How Jewry Turned England into a Plutocratic State – Part 5 (last)


[Image – click to enlarge] Cover of World-Service 12.6.1940 edition


PART 5 (last)





I. Introduction


II. Outline of the Three Stages of Jewry’s Rise to Power in England


III. Jewish Bribery and Corruption in Promoting the Naturalisation Bill of 1753


IV. Opposition in the House of Commons to the Naturalisation Bill


V. The Passing of the Naturalisation Bill Causes Anger in the People, Resulting in Petitions and Demonstrations in the Streets of London.


VI. Arguments Against the Naturalisation Law Continue in Pamphlets Throughout the Country and in the House of Commons.


How the English Nation Foresaw Jewish Domination — The Bitter Struggle of the English Nation Against the Ever-growing Penetration of the Jews into England Continues.


VII. The True “English People” Succeed in Having the Naturalisation Law Repealed.


VIII. Jews “Convert” to Christianity and Continue Their Infiltration, Seeking Greater Dominance over England.


IX. The Jews Succeed in Conquering England and Creating a Jewish-English Plutocracy that Declares War on Germany.




The Jew uses the lie as his most effective weapon to attain his goal and to conquer the world. Truth is his worst enemy


WORLD SERVICES has taken upon itself the task of enlightening all non-Jewish peoples and of revealing to them Jewry’s sinister intentions and its criminal methods. Recognition of this danger is the first step towards elimination. “WORLD SERVICES” has dedicated itself to truthfully reporting news-items pertaining to Jews and Jewry and thereby safeguarding the liberties of all nations.


Whoever is cognisant of this Jewish danger is requested to communicate with “WORLD SERVICES”, Frankfurt/M P.O.B. 600.


Only through co-operation it is possible to avert the threatening danger.


How Jewry Turned England


into a Plutocratic State


An Historical Survey

[This was taken from an article published in Frankfurt Germany, 1940]



HUME, the classic among England’s historian in his fundamental work. “The history of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the revolution in 1668”, Vol. II, Ch. X., P 130, (London 1803) writes:

The greater part of that kind of dealing (usury) fell every where into the hands of the Jews; who, being already infamous on account of their religion, had no honour to lose, and were apt to exercise a profession, odious in itself, by every kind of rigour, and even sometimes by rapine and extortion.



How Jewry Turned England


into a Plutocratic State




An Historical Survey






Jews “Convert” to Christianity and Continue Their Infiltration, Seeking Greater Dominance over England





To the casual observer it would seem that the Jews had suffered a defeat as the result of the repeal of the Naturalisation Law of 1753. In reality, the influence upon the government of the Jewish clique surrounding Sampson Gideon had become so great that the Jews in spite of all, could from this time on settle down in England in ever increasing comfort, and their influence grew stronger from year to year. The cause of their further advance was the Naturalisation Law of 1740, which, although it had been passed without the knowledge of the English people, still remained in force. The Jews could therefore still become British citizens by the roundabout way of the American colonies. Then also, the Jews, having seen with what obstinate resistance the English nation had withstood their immigration into England, changed their tactics. Leading Jews at this time withdrew from the synagogues and became converted to Christianity. A typical example of how practical and useful the Jews found these new tactics, is given us by the Jewish leader, Sampson Gideon. On May 21. 1754, he withdrew from the synagogue [55]. His influence on Sir Robert Walpole enabled him to procure, by act of Parliament, the Castle of Spalding, in the neighbourhood of Coventry. This Jewish leader caused his three children, a son and two daughters, to be baptised. Simpson Gideon, son of Sampson Gideon, was educated at Eton. In 1759 Sampson Gideon obtained a baronetcy for his fifteen year old son [56].



[55] Hertz: “British Imperialism in the Eighteenth Century”, London 1908, pp. 100/101.

[56] a) “The Jewish Encyclopaedia”, Vol. V, pp. 662/663. b) “Sur Moses Mendelssohn, Sur la Réforme Politique des Juifs: Et en particulier sur la révolution tentée en leur faveur en 1753 dans la Grande Bretagne” par le comte de Mirabeau. Londres, 1787, p. 108.


