[ John Friend of The Realist Report interviews German-Canadian activist Alfred Schaefer on his efforts to expose the activities of organized jewry and its ongoing plan of genocide against non-jews, especially Whites. The psychological warfare that is being waged against us by organized jewry is of particular interest to him and how they have programmed us to passively accept our own destruction through the constant use of poisonous ideas and words — KATANA.]
The Realist Report
by John Friend
On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined once again by Alfred Schaefer, a courageous activist, thinker, and revisionist who has been persecuted in Germany as a result of his intellectual and political pursuits. In this podcast, we discuss some of Alfred’s recent activities and speaking engagements. We move on to address the persecution of political dissidents and “Holocaust” revisionists throughout Europe, including Horst Mahler, a German revisionist who has fled the country rather than accept yet another prison term, and Ursula Haverbeck, a righteous German woman whose case I detailed in an article published by American Free Press. Alfred gives us his take on fake history, the “Holocaust” industry and the anti-White agenda it advances, and President Donald Trump, who is increasingly disappointing and outright betraying his supporters. This is one podcast you do not want to miss!
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The Realist Report
Alfred Schaefer
April 2017
(74 mins)
John: OK folks, welcome back to another edition of The Realist Report this is your host John Friend. The website is The Realist Report dot com where you can find an extensive archive of these podcasts as well as other broadcasts I have appeared on over the years on the website. You also find all of my writings and blog posts, an About section, a contact page, where you can find my personal email address, my Twitter feed, which is embedded on the right hand side bar of the website, and lots of other useful and informative links. I am a regular reporter for American Free Press, America’s last real newspaper and I also contribute to the Barnes Review, the bi-monthly history magazine affiliated with American Free Press. Both publications are worth subscribing to and I encourage all listeners to do so. Visit American Free Press dot net and Barnes Review dot org for more details.
All right with that said, let me introduce my special guest this evening. Alfred Schaefer is joining us once again. Alfred is quite a courageous activist thinker and revisionist who has been persecuted in Germany as a result of his political and intellectual pursuits. Topics that we will be discussing during this podcast.
Alfred, welcome back to the program, sir! How are you this evening?
Alfred: Well, fine John. Thank you very much for having me back online. We’re going into a very critical time now and thanks for having me on.
John: Yes, of course. It has been a while and I’m glad to have you back. This is something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while and we’re finally able to make it happen. And I should say it’s actually morning if I’m not mistaken where you’re at. It’s evening for me, so I guess I probably should have said, “Good morning Alfred”.
Alfred: Yeah, it’s five o’clock in the morning for me right now.
John: Yeah and thanks for getting up and being a champ and doing this. It probably wouldn’t work out any other way, so I do appreciate that. So anyways, we’ve got a lot to talk about and as I mentioned it has been a while since you’ve been on the program, so what have you been up to? How have you been?
[Image] German dissidents persecuted by jewish controlled Germany for daring to speak the truth.
Alfred: Well, we’re working full speed and as you mentioned I’m being persecuted. I had like, … The police had raided our house here back in August and stolen all of my computer equipment and this, … It wasn’t that long ago that I finally, we finally got, you know, through the charge basically. And it really looks like they are looking for a face-saving way to back down from these “thought laws” which are completely unsustainable. Because I am the main accused and alongside myself we Ursula Haverbeck, which is an iconic figure. We have Gerhard Ittner who has served a number of years in prison and was kidnapped from Portugal, brought back to Germany to face charges. And we have Henry Hafenmayer who’s working really hard and doing excellent work, you know, with sending information to all the prosecutors and judges and all the different functions in society. So we’ve got a real “dream team” put together here and it really does look like they’re trying to find, somehow, you know, than A-team to sort of take down these laws. That’s how we’re looking at it. And I’m not in any way fearful, or regret that they came. In fact, this is an opportunity. In fact, we are in times right now where people have to understand that these are fantastic opportunities to take down this construct of lies! And that’s what we’re looking at and that’s how we’re taking it.
John: Good! Yeah, that’s a very productive and positive way to look at your situation. Now you had mentioned that, … So your home was raided. This was back in August of 2016.
Alfred: Yes, correct.
John: Right and they confiscated a lot of your, you know, computer equipment and whatnot. I imagine other, you know, literature you had at home. I’m not sure you want to get into any more specifics about what they actually confiscated?
Alfred: Yeah look, their order was to find all, to confiscate all, … I use the word “steal”, to steal all computer devices and storage devices. So they stole, … I had a very fine computing equipment, you know, for making the videos and so forth. And they basically cleaned everything out, including an ancient, old computer I had of the closet, you know, they just took everything. They packed it up very nicely, you know. Made a nice inventory list of everything they took. And then it was actually, … I phoned the, you know, the police about a week after they had come and I told them, I asked him, you know, how long it’s going to be and how long it’s going to take before I get my stuff back? And they said this is going to take at least, you know, at least two months, or so. Of course, now it’s been like half a year’s up. And then I told him, you know, the fact that you’re here has made some waves in the Internet. And they were like, “Where? What? Where do we have to look?” you know, just key in my name and “Holocaust” and you’ll find all kinds of stuff.
So they basically got such blowback from being here that they immediately understood that this was not a very intelligent thing for them to do. And everything since then has played out in our favor. To put us in a position where we really can do permanent major damage to this construction of lies, and criminalizing thoughts. I mean, this is, we call it an inquisition. We don’t call it, you know, we didn’t break any laws. This is an inquisition and when you’re dealing with an inquisition it is a belief system and this is a belief system based on just evil, evil! And so that is what we are facing.
John: Oh yeah, absolutely! Now what prompted this? I mean, what led up to this? What were you, you know, officially charged with? What crime did you commit?
Alfred: Well, this is the wonder. I mean, everything is stacked in our favor. Their reason they came is, because the B’nai B’rith in Canada had incited the authorities here to do something about the work I was doing. And the actual work that triggered this was the, “Sorry Mom, I was Wrong about the Holocaust”. That video. So here we have on the search papers, which they say, “Sorry Mom, I was Wrong about the Holocaust”, that wonderful video, my sister Monika, she wrote the script and I just managed the cameras, … That’s her video basically. And that triggered this raid. And they say that contravenes paragraph “130” which is a paragraph they have about “Holocaust” denying. And now they’re trying to redefine this whole thing as “incitement to hatred”. So I say, please explain the logic to me. An apology to ones mom is incitement to hatred?
So they have a real problem now with logical explanations here. And the reason this apology took place is, because we were being incited. I mean, they were inciting against us all of our lives with this ridiculous fantasy of their six million dead jews. I mean, not a single jew was exterminated by the Germans, because he was a jew. It was war-time and there was, … The communists that were the threat were mostly jews, so the whole thing is, … They have a problem with how they’ve framed this. So that’s why we’re looking at. The inquisition and the “Sorry Mom, I was Wrong about the Holocaust”, framing that as an incitement to hatred is a pretty bizarre situation.
