Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


Polarisation Phases


with Blair & Tom


Thu, Jun 20, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:

An Evening in Racism

Super Chats Will Be Read out Later Because of Complaints

On the Journey Fight

Fascism and National Socialism, Mussolini

The Australian Workers Alliance (Nwa) Matt Trihey

The Politics of the Pub

Over 300 People, Maybe 400 People to Their Event is Incredible.

Damien Richardson’s Australian Speech

Right Wing Group Support Other Right Wing Groups

White Nationalists: Who is the Enemy?

Pro-White Rally Grannies, Waffen Granmas!

Joel Began in Australian Nationalism When He was About 19

Political Activists: the Social Terror

Tom on Coming out as a Nazi

What I Want to Build in the World

You Never Really Know Yourself Until You Get That Time to Yourself

The Importance of Family During the Lockdown

The War Between the Boomers and We

What the Jews Really Fear is the Middle Class

Don’t Think of the Boomers

Far-Left Terrorists Firebomb Jewish Mp’s Melbourne Office

Most Americans Want Mass Deportations of Illegal Immigrants

Indian Meat Cleaver Rapist Cleared of Criminal Responsibility

Mental Illness and the Rape Culture

Australia Expels Indian Spies While Signing Illegal Immigration Deals

Rumble Live Stream Superchats

Is Owning a Home After Bank Shutdown Still Possible?

Why You Shouldn’t Cheat on Your Wife

Super Chats

Blair Cottrell Training in Queensland





Published on Thu, Jun 20, 2024




Polarisation Phases
June 20, 2024
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(Words: 24,685 – 2:11:27 mins)



Joel Davis: We are live.


Another show. It is the 20th of June, 2024.


Another evening in racism for all of our Australian friends and a morning in racism for our American friends. And that we do have a lot of American viewers, but this is a show about Australian politics usually, and we’ll be talking about things very Australian this evening. The three of us attended quite an interesting event last night. We’re going to probably spend a lot of time talking about that.


But before we get into that subject, I guess it would be customary to do a little bit of small talk while people fill up the chat and so on.


So do you have any irritations, Blair, to report on what has been grinding your gears over the past week? Because usually you come up with funny little things to be annoyed by and it can be quite humorous.


Blair Cottrell: Well, yeah, I’m a king of small talk. Speaking of small talk, though, we’re not going to be reading out most Superchats during the stream this time or this week because after I did that last week, I had an avalanche of complaints saying:


“Blair, you’re interrupting the flow of the conversation!”


I’m like, fuck!


All right, so we’ll do Superchats at the end, unless, look, it’s going to be at my discretion.


Joel Davis: Do it at breaks in topics, I think. Yeah, I think it was a break in a topic. It’s all right.


But yeah, don’t interrupt yourself, or a subject to interject with it because usually Superchats, quite frivolous.


Blair Cottrell: Right.


But like I said, it’ll be at my discretion.


So if I see one that I really do want to include in the conversation, I’ll do it.


Joel Davis: If you send a good Superchat that’s actually relevant to what’s being discussed, then, yeah, yeah.


Thomas Sewell: If it’s relevant, I think it should be mentioned on the spot. But if it’s like:


“What’s your favorite Claude Van Damme movie?”


Then maybe at the end.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. I’ve been thinking a lot about the event we went to be honest, and I’ve been thinking about what happened there, just interpreting everything, trying to come to a conclusion about it.


So, look, I haven’t really got it in me to be ranting too much about anything frivolous. We can do that. As the show progresses, I’m sure something’s going to come to mind, something that irritates me.


Joel Davis: I feel like. I think the people at home have noticed, like, Blair has changed. We’ve gone into a new phase of Blair ever since, particularly the laptop. You just seem so much more energised about nationalism and politics.


Blair Cottrell: It’s you guys. It’s the audience as well. We get so much engagement on this. And you, Joel, you got a positive attitude. Tom’s always fighting. Everyone’s always positive. It’s just white pilled me, man. I gotta say. It’s white pilled me. It’s brought me back. So thanks, guys. You’ve brought me back. Your energy, your support, it’s got me believing again.


Thomas Sewell: That’s real.


Joel Davis: Yeah, that’s real.


Thomas Sewell: Cause I know you, and that’s real. I don’t know if the audience wouldn’t know how real that is the audience would be like, yeah, like, Blair kind of dropped off a little bit, kind of had a break, or kind of was like focused on Covid, and people would be like:


“Oh, now he’s back.”


But they don’t know, like, because when you’re someone’s friend, you can feel what they. What they’re feeling. You have that empathy going through upf and how bright you’ve burned. Like, you were just this charging Aryan fire of this Germanic, Celtic youth spirit of the country and that. No one ever talks about how much energy that actually requires. You know what I mean? Like people think all players just built like.


Blair Cottrell: Like that.


Thomas Sewell: He’s just built like that it’s like:


“Well, yeah, he is, because, …”


Blair Cottrell: He can do it, but only no.


Thomas Sewell: One really, energy that actually your whole life force, your whole life energy was like hundred percent. Like, people don’t realize what a hundred percent dedication is unless they saw you for that 18 month or two year period. Yeah, it was like a sprint. It was like an uphill sprint for almost two years straight.


Blair Cottrell: And I loved it! I loved one of our old supporters who Tom. He was at this event we attended last night. And I had him on camera, actually I posted some footage earlier today. He asked me, do. Do you miss it, Blair? Do you miss the activism? And I honestly answered, yes.


There’s nothing about it that I miss so much as the struggle, the fights, constantly, every day, having more to do, more content to make, more to promote, more to organize, more to show up to. Look, I am back. I’m still back from the standpoints that I’m going to provide a sort of median level of commentary. You know, I’m going to create a pipeline. You know what I’m like, right? I want to keep it clean and I want to observe. That’s what I’m back to do more than anything. Just observe and contribute where necessary.


But, yeah, thanks, everyone, for your support. And I want to get right into this event that happened last night because.


Joel Davis: I want to make one brief comment on what you said.


I think it’s very important to meditate on the notion that fighting is funnier than winning, that the struggle is actually more enjoyable than the victory. This is what Nietzsche was getting at with this concept of the “will to power” and “to love one’s fate” and so on.


And his philosophy was this insight that actually the struggle is what is most enjoyable, the process. And that sometimes the worst thing that can ever happen to you is to achieve something, and then you don’t know what to do next.


And so it’s so important to have something that you’re actually fighting for with your life so that you can actually be enjoyable. Nothing else is more enjoyable than taking it to the enemy on a daily basis and feeling like everything that you’re doing is imbued with meaning and purpose.


And I think from observing you, from meeting you a year and a half ago, a bit longer now to now, and seeing just kind of being your friend for that period of time, what I noticed was, I think you got really demoralized by Covid. But what seemed to demoralize you even prior to that, was just like the way that the state came after you and your previous projects fell apart. And this sense of the movement basically entering into a phase where it was no longer on upward trajectory.


I mean, Tom was doing his thing with his organization, but Tom was then in jail for ages. And after the Brenton Tarrant* shooting and the way that the state cracked down upon the movement and the media, basically locked everybody out. It was a time when you could actually be part of the public conversation.


[* The Christchurch mosque shootings were two consecutive mass shootings on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand on 15 March 2019. They were committed by Brenton Tarrant who entered both mosques during Friday prayer, firstly at the Al Noor Mosque at 1:40 pm and later at the Linwood Islamic Centre at 1:52 pm Tarrant was arrested after his vehicle was rammed by a police unit as he was driving to a third mosque in Ashburton. Source: Wikipedia]


Then you were locked out, you dragged through the courts on bullshit charges. People, I’m sure, know the story, but the point is that all of that really worked quite successfully and all the de-platforming and so on, it worked quite successfully to completely destroy what you were doing.


And then, you know, it seemed like you were. I don’t mean like lost in life, but you didn’t have that same reason to get up every morning that you did for a few years, you had reasons to get up, but it wasn’t quite the same. Like, you weren’t on a mission, you went on a quest for the Grail, and, like, every day there’s things coming at you and you’re batting off enemies and trying to, like, force things into being and, well, it’s interesting to.


Blair Cottrell: Get that outside perspective of what it seemed like someone just dropped something.


But look, I’m kind of getting used to where everything’s at in terms of tempo, what kind of content I should be creating, where I should be, when I should be there. Things have changed, you know, things have changed since I’ve actually wanted to influence people or to provide a positive influence in the community. I’ve always denied my humanity.


I don’t know if you guys can relate to this, or maybe the audience can. I’ve always thought I don’t need to do everything that every other human needs to do. I think I’ve spoken about this on the stream once before, but in a different subject matter and in a different way.


What I mean is, I used to think to myself, I don’t need to believe in anything. I don’t need to serve any purpose. I’m not weak enough to have to believe in something. That’s a human weakness. I’m going to transcend that.


But I don’t think it is a weakness to need to believe in something. Because believing in something is what gives you the energy, the motivation, the dedication to dedicate yourself entirely to something that you feel is important, that you feel is greater than yourself. And honestly, what is there that’s more important than your nation, your extended ethnic community and its continued existence? You know that is just like the precipice that is the peak of all things that could be important in my mind. And anyone who tries to tell me I’m evil for believing that, like, cheque yourself. Because why am I evil for wanting to protect and promote my own ethnic community group? Right?


Joel Davis: Well, is that off? Hitler said, the most precious thing in this world is your people. And that’s one of the truest things the great man ever said. I do want to read out a Superchat. I’m going to break the rules because White Power said:


“Joel, why did you slander Gigachad Mussolini?”


This is referring to, I guess, a Twitter comment that I left underneath a sun and radical edit. And it was this really incredible sun and rat edit.


I might actually pull it up and play it for you guys a bit later at the end of the show. Maybe we can analyse it, but it’s just got ancient Rome stuff mixed with Hitler stuff and it’s cool song. It’s like a funk remix of Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes.


And then at the end, they put a couple, like, Mussolini clips in, and I said:


“I’m gonna rate it nine out of ten. It was ten out of ten.”


And then this Mussolini. And I like Mussolini, but he’s not Hitler. You know, there’s levels. There’s levels to this. And people took it as me hating on Mussolini and saying that he’s not White and Italians aren’t White and so on.




Blair Cottrell: Tell us one, tell us one good thing. Tell us one great thing about Mussolini and one thing that’s really not so good, because I don’t even know much about Mussolini.


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, I mean, obviously Mussolini was a great, like, he’s an incredible political innovator. I mean, he invented fascism. Uh, the way in which they, he orchestrated his political movement. It was incredible!


I mean, there’s a lot to respect about him. The demeanour of the guy. He’s got this kind of energy that’s just quite humorous. He’s just got that bravado, this really excessive, cartoonish bravado, but it’s very endearing.


The thing that I like least about Mussolini is that basically the fascist movement, while it was cool in so many respects, I’m not saying that I don’t like fascism, but it did lack the centrality of race that National Socialism had or that I would personally put within my politics. And I can understand why. Because in Italy, there wasn’t, like one cohesive, central ethnic identity. You know, northern Italian, southern Italians are quite different.


And so there was a sense that fixating too much upon race would alienate, you know, one half of the country from the other, differentiate them. And the whole idea was coming together in the unity of Italy.


But I think that that’s problematic. I think maybe if you have a country that’s built around such a large racial difference maybe that’s an incorrect way to design a country.


But there was a greater emphasis upon state power.


And while I do agree that authoritarian state power is something that should be used for good and can be used for good, I don’t think it is the be all and end all. It’s about what it’s being used for.


Whereas fascism kind of gives this notion that state power is kind of an end in itself, that just like, the centralization of the will in the state is itself just a grand thing. And I don’t think that’s necessarily the case. I mean, also, the Italian fascists were kind of soft on the jews. They did get harsher on the jews toward the end when they were trying to cosy up to the Germans.


Because you have to understand as well, the fascists and the Germans only became allies only a few years before the war. Mussolini was trying to ally himself with the Brits and with the French. To be fair, he was actually trying to bring everyone together in Europe and create a pan-European alliance against the Soviet Union and other non-European countries, which I think was a good idea. I think Mussolini was right to try and do that it’s a shame that he didn’t pull it off, but it was complex.


Like, people kind of see fascism and National Socialism as exactly the same thing in this one unified movement, but that actually is ahistorical. And Mussolini was seen in a positive light by European jewry and other European elements that were quite against the National Socialists in the early 1930s as, like, a positive alternative or something that wasn’t so racist and anti-semitic and so on.


So I think that says a lot, but that doesn’t mean that I hate Mussolini or I have zero respect for Mussolini. No, I think fascism has no cool ideas. It does. It was obviously a movement of the Right. It was a movement that was against communism.


So obviously that makes it fundamentally good. Anything that destroys communism is good, and it had many good elements. And it wasn’t like they were totally. They weren’t like, opening the borders, the brown and black immigrants or anything.


So it wasn’t like they were totally, like, cucked on race to some totally unacceptable degree without destroying their, like, what’s happening now to Italy and the rest of other Western countries.


So, it’s a nuanced thing.


It’s like I don’t hate fascism or Mussolini, but also I don’t revere them as highly as I or him or revere the fascist Italian state as highly as I revere other things.


But anyway, we managed to do a little bit of small talk, so I succeeded.


Blair Cottrell: That’s Joel’s version of small talk, guys. That’s what we deal with down here in Melbourne. So, like I said, though, I’d like to jump onto talking about the event that happened last night. All three of us were there. What did you guys think?


Joel Davis: I’ll let Tom go first.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I do you plan on uploading the interview you did with me, just out of curiosity? It depends on how I answer the question, because I won’t double up on that if you’re going to., …


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I won’t probably get it up until after the weekend because I am travelling up to Brisbane, well, just below Brisbane tomorrow morning. I’ve had work today. I only had time to get that little quick clip up. And my intention with that clip was just to., … It’s the same every time. I’d make content in the past as well, to normalize the people who are in attendance, because they’re going to be slandered eventually as Right-wing crack, far-Right neo-Nazi conspiracy theorists, just to show that it’s regular working people that go.


But more than anything, that there are people who attend events like this in quite large numbers, that it’s not something that’s niche and fringe and only a few people are sitting around a table. There’s hundreds of people that are interested in these things, in these talking points, and I think it’s really important to get that across to anyone who’s interested, because I think what holds people back from participating in politics like this is they think that no one else is doing it.


So it’s really important, I think, just to get those visual messages out there to help everyone understand that there’s a lot of people who care about their country, there’s a lot of people who want to do something about the corrupt establishment. But I already got takes from both you guys on camera, but is there anything that you want to talk about specifically? I mean, I got there early. People were rocking up like a good 45 minutes early. That’s when I arrived. I didn’t think I’d get there that early. I ended up leaving work early, had coffee, something to eat, heard the opening speeches, spoke to Matt Trihey again. And Tom and I have both worked for Matt Trihey. He’s a builder down here in Melbourne.


Joel Davis: He’s the guy who organized the event, by the way, for the benefit.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I should have mentioned that. Sorry. Yeah, but that’s.


Joel Davis: His organization is called the Australian Workers Alliance, [National Workers Alliance] I believe. National workers, all national workers are.


Blair Cottrell: Sorry, my apologies, but NWA, the new boys in the Hood. Tom.


Thomas Sewell: Weakness with attitude.


Blair Cottrell: He’s a good guy.


Joel Davis: Well, they’re not wignats, though. Hey. They’re not wignats. Very optical, very good. Very good optics.


And also, I think the website is dot au for those who want to go and check out their website. Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: And, yeah, you can. I can assess that. This guy’s character, like, I. He’s a better man than me. He’s a hard worker. This guy has dedicated his whole life to providing the highest level of building services to specific clientele. And people seek him out to build high quality homes for them, like, high end homes. I’ve done stuff on his jobs that I never thought I’d do, like, spiral staircases. And I learned how to sort of assemble and use a concrete hole corer, by myself. I worked with steel, a lot of steel and concrete, which is not something that I experienced very much before working for Mattie Trihey.


But the fact that he put this event on is awesome, and it was really good to talk to him again. Bit of a blast from the past, actually. Running in swim. How long has it been since you’ve seen him, Tom?


Thomas Sewell: Recently? I’ve seen him in the city. When we do our protests, they organize in the city as well. So every protest that we did we would cross paths with them.


