[Simon Webb of the YouTube channel History Debunked seemingly sets himself the (impossible) task of denying that multiculturalism/multiracialism in the West is a predominately jewish enterprise.
He begins by likening such an enquiry as being a time-waster, on par with talking about whether the earth is flat, or the moon landings were faked.
But then, he answers his own question, i.e., “Is Multiculturalism Predominantly a Jewish Enterprise?” with an implicit yes! He does this by giving three reasons why jews would support multiculturalism/multiracialism, i.e., because of their own history they know what it is like to be refugees and asylum seekers; their experience of racial prejudice against them, known as “anti-semitism”; and that jews tend to be better educated and, like similar Whites, therefore favour immigration.
“Slippery Simon” ends his “having it both ways” narrative by claiming that Israel welcomes all sorts of refugees, because, after all, it is a nation of (((refugees)))!
As expected, the YouTube comments (see below) are massively negative.
History Debunked
Is Multiculturalism Predominantly
a Jewish Enterprise?
Feb 21, 2022
Click here for the video:
UPDATE: Feb 24, 2022 – Video no longer available.
Published on Feb 21, 2022
YouTube Description
Is multiculturalism predominantly a Jewish enterprise?
Feb 21, 2022
History Debunked
115K subscribers
A theory floating around the internet suggests that the drive towards increasingly multi-ethnic societies in Europe and North America is part of a global plot and that a number of well-known Jews are implicated in this.
(6:03 mins)
Simon Webb: Hello again! It is I think time to look at the idea that increasing immigration in Europe, America, and Canada, is part of a sinister plot by various wealthy jews to alter the nature of the modern world.
[Added image] Barbara Lerner Spectre, jewish founding director of Paideia, Stockholm, explaining how jews play a leading role in multiculturalism.
This idea appears to be widespread in some quarters. And I’m often asked in comments on this channel why I refuse to talk about it. It’s not really that I refuse to talk about it, of course, rather that my time is limited. And I do not wish to spend any of it talking about whether the earth is flat, or the moon landings were faked. And that sort of thing.
However, perhaps if I discuss the idea that jews are somehow orchestrating immigration into Europe – because they wish to weaken the identity of White nations – if I do that once, then perhaps I should be spared from having to do so in the future.
We begin with the observation that the jews know as a people what it means to be refugees and asylum seekers. We remember both the life in Egypt and later the exile in Babylon and Persia. And we’re talking now about three, or four thousand years ago. The verse in the Bible:
“I was a stranger in a strange land.”
Has particular poignancy for the jews. Even today Israel is largely made up of the families of refugees and asylum seekers. Those who were forced to flee from Arab countries in the late 1940s. The majority of Israelis are descended from 20th century refugees, either from Arab countries, or from Europe.
So if ever a people and a nation knew about being refugees and asylum seekers, I think it’s fair to say that the jews are that people.
This background, dating back I say thousands of years, gives jews a natural affinity with stateless people seeking new countries in which to live. In Britain most jews are Ashkenazim who fled Russia and Poland in the 18th and 19th, well 19th really. Some in the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries.
[Added Image] Jews leaving Ellis Island New York.
The story is much the same in America. With many of the jews arriving there as penniless refugees. It is hardly surprising if they tend to identify now with other refugees and asylum seekers, because they know how it feels. This is one strand in what we see today.
The second is that the experience of racial prejudice against them known as “anti-semitism”, has also shaped them in another way. When your own group has seen a lot of prejudice then you might reasonably be expected to sympathize with others in a similar case. This goes some way towards explaining why jews were to be found at the forefront of the fight against segregation in the United States in the 1950s, and 1960s.
It was the same in South Africa. It is why the fighting arm of the African National Congress – Umkhonto we Sizwe, Spear of the Nation – was led from its beginning in 1960, not by a black African, but rather by a Lithuanian jew called “Yossel Mashel Slovo”, more commonly known as Joe Slovo.
[Added image] Joe Solve (right) with Winnie and Nelson Mandela.
Then we consider too, the question of higher education. There can be no doubt that opposition to immigration in Britain. And I’m thinking now back to the 50s, and 60s, and a little bit later, enthusiasm for Brexit for getting out of Europe, were both far more common among working class people who had not attended university. Those who were keenest on welcoming immigrants and opposing moves to leave the European Union were academics. And those generally with a higher level of education.
It is an undeniable fact that – for whatever reason – Ashkenazi jews in Britain do tend to be better educated and more likely to be academics than ordinary working class people. Combine this fact with what I said earlier about the historical experience of the jews, and it is not hard to see why the struggle for social justice – as it is sometimes called – will have a disproportionate number of well-educated jews leading it.
This is not a conspiracy! The kind of thing one reads about in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It simply follows on naturally from the three trends which I outline above.
[Added Image] Transcript of a discussion on the Protocols
There’s a good deal more that could be said on this subject. But I’m not really trying to persuade people that my view is the correct one. I’m rather explaining why I do not spend too much time broadcasting stuff about world-wide jewish conspiracies!
Another question which has been raised here is about why Israel supposedly refuses to admit refugees now. Leveled against a nation of refugees this is a pretty weird accusation! But I think that I should really devote a separate video to this topic, since a lot of people do not appear to know about all the African and Indian refugees and asylum seekers entering Israel with the blessing of the Israeli government.
YouTube Comments
Montebello 4324GRT
12 minutes ago
Some people regard an act kindness, (eg allowing pogrom fleers to settle amongst your own nation) a debt of honour to be repaid, to a group, at least to the value of the original act , but ideally greater.
Other people view an act of kindness a sign of weakness to be exploited to it’s inevitable end.
I think different peoples have different moral outlooks.
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Fire Starter
13 minutes ago
The same with Indian refugees from Uganda apparently
DeLoki J
1 hour ago
Try reading” 200 years together” by Solzhenitsyn. It is exceedingly informative about the Jews in the Tsarist empire and beyond. It has not been published in the West. I often wonder why ?
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Joe Francis
45 minutes ago
If you can get it. Or if you can spend three years learning Russian.
Loner’s Guide
19 minutes ago
@Joe Francis It can be found as an ebook.
10 hours ago
A Vox article quotes the recent (?2018?) Citizenship laws in Israel as:
“It states that “the right to exercise national self-determination” in Israel is “unique to the Jewish people.”
It establishes Hebrew as Israel’s official language, and downgrades Arabic — a language widely spoken by Arab Israelis — to a “special status.”
It establishes “Jewish settlement as a national value” and mandates that the state “will labor to encourage and promote its establishment and development.”
Whether descended from refugees or not, They do not seem keen on multicultural and equal society in their homeland. One can see their point though, given the strengths of nations United by common heritage and core belief systems.
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Scotty mackay
10 hours ago
Israel has 3 official languages. Hebrew, Arabic & English. All major road signs and places have at least Hebrew and Arabic. The citizenship law is similar to some other nations (I believe Armenia being one) If you’re Jewish, you can apply for citizenship. If you’re non-Jewish, you have to have lived in Israel for 3 years to apply for citizenship.
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Freja Solstheim
9 hours ago
@Scotty mackay Alex Davis experience: “Like you Simon I have spent some time in Israel and have often been an admirer of the state of Israel as a project.
I once made friends with a lady who had sought refuge in Israel. She was from India. I was also there at the time when Ethiopians, who had been emergency airlifted to Israel, were first being assimilated into the country.
Yes Israel takes refugees from all over the world.
The thing is, as with the people I mention above, they are all regarded as Jewish.
Migrant groups who establish communities in Israel, who are not Jewish, are expelled. I don’t think this policy has changed since last time the issue appeared in the media.
The fact is, Israel is an ethno-state.
Also a fact is that the many influential Jews in the west, be they politicians, intellectuals, Zionists, liberal/left thinkers, community and religious leaders, billionaires and so on, tend to support this policy; while decrying any similar idea being applied in the west.
This is obviously hypocritical.
I agree that somehow the Jews need their own ethno-state where they can flourish freely. But so does everyone else, including the British”
That you see signs in other languages mean nothing in comparison to the policies enacted and carried out like a slow and inexorably rising tide. Slow enough to not be noticed by many.
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9 hours ago
@Freja Solstheim I understand those Ethiopians are no longer in Israel and were take to European countries.
Joel C
9 hours ago
The British have their own state and many others. And it’s much bigger than Israel.
Joel C
9 hours ago
Israel is multicultural. You have Israelis of Iranian, Russian, Indian, Chinese, European descent.
Freja Solstheim
9 hours ago (edited)
@Joel C They are not: Zoroastrian or Shia Iranians.
They are not: Russian Orthodox or Sunni Muslim Russians.
They are not: Hindu or Buddhist Indians.
They are not: Confucian or Falun Gong Chinese.
They are not: Catholic or Protestant Europeans.
They are all Jewish. Face it. Israel is a racist apartheid state.
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Native Albion
8 hours ago
@Freja Solstheim Well said.
Robert McKinney
8 hours ago
So true but I doubt you will get much from our friend here as a Israel supporter he clearly is, destroying some of his conclusions due to bias!
8 hours ago
@Robert McKinney to be fair, I think he would be happy if Britain adopted the same policy as Israel…as would many of us. What irks us is that people with Israeli connections seem to be encouraging other nations to behave less like Israel….
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Robert McKinney
7 hours ago
@Freja Solstheim Irony, Jews and Arabs have the same genetic code and is the same race!
Freja Solstheim
7 hours ago
@Robert McKinney That’s the ironic thing really. The Jews have intermarried the Semites for so long that their original genes are gone. But Abraham was not a Semite, he was a Sumerian and the name of his god was Enlil. I suspect JHVH was a title originally.
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Robert McKinney
7 hours ago
@Freja Solstheim The Israelis can’t hide the facts when one of the own Professor’s examined their genes and they are all Arabs they hate so much. As always it is simply religion that divides them as with so many conflicts around the world today!
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Robert McKinney
7 hours ago
@golfbulldog Israel chooses isolationilism not by choice but is forced on them through their ideology and religion. Britain should adopt military isolationism but sadly some in the world will remain a threat do due their own internal politics.
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5 hours ago
Maybe that explains the mentality behind forcibly sterilizing immigrants and refugees without their knowledge or consent?
Certainly doesn’t explain the lack of morality at work though.
Maybe it’s a cultural thing?
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Robert McKinney
3 hours ago
@elf-ovener Who?
3 hours ago
@Robert McKinney If you are asking who forcibly sterilizes refugees and immigrants without their knowledge or consent the answer is Israel.
Robert McKinney
1 hour ago
@elf-ovener My Dad looked after the Jews in the concentration camps when the war ended, they were not nice people then. He and Mother served in Palestine during the Mandate and again these were not nice people then murdering British soldiers. Their stories of those times were appalling of the Jews actions, in fact my Mother was outside the King David Hotel when they blew it up. Luckily she was in an armoured car or she would have been dead, or my Dad witnessed the Jews mining British soldiers after they had killed them. They would claim these were Jewish terrorists only but two of these terrorists became Israeli Prime Ministers. My Dad’s reports of the Death Camps events were of terrible violence on each other and the only solution was to shoot one occasionally and it would be quiet for a couple of weeks. The young Jews for example use to beat up their old people nearly to death so they could steal a small bottle of whisky suppled in Red Cross parcels to get drunk, not nice people. The history of the mandate was not a pretty one by the actions of the Jews, before and after!
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42 minutes ago
@Robert McKinney They have been bred for deciet and indoctrinated with sly violence by their odious blood cult of a faith.
Starlight Breaker
50 seconds ago
@Robert McKinney kinda to be expected when your religious books say it’s admirable to steal from those not of your faith, it very much encourages you to find fault with the religious practices of your neighbors in order to justify stealing from them. Another religion from the region has many of the same tendencies, and surprising no one both groups are at constant conflict with each other.
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Michael Smallwood
8 hours ago
“Dear fellow white people”
“As a Jew…”
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Lez Anderson
55 minutes ago
A Jewish person said to me , some years back, that ‘Jewish’ people do not see themselves, as Black, White, yellow etc , just as Jewish and those that are ‘Not’ Jewish ?? Thou Some Jews do accept Noahides…(Believers,followers of the Laws of Noah).
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Reuven Gershon
3 hours ago
Looking forward to part two!
Chocolate Thunder
9 minutes ago
I don’t see how clocking a very ethnocentric group that’s over-represented in influential industries thats been historically persecuted as Europe’s only real minority and has expulsed many a time, might be pro mass immigrantion and pro refugee is somehow controversial
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David Slater
6 hours ago
My mate got kicked out of 109 pubs but he swears it was never his fault. I believe him.
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6 hours ago
Was he a Jew? You moron.
:Joe -bloggs.
6 hours ago
Sorry mate, Na… same old sob story.
Organism Seven
6 hours ago
5 hours ago
Ha ha haaa
5 hours ago
My mate punched me in the face the other day. He screamed about how hard I hurt him when he punched me. And he’s spent every single day since crying about how cruel I was when he punched me in the face.
I’m so ashamed of myself I’ve just given him my bank card and pin number.
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The Mossad
5 hours ago
The Brits got kicked out of even more places. Hmmm…
Devin Ashpole
5 hours ago
@The Mossad They left. Didn’t get kicked out.
5 hours ago
@The Mossad They improved the countries. They were not parasites
The Mossad
5 hours ago
@Stig That’s not what these countrymen say, not at all. So I guess the brits are even worse using your measure of choice.
The Mossad
5 hours ago
@Devin Ashpole LOL sure ‘left’, like they ‘left’ Suez or fakestine?
5 hours ago
@The Mossad Name all 110 of them then, sniptip.
Devin Ashpole
5 hours ago
@The Mossad Yup, they left. Suez was Israel’s baby.
The Mossad
5 hours ago
@elf-ovener I can name the 100s the british were kicked out of.
Devin Ashpole
5 hours ago
@The Mossad Bringing infrastructure, electricity, forms of governance, running water, education institutions. Is this not an improvement? Heck wasn’t most of modern Israel’s foundations built by the British?
5 hours ago (edited)
@The Mossad And I can ask you to name the 110 nations britain was kicked out of. As I already did. To which you have responded with something other than a list of 110 nations.
Do you want to run around this again, or can you stop the pulpul and answer a straight question?
P.S. does the IDF provide your nappies, or do you have to bring them from home?
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The Mossad
5 hours ago
@Devin Ashpole LOLZ, Suez was built by Israel? Wow I didn’t know…
Devin Ashpole
4 hours ago
@The Mossad Said Israel, not the Suez canal.
The Mossad
4 hours ago
@elf-ovener More fun to list the places the Brits and French were kicked out of.
The Mossad
4 hours ago
@Devin Ashpole I could say the same, yet they still kicked the brits out.
4 hours ago
@The Mossad Still waiting, golem.
Devin Ashpole
4 hours ago
@The Mossad They left…
4 hours ago
@The Mossad Two replies saying you could answer my question.
Zero replies answering my question.
You’re not gonna get paid if you keep this up, skinflint.
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3 hours ago
Where does this bizarre lie that they’ve been kicked out of 100+ countries come from – hopefully Simon debunks that next. Not that any of you tards would believe him.
Richard Nordheimer
5 hours ago
An Irish man walks into a cinema, out of 110 cinemas he gets thrown out of 109 of them.
The Irish man cries out “Why do they hate me so?” but never does he ask himself if he is at fault for being thrown out in the first place
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Hugo The Pork Eater
5 hours ago
Laz Low
4 hours ago
You just answered your own supposition, plenty of places in the UK banned Irish people from entering businesses because they were Irish
That’s why the signs didn’t say “No Blacks, No Dogs and No Irish that don’t hold themselves to our specified standards of behaviour”
They just said “No Irish”
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Andrew Egan
4 hours ago
@Laz Low l do hope your not a goalkeeper. Points whizz past you.
Snake Plissken
4 hours ago
@Andrew Egan low is obviously a reference to their IQ
jay mon
3 hours ago
Nobody likes scammers
3 hours ago
@Laz Low try reading it again. This time replace the word Irish with Canadian. Then try it with Ecuadorian and so on. Then see if you can discern the point being made. You seem to have swerved into some unrelated point about the Irish.
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David Reed
2 hours ago
@Laz Low today for rent signs say “Irish House” !
Jason Walton
58 minutes ago
Thanks for the shared wisdom I believe the folks commenting on the Irish aspect of your posting have missed the point.
Robert Lloyd
45 minutes ago
@Laz Low But why?
Fire Starter
22 minutes ago
@Laz Low there is no evidence the Irish were banned from many establishments. Google “No blacks, no Irish, no dogs” and see how many images you get.
Thomas Sowell made the point that first and second generation Irish had a reputation for bad behaviour which was a result of social class and drinking. It took a few generations for that to change. But the reputation was justified
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The Lord Weird
7 hours ago
What about Iceland’s first Rabbi a few years back? He’d only been in the job six days before he was calling for Iceland to take in more refugees.
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Abraham Shekels
7 hours ago
Good call I remember that
Tom Sullivan
1 hour ago
And Ervin Kohn, a rabbi in Norway, lamenting the fact that Norway is “too white”.
Strength and Bulk Fitness
1 hour ago
Strange! Usually it’s only Jews4Jews.
5 hours ago
If you’re a refugee, or descended from them, and thus have tender feelings on the subject, does this confer the right for you to actively work to remake the society which rescued you or your ancestors?
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George Hetty
3 hours ago
Mr. Webb isn’t.
9 hours ago (edited)
They love it. How much evidence, how many articles, tweets, studies where they proudly state this is true before you believe it?
You say there is no conspiracy but you confirm that there is a race-wide tendency for them to support this against the wishes of their host nations.
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5 hours ago
He wont ever believe it for reasons of financial renumeration.or intellectual cowardice. Take your pick.
Rather Large Hooter
7 hours ago
After watching this shambles, I’m
more convinced than ever about them.
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James Painter
6 hours ago
At long last … welcome to the truth!
That CarGuy
5 hours ago (edited)
Hahaha i love a good backfire
tom mccabe
5 hours ago
The lovely, fluffy sheep don’t realise.
7 hours ago
I dont think It’s necessarily important to ask why so many Jews are involved in the enforcement of multiculturalism in this and myriad other country’s, what’s important in the first place is to acknowledge that they are.
So, why are they ? Maybe it’s as you said – maybe not.
If the Jews in Israel are so predisposed to be empathetic to displaced people then I wonder why they never accept any refugees ? ( well, non Jewish refugees anyway )
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C. Ó Dubhlaoich
7 hours ago
Lol they literally displaced people to live where they live now in Isr ael though so this defense makes no sense either way.
James Painter
7 hours ago
Well, duh, they’re not. They simply love bringing in their shock troops to get whitey. Not obvious?!!!
Eric Eli Soiefer
6 hours ago
Because it’s a Jewish State. There are approximately 50 Muslim States (countries). There is 1 Jewish State. You don’t approve? Oh well.
Freja Solstheim
6 hours ago
@Eric Eli Soiefer There’s one Swedish state, why do you force multiculturalism on the Swedes? They only have one nation. Same goes for all native nationalities of Europe. And don’t say they are all whites and look the same to you…
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Eric Eli Soiefer
6 hours ago
@Freja Solstheim I agree with you that sovereign nations should be able to maintain their cultural identity. I disagree that the immigration policies of Sweden are set by or influenced by ‘Jews’. I think they are set by leftist governments for a variety of ideological reasons.
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Freja Solstheim
6 hours ago
@Eric Eli Soiefer You should take a look at the influence Barbara Lerner Spectre and her Paidea (sp) have had on Sweden. Nearly 25% of Swedens population today are foreigners. It all happened in just a few decades.
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Eric Eli Soiefer
5 hours ago
@Freja Solstheim it seems that Sweden is governed by a center-left coalition, dependent upon leftist support. I googled the person you mentioned; her ideas seem quite radical and absurd. I don’t know how much this person’s ideas have influenced Sweden’s immigration policies. The bulk of immigrants to Sweden appear to be from Islamic Countries. That might be of concern to you more than the odd ideas of 1 Academic who happens to be Jewish. It’s probably of concern to the Jews living in Sweden as well.
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5 hours ago (edited)
@Eric Eli Soiefer Like when there was just one singular national socialist state?
How would you react if all non-israeli nations kicked out their jewish populations?
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Eric Eli Soiefer
4 hours ago
@elf-ovener I’m not sure I understand your first question. Your second question is based on a false premise. Non-Jews do reside in Israel and are afforded equal protection under the law. There is a robust Christian community, as well as a sizable population of Israeli-Arabs.
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4 hours ago
@Eric Eli Soiefer I’m sure you tried very hard to not understand my first question. As is your peoples inclination.
HOw can you say non-jews are afforded equal proteciton under the law when non-jews are evicted from their houses at an alarming rate? What about the refugees your government sterilized against their will and without their knoweldge or consent?
How can you pretend jewish laws mean anything considereing the mentality and religion of jews? Half their own religious practice is attempting to trick their god to find loopholes in his rules. You really expect me to believe these people follow the rules of men when they cannot be trusted to follow the rules of their own diety?
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Patricius von Kempen
4 hours ago
Or why they then displace other groups.
Patricius von Kempen
4 hours ago
Also They are Not sympathetic ro The refugees But Just hostile to The Host Population. Like Annette Kahane. Who Said that IT was The biggesr mistake that eastern Germany stayed White.
Patricius von Kempen
4 hours ago
@Freja Solstheim Technichally there are 4 German states If you Count Lichtenstein.
Patricius von Kempen
4 hours ago
@Eric Eli Soiefer You better Look Up Barbara Lerner Spektre.
Patricius von Kempen
4 hours ago
@Eric Eli Soiefer What you Fall Center left Kind of Shows your political extremism . You are a leftwinger disguised AS Center right or an commie. No one Else Things sweden has a legitimely Center left government. They are far left. Lmao.
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Freja Solstheim
4 hours ago
@Patricius von Kempen I overlooked this in an earlier post: The political left is a J construct. Essentially J-ism is leftism. (communism included)
Eric Eli Soiefer
3 hours ago
@Patricius von Kempen 1) I did try. I simply didn’t understand. 2) “your peoples inclination…” extrapolating from the behavior of an individual(s) within a group to the group as a whole is the definition of prejudice. 3)”sterilized…” I have never heard of that. What evidence is there to support such a claim? Of course, governments in general are capable of all sorts of despicable behavior. 4)”Jewish laws…” Israel is a secular democracy. You are confusing Biblical/Talmudic law with seculary legislated law. 5)”displace…” all conquering peoples cause a displacement of population. The difference here is that the Jews were re-conquering a land which they had previously possessed and had an established monarchy. 6)my assessment of Sweden’s government was based on a cursory google search. I know next to nothin about Sweden, so I could very well have mislabeled it. 7)I am not a ‘left winger disguised as a commie’, not at all. 8) your comments regarding how religiously observant Jews (a small percentage of the group) do or do not live up to those standards are ill conceived and irrelevant to the conversation.
Be well.
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4 hours ago (edited)
For the sake of experiment, can you make a video were the answer to the question is YES? Then we will see how long your video stays up.
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Mic garn
15 minutes ago
Exactly . Simon has disappointed me on this video
Tancred De Hauteville
3 hours ago (edited)
Not all Jews are in favour of multiculturalism – far from it. However, there is a strong current of opinion within the global Jewish community that by advocating politically correct leftist views Jews are protecting themselves, and their identity, against hostility from right wing extremism. This often backfires, the Labour Party under Corbyn being one such example. Nevertheless, Jews, for the most part, firmly believe that if they support right wing opinions in the nations that host them, they will eventually be targeted by the very people they support. I find this odd given that anti-Semitism has now been so discredited by the crimes of the Nazis. Zemmour, the French right wing politician, is an example of a Jew who is swimming very much against the tide of Jewish political opinion, though I suspect that his views are largely due to hostility to Islam than multiculturalism and multiracialism in general.
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Mr. Gunzaku
2 hours ago
So you Jews are allowed to protect your identity but not the rest of us…racist much?
10 hours ago
I’m not convinced by this at all,there’s a whole world starting stand up and take notice what’s actually happening.
Oliver Attwell
9 hours ago (edited)
Yes it is.
109 different nations.
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3 hours ago
over 1030 times
rennie paxton
11 hours ago
Dr E. Michael Jones has put forward many informative essays on this subject. They are all more convincing than the regular apologetics for the behaviours of some powerful Jewish men.
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Michael Jackson
7 hours ago
Comparing this subject to flat earthers etc speaks volumes,but not surprising as you stand firm with Israel.
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James Painter
6 hours ago
Typical canard to make such comparisons … and how transparent to do so!
Eldon Tyrell
5 hours ago
Quite ironic that he would support Israel doing everything and more, that various white advocates want. Jews are always comparatively conservative and nationalist when it comes to Israel/when they live there, but often the opposite in someone else’s land.
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5 hours ago
@Eldon Tyrell As the saying goes: Open borders for all… Except Israel, you filhty racist how dare you suggest such a thing?!
Dave Morgan in the elevator
4 hours ago
Im a few percent hebrew in my dna but thats from pre 1492 ancestors. My problem is this, jews are a tiny minority of the worlds population but are overwhelmingly represented in not only government and finance, , but media, entertainment, business, education, etc etc etc…just to bring up the question ,” why?” Is IMMEDIATELY SILENCED with shouts of ” antisemetism!” , ” racism!” , ” oh, the holocaust!”… Now laws are being enacted worldwide where you cannot think, open your mouth, or write ANYTHING even remotely critical of them. The question now becomes again,” WHY?”….to find who rules over you, look whom you cannot criticize.
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Reuven Gershon
4 hours ago
Hello fella. Jews are rwell epresented in all those fields you mentiom. But that’s not because there is a sinister cabal operating the world. It is because they are well educated and super successful.
If you start to think they are running the world just cos they are in all these fields that I’m afraid is an anti semitic trop.
Go into any Jewish home if you can and see how they rear their young. You might find some answers to your questions.
Basically they teach good family values and teach their kids to trad over having toys.
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jay mon
3 hours ago
As a kid I was told to question everything and then I became an adult and was told do not question that.
Rather Large Hooter
3 hours ago
@Reuven Gershon We are well past being taken for idiots,
Despite censorship, Noticing will intensify.
John Harrison
3 hours ago
@Reuven Gershon No; being “well educated and super successful” ENABLES them to occupy positions of considerable INFLUENCE; like “government and finance” and “media, entertainment, business, education, etc etc etc”.
No; the fact is, if they ARE overrepresented in those fields, it’s a strong indicator that THEY ARE “running the world” (to some degree).
They “rear their young” by teaching them that they’re something SPECIAL/BETTER, and, to GRAB all the MONEY/RESOURCES that they CAN.
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Reuven Gershon
3 hours ago
@John Harrison sorry mate but that’s not true. Being Jewish myself I know how I and my friends were brought up and thats not the case. We were brought up to get a good education that’s all, and to be religious. We weren’t brought up to believe we were something special, only to follow God’s law if you believed in that.
Yes there are many Jews in positions of power and influence. But that’s cos they worked hard and made it to that level.
It’s not a secret cabal. I could say the same about black basketball players – that there’s some conspiracy to have a lot of them and be over represented in the game. No they are just very tall and good at the sport. Jews are naturally good at business and follow intellect pursuits.
Go into a Jewish home and see exactly what goes on and why they are successful. You may learn something and hopefully get rid of these anti semitic ideas.
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Reuven Gershon
3 hours ago
@jay mon sure you can.
Dr Chunky Biscuit
3 hours ago
I’m very sorry to read that.
John Harrison
3 hours ago
@Reuven Gershon No; what I said is true; and, your assertions regarding your background only make your other assertions SUSPECT.
Yes; you could SAY the same thing about Blake basketball players; but, UNLIKE what’s said about ‘your people’, it WOULDN’T have the APPEARANCE of being SO.
No; they pursue those things because they’re self-serving.
Not antisemitic; anti-JUDAIC.
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jay mon
3 hours ago
@Reuven Gershon Yeah I do but it usually ends in some kind of punishment or purged from social media with the rest of the political dissidents.
Reuven Gershon
2 hours ago
@John Harrison sorry but you are talking utter rubbish. You just hate Jews and are looking for reasons to justify your hate. As I say. Go into a Jewish home or watch a Synagogue service.
Reuven Gershon
1 hour ago
@jay mon there are lots of anti semitic comments on these threads when Simon talks about Jews. They haven’t been removed. Anyway you could say the same about anti Muslim comments being removed from YT at al
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Joel –
37 minutes ago (edited)
@John Harrison You’re a terrible debater. You just got trounced by the calm rationality of Reuven.
He is correct. It’s not Newtonian physics. Raise your kids with morals, a solid education; in a community with shared ideals. They’ll out-compete the herd in almost every respect.
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6 hours ago
200 Year Together by Solzhenitsyn covers ‘the question’ with great efficiency.
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Patricius von Kempen
4 hours ago
And The book IS Not a shred clauvinistiv. Either He IS the best propagandast that never Got paid for His Skill or He IS Just very objektive.
3 hours ago
I agree with much of what you say on many topics Simon, but not on this. To anyone who has studied the post-war decline of all Western nations, it is very much apparent which organised and well financed group is behind the agenda to promote the policies and introduce the legislation that has led us to where we are now. You know who I refer to, and they’re the ones that cannot be named. Here’s one of many to study, that is for those who view such things as crazed conspiracy theories. Try doing a little research into Anthony Lester, Baron Lester of Herne Hill, or Lord Lester as he was better known. We have had many such people as Anthony Lester, as has every Western nation in decline. They all have one common denominating factor, and that is in addition to the fact that most alter their surnames to make it easier to blend into the society to which they attach themselves.
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Roy Batty
3 hours ago
Alright, there is no “conspiracy” yet there is still a pattern…. that people notice.
Tom C
8 hours ago
These are rational explanations, but still, if a people make up such a tiny minority, you wouldn’t expect to ever notice them. Yet here we are. I don’t see much difference between a conspiracy and people working together because of a common bond.
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Alan Childs
12 hours ago
Anti -semitism comes from their own actions if you disagree and speak out against their subversive activity you will be called that, this also applies to other races, but these accusations anti this or that are always aimed at white people
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mel farrer
mel farrer
12 hours ago
aimed at wasps
11 hours ago
“Anti semitismmmm” is a made up word. Its as real as “anti europeanism”
11 hours ago
Disassociation from such people is a necessity for sure We are here to to live for our purpose. Not merely exist for their convenience. Lairs are Lairs no matter what man-made rubber stamp religion they place on their lies .
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Scotty mackay
10 hours ago
Ah, so refusing to worship statues and instead worshipping the one unseen God is “their fault” – that’s when anti-semitism started, when Jews refused to be pagans.
5 hours ago (edited)
What about “Loxism”? Their hatred of White Europeans? It never gets a mention?
3 hours ago
If you want to know who rules you, ask who you aren’t allowed to criticise.
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eli H
eli H
45 minutes ago
Speak for yourself you serf of the delusional mind.
Jordan Gill
7 hours ago
Boomer-tier analysis and one of the few times I’ll totally disagree with this channel. The Jewish pill is the final one to swallow for most people, and I’ve yet to see a Boomer who can do it.
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noticer 00
7 hours ago
Boomers have been indoctrinated since birth to feel guilt for the holocaust, they are too old to change and it really isn’t their fault.
Jordan Gill
7 hours ago
@noticer 00 I agree with you for the most part, but if we can see it, so could they if they opened their eyes. I think it is their fault. They were the custodians of the west and left us nothing but a crumbling civilisation that it’s now too late to rebuild.
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SS G0yli
7 hours ago
Open borders for Israel – diversity marcht frei.
DnB and Psy Production
7 hours ago
No culture is above criticism. But a people who have been targeted like the Jews were in Germany, well.. that deserves a certain amount of sensitivity. Really.
Kettle Witch
7 hours ago (edited)
@DnB and Psy Production swallow that pill and watch europa the last battle on bit chute.
James Painter
7 hours ago
@DnB and Psy Production What? Educate yourself, please. It’s easy to do, you got a computer by any chance? Try using it …
6 hours ago
Think E. Michael Jones is a boomer (or is he forgotten generation?). Only thing is he isn’t r^ce pilled ha! So yeah you can’t win with them.
tom mccabe
6 hours ago
I mentioned cinemas and sports activities at owswitch to a boomer and got looked at like I was Satan they lap up the propaganda.
Abraham Shekels
6 hours ago
@Chinnikkuman boomers are worthless
Jordan Gill
6 hours ago
@Chinnikkuman Michael E Jones is a hero, and every group has its exceptions to the vastly accurate general rule.
5 hours ago
@DnB and Psy Production No culture is above criticism. But a people who have been targeted like the Germans from the 1930s/40s, well.. that deserves a certain amount of sensitivity. Really.
Still believe in this nonsense?
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5 hours ago
@tom mccabe Boomers unironically think the television is a good source of information.
You don’t really need to know anything more than that to dismiss them all out of hand.
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SK. Trollingston
5 hours ago
The title of your video is “Is multiculturalism predominantly a Jewish enterprise?”
Your answer was no, but if you answered yes to this question then your video would have been taken down and your channel would have been suspended. That speaks for itself.
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4 hours ago
Although this man will be dead long before we will be made to live through the full consequences of his generation’s insane philosemitism and white self-hatred, God knows things have gotten bad enough already that he ought to know better.
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3 hours ago
I was taken by surprise. For some reason I assumed he understood JQ.
Russell White
9 hours ago
It may not be a conspiracy, but for all the reasons Simon mentions, it is obvious that whenever the UK allowed Jews in as refugees it increased the likelihood of us taking in more refugees in future decades. And the conclusion that many will make, regardless of whether they like or dislike individual Jews, is that having them here is likely to lead to the indigenous becoming a minority.
I may be able to tolerate a small amount of immigration if needed for economic reasons, but I would rather that we turned away every refugee.
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Adam Purdy
8 hours ago
Jews have been in the UK since at the very least the 1200’s
Lee Sauce
8 hours ago
@Adam Purdy F
8 hours ago
@Adam Purdy that was around the time The King (Richard?) booted them out when he found out what they were practicing the Talmud… Baby sacrifices weren’t part out of history at that point.
The Green Mage
8 hours ago
The indigenous of Britain, the Celtic peoples, have been a minority for a long time now.
What you’re thinking of is The European people becoming a minority in Europe.
Yuri Gagarin
8 hours ago
@Adam Purdy thank you for your specificity! I’m trying to make sense of these people’s jargon and I never get any specific answers. What on earth does he mean “whenever the UK has taken in Jewish refugees”. When? The 1930’s? What the hell are these people talking about?
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James Painter
8 hours ago
@Adam Purdy Exiled in 1290, right? Then they returned some 400 years later, right? I’m sure many remained and it wasn’t all that were exiled, though frankly I’ve never really explored the subject.
Anybody … fill me in …
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5 hours ago
@Adam Purdy I think you mean they’ve been getting kicked out all around the world since before then.
5 hours ago
@Adam Purdy Much to our dismay.
How many times did we try and kick them out since 1200?
4 hours ago (edited)
@Adam Purdy They funded Crowells Model army to usurp and murder our king to regain entry to Britain, masses of British were killed too. The goldsmith’s setup the Bank Of England shortly afterwards. They had been banned from Britain since 1287 for coin clipping and blood libel; William of Norwich etc, which wasn’t an isolated incident, all alleged of course. Child sacrifice to Moloch is not an unknown phenomena, the Old Testament Sacrifice of Abram is there in plain sight.
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4 hours ago
@The Green Mage Learn your bloody history. Britain was NOT a Celtic country originally. The Celts were invaders who arrived about 1000 – 800 BC. The original people who inhabited Britain are largely unknown but thought to be related to the Picts. They were likely a smaller, darker skinned people (likely due to being out in the sun) and inhabited places such as Skara Brae and built Stonehenge originally.
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The last of us
4 hours ago (edited)
They openly celebrate replacing European people and give politicians awards for it. It is a conspiracy. A harmful and criminal conspiracy against all European people.
Reuven Gershon
4 hours ago
There are only 250 thousand Jews I’m the UK. How It’s that affecting the indigenous population.
john smith
3 hours ago
Think the Jewish population is very very tiny in the UK. (unlike the rapidly expanding Muslims and Africans.) They tend to be self supporting, not existing on benefits and law abiding. They arrived in Britain penniless but not with begging bowls and loud demands!
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Craxan Shards
7 hours ago
Just when I was starting to like this channel.
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7 hours ago
Leave like anyone else you won’t be needed, a US Neo Nazi group would possibly be more to your liking.
5 hours ago
Boo hoo. Anyone who questions them is a neo nazi. Typical. Keep crying.
5 hours ago
5 hours ago
@G R Oy vey it’s anudda shoah!
5 hours ago
@elf-ovener shame we’ll never meet or you could say that to my face.
Evola’s Sunglasses
5 hours ago
@G R ethnostates for all not just Israel.
5 hours ago
@G R I doubt I could get close enough for you to hear me over that beak you have affixed to your goblinoid features.
4 hours ago
@G R jewish manlet acting tough how rash
4 hours ago
@Mcwaff like you I’m not tough behind a keyboard any dick can do that.
Joel –
29 minutes ago
Did Simon hurt your feelings by disagreeing with you? Poor snowflake.
Young old boy
11 hours ago
What would be interesting is when these conspiracy theories started and what were their origins.
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5 hours ago
They started somewhere around biblical times and their origins are jewish behaviour.
Patricius von Kempen
4 hours ago
Jewish complaints about being suffocated in right spaces can be found AS far Back AS antiquity i think i read IT in Josephus of Alexandras jewish historys. He blamed IT in The greeks. And The egyptians. And an egyptians Slave in particular, WHO Had worked a Secret Plot to make emperor Caligula exterminate The jews His Sole Life Goal according to The jewish historian. I think IT comes from their hightened frequency of Schizophrenie genes. They have an Natural inclination for being paranoid about other ethnic groups which would in their Region of The world have been beneficial to survive
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john turner
7 hours ago
As a wise man once said, they will always tell you about the times they were persecuted, but never why…
John Erol Zod
4 hours ago
still not mentioning larry fink or barbara lerner spectre and israels buying of western politicians just like ww2, and still marxists to this day. Instead you chose to go down the cancerous ideological road of multiculturalism which is lerner spectres work. Mr Webb I had high hopes for the title , only to feel that you were very insincere , unusually slapdash and even had an element of trolling nationalists, I expected more but hey ho we live we learn.
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That CarGuy
10 hours ago
YES!!! Why does this keep coming up when they have PUBLICLY stated this themselves! THEY SAID IT!
How this question is still being debated is beyond me
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The Video Lounge
8 hours ago
Relax, take a dump, and please show the source material for your great wisdom, preferably without the all caps and exclamation marks.
Lee Sauce
8 hours ago
@The Video Lounge Will it have to be fact-checked and peer-reviewed?
8 hours ago
@The Video Lounge Barbara spectre. Just Google juus and multi culturalism and articles will pop up.
The Video Lounge
7 hours ago
@s So you found one J that props up your own prejudices, well done. Barbara Lerner Spectre is a batty old bag that’s been ranting like that for years, that’s not evidence, I could instantly find you dozens of equally distorted opinions and claims.
If I told you that aliens exist, I would expect you to ask me for actual evidence for that claim, not just take my word for it because I know someone who says he was abducted.
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michael leigh
7 hours ago
@The Video Lounge George Soros, Mark Zukerberg, Bill Gates and many more including all the J’s in the entertainment industry.
The Video Lounge
7 hours ago
@Lee Sauce No of course not, why would anyone ever have to fact check anything ? I always just accept anything that anyone says or claims without question.
C. Ó Dubhlaoich
7 hours ago
@The Video Lounge Tell me first, how many do you need to see admit it on camera or in writing, or brag about it, and how many orgs run by them that are explicitly pro immigration and for multi culturalism and just general anti whi te rhetoric will it take for you to consider it evidence? I could tell you how to find videos of a couple professors or rab bis literally saying explicitly, that they aim to era se whi tes by using these tactics
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David Nevin
7 hours ago
@The Video Lounge Kalergi Plan for Europe and illegal movement of peoples which is now wholesale. You obviously didn’t listen to what Barbara was telling you, it’s all in plain sight if you have eyes to see
5 hours ago
@The Video Lounge Literally just look up who owns porn industries, you can do this yourself through wikipedia. Look up who owns any major corporation of your choosing. Look up who owns most of the shares in news and media. Look up Presidential cabinets and their ethnicities. There’s endless quotes and writings done by js over 50+ years ago detailing how to make us fall.
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5 hours ago
@The Video Lounge That wooshing sound is the point flying a mile over your head. Turn off the telly and think for yourself.
The Video Lounge
2 hours ago
YT bots are now deleting all my comments here, seems I’m in for a banning for simply discussing this now.
I will say though, the Kalergi plan doesn’t exist, hence no one here has ever read it, but it’s a good example of how that kind of bogus idea can spread until it looks like fact because it’s been repeated so often by those that want it to be true.
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Bob Mathews
2 hours ago
@The Video Lounge Is that the “batty old bag” that was invited to Israel by the Prime Minister & Jacob Rothschild only 3 years ago ? Yeah very “batty”
That CarGuy
1 hour ago
@The Video Lounge If you don’t know what you’re talking about fuck off somewhere else you utter tit you go take a dump the evidence is all around from israeli newspapers to videos on here ever heard of rabbi “Nahum rabinovich”?
Barbara spectre is a loopy old bat? Nice excuse
And what of israel cohen? Richard von coudenhove kalergi? Soros?
Why do they all seem to have the exact same thing planned for europe?
A COHENincidence maybe?
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That CarGuy
1 hour ago
@David Nevin He/she doesn’t WANT to see they just come here to leave sarcastic one liners instead it’s hilarious that half of them know nothing about this yet are adamant it’s not happening lmfao!
That CarGuy
1 hour ago
@The Video Lounge Aliens have nothing to do with this…
Nice example… Will your next sentence contain the words “conspiracy theorist” by any chance?
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That CarGuy
1 hour ago
@The Video Lounge Kalergi plan doesn’t exist?? Wtf
I think you are the batty old hag..
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That CarGuy
1 hour ago
That CarGuy
1 hour ago
@WhitePeopleUnited1488 Exactly
That CarGuy
1 hour ago
@C. Ó Dubhlaoich They will never accept it until it’s fully out in the open and everyone knows even then they will make some kind of excuse as to why it’s happening they just refuse to accept it
John Smith
43 minutes ago
@That CarGuy nice cossie mate, i got a vts
The Video Lounge
38 minutes ago
@That CarGuy No need to have a neurotic breakdown and start insulting me old man.
Of course the Kalergi Plan doesn’t exist, and what’s more I’ll prove it….
Without any gaslighting or excuses or personal attacks to act as smokescreens, simply link or direct me to the actual Kalergi Plan that you claim to have read and are apparently so familiar with, and I promise that I will read it in full and apologise to you right here, sound like a fair enough request ?
Okay, go ahead then and without any further comments to me…..
