[David Clews of Unity News Network interviews Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British movement, Patriotic Alternative, and his deputy Laura Towler. They discuss enthno-nationalism vs a softer nationalist approach favoured by Clews.
David Clews is Joined by
Mark Collett & Laura Towler of
Patriotic Alternative
Mar 26, 2022
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Published on Mar 26, 2022
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UNN’S David Clews is joined by Mark Collett & Laura Towler of Patriotic Alternative
March 26th, 2022
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(78:24 mins)
David Clews: , … he has to say potentially about that young girl. Mark did you see that young girl there talking about herself?
Mark Collett: I don’t think that’s a girl.
David Clews: What? Why not?
Mark Collett: I don’t think that’s a girl. Looks like a man to me.
David Clews: [laughter] No! No! Not, …
Mark Collett: I thought that’s a man.
David Clews: That’s a young, that’s just a young [word unclear] explorer.
Mark Collett: That is a man.
David Clews: Mr Collett, come on! Come on! Isn’t that a far-Right thing to say, sir?
Mark Collett: No. I think that’s a man. That’s definitely a man! I’m not buying into this. I’m not buying into this! That is a man! That’s a man and nothing’s gonna change that. [laughter]
David Clews: Well, first of all, Mark pleasure to have you on the show. Thanks very much for coming over. Is Laura going to be joining us as well?
Mark Collett: I believe she should be. Yes, yes, she should be joining very soon. I’ve sent her the link. So she should be over in a couple of minutes.
David Clews: Great. Well I’ll make a wee bit of space for her in the show Mark. For people that aren’t familiar with yourself and your work can you give us a brief introduction please?
Mark Collett: Well I am, in fact, a man, as in a real man! So [laughter] that’s the start there. No nonsense for me on that.
Now I’ve been involved in nationalist politics for 20 plus years now. I lead a group called Patriotic Alternative. I have been a content creator since 2016. I used to have a YouTube channel with about 100,000 subscribers, many videos with hundreds of thousands of views. Some videos with over a million views on them. I was very popular on that platform. But I was deplatformed. I also have a channel now on Odysee, on Dlive. I have a channel on BitChute. And I’m also on Telegram and GAB..
Because I’ve been de-platformed on Facebook. I’ve been deplatformed on Twitter. I’ve been deplatformed on Instagram. I’m actually banned from having social media accounts now. And we are living in this sort of draconian, tyrannical, world where unfortunately if you say anything regardless of whether it’s factual, or not, if it is not in lockstep with the current moronic, liberal, thinking, then unfortunately you lose your right to free speech.
And this affects everyone, from people down at my lowly level, right up to people who used to be President. So this is a wide reaching problem, and it’s only going to get worse.
And the fact is if people don’t do something about it now. And we’re also we’re already quite far down this road. But if people are just talking about this now we’re going to face real issues.
I’m just going to make sure Laura, …
David Clews: Laura is Mark.
Mark Collett: Excellent.
David Clews: Good evening Laura. How are you?
Laura Towler: Hi! Good evening! Am I muted? Can you hear me?
David Clews: No I could hear you loud and clear.
Laura Towler: Very good. Thanks for having me.
David Clews: My pleasure. Mark was just giving us an introduction to himself and his work. As well Laura, the floor is yours. For people that don’t know you, do you want to tell us a bit about your background, as well, please?
Laura Towler: Yeah. I just need to say something before we begin. I do have a newborn baby. And she’s going through a growth spot at the moment and she’s wanting feeding all the time. So if she cries, there’s a good chance that I might have to just nip off, or turn my camera off to feed her. I hope that’s okay.
David Clews: I was actually going to say to you congratulations on your baby. What’s her name?
Laura Towler: It’s Catherine. Yeah, she’s three months, three months last week.
David Clews: Catherine the Great! A good Russophile name then! You’re showing your true colours there, aren’t you?
Laura Towler: Yeah [laughter] yeah, I am. So introductions I guess, for people that don’t know me. I work with Mark at Patriotic Alternative. I’m the deputy leader of PA. And we’ve been going since September 2019. We’re a nationalist organization based in the United Kingdom. And we currently have around 16,000 supporters. We’re a community building and activism group.
So it means that we obviously have the community building side of things, where we’re creating a network of people. And then we also have the activism side, which is raising awareness of the issues that we think are really important.
And the biggest issue that we think is the most important issue is demographics. And the fact that British people are on track to becoming a minority in our own country.
So yeah, I guess I’m kind of Mark’s right-hand man, or right-hand woman [Mark laughs]!
David Clews: Right-hand person I think will work.
Laura Towler: Yeah [laughter]! We’ve got to use the correct language in today’s culture lol!
David Clews: Mark was talking about the issue of deplatforming and censorship. We started UNN four years ago. When we started UNN there really wasn’t anything called deplatforming. There really wasn’t. The first big one was Andrew Anglin. What was it, Stormfront?
Mark Collett: Daily Stormer.
David Clews: Yeah. The Daily Stormer a that that was the first big one, like the first big deplatforming. And what they said was:
“Well look, we’ll get rid of the real extremists with the real vile stuff.”
But a lot of people said at the time:
“Well, it’s a slippery slope.”
And then Britain First were huge on Facebook. And I remember at the time, … Testing. Yep. Sorry my mic is going in and out! [Mark chuckles] First got deplatformed. And they did say:
“We didn’t want to do it.”
And then there was Tommy Robinson as well, was a huge deplatforming. And now, here we are in 2022. And it’s open season on everything! Like no one’s safe on any major social media platform at all.
And if you look at the trajectory, where are we to be in say five years, Laura, in terms of deplatforming?
Laura Towler: I’d dread to think. Yeah. I mean, I’ve had pretty much everything shut down. I’ve been suspended from YouTube. I had around 60,000 followers on there. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, PayPal.
When I set up my business, Grandma Towler’s, which is a tea and coffee shop, I had a landing page on Shopify. They suspended me. I sent out an email to my subscriber list on Mailchimp. They suspended me.
I’ve had two bank accounts shut down, personal bank accounts. Don’t use them for any political stuff at all. It’s just my personal account which I used to pay my rent and, you know, pay my bills and that kind of stuff. Santander and Monza have shut my accounts down.
Mark had five bank accounts shut down. My husband, Sam, has had his Monza bank account shut down. So it’s just relentless.
I mean, I worry that it’s gonna be utilities in the future? You know, is your gas and electric company gonna say:
“No, sorry, we’re not working with you. We’re a private business.”
But the issue is the fact that they seem to be trying to push us towards a cashless society. And I think that with the Covid-19 stuff that really did sort of push us in that direction, because there were a lot of businesses that were saying:
“No. You can’t use cash.”
And if they shut down your bank account and they take away your ability to operate as a citizen in Britain, if you can’t use cash, how are you going to function? Do, you know what I mean? So. It’s a really scary prospect. And I think it’s something that we need to continue raising awareness about. But Mark might have something to say about it, because he’s had it even worse than me.
Mark Collett – Patriotic Alternative Autumn Update with Laura – Oct 2, 2020 — Transcript
[Mark Collett, Leader of Patriotic Alternative, and Laura Towler, Deputy Leader, gives us an Autumn update. Laura and Mark start with a brief chat about the tragic-comedy debate that Mark had the previous night with a rambling, can’t sit still, juggling, African-American guy in Florida.
Laura then describes in detail the harassment from the “State” through its proxies, for her pro-White, pro-British nationalism. About a month ago, without warning, her bank card stopped functioning and her bank, Santander, eventually informed her that her account had been terminated. Mark also had his bank account made inactive.
