Charles Veitch
French Riots
& Worst Film I’ve Ever Seen
Fri, Jun 30, 2023
[In this video Charles Veitch, a British YouTuber and piss-taker gives his hot take on the on-going race-riots in France, sparked by the police shooting dead an innocent boy of Algerian background who was driving very, very carefully in a borrowed car to read stories to blind orphans, …
Charles is becoming more and more based, yet still needs to try harder! He’s still apologizing for his Whiteness by lamely quoting Marchin’ Lootin’ King, with:
“I want a day where people will be judged by the content of their character and not by the colour of their skin!”
It’s lame and wrong because you should judge a people firstly by their group attributes, their racial characteristics. And on that basis blacks and browns, as a group, for example, are not compatible with Whites, even though there may be some good ones.
If you come across cannibals in the jungle you don’t accept them just because a few of them are vegetarians.
Published on Fri, Jun 30, 2023
0:00 / 33:41
French Riots & Worst FIlm I’ve Ever Seen
Charles Veitch
287K subscribers
Streamed 11 hours ago
1 Star — Poor quality with many errors, contains nonsense text 2 Stars — Low quality with many errors, some nonsense text. 3 Stars — Medium quality with some errors. 4 Stars — Good quality with only a few errors. 5 Stars — High quality with few to no errors.
NOTE: Users can help improve the quality of this transcript by putting corrections in the Comment section. Thanks.
(33:41 mins)
Hello. Hello. Hello! So, Friday night, none of you guys have got anything better to do than to watch me give a couple of rants? So we got two people in the house.
Hello. Hello. Mike Little, he’s in the house. Suspect 2.0, you’re in the house! Everyone’s in DEFCOM UK. Hi. Jack Brown.
Hello. Patrick. Hello.
We’re going to talk about France. We’re going to talk about the riots and La Rezistance.
Hello, everybody. Hello. Hello. Owen Jones.
Hello. That’s a very Welsh name. Double Welsh name. Owen Jonesy. Davy Williams.
Hello. Russell. Hello. Laura Garside. Hello. Hello. Declan O’Hara. Weird Science.
So, without further ado, let’s just do a little drumroll. Okay. So what’s different about the French riots compared to other riots we’ve seen in the last 30 years, since my little NPC little boy brain, went:
“Oh, shit. I’m self aware, sentient and conscious and aware of all the suffering and the potential for infinite pain that the universe and the world is going to provide me.”
Ever since I was a little ten year old boy, I’ve seen French riots. Every summer, the French are on strike, having a good riot. But what’s different?
As always, guys, I love the Shekels. Like any other man who has to provide for multiple children, you can send a Superchat in the little thing below and within reason, if you send enough, and if it’s not too rude, I’ll address it. It can be a bit rude, it can be a bit insulting, and I’ll still address it. And we’ll go through that.
But just want to start off, you know, when, like, race riots kick off a race war, ethnic violence, like we’re seeing in France, like we saw in America for the BLM, the Black Lives, black Lives Matter. We saw it, in fact, in Greater Manchester, Rochdale in 99, the year 2000, there were race wars between the Asians and the Whites.
But with these British, we had British race wars in 2011, very similar to the French ones. I think his name was Mark Duggan. Anthony Duggan. There was a young British black man shot in his car. Yes, he was a gangster. Yes, he had a gun on him. Yes, he was a drug dealer, but he didn’t do nothing! He was a future astronaut, future rapper, aspiring musician! He was an intellectual!
But what was I going to say? Yes, Andrew Peace Crutchy has actually died. This is England, right? This is England. This is literally England. These lights are in England. Look at that. Right?
Someone says I should go to Paris and do a live. Can you imagine me and my style of comedy and sarcastic, slightly charged humour in the hateful banlier of the Libo Le suburb Jinna Kwapali? Good idea. Craig Hartley asked, do I do martial arts? No, I’m just an incredibly large angry man.
And so the violence just comes naturally. No martial arts. Through trial and error, you learn how to kick people.
But anyway, this 17 year old, that the French policeman, he’s been arrested for murder or manslaughter. Emmanuel Macron, who was attending an Elton John concert at the same time as his country was burning. Elton John, he sang very famously:
“Don’t let your son go down on me.”
It’s like:
“Whoa! I wasn’t going to let my son do that to you, Elton, but if you’re going to sing a whole song about it, okay!”
