no right to be around the pool, she paid to be around, that they had to turn their music down and stop barbecuing because that wasn’t allowed in that complex. And they all mobbed her and the world called her a Karen.


And I’ll tell you what, I’ve got to say this, and this is going to upset people as well. I’m a bit of a Karen! If I’m walking in the park and I see somebody and they’re letting their dog crap all over and they’re not picking it up, I’m going to say:


“Look here, mate, why are you doing that? My daughter’s playing in this park and I don’t want her running through dog crap. Get it picked up!”


If that makes you a Karen wanting a nice society. Well, aren’t we all Karen’s? [chuckling]




Mike Enoch: Yeah. No, I mean, again, I’m probably more lax about that. Like, I like to have a party around barbecue, maybe late at night, make a little noise. Like, I’m like that. But if I see Mexicans or blacks, like, mobbing some White lady that tells them to behave themselves, you know what side I’m going to be on? I’m not going to get baited by jew media into attacking her for that. And you seen these absolute meltdowns, these women, when they notice that, like:


“Oh, no, I’m in a social situation. I’m in a public situation. A black person has their phone out, is pointing at me and calling me Karen.”


They just melt down because:


“My life is over. I’m going to be dragged. I’m going to be a social media thing!”


You know, there was that thing a few last year or so where this pregnant White lady nurse in New York City wanted the bike, or she had taken out a city bike and these blacks tried to take it from her and then this whole freaking thing ensued! And I was on her side right away!


And as it turned out, she was right!


Mark Collett: No, mate, that was the greatest headline ever. I can’t remember. It was the Washington Post.


Mike Enoch: Yeah. Pregnant White lady tries to steal from N-black youths!


Mark Collett: From ten black youths who were “sharing” the bike. I mean, none of it made sense, did it? None of it!


Mike Enoch: I know where I’m from, White supremacy is so strong that, like, 17 year old black kids, which are fully grown men at this point, okay, like, they are fully grown men! They are big, they’re loud, they’re intimidating. They are potentially violent. You don’t know what they’re going to do! Once a 17 year old black, they cringe in fear against, like, a five foot four pregnant White lady! That’s how strong Whites, … And this was the message they’re putting out. That’s how strong White supremacy is! They know. Oh, no! And they put this thing out. They even put this thing out to make White women even more vulnerable. White women rage! And they talk about how when a White woman is uncomfortable:


“Oh, society comes rushing in, just oppress anybody that she is criticising or talking to!”


So those poor black kids, oh, they’re immigrants from Haiti or wherever, and they don’t know what they’re doing. And here they are. And now suddenly this whole system is coming down because White woman tears. Weaponised White woman tears! All of that stuff. All that stuff. If you participate in any of that, it’s anti-White! It disempowers White people and it is dangerous. It puts people in danger. Like some of these women are going to get killed or beaten or raped.!


And the violence done to them is never exposed in the same jewish media. I’m not going to participate in any of it. White women are victims of this system. They are not the ones in control.




Yes, there are blinkered, stupid, liberal White women that say all kinds of dumb crap to try and get along in the system, but so what? Who cares? They’re just being dumb and going along with what they think they’re supposed to do. If we were in power, these same people would be kissing our, … They’d be saying all the stuff that we put out there!


zz Agreed xx You know, it’s really funny because guys that say this kind of stuff, I’m like, I don’t want to be me. Well, I guess you don’t really [chuckling] know what women are like because you don’t actually understand how very easy [chuckling] it is to get them to say and think something just by being the stronger end of the relationship. I don’t know.


But you know, women are actually very malleable. You can get them to say and thinks things. All you have to do is have a forceful presence around them, and they’ll just adjust to whatever you want. Like that’s why they say these things. It’s not because they’re coming up with it. They’re just being manipulated.


Mark Collett: Agreed. Tuberculosis gave $15. Thank you so much! And he said:


“Always like hearing Mark and Mike. Hail, and little man waving.”


Mike Enoch: Thank you.


Mark Collett: Glen19 gave a dollar. Thank you so much! Said:


“Mister Enoch. Are you aware of a recent released book called the Unprotected Class by Jeremy Karl? Do you think this pushback against anti-White policies in the USA as a result of needing the American empire to fight another World War against Iran, China or Russia?”


Mike Enoch: Yeah, I’ve heard of that book. I haven’t seen it. I haven’t read it. I saw the title. I liked the title.


But I’ve also heard some people saying that it is sort of part of exactly what the guy was talking about.


So, yes, I do think that there is a contained, controlled pushback. Like, what was it they. After the after October 7, suddenly the US Army put out ad that featured a bunch of blond White guys jumping out of a helicopter and, like, doing, like, paratrooper stuff. And it was all awesome!


And it’s like, okay, so a couple years ago, you’re doing:


“Heather has two mommies in the military!”


And now things are starting to get hot.


So it’s like:


“Okay, now you have, like, Chad. You’ve got, like, Chad and his bros, like jumping out of a helicopter again, having a big adventure!”


Like, get out of here! I see what you’re doing! And it’s just, we’re not gonna let that happen. We’re not gonna let our people go and die for Israel. Sorry.




Mark Collett: Thank you. BMC1488 gave $5. Thanks so much. Said:


“Thinking of Sam and all Nationalist political prisoners. Hope they are doing well despite the circumstances.”


Thank you so much! DerCherusker gave $5.


Thank you very much. He said:


“A few days ago, French nationalist youth marched the streets of Paris calling for an end to the destruction of France. The GUD, the Group Union Defense, was also involved. All the support to them. Mark, you should do an episode with somebody from the French movement.”


I’ve done episodes with people from France, and look, I am welcome to new guests.


I mean, I do reach out to new people and say, do you want to come on? I reached out to Ron Unz. I reached out to Raging Dissident who did come on! I reached out to Lucas Gage. He came on. I emailed him again and said:


“Do you want to come back on?


He hasn’t got back to me.


I’ve been desperately trying to get involved in touch with Black Pilled, Devon Stack. He messaged me on Gab but hasn’t been back in touch with me. I do reach out to people and sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t come off.


But the fact is you can always rely on Mike and that’s why we love him. But we also love him because Mike always brings the fire! So I like the reliable guests.


John Skywalker gave 2.50. Thank you so much! And he said:


“Have you spoken with Devon Stack?”


Yeah, it’s another one about guests. He said:


“He’s interested in being a guest on your upcoming black KKK Klansman movie review with Dr David Duke. As you may know, he is an expert at dissecting propaganda in subversive films like that. And it sure would make a great scene.”


Look, if Black Pilled. And this goes out to you as well, Mike, we love you on. We basically have been doing film reviews for years now and what we’ve started doing, we’ve switched it up because Laura can’t be on them anymore because obviously Sam’s in jail and she’s looking after two children.


So we’re getting a guest each week to be the fourth man. And they’re suggesting their favourite film, which we then review with them.


So, you know, you’re welcome to jump on. And we’re having David Duke on to do the black KKK Klansmen. I’d love to have Devon Stack on there as well, but we need to shackle David so he didn’t talk over him.


Mike Enoch: Yeah. [chuckling] Yes, I know. I know that feeling. I’ll be happy to do that sometime. Yeah, sure. I love to. I’m not a big, … One criticism people have had of me is I’m not plugged in. Like, I don’t really watch movies and TV anymore.


Mark Collett: You can choose a movie from your childhood.


Mike Enoch: Anything. I’ll watch it.


Mark Collett: Long Good Friday, classic British gangster film, whatever’s your favourite film. You don’t have to commit to anything now, but you’d be welcome.


Mike Enoch: I mean, I would even watch whatever was picked and just watch it and give my take.


I mean, again, as terms of criticism of film from the perspective of what makes good film I don’t know anything about that. But I could easily, if I spot propaganda, which I’m very good at, like, yeah, I’ll break it down. I’ll start breaking that down.


In fact, I’m, though, I’m the guy who everybody says:


“Can I just enjoy this?”


And I’m like:


“No, I’m not letting you enjoy it because I see what they’re doing.”


You know, I’m not that guy. I do that. I’m like Leonardo DiCaprio on the couch, right? That’s me watching any movie, like pointing and like:


“I see it! I see what they’re doing!”


So if that’s what people want, then I’m your man. I’m your man for that, you know? So yeah.


Mark Collett: Right. Thank you. We would, we would definitely have you on. Thin Red Line gave $5. Thank you so much! He said:


“I think the American empire will collapse much faster than the Roman one did. The American elite have been much more actively trying to destroy their empire than the Roman elite ever did.”


I agree with that. I agree with that.





Mike Enoch: Well, yeah, I mean, and additionally, things just move quicker than they did in the ancient world. You know, the Roman Empire was like a slow rolling 500 year meltdown. Like the, it depends. If you do the, if you do the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, if you do Gibbons view, it took a thousand years after the fall of the Western empire for it to fully end with the end of the Byzantine empire.


But yes, I don’t think that America has 500, or a thousand years, or even maybe 100 years in it. I don’t know how much it, how long it will be, but I think it’s just going to be radically different in the future.


Mark Collett: Things will change dramatically as, and when America is surpassed by China in terms of, …


Mike Enoch: This is another thing. I expect that, well, I think it already has been surpassed in terms of GDP. It has not been surpassed in other ways.


But I think the fact of the challenge being, and people always say:


“Well, right now, America could still theoretically win one of these big boys. I don’t think they can. I actually don’t. But even if that were true, that’s not going to be true forever. And the BRICS nations, particularly Russia and China, and Iran, are on, they’re on the, they’re on the upswing of their culture and their power, and America is on the downswing.




I mean, that things are shifting. And America is demographically setting itself up for a big problem. And I don’t know how long does it take the government of the United States to go away? How long that will be around? The state government’s the structure of politics. But look, Britain lost its empire. It’s not an imperial country anymore. State is still there. The country is still there. It’s declined. You know, it’s declined in terms of its cultural, social powers, racial decline, everything. That’s gonna happen to the United States too. We’re gonna lose our empire. I’ll just be:


“Here we are now! We’re just a third world country! Okay?”


We’ll see what we do with that.


So that’s what I think is that gonna happen. I don’t know how long it take for that actual government of the United States for it to just break up into different countries. I don’t know. But I don’t see it being an empire for very much longer.


Mark Collett: Thank you, Glen19 gave another dollar. Thank you so much! Said:


“That I see some dissidents in the US making appeals to the GOP to stop immigration because they will lose elections. Because they are anti-illegal. Do you know that amongst Hispanic use there are increasing pro-Israel and more Republican? According to birth stats, Hispanic White pairings are the most common as well.


Mike Enoch: Well, I actually did a video on this and I put it out on Twitter and it already has, like tens of thousands of views about new numbers that I found, or a friend of mine found them. And I was promoting these numbers from a study done by some Israeli jewish paper where they showed that White youth in America are the most likely to support Palestine and the least likely to support Israel.


And then they showed amongst what they were calling Hispanic youth and black youth, in the youngest generation bracket, that’s 18 to 24 year olds, there’s a downtrend in support for Palestine and an uptrend in support for Israel.


And my opinion is this coincides with the Black Lives Matter movement, and this coincides with these people being openly given racial privileges over Whites. And on some sense, either understanding that they’re benefactors are jews, or that you have increasingly this phenomena in America of Hispanic or black Democrat Congressmen who are totally funded by jewish money, who come in, are just like these fiercely strong Zionists! And this gay Puerto Rican from New York City, this guy, Richie Torres, he’s like one of the strongest Zionists in Congress. He’s a Democrat from New York City. And he is one of the most staunchly pro-zionist candidates. And they have been actively doing this.


And I think that this is working. It’s going to work for them. Like, they are going to be able to buy these populations off!




One of the reasons why they don’t like and don’t trust Whites is we can’t be bought off. [chuckling] Even if White people believe in something dumb, they’ll go to the mat for it. You know, even if it’s stupid, you know, even if it’s a dumb idea or it’s a stupid. Like White people believe in principles and they like honesty and consistency on those principles.


And once they’ve got them, so they think:


“Hey, look! We don’t like Israel. We don’t like what’s going on here!”


You’re not gonna be able to buy them off as easily as you’re gonna be able to buy off these other groups.


So I’d say other than Muslims and Arabs, for obvious reasons, because they’re literally the direction victims of Israel, it’s going to be hardest to get Whites on board. And you’d be stunned at how easy it will be to get these Mexican, South Americans, and blacks on board. And, yeah, their support for Israel is going up. Which is another thing where, like, again, the conservative impulse to appeal to jews and Zionists, saying:


“Like, look, White people are your biggest base of support, therefore, you should shut down immigration.”


It’s just wrong! It’s not true anymore. They look at the demographics like:


“Oh, look, young White people are the most anti-Israel. Well, open the borders!”


Mark Collett: Thank you. Kevin gave $5. Thank you so much! Said:


“That there’s an increasing number of videos of families from the US moving to Russia, getting hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube and lots of likes, to explain their moving because the US is a multicultural, degenerate hell-hole.”


I’ve not seen these, but I’d be interested in seeing them. And I’ve long stated that Russia have done several things to get racially aware Whites to move there. Most notably, Russia offered asylum to White South African farmers to actually come to Russia and operate Russian farms in, obviously, you know, relative safety. Because, you know, they’re not going to get hacked to death by roaming bands of black South Africans who want to Kill the Boer. Have you seen any of these videos, Mike?




Mike Enoch: I haven’t. It doesn’t really totally surprise me. I think that it would be nice. I understand. But I’m also kind of like, I wonder how many they’re really that interested in letting in [chuckling], or if this might be some kind of propaganda attempt to create support for their, … Which, again, I support their side, generally speaking, anyway. But I wonder how much of it is real, how many actual people they want to bring in, because on some level, their position might be like:


“Well, we’re gonna bring these people in, but we don’t know how radical, how volatile they are. Like, we don’t know what they’re going to do. Do we really want these loud Americans in here screaming, these really opinionated, [chuckling] loud Westerners in here, like, shouting!”


Because that’s a very society that’s very authoritarian in the way it operates. And it might even in a way that, like, Western White people might not be used to. Like, you don’t get to just scream your head off about whatever you want in Russia, you know?


So I don’t know.


Interesting, but I haven’t seen it. But I’m sure they don’t want all White people that feel out of place in western Europe and America coming into Russia. I don’t think they need that. It would be an interesting experiment, but I’m not sure that they want to lose the Russian-ness of their society either, so, …


Mark Collett: Indeed. Olivia gave $14. Thank you so much! And she said:


“Evening, gentlemen. Excellent stream. Any thoughts on the King Charles portrait? Is it symbolic or just trashy modern art?”


Well, I’m going to share it so you guys can see it. What do you think to that, Mike? I mean, is it just modern art, or is there something more to it?


Mike Enoch: I mean, it’s not my taste. Are they trying to make some kind of statement that the Monarchy is drenched in blood or something like that?


Mark Collett: Do, you know what? I’m looking, …


Mike Enoch: I know that’s sort of an obvious interpretation, [chuckling] but like, …


Mark Collett: No, no. I’m looking at it. And to me, when I first saw it, because usually when people say:


“What do you see in this?”


My first thought when I saw that was, it’s almost like a vision, if you like, of hell. It looks like a guy that is literally coated in clothes soaked in blood, and he’s walking through blood. Everything is blood!


Mike Enoch: Right. I’m surprised. And then that’s like an official royal portrait or something like that they’ve commissioned and put forward to the public?


Mark Collett: I say it’s bizarre!


Mike Enoch: I can see if it was like a statement made by an artist that hated the Monarchy, then it would be obvious what they’re saying.


Mark Collett: I’ve got to say there is something where for whatever reason, artists, and whether they be painters, sculptors, musicians, etc, they do drop this satanic stuff in there.


So there was some of it at the Eurovision Song contest. There’s that notorious bizarre sculpture that the pope sits in front of, that literally looks like Satan. And apparently it’s meant to be the horrors of a nuclear bomb going off or something. It does look like he sat in front of a giant statue of Satan. [chuckling]




Mike Enoch: Yeah, that is weird.


Now, the Eurovision Song contest, I got a couple comments on that.


Okay, so they had this jewish singer from Israel, right? This was the big controversy around it. Ordinarily it’s just trash, right? It is garbage, right? It is just trash! But again, the fact that it’s trash is already a problem. But it just is!


And so we have this jewish woman coming on. She does a very conservative looking presentation. She’s wearing like a white dress and she waves her national flag and she’s got some dancers who are not like naked and looking freakish. I mean, almost trying to invoke some kind of classical Greek aesthetic. That’s what I felt like from what I saw of her performance.


And you have this Irish woman who comes on and I asked an Irish friend about it and he was like:


“Oh yeah, that’s as Marilyn Manson at home.”


And what is its name, Bambi Thug? And she’s the type, she’s like one of these very cringy, goth witchcraft girls. She’s like:


“Oh, I do like rituals with my period blood.”


I’m sorry, I don’t want to offend anybody by saying things, but, you know what I’m saying? This is cringey witchcraft period blood witchcraft crap and horns and all this stuff.


And it’s like, okay, I guess, like sure, it looks very satanic and it looks also just stupid! It’s like I could see some people being like:


“That’s Satan!”


I’m like, that’s just dumb!


But it’s also degenerate, it’s stupid, it’s degenerative! Course, she sings about drug abuse and sexual abuse and just all this stuff.


And so the visuals created and she’s criticising the inclusion of the jewish woman because Israel is doing genocide. And the visuals are confusing to people. It’s confusing.


Mark Collett: It’s not confusing to me.


Mike Enoch: No, not, I know exactly what’s going on!


Mark Collett: Yeah. Israel sent someone in there to look European to make people feel that they should have an affinity for them. It was a propaganda exercise.


And they also, they weren’t going to send in a woman with tattoos all over her face, a shaved head, a bone through her nose, you know, dressed like a whore, …


Mike Enoch: Which is what Bambi Thug is, by the way! Just, you know, who I’m talking about, right? You’ve seen this atrocity of, … [chuckling] my Irish friends are like:


“Dude, the funny thing is there are political parties in Ireland that have, like, criticised the existence of this singer!”


Like, what is this? This is an insult to us! And no, they’re [Israel] not going to send that in.


But of course, of course I looked it up. And the costume designer for Bambi Thug, guess what? You’re not going to, you’re going to be blown away. It’s a jew, a jewish woman. [chuckling]


But like, amazing, right? Wow!




Mark Collett: See, without being too sort of conspiratorial, Bambi Thug is what jews would want Whites to be.


Mike Enoch: Yeah.


Mark Collett: And fundamentally, the jewish performer is what jews would want jews to be.


Mike Enoch: Yeah, exactly! And they also, what they want conservative Whites to think of Israel. And then to:


“Oh, look at how awful liberals, how White women, liberals in our society are. But look at how great and amazing Israel is. Let’s support them!”


No, it’s just so annoying!


So when I see the New York Post does a big spread where they contrast the two of them and I’m just like:


“Ahhh! I see what you’re doing!”


Mark Collett: This is a good one. Confederate Patriot, we’re probably going to run over tonight, gave $5. Thanks so much. Said:


“95% of Trump supporters are White and normal. Just look at the rallies. He described 2%. Trump has pushed our movement farther and faster than anyone in 200 years. In America, more Whites are now pro-White than in 75 years. Not a coincidence.”


I’ve got to agree to a large degree on that.


I mean, I know people who go to the Trump rallies and they say that pushing our politics there is easier. I do believe Trump has, you know, legitimized talk of race and immigration. Is Trump all bad, Mike? That’s the thing. Is Trump all bad?


