Mark Collett
Bronze Age Pervert Exposed
Fri, Jun 28, 2024
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“There has been a lot of discussion over the last two weeks that has centred on two ‘nationalist influencers’. I focus on one of these influencers – Bronze Age Pervert – and look at the message he pushes and ask whether it is something that nationalists should embrace.”
– KATANA]—Bronze-Age-Pervert-EXPOSED:1
Published on Fri, Jun 28, 2024
Bronze Age Pervert EXPOSED
June 28, 2024
Mark Collett
There has been a lot of discussion over the last two weeks that has centred on two ‘nationalist influencers’. I focus on one of these influencers – Bronze Age Pervert – and look at the message he pushes and ask whether it is something that nationalists should embrace.
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
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(Words: 1,503 – 9:14 mins)
So you may have noticed there has been a lot of drama recently that has centred around two supposed nationalist influencers, one of these influencers is known as Bronze Age Pervert. Bronze Age Pervert – furthermore to be known simply as BAP, for brevity – styles himself as a Sigma male body builder who lives a dream life where he is surrounded by beautiful women, opulence and almost everything that a man could desire. And as part of this persona, he pushes the themes of masculinity, male fitness and anti-feminism to his sizeable fanbase. And that all sounds good, right?
Well at first yes s but on closer inspection, the answer is actually no – after a little digging, it appears that there’s something not quite right here.
Now let’s get this out of the way first: I’m all for men going to the gym, getting fit and improving themselves physically – not least because there are many benefits to physical exercise, most notably that those who keep themselves in shape usually feel better about themselves, are more mentally robust, and of course they look better and present themselves in a way that attracts both admiration from other men and of course increase sexual interest from women – so men who stay fit are more likely to find a partner.
There are obviously also a myriad of health benefits for those who indulge in regular exercise – which as I said earlier are both physical and mental. I myself go to the gym, run, and love outdoor pursuits.
I am also a huge critic of feminism. I have no time for the anti-male and anti-family agenda that feminists push, I also have no time for feminists themselves, as they are usually hideous, pink haired, overweight beasts that have awful piercings, even worse tattoos and are often hairier than a Wookie!
Also, I can’t stand these shrew-like girl boss characters which feminists seem to adore and attempt to emulate; they just annoy me.
What’s more, it isn’t lost on me that feminism is largely a jewish creation. All one has to do to confirm this is look at the list of jewish feminists on Wikipedia, which is basically the who’s who of the feminist movement.
So yes, to all the men listening right now: get fit, be the best version of yourself and ignore sour faced ham beast girl boss feminists! I think that’s pretty solid advice to live by.
But let’s dig a little deeper into BAP’s message s because I feel what BAP is pushing is not actually a nationalist message, I don’t believe his advice is actually a counterargument to feminism.
I actually think what BAP pushes is a weird mirror image of feminism – almost a feminism for men, if you like. BAP’s core message seems to paint women as the bad guys, the collective architects of the West’s demise.
According to BAP, women ruin everything, and the only way to push back against these civilisation wreckers is to be a Sigma male, almost a god in human form. And once you have achieved this state, you should use your new found powers to just pump and dump your way through as many women as possible – because that will teach these feminists a lesson or two!
Or will it?
Surely that behaviour will just convince feminists that they were right, and it might just make other women think that feminists have a good point s and that’s a bad thing, both for women, men and the West in general.
You see, my primary critique of feminism is that it is an ideology that drives a wedge between men and women, preventing normal and healthy relationships from forming and thus has a massive negative effect on the White birth rate s which is something that I and many other nationalists rightfully complain about.
And my problem with BAP’s philosophy on life, is that it basically leads men to the same place as feminism leads women. These men who follow the BAP philosophy and turn themselves in Adonises in order to use their new found powers to sleep with women for physical pleasure and then discard them, are not helping to save the West k they are having a similar negative effect on the White birth rate as the feminist girl bosses that choose to have a career rather than a family. As I said earlier, this philosophy is a warped mirror image of feminism and it has the same net result.
The real counterbalance to feminism is for men and women to come together, fall in love, form a stable living environment and then pour their energy into raising a family and having as many White children as possible.
That is the one thing that will prevent our demographic demise and has the opposite effect on society to feminism.
It’s pretty simple: the opposite of driving a wedge between man and woman, is to bring man and woman together again – which is one of the salvations the West needs.
But probably the best way to sum this up is to a look at a real-world example of what BAP pushes s and we can do this by examining a Christmas Day Tweet posted by BAP.
In the Tweet, that for those just listening is now posted up on screen, you can see an image, the image shows a very beautiful and scantily clad woman laying provocatively on a bed and the accompanying text boasts about the amount of money BAP spends per year on sex workers, which he affectionately terms “prosties”.
This is presumably how he spent his Christmas Day, or how he wanted his followers to believe he spent Christmas Day s lounging around in bed with a beautiful woman whom he had paid to spend the day with him.
My Christmas Day was very different!