But the 17 year old, so the story goes, he was underage in France. You have to be 18 year old to drive. This was a 17 year old Algerian derived child, boy, adolescent. Perhaps a history of criminality. Perhaps he’d been on a car chase through Paris, putting people’s lives at risk, putting mothers pushing their prams at risk. Perhaps he was a bad guy. Perhaps he was a violent little thug with all the hatred that violent little thugs have.
And I’ve seen the video. Policeman is literally on the car, pointing his gun at him through the windscreen, saying:
“Stop! Take the key out! Don’t drive off! If you drive, I’m putting a bullet in your skull!”
To translate from the French. And young Jean Pierre, Dal Gillid [Nael M.], he had two choices. He could say:
“Oh, fuck! I’m a young thug criminal. I am cornered. The police have caught me. Gendarme!”
I love the word gendarme. It translates to English as, literally, “the people of the gun”. gendarme, gendarme. The arm, the armed fucking cops! They said:
“Dude, take the key out!”
And young Jean Pierre, Dal Gillid, maybe he thought:
“Fuck the police! Fuck the police! You’ll be racist in it. Use I’ll be fucking racist scumbags! How dare you point a gun at me after I stole a Mercedes and drove around the suburbs of Paris!”
Or wherever he was, whichever city in France he was, super dangerously:
“How dare you try and arrest me!”
And so we see this a lot. I’ve seen it a lot on American body cams. You get, unfortunately, the race baiters, the suckers of the collapse of society phallus:
“All White people are racist! They’re holding you back, brownie! If you’re black, you’ll never do well! It’s all the White man’s fault!”
And so in America, Jean Pierre Dal Gillid was not going to fucking stop!
And you saw it with George Floyd as well. I’m sorry to bring up George Floyd, but one thing I will say, anti-racism is treating all good people well, regardless of their race. So you go:
“Oh, Jimbo from Nigeria is a very good man. I will treat him like all other good men, even though he is black, because I am colour-blind when it comes to good people!”
But what your Lefties try and tell you, they will say:
“No. Anti-racism is elevating the nastiest, most violent, nasty, bloody criminals to god, unless you bow down as a White person to the God of George Floyd!”
The fentanyl fucking burglar, the robber of pregnant women. And it’s in the court documents. I’m not making this shit up.
Does the Left really want to give the apotheosis to a man who pointed a gun at a pregnant woman’s belly and said:
“Give me the money or I’ll fucking shoot your baby!”
That’s George Floyd. So anti-racism is treating all good people well regardless of race. But the Left will say to you:
“Anti-racism is treating all inner city gangsters, all pavement criminals, all aspiring rappers, all drug dealers of heroin and crack, all the people that rape and murder and steal cars. You’re racist if you say anything bad about them!”
And it’s like, no!
So anyway, the French police said to the 17 year old Jean Pierre Dal Gillid they said:
“Sivu, play, monsieur, aret Lavois a sorti de La Porte de La Voir Tour so that we can fairly arreste Devu, fairly arrest!”
And he’s like:
“Nah, you are racist, and I am an Arab! Nah!”
Next thing you know, now we’ve got an insurrection, a civil war. It’s a giant race war. It’s an ethnic war across France! I am getting nervous. I love a good bit of dangerous footage off Telegram. Twitter, 4Chan, politically incorrect sharing the videos of Paris. And I’m going:
“Fucking hell! Paris looks rougher than the east of Ukraine. Paris looks rougher than that fucking cafe in Kiev!”
Sorry, Kiev. Not Kiev. Kayev that got blown up by the Russian fucking cruise missile.
And it annoys me. And let’s try to be like Martin Luther King here. Martin Luther King said:
“I want a day where people will be judged by the content of their character and not by the colour of their skin!”
Now, that’s what I was saying. Anti-racism is treating all moral, decent, good people well regardless of their colour. Anti-racism is knowing that the gift of sentience and of love and of understanding and brotherhood and camaraderie is available to every single person on Earth regardless of their race. You can love Jesus if you’re an African, a Chinese. Charlie said:
“Please come to Kidderminster.”
Thank you very much, Charlie. You’ve got a good name. Anti-racism is seeing in good people, regardless of their race, the glories of God and the gift of being alive. Anti-racism does not mean that you elevate common criminals and thugs and dangerous people to Gods.
And what was her name? Sasha? Saskiaq Sasha? There was a leader of Black Lives Matter in London. She was a very outspoken young black lady, and she spent her entire life and I actually saw a clip of her speaking to an ITV news reporter, and he was a fellow black man. And she actually called him a “house N word”. And the guy’s like, Excuse me. And she’s like:
“Yeah, you work with all these White boys!”
