[ John Friend of The Realist Report interviews German-Canadian activist Monika Schaefer on her awakening to the destructive activities of organized jewry and its ongoing plan of genocide against Whites. Having spent her entire adult life involved in various environmental causes it was only in the last few years that she became aware that 9/11 was an “inside job” carried out by organized jewry.
One thing led to another, and she then became aware of revisionism and that the “Holocaust” is a diabolical hoax perpetrated by the usual suspects against Germans in particular and Whites in general.
She went public with her views in June 2016 with the release of a short video titled, “Sorry Mom, I was Wrong About the Holocaust“. Despite being a prominent, well-respected individual of long-standing in the “Gingerbread Town” of Jasper, Alberta, she has faced social ostracism and a process of “ritual defamation” from leading members of the community — KATANA.]
The Realist Report
On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined by Monika Schaefer, a courageous activist and truth-seeker openly exposing the fake Jewish “Holocaust” narrative and other extremely controversial topics. Monika’s brother, Alfred, was recently a guest on The Realist Report.
In this podcast, Monika and I discuss her background, education, and upbringing before moving on to address her awakening process to the lies endlessly promoted and perpetuated by the mainstream mass media, Hollywood, modern educational establishment and virtually all Western governments pertaining to the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” during WWII. Monika gives us her take on the fake “Holocaust” narrative and offers her perspective on Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany.
We also address a number of other important topics in this podcast, including the reality of Jewish power and influence in the Western world, the systematic promotion of policies designed to genocide the White race, 9/11 and the “Global War on Terror,” and related matters.
Check out Monika’s website and her great video Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust:
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The Realist Report
Monika Schaefer
Published on May 17, 2017
(89 mins)
John: All right folks, welcome back to another edition of The Realist Report. This is your host John Friend. The website is The Realist Report dot com, where you can find an extensive archive of these podcasts, as well as other radio broadcasts I’ve participated in. You can also find all of my articles and blog posts, a contact page with my personal email address, my Twitter feed — which is embedded on the right hand side of the website, and all sorts of other useful information and links. I am a regular reporter for American Free Press, America’s last real paper. And I also contribute to the Barnes Review, a bi-monthly history magazine, affiliated with American Free Press. Both publications are worth subscribing to and I highly encourage listeners to do so, if they are not already. Visit American Free Press dot net and Barnes Review dot org, for more details.
All right, with that said, I’d like to introduce my special guest this evening. Monika Schaefer is joining us for the very first time. Monika is a courageous activist and truth seeker who has openly and quite publicly challenged a number of taboo topics in modern Western society, including the fake jewish “Holocaust” narrative, which is endlessly promoted and perpetuated by the educational, media and political establishment, here in the West.
Monika, thank you so much for joining me! How are you this evening?
Monika: Hello John! Thank you so much for having me on! And I am doing very well, thank you, very much. And I honestly thank you for all the good work you do! Yeah, I’ve been listening to your podcasts for a while and reading some of your articles. And I think you do excellent work!
See here for the interview with Alfred Schaefer.
John: Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. And, you know, it’s funny I feel like I know you although we’ve never actually spoken. Maybe it’s, because I’ve interviewed your brother Alfred a couple times now, here on The Realist Report? And I’ve seen some of your video, a couple which we’ll talk about in this podcast. Yes, but I don’t know, I just have this strange feeling that somehow we know each other but, I know we actually don’t. So, it’s great for you to finally be here and, you know, we can kind of get to know each other in real life I guess, or at least over the Internet, as best we can.
Monika: Yes, and I had that sensation too! Yes, that’s right, just from listening to your talk with a number of people and so, it does feel like we know each other probably, because we’re on the same page on a lot of these issues, I think.
John: Yes, I think so. And your brother’s always great talking to. I actually recently interviewed him just a couple of weeks ago. And we dealt with a number of topics that I’m sure we’ll be getting into, in this podcast. So I guess, just to get started, could you tell us a little bit about your background, your education and your upbringing. And perhaps, maybe your professional experience, if you feel that is relevant. Let’s kind of start there, just kind of introduce yourself, please.
Monika: Sure. I grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and my parents came from Germany in the early 50’s. And I was born in 1959, the fourth in a family of five children. And we grew up in a very, I would say, traditional German household, you know, the way we celebrated certain times of year, in a very German style. Like Christmas we had the real candles on the tree and that kind of thing.
And something that I really feel, that affected us deeply was our parents’ love of nature. Even though we grew up in the city we were very, very connected to the natural world. We had a huge vegetable garden always, and we put great value on going for walks, like as a family. We would go for walks in the river valley and just really appreciate nature. That went very, very deep.
Transcripts of Red Ice Radio’s interview are here: Part I and Part II
And yeah, as I was growing up, learning in school, the usual things that we were learning in those days, in the sixties and seventies. And I had, like Germar Rudolf — and you interviewed him recently — and he talks about his very developed sense of justice. I could relate to that when he spoke of that. I feel that applies to me, too. I started to become an activist in environmental things and social justice things, very, very early in my life. Like during my teen years. And then all through my adult life I was very much an activist. And it was always on environmental things and also peace issues.
But, I have to say it wasn’t until about 2011, I started to really understand how the world was working. But before that, I’ll just talk a little bit about my activism. I actually did get involved in politics. I ran as a candidate for the Green Party of Alberta first and then the Green Party of Canada, in several elections. I just felt that the Green Party was the one political party whose principles and values meshed with my own!
But that has now changed drastically! In fact, Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party Canada, she did a very public condemnation of me last summer, after my video! And this is why we’re talking today, you and I, on this podcast. The video that I created, and my brother produced it, is called, “Sorry Mom I was Wrong About the Holocaust”. And it’s a very short video, under six minutes. And in it I basically tell the world that the “Holocaust” is a lie! And that unleashed a set of events in my life that basically has changed my life! [laughing]
Elizabeth May’s betrayal of her stated “principles” (click image to enlarge)
John: Yes, I can only imagine. You know, real quick, I hate to interject, but let me just make two brief comments. Number one, I actually have never interviewed Germar Rudolf.
Monika: Oh!
John: Although I would love to, I would really like to. I just, I never have. I’ve heard him be interviewed a number of times. I know he’s been on Dr David Duke’s program every once in a while. I’ve also heard him interviewed on Jeff Rense’s radio program I believe, and Red Ice Radio.
Monika: It was the Red Ice Radio.
John: Yeah OK.
Monika: I mean, you know, I was mixed up John.
John: No, no, it’s totally fine. I just wanted to state that for the record. I’ve never interviewed him although I would love to. I think we’d have a great conversation, he’s really, I mean, the expert when it comes to the “Holocaust”.
One other comment I wanted to make; you had said how you, ever since you were a child really, and it’s probably a result of your upbringing, but also maybe something innate in you. You have this very, deep sense of truth and justice, and you just sort of want what’s right. And want to pursue the truth wherever it leads. And that’s exactly the type of person that I am! It’s maybe hasn’t been the wisest thing to do, considering the world we live in. But it’s just something that I just have to do.
Again I think it’s something that is innate in myself, in maybe certain other people, like yourself. Do you think that this is something that’s maybe more prevalent in certain people, or something that’s kind of instilled, or innate again in certain people, rather than others?
Monika: Oh my goodness, that’s a big question! I think a lot of people have this sense of justice and wanting to do what’s right. Perhaps some of that gets, I don’t know, squelched out of us. Maybe it’s in our education system and it’s a very demoralizing education system that we have. And there are certain things that create, well, or work towards “anti-creative zombism” if you want to call it that, in our education system. That maybe kicked that out of us? But anyway, … I think a lot of people power have it but we are fed wrong information, then we can’t even seek justice. We don’t know what justice is!
And so, psychological warfare is something that I do want to talk about. And that is the most dangerous weapon being used against us and that can ruined any, you know, sense that we can seek justice. People can still have that desire for who are doing what’s right and doing what’s just.
But what I’m experiencing, for example, in this “ritual defamation” that’s being done against me, is that probably a lot of people who are treating me very badly, think that they are doing the right thing! Some of them probably know very well that they are not and that they are actually, you know, deceivers and liars, but I think a lot of the people just get swept along, thinking that they are being righteous, when they are treating me badly, because I have done a “taboo” thing and that is, I have challenged this story, the “Holocaust” myth.
Elements of a Ritual Defamation (click image to enlarge in new window)
John: Yeah, I think so. And I think certainly our modern hyper-capitalistic, hyper-individualistic society, you know, it doesn’t reward this sort of behavior this sort of sense of honor and truth and justice. You’re not going to get very far if you’re this type of person, at least it seems like it. The system is kind of designed that way, any ways. There certainly are exceptions and it’s not impossible to operate in a system and still have this sense of truth and justice. But it does make things very challenging. And so, that’s one point.
