Mark Collett – Anne Marie Waters Shuts Down For Britain – Jul 15, 2022 – Transcript


[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks about the shutting down of Anne Marie Waters’ For Britain party, and what lessons that can be learnt from it all.




Mark Collett


Anne Marie Waters


Shuts Down For Britain


Jul 15, 2022



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Published on Jul 15, 2022


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Anne Marie Waters SHUTS DOWN For Britain
July 15th, 2022


Mark Collett
On July 13th Anne Marie Waters announced the end of For Britain. The party once boasted that it was the ‘fastest growing political movement in Britain’, but just five years after its founding, it no longer exists. Find out why it failed and what can be learned from For Britain’s mistakes.

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anne marie waters; for britain; free speech; nationalism



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(52:22 mins)



Hello everybody. And welcome to today’s video. And here we are. And today we are doing an obituary! We are picking over the bones of For Britain. Because that’s it! It is officially over! It is done! For Britain has been closed as of yesterday, with immediate effect. It’s all finished. Founded in 2017 and closed on July the 13th, 2022.


Now! Before we get into this I’m gonna say something that’s gonna surprise a few people. I’m not actually here to gloat! I’m not gonna sit here for 20, or 30 minutes laughing at this, or poking fun at people. And if you thought that’s what this video was going to be, you’re going to be Sorely disappointed. This isn’t going to be a roast of For Britain. This isn’t going to be a roast, or an attack on Anne Marie Waters.


In fact. I’m going to try and paint a proper and fair analysis. And I’m going to ask what lessons can be learnt from this unfortunate episode? I’m going to try and break all of this down. And I’m going to give you my perspective on where things went wrong. I’m going to give you my perspective on how this went down, and why For Britain failed.

So let’s start by seeing what For Britain had to say. Let’s not just start with saying it was closed. Let’s see what they have to say on the matter. And let’s hear it straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.


So I’m gonna go to the For Britain website. This is the For Britain website. They’ve got a statement upon the website. They’ve also emailed this statement out to all the people on their mailing list. I’m not going to read the whole thing. I’m just going to read what I feel are the important bits, the commentary on why they’ve shut up shop. I’m not going to go into all the stuff at the end about what Anne Marie Waters hopes to do in the future.


But let’s read this first. Then I’m going to give some commentary. So here is the full Britain website it’s still up obviously, at the time I’m making this video. Don’t know how long it’s going to be up for after that. But here’s obviously a picture of Anne Marie Waters. And here’s the date 13th of July 2022. So I’m going to read this:


“I am writing to you today with some very important news. I know you may be disappointed by this news. But I also hope you’ll understand the decision For Britain has decided to cease operations as a political party with immediate effect. This has been a very difficult decision, but one that must be taken.

There are a couple of important reasons for this decision, certainly from my own perspective. Firstly support for patriotic politics has collapsed, at least publicly, in recent years. This does not mean that the people don’t agree with us. It simply means they have stopped offering support, especially public support.

So successful has been the campaign of fear and propaganda by our opponents that many people believe that to aspire to live in a Democratic nation state is an act of hatred. It is not.”


Now just a quick interjection here from me. I find this a bit disappointing. Even at the very end, she seems to be saying that For Britain’s primary goal was to ensure British people lived in a democratic nation state. Where’s the mention of fighting to preserve your race, your nation, the integrity of your people? No, she’s leading with something, which is a little bit more watered down. But I’ll carry on. She goes on to say:


“Many believe that politics is corrupt by its very nature. And while this may be true to an extent, the current conduct of politics is worse than I’ve ever known it in my lifetime, and has rapidly deteriorated in the 18 years that I have been involved. Masked, black-clad activists who intimidate people and threaten, and use violence against opponents, are now commonplace. Such thugs have the support of the mainstream media and mainstream politics.

Those of us who believe in the nation state and a return to evidence-based policy on a firm moral foundation are routinely smeared as racists and Nazis, and never afforded a sufficient right of reply! We are not allowed to attend events. And if we do we can expect to be met with a violent mob. Our democracy has therefore collapsed.

More, and more, British people have abandoned party politics altogether. Those who do vote tend to opt for the status quo. If we combined all votes received by small parties in recent elections we still would not come close to threatening the establishment. Support across the board has collapsed! It is a sad indicator of the death of our democracy. Since Covid things have gotten steadily worse. This followed by the cost of living crisis means people have re-prioritized and are unable to continue to support us financially.

From my own perspective I’ve decided to take a break from electoral politics. Though as I’ve always promised I will never give up fighting. I will return to politics when the country is ready.

But for now my energies are better spent. I intend to return to my roots and seek to educate our country about the incompatible cultures, of the growing strength and presence every day.

To this end I will revisit Sharia Watch. I will continue to make videos, write articles, and update my Grooming Gang Report from 2015. I will examine what has happened since that time.”




Now she goes on to talk about other things that she intends to do. However I’m not going to read all that. I’m not going to make extensive commentary on that. Her future plans are up to her, and whether they come into fruition that’s another thing altogether. The fact is, For Britain has been closed!


Now, initially I would say there are four big takeaways from this. Four big takeaways from what I’ve just read to you. Now you might think there are more. And if you do, or if you think I’ve missed anything, feel free to comment in the comment section below. But my four big takeaways from this are the following.


I think Anne Marie Waters and For Britain, or the people involved in running For Britain, had broadly speaking a massive misunderstanding when it comes to the nature of politics itself.


Secondly I think those running For Britain adopted tactics that were, to put it politely, poor. In other words, they were tactics that failed completely.


Thirdly, I think there’s obviously an issue about money.


And finally, fourth and last, but certainly not least, I think Anne Marie Waters and those running For Britain, and many within For Britain, were completely naive! And that’s me being kind. When you read through that. When you look at what she’s saying in that final statement, to say there’s a degree of naivety to what she’s saying is an understatement! She’s writing that as if it’s her first rodeo. As if she doesn’t have any knowledge of politics, how nationalists have been treated in the past. And I would say point four, total naivety! And I’m going to analyze each one of those points in order.


Now the first I said was a broad misunderstanding of politics. Now Anne Marie Waters said that there’s been a collapse in support for nationalism, that people aren’t talking about nationalism as they used to be. That we’re in what would be called a “bust period”, we’re at a low point of a political cycle for nationalism.


But everything is cyclical! There is always boom and busts, there’s boom and busts for the mainstream parties. I mean, I’ll give you an example. Back in 1983 Margaret Thatcher won the general election. The Conservative Party had a Parliamentary majority of 144 seats. And at the time people said:


“Labour was done.”


People said:


“That was the end of the Labour Party.”


That the Labour Party would likely splinter. That it could never recover from such a crushing defeat. The 70s were gone, the militant unions had been defeated. And it seemed like all support for the Labour Party had evaporated. And people were writing their obituary.


But in 1997, Labour staged one of the most dramatic comebacks in British political history! Tony Blair swept to power, with a 179 seat majority. A majority even greater than Thatcher’s! And at the time, what did people say?:


“The Conservatives were done! The Conservatives were a shattered party! How could they come back from a defeat like this?”


A defeat that made Thatcher’s victory looked relatively less impressive, in fact! But here we are. Today we live under a Conservative government, and that 179 seat Labour majority was eroded. So much so, that when Boris Johnson won the last general election he took an 80-seat majority.


Now I know, an 80-seat majority is not as big as the majority that Thatcher had, or Blair had. But it’s still a sizable majority. So you can see that this boom and bust cycle, this one side replacing the other, it happens with the mainstream parties. No party will ever see constant success and growth. Nothing ever sees constant success and growth. There’s always high points and there’s low points.


And so far I’ve just talked about the mainstream parties. But the same is true of, let’s say, fringe parties, or movements that are to the Left, or to the Right of what is described as the centre.




Now we’ve seen this with the Left. The Left saw dramatic growth when the Blair government decided to go to war with Iraq. There was a huge street movement opposing the war in Iraq. This was absolutely massive! Millions of people took to the streets all over the UK. And it was famously the million-man anti-war march through London. And obviously that benefited the stop the war coalition which was effectively a front group for several far-left groups, like the Socialist Workers Party. And they saw growth.


Now today, are they seeing growth? Did they benefit from that in the long run? I don’t think they did. And I would say pretty confidently that those groups are not flying high today. The political circumstances at the time gave those groups a massive boost, and that faded. Because, as I said, boom and bust cycles are absolutely normal in pretty much every industry, every walk of life, or for every political party.


And the same is true when it comes to nationalism. Look at the rise of the alternative, or the dissident Right, post, 20016. We had Brexit. We had the rise of Trump. Trump sensationally won the presidency on the back of a phrase “make America great again” and “build the wall”! Build the wall! Immigration was the talk of the Western world.


You had a President saying that immigration was the greatest threat to our way of life. All of a sudden people were talking about migration. They were talking about demographics. And obviously they were also talking about race. And this was a massive boost for the dissident Right.


And Brexit happened at the same time. Brexit was a massive blow to globalism. It was a massive blow to the idea of these huge, multicultural, communist style, blocks. And again, that was a massive boost for nationalism.


And then on the back of all of that what did we see? We have the rise of BLM! We have the rise of racially based politics, actually coming from the Left. This came from the establishment on the Left. Everyone was talking about race. And obviously they were pushing White guilt. That drove a lot of people to the dissident Right.


And, because of Trump, because of Brexit, because of BLM, we saw our numbers swell. This was our boom period! And Anne Marie Waters may be right we’re now in a bit of a cooling off period. And that’s normal.


BLM is now forgotten. We’ve been banned heavily on social media. Social media has been closed off to us so we can’t get our message out to the people. Trump had, I believe, the election stolen from him. And he’s obviously no longer the President.


And Brexit became such a mess. I think a lot of people would rather forget the whole thing. It was a bit of a farce. People voted for a hard Brexit. They voted to get out of the EU, and the politicians didn’t really deliver on that. Because I don’t think any of the politicians even the ones who claim to be supporting Brexit, really supported a full withdrawal from the globalist system.


And many people voted Brexit as a protest against things, such as globalism, and immigration. And all promises about those things have never come into fruition! The politicians never made good on them.


So our core issues have, at the moment, taken a bit of a backseat. They’re taking a backseat to things such as Covid. She’s right about that. Things such as the cost of living crisis. And when people talk about the cost of living crisis, when they talk about Covid, they don’t initially associate the fight back against those issues with a nationalist party. So yeah, we’re probably not in a boom period.


But I’ve got to say this; boom and bust is natural. And as soon as you have the first bump in the road, you don’t give up! You don’t throw in the towel. You have to ride the waves you have to take the highs with the lows. And you have to navigate through the highs and lows the best you can, to look after your organization and to keep people on board your ship. And this has happened time, and time again.


If you look at the National Front towards the end of the 70s it was riding high. Thousands and thousands of people on their marches. It looked like it was going places. Thatcher came to power and it went into a nationalist recession.


You saw this with the British National Party. It had numerous highs. It got a council elected in 1993, and it grew rapidly. That council was then unseated and it went into a bit of a recession. It grew rapidly again around, 2001, 2002, up to 2004, before going again into a bit of a recession after a disappointing set of results in the 2004 European elections and in the 2005 general election. Only for it to boom again in around, 20006, right up to 2009. This happens! You have to take the good with the bad, and be there for the long run!


Most importantly if you believe that Britain and the British people are worth saving, or worth fighting for, something you care about, you’ve got a soldier on! You’ve got a soldier on. You’ve got to grit your teeth. And you’ve got to battle on! So that was the first issue that I wanted to talk about.


The second I said Britain, oh sorry, For Britain. Nearly said Britain First then. For Britain have tactically failed. Now this is a bit of a broader topic. Because I believe that For Britain adopted numerous tactics that didn’t help them in the long run.


Now. Firstly, I think nationalism attracts people who are obviously primarily opposed to mass immigration and demographic change. That is our big point. That’s the thing that we are most associated with. But the people that nationalism attracts, the people who come to a nationalist party, also tend to be conservative with a small “c”. They tend to be traditionalists. They tend to have a dislike for modernity, progressive politics. And what we know, or what we would describe as “moral degeneracy”.


Now I think Anne Marie Waters herself, and I don’t want to get into bashing her, or demeaning her, or having a go at her. But I think Anne Marie Waters was a bit of a divisive character. Now obviously she was somebody who was anti-immigration. She was anti-Islam. And I believe she was genuine. I believe that she did have a heartfelt opposition to the growth of Islam and to mass immigration.


But I believe the reason that she opposed mass immigration, and the growth of Islam, was different to the reason that I oppose mass immigration and Islam. She seemed to oppose mass immigration and Islam, because she claimed they were a threat to “liberal values”. They were a threat to the LGBT community. They were a threat to our liberal, Democratic, tolerant society.


Now obviously she’s a lesbian. And I think we all know that. And I think she wanted to oppose Islam and mass immigration largely to protect her group. To protect the LGBT community. Which obviously will eventually clash with radical Islam, or with other immigrant groups that are not on board with a liberal LGBT agenda.


Now I, on the other hand, I think mass immigration is a symptom of liberalism. I’m not trying to protect liberalism from mass immigration. I want liberalism gone! I want mass immigration gone! And I think all facets of liberalism are harmful to the British people, to Britain, to our nation. And I think liberalism itself needs replacing.


Myself, Patriotic Alternative we are not campaigning to stop immigration and the growth of Islam, in order to ensure the survival of the LGBT pride parade! Ultimately if the LGBT pride parade goes, that’s a good thing! That’s a good thing! I would prefer nationalists to be the ones that legislated for an end to those public displays of degeneracy.


But ultimately if Islam is the group that legislates for an end to all of that, I won’t be happy that I’ve been replaced. But if I’m there to see it, I’m certainly not going to be standing with the LGBT crowd. I think the LGBT crowd has brought about numerous changes in the UK which are very, very bad for the British people! Very, very bad for the family! And bad for the moral fabric of our society.


But Anne Marie Waters seemed to support that and other policies.


Now, I’ll give an example of other policies, not just all about the gay pride march. But I remember not long ago I can’t remember the exact the exact year, or the month. But there was a lot of talk in the press about a possible war with Iran. The zionist lobby in America was really ramping up the pressure for a war with Iran. And I was totally against this. I think almost everybody that I knew, I say almost everybody, I don’t know anyone else, other than Anne Marie Waters and For Britain on the dissident Right who weren’t in favour of this war with Iran. But she was!


And her reason, her reason she wanted regime change, and she openly came out and said she wanted regime change in Iran, is, because she basically wanted America and Britain to go into Iran, defeat the regime, and plant a rainbow flag on Iranian soil!


That’s what she was saying. She wanted to bring Western liberal democracy to Iran, and defeat Islam in Iran. I don’t! Iranian politics is down to the people of Iran. They have a right to choose. And if they don’t want LGBT politics in Iran, good for them! Good for them! If they don’t want their children going to Drag Queen Story Hour, good for them! If they don’t want people walking through the streets in broad daylight wearing bondage gear and performing sex acts on each other, in the name of pride, good for them!


And I certainly find it abhorrent that anyone in the West would want to invade that country to impose moral degeneracy on them. And I think when Anne Marie Waters was coming out with stuff like that, it drove away a lot of what I would call traditional nationalists. People who would regard themselves as conservative with a small “c”. I think that was one of her major tactical failures.


Another tactical failure from before Britain was a lack of community building. Now I find it very, very interesting that the announcement of the shutdown of For Britain came just a few days after the biggest Patriotic Alternative camp took place. Now we just had our biggest ever camping event, and they’ve just announced they’ve got no support and have shut up shop.


Well how can two dissident riot groups have very, very different experiences? Such different experiences that one has just reached a new height. And the other has just shut up shop.


Well, we base what we do on community. And I’ve always said we are community first. Building that community is what matters. And building that community, and building ties that bind members of that community together, is what keeps you as a whole. And what prevents people drifting off during the bad times? It’s easy to stay together in the good times when everyone’s talking about race, when nationalism is flying high. But through the bad times it’s hard to stay together. But community is what keeps you going.


And I’ll give you a couple of examples. I’ve met thousands of people through my life. But two of my closest friends, a guy called Steve, and a guy called Paul. I met Steve in 2001, 2002. And we still speak all the time. We still do stuff together. Why is that? Because we had a lot in common. We became friends. We go mountain biking together, we do outdoor pursuits together. We go camping together. We have a lot in common. We talk and we go out together. We do stuff. We meet up for a meal.


My friend Paul, met him in about 2006, maybe 2007. We have gaming in common. And we have a number of other things in common too. And we’ve always stayed in touch. Great friends talk regularly, do stuff together. That’s because we were united by more than just a shared dislike for mass immigration.




And that’s why PA has all these different groups under it’s umbrella. That’s why we have PA fitness. That’s why we have the hiking groups. That’s why we have the music group. That’s why we have the Patriotic Arts Community. That’s why we have the gaming groups. We bring people together. And these people have a shared interest in politics. But then, we try to get these people mixing with others within our circles, who have the same interests outside of politics. And that is what you need to do. You need a community. You need shared interests. You need shared hobbies. And that binds people together.


And you will see that around half of the PA events are political, and around half of them a community. And that mix has helped us to keep our heads above water during these leaner times, leaner times.


Now I think another major problem with the For Britain strategy, or major problem with their tactics, was their electoral tactics. Now, in the last few years For Britain have favoured an electoral strategy of parachuting candidates into Parliamentary by-elections, and hoping that a single candidate with a single leaflet, which is delivered for free by the Royal Mail, would somehow make some massive breakthrough. Would somehow reach out to the people and get a massive wave of support potentially even winning one of these Parliamentary by-elections on the back of a protest vote.


Now that hasn’t happened, that hasn’t happened at all! In fact, the For Britain election results have shown just how disastrous this strategy is. And we’re going to look at a couple of them.


Firstly we’re going to look at one from 2021. And this is the election that Anne Marie Waters herself stood in. So this was particularly embarrassing. Because this is the leader of a party standing in a by-election. And this was Batley and Spen.


Now Batley and Spen was a former Labour stronghold, well, still as a Labour stronghold. It’s always been a Labour area. And it’s what you would describe as a mixed area as well, demographically. There was a lot of racial tension in that area. It was the area where you had those protests outside the school. Where a Muslim group were protesting in a very aggressive manner calling for the sacking of a teacher. There was national outcry about that.


So you think this would be a place where a nationalist party would do particularly well. But as you can see, For Britain, Anne Marie Waters, 97 votes. To put this into perspective the winning candidate, Kim Ledbetter, got 13,296 votes. As I say that is absolutely massive! It dwarfs Anne Marie Waters votes. She took just 0.3% of the vote. And embarrassingly as a leader of the party, she came a number of places behind the Monster Raving Looney Party. The Monster Raving Looney Party took 107 votes! Actually beating Anne Marie Waters. So that was pretty embarrassing.


And then there was a second vote and this vote came very, very recently. This vote was in the Tiverton and Honiton by-election in 2022. That was this year. It was traditionally a Conservative seat. The Conservatives lost it to the liberal Democrats. And For Britain, Frankie Ruffalo, he took more votes than Anne Marie Waters. He took 146. He came actually last. And he took just 0.3%. So, as a percentage, exactly the same as Anne Marie Waters. And again to put it in perspective, the winning candidate Richard Ford, for the liberal Democrats, took 22, 537 votes! So again very embarrassing.


And both seats quite different. One seat traditionally Labour, with some racial tensions. The other seat traditionally Conservative. The kind of place where people go to church on a Sunday morning. Where they’re very traditional. But both places disastrous results!


Now, I will say this. I still believe elections are an important string to our bow. But the focus must be local! We must focus on local politics, community-based efforts. Not these big Parliamentary by-elections, not just parachuting in a candidate and putting out one leaflet via Royal Mail, with no real other work done. When I say “real other work”, I mean, real other work is community based work. It’s litter picks, it’s local leafleting on local issues, it’s going and attending local events, local focus groups. It’s helping local people.


It is not turning up and doing a couple of stores in the city centre. It’s not driving about with a flatbed van with a board on the back screeching things at people through a microphone. It is not doing confrontational events outside say local mosques, or anything like that! When I say “real work” to support the election, I mean, proper local politics. The kind that the BNP used to do.


And the BNP had huge amounts of experience in this. Years of work went into BNP candidates getting elected. And at their height the BNP had 56 councils elected, and one county councillor. That was absolutely fantastic!




But those candidates spent years winning those seats. Spent years building their local profile. Leafleting their wards again, and again, and again with local leaflets focused on local issues. Potholes, dog poo in the park, needles in the park, graffiti on the Church wall, damage to the local bus shelter. Those things aren’t as glamorous as the big issues. But they’re important to local people.


And most importantly when you focus on those council wards, especially on smaller wards, it’s a lot easier to do. It’s a lot easier to knock on every door in a ward, where there are only 2,000 electors, than it is to knock on every door in a Parliamentary seat.


And I don’t think For Britain had any support on the ground, in either Batley and Spen, or in Tiverton and Honiton. And the results spoke for themselves. They were punishing! Punishing!


Now finally there was one other tactical faux pas that For Britain made. And I think it was a last gasp attempt to save the party. They teamed up with Tommy Robinson! They got Tommy Robinson on board. They thought this was going to work wonders for them. And get all the Tommy Robinson supporters signing up, getting involved. And it didn’t really work out.


Now, here’s an article announcing this. Now this was announced just earlier this year. I’ll see if I can find a date:


“Tommy Robinson joins For Britain!”


And there’s Tommy and Anne Marie. Now what’s the date for this? What’s the date? We’re in the comment sections, now. Now I can see from here, the date of this was the 10th of March. Just on the 10th of March this year Tommy Robinson joined For Britain. And this was meant to drastically improve their fortunes!


And the top comment here [chuckling], actually this is quite funny. I’ve just noticed this. It says, a guy called Terry Terrence Clinton wrote the following:


“I get knocked down. But I get up again. Nothing ever gonna keep me down. This chorus could have been made for Tommy Robinson and Anne Marie Waters. The driven dynamic duo!”


Well, I can tell you one thing Terry, that comment has aged like a piece of cheese left out in the sun, on a hot summer’s day! [chuckling] Because obviously it’s over for the dynamic duo.


Now in fairness Tommy Robinson is undoubtedly a household name. But bringing him on board with a political party has never, ever, helped that party. Now this has been done three times.


It happened first with the original British Freedom Party. The British Freedom Party was a small, short-lived party run by a guy called Paul Weston. It started I think in October 2010, and it ran until the end of 2012. So lasted just over two years. Tommy Robinson came on board, had no real effect. The party collapsed.


It also didn’t help UKIP. Now Tommy was never formally allowed to join you UKIP, although he tried. His application was blocked by the National Council. But when Gerard Batten was leader, Gerard Batten took him on as a special adviser as a way to get him on board. Obviously he wanted to be a member. It’s as good as a membership. He was offered this position as special adviser. And again this was to bring all the Tommy supporters on board with UKIP, and give them a big shot in the arm. It didn’t work. UKIP collapsed shortly afterwards in a spectacular fashion.


And it also didn’t help For Britain. You know, Anne Marie Waters brought Tommy on in March this year. And in July, it’s all over. They’ve shut up shop. So it clearly didn’t give them the shot in the arm they hoped for.


But why you ask does bringing this household name, this sort of anti-Islam celebrity on board, why doesn’t that help a party?


Well I’ll tell you why. Tommy brings with him a certain type of people. He brings with him people who like street demonstrations. These are people who like coming out for a huge event once every couple of months, once every three months. And they enjoy it! They turn up they have a few beers, they have a sing, they chant some slogans, they go to the pub afterwards. They have a few more beers. It’s a big day out! Then they go home, having had a wonderful time, thinking they’ve done their bit. And they wake up the next day with a bit of a hangover.




Now that kind of person does not fit well into a political party. That is not the type of person who wants to put on a suit, shirt and tie, knock on doors. That’s not the kind of person who wants to get deeply involved in community politics. It’s not the kind of person you can rely on to be out leafleting in the rain, every other day, in the run-up to an important local election. Those people don’t seem to value the activities that you need to carry out if you’re intending to build a real political community.


So whilst Tommy was, and is – not taking anything away from him – he doesn’t like me. I don’t particularly like him. I’m not taking anything away from him. He is a big name. But bringing that big name on board didn’t result in any growth for them, and it has never resulted in any growth for any political party who has taken him on board. So that’s the tactics done with.


Thirdly, she talks about money. Now I think this really stuck out to a lot of people. And I don’t think anyone could have missed it when she claimed that her departure was in part due to finances. She said people just weren’t donating anymore. People had given up sending money to For Britain. And I’ll bring that bit up again. I’ll see if I can find it, because it’s important to get this correct. Where did she say it now? Because she did say that it was in part due to, … Here it is:


“Since Covid things have gotten steadily worse. This followed by the cost of living crisis, means people have re-prioritized and are able to continue to support us financially.”


So obviously what she’s saying is the level of financial support has massively dropped off for her.


Now that obviously is not good for their organization. But again this prompts a few questions. What was For Britain? Was For Britain a business for her, and her close associates? Were some of those people just involved in the party, or the For Britain movement, as they called themselves, for the money? Well, I can’t answer that. I’ve got to say, maybe yes, maybe no, who knows?


Maybe some were, and maybe some people were highly dedicated and were in it for the right reasons.


Now, as I said, I have seen the boom and bust cycle affect nationalist parties in the past. I was there when the BNP were taking large numbers of donations. And I was there when people were working for the BNP, for 500 quid, 600 quid a month. And they were more, or less, working full-time for the party, for a part-time wage. I was one of those people.


When I was first employed for the BNP I was earning less than 600 pounds a month from them. It was nothing! And many other young people walked that line as well. There were many people who gave huge amounts of time and energy on a full-time basis. On a more than full-time basis, because they were working all day full-time.


And when they weren’t working full-time for the party, they’re out in the evenings doing activism for the party. So if you weren’t at your desk working for the party, you’re out doing activism for the party. And I was one of those people.


And when the party went through harsh times you accepted a pay cut, you tightened your belt. That’s what happened. And again very, very disappointing that they would say:


“Well donations aren’t what they were back in 2017, or back during the BLM riots, when we got a lot more interest. So what we’re going to do is we’re basically going to shut up shop. It’s not a viable business model anymore.”


Well, this isn’t a business! Nationalism and the nationalist party should always be run in a business-like way. But it is not a business. And if we have to tighten our belts, if we have to make a few cuts, we don’t just give up, because we’re going through a bad period.


Now finally I did say there was one last thing I wanted to analyze. I suggested there were four things that we could learn from this. And the last I said. And you probably think it might be a little uncharitable. But I said the last was naivety. And I said it was total naivety! It wasn’t just naivety. It was complete naivety!


And I believe. And I do believe this. And this isn’t going to just be a knock at anyone. I actually think this is true. And I think it’s very telling actually.


I think Anne Marie Waters, and many of her softer supporters, were extremely naive! I’m not saying that to be nasty. I don’t want to poke fun at these people. But she did say the following in her letter announcing the closure of For Britain. She said this:


“Those of us who believe in the nation state and return to evidence-based policy, based on a firm and moral foundation are routinely smeared as racists and Nazis, and never afforded a sufficient right to reply. We are not allowed to attend events. And if we do, we can expect to be met with a violent mob.”


They are her words. And I say:


“Well. Yeah! What did you expect? What did you expect! Exactly the same thing has happened to the BNP. Happened to the National Front, post Second World War. And it happened to the BUF, pre-second World War.




Anybody who tries to stop the globalist machine will be attacked, smeared, and dragged through the mud. I’ve been involved in this course for over 20 years. And it’s been happening to me, the BNP, all nationalist groups, throughout those two decades. And things have got a lot worse over the last few years. In the last few years we’ve been banned from social media, we’ve been kicked off Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. We have been pushed to the very fringes of the internet, which was once a fertile recruitment ground for us.


And she also says that we’re not given a fair platform. Well, we’ve always been excluded from TV debates. We’ve always been excluded from the debates before Parliamentary elections. We’ve always been a publicly attacked and rubbished and have poisoned pieces in the press written about us. But do we give in, or do we dig our heels in and fight? Well, you dig your heels in and fight! Who said this was going to be easy? It obviously wasn’t going to be easy.


And this is where the naivety comes in. You see, I believe that some For Britain supporters, and to a degree Anne Marie Waters herself, clearly thought that if they just presented their policies to the public in a slightly more polite manner, if they just distanced themselves from those nasty nationalists, who talked of race, if they just embraced liberalism a little bit more, they would be spared the public condemnation that has been leveled at groups like the National Front, and the British National Party, and now Patriotic Alternative!


And I think Anne Marie Waters also used her sexual identity. She used the fact that she’s a lesbian, as almost like a reputational shield:


“Look here! It’s a woman! And it’s not just a woman. But it’s a lesbian!”


She’s part of liberalism! She holds liberal beliefs, but she’s just concerned about immigration. She’s obviously gonna be given a fair chance!”


Well, I’m sorry folks. But that’s not just naivety, that is total naivety! To believe the powers that be would just play fair and give Anne Marie Waters and For Britain a level playing field, let them present their points, let them use all the social media platforms, and just stand by as For Britain, Waltz into power, without any real opposition! Well, I’m sorry that’s not just naive. That’s not just totally naive, that is delusional!


And I can tell you now, this fight that we’re engaged in, that real nationalists are engaging. This is going to be long, it’s going to be hard. And our enemies will use every dirty trick at their disposal to stop us.


And frankly if you’re not ready for that. And if you don’t understand the levels of commitment that will be necessary, you’re not going to be around for long. And clearly many people in For Britain weren’t ready. They brought into the, or bought into the Anne Marie Waters hype! They thought the battle would be wrapped up in a couple of years. They thought they would avoid the condemnation, the slurs, the use of the term Nazi, because she was a lesbian! And sadly they were mistaken. The battle hasn’t been wrapped up. In fact, the only thing that’s been wrapped up is For Britain itself!


So that’s where I think For Britain went wrong. And I know we’re already pushing an hour. But let me give you my conclusions, because I’m going to do a few conclusions.


Firstly, I’ve got to say. I think it’s rather ironic that the last event, the last political event that Anne Marie Waters attended, well publicly anyway, was an anti-immigration demo in York. Now she ended up standing alongside Patriotic Alternative activists and supporters. And she even used out loud hailer to address the crowd! And our activists were numerous on that day. We had good numbers there. We were the largest part of that demonstration. And all that, guys left on a high.


The video of Sam Melia speaking to the public in York went down a storm. The speech was incredible! Sam Melia, he really did get people going that day. He inspired people. And he left on a high. When people saw the video of him speaking they felt a buzz.


But I should imagine Anne Marie Waters left that day feeling rather crestfallen, feeling rather depressed, seeing that she had very few people. I think there was only one, or two people there supporting her. And she must have left feeling the very opposite to what the PA supporters felt.




And then we had the result in Tiverton and Honiton. And that must have compounded it all. Another punishing by-election result, 0.3 and a complete and utter embarrassment! But saying all that I’m not gonna knock her too much. And, as I said, earlier. I’m not here to gloat. And I haven’t been gloating. Because despite the fact that myself and her, we weren’t best friends, we had our differences. She criticized me. I criticized her. She made a video about me. I said I thought that her tactical approach was wrong.


But still. Saying all that, she will have appealed to some people. Some people will have loved the way she approached nationalism, the way she approached nationalist politics. And some people will have come to For Britain with an awful amount of enthusiasm.


And sadly many of those people, if they’re still around, will take the closure of For Britain as a real knock. This will get some people depressed. Some people will now leave politics all together, and they will feel an overwhelming sense of hopelessness, and defeat, like it’s not worth fighting! Let’s just keep our heads down, pretend the problems aren’t there. We’ll move house, we’ll go to a Whiter area. Live our days out there, and pretend it’s all not happening.


That’s what some of those people will do. And they’ll never engage in politics again. And that makes me sad. I feel really disappointed by that, because we don’t want people walking away from the movement. We don’t want people feeling helpless, and powerless, and defeated. Because that sense of defeatism it infects the movement and it weakens it.


And obviously I hold an olive branch out to all of those people. I say to those people, or if you’re one of those people, if you’re genuinely interested in real nationalism, and I say real nationalism. What I mean, if you’re genuinely interested in stopping the indigenous people of the British Isles becoming a minority. If you want to be part of a real nationalist community, then get on board with us! For Britain doesn’t exist anymore! Get on board with us, you are more than welcome.


Join our regional groups, come to our hikes, come to our dinners, come to our events, come and help us leaflet, come and attend the demonstrations that we’re part of get involved in the banner drops. If you are interested in being part of a community that isn’t just going to shut up shop and run away at the first sign of trouble, Patriotic Alternative is the organization for you.


Now there’s another sad thing to all this. They have shut up shop, their campaigns weren’t great. But that doesn’t mean some people didn’t try. And I think it’s sad that a number of people, I don’t know how many, but a number of people, probably quite a few, will have poured an immense amount of time, effort, and money, into For Britain. And now they’ve got nothing to show for it. Nothing at all. And that’s very, very disappointing. And those people are going to feel deflated and sad.


But again I hold out an olive branch to those people. We’re not going to ask you for money. We don’t have a membership system. We don’t charge membership fees. There are no monthly subs. And you won’t be getting weekly begging letters from us! We’ve never sent out a begging letter!


But, we do have a vibrant community that you can be part of, and you can make that community your home. And you will be welcomed.


And I suppose that’s the real takeaway from all this. If we have one big final takeaway from all of this, it’s that maybe nationalism isn’t in the best state right now. Maybe we aren’t riding as high as we were in 2016, and, 200017, when it was all Brexit and Trump. Maybe race isn’t on the agenda as it was years ago when BLM riots tore Western cities apart.


But despite all of that, Patriotic Alternative continues to grow! We have just had our biggest camp ever, with 170 people camping in the beautiful English countryside. And there are videos of that. There’s promotional material showing off what we did there. It was an amazing event.


So why do we continue to grow? I think it’s, because we understand that the most fundamental point of building a movement is that first and foremost community matters! This fight to save our people, to save our race and nation, is going to be a long drawn-out struggle. It’s going to be a struggle. It’s going to be hard!


And fundamentally if nationalists are going to weather this long and brutal storm, and survive to see the sun break through the clouds, we need to be honest with ourselves about the nature of the struggle, and what it will entail for us to win. We need to adopt the Right tactics. And we need to stick to those tactics. And we need to choose tactics that will eventually bear fruit and yield real results.


But above all, no matter how bad things get, no matter whether nationalism is at one of its high points, or whether it’s at a low, we must stand together as a community, if we are going to have any hope of weathering this storm! Because I can tell you this now, it is a community that will take us to the highest heights. But most importantly it is a community that allows us to survive the lowest lows.


Thank you for watching. I hope you stuck around to the end. I hope you are well. And I’ll see you all again soon. Thank you and good bye.

















[As of Jul 18, 2022]


2 days ago
Pinned by @MarkCollett
£150,000 in donations to ForBritain; £106,000 of that spent on Waters’ salary, pension, and expenses; £1,400 spent on actual election campaigning. Something amiss, surely?
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1 day ago
Wow, is that stat real? If so… absolutely shocking! Seems like a terrible grift!

2 days ago
Tommy Robinson and Anne Marie-Waters, a marriage made in Tel-Aviv!
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2 days ago
Im sure if Tommy Robinson was to make a party he would call David Barnea Cohen at Mossad for some funding.

2 days ago
Good. All the fake nationalist grifters really need to be kicked to the kerb.
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2 days ago
Yea , he won’t be grinning then , will he?
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2 days ago
AMW supporter ?
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2 days ago
Not me mate , don’t really know much about her to be quite honest other than she was for britain.

2 days ago
You are all fake and grifters lol.

