Mark Collett
Andrew Tate: An Anti-White Creep
Who Exploits Men
Fri, Jul 21, 2023
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“Andrew Tate was built up by the mainstream media who then funnelled countless young, desperate and depressed men toward him. But whilst the media painted Tate as a misogynist and woman abuser, the real truth is that Tate made his fortune from abusing men. But now, Tate is telling his young and impressionable audience to embrace something new – the colonisation of Europe.”
– KATANA]—Andrew-Tate-an-Anti-White-who-Exploits-Men:c
Published on Fri, Jul 21, 2023
Andrew Tate: An Anti-White Creep who Exploits Men
July 21, 2023
11 Dislikes
Andrew Tate was built up by the mainstream media who then funnelled countless young, desperate and depressed men toward him. But whilst the media painted Tate as a misogynist and woman abuser, the real truth is that Tate made his fortune from abusing men. But now, Tate is telling his young and impressionable audience to embrace something new – the colonisation of Europe.
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
Andrew Tate; feminism; mainstream media
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(Words: 2724 – 14:43 mins)
Mark Collett: I remember the rise of Andrew Tate, mainly because it happened so quickly. One day no one was talking about him, no one knew his name and he was at best a fringe character – and I certainly wasn’t aware of him.
Then the next day, the media and the press were talking him up as if he was one of the most important men on the planet. All of a sudden, he was the subject of front-page news stories, was being mentioned by every pundit you could name and even managed to end up debating Piers Morgan! And as the mainstream media couldn’t stop talking about him, it wasn’t long before his name was trending on every social media platform.
And let’s be honest – this was great for him! You couldn’t buy that kind of publicity, it was the perfect storm! It catapulted him into the lime light and put his face and his message in front of millions, maybe even billions, of men all over the planet.
And what was all the buzz about? What was he famous for? Well, he was the anti-establishment bad guy of the moment, a threat to all women on the planet, he was a different breed of man, something dangerous, edgy, like a relic from a different age. In fact, the mainstream media essentially crowned him The King of the Misogynists.
And despite the media’s whining and hand wringing, their characterisation of him coupled with the constant exposure they gifted to him, helped his meteoric rise to stardom. And to many of the young men who saw him, rather than coming across as the “bad guy”, Tate appeared to be a strong, physically tough and confident man surrounded by all the trappings that most men would fantasize over – a collection of sports cars, beautiful houses, expensive toys, and of course beautiful women by the dozen!
Whilst the media screamed as loud as they could about Tate, all their screeching only seemed to grow his fan base and increase his influence. So much so, it was almost as if it was all being done by design, as if someone had decided that Tate would be built up and placed on a pedestal for disenfranchised men to see!
And then he started speaking about the “system” – decrying the modern world, ripping into feminism and tearing down the pink haired chubby ladies that screamed in anger about his very existence!
He warned young men about the world in which they lived, going as far as to call the structure of modern society the ‘Matrix’ – obviously taking his terminology directly from the immensely popular film franchise that holds an almost hallowed place in outsider culture.
This all seemed like a perfect marketing campaign. Tate and the media fed off each other, he kept giving them the sound bites and they kept running the stories, screaming his name louder and longer! And as a result, lots of lost and desperate young White men rushed to see what the fuss was about and began quite liking what they saw.
It was almost like the mainstream media had positioned Tate in this way and orchestrated as much faux outrage as they could in order to expose him to a wider audience – and if that is what happened, boy did it work!
Tate now has over 7.2 million Twitter followers and young men from all over the world hang upon his every word, lap up his content and defend him against all and every accusation made against him.
And those accusations made against Tate all relate to his treatment of women, women that he apparently raped, trafficked and sexually exploited. In fact, I keep saying “accusations”, however he has now been formally charged and is under house arrest awaiting trial.
Now I don’t know if he did any of things that he has been accused of, I don’t know if he’s guilty or innocent of the charges brought against him.
But one thing I do know is that he is someone who revels in exploiting others and I also know that the majority of his wealth was generated from exploiting a certain group of people – because he has admitted to it.
“Who are all these women that he has exploited and ripped off?”
I hear you cry. Well, I’m not talking about women.
Tate’s primary target are desperate and often depressed young men that he has systematically identified, targeted and cynically exploited.
And interestingly, the men who he rips off and leaves in a much worse state than he found them, are the same depressed and desperate young men that we talked of earlier. The same men that the media have sent his way in droves after they amplified his message and built him up in a way that specifically appeals to the target audience that he exploits.
“How has he ripped off men?”
I hear you cry! Well, I could explain his carefully planned, choreographed and highly manipulative methods, but it’s better coming from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.
What’s more, if I explained what he had done, I couldn’t possibly sound as gleeful and happy about depressed and lonely men being ripped off as Tate does when he describes the process by which he takes their money under false pretences.
This isn’t just a man describing a horrible and exploitative process, it’s a man gloating over that process, boasting about his vile crimes and demeaning his victims.
Anyway, watch this short clip.
