[Ryan Dawson of the Anti-NeoCon Report hosts a long (nearly 4 hours) and often heated debate between Eric Hunt and Fritz Berg on what happened to all the “missing” jews during the alleged “Holocaust” of WWII.
Eric Hunt, a producer of revisionist videos, in an unexpected change of conviction has recently revised his own revisionist views and now believes that in fact, jews and others were mass murdered in gas chambers and also shot in large numbers in the East.
Fritz Berg strongly supports the revisionist position that no homicidal gassings occurred what-so-ever and that any shootings of jews in the East were legitimate actions taken against partisans and their supporters — KATANA.]
[90/231 mins, now complete!]
Here is the full Hunt/ Fritz debate on the Holocaust. This is for ANC members This debate is specifically on the question of transit camps and gas chambers. If there were transit camps, then where are the records of where all these prisoners said to have shipped east ended up? If there were gas chambers…
Free download of the mp3 audio file –
Questioning “The Holocaust” (Eric Hunt’s website):
Debate with Friedrich Paul Berg (Updated with download link)
Audio files (split into 4 parts) also available here at archive.org:
Holocaust Debate – Eric Hunt vs Friedrich Berg – Parts 4 of 4
ANC Report
Holocaust Debate
Eric Hunt vs Fredrick Berg
Ryan: What I thought was going to be a one hour debate, or planned, ended up being about three and a half hours.
OK, this is Ryan Dawson of ANC Report, the Anti Neo-con Report. We’re usually covering the antiwar thing, the anti neo-con material. We often get into “hidden history” and sometimes conspiracy, … Not that wacky Jonestown kind. But today’s topic is one of the more taboo, if not the most taboo topic on the Interwebs, and that’s the “Holocaust“. There’s a lot of exaggerations in both directions about the “Holocaust“. Over exaggerating it, maybe under exaggerating it.
And we have two revisionists on today, one revisionist is Eric Hunt who’s been on the program before. He has recanted some of his views and he will be explaining that. And here to debate him is Fritz Berg, or Friedrich Paul Berg of the website, Nazi Gassings dot com. Also Eric Hunt’s web site, Questioning the Holocaust dot com. And you can see his long, well recanting on that, as well as other information.
So gentleman, I’m going to give you guys the floor. Hopefully I won’t have to jump in too much. I do want to make it clear to everyone that the point of this is to get at the truth where this is never supposed to be something dogmatic and I hope people will refrain from accusations, saying somebody is anti German, or anti-jewish. The idea here is just to get at the truth of the matter, based on the best evidence available.
So Eric, I will start with you, because you were a revisionists who is now revised your revisions and you’re catching some flak for that. So I’ll let you explain your position and then I’ll let Fritz respond.
Eric: All right, thanks. First up I’d like to thank Fritz Berg for agreeing to debate. Fritz has never been afraid to defend his views and has debated Roberto Muehlenkamp, who accepts the garssing claims and has repeatedly asked to debate revisionist Fred Leuchter. Surprisingly it’s the revisionists like Leuchter, dodging the debate, not those defending the claims of mass gassing and shooting such as Muehlenkamp. I recommend for listeners to listen to the Berg-Muehlenkamp debates. It is my opinion Mr Muehlenkamp presents entirely logical arguments and overwhelming evidence in favor of mass gassings having occurred. We will likely not be repeating many of the same arguments from those debates here today.
Fritz has and is operating in the supposed spirit of the revisionists who claim to desire open debate on the Holocaust and Fritz should be commended. It’s very telling that no other top revisionist scholars, as they claim, has so far agreed to debate me upon publishing my controversial findings in an article titled “The End Of The Line” available to read at: Questioning the holocaust dot com. This exposes the hypocrisy of those claiming they simply desire open debate on the subject. I put forward that this clique of SS mass murder deniers instead want to spread their extreme, indefensible, illogical denialist falsehoods in their safe little echo chambers. I’ve determined the behavior of this community is more consistent with a religious cult like the Jonestown cult you mentioned in your opening, than something claiming to be related to science. And I’m hoping to tell people listening not to drink the Kool-Aid.
For those who claim to oppose censorship, both Fritz and I have been banned from the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust forums. I have determined even before coming to this conclusion that [that forum] is paradoxically the most closed forum which claims to debate the “Holocaust“. And I have heard Fritz say the same throughout the years. I want to make it clear I’m not here to totally put down, or insult revisionists. One reason revisionists haven’t been debated more often is, because the “Holocaust Industry”, as Norman Finkelstein calls them, really does engage in many hoaxes. “Mini”, I meant to say, mini hoaxes, small hoaxes, propaganda, exaggeration and willingly spreading falsehoods. The blind believers repeatedly defend indefensible and scientifically impossible eyewitness accounts. Often these accounts are forced upon the American public, especially on naive schoolchildren.
[Image] An illustration of one of Elie Weisel’s sadistic tall tales as described in his mostly fictional book, “Night“.
I’d like to talk briefly about some of the things I’ve done and what I stand behind. Elie Weisel’s fictional tale of walking to the edge of a flaming pit of fire at the entrance of Auschwitz Birkenau, where dump trucks full of babies were dumped alive for no reason other than dramatic effect, during that titular night, is forced upon naive school children.
These children don’t know the flaming pit never existed, as all eyewitnesses confirm, including Weisel’s own sister. The fire and atrocity invention is just a lame literary device by a Jewish poet to represent entering into the hell of Auschwitz.
My exposé on Steven Spielberg’s 1999 Academy Award winning “Holocaust” documentary, “The Last Days” is one for the ages, which I’m very proud of. To investigate in particular that film star survivor, Irene Zisblatt’s false testimony, I did what any skeptical researcher should do. I investigated her claims, bought her book and read it. I found the book to be almost total fiction and saw ways to prove it. I followed the evidence trail to Stanford University to watch her video testimony, recorded for Steven Spielberg’s Survivors of the Showa a Visual History Foundation. In this video testimony Zisblatt seems to invent in real time new fake atrocity stories, one after the other. Zisblatt claims she was selected to become a lampshade, because of her smooth skin! She claims the Nazis tried to change the color of her eyes. Zisblatt claims that Dr Mengele removed her Auschwitz tattoo in excruciating experiments. Despite being on a list of Jews quickly transited through Auschwitz to other labor camps, never given a tattoo. Zisblatt claims to have escaped from inside Auschwitz Birkenau Crematoria III gas chamber. She claims a boy then threw her over an electrified barbed wire fence, naked, onto a train where she escaped. That train would have been at least one hundred feet away from the fence.
Zisblatt’s calling card claim of repeatedly defecating and swallowing diamonds for a year and a half pales in comparison to her other outrageous lies! Steven Spielberg produced other falsehoods in that Oscar winning documentary, including featuring a discredited African American soldier who already falsely claimed to have liberated Dachau in a previous propaganda film, “Liberators”, which was withdrawn from public airing, as a hoax. As a result of sharing Zisblatt’s testimony to the world, rather than have the evidence looked at in a major examination of this outrageous false testimony, shown to children and even the US Congress, I was instead banned from Stanford University libraries!
The “Last Days” and the refusal of any mainstream journalist, or film reviewer to expose the documentary as a fraud is an example of why I there are so many skeptical of the Holocaust, of the larger holocaust claims. The “Last Days” stands as a testament to human gullibility. The film is a high watermark to represent the incredible falsehoods some of the most powerful people on earth have disseminated. Taking advantage of the general public’s ignorance and good nature, the silence from those in academia and media is deafening. And demonstrates their role in helping to sweep inconvenient, embarrassing Holocaust related truth under the rug.
I started out investigating and exposing things I stand by today. However, I never really doubted that all the lying about aspects of their experiences in outrageous fashions, Wiesel and Zisblatt were, in fact, separated forever from their mothers and younger siblings at Auschwitz. Seeing the many absurd falsehoods of the Holocaust industry on the world stage, disseminated and covered up by those at the highest levels of media and academia, I was willing to see where the revisionist trail of evidence went. After all, the revisionist weren’t covering up the absurdities of these lying, or exaggerating eyewitnesses, or repeating wildly inflated Soviet propaganda death tolls.
Just recently the number of five million non jewish victims claimed by Simon Wiesenthal as a means to increase Gentile sympathy for Jewish Holocaust victims, has been jettisoned by the Holocaust industry in a spectacular way. This was, because in a statement issued on Holocaust Remembrance Day, President Trump declared sympathy for all victims of the Nazi concentration forced labor and extermination camps, not Jews alone. Those Holocaust scholars who have known of Wiesenthal’s falsehoods did not speak up very loudly about it, until the President dared to declare nearly equal the suffering of all nationalities during World War Two.
As we know, Simon Wiesenthal lied about which camps he was in and has been known to spread falsehoods and [was] willing to disseminate big lies such as his claim of five million non-jewish Holocaust victims. As long as there is a Simon Wiesenthal Center, I can’t really accept much shame or embarrassment over what I’ve done. As I know, one day even the mainstream will look upon the lies of Wiesel and Spielberg and Zisblatt and realize that a great injustice was done to me as a young investigative journalist unafraid to expose politically incorrect truth.
In many ways I’m still, quote, a “revisionist.” There are many changes required to bring the accepted history closer to the gray-zone reality resides in. Now I’ve played a small part in this. But after extensively studying the evidence, looking at both sides, visiting the locations of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Majdanek, Trawniki and Babi Yar, I am not a denier of SS mass-murder via poison gas and bullets at these sites.
In the past, the more extreme mask I wore as a Holocaust denier, was partially in order to move what is called the “Overton Window”, to gain concessions from the Holocaust promotion industry still telling lies big and small. I always had doubts about those denying SS mass murder, as anyone claiming to use scientific method should. I want to make clear, I never acted in bad faith. I genuinely believed the extreme falsehoods in the testimonies, such as Wiesel and Zisblatt, and the promotion of these lies could possibly reveal the hoax on a larger scale. There’s an entire journalist and academic class either in fear of, or willingly covering up these miniature hoaxes.
As I continued to investigate, push into areas of research I avoided for a long time, I realized those who deny mass gassings and mass murder by bullets were entirely wrong, based on the evidence and their own illogical alternate explanations, all the evidence, documents, photographs, eyewitness testimony, archaeological investigations, physical evidence and more, demonstrates, the mass gassing and shooting of Jews at the sites we will focus on today. There are zero eyewitnesses who worked at the extermination camps in question who deny mass gassings. There are zero witnesses who claim thousands of Jews were not mass murdered by bullets at Babi Yar. There are zero eyewitness claiming Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor were transit camps to the Russian East in accordance with the revisionist, or denier transit camp theory. There are only those who weren’t there.
Calling, as Fritz has said, bullshit on one aspect, or the other, or participating in what amounts to a thought-experiment how it should have been done, or how to have built a more efficient gas chamber. When confronted with the evidence, Revisionists often instead do not answer the claims, or the evidence presented. They divert attention to an area they are more familiar with, or feel is a better point they can argue. Possibly a long debunked witness, or a propaganda falsehood. If and when we see this today, I hope we can keep on the subject which Fritz has agreed to, which is my essay, “The End of the Line” and the central question Revisionists have no answer for, no good answer.
All known evidence proves the SS murdered Jews via mass gassings and mass shootings. Fritz Berg has called the SS “heroes“. I highly doubt those who had their family members ripped from them at Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor and Babi Yar would agree.
To be clear, the narrative of what’s known as the Holocaust has been drastically revised throughout the years. Inflated Soviet death tolls at several camps and massacre sites, rooms falsely claimed to have been used as homicidal gas chambers are no longer claimed as such, including five rooms at Majdanek. However, all claims of no gas chambers and no mass murder via bullets at sites such as Babi Yar come from external sources of those skeptical of the official story. In particular, those biased towards defending these mass murder accusations, including Germans, who to this day pay a heavy price due to the guilt complex inflicted upon them after their defeat in World War Two. I’ll demonstrate on this show how the denial of mass gassings and shooting is fundamentally false, via evidence and logic.
It’s fitting that Fritz appears to debate me today. Fritz got me out of a bit of revisionist retirement a few years ago in order to make videos again. After making the Last Days of the Big Lie video, I was trying to live a normal life in exile.
I feel this period separates a demarcation time, where before this time I can defend my research almost entirely, and afterwards I believe it’s fundamentally flawed. Although I conclude I’ve been mislead at times myself by Fritz and his arguments, I also hope to demonstrate to Mr. Berg how I myself may have mislead him, as he does not have access to the entire video testimony I have selectively edited before, and often Fritz misquotes and misattributes their larger meaning.
In this debate, which Fritz agreed to, we are debating the points brought forward in my essay at questioningtheholocaust.com titled The End of the Line. Specifically the central question of Holocaust denial, those such as Fritz have avoided, often instead changing the subject.
We’re not discussing those subtopics today. We’re discussing the essential issue Revisionist such as Fritz have long ignored. The central issue of the Holocaust denial debate in 2017 is: Where did the jews sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau, selected and declared unable to work, small children their mothers and the elderly, etc., go, if not gassed and cremated at the site, as all evidence points to, and all witnesses, Jews, Russians, Poles, Germans and others alike, agree they were gassed?
There are no reports of mass transports of those unable to work out of Auschwitz during the time mass gassings are alleged to have occurred, there are no camps, massive camps, for these, quote, “useless eaters” supposedly transited through Auschwitz, which would have drained the German war machine of precious food, clothing, and other supplies. The revisionists, or deniers, propose that Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor were transit camps, not extermination camps. Transit camps to the Russian East of almost 1.5 million alleged sent to these small camps, all the evidence points were used for extermination. Where did this massive amounts of jews go to in the Russian East, if they were not gassed at these sites? Why is there not any proof of even one jew transited east through these camps? A small amount of those selected for forced labor, picked out in early 1943 and sent West, are not an explanation.
This is the subject of today’s discussion and debate and I hope the moderator, Ryan, keeps the debate on topic, my essay and a central question as Fritz said he has agreed to.
Where did they go? – One second, I’m almost done – Where did they go? Germar Rudolf told me, quote, “I don’t know.” But there are people who do know. All the eyewitnesses, as a matter of fact. And those survivors who never reunited with their family members taken away from them. These people are not participating in some grand hoax. Now I asked Fritz this very question in an email: Where did these jews go? Fritz answered that these over two million jews claimed gassed were, in fact, put to work, sweeping floors or put to other labor in other German camps. Fritz, can you prove this?
Fritz: Well you have enough testimony from survivors, and there are plenty of them out there, who said they were transferred to camps to the West and put the work. You do can’t seriously pretend that those testimonies are not there. There are many, many Jews who have testified about being in Auschwitz for several weeks, or even months, before they were assigned to work in factories in the West, in Germany. OK? Making weapons for the war! I mean, I have trouble believing that you’re as ignorant as you show that you are.
Now let me try to respond, if I may, to your lengthy, lengthy, boring talk in a general sort of way: Nobody was killed in gas chambers! Nobody! That did not happen. People were shot. The SS and the Nazis did shoot people who they thought were either partisans, or involved in supporting partisans in Russia, or anywhere else: Greece, Italy, whatever. So that no one is claiming that the Nazis, or the Germans, or the SS did not shoot people. OK? That was the standard form of execution when the Germans felt they had a damn good reason to execute people. Sometimes there had simply been hostages picked up, because they might be connected in some way, even a vague way, to real partisans who have murdered German soldiers far behind the lines, or whatever. That happened, and it’s actually legal to do that in wartime.
The Nazis were not punished for that. But the gassing story is this goofy little story that you’ve obviously embraced for no good reason at all, which is the subject of the debate today. You’re wrong! You’re very naive! You’re grossly misinformed! You don’t know what you’re talking about! Now, one of the things I’ve focused on over the years is the claim that people were killed with diesel exhaust.
Let me ask you this right away. I’ll wait for your answer. Do you actually think people were killed with diesel exhaust in Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, or anywhere?
Eric: Well, first of all Fritz, I think you’re going back to your stock phrases and comfort zone where you often go to. No, you often do this when you can’t answer the actual question. Now, first of all I have to respond to the first, …
Fritz: You talked about the diesel gas chamber claims in your lengthy essay. OK?
Ryan: Let me jump in, actually, well let Eric answer about diesel gas, but also he was acknowledging that. He said, before you answer that, jews did go west, but the problem is two million, the number. Is there enough testimony to support that? And, Eric you also said people were shot and gassed, so it doesn’t seem to be any dispute about people being shot. So you can offer your evidence for gas chambers and you can address the diesel question as well.
Eric: Well, first of all, I want to stick to the topic which, and go in order of what Fritz has said. He called me ignorant, grossly misinformed, let’s see, no good reason. A lot of ad hominem attacks. Now, I talk about those selected as unable to work and you say, “Oh people were put to work.” However, we’re talking about those unable to work. Those too young, those selected as unable to work at the ramp. Photographed and selected and segregated, as unable to work, unable to be useful for the German war effort. We’re not talking about those people of working age that we know were sent to forced labor camps. You call me ignorant, grossly misinformed and have decided this for no good reason, but are you aware the documents show the ages of those people you talk about? And they do not fit with the ones we’re talking about that were selected to be gassed. Elie? ? Sent out of Auschwitz.
Fritz: Can I answer or do you want to keep our rabbling on for the whole period. You asked me a question. I want to answer your question. Why don’t you try to answer my question, first?
Ryan: Well let’s go in order and, … Any able to work first. So, do you think, what do you think happened to those unfit to work?
Fritz: Those unable to work were kept in the camps! They weren’t stuffed into gas chambers at all! And there’s no good evidence that anything like that happened! If there had been gassing of these people there would have been some sort of record of these people disappearing in the German records, in the German files. You would have to know that, so that you didn’t send out search parties into the neighboring forest, looking for people who had already been gassed! You would naturally expect any number of records to show something like that in order to keep your own extermination operation going, if there was such a thing, which it wasn’t!
Eric: So, Fritz, you said they were kept in the camps. We’re talking about almost, well definitely over 750,000, alleged gassed at Auschwitz. Auschwitz, …. 750,000 people.
Fritz: Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Eric: The other camps were Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor, …
Fritz: I answered your question on the RODOH discussion where I show pictures of children, old women.
Eric: Yes, I’d like to talk about that.
Fritz: I’ve talked about it. That’s my answer to your stupid claims!
Ryan: Hey, we don’t have to call things stupid or use perjoratives. But, basically Eric, he’s saying that they stayed in the camps and that there are photographs of some of these women and children in the camps. So that they weren’t gassed, they just weren’t working, but they were in the camps. And you can respond to that.
Fritz: There were pictures taken by the Russians after the Russians liberated Auschwitz!
Eric: OK, so. After November 1944 Heinrich Himmler ordered gassing ceased at Auschwitz Birkenau. Now, all that, …
Fritz: Let’s, let’s hold it right there! You said Himmler ordered to stop the gassings at Auschwitz. You have such an order somewhere?
Eric: All witnesses describe this order. Germans have testified to this order. There’s only you who’s denying the order.
Fritz: There was no such order! You have no such order. You are making it up, shame on you!
Eric: So, we’re talking about the picture you say demonstrates that no children were gassed at Auschwitz. All of those, …
Fritz: I didn’t say that! Don’t put, … Be a little bit careful, …
Eric: When you talk about what the children picture shows.
Fritz: The children were there at the time of liberation by the Soviets. And you can see pictures of them with their arms raised, showing the tattoos on their arms with their numbers.
Eric: Let’s talk about these children. So we’re talking about six children. They were all from Slovakia.
Fritz: There were much more than six children. If that’s what you said.
[Image] Aerial view of Yad Vashem.
Eric: There’s an image at Yad Vashem dot org. You can look, it called “Through the Lens of Auschwitz Child Survivors”. The stories indicate nearly all were from Slovakia and had arrived after the, everyone agrees, the cessation of selections. After the cessation of selections in late October.
Fritz: And the fact is these were children, useless little children, just like Anne Frank herself. Before Anne Frank was transported to the west, OK? To Bergen Belsen. She wasn’t gassed at Auschwitz, or are you now claiming that she was? She was a rather useless young girl and she was not exterminated at Auschwitz.
Eric: I’ll get to Anne Frank next. I’m talking about these pictures, these children in specific pictures, …
Fritz: You jump around an awful lot.
Eric: You just jumped to Anne Frank. So let me talk about these children in the pictures you mentioned.
Fritz: Let me make a little bit of an introductory statement if I may. OK?
Ryan: You haven’t answered those two questions.
Fritz: I haven’t had anything compared to what Eric has said. Eric gave a lengthy, very boring speech and it really is very boring. I don’t think you are going to win many converts with that kind of a talk. You should try to learn how to be much more concise. Get to your point very quickly, as you will definitely lose an audience. My position is very simple. Nazi gassings never happened! Nobody was killed in gas chambers. The gas chambers were in places like Auschwitz and were used only to keep people alive, including lots and lots and lots of Jews, Poles, Gypsies, what have you. That’s what the gas chambers, real gas chambers were used to for, and that’s all they were used for.
Let me say something else here. If there is a God up there, let him strike me dead right here and now on this show, if even one person was ever deliberately killed in a gas chamber by the Nazis! Let God strike me dead right here and now! I’ve made this challenge to God for well over ten years and I’m still around! Eventually I’ll be dead, I’m sure of that! No doubt about it. It may be very soon even. But, but nobody up there in the sky is going to punish me for saying the truth, which is that nobody was killed in gas chambers! And the people like Eric Hunt who say otherwise have no idea what they are talking about!
Eric: OK he said I have no idea what I’m talking about. I’d like to talk about this photograph of the children. I’ve got some evidence I’d like to talk about and lay out for you. So. You go to Yad Vashem dot organization. You go to “Through the Lens of Auschwitz Child Survivors”. Fritz Berg says, that because of 180 children liberated on 27th January, 1945 are proof that no gassings happened at Auschwitz. Like I said, …
Fritz: I didn’t say that. I didn’t say that at all! I didn’t say that at all! Shame on you!
Ryan: You were saying that children, …
Fritz: The children were there! They were not simply disposed of because they were children!
[Image] “This photograph was taken at Auschwitz-Birkenau by Alexander Vorontsov, a Soviet photographer who accompanied the soldiers of the Red Army when they liberated the camp on 27 January 1945. The photograph depicts thirteen children, one of whom (fifth from the right) is hidden from view, and only his cap is visible.” Source: yadvashem.org
[Image] “On 27 January 2005, 60 years after they were photographed by their liberators, the six survivors living in Israel took part in a ceremony in Poland marking 60 years since the liberation of Auschwitz. (photograph by Dalit Shacham)
From right to left – Bracha Katz (formerly Berta Weinhaber), Gabriel Neumann,Shmuel Schelach (formerly Robert Schlesinger), Eva Slonim (née Weiss),Marta Wise (née Weiss), Erika Dohan (née Winter), Tomy Shacham (formerly Schwarz). Gabriel Neumann researched this photo and was then able to recreate the story behind it. He organized the journey of the six survivors back to Auschwitz to mark the 60th anniversary of their liberation.” Source: yadvashem.org
Eric: Let me talk about these children. These children were sent from Slovakia after the, … All the sources claim the gassing ceased at the end of October. Shmuel Schelach, Erika Dohan, Tomy Shacham, Gabriel Neumann, Marta Wise, Eva Slonim. They all came from Slovakia and had been deported from the Terezín [German: Theresienstadt] camp around the 3rd of November 1944. They were sent after gassings ceased, after Heinrich Himmler ordered the gassing ceased and, …
Fritz: Well that is what they say! It doesn’t mean it’s true!
Eric: You saying they’re lying about what, …
Fritz: It says that in Israel, … it doesn’t mean it’s true!
Eric: Saying about their lying about which countries they came from and which dates they arrived at Auschwitz? Is the what you’re saying?
Fritz: These people were clearly alive. The old women that are also in those pictures, … On the RODOH discussion they are clearly alive. They were not liquidated for mysterious reason. The vast majority of the people in Auschwitz in late January of 1945 chose, voluntarily, freely to go West with the retreating Nazis! With retreating SS! With the retreating Germans! Why would they have done that if the Germans had been murdering thousands of jews every day for years and years? They would have, in reality, run the other way! They would have run to the Russians!
