Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


The Vibe Has Shifted


and the Paradigm is Shifting


Thu, Jun 13, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:

1. Joel, Blair and Tom intro chat.

2. They discuss recent European Parliament elections where right-wing populist parties did well.

3. Joel notes younger generations in Europe are more anti-immigration than older ones.

4. Nigel Farage joining the Reform Party in Britain is mentioned.

5. Tom talks about the shift towards anti-immigration discourse.

6. Joel agrees and discusses increased racial and identitarian divisions.

7. They debate whether European trends are positive.

8. Blair says it represents basic national self-preservation instincts.

9. Joel mentions Australian polling revealing generational differences in anti-immigration views.

10. He analyzes why younger Europeans are more against immigration.

11. Tom discusses liberalism decaying from hedonism to disliked issues.

12. They consider starting a political party for protections and platform.

13. Joel talks about challenges with Australia’s two-party system.

14. He outlines Britain’s situation impacting its landscape.

15. The discussion turns to grassroots organizing and community building.

16. Tom discusses former associate Stefan Heraculus who scammed people.

17. Stefan met Tom once before jail and showed interest.

18. Stefan joined after Tom left jail and worked hard, gaining respect.

19. Many disliked Stefan, partly for being Cypriot.

20. Tom stays neutral as no clear reason is given.

21. Unbeknownst to Tom, Stefan fundraises dishonestly for legal costs.

22. Stefan sells stickers for profit against Tom’s values.

23. Tom warns Stefan to stop but does not prioritize it.

24. Stefan is not an inner circle member but has online clout.

25. People wrongly think Stefan is a leader from event photos.

26. Stefan calls community members weekly asking for money.

27. After going public, people tell Tom that Stefan previously scammed them.

28. Tom aims to warn about Stefan’s deceitful behavior and theft.

29. Joel explains community member Medi had been fundraising dishonestly.

30. Medi claimed funds were for legal costs but kept money himself.

31. Joel learned when a member messaged about $1,000 sent to Medi.

32. Joel found no record of the donation.

33. 15-16 more people messaged Joel with similar stories.

34. In total, Medi is estimated to have stolen over $51,000.

35. Joel removed Medi last year for a different issue but now has enough evidence to publicly accuse him.



Published on Thu, Jun 13, 2024




50:20 / 2:23:47
The vibe has shifted and the paradigm is shifting
Joel Davis
Streamed on:
Jun 13, 6:38 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
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(Words: 26,719 – 2:23:47 mins)



Joel Davis: We are live. It is the 13th of June 2024. Should be a good show tonight. I think Tom will join us in a little bit. He said he would join, but for the moment it’s just Blair and I. How you feeling, Blair? How you doing?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I’m good, man. Been a big week. Busy day. Always. Busy, busy, busy, busy! But making it work, running your own business, it gives you a bit more freedom, but it’s a lot more work for your mind. You can’t just switch off at the end of the day. But that’s what I choose to do. It’s what I have to do. It’s kind of what the government’s forced me to do. Government doesn’t like, … Oh, hang on a sec. I’ve actually got, 1 second. 1 second, 1 second.


Joel Davis: What happened?


Blair Cottrell: Nothing! I had the Rumble link open so I could hear my own voice and was spitting me out. I’m like:


“What the fuck? That’s me talking.”


Don’t worry, I fixed it.


Joel Davis: Amateur hour.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. How’s your week been, my friend? What’s on, what’s news?


Joel Davis: It’s been pretty good. Just been plugging away, working on these, … I’ve got all these like half finished essays, so I’m trying to get one of them to completion. I see Thomas joined. Start publishing some things on my Substack. Also Tom and I actually recorded an interview on the weekend with Lana from Red Ice. I think she said she’s going to post that maybe in the next, like later this week, over the weekend maybe. I don’t know exactly what day. But so that will come out. That should be interesting content for you guys.


Also, when I did the Elijah Schaefer show, I actually took Tom with me and him and Elijah recorded something actually, which Elijah is going to release, I think, also over the next couple days at some point. So with the Elijah Schaefer Tom Sewell interview, you’ll get the Tom and Joel Red Ice interview.


So there’s been a little bit of content cooking in the background for you guys. But we’ve got a great show for you this evening. A lot on the agenda.


And I was going to get straight into it because I want to get you guys thoughts on these things. I’m sure a lot of people have seen they had the European Parliament elections across Europe last week. And all the populist Right-wing anti-immigration parties basically just did really well all across Europe. But they’ve been polling well for the last couple of years and that was to be expected.


I thought actually they didn’t do as well as the media sensationalism kind of blew it out of proportion. Did all right, but I thought they could have done better. They were polling better, I thought last year, some of these parties.




But anyway, that’s the narrative that anti-immigration politics is on the rise. I think it’s a valid narrative. Also posted on Telegram a graph talking about the changing, like the sentiment between Zoomers and older generations.


And basically it was showing that Swedish Zoomers and German Zoomers and French Zoomers are way more anti-immigration than the rest of the population, which is quite surprising, but also quite encouraging.


Then also we have Nigel Farage announcing that he’s going to join up with the Reform Party. They’re surging in the polls now. They’re competing with the conservatives in the polls for the Right-wing vote. They almost split the Right-wing vote in half between the two parties. That’s really interesting to break down.


But basically what we’re seeing is that obviously it’s election year in the United States, British election next month. There’s going to be French elections and all this turmoil there after Le Pen’s National Rally party did really well in the European electionss basically there is a kind of vibe shift, there is a paradigm shift where increasingly Right-wing discourse is fixated upon immigration, almost entirely. And that seems to be the winning ticket.


We’re seeing Nigel Farage going out to the media and just talking about immigration constantly. That’s the whole election campaign that they’re going to run is just:


“Why would you vote for the conservatives? They keep saying they’re going to reduce immigration but increase it!”


It’s all quite interesting to observe, to think, well, if all this can happen over there, how come we’re not really getting that much here and what implications that might have for Australian politics. And what implications it has in general. Because what I said is all of these fake Right parties or populist Right parties or whatever, I say fake Right in the sense that they all ascent to liberalism, they all ascent to liberal democracy, they all ascent to basically what the Left was saying in the 1990s, almost entirely. But they’re just like:


“Hey, don’t you think we’ve got a few too many migrants coming in?”


And have like an optical anti-immigration stance.


But nevertheless, what that shows is, I think a shift in how people conceive of the Right. Like in the two thousands, when people thought about the Right-wing, they thought about conservatives, they thought about tax, like lower taxes and smaller governments and capitalism versus socialism and maybe like some Christian, you know, moral issues that the Right champion and the Left oppose, like gay marriage or something. Obviously, the LGBT thing is still there and relevant. But increasingly the division is racial. Increasingly the division is identitarian.


So how did you guys perceive these? Because I’m sure you’ve seen all the news. How are you perceiving this? Do you see this as a positive thing, like polarization is happening, things are moving in the correct direction, or are you less optimistic?




Blair Cottrell: What do you reckon, Tom?


Thomas Sewell: No, you first, Blair, please.


Blair Cottrell: Well, all that comes to mind from my standpoint is its just national existentialism. I think it doesn’t matter how hard you hit Europeans with propaganda, you’re not going to completely eliminate the basic collective instincts or the instinct for collective self preservation.


So I think a lot of people in Europe, specifically France, are starting to understand that their ethnic identity is being threatened, that unless something changes and unless something changes in a radical way, there’s not going to be French people in the future! You’re not going to be able to go on a holiday to France and see French people. They’re going to go extinct!


Like I said, no amount of propaganda is going to convince every last Frenchman that they need to die out. Eventually, they’re going to understand that they are dying out and they’re going to do something about it!


And I think what we’re seeing in the polls, what we’re seeing in the elections right now is exactly that, just an outward expression of the international existentialism that is trying to express itself. Like, it’s just, that’s the way I look at it, really? What do you think?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it’s just good to see that the Zoomers in a lot of European countries are leading the polls in terms of nationalistic political views. They’re seeing the outcome of multiculturalism, and they’re seeing the outcome or the decay of liberalism. And liberalism is, it hasn’t completely run its course, but liberalism is running its course. People are more depressed than ever. They have less of an identity than ever, or a more corrupted sense of identity than ever. They’re completely humiliated and demoralized. And most people just accept this.


But there is a part, I think, of all people, no matter how demoralized they are before obviously crossing over that point of becoming completely demoralized and becoming a communist, I think there’s a part of a lot of people that want that reinvigoration, that spirit of their people.


They do believe that their people exist and have an identity, no matter how much they’ve been browbeat. And the diversity, I think we spoke about this maybe in person or on the last show. The diversity in the nineties and two thousands. The liberalism of the nineties and two thousands was a pretty good sell.


I mean, the hedonism, the lifestyle. You know, you get the best migrants from the third world. You know, you get more chicken shops or whatever it is. More restaurants. You know, you get doctors and engineers. And the Liberalism as well is like compared to the Soviet Union, where everything was banned and totalitarianism and socialism, bad! You know, in the nineties, in the US or Britain or Australia, you had awesome movies coming out, you could wear what you wanted to wear!


And so there was just all these endless benefits for the youth and for the middle class. And now liberalism is like a Drag Queen Story Hour and more brown people! And Drag Queen Story Hour! And more brown people! And your kids go to school and they get indoctrinated into gay sex and anti-White hatred!


And so it’s reached its, I wouldn’t say climax, that’s probably the wrong word, but it has reached its decay.




Blair Cottrell: Yeah, we got a $6 donation, while you were speaking from Skinhead Friend, he says:


“I still think we need more Jeet Shakers.”


Does anyone want to explain to me what a Jeet Shaker is? I’m not sure what that is, and I’m being honest. What do you, what do you think, Joe? What’s that mean?


Joel Davis: I’m not sure if it’s a thug shaker reference, but that still makes me confused.



Blair Cottrell: Right. Well, thanks for your comment, and thanks for your money. Feel free to send more and ask a new question. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Well, I wanted to stay on this subject because, yeah, I love my graphs because I’m autistic.


So here we go. I posted this on Telegram. It was actually originally posted by Henrik from Red Ice. That’s where I got it from the question was posed:


“There are many foreign nations whose cultures are so incompatible with our own way of life that I would prefer if their people were never allowed to immigrate here.”


And this shows a spectrum of countries and the percentage which agree. Red is percentage of young adults born between 1997 and, 20006. So basically, Zoomers who agree. And the blue is percentage of older population born before 1997 who agree. We can see here really pathetic numbers. Canada, United States, and United Kingdom. That’s pretty sad viewing.


Australia, as far as the Anglo-sphere goes, we are way more anti-immigrant than the other Anglo-sphere countries.


So I guess that’s maybe some cause for optimism. But what’s interesting here is that our Zoomers are less anti-immigrant than the older generations, where if we look at Germany, France, and look at Sweden! I mean, the Swedish Zoomers, and, it’s about like 70% of Swedish Zoomers or two thirds. I think that the other third of Swedish Zoomers aren’t even White!


So it’s like literally all the White Swedish Zoomers are like:


“Fuck these Muslims and niggas that they let in!”


Blair Cottrell: So why is that, though? Is there more youth crime? And by “youth” crime, I mean more …


Joel Davis: Yes! New generation Africans. The Swedish migrants, they’re all Arabs and blacks almost entirely.


And so, yeah, that basically, if you’re a Swedish Zoomer, unfortunately, you’ve probably been raped or bashed by an immigrant or someone you really care about has been raped or bashed.




Blair Cottrell: Right. So what this graph is essentially showing is you need to experience the reality of diversity before you start not wanting it. So it sounds nice in theory, with all the colorful slogans, the quality, holding hands, smiling, everyone’s getting along, but the reality makes you really don’t want it. And that’s what this graph shows to me.


Joel Davis: Wait a second. I know what the Jeet Shaker is now. I remember posting this, actually, on Telegram. There was this guy, he had Indians move into the apartment below him and they were stinking up the place with their curry or making noise. They were doing something to irritate him. They were being rude and obnoxious. I think it was noise.


And so he basically rigged up a “Jeet Shaker”, which was this kind of rudimentary, … Don’t remember exactly how he designed it. But basically it was just this heavy object. Yeah, that’s. Yeah, yeah.


Basically it would just constantly tap on their roof and he would just run it all day, so they were just constantly irritated and couldn’t sleep. And he called it the “Jeet Shaker”. And he posted the whole story on 4chan, plus like a video of it, and it went viral anyway.


Thomas Sewell: Like he would turn it on every time he would leave the house.


Joel Davis: Yeah, [chuckling] quite funny.


But anyway, this data is quite interesting because, yeah, you could say that, yes, Sweden and Germany and France, they have more violent immigrants.


But I don’t think it’s just that. I think that it’s something about also the way in which anti-immigration propaganda is marketed in these countries.


Like if you look at the Swedish Democrats or the Alternative for Deutschland party in Germany, or the French Right, it’s a lot more youth focused. Whereas here we have One Nation which is just boomer coded. It’s basically appeals to, like, old bogans* or middle aged bogans. It doesn’t have a youthful feel. Everyone in the party is literally a boomer or, like, a really old GenXer. And it’s basically just the same kind of collection of characters that it always has been.


[* Bogan is Australian and New Zealand slang for a person whose speech, clothing, attitude and behavior are considered unrefined or unsophisticated. Depending on the context, the term can be pejorative or self-deprecating. The prevalence of the term bogan has also been associated with changing social attitudes towards social class in Australia.

Since the 1980s, the bogan has become a very well-recognized subculture, often as an example of bad taste. It has antecedents in the Australian larrikin and ocker, and various localized names exist that describe the same or very similar people to the bogan. Source: Wikipedia]


And we’ve talked about it on the show before about how one of the main problems with One Nation is that they don’t have branches. There’s no way to get involved in the party and work your way up. It’s, like, completely gate-kept. Because if they did allow people to infiltrate the party. Well, I say “infiltrate”, but they allow people to join the party. A bunch of people like us would have infiltrated and probably taking it over by now. So they have to gate-keep it. Pauline Hanson is written into the party constitution, basically, as, like, a dictator over the party.


Blair Cottrell: Hasn’t she written her name into the name of the party? So, like, it’s “Pauline Hanson’s One Nation”?


So if you do take over, you still got her name in the registered title for the party.





Joel Davis: So if you become a member of One Nation, it doesn’t give you any rights. You basically just sign up to give them money, and they send you a newsletter, and that’s it. There’s no branches. There’s no voting on anything. There’s no consultation, really.


I mean, yeah, maybe they might read your emails, but, you know what does that mean? So, basically, there’s no way for enterprising, young, politically minded, savvy, social media savvy young people who understand the culture to get involved in politics and make a name for themselves. Yeah, well, but even we’re kind of radical. Like, even someone who’s more clean cut and optical, like, for example, someone like Jordan Knight, many might have seen him. He runs [words unclear] Yeah, he’s a clean cut young guy who just has the optical talking points and speaks well.


Anyway, people like that who were running the parties in Austria, the Freedom Party, which now, like, polling is the biggest party in Austria, and they have re-migration. Like literally deporting immigrants, you know, optically deporting immigrants, back to their home countries on their party platform. So you know, we just don’t have that really here at all! It’s really undersold. There’s clearly a market for Right-wing populism in Australian politics.


The other thing is that we have the two party system. So a lot of these European countries, they have Proportional Representation. So basically, it’s easy for smaller parties, like the Greens or One Nation or the UAP [United Australia Party] or whatever, here, to get maybe a Senator, because the Senate is more proportional. But it’s really hard for them to get any seats in the House, because of the way that our system works.


Whereas in a lot of these European countries, if you get 5% of the primary vote, then that qualifies you for a certain amount of seats. It doesn’t go by, like, electorate. And that’s similar to how it works in Britain. Obviously, we have the Westminster system.


But what’s interesting about what’s happening in Britain, which, with the Reform Party surging in the polls just prior to the election, and that’s got context because obviously the conservative Party installed Rishi Sunak, this brown guy, no one wants to be in charge. Right-wing, patriotic British people don’t want a brown prime minister. It’s embarrassing! It’s fucking, … It’s beyond embarrassing, it’s shameful! So no one wants to vote for him. Obviously, they’re massively unpopular, as is if anyone has been following the situation.


And so now there’s a potential opportunity. Farage just announced that he’s gonna join up with the Reform Party. That almost, like, doubled their polling in a matter of weeks. He’s doing these media tours. It’s the biggest story in British politics right now. The election is in, like, four weeks. If they can outperform the conservatives, it’s possible that there’s a scenario where after the next election, the conservative. There’s almost, like, no actual conservative MP’s left. Like, imagine if we had an election and One Nation got, like, 20% of the vote, and the Liberals got, like, 15% of the vote, and then the Labor Party won the election or something, and the Liberals had, like, two people in Parliament and, like, everyone is out of a job.




That’s potentially a scenario that could happen in Britain where the conservative Party is just obliterated and maybe it never comes back, which would be crazy! So it’s potentially a model there to show that Right-wing populism could, if it was done well, if it was done with the right skill, if it wasn’t Pauline Hanson’s boomer retard show. But it was done with someone that has intelligence, someone that has a youthful marketing strategy to get the young voters on side with some tactical nous, some charisma, and with a kind of updated, more modern style of doing politics, rather than just reproducing the same tiried paradigm, it could work.


Blair Cottrell: We need someone who’s willing to give a $20 Superchat, like Harold Flight, who sent us $20. Thanks very much, Harold Flight. He says:


“I know it’s off topic, guys, but a marine biologist has discovered a link between sharks and humans. The Great ones are White!”


Thomas Sewell: Very funny.


Blair Cottrell: Well, we have Great Whites down here in Australia, don’t we? I don’t know what you’re insinuating, there.


