[In these two latest videos Ramzpaul explains why he has dropped his support for the Alt-Right “label” after Richard Spencer failed to disavow the movement’s “Nazi” element following the NPI Conference, where some attendees gave “sieg heils” when Spencer raised his glass and declared loudly, “Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail Victory!”
Although Ramzpaul makes many good points on some side issues I think he’s making a mountain out of a molehill out of this whole incident by declaring the Alt-Right’s “brand” toxic because of it.
More seriously though, is Ramzpaul’s belief that the website, “The Daily Stormer” which has recently claimed to be Alt-Right, is in fact fake opposition, funded by the ADL.
But then in that case, what about Amren, which Ramzpaul does support, and its leader, Jared Taylor, who attended the conference and is openly pro-jew? The very people whose organizations are behind our on-going destruction! Is Amren also fake opposition, funded by the ADL, Ramzpaul? — KATANA]
Alt-Right — RIP
“Sieg Heiling”
Published on Nov 23, 2016
Donald Trump disavows the Alt Right after Roman salutes are featured at the NPI conference.
After NPI’s Roman Salutes, President elect Trump was forced to disavow the Alt Right. Most normal people can support the Alt Right ideas of self-determination, protection of borders, good trade deals, America First, etc. But normal people can’t support anything that is associated with Nazism.
In my discussions with Brietbart I explained the tension between the Alt Right versus the 14/88 crowd. In general, Breitbart was sympathetic to the ideas of the Alt Right as I described them.
However, they obviously did not support the 14/88 notion of the Alt Right.
Eventually, the 14/88 crowd won this battle once Richard Spencer was associated with Nazism. Of course, I don’t think Richard is a Nazi. But it does not matter at this point. Whenever the Alt Right is discussed in the media, they will show the Roman Salute clip over and over. And as Richard is the self proclaimed leader of the Alt Right, the brand is now impossible to rehabilitate.
But it really doesn’t matter at this point. The Alt Right was a phenomenon that helped launch Trump into the White House. Now that he has been elected, there is no need for the “alternative” label. We are now the Trump Right.
Alt-Right — RIP
Hey guys. First of all I’m still in the process of moving back home. I don’t know my final location, but, so I don’t have my camera equipment. But I thought I had to discuss this whole thing that blew-up with Richard Spencer and the NPI and the Alt-Right. And, first of all what was reported was outrageous. Because supposedly Richard said that he asked the question, “Are Jews even human?” He didn’t ask that and in his speech he said, “Are Republican strategists even human?”. It was a joke! He wasn’t talking about Jews. So, CNN had lied there. And there’s supposedly the, you know, the Roman salute that happened. All Richard did was he had a glass and did a toast, “Hail Trump!” at the end. Big deal! We say “Hail To the Chief” for the president. It shouldn’t be that big of an issue. But unfortunately, we have some people that intentionally got up and did the Roman salute, a couple times, I guess there before and they did that and tweeted it.
[Image] Richard Spencer raising his glass while announcing, “Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail Victory!” at the NPI Conference 2016.
And yeah, at that point, Donald Trump had to disavow the Alt-Right. Because, you can’t hang on to something that’s Nazi. You just can’t! Because Naziism, it was seventy years ago. It’s just a brand that doesn’t translate well. It scares people. And if you’re going to do a seig heil, it’s over! It’s really over! And so, the truth, it doesn’t really matter what happened with NPI and with Richard Spencer. It’s a perception. And whenever they think about the Alt-Right now, people are going to think about the Romans salute! [laughing] And I won’t even do it now otherwise they’ll use my image.
[Image] “Hands up” at the NPI Conference 2016.
And yeah, that’s not fair, but politics is not fair. So now the Alt-Right brand is damaged. It’s associated with Naziism. And normal Americans aren’t going to support that. Which is a shame, but it’s really OK, you know. Why am I saying it’s OK? For a period of time before Trump got elected, the Alt-Right really grew. And part of the reason — I’m a little of the reason, just hang on — I did an interview with Milo and I spoke to him briefly. He’d use a lot of my quotes with Breitbart when they talk about, “What is the Alt-Right?” And I did some also some articles for “Return of the Kings”, some videos. And I try to explain what the Alt-Right is. It’s not traditional conservatism, which is about low taxes and open borders, but it’s also not 14/88, about neo-Nazis and all that shit! It’s about having an identity. That all people, jews, White people, Chinese — we all have an identity and we all have the right to live and of self-determination. That’s a core.
There’s other issues too with trade and so forth, but that was basically the core. It’s not like this Nazi hate ideology! And, you know, what? Most people can really get on to that. Most people are like:
“Yeah, I’m tired of political correctness. If other groups have identity, why can’t we? Why can’t we all have nationalism?”
And it really resonates with people.