Andrew Tate: And her it’s maybe a bit bad. Here’s where the varmoose would start. So to be good, I had a lot of girls who worked for me. And the best are the Ukrainians or the Russians. It was amazing! Because they’ll get some guy fall in love. They’d arrange a date to meet, all this shit, da da da:
“Ahh! I need a visa! Okay get a visa. I need money for a visa! Okay how much is a visa? It’s $900. No it’s not $900 because I went to the embassy. They think I’m a risk and I need a return flight there and back. I need a hotel and I need that spending money in my bank account or they won’t let me come. So how much do you need? All right, 10 grand.”
10 Gs, bang! Go to the embassy take a picture outside the embassy. Boom, come back:
“They rejected my visa and said I have to wait two weeks! After two weeks they will give it to me. Okay baby.”
Boom! Two more weeks of tips. Boom, boom, boom! Because that was easy to fuck, right? As soon as he gets the girl. Now he’s spending more than ever! Two weeks, two weeks! Two weeks! Two weeks come, some other problem! Whether it’s visa or whatever, whatever. We make up some bullshit. Right?
Male: All these OnlyFans, chicks can learn from you man!
Andrew Tate: People watch free.
Male: Only fans tutorials.
Andrew Tate: Yeah. People would say:
“Why did those girls work for you?”
Because the girls would work for me. And at 50% because it was 50-50 would make millions per month! If they worked for themselves, they’d make fucking nothing! I was the best in the fucking game! Me! And I had a whole team of staff!
Male: Fuck!
Andrew Tate: The girl would only work 6 or 7 hours a day online.
Male: So how did it end?
Male: Wait. You could have double dipped and started a coaching, … To coach these guys too, right?
Andrew Tate: I could have, but fuck, I’ll give off for free, because I’m rich already. So the girl would be online for six or 7 hours, but then when she logged off, was sleeping or whatever, on her WhatsApp? I’d have staff. She was online 24 hours a day. Her WhatsApp? Her this. She was flamusing when she was asleep. We were bringing in money from the fucking sky. We were promising all these meetings, all these pictures outside of embassies, all this shit.
Eventually, the girl, what she would do is, she’d say:
“Oh, I don’t want to go embassy!”
She’d give a really lame excuse to try and provoke the man, to get angry. So she’d say:
“The embassy wants me to come back, but I have a headache.”
That was the one we’d use. He’d be like:
“I just sent you a million dollars. You promised you were going to come. You said you had to delay. Now you’re saying you have a fucking headache. You won’t go to your appointment!”
To make him mad on purpose, because that would annoy any man.
And then that’s what we needed. We need the little trigger. And we go:
“Why are you being aggressive? I’m not being aggressive. But you’re not serious!”
Da, da da. And then we’d say:
“But, you know what? I really like you, and I’m flying to the other side of the world by myself. And now you’re being aggressive. And now I’m intimidated.”
And we’d flip it on him, saying:
“Well, now you’re being scary! No, I’m not being scary. But it’s your appointment. You’re supposed to go. Yeah, but I feel sick and you don’t even care!”
Female bullshit! Female bullshit!
Male: You mother fucker, man!
Andrew Tate: And flip it on. Flip it on it. And he’d get fucking furious because we were really good at fucking, …!
Andrew Tate: Yeah. Poking him to the point where he’d go like:
“You’re a fucking scammer! You fucking scammed me!”
Get really mad!:
“I can’t believe you think I was a scammer. I was going to come, I went to the embassy. You’re a fucking liar! Every man in my life has only lied to me. I thought you were different!”
Da da da. Big beef! Big argument! Big argument.
But here’s the thing. The guy would get pissed off, right, and leave. Stop tipping her, stop coming to her. But for these men, that’s the only chick in the world, the only hot chick in the world who talks to him. Maybe it takes a week, maybe it takes two weeks, maybe it takes three weeks. He’s in bed at night, alone, jerking off, looking at her old videos and pictures, watching her stream again from another account, so she can’t see it’s him sitting there going:
“Maybe she was going to come? Maybe I just got too mad when she had a headache? Maybe I should have been a little bit more patient and she would have been my girlfriend?”
And 100% of the time, in less than three months, with an apology, a brand new pile of money, and the cycle would repeat!
We fucking killed the game! Millions of dollars a week!
And it was not just because I had beautiful girls. It’s not because webcam is easy. It’s because I am a genius! And I put together an apparatus of genius behind the avatar of beauty, and we fucking conquered the Internet!
Mark Collett: Andrew Tate may well have done some horrific things to women, he may not. I don’t know, I’ve seen some clips of him being rough with some of the women he was working with – but that could well have been all for the cameras.
But one thing I do know, because he has admitted it, is that those cars and that house and his incredible lifestyle was built on the exploitation of men. The majority of Tate’s victims were not women. Contrary to the media’s narrative that Tate is a threat to girls the world over, the fact is, that it is young, desperate and depressed men who make up the majority of his victims – and as I said earlier, those are the same people the media have eagerly funnelled toward him.
His victims, men who wanted nothing more than to love and to be loved, who wanted to settle down, get married and start a family, were scammed out of thousands of dollars – sometimes tens of thousands of dollars by a vile little conman who sold them a dream that would never become a reality.
These young men, the victims of Tate, gave their money willingly, not because they were bad men, not because they wanted something unreasonable or illegal, not because they were women hating misogynists, but because they simply wanted to be in a loving relationship with a woman – and Tate played on that desperation.
He played on their desire for love and exploited the kindness and good nature of those men.