And what happened to her? Sasha Gray? Sasha Gray? No. Sasha Johnson. Thank you. Sasha Johnson. I appreciate it. In the comment section there.
Okay. EA audits says:
“Say the word!”
I think in context, we can get away with it.
Can we just do a quick view in the comments section, if I should say the actual term that Sasha Johnson called the black news reporter? Can we get a yeses or no’s if I should say the actual word? All right, London Cabby who’s a member of the channel says okay, a lot of yeses. A lot of yeses, a lot fucking!
All right. We’re going to have to do it in the interest of free speech. There is a video out there. Thank you. I appreciate that. Let’s go back up. Blaine Cooper. I appreciate that what I’m going to do, guys, is if you just look at my beautiful face say it, family. Thank you, Charlie. Just look at my beautiful face for a second.
Calls man a house nnnnn…. Wait one sec. This is how bad. All right. Okay. We’re going to say it. Okay. For all my black brothers. Give me the pass. Give me the pass. We’re going to say it.
Sasha Johnson called a black reporter a:
“House nigger!”
Oh, wait, what was that? My phone’s vibrating. Oh:
“Hi. Yeah, no, it was a quote. It was a quote for we were quoting Sasha Johnson. What do you mean there’s no more advertising on my channel? What do you mean? I’ve lost 100,000 subscribers? Wait, no, look, one sec, one sec. Look, I’m in the middle of a live stream here. Look, I know you’re calling from YouTube headquarters, but I was quoting what she said herself, okay? What do you mean this is my last ever video, and it’s all over after this. Goddamn it, dude! Look. Okay, I’m listening. I’m listening. You mean I’ve ironically shouted my last N word? All right, 1 second. 1 second.”
It’s all over. It’s all over, guys. So there you go. Yeah, I’ve been cancelled now, guys, but thank you. There was some nice stuff going on. Thank you Blaine Cooper.
So, as I was saying, Sasha Johnson spent her whole life calling people what I’ve just said, and she used to., … Here’s how weird the world is. I can do a whole skit and get fired by YouTube for saying the N word, but I can happily say Sasha Johnson called all the White people:
“Honkies! Crackers! Mayo demon! Fucking White Guilo piece of shit!”
And that’s fine.
And it’s like, … There you go. But there you go. Did you guys all hear it? Did I say it okay? Did I pronounce it right? Thank you. This is England says:
“Long live free speech!”
Absolutely! So Sasha Johnson, after insulting thousands of people and calling one of her fellow African compatriots, … Thanks, Charlie. A house black man, obviously the bad word. We don’t need to say it more than once. It’s going to get saved, and this will never monetize.
So thank you for your Superchats, because I’m probably going to. But no, if you believe in free speech, you cannot think that some words are so powerful that you can’t say them. And for all my black viewers, I hope you understand the context. I hope you understand the love of free speech here.
And she went to a house party in Brixton in London, with only black people at the party. There was a big gang shooting and she is now, unfortunately, brain dead in hospital. She’s literally a vegetable. And that’s extremely sad.
Thank you again for the people sending through the Superchats and the little bits and bobs! Way better.
So where was I going with this? So, French riots! I’ve seen Eric Zemmour, there’s a few French people in the house. Eric Zemmour is a presidential candidate. He has said that:
“France is now in a great race war, an ethnic war!”
And it was actually a Sultan a couple thousand years ago that burnt down the Grand Library of Alexandria. And now you’ve got young, maybe North Africans, who may be Muslim as well, burning down the Grand Library of Marseille. BiblioTech Marseille!
So France is under war. There’s a bit of a media blackout. Finding the unofficial clips on, say, Telegram or 4Chan or Twitter is better than the news. The news is only showing you a very sanitized thing.
Truly, the race relations in France are the worst, I think, of any European country. I don’t know why it’s so bad.
Thank you very much, everyone that’s sending through the donations. I really appreciate it JYTV. And I’ve spent a lot of time in France myself and I didn’t find it a racist country.
But then again, I’m half Brazilian, half Scottish, and with some of my Mediterranean features, I passed as a kind of, like, stripy shirt, baguette carrying, garlic munching, wine drinking, Gitanes smoking, are you a Gauloises, or a Gitanes kind of guy? So they liked it.