And one of the most prominent eye witnesses survivors, what have you, was Elie Wiesel! He and his father in January of 1945, just days before the Russians were about to take over the camp, because the Germans were retreating, he chose freely, according to his own words, to go West with the Germans! With the Nazis! With the mass murderers! Does that make any sense at all? Would any right, sane, reasonably sane person, jewish or otherwise, go along with the mass murderers of his own people? His own family, his own flesh and blood? Instead of running away to the other guys! Of course not! Elie Wiesel spells this out very clearly in “Night”, which everybody is supposed to read! It’s one of those great books that is highly recommended. I’ll read you the moment he’s talking about.
“What shall we do?”
My father did not answer.
“What shall we do, father?”
He, was lost in thought. The choice was in our hands. For once we could decide our fate for ourselves. We could both stay in the hospital, where I could, thanks to my doctor, get him entered as a patient or a nurse. Or else we could follow the others.
“Well, what shall we do, father?”
He was silent.
“Let’s be evacuated with the others,” I said to him. He did not answer. He looked at my foot.
“Do you think you can walk?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“Let’s hope that we shan’t regret it, Eliezer.”
And what is this all about? That was late January, 1945, just days before the Russians came to take over the camp. And both Elie Wiesel and his father, according to this great book he wrote, went west freely with the mass murderers! That doesn’t make much sense!
[Image] Elie Wiesel, center, with his wife, Marion; their son, Shlomo Elisha; and Egil Aarvik, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. Credit Bjoern Sigurdsoen/NTB, via Associated Press.
That’s the story that Elie Wiesel himself, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, a great holocaust survivor, gives in his own book! Now, I don’t know whether the story is exactly true, but this is a story that has been widely accepted and believed by people, Jews, whatever, all around the world. It is a crazy stupid story! Nobody, I would dare say would xxxx travel away with their potential mass murderers. Couldn’t the Germans have had gas chambers in Germany, or at Gleiwitz? Why not? If they had them at Auschwitz, why not at Gleiwitz? Why not get rid of all those nasty jews before the war actually comes to an end?
Well, it doesn’t make sense, just as your entire position doesn’t make sense. You want to be ashamed of yourself!
Ryan: You basically answered a question with two different questions. The question at hand was about the children and Eric are saying they were transferred there after the gassing ceased. You’re saying, well, just because it says that doesn’t mean it’s true. And then you pose a couple different questions, like, why would prisoners run west with the Germans who have been killing them? That doesn’t makes sense. And that includes Eli Wiesel.
Eric: Well, what he did was just, … You know, I listened to previous debates with Roberto Muehlenkamp. He essentially, from the time he talked about people being sent west, to quoting from “Night” with Elie and his father, you can hear the exact stock phrase repeated almost word for word in that past debate. This is often a tactic of these, you could call, “deniers” to go back into these stock phrases, in their comfort zone.
Now, last thing that Fritz said was about the elderly shown in these photographs at Auschwitz liberation. The elderly shown in these photographs are from non-selected Slovak transports. Like I said, transports arrived at the camp in November after gassing ceased. Also the elderly in those photographs are Polish and Belorussian prisoners, who never underwent selection.
[Image — click to enlarge] Liberation by Soviet soldiers of some of the prisoners of Auschwitz on January 27, 1945 by part of the 100th Infantry Division of General Fyodor Krasavina. 1st Ukrainian Front.
Fritz: They had tattoos on their arms! The children had tattoos on their arms. That’s what they are showing rather proudly. Did you see that?
Eric: Yes, some pictured in that photograph were used for medical experiments. Not the exaggerated horror stories, …
Fritz: You and your deranged little mind believe nonsense like that, because you haven’t looked critically at any of the evidence. Medical experiments were done to help keep the people alive! That’s all!
Eric: I don’t appreciate your ad hominem attacks.
Fritz: Yeah, yeah, yeah! I don’t appreciate your ad hominem attacks at people who are real heroes of the twentieth century.
Eric: Who?
Fritz: The Nazis! The SS! Otherwise we would all be living under communism today. That was what the world faced! That’s what the Nazis were fighting and that’s why, … They are the reason we still have some freedom left in this world with idiots like you we would have opened the door for the communists for the Soviets. And yet, Elie Wiesel himself, when he had a chance to be liberated by the Soviets, he chose not to be liberated by the Soviets. He, as well as hundreds of thousands of other people Auschwitz and certainly tens of thousands of jews went west, with the supposed mass murderers!
Eric: I’ve heard this before, in your little, …
Ryan: It’s not like it’s, … I think it’s a false dichotomy to say, that unless you support the Nazis then you’re a communist. It would be just silly to say, you know, the opposite too. Like if you’re really anti-communist you have to support the Nazis. You can not support the Nazis, or the communists.
Fritz: But that’s what the Americans did by and large. The United States of America likes to describe themselves as the “Bastion for, …”, or “The Arsenal for Democracy”.
Eric: This is getting off the topic.
Fritz: Let me finish my point. You started out with, like, a twenty minute, blah, blah. That was terrible.
Eric: It’s called an opening statement of a debate. It’s called debate preparation. You just repeat the same lines from your past debate. We’re talking about the central issue, what happened at Treblinka, Fritz? How many were sent there?
Fritz: I don’t know, I don’t care!
Eric: No, you don’t care.
Fritz: But, well, let’s get back to the diesel claim.
Eric: No, you know, …
Fritz: Let me finish. Don’t interrupt me all the time like that. Once in a while is OK. At Treblinka 800,000 people, or thereabouts, were supposedly murdered. And until 2008 it was claimed it was done with diesel exhaust! Explain that to me if you can?
Eric: No, I don’t have to go into your comfort zone, your stock phrases, …
Fritz: Because I know about that subject. You totally ignore that, …
Eric: What you are talking about, …
Fritz: You have totally ignored, you continue to totally ignore the specifics of how these mass gas chambers supposedly worked!
Eric: You want to avoid, but you don’t, …
Ryan: Because, you know, Fritz, Eric is asking you what happened to the people who couldn’t work? And you’re saying, and you basically said, well they were at the camps and they didn’t work, but they weren’t gassed either. And then you use some photographs evidence of that, little girls and children with tattoos. Eric saying, well that’s because, you know, he said exactly where they’re from, they’re from Slovakia and this and that. And this was after the gassing stopped. And you disagreed. And Eric he asked you a question about Treblinka and how they were used to be a claim about diesel and, but you don’t want to answer that yet, because you’re not satisfied with Fritz’s answer about where all these two million, you know, …
Eric: Well I, you know, I have no problem answering that later on. But I mean, when I, … You said, “I don’t care what happened at Treblinka, how many were sent there”. Do you agree, or do you disagree that at least 750,000 Jews were sent to your Treblinka, never to be seen again?
Fritz: No, I don’t agree with that at all! Let me finish! You’ve rambled on quite a long time already. There were two demographic studies that I talk about on my website, that came out in the year 2000. And one was by a Jewish demographer from New York City named Jacob Ukeles. And he claims that there were 688,000 Jewish Holocaust survivors in the year 2000. That’s a huge number! A huge number!
Eric: I heard this on your previous debate Fritz. These are stock phrases you’ve, …
Fritz: Am I not allowed to talk about things that I talk about in a previous debate?
Eric: Not on this issue. We’re talking about the central issue raised in my argument, as you agreed.
Fritz: I’m trying to answer where these people went. You wanted me to answer all the, …
Eric: [garbled]
Fritz: Look we are not going to have a serious debate if you keep talking over me, like this.
Ryan: We’re head butting again. We are going to let Fritz answer. Eric, it doesn’t matter if he said it in an earlier debate, because if that’s what it comes through there then he can say the same thing as that’s what he thinks.
Eric: It comes to the topic areas in my introduction, which is that you talk about specifics. How many sent to your Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor? And he wants to talk about general demography that these large numbers that, … We’re not talking about anything in specific, we’re talking about these general masses of people. We’re talking about specific people allegedly sent to these sites, Treblinka, Belzec Sobibor. Also, …
Fritz: Can I answer now? Or do you just want to ramble on and, …?
Ryan: Let him answer.
Fritz: The simple answer is they went all over the place! Some of them may have died at Treblinka. But none of them died in gas chambers. They were transferred to any number of other places to do work, to do something useful for the war effort for Germany. That’s totally reasonable and that’s what the evidence shows and you have no evidence of any value of anything else!
Eric: You talk of no evidence, however, can you name one jew transited to the east through Treblinka, Belzec or Sobibor?
Fritz: I don’t even care! Because, I’m sure they went to all kinds of places. Surely, because I can’t give an accounting doesn’t mean they were murdered!
Eric: One point four million people sent through those specific camps and you can’t even name one, but your totally sure they didn’t die!
Fritz: In your interviews that you broadcast on your first video, you have people talking about, “Oh yeah, I was here at Treblinka, and I was at Auschwitz and I sent maybe to Majdanek, …” they mention all kinds of other camps that they were relocated too, for one reason, or another.
[Image] Gisella Perl author of the book, “I was a Doctor in Auschwitz“.
Gisella Perl, I think that’s her name, she actually claimed her entire class of schoolchildren, I think they were all Jewish, … It sounded like they were about two hundred as I recall, they went to Treblinka and then they want somewhere else. They all got back on the train and went to another place. Was she lying? I don’t think so, I think she’s probably telling the truth. Maybe she got a few mistakes in her story, but she wasn’t gassed to death at Treblinka, either. She was alive and well long after the war! Just like Helen Schwartz was alive and well long after the war. I mean, do you deny that? That these two people were not gassed at Auschwitz or Treblinka, or anywhere else?
[Image] Helen Schwartz being interviewed — “By Some Miracle, Water Came Down, Instead of the Gas!“
Eric: Well, I have to actually remind you. You probably should have listened more to my long boring introduction, …
Fritz: It was was boring all right. That’s for sure.
Eric: I actually covered exactly what you’re talking about. So, I said a small amount of those selected for forced labor, picked out in 1943 and sent west and south are not an explanation. So the Richard Korherr demographer, a German demographer, submitted a report to Heinrich Himmler.
[Image] Richard Korherr in 1978, at the age of 75
Also the Hoefle Telegram describes 1.27 million transited through these camps in 1942. The official revisionist transit camp theory is that all these Jews were sent to the Russian east, because the Russian east was supposedly, the exterminationists say, they were sent to the Russian east, deported to the Russian east is a code word for “extermination”. How do we know this is true? I mean, you know, this is true, because, well, we can’t find any of these Jews sent to the Russian east. What we can find are, as the Polish investigative committee, as all the witnesses describe, as photographs show, … There is cremated remains at these sites. There’s bones all over the place.
You talk about Helen Schwartz. So, a small amount of these people were sent in early 1943 from the east to the west through Treblinka. We’re talking about people from Grodno and Bialystok to the east of Treblinka. A small amount of them were selected for forced labor and deported further south, …
Fritz: How do, you know? Just a quick question. How do, you know, it’s only a small amount?
Eric: Well, there is one surviving document that shows about 500 transited to Majdanek, that’s one of the only small transports we know of. And this is all 1943.
Fritz: That is not so small, …
Eric: OK out of 1942 we can’t find any. Out of nearly, I believe 713,000 transited through Treblinka in 1942. You can’t find any transited to the Russian east. And overall you can’t find anything, not even with one transited to the Russian east through these camps.
Fritz: Well, it would be nice to have those records, you know, there was a war going on during World War Two, and after the war, for like fifty years, the Soviet Union ruled and was not terribly co-operative either. So, some records may have gotten lost! I know that’s hard for you to imagine that some records might have been destroyed or lost, but that does happen in war time. Surprise, surprise!
Eric: I want to go real quick to Helen Schwartz. One second, I saw an email someone quoted from you. And in my long boring introduction I want to explain to you how you may have possibly been mislead by selective editing and misinterpretations of what I’ve shown in my past videos. I included this woman, Helen Schwartz in previous videos. I need to find an e-mail real quick. Give me one second.
Ryan: Okay, I propose a question. I’m just curious since I have two revisionists that know a lot about this subject on. In Majdanek there was an entire room full of cribs. What is the purpose of this if they’re not trying to keep children alive, or do you think they did that so that those working would continue to work, or what’s the explanation for that?
Fritz: They were trying to keep them alive. Very simple!
Eric: I’m sorry, can you repeat the question?
Ryan: Majdanek had rooms full of cribs, for instance. What’s the purpose or did the purpose change as they started losing that war? What’s the explanation?
Eric: Well if you notice I haven’t mentioned the Majdanek camp in my article, or this particular instance. The Majdanek camp is a bit in question of what exactly the extermination, if it happened in the big two gas chambers which remain today, or not. The mass amount of evidence, which is all eye-witnesses, Fritz. Every single one of them say mass gassings happened at these sites. All the evidence points to this, including the remains of people.
Fritz: No, no, no, not true! That’s not true. That’s not true. There was a wonderful lady living in New York City who was put on trial after the war. I can’t quite remember her name, but she denied anything of the sort. And yet she was still deported back to Germany. Her husband was forced to, you know, to have a messed up relationship with her. Brownstein O’Ryan I think was her name was. She married him. A nice man like O’Ryan and then her name, I think was Brownstein. She denied all of that stuff. Plenty of people have denied that stuff.
[Image] Rudolf Hoess captured and tortured by the British. Note the soldier on the left holding a large black knife.
Rudolf Hoess, the commandant of Auschwitz also denied any kind of gassings. But, he was tortured. That’s how they got him eventual to make a statement in support of the holocaust hoax. OK! Rudolf Hoess was tortured terribly for three days by a bunch of jews in the British Army. One of them named, I think, Bernhard Clarke and there was plenty of information about this. Because the guy actually admitted, he was bragging about it! There’s an excellent book that was written by Rupert Butler and it was published in 1983 called “Legions of Death”. And the murderer, the torturer was Bernhard Clarke. And he boasted about how he tortured Rudolf Hoess, until finally, Rudolph Hoess gave in and made some statements, with his signature supporting the gassing nonsense for Auschwitz, OK? But I was only through torture! That’s what people of your ilk did to get the kind of evidence we’re talking about it!
Ryan: I haven’t tortured anybody.
Fritz: Why not? Why not? That’s how they got the confessions! That is what those confessions were all about! Torture!
Eric: I don’t appreciate being called a torturer, Fritz.
Ryan: But, they did torture.
Fritz: Do you deny that Rudolf Hoess was tortured?
Eric: No, not at all!
Fritz: Do you actually deny that Rudolf Hoess was tortured? Let me tell you with a few words before you jump in with your nonsense. Rudolf Hoess was tortured horribly for three days. He still wouldn’t give in, but, when his wife and family were threatened with shipment, deportation to the Soviet Union, then he gave in. OK?
Eric: Did he ever deny the gassings and point out where these Jews unable to work, …
Fritz: He spelled out, … It’s all spelled out in the book.
Eric: I understand that he was tortured, but, …
Fritz: Let me finish will you? Let me answer your question. It’s all spelled out in the number of good essays. The torture and false confession of Rudolf Hoess and Joseph Mengele also denied all of these claims. His son spent a lot of time interviewing him and the son was appalled that the father would deny these things. OK?
[Image — click to enlarge] Richard Baer (left) Dr. Joseph Mengele (middle) and Rudolf Hoess (right) in happier times on the grounds of the Solahütte retreat, 1944.
My uncle, by marriage and named Boyen, Franz Boyen [sp?] was a German military intelligence officer. He was in Auschwitz twice, interrogating Russian prisoners. He told me very clearly aft the war in my presence and [with] great confidence, that he was in Auschwitz and there was nothing wrong with the place! Nothing was wrong with that camp! And the two Russian prisoners, they both were very open with him about their situation. One of them in a second interview said, “The way this war is going, we’re going to outlive you!” To my uncle, a German military officer! And my uncle, unfortunately, had to agree with him at that time in 1944. So, there are plenty of Germans if you go around and do some serious interviewing, who will tell you there was nothing there to support the claim that anyone was gassed.
Judge Wilhelm Stäglich was a German judge after the war. He wrote about his experiences at Auschwitz, and he said the prisoners there were very cocky. They kind of looked at him as a German officer with disdain, because he was only a German officer. They weren’t afraid of him at all. OK?
Ryan: You seem to be presenting, …
Fritz: … The actual pictures of the Jews from the Auschwitz Album and say that these people knew they were going to be gassed, or were waiting to be gassed. That’s crazy! These people were totally unrestrained, they’re not in shackles, as is done with the prisoners in Guantanamo when they really want to go to a bathroom. OK?
Eric: OK. Let’s talk about, …
Fritz: These people were not restrained physically at all. They were snacking and picnicking on the way supposedly to the gas chambers! Crazy, crazy, crazy!
Eric: Yeah. So, these people you say, “picnicking” are surrounded by the electrified barbed wire fence outside of crematorium IV and V, …
Fritz: Some of them might have been surrounded by a barbed wire fence, but not all of them.
Eric: All of them.
Fritz: Look at the Album carefully and critically, for a change!
Eric: Have you ever been to Auschwitz-Birkenau?
Fritz: Have I?
Eric: Yes.
Fritz: It was very easy to escape from the camp.
Eric: Have you ever been there? I’m talking about the layout of the camp. Have you ever been there?
Fritz: Me? Are you asking me?
Eric: Yes!
Fritz: Yes, I have.
Eric: Yes, OK. So, if you look at the Auschwitz Album the people I’m talking about, they’re actually photographed walking from the train station, walking past the central sauna. The central sauna was the perfect place for them to be deloused, to receive a shower, to get new clothing. Instead they walked past the central sauna and they’re shown corralled outside of crematorium IV and V. They look quite distressed. Some of the children appear to be picking at their clothing as if, you know, after the day’s journey on the train, they’re very filthy. Possibly infested with lice and fleas.
Fritz: So they walked past, … Not all of them at all! Not all of them at all!
Eric: I would say the majority of them look quite stressed, Fritz. They’re not having a picnic as you say.
Fritz: They are all having a picnic. They are snacking. In some of the pictures they are nibbling on sandwiches and having a gay old time!
Eric: Fritz, it was not a picnic, or a gay old time! These people were shown, …
Fritz: It was! Your completely wrong! Completely wrong. [garbled]
Eric: [chuckling] Auschwitz was a “gay old time”!
[Image] Victor Frankl’s book with a different German title (1946) and his English version titled, “Man’s Search for Meaning“.
Wikipedia: The book’s original title in German is …trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen: Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager: that is, “…To Nevertheless Say ‘Yes’ to Life: A Psychologist Experiences the Concentration Camps“. The title of the first English-language translation was From Death-Camp to Existentialism. The book’s common full English title is Man’s Search for Meaning: An Introduction to Logotherapy, although this subtitle is often not printed on the cover of modern editions. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man’s_Search_for_Meaning
Ryan: “Man’s Search for Meaning”. This is interesting and makes a point for both of you. Victor Frankl was a psychologist, a Jewish psychologist who was also a prisoner at Auschwitz. And he wrote a long book about, you know, those who survive, and those who didn’t, because certainly near the end of the war, people started to starve to death, because the Germans themselves were starving to death. So, of course, prisoners are last on the list that you’re going to take care of.
He doesn’t mention any gassings, or anything, even though he was at Auschwitz the entire time and survived. But Auschwitz was certainly not a picnic. He said how he used to have dreams of getting the thick part of the soup from the bottom of the bowl. And that kind of thing. And how horrible it was and how little food they had, especially towards the end of the war. So certainly not a picnic.
Eric: Auschwitz was not a picnic, or a “gay old time”. It was, …
Fritz: I have a discussion on my website.
Eric: It’s not, it’s not worth debating with someone who says Auschwitz was a “gay old time” and a “picnic”, Fritz! Can I talk about the evidence, quickly. About what we’re talking about the Auschwitz Album?
Fritz: No, no, no! Let’s, …
Eric: A “gay old time” Auschwitz!
Fritz: Listen Ryan Dawson, please let me interrupt here. Let Eric come back to the alleged diesel gas chambers which were supposedly used at Treblinka. Tell me something about them and why you believe people were killed with diesel exhaust?
Eric: Were going into your stock phrase comfort area. I’m talking about what we were talking about, …
Fritz: Yeah my comfort area! We’ve been dealing with your comfort area long enough. Let’s try to get back to mine, …
Eric: So I wasn’t able to finish my talk about the Auschwitz Album and those people you claim are having a picnic and a gay old time! They’re shown in the woods outside of crematorium V. This is where all the witnesses claim mass gassing, via Zyklon B occurred. This is where aerial and ground photography shows large cremation pits outside of crematorium V. These people, these people unable to work, obviously segregated as unable to work, were never seen again. There’s no proof they were sent anywhere else. They passed the central sauna. If they were supposed to be deloused and enter the camp as the others seen in the next series of photographs in the Auschwitz Album were entering the camp. They’re older. They’re all able to work. You cannot tell where the approximate, well over 750,000 of these useless eaters, which would have sapped the German war effort of precious food clothing and other supplies, went after Auschwitz!
You cannot say this, …
Fritz: I did tell you that, …
Eric: OK, …
Fritz: I did tell you that. You just don’t want to believe it. I can tell you something else that’s very important, …
Eric: [garbled]
Fritz: Let me, don’t interrupt me now, for a change. You interrupted all the time here. When they went to other places, when they were shipped to a factory somewhere in Germany, you could be sure they were not wearing those dirty rags that they all wore when they arrived in Auschwitz. They were given clean clothes and clean hats, if they wore any hats and all. They got rid of those lice infested clothes and cleaned up these people before they sent them to work in Germany, OK!
Eric: So the toddlers were, …. So the toddlers shown in the pictures were sent to factories to work? The toddlers and the elderly and children?
Fritz: The toddlers were kept somewhere, they might have been sent to factories in Germany too. I don’t know and I don’t even care! But they certainly weren’t, …
Eric: So, you don’t care?
Fritz: Anne Frank was not gassed at Auschwitz! Do you accept the critical fact that Anne Frank was not gassed to death at Auschwitz?
[Image] Anne Frank.
Eric: Anne Frank was old enough to work as I was when I was fourteen years old. I worked legally.
Fritz: OK. So you think she was working at Bergen Belsen?
Eric: No. But those selected to work were sent to Bergen Belsen and of that age group. It’s no problem. It does not contradict the official story, whatsoever.
Fritz: Certainly couldn’t have been doing any very heavy work, if any. Young children, hundreds [of] children were sent to places like ???.
Eric: She wasn’t that young, she was like I said, I was working legally, …
Ryan: There’s a difference here. Like when you guys are saying children, fourteen, a teenager can work. I think Eric’s talking about like three, or four.
Fritz: Well, OK. I’ll concede that a teenager at age fourteen can work. OK? Big deal! She wasn’t gassed to death at Auschwitz, though. Right?
Eric: That doesn’t contradict the official story, Fritz. We’re talking about those people segregated and unable to work, are the ones that were gassed. Not those used for forced labor, not those able to help the German war effort.
Fritz: Well so. So how many people do you think were gassed to death at Auschwitz?
Eric: Well the figure’s about around one million. We’ve got transports, all on record. I mean. Sorry, I can’t say all on record. There’s reports of transports from Hungary, Poland and other countries. As you see, we’re talking about those unable to work. These those unable to work are the ones that were primarily gassed. And as I have, trying to piece together transports out of Auschwitz. It’s impossible to find these large transports of these useless eaters being sent to factories, as you claim.
Fritz: Well, they’re talked about it after the war and Maria Blough [sp?] was one I tried to actually engage in a debate with years ago. And she categorically refused to debate with anybody who didn’t believe in the Holocaust hoax to begin with!
Ryan: I have a question, … Someone has e-mailed a question. I’ll just read. Was the purpose of gassing at all? Why didn’t they just shoot them? This person is asking:
“Why build a chamber and then incinerated them and all that? Why didn’t they just machine-gun them on the first day, or whatever?”
Fritz: That’s actually good question. I don’t have an answer for that!
Ryan: Why not just shoot them, if you can tattoo them you can cut their wrist. Do, you know, why?
Eric: Well Ryan, the answer is that, and this is documented, that the SS and soldiers involved with these mass shootings. [It’s] a pretty terrible traumatic thing for the soldiers themselves to have to do and Germans themselves are claiming, have written, … There’s a reports of the Germans themselves not, … I believe the quote is, “Not wanting to turn their own people into psychopaths”.
So what was done was, …
Fritz: So, you gas them instead? You gas the jews instead?
