Mark Collett
Patriotic Weekly Review with
Joel Davis
Thu, Apr 27, 2023
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks with Joel Davis, an Australian White nationalist. Topics discussed include:
Patriotic Weekly Review Roundup
Joel Davis Intro
Joel & Blair on Anzac Day and the Voice
On Anzac Day and Indigenous People
Tucker Carlson’s Sacking at Fox News
Replacing Tucker
The Daily Wire
Nerd Culture and the Future of Doctor Who
Do We Need Everything to Burn in Order for Nationalism to Succeed?
The Left’s Takeover of the Media
Tucker Carlson on the Reaction
Anti-Semitism in the UK Labour
What Red Pilled My Brain?
Kicking off Right-Wingers on Twitter
Joel on Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Movie
White Identity Politics
Friendly Jordies Criticized by Joel
Is America Going to Collapse?
About Japan with Some Leftists
Budget Grocery Chain Aldi in the UK
Super Chats
What If It was the Last Meal Before I Die?
The Nationalist A-Team: a Social Club
Published on Thu, Apr 27, 2023
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis
April 27, 2023
Episode 207 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Joel Davis.
Patriotic Weekly Review is a news and entertainment talk show. Opinions, thoughts, and views of guests/hosts do not necessarily represent the opinions, thoughts, and views of all hosts, and their appearance on this channel does not constitute sympathy, agreement, or endorsement of said opinions, thoughts, and views
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Joel Davis
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(2:03:34 mins)
Mark Collett: Hello, everybody, and welcome to Patriotic Weekly Review, episode number 207! And we are here live tonight on Odyssey, DLive and And we’ve got an amazing show planned for you with an amazing guest who I’ll be introducing very, very shortly.
Now, if you want to contribute to this stream, if you want to help us financially, if you want to ensure that Patriotic Alternative has somebody working full-time behind the scenes to pull things together, to put on the events you love and to keep pushing nationalism as hard as we can to ensure as many people hear our message of positivity and hope, please make a donation. You can do so through Odyssey, you can do so through entropy. And any question that you ask attached to a donation or statement, I will read out live on the show myself and Joel will answer those questions in the second hour.
I say this every week, but the thousands of people who watch this show, if you just look at replays, the lowest viewed show that we’ve had on replay is about two and a half thousand views. And that’s just on Odyssey alone. The highest viewed show we have on replay on Odyssey alone, is 13,000 views. Some of these shows across all platforms are getting 25,000 views. If, if, everybody chipped in $3 or $5 and everyone could afford that, that’s price of a large can of Red Bull, or in Joel’s peasanty world, it’s Monster. Can’t believe he’s still drinking that mate. Red Bull for the win, my friend. That money would change everything.
So if you can afford a small donation of just three or $5, it’s greatly appreciated. Now, you can also donate by a crypto. All the crypto links are in the description below. They’re on BitChute. They are on Odyssey, if you’re watching on those platforms.
And finally, if you want to write to me, write to me I’m a bit behind on emails at the moment. I’ve been very, very busy. I will get to them all.
I know I’ve got a couple of people who’ve asked to do CVs. I will get you and I promise I will do your CV for you. Do not worry. If you need any help or you need to donate via other means, or if you want to get involved with Patriotic Alternative, you can email me there or contact through the website which is UK.
Now, I’ve got loads of good things planned. Later this week, I’ve got a video on Diane Abbott. Diane Abbott, as we all know, she questioned a certain group of people. Well, she mildly criticised them. And now the most famous and longest serving black MP in British history is potentially going to be kicked out of the Labour Party after 36 years as a sitting Parliamentarian. All because she made a mild criticism of that certain group of people that you cannot name! That’ll be out on Friday.
I’m also back with David Duke. I’m always with David Duke on Friday at 04:00 pm He calls it the Fabulous Friday. I’m there. I hope you’ll be joining us.
And finally, I’ll be back on Sunday for the Nationalist A-Team with hopefully the usual team, but definitely with at least Sam and the Patriarch. Our young sidekick is away on holiday at the moment, I don’t know when he’s back.
So, saying all that, let us get into this show and we’ve got a great guest for you tonight. And we’ve got to say extra thank you to this fella because he lives in Australia, I think it’s about 05:00 am there.
So I don’t envy him getting up at this time. He’s got a little bit of a cold, but he’s been doing some amazing work recently. He’s been working a lot with Blair Cottrell and we’re a massive fan of Blair on this show. Blair’s a real hero of our people. This guy is an up and comer! He’s on Cozy, he is making waves there. He’s also on Odyssey, I believe. On Telegram. And his takes are always thought provoking.
And I always think in this movement that leading content creators like myself, it’s a duty of ours to give young lads like this guy a leg up, to give him a start, to push him out. Because it’s people like Joel who will be leading this struggle in ten to 15 years time. So, please, without further ado, Joel, how have you been? What have you been up to? What’s been going on your end? And then let’s get into the show.
Joel Davis: Yeah, so, as I said before, the show is still feeling a little frosty from Anzac Day celebrations, which were quite elaborate. And it’s a special day in Australia because Australia Day itself has become kind of attacked so much by the Left that it’s not really celebrated with vigor anymore, unfortunately.
Whereas Anzac Day, because it’s all about remembering the veterans, particularly of the First and Second World War, but just in general, it has more gravitas and it’s harder for the Left to denigrate, it’s harder for, I mean, they still attempt it, but it doesn’t go down anywhere near as well.
And so it’s the most patriotic day in the calendar for Australians. And also a time of great reflection on people who made the ultimate sacrifice to die for our country, or to die for the British Empire, basically, if they fought in either of the World Wars.
And so, yeah, that’s always a special day for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it and I spent it with some good nationalist friends.
But, yeah, also, as you said, Blair and I have been streaming every week, 08:00 pm Australian time on Thursday evenings. It’s early morning on Thursday now here, so we’ll be streaming again tonight. If anyone wants their fix of Australian political news that’s kind of the idea of the show. And I think it’s been pretty successful so far. We’re actually on YouTube now, we started out simultaneously streaming to Blair’s Odyssey and my Cozy, but we created a YouTube channel which still hasn’t been deplatformed and long may it continue.
So you can catch us on YouTube at the Joel and Blair Show YouTube channel.
But, lately there’s a referendum coming up in Australia at the end of this year for what they call The Voice, which is basically inserting this quote, unquote:
“Advisory council to represent Aboriginals into the Australian Constitution.”
But I take the view that it’s somewhat of a Machiavellian move, that the intention with it is to use kind of judicial activism to expand it’s powers, so that it goes beyond being a mere advisory board to actually having constitutional power. Otherwise, why would you put an advisory? There’s no reason for an advisory board to be put into the Constitution in the first place.
And so that’s really going to animate Australian politics this year, as I guess, the whole lead up to the referendum and the fight over the referendum. Because really, it’s a fight over the legitimacy of Australia’s founding and the claims from the Left of Aboriginal sovereignty.
Also, the chief architect of The Voice is Australia’s leading Zionist lobbyist, so he massive supporter of Zionism. Settler colonialism is great when the jews do it, but when my people do it, it’s a big problem, apparently, and we have to basically surrender to Aboriginal sovereignty.
So it’ll be interesting year in Australian politics for that reason, because obviously this is a very kind of existential and racial question that Australians will have to face collectively. So we’ve been talking about that a lot on the show with Blair and we’ll continue to throughout the year.
But, yeah, that’s basically what I’ve been doing lately.
Also, you didn’t mention I’m still on YouTube, by the way, and I also got my Twitter back.
Mark Collett: I didn’t know that you were still on YouTube. Sorry.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I’m still on YouTube and I just got my Twitter back even, so I’m on all the mainstream platforms right now. So long may that last.
And so you can find me there as well. What do you want to talk about first? You had a few subjects.
Mark Collett: Yeah, I was going to comment on the Aboriginal stuff because I do find this very interesting.
Now, obviously, the Aboriginals are indigenous to Australia, but to suggest as in they’re indigenous to the land mass, but Australia as we know it wasn’t in any way created by them. Had White men never set foot on Australian soil and never gone to the landmass, there wouldn’t be an Australia as we know it. These people would likely, I can say this with sort of 99% certainty. They would still be living as they did hundreds or thousands of years ago. And I do find it quite interesting that there is this sort of social move to kind of connect people like the Aborigines with modern Australia and almost give them credit and ownership for it when they didn’t create it.
And that’s sort of in stark contrast with what we have here in Europe, where obviously Europeans, obviously White people, people of European descent, did create so many wonderful things, but are now sort of not credited with that, even though they are obviously indigenous. So every creation, because it’s interesting, every creation civilisational advancement you see in Europe was largely created by European people.
Equally, everything you see in Australia today that you value as Australian, with probably the exception of the didgeridoo, was created by people of European descent. And I just think it’s amazing, this hypocrisy, where there’s this absolutely feverish movement to give Aborigines these rights as indigenous people.
But in Europe, there is the opposite movement. There is the movement to strip indigenous people of their rights.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, it’s particularly interesting for me because it’s like, okay, if there’s indigenous sovereignty, then you have to give okay, well, then at least I have to be able to go back to Britain and have ownership. My people can have ownership of Britain, then, if we’re going to play this game of indigenous peoples have sovereignty. But no, I can’t have that either!
So basically, I’ve got no option. It’s like, I can go back to Britain and face the exact same anti-White policies, basically, that I get in Australia, even worse in many cases. So I really have nowhere to go. Obviously, I support the struggle in Britain just as much as I support it here, but it’s the same thing. There isn’t really an option or an out for me and for my kin.
So it is particularly egregious. And the thing is that we actually built Britain as well. So our claim isn’t just that we just happen to kind of rise out of the soil there, and that what’s we’re native to. It’s like, well, you know, the British people created Britain, and, you know, the British people of today inherited that from their ancestors, and I inherited Australia from my ancestors. There’s a town in Australia called Davis Town, which is literally founded by the first Davises of my paternal line to settle in Australia 200 years ago.
So I have, I think, a far more legitimate claim to ownership of Australia than some Aboriginal person who, frankly, just kind of walked around the bush throwing sticks at shit for the duration of their entire life.
Like, if I go to a National Park and just kind of roam around within it, what claim do I really have to ownership over it? Modern Australia was created by Anglo Saxon institutions and by the Anglo Celtic founding stock and everything that we created here. And, yeah, obviously people understand this argument if they’re watching the show, but it’s just particularly egregious.
Also, during Anzac Day yesterday, there’s this Chinese Member of State Parliament in New South Wales, which is the state that I live in, who penned this Op-Ed about how there was like 50 Chinese guys who were in the Anzac forces in Gallipoli in World War I. And so actually, Anzac Day is this multicultural celebration that Chinese Australians can have equal claim to. And it’s like:
“No, you can’t!”
The Anzacs were very clear that they were fighting for the British Empire and for White Australia.
And all of the kind of soldiers organisations for return services from the First and Second World War were virulent supporters of the White Australia policy. And the kind of rationale for going into the First World War from an Australian perspective was that we wanted to seat at the table in their negotiations in the event of victory. And we did have that.
Our Prime Minister, Billy Hughes, was at the Treaty of Versailles and argued very strongly against the Japanese delegation because the Japanese were allies in World War I who wanted some kind of racial equality cause to be entered into the Constitution of the League of Nations. We pushed hard against that because we thought it would contradict the White Australia policy. And we won that argument even though the Woodrow Wilson was actually quite supportive of the Japanese claim.
The British sided with us because we sided with them. We were part of the Empire. Like, our rationale for being part of the Empire was that we were like a junior part of the Empire. It would not just be in the interests of the British people, but also the Australian people as racial and ethnic kin.
And so that’s the context. You can’t extricate that from Anzac Day. And in the Second World War, we were fighting again another racial struggle for the future of White Australia. We didn’t want Japanese domination of the Asia Pacific region. We wanted to preserve not only the British Empire’s claims, but the other European empires that were in Asia Pacific at the time. And we aligned with the United States for the same strategic purpose. We didn’t want our region dominated by non-White people, frankly.
It was very clear, the statements of our political leadership, our Prime Minister explicitly during World War II, explicitly said this was a struggle for White Australia. It was not like some minor thing. It was front and centre of our politics. And in the propaganda around the war that you can find, or even in the documentation that they handed out to soldiers themselves, they had this extremely racial view of politics during those wars.
So that’s an interesting kind of aspect of the discourse here as well, which is that, like, Australia was founded as a White nationalist country by White nationalists, like, in a very explicit way. And in order to be a conservative in Australia, you kind of have to therefore accept that heritage. And if you stand in rejection of it, you are not a real conservative. You’re kind of rejecting the vision of the founders of the country and repudiating it as racist and evil and so on.
And so that provides a kind of interesting dynamic within Australian politics. There’s a kind of interesting dynamic that’s emerging here around The Voice, because on the one hand, you have the Right wing, which is against The Voice, who say that the problem with The Voice is that it’s racist, it’s dividing Australians by race, and this is contrary to colour-blind, meritocracy and classical liberal principles, or whatever.
And then the Left says, basically we need to pay the rent, Aboriginals need their own representation and so on. Australia got a country for free and now we owe them, we have to pay it back. And Aboriginals need to have their own representative bodies to focus on their own affairs and so on. And that’s the whole spectrum of the discourse.
And hopefully we can kind of leverage this kind of dynamic to present a kind of third interpretation of the discourse which is that this is basically a declaration of war against White Australia and it’s claims, a repudiation of the settlement of the country, a repudiation of the values of the founding and a direct repudiation of my sense that Australia is my birthright.
Hopefully, we can expand the White racial consciousness in Australia this year as the referendum kind of grips the political discourse. And for many young people will probably be the first big issue in their lifetime. A lot of people don’t really care about elections. They can be quite boring. But hopefully this issue politicizes some young people and gets people to think about politics in, …
Mark Collett: You broke up a bit there, mate, but I think we’ve can I still hear you. Give me a sound test.
Joel Davis: Yeah, you can’t hear me.
Mark Collett: Yeah. No, you just broke up slightly. And roboted.
Well, look, I think that’s fascinating. I think there’s also a huge amount of parallels that can be drawn with America there and what America was founded to be, and the original American immigration system, which basically was Anglo Saxon Protestants, essentially, of good standing. So White men of good standing from basically Britain were allowed in, more or less, just waved through, but other people weren’t.
And I think the same is true with Australia. And there’s now a huge denial of this and there has been obviously, a reversal of this.
But let’s get into what we really wanted to talk about tonight, because the big news is obviously what’s happened with Tucker Carlson, and I think this came as a real shock to me. And there’s a few things behind the scenes. Now Tucker Carlson is obviously kind of like, I would say, would you say, the sort of boomer’s choice when it comes to sort of right of centre politics.
But he is very influential. I mean, Tucker Carlson was the host of the most popular news show in the whole of America and it completely dominated the ratings outside of sports and sports news, which is damn impressive! He was dwarfing any show on CNN, any show on MSNBC or any of the other networks. And he was genuinely in a position where, I wouldn’t say he could win a presidential election. I’m not saying he would be sort of a kingmaker in terms of who was going to be president, but he was certainly manoeuvring himself into a position of being kingmaker in terms of the man who could have chosen a Republican presidential candidate.
Then all of a sudden, out of the blue, boom, he’s fired, apparently by Murdoch himself. And there seems to be a lot of different takes across the dissident Right or the Alt-Right or whatever you want to call us on whether the sacking of Tucker Carlson is a good thing, a bad thing, or whether we should even care at all.
Now, I have my own takes, which I’m going to give in a second, but I’m going to throw it to you, Joel. Were you shocked when this happened? I obviously was. And what do you think the outcome of this is going to be? Where do you think Tucker is going to go after this, and what do you think motivated this?
Joel Davis: Yeah, I thought it was a big surprise. I mean, Tucker is, like Tucker is Fox News, and there isn’t an obvious candidate to replace him. If they don’t replace him with someone damn good, this could be the end of Fox News. I don’t mean like it will go out of business, but it could be the end of Fox News in its kind of dominant position over Right-wing political discourse in the United States, because nothing else on the network is anywhere near as interesting as Tucker show. He was really carrying the network. That was a surprise.
I did see a news article that came out recently. I think it was in Time magazine. I shared it. Wendell posted on it Telegram, and I shared it on my Telegram a couple of weeks ago, and it was talking about how the younger Murdochs, not Rupert, but some of these children are massive libtards, basically, and they resent Fox News.
And then as soon as they inherit Fox News, they basically want to just take it in a Leftward direction or destroy it entirely. And it’s almost like, embarrassing to them. They move in these libtard elite circles and it’s kind of embarrassing the Fox News people or whatever.
So that was interesting, basically saying that the capacity for the Right or something as Right-wing as Tucker Carlson, insofar as you could call being in support of gay marriage and Martin Luther King conservatism, Right-wing, even that was too much for them.
So the writing was on the wall. I didn’t think it’d be anywhere near this immediate. And it’s interesting to see the trigger pulled so quickly. Maybe it’s because Tucker Carlson was a DeSantis guy. Tucker Carlson did not like Trump, private leaked, …
Mark Collett: Well, there is a correction! There is a correction there. He was one of the people who was on the Trump train. First of all.
However, post January the 6th, he has done an awful lot to distance himself from Trump.
But in 2016, Tucker was one of the people, along with, I forget her name now, who basically called it and said:
“Trump is going to be the one and if he gets the nomination, he’ll win it.”
He was in that camp originally.
Joel Davis: Yeah, maybe.
And obviously he was brought in to kind of narrate to Trump’s base a particular message that was supposed to appeal to that kind of populist conservatism, the kind of the rebranding of the Republican Party from the pre Trump iteration that was kind of voiced by Bill O’Reilly in that time slot, that kind of neocon Bush era conservatism.
But the private remarks that were leaked say that he basically secretly resented Trump during his whole presidency. And I think ultimately you could say like the election dispute, whatever you want to call it, was the last straw for Tucker. But that resentment had been building for many years.
But anyway, he always gave very good coverage to DeSantis, would have DeSantis on regularly, and has progressively distanced himself from Trump. He can’t go too far for fear of losing the audience entirely because obviously his audience is made up predominantly of Trump supporters.
But I think that was one of the key strategic moves that was planned for raising DeSantis as a challenge to Trump was that he would have Tucker on his side and that Tucker could start turning on Trump and this would actually sway a lot of voters.