And it did with Breitbart. And I know, because Milo published it and Steve Bannon saw that. And that’s why Steve Bannon, Trump’s Chief of Staff now, was on board with the Alt-Right. Because it’s something you can defend! But what happened is, immediately the enemy primarily and I’ll say it, I’ve said this before. I think Daily Stormer, to be honest, is a fake opposition. I think is funded by the ADL. And I’m not going to get into debates, why. I think that, I really do. And initially this Daily Stormer, they were opposed to the Alt-Right. But when they saw that it was getting on, they changed their strategy. And I said “they”, because I don’t think it’s just Andrew Anglin [laughing] that is in charge of it. I’ve heard his interviews. I think there’s a whole group that works on that website. And they decided to repurpose it, or try to co-opt the Alt-Right, to say:
“Hey! The Alt-Right is all about Naziism, of 14/88”.
And they were so good at that, they were basically able to say:
“Hey! 14/88 and Naziism, that is the core of the Alt-Right, and the rest of you are trying to co-opt what we’re doing!”
Which was nonsense. But that was their strategy. And, but there was a lot of tension there between it. But still the ones that looked at the Alt-Right is not being Naziism, but being [about] identity, about being nationalism, were able to win the day initially up to the election. Then right after the election, … Yeah, finally because of the Richard Spencer thing that blew apart, now it is associated with Naziism!
But it’s OK! It doesn’t matter. It would be kind of like you’re playing a basketball game and you’re winning by two points, at the last second the guy shoots it, and it’s a three point shot. And you go, “Oh no! We lost!” But no, the game ended before the three pointer went in! And that’s kind of what happened.
We kind of won. We won, we got Trump in! So that’s fine.
So, I no longer identify as Alt-Right, just because, there’s no way of rehabilitating that whole image of what the Alt-Right is. It’s, I mean, good for Daily Stormer, I guess. They got it associated with Nazism and they’ve kind of quit that now. They’re trying to associate Republicanism with Nazism! [laughing] That’s their new strategy. Good luck with that!
[Image] The Daily Stormer, “America’s #1 Most-Trusted Republican News Source”.
That’s OK, because I want to look at the Alt-Right now instead of it just being the Right. There’s no need to have the “Alt” label anymore.
We have Donald Trump. People like me that support borders, that support immigration controls, that are opposed to globalism and free trade, we have our man in office now. We don’t need to call ourselves, “Alt-Right”.
So, I’ve given up the label, but I still support self-determination and nationalism for all! I’ll talk to you guys later.
Published on Nov 29, 2016
A response to Richard Spencer’s video addressed to me:
Richard Spencer created a video (see link above) that addressed me concerning many topics concerning the Alt Right. This is my video response to cover some of the common questions that people have raised that include:
1. What is Nazism
2. Punching to the Right
3. Disavowing
4. Cucking
5. Brand identity
6. Boundaries needed for a movement
From the list above, #6 is key. The idea that you can have a movement that has NO boundaries is insane. Yet, because some people have been fooled with the mantra “never punch to the right” and “never disavow” we now have the Alt Right brand associated with Hollywood Nazis. And as the mainstream media looks at Richard Spencer as the leader of the Alt Right, the fact that he won’t explicitly disavow Nazism is fatal to the movement. The serious thinkers have been replaced with Hal Turner and Andrew Anglin types.
I think Richard is intelligent and quite eloquent. But I fear his message will be muted and he will become the new David Duke for his generation – pulled out every 4 years by the media to try to discredit the politician he endorses.
I recommend that Spencer should explicitly disavow that the Alt Right has any connection with Nazism. If he refuses to do so, the Alt Right brand will remain toxic and attract only the kook element.
The Alt-Right and Boundaries
[11:42 min]
All right. This is going to be my last video about the “Richard Spencer, sieg heil” case.
But I want to do some clarification. And is going to be a little bit more in depth, because there’s a lot of questions about, you know, what is a Nazi, is it National Socialism, is it Hitler, is something new? What’s a Hollywood Nazi? And there’s a lot of ideas like:
“Hey dude, you can never punch right! Never punch right!” or, “Never disavow, don’t disavow! The left doesn’t do that!” or, “They’re going to call you a Nazi anyway, so why do you fight it?”
So, there’s all these things I just want to discuss a little bit.
Part of the problem whenever the word “Nazi” is thrown out, is like, “What’s really meant by that term?” Because it’s really so ill defined now. And, so I thought it was good to take a step back, you know, to understand there’s basically three categories that sort of fit the word “Nazi”.
