Category Archives: Poland

Book: White World Awake! — Stopping the Planned Extermination of Our Volk

    [In this new book, by a well-known “Holocaust” Revisionist, Jurgen Graf, the planned “slow-motion” extermination of the White race by the globalists (aka, Organized jewry) using the socially engineered below replacement birth rates, mass Third World immigration and various … Continue reading

Posted in America, Auschwitz, Brainwashing, CODOH, Deception, Ernst Zundel, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Himmler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Institute for Historical Review, Jew World Order, Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, Jürgen Graf, Media - jewish domination, National Socialism, New World Order, Poland, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Revisionism, Robert Faurisson, Third Reich, Third World, Third World Immigration, Udo Walendy, Uncategorized, White genocide, White Nationalism, Willis Carto, WW II, Zionism, Zionists, Zyklon B | 6 Comments

Red Ice: Lana Lokteff Interviews Arthur Kemp — TRANSCRIPT

    [In this friendly interview, Lana Lektoff from Red Ice (Radio 3Fourteen) talks with Arthur Kemp on the past, present and future of White people. Kemp has had long involvement in the White “movement” and has written several books on … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, America, Arabs, Arthur Kemp, Bk - March of the Titans, Brainwashing, Britain, Donald Trump, England, Europe, Europe - Eastern, Evolution, Evolution and Behavior, Germany, Hitler, Japan, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews - Naming, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, National Socialism, Negros, New World Order, Orania, Palestine, Poland, Race, Race - Mixing, Radio 3Fourteen, Red Ice Radio, Slavery - in Africa, Spain - Moorish, Suicide, Sweden, Third Reich, Third World, Third World Immigration, Transcript, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II | 8 Comments

The Realist Report Interviews Eric Hunt — TRANSCRIPT

May 2016   [Here’s the transcript of an audio interview by John Friend with Eric Hunt about his revisionist video making, and his latest video, “Questioning the Holocaust, Why We Believed — Part One”.   Both Friend and Hunt don’t mince their words … Continue reading

Posted in America, Arabs, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Bk - Hellstorm, Brainwashing, Carlo Mattogno, Dachau, Elie Wiesel, Eric hunt, Europe, Europe - Central, Europe - Eastern, Fascism, France, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Goebbels, Himmler, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Homosexuality, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, John Friend, Jürgen Graf, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, National Socialism, Negros, New World Order, Poland, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Syria, Third Reich, Third World Immigration, Transcript, typhus, Uncategorized, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW I, WW II, Zyklon B | 16 Comments

The Holocaust Lie — Made in America

  [Horst Mahler describes the creation of the Nuremberg Trials by American jews and how the trials were kangaroo courts that lynched the Germans  — KATANA.]     The Holocaust Lie   Made in America     circa 2006   … Continue reading

Posted in Auschwitz, Brainwashing, Britain, Christainity, Churchill, Communism, Europe, Franklin D., Germany, Germar Rudolf, Goebbels, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Israel, Jew World Order, Jews, Mind Control, National Socialism, New World Order, Nuremberg, Palestine, Poland, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, Robert Faurisson, Roosevelt, Talmud, Third Reich, WW I, WW II | 25 Comments

Nick Griffin and Jack Sen: The Battle for the Future of Europe — TRANSCRIPT

  [Red Ice Radio interviews the well known, in British politics, Nick Griffin and also a relative new-comer to British politics, Jack Sen. Both these men are in some circles controversial, for their own reasons, but nevertheless this interview is quite … Continue reading

Posted in America, Banksters, Black Crime, BNP, Britain, British Renaissance, Christainity, Europe, Europe - Central, Europe - Eastern, Family - Anti, Fascism, Feminism, France, Gun Control, Homosexuality, Hungary, International Finance, Ireland, ISIS, Jack Sen, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Media - BBC, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, Nick Griffin, Plutocracy, Poland, Race, Race - Mixing, Red Ice Radio, Religion, Suicide, Sweden, Talmud, Third World, Third World Immigration, Transcript, UKIP, Uncategorized, White genocide, White Nationalism | 21 Comments