Thomas Sewell: What do you think, Blair, of the collapse of the conservative Party in Britain? Do you think this is a good thing?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Yeah. It’s too lukewarm. It’s boring. It’s not getting anywhere. And conservatives have a tendency to become comfortable in their minister’s chairs, comfortable in their positions. They give the corrupt establishment, or they treat the corrupt establishment with too much legitimacy. They don’t understand that there needs to be a complete overhaul of the entire political system. We can’t keep subscribing to this Parliamentary democracy, which is the reason our countries are in the turmoil they’re in the first place. Right? We can’t use the same method that’s created the problem to solve the problem. Like, if people want to go down that route and try to sort of re-subvert the institutions, I think the kind of resources you’re going to need to effectively do that, it’s unrealistic.


However, I don’t necessarily see a clear path for an effective revolution at this stage. Well, it depends on what country we’re talking about.


But it’s good to see the conservatives dying out. It’s good to see the conservatives not appealing to what I described as that basic national existentialism before, because they’re not appealing to that. Conservatives are just appealing to arbitrary talking points that don’t really matter. Like, it’s typical of conservatives, as we know, to say:


“Oh, you’re Australian as long as you give your vote to an Australian political party, you know, promise to obey Australian laws, then you’re just as Australian as anyone else.”




That’s bullshit! Because it denies the fundamental essence of what nationality is, which is ethnicity doesn’t just deny it, it just completely ignores it. Like, ethnicity is not even real. How can you go through life, like thinking ethnicity is not real?


Everything is downstream from ethnicity. The way we feel, the way we act, the way we communicate, our capacity for culture, creativity, understanding, relating to one another. It all stems from our ethnic core, who we are racially, ethnically, that’s what nationality is.


We got another Superchat while I was banging on about that, from White Power, $5, he says:


“Would the NSN [National Socialist Movement], EAM making a party, optical or not, be a future endeavor for you guys?”


I think he’s asking, would you consider in the future Tom, making a political party to, I suppose what I was just describing. This is what I was just describing. To try to, like, enter into and retake some of our existing institutions. Do you think that’s worth doing?


Thomas Sewell: Yes it is. There’s two reasons why it’s necessary for us to make a political party in the future. Not at the moment, but in the future.


And firstly, is for the legal protection. And if we have enough boots on the ground, if we have enough men in the organization, we will register as a political entity purely to begin with, to just play the game and exercise our political rights. Because we’re currently treated as a borderline criminal organization. The way we’ve been treated with our political demonstrations is like we’re an organized crime gang, like with the bikies, like we’re running drugs and guns and prostitutes. When all we’re doing is saying:


“We are White men and we have a political opinion.”


And the government treats us basically the same way in terms of its persecution.


So I think making a political party would give our activism more legitimacy, and I think that gives it legal protections.


And the other reason why I would look at making a political party is actually to increase the platform of our political message. It wouldn’t be necessarily to grab 50% of the vote, although if conditions allow that would be something we would work towards. But I would be more interested in building a political party that wasn’t, … I wouldn’t rebrand NSN or EAM [European Australian Movement] as a political party. I would look at doing something fresh and clean, and I would look at doing it with a fixed purpose.


So I think you’ve got to have different horses for different courses.


And I think the best way to register the movement that we have and the different types of communities we have, EAM being an active club and community group, NSN being an offensive, agitating, propaganda activist network. To make a political party, it would have to be in a different form. It wouldn’t be in the same form as NSN and EAM. And that’s what’s being brainstormed at the moment. And when we’re ready to, and when we’ve got the numbers, we will deliver on that.


But I don’t see that happening this election cycle!




Joel Davis: I think, in the meantime, it’s good to see, like, I don’t support these Right-wing populist parties, obviously. I don’t believe Pauline Hanson’s One Nation can save Australia. I don’t think Nigel Farage’s Reform Party can save Britain. But I do want to see people who campaign upfront as immigration restrictionists beat conservatives. Because what it does is it shifts politics into a greater level of polarization.


So it’s moving the political discourse closer to our entry point. Instead of, I want the political discourse to be arguments about immigration, arguments about nationalism, arguments about race and identity, I don’t want it to be about arguments about economic policy, I don’t want it to be arguments about tax policy. And how are we going to pay for:


“How much money are we going to put into the schools and the hospitals?”


And all this bullshit! That is the kind of politics that is the luxury of a homogenous White society. When it’s luxury, we don’t have. White people bickering about how best to run the country, and it’s entirely boring and it’s, … Yeah, exactly! It’s a luxury no longer have.


I was going to play a video shortly of what the future of the Labor Party. And the future of the Labor Party is the only White people you’re going to see in the Labor Party are going to be faggots, like, literal faggots! Otherwise, you’re not going to be going to be in there. So in, like, 20 years time, that’s going to the Left is polarizing, the Left is getting more and more radical, and it’s impossible for them to reverse course, and the Right needs to go in the same direction.


And then in 20 years time, we’re going to have nationalism versus communism as the political paradigm. There’s going to be any conservatism, there’s not going to be any centrism left. There might be people trying to do that, but the centre needs to be vacated.


And so the trends that we’re seeing in Europe, and even though Trump is been a massive disappointment, that kind of represented a similar shift, a kind of paradigm shift in American politics, where I remember there was polling done with the day Trump got elected, or around the time that Trump got elected in 2016:


“Do you support mass deporting illegal immigrants?”


And only 40% of Americans said yes. It was still unpopular even though he just became president. They put a poll out the other day, and 65% of people said, yes.


So, you know, he won the argument basically over a decade now. That just seems like milquetoast Right-wing:


“That was crazy! Whoa! Mass deporting illegal immigrants. Whoa! What a racist!”


And now it’s just kind of seen as like:


“Yeah, obviously we should do that. Why not?”


And obviously, that’s ridiculous! Obviously, it should be 100%.




But the point is that you’re seeing a shift in the consciousness. You’re seeing a shift in the radicality of the message, like, Right-wing discourse in general. You know, in 2018, Charlie Kirk was talking about how good gay marriage was and how good immigrants are, and now he’s, like, trying to sound like Nick Fuentes. And that’s a mainstream Right-wing political commentator.


We’re seeing a massive vibe shift across the board where the discourse is changing, and now we’re also seeing it start to manifest politically where, like, conservatism is dying. Like, conservatism has a pretty short shelf life in the form that we’ve been accustomed to over the last couple decades. And the Right-wing has to mutate. It won’t become us, but it will have to mutate in our direction. And then we’re going to be fighting fake nationalism versus real nationalism or fake civic nationalism versus ethnic nationalism.


Blair Cottrell: As the radical Right becomes cool there’s going to be a stronger effort from established authorities, government, to try to make it illegal. So as it becomes cooler and more popular, more mainstream, so too will certain interested parties, current establishment powers, be trying to associate it with violence more and more so they can justify making it illegal, or certain groups associated with it who are effective. Individuals associated with the radical Right who are effective. I think the government’s going to do its utmost to associate them with violence, to provide justification for censorship, imprisonments.


But we just got a $100 Superchat, while we were blabbering on there from Top Three Martingale, $100. Thanks very much! He says:


“American Republicans are RHINOs [Republicans in Name Only], not much different than Democrats. We have nobody to help us inside the government. Grassroots revolution feels like the only thing that will bring change.”


And also a second $10 from The Shogun. Thanks very much, mate. He says:


“Hail victory, boys!”


Appreciate it, bro.


Joel Davis: But the thing is to get revolutionary conditions, you don’t go from milquetoast, boring kind of conservatism versus this kind of really docile political paradigm, straight to revolutionary conditions. You need a progression. It needs to phase shift.


Thomas Sewell: I think the success of, and I mentioned this all the way back when I started Lads Society in 2017 was that, where are the Right-wing suburbs? So this, I’ll repeat his name out here, Top Three Martingale. He says:


“A grassroots revolution feels like the only thing that will bring change.”




And I think grassroots is something that everyone should focus on. In 2017, I commented that you go into the northern suburbs, in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, and it’s like a Leftist hive mind. It’s like all these communist stores, all these communist cafes, all these faggot bars, or like there’s pride flags, every gay flags, whatever you want to call it, everywhere. Like, every street has stickers and posters for the new student union or Marxist thing. They infiltrated institutions, obviously, and I’m not talking about necessarily infiltrating or trying to un-infiltrate those institutions, but we have to think about what kind of institutional power we can build at a grassroots level, what kind of suburbs we can take over. And how does the march of the Right-wing, because everyone knows this. Everyone knows that we know it, our enemies know it. Even the people in the center, even journalists that aren’t specifically Left-wing or Right-wing, they’re saying that there’s a rise in the far-Right, the rise in the far-Right, and they’ve been saying it for 20 years. And they’re not just saying it as a scare tactic to try to encourage the Left to mobilize better. They’re already mobilizing at full steam ahead.


It is a factual reality that the far-Right or the pro-Whites, however you want to put it, are on the rise. And how we need to start transforming that energy that we have in these kind of this is like the opposite of grassroots. What we’re looking at here is we’re spokespeople, we’re on the Internet. You’re watching us. You’re consuming this content. This is not grassroots, although we’re grassroots in terms of our personal journeys, in the sense that we’re just everyday men like you, and we don’t have, like, millions of dollars backing us. We need to start thinking about how do we transform this energy where you’re consuming content, into mobilizing. We have to realize that we’re in a political war, and we need to mobilize! We can’t just consume propaganda. Or:


“How’s the front line going? Oh, the frontline’s going good. Oh, excellent!”


No, we need to actually mobilize politically! And that means voting with our feet, voting with our wallets, changing our lifestyle, engaging in real life with other people that have the same values, and being intolerant of people in institutions that don’t share those values.


I could give a million examples, but one that I’ll give you is, I don’t agree with putting kids in daycare, but I know that basically everyone does it. But you should put your kids in a daycare where the people that are looking after the place aren’t waving tranny flags. And if they do wave tranny flags or gay flags, you boycott them. You say:


“I’m pulling my kids out. I’m not having them around this faggot shit!”


And if all the families did that if you network with other families at the daycare you know, Right-wing daycareism, if you can network with those other families and you can find a daycare or you can find a school or whatever it is that has better values, that what you feed grows!




So if we take our resources away from these people, these companies will fall, these businesses will collapse, these institutions will lose power. And institutions that are doing the right thing, or at least slightly better things, will gain our energy and our momentum, and that will reinforce itself until the point where it will be normal and mainstream for a lot of institutions to have quite Right-wing and or at least anti-Left wing stances, as protocol, as policy built into the institution itself. And this will help us continue to build momentum in separating society into two camps.


And that ultimately is the goal! We cannot be attached to the Left. We cannot be part of a society, a harmonious, loving society with people that want to cut the genitals off children or with people who want to flood our country with refugees, with brown refugees.


So we need separation. We need segregation, we need balkanization. We need to start mobilizing our forces in the opposite direction.


Joel Davis: There needs to be, as I said, there’s got to be a progression. So, like, absolute intolerance is the goal. We want the average Right-wing White person to be as intolerant as we are of miscegenation, of all kinds of flavors of LGBTQ nonsense, particularly directed at children and so on.


But it’s going to require, like, steps. You know, that people aren’t going to just wake up tomorrow and be, like, full on ideological far-Right in everything that they do. I posted on Telegram the other day. We have political, it’s like what I call political Christians, where they don’t even really go to church or whatever, but they support Christian politics.


We also have political racists where they’ve got non-White friends, and they hire non-Whites at their business, and they associate with non-White people all the time in their everyday life, and they don’t live any different than an average normie.


But then they consume pro-White propaganda on the Internet and maybe vote for a immigration restriction party or something. That isn’t sufficient. It has to become like a lifestyle. You have to stop divesting from as much multiracial society as you can and investing in your people in the way that you conduct yourself on a day to day basis in your workplace.


I mean, I understand that if you’ve got a job and you’re working for a corporation, you can’t control that environment, but you need to strive as much as possible to.


Blair Cottrell: Intolerance! Intolerance begins on an individual level, doesn’t it? Like anything.


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: So you have to, in order to contribute to a national intolerance, you as an individual, need to start becoming more intolerant of things you shouldn’t be tolerating. Stop tolerating disrespect. Stop tolerating speech control in your workplace. Stop tolerating unnecessary levels of bureaucracy, for example. When you become more intolerant as an individual, then so too others around you will feel more comfortable to do the same. And then suddenly, that intolerance is like, I don’t want to say an infection, or a disease, but it spreads. It becomes something that, its taken up or emulated by the surrounding community.





Joel Davis: Except the little things as well.


Thomas Sewell: You’re feeding the White blood cells when you look up. There’s a video recently of a guy, I know it’s very kosher, civic nationalism.


But there was a guy that got on a plane in America, and he was wearing a MEGA hat, the Make America Great Again hat. And some libtard dumb bitch was just screaming at him and going ballistic and saying that he needs to take the hat off. And he didn’t. And Beck watched this video, and she said:


“Why is this woman going so crazy like this?”


You know, she obviously is aware of communists and stuff, but she didn’t understand. It just seems so surreal.


And I said, my answer to her, which I think a lot of people need to consider is that the Left or the anti-Whites for decades have been wearing their colours on their sleeves. They have been shoving their political views in our face! They have been asserting themselves. You can go all the way back to basically Woodstock. And even before Woodstock, the whole hippie movement, the way they dress, the way they act, the way they talk, everything, their lifestyle, it’s all assertive! They were asserting the whole time they were on the offensive. And the whole time, the conservatives were like:


“Oh, yeah, I vote for the Republicans or I vote for the conservative Party.”


But, you know what I mean? They don’t wear it on their sleeve. They don’t advertise it. They don’t. They’re not on the offensive in any way. And what Trump really signified in this timeline of politics, shifting back towards our favour, is he started encouraging people to wear it on their sleeve. You know, people were wearing the hat, they’re wearing the MEGA hat. They were like:


“Yeah, I’m a Republican.”


It’s signaling to everyone else. And that’s so absolutely crucial.


And as a Right-wing person or as a pro-White person, everywhere you go to the maximum capacity that you can get away with, you need to wear your views on your sleeve! You need to wear it on your sleeve. That’s why the Nazis wore armbands. They literally wore the swastika on their sleeve. They’re like:


“Yep, I’m a Nazi!”


Well, obviously, they didn’t say this. I’m a National Socialist. They say:


“I’m part of the National Socialist German Workers Party.”




Blair Cottrell: And you can supercharge that. Yes, you can supercharge that with a little bit of personal pride as well. Like, it’s not a bad thing to lose your temper and stand up for yourself when someone’s showing you disrespect. It’s actually cool. People respect you when you stand up for yourself and refuse to tolerate shit!


There was a video I saw recently where couple of young kids walk up to a guy in a gym, let us take his hat off. They’re filming him, trying to get a reaction out of him. He says:


“Give me back my hat!”


And he slaps this kid open hand, slaps him, he slaps him hard! And the kid gets a real shock and immediately gives the hat back. And they’re like:


“Oh, what the hell? What the hell?”


They didn’t expect that because they’ve grown up in a ultra pacifist society where they’ve learned that no physical contacts, no standing up for yourself is ever allowed. None whatsoever!


And so they’re shocked that this guy actually slapped, slapped one of them. They couldn’t believe it!


But the guy looks cool. He’s cool because he stood up for himself. People respect you more sometimes. You don’t necessarily have to lose your temper and blow steam and punch holes in walls. That’s not what I’m saying. But you just need to stand up for yourself and refuse to tolerate disrespect. Like I said, supercharge your views. Whether they’re nationalist, National Socialist, supercharged them with a bit of personal pride.



Joel Davis: It’s little things as well. Like in your social group.


Like if you got friends and they want to go out drinking or they’re having a house party or something, and they’re inviting a homosexual or they’re inviting a non-White, like some black guy or something, just tell them straight out:


“No, I’m not coming, because I don’t want to associate with that person. If you want to hang out with me, you’re not hanging out with them.”


You know, you might lose some, but fuck them!


And then you might win some, and then you’re actually teaching them principles. You’re teaching them hygiene, in how they conduct their personal lives. And that’s going to inspire them to maybe think differently about how they associate with others.


And so you don’t understand the kind of chain reaction that you can produce by just simply practicing hygiene in your personal life. If you can’t be a Nazi in your personal life, if you can’t maintain an ethno-state in your own friendship group, in your own family, how, how the hell are you going to do it in a whole country? So e need micro-Nazism before we can do macro-Nazism!


Blair Cottrell: Well, everything begins with you as an individual. Right? That’s what we’re coming back to.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: The collective is only a sum of individuals.


So the collective is only worth as much as every individual is capable of producing, is capable of so the stronger the individual, the stronger the collective becomes. So making the right choices on a daily basis, it’s all going to contribute to the growth of the collective.


So you need to think of it that way. So even though it might feel like:


“Oh, I’m going to the gym and fixing my diet up and working out because I want to improve myself.”


Without even realizing it, you’re actually feeding the growth of the collective.




And we’ve got a $50 Superchat again from Top Three Martin Gale. Thanks very much, mate! He asks:


“How would you men react if your daughter started dating a black guy?”


I mean Tom actually has a daughter, so he’s probably the one who’s going to be most emotionally affected by that question. I’m yet to have a daughter. I’d love to have a daughter. I’d love to have a bunch of daughters, actually. It’s like something I’m really looking forward to.


But what do you think, Joel? How would you react to that?


Joel Davis: Well, it just won’t happen, so, …


Blair Cottrell: But hypothetically, if it did, without Fed posting, have you got any hypothetical response ideas?


Joel Davis: Well, no. It’s like, to be my daughter. There’s a standard. Blood and honor! Like, if, …


Blair Cottrell: Obviously you wouldn’t raise her to the extent, …


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. No, it would never happen. But if it did happen, then I would no longer have a daughter.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. I don’t like hypotheticals, but if he wants to get all philosophical, then I understand that life is a schisming force. So I’m sure my brother, so my father is upset about the fact that my brother is gay. And he’s only got two sons, and one is a Nazi and one’s gay.


And likewise, I’m sure I’m going to have a lot of children. And if one of them ends up as a degenerate of some form, of any form, it would be sad. I would feel sad! But ultimately, life would go on.


So I would do everything in my power to not allow that to happen. But I understand that we are currently in a society where we’re enslaved! And we need to remove that bond, that slavery that’s on us. And there’s a lot of issues within people’s personal lives that actually can’t be resolved because micro issues can’t be resolved sometimes because the macro issue isn’t resolved.