Mike Enoch: Well, don’t vote for him! I mean, sure, I think his usefulness has been outlived. And I’m certainly not voting for him because he is far more likely, … I would rather the American government be discredited. Right? Amongst, particularly amongst Whites. Like, if he’s elected one, he didn’t do anything while he was president.


So you want to talk about meta-political effects of Trump? Yes, there have been some good ones, but that doesn’t mean that he deserves our support. The people that did that was us, not him. We did that in spite of him. He wanted to take advantage of us, and he did.


And I’m not letting him do it again. And I’m definitely not supporting him so that he can rope a bunch of White people into going in a war with Iran or another one of Israel’s enemies because that’s what this is about. That’s what that’s about!




So, yeah, his supporters are, … But also, I’ll tell you something else. I have had this conversation with so many people that are, that I know that are listeners, supporters of what I do, friends, pool party leaders, etcetera. They say:


“I had parents who were kind of basic, normal Conservatives growing up, and they were kind of like they voted Republican, but they weren’t like totally 100% constantly imbibed in a Republican media propaganda atmosphere. One, because the Internet wasn’t as prevalent and they had to work, et cetera.”


“And so they were kind of racist. And they would warn me about blacks. They would say, you know, ‘watch out for them or we have to be careful. We prefer for a living with their own kind, with Whites’ and stuff like that. Be a sort of a soft sentiment like that.”


They knew not to make it a big deal, but sort of internally. So they:


“And that’s what my dad was like growing up.”


A lot of these guys, right, going up, growing up in the eighties, nineties, that’s what their father was like:


“Now my dad’s retired and he’s a Trump supporter and he’s 24/7 in the MAGA media cycle. And he absolutely talks about how much he loves blacks, how much he loves Mexicans, how much he loves homosexuals and how the liberals, the dumb White liberals are being completely owned by the fact that all these Hispanics are voting Republican. And Trump is doing such a great job at outreach the blacks!”


So, like, I’m sorry the media, the bulk of the MAGA media atmosphere is negative, is a negative for White people. And Trump being a president would be negative.


Now, you could say:


“Okay, yes, this guy getting elected and his first campaign created a meta-political atmosphere in which it’s easier for us to talk to people or whatever.”


Fine, sure, I’ll agree with that.


But I do think that, like, right now, the worst thing would be for him to get elected and to give White people an idea that the American government’s on their side or is going to help them. And certainly, you don’t want him getting elected to get to drag us into a war with Israel, or a war on Israel’s side. A war with Israel actually support, but a war, I mean, it wouldn’t be much of a war. We just cut off their weapons and they lose. Right.?


So, you know, but, yeah, so, no, I don’t support Trump, and I won’t support Trump. You can like the meta-politics that came out of it. I do. But no, I don’t support him.


And right now, yes, he’s all bad. And the Trump movement is a disgrace. It’s an absolute disgrace. All those people that you’re talking about. I mean, I don’t actually believe this guy. I’ll be honest. I disagree. I have a totally different experience from going from Trump of Trump people that they are there. They are absolutely 100% propagandized lunatics that love black people because they don’t get vaccinated. I mean, they’re a bunch of lunatics! So I disagree. I think at this point, the Trump movement is a negative.




Mark Collett: Okay, well, thank you. Merry Englander gave $5. Thanks so much. Said:


“Is there an update on Odysee? A few months ago, they were up for sale and a risk of losing free speech. Are they safe now?”


I believe everything’s normal.


I mean, that was well before Christmas last year, and everything has continued on. And five, six months later, things are good. The platform is still running perfectly. It’s still my platform of choice. So good, good!


Thin Red Line gave $14. Thanks so much. Said:


“Great show. Top notch guest.”


Thank you so much! British Gammon gave $25. Thank you so much, my friend. Great to see you here tonight. Says:


“Unlike the Yom Kippur war, which Israel ended in weeks, today, Israel isn’t any closer to winning than it was in October. How do you see this conflict ending? As it’s clear that Israel is unable to achieve it’s aim of destroying Hamas and depopulating Gaza.”


I want to say first, before we say anything, we have to be very careful about UK speech laws here.


Now, I’ve seen a number of videos which I’m certainly not asking you to go and look out because I don’t know whether these videos would even be deemed legal, but they’re widely available on sites like Liveleak and other pages on Telegram, which, again, the government might one day deem footage like this to be sharing of terrorist materials.


So I don’t know. But I have seen numerous videos of Israeli tanks being absolutely destroyed! Because at one point, tanks were a game changer, they changed war. But now, because of the effectiveness of relatively easy to carry shoulder mounted anti-tank weapons, as well as rifles like 50 calibre rifles, which can often Pierce tank armour, tanks are basically rolling death traps now, in many cases. If you shoot the right round into a tank, the Right 50 calibre round, it’ll bounce around in the tank, just destroying everyone in there. When they open the tank up, they’ve just got, a it’s basically like you’ve got a tank with a couple of holes in it and a load of jam in the middle, and that’s it.


So I’ve seen this footage of, you know, Gazans destroying tank after tank after tank. And considering Israel’s meant to be one of the best funded first world armies, one of the best funded, it isn’t ending this war decisively and quickly.


And what we’ve seen, and this goes to Ukraine. In the Ukraine, we’ve seen something amazing happen. At one point, British, American and German tanks were seen as indestructible on the battlefield. There’s now a massive tank graveyard in the centre of Moscow where the Russians are showing off destroyed armour from all over the world because they’re just building cheap drones and trashing billions of pounds worth of Western equipment. Things have changed. And I’ll say this, I think British Gammon has got a point. Israel is not having the emphatic victory they thought they were going to have.


And I think that’s one of the reasons why they’re brutalizing civilians, because they’re not getting their way in the actual armed conflict on the ground.





Mike Enoch: Well, they don’t know how to. They can’t fight it because they one, they don’t like losing soldiers. And if you look at their losses. It’s not that big in terms of deaths. It’s like a thousand something if you include October 7, if you don’t include it. Because, again, you know, I don’t know what’s legal to say there, but I’m in America, so October 7 was mainly military targets. All this stuff about beheaded children, it’s all bullshit! Like, they mainly took over army bases and totally legitimate targets for them to take out.


And I would say then you have this thing where they don’t fight Hamas. Like, the idea that they ever fought Hamas, I think, is just a lie. From the very beginning, what they wanted to do was funnel the people south and then do this operation in Rafa, which is the furthest south town, right on the Egyptian border, and shove them all into Egypt!


And then those that were left over in the aftermath, in the remainder, like, kill them, put them in prison, whatever, mop up later, and then settle the area with a bunch of condos that jews can live in. That’s what they wanted to do. And they thought they were going to be able to do it. They haven’t been able to do it.


And the tunnel thing, they continually kevetch endlessly about Hamas in the tunnels, but they don’t go into the tunnels and fight because they’re afraid, because they’ll get killed.


So this whole thing:


“We’ve taken out this tunnel.”


That’s all. That’s all nonsense! They don’t also know where they’re like:


“Oh, we know the Hamas leader, we know Yahassino, we know Mohammed Dyfe [sp]. We know that they’re in Rafa!”


They don’t know where they are! They could be anywhere. They’re not going in to fight Hamas. They never have been. When Hamas sits there and they wait and they see targets of opportunity, they take them out, and that’s when there’s engagements. Other than that, they’re not fighting. They’re just murdering people and they’re just blowing up buildings. They’re not even trying to fight Hamas!


That the idea they’re even attempting to do it is a lie! And they don’t know how to fight them, and they’re afraid to. And it’s a well funded military, but it’s not a skilled military. Most of these people are inept reservists. We call them the “Diaper Brigade”. They wear adult diapers because they’re constantly shitting their pants and they’re cowards! It’s a nation of cowards!




And they only have one elite brigade. And they put, every time you watch them talk about a new operation, it’s the same, the Gevati brigade is the same one again and again! They’re one actual volunteer competent brigade of soldiers, probably trained by US Special Forces. And so like they can’t win it. They can’t end it. The problem is politically now it’s that the issue is, and this is where I generally don’t know what’s going to happen because it’s very unpredictable! Because Biden’s like:


“Okay, we’re going to hold off this shipment of bombs.”


But now they’re going to, another billion dollars of weapons are going to get released. Happened yesterday. They said there’s another billion dollars of weapons are going to get released to them. So who knows? Was that for show? Was that electoral stuff by Biden? Probably. I don’t know.


I know there’s political pressure on them not to do their Rafa operation because again, what they want to do with the Rafael operation, so everyone understands. They did this thing last week where they went and they took over against international treaty with Egypt. They took over the border between Gaza and Egypt. That’s against the treaty! Egypt has a right to attack Israel for doing that. Now they broke international law and they broke their treaty with Egypt by doing so they control that crossing. Now they’re like:


“We want to go into Rafa!”


And that means bomb it to hell and go in on the ground and chase these Palestinians through the border crossings that they now control. They’ll open them up, chase them into Egypt. That’s what I think they want to do.


And I think that’s their last ditch effort.


Which is why I think the jews that run the Biden administration are desperately trying to get them not to do it because they’re like:


“Look, let’s like dial this back. Let’s take like this victory, whatever it is, or pretend like it’s a victory. Just the fact these people are all, see if we can get them to leave through poverty, starve them out, whatever. But if we in front of the whole world do an ethnic cleansing, we don’t know what the political results will be of that.”


They already have this, like every country in the world voting against them in the UN, like they’ve lost all legitimacy. America is losing legitimacy by continuing to side with them. And if America just enables an open genocide, ethnic cleansing like this it’s like, I don’t know what the results of that will be. I genuinely don’t. But I do know that it’s an unpredictable situation because you have a thing where they generally, the Israelis don’t like taking L’s and they very rarely do take them, but their best option is to do that!




And so what are they going to do in that situation? I don’t know! I genuinely don’t know. But I hope actually that they get stymied in their effort to do this invasion of this city because that is going to lead to another refugee crisis.


So I hope that that is not done. I hope that the actually adults in the room, not the crazed genocidal lunatics that run that country, not that they’re not all like that, but the ones that have a little bit more of an ability to see into the future, I hope that they prevail. And that these people are talked out of this, of doing this ethnic cleansing because I don’t know! I genuinely don’t know what’s going to happen. But yeah.


Mark Collett: Thank you. DerCherusker gave $5. Thanks so much. He said:


“New nationalist movements are emerging and existing ones are growing in membership. National and racial solidarity among the comrades we face a common struggle. De Kampf. Esther vata aladinga. Struggle is the father of all things. That’s [word unclear] life is a struggle!”


Thank you so much! Cat Hugger gave a dollar.


Thank you very much. And she said:


“We are the most gutsy because our stance is that our people have the right to exist in their home country and the opposing party would have to argue why that’s not the case. That’s why there will never be an open debate.”


Thank you so much! SolarMass said:


“Have a wonderful day.”


For $5. Thank you so much! 14.88 came from Ryanggg. Thank you very much:


“Did you guys know there isn’t a single female political figure in the federal level of the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] in China?”


Mike Enoch: I mean, okay, good for them. [chuckling]


Mark Collett: Interesting. Strasser gave $5. Thank you much. Said:


“Have you seen Biden slapping insane 100% tariffs on Chinese high tech products? America is officially behind in tech and will only be more so as it gets even browner.”


Look, if there’s one way you want to annoy people, it’s putting huge tariffs on the technology. That’s not going to work well for them, I can tell you that. Glen19, gave $2. Thanks so much. Question for me, said:


“Mister Collett, do you realise Israel is slight majority Misrazi it makes it even more outrageous that they are in Eurovision when most Israelis aren’t even European jews.”


Yeah. And obviously Israel’s not in the EU or Europe. It’s in the Middle East.


Mike Enoch: It’s not a European country! It’s not. [chuckling] It’s just not. It’s not even a Western country.k It’s not a Western country! It doesn’t have western values. That’s a lie! It has weird tribal Bronze Age pervert, medieval. You know, not even medieval. No, it doesn’t even have that it’s not even that enlightened. It’s not even as enlightened as medieval values. It’s literally got perverted Bronze Age values!




Mark Collett: Indeed. Um, ContentConsumer gave $5. Thanks so much. And said:


“Have some money. Thank you, sir, for the stream.”


Thank you very much. Thin Red Line gave $5. Thank you again. He says:


“Trump has outlived his usefulness to us.”


He agrees with you, Mike. He said:


“He should give us some real concessions if he wants our support.”


Mike Enoch: Right!


Mark Collett: Max3Anderson gave $3 and says:


“Keep up the good fight.”


Thank you so much! And ScaredyCat gave $4, said:


“Hi, Mark and Mike. Best wishes.”


Well, good to see you here, ScaredyCat. Thank you so much! We’re moving over to the Entropy Superchats. Wife Waffen gave $7. Thank you so much! And said:


“Thank you for helping the British people.”


Thank you. Blade Man gave $3. Thank you so much! Said:


“A really interesting thing about Robin Tilbrook’s campaign for police commissioner was that he got roughly the same amount of votes as leaflets delivered. The police commission elections really are the most realistic chance at success.”


Yeah, we fought this big campaign on behalf of the English Democrats and we helped put out 45,000 leaflets and they got 45,000 votes. But unfortunately, it was quite far off the mark of winning because the Conservatives put out half a million.


But, you know, we will continue to contest elections and help people with elections. I’m just very realistic about what we need to do in order to win them. We need an actual community.


Mike Enoch: I think it’s important also to be realistic about that because if you have people that are puffed up like:


“Oh, we’re going to win this, we’re going to win this!”


And they go out and they get active and they get excited about it and then you don’t. You need to manage the expectation of what’s going to come because then they’re going to get burned out. They’re going to get disappointed. They’re going to get angry. I’ve seen it happen. We have to be honest with our people about the reality of the situation we face. We can’t pretend:


“Oh, we’re definitely winning. We’re definitely winning!”


Because what happens, people’s one, when they get the feeling that you’re not telling them the truth, they’re going to be like:


“Oh, you’re just a liar, and what are you talking about? Like, it’s not true!”


And now, then they get cynical and burned out.


So you have to just always manage these expectations to be honest. I always would say in my speeches, like:


“Look, this is the hardest thing anybody could do. Like, we are attempting to do the most difficult thing in the world!”


Like, let’s be honest about this, right?




Mark Collett: It always, it always amazes me when people say that we’ve come into this to grift the movement, because it’s like we’ve come in to the movement, which is the most difficult to gain success in, and the least well funded. If this was a, if this was a business opportunity, it would literally be the worst business opportunity!


Mike Enoch: The Right-wing is a grifting. If you want to grift the Right-wing in America and presumably Britain, the world is your oyster! There are endless Avenues open to you, like the opportunities to grift the people that vote for the Republican Party by just filling their head with a bunch of crap. It’s an endless landscape. Like, literally the horizon. It’s like you are like John Wayne riding your horse off into the sunset. Like the world is your oyster!


If you want to be a grifter, if you want to be a Right-wing grifter, if you want to just give people a bunch of crap, a bunch of proved off messaging that people want to hear because it’s easier than facing the truth and just like, fill their heads up with crap, and you will make money.


Now, if you’re White, you still make as much money as if you’re black. If you’re black. I said this years ago. I said:


“Hey, blacks, listen to me. You guys should all become Republican Party grifters.”


And then they listened and they did. And I feel bad that I said that now, … but they weren’t actually listening to me.


But my point is that the grifting is like, no, this is like a reverse grifting. Like, sometimes I’m like, man, if I was a grifter, I’d be a hell of a lot richer than I actually am. [chuckling]


Mark Collett: Well, no, what I’m saying is no one comes to White nationalism to grift, because there isn’t the money.


If you want to grift, you enter the mainstream and you attach yourselves to the most powerful party in the area. You live, you brown nose and toady, and get up the ladder by saying the right things, and you’re guaranteed a spot in Parliament. Or working for somebody who’s in Parliament, and you’re on the take for life. By doing what we do, we become social pariahs. It’s simple as that.


Gus in Lanzarote asked a question to me for $3.


Hello, Gus. He said:


“Well done for the 2008 London Mayoralist leaflet, Mark. Wish I’d kept one as a memento. Mike is my favourite US guest. Sure, any leaflet he designed would pack a punch. Also, hope the bear hasn’t invaded his yard lately.”


Well, Gus, I’ve got something that could help you. Believe it or not, I kept a number of those London election leaflets as mementos, but in poster format, so both sides printed on the same side of a piece of paper to actually keep and potentially frame and auction off. Because I thought the BNP was going places. I also kept the plates as well, the metal plates for printing the leaflets, to have them professionally cut and mounted as a memento of our first major electoral win.




However, the plates have gone in a skip because the BNP doesn’t exist anymore. But I did keep the leaflets.


So if you do want me to post you one, I will be more than happy to arrange for the cost of postage to wherever you wish. A mint condition London GLA 2008 leaflet for you to mount how you wish in your home. If you want one, you can have one. Mate for Camarade gave $3. Thank you so much! Said:


“Good evening. Remember, Mark, when you posted close the borders government position months ago? It’s only at 43,178 today. I can’t believe it’s not at 500,000 by now. Time to get it back out there. All the best.”


I’ll repost that. Homa Tawk gave $10. Thank you so much! He said:


“Never miss an opportunity to remind White liberals who support open borders they are morally complicit in every atrocity that follows. Even the fringe cases where a migrant is abused by a native, they’re complicit in it all.”


I think that’s a good point.


And I think that definitely be thrown in people’s faces. These open borders fanatics need to be told that they were the ones that facilitated the rape of White girls.


Mike Enoch: Yeah, yeah! They also facilitate a system of exploitation, at least in America. You know, what America does a very clever thing. Because there’s a lot of people who say:


“Oh, they’re going to pass amnesty at some time.”


We know they’re not. They want these people to come in, feel like they have no rights, and therefore they work for like just nothing on agricultural work is the main thing they do.


And then the state picks up the slack for their family members that their employers don’t have to bear that cost.


And so they come in, they work for dirt cheap in agriculture, and meatpacking is another one. They got no rights, no protections, no union. Their family members are paid for by welfare, paid for by our taxes. They’re not paying taxes. And it’s all a very neat deal.


So if you don’t care that like White people are being victimized by these people criminally, if you don’t have any sympathy or compassion for Whites, well, understand you by being pro-migrant, are perpetuating a system of exploiting these people.


I mean, I don’t like either.


Mark Collett: But there’s another thing as well, Mike. In this country, we’ve got this big thing about Net Zero and carbon footprint.


Every time you bring somebody from Africa, you increase their carbon footprint at a rate that would make exponential growth look, tiny. It balloons. Everything these people say they believe it is fundamentally smashed when they support mass immigration! It’s simple as that.





Mike Enoch: That’s also, in my opinion, a lot of that stuff is just demoralisation propaganda. So White people look at you:


“You’re a scourge on the earth. You shouldn’t have children!”


This is a funny little anecdote. A guy, Nathan Cofnas, who went after Kevin MacDonald’s book.


Mark Collett: Yeah.


Mike Enoch: He one time was trying to prove his case where he’s like:


“Oh, it’s not true that all jews are Left-wing. Look at this. Here we have this jew, Julian Simon, who’s a Right-wing jew who was out here debating Paul Ehrlich, who was this big Left-wing guy who wrote The Population Bomb* and was talking all about the environment and how people are going to overcrowd the earth.”


[* The Population Bomb is a 1968 book co-authored by former Stanford University Professor (((Paul R. Ehrlich))) and former Stanford senior researcher in conservation biology (((Anne H. Ehrlich))). From the opening page, it predicted world-wide famines due to overpopulation, as well as other major societal upheavals, and advocated immediate action to limit population growth. Source: Wikipedia]


And I was, again, Julian Simon was a jewish libertarian. That was for open borders. So here you have a jewish environmentalist saying:


“Oh, we’re all terrible! We’re going to destroy the environment with overpopulation, don’t have children!”