The first one is National Socialism. National Socialism is not a political party. It’s a ideology. It’s an economic system, sort of like Socialism is, or Marxism. You know, for example, you can have Marxists, but there’s a lot of different political parties that may adopt Marxism, the same way with National Socialism. And National Socialism is really not about concentration camps, the Holocaust, jews. No! It’s an economic policy. It’s, for example, if you believe in single payer health care. That was a National Socialist policy. Protecting the environment was very important to the National Socialists. Protecting the workers through good trade deals. That was National Socialist. That’s all it is, and that they don’t really have any symbols as an ideology, like Capitalism, or Communism.
Then, in the 30’s, 1933 to 1945, just twelve years, just twelve years! That’s all it was in Germany. You had a political party that advocated National Socialism. And they were called the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. What we now know as the Nazis. Adolf Hitler and all that. And as a political party, like the Republicans and the Democrats, you had the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. And the Republicans, they have the elephant as their kind of symbol, the Democrats has a donkey. Well, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party had the swastika. That was it! It didn’t have anything to do with the National Socialism ideology. It had to do with that specific political party. And they also used the Roman salute, which became the Nazis salute, and so forth. And it was headed by Adolf Hitler.
That was in a sense the Nazi that ended in one 1945. And it was over! It was specifically German. So where is National Socialism, the economic policy, or the ideology, you could export to various countries — even Hitler thought that. But National Socialism German Workers Party, it makes absolutely no sense to export, because it’s just for Germans! So using a swastika elsewhere, especially like the Slavic areas, is stupid! It makes no sense! That party is dead. So the Nazis the real Nazis are all gone. They don’t exist anymore.
But we have this thing called, “neo-Nazis”. And neo-Nazis, they’ve really started after WW II and almost all of them, like, I posted the link before, have been false flag, heavily Jewish funded, or government funded organizations. And you can ask, “Why would they want to fund something like that?” Well, it’s to discredit nationalist organizations. Because after the war the National Socialist German Workers Party, the Nazis, were really demonized and that’s part of the propaganda. And some of it was justified, some probably wasn’t. But that’s not up for debate. What happened is they were made out to be the devil and it’s got all the worse. So they’re looked at, like Satan now! The worst thing imaginable. So what happened, these groups, they fund these neo-Nazis and then the neo-Nazis — and then this happened through the 70’s and the Illinois Nazis, headed by a Jewish guy, in the 90’s there was a guy named David Wolf something, that was a famous Nazi, he was fake, a Jew.
Recently we had Hal Turner, the big Nazi, he turned out to be a Federal informant, and you have groups like Daily Stormer, that I believe are fake and they are doing the same thing. And what they’re, … The goal of the neo-Nazis are is to attach themselves — because they know they’re toxic and 99.9% of people are opposed to them — they attach themselves to a movement they want to discredit. And, for example, originally that the Daily Stormer they attach themselves to Donald Trump and it’s not because they like Donald Trump, it’s because they wanted to discredit him. So the mainstream media can say:
“Look at these evil Nazis are supporting Donald Trump! Do you want to support someone that’s supported by Nazis?”
See, that was the psychology they were using. And it is pretty effective. And that happened with the Alt-Right too, the Daily Stormer was originally opposed to the Alt-Right, but when they saw it was gaining momentum, they decided to try to cut it off, by saying:
“No! No! The Alt-Right, it’s all about Nazis! If you’re not a Nazi you’re Alt-Right!”
They started to push that. Now they’re trying to tie it to Republicanism.
But the goal of neo-Nazis is just to discredit normal identity nationalist movements. And not to say, … I’m sure some people are very sincere. There are some sincere neo-Nazis, but in general Neo Naziism has nothing to do with the original National Socialism. I mean, if you go to sites like the Daily Stormer, they don’t really talk about the ideology of National Socialism, or the economic policies, they say the word “kike” over and over. But the original National Socialism wasn’t about saying, “kike, kike, kike, kike, kike, kike!” It had to do with something deeper. And it has nothing to do with the old Nazis of Adolf Hitler. They just use the same symbols, but it is really not related at all.
So, you have the three different groups. You have national socialism, which is the ideology. You have the National Socialist German Workers’ Party that was in Germany and then you have these Hollywood neo-Nazis that are mostly fake!
One of the things that just bugs me, it’s so frustrating! You hear this all the time is, like, “Dude! Never punched to the right!” Or, “Never disavow!” I mean, that is just retarded! It really is! [laughing]
Because, just think about it logically, right! If you can never punch to the Right, which means never criticize someone to the supposed right of you. That is the most extreme positions are beyond criticism! Right, just think of a thought experiment, the most the extreme Right-wing stereotypical position. I don’t know, anyone that doesn’t have blue eyes or blonde hair should be put to death! ! That’s pretty extreme! And so, anyone trying to criticize it, you behave:
“Dude! Dude! Don’t push to the right! Don’t push to the right!”
