Alex Jones Debates David Duke 20150818 Full Interview — TRANSCRIPT – Part 1


Alex Jones debates David Duke


Part 1


Aug 18, 2015


Published on Youtube, Aug 20, 2015









[NOTE TO READERS: If you spot any errors in the text please leave a note in the comment section. Thanks.]






PART 1 ………………………………. 1


Alex Jones Introduction: history of the human race and tribalism

Christian Western ethic of transcending tribalism and having a tribe of love and of helping others

Targeting Whites with cultural guilt to accept the larger New World Order agenda

Erase words and create a new dark age of ignorance

The New World Order controls all the sides, keeps us tribal, wages war against the black community

David Duke is the mirror image of the spectrum that is promoted by La Mancha La Raza and the black supremacist groups

Humanity being paved over by the Hollywood culture of death

I want to get people outside the box to see the prison economy


David Duke Introduction: who the real elite is in this country and the world that is truly an enemy of all mankind?

There exists a vicious hate propaganda and racism against the European Americans.

European Americans have about a 1.6 birthrate which means we are losing a quarter of our people every generation.

European Americans have no  control over the media, the banking system, the Federal Reserve, our foreign policy or even our politics

Over the past three decades every Federal Reserve chairman and vice chairman has been a Jewish supremacist

Zionism absolutely is a jewish supremacist phenomena. It is a racist phenomena

How the jews have become the American elite

Goldman Sachs, the biggest predator, the most evil predator, international bank in the world

Goldman Sachs, the chief corporate contributor of both the Democrats and the Republicans

Paying women not to have men in the house literally destroyed the black community

Blacks and Whites are victims of this Zio control of our media

Every one of the ten largest Hollywood studios of movies and television are all Jewish controlled

What do you think of Donald Trump?

I don’t know if I can trust him, because he has been involved with the Zionists.

Orwell talked about the controlled opposition

In the 1960s, as a young teen, I began to realize that European Americans were going to become a minority in this country.

Jewish divide and conquer strategy

What is your view of at Adolf Hitler?

The West funded the rise of Hitler

No evidence at all that western nations supported the rise of Hitler

So everything is the Jews fault?

Public gender neutral bathrooms

They are in a race to Balkanize us

The KKK was not the author of Planned Parenthood.

We have a repeating cycle of poverty in America

There is a problem with White birthrates in America.

Jewish racism and tribalism is the real supremacy on the planet earth

The people being genocided are the European people. Our birthrate now is 1.6 per couple

Sexual degeneracy, the lesbian and gay agenda is 98% dominated and controlled by Jewish extremists.

Every major Jewish organization in America supports gun control

Kill White people and get paid for it, what’s not to like”.

Jews dominated the world wide slave trade for two thousand years!

There is a Jewish campaign to make Whites a minority everywhere they live

David, were you a “goblin Cyclops” before you were a dragon?

I think the war between the States was not a civil war.

The South might have won the war if it wasn’t for Judah P. Benjamin

Rabbi Yosef compared gentiles around the world, black people as well, anyone who is not a Jew, with a donkey.

David Duke is basically saying there is a world wide Jewish conspiracy

Putting fluoride in the water to reduce fertility of everybody and to reduce IQ

What should be done with the Jews if you are right?



PART 2 ………………………………. 33

What’s my position on fluoridation? I’m absolutely against it.

Dukes position on eugenics

The Monsanto family was a huge Jewish slave holding family

Alexander Solzhenitsyn on the greatest mass murder of all times by Jewish communism.

The chief financial supporter of the Bolshevik Revolution was the Jew Jacob Schiff

The Jew Yagoda killing 10 million Christians in Russia

Jewish terrorism in the Lavon Affair

The deliberate attack on the USS Liberty by Israel

Jonathan Pollard and the most damaging spy case in American history

Looking out into the future, where do you see the world in 10, 20, 30 years

If this continues to go on, exactly the same kind of conditions that under Jewish-led Bolshevism in Russia. Gulags and the destruction of our people

The “Jewish” takeover of America

WW II was a destructive war against European mankind that could have been avoided.

Jacob Javits, led the fight for the opening of our borders to change our immigration law in, ’67

Some say Catholics are in control of everything

I don’t care if you are black, White, Asian or whatever

You wouldn’t tell me what Grand Cyclops, Grand Dragon meant. I mean those are serious questions

Our people are facing real genocide. We are facing the loss of our own countries

Every major Jewish organisation supports this destruction of America

There are more Jews, at Harvard and the Ivy League, 2% per cent of the population, than there are our 70%

In my book “The Secret Behind Communism” I prove that the Russian revolution was overwhelmingly a Jewish movement.

Oh! You never answered the question about the whole Catholic conspiracy

It’s not the Catholics who own and control the Hollywood destructive media. It’s not Catholics who control the international banks

Christian Zionists, I feel for them, I feel pity for them. That they’ve been so brainwashed by the Jewish media

I’d love to hear Duke’s opinion about Vladimir Putin

This idea of Jewish supremacy and control of the world, has been around a long time

Man, I just, it’s just Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew.

What about the Rockefellers and the Nazis?

The Rothschilds, by the way, bought off Winston Churchill, a gentile collaborator

They have ethnically cleansed 600,000 Palestinians

The reason we’ve supported ISIS, is because Israel saw Syria as an enemy

Are you a Christian?

Yes I am.

Jews were the ones, in fact, who crucified Jesus Christ

Jews have been an enemy of the rest of mankind for a long time.

David Duke, very wolf like. Nice little friendly wolfie. My, what big eyes he has


GENERAL INDEX (PDF) ……………………… 83



Version History






Voice Over: He’s the T-Rex of political talk! Alex Jones on the GCN radio network!



Alex Jones:  I’m just going to be completely honest, as I’m always am, teleprompter free. Telling it like it is. I’m going to be completely honest with why I have got Dr David Duke, the former Klu Klux Klan Grand Dragon, joining us for the full hour, into the next hour, if he will stay with us.


I think it’s best to start this interview, this debate, this discussion, this way.


I never had people like Dr. William Pierce or David Duke on the show because I did not want to have a Jerry Springer type program or a Rivaldo Riviera type program. If I just wanted ratings I could be a shock jock, and you know, just be a co-host with Howard Stern. I mean literally they have talked to me about a slot on the Howard Stern show. That is not what I have attempted to do. And I thought bringing people on like David Duke would just stir people up, and I’ve always been about trying to get people to transcend tribal, racial, systems. And to have a tribe of humans based on upward mobility, based on renaissance, based on promoting ideas of quality. Based on systems of liberty, and freedom, and private property, and free association.




Because humans are tribal. Humans are based on clans, on families, on tribes, on groups. If you didn’t have that tribal system you would never have had the Greeks or the Romans, or the Aztecs, or the Shoguns, no one. You have the Chinese trying to invade the Japanese. You have the Japanese invading the Chinese, you have the South Koreans hating the North Koreans. You have one African tribe attacking another African tribe because they are across the river.


And mainly if you read human animal psychology, Konrad Lorenze, Desmond Morris or any of the basic stuff, it’s true.   The more aggressive a mammal species the more loving and sweet it is in the den. And so in your tribe you are not killing each other you are loving each other. If someone does attack someone for no reason, the tribe will ostracize them or kill them. But you are a predator that preys on animals.


Well, as human populations got bigger 6,000 years ago, as we became agrarian, I’m going to go to Duke in a moment, this is my preface, we began to wage war against each other. And to be able to go over the mountain and rob and kill the men and take the woman. So much of conquest was about getting more women. It didn’t matter if it was native Americans raiding settler villages to get their women and children, or whether it was the Romans doing it, it’s the same human system.


And you have to demonize who you are going to loot, who you are going to to steal from, who you are going to overtake and who you are going to control. And that is a human condition? It’s a human attribute from those primitive times. Is it an attribute in modern times?


We are sold on the idea that we need to be color blind, love everyone, be guilty, and pay all the taxes, accept the Obama Care and turn our guns in, or we are racists.


And so the Christian Western ethic of transcending tribalism and having a tribe of love and of helping others, that is truly transcendent and altruistic, that was produced in the West, exported to the world, created modern civilization and all the good things we have. Ninety per cent of it comes from Western culture. No one can debate that. And so the Christians promote the end of slavery, the end of serfdom in the last 300 years in Europe. It has ended worldwide except for areas of Africa and the Middle East where it still goes on and is cute and funny because it’s not White people doing it. It’s like when Muslims are putting hoods on women’s heads, radical Muslims are chopping their genitals off, it’s cute because it’s their culture. Or when the Aztecs were chopping hearts out, it’s not bad because it’s part of their culture. But if Whites have a crooked toenail it’s evil!


Why is this being done? It’s being done because Western culture is the dominate culture and if you can dominate it you dominate the world. And the eugenicists are targeting blacks, hispanics, Whites, everybody, but they are targeting Whites with cultural guilt to accept the larger New World Order agenda.


And I don’t debate that, no one can.




They are trying to ban the word “master” in colleges. “Masters Degrees”, “Masters” in golf. It’s nothing to do with slavery, it’s about how to erase words and create a new dark age of ignorance. Headline,, “Yale professors, students leaving campuses over racist word, ‘master’”., today.



Biggest gay lobby group in America urges schools to ban the words, “boy” and “girl”, saying it’s hateful. See, normal human biology is under attack. This is a scientific takeover. So, yes there is a war on White people. But the very same liberal Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, technocrats, that are doing this, funded Planned Parenthood, funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, funded the Ku Klux Klan and created the world that we see today. And that’s what I’m saying. It’s a spectrum where the New World Order controls all the sides, keeps us tribal, wages war against the black community. From 15% illegitimacy to 87% illegitimacy. From 5% in prison to 78% in prison.



I mean just, what they have practiced on the blacks, they are doing to everybody. So I’m going to give, and I’m going to skip this network break coming up, I’m going to give Duke the floor here because I’ve had my 5 or 6 minutes. I have no idea what he’s going to say. To say what he has to say.   But here’s what I’m getting at.


The political correctness is such an open cult of ending freedom, of ending true liberalism, of ending free speech and creating class warfare and fusing racial consciousness into class warfare and whipping up giant exported populations to break and further destroy the West. And interactive genocide against the ideas of the West. That, the reason I would have a David Duke on, is not that I agree, with what he is overall doing, but because he is the mirror image of the spectrum that is promoted by La Mancha La Raza, the black supremacist groups and all the rest of it.


And so he should have a show on NBS NBC, right next to Al Sharpton, because they are two people basically promoting the same thing at the end of the day. And he may disagree with that, I don’t think that David Duke believes what he’s doing is bad in the final equation. He believes he’s a hero, a white knight on [in] shinning armor fighting against the global culturalist jihad, or corporate override of civilization. And undoubtedly that is happening. But I see humanity being paved over by the Hollywood culture of death across the board. I see blacks targeted by the Left who I have been around privately when they say, “We hate black people”. So there is a paradox here, where the truth is the Left needs David Duke to point at, so that they don’t actually get the scrutiny and people actually realize that these people are a thousand times, if you believe David Duke is wicked, a thousand times more wicked than he is.


Now David, we will give you the next hour or two if you want. So we can each have 5 or 6 minutes, at a turn here, going over this. But that’s where I come from here, and that’s where this world is going. I want to get people outside the box to see the prison economy, how they have divided us into different groups to play the part of the referee. So David Duke of, joins us. If you want us to do your bio [biography]. Everyone knows about your PHd in history, author of a bunch of best selling books and have been a Grand Dragon Wizard, and all the rest of it. I’m not going to start making jokes about that, but I thank you so much for joining us today and I hope we can have a good debate here.




David Duke:Well, I hope so and if you give me a chance to talk that would be great and I look forward to a real discussion about some of the basic issues, because I’d like to get down to the bottom today, of who the real elite is in this country and the world that is truly, as you say, and it’s totally true, they’re an enemy of all mankind. And I think for them, and you even said this as well in the first part of the show. Is that they want to, in some ways go against European peoples because they want to control the West and the power of the West. And I think that’s why we are in these wars in the Middle East, really wars for Israel, and wars for the globalist powers. 