I was woken up by a very excited little girl who wanted to see if Santa had been. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs with the family to see the utter joy on my little girl’s face as she saw a huge pile of neatly wrapped presents in the middle of the living room. My daughter had spent what seemed like months asking for a “big Morty”.
For those who remember, I spent two months tracking down all the Squishmallow McDonalds toys over Halloween. My daughter fell in love with one called Rorty, a blue horned monster, and she wanted a giant version of him s and this thankfully existed, and is in fact called Morty. Morty is now part of the family, and most nights my daughter still sleeps cuddled up with him.
And that memory of an excited child and her joy at receiving the gift that Santa thoughtfully wrapped and placed in our living room for her, will live with me forever.
And that’s what Christmas should be – about family, loved ones and creating precious memories that will live on forever!
In fact, our lives should be about family, genuine connections and raising the next generation, passing on the torch of European civilisation to our offspring.
And you know what, I wouldn’t trade that Christmas day and those precious memories for a thousand sexual interactions with a thousand beautiful women. Because despite many of BAP’s young followers thinking his Christmas day tweet was “cool” or “based”, it was actually pretty sad.
Imagine spending one of the most important family days of the year alone – with your only company being a woman you had to pay to be at your side.
And that’s the folly of the BAP message – it’s nihilistic, narcissistic drivel which leads to the same place for men as feminism does for women – loneliness and isolation!
And whilst I am sure that BAP would be quick to mock the archetypal childless feminist cat lady for her existence, in reality, his life isn’t actually that far removed from hers. In a way, his is actually worse, as cats generally tend to like their owners, but I am not convinced that beautiful young escorts have anything other than disgust and contempt for the 50-year-old childless men that pay for their services.
And whilst cats always remember their own and eventually come back home, I doubt any of the sex workers BAP has paid ever want to see him again and probably drink heavily or self-medicate in order to forget him.
So, what is there left to say?
Oh, there is one thing, did I forget to mention? Bronze Age Pervert also happens to be jewish.
A subversive anti-family voice in the nationalist scene, leading young men to an anti-family conclusion and promoting the idea that YOUNG men should spend their time with sex workers rather than TRYING to find a wife and raise a family, making it far less likely that those men will have children, pass on their genes and raise the next generation of Western men – and he’s JEWISH?
Must be another COHEN-CIDENCE!
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 7/3/2024 = 94)
4 days ago
I never liked him. Him and the Tate brothers should be loaded onto a rocket and fired off towards the sun. Bye!
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4 days ago
Completely agree
Nationalist Geographic (Mini-Hyph)
4 days ago
strap me to Syrian Girl and fire me at Tel Aviv.
4 days ago
His account name was always a bit of a clue!
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4 days ago
Jews are literally a Bronze Age tribe of hate-filled religious fanatics. And they’re also quite perverted.
Show 2 replies
Nationalist Geographic (Mini-Hyph)
4 days ago
Just got my Talmud signed by BAP.
2 days ago
Love of our People
4 days ago
Zog Age Jewvert
4 days ago
Bap?.. more like bagel.
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4 days ago
BArmitzpha Prick
4 days ago
More importantly, what did BAP do for Hanukkah?
Florida Man
4 days ago
Imagine having Pervert in your username…on purpose
4 days ago
I had never heard of him….
I wish that was still the case…
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4 days ago
that’s not a qualifier, you dumb fck. People who matter literally cite his shitty book, so it’s important to expose the types that are influencing western white elites, like the jewed up Thiel Network BAP is a part of.
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4 days ago
Are you a bot?
You appear to be just typing random words…..
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4 days ago
No they have aspergers. I know these types, the crusader types. They’re insufferable and have nothing else going for them in life so they try to police other people within their online sphere. It is what it is, just ignore them, its hard but try.
4 days ago(edited)
Jews are so subversive. It is entrenched in their DNA. Feminism and MGTOW both serve to lower the White (European) Birthrate, and it comes as no surprise that jews heavily feature in both of these anti-family ‘movements’.
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Love of our People
4 days ago
We Aryans can’t even begin to grasp the perversity of the Jewish mind. They literally work tirelessly to tear down goodness and beauty. I am often amazed at how I came to understand that Hitler far from being the devil I’d believed him to be as a child was actually a champion of the good who went down against all the world’s forces of evil.
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4 days ago
keep in mind jews would never have the power and influence they do if it wasnt for the muscle they have; the labour and intellect of whites who, some wittingly and unwittingly, aid jewish causes.
Æthelwulf of norð hẏmbra land
2 days ago
It’s not a birthrate problem, its a degeneracy problem. You’re all degenerate and could do much better and you know it.
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2 days ago
Me, personally? No, I’m not degenerate- I am and always have been a Relationship Man and Family Man……finding a beautiful woman with pro-White and pro-family values, to fall in love with, have children with and get married to.
I have never believed in sleeping around with random women for the sake of notches on the bedpost; i.e. ‘pump and dump’.