But to my knowledge – there is no criminal case pending against him for any of that. Because when men are exploited in this way, it’s not a crime. It’s actually something you can go on streams and boast about for laughs and social clout.
So, what do we have here?
We have a man, Andrew Tate, who makes his money from ripping off vulnerable and depressed men who simply want to find a partner and be in a loving relationship.
The media then build Tate up as a hero to these men, funnelling even more of them in his direction, where some will inevitably become victims and be exploited for Tate’s financial gain.
The media then paint Tate as an outsider, as a man who opposes the current political system, something which makes him even more attractive to young depressed men looking for answers as to why the world is so unfair to them, and why they can’t achieve the same happiness and stability that they have observed previous generations of men enjoying.
But as far as the media are concerned, the best was yet to come:
As when presented with the question of which direction young White men should go in, what does Tate offer to those young White men? What answer does he give? What is Tate’s solution to the problems faced by his audience?
Well, the answer may shock you – it’s Islam!
Recently it was announced that the London Trocadero, a historic building in Britain’s capital, was going to be converted into a Mosque. This caused quite a lot of anger and dismay, but not from Tate.
This is what he tweeted, and I quote:
“This building is literally dead centre in the middle of London’s historic centre. Amazing news!”
“The only alternative to Islam for the brits are pride flags as they no longer have any innate culture or patriotisim.”
“Allah is the best of planners and I look forward to seeing The Islamic Republic of Great Britistan in her final form.”
“Britain will be fully Islamic soon.”
End quote. Tate is quick to set up the false dichotomy that Britain’s future is either Islam or Pride Flags. Become a Muslim convert or be swallowed alive by the degenerate and hedonistic landslide of filth.
There is no talk of a return to traditional European values or ways of life, no endorsement of nationalism or racial solidarity. Instead, Tate endorses the growth of a foreign religion and tells young men to submit to that and then celebrates the creeping colonisation of Britain.
And by now, it should all be rather clear. The media’s coverage of Tate isn’t because they hate him, it’s because they are building him up as a beacon for young, disenfranchised, lonely and often depressed White men who are desperate for leadership, inspiration and answers.
And what will Tate give them: At best false salvation and at worst he will exploit them, rip them off and leave them in a worse state than he found them.
NEVER FORGET, the media hate White people! And most of all, the media hate White men. And that’s why the media are desperate to build up false idols like Tate in order to direct White men towards them.
Young men who are looking for positive leadership and a radical change within our society will not find their salvation in Andrew Tate. They will simply end up being prey for a cynical and vile man who has made a small fortune exploiting the very men who look up to him.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 7/31/2023 = 140)
9 days ago
Tate say’s the elite “ fear White’s & blacks coming together Maybe, but actually what they really fear is us White people organizing.
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Dissident Doctrine
9 days ago
Whites and blacks coming together is what produces moronic mutts like Tate. The establishment wants that. Whites organising and protecting their birth right is what they fear.
9 days ago
the elite don’t fear whites and poc’s coming together, they forcefully and purposefully smash us together to deracinate atomize and weaken us as people. that’s the plan.
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9 days ago
We can only successfully come together while we’re apart, we could come to mutually beneficial positions with African countries. I think this is what we should propose to tribal, in-group preference Africans in the west, go home and form an alliance afterwards.
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9 days ago
That sounds very much like a 1930s Germany sort of plan. I’m all for it.
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8 days ago
malcom x was for it and they killed him. hitler was for it and they destroyed his country. the next time this kind of alliance is made, it needs to be far more organized and militant yet diplomatic than it was in the past. hitler’s great blunder was underestimating jewish ingratitude. He gave jews exactly what they wanted with the havaara agreement after he came to power, in hopes that they would leave germany AND not rape it using the rest of the world as their buck golem, hitler was wrong. They laughed at him behind his back then provoked him into war and turned the whole world against him AFTER THEY GOT WHAT THEY WANTED.
Never give jews what they ask for, in fact, never deal with jews. With jews you ALWAYS lose. Just ask hitler and herzl.
9 days ago
Tate is the Kelergi experiment writ large…
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brown man
9 days ago
positive outcomes
Racial Consciousness
9 days ago
As I sad on Gab: I sincerely hope that Tate goes to prison. And while in prison, I sincerely hope he gets horribly beaten, stomped, and stabbed to death.
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9 days ago
I want the same but I hope he gets raped first.
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9 days ago
8 days ago
sober take.
8 days ago
just world fallacy, whats likely to happen to this mutt is he establishes yet more connections to the criminal underworld which is why people like him, ie white collar criminals, should not go to jail, they should be put to death or at LEAST, solitary confinement, cut off from everything. Them going to jail just allows them time to pass on their criminal skills and/or establish skills/connections themselves and when they come out they’re even more dangerous and society ending than they were when they went in.
Use your white high iq brain and think at least a step ahead.
9 days ago
Andy Taint is an utter cretin & grifter.
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8 days ago
Andrew Tit
The Location
8 days ago
guarantee he’d be a fake nationalist if he wasn’t a mutt.
9 days ago
imagine being a Groyper and worshipping blacks and weird mullattos
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9 days ago
That’s all of America First.
9 days ago
hes a faggot with no chin
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brown man
9 days ago
with a nice cigar
9 days ago
Listening to that smug bastard call himself a “genius” makes me irrationally angry. I hope he spends the rest of his life behind bars.