Then also, I think you’re right as far as, you know, sort of psychological warfare is concerned. I think there is an attack on our minds and really, you know, the way the media works and the way the educational system works. It’s designed to attack this and to undermine this. And it’s very sad! It’s very, very harmful, it’s been very detrimental to our society, certainly.
Monika: Absolutely! I mean, I think that the teachers in the schools, when they are teaching wrong things to the children, the teachers just don’t know that. They are also indoctrinated and mind contaminated by the books that they have read and by the education they received. So it’s generation after generation that gets deceived. But that is the worst weapon of all, because what happens is we become agents of our own destruction.
And that is something that is written in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. That the “goy” will become, “agents of their own destruction”. And that is just the most tragic aspect of all of this! It’s a much worse enemy to have, you know, psychological warfare and the “chameleon within the gate”. You know, that is destroying us, within our own societies by giving the wrong curriculum and bad curriculum and teaching the wrong things to the children. Teaching lies, basically. That’s a much more dangerous enemy then the enemy comes with the cannons or the guns and the open warfare. I mean, that might be destructive in the moment and it might lead to the death of people and destruction of places, however, people can recover from that.
Now with psychological warfare, that’s difficult, really. Can we recover from that when we have been so misled and contaminated and our minds have been polluted and our spirits have been crushed?
John: Indeed. That is very well said. You’re totally right about that.
And the last part I did, I spoke with Pete Papaherakles, and we were talking about the “Trivium” of education. And, you know, basic logic and critical thinking. And sadly our society these days, people just really don’t know how to use their brain. They don’t know how to evaluate information. They don’t know how to discover what the truth actually is. And that’s really a big problem! It’s that, you know, you try to talk about a subject like the “Holocaust”, for example, and you just ask someone, … And this is what I do regularly, you know, when this comes up, like in a personal conversation, or like, if I’m talking to a friend, or something, I’ll just say:
“Why do you believe the ‘Holocaust’ narrative”?
I mean, what evidence and proof is there to demonstrate that this actually happened? Let’s examine that evidence and see if it stands up to scrutiny. And, you know, it’s very difficult for people to do these, like simple things. And I think there’s reasons for that. I think, you know, most people again, simply really don’t know how to think critically and use their brain to evaluate information.
But also, I think a lot of the, … Certainly when it comes to the “Holocaust”, but also other very traumatic events, game changing events in our history, but especially the “Holocaust”, the propaganda used to promote, to perpetuate this myth, is very exploitative. And it really is a form of psychological warfare, you know, again another topic we can talk about, and a topic that I spoke with your brother about.
The Trivium Method Summary Chart (click image to enlarge)
So I mean, I think there’s multiple factors at play here, but those are really the two main ones. As you know, most people simply just don’t know how to properly use their brain, to use the “Trivium”, to use critical thinking. And also the propaganda associated with a lot of these events is systematically designed to exploit us on very base emotional and psychological levels.
Monika: Yes! You’re hit the nail on the head. So it not only are people not able to use logic, but this subject is absolutely taboo to even question. So, I’ve had people tell me, even if they were trying to remain friendly to me, they would say:
“Well Monika, this topic is it just off-limits! I’m not going to discuss the ‘Holocaust’ with you! I’m not going to debate it with you! But I’ll still, you know, be your friend.”
But I mean, those people, they kind of go by the way side anyway. They’ve been more and more affected in this small town of 5,000 people. It has gotten worse, not better, over the year. But this topic is, … You just cannot debate it! Because we’ve been trained that if you even question it, then you are automatically “a hater”!
I mean, this is bizarre! There is no logic in that, John! Like, how can that even make sense, that if you say that there was no deliberate extermination plan, and that means less people died, that you are a hater! ? Now to me, that is the most bizarre leap of logic, you know? Can you explain that?
John: No you can’t explain it logically, because it’s not a logical argument. It’s a ridiculous argument and there’s no logic involved at all. It’s all pure emotion, all emotion.
Monika: Yes, that’s right.
John: And that’s the thing, that especially the holocaust. But I mean, other events as well, 9/11, for example. Although I do think that the fake “Holocaust” narrative and, you know, World War Two generally, you know, this idea that Hitler was this evil monster, who wanted to take over the world. And he had, you know, his master race and all this other nonsense. This is really, you know, sort of the most taboo and most controversial topic in all of society.
And, of course, it relates directly to jews, so if you start talking about Jews your equated with Hitler, you’re equated with the Nazis and you’re a racist, you’re anti-Semitic and all these other weaponized buzzwords are thrown at you. Again, logical fallacies, all of them! You know, none of this is factual.
Monika: All of it!
John: Yeah, exactly!
Monika: It’s the biggest weapon yet! I mean, if it wasn’t for this success this big, huge, mess of the “Holocaust”, there’s no way they would have had the audacity to do something like 9/11.
And 9/11, I mean, that was actually what triggered me to wake up! And it didn’t happen right away. I kind of knew something was wrong with it, but it wasn’t until about ten years after 9/11, that I started to investigate it and figure it out. And that was a really hard door to go through, because it just meant that, they’re lying to us! Like that’s a huge thing to lie about, right?
That’s not just a little money scandal. I mean, you always hear about little scandals, this and that, that seem big when they talk about them, like political scandals. But, you always just think, okay, well, they have corruption in this and that, but you just can’t imagine they would lie about something so big. But once you figure that out, that turns your world upside down!
And it was after that, that I started to figure out the “Holocaust”. And at first I really resisted it. I mean, that just, how could there be such a big lie? How could that be?
And just to go back to what I briefly said in my video. It was an apology to my parents. To my mother in particular. Because when I was a teenager, and again this comes back to this deep sense of justice that I had, and we were learning all those horrors about Hitler and the “Holocaust”. And so, there I was, telling my mother, saying things like:
“Mom, why didn’t you stop this from happening? If you had just got together with all your friends and your relatives, you could have done something about it!”
I mean, that was ridiculous, to say such a thing! But there I was, holding her to account, you know, she was culpable! And I’m sure that there was a whole generation of us that, you know, it caused a real generation gap. A rift between the generations of Germans. That, oh! These parents of ours, or the grandparents, oh, they were monsters, you know! Like this what happened.
And so, there I was, reprimanding, or holding her to account for not having tried to do more! I mean, she was just a teenager in a war anyway, so that was pretty ridiculous just on that count. And then all these years later, and this is after both parents have died, that I figured it all out and I just regretted that so much! And I told Alfred one day on the phone, I said:
“Boy, I wish I could say sorry!”
And he just grabbed onto that and said:
“Oh! Yes! That’s very significant!”
Yes, so then, …
John: “That’s the video we’re making right there! Do it!”
Monika: Yeah, exactly!
John: Well, you know, speaking of your video. At least on Alfred’s channel, I don’t know if this is, I’m sure it’s been viewed on other channels. I’m sure you can find this exact same video on other channels. But just on his channel alone, it’s been viewed over 130,000 times! So this has made quite an impact. And this was, June 17th, 2016. So, a little under a year ago.
And it’s a short, very powerful video. I’d assume most people listening to this podcast have seen the video, but if you haven’t, I will have a link to it. In fact, I just embed it in this post, you’ll find it right on my website. It’s six minutes total, just under six minutes. Take the time to watch it. It’s very good, it’s very powerful, it’s very just straightforward and like, look “Sorry Mom, I was wrong and here’s why. And here’s why it’s important!” And it’s very good. And yeah I just really like this video, especially when it first came out. And again, it made quite a splash, you know, all these waves, …
Monika: Yeah, It struck a chord John, because there are other people who went through that similar experience. Like what I said, that they were disgusted with their parents’ generation. Which is just such a sad thing that has been done to the German people.
Okay, about the video, you mentioned, that this is just on Alfred’s site. You’re right there’s a lot more views even then that. Because I made a German version, an original German version, I speak German fluently. So that is called, “Entschuldigung Mama, ich hatte Unrecht was den Holocaust betrifft” in case you have German listeners. So you could look that up too.
And then also the English version was translated into three languages, within the first four days. Not that we did this, others did this. So, French Spanish and Swedish, I believe. And then these people sent us the links to those at the time. People are just kind of, … Like I say, it really struck a chord. It was just brief, it’s short, so it’s easy to watch and this thing, you know, about the parents and just saying sorry to Mom, you know, reprimanding her for not doing anything to stop these things! And then figuring out it’s all a lie! Oh my goodness!
John: Now, I’m curious. There’s quite a substantial population of Germans in Canada, correct? That came over right after the war?
Monika: Definitely! Yes. Lots of Germans in Canada.
John: I’d imagine, maybe even more so, than that came here to America. I don’t know that for sure, but it seems like there’s quite a few that came over directly after the war?