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Alex Davis
10 hours ago
Like you Simon I have spent some time in Israel and have often been an admirer of the state of Israel as a project.
I once made friends with a lady who had sought refuge in Israel. She was from India. I was also there at the time when Ethiopians, who had been emergency airlifted to Israel, were first being assimilated into the country.
Yes Israel takes refugees from all over the world.
The thing is, as with the people I mention above, they are all regarded as Jewish.
Migrant groups who establish communities in Israel, who are not Jewish, are expelled. I don’t think this policy has changed since last time the issue appeared in the media.
The fact is, Israel is an ethno-state.
Also a fact is that the many influential Jews in the west, be they politicians, intellectuals, Zionists, liberal/left thinkers, community and religious leaders, billionaires and so on, tend to support this policy; while decrying any similar idea being applied in the west.
This is obviously hypocritical.
I agree that somehow the Jews need their own ethno-state where they can flourish freely. But so does everyone else, including the British
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That CarGuy
10 hours ago
Spot on! pure hypocrisy and is where we like to use the old
“One rule for me but not for thee”
Alex May
9 hours ago
Scotty mackay
9 hours ago
Israel has around 50,000 non-Jewish African immigrants. The UK is more white than Israel is Jewish. The idea of a “white nation” is ridiculous. What does a white conservative Trump supporter in Tennessee, have in common with a white pink haired LGBT leftist freak in San Francisco? is that white conservative in Tennessee in anyway linked to a guy in Finland? surely our guy from Tennessee would be much more comfortable with the company of a black Trump supporting conservative? if you’re talking about European nations remaining French or German or British as a people, then I agree entirely that mass immigration undermines that. Not because the immigrants are non-white, but because they’re non French, German or British and thus don’t share those values. Especially the type of immigrant typically from the 3rd world and Islamic which just does not fit in with the established culture of those nations. Does a ‘white’ person from Romania automatically blend in with the French because he’s white?
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Oliver Aparicio
9 hours ago
@Scotty mackay how about you stop comparing US to Europe. Small hat!
9 hours ago
I believe that they obtained the idea from the US, as it was one of the first places to finally accept them, even though they weren’t when the first few arrived in New Amsterdam (New York).
Other waves came in during the late 1800s, and after 1917 from Eastern Europe as well, and their own people didn’t accept them, which were those families that had settled and assimilated beforehand in the 17th century. That occurred because the new arrivals didn’t want to assimilate keeping their orthodox culture. This finally led to the creation of Israel, but they did base Israel upon the US.
It wasn’t just them that this happened to, as it did with the Italians and Irish as well, and it took a few generations to be accepted. However, they had a wealthy benefactor that purchased Palestine, and we have what we have.
I actually have a three-book set on this history, and it’s quite interesting.
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Scotty mackay
9 hours ago
@Oliver Aparicio It’s comparing “white nations” as you put it. Don’t get agree because you’re a moron, educate yourself instead.
Oliver Aparicio
8 hours ago
@Scotty mackay Your a small hat which automatically discredits you.
Alex Davis
8 hours ago
@Scotty mackay There is a huge amount in there to unpack. I would be writing all day.
So sticking with Israel and the comparison with the UK.
I’m not sure where you get 50,000 non-Jewish migrant figure from. It would constitute about 1% of Israel’s population (much smaller than what we, and much of the west, are having to bear in similar terms). I’m not disputing your number but why are they there? Many could be seasonal workers for example, not what we would call here, “immigrants” or “refugees”.
The real point is though that they do not have the famed “right of return”. Israel will expel them in time and has been doing so already.
Back to the UK (and the wider west). I think people underestimate what is happening. There has been demographic research that indicates third world immigration into Canada, the US, New Zealand, France, UK will reduce the indigenous or founding populations to overall minorities during the mid-decades of this century (timewise roughly in the order I have listed these countries). You can take it that most other western countries will go the same way in similar time frames.
The next census result should show this trend clearly enough. It is thought by many it will show the migrant population in the UK will be close to the size of the non-Jewish (mostly non-immigrant Arab) population in Israel, about 20% – 25%.
The stark difference being that while the Israeli establishment actively works to ensure Jews predominate in their state, our establishment (heavily peopled by Jews I’m afraid I have to say) works as hard as it can to destroy the preeminence of the British in their own homeland.
Hypocrisy. No other word for it
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Alex Davis
8 hours ago
@craxd1 The whole issue around the Jewish people, including the founding of the state of Israel, is very complex and very interesting.
Sure there was American influence, but don’t forget the significant role of Britain. The (British) Balfour declaration formalised the chain of events that caused the state of Israel to come into life. It was Britain that expelled the Turks from the region around the same time and as a result there are streets named after British kings and generals. Post boxes are red instead of the international yellow. Some of the old ones still have the royal crest. Like Britain Israel has no written constitution (I’m told). Something that would be shared by only three countries in the world.
So yes a very interesting topic indeed
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James Painter
7 hours ago
Oh, please, they can’t. They’re a welfare state existing through extortion, they could never make it on their own especially if they had to live among their own, they’d devour each other.
6 hours ago (edited)
@Alex Davis It was more of the Anglo-American Establishment behind it, which are the wealthy elite in both business and politics in both nations. This went so far as the intermarrying of elite families between the US and UK over hard cash. It is said that Churchill was a result of this.
That leads to Rhodes’ group and “Milner’s Kindergarten.” Their benefactor, who “purchased” Palestine, was a member of this Rhodes society. As Professor Quigley at Georgetown U said on page 36 of his book, The Anglo-American Establishment: “The idea of a society throughout the world working for a federal union fascinated Milner as it had fascinated Rhodes.” We’re seeing the results of that federal union now, especially with the EU. It was a joint US and UK effort, and it is well known that both nations were behind helping set up the EU.
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Eva Stephan
6 hours ago
@That CarGuy You are reasoning as if the Jews were all the same person and were all thinking with one mind. And as if only Jews were working for multiculturalism in European countries: there are native English people who are facilitating it and other equally native Englishmen who campaign against it. The same is true for the Jews. Not every Jew automatically is a zionist (those living in the UK probably are not, otherwise they would live in Israel) and the Israeli society is divided among conservatives and progressives, marxists and fierce capitalists as much as every other society.
When you accuse Jews of hypocrisy you are ignoring the fact that you are speaking of different persons. The British Jew favourable to immigration isn’t the same person as the Israeli government official who opposes immigration to Israel. It’s like accusing the French of hypocrisy because Marine Le Pen and Francois Holland do not have the same position.
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6 hours ago
@Scotty mackay “Scotty mackay” yeah sure you are Och aye the noo! Or should i say … Oy vey!
Alex Davis
6 hours ago
@Eva Stephan Just two points though.
Jews are disproportionately represented in pretty well every influential sphere of society in the UK, US and much of the the wider west.
Jews are not one voice, as you say, but there is a tendency in the west for them to adhere to the liberal-left tradition. The tradition that is destroying us.
Despite that we are also involved in our own destruction does not remove the validity and the implications of these two facts.
As much as I would rather this was not the case, it is there
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5 hours ago
“Israel takes refugees from all over the world”
yeah it does. Not as morally laudible when they foricibly sterilize them all with no knowldge or consent though, is it?
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Evola’s Sunglasses
5 hours ago
5 hours ago
@Scotty mackay The link is genetics. Blood. Common ancestry. Your individualism is a jewish construct.
Scotty mackay
5 hours ago
@Oliver Aparicio Ah, I see. Einstein was a small hat too.
5 hours ago (edited)
@Stig individualism has been a corner stone of british identity going back thousands of years.
The same kind of individualism the austrian painter wanted for his people
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5 hours ago (edited)
@Scotty mackay Einstein was a small hat. Which was why he stole someone elses work and passed it off as his own
Scotty mackay
4 hours ago
@Alex Davis 50,000 is the figure quoted in various sources as being the number of Africans mainly from Sudan and Eritrea that migrated to Israel because of war. They made it Egypt and then crossed the border into Israel. It’s true that after the war ended in Sudan, Israel repatriated a number – but this was a small amount. It’s quite common to see non-Ethiopian Africans in Israel. Israeli demographics have also changed. Go back to the 70s and you rarely saw a black person. Go back to the 50s in the UK and you rarely saw a black person.
It depends what you mean by keeping Britain ‘British’. If you mean barring non-white people from the country, that seems quite racist to me and I’m assuming Britain would face international sanctions if they were to adopt such measures. How about someone from Hong Kong that was brought up under the Brits? do they count as sufficiently British? Britain is more about traditional culture rather than colour. You would have more in common with a professional black Brit who supports the same team as you do., than you would with a white guy from Latvia. The Latvian might ‘look’ more like you, but would be more alien in the UK than the aforementioned black Brit.
Now where I do agree is the importation of low skilled people. Whether eastern European or African, the chances of criminality and lack of integration are higher.
There is also a legitimate concern with importing a lot of Muslims, as this tends to have a greater concern relating to security and the culture change that it can force.
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4 hours ago
@elf-ovener Individualism and altruism are our achilles heels. It only work in a homogeneous society
4 hours ago
@Stig Most things only work in a homogenous society.
“a multi-ethnic society is thus necissarily anti-democratic” – Aristotle.
4 hours ago (edited)
@Scotty mackay Go forward 50 years and there wont be any black people in Israel then either, after the state has forcibly sterilized them all against their will and without their consent. As israel has done in the past.
“Britain is more about traditional culture than colour” so sayuth the international jew. Hence why 110 is just around the corner.
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Alex Davis
4 hours ago
@Scotty mackay I was last in Israel in 2018. The demographics are changing somewhat compared to decades earlier. You can see it in the ever present military. But since soldiers there are nearly all Jewish it tells me more middle eastern and Ethiopian Jews are coming of age. Russians are also there in large numbers and Cyrillic script has become evident in public. They are Jews of course. I guess they will bring a paler shade back to the military in time.
None of this tells me there is a large non-Jewish population outside of “indigenous” Arabs though.
It goes back to my point, while I am aware there is non-Jewish immigration, they don’t hold the right of return and they wont last in a country so focussed on ethnicity.
No doubt exceptions are made here and there, due to things like marriage and threat of real persecution of any returning home; but long term establishment of significant non-Jewish communities will not be allowed (unless Israel cucks like the west – unlikely).
At the end of the day Israel was not founded on an “all comers” basis. It knows its history and the point of its existence.
I am perplexed how these migrants even get into Israel. It’s borders are so heavily controlled and militarised even adjacent Arab populations can’t cross it, let alone outsiders to the region. But that is another discussion I guess.
Regarding who might be considered British and who not, people can debate this endlessly, and probably pretty pointlessly. However I know when I am speaking to, or in the company of, a British person. I know immediately. So does everyone else.
The reality we face in this country now is that in many places, if you have to find and approach a stranger for any reason, who you know for certain you will have an immediate cultural connection with, and an instantaneous mutual understanding, this is getting harder and harder.
That is enough for most British people to realise what is happening to their country.
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That CarGuy
4 hours ago
@Eva Stephan Yes yes i know all that and i didn’t say all i specifically talk about the “ashkenazim” and yes the majority in Uk are ashkenazi
That CarGuy
4 hours ago
@Eva Stephan When you say white uk campaigners for it aswell they are indoctrinated by leftism and who’s construct is that?
3 hours ago
@Oliver Aparicio his name is Mackay, does that sound Jewish to you? Next level petardation.
Ross Kemp
3 hours ago
Well said sir!
8 hours ago
This is your brain on Philosemitism.
Chris O’Sullivan
9 hours ago (edited)
I find Simon to be an engaging and interesting speaker…and I have especially enjoyed his recent videos relating to Ireland, as I’m irish..
I have no doubt that Simon is a highly intelligent and knowledgeable man, which I’m afraid, raises serious questions about this video, because an intelligent man would clearly know, that the use of logical fallacies in this video is quite clearly evidence of malevolent motives.
The most obvious of these fallacies is at the very start, where Simon links the subject at hand, with the flat earth and moon landing conspiracies, thereby attempting to lump all three subjects into the same silo in the minds of those listening, ie, tin foil hat stuff..
Without even getting into the subject matter this is evidence that on the face of it, Simons motives may be less than pure.
And the timing of this video is also suspicious given the situation in Ukraine, and the impending announcement of the death of Elizabeth Gothe Coberg.
We live in interesting times, but deception lurks everywhere..
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9 hours ago
Most of my very own thoughts, expanded by you!
9 hours ago (edited)
What do you think this video has to do with Queen Elizabeth potentially dying from covid? I don’t mean this in a funny way, just curious.
The Video Lounge
9 hours ago
What absolute arse.
Scaberous Wretch
9 hours ago
Dave Glynn
8 hours ago
Tell more of your notion that there is a link with The Queen.
Number one King of kings
8 hours ago
The funny thing is that the torah said the earth is flat
Hugh Neek
8 hours ago
How very true, deception lies everywhere.
Simon Milligan
8 hours ago
@Chris O’Sullivan.You have GOT to be joking.
8 hours ago
@Number one King of kings so does the old testament.
Yuri Gagarin
8 hours ago
Which part of it is malevolent of fallacious? I think generally it’s middle and upper class people that are pro-multiculturalism. It’s generally the middle and upper classes that vote left. I never hear clear examples of how this is all the Jews fault. Just a bunch of adjectives and low resolution general statements
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Ginger Bollox
6 hours ago
@Scaberous Wretch No its “That’s a BINGO”.
The Mossad
6 hours ago
Yes, it’s never you, it’s always them…. LMAO
Joan the Wad
5 hours ago
@Centurian1225 The Torah is the Old Testament as far as I know. First five books of the bible.
5 hours ago
That first fallacy is called “poisoning the well”
A very intersting phrase to consider, bearing the topic in mind at hand. Where does this phrase come from? Who would poison a well? Why?
Interesting facts found down that road. Simon desperately doesn’t want you to think about it though.
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5 hours ago
@Yuri Gagarin He explained why he believes it to be malevolent and fallacious.
He believes simon to be smart enough to see the forest for the trees. And we all believe simon is smart enough to not try and get away with enaging in logical fallacies.
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The Mossad
5 hours ago
@elf-ovener This phrase comes from losers who wouldn’t wash their hands during the plague.
Terrence Mullins
11 hours ago
Jewish immigration was a completely different thing to these dinghy divers Simon.
Steve Hall
5 hours ago
If you don’t understand the JQ then you don’t understand what’s going on.
5 hours ago
Your video answers the question “Is multiculturalism predominantly a Jewish enterprise?” unintentionally with yes. You might want to read Culture of Critique for more confirmation. Will be a great lesson in history.
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The Mossad
5 hours ago
That book is total nonsense, cherry picking at its finest.
Yuri Gagarin
5 hours ago
You nazis love to give homework without giving evidence. You seem to think that suggesting some book or article is a slam-dunk. Give us the conclusion and what facts lead the book/article to it’s conclusion! This whole comments section is full of this nonsense
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5 hours ago
@Yuri Gagarin All jews are for open borders. It is part of the «Welcome the Stranger» paradigm
Journey Of Strength
5 hours ago
They destroy nations from the inside out. Pre nazi Germany. Russia, China, the US, Britain, Poland, Australia, Brazil, Canada. Every white majority nation poses a threat to the global kaballism. They are not descendants of ancient hebrews, but of turks and Italians from the old roman empire. They have less genetic heritage from the middle east than the average english man. They were put into northern europe in the 1200s because a pope made usury illegal for cathlics. And so they monopolized the banking industry. All roads lead to Rome.
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5 hours ago
@The Mossad A Jews word isn’t worth a squirt of piss
5 hours ago (edited)
@Yuri Gagarin You sniptips love to engage in pilpul.
We are long past sources and quotes. The writing is on the wall.
Check this comment section. No one is buying simons pilpul either.
We see you, rat.
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5 hours ago
@Yuri Gagarin calm down Moshe
5 hours ago
@The Mossad lol come on Avi
That CarGuy
4 hours ago
@The Mossad Oh shut up demon… You’re time is up
That CarGuy
4 hours ago (edited)
@Yuri Gagarin Oh look… Another one! Nazi’s? They are dead now
I wondor how the people of ukraine felt when you tried to starve them to death during the holodomor?
Lulzzz shhh you’re in absolutely no position to take the moral high ground are you now?
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That CarGuy
4 hours ago
@WatchEuropaTheLastBattle Love your name
That CarGuy
4 hours ago
@elf-ovener Exactly!
leonardo wilhelm
3 hours ago
@Journey Of Strength They’ve monopolized a lot of THE MOST IMPORTANT INFRATRUCTURE industries and control centers, and R&D. One of their biggest monopolies is controlling nearly ALL of what we see, hear, and read…therefore controlling our beliefs and behaviors. These industries are including nearly ALL means of disseminating information in the modern world, i.e. movies, TV, music, satellite, news, books, magazines, cable, radio, internet, advertising, higher and lower education, and academia, and think tanks, “Civil Advocacy” NGOs and other forms of law and control NGOs, and sh!t tons of politicians. Look, it’s obvious that there is a war against dwighties and dwightness going on. Only the feeble-minded will have not noticed by now. While they have the blatz believing that all dwighties are the murderous scourge of the Earth, the TRUTH is that dwights are THE ONLY ONES getting set up for the chopping block, and dwights ARE NOT OUT JENN-OH-SIDE OURSELVES! That leaves ONLY ONE DEMOGRAPHIC that REALLY has the power control and money to pull off this HUGE, EVIL PLAN. I’m not saying that ALL of them are up to no good. Hopefully the baddies are relatively few in number, but boy, don’t they have UTTER CONTROL of all our Western governments!
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7 hours ago
Revolutionary spirit follows them everywhere they go. Host nation always suffers. They can’t help themselves. Culture of Critique is a good book that looks into why they behave the way they do.
Ron P
7 hours ago
I thought the idea of them having a homeland was all about going to
live there, so that wasn’t enough, and they still feel obliged to drag other peoples nations down with a constant flow of unneeded immigration
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James Painter
6 hours ago
AH clearly indicated otherwise, you haven’t done your homework?
Ron P
6 hours ago
@James Painter He said ‘they had no intention of actually going to live there, they just wanted it as a central base for their crim-inal activity, or something similar…….this was why Madagascar was being proposed, in Britain too, along time before the NSDAP considered it.
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Moon Pie
5 hours ago
YES – watch Europa – The Last Battle on bitchute and learn true history before it’s too late.
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Freja Solstheim
4 hours ago
Europa the Last Battle
The Greatest Story Never Told
NWO: Communism by the Backdoor
The Secret Masonic Victory of WWII
In the Name of Zion
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9 hours ago
They are just doing what they’ve always done. For some reason they think it won’t result in the usual reaction this time.
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Bob Mathews
2 hours ago
‘We , the juicy ones , are the destroyers , nothing you can do will never be enough for us because we need a world of our own” – if someone tried barging through my front door gobbing off like that they’d get 2 in the head , and they “wonder” why the world wants rid of them !
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Robert Wright
10 hours ago (edited)
Simon, you must realise that the architects and legal experts behind the drafting of the Race Relations Acts that had devastating effects on our country, were Frank Soskice, Anthony Lester , Barnett Janner and Geoffrey Bindman,
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Slawomir Palaszczuk
8 hours ago
The Jews use their power to fight nationalism and back radical leftist movements. Come on Simon, you need to admit this or face being a self contradicting hypocrit.
Black Lesbian Poet
7 hours ago (edited)
If we can separate the Nazis from the Germans, Bolsheviks from Russians, and Catholics from Jesuits, then why can’t we do the same for the Zionists? The mistake is saying it’s the “Jews”. Which pretty much incriminates all of them. It’s too lazy. You can’t defend it. With the same careless logic you could just as easy send all the English and Americans to hell.
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David Nevin
7 hours ago
@Black Lesbian Poet The Bolsheviks were Jews, the Russians were predominantly White Christians
Black Lesbian Poet
7 hours ago
@David Nevin You are intentionally missing my point. You’ll never win because you are a c**t.
7 hours ago
@David Nevin NONSENSE. At the height of the Bolshevik movement , at most SEVEN percent of them were Jews. That does not make the Bolsheviks Jews. In Russian, “Bolshevik” means “the majority” which the Jews never were in Russia. You sound like a typical antisemitic bigot. Get lost!
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6 hours ago
@Black Lesbian Poet George Soros is not a Zionist. Many Trotskyists are not Zionists.
Black Lesbian Poet
6 hours ago (edited)
@Chinnikkuman Neither is MI6 or the CIA. The mind boggles. I’m not denying that there are a disproportionate amount of J involved in this New World Order carry on. My point is that when you just howl “JEWS!” as if it is the entirety of that people who are to blame then people will stop looking.
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Yuri Gagarin
6 hours ago
The 1968 Race Relations act was originally penned by an Archibald Fenner Brockway. A non Jewish Englishman. Chairman of the Labour party. He was both preceeded and succeeded by a James Maxton another non Jewish scotch Englishman. Brockway’s politics were heavily influenced by a constance Joan Beauchamp. Another non Jew. An English woman. Maxton was heavily influenced and brought to socialism by a John Maclean. Must I continue?
Yes, you will certainly find Jewish socialists and democrats throughout the 20th century. But your sort choose to ignore the majority Anglo Europeans that were highly involved with leftwing politics so that you can blame its entire existence on the Jews. I think you’re embarrassed of your middle class in the same way that I as an ashkenazi jew am embarrassed of mine. The middle and upper class bleeding hearts will always lean left. It’s a form of decadence. Otherwise intelligent people (like yourself) fall into rabbit holes and believe in mistaken and flawed ideologies. Most of the time, these people aren’t evil. They’re mistaken.
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SS G0yli
6 hours ago
@Black Lesbian Poet you make a Very rational point (seen from a normie perspective) but the problem here is that – it’s NOT just the Zionist that cause problems. The Jewish groups who don’t support Zionism (like rabbi David Weiss and his followers) still act very nepotistic in every day life . Meaning they always do what is best for THEIR OWN community , with no regards to the effects it has on the host nation.
I respect David Weiss’s outspokenness about the plight of the Palestinians ALOT. He often stand as a peace guard at the border crossings between Israel and Palestine, speaking to anyone who will listen about the importance of stopping the occupation of Palestine. But when it comes to his political views
regarding America they are still centered around the open borders homoglobo agenda..
I mention him to show that although a Jewish person doesn’t classify themselves as a Zionist – their main loyalty is ALWAYS towards their own tribe – all the while demonising anyone who notice and object to this behaviour.
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SS G0yli
6 hours ago
@BrownLeaf but 85% of the ppl in charge where from the so called chosen tribe – so you can’t ignore their IMMENSE influence.
Black Lesbian Poet
6 hours ago (edited)
@SS G0yli Brendon O’ Connell does a better job in pointing out the Israeli connection than anyone else I have listened to. This is something tangible that people can get their heads around. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlDxOv3vXbAec7NHW59QPX0cMMAEiCWwk
As for the whole “normies know naffn” attitude. Freemasonry and the Jesuit Order are further up the ladder if it’s a serpent’s head you are looking to sever. You’d do better to look at the ‘city of London’ than Jerusalem to find it.
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6 hours ago
@SS G0yli NONSENSE. There were Jewish Bolsheviks but in a small minority. Seven percent of anything is not the majority or the ruling class.
Black Lesbian Poet
6 hours ago
@SS G0yli Look into Luciferianism.
SS G0yli
5 hours ago (edited)
@Black Lesbian Poet which can be traised back to Jacob Frank – another one of those so called chosen people. Frank’s predecessor Sabbatei tzevi (a famous rabbi from the 16th. century ) sought redemption through sin – a view he published in 1666 when he proclaimed himself the Jewish Messiah. At the time he had more than a mio followers ( about half the Jewish population in the world at the time) – he in turn was inspired by a very famous and utilised holy book called the ‘lurianic Kabbalah’ ….
So you see it’s all inspired by the same madmen
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SS G0yli
5 hours ago (edited)
@BrownLeaf Okey let me phrase this so you understand .. 85 % of the highranking BOLSHEVIKS in the communist party were Jewish. – a fact they themselves brag about OFTEN.
the famous Nobel winning author Alexandre Solzhenitsyn documents this FACT in his award winning book 200 years together.
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Ian Jones
4 hours ago
@Yuri Gagarin Well. Said the late soviet cosmonaut
Slawomir Palaszczuk
2 hours ago
@Black Lesbian Poet that’s the hypocrisy of this situation that is being pointed out, yes some Jews oppose Zionism and existence of state of Israel yet they chose to live there eg orthodox Jewish communities, not all Germans were in the National Socialist party but majority of Germans supported the Nazis because of what they were able to achieve economically for Germany prior to ww2, not all Bolsheviks were Jews but the small percentage were at the top and the state security apparatus was run by the Jewish Bolsheviks so disproportionate control.
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Slawomir Palaszczuk
2 hours ago
@BrownLeaf here is another stereotype, people of the lefties persuasion always resolve to threats, abuse and violence to add to their argument. The Jews might have been a small percentage of Bolsheviks but they were over represented in leadership,particularly in the security apparatus, and these were someone the most violent, sadistic and cruel thugs
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Slawomir Palaszczuk
2 hours ago
@Yuri Gagarin yes they were others but Jews were over represented given small percentage of population
Black Lesbian Poet
1 hour ago
@SS G0yli Those same madmen seduced your royal family.
Tomato Brush
9 hours ago
The evidence speaks for itself
Evola’s Sunglasses
10 hours ago (edited)
Modern Liberalism and the multicultural project was a response to WW2.
I’ll leave it at that….
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Richard Nordheimer
6 hours ago
No, it was not just a ” response to WW2″ it was punishment agianst all germanic peoples of europe.
5 hours ago
@Richard Nordheimer Indeed. They should have known better…
Starting their own bank.
The sheer and blatant anti-semeitsm.
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13 minutes ago
The idea that someone wouldn’t do something bad if it happened to them is NOT supported by history. And it’s not like there is any shortage of certain people admitting to being behind it , and even bragging about it.
Ultra Norse
8 hours ago
“Is multiculturalism predominantly a Jewish enterprise?”. Yes it is. You know it is. And if you had stated this fact in your upload here it would have been taken down and you’d have been kicked off YouTube.
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Germani Corporis Custodes
3 hours ago
“Europe has not yet learned to be multicultural.”
Ultra Norse
2 hours ago
@Germani Corporis Custodes Europe has always been multicultural: Germans, French, Italians, Greeks, Spanish, English, Norwegians, Danes etc…
Germani Corporis Custodes
1 hour ago
@Ultra Norse
It was a joke mocking Barbara Lerner Spectre I believe her name is…
Ultra Norse
31 minutes ago
@Germani Corporis Custodes I know.
Jan Sammut
5 hours ago
Simon, I think you may have miscalculated with putting out this video on this channel. If you don’t know your core viewer by now, you are not as bright as you think you are, or, more likely, you get some satisfaction out of winding people up.
P. S. IF the content of your video had been a bit more accurate
I. E. honest, then I might actually have taken your SIDE… not that you would want that LOL.
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Joel –
53 minutes ago
Power to him. He is honest about his beliefs and validates them with his own perspective. The reactionary right are precisely the same animal as their reactionary left counterpart. They hate challenges to their orthodoxy and demand puritanical adherence to their dogma. Thus, the majority of the population remain centred, ensure the crazies on both sides remain outliers. Call them sheep, I call them sensible.
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Marty Young
6 hours ago
“The sufferance which is the badge of the Jew has made him, in these days, the ruler of the rulers of the earth. Ralph Waldo Emerson, 19th century American philosopher, poet.
Jesus Johnny
10 hours ago
Have you read the Jewish manifesto for Scotland? That all the major parties signed. Explains alot…..
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9 hours ago
No I have not. Do you have a link to it? Thanks
Jesus Johnny
8 hours ago
@Whyter my replies are being deleted. Makes you wonder about the old saying regarding power and who you can’t criticise. It’s a document that all the major parties adopted so no secret if you look for it. S c o j E c……. 0rg
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2 hours ago
@Jesus Johnny yeah I got it thanks. Ten commitments or commandments more like.
6 hours ago (edited)
God bless you sir, one of the few who still speak truth to power
Also, yes the children of Cain are responsible and they are what normal folk call “Globalists”
Glad you posed the J question and named the nose a little. Even if it’s only through misdirection.
Good video mate
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David Reed
9 hours ago
In 19thC Britain how many Jewish social reformers can you name considering their wealth compared with rich Protestants building model towns, hospitals, orphanages etc etc. Therein lies the reasons for distrust of Judaism.
12 hours ago (edited)
Surly you’ve really got to ask ‘Why have they been persecuted against so much?”‘
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Simon Milligan
12 hours ago
You’re not really going there are you?
12 hours ago
@Simon Milligan nah he’s going to leave that to you. It’s your job
Simon Milligan
12 hours ago
@_Fahrenheit 451. Do any of the openly anti-Semitic comments on this video trouble you at all?
12 hours ago
@Simon Milligan does it trouble you that this country is becoming anti white institutionally?
Leonard Gibney
12 hours ago
Do you mean ‘persecuted’?
Ms R
12 hours ago
Maybe because they were easy targets? What you think?
Abraham Shekels
12 hours ago
Yeah let’s dig into that – why are Jews are so undesirable that they get booted out? Let’s examine the Jewish people under a microscope to get some details.
Simon Milligan
11 hours ago
@Fahrenheit 451. A nonsensical and frankly paranoid statement. What is your evidence? And, by the way, Jews are also white.
Alex May
11 hours ago
@Simon Milligan Jews don’t perceive themselves as White – they see themselves as Jewish
Wernher von Braun
11 hours ago
@Ms R What was easy about them? People throught history had similar claims against jews, that should point you into thinking about something
Ms R
11 hours ago
@Wernher von Braun What was easy? They were a small minority in every country, and some of them were quite successful. You seriously can’t imagine why that might make them a target?
English Rose
10 hours ago
Because they r1t3@lly s@crific3d our children, worshipped the d3vil in many forms, blasphemed Christ and engaged in usury.
Scotty mackay
10 hours ago
Why were the disabled persecuted?
White women think Black men are pathetic lol
10 hours ago
@Ms R why is mix racing allowed in the West but not in the middle east????
There should not be mix racing in the West it should be banned it’s not natural and unclean ( don’t see cats and dogs mating do you ) Zionists only want mix racing to wipe us whites out
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10 hours ago
@Simon Milligan you’re in denial
10 hours ago (edited)
@Alex May exactly. Took the words out of my mouth. But Mr Milligan is in denial so whatever we say won’t register until he wakes up
White women think Black men are pathetic lol
10 hours ago
Zionists are Satan’s Children btw Zionists are similar to Muslims let that sink in
Gammon Sandwich
10 hours ago
@Simon Milligan No they’re not. They’ll tell you that themselves if you’ll listen.
9 hours ago
@Alex May I’ve never met a jew that thinks that, maybe if you actually spoke to one you would know this. Instead of thinking hollywood Jews who are athiest speak for all of them.
Yoel Handler
9 hours ago
@Alex May The modern notion of white is absurd, it labels cultures entirley alien in history and culture as the same, all sharing the blame for any mistake anyone with the same skin color has ever commited…
So basically the ammount of melanin defines your history and geneology..
Totally insane!
I miss the view of individualism.
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Robert Lloyd
8 hours ago
@Simon Milligan No, since there is no obligation to be pro-Semitic.
Jonnie Gonads
7 hours ago
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EnglishShieldwall 1997
7 hours ago
@Simon Milligan anti-semitism is the natural reaction to semitism.
EnglishShieldwall 1997
7 hours ago
@Scotty mackay They we’re removed from society because they are a drain on resources that could be used elsewhere.
5 hours ago
@Simon Milligan Why do you get troubled by people disliking a linguistic family?
That’s what anti-semite means you know. It means you dislike the semetic languages. It’s got nothing to do with judaism.
Why do you think that is?
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5 hours ago
@JTC Cool no true scotsman fallacy.
5 hours ago
@elf-ovener go speak to one yourself.
5 hours ago
@JTC Not a rebuttal, sniptip.
5 hours ago (edited)
@elf-ovener wasn’t supposed to be, go speak to one and find out yourself. You’ll be surprised that they don’t think like the woke identity obsessed Jews such as seth rogan.
Silent 1
1 hour ago
@Simon Milligan look how quick u went to the self-debunked notion that Jews are white…whatcha doing rabbi
Slawek Ra
5 hours ago
I stumbled across Simon’s videos 6-8 months ago. I generally quite like his videos about some topics. After a month or so I decided to go on his website and one thing which stood out was something about “Polish Concentration Camps” (maybe I’m mis-quoting, but it was more or less this term) an ahistorical term and the so called camps which he discusses were hardly concentration camps, nor camps at all. While Poland during the inter war periods was exploring it’s own solutions to its problem with the Jewish population (85% of which could not converse basically in Polish) they were not linked to ‘Concentration Camps’. I personally think that if people want to use ahistorical terms or information they can, but if that’s the case there should also not be holocaust denial laws you find in various countries. If Jews can protect their historical truth, why can’t Poles (or any other group of people for that matter) do that same thing in their homeland?
To not go into further detail about this, I realised Simon takes the Jewish/Israel position on nearly every issue. While I don’t expect an Englishman to have sympathies to Poles, nor do I expect him to have any special sympathies to Jews/Israelis. Therefore, I usually avoid or take with caution Simon’s videos about Jews and Israel, because he rationalises it the same way white liberals do with problems related to Blacks, Muslims, Gays and so on.
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5 hours ago (edited)
Good summation of the problem with this channel and the man behind it
Grass Fed Bull
5 hours ago
Well said.
Patricius von Kempen
4 hours ago
Before The NS there we’re concentrarion Camps, The term was Not necessarily conotated With ethnic annihilation
Joan the Wad
3 hours ago
@Patricius von Kempen That’s right . It simply meant , in many cases exactly that – concentrating a particular group of people in one area, also internment camps.
Eric Drave
3 hours ago
Yes it sticks out like a sore thumb his weird double standard when it comes to the jews, I’ve only known people this protective of a certain group when they belong to them, so I do wonder if Simon is jewish or partly, otherwise it’s just a weird fetish he has.
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Artemis Juno
3 hours ago
Well, I am half Polish and I am sympathetic to the Jews every time. Watch ‘Shoah’.
Joel –
32 minutes ago
@Patricius von Kempen This semantic argument is used by the holocaust skeptics to obfuscate the debate. Yes, Germany didn’t invent the idea of a camp to concentrate enemies of the state. But they did systematise it to a level never before seen.
NS Germany had camps with varying operational objectives. The term “Concentration Camp” has become a catch-all but the fact is, camps found in Germany and Western Europe were generally for concentrating enemies of the Nazi state, with an extermination policy of some degree but not by design. The camps in Eastern Europe were extermination camps with the explicit objective of liquidating enemies of the state. This can be seen from the disproportionately high body count from the eastern camps.
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Mrs. Hancock
6 hours ago (edited)
When an immigrates comfort is dependent upon destroying their host country, it should be expected to face justifiably hostile retaliation.
Peter N
11 hours ago
To summarise then Jews take an international view, empathising with minorities and immigrants from anywhere, valuing their needs the most. And in doing so, not empathising the needs of the common man and the native/indigenous communities of their host country.
Right got it.
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the rise
11 hours ago
But not in israel. Only in white countries.
Alan Marr
11 hours ago
I know a lot of Jews who are the “Common Man” such as tradesmen who belong in this country as much as you do !
Alan Marr
11 hours ago
@the rise What about the Black Jews in Israel !
the rise
11 hours ago
@Alan Marr the ones that were subjected to mandatory contraceptive injections, effectively amounting to forced sterilisation?
Evola’s Sunglasses
10 hours ago
@Alan Marr Google: Israel Black 52%
Abraham Shekels
10 hours ago
@Alan Marr hard disagree buddy
Scotty mackay
10 hours ago
Jews were working class in the UK until not long ago. The East End of London was full of Jewish traders. They were the “common man”.
Scotty mackay
10 hours ago
@the rise Israel has a larger minority population as a percentage, than the UK. The UK is more white than Israel is Jewish. You’d know that if you bothered to do even just the simplest research. Israel is the only country in the M.E with a Christian population that’s growing.
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Alan Marr
10 hours ago
@Scotty mackay Not just traders , carpenters, tailors etc
10 hours ago
@Alan Marr Google the word bullshittery
Alan Marr
19 hours ago
@Fahrenheit451 I leave crude language to morons like you!
Abraham Shekels
18 hours ago
@Scotty mackay ever heard of the Rothschilds?
Abraham Shekels
18 hours ago
@Scotty mackay doesn’t negate the fact that Jewish NGO’s are working to replace white people in their own homelands while making laws to ensure Israel stays majority Jewish and Jews always have power in Israel.
Joel C
18 hours ago
Israel is multicultural. You have Israelis of Iranian, Russian, Indian, Chinese, European descent.
Abraham Shekels
18 hours ago (edited)
@Joel C therefore what? Jewish NGO’s are not working to import brown people into white countries? Jews are not working to maintain an ethnic majority and power in Israel? What’s your point?
18 hours ago (edited)
@Alan Marr all the crude language I picked up from morons like you on here in previous arguments with you fool. You got a bad memory
18 hours ago (edited)
@Alan Marr and if you think the word bullshittery is crude you must come from a little lefty anti white backwater in Oxford.. Oh wait
RustyNailBolt CodMobile
17 hours ago
@Alan Marr the African women were required to take “depoprovera” before entry and non “jewish” men can’t sleep with “jewish” women under “observance laws” in isreal.
The reason for the quote marks is because if you say “but they’re all jewish!” , you must consider that what “jewish” is considered to be within isreal is not entirely religious in nature.
There is honestly so much to this controversial subject that getting people to sit down and calmly observe, study and discuss all exhibits of each subject within this pantheon of “conspiracies” is impossible.
You either have seen things, deduced something based on available info and believe or you don’t and are part of the sleeping majority which ofcourse was argued to be perfectly possible and present in nazi Germany in all levels of society but never ever here in the west.
If we are the ones who have been tricked by misinformation, propaganda, etc then we a just a harmless minority.
But if you are the ones who have been tricked then that is ofcourse something to worry about.
Because ofcourse, that is the point of the trick we are talking about.
That you believe what you believe now and have the attitude towards this subject like you do whilst those who for what ever reason that have some part of the puzzle are written off of delusional, mad men.
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Alan Marr
15 hours ago
@RustyNailBolt CodMobile You sound confused !
James Painter
15 hours ago
They’re not empathizing, they’re merely happy with their shock troops out to get you … which pleases them so they gloat about it.
Augustus Autumn
15 hours ago
@Alan Marr These “common man” Jews are the revolutionary types.
Alan Marr
15 hours ago
@Augustus Autumn What total rot where do you come from some looney bin!
RustyNailBolt CodMobile
13 hours ago
@Alan Marr no. You just have a low attention span and aren’t willing to really listen. see? I can come up with overly quick, unjustified descriptions too!
Lawrence S
8 hours ago
I actually agree with everything you said. It is reasonable to assume that a group with a history of persecution might feel sympathy for “the persecuted”. But by the same token it is also reasonable to assume that they might have a historic grudge against the “persecutors”. The idea that the descendants of 1930s Germans might one day be made a minority in their own lands probably gives certain Jews warm and fuzzy feelings no? Also any minority might think they have an interest in increasing the number of other minorities and reducing the power of the majority population – as a kind of self defence mechanism. Barbara Roche the immigration minister literally said as much about her experience as a Jew in relation to the native British.
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Patricius von Kempen
13 hours ago
Kaufmann etc actualy wanted to exterminate US before The Holocaust. Just for The NS Regimes rethorik and WW1.
ferrum draconem
9 hours ago (edited)
I still don’t know what to make of these patterns with Jews, but what you have presented didn’t really convince me in that there’s nothing nefarious going on. I believe this a topic that needs a great more in depth analysis, and one that doesn’t just ignore the Jew’s side of the story. Even if there is a mass conspiracy, I don’t think it would survive under much scrutiny. More likely, you would get them to come to our side.
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That CarGuy
17 hours ago
LMFAO! No you wouldn’t they HATE us and intentionally want to destroy us the contempt is real and if that’s not bad enough they also say they want to write us out of the history books this is already starting with phasing africans slowly into our history netflix even seems to think anne boleyn was full on black african and guess who runs netflix
Surprise surprise!
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Off Center Forge
17 hours ago
They own all of the media outlets in the United States and they have been lying to the people for decades.
Michael White
17 hours ago
If you attempted to get them on “your side” any movement advocating on your behalf would be taken over by them and suddenly start advocating on their behalf and would spend all of its time policing discussion to protect them. I’ve been all over the political spectrum (especially when I was younger), and they do this shit everywhere. I’ve seen it everywhere they’re not actively excluded.
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Janice Taylor
16 hours ago
Simon is greatly amused at us for knowing who is behind all this shit, when he knows it himself. Disingenuous honorary jew.
E. G. Verlander
15 hours ago
Let me challenge an assumption: It’s not a conspiracy. Conspiracy implies hidden and secret. It’s not. It’s all out in the open. Suggest you read about Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset. They discuss is every year in Davos and produce a report. It’s the World Economic Forum; active since 1971.
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The Mossad
15 hours ago
The patterns are a delusion. Js are prominent in many fields and all sides of politics.
15 hours ago
Yeah… you may want to read the Talmud
14 hours ago
Yes!!! Just look up the Frankfurt School and their aims.
The Mossad
14 hours ago
@ItchThatMitch LMAO you never have, you read fake quotes.
Hugo The Pork Eater
14 hours ago
@That CarGuy Every single time
Harl Stowe
14 hours ago
The real question is at the start of the Second World War most European countries rejected large swaths of Jewish immigration and definitely a narrative in America amongst left-wing Jews that no European country should reject immigration into their country, countries fleeing dictatorship, why are you muddying the waters by claiming that left-wing Jews who seek revenge and in their motivation is anti-white and pro-immigration into the west a conspiracy?
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The Mossad
14 hours ago
@Schillinger Nah, I prefer the Netanyahu family, much smarter. Frankfurt school is german socialists. The worst kind.
14 hours ago
I don’t understand the talk of “conspiracy”. It’s all out in the open. There are other (bigger, IMO) factors of course, but Zionists and Jewish supremacists have been bad actors in this struggle for decades.
The Mossad
14 hours ago
@Schillinger Just lookup the Fabian Society.
Hugo The Pork Eater
14 hours ago
@The Mossad Do Rabi’s also read fake quotes from the Talmud? Rabi Ishmael Levitts, Rabi Rav Touitou. etc, etc. What about Tim Wise? Noel Ignatiev? Quotes like “You are going to pay for this very dearly, you Europeans, but at a point in time … You do not even know what we are talking about, and you will not have any safe place to flee … because all the evil you have done to Israel you will pay a hundredfold ….”
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Liz Marsden
14 hours ago
@Hugo etc.
What do you think is the plan? At present and for the foreseeable future most of the immigration into Europe is from impoverished and war torn Islamic countries. If the natives are to be displaced surely it would make sense for that to be with people’s who are not hostile to the existence of Israel? Why spend all that money bribing people to be sympathetic to Jews if your plan is to replace them with people more sympathetic to the enemies of Israel?