So, not to give too many details away, but there’s a situation where there’s a couple getting divorced, and it’s a very messy divorce. And in a healthy society, it would not be a messy divorce. It would be resolved very, very simply and very, very easily. But because the state is so evil, and because the conditions of the state are so evil, and because of the way the courts treat men and just the way the whole society is structured, men aren’t able to get their Patriarchal justice, their Patriarchal rights, as they have for thousands of years.


And so what we need to do, most importantly, is overthrow the government and install, in whatever means necessary, a government that is pro-White, pro-patriarchy, and pro-natural law, which is probably is the top down of Patriarchy’s downstream of just natural law.


So we need to reassert the racial and natural law concepts that guide our society upwards to the coming man.


So that’s the hypothetical. If you want to get technical.




Joel Davis: Also have a Superchat from Odysee, from GoyBoy1488, who said:


“Greetings from the United States. Last show, someone asked if there were any non-Australian shows that were comparable to yours. War Strike with Warren Balogh and Striker is similar, but not the same. Keep up the good work, lads.”


Well, Warren Balogh is a man I like. I’ve actually met him in real life. He’s quite a gentleman.


Eric Striker is someone I do not like. I never met him in real life, but, yeah, he’s a faggot. So that’s the difference between our show. Our show. I like everyone on the show. Everyone’s cool. But that shows 50% AIDS. So, …


Blair Cottrell: , you know what, actually? While you’ve just mentioned that, I’ll bring this up. I realized the other day how special I feel as a result of how nice Joel is to me. Because when you see Joel with other people that he doesn’t know that well, people who aren’t in his circle, he’s not always that nice. You know, he can be pretty dismissive and cold. And I’m thinking, why do I feel so good being around Joel all the time? I’m going to analyze this, and I realized its because he’s so nasty when he doesn’t know, …


Joel Davis: Micro-Nazism!


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. He doesn’t care about you. Get the fuck away!


But when you’re one of his boys, he’s so kind, so empathetic. He’s paying so much attention to you. He’s so tuned into you, and it’s just like, wow! Makes you feel really cared for and special. So I’ve worked you out, bro. I’m on top of it.


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, it’s micro-Nazism. There’s no value, if you’re a slut and you’re just giving out your, like, charity to just anyone, then you’re just giving away all this energy that you could be giving to people who actually deserve it, who are worth anything.


So I just don’t give it to anyone that doesn’t deserve it.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, to be intolerant, you got to be intolerant!


Joel Davis: Yeah, that’s the whole problem with the White race. The White races has become a slut! It’s giving away all of its energy to all these people who don’t deserve it, when we should be focusing it only to the highest grade Aryans and focusing all our energy on uplifting them.


And then we’d be having this conversation on Mars right now because we would have already built this, like, super advanced technological civilization. We’re doing Star Trek shit! But because of egalitarianism, because of yeah, all the values, … Yeah, we are now sitting on Rumble, you know. Counting, …




Blair Cottrell: I’m surprised the amount of views, engagement, Superchats we get through Rumble. Rumble’s awesome! Like, it’s almost comparable to YouTube. Like, we’re getting more views on Rumble than we used to get on YouTube, surprisingly.


But we’ve been at this for a while. There’s a consistency now. You’ve done a lot of networking and appearances on other shows and stuff, so I’m sure all that’s contributed to the growth of the show.


But I’m just putting it out there that I’m impressed with Rumble. Like, the engagement’s great! The website works great, too. Faster than Odysee.


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. The jews who run Rumble are doing a good job.


Blair Cottrell: So is it actually jews running Rumble? Is that true?


Joel Davis: Jews run everything? Of course!


Blair Cottrell: Uh, but we’ve gotta steal some of that industrious, …


Joel Davis: You know, they’re trying to use us to help grow their platform and then once they get big enough, they’ll probably cast us aside.


So, you know, make hay while the sun shines!


Thomas Sewell: Exactly!


Blair Cottrell: Well, we got $5 while I was speaking just then from Fellow Comrade. Says:


“If Tom didn’t get the $2 from the last week’s Superchat, he’s considering legal action.”


That was for the door fund Tom. But I don’t think your door needs replacing. So put that money aside, I suppose, and it can go towards replacing the next door that the police kick down. [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I want to play this video, actually. I did post it on, so people who follow me on social media probably saw it did go get passed around, but we just need to react to it. Here we go.



Indian woman: Of course we’re going to take you to Canberra for the Federal Budget.

Indian man: We’re at the Labor Club. Of course. We get our coffees from the Parliament with Labor Club.

White man: We are Labor Club, of course we are going to make you meet MPs and Ministers.

Indian woman: We’re the Labor Club. Of course we will discuss and debate policies.

White woman: We’re the Labor Club, of course we are pragmatic, progressive and principled.

Indian woman: We are the Labor Club, of course we’re going to deliver the best events.

Indian woman: We’re the Labor Club, of course we there’s a space for everyone.



Joel Davis: Yeah. [chuckling]


Blair Cottrell: What’s going on there?


Thomas Sewell: What the fuck?


Joel Davis: That’s a recruiting video for a Young Labor.


Blair Cottrell: Did you see the guy start walking, like, awkwardly? Like, he started walking too late when the camera rolled. It’s like they were like, now. And he was like. [chuckling] But everyone in that video had a foreign accent, I think, except one guy who, …


Joel Davis: Yeah. Who’s obviously a faggot.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. So, wow! Future of the Labor Party is looking a bit bleak. But hey, …





Thomas Sewell: That’s awesome! My initial reaction is frustration, but then when I kind of zen out a bit, I realized, this is good. This is very good! This is all going to plan. Excellent! Excellent! Like, this is so stupid. This is the worst thing that these people could be doing right now. And it’s what they’re doing.


So, yeah, the fire rises! Yes. Chaos ensues.


Blair Cottrell: They cannot help. They can’t tap into the consciousness of the average Australian worker because they’re so far removed from the average Australian worker. They grow up seeing nothing but the four walls of a classroom and doing nothing but trying to appeal to their Marxist Professors.


And so, yeah, they’re never going to understand how to appeal to the masses.


But, yeah, like you said, …


Joel Davis: They’ve built their ideology on miscegenation, upon multiculturalism. Yeah, exactly! So you attract what you are. So there’s not normal young Whites. The thing is the Liberal Party isn’t too far behind.


Thomas Sewell: More pajeets in the Liberal Party. Like darker ones.


Joel Davis: Yes. Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: Why in Australia, why don’t we have like, a solid Right-wing party? They have them in America. We don’t even have like, Right-wing corporations here. Like in America, …


Thomas Sewell: Well, they haven’t come out of the woodwork yet. There are a lot of people with resources,


Blair Cottrell: That’s true.


Thomas Sewell: With our politics, but they haven’t come out of the woodwork yet because it’s a chicken and egg situation. They’re waiting for a winning horse and we’re waiting for the funds to build a winning horse. So we’re slowly, …


Blair Cottrell: Someone’s got to jump the gun. Someone has to go first.


Thomas Sewell: Chicken, egg. Chicken, egg.


Blair Cottrell: Someone’s got to go first. [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Well, we are, we’re getting there. It’s moving slowly. It’s moving slowly. It’s just not moving as fast as people, as we would like, because we’re doing this every day.


But if you’re checking in once a week or you check it in once a month, probably looks like it’s moving pretty quick.


Blair Cottrell: But it’s understandable why there’s like, hesitation because this is new territory now, culturally, socially, no one wants to throw millions of dollars down the drain. I mean in the past, a lot of influencers online got pretty big and they made a lot of money and just bailed! Right? Now, no one cares about them anymore.


Thomas Sewell: Look at Milo*, like he extorted hundreds of thousands of dollars out of people and then just, …


[* Milo Yiannopoulos (né Hanrahan; born 18 October 1984) is a British far-Right political commentator. His speeches and writings criticize Islam, feminism, social justice, and political correctness. Yiannopoulos is a former editor of Breitbart News, an American far-Right news and opinion website. Source: Wikipedia]


Blair Cottrell: Allegedly, yeah. I don’t know how much it was exactly.


Thomas Sewell: Well. He spent a lot of people’s monies on Gucci handbags and not on what he said he was going to spend it on. So.


Blair Cottrell: We’re all talking at the same time! [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: What I was saying was that we’re all young guys in our thirties. So early thirties, you know.


Joel Davis: Hey, I’m not in my early thirties!


Thomas Sewell: What are you, 30? 29?


Joel Davis: No.


Thomas Sewell: What are you, 29, 28?




Joel Davis: 29. Let me hold on to my 20s while I still got it.


Thomas Sewell: Okay, well, you’re 30 this year probably. Or next year.


Joel Davis: It sucks, man.


Blair Cottrell: Enjoy it.


Thomas Sewell: 29, 31, and what’s Blair, 34. So we’re young guys, and we have all been doing this for some time. But again, it’s all about trust. People aren’t going to put a huge amount of resources on the table until there’s trust and there’s proof that you can deliver on that trust. As much as we hate, I hate money, I hate that side of politics, and I hate that side of what we’re doing.


But ultimately, resources come with time, and resources come with trust. And when we can deliver and prove on what we’re building and producing, there’s going to be more people coming to the table.


But also we need more support. Boots on the ground from the community. We need more people attending community meetings. We need more people involved. They don’t have to get involved in activism, they don’t have to get involved in physical training. There is just a community that’s being built, and there’s many communities. It’s not just what I’m doing. There are many communities being built and you can network with them through the Internet. But ultimately you have to get off the Internet and get engaged. Boots on the ground! And then when all the communities are growing, all these different ones, 50 guys here, 100 guys here, 50 guys here, it all adds up.


And then you can start looking at those communities coming together for a purpose, like registering a political party or registering as an ethno-religious group or an ethnic group, and start creating legal protections for our identity and our culture. Challenging things at a legal level.


So there’s a multifaceted approach to politics. You know, like, if we had a thousand men in the room. We don’t have a thousand men in the room. But if we had a thousand men in the room, our options are almost endless. We’ve got all the ideas.


We could make a Right-wing, or a pro-White version of the SPLC, the Southern Poverty Law Center in the United States, which is like a big jewish law firm that helps black rapists get off and helps prosecute White people that say racist things. And we could do it the other way around. We could fund lawyers to support White races and also to pressure the government into re-sentencing black rapists and get political victories. You know, if we had a thousand men in a room and one movement lawyer or two movement lawyers, we could look at things like that.


But again, that all comes with time. But it’s not just time. It’s time and energy. It’s time and energy! We can’t change time. Time is what it is. And every year we need to move closer and closer to our goals.


And the only way to get there is man hours, manpower, resources, energy, time under tension. We got to get guys out of their comfort zones and get them somewhere, wherever it is. In the gym, in the legal discussions, in the whatever it is, whatever your strength is, IT, it doesn’t matter.


But when you’ve got a thousand men in the room, there’s got to be at least ten or 20 that’s fucking competent at somethings that can help build the movement up.




Joel Davis: We’ve got a massive advantage.


Blair Cottrell: It’s great to see some of the younger guys that are, you know, associates of yours, Tom, or just in the community, generally get into the gym, even though they don’t have a lot of knowledge. They’re just starting out. They’re still there. They’re still putting themselves out there. I mean, it takes guts to actually put yourself in a position or to try something that you’re not an expert in, that you are just a beginner in, and you don’t even know what you’re doing.


Like, as a man, it takes guts to do that. And I appreciate the young guys that actually throw themselves out there and are willing to learn. You got to have that willingness to learn, I suppose, in order to progress in any field.


But we’ve got a double Superchat here on Rumble. Double $10, 20 in total from Smarty 98. He’s got a bit of a question for us. It’s:


“Do you think the democratic system is set up so that, for example, in the UK, Nigel Farage will become the new conservative Party and the conservatives and Labour team up as a centrist party block and then bam, we’re back to a two party system?”


So I’ll just read that last part again so we’re not confused:


“Nigel Farage UK will become the new conservative Party and the conservatives and Labor will team up as a centrist party bloc, and then we’re back to a two party system. Then eventually they will all drift left and then there will be a new far-Right outflanking Farage, and the process repeats itself again.”


It’s a pretty …


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Yes. In short.


Blair Cottrell: That would be the ideal, I think would be the ideal situation for the current, …


Thomas Sewell: Joel, you muted.


Joel Davis: Am I unmuted now?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, you’re good now.




Joel Davis: I said that would be the ideal situation because then that just moves the flank. And we’re obviously on the flank of the flank. So we want the Overton to shift. We want greater and greater polarization. We want the center to vacate and so we want these repositionings to occur.


Like if in Australia, if the One Nation party gobbled up the Right-wing vote, I don’t think this would happen. But let’s just say for argument’s sake, and the Liberal Party just collapsed or made a coalition with the Labor Party and they teamed up to become the new opposition or something that would shift everything to us.


And then us attacking the One Nation party from the Right all of a sudden becomes way more politically viable because now they are the new center-Right and everything has shifted rightward. So we want to see this action happen more.


But also it’s good to see the Left shifting further Left as well. Like that video that I just played, I want the Labor Party to have a non-White leader. I want White Australians to feel alienated!


Thomas Sewell: Gay! Gay, non-White leader!


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly!


Thomas Sewell: Transsexual, non-White leader!


Blair Cottrell: Don’t you think that it might be a little bit, how should I say, debilitating, damaging to the spirit of the Australian people?


Joel Davis: Then they’re going to see us with White faces or people that represent our views with White faces and then they go:


“Those are the only people I can identify with.”


Blair Cottrell: As long as there’s an active counterpart is there, …


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: Then only actually aiding our selling, sort of channeling more power to us.


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Joel Davis: The system is going like full accelerator pedal into becoming as brown and gay as quickly and rapidly as possible. And we have a very apolitical population. Like in America where they have a very political population and there’s all of these enterprising young White guys in suits they can keep wheeling out, even the Democrats can still produce them somehow.


Whereas here we don’t have that kind of conveyor belt. And it’s absolutely fantastic that we don’t, because want people to be looking around like:


“Wait a second. What happened to all the normal people? Like, why is it just like the freak show now? Why is politics a freak show all of a sudden?”


It used to be like this kind of, yeah, they were like politicians were more nerdy than people on average, or a little more lame than people on average. But it kind of was a snapshot of, you know what you would expect when you went into any business and you went to like a, a corporate meeting. The kinds of faces and voices that you’d see there were the same that you see on the television.


Blair Cottrell: The Australian elite class, the political class has put circus grotesqueries out of business! [chuckling] Because the real grotesquery is just Parliament now. The real grotesquery is just Australian social life. No longer do you need to go to a circus and pay $2 to see the freak show. Just go outside to your local shopping center and have a look around. Right?


But from White Power we have $5 donation, again. Thanks very much, mate. Asking me:


“What’s the best way to get started in the gym?”


There’s a bit to unpack there, but you just don’t overthink it. That’s the best advice I could give for anyone who’s actually really beginning and not sure what to do. Don’t overthink it. It’s not rocket science. Get in there and move the weights, learn the movement, learn your body. It’s not that difficult. And once you get into the gym, half the work’s already done.


Yeah. I’m sorry to interrupt. Let’s continue.





Thomas Sewell: Get a sweat as well. Get a sweat. Everyone’s got to get a sweat. A lot of guys go to the gym, a lot of beginners, and they don’t get a sweat. They go there and they just mumble around, mosey around. Low energy, low vibration.


Blair Cottrell: You have to go intense.


Thomas Sewell: You gotta go in there, get on the treadmill, or get on the step machine, get on the rower. Five minutes, ten minutes. Go hard! Even if you’re spastic, just go hard! And then start doing push ups. Start doing pull ups. Start! You know, just do full body squats, bench press, shoulder press, lap, pull down, everything. You know what I mean? Just as a young guy, as a beginner, do everything! Doesn’t matter. You can’t go wrong.


Blair Cottrell: I trained with a young guy just yesterday, just last night, like, a guy who’s about 19. I think it was one of his first sessions, and it really reminded me of myself when I was younger. Because he had a similar frame to me when I started, and it reminded me that I used to not even be able to balance the bar on bench press. Like, I couldn’t push it directly up. I would almost kind of drop it over my head and stuff.


Because, you know, that’s where everyone starts, almost like, it’s not, … Everyone’s a genetic sort of abnormality. How do you say abnormality? He goes into the gym and just has some sort of, like genetic predisposition to weightlifting. Like, the average person starts off quite weak. The average person needs to build up stabilizer muscles.


So, yeah, don’t be scared to get in there and just give it a crack. Like, just get moving, man! Get in there and, like Tom says, get that sweat happening.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And you’ll learn with time, but you just got to do every machine. Every machine, every exercise. Just do it all.


Blair Cottrell: Joel’s been going well at the gym. Joel’s been going really well at the gym. How you finding it, Joel? Do you enjoy it?


Joel Davis: Yeah, sure. I like fighting better, though, but, …


Blair Cottrell: I can tell you do. You’re probably more geared towards that, to be honest. Like, weightlifting is kind of almost easy for you, I’ve noticed. Like, you’re sort of still having conversation in between sets and stuff, because for you, it doesn’t seem as challenging as a good fight does. But you like to fight. Like, you like to argue as well. So that comes out in you, in the way you deal with people.




Joel Davis: But I’ve been enjoying it. I’ve been enjoying trying to, like, keep making improvements and beat whatever I did last week or the week before. And the numbers gradually, like, going up and up little by little each, each week or two. It feels good to keep trying to unlock that next level and then thinking like:


“Oh, I’ve got it!”


Like, when I the other day I went to get a burrito, and I was like, I’m getting two burritos. You know what I mean? Like, I got to bulk. It just feels good to be just expanding, you know? I just feel like I’m growing. I’m just expanding as, like, as a human. Becoming more imposing.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, absolutely!


Joel Davis: A little bit more aura. Like, I walk around and under my shoulders are back more, and I’m just kind of thicker and people are looking at me a little different. So I like that. I like that feeling. You definitely want to get as big as possible.