Jim Rizoli Interviews Fred Leuchter: His Story, His Way — TRANSCRIPT

  [Very informative and entertaining interview by Jim Rizoli with Fred Leuchter and the story about his experiences as he became a “reluctant Revisionist“, due to his expertise in designing execution equipment for US prison systems. Called in by Ernst Zundel’s legal team … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Defamation League, Aryan, Auschwitz, Brainwashing, Communism, Dachau, Europe, Fred Leuchter, Germany, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Naming, Media - jewish domination, National Socialism, Poland, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, Russia, Third Reich, Transcript, WW I, WW II | 5 Comments

The Myth of German Villainy: Author Ben Bradberry Interview — TRANSCRIPT

  [Very informative interview by Jim Rizoli with Benton Bradberry and the story behind his excellent book that exposes the lies behind our “official” understanding of the events of the 20th century whereby Germany is most wrongly portrayed as the “evil … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Defamation League, Aryan, Auschwitz, Balfour Declaration, Benton L. Bradberry, Bk - Hellstorm, Bk - The Myth of German Villainy, Brainwashing, Britain, Christainity, Churchill, Communism, Czechoslovakia, Dachau, England, Europe, Fascism, France, Germany, Henry Ford, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Hungary, International Finance, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Naming, Kevin MacDonald, League of Nations, Marxism, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, Multiculturalism, National Socialism, New World Order, Nuremberg, Poland, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Race Differences, Revisionism, Rothschild, Russia, Slavery - in Africa, Sudeten German, The International Jew, Third Reich, Third World Immigration, Transcript, Treaty of Versailles, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW I, WW II | 28 Comments

Gearoid O Colmain discusses the Paris attacks with RT International — TRANSCRIPT

     [Political author Gearoid O Colmain discusses the Paris attacks with RT International. It is a war, “that is being waged using proxy groups, terrorist proxy groups, and they are being used against nation states who are resisting US and … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, America, Arabs, Brainwashing, Europe, France, Hungary, International Finance, Ireland, ISIS, Israel, Jew World Order, Jews, Media - BBC, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, New World Order, Paris 11/13, Paris 20151113 Attacks, Poland, Race, Russia, Secret Elite, Syria, Syria - Assad, Third World, Third World Immigration, Transcript, Turkey, Victor Orban, White genocide | Leave a comment

Zsolt Bayer: The White Genocide Speech — TRANSCRIPT

     [This is the frank opinion of Zsolt Bayer, a long time friend of Hungary’s Prime Minister, Victor Orban, on the invasion of non-Whites into Europe and in particular Hungary. He’s a race-realist that demands that Hungary must stand up and resist … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, Africa, Austria, Baltic States, Bangladesh, Denmark, England, Estonia, Europe, Finland, France, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Hungary, Jew World Order, Jews, Latvia, Lithuania, Lord of the Rings, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, New Zealand, Noel Ignatiev, Pakistan, Poland, Race, Race - Mixing, Race Differences, Syria, Third World, Third World Immigration, Victor Orban, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, Zsolt Bayer | 1 Comment

Das Blackguard — Winston Churchill

[[Dies ist eine Übersetzung von The Blackguard – Winston Churchill. Wenn Leser erkennen keine wesentlichen Fehler in der Übersetzung informieren Sie mich in den Kommentaren wissen.] This is a German translation of The Blackguard — Winston Churchill. If readers spot … Continue reading

Posted in America, Arabs, Balfour Declaration, Churchill, Communism, Czechoslovakia, Danzig, England, Europe, France, Franklin D., Hitler, Jew World Order, Jews, Jews - Naming, National Socialism, New World Order, Poland, Propaganda - Anti-German, Roosevelt, Russia, Secret Elite, Sudeten German, Third Reich, Treaty of Versailles, WW I, WW II | 5 Comments