Book – The Myth of German Villainy – Part 12 – The Nazis and the Zionists Actually Work Together …


[Part 12]


[Benton Bradberry’s 2012 book, “The Myth of German Villainy” is a  superb, must-read, revisionist look at how the German people have been systematically, relentlessly and most importantly, unjustly vilified as the arch criminal of the 20th century. Bradberry sets out, coolly and calmly as befits a former US-Navy officer and pilot, to show why and how the German people have been falsely accused of massive crimes and that their chief  accuser and tormentor, organized jewry is in fact the real party guilty of monstrous crimes against Germans and the rest of the world.

In Part 12, the myth of jews having to “flee” for their lives from Germany when the National Socialists took power is debunked. In fact, NS officials and jewish groups worked as partners in assisting jews leave Germany for Palestine through the officially sanctioned and organized program called the Haavara Agreement, or Transfer Agreement, that got started in 1933 and continued functioning until well into 1942. As part of that process about 40 zionist retraining camps were set up throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine.

In September of 1935 the Nuremberg Laws were introduced that consisted of; (1) “The Law of the Reich Citizen,” and (2) “The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.” With this, jews were no longer considered citizens of Germany but rather “subjects” of the Reich with limited rights, such as being no longer able to vote or hold public office. Jews and Germans were also restricted in being able to marry, something that many zionists supported as it kept jewish identity and culture intact.

The chapter ends with this: 

With the help of the Transfer Agreement, hundreds of thousands of Jews emigrated from Europe to Palestine. In September 1940 the Jews news agency in Palestine, “Palcor,” reported that 500,000 Jewish emigrants had already arrived from the German Reich, including Austria, the Sudetenland, Bohemia-Moravia, and German ruled Poland. Nevertheless, after 1950 it was claimed that the total number of Jewish emigrants to Palestine from all European countries was only about 80,000. What happened to the other 420,000 Jews? In 1940 they probably had no idea that later on they would be reported to have been ‘gassed’!” — KATANA.]









NOTE: The author has very generously given me permission to reproduce the material here — KATANA.

 The book can be bought at Amazon here: The Myth of German Villainy




The Myth of


German Villainy




Benton L. Bradberry







[Clicking on a link in the Contents here will take you to that Part, in a separate post]


[Part 01]


Chapter 1 – The Myth of Germany as an Evil Nation

Germany’s Positive Image Changes Overnight

[Part 02]

Chapter 2 – Aftermath of the War in Germany

The Versailles Treaty

Effect of the Treaty on the German Economy

Was the War Guilt Clause Fair?

Did Germany Really Start the War?

[Part 03]

Chapter 3 – The Jewish Factor in the War

Jews at the Paris Peace Conference

Jews in Britain

[Part 04]

Chapter 4 – The Russian Revolution of 1917

Bolsheviks Take Control

Jews and the Russian Revolution

Origin of East European Jews

Reason for the Russian Pogroms Against the Jews

Jews Leave Russia for America

Financing the 1917 Revolution

Jews in the Government of Bolshevik Russia

[Part 05]

Chapter 5 – The Red Terror

Creation of the Gulag

Bolsheviks Kill the Czar

Jews as a Hostile Elite

The Ukrainian Famine (Holodomor)

[Part 06]

Chapter 6 – The Bolshevik Revolution Spreads Throughout Europe

Jews in the Hungarian Revolution

Miklos Horthy Saves Hungary

Jews in the German Revolution

The Spartacist Uprising in Berlin

Jewish Bolsheviks Attempt to Take Italy

Jewish Bolsheviks Attempt to Take Spain — The Spanish Civil War

Czechoslovakia in Danger of Communist Takeover

The Comintern’s Aim? World Domination!