No wonder that every door was open to this Crypto-Jew, for not only was the government dependent upon him not only was Walpole his bondservant, but even the English King, George II. needed the money this Jew could advance.


The Jewish historian Hertz [57] writes the following concerning Gideon:

Sampson Gideon ceased to attend a synagogue, and brought up his children as Anglicans. An ardent patriot, he offered bounties to recruits when the Seven Years’

War broke out in 1756, lent £40.000 to George II in his quality of Elector of Hanover.

During the Seven Years’ War in 1757 and especially in the years 1753 and 1759 the English Government in its Loans Policy relied fully upon Sampson Gideon [58].

That the baptism of all these Jews was merely hypocracy, merely an attempt to fool the English nation, is plainly seen from the manner in which the present-day Jewish historians write about the baptism of Sampson Gideon. We read in Hertz:

Sampson Gideon ceased to attend a synagogue, and brought up his children as Anglicans. It is to be observed that he still subscribed secretly to Hebrew organisations, and in his will desired to be laid to his rest in the Portuguese Jews’ burying-ground at Mile End, and to be prayed for as a Jew and a married man. Not inappropriately his tomb was adorned by a basso reliefo representing the story of Joseph and his brethren.” [59]


How the Jews abused Christianity, for the purpose of obtaining entrance into England and other countries, is seen from the following, and to us, valuable quotation. The Jewish historian, Lucien Wolf, writes in his famous book “Manasseh ben Israel’s Mission to Oliver Cromwell” [60] regarding the English Crypto-Jews:

They left behind them in Spain and Portugal a less scrupulous contingent of their race — wealthy Jews who were disinclined to make sacrifices for the faith of their fathers, and who accepted the conditions of the Inquisition rather than abandon their rich plantations in Andalusia and their palaces in Saragossa, Toledo, and Seville. They embraced Christianity, but their conversion was only simulated, and for two centuries they preserved in secret their allegiance to Judaism.

These Crypto-Jews, in their turn gradually spread all over Europe, penetrating in their disguise into countries and towns and even guilds which the Church had jealously guarded against all heretical intrusion. It was chiefly through them that the modern Anglo-Jewish community was founded.


How close the friendship between Sampson Gideon and the nobility was, is seen from the fact that when Sampson Gideon died in 1762 he left his whole fortune of 380,000 pounds [61] to his son and his daughters and the Duke of Devonshire.


[57] Hertz: “British Imperialism in the Eighteenth Century”, London, pp. 100/101.

[58] “Jewish Encylopaedia”, Vol. V, pp. 662/663.

[59] Hertz: “British Imperialism in the Eighteenth Century”, London, pp. 100/101.

[60] Lucien Wolf: “Menasseh ben Israel’s Mission to Oliver Cromwell”, p. 12.

[61] Hertz: “British Imperialism in the Eighteenth Century”, p. 95.


A typical example of how arrogant, boastful and offensive the Jews of the 18th Century were, how they at heart despised the English nobility, we find in “The History of the Jews in Great Britain” by Margoliouth, who writes concerning the above mentioned inheritance of the Duke of Devonshire, that the Duke of Devonshire inherited this Jewish wealth from Gideon without (Gideon) insisting on the Duke taking his name or being circumcised [62].


The son of Sampson Gideon became a member of the exclusive White’s Club [63] and became member of Parliament for Coventry. The True “English People” Succeed in Having the Naturalisation Law Repealed. writes:

In 1766 Simpson Gideon married the daughter of Chief Justice Sir John Eardley Wilmot. He was elected Member of Parliament for Coventry, County Cambridge, in which his castle of Spalding was situated” [64].


In 1789 he took his wife’s name and became Lord Eardley. His Irish title relapsed after his death in 1824, as both his sons, Simpson Eardley and colonel Eardley, died at an earlier date. The daughters of Sampson Gideon married Lord Saye and Sele, Sir Culling Smith and I. W. Childers. Simpson Gideon (Lord Eardley) was a friend of the Elder Pitt and was known in public as Pitt’s Jew. When he was raised to the Irish peerage and had taken the name of Lord Eardley of Spalding, it was publicly declared that the English peerage had been insulted. [65]


That the Jewish advance was in no way checked by the repeal of the Naturalisation Law, the Jewish historians quite frankly admit. They even admit it would not have been possible to develop the British Empire without liberal legislation having been taken on behalf of the Jews. Let us hear what the Jewish historian Hertz has to say on the subject:

Thwarted though it was by faction, the insignificant Jew act of 1753 heralded not only the slowly accomplished victory of religious toleration, but the discovery that successful territorial expansion cannot be achieved without some relaxation of the principle of race. A great empire is compatible indeed with the assertion of the spirit of nationality, but not with insistence on the letter.