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8 days ago
no loss to humanity.
9 days ago
a true psychopathic parasite. He really seems to know about these lonely men in side n out. true predator
9 days ago
I think he largely just makes up stuff because he inherited the narcissist tendencies from his weird African American dad. He revels in attention and the more grandiose a story is the more attention he gets. Odds are he never made much money before Hustler University and all the gullible fools believing them are his actual source of income that made him financially successful.
9 days ago
Andrew Tate is CIA. that’s why he seemingly exploded onto the scene.
9 days ago
He’s a non-White, weak chin who pimped out poor Slavic women for money. What makes me especially sick is he said he talked about how the women in Romania had high morals. Far more traditional than in western Europe. So he went there to destroy innocence and destroy the lives of beautiful, poor Slavic women. I take that very personally!
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8 days ago
sigh, another women most affected comment. re listen the clip of the mulatto explaining the dynamic. the fcking hoes come to him to MAXIMISE THEIR PROFIT. else they’d be on onlyfans or in some brothel whoring themselves out. Unless you’re going to admit white women have no agency, your take and the people who upvoted it are stupid.
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8 days ago
holy smokes, its like im surrounded by blind men :/
9 days ago
What a pos. And ((()))tube promotes him all over the place. That’s what made me suspicous. That interview you’ve shown is all the evidence you need. And it’s clearly not ‘taken out of context’.
9 days ago
Tate’s white fan boys should be ashamed of themselves for backing that mulatto piece of shit who brags about manipulating and trafficking white european girls.
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9 days ago
should be shot*
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8 days ago
sodomized and hanged* you want to make an example of these people.
8 days ago
All reading this comment, notice how rocky, by infernece, completely absoves/ignores the white women who facilitated filling that mulatto’s pockets and ripping off white men. Read over their comment, look at the upvotes and take notes.
Sometimes i think the white nationalist movement only care about the plight of white men insofar as they are useful/utility in protecting and being subservient to white women.
“Go to war/fight and die for nothing, white man, go and attack/berate the pimp alone, leave the white hoes to hoe another day, white man. Come on white women, you are equal with us and can do anything you want but white men shut up and ignore white women’s shortcomings.”
It may not be what you meant rocky but thats what your comment infers. Fuck you and your war cry for simp blood. Its one thing if the women are decent/being forced into this, its another thing when they’re willingly doing so, as most of these russian and ukranian girls are. They’d rather a pimp maximize their income than be on onlyfans hoeing themselves.
If this is the kind of gay rhetoric white nats. are pushing most of the time, then im out. To hell with this kind of shit rhetoric im sick of it. Im not going to turn myself into fodder for some goal that people only profess for their own self worth/gain.
9 days ago
He has exploited both men and women
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Mark Collett
9 days ago
That may be the case, but the fact is this: he has exploited far more men than women, and some of the women that the press have claimed are his ‘victims’ were actually complicit in his scams that targeted vulnerbale men!
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8 days ago
Fair point. Everyone must be judged for their actions, choices and behaviour in honest manner, even if they are females or whatnot. No letting some people off the hook like nothing just because.
9 days ago
Im am so sick of this “but women suffer too” rhetoric. Its so frustrating to the point where i just want to reach through the screen and strangle you if i could, too bad i cant.
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9 days ago
European/Aryan/Caucasian men and women alike are being PLAYED against each other by the cunning and manipulative jew. Modern feminism and MGTOW are just as destructive as each other- both undermine the nuclear family unit and both result in fewer European/Aryan/Caucasian children being born.
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9 days ago
9 days ago
What a cunt. I hope that, while in jail, he becomes the ‘object of desire’ for a sexually frustrated longtimer.
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8 days ago
and the ukrainian and russian girls who helped him willingly scam white men? They get a pass because they’re white, right?
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8 days ago
ah, so they get a pass cuz they white. makes sense.
Peak Aussieman
9 days ago
I lament that this gross disgusting porno man was ever considered dissident. I guess it’s good the filth was exposed in the end. Yeah, he’ll never recover from this one. They never do.
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8 days ago
For me the first impression is that he seemed like just another ego maniac. Which i guess is what describes him the best still for me at least. From my perspective he is a dissident to me, an anti nationalist and anti traditionalist. And i dont mean anti religion by anti traditionalist. I just mean anti of what made us great and strong way back when. Large ethnocentric patriarchal families who lived and died by the land and which produced strong healthy young white men and fit and feminine/fertile young white women.
9 days ago
In a way this is similar with what they are doing with Trump. All the fake hate towards him makes him appear to be anti-establishment but in fact he is very establishment. He did nothing for his base but cheat them over and over. The media makes him out to be someone who is going disrupt the ruling class and millions of Americans then think he is going to save them. He is not. Just like the degenerate tate, he’s just going to rip them off and throw them away. Ask any of the people still in jail for 1/6.
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9 days ago
He got recommended in my YouTube recommended list. That’s all you need to know. This guy is the Matrix he keeps talking about.
8 days ago
sharpest take in this low iq comments section ive seen. Very good parallel you made. Fake opposition op is indeed what this is.