But I’m not a carbon copy or a mirror image of Al Sharpton. The truth is that there is a racism that dominates America. A supremacism. But it is racism, vicious hate propaganda and racism against the European Americans. 



And as far as eugenics as far as limiting births the real population explosion, Black people have a much higher birthrate then even Whites. Mexicans have a much higher birthrate than even African Americans. European Americans have about a 1.6 birthrate which means we are losing a quarter of our people every generation. The population explosion in the world is an African explosion. The United Nations just recently put out a statistic showing that by 2050 they will be 1.3 billion Africans. And that is almost entirely because of the massive birthrate, so, I don’t believe that these globalists are intentionally trying to limit the birthrates of African American…, of Africans or African Americans or whatever.



The truth is, the only people on the planet who are losing their numbers, who of course it is only what nations that are being massively invaded by immigration which the globalists and the Zionist have set up and dominated in the United States, Canada, Australia and every European nation today is under attack.


And I believe that is because our people don’t have any longer, have control over the media, they no longer have control over the banking system, the Federal Reserve Bank. They no longer have control over our foreign policy or even our politics.


The biggest contributors to politics are absolutely Zionist, and I can prove that and documents that.


And the Federal Reserve, we have had three decades now of Federal Reserve Chairmen, in fact I have a graphic that I have uploaded to your site today, I hope your engineer can put it up, with the Federal Reserve. The FED.



And over the last three decades every Federal Reserve chairman and vice chairman has been a Jewish supremacist, a jewish Zionist. There’s no argument about that fact. Not a single non Jewish head of the Federal Reserve banking system. And that is the ultimate banking power in the world.

If you want to talk about international finance there is no more powerful force in the world then the Federal Reserve.

And these are all Jewish activists. Now I don’t say every Jew, and I agree with you, not every jew is acting against European Americans or against people of the world. But we do know that Zionism absolutely is a jewish supremacist phenomena.

It is a racist phenomena. They kicked 600,000 people out of their lands. Stole their land, have violated them, have murdered them, and tortured them. Periodically killed thousands of women and children and maimed them, in Israel. They are the Power.



But for them to have the power, Israel wouldn’t exist and the jewish supremacists would not exist except for the fact that the jews have basically, and I believe this, they have taken over the American elite. And now when I say this, there is another graphic I have uploaded already.


I will show you a graphic from the New York Times. Mr. Brooks, Mr. David Brooks, one of their leading columnists, in which he literally talks, he talks about an article in a thing called, “the chosen getting in”, and he literally speaks about a jewish taking over the American elite and how the jews have become the American elite. So if you want to talk about the elite in this country I believe they are tribalists.


And, I’m not an image, a mirror image of Al Sharpton because it is, I believe, it is my people that are going to become a minority in the world. Now I respect all people and if I was president of the United States I wouldn’t be having this Globalist agenda. And I certainly would not be invading these countries in these wars for Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan. I certainly would not be supporting the Goldman Sachs of the world. That’s the biggest predator, the most evil predator, international bank in the world.



It is a Zionist institution and that it not only controls international banking, or has a great effect on it and it literally picks who is going to be in our Treasury Department, basically, and the power in the federal reserve. It is an Zionist operation and it is also the chief corporate contributor.


Take a look at the Goldman Sachs again, the, what I have showed you, it is the chief corporate contributor of both the Democrats and the Republicans in the United States of America.


Alex Jones: Now I won’t debate you there. I’ll just interject for one minute and then you can come back for two minutes, just let me continue. Let me just interject.


Davide Duke: Sure.


Alex Jones: When I say mirror image, I meant from his perspective. He promotes all the race based stuff. From your white perspective that is going on, and I’m saying the rhetoric out of La Mancha La Raza. La Raza means the race. You promote stuff that is race based. And so that is what I’m trying to get at here. So when you talk about eugenics, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood was set up in her words, I can pull up her letters if you want, saying that it was to target black people. 52% of black people are never born in this country.





I know there’s giant Third World explosions going on in Africa, that’s two separate things. I was saying, and I’m not saying the eugenicists are being totally successful or totally in control, I was getting at, how do you square, Margaret Sanger, Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, awards to Hitler and getting awards from Hitler and his pals. The Left loves her and I’m saying the Left is really a bunch of shadow controlled freaks, ultimate racists who have gone in and taken over the black community as a beta test and ruined it and pushed every weaponized media form you can imagine and the whole gangsta culture. I mean who can doubt that paying women not to have men in the house literally destroyed the black community as we know it, compared to what it was.




David Duke: There is nobody in America that has talked about that, more than I have. I believe.



Alex Jones: I was unaware of that. I don’t follow a lot of what you have to say. I would see snippets on the news, we would have you on. But, how do you respond to that.



David Duke: Well, I respond this way. I’ve talked against that. I really believe, and I truly believe, that blacks and whites of victims of this of Zio control of our media. It’s an incredibly destructive culture. They push drugs on our kids. We’ve seen the black families totally devastated over the last four or five decades. And that is because of the change in the culture. But who runs Hollywood? It’s not your European American Christians my friend. Every one of the ten largest Hollywood studios of movies and television are all Jewish controlled. I can give you the names. We have a graphic here of Jewish pundits like at the Los Angeles Times, who is in the middle of Hollywood. Where he boasts of Jews totally run Hollywood. In the article he lists all the leaders of the Hollywood networks and he says he is insulted when people try to argue, or when even Jews argue that Jews don’t control all of Hollywood. He’s proud of it, and he goes on to say:


“I don’t care if people think we are running the Federal Reserve or international banking, Wall Street, the media, the government. All I care, is that we keep on running them.”


Now this is what they say. I am quoting what they say, so they call me antiing Semitic. I don’t believe I am antiing Semitic. I believe I am for the rights of all people, including European people. Now what’s going on in this country and Donald Trump is talking about it, and that is why he’s got such popularity, right now.



Alex Jones: That was going to be my next question. What do you think of Donald Trump?



David Duke: Well I don’t know if I can trust him, because he has been involved with the Zionists. And he’s one of these guys in the Republican debate. We have got a controlled media. We, even FOX News is like a controlled opposition. Orwell was so great about that. And Orwell talked about the controlled opposition and in his great book, he talks about the controlled opposition and for some reason he named the controlled opposition, Emmanuel Goldstein. Using two Jewish names. And I think, the Jewish extremists set up a controlled opposition. And if you was the debate it was like an ambush against Donald Trump. And that was because he was talking about the fact that European Americans are using their rights. People who built this great country, who gave us the foundations of the Bill of Rights. All the things that you believe about being replaced.


And here’s the problem. And again I believe in having a kind nation towards all peoples. Supporting all people. I am not for any kind of exploitation. I’ll give you an example. The media is so powerful they just can make name monikers. I have never, ever, been a white supremacist! I believe in equal rights for all people and have always stated that position even back in my Klan days. I was a young man, who back in the 1960s, as a young teen, I began to realize that European Americans were going to become a minority in this country. Everybody else, when I talked about that said, “Oh that’s baloney, that’s never going to happen.” and we are seeing it right now. We are slated to be a minority. Biden tells the, he’s the ambassador himself, that we are going to be a minority and how great it is! We are going to be a minority.


This is a part of the Jewish divide and conquer strategy. And it is a tribal thing. I don’t think, there is nothing wrong, with a Jew or any other people on the planet, Africanning American or Mexican American or anybody to be ashamed of their heritage. They should be proud of their heritage. They should want to preserve it. That’s a very natural, healthy thing. But there is something wrong when people are trying to destroy other peoples and exploit other peoples. And that is what is really going on in this country.



Alex Jones: Well I want to get your views in on that, because you say you are not in a white supremacist. What is your view of at Adolf Hitler? Because I have, not only in mainline history books, but in the Nuremberg trials, a lot of German writings as well. I mean the Nazis were really a weird death cult. They really were into all sorts of weird ceremonial magic. They really did think Hitler was God.



David Duke: Well I think, …



Alex Jones: I mean, I really genuinely know there are two sides to World War II.


David Duke:Yes.


Alex Jones: But the West funded the rise of Hitler. The West signed a secret treaty that has been basically released by the British to back Hitler in a take over of Europe. They had Edward the eighth ready to be the new king of Europe. They double crossed, but that doesn’t mean that Hitler is good. It means that she again, the West, England, British intelligence, along with some of the US, was setting things up. Now take Prescott Bush, the head Nazi agent in the US. And their plan for a coup with Smedley Butler. I mean there is all this other stuff going on.




David Duke: I don’t think he had agents in the United States at all. I’m sorry, but I believe the information you have there is false. Maybe it’s planted by the people who  [spread]  disinformation. The truth is, that there is no evidence at all that western nations supported the rise of Hitler, or any of the gentile establishments in America. The jews were…


Alex Jones: He was on the cover of Time magazine! My grandfather remember hearing him in Dallas. They would air him on the radio.



[Image] Hitler on the cover of Time magazine, April 13, 1936.


David Duke: They did not promote Adolf Hitler. If you look at the New York Times, and our media in America. Even back then the New York Times was dominated… The Jewish publication, the Sulzbergers, had article after article every day of our lives about how evil the Germans were. There were a lot of lies about the Germans to. The fact is, that there was no greater, the internationalists saw no greater enemy than Germany in the Second World War. And both the Zionists on one side, the Zionist jews on one side, which influenced the West, as Charles Lindbergh pointed out, and communist jews on the other side, supported Marxism. We knew, …



Alex Jones: So everything is the Jews fault? Do you really believe that?


David Duke:It’s not all the Jew’s fault. But you got to understand, they have, they have a complete domination of our media, our academia. They have a complete…


Alex Jones: All right. David Duke, is our guest if you have just tuned in. We are going to come back and let you hear from him. This is unfiltered, uncensored. It is live and we are really going to get started into the meat and potatoes.


[commercial break]


Alex Jones: You know, we should open the phones up somewhere in the next hour, if David Duke stays with us. You can call in. People who disagree with him, people who agree with him. I’ve just tried to stay out of all this stuff the years. I just promote free market, lower taxes, school choice, sovereignty, so that people could make their own decisions. But it’s clear the ruling elite in the West, whoever they are. It’s a mix of groups. Are pushing weaponized media. Where they now say the word “boy and girl” is hateful, so ban it in schools. And it it is happening. And I saw a public gender neutral bathroom yesterday. And I had my daughters with me and we couldn’t use it. And I talked with my daughters about it and they said:


Yes, we don’t want to go in there with other men!


I was talking to a lady about it last night and she goes,


Yah, I ran into one of those now, and you go in there and they are all men in the bathroom, and there are guys at urinals right beside you.



You know, in all cultures men and women stay separate for a reason. That’s just the way it’s always been. This is an attempt, what I’m saying, this is beyond what David Duke is saying and people freak out about what he says. It’s just milquetoast, compared to what MTV promotes. I mean, look at these headlines.


Yale Professor: Students leaving campus over racist word ‘master’, educator calls for ban of the word over the racist and gender weight it carries.” It’s about controlling words.

Biggest gay lobby group in America urges schools to ban the words ‘boy’ and ‘girl’.

Danish politician convicted for racism for offending Muslims.

Blood money, Planned Parenthood has politicians completely paid off, media in it’s pocket.

California green party promotes free slaps for straight White men.




I mean, this is just a bunch of people organizing their own weird tribes, freaking out over their sexual preferences. I mean this is a society in decline.


School told to call kids purple penguins because ‘boys and girls’ is not inclusive to transgender.

Nebraska school bans the term ‘boys and girls’. To train teachers to avoid, ‘gendered expressions’.


I mean, this is a cult. Where they can tell you what to believe, what to say, and how to talk and arrest you if you don’t do it. These are totalitarians. And it’s anti human. And it’s out of control.

Let’s say the government sets me up. Like they did to David Duke. And I don’t agree with a lot of what David Duke has to say. But I remember looking at his case in the news, when it happened and knowing that the IRS, you know, that he had a tax exemption that shouldn’t be tax exempt, for his group. Which they are supposed to issue the tax exemption for a political organization or a cultural organization. And they put him in jail for years! And now they are putting tens of thousands of conservatives and libertarians.