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14 hours ago
@The Mossad Smart jew?
That’s fake news.
The Mossad
13 hours ago
@Hugo The Pork Eater Never heard of them, there are 10,000s of ‘rabbis’. Means ZERO.
The Mossad
13 hours ago
@elf-ovener Poor boy LOL
13 hours ago
@The Mossad “there are 10,000s of ‘rabbis’. Means ZERO.”
“No true scotsman fallacy”
How much do they pay you for this? Are you from one of those “special” battallions in the IDF?
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Hugo The Pork Eater
12 hours ago
@Liz Marsden When it starts to get bad, their work is done and they will scurry off to another country. That’s what they’ve done for thousands of years.
everyday person
11 hours ago
I agree with you on most other topics, but here I am afraid, I beg to differ, plenty of evidence out there to prove the case.
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That CarGuy
19 hours ago (edited)
Of course there is i seriously do not get this at all there are VIDEOS where rabbis have said they want an end to the white race you have kalergi you have barbara spectre WHY doesn’t he do a vid on the spectre video???
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noticer 00
16 hours ago
@That CarGuy Why you ask? Probably has something to do with the necklace he wears…
Justin Thaim
16 hours ago
@noticer 00 This necklace?
16 hours ago
@noticer 00 He lived in Israel in his youth although he is definitely not Jewish. I wore a Buddhist symbol for a while, it was beautiful and culturally symbolic. While I like Buddhism, I am not a Buddhist.
16 hours ago
@That CarGuy Some Rabbis and this Spectre idiot , I might add the Soros idiot to the list, NONE of them represent the character or the spirit of the Jewish community.
Organism Seven
15 hours ago
@Justin Thaim
Ah… that explains a lot.
Organism Seven
15 hours ago
Yeah, right.
James Painter
15 hours ago
@That CarGuy Absolutely, and look how they holocausted the Germans! And the Russians! True, it’s their intention, they’ve made it clear.
15 hours ago
@Organism Seven Yeah. Right.
14 hours ago
@BrownLeaf If you ever want to have a really good laugh find a new age bhuddist woman and tell them to read what Bhudda wrote about women.
Makes me giggle every time.
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14 hours ago
@BrownLeaf “the character or the spirit of the Jewish community.”
Mr Monopoly with devil horns and a tail drawn on?
Freja Solstheim
13 hours ago
@BrownLeaf Yeah, what noise is that Brownleaf? You don’t speak on behalf of the J Community. Your “Mad Mullahs” do! yeah yeah I know it’s not what they are called. But Brownleaf you should go look at what your former führer Ovadia said. Ouch!
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a Simian
10 hours ago (edited)
I agree with Simon on many things, but definitely not on this topic. Remember: you aren’t allowed to criticize them or be cancelled. They are not the victims they claim to be.
Andy Birch
6 hours ago
I don’t think the Exodus from Egypt has been shown to have actually happened by archaeologists or historians. I could be wrong however.
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Jan Sammut
14 hours ago (edited)
The biblical view is very different to that of Israeli academics regarding this. So it’ comes down to who you would have more trust in to give an accurate account of the so called Exodus from Egypt.
Patricius von Kempen
13 hours ago
IT never Happened The way The bible says IT. The lädt theory i heared was that The jews/phoenixians we’re actualy mercenarys for The Pharaoh and refused to leave after contract. That’s why The Pharaoh chases them With His Army to The Red sea, to make Sure they don’t come Back.
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Adrian Vye
12 hours ago
You mean you’ve not read Moses’ lost diary?
Andy Birch
12 hours ago
@Adrian Vye No I haven’t but I have read “The secret diary of Rameses II aged 13 and 3/4!
Adrian Vye
12 hours ago
@Andy Birch
7 hours ago
Look at the comments Simon – all of your usual eugenicist cheerleaders have turned against you on this one !
So these loving caring accepting empathic Jews erode a nations moral framework while maintaining their own – and they do this out of kindness. Ok mate.
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V ᛁ k ᛁ ng ᛗ uay ᛏ ha ᛁ
8 hours ago (edited)
Saying the Jews relate to ancient history, and thus inherited some common compassion, is just just as foolish as saying, “whites owned slaves, whites bad.”
Get real.
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Justin Thaim
17 hours ago
Exactly, naive Boomers always project their own feelings of compassion onto other groups. Maybe certain groups are motivated by revenge, power and money. The Boomer assumes that everyone is as good natured as them and ignore thousands of years of history and evidence to the contrary.
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James Painter
16 hours ago
@Justin Thaim Pathological altruism is self-destructive and only exhibited by the most vilified people in the world currently by our Masters. They struck against our Achilles heel, our undeniable kindness virtually unknown by Them.
White people need to acquire the ability to evolve due to changing circumstances and tend to their own people and not that of others.
If so, we can survive, otherwise we’ll be lost forever and the last of us can whistle Danny Boy upon our exit.
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Justin Thaim
16 hours ago
@James Painter “Sure, my entire race, civilization and thousands of years of history are going extinct… but at least I wasn’t waycist!”
Kevin Wasilewski
3 hours ago
I love how he gets everyone talking about without having to talk about it
8 hours ago
“I the LORD have called unto you in righteousness, and have taken hold of your hand, and submitted you as the people’s covenant, as a light unto the nations” Isaiah 42:6. Coming to pass, as we speak.
Mats Rosengren
2 hours ago
Yes, the Israelis constitute a people of refugees/immigrants and descendents from refugees/immigrants! They immigrated to Palestine where the native Palestinians indeed did their best to resist this immigration. This immigration was in this case somewhat special as the Jews claim ancient rights to the land as they were expelled from Jerusalem after their revolt against the Romans year 70. And now they certainly want to keep Israel jewish with an as homogenous population as possible, that was the very purpuse of creating Israel! We should just like the Palestinians 70 years ago and the Israelis at present resist a massive immigration that destroys our culture and our way of life! And all these third world people that desire to take over our countries have as opposed to the Jews no “ancient claim” to our land!
The jews that prefer to stay in “diaspora” has often less loyality to the country were they live then to the Jewish Worldwide Community. Conservative jews considered it for example harmful that the Russian Empire partly disintegrated into nation states following the Russian Revolution. For the Jewish community it was more advantageous with a united Russian Empire
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Dave Gnidaer
9 hours ago
Sorry Simon. You’re objectively and provably wrong on this one. They say it themselves!
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tom mccabe
17 hours ago
Good old Mrs spectres ilk.
16 hours ago
@tom mccabe This that you refer to? Is it Jews of which I am one?
Sapir Whorf relative linguistic nonsense ban Cctv
15 hours ago
he’s always wrong about group ‘g’ too.
tom mccabe
14 hours ago
Well, basically yeah.
14 hours ago
@G R If you are a jew then you should know your time is coming to an end and you and yours should busy yourselves with repentance.
There will be no forgiveness this time. 110 is one too many.
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13 hours ago
@elf-ovener I don’t dislike your comments because they’re stupid, I dislike them because you think you’re clever.
5 hours ago (edited)
Yes, it is. As your entire comments section is laughing at you for trying to so poorly obfuscate.
Ian Jones
5 hours ago
Regarding the explanation of who voted for Brexit it just goes to show having a university education
is no guide to intelligence or common sense
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14 hours ago
Having a univisertiy education in modern britain is absolutely a guide to their level of common sense and intelligence.
If they’ve been to uni in the past 20 years all intelligence and common sense has been indoctrinated out of them completely.
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6 hours ago
Are there any examples of Jews in non-White countries advocating for special rights or asylum for White people and saying that those countries need to become more diverse or less brown?
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Perry Anderson
3 hours ago
Nope. And Never will be because they are Anti-White. That’s the ( Unwanted) war White people have to deal with.
2 hours ago
Maybe Japan or China during the communist takeover but the Chinese aren’t having the BS. Not sure but there does seem to be a bit of meddling.
Dom Kirbs
32 minutes ago
They love immigrants just look at Israel…
10 hours ago
I expect that working class people in the UK objected to immigration because they were more likely to lose their jobs to cheap foreign labour than were the middle and upper classes.
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Joel C
4 hours ago
Working class is middle class.
Paul Metcalfe
3 hours ago
@Joel C eh? Not where I come from. (England)
Eldon Tyrell
3 hours ago
@Joel C Not sure about that but soon there’ll scarcely be a middle class compared to a few decades ago.
Danielle Marin
5 hours ago
You are entitled to feeling as you do, for whatever your (purely personal) reasons are. The way in which you chose to go about ‘addressing’ it, however, is beneath you, as I see it. You know it is not buyable. I can’t imagine you buy it, either.
7 hours ago
“You can fool all the people some of the time ,& some of the people all of the time,but you cannot fool all the people all of the time ”
He would do well to heed the advice.
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7 hours ago
As gatekeepers go,he is a different league.
Old Scores
7 hours ago (edited)
It’s not as if the Zio.mask has slipped,for me and for many others it has finally fallen completely off his face.
Hare Krishna
7 hours ago
And stop deleting comments that disagree with him.over his :people ” who don’t think the sun shines out of their kosher backsides.
A Requiem for the masses
6 hours ago (edited)
Strange how the top comment (and all the other well liked ),comments just vanished, on this of all videos
Zero Hour
6 hours ago
Cometh the hour ,cometh the comment.
Danielle Marin
5 hours ago
@Old Scores Agreed. They see the finishing line and are sprinting at this point.
Danielle Marin
5 hours ago
@A Requiem for the masses Really? Ugh. I was initially quite excited to see the video title. The air was quickly let out of my tires, however. Was this mockery? Refugees? They have never been refugees, at least not in the same way most others have been over the centuries – plus he doesn’t discuss why they were put out in the first place – and it wasn’t because of “persecution”, either, of course.
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Danielle Marin
5 hours ago
@Zero Hour What does this mean?
Brian Feldz
1 hour ago (edited)
Lol. And if you want to find the cause of the modern social justice and immigration paradigm, look no further than the overbearing maternalism of the social justice matriarchy. Without paternal instinct to balance it, it’s gone completely awry. Nothing to do with “Jews” .
I’m not suggesting it’s the fault of women specifically. Men can be maternal minded and women can be paternal minded. But it’s those forces which are currently imbalanced. And it coincides directly try with the rise of women in university, positions of civil power and generally in the workplace. University has become predominantly a woman’s domain. More women now attend than men and teach in the social sciences. STEM is still predominantly men, but STEM students generally don’t move into positions of political and social leadership or practice. Far more concerned with technical world and finances. Men still do dominate the legal profession I think, but that also doesn’t necessarily lead directly to positions of leadership all though it does more than STEM. But the social “sciences”, that’s the heart of the government and civic and activist professions.
You can actually track these changes in immigration policy all the way back, starting right around the suffragette movement. It was actually the “progressives suffragette movement that was directly responsible for American prohibition. Then, in the 60’s, women began entering university in record numbers, which increased exponentially through to the 80’s and then in the 90’s they started to exceed men. But they specifically started to drastically exceed men in the social sciences, political science, “social justice” etc.. From there they moved into the establishment, university bureaucracy and just bureaucracy in general.
And it’s that overbearing maternalism that is now the guiding ideology behind modern social justice and immigration. The “my baby is innocent even though he killed 20 people it’s not his fault” and the “I love all my children equally” mindsets. Again, men can have this maternal paradigm as well, as can be seen in the LGBT community, which expresses as the inverse of the general population. More “masculine” minded “TERFs” at the bottom, Trans “women” at the top. General population, “cis men” at the bottom etc…
In America and Canada, this in part coincided with the ADOS community, which is an overbearing matriarchy itself. Which has rapidly expressed itself in the increase in single mother households. But that’s kind of the catalyst of all of it. As divorce rates and single mother households grew, so did women entering university and the workplace for obvious reasons.
I’m not suggesting whatsoever that women shouldn’t go to university or have power. Not at all. But there needs to be a balance between maternal and paternal forces and right now there isn’t. And it’s up to both men and women who understand this dynamic and imbalance to do the balancing. Drawing less on maternal elements and more on paternal elements in relationship to policy and civic mindedness.
It really has little to nothing to do with “Jews” or any kind of conspiracy. What we are seeing now is matriarchy gone wrong. Just like patriarchy without a maternal influence can become overbearing and overly forceful, so too can the matriarchy, or maternal element.
If you really want to “fix” the immigration and silly some social issues, it’s this balance between maternal and paternal forces that needs to be evened.
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13 minutes ago
Very observant of female success in the modern society.
You said all that and dismissed the accusation that Jews have anything to do with this. Jews are highly represented within the education systems of the western world. They’re even more highly represented by the most important political office in the UK for example, where Number 10 downing Street hosts a seperate, equally authoritive branch of government within its walls as the cabinet itself; the holocaust rememberence office. I sh1t you not. Its not even a secret, its right there on the gov website. Above matters such as national and global security, environment, military or law, is an exclusive office just for Jews. Go check it out.
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Petter Eliseussen
6 hours ago (edited)
As a historian, you have probably heard of Khazaria, even if they are careful to not teach people about this in school.
Beside from being historically almost as interesting as the history of the Romans, there is one special thing that makes the history of Khazaria extra interesting. And that is when the king of Khazaria decided that both he and all his people should convert to Judaism.
At that time it was very few Jews in the world, and when the Khazarian people converted, more then 90% of all Jews was in Khazaria (around the are that is Ukraine to day)
Why is this important to day?
Because it tells us clearly that if the jews had the right to take a area because their ancestors lived there around 1000 years ago, then they should not invade and take Palestine, but Ukraine..
(This is new to most people, so most people need to think a little bit about this before they understand the point..)
Me and many other people worked hard for more then 5 years before Wikipedia even admitted that there once was a place called Khazaria.
Every time we wrote about it there, it was deleted within minutes.
Then they wrote that Khazaria was something that was popular to believe in among conspiracy theorists, and that was all Wikipedia had to say about Khazaria for more then 5 years.
Finally we manage to find documents about “Pact Khazar” and from then on we manage to get more and more facts about it.
(Mostly by using translator on Russian and Arab sites, because they had not worked so hard to delete all history about Khazaria for the common public)
In the end even Wikipedia had to admit that it at least once was a place called Khazaria.
(They will of course still not tell the story about when the people of Khazaria converted to Judaism, because it is all about covering for the Jews and shit on real history.)
But it would be interesting to hear you say anything about it.
(I must admit that even if you are a historian, i am not so very optimistic about this, because i asked many historians about it before we manage to almost force Wikipedia to accept it as real, and most of them had not heard of it, or simply said it was just bullshit and that it was a thing only for crazy conspiracy people..)
By the way, it was in 1905 the Jews was chased out of Russia. (For no good reason at all as usual..) lol
Fortunately, even if most countries refused to let them come to their country (as usual for no good reason at all.. lol)
Germany was among the few countries that accepted refugee Jews from Russia to stay in their country.
And the Germans took so good care of the Jews, that very soon the Jews become among the rich people in Germany.
Actually they was taken so good care of that when the Jews declared war against Germany (The Second World War) the Jews actually controlled around 80% of all food that was imported to Germany.
They used this to starve millions of Germans, before any prison camps was even build by the Germans.
(And to day most people who know about this still pretend that the Germans just hated the Jews simply because they (Just like the Russians) simply started to hate Jews for no good reasons what so ever.)
Just like they to day say that Palestinians hate Jews for no good reason what so ever, just because the Jews stole Palestine from the Palestinians.
And by the way, when was the first time the Jews tried to say they had the right to occupy and take Palestine from the Palestinians?
That was right after The First World War. (The Balfour Declaration)
(This is important to remember when some of this crazy conspiracy makers try to tell us that they deserved to take Palestine from the Palestinians because of what was done to them during The Second World War)
And they was very close to get it then, but thanks to Germany and some few other countries, it was stopped.
AND THAT WAS WHEN THE JEWS STARTED TO PLOT AGAINST GERMANY that had taken so good care of them since they had to run from Russia.
But flat Earthers and other similar people tend to think that Germans hated Jews because Hitlers dentist was a Jew and other extreme silly things like that.
And they ignore the fact that it was the Jews that declared war against Germany before a single Jew in Germany was harmed. (It was in every news paper at that time and it is easy to look up)
But lets keep on pretending that one nation after the other suddenly without any reason just started to hate them..
And as you point out very early, if you do not love what the Jews does, then you are simply a crazy man that most probably also believe the Earth is flat..
It is natural for Jews to defend people… lol, that is why we see them running the last Apartheid on Earth and doing genocide on the Palestinians, its because they are so nice..
Even if it is more likely that the one that are not even able to see what is happening to the people of Palestine is the one that has problems to see reality.
And yes, you have found one crazy thing that some people believe about the Jews, and i agree with you on that one single thing.
But to say that ALL people who do not like the Jews, do not like them because of crazy things like that, is the same as to say that all people who do not like Nazies, don`t like them because of silly ideas like “Germans started to hate Jews because Hitlers dentist was a Jew”.
No, there is a real reason for why many don`t like them and for why they have been chased out of one country after the other for a long long time.
And you kind of have to be a bit crazy to actually believe that it is simply because people in many countries just start to hate them for no reason what so ever.. At least try to use some seconds to think seriously about that..
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That CarGuy
5 hours ago
Even netanyahu admitted they’re khazars and they moved to the middle east because they simply thought nobody would hassle them or try to take over the jewish homeland because it was set in a dry barron place nobody would want it.
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Petter Eliseussen
5 hours ago (edited)
@That CarGuy He have also said that Israhell can not become truly Jewish before at least 80% of the population is Jews.
And that pretty much explain the genocide we see there to day.
It is also typical that the same people that say we must never forget what happen to the Jews, are the first to ignore this genocide..
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Petter Eliseussen
5 hours ago
When you can not talk about a group of people or certain ideas without being called conspiracy theorist, or some times when it is even forbidden to question it by law.
That is the things you should look extra much in to.
For example, here in Norway it is forbidden for anyone beside the closest family to criticize the king. (at the same time as the king pretend that he have no political power here for the people, even if it is forbidden for the politicians to for example declare war with someone without the agreement of the king)
Even those that are used to call people conspiracy theorists if they think about something in a different way then them, should understand that things like this makes it extra important for the Norwegians in this case to look extra hard on our king.
When it is forbidden in Germany to even question the concentration camp conspiracy, that alone is a extra good reason to take a closer look at this conspiracy.
And when it comes to the number of Jews that was killed in concentration camps..
Ohh that one is hard to keep up with, as it change by many millions almost from year to year, like it was a new fashion show with new fashions every year.. I think they say it is around 6 million now, so i guess that within 5 years it is probably 8 millions.. lol
And i can understand it, it is difficult to know the difference between for example 4 and 6 million.. specially since the Jews are so educated and intelligent compare to you and me..
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Willy Eckaslike
1 hour ago
the Dues brought USA into WW1 in return for the Bal 4 Declaration and since A/ H was involved in it he saw it as the ultimate betrayal
Transparency and Merit
13 hours ago
I once had a sign about giving white South Africans refugee status all groups who believed in welcoming refugees agreed the only ones who disagreed were a group of ADL Jewish females
Robert Lloyd
17 hours ago
Simon, despite starting off by ridicuing the notion of Jewish activism, the second & third minutes of your talk confirms, in part, the Jewish ethnic motive – siding with non-whites/immigrants against the (white) host nation. It does not matter (necessarily) whether they have “good” motives or “bad” motives – defensive or offensive – the effect is the same.
The Protocols of Zion is red-herring; you need to read studies such as the Culture of Critique, chapter 7, by Kevin MacDonald.
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st ss
17 hours ago
14 million jews having a secret meeting once a week discussing how to rule the world…
Yuri Gagarin
17 hours ago
@st ss yeah, and as if the Rothschilds give a damn about the Talmud. I’m so tired of this corruption in the right
Yuri Gagarin
17 hours ago
Please detail what is in this chapter instead of giving homework you didn’t memorise yourself
Robert Lloyd
16 hours ago
@Yuri Gagarin Google is your friend, but to help you along, it details the role of Jewish activism in changes to U.S. immigration laws, 1965.
Robert Lloyd
16 hours ago
@st ss You don’t know enough about the subject.
noticer 00
16 hours ago (edited)
If The Protocols of Zion are a red-herring , than it is the most accurate and prophetic red-herring to ever exist.
Yuri Gagarin
14 hours ago
@Robert Lloyd I’m not doing homework. Why are you ‘national socialists so lazy. Give me numbers. At least do me the courtesy of copy pasting a passage or something. What’s your point though. Do you honestly believe that if all the Jews disappeared from the west you wouldn’t have a leftwing?
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Yuri Gagarin
14 hours ago
@noticer 00 Dialogue in hell between Machiavelli and Montesque. The protocols is a plagiarism and a lazy one at that. It seems it’s easier for you to project your wild conspiracy theories from fiction then from substantial facts
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noticer 00
13 hours ago
@Yuri Gagarin wild conspiracy? Okay then, tell me which part of the protocols isn’t actively being pushed or accomplished so far? Be specific, or your deboonking is nothing more than the usual “conspiracy theorist” accusation.
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st ss
12 hours ago
@Robert Lloyd I sure do.
Yuri Gagarin
7 hours ago
@noticer 00 the burden of proof is on you. That’s not how proof works. But I will say there is no Jewish Cabal that has infiltrated themselves into every aspect of society. You might think otherwise but the burden of proof is on you. Maybe you’d like to name some. What would this cabal unite on anyway? Jewish world domination? Nonsense. You have the burden of proof. YOU prove it.
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tommy powell
20 hours ago
Is it true that amnesty international has branded Israel a racist state? if so what are Mr Webb’s thoughts on the decision? and why have they been thrown out of so many countries over many centuries?
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20 hours ago
The same as every other time… it must be a coincidence… nothing to see here folks
Yomama Wanmadikku
20 hours ago
@SomeRandomBloke oibvey goi it’s yours fault yous don’t wanna serve us, we gods people your slaves !
Richard Nordheimer
14 hours ago
Yes,as they use it as a weapon against their ethinc or racial competition.
In conclusion, 109 is not enough.
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Mean Bean Comedy
6 hours ago
It’s 110 now. Yemen.
19 hours ago
It’s all just a strange coincidence how things unfold in favour of some and to the detriment of others.
3 hours ago
“Israel has granted refugee status to less than 1% of Sudanese and Eritrean asylum seekers in Israel while acceptance rates in Western Europe and North America ranged between 50% and 90%.” And this quote is from the Jerusalem Post. Why do you insist on continuing lying about Jews and their double standard?
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Einzel Wolf
6 hours ago
Why dont we just name names and count how many belong to the group? Try it out and see the results.
Christian Taylor
20 hours ago (edited)
“If we don’t stop their entry, the problem that currently stands at 60,000 could grow to 600,000, and that threatens our existence as a Jewish and democratic state,” Binyamin Netanyahu said at Sunday’s cabinet meeting. “This phenomenon is very grave and threatens the social fabric of society, our national security and our national identity.”
Benjamin Netanyahu on African immigrants
This is taken from ‘Israel PM: illegal African immigrants threaten identity of Jewish state’
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HighLand Springs
14 hours ago
At lest you finally showed where your loyalty lies.
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Daniel Archer
12 hours ago
It’s not the first time, he’s done vids like this before and received a similar response. I think he likes reading our comments afterwards.
Daniel Archer
12 hours ago
The one he did about the Kalergi Plan was hilarious. Again, he claimed it was a ‘conspiracy theory’, but our comments were so red-pilling he took the video down, lol
Sur Sorn
10 hours ago
3 hours ago
I’ve yet to hear about one Ashkenazi Jew who is on record talking about keeping indigenous Europeans the majority in their respective countries. Not one.
Johnny Monoxide
6 hours ago
Had Simon answered yes to his own question, the channel would’ve been taken down. By whom? Well.. Simon can’t answer that question either because his YouTube career would cease immediately.
GingerJambo51 GG
6 hours ago
Would love to see you do a video on the exodus of the jews from Egypt
Montag 451
13 hours ago
The simple answer is… Yes.
Paul Williams
12 hours ago
It’s interesting that though Simon is staunchly anti- black he is very pro-Jewish which is unusual especially as people who don’t like blacks usually though not always don’t like Jews. Simon did live in Israel for a time which is also unusual for an allegedly Christian Englishman & one who is working class. People with Simon’s background seldom have overseas experiences beyond eating Fish & Chips in Spain. I suspect Simon could be Jewish despite his claim to be a working class Christian Englishman. He also states mostly more affluent & educated people were in favour of the UK remaining in the EU. Jews were the odd ones out in this regard. Britain’s Jews were overwhelmingly anti-EU as they believed the EU is anti-semitic for whatever reason.
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Mark Clitheroe
16 hours ago
This video is like Google describing white replacement in great detail then calling it a conspiracy theory.
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Bob Mathews
10 hours ago
“like” this video to add it to your list , then wait for the “this video has been deleted by the author” when the Rabbi sees the comments
colin vaughan
14 hours ago
So Simon,it’s just a matter of whether it is intentional or not
8 hours ago (edited)
The problem is they see us as cattle, it’s in there book.
They also reject Christ, so they reject anything good, anything correct
The last of us
13 hours ago
The conspiracy is no longer a theory.
16 hours ago
In one word yes!!
d mac
17 hours ago
Seems to be a mostly jewish monopoly. Like most things.
Bobby DingDong
21 hours ago (edited)
I’ve heard it was the Black Jewish Astronaut’s that landed in Kent that started it all.
17 hours ago
Time to have a chat with Mark Collet old chap
20 hours ago
@History Debunked
Mr Webb it would be a more useful video on this topic if you actually addressed their involvement with multiculturalism and the clear ill effects on their host countries which they appear to have little concern for – as I have said before, when someone persists in causing you ill effects, whether they intended them or are indifferent to them makes little difference when they continue despite being aware of them.
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Ram Rod
19 hours ago
He’s framed the argument in such a way that he can easily argue against it. That is, there is a cabal of people coordinating the destruction of the West. Admittedly, there are some people who frame it that way, but I think the majority simply hold the belief that this group has had an over representative impact on our situation situation.
I hold that feminism is the main reason for the birth of wokism, but I don’t think all women planned the take over of the West, however they certainly mindlessly contribute to it.
You don’t need organization, you simply need a group that will benefit from an ideology in the short term.
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Mystically Merry
18 hours ago
@Ram Rod It was the patriarchy that created feminism.
Ram Rod
18 hours ago
@Mystically Merry
It was the Patriarchy that created the matriarchy… I agree with this since I believe this new Matriarchy will create a new Patriarchy… and a rather Primitive one at that.
It’s just a deviation on strong men lead to good times and good times lead to weak men, and weak men lead to hard times and hard times lead to strong men.
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14 hours ago
@Ram Rod So why did feminism only rear it’s head once we got to the 1900s and judaism controlled the media in the west?
Frank S.
18 hours ago
Sort of like an axe murderer who had a ‘difficult childhood’. I guess we’ll just have to try and understand them.
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Competitive Antagonist
Competitive Antagonist
15 hours ago
There’s absolutely no excuse for murdering innocent axes. I’ll never understand them and will refuse to ever do so.
Jeff Ebdy
15 hours ago
@Competitive Antagonist Likewise cereal killers… those poor corn flakes
Rhythm Stick
13 hours ago
What a pile on in the comments! Ahahah!
Simon, you keep saying they identify with all these refugees and so on, but your historical view and their purported self identification thus does not juxtapose well with their current wealth and influence. When people who are so rich and established claim identification like that, we rightly criticize it as the sentiment isn’t genuine.
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cliona moore
10 hours ago
It’s a shame all that compassion and humanity seems to disappear in Israel
20 hours ago
There was a video on you tube by Rabbi Jonathan Sachs. In it he tells us that the Jews started special treatment 1st for Jews. Then blacks then gays. Etc etc. The videos been memory holed. What was wrong by treating people the same?
Gary Hart
14 hours ago
Why would anybody ask you to talk about it ?
We all know your views
on ‘conspiracy theories’
especially if they involve the chosen people — LOL
Second Coming
8 hours ago
When the top comment just suddenly Disappears….How can we take this guy seriously???
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Land Of Our Fathers
7 hours ago
You can’t….he’s A shill who would make Robinson blush, and deletes comments when things don’t go his way.
16 hours ago
‘SPECTRE’ is an acronym for
‘Special Executive for Counter-intelligance, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion from Ian Fleming’s Bond Novels
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James Painter
15 hours ago
And did you know? Fleming was engaged in black propaganda during WWII alongside Sefton Delmer.
leonardo wilhelm
12 hours ago
@James Painter Sorry to change the topic just a little bit. I just read a news quip here in America that claimed that blatz American soldiers in WW2 went to help defend England and that approximately 2000 mixed race babies were born in England as a result. In recent years, there has been a TON of propaganda being disseminated to blatz people that displays revisionist narratives that claim that blatz soldiers did MANY, great and heroic things in MANY of our wars and that evil dwight people have long been jealously HIDING blatz’s REAL history from them. Among the revisionism, I found supposed WW2 era photographs that depict beautiful, dwight, British women hanging out in dark pubs and dance halls, lustfully embracing and hanging all over the blatz America soldiers that were there to “save” them. I’m VERY confident that the photo is a modern-made hoax, meant to cause our younger generations to believe that dwight women have been “naturally” lusting-after and craving the BBC’s of blatz men for a loooong time. My questions are… Is it TRUE that many blatz American soldiers were detailed to protect Brit villages in WW2? If yes, is it true that 2000 mulatto babies were a direct result of this experiment? If THAT is true, how many of those babies were due to the white Brit women being RAPED by the blatz men? I’ve been noticing LOTS of revisionism claiming dwight European and American women have been voluntarily lusting after blatz African men and soldiers going as far back as pre WW1. Shameful BS revisionism by the J-tribe.
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easter worshipper
11 hours ago
@leonardo wilhelm damm Man, you said a lot.
First. Yes a lot of black soldiers went to britain during the war, they were on non combat units. I think was arround 100,000.
Second, some british people were not comfortanble with black gi’s in their country other people was ok with this.
Now, the number of 2000 molatto babies i dont, maybe.
There wasnt any law in UK that forbid interracial relation, thats not because UK was a multicultural country, but It was a 99.9% a White country, the biggest immigrant group were the irish and they were White.
That being said a lot of women married and had babies with foreing soldiers, Americans, french, canadian.
So, Is posible that 2000 babies were born out of black soldiers stationed in UK.
Only that right now Is high lighted do to the current narrative.
I heard that a lot of that children ended up in orphanages because woman famalies didnt wanted a black baby.
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Scott Vaughan
19 hours ago
Simon as much as I love your channel and your dismantling of the BBC and others watch Europa the last battle on Bitchute and then return to this subject it would be interesting to see your response.
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Nicholas Gargano
19 hours ago
Believe me he’s seen it he knows
orlando furioso
18 hours ago
I did watch twice ; and it confirm all I know about the Jews since the 50 s and why they are hated..( although I admire the nation/people/ warrior of modern Isdrael )
That CarGuy
18 hours ago
Masterpiece ALL parts should be shown in schools twice yearly!
Freja Solstheim
18 hours ago
Europa the Last Battle
The Greatest Story Never Told
NWO: Communism by the Backdoor
The Secret Masonic Victory of WWII
In the Name of Zion
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Scott Vaughan
18 hours ago
@Nicholas Gargano I would still love to see his response though.
Scott Vaughan
18 hours ago
@That CarGuy It really is isn’t it a truly great documentary.
That CarGuy
18 hours ago (edited)
@Scott Vaughan Yes and one that NEEDS more people to see it it’s sad a lot of people don’t even know it exists!
Scott Vaughan
17 hours ago
@That CarGuy Very true I couldn’t agree more.
Just Daniel
17 hours ago
Have you or anyone a link to it?
Harry Walker
16 hours ago
I am blown away by this documentary
James Painter
15 hours ago
@orlando furioso Admire those who attacked the USS Liberty? Who get all of their weaponry from the US? And get the US to fight all their wars?
That’s what you admire??? ???
Scott Vaughan
15 hours ago
@Just Daniel Sorry bud I don’t but it’s on Bitchute. Please excuse me for the late reply.
Scott Vaughan
15 hours ago
@Harry Walker It really is an eye opener.
Scott Vaughan
15 hours ago
@Just Daniel I just tried but you cannot get one for YouTube as they will ban it instantly.
Just Daniel
13 hours ago
@Scott Vaughan No worries pal I’ll get on bitchute cheers bud
Roddy B. Murray – FIlmmaker
21 hours ago
Yes. Hence the meme #EverySingleTime
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History Debunked
21 hours ago
Constructing a meme does not necessarily make a thing so!
21 hours ago
@History Debunked yet you won’t spend any time on it either.. So you put yourself in a situation where your opinion cannot be changed through willful lack of knowledge. That’s generally why people resort to memes.
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Heraclitus Ethos
20 hours ago
@History Debunked It does simon, If you openly admit to it, you know you will get banned for sure
Abraham Shekels
20 hours ago
@History Debunked doing research proves it so, and very quickly. The evidence is so overwhelming that they’ve made it taboo to discuss in society. Speaks for itself. The truth always find it’s way out.
Dave 22
20 hours ago
@History Debunked The moon landings and the spinning globe are memes. Just like the invisible bat soup flu floating around the sky for the last two years. Fairy tales and cartoons, created by the powers that be to enslave you
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Willy Eckaslike
20 hours ago
THE DE-TH OF AMERICA was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965.
While serving Due wish interests, the Open Immigration Law Of 1965 was the beginning of America’s de-th as a unified nation. Dues were behind the law, promoting, lobbying, and “bribing” the law into existence with the fanaticism equalling the most dedicated Mu slim terror est.
Dues have continually evinced hostility toward American Chris tea an culture in their aggressive efforts to change it. The Open Immigration Law Of 1965 is a prime example of that hostility.
Dues are a paranoid people. Wherever the Dues go they fear Aunty- S. (Dues have a guilt complex – and for good reason.) Dues fear a homogenous Chris tea an culture of which they would never ascend to influential positions. Rather, in a homogenous Christian culture, Jxxx are looked upon, (and rightly so), as “Chris .t ki 11ers.” This is why the Dues tried to get Me1 Gibson’s movie, The Passion of Jesus Christ, removed from the silver screen.
A typical example of what characterizes the Due wish push for open immigration can be seen in the following 1948 quote by David Petegorsky, former Director of the AJCongress:
—— “Due wish survival can only take place within the framework of a progressive and expanding democratic society, which through its institutions and public policies gives expression to the concept of cultural pluralism.” ——
Here Are The Names Of The Dues Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:
1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Due wish Congress (A*C)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)
* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.
* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.
* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Due wish Intellect,” (translate, “Chris ,t -Hay tur”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.
* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Due wish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.
* Due wish organizations such as the American Due wish Congress, The Due wish Federation, the AC 1U, and the B ny B’,, ,rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.
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Kalus Saxon
20 hours ago
@History Debunked your just another pressure release valve.. I think all the time you spent in israle has made you blind to the truth or your just an old scum bag liar already paid off.. your Hebrew gold chain.. nice!
you’ll talk about every other problem except where the problems originate from… fail to acknowledge there’s only one group you can’t talk about or their past without that eye on antisemitism calling her friends in government to have you arrested and charged for a non crime…
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James Painter
17 hours ago
I am more and more amazed at Simon’s apparent chutzpah.
Is there some other dimension to all this I’ve failed to uncover?
Dave McMillan
17 hours ago
Some of Simon videos are very entertaining but unfortunately in
this case not..has he been baited into speaking about this?..oh dear
. Stick to topics a bit easier. I Do enjoy your stuff normally. Please stick to topics that you have studied and understand
..obviously not this .peace..
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James j
13 hours ago (edited)
This is such a strange video from you Simon…almost like someone has your arm up your back
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Ashely Green
10 hours ago
Come on – Just like Paul Joseph Watson – they both know who they cannot outright criticize. They can skirt around the issue but never be honest about it. They know they will be booted off the platform if they go all in.
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James j
10 hours ago
@Ashely Green weak
Jordan Gill
16 hours ago
Lesson repeatedly learned again and again: Boomers are blind at best, treacherous at worst.
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Lewis Trotter
16 hours ago
My 73 year old father understands most things and sometimes even changes his mind if I present my case well, but the one thing he just cannot accept is that Js are behind multiculturalism, pornography, the media, lobbying, etc. I think they’ve had decades and decades of indoctrination to the point of no return.
Going forward, we must (unfortunately) leave the boomers out of it. They’re a hindrance.
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Jordan Gill
16 hours ago
@Lewis Trotter exactly the same with mine mate
James Painter
16 hours ago
@Lewis Trotter Excuse me? I knew before you were born and “boomers” is an explicitly anti-white epithet.
It’s the under 40 who are most brainwashed and unconscious members of the Thought Pigs.
Recall Orwell? “It was always the women, and especially the young ones …” now go ahead, finish that quote …
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camo camo
15 hours ago
@Lewis Trotter 50 plus years of t.v. propoganda will do that
camo camo
15 hours ago
@Lewis Trotter but who runs the MSM. Across the Western World. That’s the big question here. Who has caused this unprecedented amount of division in what was once a unified, wealthy and strong society.
Jordan Gill
15 hours ago (edited)
@James Painter Boomers isn’t an anti-white epithet you dullard it’s anti-generational, and your rambling and incoherent comment only proves it right. Orwell was writing specifically about the people he saw as being in charge in the year 1984, and let’s see… oh yes that would be the BOOMERS right, not Gen X or millennials you idiot.
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Jack Morgan
15 hours ago
@James Painter
Think of this as the Reader’s Digest version of my favorite rant:
In the beginning there were the baby-boomers. I are one, well be 70 this year. There I was in high school (’64-’69) and it was during my senior year I was having these pleasant little discussions with my classmates about why suddenly, in numbers never before seen, did a generation want to run off to college. You see, I remember the Saturday morning PSA’s on television during all those great tv shows I watched when I was a kid: “To get a good job get a good education.” And of course that was the answer I always got: “I’m going to college to get a degree in…” and then fill in the blanks. Me? I simply saw a generation, mine, the boomers, running off to college to avoid that little thing called Viet Nam.
Now fill in the blanks with all those socio-economic-political changes…thanks to those boomers…to the present…yes, that generation 40 and younger.
There is finally, at last, a generation worse than the boomers. In fact, I have a new 1st Commandment now that I’m old, tired of, tired from, and retired and leave my house exactly once a week to do those “errands” such as grocery shopping. I enjoy talking to those blue-collar working men and women…regardless of age…because working people share that one vital thing: They WORK for a living. Those younger people? I have to avoid them like the plague because they, armed with all those formal education, all those college degrees–that their mommy’s and daddy’s paid for–wouldn’t know an “original thought” if it sneaked up and bit them on their asses.
And the worst part, for me, personally, keeping it within the context of those 70 years of life on this planet? I put it this way and it pisses everybody off…especially the ladies…but it happens to be the truth: I was born to that generation that said “women should be barefoot and pregnant,” i.e., ladies, stay home and take care of the family.
Well, the baby-boomer guys had run off to college…and so did the ladies. And it is the 40-and-under generation of women who have succeeded at screwing the pooch and are now suddenly to be accepted as the “leaders” and “experts” about, well, pretty much everything.
So I turn on the “news” and what do I see? A bunch of men and women, all races and ethnicties, all armed with their formal education in this and that, and all telling me why I am the problem and what I have to do…to make life better…for everybody, everywhere, all over this little planet.
So after spending my life my life with baby-boomers holding the top space for the worst generation, ever? Not anymore. Those 40 and under now sit quite comfortably at the top.
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Jordan Gill
1 hour ago
@Jack Morgan
You demonstrate the total lack of self-awareness and total lack of responsibility that we have come to accept from the most blind, selfish and irresponsible generation ever.
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Slawomir Palaszczuk
16 hours ago
Reading the comments I think Simon has been called out, and the next video will be about how all the anti Semites came out and left comments below his video. Simon you are very good at calling out hypocrisy and idiotic ideas of the woke left. It’s time you have taken an objective stance when applying the same level of scrutiny to your people.
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That CarGuy
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
antisemitism is self-preservation. It’s normal, in other words.
Silent 1
10 hours ago
What u just described is most of the accepted right wing. I call them tail-chasers. Tucker Carlson is another. They are awesome at identifying the problem. They are even better at misdirecting everyone to who is responsible
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Joel –
10 hours ago
And see how they devour themselves.
9 hours ago
Well said pal.
Slawomir Palaszczuk
8 hours ago
@Silent 1 not really because if you have watched this channel you would know that Simon promotes views
that these days are considered controversial or even radical right wing. These views
are probably not right wing but grounded in common sense but if Simon was not a Jew and be able to get away with saying some of these things, the left would have kittens by now
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Silent 1
8 hours ago (edited)
@Slawomir Palaszczuk you just described the definition of controlled opposition. Simon’s tribe just cohencidentally leads many of these fringe groups for the purpose of controlling the narrative, controlling the opposition. I have been aware of Simon for a long time. He jumps through hoops to deflect from those responsible. None of this is new
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Slawomir Palaszczuk
6 hours ago
@Silent 1 correct, they are trying to control narrative on both sides of political spectrum but it’s amusing when you have one and the same person arguing for both sides, and then saying moving on nothing to see here. Although I do think that political spectrum is a circle rather than a linear proposition, so if you go enough far right you will end up crossing over to far left at some point, given similarities between National Socialism and Marxist Communism.
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Dave Glynn
20 hours ago
If only the jws would stick to interfering with their own country instead of everyone elses.
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C. Ó Dubhlaoich
16 hours ago
Well they need to subvert everyone to keep the support for them going. Most of them, especially the politicians, support Is rael, but the majority don’t live there. Why? Pretty sure it’s because like I said, they need to be inside everyone else’s government to maintain the support from the inside. Most people would NOT support them if it weren’t for who knows how many millions spent on censorship and propaganda.
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16 hours ago
Jews are active in the countries of their citizenship. Not all Jews are Israelis. Actually, less than half the Jews alive are Israeli citizens. Are you saying that the Irish or Germans or Scots, wherever they live should only be involved in the affairs of Ireland, Germany or Scotland? That is idiotic.
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15 hours ago
Jews in France were absolutely appalled, when they realized that international travel restrictions would also apply to them. Suddenly, they were stuck with the rest of us for the holidays, and all of a sudden the police started to fix usual suspects activities around Jewish neighborhoods, that didn’t seem to trouble them before.
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Dave Glynn
15 hours ago (edited)
@BrownLeaf Even if they dont live in izrael or have never even visited a lot of brit jws consider it their homeland and show allegiance through waving their star of david flag at certain times amongst other things.
14 hours ago
@BrownLeaf Foreigners should not be involved in government.
That’s just common sense.
14 hours ago
@elf-ovener Yes, unless they are recruited by the government. Spectre is an idiot with no power. Just because I say something about the landscaping of my neighbor, it does not mean that I am in charge of making the decisions about his yard landscape.