And then you have a jew libertarian saying:


“No, let’s open the borders, because they’re not having enough children and bringing in all the Mexicans and South Americans!”


And it’s just like, all right, so heads they win, tails they win. Like, it’s just like, get out of here with that! You know, so it’s time to stop thinking along., …


So it’s this economic idea. The economic thing with the state is most important. No, it’s not the most important thing. Constant economic growth is not the most important thing.


Mark Collett: I agree. Lucy Brown Stalker, gave $10 and he said:


“Hi, guys. Mark, is it okay if I get a silicone rubber mask of your face, specially made, so I can wear it over my own face as a disguise while I’m following Lucy on her morning run? I just don’t want her knowing it’s me again. Also, I’ll need to borrow a pair of your beige cargo shorts and Black Shirt. Cheers, mate.”


Anything for you, my friend. If you want a pair of my cargo shorts and a tight black fitting T-shirt, you’re more than welcome to it, and I will obviously assist you in your desperate attempts to chase her down the road.


Mike Enoch: That sounds really weird to me. I’m assuming there’s a joke there that I’m not privy to. Very weird!


Mark Collett: This [chuckling] guy gives this funny Superchat. It’s about this, basically, it’s poking fun at a guy in nationalism who’s one of these “believe every women guys”.


But then he got outed by a woman for stalking her. So he was one of the guys that was going around saying:


“We must believe every woman. Every woman’s right, you know, we’ve got to stand for these women who get treated awfully.”


Mike Enoch: Just like me!


Mark Collett: So [chuckling] it’s basically it was made up. If you know, you know. And it’s funny. I appreciated it! It was $10 and it was $10 well spent.




Mike Enoch: Fair enough.


Mark Collett: Much appreciated. And in fact, I was reading it when you were saying something there, and I nearly laughed at an inopportune moment. I thought:


“God, I’m pleased I managed to repress that laugh!”


Because that was a humourously written Superchat. Rand gave $20. Thank you so much! Said:


“Sup, cobbers? Mark and Mike. A hell of a team. Mark, as a man who enjoys being performatively blunt, I admire your abilities to be the opposite. Nimbly continue to argue your points despite the gay government speech laws. Mike, gonna have to get you on to talk about Holocaust claims before my gay government makes it illegal.”


Well, thank you, Rand. I trust that’s the Rand who likes to drink too much. And I’m both pleased and amazed that he is still alive. So well done for being alive Rand.


Mike Enoch: [chuckling] Yeah, please. Yes! Make sure to keep doing that.


Mark Collett: Keep being alive. [chuckling] Jagdeep Tiara gave $10 and he says:


“Does Michael Enoch Isaac Penovich stand by his pro-vaccine views and voracious shaming of those who refuse to take the shot?”


Mike Enoch: That’s a totally misconception. My point was, what I said was, I don’t believe that the anti-vaccine movement is., … And people are free to disagree with this. I never told anybody, take a vaccine, do whatever you want! My point was, you’re not actually being forced in America to take it. That wasn’t true. There’s a lot of people out there saying:


“You’re being., …”


It was never true. People got very angry.


Mark Collett: There was a lot of coercion and pressure.


Mike Enoch: Maybe in your country, not in mine! There was no, you did not have to get a vaccine in America. Like, their people were making it up. Because, like, again, I maintain this. I know this is an unpopular position, and I’m sure it may be different in the UK.


The vaccine politics were a replacement for real politics. It was giving you a safe outlet for your rage and anger at the system.


And a lot of it was made up. A lot of the stuff that was told to you was fake. There was an incident where somebody gave me, you know, people really wanted it to be true.


And I was like, look, it’s not true. And the Supreme Court is going to strike down the mandate. You know, people, like, raged when I said, the Supreme Court’s gonna strike down the mandate.


And then they left.


Mark Collett: In this country, in our country, there were people who lost their jobs, people who were forced out.


Mike Enoch: I’m not denying what happened in your country, okay? I’m not denying anything that happened in your., … I’m saying in America, every single person that told me that they were, like, forced out of a job, anytime I actually asked them what happened, it turned out that they quit. And they didn’t actually have to quit. And I told them:


“Never quit a job over the vaccine stuff. Just wait. They’re going to strike it down. Supreme Court’s going to strike down this mandate.”


Which never really went into effect. And companies themselves they were refusing in America. Like it was a big thing amongst Conservatives and it was used to drum up Trump support for Conservatives.


Mark Collett: Look, I’ve got to cut you off there because we have a slight difference on this. And now the AstraZeneca jab in the UK has been officially withdrawn because they’ve acknowledged it is linked to serious medical conditions.


Mike Enoch: Yeah. I don’t deny that.


Mark Collett: I mean, look I’ve got to say this. I was against the jab. I never took the jab. I didn’t have any. I’m happy I didn’t have it. I’m over the moon that my daughter didn’t have any., …


Mike Enoch: I never told anyone to get the vaccine! I told people the vaccine political movement is a fake rabbit hole, that they’re trying to get you down so you support Conservatives. That’s what I told people. I was like, it’s fake politics. That was my point. Like, you don’t get the vaccine, but if you don’t want to. I didn’t get it! And I never told anybody to get it.


What I said is the vaccine, the movement, which was heavily funded and sponsored by Conservatives to get you on board with the Republican Party, this is in America. I don’t know what it was like in the UK. In America, it was a fake thing. It was phony movement that wasn’t. They made all kinds of false claims. And it wasn’t necessarily false claims about the vaccine or whatever. Now there are false claims about the vaccine. They were grifting people trying to sell them Medicines that probably have no effect. And people are dosing themselves up with horse dewormer [Ivermectin]. I mean, it was silliness! And I stand by that. And I understand it makes some people upset. And I don’t even care if somebody got taken in by it. I don’t blame you, but I’m not telling anyone to get a vaccine.


But this idea I was like, pro-vax. No, I said:


“You should make your own decision.”


But don’t feel like you are one, … If someone did get the vaccine, … There was another thing, though. If someone did get it, I don’t have anything against that person either. I don’t consider that person a traitor to the White race.




Mark Collett: No, no. There are some exceptions to that.


So there were some people in Britain who went round saying:


“Don’t get it. It’s gonna kill you!”


And then have three shots themselves.


So I have problems with people who., …


Mike Enoch: That was like, everybody in America was doing that! [chuckling]


Mark Collett: Well, I have a problem with that.


But I will say this. When, …


Mike Enoch: Let me point this out.


Look at how divisive this issue has been, right? And I think that was the purpose sees.


Mark Collett: I was about to say this, Mike, I’m gonna say this. That at the time, PA were doing really big things. NJP were doing really big things. We were both working sort of not hand in hand, but supporting each other. And I got bombarded with crap about:


“You’ve got to fall out with NJP, you’ve got to fall out with Mike, you’ve got to do this, the other, because they said something about this.”


And I turned around to people and said the following:


“Ultimately, I’m not going to fall out with Mike or the NJP over a difference on something like this.”


When it comes down to it, the key is our survival and loosening the grasp of Zionist power. They’re the issues and we agree with them. And I felt that at the time, there was a group of people who were using this as a wedge to try and damage NJP, push like crap between NJP and PA and content creators.


And the fact of the matter is, we don’t have to agree on everything. Like Mike might like Sega and I like Nintendo. That doesn’t mean we have to go into the car park and punch each other’s faces in the fact of the matter is, we agree on the vast majority of things. And I work with people like Nativist Concern who believed in the jabs. I didn’t believe in the jabs. I made the call for us as a group not to go along with the jabs.


But I’ll say this, Mike’s right about lots of things, but he was right about one thing.


And do you know what? There’s barely a couple of days go by where I don’t quote Mike, because Mike said one of the cleverest things that I’ve ever heard a nationalist say, and I’ve never heard any other nationalist say this. Mike calls this “the off ramp”. And do you know how many people who were absolute nationalists and were talking about race, Zionist power, all of that, used Covid as an “off ramp” and were like:


“I’m not talking about immigration anymore. All I’m going to talk about is Covid now because that’s a safer thing to talk about.”


And if there’s one thing that Mike was right about. It was about people using these issues to not only divide nationalism, but as an easy route out of nationalism. And he was on the money on that. He was on the money on that.




Mike Enoch: And if someone interpreted me that as me saying “get the vax”, like then I don’t know what to tell you. Like my whole point along again, I never told anyone to get the vaccine! And you will be hard pressed to find me saying it unless you like, want to edit me out of context or something and make a claim. I always was very clear! It’s your decision to get it or not. But I was also very clear I don’t., … And this is in the United States. I don’t know what it was like in the UK. I don’t think it’s actually should be a replacement for real politics. I don’t think it is real politics. And there was an entire Conservative media industrial complex set up to create politics around this. So people make their friend-enemy distinctions around this.


So there are people saying:


“I love black people because they’re not getting vaccinated! I hate White people because they’re all getting vaccinated!”


These were people who had been nationalists before.


I mean, the number of people that absolutely took this, I consider to be totally phony, set up political thing around vaccines, to do this off ramp and make their friend-enemy distinctions and make their identity. What are you now? Are you White?:


“No, I’m a pure blood!”


This is what, this is how this has been used.


And again, if you don’t want to get a vaccine, don’t get a vaccine. But don’t make that your life identity! Don’t make that your political identity! It’s not even relevant anymore.


Mark Collett: It’s all it did. You’re right, mate. And you know why you’re right? Because it did cause a schism in our movement.


And I remember at the time, …


Mike Enoch: As intended.


Mark Collett: There’s been two things recently that has caused major splits in the movement.


The first is the vax, and people did use the term, “oh I’m pure blood”, etc.


And I’ve got to say this, and this is going to pee a few people off, but there was people who believed in the Covid narrative and they predicted the zombie apocalypse.


And then there was also people who predicted that if everyone took the jab, I had a friend of mine message me saying:


“You know, I’ve been reading this data, everyone who takes the jab is going to be dead within three months.”


Well, that didn’t happen.


And another thing that caused a schism was the Ukraine, Russia thing.


And if you speak to anyone who supports Azov and Ukraine, they are literally the most unreasonable people imaginable. And that was another big schism.


So you can’t say, so someone said the other day that Putin had a good idea. Putin and the Russian church are putting forward a Bill that’s going to basically say that if you’re living in Russia, one, you have to speak Russian, and secondly, they are going to be giving better paid jobs to Russian families that have more children. And I said that was a good idea. There was actually people in my comment section saying:


“This is terrible! You’re a Russia shill!”


Some of these people are so irrational, you can’t even say, like, that’s a good policy, you know.




Mike Enoch: Yeah, I mean, I think certainly, you know what is Ukraine doing?:


“Oh, let’s have a jew president and, like, everybody, like a bunch of White guys going die for him!”


Get out of here! And like, I wonder even who these people are. Where are you people coming from? Where do you live? What country are you really from? The people that say this kind of stuff? I don’t meet these people in person, I’ll tell you that! They pop up online. I’ve met a few people for Ukraine in person, and they always are:


“Wow! Now I’m willing to have a conversation. Now we can talk about it, right?”


But it’s only happened like, once or twice. The rest of it is a purely online thing.


Mark Collett: And the thing is, I didn’t take the jabs. I campaigned massively against the Covid restrictions and the jab.


But I think the fact of the matter is it did cause a damaging schism in nationalism and it allowed a section of the nationalist population to basically, as Mike says, off ramp. And some of those people now on knee deep into, like, did the moon landing happen? Etc. Etc.


Mike Enoch: And this was what I was saying. This was the point I was making. It’s not about telling you to take a vaccine. I don’t care what you do with your own health. That is a personal decision that you make. But again, I also want to say, like, if somebody did take it, I don’t consider them, like, not White. I don’t consider them my enemy! That is not the friend-enemy distinction that I make.


If someone decided for it’s my best interest, for whatever reason, to take this, that’s your choice. I am not telling you what. I’m not your doctor, all right? And I want to tell you what to think about politically, but I see this as obviously set up, a phony political movement for you to get into. So you get into all kinds of crazy conspiracy crap and you take your eye off the ball. And eventually you start seeing this stuff as your actual identity is like:


“I’m an unvaccinated and this person vaxxed!”


And now you have this thing anytime somebody keels over:


“Must have been vaxxed!”


You don’t know that.


There was a study they put out like all these people, like European soccer players keeling over because of the vax. And you look at the actual data and they got like 72 old football coaches from Tennessee are in their data set, and they don’t even know if they died of the vax. It’s just that they died. And it was like the most ridiculous stuff that they are putting out and people were buying it. I’m like, use your brains. This whole thing is about us using our brains, being critical thinkers and dissecting and breaking down media narratives and data and propaganda they put in front of us. And looking at the truth behind all of it. That’s what I want you to do! I don’t care if you take a shot or not. That’s up to you.


Mark Collett: Well, it’s down to individual choice. I didn’t take it. I’m pleased I didn’t take it. The jabs have been withdrawn in Britain because they’ve now been proven to be medically unsafe, which I said they would be. And I even made a video at the time pointing out how they’re not actual, real vaccines, because I know what I’m talking about when it comes to biology. They’re not real vaccines, because they don’t do what vaccines do. Simple as that.


And at the time, I was very clear on my beliefs. But if Mike has a slightly different take on me, we’re not going out to the car park and punching each other’s faces in! The fact is, …


Mike Enoch: I just don’t worry about it.


Mark Collett: If Mike cucks on zionism, or on demographics, that’s the line for me.


And a lot of people get mad at me about this. Somebody was saying to me the other day about Nick Fuentes, saying:


“Oh, Nick Fuentes said this, this!”


I said:


“Look, Nick Fuentes is back on Twitter with 300,000 followers. And the two things he talks about most are White genocide and the JQ.”


If you’re whining about that guy being successful and that’s your biggest moan, and you’re coming to me with that moan, you’re probably a dickhead!


Because I look at that and I think, one, he’s got 300,000 followers. Two, he’s got the ear of people now, like Elon Musk, Alex Jones, etcetera. He’s influencing their audiences. Three, he’s spreading, fundamentally, a message that’s virtually the same as ours, just with the “Christ is King” stuff tagged on. And four, I wish I had 300,000 followers because I’d be almost doing the identical thing that he’s doing.


So if you’re mad that that message is getting out to people, why? It’s like a while ago, somebody was in my comments being all salty that Keith Woods has got 170,000 followers. Why? Why would anybody be annoyed that Keith Woods is doing well on Twitter? Keith Woods doing well on Twitter. He’s only going to help spread our message, which grows our movement, which is a good thing.




Mike Enoch: Yeah, I say whatever issues I might have with those two figures, like, it’s not the fight I’m having right now. So, like, there’s no point to. What would I do? What would it profit me or anyone to do that? No, I’m going to go at the actual people who are totally opposed. [chuckling] Right. Like, yeah, I’m not big into the Christian nationalism thing. I’m a secular. It’s not my thing.


But whatever, whatever.


Mark Collett: He doesn’t fly my boat.


But the fact is he had, I think it was 2 million people watching him live stream when he came back on. And apparently Elon Musk was watching, too. And what’s he talking about?


Mike Enoch: I didn’t know that.


Mark Collett: He’s talking about the issues that we talk about.


Now, you might not like him personally, but is it better that he’s there talking about the issues, or it’d be better if he wasn’t? Well, it’s better that he’s talking about these issues. People might not like this, but I’ve got to say this. I’ve got to see the positives in this.


I’m 44 this year, and I’m not sitting on my hands grumbling because somebody’s growing nationalism in a slightly different way to how I would like it grow. I’ve got to take the positives from it, because we don’t take the positives we’re all just going to sit there grumbling about other people’s successes and things aren’t a hundred percent the way we want them to be.


And somebody used to say to me:


“Don’t make perfection the enemy of something good!”


Right? It’s as simple as that.


But look, this stream is running well over. You know, the fact is me and Mike should be on Twitter, too. I believe that Mike may be on Twitter.


Mike Enoch: I’m on Twitter, but it’s not under my own name because Elon Musk has not un-banned me.


Mark Collett: We should be on Twitter. The fact is what people should take from this, if it’s nothing, it should be the following. We should take from Twitter, from this, that we can get back on Twitter.


And all of our people should be redoubling our efforts. Tweeting Musk daily:


“Get Mark Collett, get Mike Enoch, get Laura Towler, get Sam Melia, get Kevin MacDonald, get David Duke, get Jared Taylor. Get these people back on Twitter!”


It worked for Fuentes. Do it for us!




The fact is, me and Mike deserve to be back there under our own names. Boom! That’s how it should be.


Unknown Californian gave $15. Thank you so much! Said:


“Mike is my favourite guest. Mike is why I subscribe to TRS. Keep up the great work, Mark and Mike.”


Thank you, my friend. I’ve not seen him for a while, but he was a regular at one time. Good to have you back, my friend. And he gave another $3. Thank you so much! Said:


“My coworker lost his job when he had a stroke after taking the vax. I ended up losing my job for not taking it.”


Well. I’m sorry, mate. I know lots of people that were put in that position. So that did happen here. Confederate Patriot gave a dollar. Thanks so much. Said:


“People who lost their jobs were forced. I guess Mike wouldn’t know that.”


There were people who lost their jobs. I agree with that. And ContentConsumer gave $5 and said:


“I see Fuentes and Woods talking nationalism is just election area red meat. I’ll wait to give them praise until after the election.”


Look, people don’t like, … I don’t know why people want this, but, Mike, do you ever get frustrated that nationalists sometimes want the moon on a stick? I think we’ve got to take every little win we get like the Left do, and we’ve generally got to be happier about when things go in our way. Like, I remember when the Kanye West thing happened, I rode that horse until it dropped dead!


Mike Enoch: Yeah. I always had a feeling it would, but, … Yeah. It was a limited, …


Mark Collett: It was gonna drop dead. To draw an analogy. You know, it’s like you go into an arcade as a child, and the arcade owners set 90% of the machines to free play.


So you can play as much as you want. Do you get on and play a game? Or do you wander around the arcade whining that 10% of the games you still have to pay for? Or do you jump on one of the games that is free to play and enjoy yourself for the afternoon?


Now, the people who go around whining that 10%, you still have to pay for, that’s not a good thing. That’s not a good mentality. I like to be a glass half full guy, and nationalism can be depressing, but for me, I do like to take some positives from all this.




Mike Enoch: Yeah. I mean, I like that the message is spread, like, further now than it ever has been. I’ve not seen this kind of, and since October 7, particularly, I’ve not seen this kind of thing going on at all!


And I would say to people, like, if you’re still mad about the vaccine thing, like, I can’t help you. Like, I don’t know what to tell you. All I told you was that it’s not a substitute for the kind of politics that we’re doing. It’s not something that’s going to last. If you felt like you were coerced, well, I can’t tell you your experience is different, but in America, I really did not see that happening.


And I saw people getting extremely angry with me when I told them that it wasn’t happening, and that Supreme Court was going to come in. And I shut that down, because capitalism in America wants people working! They are not interested in any reason. Like, as soon as they saw that, a lot of people don’t want to take it. They’re like:


“All right, forget it! No, like, it’s not happening!”


Like, we, the American capitalist system wants people working. It’s the same people who are like:


“Oh, they’re going to lock down everything!”


Why? So their whole economic system, this whole system that they’ve set up can shatter, you know?


And then I saw this whole political movement being used as a way to deny people benefits from the state. Like, we were getting $600 a week, unemployment benefits, every single person! And what happened? The anti-vaccine conservative movement lobbied against that. So all:


“Everybody get back to work!”