Eric: Sure. It was a more impersonal process. You know, they got the Jews themselves, Sonderkommandos to take part in it. So, you know, mass shooting of women and children and the blood and the guts and the associated guilt is harder for these SS “heroes” as you say, to deal with.
Fritz: That might have traumatized the Jews! What do you think of that? Do you think the jews might have been traumatized also, by watching gassing, so people with urine and feces bubbling out all over the place afterward?
Eric: Sure! The Nazis were killing the Jews! I don’t think they cared about their, the feelings of the ones watching it.
Fritz: Well, look! If people are working with something like that, they tend to react rather violently against the tormentor, against the monster who is forcing them to do these terrible things. That’s what happens! That’s why we have ISIS today. These people half crazy from Allied bombing, the American bombing, react violently against everybody around them practically. You tend to go a little crazy if you have to endure the kind of horrors that people in Iraq had to endure, just in the last twenty years.
Ryan: I don’t know how, …
Eric: Well you’re talking, …
Ryan: … One million bullets saved, also, to help the war effort. You could still stab them, I don’t know. That was just a question someone wrote in and I want to bring it back on topic, …
Fritz: Can we get back to the, …
Eric: It’s well documented. Sorry, real quick, …
Fritz: Can we get back to my comfort zone for a change? We’ve been dealing with Eric’s comfort zone for a long time.
Ryan: We’re going to get into everything, …
Fritz: How did these gas chambers supposedly work?
Ryan: Eric, you did say earlier you would address the diesel question. Do you want to do that now and then we’ll get back to the photograph thing? Is that OK?
Eric: Yeah, sure. What Fritz is, …
Ryan So Fritz ask your question again about Treblinka and the diesel.
Fritz: All right. Let me see, … I actually wrote it down here.
Ryan: Well, you were saying for a long time this story was saying that they were using diesel gas.
Fritz: Right. Well, does Eric still believe people were killed with diesel exhaust at Treblinka?
Eric: Well, all the, as, you know, Fritz, all the evidence, eyewitnesses closest to and who operated the alleged liquid fuel gas chambers at the sites, testified they were petrol, or gasoline and not diesel.
Fritz: Oh, is that the story now? So you’ve changed the story, …
Eric: No I have not, Fritz! There’s several witnesses who describe the engines as “petrol engines”. The ones closest to them, …
Fritz: That is true, but the general story until 2008, promoted even by the US government, was that it was diesel exhaust. So, if you want to switch, … If you want to go through the gasoline story we can deal with that too. So, do you now admit that it was not diesel exhaust or don’t you have an opinion?
Ryan: Well, different question, Eric. Was that really the story from the US government, that it was diesel. Not your story, but was that sort of the official story for a while?
Eric: I mean, Fritz is a, he’s a educated mining engineer from Columbia University. So he knows that diesel engines are generally used in mines, because they are relatively safe under working conditions. They even output some oxygen, right?
[65:08] [1:05:08]
So I fully understand and sympathize with Fritz when he saw claims of diesel engines used to kill people, and thinking that diesel engines would be inefficient, because they, because of their use in mining and other areas. I totally understand, as myself coming into this as a skeptic, seeing sort of flaws in, what we say, my “comfort zone” right? So I understand. But as Fritz has said and he admits it’s true, that the witnesses closest to, him who actually operated the alleged liquid fuel gas chambers, testified they were petrol engines.
Fritz: Well, some did, some did.
Ryan: Some of them did, but how did it become diesels? Is that a mistake? Like from, we’re talking about the government, so, …
Eric: You know, personally it doesn’t particularly matter to me, but, like I said, it seems the closest witnesses and those who operated claimed petrol. But, I don’t know what Fritz’s point is, is getting at.
Ryan: Well, i’d say my point in this is like, yeah you’re correct that those closest, who were operating and that’s what happened. They know what would happen. But it is worthy to note that such an incorrect rumor could be spread, because that allows some credibility to other rumors being spread. Which we know there are a lot of exaggerations about the Holocaust. Not saying they’re not gassings, or anything but, you know, the soap and lamp shades and some of the other nonsense, the pooped diamonds and things you mentioned in the beginning, which cause people to throw the baby out with the bath water.
[Image — click to enlarge] Propaganda display at Buchenwald Concentration Camp showing shrunken heads, pieces of tattooed skin and a lampshade claimed to be made from human skin (actually pig skin?).
This is the reason why people are willing to be skeptical. And I would also say, you know, current lies about Iraq and Syria and Libya, … We see the mass media lie continually and have all these witnesses in Aleppo, over and over again, lying. And so, that’s why people are willing to be skeptical of the holocaust story. And you said yourself, well just because there are some exaggerations you can’t throw the baby out the bath water, it doesn’t mean you can become an extremist in the other direction, right?
But I just wondering about the diesel rumor, because, … OK it wasn’t diesel, it was petrol, fine. But, if that was a widely accepted belief, that’s still important, because it shows how uncritical the Allies are just accepting any story that fits the narrative they need.
Fritz: We want to scrutinize also the Soviet Union which promoted this diesel claim also in their farcical show trials in 1943 when they claimed that it was diesel exhaust that was used in the gas vans in Russia, to commit mass murder and Soviet citizens, not necessarily Jews at all. But it was diesel engines that was supposedly used in the gas vans!
Ryan: Right. So that may be one of these exaggerations then, but, …
Fritz: Well, it’s not an exaggeration, it’s a lie! It’s a lie! It’s a very blatant stupid lie! … The entire Holocaust hoax!
Eric: So, even if they were diesel, which they appear not to have been, but petrol, as those closest to and who operated the alleged liquid fuel gas chambers testify, Fritz himself admits that operated under certain conditions, under load, diesel exhaust will kill all those inside. It would just take longer.
Fritz: Well not quite. I haven’t admitted anything like that. You haven’t read my stuff very carefully. What I have said is that, … Well let me finish with what I actually say. Diesel exhaust can kill under certain circumstances and they’re not that hard to achieve. If I’m stuck in a small closet and someone blows diesel exhaust into that closet, the temperature in that closet is going to approach maybe two hundred degrees Fahrenheit. At that point I will be dead! And so will anybody else who is in that kind of a situation. And so you can kill people with diesel exhaust, if you go to an awful lot of silly, silly trouble. But, as a method of execution it does not work well, at all! And moreover, you end up killing people, but not with carbon monoxide, because there’s hardly any carbon monoxide in diesel exhaust.
There is plenty of carbon monoxide in gasoline engine exhaust and that’s a big difference. And that’s one of the reasons why people like Muehlenkamp and others who realize that they were just in trouble with their idiotic diesel claims, switched over to gasoline engines. But, you have a huge problem, an even bigger problem if you argue that gasoline engines were used instead, because when you kill people with lots of carbon monoxide, the corpses are bright cherry red! OK!
[70:12] [1:10:12]
And that is obvious to anybody who sees corpses of people who die from carbon monoxide. The corpses are red, with very, very, very, few exceptions, and it occurs almost instantly, but it becomes more dramatic within an hour, or two. And the corpses, sometimes even described as being lobster like in appearance! That is to say boiled lobster like in appearance. And yet none! None, none of the so-called eye witnesses to the piles of dead corpses at Treblinka, or Belzec, or Sobibor ever, ever claim that the corpses were red! They claim the corpses are blue, or yellow, or other colors. Or no different from ordinary corpses.
[Image] Victim of carbon monoxide poisoning showing reddish skin.
Source: Forensic Medicine: Colour Guide (Edinburgh; New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2003) page 12.
Clearly, the alternative story which Eric is now promoting, that the people were killed with gasoline engines, gasoline engine exhaust instead, is absurd also! It’s not believable, because it flies in the face of what eyewitnesses actually said, supposedly, OK? What they supposedly saw, supposedly. Corpses of carbon monoxide poisoning are red and it’s a bright, very distinct cherry red! It’s described endlessly in the medical literature, which you should read someday, Eric, before you talk the kind of nonsense you’re spouting! Cyanide gassings are also red!
Ryan: OK. Eric the corpses would be red. None of the witnesses describe them as such.
Eric: Actually, that’s not true. First of all, I’m going to address the diesel gassings claims. So, what Fritz is engaging in amounts to a thought experiment, “How to build a better gas chamber”. That the often makeshift concrete rooms used as homicidal gas chambers could have been designed better, isn’t in dispute. What witnesses describe, in not only so-called lying Jews, but Poles, Soviet POW’s and Germans themselves, was a brutal process. The fact of the matter is that if you put any group of humans in a closed concrete room and pipe in engine exhaust, or cyanide pellets they will die! In the total, … Isn’t that true Fritz?
Fritz: Scott! You’ve got to help me here. [talking to someone with Fritz]
I knocked out my connection here. Ryan?
Ryan: Yes!
Fritz: Anybody there?
Ryan: I hear you.
Fritz: I may have mucked up my connection, here, folks.
Ryan: We can hear you. Hello?
Fritz: We hear you, OK. I have inadvertently messed up my connection here and I apologize but. Maybe we fix it quickly…. People in a small chamber like a bomb shelter, and the Germans had bomb shelters that were gas tight all over the place. Many, many, tens of thousands of bomb shelters. Anyway, the gas chamber stories get crazier and crazier when you look into them. I don’t know if you can still hear me. I don’t know if anyone is listening to me.
Ryan: We’re listening.
Fritz: Now the testimony of true survivors from Auschwitz from 1944, everybody in the gas chamber was dead in three minutes! From the introduction of the Zyklon pellets.
Eric: OK. What about the other witnesses that testified longer times?
Fritz: I’m sorry, but I have a problem here and I don’t know what to do about it at the moment, …
Eric: Just call him back.
Fritz: Scott Smith and I are working on this and if you can hear me OK, ….
Ryan: I’m going to call him back.
Part II of the debate about the Holocaust between Eric Hunt and Fritz Berg. So, anyway we heard what you were saying. And I think this is a big problem is like, when there are sincere accounts there seems to be a flood of goofy ones, like a female body and male body burn at different rates and, … There’s so much nonsense that people want to dismiss the entire thing.
[75:18] [1:15:08]
Eric: That’s true, Ryan. The fat on women and women’s breasts and buttocks and things aid the process.
Ryan: Yeah, but I’ve talked to people about that too, and it’s very insignificant.
Eric: I agree! Absolutely insignificant! But it shows how desperate Eric is to come up with something to support the lies of people like Rudolf Virba who actually claimed that the smoke from the cremotoria chimney was different! Different colors depending on whether it was Lithuanian Jews, or other Jews from different locations. He clearly, Rudolf Virba was a liar! And yet he was one of the important witnesses to the so-called holocaust gassing! Even if people had died in gas chambers that particular claim is a lie! If nothing else.
[Image Text: Left inmate: Do you see that? …Blue flames! … There goes Irving … Look! … Green flames! … Must be Seymour … Do you see the colour of poor Seymour’s flames?
Right inmate: What ya talkin’ about … I don’t even see any flames.
The Miracle of the Colour-Coded Flames …
During the 1985 Zundel Trial in Canada, media-certified actual Holohoax eyewitness and “survivor” Arnold Friedman testified that while in Auschwitz he could tell who was being burned in the ovens by the colour of the flames that shot out of the cremation chimney. Mr. Friedman told the court that if blue flames shot out of the chimney it meant a Hungarian Jew was being burned. if green flames came out of the chimney it meant that a Polish Jew was being burned, and so on. (5)]
Ryan: There certainly were people who lied, or exaggerated and Eric said in the beginning, he pointed out some of the idiotic testimonies about poop diamonds [Zisblatt] being thrown over an electric fence and landing on a train and some of that. But that isn’t, we’ve heard all that. You guys agree on that. Were talking, the main question is, “Where did the people go?“
Fritz: [loosing his connection]
Ryan: Can you hear what I was saying?
Eric: Yes, I can hear.
Ryan: I’m just trying to get back onto the central question.
Eric: That’s good.
Ryan: We know there are lots of exaggerations, we know that. We can throw out a lot of stupid things, but, …
Eric: You know, Germans didn’t say stupid things as some of these, you know, Zisblatt and Wiesel witnesses. But they do describe being separated. I mean, the Jews do describe being separated from their family forever. They’re never seen again! There’s absolutely no proof they were ever found alive again. And, …
Fritz: You know, that’s not true. That’s not true. Let me interrupt here. Again and again in the newspapers you hear about people meeting each other after having been separated for so many years. These are Jews, Jewish Holocaust survivors. “Oh! I thought my aunt was killed and now I meet her and it’s oh so wonderful!”
There are plenty of stories like that, even fifty years after the war about Jewish survivors meeting each other after they had thought the other relative was dead. OK? It happens all the time! It happens in Israel! It happens in Europe, all over the place! The US Holocaust Memorial Museum has plenty of cases like that if they ever want to talk about it.
Eric: That’s not a surprise. Nor does it contradict the official story! It does not, …
Fritz: It flies totally in the face of what you just claimed! When you said that this, “they never met again!” There are plenty of people who have met again after having gone through the so-called holocaust. Now in 2003, …
Eric: Let me interrupt, please, …
Fritz: Now I’m losing track of what’s, …
Eric: Very quickly. Can I interrupt. So, the people Fritz is talking about do not contradict the official story.
Fritz: Yes they do.
Eric: No one, … First of all, all these people, if they’re talking about through Auschwitz, they were perfectly able to work. They were of the age where they were selected for labor. If you’ve actually found someone transported through Treblinka, Belzec, or Sobibor to the Russian East that reunited with their family, that would be great! Can you tell us who they were?
Fritz: I’ve never found anyone and I don’t care! I know that they were not killed at Treblinka with diesel exhaust and they were not killed with gasoline engine exhaust. All the testimony to the contrary is, or are lies! Every one of them! Every one of them, so-called eyewitnesses who claimed that he saw bodies of people after they had supposedly killed with carbon monoxide from diesel exhaust, or gasoline, is a liar! Everyone! No exceptions!
Eric: So everyone’s a liar, including Germans themselves who described this happening?
Fritz: No, I don’t think there are any Germans who described this happening, at all. There aren’t any!
Eric: Yes there are.
Fritz: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re living in a fantasy world! You don’t have a gas chamber that works! You don’t even have a gas chamber that even works! You don’t even know how a diesel engine works!
Eric: You can’t find, you can’t find, …
Ryan: Do you have any sources that show Germans admitting these things?
Eric: Well, yeah, absolutely. Fritz is talking about all these Germans who supposedly are admitting it’s a hoax and providing evidence. This is actually largely contrary to what actually did happen to the Germans. But the standard stock answer is that they were tortured and they couldn’t submit this, supposed, acquitting evidence, even [throughout] their entire lives.
[80:24] [1:20:24]
So the deniers call all Jewish, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and other witnesses to gassing and mass shooting, liars. What about the Germans? You know, we just hear, “Oh, they were tortured. They can’t tell the truth.” They couldn’t tell us where they were transited after going to Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor, right? The revisionist excuse that some reason, German, …
Fritz: Let’s deal with a simple piece of evidence that I’ve cited before. Sergio de la Pergola [sp?] studied the total number of Jewish Holocaust survivors, not in 1945 or ‘46. But in 2003! He found more than 1,093,000 Jewish Holocaust survivors! And he discussed them and gave their locations to the Israeli government. He is an Israeli Jewish demographer. He came up with 1,093,000 alive in 2003. Now since the war, many Jews died from natural causes and it leads me to conclude that if 1,093,000 were alive in 2003 there must have been millions of Jewish Holocaust survivors alive at the end of the war! Is that somehow far-fetched? Do I know where they all were or what happened to all of them, of course, not!
Ryan: It’s not far-fetched, but we’re kind of going in circles here, because, I think that’s not addressing what Erik’s really asking. Because, …
Fritz: Well, I’ve told him!
Ryan: It’s not the total death count, six million and all that. He’s saying those who were able to work were in labor camps and forced to work and were not killed. He’s talking about the portion who were not able to work. Because he believes they were gassed and were shot.
Fritz: He doesn’t even have a good reason for thinking they were gassed. They might have been taken out in the back woods and shot. How can you not exclude that as a possibility. It certainly makes more sense then to try to kill them with diesel exhaust.
Eric: Fritz likes to go back to his stock answer of general demographic information when we’re talking about specific camps, specific people, specific communities of Jews sent to these sites, never seen again. That there is a massive, …
Fritz: Yes they were seen again. Helen Schwartz was seen again. Wasn’t she? ??? was seen again. How can you deny that? So you’re saying that they were never seen again. You’re lying!
Eric: You denied it yourself. You said that you can’t find one person transited through the Russian east through Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor.
Fritz: Well, I can’t find any that went to Russia. So what, they could have gone any number of other places. And they did!
Eric: Well, you say, “So what?” Transited to the Russian east is a code word Russian demographer Richard Korr used in a report for Heinrich Himmler, when he called to get explanations, …
Fritz: Code words? He spoke very clearly! Stop lying! You didn’t come up with any code words. He spoke very clearly in his report. He doesn’t, …
Eric: He said transited to the Russian east, but you can’t find any one transit to the Russian east. What you can find are pits of mass cremation pits of bones and human remains! You can find all the evidence, all the eyewitnesses claiming gassings and mass cremations, …
Fritz: Even yourself looked for cremation pits and you found nothing of the sort!
Eric: No. First of all, what I did in my video, “Treblinka Archaeology Hoax”. Although some of it I can stand behind, the main conclusion I can not! Part of the reason I presented that video and maybe Fritz I can calmly tell you that I’m sorry if you’ve been mislead by that video. I feel mislead as well. I was involved in a bit of an echo chamber that hides a lot of the evidence. Or claims that all the archaeologists and all the witnesses are absolute liars.
There are photographs of these mass cremation pits, I don’t believe I showed them in that presentation. I don’t think I talked about the Polish and various other archaeological investigations at the site. I don’t think I’ve talked about, well first of all, I don’t agree Caroline Colls would lie about the general science and evidence of mass graves at the site. And as I said, the photographs and all the eyewitnesses show, [garbled] … Bones, human remains at the site. And, of course, we can’t find one Jew transited through this site to the Russian east in accordance with the Korr report to Heinrich Himmler.
[85:08 mins] [1:25:08]
Also evidence in the Hoefle Telegram found in British archives, …
Fritz: Hold on, the Hoefle Telegram doesn’t claim these people were shipped to the Soviet Union and I don’t think the Korr Report does either.
Eric: The Korr Report does claim that they, …
Ryan: What you said was the Korr Report say they were liquidated, doesn’t it?
Eric: No. That they were transited to the east and it lines up with the Hoefle Telegram, the amount of trains transited to the Russia east. Transited to the Russian east is generally determined by all serious historians to, …
Fritz: Yeah, yeah, yeah! Shame on you! “Code words”, come on! What code words? s there a code book somewhere that shows the code word and what it really meant? Why not? You don’t have anything like that! It’s just BS that you are just hatching together to make an argument. And a very bad argument! Is there a code book somewhere?
Ryan: There’s no code book, but if there were that number, like over a million that were transported to Russia, then even though there was an Iron Curtain you would certainly find some of those people.
Fritz: If you were free to look hard enough we would find them., you know, it used to be, …
Eric: We would.
Fritz: … That when I was young that there were only eight thousand Jews left in all of Poland. You know, that the client the standard claim was actually made with regard to Vienna. That there were only eight thousand Jews left after the war, in all of Vienna. Well, I must of met all of them. Because I lived in Vienna from time to time and there were plenty of Jews there, all over the place and very prominent positions, running the major newspaper there. There was no shortage of Jews in Vienna, or in Poland, when I was there. There were at least eight thousand Jews just in Krakow alone! OK! Now should I have interviewed, a demographic study? I wish I could have of all the Jews in Poland. But I can tell you one thing. None of them are wearing kaftans and these ugly black coats that they were wearing before the war. OK?
And when they were shipped to Germany to work in factories they weren’t wearing their kaftans and black coats either.
And when they had the chance to blend in and pretend that they were Gentiles, or Christians that’s what they did! Because lots of people hated the Jews and rightly so for having brought about World War Two! The Jewish declaration of war against Germany in 1933 already was, to my mind, the beat the Jews! They had damn good reason to be angry at the Jews!
[Image — click to enlarge] Declaration by organized jewry of war on Germany on Fri, March 24, 1933.
Ryan: I’d like to bring up an interesting anecdote just to cool things down a little. You know, I’ll let you address, during the war just pretended to be Chinese and that’s how like, fortune cookies are actually from Japan. Now they’re in all the Chinese restaurants, but, because there wasn’t a clear date after the war where they could suddenly go, “Oh yeah, we’re actually Japanese!” so they continued to run Chinese restaurants, even as Japanese. So, Jews pretending to be Christians is plausible I suppose. Go ahead [Eric], I just wanted [to mention] that little anecdote.
Eric: So all the witnesses, all the physical evidence points to mass extermination at these sites, …
Fritz: You’re lying! The same lie over and over again! I’m going to keep on interrupting when you do that, …
Ryan: … Tell me one quick forensic evidence, …
Fritz: All of the eyewitnesses, he says.
Eric: Yes absolutely! There’s no eyewitness who describes transits through Treblinka, Belzec, or Sobibor. There is zero eyewitness! Can you tell me one?
Fritz: I can’t give you any of those, but I give you plenty of so-called eyewitnesses to the alleged gassings!
Eric: But why did they lie?
Fritz: They did lie! Let me try to share. There are plenty of so-called eyewitnesses to the alleged gassings at Treblinka, all clearly did lie! Again and again! When the claim was that the bodies were blue as Kurt Gerstein claimed, he was lying! Very simple.
[Image] Kurt Gerstein (11 August 1905 – 25 July 1945) was a German SS officer and member of the Institute for Hygiene of the Waffen-SS and Head of Technical Disinfection Services. In 1945, following his surrender, he wrote the Gerstein Report covering his experience of the “Holocaust“. He died, an alleged suicide, while in French custody.
Eric: So Fritz, there are witnesses that describe mass transits to the Russian East.
[90:02 mins] [1:30:02] IN PROGRESS
One wants to call the weather, because liars. Including Germans for it’s want to call the witnesses liars. He wants to deny the physical evidence of these promotions gets into trouble in my life I have known people who were at the Russian front to assure the trains of Jews going to the east. OK that was less like what I hear it’s the woman soldier who was at the breast look tough strawberries Apple, or any number of other major crossing points would have seen plenty of Jews on trains going to the east. Well what year is it important to know is what year this happened. Well like you’re talking about Dad is that close enough.
You want the parents of these people want to look at labor as contraband if you are of the I who told me that his name is France. Frank should be a woman. Of France there were forced laborers sent to quote Russian east through our shores actually through Auschwitz actually in a Baltic state that’s not who we’re talking about already flies in the face of what you’ve been claiming no no it’s not.
You’re talking talking about right. None of them were transited through for blanket Belzec, or Sobibor and that is camps run a different ally different railroad line going basically north to south south to north. OK so the train stretch was from my Donek, or liberal and up to all Kenya. And those three camps were along that line along the old Polish so we had borderline. OK That was a very logical demarcation Alliance for controlling typhus which was the real big killer during the war. You haven’t even acknowledged that typhus was a serious problem for Jews and non Jews in Poland and Eastern Europe generally it was the big killer. So there’s actually an interesting story about one Jewish girl translated to the Russian east you could say. I showed this story to the moderator of the committee for open debate on the Holocaust. He said it’s proof that.
You know she this is a woman Caroline called Girl. Caroline Cohn. Who was sent to Sobibor. And I showed this to the man and he said oh that’s proof. She was sent to Minsk as the story says right. Already. However, it’s true. Caroline only said I think what he wanted for so before was even though. I’m sorry if she was sent from Berlin to Minsk in one nine hundred forty one before Sobibor was even open. She was sent back from the men’s ghetto.
To Sobibor where. Recently a pendant others was found for it’s why was this girl sent back from means to Sobibor they have physical evidence that she was there she was never seen again. What happened to this girl you don’t know that she was never seen again you think she was that was she going to you didn’t find any evidence that she was seen again. She might have been in Brooklyn all slushing New York at the end of the year. I know it doesn’t matter, but she certainly was killed in a gas chamber and somebody that you were else. You haven’t come up with a good reason to see either been. A few course all of the witnesses for some reason, or a list of maybe, because they had some kind of works for her and some people were aware she could fit. That’s all there were lots of Jews shipped to places like Minsk and like Uncle Mike Gernhardt truck versus what’s actually in the US. I’m not sure that’s making a lot of noise can you stop that it’s all right. Yeah. I did. I mean, the trouble hearing the two of you also.