1 day ago
I agree that fackers need to be kicked out of this movement…but at some point you need to realize that nationalism in itself was to blame for the world wars…in the sense that the jews used it to exploit hostilities among europeans-americans and the rest of the world…Still to this day, they use it to promote the ukranian war and middle east wars…and I predict that even in the future, with all the mixed nationalities within western societies, they will still use it to promote wars to further Israel’s agenda…My point is that, unless you address the jewish problem first, returning to Britain 1800-1900 will not fix things at all….You were already under Rothschilds’ controll back in those days!

2 days ago
Maybe don’t mention Israel in your manifesto next time Anne!

2 days ago
I once liked Tommy Robinson. I liked his free speech stance. But the more he went on, the more I found out, and the more I thought him a grifter hack.
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2 days ago
He lost me when he laughed about declining numbers of White people.

2 days ago
He’s the perfect example of the Cornelieu quote about using your last bullet on a traitor instead of the enemy.

2 days ago
me too
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2 days ago
the problem with free speech and defending it is, you defend the evil people who hate you and want to take yours

1 day ago
I don’t know the exact numbers, but many of us followed the dissident path starting as blue pilled normies/liberals who didn’t like migration…all the way into the jewish and race question…And of course, we all heard about Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Tim Pool, Tommy, Sargon…and moved up from them…But the real important point is that, once you get here…there is no turning back…
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1 day ago

8 hours ago
soy vey, such a shame he became a zionist boot licker

2 days ago
Will the carpet muncher finally come on PWR now she has nothing to lose?
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2 days ago
It would be interesting if she did appear on PWR.

2 days ago
Why would she? Lol

1 day ago
What does Anne have in common with Muslims?
They’re both face down on the rug every day.

20 hours ago
please make videos again. we miss your takes

2 days ago
Good news, a grifter less

2 days ago
Clearly, the Jews pulled the plug on For Britain within two weeks of AMW sharing a platform with PA.

2 days ago
Anne retired from ‘nationalism’ to become a gay pride festival organizer in Tel-Aviv.
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2 days ago

2 days ago
We need a single, unashamed nationalist party that openly puts our native population ahead of immigrants.
The trouble is, we need it 20 years ago at least. I don’t think we can make people realise fast enough that every part of our government despises us and wants us replaced. It’s inconceivable to them, despite it now being so obvious.
With the proposed new laws on censorship, we’re almost out of time.
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2 days ago
i dont share your pessimism, but we must all agree that any nationalist parties should work with one another and share a certain number of manifesto promises and moral values..those who dont OR rely on the eternal grift must be ridiculed by all.

1 day ago
You make a good point friend SADLY EVERY YEAR that passes worsens the position- however sincere & hard working Mark/ Laura/ PA are it will be HARDER for them to win than it was for the BNP 20 years ago- just as the National Front would have found it easier to garner support than the BNP did. This isnt just due to demographics- though this is a factor. The numbers of people who can remember how a homogenous society was better & who didnt grow up with PC indoctrination in schools- grows smaller every year. Hence we lose a great number of supporters every year through old age & death whilst most of the young are totally brainwashed. To give just one example- I remember in prison service training some young social conformist millennial girl who sat in class & condemned HER OWN Granddad for using the word “pof” & not liking multiculturalism-so that is one example of a family gone from based to woke- this will be repeated ad infinitum. 🙁

1 day ago
Even if you don’t have enought time you have to save what you can

2 days ago
I hope PA will become a Registered Political Party.
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2 days ago
This comment was slimed to death.

2 days ago
there might be less people active on the dissident right but our ideas have gone mainstream (at least in America) This is just the quiet before the storm
Show reply

2 days ago
“Im not here to gloat….” – but the huge grin at the start said it all 😄 I thought For Britain were dead ages ago – who’s heard of them in the last couple of years?

2 days ago
The (((backers))) of For Britain feel the nationalist threat is no longer significant. If the threat should re-emerge, (((they’ll))) quickly ramp it up again.
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2 days ago
Strange timing with Lauren Southern’s “recent expose”. 🤔
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13 hours ago
Very interesting point, good spot. They are clearing house of the co-opted.

2 days ago
when that woman started on about supporting israel she proved she knows nothing
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13 hours ago
Or she showed her hand, either way not good.

2 days ago
I rotfpmsl when I saw this yesterday! Give people real nationalism or the gate keeper controlled opposition version, and shockingly, people choose the real thing!

2 days ago
She complains about being called nazi while accusing the leader of PA of being a self confessed nazi sympathiser – or words to that effect, but the accusation is “not true” of her. She doesn’t seem to understand that the term is simply a political epithet unfairly confined to a particular period in German history which forever evokes images of the Totenkopf, runes, 6, and the swastika etc. I’m sure Mark would be happy to sit down and talk with her, (one would hope) but would she reciprocate? I doubt it.
Either she doesn’t get it, or, she was being completely disingenuous to up her membership – didn’t work. Initially I did agreed with her on certain subjects, but her association with Mr Robinson (that fool) turned me off. It’s really no loss. Most likely her party, and funding, ran out of steam.

2 days ago
Anne Marie Waters, possibly every man’s last choice for a lesbian threesome! lol
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1 day ago

2 days ago
Oh, dear. This is terrible news. AMW was such an inspirational figure; A political titan, an expert in JQ lore, an ambassador for sobriety and an absolute stunner to boot…
The preservation and continuation of our traditional British way of life rested entirely upon the shoulders of this little Irish lesbian.
We are truly doomed. What time is the candle-lit vigil?
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2 days ago
Exactly, she joined every mainstream party – failed to be noticed in the all, started her own , got blind drunk on a livestream , sold hesoul to israhell and failed again. Any Gay or lesbian will never succeed n any type of nationalist party. They are not in a position to call out other forms of degeneracy because of the lifestyle they themselves lead, Anne-Marie knows that, that & the alcohol was her downfall. I’m not sure how she will hold herself together now if the drink still has a hold on her. Hopefully she will have friends or a partner to help her through.
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2 days ago
Nicely put. You decrypted the sarcasm into something more useful.

2 days ago
oy vey

2 days ago
I wouldn’t be so hard on her.
A lot of her rhetoric was in the right place, and they had moved away from their overt support for Israel.
I’m not even against Israel existing; I’m indifferent.
The only point that ever needs to be made, is admiration for their Citizenship Policies and their Nation-State Policies, with a wish to replicate them here.
This is of-course an underhanded jab at their double-standards, and a way to make people aware of said Semitic hypocrisy.
There is no comfortable way out of that statement for them, without them revealing their hand.
She also held the same points regarding Indigenous Britons.
There is hope for her I assume, but she doesn’t seem to fully understand the value of genes and how these shape all of the concurrent social-values she otherwise holds dear.
Genes/Demographics/Ethnic-Groups are the linchpin of it all.
Everything else starts and ends with gene-clusters.
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2 days ago
She was probably the one who doxxed Iconoclast

2 days ago
There can be only one nationalist group.
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2 days ago
And it will fail like always, because you dont put your will before your precious morals

1 day ago
Good Riddance to the grifting liberal lesbian who just happened to dislike Islam & so engaged in cosplay as a patriot & Right winger..too many fell for it

2 days ago
Would really enjoy the return of shorter / edited 10-15 minute videos, instead of long-form videos or livestreams. I’m a fan of your content but not all of us can consistently sink 1 or 2 hours into watching :/
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2 days ago
Unfortunately, they take a long time to make, hence the change in format

2 days ago
Are there any teachers in PA?

2 days ago
Interesting breakdown of the ‘mainstream dissident right’ in the British islands for a legacy american/ethnically British individual who has 400 years and 4000 miles distance. We’re really not that far apart at all.

2 days ago
Mark you have invited For Britain Members to PA but would you invite Anne Maria Waters to join??
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20 hours ago
He shouldn’t do that at all. We don’t need liberal zionist lesbians anywhere near out movement.

2 days ago
Even Israel must be feeling the financial pinch and is therefore reducing its overseas funding.
That said an childless lesbian was probably not going to be the most successful leader of resistance.
Also, I’m not sure there is a drop in support in Nationalism, there is the realization that person or group has come forwards that looks like it has the people strong enough to face the truly staggering threat we are under. We need leaders for the coming War, scholar-warriors and we don’t have them yet.
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1 day ago
Sam and Mark are leaders

4 hours ago
Hail PA!

13 hours ago
You are a gentleman Mr Collett

1 day ago
Okay, then for Briitain M arie is not for me, only Alternative for Britain will be the only choise. I am a member Of Alternative For Sweden, as a member and also a member of Alternative for Britain, as my daughter lives in the yorkshire area, this is important to me, many thank’s to you Mark, keep up the good work. Grettings from Sweden

1 day ago
Mark you are brilliant, you should have a protege that could be tought everything you know just in case

2 days ago
What is your opinion of the British Democrats?

2 days ago
Great words, Mark! I’m behind you all the way!

2 days ago
That’s the first cheese comment for a while.

2 days ago
Flattering photos of AMW don’t really exist, but using this one seems a bit mean.
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21 hours ago
who cares
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20 hours ago
I do, obviously!

2 days ago
“This is an ex-parrot…”- AMW

2 days ago
Good points especially from the 40 minute mark

2 days ago
Is this dude still going to be making episodes of Top Gear?

2 days ago
I don’t agree with some of FB’s politics, I don’t necessarily agree with anybody’s politics but Anne Marie is a brave woman who stood up to a lot of threats and violence against her for many years.
It is a terrible tragedy that some sort of common ground could not have been agreed between various nationalist organisations. Mark is certainly not the monster that she tried to paint him. When she said once her belief was that PA intended to round up the BAMEs in the middle of the night, it was always going be hard to walk back from that.
FB gone could be seen as an opportunity for PA but as AMW said, the way her group was repressed, when they had fairly gentle policies, indicates how hard it is to build a mass party based on race realism. There is a lot of work to be done.

2 days ago
Beggar belief, this crap. Just finished this black-pill.
Save the Babies: A Documentary on CPS Child Trafficking (2022)
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2 days ago
Kill the babies

2 days ago
This comment was slimed to death.
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2 days ago
And no one can make you.

2 days ago
Ed Dutton’s channel last night

2 days ago
Everything Mark says, is worth listening to the end.

2 days ago
Oh dear , comment deleted eh? must have cut you to the quick that one .
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2 days ago
What deleted comment? Pull yourself together man, I am sure Anne Marie will have a new site you can donate to up and running soon.
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2 days ago
Oh dear 🙂 I’m not typing it out again because it was a bit unkind I suppose and you’ve given me a good laugh there , have a nice weekend.
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2 days ago
Cope and seethe more.
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2 days ago
Your comment was ‘slimed to death’ – when a comment gets too many negative views
it gets hidden from the public. This is a feature of Odysee and not the uploaders. You can still see slimed comments if you click on them.

2 days ago
You’re a hero mate

2 days ago
Politics is corrupt.
PA is the most.
Even when you can’t call yourself a party.
I will miss Anne-Marie.
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2 days ago
This comment was slimed to death.

1 day ago
For Britain had the same fatal weakness that most nationalist groups do today. They are based around one person, the leader/founder, and if the leader/founder leaves, the group collapses around them. For Britain organisers have been spotted at British Democrats events, the only nationalist party in Britain which allows leadership elections.

2 days ago
How was Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990) on immigration? A balanced assessment please.
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2 days ago
Roughly 25% of her cabinet ministers were Jewish. This Jewish magazine tells you everything you need to know about her –
As for immigration she was the same as David Cameron & Boris, they all talked tough about reducing it but as soon as they were elected they did sod all about it –

1 day ago
Mass immigration continued all through the sixties, seventies and eighties, gradually ratcheting up all the time, agInst the wishes of the public. it really accelerated in the Blair/Brown era and accelerated still further under subsequent tory governments. so, it was going on during Thatcher’s time. Sons of Odin is correct too.

2 days ago

2 days ago
[ IT COULD HAPPEN HERE™ – Holohoaxed, Reset and Replaced; Secret History of the Lost Aryan Civilization Revealed ]









See Also



Mark Collett – The Queen Doesn’t give a SH*T About You – Jan 7, 2022 — Transcript






Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT






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