Monika: Yes. Yes and through the fifty’s too. When my parents came I think there were a lot of people coming from Germany. And my parents came in 1951 and 52, respectively. Yes, I think that’s a lot of people left Germany. I mean, Germany was destroyed and also you had the expellees from the eastern territories. The eastern, you know, like Sudentenland, East Prussia. All these different territories that were German for hundreds of years and then, you know, Germany got shrunk after World War One. And World War One led directly to World War Two. These are things have learning a lot about now. I’m really going on a big education, a big learning curve. And I met some of those expellees, people who were forcibly expelled. And this is a story that we certainly did not learn about in school. I think probably a lot of your listeners do understand about this, but millions of Germans died AFTER World War Two was over!
German territory lost in the 20th century (click image to enlarge).
And many of them died as they were being pushed out of those eastern territories. And many were murdered, many starved, many women and girls, you know, many young girls up to old women were raped. It was brutal what they went through. And I met a few German expellees who were children at the time — when I went to Toronto last summer to speak there — and I have to say that was just so impacting on me. I mean, it was a very impactful experience for me to meet these people!
John: Right, I can imagine. Now, of course, you had mentioned you guys weren’t really taught anything like this. This perspective, the German perspective of World War Two? I’m assuming anyways, when you’re growing up in Canada, your parents didn’t talk about it?
Monika: Well, there were some things that my parents did talk about, but I don’t remember the stories of expellees. But what my mother did talk about, over and over again, was Dresden. She wasn’t there, but she knew all about it. And Dresden was the real “Holocaust”! The “Holocaust” of German civilians, women, children and injured soldiers there in hospitals. And also war refugees. The city had no military installations. It had no military targets there. And it had the most beautiful architecture!
And actually the German people started to believe that, oh, nobody would ever bomb the city! And it was there for most of the war. But then in February 1945, February 13th, I believe, it started, or maybe it started on the 11th, I’m not sure now [The bombing started at 10:14 pm, on Tuesday the 13th] . The bombing began and it was incendiary bombing. It was purposely to start fires. And many, many, many people died there! And then they paused [the bombing] and then people, as they were coming out of, you know, the bunkers and whatnot, if they survived at all, they were getting stuck in the molten pavement. And then the bombing started again. It was just brutal! It was pure and utter revenge and hate from the allies! And they knew this city was full of refugees and women and children, and that it was there was no military there.
John: Right.
Monika: It was absolutely a crime! And crime against humanity! And, of course, there were other cities as well which were bombed like that too. But Dresden is the one that my mother talked about when we were growing up. And yeah, I didn’t learn about the people who were expelled.
John: Well Monika, as you know, “Germany had to perish!” Which is actually the title of a book.
Monika: Yes.
John: Written by a jew! This is the thing that’s so amazing! When I was really getting into this information, it became more and more clear, the more research that I did that literally the entire official narrative of World War Two is truly the exact opposite.
Monika: Absolutely!
John: I mean, it’s very easy to demonstrate this. I mean, we have multiple sources of jewish individuals in America, in Russia, literally calling for the extermination, the annihilation, the genocide of the German nation. The destruction of the German nation, of the German people! Openly calling for this! In books they wrote, in policy papers that they, you know, put in front of governments and have them implement essentially. In propaganda, I mean, you name it, we can go on and on. There’s many sources that demonstrate this.
Monika: Yes.
John: And yet, you can’t find one single legitimate source demonstrating that Hitler, or the National Socialist government wanted to, let alone, implement it, a systematic plan to exterminate, to murder European jews! It’s just not even true at all! There’s nothing to substantiate it, aside from jewish propaganda, jewish lies.
Monika: Yes, that’s exactly right! Everything has been turned on it’s head! I mean, in the beginning when I was starting my learning about all of this, you know, I realized some things were upside down and turned on their head but, you know, people would say, “Yeah, everything’s on it’s head!” And I would say, well maybe that’s just a figure of speech. But it really is that way! The more I learn, the more I realize that everything is on it’s head, upside down, inverted!
But thank you for bringing up that, “Germany Must Perish” book by Theodor Kaufman. He wrote that in 1941. And it literally is a genocidal plan, where all the German people should be wiped off the face of this earth! And supposedly through a humane method of forced sterilization. Now, why I wanted to bring this up, and thank you for already bringing it into the conversation, is that I wanted to talk briefly about Arthur Topham.
Now Arthur Topham is now silenced by law! He has been sentenced after a ten-year ordeal with the criminal justice system in Canada for this spurious hate speech, under these “hate speech” laws in the Criminal Code of Canada. And he had a website called, “The Radical Press”. And it actually started out as a paper, a hard copy magazine in the late 90’s and then he went online. And it went only online for a number of years. And he it was dragged through the court system for ten years. And it was just utter harassment and basically jews who didn’t like the things that he was exposing. The truth that he was talking about and the lies that he was exposing.
Now he ended up getting convicted by a jury. Guilty on one charge and not guilty on the identical charge, but for a different time period, for publishings on his website. And in Canada the jury cannot divulge what exactly was the rationale for the guilty verdict.
But, we can surmise that it was for the parody that Arthur Topham did, called, “Israel Must Perish”. But this was not his words. What he did, is he took the book “Germany Must Perish” and he took a section of that and he duplicated it, word for word. But, he replaced the title, the word “Germany” with “Israel” and replaced “Germans” with “jews”. And basically this was drawing attention to the genocidal original book “Germany Must Perish”.
And he did make it clear that this was a satire, that the books were side by side on his website. And there was a preface that talked about satire. And this was all explained in the court. I was there for part of it, and evidently the jury was overwhelmed by, I guess, the indoctrination that we’ve all been subject to and this was all just too much for them. But he was found guilty.
Now, what I really want to tell your listeners and just make sure that this is clarified, is the lies that they now tell about Arthur Topham in the press, when he cannot defend himself. Because if he did, he would go straight into jail. He’s now on, basically house arrest. So he’s not in jail, even though he’s been sentenced. But part of the sentencing is that the website came down and he’s not allowed to speak publicly. So, when they say lies about him, for example, that they will say that Arthur Topham calls for the sterilization of jews. But [because] they don’t put it into context of this parody, this satire of “Germany Must Perish”, then that is a lie! That is an outright lie! And I want to set the record right here!
John: You know, I’m glad you have been able to do that, because as you mentioned Arthur can’t even speak for himself. It’s ridiculous!
Monika: Exactly! So anyway thank you for the opportunity to set that straight that, you know, here they are lying about Arthur Topham when he can’t even speak in public. And they darn well know that, so it’s just absolutely malicious!
John: It truly is. And speaking of malicious activities carried out by governments against truth seekers, like Ernst Zundel, I just wrote an article for American Free Press, and it should be published — let’s see today is Wednesday — it should be published in this week’s edition. So, I think they publish on Friday, Friday morning. So it should be in the upcoming edition of American Free Press. And it’s about Ernst Zundel. Who, I’m sure you’re familiar with?
Monika: Absolutely!
John: Right. Yeah, he lived in Canada for a number of years. I’m sure most people listening here are familiar with Ernst Zundel. If you’re not, simply Google the man. He’s a legend, he’s a hero. He’s been through a lot..
Monika: Yeah, in fact, one of those three videos at the end of my six-minute video, I put three recommendations to the listener. Just, you know, I thought, OK I’ll just give the listener something that if this is all really blowing their mind, and they want to know where am I coming from, and I give three titles of videos. The first one is called, “Off Your Knees Germany!” And it’s Ernst Zundel. The story of what he went through in the courts. And it was one of the first things that kind of caught me turning my mind around the “Holocaust” story, was watching that video. It’s ninety minutes long, so an hour and a half. And I would say, you know, it’s going to be a very, very worthwhile ninety minutes.
Video: Off Your Knees Germany!
John: Right. Oh yeah, I’ve seen it. It’s great, I think I’ve watched all of the, you know, major documentaries that they put together. And they are certainly worth watching, for sure! Very eye-opening, very revealing, very informative.
And I mean, if you’re not outraged after seeing those and just understanding what they’ve gone through, you know, what Arthur Topham has gone through, what many people have gone through. People are being persecuted all over the world for challenging the fake “Holocaust” narrative! That’s absolutely ridiculous!
But speaking of Zundel, the article that I wrote was about how he was just denied entry into the United States. Was deemed inadmissible! By the United States federal government. In particular I think it was the Office of Appeals, I believe, of the Department of Homeland Security. And they cited his revisionist activities, his educational activities, his political views. Which are all very well documented and very scholarly sourced and entirely legitimate perspectives that he’s offering. And yet, he’s deemed inadmissible. Meanwhile, we have millions of illegal aliens overrunning our country. Our government is systematically facilitating refugee resettlement of people we don’t even know who the hell they are! You know, just washed up on our shores and we’re supposed to give them free everything. Free housing, free, you know, education, free health care, welfare, you name it, it’s I mean, it’s so incredible what is going on! It’s like I can’t even comprehend it sometimes.