But I think the whole momentum is completely shot in the DeSantis campaign. Some people are saying that DeSantis won’t even run, and people are already calling the primary for Trump and so on. His poll numbers have been really good recently and so on.
So perhaps the calculus of keeping Tucker on the network diminishes without DeSantis around. And the view is its more important to just ensure Biden wing Biden wins and perhaps getting rid of Tucker increases that potentiality. Because if Trump was to smoke the nomination, obviously Tucker would have to maintain support of Trump up against DeSantis and so on, because he is tribally Republican.
So yeah, I think that might have something to do with it. In addition to obviously, there was this jewish woman, that was Grossman, I think was her last name, could be wrong about that, who was hired into his background staff and then had a lawsuit against being discriminated against, quote, unquote:
“At work.”
Because apparently the other riders on Tucker’s team were, quote, unquote:
“Anti-semitic and misogynistic.”
Or what have you. So I’m sure that’s creating headaches there and that was kind of given as the reason. But to me, I think if they really wanted to keep Tucker, they could have kind of withstood that lawsuit and kept him going. So there has to be some other motive behind this.
I think it’s obvious that Murdoch is no friend to us. Ultimately, he’s a big supporter of Israel, but ultimately the rest of Fox News has shifted further and further to the Left. It’s almost a centrist, even by the shape of American political discourse. It’s really a centrist network with all the other programming. I think this could be really the end of Fox. I think Daily Wire will benefit from this. Some people have speculated that Tucker could go to Daily Wire, but I’m not sure if that’s the case.
But nevertheless, I think they’ll rise. Their programming is just better quality than anything on Fox. Tucker was the only thing really competing with the likes of Walsh and Shapiro and the Blaze, these kinds of kind of boutique conservative networks that have arisen in the kind of new media environment I think they’ll continue to grow.
And I think that’s the future of conservative cable news editorial type programming. And I think, yeah, it’s over for Fox.
And Tucker, without that slot on Fox, I don’t see him being very successful either, to be honest. A lot of people say:
“Oh, Tucker, he’s our guy, but he was adjusting his message to appease the people on Fox News and keep his job. But actually he’s more based.”
I disagree. If you listen to him on any podcast where he’s outside of his show format, he comes across as incredibly cucked, to be honest. There was recent remarks where he was counter signalling White Identity Politics with very lame talking points.
Also, he has expressed support for gay marriage and other things. He doesn’t really come across to me as a particularly Right-wing individual, and someone with a particularly serious attitude either. And I think his writing staff were the ones that actually made all the great segments that ever happened on his show, where he kind of dog whistled certain things. Particularly that ADL segment when he called out their double standard on Israel with immigration relative to the United States. That type of thing, I think, is the product of his writing team, not of his own intellect.
And so without that writing team, I expect him to become somewhat cringe, and I just don’t see him without the kind of prestige of being the big cable news show on Fox. I don’t see him being as successful as I said, people like Matt Walsh on Daily Wire, or when he’s kind of having to compete with them on an even playing field.
We saw Bill O’Reilly go from having one of the most popular cable news shows in all of the United States to being a literal nobody now. He’s still making a show every week, by the way, but no one watches it. I’m not saying it’ll be that bad for Tucker, but I don’t think it’s going to be that great for him either.
So I think basically Carlson and Fox both lose out of this, but maybe the Murdochs who aren’t particularly Right-wing or particularly concerned with the success of Trump or the success of the Republican Party insofar as it has this kind of populist agenda anyway, maybe it suits them and that’s why it’s happened.
Mark Collett: Well, I found the Tucker thing really interesting because obviously networks are businesses. These networks aren’t there to lose money and they’re not there to get to the top and then stack their most popular presenters and tank their shows. So I find it very funny that he’s gone. But I am looking at this through several different perspectives.
Firstly, there is rumours that a new female jewish producer was hired and that she has put in a serious complaint against him for anti-semitism. That is something that’s doing the rounds.
But I also think he was getting an awful lot of power. He was getting to the point where, as I said, he wasn’t the guy who could say everyone vote this way and the nation would have voted with Tucker, but he was getting to the point where he could choose who would be the Republican Party nominee for a presidential election.
So I think that’s a lot of power. And I think people will be getting nervous about the way he was wielding his power. I also think, now there’s a lot of people who don’t like him. And I want to start by saying there’s a lot of people who have said fundamentally Tucker is a bad guy. He’s counter-signalled White Identity Politics, which he did.
He said that he would never engage with anybody or vote for a group or help a group that said they were going to stand up for Whites or for the interests of Whites, which is obviously something that’s concerning. It’s obviously something that means he’s not on our side. It obviously means that he would be the kind of person that if America, because he doesn’t knowledge the demographic trends and that was one of the interesting things he said. He came round and said basically:
“America is going to become a country where Whites are no longer the majority.”
And he said when that happens and as we move towards that position, we will basically see more and more parties and more and more individuals in politics emerge who are going to say:
“Hey White man, we are here to listen to you, White man, we are here to represent you.”
And he said:
“If anyone comes to me and says that:
“I’m going to tell them to F off!”
And he did actually use the full F word, he didn’t say “F off”, he’s quite crude about it, quite forceful, so he’s obviously not on our level.
But he did say things that got people thinking. And I’m kind of wondering now whether he came out with all of this stuff recently because he knew he was going to get sacked and he was trying to stave it off or try to prove to Murdoch or whoever influences Murdoch that actually he’s not going down this White national street. But he said plenty of things that’s woken people up. And I’ve seen a lot of people saying:
“Look, this is a good thing, or who cares? Or Tucker’s not our friend, so it doesn’t matter that he sacked.”
I actually don’t think that, because I look at that slot and I don’t see him as an ally, but I do see him as somebody that got people thinking a little bit outside the mainstream. In the same way that Nigel Farage in the UK got people thinking a little bit outside the mainstream. The same that GB News in the UK gets people thinking a little bit outside the mainstream.
Now, these people don’t take people all the way to White ethno-nationalism or White in-group preference, but they might get them on that path. And my big worry is that every time they get rid of somebody like Tucker, who do they replace them with? Somebody worse. Out goes Tucker and in comes someone like Ben Shapiro out goes Tucker and in comes another Sean Hannity, out goes Tucker, and you get somebody who is just absolute mainstream Republican, absolute RINO [Republican in Name Only]. That’s what you’re going to end up with.
And that is something that doesn’t sit well with me, because in some circumstances it definitely is better the devil you know. And I think with somebody like Tucker, although he wasn’t our best friend, I certainly don’t think he was an out and out enemy of us.
And ultimately there were plenty of normal people who watched his show, enjoyed his show, and were undoubtedly, I believe, brought closer to our way of thinking through that. What’s your take on that?
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, there’s one take which is that this could destroy Fox News. And Fox News being destroyed is overall strategically good because then people will have to get off the Fox News plantation and look to other forms of conservative media which are a little bit more hardline and just getting the Boomers basically to adapt to the new media environment which is more conducive to finding gateways to our type of talking points and so on. So that’s one way to look at it.
But it depends who he’s replaced with. If he’s replaced with someone who’s just terrible and no one cares about their show, then that would be the outcome. And I think it would be good because it would just move all the attention off Fox.
But if they replace him with someone who’s competent and capable of holding together most of his audience, like Ben Shapiro would be someone like that, then I think that would be bad. Obviously, I think Ben Shapiro would be worse to be tuning into five nights a week than Tucker Carlson. But I don’t know if that’s actually realistic because Shapiro has his own company, which is very successful. He would have to leave that behind. I don’t see that being his choice. So I don’t know. It really kind of depends who they replace him with for me.
But I think talking about Tucker, I think what Tucker was, was Trump got elected, then they put him into that slot, and his job was really taking that populist energy and narrating it into a way that ends up I think creating a new system compatible face for the Republican Party that kind of adapts to that kind of populist insurgency and recuperates that energy and restabilizes Republican discourse.
And that’s a very dangerous figure because you had this kind of sense with the Trump uprising in 2016 of a kind of civil war on the American right, between this between the old guard and this new kind of style, this new approach. And now, after all of these years, figures like Carlson and Trump, now they set the new normal for the party, which is largely adapted. And we have this kind of what the Republican Party in the United States stands for now, which doesn’t really emphasise the free market thing as much as it used to, and has a more kind of populist economic approach. And maybe less of a hawkish foreign policy approach, which you could say these are good things, but has made absolutely zero progress on identity issues. And has made absolutely zero progress, or has gone backwards even on, let’s say, like sexual and gender politics issues.
It’s gotten to the point now where we’re totally fine with gay marriage and we support gays against groomers. And the real problem is when people are doing transgender surgeries under the age of 18:
“When you turn 18, you want to chop your dick off. That’s your right as an American. But we can’t have 17 year olds doing that it’s too young!”
And so it wasn’t even like that if you go back prior to the Trump era. So to me, there’s just no real resistance on the things that really matter.
And all of the kind of development of populism is all in these safer areas like economic and foreign policy, which they’re important, but ultimately they’re only important if a future for White families is actually secured. So to me, I think Tucker is dangerous in that sense because he can kind of retain this semblance of a populist nationalist style without any of the substance. So for him to get struck down maybe is a good thing. I’m seeing with a lot of the other conservative influences that they are feeling the pressure from the more radical elements of the American right and making smaller concessions to White Identity and that they have more of a kind of backbone when it comes to the whole LGBT agenda and so on and so maybe it’s better for them to rise and for Tucker to fall. Tucker is in many ways a very progressive figure in those areas and always loved having his base black guys coming on the show to talk about how Martin Luther King was so great and that was what his vision was, and the Leftist portrayed his vision. That was his mantra.
So, yeah, to me, I think a lot of the Tucker felating is the wrong strategic move, but that’s my take.
Mark Collett: Yeah, I can see where you’re coming from, and I can certainly see that fundamentally places like Fox News are not places for us. They’re places that are used more as gatekeepers than gateways. But I did see Tucker as slightly an exception to that rule.
I am interested to see where he goes from here, though, because the logical thing for Tucker to do is to set up Tucker Carlson News or, where if he starts, and I came up with that, I demand a cut! Where he just gives his hot takes every night and it’s basically like his own version of YouTube where he monetises it, and he becomes almost sort of a more mainstream and safer Alex Jones with his own little media empire. May he join the daily wire? Is there a chance that Shapiro or somebody would reach out to him and pull him in? Because he would be a huge name for an existing network. Where do you think he’s going to go next? And then we’ll move on to a bit of Doctor Who.
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, I don’t think that The Blaze could afford him. So Daily Wire is probably the only other conservative outlet that could actually afford him. They were willing to put over $50 million down for Stephen Crowder. I remember when all that kind of blew up at the end of last year, the so-called controversy around that.
So if they’re willing to put that kind of money down for Crowder, I can imagine they would have some really serious money they could put down to secure Tucker. And I saw Matt Walsh praising Tucker on Twitter recently as well. So that could be interesting if he goes there because Daily Wire would really, I think, overtake Fox and become like the number one conservative outlet in the US. If that was to happen. Definitely, because they have a massive presence on Facebook, the boomer Conservatives.
Yet the algorithm just pumps so many Shapiro and Candace Owens and Matt Walsh videos at them. And they’re very successful in their social media presence. They’re very dynamic just in general in how they approach the business, and they get all the support in the world that you could imagine on YouTube. So that could be interesting. He could either go there or he could start his own company and create his own version of Daily Wire or The Blaze, and then he could depends on how ambitious he is.
So I guess it’s probably one of those two outcomes that I foresee. If he created his own network. That could be interesting if he kind of brought a lot of his production staff over and maybe he would then platform some more radical voices and maybe that would be a good thing. Maybe, I don’t know, he could start platforming like people like Pedro Gonzalez or Scott Greer even at the most extreme, these kinds of people. Not that I endorse everything that they say, but they support our identity talking points in a more explicit way. So I could see maybe that type of thing happening potentially, but who knows?
But I think it’s one of those two outcomes.
Mark Collett: I think it’s certainly going to be interesting.
And one thing I don’t think is a coincidence. This is all happening now, before the 2024 presidential run. I think this is being done for a reason.
Anyway, let’s move on. Now, Joel, I spoke to you earlier and said we might talk a little bit about Doctor Who. You didn’t even know who Dr. Who was or is, which was something I was quite shocked about, but you are a little bit younger than me. Doctor Who is basically sort of a Sci-Fi character that nerds here in the UK absolutely love. He’s a travelling what’s known as a Time Lord and a Time Lord travels through time, sort of writing injustices and fighting against evil.
And over the last few years, Dr. Who has been, for the first time ever recast as a woman. But now we are seeing Doctor Who for the first time ever cast as a black man.
Now, that might not be something that’s particularly outrageous, but when you look at the first publicity shots that are being used to promote the new Doctor Who, you can see them on the screen now. And I’m pretty sure I think I might be able to. Yeah, I can. Let’s make that a little bit bigger so that nobody misses it. These are the publicity shots for the new series of Doctor Who. And the Doctor is this basically looks a bit like Shaft, doesn’t he? The Doctor Who meets Shaft. And here he is with his White blonde hair, blue eyed assistant that he’s draping his arm around, or she’s draping her arm around him.
And this makes me sort of think back to my childhood. Because when I watched Doctor Who as a child, Doctor Who was sort of this nerdy character. He had an assistant, he was a White man. I remember going to the video shop and renting all the old Doctor Who’s. I really liked them. And you see what it’s become. And I look at this and people might say, well, look, Mark, this is old news. They’re doing this time and time again with sort of every character, every franchise, every form of media. Now you’ve got the black Spider Man, black Captain America, black Female Iron Man, and here it is, just with another franchise. Why does this bother you?”
Well, I’m not going to get my knickers too much in a twist for this. But I think it is indicative of something, and that is that nothing is going to be left alone. No stone is going to be unturned, no franchise, no fandom, no nerd fuel out there is going to remain free of the liberal, progressive, anti-White agenda.
And I’ve got to say that I’ve seen a move from young White men, from being outgoing, young, sort of plucky guys who go out, have a drink, meet friends, meet women, to being very much home dwelling, screen watching, basically consumers of things they like.
And I think that’s because a lot of young White men today, they do feel fundamentally that they don’t actually have any form of outlet in the real world.
And I think that depresses them. I think that’s a depressing thing.
So I think you’ve got these young guys who look at the world and they’re not at home in the club, they’re not at home in the pub, they don’t want to go out and sit in the park. Everywhere they go, they see the world changing for the worst.
So what do they do? They cocoon themselves in their rooms, surrounded by the things they like. So more and more you’ve got these guys who they’re into comic books, so they go home, they get their comic books, they draw the curtains, they put on some music that they like and they read their comic books.
You’ve got guys who like movies, they go home, draw the curtains, order the takeaway, and they watch their movies. You’ve got guys like me who like gaming, we go home, we draw the curtains, grab the Red Bull and bang on the video games.
And it’s the same with people who like Warhammer, it’s the same with people who like TV series, Dungeons and Dragons, whatever it is.
Guys are more and more today withdrawing from the modern world, cocooning themselves with the things they love, and trying to sort of trap the horrors of the real world outside away from them. They’re cocooning themselves.
But I think what you’re seeing more and more is a concerted effort by the system to really get into whatever young guys like.
So if you like computer games, it’s in those. If you like comic books, sure as hell it’s in there. And even if you just like Doctor Who, even if you like the nerdiest of all nerd fuel, it’s there as well!
Do you get this feeling that now there’s nowhere to run, there’s nowhere to hide? Even if you’re in your own home cocooning yourself away from the madness and the anti-White agenda, there just isn’t any escaping it, no matter what you do?
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, basically my favourite hobby is being racist on social media. So that’s what I can COO myself in, control the curtains and order takeaway for. [chuckling]
Mark Collett: But what’s your favourite takeaway?
Joel Davis: My favourite takeaway? It’s hard to say. I get bored of getting the same thing. I get in moods.
Mark Collett: If I was to put a gun to your head and say, now you can have one takeaway before I pull the trigger. What would it be, in Minecraft?
Joel Davis: Probably just like a good burger. Not from like a chain, but from one of those boutique burger places.
Mark Collett: You’re like the Australian Richard Spencer? [chuckling]
Joel Davis: [chuckling] Not much of a fan of the mushrooms. The caramelised onions sound pretty good, but I’m not a huge fan of the mushrooms. Or the Swiss cheese seems a little bit off.
Mark Collett: You ever been to Five Guys?
Joel Davis: Yeah, I think Five Guys is overrated.
Mark Collett: Get this guy off the show! [chuckling] Five guys is amazing. Well, go back to answering the question. You sit there on the Internet cocooned with your edgy comments, with your boutique burger on your knee.
Joel Davis: Yeah, when it comes to the whole anti-White agenda, I mean, I have heard of Doctor Who. I was aware that there was a show called Doctor Who. It just seemed kind of lame, so I’ve never watched it. But yeah, all the ZOG schlop on Netflix and so on is just egregious. I don’t watch any of it. My television isn’t plugged in. I don’t watch any of these streaming platforms.
Sometimes I’ll load a movie or something or like an old TV show. Like, I’ve been kind of like watching The Sopranos again recently. But I don’t really like 99.9% of what’s possible to consume, so I just don’t watch all that much. I don’t game that much because I just haven’t been bothered to game because of so much commitment to other things. And I hate not being good at something. So in order to play a specific video game, I’d have to suck at first and I just can’t handle losing, so I just avoid the whole thing.
But, yeah, the whole capacity to consume media just isn’t there anymore like it used to be. When I was growing up, there was a lot of seemingly great movies coming out all the time. The culture was dynamic and interesting with music and otherwise. And yeah, obviously it’s kind of like a black hole now. There’s just nothing creative being done and obviously it’s this social agenda just being rammed down your throat constantly in addition to that.
So there is really no escape. I think that’s good because then maybe young White guys will, like me, have to get their kicks from being racist on social media. And that’s really the revolutionary subculture. That’s where all the funny memes are. That’s where the dynamism, the youthful rebellion, the kind of creative critique of the system and so on, that’s where it is. It’s the dissident Right online.
So the degradation of mainstream culture, I think, only strengthens the allure of our dissident subculture. So long may continue. I want them to turn everyone into race. Like every single show should be race mixing and feminist and just infinite trannies! Just make it as terrible as possible so that people can’t better watch it anymore, I say.