9 days ago
Tate and his prostitutes con ten’s of thousands of desperate lonely young men out of millions, in all likelihood destroying their lives…women most affected
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9 days ago
It’s clear the men are most affected, but we’re talking about a guy who corrupted the minds of half an entire generation of men, leaving them incapable of treating women like anything but whores, much like their leader. In that way, everyone is very much affected. Painting women as victims here only serves to get this shitstain in jail, which is better for everyone.
Internet Racist
9 days ago
Humans are biologically wired to be biased in favour of women. It’s one of the most deeply rooted aspects of human nature and you’re NEVER going to even come close to overcoming it. As shitty and out of hand as they may have gotten they’re still our responsibility and it’s on us to fix it, whining about it isn’t going to change anything. There’s no magic supply of based White women hidden out there somewhere, most of us are gonna have to “make a ho a housewife” for lack of a better term. Being salty towards women just makes that harder and is therefore not productive, regardless of how much they may or may not deserve it.
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8 days ago
I definitely agree with you but I was being sarcastic and I find it to be a funny meme
8 days ago
What if we just walk away from it instead of fixing it? Go elsewhere where white men arent demonized and antagonized even in nationalist circles, hmm? What if its just on YOU and your minority to fix it and the majority of us men just withhold our labor and put it towards something that has a better or reciprocal return?
Oh, then im a yellow fever asshole if thats the case, right? A mong muncher. A mgtow loser lol. Ok. So be it, more white whor- i mean women for you, right?
Hope this isnt the part where u block me for badgering you with sensible, relevant questions based on your “it is what it is” assessment. If it is what it is, then by inference theres no point bothering to fight for “white women” who are, for the most part, white whores and you, a white simp. You just go about it differently but you’re no better than the white men who are demoralized and getting scammed by this mulatto chump and his army of whores.
Being salty towards women indeed does nothing, WITHOLDING your labor and resources from them means everything but that takes discipline and self control because you’re likely to not get any sex from them using this strategy. You instead want to do the complete opposite lol. Its not what u say, its what you DO, thats how girl children are raised properly and thats how u deal with women. Show them you want them but dont need them. You put your foot down, u dont talk and beg and plead with them. Action, reaction. Cause, effect. Stoicism. Most men are doing this believe it or not which partly contributes to the plummeting birth rate but… is what it is….right?
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Internet Racist
8 days ago
I’ve been with the same woman for 15 years and she was a virgin when we hooked up so I have basically the opposite experience from you. I acknowledge that I likely lucked out and most men have a pretty bad time of it but still, good White women are out there. Also most of the guys I see complaining about how terrible White women are, aren’t exactly Gigachad themselves so it seems like a bit of a glass house situation to me. I can almost guarantee that some perfectly good White woman was invisible to you because she wasn’t very pretty or she was overweight or something. In my experience both sexes are delusional in their expectations for a partner.
That’s just my two cents. Feel free to go bang some Filipina that kisses your ass because you have money, to each their own. Don’t come knocking on the door of the ethnostate with your mongrel kids tho, just sayin’.
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8 days ago
Why would i do that when the door of the ethnostate is wide open to women who’ve had their fun in their teens and 20s and come running to white nationalists in their 30s after they’ve had their fun and no self respecting man who knows the game better than you ever will, wants them? :/ I dont want to be a part of a matriarchy/sinking ship, look how that turned out for the negro hyena males.
When she cucks u or has a fling with one of your fellow white nationalists 20, 30 years from now i sincerely hope you dont blow your brains out, as many men have after suffering in silence or being mocked and told to get over it by outlier cases lol, hope you take your own advice when your turn comes to bat eventually, if it hasnt already unbeknownst to you based on your nonchalant ignorance. There isnt going to be any ethnostate anyway with traitors in your midst, and trust me, its not the cannon fodder men who are recruited that will be the betrayers, its the opposite, they will be betrayed by people like you.
Imagine dehumanising other people because they tried with their own but their own betrayed them and now they just simply mentioned the idea of going outside of the group instead of acknowledging their arguments. So much for moral high ground. If i am to have any mutts id rather them be my kids than white kids who are my neighbors’ lol
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Internet Racist
5 days ago
You sir are Lot’s wife levels of salty, some woman did a number on you lol. Everybody’s had some girl problems bro, don’t be such a bitch about it. I assure you that third world gold diggers aren’t exactly paragons of loyalty either. Anyway your mental and emotional problems are none of my concern, have fun with that.
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5 days ago
Thank you for fortifying my point despite your sophomoric attempt to strawman it. I rest my case.
9 days ago
when whites win our counties back, well be confiscating every bit of wealth this kalergi CIA asset has swindled. then he be exiled to wherever we decide to exile the chosenites
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8 days ago
exile does not work. they plan and come back again. it happened in egypt when the hykos were driven out, it happened in china when the kaifeng jews were driven out.
There needs to be tacit agreement on the “extinction” of these chosenites. Nothing said in paper, comments or on record, just understood among whites and meted out against jews.
9 days ago
I was busy with my practicals at Uni. That was when I first heard about him from my fellow liberal/lefty students. My knee-jerk reaction was to defend him because he seemed to anger the right people. Months later I found out what he actually did, exploiting young men and abusing European women. The embarrassment I had for defending him was bad but justified. Tate is a bad actor.