The Washington Post: Ernst Zundel Barred from the US.
Monika: Yeah. Well, there we see the agenda of who is actually running the country. I mean, I think it was Ariel Sharon, or was it, you know, basically just said:
“Don’t worry about what Americans think about this, or that, that we are doing. We run America and they know it!”
John: Yes.
Monika: Anyway, [about] Ernst Zundel being kept out, are they actually citing his political views? Because it’s not six case then, that’s the end of the First Amendment. And then [word unclear] in the United States, freedom of speech, is it not? I think that it’s incredibly, like it’s very scary, if that’s what’s going on. The United States was still kind of, you know, we’re looking to you guys down there for keeping some semblance of being able to speak freely still. But, you know, this is really, really bad. Somebody being kept out for their political views.
John: Yeah. Absolutely! Yeah and like this is basically openly admitted in the ruling that they released. And it’s interesting, because this was reported on by The Washington Post, back in April, almost a month ago. And in the appeal here it was essentially, he was denied entry and then they were determining if they could grant him a waiver. Which they did not. They ended up denying even a waiver. I mean it’s amazing. His wife is American. Ingrid is an American citizen and has been living here for a very long time. She lives in Seattle, I believe.
Monika: Yes. She can’t go to Germany, because she would be thrown in jail immediately there. And he can’t come to the States. So they end up going elsewhere to meet, you know. It’s really, really sad!
John: I mean, it’s very, very sad, absolutely tragic. In the ruling here they say, you know, when they go to deny the waiver, the negative factors in his case include his long history of inciting racial, ethnic, and religious hatred. It also goes on to say the record shows that the applicant, Zundel, is a historical revisionist and denier of the “Holocaust”! Distributing writings, books, tapes, videos, and broadcasts to promote his views. The record further indicates that these publications agitated for aggressive behavior against jews!
Monika: Oh my goodness!
John: Right, yeah. All of these, I mean, it’s true that he absolutely was a historical revisionist and “Holocaust denier”, I guess. I don’t really like to use that label.
Monika: Neither do I. So that basically says:
“Oh! That’s illegal in the United States!”
John: Right. Now get this. They also say this the applicant has been a leader in these activities for decades. Which is true. And has shown no regret, or remorse for his actions!
Monika: Of course, not!
John: Exactly. That’s a thing. It’s like:
“Oh maybe, perhaps, if he were to bow down to the jews, beg for forgiveness, renounce his views, say the “Holocaust” is true.”
Maybe, just maybe they would let him back in. But no. It’s so outrageous!
Monika: The thing with the laws, this is the part I am absolutely dumbfounded that people don’t wake up to this absurdity! That if there are laws to restrict you from saying certain things, then doesn’t that raise a red flag for people? Doesn’t that show them that there’s something to hide? That maybe there’s something that they’re lying about?
But no, that really gets me. I think that alone should tell people that there’s something wrong with the official story. You know, it’s exactly the opposite for some people. Because when I raise this issue about the laws, it’s incredible that some people will say:
“Well you see? See, you’re wrong! The laws prove it! You’re wrong!”
Now isn’t that bizarre? That’s kind of a circular thing, … I mean, you could make any kind of a law, like, “stop breathing” and then if you breathe:
“Oh! See! We’d better throw you in jail! You just broke the law!”
I mean, it is just that absurd!
John: I mean, I agree. It’s totally is, it’s ridiculous!
You know, Monika, I wanted to get back, … I wanted to talk about, basically, what led you to start questioning the “Holocaust”? And kind of like, your wake up process, so to speak, and maybe you could describe like some other topics that maybe you researched, or what led you to start questioning, you know, doing research into the fake “Holocaust” narrative?
Monika: Well, I have to credit my brother for basically introducing me to this notion and this idea. And so I was visiting over there [Germany] and I think, 2013, Christmas time. And this was, you know, already a couple of years after figuring out 9/11 and what a lie we have been told about that.
John: So, is it fair to say that 9/11 was like your big, sort of wake up call? What led you to question everything?
Monika: Yes.
John: Okay, and that’s exactly how I was. I mean, before I was really getting into 9/11 I was very anti-war and I totally recognized how corrupt the government was, how corrupt the media was. I knew we were being lied to. I was sort of aware of these sort of broader systemic issues. How corrupt everything was. I just didn’t really understand the extent of it. How deep it actually went and I certainly didn’t understand who was truly behind it all.
Monika: Exactly!
John: And once I woke up to 9/11, … Yeah and that’s seems like that’s pretty common for a lot of people. They start questioning 9/11 and then everything opens up to them.
Monika: Yes. No, that is interesting, that’s interesting about that John. And there are definitely a lot of people for whom 9/11 was that door that they first went through and then started uncovering these other truths. But, you know, in this journey of mine over this past year, many people have contacted me from all over the place and so I’ve struck up some dialogues with a lot of different people. And what has surprised me is that for quite a few people, other things woke them up.
Like, for example, some people who started learning all about our financial system and how deep and corrupt that was, because of things that happened in their personal lives that, you know, they got basically the bad end of a deal. And then they started digging and looking into that. And for others it was actually the topic of just why is everything against White people? And this is sort of the taboo subject that we could get into, but for me that was not a starting point at all. It is now what I’ve kind of come to understand is that, oh, this end goal is to basically get rid of us and replace us.
John: Right, right!
Monika: And, oh my goodness that didn’t come into my realization until well after I started figuring out all these other things. The “Holocaust” is the ultimate weapon to use against us. Because you see, there’s this thing that people will have this weird logic that says, oh well, if you are denying that this “Holocaust” happened, then the next thing that happens is you’re going to just want to kill everybody! Like you’re going to do a “Holocaust” again, or something like that. Like this is the logic that’s being used against us. So it’s the ultimate weapon! Meanwhile, it’s the opposite that is happening.
John: Yeah!
Monika: And I mean, there’s lots and lots of evidence of that. And one of the really clear quotes that I have used is Noel Ignatiev. And you probably have that on your page of quotes there., but I mean, I’ll just read this, I have it in front of me here.
Noel Ignatiev, a, quote, unquote, “respected Harvard professor”, he says:
“The goal of abolishing the White race, is, on it’s face, so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition, other than from committed White supremacists!”
OK, I finished the quote, so think about that. So, if you merely don’t want to be destroyed then you are a White supremacist! Can you imagine this being said. Japanese people who wish to see their culture and their traditions preserved and who wish to see Japanese grandchildren?
“Oh they must be Japanese supremacists!”
Or can you imagine this being said about, maybe. Let’s just pick a country and in Africa, like Senegal. The Senegalese people, if they don’t want to be destroyed:
“Oh well, they must be black supremacists!”
I mean, that’s absurd.
John: It’s truly absurd! You’re totally right. And see like a basic observation like that. It’s so obvious that what you’re saying is true. And yet this is very rarely pointed out to people. I mean, you have to point out a basic observation like to get people to start even thinking and in many cases they still can’t even do it.
Monika: Yeah. And also is this conflating of different concept. So, if you have pride in your people and you love your people, you could call it, you know, maybe nationalism, White Nationalism, or whatever., but people will instantly just say, White supremacist! And if you correct them and say, no, no, no! Like how about nationalist, or nationalism, or that you have pride. No! That’s a White supremacist! Like this is this instant leap that people will make, because they’ve been trained to make that leap. They’ve been trained by our media and all the movies and the indoctrination. I mean, that’s basically, you know, how we’ve been poisoned in the mind.
John: Right! No, you’re right! It is a mind poisoning. You’re exactly right, that’s best way to describe it I think. Well, jews have always, jews and communists and Marxists and those are all pretty much the same thing! Because if you’re a Marxist, or a communist you’re basically, your mind has been poisoned by jews. And I mean, Marxism and communism really are in my view rational coherent political philosophies. They’re jewish schemes to destroy White Christians societies.
Monika: Yes.
John: And to take all our wealth to create this jewish plutocratic elite that dominates and controls societies. And that’s certainly what we have in the United States. But jews and communists and leftists, they’ve always tried to attack any form of White racial identity. I mean, going back to the late 100s, early 1900s. And they weren’t as successful back then, because White people were still sort of healthy, you know, spiritually. They could think properly, at least most of us. But really, I think a lot of this is a result of the fake “Holocaust” narrative! And the official narrative of World War Two. See, this is a point that I was speaking with your brother about, and I try to emphasize this, you know, when I talk about these subjects, because I think it’s so important. The official “Holocaust” narrative, and I think it’s so important to the White struggle and a lot of people dismiss this, or downplay it, or think it’s unimportant. When in my view it’s absolutely central to our struggle, dealing head on, not only with the fake “Holocaust” narrative, but all of World War Two.