Mark Collett: That’s a really interesting point. And that does lead on to an interesting conversation. Do we need everything to burn in order for people to actually seek a new refuge? Does everything have to be torn to the ground? Do they have to defile everything we’ve loved, everything we’ve known, to actually wake people up?
Because I’ll say this and without being negative and without sort of being a Debbie Downer, we all want to see nationalism succeed. We all want to see more people turn to our cause.
But you look at the situation we’re facing in terms of record numbers of migrants, increasing anti-free speech laws, increasing numbers of social policies that Rob us of basic freedoms. Like here in the UK, you’ve got these 15 minute cities or the ultra low emission zones that basically ban you from driving a car. They’re moving towards electric only cars by 2030. I never thought we’d see the day where the petrol car would basically be outlawed, but we’re headed there.
Does everything have to be taken away? Because we’re seeing more and more taken away every day. And there’s always this thing from nationalists that the more that gets taken away, the more likely people are to snap and to pursue a revolutionary agenda, or a revolutionary solution to their problems.
But I look at what we’re facing, Joel, and it’s not as if the public are beating down our doors. So say France. France is one of the few places where things have gone very well for nationalists, the ballot box. But even there, they can’t really break through and make the wins necessary. Do you think that by taking away more stuff and forcing this poison on people, it won’t actually have the desired effect? It’ll just leave more people depressed, despairing and broken?
And in fact, the effect of this isn’t necessarily to force people to look for a solution, but it actually just breaks people’s will and leaves them utterly crushed. And they feel that there’s no reason to fight.
As I say, I’m not saying that’s how I feel, but I do think you get to a point where you take so much from someone that maybe you take enough for them to feel that there’s nothing worth fighting for. When does the depression and the feeling of being crushed get so overwhelming that you just think:
“I’m going to lie back and die rather than fighting?”
Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, undoubtedly that’s a dynamic, and obviously that’s part of it, that’s part of the motivation. They want to brainwash you or demoralize you with all of this. But it’s at the cost of the actual entertainment quality of the product.
So I think the propaganda of the enemy, if it was good, if it was actually good quality, it would be so much more threatening to me. But because it’s so bad quality, and because it’s kind of like they’ve created this Frankenstein monster of a purity spiral within their circle that’s just kind of consuming itself and just destroying the quality of the product. I get a certain sense that this is a good thing because we saw recently that Super Mario movie came out. I haven’t seen it, but I didn’t have any kind of younger member of my family to go and watch the movie with. Otherwise I would have. It felt a little cringe going as an adult, the Super Mario movie. So I didn’t.
But it got really good reviews, basically because and smashed box office records because it wasn’t pozzed. This is the Japanese company, obviously Nintendo, and they weren’t interested in pushing this wack social agenda. And so as a result of this, they just made a normal movie like what would have come out in the 2000s and everyone loved it.
And so it’s very easy, I guess, for a movie, …
Mark Collett: Just to cut in there mate. To date it has made $888,000,000. It looks like it’s on track to break a billion! And you are correct that the Hollywood script writers for the Super Mario Brothers movie apparently had a whole raft of changes and tweaks to Mario’s character and to the Princess and other characters that were going to be pushing social agendas. And Nintendo came in and said:
“That’s not what we’re having. This is a Mario film for the family.”
That you could have shown to 80s kids. And they’d love it. That’s how that came about.
But you’re right. It is absolutely smashing it! Whereas all the modern pozzed Marvel films are flopping.
Joel Davis: And so it makes an environment where if we create good culture and that carries with it as any good piece, particularly when it comes to a film, would have to carry with it something which was amenable to our worldview and in conflict with the current social agenda that’s being kind of imposed upon us. That it’s going to stand out and be so much more effective. So that creates a cultural opportunity for a kind of dissident vanguard to really grip the new generation and provide them with the only edifying alternative.
So obviously, we have to rise to that challenge and figure out how to kind of respond to that as a broad subculture to go from being a mere subculture to a fully fledged counterculture. But that opportunity, I think, is there to engage in cultural struggle. I don’t like accelerationist takes when it comes to politics because this whole idea of like:
“Well, if the political system gets worse, that’ll be better for us.”
Somehow I think that’s wrong. I think it just makes things worse.
But I think in the cultural sphere, it does create, I think, a capacity to fill a niche. Because when young people are in that phase of life, whether moving from your late teens to your early 20s, you’re looking to kind of differentiate yourself from the dominant culture, that’s just the culture of your parents, the culture of your upbringing, because you’re trying to assert your own individuality. And this is kind of natural for that phase of life.
And so these kids, there’s a significant portion of them that are rebelling against the social agenda that we are against and are looking for that kind of capacity to individuate themselves. And if we can provide that, we already have to a large significant portion of Zoomer nationalists that are now emerging. And radical TikToks with Funk Edits or whatever, getting millions of views and so on as a result. And it’s kind of maybe weird and strange to older people, the kind of forms that it’s taking. But nevertheless, it is there. It is a presence in the culture that when I was in my late teens, there wasn’t this dissident far-Right subculture that was directly available to me like it is now to the coming generation.
And I think that’s a positive thing.
And if you look at a country like Poland, where the Internet isn’t censored like it is in the English speaking world, the Zoomers there are either going like full far-Left or they’re becoming our guys. Like the Confedarachi [sp] Party in Poland, which has got open anti-semites in the party, dominated by ethno-nationalists, hardcore TradCath, social values and so on, they poll at over 40% with people under the age of 29 in Poland, even though they only poll with like less than 5% of the Boomers. That is the future of Polish politics is us versus them without anything in between.
And I think if our Internet wasn’t censored like it was after the initial wave of the alt-Right, we’d be kind of a lot closer to that in the Anglo-sphere. Back in Australia, back in 2016, 2017, Blair Cottrell videos were getting millions of views on Facebook. Imagine if that had continued until now, like how Australian politics would be in comparison to what happened?
And so obviously that’s a huge challenge that we have to face and circumnavigate. But I do think if we can figure out a way around censorship, the counterculture expressing our views is inevitable. We are the only real answer, only real alternative to what’s being presented. And I think that authenticity, like great art, is driven by authenticity.
And I think therefore, because we are really the only stance socially, morally and so on, that has any authenticity left, that would then express itself in the arts, organically. And I hope that we see that increasingly in the coming decade.
Mark Collett: One thing I will say about this takeover of the media. I’ll say this quickly because we’ve got to do Superchats in a second. We’re still an hour left. There’s plenty of time to Superchat. Get your questions in, please. And please do consider making a donation, even if it’s only a small one. Please consider doing that.
I will say this, what we’ve seen with this media, especially with when you said the pushing of the trannies, one thing that does disturb me about this is you’re seeing a rise in these popular YouTubers who aim their content at children, in them pushing transgender stuff upon kids.
I don’t know if you’ve seen, but there’s been a lot of controversy lately with a YouTuber called Mr. Beast who makes sort of unboxing videos and basically videos that appeal to children. And he is now performing alongside a transgender male to female.
And I look at all of this and I do see what you’re saying, that if every piece of media is defiled, ultimately, where do people have left to go? But for a lot of people, and this is my final question before we go to the Superchat. For a lot of people who are coming up, who are young, they will just be so immersed in this. Surely their immersion in this will lead to them just not knowing the difference. And if they don’t know the difference, won’t they just feel all that’s just the norm, and will just be these strange outliers that are pushing back against what essentially is the structure of society?
Joel Davis: Yeah, well, obviously that’s the case. But dialectically, I think that this is a polarizing thing. What’s being pushed is so insane and so egregious that I think it really kind of forces a critique. It implies a critique of itself. That’s kind of how that’s kind of how the human mind works. The human mind works by thinking in oppositions.
And you see this with the Left itself, like the Left where the Left opposes the centre right. It projects this idea that they’re all Nazis. Trump’s a Nazi. Tucker Carlson is a Nazi. The entire Republican Party apparently are these White nationalists, White supremacists, if only, right? But this is what they say because that’s the obvious enemy that’s kind of Illuminating and defining their worldview in opposition to it.
And so the kind of extremeness of the Left kind of brings us naturally into a conversation with it. Like their existence implies our existence. And if we don’t exist, their whole worldview can’t really exist because it’s kind of built upon it’s opposition to the old world, which was ruled by our ideas.
As I said, I’m not an accelerationist politically. I think things are just going to keep getting worse and that’s bad. But from a cultural standpoint, I do think that the necessity of an extreme right or using the word extreme is people don’t like that. A radical Right, a far-Right, whatever you want to use it is kind of implied if you want to oppose this.
And I think that message will only kind of strengthen in its validity and in its intensity. Like in the 90s the impression that I had was that with the whole prosperity, the stability, if you’re trying to push a radical Right-wing message in the context of the 90s, the 2000s, it’s going to be very difficult because there’s a sense that people have a lot to lose. And there’s a sense that maybe if we can just get Conservatives in, maybe we can stabilize things. Or even more so, who cares about politics? Politics doesn’t really affect me. I’m focused on my personal life.
But now that everything has become so politicised, there’s no escape from politics. And now that everything has become so extreme, you either have to go along with it or you have to radically oppose it. There’s not really any middle ground that’s feasible that makes any sense.
So I think in this environment, it’s just kind of very culturally amenable to radicalism from both sides, but our side as well. And I think a lot of these younger kids who become alienated, particularly young boys who become alienated by how every girl is, is a slut now and is encouraged to be so through the kind of pornographication, for lack of a better term of young people’s experience online, and people who grow up as a minority in their own high school and who face racial discrimination as Whites in a very kind of direct and personal way.
And people who grew up with atheist parents surrounded by people who don’t believe in God and this kind of default atheism who seek to question that and explore religion and so on. I think it’s created, as I said, this subcultural energy that draws people to ideas that are on our side. If not this, what would the alternative be? It must be them. I have to explore that to differentiate myself from conformity.
As I said, it would have to take the form of a countercultural force. Most people are attracted to conformity. Most people will go along with the dominant culture. Things are going to keep getting worse.
But I think if the Left were capable of still making as good music and as good movies as they were 20 years ago, it would be a lot harder to defeat them.
Mark Collett: That’s a very good take. And look, I’m only human, and I sort of do sort of swish between different thought processes. At one time I look at things and I think:
“Oh, my gosh, I do desperately want to preserve what little we’ve got. I want to preserve what we’ve got and remember the good times. I don’t want He-Man and transformers and all the things that I held dear to be destroyed.”
I tell you, the other night I sat with my daughter, and usually we read books before bed, but occasionally she gets a bit whingy. And I’ve been showing her the 1980s He-Man, and she was like:
“Daddy, please, can we watch He-Man?”
I was like:
“All right, the book’s not going down well. You’re bouncing about it too much.”
And she sat and she watched a He-Man, and she likes it, and she likes the female characters, especially.
And sometimes I do feel a genuine sadness that all of those things we held dear that were innocent and masculine and positive and yeah, they were trying to sell toys, but it wasn’t evil, it wasn’t bad, it wasn’t twisted, it wasn’t nefarious. And I feel a genuine sadness that those things are being taken away from us, and it makes me want to grasp on and trying to preserve what’s there.
But sometimes I just completely snap and think:
“They’re defiling everything, let them burn it all to the ground and let’s rebuild it again.”
And I am only human and I do flip between those two emotions, depending how I feel. So I wasn’t trying to say these things to sort of entrap you in any way or get you to say something, because I do flip between the two.
Sometimes I want to hold on and preserve what little we have left, and other times I think:
“Well, knock it all to the ground. It’s time to rebuild.”
When there’s nothing left and people are out in the cold, that’s when we’ll have to huddle together as a race, and that’s when it will go back to survival of the fittest. And I see that with the media as well.
So I think there’s validity to both arguments. And depending on the day of the week and my mood, I sometimes feel different ways about it.
Anyway, here are the Superchats. Some Random Bloke gave $3 thank you so much! Said:
“The best of Tucker Carlson is when he read out the ADL’s response to a one state solution that sounded like a well written piece from a White nationalist and they removed it from their website after.”
Yeah, Tucker’s done some good things. You can’t deny that, can you, Joel? He has done some good things.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I did mention that when I spoke about him before that one segment. Obviously that was the best thing that Tucker ever did.
But again, I chalked that one up to his writing staff, who I think are more based than he is. I don’t think he would ever generate that out of his own volition independently.
Didn’t you want to talk about the Diane Abbott thing or are we just skipping that?
Mark Collett: I’m going to skip that. I’m making a whole video on that that I’ve been working on today. And we’re into the second hour now. If anyone asks a question, we can talk about it. But I am sort of one and a half thousand words deep into a script that I’m recording tomorrow.
So I don’t want to waste my, I don’t want to say what I’m going to say on the video tonight and then it all be ruined and they’ll watch my video on Friday.
Joel Davis: Fair enough to me. I didn’t really look into it that much, but it was a pretty basic thing. Like my 30 second take would just be that she didn’t really actually say anything that I saw that seemed like it was that anti-semitic. She was just saying:
“Oh, jews haven’t suffered like black people have.”
And then jews got upset. [chuckling]
So it’s kind of funny, but it’s just so crazy. That’s how sensitive that they are, that no one can suffer more than them!
Mark Collett: What you’re trying to say, Joel, in a nutshell, is there’s a group of people so incredibly powerful that you pass the most mild opinion on them, saying that maybe they haven’t suffered as much as another group and that’s enough for somebody’s entire life to be ruined, which ably demonstrates their power level!
Joel Davis: Yeah, for sure. And this whole discourse like the Labour Party under [Jeremy] Corbyn was anti-semitic. No, it wasn’t. I mean, it would be cool if it was, but no, it was anti-Israel.
Mark Collett: It’d be cool if it was, [chuckling] but it certainly wasn’t. Well, wait for my hot take on Friday. Serena JB, our lovely friend, gave £5 thank you so much! And said:
“Joel is a great guest and a credit to Australia. How did he get into dissident politics? Was there anything in particular that red pilled him? Joel and Blair’s show is a great watch, too.”
What red pilled you, big guy?
Joel Davis: Yeah, thanks, Serena, for the question. I’ve seen her on Twitter going hard, and it’s like, if Serena this nice old lady, she does more for the White race on Twitter than most of you lazy bastards out there watching this show. Like, if she can do it, what excuse do you have? She’s out there ratioing people, shilling White Identity hard, doesn’t cuck on anything. It’s like, basically a nice old grandma lady is, like, contributing more, as I said, than 99% of the movement.
So that’s [chuckling] good on her, but it’s damning for a lot of you that should be stepping up and doing better.
But as for what red pilled me? I got red pilled by the initial wave of the Alt-Right 2014, 2015 online. At the time, I was about 19, 20 years old, and I went through a little bit of, like, a libertarian phase of sorts, and that led me down a pipeline because I found myself in arguments with people about gun rights.
And one of the big gotchas in that argument would be talking about how in the United States, the different gun laws in the different states have no correlation to the different gun crime rates. But there’s a perfect correlation between basically how many black people is in a specific state and how much gun crime occurs.
And so that was like an initial kind of race realism pill that I needed to win libertarian arguments. And at that time, there was a lot of this libertarian to Alt-Right pipeline thing going on.
Arguments like, well, if you want to live in a free, classical liberal society, you need a bunch of Anglo Saxons who will vote for that to live in your society. Otherwise, you bring in brown people and they’ll vote for communism and so on. These kinds of arguments that started, like, drawing me into our persuasion and then exposed me to all the other arguments and ideas, and that kind of completed my conversion.
And what drew me into participation was I had a roommate whose YouTube was called True Deal Tom. His name was Dylan Thomas. He was a YouTuber, like a kind of dissident, right? YouTuber. We kind of became personal friends and we started hanging out and I started talking about my hot takes on this and that and so on. And he found that inspirational, I guess, in a certain sense, for some of his content. Like, he started reading books I was suggesting and so on.
And he suggested that we start doing podcasts together. We started podcasting on his channel. That was the first kind of content that I ever made. And then not long after that, he decided to kind of quit the whole scene and delete his channel and so on. But that kind of gave me the, … I got bit with the podcasting bug, if you will, the content creation bug.
And so that kind of drew me into kind of doing it. So then I made my own YouTube channel and engaging a lot more with social media and the scene and so on, and that kind of led me to here.
Mark Collett: And here you are, my friend. Anglo and Behold gave £10 thank you so much! And said:
“Juice Waffen, standing back and standing by.”
Thank you so much, Aunt Sally gave £3. Thank you so much, Aunt Sally, and said:
“Thank you, Mark. Joel is another great guest.”
Thank you, my dear.
Paul of the Marsh gave $25. Thank you for your generosity and said:
“Thank you both for your relentless hard work for our cause.”
Thank you, my friend. Redline gave $5. Thank you so much! And said:
“The sacking of Tucker came very abruptly. Why do you think that is?”
Well, I think we’ve discussed that to death, my friend. But I think it was basically due to the upcoming elections, and I think there’s going to be a lot of changes at Fox News and I think the mainstream media are going to clean house, as is social media, long before that presidential election.
And I just want to ask you this, Joe. You said you’re back on Twitter. A lot of people are. I was back on Twitter and back off again. But don’t you think it’s worrying that we’re actually starting to see an acceleration again of people being kicked off?
There’s been a whole slew of pretty big and a lot smaller as well. Content creators kicked off off Twitter over the past few weeks, including Kevin MacDonald and Andrew Anglin. And people like myself, Nick Fuentes we’re off again. And National Justice Party. The Nordic Resistance, Patriotic Alternative. There are a huge amount of people who either weren’t allowed back on or who were allowed on, but then were promptly kicked off. Do you think Twitter is going back to the way it was?
Joel Davis: Well, what I’ve noticed ever since Musk took over at Twitter is that there’s not much logic to who gets banned and who’s allowed on the platform. It seems as though there are different elements in the moderation staff that have different biases, different views, and they’re not all compatible. There doesn’t seem to be a uniform company policy.
However, there does seem to be one uniform company policy, which is that if you are institutionally, directly affiliated with a relatively large and well known nationalist organisation, then they kick you off and make you stay off. Which is obviously what happened to you guys. What happened to the National Justice Party. And so on.
Fuentes got his account back very briefly and was kicked back off again. I think with him personally, he’s just so high profile that they just copped so much heat for bringing him back that they just refused to withstand it, basically.