Blair Cottrell: Mattie Trihey, he’s been involved in protests in the city leading up to this event that he just hosted. Is that right?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. So he was involved with the Freedom Rally organizers, and I believe that the main group of Freedom Rally organizers were doing, like, welcome to countries. And they were doing the whole liberal outlook on being anti-Covid. So not freedom because there are ancient rights, not freedom because it’s about respect. And that we’re like a noble people and we’re not to be treated by the State. That’s meant to serve us as a bureaucratic function. You know, people weren’t arguing from that angle. A lot of the anti-vaxxers were arguing, like, from this. They would do a “Welcome to Country” for Aboriginals. First they would talk about how this is infringing on these poor and disadvantaged groups, and they were coming from the weak position, not the strong position.


So obviously, that was going to create a natural split with a more Right-wing version of the anti-vax movement. And that’s what he’s led since day one.


Blair Cottrell: So the event organizer, Maddy Trihey, what we’re saying, what you’re saying there is he was involved in the anti-vax kind of freedom rallies that took place in Melbourne. Was he a director? I don’t think he was a direct organizer. I think he attended the rallies himself and then gradually became a prominent figure through giving speeches and networking.


Thomas Sewell: That’s what all of them were. None of them were leaders. Who are these guys? What was it like, Harrison and all these people, have you. Had you ever heard of them before?


Blair Cottrell: I suppose they are truly grassroots guys. Like, these are people who come from salt of the earth working class. They’re not people who are raised in the universities in order to be professional politicians. Right?


Joel Davis: Yeah.




Thomas Sewell: So, like, when UPF started, there was a lot of people, old heads in the movement, that were quite skeptical of us because they were like, who are these guys? Where have these guys come from? Like we were kind of getting accusations and that we weren’t innate grassroots, because we went from just random people on the street, not involved in politics, to political leaders just overnight.


So I think Covid was no different. It was another wave. Every time there’s chaos, there’s a new wave of potential political leaders that sort of just appear out of the ether. Not in a bad way, just in a way.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: Well, my general consensus on the event itself is you could tell that it was kind of thrown together, but it was organized as well as it could have been. Probably given the experience of the people who are organizing it. I can’t really throw too much shade on it. Like, there was food, we ran out of water, but everything else was great. The speeches were good. The event went for about four. You run out of beer too? Yeah, right.


Joel Davis: No, no, we didn’t run out of beer.


Thomas Sewell: Hall energy to it, just.


Joel Davis: It did a good Polish beers. You know, it’s hard to find Polish beer in Australia. It was a nice change.


Blair Cottrell: Well, it’s even harder to find a hall full of sensible men who want to talk about politics. That’s just not something you find in Australia.


So it was a really different evening, one that I wish we could have more often. I wish every week, like on Wednesday night, for example, or Friday night, we could go to a hall, have a few drinks and just talk about the state of the country and what we’re going to do about it. I think that was a very common state of circumstances for pre-war Germany and even Germany after the war. I think that’s what men and everywhere.


Thomas Sewell: Even the Anglo-sphere, there was a culture. After work, there would be these huge gatherings at the pub, not like it is now, where it’s later in the night and, it’s people just going out of party and get absolutely sloshed. People would go straight from work.


So they’re still kind of in this functioning political mode versus there wasn’t a, …


Joel Davis: Bunch of Pokemon TVs with the footy on and people betting on sports and music playing over, like, because they didn’t have the technology for any of that stuff yet.


So people would go to the pub and they’d sit around and talk or they’d sing, they’d sing songs as well. That used to be common in pubs. We don’t do that anymore. That’s why in Europe they’ve got this like singing culture that we don’t have here because it’s a legacy from how pub culture was before televisions and you know, like modern technology was developed and so, yeah, like it used to be this hub of the community where there would be a genuine exchange of ideas and obviously that was a kind of political focal point in a town and that no longer really exists.


But I mean I think you’re under selling it, Blair. Like the fact that this was their first ever event and they got over 300 people, maybe 400 people to their event, I think is incredible! I mean how often do people get that kind of numbers to a very large, like numbers that large to their first ever event?


And it’s like this guy is like a big, you know, political commentator and he’s been in the movement like he’s an activist and obviously that’s how he got these people here because he’s a kind of experienced activist but he isn’t like this super well known guy or anything.


So the fact that he could mobilize that is testament I think, to really, really high quality, just like grassroots organizing.


Blair Cottrell: It’s respect. It’s not just high quality organization, it’s respect. People respect Matt Trihey, people respect Nick Patterson. People are interested in hearing what Damien Richardson has to say. Damien Richardson’s a great speaker, by the way. I can see why people want to listen to him. The way he delivers his points makes his analogies fantastic! He could have been a comedian. Maybe he’s tried to do that in the past. He seems like he has some experience in that, which is fantastic!


Joel Davis: He was an actor, right?


Blair Cottrell: And then comedians and actors are kind of the same branch on the same tree, right?


Thomas Sewell: He’s got a lot of animation. He’s certainly very passionate and I think that’s a genuine passion. I don’t think he’s actually acting. I think he’s got the experience of being able to inject unique energy and there were times where he was funny. Like it was actually really enjoyable to watch and it is rare to be able to successfully do that. So he’s definitely a talent, he’s definitely a leader, on the rise. It’s interesting.


Blair Cottrell: Most of them, even more rare is hearing so much Australian, Australian TV personality speak openly and with sympathy in regards to White Australia. You just don’t see that very often. And that was really refreshing.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, he’s definitely a model. Like a role model in that sense where so many of these actors and celebrities and people within I guess that privileged class, obviously he’s been booted from the class now as he was saying in a speech, he’s working in construction now, which is, I mean that’s all dissidents go basically. Yeah, we’re, basically, we’re all like:


“I’m in construction now as well!”


I mean people that knew me when I joined the movement, I was almost the first one of the furthest, because the army is very, …


Blair Cottrell: Who would have thought though? Who would have thought? Honest men have to do honest work.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, exactly! It’s cosmic! It’s beautiful! Yeah, it is. I was actually thinking about that a lot today, how I thought that political dissidents would have just endless spare time and I had this kind of revolutionary idea that we didn’t have. I guess when I was younger I thought that’s what a revolutionary did. They didn’t have a job, they didn’t get a trade, they didn’t learn any skills because they were just solely dedicated to bringing down the state.


And I thought about how that’s kind of a lightning and sun perspective. If you’re pure lightning then that would make sense because your goal is a purely almost destructive energy like to just bring down the state. But we are all, everything we do in our lives is character building so that we actually can be leaders of a future ethno-state. That’s how our lives are developing. Everything we’re learning, all our interactions, our physical training as well. Almost all the men like so yourself, myself, Joel, you’ve got Damian Richardson, you’ve got Matt Trihey, you got Nick Patterson, you got Craig Cole. All these men that I just mentioned are all fit, they’re all fit and healthy and trained like Matt Trihey. He’s like 60 and the guy looks 40.


Blair Cottrell: He was a mixed martial artist. He used to fight. He had a few professional fights when he was a bit younger.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, he was.


Blair Cottrell: Damien Richardson has his own website too, guys, which is just his full name. I haven’t checked out that site yet but not sure what you’ll find there. If you guys are interested in knowing.


Joel Davis: More speeches were broadcast live so I’m sure we’ll post them on social media in some way. So you guys can go and watch them or you can cheque it out for yourself if you’re interested, because I’m sure they’re out there. You can watch the replay. Damien’s speech in particular was, I thought, really, really good.


As Tom says, he’s a brilliant orator. He’s very talented. I mean, he’s just made to do basically what we’re doing on here, be brilliant live streaming. He had a radio show, and he would have been brilliant on the radio. I think he does do streaming, so I think if you check out his website that you just mentioned, I think he does periodically do streaming. Yeah, I think he’s a real asset to the movement because of his just erudition, intelligence, his ability to convey a message that I think normal people can connect with. And he’s very engaging and funny. His speech was great. I really enjoyed it.


I mean, I was a few beers deep, so maybe I enjoyed it more because of that. But it was still a really good speech. And I did appreciate the way that he actually pushed the envelope he talked about. He made clear references to jewish control of the media and influence over our political system. He defended the principle of the Anzacs, the men who fought in the Second World War, they were fighting for White Australia. So clearly a very based individual. And that’s a message that almost no one is promoting. And that’s the message that is the most important message to promote.


I mean, particularly what he said about White Australia and the people that were sitting there. I mean, it was billed as was talking about protecting children from the LGBTQ agenda and mass immigration. That’s what it was. Bill. These are the two, according to Matt, and I think Matt is correct to identify. These are the two key issues politically of our time, what they’re doing to families and what they’re doing to the nation. And the two things are interrelated.


I said this today on Twitter, that everything that is happening ultimately boils down to the ruling class is attacking our blood, whether it be on the microcosm, on the family level, trying to destroy, sexually pervert our children, prevent people from getting married, prevent people from having children, you know, promote all the things that they promote, feminism, LGBT, pornography, degeneracy, et cetera. All of that is about destroying the blood in the most direct way or destroying the blood of the nation through mass immigration, through anti-White discrimination, through promoting miscegenation, through elevating non-Whites into positions of power within White societies.


Why are they doing this? It’s because blood loyalty is the most powerful force, like in humanity, and it is the most dangerous force to the ruling class. Because the ruling class is held together by lies, deception, money, self interest. It’s not held together by a genuine self sacrifice or heart or love. None of that exists within the elite, the elite that currently rules over us. It’s pathological, it’s a tyranny precisely because it lacks that.




And so it fears any basis from which someone could tap into that energy and rise up and challenge them. Someone could tap into the energy of the familial and ethnic and racial bonds and say:


“Hey, I’m going to fight for your family. I’m going to fight for your people, against the scum that rule over you.”


And so they’re trying to destroy those bonds so that no one can tap into them, so that no one can challenge them.


And I think that’s really like the essential point of all of these people in the freedom movement, obviously they agree that there is a tyrannical elite. They all came together opposing the lockdowns and the Covid jab mandates and so on.


And they all believe in conspiracy theories. They talk about globalism, they talk about international cabals and the way in which democracy doesn’t really function correctly. And that there’s this kind of series of elite institutions interconnected with global elite institutions and our media that promote a political message and agenda that they impose upon the country regardless of Democratic mandate.


So they’re aware of that.


But a lot of them haven’t fully connected the dots on exactly what the agenda is about. There’s this kind of like, superficial idea that the people that are in charge, they just want to make money, or they just want power for the sake of power, and they don’t really care.


Like, it’s not about race, it’s not about jews versus Aryans, it’s not about any of these things. They just believe in all these wacky communist ideas and they just want more and more power for the sake of power. No. People want power for the sake of power. Doing something with power. Power is a means to an end. It isn’t an end in itself. And yes, they want money. Yes, they want to ingratiate themselves. Yes, they want to ascend hierarchies.


And a lot of the people who work in politics and media, they just parrot what they’re supposed to parrot so that they can do that. But those people don’t actually have the agency over the system. The people that have the agency over the system are the ones that are actually using it for some purpose. And the ones that are using it for some purpose are using it to attack your family and your race because they’re afraid of the Whiteman. They’re afraid of the Whiteman more than anyone because if the Whiteman came together, we could overthrow them and they know it. And they built this entire system on the basis, on the basis of defeating us, like we previously ran the world and then they took over.


So the entire new system is built around preventing us from taking it back because we used to be in charge. We were the previous rulers. The new rule is obviously whenever you get a phase shift in politics, the new ideology is always built around stopping whoever previously ran shit from being able to run shit!


So, for example, when liberalism began, it was built around not letting monarchs and aristocrats rule things because they were the previous rulers. Or communism is built around the idea we can’t let capitalists rule things as they were the previous rulers or whatever.


And so this current system is built around we can’t let White men, White nations have sovereignty because then they’re too powerful and then we can’t control the world. They become too powerful. The world basically is their oyster.


So that’s what this is all about. And that was kind of, they didn’t quite go there, but they were kind of edging these people in that direction.


And I think the vast majority of the audience was quite receptive. And the elements that weren’t receptive, they didn’t look like a lot of them seemed like they, like there was a few people there that were mixed race couples that didn’t seem too happy about the message and left early. And there was a few other older ladies that seemed a little bit offended by some of the rhetoric.


But overall I would say 80, 90% of the audience seemed quite captivated and interested and receptive to what they were hearing.


So that’s quite interesting because this is not an audience of White nationalists. This is an audience of, what would you call them? Just concerned citizens.


Blair Cottrell: Disillusioned working people, man.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, concerned citizens. They are concerned citizens.


Blair Cottrell: 50s Internet users, over 50 many.


Thomas Sewell: Well, that is a good point to make, is that the only youth that was there was us and other organizations that attended. So I didn’t notice too many young people that weren’t already tribe and training that weren’t already networked with an organization, so they, …


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, there’s not many.


Thomas Sewell: The system and the communists would certainly be shaking in their boots a little bit right now, because this is a grassroots success. This is stepping into a new paradigm. And the value of this is about cadre building as well. It’s about you’re having these meetings, who’s attending regularly.


And as Matt said at the start, education. He said:


“One of the most important reasons for this meeting is education.”


And so a lot of people might have felt afterwards that we didn’t reach any solution, you know, that it wasn’t a productive meeting because we didn’t reach a solution, because people want instant solutions. But what Matt explained the purpose of the meeting was, was education.


And the more people that come, and the more regularly they attend and the more these things happen, the more they start to build a political awareness. A class of people that aren’t just concerned citizens, but they’re educated concerned citizens. They’re now educated on a governing worldview, on governing principles embedded within natural law, embedded within fact and truth.


So they’re in the moral and logical high ground. And then now you’ve got this building population, this subpopulation, and it’s growing, and they have friends, they have family, and it bleeds through society. And that is one of those important concepts within metapolitics that we let. Maybe there’s a political solution, maybe there’s not. Why it’s irrelevant right now is whether there is or isn’t. We need a cultural and educational and informational solution in order to achieve a political solution or not, so political solutions are downstream of cadre building, they’re downstream of local community, grassroots meetings, activism, tribe and train sort of thing. So anything you’re going to say something?


Blair Cottrell: No. You can finish if you want. Is there something you want to finish with there?


Thomas Sewell: No, I can just talk forever.


Joel Davis: So I just want to interject. I want to interject here with RSA Liberty, who said, it’s a relevant Superchat. He said:


“Great to see you guys supporting other Right-wing groups. No infighting or petty territorialism. Another reason I know I’m following the Right guys also enjoyed Blair’s vlog of the event.”


And I think that’s actually an important point to make. We just want to see anyone who’s trying to do something good succeed. Anyone, literally anyone in Australia that’s trying to build towards, like, an actual sincere, patriotic, pro-White, pro-family politics, whatever way they want to go about it. If they’re doing it in an honest way and then they’re not screwing anybody over and they’re just trying. If they’re having a crack, Yeah, if they’re just having a crack, yeah. They have my 100% full support.


Blair Cottrell: But where do they go from here? That’s the thing. The next meeting they host will be the spicy one, because now all the wrong people know who they are and they’re going to be keeping an eye on what they’re going to do next. So next time they’re going to have the police.


Next time they’re going to have counter-protesters, next time they’re going to need a bit of security. So luckily they have the networks to acquire that for themselves. Probably through Tom and the guys. They might be able to work the, …


Thomas Sewell: Doors, different speakers as well.


So there was already different types of security there and different organizations.


So it was like a community defence.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Nick Patterson has his guys, that Craig Cole guy, he runs a martial arts gym as well. You know, there was lots of different crews down there, so it was full unity. It was full Right-wing unity.


Blair Cottrell: They’re going to need it. They’re going to need it because I don’t think anyone thought it was going to be that big of a meeting and that many people were going to attend on the very first try, the very first event. So, like I said, the next one will be spicy.


I asked a question during Q and A and the purpose of the question was to try to signal to the speakers, the organizers of the events, that it’s important to have the people who attend the event leave the event having remembered a very simple dynamic or having a remembered something that they can take away from the event and sort of apply to their daily philosophy. So I asked:


“What is the movements’ or the collection of organizations that have organized that event, what is your goal and who is your enemy?”