Alex Jones: Now first they came for the Grand Dragons, and then they came for the pro-gun groups, and then they came for the veteran groups, and I didn’t stand up, so then they came for your property rights groups. And the emails have come out that Lois Lerner is targeting conservatives, libertarians.



So, the point is, if I got thrown into prison, they would say, you are going to the white area. And even if I wasn’t racist, against Hispanics and blacks, I inherently don’t know who they are individually. It doesn’t matter. They have been put into racial groups and have been turned into racially organizations by the government by design. And I think that’s what I’m saying. That it transcends all this, whoever the ruling elite are, and there are different power groups. They are using divide and conquer clearly to control. Don’t we need to point out that the Left is promoting racism and division and then not go join our own racial groups to play into their game. But transcend it and try to come together. Because they are in a race to Balkanize us. That is what the elite wants. And economically even if you want to segregate yourself they are going to try and not let you do it.


So, I’m simply here, really trying to have sophisticated thought. I’m not saying that David Duke is not sophisticated. I just heard all this over and over again. And I’ve also experienced at the hands of the anti-Mason groups, the anti-Catholic groups, the anti-Jew groups, where they give just God like superpowers to whoever they believe runs everything. And so, therefore I’m Jewish because I’ve been successful, or I am only successful because Jews tell me what to do and I’m on the hotline to Tel Aviv.


You know there is no discussion, there’s a bunch of diverse Jewish organizations and groups, different types of Jews, leftist Jews, right wing Jews, Jews that criticize Israel, Jews that don’t.


It all becomes one big monolithic thing. And so I’m really am trying to figure out what is happening here.


David Duke is our guest I’ve talked for about four minutes here. I’m going to throw it back to him, so that folks see where he’s coming from. All I am saying is that David Duke isnt taking over.


Leftist organizations, whoever runs them, are fantastical in what they push now. I don’t want to turn my guns in, I’m deeply racist. I’m against Obamacare, it’s a screw job written by offshore insurance companies, I’m racist. I mean, this has been said on CBS NBC. No proof. So it doesn’t matter. They have successfully radicalized and racially based their movements. They are going with it and I see the Democratic Party who failed when Republicans passed the civil rights act and the rest of it. Who flipped and then began racially catering to minorities. Running a clan strategy. But now it’s through minorities and successfully doing so.


So, what happens? Americans have been racially divided and then the government can basically turn us all into a giant prison and divide and conquer us. That’s where I see this is going. It doesn’t mean that we should except that whites are inherently evil and should be exterminated. It doesn’t mean that we sit here and give up any white culture we have. No, no, we speak out against all of those attacks. But then do we go and suit up in pointed hats? At the end of the day what does that do?


And then he didn’t answer the question. I want to give you the floor for ten minutes, David. I want you to answer this question. You keep acting like there is no connection between Planned Parenthood and White supremacy and exterminatist operations. That is going on, so how do you square up, that behind the scenes the Democratic party. I mean a fellow Grand Dragon, senator Byrd. The Left excepts and loves him, they don’t accept and love you. There is something else going on here, is what I’m getting to, so go ahead.


David Duke: I’m glad you are giving me ten minutes and I hope you hold to that. Because you did speak even over that, but that’s OK, and I’ll be happy to go…


Alex Jones: No, I just spoke six and a half minutes. Go ahead.


David Duke: I got you. Whatever. My clock says different, but that’s okay.


Alex Jones: Well there was a break. A three minute, a three and a half minute break.


David Duke: Well that’s right, but whatever. But the point is that, and we could go into this. In fact I’ll go to the end of the program for the next hour or two, because you’re right. Because I, … it’s the only way feel I can get a clear exposition of all my positions.


But here’s the issue about that. First off, the KKK was not the author of any sort of Planned Parenthood. What I did and I was in the House of Representatives. By the way, let me make something really clear to you so there is no misunderstanding. Not only have I spoken and been completely opposed to abortion, I also put my money where my mouth is. In the House of Representatives I’ve voted for the strongest anti-abortion law that has ever been passed by a legislative body in the United States of America. So it’s really clear what I stand for.




Alex Jones: Well good job.



David Duke: Well that’s exactly right, but again it shows you the misconceptions people might have. Now here is the point though. I served in the Health and Welfare Committee. And I do believe that massive welfare illegitimacy is something that damages black people and damages the tax payer. We have many married couples who can’t afford to have kids because of the horrific tax program and because of a lot of these so called social welfare programs going on. And when I was in the Legislature, I said that, I don’t think the this is proper that we educate African-Americans or anybody else, it wasn’t based on race, but if you go on the social welfare system, that you should be encouraged to abstain. And if you can’t abstain you should be responsible. If you have children in this system that you are in. Unless your up for [sp] education, unless your up [sp] for advancement. And that’s what we have, a repeating cycle of poverty in America. It’s true and it’s damaging everybody.


And as I said, there is no problem with black birthrates in America. There is no problem with Mexican-American birthrates in America.


This is a problem with White birthrates in America.


One of the reasons why is because we have this denigrated society. A lot of White people say:


I don’t want to bring a kid into this world.


And also they have all sorts of economic hurdles to ride through to be able to have a child today. Whereas the welfare recipient, even though I don’t know if it is necessarily true, sees one more illegitimate child as a path to greater benefits, bigger apartments, welfare apartments, more direct payments, more food stamps, that type of thing. I don’t think it really helps them overall, but they see that bigger cheque and, it’s literally is an incentive. So I said, to qualify for welfare we should at least try to counsel any person on welfare. Especially any person who is not married and who are reproducing these kids without a loving present father, that we should encourage them to either abstain, that’s the best thing, or to practice some sort of responsibility and not bring children into this environment that lessens their opportunity, and makes those children that are born, have a greater chance [?].


The reason why … We spent two trillion dollars on the welfare system in America. I’ve just done a complete report on this. By the way, people can go to I have a massive archive on this. They can read about these issues and they can read about all these issues including all what I’m saying about Jewish racism and tribalism. That’s the real supremacy on the planet earth, really. But, the fact is — I’ve done a big report on it – we’ve spent two trillion dollars on the so-called war on poverty and have more poverty than ever. We’ve got more crime than ever, we’ve got millions of people on drugs, we are not solving these issues. So it’s not any sort of genocide to urge people to be responsible. And that’s what I did when I was in the legislature, I urged that. Of course I was condemned, … naturally.


But the people who are committing the genocide in America in terms of Planned Parenthood, meaning the lessening of births. The people who are being genocided in Europe, and this is the fundamental thing that I hope you understand Mr Jones, and I understand. The people being genocided are the European people. Our birthrate now is 1.6 per couple, I mean, even 2 doesn’t really take care the people that die and aren’t able to reproduce or whatever , …


Alex Jones: You need 2.1.


David Duke: People need, … Give me my 10 minutes please.


It’s certainly, you know, … This is one quarter of our people being lost. I also believe this is also a pattern of the promotion, …  You talked about all this promotion. It’s a good example of this sexual degeneracy, the lesbian and gay agenda and so forth. I can show you, I can prove it to anyone’s satisfaction, it is practically, totally, it is 98% dominated and controlled by jewish extremists. And by the way, they support Israel, these same extremists support Israel which doesn’t even allow a marriage between a man and a man or a woman and a woman. They don’t allow it in Israel. But every major Jewish organization in America, you can go to the Council of [Jewish] Presidents, of major Jewish organizations, which is a real organization, it has a budget of billions of dollars, all these groups.  Every, … That group puts a policy and they support gay marriage, they support gun control of the American people. You talked about earlier in the show, or a show I listened to a while back, that the Israelis were promoting gun control for America They support gun control. This is every major Jewish organization in the United States of America. So, we have a tremendous double standard and I ask you why? I ask, why is it that there is this worldwide campaign of hatred and viciousness against Europeans?


I have another graphic which I can show you. You’ve shown a couple, let me show another graphic here. This is from the movie Django, which was produced by the Weinstein brothers and this is a perfect example of what is going on in this country and the vicious racism, that is going on. This is a quotation from the movie Django, which has the black hero, … It shows black people, … By the way, ever American native [White] is an evil son of a gun in this movie. And they show black people suffering. If we can take a look at that clip again, the image. The quotation is, … the black hero in the movie, for people to admire, goes on:


Kill white people and get paid for it, what’s not to like”.



My God! And this is produced by the Weinstein brothers. And it’s not just the Weinstein brothers, it’s literally every major, it’s every major Jewish studio. Constantly, they are talking about White slavery. Do you know, Mr. Jones, that for instance, in the world, Jews are less than one tenth of one per cent of the population, of the world. Do you know that their own historians boast about the fact that they have controlled and dominated the slave trade, the world wide slave trade for two thousand years!




And that’s in Britannica, in fact. Marcus who was one of their chief historians not only says that the Jews controlled the slavery. They enslaved millions of Europeans over the years. They actually even worked with some of the Corsairs in North Africa, which went and captured Europeans. And they we’re the biggest slave traders even in Muslim countries. They ran the triangular slave trade. There is no argument about it. I can show you in Jewish publications about this.


Now they [Jews] are the world champions of slavery! But what do our Jewish controlled media try to do? They try to create guilt for White people for slavery. When the truth is, in America for instance, under the American union, we only had, we had slavery for, what, ninety years? Or something like that or less than that, even. Okay. And the Jews have been the chief slave traders in the history of the world. The Old Testament says it, in Leviticus, where they literally say, “you can’t enslave your fellow Jews, but non Jews, you can enslave and you can treat harshly”. Now, if they have the guts to try to criticize White people for a hundred years of slavery in the United States of America, they had better be the first ones to condemn themselves. But they don’t do that!


The truth is that every nation on earth has had slavery. Every people has enslaved others, every people have been imperialists. I don’t endorse that. I think slavery is wrong and horrible. And I don’t believe even in imperialism. I think that every people have the right to be free. But the truth is, to condemn European Americans for their role in slavery for a few hundred years is ridiculous. Because then you would have to every nation and the heros of most of the nations on the planet earth. So with have a double, a complete double standard. What we are having in this country is, … There is a campaign to make European Americans a minority in this country, a minority in Canada, a minority in Australia, a minority in France, a minority in Germany, a minority in the UK, a minority in Sweden! Little countries that are beautiful in their traditions. This is a massive crime against humanity!


And I’m not being racist because I am defensive of the things that I love. I love my people, I love my heritage. I know that, … you know, European Americans created the United States of America. They wrote our constitution, they give us our Bill of Rights, including our second amendment rights. And you know and I know that if America becomes a minority nation, you think you are going to keep your guns out there, people who are listening to me right now? You know you are not going to keep your guns. Because every major organization of these other groups, like the NAACP, La Raza, the Jewish groups. All those groups support confiscation of your gun.


The demographics of the United States of America and Europe, to me, is the most important human rights issue in the world. And because of those demographics, because the European American elite, … Ninety percent, European countries, … It is normal to have Europeans being the elite of a ninety per cent populated by their own. To overthrow that elite, they had to put out this hate propaganda, this self-hate propaganda. And they had to incite the minorities against those Europeans who defended themselves. Like myself. I got over sixty per cent of the European American vote in Louisiana. Twice for the US Senate, for the governorship of my state. The people knew I wasn’t a racist. They knew I was a decent person who believed in civil rights and human rights.


But the way they beat me was by inciting hatred in the minorities to get a black bloc vote out there. That’s what really going on in this country. And that’s what they are using. That’s why they are trying to empower this change in America. It’s a divide and conquer strategy. In that way you are very correct. But who is dividing and conquering? If it was really just a question of being against everybody, why would they go only against European Americans and why would they support, … I’ll give you one last example, I guess I have one minute left of my ten. I’ll give you another example.


The SPLC, which is a Jewish run organization. A Mr. Cohen, a very anti-White organization, and Mr. Potock are the two major figures in the organization. They condemn me because I want to preserve my heritage, my way of life, my traditions. Even the way that my children and grandchildren will look some day. And the values they have, right. Well, they condemn, … During the time when we had the Steve Scalise controversy, when you had the congressman who came to one of my meetings, … During that time, they criticized him for simply going to a meeting of European Americans. Right. So here you have, Barbara, excuse me, you have Shulz Wasserman, a Jewish congresswoman who gave a big speech at an international women’s group condemning Jewish intermarriage with non Jews. And by the way they don’t use simply a religious qualification for that. They use that in a racial sense. In Israel, a Jew can marry another Jew who is non-religious. Who hates religion. Who is a communist, whatever. Anybody, … The final determinate in Israel as to whether you can get married is not whether you are a Jew by religion but whether you are a Jew by race!