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Jake the Kipper
18 hours ago
There must be a good reason why they’ve always had a bad wrap.
Lisa G*ntile’s 7th Channel
21 hours ago
“We Can Replace Them” – Michelle Goldberg 2018
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George Hetty
21 hours ago
I’m sure Adolf Hitler must have said that many times?
21 hours ago
@George Hetty have you ever wondered why the history channel and other media never put subtitles below their clips of Hitler giving his speeches?
Scott Morris
21 hours ago
@TheSmirkingGrape thanks to telegram I’ve started to watch his speeches with subtitles and I haven’t yet seen one where he says “We can replace them”.
Ms R
21 hours ago
Who is she? And who cares?
Willy Eckaslike
21 hours ago
THE DE-TH OF AMERICA was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965.
While serving Due wish interests, the Open Immigration Law Of 1965 was the beginning of America’s de-th as a unified nation. Dues were behind the law, promoting, lobbying, and “bribing” the law into existence with the fanaticism equalling the most dedicated Mu slim terror est.
Dues have continually evinced hostility toward American Chris tea an culture in their aggressive efforts to change it. The Open Immigration Law Of 1965 is a prime example of that hostility.
Dues are a paranoid people. Wherever the Dues go they fear Aunty- S. (Dues have a guilt complex – and for good reason.) Dues fear a homogenous Chris tea an culture of which they would never ascend to influential positions. Rather, in a homogenous Christian culture, Jxxx are looked upon, (and rightly so), as “Chris .t ki 11ers.” This is why the Dues tried to get Me1 Gibson’s movie, The Passion of Jesus Christ, removed from the silver screen.
A typical example of what characterizes the Due wish push for open immigration can be seen in the following 1948 quote by David Petegorsky, former Director of the AJCongress:
—— “Due wish survival can only take place within the framework of a progressive and expanding democratic society, which through its institutions and public policies gives expression to the concept of cultural pluralism.” ——
Here Are The Names Of The Dues Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:
1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Due wish Congress (A*C)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)
* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.
* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.
* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Due wish Intellect,” (translate, “Chris ,t -Hay tur”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.
* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Due wish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.
* Due wish organizations such as the American Due wish Congress, The Due wish Federation, the AC 1U, and the B ny B’,, ,rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.
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21 hours ago (edited)
@TheSmirkingGrape because he talks about their control of banking and media.
21 hours ago
Hitler existed partly as a result of what the German people saw happen in Russia.
Joe Shmoe
21 hours ago
@TheSmirkingGrape …I translated a Mussolini speech on YouTube. Amazing how fast someone was to denounce me. “They” don’t want old fascists to have any voice today.
21 hours ago
@Ms R just because you don’t know who she is doesn’t negate that it was said. There are better examples, like Barbara Specter. She e gets personal invitations from the president of Israel to discuss things like the future of world Jewry. One does not have to look far to come to the conclusion that Jews have a vested interest in multicultural societies. They are quite open about it.
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George Hetty
20 hours ago
@TheSmirkingGrape Is it because he was telling everyone how he was going to increase democracy?
Ms R
20 hours ago
@TheSmirkingGrape That’s an incredibly vague and unverifiable statement. Barbara is a professor of philosophy. You go from her personal opinion, to “all Jews” in the blink of an eye. That would get you a D in school.
Facts are important, and so is making valid arguments instead of sweeping generalizations that prove nothing.
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19 hours ago
@Ms R I’m not here to convince you, read their publications, they’ll happily out themselves, one could even say brag about it.
Ms R
19 hours ago
@TheSmirkingGrape I agree there’s something wrong with this woman. But she speaks for herself, just like I only speak for myself when I give my opinion.
Nicholas Gargano
19 hours ago
Great comments, obviously Simon has been told by his Jew masters to bang the drum against Muslims and blacks but never mention Those who cannot be criticised, just like Nick griffin was told to do in 2007
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Scotty mackay
19 hours ago (edited)
Yeah, Mossad’s priority is to employ a pensioner in his 80’s? to spread anti Muslim/Black propaganda on youtube to an audience of a few thousand. But hang on, aren’t we also told by the likes of you that Jewish people PROMOTE black and Muslims and multiculturalism? Oy vey, it’s almost as if you nutters blame them for everything and every scenario, even when they clearly contradict each other.
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That CarGuy
19 hours ago
Nicholas Gargano
19 hours ago
Can you direct me to which part of my comment mentioned the Mossad or priority?
That CarGuy
19 hours ago
@Scotty mackay Are you a bit slow i take it?
They don’t go around handing out jobs you spaz there is a thing called “social media” & this comes with what they call “Influence”
Now… If you make video’s that are popular and reach a big enough audience you get “Influence” people talk about you like their favourite Tv show and watch you the same
If your words start reaching a large enough crowd of people you start to “INFLUENCE” how they think very much the same as how Tv works and how they use it’s “INFLUENCE” to indoctrinate kids if you start making videos that go against the grain and people love it you are now classed as an enemy which is why so many channels go missing the ADL often prowl these comments
Is this making sense yet?
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Nicholas Gargano
19 hours ago
I’d say this guy is fake he has zero content or likes, might even be Zion Simon
18 hours ago
Can you actually name who his Jew masters are? Or are you assuming that everyone is bigot and if not must have Jewish paymasters?
18 hours ago
@Scotty mackay Is it possible they promote division and will take whatever side does that at that time. The contradiction is theirs not ours.
daniel reed
18 hours ago
@Nicholas Gargano Then please tell who are the ‘Jew masters’ you referred to???
Scotty mackay
18 hours ago
@WLK If you ascribe every nefarious possibility and outcome to a group, you’ll always be ‘proven right’. The contradiction is the key to you being in the wrong. Contradictions or lack thereof, are one of the ways we can tell when something is wrong or right. If you paint Jewish people as both capitalists and communists, as both pro-immigration and pro-ethnostate, as money lenders and money hoarders, as dumb and genius, as insular and ‘international’ then all you do is delegitimise whatever point you were trying to make.
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Nicholas Gargano
18 hours ago
Reread your comment, it doesn’t make sense, the construction of your sentence is very poor.
Nicholas Gargano
18 hours ago
You seem to believe you have to be one or the other, false dichotomy, you can suit your own interests, pity white Christians don’t do this more, apart from the killing, like the Israeli attack on the uss liberty.
John Harrison
18 hours ago
@Scotty mackay Except that seemingly contradictory tactics can be used SEPARATELY, in different places/times, to achieve the same ultimate ends.
Al 77
17 hours ago
@Scotty mackay People are playing with ideas. Nobody knows the precise reasons we are being genocided. Over the last 100 years we have lost significant territory in our homeland and the people occupying that territory have no intention of sharing it with us. The trend will continue until our bloodlines have vanished. The only way out is to change the political system to prevent corrupt or corrupted people gaining power and to separate from international organisations which promote diversity. In other words, chances are, we are going extinct.
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david wilkins
15 hours ago
You are pathetic!
15 hours ago
@Scotty mackay Whatcha doin there, sniptip?
14 hours ago
@Scotty mackay No one is blaming them for everything. They just hold way too much power and influence in our homes. They can change the way people think through TV, Corporate, News Outlets, Schools, etc. They’re a tiny portion yet hold so many positions of influence. No one is blaming each individual either but there’s a good chunk of them that are causing a problem.
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The last of us
14 hours ago
@G R the names are irrelevant because they own the banks and always have. Fiat debt is their invention and the system that you live under.
Scotty mackay
14 hours ago
@Al 77 You need to have more babies if you’re concerned for the white race. I see more of a concern for losing culture than race. It’s more the European culture being at stake than the white race being in peril. The west is in danger just now.
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Scotty mackay
14 hours ago
@WhitePeopleUnited1488 15 million Jewish people in the world, about half of them actually practising Jews – and you think they dominate 8 billion people to the point of controlling the home. Either your people are losers, or you’re wrong.
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13 hours ago
@Scotty mackay you do know that power is shaped like a pyramid don’t you
Nicholas Gargano
13 hours ago
@Scotty mackay a sheep dog controls many sheep, who are the owners of central banks, Hollywood studios, newspapers, TV companies, media outlets, lobby groups, you are a zionist, good luck to you, hell awaits.
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13 hours ago
@Scotty mackay I don’t ascribe every nefarious activity and outcome to a group. Just driving mass immigration into White countries as part of a program of White Erasure HIAS, the Jewish Board of Deputies to name two examples. I certainly do not see Jewish people as capitalists in the purist form as they will always skew the market to meet there own agenda. You previously mentioned their in-group preference that they drive so hard to deny Whites. The illuminatory works by Dr David Duke and of course Winston Churchill have both proved Communism is a Jewish affair. We all know that. The rest of you so-called nefarious activities are just strawman. Being dumb certainly isn’t. So I’m afraid you have only helped prove the point.
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12 hours ago
@Scotty mackay the majority of commenters on this channel barely have a handful of brain cells. Most conspiracy theorists don’t understand the concept of contradictory information.
12 hours ago
So what is it these alleged masters want: Is it MORE immigration or less??
If more, then how on Earth is simon helping their cause, pray tell???
12 hours ago
@Scotty mackay man you got a long way to go
Nicholas Gargano
12 hours ago
@brother1ray I’ll pray tell indeed, by focusing the eye on the wrong people.
11 hours ago
And Tommy Robinson
11 hours ago
@Nicholas Gargano Take a bow Captain Non Sequitur……..That answers NEITHER question!
What part of this eludes you:
“So what is it these alleged masters want: Is it MORE immigration or less??
If more, then how on Earth is simon helping their cause, pray tell???” ???
You avoidance of a simple question, speakes volumes………
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Scotty mackay
11 hours ago
@___kaneda_ What I do know, is that Germany has waged two world wars for European domination, has been the architect of the EU and open borders in the EU, and that Klaus Schwab (a German) currently leads the globalist World Economic Forum and boasts of having infiltrated western governments and specifically names Canada. So if you’re trying to convince me the small hats are behind the death of Europe, you might want to look closer to home at your spiritual homeland of Germany. Sometimes the enemy is in plain sight and the same colour as you.
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Nicholas Gargano
11 hours ago
@brother1ray I answered, oy vey
Nicholas Gargano
11 hours ago
@Scotty mackay yes ww2 narrative is exactly as it is laid out on Wikipedia
11 hours ago
Klaus is a jew.
Jon Mould
11 hours ago
@Scotty mackay culture and race go hand in hand.
Scotty mackay
10 hours ago
@Schillinger I’m afraid he’s one of your own. A nice Aryan German. Born in Adolf’s Germany.
Silent 1
10 hours ago
@daniel reed Suasan Wojcicki. Is that good enough start. If Zion Simon said anything close to the truth, Simon’s boss, Susan, would shut him down faster than you can say kosher
daniel reed
9 hours ago
@Silent 1 really? What a moronic statement. You should try to get out more.
9 hours ago
You need to read again son. He’s a jew as his mother was a jew. It’s the way it works. Fool.
Scotty mackay
9 hours ago
@Schillinger Well, I checked his Wiki and a genealogy site, none mention this. So I thought I would check his profile on one of your kind of sites, David Ike’s.- and he doesn’t seem to think he’s Jewish. I realise you’re desperate for the leader of globalism to be Jewish so it affirms your bias, but sadly he’s a whiter than white aryan from Germany. One of your boys. Choke on it.
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Silent 1
8 hours ago
@daniel reed which part of what I said is not true? I listed 1 name because u asked for names. Susan is the CEO of the platform for which Simon spews his misdirecting info. Simon militantly follows Susan’s rules no matter how silly it makes him look. I can give plenty of other names. Susan is the most basic because you put off a vibe that you haven’t even begun to understand how all of this works.
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7 hours ago
His mother was a Jew. He decided to distance himself from her and change his first name while his brother kept contact with the mother. Common knowledge wee man. Not sure why you’d look to Ike for info or Wiki. Read more because it’s common knowledge you drip.
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20 hours ago
Real talk: What if Simon came out and said it? You know what would happen? All his hard work would vanish as he would get banned and harassed into oblivion. I really believe he knows the truth. Simons actually pretty wise to cover himself here.
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21 hours ago (edited)
Exactly, i dont want his channel to get deleted
Simon Milligan
21 hours ago
I have my disagreements with Mr Webb, but I do not believe he is an anti-semite. The case he makes here is a persuasive one. It is surely far more likely be is saying what he really believes.
21 hours ago
Simon Milligan whats an “anti semite” sounds like a made up word?
21 hours ago
Odysee and bitchute
trav v
21 hours ago
@Meep Criticizing their power plays.
Pineapple Express
20 hours ago
@Simon Milligan Mr Simon Webb is a Jewish male….
Gammon Sandwich
20 hours ago
@Simon Milligan Why does “Antisemitism” exist, do you think? Do you believe it simply leapt up out of nowhere, millions of people, just deciding to take it into their heads to hate on Jews? There’s an old Russian saying; “A Jew will always tell you what happened to him, but never why.”
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Simon Milligan
20 hours ago
@Meep Google “Nazi Germany” and then tell me “anti-semite” is a made up word.
Simon Milligan
20 hours ago
@Gammon Sandwich My former landlord survived the Holocaust. His aunt died in the gas chambers. It could happen again, couldn’t it? Certainly while people believe this rubbish.
18 hours ago (edited)
@Simon Milligan lol. Silly person
Organism Seven
15 hours ago
Sadly, he believes exactly what he has said.
All old school liberal/conservative types have this viewpoint.
10 hours ago
@Organism Seven must be so hard for that generation to accept it growing up in the shadow of WW2 and realizing your fathers died for nothing!
15 hours ago
I prefer to think of it as an enterprise of the stupid, doesn’t matter who suggested it, without large scale buy in from those who either cannot, or refuse to, see the problems with it it would be nothing more than words on the wind. These are the same people though that seemingly can’t tell the difference between refugees and economic migrants that don’t want to follow the visa system like everyone else so I suspect it’s more “refuse to”.
I think cultural diversity is a good thing, but you need to ensure integration and avoid mass immigration from cultures that are completely at odds with the local culture. Would anyone suggest that moving thousands of KKK members to Sub-Saharan Africa was a good idea even though it would be in line with multiculturalism?
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vincent cooper
20 hours ago
You say it’s “hardly surprising” that Jews sympathise with refugees today. Just one point: the vast majority of Asians and Africans coming to Europe are not refugees in any historically genuine sense. If a Pakistani, or Somali, for example, arrives on the West coast of Ireland, living in a 5* hotel or in a 5 bedroomed house, his children at the local school, free medical and weekly cash payments, and his extended family (parents, grandparents) on their way to the same benefits(including non-contributory pensions for the rest of their lives), then that Pakistani or Somali is not a refugee, but a pursuer of welfare and a better life. I’m surprised that you, Mr Webb, a historian, can make such facile comparisons between real Jewish refugees and those who travel thousands of miles to a welfare state.
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Basil II Macedonia
19 hours ago
The vast majority of so-called “asylum seekers” or “refugees” are of course no such thing. Usually they are young, healthy and fit people who just want better and easier lives which is why they will pass through many perfectly safe states to get to Germany, France, or, best of all, the UK.
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Neil Coleman
18 hours ago
Spot on analysis.
Basil II Macedonia
17 hours ago
@Neil Coleman After all, I think I should know. I spent a very long time as an Eastern Orthodox Christian in Manchester, England and I encountered Lord knows how many of these chancers. In the end it was all about getting access to the easiest and most generous welfare state, not about hardship or persecution. Another phenomenon I heard a lot about was people turning up at a Church claiming to be converts from Islam who’s lives were in danger due to Sha’ria laws about apostasy. As soon as they gained secure asylum they would “express doubts” about Christianity and then, miraculously, “revert” to Islam. Taqqiyah in action.
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Neil Coleman
14 hours ago
@Basil II Macedonia Thanks,very interesting.
Amy M
19 hours ago
The advert before this video was for shampoo for blonde hair, using a black model to sell it
I can imagine the uproar if products for Afro hair were advertised by a white woman
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18 hours ago
Yes, and the agency that created that ad was, you guessed it, Jewish.
Ninth Division
17 hours ago
They literally say this themselves. All the time. Pfft, this channel is a joke.
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Germani Corporis Custodes
12 hours ago
“Europe has not yet learned to multicultural”
15 hours ago
What is a duplicitous nature? Someone who alternately peers from one side of the mirror then the other.Someone who speaks out against mass immigration then excuses and defends Barbara Lerner Spectre.Someone who does not send his offspring to a state school,not really because it is Woke but because it is not one of the squalid extreme religious indoctrination camps that we have allowed. Who says that Barbara’s tribe have integrated well but they still carry out ritual animal slaughter.A person who might avoid medical attention for the same sort of reasons that the Jehova’s Witnesses do. Walk around Golders Green on a saturday afternoon and see how well the integration is going.And ,please,no mention of genital mutilation.
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16 hours ago
Mind your business. You would be better off worrying about stuff you are familiar with.
17 hours ago
You’re afraid of calling out Semitic involvement in multiculturalism because you’re afraid you’ll lose your channel
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tom mccabe
15 hours ago
No holding back with you is there?
Marcus P
15 hours ago
I went to watch jimmy Carr last night at the mayflower in Southampton,lot of protesters at the main door,what’s your thoughts on it all ? Ps I am gypsy descent and loved the show
Alan Williams
19 hours ago
One only has to consider the enthusiasm with which Israel encourages and embraces multi-culturalism within it’s own borders to see that any suggestion that Jews in the West cynically exploit multi-culturalism as a tactic to weaken those societies is nonsense. Oh, wait…
Not all Jews, of course; but when you occupy positions of power and influence beyond all proportion to your actual numbers, it doesn’t need to be. No one wants to be the only gay in the village; and, for obvious reasons, Jews feel safer in diverse communities. Add to this a profound distrust of Christians and an emotional attachment to Israel and…well, here we are.
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19 hours ago
The irony is that it’s all back firing on them… Christian Zionists are their only friends in the world… their numbers are decreasing whilst Islamic immigration is soaring in the US… it’s only a matter of time
19 hours ago
@SomeRandomBloke there’s a pattern here
Joel C
19 hours ago
Israel is multicultural. You have Israelis of Iranian, Russian, Indian, Chinese, European descent.
Abraham Shekels
18 hours ago
Al 77
17 hours ago
@SomeRandomBloke Israel won’t survive Islamification of the west.
Alan Williams
17 hours ago
@Joel C With full citizenship? And are they forecast to outnumber actual Israelis at some point in the not too distant future?
Douglas Parise
17 hours ago
@Alan Williams doubtful. There are thousands of yidda Schwartzs. Do the math
James Painter
16 hours ago
@Abraham Shekels 100 million more, “for their enrichment.” Just to quote them shall we say.
13 hours ago
@SomeRandomBloke Not really – they’re using Muslims in the West to destabilise us and at the same time wiping out Palestinians in Israel.
7 minutes ago
You’re happy to talk about over-representation of demographics in crime, why not over-representation of demographics in banking, and in positions of power?
edmund blackadder coc
21 hours ago
The fact we have to tread on egg shells when discussing this, should say it all really.
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History Debunked
20 hours ago
We don’t need to tread on eggshells at all! Why do you think that?
20 hours ago
@History Debunked Susan wants your head I can’t even write israel flag emoji without my comment being automatically deleted
Salsylex Hagen
20 hours ago
@eclipseNF Israel flag emoji
Salsylex Hagen
20 hours ago
@eclipseNF I just wanted to see if mine got deleted. Perhaps it might later.
trav v
20 hours ago
@History Debunked Surely you jest.
20 hours ago
@Salsylex Hagen I meant the actual thing. I finished comment at “head” and put the emoji and comment gone. Comments are auto deleted after 20 seconds every time
Kalus Saxon
20 hours ago
@History Debunked Alison chabloz… jailed for a song..
Tarah Ahmed jailed for a face book post…
Both mocked the j….
The only group in the U.K. that if they want you sent to prison they have the power too!
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Dave Glynn
20 hours ago
Egg shells. My comments have disappeared already
Utube censors are out in force.
Salsylex Hagen
20 hours ago
@eclipseNF ahh right. I put the flag up then deleted it myself. I know a lot of people complain about deleted comments. Susan is watching
Biggest 23
20 hours ago
@History Debunked ……Are you genuinely unaware of the tens of thousands of channels that were purged off YouTube, the many more thousands of accounts on FaceBook & Twitter that received lifetime bans for discussing the outlandishly heavy “tribal” involvement in multiculturalisms machinations? The almost total inability of any mainstream media outlet to spotlight the heavy involvement of “tribal” organisations in bringing foreigners in to western countries, both through direct sponsorship of logistics groups, through to the open architects of it all? The power of the A…. D….. L….. (an organisation brought into being to try to deflect attention away from a pedophile murderer from the tribe) being so all encompassing in the USA and by extension the rest of the west, that virtually no institution or career that has a public face can speak on any matter that will highlight the tribe’s dark involvement in it, which includes multiculturalism, to the point that the leader of it is termed “President Greenblatt” in an unfunny recognition of the crazy amount of power he/they wield in being able to shut down anything they want? The fact that despite being banned off Twitter, President Trump would still not take an account at Gab, because tribal involvement in the disfiguring of the west was openly discussed there?
How truly out of touch can one be to make a comment like yours? It’s eyebrow raising in the extreme to even see someone write something that demonstrates such utter obliviousness to what has been happening in the last few years. Come on man, get yourself up to speed.
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Dave Glynn
20 hours ago
@Salsylex Hagen I can see that you have written it but there is still No flag emoji showing
History Debunked
20 hours ago
@trav v No, I find no problem at all in talking about this or making videos on the subject.
Dave Glynn
20 hours ago
@Biggest 23 Well said pal
20 hours ago
@History Debunked Yes because your conclusions are establishment friendly.
Freja Solstheim
20 hours ago
@History Debunked Al right then. Talk about how the tribe surrounded Kalergi and flooded his mind with their ideas. How that led him to write Practischer Idealismus which is at the heart of EU ideation today.
Talk about Israel Cohen’s book from 1912 wherein they describe their intent to destroy our people and capture our nation.
Talk about how their religion makes them literal racist supremacists for claiming themselves to be god’s chosen people and everyone are just cattle in their eyes.
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Julian Petkov
20 hours ago (edited)
@Kalus Saxon “Shakespeare” was a little Greek lady from Venice (Amelia Bassano), who liked to masquerade her entourage in Vatican hats. In fact Vatican hats are found everywhere, where there are Greek colonies.
One thing that is very telling – every time a “Great” king took huge loans and warmongered an empire with it, he would also make some strange laws beneficial to the Vatican hats. For example Charlemagne and Peter the great. In another words, they are loan collectors.
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History Debunked
20 hours ago
@Freja Solstheim I have discussed all these things and even made two videos about Kalergi! I’m not sure what your point is.
20 hours ago
@History Debunked – many people implore otherwise, Simon. Are they all wrong? Are they all rabid antisemites? How do you explain their beliefs and misunderstandings? Eventually, you are going to have to acknowledge that someone has a sinister agenda to explain the controversy.
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20 hours ago
@Biggest 23
19 hours ago
@History Debunked You may find out the hard way… hopefully not.
trav v
19 hours ago
@History Debunked Ok well it’s good that you can do that and that your comments section is able to be a forum for this otherwise suppressed subject.
19 hours ago
@History Debunked
Abraham Shekels
19 hours ago
@History Debunked when you talk about Jews? What world do you live in?
Abraham Shekels
19 hours ago
@History Debunked because you barely scratched the surface…try doing in depth research for a day or two and then talk about this subject openly and honestly – your channel will then be removed like many have already.
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Alan B’Stard M P
19 hours ago
@History Debunked because they cannot be spoken about. Video 77 seconds duration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G45WthPTo24
Reginald Bust
19 hours ago
@History Debunked Simon, at the slightest hint of “anti-Semitism”, a channel can be permanently deleted off of YouTube, even things that aren’t “Anti-Semitic”, but have the remotest connection to it, for example, old German marching songs like “Erika” and others, even though they are older than the Third Reich, and were used by the German military after the Third Reich, are often deleted from YouTube. There is a channel called Dr. Ludwig, he’s a Bavarian who loves old German military music, and he is in constant trouble with YouTube just for uploading these songs, not National Socialist songs like the Horst Wessel Lied, or SS Marschiert In Feindesland, but songs like Preußens Gloria or the Königgrätzer Marsch. There is not a single song on this man’s channel that was written during the rule of The Führer, and still his channel is always on the brink of deletion. Why is this? Is it because Germany’s past may not by anyone be considered glorious or admirable? Why not?
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Freja Solstheim
19 hours ago
@History Debunked They found in Kalergi a half Japanese son of a count. A future powerful person in Germany. They either saw him get bullied for looking differently or even made sure he got bullied, then when he hit puberty they made sure he got a Jewish girlfriend. And with that they got him surrounded by people who could shape his mind and plant the idea of making the future man a Eurasian-negroid. Someone who would look like an Egyptian and instead of having a national identity and history, he would be without any of those. Rootless, coming form nowhere and going nowhere. Someone easy to rule over for a son of a count wanting revenge over his bullies. And with the Jews as the spiritual leaders of the world.
My point is, he was shaped into being an enemy of European people, intentionally or accidentally. I lean towards the intentional due to the people surrounding him and their declared intentions by Israel Cohen.
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Julian Petkov
19 hours ago
@Rampart I will tell you who started the agenda. It is virtually impossible to tell the difference between a Vatican hat and a Greek from Anatolia (modern Turkey).
6 centuries BC, there lived a Greek philosopher – Thales of Miletus (Anatolia). He took it upon himself to go woke and deride the Balkan natives next door, who were a few shades lighter than him.
So what did he do? He invented the Myth of “Great Egypt” and started to belittle the Greeks. This is the beginning of the “Out of Africa” doctrine, too.
But lets examine the situation! The Greeks had already colonised North Africa and ventured deep into Nubia. So how could they have missed this “Great Egypt”, and need Thales to tell them?
It appears that Thales was making them up as he went, but since then, an entire mythology was invented around the “Great Egypt” theme and professed at the Masonic Lodges in Europe (which are also a Greek operation).
There is indeed concrete rubble in Egypt, but it is older than anything and there is plenty of it everywhere, not just in Egypt. Most of the “mummies” and stuccos are 18th century fraud added on sterile, industrial concrete ruins.
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18 hours ago
@History Debunked
Do you never have problems calling a spade a bloody shovel?
Nightmanger The
18 hours ago
The only thing obvious in this clip is the volume of hatred towards the Jewish state and people.
For those that think that the Holocaust couldn’t happen again should look at the vitriol in these comments.
Personally I think that the answer is for all the Jews return to Israel and build the Jewish state not the countries that obviously hate us.
This wasn’t possible before the establishment of the state of Israel but now there’s no excuse.
Leave them to their WEF masters and millions of Muslims, let them get on with it.
I retire in 3 years then I’m returning home and I suggest all of us do the same.
Dai kvar.
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edmund blackadder coc
18 hours ago
@History Debunked As you can see I’m not alone. Whenever I comment on these subjects my comments are removed or hidden. When I try to link to an external historical document, or other media it simply will not let me insert the link.
I now frequent other platforms for debates/conversations, ones not as heavily as censored as this one. I do enjoy your content though but, as others have already mentioned, you can only scratch the surface, to delve deeper you risk losing your channel.
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18 hours ago
@Alan B’Stard M P
Just watched that.
Why is it still there??
Julian Petkov
18 hours ago
@Nightmanger The The Greeks don’t employ Jews only, for their operations. Obviously they like to employ Jews for the task because the very first Jews they created were from Greeks themselves.
So if you go to Israel, they will just find somebody else to employ (plenty of freemasons and other sows around).
Why not do some digging and expose the mafia like I am doing?
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Alan B’Stard M P
17 hours ago
@Nightmanger The there’s a lot of dodjy info about the holocaust. I don’t hate you. i wish they wouldn’t interfere in host races and cultures
EnglishShieldwall 1997
17 hours ago
@History Debunked Go and tell that to Whoopi Goldberg and Gary Oldman.
16 hours ago
@Reginald Bust – people claimed that they could hear the “antisemitism” in Wagner’s music.
EnglishShieldwall 1997
16 hours ago
@History Debunked Go and tell that to all the people who have been banned from YouTube for discussing that very topic you unbearably naive man.
Organism Seven
15 hours ago
@History Debunked
I assume you are aware of the many people who have been sent to jail under the Race and Religious “hate” crime laws.
These laws do not have to prove that anyone was hurt in anyway by your words or actions.
They only have to prove that they “may” cause harm.
The state, if so inclined, could prosecute you using any number of your videos using selective edits as evidence of your guilt.
These are not theoretical possibilities.
There have been many people who have suffered the consequences of these thought crime laws.
Coincidentally, the majority prosecuted under these laws tend to be those who have expressed incorrect opinions on the Jewish “Question”.
You also thought it appropriate to lump those who believe in the ‘flat earth’ and ‘fake moon landing’ conspiracy as being identical to those who discuss the issue of a ‘Jewish conspiracy’.
Many conspiracy theories exist about a multitude of events.
But I know of only one wherby in many countries you are actually convicted and sent to jail for discussing it in the public domain.
That threat faces anyone who dares to dispute any aspect of the “Holocaust”.
Care to explain why this is the only conspiracy theory that can lead to a jail sentence.
Or do you really believe that this is just another one of those coincidences and has nothing to do with Jewish power and influence?
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James Painter
15 hours ago
Then stop, got those two things between your legs?
15 hours ago
@History Debunked we can’t even say the J word in the comments without youtube deleting it. Why are you playing stupid?
13 hours ago
@History Debunked Answer the title question in the affirmative and see what happens.
Friendly Sperg
12 hours ago
You don’t see flat earthers or moon landing deniers going and creating their own social media platforms so they actually have somewhere to speak freely. You do with people who ask the JQ. Not all “conspiracy theories” are treated equally, that should tell you something on its own.
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21 hours ago
This was demonstrated in Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald, so you’ll have to address his arguments, not the strawman you’ve created.
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trav v
21 hours ago
Good book.
Willy Eckaslike
21 hours ago
THE DE-TH OF AMERICA was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965.
While serving Due wish interests, the Open Immigration Law Of 1965 was the beginning of America’s de-th as a unified nation. Dues were behind the law, promoting, lobbying, and “bribing” the law into existence with the fanaticism equalling the most dedicated Mu slim terror est.
Dues have continually evinced hostility toward American Chris tea an culture in their aggressive efforts to change it. The Open Immigration Law Of 1965 is a prime example of that hostility.
Dues are a paranoid people. Wherever the Dues go they fear Aunty- S. (Dues have a guilt complex – and for good reason.) Dues fear a homogenous Chris tea an culture of which they would never ascend to influential positions. Rather, in a homogenous Christian culture, Jxxx are looked upon, (and rightly so), as “Chris .t ki 11ers.” This is why the Dues tried to get Me1 Gibson’s movie, The Passion of Jesus Christ, removed from the silver screen.
A typical example of what characterizes the Due wish push for open immigration can be seen in the following 1948 quote by David Petegorsky, former Director of the AJCongress:
—— “Due wish survival can only take place within the framework of a progressive and expanding democratic society, which through its institutions and public policies gives expression to the concept of cultural pluralism.” ——
Here Are The Names Of The Dues Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:
1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Due wish Congress (A*C)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)
* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.
* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.
* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Due wish Intellect,” (translate, “Chris ,t -Hay tur”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.
* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Due wish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.
* Due wish organizations such as the American Due wish Congress, The Due wish Federation, the AC 1U, and the B ny B’,, ,rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.
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20 hours ago
Simon has commented on the book… called it “terrible”… but could not refute one point… it’s all a coincidence you see
James Painter
15 hours ago
@Willy Eckaslike Sure they did, and they invariably torture their hosts into forcing them to leave …. then they whine when going elsewhere and try to get even for their own ingratitude.
Read The Ducks and the Hens no doubt deleted by YT.
And quite possibly Simon may be gone after this vid.
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Willy Eckaslike
14 hours ago
@James Painter he said the other day that he was expecting to get 5h0ad soon..i think he wants to self terminate because of his age and the hordes of people calling him out for being a Due….i have asked him many times if he has a 4 5k1n (circum has never been that popular in UK) but he refuses to answer haha
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James Painter
14 hours ago
@Willy Eckaslike Aha, I see, so perhaps a final shot across the bow.
We in the US back in the 50’s were all subject to RIC though no idea if with consent but obviously not “informed” consent. They did it here due to hatred, no other explanation. No idea if they sucked it too as mohels do with djus. Imagine, legal sexual child abuse of mutilation and molestation. Think of it!!!
And I watched videos of it happening to others. Try and get anybody you know to do the same, especially women, they won’t watch.
You’ve heard the expression “the weight of the djus?” If not, look it up …
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15 hours ago
The most consequential British PM who promoted and defended the interests of the British Empire was Benjamin Disraeli. Was he trying to destroy Britain or was he serving the Crown during the Victorian period?
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Devin Ashpole
14 hours ago
I’ve heard that Disraeli had an interesting or even a slightly adverse relationship with fellow Jews living in Briton. I will find the sources of where I read this.
Ancient One
14 hours ago
My understanding is that the British Empire is really the City of London which is mostly the Rothschilds.
14 hours ago
@Ancient One That is your “misunderstanding”
Ron P
14 hours ago
The book DISRAELI the DESTROYER refutes that claim
14 hours ago
@Devin Ashpole He was an individual with an independent mind . He did not represent the Jews of Britain any more than Spectre represents American, Israeli or Swedish Jews.
Devin Ashpole
14 hours ago (edited)
@BrownLeaf I remember reading a book by Douglas Reed. Some consider him to be nutty but I found his text interesting. I know he came to live in South Africa, Durban to be precise. His writings about Europe before WWII are a nice read. I think he spoke about Disraeli in that book.
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Paul Ross
13 hours ago
@Devin Ashpole boo
Devin Ashpole
11 hours ago
@Paul Ross English please.
8 hours ago
@Ron P Who wrote the book and what does it say? There are many books out there and few are historically correct.
8 hours ago
@Devin Ashpole That is the best he can.
8 hours ago
@Devin Ashpole Indeed. Jews tend to be singular thinkers , not mutton on hooves following the hysterical masses.
Paul Ross
51 minutes ago (edited)
@Devin Ashpole Devin, I have just seen that somebody with ostensibly the same name as me – which is fine, has posted a comment here, which is also fine. However, my channel pops up when you tap on the link to view the other person’s channel and that ain’t fine.
Therefore, because I do leave a comment on History Debunked from time to time, I feel it is encumbent on me to categorically state that have not posted any comments in the comment section here to you or anyone else. It’s particularly important to me to let you know this as I will always stand by any comments I make and refuse to hide behind any fake account /name.
As I’m far from being any type of tech wizard, I’m not sure how this has happened, but I thought you ought to know before you engage in conversation with some type of bot or other nefarious entity.
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Edward George
16 hours ago
There doesn’t need to be a conspiracy for a close-knit, well-organised group to have power way out of proportion to its numbers. Gentiles don’t fail to notice this people’s ability to undermine and destroy, and its assumed superiority. Even when some of its members claim not to be superior, but to be setting an example to the world, their assumption is that they are right. The Romans had the right idea, and treated them as ridiculous.
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David Nevin
16 hours ago
Have a look at the Kalergi plan and them watch Barbara Spectre, you’ll be making a new video Simon to correct this one as it is way off. I love all your other videos as they hit the nail on the head, this one is too far off the mark.
John Harrison
5 hours ago
I don’t trust the people in question any more than anyone else here does; but, don’t be giving Simon too hard a time over any of this: We don’t have to agree on EVERYTHING; and, if they’re as powerful as many here seem to think that they are, then it’s probably in the best interests of this channel and Simon, himself, to NOT CROSS them.
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1 hour ago
Just change the channel name from “History Debunked” to “History Rewritten”
21 hours ago (edited)
Rule for thee but not for me.
Every single time.
Lee Hogg
20 hours ago
If what you are saying is true, they don’t seem to be looking after the Palestinians very well or sympathetically
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Joel C
19 hours ago
The Palestinians don’t seem to be looking after anyone well!! The Palestinians have to blame their own leaders.
Simeon Betteridge
8 hours ago
I generally concur with Simon but on seeing this title I didn’t even bother watching as I knew what was coming. Spectre is a very creepy person, she’s won awards for her fabulousness in, of all places, Sweden. “Can’t see the wood for the trees” anyone?
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8 hours ago
You are right about Spectre , she is an idiot and so are the Swedish politicians. Mr Webb speaks the truth unabashedly .
John Harrison
6 hours ago
@BrownLeaf Yes; yes; and, usually.
Z Girl
2 hours ago (edited)
Spectre is one person. People cite a handful of elites and academics and say “the Jews” (millions of ordinary people). Incredible. This country will probably go under if the only people fighting back are like this. Simon seems to be in a minority, look at the comments.
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17 hours ago
If your answer to this question had been ‘yes’ then this video would have been already taken down and your channel banned. So of course you are going to say ‘no’.
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That CarGuy
15 hours ago
It’s a vid you don’t have to actually watch to know the outcome and general sense of it
21 hours ago
Adl on Israeli multiculturalism:
“With historically high birth rates among the Palestinians, and a possible influx of Palestinian refugees and their descendants now living around the world, Jews would quickly be a minority within a bi-national state, thus likely ending any semblance of equal representation and protection.”
“In this situation, the Jewish population would be increasingly politically – and potentially physically – vulnerable. It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory.”
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21 hours ago
Ah, I see, Israel doesn’t want what happened to Christian Lebanon in the 70’s to happen to it.
Ms R
21 hours ago
What’s your point?
21 hours ago
So London then?
21 hours ago
@Ms R You’re a hater of Europeans
Wernher von Braun
21 hours ago
@Ms R The obvious point is, Jews value their, quote: “nationalist identity”. And all of European countries should value their nationalist identity as well, but Jews detest everyone else’s national(ist) identity while insisting on their’s
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Alex May
21 hours ago
@DingBatSplat Yet they are quite happy for European/Western Countries to be consumed and die beneath an onslaught of ” multiculturism and diversity’. Diversity for Thee but Not for ME …. It’s the HYPOCRISY .
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Juno And The Paycock
20 hours ago
But, the goi is not allowed the same privileges
Ms R
20 hours ago
@eclipseNF I am European. I just don’t like people who are lazy and don’t do their homework.
Ms R
20 hours ago
@Wernher von Braun Jews? Who exactly are you talking about? There are close to 20 million Jews worldwide, ranging from far left to far right, including in Israel. I can guarantee you Jews in Israel spend very little time thinking about European immigration.
Tel Aviv is now the most expensive city in the world to live in. What the f’ do they care about UK immigration?
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Wernher von Braun
20 hours ago
@Ms R Im talking about jews in power not just in Israel, they are in Britain and Europe, those of them who are in power care about immigration since they advocate for it. But not for their land, only for other people’s land (because they know it’s destructive)
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Ms R
20 hours ago
@Wernher von Braun The one person who opened the floodgates to mass immigration more than any other was Tony Blair.
Not exactly Jewish is he?
Not to mention your leaders in Labour like Corbin who you’ve been voting in again and again for the last 75 years. They all LOVE mass immigration, and couldn’t care less about the “native” British.
The blame is with your own people. Stop living in denial.
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Wernher von Braun
20 hours ago
@Ms R The ones who are flooding the gates to mass immigration are ideological communists, communism is inherently a jewish doctrine, now passed on to the western world through the USSR (Watch Yuri Bezmenov) and you know who exactly opened the flood gates be it in america, or europe, and who is advocating for it.
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Joel C
19 hours ago
It was never Palestinian territory..
Yoel Handler
19 hours ago
@Wernher von Braun And yet Israel started as small communes and turned capitalist…
Jews cannot be communistic because communism rejects religeon…
Boho Tumbleweed
16 hours ago
Yes JewsVS non Jews.
Joan the Wad
21 hours ago
I am not a conspiracy theorist but your explanation does not sound in the least convincing.
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mel farrer
mel farrer
21 hours ago
the fact you open with you are not a conspiracy theorist sounds like snowflake talk. please enlighten a middle aged woman.
Leonard Gibney
21 hours ago
Jews are very much switched on to being the persecuted minority. Understandable. I’ve noted over the years (as an old man) how in this they cultivate friends in high places as safety buffers as well as accumulating vast wealth. Show me a billionaire today – not just a millionaire – and you’ll often be showing me a Jew. It’s no surprise Geoffrey Epstein was chums with Prince Andrew. For the Jew he was a friend in a high place. Epstein also cultivated the friendship of Trump and many others of that ilk. We know what Andrew got out of it. The rapid ascendancy of the Jew is often breathtaking. There are the burnt out ruins of a stately home in Sussex (whose name l forget) which was once the home of a Jew Baruch Goldstein l think was his name who fetched up on English shores in the late 19th century escaping Russian pogroms. He was about twenty years old but by the time he was forty he owned a huge chunk of Sussex and occupied the aforementioned stately home. One of his descendents was Anthony Armstrong-Jones. In the Jewish diaspora nobody drives a bus. That only happens in Israel l expect. Jews also like to be charitable which ethic can be useful in cultivating a good reputation. It’s all about survival. The human race is tribal and, in every country except England it appears, minorities live dangerously. No tribe knows this better than the Jew.
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Joan the Wad
21 hours ago
@mel farrer Enlighten yourself.
Leonard Gibney
20 hours ago
George Soros borrowed six billion pounds through his bank and immediately changed them into dollars. The loan was made at a rate of $100,000 a DAY interest. This didn’t faze him. When the next day the pound fell 13% against the dollar he repaid the loan at a profit of about $800 million or so. Not a bad day’s work. It’s about the timing you see. Go figure.
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Juno And The Paycock
20 hours ago
Research the Kalergi plan, then come back to us
Joan the Wad
19 hours ago
@Juno And The Paycock I replied but comment removed. I know not why because lots of other people have said more. Read my comment again. I said I did NOT find Simon Webb’s explanation convincing.
James Painter
15 hours ago
Excuse me? To whom might you be addressing?
Juno And The Paycock
15 hours ago
@Joan the Wad Sorry I saw that now… my apologies, friend…
Back to noticing
Joan the Wad
15 hours ago
@Juno And The Paycock No problem.
James Braniff
21 hours ago
There is something wrong with your explanation and you know it.
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art mallory
21 hours ago
I’m starting to think Mr. Webb is on the J-tribe payroll..
Peter N
21 hours ago
@art mallory only just starting?
Lee Cambell
21 hours ago
Well aren’t you idiotic. It’s nice to see bigots proudly talking crap
art mallory
20 hours ago
@Peter N I had my suspicions (his necklace is written in hebrew)
17 hours ago
You need to talk to someone who can lay out the reality of it. No dismissal, no pre-‘debunking’ or denigration as conspiracy theory.
Talk to someone who will give a timeline competently and put the disproportional influence they’ve had in perspective.