John: Yeah, exactly! Now, did you actually participate in that video, or did you just help, you know, produce it for Youtube?
Alfred: I produced it. I was the producer and, you know, my name is at the end as the producer and that was on my [YouTube] channel. And the interesting thing is that in this accusation that they’ve taken with Ursula Haverbeck and Henry Hafenmayer. If you take the actual scenes that they, you know, they did their, as detectives they had to write down exactly where the charges are what the charge is, and the part with Gerhard Ittner, he did it, … That was the video, “Dissidents Speaking Out”, you know, the dissident speaks out.
And Gerhard Ittner did a wonderful scene where he is explaining how this jew had presented a box of soap in front of the media and said this soap has been extracted from the carcasses of gassed jews and Ittner did a wonderful scene where, what they really should have done with this soap is they should have blown soap bubbles with it. And these soap bubbles would burst which would symbolically, which would have been very symbolic for the lies. These lies would have burst like a soap-bubble. And he did that very nicely on camera and they actually listed this scene as being in contravention to some kind of a law here. So they’re really taking the most, you know, like we’re making a real, just a mockery out of their lies and they’re actually taking that scene and saying this is in contravention to some laws.
So they’re basically setting themselves up to lose. No judicial system that tries to, that wants to represent, you know, law and order can stand with this kind of ridiculous, you know, if we are guilty, because we are blowing soap bubbles with their soap made out of jews, their fantasy world, you know, nobody can take that seriously any more. So we have authorities now that nobody takes seriously anymore. We are in a situation where the little boy screams out, “Look the Emperor has no clothes” and everybody sees that there are no clothes. The Emperor is stark naked! And suddenly everybody says, “Yeah, the emperor is stark naked!” These lies are over!
John: Yes, they’re very, it’s so childish. I mean, what they tell us and just expect us to blindly believe. Now, I’m curious. So was it German federal authorities, like the federal government that was that’s we are pursuing these charges against you guys?
Alfred: Well, they sent the Kriminalpolizei, it’s like the FBI, I guess. I don’t want to get into trying to explain exactly how they fit into the, you know, the structures here, because I don’t really know. But these people just take orders from, … Well, B’nai B’rith in Canada, the jewish secret society that basically, that ordered the German authorities to do this and so they just follow orders. And the people that came and these are people, who were doing their work, they were very professional and I am convinced that they themselves have learned a lot since they came here and this has changed their lives. Because they are following orders, it’s something they are indoctrinated with certain beliefs and what they experienced when they came here was not what they would have expected.
They came here, first of all they didn’t come as a big SWAT team as they normally do, which means that they’re not very motivated anymore, but it was at a gentleman and a woman. And they actually told me I could, for this search, I could get my own witness, which is very unusual, you know, it shows that there, … And by coincidence our neighbors who are very noble people basically, like a Duke, their name is von Luecksberg [sp] . And they had been informed. I had informed them about these lies several months earlier. They knew all about Gerard Menuhin’s book, “Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil” and they were still there, so I got him and his son, who were both lawyers, and they were the witnesses. And they were extremely professional and obviously siding with me. So, the house was completely cleaned up very nice, very orderly. And so, whatever they were expecting and, you know, they might have expected swastikas all over the walls, or skinheads, or something. I don’t know what they were expecting, but the they saw a household that was very clean, very professional. The witnesses that I happened to get from across the street were very professional, very honorable people, and then they confiscate all my stuff.
And after that we had all this activity on the internet about them being here. I was on several talk shows, you know, Glaring Hypocrisy did a nice interview there, where I explained everything, how they came. In fact, I was going to go a little bit on how they came. Normally I’m usually in the shower by six thirty in the morning, but this one morning I was a bit later and I was in the shower at seven o’clock, actually, and I heard the doorbell ringing. And I heard through the door something about Kriminalpolizei, so it just registered immediately what was going on. So I had time to actually prepare psychologically for what was happening. So I came out and I came out completely stark naked! Stood there and there’s this huge guy standing there and I say, “Is there something you are looking for at this hour in my house?”, because I knew that if I came out stark naked, stand there and just ask him what is he looking for in this house, it’s a sort of symbolic thing. I have got nothing to hide and I am not afraid of you!
So tell me what you want and, you know, let’s see if we can find it. So he says, without even flinching, he said, “Well, you can get dressed”. And he never let me out of his sight. And then, basically we went through the whole procedure here. Before we actually started this search they allowed me to get my own witness, which was fantastic, because like I said before I got these honorable people from across the street. And then the thing sort of unfolded. And they, you know, went through everything basically, packaged everything that they thought was a storage device, or a computer.
John: All for a video that you produced on You Tube! How absurd is this! I mean, that’s the thing, average people got to be questioning this! What do people say in Germany? I mean, you know, it speaking of, … Let me just actually mention this. I was down in Mexico recently and I ended up meeting quite a few Germans and most of them, frankly, didn’t even know that it was illegal to question the “Holocaust”. They don’t really like, at least the ones that I was talking to weren’t really aware of these issues at all. They didn’t really think about it. I mean, I don’t know how they couldn’t of, but, … That was my, and again this is just a few people that I met from Germany, but what’s your take? I mean, are people kind of waking up to this?
Alfred: Well, what they do you see, they do these things and they do not talk at all about it, except like they tried like, the media, the jewish media, for example, with Urulsa Haverbeck. In over and over again, when she was going through her various trials, it would always big headlines, “Nazi oma [grandmother] goes to jail!” and all of that kind of stuff. So they’d be screaming these things out there, which weren’t even true. Like there be a trial for her, for example, and then they would, in the first instance, you know, the judge who is usually a jew, I guess, would say, “OK, go to jail”. But then she goes into revision and she doesn’t go to jail and she’s being treated very nicely by the people who understand.
And so, you’ve got these people who are in control of the media who are driving a certain narrative, trying to keep people in fear, or they don’t talk about it at all. So the only message people’s get once in a while are, you know, neo-Nazi, right-wing extremist has to go to jail, whether it’s true, or not, is beside the point. And they don’t ever get to understand what’s actually going on. It’s completely censored out of the public realm. And that’s with everything. Like, there’s no mention in any newspaper, or anything that they have raided me, so we have to bring this message out in our own networks, because in the jewish controlled media, of course, they get a single narrative and that’s what they want to, you know, push on the people. They want to keep the people in fear and ignorance.
John: Right! Yeah. And they can’t really present you, or Ursula Haverbeck, or any of these other people as like, these crazy deranged, you know, Nazis, or something like that. It’s, you know, far from it. You guys are very professional, good-looking people, you know, very scholarly.