He then describes how the Electoral Commission has been dragging the chain, using one excuse after the other, in permitting PA from being registered as a political party.
Mark Collett: Well I’ve lost a lot of things. I’ve obviously lost all my social media accounts. And people will say with your social media accounts:
“Oh well, boohoo! It’s only Facebook, Twitter, etc.”
But losing your social media not only stops you getting your message out, … I mean, my Twitter account was huge I had 60,000 followers on Twitter. And I would get around 12 million Twitter impressions every month. So I’m reaching 12 million people. That disappears!
Now that not only affects my ability to reach people. But it also affects my ability to connect with other people, with other content creators. Losing your Facebook not only affects your ability to reach people politically, but you lose all your photos, you lose all your connections. You lose contact with people that you’ve known from years, people you might be to school with, old friends, people you don’t have their phone number. They’re all gone to you. You’re basically cut out.
These services also connect you to a variety of other things. Everywhere asks you to sign in with Facebook. Everywhere asks you to sign in with an existing social network. Every place you’ve done that is then cut off from you! Your progress is lost in a number of different ventures, or other apps that you used Facebook to sign in with. This affects your life in a number of ways.
But it goes on to affect your life even worse when you start to lose bank accounts. I’ve lost five actual bank accounts and been kicked off one crypto-currency exchange.
And the crypto-currency exchange was particularly galling, because they froze my assets for months, and months, and months! Meaning that I couldn’t trade, I couldn’t sell them when they’re at a high.
And then, when you finally do get them back they might not even be worth half of what the original investment was. Now, all of this presents real real problems.
But after having lost five bank accounts – one business account, and four personal accounts – you start to realize that you’re running out of options. You’re opening bank accounts. But they’re shutting them down as quickly as you can open them. In an increasingly cashless society, there is nothing you can do.
But that also disrupts your mortgage payment. It disrupts your ability to go and buy shopping. It disrupts your ability to buy food for your family. It disrupts your ability to do things like go to the gym.
I remember when my first bank account was frozen, before they closed it. It stopped all my direct debits going out so I couldn’t go to the gym. I was getting letters from the bank. I was getting notifications. My phone got cut off, because obviously my direct debit for my phone went. I got bills for my broadband saying, you’ve not paid your broadband now. So you have to basically pay a fine now. You have to pay an additional sum, on top of this.
And this all puts huge amounts of pressure on you. And after five a bank account is being closed, you probably think you get used to it. But it’s still a real pain! You have to migrate everything. You have to speak to your bank. You have to move over your direct debits. And then you’re sat there wondering:
“Well, when will the next time, when will it be?”
And as Laura said, it won’t end with bank accounts. It will then move to utilities. When does your broadband company say:
“Well, we don’t like the messages you use our broadband to spread. We don’t think that’s appropriate.”
When’s it your phone company, when do they say:
“Well, we don’t like the conversations you have on our telephone network.”
This will only get worse, and worse, it will only affect more, and more, people. And people who aren’t screaming and shouting about this now, people who are sitting in silence maybe want to rethink their strategy. Because it will trickle down. It will start with people like myself and Laura.
I’ve lost more bank accounts than any other political activist in the UK. But, this will trickle down to other people.
And eventually if you do something as meaningless, and sort of innocuous, as misgendering someone on a social network, what’s the future for you? Maybe a knock on the door from the thought police? Maybe the loss of your bank accounts? Maybe your broadband being taken away? Who knows? This is a slippery slope to something that would make the Soviet Commissars blush!
David Clews: Yeah. And I mean, don’t take this the wrong way, but the argument for why it was kind of done to you guys, … Look I’m not saying I agree with this, but your opponents would say that:
“There is no place for fascism. There is no place for hate!”
And they are going out of their way to destroy you, to give you no platform. So are they not being successful at doing that, then?
Mark Collett: Well, anyone who says that, but equally supported Covid lockdown restrictions, which saw people not being able to say goodbye to loved ones that they’d lived with for decades. People not being able to invite grandma around to Christmas. People being arrested for going for walks in the park with their partner.
People who call us “fascists” are complete morons! Because the real threat here is not fascism. People who use the word “fascism” throw it around so liberally, probably don’t even understand what it means.
The real threat here is kind of a “technocratic communism”, which is closing on all sides. And basically the Covid lockdown laws granted Boris Johnson and the Conservatives more powers than any British monarch has ever enjoyed! These powers were unprecedented, when you look at British history!
Even people like William the Conqueror didn’t have the powers to control the conquered people of the land that he had just been victorious over. He had less power than Boris Johnson granted himself during Covid.
And that tells you exactly where we’re going. And this is going to be enforced on multiple levels. And people who throw around terms like fascism use it, not because it’s an actual genuine argument. But because the term “fascism” is just a silencing tactic, in the same way as the word “racism”, …
David Clews: Yeah.
Mark Collett: … Or racist, homophobe, homophobic, Islamophobic, you’re an Islamophobe! All these things are used to silence people and to prevent genuine debate.
David Clews: I mean, obviously I’m asking that as a leading question, because you look at Canada. You look what Justin Trudeau did. Single mothers, people who donated to a peaceful protest had their bank accounts removed from them. So it will come for everyone eventually. And that’s what people need to really waken up to.
And it is really that technocratic nightmare where people will be banned! They’ll be removed. But why Laura. Why do you think it’s speeded up, you know, especially within the last two, or three years?
Because as I said before that, there was an ability for people to have a debate. There was ability for people to, … And I don’t necessarily think this is all, … I mean, it’s mostly on the Right of the political spectrum, but it goes always, now like the Left is eating itself.
There was a woman’s event the other night that was being picketed. You know, it seems to just be a culture across everywhere. That if anybody steps slightly out of the acceptable Overton window, it just has to be crushed!
Laura Towler: Yeah it does seem to be accelerating really, faster. I mean, it was only a few years ago that we were allowed YouTube channels, and we were allowed to talk about demographics, and race, and stuff on YouTube. And then all of a sudden, of the last few years it’s gone so fast.
I mean, is it, because we’re a threat? Do they silence us and stop us, because we’re a threat? Is it because we’re making ground? And I mean that’s the only thing I can think of really. If we were irrelevant and we weren’t actually making any progress in real life, wouldn’t they just let us continue? Because they lie about us so much! And they have to misrepresent us in order to present a certain image of us to the public.
I mean, they’ll write an article about us and it will include something that Mark said 20 years ago. And then it will say something like:
“Laura once wrote an article where she said she didn’t like Winston Churchill.”
You know, something like that. They just recycle these same arguments about us again, and again, and again! But they don’t actually have anything genuinely bad to say about us, because we don’t do anything bad.
And I think do they misrepresent us and attack us so much, because they see us as a threat? And that’s the only reason that I can think of really. I mean, there is this big sort of like woke culture push, as well, isn’t there? If you’re getting attacked for, I don’t know, misgendering someone, or clapping too loud instead of, what is it, the Jazz Hands that you’re supposed to do now, instead of clapping, all that stuff. I mean, that is just ridiculous! I do think that is just a big push of woke culture.
Laura Towler – We Were Never Asked – Oct 24, 2019 — Transcript
[Laura Towler and a team of volunteers recently conducted a survey of over 2,000 White British on their opinion on the non-White invasion of Britain that has been occurring in ever greater numbers since the arrival of blacks on the SS Empire Windrush in 1948. The vast majority of White British have always been against this invasion and remain so today, as this survey confirms.
The British people have never been asked whether they wanted this invasion, for the simple reason that they would have rejected it out of hand. Instead, it has been imposed top-down by traitorous “political elite” scum that does the bidding of the (((Money Power))) with the agenda of “genociding” Whites — turning them into despised minorities in their countries — in order to bring about a jewish “New World Order“.