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Kit Bear
19 hours ago
Barbera Spectre and Rabbi Sachs. Enough said.
Guilty from their own mouths.
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James Painter
17 hours ago
Spectre, how perfectly fitting a name is that?!
16 hours ago
That is idiotic. it is like saying that because Chamberlain was a coward, all Brits are cowards too.
Kit Bear
16 hours ago
@BrownLeaf Those are just two examples of the many others out there. All you have to do is look. The world is saturated with examples of their work. One of them is mass immigration in every white country on earth. Don’t walk around blind to the obvious.
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16 hours ago
@Kit Bear NONSENSE. The destruction of the fiber of western nations is the work of post WW2 politicians who were “woke” before the term was invented. Look at your criminal political class for answers.
15 hours ago
@Kit Bear You have no proof of this diatribe you posted. There are many Jews who belong to the Doctors Without Frontiers NGO but that does not mean that DSF is a Jewish organization. Get a life!
15 hours ago
Correct. Ruined Sweden and she’s said herself Europe can only survive if run by Jews. Blatant. I don’t know how that muppet that’s been replying to you can’t read up on that.
15 hours ago
She said it herself. Read up on her, it’s not hard.
15 hours ago
@Schillinger Nonsense. Spectre was a nobody with no power , only silly opinions. Olof Palme as the PM of Sweden started the destruction of his nation .
15 hours ago
@Schillinger I read up on her. She is an idiot. And Jewish. It does not mean that 13 million Jews in the world are carbon copies of one idiot. Idiot.
14 hours ago
Not really. Multiculturalism is pushed by plenty of other groups, and there’s more than enough non communist Jewish people out there. They just don’t get the platform that the loony lefties do. Viva Frei and Professor Gad Saad for instance. I think that it’s more accurate to say that Jews are no better OR worse than any other group of people. Criticizing IDEAS rather than groups will help way more in the fight against the commies, and won’t scare off potential allies within the Jewish community.
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21 hours ago
Imagine being kicked out of every bar in the city and then people being convinced years later it was the fault of each bar.
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Hafizi Hilmi Bin Abdul Halim
21 hours ago (edited)
It is very suspicious for that person to got kicked by more than 109 bars. Don’t you think?
refusenik seán
21 hours ago
They’ve been kicked out of almost every bar known to man, no cohencidence
21 hours ago
@Hafizi Hilmi Bin Abdul Halim kicked 1336 times out of 109 bars
21 hours ago
They weren’t the only ones kicked out of the bars, by far, and weren’t kicked from every bar either.
And conveniently, every time they got kicked, they were trying to collect on their loans.
Turns out that the other people kicked also usually were.
And that the bars were all defunct bars, mired in debt.
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20 hours ago
It was only Roman Catholic countries, the most intolerant religion on God’s earth bar none, and the Papacy is inherently anti-Jewish. Hitler was born, baptised, and brought up a papist, died a papist, and spent his life serving the Jesuit Order. The Nazi’s escaped via the Vatican Ratlines to South America. Now the Jesuits of Rome on the other hand, they have been kicked out of many countries from France, Britain, China, Russia, countries that are Protestant, Catholic, and other religions. The Jesuits of Rome are the ones pushing multiculturalism and using the Jews as a scapegoat. This is not my opinion, this is historical fact, it has been proven that t hey wrote the Protocols of Zion a secret plan to take over the world and use the Jews as a scapegoat. See The Revolutionary Movement A Diagnosis Of World Disorders (1933) by John Findlater – the first author to expose the New World Order.
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Gammon Sandwich
20 hours ago
@lloydgush When you organise loans at extortionate rates of interest, then swan around in finery whilst your debtors face ruin, don’t expect people to blithely accept your terms and conditions.
Freja Solstheim
20 hours ago
@lloydgush How did they manage to collect such staggering amounts of money? Was it usury? and did they try to blackmail their way to some concessions that could make them even more profit?
20 hours ago
@mhc1 all theatre, jesuits, masons and jews are all in cahoots.
20 hours ago
@mhc1 Are all the people running hollywood and the media and those runing all these corporations and instittuions also actually Jesuits pretending to be Jews? Because they are engaging in exactly the same behavior that was documented many of the other times they were expelled. The same behaiovrs documented in Weimar Berlin. Are the Rothchilds, whose crest is on the Israeli flag, also Jesuits pretending to be Jews? Because I seem to remember them being involved in a lot o usury and deception with the BOE.
Your argument would be a good theory if we weren’t watching them doing the same thing again right before our very eyes right now
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20 hours ago
@Gammon Sandwich Simple, just don’t borrow the loan, be responsible with your money and say “sorry, I can’t pay this interests” and stop treating borrowed money like free money, like all those people did. You’d be in finery if you didn’t treat borrowed money like free money.
You should instead, listen to a different jew, a fridman jew, instead of a marx jew or a kensy jew.
Also, stop printing funny money and debasing your currency.
You can also, you know, play argentina and keep defaulting on your debts, they aren’t living in finery.
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Gammon Sandwich
20 hours ago
@lloydgush So blame the victims not the extortionists then. Nice moral code there.
19 hours ago
The issue is that has not been the case, they haven’t been thrown out of every country. Being around over 3000 years will also inflate that, how many other tribes have been around so long.
19 hours ago
@lloydgush Loans, huh? That wasn’t the only reason. Maybe you should think about Epstein for a while
19 hours ago
@carlokrenzelak If you read page 266/7 of Rome And Civil Liberty by Rev. James Aitken Wylie, it has been well known for centuries by Bible-believing Christians that the Jesuits of Rome have infiltrated every religion on earth. Please go and take two minutes to read two pages. The book was written in 1865. Wylie mentions them “pretending to be Jews” (“they abominate swine’s flesh with the Jew”) on that page. The Rothschilds are Knights of Malta (SMOM). The SMOM is a papal knighthood order which has been under the control of the Jesuit Order since the Jesuit Restoration in 1814. What the uploader does not mention is when he talks about America is that America, like Britain, is a protestant nation, and the Jesuits are now in the final stage of the Counter-Reformation. Like I mentioned previously, this is not a “theory”, this is historical fact, read Findlater’s book and he “proves” that the Jesuits of Rome wrote the Protocols of Zion. The Jesuits of Rome are therefore, the “Learned Elders of Zion”, or, more commonly known as the Zionists. Using Jews as a scapegoat by placing them in prominent positions of power.
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19 hours ago
@mhc1 You are talking about hundreds and thousands of people in powerful positions all over the world who are actually jesuits pretending to be jews to blame the jews for their actions by engaging in the same historical behavior jews have been expelled for over millenia.
So where are all the actual Jews then?
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19 hours ago
@NPChe Not true, to sum it up briefly for you, the Jesuits usurped Great Britain, fully documented, and then used Britain to partition the Ottoman Empire at the Treaty of Versailles (1919), they then created that entire middle east region (just as they created every country in South America), created the “Zionist state of Israel” which, in truth, they see as the Pope’s revived Latin kingdom of Jerusalem (1099-1291). The Masonic Jewish Labour Zionists in the Israeli Government serve their papal Jesuit masters, they are controlled by high-level illuminised Scottish Rite Freemasonry (33 degrees). If you go back to the time of Yasser Arafat and Ariel Sharon, both 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemasons, both serving their papal masters. I haven’t paid much attention for a while but you will probably find the current leaders are no different. I was explaining to another poster yesterday on a different video the history of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry, detailing where and when the Jesuits wrote all the degrees.
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19 hours ago
@mhc1 Oooh, so the Jesuits are scapegoating the Jews by giving them power so they can do whatever they have always done? That is laughable.
Also, Amschel Rothchild was no Knight of Malta, unless you think the Jesuits planned for him to be born in a Jewish Ghetto
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19 hours ago
@carlokrenzelak No I am not saying hundreds of thousands of Jesuits are pretending to be Jews. They infiltrate religions. As for politics, all of the Jews in prominent positions of power are controlled by the Jesuits mainly in one of three ways. They are either Masons, or have been educated in Jesuit universities, or they are members of papal knighthood orders. All of these papal knighthood orders are subordinate to the Jesuit Order in the papal hierarchy.
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Scotty mackay
19 hours ago
Now imagine being the elephant man being kicked out of every bar.
Scotty mackay
19 hours ago
Irish, Italians, Black people – all suffered similar. I guess they must be behind global conspiracies too.
Scotty mackay
19 hours ago
@Gammon Sandwich *forced to be money lenders. Please get it right. Banned from owning land, banned from farming, banned from the economy. Only allowed to lend money with the blessing of the Church which couldn’t do it itself, but realised the importance of needing a system with loans.
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19 hours ago (edited)
@Freja Solstheim according to Simon’s slave trade book they were one of the biggest traders in slaves, white slaves sent onto Africa among other places
19 hours ago
@mhc1 Your theory is dumb. For all of the reasons I have already pointed out. Occams Razor
19 hours ago
@mhc1 Additionally, You are saying that the Jesuits destroyed the Catholic Church with WW2, caused by Jesuits fighting other Jesuits pretending to ne Jews. Take your meds
19 hours ago
@carlokrenzelak Look if you are not convinced that is fine with me, I appreciate most people have been deceived and that I am in the minority. But no need to be condescending with me. Regarding Germany, the Jesuits were kicked out of Germany in 1870, and that is why they then orchestrated two world wars – fomenting wars against Britain and Germany the two most powerful protestant nations at that time. This is fully documented by Eric Jon Phelps author of Vatican Assassins, which I personally think is the best history book of the last 50 years, perhaps the last century. God bless.
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Freja Solstheim
19 hours ago
@Fahrenheit451 Yes. About 17 million Europeans taken as slaves. Contrast that to the 8 million blacks trafficked across the Atlantic to various destinations. We have suffered twice as much but it’s never mentioned by anyone official because we got over it and it’s against the current narrative, where we are “The Great Oppressors”.
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19 hours ago
@Scotty mackay discrimination against other groups does not prove my initial point wrong, does it? Besides if we really wanted to argue semantics Romans heavily persecuted Jews but simultaneously gave citizenship to Africans in the Roman empire. Etc. But it’s a separate issue. What is the core argument is a group of people who, through their own power, are trying to eliminate white people from our countries while making profit off of it.
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19 hours ago
@carlokrenzelak And prince andrew? And biden? And clinton? And nazi summer camps?
Yeah, nazis are just as degenerate as communists, because they are communists.
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19 hours ago
@Gammon Sandwich “extortionist” is a debt collector. You aren’t being victimized, you are being demanded what you agreed to owe.
Yoel Handler
19 hours ago
@Fahrenheit451 discluding the Africans who sold the slaves in the first place, and ignoring context of why they were in that position… gj
Scotty mackay
18 hours ago (edited)
@whatislife69 Of course it does. Your whole premise was that if a group is discriminated against repeatedly, it must be the group’s fault. Yet we know other groups have had the same. The disabled were put into freak shows and barred from public buildings. Were they at fault, or victims of ignorance at the time? The Irish were considered pests when first emigrating to the USA. Were they victims or did they do something to warrant it? the Italians were heavily abused in the US too, victims or perpetrators? Jewish people are no exception to this. We all know a kid in school that was repeatedly bullied for being a bit different. Are bullying victims the real perpetrators?
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18 hours ago
@Freja Solstheim It was through industriousness.
How the fuck jews got money? By working in trades you moron!
“How the hanseatic league got so much money” by working in trading cod, mostly.
And then, they lent money and got rich by know to whom they lend, and what rates to charge. If you look like you can’t pay, the rate is high, to cover the risks of you defaulting.
Like literally any other money lender, any other bank.
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18 hours ago
@lloydgush too simplistic. You think that’s all there is to it.
18 hours ago
@Fahrenheit451 Mine is simplistic?
You are insane.
You literally offer communism as an answer to the dangers of communism and depravity as an answer to depravity.
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17 hours ago
@lloydgush they are the opposite of communists, but stupid people don’t bother to learn anything about them
16 hours ago
@lloydgush Are you saying pedophilia is okay as long as other people are pedophiles too? I’m afraid I don’t understand your argument
16 hours ago
@mhc1 You are the one deceived. I have laid out how ridiculous yoru assertion is and you didn’t even notice.
the rise
21 hours ago
Alex told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.”
From in interview with Alex Soros, son of George in the New York Times.
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21 hours ago
It’s soror’s kid, you know, the nazi collaborator, the “the pound will fall” guy?
Nah. Any justification he gives is suspicious, specially since he wasn’t actually all that shy about his jewishness, and his survival of the holocaust enough to doom himself about the means in which he survived it.
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Van Brighouse
21 hours ago
Then his motives are self interest.
trav v
21 hours ago
There is a reason nationalist populist uprisings occur in reaction to their subversion.
Juno And The Paycock
21 hours ago (edited)
Proud Nationalist here, fighting the good fight for Ireland’s children
Julian Petkov
20 hours ago
“Soros” – the sock-puppet for the Bank of England insider trading (“Black Wednesday”) whom they still use as a sock-puppet for their nefarious operations.
21 hours ago
Yuri Bezmenov told us where this ideology came from.
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21 hours ago
Russia but then was the Russian revolution Russian?
Abraham Shekels
21 hours ago
@mattfm101 it was Jewish at its core
Wernher von Braun
21 hours ago
@mattfm101 Lenin, Stalin and other ones at the Soviet wheel back then were not Russian. Not to mention Marx and not to mention how hard Lenin was gatekeeping Jews
Evola’s Sunglasses
19 hours ago
But this agenda is pushed by international finance as well now.
International finance is the driver of open borders Globalisation and funds the Woke revolution. BLM is funded by Bank of America and PayPal.
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19 hours ago
@Evola’s Sunglasses ‘elite capture’
St Helens History Channel
20 hours ago
Multicuturalism and the ‘one size fits all’ attitude that appeals to the lowest common denominator seems to me like it comes from the big business mindset. You see it everywhere, music, tv, social media etc and rewriting history and telling people what to think is the zeigeist of today and probably the future. If we don’t see radical change in this type of thinking we will become a world of machine-like automatons…
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Evola’s Sunglasses
19 hours ago (edited)
Globalisation has probably destroyed the nation state. We need localism, regionalism as we move to bulkanization.
White women think Black men are pathetic lol
19 hours ago
I’m from Haydock, St.Helens and I want St.Helens to stay St.Helens not become a foreign country
St Helens History Channel
18 hours ago
@White women think Black men are pathetic lol I hear you xD
Patricius von Kempen
14 hours ago
Well ASK Barbara Lerner Spektre about IT. Or The Frankfurt school. Basicly Just read McDonalds book
julie freeborn
10 hours ago
Oh dear, Simon’s goofed again! Why not stick to your original plans as outlined in your trailer and instead debunk the time worn stories from history? It does look kind of suspicious.
Christopher Strode
20 hours ago (edited)
Nice video. Lots of food for thought. I certainly think a case can be made that part of the refugee problems facing Europe were in part brought about by American foreign policy in the Middle East. I also think a case can be made that American foreign policy in the Middle East is in part based on protecting Israel. This policy has been promoted by American neocons. Irving Kristol was considered the “godfather of neoconservatism” and his son Bill is one of its leading exponents.
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14 hours ago
‘ Lots of food for thought ‘ Sure, as long as it is Kosher
Mournful Mantelope 2.0
21 hours ago
I grew up being preached to on the TV by the patronizing British chief Rabbi Sachs about how racist we all were and how all resistance to immigration was racist. This was during the years of the greatest demographic transformation to the UK. And guess what, he moved his own kids to Israel so they don’t have to suffer the consequences. So a bit of tolerance and self reflection from the Jewish community isn’t too much to expect
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Ms R
21 hours ago
We’re talking about one guy? And you were forced to watch him?
Mournful Mantelope 2.0
21 hours ago
@Ms R One of many, the top UK Jew, and being forced to or not is irrelevant. He was a powerful voice
Obadiah Spong
21 hours ago
Err? It is Rabbi Sacks not Sachs. Also I don’t recall him patronising anyone. The simple fact is that importing foreigners suits both Labour and the Tories. The new migrants tend to vote Labour and also benefit the Tories by keeping wages down. Blair was the main driver of immigration into the UK and he is a Catholic.
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21 hours ago
@Ms R You’re a hater of Europeans
Mournful Mantelope 2.0
21 hours ago (edited)
@Obadiah Spong I don’t deny any of what you said, it’s not either/or. The organised Jewish community are vastly over-represented in media and politics btw, including the political parties, you might think it’s a good thing but you cannot deny it’s true. I’m just mentioning facts (barring spelling the name wrong — I take it you have skin in the game)
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Juno And The Paycock
21 hours ago
They cry as they cut you
Scott Vaughan
21 hours ago
You should watch Europa the last battle on Bitchute.
Mark Bolton
21 hours ago
@Mournful Mantelope 2.0 The “It isnt happening but if it were it would be a good thing” contention.
21 hours ago
@Scott Vaughan Interesting will do
Obadiah Spong
21 hours ago
@Mournful Mantelope 2.0 There is no denying that the UK’s Jewish community was over represented in politics and the media during the 20thC, but that is no longer the case.
Pineapple Express
21 hours ago
@Obadiah Spong it is still the case, the Russian Jew Johnson is pm, raab as deputy prime minister. That’s two Jews in the two highest positions. Overrepresented plain and simple buddy.
Juno And The Paycock
20 hours ago
@Obadiah Spong WRONG!!!!!!! LOL
20 hours ago
@Obadiah Spong Blair converted to catholicism not that long ago as he thought he would help him in Europe
20 hours ago
@Obadiah Spong you should watch the debate in Canadian parliament where Trudeau unintentionally upsets a Jewish mp . Then literally dozens of holocaust survivors popped up to have their tuppence. It was hilarious
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20 hours ago
@Obadiah Spong lmfao, he became catholic to try and lose heat, he is a luciferian and a lefty.
19 hours ago
@Obadiah Spong Barbara Roche was the architect of Blair’s open border policy and she is a Jewess.
Scotty mackay
19 hours ago
Rabbi Sacks was great and quite based. He was anti-cancel culture and spoke up for the working class.
mary gannon
19 hours ago
@Obadiah Spong he’s not a real catholic, he converted recently to Catholicism. He’s a phoney.
James Painter
15 hours ago
@CLonie The millions of “survivors” always kvetching/whining disproves their own myth.
11 hours ago
@James Painter I know it’s like the most efficient war machine in modern history WW2 Germany supposedly killed 6 million Jews but their are millions of survivors and now children of survivors are survivors.
11 hours ago
“Hello again” gets my like every time. I’m a simple man, I’m fully aware.
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6 hours ago
John Conner
18 hours ago
Well done Simon, you referenced Education & Academics. Never assume intelligents follows the other two. This is a broader fact, and not assigned to the Jewish nation alone.
Adam Webb
17 hours ago
“Well educated”. Or maybe indoctrinated?
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That CarGuy
15 hours ago
Aren’t they one and the same?
The fat Controller
18 hours ago (edited)
This is the subject you cannot discuss. I fear your channel doesn’t have long left here on youtube.
ARNI Julian
20 hours ago
5 to 2’s are bleeding hearts due to their elders past & so we have to deal the back lash that comes from the 4 by 2’ because of their ill placed empathy.
The detriment of their empathy is not the whole story but it plays a decent sized role.
they haven’t some hidden agenda but they don’t help the situation unfortunately;)
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20 hours ago
Aren’t you effectively taking the XRW view here? From the external perspective, what is the difference between a formalised conspiracy and an informal shared doctrine? You’re arguing the form whilst agreeing with the substance.
Andy See
18 hours ago
Imagine if every refugee brought in two more refugees.
20 hours ago
I’m gonna enjoy listening to angel of death by slayer tonight…
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George Hetty
11 hours ago
In your darkened room? Do you put on a uniform? Does it suit you sir?Does it? Ooh,suits you sir ooh!
20 hours ago
Yes, it is.
Paulie Gualtieri
21 hours ago
Simon The Frankfurt School was a school of social theory and critical philosophy associated with the Institute for Social Research, fully Jewish.
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21 hours ago
Expanding on marxist ideas, by a georgian, who copied a few jews, who copied some french lunatics.
Golden Thunder
21 hours ago (edited)
Don’t forget the “Second Viennese School” (essentially created by Arnold Schoenberg) in Western Art Music.
Like Dadaism it was one of the greatest crimes committed against its respective discipline of the arts.
Paulie Gualtieri
21 hours ago
@Golden Thunder
And the hippy and feminist movement in America guess who….
18 hours ago
@Bu Jammy No, no, it’s heavily influential.
So was russeau, the french man who never spent a day with a kid who influenced that school.
Also, so was hitler, who they copied a lot, specially his denial of universal, objective reality. But to be honest, that sorta starts with marx being a complete moron and not understanding science.
The terrifying shit about FS is that they looked at what hitler did, what mao did, and they envied it.
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Golden Thunder
17 hours ago
@Bu Jammy Apparently Adorno was favorable towards Schoenberg’s “music”.
James Painter
16 hours ago
@Golden Thunder It’s all they’re capable of, garbage art, garbage music, etc. They’re simply insensate.
They can’t tell the difference between beauty and ugliness.
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Golden Thunder
14 hours ago (edited)
@James Painter Schoenberg is renowned for having been an essentially self-taught composer, with only a few months of formal training. In my view, THAT is the reason why he had to resort to dodecaphony and atonality; because he didn’t actually have the training and creativity to pull off a genuine career in actual music.
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James Painter
14 hours ago
@Golden Thunder Well, taught me a new word! I mean … that I’ll have to look up.
A friend who loves classical told me they’re cramming all that atonal stuff in at our local music hall. I asked him for some examples and listened with my gf, she hated it so much I annoyed her by playing several. Even to my un-trained ear it was god-awful.
But who explain some of that modern tat-a-tat- tat techno rap? Fortunately, where I live I never have to hear it except from some delivery people rarely.
Even rock is long gone, I am not familiar with anything in the past 30 years that I’d care to listen to. The sixties are long gone though perhaps not great music nothing today compares. What happened???
And black music way back in the day, sounded great! Now awful! Again, what happened?
Maybe I’m just old but I don’t turn on the radio anymore except for classical.
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Gary Belford
18 hours ago
You see, they don’t do it because they’re mean, they do it because they’re awesome.
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18 hours ago
Very well put.
Joe Smith
17 hours ago
Gee, these “conspiracies” seem to follow the jew wherever he goes for over 2,000 years now, wonder why that is.
david render
20 hours ago
Moon landings we’re not faked but some of the pictures were as they weren’t able to get the pictures at the time. But they couldn’t actually say now we faked the pictures but not the landings as it sounds strange that it was harder to get pictures from the moon than get there. I could list the pictures involved but you would need to be a photographer to understand why they couldn’t do it. And any kid who plays online games could tell you why that video of the eagle taking off from the moon wasn’t possible in the 60’s. And mass immigration to the UK is supported by feminism.
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21 hours ago
We should ALL be as chronic homeless as the Small Hats!
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Ms R
21 hours ago
Who made the small hats homeless?
James Jameson
21 hours ago
@Ms R the big hats
21 hours ago
@Ms R There must be something they can gain when they are living among strangers – what could it be?
art mallory
21 hours ago
@elbuggo Control & Power…
21 hours ago
@James Jameson
21 hours ago
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20 hours ago
@art mallory or see the Biblical book of Esther for general strategy.
Freja Solstheim
19 hours ago
Observer Dude
9 hours ago
But persecution against Jewish people in europe has risen in recent years.
If made immigration has contributed to it, then why would they be in favour of it?
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2 hours ago
As always Simon, you are spot on!
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Willy Eckaslike
1 hour ago
no hes not…hes trying to cover up for his buddies
18 hours ago
So who do we trust to speak for the Jews? The proud Jew Barbara Lerner Spektre, at the centre or the project to transform Europe ,or the non Jew HD …….oooooops , who apologises and excuses her ,calling those who disagree with his “analysis” flat earthers?
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Jam Pudding
20 hours ago
Its not illegal to discuss the shape of the Earth.
Can the same be said about the subject of this video?
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Dave 22
20 hours ago
You don’t live on a spinning globe. That’s just another silly lie that “they” made up and programmed into your mind. They don’t need to make it illegal to talk about it. They have already cemented it into the collective’s psyche that it is an undeniable fact that should attract ridicule and scorn if anyone dares to question it in public. As amply demonstrated in the opening line of this video.
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Jam Pudding
20 hours ago
Demonstrate the error in satellite orbital math calculations, and the mathematical ability to predict orbital satellite positions and then come back to me. The math that predicts orbital positions does not work when used to calculate the position of an object over a pizza shaped object, or an earth based transmission site.
But obviously, you are free to carry on believing whatever you like.
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19 hours ago
I think it’s the lies like Jews needing christian blood for the Sabbath that raises eyebrows, do falsehoods like this offend you?
Dave 22
19 hours ago
@Jam Pudding What is it you think (assume) I “believe”? You don’t live on a spinning globe. That’s a fact not a theory.
Do you have any actual proof for the silly fairy tale or just predictions and retro-fitted numbers?
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Jack Mercer
19 hours ago
Jam Pudding
19 hours ago
Do you actually believe you live on a flat world, or are you just engaging in philosophical argument.
I guess it doesn’t really matter.
Math doesn’t lie. It can be examined and demonstrated. Orbital positions can be calculated and verified.
I have yet to see anyone demonstrate a flat earth without the use of intellectual misdirection.
Have a great day.
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Dave 22
19 hours ago (edited)
@Jam Pudding “Do you actually believe you live on a flat world”
When do you think I said this?
You are attempting to turn a factual conversation into a philosophical argument, not me.
I could use math to predict the time that presents are placed in living rooms across the world but it wouldn’t mean that Santa Claus must therefore exist. I could create mathematical models to predict what the Star Trek universe would look like but it wouldn’t mean it was real.
You are assuming that there are satellites flying around a globe to prove that we have satellites flying around a globe.
I haven’t claimed that the earth is flat. The burden of proof is on you to prove that we live on a spinning globe. And all you have is a silly science fiction story about satellites and space.
I am having a great day, thanks. If I was on a spinning globe inside an infinite vacuum, I wouldn’t be. We wouldn’t be having this conversation if that were the case.
Time to wake up and grow up. You were lied to when you were a child. We all were
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Dave 22
19 hours ago
@Jam Pudding “Math doesn’t lie”
…said Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London. Look at us now, two years on.
Dave 22
19 hours ago
@Jam Pudding “Math doesn’t lie. It can be examined and demonstrated.”
How do you examine and demonstrate math, exactly? Are you suggesting that you have examined and demonstrated that numbers are flying around in outer space? Lol
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Jam Pudding
18 hours ago
The math didn’t lie, he did.
That’s like blaming a tape measure because the person reading it didn’t read it correctly.
Jam Pudding
18 hours ago
I’m assuming that satellites are spinning around the earth?
I should hope so, I helped launch them!
You have a great day, on whatever shaped Earth we live on. Peace out.
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Dave 22
18 hours ago
@Jam Pudding No, it really isn’t. Now, do you have any actual proof for the impossible spinning globe or just silly science fiction fairy tales, retrofitted numbers and illogical theories about mathematics?
Are you saying that it’s not possible that you could be lying or mistaken about your numbers? That would make you God (or a Satanist who thinks he is God)
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Dave 22
18 hours ago
@Jam Pudding “I should hope so, I helped launch them!”
Brilliant. Do you work in Hollywood, by any chance?
So, your only evidence for the spinning globe is an anecdote about you launching satellites. Got it
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15 hours ago
@Jam Pudding Math doesn’t prove anything, certainly not curvature of Earth. It does not create reality. Two flying purple elephants minus one does not prove a flying purple elephant actually exists. Math is a tool used to describe phenomena after the fact. Math is used to measure pre-existing lengths, distances and shapes. First, you need to apply a value/measurement in reality to your math.
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15 hours ago
@Jam Pudding you need to ask yourself more questions lol
Uncle Yar
16 hours ago
If you say it as a positive, they will agree with you. If you say it as a negative, your channel will stop, you will be socially ostracized and could have the police knocking on your door.
Neville Bartos
16 hours ago
Immigration, as is ALWAYS reflected in the figures — and keep in mind I’m talking about legal immigration — is driven by economics.
Immigration in the form of EU free movement was entirely an economic phenomenon, and so, for the most part, was non EU immigration.
In the 80s when unemployment was vast and the job market, especially low paid jobs, was hugely over saturated, net immigration was negligible.
Through the 90s and 00s we saw enormous upward mobility amongst native Britains. So much so that traditional working class jobs like factory work, cleaning, labouring, even orderly jobs in the NHS, attracted far too few people.
Economics, business and necessity abhors a vacuum.
And so we go from a net migration of a few thousand to hundreds of thousands.
It’s the literal importation of a new working/under class.
None of which has anything to do with Jews.
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SS G0yli
15 hours ago
Watch the famous interview with the Jewish women Barbara Lerner spectre – you have ALOT to meant homie
Neville Bartos
14 hours ago
@SS G0yli I’ve no interest
in conspiracy theories about Jews. Especially as they tend to keep close company with antisemitism.
Rather Large Hooter
13 hours ago
Who controls the money.
Who controls these businesses?
Nick Singh
12 hours ago
There is this geezer yeah, he has been evicted by 109 landlords, however he cannot be criticised as it is punishable by law. Nothing unusual here
20 hours ago
Simon I would interested to hear about the glorious battlefield victories won by Slovo and his MK.
By Cromwell’s Helmet!!!
14 hours ago
Back in the 60s one of my brothers had a Jwsh business partner who told me he was glad Blks were being brought into the country because it would now re-direct racism by offering up a new target.
Martin Levy
16 hours ago
It’s worth pointing out that many Jews (and people with Jewish ancestry) are on the right or towards the centre of the political spectrum and, by extension, not friendly to extreme forms of multiculturalism. To name a few: Eric Kaufmann, David Goodhart and Eric Zemmour. That said, the present video was not one of your best Simon. But at least you did some research and made your argument with courtesy and honesty. Wish I could say the same of some of your commentators … .
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C. Ó Dubhlaoich
16 hours ago
I’ve spoken to a couple like that..then I brought out some questions they didn’t want to answer, and by the end of our conversation they were literally saying “Jacob is on top now” and calling me E s a u (even though that’s who they admit they are in their encyclopedia)
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Pedro Coimbra
16 hours ago
For every “right wing jew you have 100 left wing ones, and even the right wing are Zionist, and*Zionist first.*
So, no.
Martin Levy
16 hours ago
@Pedro Coimbra I don’t doubt there’s some merit in your first point, at least historically – partly for the reasons given by Simon. As for your second point, I don’t see the relevance to what I said. Probably best to keep your opinions about Zionism out of it.
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Rather Large Hooter
13 hours ago
The so called right wing ones are there to stop people noticing what their left wing kin get up to.
James Dean
21 hours ago
Israel’s law “creates three tracks of naturalisation“: the highest track for Jews, a second track “for non-Jewish foreigners, who can apply for Israeli residency status through a process of individualised interviews and background checks”, and the lowest track for “Palestinian/Arab/Muslim spouses of Palestinian citizens of Israel who are prohibited from entry for the purpose of family unification”.
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21 hours ago
Who in their right mind would wish to live next door to an Arab or Palestinian!
21 hours ago
Juno And The Paycock
21 hours ago
Effectively creating an Ethnostate
Juno And The Paycock
21 hours ago
@98.4 % CHIMPANZE In the cause of freedom from the greedy clutches of my enemy? YES!
Scotty mackay
20 hours ago
@Juno And The Paycock Interesting ethnostate, given that Israel has a larger minority population as a percentage than the UK. You should have paid more attention to Simon in this video as he basically mocked people like you who think it’s an ethnostate.
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Joel C
19 hours ago
Hardly an ethnostate..Israel is multicultural. You have Israelis of Iranian, Russian, Indian, Chinese, European descent.
Juno And The Paycock
15 hours ago
@Joel C Lololololol you’re just hilarious
20 hours ago
Yes I have said this all along
K. C.
8 hours ago
Simon’s necklace says it all. Don’t expect an honest look at those people from him. Seems to me he’d happier if he was born one. No offense Simon. I usually love your work. But your love of “them” keeps you from being fully taken seriously.
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8 hours ago
… says the Jew hating dimwit …
John Harrison
6 hours ago
@BrownLeaf …says the fallacy and propaganda spouting bum-hurt case.
7 hours ago
Nothing makes sense until you accept this basic truth Simon.
21 hours ago
Come on Simon… Israel has 9 parties in their parliament…7 are far right, 1 Arab party and 1 genuine left wing party…. ethnostates for me, but not for thee
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Ms R
21 hours ago
Israel is 20% Arab. Do you know how to use Google?
Willy Eckaslike
21 hours ago
THE DE-TH OF AMERICA was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965.
While serving Due wish interests, the Open Immigration Law Of 1965 was the beginning of America’s de-th as a unified nation. Dues were behind the law, promoting, lobbying, and “bribing” the law into existence with the fanaticism equalling the most dedicated Mu slim terror est.
Dues have continually evinced hostility toward American Chris tea an culture in their aggressive efforts to change it. The Open Immigration Law Of 1965 is a prime example of that hostility.
Dues are a paranoid people. Wherever the Dues go they fear Aunty- S. (Dues have a guilt complex – and for good reason.) Dues fear a homogenous Chris tea an culture of which they would never ascend to influential positions. Rather, in a homogenous Christian culture, Jxxx are looked upon, (and rightly so), as “Chris .t ki 11ers.” This is why the Dues tried to get Me1 Gibson’s movie, The Passion of Jesus Christ, removed from the silver screen.
A typical example of what characterizes the Due wish push for open immigration can be seen in the following 1948 quote by David Petegorsky, former Director of the AJCongress:
—— “Due wish survival can only take place within the framework of a progressive and expanding democratic society, which through its institutions and public policies gives expression to the concept of cultural pluralism.” ——
Here Are The Names Of The Dues Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:
1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Due wish Congress (A*C)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)
* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.
* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.
* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Due wish Intellect,” (translate, “Chris ,t -Hay tur”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.
* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Due wish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.
* Due wish organizations such as the American Due wish Congress, The Due wish Federation, the AC 1U, and the B ny B’,, ,rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.
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Joel C
19 hours ago
Israel is multicultural. You have Israelis of Iranian, Russian, Indian, Chinese, European descent. Learn the facts first you foolish person.
Abraham Shekels
19 hours ago
@Ms R yeah…that’s an 80% ethno-majority and Jews have 100% political power. No Arab is is ever going to be PM of Israel lmao
Ms R
18 hours ago
@Abraham Shekels 80% is not an ethnostate, and whether an Arab would get elected prime minister is irrelevant to that question.
13 hours ago
@Ms R may not to be a ethno state but it is a homogenous just like Japan which means if u don’t know that the government cares mainly for their ancestral people of the land.
Abraham Shekels
9 hours ago
@Ms R your point is irrelevant to the fact that Jewish NGO’s are working to bring in brown people to white countries and NOT to Israel. Why don’t you address that point instead of coping harder.
Ms R
5 hours ago
@Abraham Shekels Jewish NGOS? Which ones? There are hundreds of NGOS, probably thousands.
In my experience the most pro-refugee, pro-migrant people I have EVER met have been native English. Often women.
People like you refuse to admit it’s your own kind doing this. Angry feminists and confused leftists with lives that are too comfortable and with too much time on their hands.
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20 hours ago
You were doing so well, two back to videos not about Race until this one
For the record, it’s 7 Race videos to 3 non Race since your assurance that you’re not obsessed with Race.
Keep trying
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History Debunked
19 hours ago
You’ve been counting? Some people have way too much time on their hands!
Durham Fox
19 hours ago
19 hours ago
@History Debunked not as much as you…. Delving deeper and deeper into issues to connect it to Race takes A LOT of time I imagine.
John Harrison
18 hours ago
@melbeeswax Not really; the connections are actually QUITE GLARING.
18 hours ago
@John Harrison Depends if your of the same frame of mind as Baldy Tache Chops.
John Harrison
17 hours ago
@melbeeswax No; depends upon whether or not you’ve been conditioned to dismiss obvious but “offensive” FACTS.
17 hours ago (edited)
@John Harrison Or swallow them whole.
P.S Whether you think they are offensive or not is up to you.
Organism Seven
15 hours ago
So you don’t like people discussing the subject of race?
And why would that concern you?
Would it be be because people may arrive at conclusions you disapprove of?
14 hours ago (edited)
@Organism Seven Never expressed an opinion on it, just pointing out the obsession. I love the pitchfork mob mentality that ensues.
The comments lurch from from one fervent tirade to another.
Probably all from passive aggressive pensioners.
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Organism Seven
14 hours ago
“Pointing out the obsession”
That is you expressing your opinion.
I think you may be an expert in passive aggressive methods.
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14 hours ago
@Organism Seven No it isn’t, it’s pointing out that Tache face is obsessed.Nothing more nothing less.
You may form an opinion as to why, but it’s pure speculation on your part I’m afraid.
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George Hetty
11 hours ago
@melbeeswax Interesting that you don’t seem interested in countering what he actually says but are very prevalent with your personal insults? Is the prospect of debate a bit of an overreach for you sonny?
11 hours ago (edited)
@George Hetty I’m NOT interested whether you’re interested in my disinterest in countering any points that Baldy Tache face makes.
Only interested in his obsession with Race.
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18 hours ago
Short answer… yes.
C. Ó Dubhlaoich
17 hours ago
Starting to suspect Simon is one himself
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Justin Thaim
17 hours ago
Nice necklace he’s wearing…
16 hours ago
Certainly as close as can be.
Mark Ash
16 hours ago
So, Simon’s position seems to be that it’s not a “conspiracy theory” – it’s true, for the three reasons he gives.
noticer 00
17 hours ago
ding ding ding, we have a winner. Simon has finally crossed the rubicon, I repeat, the eagle has landed.
Van Brighouse
21 hours ago (edited)
The better educated you are, the more opportunities you have at an international level so it is as much out of self interest to weaken borders, rather than some sense of common humanity. I suspect if the educated found their economic interests were thwarted by open borders, they’d have the same attitude as the working class. However, the current migration means suppressed wages for the lower paid, leading to lower prices for the educated middle class, along with cheap cleaners and nannies etc. People have a way of camouflaging their self interest in a veneer of selflessness.
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trav v
21 hours ago
Historically it goes back to them being a diasporic people wandering through nations. Promoting multiculturalism allowed them to blend in, instead of standing out as an alien minority scheming for their own benefit.
Their racial survival strategy always leads them to being kicked out (or worse) from the host country given a long enough timeline.
Show less
Van Brighouse
20 hours ago (edited)
@trav v You are the one who used the word “scheming”. Most Jews were like any other people, when the Levant was conquered by the Christians and Arabs, many Jews became Christians and muslims. One of the open secrets in the Levant is that most Palestinians were descended from the Jews. Roman’s kicking Jews out of the Levant lacks all historic evidence. The Roman’s who recorded everything, recorded nothing about expelling the Jews from the Levant. BTW Genetics backs up the fact that Levant Jews, Arabs and Christians are for the most part, the same people.
People tend to look after their own interests and dress their self interest as selflessness. That is not to deny there is a jewish diaspora, most nations have a diaspora and even converts to a diaspora’s beliefs. The 13th tribe theory can’t be proved one way or the other because of similarity in genetics in the region but that isn’t unusual, rather like many Brits who can’t be genetically differentiated from surrounding coastal regions of countries.
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Juno And The Paycock
20 hours ago
I don’t even think they know they’re doing it sometimes.
I had a middle-class acquaintance that took objection to me on Facebook for questioning mass immigration to Ireland.
A few weeks later, he posted up pictures of some beautiful work done by his two Nicaraguan workers.
I told him I hoped he was paying the going rate for an Irish carpenter, and informed his workers that they should be getting 50-60 Euros an hour
He probably thought he was doing them a FAVOUR!!!!!
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Juno And The Paycock
20 hours ago
@trav v Yeah they still managed to get kicked out of 109 countries though
Why? Greeeeeeeeed
Evola’s Sunglasses
20 hours ago
The middle class have got the benefits of Globalisation but I think the good days for them are now slowly coming to an end.
Scotty mackay
20 hours ago
The corporate right for years pushed open borders because it meant cheap labour.
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@trav v “Racial survival strategy “, oh you mean being successful and unsuccessful dependent on which period of time and country ? A bit like Catholics or Protestants, or Muslims, or Sikhs?
trav v
8 hours ago
@George Hetty Frame it however you want. They constantly strive for power in other peoples lands and scheme. They control massively disproportionate amounts of power right now in the West and are turning our own systems against us.
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The Man
20 hours ago
and simon, for all your apologetics, riddle me this.
why was the territory now known as israel captured by the british and gifted to (THEM)?
of course, to openly critique and scrutinise them puts you on an ADL list.
i’m already there baby, and don’t plan to stop anytime soon.
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Boho Tumbleweed
17 hours ago
please don’t stop
Dion Ysus
17 hours ago
Evidently you need to expand your library. Try ( E. Michael Jones-The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit)
Jan Sammut
19 hours ago (edited)
You said jew’s had to flee from Arab countries in the 40’s.This wouldn’t have happened if the Ashkenazim had never been given an Arab country in the Levant, and then did their utmost to convince Arab Jew’s that a much better life awaited them if they were to immigrate to Palestine. Many of the older Mizrahi look back with much fondness to the lives they left behind, unlike European Jews (who for the most part) were only too eager to put their horrendous experiences of living in Europe behind them.
There are other parts of your video that I could take up with you as not being very accurate, but I need to return to work.
That’s a pity because by the time I get back, you will no doubt have moved on to uploading another video.
P. S. Arab’s and Jew’s generally got on just fine until the creation of Israel. Not so much European’s and Jew’s prior to the end of the war.
Something you neglected to say.
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Joel C
19 hours ago
Wrong. The Arabs forced people to convert. The Arabs also invaded Iran and went as far as India.
Jan Sammut
15 hours ago (edited)
@Bu Jammy Please explain what exactly you find is nonsense regarding my comment. Almost everything I wrote comes from Israeli text, or Israeli websites or are
jewish people’s accounts of their lives in Arab countries. If you don’t believe what they had to say about their lives in Arab countries, then you need to do some research and stop talking out of your backside.
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Jan Sammut
15 hours ago
@Joel C Not quite as straightforward as that. It seems like you are parroting official Israeli propaganda regarding the Arab Jew’s resettlement in Palestine.
You mentioned Iran… funny how so many jew”s decided to stay put in that country when they had every opportunity to
move to Palestine. I always thought Iran was the big Satan, at least that’s the view the Israeli government’s want us to believe.
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John Graham
11 hours ago
Ron Paul started me on the JQ. Federal Reserve -Jekyll Island – Eustace Mullins – Ezra Pound – Francis Parker Yockey – Spengler – Ernst Junger – Evola etc. Quite an educational journey. Hats off to Ron Paul!
J. A.
20 hours ago
How many countries have the Jews been kicked out of and why?
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Oliver Johnson
19 hours ago
Ahh dont mention that nor talk about it…..just say “they fled”. and make them out to be the victims.