So I think that explains the situation with him. With Anglin and MacDonald, particularly with MacDonald I think he should appeal the ban. He might get lucky and get brought back on a lot of people have got banned and then were able to respawn, I think, because or they were reinstated, and I think it’s because their accounts were just kind of inundated with reports. Maybe team of Antifa just kind of mass reported their accounts and the sheer quantity of reports triggered the trigger being pulled, if you will, and perhaps on review, they might get lucky if it was just over, like maybe they had a loose tweet that was mass reported or something. So we’ll see what happens with those two.
But I think overall, Twitter is much more lax in its moderation. I think you can get away with saying a lot more than you used to be able to. A lot of people have been reinstated, like myself and others who have been banned for many years.
So overall, I think the situation is better and I don’t really perceive anything to have changed that much. I think we’ll continue to see this where people get banned and reinstated and it’s kind of haphazard.
But I’m pretty happy with the fact that I’m able to go into Twitter and I’m able to kind of spread a pretty uncucked message and get away with it for now, with the blue tick and everything.
So I don’t want to criticise Twitter too much because they’re giving me that opportunity. But obviously I disagree with removing any of our guys from the platform.
But, yeah, I think ultimately I’m still kind of I think I’m like 70% positive about the Musk regime. I think it’s overall a net positive. And yeah, I think if you’re not institutionally, directly affiliated with a nationalist organisation, and that’s probably due to government element, government pressure or some organised NGO pressure, that people like yourself are kind of kicked off.
I think you should definitely keep trying to make new accounts, appeal your bands constantly. You might eventually luck out and get back on, because there are elements within the Twitter moderation team that are reinstating our guys. So we must have friendly elements in the organisation. Maybe they’re like free speech absolutist types or maybe they’re actually, politically, sympathetic.
But, yeah, it’s worth, I think, doing your 100% utmost to maintain as much of a presence on the platform as possible because the reach is so important. And we’re having a lot of success, I think, in spreading our ideas and our influence to more centre Right, sympathetic, conservative types.
And it seems like there’s kind of still this radicalisation engine which is operating, dragging a lot of those people to the Right. And I’ve seen, like, Marga Boomers posting about Israel and the jewish question and so on in ways that I never would have seen online three or four years ago.
So, yeah, I think it’s become a very productive platform, I think, for our cause.
Mark Collett: Okay. Slightly different take to mine. I think it’s turning back into the same dump it was before! Tony G gave $3. Thank you so much!:
“Good day, Mark and Joel. Has Joel watched Priscilla, Queen of the Desert? Has he seen Chopper and Bad Boy Bobby? I bet I can guess. The only movie pushed was Queen was Queer of the Desert.”
Have you seen those films?
Joel Davis: Only the Chopper film. I never watched the Priscilla one. My impression of it was that it had a transvestite in it. So I never watched it for that reason.
Mark Collett: Yeah, I’ve never watched Priscilla Queer. I haven’t seen any of those films. But apparently that Bad Boy Bubby, when you actually read sort of what the film’s about, it sounds like one of the most degenerate things I’ve ever heard of in my life! So I’m not even sure I could watch that.
Max Anderson gave £5. Thank you so much! And he said:
“It is the darkest before the dawn and we are seeing more people getting red pilled. Could this result in us waking up one morning and the system crashing? Or will we see the system fall by the death of a thousand cuts?”
I don’t want to be negative. I don’t want to be negative. But I have always said I don’t believe in the idea of a great collapse, or a race war or some great cataclysmic conflict. I do believe it will be a death of 1000 cuts. I think it will be slow, it will be painful and people will be waiting for this big sort of calamitous ending which won’t come. And I’ve said that about the death of our race. I said it in my book. I said:
“Britain’s end won’t come about in some glorious final battle like at the end of a Lord of a Rings film.”
It’ll come about slowly. It’ll come about house by house, door by door, street by street, town by town, city by city, where slowly everything changes. Like a dark shroud falling over Britain. It won’t happen with the hordes of Sauron coming out of the gate and some glorious leader on horseback saying to his men:
“This is the final charge.”
And at the end one remains standing and the other falls. I don’t think it will happen like that.
And I think that is the sad reality of what we’re seeing. I think that’s a sad reality of demographic change, that it doesn’t result in the kind of conditions that lead to this giant one off collapse which happens boom overnight. It is something that is gradual and eats away at a nation. And I think that’s why it’s so much harder to combat than something that’s immediate and calamitous.
What’s your take on that, Joel?
Joel Davis: Yeah, I agree with what you said and I think it’s a long road to fixing this. And, yeah, I’m not particularly optimistic about the short to medium term politically whatsoever, but I am optimistic about growing the sympathy for our cause in the general population and progressively building a cadre and building more sophisticated organisations and institutions and cultural expression and so on.
And that White Identity Politics will continue to make progress, and particularly as Whites, God forbid, become minorities in more and more countries, White Identity Politics only becomes more necessary. People say have this view that like:
“Oh, we have to win while we still control the demographics, otherwise it’s over and we’re going to have to become civ-nationalists to win elections.”
Or something. To me, this is the entirely wrong attitude.
I mean, the identity politics of all these minority groups is working quite well for them. So identity politics only becomes more necessary when you become a minority. And jews are a very small percentage of our populations and they have incredible power and success.
Black identity politics is very successful even though they’re quite small minorities in all of our countries and so on. And I know that their situation is different than ours. Ours will have to take on a completely different form. But the point is that minority racial power could still be a very effective political force. And it’s an existential requirement that we form White Identity Politics one way or another at some point. So I see it as inevitable. And it’s just about accelerating it’s mainstreaming, accelerating the pathway to racial consciousness in our people so that we get there with as much people and resources relatively and absolutely speaking as possible. That’s really the mission that I see.
Mark Collett: I will say one thing that I have found more and more interesting is looking towards the South African example of Orania, the breakaway Dutch Afrikan state, which is growing rapidly, has a good birth rate and is completely White and it’s like a mini ethno-state. And I find it very interesting that they have all the success that they have. They have clean running water, they have hospitals, they have electricity. They’ve managed to achieve all of that in Orania. And the rest of South Africa is collapsing.
And I do wonder whether in parts of Western Europe or definitely in America, you will sooner or later see, rather than this calamitous battle, or rather than Whites taking the power back via electoral means or mass protest or however they could take power back, you see increasing numbers decide to form breakaway communities which will have differing degrees of success.
And I think that’s an interesting path to discuss.
Red Line gave $10. Thank you so much!:
“Great show. I agree with Joel. Politics is everywhere, so everything will polarise.”
That is very true. VM gave $3. Thank you so much! And said:
“Really enjoying the show. Really enjoying Joel and Blair, one stop shop for Aussie politics. What are Joel’s thoughts on Friendly Jordies?”
Joel Davis: Friendly Jordies is this kind of centre Left Australian YouTuber who basically is a shill for the Australian Labour Party, but has this kind of simulated parochialism where he kind of presents himself as this typical Aussie bloke talking about how great the Labour Party is. And there was a time when the Labour Party was saying that increasing immigration would actually be bad for the Australian worker when it was in the lead up to the last election. Because during Covid immigration basically stopped because we closed the borders for two years.
And so there was a debate last year about how much immigration we should bring back, and Labour ran on bringing it back at far lower levels than it was prior to the pandemic.
And since getting elected mid last year, they’ve doubled it and then some from what it was prior to the last pandemic to historic highs in Australian history, obliterating all records for immigration.
And this is producing a housing crisis, this is depressing wages, it’s creating all these terrible economic consequences without even mentioning, obviously, the kind of racial and cultural consequences.
And somehow all of those arguments that he was previously making in support of that labour campaign about why you should vote for Labour because they care about the workers. Unlike Liberals, they don’t want to flood the country with migrants to press wages just to benefit big business because they’re a party for the working class. He’s just forgotten all of that and just hasn’t mentioned it since. And is trying to explain the housing crisis not by the basic logic of supply and demand. You only have a certain amount of houses, you bring in more people, they have to live somewhere. Therefore the cost of housing goes up and there’s a shortage because there’s a shortage of supply.
That basic logic seems to he just can’t perceive it anymore, even though I know that he understands the basic logic because he has to perform this Labour Party shill role.
So I find him to be particularly annoying and just a cringe person in general. I think his wife is this Asian woman. And he had like, this one podcast where he was talking about how his favourite politician in Australian history is Jack Lang. And Jack Lang was the premier of New South Wales in the late 1920s, early 1930s, and he was incredibly based. Jack Lang said, and I quote:
“The White Australia policy is Australia’s Magna Carta.”
Jack Lang was compared to, he’s kind of like a populist nationalist leader compared to the fascist political style by some. And the Sydney Harbour Bridge was built by Jack Lang because the State of New South Wales owed jewish bankers from the City of London all of this money during the height of the Great Depression. And Jack Lang said:
“I refuse to pay you these debts because we’re undergoing a depression. The people of New South Wales can’t confer debts owed to these random banking oligarchs that we don’t care about.”
Got into this political dispute, which he resolved by going to the State Treasury himself, withdrawing all the money owed in cash and then spending it to build the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
So actually, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, in a way, is a giant fuck you to Shylock! [chuckling].
But anyway, Friendly Jordies talks about how much he loves Jack Lang, but there’s absolutely nothing about his politics which resembles Jack Lang in any meaningful sense, unfortunately.
So I really detest the guy. Hopefully one day I can debate him or something and embarrass him. That would be really enjoyable. But I assume that he would want to avoid that interaction.
So I don’t think it will ever happen, unfortunately. But maybe when I get a little bit more prominence, I will challenge him and see if I can force that scenario.
Mark Collett: Okay. D Salon Seven long term time donator. Thank you so much! He gave $10. He said after Tucker’s recent anti-White outburst, I’m all out of sympathy for him, but he was never actually pro-White. He merely pretended to be in order to drive viewership. He had a good few ideas over the years, but not worth defending. I think that’s generally the consensus from the wider community.”
Olivia gave $14. Thank you so much, my dear. And she said:
“Thank you, Mark and Joel. New authentication system on entropy, that is beyond me.”
Well, thank you for coming over here. And, yeah, I thought we’d have some problems with the entropy donations tonight because I had problems just logging in myself. So great news there. Thanks. Entropy! Dissonant Thoughts gave $5. Thank you very much. Mark Collett, great guest tonight. Would be great if you could get Southern Dingo on sometime.”
Well, he’s a bit hot to handle this old dingo, but I would consider it. Scaredy Cat gave $3. Thank you so much! He said:
“Hi, Mark. Bangladesh, Muslim country of 150,000,000 people in the subcontinent, just announced paying Russia in Chinese yen for four nuclear power plants. So guessing more Bangladeshis will go to Asian country China for university studies and professions, since Bangladesh government will want foreign currency, reducing UK border pressure.”
Well, that is very interesting, and it’s also very interesting to see how the rest of the world now are doing these deals and are basically working with each other without the interference of America.
I read a great article the other day on a site called Unherd about the future bankruptcy of America and how America has positioned itself in such a position and bullied people for so long that now fewer and fewer countries are in a position where they can or will be bullied because they’re all just working with each other and ignoring America.
Do you think that that is going to be something that will lead to change? Because for me, and I’ve said this before, I don’t think we can ever see lasting, serious political change the world over with America still as top dog on a global scale. What do you think, Joel? Would that be one of the things that, if America was deposed as the leading world superpower, could that be something that triggers the kind of changes that we wish to see in our lifetimes? Because often there’s a domino effect.
Joel Davis: Well, number one, I don’t agree with the assessment that America’s collapse is inevitable. I think what’s happening is a return to a Cold War type arrangement where the kind of Eurasian land mass, with the exception of Europe itself, is unified into a kind of China centric geopolitical bloc. And the US will continue to dominate the rest of the world with the exception maybe of Africa. And there’d be maybe some disputes in Latin America, but this would be roughly approximating the geopolitical arrangement of the Cold War. Only America has more of Europe this time in its orbit.
The island nations of Asia seem to be broadly aligned with the US, over China. And yeah, India has the strategic incentive to be aligned with the US over China. And a lot of these other states will have the incentive to kind of play both sides off each other.
I don’t think this is something that it will completely destroy American power. America has so many strong fundamentals. It’s in an incredible position still economically, with comparison to the rest of the world. It has incredible natural resources, incredible agricultural land, a lot of legacy prestige, and there isn’t really another candidate in the Western world that can come close to rivaling it’s state capacity.
So as a result of all of this, I see maybe America accepting more autonomy from the likes of the French, the Japanese and so on, where they become kind of more comparatively powerful in the alliance and therefore worthy of more respect within the Western kind of bloc as such, where it becomes more kind of Democratised, more of a kind of negotiation between the leading powers. But I don’t see it collapsing.
I think a lot of these calls are kind of cope from people who oppose American geopolitical power, who kind of see what they want to see and ignore what suits them to ignore.
But as for would America’s decline be good for the world and our goals? I think there’s another problem with this narrative, which is that there are native elites in all Western countries who are very organically loyal in themselves to this kind of globalist neoliberal project across all of Europe and in Australia and so on. And declining American power, I don’t think is a magic bullet to solving this whatsoever.
I think if America was to like, if our guys, for argument’s sake, were to somehow gain political power in the United States, I do think that would have positive effects, because then we would get support for changing the political status quo in our countries from our allies in the United States.
But yeah, I think otherwise it’s very difficult. The difficulties of building domestic opposition to the kind of status quo would remain identical to what they are now, even with a declining American presence. It isn’t as though the Americans are directly in control of Australian domestic politics, or directly in control of French domestic politics or British domestic politics. I think people have this kind of narrative that they are, which I think it’s just a misunderstanding of how the domestic political kind of approach is in all of these different countries.
It is true that there are kind of international networks of jewish interest, groups of international kind of financier elites and so on, that coordinate across the countries of the West to support kind of joint initiatives and build consensus. But a lot of the time, I think it’s more that the domestic kind of liberal cosmopolitan elites in Europe and Australia, they try to out Left-wing the United States to kind of prove how committed they are to the liberal international order and gain prestige in these international forums which they all enthusiastically participate in.
So if you had a decline in America, I think the EU would remain just as pozzed, and whatever kind of form the Western bloc would take, everyone would still be trying to out libtard each other.
So, yeah, I think there’s too much scapegoating, I think, to a certain extent of the Americans. I think maybe if you’re in Germany, Italy, I could understand that sensibility a bit more because they were literally occupied by the United States at one point, and kind of had this kind of politics foisted on them by that process.
But yeah, I think, as I said, I think people undersell how much domestic support there is for these policies, and therefore how everyone basically has the same responsibility to kind of build resistance to the anti-White agenda across the West and just kind of wishing death to America is not really a solution.
Mark Collett: Well, I slightly disagree with that. [chuckling] I think that America is sort of the fountain of basically the anti-White agenda. And I believe that the more power America has accrued and the more control it’s had over the world, the more anti-Whiteism we’ve seen. And I think until America’s grasp is broken, and until America is put into a position where it has to concentrate on its own failings rather than pushing anti-Whiteism. I think we’ve got a big problem.
And if there was a realigning of global power, I do think that could lead to an interesting situation. And I personally think that America, post the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of communism, has shifted in its policy. And it’s shifted in its policy because it has no genuine counterbalance. When it had a counterbalance, it couldn’t put as much energy into the anti-Whiteism without a counterbalance it has done that.
Act One, Two, Three said:
“Do we have a directory of our artists?”
We do. We have the Patriotic Arts Community and the White Art Collective. Stan Juan said:
“Joel, spot on. There is a growing undercurrent and dissident counterculture amongst many youngsters driven by alt media circles. I’m actually rather hopeful for our youngsters. Great guests. Great show.”
Thank you so much!
The Resident Baker gave $5. Thank you very much. He said:
“Great guests and great show. Here’s this week’s contribution to the Red Bull fund.”
Thank you so much, my friend. Winter Phoenix Forest Kieran gave $5. Thank you so much! She said:
“Hope you enjoyed the Sakura pictures I sent you.”
Thank you so much! And she said:
“My first hanami was beautiful and life changing. Have you ever been to Japan, Mark? Or you, Joel?”
No, I haven’t, but I would like to go. What about you, Joel? Have you ever been to Japan?
Joel Davis: No, I haven’t been to Japan, but the subject of Japan, I think, illustrates my previous points. I mean, Japan is part of the American led world order, but has proven far more resistant to a lot of the same forces that beset the rest of the West, which I think indicates that if you have sufficient domestic resistance to a lot of these policies, ultimately, the Americans don’t have the power to just totally foist the entire political order upon you, even though they would like to, and they do have a negative influence.
I’ve never been to Japan, actually. I have been to Tokyo Airport on my way to Europe, but it doesn’t really count!
Mark Collett: No, but you have set foot on Japanese soil, which is more than I’ve done. I would like to go. Eugene Greenbeard said:
“Have any of you watched Scorsese film Silence that was made in 2016. It’s his most blatantly Catholic keynote. It’s really inspiring stuff. Just a historically accurate drama about a couple of Europeans struggling for faith in a torturous foreign environment. It’s about Jesuits, though, so that might be a detriment.”
I haven’t seen that. I’m obviously a massive, … And thank you for the $5. I’m a massive fan of Scorsese, but that isn’t one of the films that I’ve seen of his. Have you seen it, Joel?
Joel Davis: No, I haven’t, but it sounds interesting.
Mark Collett: Okay. Flying Dutchman gave $25.
Thank you so much, my friend. And he said:
“Good work.”
Kerry Boo gave £5. Thank you very much. And said:
“Sydney Harbour Bridge is anti-semitic!”
Thank you so much! And Charlie Boy gave £5 and said:
“Great show tonight. Thanks, lads.”
We still have more Superchats. $1 from Cat Hugger. It’s great to see you again, Cat Hugger. And she said:
“Seeing Joel hard respecting Serena has motivated me to go mog some Leftists. Thank you, brother. Thank you so much!
24 Hours gave $5 thank you so much! And said:
“Great show and great guests, too. Thank you very much.”
Well, thank you to you, my friend. And Scaredy Cat gave $3. Thank you so much! And said:
“Hi, Joel. For the first time, I walked into a grocery shop, Aldi, a German chain I’ve seen in USA’s New York, Maryland and Pennsylvania. I was pleasantly surprised by low price and high quality, e.g., $1.59 for chocolate versus $3.39 for a Hershey bar in other stores, tell your friends to buy household goods at Aldi’s.”