But anyway, I want to talk about the French riots again in a second, in a minute. But I’ve just come back from the cinema and I go to the cinema maybe three times a year. This is the era of Pirate Bay, the era of Netflix, the era of YouTube. And can I just say, for all you fucking cheap motherfuckers in the comment section here, you fucking like, you penny pinching fucking like, you’d think, Jesus Christ!
But you’d think that a creator who gets between a million and 3 million views a month, the amount of shekels I earn my bosses at YouTube, yeah, I won’t say the N word again, I promise. You’d think they’d give me YouTube premium for free? But no, the motherfuckers! I still have to pay 15 a month for YouTube premium.
But then it got me thinking. One of my big problems, problems! On YouTube is monetisation. And just want to show you. Yeah, thank you. Thank you, Daniel. I appreciate it. You see those orange ticks? You see these fucking orange ticks? See that? That means no, you’re not making money off that motherfucker and then you click on it. My last one about Nottingham, it says:
“Confirmed by review. This video is not suitable for advertisers!”
So I say, please, everyone, get YouTube premium. Stop having advertising in the videos you don’t know. Like, say the N word, that’s, … You don’t know. The shit I could get away with. If I could survive on my income off YouTube premium, I could be a real filmmaker. Because at the moment, I have to like, corporate advertisement. Sorry. And he’s like, Charlie, your videos are a bit too exciting. Fucking and I’m like, God, I’m not happy about it. I’m not happy about it. I’m not happy.
Yeah, look, doofer. Yeah, we all know about ad blocker, but who the fuck watches YouTube videos on Google Chrome or Bing or Safari? We’re all watching it on the big screen or on our phones. I used YouTube Vanced. Remember Vanced up until a fucking year ago when they caught up with everyone and banned it.
So there’s a million ways you can scam your YouTube artist out of their earnings. But I recommend YouTube Premium. Fuck YouTube advertising! When I go around someone’s house and they don’t have YouTube premium, I’m like:
“Fucking stinks of poverty in this household. You’re going to make me sit through an unskippable 32nd ad to watch a kitten video? You’re a fucking asshole, man. You’re a fucking prick!”
Yeah, let’s speak more openly about the French riots. I’ll tell you a big, big fucking problem in the world when you’ve got activists like anti-racism, BLM..
I will tell you something. In the early 2000s, we had a kind of a utopian vision of race relations. When a black man got a job, he got the job because he was good, not because he was black! When the black man or girl got into university, they got in because they were smart! Not because they were black, not because of affirmative action. When you had advertising and there was a black guy in the advert, he got the advert because he was charismatic, good looking and stunning! Not because the ad agency said:
“We need one more interracial couple!”
Thank you, everybody. Thank you for the love. Thank you for the love. Thank you. Sad but Madlad is better value than the TV. It is better value than the TV licence. He is fucking right! Like, you’ve got your charities who are telling black and brown people that the reason they’re not whatever in the West, in England or Scotland, America, Canada, Germany, France.
One thing I’ve learnt in life is that you cannot wait around and hope for things to happen. Nothing will happen for you. Nobody gives a fuck! Nobody cares about you. Nobody worries about you. No one is going to be your Obiwan Kenobi to turn up a fucking tatooing and say:
“You’ve got the force. Let’s go on an adventure!”
No one is going to be your Morpheus to turn up in your office and say:
“Mr. Anderson, you are the one!”
You’re not the one. Your life is meaningless. It’s only if you make anything of it.
And so for all the black and brown people that arrive on these shores, whether illegally or legally, and you think the streets are paved with gold, and you think it’s all Hollywood, you think every single person is going to get a blue eyed, blonde haired, White bimbo girlfriend! You’re like:
“Oh, over in fucking Buttfuckistan, we watch all these girls on pornhub, on Facebook live and on OnlyFans, on fucking TikTok. And over here in Buttfuckistan, we think all White women are whores!”
And then they come over here and it’s like, well, it turns out White women are quite respectable and very difficult to actually fucking attain. And your charities will tell you that White people are racist and they’re holding you back, and there’s this, like, discrimination. Discrimination! I’m sorry. If you’re a black man, or a black woman and you dress well, you speak well, you talk about intellectual things, everyone will accept you.
But if you’re a young black guy and you dress like a fucking road man balaclava, and you walk all menacingly in your black track suit, North Face to whatever it is the kids wearing nowadays in it, it’s not racism when people are scared of you and don’t want to hire you for those jobs. It’s not.