I was like:


“No, give us money. Let people have some time off and get a bunch of money.”


What? Like, what is the sense of being like:


“No. I want White people getting no benefits from the state, and I want them back at their shitty jobs!”


I was like:


“No, I want White people home with their families getting $600 a week, both partners, to 1200 a week now, from the government!”


That’s what I want.


So that was what I wanted out of that, right? I was like:


“Oh, you don’t want it? Shut down the border. Shut down the border!”


You know, the only reason Donald Trump has a decent record on immigration is Covid, because they had to put in place restrictions to actually keep people flowing over the border. And then with the Biden thing, the current crazy influx, which they’re doing nothing to stop as a result of them getting rid of the Covid restrictions on the border.


So the whole anti-Covid restriction movement was all conservative capitalist crap. They want everyone back at their jobs. They wanted all the immigrants to start coming back over the border. They didn’t want to give anybody any state benefits because they couldn’t go into work.


So it was all reactionary conservative stuff. It was all used that way.


And I’m not going to stop saying it. And if it makes people upset because they personally didn’t want to get a vaccine, fine. You could be mad at me, but this is my position on it, and I never told you to take it. I just want everyone to understand. That’s not true! What I told you was, it’s a fake political movement. That is not. It’s a benefit. Not in the benefit of White people, if that’s what you’re gonna get on board with. And there are people who absolutely stalked off in anger and like, are no longer nationalists and want to talk about all kinds of stupid, crazy crap instead, because they felt, this is more fun, this is easier.




Mark Collett: Well, we’ve got one last Superchat, $5 from Strasser. He said:


“Mark is a gamer, this is a fight. And we as White nationalists used to use all the resources we have access to.”


I do realise that.


We’ve run over by 35 minutes. Thank you. Most importantly to Mike for being here. He’s a guy that I love working with. Please go and support him over on TRS and support everything that that man does. He deserves your support.


Thank you to everyone who donated so generously and thank you to this incredible community. I’m going to be back on Friday with my expose on Israeli organ trafficking.


Mike Enoch: That I’m looking forward to. [chuckling]


Mark Collett: I’ll be back on Sunday. It’s a good one.


I’ll be back on Sunday with the Nationalist A-Team. But until then, I’m going to close things down now. Mike, would you like the last word? Because you are the man of the moment.


Mike Enoch: No, I’m good. I think, yeah, I just would say, like stay White. [chuckling] Stay White! Remember who your real enemies are! It’s not anyone else. You know, there are White people that are enemies, but it’s certainly not no awakened Whiteman who understands about the zionist question, jewish question, the racial question. Those people are not your enemies.


Mark Collett: Well, thank you so much, my friend. Thank you to everyone. And biggest thank you goes to this amazing community. I hope to see you all later in the week. Hope you all tune in for the Nationalist A-Team. And please do check out my wealth of videos.


And as I’m not allowed to share them on Twitter, please do.


And remember, I am not prissy about things like copyright.


So if you like a Markysee video, rip it off, whatever platform you want to, rip it off and smash that video all over social media! I don’t care. It’s about spreading the message.


And if you like, give a link back to my Odysee or my Rumble. Thank you so much! Hope everyone has a great evening and I’ll see you all again soon. Thank you and good night.


Mike Enoch: See you.











Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 5/16/2024 = 1470)

3 hours ago
Pinned by @MarkCollett
If you would like to contribute to the show, please use Entropy:

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
34 minutes ago
What works for nick is literally being an op. We can’t make that work for us.

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
35 minutes ago
Fuentes condemned Hamas the other day so

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
35 minutes ago
Pointing a finger at people hanging out with literal pedophiles sponsered by jews is not making the enemy of the good imo

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
36 minutes ago
Kinda sad that the white nationalist “movement” is about who likes shots and who does well on twitter


26 minutes ago
📚 FREE Mark Collett eBook | The Fall of Western Man:


31 minutes ago
they know who they are!


31 minutes ago
We also have a bunch of people in this “community” who just want upcummies from the nearest popular accounts and will shapeshift to make sure they get along with them


37 minutes ago

There are video’s of him saying he wants to eradicate Pagans and its worse than Mass migration.

Carney Corner
37 minutes ago
Nick Fuentes is a Prager U agent


37 minutes ago
Nick is an astroturfed offramp too, most of AF are brown christian nationalists


38 minutes ago
He wants to kill Pagans, I am not a dick head, thankfully he won’t rule anything.


27 minutes ago
🎙️AFTER THIS SHOW | The Ayatollah – Secure Tollah Rants – LIVE! #127:
► Odysee:
► Rumble:

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
20 minutes ago

20 minutes ago
same, see you on the field

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
20 minutes ago
take it easy bruv no hard feelins it’s all fun and games

21 minutes ago

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
21 minutes ago

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
21 minutes ago
don’t let ’em just be memes

21 minutes ago

keep those dreams alive

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
23 minutes ago
after you’ve had your vax of course

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
23 minutes ago
You should bow at my feet and beg me to save it

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
23 minutes ago
You’re in favor of my ego. You just told me I am responsible for the fate of this movement.

23 minutes ago

24 minutes ago
he’s in favor of his ego

24 minutes ago
is sven in favor or against the vaccine?

24 minutes ago

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
24 minutes ago

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
24 minutes ago
so pay

24 minutes ago
someone has to pay, we can’t all sit in our basement

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
25 minutes ago
Don’t be a communist, make sure you pay for them too

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
25 minutes ago
The jab is awesome fo you. Get like 5.

26 minutes ago
You certainly made use of it

26 minutes ago
i would bet the jab is bad for you, but if you really think it was an automatic death sentence and yet you chose to keep a job for it the you were wither lying or stupid. no job is worth that, right? You were only “forced” if you put a job infront of or consider that job your actual life.

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
26 minutes ago

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
26 minutes ago
If you think I tanked it, that’s probably why you say so many other retarded things

27 minutes ago

don’t you have another political movement to tank somewhere?

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
27 minutes ago
“they counted on the compliance of white people” was the funniest thing i read in this chat today

28 minutes ago
some of us were essential, unlike some

28 minutes ago
Kulchur Lodge Radio #62 – with Dr. Greg Johnson
Kulchur Lodge Radio #62 – with Dr. Greg Johnson
GTK Radio: Kulchur Lodge Radio #62 – with Dr. Greg Johnson

28 minutes ago
btw not all of us are sitting on our are collecting money

28 minutes ago
Secure Tollah Rants – LIVE! #127
Secure Tollah Rants – LIVE! #127
The Ayatollah: Secure Tollah Rants – LIVE! #127

28 minutes ago
“Let’s use our brain and be critical thinkers” …. and not be skeptical of the vax?

28 minutes ago
goodnight all

28 minutes ago

29 minutes ago
White Rabbit Radio Live | Make Whitey pay Climate Reparations! | May 15, 2024
White Rabbit Radio Live | Make Whitey pay Climate Reparations! | May 15, 2024
WhiteRabbitRadioTV: White Rabbit Radio Live | Make Whitey pay Climate Reparations! | May 15, 2024

29 minutes ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
29 minutes ago

I thought you were fighting with the cube

29 minutes ago
✍🏻 Sign-up to the PA Newsletter (scroll down):

29 minutes ago

29 minutes ago

29 minutes ago

29 minutes ago

29 minutes ago

29 minutes ago
Great stream.

Secure the future of our people
29 minutes ago

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
29 minutes ago
Sben should talk shit in the cube on my show

29 minutes ago

29 minutes ago

Secure the future of our people
29 minutes ago
I did

29 minutes ago

29 minutes ago
I was pressured and didn’t get an offer to stay at a job perhaps because of refusing to get it.

Secure the future of our people
30 minutes ago
Post this stream on Twitter lads!!!!

30 minutes ago

Nordic Warrior
30 minutes ago

30 minutes ago
🇬🇧 Patriotic Alternative official links:

Patriotic Alternative Video


Nordic Warrior
30 minutes ago
Thank you Mark and Mike \o

30 minutes ago
All kinds of people I know personally were forced to get it to get or keep a job.

30 minutes ago
The DataSpike #32: News, Tunes & The Jewish Almanac
The DataSpike #32: News, Tunes & The Jewish Almanac
Plazma: The DataSpike #32: News, Tunes & The Jewish Almanac
Thanks for the stream guys!!

30 minutes ago
Thanks folks. Till next time.

Commodvs Detritvs
30 minutes ago

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
30 minutes ago


30 minutes ago

not governments then

30 minutes ago

Wolf Barney
30 minutes ago
A friend of mine, a doctor, who was against the jabs, was forced to get it or he would lose his job

30 minutes ago
o/ Mark and Mike

30 minutes ago
sben talkin shit up in this bitch ;(

30 minutes ago

30 minutes ago

30 minutes ago
Great stream – and great chat tonight!

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
31 minutes ago


31 minutes ago

31 minutes ago

Yep. I’ve seen his “Groypers vs Patriot Front” thing, yeah…. I’d be team PF for sure

31 minutes ago
👉 Follow Mike Enoch (Mike Peinovich):

31 minutes ago
Then they weren’t genuine nationalists in the first place.

31 minutes ago
getting laid off is not good for white people either…

31 minutes ago

No TDS tomorrow?

31 minutes ago

governments never forced anyone though

Wolf Barney
31 minutes ago
Mike you’re making some good points—but missing that some people in the US WERE FORCED TO GET JABS! Those employed in plus 100 employee companies.

31 minutes ago
We sold our future for (((money))). Screw money, it’s worthless.

Hideaway Swamp
30 minutes ago
Should be a feelgood video.

30 minutes ago
Thank you Mark & Moike 1488 o/o/

30 minutes ago

Speak your mind
31 minutes ago
Thank you Mark and Mike. Have a good night everyone.

31 minutes ago
private companies did, regardless of government

31 minutes ago
👉 Follow Mark Collett:

31 minutes ago
Good chat from what I saw. Hail Mike and Mark

31 minutes ago
“Medical autonomy is not a political issue”

31 minutes ago

31 minutes ago

31 minutes ago
The good thing about the being paid to stay home is that parents realized what was going on at Schools with all the gay commie shit!

Commodvs Detritvs
32 minutes ago
Tomorrow is Mike Heck, my favorite show

32 minutes ago
📚 FREE Mark Collett eBook | The Fall of Western Man:

32 minutes ago
regardless jobs were lost, obviously you don’t work for a company because almost all of them said it was required.

32 minutes ago
Mr. Collett, do you know most of Nick Fuentes’ fan base are Hispanics? I don’t most of Non-Americans realize this.

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
32 minutes ago

tomorrow too!

32 minutes ago

32 minutes ago

what mandates?

Unknown Californian
32 minutes ago

I was considered an “ESSENTIAL” employee where I did not receive those benefits. My employer denied my religious exemption and my coworker ended up stroke

32 minutes ago
Ya Mike is a NATIONAL SOCIALIST not a capitalist

32 minutes ago
That is true there…. then Biden lifted it now we have a massive storm at the border

32 minutes ago
80% of all dollars have been printed since the start of covid. Americans working is no longer necessary for the system to exist

33 minutes ago

33 minutes ago
ok you fn communist

33 minutes ago
Hyperinflation is what I want…

33 minutes ago

hahaha 🤣

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
33 minutes ago
Sven is getting today off while making money :V

33 minutes ago
Mikes a tard

33 minutes ago
….. is this a joke?

33 minutes ago
I miss the CoofBucks tbh

33 minutes ago
Get back to work chump

Wolf Barney
33 minutes ago
Good lord, how did Mike miss the vax mandates!

34 minutes ago


34 minutes ago
Didn’t the SCOTUS shut it down anyway?

34 minutes ago
America had it easy, Canada was nuts and Australia was even worse

34 minutes ago

Appreciated it.

34 minutes ago

If you can tell Zach to except my twitter friend request so I can send him that link that he asked me for on his show the other day

34 minutes ago

No problem. Just letting you know.

34 minutes ago

Thank you and apologies. How do you know I wasn’t talking about cigarettes? 😉

34 minutes ago
so true

35 minutes ago

Thanks again for donating.

35 minutes ago


35 minutes ago

Boosting makes it easier to find – click support below the video, boost button on the top of the popup (tip, tip, boost) set amount etc

35 minutes ago


35 minutes ago
we got a ton of those spergs in our community…. like, a ton of purists

35 minutes ago
Mark is a gamer so he gets that this is a fight and we as WNs need to use all the resources we have access to

35 minutes ago

Thanks for contributing.

35 minutes ago
I came here for an argument! No you haven’t! lol

The Crucible 01
35 minutes ago

see your a contrarian

35 minutes ago


35 minutes ago
aw gawd

Charles Gerety
35 minutes ago
Keep playing Donkey Kong!

35 minutes ago

35 minutes ago

I disagree

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
35 minutes ago
How dare you, I’m never a contrarian

35 minutes ago

Please refrain from using slurs on this channel in accordance with UK law. Thanks.

36 minutes ago

36 minutes ago
People on the right are more likely to be contrarian.

36 minutes ago


36 minutes ago

Every bit helps.

37 minutes ago

you’d better get it or you’ll murder grandma ☠️

37 minutes ago
I see Fuentes and woods talking nationalism is just election era red meat. I’ll wait to give them praise until after the election.

37 minutes ago
everything else aside, the insufferable midwest accent of fuentes is well beyond qualification for banishment. i seriously cant even with that shit, sounds like a spikestrip being drug across the worlds largest chalkboard.

37 minutes ago
Me and Mike are mutuals.

37 minutes ago


37 minutes ago

6 gorillion infights intensifies

37 minutes ago
Get Mark on twitter

38 minutes ago

I think we all do, just an unfortunate case of two very different people with the same first name

38 minutes ago
Millennial Woes says that.

38 minutes ago
it’s a good point to not make perfection the enemy of the good

36 minutes ago

LOL Right on Hail Nick.. no bad optics wave allowed here though

36 minutes ago

People can also use their lbry tokens to boost the channel

36 minutes ago
we just need to make a list of all those people, and all copypasta the demand everywhere the topic comes up

37 minutes ago
I’m just salty over Nick and Keith being gatekeepers like this is AltLite 2.0

37 minutes ago
there’s no reason to keep these people off twitter

37 minutes ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!

37 minutes ago
dont forget to bring a toweler

37 minutes ago

Thanks for your contribution.

The Crucible 01
37 minutes ago
stream was :fire:

37 minutes ago
no one is “grumbling about his success” he is just as bad as the vax discourse but much worse

Speak your mind
38 minutes ago
agree 100%

38 minutes ago
No coersion for the vaccine? Give me a facking break.

38 minutes ago
it was elon’s femboi kid

38 minutes ago
Don’t take your eye off the ball i.e the Jew

38 minutes ago
Not a fan of Fuentes, but I think he should have a platform to say what he wants, as long as Mark, Mike and other nationalists do as well.

38 minutes ago

Indeed. Let’s just get and keep everyone pointed in the same direction.

38 minutes ago
elon musk is a catboy nationalist? :thinking:

38 minutes ago
I don’t hate people who got jabbed…but I’m not obligated to like people who attacked me for not getting it.

38 minutes ago

your twitter timeline is excellent

The Crucible 01
38 minutes ago

lol i think

knows im talking about nick j fuentes lol

39 minutes ago
👉 Follow Keith Woods:

Carney Corner
39 minutes ago
I Dont moan about “BASED NICK FUENTES” I dislike his subversion of the movement. Handing it over to the Republican Party.

39 minutes ago

sad 😭

39 minutes ago
Randbot doesnt like Keith woods for some reason lol

39 minutes ago
yea rand

The Crucible 01
39 minutes ago
because Nick is a gay twink and subversive af

39 minutes ago

Autistic Incel DeathCult = AF

Archipelago Woes
39 minutes ago
Focus on the jew.

39 minutes ago

not aimed at you

39 minutes ago
dickhead lives matter

38 minutes ago

Better not leave any fluids around, he’ll hunt them down lol

38 minutes ago
Elon was talking to him and Keith under a fake name

39 minutes ago

ALl you do is throw shit at people. WHo DO you like ?

39 minutes ago

39 minutes ago
no dude literally everyone has to be mechahitler or they cant help at all

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
39 minutes ago
I disagree, if you hang with pedo nick, u gay

39 minutes ago

Don’t say that about NNR lol

39 minutes ago
If people are pushing pro-White talking points, that’s good as far as I’m concerned.

39 minutes ago
chief Keef

39 minutes ago
Fuentes is a gigantic faggot and so is Keith coward Woods

Wolf Barney
40 minutes ago
Plus Fuentes is tremendously talented at debate

40 minutes ago
I am happy he has people talking about Jews but thats it

40 minutes ago
well said Mark

40 minutes ago
i guess its hard for me to comment cause i never was asked to get it and my employers were more scared of it than me, that said i wouldnt have got it anyways for anything, i wouldve managed elseware somehow, i didnt think it was bad as everyone else did but noone knows what the long term effects are

40 minutes ago
100% a dickhead

40 minutes ago


Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
40 minutes ago
send in a friendly 20 buck ding get called an alcoholic, send in a 10 dollar ding telling lies get covid discussed for 20 minutes, I SEE HOW IT IS

The Crucible 01
41 minutes ago
most of Nicks followers are bots

41 minutes ago

it has broken the trust in government for many people

41 minutes ago
Right, it’s about saving the White race and beating the jews

Hideaway Swamp
41 minutes ago
Lizardmen have landed on the moon. If you don’t agree, we can’t work together.

41 minutes ago

LOL Flat Earth Bear Jew lol

41 minutes ago
listen to NJP guys, they’ve proven to be very stable

41 minutes ago
👉 Follow SerenaJB:


Pandas Dude Yeah
41 minutes ago
I agree with too much of what Mike says to hate a vax take.

Carney Corner
41 minutes ago

41 minutes ago
The goyim now have genetic defects like we do oy vey! Get your vax goy!

41 minutes ago


41 minutes ago
Moike has a point there

41 minutes ago


Wolf Barney
41 minutes ago
to repeat an HT flyer: “Every single aspect of the Covid agenda is…..”

41 minutes ago

I missed the rush hour traffic when on the motorway

41 minutes ago
I know a few people that I am quite sure died of the jab

41 minutes ago
It’s ridiculous, as was the press talking about people who died with Covid when they just happened to have it when they died.

41 minutes ago

If they haeven’t woken up yet they never will

41 minutes ago

This one here shows the temperature profile used at the link timestamp (

42 minutes ago
Point is you can’t trust Western gov.

Commodvs Detritvs
42 minutes ago
Mike you can’t ask people to use their brains

42 minutes ago
cold take Mike

42 minutes ago
Every day I hear of sudden deaths, lots of vax pushers too.

42 minutes ago
I think the governments handling of covid has woken up a lot of people

Archipelago Woes
42 minutes ago
Branch Covidians

42 minutes ago
we did lose Poseidon over the vax

42 minutes ago
No one is pro jab anymore. It is over but the side effects remain

42 minutes ago

nothing to say, no info on it yet

42 minutes ago
Me either. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a real attack on Whites.

42 minutes ago

Then my dream of Iran getting a warhead with the clot shot and launchign it at Tel-Aviv is never happening lol

42 minutes ago
The perennial temptation to “offramp” from pursuing the real enemy.

42 minutes ago
yrs but the vacc are the damagiing white peoples the most !

42 minutes ago
☕ Purchase Grandma Towler’s tea, coffee, and honey:
🎇 NEW: The official Free Sam Melia Mug:

43 minutes ago
and it worked

The Crucible 01
43 minutes ago

the horror

Wolf Barney
43 minutes ago
Who are the nationalists in favor of the forced jabs? I don’t recall anyone. Where’s the schism?