So, tell me Alex, how in the world, do we have, really, a fair playing field in this country? When the same media promotes the Jewish state of Israel is doing everything they can to destroy European Americans being a majority and really preserving our European American, …




Alex Jones: Sure, OK. Listen that’s ten minutes and I talked for seven minutes earlier. I can’t skip anymore of these breaks, which I’ve been doing so we will have to go a couple of minutes here, a couple of minutes there and take some phone calls. Do some stuff like that.


And I’m not criticizing you here, but the little debate tactic of constantly implying that I’m not letting you talk. You have talked more than I have this here, unless you count the ads as my time. And that is not my time, those are ads on radio. So you’re being able to make your points. You are not being censored, you are not being stopped. So that is not a fair debating tactic to keep implying you’re getting cut off. I’m not trying to be negative here, I’m trying to be nice.


David Duke: I just want my time I’m allotted. That’s for sure.


Alex Jones: Sure, Exactly. Well there is always this criticism that I’m trying to cut people off. But the truth is I let? ? On other shows. I might kind of rudely interject because I get excited when I say something. I’m not polished, I don’t want to be polished. So I think you have been making your points there. Okay.


I’ve got to talk about a sponsor here. But when we come back. Here’s what I’m getting at. I know a ton of Jews who are against globalism, against tyranny, who just want freedom. Who are involved in all sorts of really good things, promoting freedom. And then I constantly see these examples, these charts that are put together, to say, you know, that it’s Jews, period.


I think you can say there are leftist Jews who are, and socialist leaning Jews that are super rich, who are at the core of promoting socialist and communism. I’ve seen Jews leaders on C-Span say, that Judaism is communism. Well, I’ve studied the different flavors of Judaism as well as other religions, and that is not even the case. So there is a lot of this stuff going on, so there is some oversimplifying here happening. So I’m going to make a statement when we come back and get your take on that.


Briefly if you have just tuned in on Alex Jones, this is an interview, a debate with Dr. David Duke. We are going to be having black supremacists on, Hispanic supremacists on. The problem is we have invited them on and they won’t come on. So David Duke did come on the show and I think it’s thought provoking. And that is why we are here to do. To get beyond political correctness. Because in political correctness it’s okay for Wolf Blitzer, or someone like CIA operative like, Anderson Cooper, to interview David Duke, but then I’ve noticed if talk radio shows have him on and even criticize him, then they go:


Look, this talk show host who’s conservative had David Duke on, and he must be with him!




Look! They use the word ‘master’, ‘master’s degree’. That’s code word for masters and slavery”.



“‘Brown bags’ in Seattle, means you don’t like black people”.



So there is this hyper obsession with all this and I think it’s important to get it all out in the open. Suss it out, debate it. Here’s what I’m saying. The West is having 1.3 in Europe on average, it is 1.6 on average in the US, but the global average is about 1.5. Japan has 1.2, 1.3. They’re industrialized. They are not having the kids because of the wealth. That’s the syndrome, the selfishness of wealth. I’m not knocking wealth, it’s just a fact. So I don’t think it’s a targeting thing that’s happening.


I do think people in the West should have kids. I don’t want there be no more Europeans. I think that’s a sad thing. I wouldn’t want to see, … Let’s get rid of all the Africans. Gee, I’d be sad of Africans were dying. I like human populations. I want to go to space. So that’s my statement on that front. I’m trying to transcend just the debate of tribalism. Because when you are being attacked tribally it makes sense to be racially based. I get it. But there is Hispanic, Black, White, Asian, whatever. The point is, couldn’t we come together for free market and freedom?


Why does it have to be if America becomes a majority minority country, that we will loose the guns. With the social demographics of Latin American voters they tend to be socialist, or communism voters. Yes the guns will be taken. I want to reach out to those folks. Because I’ve been able to wake up people who are Hispanic, or Black. I have a lot of Hispanic and Black listeners that are really awake and get, and they’re good people. So, I just want to wake everybody up. I want everybody to succeed. I want everybody to either keep their cultures, mix cultures, don’t. Whatever you want to do. I’m a libertarian. That’s what I’m getting at.


We are going to go to the break, come back and have David’s response for a short five minute segment, then come back again, and then I’m going to go to a bunch of questions that I’ve got for him. Also I’ve got his take on the IRS because he is a political prisoner. I mean they really did target him. They said, “Good, throw him in jail”. Well you’re a tyrant then, because it can be you next. So that’s all coming up.


By the way, we mention that we have the best colloidal silver.


[Star Wars theme music … commercial break]




Alex Jones: Well David Duke, a Ph.D. in history and the former Grand Wizard, Grand Dragon, I…, Grand Cyclops? I don’t know. I’m sorry I just think it’s so funny. David Duke, I’m going to give you the floor for the next four or five minutes before we go to a break, then we’ll come back with a whole bunch of questions, other issues you want to cover, where you think the world is going, the economy. But explain to me, and I mean this seriously. Where did all this “dragon, goblins, Cyclops” stuff come from? And were you a “goblin Cyclops” before you were a dragon?


David Duke: No I never was a goblin, never was a Cyclops, but I am a European American that realized at a very young age that we were going to become monoritized in our own country. That we were going to lose our rights and privileges, including our gun rights. And I’ve seen a lot destruction of those rights over the years and they are going to continue to go. And as our country goes and as the power of the media goes to brainwash our people and to degenerate our people. All that is going to continue. And I was a young man I saw this writing on the wall. I didn’t win any popularity contest by joining a nonviolent Klan organization. And I thought I could recover the image. Because, originally, the Klan as many American said, both North and South, restored the freedom, really, of the southern people and the decency of what’s going on in the South, and a very horrible reconstruction period, where European Americans were stripped of all their voting rights. And they were done so without any due process.


I think the war between the States was, for instance, was not a civil war. That the South was fighting for the same principle of freedom and of independence that the North fought for. In fact the North understood this principle. Robert E. Lee’s statue is in the Hall of Heroes in the United States Capitol Building. Jefferson Davis, the first head of the Confederacy, … While Americans always and respected Robert E. Lee. Today he’s being called a traitor. He wasn’t a traitor. If he’s a traitor then Thomas Jefferson is a traitor, George Washington was a traitor. And the attack on Southern heritage is nothing more an attack on the entire European heritage. Because, now they are talking about taking down statues of Thomas Jefferson who built the civil rights. They talk about taking George Washington’s name of public schools. They did that in New Orleans. Said he was unworthy because he had slaves. Well, most of the great heroes of the entire Third World were slave holders. Including an awful lot of Jewish heroes, were slave holders. Just read about Jewish history.


The hypocrisy is unbelievable in this country!


Alex Jones: Well, that’s certainly true. Let me interject this.


David Duke: Okay, I’ll let you interject but just let me, …


Alex Jones: In this hour we are going into discussion.


David Duke: … [garbled]


Alex Jones: I want to talk a whole bunch about the leaders of the South that were actually Jewish, you are not mentioning those leaders. Go ahead.




David Duke: I think not being aware of the Jewish tribalist racism that’s been in existence in this world for so long was part of our downfall. I think Judah P. Benjamin for instance, who was a treasurer [?] in the South, just like a lot of Jews involved in America as well. I think he basically ripped off the Southern Confederacy as well. He was in charge of taking the money to safe hold in Great Britain and other places. And he stole! I think he was an extremely damaging element in the South. The South might have won the war if it wasn’t for Judah P. Benjamin.



We see this historically, time after time after time. There is no more intensive racism or supremacism than among Jews. The Jewish Talmud, … The chief Sephardic rabbi of Israel, and this is a fact. The chief Sephardic rabbi of Israel was rabbi Yosef. He was in coalition with Netanyahu, he literally got on the radio in Israel. He made a statement, that the only of non Jews, gentiles, on earth was to serve Jews. That gentiles are meant to work, to bind, to sieve and dig and Jews were meant to sit and eat. He compared people like yourself and myself, other gentiles around the world, black people as well, anyone who is not a Jew, with a donkey.


Oh, we want gentiles to have a long life, just like we want our donkey to have a long life, so they can serve the Jew”.


They were his words. Now this was not some sort of extreme, strange Jew somewhere in Israel. This guy was in coalition with Netanyahu, in the government. And when he died, Yosef had the biggest funeral in the history of the state of Israel!


Alex Jones: All right, David Duke is our guest, we are debating.




[commercial break]





Alex Jones: So David Duke is basically saying to a great extent there is a world wide Jewish conspiracy, that’s behind the New World Order, to push these agendas.


So I would ask the question, would civilization have any problems if the Jews were all sent in a space capsule to another planet? And I’m going to ask him that question in a moment. In fact I want to go through a bunch of questions for David Duke and he can spend a few minutes here and there in this hour on his views about the different topics he’s covering.


And it’s fine David, people can go to and see your videos and your talking points, and the things that you talk about. And I’ve heard most of this from other people of your ilk.


I really trying to understand though your world view on things. Where you see things going.


Before we go any further, I have a book [Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment] here written by Paul R. Ehrlich, A. H. Ehrlich and Don P. Holdren. And I think those folks are gentiles. One of them is the White House science czar, … Population, resources and the environment. They talk about putting fluoride in the water to reduce fertility of everybody and to reduce IQ. And I guess you might think I’m a conspiracy theorist, for talking about that.


Here’s Harvard:


Impact of fluoride on neurological development in children; massive IQ reductions”.


So that’s Reuters.



What do you think about water fluoridation? Because I just never hear White Nationalists worry about this. And I don’t want White babies, black babies, Hispanic babies, or anybody having their IQ lowered 15 to 20 points, suffering bone cancer. Autism was 1 in 25,000 twenty five to thirty years ago. Now it’s 1 in 56. By 2025 CDC says it will be 1 in 3.



Something is going on here and I see it as a eugenics operation and I have the documents. When I study the eugenists, it comes out of the British royalty funding in the 1850s. The movement that created biometrics and computers and a whole world, … And I see Thomas Watson and his Hollerith machines and Hitler. And I’m not saying that it’s a Nazi conspiracy or a White Supremacist conspiracy. I’m saying it’s a scientific cult conspiracy.


My dad had a Jewish professor at UG [? University of Georgia]. He was the head of the Botany Department. And he had come over here before World War Two from Germany. And my dad was one of the smartest in test scores when he was in Junior High School, so he was already in UG. They were assigned there as part of an advanced program. They took 106 of the smartest and then the 5 or 6 of the smartest of those and got invited to dinner. And he was basically told:


Well it’s not like Hitler’s eugenics. It’s eugenics to better humanity, to kind of control society. Well I’m Jewish but this eugenics is the best thing”.


Now of course that was one of the people and the others were gentiles, telling my dad this.


So all I’m getting at David Duke, is that everything, “the Jews”. What happened pre-Jew? Would there be any problems? What should be done with the Jews if you are right? The Jewish Question. I mean, what’s the solution to that, to pose the question that Adolf Alois Hitler posed. And then finally, what is your view of Adolf Hitler?




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David Duke debates Alex Jones – 20150818 – TRANSCRIPT Ver 2


David Duke vs Alex Jones - COVER IMAGE


Version History




Version 28: Mar 3, 2022  — Improved formating.


Version 27: Sep 19, 2015  — Finished adding table of Contents; Added Indexes to PDF.; Typo fixes.

Added PDF: David Duke debates Alex Jones – 20150818 –  TRANSCRIPT Ver 2


Version 26: Sep 16, 2015  — Started adding table of Contents; Typo fixes.


Version 25: Sep 12, 2015  — Added cover image; improved formatting; fixed some typos; added images.

