Murdoch Murdoch
Never Forget the Greatest Generation
Thu, Aug 8, 2018
[In this classic Murdoch Murdock satirical video Allied soldiers – just before storming the French coast on D-Day (May 6, 1944) – give their reasons for being prepared to die in the name of multi-racialism, multi-culturalism, LBGTism, communism, and the destruction of White societies that are to follow following the defeat of Germany.
Published on Thu, Aug 8, 2018
4:11 / 4:11
Never Forget The Greatest Generation
The Last Relevant Sage 2
3.46K subscribers
Aug 8, 2018
Many lost their lives to protect our freedom. Was it worth it?
Follow along using the transcript.
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The Last Relevant Sage 2
3.46K subscribers
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(Words: 596 – 4:11
6 JUNE 1944
Captain: All right men! Nazi occupied Europe lies before you! Many of you will die here today, but all of you are heroes! Let us take this moment before we engage our enemy to remember what it is that we fight for.
Thomas, are you prepared to die today?
Thomas: Yes sir!
Captain: And what are you prepared to die for?
Thomas: Sir, I’d gladly give my life for the future of our country. Future where all negroes use the same water fountain as us, and go to the same schools as our kids. [flag waving and cheering]
Tyler: Sir! I’m fighting so that in the future our daughters can abandon motherhood and join the workforce, to be like men! [flag waving and cheering]
Captain: That’s right Tyler! Our society doesn’t need mothers. It needs more worker units, in a non-binary capitalistic, soul-crushing, machine!
James, what are your hopes for the future?
James: Well I just want my granddaughter to pop out as many welfare-supported mulatto babies as possible! [flag waving and cheering]
Captain: I’m sure all of us would recognize our White privilege, and would agree, we should offer up one of our granddaughters to the superior African bull.
Now let’s hear from Nigel, from the Royal Army. What are you fighting for soldier?
Nigel: Well sir, I would say my greatest hope would be to see a Muslim Mayor of London, one day! But the truth is, I aspire for something even greater! That some day no Muslim sex criminal will be punished in our kingdom again! [flag waving and cheering]
John Pierre: Well, my Capitan, I wish to see those German invaders pushed out of France, so that on one glorious day it can be occupied permanently by a tidal wave of sub-Saharan Muslim invaders!
Captain: We should all be so lucky as to be replaced by a tidal wave of sub-Saharan Muslim invaders! [flag waving and cheering]
Captain: I fight so that one day a black man can be President of the United States! And use his authority to force bakeries to make cakes for homosexual weddings!
For schools to allow transsexuals to use whatever bathroom they want!
So that my great-grandchildren will be burdened with debt at the beginning of their adult lives for a worthless degree from a Marxist educational system! [flag waving and cheering]
Frank: Well, I want to help free the jewish people from the “Holocaust” camps! So that they can hang guilt over us for nine centuries, while they quietly take over every institution of our society, from finance and education, to media and government bureaucracy! [flag waving and cheering]
Captain: They are truly god’s chosen people! And we should submit before their superiority!
What about you Isaiah? Aren’t you from the tribe?
Isaiah: Well, I’m just here to support our communist allies. So that they can rape Eastern Europe for a couple of generations, and murder tens of millions of people in China!
Captain: Well communism is the way of the future, boys.
Remember folks, the Nazis are the bad guys! And we’re the heroes!
Are you ready?
John Pierre: Viva la France!
Nigel: For King and Country!
All: For our future!
Youtube Comments
(Comments as of 5/26/2024 = 240)
10 months ago
This should be mandatory to be shown at every school in America and Europe.
2 years ago
Isn’t it crazy the good guys have won every war?
The Last Relevant Sage 2
2 replies
2 years ago
Winner writes the history books. Works every time.
10 months ago
yea, what are the odds?
3 years ago
As General Patton said “We fought the wrong enemy”
2 replies
2 years ago
He had it right and was killed for his candor
1 year ago
I hope Russia sees this bro. Most of the world fought you btw.