Alfred: I’ll tell you what I did at Christmas time, for example, since I’m not hearing anything back from them. But I also kept sending the police department my latest productions, my newest video and I’ll send them a DVD with all kinds of additional information and recommendations of what they can learn. And then I actually, at Christmas time, I sent them a Christmas card with a long letter and I thanked them for coming. Because I told them that until they came my, … I was getting a bit nervous and worried that maybe somebody from Antifa, one of these left-wing crazies, communists, would come and, you know, break into the house and destroy all my stuff. And ever since they took all my stuff and this is, you know, known throughout the Internet, that these fears have been reduced and I can sleep very soundly. And also I told them and I broadcast into the Internet, that the police are diligently learning from what they had taken, because what they had taken really was what they needed, almost like a medicine to fight their own suffering from this psychological warfare, or their own induced mental illness.
When you believe these lies and you still react to all these words that trigger the programs that have been pumped into our minds, that’s an induced mental illness. And what they took from my desk, the coincidences were just almost too good to be true!
I had been in London a month before and spoke at the London Forum. And the subject of my talk was, “Psychological Warfare”. And I had all these papers and my speech. All that information that is relevant to the subject on my desk. Plus I had this display case with different quotations from different rabbis going, you know, back hundreds of years. They took all that they photographed all that. They took it. They really have almost like a university course of how, or what this psychological warfare is. They took and their job was to study it and learn it. To make sure that they’re doing that, that’s what I broadcast out on all of messages.
That the police are learning, they are, you know, they’re cleansing their brains from this stuff and now we’ve got the charges that’s exactly what it looks like. They have set this up, they want the A-Team to take down this ridiculous construct of “thought laws”. And that’s how we’re looking at it, that’s how we’re taking it.
If we fail then I say, “good luck” for whoever comes after us. But right now, we are really set up, we are in the poll position basically to take these laws down, or give it a major blow for which they will not recover very quickly! And that is fantastic to be in that position.
John: Yes. Now are you guys all kind of working together in this? I mean, each one of you were charged separately I’m assuming. Are you fighting this together?
Alfred: Yes. We are fighting together. We have got and we are all learning, we are all growing together, we are growing and gaining strength basically, day by day. And the other side is, … If you just watch what’s going on now with Trump in the US and what’s happening in Israel, they are in full panic mode and they know their lies are over and that’s why they’re really desperate now to get us into basically a World War Three, before too many people wake up, but they cannot!
The more they, … Like this is now going into an extremely unstable situation that we’re in right now. And it’s not going to go back to anything stable anymore. These lies are coming down! The jewish construction of lies is coming down. The financial system is coming down. This is basically a war of lies and criminality against honest working people and that is unsustainable. That’s what we’re at right now. And that’s why our very survival depends on us getting our heads functioning again! Becoming immune to the trigger words. These control words that result in ridiculous emotional outbursts that are just straight out of an insane asylum!
We are basically, … It’s almost like our brains are, … The brain of our society is very, very, almost terminally ill. But maybe we have to fall with their face in the mud to understand and then get up and clean and shake ourselves and then we can fight again. Because right now, when you have our men confused about which gender they are and more concerned about the feelings of some transvestite, than they are about protecting their women from the invaders, we have a serious problem! We haven’t had this in our history, in our European history. It’s a first!
John: Yes! I completely agree with you! And I want to talk more about this aspect of World War Two and especially the fake “Holocaust” story. How it really is a pys-op, it’s an ongoing psychological warfare operation being waged specifically against Germans, but really the entire White Western world. And I know that’s something that you’ve spent a lot of time thinking about and discussing and writing about. So, I want to talk more about that.
Real quick, I’ve got to ask you, I just put a video up, I guess it was maybe close to two weeks ago, it was on April sixteenth, of Horst Mahler. He is another German dissident that has faced all sorts of legal, you know, legal problems, legal issues. He’s been in prison for a number of years, from what I understand. And he gave a speech on April nineteenth apparently, his last public appearance before returning to prison. And he basically outlines the jewish plot against the White race in this final public speech. And I posted this up on my website. Have you seen this video and do you know, anything about Horst Mahler? From what I understand he may have fled Germany rather than go back to prison. Is that correct?
Alfred: Yes, that’s correct. And I was actually there when we recorded that meeting when that took place. And what he is doing is very, very important. I see people are coming to the same conclusion independently of one another and what he’s trying to do and that’s what we have to do, we have to scandalize this judaism, this Talmudic judaism. And keep telling people, remind them that these rabbis, who are basically the law givers at the top, they are allowed to, in fact, they are encouraged to rape our three-year old girls! Well, three years and one day old! That’s how old they have to be.
And yet these rabbis themselves have been traumatized at the age of eight days when some other hairy rabbi had chewed off their foreskin. I mean, this is grotesque, this is so just awful. So, these people learn that through these horrible, barbaric animal behavior that they are living themselves, they learn and have it inculcated in their minds there is no empathy in the host populations where they, because they are the parasite.
If you are the law giver of these people and you can rape our three-year old girls, you’re not going to ever be on friendly terms with us, you know, that if these people find out who you are and what you are, they will kill you. And this establishes this hatred. They have a wall of hatred between themselves and the host population. Basically everything is turned around, they turn everything on it’s head and then they put themselves, elevate themselves in our minds through these lies as the “chosen people”. They are the devil! They are satanic! And that’s what Horst Mahler is emphazing.
More and more people on the Internet, on their information they’re putting out have come to the same conclusion. They are beginning to understand that. And that is the end of their rule over us! That is the reason why, when the jews had ruled the Soviet Union, under the guise of communism, they would kill anybody who knew of these things, or spoke of these things.
And yet, here I am speaking with you openly, talking about this. They have, you know, sure the police were here, they confiscated all my stuff. But hey, we’re talking about this openly and everybody who listens to this has probably heard it not for the first time, maybe for the tenth time, or whatever. And if they hear it for the first time they’ll be shocked and they’ll say that can’t be! But you’re going to keep hearing it over and over again! We’re not making this up.
This is in their holy books, the Talmud. You’ve got to understand the Talmud! Where these people are coming from. And they’ve been doing this for thousands of years. And where they have succeeded they really, truly exterminate the people and even the memory of them. So right now that is what we’re seeing, is that they know that they have to exterminate the White people. Because, if the White people figure out what’s going on they will probably seek revenge, which is the normal response, a normal reaction.
And this is like Alan Sabrosky* said, “An all, or nothing exercise”. In an, “all, or nothing exercise” there’s not much room for compromise. And that’s the situation we have. Like, we didn’t invent this, we’re not, you know, this isn’t a Hollywood film, this is the reality that we are faced with.
[* Dr. Alan Sabrosky:9/11 an Israeli Mossad operation. “I am also absolutely certain as a strategic analyst that 9/11 itself, from which all else flows, was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation. But Mossad did not do it alone.”]
John: Indeed, yes. And Horst Mahler does a very good job of explaining that’s all and he talks about just how truly evil and depraved jews are, like the jewish religion, what the Talmud says, as you mentioned. It’s just incredible and most people don’t know these things, which is very sad.