Added PDF: David Duke debates Alex Jones – 20150818 –  TRANSCRIPT Ver 1


Version 24: Sep 11, 2015  — Split transcript into Parts 1 and 2


Version 23: Sep 9, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes (1:55:00 – 2:00:23) of transcript. Total now: 120 minutes. This completes the text entry! Many thanks to Baz and Bon!

Version 22: Sep 8, 2015  — Added 2 more minutes (1:48:00 – 1:50:00) of transcript. Total now: 115 minutes.


Version 21: Sep 8, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes (1:50:00 – 1:55:18) of transcript (from commenter Bon) . Total now: 110 minutes.


Version 20: Sep 7, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes (1:20:00 – 1:25:00) of transcript. Total now: 105 minutes.


Version 19: Sep 7, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes (1:40:00 – 1:45:15) of transcript (from commenter Bon) . Total now: 100 minutes.


Version 18: Sep 6, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes (1:25:00 – 1:30:00) of transcript. Total now: 95 minutes.


Version 17: Sep 5, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes (1:35:00 – 1:40:06) of transcript (from commenter Bon) . Total now: 90 minutes.


Version 16: Sep 5, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes (1:30:00 – 1:35:00) of transcript (from commenter Bon) . Total now: 85 minutes.


Version 15: Sep 3, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes (1:00:06 – 1:05:38) of transcript. Total now: 80 minutes.


Version 14: Sep 3, 2015  — Added 4 more minutes (1:16:00 – 1:20:06) of transcript (from commenter Baz). Total now: 75 minutes.


Version 13: Sep 2, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes (55:00 – 60:06) of transcript. Total now: 71 minutes.


Version 12: Sep 2, 2015  — Added 6 more minutes (1:10:00 – 1:16:33) of transcript (from commenter Baz). Total now: 66 minutes.


Version 11: Sep 1, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes (50:00 – 55:35) of transcript. Total now: 60 minutes.


Version 10: Sep 1, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes (1:05:00 – 1:10:19) of transcript (from commenter Baz). Total now: 55 minutes.


Version 9: Aug 31, 2015  — Added 10 more minutes of transcript Total now: 50 minutes.


Version 8: Aug 29, 2015  — Added 6 more minutes of transcript Total now: 41 minutes.


Version 7: Aug 27, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes of transcript (from commenter Baz). Total now: 35 minutes.


Version 6: Aug 26, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes of transcript. Total now: 30 minutes.


Version 5: Aug 26, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes of transcript. Total now: 25 minutes.


Version 4: Aug 25, 2015  — Added 5 more minutes of transcript. Total now: 20 minutes.


Version 3: Aug 25, 2015  — Added first 15 minutes of transcript. Added some screenshots of video.


Version 2: Aug 24, 2015  — Added first 10 minutes of transcript.


Version 1: Published Aug 23, 2015  

This entry was posted in Alex Jones, America, Christainity, Communism, Critical Theory, David Duke, Europe, Family - Anti, Feminism, Frankfurt School, Homosexuality, Jews, Jews - Naming, Multiculturalism, Negros, New World Order, Plutocracy, Race - Mixing. Bookmark the permalink.

54 Responses to Alex Jones Debates David Duke 20150818 Full Interview — TRANSCRIPT – Part 1

    • katana17 says:

      Thanks for stopping by and giving that link*, Dr. Duke.

      Getting that debate with Jones was a real coup for our cause and you certainly made the best of it.

      By the way, I’ve been listening to your podcasts for a while now and greatly admire your utmost persistence and dedication in getting the truth out about the dire threat to humanity posed by organized jewry.

      Your single minded focus on organized jewry makes perfect sense when one understands that it has been waging a relentless, merciless and undeclared war against White people, with the intent to effectively genocide us. As such, Jones’ bleating out, “Jew! Jew! Jew!” reveals either his ignorance and stupidity, or more likely, his deceptive agenda to mislead people into blind alleys.

      Thank you for the tremendous work that you do!

      *[I’ve now put a link to the main page of Rightpedia in the blogroll.]

  1. Baz says:

    From 29.02 to 35.07

    29.02 “Well I’m glad you are giving me 10 minutes I hope you hold to that because you did speak even over that that’s ok.
    No I just spoke six and a half minutes
    I got you whatever. My clock says different but that’s ok
    There was a break. Three half minute break

    Whatever I we can go into this in fact we can go into the end of the programme or the next hour or two because I feel it is the only way I can really give a clear expositions of all my positions. But, here’s the issue about that, first off, the KKK was not the author of any sort of planned parenthood…what I did and I was in the house of representatives …by the way let me make something clear to you so there is no misunderstanding. Not only have I spoken to and been completely opposed to abortion I also put my money where my money where my mouth is, in the house of representatives I also voted for the strongest anti abortion law that’s ever been passed by a legislative body in the united States of America, so its really clear what I stand for.
    Well good job
    Well, that’s exactly right but again it shows you the misconceptions that people might have, here is the point though I served on the health and welfare committee and I do believe that massive welfare illegtimicacy is something that damages black people and damages the taxpayer we have many married couples who cannot afford to have kids because of the horrific tax programme because of these social welfare programs going on and when I was in the legislature I said, ‘I don’t think this is proper and that we educate African Americans or anybody else – it wasn’t based on race – but if you go on the social welfare system that you should be encouraged to abstain and if you can’t abstain, you should be responsible, if you have children in this system that you are in -???—— that is what we have we have a repeating cycle of poverty in America it is true, and it is damaging everybody. And as I said there is no problem with black birth rates in America there is no problem with Mexican American birth rates in America, there is a problem with white birth rates in America and one of the reasons why is because you have this denigrated society, a lot of white people say I don’t want to bring a kid into this world, and also they have all sort s of economic hurdles to ride through to be able to have a child today whereas the welfare recipient, even though I don’t know if it is necessarily true, sees one more illegitimate child as a path to greater benefits, bigger apartments, welfare apartments, more direct payments, more food stamps, that type of thing. I don’t think it really helps them overall but they see that bigger cheque and it ….an incentive. So I said to qualify for welfare we should at least try to counsel any person especially any person who is not married and who are producing kids without a loving present father, that we should encourage them to either abstain, that’s the best thing, or that to practice some sort of responsibility and not bring into this environment that lessens their opportunity, or makes those children that are born, have a greater sense, the reason why we spend two trillion dollars on the welfare system in America – I’ve just done a complete report on this – by the way if you go to I’ve got a massive archive on this and they can read about these issues and they can read what I’m ssaying about Jewish racism and tribalism, that’s the real supremacy on the planet earth really but the fact is – I’ve done a big report on it – we’ve just spent two trillion dollars on the war on poverty and we’ve got more poverty than ever, we’ve got more crime than ever, we’ve got millions of people on drugs, we are not solving these issues so its not any sort of genocide to urge people to be responsible. That’s what I did when I was in the legislature, I urged that, ‘course I was condemned naturally, but the people who are committing the genocide in America in terms of Planned Parenthood ? birth the people who are being genocided in Europe and this is the fundamental thing that I hope you understand Mr Jones and I understand, the people being genocided are the European people. Our birthrate now is 1.6 per couple, I mean, even 2 doesn’t take care the people that die and aren’t able to reproduce or whatever..
    Give me my 10 minutes please. This is one quarter of our people being lost. I also believe this is a pattern of promotion, you talked about all this promotion of good example of this sexual degeneracy, the lesbian and gay agenda and so forth, I can show you, I can prove it to anyone’s satisfaction, it is practically, totally, it is 98% dominated and controlled by jewish extremists and by the way they support Israel, these same extremists support Israel which doesn’t even allow marriage between a man and a man or a woman and a woman. They don’t allow it in Israel. But every major Jewish organisation in America, you can go to the council of presidents, of major Jewish organisations, which is a real organisation, it has a budget of billions of dollars, all these groups, …every…that group puts a policy and they support gay marriage, they support gun control of the American people you talked about earlier in the show or a show I listened to a while back that the Israels were promoting gun control for America, they support gun control, this is every major Jewish organisation in the United States of America, we have a tremendous double standard and I ask you why I ask why is it that there is this worldwide campaign of hatred and viciousness gainst Europeans I have another graphic which I can show you, you’ve shown a couple, let me show another graphic here, this is from the movie Django which was produced by the Weinstein brothers and this is a perfect example of what is going on in this country and the vicious racism, thatwhich is going on. This is a quotation from the movie ‘Django’ which has the black hero saying “Kill white people and get paid for it, what’s not to like”.


  2. Baz says:

    If you can give me a specific start-time I’ll get a bit more done over the weekend Katana

    • katana17 says:

      Any time-slot labeled as “OPEN” is ready to do.

      I will strictly adhere to updating the status of each time slot so there no duplication of effort.

      To that end could you please indicate (by leaving a comment) BEFORE you start, the time slot (or partial time-slot) you are going to do.

      I will then label the time-slot as, “IN PROGRESS”.

      As a double-check, please look at the COMMENTS to see whether anyone has indicated they are doing already doing a particular time-slot. (Comments are automatically posted so there is usually some delay in the time-slot status being updated in the post.)

      Once again, thanks Baz for you efforts.

  3. Baz says:

    Going to go in from 1:05. Let me know if this is not suitable

  4. Baz says:

    DD: Well, I think what you say is true and I see the

    same kind of world you are talking about. We are going

    to have in our country, and Europe, if this continues to

    go on, exactly the same conditions that under Jewish-

    led Bolshevism in Russia.We’re going to see those

    Gulags and we’re going to see those camps and we’re

    going to see the destruction of our people, they are

    already doing it. I mean, you have got to understand

    European mankind is being steadily wiped out and that

    is because they see our people as their chief competitor

    in the world and they know that if they destroy the elite

    in America, and now I want to give another, one of my

    graphics, to illustrate this, its a graphic from the New

    York Times it’s David Brooks again one of the lead

    columnists. He literally talks in there about the

    replacement of the American elite and the ‘Jewish’

    quote ‘Jewish’ takeover of America, that’s the real elite.

    Now this elite is not trying to destroy jews in fact they

    support even the Jewish state in Israel, they are not

    trying to do anything, in fact you talked about the

    problems with our family, how about Hollywood that

    pushes drugs on our kids, I’m talking about hard drug

    use, it preaches every kind of degeneracy and

    destructiveness. And who runs Hollywood? its’ not

    European Christians. And what they’ve done is to make

    anti semitism to mean anti zionist supremacism or anti

    Jewish superamicism. Not all Jews are supremacists but

    most Jews support jewish tribalism or support jewish

    power. They have been propagandized to by their

    Jewish leaders, they have been taught to hate gentiles,

    they have been taught that gentiles are all out to kill

    them. they have been taught that jews have to stick

    together, And because of that racism which is preached

    to the jews…it is preached in modern media…it is

    preached in our media by the way….we are taught to

    feel guilty because the fact that some Europeans did

    not want to be destroyed by Jewish bolsheviks. The

    second world war is a good example of that. They were

    already killing tens of millions of our people, tens of

    millions of our people before the second world war and

    we went on the side of the Bolsheviks in that

    war…killed 54 million people…that wasn’t a good war.

    That was a destructive war against European mankind,

    that war that could have been avoided..and their

    leading us right now..we are all concerned about what

    is going on overseas…the problem we have is not the

    ISIS threat, we wouldn’t even have the ISIS threat

    except the fact that organised jews were the point-men

    for the propaganda and the direct organisations that

    controlled the political process that literally opened our

    Jacob Javits, the senator that led, the senator, the

    Jewish senator that led the fight for the opening of our

    borders to change our immigration law in ’67 wrote a

    whole pamphlet “Open The Gates”. He didn’t..he

    weren’t talking about opening the gates of israel. He

    was talking about opening the gates of america so that

    the Jewish divide and conquer strategy would do that,

    that’s that’s the fact. There has been a takeover. It is

    an ethnically driven takeover. It is not racist. It is

    certainly not supremacist, for any people on this planet

    whether it be whites, blacks, yellows, anybody to

    defend themselves from a takeover by a hostile,

    predatory, group. Now I agree, not all jews have this

    ideology but most jews are taught intrinsically to help

    and support other jews. And Europeans are taught that

    they should never band together for their own interest.

    that’s because,

    AJ: We’re going into a break. Long segment coming up

    and when we come back… I’ve seen people make the

    same maps and the same graphs, and say that the

    catholics are running everything. I just think that its

    corrupt organised crime type systems that are running

    things, and if we approach it by saying no to organised

    crime, no to cartels, yes to free market, we can just end

    this system that’s degenerating. Well where I stand is

    clear. I’m against totalitarianism. fascism, communism,

    socialism, political correct (sic) is a clear and present

    tyranny and 50 times the threat to liberty of some of

    the more modern white based fascist movements in this

    country…and it’s taking over and it is bizarre how

    flamingly corrupt it is.You will not say “boy and girl” you

    will do as we say I mean this is like being in a super-

    Jim Jones cult or something and it just gets crazier and

    more vitriolic and more dumbed down and more

    arrogant. And you can see as the left finally reaches

    their goals, they are revealing that they do want a

    great tyranny in this country. But I see that the people

    who obsess over who runs thngs only obsessing over

    that and never taking country and our world back.