For the people at home, particularly if you live in Melbourne. You want to be able to intimidate niggas. You want niggas to be like, … You want to be a Whiteman, be a Viking, a Whiteman walking down the street, like I’m a fucking Anglo Saxon bitch, you know?


Thomas Sewell: Exactly! Preach!


Joel Davis: You want the browns cowering. You want the niggas taking a step back. You want to walk at a nigger and he takes a step to the side as you walk by blair Cottrell: What you’re saying, might sounds vulgar but it holds merit.


Joel Davis: It’s your fucking land!


Blair Cottrell: It definitely holds merit, what you’re saying, because when they see a big guy, when they see a strong guy, like people from Africa, and that, they associate that with a high level of violence, and so they respect that! Because violence is actually all they respect! You know, some of these, especially young African immigrants, the only thing they understand, the only thing I respect is violence.


And if you look like you’re capable of a lot of that violence, all you got to do is look the part. Yeah. They won’t be messing with you.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Everyone should get as big as they can and still remain functional. That’s my opinion. You should max out your frame. You should absolutely max out what God has given you and still be able to move. Yeah, I don’t recommend [word unclear] If you can.


Joel Davis: Blair’s been trying to, like, he’s trying to encourage me to start taking steroids, but I’m resisting.


Blair Cottrell: That’s not true! I said:


“If you did take them.”






Joel Davis: :


“Oh, like, Joel, like, imagine if you took steroids, how, like, you could look like a God and everyone would, … You’d be 10% and, 20% more, because you’d be so Chad!”


Blair Cottrell: I think in past times, I would have been a mad, …


Joel Davis: Imagine if I just blew up to, like, Blair Cottrell size, and then it’s just I’m just like Blair Cottrell 2. Like it would just become ridiculous!


Blair Cottrell: Like, yeah, yeah, but really, I probably just want to like see what happens to you. Like I think I would have been one of those mad scientists that like built Frankenstein’s with pharmacology experiments like in times before this time, just to see what happens. Like I’m really curious to see how someone’s like kind of biological genetics will react to certain compounds. I’m actually shattered that I can’t do that, but maybe I should have joined the medical, …


Thomas Sewell: When you get as big as Blair, it takes about a decade to understand the power. You know, with great power comes great responsibility. And Blair has taken at least a decade to be able to cultivate that ego and control it and master it.


And Joel, if Joel got as big as Blair within like a twelve month period, Joel would go off the rails! There would be a redemption arc, but it would be like. Yeah, it would be a very Appollian, or whatever it’s called.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, well the bigger you get, the ego, …


Joel Davis: I want functional balls, so, …


Blair Cottrell: The ego lives in the body Joel.


Thomas Sewell: Joel I think your Mike has changed. When your mic cut out before, you sound different. Now you sound. It’s harder to hear you, it’s less clear. I think your mic setting changed to your computer mic.


Joel Davis: Oh.


Blair Cottrell: While you figure it out, the ego lives in the body. I tell people this. So the bigger the body gets, the bigger the ego can get.


And so that’s a mental challenge. You always have to maintain ego control. Sometimes when you hear that inner dialogue, whispering things to you, like that person’s looking at you funny, you know, you’re comparing yourself to someone, you’re getting negative feedback. Yeah. Like you gotta understand that that voice isn’t always you! That voice is your ego talking to you need to differentiate yourself from your ego. That’s a good way to practice ego control. It works for me anyway. That’s the method I used personally.


How’d you go with your mic, Mr Davis?


Joel Davis: I think we’re back.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, that’s much better. So what’s next on the agenda?


Joel Davis: Well, yeah, I was just basically my main agenda was just talking about, yeah, these election results and how best or how to interpret them. Because there’s a School of thought that like:


“Oh, it’s. Everything is just an op by the jews to like subvert us and like there’s smoke and mirrors.”


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, that’s lazy. It’s so lazy.


Joel Davis: Yeah. It’s such a reductive framework, …




Thomas Sewell: Obviously jews have a lot of power, but that, … What’s the correct term for that? Not White Fragility. It’s like White defeatism. It’s like a complete demoralization. Like, we’re not capable:


“Oh, if you do this, they’ll shut it down! If you do that, they’ll shut it down!”


It’s like, just fucking do it! Just try! Just do your best! Just move it in the direction, …


Joel Davis: What it is, …


Thomas Sewell:


“Oh, I can’t go to the gym!”


It’s like the same as the incel logic. Like:


“Oh, I can’t get a girlfriend because of the jews!”


It’s like, fuck you! Shut up! Shut your mouth. Your little fucking sperg! They shouldn’t have the right to speak. People that say things like that, they should be starved of oxygen.


It’s like Hitler in the trenches bashed people when they were like:


“I don’t think Germany’s gonna win!”


He’s like:


“Fuck you!”


And he bashed them. He’s like:


“Germany’s gonna win!”


Even if Germany didn’t win, it doesn’t., … You’re definitely gonna lose if you got that attitude.


If you’re like:


“I’m never going to get a girlfriend!”


Then you’re never going to get one. You’re never going to get one with that attitude. You know, it’s like:


“Oh, we’re never going to get our country’s back!”


Not with that attitude:


“We’re never going to win anything!”


Oh, we’re not with that attitude. So just shut up! Shut up and win!


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Shut up and let the guys winning win. And support the men at the front that are fighting, that are winning. If you can’t be a fighter because you’re a little bitch, that’s what God made you. At least support the men that are fighting.


Blair Cottrell: And lose well until you win.


Thomas Sewell: Exactly!


Blair Cottrell: Approaching those girls. Keep trying, keep fucking trying. Keep failing.


And then eventually you win, right?


Thomas Sewell: Get a gym, …


Joel Davis: Yeah, that’s what I told one of the boys in the group chat the other day. He was talking about his struggles getting a girlfriend. And I said:


“Just, just keep approaching cute girls at the supermarket, okay? Maybe 99 of them don’t give you their number, but eventually one of them will just date you.”


Then you can just have babies with her and everything will be fine. People say:


“Oh, it’s not that easy.”


But they haven’t approached 100 girls at the supermarket. None of you have!


Thomas Sewell: Exactly!


Joel Davis: No one has done that. So you. It actually is that easy, probably. I don’t know. I haven’t done it, frankly, I wouldn’t need 99 girls! [chuckling]




Blair Cottrell: But, you know, mathematically. Mathematically you’re going to get some sort of result. But do you have the emotional control to deal with what is probably going to be 97 out of 100 rejections? I mean maybe it’s not going to be that bad, actually. Maybe I’m being a bit cynical, but, …


Thomas Sewell: Men need to know where they’re punching. Like, we live in this world where men and women are incompatible or struggling with their compatibility because they’re both looking for nines and they’re not realistic with what they are. All the women are like:


“Oh, my God! The guy that just approached me, he’s like a six.”


And it’s like, well, you’re probably a six, if a six is approaching you, or you’re probably not far off a six, you know?


And likewise, there are men that jus shoot their shot, and it’s like:


“You just wasted that! It was dumb.”


You know, you should just start at a comfortable level and build up your confidence. And you can build that up by just talking to women that you’re not actually attracted to. Every time you go get your fucking McHappy meal or whatever you get, you should be talking to the girl. You don’t have to try to grab her attention, but you should at least try to make some discourse other than:


“One Big Mac, please!”


You got to build up your tolerance.


Blair Cottrell: Build your Riz man. Become a Risley bear.


But I think we got, we got a few Swedish viewers. We’ve had a $20 Superchat from Gustavus Varsa. Thanks very much for the $20. He asks, based on Joel’s, … I think it’s he, anyway:


“Based on Joel’s recent tweet about Swedish Zoomers, will he now confess and explain how epic the Swedish are compared to a previous statement and that he would gladly come back to Sweden and hold a seminar.”


What do you reckon, Joel Davis?


Joel Davis: Did I talk shit about Swedes at some point? Maybe I did. No, but I’ve been to Sweden, okay? I’m allowed to have an opinion. I like Swedes. Swedes are cool. Swedes are fucking, they’re eugenic as fuck! They’re Aryan as fuck, …


Blair Cottrell: Small noses. Compared to us they have small noses. Have you noticed? Like, we have these big Australian konks, Gonzo noses, …


Joel Davis: Big noses are aristocratic, so it’s an L for Sweden.


But it’s okay, we, you got a small nose. You’re all, like, beautiful! So you can have a small nose.


Blair Cottrell: I think small noses are nice on women. But I don’t think, like, it depends how big we’re talking. But, like, a big prominent nose can sometimes, like a Roman sort of nose, you know? I think that kind of is aesthetic for men, personally. Maybe I’m just coping.




Joel Davis: No, you want a big schnoz. I think, obviously, people say:


“Oh, jewish. Like, big nose equals jewish!”


No! There’s a different shape on a jew nose. It’s a different, it’s a whole different kettle of fish. But thing is, on Swedes, I like Swedes. They need to learn how to banter. They don’t understand banter. It’s like, I don’t know what it is. Like, Anglos, we understand banter, but Swedes, they need to learn to bance!


And so I was probably, I was probably bantering, and a Swede read this and was like:


“Oh, man! Like, he has the wrong opinion. Like, how could he think this?”


You know, just, it’s just banter.


Like, obviously I’m a racist. Obviously, I like Sweden. Sweden is, it’s pure, pure Nordic genes. Everyone is very lovely and sweet, and yeah, obviously it’s good to see.


I mean, I marched with the Nordic Resistance Movement when I was in Sweden. Great bunch of guys. Had a good time. I support the movement over there and, yeah, Swedish friends. So I’m with you guys.


I mean, we’re all in this together! That’s the thing. I’m race first. Like, I’m race before nationality, in the sense that, like, a high quality, spiritually aware Aryan who’s from Sweden or Germany or America, I have more in common with than just some random White Australian. So I care about the top class Whites of the whole world, more than I care about any particular national group.


And so, because that’s the essence of our entire civilization, those are the people that drive forward human greatness. And so that’s who I’m principally loyal to.


But then, obviously, we have to maintain all of our nations. But the struggle in every White country is important.


Blair Cottrell: I noticed [word unclear] was up in Sweden lately. Him and Marcus Follin [The Golden One] got together and did some workouts and offered some advice to their viewers. And that was cool to see. Like, Sweden’s a beautiful country. Like, I would love to see it one day. I don’t know if I ever will.


But we got $10 while you were speaking there from 65Stoney. Thanks very much, mate. He says:


“Australia, by far, still probably has the best chance boys. The White Australia Policy was only about 50 years ago. We are a new nation, and Australia is still 80 or 90% White, I think.”


Joel Davis: It’s not 80 or 90% White. It’s about officially 72% White. Something like that. 70, 72% White.


And last year, we just got the official statistics. Uh, this is, by the way, I should probably pull this up because this is the Noticer article that was just published. Everyone That’s the only place to get your news:


“Australia allowed in a record 751, 500 immigrants in 2023, new official figures show.”


And how many of them were White? Fuck all!


So, yeah, population grew by 2.5%, and that’s a mostly brown 2.5% anyway. Absolutely disgusting!


And then whatever they say the immigration intake is, it’s always more. And they always say the net intake, they don’t tell you that about 100 something thousand White Australians basically leave the country and move somewhere else every year.


So they give you the net intake. We took 500,000, but they subtract everyone that left. So you’re getting browner than the number suggests because you’ll be mostly losing Whites and taking non-Whites.


Anyway. Sorry to black pill, but it’s just reality. We need to come to terms with it.





Thomas Sewell: No, it’s not a black pill. We got to be realistic about what’s going on. There’s a few Superchats that I can read out on Odysee. GoyBoy:


“Greetings from the US. Last show, someone asked if there were any non-Australian shows.”


Oh, sorry. You read that one out. 1488 White Rabbit radio:


“Great show, guys, as always. Joel, be on with me today at 05:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, US.”


Joel Davis: Today? It’s tomorrow.


Thomas Sewell: Well, he’s saying you’re going to be on. You’re going to be on in nine and a half hours is what he’s saying.


Joel Davis: I thought I agreed to a Saturday show or, like, Friday US time. Saturday my time. How am I going to do that?


Blair Cottrell: I do that all the time as well.


Thomas Sewell: Just messaging. Because he might have said Eastern standard time to you. And you must have thought that was our Eastern standard time, because they also have one. $20 from White Bracer:


“Greetings from Canada. Love what I’m hearing, but I need your help. My friend Sleeves is black pilled. Please snap him out of it.”


Well, I’ll do this quickly.


Basically, you have two options. You fight for the White race, you fight for our survival in some way, shape, or form, or you just kill yourself. Like, why do people need to be snapped out of being black pilled? Like, just stop being a faggot. It’s not hard. Like, what are you doing here on earth? Why are you here? Like, you’ve got this gift of life. You wake up every morning, the world is your oyster. You know, if you’re in a living situation that you’re not happy with, it’s probably more that than politics. You’re probably just not happy with your living situation.


This is where I kind of agree with the Leftoids in a way. Like, you have the ultimate privilege. Yeah, we’re being genocided, but the Left are correct in the sense that we have White privilege. You can just get up from where you are right now if you live in Canada or the United States or Australia, you can just get up and move anywhere you want in Europe, in the non-White world, if you wanted to gentrify a section of that, there’s little expat colonies everywhere.


You can go anywhere you want on six months worth of savings, working a shit job, and do whatever you want for probably six months. You can do a working holiday. You can meet new people. You can read books. You can develop your personal identity in solitude. It’s endless! It’s literally infinite. And you’re gonna sit there and be black-pilled. Fuck you! I hate you! You’re a piece of shit! You’re destroying, like, you basically deserve to kill yourself.


I just have no sympathy for it anymore because our struggle is so immense. We’re at war. We’re all suffering. Just get with it! Get with the fucking program. Piece of shit!




Blair Cottrell: Brutal! Brutal!


Thomas Sewell: Hail Hitler.


Blair Cottrell: If you’re a man, sue, speaking of, …


Joel Davis: Speaking of Hitler, Chain Reaction put this in the chat. He said, this is a Hitler quote:


“He who would live must fight. He who doesn’t wish, …”


Blair Cottrell: You cut out. But I know the quote.


Joel Davis: :


“Permanent struggle is the law of life.”


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Joel Davis: :


“Has not the right to exist.”


Thomas Sewell: Joel, I think your Internet is, …


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, your Internet. A bit bouncy, man. This is my favorite quote. Yeah, I was saying, you’re a man, right? You’re a man. You’re black pilled, but you’re a man! Do you know how strong you can get if you apply yourself? And you know how good it feels to be that strong? I mean, I wake up every day just like a bottomless pit of self confidence!


But no, you just. He’s gone completely now.


So we’re having problems with Joel here, so I’ll just, like us, skim over the subject and basically just say, if you apply yourself, you can not know yourself. You won’t realize what you’re capable of until you try. Until you get up every day, apply yourself and try! And just start with the gym. Start with something small that benefits you, seemingly on an individual basis, but it will then extend into other areas. You’ll develop mental discipline. You’ll develop self pride, a strong sense of self worth. Then you’ll want to expand that worth more, or channel that worth into something that’s greater than you. Right?


So you start small on yourself. You grow. You work a way out of that self pity. Because despair is self pity! You’re feeling sorry for yourself. You’re keeping yourself in that position. Your greatest challenge is you! You’re your greatest enemy, if you’re dealing with black pill, melancholy, depression. And there’s no other way to look at it, really, you’ve just got to start not liking yourself for the way you are and doing something about changing your position.


Fellow Comrade loves a Superchat. This guy loves a Superchat. Another $5:


“Tom should grow, …”


Maybe actually, I’m not going to read that one out. I’m not going to read that one out because I feel it’s beneath Tom. It’s just a it’s a shitty little comment, and it’s only $5. Thanks for the donations.




Joel Davis: What do you mean Tom should grow sideburns? He has a whole beard!


Blair Cottrell: That’s been read out now. So, Thomas should grow, … I think you’ve got sideburns already. I think he has sideburns already. This reminds me of that Simpsons episode where, …


Joel Davis: Sideburns come down, like. Yeah, it doesn’t make any sense. It’s just a retarded premise.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I don’t know. Yeah, let’s keep our questions a little bit more worthy.


Joel Davis: Yeah, just low IQ.


Blair Cottrell: But how’s that Internet going? How’s that Australian Internet connection?


Joel Davis: I think maybe it’s better now. Yeah.


So, yeah, I don’t know. Mossad is fucking with me, boys. I was trying to read out a Hitler quote, and then it just they just went:


“No, shut it down!”


But seriously, I mean, I’m sure you guys already covered it pretty well, but basically the essence of why being black pilled is fucking gay is. So, like, what do you mean? Like, you’re just gonna stop being racist? Like, you’re just gonna become, like, a fucking. You’re just gonna start, like, loving niggas all of a sudden? You’re just gonna like that. Like what? Like, what does that even mean? If people say:


“Oh, I don’t really believe in a political solution.”


It’s like, okay, but, like, who are you as a person? Like, what are your values? Like, you just got to abandon your values because society doesn’t conform to them. Like, that just makes you a cuck! Like, you should just go down swinging. Like, even if the black pill is 100% true, still be true to yourself! Like, I would rather die for the swastika than live a fucking communist. You know what I mean?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. A lot of these people that are black pill, it is just temporary. And as you said even if you think there’s no political solution, well, is there a personal solution?


Is there a way you can cope with living in this world but maintain your values and your honor? Yes, there is! So do that. And then think, is there a family solution? Is there a community solution? Can I associate with people that have the same principles as me?


So now we’re building grassroots revolution. Now we’re building the foundations of a future society.


So it’s very slow, but it’s very steady. It’s very steady because it’s your life. When it’s your life, it’s different. You can’t be black pilled when it’s your life. And if you’re doing too much, which some activists are, they’re doing more than what they’re capable of sustaining. And that’s why we have something called burnout. And people need to be able to identify the difference between being black pilled and being burnt out.


