Mark Collett – Kanye Exposes Jewish Power – Oct 21, 2022 – Transcript

[Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:


“Kanye West – one of the richest and most famous black men in America – has been de-platformed, publicly attacked, disavowed and has had banking services withdrawn from him, all because he called out the Jewish media and their anti-white narrative.”





Mark Collett


Kanye Exposes Jewish Power


Oct 21, 2022



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Odysee Description

Kanye Exposes Jewish Power
October 21st, 2022

Mark Collett
Kanye West – one of the richest and most famous black men in America – has been de-platformed, publicly attacked, disavowed and has had banking services withdrawn from him, all because he called out the Jewish media and their anti-white narrative.

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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
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(8:45 mins)



Mark Collett: Since the end of May in 2020 the Black Lives Matter movement has burned down city centres, attacked people, looted stores and destroyed public property. Despite this, the Black Lives Matter movement has been a darling of the media, with even supposed “conservative”, publications either singing their praises, or making excuses for their criminality.


Who could forget the hilarious headlines proclaiming riots as “mostly peaceful protests”, often with the accompanying pictures that illustrated those articles featuring scenes of burning buildings or violent disorder.



But what was the underlying message that came bundled with the BLM movement? Well, it was of course anti-White hatred. Whites were to blame for everything; slavery, colonisation, oppression, racism, toothache, the fact the remote control was out of batteries… you name it, Whites caused it! And now it was time for reparations!



In other words, Whitey must pay for the supposed crimes of his ancestors.

The fact that most of this narrative could be quickly debunked with a short history lesson didn’t matter! And there was absolutely no way on earth that the mainstream media was either going to give that short history lesson, or even platform those who wished to illuminate their viewers on the truths of slavery and colonisation.


In fact, the mainstream media were absolutely on board with the anti-White narrative. Well, that’s actually underplaying the matter, as the mainstream media was not just on board with the anti-White narrative, they created much of it, and pushed it relentlessly, despite the fact that they knew that narrative was full of holes and based on lies.



And part of the 2020 BLM saga was that black voices who bought into and pushed the anti-White narrative were not only amplified, but they were also allowed to speak freely regardless of their message.



Threats of violence against the White community were allowed, blaming every White as part of a group for the actions of individuals was normalised. And idea of White people being punished and disenfranchised was smiled upon.


Whites were also encouraged to publicly to self-flagellate, and this idea was enthusiastically pushed upon white adults and children alike.



Scenes of White people kneeling and washing the feet of seated blacks soon emerged as liberals raced to see who could publicly repent in the most humiliating manner.


And as this orgy of anti-White hatred continued, the voices of those who engaged in pushing this narrative were not censored, but in fact their message was encouraged and labelled as a “healthy norm”. It was like black people were untouchable, they could say anything they wanted against White people no matter how crazy, or how hateful their message was. And this message was taken seriously, regardless of whether it had any basis in truth.



Fast forward to October 2022 and Kanye West, one of the richest, most powerful and respected black men in America, has been de-platformed, publicly pilloried, declared as “mentally ill”, and has even reportedly had some of banking services withdrawn from him.



But what heinous crime did Kanye commit? What could this influential and highly respected man have said to result in such an incredible backlash?


He simply threatened to talk about jewish power, then went on to state the fact that jews own the media, and that the jewish media has played a pivotal role promoting the anti-White agenda and silencing opposition to that agenda. Here’s a clip of what he said:



Kanye West: White lives matter is very important for a couple of reasons. One reason is the Leftists and liberals have used the trauma of black culture to black out the White voice. And America is still majority White, right? So they’re using the trauma of black culture to black out the White voice.


So there’s Trump supporters who love the White Lives Matter T-shirt. Also it is White lives do matter. Also is a black person wearing a White Lives Matter T-shirt is appropriating and reverse-appropriating, … No you guys are! You guys, we are! I gave you three entendres for the reasons why.


Black male: No entendres!