We have Aldi here in the UK and I actually do quite like it. It’s a budget chain, but it’s actually pretty good. They have some good deals, they have plenty of good stuff, which is outside of the, … They sort of make their own brands and their brands are pretty good. And they have taken a huge chunk of business from the big main brand superstores like Tesco and Sainsbury.
So when you’re walking around so much so that when you’re walking around Tesco now, you’ll see stickers everywhere saying, Aldi price Match. Because they’re absolutely terrified. They’re absolutely terrified that Aldi are taking all the business. And obviously with the sort of cost of living crisis and the fact that things are going through the roof when it comes to price, the main supermarkets are terrified of budget change. Have you heard of Aldi, Joel? Do you have that in the down under?
Joel Davis: Yeah, we have Aldi in Australia as well. I don’t particularly like it. I think their knockoff brands for a lot of products are quite bad. I would never do my main shop there. I don’t think their vegetables are as good quality or their meats are as good quality, either as the main supermarket here, which is Woolworths.
Mark Collett: Woolworths?
Joel Davis: Yeah.
Mark Collett: That’s amazing. We used to have a department store in the UK called Woolworths, which was like a household name. It was so popular here in the 80s. And as an 80s kid you grew up and everyone knew Woolworths. You could get your clothes there, we could get everything there. But they also had this massive stand of what was called “picker mix sweets” and they were famous for Woolworths picker mix. And then Woolworths just died out. That was it. It was gone. It went bankrupt and went pop.
So I don’t know whether that’s the same Woolworths that we had.
Joel Davis: Don’t think so. It doesn’t sound like it. Woolworths is like a supermarket. It’s like the equivalent of Sainsbury’s or Tesco.
Mark Collett: That is a bit different to the one we had. With it being the same name, I didn’t know if it was related because there were several stores in the UK in my era. One of them was Woolworths, one of them was BHS, which stood for British Home Stores. And these were big department stores where people used to regularly used to go. They were well loved, they were household names, almost British institutions, and all of them are gone now.
And since over the last few years, we’ve seen Morgo with the likes of Mother Care, which again, was a British institution, and I actually find it pretty sad to see all these companies go under. And for us to lose these High Street names because it pushed us more down the road of just everyone ordering stuff from the supermarket or from Amazon. And the High Street, which was once a place where you could go out, you’d meet people, you’d have a day out, a Saturday out, shopping, all of that’s going.
Joel Davis: Yeah. I always say one good thing about Aldi is in the alcohol section, they do have some good deals. Usually you can only buy in Australia, you either buy like, a 24 pack of beer, or a six pack. But at Aldi they have these twelve packs, which is often, like, just like the kind of right amount for an evening. So I do appreciate that because the six pack is usually, …
Mark Collett: You drink twelve beers to yourself in an evening?
Joel Davis: I mean, sometimes. I don’t drink twelve beers every day!
Mark Collett: No, but sometimes you have, … And of these beers, how much is in one of these beers?
Joel Davis: Like 330 ml.
Mark Collett: Like a can of Coke’s worth?
Joel Davis: Yeah. But usually, … In England, do you have a lot more of, like, the big cans?
Mark Collett: Yeah. When you were saying twelve beers, I was like, wow, that’s the big cans in England are almost a pint of beer in a can. So I was going to say, if you’re drinking twelve pints a night, that’s a substantial amount of beer.
Joel Davis: That’s what’s good about in England, you get like the big four pack and that’s like the equivalent of, say, almost eight of these smaller ones, but six isn’t quite enough!
But then you don’t want to buy a 24!
And also the six packs are like, wildly overpriced, like they’re almost half the price of a 24 pack.
Mark Collett: Couldn’t you buy like, a 24 pack and just put the extra ones in the fridge? Or you’re one of those people that’s just impulsive and once you’ve got the 24, they have to be drunk on the spot.
Joel Davis: [chuckling] No, you can, but.
Mark Collett: What kind of madman putting this beer in the fridge for a week!
Joel Davis: No, I mean, I have done that! It’s not like I don’t do this, but I just like the twelve pack. I think it’s a nice convenient amount.
Mark Collett: Okay. We’ve got an amazing Superchat here from Cheesy. WhatsApp, for £100. Thank you so much! And he said:
“Great show!”
Well, thank you so much for your generosity, my friend. That means an incredible amount! And I’ve said this before to all these people who send generous Superchats. If you’re ever in my area, I’ll happily take you out for dinner.
And if you contact me, I will send you a signed copy of my book. So thank you so much, my friend.
We have gone off on a lot of tangents tonight. I find Joel, like, a really curious guy. And I don’t mean that in a bad way, but you are a curious chap. I just imagine you sat at home grumbling without any media to watch because you don’t like anything with your gourmet burger and like 24 beers!
Joel Davis: [chuckling] I’m not exclusively a gourmet burger guy. I do like McDonald’s, I am normal. But you said it was like my last meal before I die. So I was going to go for the gourmet option.
Mark Collett: You know what I’d go for? If it was the last meal before I died and I was eating out, it would be the all you can eat steak restaurant. That would be it. But if it was at home, …
Joel Davis: You kind of got to order that delivery, though. You ought to eat it fresh! Like, as soon as it, …
Mark Collett: Of course you can’t order it delivery. They carve it at your table. I can’t order 24 waiters with 30 cuts of steak to tramp through my house and cut it at my kitchen table. That would be even absurd by Nero standards.
If I was just eating at home. It would obviously be like a Chinese or an Indian. And I’d go for a Chinese because I like the variety. I like having a good sort of three or four dishes, some starters, a selection tray. That would be my happy place with a few computer games, a Red Bull, but no beer for me. I’m not really a beer guy. I tend to find it leaves me bloated and feeling a bit rough.
And also, now I’m past the age of 40, if I have more than sort of one drink, you can guarantee I have to go to the toilet four times through the night and I get no sleep. How old are you, Joel?
Joel Davis: I’m 28.
Mark Collett: 28, mate! You’ve got a good twelve years of scratching your head and wondering what I’m thinking about. Then on your 40th birthday, you’ll be like:
“God, that madman Collett, he was right. I’ve been up to the toilet four times in the night after having a few beers.”
Life comes at me.
Joel Davis: That doesn’t sound very good. [chuckling]
Mark Collett: [chuckling] As you get older, everything gets a lot worse. Everything gets a lot worse. And I’ll tell you this. Things that you took for granted when you were a younger man, you can no longer take for granted. They sort of catch you up.
Now, I don’t really drink alcohol, but they do catch you up.
And one thing that I noticed was when I was a young man about your age, I’d go out for a run or I’d do an exercise and you’d sort of tweak your calf muscle. You’d have a bit of a pull on your thigh or something and you’d literally run it off and the next morning you’d wake up and go don’t even know that happened. Now in my forties. You go for a run and you pull a muscle in your calf and you sort of sideline for a month or so and you do notice great changes in your body, and I’m not preaching to you.
But one thing I will say is that over time I did phase drink out of my life because it was having a really negative effect upon my life. And the Woodlander says he’s ancient, but if he has a barrel of rum every night and sleeps well yeah, I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s just old man Mark who can’t hold his beer!
But I don’t know, I used to really drink when I used to drink I used to drink sort of gin and tonics. I used to have a good time sort of buying different gins, making them with different selections of fruit and things like that and that was quite nice. And that never really had that effect on me. It’s just beer has always left me bloated.
Joel Davis: So you don’t drink at all? You never drink ever?
Mark Collett: Not really. I sort of gave it up because it just had such a negative effect on my body.
Joel Davis: I don’t know how you do that in England because when I was in England, I was like what is there really to do here other than go to the pub? It seems like the only real activity in the whole country.
Mark Collett: No, look, it sounds odd, and it sounds a bit sort of like insular but as I’ve grown up I found that a good night out would cost me the next day with being hungover.
And as I got older I was just like, I can’t mortgage a day of my life every time I want to go out on the beer. So I gave it up. I gave that up. It wasn’t something I wanted to do any further and I moved forward.
And now I’ve got a family and I’ve essentially got a wife and child. I know I’m not legally married to her but she’s effectively my wife, and I’ve got a child. Things like a Sunday, I can’t wake up sort of hanging at sort of 10:00 in the morning and not be there. I love doing stuff with my family, I love having days out.
I cherish moments like Sunday morning mowing the lawn with my daughter or planting vegetables in our little vegetable garden and going out for a walk. When it’s tadpole season, I always take her up to the fields and we go to the ponds and she sees the tadpoles developing. And just little things like that that mean a lot to me.
And I like to get a lot done, and I’m not preaching, but I just found alcohol was extremely expensive, and was actually holding me back from some of the dearer things in life. Because it sort of started acting as a blockade, and it stopped being something fun, and it started being something that was millstone round my neck. And also something you’ll find in later life that you do end up with a massive belly if you’re drinking a lot. And that’s something I still like to do my running. I still like to do exercise.
Yeah, I just found alcohol was just a negative and I’m not absolute on it. If I’m at a birthday party, or a wedding, or a funeral and people are having a toast, of course I’ll have a drink. I’m not going to slap it away.
But at the same time, the heavy nights out, something I put behind me.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, that makes sense. The whole point of it is to enjoy it. So if you’re having a bad time, why do it?
Mark Collett: Yeah. I like to see people clean living. I think we as nationalists, and I find this very important, we are sort of the last of a dying breed. There aren’t that many of us. We’re few in number. And I do think there is definite mileage in living that clean living life and pursuing the better things.
And as I say, I’m all for a good time and I will have a glass every now and again, but I don’t indulge like I used to, because I could see the negativity it brought upon me. And personally speaking, I’m not telling anyone how to live their life. But I’ve never tried any banned substance, I’ve never used any banned substances in my life. No weed, no drugs, nothing! And I do like having that, being able to say that, because I’m proud of the fact I’ve steered away from that. And I have seen a lot of people’s lives ravaged by drink and drugs and other things.
So without coming too heavy at the end of the show. I do understand that a lot of people within our movement suffer from an acute depression. They suffer from issues to do with the crushing despair they feel of the real world pounding down on them every day. And I think when you’re in that place, which many nationalists are, feeling atomised, isolated, alone, if you get into the habit of drinking, it can become more than something that’s just social and starts to become escapism. And I’ve helped a lot of nationalists who’ve had problems with alcohol.
So it is something that I am nervous of, because I think what we face is so crushing for our souls, that if there is an easy way out, I fear some people might take it.
Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, that’s definitely true. I’ve seen it ruin a lot of people’s lives as well. Myself, it’s more of just a social thing or like the only real indulgence that remains for me with sports, other than I did enjoy the World Cup. But increasingly difficult to enjoy much sports ball is the UFC. I don’t mind having a few drinks and so on while watching the fights. It just feels appropriate.
But, yeah, in Australia, we have a very strong drinking culture, obviously. And socially, it’s just kind of particularly when you’re hanging out with young men, it’s often difficult to organise young men around other activities other than going to the pub. Which is why, I guess, the whole active club thing that nationalists have embraced is a great idea. It’s like, instead of meeting up to go to the pub, let’s meet up to train kickboxing or something, or go on a bushwalk.
And I think that’s a really positive thing.
Mark Collett: Yeah. And I try to encourage people to do different things, especially people who’ve got problems. Through Covid we set up the gaming club where people were playing games together. And a lot of young guys who were despairing trapped in just had somebody to talk to, because it’s a very social thing, it’s a team thing. There’s four of you playing on a team, you’ve got somebody to chat to every night. And I think it’s those little positive things that just help people through bad times.
And I do spend a lot of time on the phone, a lot of time emailing people who are in bad places. And it really does weigh on me, on my heart when I’m helping these people, because I understand the sadness they feel. And I just try and steer people away from things that could lead them further down a sort of a negative road.
And I do know that at one time, the pub was central to our community. And I acknowledge the importance of the pub and community politics that used to take place in the pub. But the fact is, most local pubs have now shut down in England, and people who drink are drinking supermarket goy swill at home to drown their sorrows. And that’s something I also found pretty depressing.
And that’s a depressing end for the show, but it shouldn’t be, because it’s been a brilliant show! And I’ve really enjoyed it.
And I’ve got to say, Joel, I know we always script out a show and we sort of have topics we want to cover, but one of the most enjoyable things about having Joel on is he’s a guy with takes on everything. So we’ve strayed a lot tonight, but I have really enjoyed it. So, Joel, thanks for being with us. Please have the final word and tell us where we can find you.
Joel Davis: Yeah. So follow me on Twitter at Joel Davisx. You can follow me on Telegram. Also, my Telegram handle is Joel Davisx put the X on the end because Joel Davis was already taken on Twitter. And that when I made my Telegram, I used the same handle. And you could find me on Youtube at Joel Davisvideoes. And you can find the Joel and Blair Show on On Odyssey, you can find me there, as mentioned.
But if you go to any of those bio dot link slash Joeldavis, you can find all my links. So you could just go there to find everything in one stop shop.
Mark Collett: Okay, well, thank you so much for being with us. I’ll be back on Friday with Dr. David Duke. And for our weekly video, I’ll be back on Sunday night for the Nationalist A-Team. Thank you to everyone. Thank you to Joel. Thank you to everyone who donated so very generously. From the bottom of my heart, I can’t thank you enough.
And remember, you can still donate after the show if you wish, via crypto. All those donations go to a wonderful cause. Thank you so much! And thank you especially to the wonderful people who dug so deep tonight.
And as I always say, at the end of every show, the biggest thank you goes to every one of the viewers. Please, like, please share, please spread the message. And please be back same time next week because the indomitable Warren Balogh will be here. Thank you so much! Look after yourselves, stay strong, keep fighting, and I’ll see you all again soon.
And if you want a real white pill, check out my Telegram after the show for the footage of the Long Eaton demonstration that took place on Sunday. Thank you, everyone. Love you all. Good night. See you same time next week. Thank you.
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of Apr 27, 2023 = 1017)
Mark Collett
1 day ago
Pinned by @MarkCollett
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
Diane Abbot – MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington – has been suspended from her job as a whip for stating that “Jewish people are not subject to the same racism as some other minorities.” She was punished for saying something negative about Jews.
Some time ago, she stated that “All whites are racist.” And received no punishment whatsoever
Sam Melia
1 day ago
Night everyone
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Another Anglo-Saxon
1 day ago
Hi Sam it was great to meet you the other day at Long Eaton (I was the guy in the Balaclava). Thanks for stopping to chat. Also I’m sure you already know but loads of people including me were trying to come over to support PA but the police wouldn’t let us through and there were plenty watching from the back who weren’t in the counter. I do hope PA continues to go from strength to strength, internal politics aside the message and organisation are great.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Go full nat Soc
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Another Anglo-Saxon
1 day ago
Bad idea if you want to actually create change. Aurelian Verhassel puts it perfectly – 3rd Reich fantasists want to do roman salutes, we want to create change.
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Beer Hall Pooch
18 hours ago
The ideals rather than the practice is that to which I refer. There is no inter-war period; no Fuhrer worship; and I wasn’t terribly happy with the vague and outdated 25-points. You are correct in your response.
the woodlander
1 day ago
see yer you lot
the woodlander
1 day ago
great stream. thanks mark n joel
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
All the more reason to make our own pubs with a gazebo and a crate on a stretch of grass. Fk the pigs. Build community again
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
I don’t drink any alcohol.
21 hours ago
Shlomo wants you drinking alcohol and smoking weed and looking at porn. And watching new movies and Netflix and professional sports.
1 day ago
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19 hours ago
Indeed. and whoever hit dislike on this is a coward
16 hours ago
Warren is the best. A great man who truely cares about our people one day I hope to shake his hand.
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5 hours ago
You will. Just get yourself vetted. Join your local supporter group
1 day ago
NJP \o
the woodlander
1 day ago
i got my whole workplave together once a week through lockdowns… because lockdowns are gay
21 hours ago
1 day ago
Thanks Joel for everything
1 day ago
sod the church sod the pub we need a new community hub
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
no goyslop
17 hours ago
aren’t aboriginies from australia some of the lowest iq in the world? makes sense why joel would be bringing them up. Australia is a backwater and joel is paid to re-enforce such….😔
Native Ausnian
19 hours ago
What is David dukes channel to watch the Friday show?
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
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19 hours ago
one of our kings
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Warren is great
1 day ago
🇬🇧 The official Patriotic Alternative website:
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1 day ago
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Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
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GusinLanzarote Alt Right
9 hours ago
If I could go back to the Day I finished my A levels in 1997- I would be a millionaire today- who was more gym toned & a fluent pianist. I wouldnt WASTE 3 years of my life at shitty Exeter University for a start- there is NOTHING I learnt there I couldnt teach myself reading or
by listening to clever people on streams. And I wouldnt WASTE countless hours sitting in pubs with Normie pals who I never even see now chatting shiit & holding back from saying anything too based + I would spare myself all those headaches from excess drinking in shit nightclubs- you meet FAR nicer classier smarter ladies chatting when sober eg at the gym
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Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 hour ago
Don’t women generally claim they don’t want men approaching them when at the gym?
1 day ago
damn odysee, you try to respond to someone, and the chat hops and now you;ve blocked tham and have to go unblock… they really need to fix this
1 day ago
After Tucker’s recent anti-White outburst, I’m all out of sympathy for him. But he was never actually pro-White. He merely pretended to be in order to drive viewership. He had a few good ideas over the years, but he’s not worth defending.
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GusinLanzarote Alt Right
10 hours ago
He went near enough to the line on occasion to push some UKIP Civ Nats into curiously exploring our streams & looking at our ideas. Hence if he pushed just a single patriot into our movement- he deserves some praise for that even if he personally disagrees with much of our philosophy. We must be flexible- I say to people you dont have to agree with me; you dont have to be a White Nationalist like me- as long as you are prepared to debate/ discuss with me in a friendly manner- you are not my enemy. My enemy is the totalitarian libtard who wants to suppress me, silence me, sack me from my job, ban me from social media. We have PLENTY of enemies my friend- we dont need to look for more amongst those 50-60% of the way towards our truth
8 hours ago
Joel “I love schizophrenic black rappers” Davis.