The most notable advocates of generosity in 1753 were also pioneers of Greater Britain, and they anticipated in this respect the political genius which secured for Britain Canadian loyalty during the American Revolution and the war of 1812. Indeed this seems to have been the first occasion when the pioneers of Greater Britain expressed the emphatic opinion that the wings of expansion should never be pinioned by any narrow enforcement of racial or ecclesiastical uniformity. Their combination of the practice of liberty with the sense of empire has been one of the eighteenth century’s most fruitful legacies to English statesmanship [66].”


Even when the Jews could not accomplish their entrance into the English nation because the people would not tolerate it, they managed so much more effectively to accomplish their aims by furtive roundabout ways. We have seen that they made use of baptism for this purpose. The detailed account of the rise of Sampson Gideon, his wealth, his friendship with English Ministers and English politicians, the account of the rise of his son, who became a member of Parliament and an Irish peer, is here only mentioned as a typical example.


[62] Margoliouth: “The History of the Jews in Great Britain”, Loudon 1851, Vol. II, p. 115.

[63] Hertz: “British Imperialism in the Eighteenth Century”, pp. 100/101.

[64] “Sur Moses Mendelssohn. Sur la Réforme Politique des Juifs: Et en particulier sur la révolution tentée en leur faveur en 1753 dans la Grande Bretagne” par le Comte de Mirabeau. Londres, 1737, p. 108.

[65] Francis: “Chronicles of the Stock Exchange”, pp. 88—90.

Nichols: “Literary Anecdotes”, IX, 642; idem, “Illustrations”, VI, 277—284; “Jewish World”, February 1878; Picciotto: “Sketches of Anglo-Jewish History”, pp.60—64, 84, 113, London 1875.

Young Israel”, June 1899 “Dict. National Biography”.

Hertz: “British Imperialism in the Eighteenth Century”, pp. 100/101.

[66] Hertz: “British Imperialism in the Eighteenth Century”, London 1908, pp. 106/108.


A succession of Sephardic Jewish families made similar successful attempts to marry into the English landed gentry. They attained similar great influence. The English nation in the middle of the 18th Century once more withstood the invasion of the Jews, but the nobility was thoroughly beaten. “World-Service” [67] described, how it was found necessary in England in 1772 to safeguard the English Royal Family against the entrance of Jewish blood, that the Jewish mistresses of the Walpole clique especially came to possess unheard-of influence, that the “Royal Marriage Bill” in England in 1772 constituted a barrier against similar impudent advances on the part of the Jews as regards the Royal Family. We learned that the Duke of Gloucester, the brother of George III, had married a granddaughter of the Jew Isaak Norsa from Mantua.


In the same manner as the Jew Sampson Gideon had risen to power, his son, who received the title of Baron Eardley of Spalding, also rose. Gladstone’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, H. C. F. Childers, was a descendant of Sampson Gideon. Another Jewish ancestor of well-known aristocratic families was Pelegrin Treves, who also belongs to the English Jewish clique of the middle of the 18th Century. The descendants of Treves became Christians. Lord Donington, Lord Loundon and the Duchess of Norfolk were descendants of Treves. Lord Houghton and the Marquis of Crewe are descendants of the rich Sephardic Jew Joseph da Costa of Totteridge. Another Sephardic Jew of the middle of the 18th Century, Moses Mendez, counted among his descendants the Earl of Carnarvon.


A further Jew, John Braham, a singer of the Hanovarian Court, was the ancestor of Lord Carlingford. The descendants of the Sephardic Jew Jakob Israel Bernal, married into the families of the Duke of St. Albans, Lord Lansdowne, Lord Cavendish, Lord Palniel and Lord Cranbourne. At the same time that the English Sephardic Jews were penetrating into the English aristocratic families, the forefathers of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, were becoming prominent.