Now it’s better now. Yeah just don’t trust. OK.
Anyway. At any rate it was Eric one particular girl that she was killed. No I mean. Well if you look at all the available evidence that all of the people cry bill that’s all, because all the physical evidence of mass cremation bone fragments found at the site cremation found at these sites. All described mass gassings shows, you know, this isn’t even a seriously exactly these bone fragments as to what the cause of death was if there are any and sound when they should it shows these bone fragments are of people killed in history you know.
Well there’s no reason to deny all of them claim good reason. Captain I think I’ve given you plenty of good reason to dislike the so called Guest it was that you’re fantasizing about never existed.
[95:02 mins] [1:35:02] IN PROGRESS
They could possibly have worked so he says that if you put people in a close concrete Wellman pipe and exhausted couldn’t possibly have worked. I don’t know if would look like the way your system. I’ve told you that it’s no sense. I don’t understand what you’re talking about you could kill anyone in a close concrete room if you pipe an exhaust. Ensuring that let’s you keep killing it’s really not doing it right out there. But sure. Well that’s much more likely, but there’s a couple That’s right. It’s that it was claimed easily insurance what do you do you write it was also you want to create a straw man and it seems like nobody should Yeah yeah and there’s your whole case full support when one looks at the specifics against charges you have that specifically it’s claimed at all, but I don’t understand what you’re talking about your other constantly you don’t is a. About why that’s nice of you to look at that that’s true. I was just going to talk about I guess guys for a second. OK. If you’re things going back and forth. I like Eric saying I witnesses. Why would he been this guy story I mean, all these eyewitnesses are saying this and maybe they’re all going on. And all of them first place. Right OK not everybody, but they’re obviously a number of people. Either concocted this story, or actually saw people being gassed right. If there was really no way if it really wasn’t diesel and it was like that. Surely there should have been red bodies yet there aren’t accounts for that. So either it was diesel, or it definitely couldn’t have been gasoline, because there are any reports that accurately how the bodies let every single one of those bodies are cremated, you know, whenever someone, or something so diesel Eric is saying would have worked, you know, you can make it better gas chamber, because you can always make something a little better doesn’t mean they didn’t have a crude one in a bomb shelter, or whatever, because if you do that with diesel it will and then you’re saying well not. OK maybe it wasn’t three minutes but. They would still try that at the mains and if this back and forth, you know, it’s fair. Well these the exhaust look and the entire history of this is of the use of diesel engines which goes back to the east and I did twenty, you know, many cases there are people just accidentally, or otherwise from diesel exhaust the idea. Eric I believe you pointed to one I believe you point to some others, but like I said this is a straw man. This is a straw man just real diesel exhaust usage Yammer getting trucks, for example, of people stuck all over the you to put in their trucks in order to allow the air conditioner to run, because there is only one case of a person to well you possibly from diesel exhaust and it turns out to be a bogus case as well.
If we have all the rest of the world in the last hundred years. There’s only one other case of a person possibly having died of diesel and still it’s OK So even with these elite engines even in a closed chamber makes for a little sad, because for one thing it’s like what’s actually cooked. It’s a lot of oxygen as you’re running in it and very heavy load so as it hasn’t left the sense of any mass murder. The decent story is just like even if you could conceivably kill people in wits with a kid like so sad. So it’s technically absurd for it’s first of all I do not accept that the evil gas was used as I said, the closest I’ll accept August at. The close is witnesses all describe petrol being used there. You’re creating a straw man. Yes I have to carefully talk a lot about the security officer who also claimed at length that he’s witnessed the gassing of I think eight hundred people. So he’s one witness. You see the Germans told had a different story. It was diesel according to him and his story as many used to little sleep by the fast majority of Holocaust scholars like yeah I’d made by the people who are highly regarded Leo was probably still bird, for example, and others again and again they referred to her first sight. He was German and who claimed it was easily joyously been again and his story did certain to turn into these all these leads, or else the cetera et cetera and that actually it was accepted by the whole world practically until about 2008 when even the United States government officially still claimed that it was diesel exhaust that those claims are absurd.
[100:00 mins] [1:40:00] IN PROGRESS
You are a pack of lies first of all you liar. Kurt Kirk Erskine only visited the camp for less than a day he was a person in a wristwatch with a stopwatch in his hand he showed the age thing. So, how did, you know, he saw me and I’m going to knew it was diesel exhaust and not, because he was a mining engineer himself and you can tell if it’s in these legions from now on if, you know, anything about cars which I doubt you’ll recognize he’s a legend for the salvage first of all, because if it’s a rapid fire of many many explosions. That’s how, you know, it’s a diesel and you’re going to have to open the hood to tell that it’s a piece and then Jim OK let’s for the sake of argument except for it’s claim that diesel was used. However, Fritz you did write an argument. That’s what I claim my claim is that these lists. You said all I claimed sex for girls sign and the others are so you liars. First of all you did write an article describing how long it would take to kill someone with a kill groups of Jews with a diesel exhaust engine it was under half an hour under load under certain conditions correct. Well not quite I quite like that at all. Really I didn’t even try stopping to get the article it read for it for a change read something I had a while brought it up by. Yeah well how long would it take to kill people and with the diesel engine in a closed concrete room I mean, you describe in your article less than forty five minutes less than forty loads of ten has a number of things like how small the room is constant the real chili ingredient is a diesel exhaust is the carbon monoxide at all, but the temperature that you reach inside the room once the temperatures above one hundred ten degrees, or one hundred twenty degrees. People will be dead. I know like flies. But that’s to use these changes to see God I was just trying futilely Christmas strategic commodity for the Germans, but plenty of it. I have to about the fact that John stews and I think I’m saying made from wood chips from the place they had literally hundreds of thousands of trucks that generated their own substantial concentrations of carbon dioxide those things would have made sense for a last word. I’ve said that again and again make sure it’s all of them my website will all of my essays and I’ve pushed some for you to just have a little guess execution take knowledge if they did you ever wanted to against anybody, but the guy with the producer gas vehicles which generated carbon dioxide directly from wood chips into concentrations of carbon dioxide gas is up to thirty five percent. You can could have killed lots and lots of people very easily very cheaply just by using one chips made from ordinary wood. You could have gotten almost anywhere in the construction and Polish that would make the perfect Central Committee mass murder, but to use diesel engines and some ship an intermediate step is just plain nuts just like all the rest of your claims. Yes no it’s OK with you. Well I’m sorry. So what about while I can make up. A claim any artist. I mean, like my profile is that what I call what I believe is not to claim how short a time that acts against me as against Germans who were camps as you should stop making ad hominem attacks yourself. I don’t mean they’re easy to say why. He actually believes.
Go and so what it says it gauging in amounts to a thought experiment how to build a better gas chamber. That you often make should not read this. Homicidal gas you have been designed better isn’t in dispute. In the total absence of witnesses claiming Jews were not gassed. So you can so Book one and bells. And the absence of any witnesses describing mass transit through these sites to the Russian East which is your radical audit of how to build a more efficient. Yes chamber is totally meaningless.
Well. Well there was something happened I mean, I can’t I can’t say no one was gassed at the train station. I just left from, because no one really I guess now is going to bring it up, you know. A really good analogy brought in so I think that these places such as Treblinka Belzec and Sobibor there are so called fake railroad. Well wait signs so.
[105:00 mins] [1:45:00] IN PROGRESS
These individuals that. Germans themselves through were some of them are actually free men after the war. Friend Stangl friends. Josef Oberhausen, or another primary defendants could have easily said What are you talking about we can guess anyone return we recruit routinely transited these Jews here and here. Maybe a look. Vive Pinsky and Vilnius to the locations listed on the supposed fake railway sign so. Well just, you know, they so that witnesses could not say the kind of things that they might have said during all this was staged. Also if they see your side statement it was not able to speak freely at the Nuremberg trial for example. Otherwise I’m sure he would have given them an earful. But these post-war trials were all carefully rigged so that he would. German defendant could always be heard saying what the prosecution wanted him to hear the Auschwitz trials in Germany and sixty’s were thoroughly discussed by Dr Wilhelm stately in his book. I can’t I think it was called Auschwitz and he described how the witnesses were carefully chosen first of all if they were going to, or if they were likely to give supporting evidence. If a witness was unlikely to give supporting evidence he couldn’t testify they blocked him if, in fact, from testifying one German commandant from Auschwitz Eric. There actually was with diet before he was able to testify at the house and it’s trials in Germany in the early one nine hundred sixty S. These proceedings after the war were all very carefully controlled just like the witchcraft trials in the late Middle Ages nineteen and sixteen ninety three and so forth were all carefully controlled if you want to believe. Perhaps that these trials were open and so for the nonsense that your image trials even today in Germany are not open the way they should be at all. You can’t just get up there and denounce the liars who are in the courtroom and expect your testimony to ever be heard from again. That’s the way things are done and it’s a disgrace. But we can look into the allegedly Yes chambers to see if they would have even worked and the eleven. Regarding those yesterday was are absurd totally absurd before anything clearly yesterday on it and so it will I says reclaim the corpses are blue, or didn’t show any color at all, or even yellow, or other colors other than red they are liars. There’s no escaping that so. So the deniers call all Jewish. Polish Russian Ukrainian and other witnesses to gassing and mass shooting liars. Let’s talk about these Germans for it’s want to say they’re just on trial. They were tortured there though. There’s that the excuse is that for some reason these Germans never had the courage to defend their airing their nation’s innocence I tell you from the U.K, you know, I tell you from the nick perspective of a political prisoner This is so highly unlikely it becomes impossible. You can point your building prisons have to ignore it. Well that’s a political rant that it’s fresh. A certain point of view. That’s what I have gets crushed. I do know about this point, you know, and you can tell you can point. Norm very trial point just I mean, you have people who could have just told somebody you’re in there, you know, when they’re eighty years old, or something right. I mean. Yeah I would like to go into that role. Quick. I mean, first you could point to revisionist themselves who often serve lengthy prison sentences and the majority do not fold and continue a proprietary of their innocence after release. Even the face of further prosecution. So the revisionist claim was it so impossible for all of these Germans severed tell the truth about the so-called gas chamber hoax so let’s look at the case of Joseph Ober Hauser who was stationed at Belzec a sermon ation camp filmed in cloudland Simmons’ film show up over Hauser was a free man after sent serving his sentence working as a bartender in Germany. It’s entirely unbelievable for me to accept these Germans could find no way to release the truth about this supposed hoax. For instance Oberhausen himself a free man working as a bartender could have written a lengthy explanation proving Belzec was a transit camp only to be published by trusted confidant friends of lawyers, or family after his death as Ryan just said. Here any direct witness of these gassings could have explained where these massive transports of Jews in the hundreds of thousands were
[110:01 mins] [1:50:01] IN PROGRESS
Why would he have known White why do you. I think he was probably a very small guard that most probably couldn’t even read he might have even know how to write. More than his name. I guess your that’s a good excuse. Are you saying he’s illiterate he he. My dear. I think he decided never to protest his wife why is the miters drinking buddies. Why fight city hall when City Hall has all the guns in the control. He might have been starving even more than he was at the end of World War Two in Germany. OK. People were struggling just to survive for many years after the war you think they’re going to come up and say oh I was there and it was nothing like that some people did my own.
Distant relation friends buoyant did, but he didn’t get anywhere. He was lucky he didn’t get fired from his government job, but if he had spoken out publicly the way you suggest he would have been fired. He would have been on the street and his family are going to been starving my my other will I understand this very hard trial berthed he had been in the S. And S. At Minsk managing a small closing factory employing about three thousand Jews according to the story. I have in Minsk OK when the war ended he was thrown into a concentration camp in radians Boric and he spent several years there until he was somehow could somehow show that he had been rehabilitated and reeducated and then he was able to go back to his wife and his one surviving child and makes well over an existence for himself, but he couldn’t get a job that was worth a damn any time for the rest of his life. You think, you know, that person and I protest when I don’t. Oh and I just don’t know much about the subject and so there are also those who are essentially guaranteed the death sentence including at a White man and others who have nothing to lose and everything to gain by producing evidence for a vote proving the so-called transit camp theory the revisionists like Fritz make the NSA’s an elite military force feared throughout the entire world into a big softies they claim that the S.S. Did not met kill masses of civilians and didn’t have the guts, or brains. There are literate after all. So I don’t leave your primary notes in my mouth. Shame on you shame I use a lot of your jewelry all over the place. It’s not a place in which character you said OK how is there was a literate he didn’t have the brains. I didn’t say he was he might have been speculation as most careful. Try to be a little bit careful about the things you are saying you’re obviously very reckless in the actual say should try to make You’re both a little bit right here. I mean, it would have been very hard as a lot of political pressure to shut your mouth. They lost the war they were, you know, death camps after the war starvation exaggerated stuff like the Internet and it would have been much harder than it is today saying anything, because it’s not going to matter are you going to say something and maybe the media people around you hear about it and then you’re just going to go to jail. You’re Fired and It’s going to change. Nowadays you can say something you can go all around the world. You might have an effect but. Much less motivation and it would be now all that there’s another. There should be someone saying that would have done it anyway. Out of this fight to see what had happened in their country after the war to say Dammit these are transit camps and write a letter, or something. It seems like we did it, because they like, but there’s not that many, but there is big here who had been a commandant at our suites was more than prepared to say precisely that. And then for some mysterious reason see Guy just a few days before he was supposed to testify at the a big Auschwitz trial in Germany at the early one nine hundred sixty S. OK So look at Rudolph those little has been kept in prison for his for his lifetime given a life in prison and when all he had done was try to make peace with Britain. OK. He was a prison you think he could have made a lengthy essay about how he knew nothing about any gay extermination plans, or something like that, of course, not it would have been totally destroyed by his captors.
And that’s the way these things were stark they forced this young Vironment so that the any real testimony to the contrary.
Is totally destroyed. Joseph Wilhelm shakily was punished for his book he was nearly ruined. He barely got old age pension.
[115:03 mins] [1:55:03] IN PROGRESS
Crits I think there’s a better explanation is that these oh you don’t have a lot happened. You don’t have it you don’t even have a gas chamber that really could have worked the way you allege be easily exhaust, or gasoline engine exhaust you don’t know what you’re talking about you want to be ashamed of yourself. I go back to kill the garden and study the subject that’s beginning again this, you know, every I understand your passion about the topic, but kind of personal insults aren’t really an argument. They’re entirely justified they’re entirely justified, because before I don’t listen to him insult the S.A.’s, or Germans in general as he is doing. I’m going to insult him. I think asking for it deserves it. I understand you’re using I don’t think they’re conscious Germans, or anything like that you. Yes Yes Well this is a problem with this kind of topic like people want to we want to have these kind of civil debates, but it’s difficult. The reason that people don’t want to debate, or don’t want to voice their opinion on these subjects is, because they know that they will be met with such visceral acts on their person, you know, I fight. I mean, anti Zionists, for example, and Al’s speak up for Palestinian rights and say what the Israelis are doing and I, of course, I’m going to be met with waves of people accusing me of being anti sematic in this and that and that kind of personal attack keeps prevents people from speaking up on these topics and let’s see if Eric’s wrong with safety is you’ll never know that unless you have these debates in civil and you give them some evidence that there’s mine and vice versa if you’re wrong. You’ll know that if, you know, you’re constantly just personally attacked. Because it just ends up in a shit throwing contest and it’s entertaining and all, but it doesn’t really, you know, move to mark, or anywhere in figuring out the truth matters. Well frankly I’m more than inclined to agree with you completely. Ryan I agree. I know it looks bad one likes them is critical as I am about Eric, but he’s just plain misguided for emotional reasons Scott I can’t even get you kill me, because I was that’s not a little one more little detail in the United States you actually have guessings to death people of interest of full were guilty of murder and maybe rightly so. Whatever the last guess execution. In the entire world occurred right here in Arizona. In one nine hundred ninety nine, you know, long it took to kill that one poor guy. And the idea. I don’t know if it was just a non sequitur for it is no it’s not no it’s not the same. Well you know.
It’s not it’s not sequitur at all it took eighteen minutes to kill one person in a well designed gas chamber here in the United States. Eighteen minutes and I had a claim to that you might find interesting is the reason they’ve changed sort of the method of getting prisoners and the reason they’ve moved away from the electric chair is, because they actually harvest and sell their organs and so they don’t want to destroy their organs that’s why I think, you know, way from frying them in May may, or may not have a reason for why the gas and differently to try and preserve as much as possible, because well that’s likely nation, but it’s not the official explanation. The official isolation is that it is a kind of cruel and unusual punishment. Yet it.
They don’t care about that look at the people are the organs OK whatever whatever whatever, but the last guess execution took eighteen minutes in the United States and most many of the guests executions in the United States took as long as eighteen minutes as well. Other guests executions. So it’s not some sort of quick easy way to get rid of somebody. If you do a mask gassing it gets kind of messy. Especially if it’s done in a large room where the little guy every little I use like might be hiding in the corner lying down on the ground so that the guests the cyanide which is lighter than air can stay well above his head. If you use anything like the electorate guessing technology, you know, I kind of situation it would have been a disaster. It would have been a mess that would’ve been a lot so rocky a little angry Jews left afterwards to welcome the guy opening day. Yes chamber door it would have been a catastrophe, but the Germans knew how to do it right and they had the technology, but nothing like what the Germans had in their stock of technological.
Was applied for the a legit mass homicidal gassings.
[120:08 mins] [2:00:08] IN PROGRESS
It’s very different. It’s a very different technology the Germans had the technology for mass guessings with cyanide if they had ever wanted to, but it’s totally different from the idiotic technology that is alleged for Auschwitz for mass gassings, or for any of the other camps. The Germans had a system with forced yes circulation throughout the gas chamber, but that was the way to do it. The Germans knew that and we can practically read the lines of the German technicians and experts on this field in the German literature and even through McGrady sent in American language literature American Sign of a company. Actually, used to cycle on the end cycle on disquiets for a few only geisha and throughout the United States and it worked very, very well and, in fact, in some of the literature now published on Rodeo. You can actually read how to make your own gas chamber it’s not that hard, but it involves some rational technology using force. I guess circulation to disperse the gas throughout the entire chamber. Otherwise you end up with something that’s very, very slow comparable to what was used to fumigate barracks which required about twenty four hours of exposure so that the science I could get out of the ground ules, or that this, or it’s whatever and kill off everything in the barracks. But in a real gas chamber you would have had forced yes circulation and that’s totally different from what’s even alleged in any of the so-called cycling I’d be guest chambers anywhere in Auschwitz Birkenau and I was when you look into the claims specifically about guessings they all turned out. Beat garbage garbage doesn’t mean you couldn’t possibly kill people. Yes you can like it. While some very different kind of technology from any of the garbage that is alleged in the Holocaust literature only has several lousy seamers I guess was what was the gas chamber building then if it wasn’t a gas chamber morgue. What was the US official Can I just for you here. I’m just I’m like I’d like to respond first so Fritz described it it would have been very messy. This is actually what the witnesses did describe it as a very messy tangle bodies feces menstrual blood all over the floor. There’s a lot of need to go live so prevention alive after twenty minutes, or even five minutes. Well it’s all stuff that’s not lots of people, but there have been instances where they did describe as you say a little Isaac alive in a gas chamber. So it absolutely does not contradict what you claim it was a did very messy people process and sometimes there would be one straggler. But as you say it’s totally possible to spot for example. Is absolutely lying about her even gas chamber how well she lying and the others are not all maybe she just she was out. She’s the one I mean, I don’t really have to defend her wise, but what I wish I would like is, you know, well what is right in line doesn’t mean everyone else has. But if I were her justify this if I were to justify her lies she did her mother and sister appear to have been gassed Unfortunately they’re not alive to tell their stories. Well then they must have been guessed if they are if they’re not alive to tell their story. Then that’s proof that they must have been guests according to Eric. Oh yes as you say the DA was segregated and separate and separated as are unable to work. I don’t even know what your point is you say they did work it makes them. Well they may have died of typists, or starved, or I don’t know he’s saying that these toddlers and elderly people did work. It makes no sense. First of all there were separate get separated and segregated as on able to work and says they did work. Well some of them did. I’m sure sure there’s a there’s all kinds of stuff that could be done. Even children can do work, but these children were not able to make that thirty miles trite to the railroad station and live it’s so somebody decided well you guys better stay here and wait for the Russians and maybe they’ll take care of you and the old women and old men I suppose who were unable to make that a long foot long try conflict in the winter in the cold and snow. To the life it’s thirty miles Well, you know, that’s a that’s a hike take stayed in Auschwitz also.
[125:16 mins] [2:05:16] IN PROGRESS
And when the Russians came day waved to them and told them all kinds of stories and made happy talk with the Russians the Russian women. I mean, the women left in Auschwitz they were all right. They were all right by the Russian side was their reward for having decided not to go West with the retreating Germans and there was plenty of testimony is that like that. Stats for side the point the point I’m making is that it was THEIR MONEY program not all Welsh which I added and so on. Second I can just interrupt. So Fritz is which Fritz for his point is that those separated and segregated as are able to work photographed in a group obviously unable to separate is on able to work actually did work. That’s his point. Well I don’t make them any work let’s let’s get that straight. I don’t know what they might have done minor things like sweep the barracks anything any number of things could be done by people who are older and so forth. Help. Keep track of things and a number of things can always be done by people if they’re functional at all. While there are those who do know what happened, or where these people separated and segregated as unable to work were last seen alive. And gassed you jump to these people you jump again to the liberation of Auschwitz are to debunk these photographs that you said as these elderly and children their autographs are since for their right so they would have been exterminated before being OK, but I brought it up. I brought it thinking really, or even if the gas chambers had not been operating they could have been just shot going to save a lot of food for those months two months. Until the Russians actually saw if you can see that these first of all your disregarding entire purpose gassing series. The reason gassing ceased was to keep the Jews alive so there weren’t wouldn’t be as many recover repercussions against the German people themselves result. Absolutely. Let me check. Absolutely. Would be very. It would. Certainly incite this so it’s to find Mass piles of shot children and elderly at Auschwitz to further kill and kill German. People do you concede now that the those in the copyright children aren’t reading this is very interesting article although you have your now mean mind reading Schuller and the Germans for their reason for stopping the gassings, or the electorate guessing since November. You’re really fantastic. I am so sad earlier, because like I said I want the heart of the issue here are there once you leave that people are caring for a girl quick. Let me ask this. Are you concerned I think it’s going to help you make your point to you. Dispassionately just whatever I don’t care who’s right. I just want to know what’s right. I would like to know, because you said well these pictures of elderly and children suffer after they were orders to stop guessing. Are there survivors who, or children, or elderly who are there, or order things. Elie Weisel their own. Well really was first forced labor. Fred C. Was holding office forced labor. Now let’s stick to this point before you jump to the next thing. What kind of forced labor. Do you think Elie Weisel was ever likely to do when he got to Belsen, or why you could see the guy was a physical misfit at the very least I doubt if he did a stitch of work when he got to Germany. Well one second, you know, I’m sure we all did forced labor to be honest I he was sent to the bono work labor camp a subcamp about should model what his father was even lifeforce to work. Was he a life if you think you think it’s why many of the latter is there the cooling towers, or anything like that. So it was a physical right. OK from source on I dare say let’s talk about the logic here for it says Elie Weisel teenager. Perfectly suited for work was able to work, but first he says he’s talking sense on science part yes sorry. Perfectly unsuitable for work. However, these elderly men women and children children were. Suitable for work right.
[130:05 mins] [2:10:05] NEEDS PROOFING
Well they could do some work I won’t argue that, but some work.
He might have done something like just swept the floor. It’s not much else.
OK great. So I don’t understand your illogical point here. If you tried to do it and he was working and I showed you. He was working in you finally agreed to it. OK, because that’s what worked what didn’t work. L. You still do when he got to Germany. Tell me that you are not talking. We’re not talking I just look like you. You mean like.
Talking about we talk about modern weights which is subcamp of Auschwitz. But what do you think it was a pipefitter. He worked there. I’m he was not a pipefitter, but he and his father worked there, you know. To be honest, because of what happened recently try to push it in the back of my mind I don’t really talk about exactly. I really not to up on the subject of what we sell did, but as you say he was selected for forced labor along with his father his mother and younger siblings were much like those shown in the Auschwitz Album which were segregated unable to work useless leaders and all evidence points to were gassed.