15 hours ago
Mark and Joel “we’re such hardcore nationalists – Non-White shit food merchants TAKE MY MONEY!! 💰”. Pathetic – try and live by your supposed “values”
19 hours ago
Warren shall rise as the most frequent guest in pwr/twotar history. and possibly as the new co host of the progrum. thats the rumor im spreading
19 hours ago
Hello everybody
23 hours ago
Totally forgot about TruedilTom. What a throwback
All watched over by machines of love and grace
1 day ago
TrueDilton!? Holy shit i havent heard that name in years! He made some awesome videos.
1 day ago
thank you for the nice words Mark. I feel motivated to stop drinking now.
1 day ago
I tried a Bud Light Lime rita beer and theres way to much sugar in it
1 day ago
Randbot drinks 12 beers a show
1 day ago
Now Joel is right here :grinning:
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
ALDI is German owned
1 day ago
Throw Hollywood into the Pit !
1 day ago
Have you seen WhiteHouse release of Public Law 93-148? Do you think 🇺🇸 is military intervening in all of the African countries bordering the Nile in the interest of Zionists? Their plan of Greater Israel is from the Nile to the Euphrates. Is the intervention in East Africa for Israel?
1 day ago
Australians will vote yes because they don’t want to be wayciss
4 hours ago
Mark is the ultimate Chad. For real? Helping White men on their resumes? What a guy!
13 hours ago
All I hear is an imperialist bragging about how Australians killed a lot of Europeans and turned Europe into what it is now.
16 hours ago
I think Joel is doing a good job appealling to gruggs such as myself of late. Kudos. Its always interesting to hear whats going on In Austrailia. Did you guys see in Spain they exhumed the remians of Primo de Rivera yet again. THEY want anything right wing erased from history.
Dissident Echoes
21 hours ago
Joel is always worth listening to. Great commentator.
1 day ago
A great guest in Joel and thank you for a wonderful stream, Goodnight all🌸
1 day ago
I hope Stipe Mioch beats down Jon Jones in UFC 288
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21 hours ago
bread and circus 🎪
1 day ago
Rum / whiskey is the way to go then
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
i like his Telegram channel
1 day ago
1 day ago
The best show on Odysee
1 day ago
👉 Follow Joel Davis:
Tweets by joeldavisx
1 day ago
👉 Follow Blair Cottrell:
1 day ago
TRS guys are irrelevant boomers.
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
hit the 🔥 button
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
i lived in Japan for a year. it was amazing. my bf got deported back to the USA. lol
1 day ago
Joel has the antifa phenotype
1 day ago
Mark is weak
57 minutes ago
Feck Odysee. Where can I find the Handsome Truth now?
GusinLanzarote Alt Right
10 hours ago
Mark’s idea the British race will die out bit by bit quietly I cannot see it. Will Britain become like a chilly Brazil I cant see it. Even in Brazil- particularly in the south; there are still an awful lot of mainly white folk who tend not to miscegenate. Another factor is that most Brazilians of whatever shade tend to identify strongly with the nation rather than some sub group within it. Britain’s ethnic groups-seem determined to hang on to the identities/ cultures resonant of the 3rd world dumps they fled from. Hence the end game of multiculturalism is 2 or 3 rival nations within 1 “nation” competing for scarce resources. Yes there will be some mixed folk & maybe even some white identifying ethnics who remain in the white part- but the exception does not prove the rule as Justin Barret says. The Boomer luxuries that bought of a generation turning them into compliant sheeple are ending- the job for life, home ownership, 3 types of every food in the supermarket, pensions, foreign holidays it will all end in 30 years for the majority. The Question is can the Liberal elites find enough to keep bribing the population into compliance- particularly after they blew so much ££ on Covid hysteria…. If Nationalists like us cannot achieve power in 15 years or so- civil war is inevitable.. be it in 20, 50 or a 100 years it is coming. The Human being is a tribal group animal in times of scarcity- groups will fight for resources like troops of Chimps- Nature can only be suppressed temporarily.
Caesar Avg
13 hours ago
I’m seeing the ‘Centre-Right’ being much more affected by Carlson’s firing than the ‘Far-Right’, where it is met with much more ambivalence. Carlson has made it abundantly clear countless times that he’s an enemy of the ‘Far-Right’ with his constant condemnation of so-called ‘identity politics’ and use of terms such as ‘fascist’ to derogatorily denote degenerate Left-liberals. The interview in which he said that ethnonationalists should F off should be the final straw.
As for the ‘Centre-Right’, they’re about to learn what it is to be in the position of the ‘Far-Right’: with their main man censored, the entrenchment of Left-wing hegemony over mass media is far closer to completion. I expect them to faff about as usual, ranting about how terrible the ‘Left-wing CommuNazis’ are as the Left continue to win victory after victory over them while they stick to old tropes about the ‘CommuNazi DemonKKKraps’ and their ‘plantations’, how MLK would be a Republican if he were alive today and similar half-witted drivel as they slowly dwindle away and their descendants enter into the ranks of the racially amorphous, pansexual, transsexual ‘man’ of the future for a time, soon after which their bloodlines will cease to exist consequent of losing the will and/or ability to reproduce (e.g. the transsexuals who butcher their sexual organs). They are, of course, entering into the same grounds that the ‘Far-Right’ have been in for decades, e.g. having no mass media representation.
Native Ausnian
17 hours ago
I save $50 odd dollar’s shopping at Aldis, it is essential. I disagree with Joel on the quality, it’s all the same as woollies
Native Ausnian
17 hours ago
Bad boy bubby is grotesque
23 hours ago
I love you Joel, my brother.
1 day ago
1 day ago
You’re most welcome.
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
He’s live now?
1 day ago
EEx Live | White Flight Wednesday| April 26, 2023
EEx Live | White Flight Wednesday| April 26, 2023
WhiteRabbitRadioTV: EEx Live | White Flight Wednesday| April 26, 2023
1 day ago
Thanks for all the links
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
👉 Follow Mark Collett on Telegram
1 day ago
white rabbit radio is live now for after the show:
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Great stream & great guest! 🙂 Evening all 14
1 day ago
good night
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
take care everyone
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
goodnight all 14/88 28
1 day ago
Good night good folks.
1 day ago
Thanks folks. Have a great night.
1 day ago
night all
1 day ago
1 day ago
Night folks 14
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
1 day ago
good to see you fren
the woodlander
1 day ago
you can also find him in lidel, buying 12 beers…
1 day ago
o/ Mark
1 day ago
thanks mark and joel
1 day ago
👉 Follow Mark Collett:
The Fall of Western Man
1 day ago
WP chat have a great evening o/
Speak your mind
1 day ago
Thanks Mark and Joel, great session.
1 day ago
Interesting show tonight
1 day ago
1 day ago
👉 Follow Joel Davis:
Tweets by joeldavisx
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Well-said. 🙂
1 day ago
lol based
1 day ago
Times have changed and new ‘pubs’ required
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Goyswill. Lol.
1 day ago
you can do it , take it one day of the time
1 day ago
I would suggest not drinking as it really doesnt provide any real positives in life
1 day ago
👉 Join the Patriotic Alternative gaming group on Telegram:
1 day ago
maybe so but I wasted years on that shit not to mention thousands of dollars
1 day ago
Yes . It improves not retards
1 day ago
A bush walk sounds fun.
1 day ago
1 day ago
I left getting cranked drunk in my 20s. You hot over 30 and it isnt fun anymore
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Is anime 😊
1 day ago
if that’s your biggest regret you didn’t do much terrible at all in your life
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
👉 Follow Beer Hall Pooch on Twitter:
Tweets by BeerPooch
1 day ago
opioids and cannabis are like this too
1 day ago
1 day ago
Celebrate every little win in life
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Spring Water hall Putsch
1 day ago
I used to smoke a lot of weed it is my biggest regret and I am never going to touch that shit again
1 day ago
I know what it’s for lol and yes but when you start getting large doses of kratom there is no difference
1 day ago
it is important to not be completely blacked pilled
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Eeeh? Why was my alcohol + fire comment removed? It was a joooke~! 😁
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
If it’s an alternative to opiates, kratom is the better option. For sure, but I’m just stating its still addictive and dangerous.
1 day ago
drugs can have bad sides
1 day ago
lol no
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
But the best PA Nationalist day was the Kendal Hall Putsch were all were merry and forming a Brotherhood
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon on the left side of this page for a like!
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Maybe we should all take steroids, though.
1 day ago
kratom is least of my concerns with what I take for pain.take a wild guess. kratom effects the same receptors so yes, the withdrawal can be like morphine withdrawal if you take enough daily
1 day ago
I hear ya. Kratom got me going but would put me in bad mood swings
1 day ago
Fight a drunk or a Sober man ?
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
I’ll have a bourbon from time to time 🥃
1 day ago
Reality == kind-of-lame
1 day ago
very true
1 day ago
Reality > drugs
1 day ago
somber Joel
1 day ago
The show to catch a predator used mikes hard lemonade and they actually sued them for that
1 day ago
Joel looks very sad
the woodlander
1 day ago
good man mark…
1 day ago
Don’t want to end up with a massive gunt like Nick Griffin.
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
I was severely addicted to kratom, took years to get off it. Be warned.
1 day ago
1 day ago
awwww, such a good dad
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
kek k
1 day ago
Remember Mikes Hard Lemonade?
1 day ago
gotta play with the kid
1 day ago
pick and mix
Runt’s Meadow
1 day ago
Joel really undertands this country
1 day ago
Good call , Nobody wants to end up like Top Cat
1 day ago
alcohol is too expensive, i dislike the taste so i don’t drink unless it’s a special occasion
1 day ago
there is healthier substances. ie kratom and you end up more functional
1 day ago
I don’t drink everyday but a few days a month
1 day ago
lots of sugar in alcohol
1 day ago
*not the Chinese fighter jet
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Based and Stoic-pilled
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
1 day ago
go to the pub just have a J20
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Irish Whiskey
1 day ago
I stopped 3 years ago. It’s been much better for me
1 day ago
👉 Follow Joel Davis on Bio Link:
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
👉 If you’ve accidentally blocked someone on Odysee:$/settings/block_and_mute
the woodlander
1 day ago
im bloody ancient… ill have a barrel of rum and sleep well..
1 day ago
lol. my metabolism can barely handle 3 beers. I get wasted with 2. never drink and my genetics
1 day ago
Yesterday that got me 3 times in a row for the same comment I was trying to reply to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 day ago
👉 Odysee donations: Click the ‘Support’ button or click the ‘$’ below the chat box.
1 day ago
There’s the black pill, 😀
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Beauty is in the eye of the BEER holder
1 day ago
you will be ok until 40s
1 day ago
Deer taste great
1 day ago
I never drink myself either
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
the woodlander
1 day ago
quite like a gin
1 day ago
I tried moonshine and it messed me up quick
1 day ago
Beer is the most calorific
1 day ago
Not a bad idea.
1 day ago
G&Tea yeah
1 day ago
after a barrel of rum most people sleep well
1 day ago
I always have that open on another tab
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
1 day ago
The Prostate is waiting, patiently waiting
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
I don’t drink alcohol
1 day ago
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Based AF
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
a mere fetus
1 day ago
28 is very young
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
I’d eat the brains from the skull of my enemy as a last meal.
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
Indeed I only ever drink 4-6 in a session. the culture of getting absolutely smashed always pissed me off. Cunts rolling around vomiting after drinking 12+ drinks in a night….. :roll_eyes:
1 day ago
Thanks for your ongoing support.
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Oh! Can I “eat” a tactical nuke? Lol.
1 day ago
GenX Mark hell yeah dude
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
the woodlander
1 day ago
sounds like a normal guy
1 day ago
I get the Franzia box wine
1 day ago
👉 Follow 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 on Odysee
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
A gun, lol
1 day ago
Bear With A Care
1 day ago
1 day ago
Don’t get the Bud Light 12
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
I always find it amusing when Mark gives his guests a hard time.
1 day ago
👉 Free Mark Collett book | The Fall of Western Man
1 day ago
1 day ago
Take us out fishing
1 day ago
👉 Follow British Gammon:
Tweets by DesmondMakazi
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Randbot is awesome
1 day ago
what’s the alcohol content
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
Hops produce estrogen and complacency.
1 day ago
get in line. everyone else does too!
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
This stream has taken an unexpected turn 😂
1 day ago
Giant monopolies increasingly dominate the economy
1 day ago
that’s still tons of alcohol consumed at once
1 day ago
💯 %
1 day ago
i’m implusive
1 day ago
I like 14 🙂
1 day ago
1 day ago
he’s an Aussie, Mark
the woodlander
1 day ago
just get the 24
1 day ago
VB mate
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
that’s a rack
1 day ago
rehab time !!intervention!
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
h dear, puritan Mark is off on one
1 day ago
Aussies are built different i guess xD
1 day ago
1 day ago
Anyone like Milwaukee Best beer?
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
that’s allot dude.
1 day ago
1 day ago
a great man
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Lidl Stout is amazing
Bear With A Care
1 day ago
C&A is still around outside UK – went to one in Belgium several years back.
1 day ago
thanks for the info
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
Aldi is German
1 day ago
absolutely , the regime is coming for them and Korea as well
1 day ago
Japan was lost in 1945. Understand the juden takes the long road. Slowing increasing lgbt culture, multiculturalism etc. They know they can’t simply do it overnight (boiling frog anaology)
1 day ago
They’re even pushing LBGTQ there now. They want total world domination.
1 day ago
👉 Follow Cathugger
1 day ago
Japan would sink without Russian oil. It has no choice. It also has the EU backing in this stance.
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
Someone should warn them
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
Silence (2016 film)
1 day ago
Up till recently multiculturalism has not been pushed on Japan
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Woolworths is Aus for Tesco
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
wow Woolworth is a blast from the past!
1 day ago
Pick n Mix
1 day ago
yes they do , they will destroy all of the world including China and the middle east
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
their organic produce is okay
1 day ago
Aldi rox!
1 day ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
the woodlander
1 day ago
use the farm shop….
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
same company that owns Trader Joe’s
Lost in Western Society
1 day ago
Aldi is the best discounter there is.
1 day ago
All city centers are the same now
Veruka’s Goyishe Kopf
1 day ago
very sad
1 day ago
Timothy Whites
1 day ago
It was called woolworths in NZ in the 80’s/90’s they changed it to countdown. It is owned by Progressive Enterprises LTD. All week they’ve been asking every customer to donate to Rainbow Youth. Progressive indeed.
1 day ago
👉 Follow SerenaJB on Twitter:
Tweets by SerenaJB3
1 day ago
remember C&A
Rufus Page
1 day ago
Woolworth’s cafe was the business
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
“manchester” is Aus bedding department
1 day ago
Be cool for us to discuss AI and genetic manipulation in the future
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
their power is like a blight that won’t stop spreading and ruining
the woodlander
1 day ago
so.. looks like orange hoods are the new right wing thing..
1 day ago
Japan is one of the last holdouts
1 day ago
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
It’s flowing from Jewish control of America, and it flows from other sources as well
1 day ago
*From Jews who control America
1 day ago
👉 Follow White Art Collective:
Bio Link:
1 day ago
Mark is spot on . The poison is flowing from America
1 day ago
it was a nice country, it just fell in with the wrong crowd
1 day ago
1 day ago
They are salting the earth now
1 day ago
They are a people without nation, the problem is the parasitic entity
1 day ago
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
The J control other levers besides ZOG
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
The US will have to retreat once the dollar shrinks
1 day ago
the great satan – US empire
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
If the Jews left, we could recover.
1 day ago
Those running america are the satanist not the country itself
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
The J control all Anglophone countries, though …
1 day ago
On the last part agree
1 day ago
Judeo-America. If the Jews abandon ship (switch to China) the US could collapse
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
I don’t buy any of this. Joel is smart but, way off here
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
There are also a large number of Whites in America, so …
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
👉 Follow Mark Collett:
The Fall of Western Man
1 day ago
1 day ago
way off
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Joel is way off here
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
I don’t agree with Joel here
1 day ago
America has gone!
1 day ago
Ghey ‘Mirage’ in Asutralia was dictated by America
1 day ago
Multiculturalism is pushed by the American regime
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
America is filled with homos and muds and Traitors.
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
I agree. If we win in the US, it will be a big help.
1 day ago
There are Jewish “elites” (tyrannical dictators) in every country, all around the world. Doesn’t matter who rises or falls, they win.
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
I can’t wait to see you put up tutorials on building your own castles. So cool!
1 day ago
i wonder what political coalition will control u.s. and other american countries’ natural resources and remaining technical progress
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon on the left side of this page for a like!
1 day ago
The EU is a puppet of USA.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
america is defaulting on debts everyday
the woodlander
1 day ago
we need to walk away from this shit show sustem. build our own, let them rot in their own filth.
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Decline is different from complete collapse. I don’t see a complete dissolution.
1 day ago
China? Its a bigger economy that the USA. America is in decline with a dumb political elite
Mark Collett
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Disagree with Joel here
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
*White America
1 day ago
1 day ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
White American loves Japan 🥰
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
In the Cold War, Joel, no one was ditching the dollar
1 day ago
1 day ago
the collapse petrol dollar is a good thing
1 day ago
Any System is only as good as the people in ti
1 day ago
the USA is definitely on the DOWN.
1 day ago
UnHeard | America’s empire is bankrupt:
1 day ago
Corrupt, but not broken. It was designed this way.
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
I think China will just continue the J subversion.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
SMASH WASHINGTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 day ago
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Sad for my country … but my country is controlled by parasites, so maybe it is necessary.
1 day ago
Taht is what we need
1 day ago
Heil Dingo
Stuff about stuff
1 day ago
pmsl , good one
Stuff about stuff
1 day ago
beer pooch
1 day ago
The System is corrupt. The jailing was obscene for Pauline as well
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
lmfao yea
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
spacebar is fkd
the woodlander
1 day ago
i worked with john etteridge for a while in the late 80s.. jailed in the 90s for his work with pauline hanson in Australia. he was a switched on guy
Stuff about stuff
1 day ago
Alpha in da gaf
1 day ago
Sydney Harbour Bridge was built by the same company that built the Tyne Bridge in Newcastle.
1 day ago
very good
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
Racial-Cultural DIVORCE negotiations..
Stuff about stuff
1 day ago
i don’t be cucked!!!!!!
1 day ago
Thanks again.