    David Duke is our guest and, you know, I’m sitting here

    talking to him and its just surreal…because he is a

    smart guy and he is sitting there agreeing where we can

    agree on things and disagreeing on others. But it’s kind

    of giving me a headache. And I’ve got some important

    questions I want to ask in a moment, then go to your

    phone calls. We don’t screen em….

    • katana17 says:

      Thank you very much Baz!

      I’ve put a note at the top of the post requesting that anyone transcribing a time-slot should post a comment BEFORE starting.

      I will also do the same.

  5. katana17 says:

    I will do 50:00 to 55:00.

  6. Baz says:

    I will continue on from 1.10.19 to 1.15.00

  7. Baz says:

    …we got calls from Germany. Canada, Oregon, New

    Jersey the South Carolina you name it. We are going to

    them .. but first off I don;’t care if you are black what

    or whatever you are a human being..our bodies,

    physiologies whatever,.,,are the same.
    Look David, it would be easy for me to take the gloves

    off with you you could do it too. We’re having

    somewhat of a gentlemanly debate, I’ll have you back

    up, if you will do it, to have a debate with someone

    who really hates your supremacist or a

    Jewish organisation. But sitting back here, my biggest

    beef is that you have not been answering some of my

    questions when I get into planned parenthood and how

    do you square the views of the left that is covertly

    promoting population reduction you wouldn’t tell me

    what Grand Cyclops, Grand Dragon, I mean those are

    serious questions I want to ask you that..I want to ask

    you this. Do you defend what the Klan did or do you

    deny that they lynched innocent black people or do you

    deny they did these type of basd-things just because

    there are other supremacist groups or that their are

    blacks out murdering whites, we criticise that and

    that’s horrible, the system uses what the Klan has

    done…go ahead…?

    DD: The answer is of course I condemn it. I condemn

    anybody of any group, that would ever kill innocent

    people or do harm, I would condemn…Not only would I

    not condone it, I would condemn it, absolutely in every

    regard. I do believe that there have been…one of hte

    problems with the reason that I left the Klan

    is that anybody can call an organisation can call it the

    Kul Klux Klan and do whatever they want, say whatever

    terrible things they want, and I even agree that in some

    cases you even had government informants in there.

    We know that some of the worst events such as the

    bombing in Birmingham Alabam, where kids were killed,

    we know that there were government agents that led

    that terrible attack, to discredit people like myself who

    do good things. I can’t have control of other groups,

    that’s why I left because I am not be a party with any

    other organisation that I can’t at least control, and I’m

    not going to take blame for things that I would

    condemn. So that’s my answer. Of course I would

    condemn it like any decent human being. But

    again…and again. By the way, you’re welcome to come

    on my show, and I’d love to come back and I’d be

    happy to go into overdrive with you I’ll be here all night

    as well and I do appreciate the fact that you are giving

    me the chance to speak and to show what I really stand

    for. There’s a lot of mention of Klan and white

    supremacy but obviously what I’m saying here is not

    white supremacism. It’s nowhere near that, in fact,

    what is is saying is that every people have a right to be

    free, have a right to exist and preserve their culture.

    European Americans and European Canadians and

    European Europeans are literally being genocided, the

    real threat, there’s no threat to the yellow people, the

    Chinese people, there will be 1.3 billion of them. There

    will be 1.3 billion Africans, that’s more than Europeans,

    in the world while Europe and America and white

    countries are being declined. And I’m telling you. It’s

    not supremacism. It’s not racism and hatred to defend

    yourself from predators. As you said earlier in the show

    if a tribe if being attacked by another tribe, and that

    trible wants to kidnap all the women, rape all the

    women, kill the kids, take over. Put them into slavery,

    whatever, that tribe has the moral right to defend

    themselves and that is what I’m talking about here. Our

    people are facing real genocide. We are facing the loss

    of our own countries. And most Americans, most

    Americans watching this broadcast right now, I’m

    absolutely sure, you are going to have to figure out whether

    you agree or not, you know the country of our

    forefathers is being totally rotted out. You know that

    we are losing our heritage, our values, our traditions. You go

    into the stores, go into the communities of our society

    and you look like you don’t even belong any more. You

    go in with stares of hatred against you. Now I don’t blame

    African Americans, they didn’t change the policy, the

    immigrants did not change the American immigration

    policy, the immigrants didn’t keep the American

    government from enforcing our laws like any healthy

    country would do, enforce their laws what was done is

    we have been subverted by another predator, another extremely racist supremacist group and that is the Jewish extremists and every major Jewish

    organisation supports this destruction of America, they support the Hollywood industry and media which teaches our kids to use drugs…

    AJ We’ve already said that….


  8. Bon says:

    Happy to help – this weekend I’ll have time to transcribe some of it.

    So glad you are doing this Katana, so much easier for me to understand in written rather than oral form.

    • katana17 says:

      Thanks for offering to help Bon.

      Before starting please check the comments here to see whether the time slot is not already being done.

      Also please leave a comment here stating the time slot you intend to do.


  9. katana17 says:

    I will do 55:00 to 60:00. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

  10. Bon says:

    Will do. I can do a segment on Friday.

    I also posted your request on Daily Stormer so hopefully a few more will come forward and help out.

    I think a written record of this “debate” is critical.

    • katana17 says:

      Thank you for posting that on Daily Stormer.

      So far it’s just myself, Baz and now yourself. Hopefully more will contribute, not just for this project but for more to come.

      As you say a written record is important. Whites and humanity in general are being attacked by organized jewry, traitors and dupes and a written account of this is crucial to our cause.

  11. Baz says:

    I’ll take it from my last point of 75 minutes in which I think is 1 hour 16 minutes and 33 seconds

  12. katana17 says:

    I will do 60:06 to 65:00. (01:00:06 – 01:05:00) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

  13. Baz says:

    Just done four minutes from..

    1:16: 28

    AJ We’ve already said that. Let me ask another question go to some phone

    calls here. Look, humans have acted the same in every society, are you

    saying these problems would not be here if Jews never existed.

    DD: I think absolutely these problems wouldn’t be here, not because they

    existed, but because we let them take over. But they didn’t do it openly. They

    didn’t say we are jews and we are going to control your society. They did it by

    deceit. And even an intelligent man, if somebody slips poison in his food, he

    can be killed. And that’s exactly what they did with us. They got control, they

    used their financial wherewithal, by the the way the banks and by the way, one

    think I would argue with you I don’t believe in a free market philosophy. I

    believe in a fair market philosophy. I don’t….

    AJ: Look, I’ve been around and the jews I’ve known…its either liberal or

    conservative or libertarian.

    And then they are just like that movement they support.

    DD: We wouldn’t have this problem if we had a fair market where a

    government defended a true free entreprise system we have this becasue

    these international jewish bankers like Goldman Sachs, like the people that


    AJ Well, I’m against crony capitalism

    DD It’s not just crony capitalism, it is a capitalism controlled by je…. When Mr

    Ben Shalom Bernanke, who spoke before jewish organisations that are

    extermely supremacist, racist, part of the state of Israel. When he doles out

    trillions of dollars, which he did, twenty, twenty trillion dollars, by the way, by

    his own script of his hand and that is reported by Bloomberg news in fact,

    when he doles out, if anybody thinks that he is not doling it out first and

    foremost to his Jewish brethren they gotta be extremely naive. That is

    because we have a free market economy, we don’t have a fair market

    economy. We don’t have a situation….

    AJ That’s not a fair market economy when we have a private Federal Reserve

    creating hundreds of trillions in derivatives and doling out twenty trillion…

    DD You’re right. It’s not true freedom if people can do what they want to, you

    see if people have the money to buy our political process, which is the biggest


    AJ Well that’s not a free market, that’s a rigged crony capitalist…

    DD The biggest contributors to the Rpeublican and Democratic party according

    to the Washington Post are…

    AJ Here is what I’m saying, David. I don’t think racially based politics, are

    going to pull anybody out of this, or the Globalists – that you call the Zionists –

    would not be pushing it. They control prisons by putting people into racial


    DD ..the media is telling Europeans to help stand against this Jewish takover

    of society? Let me give you a, one more graphic, this is from Harvard

    University, now Harvard is the source of our elite, that’s the elite that runs the

    country, it is like the budding institutions of the American elite..Harvard…this

    country is 70% European American including 70% o the highest performing

    students in the United States of America. We built Harvard. Harvard was

    100% European Christian. ?

    it built great institutions. They are the modern American elite. We are now only

    20% That 70% European Christian majority is now 20% at Harvard

    jews who were 2% of our population are now 25%, there are more jews, at

    Harvard and the Ivy League, 2% per cent of the population, than there are our

    70% and you tell me there is not a racism going on by jews against us and

    that we, the way that this is going on is that they discriminate against

    European Americans. They gain control…

    AJ : Well David I’ll say this, and then we…got to call to calls. In fairness there is

    this paradox, because I truly believe in ideas….Martin Luther King


  14. katana17 says:

    I will do 01:20 to 01:25 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

  15. Bon says:

    I can do 1:30 to 1:40 this afternoon.

  16. Bon says:

    Working on 1:30- 1:40 right now.

  17. katana17 says:

    Thank you Bon.

    I will adjust the post accordingly.

  18. Bon says:

    Got the first three minutes done (as in cleaned up, etc.) – I’ll be working on it in blocks of time during the day – hope to have it all done by late afternoon/evening.

  19. Bon says:

    Used this version:

    David Duke mentions the head of the “third largest party” in Germany is a Jewish Communist – I didn’t get his name, something like “Dicey” (which I wrote in the transcript).


    DUKE: By the way I want to speak to my Christian brethren too, the so-called Christian zionists. My goodness I feel for them, pity for them. They’ve been so brainwashed by the Jewish media that they support the Jewish state of Israel which has massacred, murdered tens of thousands of Christian Palestinians and Christian Lebanese.

    JONES: Well, well we gotta gotta go to the calls but I’ll say this: That if the people that are promoting hate laws and hate crime laws are successful David Duke will be arrested for talking like this. I would be taken off the air and I want to say this: Whether you agree with this and I find it to be detestable and I find it all to be very very frustrating we have to understand they’re using PC to shut all this down and that’s why we need to have the controversial guests on. We need to support the open free debate and we’re going to have people on that disagree with Mr. Duke and we’re going to have people on that are basically, ideologically the same. I mean look at the Nation of Islam, it’s like black David Duke people. They basically say the same thing, but from the perspective of black people.

    DUKE: No they’re not like black David Duke people.

    JONES: Oh, it’s almost identical.

    DUKE; They’re not. I didn’t say, I’ve never said we should go out and start killing black people or anything like that like that like Nation of Islam has said. So that’s not really accurate.

    JONES: OK, it’s a simplification. I’m saying I’m saying Louis Farrakhan says a lot of the same stuff you say.

    DUKE: Well he says some things I agree with. And I agree with any black person that wants to preserve their own heritage. I will come on overdrive. I’m willing to spend whatever time we have. We’ve got a lot more to discuss so let’s do it. I’m ready to go.

    JONEs: Well, we gotta go to these calls and I’ve got meetings and I gotta run this place and nightly news so maybe we can go 20 minutes with the next caller.