And that’s very important dynamic to establish. It can sometimes be difficult to do because you might have a convoluted idea of what’s happening. You might see the enemy as the system. The problem with that, though, is it doesn’t really pin anything down. It doesn’t identify the people behind and within the system who are your enemy. Right? And you don’t necessarily have to use language like, “it’s the jews”, but you can deliver a message to people in such a way where they understand who the enemy is. You can also help people understand what the goal is, the preservation or protection of the Australian nation, for example. Everyone can get behind that.




So your goal needs to be something that everyone can get behind, and your enemy needs to be understood as something palpable, something that can be seen, something that does exist, that is evil.


So this is what we believe, up with the Australian nation, that over there is the enemy, down with them. And that’s what appeals to the average person. Establishing that dynamic as a movement leader, an event organizer, as a public speaker, it’s very important. It’s what people are receptive to. It doesn’t matter how you feel about this. It doesn’t matter if you’re like:


“Oh, I don’t want to oversimplify things.”


Too bad. You have to oversimplify things in order for your message to be understood by the ordinary people, the working class people who are going to be attending events like this in the future.


So that was the reason I asked the question that I asked, and I hope the organizers understand that and sort of formulate a better answer to that question, meaning creating a nice, easy to understand “us versus them” dynamic. But, Joe, you are paradigms.


Joel Davis: I think the simple paradigm that they could use if they don’t necessarily want to go too spicy, is just do the classic “globalism versus nationalism”. There was a lot of talk of globalism and nationalism through the speeches. It corresponds with the rhetoric they’re already putting down.


Blair Cottrell: But simple answer is what needed to be said. That’s the simple thing that people needed to leave with. This is what I was trying to say. People needed to be warned. Walking out of there feeling good, feeling like they had support, feeling strong, feeling like, okay, I’m a nationalist and my enemy is the globalists. Right, that’s a good start. You can start with that and you can build on that from there to make it a little bit more radical, I suppose, a little bit more fundamental.


Joel Davis: I mean, there was a lot of pro-White rhetoric that was interlayed in discussion of explicitly of White interests. And Jared Taylor was mentioned, pathological altruism. There was a lot of good talking points. Matt himself and Damien particularly brought up in what they had to say. I enjoyed the other speaker that was there. He wasn’t there to speak so much about immigration. He was there to speak about the LGBTQ whatever agenda. And he spoke very well, very forcefully. I think he used to work in the education system.


So he had a lot of experience with how this degenerate shit is interwoven into the school system. Obviously a very important issue. And it was good to see him on stage with nationalists, you know, bringing those two issues together because nationalists were pretty much the only people like the Christians as well, will do something.


But yeah, we’ve really been leading the charge.


I mean, how many Drag Queen Story Hours have we either protested or shut down over the past year or two? I mean, so many.


I mean, I know that myself personally, Drag Queen Story Hours that I have targeted and obviously everyone has helped and the drag help. Yeah, yeah. And the threat of Tom and the boys showing up definitely gets a lot of these things shut down. Definitely! And we’ve got, he, I don’t know, count maybe like 20, 20 plus of these things shut down.


So yeah, and then we’ve shown up to a few as well.


And so we’ve been putting in the work and it’s good to see that there’s a kind of, there needs to be unity on the Right around that issue. That’s something that everyone can agree on.


And I think it’s a good thing for nationalists to keep chipping away at with the rest of the Right-wing to say:


“Hey, like, we’re the fighters of the Right-wing. You guys need to start getting with the program on the other issues that we care about and realising that we are your friends and you’re not going to get anywhere, really. The Right-wing is not going to get anywhere without us. We’re the real fighters, we’re the real radicals. We’re the real high energy people in the movement!”


So if the Right-wing wants to get anything done, it needs to include us. It’s as simple as that. And insofar as it has been excluding us and not these particular people, obviously, but in general, as, insofar as conservatives and Right-wing elements have excluded us for the sake of optics and not wanting to have the association, what they have done is they’ve put all their fighters on the sideline and then lost every single battle. They’ve lost every single battle for decades until they can actually start using their fighters rather than sidelining us because we’re too edgy.


The reason why we’re edgy is because we’re the fighters. That’s what? Like the Left has their fighters. The Left-wing fighters are like pro-pedophilia, communist demons. The Left doesn’t sideline their fighters. They put their insane nut job fighters out into the field and they go and get shit done. And they’re turning your kid into a tranny.


So you need to the Right needs to start using us. And yeah, they’re going to get called names by the media and so on, but if you use this, if you use this enough, eventually no one cares anymore. It just becomes normal.


Like, they can moan and cry, but if the Right-wing just doesn’t care and just keeps using us again and again and again and again, eventually that will just be seen as how politics works.


So the Left has done, we could get on here and talk about, or the mainstream Right-wing media can go on about Antifa and communists and blah, blah, blah. Does it, does the Left give a shit? No! Does the public give a shit? No, it doesn’t.


Obviously there’s opposition to these things, but it doesn’t prevent them from winning elections, it doesn’t prevent them from functioning as a robust and effective political force. They’re fucking winning.


So, yeah, the Right, if the Right wants to actually win, and the problem is a lot of the people in the institutional Right don’t want to win! A lot of them are professional losers. They’re paid off by jews, they’re non-White themselves.


And so they feel more threatened by us than by their supposed political opponents on the left when they’re so-called based Right-wing non-Whites. But the true normal White Right-winger, who genuinely cares about the issues that they purport to care about, they need to start fighting to put us on the team and get us on the team if they want to start winning.


And the only way that Australia would be fixed is if you get the radicals, the nationalists on the team.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, it was great that Matt was so welcoming because a lot of people, I just expected it because I’ve known that for years, but I got so many messages from people saying:


“How are you received? How are you?”


Like, it was on the consciousness, on the political consciousness of a lot of people within the wider movement. They were very curious as to how the meeting went. Not just as a meeting, but the dynamic between work was people in the crowd, you know, positive towards us:


“Were they curious? Were the organizers positive or curious and just what’s the state of Right-wing unity at the moment? What’s the state of pro-White unity? And is the pro-White crowd expanding that? Are we becoming more normalized within the open window without removing any of our radical and truthful components?”


Joel Davis: I just want to say “Hi!” to also to all the grannies. There was a few other I’m not saying that you’re all grannies, because there were some women that come to me that weren’t grannies. They were much younger, that you’re definitely not grannies. But there were some grannies that came up to me and said:


“I love what you do, and we love the show!”


And so on.


So there’s Granny Waffen out there watching the show every week. I just want to say hello to Granny Waffen. And actually, I’ve actually encountered Granny Waffen at other events before. It’s very endearing. It feels good. And there was one of the granny Waffen who came up to me and she said something along the lines of:


“They were trying to make us hate you guys and think that you guys were bad actors, but I know that you’re not. I know that you guys are good boys!”


Blair Cottrell: Who’s they? What do they mean by “they were”?


Thomas Sewell: Trying to make some of the other. The Left-wing Freedom rally organizers were telling their constituents, their cohort, that these people are feds, these people are bad agents, these people are here to make us look bad. And you’ve got two kinds of grandmas politically. You’ve got racist grandmas, and you’ve got refugee grandmas. And racist grandmas are like the loving, caring, nurturing, motherly grandmas, and they’re the best.


And then we have the best grandmas, as Trump would probably say, we have. We have the best grandmas. Like, our movement has.


Joel Davis: Nobody has grandmas like our grandmas!


Thomas Sewell: Nobody has grandmas like our movement. And our grandmas are so loving, they’re so caring. Um, you know, we just have the best grandmas!


Whereas the Left, they get the freak grandmas! They get the grandmas that aren’t even grandmas! Like, they just have a dog, or they have brown children, or they’re like witches. They’re like the Wicked Witches. And we get the good witches, we get the old grandmas that, like, make cakes, and they, like, say:


“You know, that the country’s gone the wrong way and we really need to fix it. And I’m putting a lot of hope in you!”


And we just get awesome grandmas like that. And every freedom rally thing I’ve ever been to, grandmas are the first to come up to me like, tom, Tom, Tom, and I’m just like, why do grandmas love me? This is crazy! Yeah, we’re the most radical, but they’ve got a feeling that they’ve got a sense. They don’t care about the propaganda, they don’t care. It doesn’t matter. They’re just eternal sense.


Blair Cottrell: You know what else they don’t care about? They don’t care about having their faces seen at these events, which is something a lot of people still care a lot about. I was approached by several people saying:


“Blair, I noticed you were filming for a bit there. Can, can you make sure I’m not in that?”


Even though they’re just attending the rally now, I don’t want to throw dirt on anyone. I know people have their reasons for wanting to stay anonymous, but what do you guys think about that? I want to open up this subject because I’ve got a little bit to say about it. What do you think about anonymity?




Thomas Sewell: I just wrote a big essay on it, it must be in the hive mind, because just about three minutes before we went live, I just wrote an essay on it.


Blair Cottrell: So we’re well equipped for the discussion.


Thomas Sewell: If you guys want to go. Yeah, let’s go. Let’s do it.


Blair Cottrell: Well, I can open up, I suppose, and I can begin with where I began in Australian nationalism, which was a think tank, a club called Nationalist Alternative. First group I ever met with, they were just people who got together maybe once a month, some older guys, some younger guys, just to talk, eat some food, nothing serious.


On the very rare occasion they do a letterbox drop for Australia, first party or something. But there was no real activism. But I was young. I was about 19 or 20 years old when I first engaged with this group. This is when I was first looking for an Australian nationalist group on the Internet and I found this one. And I wanted my friends to get into this as well, when I first met these guys.


So there was about 12 or 13 guys meeting once a month.


And I thought:


“We need more people. We need to make this bigger, more popular, more powerful. We need to create a counterculture.”


That’s what I wanted to do. I wanted to get my girlfriend involved, I wanted her friends being involved but every time I tried to take a photo or get some footage of everyone together, everyone had an issue with it:


“No, I don’t want my face in that. No, I don’t want to be associated with this.”


And I thought, it’s really frustrating because I thought:


“Well, how are we ever going to grow this community if we don’t have people who are open and proud of what they believe, unashamed? How is anyone ever going to know about it? How are we going to make this popular and powerful?”


And I realized over time that this fear, this paranoia, this tendency to want to remain anonymous and operate in the shadows. It has plagued Australian nationalism for ages, since I first got involved and probably long before I got involved, and that’s before it was really edgy.


I mean, when I was 19, YouTube was full of Hitler speeches and clever edits of William Luther Pierce speeches, which, you know, contributed to my development, my understanding of what was going on in the world. That stuff was just available everywhere. The Internet was just completely open. And even back then, people were just like:


“Oh, I don’t want to be seen with this. I can’t be seen to be associated!”


You can’t be seen to associate with what? A bunch of people talking about loving their country and wanting to protect their extended ethnic community? Like, why can’t you be seen associating with that? Like I said, I don’t want to throw too much shade on anyone. And I know everyone has their reasons for wanting to do whatever it is they’re doing, but if you’re never going to be known for what you truly believe and stand for, then what you truly believe and stand for is never going to become known, certainly not popular or powerful. You need to be unashamed, you need to be bold. You need to be brave, and you need to understand that the consequences people like myself have suffered really aren’t that bad.


I mean, I’m starting to think that the closure of bank accounts was a clever ploy by the government to actually try to strike terror into people who were thinking about associating with or getting involved in rationalism. Because, yeah, we were talking about this last night, and it got me thinking because we still bank. All I did was start up an account.


Joel Davis: Shut down means is you just have to move to another bank and then transfer your money there. They don’t steal your money.


Blair Cottrell: And this is not only that, but it keeps you on your toes.


Joel Davis: Minor inconvenience it is.


Blair Cottrell: And that’s all it’s ever been from the beginning. Even the legal charges, really, for me, it was a minor inconvenience. I’d been to court before that, when I was younger. I was accustomed to it.


But I think the problem is its especially true of the younger guys, a lot of whom want to stay anonymous. They’ve never been to jail, they’ve never been charged with anything. They haven’t been to prison. They haven’t really been on the wrong side of the law, many of them have never even had a parking fine.


And so I think they fear stepping over that boundary where suddenly they’re known to the state for the wrong reasons.


But you can’t fear that it’s like if you’re going to fear that, you’re just going to perpetually live in subordination to this system and the people who control it. I think I’ve said enough on the matter. What do you think, Joel?


Joel Davis: Well, yeah, I just want to reiterate that point about the banking. I mean, we talk about it because it’s an important propagandistic function to say, how come our guys will get their bank account taken away because they go to a peaceful protest on behalf of White Australians.


But then pedophiles can have a bank account. Like, it doesn’t actually make any sense. Like, it’s totally fucked in the head, obviously!


So it’s an important propaganda point to make. But people then get afraid, like:


“Oh, the system. I could be put on the list by ASIO.”


And what is ASIO [Australian Security Intelligence Organization] gonna do with that list? I’ve been on ASIO’s list for years. Who cares? Like, ASIO can look at my text messages. I don’t do anything illegal. And ASIO is like:


“Oh, yep, he doesn’t seem to be doing any terrorism this week. We’ll keep an eye on him.”


And that’s literally it. There’s no second phase. Tom has been dragged before the courts in an unfair way, but they were through. Like, he got into a fight with people. Like, okay, it was unfair what they did to him because he was defending himself or defending his friend.


But it wasn’t like they just rounded him up and arrested him just because he was being a White nationalist. They waited for some opportunity to construct the case against him. And this is Australia’s most prominent White nationalist. You showing up as just some guy, no one knows who you are in a T-shirt, some event where you just sit on a seat and listen to a few speeches and go home, and then people can see you in the background of some video footage. What do you think is going to happen from that? Nothing is going to happen from that it’s just ridiculous to be that afraid. Your face isn’t that distinctive. No one knows who you are.


Now I get it. If you’re, like, trying to work in some government department or you’re trying to become a lawyer or become some high powered business executive, or something in a big company. And you really got this really sensitive career path. I can understand being cautious, but almost no one is like that. Almost no one actually has a sensitive career path. Most people just have normal jobs. I’ve had plenty of normal jobs in different industries. I’ve never had issues because of who I am. And I’m out and proud. Open news articles get written about me. I get hit pieces written about me by foreign organizations. We had foreign intelligence agencies doing reports on our show. We had the ADL, the SPLC, all these American Leftist organizations writing articles that reference me and talk about me and Antifa and so on.


None of that’s going to happen to you because you’re not Joel Davis, you’re not Thomas Sowell, you’re not Blair Cottrell, you’re some guy that no one even knows your name standing at a political event. So it really isn’t that big of a deal. I don’t know. I’m not saying to be cavalier about these things, take as many precautions as possible.


But when the precautions prevent you from even participating in an event where you go:


“Oh, I don’t want to go down to that rally or that speech or something because I don’t want to be seen to associate with these people.”


It becomes to the point where it’s actually preventing you from even being a political activist because of a totally unjustified fear. We’re not, it’s not illegal to be a White nationalist. And if you’re seen on video footage, it’s actually pretty hard for them to figure out who you are just based upon that. Usually it takes more than that for them to be able to identify you. And if you’re not putting yourself forward as like a speaker or as a leader or as a member of an organization.


Blair Cottrell: You’re just an observer.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly!


Then there’s no risk under the, under those circumstances. And you can take precautions. Pay cash instead of card. Tell, when you introduce yourself, tell them a fake name or only your first name, or don’t mention where you live, don’t mention what you do for work. Just be vague about who you are but still show up and be smart. Don’t trust random people with sensitive information.


But yeah, look at the effects of de-banking.


Blair Cottrell: When you look at the effects of closing the bank accounts of activists, it doesn’t stop those activists from banking, as we just described. You just go to a different bank and open a new account. So closing bank accounts, de-banking, hasn’t stopped us from banking, in effect.


So what effect has it had? The effect it has had is it could only be described as “social terrorism”. It’s “social terror”. It makes people too afraid to associate with our kind of politics, even if they do believe it, because they’re like:


“Oh, my God, I’m not going to be able to use a bank!”


But that’s not actually the reality of how de-banking works. You get a letter, you get 30 days to move your money into a new account, and that’s the process of the whole thing. It’s really not that serious.