1 day ago
Hi,Joel: For 1stTime I walked intoGroceryShop Aldi, a German chain I’ve seen inUSA’s NewYork,Maryland &Pennsylvania. I was pleasantlySurprised by lowPrice & highQuality,e.g., $1.59 Schogetten chocolate vs. $3.39 woke HersheyBar in otherStores.Tell YourFriends 2 buy food &household goods at Aldi’s !!
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
great point
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
Jack Lang (Australian politician):
1 day ago
The tories ramped it up during covid while they ruined the lives & small buisnesses of Brits
1 day ago
hail brother, i agree
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Almost $Aus 10 for a pint; Cambodia, $0.50 cents
1 day ago
and if they run out of land on which to build more homes
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Is she cute?
1 day ago
Orania was permitted as South Africa was given to blacks, not liberals.
1 day ago
We can not move anywhere when we dominate this nation. So move where?
Stuff about stuff
1 day ago
sorry for caps
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Exactly as intended
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
They were never pure really, they’re a mongrel race that intermix with whoever is in power at the moment.
the woodlander
1 day ago
shame it didnt stop here
1 day ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
👉 Odysee donations: Click the ‘Support’ button or click the ‘$’ below the chat box.
1 day ago
jews have wealth & “success” but it cost them their race. They no longer exist as any pure distinct semetic ethnic group. Theyre all mixed race. jews have lost the race war millennia ago really when you think about it. They’re literally the anti-race.
1 day ago
Thanks for your support.
1 day ago
Great show & a great guest too. Thanks.
1 day ago
when there is no more space to build new houses for immigrants, they’ll try to take our houses and replace them with tower blocks we can and must resist, homeless immigrants will be rampaging the police will have thir hands full…..bring it all on i’m ready
1 day ago
When times get harder they’ll come knocking, the issue isnt building, its defending those type of settlements.
1 day ago
Plenty of bugz to eat too !
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Well, it is a start.
1 day ago
if it can’t defend itself , it’s inevitably with no chance
1 day ago
Jan Lamprecht says Orania is just a libertarian place that doesn’t have any real power
1 day ago
many 1000s but still very small
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Get out of the cities
has shown the way. Flee to the fields
1 day ago
Orania (Afrikaner town in the Northern Cape, South Africa):
the woodlander
1 day ago
orania is a great example.. a viable alternative
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
They have … a few hundred?
1 day ago
Positive actions are the best for the Future
Stuff about stuff
1 day ago
Ireland calling S.O.S
1 day ago
orania has no hope. does it have nukes? how will it defend itself
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Good point about the land issue, actually. I hadn’t thought about that!
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
Orainia is very very small
1 day ago
Well said Joel, besides we were always outnumbered
the woodlander
1 day ago
we need to get busy building businesses and buying land, it is our land.
Stuff about stuff
1 day ago
How’s the form lad’s?
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
One can hope
1 day ago
Excellent point – Jews – due to superior organising, have very much power.
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Not the identities of the minorities. It would be nothing without J control.
1 day ago
Good evening
1 day ago
👉 Follow Joel Davis on Bio Link:
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
No. It is J3wish financial power which is working well for them.
1 day ago
here here
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
M :white_heart: C
the woodlander
1 day ago
re group, hold the line, rebuild, and show a viable alternative
1 day ago
They Gotta Go Back!
1 day ago
will Scot Adams now say get the F away from Dianne Abbot?
1 day ago
That is more depressing
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Catabolic collapse
1 day ago
👉 Free Mark Collett book, The Fall of Western Man
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
hello everyone
1 day ago
Randbot King of the desert is a much better show
1 day ago
South Africa
the woodlander
1 day ago
itll slowly just get worse
1 day ago
yeah thats a classic
1 day ago
👉 Please consider a small donation of $3. When everyone donates $3, it adds up!
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
the woodlander
1 day ago
sounds great
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Best Aus film: BAD TSTE
1 day ago
1 day ago
I really don’t know but it is kind of funny . Complain about it though
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon on the left side of this page for a like!
1 day ago
The ADL still holds huge sway over Twitter
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Can you talk about Js there?
1 day ago
Or can Twitter ban you for having a VPN?
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
But no one even knows me. Is it becouse it’s my google account and YouTube has censored me many times? Just doesn’t make sense
1 day ago
your reputation proceeded you
1 day ago
👉 Follow Beer Hall Pooch on Twitter:
Tweets by BeerPooch
1 day ago
I’m suspended from Twitter. Never even posted on there, how can that even happen?
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Ultimate alliance
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Musk needs to step aside as CEO and Let
take over.
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
Revelation 2 and 3:9 :snake:
1 day ago
PA \o/ NJP
1 day ago
it never changed
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Oh? Do tell.
1 day ago
👉 Follow Joel Davis on Twitter:
Tweets by joeldavisx
1 day ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
Lill Frigg 🌻
1 day ago
Critical semite theory should be on curriculums world wide.
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Hail, friend! I traveled all over Japan last month, including in the rural regions of it. It was nice!
1 day ago
i was kicked off in 2016. i did post a meme with neil degrassy tyson saying “more jews died in the holocaust then there are atoms in the universe. -science nibba” maybe that was it
1 day ago
👉 Follow The Woodlander:
1 day ago
Did a week ago, still haven’t heard anything. Guess i’ll try again
1 day ago
Elon means hello and goodbye
the woodlander
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Musk can make a killing by platfroming Carlson and RFK’s election
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
racist snowball fights at school in 1992 re dpilled me
1 day ago
I used to watch his videos, but they were hard to understand.
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Blood is what matters, after all ☺
1 day ago
That’s cause they’re both racist
1 day ago
I remember that guy
1 day ago
👉 Follow Cathugger
1 day ago
Thanks for your donation.
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
seeing Joel hard respecting Serena has motivated me to go mogg some leftists. thank you brothers!
1 day ago
hail serena
1 day ago
Thanks for your donation.
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Eugene Greenbeard 🏴☠️
1 day ago
Have any of you watched Scorsese’s Silence (2016)? It’s his most blatantly Catholic kino, and it’s really Inspiring stuff. Just a historically accurate drama about a couple of Europeans struggling for the faith in a torturous foreign environment. It’s about Jesuits tho, so that might be a detriment.
1 day ago
o/ Serena
1 day ago
Serena o/
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Really! I honor you for your service!
1 day ago
thanks serena
1 day ago
1 day ago
Hahaha! That’s me.
1 day ago
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
14 for laughing at the jews 28 for laughing at diane abbot
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
She’s NOT n “old lady”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 day ago
👉 Follow SerenaJB on Twitter:
Tweets by SerenaJB3
1 day ago
1 day ago
Jewish privilege
1 day ago
serena is BASED
1 day ago
They never shut up. They never back off. They’ll never stop, until they’re stopped.
1 day ago
Jewish fragility
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
skill issue :sunglasses:
1 day ago
Jews have to be number 1 on the oppression scale
1 day ago
Jews got upset, I’m shocked, shockef
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
The NOSE knows
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
1 day ago
Thin skinned.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Let the Regime eat itself. Chin chin!
1 day ago
Thanks for your contribution.
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
Cucking is easy when the cotton is high
Winter Phoenix Forest Kirin
1 day ago
Hope you enjoyed the sakura pictures I sent you 🙂. My first ever 花見 (hanami) was beautiful and life-changing. Have you ever been to Japan, Mark? Or you, Joel?
1 day ago
that was great
1 day ago
👉 Odysee donations: Click the ‘Support’ button or click the ‘$’ below the chat box.
1 day ago
Just me or is all video game protagonists female now?
1 day ago
Normalised and sold at the local shops
1 day ago
1 day ago
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Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
She-Ra had a great rack
1 day ago
only got worse quick with even worse trash like hustler
1 day ago
just preserve your racism, homophobia, islamophobia etc
1 day ago
Mark I’m trying to get Tucker to go on the Dr. Duke show. I’ll get back to you.
1 day ago
Mark grew up when things were normal in the 80s
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
trannies will save the White race by proxie..
1 day ago
Read this. It started in Hollywood too a long time ago
1 day ago
Hugh Hefner was a total degenerate
1 day ago
incel stuff isn’t good for zoomers, they’re depressed because of it
1 day ago
it started a long time ago with crap like playboy
1 day ago
1 day ago
politics is concerned with power over reality overall it eventually affects personal lives
1 day ago
I agree politics is everywhere now
1 day ago
Thanks for your ongoing support.
1 day ago
Keep the monsters away from children. Fairy Tales are based on Reality
1 day ago
germans have it in them to change back they just need to find their spirit
1 day ago
America First loves that 🌈 stuff too
1 day ago
👉 Follow White Art Collective:
Bio Link:
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
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1 day ago
1 day ago
Do we have a directory of “our” artists?
1 day ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
very true Joel
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
Great guest and great show. Here’s this week’s contribution to the Red Bull fund.
1 day ago
Tanx fer ask’n
I’m also here on odysee :grinning:
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
Uncle Pierce was pushing the message in the 90’s
1 day ago
I agree. I have worked at met Young men who hate the current culture tyranny
1 day ago
The promotion of excessive drinking
Emptying of churches
An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
Dependency on the state or state benefits
Control and dumbing down of media
1 day ago
The Frankfurt School has 11 objectives to destroy society.
The creation of racism offences.
Continual change to create confusion
The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
Huge immigration to destroy identity.
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
Some myths or designed to demoralize you and moralize your enemies.
1 day ago
1 day ago
if you select the right of wings name you can find his channel
1 day ago
Thanks for your continued support.
1 day ago
👉 Follow 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 on Odysee
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Fairy tales are myths; myths have an inner truth, not a falsehood
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
we should be so lucky
1 day ago
Joel’s spot on. There is a growing undercurrent in dissident counter-culture amongst many youngsters, driven by alt media circles. I’m actually rather hopeful for our youngsters. Great guest, great show.
1 day ago
o/ NNR
1 day ago
i wish
1 day ago
they sure do
1 day ago
The shit is hitting the fan
1 day ago
I agree
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
Germans are weak, pathetic anti-White cucks, Poles are miles apart from them……..and us in England.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
14s for Paul Edward Stevenson back on PWR
1 day ago
The regime in America has been the same at least since Kennedy
1 day ago
Yes it will all polarize
1 day ago
👉 Follow Blair Cottrell:
1 day ago
Polish people are very intelligent and disciplined people like Germans
1 day ago
Polish police grabbed a GoyimTV guy yesterday
1 day ago
Poland is pretty based.
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
Regimes will change, we will need many of the regimes levers. We shouldn’t only build a parallel society, hide and wait; but also be actively in pursuit of wrestling back control of political power.
1 day ago
Liberals suck 👎
1 day ago
but not just everyone enemy but the MAIN enemy
1 day ago
👉 Follow Mark Collett:
The Fall of Western Man
1 day ago
If you see downtown inner city Tokyo Japan streets they are incredibly safe and clean. Its like another planet.
1 day ago
Your twitter?
1 day ago
H is the 8th letter in the alphabet HH
1 day ago
your website ser?
1 day ago
1 day ago
I just wanna grill but they’re chopping little kids up
1 day ago
support INDEPENDENT WHITE artists! like me :cowboy_hat_face:
1 day ago
The current American regime is everyone’s enemy.
1 day ago
I saw a documentary on half black/Japanese people rising in Japan so the woke is coming for them also
1 day ago
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1 day ago
the current American regime is our main enemy
1 day ago
Right next to the flying pyramids.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
88 relates to David Lane’s 88 precepts from which the 14 words derive. It’s not HH
1 day ago
They have them in Wakanda !
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
One way or another we need control of American assets, not let it fall into chaos. If we don’t our enemies will grab them.
1 day ago
Mario Bros used to have a real life show back in the day
1 day ago
Too bad. You’re white. No hoverboard for you!
1 day ago
black little mermaid coming out soon
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
88 million?
1 day ago
*Jewish power
1 day ago
Japan has stayed strong as a last holdout to woke culture
1 day ago
88 HH
1 day ago
Better than the first Super Mario movie for sure :rofl:
1 day ago
Good question but the current American power has to be broken or loose it’s standing in the world
1 day ago
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023 film)
1 day ago
Its for kids
1 day ago
works for me
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Important chat, this
Lost Bits
1 day ago
can see that in some way, they dont like too much free speech
1 day ago
there are things to live for, like being racist on social media
1 day ago
Scrubbing the net
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
Fall into what? Who gets the nukes and other military assets?
1 day ago
the goal is to demoralize
1 day ago
The 15-minute city agenda is worldwide
Lost Bits
1 day ago
they going to use AI to rewrite history even further
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Either that, Mark, or we carry on with comfort and money and voting for the Regime. They need to SUFFER
1 day ago
America has to fall first
1 day ago
That’s racist 😂
1 day ago
“progress’ is retardation socially. I want my hoverboard
1 day ago
👉 Follow SerenaJB on Twitter:
Tweets by SerenaJB3
1 day ago
I think 60% still havn’t worked out they are being intentionally replaced.
1 day ago
If you’re called ‘racist’ you’re doing something right.
1 day ago
Look at art, architecture and the beauty weve created often to remind ourselves what we’re fighting for
1 day ago
There is always a backlash
1 day ago
If people haven’t started questioning by now I don’t think they ever will.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
The monied and the comfortable need to SUFFER
1 day ago
Only in Back to the Future Part II
1 day ago
people need to have more courage, more courage in the face of evil and not be afraid to be called racist
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
it takes trannies to bring out the “conservatives”
1 day ago
Good evening
1 day ago
Hoverboards ? Where are they ?
1 day ago
👉 Follow Stan1 on Twitter
Tweets by s_stan1
1 day ago
boomers are a big problem so scared of standing up for themselves
1 day ago
yes it all has to go
1 day ago
Out of the ashes
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
Unfortunately yes
1 day ago
1 day ago
It worked on me. I do not watch or listen to globohomo MSM
1 day ago
burn it all
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
yup let it all brun
1 day ago
Thanks for your ongoing support.
1 day ago
Get out to nature, mainstream culture is pure trash
1 day ago
1 day ago
Hi,Mark: Bangladesh(MuslimCountry of 150million people inSubcontinent) justAnnounced payingRussia inChineseYuan 4 NuclearPlant. So guessing moreBangladeshis willGo 2 fellowAsianCountry China for univ’rstyStudies &professions, sinceBanglaGov’mnt willWant foreign ¥ currency, reducingUK borderPressure.
1 day ago
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1 day ago
Bad retakes I may add
1 day ago
I am sure he does
1 day ago
There are many remakes of classic movies because Hollywood has ran out of ideas
1 day ago
Joel reads Kerl Merks with Keet then ??
1 day ago
I can relate to Joel
1 day ago
in canada we are being totally overrun with indians
1 day ago
Damn Joel, what do you like?
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Five Guys is overpriced bourgeois and
1 day ago
Beefburger cob for me
1 day ago
entertainment is mostly trash boring and unspired these days
1 day ago
no it’s not, no nutrients and awful tasting
1 day ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
5 guys bacon triple is great
1 day ago
i like checkers great chicken and spicy fries
1 day ago
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
1 day ago
i have gone right off fast food
1 day ago
they’re fries are good though
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Greasy local burger stand for me. truckers all the way
Mark Collett
1 day ago
Five Guys is INCREDIBLE!!!
1 day ago
BiancaZombie is a great channel about comics
1 day ago
5 guys is definitely overrated and overpriced
1 day ago
mushrooms are one of the best things you can eat
1 day ago
1 day ago
Mark beat me to it
1 day ago
joel davis and keith woods, 2 of best guys on dissident right
1 day ago
we’ll get there joel at some point haha
1 day ago
1 day ago
even games and comic books are getting woke so the young men will soon not have any option but to react
1 day ago
Dr Who was a positive male role model for young lads, someone who problem-solved, enjoyed high adventure and added a bit of mystery to the universe. They killed it.
1 day ago
5 guys
1 day ago
Are tere any good burgers ?
Italian Aura
1 day ago
Nature is the only real escape. You can’t make nature fake and gay.
1 day ago
Thanks for your contribution.
1 day ago
Great guest tonight, would be great if you could get Southern Dingo on sometime
1 day ago
They are rewriting classics. Orwell called it
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
👉 Follow Joel Davis:
Tweets by joeldavisx
1 day ago
this is why i enjoy reading really old books
1 day ago
1 day ago
Dr Who and his reTardis !
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
We should start our own pubs: a gazebo and a crate will do it. Sell cans at £1.50. #BeerHallPutsch
1 day ago
The Resident Evil 2 remake doesn’t have a single black person. Japan doesn’t give a damn about woke culture
1 day ago
1 day ago
i avoid the real world
1 day ago
going out is dangerous and occupied by non-whites, all of my mates moved away, this here is my community
1 day ago
👉 Join the Patriotic Alternative gaming group on Telegram:
1 day ago
cos the whole society is against White men
@malinformation 👿
1 day ago
I cocoon and watch Mark Collett.
Bear With A Care
1 day ago
Tom Baker was Jewish (father side) – kinda obvious frmo his jewfro hair.
1 day ago
killing us slowly
1 day ago
Great Fim
1 day ago
👉 Follow British Gammon:
Tweets by DesmondMakazi
1 day ago
how many men on British TV quiz shows have you seen say “I adore marvel films” and they’re a balding, chubby middle aged man?
1 day ago
that’s the point
1 day ago
Well said Mark
1 day ago
i watch master and commander to refresh
1 day ago
1 day ago
What would anybody watch that? It’s literally disgusting
1 day ago
Spot on Mark
1 day ago
“Give them what they want”
1 day ago
How many blacks do you think watch Doctor Who anyway? 5?
1 day ago
The new Doctor who will fail with the public
1 day ago
They must love us so much they want to insert themselves into all our stories lol
1 day ago
Our creativity is being hijacked
1 day ago
The Independent | Doctor Who reveals Sixties-set images of Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson:
1 day ago
Mostly Peaceful Dr Who
Lost Bits
1 day ago
black adam and eve shocked me more
1 day ago
Dr Who was Tom Baker. Period.