[Part 07]

Chapter 7 – The Nation of Israel

History of the Expulsion of Jews

[Part 08]

Chapter 8 – Jews in Weimar Germany

Jews Undermine German Culture

[Part 09]

Chapter 9 – Hitler & National Socialists Rise to Power

The 25 Points of the National Socialist Party

[Part 10]

Chapter 10 – National Socialism vs. Communism

National Socialism

Jews Plan Marxist Utopia

[Part 11]

Chapter 11 – Jews Declare War on Nazi Germany

Text of Untermeyer’s Speech in New York

The Jewish Persecution Myth

Effect of Boycott on the German Economy

Jewish Exaggerations are Contradicted by Many

[Part 12]

Chapter 12 – The Nazis and the Zionists Actually Work Together for Jewish Emigration out of Germany

The Nuremberg Laws – 1935

The Zionist Movement

[Part 13]

Chapter 13 – Life in Germany Under Hitler

Night of the Long Knives

1934 Annual Nazi Rally at Nuremberg

Hitler Revives the German Economy

Hitler Becomes the Most Popular Leader in the World

[Part 14]

Chapter 14 – Hitler Begins Reclamation of German Territory

Chapter 15 – The 1936 Olympics

[Part 15]

Chapter 16 – Anschluss”. The Unification of Austria and Germany

Austrian Economy Revived

Austria’s Jews

[Part 16]

Chapter 17 – Germany Annexes the Sudetenland

[Part 17]

Chapter 18 – War with Poland

The Polish Problem

Hitler’s Proposal to Poland


German-Polish Talks Continue

Jews Influence both Roosevelt and Churchill

British and American Political Leaders Under Jewish Influence

Roosevelt’s Contribution to Hostilities

Lord Halifax Beats the War Drums

Germany Occupies Bohemia and Moravia

Roosevelt Pushes for War

Anti-war Movement Becomes Active

Poles Murder German Nationals Within the Corridor

[Part 18]

Chapter 19 – The Phony War

Russo-Finnish War

The Norway/Denmark Campaign

German Invasion of Denmark and Norway

Churchill Takes Chamberlain’s Place as Prime Minister

[Part 19]

Chapter 20 – Germany invades France Through the Low Countries

The Phony War Ends.

Churchill the War Lover

The Fall of France

Hitler Makes Peace Offer to Britain

[Part 20]

Chapter 21 – The Allied Goal? Destruction of Germany!

[Part 21]

Chapter 22 – Germany as Victim

Rape and Slaughter

Jewish Vengeance

The Jewish Brigade

[Part 22]

Chapter 23 – Winners and Losers




Chapter 12


The Nazis and the Zionists


Actually Work Together for


Jewish Emigration Out of Germany 






The story of the emigration of the Jews from Germany has been totally distorted and misrepresented in contemporary historiography. The emigration of Jews from Germany is typically depicted as some sort of secret undertaking in which those Jews who wished to leave had to escape in the middle of the night, sneaking across borders, crossing over mountain ranges, and leaving behind all their goods and property. Other dramatizations describe the ruinous price the Jews had to pay for an exit visa. All of these poignant tales are nothing more than a stupid fantasy.


There is no doubt that the German government wanted the Jews to leave Germany, and that it applied increasing pressure to persuade them to do so. The anti-Jewish legislation of the Third Reich is a matter of historical fact which cannot be denied; and the hardship imposed upon the Jews was real. But contrary to all the hyperbolic tales and adventure stories contained in Jewish memoirs, Jewish emigration from Germany was a legal event carried out in accordance with established, published procedures.


German government offices and Jewish organizations worked hand in hand to facilitate the emigration. Jews interested in emigrating were extensively counseled and received considerable aid. All talk about a dangerous escape from Germany in the middle of the night is sheer nonsense. The National Socialists wanted to create a nation-state of ethnically pure Germans. The German government wanted the Jews to leave Germany. The Germany government did not stand in the way of Jewish emigration. To have done so would have undermined its own program.