I hardly ever watch p**n (which is promoted by jews).
It is jewry who promote degeneracy… is up to the White (European) gentiles to get clued-up to the jews and reject the degeneracy they promote.
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Æthelwulf of norð hẏmbra land
2 days ago
None of this external shit matters right now because the vast ma of everybody is only invested in their personal lives; so that’s all WE can do. The complaint metapolitics is really starting to taper off from it’s peak.
4 days ago
I learned BAP was Jwish some years ago after reading his book and subscribing to his podcast for several months. Upon learning this I was devastated and cancelled my subscription to gumroad, however about a week later I was victim of a credit card scam involving that very same card, the only person who had those details was me and gumroad (ie BAP), I did this at his recommendation for op-security reasons (ie anonymity). That jw tried to scam me for cancelling the sub, in the end the bank took the hit so it was the happy outcome of jws scamming jws.
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4 days ago
i learned he was jewish after october 7th. Mask off.
4 days ago
Earthling Carl
4 days ago
Another subversive Jew…
4 days ago
i mean BAP is a jew what did you expect lol
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4 days ago
Tate isnt a jew but its the same thing. He’s a mutt, preaching the same message…HANDLED by a jew.
Nationalist Geographic (Mini-Hyph)
4 days ago
Kept seeing his stuff leak into our circles along with his gay lover raw egg Zionist and got shit for calling it years ago.
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4 days ago
Well, because your take is likely wrong. To be honest, the only take nationalists really are razor sharp on, is race. Everything else is just wishful thinking/virgin larp think. Mgtow and manosphere shit arent the same thing yet here I am again seeing the dissident right lump both of them together as the same thing when they’re not.
Mansophere pervs and sex pests like bronze age jew preach pump and dumb shit which is antithesis to what mgtow people do, which is anything not having to do with women, they’ve checked out, they’re not interested in making arguments to defend their existence, they’re out for themselves only, they’re done and for whatever reason that is, whether its being burned bad, whatever…the reason is irrelevant.
The POINT is mgtow or people who do that stuff are not a threat, they’re not allied with anyone, not organized, they do whatever it is they do and are not in the mansophere shit, they hate that shit too, the reason BAP got doxxed is BECAUSE of guys like that, calling him out and destroying his grift, which most of the manosphere is. Nationalists lumping two subgroups together when their ideals are conflicting is low iq retarded hyper online think.
The manosphere shit, the tate and bap shit is what needs kicking down, lumping in guys who got the short end of the stick and just decided to check out instead of going on killing spree or a pump and dump with women, is disingenuous and retarded.
People who decide not to have kids will never be convinced or goaded into doing it, shoving it in their face as a taunt wont work and never has. Attack the manosphere shit which encourages treating women like sex toys and backstabbing other men over poosie, both of which the mgtow camp viscerally hate.
4 days ago
Matt Hammond
4 days ago
I have 2 kids and one on the way and I don’t miss those awful drunk nights out at all.
4 days ago
The Ancient Greeks, whom BAP claims to emulate and idolize, looked down on sexual promiscuity and all sexual relations not strictly within marriage and for procreation, as being unmanly.
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4 days ago
thats not true. thats just you projecting your slave morality, jewish brain rot abrahamic belief system unto non abrahamic culture which glorified and damn near worshipped the human physique.
Men saw sex as a rite of passage, hard to believe (for u im sure) but it resonates with every normal man on an instinctive level, they just wont admit it outright for fear of social ridicule in this day and age. Roman patricians would get their younger male, 2nd and third inline, to lose their virginity when they became of age either through marriage and/or other means, ie escort or otherwise. Im not glorifying or criticizing those times, I’m stating whats factual. The sooner boys got their curiosity of women out of the way the sooner and better they were able to get on with their actual work/purpose in life.
Men saw sex as right of passage, women saw sex as a means to gain access to resources. So male sexual appetite was encouraged while female sexual appetite was tempered. Do u get it?
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3 days ago
Found the jew
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2 days ago
found the schizo
4 days ago
Another lying homosexual jew parasiting off White Civilization.
4 days ago
It’s not a crime to be out of shape, but it’s ridiculous to brag about being a bodybuilder when in actuality you’re a skinny-fat ghey tribe member.
4 days ago
BAP was the most obvious astroturf op I’ve ever seen. Massive respect lost to any of our guys who didn’t immediately see through it. You didn’t even need to know he was a tribe member to know this.
4 days ago
Of course it’s another Jew trying to co-opt a healthy movement. Some things never change.
4 days ago
Next youre gonna tell me that Hyper-Borean heeb is jewish!!!
Graham Playing Games
4 days ago
People that pay for sex are scum. Why would you PAY someone? Why wouldn’t you want someone to WANT to be with you just as you want to be with them? You are lesser than someone you are paying because they are desirable and you aren’t – hence paying for them to be with you. Paying for someone to be with you and bragging about it is such a self-own.