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9 days ago
he’s a gateway/stepping stone to liberalism / Judaism for our young men who have yet to be racialized and are still sitting on the fence, and if he doesn’t lead them into complete degeneracy he, at the very least, keeps them on the fence and away from us
8 days ago
the european women in his employ are there of their own agency/free will. tate said it himself they make more money under him than if they were on only fans which is what most of them do, few of them looking to maximize profits go under the wing of a pimp. How is this so hard to understand? They are just as guilty as the mulatto mut
There is no forced whores here, with mulatto tate, its of their own volition. Re listen the clip in collett’s video.
Richard’s Pichers
9 days ago
Excellent video, Mark. Couldn’t agree more.
9 days ago
Brilliant Summary
, total Kalergi PLANT !
9 days ago
Tate is such an insecure douchebag faker, I just don’t understand why anybody would’ve followed him. I look forward to his return to obscurity.
Caesar Himself
9 days ago
Old turtle looking sub-Human pimp scumbag.
My Awesome Channel
9 days ago
I am appalled by how many figures in the so-called “dissident right” endorse this subhuman brown scumbag
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8 days ago
the dissident right itself is kind of a joke tbh. men basically absolving white women of any agency after they’ve sold out/done shit to enable white genocide and demoralization. the mulatto subhuman would have little financial worth if it wasnt for the white women willing in his employ. re listen the clip, he said they come to him to maximize their profits instead of being on onlyfans. they were going to be hoes anyway.
King Tut
8 days ago
Andrew Tate is even a bigger piece of shit than I thought…
9 days ago
I think this guy is a construct. Smacks of Mossad, he’s got that jewy, porn conman vibe which is their speciality.
9 days ago
It’s no surprise that he’s close to that talentless jew Aiden Ross.
9 days ago
The half monkey shaved his head so women can’t see what he really is with that kinky hair.
9 days ago
Romania can’t seem to lock him up and throw away the key or kick him out… is the ZOG American state department running interference on his behalf?
8 days ago
the real options are BE proud of who you are and your race. full stop.
8 days ago
Tate is scum
8 days ago
Very good to hear Mark’s incisive commentary on this bufoon.
8 days ago
Nothing but a Jewish construct
8 days ago
Good work, Mark. I knew Tate was dodgy but I did not realize it was this bad. He deserves to lose everything like his victims did.
Padge O
8 days ago
Great work, Mark. Nailed it.
8 days ago
Lets not forget that the webcam girls also know exactly what they do, how to do it most efficiently to get maximum profits, why they do it and who is the specific target. Lonely demoralized men. Also note, even a man in a relationship or marriage can feel lonely and/or demoralized. Those webcam girls wouldnt in real life touch the lonely men with even a 10 foot pole, talk to them or note their existence. Its only when the lonely man gives a pile of money to them when they act is if they cared and noticed the man even a bit. Tate doesnt give a fuk about you and neither do the web girls. They only care you giving them lots of money for basically nothing. Tate is not a unique exploiter in any measure, but an exploiter among vast seas of exploiters all around the world.
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8 days ago
You will notice how your comment wont get much upvotes as opposed to the ones that has the “women and men are affected” or “women most affected” rhetoric. Scroll through the comments and see for yourself. You even have some people admitting theres a bias and “it just is what it is” and even those comments will have more upvotes than yours ever will.
White people are doomed if this male hyena shit never stops. Black males do this kind of shit all the time and look at the mess they’ve always been in. Matriarchies stagnate then devolve.
The Real EVCG
9 days ago
Fantastic analysis. One of these days enough adults will have sufficient brains to avoid immediate seal-clapping for astroturfed overnight sensations, or to think that Western Civilization will be saved because a billionaire suggests interest in buying Twitter. I understand why folks can get desperate for whitepills but doing so often obscures or impedes actual reasons to be hopeful.
Mark, your upload here recalled for a me a clip that Know More News showed which features Tate explaining a great way that a Jew taught him to scam people in business. Interesting too how when Andrew was chest-pounding about scamming men with women, a room full of men listening to him apparently offered no opposition.
9 days ago
I wonder how this is not criminal fraud. The elements appear to be present for fraud in many of the several States.
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8 days ago
Its not criminal fraud because its white men who are being scammed. If he did this to a different ethnic group or white women…then the reaction would be different, in fact, it IS demonstrably so. As this mulatto mutt got in trouble for something he did to WOMEN, weather true or not(its likely true).
9 days ago
On point
Another Way Home
9 days ago
Anyone that holds his hands the way he does while sitting makes me suspicious of him on it’s own.
9 days ago
Sharp take, better be careful i dont cut myself. Well said collett.
3 days ago
Well Done PA! Keep growing!
5 days ago
his accent sounds fake
5 days ago
Once again, it is proven that even half-jews like Andrew Tate have a higher intellectual and moral capacity than gentiles. You can cry as long as you wnat, but Tate did not “abuse men”, he made profit from these weak goyim simps who are hungry for female attention. Shame on the goyim for falling for these tricks! May you live long and prosper, Gaon Tate.
7 days ago
tate’s “exploitation” of women is just part of his image. he is this generation’s Andrew Dice Clay mixed with Alex Jones/Trump with the misogyny angle and the loud bragging angle that makes guys laugh and worship him. I doubt he’s banging any of these girls.