[Add. image — Early in 1935, a passenger ship bound for Haifa in Palestine left the German port of Bremerhaven. Its stern bore the Hebrew letters for its name, “Tel Aviv”, while a swastika banner fluttered from the mast. And although the ship was Zionist-owned, its captain was a National Socialist Party member.]


Intrinsic to National Socialism was the precept that the Germans were a distinct race, and that they had every right to an ethnically and religiously homogeneous homeland. The Zionists were no less nationalistic than the Nazis and likewise declared the Jews to be a distinct race, even superior to others, i.e., the “Chosen People of God,” as they called themselves.

The Zionists wanted to make Palestine into an ethnically and religiously homogeneous homeland for Jews, just as the Nazis wanted Germany to be a homogeneous land of Germans. To that extent, Israel today is no different from Germany of the 1930s. “Nationalism” was an accepted concept throughout Europe during the Nazi era, meaning that each “nationality” or “ethnic group” had a natural right to create a nation-state of its own. President Wilson’s concept of “self determination for all peoples,” was a confirmation of the concept of “nationalism.” The aim of the National Socialists to have a German nation-state exclusively for ethnic Germans was not an aberration, nor was it even unusual for the time. For the Germans to hold their own ethnic group in high regard was also not exceptional for that time.


Except for their tiny Jewish minority, Germany was almost entirely homogeneous in the 1920s and 30s. Encouraging the Jews to emigrate out of Germany became a national policy, though no Jew, at least, before World War Two began, was actually forced to leave. This policy served two purposes; first, to “cleanse” Germany of its alien element, and second, to wrest control of German institutions out of Jewish hands to turn them back over to Germans.


Germany’s policy of encouraging Jewish emigration also served the purposes of the Zionists who wanted to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Toward this end, the Zionists and the Nazis joined forces and actively collaborated in facilitating the emigration of the Jews out of Germany into Palestine. The Zionist Federation of Germany (an organization of Zionist Jews inside Germany) submitted a detailed memorandum to the new Nazi government which served as a “review” of German/Jewish relations and also formally offered Zionist support to the Nazis in their program of encouraging Jewish emigration out of Germany.


[Add. image — The Jüdische Rundschau, Sept. 17, 1935, the official Zionist newspaper in Germany, which welcomed and supported the Nuremberg Laws. This support for the legal definition of who is a jew — as created by Nazis and Jews working together—is still referenced to the present-day in Israel’s “Law of Return” which regulates jewish immigration into that state.



The first step, the memo suggested, had to be a frank recognition of fundamental national differences between Germans and Jews. The memorandum stated the following:

… Our acknowledgment of Jewish nationality provides for a clear and sincere relationship to the German people and its national and racial realities. Precisely because we do not wish to falsify these fundamentals, because we, too, are against mixed marriage and are for maintaining the purity of the Jewish group and reject any trespasses in the cultural domain, we ― having been brought up in the German language and German culture ― can show an interest in the works and values of German culture with admiration and internal sympathy …

For its practical aims, Zionism hopes to be able to win the collaboration of even a government fundamentally hostile to Jews, because in dealing with the Jewish question not sentimentalities are involved but a real problem whose solution interests all peoples and at the present moment especially the German people …

Boycott propaganda ― such as is currently being carried on against Germany in many ways ― is in essence un-Zionist, because Zionism wants not to do battle but to convince and to build …

We are not blind to the fact that a Jewish question exists and will continue to exist. From the abnormal situation of the Jews severe disadvantages result for them, but also scarcely tolerable conditions for other peoples.


Hitler was very favorably disposed toward cooperation with the Zionists and they with him. According to British historian David Irving, the two largest contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of two of the largest Berlin banks, both of them Jewish, and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany. Irving uncovered this fact in a letter written by Dr. Heinrich Bruning, Chancellor of Germany before Hitler, to Winston Churchill in 1949, while researching for his book “Churchill’s War.”