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4 days ago
imagine idealizing a prostitute above the person paying for them, its akin to treating a pedophile selling cp lighter than the pedophile who bought it from them. You just did it, mark collet did it.
The absolute state of the dissident right. If this is what jews are up against, the only thing that will be the undoing of jews, is their own behavior, not the reaction or pushback from any outside group. October 7th proved this. The dissident right are impotent for the most part, spectators.
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Graham Playing Games
3 days ago(edited)
It’s that the people paying have to pay the person that is desirable. If the person paying was desired, they wouldn’t be paying. Who has the power in that situation? Who is on top, actually?
You shouldn’t pay someone – you should be desired just as you desire the other person. Boys shouldn’t be told they are so worthless and not wanted that they have to pay someone for affection. Women like men, too. Boys should be taught to be the best they can and that they also are desired.
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2 days ago
Wow, you’re still trying to do mental gymnastics about it :/
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Graham Playing Games
2 days ago
It’s not mental gymnastics. If anyone is doing that, it’s you. The person paying is not desired, the person being paid is desired. But you shouldn’t be in that situation, anyway. You should be in a mutual relationship where both parties are desired sexually.
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2 days ago
It is. The seller and the buyer are scum. You’re joining in in the delusion that one is higher on the pecking order than the other. They’re both scum, just like the person selling child pawn to the person buying it, both scum. I dont want to hear anymore of this nonsense. You people are crazy and dont even know it.
3 days ago
So basically he is a wanna be andrew tate…
Nationalist Geographic (Mini-Hyph)
4 days ago
Fitness is good but I always thought that Bap affiliates fixating on looks was pretty gay. Most women will pick a Tony Soprano over a Roided out influencer dork with a Twitter inflated ego.
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4 days ago
Tony was just a guy who loved his family!
Nationalist Geographic (Mini-Hyph)
4 days ago(edited)
I’ve yet to see somebody from the BAP-sphere who hasn’t been exposed as a homosexual, non-white, Jewish, a mischling or a non-white homosexual mischling.
4 days ago(edited)
The revolutionary spirit of Jewish ideology has always been the enemy of our civilisation. However, I think it is a bit sad that Mark talks about Christmas only in terms of gift giving and family gatherings.
Our ancestors celebrated the solstice, as a moment when every day that followed arrived with more daylight. For primitive agricultural communities, this was a sign of hope.
But that aboriginal faith system was superseded by a more sophisticated metaphysical interpretation of our relationship with creation. Nobody really knows when Jesus was born but the early Christians began to celebrate the astrophysical equinox, by exulting a moment when God became man.
As extraordinary as this sounds, it founded our civilisation and the beginning of an identity that went far beyond tribal loyalty. We were in fact, the design of a single creator and unlike the rest of nature, had been provided with a conscience to question, explore and understand our purpose in the universe.
That is what Christmas is about and the simple pleasure of eating, gifting and having fun are primarily meant to enable children to enjoy the event. The Jews hate Christmas, because it signalled the end of what they considered to be a special relationship with God. For 2000 years they have plotted their revenge on our civilisation and BAP is just another representation of their malevolence. The best and only way to defeat the Jews, is to return to the shield of Christian faith that protected us from their hatred for centuries.
Our society is filled with troubles and in presentation, lacks any sort of spiritual consolation. The times I spend in Church, on my own or with a congregation, are some of the few moments during a week I feel true peace. Fuentes has joked that the Jews can’t follow you there, as they’d burst into flames as they cross the threshold!
Try to visit your local church sometime, just to see if you are calmer when you leave than when you arrived. It’s a harmless experiment!
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4 days ago
Yes very good. The solstice is actually something that can be seen with your eyes, the process I mean, it is not a metaphysical event its an ACTUAL event. The Sun reaches its lowest point in the sky on the 22nd December and remains there for 3 days. At night at this part of the sky is the southern cross constellation. After 3 days the Sun rises again 1 degree and is “reborn”. Hence the Sun dies on the cross and is resurrected. Jesus was not a real man, he is a character or vehicle by which to tell the story in a way that is understood by the profane, much like Horus or Hermes Trismegstus etc. The spring equinox also is the point at which the day becomes longer than night, it is the point in the year where the Sun defeats the darkness (Seth, Saturn/Satan), the light defeats the dark. That is why it is celebrated, though obviously in a confused way. In Christianity the Suns rebirth is celebrated in Winter Solstice, which is actually when the Sun is reborn (25th December), but its death and resurrection is celebrated in the spring when light defeats darkness. Obviously 99.9% of Christians have no idea.
Christianity is a pagan religion, there is more to it than even that but I will leave it there. I enjoyed your comment and much of it is spot on.
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4 days ago
Many people, mostly Jews, have been trying to deconstruct Christianity since Jesus died on the cross. He did have a physical existence and this is recorded in historical accounts. The horrible martyrdom of many of his closest followers, is also a matter of historical fact and in all of recorded human experience, their attestments represent an extraordinary self-sacrifice. What ever happened that caused them to give their lives so willingly, could only have resulted from a series of exceptional charismatic events.