The real holocaust, the fire-bombing of German cities (click image to enlarge).
Monika: Yes.
John: You know, being able to say, look, Adolf Hitler was not this evil monster, in fact, he was like the most righteous, honorable leader that we’ve seen in generations! I mean, we should be able to say that openly and proudly.
Monika: Yes.
John: And not even hesitate, not even flinch! Anyways, the point that I was trying to make is the “Holocaust” narrative discredits and truly delegitimizes White, or any form of White racial identity. And I mean, it’s not the only thing that delegitimizes and discredits White racial identity. I mean, the jews have literally pathologized White identity through Cultural Marxism. If you identify as a White person and you concern yourself with the interests of White people, broadly speaking, you’re considered this irrational bigot who hates jews and is a racist White supremacist!
Monika: Yes.
John: But a lot of this goes back to the “Holocaust”. So on the one hand it really serves to delegitimize White identity, on the other hand, it’s used to strengthen jewish identity! And there’s public opinion polls done by jews, done by, you know, sort of legitimacy organizations like, PEW research center. They do polls on jewish identity and how do jews identify, what is the central factor in jewish identity. And would you believe it’s the “Holocaust”! I mean, it really is. So it strengthens jewish identity, and it is also created this enormous economic, political and social racket! Think about all these “Holocaust” museums, think about all the money the Jews get from this fake story, think about all these fraudulent books that have been written about the “Holocaust”, all these memoirs, all these documentaries, all these Hollywood films. I mean, it truly is a gigantic racket!
Monika: Yes, John! You have hit the nail right on it’s head with what you’re saying here. So this identity thing, that is exactly right! That’s the biggest identity thing for the Jews is the “Holocaust”. But also that they have been persecuted through the ages. They’ve always been persecuted, they’ve always been, you know, a hated! This is their identity. They’re taught that from the day they’re born. And I think that most jewish people, street level jewish people kind of get a double dose of indoctrination, but this is their identity, so that’s what they are taught right from when they’re born.
I do have, you know, a very nice friend who is really trying her best to wrap her head around what I’m saying. And she asks very intelligent questions and so I take a lot of time in trying to answer her. And one of the things she says is that, you know, she has a jewish friend and has relatives that she lost in the war and so, and this thing about being persecuted. Like that is how she identifies and that is exactly it! That’s their identity. But here’s the thing that I like to tell people a little story. It’s a little allegory for this persecution. It is true that Jews have been kicked out, you know, we know it probably at least a 109 times from different countries, or regions during the last two thousand years. But there’s a missing part of the picture that we’re not taught about that.
So, let’s say John, you go you like to the pub quite often, the bar, and you come home one evening and you’re very upset, because the bouncer kicked you out. And I sympathize with you. And the next evening you go to another bar and then you get kicked out again, and you come home and you complain that that bouncer was just unfair as well, and, you know, and it was just completely uncalled for! And again, I might sympathize with you. And the third night go to a another pub and you’re kicked for the fourth, fifth, tenth time! Your kicked out from different places and each time you’re crying about being discriminated against! And those bouncers are treating you so unfairly! And they are just so hateful towards you. And I am getting really skeptical about what’s going on. And I might just ask you, very politely, what is it that you are doing to get yourself kicked out? And then you say, really angrily:
“Oh! Those people just hate people with”, I don’t know, XYZ “And they are all anti-XYZ!”
And then you start lobbying to make laws against anti-XYZism. And that’s basically the story!
I mean, really, can people just say, well what is it that Jews have been persecuted for, all these thousands of years? Is it maybe that they’ve been doing things wherever they go that wasn’t good? I mean, Jesus Christ kicked the moneylenders out of the temple. And I mean, one could believe that story, or not believe it, maybe it’s also a metaphor, or an allegory, but there it is. That’s the story that the money lenders were kicked out of the temple.
John: Right exactly. Well, see that’s the thing. Dealing rationally and truthfully about jews, and their agenda, and their criminal activities, and their subversive activities, I mean, this is considered anti-semitism! Like literally, telling the truth about the jews, stating basic facts as you mentioned. You know, they literally — we can document this — they literally have been thrown out of over one hundred countries, just in modern history!
Monika: Yeah!
John: Bringing this up, talking about the reality of jewish supremacy and jewish power in the United States, in the Western world in general, the reality of, you know, the Israeli occupation of Palestine. I mean, the terrorism they have committed, the false flags, and all the criminality. I mean, we can go on, and on, and on, and yet, … We could easily document all these things. In fact, what I try to do on my website, by using jewish sources, from explicitly jewish news outlets that document this, and talk about this. And in some cases brag about it. And yet if you bring it up you’re called an anti-Semite!
Monika: Yeah, isn’t that bizarre!
John: I mean, it’s like, it truly is the most Orwellian thing you could think! I mean, this is George Orwell in reality. This 1984 scenario. You can’t even tell the truth, like literally tell the truth using explicitly jewish sources, to make your point, without being demonized. It’s so childish! It’s, I mean, I don’t know it’s really puzzling to me.
Monika: Yeah. Probably most of your listeners know this, but it’s just something I learned pretty recently. But George Orwell, he was actually an M-16 agent and so he knew! And this was his warning to the world. When we read them when we were teenagers, we saw that this was just really, you know, horrific science fiction. That it had no bearing on reality, but he knew! And he was trying to give the world a warning.
John: Right. I think so. Yeah, I’ve heard that he was connected to British Intelligence, although I can’t say I’ve totally verified that for myself. Either way, the book is certainly worth reading.
Monika: Definitely!
John: Yeah, it’s good piece of literature.
Monika: So one of the things that people always say, well, besides saying:
“We’re not going to debate this with you. And there’s no way you can’t talk about this. This is off-limits, a taboo subject”.
But, if they do say anything about it, they’ll say:
“There’s mountains of evidence! Mountains of evidence! It’s the most well documented event in the history of mankind!”
And then, they’ll also say:
“And there’s all those eyewitnesses. And what about the survivors?”
Okay. So first of all, about those “mountains of evidence”. But they don’t present those “mountains of evidence”! They just keep repeating that mantra. And then when you do look into the evidence, it’s actually the opposite.
You know, I just read a book called, “The Great Holocaust Trial” by Michael Hoffman and that is about the 1985 [trial], that’s the first of the two Ernst Zundel “Holocaust” trials that took place in Toronto, in Canada, in the 80s.
[Image] The Great Holocaust Trial by Michael Hoffman — back cover (click image to enlarge).
And I mean, reading that book, that should be mandatory curriculum in the schools! But I’m sure it would never be allowed into the schools, that book. Because what came out in that trial was just most astonishing! You know, evidence and evidence that basically the “Holocaust” did NOT happen as they say it happened! And, you know, there were reports in the media, but the thing is, even though there were reports in the media that they were reporting what was going on, and yet the way they reported it, I as a young woman in my early twenty’s at the time, it was kind of background noise for me. And I just kind of assumed that Ernst Zundel, he must be a bad man, or something. But I didn’t really pay much attention to it, and I regret to say that.
Perhaps if I had paid more attention to what they were actually saying, I might have looked into this more deeply. But, because of how they were portraying him in the mainstream media, he was just kind of a bad man in my mind. So you see, this is how they can do it. Even when they were kind of forced to report what was being brought out in the trial.
Stuff like, you know, Raul Hilberg, the main jewish “Holocaust” historian of the time. He was the main witness for the prosecution side. I mean, when it was brought into the court that there were no documents that said that there was a plan for the extermination of the jews. There was not a single document to that effect and he actually said in the court.
“That yes, it is incredible! There was some kind of ‘meeting of the minds!”
John: Exactly. So he’s literally conceding points to the revisionists, openly in court. Yeah it’s amazing! I haven’t read the book, I should. Gosh, I really should sit down and read it. I’m familiar with the book you’re talking about, by Hoffman.
Monika: Yeah. It’s easy to read, it’s very short. It’s a skinny book. A new edition came out that’s longer. I haven’t read the new editions, so I think he probably adds stuff. I’m not sure exactly. I have it in my possession, I haven’t read it yet, but maybe he adds about the next trial? I don’t know.
But then, the other part of it, about the eyewitnesses. That is just a conversation stopper, because people feel worried that they’re going to insult the memories or, you know, something about that like. That’s how we’ve been trained to just, you dare not, …
John: Disrespect the dead. Yeah, exactly! This is like a psychological aspect of the “Holocaust”. It’s the survivor testimony, as well as the photographs.
Monika: Yes! And the photographs!
John: Yes, that is what I get a lot, is, people can’t even talk about it, like, we just can’t talk about this, sorry. Or, bring up the survivors as you mentioned, or they’ll bring up the photographs.
“Oh, well, what about all these dead bodies?”
Well, how does that prove that there was a “Holocaust”? Think about it, what does that prove?
