[Here, Canadian Prof. Phillipe J. Rushton at the Amren Conference 2000, reports on his travels to South Africa to find out for himself whether studies showing that Africans have an average IQ of 70, is true or not.
The very idea that there are differences in intelligence between the races has been made into a taboo topic by organized jewry, turning commonsense on its head and forcing people to believe nonsense about “racial equality”. One main purposes why organized jewry pushes this propaganda lie about the “equality of races” is to remove objections from White people to the flooding of their society with masses of low IQ blacks and browns. This is why rare academics, like Rushton, who tell the truth about racial differences are vilified in our jewish controlled media — KATANA.]
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Do Africans Really Have an IQ of 70?
[As of Sep 2019, video removed from YouTube for violating its policy on “hate speech“. To find an alternative upload do a search on YouTube or Bitchute for “Do Africans Really Have an IQ of 70“]
YouTube Description
An except from Prof. J. Philippe Rushton’s speech given at the Fourth American Renaissance Conference in 2000.
Ranging from original IQ testing in the classrooms of South African universities to the study of anatomy, Rushton once more details racial differences and explains why they are important. His latest research supports the findings that the average African IQ is 70.
Do Africans Really
Have an IQ of 70?
Published on Apr 14, 2013
(12:25 mins)
Thank you very much. It’s a pleasure to be here again. The first slide is actually a postcard from South Africa, which I was very fortunate to be able to visit, about a year and a half ago. The New South Africa. It is a fascinating country. When you arrive in Johannesburg, as I did, you see a very modern skyline. In fact, it’s very undifferentiated from any American city, or Canadian city.
The roads are big super highways and the motor cars are modern. Even the people on the streets and driving the cars, for the most part are indistinguishable from North America.
On the other hand, South Africa is a city of, a country of contrasts, and there’s a great deal of traditional society as well.
And the reason I was in South Africa, is, because of this particular chart which summarizes IQ scores that Professor Richard Lynn alluded to in his talk, based on his review, which was published in 1991.
East Asians, both here in the United States and Canada, as well as in their home continents, as Chinese, Japanese and Koreans, average a slightly higher IQ than do White people. Now the average I have there is 106. Sometimes you see the average a little bit lower, around 103. Whites average about 100. A few estimates may place it a little bit higher and say 103. Black Americans average about 85. And again blacks in Canada, or Britain, or in the Caribbean, average around 85, to maybe slightly higher, up as high as 90.
But is the very far bar on that graph which has excited a lot of controversy, the IQ of 70. Because an IQ of 70 is the lowest IQ ever found in the world. And it’s based on twenty to thirty different studies from East, South, West and Central Africa.
And it really doesn’t seem to change, even if you select the population to be studied from people in primary school, people who have got jobs, people in urban centers. In other words, samples that might be thought to have a slightly higher IQ. The average of 70 to maybe 75 consistently comes out.
[Add. Image] The Bell Curve and its authors, Murray and Herrnstein.
When “The Bell Curve” was published in 1994 this really elevated Richard Lynn’s review to international appraisal. And a lot of people in the United States were outraged! And very, very critical!
[Add. Image] The Black and White IQ distributions in America in the NLSY study, as per The Bell Curve.
In fact, they trashed “The Bell Curve” and my own book, partly, because we discussed as a serious piece of data, the average IQ of 70. Indeed, some members who of the academic community who were in favor of “The Bell Curve” decided that this was an embarrassment to their perspective. They actually argued something like:
“Look, perhaps within the academic and intelligentsia circles of America, with ‘The Bell Curve‘ behind us, we just might be able to convince people that IQ is a predictive variable. That it’s partly heritable, that there is a black White difference for whatever reason. But how on earth are we ever going to make headway when there are these extremists, like Richard Lynn and Phil Rushton, …”
And depending on which side they got out of the bed that morning:
“… Charles Murray and Arthur Jensen, who actually take this seriously, that the Africans have an IQ as low as 70 to 75?”
I should put it into context. If White people in Canada, or the United States have an IQ of 70, this is considered borderline mentally retarded. So, to label an entire continent as having an average IQ of 70, in which case fifty percent of the African population fall below an IQ of 70, fifty percent of the African continent by White standards is mentally retarded, is the sort of “preposterous sounding” rhetoric that academics have to face.
So, what’s the cause of that IQ of 70? Can it be real, or is it somehow false?
So I went to South Africa essentially in search of a high IQ African population. I decided I really needed for my own sake to at least satisfy myself, as to what the true, well, what the true African IQ score was. Had Richard Lynn underestimated the African IQ?
So I searched for a top university within Johannesburg.*
[* The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, is a multi-campus South African public research university situated in the northern areas of central Johannesburg. It is more commonly known as Wits University. The university has its roots in the mining industry, as do Johannesburg and the Witwatersrand in general. Founded in 1896 as the South African School of Mines in Kimberley, it is the third oldest South African university in continuous operation, after the University of Cape Town (founded in 1829), and Stellenbosch University (founded in 1866).
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_the_Witwatersrand]
[Add. Image] The Great Hall of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Some of my colleagues were arguing in saying:
“Look, we know there are many top African students at Harvard and Berkeley and Stanford, or Oxford and Cambridge in England, or even at top-notch universities in South Africa. Boy, if you could only test their IQ’s, you’d find that they were just as bright, or almost as bright as the genius level physicists in North America.”
So I went to South Africa to look for a high IQ group.