What’s really amazing to me is that jewish news outlets and like jewish journalism, jewish writers, they often, you know, openly talk about these things and report on them. For instance, this whole, you know, ritual circumcision that they do? This disgusting, depraved practice, where literally a rabbi is sucking, you know, the blood off of a baby’s penis after it’s been circumcised. It’s so sick! And so, your mind couldn’t even fathom, you know, someone doing this. And yet this is a practice that these Orthodox jews do. And in many cases the rabbi is giving the baby herpes! You know, that’s how sick this is!
Here’s an article in the Jewish Telegraph Agency, one of the most, you know, prominent and well established jewish news outlets that goes back to the early 1800s, I think, or maybe even before that. The headline here is, “Orthodox families won’t identify the circumcisers who gave their babies herpes!” So the jews, they protect them! I mean, they protect these disgusting, you know, herpes spreading rabbis, rather than give them up to the authorities!
So I mean, my point is if you just follow jewish, you know, media, the jewish open, you know, explicitly jewish media outlets you will learn all these things. All these bizarre things about jews and just recognize how truly alien they are! How, I mean, outright evil, I would argue, they are. And, you know, you could really kind of make sense of the world around us but, you know, people just don’t get this news. They don’t get this perspective, they don’t get this information.
Alfred: That’s the whole thing, is that the jews through their, … It’s a parasite. The behavior is completely, totally, parasitic and it’s delusional for a parasite to think that it can kill the host and then still survive. Now they could do that in the past where they would basically completely exterminate certain tribes of people, because there was other tribes that they could sort of slither out and occupy. But now, because this is global, they would have to find another planet essentially. And that’s it, it’s end of the line.
In fact, when Horst Mahler was in prison, where he had lots of time to write, so he wrote a book* and it’s called, in German, “Das Ende der Wanderschaft” which means, “End of their Roaming” and basically they hit the end of the road with that. Because as long as they could roam, let’s just say, consider yourself a parasite. Now you eat your way through one animal and you, you know, it’s dead, so you go on to the next one.
[* Das Ende der Wanderschaft – Gedanken über Gilad Atzmon you need die Judenheit (2013) (The End of the Wanderings – Reflections on Gilad Atzmon and Jewry) ]
Well now, they have, with the state of Israel, which was like a home base where they could always, you know, the criminals could go there and they wouldn’t have to fear extradition, as Israel has no extradition agreements with any other countries. And they could just take criminality to new levels, which even surpassed the old levels. And then they wanted from this home, this base basically, to dominate the world. Well, that’s not going to work. Everybody! Every single race on this planet is now remembering what this parasite has done to them in the past and it’s not a good time to be a jew anymore.
Like I said in my last video, I said to the jews, “Give up!” You know, come out with a white flag, because the game truly is over! You really, as a jew, you have to kill us all and then what? You think the that the people of the Third World are going to, … How are you going to suck anything out of them to support your extravagant lifestyle? You can’t! And you think the Chinese are going to put up with this? No! The game truly is over.
Right now, it’s like when Adolf Hitler understood it clearly, the jew has an utter hatred for the Aryan people, because the Aryan people were the last to stand in their way to world domination. Well that happens to be us! They want to overcome us, so that nobody else can, and that’s in their delusional mind, they think they can rule the world. Well that’s just the fantasy of the same people who are, you know, sucking the penises of eight-day old boys and raping three-year old girls! They’re pretty wild fantasies. And if those are our rulers and if they are capable of exterminating us, then we deserve to be exterminated!
Right now, when I see how many of our, you know, our folk are more concerned about the feelings of some faggots and transvestites than they aren’t protecting their women, the jew has come a long ways in demoralizing us, ready to be slaughtered.
John: Yes indeed. Well, I’m curious. I mean, I’ve argued in the past and I continue to argue that the whole, you know, White genocide agenda. Whether it’s massive non-White immigration into America, into Europe, whether it’s, you know, White guilt, the demonization of Whites and how we’re blamed for everything wrong.
I think a lot of this goes back to the official narrative, the official jewish narrative explaining World War Two. The official narrative of the alleged holocaust of six million jews by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. I mean, I think a lot of this all goes back to this fake story, this paradigm of our history which has been institutionalized. Not only by our schools by our government, but also via our culture, through Hollywood. Through these various, you know, books dealing with the Holocaust, you know, their memoirs and all the fiction stories they’ve written about the “Holocaust”. So, I mean, what’s your take on that? I think this is a topic that we’ve sort of discussed in the past, but what’s your take on what I just said?
Alfred: Yeah, I’m glad you brought that up John, because that’s a one of the most important parts of the psychological warfare. They learned that by inculcating guilt into a people, it makes them defenseless for their own subversion and extermination in the end. They learned that if you can inculcate this guilt into the Germans, as they have done with their fake “Holocaust”, they could actually exterminate the German. The Germans, I mean, millions of Germans were genocided in what they call World War Two. It was a genocidal attack on the Germans.
And they learned that not only can they take the first real bite out of the Germanic people, which is the heart of Europe! The Germans were the heart of Europe! And they actually manipulated the other Europeans to do this dirty work for them. And this was such a successful business model, that afterwards these traumatized Germans had been. Indoctrinated with lies to the point where they were now giving these jews, the parasites, they were giving them submarines, giving them money without end and the grovelling underneath! This worked very well and they did it, because once you, if you are believing you’re guilty of something, then you are in his position of submission!
And now they learned:
“OK, how do we get the rest of, … Now that we took a big chunk out of the Germans, we can do away with all the rest of the Aryan people, all the Europeans, we have to make them feel guilty.”
At the same time that you make them feel guilty you slowly indoctrinate those who are supposed to do the dirty work of killing the White people. You make them feel hatred, or vengeful. So that’s the reason why they aren’t now inculcating all the White people to feel guilty about slavery, about this, about that. And if there’s nothing they can make them feel guilty about, they just tell them they are “boring”. That is what they have done with Sweden. They have told the Swedes that they are such “boring people”, they need multiculturalism. They’ve done that with the Canadians, too. The Canadians were always being told:
“Oh, you guys are so boring so you need some multiculturalism and it’s more exciting to have multiculturalism!”
And it’s true, because when you get raped for walking the streets at night, it’s more exciting than if you can go outside and not get raped, or murdered! So, it’s true gets! It gets more exciting.
John: Right. Well I mean, the very idea of having a White racial identity has been delegitimized and discredited by this fake story that they’ve told us. You know, if you’re a racially conscious White person, you’re immediately going to be called a Nazi! You’re going to be called a racist! You’re going to be called a White supremacist! And, of course, these are all, you know, truly weaponized terms that the left and the political establishment and the jews have used to attack us psychologically and emotionally. And it’s been very effective. This might be another question that you could address. What is the best way to, you know, to sort of deal with being called a Nazi, for example? What I’ve sort of been doing lately is just kind of embracing it, and laughing about it, and accepting it, and just, you know, saying:
“Hey! Look these stupid words are not going to impact me in the slightest! You can call me a Nazi, you can call me an anti-semite, you can call me a racist! I don’t care!”