43 minutes ago
nukes and viruses are not real goy

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
43 minutes ago
Covid restrictions didn’t go far enough, I had to wait in line at Texas Roadhouse for a table several times in 2021

44 minutes ago
the people who say that they like ukraine and are nationalist at the same time makes no sense.

44 minutes ago

I’ll have to check replay, just got off work. Thanks though

44 minutes ago

yeah covered slovak pm

Wolf Barney
44 minutes ago

Brief mention. They haven’t had time to look into it.

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
44 minutes ago
NAFO homos are hilarious, they cope even harder and scream louder the more the russians win

44 minutes ago
They always use things that have a grain of truth – the vax was certainly dodgy an rushed, and that would be a line of argument to pursue against the government IF WE ACTUALLY HAD SOVEREIGNTY. But we don’t, things aren’t normal.

44 minutes ago
I get Archduke vibes off that

44 minutes ago

Its pretty much going the way I expected, people are dying and will for decades. All dying too soon and if you have a kid with them they could be f’d up.

44 minutes ago
“russia shill” who like globalist controlled ukraine and protect it from russia.

44 minutes ago

44 minutes ago

Maybe. I saw some ‘on the right’ who promoted the jab

44 minutes ago
NAFO are just MIC shills

45 minutes ago
Did I miss them talking about the Slovak PM?

The Crucible 01
45 minutes ago
so many streamers in the chat.

45 minutes ago

45 minutes ago
yup, the NAFO nuts are completely psycho about it and unreasonable

45 minutes ago

It’s a real, huge worry

Wolf Barney
45 minutes ago
There was NO SCHISM among nationalists.

45 minutes ago
I hope Sven made bucko bucks off his Pfizer stock lol. I think it’s just a meme though

45 minutes ago
Get your shot so Mike can get keep his 401k

45 minutes ago
Covid was specifically designed to be less dangerous to K36R polymorphism, aka ashkenazis.

45 minutes ago
because of shedding we’re all vaxxed

45 minutes ago
the whole covid narrative has woken up a lot of people up

Archipelago Woes
45 minutes ago
Yeah the jew jab is deadly.

45 minutes ago

46 minutes ago
and the people who took the Jab are at risk, they are still dying and their genes are still altered.

46 minutes ago
Yes thanks Jews

46 minutes ago

The great Pfizer op

46 minutes ago


Wolf Barney
46 minutes ago
Yes, Steve Sailer was a big vax advocate. Who else?

46 minutes ago
Hundreds of millions of people with altered DNA, excess deaths through the roof.. “It’s over”

46 minutes ago

that sounds worse than any job if you believed that.

46 minutes ago

Too many surprisingly

46 minutes ago
main issue I had with the vax was that it clearly didn’t work

The Crucible 01
46 minutes ago

pureblood and proud lol

46 minutes ago
The vax shit was definitely aimed right at White people. They were counting on Whites’ general agreeableness and compliance.

46 minutes ago
Caused schisms EVERY WHERE

Wolf Barney
46 minutes ago
What nationalists were in favor of the vax?

46 minutes ago
that pureblood stuff is kinda silly though

46 minutes ago

It might have cost me grandkids, dude. That’s my main thing against it since some studies were saying it caused infertility

47 minutes ago
👉 Follow Mike Enoch (Mike Peinovich):

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
47 minutes ago
lol sben

47 minutes ago
Purebloods lol

47 minutes ago
senseless pointless inactionable division and it’s good theyre gone, it wouldve been something else eventually

Uncle Sven’s OTHER Tone Stream
47 minutes ago
I can’t believe Mike is cucking on forcibly vaxxing skeptics so I can earn more Pfizer stock dividends

Wolf Barney
47 minutes ago
Virtually every Nationalist was against the vax.

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
47 minutes ago
Covid should make you more nationilist, the jews poisioned the world out of their paranoia about MERS, gain of function research turned it into COVID. Thanks, jews

47 minutes ago
literally braindead

Carney Corner
47 minutes ago
I thought Sven was gay for the vax

Charles Gerety
47 minutes ago
Make your own decisions. That simple

48 minutes ago
it amazes me that people who think is was a death shot were yet somehow more afraid of getting fired…..

48 minutes ago
WEF chem trails

48 minutes ago
“Fear of death” trumps any other issue

48 minutes ago
The vaxx shit, yeah, big disagree, but support the White race, and name the jew… main two issues

48 minutes ago
Which it is.

48 minutes ago
It’s not a throw away issue.

48 minutes ago

48 minutes ago
Takes people away into schizo shit

48 minutes ago
If the vaxx is potentially lethal or harmful to White people..

49 minutes ago
Yes but, seed oils

Wolf Barney
49 minutes ago
Mike’s take on the jabs is really weird. He’s right on so many things, but on this one, it’s baffling

49 minutes ago
no reason to trust these govts about vaccines since they want whites dead and gone anyway

49 minutes ago
if you couldnt find something else or make enough stink at your employer to get out of getting injected with something idk what to tell you. I know you couldve done better if youre that serious about it.

49 minutes ago
👉 Follow Nativist Concern:


49 minutes ago
it only DESTROYED the middle class

49 minutes ago
It’s gone away now

49 minutes ago
COVID is over. why are we relitigating this issue?

49 minutes ago
Virus denial and much of antivax disinfo is jewish, the virus and vax are almost certainly both weapons,

49 minutes ago
Someone said that it was to suppress populism

49 minutes ago

Gotcha . WIll watch

Charles Gerety
49 minutes ago
This isnt WWE dude

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
49 minutes ago
The big L is mongs still splitting up the nationist movement over the flu

49 minutes ago
My oldest daughter and sister had to take it since they’re “state employees” and yeah, my sister gets sick occasionally.. nothing big, but my daughter…. 2 miscarriages. Might be because of it, but I dunno

49 minutes ago
they 100% were and those people are total shitheads

49 minutes ago
white unity

50 minutes ago

Nah these need more precision than that. There’s a thermal cycle that is PID controlled (temp rise, hold, cool) more like what you find in some plastic injection molding operations

50 minutes ago
but some 82iq romanian on 4chan is gonna make fun of you guys

50 minutes ago
definatly true

The Crucible 01
50 minutes ago


50 minutes ago
i think Alex dumps on the alternative med types too

50 minutes ago
we won’t be done over again

50 minutes ago
covid was never anything more than :yawning:

50 minutes ago
But what’s wrong with saying that the jab was jewish though?

Commodvs Detritvs
50 minutes ago
Looks like the home for retards just had a mass escape

50 minutes ago

Thanks again for donating.

50 minutes ago
ivermectin is not just horse dewormer, its a human medicine

50 minutes ago
still taking an L on this

51 minutes ago
TRS Crew took a big L on the vax issue.

51 minutes ago
✍🏻 Sign-up to the PA Newsletter (scroll down):

51 minutes ago

True, but if we had a good economy, that would be the case, Even in 2020, shit was starting to turn. But luckily, my employer is kind of a niche type deal, so all of us 200 workers, were ready to walk off out of that factory and leave him hanging

The Crucible 01
51 minutes ago

51 minutes ago
that “horse dewormer” has been given to over a billion humans on the planet

Charles Gerety
51 minutes ago
Disgusting to put a substance in ones body and just trust the goverment

51 minutes ago
dunno why anyone would take medical advice from a fat retard wannabe white nationalist

51 minutes ago
the largest vaccine campaign in history was 100% on the up and up guys

50 minutes ago
just admit the mistake, everybody are wrong sometimes

50 minutes ago
I don’t judge people but I judge the Experts

50 minutes ago
yes goyim, take your jewish poison

Wolf Barney
50 minutes ago

Yes, TRS was very wrong on the vaxx issue

50 minutes ago
These guys really wanted to die on that hill.

50 minutes ago

That they did. I like Mike and Alex, Sven not so much lol but they were dead wrong here

Charles Gerety
50 minutes ago
Move on from Covid

50 minutes ago
People with real jobs. Had to chose and they quite. So thwy wouldn’t get fired.

50 minutes ago
yea blame it on the divisiveness… kmon mike, ur a fat tard

Confederate patriot
50 minutes ago
People who had jobs were forced….i guess Mike wouldnt know that

The Crucible 01
51 minutes ago
AstraZeneca vaccine got pulled world wide for side effects they should say something about the vaccines

51 minutes ago
“horse de-wormer” he really went there?

51 minutes ago

I disagree, I think its better living and other medical advancements.

51 minutes ago
Thats bullshit Mike. peopl

51 minutes ago

says fatlostmedia 🫤

51 minutes ago
so many internet people try to engage in insincere gotcha-tactics

51 minutes ago

WIll watch and get back to you. Plastic bag sealers have pontentiometrs to adjust temperature of the coil. The surface has a silicon/teflon type tape.

51 minutes ago
Mike is wrong here

Wolf Barney
51 minutes ago
Mike is so wrong on this. For example all of the airlines stated that all of their employees get jabbed. Whether it stood in courts doesn’t matter, the employees got jabbed because they believed they would lose their job.

51 minutes ago

All vaccines? Vaccines is why infant mortality has collapsed around the world

52 minutes ago
I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere in Canada thanks to vax rules.

52 minutes ago

Please refrain from using slurs on this channel in accordance with UK law. Thanks.

52 minutes ago
Mike has turned into finally completetion of turning into the fat retard we all knew he really was

52 minutes ago
^ Gibs

52 minutes ago
in the uk it was coercion

52 minutes ago
there was zero pressure on me

52 minutes ago
destroying your health and finances is REAL politics

52 minutes ago
mike is a complete retard

52 minutes ago
Love those dudes, but TRS were DEAD WRONG on this matter

52 minutes ago
I had to do a lot of tests though

53 minutes ago
cold take

53 minutes ago
It depends on the state you were living at in the U.S. a lot of places did fire people if they didn’t take the jab

53 minutes ago
They coerced them into quitting when they didn’t have to, they should have demanded to be fired.

53 minutes ago
there are companies that still will not employ anyone not “vaxxed”

53 minutes ago

Sorry here’s a shorts which might save you time

. There are many video saying just use a soldering iron, they are bullshit, never works

53 minutes ago
companies were enforcing vaccine mandates, not government

53 minutes ago
👉 Donate via the PA website:

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
53 minutes ago
They locked down the state borders just in time for christmas here in OZ, making you choose get the jab or miss christmas with interstate family

53 minutes ago
mike is wrong on this

53 minutes ago
not doing your work means you lose your job

52 minutes ago
Vaccines are Jewish poison

52 minutes ago
It was fake politics

52 minutes ago
I agree with Mike. COVID vaccines were never a big deal in Japan. people just took the vaccine when it came out and I’m still waiting for mass die off to happen everyone talks about

52 minutes ago
they said in the uk we’re not forcing you

52 minutes ago
there was a lot of pressure

52 minutes ago

yea its forced with * but if you were seriously against it it was ultiamtely up to you.

52 minutes ago
there was tremendous pressure

52 minutes ago
mike is correct here

52 minutes ago
pure blood here

52 minutes ago

F&ckin’ CoofField Team! LOL Hey Rand oo7

53 minutes ago
I was only told to wear a mask here and there. The big thing was it force shuttered many small businesses.

53 minutes ago

Not really. In a shit economy where jobs are hard to come by, it’s like get vaxxed or starve. Esprcially if you’re a State employee

53 minutes ago
WTF is this America you’re talking about?

The Crucible 01
53 minutes ago

100% sooner or later

53 minutes ago

that sounds about right

53 minutes ago
dont take it then sue them after they fired you for it.

Carney Corner
54 minutes ago

54 minutes ago
so they didn’t fire all those people for not taking the vacc?

54 minutes ago
oh really? my job sent us a notification that we had to get it or else. the only thing that saved us was Abbott’s EO banning vaccine mandate

54 minutes ago
no jab no work, no work you’re out of the job

54 minutes ago

o/ Fk those pos. They will be held accountable

54 minutes ago
alot of people lost their job for not taking it

54 minutes ago
for their jobs they were forced, but if you could afford to be fired/kicked outta the military you didnt have to.

54 minutes ago
hard disagree.

The Crucible 01
54 minutes ago
tey took mer joob

54 minutes ago
No there was serious coercion going on depending on where you lived or worked.

Wolf Barney
54 minutes ago
Companies in the US over 100 employees were required to take the vax. Mike is wrong

54 minutes ago

still youre decision

54 minutes ago
Luckily, 98% would have quit if they enforced this

The Crucible 01
54 minutes ago
you were forced to take the vaccine in australia, lost my job over it.

Charles Gerety
54 minutes ago
USA was less strict

54 minutes ago
Or lose their job

54 minutes ago
I gotta disagree. My work was gonna force it

54 minutes ago

54 minutes ago
Pork scratching

54 minutes ago
you werent forced to take the jab, you could quit your job or get fired

54 minutes ago
⚡JOIN NOW! PA Membership Now Open! Only £3 per month.

54 minutes ago

55 minutes ago
Some people WERE forced

Mark Collett
55 minutes ago

ouch lol

55 minutes ago


55 minutes ago
Rands Liver, poor thing

Charles Gerety
55 minutes ago
COVID is over

55 minutes ago
if you protect an aircraft carrier theyre still useful as well, theyre a big target but if you can protect them they provide a large mobile launchpad for many other platforms, what they can carry are capable of some pretty crazy things, if the were totally irrelevant china wouldnt be building them

55 minutes ago
The daily mail won’t leave lucy alone either

55 minutes ago
ha ha 🙂

55 minutes ago

Take a look at the machines they use if you find a spare moment

55 minutes ago
How’s the liver ?

Nordic Warrior
56 minutes ago

56 minutes ago

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
56 minutes ago
Thanks Mark, I am still alive

56 minutes ago

56 minutes ago

I once saw a picture of the hope obama style sticker, but it was mike saying f that

56 minutes ago

56 minutes ago

57 minutes ago


57 minutes ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!

57 minutes ago
if you know, you know lol

57 minutes ago

57 minutes ago

^ Same here. You can tell the demographics buy the litter

57 minutes ago

Charles Gerety
58 minutes ago
Get a Mike Enoch bumper sticker for your car

58 minutes ago
very creepy superchat

58 minutes ago


58 minutes ago
everything is not money

58 minutes ago
GDP might be the most important thing to jews

58 minutes ago
all jewish commentators have huge overlapping social views

58 minutes ago
right again

58 minutes ago
take my area. the moment it became non White is the moment there is garbage every 5 feet on the grass in the local area. whites were the complete opposite. zero trash on ground back then. now it’s everywhere. the local forest next to a school is a garbage dump like an Indian river

59 minutes ago

I used to work in Plastics Industry. I know about heat sealers. You can buy them at Industrial Tool Shops and maybe convert ?

59 minutes ago
All jews are jew supremacists

59 minutes ago
they claim they want diversity but Open Borders will actually decrease diversity eventually

59 minutes ago
👉 Follow Dr Kevin MacDonald:


📚 The Culture of Critique:
📚 Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition:

59 minutes ago
I agree

59 minutes ago
100% Mike, it is demoralization propaganda

59 minutes ago
the demographic battle, at least in the US, has already been lost

59 minutes ago

They must pay for their treachery.

59 minutes ago
yes like primitive non Whites would give a shit about ‘the environment ‘, planet etc

1 hour ago
all i know is the soldiers seem to like having tanks around, having a big mobile gun is just good, defensive mechanisms will catch up to negate drones, arms race, but overall its undoubtle that tanks will never be a lynch pin again like it was in ww2.

1 hour ago
10 x

1 hour ago
and the price of rent goes thru the roof while the value of someone’s house goes thru the roof as well

1 hour ago

sickening treachery

1 hour ago

You need to use the correct temperature and pressure to do it, also alignment. I did try buy heating a chunk of silicon rubber in the oven to 150degC and pressing it down with the film aligned and held by tape several times but it never took or made connection correctly

1 hour ago

that’s the real score, we are out of land to run to

1 hour ago
Upper class Whites love hiring them too.

1 hour ago

that’s why it’s called genocide

1 hour ago
vulture capitalism

1 hour ago
Mikes right here.

1 hour ago
Far right history, save it or it didn’t happen.

1 hour ago
they facilitate suffering , misery, genocide and destruction. they’re evil cowards and these liberals should suffer and be punished

1 hour ago
immigration hurts the lower 50% of americans

Hideaway Swamp
1 hour ago
A problem with white-flight is that it is a one-way street. We can only leave areas, and never retake areas. Other groups can drip into our areas family by family in safe comfort, while our people would be picked off one by one, isolated in non-white communities.

1 hour ago


1 hour ago

1 hour ago
I have a printed page of the NJP 25 points

1 hour ago

oi cunt

1 hour ago
👉 Donate via the PA website:

1 hour ago

wow. yes I just notice so much of the tech they release these days is street shitter low quality with so many errors. this wasn’t the case in the early 2000s or 90s, nothing like today

1 hour ago
I’ve a got a political memento archive as well. 🙂

Commodvs Detritvs
1 hour ago
Greta Funbags

1 hour ago

LOL, nah fencing wire :laughing:

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

Gaffa tape works fine

Commodvs Detritvs
1 hour ago
Rand better not be sneaking in here

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

I still have one of these, it was manufactured in Auckland by Fisher and Paykel

1 hour ago

Did you try attaching a coat hanger?

1 hour ago
the onpy TVs they make now are LGBTHDTVs

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

Don’t you jave hair dryers in NZ ? Gosh you are backward !

1 hour ago


genetic bodily modification before or during birth is immoral and deranged. we don’t know what the long term implications will be…that said, I think all parents wouldn’t want their kids with schizofrenia or down syndrome

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
1 hour ago
holy shit

1 hour ago
Money is fake gay and evil.

1 hour ago

I was given a 75″ TV to repair/scrap and keep for myself. I found the problem the heat seal connector on the LCD had lifted – no one in NZ had the equipment to reseat a heat seal connector! It was scrapped because we don’t have the means to even repair it.

1 hour ago
be a grifter like patrick casey

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
1 hour ago
You’re uncomfortable to read

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
We are the underdog for sure

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

you probably said something he can’t legally say or is uncomfortable to read

1 hour ago

It started a long time ago. Not just Chinese

1 hour ago
Abrams tanks cost $10 million while a $500 drone can kill it

1 hour ago
👉 Follow Randbot:


1 hour ago
the material is already written

1 hour ago
I wasn’t antiNJP but wasn’t proNJP either. I’m pro WN right now. Tomorrow is another day.

1 hour ago

at any rate they still soak up many drones that would otherwise be hitting softer tagets.

1 hour ago

didn’t think of that . the Asians won’t care for health implications. won’t be long before they genetically modify them to have round big eyes and big peepee. only a matter of time. they’re literally insecure about their slant eye. and they will all be lighter skin tone

1 hour ago

one or two

1 hour ago
Simp for Rainbow Conservatives goy

1 hour ago
this is the single worst place to grift

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
1 hour ago
Has he read the entropy dings yet? Had to restart the computer

1 hour ago

Oh, and of course Holden Amps

1 hour ago

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
he road to victory has ups and down and its a journey

1 hour ago
We are going to take down an empire

1 hour ago

K9 philips too this picture is the last one ever made in NZ, look at them smile as they sell their children’s future.

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

doesn’t seem logical. but I’m not in the military but I still think many of the points made against them are still strategically viable

1 hour ago

IDK. The crispr genetic super soldier has massive penis !