Hitler wanted to cooperate with the Zionists because he wanted to be rid of the problem of Jewish predominance in German affairs. The Zionists were working to set up an independent Jewish homeland in Palestine and wanted all of Germany’s Jews to immigrate to Palestine, if possible. On August 25, 1933 Hitler entered into a pact with representatives of the Jewish Agency, whose members would eventually become the leaders of Israel. The pact was called the Haavara Agreement, or Transfer Agreement, which was a program for moving the Jews out of Germany to Palestine. “Haavara” in Hebrew means to move, or to relocate.


[Add. Image (click to enlarge) — A Nazi-Zionist “Haavara” certificate issued in Hebrew and in English.


Peter Winter, author of  “The Six Million: Fact or Fiction”, points out that the “centerpiece of Nazi-Zionist cooperation was something called the ‘Transfer Agreement,’” which, he writes, was a pact that enabled tens of thousands of German Jews to migrate to Palestine with their wealth. The Agreement, was concluded in August 1933 following talks between German officials and Chaim Arlosoroff, Political Secretary of the Jewish Agency, the Palestine center of the World Zionist Organization.


Through this arrangement each Jew bound for Palestine deposited money in a special account in Germany. The money was used to purchase German-made agricultural tools, building materials, pumps, fertilizer, and so forth, which were exported to Palestine and sold there by the Jewish-owned Haavara company in Tel-Aviv. Money from the sales was given to the Jewish emigrant upon his arrival in Palestine in an amount corresponding to his deposit in Germany. German goods poured into Palestine through the Haavara, which was supplemented a short time later with a barter agreement by which Palestine oranges were exchanged for German timber, automobiles, agricultural machinery, and other goods.

The Agreement thus served the Zionist aim of bringing Jewish settlers and development capital to Palestine, while simultaneously serving the German goal of freeing the country of an unwanted alien group,” Winter says.


The German Interior Ministry was put in charge of the logistics for the program and the Reichsbank and the German Treasury were responsible for financing the mass emigration. By November, 1933 the program was in full swing and it kept functioning until well into 1942. The aim was to conduct a peaceful and painless transfer of Jews out of Germany to Palestine with as little inconvenience to the Jews as possible. Coercive measures were used to push those who were unwilling to go. The Zionists even offered suggestions on ways to speed up the emigration process out of Germany. It was a Zionist idea, for example, to force the Jews in Germany to wear the yellow stars. The more pressure applied on the Jews, they reasoned, the more likely they were to leave Germany.


Contrary to popular myth today, Germany’s Jews were permitted to leave with practically all of their possessions and all of their wealth, provided that Jews deposited all of their assets in one of two Jewish owned banks in Germany which had branch offices in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Upon arrival in Palestine they could withdraw their assets according to the terms of the agreement. The German capital of these two Jewish banking firms was guaranteed by the German government. Even after the war these assets were fully available to the Jewish owners or their representatives. Even those Jews who decided to remain in Germany for the time being could transfer all of their assets out of Germany to Palestine through these two banks.


Jewish children gathered for a sporting event in a summer camp organized by the Reich Union of Jewish Frontline Soldiers, Germany, between 1934 and 1936.


The Reich Union of Jewish Frontline Soldiers organized summer camps and sports activities for Jewish children, Germany, between 1934 and 1936.


Some 40 camps were set up throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Special schools were established for Jewish students who had been barred from German schools, and Jewish teachers, some even from Palestine, were hired to teach in them. In these camps, they held meetings and seminars, sports meetings, went sailing, and hiking through the countryside, and were allowed to hand out leaflets about Zionism. The first kibbutz farms were set up in Germany (collective farms) to teach agriculture to the prospective Jewish settlers. Some of these camps were in operation as late as 1942. These camps flew the blue and white flag with the star of David, which eventually became the national flag of Israel.


[Add. Image (click to enlarge) — Map of Zionist retraining camps in Germany, August 1936. There were about 40 such centers throughout Germany, where the Zionist “Hechaluz” (or “Hechalutz”) organization, with government support, prepared German Jews for new lives in Palestine.]