So why wasn’t all you sell guest when they making he was used for forced labor at the bono work we were camped subcamp of that was for what what do you think he could have done well aside from something clerical maybe a little bit of bookkeeping keeping track of the elbow fittings and the keys she fittings something like that. What else do you think he might have done that was so valuable for the job, or war effort to keep to justify keeping him alive giving him shelter. Well I’m sort of you sort of coming to agree with me that those segregated as totally. I don’t know that they were really segregated. But you keep talking about some documents that ordered them to be segregated and separated. I don’t see any I’ve never seen any documents like flat at all. There’s photographs of them being separate except separate and segregated and there’s a photograph of them and then were separated so that when they went to the showers the women didn’t stay with the men and the men stay on the men stare at the women the women were given showers. Separately from the man. That’s not so surprising, you know, I know this is a modern liberated age and so forth, but in those days people kept the women separate from the men well it’s not some sort of showers. Oh my. Isn’t that terrible those evil evil Nazis some of the women from the men as well that were sending them to the showers and sending babies, or children. Maybe separately again to different showers. Oh lawdy those evil evil Nazis separating people from each other. Oh well they don’t seem I can. I can see that brilliant points of us. Eric you really are so brilliant I hadn’t seen that before they separated from the men they separated the old people from the young people maybe, because the older people were not likely to do I useful work for a while. So let them sit on a chair in a bunk, you know, Barack somewhere. Oh well that is so fiendish on those part of those Germans. Well I’m not talking first of all you’re only devolving into all this emotional stuff I’m talking about how I’m going to like you. It’s not sense from you and it was really I’m talking about this photograph I’m not talking about separation of sexes I’m talking about a photograph of mixed sexes of those as you say having a picnic outside of crematorium five. These are all mixed sexes. There are mixed.
Of those unable to work. Well you don’t know that they’re on they will work you and I, you know, make your points be a little more careful. I don’t know that they are unable to work. Maybe they are maybe not. I which picture you talk about I have the Auschwitz Album in front of me right here. Tell me which I think you mean are you are you denying Are you denying there were those elected on able to work. Maybe I don’t know I don’t know, but I do know that none of them were killed in yesterday’s birth as well didn’t for them being segregated based order, or on autographs. That’s all we all witness testimony photographs and evidence points to it always being separate separated and segregated as unable to word These people never show up anywhere else. Those separated segregated as on and able to work lasting again outside of these gas chambers.
[135:01 mins] [2:15:01] NEEDS PROOFING
Talking nonsense I mean, your family are looking at pictures here at home and it’s gathering so yeah I’ll give you a page number here are the kids on page one fifty two and on page one fifty three. I’ve used these pictures before sitting around you see the kids are actually looking at each other’s me old C.J. You got a peanut butter sandwich and all I got was a cheese sandwich. Maybe we can trade then dimpling quite peacefully. There’s no sign of fear, or terror on the faces of any of them. Not one. Look I think it’s no that’s right. That isn’t true at all. There’s a woman yes it’s true. Yes it is this notion talks are, you know, if people are terrified they showed that pretty easily just by Riley they run as fast as they can and wherever like wherever there’s any kind of an opening for daylight these people are not terrified at all when people like you say that you’re simply lying. Sure. But, you know, me talk. Let me talk for about ten minutes here. I talk to try to get this in your article there. Yes, or yes there is yes it is it is a photograph in my article. First of all these people are surrounded by electrified barbed wire fence in the pen. Of crematorium four and five. That’s all there is in this specific area of the camp it’s called Birkenau it’s the Burke Birch forest, you know, What you can absolutely see this last time he filled our guest you run it through the fence you run through the fence as far as fast as you possibly can you try to get over the fence you try to get under the fence. If you’re that terrifies you do stupid things like that the fence may be unbeatable may may not be possible to climb over, but you still try if you’re afraid of being gassed to death. People panic going to run. That’s a no sir. Reaction. I don’t see that he flung death row like that. Try to kill, because there are absolutely reports of those who ran to the yeah like over, or between yes yes yes that’s it. You have no real evidence, or anything of the story. Well reported by CNN used him doing, or saying now you’re a mind reader and, you know, their motivations I mean, we don’t know, but I can tell you prisoners who are on death row don’t like try to just kill the police they just walk and Except. That they don’t usually commit suicide before they get lethal injection, or the chair whatever so, you know, if they’re going to get in. I’m not going to, you know, if they are likely we hung by the neck. They often jewel and, in fact, the standard probably procedure in prisons is to shut the entire prison down when they know when the prisoners know that someone is about to be hung, or executed. That’s a standard procedure, because they have riots. All the other of for instance in the camp. Even for the prison they riot. When they think something like that is going on. They don’t sit passively in their cells waiting to get the word that. Such and Such a person was guest to death, or Hong, or electrocuted people panic and they riot. That’s the normal reaction when they’re at Tara. But you don’t see like that in any of these pictures and Eric’s claims to the contrary are sheer nonsense these people are very relaxed like you and you, you know, route rather relaxed way sitting casually showing no signs that they’re going to be gay and still are tortured are treated horribly and all just look at the pictures it will open my coffee take a few cups of coffee before you look at these pictures. There’s nothing in there to support the claim that anyone he was killed in gas chambers and things which you’re looking at well which was a much smaller human being. Well Eric just by Eric Yeah I mean
I’d like to talk for about two minutes without being interrupted with the motional ad hominum attacks. Yeah yeah you try there are and how I know tax of your own and then we can have a more intelligent debate. But I don’t think I’ve done much of that yet. Certainly I have to say you certainly have. Certain So we’re talking about the photographs and if they’re just going to tell us once. OK let’s see let’s talk about the photograph of the woman being held by three men being manhandled in my thinking and writing from the entrance of crematorium five. You can see criminal for in the background for it’s talks about writing things like this really tore him for in the background was blown up in a prisoner revolt the son the commander when I was another.
Nearby Q. And A camp blew up the crematorium to resist the mass gassings operations.
[140:09 mins] [2:20:09] NEEDS PROOFING
So there were rioting there were people who ran to the barbed wire there were people resisting in this specific photograph you do see a woman resisting she’s being held against her will by three men apparently Jewish at the steps of crematorium five. There’s no other places photograph could happen. It shows crematorium four parallel and just. And she is absolutely not having a picnic in her time she lost her luggage. You might be worried. Where did my luggage go. I said OK.
So her her her two hands are restraint on two points by two men opposing her and there’s one man in the background there moving towards a photographer who was standing at the entrance of crematorium five. She’s not asking where her luggage why and she said I don’t know that you don’t know anything of the sort, or you create really sort of ridiculous claims like they’re having a picnic, or that she lost her life. Many of them there are many signs of right below that picture in my own article you see a child who does have a face of distress on him. He’s got a part of his clothing on he certainly does not look to be having a picnic another woman is looking towards him just to look there’s others and, or the one of the woman sitting down there sitting down in many ways, because they were transit in the three days some of them were standing up on the box cars for three days. Having to oh my goodness, you know, they had to urinate on themselves on the way to the camp. Oh it was so terrible. My goodness you think maybe the Nazis could have just put them on the road and forced them to march for. They actually that might have been that alternative they could have saved the railroads for the war effort in that case, but they actually transported these Jews who were there to this terminate Inderal road car as they could have guessed it right there in Budapest many of these Jews were supposedly hung Garion Jews in Budapest they had an excellent guest chamber for fumigating entire row trial at those fumigation chambers the Budapest guest chamber is the subject I’ve discussed in many of my essays were perfectly excellent guess chambers that would have killed everyone in those railroad cars in the right there at Budapest Why ship these Jews one hundred twenty miles to Auschwitz if all you want to do was yes them, but there are some pretty critism again proposing better more efficient ways they could have what is short of they could’ve would’ve should’ve done it. The bottom line is I heard. That’s what not for tickle thinkin. Thanks. In your job they were going to use the majority of them for labor. And not some were strong, but you could have made the selection right there in, you know, a pest, or somewhere in Slovakia. Why ship the useless ones to Auschwitz. If all you’re going to do is kill land as Eric claims you could have saved all those train fares for really important people, you know, for the pipefitters sort of people who could do some serious work to get the Germans. Germans did a lot of inefficient things during a war. This is why they lost, or after all. Right. So you could have always selections right there and you would have passed, or some other location from where they were selecting and shipping Jews I think it’s a logical thing to do just taking the best.
And murders the murders the camp, because people at camps knew what kind of job.
That’s where is often do a lot of logical sure Yeah well the real mass murder is where the Americans when they bombed German cities in World War Two It was a real mass murder is so if you want to talk about mass murder talk about the real one. It’s not the fact that the make believe mass murder as well unfortunately we’re talking about these people such as at Auschwitz that were selected as unable to work segregated, you know, you first told you what they were selected for you don’t cite any documents showing that as selector that this guy for this, or this guy for that. Are you going to get anything trucking about selections. Without any solid evidence whatsoever. Thanks for these so-called eyewitness claims OK we’ve known. And even you admit that many of these eyewitness claims are just bogus they are lawyers so old you have to be a little more scholarly if you’re going to start kind of arguments.
[145:11 mins] [2:25:11] NEEDS PROOFING
Let’s talk about scholarly the records we have of those transported out of Auschwitz, or all of the ages and you say you have a table to work able to work out the records yourself a little I yes I have actually I saw them a while researching Irene’s this, but it records. I don’t believe it, but now, you know, that there are records OK you don’t believe there are actually it’s also records, but not the kind of records that you’re talking about. Yeah there are no records at this crime. What happened to those unable to work, because there are gas to decide the Germans. Well they’re all you witness there are no records of people being yes and yet. That would have been something to keep track of you would have at least shown that this guy is no longer around. Anyone he’s gay, you know, So let’s dispose of his. Personal possessions which are kept in Canada, or let’s not, you know, worry about finding a bank for him, or a place for where he might work if a person is killed. You want to keep some sort of a record of it so that you don’t waste time in the woods around the camp running to try to catch him, you know, people did escape from Auschwitz and if they.
If they escape you want to catch him. But you can say, you know, let’s see if, you know, the guy is already dead for it is gone again into this coulda woulda shoulda as we say there’s no records of those people sent anywhere else. All right. Points and I think he actually just chambres all of that right. I want to thank you. When, you know, there’s all all the physical evidence all the eyewitnesses all know your life on the call from the school evidence all the records no nonsense you don’t have that you don’t have to have any physical evidence that anybody was killed in a gas chamber. Oh absolutely. There’s physical evidence you don’t like it that you want to accept. I want to talk critical I know you have no let up since, for example, to show that even one person one corpse found anywhere was of a person killed and I guess you understand. Zach first of all. Well first of all there are the Polish investigation of her blanket they found intact human skulls and neck bones without bullet holes in them. But I have talked personally it’s possible they want to this.
Actually, these mass cremation pits shown in the investigations and photographs and all witness testimony say they don’t have didn’t die of disease I want to how exactly why my opinion. Everybody’s lives are probably told that the already at the very beginning of World War Two typhus and particular years ago we had a brief argument you and I about the fact that you didn’t seem to realize that the typhus epidemic was killing huge numbers of people already in Poland and you thought it was terrible to some way, because I kind of slammed you down for not knowing that if, you know, anything about last fall foliage you would know that typhus was a major killer. That was the real killer in Auschwitz and then other camps not. I mean, I’d like to talk for about two minutes in on her on her.
So this is false. I know all about epidemic tiredness I don’t know I was really about trying to tell me all about trifles I’ll be very patient and listen, because I really want to learn about trifles from, you know. Well I was willing to sort of sort of think that this. First of all what Fred said is not true. It’s an invention he did not quite say with claims I did going into this I was willing to accept that for instance those photographed in mass cremation pits outside of crematorium five may have been Didn’t victims of disease. However, all available evidence including those who took the photographs themselves and those who worked in these gas chambers including Germans themselves to talk all evidence points to guessing at Kurds, or law he talks of he talks about your ally and he is not he told me that before yes yes he is a lawyer I thought they were people starving he said actually.
He was willing to entertain that you can say he’s wrong, but he’s not right for talking us out he says it will be evidence he’s definitely lost he doesn’t know what all the evidence is. It’s absolutely all the evidence which includes documents includes eyewitnesses who includes R.K.. Logical investigations include also
[150:05 mins] [2:30:05] NEEDS PROOFING
Yeah you just don’t like the evidence, because frankly you’re German yourself use you have talked about being a victim of discrimination of your family and after what were you such as that it. My goodness.
There are many revisionists who are Germans themselves who are frankly biased, but do not want to see evidence. Who do not want to accept the evidence they can look at the subject level headed.
You know so I sympathize all about trifles that’s how you started this little chit chat here just now I don’t I don’t except that those bodies that were blank. And those cremation pits that do exist are all types as victims of the large looked at some of them were some of them were from typhus I mean, there are descriptions of those crammed into these train cars that were blanket being pulled out before they can be gassed. I mean, you talk about autopsies how exactly are you going to do an autopsy on cremated ashes and bones fragments to prove cyanide gas and I told you they didn’t find bullet holes in skulls and neck bones as would be consistent with shooting. So that is consistent with being gassed. That is consistent with a quote autopsy. Well frantic pathologists have much more advanced Let’s say I don’t know whether one can tell if the Bulls are going to show cyanide guessing, or carbon dioxide guessing, but one of the reasons for why cremation was actually allowed in Germany. In the early nineteenth. Thirty. It’s was, because even evidence, or even when the person had been poisoned one could careful medical examination. Tell whether that person had been poisoned, or gassed. That was a big issue in the early days of criminalization even in Germany and elsewhere that even crim aided remains could reveal strong evidence of the use of poison to kill a victim. Otherwise cremation was the perfect thing to do you any relative. A wife who were who might have been poisoned you send them right away. It’s a crime authorial and evidence is gone forever and ever. But made it remains can in many cases reveal clear evidence of the use of poison was one of the reasons why crim a shot was even Kermit is in Germany at least and possibly other countries as well. The technology is very sensitive today doesn’t mean every. Poisoned person would be exposed to every corpse of a poison print would be exposed by a careful chemical investigation I don’t know I’m not an expert, but some cases clearly it is the case and even on my miserable TV I do see a TV program supposed crime investigations where they have talked about even created remains showing proof that poison was used at some point by someone, or other and so I don’t rule anything out, but they remain such as they are extra points, or anywhere can be Exuma some day and they examined very, very carefully by. Forensic pathologists and they may. Proves one thing one way, or another. The fact that they don’t have bullet holes in them is already evidence of non execution by firing squad, but the people may have died from typhus nonetheless and that shows itself sometimes in damage to the bones and so don’t rule anything out especially about things you don’t like much about to begin with. Well you just said you’re not an expert on that subject so I know more than you do obviously not actually I mean, I talked about the law. It was actually plenty. Not actually respond I talk. I mean, we’re talking about the logic vary and you are all if you insult like Eric are the same ask for that I can see that. I mean, let’s talk was, you know, the arguments.
[155:04 mins] [2:35:04] NEEDS PROOFING
So he talked about a lot. So he talked about the logic of autopsies of car, you know, diesel is petrol, or some sort of petrol, or diesel exhaust. I told him it’s pretty senseless to do autopsies Like I said on those killed in those methods and cremated it is only cremated. I can simply actually say senseless. Well first of all I propose you can actually so some of the flammable substances used to actually cremate the remains are released the same gases that you claim are used in so well that are claimed to have been used inside the gas chamber to look at cremated to ashes and bone fragments and try to determine they were killed by inhaling poison gas.
As he sort of we are sort of conceding the methods used back then, or couldn’t determine that. But you say, because of modern TV shows like C S I, or that they could do that today frankly. All of your case revolves around someone like who has watched these shows such as C.S.I. And want to play an amateur detective in take away all the available evidence eyewitness testimony documents in archaeological investigations photographs and throw it all out the window, because you say wouldn’t have happened exactly the way you say it would have, but no I don’t actually think there’s a way to actually autopsy these ashes and cremated bone fragments and determine they were killed in handling poison gas especially, because carbon and other materials would have been released by the fire itself.
And that’s your theory. Well, you know, that’s not what you’re talking about, you know, you’re no expert. I’m no expert, but I do know that the technology for examining corpses and bolts has advanced enormously. I don’t think I’m overreaching when I say that Mr Bennett in the forty’s. There’s a big difference between most poisons thanking kill somebody and a specific type of gas, because like Eric said there salt your salt. Anyway. Well yeah I mean, logically a fire release is many if not many of the same chemicals that were claimed to use to kill these people be inhalation. If not the exact same chemicals were used as fire starter’s themselves. So it’s illogical to claim autopsies on cremated bones and ashes. To up a somewhat upset. I fail, but some if they are just to show you left like a. Internal organs as would be the case with a mass burial. And when you do open cremations open aircrew Masons you don’t reduce everything to just bone fragments. There’s plenty of tissue left. So if they actually do a serious examination of some very old pixel cremation pits. They may well find something serious. One way, or another on the subject, but they’re obviously not very interested in doing that and you’re obviously not interested either. I think Caroline Christian graves and use them as props for a television series, or show. But wouldn’t, you know, which he respected the wishes of the rabbis and they went and dug up any bishops, or anything about that was rather.
Instead I agree completely. I think really the people in there who are Jewish deli in America and their bosses are all topsy as far as I know they’re autopsied rather routinely when there’s any question as to the cause of death in the here in the United States. A lot of Jews in United States are secular. Right. Right. So what and rightly so, but yeah. Well being. So what means different to me, but I mean, it seems like that would answer things immediately if they would just dig up her blanket and see if there’s a whole bunch ashes, or not. Well it’s that’s already been proven that there are quote a whole bunch of ashes in the Polish investigations and the photographs of these mass graves with ashes and bone fragments and all the bell witness testimony. It’s there are those that just don’t want to accept the evidence and somehow we are seeing things we ask questions we think a little bit about the so-called. All evidence that we West. Maybe this is not right.
[160:03 mins] [2:40:03] NEEDS PROOFING
Maybe this is not the way it should have been done. I know that’s terrible. I know that’s evil for many people to even question these stories, but that’s what goes on with sane people when they hear these wild fantastic stories about mass murder and things like that they ask a few questions. That’s very painful and all cord for you. Eric and for people like, you know, it’s called questioning the holocaust not all mind at all. Oh my goodness. People are questioning the Holocaust. Oh well that’s already a sign of evil anti-Semitism. Ratcheting up answer it’s a question and a Holocaust as I’ve determined is realizing that these mass gassings a mass murders such as Bobby are did happen. I think your heart, you know, you haven’t come up with one and I’ll tell you these wild atrocity claims you have zero evidence of mass transit through these camps. Well I don’t care that doesn’t matter. That doesn’t matter you admit it and you don’t care. Yet this is the central issue of the whole cause controversy in twenty seventeen. It’s not an important controversy for me at all. It’s not an issue. I don’t care where these people went they were definitely not killed in these idiotic gas chambers that Jews have actually come cock that they were not killed in gas chambers with diesel exhaust, or gasoline engine exhaust.
That’s the important point. White White White why should I care where the survivors when they went all over the place they went to Brooklyn that Flushing New York Israel whatsoever went to Israel can you do you did you understand that a lot of Jews in Israel at the end of World War Two were from Europe. When how do. Do you suppose that happened.
That they were there reborn.
Where they were reborn somehow after being burned in the guest chair in the Kremlin Torreon pits where they resurrected.
Well Prince you say don’t know when you don’t care you don’t know when you don’t care, because you have no life, or the things I don’t care about the science is easier for you. It’s easier for you have got you. Yes you have you have no answers to this question and this is the one thing. Religion is, or is that they have you focus on what happened to those jewels. I don’t think that’s all that important at the end of not only at the end of the twentieth century there were well over eight million the Holocaust Jewish Holocaust survivors alive in the world according to Sergio Della pergola one million nine hundred three thousand Jewish Holocaust survivors alive in 2003. That’s not some Nazi revisionist talking. That’s a Israeli professional doggerel for you can read his entire reports by the law just using the link on my website just look up search year old. Della pergola it’s unusual name it’s one of the reasons why I meant. I remember it so well, but one million ninety three thousand. That means I think that there were several million Jewish Holocaust survivors from Europe a lot of in Europe and at the end of World War Two. I think that’s an entirely reasonable solution. I don’t know some of them may have may not have been in Eastern Europe, or in Russia. OK. Some of them were hanging out in France in Germany Poland just like a pox mind he had was a jewel. But he was raised by Polish family. In Poland as a child he went to some sort of Christian school and he pretended to be Christian. OK. Clearly he was not killed in a yes chamber.
So why, you know, that right that bothers you. A lot doesn’t it. That I actually have some strong sort. He is a survivor. It’s a proxy Holocaust survivor a lot of it’s not dealing with the specifics of those sent to Treblinka Belzec and so aboard those documented stand there are never seen again. So no one can say you don’t have any evidence you even your own evidence shows that some of these people were definitely seen again. Helen Schwartz was seen again. Pearl what sort of first time she was seen again. So when you say they were never seen again you’re wrong you’re just talking about I’m talking about those sent to the Russian He’s there talking about Helen Schwartz.
[165:00 mins] [2:45:00] NEEDS PROOFING
She was sent from Alice stock which is east of her blanket to west supposedly through her blanket to my Donek in one nine hundred forty three. You can fire at any one in nine hundred forty two center blank and sent to the Russian East these are seven hundred thirteen thousand will tell you don’t know what’s. How to hell. It’s what’s get to the east to begin with. Well that’s where she lived for it. Oh OK. Aren’t you. She was there so. So there were Jews in the Soviet East. OK. Were they all just lifelong residents of the East, or is it possible that some of them had been shipped to the east from Germany, or hall, or Europe. Many of them were I know that any body who knows anything about what was going on knows that was earlier and I don’t know that seems like they were just letting, you know, where they shipped from Sobibor and so. So I mean, for a little brings up. Fritz brings up Helen Schwartz and I want to, you know, Tell Fritz. Sorry if you were misled. I was one of the people who brought this Alan Schwarz testimony to the forefront and it’s one of the reasons I’m coming out and talking about this. I don’t like in this lead in I hope I’m not trying to mislead others so this brings up this one. Yeah. Prince brings up this woman who describes being sent from Alice Dr Gronow to her blanket from the east to the West and then being sent, because she and others were useful for forced labor in one nine hundred forty three as small amounts of transports were to my Donek. She does not contradict official story. This is documented and has been documented before I brought these out. Unfortunately Jewish Holocaust experts such as you Irad. Falsely claim absolute such as that everyone sent to these place were killed there are reports of those sent even in between the camps. To clean up, for example, as the camps shut down and small very small amounts of those obviously useful for forced labor being taken off of the trains not continuing on through that he too bad as they say in to the gas chambers where those they witness it witnessed were never seen again. So there are small amounts that did transit through, but they were able to work. So I’m sorry.
For it’s believes that Helen Schwartz.
Disapproves that the revisionists somehow prove the revisionist transit camp theory that all of these transit through Trip Link a Belzec in Sobibor worst actually sent to the Russian East when, in fact, two.
You’re missing everything else you’re mixing things up. I didn’t see anything about Helen Schwartz proves there was shipments of these I don’t know I don’t know if that’s what I’m mixing it with and now we know you don’t. Little facts straight about things I’ve said things that I haven’t said. I know you said you don’t know and you don’t care, because you have zero answers you can’t name one Jew transited through these camps to the Russian East and that’s why you don’t know. That’s why you don’t care, because you cannot answer that question at all for question for me. The important question is whether people were killed in gas chambers and I’ve answered that those who can answer the question all witnesses all the evidence points to that these people you can’t name. Existing anywhere else in the world were, in fact, gassed their cremated remains are photographed investigated by archaeologists in all available evidence points that the reason you can’t find them is, because they were killed at these sites. Well they might have been shot somewhere it’s not possible they might have died from typhus somewhere so those are alternative explanations and your insistence that you, because you see no evidence to think where she actually shipped that they were there for guests. That’s silly. That’s silly. That’s just plain stupid. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but you usually, because we. I know what people like me can’t account for the spurs these people to the east. Therefore they must be given. That’s who. There’s so many other things that can happen every day I might die tomorrow, you know, it doesn’t mean that I was guest I could have died from anything in a car accident that happens. I mean, frankly it has no logical, or rational wherever it was so large you are the one who is totally illogical with your insistence that the lack of evidence that people were transported to the east is true it’s not only that it’s not only us that’s what’s not only. Yet it will all be available. I will use all the I don’t know what you mean little evidence it’s the only available evidence is something you choose to ignore!