Monika: Exactly! What does that prove? How does a pile of dead bodies prove gas chambers? And secondly, who are those dead bodies? In some cases those dead bodies may not have even been, you know, jewish dead bodies. Like they might of, some of them were possibly German dead bodies after the war. Because some of these photographs didn’t come out until years after the war, so.
And I’ve seen some documentation about a lot of doctored photographs, as well. I’m not talking about the piles of dead bodies now, but I’m talking about, where two identical photos are side by side, and the one, there’s been something inserted into it. Like perhaps a hanging body and then, you know, a soldier, a German soldier standing there with a grin on his face. Something, you know, just crazy things, where they just doctored photos and made lies out of them.
Anyway, piles of dead bodies do not prove extermination of jews and gas chambers, especially. And then the survivors, you know, I do have actually a story about an Auschwitz survivor who lived in this little town of Jasper. And we were actually good friends. He liked music and I’m a musician and so we ended up spending times together at sing-a-longs and that kind of thing. And I invited him over to my home — this is when I still believed in the whole “Holocaust” story and I was doing, quote, unquote, “the right thing” and, you know, wanting my daughter to be educated about it and all this. And I had him and his wife over, to give that talk, because he had gone into the schools quite a lot and given that talk about his Auschwitz experience. He did have the tattooed number on his arm and everything.
Anyway, so they came over and we had a nice dinner and after dinner, cleared away the dishes, and then he read his talk and he explained that it was easier that way. So he had a prepared talk that he read, and we listened. And at the end, I just remember feeling some sense of disappointment, because I didn’t really hear any of the details about what we thought had happened in those camps. And remember this was years ago when I still fully believed in the “Holocaust”. Now I don’t think that he was ever purposefully deceiving anybody, and I think he had come to believe all those stories too. And he was a very, very good man.
He’s dead now, so I’m speaking of him in past tense. He and his wife they were lovely, lovely people, and the thing is I think he was a very honorable man, because he didn’t make up stories. So when I see I was slightly disappointed at the end the talk. Because here I had this Hollywood vision, you know, file this way, file that way. And, you know, the lineups of people and just horrible scenes, and that kind of thing. Well, he didn’t describe any of that. Well, he probably didn’t describe any of that, because he did not see that kind of thing.
So, I mean, now in retrospect, it’s just also very, very interesting for me, because I realized, well yeah, he didn’t see those things, because they didn’t happen. Those things that are, you know, Hollywood version of the “Holocaust”. And he didn’t talk about any belching chimneys, or anything like that! He just talked in more general sense of how he ended up in the camp. And he also made several times, made statements about how he did NOT come to hate the Germans — he was Polish, by the way — he did not come to hate the Germans. In fact, he married one, because his wife was a German and he met her after the war in Germany.
And he was also not jewish, so he was Polish, and I think he had worked for the underground, or something like that. And he also says that there were many other people, other than Jews in the camp. He made that very clear in his talks. So in retrospect, when I think of all those things, I think:
“Well, good on you!”
John: Right.
Monika: He told us all those things and, …
John: Well, I think you’re right. I do think that a lot of jews, a lot of quote, unquote “Holocaust” survivors, I think there are a lot of them that really do buy into the fake story that the organized jewish community has created. I mean, the origins of the story it’s really a combination of the jews, the British government, the American government. I mean, they were making up these atrocities stories about the Germans to demonize them and to garner support, you know, to go to war against them, basically. Black propaganda that became institutionalized. So a lot of these people actually do believe the stuff. But getting back to what you’re saying about this guy who was actually kind of like telling the truth, have you seen that video on You Tube called the, “’Holocaust’ survivors who tell the truth”?
Monika: I think I have, yeah.
John: It’s kind of it reminds me of what we’re explaining here. It’s so many people who are legitimate, quote, unquote, “Holocaust” survivors, they provide testimony that’s actually truthful, but basically debunks the official narrative, right? But yet they still believe in it. They talk about:
“Oh, you know, we went into we went into the gas chambers and all of a sudden there was a shower, taking a shower!”
Which is like, I mean, it’s true! Its like, sort of what happened. And a lot of this stuff, lot of the “Holocaust” mythology was basically rumors floating around.
Monika: Yes.
John: And, you know, spreading, you know, how gossip starts, rumors start! This is what it was, and this became institutionalized.
Monika: Absolutely! There were whisper campaigns. These were deliberately begun and deliberately spread so you could call it the “rumor mill”. You know, at that time I think they actually called them “whisper campaigns”, or something like that. And like, you mentioned the black propaganda and, yeah, that was a huge part of the war. Well, first of all you had to get the world to hate Germans and Germany. And that had been going on for decades before World War Two, already. I mean, I think already in the late 1800s, this campaign of hatred towards Germans had begun.
John: Yeah, it certainly had. Monika, we are over an hour now.
Monika: Yes. We have a limited time.
John: Yeah. We wanted to keep it to under an hour and a half. We are about an hour and ten minutes, or so, into this. I do have a couple, sort of big questions I want to ask and I think it’s probably going to take you some time to address them fully. And I definitely want you to do so. The first one is, in these first two they’re kind of related, but the first one is: Based on your research into the alleged “Holocaust” story — I should say the fake “Holocaust” story, let’s be serious, it is fake, …
Monika: Yeah.
John: What are the main conclusions that you’ve come to? Like, if you wanted to make the most important points to someone about the research you’ve done and the conclusions that you have come to. What would you tell them?
Monika: Yeah, well I think that the ultimate goal for Organized jewry, I’ll call it, like the globalists, is to rule the world! One world government! And they’ve been telling us that for quite a while, actually. I remember when I was at university in the 80’s, I remember receiving some kind of postcard, or propaganda material that actually said, “One world government” and was exposing these great ideas about just, you know, having one world government and peace, they said in this in this propaganda literature. And I have no idea who was behind this and what it was and it’s coming.
But anyway, that is the goal for the jews. To have this dominion over all the world and all the wealth, all the gold, own everything, and enslave the rest of us! And I think they want to annihilate a lot of us, and that’s, I mean, the “Holocaust”, that they call a “Holocaust” is a big part of their equation. Because it’s a weapon that you use against us when we start to point out any of the things that are going on. Like with White genocide. And when I first heard that term, I thought, “what are you talking about?” you know. But it really is the goal. And I think it’s because Europeans have stood up to the jews and that they have been the biggest obstacle to jewish domination over the years, that the European people have been able to stand up to the jews over time. And that’s why they are trying to get rid of the European people. So that would be that.
John: Right. Okay, very good. I mean, I certainly agree with you that the “Holocaust” narrative is probably the number one weapon used by the jews to advance their agenda, to advance their interests. To delegitimize our interests and, you know, to discredit the notion that we can even identify as White people and have interests.
So, I totally agree with you and I guess, just to emphasize that, I don’t understand how we could really ignore this issue. How we could ignore, or downplay the “Holocaust”, ignore, or downplay revisionism, and dealing seriously and truthfully with the “Holocaust”, with World War Two, when literally, it is constantly brought up and used by jews as a weapon against us! All day long! Every single day! I could point this out.
Gosh, I wish I had the time to do. I used to kind of do it when I was writing more of my website, but I mean, literally Monika, I’m not even exaggerating! Every day I could highlight and write a blog post, I could probably do three, or four times. Different articles appearing in the jewish press, appearing in newspapers like Times of Israel, the Jewish Daily Forward, Tablet Magazine, the Jewish Telegraph Agency. I mean, just openly talking about the “Holocaust” and using it to advance jewish interests while, again, harming our interests. I just don’t understand how it can be avoided, and I mean, I’m certainly not going to avoid it. But I would argue that it’s very central to our struggle and I think you would probably agree with me.
Monika: Yeah. Absolutely! I mean, I’m kind of laughing at this end of it when you’re talking about it. Yes, every day. You’re right, it’s not a laughing matter. It is so, so serious. But the fact that it is twenty-four seven in all the different media. Like, whether it’s radio, whether it’s movies, whether it’s, well I don’t watch TV, but just anything! It’s always brought up even if in a movie it’s about something completely different, but somewhere in the movie the “Holocaust” will come up, or it will be invoked. And, you know, what is the most ironical thing about it, is some people when they are maybe well-meaning towards me, you know, just say:
“Look Monika, why do you dwell on this thing? That was so long ago, it’s not relevant, it’s not relevant!”
And I just, … [laughing]
John: Yes exactly! That’s what I don’t understand.
Monika: How can it not be relevant when there’s this strong reaction against me. That contradicts that statement that they’re making, that it’s not relevant. Of course, it’s relevant! If it wasn’t relevant they would never cared about my video! And I mean, that’s something that I didn’t talk very much, but I don’t want to get into that right now. But that’s this ritual defamation process. And I’ll just briefly say, like, I live in a town of five thousand and I think it’s kind of like a textbook case of where ritual defamation is being carried out. Because this town is kind of like a little bubble. I think if you live in a big city you can move amongst people more anonymously, but you can’t in a town of five thousand.