I teamed up with a group of people who shall still remain anonymous until the article is actually published in about three months time. We had Africans and Cape coloreds as well as our assistants for those who actually do these tests, and so on. It’s sometimes considered that test takers need to be tested by members of their own race, and so on. We can have the next one [slide].
I went to South Africa myself, rather than let my collaborators collect the data, because I was very concerned that perhaps all the other IQ tests that had been given, had being given under very poor conditions. And I wanted to absolutely standardize the conditions and satisfy for myself, as well as I possibly could, the integrity of the testing.
What we did, we had 300 first year undergraduate psychology students. Half of whom were black and half of whom were White. And we paid them 10 US dollars for taking part. And we had a huge exam hall, so they couldn’t possibly read each other’s answers. It was proctored, monitored by five of our assistants. I myself prowled up and down these rows looking and making sure that everybody did the test studiously. We gave clear instructions that this was a very, very simple test, which I’m going to describe in a minute.
But most people finish it within twenty minutes., but we said you could not leave your seat, in fact, for the first thirty minutes. We figured this would ensure that people didn’t just slapdash out their answers and collect their ten dollars and leave. They may as will stay there and do the answers. But, in fact, it wasn’t even timed. We said you could stay there for an hour and a half and finish the test if you wanted to double-check and quadruple check your answers. So it was a stress [free], it was a perfect testing condition that I can imagine.
Would you go to the next one [slide].
This is one of the tests. It’s a very well-known Raven’s Progress of Matrices. It’s nonverbal, so you don’t even have to use language to explain it. And what you have to do essentially, is to pick from the array of answers at the bottom, the piece that is missing from the top. And if you examine the top there, you can see that there’s a circle with a couple of lines which goes into a circle with a full line, and there’s a square with a couple of lines and you’re looking for what does it turn into. And you look around the bottom then you’ll see that there is, in fact, a square with a full half bottom and that’s the correct answer. Which is number six I believe.
What? [laughing] It is number six, is the correct answer.
Well, the White university students get 90% of this particular item correct. The African students, 77% of them, get it correct. So there’s no question that it’s a very, very easy item for the vast majority of Africans. They know what is expected of them and they answer the question. It’s just that more of them fail this particular item than do the Whites.
Can I have the next one [slide].
Now this is a much more complicated one. So avert your eyes if you didn’t do well in the last one [laughter from the audience].
You now have to choose from an array of eight at the bottom and the whole test is much more difficult., but if you examine, … If you go down the left hand column, for example, of answers, you’ll see that you’ve got three kinds of symbols. You’ve got a diagonal, you’ve got a vertical line, you’ve got a vertical and horizontal, and you got a horizontal line. And so in each of these columns you’re looking for a horizontal, a vertical and a cross. And so what’s missing in the bottom?
And then the clue you’re looking for is the background, you know, do you have a plain background, or do you have a lattice-work, or do you have crossed lattice-work, and so you combine them and eventually you figure it out.
And don’t forget you have a whole minute and a half to do this single item.
Anyway this is another one of the more complicated items and about 88% of Whites pass it, and just under 70% of blacks pass it.
Maybe we will go to the next one [slide].
[Audience noise getting louder] D8! Do you want to put it back on? I didn’t realize.
Was it number one? Oh, it’s number one! D8 is the item number. [laughter] Number one is the correct answer, I’m informed.
Okay, these are the results.
There were 60 of those items all together. And they started off very, very easy. The two you saw were, medium to high, in difficulty. These are the answers. These are the bell-shaped curve that you often see. They’re not smoothed and so they don’t look quite like the bell curves.
But the African scores peaked considerably lower down, than do the White scores. In fact, the average Africans get 44 out of 60 correct. Whereas the Whites got 54 out of 60 correct.
Now, 44 out of 60 correct is roughly, according to the norms of the test, what a fourteen year old Junior High school student in America gets. And these [African students] are first year university students.
Putting it into an IQ context, getting 44 out of 60 correct is an IQ of 84.
And IQ of 84 is substantially higher, it’s about a standard deviation higher than an IQ of 70, which is the [average IQ for the] African population. But it implies that since most university students are one standard deviation higher than the average, and the university students have 84, then the average for the South African population as a whole, must be about 70!
And therefore this search for a high IQ population supported Richard Lynn’s review of all the previous literature, showing an IQ of 70.
Below are the original slides that were not used above due to their poor quality.
The average IQs of the world’s indigenous peoples (click image to enlarge):
See Also
How Africans May Differ from Westerners
A Blind Eye to Murder of Whites in South Africa
RACE, EVOLUTION, AND BEHAVIOR – Part 1: Preface; Race is More Than Skin Deep
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Do Africans Really Have an IQ of 70 — TRANSCRIPT Ver 3
Version 7: Mar 13, 2023 — Updated image links.
Version 6: Jul 14, 2020 — Added See Also with links. Improved formatting.
Version 5: Sep 10, 2019 — Re-uploaded images and the PDF for the katana17.com/wp version. Added image and note that YouTube has removed the video for “hate speech“.
Version 4: Nov 11, 2017 — Updated cover (added croc). Improved formatting. Updated PDF (Ver 3) for download.
Version 3: Jun 1, 2017 — Added Ver 2 of PDF of post for download. Added 3 more image.
Version 2: May 26, 2017 — Added PDF of post for download.
Version 1: Published May 25, 2017
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