Unlike aboriginal (pagan) faith systems based on observable phenomena, Christianity is almost entirely metaphysical. This requires a far more sophisticated intellectual curiosity to arrive at logical conclusions. The Greeks tried to rationalise the process but failed, because they could not explain why a supernatural force should have any interest in the minds of individuals, us.
The bridge between Greek logic and God’s communication with the Hebrew people, is the Koine term Logos. This does not translate well into English but can mean “words”, which by their nature, are metaphysical tools to explain substance. The best example of this is Saint John’s prologue to his gospel, 1:1.
If you understand any of that, you are on the same journey as me. I’m a nationalist because in principle, nationalism respects the natural order of the universe. The Jews and their social engineering project, to mush the people of the world into one servile class of passive consumers beneath them, is the reason why they cause chaos. But above everything, we must follow the moral law and that is defined by acceptance of a higher authority, both outside of us and more importantly, inside us.
Btw, I don’t know what you mean by referring to the Southern Cross. This is not visible in the Northern hemisphere where Christianity was founded, so the ancient astrologers were unaware of its existence. Maybe you need to improve your understanding of astronomy, as well as theology.
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4 days ago
Fine I will go further for your benefit.
Rome was a pagan civilisation, its people worshiped the pantheon, specifically Jupiter at the head, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Mars – these were the Gods. Astrology was a large part of this belief, and was inhereited from Greece, who inherited from the Egyptians and Babylonians. Jupiter in astrology is the God of expansion, understanding and forgiveness, he was the head of the Roman religion. He is mighty in battle and his symbol is the eagle – the holy symbol carried by the roman legions and famously defended and revered with religious zeal. As governor of expansion, Jupiter is responsible for the fermentation of wine and the rising of bread (fermentation). He is ruler of the zodiac sign Pisces in which age we have lived since the year 0AD. The term for the planetary ruler of a sign is “anointed” or “Messiah”. Pisces is the twin fish, the fish being an early christian symbol of course. It is said in the bible the Jesus feeds the 5000 with bread (Jupiter) and 2 fish (Pisces). It is said that Jesus turns water into wine (fermentation). It is said that the disciples of Jesus were all “Fishermen”, and the men of the old testament, written in the age of Aries (The Ram) were called “Shepherds”. This is a coincidence I am sure.
Do I need to put this together for you?
You are correct regarding the southern cross not being visible today in the northern hemisphere, yet it is true. I have seen the winter solstice twice within 12 months having spent half in the north and half in the south of this world, I missed summer that year but I learned a great deal about the nature of reality, and of religious history. Christianity is not the only monotheistic cult worshipping a single God of the pantheon, Jews worship Saturn, Muslims worship Venus, Buddhists (a cult of pagan Hinduism) worship Mercury, the word for the planet Mercury in sanskrit is “Budha”. I will leave you to your delusions.
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2 days ago(edited)
At least you gave up trying to claim that Jesus did not exist and now accept the historical records about him and the apostles, this is progress. You also agree that the Southern Cross can never be observed in the Northern hemisphere above the 25th parallel, so we are off to the races!
I strongly suspect you have never encountered the concept of logos before. This is not surprising as I attended Catholic schools for twelve years and it was never mentioned but it is the key to understanding why Christianity became the basis of our civilisation. The Greek philosophers struggled with the concept of existence and the failure to resolve the internal contradictions of their mythology was catastrophic for their spiritual survival. The Romans failed in the same way. Nobody now believes in their religion.
The Hebrew people understood that a single God spoke directly to them. It was a physical revelation and the world could never be the same again. That relationship resulted in the Ten Commandments, which to this day, instruct us on the moral law of our creator. Whether you think it is delusional or not, in your heart you know the difference between living in harmony with God’s nature and the consequences of transgression.
Our civilisation was built on the foundational principles of Christianity, the contribution of the Pagans was to lay out the roads and they all lead to Rome. As our society becomes more deracinated, it loses its purpose. If there is no God, then people imagine they can do as they please, which seems to be your philosophy. The Europeans have lost their way before but there will be a spiritual revival, as people dissent against the idea that science can explain everything. When more realise how much the scientists conspired with the ruling class to impose the Covid hoax against us, there will be a true reckoning.
Dr Jones explains Logos below. This is what helped me to find a better way. Maybe you, too.
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2 days ago
Now you are putting words into my mouth. Jesus did not exist. History is a series of lies agreed upon, there are no credible records of Jesus Christ, just as 8 nations claim to be the birth place of Hermes Trismegestus – there was no Hermes. The stories about both of these charecters use them as a vehicle to pass on a message – it is allegory. Water to wine. Bread and fish. Healing the sick with miracles (Hermes did this first). Death and resurrection after 3 days (winter solstice – Horus and Dionysus achieved this miracle long before Jesus). Even his birth is called “the Nativity” which is the astrological term for “position of the stars at birth”.