This is the thing and the confusion. People think that not being racist is accepting some evil yardy gangster who’s going to fucking disembowel your kids and fucking rape your granny:
“Ah! Sit down for dinner. Mr. Yardy gangster!”
No, fuck you! I’ve had enough. I’ve had enough of the bullshit. I’ve had enough. I don’t even care if YouTube bans me after this. I fucking had enough!
For all the black and brown people watching. You want to be accepted into civilised, middle class, polite society? Act like a civilised, polite, middle class person!
I’ve had enough. I’ve had enough. I just cannot read. Thank you, Charlie. Charlie’s taking me to Thailand. Some good lady boys in Thailand. Oh, I’m only joking. I’m only joking. They’re still men. They still got balls.
But it’s only gay if the balls touch.
But I’m sick of it. Like the Biden administration, like the Guardian newspaper, the Democrats, the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, all these fucking suckers of the fucking cock of fucking division and fucking destroying the land!
You know, in America and in Britain, a lot of the schools, a lot of the Zoomers generation Z. Like I love their humour. I get it. Thank you, Zook. You legend. Zook Zulance. They hate LGTV LGBT propaganda. They’re like:
“Whoa, teacher, I just want to learn how to read and write and do multiplication and subtraction.”
And the teacher is like:
“No, today we’re gay. Today we’re gay!”
And it’s like, fucking hell. And so some school, some school kids in America, they burnt the LGBT flag. They did their little TikTok video saying:
“Fuck this shit. We don’t want to be taught how to be gay!”
What did The Guardian do? They say:
“These American school children and their hatred show how far we still need to go to get to be accepted as gay people. No one’s going to [crying] accept us!”
I’ll tell you something. For all my homosex, my lesbian friends, I do have transgender viewers. You may be surprised, but I’ve met them, and individually, they were very friendly and nice to me. I do have transgender viewers.
But one thing I will say to you guys is, … Roll it back a bit! If you stop pushing the gay and the LGBT so hard, people will accept you and forget it. But this whole joking about:
“Your coming after our children as a joke!”
We don’t take that funny. In life. At the dinner table, you can joke about a lot of stuff. We like dark humour, gallows humour. But you fucking crack a joke to the dad sat next to you:
“Oh, yeah, I’m going to kidnap your daughter and rape her!”
And you’ll see how well that goes down as a joke.
To all the LGBT. Thank you, Brian. Brian Cooper again. But to all the gays and the LGBTs, rein it in a little. Stop pushing it so hard. The reason people are turning against you is because you’re pushing it so hard. Rainbow flags everywhere! Tranny flags everywhere! Like the UK government, we had the Chief Rabbi, fucking Chief Rabbi saying that:
“Parents should not be told if their children are transgender.”
And what that’s basically saying is, the Soviet Union and Lenin and Stalin won! Pol Pot won! Ho Chi Minh. Fucking Ho Chi Minh is having a wank in his grave:
“We have successfully destroyed the nuclear family. We have turned every single human being into a function of the state, a function of the authority!”
And to anyone that tries to do that, fuck you! My predecessors have gone to war. Fucking killed you fuckers. Like, my granddad would be stacking bodies by now. They’re like:
“Oh, yeah, they’re just going to do a bit of gay propaganda in school. They’re going to give the kids hormones. That transgender kids. Fucking no problem. A bit of drag!”
My granddad would have fucking emptied his six round magazine. My granddad would have been stacking fucking bodies by now! And what do we do? I come on YouTube and moan about it.
But, you know, we’re doing what we can. We’re doing what we can. Yeah. Fucking gigachad granddad, W for the win. Yeah, my grand oh, fucking hell. Fuck. You should hear some of the stories my dad my granddad’s son traveling around the Philippines and Japan in the 1960s. You should hear some of the stories. One of these days, I’ll share you some of the stories of my dad versus the fucking lady boys. My dad versus the fucking Filipino thieves. [chuckling]
Anyway, so I came out the cinema an hour ago and yeah, you are going to hear the stories, someone asking.
Anyway, there was a round thing in the background before it was a fan. It was a vintage fan. But in the comments section. Have any of you guys heard of a director called Wes Anderson? Royal tannin bombs, Life Aquatic Grand Budapest Hotel. Have you guys heard of Wes Anderson? No, Barbie’s not out yet. Yes, you’ve all heard of Wes Anderson? Yeah, well, I really enjoyed thank you. This is England. Yes. Good man. Five pounds. I’m going to invest that in I’m not really sorry. Minder. Fucking MI6, minder. No, it’s a joke. God saved the King and all that joking.