But when it comes to demographics and race. I do think they are trying to silence genuine opposition to the system. And they want immigration. And then those of us that are publicizing the negative effects of immigration, it seems to be us that are getting attacked the most. So I think they just want to silence any criticism, really.
David Clews: I talk about this a lot. Someone like David Ike, for example, you know, who has throughout the last two years been proven pretty accurate.
When I was growing up David Ike was seen as a bit of a joke figure, almost. People would kind of laugh. But go and try and find David Ike on YouTube now. Go and try and find David Ike on Twitter. He likewise, he’s been banned everywhere as well.
And for me I think the two big catalysts were the Brexit vote and the election of Trump. I mean, obviously they didn’t turn out exactly how many intended. But what they did was they were a shock to the system. The establishment didn’t want them. And they said after that:
“Well we can’t allow these things to happen ever again.”
And, because that people aware through alternative media, through social media, they where they were winning the battle. So I think you’re right about that, Laura.
Laura Towler: Yeah, it’s interesting. Because, I mean, I’m personally not a fan of David. But I do wonder if certain people get banned, because they are a gateway to other people as well. And then when you look at some of the people who are maybe not necessarily talking about race and demographics in the way that we are, we often get told that people start off watching their content and then pass over to us.
So I wonder if they get banned, because they’re an effective gateway to other ideas which maybe the State don’t want people listening to, or adopting.
David Clews: Okay. Moving on slightly, I’ve got a question then for you Mark.
So you obviously you talk about race, demographics, and White people. Now over the last two years I’ve been very outspoken on Covid, on everything that happened. When I went to more ethnically homogeneous areas, … Again, I’m not seeing merits of this predominantly White areas. [chuckles] Unfortunately they were the most in love with the whole Covid scam, you know. They loved the masking. I would go up to Inverness.
So, and I’m being controversial here. Is the White race in this country even worth saving? [What a deplorable question! – Kat]
Mark Collett: Well that all depends, doesn’t it? You can be glib and say:
“Is the White race worth saving?”
But you’ve got to ask yourself:
“Would this country exist if it wasn’t for the White race?”
If you think that this country has any merits historically, or in the here and now, then you have to want the White race to survive. Because ultimately everything that made this country notable, everything that made this country great, everything that made this country what it was, was the fruit of people of European descent. It was the fruit of White Britons.
And to say:
“Is it worth saving?”
Well, that’s like saying:
“Is the country completely worthless? Is your country something you just want to throw away?”
Because a country really is defined by the people who built it. And if you want to get rid of the people who built this country, well you’re getting rid of what made this country what it is. And I personally think that White British people deserve a right to survive.
And I don’t really think that White British people are suicidal. I don’t think White British people have got to this point where they are going to become a minority in their own homeland by accident. This isn’t something that just came about by a series of unfortunate coincidences.
This is an absolutely structured and plotted attack on our people! Which has been led by the mainstream media, and those who have infiltrated our establishment who have completely reoriented our minds. Made us hate ourselves! Made us despise traditionalism! Forced a wedge between men and women!
And at the same time flooded this country with millions, upon millions, of non-White immigrants that the people of Britain never asked for, never wanted, and have repeatedly said at every opportunity they’ve had, that not only don’t they want this migration but they’d like to reverse it!
But that has never been presented to them as an option by either side of the illusory political divide.
David Clews: But again though. And I mean, you could argue there are nefarious elements. A lot of that is being done by other White people specifically White liberals. So this has been cs.
Mark Collett: Actually the media is overwhelmingly owned by jews. But you can say it’s White liberals if you want to hide from the issue.
David Clews: Well, in the UK, I mean, I understand in terms of America, …
Mark Collett: All the media in the world flows down from Hollywood, and the zionist elite who runs it. That’s the one I think. Look who owns Hollywood! Look who owns the American media! Look at the people who have been warping people’s minds since the 1960s! Look at the people behind the sexual revolution! Just type into Google list of jewish feminists. People behind Marxism, the people behind the Soviet death camps, the people behind the Holodomor, the people behind the Frankfurt School!
And you can keep hiding from this, you can keep saying:
“Oh well! But what if?”
There’s no:
“Oh wells, or what ifs.”
There is a problem here of an ethnic group being disproportionately over represented in these, what are fundamentally anti-White endeavours.
David Clews: Laura? Do you agree with that?
Laura Towler: Yeah, jews are nought point five [0.5] percent of the electorate in the United Kingdom, which is such a tiny amount. But if you look in the government they’re much more than nought point five percent.
If you look in the media. If you look in banking. If you look in Hollywood. If you look in charities and NGOs. NGOs which are ferrying refugees. Refugees over to the United Kingdom. Jews are much, much higher than 0.5 of the population.
So there is a huge over-representation there. But it’s “anti-semitic” to say that, isn’t it? It’s just a fact. There is a huge over-representation. And I think that we should be able to discuss these facts openly and honestly, without being scared away from them.
David Clews: What would, we’ve had people on, of course, I’ve had someone on Covid. He was from Israel. And what he would maybe argue. And a lot of jewish people argue though is, …
That you’re saying that jewish people would think with one homogenous brain, when if you look at a country like Israel, there’s hundreds of political parties. Do they all have the same political persuasion? Are all these people in positions of media and power, are they all politically aligned on everything?
Mark Collett: No! No one’s saying that. That’d be a ridiculous point to make.
The jews are not all one hive mind, they don’t all think alike. And they often have disputes amongst themselves. But what makes them unique, and what makes them stand out from every other ethnic group on the planet, is they have the most extreme form of in-group preference, the world has ever known.
But not only do they advocate for their own in-group preference, and their own people, not only do they have an explicit ethnostate in the Middle East, they are the people who push for multiculturalism in every Western nation!
Not only do they push for multiculturalism in every Western nation, they also push for hate speech laws, they also push for a range of anti-free speech laws, which stops people speaking out against their own racial demise, while strengthening their own racial group in the Middle East.
And whilst they’re not all one homogenous group to the point where they all think exactly the same thing, what they do is they defend themselves from criticism. And whilst they have disagreements within their own family, so to speak, they are very, very opposed to anyone outside of their family criticizing anyone within the family!
So whilst you will find different jewish persuasions, if you criticize any particular jewish group, other jewish groups whether they agree with that group, or not, will come to their defense. And that is the key here. They do treat themselves like family. They do look after one another. And they do, at the same time, wish for other racial groups not to do the same.
So you have people like the British Board of Deputies here in the UK, which is an extremely powerful jewish group, and they advocate for the State of Israel. They think the state of Israel is an important thing. And they advocate for the British government to support the State of Israel.
Now that’s very interesting. Because the State of Israel is explicitly an ethnostate. It is for the jewish people! They have an ethno-state law. They have a nation-state law enshrining that in law! Yet at the same time the British Board of Deputies wants to welcome refugees, non-Whites, people from the Middle East, people from sub-Saharan Africa, here to the UK..
So why would a group of people on one hand advocate for themselves to get an ethnostate, but want the people of Britain to have the very opposite! Why indeed?
David Clews: Would they not argue that, because of the experiences they’ve faced in history, being around the world, persecution, etc., that they’re looking out for themselves? I mean, should, …
Patrick Grimm – Poor-Little-Meees!
[Patrick Grimm wrote extensively during 2007 to 2009 exposing and warning the world about the dangers and machinations of organized jewry and its nation wrecking activities.
Here he explores the unbelievable deceit and hypocrisy of organized jewry as it projects, through its control over the media, the image of being a paragon of virtue and innocence, unjustly persecuted, when organized jewry is, in actual fact, the very opposite, the greatest mass murderer of the 20th century, and now beyond — KATANA.]