You are telling me you were brainwashed at Catholic school. Logos yes, I understand you are a person of the mind – I am a practical astronomer and astrologer and see the world with my eyes not my thought (Thoth). At least neither of us are a “person of the book” like the Jews and the Protestants who believe God wrote the bible and take everything in this life “literally”. They are people of the mind also, and it is evident since Eienstein and the jewish take over of science for their own ends that progress in the philosophy of creation has stagnated. We have advanced no where in our understanding in over 100 years thanks to their lies. They have Quantum recipes that work and can create high technology, yet there is ZERO understanding of why, and they admit this themselves. They make up new nonsense about dark matter, string theories and black holes that no one has ever seen (ie they do not exist), instead of looking to the world for answers. God is everywhere, you just need to see. Yet you prefer logos to practical observation of God through his creation. When I look through my telescope I am seeing aspects of the creator. When I engage in conversation with you, I am speaking directly to a facet of God. The planets are facets of him, but not Gods themselves, just as we are facets of creation, but not the creator.
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1 day ago
It is very hard to take somebody seriously, when they reject the evidence of objective reality. Almost every significant academic scholar of antiquity, whether pro or anti Christianity, accepts that Jesus of Nazareth existed. You would be on slightly firmer ground, if you contested what happened during his life. Total rejection that he lived and no doubt, the attestments of the apostles, places you in a fractional minority of belligerent Christophobes. Even Dawkins and the Jews accept that Jesus existed!
Yes, I went to a Catholic school and left as a confirmed atheist, so the brainwashing did not work and my study of theology developed afterwards. My teachers never explained the natural symmetry of Logos and I doubt that you heard about the concept, before you commented on my post. I provided a link to a 15 minute explanation of the principles. You might be interested in the part where Dr Jones explains how Logos enables us to study astronomy, to understand our place God’s creation.
Claiming that God is everywhere and therefore unintelligible, is a cope used to ignore his clear instructions. The enemies of Logos promote that type of nihilistic propaganda, to deracinate people from the collective faith that created our civilisation. See the Book of Jeremiah
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1 day ago
“Almost every significant academic scholar of antiquity…” – this is not evidence of objective reality, that is called an appeal to authority. There are many scholars who said Jesus never existed, both ancient and contemporary, you just think yours are better. Jesus obvious never lived, he is at best a Hermes Trismegstus figure who was likely several people (at best), but more likely due to how the ancients told their stories, he is a charecter to carry a message. The story is the medium through which allegory carries knowledge. Kane and Able were not real, they are story telling mechanism. Rumple stiltskin is not a real person, he is an allegory for the Jews. The Jews say Jesus exists because they want you to believe your lord and saviour was a Jew LOL. That is another bullshit lie, pushed by the jewish supremacists like Adam Green, and it benefits only the jews and israel. And you call yourself a Catholic!
Father – Son – Holy Ghost is a direct astrological reference – JUPITER (father) – SUN (Gods Sun) – MOON (spirit).
I am the light and the life. I am the light of the world. I will be with you always, until the ending of the age (of Pisces). All true, all allegory for the mechanisms of the creator. Let us make man in OUR image, plural.
I did not say God is everywhere, I said we are all FACETS of God, like looking at a single face of a gemstone, you see a part of the whole. Each planet is a facet – Mars is glory, anger, violence, wrath, honor. Venus is beauty, friendship, love, lust. Mercury is thought (THOTH in Egypt, Hermes in Greece), intellect, ideas. Jupiter is justice, growth, understanding, forgiveness. Saturn is restriction, limitation, boundaries and death. All men are made in the image of the planets – they each carry a facet of the planets, the Gods – but they are not Gods themselves. Just as the Gods are not the creator, though they each represent a facet of him. As above, so below. Psalm 82. Though Psalm 90 is my favorite. All the best.
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19 hours ago
You have previously demonstrated that you don’t understand how basic astronomy works. Now you have proved that you don’t understand how to use logical fallacies to support an argument. The appeal to authority fallacy is only valid, when the authority cited is unqualified to provide an expert opinion. For brevity, I did not see a requirement to name the academic sources who accept that Jesus was a historical figure, because the evidence is so overwhelming. It is embarrassing for you to dispute reality, whilst hiding behind the ridiculous crank fiction of astrology.
The reason why I wrote my original post was to point out a tragic omission in Mark’s video. I admire him but there is a spiritual void at the core of ethno-nationalism, which cannot be overlooked. He is trying to build PA as a nationalist community but the greatest community we ever had, still exists as the Christian church. Not unlike the rest of our society, it may be hollowed out and a shadow of its former glory but that’s because moral people chose to say nothing. “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Who said that?
I’d like to see Mark and other leaders be as brave as Candace Owens and say out loud: “Christ is King!”. This would directly oppose Jewish corruption, heathens and cranks, by restoring Logos as the driving force to protect our civilisation, which it did successfully, for more than 1000 years.