4 years ago
If “The Greatest Generation” knew what would become of the modern world they would of joined germany’s side or just stayed home.
15 replies
4 years ago
To quote myself “If the Americans, English, and French saw the Future that they were unknowingly fighting for they would have laid down their Weapons and fought right alongside the Germans against the actual evil of this World, the Soviet Union and International Zionist Bankers”
4 years ago
@SC-dw3jz what about US troops still invading foreign countries?
4 years ago
Gabby Mouse Venezuela/Iran should be next
4 years ago
@HerbEVore-ti6hs We shouldn’t be invading countries when our own country is fucked up. And not even a “democratic republic” anymore.
3 years ago (edited)
@Pooh Xi I don’t think that was a false flag, but could’ve been.
3 years ago
Kosmos de Kosmopoliet I don’t know for sure
3 years ago
no name sorry to break it to you but every major event that has ever made the front page news has been a false flag. That is what the “news” are for, propaganda.
3 years ago
@fredrikhamar4374 Well duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
3 years ago
no name glad to hear you were joking about not believing pearl harbour was a false flag then
3 years ago
@fredrikhamar4374 Look IDK about that
3 years ago
The Germans are still under Allied administration, it’s up to you to free us
11 months ago
I heard some boomers tell me out of his own mouth that his parents said if they didn’t fight h*tler we would still be in our living rooms.
8 months ago
@fredrikhamar4374 I don’t think it was a false flag per se, but I think they knew it was coming and didn’t defend so they could have a tragedy to bring them into the fight in Europe. Otherwise people would’ve just wanted to go after Japan.
Also they basically gaslit Japan into doing it via sanctions and blockades and all sorts of other things behind the scenes. Had they never done those things Japan wouldn’tve attacked
8 months ago
@unkono what does that mean? Like they’d still be living a normal life?
1 month ago
@ullikarlheinzmaier5574 True it’s evil. Until 2099
2 years ago
Tbh, I’d rather be speaking German.
1 reply
2 years ago
I do, it’s great!
3 years ago
That last line hits like a truck.
“The Nazis are the bad guys, and we’re the heroes.”
3 replies
3 years ago
1 German soldiers stood by 98 Allied soldiers
opposite you, they were heroes
3 years ago
Unfortunately, the Google translations are incorrect
2 years ago
it really does. It really hits me in the heart strings… and not in a good way. If those heroes could see the world I know I think they would just surrender. It was really a pointless fight.
3 years ago
America defeated the wrong enemy
1 reply
2 years ago
More than 6 Million Jews think otherwise.
Following a copy of a letter from a German who September 1985 asked the German Ministry of Finance how many people made applications via Israel for survivor pensions because of the Wiedergutmachungsregelung. The reply of the Ministry: the total per January 1st 1985 was at least 6-7,000,000 applications!
2 years ago
One thing that a lot of people convieniently choose to forget is that Joseph Stalin was on our side.
The Last Relevant Sage 2
9 replies
2 years ago
We were on Stalin’s side. We supported a communist mass murderer, in fact one of the worst in history.
2 years ago
So We just gonna forget all the concentration camps???
2 years ago
@Milan1988Z Stalin was a Non-Russian from Georgia.
“The West” and “The East” are the wings of one bird.
2 years ago
@kilohotel1670 What do You know about the camps? Who told You?
2 years ago
Stalin was a Jew alltogether with Trotzki, Ehrenburg and Kaganowitsch..
1 year ago
@andyz.5431 Stalin was not a Jew. He was Lenin’s henchman and when the Bolsheviks didn’t need him any more they killed him by poison.
10 months ago (edited)
@TheLastRelevantSage2 @andyz.5431 is right. he was a crypto – j 3 vv , just like churchil
8 months ago (edited)
@kilohotel1670 bro tell me why when the shades were debunked to where even the official story admits they were fake, did the famous “witnesses” make those claims. Same with many other things taken out of the official story after people like us debunked it in court. Some witnesses didn’t get the memo and still claim it.