    DUKE: I haven’t taken a single call. Let me take some calls.

    JONES: Let’s go to Deutschland, let’s talk to Eric from Germany via Skype uh, you’re on the air with David Duke. Go Ahead.

    CALLER: Hi, well, it’s a really interesting conversation and dialog between you two. It’s been fascinating. In the past year, the United States population, 330 million took on about 100,000 illegal immigrants while America this year said that Germany with a population of 80 million is going to take on 400,000 people from North Africa and the Middle East. I was wondering what Dr. Duke thinks about this and I’d also love to hear his opinion about letting …. and lastly Alex, I love you, man, I listen to you every day, you rant on anti political correctness and I hate political correctness but the past hour and a half you’ve been super politically correct and so, uh, I just wanted to say that.

    DUKE: I appreciate Alex having me on, I really do and uh, it took a really courageous act on his part to do that. Now let me answer the man’s question. I travel a lot in Europe, I’ve spoken at universities all over Europe both Eastern and Western Europe and Europe is in crisis just like American, it’s got the same leadership. In German, for instance, the head of the third largest party is a Jewish Communist and we go right back to that name “dycey” and he literally said that he celebrates the fact that Germans aren’t having kids so no more Germans are going to be born so the Nazis can’t come to power. That’s how evil the situation we have going on in this country. Now was there one bit of criticism in American about this planned genocide of the German people?. Was there one criticism from the controlled politicians? NO. There wasn’t. Because nobody dares criticize the real power in the world and that’s Jewish supremacists.

    JONES: Alright caller from Germany, we’re going to go to break. Thank you for your call We’re going to come back and talk to Dan, Kevin, Paul, Lesley, Mark and others that are holding. Here’s the kernel of what I want people to get from this last two hours with David Duke. I don’t like gangs, I don’t like people that organize just based on a flag. I find that generally produces a lot of oppression and tyranny, I’m into ideas but what’s shocking is MSNBC and CNN and the media is more racist and more out of control than David Duke by far. That shows how much trouble we’re in and how mentally ill the left is. That’s what’s sick here is that these people want to bring the country down in a race war.

    JONES: I want to talk to David Duke about what prison was like because even if you disagree with David Duke on a lot of points like I do, still he was set up by the IRS and now they’re doing this to mainline groups. You let ‘em do it today to Duke, they can do it to anybody. I guess he’d argue he was thrown in a gulag like Alexander Solzhenitsyn but I wanna go to Dan, Kevin, Paul, Mark, Lesley everybody in the time we have left here. Uh, let’s go ahead and go to Kevin in Canada, Kevin, you’re on the air.

    CALLER KEVIN IN CANADA: Hey guys can you hear me OK?

    JONES: Yep. Go Ahead.

    CALLER KEVIN IN CANADA: First off David, you probably don’t know this but about a week ago Alex had a gentleman on his show named Storey Musgrave. During his show, Alex asked him: What’s the best way forward for humanity? And which his response was: A One World Government. I would like to ask you the same question. What do you think is the best way forward for humanity.

    DUKE: I think the best way forward to ..for humanity. is to embrace the true principle of diversity that is, just as in nature we have biodiversity, in humans we have human diversity. Every people must have the right to preserve their own heritage to enshrine it, to continue, to raise it up. Every people has the right to exist, to control their own affairs. The truth is humanity is not all one. We’re different. We’re all human but we’re very different in the way we look, the way we act, the way we feel, the things we want for a society, our religious views. So true freedom is to allow every people to exist and survive and if that’s racism, I don’t know I don’t know what super racism is. The real racists are those who try to control the media in this country, this tiny tiny minority who control the discourse who control the academia like the ivy league, who control broadcasting to a great extent with some exceptions like Alex Jones and I appreciate the many things he does do and that’s —

    JONES (interrupting): Oh, come on David! You know you and your buddies behind the scenes don’t like me.


  20. Bon says:

    JONES (interrupting): Oh, come on David! You know you and your buddies behind the scenes don’t like me


    DUKE: NO, listen. I don’t have any dislike…you let me on. That’s a lot more than I can say for a lot of the mainstream media and that took a lot of courage on your part. And I want to continue. I hope the academic research in my books – I’ve got The Secret Behind Communism, I’m going to send you a copy of that – and also for your listeners, Jewish Supremacism, this is documented with 600 different citations which are literally showing the exact proof of what I’m saying. And, I can show you what’s in the Talmud, the Jewish religious book and how this Jewish supremacy and control of the world has been around a long time.

    Ben Gurion? do you still have that graphic? This is a good answer to the question This is the world I don’t want right now. Ben Gurion. I have a graphic that I sent up to you. Alright. Ben Gurion in a Look Magazine article literally gave his prediction, this is a fact that anybody can prove. He said there would literally be a new, truly united nations and that Israel will be at the head of this global state, that Israel will build a shrine to the prophets where the whole world will come and worship the Jewish prophets and that in Israel there would be a Supreme Court of Mankind, they’d abolish all armies and control the world. Now this is not some obscure Jew, this is the most famous, the most respected Jew in the world.

    If Jews were not working toward this tribal dominance, why didn’t they condemn Ben Gurion for this pronouncement of Jewish Global dominance? And if you look at the banks – you talk about banks every day – and you should. But you look at the bankers, they’re Rothschilds, they’re not just Rothschilds, they were part and parcel of the leading Jewish community: the Warburgs, the Shiffs – that supported Communism. We can go on and on…the Federal Reserve bankers that took control and ruined this country. I don’t’ think it’s possible to look at this thing rationally without seeing that there is a tribal connection.

    JONES: Man, it’s like it’s just Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew. It’s like the Catholic thing or the media mode gay gay gay it’s just – It’s old it’s almost like people are obsessed with. Just have Jew on the brain. It gives me a headache.

    DUKE: You’re right. I believe Jewish Supremacism is the key issue in this world, all of it. We would – the gun control groups are led overwhelming by Jews. The lesbian transgender groups are led by Jews. You can just keep going on. The media…

    JONES (interrupting): David Duke is on the show…I tell ya, man I tell ya. We’re gonna come back with more phone calls. we’ll be back with Dan and others. Stay with us.


    JONES: Well, I’ve got a lot of stuff to get done around the office with Nightly News coming on, an important debate, loaded phone lines for David Duke. I’m Alex Jones….and I didn’t even think of this, but Rob Jacobson is now the oldest employee of InfoWars, he’s been here continuously, uh, so he’s been here ten years. Rob Jacobson, and of course we get the orders from Tel Aviv and they go through him…I’m joking. Rob Jacobson helped make End Game, he helped make filming of the big films we’ve produced. He’s one of our great video editors. He studies the New World Order. He exposes it and he wants to talk today to David Duke and I don’t know if David Duke is scared to talk to a Jewish person. I’m being sarcastic. He may think he’s going to grow Vampire fangs or something…but.. Rob, I didn’t even think of this, but next time David Duke’s on, we ought to get you in here in studio so you can talk to him and you know, uh, make your own points. But you should study the Federal Reserve and that’s the point I didn’t say earlier that a lot of the people that founded the Federal Reserve – some were Jewish and some weren’t and they ended up funding fascism, the Kaiser Wilhelm institute – and that’s something David said earlier, that there’s no connection with Nazis trying to take over America…No, I said fascists, the McCormck-Dickstein committee…there was a major pro-Nazi movement here in the U.S., the Bushs were involved…and next time Duke comes on we can debate that further. But, But…I need to go to these calls too…but Rob Jacobson, you wanted to talk to David Duke.

    ROB JACOBSON: Yeah, yeah. I was just curious, Alex, uh, I heard all of this conversation during the radio show today and, uh, Mr. Duke seems to be pretty educated on a lot of parts of the world and you’ve got, uh, you were talking about bankers so I was just curious, if you could explain to me which one of these bankers is the Jew, of uh, maybe the founders of Jekyll Island, I’ll just name them off and as soon as the hidden Jew, the guy, you could just educate us. Is Nelson Aldrich Jewish? Uh, Mr. Duke.

    DUKE: No. I don’t think so.

    ROB Jacobson: How about Abraham Hyatt Andrew?

    DUKE: Are you just going to name some of the Jewish names?

    ROB JACOBSON: No, I’m just curious because you seem to think that Jews are completely responsible for everything that’s wrong with the world and I don’t really think…

    ALEX JONES: The point is, there is only one guy that’s Jewish on the list

    ROB JACOBSON: There is, there is just one guy

    DUKE: Let me answer the question this way – OK?


    DUKE: You’ve talked a lot about the most powerful banking family in the world historically has been the Rothschilds and the six sons of the Rothschilds went to six different countries and led the banking institutions of those countries. In this country the most powerful industrialist bankers by far.


  21. Bon says:

    I’ll check tomorrow and I can do more transcribing then.

  22. katana17 says:

    I will do 01:25 (85 min) to 01:30 (90 min) <<<<<<<<<<

  23. Rob says:

    I’ll do 1:05 – 1:10 , if you still need it done

    • katana17 says:

      Thanks for volunteering Rob. 1:05 (65 min) – 1:10 (70 min) has already been done.

      This time slot needs to be done though:

      >>>>> 01:40:00 (100 min) to 01:45:00 (105 min).

      BEFORE starting please confirm that you will do it by posting a comment here.

      Always check the comments here before starting.


  24. katana17 says:

    These time slots need to be done:

    01:40:00 (100 min) to 01:45:00 (105 min).

    01:45:00 (105 min) to 01:50:00 (110 min).

    01:50:00 (110 min) to 01:55:00 (115 min).

    01:55:00 (115 min) to 02:00:00 (120 min).


  25. Bon says:

    I can take 1:40 and 1:45 – will work on them throughout the day.

  26. Bon says:

    Finished 1:40 – 1:45 – cleaning up now and will send ASAP

    I can take 1:50-1:55.

    I get the impression Jones KNOWS Duke is 100% about everything he (Duke) is saying -but to agree with Duke and acknowledge Jewish power would destroy his career.

    • katana17 says:

      As usual, many thanks Bon! We’re nearly there.

      Yes, Jones is always trying to deflect attention from the real issues and herd his listeners down dead-ends.

      While Duke is doing the opposite by naming the hidden enemy right up front, in your face, so there’s no mistaking who they are, i.e., organized jewry.

  27. Bon says:

    Begin Transcript:

    Continuation of transcript

    [In this country the most powerful industrialist bankers]….by far was Jacob Schiff. He literally financed the Russian Revolution and ultimately caused the deaths of tens of million of Christians. The Federal Reserve for the last three decades has only had Jewish supremacists, Jewish extremists as head of the Federal Reserve who support all the major Jewish organizations which oppose all the principals that Alex Jones talks about here

    ROB JACOBSON (interrupting): Yeah, But, Mr. Duke, this is not the origin of these plays. You’re definitely cherry picking history here to support your side of history. Let’s go further, let’s talk about the original 1929 big six. Which one of them were Jewish? I mean these are the guys that started…

    DUKE: Listen, I think Jeckyll Island was set up to try to get in as much of gentile collaborators, there have always been gentile collaborators. but there’s no way to deny the fact that international, the most powerful predator bank on planet earth that picks the members of our federal reserve, picks the members of our treasury department, is the biggest contributor for presidents of the United States, both Republicans and Democrats, the biggest single corporate contributor is Goldman Sachs.

    ROB JACOBSON: But This is recent history.

    JONES: But Goldman Sachs is more of a socialist movement

    ROB JACOBSON: This is within the last 25 years or 35 years. This isn’t like, uh, deep-rooted stuff.

    DUKE: This whole system was set up by the Rothschilds.

    ROB JACOBSON: You can say that but you could also say that the Rockefellers contributed to that and so did Andrew Mellon and the Carnegie.

    JONES: What about the Rockefellers and the Nazis? The Rockefellers worked with the Rothschilds, in my experience the Rothschilds helped start some stuff in Israel but they just play both sides. I see the Rothschilds as really just, uh, very sociopathic.