So I’ve just come out of watching Asteroid City. Someone’s asking, My dad was gay. No, it’s just to give you a quick one. A few lady boys tried to steal some of the stock off my dad’s ship when they were in Manila. Back in the good old days in the my dad had to handcuff a lady boy and yeah, that’s quite a gay start to the story. Handcuffing a late anyway, my poor father fucking L handcuffing lady. It was cool in the 60s, like all the young people nowadays. Whoa. What the fuck is this? What’s that? Ads will run shortly. For some, there’s not going to be ads. Not after dropping the N bomb on this video.
So I’ve just watched Asteroid City and Wes Anderson’s disappeared. So far his own anus. He’s become an urubu snake eating itself. The film was 100% style, zero substance. Not only did I not have an emotional connection with any of the characters in the story, I positively hated them and wished for bad things to happen to them, which nothing did. There was no plot. Tom Hanks was in it. Edward Norton was in it. Jason Schwartzman Margot Robbie, Tilde Swinton, Scarlett Johansson. So All Star cast. Willem Defoe, Jeff Goldblum.
And I’ve only ever walked out of one film at the cinema, and that was Battlefield Earth. But I felt like walking out of Asteroid City. What a shitty, pointless film with no plot, no emotional connection as a fucking daily YouTuber putting together little movies. My fucking daily 15 minutes fucking videos has more plot and more emotional connection.
And honestly, let me read some of the comments, guys, right, I’m in the comments now, so if you got something to say, say it now. Sad, but Madlad says it’s a bit better than the latest Indiana Jones. One thing that the Asteroid City had going for it, it wasn’t woke. There was one homosex bit in it, but there was also a straight bit in it, so it balanced out. Do I like Rainbow lipstick. Yeah, I love rainbow lipstick. Where have we got here? Come to Peterborough? Jesus. Maybe flat earth wants me. Don’t get me fucking ranting about Flat Earth, you fucking scumbags. Dennis Byrne says:
“I wish I was gay.”
Well, Denis, it’s a Friday night, if you want to experiment. I hear that the gay community are very open and very welcoming, especially for new anus. Fresh anus on the scene that’s not been sullied. Get your fresh anus down there. Give him some free.
Right, yeah. So Nigel Farage has been kicked out. I’m guessing it’s First Direct, a subsidiary of HSBC. Nigel Farage, very outspoken guy, has been banned from banking in Britain.
Now, who was it Mussolini said that the fascist state is the corporate state? Are we in fascism or are we in communism? I think we’re more in Soviet Union. I think we’re more in 1984 than a Brave New World, aren’t we? Yeah, you got banned.
So let me just read some more of your comments. Dobri Vica. Slow down, guys. You fucking scum. Koots is a part of NatWest. That is true. It’s all propaganda. The matrix is real. Do you mean the Matrix like the real Matrix or the Andrew Tate rapy prostitute Matrix? Jimmy Savile. I’m just getting random. You’re a top G, bro. Sonny. Jimmy. Thank you. You’re also a top G for watching. Do I prefer Charles or Charlie? I truly do not have a preference. You can call me fucking Abdul from Buttfuckistan for all I care. Release me from your camera. No, you’re stuck in the camera forever. I’m sorry. Wax on, wax off. Definitely agree. What we’re going to do now then, guys? Jimmy Savile for Prime Minister. Avocado man. Fucking hell. Avocado man. You know, people are going to take clips out of this video out of context, and it’s going to be really bad.
But let’s just end it on a positive note that, no, I’m not going to do it again. I’m not going to do it. Rolf fucking Harris. The one day that I mentioned Rolf Harris in a video saying, is that Rolf Harris? He dies.
Anyway, we’ve had very good statistics on this video. Very happy with how many of you have tuned in.
But as it’s Friday night, let’s all love each other. 33 and 33. Let’s do it. Wait. We’re going to do it. One, two Allah Akbar! Oh, shit!
Youtube Comments
(Comments as of 6/30/2023 = 132)
9 hours ago
My late father fought on sword beach ww2 DAY. By the end of that day half his troop were dead. It was to keep our freedom and way of life. I’m sure if he were alive today he would cry at the state of our country and government are to blame.