Kanye West: No! Triple entendre! Only right here with the platform you gave me. Triple entendre. But then, the jewish media didn’t like the group, the wrong think.



Mark Collett: That’s it! That’s all! No threats of violence, no racial slurs, no blaming jews as a group for all the ills of the world.


Yet the response to Kanye’s statement has been complete hysteria and blanket condemnation from the media. The same media who encouraged the anti-White hatred promoted by BLM are now reacting with fury at the mere mention of jewish power!



But Kanye’s one little comment has inadvertently proved something far greater than the point he was trying to make. Whilst all Kanye said, was that jews own the media, something that is absolutely on the money – as jews do indeed play a vastly disproportionate role in the ownership, running, and direction of both the mainstream media, newspaper publishing, Hollywood films and social media companies – the response he has received helped him to prove a much greater point!



Jews are not only the single ethnic group that cannot be criticised, but anyone who does criticise them faces such an overwhelming loss of their liberties, has their ability to do business and earn money shut down.



And these plucky individuals then end up being completely cut off from the mainstream, and are essentially gagged! All whilst being publicly torn down, rubbished, ridiculed, and disavowed – regardless of who they are.



Whilst black people are granted the right to say what they like about whites, even the most powerful and wealthy of black people cannot even utter a word against jews.


And this absolutely proves Kanye’s point! That jews, through their ownership of the media, wield a vastly disproportionate amount of power in the Western world.

The response to Kanye’s little outburst brings to mind a well-known saying:


“To discover who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise!”


And let’s face it, if “White Privilege” and “White Institutional Power” were really a thing, would White people have spent an entire summer having their people’s name and history dragged through the mud? Would White people have been allowed to be assaulted and racially abused? Would Whites have been subjected to humiliating rituals of self-flagellation?



Would White people as a whole have been told to apologise for the alleged actions of their ancestors? No! Of course they wouldn’t.


But we don’t live in a world where powerful and unassailable white elites run every facet of our lives and control everything we see and hear whilst enjoying a status quo that frees them from even the mildest of criticism. And to state that we do, is an anti-White lie!



If you want to find out who really holds power, just ask Kanye. Oh, you can’t! Because those people who really do hold power in the West, already silenced him.










Odysee Comments



(As of Oct 25, 2022)


2 days ago
this based nog better donate to NJP and PWR. You wanna brag about being a billionaire? give tens of millions of dollars to counter-semitic political movements
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2 days ago
URGENT NEWS: Kanye West did not shoot himself twice in the back of the head, slip on wet concrete stairs and break his neck, overdose, or not die in a car crash due to brake failure before Christmas.
Thanks for listening to this urgent public announcement.
Show 2 replies

2 days ago
The joos have made a mistake here , they have proved Ye’s point beyond reasonable doubt
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2 days ago
Based Ye.
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2 days ago
Uncle Mark calls it yet again. Reposted on my channel with much thanks.
This is a serious gamechanger. This genie will not easily be put back in the bottle. The truth is out now and it will NOT be SHUT IT DOWN.
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2 days ago
I stand with Kanye #YeToo
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2 days ago
Are they really this stupid? I’ve been hearing everyday normies at work and in line at stores talking about this. 😆 Another fantastic video, Mark.

2 days ago
Superb analysis.

2 days ago
You didn’t mention the murders BLM did.

2 days ago
Sometimes the Golem turns on the Rabbi.