A lot of people just burn out. And it’s because you constantly watch the hate porn. You’re constantly watching, like, White people getting beat up on Telegram or Twitter. Like, you’re just burnt out. Like, you just need to get off fucking the Internet for a week at a time, maybe even longer, maybe a month at a time, and just fucking do something else with your life.




Blair Cottrell: Bench press.


Thomas Sewell: And do some bench press, do some push ups, and go for a walk, touch grass, all that cliche, Platonic shit! And then you can digest what you’re consuming. If you’re constantly consuming, then you have no ability to digest it and incorporate it into your sense of self, you know?


Joel Davis: So digesting is an important point. I was talking to Blair about this last night when we were having dinner. And I was saying that when I see these anti-White hate crimes, whatever, I tried to really just take a moment and just imagine, like, play through the scenario in my mind and imagine what it would be like if it was my grandma or my sister or something like that and just, and just sit there and feel it. Because I want to use that motivation. I want to take it personally. Every time, every time I get the opportunity to, I want to take something like that personally and internalize it and use it and then turn that into fire within to keep motivation, to keep going in what I’m doing.


Because, and the thing is also, like, there’s all these videos, like blacks will see me on Twitter and they’ll DM me some video of some, you know, black bashing a White. I don’t dignify it with a response, but sometimes I just want to send them, like, one of the reverse videos because I do try to cultivate a library of White W fight videos as well. Because you got to, like, gee up. You’ve got to see the Whiteman getting his own back. You got to internalize that and feel that and feel the power as well. Your heart’s got to break for the White race, but then you’ve also got to, like, energize for the White race. Like, watch The Sun of Rededit [sp], watch the Nuremberg Rally. Watch Hitler’s speeches and just feel the energy.


It’s so important to be actively cultivating inspiration for yourself in order to actualize the kind of motivations and directions you want to go in your life. Don’t just be, like, passive and allow the outside world to direct you the way it’s trying to direct you. Take from the world what you want to take from it. Seek inspiration so that you can, … Because, I mean, I’m a romanticist. I believe in racism for romanticist reasons ultimately. Like I said before, I believe that racism is the most beautiful way to live.




So that’s why I choose to be a racist. I also think it’s necessary to secure a future for my progeny. And there’s all these other reasons and there’s all this other logic to it, that it’s more practical and so on.


But fundamentally, I think it’s the most beautiful way to live. Because I’m trying to honor my blood, honor who I am, be authentically myself through the practice of racial consciousness and advocacy and so on.


So to me that’s what it’s ultimately about. It’s about when I look at myself in the mirror, am I being real? Am I being true to myself or am I a fraud? I don’t want to feel like a fraud when I look at myself in the mirror. But if I was just a normie and I was playing video games and just gratifying myself with banal entertainment and there was no real higher purpose or meaning to my cycle of getting out of bed, going to work, coming home and so on, then I would look in the mirror and I would be ashamed.


So to me that’s what the motivation is. It’s like you want to be able to actually love yourself for a good reason. Not just tell yourself that you’re amazing, as a cope, but you want to be able to feel dignity in who you are and feel a sense of direction and purpose in your life. So you actually have to go and get it.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, there’s something, you described it as a “romanticism”.


And what I find particularly romantic is the man who, regardless of setbacks, does not give up! Does not buckle! He just keeps getting up, he keeps going. He’s still believes in himself. Not just himself, but whatever it was he was representing. Nothing breaks him, nothing breaks his spirit. Just the perpetual maintenance of the national spirit, which I said you can supercharge with a bit of self pride as well. Right? You can tie those in together. There’s something beautiful about that. And that’s what keeps me going, man. Like it’s a no-brainer.


Joel Davis: A couple other Superchats. White Power said:


“Make better Internet future ethno-state policy.”


Yeah, well we just put White people in charge of everything and deport all the brown people and all of these problems like the Internet not working and some, will just fix themselves. 65Stoney said:


“The Spanish golden age started in 1492. They expelled the jews in 1492 and they expelled the Muslims in 1492 as well. Check the scoreboard of history. We stay winning!”


Yeah, that speaks for itself. I’m not going to go on some whole tangent about that.




Also, I think we need to discuss this. Tom, you made a really long post about former associate. I can’t remember his actual name because it’s some Greek bullshit! But everyone knows him as Medi, Stefanos. You know his name.


But you made a long post detailing how basically he was raising money under the auspices of representing the organization. He was a former member, raising money for when you were in jail or for your legal fund or whatever, for the various legal appearances. Totally unbeknownst to you, just under the just basically convincing people as a scam that he was doing so in order to basically just screw them over, take their money and spend it on God knows what. And you’ve kind of gradually kind of uncovered this in recent months and decided to go public. And then since you went public, you said all these other people came out of the woodwork saying:


“Oh, yeah, he hit me up for money.”


And like this guy has managed to scam a lot of people a lot of money. It’s probably an important thing to inform the community about it and discuss. Because it’s really important because there was a few people that also came out of the woodwork and said:


“Oh, yeah, I knew that guy was a piece of shit from years ago. He doxed my friend.”


And so on.


And I was like, why didn’t you say anything until now? It’s actually kind of important in a community that when there’s a bad actor, that people inform the rest of the community quite publicly as best they can about someone who’s a bad actor. Not just like they don’t like someone, like they don’t get along with them or something. But when someone has done, like, seriously immoral behavior, that is cause for genuine concern. So, like, in this instance.


So anyway, I don’t know, Tom, what you want to say about this.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, so his name is Stefan Heraculus, which I believe that Heraculus, I think, is a translation of Hercules. It means Stephanos of Hercules, which is a good name. That’s a very strong name. But he certainly didn’t live up to his name. He certainly didn’t behave Herculean. He caved to pretty simple vices.


I only met Stefan once before I went to jail. And he had no interest in joining our organization. He was happy to watch on the sidelines and do his own thing.


And I think he was studying at Melbourne Uni at the time. And I met him with Jacob and we had a good chat. And I’d seen him online, but I’d never met him before. And it was a good meeting. I didn’t have necessarily a good or bad impression of him. He just seemed like a hard worker in his own field, and he was going to stay in his lane, and it was just cool to meet him.




And then when I got out of jail, I noticed that he was started to get involved. When I got out of jail, he was actually one of the first guys that I met that had joined the organize while I was away. And I was just impressed with his determination. I was impressed that he would show up to everything. I was impressed that he was just a hard worker. He just put his head down and whatever was asked of him, he did it.


And a lot of people online were talking shit about him. A lot of people disliked him. And a lot of that, I found was almost clouded by the fact that he was a Cypriot. And we had never had a Cypriot in the organization before. We made it very clear that we allow Greeks and Italians in our organization.


Obviously, we don’t want to become a Greek and Italian organization. But a small amount of Greeks and Italians is a reflection of the European, broader European community in Australia. So we were okay with that. And a Cypriot, well, they’re a Greek.


So obviously we’ve had our issues with Drew Pavlou recently, which is an interesting conundrum. This has happened at the same time. You’ve been battling a Cypriot and I’ve been battling a Cypriot for different reasons. And they’re actually quite similar people. Drew Pavlou and Stefanos are quite similar people. Drew Pavlou’s kind of engaged with the Labor Party, and he goes to a good university, and he’s quite well educated and he’s quite verbally intelligent. And he’s the son of a greengrocer, or a fishmonger or something like that. And Stefanos has a very similar tale. So he’s the son, I think, of a cobbler, a shoemaker, and he’s quite well educated and he’s very verbally intelligent like Drew. And he had a lot of issues online, a lot of drama, but I never had any issue with him personally.


And so I saw all the beef that he had on the Internet and I just stayed away from it. There’s so much beef on the Internet that you can kind of get lost on it. And no one had really given me any clear reason as to why I should dislike him, other than the fact that they think he doesn’t look White enough. And that’s fair enough. I don’t have an issue with people having that opinion of Cypriots. I know you probably have that opinion of Cypriots, Joel. I don’t have that issue. We all draw the line in the sand somewhere. We all draw the line in the sand somewhere. There’s some people that say that I don’t look White enough. I get messages all the time saying, why is your beard so dark? Are you even Anglo Saxon and shit like that?


So I’m like:


“All right. You know, I only have green eyes. I don’t even have blue eyes, you know.”


So not to be a slippery slope fallacy.




Obviously, we draw the line somewhere and we draw it somewhere around Cyprus and Malta. Right? That’s a fact. We all do.


So we don’t have an issue with northern Italians, but when it comes to Sicilians, we’re like, okay, all right. We don’t want, like, a hundred of these in the group, but one or two, if they’re good blokes, maybe we can make it work, but we don’t want to turn into Sicilian society.


So anyway, I’ll get to the point.


The whole time the guy was stealing money. And I didn’t really have any suspicion of this because I didn’t believe anyone was giving him any money. The first time I heard a rumour that anyone was giving him any money, which I was a little bit concerned about, was he was selling stickers on the Internet. And that was against my values. We don’t do that. Activists will compensate each other by paying cost price. Like, if South Australia print a bunch of stickers and they’re nice stickers, they’ve got a better machine than Victoria or Queensland, cost price will work it out. If it costs $50 to print 10,000 stickers, then we give them the money.


But he was selling them like he was making a profit off it, like a clear, obvious profit. He was selling, like, two cent stickers for more than two cent, like a considerable amount more. And I was concerned about that, but it wasn’t on my list of priorities. I was like, I just told someone to tell him to not do that.


He wasn’t in the inner circle, although he had a bit of clout on the Internet, he wasn’t in any decision making. He wasn’t in the inner circle of the Org. He wasn’t even a full member. He was what’s called an Initiate Member.


I was just keeping an eye on him, and I had many conversations about his development and whether he was going to be asking to become a full member or not in the future. And if he was, there were things that he might have to compromise on. He liked to do certain things on the Internet that I didn’t appreciate, I didn’t think, fit the values of the organization.


Anyway, we’ll cut to the point. Yeah, I cannot, … At no stage instructed him to ever collect money for me. Ever! Not once!


And yet there seemed to be a perception by people, not in real life, people on the Internet, that aren’t connected to the, in real life community. They had a perception that because they saw him in a photo with me, or because they saw him sort of strategically placed with me during key events, that he was therefore maybe a leader in the organization, and that him asking people for money, … Because what he basically did was every week he would make multiple calls to people in the online community and hit them up about money for the organization.




And nobody ever messaged me about this until about nine months ago, which was around the time that I was removing him from the Org, for a different reason. And no one ever questioned that. And I asked everyone that gave him money on the Org’s behalf, I said:


“Why did you give him money on the Org’s behalf? I don’t understand.”


And the response that I got from everyone in the community, the wider community, was that they just assumed he was the errand boy. They just assumed that he just followed up things, that he was like an errand boy. He just did all these little tasks for the Org. That was just his job in the Org to follow up people and ask people for money. And I was too busy to do it myself. And he was tasked with that role. He almost, he created this kind of sense of that was his position within the Org, without officially saying it it was very clever to not, like, incriminate himself. He tried to cover his tracks as cleverly as possible. Because he’s got a very high verbal IQ, like Drew Pavlou, but very poor morals. And I think he has very expensive habits. And that’s why he was milking the movement for, I would say, about two years.


And I cottoned onto it early, sorry, late last year, around the time that I was removing him from the Org. But I didn’t have enough proof. I only had a couple people that kind of gave me vague messages. They didn’t give me any concrete evidence. They said:


“Oh, it was all over voice call, so I can’t give you his exact words.”


And I would say to him, I need a statement. I need, like you to write out an official statement of the conversation you had with this person. Did he or did he not say exactly that he was raising money for my legal fund, or did he say for legal funds in general, or did he say the Org in general or did he say for his legal fund?


I needed people to be more clear with what they were saying. The first three people that messaged me, it was kind of a mixed bag. But as time went on over the last six months before making that statement, it became an almost weekly occurrence where someone would message me and say:


“Oh, hey, man, I hope you had a good birthday. I sent Medi a bunch of money for your birthday dinner. You know, I hope you had a good meal. That meal was on me that Medi shouted you.”


And I’m thinking to myself:


“What the fuck are you talking about? Like, Medi never bought me dinner, so why’d you give Medi $300?”


Like, what? Like, why would you need to give Stefanos, Medi, why would you need to give him hundreds of dollars for my birthday dinner? We have a fundraiser. Why wouldn’t you just send it to the fundraiser and say:


“Hey, this isn’t directly for the fundraiser. I want to buy tomorrow dinner. Can you go out to dinner? I’m paying for your dinner.”


I just don’t understand when we have things pinned very clearly. There’s no confusion. This is our official fundraiser, or this is our official whatever. Why does it need to go through a middleman?


Why did people not see that as suspicious? I mean, it’s very sad. It’s very sad.


Blair Cottrell: How did this come to light? How did you discover this?





Thomas Sewell: Well, the first person that messaged me, just a random person in the community. I think he was in Medi’s group chat. He just randomly messaged me one day and he said something like:


“Oh, hey, Tom I hope everything’s going well with the legal fund I sent you. I sent through $1,000 recently and I hope it all goes well.”


And I said:


“Oh, cool, like, where did you send a $1,000?”


Like, because I’m looking through the GiveSendGo the fundraiser.


I’m like:


“Did you send it through that or did you send it through the crypto?”


And he’s like:


“No, no, I gave it to Medi. I gave it to Stefanos.”


And I’m like:


“Why did you give it, … Like, what? What do you mean?”


And he’s like:


“Oh, you know, he called me and he said it’s really urgent. I have to talk to you know, like, it’s a it’s desperate times at the moment. Like, it’s really, really important. Can you give me a call?”


And then chewed his ear off for half an hour about stuff.


And then, yeah, got the guy to transfer money. And, yeah, that was the first person to sort of come forward.


And then, yeah, as I said, since then, it’s been. I think there’s been about maybe 15 people, 16 people that have messaged me before making that statement.


And since I’ve made that statement, it’s been another maybe seven people that have messaged me. And in total, I estimate it’s around., … We’re getting, we’re over $51,000.


Blair Cottrell: Wow! Now, you mentioned there that this guy had strategically, this is the way you put it, strategically placed himself next to you in photos. And that stood out to me because I don’t get in a lot of footage these days, public footage, but occasionally someone will film me doing a lift or something if I’m training with some of the boys. And probably well over a year ago, we’re ripping out on some deadlifts.


Thomas Sewell: It was up in northern suburbs. Yeah.




Blair Cottrell: You know which video I’m referring to? And I noticed that he, like, was awkwardly standing in the exact place, he knew that he would be in the footage. Like, he went and stood there deliberately. And I thought:


“Well, maybe that was part of his con as well.”


It’s just like:


“I know these people. I’m close to these people. You can trust me!”


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: I mean, it may not even be a conscious thing. It may just be a bad bone in his body that compels him to do this as a survivor thing.


Joel Davis: Absolutely conscious! He’s a little weasel! I mean, he’s $51,000 and counting. He basically griffs an entire life for himself.


Blair Cottrell: Is that what the fears are? The 51 after his name? Medi51 grand I’ve ripped from you guys. [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: But. Sorry to hear it, man. But look, you live and learn. These people are always going to exist. But through experience, you can put measures in place to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. Right.


Joel Davis: But a key measure is that don’t ever trust some middleman. Like exercise a little bit of discretion. Yeah. No one is ever going to ask you for money on my behalf or Tom’s behalf or Blair’s behalf. That’s just not how we operate. I don’t ask anyone for money in a direct way, period. You know, like, there’s ways that people can donate. They can send a Superchat to the show or something, or Tom has GiveSendGo fundraisers. It’ll all be done in a very obvious and public way so you can trust it. Otherwise, don’t trust it.


And if you got any issues, there’s ways to contact people. Send an email, send a message. Like, if someone is trying to raise money on people’s behalf, like, say something, inform us so that nothing like this can happen again.


Thomas Sewell: It’s an expensive lesson for the community to learn. And if anyone ever approaches you and says that they’re raising money on somebody else’s behalf, you need to immediately report that up the chain of command. You need to immediately report that to the person. Like, if some random person that’s connected to the movement, that has a public page and says:


“Hey I’m doing a crowd fund raiser for Joel’s fucking studio launch. You know, we’re trying to get Joel a studio. You know, can you help? I’m one of Joel’s admins. Can you make this happen?”


Like, don’t give them any money! Like, message Joel straight away and said:


“Hey, do you know, this guy’s trying to raise money on your behalf?”


Just straight away. If anyone tries to raise money on my behalf or Blair’s behalf. I mean, we have a treasurer in the Org and everyone that’s in real life here in Victoria knows who that person is, and that person accounts for all the money that’s raised.




And likewise, the other states, it’s usually the state leader collects the monthly payments. So that way there’s accountability. That way the leader has control of the money, knows how much money they have, and then when an event comes up, we’ve got the money to spend it. But there’s not just some sidekick, you know, some merchant little middleman collecting it on, … Like, it’s just bizarre! It’s utterly bizarre to me. And it’s just an expensive lesson for everyone.


Blair Cottrell: Any strategies for repayments? Maybe a bit of community service, work off the debt? I suppose you’re still brainstorming.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Well, as I said, it’s like the same question as the guy that said:


“You know, what would you do if your daughter was dating a black or something?”


It’s like, well, we don’t have control of society, so what we would like to do and what we can do are two different things.


So obviously, if this was done at a national scale, if we were a nation controlling organization, and there was a dude in there, this is just pure corruption. This is what the government are currently doing at the moment. Like Scott Morrison, he organized a grant for $444 million for the Great Barrier Reef. And he had four of his mates just on the board of the company, and they didn’t do anything to preserve the Great Barrier Reef. And they just pocketed, like, $400 million.


I mean, the Albanese government does 600 million for PNG Rugby team. Where the fuck is that money going? 600 million so they can get a private jet and they can pay coaches to train up these fucking monkeys in PNG to play rugby. That’s going to his buddies! It’s all money laundering. It’s all corruption!