All of this was paid for by the German government at considerable cost. In addition to the cost of running this program, massive amounts of material and equipment were also sent to Palestine by the German government. This included coal, iron and metal products and machines for desalinating sea water.


[Add. Image — Jewish-German members dancing at a kibbutz in Palestine.]


From 1933 to 1941 around 100 Jewish settlements were built in Palestine with German help. The Haavara (Transfer) Agreement, which was financially supported by the German government, saved the Jewish Agency from bankruptcy. According to Dr. Nahum Goldmann, co-founder of the World Jewish Congress, the Transfer Agreement was an indispensable factor in the creation of the state of Israel.


[Add. Image — SS Untersturmfuhrer Leopold von Mildenstein with his wife at a cafe. Both travelled to Palestine together with a Zionist couple.]


In 1933 and 1934, SS Untersturmfuhrer Leopold von Mildenstein from the SS Office for Jewish Affairs, travelled to Palestine on fact finding missions and was accompanied on these tours by Zionist officials. His final tour lasted 6 months, during which he was a welcome guest at many Kibbutz farms. His report after returning to Germany was so filled with praise and compliments about the work being done by the German Jewish settlers in Palestine that Goebbels had a special coin minted in honor of the joint effort between the Nazis and the Zionists. The coin had a Star of David on one side and a Swastika on the other. In recognition of this coin, Palestine’s largest fruit growing firm decorated their advertisement for Jaffa oranges with a portrait of King David flanked by Swastika flags.*


[* Swastika on Arab Oranges Displeases Berlin Aryans

January 7, 1934, BERLIN (Jan. 5)

Official circles here are protesting against the misuse of the swastika, official Nazi emblem, found printed on the wrappers of Palestine oranges intended for export to Germany. German authorities are displeased that the German national symbol is being used for advertising purposes.

Oranges marked “Saint Elijah, Jaffa”, were wrapped in paper bearing a picture of the prophet surrounded by swastikas. The wrappers were found to have been used by an Arab exporting firm.



Coin [medallion] minted to honor the joint Nazi/Zionist effort to move Jews out of Germany to Palestine.


[Add. Note — This “Nazi-Zionist” medallion was issued by the Berlin daily Der Angriff to commemorate a joint visit to Palestine by SS officer Leopold von Mildenstein and Zionist Federation official Kurt Tuchler. A series of articles on their tour, appearing under the heading “A Nazi Travels to Palestine,” appeared in Der Angriff in late 1934.]



The Nuremberg Laws — 1935


Meanwhile, Hitler proceeded with his program to reduce the influence and control of Jews in Germany and to marginalize them as a race. The Nuremberg Laws, which changed the legal status of Jews in Germany, became the law of the land on September 15, 1935 soon after they were presented to the German people in a Speech by Hitler at the annual Nazi Nuremberg Rally.


[Add. Image (click to enlarge) — Chart with the title, “Die Nurnberger Gesetze” (Nuremberg Race Laws). Complex chart used to aid Germans in understanding the Nuremberg Race Laws. White circles represent Aryan Germans, black circles represent Jews, and partially shaded circles represent “mixed raced” individuals.]


The Nuremberg Laws consisted of two laws; (1)The Law of the Reich Citizen,” and (2)The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.”


The first law stripped Jews of their German citizenship and made them “subjects of the Reich,” that is, legal residents in Germany, but not citizens. Only those with German blood could be citizens of the Reich.


The second law forbade marriage or sexual relations between Jews and those of German blood, or even the employment of German women (under age 45) in Jewish households. The stated purpose of the law was to protect the purity of German blood, which was deemed necessary to preserve the German race.


[Add. Image — A Hitler Youth instructor explains the Nuremberg racial purity laws to a class of teenaged boys.]