Mark Collett: They haven’t really been persecuted have they? I mean, they haven’t really been persecuted have they?
[Added Image] Major expulsions of jews since 250 AD. Note that jews were expelled from England for about 350 years, from 1290 onwards. (click image to enlarge)
They’ve been thrown out of 109 different countries. But if you get thrown out of 109 different pubs, is it because all of the pubs are big nasty meanie heads that don’t like you, or is it, because you probably went round causing lots of trouble in different pubs?
Yeah, it’s probably not the fault of the pubs is it? It’s probably that you’re a little bit of a problem.
David Clews: But then, what they are doing not the right thing to do? Which is to collectivise, which is to look out for each other, …
Mark Collett: Well, should we collectivise then? Should we collectivise along racial lines?
David Clews: Well that’s your perspective.
Mark Collett: No! No! I’m asking you a question. I’m asking you a question. Should we collectivise?
David Clews: I personally, I’m not ashamed to be White. [Even to say such a thing shows how deep the brainwashing agenda has gotten – Kat] And I think that homogenous societies work better. And I think, …
Mark Collett: So yes, we should?
David Clews: Umm.
Mark Collett: Or are you going to get a sore bottom sitting on that fence all night?
David Clews: No, I’m not. I mean, I’m not ideologically rigid with my politics. I mean, my politics have changed quite a lot. But I just, whilst we are still a majority in a majority White country will people think that way?
Mark Collett: No! You’re not answering the question! I’m saying should we organize, like other racial groups do, and basically defend our own interests and stop our culture and our heritage being replaced? Do you think, does David Clews think it would be a good thing for White Britons to become a minority in Britain?
David Clews: No. I don’t think it would be a good thing. I don’t think it would, …
Mark Collett: So then we should collectivize and stand together to prevent ourselves attaining minority status? Because you and I both well know that if we attain minority status here in the UK, we’re not going to get one of those special plaques to put on our doors that say:
“Oh! We’re a minority! So we get special treatment now!”
We’ll be a hated minority. We will be people who will be victimized, we will be beaten, we will be treated even worse than we’re treated now! We’re treated as second-class citizens when we’re a majority!
So what’s going to happen when we’re a minority? It’s going to be hell on earth for us! And if anyone doubts that, just look at how White people are already treated in cities where they have become an ethnic minority. They’re treated terribly!
David Clews: Yeah. And look, I get the whole argument of differences between ethnic nationalism, civic nationalism. As I said, I don’t particularly see myself on either side. I understand both arguments.
But, you know what you guys are arguing and talking about, whilst in the community that we have, how would these arguments play out amongst Joe normie?
I mean, I know you’ve produced graphics. I think most people would agree that they don’t want to see Britain becoming a non-majority White country. But when you dig a bit deeper are people actually prepared, as Laura says, to make a stand on that?
Laura Towler: Well the majority of people do agree with us with regards to demographics. We carried out a piece of activism in August 2019 called “We Were Never Asked”. And we surveyed a couple of thousand people asking them how they felt about White British people becoming a minority in the United Kingdom by 2066.
And only 4.8 percent of people said that they thought it was a good thing. 7 out of 10 people said that they thought it was a bad thing. And then it was 26.26% of people who said “no strong feelings”. But, because we did the survey face-to-face in the public some of those people were scared to answer the question, or some people just said that they didn’t believe us. So they ticked “no strong feelings”..
So we know that the majority of people, 7 out of 10 people, do not want to become a minority in their own homeland, in their own country. And that means that seven out of ten people do not have a single politician representing their views at all.
So I think that our ideas are very palatable to the British public. And what we need to do is present solutions which we have done through Patriotic Alternative. We have a 20-Point Plan which has a voluntary repatriation scheme.
I actually spoke about that at the second PA conference. I gave a 30-minute speech on how we would implement voluntary repatriation in a completely humane way. I can’t see how anybody could disagree with it on an ethical line, because there’s nothing extreme, we’re not forcing anybody to do anything.
Laura Towler – My Patriotic Alternative Spring 2020 Conference Speech – Mar 22, 2020 — Transcript
[Laura Towler, Deputy Leader of Patriotic Alternative gives a very informative speech at the spring 2020 Conference, on the need for repatriation, forced and voluntary, of non-Whites in Britain, to eventually bring White British people back to being the overwhelming majority of people in Britain.
But I think. What we need to do really is change the culture within Britain, because we have a culture at the moment where we’re taught to hate ourselves.
One of my YouTube videos before I got suspended was when I interviewed a 15 year old school boy. And he told me some horrible things that they’ve been taught in the education system. On Saint George’s Day their headmaster gave them an assembly on reasons why they should feel ashamed to be English. I mean, this is the kind of stuff that we need to stop. We need to instil a sense of pride in our people again.
And then I think once we change the culture the rest of the solutions will fit into place. But we do have solutions at PA. We have political solutions and then we also have community-based solutions as well, which would include stepping back from the system and becoming as self-sufficient as possible.
David Clews: But again I’m just trying to get my head around though. But how would you deal with a significant amount of people in this country who are White and who are highly liberal? And they tend to infest Twitter with FBPE on their bio and remain Flagsmart. And now you create, …
Mark Collett: So I can answer this very easily.
David Clews: How would you deal with this?
Mark Collett: What we’ll do, is we’ll say London is a wonderful, diverse, multicultural, utopia. And all people who like multiculturalism can go and live among them. And they can go and live in that utopia and surely they’ll be better off and happy for it.
And then what we’ll say is, people who don’t like multicultural utopias can go to a nice White area. Now obviously I’m being facetious.
But the point I’m making is quite clear. That most of these White liberals who claim multiculturalism is the best thing since sliced bread, don’t live in multicultural areas. And when they do live in a multicultural city like London, they live in a gated community. The people who are enforcing this, the people who are pushing this upon us, and the people who are its biggest cheerleaders, are those who never experience it! And that should be a clue to the actual workability of this system, when it’s biggest cheerleaders don’t actually indulge in the poison that they are promoting!
And we talk about people living in ivory towers. And that is where most White liberals actually do live. They live in places where they don’t experience the fruits of the diversity that they claim to love so much.
Laura Towler: Yeah, but what these people do, if I might just jump in, is they tend to vote for refugees and immigration. And then an area becomes really diverse. And then they operate White flight and move away from the area. And they usually give an example like:
“I wanted to move somewhere that had good schools.”
But it just basically means a Whiter area. And then they moved to a White area where there’s no immigration and no crime and it’s absolutely lovely. And then they start advocating for refugees in that area as well.
And just to give an example I live in Yorkshire. And the most woke sort of Left-wing, pro-open borders, pro-LGBT, place in Yorkshire is York. And York is actually 95% White, or it was at the last census. So it’s these really White areas that are incredibly, you know, they want the refugees and they want the immigration. But they don’t have to experience any of it themselves.
David Clews: But again though, like, up until about 1997 like, … Okay here’s a question. I’m just interested. Do you believe in any non-White immigration to the UK? Should that be allowed?
Laura Towler: Are we talking new people or the people who are here staying?
David Clews: People who are here staying. Because like obviously, … And I mean, I know this was a big issue in the 1980s with like the BNP, and John Tyndall, that said that people from Europe would be welcome here. I mean, would you be open to people coming from Europe based on their skin colour?
Mark Collett: Look! The fact is, …
Laura Towler: We should be as self-sufficient as possible as a country. So we shouldn’t be saying like:
“Oh, we need to fill these jobs in the NHS, or these fruit pickers. Let’s ship in a load of immigrants!”