And in China or in Vietnam, if you do this, they execute you. They have capital punishment. And if you’re caught stealing, if you’re caught stealing a little bit, you probably just get flogged. And I’ll probably give you a year in jail. Like, if you steal ten grand or 20 grand or something. Yeah. You’ll probably lose the finger. You’ll lose a hand. They’ll put you in jail for a year, something like that. They’ll teach you a lesson. They’ll be like:


“Hey, hey, hey! You’ve, you know, spent some money that you shouldn’t have spent.”


But if you steal millions of dollars, which is what this is equivalent to the amount of money that Medi has stolen is more money than what we raise as an Org in a year. So he’s basically stolen the GDP of the nation. Like, our community is our nation. And so he’s stolen the equivalent of Papua New Guinea’s GDP, or Vietnam’s GDP. Like, so if you did that in Vietnam, if you stole the equivalent of Vietnam’s GDP. Not GDP, sorry, but not gross domestic product, but gross domestic revenue. If you stole what the government takes in tax, if you took that off, like, they would just execute you!


So how do we get the money back? We take control of the nation. Unfortunately, all these things. Divorces, women doing things inappropriately, Medi stealing money. There was a guy, there was a kid years ago called Ethan Zakola, and he leaked our manual to the press and to Antifa. Like, we had an activism manual. And this little piece of shit, you met him once, he had the bung shoulder. It was like, the weirdo out of 300 Spartans. He had bad posture and he had a bung shoulders. And it was Ethan Zakola. He was just a dorky little 16 year old kid. We had him on the bench press. We’re teaching him how to box. You showed him how to, like, do bicep curls and stuff. And he would always complain about his shoulder. Anyway, for no reason whatsoever, he just leaked our manual to our political enemies.


And, I mean, why do people do this? Why? Like, they’re just rotten people! They’re just rotten creatures!


So, yeah, that’s like. That’s equivalent to giving away nuclear research to the Russians. Like what those jews did in the USA after the Manhattan project. You gave away state secrets, it’s execution.


But, yeah, we unfortunately just have to ride the storm.


Blair Cottrell: Stay the course, mate. Stay the course!


Thomas Sewell: Just these fuck heads.


Joel Davis: Next time there’s a ugly little wog that tries to insinuate himself in the movement. I ain’t being his friend.


And now, by the way, some people, so there’s some Italians out there that are upset at me because of comments that I’ve made. I’m a racialist. Many of you are fine. Many of you are all right. It’s a case by case thing. A high racial stock Italian, look White themselves. Well, yeah, they conduct themselves properly. But then there’s some that have got this where they almost look like they have to explain how they’re White. Like, it’s not exactly obvious that they’re White. They look racially ambiguous, and they behave according to that racial ambiguity. Because people are what they are the quality of the character is dependent to a very large extent by the quality of the blood. And, yeah, the Mediterranean is a hotbed of alien, you know, alien blood that has infected some of these populations, and these people behave, you know, according to the standards of their Levantine jewish, whatever, …




Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Can you put the genetic map up? I’ll send you the genetic map. Can you put that up? We’ll just have a look. We just got to have a look at the genetic map.


Joel Davis: I’m going to read a couple Superchats because there’s a few on Odysee. White Bracer said, a few said:


“This is really good discussion. This is my much higher standard of discourse than I’m used to. I usually only hear about Australia from Randbot 2020.”


Thanks again, guys. Well, thanks for the kind words. Cardiff said:


“Cheers from the US Pacific Northwest. Excellent show, gentlemen. Becoming my favorite to watch. You lads come across intelligent and knowledgeable, with a positive fervor of our shared situation in Western societies. Hitler’s words about his mother’s passing is quite deep. Do, you know how Hitler, …”


With a little, you know, Roman iconography. So that was nice.


Land of the Fake Home of the Gay said:


“Great panel. Thank you, gentlemen, for being exemplary White men for our boys to look up to.”


There’s lot of love in the Superchats over on Odysee, so it’s quite nice.


And also, Lon Awfully sent a Roman and said:


“Some dough.”


So and he said:




I always liked the $14.88 Superchat, so thanks for that. And Jadam’s 43 on Rumble said:


“Keep up the good work, lads.”


So, anyway, thanks for the encouragement.


What were you going to say, Blair?


Blair Cottrell: Can I re-summon the Italian question? Is that all right?


Joel Davis: Yeah, of course. We’re going into.


Thomas Sewell: He wasn’t Italian, he was Cypriot.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I know. But we were talking about Italians after the Cypriot question.


Joel Davis: Because some Italians objected to my, … Because when we talk about wogs in Australia, because wogs in Britain, by the way, this is for those who don’t know who are foreigners, and we’ve got a lot of foreigners watching. So a wog in Britain basically means a non-White. A wog is just a catch all term for non-Whites.




Blair Cottrell: Or Western Oriental Gentlemen, I was told by my father, …


Joel Davis: That’s something that people say, but I don’t think, etymologically, that’s where it comes from originally. I think it originally comes from Gollywog, and then got shortened to wog.


But anyway, when Italians and Greeks first came to Australia, which was after the Second World War, prior to the Second World War, we were somewhat Nordicist in our immigration policy, so we didn’t really allow, … I think there was a few immigrants, but it was a very small amount that ever came from anywhere other than northwest Europe. Heritage Australians referred to them as wogs. That’s how racist we were. We’re being like, inter-European racists. That’s how, like, racist Australia was prior to the Second World War and immediately afterwards.


And so that was a it was basically saying:


“Oh. You’re Greek, you’re basically a nigger.”


Like, it was kind of like banter. It was kind of racist banter. But then over time, it just became a term to just mean someone from the Mediterranean is now in Australia, is known as a wog.


So when we say wog, it could be like, an Italian, a Greek, it could be a like any kind of Balkan country.


Sometimes people get called wogs who are actually, like, Middle Eastern. Like, if they’re from the Levant or something, they get called wogs as well. Muslims have tried to appropriate the term.


Blair Cottrell: These are the sorts of people you’re describing. These people were attacked on site during the Cronulla riots. They call them riots, but really it was kind of just like a, I don’t know, some flashbang awakening process where Australians just decided to chase everyone out of town who wasn’t Anglo. And anyone who was Middle Eastern, of Middle Eastern appearance, they said in the papers back then, was literally chased down and beaten up by just packs of angry White guys. You can look this up. If you haven’t heard of it, you’re in America, some European country, Cronulla riots in Australia. It’s good Australian history.


But what I was saying about Italians, I’m going to try to spit it out quickly. There’s all this hype about Italian cuisine. But all it is is white carbs! Just like, white flour pasta, white flour bread with shitloads of garlic thrown onto it. Like, what’s the hype about, man? It’s really bad for you! It’s simple food. It’s not nutritious. It’s actually peasant food. Like, you know what pizza is, right? Pizza is just like, dough with the Leftovers from the Lord’s table sprinkled on top. So the regular peasantry had something to feed on when the Lords were done. I mean, this isn’t cuisine. This isn’t like, real food.


So yeah, it’s delicious for the brain because it’s just fast glucose energy, but there’s no protein in it. It’s not going to rebuild muscles. It’s just I just want people to stop talking so much to me about how great pasta is and Italian food is so amazing! Like, man, I’d rather have a steak and potatoes.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Heil steak and potatoes! Anglo maxing steak.


[showing genetic map]


But anyway, this is the principal component analysis. Principal component analysis is not, it doesn’t give you the whole picture. There’s better ways than this to determine all these genetic differences, but it is like a good basic snapshot of how genes cluster.




Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yeah. It’s about genetic distance.


So if we can just draw a circle around. Obviously, everyone can see in the middle there, it says Sicilian and it says Ashkenazi and Sephardic jewish. And the Sicilian points are in that kind of like all those woggy colors you’ve got. The wogs there are in that kind of teal color, and the jews are pink.


So you see how they cross over there in the middle a smidge. But where we say broadly European is we can draw a circle around that whole cluster of everything from the yellow in the top corner all the way down to Spanish. And the and obviously, we include Sicilian. They’re in Europe, they’re European.


But you can see that Sicilian is quite far away from Germanic. Germanic, and central European, and Baltic and Slavic and French are all quite similar. Obviously, Spanish are quite dark. You can see that quite clearly.


But again, genetic distance from where we are. As and when they say Germanic, they also mean Celtic, so they mean Germano-Celtic, because Germans and Celts are so similar. I think the Celts are more to the bottom right corner, and the Germans are more to the top left corner of the Germanic cluster, which is that little blue cluster there.


And then obviously, the French, you can see, are kind of like a different variation of Germano Celtic, in their own little cluster over to the side.


So what we’re dealing with is, I don’t know, Joel, if you can put your mouse cursor just below Sicilian, halfway between Sicilian and Ashkenazi, there’s crosses just down a little bit. Yep. You see those crosses there? So that is, I think, Maltese there. So, as you can see, Malta is kind of that’s very borderline. A lot of people might not consider Maltese as being fully European. And then I think if you go up a bit, there’s crosses that go the other way.


So, yeah, those crosses. So those crosses that go from there all the way towards the Balkans, that is Cypriot. That’s a, the crosses that are closer to Balkan are Greek, and the crosses that are closer to north Levantine are Cypriot.


So you can see, and also, interestingly, you can see that there are some Turkish, which are the blue triangles above. Those are Turkish haplogroups, and they are in some cases closer to Europeans than they are to normal Turkish people. And so those are obviously Anatolian Turks. They’re Greek Turks. They’re actually more Aryan, more European.


But you can still see how they are quite genetically different from Europeans, even if they possess some phenotypically European features. You will meet Turks with blue eyes. You’ll meet Lebs with blue eyes, and sometimes you even meet Turkish women with quite light hair, like blonde, blondish hair. That’s because they’re in those clusters. They’re not in the normal Turkish clusters.


But this is a good genetic map that just shows the, in a two dimensional scale, the distancing, the genetic distance. And obviously, nationalism, this is scientific nationalism. Nationalism comes down to how closely related you are to someone. That’s what it comes down to.


And so we feel the most affinity as Anglo-Celtics here in Australia with other Anglo-Celtics.




But obviously, because we had the “Big Australia” policy in the fifties, we included all the people around Germanics. We created this, like, greater Germanic sort of colony here in Australia, that’s still 90% of the White population, is primarily Germano Celtic.


So what we’re dealing with here, and what a lot of frustration in the movement is, and this frustration within my organization, of course, and this frustration within the wider movement is, how do we define European? Where do we draw that line? Do we allow these clusters, like Cypriots and Maltese? Do we allow them in the movement, considering how far away they are from the Germano Celtic?


So, yeah, it’s not a conversation I really want to create a conclusion to, but I think it’s worth having the conversation, and I think it’s a fair conversation regardless of whether your views are, yes, we should allow these people, or whether your views are, no, we should not allow these people. I think it’s worth hearing.


Joel Davis: I support the physiognomy check principle. I kind of if someone, like, trust your gut, I think that’s how I see things, because you could see, you can see the race in someone’s face. Like, no one is going to sit there and debate whether I’m European or whether Blair or you, Tom, whether we are Europeans. It’s just obvious.


So if it’s not obvious, then we’re in a, …


Blair Cottrell: When in doubt. When in doubt, there is no doubt. If you need to ask yourself, if you need to wonder, probably no. I suppose that’s a good policy.


Thomas Sewell: And then the only other thing, just quickly, is the component of we also have to consider the fact that we are in a European alliance in the sense that even if we want Sweden to remain Nordic and England to remain primarily sort of Nordo Celtic, we are also in alliance with nationalist groups in Italy, in southern Italy, in these border nations, like Golden Dawn in Greece, that are leading the struggle. You know, the Greeks at the moment, they cop a lot of flak here in Australia, but in Europe, the Europeans look towards the Greeks as being on the front line and have been on the front line for hundreds of years holding the borders of Europe, strong and true.


And obviously the Austrians and the Polish came down and helped with the sieges of the Ottomans and stuff. But the majority of the losses and the majority of the sacrifice keeping Europe White came at the cost of Greek blood. It came at the cost of Spanish blood.


And so we can look at the Spaniards, we can look at the Sicilians, and we can look at the Greeks from our ivory towers, in some cases, literally ivory in the sense that our skin is fairer, is whiter, but our skin is fairer and whiter because they kept the sates of Europe safe. They held the fort.




So I think on that ground, I’m a big believer in this idea that I’m a Nordicist. I do agree. I like the Nords, even though I’m not Nordic, pure Nordic myself. I’ve obviously got some Celtic and lower European blood in me, but I like the Nordic principle.


But I think that we draw the line in the sand where we draw it, and the men on the front line, we don’t necessarily want to lose Sweden and lose Norway and lose Denmark for what they are in terms of their genetic stock. We don’t want to see all the Danish breed with all the Germans, sorry, all the Greeks. We don’t necessarily want to see that, but I think we should have a healthy relationship with our cousins, even if second cousins.


Joel Davis: Of course, And obviously, like the Italians, …


Thomas Sewell: There are a lot of people watching,


Joel Davis: And the Greeks have have contributed amazing things to Western civilization. And I mean, not even just going back to the ancient Romans and ancient Greeks, but even in the contemporary period, I mean, the Italians in particular, you know, incredible fashion, incredible cars, incredible cultural output of various kinds. So many great, …


Blair Cottrell: The original fascists.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! They’ve contributed a lot. So obviously, I respect Italy as a nation, it’s a very respectable nation, and the same for the Greeks. But they’ve just been somewhat contaminated. And it’s for geographical and historical reasons.


I mean, the Roman Empire brought in some more foreign blood. But then also., … Then you’ve got the yeah, as Tom said, they’ve been on the front lines defending Europe from, like, Islamic raiding and things. So over the millennia, so obviously, that’s taken its toll to an extent.


And that’s why it’s a case by case thing. There’s plenty of good stock Italians and Greeks. Yeah, they are very clearly European, and their blood has remained relatively solid and pure despite all these factors.


But then there’s some people that look kind of fucked up, and it’s like, what? This guy looks kind of fucked up! Just because you can slap the name Greek on this guy doesn’t mean he’s a pure Greek.





Thomas Sewell: Yeah. I think the Greeks and Italians, when we won the race war and we’ve taken back control of our nations, I don’t think they’d complain if perhaps there’s some, you know, gentrification of the genes. I don’t know how to explain at this stage.


It’s like what you were saying before. If we had a million Swedes move to Australia, no racist Australian is going to complain that, like, we’re going to be too argy-bargy. I don’t think the Greeks would complain if, like, there was an excess birth rate in the Nordic countries and they created holiday homes in Greece or something. I don’t think they would complain. I think they’d be like:


“Yeah, this is probably good. Let’s bring the Greek blood back to where it was.”


I think the Greeks would appreciate the help, the genetic help. And if they don’t, well, whatever. Okay, then closed borders, and we can, you know, we don’t have to go full Kai Murros*, you know what I mean?


[* Voice of Europe: Kai Murros-TRANSCRIPT]


Blair Cottrell: I just want to be around people who look like me, or who look close to me. I still respect people who look a bit different and who are a bit different, but I just would prefer not to be around them. And why would they want to be around me? You know, this brings us to the argument which is at the core of what we believe, doesn’t it?


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: You know, it’s like everybody wants to be White, and I around White people. The whiter you are, the more people want to be with you, around you and like you. Almost like the Whiter you are, the better you are. Isn’t that? It’s strange.


But Harold Flight donated another $10. While we were speaking about this subject, he said:


“Wogs, WOGS, Worker on Government Service from the British when in Egypt with the nomadic Ghuls. Gollywog was the term that developed.”


So I think Joel’s right about the term wog. I think maybe the development of the phrase Western Oriental Gentleman was a way to maybe steer the public consciousness away from the fact it was kind of a racial slur and they were trying to dignify it.


Joel Davis: Well, no, I mean, no. Western Oriental, … They’re basically just., …


Thomas Sewell: In west Asia.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly!


Thomas Sewell: My granddad was the one that told me that it was Western Oriental Gentlemen. And he said that it referred to Afghanis and Turks, when he was a kid. It didn’t refer to Italians and Greeks.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Because Afghanis are like western Asians, you know what I mean? They look very Asian. And Turks. Most Turks look very Asian. You can see the Asiatic blood in them. The Genghis Khan blood in them.


Blair Cottrell: Well, race is the key to all human history. If you can’t acknowledge and appreciate race, you’re basically going through this world blind. You’re not seeing what’s right in front of you. Because I think race and what is, unfortunately, a lot of the time, crude interracial mixture is what gives rise and fall to civilizations, human civilizations. And it really is that simple. Race is at the core of human civilization, always will be and always has been.




Joel Davis: Because human civilization depends on the type of human that composed the civilization. And race is just the type of human that you are. Change the type of human that compose a civilization, you change the civilization. And if civilization requires certain qualities to expand and to be great, certain virtues and those virtues are built upon an original, original blood, an original human type that gave rise to it.


And then you change that blood, well, then the civilization can no longer continue on with those virtues and principles, and it will decay. It will fall into decay.


Blair Cottrell: And isn’t it so true when Napoleon said:


“Imagination rules the world.”


Isn’t it as a bizarre reality that despite this being our reality, which is the reality of race, we are raised to believe the opposite is true, that civilization and culture comes about as a result of values and attitudes, and just arbitrary nonsense that someone can dream up, anyone from anywhere can adopt as some sort of thought process. Like, that’s actually the opposite of the truth!


Joel Davis: This is the problem with Dualism. Like, our society is built on an implicit dualism, a separation of body and spirit or nature and spirit, rather than seeing nature and spirit as integrated, as one. And so spirit is divided from nature and then is then conceived of on its own terms.


And we see this in very radical ways, like with transgenderism, this idea that you could have some kind of spiritual gender that is somehow distinct from your actual physical gender. Obviously, that’s ridiculous, but that’s just like the ultimate conclusion of the dualism of spirit and nature. Whereas my worldview, our worldview, is the integration of these things into a holistic oneness and realizing that the attitudes that you have, the ideas that appeal to you, the sensibilities that you have and so on, are built into your nature.