Alfred: Good! John, perfect! I’m so glad you brought that up. That is exactly, … How do we deal with this exactly? Now if somebody calls me a Nazi, or somebody calls me a “Holocaust” denier, I just say that you said Alfred you’re a “Holocaust” denier. My response is:
“Oh, I am ever relieved that you do not mistake me for someone who still believes these pathetic jewish fantasy lies!”
And if somebody calls me a racist, I would say:
“You know, I’m a little bit surprised that you would still be using one of these weaponized words that are designed to make us feel guilty. I thought you knew better!”
I mean, everybody’s waking up. What I do there is if somebody accuses you of something like that and you start justifying yourself, or explaining yourself, then you are in a position of submission, which is what this word is designed to put you in. It is designed to put you in a position of submission! But if you take this ball and serve it back, like you would serve a tennis ball back into the opposite court and fire it back as hard as you can, then that word, then you are using this like martial arts, judo, or something. You take the force of this word and fire it back to it’s source. And you fire it back and say:
“I’m in a bit surprised that you at this time, 2017, would still be using that word! I mean, people are waking up. The word “racist” is designed to prepare us for our own slaughter! Don’t you see what’s going on?”
That’s how you have to deal with these words. Fire it back to it’s source and express your disdain and surprise at the person using that word, is actually still using it when everybody else who has a brain in their head is waking up to it. And believe me, these words, the people are waking up! And now in this time when we still have, … If someone lives in an area where they’re just surrounded by the zombies who still fall for that stuff, they have to see that as a golden opportunity to turn these people back on their feet!
Its sort of like if you walk into a field and there’s all these big gold nuggets laying around and nobody else seems to notice, hey, that’s your opportunity. Because everybody, everybody will remember who brought them out of this sick condition.
You have to look at these people who are still reacting to these words as being sick. They are ill. It’s like if you were normally a healthy runner and you have two broken legs and casts on your leg, you couldn’t run, you can even walk. But it doesn’t mean you’re not a good runner. It just means that you are in a condition of illness, you are sick. And all these people who still respond to these words, which are all artificial, fake words, that have been injected into our minds, they are suffering from this induced mental illness and they need to be healed. And like Yuri Getnaov [sp] who understood this very well, who was a defector who came to the US and warned of the communism back in the Soviet Union. He says that people who are suffering from this induced mental illness, they are completely impervious to facts and so forth. You can shower them with facts and there’s no response. It’s because of this illness. And we have to see how we can reach them. And the first thing is to do deconstruct these weaponized control words by simply explaining to people what they actually are. And if they get that input, again and again, they can be healed! And these people that come out of that condition are often the best fighters against that system, once they’ve been healed!
John: Yes indeed. I think that’s a very good way of handling it and I totally agree with everything you just said. It really is amazing how truly powerful and effective, you know, just the simple, stupid words have been!
One question that I’ve had for you is, … I think if you look at the fake “Holocaust” narrative and, you know, World War Two more generally, I guess, I think it is very accurate to say that it is an ongoing psychological warfare operation designed specifically to target Germans, but really to the White world in general. Could you sort of articulate, how is this carried out? I mean, how does it impact people so deeply?
Alfred: Yeah, …
John: I have a couple of ideas myself, but I want to hear you say.
Alfred: It’s a very slow process, you know. It’s a very slow process and that’s why if you look at what the jews are propagating, what their goal is, what they want to do if we let them. If we let them they’ll do it. And that will finish us off. They want to bring in “Holocaust” awareness into the kindergartens at younger, younger ages! Now when our people could never ever imagine that if everybody is telling them a certain story in a kindergarten, no child in kindergarten is going to understand that this is all lies, so they believe it. And if everybody believes it at the same time they start to condition people never to step out of line.
And what they did to finish off Germany is they, … Jews had much more influence in the other countries, like in France and Britain and so forth, and they had conditioned them to feel good about attacking Germany. And then to keep them happy about doing it after they, … Germany was the heart of Europe, like we are brothers, I mean, if somebody from England, or France, I mean these are our brothers and sisters, we are the same people like the same family. And yet the jews had managed to get us to kill each other! In fact we were killing the best of our people, so we actually brought down the quality of our genetic, our DNA, as a people!
And to keep the people who were conned into doing this horrible crime against the Germans happy, they were able to participate in the spoils, afterward. So Germany was plundered. So the same thing, the same business model, is being applied now to all the White people. I mean, those invaders from Somalia, or, you know, the Third World, the sludge from the Third World, … I mean, these countries are emptying their prisons, sending these people to White countries. These people are participating in the spoils. And then you have the jews in our countries and they are taking the money they’ve stolen from us and putting these invaders, pushing them through our social systems, pushing into our schools and so forth. I mean, they are getting a free lunch at our expense!
And we are too busy, or we are too stupid, or too weak, too sick to understand what’s going on. And we’ll get eaten to the bone and once we are eaten to the bone, they’ll just finish us off! It’s the end of the White race!
But the sludge that is replacing us will not be a happy lot. We will be the better ones off because will be dead! Because the life will be a living hell if they succeed.
This is a life and death struggle and once we understand, that once our people who are all still suffering from this induced mental illness, understand that life truly is more than just fun and games and has a purpose, namely to survive! Once they understand that, their life has a purpose again. You have a mission! It is just to survive with proper values, you know, with dignity and be proud of who you are. Don’t be ashamed! But if you’re believing all this crap about the holohoax and slavery and all the stuff, … Slavery was a jewish business, not a European business. It was a Jewish business. So, if we fall for that, well, you know, we deserve to be exterminated, because we’re too stupid to survive! I mean, that’s the bottom line!
John: Yeah, that is certainly true. But, I think it’s important understand really just what your average person is up against. I mean, this warfare, this psychological and emotional warfare operation being waged against us, … Is, you know, being scientifically implemented essentially.
Alfred: Yeah.
John: I mean, they know what they’re doing, they know how to exploit us emotionally, psychologically, you know, their ways that they’ve studied and perfected. And what they’re doing is it is very effective, people have a very hard time dealing with these subjects critically and there’s three, you know, major factors that I’ve kind of focused on, or identified. And especially as it relates to the “Holocaust”.
Location of Holohoax Museums in the USA (Click image to enlarge)
And the first one is how it’s always repeated. You always hear about the “Holocaust“! The repetition itself is very powerful and effective in implementing this psychological warfare operation. Think about, I mean, in school you hear about it all the time. You see it in our movies, you see in Hollywood, you see in our culture, you see in all these all the “Holocaust” Memorial Museums, which is essentially an industry that the jews have created with this fake story. And you most certainly see this institutionalized by our government! Certainly by the United States Federal government and probably every other Western nation. I mean, not probably, most certainly, every other Western nation! It’s the same story no matter where you go.