1 day ago
Will there be looting in Dr Who /
1 day ago
Tom Baker was better than this spear chucker
1 day ago
they do it for a reaction mark
1 day ago
Doctor Dindu
1 day ago
1 day ago
Dr gibs me dat
1 day ago
Dr poo
1 day ago
1 day ago
thank God I dont fund tv
1 day ago
Rufus Page
1 day ago
Ike Turner
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Doctor Who Dat
Lost Bits
1 day ago
wait for it when do cast a black hitler
Earthling Carl 1
1 day ago
gross :vomiting:
1 day ago
Looks like a dork
1 day ago
As my friend Joe Marsh said… Huggy Bear
1 day ago
Lost Bits
1 day ago
everything is cast as black now
1 day ago
1 day ago
Went from timelord to gaylord
1 day ago
imagine my surprise
1 day ago
I haven’t watched TV for over a decade. Is it true the sexual politics has degenerated beyond sick on Dr Who ?
1 day ago
The Kalergi doctor
1 day ago
it’s the silly end of sci-fi
1 day ago
:joy: :rofl: :joy:
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Dr Nike Shoe
1 day ago
Dr Scholar
1 day ago
Dr. Low IQ
1 day ago
Starsky and Hutch all over again
Earthling Carl 1
1 day ago
yet more demoralisation
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
The Daleks new call: “Misceginate, Misceginate!”
1 day ago
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1 day ago
pedro is such a desantis shill now
1 day ago
Candace Owens is extremely overrated. She points out obvious hypocrisies that should be commonsense without the brainwashing
1 day ago
yes 😆
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
Definitely! Do you remember the movies, with Peter Cushing as the Doctor?
1 day ago
1 day ago
good question
1 day ago
Thanks for your donation.
1 day ago
👉 Support Bill Atheling’s work (C.P. Webster):
► The Horror Beneath:
► Albion: ARVA – VALA – DEVA:
1 day ago
I feel like Joel shits on everything.
1 day ago
So true Man
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Doctor Spook?
1 day ago
1 day ago
correct, she is the based black lady, because Dems are the real racists.
1 day ago
1 day ago
yes, Peter Cushing, one of my favourite ‘horror’ actors… !
1 day ago
dr who is crap
1 day ago
Owens being a Black female gives her massive attention when she really isnt that dynamic of a thinker
1 day ago
Thanks for your support.
1 day ago
Thank you Mark and Joel. New authentication system on entropy that is beyond me.
1 day ago
the based black lady!!!!
1 day ago
tucker will be lawfared to death without the fox news legal department to protect him
1 day ago
That’s unfortunate. :laughing:
1 day ago
Tucker is great
1 day ago
I saw a video of Shapiro visiting Israel and getting a standing ovation and told he is a tremendous asset for Israel like a hero. We see where his true loyalties are
1 day ago
ah no… not Dr. Who… bring back Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker!
1 day ago
👉 Follow Beer Hall Pooch on Twitter:
Tweets by BeerPooch
1 day ago
Tucker isn’t going to be saying the 14 words live on TV, but he brings up subjects that those who are capable of coming on our side may after hearing his segments. Tucker is a net positive.
Lost Bits
1 day ago
got more than enough millions to start something own
1 day ago
apparently bill oreilly makes 8 figures a year still
1 day ago
1 day ago
@ReedJohnson: he hasn’t returned my call LOL
1 day ago
we should be thankful the trans lot are so bat shit crazy
1 day ago
Great film. Great line.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
“Fk you, pay me!”
1 day ago
I agree with ‘content of character’. And Statistics
1 day ago
Just by the content of character over color was MLK mantra. Leftist clearly do not follow that whatsoever now do they..
1 day ago
fox news is so boring i just cant watch it…so many boomer takes
1 day ago
cucker was the last link to the Jewish msm. it’s good he’s gone
1 day ago
Haha. Wouldn’t that be interesting!
1 day ago
its so tiresome
1 day ago
Tucker can cohost PWR.
1 day ago
“it’s a Radical Agenda” drop from Tucker really made people think Tucker was more than a meme
1 day ago
Long term, Tucker may be in a no-man’s-land as his personal worldview is ultimately untenable and unsustainable.
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
Northern Virginia First !!!
1 day ago
Tucker should interview Cantwell
1 day ago
Maybe Tucker and Lemon will do a “Tommy Boy” movie remake 2?
1 day ago
Imagine that 🤣
1 day ago
Maybe Tucker will join America First lol
1 day ago
iirc he had an audience of like 3M. Online he’ll get 1/10 of that.
1 day ago
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Earthling Carl 1
1 day ago
most Boomers can’t be reasoned with, we just have to wait until they are no longer around
1 day ago
Tucker must be aware of the deeper issues but knows he has to be careful in waking people up
1 day ago
I think the mainstream right in America to a large degree has already passed Tucker politically
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
Conservative Log Cabin Republican sodomites.
1 day ago
an infiltrator is worse than an obvious enemy
1 day ago
…or they’ll just go back to sleep
1 day ago
he still has reach. and what he does now will be something to see
1 day ago
Tucker said a lot of stuff that was useful to us. Him getting booted in an L for us.
1 day ago
Murdoch got his media empire started via Rothschild finance
1 day ago
well it is good if fox goes under. tucker will be fine i bet.
1 day ago
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Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Exactly. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good
1 day ago
jessie waters lol
1 day ago
Tucker is Alex Jones tier
1 day ago
Tucker is a good start in the red pill awakening but one should graduate from that
1 day ago
Hey White man
1 day ago
Tucker is good however he never goes into the real depth of the real deeper issues but he was the best of the mainstream
1 day ago
1 day ago
BUt he mentioned Replacement Immigration to
1 day ago
That was brave of him
1 day ago
yes that was good
1 day ago
I was impressed when Tucker spoke about Israeli immigration hypocrisy once
1 day ago
Where’s your game boy ?
Just Me
1 day ago
this is boring
1 day ago
I agree with Joel the best days of Tucker and fox are over
1 day ago
what happened, this show used to draw over 1k now its only 300
1 day ago
Tucker/Sowell realty co.
1 day ago
Indeed lol
1 day ago
Tucker still thinks we can all live together if we just see eye to eye which is clearly a pipe dream. That thinking got us into this mess to begin with.
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
Those who aren’t White Separatists are very forgettable.
1 day ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
The ‘alternative’ TDW
1 day ago
Murdoch is a massive Zionist
Earthling Carl 1
1 day ago
Murdoch and Tucker are both scum.
1 day ago
I hate a common shared fridge
1 day ago
they always have a grossberg in the chamber
1 day ago
Did he eat someone’s sandwich ?
the woodlander
1 day ago
could force more our way
1 day ago
Tucker was never “based” , he’s a Bow tie Harvard swamp creature
1 day ago
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1 day ago
CNN will probably hire him as a contributor like Spencer.
1 day ago
Tucker challenged the 9/11 narrative and mentioned Building 7 on a small channel recently. That is why he is gone
1 day ago
you can never compromise enough with the mainstream right
1 day ago
Fox News are mostly libertarians & neocons
1 day ago
cucked tuck
1 day ago
Tucker said a lot of good things however I say he is still in the normie conservative league overall
1 day ago
Earthling Carl 1
1 day ago
he hates white identity and loves gays
1 day ago
Not quite lol
the woodlander
1 day ago
its getting to the point where ANY disagreement with the nwo will not be tolerated.
1 day ago
tucker and trump aren’t good enough
1 day ago
Conservative Catboys won’t get anywhere
1 day ago
Ann Coulter?
1 day ago
ann coulter
1 day ago
F trump
1 day ago
Boomer zombie trance sounds like a good band
1 day ago
why wouldn’t anyone want to read that lol
1 day ago
Good question. Time will tell.
1 day ago
Don’t put your Faith in the TV and talking heads
1 day ago
Have PA started memberships? Can non Brits join?
1 day ago
His daughter made it for him I heard.
Fearless sunshine
1 day ago
Non are very forgettable.
1 day ago
Carlson heir to the Swanson microwave dinner fortune
1 day ago
scary but it might be good
1 day ago
Why does Carlson wear a Kabbalah bracelet?
1 day ago
The pressure release valve exploded
1 day ago
👉 Follow Joel Davis on Bio Link:
1 day ago
Kabbalah bracelet Tucker
1 day ago
Tucker will get a new platform and hopefully will be more based
Earthling Carl 1
1 day ago
Tucker is CIA and was a regular at Comet Ping Pong, very slimy elitist swamp creature who hates White people collectivising to defend themselves. Not our guy.
1 day ago
Anything that destabilises the Boomer zombie trance is a good time
1 day ago
cucker said a couple of good things. but for me you have to admit white genocide and name who is behind it. the jews. until then f ck em.
1 day ago
Tucker was a mixed bag but maybe it is better that he is gone
1 day ago
They often end up being both. Most people got here via civnats. I doubt very much that Tucker will be replaced by anyone more radical, more prone to speak of The Great Replacement.
1 day ago
Tucker cucked out
1 day ago
politics and socio is far beyond tucker, so we needn’t care
1 day ago
Jonathan Greenblatt Twitter | ‘It’s about time. For far too long, Tucker Carlson has used his primetime show..’
1 day ago
“I don’t even know you dude”
1 day ago
1 day ago
gatekeeper more like
Lost Bits
1 day ago
tucker for me was always controlled opposition, he was the voice for millions and made sure they keep seated
1 day ago
alas for Cucker Trolleson
1 day ago
I’m surprised tucker was there for so long
1 day ago
Cucker getting fired is good, just breaks some more boomer programming, accelerate
1 day ago
Definitely a bad thing. He’s a gateway.
1 day ago
I saw a guy wearing a Baltimore Ravens hat and jersey today and all I could think is wow…what a idiot. That doesn’t matter for Gods sake!
1 day ago
Fk Tucker
1 day ago
Fox News Media | Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson Part Ways:
1 day ago
Yeah, they literally referred to Germans as “swarthy”.
1 day ago
We are the Resistance to the system
1 day ago
👉 Please consider a small donation of $3. When everyone donates $3, it adds up!
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
Because Jews.
1 day ago
Why does everyone have the right to access to whites
1 day ago
You must drink the cool aid and Party like You love it
1 day ago
1 day ago
Loyal allies the Australians
1 day ago
We just want to be left alone. Is that really so difficult for leftist to grasp my God.
1 day ago
👉 Sven Longshanks website | How You Can Help:
1 day ago
While we are talking history why not mention that Britain didint want Australia to enshrine the White Australia Policy into the Constitution
Earthling Carl 1
1 day ago
Australia was literally building a White ethnostate before the “globalists” ruined it.
1 day ago
Poor China isn’t being “Enriched” with Nigerians bumming around Bejing
1 day ago
They aren’t Dravidians. they are a population before Dravidians.
1 day ago
At the same time the media claims china is evil
1 day ago
they’re really Dravidian the Petrol huffers
1 day ago
If they want a better life by all means that’s their human right but don’t invade, attack and bash us in their pursuit of this
1 day ago
absolutely hail
Earthling Carl 1
1 day ago
Abos aren’t even human tbh
1 day ago
I have a Davis on my family tree
1 day ago
The New York Every Single Times
1 day ago
yes who indeed ?
1 day ago
everything gets back to wipe out whitey
1 day ago
Who exactly is making these ‘rules’?
1 day ago
Who invented the boomerang ?
Lost Bits
1 day ago
colonization was often positive
1 day ago
1 day ago
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1 day ago
the diggeeidoo lol
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Hoof that petrol, Bung
1 day ago
odysee already shitting the bed ten minutes in
1 day ago
Yep and also the Easter Bunny is real
1 day ago
Clearly lol
1 day ago
Help this channel by hitting the 🔥 icon on the left side of this page for a like!
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
Well apparently West Africa Wakanda would be roaming the galaxy if not for those pesky Europeans
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
Good evening brother.
Lost Bits
1 day ago
had all the time and never build an autobahn
1 day ago
still living in the cave
1 day ago
If they don’t get a yes vote they’ll keep going until they do
1 day ago
We have ghey ‘mirage’ in Australia. We are so progressive.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
RFK vs Trump for pres is manna from heaven
1 day ago
Technically no, they crossed the land bridge
1 day ago
good point
1 day ago
No one with a mainstream platform is ever worth defending. They’re just there to be bullied into being more and more radical.
1 day ago
Will it be like gay marriage where the voting cards are mailed out
1 day ago
Thanks for your contribution.
1 day ago
Good evening
The Resident Baker
1 day ago
The last stream Joel and Blair did, discussing the Jewish lobby in Australia, was excellent.
1 day ago
it’s excellent
1 day ago
They all died so Chinese can flood the country, clown world faux nationalism
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
and hello sir
1 day ago
Its under attack by outsiders the same way St.Georges day is here
1 day ago
👉 If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:
1 day ago
good evening
1 day ago
ANZAC day – The fake Nationalism day around veterans that died for the banksters
1 day ago
the woodlander
1 day ago
1 day ago
1 day ago
the woodlander
1 day ago
evening mate
1 day ago
Joel is great
the woodlander
1 day ago
evening mate
1 day ago
My pleasure :thumbs_up:
1 day ago
4am i mean
1 day ago
1 day ago
Good evening folks.
1 day ago
its 4pm actually
1 day ago
👉 Follow Joel Davis:
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1 day ago
👉 Follow Beer Hall Pooch on Twitter:
Tweets by BeerPooch
the woodlander
1 day ago
cheers reed
1 day ago
1 day ago
hail to Mark what a man
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
1 day ago
who is really in power
1 day ago
👉 Follow The Woodlander:
the woodlander
1 day ago
evening everyone
1 day ago
👉 Support Bill Atheling’s work (C.P. Webster):
► The Horror Beneath:
► Albion: ARVA – VALA – DEVA:
1 day ago
1 day ago
evening folks
1 day ago
🇬🇧 The official Patriotic Alternative website:
1 day ago
👉 Email Mark Collett
1 day ago
Both of them are not ideal
1 day ago
► Alternative players for this stream can be found at Radio Albion (Sven Longshanks):
1 day ago
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1 day ago
1 day ago
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1 day ago
evening withey
1 day ago
👉 Follow Mark Collett:
The Fall of Western Man
1 day ago
good evening everyone 28 14/88 wpww
1 day ago
My pleasure
1 day ago
1 day ago
👉 Follow Chief Moody:
1 day ago
Hi James :slight_smile:
1 day ago
a great guest tonight
1 day ago
o/ Chief
1 day ago
all good
Chief Moody
1 day ago
Evening troops
1 day ago
Good evening
1 day ago
1 day ago
evening all
1 day ago
Good evening Brother
1 day ago
What up
1 day ago
Howdy Folks
1 day ago
Funny to see Joel next to “based” Tucker 😆
1 day ago
hey Serena
1 day ago
Well done getting up so early for this Joel
1 day ago
👉 Follow SerenaJB on Twitter:
Tweets by SerenaJB3
1 day ago
He likes the TRS guys too.
1 day ago
Great guest tonight.
1 day ago
o/ Heil
1 day ago
1 day ago
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1 day ago
👉 Follow Saint Harrison:
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1 day ago
Lost Bits
1 day ago
Saint Harrison
1 day ago
Evening all
1 day ago
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1 day ago
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Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Wait for the clarification. Until then, cut the concern trolling
Dairy Milk With A Glass Of Milk
1 day ago
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Ask the guy who leaked the info to you -suspect in itself
Dairy Milk With A Glass Of Milk
1 day ago
is there anywhere I can learn more about the recent internal affairs? I have only been able to find “Chris PT”‘s upload of a “leaked internal broadcast” but iirc he has some rivalry or something? Don’t like drama just want to know what’s going on.
Dairy Milk With A Glass Of Milk
1 day ago
My enquiries gone again? Irritating considering I take the PA “side” of the issue, insofar as I know what it is! I would have liked to try asking again live tonight but cannot listen in. I hope the affair is covered in PA monthly anyway. Most concerned about the regional organisers/groups.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Lot’s of new names tonight, bitching and concern trolling…
1 day ago
Neither TRS or AF are perfect, but AF has a higher ceiling if able to further radicalise their base, they flirt more with 1488ers year on year. TRS unironically truly are just a crowd of whining gen Xers.
1 day ago
Yeah, AF came up with that term because it’s only wiggers that don’t want to hang around gay Jews like Milo and gay… whatever Ali is. And gay catboys. The AF way!
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
Memory serves, it was AF who conceived the term wignats for those not on their side? Let’s leave it at that.
1 day ago
TRS swipe at the sidelines at AF, not interested.
Beer Hall Pooch
1 day ago
PA has close and good relations with TRS/NJP.
2 days ago
Joel has some of the hottest takes in the DR. Absolutely horrendous decision to go with AF over TRS guys, but oh well. Nobody is perfect.
2 days ago
Joel is awesome
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
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Version History
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Version 1: Thu, May 4, 2023 — Published post. Includes Odysee comments (1017).
Pingback: Show 36 – Frank Salter – Oct 18, 2023 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Farage Adopts a Nationalist Re-Migration Policy – Jun 21, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 1 – Intro – Jun 29, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Dustborn – a Game for No One – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Scott Ritter on the Shame & Evil That is Israel – Aug 11, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 08 with Alfred Schaefer – Aug 17, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: FOX 4 – RFK Jr. Drops Out, Endorses Trump – Full Speech – Aug 23, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Thomas Sewell – Bread and Butter Nationalism – Aug 25, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Harry Richardson – Speech – Anglophobia Moreton Bay SC – Sep 26, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Christopher Bollyn – Tricked into War – Israeli Zionist Government was Behind the 9/11 Attack – Sep 20, 2018 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – We’ll Talk About the News but Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents – Sep 13, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Protestors Jailed, Paedophiles Walk Free – Aug 16, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Britain’s Digital Police State – Aug 24, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – Political Existentialism, Zionist Hypocrisy, Austrians Vote for Remigration – Oct 3, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Thomas Sewell – Nationalists Chanting ‘White Man Fight Back’ Protest – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – White Man Fight Back! – Oct 17, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – Fuck off We’re Full – with Tom and Jacob – Oct 24, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 03 with Paul Fromm – Jul 13, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 04 with Oscar – Jul 20, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 18 with Jürgen Neumann – Nov 2, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – One Nation – Ineptitude or Controlled Opposition? – Nov 4, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – The Enemy is Weaker Than You Think – Nov 14, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 20 with Kathleen Dudley – Nov 16, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – “It’s Not About Race” – Nov 21, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 27 – Germar Rudolf – Jan 18, 2025 – Transcript | katana17