Gurgle Jug
18 hours ago
By that argument – any group who pushes more for immigration than a host country’s population in general would like, is not inline with its wishes and therefore presents a potential problem: What you are doing is implying, at the very least outlining, a problem with academic Jews.
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11 hours ago
Short answer ……YES !
20 hours ago
People have a right to discriminate on the basis of trust.
20 hours ago
So we agree. 1. Jews are capable 2. Jews direct their capable efforts towards making western countries more multicultural.
I would add another element to the analysis however, which goes to reinforce and explain the cause of their wanting multiculturalism. It is part of a religious edict to promote the idea amongst their flock, that J’s have been unfairly persecuted in the past and/or present. The reason they do this, I think, is to keep their identity separate from the non-J whom countries they inhabit. Ultimately to ensure that their religion stays alive. The inevitable consequence of this is that they tend to want to sway society away from whatever is perceived as the past state in which they were persecuted. Whatever that reason is, is quite loose and the normal J can be made to believe a variety of different things, but in the modern times it is nationalism and a collective indigenous identity. Which isn’t entirely due to the J influence, that narrative is also western originated most likely.
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Paul P
21 hours ago
There are groups and breakaways in all societies which work against us Templars, masons Herodians, opus day, sabatian frankists, and they are in all religions as well.
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Juno And The Paycock
21 hours ago
All roads lead to Jerusalem, friend.
God Bless
Dragon of Hateful Retribution
21 hours ago
@Juno And The Paycock
21 hours ago
Is this not a problem that you only can serve God in a precise small location Many people from all places wish to serve God so why the location Do you measure God in these Abramic religions .God doesn’t mind were you serve him but you serve him .Status and location are nothing God can give you immediate express exceediance of such mundane business of status location .If God didn’t make this obstacles why would they put this before God.
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Dragon of Hateful Retribution
20 hours ago
@Rose I can serve the Mother Goddess & Father God in large or small manners by means that transcend the very concept of locality itself. I show appreciation to The Originator in my own way. I do not adhere to the Abrahamic mind-plagues.
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Juno And The Paycock
20 hours ago
@Dragon of Hateful Retribution I will pray for your soul, friend.
Bushwhacked 71
18 hours ago
I’ve had enough of this utter bo11ocks. Farewell.
Tully Xerj
13 hours ago
A great deal of refugees came in as a result of being allies to Western powers during invasions of their home countries. Most Vietnamese in the U.S. are from the Southern part of Vietnam. This can also be seen with newly incoming Afghan refugees who were allies during that campaign. Afterall, who would help Western powers in the future if they witnessed Western powers desert allies in the past.
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5 hours ago
An inconvenient fact is still a fact. Thou doth protest too much!
camo camo
15 hours ago
For an educated man Simon you don’t seem to have a clue what’s going on.
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15 hours ago
He’s very educated but also very very VERY fond of his blinders.
The Vindex
17 hours ago
They do it to nurture struggle amongst peoples, because that hatred amongst them buys these specific interested parties time even though the patience of the host people has its limits.
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That CarGuy
15 hours ago
I agree except for the last part..
They don’t seem to have any limits at all in act they seem quite content heading straight into their own destruction im sure many will gladly thank you for it too while smiling and grovelling
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16 hours ago
Simon you’ve just destroyed all your credibility with one very untrue vid.
Europa the last battle proves how bad this vid is.
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SS G0yli
15 hours ago
Exactly!! This is now a ‘how to video’ on how to destroy your own reputation in under 5 minutes … Cudos Simon
19 hours ago
Its less to do with educational level for supporting refugees. The poorest already have a lack of resources and refugees get dumped in those areas instead of side by side with wealthy well educated people.
If we are to have a refugee system it should work like the kinder transport of ww2. Wealthy benefactors,or close family already within the uk should sponsor and be personally responsible for each valid refugee instead of relying on state benefits
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18 hours ago
I have met a number of Jews over the years and each I have found very nice, thoughtful and self aware. My only real knowledge is through my awareness that as business owners they are very capable, they follow their way of life without interfering with others. They don’t tell me what to think, or what I can or cannot do. So when your able Simon I will be very interested in a video how the conspiracy has evolved.
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Lee Sauce
18 hours ago
“I have a black friend, therefore crime statistics are wrong.”
Douglas Parise
17 hours ago
I have a Chinese friend, but I rarely order egg fu yung
17 hours ago
@Douglas Parise Douglas,
sonny irish
21 hours ago
I saw a rabbi speak about this from the middle east.He has blamed this on “western Jews” and not real Jewish Jews.
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20 hours ago
Do you have a reference?
Abraham Shekels
16 hours ago
That’s anti-Semitic of him
Reuel Melville
11 hours ago
Simon (I hope you’ll see this), I have always enjoyed your talks and always thought you spoke honestly and sensibly. I feel so even now. I say this as a white South African, living in a country falling apart. I think you’re a sensible honest man with real insight. Even so, I feel I must unsubscribe to your channel. I have read through a number of the comments to this video (most of which seem to be from followers of your channel). And, having done so, I cannot but be ashamed of the company I have been keeping. I am sorry that so many of my liberal friends have been right – that so many of the conservative ideas I cherish are mainly held by hateful people. I continue to agree with you about just -about everything and wish you success.
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11 hours ago
Goodbye liberal, you won’t be missed, enjoy your failed country whilst you flail around for answers you will never be permitted talk about
George Hetty
11 hours ago
You are a coward!
David Marcus
10 hours ago
Are you not conflating hateful & truthful, South Africa is a prime example of what we are saying, who financially backed & trained Nelson Mandela and his terrorist cells.
Echo 180
8 hours ago
So basically you’ve just realised that racism is a load of shite spewed but hateful losers like Webb and his soon to be unsubscribing followers. But it took insults aimed at Jews for you to work this out.
Alan Childs
22 hours ago
From what I have seen the answer would be yes
Alex Woland
20 hours ago
The theory you mention is already debunked when you realise that the Jews in Europe were in fact the first victims of the new “multi-cultural society”. In the UK this is less visible even though even here have been incidence. In other parts of Europe this is much worse. Antwerp, for example, had a centuries old Jewish community, with many dealing in diamond and gold, centred around the Central Station. Within just a few years, they almost all left, mostly for Israel, as the new arrivals, mostly from Morocco, made their lives a misery.
This is repeated in many places all over Europe. So why would there be a Jewish conspiracy that destroys Jewish livelihood on an industrial scale?
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Cernunnos The Horned One
20 hours ago
Zionists hate Israel, that’s why
20 hours ago
Scorpion and the frog… they just can’t help it… even if it’s self defeating
Dwayne Rockersfield
20 hours ago
@Cernunnos The Horned One Zionists hate Israel? Ay?
Yoel Handler
18 hours ago
@Dwayne Rockersfield The ignorance is always amusing.
22 hours ago
I have no idea or even opinion on whether or not the plot is Jewish – but it IS a plot or at least a grand plan
Surely nobody without an ulterior motive would willingly bring their nations to their knees?
Multiculturalism and mass migration are diametrically opposed to harmony and inclusion
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Ο Γιος Της Σπάρτα The Son Of Sparta
21 hours ago
The kalergi plan. Save Europa before it is too late. You the children of beautiful lady Europa are getting replaced by barbaric and destructive impostors. Save it before it is too late time is short. Greetings from Morocco.
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Fergus Robinson
21 hours ago (edited)
There exists such a thing as bad and ignorant leaders with a self-glorifying ideas of hospitality and charity. It’s one thing for an individual to bring someone into their home, it’s another for someone else to offer your home up without asking, and call it kindness.
These people won’t ever investigate nor acknowledge the negative effects of their supposed kindness, because it will never reach their ivory towers. This era has been tainted by the psudeo-christ.
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21 hours ago
@Ο Γιος Της Σπάρτα The Son Of Sparta Don’t overlook the 1995 Barcelona Declaration(facilitates Muslim migration into EU) and the 2018 Marrakesh Agreement(Facilitates African migration into the EU) and then of course there is the UN Migration Compact that PM May signed just before resigning.
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Embalmer Trick
21 hours ago
Yes, the hippy left’s plan
Willy Eckaslike
21 hours ago
THE DE-TH OF AMERICA was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965.
While serving Due wish interests, the Open Immigration Law Of 1965 was the beginning of America’s de-th as a unified nation. Dues were behind the law, promoting, lobbying, and “bribing” the law into existence with the fanaticism equalling the most dedicated Mu slim terror est.
Dues have continually evinced hostility toward American Chris tea an culture in their aggressive efforts to change it. The Open Immigration Law Of 1965 is a prime example of that hostility.
Dues are a paranoid people. Wherever the Dues go they fear Aunty- S. (Dues have a guilt complex – and for good reason.) Dues fear a homogenous Chris tea an culture of which they would never ascend to influential positions. Rather, in a homogenous Christian culture, Jxxx are looked upon, (and rightly so), as “Chris .t ki 11ers.” This is why the Dues tried to get Me1 Gibson’s movie, The Passion of Jesus Christ, removed from the silver screen.
A typical example of what characterizes the Due wish push for open immigration can be seen in the following 1948 quote by David Petegorsky, former Director of the AJCongress:
—— “Due wish survival can only take place within the framework of a progressive and expanding democratic society, which through its institutions and public policies gives expression to the concept of cultural pluralism.” ——
Here Are The Names Of The Dues Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:
1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Due wish Congress (A*C)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)
* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.
* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.
* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Due wish Intellect,” (translate, “Chris ,t -Hay tur”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.
* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Due wish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.
* Due wish organizations such as the American Due wish Congress, The Due wish Federation, the AC 1U, and the B ny B’,, ,rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.
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Juno And The Paycock
21 hours ago
Just start noticing.
Who owns all the media companies worldwide?
Who owns all the banks?
Who owns all the pharmaceutical companies?
Who us overrepresented in governments all around the world?
Who runs Hollywood?
Who are the richest people on the planet?
Who made the most money out of Covid?
Do a hell of a lot of the above belong to a particular group?
Every. Single. Time.
Good luck on your journey to the Truth
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21 hours ago
It’s not just jews doing it. And didn’t started with jews, it started with the french.
(well, technically it’s a tale as old as time. A shit ton of stories about kings and queens doing it.)
Pineapple Express
21 hours ago
@lloydgush shut up liar
Gabriel Galban
20 hours ago (edited)
according to some French people the situation actual in Europa is responsibility of Englishmen whom are considered anti Europe pro global capitalist like North Americans. Doesn’t matter if Jewish aren’t well educated or not because It’s regard ideologies because majority of Jewish are better educated than other groups and also very successful . Do you like the french answer ? And it’s not my opinion. There are not conspiracies, they are only trying to improve the world. There is mini series regard a leader Neo Nazi who was anti Jewish and also secretly he was ex Jewish no only that also he was Rabbi
and It was true story.
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Alan Marr
19 hours ago
Unlike the Scots the English hate anything European, it is their basic inferior complex towards European culture !
Andy Wells
19 hours ago (edited)
Clearly very well thought out Simon, and goes someway to explaining what could be occurring? But I still fill there’s something missing? The history of Jewish Marxism perhaps? But this is certainly not a criticism of your views
. As I’ve already said you make some very good points!
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19 hours ago (edited)
I’m sure he’s acting as an agent provocateur LOL.
Yes the majority who voted Brexit, may have been the working class, who voted to leave the EU and did not go to University! So what! They went to the University of Life, and their studies showed that eternal uncontrolled immigration into the UK would contine to annilalate
their lives!
Competition for work, housing, health and education resources would remain under never ending attack.
All the while, their culture and history would demise from those who would not add to it!
They were not voting for cheap nannies and plumbers
at the expense of the majority!
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Al 77
17 hours ago
Remember the consistent message, have fewer children for climate change, we need more migrant workers!
Walking Dude
20 hours ago
two arguments which shall be addressed > 1, They feel more safe in divers environment, it lower chances to be persecuted if their are more minorities 2, As far as they cannot be part of any national movement their are a priori against it.
21 hours ago
The one thing that isn’t captured here is the divide within the Jewish community over this very phenomenon. While there are Jews that seem to align with communism and leftist attempts at control, others – like Milton Friedman, were not. And, in fact, Milton Friedman was responsible for Israel’s economic stability and prosperity today.
The truth is that there are many Jews that feel just as silenced as the rest of the conservative world in today’s times, on speaking out against these types of horrors.
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Heraclitus Ethos
21 hours ago
Israel’s prosperity is at the expense of United states, remove US support and Israel would still sink
21 hours ago
Milton Friedman advocated for open borders
21 hours ago
@SomeRandomBloke You’re not wrong, but that’s only half the picture.
Milton Friedman was a proponent of open (yet secure) borders within Libertarian states.
However, Milton Friedman was strongly opposed to open boarders in a welfare state, for the exact reason that the free world is at stake today.
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21 hours ago
@Heraclitus Ethos Israel’s prosperity doesn’t come at the expense of the united states. First off, Israel hasn’t been historically prosperous. This is only a recent phenomenon due to years of research, development, and relentless innovation driven by the threats and wars that the country faces.
However, Israel is a geopolitical asset to the entire western world: Politically, in being the last democratic outpost before the doorstep of the arab world, socioeconomically via the scientific research that has resulted in jobs created, companies created, and advancements in technology that benefit a wide range of industries, and militarily based upon the international exchange of knowledge between Israel and the entire western world.
Finally, Economic prosperity doesn’t come at the expense of others, that’s theft. Economic prosperity comes because people create value where it didn’t exist before. This is mutually beneficial and the reason why we need to protect democracy and freedom and liberty to innovate. The left is trying to take that from all of us right now.
At a time like this, it’s important to understand that even in a country like Israel, that are people that have worked and sacrificed their lives to preserve the tenets we all care about – and there’s no one in that area that continues to try to such an extent – that’s a part of the reason why Israel is increasingly conservative in recent decades.
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Willy Eckaslike
21 hours ago
THE DE-TH OF AMERICA was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965.
While serving Due wish interests, the Open Immigration Law Of 1965 was the beginning of America’s de-th as a unified nation. Dues were behind the law, promoting, lobbying, and “bribing” the law into existence with the fanaticism equalling the most dedicated Mu slim terror est.
Dues have continually evinced hostility toward American Chris tea an culture in their aggressive efforts to change it. The Open Immigration Law Of 1965 is a prime example of that hostility.
Dues are a paranoid people. Wherever the Dues go they fear Aunty- S. (Dues have a guilt complex – and for good reason.) Dues fear a homogenous Chris tea an culture of which they would never ascend to influential positions. Rather, in a homogenous Christian culture, Jxxx are looked upon, (and rightly so), as “Chris .t ki 11ers.” This is why the Dues tried to get Me1 Gibson’s movie, The Passion of Jesus Christ, removed from the silver screen.
A typical example of what characterizes the Due wish push for open immigration can be seen in the following 1948 quote by David Petegorsky, former Director of the AJCongress:
—— “Due wish survival can only take place within the framework of a progressive and expanding democratic society, which through its institutions and public policies gives expression to the concept of cultural pluralism.” ——
Here Are The Names Of The Dues Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:
1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Due wish Congress (A*C)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)
* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.
* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.
* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Due wish Intellect,” (translate, “Chris ,t -Hay tur”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.
* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Due wish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.
* Due wish organizations such as the American Due wish Congress, The Due wish Federation, the AC 1U, and the B ny B’,, ,rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.
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21 hours ago
I have to laugh at the idea of friedman being responsible for israel’s prosperity. They didn’t listen to him.
It’s like crediting sowell’s for america’s prosperity.
Certainly prosperity would follow from listening to him, but they don’t.
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Heraclitus Ethos
20 hours ago
@D L Those so called innovations are just intellectual property thefts, They don’t have the knack to come up with operational original ideas. They are magical thinkers
20 hours ago
@Heraclitus Ethos Clearly, you know nothing about the history of the device you’re typing on. Intellectual property theft is what China does.
Israel does have the knack you speak of. It’s not because they’re smarter than anyone else, it’s simply because of the threats they’re faced with and the required military complex to combat those. We know that growth is in large part borne of necessity, nothing more.
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20 hours ago
@lloydgush Friedman is responsibly for the turning point and abolition of the old currency, paving the way for prosperity.
You’re right about not attributing sole credit – the answer is a middle ground. We know that contributions like these are never adopted in full – if they were, results would likely be even better than they are today for any state that would do such things
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20 hours ago
@lloydgush Also – something that I was thinking but forgot to type earlier: I can’t think of another man that did so much to abolish the communist remnants of the failed kibbutz system, after they had served their purpose of growing crops and providing shelter. It was the abolition of this system, and Milton’s influence upon what replaced it (in terms of monetary policy) that opened the door to the innovation and prosperity we’ve seen since.
Perhaps I was typing too fast and not thinking in the initial message, but the above here, is the responsibility I’d like to attribute to Milton’s efforts, which came at quite a critical time.
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19 hours ago
@D L Oh, yeah, there’s that.
Without fridman, they would have never known communism was bad, that’s his contribution to the world.
Oh, there’s a joke about him, on how israel could move from a 6workdaysweek to a 5 one. “you have to be gradual, first, have everyone working one day, then two.”
(A joke I believe is about the insanity of social engineering.)
His efforts are more than laudable and admirable, I just find it funny how people don’t listem to him.
“ok, you got rid of enforced communism, now, what about minimum wage?”
And the jews then answered:
“No, we gonna get feminism and quotas instead!”
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19 hours ago
@D L My point wasn’t that it wasn’t his sole credit. Israel literally begged for guidance before the youth destroyed them in revolt against communism.
My point is that they didn’t really listen to him or paid due respect.
If they did, I’d be in israel right now, I’d knock up the first jewish girl I could and convert to judaism just to get there.
(I had my chances, by the way.)
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19 hours ago
@lloydgush Right – I think we’re seeing the same thing. I do believe the military industrial complex upholding the state and democracy in the region is responsible for combating this, though it’s not their primary function, just a byproduct of the way they work. That’s why the jews and israelis are divided amongst themselves as well.
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9 hours ago
Wow. For someone so ready and so eloquently able to criticize literally anyone, the fact that you DON’T with this certain “special” group speaks volumes. “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”
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Gene Clemetson
Gene Clemetson
8 hours ago
Absolutely. All one needs to ask is how much “diversity” and “asylum seeking” is championed in Israel? Therein lies the answer.
19 hours ago
Refusing to talk about fake moon landings or a flat earth, is not on a par with your subject today, which requires a considered answer.
Nobby Noble
21 hours ago
your NHS J^2ps eye pop out clinics are coming to a car park near you depending on the seriousness of the locals circumstances
16 hours ago
Every time he does one of these I unsub for a week or two. Love the channel but wish he would leave this topic out now tbh. See you all again in March ha ha!
18 hours ago
Mark Axworthy
20 hours ago
Sadly, many of History Debunked viewers are not as nuanced as Simon himself. His choice of subject matter seems to attract not only the rational and balanced, but the irrational and unbalanced, to his replies section.
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James Collins
20 hours ago
I believe the group term for this is social media. Any crowd always has a mix of people, before social media it was limited to it’s effect.
Mark Axworthy
20 hours ago (edited)
@James Collins Sites such as this have a self-selecting subscribership, but their motivations vary. Some people are here to learn, while others are here to have their bigotries confirmed.
James Collins
19 hours ago
@Mark Axworthy Just like in the pub really.
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@Mark Axworthy Great observation old chap
13 hours ago
this is why Johnson who is a jew as no desire to control migration we need a Christian government
21 hours ago
A complex issue. It’s worth remembering that many Jews fought bravely on both the German and allied sides in the First World War. Jew against Jew.
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Ed Carson
21 hours ago
Human against human.
What’s your point?
John Corrall
21 hours ago
Jews would argue with each other over the colour of shite.
art mallory
21 hours ago
They’ve got to you too?
Peter N
21 hours ago
Why is that important to remember?
Fascism of the Future
21 hours ago
erm, the germans and the juice were working together. they were not being killed.
21 hours ago
@John Corrall There’s a jewish joke that if you put three rabbi’s together, they won’t agree over the one thing about the same book.
But then that’s true about anyone.
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21 hours ago
Great comment. Yes – Jews historically have been very loyal to the countries they live in and consider themselves to be the nationality of that country (in full). The Jewish world is equally divided today, and Simon should have reflected on this in his video. The reason why we don’t hear about this is because those Jews on the more conservative side, face the same scrutiny when they speak out as all other conservatives do in the world.
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Willy Eckaslike
21 hours ago
THE DE-TH OF AMERICA was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965.
While serving Due wish interests, the Open Immigration Law Of 1965 was the beginning of America’s de-th as a unified nation. Dues were behind the law, promoting, lobbying, and “bribing” the law into existence with the fanaticism equalling the most dedicated Mu slim terror est.
Dues have continually evinced hostility toward American Chris tea an culture in their aggressive efforts to change it. The Open Immigration Law Of 1965 is a prime example of that hostility.
Dues are a paranoid people. Wherever the Dues go they fear Aunty- S. (Dues have a guilt complex – and for good reason.) Dues fear a homogenous Chris tea an culture of which they would never ascend to influential positions. Rather, in a homogenous Christian culture, Jxxx are looked upon, (and rightly so), as “Chris .t ki 11ers.” This is why the Dues tried to get Me1 Gibson’s movie, The Passion of Jesus Christ, removed from the silver screen.
A typical example of what characterizes the Due wish push for open immigration can be seen in the following 1948 quote by David Petegorsky, former Director of the AJCongress:
—— “Due wish survival can only take place within the framework of a progressive and expanding democratic society, which through its institutions and public policies gives expression to the concept of cultural pluralism.” ——
Here Are The Names Of The Dues Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:
1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Due wish Congress (A*C)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)
* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.
* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.
* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Due wish Intellect,” (translate, “Chris ,t -Hay tur”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.
* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Due wish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.
* Due wish organizations such as the American Due wish Congress, The Due wish Federation, the AC 1U, and the B ny B’,, ,rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.
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Pineapple Express
21 hours ago
21 hours ago
@Pineapple Express Okay, Seth Rogan.
21 hours ago
It’s worth remembering that Judeans never saw eye to eye; Zealots (Lion) saw themselves as Elijah reincarnated, calling fire from heaven, Essenes (Ox) believed in a spiritual afterlife, an end of physical toil, Sadducee (Man) believed in no afterlife but the Shalom (peace, long life & prosperity) of the state, and the Pharisee (legal Eagle) in a physical resurrection where justice, whether punishment or reward, is eternal.
Judeo-Christian ‘monotheism’ rests “between the cherubim”, never with any one sect.
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Fascism of the Future
20 hours ago
@D L NOW THATS WHAT I CALL A JIDF POST! they have never ben loyal to any nation or people, other than their own.
19 hours ago
And about 150000 in WW2.
George Hetty
11 hours ago
Yes the vast majority of any race are normal working people who just wish to get on.
Btw. how many people of German heritage faught against Germany?
bruce lomax
12 hours ago
If I understand it correctly, Israel accepts only immigrants who are bonafide Jews and the screening process is extremely rigorous. The Western democracies, should also screen for Christians.
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A Moment In Time
A Moment In Time
11 hours ago
Jews are an ethnic group that Israel screens for to secure the existence of their people in their ethnic homeland.
England shouldn’t screen for Christians or we will simply end up with Sub Saharan Africans (more so). We should end all immigration and begin mass repatriation of the foreign populations residing in White countries.
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Ο Γιος Της Σπάρτα The Son Of Sparta
22 hours ago
I repeated again sensei Simon Webb. Watch EUROPA THE LAST BATTLE.
11 hours ago
I’ve met a lot of people over my short years, some Jews, most not Jews. I’ve also met Jews firmly entrenched in far left views
, with some holding right wing or what we now call “center” views
. The center and right wing Jews are obviously the minority but, this is why we don’t immediately jump on bandwagons and go on tirades based on assumption. I do agree with other commenters though when they say “look at who you can’t criticize…” but, in the West this is far from only the Jews, or even the average Jew in my opinion. It’s the elites of society primarily (many of whom are Jewish) and should not be considered reflective of the entire Jewish community. I personally think it’s just a convenient cloak they throw on in a bid to try to avoid scrutiny.
It’s also dangerous if we don’t keep our footing and allow ourselves to slide down the slick mountain of undue mass persecution. History repeats itself in those unaware of it, or too willing to disregard its significance. This all being said I think it’s also appropriate to be quite wary of Zionism and “the Zionists”, but with the understanding that it isn’t the traditional Zionism most of us are familiar with today, especially those of us that are Christians. The average Jew holds to the Torah and the belief in the Holy Lord God, but others (particularly the elites) hold to the belief in what is more known as Kaballah, Cabalism etc. which is entirely occult and esoteric in nature. These people hold the belief that God only grants certain people “special” knowledge or insight into the universe and himself, often holding the belief they know best, and are should be in charge of all matters. Sound familiar? It should, because it’s held up among the elites of society and not just those who are Jewish. It’s long been known many world elites (Jew or not) hold to such ideas and occult practices. Look at the Black Hebrews/Israelites of America for something similar. These people believe the Second Coming of Christ will see him judge people based on their skin color, and literally anyone not black or dark skinned will be enslaved to build the new world during the Millennium before being unceremoniously cast into Hell at its end as inherently evil, unable to be saved. The Kaballists hold a similar view except anyone not Jewish or “outside” their special group will suffer a similar fate. Anyone who has read the Bible and it’s extended “non-canonical” books knows this is just a load of malarkey and that no such thing was actively taught by Christ or the Prophets.
Those are the people we’re dealing with, and we should refer to them as such. It isn’t “the Jews” it’s the Cabalists (Zionists) and their supporters (though many if not most are Jewish). Anyway, that’s my two cents in the idea, love it, hate it, take it or throw it away, it’s what I think.
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11 hours ago
Tl;Dr =) sorry couldn’t resist to sound young.
11 hours ago
@impalaSS65 lmao, yeah I should probably have added a tldr.
stephen Jackson
17 hours ago
Haha this bloke certainly knows how to stir the shit , imagine he turns up at your pub with his , ” hello there”, 2 hours later the place is wrecked everyone fighting. Wtf it’s comedy genius…. “hello there”.
steve shaw
20 hours ago
Simon, What are your thoughts on the article written by Winston Churchill for Illustrated Sunday Herald (London), February 8, 1920, called Zionism versos Bolshevism. If you have not read it, then may i suggest you research it. All shall be revealed.
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Evola’s Sunglasses
20 hours ago
Churchill was financed by “The Focus”. A group of Industrialists and Bankers.
History Debunked
19 hours ago
I have read it and also explored the article in detail in one of my books, Suffragette Fascists.
Julian Petkov
18 hours ago
What a nonsensical article that was. Phew…
Churchill had to protect the Greek masters of the world. Building up the “Jewish” sock-puppet was part of his job. “Zionist” Israel turned out almost as Bolshevik as Soviet Russia. For example they both use Jesuit Reductions – “Kibbutz” in “Zionist” Israel and “Kolkhoz” in Soviet Russia and Martial Law. Ofcourse, modern Israel has de-Sovietised and Liberalised a lot.
The Greeks don’t need them that much any more because of the computer based money system. They are only needed to give the Greek “Holy” Bible some semblance of historic credibility, which is what prompted the artificial creation of Egypt and Israel.
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Al 77
18 hours ago
@Julian Petkov The Greeks run the world? Not heard of that one. You have any links or keywords?
Julian Petkov
18 hours ago
@Al 77 Ofcourse it’s all around us look at the establishment buildings around the world. The Liberal philosophy, maritime hegemony, etc. Visit the Masonic lodges or the Greek fraternities in the universities, they are full of Greek symbolism.
The Greeks colonised the Mediterranean and the Black Sea coasts. They already had Billionaires 2500 years ago. Quite a head start. There is also the “Diaspora” which amazingly is on the Greek colonies. What are the odds?
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Ninth Division
18 hours ago
@Julian Petkov Here, you dropped this
Julian Petkov
18 hours ago
@Ninth Division That is Greek too. Who invented the discipline of Geometry? Have a look at the Greek and the Israeli flag, notice something peculiar?
Al 77
18 hours ago
@Julian Petkov I always wondered where the pile of gold went after centuries of empires taking the pile and adding it to their own. Do you think the people who run the world still consider themselves Greek? Or is it just that there are a bunch of very rich Greeks?
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18 hours ago
@Julian Petkov blind
Julian Petkov
17 hours ago
@Al 77 I think they do, but here was a split (“Ronan Empire”). The Western Greeks (Rome) wanted an anonymous world empire, because you can’t fight an enemy whom you don’t know. The Eastern Greeks (Constantinople) wanted the opposite – a world empire which is openly Greek.
The Western Greeks financed the “Ottoman conquest” and put an end to the Eastern Greek aspirations. They actually tried a few times before that with the “Crusades”, but the crusaders were easily corrupted at Constantinople. They took it but didn’t finish the job.
So where does all the gold go? Mostly in Switzerland. Switzerland is their special base. The Swiss are in fact used as “Jews” to attack and subvert Germany, Italy, France and Spain, because they speak all four languages of their neighbours and blend in with the locals.
The actual Jews are just Greek loan collectors. Well mostly Greek anyway (there are also Thracian Jews, Khazar Jews, and even German Jews). They get dispatched to collect the Greek loans by subverting the debtor king’s economy and profiteering from the debtor king’s peasants.
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Julian Petkov
17 hours ago
@Lazarus What am I blind to?
Al 77
17 hours ago
@Julian Petkov I see, I’ve noticed Greeks and Jews have many similarities, they look alike and are often very clever. Its an interesting idea, my problem is, do the Jews know they are Greeks? Who is the king?
Julian Petkov
17 hours ago
@Al 77 The Greeks don’t have Kings as we know them. They have kings/CEOs. They invented money and corporations. So they practice shareholder control/”democracy”. Sometimes they imposed a dictator on each-other’s corporations, and those kings were known as “tyrants”. The Greek corporations were known as “Greek city states”.
I have spoken to many Jews off the street, most of them just know what is the official narrative. They get angry with me, when I strt to show them the contradictions. But some of the better educated Khazars are friendly to me and admit it, that “Jews” are an international group, but they themselves don’t know much either.
Only those at the top hold the secrets.
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James Painter
17 hours ago
@Evola’s Sunglasses That came much later, obviously not so in 1920.
James Painter
17 hours ago
@Julian Petkov Ancient Greeks? Referring to the blonde and blue-eyed people?
Al 77
17 hours ago
@Julian Petkov I think the old European aristocracy runs everything. They control the press so control where power flows. For example, Facebook would not be known without the press. If a company does accidentally go viral they infiltrate using top 0.1% talent, polymaths. They have been intermarrying for centuries so wonder whether they can be considered of any nation. Prince Philip was Greek. There are signs of Greek influence in the UK, The Scots wear kilts and play bagpipes.
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Julian Petkov
17 hours ago
@James Painter Have you been to Anatolia lately?
Julian Petkov
17 hours ago (edited)
@Al 77 Well, Cecil Rhodes and his partner Baron Rothschild both come from the Rothes clan but the Rothes clan is actually the Greek Rhodes clan. So Cecil actually had restored the original Greek family name.
The aristocracy may be mixed with natives and may have assumed Germanic or Italian names, but they still act as if they appreciate their Greek origins. That’s just my opinion. Only they know what they are, today.
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Julian Petkov
17 hours ago (edited)
@Al 77 Something very peculiar, some Scots left me gob-smacked telling me that they were Jews originally. It could have something to do with their church. I think a lot of English people like Simon seem to radiate the same delusion.
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15 hours ago (edited)
@History Debunked And you cannot explain your thoughts here because…?
Do we have to buy your book to find out?
How very jewish of you.
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15 hours ago
@Al 77 Jews are not very clever though?
Freja Solstheim
14 hours ago
@elf-ovener Watching AL 77 and PetCow is like watching one of those BitCoin scamming threads with several bot posters.
13 hours ago (edited)
@elf-ovener If they’re not clever, how have they managed to run everything going on in the world for hundreds of years? Do you even understand what you’re typing?
Ron P
13 hours ago
@M Z Finance, they don’t create wealth they extract wealth from other people’s ideas……also by law they’re not supposed to charge their own people interest on finance, but it’s ok for them to charge others
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12 hours ago
@M Z neopotism, usery and deciet.
If they are so clever then how come they’ve been stopped 109 times before?
How come their great intellect never helps them unless there’s another jew in charge, like with nobel prizes and such?
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George Hetty
12 hours ago
@Julian Petkov How do you explain Greece being bankrupt in 2010? Can’t wait for this
Matty Ward
12 hours ago
@Julian Petkov scots telling you that they are Jews originally. I think you just met members of the orange order as they believe that they are one of the lost tribe of Israel.
Al 77
12 hours ago
@Freja Solstheim Thanks Freja, you are too kind.
Al 77
12 hours ago
@elf-ovener They have the same range of abilities as North Europeans.
Al 77
12 hours ago
@elf-ovener I couldn’t care less about petty classifications of races by intellect or how high they can jump. Why should it matter? What matters is our leaders are giving away our cities.
11 hours ago
@Al 77 No, they do not have the same range of abilities.
I like how you did a bit of a Simon there and deliberatly conflated IQ with being able to jump. IQ of course being an indicator of many many important things, not least of all: criminality, wealth-generation, welfare-dependancy, and corruption.
Jumping being nothing of import.
Why did you do this, I am forced to wonder?
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Al 77
11 hours ago
@elf-ovener ability to jump is a stereotype of other races. my point is: it doesn’t matter if we import clever people, stupid people, criminals or nice hard working people. The result is the same, we get reduced in number.
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11 hours ago
@elf-ovener so they’re criminal masterminds but they’re not clever. Ok then.
11 hours ago
@Ron P go back to school you numpty
10 hours ago
@M Z Who said they were criminal masterminds?
Do you have some sort of point to make, or is it just pilpul all the way down with you?
10 hours ago
@Al 77 So your response to “jews are not very clever” is “it doesn’t matter if we import clever people?”
How do you think that relates?
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9 hours ago
@elf-ovener you can’t claim someone is orchestrating everything in the world, and then they’re also stupid at the same time. I think you’re stupid, and as a result of that I don’t think you’re capable of orchestrating anything at all, let alone world domination. Do you understand my point?
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Al 77
9 hours ago
@elf-ovener It only relates vaguely in that people like you harp on about different groups of people saying they are all this or all that. I don’t care, its irrelevant and its not helpful. People like you saying Jews are not clever are simply and truly anti-semitic because it is both offensive and patently wrong. All groups have a range of intelligences, Jews included. Such offensive behaviour is burden on the rest of us who want our country back because you positively invite people to view us as anti-semitic or racist. Just like the people who go about claiming Africans are criminals or low IQ. Its offensive, unhelpful and pushes away the majority. Just at a time when the only way we have to be free of the current problems is to have the majority united with us in calling out the real problem which is our country being colonised.
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Julian Petkov
7 hours ago
@George Hetty You should read my previous comments. Greece is not to be a visible seat of the empire, and it is not either way.
How do we explain UK’s or Israel’s (almost bankrupt the both of them)? Even Switzerland, has more debt than it can comfortably handle at 40% of GDP.
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Julian Petkov
7 hours ago
@Matty Ward What about the William Blake song “Chariots of Fire”?
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green?
And was the holy lamb of god
On England’s pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark satanic mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire
Bring me my spear, o clouds unfold
Bring me my chariots of fire
I will not cease from mental fight
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England’s green and pleasant land
The English are getting brainwashed, too.
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Matty Ward
1 hour ago (edited)
@Julian Petkov that’s a interesting song, back in the day people believed that Jesus walked on the green hills of England look it up, there is a monument in some county in England down south. Jesus arrived there during his missing years with his uncle who was in the tin business as the story go’s. he then met up with the local friendly druids for a wee chat. Could this be what the song is describing
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George Hetty
1 hour ago
@Julian Petkov I suspect you’re a little deranged but in good company here?
Jamie Saunders
18 hours ago
Not sure he isnt just being a bit clever in raising these topics to bring attention to them without being deplatformed.
But then saying that he isn’t afraid to tackle race head on…
Brian Feldz
19 hours ago (edited)
Simon, I think you did a wonderful job explaining this, but I think there is one important part that should be added, and that is the basis and premise of what the Israelite faith IS at its heart. It is not a faith or religion like others, not exactly. It is not now or ever meant to be taken literally. The tradition within the faith is that it is man’s (Moses, a symbol not a “man”, as most pre Saul, pre Kingdom biblical characters) interpretation of the “word of God”, or as Jewish tradition states, that inner voice that tells you the difference between “right and wrong”. It’s the word, what we hear with our inner mind, not what we see with our eyes, which can be deceived that largely dictates this. When we do wrong we often know we are doing so whether we accept that or not. The Hebrew Bible, not the Old Testament exactly, which is similar but abstracted and altered variation but the essence is still there just Romanized, but the Hebrew Bible is the basic beginning of actual social justice in the West. Not the distorted, Marxist “social justice” of today, but the social justice behind the enlightenment and entire liberal (small “l”) world. Because that is what the faith is actually about. Nothing externally supernatural. Some might consider the internal soul supernatural, but I think it’s as natural as it gets. The external supernatural bits are allegory for children, so that those who do not dig can still have a basis for understanding. It was never ever meant to be taken literally. The entire “West” today, whether “Conservative” or “Liberal” is “liberal” as in liberalism, that which came out of the enlightenment, which came in part from the Hebrew Bible in its true form as philosophy of soul.
The Hebrew Bible is a book of patterns, split into 500 year segments. An evolution of society and man’s place within it and on this earth. It is not about the particular incidents that matter, as half of them if not more are complete fiction. It’s the narratives and underlying truths behind the stories that is the point. For instance, when you get to “Kings”. The Israelites ask for a King. They are told, don’t be stupid, why would you want a King? Yet they insist. This was the Bronze Age, when tribes were turning into Kingdoms and Kings were popping up everywhere, and the Hebrews wanted one. And they got one. A beautiful and powerful King. The Arnold Shwarzineger of Kings, Saul, who failed miserably. And then came tiny but wise David, and thus the “Golden age”. But soon, that wise king died, his son, also great, continued, then died. Eventually, the kingdom sp,it in two and one of them was crushed and enslaved. This is just a historical pattern. Which can be seen in Europe throughout the Middle Ages. Kingdoms arrive and fall. This story is about why you don’t want a King. Even if it seems great and goes great for a while. It will eventually crumble and the people will be torn apart because they are following a man instead of a code and the inner voice.
Quickly, about the”lost tribes”. That’s kind of a Christian thing. In Judaism, the tribes aren’t lost, they just lost their freedom. Tradition states many fled to Judah when Assyria attacked Israel, and when Assyria fell, many actually did return, despite that whole river thing. Thus the tribes aren’t “lost” in the sense that the people aren’t around, they are “lost” in the sense they no longer have lands of there own. And it’s around this time tribal affiliation starts becoming mostly irrelevant, aside from the priestly “tribe”, but that’s another story. Anyway, all tribes are represented then in “Judah”, which is why even today, Jews don’t call themselves “Jews” really, in European languages sure, but in Hebrew, they call themselves “Israel”, unless you’re “traditionally” from the Levite tribe, who was the only tribe without a land and who lived among all other tribes. This is because, the non Levite’s, represent all the other tribes of Jacob. The term “Jew” is of European origin, because the Israelites were from Judah, the place not the tribe. Originally Judah was made up of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and Israel all the rest, but Levite’s who lived in all lands. After the fall of the Northern Kingdom, all tribes resided in Judah. Thus, “Jewish”.
There’s a lot of history here, and when the Israelites and the Hellenes met, they converged and melded. The Hellenes gave to the Israelites a value of the aesthetic, of beauty and art and of all Hellenic value. And the Israelites gave to the Hellenes the sanctity of the individual, not in politics, but as a sovereign and untouchable soul. Ie…social justice. That the sanctity of the individual was paramount, the spirit or life of the individual. Not to be confused with the Hellenic autonomy of the Individual. It’s often said within Hebrew theology, the Israelites loved the Hellenes until they stomped on their ability to think autonomously outside of the restriction of the Socratic and Platonic schools, when the pressure to conform was militant rather than suggestion. Which is when they rebelled. And that is an extremely common and important theme throughout the Hebrew Bible and within “Judaism”.
People often misconstrue the bit about the”chosen people” thing. And this is so important. Jewish “messiah” is wholly different than the Christian “savior”, the latter derived from Greco-Roman pagan concepts of the solar man, or the universal godman savior. In the Hebrew tradition, “messiah” just means “the anointed” of which there were many, one to a generation. David, Solomon etc.. were all “messiahs”. Thus why Israelites never accepted the Roman “Jesus” and why gnostic, or Hebrew Yeshua, was considered just a man of his time. And the Israelite community was torn whether he was the messiah of THAT generation, but never a universal messiah or savior. That concept I think grew more from the Grecophile Saul or Paul of Tarsus, who had his own ideas about Hellenism and the Israelite Faith. Anyway, the “chosen” thing is more curse than privilege. It has nothing to do with Israelites ruling the world or taking it over as ?Kings, it’s the moral duty to “teach” the world of the sanctity of man, of real social justice, that if the enlightenment and liberalism, not woke Marxist nonsense. It is that duty, that idea, that the individual is sacred and all man’s laws need to account for that, which Israelites believe is in part their responsibility to spread. Not the faith itself, but the concepts of the faith. Which is why they don’t force conversion or try to convert BUT will accept anyone as convert provided they make oath to the “Brith” or “covenant” to teach the world to listen to their conscious before acting. On individual and social and national levels. That’s the only thing they think they’re chosen for. Truly nothing sinister, quite the opposite. Which, is where the Yeshua sect and “Jesus” got all his ideas obviously as that was a Jewish reformation movement away from the corruptions of Hellenism, which is ironic since it became the driving force behind the Greco-Roman Imperial world, first due to the Flavians, which is why most early “Christian” texts start around 60 CE and why Josephus was crucial to the origin of Romanized Christianity.
Anyway, if anyone wants to actual understand what Israelites, Jews, are all about, that’s a starter course. I would advice reading an actual rabbinical English translation of the Hebrew Bible, rather than an “Old Testament”, because the context and content and translations are quite different.
But there’s truly no conspiracy. It’s no different than Christians who proselytize and think it’s their job to turn everyone Christian, or Muslims who do similar. Except the only thing Jews, Israelites are trying to do is bring the “word” of “God” (Spoiler, in Judaism God is you and everything in existence) to the top. Meaning, to teach people to listen to their consciousness. Real Jimminy Crickets. Oh, and just in final, sometimes they joke, that their gift to the world is “guilt”. Not “guilty”, but inner guilt, having a conscious for doing the wrong thing.
Now also, please don’t confuse this with the modern nation of Israel. Which serves a few purposes but obviously isn’t perfect. No one is perfect in Judaism, on,y the inner voice. But everything in the real world is tainted by practicality, which is why having a “North Star” or “guiding voice” is so important.