Alfred: Yeah.
John: You know, they have this fake narrative institutionalized by the government and you’re not allowed to question it. And see, that’s another aspect of it. That the holocaust story really is never explained properly. It’s never explained in context of what was really going on. It’s just presented as this truly horrific story that no one is supposed to question! But everyone is supposed to believe, just blindly believe and accept it. You don’t need any evidence, or proof, you know, you’re just supposed to accept it. It’s, you know, like the ultimate taboo in our society to even question this narrative.
Alfred: That’s the whole thing, it’s a religion, but it’s a religion of what I call, “The religion of the devil”, because they are using this to carry out their agenda, which is at our expense. I will read you a little quotation here from one of these jews. His name was Alexander Trachtenberg. He lived from 1885 to 1966. And this is what he said in 1944.
He said:
“When we get ready to take the United States we will not take you under the label of Communism, we will not take you under the label of Socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people and have been ‘speared’ too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable! We will take it under ‘Liberalism’, under ‘Progressivism’, under ‘Democracy’. But take it we will!”
And that was like I said, a quote from Alexandria Trachtenberg in 1944 at the Communist Party’s Madison, at the National Convention of Communist Parties in Madison Square Garden in 1944. So you see, how far they have come with their agenda. And now this holohoax, this ridiculous fantasy, jewish fantasy, that we are they’re supposed to throw us onto our knees, accepting all these invaders.
I think they are themselves quite surprised at their success, which was due to the technological revolution which, of course, in television and radio and the magazines, the printed media, which they completely took control of that, and would not tolerate anybody else controlling any of that, because they knew that through these medians they can control our minds. And that is why now in the digital age, that is why you get people, like it’s always jews that took over all the Internet technology. Not because they invented it, or anything, but because they used every trick in the book to steal it and get control of it basically. Because they knew the importance of it, where we were just too naive and didn’t understand what was going on.
But this technology is not something they can really control. Now they’re trying to, like you said before, teaching us the “Holocaust” narrative in the schools and everywhere. And yet, all these things that they are putting, all these monuments and so forth, these will be the first things that will just be torn to shreds! And they will not have enough people to protect them! Because when we get a critical number who understand that, well if you can’t get the parasite himself, you get the monuments, what represents them. Whatever landmarks you have, they will all get torn down and stomped on! Not one of these “Holocaust” things will survive.
And the further they push this, trying to make their laws more draconian, you know, with the death penalty for anti-semitism — which is what they’ll do if they can, they’ve done it before. The further they drive this the more, it’s like putting another, you know, wrapping a pressure cooker with scotch tape, or something and putting a flame underneath it. You’re not going to prevent that explosion from happening. And when this, the truth which is growing under the surface, growing and growing, when that erupts, it will sweep everything that was stood in it’s way! It will sweep it away! Need everybody now at this point in time, 2017, will have the opportunity to explain what they did, or did not do, to keep the lies under cover, or to help the lies come out!
Everybody will be measured on what they did. And it’s nice to know that lists are now being generated everywhere of teachers, for example, teaching this “Holocaust” bullshit. These teachers will have some explaining to do! And that day is coming closer, every single day! So that everybody who listens to this should understand, this is a responsibility, we have to start becoming responsible for what’s going on around us. And if somebody thinks they don’t have to and will just go with the flow, that’s going to be a bad situation to be in, because the flow is turning, the wind is changing, the truth is coming out. And nothing can stop the truth now!
John: Yes sir! I love it Alfred! I love your optimism! You’re so spot on and that’s exactly what is going to have to happen if we’re ever going to get this stuff under control and have a proper understanding of our history.
Very well said! I appreciate hearing that. It’s uplifting. Because sometimes it can be kind of depressing and especially in your situation. Geez, after how much you’ve gone through, to have that sort of attitude, I really just admire you. Go ahead if you wanted to comment. I want to bring up one other aspect of the fake “Holocaust”.
Alfred: Just while you are on that point. You’re saying you like the way I present that. I’ll tell you one thing, that when, people notice it everywhere, that when you come out of this matrix of lies, it’s like a rebirth and you find a new energy that you didn’t even know you had! When you are living in a world of labels and guilt and so forth, you’re just listless and there’s no purpose and you have no energy. You don’t even know you’re just existing.
But, once you understand who you are and what is going on, then you can understand why our forefathers accomplished what they accomplished! Because they did not have to struggle under this “lead blanket” of lies and forbidden thoughts. This construction of lies where some fucking jews are telling you, you know, to get on your knees, because of some phony “Holocaust”. I mean, honest to God, I have, in fact, when you spend, let’s say a week, with people who are awakened, who are informed and then you go back and go into a crowd of people who are zombies, it’s like being with a bunch of little tiny children! Completely helpless, little hopeless children. And you say how can these children, these little kids, who believe these lies, they have no hope for surviving what’s coming if they don’t get out of that condition.
It really is set up for a collapse for total failure that’s why you see the people who have come out and understand this, they’ll generally have a lot more energy than the zombies who are trying to keep them down. In fact, the zombies, they always come in crowds. They can only move in a herd, a big pack.
A main street of Jasper, Alberta, Canada.
Look at what happening to Monika [Alfred’s sister] in the town she lives in, Jasper [Alberta, Canada] . The people are attacking her, but like as a complete and total cowards! In a town like Jasper is there not a single man with a brain and balls! ? No! They’re all, “Oh! She’s a Nazi!” it’s so pathetic! I’ll give you a little scene that she went through recently. She was walking down the sidewalk and a car pulled up, you know, a bunch of young guys, White guys, European guys, you know, eighteen years old, or something. They roll down the windows and scream at her:
“Oh, you Nazi!”
And I said [to her]:
“Don’t they understand that when Monika is doing is to help these people? It’s for people these people so that they have a future.”
But they are so sick with these lies that they actually attack her!
And that’s what the jews have always said. They said:
“We will get the goy to become agents of their own destruction!”
And that’s a perfect example of that. When my sister Monika is being attacked by her folk, fellow people, because they are sick and they’ve been conditioned like laboratory rats to do that, and they do that. Then you can see the jewish plan playing out, where they said and openly stated in the Protocols and everywhere else, that:
“They will be agents of their own destruction!”
And that’s what we’re seeing right now throughout our societies.
John: Yes. Yeah and we’ve been seeing that for a very long time. It’s kind of a theme of our history.