Why also did they need to torture confessions out of them? And if you were being tortured may you not just confess so it’s over?
The official number kept dropping until the current one, which is a sacred number in their holy text..
3 months ago
@TheLastRelevantSage2 noooo don’t say that! tankies will get upset!!!!
8 months ago
A muslim mayor? Sure, but What about a Hindu Prime Minister?
1 reply
8 months ago
Nigel wasn’t greedy, even his wildest dreams have been surpassed.
4 years ago
Yes folks, the WW2 was fought with open borders and LGBT people on one side and wholesome family values on the other.
6 replies
4 years ago
its a joke
4 years ago
@elmerbudz5022 Joke is an alternative of a Nazi victory we live in, and its a sad joke.
4 years ago
Ultimately that’s really what is comes down to.
4 years ago
@TheAnonymousIndividual the Soviets used their own people to sweep mine feilds
4 years ago
@SC-dw3jz The Soviets did countless heinous and evil War Crimes, I could get into it but I’m sure you know.
4 years ago
@TheAnonymousIndividual I usually post comments like that incase normies are reading they’ll become educated on the subject matter.
4 years ago
If they were able to see the consequences of their battles, would they have fought?
The Last Relevant Sage 2
2 replies
4 years ago
Patton wanted to unite with the Germans and go against the Russians. He was killed.
4 years ago
@TheLastRelevantSage2 Exactly. These poor souls never saw the long-nosed dystopia they would unwittingly bring. Most soldiers were against the black civil rights movement, so imagine what they’d have done if they saw Mr. Steinberg teaching their descendants that breed mixing is good.
4 years ago
This is THE eye opener on the internet of all times. 10/10 to Murdoch Murdoch. Thank you guys
3 replies
4 years ago
Actually THE eye opener is The Greatest Story Never Told.
1 year ago
@SC-dw3jz Eur0pa: The Last Battle?
8 months ago (edited)
@MalachiHealey what is that even about? After tgsnt I couldn’t get myself to watch another several hour thing. Also there’s another series called that and I think it’s supposed to trick people who are told to watch it
4 years ago
Jesus christ this was eye-opening..
The Last Relevant Sage 2
3 replies
4 years ago
Please share this.
4 years ago
Just remember, all of them died that day, but through their sacrifice their dreams were realized. Truly heroic.
3 years ago
@ReplyequalsNerd why don’t you support the good guys
3 years ago
Her last words were:
A. Jodl: “I greet you, my Germany!”
H. Frank: “I ask God to receive me graciously.”
E. Kaltenbrunner: “I loved my German people and my fatherland from the bottom of my heart. I have done my duty under the laws of my country. I regret that in their hardest time my people were led by people who were not soldiers and who committed the crimes. I did not participate in the crimes, I fought honorably. Germany luck open! ”
W. Keitel: “I ask the Almighty for mercy for that
German people. Over two million German soldiers preceded me in death for the fatherland. I follow my sons. Everything for Germany.”
W. Frick: “Long live eternal Germany!”
J.v. Ribbentrop: “God protect Germany, God be merciful to my soul! My last wish is that Germany finds its unity again, that an understanding between East and West comes about and that peace reigns in the world!”
F. Sauckel: “I die innocent, the judgment was unjust. God help Germany and make it great again. God may protect my family!”
A. Seys.Inquart: “I hope that this execution will be the last act of the tragedy of the Second World War, so that peace and understanding will reign among the peoples. I believe in Germany!”
J. Streicher: “Heil Hitler!”
A. Rosenberg: Went to death in silence.
H. Göring: Died by suicide the day before the execution.
Streicher, Rosenberg and Göring understood what was in store for us. Hence the most honest last words in the sense of loyalty (Streicher), sobriety (Rosenberg) and honor (Göring, who asked for the soldier’s death by shooting, but was denied him, whereupon he chose suicide).
The world would not have endured an accused Hitler
The Last Relevant Sage 2
3 replies
3 years ago
To understand that both, the First and the Second World War were really wars against Germany is to understand the truth.