Jews were no longer allowed to vote or to hold public office since they were no longer citizens. Their movements and activities inside Germany were restricted, and a large red J was stamped on their passports. The Nuremberg laws caused Jews to want to leave Germany for friendlier shores, which is precisely what Germany wanted them to do. It should be pointed out, however, that the Jews were never actually forced to leave Germany until well after World War II began, and a great many Jews remained in Germany, unmolested, throughout the war.



[Add. Image (click to enlarge) —  “The Nuremberg Laws”, in English.]


These laws had the unexpected result of generating a lot of confusion and heated debate among Nazi bureaucrats as to how a Jew should be defined because there were a great many people with mixed blood. The Nazis settled on defining a “full Jew” as a person with three Jewish grandparents. A mixed Jew or Mischlinge was defined in two degrees.


The first degree Mischlinge had two Jewish grandparents, while the second degree Mischlinge had only one grandparent. Mischlinges who practiced Judaism were considered full Jews. Full Jews were subject to the full extent of the law, while Mischlings were subjected to the law in lesser degrees, depending on their degree of Jewishness. Mischling civil servants as well those in some other jobs were allowed to stay on.


Surprisingly, many German Jews reacted to the Nuremberg Laws with a sense of relief, because their status was now clarified. They would be required to suffer some inconveniences, but they could now get on with their lives. Instead of being offended by these laws, the head of the German Jewish community and the head of Germany’s Zionist movement, Georg Kareski, actually supported them. In an interview with Angriff magazine, in its December 23, 1935 edition, he said he had been trying for years to find a method to keep the two races (Germans and Jews) separate, and he considered the race laws to be beneficial to Jews.


[Add. Image — The head of the German Jewish community and the head of Germany’s Zionist movement, Georg Kareski. He declared in an interview with the Berlin daily Der Angriff at the end of 1935:

For many years I have regarded a complete separation of the cultural affairs of the two peoples [Jews and Germans] as a pre-condition for living together without conflict… This interruption of the process of dissolution in many Jewish communities, which had been promoted through mixed marriages, is therefore, from a Jewish point of view, entirely welcome.”]


The Jews were no less interested in keeping their race pure than the Germans were. The Jews in Germany had long worried about being gradually subsumed or absorbed into the larger German population and thus losing their distinct Jewish identity, and Jewish leaders had long tried to prevent marriage outside the Jewish race.


After enactment of the Nuremberg Laws, things quieted down for the Jews in Germany and remained so for the next four years, that is, until the beginning of World War II, and were likely to have remained so if the war had not occurred.


Such were the relations between the Nazis and the Zionists, though information about this cooperative relationship will not appear in the main stream media, nor in official historiography today. On the contrary, such information today is carefully suppressed.



The Zionist Movement


The Zionist Movement itself was formally established in 1897 by the Austro-Hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl after publication of his book Der Judenstaat, in which he called for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, then under Ottoman rule. Though the movement formally began with Herzl, the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine had been incubating for some time prior to that.


[Add. Image — Theodor Herzl  and his booklet, Der Judenstaat, Versuch Einer Modernen Losung der Judenfrage, Theodor Herzl. M. Breitenstein publishing, Vienna-Leipzig, 1896. First edition. German.

The Jewish State: Proposal of a modern solution to the Jewish problem” by Theodore Herzl, in which he portrays the Jewish problem and the need to find a political-national solution. ]


Zionism as a movement, advocated the “return” of the Jewish people, scattered as they were around the world (the Diaspora), to “their homeland” with the “resumption” of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. World Jewry was divided over the issue of Zionism. Some Jews supported it but many did not. Moreover, there were several things wrong with the precept of Zionism. First, most of the Jews of the world had no ancestral roots in the Land of Israel because around 85% of the world’s Jews are descendants of the Khazars who lived north of the Black Sea, not the Semitic tribes of Palestine. [This is a matter of contention — see poster below, for example.]