The Duke of Richmond, the Duke of Northumberland and the Earl of Meath were connected with the Ricardo family; Lord Churston, Lord Ludlow and Lord Bledislow were related to the Sephardic Jewish family Lopez. The descendants of the Sephardic Jewish family of Dr. Samuel Salomon boasts of wide-spread aristocratic connections. Although we could lengthen this list considerably, we content ourselves with the enumeration of the above names.


To what extent the English aristocracy is judaised, the striking confession of one of its representatives shows us. The Earl of Crewe, President of the Privy Council, a descendant of the Sephardic Jewess, Kitty da Costa, on Feb. 5, 1906, on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the Whitehall Conference, in a speech said [68]:

Somewhere about two hundred years ago, I think, my great-great-grandfather married a Portuguese lady of the Jewish race. But the most interesting fact in connection with the alliance is that it enables me to claim, possibly a somewhat remote, but quite authentic kinship with the most distinguished Englishman of the Jewish race who has lived since the Whitehall Conference — I mean Lord Beaconsfield. I do not know whether the illustrious shade of that statesman ever in these times visits the precincts of Downing Street and Whitehall. If so, he may see some things of which he would not entirely approve, but I hope that he will, for the sake of the reason I have named, cast an indulgent glance over the room occupied by the President of the Privy Council. That fact leads me to make a suggestion.

Many of you are, no doubt, aware that books are published indicating the descent of various people in this country from the royal family. Honest citizens study these volumes, and find they are descended from a Plantagenet or even from a Tudor monarch, and their satisfaction at the discovery is only tempered by the fact that hundreds of thousands can boast the same distinction. But my suggestion is this: Some person of leisure with a taste for genealogy should attempt to trace the Jewish descent of what I may call the titled and untitled nobility in this country. Without going quite so far as Mr. Lowell — for it must be admitted that there are men of tolerable intellect and good character with no Jewish blood in their veins — yet that inquiry would come as a revelation to some people of the extent to which English families have been allied with those of the Jewish race.


[67] “World-Service” VII/5/6, art. 14.

B’nai B’rith National Jewish Monthly”, June 1934.

[68] “Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England” 190S, Vol. V, p. 293.


Here a prominent representative of the English aristocracy, who also is a Cabinet Minister, quite frankly admits the complete assimilation of English Jewry with the English nobility.


Could there possibly be a better proof of the judaising of the English ruling classes?


We see therefore, that Jewry understood how to convert the victory of the English people into a defeat for the English people and into a gain for themselves. Jewry accomplished this absolute triumph over the English nation by a change of tactics. Whereas the Jews previously had attempted to obtain the upper hand in England, to a certain extent by constitutional means, by seeking to influence Parliament to pass Immigration and Naturalisation Laws in favour of their friends, they now employed a completely different, but even more successful method of accomplishing their ends. They simply had themselves baptised, became Christians, and by this change of front there was a greater possibility of putting into practice their plans for the domination of England.


That this move did not represent an honest conversion to Christianity, but that the Jews in this instance were acting as opportunists, to be able to make use of the advantages it would bring, the Jewish historians Hertz and Lucien Wolf clearly reveal. That this conversion to Christianity was mere hypocrisy is shown by the fact that Sampson Gideon, like all other baptised Jews who had before and after their baptism supported Jewish organisations, was buried in the Jewish cemetery. It is remarkable that the grave of this “Christian” was decorated with a representation of the history of Joseph in Egypt, who, it is well known, was the best friend and adviser of the Egyptian King, and who by his speculations in grain exploited the Egyptian people.


Could there be a better symbol, could there be a better parallel than the one between Joseph of Egypt and Sampson Gideon, the friend of Walpole and the financier of the English King? Verily, the Jews in England knew to what extent they were indebted to their leader Sampson Gideon.


It is also interesting that the Jewish historian Lucien Wolf frankly admits, that these baptised Jews, these Crypto-Jews, were the founders of the modern Anglo-Jewish community.