[170:11 mins] [2:50:11] NEEDS PROOFING
You try to go after the fact the staff changes simply were ridiculous state would not have worked. Well if they had two things here. It’s not knowing like the ones who are so going east may have just shot may have died of typos, or may have starved to death, or may have whatever. However, his argument rests, you know, just OK we don’t know where they went. Therefore they may have died. It’s, you know, that’s right, or were killed. And the reason he thinks there are gas chambers. As the method is because. Witnesses and forensic evidence like. Photographs of holes and things like that. Well it’s not only there. When Fritz one first started. Revisionism he. There very well was a great exaggerated false, you know, a lot of it by the Soviet so his claim regarding all of these things that happen. So when Fritz started there were no identified gas chambers at these sites however recently archaeologists and your blanket and so we were have on Earth the buildings that all witnesses have identified were the homicidal gas chambers there is no other explanation for what these buildings were absolutely match. Well for it’s can I continue to match up exact point you did. Well I think these two lines that you wanted welling out so despicable and so stupid I have to interrupt you. I mean, you claim just no evidence of this, or that you’re wrong you’re lying. You don’t look you haven’t done the most basic kind of critical thinking, but were the buildings.
Well if it was a transit camp there were buildings for giving people showers, for example, and there was a guess. I’m sure for a fumigating closing. You want to give people back clothing that had only fumigate it. That’s what you had I’m sure in trouble. Well taken. Sobibor that’s all you had you had real cancer risk for gaining clothing and giving them those clean clothes back to the Jews, or whoever so that they could survive. That’s what those camps were for and there were plenty of camps like that throughout the German occupied East to keep German soldiers alive to keep what Mary workers alive to keep people alive generally and to help fight the typhus epidemic which was the real and I mean, the real killer inside German occupied Eastern Europe. I mean, it’s still Eric’s insistence that all the evidence says something else just who just plain cuckoo. Don’t you have a belief in the forests even if you mean you found a building somewhere and you’re saying this supports yessing claim to go. Shame on you. OK you’re safe. I know there are.
So Eric why haven’t these buildings were not just ours and so forth they actually are gas chambers. Well I mean, yeah I’m trying to ignore the cuckoo clock right here over here but. So the evidence is for instance not for blank blank archaeology show they talked about the tiles from there to witness who described the tiles seventy years earlier. Describe the building as a gas chamber. That some evidence right there the physical tiles that prove an earlier witnesses claim that this building was a gas chamber there’s absolutely no evidence of France’s transit camp of pretties seven hundred fifty thousand yet just play like yeah the evidently supports the tree. It’s a kind of theory also with me on later a kid you go there and there’s something.
To build the remains are found in the ruins.
Like I said for blanket they wind up with the earlier I believe is Abraham Parakey who described the tiles of this room. That was used as a gas chamber for instance just repeating these false claims that I’m somehow lying, but as we show you can’t let, you know, what is definitely lying. Some of it when you see evidence says this, or that then you are simply lying. All right. Fritz I’ll give you another chance communing Well son of my friends I did this transit. Can you name one Jew transited through these trying to get it, but that’s not the only evidence and that’s not the only issue.
Hello church was obviously not killed there. The other another survivor sides I said to the east in nineteen. I don’t buy that. I’m not, you know, I don’t think you are you.z
[175:07 mins] [2:55:07] NEEDS PROOFING
You are, because the revisionist transit camp theory in accordance with the richard core claims. Oh not that I’m sorry and I continue to code word used for transit to the east was code for extermination be a poison. That’s your this is what that’s called Word. Where did you get that crazy idea that was some sort of a code word to Korea are sort of read in German. It’s very clear and logical and very specific it says nothing can be used to believe target, or some kind of code word Germans do it themselves Germans themselves testified that this is the code where, you know, the nation and the fact that we cannot find any of these chariots and east transit camp there is proof this small amount like I said. Did for fourth place bring nine hundred forty three as the Germans needed this forced labor does not prove that these mass transit to the Russian East. There’s no evidence of these mass care camps in the Russian He’s for those transmitted through these transit camps for it’s cannot name one transit east through these quote transit camps they were not transit camps there were extermination camps as all the evidence points to be OK and I was, because I felt like they didn’t go to the they got shot. Whatever you just say they were in their gas chambers and you’re saying well they were shipped East. They obviously weren’t, because there’s like records, or evidence are shipped East they must therefore they were gassed. But that really just proves they were killed. Is there other forensic evidence besides the man who said the the there is there any physical evidence not witness evidence of the gas chambers.
Well the cremation pits the mass cremation pits photographed and investigated by the Polish investigative commission as well as other archaeological investigations throughout the years including at the Belzec extermination camps core samples taken that show there are massive mass graves at these sites which could hold hundreds of thousands of bodies. He’s.
Who were not cremated which were not criminals right, or they were cremated. Well some of them were I’m sure there must have been plenty of dop bodies there that were not crewmate it. I don’t know if one of those bodies actually takes the trouble to do a serious forensic examination of the site then one might find lots of bodies of people who were still wearing their ordinary clothes time they were tossed into the ground if that’s at all the case. OK When you find bodies. People still wearing their clothes you often find little photographs, or letters that they were old news. Ferber clippings all kinds of important evidence to show when and when they were tossed into the grave. That’s what was done at the massacre site which is a model for a good forensic examination of any mass murder site then when the Germans investigated the cathing site. They invited. Medical personnel from. The whole world practically to come to cutting to see what was there and to allow professional forensic pathologist pathologists of every sort to look at the bodies and to see when these people were killed. How they might have been murdered by the Soviets as it turned out and have an open investigation. Nothing like that has really been done for this huge huge burrow site at all. OK there was some fencing around by the Poles after the war and that’s it. But a serious medical examination. Is nothing nothing of the sort has occurred OK they might have found something else. I remember seeing some photos Mulan camp showed. Well you see little bone fragments mixed in with ordinary soil. Well that’s not terribly convincing one way, or another, but the fact is people are brainwashed very easily when they see a pile of dead bodies and all this shocked, or horrified the strongest evidence for the Holocaust hoax is nothing from Auschwitz. It’s the pits at Bergen Belsen those pits are filled literally with naked bodies of people who are. It may see aged before they were thrown in those pits and people look at those pictures and they say oh it’s well obvious they must have been guessing people to death.
[180:01 mins] [3:00:01] NEEDS PROOFING
Well the fact is no one was gassed to death at Bergen Belsen and everybody who seriously looks at the subject recognizes that, but the pictures of Bergen Belsen which are far more horrible than those pictures that Eric showed from I was sure it’s crap of five areas separate those pictures one could also are psychologically very powerful evidence for mask reality they are false evidence people are easily brainwashed at the sight of a dead body that’s that’s a horrible carry ality. And that’s the basis essential of what Eric is talking also he tries to the see a little bit, but he has no pictures of people killed in gas chambers at all anywhere. Those pictures of dead bodies at a crime of five when they were criminal. So maybe perfectly genuine. But there’s nothing in the picture says what the claim that these people had died in the gas chamber. All he has is the usual B.S. Bullshit generated by the Jewish holocaust industry to support these idiotic and vile racist claims against Germany and against the S.S. And against perfectly decent people who were the ones running our shoe it’s whether it’s gross. Joseph Mangal, or any number of the Germans who were there. Those were innocent. These people and I’ve discussed that I’m even wasting time here talking to someone like Eric they go yellow Rudolph cautioned me about a debate with Eric. And I’m sorry to say it, but I think you’re always right. Just, because no idea what he’s talking about he’s blah blah. Usual holocaust propaganda of Jewish contacts wherever they may be and that’s it. He. I guess I’m selfish. It’s your work. It was more we talk about it. So yeah let’s go get back to what this is essential. You have no evidence, or even no good evidence that even one person was ever killed in a gas chamber by the Nazis you don’t even have this theory as to how they guess chambers would have worked. You should be ashamed of yourself. I shall have to waste time talking to you, because you’re blind to not only chimes. To have a debate. This is what you both agreed. But the core of the debate that was agreed upon the specifics of what happened to people unable to work. Where they transited to the east, or where they shot, or where they get whatever that was the question. Which I feel I think, you know, we have. And you believe either they went somewhere, or they got killed, but they weren’t gassed and they are going in some of dire typhus some of them starved and some of more gas to and he’s based on these witnesses they claim that there were gas lines and I was getting into whether there is some some physical evidence of the chambers not, because cremating bodies you can cremate type his victims to if you don’t want life it’s right you want to burn the body obviously so, or is there evidence. But the killing themselves is what I’m saying. Yes there is so cool. All the evidence, but when one looks at the evidence one sees that those so-called gas chambers are laughable. They make no sense. Why would one want to even put a guest chamber underground. We’re going cool in order to generate this scion I guess and drive it out of Cyclops be granules you need something more man. I mean, if you are talking. It may not have started out as a gas chamber and but any Well, you know, that’s sort of the state had that story and it’s evolved obviously, but these so-called gas chambers were completed in early nineteen forty three and used shortly after the crime it’s come as two three four five were finished for it supposedly guessing people to death. It’s ridiculous, because there. There is all the evidence of how big a real get this and they were based on something like the guest chamber the real guessing was there used to fumigate clothing and those things were there there in the Auschwitz even to this very day, you know, the Germans knew how to make excellent guesstimates that could be used to fumigate clothing, or kill people. If you had taken any of the standard fuel efficient chambers lousing chambers one could also call them that were used to cure McKay closely you can stuff people in there, but that is not what’s alleged at all.
[185:04 mins] [3:05:04] NEEDS PROOFING
It’s just nuts. It’s just crazy that the lousing chambers. If you could use a large railroad thought was in chambers as well. Are not implicated in the stories instead we get these little cuckoo claims that the war exist at the Kremas were used as guests Shamus it doesn’t make much sense that makes no sense at all really, because you would have had serious problems in generating the old distribution of cyanide gas throughout the gas chamber. They said the claim is that holes were it existing in the roofs of these chambers and the cycle of B. Was dropped down either directly on the prisoners, or into so-called cycle on introduction columns makes no sense you would have needed a fan to distribute the Scion I guess. Throughout the gas chamber that makes sense only Anybody who see any kind of an engineer would understand that instantly you have to disperse the cyanide throughout the chamber otherwise you would only kill off the few people who might be right next to the cycle I’d be granules it’s a very different ballgame psychologic the release of cyanide slowly. It’s that’s the way it was made. Less And this is what you see real glass chambers unless you force some kind of a blower, or fan. That was easy enough to understand anybody would half a brain trying to design a gas chamber would have understood that the Germans didn’t understand that perfectly well, you know, that from their literature which was even in English published by the American cinema company look at road discussion forum and you can read the actual literature and you can literally read the minds of the gas chamber of the scientists that one would have been so those a legit guest chamber really just crap as to what three zero four zero five disaster. Everything every time they would have tried to they would have had an ugly disaster. Lots of the frustration in broccoli.
A life. When as soon as the gas chamber to all was open.
OK I thank you for sharing your two cents on that, but again. I just ask the refrain from these kind of tactics series like anyone who isn’t an idiot is going to agree with on about the say is loading a question. Well, of course, it’s a loaded question. But that’s what are expanding along here. Well now I’m just as a moderator I think we’re trying to have an honest discussion, because Eric for about ten years was on the other side of the so you can’t use them is somebody who’s listening to you and whatever like that, but I, you know. She was sick of being a lazy and dishonest. All right let me talk. Well it would work whatever.
Interrupt for a while, because he was patient, you know, Yeah I mean, I was patiently sitting here. He was throwing ad hominem attack one after the other. I’ve been dealing with the evidence in the logic so for it’s talked about this is a sort of a propaganda cute coup for the Germans they found this massacre site of the Soviets of Polish Polish intellectual class I believe very officers.
So. Part of the reason all these part of the reason of their actions at these camps including Auschwitz Treblinka Belzec Sobibor, or end Babi Yar destroying evidence covering up evidence destroying evidence such as the crematories at Auschwitz. Covering up the evidence after their cremations has followed after their cremations and is trying to hide very, very situation for it’s talked about about catching the Germans went through very large lengths to cover up the evidence to create the situation we see today were those who deny that these mass killings ever happened. So well that your two areas just like killing the so-called gas chambers are still there. I cry about true, for example, I did I was rich money.
Yes and you deny that. They were used as gas chambers even though the Germans. Well they did I think I’ll be right but. Really slick what you’re talking about those things were not destroyed.
[190:04 mins] [3:10:04] NEEDS PROOFING
They forced broke I don’t mind it if they don’t you might as well, because it’s the gas chambers so posable a well disposed get the still there. It’s still there. Our roof is parole an unusable. But still they are if the Germans aren’t strongly the evidence as you allege. They would have done a much better job would have could have should have they dynamited these buildings. If for leaving the camp. To cover up the evidence after removing knowledge there are no in your mind reading again doing a very badly. Pull I mean, because you don’t want the enemy to really able to use the building for something that fire is purpose for helping the Soviet war effort giving shelter, or refuge to Soviet forces.
That’s what happens. What time does have something going at their best. That’s not the only evidence that was destroyed, or covered up as a one on intra blanket balance I told you happened it’s all the evidence was the German No no I don’t know yet. Well yeah if I said all that’s an absolute There’s a lot of evidence that survives the proves that these mass killings happened for instance that Babi Yar. The Germans were they actually left records in Berlin captured by the Soviets of the exact amount sent to Babi Yar thirty three thousand seven hundred seventy one murdered a bad P.R. On the days of the largest mass killing at Babi Yar these were civilian women children then sent to the river of being Babi Yar outside of key.
Photographs all the eyewitnesses. Documents themselves lists the amount. Killed at these places. Now Fritz what happened at Babi Yar if you don’t want to believe the German arguments. I there was an uprising at Bobby at Key have as many of the partisans I’m sure were shot and tossed into the mass graves there are such as it is, but there are there is one. Einsatzgruppen report which disagrees completely with the story that you have just spouted so when you say evidence all the evidence says this, or that you’re wrong all the evidence does not say this and the next I said reports you had your chance the I’d say, you know, it’s there was some of the easiest links and actionable to forage and falsify by the Russians which was pretty routine on the part of the Russians. Now there was no serious examination. You’re talking forensic examination. There was no serious forensic examination ever at Babi Yar after the war by anything like neutral observers, or international observers. Surely that would have been the perfect place to have eight you which international investigation of this mass murder site and that would help exonerate the Soviets, but that was nothing like that all we get is the same kind of nonsense. That Eric’s been spouting here since the beginning. Are you not talk about the evidence OK. Yeah thanks for it says. Talks about why did it was an investigation and I’m talking about the Nazis covering up evidence. First of all he claims only partisans justifiably shot at Babi Yar. This isn’t true at all. Always miss isn’t family members and photographs are very again you’re saying you have all this if you don’t know the whole witness. Absolutely. And all you need to store it all witnesses. There’s no witnesses that say Babi Yar was a transit camp there’s photographs of women and children at this place being under arrest. There’s massive piles of clothing at this camp. Now we’re talking about covering up evidence the cremation. It’s cremation. The cremation that occurred at the site of these victims. These women and children not male partisans those who well it might when someone points it still can you get that tree ahead. Can you imagine thirty three thousand and seven artisans.
So government wants to I mean, for it’s image sent. Fritz wants to sort of justify, or minimize and deny all the evidence of who went there. No there were people there that were not partisans there were innocent civilians women children not engaging in partisan activity there is a German That’s right. Some more you would probably probably a handful.
[195:01 mins] [3:15:01] NEEDS PROOFING
Oh, probably a handful come on, you know, you’re a child. You’re a higher interest illegal child. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but you deserve it. I’m not going to name call like you do. There are some names I can call you. I’ll be I’ll go. Well I don’t I don’t know that’s not really debate for it’s I’ll be more mature than you. OK yes you’re so sure old why I was so nervous and there is a German order for quote all kikes of the city of Kiev to appear at a certain location they were shown March.
Good recent sure.
OK So he was very, very Soviet partisan. Can you can you when you register said even register would you. Jules in Russia were very active with this show via partisan force is.
Well I’m saying no it was like, you know, if they can’t get an old Jewish one, or the push a baby carriage with a bomb in it into a group of German soldiers all the better. That was perfect. You think they didn’t use women. For partisan warfare. Oh my you’re a child if you think that Fritz we’re talking about thirty three thousand seven hundred seventy one people who aren’t a larger Germans themselves in their own hands not group in report. So you don’t know that at all these I’m such great reports. Were not even given a security classification above the most minimal security classification they were the easy things to get and falsify and that’s what the Soviets did. And these so. These reports were used by a very strange little Jewish judge after a war to prosecute and hang a German I had such group and officers and based on. These so-called Einsatzgruppen reports. It’s likely they engaged. No serious forensic examination of the Babi Yar So cite. Well you have all I said we have been covered up. We have photographs of war not taken observers, or photographers and all. Yes they were taken by Germans. So one of the photographs taken by Kerman don’t show anything like a mass execution at all the one you showed, for example, some very ordinary scene. There’s no mass murder at all. Of there at all. That’s one of the pictures you actually clued it in your lengthy boring treaties which with Jews starting your debate proposal here that shows no extermination of mass killing in all just look at it. First of all there are multiple photo. Graphs. You know, you know, graphs. Now you are talking about some other photos other than the one you actually showed stick to the one you showed for a lot about all of them. I’ll talk about all of them one of them is a group of children and young women.
Rounded up in under-estimate German guards are there with soldiers armed German soldiers are there with weapons they’re being directed to the execution side as all witnesses clown. Yeah yeah they’re, you know, as the I would this is clean. But tell us about the reason for people to strip. That’s one of the things you do in a security check if you have some good reason to believe some people are carry weapons you search them is that amazing. It goes on all over the world especially in those places where America is defending democracy when you have a suspect who was suspected of being a terrorist you strip them search for weapons, or one sort, or another maze amazing that actually happens. There are no witnesses you describe being sent to Bobbie are being submitted to a security check and go on further on. I think the masses of clothes walked over by Germans. At the bottom of the ravine show that they were not giving new clothes and sent on to somebody else, you know, can you show that little. Kid was I if I accept the official story.
You know you look I’m not looking at all the evidence all the all you have to look at you’re making up alternate conspiracy theory. Have you as I have why would they leave I have clothes. I have possibly take I have weapons in their little guys bombs guns pistols all kinds of stuff they’re trying to check out these people for they ‘re possible involvement in partisan warfare. Superficially logical thing to do. They think for all that a piece of paper trying them to some. Partisan organization that’s very important!
[200:04 mins] [3:20:04] NEEDS PROOFING
And the reason to strip somebody for security. After doing so and not finite for finding, or whatever. After getting rid of any weapons and that’s why I leave all the clothes piled up just well in the bottom saying I don’t know they might have wanted to clean those clothes, or give them some other clothes, or keep them they could, because it would be easier to keep them on the control I don’t know, but the idea that there was a systematic extermination program in Babi Yar, or anywhere else is just not supported certainly if the Germans had people that they suspected of being involved reporters and like to release. They may very well have shot them that happened. No doubt about it. I can’t blame them, but it’s it’s one of those things that happens in modern warfare. Especially when the group of people like the Jew lose has been a rouse to hate every German on the planet and make atrocity claims of one sort, or another, or engage in terrorism of one sort, or another. What do you expect that Germans to do. So when Fritz is confronted with something and this proves his theory pretty easy actually. But there is a he said he says we have Bobby, or no one was killed in gas chambers Do you concede that at least there the reports are about shooting not guaranteed to be OK I’m about guessing that also nobody was guessed at Babi Yar But, you know, you’re making a bizarre straw man and not a serious historian believes they are talking mass shootings. So we don’t know it all that a serious historian either fact you’re a joke. So we don’t pretend it’s just, or say that that’s an expression right out of Mark Webber and it’s serious a story a whole. My God we don’t want to deal with certain historians that are not serious. If you’re a serious historian not. So, you know, you’re inventing a straw man for no reason it’s sort of, you know, I think that if you leave Lynch and he insists back into a corner you want to go into your safe comfort zone just talked about I said I first of all I don’t even accept that diesel engines were used. I agree with the closest eyewitnesses that claim petrol engines were used. But like I said we’re sticking to Babi Yar now when confronted with evidence that totally contradicts your alternate conspiracy theory. I want to talk with your cult for it’s own to expand into a Babi Yar OK you’ve switched on talk about many things I talk about in my article which is what you do. Agreed to debate. So any time backed into a corner for it’s usually says I don’t know, because he has no I don’t think there is a time not that into a quarter of our shame on you yet you said you guys are you say I often think what basically we’re talking about in the article and you’re saying both of you agree they weren’t there. That’s not the contention here this is just shooting terminating people that’s all, or to show it’s efforts and if we’re to seriously proposing gassing and probably our choice is not research whatsoever and is just as I said, in the intro just calling B.S. On things he doesn’t know about so to claim that, you know, there are Jewish families who still visit the site Babi Yar today their family members were not parties and some of them were little girls some of them are women there it’s not justified to kill these under accepted rules of warfare and well you don’t know these, or you don’t know that I sure want to just like I don’t you just say it for it. So if you want to justify killing women and children just say it, but to deny that these things happened when all the evidence points to it you’re lying.
You’re lying again you don’t know all the evidence you think, you know, there was never any serious forensic examination of Bobby our site. That’s that’s would be the kind of evidence that would mean something. But you have our John. Neither of us anyone else. So when you say all the evidence. You’ll are lying. Certainly on the children unique first of all it’s only a lawyer. Yeah well you certainly are not personally is she is lying when she is when he says all the evidence, you know, snow all the evidence and all the most serious kind of audience just the evidence for us. He’s just going to be are never occurred. First of all the Germans covered up. Bobby are the photograph of an earlier version of an earlier cover up nine hundred forty one of masses of Soviet prisoners of war with shovels trying to cover up the evidence to create the condition we see today of people denying these murders their Jewish families who as I said, I was I’m trying to say please don’t interrupt me for at least two minutes.
[205:06 mins] [3:25:06] NEEDS PROOFING
There are Jewish families who lost their loved ones that were not involved a partisan activities little girls and women taken from them ripped from them never seen again. They were murdered at this site it was not a transit camp where they were given new clothing and sent anywhere else. Part of the reason there was no first of all there has been investigations about your second of all.
The German cover up has as skewed a lot of the evidence.
In about the nine hundred sixty S. At Babi Yar there was a chemical spill. That flooded the ravine. There will never be total examination of the evidence, because the entire site has been contaminated at this point. But all the existing evidence points to mass shooting and cremation at Babi Yar in. German cover up involving silly prisoners of war. Literally with shovels covering up the evidence to try to hide these crimes to create the condition we see today of those who deny it. I’m not lying at all that all the existing evidence points to this happening. Oh yes you are however I’ll keep reminding of you that reminding you that you are lying about all the evidence you don’t know what all you have done says even existing holders of dirt and shovels by Russian prisoners. You can still own to get open it up and do a serious fest occasion afterward Katina was also covered up by K.G.B. Agents and soldiers, but the Germans dug up the ground and exposed the bodies and what remained and then you had a serious investigation the fact that so many cultures sing something over the shovel doesn’t make any later investigation impossible at all. So all the evidence you’re lying when you say that. Shame on you. Difference being all it’s all. I didn’t start this, you know, that’s a big yes it’s like really. He said that’s what he said he said all the evidence not all the potential evidence. The only evidence is something I said all the existing evidence says Ryan said Possibly I started there the possibility that thing and you correct, but I haven’t. Well the I just know it’s also very stupid to say the least. So all the existing evidence so, you know, there is your way. Why don’t we wait for you and it’s a minor detail. You said you haven’t. I’m not a denying that these people were murdered there. They never existed. They never came back to exist and came back to their families. I don’t think you don’t know just like you. Yes I do I’m aware of no. Oh yeah yeah. Yeah I don’t know anything of the sort you talk oh yeah. Three hundred. People know it’s hard thirty thirty thousand thirty three thousand seven hundred what I was going to get you still that’s a lot of people and they’re wealthy, but it’s OK let’s not go there is a school report which gives a much smaller number and more, in fact, Mark were found this years ago and you can, or that your brain is the bigger number. Yes Kim why.