1 hour ago


1 hour ago

“you Americans big penis. we chineee so small. so small penis. you Americans big penis. massive penis “- south park

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
…bronze age people were allowed to defend their countries

1 hour ago

no they cant, theyre still harder to kill compared to other things on the battlefield. if they werent usefule they wouldnt still be using them. many interviews of soldiers on both sides saying how tanks are still important.

1 hour ago
👉 Follow Robin Tilbrook:


1 hour ago
The Celts brought about the iron age.

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
They’re a desert country comprised of desert people. Far from a European country.

1 hour ago


1 hour ago

Learn Chinese round eye !

1 hour ago
bronce age killers

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
so you be tellin me our creaturas can’t compete with high more intelligent Asians ? o gawd. America is forced to buy tech from less brown and less mongrelized nations . like China , Japan, maybe south Korea, hong Kong etc

1 hour ago
Removal of tariffs on tech destroyed NZ, We used to manufacture our own TV’s and even our own semiconductors. Now we manufacture nothing electronic.

1 hour ago
It’s a jew supremacist theocracy

1 hour ago
🎙️AFTER THIS SHOW | The Ayatollah – Secure Tollah Rants – LIVE! #127:
► Odysee:
► Rumble:

1 hour ago

yes , instant classic

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago

1 hour ago

They snubbed Biden (the US) over Brics. The US has little influence there anymore

1 hour ago
defintiely loooking forward to black kkklansman reaction by david duke since the movie is about him partly.

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

they aren’t hard to destroy now

1 hour ago
“You cannot die if you live”

1 hour ago
I wasn’t aware we had any legitimacy left to spend

1 hour ago
yes life is a struggle

1 hour ago
👉 Follow Mark Collett:

1 hour ago

superior new tech can replace them

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Some pals they are huh

1 hour ago

Thanks for your continued support.

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago
Ukraine is just part of the big Israel plan. Win or lose in Israel, they always planned to send settlers to Ukraine.

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
nothing can replace a relatively hard to kill mobile box with a big gun and other weapons.

1 hour ago
They are insane. Clearly insane.

1 hour ago
they don’t really care, their ideal scenario is trump gets us in a war with iran

1 hour ago

the US can force them

1 hour ago
Hi, Mark & Mike: Best Wishes.

1 hour ago
The greatest ally is proving very costfull for the empire

1 hour ago
They’re also trying to cleanse the Ukraine of Ukrainian men so they can then move in as Israel becomes more unstable.

1 hour ago
👉 Follow Mike Enoch (Mike Peinovich):

1 hour ago

Saudis have always reject refugees because it would ‘destabilise’ their country

1 hour ago
does anyone here know what dennis wise has been up to?

1 hour ago

Thanks for your dedicated support.

1 hour ago
keep up the good fight.

1 hour ago
The people aren’t leaving though, like they did in 1948

1 hour ago

yea that doesnt mean obsolete, tanks are still needed to provide support theyre just more vulnerable than before.

1 hour ago
Saudi Arabia has plenty of land to resettle Palestinians, also plenty of unearned oil money

1 hour ago

that too

1 hour ago


1 hour ago

do you not understand what I just typed prior..

1 hour ago
I can’t leave home without my phone or my diapers

1 hour ago
parasites are cowards

1 hour ago

one big torpedo by a motor boat is all it needs

1 hour ago
maybe those robot dogs are next on the battlefield

1 hour ago

that was their original purpose…

1 hour ago
Jews are cowards in general

1 hour ago
the only purpose of Tanks now is to serve as mobile guns with turrets

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
👉 Patriotic Alternative Regional Contacts:

1 hour ago
tanks are not obsolete, they just no longer play a major role.

1 hour ago

aircraft carriers are one big x target for drones, jet fighters etc. they’re pitiful now. hundreds of millions now useless. with what their 75 IQ Mexicans on board? lol

1 hour ago
the best tank in the world today is the wiesel, because its just a tow carrier for infantry which is nice and comfy

1 hour ago

yes or the Ho chi minh trail

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
” The Master of deceit.”-Adolf

1 hour ago
telling the truth about Oct. 7 must be against some law

1 hour ago
Condos and SEX STAWRS

1 hour ago
Like cleaning up Okinawa.

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
Genocide. No doubt

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago
yup. Tanks have been rendered somewhat obsolete.

1 hour ago
Israel claims it killed its own people at the Nova Festival

1 hour ago
a massive graveyard of American taxpayer dollars for nothing. Thanks Brandon.

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
They are compulsive liars by nature

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
tanks are just the battleships on land now, its time is over, theres enough destructive power minimalized into the hands of a partisan destroy any big wunderwaffe tank

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago

1 hour ago

they keep the numbers secret

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Its impossible to believe anything israel says

1 hour ago

tanks are effectively inferior tech now…like aircraft carriers. what a waste of money

1 hour ago

x 3

Confederate patriot
1 hour ago
this guy lives in a fantasy world.

1 hour ago
most tank operators die being covered in 100s pieces of shrapnel

1 hour ago
They are just killing off Ukrainians.

1 hour ago
👉 Follow British Gammon:


1 hour ago
We’re a long way from the 7 days war. This one has been going on for 6 months now.

1 hour ago
Israel claims 700 dead-so it’s atleast x2

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
subterranean cavern warfare works well too. guerilla warfare

1 hour ago
Electronic Intifada YT channel has these videos – censored – and it doesn’t look good for Israel

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Its bad for the soul

1 hour ago
How many dead IDF ?

1 hour ago
IDF Pansies Division

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Dont put disgusting videos on your mind

1 hour ago

yes all drones

1 hour ago
What a shame…

1 hour ago
but tanks look cool

Obscure Truth
1 hour ago
True, that.

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago
Tanks have come full circle. Made to ruin foot troops, now their 2nd biggest weakness is foot troops.

1 hour ago
tanks are almost useless in urban environments

1 hour ago
👉 Donate via the PA website:

1 hour ago
tanks are useless

1 hour ago
its all drones now

Archipelago Woes
1 hour ago

Archipelago Woes
1 hour ago
We love the jews here! Come on U.K.

1 hour ago
Israel will loose

1 hour ago
Redacted redacted redacted

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
All the candidates suck and wont address the dangers of Zionism

1 hour ago
🤝🏻 Join us at Patriotic Alternative:

1 hour ago
trumps entire career has been being a fat con man

1 hour ago


1 hour ago

Q predicted You would say that !

1 hour ago
trumps basically a white “Jew”

Commodvs Detritvs
1 hour ago
A1 AN A2

1 hour ago
🎙️AFTER THIS SHOW | The Ayatollah – Secure Tollah Rants – LIVE! #127:
► Odysee:
► Rumble:

1 hour ago
Trump has outlived his usefulness to us, he should give us some real concessions if he want’s our support

1 hour ago
“hispanics are natural conservatives”

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
My Mom is a boomer pro Trump who doesnt get the Zionist thing but its ok I understand

1 hour ago
“platinum plan”, letting prisoners out, lying about wall building, invasion when he was in office

1 hour ago

@ReedJohnson: indeed! nothing “a wunnerful” to see these days

1 hour ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!

1 hour ago
They’re wiggerfying racism

Better Based Than Erased
1 hour ago
I caught some DeNiro interview on You Tube. I think that man would be well and truly frowning with a Trump election triumph..

1 hour ago
Trump literally held an LGBT flag on stage during his presidency

1 hour ago

Trust the plan!

1 hour ago
Trumps been selected already imo. So we can at least look forward to lower gas prices. Still, the west is going to hell.

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago
Same. Trump is a back stabber to me. A hijacker.

1 hour ago
“HUge Q Drop out today !”

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
When i saw Trump wearing a yamica at the wall in israel i just want to throw up

1 hour ago
No more wars for Israel

1 hour ago
Mike’s right here from what I’ve seen and conversations I’ve had.

1 hour ago

Indeed. Not at all lol.

1 hour ago
trump did nothing during covid while peoples rights were being violated.

1 hour ago

Lawrence was a german from russia whos family moved to north dakota to farm, hes a legend around here.

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Change takes the people not the president

1 hour ago
he’s a con man grrifting boomer cuck

1 hour ago

Thanks for your contribution.

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago
Trump is White and Zionist. His followers are close to us tho. Never forget his term. Pardoning thugs and passing the platinum plan while his own people rotted.

1 hour ago

Rolling in his grave from what goes on these days.

Carney Corner
1 hour ago

Better Based Than Erased
1 hour ago
In praise of Hannibal Lecter..

1 hour ago
Contards will go to sleep if Trump gets elected

1 hour ago
Have some money sir thank you for the stream!

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
t doesnt matter a whole lot

1 hour ago
where’s Lawrence Welk when you need em

1 hour ago
trumps as bad as biden

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago

1 hour ago
lmfao no

1 hour ago
👉 Follow Glen The Chinaman on Gab:

1 hour ago

My point exactly

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
We see the sneaky messaging they are pulling

1 hour ago
They want contards to be janissaries for jew supremacy, and libtards being janissaries for White genocide

1 hour ago
Hollywood has been memeeing the clown circus freakish Anarchy lunatic aesthetic to Young whites for decades

1 hour ago
Mr. Collett, do you realize Israel is slight majority Mizrahi? It makes it even more outrageous that they are in Eurovision when most Israelis aren’t European Jews.

1 hour ago
“Based Israel”

1 hour ago
haven’t seen any of it

Better Based Than Erased
1 hour ago
It used to be a fairly innocent song contest – Waterloo, Ding A Dong. Family viewing. Somewhere along the line it changed..

1 hour ago
looks like Vigo the Carpathian portrait from Ghostbusters 2.

1 hour ago

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago
Yeah, she’s their projection on to us.

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
A Jay? Impossible

1 hour ago
every single time

1 hour ago
Jews controlling both sides of the discussion

1 hour ago
noo wayyyy

1 hour ago
let mark speak

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago

1 hour ago
I thought it was an Irish troon

1 hour ago

“got milk uh huh uh huh”

1 hour ago

no it was not quick. they raped the kids and stabbed them overnight

1 hour ago

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Some freak lady

1 hour ago
▶ The Patriotic Alternative 20-Point Plan:

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
demoralizing the target audience

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

“oooooooo neeeddddd”

1 hour ago
Are we talking about Ben Shapiro’s sister?

1 hour ago
At least the Romanov’s had it quick, in the basement of Ipatiev House

Gamer McGameface
1 hour ago
degeneracy is satanic

1 hour ago

I know, i had to look it up to make sure it was true, and it was.

1 hour ago
sounds cringe

1 hour ago
the mainstream west IS demonic

1 hour ago
Mike I’m eating

1 hour ago
She’s really just an attention seeker.

1 hour ago
Big titties goth gf nationalism

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Basically a weirdo woman

1 hour ago
Nice Family SHow. Eurotrashism

1 hour ago
it was a tranny, not a girl

1 hour ago

really ? that is actually shocking

1 hour ago

👉 If you’ve accidentally blocked or muted someone on Odysee:$/settings/block_and_mute

1 hour ago
yea egalitaire took hold and has really f’d france, but shit changes in that country quickly, sorry who responded to me, i hit respond but it blocked you instead and now i cant fin you 🙁 im not a fan of odyseey chat ui.

1 hour ago


1 hour ago


1 hour ago
Well look what the cat dragged in


1 hour ago
Jews trying to get conservitards on board

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
One of the British navy ships has a satanic alter, because freedom of religion.

1 hour ago


Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
I am King Charles 2.0

1 hour ago

Better Based Than Erased
1 hour ago
Very Queer goings on at that Eurovision Song Contest.

1 hour ago
no it’s a so-called art piece of Jesus with half his head in a direction looking like a snake and also Jesus getting nuked

1 hour ago
Fk Eurovision

1 hour ago
some of it haha understatement

Gamer McGameface
1 hour ago


1 hour ago
it’s charles face on top of mutilation

1 hour ago
Agreeing with paintings for different reasons.

1 hour ago
King Charles has approved this

1 hour ago
It’s better than Obamas portrait.

1 hour ago

Morning good sir o/

Archipelago Woes
1 hour ago
Hail Mike! Hail Mark! Hail White People!

1 hour ago
its fire. hes in hell.

1 hour ago
Maybe they’re sunsetting the monarchy

1 hour ago
he’s fading into the background

1 hour ago
Yeah looks hellish. That’s where Charles belongs so I like it.

1 hour ago

lol. Good morning Kiwi

1 hour ago
it’s kinda cool

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
burning in hell

1 hour ago
they’re canadians in russia

1 hour ago
on his shoulder is a monarch butterfly -that is symbol for MK Ultra

1 hour ago
The painting from Ghostbusters 3

Rufus Page
1 hour ago
He’s just trying to cook his sausage fingers

Gamer McGameface
1 hour ago
the Satan radish king

1 hour ago
Looks like the artist was jewish

1 hour ago
Has Chucky joined Diagalon ?

1 hour ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

1 hour ago
“Drenched in blood” vibes

1 hour ago
it’s evil looking

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
looks ok

1 hour ago
wow it looks satanic, ghostlike

1 hour ago
maybe he’s in hell

1 hour ago
satanic red

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
It’s vile

1 hour ago

“Egalitare” has destroyed France

1 hour ago
those families’ kids getting drafted to fight against ukraine thoguh?

1 hour ago
here’s the family i have watched

1 hour ago
france is an interesting petri dish for something to happen, it was in many ways the birthplace of fascism among many other revolutionary political ideologies.

1 hour ago
more disturbing*

1 hour ago
Next weekend my plants will be put into the ground. This is the time for planting in this part of the White world.

1 hour ago
it just occured to me that BRICS is literally Captain Planet

1 hour ago
there is a significant danger posed by whites who leave to other white Nations as they don’t stay in their own to preserve it and fight for its right to exist. while also molar disturbing deliberately targeting foreign white females to steal the woman of that Nation

1 hour ago


1 hour ago

Worth a PA film review.

1 hour ago


1 hour ago

True. Great film.

1 hour ago
whites need to be more increasingly blackmailed versus bribed because regardless of what’s happening in the west there is still whites with a distinct sense of Honor even if they don’t admit it

1 hour ago
the french make a point of not speaking english on purpose lol

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Our race likes to see the good in others

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
They tried to kill Serpico because he wouldn’t take money.

1 hour ago
good point

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
We do go to the mat over dumb shit too often…

1 hour ago

i agree

1 hour ago
my theory with the Zoomers and generation Alpha is it will be relatively a 50/50 split between shitlib lunatics and our guys more or less

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
they still see jays as White like us

1 hour ago
they are infantilized

1 hour ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

1 hour ago
👉 ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.

1 hour ago

thank you for thanking me king o/

1 hour ago

Thanks for your support.

1 hour ago
🎙️AFTER THIS SHOW | The Ayatollah – Secure Tollah Rants – LIVE! #127:
► Odysee:
► Rumble:

1 hour ago
did you guys know there isn’t a single female political figure in the federal level of the CCP in China ?

1 hour ago
for example: america has a larger military, but it’s all gay black women

1 hour ago
American foreign military bases will begin shuttering within ten years me thinks.

1 hour ago
My muscular kneck would break the blade

1 hour ago
black klansman is definitely a hilariously made up movie about a true story.

1 hour ago
America isn’t a country that people would fight for even now.

1 hour ago
Americas over. it would get massacred with its mongrel army

1 hour ago
the younger white youth are like a completely different species

Carney Corner
1 hour ago

1 hour ago
69 moon land was the summit of white civilization before decline

1 hour ago

Yup, it’s really already begun. How long till Incirlik is bye bye?

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
every Hispanic church in my area has an Israeli flag on the front

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

Anytime. Good to see you. 🫡

1 hour ago
welsh pride

1 hour ago

Thanks for your contribution.

1 hour ago
America’s ability to project power globally will end with the dollar.

1 hour ago

America won’t even have the capacity to sustain foreign military bases. America World Police will fade

1 hour ago
The Space Race of the 1960’s was ended by The Hart Cellers Act

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
The Aztec Empire, with Sheinbaum in the White House, Oval Office

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
has anyone seen the comparison video of why various members joined patriot front vs various us military members. Its very telling.

1 hour ago
The future’s looking bright for the USA lol

1 hour ago

theyre already starting too and in fact russia took over one of the bases we used to use 9this was in niger)

1 hour ago
Have you seen Biden slapping insane 100% tariffs on Chinese high tech products (e.g. EVs)? America is officially behind in tech, and will only be more so as it gets even browner.

1 hour ago
i think grorious chiner has surpassed america in a lot of real ways that arent reflected in numbers

1 hour ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!

1 hour ago

well it is

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
Uber is cringe

1 hour ago

Haha. At least it’s entertaining and relevant hopefully.

1 hour ago
america has 25 years MAX

1 hour ago
Not sure the American Empire has 25.

1 hour ago
Try to get Uberboyo on.


1 hour ago
less than 50

1 hour ago
Devon has destroyed most of my favorite movies

1 hour ago


1 hour ago


1 hour ago

Getting old Man !

1 hour ago
👉 Follow SerenaJB:


1 hour ago
100 years ??

1 hour ago
they had david dukes members shooting at a black detectives car that is hilarious. not true if you didnt know.

1 hour ago
I met two White girls today who knew not who Mad Max was.

1 hour ago
🎬 PA FILM REVIEW – The Long Good Friday – with Warren Balogh:

1 hour ago

good suggestion

1 hour ago
30 min movie review, 5 hour fitness class

1 hour ago
love to see birth of a nation with Duke, Devon and Mark

1 hour ago
just talk about star trek

1 hour ago
Does Dr David Duke make a cameo appearance ? That would be cool

1 hour ago
~3-4 is max for a live stream

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
The movie has the audacity to say “Based on a true story”

my awesome channel
1 hour ago
BREAKING NEWS: attempted assassination of an Irish nationalist leader, Malachy Steenson, by “antifa” activist. the antifa activist is in custody

1 hour ago

very possitive news , he is quite deep in to normie territory

1 hour ago
someone pls pls pls ask david duke about fitness

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago
Mike’s got that spirit and always brings a great conversation.

1 hour ago
👉 Follow Dr David Duke:





1 hour ago
ive wanted for a while to see what david duke has to say about that movie which talks about his klan.

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
That movie should be in the comedy genre

1 hour ago
🎬 BlacKkKlansman (2018 film) | IMDb:

1 hour ago
haha i want to see that david duke is the subject of the story.

1 hour ago
Devon is busy getting stung by thousands of bees. He’ll be on once the swelling goes down.

1 hour ago
Mike’s a very entertaining, interesting guest.

1 hour ago
WarStrike Episode 31: Discussion on Jeremy Carl’s Unprotected Class:

Unknown Californian
1 hour ago
Got to get Greg Johnson back on

1 hour ago

yes that is happening right now

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago

Unknown Californian
1 hour ago
Black Pilled is amazing as well

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Perhaps send an invite to Steve Franssen. He is a great guy

1 hour ago

See, always spot on with the links.

1 hour ago
when a war breaks out, the military will put out ads encouraging white people to join the military. you know?

1 hour ago

Scott has my vote

1 hour ago
“jeremy” is a jewy name fwiw

1 hour ago
☕ Purchase Grandma Towler’s tea, coffee, and honey:
🎇 NEW: The official Free Sam Melia Mug:

1 hour ago

really that is interesting

1 hour ago
ha ha

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Its getting real now…bring in the White Guys

1 hour ago

Thanks for your support.

1 hour ago
All of a sudden WHite Men are needed in the Army ? GFY

1 hour ago
warren & striker did a dive on this book in their last stream

1 hour ago
📚 The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart | Jeremy Carl | Amazon UK:

1 hour ago
It was Emma lol

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Its always very dumb whites who use it so i guess it doesnt matter

1 hour ago
It’s in the air now. Chaos ans lies rule yet folk around the world are watching to see what us White men will do about it.