You know, what one thing I wanted to bring up and this is again is another point that I’ve kind of tried to emphasize and make on my website and the podcasts that I do, is all of the propaganda relating to the fake “Holocaust” narrative, whether it’s the Hollywood movies, or the books you read in school, or, you know, the documentaries, it’s all very emotional and very traumatizing! You see all these, you know, horrific photographs of dead bodies. You hear, you know, the quote, unquote “Holocaust” survivor. You hear their testimony, and what they allegedly went through. How they lost all their family. They lost their sister, their uncle, their mother, etcetera. It goes on and on and on, and nine times out of ten they’re totally fake stories, or somehow otherwise embellished. What’s your take on this aspect? Because this to me is why people have such a hard time questioning it, is because they’ve been traumatized by all of this propaganda.
Alfred: Yeah. What the Jews have learned a long time ago, is that if you can take a picture and the pictures are true, but what they say about the pictures is not true. They will take pictures of the people that were slaughtered by the jews themselves, like the Bolsheviks, or like in Eastern Europe, were you take a Holodomor in Ukraine, or something, where millions of people starved to death. So, that resulted in having huge piles and piles of bodies, you know, depending on the circumstances, situation. So you take these pictures and then you write underneath them, oh:
“These are all jews that the Germans killed, the Nazis killed!”
So, people see the picture and they read what it says below and they think that. Just look at 9/11. They show us pictures of, you know, two towers coming down, which they did, they came down, and they tell us that these were Arabs with carpet knives.
John: Box cutters.
Alfred: Box cutters. And so people believe that shit for like, … I believed that for quite a long time, which is quite shameful that I fell for that.
And once you get that, they use the same script over and over and over again! They take a picture, some story and they write something completely false about it and they pump it out on all their channels, which is all under their control, and that’s how they do it.
So that’s the whole thing, to become healthy again, we have to understand that what they are feeding us is lies!
That’s why we have to form, we have to become our own media. Once you extricate yourself from this jewish media and then you go back and look at something, you cannot believe that you ever watched that stuff. You know, when I see what they bring on German news here, it’s just so sickening, it’s so disgusting! It’s complete, total, indoctrination and lies! It’s worse here than I think it ever was in the former Soviet Union. And we used to mock that and not understand that we ourselves are also being lied to. And now they are just lying to the whole world! And the whole world is waking up simultaneously.
John: Yeah. No doubt! It’s one gigantic scam and it’s so obvious to see. Once you really start thinking about these subjects and really do your own research, and come to your own conclusions, you can really just see it everywhere! And see, you know, all the propaganda in all the commercials, for example. Or really anything that’s on the television, anything that comes out of the radio. Even a lot of things you see on the Internet, you know.
And getting back to the role of like, survivors, “Holocaust” survivors. I’ve been seeing a lot of articles lately, and you see this from time to time in the jewish press. How they’re sort of, you know, they’re afraid! Because all of these, quote, unquote, “Holocaust” survivors are dying and they’re afraid that, you know, the memory of the “Holocaust” is somehow going to fade away, or something. And they’re actually, they’re literally creating, you know, like virtual reality and having these like simulated “Holocaust” survivors in these museums now. Have you seen anything about this? Have you seen any news stories about this? I just saw an article of Haaretz’s the other day that I tweeted. And, you know, they’re basically creating these fake “Holocaust” survivors and putting them in virtual reality in order to perpetuate this fake story! It’s ridiculous!
Alfred: I know a story, I read this about a year or so ago, it was in the UK, someplace, where the younger jewish people are saying:
“Oh, you know, just hearing what my grandmother went through, it as traumatized me and I need special care!”
So they’re whining on, whining on about, how they are also “Holocaust” survivors, because they hear these stories from their grandmother, and blah, blah, blah. So they’re just taking these lies, trying to take these lies further and further.
The thing is that the jews have maneuvered themselves, painted themselves, into a corner and they don’t know how to get out of that. They are on a stage and don’t know how to get off! And that’s why I say we have to try to open a door for those jews who are not the culprits themselves. To come out from this construction of lies. Because these lies are over! They have no future! And if they choose to try to exploit these lies at our expense they will have some explaining to do when the mob comes and looks for justice! Which it will! The mob will, I mean, it was not without a reason that the jews have been tossed out of about 109 countries, or areas, before, that we know of. It’s probably a lot more that we don’t know of, because they like to erase history all the time. So this always leads to the same result.
Map of jewish Migrations and Expulsions (click to enlarge)
It’s like you have a parasite and the parasite grows and grows inside of you, until one day you just throw up, you puke it out! And that’s what’s going to happen. We are now at the stage where we cannot stand these lies anymore! And we are going to throw up, get rid of it, toss it out! And when you get, when you have this condition, you feel like you’re going to die at that moment. You get really sick. But after you have thrown up, got rid of the parasite, then you can start to recover and slowly get back to a meaningful life that has some kind of a future!
Because living with a parasite controlling you completely and totally, bringing in, flooding your lands that your forefathers fought for and built, with invaders out of the Third World, not being able to resist. That is no life! That is not a future! And then these invaders are so audacious and tell you that you are guilty of something, while they’re stealing everything from you! They’re profiting from this.
So that’s it, like it is up to us! And that’s why when you talk to other White people it is everybody’s duty to do everything you can to all of those who are near and dear to you, to make sure they are immune to these control trigger words, become healthy again and join our team. And we have to grow our team and that’s what we’re doing.
John: Yes, exactly! Well said.
Now, I wanted to wrap up and get your take on sort of, what’s going on here in America with President Trump? And then, you know, maybe the prospects of other nationalists in Europe. I mean, do you see any sort of political solution to any of this, or any prospects in the political arena in addressing any of these issues?
Alfred: Not with Trump. Trump has been a massive deception. We had a lot of people warning us about it. Some of us had hopes that he has triggered a certain awareness of our, the fact that we’re being lied to. But now Trump has caved in and is nothing but a sledge, … is being used as a sledgehammer by the jews against Iran probably, against Syria, against, basically trigger the Third World War.
John: Against against North Korea as well. Yeah, he’s just warmongering against everyone.
Alfred: And I think, you don’t know how much of that is just bullshit, how much is just to make us hysterical. There is no reliance on any information. But we do know one thing, that Trump has exposed himself as being a pathetic tool of these jews!
Some of us might have the hope that his big ego, if he understood enough of what’s going on, that he would actually do something for our people! But he hasn’t. He has proven himself to be a tool, their tool. That’s why the solution is going to be, it’s going to be an ugly one. It’s going to be brutal. But he is basically, Trump is probably going to be the last President from this system that we have now, and then were going to go into a chaos mode.
And that’s why it’s good to have networks of your own people. People in the countryside that have their own farms and so forth, who have the best chance of surviving that. But we’re going to go into a very chaotic time. And I was hoping, we were hoping that Trump might steer us out of this stranglehold, from under the stranglehold of the parasite, but he’s not. He’s actually a tool, their tool, so that is not looking good.
John: Yes, I basically agree with you. And I wanted to give Trump some benefit of the doubt and give him some time to see if he could actually follow through on any of the stuff that he ran on. And it doesn’t look like he’s going to be doing that any time soon.