    DUKE: The Rothschilds, by the way, bought off Winston Churchill. As a young boy, they financed his kit when he went to South Africa. The Rothschilds gave him a huge wedding present to his wife and kids. They were developing Churchill because he was an aristocratic gentile. They knew to advance their program they’ve gotta to have gentiles involved and Churchill drove Europe into a war, a horrific war, that killed 54 million Americans, excuse me, I mean Europeans, and also caused the take over of half of Europe by Communists which at that time had a lot of Jews involved and they also basically took over the West. This war was a catastrophe. So there are gentile collaborators. But if Jews don’t run the insiders, the elite of the world then why is it that Israel, Israel has a law right now where it’s against the law, for a Jew to marry a non-Jew. If any American, any European any Canadian proposed a law, where it’s against the law to marry a Jew, or against the law to marry a non-White person

    JONES: Well, it’s like the anchor baby thing. They say guest workers can’t marry someone to be able to stay there. We have similar laws here for sham marriages.

    DUKE: Let me answer the question. If Any country in the European world had tried to pass such a law, if that happened, you know that they would be demonized and they’d practically call for sanctions against that country they’d practically invade them, uh, for that reason. But Israel can do it. So why is it that the only people allowed to preserve their heritage and push for their power over all of us…

    JONES (interrupting): Let me throw this out there because I got corrected on this, because I saw a leftist publication reporting that years ago – then I read deeper into it – they have sham marriages where people pay to get in as a guest worker then they marry someone so they can stay in the country and get welfare. It’s the same thing as anchor babies and then the media spins that that it’s a race law.


  28. katana17 says:

    I will do 01:45 (105 min) to 01:50 (110 min) <<<<<<<<<<

  29. Bon says:

    Working on 1:50-1:55 now – will send ASAP.

  30. Bon says:

    Thanks – it’s a holiday here (Labor Day) so there have been a lot of interruptions today, plus I had to take my son back to his university.

    I’m almost done – in this segment I added some “stage direction” for Jones because by this time he is very agitated (he’s losing and he knows it) and pounding the table to make his week, non-existent points.

    A joy to watch, LOL. I’m actually on the last minute, I’ll clean it up and send it on.

    • katana17 says:

      If you don’t mind me asking, how is your son coping with all the indoctrination at university? Have you successfully vaccinated him?

      Yes, Jones certainly knows how rant and put on a show, while not saying much! That’s the good thing with having his spiel in writing, it helps you get past all his hand waving.

  31. Bon says:


    ….And beating them with clubs. But we’re not getting his take on that. If he was with the nationalist movement here, the White nationalist movement here, then, well why is he not at an intermediary at least having some type of interviews, something going on with the White nationalist there

    JONES: That’s another thing: We’ve got George Soros financing known White supremacists in Ukraine to attack the Russian held areas there in, uh, Eastern Ukraine, there in the Crimea. Undoubted Fascist right-wing heil-ing HItler. Why again would George Soros be funding that?

    DUKE: Well, let me answer the question: Very clearly. If you listen to my radio show and by the way those listening to this show I’m on every day Monday through Friday at 10:00 Central Time, 11:00 Eastern Time and I’ve talked no less than about three or four dozen times about Ukraine, about Russia and all what’s going on here. And I think Russia is a target again going right back to it because they dared to stand up for the Syrians and the Christians in Syria and the anti-ISIS forces in Syria, and the reason we’ve supported ISIS is because Israel saw Syria as an enemy and the Christians of Syria who support Assad, who support the government because Syria has supported the Palestinians. Same thing’s true with the Lebanese.

    JONES (loudly interrupting) But SPEAK TO SOROS AND THE LEFT funding right-wingers (pounding the table) Answer (pound) that (pound) question (pound).

    DUKE: Explain why they’re anti-Russian. Now. I’ve also talked about, I’ve, had many shows…

    JONES (loudly interrupting) Because Soros, this isn’t about being Jewish for him. He’s a dirt bag who likes to go around doing criminal stuff.

    DUKE: It’s certainly about being Jewish for Mr. Soros. Mr. Soros is an absolute Jewish supremacist

    JONES: Why is he funding White Supremacists, then?

    DUKE: No, what’s he’s doing then,they’ll support any side if they think they can get their individual tactics. The reason they hate Russia is because Russia is upsetting their apple cart in the middle east. Russia supported the Syrians. Israel doesn’t like Syria even though it’s not Jihadist, it’s not terrorist, there are no terrorist from the Syrian government that have attacked America. Syria is the only country fighting them and Russia has supported them. Russia has stymied the Zionist position in the United Nations, that’s why they hate Russia.

    JONES: And, they’re using White Supremacists as usual how many, what percentage of White Supremacists or White nationalists do you think are are really FBI agents or informants like Hal Turner?

    DUKE: And that’s a problem because European nationalists can be used by those people if they don’t understand the end game here. I talked about Barbara Newlund, the Jewish under Secretary of State that said “F” Europe, you know, that wanted this war…

    JONES: (interrupting): Is Hillary Jewish?

    DUKE: What? Hillary’s not Jewish but let me tell ya, her and Clinton have taken.. the newspaper in Israel had a big article, one of the leading Israeli dailies…

    JONES: (interrupting) Here’s my problem. Here’s what I know, the Jews I know are fighting GMO, they’re fighting tyranny, they’re fighting open borders, they’re fighting banning the word “mom” and “dad.” I mean, take Matt Drudge, he’s Jewish and he fights the whole New World Order agenda. I mean most of the Jews I know are fighting the New World Order. And then all I hear about is how Jews are evil all day. It just becomes a giant distraction.

    DUKE: Do you really believe the media is on the side of bringing out Monsanto? Of course not. The Jewish…

    JONES (interrupting) Drudge is linked to our article fighting Monsanto

    DUKE: There are Jews fighting Monsanto, but the overwhelming Jewish power structure – you don’t find any organization like the leading Jewish organizations condemning Monsanto.

    JONES: We gotta go to more calls, we gotta go to more calls. Nobody’s censoring you, we gotta go to calls. Paul in New Jersey, you’re on the air, go ahead.

    PAUL IN NEW JERSEY: Hey, good afternoon, gentlemen, yeah, you have a good discussion here. People don’t realize we were Communists before the Communists were in 1913 and we set up the communists right in New York city and sent ‘em on a boat, the Trotskyites, across and right through WW I – so don’t touch this railroad here we’re gonna take these communists and set up a communist revolution

    JONES: Yep.

    PAUL IN NEW JERSEY: That’s how that started. And the big banksters – what is the biggest ongoing robbery in the history of time? Can you answer that question?

    DUKE: Well, I think the federal Reserve is.

    PAUL IN NEW JERSEY: Literally. Yeah, they were (garbled) controlled.. They get their dollar bills like two cents and they loan ‘em back to our government for face value plus interest.

    DUKE: You’re right

    PAUL IN NEW JERSEY: And all the money goes for the income tax they collect, for the unlawful income tax…

    JONES: There’s no doubt we’re under bondage and I want to cut past all the names and all the race stuff that the social engineers want us to obsess over and just say “no more private Federal Reserve” no more end of national sovereignty get us out of the UN, cut taxes, and then I can sell everybody whether they’re Jewish or German or Chinese on that and we can all live happily ever after. I mean that’s why some of the corrupt elements in Israel and others have been caught bombing their own synagogues in Iraq to make folks move to Israel. That’s not all the Jews doing that, it’s corrupt groups. Our elites do the same thing. It’s like Frank Underwood throwing a brick through his own window. I mean (pounding the table) it’s just human activities is all I’m saying. Thank you Paul. Leslie in South Carolina, you’re on the air with David Duke, go ahead.


  32. Bon, From the Land of Babble says:

    Almost done!

    My son is studying electrical and software engineering and physics – so there is less academic brainwashing -but it does creep in.

    He’s told me he’s been subjected to outside lecturers from the gay/lesbian/trans crowd screaming about the lack of gays, transgenders, etc. in computer gaming and other software designs. This is the type of crowd that doesn’t take well to being told what they can/cannot program or make as far as gaming – the consensus among his fellow students was scorn and mocking – and the notion if gays wish to see themselves in computer games, they can spend two or more years finding the seed money and then designing, programming, testing, re-testing and marketing computer games for themselves. I’m sure there is a huge market in the gaming world for gay-themed computer games.

    He also tells me his classes are overwhelmingly male, White and Asian – these types of majors take a lot of intensive study – that plus one must “get” the math at that level.

    The tech industry is under tremendous pressure from the U.S. government to diversity their employees but it takes a certain IQ – and creativity – to be successful in that particular field.

    • katana17 says:

      Ha! I guessed he would be studying something “hard”, given his father’s realism and ability to think out of the ordinary, and dare say, forbidden thoughts! So congrats on having such an able son.

      Yes, the AA stuff has gone to ridiculous lengths in the insane and destructive goal of trying to “equalize” us all. They of course are not doing it because they are stupid but because of their deliberate agenda of destroying our societies.

      By the way Bon, if you have any thoughts or suggestions regarding this blog, I’d like to hear from you. I’ve focused mainly on getting out some of the older material dealing with organized jewry and all its consequences. That’s a pretty big field. Are there any areas that you would like to see posts on?

      Mull it over if you like and if something comes to mind, good, if not, that’s okay as well. I don’t want to disturb your holiday.

      Thanks again.

  33. Bon says:

    I will put it out there – I think you’re doing a fantastic job!

    WordPress is unwieldy as far as commenting – most us of prefer Disqus, although not being a blogger myself I have no idea what the cost of Disqus is or how to attach it to one’s blog. What Disqus does allow, however, is for all of us to connect and post favorite articles to one another plus read comments from other like-minded readers (so we know we’re not alone out here in our beliefs) – that alone would give your blog far far greater exposure.

    Anglin – over at Daily Stormer – recently switched over to Disqus making commenting there far easier. Daily Slave also uses Disqus. David Duke doesn’t allow comments.

    The important thing is this: Keep putting it out there – the facts and evidence are on our side of this issue and we’re at a point now where we’re in a fight for our very survival. Jews will do everything they can to shut us down.

    FTR, and BTW, I’m a female.

    • katana17 says:

      Thanks for the feedback and support Bon. And a pleasant surprise to hear that you are a female! I just assumed that it’s mostly, just us guys.

      I did a quick check re Discus and although it’s free it can only be used if I get my own domain name. Something to think about.

      What the jews have done and are doing to our societies is kind of unbelievable, a real nightmare. About four years ago I was completely oblivious to their central role in deliberately destroying us. It really does seem like we are in a race against time to wake enough people up. I used to dismiss talk about the jews mainly because of feeling sorry for them re the “Holocaust”, which I now know is a hoax.

  34. Gus raymond frost says:

    I understand what Duke said in this debate.
    Jews are entitled to criticize but not to be criticized, and so the old jargon flourishes: “this is an anti-Semitic attitude.”
    I am not an American, but the phenomenon of Jewish power has global reach, in almost all countries constitute the financial elite and from there embark on politics and other areas where they can feel comfortable, that is in the domain.
    In the United States they were where Jews were most strongly felt, and recently in Russia we witnessed the Jewish oligarchs (Russians or Russian Jews) feasting with the glasnost of Gorbatchov and with late drunken Yeltsin delivering from the tray sectors of the country’s natural wealth in the hands Of cheaters, almost all of Jewish origin.
    I suspect that America has been dominated by the Jewish media as a free country, and where there is freedom there is a misunderstanding of what freedom is, let us remember that Henry Ford left in his book “The International Jew” very well explained how he saw the mystery Of the rise of the Jews in America, and anticipated the Second War when he was informed of how the Jews were in full domination in Germany, both politically, press, and economically.
    Of course not all Jews are or have this obsession for power, in fact the large percentage just want to live in peace, but those who have this vision of profit at any cost think of nothing more than the power of $$$$$$$ .
    In my country they are in a few, but they are in a position of dominion, and always with the same “anti-Semitic” jargon, and always with the symbol of the holocaust of extremely suffering people, much more suffering than the other peoples who faced misfortunes , That they alone deserve this title of greatest suffering in the world, and that there is no room for other suffering people. I agree that there should not be another holocaust that was a tragedy of unimaginable level, but to capitalize on this misfortune by making a source of income “ad infinitum” is a lack of respect without limits.
    Anyway, it’s just big business.

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