1 hour ago
MIke and Moike M&M

1 hour ago
Have a wonderful day

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Any White person who uses that Karen BS loses total respect by me

Rufus Page
1 hour ago
I know of two young white women in my village who had both had white kids, they can’t be older than 22/23. My village is pretty based.

1 hour ago
We will be in power and the normies especicially the women will follow our lead

1 hour ago
For the home land , Every thing !!!

1 hour ago
They are coming to our side.

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
We created the best countryt on earth and wheres our thank you?

1 hour ago
Support your local white girl!

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
The fear of the white woman is the same as fear of baby bear, you know the white man is round the corner, and you’re messing with his womenfolk.

1 hour ago

Clearing your browsing History can help. It will require You to log in again but often helps

1 hour ago
feck todays crap

1 hour ago
“They wanted it.”

1 hour ago
👉 Follow Mike Enoch (Mike Peinovich):

1 hour ago
its actually when jews are uncomfortable, watch how fast your govt moves

1 hour ago
white women were brainwashed that blacks were fine to integrate because all the standards would remain in place because blacks were the same….the rest is history.

1 hour ago
the 70s was great for GB !

1 hour ago
its my internet you dont have to use your energy mark.

1 hour ago
that’s why they exist, theyre a help call

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Its all word minupulation to attack us

1 hour ago
Nick Sandman scared me too.

1 hour ago
wEaPoNiZeD tEaRs, tears are a social queue btw

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago
when the White women began to hate

Rufus Page
1 hour ago
Has everyone seen that recent video of the English woman who put up a fight while her bike was being stoledn from her back garden? Legend

Mark Collett
1 hour ago

the stream is available on Rumble too, you could try that one?

1 hour ago
it was completely ridicolous

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago

1 hour ago

👉 This stream is also available on:

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
turned out like so many stories it was total bullS***

1 hour ago
the lag

1 hour ago

Haha. Indeed.

1 hour ago
being obsessive compulsive this pisses me off.

1 hour ago
Mexican oompa music is annoying as hell

1 hour ago

“Karen and Darren” works lol

1 hour ago
I member dat

1 hour ago

very good I do that sometimes as well

1 hour ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!

1 hour ago
“pregnant White woman robs 5 blacks simultaneously” t. jew media

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
thats why I use Tyrone, Juan and Shaniqua as a response

1 hour ago
we are all Palestinians Karens now!

1 hour ago
kevin is the male form, i went kevin recently damn black cycling on the pavement for no reason

1 hour ago

I’ve heard ‘Darren’ but it didn’t really catch as much.

1 hour ago
what’s male for karen? kevin?

1 hour ago
BAP can’t stop smoking jenkem from his own crack pipe.

1 hour ago
oh man the lag my internet is jacked

Rufus Page
1 hour ago
Hate people who don’t pick up de poop

1 hour ago

Yep. Always, nearly always Whites being picked on

1 hour ago
i bully strangers lol

1 hour ago
south Americans always play annoying music

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago
lol yeah

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Oh forgive us for having societal standards

1 hour ago
no the origin was a white woman who wanted blacks to turn down their music in a park and it originally started from that

1 hour ago

they just want their neighborshood to look nice

1 hour ago
haha me too

1 hour ago
Mark Collett video | ‘Karen’ is an Anti-White Slur:

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Flat out racial bullying

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Its all just bullying Whites

1 hour ago
tehy are trying to keep White standards

1 hour ago
Well, their are a lot of HOA bust body White women.

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
ironically its other Whites who use that slur on other Whites

1 hour ago
I was just going to say that

1 hour ago
Polygamy is a good stop gap in times of crisis. We are in a crisis right now.

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
im not sure because they do have self agency also to know better

1 hour ago


1 hour ago

1 hour ago
we re all a part of the problem

1 hour ago
decadence destroyed rome, the less you practice the less violent you are, no one to send on your behalf instead go yourself

1 hour ago
Women are easier to manipulate, it’s not their fault.

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
1 hour ago
Ah geez dude :blush:

1 hour ago
bring ‘em, just bring ‘em young

1 hour ago

Christianity strictly forbids any form of homosexuality. Protestants are not real Christians anymore though.

1 hour ago

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Thats a racist label

1 hour ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago
every time jpg

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
men are just as retarded as women.

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
1 hour ago
I long ago began to enjoy being part of the problem for people who want me dead

my awesome channel
1 hour ago
white women are powerless?! lol

1 hour ago
I’m forever grateful to rand for introducing me to a Christopher Lee drinking song, the most unexpected banger imaginable

1 hour ago
The media has a field day with women, just show them a crying baboon baby.

1 hour ago
👉 Follow Randbot:


1 hour ago


1 hour ago

1 hour ago

1 hour ago

Yeah, Mark will see it on Entropy. He’s very good with superchats.

1 hour ago
Planet Moike sounds like a based planet

Abo Petrol Huffing Hour
1 hour ago
Oh man, I followed the rules and sent in my superchat via entropy, I hope it gets read :backhand_index_pointing_right: :backhand_index_pointing_left:

1 hour ago
Orson Scott Card.

1 hour ago
planet moike

1 hour ago
boiling frog’s KEK 🐸

1 hour ago
Planet Moike

Pandas Dude Yeah
1 hour ago
Yeah. You populate it with your spirit wives and make spirit babies.

1 hour ago
shit man, where do I sign up?

1 hour ago
yeah because White’s have been under covert attack since Hollywood was created

1 hour ago

I agreebut the battle of Teutoburger walt was already in the year9 BC and before the decadence of Rome

1 hour ago
That ship sailed a long time ago


1 hour ago

which brand?

1 hour ago
homosexuality is forbidden in Christianity

1 hour ago
Make eunuchs great again.

1 hour ago
its interesting how sjwism is for white people they are okay with arabs and central americans or mexicans having their own culture.

1 hour ago
“Liberals think they own homosexuals, but my Priest is homosexual. Libtards owned. We win.” -Conservatives

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
all our Religions have been subverted

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
The homo pass

1 hour ago
i still ave love for all our christian brothers & sisters 👯‍♀️ but only the WHITE’ one’s

1 hour ago
and excluding everything else

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
Selective reporting.

1 hour ago
Half my family is Catholic and it freaks me out. Then again, the other half is Protestant and that king of freaks me out in another way altogether.

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
We need our best and brightest to re populate which is really good for Humanity

1 hour ago
including autism

1 hour ago

Theology is everything !

1 hour ago
Christianity is dysgenic. Part of the problem.

1 hour ago
theology is just autism

1 hour ago
🇬🇧 Patriotic Alternative official links:

Patriotic Alternative Video


1 hour ago
Ed Dutton would find a Just So Story. Like Always.

1 hour ago
it’s autism

1 hour ago
the one’s with the cherry sore on their forehead gets the most wahmens

1 hour ago
catholicism gives third daughters and sons a life

1 hour ago

And Germans cleaned up and ReCivilised Rome when it degenerated

1 hour ago

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
i bet they are shocked when they find themselves in hell with no 100 virgins waiting for them

1 hour ago
Christianity would be nothing in black Africa, it’s white people and white people only.

1 hour ago
gotta get those recruitment numbers up

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
every comment charles has posted pushes back against anti semitism, crestes FUD, grants js breathing room, and encourages others to treat them as individuals while the threat they pose is entirely collective and whole in nature.

1 hour ago
“No pussy for you.” -God

1 hour ago

Romans civilized some parts of Germany before Christianity did.

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
sounds like a good deal on the surface

1 hour ago


1 hour ago


1 hour ago

Khartoum is Egypt ?

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
british came to USA and said forget the King lets build our own country

1 hour ago

they gave the Romans one of their largest defeats though

1 hour ago
I open twitter, and I always see Alex Jones: WW3 Is starting. Why always screaming? It’s annoying.

1 hour ago
US Army under General Custer lost the Battle of Little Bighorn. It’s basically the Indians only W in 400 years :rofl:

1 hour ago
stop slandering your own ancestors

1 hour ago

Fact Checked. True

1 hour ago
the Battle of Khartoum or the first Anglo Afghan war

1 hour ago
Flukes happen. Even squirrels get away from mountain lions on occasion.

1 hour ago


1 hour ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

1 hour ago
👉 ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.

1 hour ago
what lies

1 hour ago

probably had but now every one is doubling down

1 hour ago

that is perhaps the one exception to Mark’s politeness, I have felt he went a bit too far a few times but I suppose they are almost like family

1 hour ago
Michael Enoch and his lies

1 hour ago

1 hour ago
i dont have no hate for japanese i dont think americans won because they were white.

Charles Gerety
1 hour ago
Israel has their share of normie Jays but they know to never give them political power ever

1 hour ago
they can always say see, we were with you all the whole time

1 hour ago
da opps got him

1 hour ago
caught slippin as tha brothaz would say

1 hour ago
be prepared for particularly stupid people

1 hour ago
jews will always have some controlled opposition, it’s for plausible deniability

1 hour ago
👉 Follow Cathugger:

1 hour ago

Thanks for your ongoing support.

1 hour ago
Hail Sam o/

1 hour ago

He does get a bit impatient with Duke.

1 hour ago
Kibbutz industrial plants and high-tech enterprises are the destination of brain drained Western cities. “If you build it, they will cum” – Bugsy Siegel

1 hour ago

lol true

2 hours ago
what does anybody think of norman finkelstein? dont call him shekelstein cause thats a funny joke.

2 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!

2 hours ago
we are the most gutsy because our stance is that our people have a right to exist in their home country and the opposing party would have to argue why that’s not the case. that’s why there never will be an open debate.

2 hours ago

Except when playing xbox

2 hours ago

I think you are right

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
There are some jays that do defect from Zionism and basically say this is really F up

2 hours ago
Anglos are too polite imo.

2 hours ago

Haha. Laura Loomer is jigsaw?

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Mark is always polite

2 hours ago
only topic Ron Unz is wrong on is hispanic crime

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
laura joomer wouldn’t want to come because she wouldn’t want the heat from us

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Unz is one of the good jays that actually point out Zionism as evil

2 hours ago

It’s they that stoke ‘anti semitism’ to control their own populace and funnel them to the shithole Holy Land Synthetic country. Few wish to go

2 hours ago

Thanks again for donating.

2 hours ago

no a million times worse

2 hours ago
New nationalist movements are emerging, and existing ones are growing in membership. National and racial solidarity among the comrades, we face a common struggle. “Der Kampf ist der Vater aller Dinge”/”Struggle is the father of all things” “Das Leben ist Kampf”/”Life is a struggle”

2 hours ago
Ron Unz, Gilad Atzmon

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Ron Unz is like the jay version of a uncle Tom

Fearless sunshine
2 hours ago
Nigel Farage is the Cucker Tarlson for England.

2 hours ago
Israel going to massacre every non White homeland to drive every non White population into the west ?

2 hours ago
norman finkelstein? do you have to be anti semetic?

Rufus Page
2 hours ago

2 hours ago
“I don’t trust any Jew…” .. you could’ve stopped there.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
They select on what to focus on to justify their narrative nonsense

2 hours ago
best way to put it ‘spin their wheels’ do nothing just spinning their wheels not going anywhere

2 hours ago

true all the rich and powerfull jews are all zionists and most are quite extreme

2 hours ago
they’re funding pro Palestine protests and pro Israeli protests. they’re playing both sides

2 hours ago
Constant stall tactics.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Its not our fault or problem that non whites suck royally at building civilization compared to us despite their guilt trips

2 hours ago
👉 Follow British Gammon:


2 hours ago
“Anti Zionist Jews” are controlled opposition.

2 hours ago
There are good jews. But they are not in any power

2 hours ago

agreed you should always be suspicious of them

2 hours ago

Thanks for your dedicated and consistent support.

2 hours ago
Unlike the Yom Kippur War which Israel ended in weeks, today, Israel isn’t any closer to winning than it was in October.
How do you see this conflict ending as it’s clear Israel isn’t able to achieve its aim of destroying Hamas and depopulating Gaza?

2 hours ago
norman finkelstein?

2 hours ago
I’ve met anti Jewish Jews but they still have that compulsive trait to manipulate and I’m not sure if some of these types are even aware what they’re doing. Jewish manipulation, lying and deception is a genetic variable

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
for sure

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago

That and because they know deep down their countries suck compared to ours but never admit it

Rufus Page
2 hours ago
Dovid Weiss seems ok

2 hours ago
why would you ever take them at face value?

2 hours ago
great show, top notch guest

2 hours ago

They toilet less in the street than indians do ?

2 hours ago

international world wide communism succeeded

2 hours ago
I openly tell people I want to live around people like me. White and rural and closer to nature with local roots.

2 hours ago
I ask others who claim not to be racist, would you be concerned if your street went Somalian overnight. As they pause I say, embrace your racism ha ha

2 hours ago

any predominant white country is considered rome/edom to them.

2 hours ago
👉 Please consider a small donation of $3, $5, or $10. When everyone donates $3, $5, or $10 it adds up!

2 hours ago
👉 ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.

2 hours ago
Mental gymnastics to avoid the internal mental horror they’d suffer by recognizing race is real and it matters.

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

you can also watch on dlive and comment here on odysee

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
I heard a Pakistan former friend of mine talk about how proud she is to be Pakistani. I thought then why are you here in USA then?

2 hours ago

and Rome is already basically over

2 hours ago
they want to destroy us they don’t really care if it works out in the end. They just want to destroy rome/edom

2 hours ago

easy travel has become a serious problem with the racial alien problem

2 hours ago
sargon will tell you now

2 hours ago

Whites fled to Europe. Travel was hard for millenia. Now it is easy and there is no where left to flee

2 hours ago
we know what Sargon would do. what are the chances he lives in a non White area now ?

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Oh he knows alright

2 hours ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

2 hours ago
The Founder’s first immigration policy was White People Only. And that’s awesome.

2 hours ago
Not sure of the reference but Lola was on the radio earlier and I had a good laugh.

2 hours ago
crap i have to go over to rumble if it works either.

2 hours ago
we want to preserve diversity, let all countries be the best version of themselves

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
In terms of fairness, human treatment and equality

2 hours ago

I think Whites were some of the most ethnocentric people historically and this is only a post modern phenomenon

2 hours ago
someone tell the chairman that Amy Terese isnt real, it’s getting embarassing

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Things like the constitution in USA are a White people way of life.

2 hours ago

they could spin it but they’re not, it’s genuine just not as good as us

2 hours ago
Whites throughout history have been race realists. Being “the least racist” is modern mythology. Whites recognized race and made no bones about it.

2 hours ago

tucker is a Mix of this and that. as if he’s blackmailed to not cross a line but Tucker will skate up to the line every time

2 hours ago
👉 Follow Mark Collett:

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
they are just diffrent on how they operate and view life

2 hours ago

Really ? Oops

Fearless sunshine
2 hours ago
Tony Blair and Cucker Tarlson are malicious Cowards.

The Ghoulish_Knight
2 hours ago

– By nessesity, because they’ll become irrelevant if they don’t.

2 hours ago
Ought habitual liars be granted unlimited freedom of speech?

2 hours ago
Sargon recently said: Liberalism works in Christian country. He came to our position in the opposite way 99% of us. It’s so funny.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Whites are by far the least racist people on earth and that has been used against them

Jagdeep Jano
2 hours ago
Michael Enoch Isaac Peinovich, the man who shamed others for not taking the vaccine

2 hours ago
I do tbh

2 hours ago
fellow whites

2 hours ago

me too, the’re getting better, even sargon is better these days

2 hours ago

Thanks for your ongoing support.

2 hours ago

His mission was ot bring in lgtb rights. His own words

2 hours ago
They didn’t just “De Nazify” Germany. They brainwashed the ethnocentrism out of the entire White race.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
i lost respect for sargon when he said the 2020 riots were not about race

2 hours ago
Is there an update on Odysee, a few months ago they were up for sale and at risk of losing free speech. Are they safe now?

2 hours ago
Hey, SuperChatter who said Trump Supporters are 99% white: Black voters (77%) and Asian voters (59%) say they would vote for Biden.
About half of Hispanic voters (52%) say they would vote for Biden, and 44% say they would vote for Trump. (

2 hours ago
brittanica politica is on lotus eaters

2 hours ago

not yet

2 hours ago
Some of my relatives were in a famous miners strike

2 hours ago
Anthony Blinken is Rockin’ in the Free World, and also Ukraine

2 hours ago
has the show started

2 hours ago
I like Lotus eaters and watch them sometimes

2 hours ago
👉 Follow Mike Enoch (Mike Peinovich):

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

Thanks for the compliment. Greatly appreciated. 🫡

2 hours ago
that is why democracy will not work in a multicultural society because everyone will vote for what is best for their groups and not what is best for society in general

2 hours ago
democrats are the real paedophobes – republicans in 2060

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Its in there just must break free of the brainwashing

2 hours ago

Yes. Globohomo controls the puppets

2 hours ago
Lindsay Graham represents toughness and the American way.

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

Best mod eva.

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

No, we’re live.

Observant idiot
2 hours ago
is the show over already?

2 hours ago
for all of our history we were ethnocentric but ever since world war 2 ended, that’s the start of history biggot

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Sargon had a good run in 2016 but its over now

2 hours ago

Cheers. I’m glad folks find it helpful.

2 hours ago
Sargon with his retard audience

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

Always with the relevant pertinant links on multiple channels. It’s noticed.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago

Everyone jockeying for power in seperate directions.

2 hours ago
Both parties are tripping over eachother to be the most left homo

2 hours ago
They are liars we are very gay in the republican party!

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
See how republicans arent diffrent then the left

2 hours ago
The demonrats r the real racists and homophobes bro

Mark Collett
2 hours ago

We are live on Rumble too if you’re having issues

2 hours ago

👉 This stream is also available on:

2 hours ago
i am lagging to shit

2 hours ago
The Muslim way of voting is the only way of voting in a multicultural society and all groups do it except Whites

2 hours ago

Mark Collett stream | Is the Electoral Route a Dead End?

2 hours ago

we are pro black just as much as them!

Mark Collett
2 hours ago

I did on Friday 🙂

2 hours ago
tell us who to vote for mark

2 hours ago
demowats are the weal waycists

2 hours ago
Hey, I got a great idea: Let’s mix our DNA with races that never invented the wheel while a hostile merchant race that hates us controls our economy…

2 hours ago


2 hours ago
as a catholic i can tell you we’d always been shunned for voting what the priest tells us

Fearless sunshine
2 hours ago
Favoring $atanic Jeews over Christian Germany was offensively Foul.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
A society needs to share a set of core beliefs and be on the same page in order to function properly

2 hours ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

2 hours ago

well i wasnt that way until the stuff with trump happened.

2 hours ago

Thanks for your contribution.

2 hours ago
Great guest once again.

2 hours ago
muslims do as their imam tells them

2 hours ago
^ true

2 hours ago

It’s a flawed Society that is based on Economics and Borders. A Nation > Secular Materialism

2 hours ago
It is a dead end, we need to make our own communities and do it in the safest places possible. Self sufficiency and community.

Confederate patriot
2 hours ago
95% of Trump supporters are White and normal. just look at the rallies. he desrribed 2%. Trump had pushed our movement farther and fastner than anyone in 200 years, in America. more Whites are now pro White than in 75 years. not a coincidence

2 hours ago
Mark Collett stream | Is the Electoral Route a Dead End?

2 hours ago

this addresses an overall systemic issue, that countries are nothing more than economic zones that require ever-expanding warm bodies to satisfy consumer capitalism, that is a rotten premise on it’s face and needs to die a screaming, agonising death

2 hours ago
They missed two industrial revolutions

2 hours ago
Don’t forget the several ‘Levittowns’ too. Levit was Trumps hero.