You see how stupid that is? And the guy has a psycho position could say:
“But why? You believe people with brown eyes should be able to live? What are you, a cuck? Cuck, cuck!”
See, this is just insane!
What you need to do as any organization is have a circle, a boundary. Yet, you can cuck, and what does cucky means, is you have your principles and you compromise your principles to try to appease the left. God knows, the mainstream Republicans have done that so much they have cucked on that. They’ve taken their principles, they betrayed them. That is wrong. That is cucking! But holding to your principles is not cucking! So you don’t have to support these neo-Nazi, Hollywood Nazi types, otherwise you’re a cuck. In effect if you don’t draw the boundary, you’re screwed. Because they’re going to taint your brand, which we saw with what happened in the Alt-Right.
So you do need to punch right when needed.
Now, the Left, they will punch right, left, if they need to, if they’re pressed on it by the Press. But they usually aren’t. That’s why they usually don’t punch left. But if they were pushed on it, they would. You know they would! And, for example, the whole idea too, that:
“Hey they’re going to call you Nazis, anyway, so you might as well just be a Nazi”.
That’s another argument, I hear. Well, again that is stupid! And I use an analogy. There’s the pick up artist community, of guys that try to seduce women, or whatever, into bed. I’m not saying that I agree with it or disagree with it, but the feminists always call them rapists! “Rapists! You’re a rapist!” Which is not, which is absurd! They are not rapists. They try to charge people. That’s not the same thing as rape. But should, by that logic, should they say:
“Well, hey, these feminists are going to call us rapists anyway, so we should self identify as a rapist!”
That’s stupid! No you don’t want to do that! It is the same thing with this “agree and amplify”. That could be a good strategy at times, but not like someone accuses you of being a child molester of an eight year old girl. You don’t want to “agree and amplify” and say:
“No! No! No! You’ve got that wrong! I rape four year olds!”
So that’s just dumb! You’ve got to have some maturity with this. So, as an organization including the Alt-Right, or whatever organization you have, you got to exclude people on the left, or the right. If you don’t exclude anyone on the right, then you’re just going to be, you’re going to lose it! Because the clowns are going to take over and define your movement. That’s what has happened in the Alt-Right.
Now, the sad thing is, I don’t disavow Richard Spencer, because — I’ll find this interview and I’ll link to it. He did after the conference and — the man really is brilliant. He’s eloquent. He has really interesting things to say. But, what’s really sad, is that is not going to be heard anymore because of his refusal to disavow these Nazi types. And it’s not that hard to say, to disavow. And, you know, he, I think he said:
“It has bad optics, but I’m not going to disavow, or anything like that.”
Well, if you don’t do that, then you’re always going to be associated with Nazis. And you could say:
“Well, I don’t care they could all be associated with Nazis”.
But 99.9% of the populace does care, and they won’t take your message seriously. And every time you’re introduced, you’re going to be introduced as a Nazi sympathizer with the “sieg heiling”. And again this has nothing to do with Naziism back in the 30’s. I’m talking about this Hollywood neo-Nazi, Daily Stormer version. You’re always going to be tainted with that, and no one is going to take you seriously.
And it causes also problems for the people that attended the convention. I kind of feel sorry for them, because whenever you’re attending convention you assume there’s going to be certain protocols. I’ve spoken at Amren, American Renaissance, and one of the things I’m confident of, is Jared Taylor is never going to turn [it] into this “sieg heil” fest. Because it would be embarrassing, that would taint me. And the same thing with the people that spoke at this now, they’re all have this on their hands and they have to say:
“Hey! I didn’t have anything to do with this!”
So, you’ve got to really think what you’re doing and look at the image of your brand, and you’ve got to have a brand that will appeal to people.
[Image] “Exuberant” attendees going all Roman on us. Actually the guy on the left kind of looks like Ramzpaul!
Now, White identity, self-determination, really all those things are winning points. Trade, the whole idea of the Alt-Right really sells to people. But once you mix into it the “sieg heiling” you just lose it! You just lose it.
So, what Richard, I wish he would have said is:
“Hey, I gave a speech, some people, four, or five people did this ‘sieg heil’. We can’t control what people do. I do not approve of this. We are not a Nazi organization. We disavow any Nazi influence, that’s not we’re what we’re about.”
And if you just said that, it would have ended it. Because people, yeah the Leftist still would have been mad, but who who gives a shit about them, but normal people would have looked at it and said:
“Yeah, well that makes sense, you know, you can’t control what your audience does. He disavowed the people who did that sort of thing, that sort of behavior.”
That’s the end of it. But if you don’t disavow it, you just try to play the game, like:
“It was just, they’re just trying to have fun, it’s bad optics”.
People are not going to buy it.
So, I think that is the last thing I’m going to to say on the same subject.
Talk to you guys later.
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