Joel Davis: Yeah. I’ve never been charged with a crime because of anything I’ve done to do with the movement. And I’ve done all the different kinds of activism. I’ve said all the kinds of edgy things on the Internet with my real name and face. You’re not going to go to jail unless you, …


I mean, yeah, like, they will treat you unjustly when you’re doing street activism. Like, you know, Tom’s dealing with police harassment over the Ballarat rally, and we’ve got guys that are getting harassed because one guy has a necklace that is a swastika but not a Hakenkreuz, or people threw Roman before it was made illegal and these kinds of things.




But if you don’t be that provocative and you’re not like a prominent, open public member of, like a National Socialist organization or something like that’s very on the edge and even. And all those guys don’t give a fuck about being dragged before the courts. They’ll gladly do it. It’s an opportunity to get in the news and to make an activistic point about:


“Look at this state tyranny. Look at how they’re treating us!”


But if you don’t want to be a sacrificial lamb like that, I understand that that’s not for everyone. You just simply not behave like that you can just be cautious and be sensible and even behaving like me.


Thomas Sewell: It’s a sacrificial wolf. Then I’ll laugh.


Joel Davis: Yeah, okay. Sacrificial wolf. I like that.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, but you said you were writing about the subject, Tom. Did you? Is anything coming to mind that you want to bring up?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I published it.


I mean, I don’t have to read through the whole thing. People can find it on my Telegram.


But, yeah, I just wrote that it, for me, my personal doxing experience felt like progressive overload. So I felt like I was, over the years, developing my worldview. I was expressing that worldview to the people around me. I never hid my worldview or the development of my worldview to the people closest to me, anyone that worked with me, anyone that trained with me, anyone in my family. I wasn’t like a closeted gay. You know what I mean?


Joel Davis: Like, you know how there’s a closeted Nazi? Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: I wasn’t a closeted Nazi. You know how there’s closet gays and flamboyant gays? I was always just open with my Nazism.


So when I came out as a Nazi, everyone’s like:


“Yeah, we knew he was a Nazi!”


I was going through my stuff. I was clearing out, and it was a year twelve, my year twelve shirt that everyone signed. When you graduate from school, everyone runs around and writes each other’s names on each other’s shirts. And someone had drew a swastika on my [shirt] arm, and I wasn’t even a Nazi in year twelve. Like, I wasn’t, and yet someone drew a swastika on my arm.


So I think that’s pretty to me, I called it honest to a fault. And we often use the term “sperg” in the movement. We say:


“Oh, it’s really sperg!”


You know:


“I was pretty sperg you there, or I said something pretty sperg to you.”


It’s like, we used to call it honest to a fault. I was just honest to a fault. I was just too honest for my own good. And I didn’t, like, curtail or control information and manipulate it in some way to the people around me.


And then eventually it spirals out of control in this kind of anxiety ridden moment where no one actually knows you’re a Nazi, but you’ve been on the Internet and a Nazi for so long as I never did that, so you should stop doing that if you do it. Like, it’s fucking neurotic. Like, I don’t know. I just think it’s not good. Don’t do it.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: To me, that’s very feminine. It’s very weird. Like, if you’re fucking racist, be racist to everyone. I’ve never met anyone that doesn’t know I’m a racist. When I get a coffee or food or whatever, I tell the person I’m a racist. Like, I literally did it today. Like, she asked me to donate a dollar to the charity. And I said:


“What charity is it?”


And then she said:


“Oh, it’s like a youth one.”


I was like:


“Okay, well, I don’t do the nigger charities. Like, I don’t donate to blacks. I’m a racist.”


And she was like:




And she, like, took off her glasses. She was like:




And, yeah, it was just a White chick. And she just thought it was fucking hilarious! She was like:


“Are you for serious?”


I was like:


“Yeah, I’m a racist.”


I was like:


“Don’t spit in my food. I’m watching you.”


And, yeah, I just. I fucking. I don’t know. You could call that sperg you out, but it’s just full chat, maxing. It’s just full!


Blair Cottrell: You give your real name, like, when you go and you’re waiting for food, when they’re making you give them your real name.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, my full name. I’ll watch you make my food. Like, you’re gonna spin my food or jump the counter, like test me.


Blair Cottrell: Like, I’ll do it sometimes. Use an alias I have all admitted, because I don’t trust people. And I know that it’s unlikely that someone. Look, I’ve been approached or recognized in public, mostly by people who support me. It’s very rare that someone doesn’t support you and says something or does something about it. Last time that happened, actually, I got charged because I. Yeah, I had to go to court. Some guy followed me. Some guy followed me in a supermarket with a face covering. Threatened me. I pushed him to create space because I thought, you know what am I supposed to do here? And the police charged me with unlawful assault just for pushing a guy who stalked and threatened me in a supermarket. I’ve never seen the guy before.


But anyway, I digress.


Thomas Sewell: No, it’s not a digression. It’s very important because people are complaining about:


“Oh, I don’t want to lose my bank account.”


It’s like when you’re real highly active activists and your face and names out there, you’re operating on a different plane of consciousness. You’re not just worried about bank accounts. Like, you have to watch people make.


Blair Cottrell: Your food, you have to watch. Have to sit with your back up against the wall. In any restaurant you go to, you need to see the doors. You need to see the entry and the exit.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it’s on a different, like, people are getting firebombed, you know, at our level, you know, our car tires are getting slashed. Like the government is allowing. You know what I mean? And you’re just a spectator or you’re worried about these minor inconveniences. When you get up on our level, then you can complain. Don’t complain. It’s a bank account. Who cares? Don’t complain.


Joel Davis: Yeah, but I don’t complain because it’s not that fucking bad. We know each other personally. We all just normal guys. And it’s fine. Like, it’s literally prison with the most.


Thomas Sewell: Not that I encourage prison, but even prison wasn’t that bad. Like, it sucks, but honestly, it was the whole time.


Joel Davis: It would have been pretty good.


Thomas Sewell: Isolation is like a luxury. Like, how often in your life do you just get to spend time with yourself and no one else?


Joel Davis: I hope I get to do it. Twelve months and I can just read, like, so many books. I’ll just come out.


Thomas Sewell: You kind of don’t know who you are until you’ve had a good amount of isolation. That’s why I want to build like a temple or something. I want to build like, a monastery, like when we get land, but, like, real deep in the forest. Like, real deep in the forest up on a mountain or something. Like in the in Batman Begins. I know it’s pipe dreaming ideas, Man, but I’m a dreamer. I’m like Hitler, I’m a dreamer. I laugh. I actually think all the time how our leaders are so gay. Like, they spend 600 fucking million dollars setting up a rugby team and fucking PNG. Or they spend money on fucking Mardi Gras. They just do gay shit! But if, like, Nazis or fascists, whatever you want to call us, I don’t care if we’re in power, think about all the cool shit we’re going to do. Like, we’re going to build like, super monasteries and, like, build like a temple of all this crazy shit! And people are gonna go all the way up to the mountain and it’d be like the, …


Blair Cottrell: We should make like an anglicised ninja warrior. Have you seen ninja warrior? I want it. Want to make an Anglo version of that.


Joel Davis: We’ll do so much more shit, of course.


Blair Cottrell: Who’s the fittest man in this country. Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: It’s just endless. The cool shit that we can do. We can turn it into just the greatest place in the world.


And I think part of that is about, is a balance. You want, like athletics and philosophy and you want, you can’t just go too hard in one area. It can’t just be pure hedonism. You have to balance all the enjoyment and all the hedonism with struggle and sacrifice and solitude and things like that so that you have, like a meditative.


But you know, they can’t be too, if they’re only meditative, and then no vril, you know, you’ve got to have these kind of outlets, these masculine and adrenaline outlets.


And I just think how society, we structure so much differently.


But in the meantime, before having that society, I do want to just build something where there’s no technology, just something up on a mountain and there’s no technology. You go there, you know, for a month or three months at a time, and you just get that solitude.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. And you’re so right when you said that you never really know yourself until you get that time to yourself and with yourself, or enough of that time to start fully understanding yourself.


And I think anyone who’s afraid of that, you’ve got a lot to deal with. You need to unpack your personality. You need to look at the pieces of yourself. You need to pull yourself apart. Look at the pieces. Ask yourself, why do I feel this way about that? Why do I think this way about that person? Is it me who’s the problem? Like, what’s making me tick?


And that’s why I always, since I was young, I’ve relished in the opportunity to just spend some time by myself in solitude, so I can think about these things. To get a better understanding of myself, you need to know yourself. It’s so important. I think it’s an Aristotle quote, actually:


“That a man should delight in solitude, and only a person who is his worst enemy is afraid of that, his own worst enemy.”


Meaning when you’re your own worst enemy, you’re going to try to busy yourself with, you know, social events and talking to as many people as possible, keeping yourself distracted from any introspection. It’s something that I see a lot of people in society doing. I think that’s why so many people busy themselves with so many unnecessary bread and circus, you know, events. That’s if you’re a young guy watching this still developing, getting that time to yourself, the time to think, even if you’re whispering to yourself a little bit, you can talk to yourself in the privacy of your own room, you know, figure yourself out, learn about yourself, because only you can do that. Only you’re going to be able to get that grasp on yourself. And you can’t really appreciate, I think, especially not a woman, until you can appreciate yourself. And to appreciate means to recognize the full worth of something.


So really, you’re not in a position to even be searching for a female mate, a partner, as a guy, until you’ve fully understood the man you are or the man that you’re trying to be at least, right?




Joel Davis: I think it’s also important that you take that time to then meditate on the fact that if you’re aware of what is happening to our race and you’re not fucking doing anything about it, and you care more about some stupid job when you can just get another job or being put on some ASIO watch list that won’t materialize into anything because all they’re going to do is just watch you and do nothing.


Because, like, unless you, like, start plotting terrorism or something, there’s nothing that you’re doing that’s illegal. You’ll realize:


“Hey, wait a second. I’m a fucking faggot. Oh, my God! I’m a piece of shit! What? Why am I doing nothing to save my fucking race? Why am I sitting here working for ZOG, trying to keep my misses happy and keeping up with the Joneses and trying to maintain some shitty middle class existence or strive towards it? Why am I like this?”


That’s a fucking shit life! It’s a boring life. How about instead of that, you devote your life to something that’s actually meaningful and then when you’re sitting alone, you can think about what you’re doing with your life and you can think:


“Oh, I’m a fucking sick cunt! I love this!”


That’s what happens when I sit. When I sit there and I’m just spending time with myself and I’m reflecting upon who I am. That’s how I feel.


I feel like a sitcom. I feel like I’m a fucking legend.


And ’m going to keep going. I’m on my fucking quest!


Blair Cottrell: Hang on a second.


Joel Davis: I’m on the hero’s journey!


Blair Cottrell: So during your introspective periods, you’re just like, really, like, happy with yourself. You’re never like:


“Oh, shit, yeah, maybe I’ve got to work on this?”


You’re just like:


“No, I’m a sick cunt! I’m always., …”


Joel Davis: Yeah, no, I’m not saying I’m always right. Obviously, I’m reflective and I’m always striving to make improvements and I’m pretty self critical.


But at the same time, like, I’m on a path that I know is the right path and I know my life is full of meaning. I’m not kind of confused. Oh, like am I happy?


Yeah, I’m just happy.


Blair Cottrell: So I don’t like that question anyway. Like, am I happy? Like, what does that even mean? I’m not thinking about my happiness. The more you centralize your thought process on your own happiness, the more miserable we’re going to be.


Joel Davis: That’s what you mean by happiness, though. Like, what I mean by happiness is just, … What I’m doing. What I’m supposed to be doing. Think happiness is like, just, oh, I’m experiencing pleasure. I’m experiencing entertainment and positive stimulation. I don’t view that as happiness, actually.


I feel like that’s the opposite. If you get over-saturated, I think with pleasure and entertainment, I think what happens is you actually start to get depressed because.


Blair Cottrell: Absolutely! Because you’re less receptive.


Joel Davis: Addicted. Yeah, exactly! You become addicted to these, like to this stimulation. And then.


And then you just need that stimulation.


And then when the stimulation is taken away, you’re like, lost.


Blair Cottrell: Um, but if you get too much of good stuff, you get too much pleasure, then no amount of pleasure will be enough. After a certain point, like, look at all these, like, middle class boomers and stuff that live in these beautiful big houses with perfectly maintained lawns and four cars in the garage, all like beautiful European cars. And they’re walking around with a look on their face like they can’t stand themselves or anything around them. They’re all unhappy. They’re all unhappy because they’re always geared so much towards the next material acquisition. They’ve had too much for too long.


Like, I can say that losing everything is a really great way to gain perspective as to what’s truly valuable. I think that’s why a lot of people have begun to focus on family ever since the quote, unquote, “pandemic and lockdown” process. Because I think during that process people weren’t able to access the usual dopamine endeavors that would have kept them busy. Typically, they weren’t able to do and acquire the things that they would usually distract themselves. With their bread and circus was somewhat limited.


And so they suddenly realized what’s important and what was important to them was family. I’ve noticed a lot more women since the lockdowns, in Australia at least, are geared towards children, having children and putting their children first, which is a positive development for Australia. Obviously, it’s not positive that they all got injected with that mystery goo. That’s not going to be great.


But there’s silver linings still. The silver linings in every circumstance, even those lockdowns.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. A lot of women just didn’t go back to work. They realize that that’s actually where they want it to be and I think that’s pretty awesome!


Joel Davis: What I like to an extent because I just like read a bunch of books. It’s the same reason why I wouldn’t mind going to jail because my everyday life, work and then training and then this social engagement, that social engagement, see my family, I’m gonna do this is always like shit to do. I can never actually do everything I need to do on any particular week. I just don’t have enough time.


And so what the lockdown did was it just kind of like cut so many of those things off and I could, I was just kind of sitting there like, hmm, what do I want to do now? Like, I hadn’t been able to ask myself that question in years and I probably, I don’t think I really asked myself that question in a while and now either. And I guess it’s a good thing.


But I think like the deeper point here though is that like, for me, what matters, like my entire worldview, everything. What matters is blood.


And that means like Tom had this bit and it’s kind of like an interesting point. It kind of sounds a little weird, but he said the people that you are friends with, in a certain sense, your kind of like mixing your bloodlines because if you spend time together and you raise your children together, the chances that they might end up marrying each other goes up. So then people that you surround yourself with, it’s like a subtle form of like sexual selection, which sounds gay, but, …


Thomas Sewell: No, but it is. But you’re selecting your grandchildren, you’re selecting your grandchildren.


So when you pick a partner, you’re selecting your children.


But when you select a wife. I know everyone hates that term, but I just use it.


But when you are selecting your friends and your wife, your friends have selected wives and your wives have selected friends. When that community is being built, you’ve now got even more in-group morality, you’ve got even more in-group loyalty because it’s a true community, because you’re sharing grandchildren with the other people.


And so what the jews have done so successfully to our society is they’ve atomized the family into these little nucleuses, this nuclear family.


And obviously for most conservatives and most people in the center of politics, they think the nuclear family is the foundation of society and that these gays and trannies are trying to destroy the nuclear family. It’s like the nuclear family is a degeneration of itself. We’re meant to be tribal, we’re meant to be at that higher level, and we’re actually meant to be even bigger than that again. But there are these basic fundamental foundations that they’re destroyed and we need to take them back.


Beck said something to me really interestingly today. She said that they’re going so hard, there’s two pronged attack, intergenerational war between the boomers and us. And I bring this up because it’s about the destruction of the family and the destruction of the community. At the moment, there’s going to be the biggest money transfer in the history of Australia between generations, and that’s the boomers are all dying at the moment. They’ve started dying.


And over the next 20 years, they’re going to be dying. And that money is all going to go to the founding stock. White Australians at our age.


Blair Cottrell: Are you sure? I’m pretty sure. If they had a choice, they’d be buried with their money, man!


Thomas Sewell: The business, of course.


Of course there’s $3 trillion that they haven’t spent yet. So people are counting down the day of the pillow, but the boomers are counting down the $3 trillion. They’re trying to spend the 3 trillion before they go, and we’re trying to inherit the 3 trillion. I think it’s something I can’t remember. I’m pretty sure it’s something. Some ridiculous amount of money, because it’s basically probably the entire property market outside of a few wealthy Gen-Xs and the fucking property investors like the property development. It’s What’s the property market worth in Australia and what’s the percentage of boomers that own their own homes and how many boomers are there? And you can quantify that it’s probably in the trillions of dollars.