2 days ago
If the White Western nations were run by White supremacists then how could it be the case that the White populations of these nations are being demographically replaced by non-Whites? White replacement would be a spectacularly counterproductive way to pursue White supremacy.
The truth: Replacement of White populations by multiracial populations is the principal means by which Zionist Globalist Jewry is deeply and lastingly CONQUERING the White West so that they might be able to build their Technocratic Brave New World Order centered on the formerly White Western nations.
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2 days ago
If this was a Jewish plan for global dominance, why wouldn’t they populate the West with, oh you know, Jewish people? You’re a sheep who reads too much internet.
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1 day ago
Just in case you’re actually as naive as you sound rather than one of the ubiquitous Hasbara shills haunting the internet these days, the obvious answer to your silly question is that Jews are far too small a minority to be able to demographically swamp the world all by themselves.
If Jewry is to have a hope of collectively gaining secure dictatorial power they will have to keep relying on control of the strategic vantage points of society: money and finance, the media, government, education and the major professions (law and medicine in particular). They have gone a long way to achieving this control, though it is still vulnerable to disruption were the masses to wake up to what is happening. Hence Jewry’s anxious concern to consolidate their current fragile hold on power by engineering multiracial, multicultural mass populations into existence. Such populations are naturally divided by their internal diversity. This removes the threat of an ethnonationalist revolt against Jewish supremacy and Globalism. Diversity is (((their))) strength.
The Jewish goal is to create a rainbow world in which no race or ethnicity is in the majority. After two and a half millennia of experience surviving and sometimes thriving in diaspora, they calculate that they will easily be able to dominate such a rainbow society as “first among equals” within a ruling elite governing a multiracial and miscegenated mass of dumbed-down, deracinated, atomized and brainwashed sheeple. Jews will serve as the leading element within the Technocratic ruling class. The rainbow masses will be given bread and circuses in the modernized forms of UBI, social media, controlled religion, movies, rap music, recreational sex, drugs and violence. Once virtual reality tech is sufficiently advanced, this will prove to be the greatest of all opiates of the masses. When the rainbow multitude becomes too large, an engineered culling will reduce population size in accord with Technocratic specifications.
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1 day ago
One more point: Jews could indeed populate the entire planet all by themselves if Gentile populations could be radically reduced and kept low.
If the Gentile population of the world were kept at, say, less than 100 million, and if the Jewish population, starting from a world population of 15 million, grew at a rate of 3% per year, then the Jewish population would reach 1 billion after 142 years and 5.5 billion after 200 years. Jews would then be the overwhelming majority and the world would be theirs. NEVER FORGET THE POWER OF EXPONENTIAL GROWTH.
They would probably be content to keep their population at a billion or less. The more people, the less lebensraum, the more drain on resources and the more pollution. A world population less than 1 billion is a desideratum.


1 day ago
Well hang on a minute, if they can supposedly:
propagandize whites into having fewer children and turn them LGBT
gaslight them into accepting “poor helpless” fighting age male refugees into their countries
start up BLM as though they’re victims against white oppressors
etc., etc.
Then why couldn’t they do that for Jews directly?:
Propagandize the Jewish population to have big families
Claim Europe and America owes Jews more living space as Israel is too small for them
Start up JLM and gaslight as they cry modern oppression in Europe and cite the Holocaust repeating itself
etc., etc.
Your theories make no sense. I think people like you read nonsense on the internet while lacking the intellect to think it through critically and rationally.
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1 day ago
“why couldn’t they do that for Jews directly?” You have poor reading comprehension. I’ve already answered that question. THEY ARE TOO SMALL A MINORITY TO DEMOGRAPHICALLY SWAMP THE WORLD TODAY.
Again, as I already said, Jews might indeed be able to demographically swamp the world, BUT ONLY IF GENTILE POPULATIONS WERE RADICALLY REDUCED AND KEPT LOW. This would take a century or so to accomplish.
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1 day ago
No, YOU have poor reading comprehension. I said why couldn’t they:
“* Propagandize the Jewish population to have big families.”
After 80 years they would dominate the world by now, with USA and Europe being Jewish states like Israel.
As it happens, Jews are in a similar predicament as other whites – Jews have low birth rates and race mixing which is making them demographically vulnerable. Again, you’ve had too much internet.