[Add. Image — A German poster depicting jews as being a mixture of four “races”.  Source: ]


But leaving that aside, a great many Jews at that time did not want to take up residence in Palestine because they liked it just fine where they were, especially those who had immigrated to America. Most American Jews believed that America was the “New Jerusalem,” though there were notable exceptions, such as Louis Brandeis who was an ardent Zionist. Jews had done very well in America, to the extent that the center of world Jewish power had shifted to America. They had no reason whatever to want to leave. But they were doing well in Europe too, and International Jewish power over all Western countries depended on having as many Jews there as possible.


They reasoned that creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine and attracting millions of Jews to it would have the effect of weakening Jewish power in America and Europe. Rich, powerful Jews, particularly in America, began using their influence to try to sabotage the Transfer Agreement. The anti-Zionist Jews in America and Europe were the source of most of the anti-Nazi propaganda. The Zionist Jews tended to cooperate with German Nazi leaders because they wanted all German Jews to move to Palestine, while Jews who were opposed to Zionism carried on a virulent anti-German propaganda campaign, and even declared a war against Germany.


By 1939, more than two thirds of Germany’s Jews had emigrated voluntarily in a peaceful process whereby they were permitted to take their wealth with them. Germany’s “Jewish problem” was two thirds solved — peacefully — by the time World War Two began, but Jewish immigration to Palestine (Israel) was stopped by the British who were having political trouble with the Palestinians, else, most of the rest of the Jews might have left Germany too. By October, 1941 only around 160,000 Jews remained in Germany, and 40,000 in Austria.


With the help of the Transfer Agreement, hundreds of thousands of Jews emigrated from Europe to Palestine. In September 1940 the Jews news agency in Palestine, “Palcor,” reported that 500,000 Jewish emigrants had already arrived from the German Reich, including Austria, the Sudetenland, Bohemia-Moravia, and German ruled Poland. Nevertheless, after 1950 it was claimed that the total number of Jewish emigrants to Palestine from all European countries was only about 80,000. What happened to the other 420,000 Jews? In 1940 they probably had no idea that later on they would be reported to have been “gassed”!




[END of Part 12]





PDF Notes

Total words = 5,407

* Total pages = 33

*Total images = 16


*Note: Images not in original book are indicated as “Add. image” (Additional image).

*Text in [square brackets] is not part of the original book.

*Special thanks to reader “mblaine” for providing the text for this book.




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The Myth of Germany Villainy – Part 12 – The Nazis and the Zionists Actually Work Together (Ver 2)






Click on a link to go to another part:

[Click images to enlarge]



Part 01Cover text; About the Author; Preface; Chapter 1: The Myth of Germany as an Evil Nation

Part 02 — Chapter 2: Aftermath of the War in Germany

Part 03 — Chapter 3: The Jewish Factor in the War

Part 04 — Chapter 4: The Russian Revolution of 1917

Part 05 — Chapter 5: The Red Terror

Part 06 — Chapter 6: The Bolshevik Revolution Spreads Throughout Europe

Part 07 — Chapter 7: The Nation of Israel

Part 08 — Chapter 8: Jews in Weimar Germany

Part 09 — Chapter 9: Hitler and National Socialists Rise to Power



Part 10 — Chapter 10: National Socialism vs Communism

Part 11 — Chapter 11: Jews Declare War on Nazi Germany

Part 12 — Chapter 12: The Nazis and the Zionists Actually Work Together for Jewish Emigration out of Germany

Part 13 — Chapter 13: Life in Germany Under Hitler

Part 14 — Chapter 14 & 15: Hitler Begins Reclamation of German Territory; The 1936 Olympics

Part 15 — Chapter 16: Anschluss” The Unification of Austria and Germany

Part 16 – Chapter 17: Germany Annexes the Sudetenland

Part 17 – Chapter 18: War with Poland

Part 18 – Chapter 19: The Phony War



Part 19 – Chapter 20: Germany invades France – The Phony War Ends

Part 20 – Chapter 21: The Allied Goal? Destruction of Germany!