So, oh my goodness, they have unleashed a storm against me here, but I don’t want to get into that right now. But it’s just been a most interesting thing. And I do kind of make my observations and I, you know, I can write about it and I do write about it a little bit. You’ll probably, maybe make a link to my Free Speech Monika website with this podcast this, I would assume?
John: Absolutely!
Monika: You had a another question for me and so I’d love to hear what that was.
John: Yeah, now that you brought that up that was actually something I wanted to talk about, if you mind? Just addressing that briefly. Just the reaction you have had amongst people you know, amongst friends, neighbors. Because I mean, we sort of have, … I don’t want to say similar experiences, I guess it is kind of. I mean, I’ve been doing this very publicly for a long time. I wouldn’t bring it up with people. People would have to find out on their own, simply by googling me, as if that’s like a very difficult ask to do. But, you know, I didn’t really bring it up and it’s caused a lot of problems professionally and with friends, other relationships.
So I guess, I’m just curious about your reaction, … You live in a small town. I don’t live in a small town by any means. But could you maybe just give us some insight into your experience and sort of what’s happened to you with your friends, or acquaintances?
Monika: Yeah. I mean, I still have some friends! I’m happy to say. And there are people who have stuck by my side through thick and thin, even if they don’t get into this topic, or don’t research it, so they probably don’t even agree with me. But they have remained my friend. So I don’t want to make it sound like I have zero friends here in this town.
However, the general sentiment against me is just, it’s visceral. And I am banned from certain places. The most active venue for music and happenings, happens to be the Legion [Jasper Royal Canadian Legion], and Legion is this is, I guess they operate sort of like a private club, and they have banned me from entering. And a lot happens there, like a lot of live music. I used to be in there a lot, not just listening to musicians who are coming through town, but also playing there a lot. So that’s off-limits for me now.
Jasper Royal Canadian Legion in a foolish act of exclusion, bans Monika Schaefer from entering its premises, thus throwing its reputation into the gutter.
John: That is so pathetic! Wow!
Monika: It is! And last summer I didn’t get a busking license. I was not allowed to have a busking license. Busking is when you put your case out in front of you when you playing music like, in a public place and then passers-by can throw a coin in if they want, if they like your music, or whatever. They can show their appreciation by throwing some money into your music case. And this was the first time that busking became a sanctioned activity in Jasper and I was the one who lobbied for it, years already. And then ironically, I was denied a busking permit last summer, for my, quote, unquote, “my political, non-inclusive views”! Like this is just unbelievable and, you know, when I, …
John: Non-inclusive! They’re the ones excluding you!
Monika: Exactly! And John, just to give some background, I have given my music voluntarily to this town for thirty-five years, basically. The whole time I’ve been living here, in terms of playing at fundraisers, or playing in the schools, or playing for the seniors, or playing all over the place for free, because I just have the enjoyment of doing that. But I also play professionally and teach and all that. But I had been giving and donating that my time and my music for decades.
And then when it came time to get a busking permit they denied me that. Now, we’ll see how that goes this summer, but that’s still a question mark, I have to say, so I can’t report on that yet. But anyway, so there’s a bunch of other things that happened. All kinds of hate letters to me in articles in the main weekly paper. There’s two papers here and both have had their sort of different things in the papers about me. And one paper, the main one, the weekly one, oh my goodness they are treating me with such hostility! And I have not had the right of reply, basically in terms of this subject, at all. And yet they can write all kinds of slanderous things about me. So, it has had it’s effect. People sometimes, they look at me with fear and then I just greet them in a friendly way and then the fear dissipates.
But actually some of the worst is the young high school kids. And I live right across from the high school and I’m telling you sometimes they yell things at me that are just, … And they only do this when they’re in groups. I haven’t had, you know, people do this when they’re by themselves facing. One time I turned around when there was a group of them behind me are on bicycles — I was on my bicycle — and somebody shouted something like, I don’t know, “Nazi!” or “Hitler!” I don’t know what they shouted, just something very hostile. And I turned around and faced them and I said:
“Do, you know, what you’re talking about?”
And they had fear in their eyes! I tried to engage them, but that was impossible and then they zoomed off ahead and turned off and said:
“You can’t follow us! You can’t follow us to the Legion!”
[laughing] I mean, I was just kind of laughing and I could hear them, squeals of laughter, like I could hear them blocks away!
And then there’s other times when people drive by and they stick their heads out the window and just shout obscenities at me! I mean, it’s just absolutely crazy! This kind of thing! But I have to say there are others who, they greet me in a very friendly way. There isn’t anybody in this town and doesn’t know about this controversial issue, since this happened to me and me bringing all up, I guess, what that video. But, you know, when I’m seeing people downtown, or in a grocery store, I don’t bring this up! In fact, I don’t want to bring it up, because I just want to live normal and I greet people and talk about other things like, you know, talk about mundane things, or talk about music, or gardening, or whatever. And I just try to be friendly. And I am a friendly person, I’m pretty gregarious and just try to normalize the situation.
And to a certain extent that does work and people see that. They sort of feel relief after I speak about something else, they feel relief and they want to talk to me about, you know, other subjects, or whatever, so that they can see that, okay, she doesn’t just go around her blow horn all day long and start talking about, you know, the holohoax, National Socialist Germany, or whatever!
Anyway it is quite an interesting situation here. There are people who would just dearly love to chase me out of town and they have sent me all kinds of messages to that effect, and hate messages and whatnot. Anyway, I’m sure that anybody who talks about these things openly has that kind of reaction to them too. But I guess in this size of the town it is very interesting, and so I kind of tell a story with that.
John: Interesting. Well I’d love to come hang out with you in Jasper. Where is it?
Jasper, Alberta (click image to enlarge)
Monika: Jasper. Jasper, Alberta, north of Banff. You have probably heard of Banff.
John: I’m sorry, but I have not.
Monika: Yeah that’s okay. That’s okay, but we’re in the Rocky Mountains.
John: You guys are like directly north of Colorado basically. Like if you were to keep following, …
Monika: Following the Rocky Mountains. That kind of goes north-west. Because they go north-west to south-east so, … But, we’re in the same mountain range that the Colorado Rocky Mountains are. That’s the same mountain range and it’s beautiful here! It’s just absolutely beautiful!
John: Oh, I believe it.
Monika: You know, it’s a little bit of a fairy tale town, because it is in it’s own bubble. A friend of mine calls it “Gingerbread Town”, so I kind of laugh about that, and I call it, “Gingerbread Town”. And the people don’t like it when you rock the boat, because they might get a little bit wet!
So, anyway I do have a big smile on my face and I’m doing very well and I’m a happy person. I’m much happier since I figured out the truth about things. Which maybe that sounds strange to people, because it is so dark, these things that we’re learning, and yet it lifts something off your shoulders a little bit. It lifts your spirit. It’s better to know the truth and to do something about it, than to not know the truth. And be bewildered by all the turmoil in the world and the wars! This and that, that is going on, nothing makes sense! Now things make more sense to me. And I can understand things better. And anyway, I’m doing my best to do something about it.
John: God bless you! That’s exactly how I feel! That is literally exactly how I feel. I mean, I just want to know how the world really works and what’s really going on. I think I’ve got a pretty good idea at this point. Now, I’m just trying to do something about it, to make it better. That’s really what this all boils down to.
Monika: Yes! Well it has been such a pleasure talking with you John and I know that when I’ve listened to you talk before, that’s how I felt too. I felt that we were really kindred spirits!
John: Yes. I think so. I completely agree. Maybe one of these days I’ll make it up there to visit Canada. I’ve never been to Canada. I’ve been to Mexico, I’ve been to South America, I’ve been to Europe, but never been to Canada. One of these days I’ll get up there and well have a good old time!
Monika: Oh yeah.
John: We’ll go out and make all sorts of friends in Jasper! [laughing]
Monika: Yeah! Yeah, that’s great! Okay, …
John: Well, Monika I will go ahead, let’s just go ahead and wrap it up. This has been a very good conversation. I’d love to do it again in the future, if your interested.
Monika: I sure would be John! I am sure would be. Let’s stay in touch.
John: Okay, very good! I will have a link over to your website, as well as your video that we’ve been discussing, “Sorry Mom, I was Wrong About the Holocaust”.
Monika Schaefer, thank you so much. I really appreciate it, I will talk to you soon.
Monika: Thank you John! Bye, bye.
John: Okay, good night.
Monika: Good night.
The Realist Report COMMENTS
Richard May 18, 2017 4:33 AM
Excellent interview, John and Monika. You both come across as lovely, honourable, sincere and well-meaning people – and very brave, too.