Did you watch Dr Jones’ explanation of Logos? It is only 15 minutes long and helped me to understand the true nature of ultimate reality. Here it is, again.
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15 hours ago
Where did I demonstrate I don’t understand astrology? I said you can’t see the southern cross TODAY, ie it was once visible in the northern hemisphere as the Egyptians say it was, and today still the Sun hangs on the cross at 35 degrees latitude. You think because the bible story was written 2000 years ago there was no astronomy before that? There were no stars in the sky before 0AD? That the sky was always as it is now for thousands of years?
Jesus was born long before your bible was, he had many names, Horus, Dionysus, Apollo. I am wasting my time with you though I see, you are not a reasonable person. You attempt petty insults and appeal directly to your sources (appeal to authority) knowing full well there are others who disagree with you – or perhaps you don’t? Then at least you are just honest and stupid. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are indeed stupid, and like most people you have nothing to offer but appealing to the work of others. Midwit is the term. Yes yes I have seen Jones work years ago, it is a joke. I am not wasting my time on him and his jew worship again.
1 day ago
Actually psalm 107 is also extremely good. Atb.
3 days ago
Every. Single. Time.
4 days ago
Shitty clip dick jewish genetics OY VEY!
4 days ago(edited)
Dont know the guy thank fuk. Seems like a red pill all girls are sluts cash for sex jewish tate clone.That got hurt once probably as a teen and never got over it. All this shows is he is mentality weak. He needs to get over it or he will be a very lonely OAP.
And if that is his photo then ,fitness ,bodybuilding WTF
Winter Phoenix F K
7 hours ago
Mark, you SLEW him with that ending!
Witch Hunter Siegfried
4 days ago
Also, the “Bronze Age Mindset” shit I’d bet was ripped off Golden One’s “Demigod Mind” given it’s literally about wanting to be seen as a demigod, difference is Golden One is White lmao.
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4 days ago
Nah, you’re stupid. Golden One doesnt preach pump and dumb sex pest nonsense. This isnt even apples and oranges you’re comparing, more like apples and something thats not even edible.
4 days ago
mgtow isnt a warped mirror image if feminism. They arent going their own way, they are sent their own way, weather its by women who bought the jewish narratives or other men(like u, no offense) clowning on them for w.e. reason, wether its a strawman of them ur putting out there or same pump and dump shit that jew pervert u said pushes.
Mgtow people dont rly want anything to do with women, ever. They just do their own shit and want to be left the hell alone, not lumped in together with people like bronze age pervert(manosphere fools). The reasons for this are ALL reasonable; wether its they got burned by women, by the deeds of other men they thought had their back over some woman or even maternal issues, growning up with one of the same feminist mothers you talked about.
Mgtow people arent out here or online preaching mgtow, holding conferences, having political organizations etc. They’re the guys who gave up on women, so they want nothing to do with them, which is ANTITHESIS to the pump and dump shit redpill manosphere pushes.
You, mark, and a lot of these dissident virgin spergs, are doing the same thing, jews have done to anyone who criticizes their behaviour; Lump them all together as hostile. Mgtow people hate manosophere redpill fools like bronze age pervert who are poosie fanatics. They just want to be left alone and not demonized, thats it, a simple ask. Theyr’e a non threat. Masophere shit is a threat, go after that and stop kicking horses who are down and out.
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Black Pilled Monkeh
4 days ago
Sure, Jan.
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4 days ago
why are u being such a cunt?
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Black Pilled Monkeh
4 days ago
Because you’re laughably wrong and almost all your comments are ghae and retarded.
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4 days ago
You spelled gay wrong, retard. And they’re not, the fact that no one wants to bother with a rebuttal other than one which contains bad spelling, fortifies my point.
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Black Pilled Monkeh
4 days ago
I spelled gay “ghae” in the mocking online jargon way, you internet illiterate.
And I’m not fetching my encyclopedia of mgtow misfits for an internet crusader like you, because I realized MGTOW was a jewish cop-out years and years ago.
I understand that the type of man to be attracted to MGTOW are men who have been burned. I respect that. I empathize with the poor bastards who got divorce-raped by a heartless ex, their wife of many years abandoning the family, men falsely accused of rape, men who were raised by abusive mothers, and those who despair in the face of today’s abysmal dating prospects. I get it.
Yet the path to healing is fixing the bridge between the sexes, prioritizing the family, and taking down the jewish tyrants. Not mgtow.
MGTOW promotes abandoning women and relationships, and while there are indeed mgtow monks there are absolutely mgtow who promote pump and dump.
Not to mention the many, many nonwhite mgtow leaders who not only pump and dump, but who BRAG about cucking White men and grooming White women. (I forget his name, but one bearded Turk comes to mind, and that was way back in like 2014. And as far as I’m aware, Tate had mgtow fans).
I might have politely argued against your mgtow comment, if it weren’t for the fact that I’ve seen you under countless proWhite videos countersignalling/undermining our people.