3 years ago
@TheLastRelevantSage2 It is exactly like that, and it has not ended to this day. They who wanted not to stop until the last German is murdered.
3 years ago
@TheLastRelevantSage2 As the sister of the man who sacrificed himself for Germany, I wrote this down in the first post-war period: Gentlemen – don’t forget one thing! Your name will long since crumble with your corpse – be forgotten and rotten – while the name of Adolf Hitler will still shine and blaze! You cannot kill him with your septic tank, you cannot strangle him with your inky, greasy fingers – you cannot erase his name from a hundred thousand souls – you are a lot yourself, but also much too small! Where he loved … it happened in Germany. Where he fought … it was about Germany. Where he was missing … it was about Germany, and when he fought for honor and reputation, it was for German honor and German reputation. And what have you given so far? And which of you wanted to give your life for Germany? You only ever had power and wealth, enjoyment, food and gluttony – a wonderful life without responsibility – in mind when you thought of Germany! You can rely on it, gentlemen – the pure, selfless thought and action of the Führer alone is enough for immortality! That his fanatical struggle for Germany’s greatness was not successful, as for example a Cromwell one day in Britain – this, too, may be due to the mentality, because the Briton, despite all the tendency towards vanity, envy and resentment and ruthlessness, does not forget To be English and loyalty to his crown is in his blood – while the German in his instinct for recognition is everything, just not primarily German. So you don’t care. You little souls, when the whole nation falls apart with you. Your guiding star will never be: Common good comes before self-interest, but always the other way around! And with this guiding star do you want to prevent the immortality of a greater one? What I wrote down in the first years after the war was still valid in 1957 and confirms the correctness of my convictions.
Berchtesgaden, May 1, 1957 Paula Hitler
5 years ago
The truth hurts some times but the truth is the truth and this is a good example of what’s happening right now. Again this is why I like your channel my friend because you tell it like it truly is.
4 years ago
I hate how true this is.
1 year ago
i’d like to see an updated version, now that would sting
4 years ago
Vielen Dank, ihr Helden.
4 years ago
The original got taken down, OY VEY! Doing God’s work by uploading this.
1 reply
4 years ago
He is doing Folk’s work.
6 months ago
Classic joint
1 year ago
I’m surprised that any of Murdoch Murdoch is at all still on YouTube
The Last Relevant Sage 2
1 reply
1 year ago
Me too. People love this one. It’s like a Koan in video format.
4 years ago
Thanks for re-upload. Not all heroes wear cape.
1 year ago
B but but our greatest ally
5 years ago
Thanks for the smile.
2 years ago
1:33 “…to the superior, African bull…”
8 months ago
Very funny, very sad. Stay strong with true morality.
The Last Relevant Sage 2
1 reply
8 months ago
I put this up over 5 years ago and it is even older as it was on my original channel prior to that. The people who created this, Murdoch Murdoch were very smart and also one of the first channels to be deleted when YouTube became TheirTube.
Thank you for your comment. Cheers, TLRS
2 years ago
Happy Memorial Day to the Greatest Generation!!
4 years ago
Well… thanks to those “heroes” Europe and my Germany is fucked up now. Great job
8 replies
4 years ago
Starvin Marvin take it all back
4 years ago
>implying people that can’t spell are people :^)
4 years ago
@joaopc94 cute you deleted your comment
4 years ago
@joaopc94 Dshew.
4 years ago
PS: i really miss the other autistic dude, roleplayng with him in this tread was fun while it lasted :'(
4 years ago
the autistic man child misses me?
how adorable
3 years ago
@joaopc94 pardo coping
2 years ago
@joaopc94 Calado svbhvmano
1 year ago
where are murdoch murdoch now?
The Last Relevant Sage 2
1 reply
1 year ago
No idea. I miss them though.
3 years ago
4 years ago
The biggest suckers of any generation! LMAO!
Yep, the Allies did wonders after the “the evil” was conquered! LOL!