By becoming Christians the Jews accomplished to the fullest extent everything they formerly could only partially carry out. The baptism of the new-Christians became the starting point for the complete conquest of England by Jewry. Sampson Gideon, and his Jewish clique, under the cloak of Christianity, in close cooperation with the English government, now carried on their profiteering racket to their heart’s content. With Sir Robert Walpole’s help Sampson Gideon succeeded in inducing Parliament to grant him a special dispensation, by which he was conceded the right to own real and land estates.


Sampson Gideon’s son Simpson received the full privileges of the landed gentry and therefore of the ruling classes of England. He was educated at Eton and received a baronetcy at the age of fifteen. He later became member of Parliament for Coventry. The select White’s Club in London accepted him as a member. In 1766 Simpson married the daughter of the Chief Justice, Sir John Eardley Wilmot. In 1789 he took his wife’s name and was granted the title Lord Eardley of Spalding and was raised to the Irish peerage.


In like manner as his father was the intimate friend of Sir Robert Walpole, so also Simpson Gideon was the friend and adviser of the Jewish bondsman, the Elder Pitt.


How closely Sampson Gideon was connected with the English aristocracy is proved by the fact that the Earl of Devonshire was mentioned in his will together with his son and two daughters. But at heart Jewry despised the English nobility. The word of the Jewish historian, Margoliouth, that the Earl of Devonshire inherited part of Gideon’s fortune, without being required to take the Jew’s name, or being circumcised, is sufficient proof of this fact.


But there was something else that characterised this period of the Jewish penetration of England. We have seen how the Jew Sampson Gideon, having, secured influence over the English Government by bribery and corruption, could now go a step farther. In 1756 Gideon placed King George II. in his capacity as Grand Duke of Hanover under obligation by advancing him money. By this act English Jewry had penetrated through to the very Crown. A further decisive step towards the conquest of England was thereby completed: for once, having gained a place in the sunshine of the British Empire, the Jews could not encounter many further difficulties.


Once Jews had been received at Court and had been granted citizenship, the English nobility no longer felt degraded by intermarriage with Jews. Uninterrupted, the penetration and disintegration of the English nobility by Jewry now continued. Uninterrupted, the Jewish invasion of the ruling classes, whose national opposition was broken down, was now continued on a broad basis. After Jewry had in this way succeeded in worming its way into the nobility, it could from this strong position carry on its campaign against the English nation.


It now began the third stage of its conquest of England. In a period of about 100 years it had accomplished this. In the reign of Queen Victoria the last resistance of the English nation was broken down. Judah had conquered England. Jewish-English Plutocracy was stabilized by the Jews and by section of the ruling classes which was connected with it by ties of blood, and which was to be still further extended in the 20th Century. Jewish interests and the interests of the Jewish-English aristocracy were now identical. Through this plutocratic system of government Jewish and British Imperialism were firmly welded together. The strong bands by which the Jews had bound the English nobility to themselves were those of blood relationship and finance-capital. Jewish gold now became the undeniable ruler of England.


Jewish unscrupulousness and aggressiveness, shady Jewish business methods and speculations, Jewish avarice and greed from now on became the characteristics and the stamp of the ruling classes, now to be counted in with the Jews.


These were the corner-stones that were used in building up the British Empire in its present form. These are the foundations upon which it rests.


The Jewish historian Hertz, in writing on this subject, says of the supporters of the Naturalisation Laws, that they were the “Pioneers of Greater Britain”. By this he implies that without the Jews there would have been no British Empire, or that without the Jews the British Empire would not have been capable of existing or developing.






The Jews Succeed in Conquering England and Creating a Jewish-English Plutocracy that Declares War on Germany.




The foregoing treatise, which forms only a fragment of the English History of the 18th Century, shows quite definitely, that England even at that time was a Jew controlled state, and that Jewry even then understood how to bring a Jew-controlled government to heel. We see how a small number of Jews among the ruling classes, in conjunction with ministers, bribed by and dependent upon the Jews, were able to use their power to enrich themselves unscrupulously. The Jews of that time succeeded in being raised to the peerage.