Joel Davis: And so you have to wait until you die to get their inheritance. Then you’re a complete failure.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, look, I’m not going there at this stage, ..


But because that’s controversial in itself. Well, maybe, yeah. Where I’m going with it is that’s why the jews are promoting hedonism to the boomers. That’s why the tourism industry is such a big, … If you invested in Flight Center when it first came out, you’d be like a millionaire now because that all the cruises, they’re all going on cruises, they’re all going holidays to Greece and this and that and the other, like the boomers, they’re buying, you know, they’re always going to buy assets and stuff, but they’re really, really just dumping the money more than their parents generation of grand parents generation did. They really live in large and they’re dumping the money.


And then the two pronged attack is the government’s also looking to tax inheritance as much as possible. Because what the jews really fear is the middle class, the White middle class, in the sense that when you’re working class, when you’re constantly at work and you have to go to work, you don’t have much time to politically mobilize, you don’t have much time to politically agitate, you don’t have much time and energy. You don’t have the spiritual freedom and energy to go after the politician and say:


“Hey, hey, hey, hey, mister, you represent me, you work full-time for me. You know, I’m part of the middle class. I’m not like some guy that has to go to work that can’t think about politics. He doesn’t have the energy to think about politics. Oh, just talk to me about the footy. I can’t think about politics.”




But the whole idea of the middle class is that you don’t have to go to work. You go to work because you’ve got a profession and you’re a skill. You’ve got a, you know, everyone’s got a skill, but you’ve got this higher profession. You can go leisurely. That’s why they were called the bourgeoisie. That’s not the upper class, it was the privileged class. You read my calm. Different translation. It doesn’t say the middle class and it doesn’t say the bourgeoisie. It says the privileged class or the leisure class, because you’ve got the time to read books and read the newspaper and you’re not getting rushed, you’re not on a ding ding ding. You’re not on a bell like the working class in the factory or the coal mine. You go to work when you want.


Joel Davis: To go to work.


Thomas Sewell: Oh, do I have appointments? Say, oh, you can cancel my appointments. You don’t need the fucking of money. And the, …


Blair Cottrell: Sounds like the lifestyle of the average Australian prisoner inside jail.


Thomas Sewell: Well, that’s the conundrum that kings and all this. But exactly, exactly. Because that’s the other way of achieving it. Becoming a full meat, not having any responsibilities.


But the true connoisseur.


But what I’m talking about is the jews want to stop our. The millennials and the Gen-X’s. They’re about to inherit $3 trillion. They want to stop us from getting it because it would mean that we pay off our mortgages or would be able to buy a home or would inherit a home, and then we could do what we want. We can. We’re basically on UBI [Universal Basic Income]. We don’t have a fucking debt. We don’t have a mortgage. We’re not paying rent. We just feed ourselves and we can just work leisurely, and then we’ve got time to politically mobilize. The jews don’t want that, so that’s why they’re putting taxes on it. That’s why they’re telling the boomers to dump the money. Dump it. Just dump it! Go on holidays, go on cruises. Buy shit that will degrade in value. Just dump it!


Whereas the jews, what are they doing? They’re working until they die and they’re passing on as much money as possible so they can keep building intergenerational wealth.


So that’s something that should be considered.


Joel Davis: Yeah, we need to build White leisure. The jews don’t want White leisure. I 100% agree with that.


But also bridging from that point, for me, my children, when I die, they would have already got all my shit, basically, because I want them to have it earlier so that they can make more use out of it and already be passing it down, even to my grandchildren before I cock it. Ideally, because that’s what it’s for. Like, that’s what the whole point of making all that excess money is for, is for your bloodline to keep levelling up and ascending and so on.


It’s not to go on fucking 45 cruises when you’re 68 or whatever the fuck it is that boomers are doing. It’s not to, like, renovate your kitchen three times and all this frivolous shit that they get up to the amount of boomer renovations, although there’s drop like 40 grand to get, like, fancy toilets and shit!


And it’s like, what the, …


Blair Cottrell: And then they’re still not happy. They’re still not happy.


Joel Davis: The day of the pillar cannot come fast enough. Oh, fuck boomers! I can’t wait till they’re all right. Come on! Come on!


Blair Cottrell: We can’t we can’t just. No, no, no!


Joel Davis: Yes, we can. No, no.


Blair Cottrell: You just spoke to sympathetic grannies at that event last night who loved you.


Joel Davis: And they know, and they know. They know that all the other boomers are fucked!


Now, we need total boomer death, and it can’t come soon enough because boomers, they had it too good. Everything.


Thomas Sewell: No, they honor my ancestors, Joel. You will be smitten down. You’ll be smart and down my ancestors.


Blair Cottrell: Maybe you’re right. And maybe the reason I’m just from some misplaced sense of morality, maybe you’re actually right.


Joel Davis: Next. Ancestors. I got no boomer ancestors, so I got no. I’m free to hate. I’m free to hate now. The boomers created this modern world. This contemporary situation. Like, they partied up and we defeated Hitler. They gave the boomers everything. They lived it up. And now they’re like:


“Oh, these kids of today!”


Like, it’s because of that it’s literally because of them. So they just need to die and give us their shit because they don’t know what to do with it. They’ve been watching TV their whole life, so their brains are fried with television. So they have no capacity to actually think in the patterns that would be necessary to fix this problem. They can’t adapt.


They’re just going to keep voting for the fucking Liberal Party until they die and wasting their money. A hedonistic, self interested generation that accomplished nothing, like the generation before them that, like, won wars and fought in Korea and shit like that, they at least fucking did something to earn the respect. What did the boomer! What? You have to earn respect? What do they actually do? They didn’t do anything of any substance. They just basically gave away. Our entire civilization, had a great time giving it away.


And then, you know what boomers always say:


“Oh, yeah, well, I’ll be dead by then!”


You know how many times I’ve heard them say, I’ve talked to boomers about immigration, about what’s happening? They always say:


“But I’ll be dead. Oh, that’s something for you to deal with. I’ll be dead by then!”


This country’s going to shit up. I’ve heard this literally a thousand times from boomers across my life, I’ve heard.


Blair Cottrell: Doesn’t the thought of the fact that they’re going to be alive doesn’t matter. Code of them.


Joel Davis: So that’s why I wish death upon them.


Blair Cottrell: Mortgages. You guys heard of reverse mortgages? Jehu Hunt sends $10 and says:


“They’re trying to get boomers in the US to get reverse mortgages.”


Thomas Sewell: Oh, yeah. Yeah. So to refinance their home and die in debt, but they get to spend even more money.


Blair Cottrell: And so basically the home doesn’t go to the children. It goes to the bank.


Thomas Sewell: So they paid off the home and then. Yeah, so they can use their home as leverage to holiday and live out even more.


Joel Davis: They’re already getting pensions bad. Already getting pensions. They’ve got retirement benefits. And the shit that they bought for eight grand. They bought their house, their first house for like, eight grand. Now it’s worth $1.8 million.


Thomas Sewell: Well, they just pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. My theory, look, my theory, I agree with everything, and I’ve obviously felt the same emotions.


Joel Davis: Imagine if you go down.


Thomas Sewell: My theory is pretty simple.


Joel Davis: Imagine going into the pub, …


Thomas Sewell: We are going to get the money. And they’re all your age, when we deserve the money. We’re going to get the money, and not a moment sooner. God wants us to struggle further. I’ve had the exact same thoughts, but we’re just going to keep struggling. We’re just going to keep struggling.


Blair Cottrell: I’ve got to play a little contrarian, though, because I had boomer parents. I still have. Why do I always refer to my parents in the past tense, like they’re still alive? Just ever since they moved into a different state now, I’m always like, my dad was. My dad still is. They worked hard and they did the best they could for me. I believe that they raised, …


Joel Davis: They raised Blair cultural, so they get a pass. Like, they generated, like, super Nazi. So they get a pass. They did something good with the, …


Blair Cottrell: I’m just. Yeah, thanks for that, because I’m just worried, really. I’m just worried that my dad watching this or something.


Joel Davis: Your parents get, obviously, I’m speaking in generalities. It’s like, I speak in generalities, and then people get offended. Like, what? I’m like:


“Yeah, obviously some Italians are White. Obviously, obviously some boomers are, …”


Okay, but let me speak in generalities. You know what I mean? Let me just. That just get it just vibe, just get it. Okay.


But the point is that anyway, no boomers are watching this because they don’t know how to work Rumble. So it’s fine, there’s no boomers watching!


But the point of all of this is its really integral that I think our political strategy is geared entirely towards the youth. We’re not going to save the boomers. We’re not going to save old people. Gen-X might be dragged into a new reality by us, but really it’s going to be the millennials that are going to lead the charge in building the new kind of politics and we’re going to have to bring the generations below us in with us. That’s the way in which the movement is going to form.


And so that’s what I mean by, forget boomers, they’re dying anyway. And the beautiful thing about it is that no one is going to vote for conservative parties once they’re dead. So conservatism, the senorite will die with the boomers, and there’ll be a new paradigm. There will be far-Left, Mongoloid, mixed race, transgender insanity, and there’ll be us, and we’ll be standing, facing off, and that’ll be 10, 20, 30 years from now. That’ll be what the politics morphs into when the boomers are all dead. And hopefully we have some of the boomer money and some White leisure so that we can win. But that’s basically the situation.


So we don’t need to appeal to boomers. We don’t need to be like:


“Oh, don’t upset the boomers!”


The boomers are not going to help us and they’re going to die anyway.


So they’re not going to be part of the solution because we’re not going to have White nationalism next Tuesday. It’s going to take 20, 30 years at least to build this. So and they’ll all be dead by then. So they literally don’t matter.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Well, it’s been a good conversation so far. Generally, we browse through some relevant news topics, news articles.


Is there anything you want to bring up, Joel?


Joel Davis: There was a few interesting ones, actually. So I saw this just posted by The Noticer just now. It says, Noticer News:


“Far left terrorists firebomb and deface jewish MP’s Melbourne office. No arrest made.”




I wonder if these were the same far-Left terrorists that blew up Tim looks his car. It’ll be interesting to watch this story. Like, can the jews get the state to go after these guys in the end anyway? So I’ll read the story:


“A jewish MP has been targeted by far-Left terrorists who firebombed his Melbourne office, smashed windows and defaced it with political slogans. But police are yet to arrest the extremists responsible.”


You know, to be fair to the police, I mean, they probably don’t know who did it yet. Like, you know, it literally only happened. Okay, maybe they only happened yesterday.


Thomas Sewell: Bright pain as when they know.


But it’s the same group of people.


Joel Davis: It’s the same group.


Thomas Sewell: They have a signature like, I’m not a fucking.


Blair Cottrell: You don’t have own abomination turns on, you know?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. You don’t have to be a detective. Signature everywhere. They do the red spray paint, it’s. They’ve got a system. They film it.


Blair Cottrell: There’s four or five when it is.


Thomas Sewell: The same, or vehicles they drive, it’s the same people. Like, we’ve built our case against them and the police have more resources than us.


Blair Cottrell: So they’re gonna be identified pretty soon, though. Yeah. Well, if it is the same people who have now hit this jewish guy’s office, it was a jewish MP. Is that right, Joel?


Joel Davis: Yeah, but to not like to arrest them, they probably need to build a case. So I’m sure.


Thomas Sewell: I’m sure Antifa.


Joel Davis: I’m saying I’m making the point, though. I think that they will end up going after them because it’s like, it’s the jews. Like they actually got up.


Thomas Sewell: The jews, yes. That’s.


Blair Cottrell: They’re only going to keep upping the ante until they get caught because they’re demonstrating an escalation in their activity. It’s almost brazen now. It’s almost like, Catch Me If You Can, motherfuckers. Right? So what are they going to do next? Like, is someone going to get burned alive in a building next like that they set on fire? They need to. It’s past time that these people got caught, I suppose.


So if anyone has the influence in Australia to find out who these guys are, it’s probably going to be a member of the jewish community that makes it happen. Uh, Australian government doesn’t seem to lift a finger to do anything unless someone from the jewish community is demanding that it’s done.


So, yeah, I think they’ve probably targeted the wrong person this time.


Thomas Sewell: The Australian government are the whipping boys of the jews. And they’re sick. They love their slavery!


Joel Davis: They just got on antivirals doing something actually kind of, yes.


Thomas Sewell: It was pretty dumb. It was pretty dumb. That’s a pretty stupid thing to do. Um, yeah, we’re gonna.


Joel Davis: I’m not gonna endorse what they did, but I’m not gonna complain about it.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I’m not complaining about it either. I’m not gonna interrupt them making mistakes. Fucking idiots!


Joel Davis: Uh, well, what else have we got here? Um, most Americans want mass deportations of illegal immigrants, including 67% of Whites poll shows and I think 62% of Americans. So that just shows that we talked about on the show last week that like, the mass deportations was a minority position and now it’s like two thirds of the country want mass deportations of illegal immigrants in America. It shows that deportations are getting more popular. We’re seeing remigration getting more popular in Europe as well.


So we’ve got to start normalising these talking points in Australia because the people just haven’t really considered the idea of deportations and sending these people back. People just kind of view immigration in terms of politically. How many more new people are going to come in? And there isn’t even a discussion about removing anyone that’s already here. It’s like once they’re here, they’re just that we’re stuck with them forever, apparently. So changing the terms of the political conversation to say:


“Hey, wait a second, actually, we can send these people back!”


And the vast majority of non-Whites in Australia don’t actually have Australian citizens. Only a minority of them have citizenship.


Blair Cottrell: So what do they have that gives them the right to be here legally?


Joel Davis: Like, there’s various different kinds of visas and residencies and some of them are overstaying visas and are here illegally.


But yeah, they are on various different kinds of Visa classes and obviously they do naturalize them at a certain rate, but because the majority, because so many of them have come recently and it’s a process, a very large percentage of them don’t have citizenship.


So the state can very easily deport and get rid of the ones that don’t have citizenship quite easily. I think, like, if we were to come to power, or a nationalist or populist Right government was to come to power, we should start having a conversation about revoking citizenships that were issued after a certain date. If you can’t trace back your parents to an Australian citizen back one or two generations or something, and then, you know, we would be able to start revoking a lot of these fraudulent citizenships.


I mean, that’s the other thing that doesn’t actually make any sense. There are many East Asian countries or Southeast Asian countries that bring in immigrant workers or Middle Eastern countries. They bring in immigrant workers, but they don’t give them, like, citizenship. They just give them a visa, like a rolling working Visa that they can perpetually renew, perhaps, and they can live in the country and work in the country, but they don’t become citizens because the idea is that citizens are like, the actual people who are of this nation, not just some random guy who’s working here.


So the pretext for bringing in these migrants is always, well, we need help with this or that economic project. We need workers. Apparently, that’s how it’s always framed. They come here, they work hard, they contribute to the economy. And obviously, we’ve deconstructed those arguments about how that’s bullshit!


But at the same time, even if we were to accept it for argument’s sake, why do they need to become citizens for? Why can’t they just work hard?


Thomas Sewell: The liberal theory is that they’ll work harder. They’ll be more loyal slaves. They’ll work harder if we give them the piece of paper, if we protect.


Joel Davis: Them harder, if we give them all these extra rights to get free shit from us, then they’ll work harder.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, it ultimately backfires. Mom takes over. Mom eventually takes over. That’s what happens when feminine men and women are in charge. They become too empathetic.


Joel Davis: Another story that I thought was very interesting was I think, what? Have you two shared this actually? Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Direct their empathy in the wrong direction. It’s not actually an increase in empathy. They don’t have an increase in empathy. They’re misdirecting their empathy to the out-group. That’s the correct framing.


Joel Davis: So this article here:


“Indian Meat Cleaver rapist is cleared of criminal responsibility because he, quote, thought he was in a video game.”


Blair Cottrell: I mean, yeah, this is not what it seems, but I’ll let you finish.


Thomas Sewell: I’m gonna get some milk. I’ll be back.