2 replies
4 years ago
They never stood a chance. They were drafted, forced at gunpoint. They would have to have fought back against the government, Americans killing millions of indoctrinated Americans. Killing foreigners must have seemed like the lesser of two evils, but they never really had a choice. They would have been forced to fight against their will either way. The leaders and special interest groups who sent them to their deaths are truly reprehensible.
4 months ago (edited)
@hixidom2274 True, but they should have spoken out against their service after the war. The fact that George Lincoln Rockwell was the only WW2 vet to denounce the war is lousy.
3 years ago
1 year ago (edited)
Shut it down this is conspiracy theory we all know in this house that love is love science is real … I can’t even remember the rest
4 years ago
This is so true
2 years ago
@2:48 Hitler smirking in the background “Told ya so”
1 reply
2 years ago
Galaxy MM88 21:27
4 years ago
It’s sad what america has come to and what the world has come too. Looking at the democrats today, I think the republicans are our last hope towards conservative values. The greatest generation would be sad to see what we have come to as a society. May god save the world.
3 replies
3 years ago
both parties are controlled by the master of puppets
3 years ago
Red team, blue team, both play for the purple team. Be sure to check after the election. The loser will be wearing something purple and laughing.
1 year ago
Yes .. republicans like Matt Gaetz , Lauren boebert, Marjorie Greene , Mitch McConnell, Lindsay graham , … those people are DEFINITELY our last hope
4 years ago
Pretty much says it all.
4 years ago
2 years ago
Hey does anyone know what happened to Murdoch Murdoch? The original uploader
The Last Relevant Sage 2
3 replies
2 years ago
Don’t really know but I think they have a website or something. Used to be one of my favorite channels. They got taken down around the same time DjooToobe “terminated” my first channel.
2 years ago
@TheLastRelevantSage2 that’s unfortunate. But thanks for reuploading. I always make sure to watch this every WW2 and D-Day anniversary.
6 months ago
im not 100% sure but i think he and the girl have a conspiracy channel called “mindUnveiled” now.
3 years ago
2 years ago
lmao, classic
1 year ago
A reminder that Caucasians did this to themselves
1 reply
11 months ago
Yup. You got it. Ding ding ding.
4 years ago
I’m going to translate this into Spanish, and I need some help. What does the captain say at 3:24? “Are you from the trab”? What is the “trab”?
3 replies
4 years ago
Oh, wait, is that “tribe”? LOOOL
3 years ago
@Tursiopstruncatus yes, that word is often use regarding Jews, also by themselves “to be a part of the Tribe”
3 years ago
@600795621 Yeah, I know. The translation is already done
4 years ago
So freaking true
4 years ago
Antony Holtz would love this vid. Hope he survives.
5 years ago
The Last Relevant Sage
Hey brother I’m happy that you restarted a new channel. Hey I wanted to say that I didn’t mean to offend anybody by mirroring that dudes video. I just think that most people stand down to the police and I think they also abuse their power of authority. I was reluctant to mirror it in the first place but I did and I take full responsibility for doing so. I’ve had both good and bad comments but I’m not going to lose my cool over it like the dude did in that video. lol
I’m looking forward to more of your videos. I’ve spent a lot of time on my observations and I don’t always have the time to watch YT videos. I will say this though brother I have several channels that I watch and trust and you are one of them. I don’t get involved with religion on my channel much because I hate to judge people over their religious beliefs even though I know most of the religious channels judge me. That why none of them will support my channel. My channel is mainly about observations and what they can prove. One thing I noticed is not many people have a very long attention span and that includes a lot of the flat earth people. I started my channel with the hopes that people would use my footage to show comparisons of these bird racks and other markers to show how these mirages are part of the reasons why things get cut off but hardly any of them have. Two or three channels have but that’s about all.
I was thinking about stopping many times but I’m just going to keep posting my observations with the hopes of waking up some of the globe believers. Peace brother
The Last Relevant Sage 2
4 replies
5 years ago
+wide awake No problem, brother. I didn’t mean to criticize your decision, it’s the video I had a problem with. I have come a long way since they took down my channel and I see things a little more sharply these days.