We should be as self-sufficient as possible. But if it turns out that there is somebody who can benefit the country greatly, I don’t know if there’s some brain surgeon, or something that can perform some activity that no one else can do, then it’s a benefit for us for that person to move to the country. But we believe that immigration should be so small. And it shouldn’t be shipping people over to do stuff that we should do. We should be putting our people first.
With regards to the people who are already here, we don’t support forcibly deporting anybody from the United Kingdom, apart from two groups of people. The first is illegals. And the second is foreign criminals. We only believe in voluntary repatriation.
David Clews: Okay.
Mark Collett: Let me further this.
David Clews: Yeah.
Mark Collett: Let me further Laura’s point. There are people who are distinct and different from the English, the Irish, the Scots, and the Welsh, but are much closer to us than other groups.
So, for example, French, Germans, Swedes these people have very similar cultures to us, similar religions, their language is similar, they have a similar history to us. Yet you have people then from say Somalia, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria. These people are very different to us. Not just on a racial level, but on a cultural level, on the way they view the world.
So if you have say a Swedish family you’re obviously White. And they come and live here. After a couple of generations they will have completely assimilated into our way of life, and you wouldn’t be able to look at them and say:
“Oh look! They’re Swedes! They’re different to us!”
However, what we are doing here is we are importing people from all over the world who have the greatest numbers of differences with us possible! Who are never going to assimilate. Then bringing them in the numbers where they can create their own little version of wherever they came from, import their culture to the exclusion of ours, and effectively completely terraform an area.
This creates a situation where you go to parts of Britain. And they don’t resemble Britain. They don’t resemble Britain racially, ethnically, culturally, religiously! They have no relation to what this country actually is meant to be. Actually what it was. And this creates a complete transformation of our society!
So essentially what we are saying is we would like White Britons to remain a super majority. Illegal immigrants must go! Criminals who have come here and settled, they must go, because they’ve committed crimes in our country.
And we want to ensure that anyone who did come to our country after that was somebody who was more compatible with our way of life. But even if we did allow people in, you still wouldn’t want swamping numbers of people coming here.
Even if you did let Swedes come into the country you wouldn’t want 10 million Swedes coming here and setting up a new city, or taking over an entire city for themselves. And, you know, pushing out British people, or erasing our culture.
It’s got to be about ensuring that we remain dominant in our ancestral homelands. And our culture, our heritage, our way of life, our traditions, also remain dominant. And that our children, that our grandchildren, learn those culture, learn that history, learn those traditions, and that we pass down the things that made us strong and the things that made us great. We don’t want to be severed from our roots.
David Clews: And again, I’m just making this point I’m not saying I necessarily agree with this. But is it not just the situation in 2022 there is a karmic rebalance taking place? Because if this had been 150 years ago people from our country would have been going all around the world and importing our values, creating our own places. Is this just not ying and yang that happens over society? Are we just not in a, …
Mark Collett: So basically you’re saying multiculturalism is terrible then. Because what you’re saying is we’re being punished for the sins of our fathers.
David Clews: Well could that not be what it is? Because look at the Right, …
Mark Collett: So you are saying multiculturalism is terrible and a punishment, then?
David Clews: I don’t think multiculturalism has been a success. I don’t think, …
Mark Collett: I’m just making sure we’re on the right page. So are we being punished for the sins of our fathers? Now the answer to that is very interesting. Because firstly, as I said, that takes the point that multiculturalism is terrible, and is a punishment.
But what you have to remember is I’m no big fan of the British Empire. I think the British Empire was greatly flawed. I don’t believe in it. I think it was historically a mistake. However, the British Empire gave far more than it ever took. That is a fact!
See: The Jews and the British Empire.
What the British Empire gave to countries was far more valuable than the assets it took away. But, this is very important, what the British Empire gave was often far too advanced to be understood and taken on board by the people it was given to. Thus it always failed.
And as a social project it proved one thing. Races of men are different! And they are all at different levels of development. And they cannot be artificially advanced along that development. They have to develop under their own steam. They have to take their destiny in their own hands. And if you try to force something upon people that they’re not ready for it leads to social disaster!
Africa would be better off without all the help that White people had given it, because for all the help White people have given it’s only ended up in a greater mess, because those people aren’t ready for the social development that White people have foisted upon them.
So I don’t think the British Empire was a good thing. But I don’t think it’s a good reason for destroying White people completely. Because many of the things that White people gave to other countries was from a misplaced sense of wanting to do the right thing.
David Clews: Laura?
Laura Towler: Yeah, I agree that the British Empire did a lot of good. Again, I do look back at the Empire and think like:
“Wow we were so powerful!”
And in a way I feel very proud. But I don’t agree with going into other people’s countries and making changes. I think it should be up to the native population to decide what they want to do.
But I think there’s a big difference as well, between the elites and the general population. Because even though the elites in the United Kingdom may have benefited from the Empire, I would say that the working class in many ways didn’t, because they were undercut. We had the cottage industry before the industrial revolution and the British Empire. And then when cheap sweated goods began being imported and exported out of the country a lot of our people actually lost their jobs.
And so we didn’t benefit from all these sugar tax and stuff. It was more like the top one percent, or maybe even less than the top one percent.
But I also would say that I don’t think our people today should have to suffer for the crimes of, if you are going to call them crimes, of other people from hundreds of years ago. I don’t think that our children should be born guilty, with a slate that says you owe something to another people. Because they haven’t actually done anything wrong.
And I will also add that there are plenty of countries that are White countries that didn’t have an empire. But they’re also being forced to have mass immigration. And, at the end of the day, this is just an argument. And they change their arguments depending on who they talk to. In the United States they say to White people:
“This is not your country! Go back to Europe. Europe’s your country!”
And in Europe they say to us:
“This is not your country! We all came from Africa anyway!”
So they just changed the argument depending on who they’re talking to. And the end result is always:
“You as a White person is not allowed your own homeland.”
So I just think it’s an excuse.
David Clews: Just on to my point as well. I mean, about the fall of the Roman Empire. Again we talk about this a lot on the show. That a great deal of what we are witnessing now is akin to what happened in the early 5th century. Currency debasement, citizenship was handed out. There was mass refugees. I’m sure there was people arguing perhaps not on Dlive in 408, but in meeting rooms in towns across the Roman Empire, saying:
“That this will be the demise of us!”
And saying:
“We could do something about it.”
Do you honestly think you can turn the ship around?
Laura Towler: Is this to me or Mark?
David Clews: Either, both of you.
Laura Towler: We can’t promise that we will fix everything. But we can promise you that we’ll do our damn hardest. And we can also promise you that there will be a community of people around you who want the same as you, who are good people, who are talented people. And who are in the struggle with we. Can’t say:
“Mark Collett’s going to become Prime Minister. And we’re going to save Britain.”
But we can say:
“We are going to do our best to serve our people, and put our people first.”
And we’re going to be totally unapologetic and doing that. And we’re never going to compromise. And it’s up to other people if they want to embrace the struggle with us and see how far we can get.
But, you know, history is full of unlikely victors. And there are stories from the past where a minority has overcome a powerful majority. And I have faith in our people. I think we’re the most mighty people that the world has ever seen, the British. So I do have faith in our people. But I’m willing to give it a go, no matter what.
David Clews: Can I just ask one question Mark as well before you come. Can non-Whites become members of Patriotic Alternative?
Mark Collett: Yes they can. We don’t actually have a formalized system of membership. But people from all backgrounds do come to our meetings. As long as they all agree with our 20-Point Plan, as long as they agree broadly with our aims and objectives.