Edit: I guess I should have included this lol. Fundamentalists and literalists exist within every ideology, every religion. Perhaps some more than others, but nevertheless, ideologies and religions go through phases, evolution, deconstruction, reconstruction, reformation etc…. Islam went through a golden age in the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, Christianity was crucial during the dark ages, especially in Ireland and Britain and some other areas where irreplaceable texts were saved and copied in monasteries. The Hebrew Bible, again, not the Christian Old Testament which has some critical differences, more than anything shows this evolution of a faith a people and a region and shows the interplay, the dynamic between different human constructs, like government, nations or even organized religion, and how they effect humans and other entities like family and faith etc.. That’s it’s real and most “holy” purpose. And think it all lead to a similar premise, Love is always the best course of action, but it’s not always plausible.
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Douglas Parise
18 hours ago
Jesus Johnny
18 hours ago
That was interesting. Thank you.
John Harrison
18 hours ago
@UCX30wGHvcRxDtpXnzE1Ahmw Your interpretation of your holy scriptures, your “traditional” beliefs, your assertions regarding what ‘chosen’ refers-to, your assertions about Christianity, your whitewashing and hippie-dippy horse-scatting about your religion’s beliefs/intentions/practices, your cherry-picked historical “facts”, and your rhetoric/propaganda in question-form (segueing easily into logical-fallacies) are, doubtless, what Douglas is rightly calling “bs”.
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John Harrison
18 hours ago
@Jesus Johnny No; it wasn’t. It was just propaganda in the form of unsupported assertions. [and, SILLY propaganda, at that]
Dave Glynn
18 hours ago
Still doesn’t explain why the jws are so interfering and tight fisted
Freja Solstheim
17 hours ago
“If the ‘cattle’ really knew what is in our holy books they would surely kill us all.”
I. M. Notamoose
17 hours ago
Hmmm, but the Hebrew scriptures state that in the end of days the northern tribes, The House of Ephraim or Israel will be rejoined with the southern tribes, House of Judah as one people… after being lost so that they (the northern tribes) were no longer a people (forgot who they were)… While a few of the northern tribes joined the southern tribes prior to the Assyrian captivity and a few of the people left the entire land to escape, the vast majority of them went into captivity and there are few records of them afterwards. Ezra or Nehemiah do not list them in the names of the families that returned at the end of the Babylonian captivity. So what we are left with are the poorest of the land and a few priests (who were paganized before the captivity) who were sent back to help the foreigners sent to dwell in the land, who intermarried and became the Samaritans, a few groups who dispersed to other countries BEFORE the Assyrian captivity, and a few who joined the southern Kingdom at the time of the northern kingdom’s apostacy. I am fairly sure that the prophecy of the northern tribes being recalled to being a people by YHWH has not happened yet… especially since it is to happen AFTER the second dispersion to every nation, which did not happen until between 70 and 135 AD. In several of the Dead Sea scroll writings from 200 BC to 70 AD , the commentators were still looking forward to the regathering of the tribes that had forgotten who they were, so it had not happened by that point in time.
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George Hetty
11 hours ago
That was very interesting thank you for taking the time.
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@Douglas Parise Could you expand as at present in my opinion you may need to up your game if Thera is anything you wish to refute ?
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@John Harrison 99.99% of the comments here today are “unsupported assertions “ or “propaganda “
how do you discern ?
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@Dave Glynn You comment perfectly explains your ignorance /humour.
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@Freja Solstheim Can you find any disturbing sentences in any other religious writings throughout time?
Please feel free to demonstrate your total lack if bias!
Douglas Parise
11 hours ago
@George Hetty palaver
Douglas Parise
11 hours ago
@George Hetty psalm 137:9
Douglas Parise
11 hours ago
@George Hetty ovadia yusef
John Harrison
11 hours ago
@George Hetty The comments with references/citations aren’t unsupported; and, the comments that are attempts to make suspicious things look utterly innocuous are obvious propaganda.
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Dave Glynn
10 hours ago
@George Hetty I’m definitely Not anti jwish George, just anti lies and pro truth.
Joseph Bloe
16 hours ago
No one asks WHY the Jews we’re kicked out or nearly every country on earth.
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James Painter
15 hours ago
No need to, it’s plain as day.
Wernher von Braun
21 hours ago
Off topic a little but i found that it’s strange how during the making of propaganda cartoons during WW2 Jewish heads of the studios didn’t want to picture germans as bad ones until a certain point, because German box office was very significant. Did the money from German box office matter to them more than the fact that their people are being killed massively?
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Pineapple Express
21 hours ago
Because they weren’t being killed systematically in the millions, for a long time they were chilling, the Germans even payed for them to move to Israel, let them take all their financial assets, and let all their families move with them. Haavara agreement 1933.
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James Painter
15 hours ago
TV opinions? Seriously? Do you own a computer? Pretty cool gadget, you can “look things up” on them! Yeah, want me to explain what “looking things up” means?
Do you not know where you get your opinions?
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Wernher von Braun
15 hours ago
@James Painter What? wtf does TV opinions have to do with what i’ve said?
Patricius von Kempen
13 hours ago
The Killing Started rather Late and Not directly With WW2. Also some jews do Not Care that much about their Kind that Happens soemtiems too
James Painter
13 hours ago
@Wernher von Braun Perhaps I’m confused. Are you referring to movies made in Hollywood or Germany? At what time was this “certain point” alluded to? “Massively killed” Germans or djus?
Do you not see the confusion since djus weren’t massively killed?
So I’m confused cause your post lacks clarity.
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Wernher von Braun
13 hours ago
@James Painter Im referring to movies made in Hollywood, yes. In charge of Hollywood studios there were jews too
Freja Solstheim
13 hours ago
@James Painter I think he doesn’t know the H thing was faked. The number was invented in 1943. Their own population accounting show no noticeable drop in numbers either.
KC Kilgannon
19 hours ago
They constantly admit it themselves, proudly.
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Yuri Gagarin
18 hours ago
I’m a Jew. I’m not in favour of multiculturalism in the west
Ninth Division
18 hours ago
@Yuri Gagarin Doesn’t matter. Most of your tribe do though.
Yuri Gagarin
15 hours ago
@Ninth Division what about desmond Disraeli or dennis prager? There are many Jewish conservatives. We tend to do well in the intelectual sphere no mattwr what affiliation. how about your tribe? There are certainly more white left wing types than there are Jews. Plenty of whom are exceedingly powerful ind influential. Why does this have to be a Jewish thing?
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steve james
16 hours ago
If you are a minority, it is just good business to weaken the native population unity to gain more control of a nation that being said rumors are one thing action tell different thing so let just speak of actions done by Jewish groups and cause and effect and let the judgement end there
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The Mossad
15 hours ago
No it’s not good business. You haven’t thought that through.
16 hours ago
The first European-looking people African migrants meet, on the Italian island of Lampedusa, and in the Greek refugee camp of Moria, are Israeli students working for the Soros-funded NGO Open Society, often after making the crossing on the Aquarius, the rescue boat also funded indirectly by Soros, via the NGO SOS Méditerranée. Those students give them cellphones, road maps and hiking equipment, as well as ready-made narratives that will help them circumvent asylum laws, like pretending they are discriminated for being LGBT in their home country, which is absolutely impossible to prove, even when they are married to a woman, they can always say it was an arranged marriage.
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16 hours ago
NONSENSE. The preponderance of the idiots facilitating mass illegal migration are not Jews. Most of them belong to the criminal political class . Angela Merkel , the ex German Chancellor is a leading figure in this process.
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15 hours ago
@BrownLeaf Barbara Lerner Spectre thinks otherwise.Watch her on You Tube and prepare to chill……..to the very marrow of your bones.She is as open as HD is duplicitous.
15 hours ago
@yomarrobert Barbara Spectre is wrong but she is a nobody. She is an idiot who was always inconsequential and she is not the standard bearer of the Jewish community anywhere. It is like saying that since Merkel was an idiot for letting in millions of illegals , all Germans lost their minds .
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15 hours ago
@BrownLeaf I suggest she is more in a position to know what is going on than you.She says clearly that Jews, not herself or Woke,are playing and will play a LEADING ROLE in the swamping of Europe.HD is normally super quick to pick up on anything that will speak against mass immigration but then defends and excuses someone who openly admits and boasts about encouraging it. His own religious convictions are trumping any other secondary view he may have.
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Michael Athanasiou
21 hours ago
The law now (poor or rich)any assets received or given are liable to 45% inheritance tax (this is on assets over £1M) its called the threshold. Labours manifesto pledge is to reduce the threshold to £125,000.00. If your house is worth £600,000.00 they will ROB £213,750.00, why worry about parties lies ( just google Labours manifesto policy on inheritance tax to see how thieves operate)
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Cernunnos The Horned One
21 hours ago (edited)
Barbara Spector openly admitted it.
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Ms R
20 hours ago
Who is she?
James Smith
20 hours ago
@Ms R Simon’s mum.
20 hours ago
She is the elected leader of 14 million people?
Cernunnos The Horned One
20 hours ago (edited)
@Ms R I’m not sure of the spelling, but I’ve seen the video on YT. It’s either Barbra, or Barbara Lerner Specter, or Spectre or Spector. It’s pure evil like her name suggests. She talks about how Europe can no longer be a monoculture (she calls it a monolith) due to low birth rates and that it is in danger of dying out. She also says that mass immigration is the only (final) solution and that Jews will be resented for their leading role in promoting and facilitating mass immigration, but that it MUST happen if we are to survive. Creepy AF! Good luck finding it on YT, I saw it years ago.
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White women think Black men are pathetic lol
19 hours ago
@Cernunnos The Horned One I think it’s still on bitchute
Cernunnos The Horned One
19 hours ago
@dogbert52 no, she uses NGOs and our own institutions to subvert and destroy us. But she’s just one of many.
18 hours ago
@Cernunnos The Horned One
Remarkably, it’s still there.
I just watched it.
Link above, in comments.
Brian Feldz
20 hours ago
These comments are absurd. Some people don’t have the brain power to understand the things Simon discusses. Much just hypothesis and theory. But others bring it to paranoid levels.
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Evola’s Sunglasses
20 hours ago
Why no open borders for Israel?
18 hours ago
Better to allow stupid comments, than to ban them completely!
Moota Moonta
15 hours ago
On a personal level my Father born in 1904 hated Jews with a vengeance.
Something to do with Business.
18 hours ago
Open borders for Israel
18 hours ago
Simon also said that Zionism is simply the desire for a Jewish homeland in Israel. Which of course, is patent nonsense.
10 hours ago
Simon have a debate with Mark collett if you can back your claims up
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9 hours ago
Better still Greg Johnson or Andrew Joyce.
Studiecentrum Joris van Severen
21 hours ago
This is not a plot, but a survival strategy. If you are a foreign minority it is in your interest to create a society where foreign cultures are regarded on equal footing with the indigenous majority. You can do that by championing the arrival of other cultures and fostering the idea of multiculturalism, contrary to the idea of the melting pot. This is what happened to America. From America this idea arrived in Europe.
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Satire of Circumstance
21 hours ago
It is rational, that’s why demonising the strategy among whites is absurd. Ethnocentric ingroup preference and hostility to outgroups is practiced by the Jews while at the same time they are behind the push to pathologise the same practice and survival strategy among Gentiles, all the while denying and cloaking their scheme in terms of universal, rather than their own particular, moral principles. I’d even respect them if they came out and said “we push for multiculturalism because it benefits us Jews” rather than pretending that it is a self-evidently moral policy.
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Terrence Mullins
21 hours ago
People seem to forget that England is bursting at the seams , we have no room anymore for mass immigration.
Ed C
20 hours ago
I agree, Just saw your post after writing mine.
Evola’s Sunglasses
20 hours ago
@Terrence Mullins bulkanization coming. We need to build parallel institutions and focus on localism ASP.
16 hours ago
Academics look down on working class people mostly because at some point in the not too distant past, that’s what their parents were, and there is no one more snooty than someone trying to escape his past. Having reached a point in their lives where immigration has no direct effect on them, they can support it as a sort of “stick in the eye” to the working classes.
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Jack Avice
12 seconds ago
I suppose If one makes enough content continuously for a sufficient amount of time there will come a point where you can not ensure that you are speaking about a topic with sufficient awareness. Clearly Simon reaches this point when attempting to address the questions at hand.
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Joe Freebs
16 hours ago
Its been clearly determined, who the many players are that support, fund, encourage and facilitate the widespread immigration influx into our countries. Calling them refugees or asylum seekers has become an insult to us. There is no objection to legitimate asylum seekers properly vetted but we now know the majority flooding our country are neither. This is in fact an organized effort to “transform” out countries, as Obama once said, and he’s not a Jew..it just so happens that a number of these Marxist, globalist elites, happen to be Jews….that’s all…who controls the money is who pulls the strings.
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Feldwebel Steiner
16 hours ago
“All roads lead to Rome”
14 hours ago
VertigoPolitix – The Tactics of Immigration
Derek Parsons
21 hours ago
Conspiracy Theorists are true optimists. A lifetime of experience has demonstrated to me that nobody is really in charge, and we are all muddling through in something reminiscent of chaos.
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Dave 22
21 hours ago
You’ve clearly wasted a lifetime not paying attention then
Derek Parsons
21 hours ago
@Dave 22 Very likely!
Juno And The Paycock
21 hours ago
Eeehhhhh… no
Dave 22
21 hours ago
@Derek Parsons It’s very likely you are about to find this out the hard way when the financial and economic aspects of the scamdemic kick in
Reuel Melville
11 hours ago
I am Jewish and I take great pride in the Jewish contribution to western civilisation. I happen also to be quite conservative, because I am a practising, religious Jew. I completely agree with Ben Shapiro’s observation that many western Jews who support extremely leftist views
do so for the reasons Simon has listed, but also precisely because they are NOT religious Jews. Most leftist Jews are either completely divorced from their sacred religious traditions or are involved with watered-down, convenient forms of Judaism more informed by popular opinion than by halacha (traditional Jewish law). It is interesting to note that most Israeli Jews (religious or not) are actually quite conservative by western standards.
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David Marcus
10 hours ago
The only thing they contributed to Western civilization through The Frankfurt school & Tavistock Institute and the long March through the institution’s was Communism Marxism 2nd & 3rd wave feminism LGBTQ indoctrination in the education system & being expelled over 1000 times by 110 states/Countries not to mention bringing usury to the Christian West which was outlawed.
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Abraham Shekels
9 hours ago
Isn’t it convenient how both factions of Jews are the two most dominant groups in the whole world? Both Zionists and Communist Jews are in power and we gentiles have privilege of our nations being destroyed while Jews grapple with each other for which faction will have the most power. Amazing.
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Whitey On The Moon
16 hours ago
Israeli immigration services are in Greece, why?
Marc Templer
18 hours ago
When people talk about “the Jews” it is invariably those who have ever met a Jew let alone had one as a friend or lover (as I have in both cases) in their life. The resurgence of this kind of wickedness is all the more reason why the Jews needed their own country and need also to make sure and keep it.
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Eldon Tyrell
15 hours ago
I think we all know by now Jews and conspiracy are sticking points for Simon.
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Edward Burroughs
Edward Burroughs
12 hours ago
That’s because he isn’t a bigoted moron.
Bob Mathews
11 hours ago
Is he an evangelical Christian ? They’re the only brainwashed morons who still believe in this “Gods chosen people” crapola nowadays
Eldon Tyrell
4 hours ago
@Bob Mathews I don’t think he is actually. If he was American I’d say very likely.
Eldon Tyrell
4 hours ago
@Edward Burroughs Neither am I. Anyone I meet I judge as an individual.
Rev. James C
18 hours ago
You’d lose your channel if you reached the wrong conclusion. FACT.
Roger Shore
17 hours ago
Have to confess this is a topic that is a complete enigma to me. I have never understood the Jewish situation and I certainly have never understand the hatred towards them by various groups. I’ve just never got it or understood it…. Even reading about the post war situation (2nd world war) I have always found the situation complicated and so many layers to it I usually get a headache trying to get to grips with it….. Reading Hawking’s A Brief History of Time would be easier…..
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Justin Thaim
17 hours ago
Watch Europa: That Last Battle.
That CarGuy
16 hours ago
Nope EUROPA THE LAST BATTLE is everything you will ever need to know and understand.. 100%
Ed C
20 hours ago (edited)
They are people just like you and me, but with a turbulent history, as no other ethnic. There are several factors for this. Their ancestors have been thru severe hardship with WWll as the drop… Their history related to the 2nd world war is somehow forced upon their kids in the back of their minds, so the majority is predominantly left orientated. Multiculti or melting pot was more of an American Caucasian idea as they are still trying to let Europe become the same chaos as them.
Soros, Weinstein, Epstein, Zuckerberg, MGM, Warner Bros, and too many to name here…
Let’s only look at the music industry according to research:
What made Jewish contribution unique in the development of the 1950s vocal group sound and rock and roll in general, was the ability to extract and internalize the African -American experience and make their music mainstream. The Jewish contribution to doo-wop lies primarily in the area of songwriting, and the overall entrepreneurial music business. Unlike their musical counterparts, Italians and Puerto Ricans, who were primarily singers; Jewish contribution took on the complex ethnic-racial mix of merging a new sound.
The fundamental Jewish contribution to rhythm and blues vocal group picture lies in production, songwriting, and the development of the vocal harmony group scene. Cahill writes: “Without the Jews, we would see the world through different eyes, hear with different ears, even feel with different feelings.”1
The Braun family owners of Deluxe Records had a multitude of solid talent at their disposal. Among some of their top acts were: Federals, Otis Williams and the Charms, Serenades and the Quails featuring Bill Robinson. These acts were all channelled to places like the Apollo Theatre in Harlem, Olympia Arena in Detroit and the Alan Freed shows.
The team of Jerry Leiber and Mike Stroller, Leiber and Stroller team made a multitude of hits for a host of artists.
And many others, Liberace, Gershwin brothers and most Jazz and currently pop music record tycoons were and are of Jewish descent.
Not a conspiracy, but unlike Indians and Chinese with the same ‘survival worship of money’ instinct, the Jewish people had a headstart as they were longer in the western world and could socialize and blend with the different western societies. Don’t forget that the west is built on Judeo Christian foundations. Even Sammy Davis Jr was half Jewish… Some of my closest friends were Jewish, so I have observed this for many years.
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Old boy George
Old boy George
20 hours ago
The music is from black people and always has been. Jewish people acknowledge this.
Evola’s Sunglasses
20 hours ago
They push for immigration for the West but have their own ethnostate/ Israel. Its bizarre.
Ed C
19 hours ago
@Old boy George Modern music has its foundation in Celtic folk and African Music. They both needed each other in order to become what it is now. Just listen to some old Irish folk and African tribal music and you will recognize this.
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15 hours ago
”You are on the wrong fucking side mate, go and stand over there with you’re little book and get the fucking tea on while you’re at it. This is a time for MEN! So step aside” …G…
Brian Feldz
5 hours ago (edited)
*Sigh*. This is only intended for a select group of commenters and certainly not Simon.
For people trying to deride Israel and Jews, how do some of you not realize you are only proving why Israel is a necessary reality for modern Jews? If nothing else, to get away from you maniacs. It’s like these folks have no self awareness whatsoever. It’s you who make Israel necessary and you prove it with each and every word.
I’m embarrassed that I’m likely distantly related to some of you. Grandparents from London, Austria, Croatia and Naples. So, I’m sure I share some distant ancestry with some of these fools. And it’s…. too much. Lol
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A Moment In Time
A Moment In Time
5 hours ago
Yet they still reside in our White nations rather than fleeing the ‘maniacs’ here.
Much harder to subvert us if they lived in their ethnostate rather than our homelands.
9 minutes ago
“Get away from you maniacs”
Hmm seems to me like you follow us around like a lost dog for the last few thousand years.
Ryan Williams
18 hours ago
I’d be happy to debate you on this topic because you’re so thoroughly dishonest, you need to be held to account.
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Boho Tumbleweed
17 hours ago
Yes yes yes.
I’m disgusted at how self assured he is and that authoritarian smirk deserves to be wiped out when treating this matter.
The Mossad
16 hours ago
@Boho Tumbleweed He is self assured because he actually knows what’s what and you don’t.
The Mossad
16 hours ago
LMAO try Thejewminati they will have you for breakfast and remain hungry
Goy Goyim
9 hours ago
Diversity for thee.. but not for me…
2 hours ago
Why would a persecuted group of stateless people, once settled in a tolerant country, seek to invite larges amounts of a different religious and often antisemitic group?
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15 minutes ago
Because diversity is a strength Moshe.
C. Ó Dubhlaoich
16 hours ago
Rabbi Laitman seemed to be on the money when he said they are not from this planet but were sent here to conquer it lol
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Freja Solstheim
13 hours ago
Since they are Sumerians he could be right in his thinking, as far as their own myths go. Look at the video called “Fall of the first cities”. A very good video on Sumeria’s history, if you’re into that.
Paul P
21 hours ago
Nice and handy for our ruling class to have a scapegoat on hand at all times, if that fails we can always stir up the prods and tims again they are always good for a fight. eh.
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19 hours ago
Well it has been 800 years of innocent Irish peeps being genociided & enslaved etc etc they like that.
Chris Griffiths
21 hours ago
Your explanation is decent, logical and erudite and to a large extent palpable. All other explanations just lead down the proverbial rabbit hole.
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Evola’s Sunglasses
20 hours ago
Open borders for Israel?
Do You See What I See?
17 hours ago
Grok Effer
21 hours ago
I agree with what Simon says here.
chuck h
1 hour ago
WE remember (1:21) ………! Well that was an interesting aside.
Lawrence Road loonie
17 hours ago
I do think jews have something to do with this all
DK viking KD
21 hours ago
No of course not.. There are a lot of cultural relativist, champagne socialist and even “John Lennon” style anarco capitalist Europeans who loves this diversity idea!
(though it’s usually people who lives in areas of Europe who are not very affected by these beliefs)
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21 hours ago
I think even the beatles were caught talking about the jews owning the music industry
DK viking KD
20 hours ago
@mattfm101 Maybe, but there is a huge difference in acknowledging that Jews on average are quite smart individuals and hence on average are likely to do very well as influencers and in business, and to saying that there is a Jewish conspiracy or that there is something their belief system as an ethnic group that is seeking to undermine the rest of us.
(and it’s not that it couldn’t be true, but I can’t find any credible sources that supports such claims – I can do that with islam because it’s written in their own holy texts and the religion manifest itself in society accordingly)
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20 hours ago
@DK viking KD I’m a decendent of jewish immigrants but what you would describe as a conspiracy theorist first. You have to do your own research to discover there is legs to this theory. Youtube is likely not the best video site to do this on as they have deleted so many videos. When you find web pages and videos of interest make sure to download a copy as the next day it might be gone.
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DK viking KD
19 hours ago
@mattfm101 Yes, YouTube is an information dark hole when it comes to controversial subjects, but there is also a lot of rabbit holes out there in the “real world”. History is very hard to make truly balanced in an objective manner because it’s told by humans with their own political views
, feelings and agendas.
But of course it’s true that people do conspire all the time, and some Jews may very well be involved in such activities, I just can’t find evidence that such activities is due to their Jewishness as such, but rather it seems to me to be due to a community of opinion and values.
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19 hours ago
@DK viking KD Search this on YT to get yourself started. Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies
DK viking KD
19 hours ago
@mattfm101 Oh I she past my path of investigation years ago, I really don’t like her;-)
James Dean
20 hours ago
Simon is a common name, from Hebrew שִׁמְעוֹן Šimʻôn, meaning “listen” or “hearing”.
In the first century AD, Simon was the most popular male name for Jews in Roman Judea.
15 hours ago
Oooof not your best take, you went full boomer. Some people say we’ll be better when they’re gone, I’m running out of reasons to disagree with them.
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12 hours ago
it’s the elephant in the room whenever I’m speaking with based boomers.
paul kendal
17 hours ago
I HAVE the utmost respect and LOVE for Jewish People. They are a GROUP who clearly know how to protect themselves. SO, for all the “little racists” in this group who want to join in with the RACE-BAITING, please enjoy your moment of basking in the SUN. I can assure you that there will be swift repercussions for any negative comments you MAKE about Jewish people !!!!
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Boho Tumbleweed
17 hours ago
Ones I’ve met make me think I’m not as lucki as you are.
Leonard Gibney
21 hours ago (edited)
A Muslim once posted that New York should be renamed ‘Jew York’. When Jews move into a city they often take over by means of business activities mainly in the financial sector. Mayor Bloomberg had personal wealth which appeared to equal the GDPs of some small countries.
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Hurst Mitchell
21 hours ago
And Muslims don’t of course!!
art mallory
21 hours ago
& The Rothschilds…
21 hours ago (edited)
15 hours ago
@98.4 % CHIMPANZE Bill gates is jewish. And has never worked hard a day in his life.
Pretty sure bezos and dorsey are both either jewish or crypto.
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william kennedy
19 hours ago
Its probably a Jewish idea and not a good one at that.
21 hours ago
Let’s get Simon cancelled by all going there. We’re smart.
John Bones
21 hours ago (edited)
You also need to speak of heuristics, including what yiddish is compared to Hebrew. Also, Rosicrucians, Benedictans, Khazaria, Talmud, Torah; Diaspora, World Jewish Councils, disproportional representation in positions of power, Chaim Weissman, Jesus, the New Testament, truth of WW2 etc dtc
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Horacio Augusto Filho
20 hours ago
So the answer is yes.
21 hours ago (edited)
Palistinians are the true israelites they’ve lived there for centuries! It’s their homeland. If any ethnic group can claim this it’s more likely the palistinians.
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Joel C
19 hours ago
Wrong.. Jews were in Israel for centuries too . The Arabs invaded everywhere.
19 hours ago
@Joel C religion & ethnicity are two different subject. You’re wrong.
orlando furioso
19 hours ago
NAH…I`m not with you in this one …amen.
The Mossottis
15 hours ago
See on YT the interview with Barbara Lerner Spectre.
Alan Marr
21 hours ago
Webb is really showing his colours in the Tradition of Mosley and all the nasty fascists .
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History Debunked
21 hours ago
You think that only a fascist would try to debunk anti-Semitic conspiracy theories? It’s an interesting idea!
Simon Milligan
21 hours ago
@Alan Marr. Certainly an uncomfortable number of his followers are.
Peter N
21 hours ago
Are you hard of thinking?
Lee Cambell
21 hours ago
What an idiotic comment
Willy Eckaslike
21 hours ago
THE DE-TH OF AMERICA was enacted in 1965 with the signing of the Open Immigration Law Of 1965.
While serving Due wish interests, the Open Immigration Law Of 1965 was the beginning of America’s de-th as a unified nation. Dues were behind the law, promoting, lobbying, and “bribing” the law into existence with the fanaticism equalling the most dedicated Mu slim terror est.
Dues have continually evinced hostility toward American Chris tea an culture in their aggressive efforts to change it. The Open Immigration Law Of 1965 is a prime example of that hostility.
Dues are a paranoid people. Wherever the Dues go they fear Aunty- S. (Dues have a guilt complex – and for good reason.) Dues fear a homogenous Chris tea an culture of which they would never ascend to influential positions. Rather, in a homogenous Christian culture, Jxxx are looked upon, (and rightly so), as “Chris .t ki 11ers.” This is why the Dues tried to get Me1 Gibson’s movie, The Passion of Jesus Christ, removed from the silver screen.
A typical example of what characterizes the Due wish push for open immigration can be seen in the following 1948 quote by David Petegorsky, former Director of the AJCongress:
—— “Due wish survival can only take place within the framework of a progressive and expanding democratic society, which through its institutions and public policies gives expression to the concept of cultural pluralism.” ——
Here Are The Names Of The Dues Behind The Open Immigraton Law of 1965:
1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Due wish Congress (A*C)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)
* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.
* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.
* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called, “Due wish Intellect,” (translate, “Chris ,t -Hay tur”), wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.
* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a Due wish “neo-con,” (he’s still a leftist), also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.
* Due wish organizations such as the American Due wish Congress, The Due wish Federation, the AC 1U, and the B ny B’,, ,rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.
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Alan Marr
21 hours ago
@History Debunked It is called reverse psychology and a tool of all Right wing propagandists !
Alan Marr
21 hours ago
@Simon Milligan This is known as “Fasicet Corner”
Alan Marr
21 hours ago
@History Debunked It is called reverse psychology a tool of all RIGHT wing propagandists. it is also planting a seed !
That CarGuy
17 hours ago
Oh look it’s the spineless hypocrite alan marr you still stalking these comments you old fool
Just can’t seem to stay away can ya?
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That CarGuy
17 hours ago
Mosley was a great man you old fool
That CarGuy
17 hours ago
@Alan Marr Then don’t watch and have that seed planted thing is you seem really concerned about what everyone else may think why is that?
That CarGuy
17 hours ago
@Alan Marr This is a known fascist corner
Hi alan you’re here then
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That CarGuy
17 hours ago
@Simon Milligan And what’s wrong with that exactly?
Simon Milligan
17 hours ago
@That CarGuy You’re seriously asking what’s wrong with being a fascist?
Alan Marr
16 hours ago
@That CarGuy A man who sided with Hitler and had to be locked up in world war 2 as apotential 5th columist.If thats your opinion you must have NAZI inclinations and well suited to this hate filled channel!
Local Bossman
16 hours ago
@Alan Marr Hail Mosley!
Alan Marr
16 hours ago
@Local Bossman You mean Heil !
Paul Smith
15 hours ago
@Alan Marr You’re the only tool on YouTube
That CarGuy
13 hours ago
@Alan Marr Why do you keep mentioning nazi’s? They are dead
And didn’t the jews try something similar on the ukranians?
Ever heard of holodomor?
When you try to genocide an entire country of people the moral highground is no longer yours…
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That CarGuy
13 hours ago
@Alan Marr Why do you keep on insisting the truth is hateful?
Ive asked this time & time again but receive no answer
So i’ll ask you.. Where is the lies and made up propaganda on here?
Isn’t pretty much everything about blacks he says on other vids true? Yes
So why is it in your mind hateful to simply out the truth?
Why is it antisemitic to point out that the entire fleet of slave ships were indeed jewish owned i mean they WERE fact!
So why is that in your mind hateful to point out?
Could it be that you personally don’t want people hearing the truth that otherwise wouldn’t have so then start calling everything hateful racist and antisemitic with absolutely no basis whatsoever?
Why that’s what crazy unhinged lefties do!
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Alan Marr
13 hours ago
@That CarGuy I mention the NAZ is because most of the people on this channel have the same mentality. The sooner most of them are in their rightful place a secure mental Institution the better !
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@Alan Marr You can’t see it but you and That CarGuy are like two peas in a pod really!
16 hours ago (edited)
Well that Demographic owned the Empire Windrush ship that brought the first Black west indians here in 1948? That demographic seems be at the forefront over the decades of promoting immigration and diversity, and opposing Nationalist parties that opposed immigration. These are facts that cant be ignored. They in the historical record if you care to reaserch it!
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The Mossad
16 hours ago
The opposite is true, check what the EU is promoting in Israel.
15 hours ago
@The Mossad Ohhh the Mossad? Not going to come and bulldoze my house are you? Or mybe send a drone over for a targeted assassination? Shit i better relocate? How about i just unreservedly apologise and with draw my “Canard”? Or “trope” that seems the inword now?
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15 hours ago
@OccidentAdvocate. If I don’t steal your house someone else will…
The Mossad
15 hours ago
@OccidentAdvocate. If you build without a permit – hell yeah. Targeted operations – I love them. I want more! Watch us and learn before it’s too late. Let me know if you have more questions.
The Mossad
15 hours ago
@Rill That’s a fake video you fell for.
small feet
15 hours ago
not sure of all this but i do remember picking up something like it was a labour mp that pushed this through , which will be why labour are accused of supporting mass immigration by some ,
21 hours ago
17 hours ago
Gunna watch this then comment – but I bet your answer is ‘ No ‘
Isaiah Harper
17 hours ago
They’re the only ones whom benefit
Kitty katz centeno
9 hours ago
As usual , j people are separated , divided , some freeze , some fly , some (prepare to) fly .
Israelis are preparing for the arrival of around 5.000 people per week , just in case ….
Peace , please ….
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James Herbert
16 hours ago
Sadly I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain how so very wrong he is on this topic.
N i g h t r i d e r___o f___Λ l b i o n
14 hours ago
Beware the International Merchant
19 hours ago
You failed with that one.
kinor Spielman
14 hours ago (edited)
What a confused load of mumbo jumbo.
Call yourself a historian?
I’ve heard more educated discourse on Jackanory or on Bill And Ben The Flowerpot Men.
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Me myself and i
21 hours ago
BS, Give proof they did not cause hammock in the countries they came.
If 109 times, it should be quite obvious its not that one sided Simon.
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Lee Cambell
21 hours ago
Another comment from a burner account. How brave
Me myself and i
21 hours ago
@Lee Cambell Hope you get Covaids
camo camo
21 hours ago
@Lee Cambell are you going to send out the bat signal. Or are you just going to troll the entire comment section by yourself
19 hours ago
You mean the uber Christian and Islamic countries that historically persecuted anyone who didn’t aline with them.
Me myself and i
18 hours ago
@JTC Both Abrahamic religions made by the same people, when you insert Zionism in you got the Ottomans. Same Sh… Differ day….
16 hours ago
Could you please list your 109 countries Jews have been expelled from?
James Painter
16 hours ago
Hammockery by any chance
Me myself and i
16 hours ago
@G R its times as i wrote, they still arrived in a country, even if they have been thrown out b4. Or ask a jewish person even googel can tell you something.
war hammered
15 hours ago
Thousands of years of hate but none legitimate, really ?
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15 hours ago
It will become legitimate when crass bigotry becomes legitimate.
war hammered
15 hours ago
@BrownLeaf just a question ja
war hammered
13 hours ago
@BrownLeaf from the comments looks like your in the minority
8 hours ago
@war hammered Good to be in the righteous minority when dealing with a bunch of hysterical Jew hating bigots.
war hammered
8 hours ago
@BrownLeaf time to rethink your post.
8 hours ago
@war hammered No, thanks.
Rusty Williams
20 hours ago
Revelations 3:9
9 hours ago
How strange….I see the top comment has just vanished by Hiddenhand….500 likes,did someone say something about comments dissapperimg,especially when subject matter is them.
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The Eton Rifles
The Eton Rifles
9 hours ago
Yep it’s gone as if by magic,should we be surprised the untouchables shutting it down yet again.
A Requiem for the masses
8 hours ago
Paul Metcalfe
4 hours ago
He could have deleted his own comment
Nubie Bob
20 hours ago
Dornier Do217
20 hours ago
Yizz The Eunuch
19 hours ago
Lynne Hamer
19 hours ago
17 hours ago
These people are over represented in this area.
Sk Sk
20 hours ago
21 hours ago
109 countries.
22 hours ago (edited)
Hahah, saw the title, knew he’d dismiss it. Seriously, how to insult your entire audiences’ intelligence in 10 minutes. You’re literally admitting you don’t want to research the subject yet form a very strong opinion on the subject. Not very academic is it? As other mentioned, watch Europa The Last Battle…..
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Abby Wood
Abby Wood
21 hours ago
He’s probably seen it. It wouldn’t make the slightest difference.
21 hours ago
Do you want his channel and all his videos deleted?
James Dean
22 hours ago (edited)
I used to be a bit suspicious about Jews, but Simon befriended me, and groomed me, with all his other videos, and now I think that they are great !
How about you ?
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21 hours ago
Stop liking your own comments
Leonard Gibney
21 hours ago
See my post on ‘Joan the Wad’.
Judgement Day
8 hours ago
Does anybody know why all the top comments are being deleted?and why are they being deleted on this particular video???
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A Requiem for the masses
8 hours ago
How long ya got…can’t name them because this is would get deleted give you a clue
Old Scores
8 hours ago
Ask shimon
jdm king 888
19 hours ago
Open borders for isreal
He did It 2
13 hours ago
Haha you can’t say that,Tommy Whatshisname learnt the hard way Allegedly who owns the Hotels master stroke
22 hours ago (edited)
Re lig ion & et hn icity are two different things.
Yes! All of these main relig ion’s originated from the m iddle e ast & some from Asi a. Eu ro pean J oos come from As ia also originally. So all of these powerful man made controlling forces never originated from Eu rop e! If w hi te Eur op eans were always in control there wouldn’t have been g eno ci d es in Irel and, Ukr aine & Rus sia etc the people who control the world are not wh i te Eur op ea ns. Wakey wakey.
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John Mclaughlin
22 hours ago
To many Jews say it openly
16 hours ago
The Kalergi Plan. Period.
Chas R Martel
22 hours ago
Yes, don’t be stupid.
Dea Harri
10 hours ago
It’s deffinetly far left ideology. WEF might be a area of interest Simon..
TAoW Roland
47 minutes ago
He literally wears a shekel sign around his neck. No more needs to be said.
22 hours ago
Yes it is
Ross Kemp
8 hours ago
Lol! Top KEK, Simon!
View reply
Lew Zephier
Lew Zephier
9 hours ago
22 hours ago
Careful young man.. truth telling will be your downfall.
Preussian Blau
17 hours ago
Emmanuel Cellar legislated it.
Marc Piery
19 hours ago
Tad Ficus Catus
8 hours ago
If you want to know about Jews, read the articles by Andrew Joyce on the Occidental Observer website.
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8 hours ago
I do not pay much attention to bigots and their propaganda. But I made an exception here for you.
John Harrison
6 hours ago
@BrownLeaf “Yes”; the truth often hurts. But, often, it’s the truth that hurts, that also heals.
12 minutes ago
@BrownLeaf “Bigot”
How old are you, 12?
Val Rome
9 hours ago
Poor man. If a Jew spit in his face, he’d thank the Jew for doing it.
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8 hours ago
You are vile . Hateful dimwit.
:Joe -bloggs.
17 hours ago (edited)
In some circles it is well known all blood lines must be adulterated, so yes it is a fact though some or most are unwitting of their intention. The ultimate goal is one race adulterated.
Einzel Wolf
6 hours ago
Don’t let the ADL see this one lmao
Boho Tumbleweed
11 hours ago
Simon certainly removed many comments.
Pride and denial.
22 hours ago
Feeling bold today are we?
Yianni Zou
21 hours ago (edited)
Does educated mean intelligent? Because especially after this c vid nonsense I can interpret the difference now better than pre c vid with the mask theater etc.
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That CarGuy
15 hours ago
ok_ _innit
17 hours ago (edited)
Kalergi plan why cant you address it?
12 hours ago
Shat Bad
22 hours ago
Answer: Yes.
Willy Eckaslike
20 hours ago
The slave trade ship owners were as follows:
Name of ship Owners
Abigail Aaron Lopez Moses Levy , Jacob Franks.
Crown Issac Levy and Nathan Simpson.
Nassau Moses Levy
Four Sisters Moses Levy
Anne & Eliza Justus Bosch and John Abrams
Prudent Betty Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix
Hester Mordecai and David Gomez
Elizabeth Mordecai and David Gomez
Antigua Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell
Betsy Am. De Woolf Polly, James De Woolf
White Horse Jan De Sweevts
Expedition John and Jacob Roosevelt
Charlotte Moses and Sam Levy and Jacob Franks
Carocoa Moses and Sam Levy
Source : Elizabeth Donnan, 4 volumes, “Documents illustrative of the history of the slave trade to America “
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Kit Bear
20 hours ago
Also, La Fortuna – Aaron Lopez.
The J’s were also given reparations because of the abolition of slavery which were only just finished being paid back recently.
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Mystically Merry
19 hours ago
Also the conversus jews who despite converting to christianity to appease the Portuguese government still practised judaism in private. They went to the Americas and gained from the slave trade.
That CarGuy
16 hours ago
@Kit Bear That’s shocking! I actually cannot stand them i really can’t so they get paid out of it and we get a lifetime of stigma and being branded racists for life!
That CarGuy
16 hours ago
@Mystically Merry Just when you think you’ve heard it all you read another thing which makes you despise them even more..
Willy Eckaslike
14 hours ago
@That CarGuy gofindaVideo….the Due wish atlantic Slv trade
Willy Eckaslike
14 hours ago
@That CarGuy pr0f …..T0ny … .Mar … /tin ….. whose actually a black dude
Forbidden Recalls
17 hours ago
They can sympathise with refugees and asylum seeker in Israel.
22 hours ago
Oooooh. Interesting!
22 hours ago
The openly brag about it Simon…
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George Hetty
11 hours ago
2 hours ago
Thank you for this video. I’m not sure why there are so many crazy comments.
Angry Engine
22 hours ago
Miroslaw Horaczko
9 hours ago
Jews couldn’t flet Poland in XIX or early XX because Poland didn’t exist at this time .Was under occupation. Jews couldn’t be prosecuted in Poland bay Poles because of this reason. They were prosecuted by Russians , Germans and Austrians , occupants of Poland. But when Soviet Union was created Jews were very active part of communists secret services . But it is a another story.
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Bazkerville Rouge
11 hours ago
Every. Single. Time.
110 countries and couting.
David became Goliath
6 hours ago
This comments section has been quite enlightening and not in a good way.
7 hours ago
Interesting comments section on this one
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John Harrison
6 hours ago
I hope you’re not surprised.
22 hours ago
Do you actually believe this Simon?
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Simon Milligan
22 hours ago
Blimey! You really are the Genuine Article aren’t you? Always fascinating to come across a True Believer.
22 hours ago (edited)
@Simon Milligan you would know. Smh
Leonard Gibney
21 hours ago
See my post on ‘Joan the Wad’.
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@Simon Milligan He sure is, and you think I’m bad!
Simon Milligan
17 hours ago
I do not believe you are an anti-semite Mr Webb. But does it not alarm you that a large number of people commenting on this video clearly are?
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noticer 00
17 hours ago
Pointing out criminal conspiracies does not make you antisemitic, if white people were doing this it would be international news.
Simon Milligan
17 hours ago
@noticer 00. What criminal conspiracies?
That CarGuy
15 hours ago (edited)
Pointing out the truth is anti-semitic now?
Yes lets coin a phrase to call those that speak the truth
Was it a fact that all slave ships were jewish owned? Yes
So wheres the anti-semitism?
Isn’t it a fact that barbara spectre made a video saying she wants to mix europe with the 3rd world? Yes
So wheres the anti-semitism?
Didn’t kalergi have the same plan in mind for europe and wasn’t he a jew? Yes
Im still trying to find this anti-semitism could you point it out i mean blatant lies and non facts?
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Simon Milligan
15 hours ago
@ That Car Guy. What is your evidence that all slave ships were Jewish owned. Sir John Hawkins, one of the pioneers (if one can use that word) of the English slave trade, was emphatically not Jewish. Please provide sources for your claim.
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noticer 00
14 hours ago (edited)
@Simon Milligan It wasn’t all slave ships. Js were just disproportionately overrepresented- as usual. It is okay to demonize whites for their role in slavery but not js? In fact, why is it that I can say whatever I want about whites in the comment section but I cannot even type in the word Js without my comment being deleted?