Yes, I agree with John that the myth of the Holocaust is the Number One weapon used on a daily basis to brainwash the masses across the world into accepting all the wars and injustice and unfairness and political correctness that the fake ‘elites’ (mostly Jewish) are raining down upon this earth. When Mark Webber (of the Institute for Historical Review) says these days that the Holocaust is basically a non-issue and we should move on and just talk about Israel – oh, my God: how wrong and wrong-headed (out of whatever motive) can he be! The fake Holocaust narrative is THE defining myth of our age and underlies literally ALL the evil that is being perpetrated in the name of a false ‘good’.
Realist Report May 18, 2017 6:57 AM
Thank you Richard! Agree 100% – well said!
Nick Dean May 18, 2017 10:27 AM
On Weber – I’ll ‘third’ that!
Robert Faurisson, Michael Collins Piper and even that mellowest of men, Germar Rudolf, have gone on the record and said Weber is crook.
If it were ever in doubt, just look at the volume of material produced by Rudolf, Mattogno, Graf and so many others, on a shoestring, and generally provided free of charge to the world at vho.org. Meanwhile, IHR is mothballed when it had at least a coupla million dollars, plus ongoing income from well-meaning mainly elderly donators who just didn’t know better.
There are five 45 minute RBN ‘Piper Report’ broadcasts starting here:
Someone with time on his hands could turn them into a shorter, less discursive, single edit, exposing the enemy’s take-over and driving into the dust of IHR.
Nick Dean May 18, 2017 10:35 AM
On Monika Schaefer, I’ll ‘third’ that.
It’s the smart and principled fraction we most need (and which most need us!) And the Schaefer eltern provided two healthy specimens, indeed.
Russian Limbaugh May 18, 2017 1:59 PM
No event which ever happened in history has been used as the Jewish Holocaust has been used to justify displacement, murder, bombing, imprisonment, etc. of gentiles while giving Jews special privileges above all other races of people.
This is sufficient to conclude if the Jewish Holocaust had really happened then it would not be used in such manner as no other historical event ever was. It is used is such manner because it is a fantasy and not because it really happened as other historical events.
Richard May 18, 2017 4:41 PM
Thank YOU, John. Keep up the great work.
Lou Ryan May 19, 2017 10:03 AM
She seems like a sweet lady.
Unsure of the brother, after listening to a recent podcast, whereupon he stated he enjoyed exposing himself to the police or that he was abducted by aliens during his early teenage years.
Thanks, John.
katana May 20, 2017 3:48 AM
Thanks John and Monika for that.
I’ve started on the transcript here:
Realist Report May 20, 2017 8:41 AM
Thank you katana, as always. Your hard work is greatly appreciated.
Alfred Schaefer May 20, 2017 1:37 PM
Great interview. You were probably too polite to remind the listeners that these Rabbis not only want to exterminate the white race. They are encouraged by their holy book, the Talmud, to rape our three year old girls. These are the same rabbis that have their foreskin chewed off when they are 8 days old. These rituals ensure that the parasite never fraternises with the host. Raping our 3 year old girls builds an unbridgeable gulf between parasite and host.
The entire history of the “World Wars” need to be seen in the light of being the first big hit of the parasite jew exterminating the White race. We are now seeing the final blow against us, and the holohoax is used as the psychological guilt trip to destroy our defences. The jew is advised through the Talmud, to kill us slowly so that we do not notice. One day the last remnants of the white race will wake up and think, “how the hell did that happen?”….
But, we will do what we can to ensure that it is not the white race that goes down. And we are fighting to win!
Realist Report May 20, 2017 4:54 PM
Thank you Alfred!
Teutonica June 12, 2017 1:38 PM
Dear Monika and John,
Thank you for this great interview! Monika you are hitting the nail on the head in so many areas.
2011 also my search for the truth started, on September 11, in response to another 9/11 documentary.
About a year ago I spoke out publicly in a meeting with just one sentence opposing the Hitler bashing. After that I was rejected by a person who was seeking my friendship before. She did not give me a chance to give her detailed reasons for my one sentence, though I asked her for it, but right out rejected me and forbid me to speak to her. Apparently, she considers me evil and that’s that. Imagine you have a judge like this in court, and there are some like this, and definitely they have them in the “German” courts run by Jews. That’s why they extradite people to Germany to grind them through the Communist Kangaroo Courts in Germany where the judges say: “Truth is not a reason to deny the Holocaust.” Like Monika says and JFK said in his speech about the secret societies that they do not come with weapons by day but with secret machinations. Nothing is open and honest and up to debate. For the encouragement of people, when I found out that it was the Jews and not the Russians that overthrew Russia and executed or slowly killed between 66 and 100 Million people, the fog lifted from my brain and opened all the channels to see other deceptions. I’d like to add to the “people do not know how to use their brain” by saying they also do not want to. I have come to understand that people want to belong to a group, and by indoctrination of a false holohoax, they who believe in it all think alike in this area. “Don’t dare to disturb this group!” You’ll have a bad thing coming! And furthermore, these frightening Hollywood Nazi and Holocaust movies had such an intense emotional impact on children that as adults they still “see” these experiences, like the older generation remembers “Night of the Living Dead.” AND ANOTHER THING IS, PEOPLE WANT A SCAPE GOAT. THEY CAN THEN BLAME “EVERYTHING” ON THAT SCAPE GOAT AND NEVER HAVE TO LOOK AT THEMSELVES. THIS IS A VERY JEWISH CUSTOM INDOCTRINATED INTO THE GENTILES AND GOES BACK TO THE OLD TESTAMENT TIMES. Just think about the fact that in the Muslim religion when a girl or woman gets raped she is ALWAYS BLAMED FOR IT and punished for it. No punishment for the criminal. No wonder, as the Muslim religion is an offspring of the Old Testament. Germany is the scape goat for all of man’s evil, just like Jesus, a German – the Germans lived in all of Palestine – was the scapegoat for all of mankind, for their sin (Jews invading a German homeland and genociding most of them) and crucified because the Jews had already mostly taken over their country. To think other than the group means the person will be either dismissed, abandoned, isolated, and at the very best be allowed in with cold indifference, something no one can handle for an extended period of time. All of these have happened to me, including family members and most friends have departed from me. (Who needs friends like this?!) Like Monika, I was also hoping they would be happy about the Holocaust being a hoax, the contrary happened. They hated me for bringing them the good message of the Jewish author’s book “Tell the truth and shame the devil”; they called me insane, told me to see a psychiatrist, told me to get lost, called me Nazi and peace disturber (their phantasy peace). And most people are not willing to talk about it, yes! 99%, after I spent about ½ hour of my energy telling them the truth in several areas, they told me that they did not believe any of it. In my own family in the U.S., where one can speak the truth at least at home, there have been painful consequences for me. I am only 18 minutes into the talk, and I have so much more to say in response to your talk, but already wrote maybe too much. Thank you both! For more WW2 truth, visit http://www.germanvictims.com
Realist Report June 12, 2017 6:25 PM
Great comment, thank you very much!
Tucker June 23, 2017 4:32 AM
I have gotten way behind on the podcasts that I like to listen to, so only got around to this one yesterday. I was very impressed! Great interview.
Realist Report June 23, 2017 7:41 PM
Mike Stone July 4, 2017 9:02 PM
I really enjoyed listening to this, and I really felt for Monika and the reaction she received after posting her video, which is very good, by the way.
PDF Notes
Version 1: Nov 2, 2017
* Total words = 15,483
* Total images = 30
* Total A4 pages = 75
Click to download a PDF of this post (4.0 MB):
Realist Report Interviews Monika Schaefer – May 2017 – TRANSCRIPT
Version History
Version 11: Mar 13, 2023 — Re-uploaded images. Added The Realist Report Comments. Improved formatting.
Version 10:: Nov 2, 2017 — Added 3 more images. Added PDF of post for download.
Version 9:: Jun 3, 2017 — Added last 14 minutes of transcript. Added some images. Transcript NOW complete = 89 mins.
Version 8:: Jun 2, 2017 — Added 10 minutes of transcript. Total transcript complete = 75 mins.
Version 7:: May 31, 2017 — Added 10 minutes of transcript. Total transcript complete = 65 mins.
Version 6:: May 30, 2017 — Added 10 minutes of transcript. Added images. Total transcript complete = 55 mins.
Version 5: May 24, 2017 — Added 10 minutes of transcript. Added images. Total transcript complete = 45 mins.
Version 4: May 23, 2017 — Added 10 minutes of transcript. Added images. Total transcript complete = 35 mins.
Version 3: May 22, 2017 — Added 10 minutes of transcript. Total transcript complete = 25 mins.
Version 2: May 21, 2017 — Added 10 minutes of transcript. Added images. Total transcript complete = 15 mins.
Version 1: Published May 20, 2017 — Added first 5 minutes of transcript.
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