Joel Davis: It says here Indian man. Yeah:


“An Indian man who violently raped a woman while armed with a meat cleaver and a choke chain has been cleared of criminal responsibility on mental health grounds after convincing psychiatrists that he thought he was inside a video game at the time. Katie Bulla Murza, 37, sexually assaulted the woman, 26, after breaking into a random above apartment in Auburn, western Sydney, November 2022, placing a chain around her neck, striking her elbow with the cleaver and slapping her in the face. He carried out the horrendous attack just hours after groping another woman’s breast in Marrickville and a month after indecently touching a woman’s backside in Zetland, his home suburb. District Court Judge Ian Burke found on Tuesday that the acts were proven, but that Mirza was mentally impaired and therefore not criminally responsible. He referred Mercer to the Mental Health Review Tribunal and ordered that he be detained in a secure forensic hospital or mental health facility until facing the tribunal. Judge Burke referred to evidence by psychiatrist Professor David Greenberg. Greenberg, who appeared as a witness for the prosecution and told the court that Merza had told him he thought the rape was part of a game and that his victim was another player who let him do anything he wanted. Professor Greenberg compiled two reports, saying in the first that he was of the opinion that Merza had a mental health impairment in the form of schizophrenia disorder, with co-morbid diagnosis of substance use disorder and PTSD in partial remission. This was partially based on a letter from a psychiatrist Mirza saw in India, doctor Meena Ganak Secharin, who stated that he’d been diagnosed with major depressive disorder with psychosis, abduction, paranoid delusions. He needed, quote, immediate and constant medical care.”


If he was in India with all of these mental diseases, how was he getting into Australia anyway?:


“He concluded that Mercer did not know that the acts were wrong, but after a request from the Crown to review additional issues, compiled a second report. Quote, in that report, Professor Greenberg confirmed that the accused likely knew the nature and quality of his acts and likely knew the legal wrongfulness of those acts.”


“However, he remained firmly of the view that at the time of the alleged offenses, the accused had a mental health impairment which had the effect that he did not know that the acts were wrong. That is, he couldn’t, he could not reason within a moderate degree of sense and composure about the acts as perceived by reasonable people, reasonable people at that time. Judge Burke wrote in his judgment.”


What the fuck?


Anyway, Professor Greenberg went on to say that in his opinion, yeah, it’s insane!


Thomas Sewell: This is like, yeah, it’s completely.


Joel Davis: It’s so demented:


“Professor Greenberg went on to state that in his opinion, the accused did not know that his acts were morally wrong because of his underlying reasoning, which was likely delusionally based. Professor Greenberg testified that inconsistencies in Merseys accounts of the attacks were, quote, not inconsistent with a man acting on a delusional belief system.”


So having a delusional belief system means that you can just fucking rape women apparently:


“Doctor Adam Martin, a forensic psychiatrist who appeared for the defence, told the court that Merza told him, The Voices kept telling me that if you do this, you unlock the next stage of the game.”




End quote. The person you’re doing it to, they are part of the game, that they were digital versions, that they were consenting to it. I mean, what a load of I do not believe this for 1 second. That he had voices in his head. How can you prove that any of this is real, by the way? Like, there’s no way to independently verify this. We’re just supposed to just believe. Hey, this rapist is saying that The Voices in his head told him it was a video game, therefore he can just rape who he wants. Oh, let’s just believe him:


“Mozilla also told Doctor Martin that he was followed and molested by spiritual entities that became part of his game and that he believed he was being controlled by an a installed on his phone and women had been sexually touching him. Even after his arrest. Doctor Martin concluded the accused would not have understood the wrongfulness of his acts because his capacity to reason with moderate composure was significantly affected by a persecution, a persecutory, delusional system which severely deprived him of the capacity to think rationally and where his ability to think about right and wrong was severely compromised.”


In my view, if someone has a persecutory, delusional system that deprives them of the capacity to think rationally in regards to violently breaking in and raping people’s houses and raping them with weapons, then they should just be executed. Like, this is not an excuse for a lack of criminal responsibility, this is just a conclusion that we can determine that he should just die in my.




“Judge Burke wrote his decision. Having reviewed the evidence of two psychiatrists, I am satisfied on the balance, balance of probabilities that the defence has made out.”


I mean, this is insane! I don’t know if I keep scrolling.


Blair Cottrell: Through it, but I mean, what he said, he claims to have been molested by spiritual entities. Is that what happens when you get visited, when you’re an Indian and you get visited by your Indian ancestors? Like when you’re someone like us, like your ancestors visit you, they tell you something inspiring or they give you some great knowledge, right?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: Like when your Indian and your ancestors visit you, they molest you.


Thomas Sewell: Well, Indians molest everything.


So even the spirit ancestors are raping.


Blair Cottrell: But this isn’t the story.


Thomas Sewell: They go, they must rape.


Blair Cottrell: They rape like it says clear of criminal responsibility in the title. It’s a little bit sensationalist because what’s actually happened to this guy is he’s received an indefinite commitment to a mental health institution where he’ll be in there longer than he would have been in jail.


Basically, he stays in there the rest of his life, or until a board of psychiatrists all agree that he’s well enough to be released, which they probably, or hopefully never will. Unless they’re all Greenbergs and Steins, then maybe they will.


Thomas Sewell: That’s the problem. It’s that Arkham asylum thing there’s this archetype, this jewish psychiatrist that diagnoses all these. I wonder if it’s the same jewish psychiatrist that diagnosed that nigger as schizophrenic and that’s why he raped all those girls. That was the court case before mine when I went to magistrate’s and he got sentenced to twelve months jail. And the jewish psychologist, I think, was a Greenberg, or something like that, said:


“That he has schizophrenia and he didn’t realize that you can’t do that in Australia. And he has delusions and he’s paranoid.”


And the judge was like:


“Yeah, that’s fair enough.”


And then he got released after six months, instead of doing the full twelve month sentence because it was unfair to go given twelve months. He won the appeal at magistrate’s.


Blair Cottrell: Wow! It’s a one.


But there was a guy, I don’t know, there are a few jewish psychologists of other alternative opinions on the mental health question. I reviewed a book on another stream called The Myth of Mental Illness. It was written by a psychologist named Thomas Zaz, who was jewish and he believed mental illness wasn’t real. He believed they just basically made it up in order to excuse various, you know, vices and so forth. And he was used in a couple of criminal matters where couple of I think it was a murder, or a rape, or maybe both had taken place. And the defendant, or the person who had been charged was trying to argue that they weren’t mentally fit and that’s why it happened.


But the prosecution actually summoned this particular jewish character, this Thomas Zaz, to argue that he’s not mentally unwell, he’s completely fine, because mental illness doesn’t exist. I’ve touched on this. The reason I’ve reviewed this book and been interested in it is because I’m of the opinion, as many people know, that most of those mental illnesses are all in your head. And the mental health industry wants people to believe that they have some sort of mind disorder so they can get you hooked on drugs, right? It’s basically that simple.


There’s a marketing campaign out there trying to get you to think you’re depressed or bipolar or manic depressive disorder or something else, right? And there’s a pill for everything and your name is going to be on the bottle of pills. It’s going to be your new identity. It’s going to make you feel very special. I’ve touched on this a few times because I feel passionately about it seems like a giant scam that a lot of people fall for, which is, I think what gets my blood up so much.


Thomas Sewell: It’s.


Blair Cottrell: So the point is that. Yeah, yeah.


But the point is that there’s psychologists of differing opinions. But I understand that the prevailing, appealing, the prevalent type of psychologist these days is the, yes, mental illness is real. Yes, we need to treat it. And all these people committing these heinous acts are just like completely delusional. I don’t believe that’s the case a lot of the time.


And I think the average reader of stories like this doesn’t believe that’s the case. I think it’s common sense that a person would know if they’re like sexually assaulting or killing someone that that is wrong, that they’re committing a crime.


Joel Davis: Like, they don’t know that it’s wrong, then we should kill them because that means that they’re just completely like, …


Blair Cottrell: Look at that guy, look at that guy that stabbed those people in [word unclear].


Joel Davis: It’s defective blood. Like, if your constitution as a human being allows you to fall into that state of insanity, you deserve to die.


Blair Cottrell: You deserve, let me make this point. Let me make that guy in the supermarket, the guy in Sydney [Westfield, Bondi], the guy recently who was written off as a mental health case, he stabbed those people in a Sydney shopping mall. What area was that again in again? I can’t remember. Yeah, it was in Bondi. Yeah, he was written off as a mental health case.


But when you watch the footage, he’s only targeting women or vulnerable people. He’s not targeting men. He’s avoiding men because they pose more of a threat to him.


So if he’s like, mentally well enough or stable enough to understand what poses a threat and what doesn’t, then he knows exactly what he’s fucking doing. Like, so it’s bullshit! When they use this mental health thing like, it’s in order to get people off.


Joel Davis: Faulty concept. This is a faulty concept of the mind.


This idea that this is one part of your mind where decisions get made and this is what you’re responsible for.


And then there’s this other part of your mind that you’re not responsible for that can just have its way with you and has all these forces that make it up.


Now, I agree that the idea of free will, there’s problems with it. Things are more nuanced. People don’t have absolute full agency over themselves at all times.


But we have to hold people responsible for the totality of everything that’s going on inside their psyche and their outward action, because they are all of it. They aren’t just this one part that’s arbitrarily distinguished from this other part that doesn’t actually make any sense. And everything that is in there is because of the genetics. The blood, like, who they fundamentally are, defines the kind of person that they are.


So I don’t have any of these weird Indian rape demons inside my brain because I’m not a fucking. I don’t have this, like, demon spawn.


Blair Cottrell: Because you’re not Indian.


Joel Davis: Like I said on the Elijah Schaffer show, when I did his show last, we were talking about Indian rapists.


And I think he told this story about how he went to the servo, and when he was at the servo, he was trying to buy an energy drink or something or some bread or some shit, and he put it on the counter. And the Indian was so he was working by the counter, was so distracted by looking at soft core pornography on his phone that he, like, didn’t even acknowledge the fact that Elijah was trying to buy something. He’s at 7/11 or something, was behind the counter. And I was saying:


“Elijah, the reason why that happened is because think about how disgusting and ugly Indian women are the entire Indian genome reproduces itself through the generations by fucking disgusting Indian women. So in order to create a sexuality that will keep wanting to, like, shag Indian women in perpetuity and, like. And pursue them with vigour, imagine how perverse and, like, insane the Indian male sexuality has to be, like, genetically coded for by this, you know, franken genome that is the Indian race.”


So, like that explains why Indian men, they’re asking for bobs in Fiji and there’s just such notorious kuma rapey creeps.




Blair Cottrell: Because it was probably looking at what you call soft core porn. He was probably just looking at girls posting photos in their gym outfits to Instagram. That is soft core porn these days. The way girls are dressing in gyms, man. Fuck, don’t get me started on that. Like, that’s, …


Joel Davis: It sounds like you’re already started on it. You’ve already started.


Blair Cottrell: I’d like not to get started cuz I’m getting fucking tired and I’m like almost ready to go. I’ve got to get up early in the morning.


Joel Davis: So we’ll do one more story because this story, I think is important to cover. And then it would just rip through the Superchats. This story on the subject of fucking pajeets. Again from The Noticer:


“Indian spies infiltrated Australia while our prime ministers covered it up and signed damaging immigration and trade deals. Australia expelled Indian spies who are operating with impunity inside the rapidly growing immigrant community. But successive governments failed to inform the public and instead signed damaging trade and immigration deals with the Indian government. Australia’s intelligence agencies became aware in 2020 that Indian operatives were trying to access sensitive defence technology, breach airport security protocols, and target politicians and a state police force. An investigation by Four Corners has revealed. And even when intelligence chief Mike Burgess, …”


A good friend, Mike Burgess, “we call this awful but lawful”. We love you, Mike:


“He publicly announced the following year that a, quote, nest of spies from an unnamed country had been confronted and removed. But then prime minister Scott Morrison kept quiet about the country responsible. At least four spies were expelled, some who had been working as diplomats at India’s high commission, which made headlines earlier this year when the country’s former high commissioner, Navdeep Suri Singh, was ordered to pay $97,000 to a former staffer that he make. He made work in, quote, slave like conditions at his Canberra home.”


I remember seeing that story. You, like, literally just sigh up.


Basically coerced this random chick to be a slave:


“Politicians told Four Corners that the number of secret expulsions put India, quote, on par with countries notorious for their intelligence operations, such as China and Russia, while Greens Senator David Shoebridge in India should have been condemned at the time.”


Anyway, blah, blah, blah. We’ve obviously covered on the show how there was just. Every time the prime minister would meet with President Modi of India, he would sign a new deal to make it even easier for them to immigrate here and to recognize all of their qualifications and just create trade deals that don’t really benefit us at all and massively disproportionately benefit them.


And it’s like, why is this happening? And now we find out there’s this huge Indian spy network.


So when we talk about the issues with these foreign races, it isn’t just that they smell bad and look disgusting and they’re irritating. In our daily life, I mean we’re talking about an enemy fifth column that is actively trying to use their diaspora to gain political leverage over our system. And the Chinese are doing it too.


And obviously the jews do it. And you know, it’s a national security risk to have all these fucking Indians pouring into the country that India is trying to engage in a kind of soft colonialism of sorts. They’re trying to colonize us, they’re trying to coerce our government. They’re trying to make us their bitch politically. That’s what’s happening. And they have 1.4 billion people and it’s just they’re constantly, you know, breeding and creating more and more of their devil spawns, racial kin. They got, they can replace this country ten times over and not even notice it.


So they are trying to shove as many Indians here as they can. And those Indians are going to be politically active. We’re already seeing them get politically active. We’ve seen America as well, the Indian diaspora. I mean there’s an Indian fucking prime minister of Britain right now. Indians have proven themselves to be very effective at using their nepotism and using the way in which they can ascend through the business community and so on to also ascend in politics. And so apparently they’ve got very sophisticated spy networks supporting them now.


So this is going to be a massive problem. Like there’s going to be a massive Indian faction that will take over a huge portion of the Labor Party, I would anticipate. And it will just keep growing and growing and eventually Labor Party, if current trends continue, will just become like the Indian Party.


Blair Cottrell: Well that’s sad. That’s probably true. You have anything to say on that matter, Tom?


Thomas Sewell: No.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, no, it’s getting to the point where like I’m almost ready to sign off but we got a, we got a few Superchats to go through.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: So did you want to make a start on those, Mr Davis?


Because I’ve got all the ones from Rumble saved here.


Joel Davis: You got the one guys? I’ll go through a couple. I got one here from Alt Cuperian who said:


“Unable to listen right now but wanted to make sure this got to you boys.”


Appreciate the support by the way. Some people have been complaining that the Rumble stream they had some issues with Rumble. I don’t know. It seems like it works for most people, but some people have issues. We are broadcasting on Odysee and Cozy TV, so if you have any issues with one of those sites while watching live, just maybe try one of the other ones. Gustavus Vasa said:


“Thanks, guys, for sticking to the true and radical message that will wake up our people. The bigger you get, the more our enemies and fools will try to steer you away to a harmless path.”


Blair Cottrell: We got $50 from JK Richardson 85. Thanks very much. Sends us a salute from VT, USA. Where’s VT?


Thomas Sewell: Vermont.


Blair Cottrell: What state is that? Yeah, Vermont. Yeah, there is a Vermont state. Yeah. Well, thanks very much for that. I’ve got a few more saved. You know, I’ve had to screenshot them because Rumble doesn’t really like the screenshot. The Superchats kind of disappear after a while and then I can’t find them. But I have screenshotted all the Superchats. Did you read this out from RSI Liberty? $25:


“Great to see you guys supporting eight other Right-wing groups. No infighting or petty territory.”


Yeah. Okay.


Joel Davis: 65 Stoney said as well:


“Is owning a home after bank shutdown still possible? Also, do they take your kids off you or anything like that?”


Obviously owning a home is still possible. Why would getting a bank account close, if anything, to do with whether you can own a home or not and take your kids off you? I have known of some people. I don’t want to name any names, but I’ve known of some people who have been nationalist activists, prominent, publicly facing activists that are well known quantities, labeled neo-Nazis by the media, that have been in a custody dispute, where obviously they’re no longer with the mother of the child, who is basically trying to screw them and take custody off them. And they’ve been able to use that in court, as you know, as part of their case or whatever, for keeping the kid away from the father.


So that’s pretty fucked up! So you could see it maybe in that sense, but not child services coming in and just taking a kid off, like a couple just because they’re a Nazi. I’ve never heard of that happening in Australia. Have you ever heard of that happening before? Tom?