7 days ago
Wow, first time I’ve actually seen him speak….his face, attitude, actions and exploitations of both lonely men and vulnerable women of Europe are something beyond disgusting. He’s a pimp who got famous.
8 days ago
I love that Odysee is a Jewish founded and ran company and they shadowbanned Mark Collett and nobody is going to see this video. Hello, Jeremy Kauffman anyone?
While Andrew Tate gets millions of views
from the J-Media.
timcast (Tim Pool), the high school dropout cretin, has 10 times more followers here than Mark Collett because he’s 10 times better, right?
8 days ago
His brothers take on the JQ, in reply to Sneako was very telling.
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King of Knights
7 days ago
I haven’t heard it, what was his take or do you have a link, please??
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6 days ago
It was on Destinys video called ‘Destiny Defends Tristan Tate Against Sneako’ from about 2 weeks ago. The actual vid of Tristan starts at about 1-2 mins in.
7 days ago
I’m so sick of hearing about Andrew Tate. Why are people on the right obsessed with him? He seems to live rent free in your heads. Stop paying attention to him, stop showing his videos, stop making videos about him. I do not care at all about Andrew Tate.
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4 days ago
why do u want to cover up female behavior and exploitation of men? :/
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4 days ago
Obviously I don’t. I think Andrew Tate wouldn’t have as much popularity if people didn’t keep giving him so much free publicity. Why do you want to encourage that?
His popularity seems very artificial. I never even heard of him, and then out of nowhere, almost over night, every single right wing person was talking about him, reposting his clips etc – just to say that they’re bad. If they’re bad then don’t show them at all. Just ignore Andrew Tate, he’s a mixed race degenerate idiot.
Part of what Andrew Tate does is say ridiculous things that he knows will piss people off, and it works, because everybody then is talking about him all the time.
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4 days ago
fair enough, cant argue with that.
Racial Consciousness
9 days ago
I remember when Keith Woods and Ed Dutton and a number of other people in that clique were aggressively insisting that White people turn to Islam back in 2019 and 2020, just like Tate is doing now.
The only difference is that Mark supported Woods and Dutton…
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9 days ago
KW and ED never actually did that. Get a grip.
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Racial Consciousness
9 days ago
I have a whole folder full of screenshots of them doing that. They both faced an immense amount of backlash because of it – so much so that Keith made a public statement saying he wouldn’t talk about Islam publicly again, and Dutton accused everyone who disagreed with him as being dysgenic. Again, I have the screenshots.
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9 days ago
Show us. I have heard both of them saying the opposite of what you are saying they said.
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Racial Consciousness
9 days ago
I have shown them. Multiple times. Where would you like me to share them? I can’t exactly share them here in Odysee replies.
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9 days ago
Yes you can. Upload them to imgur and paste the link here. Odysee allows you to do so.
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7 days ago
you will wait forever for those links haha. called his bluff. but i do belief keith woods is not sincere, i thought he was at first but i did some digging. he does the hat muzzies bit as a proxy for jews.
8 days ago
It was some time ago generally a popular take among some “far right” and “dissident” figures and also in manosphere. Not necessarily that we must all turn to islam or else but that islam is generally very good. Superiour even. And that if part or all of whites turned(submitted) to islam it would be great and part of whites salvation from clown world and ensuring a great native european future. But stepping from one alien clown world to the next alien clown world is not a salvation or insurance of great native european future. For one it would then be an islamic culture(middle eastern) future in continent of europe. And it would likely ensure more mixing of whites with blacks and browns/asians compared to basically any other world religion. So a total loss of everything valuable and distinct about europe/europeans. In other words, totally moronic and self destructive idea. But from the mouths of who likely think they are super smart and have it all figured out.
White Muslim Woman
9 days ago
Islam is a good idea, interpreted by white Europeans. It’s social conservative and anti swigs . Pro marriage.
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9 days ago
Christianity in Europe and America was socially conservative until it was subverted and undermined by jewry
brown man
9 days ago
9 days ago
As idols go, Muhammad makes a shitty idol. 100% of Muslims idolize him, though. They and Christians and those that call themselves Jews also idolize their books and the interpretation of God that was handed to them by earlier generations. All of the best and oldest Abrahamic peoples seem to have stopped listening to God directly and now hear their aged interpretations louder than the source.
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9 days ago
Unless you can contradict your earlier interpretation when God directs, you worship the earlier teachings over Him. If your book claims to be the final word before all else, all other evidence He might show, it has become an idol.
9 days ago
By any chance: are you a jew pretending to be a ‘Muslim European’? Embrace true Christianity- not the jew-subverted and faggotified cuckstianity (also known as ‘judeo-Christianity’) that has entenched itself in the West. There is no need for you or anyone else to be submissive and weak by cucking to Islam; doing so merely makes our common enemy happy (Christians and Muslims have a common enemy: the jew).
9 days ago
Both Muslims and Christians (not cuckstians, aka ‘judeo-Christains’, but REAL Christians) need to wake up:
8 days ago
Its pro pimping(arranged marrying) teenage girls to 60 year old stinky perverts. Well on top of the other sex slaves(wives) the old man already has in use. Islamic countries are and have always been perverted backwards pedostans. Its pro genital mutilation, but what one expects from super low iq peoples. Only a naive idiot doesnt know the reality behind the nowadays romanticized fascade of islamism. Even some “far right” figures promote it. But really there is zero things to copy or learn from pedostans and islam. Never relax around islamics and never let them near your children.