OK. Anyway that’s not the number just you just going round in circles I have to agree with Mark there are more rewards me about trying to have a debate with Eric and I actually criticized Jamar for his not agreeing to the Bay I wrote I’m kind of a flowery essay about the importance of debate which I think is enormously important, but with dealing here with a person who really doesn’t know what he’s talking, but I hate to be so like you if you are capable debate with anybody who disagrees, you know, it’s hard to believe that just aren’t being is, you know, you said before that if a started it was going to be hard for you to be civil and everything, because this is such an emotional topic which is fine. It should be especially if you’re if you’re German yourself and, you know, there’s so much, you know, place in the German people and we all know about the holocaust industry and exploited in all the terrible things that come from it. It wouldn’t be possible to be anybody on this topic. Who didn’t agree with you. Well maybe it’s hard to I’m sure. I’m sure, because I, you know, the emotional strings that are pulling people and gear and Eric is very much. The price that you had Hamann in a terrible time of the tax some times are very appropriate. Thanks to you John. It’s what you heard sometimes if you want to talk to the arms and I’m today evidence we went in circles if you times I might have to to close this debate, because of the time sink, but we can pick it up later. If you want to.
[210:08 mins] [3:30:08] NEEDS PROOFING
But, you know, I understand. Because I do this too. I will destroy someone’s argument and then call me a bitch. Afterward just as extra, but there wasn’t just like a point to be made and sometimes to be a little back and forth and then this topic is so big that it would jump to another area another quite a let’s talk and frankly let’s talk about diesel Let’s talk about this and, you know, this may be my fault too. But this is hard hard to moderate also but, you know, the main questions in the article what we’re trying to address and so it’s kind of splitting hairs like where they shot, or were they. Yesterday. He’s like we all agree a lot of people died and were killed. We’re just talking maybe Fritz can get maybe Fritz can give his clothing is closing statement closing argument I can give mine and you can have yours. So you are sure it will that be OK Just if you want to argue for me in the mornings just saying. I gotta go there right. It’s closing statement first and hopefully will have enough time for me to make a closing state why afterwards. Both make you think. OK Eric would you like to go. Yeah I want to be on Earth uninterrupted it’s in four, or five minutes. I just want to get into some of the things he says and repeat what I said in the morning I might enter direction, because I believe I succeeded in what I said in my introduction I do in this debate. So let’s talk about Gary more Rudolph here more Rudolph desperately try to have friends avoid this debate. Supposedly because. I was going to act in a way we’ve seen for it’s act in this debate constant ad hominem attacks names legal you can count to over one hundred of these insults Francis thrown around. Despite me sticking to the evidence and the logic, but also garam are desperately garam are up committee for open debate on the Holocaust desperately wanted for it’s to avoid this debate, because I’ve shown through the evidence and logic including in my article that these conspiracy theory that for blanket Belzec Sobibor and including now Babi Yar apparently as well as it’s in some circumstances of those unable to work where transit camps are completely unfounded for it’s cannot name these people transited not even one transit through troubling to Belzec and Sobibor to the Russian East. He cannot name one person sent sent to Babi Yar that was supposedly given new clothing and sent on elsewhere. All the existing evidence documents photographs eyewitness testimony archaeological investigations physical evidence and more demonstrates the mass gassings and shooting of Jews at the sites we focused on today. There is zero eyewitnesses who worked at the extermination camps in question who deny these mass gassings that had personal close access to what happened there is zero eyewitnesses who claim thousands of Jews were not mass murdered by bullets at Babi Yar.
There is zero eyewitnesses claim to Blanka Belzec and still the border secure and the Russian East in accordance with the revisionist, or denier transit camp theory. There are only those who weren’t there calling as Fritz says bullshit on one aspect after the other. I said this introduction and he actually did this in an interview twice.
And he’s very predictable or produced are, you know. France is also participating in what amounts to a thought experiment how it should have been done, or could have been done, or how to have built a more efficient gas exchange.
Many revisionists are entirely biased for itself as spoken of the anti German bias and treatment his family has received in America especially during and after World War Two. I sympathize and I also want to do everything I can. It’s defuses anti German bias and overblown guilt complex attached to people. Nothing to do with S.S. Mass murders. Unfortunately do it to his German heritage and experience a bit anti German bias. Mr Byrd is too biased to look at the evidence impartially and be a fair level headed arbiter of the facts. There are several major revisionists of German heritage including grammar Rudolph were entirely biased in unable to accept the reality of what happened. Another major revisionist in close collaborative gammer Rudolph. German descent. FRIEDRICH Toben deniers a plane hit the Pentagon on September eleventh.
[215:06 mins] [3:35:06] NEEDS PROOFING
I’ve repeatedly shown the man photographs of the debris on the lawn of the Pentagon with clear lettering it belongs to the same plane which hit the building there even DNA tests of the corpses of every victim on the flight. Except for a baby. But for some all the evidence in the world is not enough. Everyone is lying their evidence is fake forgeries cetera et cetera. There is a peculiar wish to deny all available evidence for entirely Baseless conspiracy theory it is obvious to me now that if there were a massive gas chamber hoax. The revisionists with these and other totally illogical beliefs would not be the ones to expose it. When confronted with the evidence revisionists often instead do not answer the claims, or the evidence presented that is vert attention to an area. They are more familiar with, or feel is a better point they can argue such as A D. Good diesel gassing straw man. All known evidence. Eyewitnesses documents photographs an archaeological investigations prove the S.S. Murder Jews be amassed gassings in mass shootings principal called the S.S. Heroes. He called on the show.
A picnic and a gay old time. These places were not a gale time shoot was not a gay old time. It was a place to mass murder suffering and death. I highly doubt those who had their family members ripped from them at Auschwitz Treblinka Belzec Sobibor and Babi Yar.
Would agree with Fritz Berg’s that search and that these were heroes to be clear. There are have been very exaggerated eyewitness testimonies inflated Soviet death tolls and others. Some of these exaggerations are perfectly understandable if you realize the enormity of these mass murders which did happen through the show just it’s just witnessed. When asked the central questions for it’s response. I don’t know. If you would throw a totally Baseless conspiracy theory about.
Suits, or blanket on claiming it was a transit camp he said I don’t know don’t care. Multiple times for it said he is quote not an expert when confronted with the logic of conducting autopsies on the remains of cremated own fragments and ashes. For it’s claim that he watches TV shows such as yes saw in crime investigation.
Frankly this is all that the argument of him and those like him.
Pass through.
Friends of television programs and others who want to claim that. These mass murderers would have could have should have done something I’m our mission where. What is required of me I can’t point out. Herders don’t do them always do logic most logical efficient methods of mass murder. What’s this I just what happens through. I don’t know what’s described is happening which we don’t.
Anyone yet make up more efficient ways to get people, but all the existing evidence points to what happened and the fact that these quote revisionists are, you know, I just can’t name one person. Oh transit through these fermentation sites and for blowing stuff. Well to consult reports obvious hours per. What they claim is a Baseless conspiracy theory. For it’s also said that for it’s also came up with the illogical claim that Elie Weisel was totally worthless to be useful, or slaver yet claim that those selected instead would gated as on able to be used for forced labor such as toddlers an elderly were used for forced labor not gas. I prove my point today in just thanks for coming on. I don’t really appreciate all the insults, but I understand he has no evidence to justify his point. So. I’m sorry he.
Story he couldn’t, you know, be more mature about it I guess I thank Fritz for appearing to debate. My website is questioning the Holocaust dot com. I just real quickly I want to just say, you know, unfortunately. I found myself in between two fanatical groups those powerful blind believers who in media journalism and academia sweep under the rug some of these vERY REAL of errors in the Holocaust related falshood and outright inventions such as Weisel and I resist by and those like Fritz who deny access massacres as a whole and it gassing these in the mass shooting such that probably are gray hair in these black and White side as. Determine the truth. Lars
[220:02 mins] [3:40:02] NEEDS PROOFING
Right thanks Rob. I don’t think the rich really get your thing. I mean, you know, let me see if I can. Oh I got to have a heart. Well, there’s so much to say. And it’s hard to know where to begin. But one of the things. Eric has claimed again and again and again it is all the evidence says this, or that. Well that’s just wrong all the evidence is not what Eric is focused on he’s focused on a very small amount of evidence the evidence which goes against what he’s claiming. Is fairly simple autopsies. OK where are the autopsies to show that any body found here, or there in Auschwitz, or anywhere was killed in a gas chamber says none of that Dr Charles People are saying Dr Hirmand Volcker were doctors assigned by the United States war crimes branch doc how to do autopsies on people that. The Army thought. Would more than likely have been guessed at Don how and other camps nearby a thousand, or top series were performed by Dr Charles P. Larson DR HIRMAND Bulker actually went to Harvard more where people were birdied who were supposedly killed in gas chambers also and he found both of these doctors found nothing. They found no evidence that even one person was killed with poison gas of any sort. Dr Charles Larson believed nonetheless that there were. Were guessings at the house, but he at least had the decency to admit that he could never find any evidence of it now. Other autopsies were performed. I’m sure very early on by the British when they got to Bergen Belsen They realized very quickly that nobody had been gassed. There were not so nice to have evidence of that, but they just couldn’t make it up. They couldn’t get some Dr Tiller actually lawyer for them on their oath and say oh yeah I found this body here, or there of a person who showed a high C O concentration a liver, or whatever he couldn’t get that. So when Eric talks about all the evidence all the evidence that’s just not true. I will call him a liar at this point, but it’s just plain wrong all the evidence does not show what Eric is claiming at all. And that’s so essential. Now when else can I say. So other evidence. Such as the kind of thought experiment that I’m supposedly engaged in when I speculate about how the gas chambers might have worked, or not have worked well thought experiments are perfectly reasonable things to engage in this kind of a an issue. Eric doesn’t like that, because it’s a real thought experiment I think I’ve done that with my work on diesel gas chamber claims and carbon dioxide. If you do real thought experiment experiments you come up with conclusions that show that these guessing claims are absolutely ridiculous. There is no serious evidence that even one person whether that ever gets to death anywhere, in fact, you don’t even have a theory as to how these guesstimates would have worked just these vague vague claims about a diesel engine running for half an hour, or something like that doesn’t have any real credibility. How did you get to yes Lynch and to produce carbon monoxide. It does bother explaining that he knows perfectly well that on that sort of a subject which is in my comfort area. He loses and all of these guys lose when they are forced for one reason, or another to actually look at the serious issues about illegitimate illegitimate ask guessings. My contention has always been Nazi past guessing has never happened. And I’m still alive. God hasn’t struck we did yet. OK now what is Holocaust problem get it. This is racist filth. That’s all it is it is racist filth just like the Jews have been passing around about everybody. If you want to see what mass murder is really all about go to the Old Testament. If you are any kind of a religious Christian, or whatever read the Old Testament read about the mass extermination of Jericho, for example, where the Hebrews killed not only all the citizens of Jericho. But the cats and dogs and animals every living thing which breathes!
[225:11 mins] [3:45:11] NEEDS PROOFING
With the kind of racist hatred that the Jews were overwhelmed by and which drove them showed itself already long before the war. I have a booklet here somewhere. Written by Johannes Steele that. Scott Smith just found and gave me I don’t know where it is right now, but it shows the most vile kinds of hate and atrocity propaganda and I had said well this is the stock in trade of the Jewish Zionist establishment going back long before World War Two and it’s filth just like it was at that time and that’s what every contest been spouting here. This is racist filth against the German people against the S S against the Nazis ago. It’s perfectly decent wonderful people like Dr Joseph Mengele he was as fine a doctor as anyone could ever hope to have in anywhere. He was a decent man who actually came down with typhus and self while he was at Auschwitz and yet. He survived and help people wherever he could. I’m sure to stay alive. That’s what it was all about that was nobody died in gas chambers the Germans used a real guess Shamus to keep people alive and used advanced technology that they had actually developed before World War Two and none of that advanced technology is indicated anywhere in the so called Zion cycle and be a guest chambers at Auschwitz. Anyway I think I’ve said about enough here. But I’ll say one thing on behalf of Galileo they did not desperately want me to not debate. Jerram award me about trying to have a debate with Eric and I’m sorry to say that his warning was entirely appropriate, but they did try to stop me from the debate and the people that kowtow did not try to stop the debate either they didn’t lend themselves to making it any easier, but Eric’s contention that they desperately wanted to stop me from the bait is just not true. Anyway. I hope we can have some more debates in the future, but at this point it’s clear that. Eric just doesn’t know what he’s talking about he hasn’t really grown up. I have no doubt that his reasons for having this discussion has everything to do with some sort of mental breakdown I’m not a psychiatrist, but that is what’s going on here. Maybe Eric is trying to get himself a job with the I it’s you are aware that other great backslider Mark Webber has apparently gained game some. Maybe he could give Eric a job. I don’t know I don’t care. They’re both despicable creatures.
The the pamphlet that I just got from Scott Smith today is typical of the right this is the Tri-City probably get the Jews were cranking out before the war even started this one and that was actually from nineteen forty three. It’ll be posted eventually on the road discussion forum for everyone to look at it in it’s, you know, all of it’s filth. It’s a titled Nazi atrocities the punishment by Joe how to steal it. It’s by Joe a while and it has lots of nice pictures which people like Eric will love are sure the chicks getting murdered at little cheeky in places like that. Well, the war was a terrible terrible war. The real mass murders where the Jews themselves they were pushing for the kind of bombing that America engaged in Germany and on the territory of.
German occupied Europe. They’re the ones who should be ashamed of themselves. I’m afraid we may actually lose our argument in general we may not succeed in waking up the world as to what really happened in the war, but we may have a disaster far bigger than World War Two any day now. I hope that doesn’t happen, but if we think critically about these horrible horrible atrocity. Fabrications. We might come to our senses and avoid a bigger disaster. Anyway I’m thankful Eric agreed to debate me and I thank you Ryan Dawson for doing a very heroic job and I think your advice is just very well, you know. But I let all the blacks and I had Eric on the power.
[230:03 mins] [3:50:03] NEEDS PROOFING
Asked. I have them on now. I had David Cole on the past. Adam on rain change his mind, you know, I’m all for free speech and I try to keep it calm and cool if I can and I know these topics are so charge and ought to be talking about war and death and prejudice and always are smarter. We have mass murder. You can say the same thing that the other side of the world to what was happening in Asia so, I really think you guys are coming on and will try to I prefer to have a civil. I don’t mind if you add how many in this scenario it’s whatever, but people will be able to pick the meat out of these arguments and we can have debates in the future. I’m tired I’m kind of at this and throw it up on the web and I will say this if you links and again there’s
Nazi gassings dot com and questioning the holocaust come, or are you going to sites and I think we need more dialogue and debate on this. He says he does it gets this is what’s necessary to move forward on this these kind of questions have to be addressed if there was a transit camp where did they go was evidence for. If there were gas scenes where is the physical evidence for that so I hope to fish. These out in the future and I appreciate your time and impatience in doing these kind of things for both of you.
[231:27 mins] [3:51:27]
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Version History
Version 10: Jul 26, 2020 — Re-uploaded images for katana17.com/wp/ version.
Total complete = 90 mins.
Version 9: Jul 26, 2017 — Updated Transcript Progress Chart. Color coded IN PROGRESS and NEEDS PROOFING text.
Total complete = 90 mins.
Version 8: Mar 8, 2017 — Added 3 images.
Proofed 10 minutes (80:00 to 90:00).
Total complete = 90 mins.
Version 7: Mar 7, 2017 — Added 1 image.
Proofed 10 minutes (70:00 to 80:00).
Total complete = 80 mins.
Version 6: Mar 6, 2017 — Added link to the audio files (split into 4) at Archive.org. Added 1 image.
Proofed 10 minutes (60:00 to 70:00).
Total complete = 70 mins.
Version 5: Mar 2, 2017 — Proofed 10 minutes (50:00 to 60:00). Added 3 images.
Total complete = 60 mins.
Version 4: Mar 1, 2017 — Proofed 5 minutes (40:00 to 45:00). Added 6 images.
Proofed another 5 minutes (45:00 to 50:00).
Total complete = 50 mins.
Version 3: Feb 28, 2017 — Proofed 10 minutes (30:00 to 40:00). Added 1 image. Total complete = 40 mins.
Version 2: Feb 27, 2017 — 10 minutes (10:00 to 20:00) of transcript proofed by Hieldner.
Proofed another 10 minutes (o0:00 to 10:00).
Proofed 10 minutes (20:00 to 30:00). Added 8 images. Total complete = 30 mins.
Version 1: Published post Feb 26, 2017 — Added rough draft of transcript.
Here’s the part 10:00–15:00. I’ll do 15:00–20:00 as well.
As we know, Simon Wiesenthal lied about which camps he was in and has
been known to spread falsehoods and [was] willing to disseminate big
lies such as his claim of five million non-Jewish Holocaust victims.
As long as there is a Simon Wiesenthal Center, I can’t really accept
much shame or embarrassment over what I’ve done. As I know, one day
even the mainstream will look upon the lies of Wiesel and Spielberg
and Zisblatt and realize that a great injustice was done to me as a
young investigative journalist unafraid to expose politically
incorrect truth.
In many ways I’m still a “revisionist.” There are many changes
required to bring the accepted history closer to the gray zone reality
resides in. Now I’ve played a small part in this. But after
extensively studying the evidence, looking at both sides, visiting the
locations of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Majdanek, Trawniki and
Baby Yar, I am not a denier of SS mass-murder via poison gas and
bullets at these sites.
In the past, the more extreme mask I wore as a Holocaust denier, was
partially in order to move what is called the Overton Window, to gain
concessions from the Holocaust promotion industry still telling lies
big and small. I always had doubts about those denying SS mass
murder, as anyone claiming to use scientific method should. I want to
make clear, I never acted in bad faith. I genuinely believed the
extreme falsehoods in the testimonies, such as Wiesel and Zisblatt,
and the promotion of these lies could possibly reveal the hoax on a
larger scale. There’s an entire journalist and academic class either
in fear of, or willingly covering up these miniature hoaxes.
As I continued to investigate, push into areas of research I avoided
for a long time, I realized those who deny mass gassings and mass
murder by bullets were entirely wrong, based on the evidence and their
own logical alternate explanations, all the evidence, documents,
photographs, eyewitness testimony, archaeological investigations,
physical evidence and more demonstrates, the mass gassing and shooting
of Jews at the sites we will focus on today. There are zero
eyewitnesses who worked at the extermination camps in question who
deny mass gassings. There are zero witnesses who claim thousands of
Jews were not mass murdered by bullets at Babi Yar. There are zero
eyewitness claiming Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor were transit camps
to the Russian East in accordance with the revisionist, or denier
transit camp theory. There are only those who weren’t there.
Calling, as Fritz has said, bullshit on one aspect, or the other, or
participating in what amounts to a thought-experiment how it should
have been done, or how to have built a more efficient gas chamber when
confronted with the evidence, Revisionists often instead do not answer
the claims, or the evidence presented. They divert attention to an
area they are more familiar with, or feel is a better point they can
argue. Possibly ??? that bunked witness, or propaganda falsehood. If
and when we see this today, I hope we can keep on the subject which
Fritz has agreed to, which is my essay “The End of the Line” and the
central questions the Revisionists have no answer for, no good answer.
All known evidence proves the SS Murdered Jews via mass gassings and
mass shootings. Fritz Berg has called the SS heroes. I highly doubt
those who had their family members ripped from them at Auschwitz,
Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor and Babi Yar would agree.
To be clear, the narrative of what’s known as the Holocaust has been
drastically revised throughout the years. Inflated Soviet death tolls
at several camps and massacre sites, rooms falsely claimed to have
been used as homicidal gas chambers are no longer claimed as such,
including five rooms at Majdanek. However, all claims of no gas
chambers and no mass murder via bullets at sites such as Babi Yar come
from external sources of those skeptical of the official story. In
particular, those biased towards defending these mass murder
accusations, including Germans, who to this day pay a heavy price due
to the guilt complex inflicted upon them after their defeat in World
War Two, all demonstrate on this show how the denial of mass gassings
and shooting is fundamentally false via evidence and logic.
It’s fitting that Fritz appears to debate me today. Fritz got me out
of a bit of revisionist retirement a few years ago in order to make
videos again. After making the Last Days of the Big Lie video, I was
trying to live a normal life in exile.
OK, 15:00–20:00:
I feel this period separates a demarcation time, where before this
time I can defend my research in almost entirety, and afterwards I
believe it’s fundamentally flawed. Although I conclude I’ve been
misled at times myself by Fritz and his arguments, I also hope to
demonstrate to Mr. Berg how I myself may have misled him, as he does
not have access to the entire video testimony I have selectively
edited before, and often Fritz misquotes and misattributes their
larger meaning.
In this debate, which Fritz agreed to, we are debating the points
brought forward in my essay at questioningtheholocaust.com titled The
End of the Line. Specifically the central question of Holocaust
denial, those such as Fritz have avoided, often instead changing the
We’re not discussing those subtopics today. We’re discussing an
essential issue Revisionist such as Fritz have long ignored. The
central issue of the Holocaust denial debate in 2017 is: Where did the
Jews sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau, selected and declared unable to work,
small children their mothers and the elderly etc. go, if not gassed
and cremated at the site, as all evidence points to, and all
witnesses, Jews, Russians, Poles, Germans and others alike, agree they
were gassed.
There are no reports of mass transports of those unable to work out of
Auschwitz during the time mass gassings are alleged to have occurred,
there are no camps, massive camps, for these “useless eaters”
supposedly transited through Auschwitz, which would have drained the
German war machine of precious food, clothing, and other supplies.
The revisionists, or deniers, propose that Treblinka, Belzec and
Sobibor were transit camps, not extermination camps. Transit camps to
the Russian East of almost 1.5 million alleged sent to these small
camps all the evidence points were used for extermination. Where did
these massive amounts of Jews go to in the Russian East, if they were
not gassed at these sites? Why is there not any proof of even one Jew
transited east through these camps? A small amount of those selected
for forced labor, picked out in early 1943 and sent West, are not an
This is the subject of today’s discussion and debate and I hope the
moderator, Ryan, keeps the debate on topic, my essay and a central
question as Fritz said he has agreed to.
Where did they go? – One second, I’m almost done – Where did they go?
Germar Rudolf told me: “I don’t know.” But there are people who do
know. All the eyewitnesses, as a matter of fact. And those survivors
who never reunited with their family members taken away from them.
These people are not participating in some grand hoax. Now I asked
Fritz this very question in an email: Where did these Jews go? Fritz
answered that these over two million Jews claimed gassed were, in
fact, put to work, sweeping floors or put to other labor in other
German camps. Fritz, can you prove this?
[Fritz Berg]: Well you have enough testimony from survivors, and there
are plenty of them out there, who said they were transferred to camps
to the West and put the work. You do can’t seriously pretend that
those testimonies are not there. There are many, many Jews who have
testified about being in Auschwitz for several weeks, or even months,
before they were assigned to work in factories in the West, in
Germany. OK? Making weapons for the war. I mean, I have trouble
believing that you’re as ignorant as you show that you are.
Now let me try to respond, if I may, to your lengthy, lengthy, boring
talk in a general sort of way: Nobody was killed in gas chambers,
nobody. That did not happen. People were shot. The SS and the Nazis
did shoot people who they thought were either partisans, or involved
in supporting partisans in Russia, or anywhere else: Greece, Italy,
whatever. So that no one is claiming that the Nazis, or the Germans,
or the SS did not shoot people. OK? That was the standard form of
execution when the Germans felt they had a damn good reason to execute
people. Sometimes there had simply been hostages picked up, because
they might be connected in some way, even a vague way, to real
partisans who have murdered German soldiers far behind the lines, or
whatever. That happened, and it’s actually legal.
Thank you very much Hieldner! I’ll put it up shortly.
I will do 20:00 to 25:00 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I will do 25:00 to 35:00 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I will do 35:00 to 40:00 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I will do 40:00 to 50:00 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I will do 50:00 to 60:00 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I will do 60:00 to 70:00 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I will do 70:00 to 80:00 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I will do 80:00 to 90:00 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I will do 90:00 to 100:00 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Those too young, those selected as unable to work at the ramp … should read CAMP
Survivors of the Showa a Visual History Foundation. …. Showa … surely should be Shoah ?