And at the centre of that is the belief that we need to maintain our super majority status. And there are non-Whites living in this country who also agree that Whites should be a super majority. There are some non-Whites who came here not, because they want to take this country over because they wanted to live around White people. And that’s a very important distinction to make.
David Clews: So do you think you can turn the ship around Mark? Because obviously, and I’m not criticizing.
Mark Collett: I don’t know whether, … Look, what you’re asking is an impossible question. What you’re saying is can a tiny, poorly armed, and underfunded force, take on the most powerful surveillance state, and the most powerful media the world has ever known. Well the odds are overwhelmingly against us. But only he is lost who gives himself up for lost.
And you can only win a fight if you’re actually in the fight. So we’re in the fight. We’re doing our best. And we’re holding on to hope. And we have achieved miraculous things in just two years with very few funds and very little manpower. So if more people got involved, and more people started helping to fund us, we could surely achieve even more than we have already.
David Clews: I mean, you look at other European countries. And again this is where the UK is an anomaly. In Germany you have the AFD who sit in Parliament. And you have in France well Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen.
And I know obviously you might not be politically allied with these people. But why do you think even in the UK a Right-wing party, or a soft nationalist, there is no representation of that even in the UK, Mark.
Mark Collett: Well, there used to be UKIP and the British National Party. Both did very well in elections where there was proportional representation. And you’re actually looking at countries here where the electoral system is very, very different.
People talk about Marine Le Pen and the Front National. Well, the Front National always did very well at the presidential elections. Because that’s how they were structured. And they did well in some local council seats. And they did very well at European elections when it came to winning MEPs. But historically they haven’t done particularly well at first past the post-Parliamentary elections.
But UKIP did very well in some local council seats. They did very well at European Parliamentary elections when it’s proportional representation. But they didn’t do very well at general elections.
And if you look at the way the political system is structured in this country. First past the post with a two-party system is basically the illusion of democracy. It isn’t real democracy, it’s a complete farce! It’s a joke! It’s a system of trapping people and making them vote for the option they dislike the least. And whenever you see that as a political system you very rarely get any genuine opposition.
Germany has a system of basically local elections which are run on a state basis, where state parties actually do get into power via proportional representation, which has allowed smaller parties like the AFD to do very well. You have to look at the form of the electoral system in the country you’re talking about.
David Clews: So again though with PA are you intent, you’re not registered with the Electoral Commission. Is that right?
Mark Collett: Well no, they won’t let us register.
David Clews: So what are your aims then? What do you want people to do? What are you looking to try and achieve?
Mark Collett: Well we’re trying to achieve a large community that raises awareness of these issues. And we are still applying to the Electoral Commission, even though they are potentially breaking the law by preventing us from registering as a party. Because we haven’t actually broken any of the electoral laws.
What they are saying is they don’t like our policies and won’t let us actually form a political party, because they’re opposed to our policies. That is what they have said, pretty much in black and white.
David Clews: But a lot of people, …
Mark Collett: No, no. David, David, you looked away then, because what you’re actually thinking then, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that’s scandalous. And any right-thinking person should be thinking that’s scandalous.
David Clews: I do think it’s scandalous.
Mark Collett: Yes, exactly. The point is what we have now is a body in this country filled with unelected anti-White bureaucrats who are telling people whether they can, or cannot stand for election based on their political opinions! Not based on what the Electoral Commission was set up for!
The Electoral Commission was set up to ensure political parties were funded in a fair and transparent manner without foreign money flowing into the UK and influencing British politics.
Now the Electoral Commission exists for one reason alone. To prevent political parties from being formed, or standing in elections if they have the wrong opinions! That is not a free and democratic State!
David Clews: If you were High Chancellor Collett and spokesperson Laura Towler, and I wanted to form a political party for transgender rights, would you allow me to form that party?
Mark Collett: Of course.
David Clews: Would you give me the free speech? Would you, …
Mark Collett: I’m not bothered about free speech. My opinions are based on facts. They’re based on the law of nature. The whole transgender movement is utterly degenerate! It’s child abuse! And it’s a system of turning nature on its head to attack the natural order of things, the traditional family, and Christianity. That is why the transgender movement is being pushed by the Left, because it attacks the fundamental pillars of our society.
But if there was a transgender movement that wanted free and open debate, that would be fine by me. Because when held up to genuine scrutiny and free and open debate their opinions and their the central tenets of what they stand for are completely destroyed by simple common sense!
David Clews: And Laura, obviously you guys have your politics. What about there’s a lot of people just want this to end the wokery. They want the direction. But they might see what you guys are offering is just a step too far. That a perhaps a more cozy, cuddly, version that’s more open and inclusive might actually reach more people. How would you respond to that?
Laura Towler: Well we are a radical organization. We’re a revolutionary organization and we make no apologies for that. Because we need something radical in order to fix this. The cozy parties and the cozy organizations will just continue going down the same path that we’re going down, just a little bit slower.
So if you actually want to change things, if you actually want to keep the British, the White British, as the majority in this country then you need something radical in order to fix it. So we don’t apologize for being a radical movement. And we do see our numbers growing. And I think every single day more, and more, people are waking up and saying:
“Okay, enough is enough!”
I mean, the biggest recruiting tool for us, since we formed, was the BLM riots last summer across the Western world. So many people came to us and said:
“All right, I’ve had enough! A statue has been pulled down too many.”
Or a person has threatened White people one, two many. And people came to us.
See: Andrew Joyce – BLM – Irish Edition – Dec 31, 2020 – Transcript
So I don’t think the comfortable, or the cozy part is our solution, or have solutions at all. I do think we need something like PA.
David Clews: But again, in order to get to that tipping point. Because, you know, I’m probably about the same age as you Mark. I’m 40 on my birthday. There’s always been that talk of when the tipping point will be reached. And you look amongst the populists they’re just there isn’t perhaps that anger. And over Covid there was a lot of anger. But even then that’s dissipated very, very quickly.
So in order for parties and groups talking about revolution, surely you need a certain point of anger. Is that in the British nature? Is it in the English? Because you look at us as a country, you know, when was the last time we had a revolution? It was Cromwell. Is it in our nature to go along that road?
Mark Collett: Look it is in the nature of people to fight for survival when they’re pushed to the edge. People can be very passive. People can be very docile.
But when it is a matter of survival that instinct kicks in. And we are facing unprecedented challenges, for the first time really in living memory. I mean, maybe not living memory. Because there are people sort of maybe in their 90s, or maybe over 100, who remember things when they were very bad sort of say in the Great Depression.
But we are facing an unprecedented future, an unprecedented time. Where people don’t have money. Where people are going to be starving. Where the government’s decisions are going to put families out on the streets, and ensure people can’t make their mortgage payments. Pretty soon people are going to have to decide whether they use their car to go to work, or whether they set off early in the morning and walk, or get on the bus, because they can’t afford petrol.
And all of these things are the doing of a so-called Conservative government that’s run the country into the ground. This may well be a large game changer. It might not. But we are heading into uncharted waters.
And I can promise you one thing, David. All of these disgusting, duplicitous, vile, politicians that sit in Westminster, every one of those 650 lying scumbags will all utter this phrase. And every one of them is lying. They will all say:
“We are all in this together!”
And we are not all in this together. We are in it! And what we are in is a huge vat of feces! They are not in that vat with us. They are above it! We will be the ones struggling. We will be the ones who can’t afford to put petrol in our tanks. We will be the ones who have to choose between eating, or heating our homes.
They however won’t care how much petrol costs, because they don’t pay for their petrol. We pay for it for them. They don’t care about mortgages, because they get a second home in London that they sell at the end of their tenure and make a huge profit on it. And we pay for that!