9 hours ago
Alot of common sense spoken. I don’t agree with everything said. But I agree on most. I hope you manage to keep going. More of this style could be excellent. Feels like an antidote to msm..
1 reply
5 hours ago
I could listen to your views
for hours, not many out there that speak freely on all the issues that I feel the same. Keep it up
9 hours ago
God bless this man and his family. SPEAK!
10 hours ago
Really enjoyed the video Charlie i hope its not your last, sailing close to the wind Charlie boy!!
10 hours ago
”through trial and error, you learn how to kick people” classic
10 hours ago
Great video Charlie you say it how it is no woke shite with you lol
10 hours ago
This is massive news and the MSN is not covering it much…weird.
7 hours ago
Charlie I’ve watched all your videos from the last 13 years well done Jim from Glasgow holiday
10 hours ago
Literally Charlie helps my mental health
9 hours ago
The irony is all the damage is paid for by the people who buy goods and buy insurance, so they are taxing themselves for the damage they are causing anyway.
2 replies
10 hours ago
We Want more of those CV (but dont say the word/s ) . U should do a weekly Film Review CV. It’ll get ‘Their’ attention for SURE .
9 hours ago
Pushing the envelope here mate love it
11 hours ago
YouTube will never monetise this video. You’ll see why
1 reply
8 hours ago
I would sub to premium but it’s too expensive and considering the amount of censorship they are imposing on basic words that are in the dictionary. Creators are scared stiff of being demonetized for saying whatever the offensive word is today. If there was a version of Youtube where you paid and speech wasn’t limited like it is then I may very well be tempted because I gave up on main stream media some time ago. By the the way, I’ve been watching since the Love Police and Danny Sh(He who shan’t be mentioned) days.
7 hours ago
Proper enjoyed the vid as per usual pal also have a epic weekend veeeechy pa paaa pow
7 hours ago
Wish I’d caught the livestream, would loved to have joined in the chat…
8 hours ago
This content is gold
2 replies
8 hours ago
Is this Panda I knew from RFB channel ?
8 hours ago
Panda army ?
1 hour ago
What a guy
9 hours ago
World is fucked, but have a good weekend all
2 hours ago
charlie looking good and speakin good keep it up chalie
7 hours ago
Charlie’s personality disorder surfaces yet again. It used to be through a megaphone. Now it’s through YouTube.
10 hours ago
MMAGuru just reviewed Sean Strickland’s press conference … where he offended several several million people lol … Think everyone’s had enough !!! I have scary movie playlist for you dude !!!!!!
7 hours ago
The minimum age for driving a car in France is 18; it doesn’t matter if you hold a valid licence in another country – if you’re not 18 you can’t drive in .
French 17 year old shot in a Mercedes AMG.
2 replies
6 hours ago
Clearly a flaming guy then
10 hours ago
Maybe it just had to happen. UK next no doubt.
10 hours ago
Charlie lots of respect bro from EALING WEST LONDON
10 hours ago
Charlie got the no no YT money
10 hours ago
Hi Charlie,watching from are the G.O.A.T!
Charles Veitch
10 hours ago
And just like that COVID has gone.
5 hours ago
Awesome vid, annoyed I missed it live
8 hours ago
The French always know how to have a good time . Lol
1 reply
10 hours ago
I went to Paris in 1994 to see Pink Floyd and it was full of Arabs and Nigerias back then….wasn’t any trouble back then.
Oh Charles please no more “HARD R” words we don’t want to lose you
6 replies
9 hours ago
Visiting Disneyland Paris a couple of years ago was like being at a Arabic train station
8 hours ago
Division Bell Tour ? Saw it at an outdoor venue in Belgium it was MINT
8 hours ago
Yeah the Division Bell Tour 1994 later called Pulse when they released it on CD at the shops.
I saw them in Paris at some horse race course can’t remember the name of it…
Also saw them at Feyenoord Stadium Rotterdam and also Londons Earl’s Court.
Great times
8 hours ago
@netflix8372 just saw Roger Waters in Birmingham a few weeks ago….brilliant show
8 hours ago (edited)
It’s amazing how fit and healthy he is at 79 years old still going strong
7 hours ago
@netflix8372 yep. They’re trying hard to cancel him but he’s not having it
10 hours ago
Charles, viewing you from Estepona Spain,
Charles Veitch
8 hours ago
french kids are crazy all that hardcore french hip hop lol
1 reply
31 minutes ago
‘French’ kids. You don’t get it do you.