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4 days ago
Internet illiterate? No, hyper online. Thats the phrase, dont flatter yourself.
Mgtow doesnt promote abandoning women, read my very first post, jan. They dont promote anything, they were SENT their own way. Its all in my first post which you admittedly mockingly replied to instead of addressing the points, which u did in this comment in half assed way by cherry picking points u think you can strawman.
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Black Pilled Monkeh
4 days ago
Cherry picking? Strawman? Lol, okay man. Go your own way now.
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4 days ago(edited)
Thank you for fortifying my point and yes and I’ve seen you under countless pro white videos also, having bad takes and good, what’s your point schizo? That im hasbara? No, if i were jewish I’d do what jews have always been doing to the dissident right; ignoring them because we cant get our shit together. Simple as.
Also I can coutnersignal whatever the pppppppppppppppphuck i want and theres nothing u can do or say to stop me lol. If i ruffle feathers, so be it. Lets have an exchange, or just slime and move on but I’ll say what I say based on evidence that is not ANCEDOTAL but frequently occurring within any given subgroup. I dont cherry pick, which is what you seem to pride yourself on by lurking in mgtow mutt channels/groups who call themselves such and picking out the one bad apple to paint the whole group.
Every man that wants nothing to do with women, were sent their own way, its not a choice they made, it was made for them through circumstances beyond their control. What I noticed in the dissident right is that their problems are downplayed or dismissed unless it is one which can fortify nationalists points. Much like how the media ignores certain stories if its black on white crime and upsells stories if the races are swapped.
4 days ago
bunch of grifters all you.
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4 days ago
LOL Is that the best ya got?
Talmudvision Zogberg
4 days ago
An absolutely pointless video about another easily spotted subversive. What’s with all these online White nationalists disabling the the downvote? It’s weak and pro censorship.
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4 days ago
Report to the Oven, Schlomo
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4 days ago
dumb bitch lol
4 days ago
Its not pointless tho but I see where you’re coming from. As if to say people(normal people) actually know who bronze age pervert is, tate sure but not this jew, tate is also handled by a jew btw but tate is way more famous because he has money and social capital so i see dissidents going after him as making sense.
This pervert fella who literally had a meltdown after october 7th after pushing war bride doctrine shit for so long was the final nail in the coffin, all of his doing, no need for anyone to point that loser out, hes irrelevant and clowning on him will just give him a victim status/narrative to push, which jews love to revel in, their whole religion and that of the other abrahamic ones rely on this for self worth.
4 days ago
100% agree on the downvote thing. Just because a few faggots downvote every post is not a reason to eliminate their opportunity… more a vehicle to expose them.
100% disagree on the validity of this video’s purpose. Today I can spot a subversive from a mile away. 10-15 years ago, I could not spot that same person. This video is for the person in that position.
1 day ago
Satan is calling for him.
1 day ago
A lot of the MGTOW crowd have a similar argument: “Live life for yourself and let your country, your race, and your relationship with God go to hell.” Yes, the modern dating and relationship scene is [a word that is apparently blocked lol] in the ass but the only way it, and life in general are going to get better is for good people to take a stand.
GusinLanzarote Alt Right
2 days ago
is this guy a creep- yes but WHO is more of a demographic threat a childless lonely jew hiring prossies on Xmas day OR a Black who impregnates numerous White females runs off then expects the state to raise themIts easy to have a go at Incels but WHY do they exist because feminism made every Average 7/10 female believe she has the Right to a perfect 9/10 handsome rich Alpha
there were No incels in 1824. And yes Jews are over represented in feminism but so are Lesbians / LGBT mafia. So a far better strategy for nationalists would be to end feminism rather than worrying about how many jews were in it
Of course the anonymous avatar boys will slime my comment to death – but whilst you obsess on childless lonely jews a population EXPLOSION
in África will breed out your race
Disraeli was a jew but Id prefer his Britain to today’s Anytime
3 days ago(edited)
I’ve always disliked Nietzscheans. Nietzsche was a faggot. If not literally, then spiritually.
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GusinLanzarote Alt Right
1 day ago
Dont you feel a bit sorry for Nietzsche? going mad seeing that being flogged in Turin & spending years in a loony bin
As we saw with legend Bowden those beqiethed the gift of Genius often get the burden of mental turmoil thrown in with it
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1 day ago(edited)
I don’t think it’s the crazy though. Bowden was a gentleman and a scholar, whereas Nietzsche routinely makes me want to bully him for being a loser. This is just my grug brain reaction to him, though.
3 days ago
expel and ban them forever, take the countries back and seal it this time in the Constitution
3 days ago
Wasnt there an expose on raw egg nationalist too, or are they the same character or something ? I dont know but if its so that raw egg nationalist is same kind of scam like bap, they should be ashamed to put nationalist in their name and delete that from their name. Replacing raw egg nationalist with something like raw egg liar or raw egg egomaniac. That i would be ok with.
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