But still they could not accomplish the absolute domination of England. The English nation at that time still possessed a naturally healthy instinct. Roused to the utmost indignation the people set themselves energetically to resist the Jewish penetration. Against the wishes of the nation, the Jews, aided and abetted by corrupt English ministers, circumvented the Immigration and Naturalisation Laws. In bitter strife against the English nation the foundation of the plutocratic system of government was laid, which was to be carried out in the 19th Century by the goldsmiths, and the families of Rothschild, Ricardo and others. In 1858 Jewish emancipation in England became an accomplished fact.


The Jews were granted full citizenship. They could be elected to the House of Commons. In 1868 the Jew Disraeli, who had been raised to the peerage as Lord Beaconsfield, received the highest honour England has to offer: he became the British Prime Minister and as such administered the fate of England according to Jewish imperialistic ideas. The conquest of England by Jewry and the plutocratic system of government in England that was bound up with it, became an accomplished fact. British Imperialism and Jewish Imperialism had become one. Inseverable were the bonds, which from now on bound the English nobility by ties of blood to English Jewry; Jewish capitalism was inseverably bound up with British capital. From then onwards the interests of both were identical. They were the identical interests that bound English Jewry to the judaised English ruling classes in a common destiny. The voice of the English people, the call of the blood, had been stilled. Jewry had conquered England and turned it into a plutocratic state. The Jewish-English dance around the Golden Calf had commenced. Unheard-of wealth was piled up.


Anxiously its small circle of Jewish-English possessors saw to it that no “uninitiated” (not belonging to the clique) could reap any benefit from it. The favoured few, the Jewish-English ruling class, hermetically sealed the doors against the English nation. For the nation the time of ever-increasing poverty had dawned. Jewish rule means the death of a nation. Betrayed by its rulers, governed and exploited by Jews, the English nation, entered the 20th Century, treading the path of suffering.


The Jews, continued to climb the ladder to power and might. In 1904 the Jew Rufus Isaacs became a member of the House of Commons. In 1910 he was knighted as Sir Rufus Isaacs and became Attorney-General and King’s Counsel. In 1912 he became Minister for Justice in Asquith’s Cabinet. In 1915 he became Lord Chief Justice, a position he occupied uninterruptedly until 1921. In 1914 he was raised to the peerage as Lord Reading. In 1915 he became Viscount Reading. In 1917 he went to the United States as a special ambassador. In the same year he received an Earldom. In 1918 he went to the United States as Minister Plenipotentiary.


In 1921 he became Viceroy of India, in 1926 Marquis of Reading and received the Freedom of the City of London.


In 1931 he became Minister for Foreign Affairs and in 1934 Warden of the Cinque Ports. It was one of the highest honours the British Empire had to offer. The Warden of the Cinque Ports, warder and governor of the five harbours, is one of the nobles from whom the King receives the crown. To the Warden of the Cinque Ports, during the Coronation ceremony, the King gives his oath.


The Jew Rufus Isaacs was, therefore, favoured with three of the highest honours that it is possible for an Englishman to hold. As Marquis be held the highest English title which any Englishman not of royal birth can hold. As Warden of Cinque Ports he received one of the highest posts of honour which England has to offer and as Viceroy of India he had the honour of representing the King himself.


This fact, that in a Jew this trinity of three of the greatest honours were combined, proves more than anything else how great the power of Jewry in England had become. It is the best proof that Jewish gold had conquered England.


A certain measure of tragedy is not wanting in the fact that Rufus Isaacs especially received the title of Lord Reading, that be bore the name of the town, which in 1735 protested most strongly against the Jews receiving citizenship. [69]


In this connection one remembers, that it was a Jew who wished to place the German Imperial crown on the head of a Prussian King. As speaker of the German Unity Movement in 1849 the Jew Edward Simson, President of the Frankfurt National Movement, offered the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV the German Imperial crown. The acceptance of the German Imperial crown from the hands of a Jew would doubtless have been of the greatest symbolic value to Jewry. The refusal on the part of the Prussian King prevented Germany from becoming an Empire through the grace of Judah.


In the 20th Century, the age of Technique and Industrialisation, Jewry carried out the plutocratic system of government in England to its greatest perfection.


Business and profit from now on ruled unchecked within the boundaries of the British Empire. The conception of the English shopkeeper and dealer mentality, which is of Jewish origin, was born in contrast to the conception of fair-dealing in other countries.