Please keep in mind that I lost 13,000 subs, 188 videos and 3 years of content creating. My patience is wearing thin.
Cheers, TLRS.
5 years ago
The Last Relevant Sage
I know brother and my heart feels how you feel. I loved your work my friend and I think YT is taking us down one by one. I have almost all my videos backed up on a hard drive but I keep my channel pretty much an observational channel so they haven’t given me any strikes yet. If I can help in any way to get you some of your subscribers back please feel free to ask. If mirroring one of your videos I’d be more than happy to with all credit going to you of coarse. Anything to help a flat earth brother out. Of coarse I’ve resubscribe to your channel.
5 years ago
Thank you.
4 years ago
Default Name YES, just Google: The Last Relevant Sage on BitChute
4 years ago
8 months ago
Have you read the Fourth Turning?
The Last Relevant Sage 2
1 reply
8 months ago
I have not but I am aware of the Strauss–Howe generational theory.
I put a video up 7 month ago titled: 84 Year Cycle Of Conflict
You can find it under VIDEOS on my front page. Check it out and let me know in the comments what you think about it. Cheers, TLRS
1 year ago
I’m literally not allowed to turn on notifications for your channel do you upload anywhere else
The Last Relevant Sage 2
1 reply
1 year ago
Sorry, my channel is one of the most heavily sh*dow ban*ed on DjooToobe.
I don’t even receive notification myself when someone leaves a comment on any of my uploads. I used to post on bitchute but I lost interest in that.
Many of my subscribers still receive notification though. At the moment I am not uploading a lot because I have other problems to attend to. Best I can tell you is, check once in a while to see it something new arrived.
Thank you for telling me about the problem. Cheers, TLRS
4 years ago
I’m so confused what is going on
The Last Relevant Sage 2
6 replies
4 years ago
4 years ago
Basically, consider what the world would be like if the good guys won. Now, compare that to this nightmare hellscape we currently live in.
4 years ago
The good guys lost
4 years ago
Starvin Marvin I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
3 years ago
@JagerFrostTroll and who were the good guys?
2 years ago
@louek1203 THE GERMANS
4 years ago
4 years ago
I subbed from a comment by someone called Gaby on another channel.
1 reply
4 years ago
Even Steven brought me here
2 years ago
I doubt that anyone of them have ever said that or have thought that.
1 reply
2 years ago
because they werent aware of it back then.
4 years ago
All episodes here
or here
or here
1 year ago
Yeah this seems about white
3 years ago (edited)
I’m so confused, what’s happening in this comment section? Are you guys against LGBT and stuff or what?
8 replies
3 years ago
3 years ago
@andyz.5431 ?
3 years ago
I’m vehemently against LGBT. I don’t know what “and stuff” is supposed to mean. I’m against a lot of things.
3 years ago
@k.s.7034 What’s the huge problem with LGBT? I don’t understand how they stop you from living your life.
3 years ago
my Heart is A FedPost How does it affect others?
3 years ago
@louek1203 The slippery slope is a fallacy.
But fallacy doesn’t mean it’s false.
3 years ago
@dannylamb456 Projecting much?
3 years ago (edited)
@dannylamb456 At this point, slippery slope isn’t a fallacy. It’s a pattern.
3 years ago
2 years ago
As truthful as this video is, it’s heavily disrespectful to the Greatest Generation who fought for freedom. You can disagree all you want to but facts don’t care about your feelings.
The Last Relevant Sage 2
8 replies
2 years ago
mura Hey believe what you want to but y’all trippin’ if you think all the Allies fought for communism.
2 years ago
Oh really? Guess you are not up on current events then.
2 years ago
I wouldn’t say this is disrespectful to those people. its more an answer to current day antifa types who would like to brand themselves like the ‘original anti fascists’ that were the allied powers back in those days. which, when presented like this video does is of course a preposterous proposition. i’d say pretty much all of these fighting men would be far, far right if they were to be time travelled to current times.