Thank you Helena! I’ll get stuck into things this weekend and catch up with you.
No problem! Finding this recording very difficult to get to grips with .. so much interference/breaking up, and talking over each other .. so overall slow going.
Part 2 0f 4 [39:51 mins] // [100:00 mins] [1:40:00]
Berg: Those claims are absurd they are a pack of lies!
Hunt: Well first of all …
Fritz: you are a liar.
Hunt: Kurt, Kirk Erskine only visited the camp for less than a day, he was a person involved…
Berg: …xxx with a wristwatch, with a stopwatch in his hand, he saw the whole thing.
Hunt: So, how did, you know, he saw the engine and knew it was diesel exhaust and not …
Berg: Because he was a mining engineer himself! And you can tell if it’s a diesel engine from the sound! If you know anything about cars, which I doubt, you’ll recognize a diesel engine from the sound! First of all, because of it’s a rapid fire of many, many explosions. That’s how you know it’s a diesel engine, you don’t have to open the hood to tell that it’s a diesel engine.
Hunt: Right. OK, let’s for the sake of argument, except for its claim that diesel was used. However, Fritz you did write an argument/articlexxx about …
Berg: That’s not what I claim! My claim is that diesel was NOT used at all! My claims are xxx and the others are some of you/so are you, liars.
Hunt: First of all you did write an article describing how long it would take to kill someone with er, … kill groups of Jews with a diesel exhaust engine. It was under half an hour, under load, under certain conditions, correct?
Berg: Well not quite, not quite like that at all. Really, I didn’t give a time.
Hunt: try stopping to get the article…
Berg: yeah – get the article and read from it, read it for a change, read something ..
Hunt: I have read it … Yeah, that’s why I brought it up by.
Berg: Yeah, yeah
Hunt: Yeah well how long would it take to kill people with the diesel engine in a closed concrete room? I mean, you describe in your article less than forty five minutes less than forty, what?
Berg : Well that all depends on a number of things, like how small the room is,… because the real killer ingredient in a diesel exhaust, is not the carbon monoxide at all, but the temperature that you reach inside the room. Once the temperatures’ above one hundred ten degrees, or a hundred and twenty degrees, people will be dying like flies. But to use a diesel engine xxx that’s just plain crazy! … Diesel-fuel is a precious, strategic, commodity for the Germans. But I have to admit about the fact that the Germans used carbon-monoxide made from wood chips, all over the place, they had literally hundreds of thousands of trucks that generated their own substantial concentrations of carbon monoxide. Those things would have made sense xxx for the last war ??? xxx, Right. I’ve said that again and again I’ve shown pictures. They’re all over my website, along with all of my essays, and I’ve pushed xxx subject xxx The Germans had a wonderful?? Gas institution xxx technology?? … if they had ever wanted to gas anybody! They could have done with the producer gas vehicles which generated carbon-monoxide directly from wood chips into concentrations of carbon-monoxide … if those gases was up to thirty five percent.
Hunt: (big sigh)! huuu
You could have killed lots and lots of people very easily, very cheaply, just by using wood chips, made from ordinary wood. Which you could have gotten almost anywhere, especially in Poland that would have made sense make the perfect method for committing mass murder, but to use diesel engines as some sort of intermediate step is just plain nuts! Just like all the rest of your claims about gassings. I’m sorry to be so bluntxxxx.
H: xxxYes no it’s OK with you…
B: I’m sorry to be so bluntxxxx. I’m sorry….
H: Well. Well, well … Can I come in … xx Nazis xxx So what about while I can make up xxxx I claim the Nazis. First of all you should stop making ad hominem attacks .. what I believe is Nazis claim that Auschwitz … Auschwitz was a gay ol’ time xxxI mean,
Berg: xxx attacks against the SS, against Germans who were at these camps. You should stop making ad hominem attacks yourself.
Ryan: I don’t mean they’re easy to say what he’s just saying what he actually believes. Go ahead xxx
Hunt: So what Fritz is engaging in, amounts to a thought experiment – how to build a better gas chamber. That you often/offer?? makeshift …concrete?? xxx homicidal gas chambers that could have been designed better, isn’t in dispute. In the total absence of witnesses claiming Jews were not gassed at Sobibór and Belsen; and the absence of any witnesses describing mass transit through these sites to the Russian East, which is your theorectical xxx of how to build a more efficient gas chamber is totally meaningless.
Ryan: Well. Well there was something happened I mean, I can’t I can’t say no one witness xx was gassed at the train station. I just left from, because nobody xxx really I guess no one is going to bring it up, you know.
Hunt: A really good analogy brought in so I think that these places such as Treblinka Belzec and Sobibor there are so called fake railroad, railway signs.
part 2 of 4 [44:50 mins] // [105:00 mins] [1:45:00]
So these individuals that Germans themselves through were some of them are actually free men after the war. Franz Stangl, Franz xxx, Josef Oberhausen, and other primary defendants could have easily said “What are you talking about, we didn’t gas anyone, we routinely transited these Jews here, here, and here.” Maybe Le Vive, Pensk, and Vilnius to the locations listed on these supposed fake railway signs so. …
Well just, you know,
Berg: Well these trials were very carefully staged xxxx so that witnesses could not say the kind of things that they might have said. Rudolf Hoess was staged also.. after he made his signed statement he was not able to speak freely at the Nuremberg trial for example. Otherwise I’m sure he would have given them an earful. But these post-war trials were all carefully rigged so that the witness, the German defendant, could only be heard saying what the prosecution wanted him to hear. The Auschwitz trials in Germany in the 1960s were thoroughly discussed by Dr Wilhelm Stagley?? in his book. I can’t, … I think it was called “Auschwitz” and he described how the witnesses were carefully chosen. First of all, if they were going to, or if they were likely to, give supporting evidence. If a witness was unlikely to give supporting evidence, he couldn’t testify, they blocked him in fact, from testifying. One German commandant from Auschwitz Eric Behr??. actually died before he was able to testify at the Auschwitz trials in Germany in the early 1960s.
These proceedings after the war were all very carefully controlled just like the witchcraft trials in the late Middle Ages in 1693 and so forth were all carefully controlled. If you want to believe perhaps, that these trials were open and so forth – Nonsense! The German trials even today in Germany are not open the way they should be at all. You can’t just get up there and denounce the liars who are in the courtroom and expect your testimony to ever be heard from again. That’s the way things are done and it’s a disgrace.
But we can look into the alleged gas-chambers to see if they would have even worked and the alleged point regarding those gas-chambers are absurd, totally absurd!
—Before anything clearly yesterday on it and
so-called eye-witnesses who claimed the corpses were blue, or didn’t show any color at all, or even yellow, or other colors other than red, They. Are. Liars! There’s no escaping that.
Hunt: So, so, the deniers call all Jewish, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and other witnesses to gassing and mass shooting, “liars”. Let’s talk about these Germans. Fritz wants to say….
Berg: Yes, I do.
Hunt : … they’re just on trial, they were tortured, they had no er.. There’s the excuse is that, for some reason, these Germans never had the courage to defend their Aryan nation’s innocence. I tell you from the, you know, I tell you from the perspective of a political prisoner this is so highly unlikely it becomes impossible. You could point to revisionists.. your building prisons have to ignore it.
Berg: Well that’s what political prisoners have to endure. There’s a political mandate to crush a certain point of view. That’s what happens, it gets crushed.
Hunt: I do know about this point, you know, and you can tell you can point.
Also the Nuremberg Trials
The point just I mean, you have people who could have just told somebody you’re in there, you know, when they’re eighty years old, or something right? I mean.
Hunt: Yeah I would like to go into that role, quick. I mean, first you could point to revisionist themselves who often serve lengthy prison sentences, and the majority do not fold, and continue to protest their innocence after release. Even in the face of further prosecution. So the revisionist claim was it so impossible for all of these Germans to ever tell the truth about the so-called gas chamber hoax. So let’s look at the case of Joseph Oberhauser who was stationed at Belzec ‘extermination’ camp filmed in Claude Lanzmann’s film ‘Shoah’. Oberhauser was a free man after serving his sentence working as a bartender in Germany. It’s entirely unbelievable for me to accept these Germans could find no way to release the truth about this supposed hoax. For instance, Oberhausen himself a free man, working as a bartender, could have written a lengthy explanation proving Belzec was a transit camp, only to be published by trusted confidant, friends’ of lawyers, or family, after his death, as Ryan just said. He or any direct witness of these gassings could have explained where these massive transports of Jews in the hundreds of thousands were….
a bit more done …
[110:01 mins] [1:50:01] NEEDS PROOFING
Berg: Why would he have known? Why do you think … he was probably a very small guard, that most probably couldn’t even read, he might have not even known how to write more than his name.
Hunt: I guess that’s a good excuse so, are you saying he’s illiterate he, …
Berg: He might be, he might be
Hunt: I think he decided never to protest xxx some of his drinking buddies.
Berg: Why fight city hall, when City Hall has all the guns in their control? He might have been starving even more than he was at the end of World War Two, in Germany, OK? People were struggling just to survive for many years after the war, you think they’re going to come up and say “oh I was there and it was nothing like that” – some people did.
My own distant relation friend’s boy did, but he didn’t get anywhere. He was lucky he didn’t get fired from his government job! If he had spoken out publicly, the way you suggest, he would have been fired! He would have been on the street, and his family would have been starving. My other relative …
Hunt: I understand ….
Berg: Bernard Schwab..xxx he had been in the SS at Minsk, managing a small clothing factory, employing about three thousand Jews according to the story I have, – in Minsk, OK? The war ended, he was thrown into a concentration camp in Regensburg and he spent several years there, until he was somehow, could somehow, show that he had been rehabilitated, and re-educated. And then he was able to go back to his wife and his one surviving child, and make some sort of an existence for himself. But he couldn’t get a job that was worth a damn, any time for the rest of his life. You think, he was…
Hunt: you know, that person and I protest when I don’t. ??
Berg: Oh and you just don’t know much about the subject and so …
Hunt: There are also those who are essentially guaranteed the death sentence including Adolf Eichmann, and others, who have nothing to lose and everything to gain by producing evidence xxx proving the so-called transit camp theory. The revisionists like Fritz make the SS, an elite military force, feared throughout the entire world, into big softies, they claim that the SS did not kill masses of civilians, and didn’t have the guts, or brains. – They’re illiterate after all.
Berg: xxx No, I don’t think that at all, you’re trying to put words in my mouth. Shame on you, shame on you! Look you’re jumping all over the place.
Hunt: You say he was illiterate, you say he was illiterate…
It’s not a place in which character you said OK how is there xxxx. You say Oberhauser was illiterate he didn’t have the brains to.
Berg: He might have been, I didn’t say he was, he might have been,
Hunt: speculation as most of us …
Berg: You ought to be careful. Try to be a little bit careful about the things you are saying, you’re obviously very reckless in the accusationsxxx you are making.
Ryan: You’re both a little bit right here. I mean, it would have been very hard as [there was] a lot of political pressure to shut your mouth. They lost the war. There were, you know, death camps after the war, starvation. Exaggerated stuff.xxx It’s not like the Internet existed back then, and it would have been much harder than it is today to say anything, because it’s not going to matter. If you are going to say something, maybe the immediate people around you hear about it and then you’re just going to go to jail. You’re fired, and nothing’s going to change. Nowadays you can say something and it can go all around the world, or you might have an effect. but much less motivation then, than it would be now. All that means / needs to come out …
Hunt: and there’s another…
Ryan: There should be someone saying… who would have done it, anyway, out of spite, after seeing what had happened in their country after the war to say “Dammit these are transit camps” and write a letter, or something. It seems like …
Hunt: we did it, because they like, …
Berg: Well some were like thatxxx …but there’s not that many, but Eric Behr who had been a commandant at Auschwitz was more than prepared to say precisely that. And then for some mysterious reasons he died just a few days before he was supposed to testify at the big Auschwitz trial in Germany, in the early 1960s, OK? So, … look at Rudolph Hoess/ Höss, and Rudolf Hess, kept in prison for his, for his lifetime, given a life imprisonment! When all he had done was try to make peace with Britain! OK? He was kept in a prison, you think he could have made a lengthy essay about how he knew nothing about any extermination plans, or something like that, of course not! It would have been totally destroyed by his captors!
And that’s the way these things worked, they forced/fudged this environment so that any real testimony to the contrary, is totally destroyed. Joseph… Wilhelm Stagley?? was punished for his book, he was nearly ruined. He barely got old-age pension.
[115:03 mins] [1:55:03]
Hunt: Fritz I think there’s a better explanation, is that these men … —accept what happened.
Berg: You don’t have it, you don’t even have a gas-chamber that really could have worked the way you allege,…
Hunt: of course
Berg: xxxthat was Zyklon B diesel exhaust, or gasoline engine exhaust, you don’t know what you’re talking about, you want to be ashamed of yourself and go back to kindergarten and study the subject… that’s beginning??xx again.
Hunt: this again, you know, every… I understand your passion about the topic, but these kind of personal insults aren’t really an argument.
Berg: But they’re entirely justified, they’re entirely justified, before I listen to him insult the SS, or Germans in general, as he is doing. I’m going to insult him. I think he’s asking for it, he deserves it.
Hunt: I understand you’re feelings but I don’t think they’re xxx? against Germans, or anything like that you.
Berg: like heck he did, yes he did
Ryan : Yes, Yes. Well this is a problem with this kind of topic, like people want to. we want to have these kind of civil debates, but it’s difficult. The reason that people don’t want to debate, or don’t want to voice their opinion on these subjects is because they know that they will be met with such visceral acts on their person. You know, I fight. I’m an anti Zionists, for example, and I’ll always speak up for Palestinian rights and say what the Israelis are doing. And I, of course, I’m going to be met with waves of people accusing me of being anti-semitic, and this and that. And that kind of personal attack keeps, … prevents people from speaking up on these topics… and let’s say if Eric’s wrong, let’s just say if he is, he’ll never know that unless you have these debates in civil… and you give him some evidence that changes his mind, and vice versa if you’re wrong. You’ll know that if, you know, you’re constantly just personally attacked. Because it just ends up in a shit-throwing contest and it’s entertaining and all, but it doesn’t really, you know, move the marker anywhere in figuring out the truth in these matters.
Hunt: Well frankly ….
Berg: Well I’m more than inclined to agree with you completely, Ryan. I agree. I know it looks bad when I am as critical as I am about Eric, but he’s just plain misguided for emotional reasons, that I can’t even get into xxx
Hunt: Can I just come in … because I was that’s not a little ….?
Berg: No, no …one more little detail in the United States you actually have gassings to death of people, prisoners who were guilty of murder, and maybe rightly so, whatever. The last gas execution in the entire world occurred right here in Arizona, in 1999. You know how long it took to kill that one poor guy? —Any idea?
Ryan : I don’t know if it was just…
Hunt: Is this a non-sequitur for if it is ….
Berg: No it’s not, no it’s not, shame on you!. Well you know.
Berg: It’s not it’s not a non-sequitur at all! It took eighteen minutes to kill one person in a well designed gas chamber here in the United States. Eighteen minutes and I had a claim to that ….
Ryan : Can I answer that xxx…you might find interesting is the reason they’ve changed sort of the method of gassing prisoners and the reason they’ve moved away from the electric chair is, because they actually harvest and sell their organs and so they don’t want to destroy their organs that’s why they’re getting away from frying them, it may, or may not have a reason for why they gas them differently to try and preserve as much as possible, because …
Berg: well that’s one possible explanation, but it’s not the official explanation. The official explanation is that it is a kind of cruel and unusual punishment.
Ryan??: Yeah but .. they don’t care about that, look how all the people are xxx…they just want the organs
Berg: OK, whatever, whatever, whatever, but the last gas execution took eighteen minutes here in the United States and many of the gas executions in the United States took as long as eighteen minutes as well [as] other gas executions. So it’s not some sort of quick, easy way, to get rid of somebody. If you do a mass gassing it gets kind of messy. Especially if it’s done in a large room where the little guy, every,.. little Isaac might be hiding in the corner lying down on the ground so that the gas, the cyanide which is lighter than air can stay well above his head. If you use anything like the alleged gassing technology, in that kind of situation, it would have been a disaster. It would have been a mess there
would’ve been a lots of rather little angry Jews left afterwards to welcome the guy?? opening day, chamber door it would have been a catastrophe, but the Germans knew how to do it right and they had the technology, but nothing like what the Germans had in their stock of technological methods was applied for the alleged mass homicidal gassings.
Thank you so much Helena!
I’ll start putting these in soon.
Will fix. Thanks.
another bit sorted…
[120:08 mins] [2:00:08]
It’s very different, it’s a very different technology. The Germans had the technology for mass gassings with cyanide if they had ever wanted to, but it’s totally different from the idiotic technology that is alleged for Auschwitz, for mass gassings, or for any of the other camps. The Germans had a system with forced gas circulation, throughout the gas chamber, that was the way to do it. The Germans knew that, and we can practically read the lines of the German technicians and experts on this field, in the German literature, and even through xxx sent, in American language literature. American xxx company, actually used Zyklon-B and Zyklon discoids for fumigation throughout the United States and it worked very, very, well, and in fact, in some of their literature now published on Rodo?? you can actually read how to make your own gas chamber. It’s not that hard, but it involves some rational technology using forced-gas-circulation to disperse the gas throughout the entire chamber. Otherwise you end up with something that’s very, very slow, comparable to what was used to fumigate barracks, which required about twenty-four hours of exposure, so that the cyanide could get out of the granules, or the discoids, or whatever, and kill off everything in the barracks.
But in a real gas chamber you would have had forced gas circulation and that’s totally different from what’s even alleged in any of the so-called Zyklon-B gas chambers anywhere in Auschwitz -Birkenau. In other words, when you look into the claims specifically about gassings, they all turned out to be garbage, garbage! Doesn’t mean you couldn’t possibly kill people with gas – you can! But it involves a very different kind of technology from any of the garbage that is alleged in the holocaust literature.
Ryan: Well like I said it doesn’t rule out gas chambers, but I guess what was the, … what was the gas chamber building then, if it wasn’t a gas chamber? — A morgue? What was the official…
Hunt: Can I just for …
Ryan : Yes you can, go ahead Eric, I’m sorry …
Hunt: I’d like.. I’d like to respond first … so Fritz described it, it would have been very messy. This is actually what the witnesses did describe it as: “very messy – tangled bodies, faeces, menstrual blood, all over the floor”.
Berg: But there’s lots of people still alive after twenty minutes, or even five minutes. xxx … three minutes
Hunt: Not lots of people, but there have been instances where they did describe as you say, little Isaac alive in a gas chamber. So it absolutely does not contradict what you claim, it was a very messy xxx process, and sometimes there would be one straggler. But as you say it’s totally possible …
Berg: …Irene Zisblatt, for example…
Hunt: Well, Irene Zisblatt is absolutely lying about her being in a gas chamber
Berg: How is she lying, and the others are not? Huh, maybe she just.. she was … xxxx able to get?? out.
Hunt : She’s lying! I don’t really have to defend her lies, but …
Berg: Why would she lie? ….
Ryan: Well one person lying doesn’t mean everyone else has to be also a liar. xxx …individuals
Hunt: Well if I were to her justify her lies, she did … her mother and sister appear to have been gassed. Unfortunately they’re not alive to tell their stories.
Berg: Well then, they must have been gassed! If they’re … if they’re not alive to tell their story, then that’s proof that they must have been gassed, according to Eric.
Hunt: Oh yes, as you say, those segregated and separated as unable to work. I don’t even know what your point is, — you say they did work? … it makes no sense…
Berg: Well I thought xxx….they certainly did,,,
Ryan: … Well they may have died of typhus, or starved, or been shot… I don’t know
Hunt: No, well, what he’s saying is that these toddlers and elderly people did work. It makes no sense! First of all they were separated and segregated as unable to work, and he says they did work.
Berg: Well some of them did, I’m sure. Sure there’s all kinds of stuff that could be done. Even children can do work, but these children were not able to make that thirty-mile trek to the railroad station in Gleiwitz, so somebody decided “well you guys better stay here and wait for the Russians, and maybe they’ll take good care of you.” And the old women and old men, I suppose, who were unable to make that long trek on foot, in the winter, in the cold and snow.. to Gleiwitz, thirty miles away, that’s a hike, they stayed in Auschwitz also.
[125:16 mins] [2:05:16]
And when the Russians came, they waved to them and told them all kinds of stories, and made happy talk with the Russians, the Russian women… I mean the women left in Auschwitz, they were all right. They were all right by the Russians, that was their reward for having decided not to go West with the retreating Germans; and there was plenty of testimony about that. But that’s beside the point, the point I’m making is that there was no extermination program at all at Auschwitz!
Ryan: One key question …
Hunt: One second… can I just interrupt… So Fritz’s point is that those separated and segregated as unable to work, photographed in a group, obviously unable to work, separated as unable to work, actually did work. That’s his point.
[Part 3 of 4 04:05 mins]
Berg: Well I don’t know if they ever did any work, — let’s get that straight – I don’t know.. what they might have done – minor things like sweep the barracks anything, any number of things could be done by people who are old and so forth.. help keep track of things. Any number of things can always be done by people if they’re functional at all.
Hunt: Well there are those who do know what happened …
Berg: Yeah, yeah, you’re not …
Hunt: …. were these people separated and segregated as unable to work or were last seen alive… and gassed, you jump to these people, you jump again to the liberation of Auschwitz, already debunk these photographs that you said as these elderly and children …
Berg: The Russian were there, right? so they would have been exterminated before being…..
Ryan: OK, …
Hunt: I brought it up. I brought it up earlier …
Berg: Even if the gas chambers had not been operating they could have been just shot, it could’ve saved a lot of food for those months, two months, until the Russians actually came
Hunt: What you can see that these…. first of all you’re disregarding the entire purpose (for why) gassings ceased. The reason gassings ceased was to keep these Jews alive so there weren’t… wouldn’t be as many repercussions against the German people themselves…
Berg: Is that,.. is that the reason!?
Hunt: Absolutely, it would be very… It would xxxmain site?? … is to find massed piles of shot children and elderly at Auschwitz to further kill, and kill German people. Do you concede now that the those … children…
Berg: You’re mind-reading… how are you now actually mind-reading? this is very interesting, I didn’t know you had this ability, you’re now mind reading Schuller?? and the Germans for their reason for stopping the gassings, or the alleged gassings, in November. You’re really fantastic! I am, I am so the best….
Hunt : …. earlier,
Ryan: because like I said I want the heart of the issue here.
Hunt: One second, one second…
Ryan: Are there once you leave that people ….
Hunt: Right, right, can I interrupt real quick ?….
Ryan: Let me ask this question as I think it’s going to help you make your point too. I’ve been listening to both of you dispassionately, whatever, I don’t care who’s right. I just want to know what’s right. I would like to know, because you said well these pictures of elderly and children suffer?? after there were orders to stop the gassings. Are there survivors who, or children, or elderly who are there before the order to stop gassings?
Berg : Elie Weisel !!
Hunt: Well there are there… Well really was first forced labour..Fritz, he was old enough and…
Berg: What forced labour! Now let’s stick to this point before you jump to the next thing. What kind of forced labour do you think Elie Weisel was ever likely to do when he got to Belsen… or anyway, you could see the guy was a physical misfit at the very least, I doubt if he did a stitch of work when he got to Germany.
Hunt: Well one second, you know, I’m sure Weisel did forced labour to be honest I,… he was sent to the Buna work labour camp, a subcamp of Auschwitz -Monowitz where his father was even forced to work.
Berg: Was he a pipe-fitter do you think? You think he climbed any of the ladders there, the cooling towers, or anything like that? Elie Weisel was a physical wreck.. from birth on, I daresay.
Hunt: OK, lets talk about the logic here, Fritz says Elie Weisel, a teenager, perfectly suited for work, was able to work, but first he says
Berg: “perfectly suited to work” nonsense, nonsense! …
Hunt: yeah, yeah, sorry. Perfectly unsuitable for work, however, these elderly men, women and children, were suitable for work, —right.?
Hi Katana, just in case you don’t already have a copy you can get Christopher Bollyn’s Solving 911 book here:
Thanks shaunantijhad. I actually have a link to the PDF in the blogroll.
Rest in peace Heroic Ernst Zundel :
That Hunt is a little Cunt!
A BS artist!
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