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George Hetty
11 hours ago
@Simon Milligan Well said
Shukeel C
22 hours ago
You’re very disappointing on this one. You’re clearly scared. Barbara Lerner Spectre anyone?
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History Debunked
21 hours ago
Of what or whom am I scared?
Gavin Easterway
21 hours ago
@History Debunked the Austrian painter chased them out of Europe and many of them fled to the US and immediately started infiltrating the US academic institutions and media …………………even Disney was taken over by them hence all the antiwhite bullshit today
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Willy Eckaslike
21 hours ago
@History Debunked of them stopping your cheque every month
That CarGuy
15 hours ago
@Gavin Easterway Yes they also started the porn industry there too
Interracial anyone?
Surprise surrrprise!
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George Hetty
11 hours ago
@That CarGuy That’s a huge benefit for yourself surely?
9 hours ago
Jason Cornell
21 hours ago
Mozel Tov Simon may the Mossad give u medal for this or better yet a bonus
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History Debunked
21 hours ago
If only…
James Dean
21 hours ago
For me, this is one of the least sophisticated Mossad operations.
The only ones being converted here are racist skinheads.
Cernunnos The Horned One
21 hours ago
@History Debunked your favourite immigrants have destroyed Britain. All your other complaints about immigration are merely symptomatic.
Abraham Shekels
16 hours ago
@History Debunked you’re definitely not worth a medal but how many shekels for a loyal philosemite and subversion? I mean don’t tell me subvert your own people for free….shabbos perhaps?
That CarGuy
16 hours ago
@James Dean Racist skinheads lol oh shut up you melt LmFaO!
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@Cernunnos The Horned One I’m afraid Britain’s own have managed that without any overseas aid!
Potato Soup
22 hours ago
David Nevin
16 hours ago
It looks like my comments are being censored. Why would anyone censor comments which are verbatim from The Holy Bible ???
C. Ó Dubhlaoich
17 hours ago (edited)
Uhh…of course it is. Do they have to brag about it for some people to not see it? Oh wait..they do brag about it.
Dittmann Rudolf Röhr
22 hours ago
18 hours ago (edited)
Haven’t we seen you wearing a hebrew pendant before?
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18 hours ago
Ah yes… in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYpzs2QPQrc
Looks hebrew to me. Is it?
John Harrison
18 hours ago
@Steed Good gosh; you’re RIGHT.
That CarGuy
16 hours ago
I wonder how fond of them he will be after they kill his channel off?
14 hours ago
@That CarGuy I’ve never met a single person who lived in Israel or wore a hebrew pendant who wasn’t themselves of Jewish lineage.
That CarGuy
14 hours ago
@Steed Interesting
John Harrison
14 hours ago
@Steed I actually knew a Iesbian woman who wore both a cross and a Star-of-David pendant simultaneously. She claimed to be a ‘Christian for Israel’… Nice lady, though; so, I’m not inclined to give her any grief…..
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17 hours ago
The only group of people who’d been expelled from 109 countries for no reason whatsoever.
14 hours ago
they did not flee Russia they was kicked out over Communism
21 hours ago
Barbra Spectre seems to think so
James Smith
20 hours ago
I’m finding these comments rather convincing
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Abraham Shekels
20 hours ago
Me too
George Hetty
11 hours ago
Yes I’m also convinced there are some very silly sausages out there!
James Smith
8 hours ago
@George Hetty 109 countries can’t be wrong.
Tim Brady
15 hours ago (edited)
Barbara Spectre .
Andrew Bennett
11 seconds ago
Jews where with the normans when they conquered and recorded the doomsday book and taxed every local englishman from that time.
James Morgan
20 hours ago
Barbara Lerner Spectre is laughing.
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SS G0yli
16 hours ago (edited)
And everyone is else cringing
I haven’t seen this type of pathetic shilling in a looong time .
Andrew Gardner
17 hours ago
Sorry, you are wrong on this. Why are they expelled from 108 countries yet are always the victims? Have they never looked in the mirror and asked “why?”
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Aaron Oneill
Aaron Oneill
17 hours ago
They just want to sell you the taboos of the nation in entertainment. That’s all man
lone ranger
6 minutes ago
Talk about state grooming simon.
Fam It’s us
20 hours ago
You said South Africa was lead by them and yes look at South Africa now lol
johny dangerous
18 hours ago
What was they up to in Germany before the war they never talk about that.
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That CarGuy
15 hours ago
Scamming cheating lying and getting people eternally indebted to them via usury..
That CarGuy
15 hours ago
Watch europa the last battle and see the old rothschild send his sons to all corners of europe to lie scam cheat and steal
johny dangerous
15 hours ago
@That CarGuy pretty much what they are doing all over the world now then.
johny dangerous
15 hours ago
@That CarGuy yeah seen most of it. Blackpilled did a good video about 3x2s.
That CarGuy
14 hours ago (edited)
@johny dangerous I’ll have a look cheers i am subbed to that channel
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@That CarGuy A bit like the present Conservative party?
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@johny dangerous Yes much like the current political leaders of Western Democracy.
Ruby Honey
20 hours ago
Jonnie Gonads
17 hours ago
A nation of refugees?
(Nothing comes of nothing.)
John Mac
20 hours ago
Yes Simon, but you only discussed refugees. What about open borders policies, which go way beyond compassion?
John D’Arcy
21 hours ago
Would Israel allow its own people to become a minority?
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That CarGuy
16 hours ago
No hence why they have a homeland that is an ethno-state one that nobody else seems permitted to have because they are special don’t ya know…
20 hours ago
Rubs hands vigorously
jdm king 888
17 hours ago
Who owned the ships that took the slaves to america? Who owned the windrush ships ??
Derek Barwise
19 hours ago
The mass importation of cheap labour, needy consumers and grateful voters. What is there to question?
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That CarGuy
17 hours ago
Such a simplistic view… yes that’s it it only comes down to that yes…
Gammon Sandwich
21 hours ago (edited)
So without saying as much and trying to minimise it and excuse it as much as possible, the answer is yes then? And are White indigenous Europeans simply expected to relax and accept our demographic reduction and eventual ruin?
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Tony O’Halloran
Tony O’Halloran
14 hours ago
I think the term is chutzpah
Darklord BloodSugar
15 hours ago
Yes, and coincidentally you’ll find no multiculturalism going on in Israel.
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15 hours ago
NONSENSE. The population of Israel is made up of almost all the ethnicities in the world , all races, all religions. Twenty percent of the Israeli citizens are Arabs, both Muslim and Christians.
Sur Sorn
11 hours ago
@BrownLeaf They don’t have the same open borders policy though .
9 hours ago
@Sur Sorn Not crazy open border policy like we have in the US or the EU but one can apply for citizenship and many do. In this regard I totally agree with them and not at all with our government.
Made in Ireland
19 hours ago
The woman in this video was an extremely well connected Jewish activist and can be seen in a lot of photos with Lord Rotachild , you only habe to listen to her statements to debunk what you are saying , also search IsraAid here on YouTube a Jewish organisation assisting muslin immigration onto the Greek Islands , is it because of their love for Muslims or another reason ?
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Jay Taylor
21 hours ago
Massive cope.
Oliver Johnson
20 hours ago
Very interesting….Joe Slovo….a lithuanian jew……communist…..and against apartheid who supported the africans in south africa. Thanks for mentioning him, even further confirms what has been going on these past 100 years.
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That CarGuy
16 hours ago
martin ellen
21 hours ago
just imagine if western man stopped taking the lollipops instead of blaming zee jew
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That CarGuy
15 hours ago
Why would you not blame zee jew when there is stacks of factual evidence against them including incriminating video’s speeches and columns in papers?
Don’t be silly this whole antisemitism bullshit is so yawn…
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martin ellen
15 hours ago
@That CarGuy yeah bet you take all the lollipops
That CarGuy
14 hours ago
@martin ellen Yep just like i thought absolutely no rebuff at all just another silly reply speaks volumes
mathew gurney
22 hours ago
Jill Atherton
21 hours ago
Good Morning Simon, a tricky one today.
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History Debunked
21 hours ago
Good morning!
George Hetty
11 hours ago
But very illuminating?
10 hours ago
They are God’s chosen people. But their God has horns.
lone ranger
5 minutes ago
What race was your first wife? and where does she live now?
English Sailor
22 hours ago
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George Hetty
11 hours ago
Marc Purkiss
18 hours ago
Depends what you mean by ‘jews’- the faith,no, all of them, no, all of the genetically of jewish decent, no… but if you mean the heads of all these problem organisations then yes, though it would seemingly have little to nothing to do with their faith, at least on the face of it.
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That CarGuy
15 hours ago
Oh it has and that’s why they think we are cattle and them “Gods chosen people”
They think it’s some kind of big prophecy biblical event to mongrelise us they think they are acting on god it has a lot to do with the religion and israel being a “Jewish” homeland and ethno-state which they like to keep jewish
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Kalus Saxon
21 hours ago
20 hours ago
So what I can gather from your videos is, blacks are bad but don’t dare criticize the jews.
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That CarGuy
15 hours ago
He didn’t say they are bad he exposes the leftist lies of a black anne boleyn the lies of bullshit like cheddar man the lies of how they were invited to rebuilld britain after WW2 when they were not the lies of diversity build britain the constant barrage of mixed relationships on Tv the constant barrage of nothing but blacks on Tv despite being only a small % of the population THOSE kinds of lies
When did he come out and say blacks are bad???
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George Hetty
11 hours ago
@That CarGuy Well said, surprisingly!
lone ranger
4 minutes ago
Was it a sex for passport arrangement?
trav v
22 hours ago
mississippi rougarou
18 hours ago
Why would I listen to this when I can listen to them proudly proclaim that it is, in fact, them behind it. They don’t just admit it. They brag about it.
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17 hours ago
mississippi rougarou
17 hours ago
@kingalton10 ,
The Forward, Haaretz, literally any Jewish media…
17 hours ago
@mississippi rougarou so when I check out any of these sites , they’ll be admitting that it’s them trying to take over the world?
Not trying to be a smart ass , just very curious. Been doing a lot of reading lately
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Abraham Shekels
17 hours ago (edited)
@kingalton10 dude why would they admit they are trying to take over the world? Some have, but why the hell would they go around talking about taking over the world?
We are claiming that Jewish NGO’s celebrate their great work in helping immigrants. You can find this with Google. Use your head.
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mississippi rougarou
17 hours ago
@kingalton10 ,
They happily admit to pushing multiculturalism in White countries.
17 hours ago
@mississippi rougarou right I’ve seen a few videos. So is it an exact group like the globalist or do they tie in with most of them?
This is a subject that never gets talked about too much so I’m just curious
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E. G. Verlander
17 hours ago
@kingalton10 Suggest you read about Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset that has been discussed every year since 1971 in DAVOS. It’s the World Economic Forum!
mississippi rougarou
17 hours ago
@kingalton10 ,
Jews are on Team Jew. It’s that simple.
17 hours ago
@E. G. Verlander I do know about the great reset , a new globalist world
James Painter
16 hours ago
They feel sufficiently safe to rub our noses in it. Read your handy dandy AH again, ok?
That CarGuy
15 hours ago
Of course this is what ive been desperately trying to put across but seems to fall on deaf ears everytime they openly brag about it yet nobody seems to understand this..
That CarGuy
15 hours ago
@Abraham Shekels Jewish NGO’s have been overheard telling migrants
“One day all of this will be yours”
That CarGuy
15 hours ago
@kingalton10 (Europa The Last Battle)
That is all you need to watch to understand everything you will never be the same after it i promise you.. it’s hard to find in all it’s parts but it is out there
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15 hours ago
@That CarGuy ok thanks for the info
That CarGuy
14 hours ago
@kingalton10 No worries mate
8 hours ago
@E. G. Verlander and look what I just found today
https://youtu.be/_KBkXitNHJM it’s Klaus Schwab !
8 hours ago
@That CarGuy https://youtu.be/_KBkXitNHJM and we were just talking about this guy
That CarGuy
8 hours ago
@kingalton10 I actually just watched that video and yes schwab is also a jew
7 hours ago
@That CarGuy yea go figure
Brown Fox
16 hours ago
Diversity for thee but not for me
That CarGuy
20 hours ago
They are heavily mixed themselves they resent those who are not my last comment on this got deleted how very strange what’s to hide??
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White women think Black men are pathetic lol
20 hours ago
They don’t like the truth
That CarGuy
20 hours ago
@White women think Black men are pathetic lol No they don’t your username is genius and yet more truth!
Kyle Towe
19 hours ago
Kalergi Plan.
Steven Chandler
18 hours ago
Thought all talk of Jews is illegal. Very brave.
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noticer 00
17 hours ago
It is for us, but simon wears an interesting little necklace that obviously grants him protection from the elves.
William White
5 hours ago
There is an elephant in the room…
Reply …..”no you are humorous the elephant is ok”
“Let’s focus on the blacks”…..
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William White
5 hours ago
Abraham Shekels
21 hours ago
Watch Europa The Last Battle. It’s a must see.
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That CarGuy
15 hours ago
Not just a must see it’s ESSENTIAL
My name is Tim, I’m a lesser known character
17 hours ago
[Innocent, non-offensive comment]
Michael White
21 hours ago
The Jews should accept Christ !
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White women think Black men are pathetic lol
19 hours ago
Zionists and Muslims worship Satan
Yoel Handler
19 hours ago
In many countries like in Germany they did… didn’t end well.
Also since they believe in the same god it shouldn’t even matter…
White women think Black men are pathetic lol
19 hours ago
@Yoel Handler Zionists and Muslims don’t believe in the son of God
Michael White
19 hours ago
@Yoel Handler So are you blaming Christ for what happened in Germany ?
Yoel Handler
19 hours ago
@White women think Black men are pathetic lol All 3 religions believe in the same god… How they believe changes..
However seeing as you used ZIONISM to describes all jews and clearly don’t know what it means I imagine you don’t actually care abt facts you just want to be angry.
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Yoel Handler
19 hours ago
@Michael White noooo…. I am saying that they have attemped to assimilate many times and it never worked..
Theodor Hertzl who started the zionist movement wrote about how Jews should all convert to Christianity and assimilate…
He later learned that converting didn’t stop the hate..
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Michael White
19 hours ago
@Yoel Handler That’s good then. People should remember Christ was a Jew, and they are under the Lords protection.
That CarGuy
16 hours ago
@Yoel Handler They killed christ
Louise Cook
6 hours ago
Simon look at the World Economic Forum and world Leaders
Bruce Wee
7 hours ago
Harry Vox wants a quiet word Simon
8 hours ago
Early life check on Simon?
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28 minutes ago
He said he’s Jewish
14 hours ago (edited)
Why do they not advocate for migration into Israel Simon? Why did they literally kick out thousands of African refugees?
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13 hours ago
Yep I’ve seen the videos on YT, they are openly racist and pretty smug about it too.
Thor Heimdal
22 hours ago
Eric Ciaramella
20 hours ago
Open borders for Israel.
Dean Medcalf
21 hours ago
the far left ideologies that inspire multiculturalism comes from who? O yes, that is right.
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That CarGuy
16 hours ago
9 hours ago
Open borders for Israel
13 hours ago
I think people have confused “Jews with power” and “Jewish power.” They’re often successful where very they are, and there are a few powerful families that are Jewish. East Asians do well wherever they are, Indians control just about every Big Tech company, and many of the richest people on earth are either Chinese or Indian and yet, there’s no serious talk of an “Asian Conspiracy,” or an “Indian Conspiracy.” I must specifically make a distinction here between East Asian people, specifically Chinese, and the CCP, because the CCP are definitely conspiring against the rest of the world.
Y’all want a serious conspiracy for a NWO, look up Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, the Great Reset and the Great Narrative. Read some of his books, listen to him speak. They tell you what they’re doing so you don’t even have to guess. The world is full of real villains, I don’t understand why people would place such focus on elves.
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Joel –
11 hours ago
Agreed. I think Edward Snowdon’s perspective on conspiracy is more compelling. They’re in plain sight and hidden in the small print, obscured by legalise.
Notice that the anti-Semitic right which has found resurgence in the so-called “dissident right” are enamored with the works of early twentieth century fascist writers. As such it’s to be expected that they use the global Jewish conspiracy to justify their ideology. The irony, to my mind, is they wish to replace the status quo with it’s consumerist, liberal conspiracy, with their own. One that replaces consumerism with a disingenuous religiosity (Thrust upon the people, by themselves, atheists to a man) founded upon a quasi-fascist nationalism which enforces a strict societal norm.
In essence trading on form of conspiratorial control for another, one they find more palatable.
Show less
14 hours ago
You avoided the Palestinian situation.Israel doesn`t show much empathy in that direction.
George Best
21 hours ago
When were the Jews in Egypt?
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History Debunked
21 hours ago
The bondage in Egypt? The Exodus? See the Bible!
George Best
20 hours ago
@History Debunked you’re so sweet to reply thank you!! I know of that story I’ve read it I didn’t think there was any actual evidence to back it up though.
♥️ hope you’re doing well
Yoel Handler
19 hours ago
@George Best there were and still are Jews living in Egypt post bible…
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@History Debunked Is that a factual reference?
Edward Bishop
19 hours ago
The Talmud
22 hours ago
And then suddenly for no reason at all…
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George Hetty
11 hours ago
……..You popped up!
Rich Jones
18 hours ago
Referendum on Immigration. Join UKIPs campaign. We need action!
View 3 replies
14 hours ago
that was when Briton ruled Israel not the Jews
18 hours ago
109 countries since 1290.
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George Hetty
11 hours ago
How many countries rejected the British? In a far shorter period?
17 hours ago
21 hours ago
is this guy aware that the jews today in israel are not the ancestors of the ones that were in egypt thousands of years ago. i wouldnt even reference egypt as a généralisation for those modern jews. i am sure some of them may be ancestors of said group but to généralisé such would be in error. the word jew didnt even exist back then
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That CarGuy
19 hours ago
Khazars they are larping as jews
I. M. Notamoose
18 hours ago
Of course they are not the ancestors, however genetic tests do show that most of them ARE descended from them.
9 hours ago
@I. M. Notamoose yeah genetic test also reveal many euroepans have sub saharan african dna. but if you say that to this guy he thinks its some left wing fake history of blacks in europe. im convinced there is no such thing as pure white or pure black. its only the skin tone making us believe we that different cause its all we can see. fake anthropologiste out of europe in 19th century came up with these racial classifications and its was based on false ideas about superiority. so again we got europe to blâme for our dumb idea about race. and it seems blacks are still borrowing ideas about race from whites again. and these are the people the claim to be smarter than. i am talking about black supremacist groups that is. white supremacist groups are non the wiser
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13 hours ago
Has Howdy doody got wooden balls
Leaps of Faith
20 hours ago
Why have the Jews been thrown out of over 100 countries in their history? Is there a reason?
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Adrian Blakeney
19 hours ago
They weren’t liked..
18 hours ago
@Adrian Blakeney what made people not like them?
Boho Tumbleweed
17 hours ago
Their superiority.
Edward Kerrigan
17 hours ago
@Locutus Because people get jealous.The fact is that Jews have excelled in almost every field of endeavour where they participated. Wherever they have settled they have made an impact disproportionate to their numbers in business, science, medicine, commerce, education, literature and the arts, particularly music. Jews represent just 0.2% of the worlds population, but have received 22% of all Nobel prizes that have been awarded since the inception. This jealously and dislike reached it’s zenith in 1930’s Germany, with the results, which many of us still remember, looking as if they are starting to be forgotten.
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Sky long Skylong
17 hours ago
Are you English ?
Maybe you can comment on your history.
I believe Cromwell invited people of the Jewish faith to come to England after Civil War, due to the Country was bankrupt, and he noticed where they settled the region became very wealthy.
I believe this lead to the British Empire ?
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EnglishShieldwall 1997
17 hours ago
@Edward Kerrigan Go and tell that to the millions of victims of their “success”. Tell it those that suffered under Jewish occupation in the Soviet Union or the Weimar Republic.
George Hetty
11 hours ago
How many countries has Britain been rejected from in a far shorter time period?
Thomas Slater
12 hours ago
Kalergi plan
21 hours ago
I’m not even going to bother looking at the comments on this…
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That CarGuy
16 hours ago
But you ARE going to tell us all that though… Interesting
G – money
8 hours ago
Agree to disagree
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John Harrison
7 hours ago
^ BEST option here.^
Captain Ahab 420
16 hours ago
Debate Mark Collett
18 hours ago
Very poor
22 hours ago
tom sleaford
18 hours ago
I suggest you read the Israel daily newspaper Haaretz, it has featured many examples of expelling immigrants particularly black people, some who have been there over 20 years,and have children born in Israel.
John Mclaughlin
22 hours ago
22 hours ago
How many Syrian refugees did Israel take in? 0
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George Hetty
11 hours ago
How many did Saudi Arabia?
Frank Mclean
12 hours ago
I,m making no comment as I don,t wanna add to the dramma of your story. Meyer Lansky.
Phat Gurth
20 hours ago
water is level at rest…
Charles Beltington-Smythe
22 hours ago
Open borders for Israel
Hide 5 replies
22 hours ago
Juish women and black men make the most beautiful babies
Joel C
19 hours ago
Israel is multicultural. You have Israelis of Iranian, Russian, Indian, Chinese, European descent, you foolish person.
That CarGuy
16 hours ago
@Joel C And what do they all have in common you fool?
They are “Jews” you fool
If they don’t convert they don’t get in you fool
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That CarGuy
16 hours ago
Open borders for EVERYONE in israel jew or not… Lets see how that ethno-state holds up!
That CarGuy
16 hours ago
@Meep Spawn of hell literally
22 hours ago
And then I became to hate them
Mateusz Liese
11 hours ago
unsubed…controlled opposition….
Willy Eckaslike
22 hours ago
Shut it Down..right now
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That CarGuy
16 hours ago
Shut it all down delete the comments no free speech they’re onto us!!
Steph Foxwell
21 hours ago
No. Don’t be so ridiculous.
Lee Davies
22 hours ago
Europa The Last Battle.
Otto Sump
18 hours ago
Thou protest too much methinks .
Frank Nolan
21 hours ago
Watch R,T’s the lobby.
Rusty Buckett
22 hours ago (edited)
As if treading on eggs.
Hide 14 replies
Mary Sue Dating Agency
Mary Sue Dating Agency
22 hours ago
103rd today
George Hetty
22 hours ago
Did you cheat yet again?
22 hours ago
Lol highly suspicious
Rusty Buckett
21 hours ago
. . . Though not proven.
George Hetty
19 hours ago
@Rusty Buckett Only by your own admission,are you a man of your word ?
Rusty Buckett
15 hours ago
I’m a man of my word.
George Hetty
14 hours ago
@Rusty Buckett Then unless you have removed the drop down thingy that you boasted about previously here
to ensure
whenever you choose you are assured “first”
we must assume that you cheat still, but are selective?
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Rusty Buckett
14 hours ago
@George Hetty You’re not studying to be a halfwit . . . You’ve got a diploma.
George Hetty
11 hours ago
@Rusty Buckett A person needs no formal qualification to state the facts !
Rusty Buckett
2 hours ago
@George Hetty Wake up, George, and have another glass of cheap NZ wine. No formal quals need for that.
George Hetty
1 hour ago
@Rusty Buckett Cloudy Bay isn’t cheap!
Rusty Buckett
1 hour ago
@George Hetty ’tis not. Good moring, George.
Rusty Buckett
1 hour ago
Oh, and look at this morning’s first video. I was first.
George Hetty
42 minutes ago
@Rusty Buckett Sorry but cheating achievement is not recognised and I’m afraid we must continue to assume that you are cheating until you make a statement to the contrary!
Schmaiah goldberg
16 hours ago
shut it down 3.2.1
John Fisher
20 hours ago (edited)
No it isn’t. Jews are not an ethnic group. They are not a race at all. Semites are a ethnicity and this includes Arabs and many peoples of the Middle East. Judiasm is a multi racial religion. Ethiopian Jews, Chinese Jews, on and on etc. Different peoples and different sects of Judaism. I don’t think Jews are interested in induced multi national immigration as a norm as it means they are displaced in Israel. While Israel is an indigenous multi religious, faith democracy it must remain the homeland of the Jewish people in both a religious and identity sense. They have suffered so much as a religion they are determined to never be helpless again. I completely support this. Lapsed members of the Jewish faith (or any religion) who choose nothing, such as Soros are a problem because they are cynical and unrestrained by any notion of obligations to God who encapsulates the notion of responsibility and obligations to a perfection of moral standard…or aspiring to all that represents. When unrestrained or lapsed into nothing they pick things they like all the while repudiating the thing they have left, or distorting elements of it that they like. You have quoted from a psalm concerning the Babylonian exile of the Jews. Being in Europe or dispersed was an exile as well. The urge is to go home. Multiculturalism isn’t tolerance or intergration. It’s inducing foreigners into your homeland where they eventually disposses you. The Jews returned to Israel from Babylon. That is where they should have remained with small numbers abroad. I say this for their sake. Any minority that cannot become a majority in a specific region or location will be displaced and marginalised. That is the law of hegemony.
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George Hetty
11 hours ago
Well said
SS G0yli
17 hours ago
Open borders for Israel – diversity marcht frei
8 hours ago
David Allen
9 hours ago
Does mouse shit roll
Murphy Tinsel
21 hours ago
My comment was deleted mentioning Norman Finklestein and Bobby Fischer (Critical and honest Jews well worth listening to). Summarises the issue well. To find who rules over you, find who you cannot criticise.
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Scotty mackay
20 hours ago
I love how you think “honest Jews” are only ones critical of Jews and Israel.
Murphy Tinsel
20 hours ago
@Scotty mackay Yup.
4 hours ago
While Simon does a good job explaining the reasons why there is a large presence of Jews who advocate for refugees in order to dispel conspiracy theorists he doesn’t mention a simple fact – those who advocate for refugees are not exclusively Jewish. Without a doubt, there are many White Christians with progressive values who do exactly the same however don’t come into focus in the antisemite’s narrow mind.
By the same token, there are many Jews who share right wing views
and who would not advocate for refugees in today’s Britain.
Anti-semitic conspiracy theorists focus on one segment of Jews to attack a whole nation whereas they don’t apply the same standards to White Christians. They don’t bat an eye if the English aristocrats lorded over them for centuries and even today are great landowners and are obscenely rich. However, if a person of Jewish origins or faith should acquire wealth and /or power then it seems to them that there’s something inherently wrong.
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41 minutes ago
Look up the meaning of the phrase “per capita”.
18 hours ago
Its certainly not in Israel
c b
22 hours ago
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That CarGuy
16 hours ago
Donald Duck
19 hours ago
Lez Anderson
20 hours ago
Some words are not allowed in comments on YouTube….and the word ‘Ju-wish’ gets Most comments deleted within seconds of appearing ??? That should tell you something !!
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History Debunked
20 hours ago
Why on earth should you think that the word ‘Jewish’ is forbidden on YouTube?
Alpha e
20 hours ago
@History Debunked youtube tends to delete comments with little rhyme or reason
Lez Anderson
20 hours ago
@History Debunked Can you please explain whenever I , leave a comment on YouTube that references Jews ..it is deleted. Even though the comments are respectful ?? This seems to happen to quite a lot of people?? Why ??
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Lez Anderson
20 hours ago
Other words that tend to Trigger getting your Comments deleted are things like mentioning the ‘Holocaust’ ??
Alpha e
19 hours ago
@Lez Anderson he knows as much as you or i. you should take it up with youtube support if you want help
John Harrison
19 hours ago
@History Debunked Maybe because, for a long time, comments with that word in it WERE often deleted. RECENTLY, though, YT seems to be allowing more comments with such words in them.
John Harrison
19 hours ago
@Alpha e No; the reason is simple: YT has been excessively PC up until recently.
Alpha e
19 hours ago
@John Harrison no. youtube is very sensitive to anything controversial or offensive in general.
John Harrison
18 hours ago
@Alpha e No; the sanitizing of YT comments has been considerably lessened recently.
George Hetty
11 hours ago
JEWISH JEWISH JEWISH JEWISH JEWISH JEWISH JEWISH perhaps it’s what is written after that is unacceptable?
Alpha e
11 hours ago
@John Harrison no.
Lez Anderson
11 hours ago
@George Hetty We have a Mental degenerate ! ,……The ‘Reply’ comments practically never get read…as there are usually a lot …So they are never scrutinised by the YT software and never get deleted ??? …There are already over 2000 comments on this topic , before you add on the reply s….to individual comments ..!! Think about it ….
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George Hetty
10 hours ago
@Lez Anderson I very much doubt if any comments are actually read but certain trigger words will be
recognised and so when commenting think about your words as Mr. Webb perfectly demonstrates .
22 hours ago
these comments lmao
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That CarGuy
17 hours ago
The only funny ones are the smarmy one liners like yours
James Heyworth
21 hours ago
Shouldn’t Israel be the most welcoming? As they know their plight all too well? Naaaaa free pass again.
Patrik Bergqvist
17 hours ago
The Experps
13 hours ago
Open borders for Israel
That CarGuy
20 hours ago
Comments are being deleted! Second one gone
Alex May
22 hours ago
Check out ISRAID
16 hours ago
That CarGuy
20 hours ago
First comment was deleted after the 1min mark very strange
Zayne Van Bommel
22 hours ago
Dylan Kirwan
22 hours ago
20 hours ago
A French Jew turns to his neighbor, telling him the country has become too dangerous with the rise of Islam and an endless flow of hostile migrants. He has decided to move to Israel for the family’s safety and wishes his neighbor good luck. Watching his neighbor of many years walkway, the Frenchman wonders to himself, “Where is my Israel?”
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Bill Beeby
8 hours ago
Un subbed
Rational Bacon
21 hours ago
Yes. 100%. It’s how they hide amongst us.
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18 hours ago
clemo benoit
19 hours ago
Wow, antisemitism rife on here today.
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That CarGuy
17 hours ago
Define antisemitism???
That CarGuy
17 hours ago
You do realise that word was coined just like conspiracy theorist to put people off stigmatize them and prevent further discussion yes?
It’s a non word
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Dave Lister
9 hours ago (edited)
Ahh, but which Jewish overlords are we talking about? The original Jews of Ethiopia or perhaps the Lost Tribe of Israel in Japan?
Incidentally, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, as I’m sure you’ll be well aware, was a forgery concocted b some early Russian state police, which seems to have borrowed heavily from the brilliantly dark satirical Dialogue in Hell by Maurice Joly that considers a hilarious post mortem conversation between Montesquieu and Machiavelli. Dialogue itself is claimed by Umberto Eco to be somewhat derivative of some another work,
Les Mystères du peuple, by Eugene Sue, an online copy of which I have yet been unable to track down.
Fascinating, though, to be able to seemingly watch Joly’s vision play out in almost realtime.
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John Harrison
7 hours ago
Mostly, the WEALTHY, “orthodox” types. DEFINITELY NOT the Blake Hebrew Israelites; those putzes are just a PITIFUL joke…..
Lost ones in Japan? Must say, I’ve never heard THAT one before…..
Anyway, I don’t know JACK about the ‘POE”S of Zion’. What I DO know is, anyone who trusts a chew is SERIOUSLY LACKING between the ears.
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21 hours ago
this guy knows alot about stuff but uniforme on other thing. some jews helped in civil rights there were others who were very much seeing their whiteness and stayed away from it. same for germany. some jews in america were gaining profits in germany during hitlers wild take over. and some jews also aided in the transatlantic slave trade. there has always been splits in all the white groups. and i am not convinced the is such a thing as a unified europe or white race. or any race for that matter. only nations. even in england some brits wanted slavery and ôthers didnt. and therefore much of the disdain for asylum seekers stil exist. but of course much of this is politics now between left and right wing
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Carol Ramsey
Carol Ramsey
20 hours ago (edited)
‘Splits in the white groups’ And none in the blacks? Apart from African tribal groups and African Americans owning slaves and being both left and right wing we have hindus and muslims hating each other, arab v. Jew and tribal squabbles of one sort or another all over the world. Come to that we’ve even got football hooligans, the most lunatic tribalists of the lot who worship thickies who kick a ball around a field for an hour and a half on a Saturday afternoon.
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20 hours ago
@Carol Ramsey like i said in my comment i am not convinced there is such a thing as unified europe or white race or any race for that matter. this includes so called black. however a person may define a black or a white. cause i have seen so many black types its hard to distingush who is white or black. hence the classifications are stupid but it does make for some good division and stupid rhétoric. such as some of what this old man says. the white folks that created these classification in the 19th century made us all dumber in regards to défining identities. but the old man seems to think these men gave the world something groundbreaking. we could have done without racisal classifications based on skin
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10 hours ago
USS Liberty.
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8 hours ago
c b
22 hours ago
John Bones
21 hours ago
Barbara Spectre Lerner
John Skelton
21 hours ago
I believe it is more about spreading Islam
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That CarGuy
17 hours ago
What gave you that idea? Islam is a mere tool to be used against us just like all those black biological weapons on rubber boats…
15 hours ago
are you one?
Perry Anderson
8 hours ago
Of course it is. They are the ones pushing for it, but don’t want it for them.
Tim Masters
18 hours ago
Is multiculturalism a Jewish enterprise? Why not…Marxism is, so is Socialism and what it leads to…Communism. ‘Racism’ has been attributed to Trotsky, a Ukranian Jew. Feminism has also been linked to Jewish people, particularly during the 20th Century as has Capitalism which has its roots in Jewish Usury.
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That CarGuy
16 hours ago
Yes the entire left and LGBT antifa ect ect ALL their constructs all designed to fracture and break down western civilisation..
Luke Gill
9 hours ago
English Amren.
19 hours ago
Youtube, Janet spectra,
Lee Cambell
21 hours ago
The huge anount of bigots commenting is worrying
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Cernunnos The Horned One
21 hours ago
So you’re fine with grooming gangs, terrorism, knife crime etc, etc, etc?
21 hours ago
Psss.. the nazis were based
Abraham Shekels
20 hours ago
Only going to increase. In fact you can Google: ‘anti-semitism increase’ and find articles all about the alarming increase
Lee Cambell
20 hours ago
@Cernunnos The Horned One you shagwit. How did you make such a leap of gammon logic?
Cernunnos The Horned One
20 hours ago
@Lee Cambell read The Protocols Of the Elders Of Zion to follow my logic. It’s was written at the turn of the 20th century and spoke about how they would use the Muslim to destroy Europe. It was dismissed as antisemitic propaganda as is always the case.
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20 hours ago
@Lee Cambell anti white cuck wonders why “bigotry” is on the rise lol..
White women think Black men are pathetic lol
19 hours ago
@Lee Cambell you’re triggered by Hurty words you need to man up for f**k Sakes you big soft Nelly
10 hours ago
Not a Jewish enterprise, a Chinese enterprise.
strange but true
18 hours ago
I don’t understand why there are so many anty Semites but we have a more deverstaiting cultures coming from the middle East
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noticer 00
17 hours ago
You are focusing on the gun and not the man who is using it against you.
That CarGuy
15 hours ago
Annnnnnd WHO is bringing them here dumb dumb?
And stop using that pathetic copout of a word
Paul Crossley
14 hours ago
Simon, You need to read the comments below and ask yourself why your channel attracts anti-semites and conspiracy theorists in such large numbers.
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Nicholas Gargano
13 hours ago
Joel –
9 hours ago
@Nicholas Gargano I think you know better. Read the comments. Its nothing but “109 countries.. blah blah” “Goto Bitchute and watch Europa…” “Jewish Marxism”
John Damage
21 hours ago
Jewish is a religion isn’t it not a race of people?
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History Debunked
21 hours ago
Judaism is indeed a religion.
Abraham Shekels
20 hours ago (edited)
@History Debunked not very informative.
Judaism is a religion.
Being Jewish is an ethnicity.
That CarGuy
17 hours ago
Except when larping as white
Then when the shit hits the fan they are suddenly NOT associated with whites at all but now jewish..
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That CarGuy
17 hours ago
@Abraham Shekels It is a religion but the only one that makes you have a rattish appearance
16 hours ago
Lordy! … The Jew hating brigade is letting us know that their hair is on fire!
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Richard Nordheimer
16 hours ago
An Irish man walks into a cinema, out of 110 cinemas he gets thrown out of 109 of them.
The Irish man cries out “Why do they hate me so?” but never does he ask himself if he is at fault for being thrown out in the first place
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Mac Man
20 hours ago
Antisemitism is cringe.
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John Harrison
19 hours ago
No; dudes who wear tiny beanies, beards, and long hair on the SIDES of their heads, while looking for lost pennies, and considering themselves superior to everyone else, are “cringe”.
Mac Man
18 hours ago
@John Harrison why would a people who consider themselves superior, own all the banking industries, and have control of the worlds economy look for pennies on the ground? You lot sound like retarded flat earthers lol
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Mac Man
18 hours ago
OMG they they have got BEARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That CarGuy
17 hours ago
@Mac Man You’re comment couldn’t get anymore cringe
Ah here it is the golden “Flat earth” comment
And you have the cheek to talk about “cringe”
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That CarGuy
17 hours ago
@John Harrison Spot on!
John Harrison
17 hours ago
@Mac Man They look for pennies on the ground because they’re OBSESSED with MONEY.
12 hours ago
My mother told me stories about the jewish especially shopkeepers which there were many back in the 60’s very kind and polite never a problem always gave my mum money of any item she liked they would tell my mum how greatful they were for britain giving them a home after the war when you open the door’s to the jewish race your country no matter where will thrive and prosper they work hard and very blessed in business which i attribute to them studying the tora from a young age i always remember sometimes i go over to watch the spurs at white hart lane and you would see them going to there synagogue’s just of the seven sisters but you never ever felt threatened or harrased in any way GOD BLESS ISRAEL.
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11 hours ago (edited)
Hey man, 2015 called, it wants its right-wing talking points back
David Marcus
11 hours ago
Tell that to the Russian’s, Ukrainians, Palestinians, to name but a few of the group’s of Tens of Millions they starved & butchered.
paul kendal
20 hours ago (edited)
And by the way, Jewish people did not lead our freedom movement’s. Yes, Jewish people have indeed been active supporters of our movements for equality and freedom, but they were never our leaders . BLACK PEOPLE are not sheep to be push around. WE ARE HUMANS just like you and have independence of thought. i.e we lead our own movements for our freedom !!!!
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That CarGuy
17 hours ago
Don’t be so rediculous you couldn’t even wipe your own arses without them they have been at the forefront of everything you do EVEN rap/hip hop
Soros and rothschilds funding here and there help left right & centre
They are like the mothers holding onto the arms of a waddling toddler (you)
Go gooo you can do it walk walk!!
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clemo benoit
19 hours ago
Viva Israel.
Subversive Spectrum
20 hours ago
The whyt nat’s are just acting like basketball players, blaming others for all their problems. Man up!
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That CarGuy
17 hours ago
Stfu learn what it is you’re about to talk about or fuck off and do something else you melt..
And that’s rich isn’t it? More hypocrisy here i feel
Haven’t blacks made an entire lifetime out of blaming others for their misfortunes? Shut up
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14 hours ago
I believe that the Israeli government also let in some Vietnamese refugees, as well.
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John Harrison
13 hours ago
Di Hew
22 hours ago
Viva Israel.
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That CarGuy
17 hours ago
Shut up…
George Hetty
11 hours ago
Well said
8 hours ago
All the barking will not help the Jew hating bigots. Simon Webb knows what he is talking about. Cheers!
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John Harrison
7 hours ago
Barking won’t help anyone except hunters and wary property-owners, really, Dead Leaf. And, what Simon KNOWS is not the ISSUE here. Skoal!
See Also
Luke Ford – Andrew Joyce On The Jewish Question — Apr 17, 2017 — Transcript
David Duke Interviews Dr Andrew Joyce — TRANSCRIPT
Red Ice Radio: Dr Andrew Joyce – The History of Jewish Influence — TRANSCRIPT (Part 1)
Red Ice Radio: Dr Andrew Joyce – The History of Jewish Influence — TRANSCRIPT (Part 2)
TOO – Andrew Joyce’s Podcast – Talmud and Taboo — Part 01 – Jun 30, 2020 — Transcript
Andrew Joyce’s Podcast – T & T No. 1 – The Skype Directory — Jul 15, 2020 — Transcript
Andrew Joyce – T&T No 2 – And then one day… – Jul 20, 2020 — Transcript
Andrew Joyce – T&T No 3 – Kicking Over the Bucket – Jul 27, 2020 — Transcript
Andrew Joyce – T&T 4 – The Man Who Put the Jews on Trial – Aug 3, 2020
Andrew Joyce – T&T 5 – The Return of the Bucket – Aug 5, 2020 — Transcript
Andrew Joyce – T&T 6 – The Antisemite’s Handbook – Aug 11, 2020 — Transcript
Andrew Joyce – T&T 7 – The TOO Takedown – Aug 14, 2020 — Transcript
Andrew Joyce – T&T 8 – SEMITISM – Aug 28, 2020 — Transcript
Andrew Joyce – Trumpism, Bidenism, and the System – Nov 9, 2020 — Transcript
Guide to Kulchur – The Protocols of the Elders of Zion – Andrew Joyce – Nov 22, 2020 — Transcript
Andrew Joyce – BLM – Irish Edition – Dec 31, 2020 – Transcript
Horus – Discussing the ‘Russian Pogroms’ with Andrew Joyce – Jan 20, 2021 — Transcript
How Africans May Differ from Westerners
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Version 4:
Version 3:
Version 2:
Version 1: Feb 22, 2022 — Published post. YouTube comments included.
Pingback: Mark Collett – A Response to History Debunked (Simon Webb) – May 6, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – A Response to Tommy Robinson – May 13, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Book Review – Reactionary Modernism – Jonathan Bowden – May 30, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – The Queen’s Jubilee – A Bitter Sweet Celebration – Jun 3, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Muslim Protests Cause Film to Be Cancelled – Jun 10, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Jailed for Sharing Memes as Paedophiles Walk Free – Jun 17, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and the Covid Jabs – Jun 24, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – The Real Reason for the Cost of Living Crisis – Jul 8, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Anne Marie Waters Shuts Down For Britain – Jul 15, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Hope Not Hate Exposed – Review – Jul 23, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Drag Queen Story Hour – PA Protest Update – with Laura Towler – Jul 29, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Covid ‘Truthers’ Deny the Reality of Race – Aug 19, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Notting Hill Carnival – the Death of a Rapper – Sep 2, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Christmas Adverts 2022 – Africans Rule Medieval Europe – Nov 18, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Global Sports – A Tool of Judeo-American Colonialism – Nov 25, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Lockdown Deaths Continue to Rise – Dec 9, 2022 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Colin Jordan Interviewed by British Movement – 2003 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: David Frost – Interview with Oswald Mosley – Nov 15, 1967 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Douglas Macgregor – The US Want Russia to Collapse – Feb 1, 2023 – Transcript | katana17