Part 21 – Chapter 22: Germany as Victim

Part 22 (last) – Chapter 23: Winners and Losers




See also:


The Myth of German Villainy: Author Ben Bradberry Interview — TRANSCRIPT






Version History


Version 5:


Version 4: Mar 13, 2021 – Added new Go2 Cover images (3).


Version 3: Mar 24, 2020 — Re-uploaded images for version.


Version 2: Nov 15, 2016 — Added two more images (including English version of chart, “Nuremberg Race Laws“). Minor typos fixed. Added updated PDF (Ver 2) for download.


Version 1: Nov 13, 2016 — Created post. Added PDF for download.

This entry was posted in America, anti-communism, Aryan, Benton L. Bradberry, Bk - The Myth of German Villainy, Communism, Europe, Europe - Eastern, Germany, Hitler, Hitler Youth, Holocaust, International Finance, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish Diaspora, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - New York, Kibbutz, Media - jewish domination, National Socialism, Nazi-Zionist Medallion, Nuremberg Race Laws, Palestine, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, Third Reich, White Nationalism, WW II, Zionism, Zionists. Bookmark the permalink.

20 Responses to Book – The Myth of German Villainy – Part 12 – The Nazis and the Zionists Actually Work Together …

  1. Pingback: The Third Reich and the Nuremberg Laws — Chart in English – aladdinsmiraclelamp

  2. Pingback: Updates — Plain List - katana17katana17

  3. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy - Part 08 - Jews in Weimar Germany - katana17katana17

  4. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy - Part 03 - The Jewish Factor in the War - katana17katana17

  5. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy - Part 06 - The Bolshevik Revolution Spreads throughout Europe - katana17katana17

  6. Pingback: The Nuremberg Laws — Chart in English - katana17katana17

  7. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy - Part 09 - Hitler and National Socialists Rise to Power - katana17katana17

  8. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy - Part 21 - Germany as Victim - katana17katana17

  9. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy - Part 11 - Jews Declare War on Nazi Germany - katana17katana17

  10. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy by Benton Bradberry - Part 01 - katana17katana17

  11. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy - Part 16 - Germany Annexes the Sudetenland - katana17katana17

  12. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy - Part 15 - “Anschluss” The Unification of Austria and Germany - katana17katana17

  13. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy - Part 20 - The Allied Goal? Destruction of Germany! - katana17katana17

  14. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy - Part 22 (last) - Winners and Losers - katana17katana17

  15. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy - Part 02 - Aftermath of the War in Germany - katana17katana17

  16. Pingback: Book - The Myth of German Villainy - Part 05 - The Red Terror - katana17katana17

  17. Pingback: Book – The Myth of German Villainy – Part 04 – The Russian Revolution of 1917 | katana17

  18. Pingback: Book – The Myth of German Villainy – Part 19 – Germany invades France – The Phony War Ends | katana17


    At any time or place, by their fruits we will ever know them

    The Jews declared war on Germany and and in return they were graced with the Ha’avara agreement

    The Relocation Agreement was the most far-reaching example of cooperation between Hitler’s Germany and international Zionism. Through this pact, Hitler’s Third Reich did more than any other government during the 1930s to support Jewish development in Palestine.

    The truth can frighten the righteous a lot, but it bothers fraudsters, liars, criminals and their accomplices much more. kakistocrats


    At any time or place, by their fruits we will ever know them

    The Jews declared war on Germany and and in return they were graced with the Ha’avara agreement

    The Relocation Agreement was the most far-reaching example of cooperation between Hitler’s Germany and international Zionism. Through this pact, Hitler’s Third Reich did more than any other government during the 1930s to support Jewish development in Palestine.

    The truth can frighten the righteous a lot, but it bothers fraudsters, liars, criminals and their accomplices much more. kakistocrats


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