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8 days ago
I’ve seen videos of jews(inc. rabbis) rubbing their hands in glee over the prospect of Europe falling to the Islamic hordes the subversive jew has imported into Europe. Such is the hatred the jew has towards Christianity and Jesus Christ.
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8 days ago
jesus christ is a jew. christianity, as well as islam both have jewish origins. an apple tree cannot bear oranges. what about this is so fcking hard for people like you to understand? lol
as for
all that is true but guess what, they’re fcking all your women and they’re in control so what are u going to do about it? Beg white women for permission to protect them? How’s that working out for u? so stupid
8 days ago
loooooooool :rofl:
brown man
9 days ago
May Allah bless brother Andrew Tate
Goy meets world
2 days ago
I don’t really care that he exploited some dumb only fans thots. I hate him more for scamming vulnerable,depressed young men who might have a hard time getting chicks. He sold them falsified hope.
2 days ago
Well said Mark!
5 days ago
Thinking Sneako is in the same vein.
hitlers nest
5 days ago
im so glad we are putting the fatwah on this n*gger
6 days ago
Hey Mark I think one of your admin’s banned me on Telegram by accident. Could you unban me?
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Mark Collett
5 days ago
yes, what’s your name?
7 days ago
So why do all these young men look up to him when he’s a scammer?
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5 days ago
because he gets poosie and, regardless if its true or not, exudes an air of masculinity and aggressiveness not found in the white nationalist movement. Its the same shit with rap or rock music, boys and men naturally gravitate to things/people that (weather actually true or not)which seem to pander to them/care about their wellbeing. Tate exudes this, nationalists movements for the most part do not. They want men to pander and become fodder for white women while they spread their legs in their teens and late 20s then try to come to wignat circles hoping someone will take them, Emily Youcis did just this.
And when you expose the strategy these women are using, there is handwaving and banning. So yea, a lot of white guys just shurg and walk away from the white nationalist movement as collett himself admitted, its not that they get burnt out, they have an idea on an instinctual level what is going on. No self respecting man wants to be fodder for a hoe. And the dissident right, controlled by their thirst/love for possie, try to whip the other men in line to adopt the same mindset, some do and most do not.
Im not saying joining a fcking gang is the solution lol. I am explaining why these guys look up to sources like mutt man tate, negro braps etc. It is aggressive, masculine, media that, again, wether true or not, panders to their sensibilities. Most wignats are squares or very gifted men doing almost the same shit muttate is doing; herding less successful, less attractive men by promising them X if they behave in a certain way. The difference is, dissidents are just training men to be cannon fodder for damaged women. Tate is training men to exploit/damage women in the first place. One is the sloppy seconds enjoyer, the other is the cherry popper. I know what tate is doing which is grifting and scamming but to be honest some of what he says holds weight in TODAYS CLIMATE. I’d rather be the cherry popper than the sloppy seconds enjoyer, sorry. Slime away.
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4 days ago
Is he also a pickup artist?
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4 days ago
Dunno. doubt. He has no chin, any woman around him is around him to gain access to his material wealth. Doubt any woman would genuinely be aroused by him, i could be wrong maybe theres some weird women out there with such a type but none that i know was ever interested with chinless men on a physical, sexual attraction level.
That doesnt discount some of what he says, specifically the part about how women hoe themselves then change their social circles in an attempt to cover up/reinvent themselves after they’ve had their fun. That part is demonstrably true with most women today below 40 lol.
As if some guys really prefer to stay indoors and play video games all the time, no. Its because they’ve realized what the shot is and some of them think women arent worth it so they just dump their interest into other dumb stuff they’re checking…then get mocked and dirided for it by some men who didnt which is counter intuitive because you’d think there’s more women to go around for the fewer men still getting with them, right? When the shut ins and other male, sexless archetypes explain why or whats out there for them or lack thereof, they’re mocked further. So they dont bother, along comes tate luring them in with a truth, then the rest is just bs and lies.
Maybe if the white nationalist movement(besides collett, he addresses it) addressed this problem with women today and REVEAL instead of COVERING UP/DOWNPLAYING the cunning games and mating strategies women use, the men interested in mulatto tate would quickly tire of him and his pretender persona and quickly move on to/stay in the white nationalists circles.
And to prove what im saying about modern women, just go ask collett why he isnt married. Go on, ask him. The system/laws are geared towards women, this is fact. If you dont play ball with them, jump to their beat, do what they like, entertain them…you’re finished. Until then its all roses and wine.
8 days ago
See Also
RACE, EVOLUTION, AND BEHAVIOR – Part 1: Preface; Race is More Than Skin Deep
Do Africans Really Have an IQ of 70 — TRANSCRIPT
How Africans May Differ from Westerners
A Blind Eye to Murder of Whites in South Africa
Andrew Joyce – BLM – Irish Edition – Dec 31, 2020 – Transcript
Stefan Molyneux – Dallas Police Shooting — TRANSCRIPT
Malleate – Bullet Free Genocide – Weaponized Migration – Nov 22, 2019 — Transcript
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