6 hours ago
I agree with everything you say
3 hours ago
Lmao he actually said it
10 hours ago
Sasha Johnson is a vegetable now with only half a heid
8 hours ago
So Howard from the Halifax got the job because he’s a looker???
9 hours ago
I prefer your out and about videos.
5 hours ago
Fucking yes & Fucking yes
10 hours ago
Big up Charlie
11 hours ago (edited)
You missed it 33:42
Charles Veitch
8 hours ago
The shooter was the reporter
10 hours ago
I’m in the house, it’s pissing down outside eh.
9 hours ago
Damn missed it live
9 hours ago
from a desktop user perspective (Windows) Charlie ya have to let people from ya main platform when ya out on the streets that you go live from here, (Just drop people hints) and im very clued in as respects predictive programming, but still it got past my radar on this youtube platform, you do your best but you still have rent to pay, you have family to support, and i know you are not as direct as what you was when back in the day you was working as the love police, but you are still waking people up, as respects reaffirming and with art to boot, scream from the rooftops im also here, humility destroyed many a person when it was positioned wrong xxx
1 reply
9 hours ago
ps, i mean super chats on the live stream charlie, you work so hard at what you do, Proverbs 14:23
5 hours ago
shout out to anybody who ever rolled a blunt using a Gitane… – better still a Ducado…
5 hours ago
so, the toddlers in the park in their buggy get made into doggy snacks …nothing happens – someone gets shot by police for failing to stop and we have all this… = if I see anybody taking the knee then I will make them kneel before me on both knees….
8 hours ago
Wow the immortal crutchy died so not a rumour then
10 hours ago
Race riots were 2001 in Oldham and it was a drug war incident
8 hours ago (edited)
never watch ads all blocked
5 hours ago
This will be the UK in due course…. Give it 30/40 years….
10 hours ago
Videos not suitable for advertising. So you don’t get paid. Yet YouTube will always put an advert at the start and end.
Dose this mean the advert is not suitable for suitable videos so it’s on an unsuitable video.
52 minutes ago
Charlie; A couple of days ago, I read som disturbing “facts about You. Please tell me, that the guy just wrote it, to put You in a bad light. Because he might be envious of Your succes. It was something about a “criminal record, abusing girlfriends and so on. Please tell me that it`s a lie.
7 hours ago
Hi Charlie missed the live what does it solve burning buildings etc l dont agree with the cop shooting the guy the world has gone insane
10 hours ago
Qedamawi Haile Sellassie said content of character than the colour of skin
Rassss Tafari daily news
Light of this world
9 hours ago
Holy War vast percentage are not French.
10 hours ago
Free plastictine
10 hours ago (edited)
11 hours ago
Who’s still here?
1 hour ago
Charlottes at it again
10 hours ago
Just like you were dancing in a night club Charlie
9 hours ago
Hi Charlie
10 hours ago
Need u in belfsst city centre
1 reply
8 hours ago
Am from Armagh, bloody terrible what’s going on, attempt child aduction, attempt atta k on dog walker . One thing in common immgrants
11 hours ago
jesuít skum
9 hours ago
Hi bro
9 hours ago
You have Transginger viewers ?
7 hours ago
Shooting dead a young kid,for a driving offence shows how far we’ve come
1 reply
2 hours ago
That’s the thug life
5 hours ago
11 hours ago
11 hours ago
10 hours ago (edited)
Hello, the riots will be over here soon, something to look forward too I suppose. This county can’t handle a little bit of snow.
10 hours ago
Don’t you think all the movies coming out these days are shit.
3 replies
9 hours ago
8 hours ago
Can’t beat 80’s-90’s movies. Terminator 2: Judgement Day bein the best obviously
6 hours ago
@Hasta-la-vista-baby 2 is good, but The Terminator was better.
10 hours ago
Great film, you just didn;t understand it. I loved it but I’m clevererer than you.
10 hours ago
See Also
RACE, EVOLUTION, AND BEHAVIOR – Part 1: Preface; Race is More Than Skin Deep
Do Africans Really Have an IQ of 70 — TRANSCRIPT
How Africans May Differ from Westerners
A Blind Eye to Murder of Whites in South Africa
Andrew Joyce – BLM – Irish Edition – Dec 31, 2020 – Transcript
Stefan Molyneux – Dallas Police Shooting — TRANSCRIPT
Malleate – Bullet Free Genocide – Weaponized Migration – Nov 22, 2019 — Transcript
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