[69] “Gentleman’s Magazine”, 1753, p. 469.


Such expressions as: “The Englishman says Christianity, but means cotton” show, that the world at large recognised the hypocrisy and mendacity of the English-Jewish shopkeepers and dealers. Sheer avarice and profit became the general guiding principle of the government which depended upon the Jewish-English plutocratic clique. The profits meant all, the nation nothing.


The English nation was exploited by its Jewish-English finance hyenas exactly as the natives of the English colonies and dominions had been. In those places where work could be done by poorly-paid native labour, it was done, thereby throwing English workers on the streets. Dire necessity and poverty of the English workers were the result of this Jewish-English plutocracy. The English nation in the 20th Century began to be painfully aware of the curse of Jewish gold.


The well-known Jew-friendly English author. Hilaire Belloc writes regarding the conquest of England by the Jews: [70]

And the Jew pointed to the English State as that one in which all that his nation required of the goyim was to be found. He here enjoyed a situation the like of which he could not hope to enjoy in any other country of the world. All antagonism to him had died down. He was admitted to every institution in the State, a prominent member of his nation became chief officer of the English Executive … [71].

Specially Jewish institutions, such as Freemasonry (which the Jews had inaugurated as a sort of bridge between themselves and their hosts in the seventeenth century), were particularly strong in Britain, and there arose a political tradition, active, and ultimately to prove of great importance, whereby the British State was tacitly accepted by foreign governments as the official protector of the Jews in other countries. …


Here an acknowledged English author and friend of the Jews unreservedly admits, that England is the country, which according to an old tradition, comes forward before the whole world as champion of the Jews. How could it be different in a plutocratic state?


In the plutocratic system of government in England we find the real reason for England having to-day declared war against national-socialist, anti-Jewish Germany.


The English government did not declare war against Germany in the interests of the English people, nor to eventually protect British subjects from possible German acts of aggression, but she declared war solely in the interests of the Jews who control England and in the interests of Jewish-English finance-capital which was looking for the first opportunity to break lose, both of which are the acknowledged enemies of every form of national Socialism.


England cannot wage any war in the interests of the English nation, for the English government cannot be considered the representative of its own people, nor does it possess the confidence of the nation. On the contrary, it merely fulfils the task of protecting the immense wealth which is in the hands of the small circle: the Jewish-English ruling class; it further guarantees that this small Jewish-English clique shall increase its enormous capital unhindered.


[70] Hilaire Belloc: “The Jews”, 1922, p. 223.

[71] Reference concerns the Jewish Prime Minister of Great Britain, Lord Beaconsfield, alias Disraeli.


To-day the Jews, as well as the English press, wish to make us believe, that the Jewish-English alliance only came into being during the present war, and that it finds its natural cause in the Jewish persecution in Germany and that, the anti-Jewish laws of the Third Reich, forcibly drove the Jews to side with England in this war.


This, as we have seen, is not true.


The Jewish-English alliance originated solely and simply through the inseparable bond between Jewish Imperialism and British Imperialism, and in the fact that Jewish finance-capital is identical with British finance-capital.


It has its origin solely and simply in the blood-ties between the Jews and the English nobility and the fact that the Jews succeeded in turning England into a plutocratic state.


The Jews did not come into the war as allies of England because Germany had persecuted them, but England declared war against Germany because the English government is the blind obedient servant of Jewish commands, exactly as England is the sworn enemy of all anti-Jewish states and, according to its plutocratic structure, of necessity must be.


The English government declared war against Germany because it is a Jew-controlled government and as such represents the Sword of Judah against anti-Judaism and against any form of national Socialism.


The English government declared war against Germany because Englishmen are not the rulers of England, but because Jewish finance-capital rules and because England is a plutocratic state.

Colonel H. L. Nathan, M. P., honorary President of the South-West London Zionist Society, closed a speech with these words:

When Zion falls, the British Empire falls too” [72].

These significant words prove that the destinies of Jewry and the British Empire are bound up in each other, inseparably bound, by what has become a Jewish-British Plutocracy.

[72] “The Jewish Chronicle”, January, 27, 1939, p. 29.



—————— END ——————


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Version 1: Published Jun 16, 2015






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