2 hours ago


Rufus Page
2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!

2 hours ago

or written language

2 hours ago
Let’s mix our DNA with races that never invented the wheel…

2 hours ago

Ask Boeing

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Importing 65-70 IQ folks. What could go wrong

2 hours ago


2 hours ago
EST Every Single Time

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Haitians-What a great idea!

2 hours ago
Developers. Developers. Developers. Developers.

2 hours ago
I drove my wife’s black sonnenrad to see Trump campaign for our greatest ally. Also, seed oils.

2 hours ago

Thanks for your unstoppable support.

2 hours ago

Yes. The birth rates are ‘why’ we are being replaced

2 hours ago
the champagne socialists consider themselves sophisticated, they’ve no real intelligence

2 hours ago
ay aeshole im votin trump ova hea

2 hours ago
Evening gentlemen. Excellent stream. Any thoughts on the King Charles’ portrait, is it symbolic or just trashy modern art ?

2 hours ago
⚡JOIN NOW! PA Membership Now Open! Only £3 per month.

2 hours ago


Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
i noticed many Vietnamese are pro Trump which is odd

2 hours ago

the demographics are a mess, you could, on theory base deportation on assimilation, that would get rid of about 40% of people in the area I live, ethnic Brits need to be invested in creating a future and that involves having more babies

2 hours ago

My point is, you can convince ignorant whites in africa to hand over their land, Europeans have a much more obvious claim to this land

2 hours ago

no translators no social security no special food in hospitals etc

2 hours ago

there re a lot of criminals

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

It will be much better for the White race if they are selected out.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Our Race is at a big disadvantage because unlike other groups we tend to give a fair shake and assume others are similar to us

2 hours ago


i just worry illegals being deported wont be enough to bring back the demographic trend, definitely if new non citizens commit a crime they should be deported.

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

Thanks again for donating.

2 hours ago

some countries in western Europe is not tht bad still

2 hours ago
Increasing number of videos of families from the US moving to Russia getting hundreds of thousands of views
on YouTube and lots of likes. They specifically explain they are moving because the US is a multicultural degenerate hellhole.

2 hours ago

I know, the dutch didnt see another human for like 150 years after colonizing the cape, my point is people don’t know history, but it’s hard to convince germans or british that they aren’t native.

2 hours ago
This is an evolutionary selection event for Whites. We will have to let many of them select themselves out.

2 hours ago
Those kind of people are literal retards IMO.

2 hours ago
america is hopeless, better to move to eastern europe if you’re a white american

2 hours ago
and then they get stabbed and/or robbed

2 hours ago

Isn’t the mantra of South Africa is that of a rainbow nation?

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
I understand Black Americans being here as they are citizens but other Non Whites cannot say and claim the same

2 hours ago

SA whites are not invaders, that is a dumb world view to have, they made the country. Hopefully the Europeans will unite as things get worse.

2 hours ago

probably they might feel the jewish power as well

2 hours ago

start with deporting riminals and making deportation a sentence for certain crimes, offer money for people to start new lives in their homelands

2 hours ago
Increasing number of videos of families from the US moving to Russia getting hundreds of thousands of views
on YouTube and lots of likes.

2 hours ago

all illegals should be deported, same with criminals and then we want paid repatriations and make our countries less welcoming in general

2 hours ago

i think so too, i also wonder if they don’t want rivalry from gangs and to be targeted by the state

2 hours ago
trash for trump 😆

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago


2 hours ago

When our people are in charge they should realize the game is up. They had a free ride, but the men are back in charge and it’s time for them to leave.

2 hours ago
🎮 Join the Patriotic Alternative gaming group on Telegram:

2 hours ago

Trouble is it’s easier to convince south african whites they’re invaders who deserve it, harder in europe.

2 hours ago

The same story with so many once great American cities.

2 hours ago
The current year is ideal for us WNs to get our message out. The leftists are eating each other. It’s an election year in the U.S.. The Jews are on the outs with the world. Everyone is open to reason and ration and we must provide.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
They go all out to get Black folks to like them

2 hours ago
Trash for Trump

2 hours ago

Incentives. Pay them to leave

2 hours ago
I see some dissidents in 🇺🇸 make appeals to the GOP to stop immigration because they will lose elections & they are Anti-🇮🇱. Do you know that amongst Hispanic youth they are increasing Pro-🇮🇱, & more Republican? According to birth stats. Hispanic/White pairings are the most common as well.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Just never say it out loud even tho everybody knows it

2 hours ago
can i ask what peoples proposition would be for deporting immigrants and it being okay?

2 hours ago

I think it is the numbers or lack of

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
I live 20 minutes outside Baltimore and its the unspoken truth we all know which is Black folks have destroyed a once great city

2 hours ago
why aren’t the muslims in america hostile and violent?

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
We are going to be South Africa without Boomers

2 hours ago
👉 Please consider a small donation of $3, $5, or $10. When everyone donates $3, $5, or $10 it adds up!

2 hours ago
Chester, PA

2 hours ago
detroit is literally gone

2 hours ago
5 prime ministers in 14 years, absolute joke of a party, centrist bumwash

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
We must unite like minded people and build and protect

2 hours ago


2 hours ago
look how they act now when they’re not even a winning majority

2 hours ago
WNs must self segregate.

2 hours ago
The high time preference and low self control will be our advantage, these people will kick off a war before they are able to win it

2 hours ago

I’ll agree with that in a broad sense.

2 hours ago
homeless hallucinating black person haha.

2 hours ago
Living the dream!

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Remember when marylin mansion was considered edgy? thats kinda tame to compared to today

2 hours ago

yes Anglo individualism vs German collectivism

2 hours ago
“Tolerance is the lube that slides the dildo of destruction into the ass of a civilized society.” -Sophocles

2 hours ago
🤝🏻 Join us at Patriotic Alternative:

2 hours ago
fool me once, shame on you

2 hours ago
we have been

2 hours ago
fooled for a century

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Fox news and the like are cuckservatives just as bad as lefties

2 hours ago
Do the math. Conservatives are crap and they’re traitors.

2 hours ago
so how many immigrants can you deport if im a second generation immigrant? i feel like i might be a hypocrite if i advocated for deportation outright of immigrants. i cant just say im white and theyre not so that makes it okay.

2 hours ago
I think the American empire will collapse much faster than the Roman did. The “American ” elite has been much more actively trying to destroy their empire than the Roman elite ever was

2 hours ago
The Tories are liberals

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
I went to the MVA and see hoards of non white faces and it made me think just how insane this is. Wont turn out well

2 hours ago
It doesn’t matter how bad things get in London, the propaganda will always be “diversity is our strength”.

2 hours ago

Always has been.

2 hours ago
20,000 Londoners, mostly no doubt white, voted for Count Binface. Consider that

2 hours ago
there is social trust and cohesion in the various foreign enclaves, but none that are White

2 hours ago
there is a difference between the UK and the continent

2 hours ago
🌲 Follow The Woodlander’s website, The Woodlander Initiative:

2 hours ago
We have to work toward off grid living as white people and never go back to the cities unless there is no choice. Take the funding away, high taxes and rents are profitable. Whites have to become radical self sufficient people.

2 hours ago

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
good God…

2 hours ago
Who’s going to be the :hundred_points:th LIKE? SMASH THE :fire: :fire: :fire:

2 hours ago
vermine supreme

2 hours ago
Let nature reconquer the cities.

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
its a difficult question for me because im a second generation so to speak immigrant in canada so how far can you deport immigrants?

2 hours ago
russia is winning, the ukrainians have pulled back again

2 hours ago
DO NOT go fighting for Jews

Rufus Page
2 hours ago
Hope someone will Bungle up the rainbow society

2 hours ago
Israel is blowing thousands of innocent people apart with bombs from afar. There’s no honor in that. There’s no glory in that. It’s the most cowardly, disgusting behavior that the world has ever seen.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
They have turned American inner cities into a uninhabitable planet like place

2 hours ago
If two men can get ‘married’ and adopt children Your Society has failed

2 hours ago

That was great to see, indeed.

2 hours ago
👉 Follow Mike Enoch (Mike Peinovich):

2 hours ago
“ditch the body, keep the brain”

2 hours ago
🎬 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985 film) | IMDb:

2 hours ago

Thanks for donating.

2 hours ago

Mark Collett
2 hours ago
Master Blaster Rules Barter Town!!!!

2 hours ago
Have you spoken with Devon Stack yet? He said he is interested in being a guest on your upcoming Blackkklansman movie review with David Duke. As you may know, he is an expert at disecting propaganda in subversive films like that and it would sure make a great stream.

2 hours ago
America is an embty husk controlled by the tribe

2 hours ago
master blaster

2 hours ago
I support a rainbow society for Israel

2 hours ago
What Mike said about being moral and appealing to white people through it was exactly what I was trying to express when Joel was on, and was totally shot down by him as pathetic and pretending to be leftist.

2 hours ago
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2 hours ago


2 hours ago
and the Palestinians will blame white people

2 hours ago


2 hours ago
the David Atherton and Tommy Robinson types

2 hours ago
im lagging

2 hours ago
👉 Follow Homa Tawk on Telegram:

2 hours ago
Salute troops!

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
See how none of this makes sense to fund Israel

2 hours ago

Thanks for your ongoing support.

2 hours ago
A few days ago, French nationalist youth marched the streets of Paris calling for an end to the destruction of France. GUD(Groupe Union Défense) was also involved. All the support to them. Mark, you should do an episode with someone from the French movement.

2 hours ago
they are doing barbarities. LOL

2 hours ago


2 hours ago


2 hours ago
Get to :hundred_points: LIKES! HIT THE :fire: :fire: :fire:

2 hours ago

Thanks for your continuing support.

2 hours ago
I see a BDS type movement all over again but quietly sanctioned

2 hours ago
I think you can bet on politics

2 hours ago
Thinking of Sam Melia and all nationalist political prisoners. Hope they are doing well despite the circumstances.

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Mark Collett video | Israel’s Plot to Send 2 Million Palestinians to Europe:

2 hours ago


2 hours ago
what about people who say youre an immigrant decendant like 2nd generation so you should allow every single immigrant?

2 hours ago
race realists are the Cassandras of modern politics

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

Thanks again for donating.

2 hours ago

we have thousands of them, so no we don’t

2 hours ago
Israel will loose though

2 hours ago
Mr. Enoch, are you aware of a recently released book called “The Unprotected Class” by Jeremy Carl? Do you think this pushback against Anti-White policies in USA is a result of needing the American Empire to fight another world War against Iran, China & Russia?

2 hours ago

Thanks for your contribution.

2 hours ago
Always like hearing Mark and Moike, hail o/

2 hours ago
u don’t like MENA baddies?

2 hours ago
We want Barbecue!!

2 hours ago
Brexit was a step in the right direction

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
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Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Put a return to sender label on them and send them back priority shipping

2 hours ago
hail brexit

2 hours ago

I really hope so,, hopefully Slovakia will back away from this and have no more contact with them. I would join the bricks as soon as I get military support after this.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Its like dumping trash onto someones house

2 hours ago
Hail Mark and Moike o/ o/

2 hours ago
“part of the broom” xD

2 hours ago
We have no Power to do what needs to be done. Mechanized mass repatriation is what needs to be done. This engineered situation we’re in is the most disgusting thing that’s ever happened on earth.

2 hours ago
He’s just not on the same side as us at all.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
The vast majority of British dont want this insanity

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

Thanks for your support.

2 hours ago
the system doesn’t want a Muslim majority, it want’s New York a complete mix up and perfect for jews

2 hours ago
Mike has the right take on Islam. There are people who argue Europe is a Christian civilization. Does that mean pagans like me, who follow European myths and folklore, are less European than Christians who follow Hebrew myths? There are Europeans who are Muslim, but no black christian Europeans.

2 hours ago

It will back fire

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Took it back to 1305

2 hours ago
👉 Follow Joe Marsh (Welsh Nationalist):


2 hours ago

Jews really want that war.

2 hours ago
Is this real? LOOOL

2 hours ago

I am with You bro. Tommy is an asset of the tribe

2 hours ago


Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
They are on a different evolutionary wavelength therefore a conflict of interest with the same land is impossible

2 hours ago


Joe Marsh
2 hours ago
Yo guys

2 hours ago
☕ Purchase Grandma Towler’s tea, coffee, and honey:
🎇 NEW: The official Free Sam Melia Mug:

2 hours ago

Oh boy. Here we go

2 hours ago

Okay maybe i failed to say i was being sarcastic yet again.

2 hours ago

Thanks for your ongoing support.

2 hours ago
Apparently the Slovakian PM was shot multiple times just after rejecting funding for Ukraine.

2 hours ago
It was all so predictable. Israel has always exported their “migrants” to White Countries for years. What a disgusting time tbh. This is disgusting.

2 hours ago

Shalom Tommy.

2 hours ago
Mr. Enoch, I have heard you said that Europeans haven’t lost a war with Non-Europeans prior to the Russo-Japanese war. I can name several prior to this but the biggest one was the Sino-Dutch war(1620-1660). Taiwan isn’t a Dutch colony Formosa anymore because of the Dutch lost this war.

Commodvs Detritvs
2 hours ago

2 hours ago


2 hours ago


2 hours ago

yeah well tommy robinson is okay with mass immigration as long as its not muslim. not discriminatory or missing the point at all.

2 hours ago
the food, the dance and dress, the architecture, the prayer calls not good but not bad, just note that’s not all of it, some places aren’t to be visited

2 hours ago
a lot of Christians in Africa , that is fine but I still don’t want them here

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
Just stay the F away from us

2 hours ago
o/ Mike Enoch

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
As if the British want that BS

3 hours ago
👉 Please consider a small donation of $3, $5, or $10. When everyone donates $3, $5, or $10 it adds up!

3 hours ago

I believe i saw you doing it. unnecessary it hurts the movement.

3 hours ago
If all the migrants in the UK magically converted to Christianity tomorrow, they would still be a problem and need to go back home

3 hours ago
Being “narrow minded” is the right thing to be, obviously. “Open mindedness” has led to a level of degeneracy that would be unthinkable to previous generations.

Charles Gerety
3 hours ago
While we clearly respect our rights but we also understand the rights of others. Not only are we better right wingers we are also better leftist then them. They suck

3 hours ago
Race is religion

3 hours ago
Mike is 100% right.

3 hours ago
👉 Follow Glen The Chinaman on Gab:

3 hours ago

so far haven’t done any

3 hours ago

Enjoying his Red Bull I see !!!

2 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!

2 hours ago

Ha ! An indian is an indian is an indian

2 hours ago
being anti muslim and letting in the punjabis is of course the sensible way to go.

Charles Gerety
2 hours ago
It just doesnt work out that way in real life

2 hours ago
Seeing eye dogs are selected. Likewise for people

3 hours ago
In a zoo animals are segregated, or they eat each other.

Free Speech Merchant
3 hours ago
Jews have deemed White European nations to be for EVERYONE!

3 hours ago
yes no problem with hindus or punjabis mass flooding into your country.

Charles Gerety
3 hours ago

One can be open minded and be realistic also but yes i understand your point

3 hours ago
it is not a question of religion it is race

3 hours ago
👉 Follow British Gammon:


3 hours ago
Aren’t Muslims in 🇬🇧 not Arabs?

3 hours ago
that jew Haidt’s moral foundations are a great example of accepted jewing in a field that’s obviously wrong once tested against reality

3 hours ago
Whites believe they like a multicultural society due to trauma based mind control by ZOG.

3 hours ago

Hey can you cool it with the 1488 or specifically the 88 respectfully?

Charles Gerety
3 hours ago
In reality its actually the opposite and its them who are narrow minded and ignorant

3 hours ago
✍🏻 Sign-up to the PA Newsletter (scroll down):

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Mike is a top lad

3 hours ago

the final question

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
How many thousands of Ukranians does it take to get a couple of kidneys that match ?

3 hours ago


3 hours ago
they got the guy on the scene

3 hours ago

ok, any suspects

Charles Gerety
3 hours ago
They must learn it themselves

3 hours ago

left but old school left not this new gay shit

3 hours ago

A few seconds ago
Mark Collett president of slovakia just got shot

Charles Gerety
3 hours ago
At times its best to let normies be.

3 hours ago
Snowrunner is the best game to play while listening to right wing podcasts

Mark Collett
3 hours ago
Also,please like and share!

Charles Gerety
3 hours ago


3 hours ago

reallyis he left or right ?

3 hours ago
👉 Follow Mike Enoch (Mike Peinovich):

3 hours ago

many years of training

Charles Gerety
3 hours ago
The left basis it on feeling as opposed to fact

3 hours ago

president of slovakia just got shot

3 hours ago
oh i thought to look up mark and patriotic alternative at just the right time.

Charles Gerety
3 hours ago
Mark is the only one who knows how to tame the Duke in conversation

3 hours ago
📚 FREE Mark Collett eBook | The Fall of Western Man:
👉 Email Mark Collett:

3 hours ago

Thanks for your loyal and dedicated support.

Observant idiot
3 hours ago
Would be cool if Mike got 3 hours like Dr Duke

Charles Gerety
3 hours ago
Make him a regular co-host seriously

3 hours ago
Moike is great

3 hours ago
Good evening


3 hours ago
⚡ To donate to Mark Collett via Bitcoin Lightning (click DONATE):

3 hours ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

3 hours ago

Good evening to you as well brother

3 hours ago
👉 ODYSEE SUPERCHATS: Type your message and before you hit ‘Send’, select the ‘$’ icon below the chat box or the coloured icon to send LBRY tokens.

3 hours ago
“Anti-Zionist” Jews are as fake as “anti-immigration” conservatives. Both are a false, controlled opposition. The first is 100% FOR Palestinian genocide, while the second is for White genocide, they just want it done in a slower, more orderly fashion.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

Good evening brother.

3 hours ago
Hello Folks

3 hours ago
👉 Follow Dr David Duke:





Charles Gerety
3 hours ago
They literally dip their nose in everything

3 hours ago
good evening all 28 14/88 wpww

3 hours ago
somebody just shot president of slovakia

3 hours ago
👉 Follow Mark Collett:

3 hours ago
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3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon for a like!

3 hours ago
Big Mike in the house o/

3 hours ago

You bet 👍️

3 hours ago
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.

3 hours ago

Thanks Reed! :smiley:

3 hours ago
👉 This stream is also available on:

3 hours ago

Charles Gerety
3 hours ago
what up What up

Speak your mind
3 hours ago
Hello Everyone

3 hours ago
👉 Follow SerenaJB:


3 hours ago
Good evening.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

8 hours ago
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8 hours ago
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8 hours ago
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Patriotic Alternative Video




See Also




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version History


Version 5: Mon, May 20, 2024 — Transcript now complete.

Version 4: Sun, May 19, 2024 — 129/157 mins of transcript complete.

Version 3: Sat, May 18, 2024 — 92/157 mins of transcript complete.

Version 2: Fri, May 17, 2024 — 62/157 mins of transcript complete.

Version 1: Thu, May 16, 2024 — Published post. 44/157 mins of transcript complete. Includes Odysee comments (1470).

This entry was posted in BREXIT, Britain, conservatism, Conservative Party, Donald Trump, Jew World Order, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Lying, Liberalism, Mark Collett, Mike Enoch, Mike Peinovich, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Muslim invasion, Nigel Farage, Palestine, Patriotic Weekly Review, Public opinion - Manipulation, Third World Invasion, Tommy Robinson, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, UK, White Nationalism, Zionism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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