Blair Cottrell: Imagine the amount of drugs, imagine the amount of drug intervention that’s required to have you believing in transgenderism. Let’s just think about that for a second. The concept of transgenderism. Isn’t it incredible what people can be made to believe? There are people who actually believe that’s a thing! I just see them as transvestites. They’re people dressed up as the other gender. That’s what they’re transvestites! But they actually believe that they’re making some sort of biological transition into an opposing or arbitrary gender. Isn’t that incredible that human beings can be made to believe that, through demoralization and propaganda? I think it’s incredible!


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: The point is we need to take power so we can deal with these people permanently.


Joel Davis: Yeah, you’re correct about that.


But I also want to make the point that on the “wog question[WQ], we talk like this and there’s always a certain portion of people who have southern European ancestry who take offense and start behaving like Leftists.


Blair Cottrell: Is it that bad, though?


Joel Davis: They start accusing us of:


“Being evil supremacists and they’re not being inclusive enough to us and all this!”


And it’s like, don’t you see that you’re just doing like the first layer of what the non-Whites are doing?




Thomas Sewell: Yeah, exactly!


Joel Davis: Like, do you have zero self awareness, you have zero shame?


Blair Cottrell: But I think there’s less of a victim mentality withe wogs.


Joel Davis: If you want to be part of Australia, you have to recognize what Australia is! Australia is created by, fundamentally it was created by the Anglo Saxon race.


So if you want to be part of Australia, we’re part of the nation. You have to surrender to that foundation and integrate yourself and reconcile yourself with that foundation. If you’re part German or you’re part Italian or whatever, you have to reconcile yourself with that foundation. It’s not the other way around. The foundation doesn’t have to debase itself to recognize you. It’s, that’s completely inverted.


It’s a Leftist value rather than a Right-wing value. Right-wing values are based upon hierarchy, upon honouring the origin, honouring the foundation.


Left-wing values about debasing the foundation honoring the periphery. Right?


So now if you’re half German and I consider you just as Australian as myself, because we’re already brother peoples and it’s very easy. And we never get this kind of issue where people have German ancestry and they get pissed off at how Anglo Australia. And so there’s a reason why we don’t have an issue with Germans.


But then sometimes we have issues with Greeks, right? It’s because they’re just so much more different. Germans are almost exactly the same, whereas Greeks are very, very different.


So if you can’t honor the foundation, you know what you need to do? You need to pack your bags and you need to move back to where the foundation you actually fit. That’s what you need to do. Like, if you can’t reconcile yourself with this. That’s what’s going to be best for you. That’s like, out of compassion to you and your situation. That’s actually good advice. You should be part of a nation that you genuinely feel a part of! That’s an essential aspect of being a human being.


I genuinely feel a part of this nation because I am. I don’t have some weird identity crisis. If you have an identity crisis, if you’re feeling excluded, why the fuck are you here? Go find your home! Find your home! Find a place that’s worth defending, where you are, where you can be one with your home.


And if you don’t have a home in this world, you’re like some mixed race abomination I probably shouldn’t say, …


Blair Cottrell: For a lot of people, man, arbitrary or abstract identity, that is their home. And for a lot of people, their home is a mental health diagnosis and a bottle of pills. That’s who they are.




Thomas Sewell: You know, to just wrap up the wog question, I guess, from my end. I think the saddest thing about the whole Medi thing is that he’s an archetype.


And this is what I was saying to one of the guys that, like, Stefanos represented an archetype. He was kind of like the most woggy wog in the scene. Like, in the whole movement. Like he did the full cultural dress. Like he, like, goes to the Greek church. He was like this archetype of the wog that was trying to be really pro-Australia, really pro, you know, everything. Like when I was in prison, he was sending me letters while he was stealing money off me! He was sending me letters about the Anzacs. And he was sending me letters of like:


“Oh, here’s what this like 18 year old went through at the Kokoda trail.”


And he would send me like seven pages of this guy’s campaign, his personal struggles. And that was just awesome. I remember reading that just because I couldn’t get books in and I had only just gotten letters in and I really appreciated that.


And so he had this affinity. He understood like our spirit, our soul and our ancestors, but also held onto his own. And it was this weird kind of hodgepodge of like tying all this sort of Greek nationalism and always try to inject his Greek nationalism into Australian nationalism, which obviously upset a lot of people and I can understand why. And I kind of found that very obvious. It was very obvious what he was doing. He was injecting that into it.


But he represented an archetype and he’s failed that archetype! He’s completely like Drew and Stefanos, they’re being judged by their character. They’re not being judged by the fact that they’re Greek. They’re being judged by their character and they’re not doing good. They’re not doing a good job or the Greeks.


The first treasurer we had for Lads Society was a Greek guy. I won’t say his name, but he was a banker. And he was Greek. But he was like one of those Anglo looking Greeks. Blair’s met him. Blair knows exactly what I’m talking about. Very tall, very sort of like not Nordic, but more Germanic featured. He was like an undiluted Greek. He was like a pure Greek. He was what you would imagine a Greek would look like 2,000 years ago, or 3,000 years ago. He was an actual Greek. And he had a quite a healthy character and everyone, you know, respected him and he was a very intelligent guy. And I didn’t have any issues with him other than the fact that he ran at the first sight of blood! He just, at the first little obstacle we faced, he ran. That was the only problem with him. And that was not a good look for the Greeks in that situation.




But if you are Greek or you’re Italian or you’re whatever, and you can see that there’s a sentiment growing because the people that are reflecting your ethos or your ethnicity in the Australian political scene, it’s probably time to step up and do a better job than the guys that have come before you. Because at the moment it’s not looking good!


And that sentiment is what Medi’s done is his behavior, his character has fueled an anti-wog sentiment within White nationalism where we’re basically reverted back to the eighties. We went through the eighties where people used to bash wogs. We went through Cronulla where we bashed Lebs [Lebanese] and accidentally bashed some Greeks because they looked like Lebs.


And then we kind of came out of Cronulla and in the 2010s, we kind of went down anti-Islam and we made this European alliance, you know, where it’s like:


“Greeks and Italians, let’s all work together.”


And I’m still keen for all that to happen at a European level and at an Australian level.


But again, it’s fucking, … I’m articulating how the how a lot of people within the movement feel. And that’s something that needs to be considered. That when you get involved in nationalism, when you get involved in the movement, you’re not just representing yourself as an individual. Thomas Sewell or Stefan Heraclius. I’m representing Anglos in the movement, dark Anglos, if you want to call that. But I’m representing Anglos. I’m representing my family. I’m representing Sewell. You know, when you hear that name, it means something now in this movement, in this scene in this country. So I’m representing me. I’m representing Sewell and I’m representing Anglos.


And so if your name’s Stefan Heraclius or your name’s, whatever it is, you got a Greek name or an Italian name, you need to realize that you are representing your ethnicity, your tribe, your family, your community in this struggle. Like Tim Lutz is German. He represents the Germans that live here in Australia. And look at his gravitas, look at his character, look at how he holds himself. No one will question Germans when you’ve got guys like Tim Lutz, Lutzer, here in Australia, you know, putting up his hand for the Whiteman here in Australia, no one will question the loyalty.


Joel Davis: No one was ever questioning Germans either because, …


Thomas Sewell: Well, some were.


Joel Davis: No, back in the day. No, back in the day. They had to earn it! They had to earn it! That’s the thing. Everyone has to earn it.


Thomas Sewell: Through their character. And it’s just so disgusting what Medi’s done, because what he’s done is he’s not just betrayed us, but he’s betrayed all the Greeks as well. He’s betraying our Greeks.





Blair Cottrell: It’s so strange that he was, because, …


Thomas Sewell: Now we all go back to the stereotype where we think Greeks are fucking greasy, greasy, fucking slimy jews! There’s a stereotype that they’re gonna fucking try to rip you off. But he was the most Greek in the movement. Name one other Greek in Australian nationalism.


Blair Cottrell: None come to mind.


Thomas Sewell: Exactly! Other than Stefan.


Blair Cottrell: But I’m trying to understand, just to play, it’s not really contrarian, but it’s just to sort of understand the motivation here. It seems like there’s that oriental mercantilism mixed in with genuine nationalism. I do think the guy felt like he was a nationalist, but then he was still operating on the basis of:


“Let those who can be fooled be fooled. Even if it’s my own clan.”


Joel Davis: Yes. That’s the semitic blood.


Blair Cottrell: Yes.


Joel Davis: Coming through him.


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: And they do rip each other off too, the Orientals. Like, it’s just part of their nature. I don’t think they can help it. [chuckling] We just have to be on guard against this thing.


Thomas Sewell: And he ripped off Anglos. He ripped off Anglos because they’re all trustworthy! Because we’re trusting! Because who would have thought? All these guys he ripped off that have messaged me, all their names are like, Aryan Warcry, Anglo Saxon, Aryan Barbell. Like, you know what I mean? Like, they’re all Anglos. All these guys, like, I talk to them, I know their first name, some of them, I know their last names. They’re all Anglos. And they’re all saying to me:


“I had no idea. Like, I just thought he was the middleman. I thought he was just the guy that helps do your errands. Like, helps just like, follow up money and follow up legal stuff. I thought that was his job.”


Like, we’re so trusting. Like, no one, not a single one of these people could comprehend that he was stealing. They didn’t even picture it! They just said:


Like, how I found out about this wasn’t:


“Hey, man. I think maybe he’s stealing from you!”


How I found out about this was:


“Hey, man, I hope you enjoyed your dinner. It was on me the other night.”


And I’m like, what?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. They couldn’t even comprehend that it was that.


But look, I think we’ve almost given enough oxygen to the Medi question. Like, he’s probably watching it and enjoying it, to be honest. [chuckling]


So let’s just move on. How you guys feeling? Are you feeling like you want to raise one more subject? You want to wrap it up? What’s the mood?




Joel Davis: Well, I can keep going, but I think we pretty much covered everything that I planned on covering in the show.


Oh, one thing that I wanted to say was I wanted to comment on this. I’ve had many discussions with people over the past little while where I’ve had to tell them:


“Hey, why the hell aren’t you even. I don’t see you posting anything on Twitter. You have a Twitter account, you’re sitting there scrolling the timeline. How hard is it to add to the cacophony of our clique, our voices, our inclinations?”


It doesn’t actually take that much effort to get into the replies to post a couple of things, post a couple of clips on the timeline or whatever and just get into the group chats and just participate in pushing our talking points and pushing our attitudes in a way that is visible. Because it does have an impact. I’ve seen a lot of people on Right-wing Twitter who were basically like conservatives twelve months ago, 24 months ago, who are now talking about the jews and immigration constantly and have been totally radicalized by just being exposed to our corner of Twitter.


If you’re already on there scrolling around, consuming, participate! It’s not that difficult. There’s so many people who have this consumptive attitude. Tom was talking about it earlier in the show and it’s doesn’t take much, you as an individual being a bit proactive, finding your voice. It might not seem like it has much influence, but it all adds up.


Blair Cottrell: Propagate, boys! Get out there and propagate.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! Everyone has to add to the cacophony. We just want this racist cacophony to just be echoing through every comment section and every aspect of the Internet where we can spread. We want to be there just filling it up with our talking points, filling it up with our sentiments, just putting that signal out so that the other Whites can see it and feel inspired and have their internal racist dialogue which every normal White person has. Have it be reinforced. It needs to be reinforced.


Blair Cottrell: Never forget, we are right, and everyone else is wrong! Everyone who’s not us is wrong! And they need to be told! Because how else are they going to know that they’re wrong?


Joel Davis: Yeah. Well, anyway, hail Hitler.


Thomas Sewell: Hail Hitler.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Hail Hitler. Blood and honor. I think we’ll end the show.


Blair Cottrell: Thanks, guys. Thanks, everyone, for joining us, and we’ll see you next week.


Thanks very much for all the Superchats and the engagement! The comments have been crazy!


Joel Davis: I just also want to mention, sorry. Your engagement is good. The show keeps growing. But I just want to add, there is people who say:


“Oh, Joel, can you upload the show to a podcasting platform?”


There is on Telegram, a channel which It is The Joel and Blair Show archive. I upload mp3s of the show into the archive every week.


So if you want to be able to, like, play it on the go just as an audio file, you can play it through the Telegram app, and you can have it on your headphones or playing through your car or whatever, if you have it on the background at work or something.


So the archive is there so you can play the show as an mp3 file. If you don’t like necessarily watching the replays on Rumble or something.


So, the JoelandBlair show archive, you could find it on Telegram. Just an announcement for those of you that have been messaging me. I don’t want to expand into all, like, 3 [6] million different platforms.


So that’s where you can find it for the pure mp3 file.


But anyway.


Blair Cottrell: Got a couple of last minute donations, Superchats, $10 from familiar name friend to the show, clearly Alt Caperion last minute contribution. Thanks very much, mate. We appreciate it. And Cozy Clips sends $20, says:


“Good show.”


Thanks very much.


Thomas Sewell: Good night.











Rumble Comments


(Comments as of 6/14/2024 = 26)

9 hours ago
Stream on ..?

7 hours ago
Good episode brothers need more conversations like this in public

7 hours ago
If To have white pride, you have to be a racist or gay. I choose racist every time

5 hours ago
Just go on Pirate Bay and look at the top global music downloads- it’s all Pink Floyd and Guns n Roses now – the kids are sick of the scam and they’re waking up

5 hours ago
The kids realise that 20-30 years ago was the glory days and now it’s a shit sandwich

4 hours ago
⠀⣶⣦⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢰⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠈⢿⣿⣿⣿⣗⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣬⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⡃⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢻⣿⣯⣅⣰⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠤⠶⢶⣤⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⠀⠀⠀⣼⣧⡀⠀⠀⠈⠛⣆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⣰⣿⣟⠿⣗⠾⢺⣦⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⣿⡄⠀⢹⣿⣿⠳⡄⣿⣤⠉⡁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⢹⣿⣡⡻⠿⢟⢠⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡧⡀⢠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢇⠁⠰⣄⡀⠙⢸⣽⢁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⡼⣁⣀⣜⣶⣤⡀⠑⠄⠠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣿⣿⣻⡟⠟⣿⣇⠀⠉⡉⢷⢄⡸⠀⠐⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢻⣿⣿⣼⢠⢠⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠘⣶⠧⣫⠉⢀⠀⠠⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣯⠚⣿⣿⣗⠒⠀⠀⠀⢏⣮⡅⠘⠳⣄⠳⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⠆⠀⡀⠈⠹⣶⣤⠀⢉⠄⢂⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢻⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣦⡇⣥⡢⠸⣷⢦⣘⠓⢪⡀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡜⠩⠭⠉⠉⠉⠙⠛⠿⠿⣿⣹⣿⡿⠇⠀⠋⠛⠆⡿⢃⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⢯⣄⡀⠀⢀⢴⠀⠠⠀⠀⠀⢈⣨⣤⢄⣀⠀⠀⣆⠀⠑⢬⡆ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⠂⠀⠟⠋⠍⠋⡌⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡌⠈⢿⣯⣷⡀⣀⣿⣀⠀⠀

8 hours ago
500 viewers let’s go
1 like

9 hours ago

7 hours ago
woo hoo

5 hours ago
did tom some how turn his eyes blue?

5 hours ago
Big nose cope at 1:11

› Show 1 reply
3 hours ago
never had a problem with women my problem was with how I treated them ( was a bit a Casanova) I’ve been on a detox the last few years and ready to find the one to bare me children and treat well for life.

3 hours ago
Who is @TheJoelDavis? Fed or scammer?

3 hours ago
Blair Don’t knock Italian cuisine. Numero Uno. Love wog food..

1 hour ago
Look fwd to catching up on this stream gents. BTW, new Coon drop with rad new 12 min intro;

14 minutes ago
The only reason interest groups like the ADL have worked for the Jews is because no one was paying attention to what they were doing. By the time we noticed, it was too late. It doesn’t work the other way around because the Jews are extremely attentive to our every move. To say we are in a position to pull the wool over their eyes in the same way they did to us is failing to recognize the reality of the situation I’m not necessarily opposed to us at least trying to create Thinktanks, NGOs, and the like – but we also cant afford wasting our time on dead-ends anymore. Attempting to work through this system to reassert our collective autonomy is playing a game that is rigged from the start. The fact that Jews have used it to further their own interests is a feature, not a bug. Our strategic objective of the highest priority is the DESTRUCTION of the system – NOT engaging with it and legitimizing it, thus working in vain. At a certain point, these talking points become counter-revolutionary activity

5 hours ago
fuck you and your so so called ‘superior’ race. delusional shitheads!

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5 hours ago
No fuck you cuck fuck

› Show 1 reply
2 hours ago
Lol I’ve seen you in here a lot, tried to be all cordial at first and now your real “colors” show. Indian cope

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2 hours ago
Yes. I was. but if you’re going to keep denigrating my race, I’m bound to retaliate.

‹ Hide 2 replies
1 hour ago
Wouldn’t be happening if people had stayed in their own countries rather than invading and destroying ours. Your ilk wouldn’t even cross my mind if they weren’t here. They shouldn’t be here. Maybe you should start a Indian zionist movement to bring home your people. We surely don’t want them here. I’m ready for the pogroms to start. Cronulla 2.0
1 hour ago
Lol. pogroms!…We’re a nuclear power.



4 minutes ago
[Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:
Joel, Blair and Tom intro chat.
They discuss recent European Parliament elections where right-wing populist parties did well.
Joel notes younger generations in Europe are more anti-immigration than older ones.
Nigel Farage joining the Reform Party in Britain is mentioned.
Tom talks about the shift towards anti-immigration discourse.
Joel agrees and discusses increased racial and identitarian divisions.
They debate whether European trends are positive.
Blair says it represents basic national self-preservation instincts.
Joel mentions Australian polling revealing generational differences in anti-immigration views
He analyzes why younger Europeans are more against immigration.
Tom discusses liberalism decaying from hedonism to disliked issues.
They consider starting a political party for protections and platform.
Joel talks about challenges with Australia’s two-party system.
He outlines Britain’s situation impacting its landscape.
The discussion turns to grassroots organizing and community building.
Tom discusses former associate Stefan Heraculus who scammed people.