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1 day ago
Why couldn’t the Jewish leadership propagandize the Jewish masses to have large families? Well, the Jewish leadership does exhort the Jewish people to have large families as well as condemn intermarriage with Gentiles and (genuine) assimilation. Your Ultra-Orthodox population is currently having large families and marrying only other Jews. Secular-minded Zionists and diaspora Jewish populations might follow suit in the future.
The problem of assimilation is an old one for Jewish supremacists. It was a problem from the Babylonian Captivity onwards (and before that in Egypt as well, if something like the events narrated in the Torah actually occurred). Ethnic purity was a major concern of Ezekiel, Ezra, Nehemiah, the Maccabees and other radical Jewish reformers committed to the vision of Jews as “a people that shall dwell alone.” There is a tendency for Jewish supremacist hardliners to prevail politically over sincerely liberal assimilating Jews as time unfolds. I expect this trend to continue.
As I’ve said twice before, the only way Jews might become a dominant majority population in diaspora countries is to reduce and keep low the Gentile populations in those countries. So far, no race other that the White has reduced its fertility to below replacement level. Besides, right now, Jews are finding non-White Gentile hordes indispensable as their means of lasting conquest of the White nations. So limiting the Gentile non-White populations must come later.
You sound like you might be a young Israeli still learning about the world. Your leadership is hardline and getting harder by the year. They aim at gaining deepening global power through leadership in technology, economic monopolization and engineered multiracialism. Will it work? Probably not. Maybe your liberal assimilationists were not such fools after all. If Jews had been content to live semi-aloof amongst us White Gentiles without grabbing for power things might well have stayed copacetic.
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1 day ago
The orthodox Jews make up a tiny fraction of Jews just like Catholics make up a tiny fraction of Celts and Saxons. I say again that Jews have low birth rates and race mixing which is making them demographically vulnerable. Israel is only 85% Jewish and are being outbred by the Arab Israelis. They’re in the same predicament as the British. Hardly a Jewish master plan at work. What idiots would concoct a plan to populate Europe with Muslims who hate them on Israel’s western front when they’re barely fighting them off on their Eastern front?

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1 day ago
“The orthodox Jews make up a tiny fraction of Jews” There is also the secular hardline Jabotinskyite Revisionist Zionist tradition which is as committed to Jewish ethnic purity as any Chabad rebbe. This is the direction Israelis and diaspora Jews are heading in.
The Jewish leadership is relying on being at the cutting edge of technology, economic monopolization and multiracialism to build Jewish power in a Globalists Technocratic context. This is risky business.
One danger – not the greatest – is that too many Jews will intermarry and assimilate. OTOH the assimilationist and mischling populations are very useful to diaspora Jewry since they help camouflage the Jewish role in society by creating uncertainty for Gentiles. Who is the Jew? Who is the Gentile? More importantly, assimilation and intermarriage provide ambitious, upwardly mobile Jews with access to Gentile elites. “Court Jews” and their contemporary analogues can join the Gentile elite class through intermarriage. This has happened in a big way in the White West and is no small part of how your people have been able to gain so much power over us White Gentiles. At this point, I’d say that Jews are the dominant element among the Western elites.
“Israel is only 85% Jewish and [Jews] are being outbred by the Arab Israelis.” OTOH you have your security wall and web of checkpoints and Jewish-only roads in the West Bank to divide the Palestinian territory into small areas inaccessible to each other. Little by little, pseudopodia of Jewish settlers penetrate the Palestinian areas, gradually incorporating them into Israel amoeba-fashion.
The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is coming in installments. First there was the 1948 Plan Dalet, then further ethnic cleansing in the 1967 war. In recent decades, the ‘anaconda squeeze” strategy has been applied to the occupied territories to prepare the ground for an opportune moment in which to complete the expulsion process. (cont. in 2 of 2)