They get lots of little perks for simply being Members of Parliament. And they just gave themselves a 2, 200 pound pay rise to cover their cost of living shortfall. Not that they had one, because they’re on 80,000 pounds a year basic, anyway. So we are not all in this together!
And as time goes by I am hoping that the British people start to look at these parasites and think:
“You know what? Maybe they’re putting my family through hell, while they’re sat eating caviar and drinking champagne! And it’s about time things changed!”
David Clews: And again I’ll ask this to Laura. Will people then collectivize and organize on a racial level? In that situation would people not perhaps be more inclined to collectivize on a class level?
Laura Towler: Everybody in the country already collectivises on a racial level, apart from White people. So if there’s one thing that the BLM riots taught us last year it’s that black people in Britain feel a stronger connection to a black man in America than they do among the ethnically British people that they live among.
So everybody already collectivises along racial lines, apart from White people, who have been taught to act as individuals.
And that’s what we’re trying to shatter. We’re not saying we’re superior to anyone else, or we need to hate anyone else. We’re just saying:
“Love your people and love your nation.”
Because you can’t act as an individual when everybody else is acting as a collective. It’s suicide to do that! So yeah. I do think that a lot of people are waking up to race, because it’s everywhere you can’t escape it. You only have to watch the adverts, or the soaps, or a movie, or listen to music, or absolutely everything! It’s just race! Race! Race! Race, constantly!
So the media are doing such a fantastic job of waking up our people to race! And I do think that more, and more, of our people are collectivising as White people, and as British people.
David Clews: Just a couple more points then.
Obviously your views in the current climate are seen as pretty radical. And you are targeted – as we are at UNN. And we, as I said, I’m not politically aligned. I have views and ideas. But simply talking about these topics is verboten!
What do you see, as we alluded to earlier, what’s gonna happen Mark when literally you are banned from the internet? You’re unpersoned. How are you gonna manage then?
Mark Collett: Well, that’s why we started a real world organization. Because that’s what you need to do. People need to realize that they cannot rely on the systems and devices owned by the people who hate them.
We spent too much time living on platforms that were controlled by people who want to see us are erased, by people who are anti-White, and traditional, anti-Christian. And that was a major, major, error!
And I was talking about this a long time ago on YouTube. I said:
“Look! The people who are running this platform, they despise us! And they’re going to get rid of us all!”
You can never, ever, rely on your enemies to do the right things by you! And there’s one thing they can’t stop us doing. They can’t stop us sending letters. They can’t stop us delivering leaflets. They can’t stop us meeting on the village green, or in the town hall, and having a conversation.
So we might have to go back to traditional politics but, you know what? Traditional politics is good! And traditional politics is real! Because I’ll tell you something. They’ll kick you off places like Facebook. And at first it is a bit of a body blow. And there’s a couple of things that really annoyed me about getting kicked off Facebook.
But I’ll tell you this David. It also sets you free in a very real way. Because all these apps, all these social networks, they’re not designed for your good. They’re designed to ruin your life! They suck hours out of your time. They split you away from your family. You spend ages staring at a screen. You stop going outdoors you start to think genuine human interactions are clicking “like and share”. They’re not!
When you get kicked off these things, at first it’s a body blow. And it can be hard. But I can tell you this, after the initial sting you start to realize that actually you’ve been taken away from something that was damaging your life.
Genuine human interaction should never, ever, be replaced by these virtual interactions on these poisonous social networks. That are really only designed to monitor you, control you, and sell you rubbish you never wanted in the first place.
David Clews: And that’s the Chinese communists behind it then, isn’t it Laura? The Chicoms, they’re behind it. [Mark laughing loudly]
Laura Towler: Are we going to start a Chinagate 2.0? [laughing]
Mark Collett: I don’t think Mark Zuckerberg looks particularly Chinese. I think he’s one of the other people!
David Clews: But again, take this as you will, a mild criticism. Alex Jones does get a lot of stick. If you look at the influence that China does have on the world. And as an entity in the way they treat people it does impact us here. And it’s easy, and Alex Jones gets mocked a lot for that. But he does have a point in what he says.
Laura Towler: Is that for me?
David Clews: Yeah.
Laura Towler: I think on a global scale there are plenty of countries that have an influence on who we are, and what we’re able to do. But I think the biggest problem is probably the media. Which we spoke about earlier. And I don’t think we need to go over that again.
But I’d say that’s probably the biggest influence on our people. It’s lying to our people constantly. It’s teaching our people to hate themselves constantly. It’s misrepresenting good people constantly.
So I would say that the media. And the people who are behind that are the biggest threat that our people face.
David Clews: Okay, just closing then. Because that’s been a very interesting conversation. I’m sure we could talk about this for considerably longer. Again, I’m not ideologically rigid. I’m sure a lot of people agree with a lot of what you said.
But, and take this how you will, it’s just maybe a step too far for most people. It’s not how British people would be. And the experiences you talk about, … I know you talk on a lot of American streams. I know that your audience, it’s just a bit too much! And look, it’s the same with Covid as well. I’ve got views on Covid that are pretty extreme. And whether this is right, or not, I will tailor it to my audience. And you could say:
“Well, you’re a sell-out Clews! You’ll only go part of the way! You won’t address the JQ!”
But is that not just how like, … I’m sure there are people that accuse you guys of not going, … Do, you know what I mean? Is it not a self-fulfilling prophecy that you go in this death spiral of how far you’re prepared to go to, … Do, you know what I mean?
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
[Mark Collett, 37, is a British political activist and former chairman of the Young BNP, the youth division of the British National Party (BNP), and was director of publicity for the party. He has recently written a book, “The Fall of Western Man” available as a free download.
Here he gives a brief* overview of the “jewish Question“, actually the “jewish Problem“, focusing on organized jewry’s destructive agenda towards Whites and the West.
(* Appropriately I suppose given the topic, we get jewed out of half a minute, as it’s barely three and half minutes long, and not the full four minutes as touted
Laura Towler: There should be nothing controversial about saying that your people exist and that your people have the right to their own homeland. And that’s all we’re saying.
David Clews: Of course, there shouldn’t! But there is! This is the world that we live in. So you can’t change the situation, …
Mark Collett: What!
David Clews: Like we can’t change what the UK is.
Mark Collett: What!
David Clews: So we have to adapt to survive with that.
Mark Collett: What a defeatist comment! You can’t change the situation!
David Clews: Yeah. Yeah.
Mark Collett: The point is, you’re either gonna rage against the evil that is destroying your people, your culture, your tradition, your religion, or you’re going to sit back and be eaten alive and smile uncomfortably as it happens!
And then you’ve got to ask yourself:
“Are you a man? Are you a person of good character?”
And when you are being eaten alive, when your family is being eaten alive, when everything around you that you love and cherish is being destroyed, and mocked, and ridiculed, and torn down, are you gonna show some courage and fight back? And the answer is, … And this is the question David, …
David Clews: Let’s be realistic! Do you want to believe people, even politically whatever, political revolutionaries, even political revolutionaries in the 30s, 40s, 50s, even they kind of toned down their rhetoric! Even they kind of went to a stage where they could reach a further audience. So is that a sensible move?
Mark Collett: David. Laura has just said White British people have the right to exist!
David Clews: Yeah.
Mark Collett: How could you, …
David Clews: I don’t have an issue with that! I don’t have an issue with that whatsoever. What I’m saying is the vast majority of people win.
Mark Collett: So you’re saying the vast majority of people are offended, …
David Clews: Okay, okay, …
Mark Collett: Answer the question!