Lon Awfully
1 day ago
I want a God dam. gypsy to be a fucking gypsy lol. don’t mean you can bread with my group lol. maybe not gypsy’s but fuck man. Jews Jews Jews. let’s fucking go o///// GOD BLESS YOU ALL WHITE MAN

1 day ago

1 day ago
Thx 🙏🏻

1 day ago
Heil mein Volk o/ o/ o/

Land of the Fake – Home of the Gay
1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago
please upload this today if you can Joel ✅

1 day ago

1 day ago
germanic domination

1 day ago

So total

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
I want Aussies to be fucking Anglos, I want England to be English, you know and so on

1 day ago
disavowing Nazi’s is a red flag 🚩

1 day ago


Lon Awfully
1 day ago

we as Europe have so much to preserve we don’t need to argue, we need alliances, Federations all kinds of bonding

1 day ago
Medi made it clear fromt he start he didn’t like national socialism.. who’s shocked

Lon Awfully
1 day ago

I think nordics are the puresest/honest trusting

1 day ago

I also have Italian roots as well, and yes agreed.

1 day ago

hail neighbor. the Greeks are great here in Indiana too

1 day ago
fuck your optics’s’ im going in!

Lon Awfully
1 day ago

very cool

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
and we all get along

1 day ago
I’m over 3/4th Bavarian/German. Still have relatives that live there. My uncle and cousin visited them. Hope to go someday. Would want to even without relatives living there. Such a beautiful country.

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
The Greeks and Italians and Irish here in Ohio and Polish are the best of the best

1 day ago

Heil Bruder o/

Land of the Fake – Home of the Gay
1 day ago
It’s an annoying topic, because people conflate strictness with unreasonableness. No, those are separate things. Yes, the White race is superior. Yes, there are diminishing returns on that. Yes, there are different thresholds. What is unreasonable is denying facts.

1 day ago


Huwhite Death
1 day ago
Germanics and Nordics are more targeted than non-Germanic and non-Nordic White

Huwhite Death
1 day ago
Nordics are more naive

Lon Awfully
1 day ago

right and me as Italian want it preserved too, let’s get the niggers fags and Jews out and then worry about etnicity

1 day ago
fucking $imp$

1 day ago
🫳🏻🤚🏻🫳🏻 arrest me zogbots

1 day ago
North Sea people

1 day ago

Just hope they can preserve it over there.

1 day ago
they are more northern small town Greeks that are light skinned and many have blue eyes

Huwhite Death
1 day ago

1 day ago
Cronulla was a wild time

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
we all consider each other white too.

1 day ago

1 day ago
Germanic bros represent o/

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
I feel

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
exactly how

1 day ago

1 day ago
avoid jew ops like 23&me

1 day ago
Remove these fucking clowns from power

1 day ago
the trans ⚧ agenda is a top down operation, an attack on women because they have so much dna 🧬 they plan on creating synthetic human slave’s. they’ll fail but wreak havoc killing billions first

1 day ago

1 day ago
yes it’s incredible what they can get people to believe

Huwhite Death
1 day ago
Southern Europe borders the Mediterranean, Black Sea, which in turn borders West Asia and North Africa. Eastern Europe borders the Caucasus, Central and North Asia. The opposite of south and east is north and west. NorthWestern Europe

1 day ago

I literally was just thinking that lol

1 day ago
Arthur Kemp – March of the Titans <– read it

1 day ago

True. I mean, Jared Taylor was born in Japan and he is a staunch advocate for European people.

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
for now

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
I feel the umbrella of “European” is the answer

Huwhite Death
1 day ago
You are racially European or not, regardless of where on the planet you are or are born

1 day ago
Celtic Germanic

1 day ago
me grandparents were German, hated kikes & warned us about them

Lon Awfully
1 day ago


1 day ago
Almost 80% German/Bavarian with relatives still living in Germany. My uncle and cousin visited them, but I haven’t the chance yet. So beautiful there. Also always wanted to go to the city of Leipzig where Bach lived too. Hope it can stay in tact.

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
there’s white dagos, there’s nigger dagos. I think it’s easy to discern

1 day ago
greek sculptures are racist

1 day ago
same with other major cities

DNA Nationalism
1 day ago

1 day ago
any bloke who has to shave his back is not Aryan and should not be allowed in the org

1 day ago
the state tore down nigger project’s all over the city relocating all the blacks into our neighborhood, built brand new modern furnished house’s for niggers but only niggers without a criminal record leaving all those thug ass niggers in our hood 😡

Huwhite Death
1 day ago

Only of Portuguese descent? Yes. Of some Portuguese descent? Most likely not because Brazil is a ver miscerginated country between yellows and blacks

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
I think all haplo groups and ethnicities should try to stay as they are. match making is the future

DNA Nationalism
1 day ago
you can see the original jews over on the far right with the other middle easterners

Lon Awfully
1 day ago

1 day ago
with a big pit

1 day ago

He won’t name the small hats though but that’s another story for another day.

1 day ago

1 day ago


DNA Nationalism
1 day ago

1 day ago


1 day ago
march of the titan’s is $200 on eBay 👌🏻 & $700

Huwhite Death
1 day ago

and he’s 100% racially European despite being born in a territory he’s a minority.

1 day ago

shhh i’m in ur mind…

1 day ago

why wouldnt they be unless they mixed with indians

1 day ago
Cypriots are Turkish rape babies

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
we’re so far from worrying about this, I feel people know if they’re white lol. it’s the jew we’ve got to worry about

1 day ago
Are Brazilians of Portuguese descent white?

DNA Nationalism
1 day ago
in defence of italians the jews moved to there location on the plot through admixture. jews first came to italy as merchants and then moved to germany to become ashkenazi jews

Land of the Fake – Home of the Gay
1 day ago
I think it’s all circumstantial, and can have a sliding rule, as long as the goal of the sliding is to enhance White genetics more.

1 day ago
Basically it is the mixed race question

1 day ago
twas a better time, me working class neighborhood was 💯% White then 👌🏻

Huwhite Death
1 day ago

No, but the question is bad

1 day ago

distant aryan relatives perhaps

1 day ago
From 1800s-1900s.

1 day ago
Are Iranians white?

1 day ago
*white slavery

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
that’s what Aussies are and should stay

1 day ago
which there was a slave trade from Odessa for decades

1 day ago
Have a couple books about the actual 5 points in NYC and all the different ethnic “gangs.” Pretty interesting.

1 day ago
if any of those fucken levantine people have white traits its because of white slavert

1 day ago
no the Anatolian turks were the offspring of the Russian women and slaves the ottomans kidnapped and trafficked

1 day ago

Lon Awfully
1 day ago

always cool to learn though , thank you

Huwhite Death
1 day ago
People mistake nationality for race. That is why it’s misleading to say “x nationality” is White or not. Racially Europeans are more prevalent in some nationalities than others.

1 day ago
white dough was actually reserved for the royals because it was harder to refine and therefore more exclusive

Lon Awfully
1 day ago

no shit

1 day ago

1 day ago
Venetians are Phoenicians, actual sandniggers

Land of the Fake – Home of the Gay
1 day ago

Wikipedia says “wop” comes from the Spanish word “guapo”

Lon Awfully
1 day ago

right on

Adult White Female – WPW
1 day ago

Agree. Racing is very hard on animals. Secretariat is more the direction I was taking that; coming from behind, the drive to win, the massive unique heart, rather than the race itself. :white_heart: /

1 day ago
i eat pizza 🍕 about once a year

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
I’m like 30% then Irish Welsh Polish French, American mutt

Adult White Female – WPW
1 day ago

imagining a father busting through the door with joy and an arm wrapped around that decanter like a present. RIP

1 day ago
Free pizza day (dominos) at work today and I ate a shit ton, felt like shit afterwards. Blair’s words have given me pause for thought.

1 day ago
Maltese Falcon

1 day ago
wheres the corsicans

1 day ago

Which is odd because they are very White looking. Probably just stemmed from the English treatment of them historically. I dunno though. Just a guess.

1 day ago
Sardinian is very european from my understanding

Adult White Female – WPW
1 day ago

lol. nice.

1 day ago

choke on your haloumi, you have some chutzpah being on here thinking Noone knows who you are

1 day ago
do not mix fabrics

1 day ago
just reminded me of me dad R.I.P. bringing home the Secretariat decanter 👌🏻

1 day ago
jajaja it’s mostly carbs

1 day ago
🚯 No Nigger 🚷 Zone 🚳

1 day ago

So were the Irish.

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
WOP with out papers, from Ellis Island in the early 1990s we were considered niggers by Americans

1 day ago
is the Mediterranean question rly a thing? Greeks n Italians are European Aryans

1 day ago
Even Northern Italians see Southern Italians as not the same.

1 day ago
Italian’s are under attack for a reason

Land of the Fake – Home of the Gay
1 day ago
I thought it was “wop”

1 day ago
it’s from back after the war when the migrants were getting off the boat how our customs categorised where they came from

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
I do however understand and agree with group guidelines, we just make alliances and move forward

1 day ago

1 day ago
Joel making friends everywhere lol

Adult White Female – WPW
1 day ago

anytime hopelessness becomes an issue, whether myself or my IRL friends, I play that Secretariat video – the triple crown compilation. Also remind them that blue eye gene came from ONE DNA strand. It’s a thinker but when they get it, it’s a beautiful thing. :white_heart: /

1 day ago

1 day ago
anti White propaganda has pozd so many

1 day ago

1 day ago
wowee let the wags run things at least women run things with an iron fist

1 day ago
300 exactly lol

1 day ago
i missed another livestream;-( hope this one goes back up 🤞🏻

1 day ago
first brad now medi

1 day ago
Italians can be some of the best of us and worst too. They were the step in the direction that lead Australia off the racial cliff

1 day ago
western oriental grounds is what it stands for

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
I enjoy listening to all 3 of these guys and getting the proper Aussie perspective. I’m Italian by the way, around half. never ever been considered anything but white lol

1 day ago
it comes from gollywog

1 day ago
wog 👨🏿

1 day ago
the Kentucky Derby 🐎 was fun growing up but now it’s all commercialization

1 day ago

never thought there was something such as too awesome, but ur just a show-off… o/

1 day ago
i remember me dad coming home with the winning decanter of Secretariat 🐎 🏆

Land of the Fake – Home of the Gay
1 day ago
Great panel – thank you gents for being exemplary White men for our boys to look up to o/

1 day ago
Greeks are Jews and bat killers

1 day ago
Honour culture demands self punitive action

1 day ago
Cheers from the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Excellent show Gents, becoming my favorite to watch. You Lads come across intelligent, knowledgeable with a positive fervor of our shared situation of Western societies. Hitler’s words about his Mother’s passing is quite deep. Do you know? Heil Hitler. o/

1 day ago
go and shake the little midget down FFs what are you afraid of

1 day ago
Drew Pavlou is obviously a Turk

1 day ago

There was alot of race mixing in Greece during those 300 years of Turkish occupation

1 day ago
Are we talking about Medi here?

1 day ago
we all tried to tell you he was a little rat and a Jew and none of you would listen

(((The tribe)))Aliver
1 day ago
damn hope he gets whats coming to him

1 day ago
Gives a whole new meaning to ‘beware of Greeks bearing gifts’.

(((The tribe)))Aliver
1 day ago
greeks today literally arent the real original greeks

1 day ago
he’s greek. they’re the Mediterranean jews

1 day ago
because lots of people don’t have crypto wallets?

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
we catch em all don’t we.

Lon Awfully
1 day ago

morning/night bruv

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
o/ some dough

1 day ago
gtsy Bruv o/


Lon Awfully
1 day ago
Hail chat o/

1 day ago
you forgot the part where ppl who donated to what they thought was fundraisers for ppl in the community who deposited into his bank account being debanked soon after

1 day ago
whooaa buddy

1 day ago
the merchant of cyprus

1 day ago
weak men virtue signal to try to become someone

1 day ago

nice try rabbi, we all know your account

1 day ago
who is stefanus?

1 day ago

you are a midget Turk, you ain’t got higher perspective to anything

1 day ago

Welcome to a higher standard of perspective

1 day ago
Mednoid menace

Nolzy zone
1 day ago
We respected him

1 day ago

1 day ago
people have said stuff, lots of stuff. we all got shit canned

1 day ago
This is a really good discussion, this is a much higher standard of discourse than i am used to, i usually only hear about Australia from Randbot2020. thanks again guys.

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

you are not white you are a PEDO greek

1 day ago
noice o/^

1 day ago
Allow yourself to fall with the blackpill to see if you have what it takes to rise with the white pill and reclaim your destiny

1 day ago
they’ll either grow out of it or die.. It’s good either way

1 day ago
i can understand when some yng men look around n give up all hope – there’s simply no alternative – but there is a great opportunity to be a bloody hero

1 day ago
“get up you son of a bitch, ‘cause Hitler loves you”

1 day ago
Rock out and grow a mullet dudes \m/

1 day ago
your strongest weapon is your mind

1 day ago

ahoy cunt

Land of the Fake – Home of the Gay
1 day ago
Good morning, folks o/

1 day ago
That was the exact response i was looking for, agree 100% Starfield o/

1 day ago


1 day ago

your nose is just like the merchant of Venice’s

1 day ago
Most people are depressed cause of chemical imbalances anyway. Eat better, work out and get sunlight.

1 day ago
“He who would live must fight. He who doesn’t wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.” ~ Adolf Hitler

Huwhite Death
1 day ago
Sweden is one of the leading countries in the world in Right-Wing White nationalism

1 day ago
o/ Victory to Oz

1 day ago
my nose is just like hitlers only slightly smaller winning

1 day ago
Greetings from Canada, love what im hearing, but i need your help, my friend Sleeves is black pilled, please snap him out of it. cheers lads

Inspire Eterna
1 day ago
theirs is like a hook shape

1 day ago
someone call


1 day ago

1 day ago
ding ding tom hit it

1 day ago
needs to be harder if anything to develop relationships

1 day ago

1 day ago

i reckon

1 day ago

Thats everything you need and more

1 day ago
our ppl should study Carl Jung etc – AION is fantastic

1 day ago

honestly, i had a all-in-on weight gym n treadmill years before that n now i added resistance system – all affordable

1 day ago

Thought covid would have ended gyms

1 day ago
and street shitters

1 day ago
with gym equipment so cheap, i don’t get why ppl still go to the gym

1 day ago
People still go to gyms?

1 day ago

0/ Fed post redacted*

1 day ago
in America they have red and blue circuses

1 day ago
Great show guys as always. Joel will be on with me today at 5pm est. (9 and a half hours from now).

Patton Was Right
1 day ago
:ok_hand: :sunglasses:

1 day ago

you should tip $51k and pay the money back

1 day ago

you’re gonna be nowhere but the village of the damned soon

1 day ago
yep we’re everywehere

1 day ago
don’t give it to stefanos the treasurer tho

1 day ago

1 day ago
we need to be intolerant of pedos

1 day ago
exactly, we’d be colonizing the stars by now

1 day ago
Ο Στέφανος Ερακλέους είναι ένας παιδικός βιολιστής

1 day ago
Balogh is a chad n needs to drop Striker, he’s a bs peddler

1 day ago

yes, most browsers have that addon, i use it

1 day ago
damn, disown child? a lot of ppl agree, sad to think abt though

1 day ago
gotta gas them all…

1 day ago

1 day ago
go to their site, it’s a banner

1 day ago

1 day ago
LITERALLY from One Nation website

1 day ago

is that a real pic orsome AI shit?

1 day ago
One Nation will save us…

1 day ago

1 day ago
Jeet Shaker:

Anon invents the jeetshaker
by in4chan

1 day ago
wasn’t Sweden more homogeneous to begin with, has fallen farther, thus ‘noticing’ more

1 day ago
Im more intolerant than everyone on this discussion! I actually moved to a total majority white area

1 day ago
greetings from the US. Last show someone asked if there were any non-australia shows which were comparable to yours. “war strike” with warren balogh and striker is similar, but not the same. keep up the good work lads!

1 day ago

. exo from dlive homestead 🙏

1 day ago
We need our leaders amd intellectuals to study periods such as Spanish survival during the barbarians and ottomans and Greeks and so forth. Survival tactics are called for not takover, in my layman opinion

1 day ago
Conservatism is the biggest rival of National Socialism. It draws people away from our politics and our solutions.

1 day ago
Taking back the system may not be viable right now

1 day ago
fuck was that ha

1 day ago

1 day ago
these are not good people, folks..

1 day ago
every single time

1 day ago

thats a thing?

1 day ago
get the WATCH ON ODYSEE browser addon – it’ll show a button if a jewtube video is also on Odysee

1 day ago
why are we allowing rock spiders in this chat

1 day ago

you’re not white

1 day ago
lay off the jewtube content blair its corrosive to the mind

1 day ago
Jeet Shaker supremacy o/

1 day ago
My $10 donation didnt show. Guess it was “diverted” to China

1 day ago
i prefer a Burger King crown…

1 day ago
My boss always says im racist…my reply of “And?” doesnt usually get a response

1 day ago
Only work for whites too

1 day ago
Heil o/

1 day ago
jeet shaker (^:

1 day ago
hello lads

1 day ago

Nolzy zone
1 day ago

1 day ago
[Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

1 day ago
Here’s last week’s transcript:

1 day ago
Video keeps buffering for me. Going to switch to rumble to see if it improves.

1 day ago

australian man
1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago
N tower successful!

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

australian man
1 day ago

1 day ago



See Also




Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript



Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version History


Version 5:

Version 4: Mon, Jun 17, 2024 — Transcript fully proofed.

Version 3: Sun, Jun 16, 2024 — 123/144 mins transcript increased quality. Added image.

Version 2: Sat, Jun 15, 2024 — 49/144 mins transcript increased quality. Added image. Added Joel Davis SEE ALSO image and links. Added Odysee link and comments (279).

Version 1: Fri, Jun 14, 2024 — Published post. Transcript quality = 3.5. Includes Rumble comments (26).

This entry was posted in Australia, Blair Cotterell, Deception, Degeneracy, Greeks, Jews - Hostile Elite, Joel Davis, National Socialist Network - Aus, Thomas Sewell, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, Western Civilization, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.