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1 day ago
(2 of 2)
” They’re [Israelis] in the same predicament as the British.” Not quite. The Jews are in firm control of Israel whereas the ethnic British are in control of neither their nation’s government nor its civil society. The City of London is a Globalist fortress investing England. Both Labor and Tories are under firm kosher control. The native Brits are a colonized population.
“What idiots would concoct a plan to populate Europe with Muslims” To take but one example, Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi David Touitou apparently thinks it’s a good idea since he regards the Muslims as the “broom of Israel.”
The bottom line is that the Jewish Zionist Globalist strategy relies on future opportune moments – typically, real or artificial crises – to consolidate their control. They are endeavoring to bring about such opportune moments with operations like the Covid false pandemic lockdowns, BLM/Antifa riots, the January 6, 2021 psyop and the current machinations using a weaponized Ukraine to weaken Russia while further undermining the European economy through the ridiculous sanctions and the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline. They will use future opportune crises to institute Technocracy, brick by brick.
The Zionist Globalist leaders calculate that they will be able to control societies via their control of the Technocratic system. The multiracial masses they are replacing native White populations with to serve as the mass population of their projected Technocracy will be helplessly dependent on the Technocratic system and incapable of mounting an effective rebellion.
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18 hours ago
Muslims are not simply a “broom” for Jews, that’s a nonsense argument. They are a people who chant “death to Israel” and would exterminate Israel if they get powerful enough. But you expect us to believe Zionist Jews are populating a whole new continent on their western front with these Muslims on behalf of Jewish interests, replacing the white Europeans who have been very sympathetic to Jews for the past 80 years? Your theories are saying 2+2=4354

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15 hours ago
(2 of 3)
Why would Jews wish to replace White Europeans “who have been very sympathetic to Jews for the past 80 years” with Muslims “who chant ‘death to Israel’?”
Because Jewish leaders see all Whites as potential Nazis.
Furthermore, they well know to what extent the current apparent philo-Semitic sympathies of Whites are an artificial product of massive psychological manipulation – since Jews are responsible for this ongoing brainwashing.
In truth, Whites would not be so sympathetic if they knew the full facts. This is why Jews are near-hysterically hellbent on censoring and marginalizing the voices of those who would tell the unvarnished truth about the role of Jews in society today and throughout history. They need the White masses to remain under the ‘anti-racist” spell that has been cast on them until demographic transformation turns them into small, powerless minorities within what had been their homelands.
(cont. on 3 of 3)


15 hours ago
Jewish leaders are indeed importing not just Muslims but other non-Whites including Africans into the White nations. They calculate that they will be able to maintain control over the multiracial masses through technology. There is some risk but probably manageable.
History shows that a small well-organized, energetic, competent minority can easily dominate an unorganized mass population. Civilization routinely features small elite classes ruling over more or less servile and docile masses.
The hyper-powerful technologies being developed now – IT and AI, robotics, biotechnology and nanotechnology – greatly enhance the degree and scale of elite control over mass populations which is feasible. These Faustian technologies are making possible for the first time in history genuine, efficient TOTALITARIANISM (= instrumentally effective molding and remolding of the behaviors and thoughts of dependent populations in accord with prescribed norms via (1) panoptical surveillance of all individuals to determine level of individual compliance and (2) corrective sanctions which cannot be evaded to bring deviant individuals back into conformity with the prescribed norms).
The totalitarian civilization being aimed at by elites – with Jews playing leading roles in this revolutionary transformation – will be a TECHNOCRACY (= an oligarchic managerial society with all production and consumption centrally planned, administered and regulated 24/7 in real time via Internet of Things automated algorithmic control and with all means of production owned/controlled by the oligarchic ruling elite).
It is expected that totalitarian Technocracy will suffice to keep the abjectly dependent multiracial multitude under control.
(cont on 2 of 3)