He’s just been increasingly, more and more disappointing. And I mean, he’s basically even outright betraying, you know, a lot of the things that he said and said he was going to do, whether it’s the “Wall”, you know, he’s basically backing down the wall now. He just said the other day that, you know, the “Dreamers” these illegal aliens who were born here, you know, he’s basically saying that they are OK. They’re not criminals, they can stay. You know, it’s very disappointing! And to top it all off, now he’s really sucking up and kissing up to the jews. He just gave a speech at the US “Holocaust” Memorial Museum, just today I think it was.
Alfred: I know, that’s beyond, … For me I mean, for him to have so little, such a dysfunctional brain is nothing short of astounding. But a positive thing is that I do not recall ever having a President of the United States being exposed, to being the fraud in such a short period of time. I mean, how long has he been in power now? And look at how people have now seen through, in fact, he is nothing, but pathetic puppet of these jews!
Now that we know it we know what we’re dealing with. So that’s it. They’re are going to have to try to put us all up against the wall and kill us all, like they’ve done in the Soviet Union? But I don’t think, you know, it’s world wide now, it’s global and this is an end game! This is the part of the jewish plan that will not go according to their original designs.
John: Right. Well, guys, I put up some some links on my Twitter feed. Go to my Twitter feed and check out some of Trump’s recent statements dealing with the “Holocaust” and, you know, speaking in front of these big jewish groups and whatnot. It is enough to make you want to vomit. I mean, I almost did earlier today. I was watching some of his, well I pretty much watched the whole thing, it was like fifteen minutes long of his speech at the “Holocaust” Memorial Museum. And it’s just so pathetic! It’s all the ridiculous talking points! It’s all the jew ass-kissing and, you know, “Never again!” and “We stand with Israel!”.
All the other nonsense you hear repeatedly from all the other politicians. It is very, very disgusting to watch and it just shows once again, you know, we’re never going to get anywhere unless we’re openly dealing with revisionism, with the fake “Holocaust” narrative. Unless we’re openly dealing with other controversial topics, like 9/11, for example. And, you know, the reality of race. I mean, we have to deal with these subjects as adults. And Alfred, I think you’re right. I mean, we’re at a moment in history where you can get on your phone, you can get on your internet. Get on, you know, get on your computer and discover the truth about all of these topics. You really can! You have the information, it is easy available to you.
You know, you’re going to be judged on how, you know, where you stand right now.
Alfred: Absolutely.
John: You know, what role are you playing and helping to expose these lies? Or are you going along with it? Or are you, you know, benefiting off of it, or are you facilitating this crime spree? That are are no excuses anymore.
Alfred: Yes. What you have to remember, those people who choose to keep their head in the sand are betraying all of our forefathers and they are betraying all of our children! This is a single moment in history and the lies are going through and for anybody to pretend not to understand, if you if you are still supporting the lies you are, either because you are a coward, or you are a traitor, or you are retarded! But the lies are going through. There’s no honor in pretending you don’t understand.
And that’s the whole thing, people have to understand. That you really will be hiding in shame by protecting the lies. Because no matter how much you think everyone else is going with the lie, no they’re not. People are waking up an incredible rate. Faster than ever before. This is an exponential curve, so I just tell people that if you want to be taken seriously by anybody in the future you’d better start speaking up loudly and clearly. Because we are taking note of who is pretending not to understand. And these people are shameful, just shameful, disgusting!
John: Yes sir! And it has to be emphasized we all have a role to play, every last one of us! You know, where, what role are you going to play? That’s what you need to ask yourself.
Alfred: Exactly!
John: So, yes, very good Alfred. I’m glad that you were able to come on the podcast and talk about some of your recent activities. So I mean, I guess, real quick, just to wrap up. Where do you currently stand? Are you basically waiting to go to court, or how’s year legal situation?
Alfred: They told me I have the obligation to get a lawyer. And then I had a good colleague of mine, a comrade, and he says he has a good lawyer for you, because if you don’t, if you let them give you one they’ll get some communist, or something and not really work for you.
But the thing is, I don’t think anything’s going to happen. They keep this in a state of limbo, because they know that they don’t really have a chance against us as a team. And we are a good team. Or they have to lock us up with some new law that they are going to bring in and do it like in the Soviet Union, basically. Throw us down a deep hole and kill us or something.
This is now at the point where they have to either, become extreme and just kill us, hopefully that will instill enough fear in other people to keep their mouths shut, but the truth is coming out, so I don’t know! Right now, I’m just enjoying life, I’m working like crazy, I’m talking to you about things I’m not allowed to talk about. But I don’t pay attention to somebody who tells me, you know, how to think, I don’t take him seriously. And that’s it! Like, I do not obey a law that is illegal, put it that way.
John: Right on. Well I admire you sir and I wish you the best. You’ll have to keep me and hopefully the audience posted on developments. Maybe we can do this again in a couple months and we’ll see where you’re at. And, you know, I agree with your optimism. I mean, I think that we’ve made a lot of progress. I think it’s still going to be a long struggle, obviously. But we have a very valid and terribly righteous cause and we shouldn’t be ashamed of it. And, you know, people got to get involved and you’re certainly doing your, you know, playing your part.
Alfred: Well thank you John! And I always say that you are also a shining light, a beacon of courage and initiative and that’s what we want to see more of. People need to support you, they need to do stuff themselves. Everybody has to start doing something! Doing nothing is just not good enough!
John: Yes I agree. OK Alfred, well, thank you very much for joining me this evening. I really do appreciate it. And yeah, we’ll have to do this again in the future.
Alfred: Absolutely! And the pleasure is all mine. Thank you very much John. Thank you.
John: All right, thanks everybody for tuning in. We will talk to you all very soon.
PDF Notes
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* Total pages = 62
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Realist Report Interviews Alfred Schaefer – April 2017 – TRANSCRIPT
Version History
Version 7: Jan 22, 2020 — Re-uploaded imaged and PDF for katana17.com/wp/ version.
Version 6: May 13, 2017 — Added PDF of post for download.
Version 5: May 3, 2017 — Completed proofing transcript.
Version 4: May 2, 2017 — Completed proofing 65 minutes of transcript. Added more images.
Version 3: May 1, 2017 — Completed proofing 55 minutes of transcript. Added 3 images.
Version 2: April 30, 2017 — Completed proofing 45 minutes of transcript. Added 1 image.
Version 1: Published April 29, 2017 — Created post. Completed first 25 minutes of transcript.
I will do time slot 25:00 to 35:00 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I will do time slot 35:00 to 45:00 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Reblogged this on TORONTO News & Views.
Thank you ELN for spreading the word.
Stay the course, Katana17 …. you’re doing good work. Plus, that was an outstanding interview with Alfred Schaefer highlighting all the pertinent points on this topic.
Thanks for the support ELN! Yes John and Alfred did a great job with this one.
I will do time slot 55:00 to 65:00 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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