1 year ago
@aZakthatAttacks They allied themselves with Lenin’s henchman Joseph Stalin. They should have known better. And, YES, they fought indirectly for communism as it turns out.
1 year ago (edited)
Did they really fight for freedom here?
Because if that meant: “Start allowing very certain peculiar groups of people, to freely ebb away at every foundational attribute/pillar of society starting from the very end-day of WW2 to now. Of everything that they ever once knew and had loved in their own Nation; Home, Family, Religion, Country, Tradition, Liberty, the natural order of society and etc here.
While making certain nations be (debt) slaves for almost neigh a century and also be ruled under even worse “Totalitarian Dictatorships” then what that they (the former Axis Nations, when I say “”they”” here) supposedly had before (even though their own people voted them into power by their own choice and volition/will).
Then by all accounts here; They sure did fight for freedom in every regard .
Believing in Fighting for Freedom and Fighting for Freedom are two very different things.
The first one presumes that you are doing so and the other here is a: objective, universal truth, without a shadow of a doubt; That You are .
(Also That whole point gets thrown out the door and gets’ it’s ass hit on the way out.
When they fought beside; one of the most brutal, ruthless and oppressive dictatorial régimes at that time and perhaps even in modern history)
The one truly huffing the Copium’n’Sneedine ((or the Sneedine’N’Copium, depending here)). is: You
You truly disregard everything that has happened/said in the video (or of what has transpired since their outcome of winning the war to now) for you’re own personal feelings of the generation, because you outright refuse the fact, that (at best here) their sacrifices were wasted (at worst here) Sacrificial lambs to bring their ((grand))son’s enslavement and the tyranny of World Orgs&Mega Corps and of their very own govt’s alongside the many woes that have been brought to modernity because of it (be it directly/indirectly) due to their actions.
In other much more simpler words: (embracing Fee-Fee’s over Faxs’n’Lahgic)
1 year ago (edited)
Foresight is honestly 20/20.
It is easy for us to say it now with our ease of access and ((well relative)) open source of information.
It is indeed, pretty hard. Where your only source of information is either personal, on the ground or from the news/media (be it paper, radio or tv).
And everyone oughta know by now ((atleast those in a very certain circle)), that the main media source’s at the time (that being of the news/media) held the monopoly of information. were being heavily controlled and owned by ((Well either Bolsheviks, Chosen or Both in case of a very certain guild in hollywood))
I’m not trying to justify blind ignorance, because I’m sure there were groups (Like the Silver Legion) doing their thing around the country. But it’s almost 1% over the 99% in terms of outreach, comparitively. While their groups could do a town or potentially even a city in perhaps a day in a singular state with maximal effort. The other could do so from the east coast to west coast, All across the country within minutes to hours to perhaps within a day with paper distribution or so. And almost Everywhere, simultaneously at once in the nation with nearly minimal effort via TV and Radio.
1 year ago
>it’s heavily disrespectful to the Greatest Generation who fought for freedom
Almost all of that generation died in Eisenhauer dehydration camps anyway, noone to feel offended
4 months ago
@WuzzupWhitey Can you tell me what you mean? It sounds interesting, but I don’t know what you’re referring to.
6 months ago (edited)
You are all talking here like it was legal in USSR to be a gay or shit like that. Btw gay marriages are illegal in Russia now.
The Last Relevant Sage 2
1 reply
3 months ago
I don’t see what that has to do with this video.
1 year ago
1:12 capitalism is the problem
3:35 communists is the problem
oh woe if only we had special nazi socialism that was totally different you guys we swear.
also mandatory vegetarianism. hitler told me all that soy would surely save humanity.
we truly are the darkest timeline.
The Last Relevant Sage 2
1 reply
11 months ago
Congratulations! You missed the point of this video entirely.
3 years ago
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
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Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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Version 1: Sun, May 26, 2024 — Published post. Includes Youtube comments (240).