Thomas Sewell: They have threatened it to the wives of the political prisoners in the UK. So not from Taola, but I have been contacted from a couple of the wives in the UK of the guys that got locked up and framed, and they haven’t had their kids taken off them, but their version of ASIO, I think, MI5, or maybe this, that’s their aces.


But whatever their Home Affairs, internal political police force is, have come to the homes while the husbands are in jail and said that if you, one of them was threatened, that if she tries to home-school the kid, that they’re going to take the kid off her, that they’re going to start legal action against her, that she’s grooming the kid for terrorism, and they’re using the same laws, of course, that they used against the ISIS brides on these women. So that the UK is about five years ahead of us.


So I would expect. I haven’t heard of it ever happening, but I have heard of the threats. So we could expect them to start making those threats in the next five years here in Australia. And I’ve made it very clear to ASIO and I’ve made it very clear to the general public, that’s when I become a terrorist. That’s when I’m going to start killing people. That’s just a fact. That’s not a threat. If you take my child off me, I’m going to start killing people and I’m going to encourage every single person that I know to also start killing people that are responsible, starting with probably the police and the judges that ordered for a child to come off one of us.


So if it happens through some dirty domestic dispute or something like that, it’s different. If you’re a junkie and you’re associated with the movement, you get your [children] taken of you, that’s different.


But if you’re just a lawful, honest man or you’ve gone to jail for some irrelevant reason, like you’ve been attacked in a park and you defended yourself and they go to take your kid off you. Nah, we had journalists. Who’s that tall jew, Ranger? Not Nick McKenzie. There’s another one. What’s his name? But he threatened to take Tim’s kid off him when the legacy dox happened. And yeah, that’s line that you don’t cross.


Blair Cottrell: How does a journalist threaten to take someone’s child away, he said.




Thomas Sewell: So he wrote in the dox of Tim and Tim’s gym, he wrote:


“That there’s a ten year old pictured in some of these community photos.”


Well, they don’t say “community”, they say “extremist photos”. And that something along the lines of that child protection has been notified of this and that perhaps child protection should look into investigating the this sort of abuse. So he didn’t threaten, but what he did was he encouraged, which is, to me, the same thing, to encourage other parts of the system to put that rhetoric out there and encourage other parts of the system to kidnap children from our community.


That’s the fucking line in the sand, and everyone needs to fucking know that is the fucking line in the sand! And I’m deadly serious. Fucking test us! You know, let’s do this peacefully. But touch fucking children. Touch our kids. It’s over! Like, it’s over! That’s the whole reason why we’re doing this, for our children. We want a future for our kids. We want a White Australia for our children so they have a home to live in the future.


So that’s it. That’s the line in the sand.


Joel Davis: And that’s also another thing to bring up on this subject.


So it’s so important to pick the right woman to have kids with. If you’re gonna take the path of being a nationalist activist, you need a woman that’s not gonna use that against you, screw you over down the line. And that’s also why you shouldn’t cheat on on your woman, period. But why? It would be really fucking stupid if you cheat on your wife, on our path and give her a reason to take revenge against you, because the state is not going to take your side anyway, even just as a normie, because of how skewed it is against men.


But then you drop like:


“Oh, he’s a neo-Nazi!”


In the court on you. Like, good luck. You’re not going to get much joy.


So, yeah, don’t fuck that up! That’s really important. Don’t fuck that up! There’s another Superchat here from Fellow Comrade who said:


“This is a $5 down payment for a nationalist ninja warriors course pilot episode.”


He’s gonna cost a bit more than $5 to make this show, man. But he says:


“You can battle Drew Pavlou and humiliate him on live TV.”


Well, I don’t think Drew wants that smoke. I don’t think he wants to fight me.


Blair Cottrell: So it’s unfortunate, but I think Drew would probably humiliate himself just by being on live TV. Like yeah, I don’t think you’d hide. I don’t know the guy. I shouldn’t say too much about him. I don’t know the guy that he just didn’t didn’t impress me in the Joel Davis debate. Not at all!


Joel Davis: No, no. He’s not an impressive person. Laura Tawny 777 said:


“Greetings from the US.”


I don’t know if I can read. This is in Minecraft. In Minecraft, shooting endorsements just, hey, they paid $5. I read it out. That’s it!


It’s always something is reading something out. J Who Hunt said:


“They’re trying to get boomers in the US to get reverse mortgages. It’s fucked!”


Maybe said:


“That when we’re talking about the boomerang.”


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I brought that one out when we’re talking about that.


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah.


So that was the credit to him. Uh, I think that way. I’m still scrolling through here. What? I hate how Rumble doesn’t put all the Superchats at the top the whole time.


Blair Cottrell: They just stay like, go away. If I knew you were saving them, I wouldn’t have done it as well. I thought I had.


Joel Davis: I’m not saving. I’m literally just scrolling through it. I’m just scrolling through it. Smarty 98 said:


“Christ is king scrolling here.”


And oh, yeah, we already had the guy throwing a Roman from Vermont, JK Richardson.


So I think that’s basically all the Superchats. Oh, no, wait, there’s someone, Odysee, Dirty White Boy said:


“Really curious about your takes on this. If a White power American, in brackets Anglo Saxon, came to Australia on the work Visa and did construction or something for a season and participated in activism, would you be pro-or against that, by the way? You guys are so incredibly lucid. It’s a treat when you stream.”


All right. For me, I would be. I would support it. Any White, any Whiteman who wants to come here and hang out with us and be part of the community who shares our beliefs I see no problem with that whatsoever! I mean, you don’t necessarily.


Blair Cottrell: What do you think when he says we’re extremely lucid? What does that mean? Lucid?


Joel Davis: Lucid. Lucid is like just aware and, like.


Thomas Sewell: Clear in the flow. We’re in the flow.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: Oh, that’s why they call it lucid dreaming, because you’re aware that you’re dreaming. Right. I get it.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Yeah.


Anyway, what do you think about internationals, international Whites who are over here? Can they hang out with us? Can they be part?


Thomas Sewell: Oh, it’s happened many times before. Yeah. Usually we get emails or they’ll message the contact part. We get messages all the time.


There was one recently, I think was from two Italian guys, and they were like:


“We’re backpacking Australia. We’re part of fascist network in Italy. Can we come train with you guys? We’re just out in the country at the moment, but when we’re back in Melbourne or Sydney, like, we want to train with you guys.”


So, yeah, we have international contacts all the time. Want to see how our scene is going, just like when our members go overseas. Some of the boys that got back from different European trips recently, they. Some of them hung out with Golden Dawn or whatever the organization is called now, because I think it’s illegal. And they met up with CasaPound, and one of the guys met up with some Spanish group.


I can’t remember what it was called, but one of the other guys just got back from Finland, and he hung out with the Finnish. Finnish active club or active club Finland.


So, yeah, yeah. Always, always solidarity.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


And also, if you want to. If you’re a Whiteman and you want to move here, I mean, we’d like to have some, like, White immigrants. We’re gonna have immigrants more than welcome. Dirty White boy also said:


“I fucking love this monastery idea. I’ve been visiting some, and it’s perfect. Self sustaining, beautiful, peaceful, amazing! I’ve had this idea for years.”


Well, why don’t you come over here and build one, then? You want to come hang out? I get Americans all the time. They say:


“Oh, Joel, we love you. We love Tom. We love Blair. Only we had people like you in America.”


There’s a lot of great people in America, so it’s nice of you to say that, but.


But if you really feel that way, then why don’t you just move to Australia? Just, if you’re a Whiteman, just move to Australia. Or a White woman. We got plenty of single guys in the for you to date. Come join the team. Why not?


But, yeah, I think. Oh, wait, I got one on Entropy from Govlover, who said:


“Thanks for fighting for the White race. You three are my heroes. We need more like you in Canada.”


So thanks. Kind words.


But, yeah, that’s all the Superchats, so they were pretty fucking boring Superchats.


To be honest. It seems like no one actually listens to me when I say:


“Can you try to send something interesting?”


They just want to say, like:


“Oh, you know, we really appreciate you guys. We love., …”


That’s nice and all, but it’s really boring. Like, just say something else like preacher.


Blair Cottrell: I appreciate it. Right. I like. Your words are lost on me, guys. That’s why you don’t need the stroke and come on!


Joel Davis: Yeah, I don’t need any.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah.


Anyway I’m egregiously tired, so.


And I’ve got to get up early.


Now I’m going to be in Queensland for the next few days. Uh, I’m busy on the Saturday. I’m helping a mate who bought a property up there around Gold Coast region. But on Sunday, I’ll be training with the boys. I don’t know if anyone watching this is from Queensland, but I think anyone who is anyone will already be aware that I’m going to be in the gym, at a gym just south of Brisbane on Sunday.


But if you do want to send me a direct message. You want to get involved, you want to join us for a workout. It’s going to be a big crew of us doing that, so feel free to send me a direct message on Telegram. It’s just at my full name without any spaces or anything. Blair Cottrell. And, yeah, we’ll hook you up. I’m looking forward to it. It’s an excuse to get some sunshine. It’s been cold down here in Melbourne. I like the cold, but I still want sun. The ideal weather for me, I don’t know about you guys, is just good sunshine, but without the heat, just with that nice crisp breeze. Yeah, I agree.


All right, lads, well, it’s been a good show and thanks, everyone, for tuning in. We’ve had high engagement, as usual. It’s great to see comments have been interesting. I sometimes am tempted to sort of tune in on this. On this chat and drop my own two cent in there.


But, yeah, I really appreciate you guys and I suppose we’ll see you all next week.


Joel Davis: There’s one more Superchat, actually, so I’ll just read it out from Fellow Comrade. He said:


“Wikipedia says Damien called for the de-racinafication of Australia last year. What’s that that about?”


I think what he would have said is that the globalists or the elite are deracinating Australia because Damien, he likes that word, deracination, but he doesn’t mean it. He’s saying that it’s a negative thing, not that it’s a positive thing. So, yeah, I think he just misread that.


But, yeah, anyway, yeah, yeah, another shitty Superchat. Thanks but no thanks.


Anyway, we’ll, yeah, we’ll see you guys next week.


Blair Cottrell: You know, what’s funny?


Joel Davis: He used to send, at least he’s not sending me Superchats about the last time he farted, he had a running joke. He, like, fart Superchats.


Blair Cottrell: But, you know what makes it even funnier, man? Makes it even funnier because Joel sets these shows up and he hosts them. He’s the only one that benefits from the Superchats, but he’s complaining about them at the same time! Like, all the Superchats go to Joel, and then he’s complaining about them, and I’m appreciating them. It’s like, I don’t know. It’s funny. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: It’s part of it. Look, it’s part of the, …


Thomas Sewell: I won’t psychoanalyse it. I’ll keep out of it.


Joel Davis: It’s part of the show! Like, if you want someone who’s gonna, like, suck you off, go Superchat them!


Blair Cottrell: Vulgar isn’t it? This is what we deal with, …


Joel Davis: I’m going to suck you up for any amount of money! See you later.


Thomas Sewell: Good night.


Blair Cottrell: All right.












Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 6/22/2024 = 279)

1 day ago
ngl, i appreciate Joel’s brutal dead pan humour

Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Follow Joel on twitter and Blair, Tom on (telegram)



1 day ago
Total boomer death except Granniewaffen!

1 day ago

😂 Wellerman


1 day ago

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Happy Solstice. 🏆Joel🏆Blair🏆Tom🏆Love Love to all you Beautifuls MWAH 🐔💪🫘🫛🌱🦘🐷🐄🐐🥛🍼


1 day ago
And I’m northern european stock.


1 day ago
90s and muggy here just the way I like it.

1 day ago
Brisbane is great in Winter

Secure the future of our people
1 day ago

Hide replies

18 hours ago
I went to the DMV and my number was I488 but it looked like 1488. My total for my shopping today was 14.88. The old Gods are with me!


1 day ago
Boomers aren’t the problem, they grew up reading newspaper, listening to radio, watching TV. No wonder they are fucked up!

Hide replies

18 hours ago(edited)
There were plenty of warnings that jews should not be allowed to own the media. They chose to ignore these. I don’t blame boomers (why blame the victim? and fight with our elders), I blame jews the parasitic agitators.

Show reply
My Awesome Channel
13 hours ago
Joel dislikes those who fund his chanell
Let that sink in.
Joel you fkn retard.
You don’t like donations for fck sake!


17 hours ago
Guys, keep in mind it’s great you have a bank account you can pay your bills and buy things online because of it but it is foolish not to learn from the 2009 banking crisis there will be a bank run and thanks to fractional reserve banking you need to especially get ahead of it. DO NOT KEEP YOUR MONEY IN THE FKN BANK!

1 day ago
Joel complains about getting super chats complimenting him lol. Must be nice.

1 day ago
Looks like this was the flyer for the event and Damiens website. I’m still searching out the speeches but have to get back to work.

National Workers Alliance – Rowville VIC

1 day ago
Jester maxxing


1 day ago
I may have said that in jest


1 day ago
You give me the money bitch!


1 day ago
Best chat is the jester chat

Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
🔥🔥repost🔥🔥 and like the Twitter if you can please!

Secure the future of our people
1 day ago

1 day ago
don’t get Blair started on the heat…

Dirty White Boy
1 day ago
I travel a lot to europe. needed a good reason to come to australia. im a builder

1 day ago
Cheers for the stream fellas. o/


1 day ago
Gold coast winters are great

1 day ago
Heil lads n chyat o/ o/ o/


1 day ago

quitting drinking and having you guys on a stream when? (rhetorical)

(((The tribe)))Aliver
1 day ago
no slack joel

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Flipping heck, Joel, don’t encourage anyone.


1 day ago

\0 Come over brother


1 day ago


1 day ago
We’re having a heatwave hear in PA and I’ve been thinking of returning to a desert climate.

Dirty White Boy
1 day ago
yeah. boarding a plane so the stream cut out right when they started reading

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Good to hear.

Lon Awfully
1 day ago
that’s awesome


1 day ago

white boy still around ?

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Drew is forgettable. He’ll get fatter & die early, poor bloke.

1 day ago
lol Blair did the “And I’m not going to read that” JFG bit

1 day ago

at the very least the kids would be subjected to liberal indoctrination


1 day ago

1 day ago


1 day ago
kids get abused in government custody.. Are they not giving little baby boys to homosexuals now?

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

1 day ago
in Soviet Revolution i fought over free speech, start taking our kids? oof…


1 day ago
If they try to take my neighbors kid I’m willing to go to the mattresses.


1 day ago

They certainly keep dropping kindling. Which has me concerned too, they would have planned for it.

1 day ago
YES, there are lines crossed that mean it’s go time


1 day ago
Seems fair enough Thomas.

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

1 day ago
the moment a sticker becomes a threat


1 day ago
Vermont has the Green Mountains. It’s beautiful and full of Whites who know not of the spoils of diversity. They have the luxury of naivete.


1 day ago

A little hyperbole here and there isn’t bad, but yes the situation is very dire. very very dire. If I’m generous on the positive side about 50% of the people I see when I go into town are white.

Hide replies

18 hours ago
Yep. Even in my small town I see non stop shit skin garbage. Every damn day. I used to see one once every few months a decade ago. We can take it back, but we cannot rest on our laurels.

Hide replies

18 hours ago
Dude please stop replying to the live stream comments, you’re taking them out of context

1 day ago
It’s a way of pathologizing White people (and selling them the cure)

1 day ago
i had a thought bubble the other day about the great reset idea. Did the wef deliberately shit up the idea to make the concept unpalletable? After all, wasn’t the NSDAP takeover effectively a great reset

1 day ago
they should try some drops

1 day ago

1 day ago
no 304s tho

1 day ago
Lucid is Awake and Fluid

1 day ago

sounds about right

Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
ollow Joel on twitter and Blair, Tom on (telegram)


1 day ago

I tried telling The Woodlander, but he wouldn’t hear it.

1 day ago

1 day ago
Beware what changes they’ve made in the law around home ownership.

1 day ago
The problem of “freehold”

1 day ago
true story

1 day ago
Vermont= Green mountain

1 day ago

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

He’s my favourite BarsKeeper. I go into a trance on the 128’s.

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

Scary thought

1 day ago

And uhhh The Holocaust is big business….

Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
🔥🔥repost🔥🔥 and like the Twitter if you can please!

1 day ago
indians have discovered Aryan woodworking tools, in a few millennia they’ll be a real threat

1 day ago
Australia is the perfect target

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

I love The Ayatollah. He has THE BEST intro since Iconoclast

1 day ago
India is like 1.4 billion dumb jews.

1 day ago
bread like rabbits

1 day ago
LOL Tom lost

1 day ago


1 day ago
The Ayatollah’s imitation of JFG

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

Part of their training is garlic free for 6 months

1 day ago
keeping secrets will be impossible

1 day ago
The west will loss the next war just due to inner espionage ..

1 day ago
Time for superchats….and I’m not going to read that

1 day ago
WTF how is that even possible???????? “Indian spies” – surely you could smell them?

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Blair’s Missus in a hijab ASAP 🤗

1 day ago
star link into the Amazon & they all start jacking off

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago
Wait isn’t it environment that causes behaviour – surely it’s just the turmeric that has them shitting on the beach? :laughing:

1 day ago
They breed like sewer rats.

1 day ago
I see the relation between aboriginals and indians

1 day ago
Bengal monitor lizard raped in Maharashtra, 4 arrested…

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Traumatic genetic memory studies are interesting.

1 day ago
Jeets are complete coomers

1 day ago
penetiatires is a Christian concept, before they existed, execution was the preferred method of punishment

1 day ago
“Oppositional Defiant Disorder” is a natural response to anti-White propaganda. It’s a way of corralling and controlling White boys in particular

1 day ago
it’s a Weimar condition

1 day ago
I believe in merciful legal executions of the criminally insane.

1 day ago
psychology an industry of death, genetic failure more like

1 day ago
dont they giver you the same medication for anxietyas depression ?

1 day ago
Tom Cruise n Scientology called it decades ago… …now there’s a sentence u don’t read every day…

1 day ago
and that’s how Victor Szas became a Batman villain…

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

flipping heck. So low %?

1 day ago
I’m in Pennsylvania and we’ve had a major influx of Indians. They’re like creepier browner jews and they come in numbers.

1 day ago
Jews are sympathetic to schizophrenia as it’s their most common diagnosis

1 day ago
2.5 million have entered & vaccination status is unknown, so what was the last 4 years about,,,, pure bloods

1 day ago
show bobs saar

Rebbe Schneerson
1 day ago

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

Aye. IDGAF anymore 🤪

1 day ago

1 day ago

Mine too, this is why when I go to the supermarket I only see one other white out of 200 people.

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Rumble hit 500 btw

1 day ago

My area is 99% white

1 day ago


1 day ago

funy your just filming right in their faces. Ah thought you were in Nz

1 day ago
Only White men have free will and agency.

1 day ago

That is reality. I’ve said this for decades: In an insane world, it is the sane who appear to be the insane

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

The @ video was at Costco, Moorabbin. Mass diversity in that region.

1 day ago

that is insane

1 day ago

I am not surprised by that at all

Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Follow Joel on twitter and Blair, Tom on (telegram)


1 day ago
They come down on any goycattle that misbehaves at the end of the day. This is necessary; A farmer can herd 100 cattle 10 times his own weight, but this is an illusion, should one of them demonstrate he can be trampled at anytime, watch out.

1 day ago
always has. Ancient Greece invented the steam engine but never used it

1 day ago
The Golem always turns on it’s creator.

1 day ago

cheap slave labor inhibits the rollout of labor saving technology

1 day ago

oy vey!

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Whatcha doing Rabbi?

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Their changings opinions matter, Joel.

1 day ago
boomers are the most racist cohort in Australia though

Rebbe Schneerson
1 day ago
The future is RW AF. Faggots are genetic dead ends.

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

I had to remove that from YouTube 😳

1 day ago
Parasites are going enslave Whites as long as we allow it. We must give them NOTHING!

1 day ago
A whip makes them work harder too

1 day ago


did a great video on this

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

100% mass remigration is easy.

1 day ago

Don’t believe those stats, they make the same lies here in NZ but I just have to look outside to see that is a lie

1 day ago
60 years ago, one million French lived in Algeria. They all went back to France. So remigration is possible

1 day ago
So Australia is over 80% white?

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

Aye, I know. We’d have gotten to the moon by now if it wasn’t for cheap labour. 😳

1 day ago
the worse things get the better the solution looks

1 day ago
so civil war

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

Who will make my lattè

1 day ago
further enriching non Australians

1 day ago

meanwhile employing foreign labour at those facilities

1 day ago

1 day ago


1 day ago
Obviously some jews are.. Naaa

1 day ago
Dark Blair Rising

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Retirement Villages = Bleed Them Dry B4 They Die

1 day ago
William Luther Pierce was a boomer

1 day ago
A common thing here boomer do in NZ is sell the family home, the holiday home and buy a camper van. They live in that before being put in a home leaving their children with nothing.

Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
🔥🔥repost🔥🔥 and like the Twitter if you can please!

1 day ago
yup, BlackRock, StateStreet etc wants all the land so u can live in zee pods n eat zee bugs

1 day ago

1 day ago
reverse mortgages literally blood from a stony

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
My mum had 2 cruises booked in 2020. Now her home is in trust for her descendants thanks to the cough. NOT ALL. SHOW SOME FKN RESPECT JOEL, darling 😉

1 day ago
should be an automatic death sentence for those words

1 day ago
Stopping television was one huge step towards the Right direction

1 day ago
that genuinely depressed me Bruv


1 day ago
gave them

1 day ago
My ancestors built 3 houses and gave them all to the jews

1 day ago
Joel is coming, HIDE UR GILFS, lads!..

1 day ago
Fuck your small boomers

1 day ago


1 day ago
to avoid death tax make sure assets are placed in the hands of kin before departing

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

1 day ago

nah i gave up on that, when someone clearly insane and/or dishonest, i just block without a word or acknowledgement n move on, is par for the course

1 day ago
The issue lies in not the bourgeoisie class, they are the creators, the producers they create the world around us, the very reason they are under attack. The real issue is the goycattle farmer class.

1 day ago

happy days to you

1 day ago
also consider how superannuation is pitched. Build up wealth until you’re 65, then whittle it away until you die

1 day ago

I never block people either so they know they can keep going with me until thye reach some variety of satisfaction

1 day ago
Who remembers the Equity Mate Commonwealth bank ada from the early 2000s? This encouraged the boomers to piss away their accumulated wealth

1 day ago

yeah u might be right, a bit of mental illness too i reckon, a lot of ppl brain-broken after all the crap, is sad rly

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

Does my head in. Ah well. GTSY

1 day ago

Found a comment of truth I said somewhere and haven’t learned to let go.. Bad actors is my guess

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

Eat, Bake, Sing did a lovely live from UK earlier.

1 day ago

it’s weird when u don’t even stream n u have rabid haters, only thing i can think is some ppl envy those of us who garner respect just by being ourselves n getting known?

1 day ago
Boomers: Hold my reverse mortgage xD

1 day ago

probably trying to reply to me at one point… Happens all the time to me

1 day ago

The troll towards me is pretty hilarious! Quite nights are preferred though

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

I had to unblock you. Flip knows when I blocked you.

1 day ago

1 day ago

Solstice 8am NZ time, 6am Sydney. I should make a new years revolution to stream every day come rain snow or shine.

Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
🔥🔥repost🔥🔥 and like the Twitter if you can please!

1 day ago
hahahahaaaaa, gotta appreciate the loon-free days…


1 day ago
was a good jew reveal too

1 day ago

slow night 😀

1 day ago
lockdown was great for reading

Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
Follow Joel on twitter and Blair, Tom on (telegram)


1 day ago
ur fan club not here today? lol o/


1 day ago


1 day ago
Yes! What has real value? Numbers in a computer somewhere? Or your family?

1 day ago


Dawn Browning
1 day ago

I’d be upset if the jam was left on the Phillips

1 day ago
nah but it’s true, a man who has no justified pride in himself is no man at all

1 day ago
we must all strive for badass level of operating o/

1 day ago
who put jam on the handle of the butter knife

1 day ago
Joel is Joel’s number 1 fan lel

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Big head Joel 🤣👌🏆

1 day ago
When I went from living with people to living alone for the first time for a period in my 20’s, I was hit with an awful clarity. That a lot of the things I was complaining about others doing, I did myself. Who left this cupboard open, why hasn’t the vacuum cleaning been done…

Dirty White Boy
1 day ago
hey chat are the hyperchats going through? they disappeared for me

1 day ago
fuk ye

1 day ago
The problem is you really can’t get another job xD

1 day ago
< highly recommended @Crazy_Cat_Gentleman 1 day ago @DawnBrowning Oneday Dawn Browning 1 day ago @Crazy_Cat_Gentleman Do more electronic vids. I’ve learnt heaps from you. Maybe do 101 basics? @BlotOutTheMemoryOfJacob 1 day ago o/ ChainReaction 1 day ago the yng men i council i always advise to just take time to reflect n figure out what they actually stand for, where are their lines etc Dirty White Boy 1 day ago $5.00 I fuckin love this monastery idea. I’ve been visiting some and its perfect. Self-sustaining. beautiful. peaceful. amazing. I had this idea for years. Vettekid1488 1 day ago I’ve always loved nature and felt at home In it ..we lived on a small farm when I was about 7 ….used to love to walk the wooded area adjacent to our house … fun to follow animal tracks 🐾 in the snow Dirty White Boy 1 day ago $25.00 Really curious about your takes on this. If a white power American (anglo saxon) came to Australia on the work visa and did construction or something for a season, and participated in activism, would you be pro or against that? Btw you guys are so incredibly lucid. Its a treat when you stream. Dawn Browning 1 day ago Tom was groomed 🤣 @Crazy_Cat_Gentleman 1 day ago Was that someone a jew? Forza 1 day ago @ChainReaction I agree, the rage is real and justified. And I think once we reached a tipping point of getting people on side, then the whole truth can come out and we can throw romans and have as many swazis as we want. Secure the future of our people 1 day ago 🔥 Repost and like the Twitter if you can please! 🔥 Dawn Browning 1 day ago A lot of Tradies work for companies who have govt contracts ChainReaction 1 day ago @Forza.Blankito totally get ur point n have been hearing n seeing that myself, i was just born into NatSoc so hard for me to let go of the injustice n the fact we held the torch to this day – but yes, the goal n SUCCEEDING is utmost to me also Forza 1 day ago @ChainReaction What is needed is a total re-branding, there is too much stigma still associated with the past. As much as I love Uncle A that whole thing is holding us back. So much so I think it’s pushed by some exactly for that reason. @Aus1788 1 day ago Orwell got shot by a fascist for being a dirty commie Dawn Browning 1 day ago We were raised on Orwellian 1984. Being incarcerated / asylumed / Gulaged is still in our genetic memory? Vettekid1488 1 day ago @ChainReaction sweet 👍 ChainReaction 1 day ago good news is ppl would faint hearing abt NatSoc 30yrs ago, now even normies listen, so that’s a clear win in my eyes ChainReaction 1 day ago some people can do way more as an anon, yeah for many it’s an excuse, but for some it’s a valid strategy, some of us have been doing this for decades all over the world, wouldn’t have been possible without being anon – my 5c ChainReaction 1 day ago nobody has the top quality women that our movement has, this is undeniable n one would think it would give normies pause Dawn Browning 1 day ago Us grannies plant the seeds. Literally & figuratively. 😉 Gretchen 1 day ago we love our boys o/ Anglo-Saxon 1 day ago gigga nannas Forza 1 day ago based granny’s can be sent in my direction Forza 1 day ago G’day Aussies! ChainReaction 1 day ago @Adult_White_Female nanana, very good musings, at least i appreciated ur points Forza 1 day ago Crusader Quest>Ninja Warrior

1 day ago
a man may dream

1 day ago
That’s true, you don’t know yourself until you live alone.

Secure the future of our people
1 day ago
🔥 Repost and like the Twitter if you can please!

1 day ago
hahahha 🤪 I do that too …when I needed a physician I phoned their office and asked the race of the doctor and staff and said I won’t be using their services I’m racist towards non whites

1 day ago
i get joy from everyone meeting me being weirded out that i’m a NatSoc n then slowly understanding over time what i’m saying – takes time n rational behaviour, but always happens

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Tom @ Starbucks…. frothy coffee

1 day ago
It is becoming clear that enough people are red pilled and know enough about what’s going on. The emphasis needs to be growing a real life presence now.

1 day ago
You get asked to donate to “Rainbow Youth” here in NZ, take a wild guess what that is….. My response is usually store banning level.

1 day ago

oh heck yeah mate, i’m a big proponent of gaining critical mass before ppl can larp, i’m no fan of loons throwing Roman’s just as a spectacle or waving the Hakenkreuz – to me that’s not just counterproductive, but disrespectful, 100%

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

Adult White Female – WPW
1 day ago

ty. super busy so a bit slow with those as of late but trying to post relevants

Dawn Browning
1 day ago


1 day ago
great recent posts o/


1 day ago

Adult White Female – WPW
1 day ago
Great WP Mornin’ all! :white_heart: /

1 day ago
ladies n gentlemen, the enemy:

1 day ago
dissident movements sadly attract wackos, narcissists etc

1 day ago
trying something GOOD <– that being the operating word

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

Aye. Many things have happened since. It’s different for each individual.

Ethno Nationalist
1 day ago

1 day ago

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

Thank you. A few people I follow still start with “what did you have for dinner” 🤗🤍

1 day ago

[Horus Live – European Freedom – A Tribute to Simon Harris – May 26, 2020 — Transcript]

Horus Live – European Freedom – A Tribute to Simon Harris – May 26, 2020 — Transcript

1 day ago

kind of but he died at the beginning of COVID, which seems like a while ago now

1 day ago
…with his tea and rum…

1 day ago
should sing Wellerman on stream

1 day ago

Dawn Browning
1 day ago

Simon Harris’ passing still seems like yesterday 😳 🙏

1 day ago

Thanks Dawn.

1 day ago
[Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript]

Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Dawn Browning
1 day ago


1 day ago
[Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

1 day ago


1 day ago
Mussolini failed epically in Greece, leading Germany to divert valuable resources from the eastern front.

Dawn Browning
1 day ago
Rumble says there’s 443 watching.

1 day ago
Last week’s show transcript: [Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

1 day ago
In his speeches he used to hold one hand in the air with a closed fist, and have one hand on his hip. Chad

1 day ago
mussolini guy had a jewish mistress

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

Archipelago Woes
1 day ago
o/ from USA



See Also




Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript

Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version 1: Sat, Jun 22, 2024 — Published post. Transcript Quality = 3.5. Includes Odysee comments (279).

This entry was posted in Australia, Blair Cotterell, Boomers, Covid - Lockdowns, Family - Anti, Family - Destruction, Globalism, Hate Speech, Hitler, Hitler Quotes, Immigration, India, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, Joel Davis, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Mussolini, Nationalism, Normies, Political Correctness, Propaganda - Anti-German, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race Differences, Racism, Spiritualism, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Trade Unions, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Western Civilization, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, Zionism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

  1. Pingback: Mark Collett – Bronze Age Pervert Exposed – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  2. Pingback: Monika Schaefer – The Flipside with Monika – Ep 1 – Intro – Jun 29, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  3. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 2 – Jul 6, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  4. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 03 with Paul Fromm – Jul 13, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  5. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 08 with Alfred Schaefer – Aug 17, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  6. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 09 with Grace Eki Oyama – Aug 24, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  7. Pingback: Thomas Sewell – Bread and Butter Nationalism – Aug 25, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  8. Pingback: Show 36 – Frank Salter – Oct 18, 2023 – Transcript | katana17

  9. Pingback: Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  10. Pingback: Christopher Bollyn – Tricked into War – Israeli Zionist Government was Behind the 9/11 Attack – Sep 20, 2018 – Transcript | katana17

  11. Pingback: Mark Collett – Protestors Jailed, Paedophiles Walk Free – Aug 16, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  12. Pingback: Joel Davis – Political Existentialism, Zionist Hypocrisy, Austrians Vote for Remigration – Oct 3, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  13. Pingback: Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  14. Pingback: Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Jacob Hersant – Oct 16, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  15. Pingback: Joel Davis – White Man Fight Back! – Oct 17, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

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