David Clews: It’s too hard for Joe normies, …
Mark Collett: Just answer the question!
Laura Towler: I don’t think it’s too hard for, …
David Clews: It’s too hard for Joe normies! If you go and knock on people’s doors, and you go that far down the rabbit hole, it’s too harsh for them!
Mark Collett: Go so far down the rabbit hole, that you’re saying that we have a right to exist?
David Clews: [chuckling] yeah. I’m not saying that. But I’m seeing the wider argument, …
Mark Collett: You just the did! You just the did!
David Clews: I have no issues with that! I have no issues with that whatsoever.
Mark Collett: David, you’ve just said on a recording. So it could be played back to you, that we’ve gone so far down the rabbit hole that we claim we have a right to exist!
David Clews: I never said that.
Mark Collett: No, you did.
David Clews: I said that I have no issue with that. But what I’m telling you is that if you go to Joe normie who gets bombarded daily with that propaganda, and try to wake them up by basically throwing a bucket of hot water, cold water, sorry, over them, it’s going to be too rude an awakening for them!
All I’m saying is, I do have experience of getting elected. And actually winning council elections. And I know how I did that. And I know how it’s done. And I am telling and saying that even if you look into history, nationalist movements that did get into power, they did kind of tone down their rhetoric, go a slightly different route.
Mark Collett: I don’t think you can tone it down any further than saying we have a right to exist. We’re not calling for supremacy! We’re not calling to put anyone else down! We are saying that as a distinct and individual ethnic group who are the indigenous people of these islands, we have a right to exist! That message is clear.
And to the day I die I shall never compromise on that. Because I don’t believe that you can’t water it down any further.
David Clews: But then look at the state that we’re in 2022. Where you had the National Front, the BNP, like it didn’t actually, … Look at the mess that we’ve come into. That’s all I’m saying. Look at the mess we’ve gone. What about you, …
Mark Collett: Do you know why we are in this mess? Because everyone’s just toned it down. And that’s what the Left want everyone to do. Throughout every conservative, every traditionalist, every person who has sat in Parliament on the conservative side of the illusory divide, has always said, :
“You know what? If we just sell out one more of our policies, then we will have won.”
And they’ve sold everything out so far, that they don’t even know where they were originally. They’ve let go of everything. And now they’ve got nothing. And, you know what, I’m not letting go of my people. That’s one thing I’m never letting go off.
David Clews: Well, and that will win you a lot of loyalty amongst your followers. And a lot of loyalty amongst your supporters.
But my argument is that I want to see real change take place in this country. I want to see this hell that currently exists, end. And that is going to be a long ladder that is going to be stepped up. And it’s not going to happen overnight. And if we get to, …
Mark Collett: David!
David Clews: … where we’re not. And look, I get all this! I get all this. And, as I said, it’s another topic you could have another day. Certain parties in the 1930s differentiated themselves from other sides of the movement that they thought were too extreme. So there is historical precedent for this happening.
Mark Collett: You do realize that there are many people in Britain who said that we shouldn’t talk about the despicable grooming, sexual abuse, and rape, of hundreds of thousands of White British girls? Because, if we did we would be rocking the boat! Because some people wouldn’t like it! Because it would offend certain sections of the populations! Because White liberals would find it unpalatable to be presented with such truth! Those are the opinions that leave people suffering in silence.
David Clews: As I said, though, and to use a phrase, you can only piss with the cup you’ve got. And this is the reality of where we are. And that, as I said, that is my fear.
Now, I’m not arguing that civic nationalism, Anne Marie Waters, David Curtin, Tommy Robinson, are the answer. I just want someone, right, to sort this out. Okay? I just want someone to come in and deal with this. And I think the vast majority of British people are approaching that point, as well. And I hope it will present itself.
And I’m not knocking what you guys do. You can do whatever you like. I believe in free speech, I believe in the right to assembly. But my analysis of all this, is that it will just be a bit too much for Joe normies.
Mark Collett: But David, you’ve got the wrong attitude. No one’s coming to sort this out! No one’s coming to save you! There’s no knight on a White horse who’s riding in to make everything good for David and the Unity News Network. They have to do it themselves! You must rise up you must take destiny in your own hands and free yourself from this evil!
David Clews: Well I can’t, because I choose to live my life how I want with my family. And I will look after, … Again, I will look after myself and my family. And that to me is the most important bedrock upon which this country is built, is family. So, …
Mark Collett: But if you’re to save your family, you have to look to your wider family. You have to look to your community, your people. Our people must realize no one is coming to save them. They must save themselves! Now is the time to either rise up and make a difference, or to go quietly into the night. And I’m not a quiet person! And I don’t like going quietly anywhere.
So I know what I’m going to do. And everyone here knows where me and Laura are, if they want to join us.
David Clews: And absolute power to you for what you’re doing. And if there was a proper electoral system in this country, then you would be able to put that to the test. But we don’t have a proper electoral system, as you point out, you’re not there.
And, as I say, this is all very entertaining for the audience, but do we not have to start like, … But where do we even start? You look at it in America where within the Republican Party at least there are people that will understand nationalist politics. Where do we go? Who do we turn to? Laura, just quickly, before we let you go.
Laura Towler: So we have a roadmap on our website. If you go to the Patriotic Alternative website which is PatrioticAlternative.org.uk. Go to the “About” tab at the top. And there’s a roadmap. And it details our plans for one to two years, five years, and 10 years.
So we’re really open about what we think we can achieve, and by what day we think we can achieve it. So if anyone wants to see the solutions in a bit more depth, that’s a place to go really.
Patriotic Alternative’s Roadmap
David Clews: Okay, guys that’s been a very interesting conversation. Mark and Laura, where is it if people want to follow you they can do so?
Mark Collett: Well you can find me on Gab. Yeah, as you say, you can find me on Gab and Telegram. Please follow me there. You can also find me on BitChute and Odysee. And you can find our website at www. PatrioticAlternative.org UK.
And next month we are running an event called “Demographic Replacement Awareness Month”, where we are aiming to put out in excess of a hundred thousand pieces of literature, educating people on this very issue.
Thank you for having me on David. It’s been very entertaining. Laura, as always, I’ll give you the final word, my dear.
Laura Towler: [chuckling] So I have Gab and Telegram, as well. Just search for my name Laura Towler.
And I also have my own tea and coffee company as well, which is called Grandma Towler’s. I had an argument with Yorkshire Tea a year and a half ago, and they told me never to buy their tea again. Because I don’t support “Black Lives Matter”. So I started my own tea company. And it’s a “non-woke” tea. So if anyone fancies buying some tea, or coffee, we invest the profits back into nationalism and activism and stuff.
But it’s been a pleasure to talk to you. And it’s nice to have an open and Frank conversation.
David Clews: Yeah.
Laura Towler: We don’t get them very often. So thank you for inviting me.
David Clews: I think it’s better to keep having these conversations. And I fundamentally believe in free speech, and debate, and dialogue. Because that is what made the Western world a good place.
And I do say this, I look at the way you guys are targeted, and realistically that’s gonna happen to everyone. And people need to realize that. Even if I say about where Mark and Laura are, it doesn’t matter.
I mean, I’ve already been targeted. We’re on Dlive, we are demonetized on Dlive. We’ve been banned off YouTube as well. So it’s coming for everyone! You’ll be banned everywhere. You won’t be allowed to speak. And that’s where anyone with anything that is slightly controversial to say, we should stand up for their right to say it. And try and get away from this dreadful, boring, country that we are.
But guys! Thanks very much for coming on. I’d like you to come back on again sometime in the future?
Mark Collett: I’d very much like to! Thank you so much for having us.
David Clews: Good stuff. