Mark Collett
Israel – the Global Leader
in Illegal Organ Trafficking
Fri, May 17, 2024
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“Human organ trafficking forms a worldwide spider’s web of connections – but at the centre of that web is Israel. Illegally harvested human organs are regularly used in Israel’s state-run hospitals and universities and Israeli government officials, high ranking military officers and even religious leaders are involved in trafficking networks. Find out the truth about Israel’s ghoulish trade in human parts.”
– KATANA]—Israel’s-Illegal-Trade-in-Human-Organs:7
Published on Fri, May 17, 2024
Israel – The Global Leader in Illegal Organ Trafficking
May 17, 2024
13 Dislikes
Mark Collett
Human organ trafficking forms a worldwide spider’s web of connections – but at the centre of that web is Israel. Illegally harvested human organs are regularly used in Israel’s state-run hospitals and universities and Israeli government officials, high ranking military officers and even religious leaders are involved in trafficking networks. Find out the truth about Israel’s ghoulish trade in human parts.
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(Words: 2,091 – 15:33 mins)
On Monday 6th of May it was widely reported in the Turkish press that four Israelis were arrested for their part in an illegal organ trafficking operation.
During raids that took place across the country, multiple properties were searched and Turkish police seized large sums of cash along with numerous fake passports and what was described as “digital materials”. Those arrested face charges related to organ trafficking as well as people smuggling and forgery.
Illegally harvesting human organs and trafficking them across national borders for the benefit of what is presumably a group of high paying clients is a pretty grim business. And initially this case may be waved away as a one off, something of little or no interest to British audiences – and that’s exactly how it was treated by the British media – as I didn’t see this case reported by any mainstream British source.
But I also didn’t see this case reported on by any US outlet either. It’s almost as if this story wasn’t newsworthy – or maybe it was being deliberately ignored, or maybe even covered up. But why would the press do that? Well, it could be all about timing, because this story comes hot on the heels of recent reports of organ harvesting in Gaza.
At the end of last year, a report by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, an NGO working in Gaza, raised the alarm about organ theft from Palestinian bodies that had been collected and removed by Israeli forces during the on-going conflict.
This was reported on by Euronews, which stated the following, and I quote:
“The NGO claimed it has documented Israeli forces confiscating dozens of dead bodies from the al-Shifa and Indonesian hospitals in northern Gaza, alongside others in the south.”
“Medical professionals reportedly found vital organs, such as livers, kidneys and hearts, alongside cochleas and corneas, were missing, which the Euro-Med Monitor called ‘evidence’ of potential organ theft.”
“They also claimed Israel exhumed and confiscated corpses from a mass grave that was dug more than 10 days ago in a courtyard at al-Shifa.”
End quote. But this report by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor is not a one off, in fact, you only have to do a little digging to find similar stories that stretch back over decades.
In August 2009 an article in Aftonbladet, one of Sweden’s largest daily newspapers, reported that Israeli troops were harvesting organs from Palestinians who had died in their custody. The mere reporting of this story caused a furious response from the Israeli government – leading to Israeli officials demanding an explanation from the Swedish government.
The Israeli government and several US representatives went on to condemn the article as “baseless and incendiary” and accusations of antisemitism and blood libel against Jews soon followed. The Swedish government was then put under pressure to denounce the article – which thankfully, it didn’t.
However, the article in Aftonbladet wasn’t written in a vacuum, in fact it came hot on the heels of another similar article. Earlier in that same year the Sydney Morning Herald ran the following headline, and I quote:
“Organ trafficking: Rabbis arrested over massive crime ring.”
End quote. The article revealed that US authorities had arrested 44 elected officials and rabbis in New Jersey in a huge “anti-corruption” campaign. Those arrested were charged with extortion, bribery, money laundering and human organ trafficking.
The article stated, and I quote:
“Although New Jersey is more famous for a history of Italian Mafia families, it was Jewish clergy who allegedly played a central role in the crime network.”
“Authorities raided several synagogues and among those arrested was the chief rabbi of Syrian Jews in the United States.”
“One rabbi, Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, was charged with conspiring to broker the sale of a human kidney for transplant.”
“Marra said Rosenbaum’s ‘business’ was to entice vulnerable people to give up a kidney for $US10,000 ($A12,300), which he would turn around and sell for 160,000 dollars.”
“He’d allegedly been peddling kidneys for a decade.”
End quote. But don’t worry the FBI were quick to issue a statement telling the public the following, and I quote:
“This case is not about politics, certainly not about religion. It is about crime. It is about criminals who use politics and religion.”
End quote. However, despite that assertion, it is highly likely that there was an ethnic aspect to this case, and that the organs harvested and trafficked ended up – one way or another – in Israel.
Whether that was via direct export, or because the organs were purchased by an Israeli who had them transplanted in America before heading home.
And if you think that’s the end of this, you are very wrong!
2009 wasn’t a good year for Israeli organ harvesters, and it was rounded off by an article published by CNN detailing the Israeli state’s complicity in this ghoulish practice, the article stated the following, and I quote:
“Israel harvested organs from bodies in the 1990s without permission of family members, the former head of a state-run forensic laboratory said in a newly released interview.”
“Government officials acknowledge that the practice happened, but emphasise that it ended years ago.”
“In an interview in 2000, which was released to an Israeli TV channel and broadcast over the weekend, Dr. Yehuda Hiss — who was once head of the Abu Kabir forensic institute — discussed the practice.”
“‘We started to harvest corneas for various hospitals in Israel,’ Hiss said in the interview on Israel’s Channel 2 network.”
“‘Whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the families,’ he said.”
“Hiss said the harvesting also included heart valves, skin and bones.”
End quote. Moving into 2010, an article in the Guardian published in April of that year yielded further information about the size and scope of Israeli organ harvesting operations, and I quote:
“Israel has charged five of its citizens, including a retired army general, with operating a nationwide organ trafficking ring that ensnared dozens of potential victims. The charges include human trafficking for the purpose of organ harvesting and money laundering.”
End quote. Fast forward to 2013 and the truly global nature of this trade began to become clear.
As the Times of Israel reported on another case of Israeli organ trafficking, this time in Italy, they published the following, and I quote:
“Italian border authorities arrested 77-year-old Israeli citizen Gedaliah Taub on Friday on suspicion of international human organ trafficking. Taub was detained at the Rome airport after officials determined his passport was forged.”
End quote. Later that same year, Haaretz, an Israeli news source, reported on a similar story, but this time the crimes took place in South America.
An Israeli organ trafficking ring was uncovered in Costa Rica. Costa Rican police stated that they learnt that doctors were performing kidney transplants to sell to patients in Israel. In some cases, Costa Ricans were being trafficked to Israel in order to have the surgery done in Israeli medical facilities.
Costa Rican authorities raided a number of medical labouratories and clinics suspected of involvement in the organ harvesting ring. Costa Rican Attorney General Jorge Chavarria said that two people arrested in the raids were just the “tip of the iceberg” of the organ trafficking network. One of those arrested was in touch with Israeli doctors and had been testing the suitability of the local residents who were to be trafficked so that their organs could be harvested in Israel.
Then in 2018 a similar story was reported on by the German website Deutsche Welle – this time the arrest of an Israeli organ trafficker took place in Cyprus. But the network he was involved in was far larger and had a much greater reach than those mentioned previously. Deutsche Welle wrote the following, and I quote:
“Police in Cyprus have arrested an Israeli man described as the ringleader of a world-wide organ trafficking network that operated out of the tiny Balkan country of Kosovo several years ago.”
“Moshe Harel is accused of luring donors from eastern Europe, Turkey and the former Soviet Union to Kosovo, promising to pay them €12,000 ($14,500) for a kidney. He then allegedly charged people (most of them Israelis) in need of a kidney as much as €100,000 for the implant.”
End quote. The article reports that Moshe Harel preyed upon poor people in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Turkey and Russia.
The more you dig, the more it becomes clear that organ harvesting is a truly global trade and during the research for this piece, I uncovered numerous other reports of organ trafficking from all over the world – but the common thread between them all is Israeli involvement.
But what makes this even more eye-opening is how long this has been going on, with reports of such criminality stretching back for decades. And whilst it isn’t often discussed in the West in Israel the illegal trade appears to be an open secret, being the subject of books and documentaries.
In fact, an Israeli doctor named Meira Weiss published a book in 2014 titled “Over Their Dead Bodies” which detailed that between 1996 and 2002 organs were illegally harvested from dead Palestinians and then used for both transplants and for medical research at Israeli universities. Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate an English translation of the book.
But the evidence presented in Meira Weiss’s book was corroborated by an Israeli television investigation that was screened the same year and included confessions from high-ranking Israeli officials that skin was taken from the bodies of dead Palestinians and African workers to treat Israelis, such as soldiers with burn injuries.
In this documentary, the director of the Israeli Skin Bank revealed the country’s reserve of “human skin” reached 17 square meters — a huge number relative to Israel’s population.
The evidence of these organ trafficking networks can be found all over the world, and it is both clear and overwhelming! And I am sure that if you spent a few moments with your favourite internet search engine you too could find similar reports of organ trafficking that involves Israelis.
And this is all summed up perfectly by Human Trafficking Search – a site set up to combat human trafficking and modern slavery. On the issue of organ harvesting, they said the following, and I quote:
“Israel Became Hub in International Organ Trade Over Past Decade”
End quote. From the evidence presented, it appears that human organ trafficking forms a world-wide spider’s web of connections – but at the centre of that web is Israel. And despite all the cases discussed taking place in many different countries which span multiple continents – the common denominator in them all is Israeli involvement.
But what is even more alarming, is that these horrific practices are not confined to back street clinics operated by criminal gangs.
They take place in Israel’s state-run hospitals and involve Israeli government officials, high ranking military officers and even religious leaders. And whilst this all seems to be an openly discussed fact in Israel, for some reason, on the rare occasions when Western news outlets talk do about the issue, the term “anti-semitism” is deployed in order to stifle discussion.
But that leaves one question unanswered: Why is Israel the centre of this illegal human trafficking and organ harvesting conspiracy?
Well after some research, it appears that a lot of this stems from Jewish religious or spiritual beliefs, which many cite as a reason as to why Israeli Jews do not sign up as organ donors, with some sources reporting as little as just 12 per cent of the Israeli population are registered as organ donors. This has left Israel, in terms of human organs, as the country that donates the least, but at the same time having an unnaturally high demand for organs per capita.
However, it does seem strange that whilst such religious folk will not donate their own organs, they are at the same time happy to be involved in the highly unethical and morally abhorrent practice of trafficking both people and human organs.
And that fact shines a light on another aspect of these crimes – whilst those purchasing these organs are wealthy Israeli jews, the victims of this trade all appear to be gentiles, many of whom give up their organs due to poverty, desperation or even have them forcibly removed against their own will.
But of course, none of this is considered newsworthy in Britain! And Israel continues to enjoy the unequivocal support of the British government.
Odysee Comments
(Comments (newest at top) as of 5/24/2024 = 67)
4 days ago
Every. Single. F¥€ K ING. Time.
4 days ago(edited)
Just another reason Jew$ are abhorrent creatures.
Jewi$h Dominance – Palestine is a Microcosm
4 days ago
they will feast on the goyim
Cone of Silence
4 days ago
great incite mark, they always blame others for what they are doing, it’s like they have child brains.
had to laugh, though it’s grim, regard the skin, maybe it’s for lampshades and soap.
5 days ago
The Jews doing something nefarious? i don’t believe it.
5 days ago
Thanks for your great work Mark’nn
anti nwos , anti invasions
5 days ago
wondering if ccp is not even worse on that matter…anyway both are evil..
6 days ago
There’s no such thing as legal organ trafficking though. I know its a nitpick but Trafficking implies its already illegal. Human trafficking for example. Trafficking in itself is illegal.
6 days ago
For a group of people who claim non jews are animals and not people, they sure are in want of their organs for some reason, wonder why.
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5 days ago
They probably sell them to boomers on Medicare.
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5 days ago
Medicare wont cover such an operation and the instances which it does, are few and far between. Outliers. The majority of these blackmarket body parts go to jews paying top dollar. They mostly have the money for it AND the connections to get it done.
Ardetron Cardevron
6 days ago
11 jews disliked this video WOW, even though NOTHING but facts was said!!
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6 days ago
There are very evil people who wear masks daily and walk among us.
4 days ago
they hate facts for reasons
1 day ago
Remember, it’s “dislike” not “disagree with” and certainly not “have valid arguments against”!
Not having likes/dislikes is one of the things that makes 4Chan such a great social media site.
Ardetron Cardevron
6 days ago
Wow as a minority immigrant you, WOKE ME UP, thank you INFINITELY!!!! Mark Collet you are not only a hero to the English but you are a chosen messenger sent to EXPOSE these monsters and the reality of what they do!!! Greetings from a palestinian!!!
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4 days ago
Glad to see your comment. White Europeans and White Americans are completely disenfranchised and muted by the international Jew. They are doing the same to your people. Prayers for Palestine.
6 days ago
Very interesting. But even more interesting is the fact that the Fairchild A10 Thunderbolt 2 has a single 30mm Gatling cannon and 2 General Electric turbines. When it fires it’s gun and puts it’s engines to full it will actually accelerate backwards. That is how powerful it is.
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4 days ago
found the childbrain jew
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4 days ago
Someone didn’t get the joke.
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4 days ago
6 days ago
You can’t steal dead organs, these rat bastards harvested the sick and injured to death. The chutzpah is inconceivable here, trading and harvesting organs in Turkey when it produces much of their food. One can pray the Turks have a bio lab and an extent sense of justice.
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5 days ago
they never did
6 days ago(edited)
I am not surprised. Someone has to keep those oligarchs likes Rockefeller or Soros alive even though they should be dead long ago.
But it’s peculiar this comes now after Turkey suspends all trade with Israel.
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6 days ago
keep disliking, you are not white you are not white nationalist and you live in grotty little bedrooms, with pathetic solitary lives.
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Abrahamic Matrix Destroyer
5 days ago
iF u DisAgreE witH mE tHEN ur n0t whiTe! :clown_face:
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4 days ago
probably you are not. BEcause nothing that I said is wrong or in any way morally egregious. You people are sore losers.
6 days ago
If only we could start a War.
Imagine all the organs we could harvest.
Even before the victims are dead.
The Pork Report
6 days ago
If you’re registered as an organ donor, get your name off the list ASAP, and get written confirmation in case you’re hospitalized (share copies with loved ones). Hospitals will harvest your organs while you’re still dying, because organs are freshest if the patient is still alive — it’s a myth that they wait until you’re dead if you’re a donor.
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6 days ago
Isn’t that unethical procedure if you are a doctor or a surgeon?
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6 days ago
Its as if you just hatched out of an egg or something haha xD When has ethics stopped traitors, profiteers and the insane from doing whatever they wanted?
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6 days ago
yes well a lot of doctors are fine ,wholesome people who do their jobs with honesty. the people you are implying are not them and probably do not work in hospitals either.
Show reply
4 days ago
So is jabbing poison into gullible people but that hasn’t stopped the ghouls working in conjunction with the pharmaceutical industry for profit.
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4 days ago
people who jabbed jabs into gullible people were ordered and conditioned to do so. Say what you want all, but I believe that doctors have some moral boundaries.
6 days ago
very informative, thanks Mark
6 days ago
They are evil simple as
Matt Hammond
6 days ago
But…but……..Schindler’s List?
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5 days ago
An awesome comedy! I especially liked the part where Goeth says “Ah, an educated Jew… like Karl Marx himself. Unterscharfuehrer! Shoot her.”
6 days ago
Imagine what kind of people the Government security spooks are who watch stuff like this and think they are the “good guys”!
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6 days ago
Now imagine what those same people would do if they got told explicitly to turn their guns on you, the public.
6 days ago
Considering this issue for a moment, one quickly arrives at the conclusion that motivating the vehement defense of “our greatest ally” is an abiding concern to keep the crime scene that is Israel safely apart from prying eyes.
Of course, it’s a lot more than that. Organ trafficking is big business along the lines of drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, and child trafficking. One notable difference that sets organ trafficking apart is that sufficiently well-connected middle men can conduct business through largely licit means. And this leads to the second, more important difference: the skill set here is highly specialized. Here’s a headline from 20 March 2024: “House Members Highlight ‘Horrific’ Organ Harvesting of Aborted Babies: They testified that Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics throughout the country are selling the organs and body parts of aborted babies in a lucrative biomaterial black market.”
The above article concerns Planned Parenthood. Care to guess who are the most ardent supporters of Planned Parenthood? This isn’t even the tip of the ice-burg.
Jewish networks have for millennia functioned in much the same way. That such is justified by a uniquely odious, atavistic cultish belief system is one distinguishing aspect of it. Another is the expertise required for it to function. They are a cartel. And were someone to produce a network map like they did of Chabad in Massachusetts, this would be fully born out. In fact, you could probably model the flows involving specific doctors, specific airports, specific hospitals…
The final point is that organ trafficking is very much a growth industry in these times. And it wouldn’t be a huge surprise if it was from pharmaceutical industry that harvests genetic information just as Faceburg harvests personal data whence the next revelations will come. 23andMe grabbed headlines, and for good reason, but that’s not the end of the story, not by a long shot. But that’s for another day.
6 days ago
I remember that New Jersey case in 2009. The FBI investigation was called “Operation Bid Rig” and lasted for years involving dozens of rabbis and hundreds of other accomplices. The media tried to frame it as a purely financial corruption case and downplayed or omitted the organ trafficking aspects. That part of New Jersey is full of insular Jewish communities that occupy every level of local government and do not trust outsiders. They live by the words of the Talmud and have no problem whatsoever with any crimes against Goyim. The only reason that the traffickers were exposed is because some of the Jewish criminals made the mistake of stealing from fellow Jews. Search “Solomon Dwek” for an example.
All Govs are Zionist Occupied
6 days ago
jews are nothing more then an ethno/religions organized crime gang. Where ever they exist, humanities parasite that must be ‘expelled’
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The Ghoulish_Knight
4 days ago
“Expelling” them has backfired on us so mamy times, look on our current situation now, they hold power to end the world (The Samson Options) if they don’t get in their way. Hadrian failed to do only one job, and we’re paying the price.
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All Govs are Zionist Occupied
4 days ago
I totally agree. I use “expelled” in quotes to not be fedposty but Im referring to the most permanent means possible. They’ll just move elsewhere and worm their way into some other culture however theyre infested in most nations at this point.
3 days ago
Its backfired so many times because every single time they were let back in, it was by a group which adopted one of abrahamic belief systems, ALL OF WHICH concede the claim that jews EITHER were chosen OR are still chosen by god (their god, which is just an euphemism for jews). Look at the catholics for today with pope francis saying inside every christian there is a jew, compare that with the stupid people anti semetism back in the day where people like martin luther hated them for killing god lol. Or look at the saudis for today working with israel and/or their proxies, compare that with the quaran scriptures which both call for the destruction of jews while at the same time acknowledging them as once chosen people.
The only way expelling them wont backfire is if the reason is not grounded in one of red herring jews themselves GAVE US to use. That is to say it has to be SOLEY on the basis on their bloody behavior and actions. “You killed our god” or “you’re cursed by god” or “but they’re god’s chosen people” are few of many asinine reasons.
6 days ago
We’ve known this from David Duke, and it was also in the Turkish ‘Valley of the Wolves: Palestine’ movie. Human/child trafficking, rape, slavery, organ harvesting, terrorism: that’s Israel.
Sadly, most normies did not wake up, not after Weinshtein, not even after Epshtein.
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All Govs are Zionist Occupied
6 days ago
The clueless normies are the worst, enablers. Its all so tiresome.
Ardetron Cardevron
6 days ago
Finally I woke up after being in the graveyard buried in ignorance. I will NEVER EVER forgive these people!!
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5 days ago(edited)
Don’t blame yourself. I was “far-right” since I became interested in politics (around 16 years old), but I needed another 16 years to wake up enough to see how evil they really are. Because we, good people can’t even imagine that such evil can exist, and when we see it, we still don’t want to believe it.
6 days ago
Do you have a link to the movie?
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5 days ago
Here’s a link:
At the same time, I have to correct myself, it was in the other movie, the one about Iraq. I believe it was Gary Busey who played the Jewish doctor who was trafficking the organs.
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2 days ago
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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