15 hours ago
(3 of 3)
More is going on today than just Jewish machinations. Today is a pivotal moment in history. A long-term historical process of demographic, urban and economic expansion in tandem with technological advance (which we call “Progress”) is reaching its crisis of culmination. The rise of Modernity and modern Capitalism began with the resurgence of trade and urbanism in the High Middle Ages; followed by the Renaissance and Enlightenment; then the Industrial Revolutions, first of coal and steel, then of electronics, now of the Faustian technologies; and now all these trends gather toward culmination in the formation of history’s first global civilization.
Neither Jews nor anyone else can easily control this demographic and technological tidal wave, now that it has been set in motion.
The Jewish and Gentile Globalist Technocratic elites who govern the West aim to shape this global civilization in the form of a Technocracy ruling over an integrated multiracial and miscegenated (“Kalergian”) mass population. The Jewish elites see this as being in the interest of the Jewish people.
This form of Globalism will be a dystopian nightmare which will bring lasting devastation to humanity and the planet. The most destructive aspect of it promises to be Transhumanism – with irreversible genetic alteration posing the chief danger. Also, the sheer scale of urban and agricultural development will decimate populations of natural species with many going extinct.
In the human social world, entire races – in particular my White race – will face near-term ethnocide and long-term extinction through vanishing into the global Kalergian melting pot being constructed.
It is NOT in the interest of humanity for all races and ethnicities to be merged together in a global melting pot. This might serve the Jewish interest (as seen by Jewish supremacist hardliners), but it will be a genocidal catastrophe for most of humanity.
Different races need their own separate societies.


1 day ago
Exactly, Poe White. I could not agree more.

2 days ago
« I know who I am! I’m a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude! » -Confused Kanye 2022

19 hours ago
Fuck this gay marxist eurasian. Hail Thomas Sewell o/ Hail Мartinez o/


21 hours ago
The kikes are seething over this!

1 day ago
He recently said that at this point it’s all one race and we need to unite under god. Despite his criticism of Jewish power and Zionism, it’s clear he’s still apart of the Abrahamic New World Order, Tikkun Olam agenda, even if he’s unaware of it.

2 days ago
Hail Ye!


1 day ago
Spot on Mark. i don’t like Kanye and his music is egregious, and really I couldn’t care less about him, but very allowing him to say what he wanted is efficient proof of non white privilege. Remember Whoopi Goldberg? And how she had to took 2 weeks paid leave?
Either way, it might just be that this anti white paranoia started with black people, it might end up with black people . My only hope is that we don’t end up worshipping them as some already do.

2 days ago
Banger Mark.

2 days ago
Good stuff Mark. Kanye is based & red pilled.
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2 days ago
On his way to “honorary Aryan” status…. Thank you Mr. West for your courage and integrity
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1 day ago
“honorary Aryan” lmao

2 days ago
gold is where you find it 👌🏻

2 days ago
whats with the past-tense? it is still happening, bro.
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1 day ago
one day it will be past tense


2 days ago
Jews are not an ethnic group. They are a political creed.
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2 days ago
A cohesive bloc. An ethnoreligious clique. A subversive and corrosive force. Nation-wreckers, parasites and infiltrators.

2 days ago
they have common genotypic markers

2 days ago
Interesting. Very interesting. I trust you’ve read Volume 2 Chapter 22 – Jewish Testimony on “Are Jews a Nation?” by Henry Ford.


1 day ago
no, they are ethnoreligious group. where btw, religion plays a rather ceremonial role among significant portion of them.

2 days ago
great allies mark
nibbaz and ruskies

2 days ago
but you mark are sadly an idiot when it comes to putins shithole russia and alsi china
Show 3 replies

1 day ago
They’ve had their reparations from us by wearing & using 99% of everything invented by White people. Enjoy the fruits of OUR labour!!


2 days ago
Ye should open up a Christian bank, dedicated to free speech and employing only those whose line has been Christian since prior to the Reconquista.


2 days ago


See Also





Mark Collett – The Queen Doesn’t give a SH*T About You – Jan 7, 2022 — Transcript






Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT





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This entry was posted in America, Black Lives Matter, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Naming, jews — persecution by, Liberalism, Mark Collett, Media - jewish domination, Patriotic Alternative, Thought Crime, Transcript, White Lives Matter, Zionism, Zionists. Bookmark the permalink.

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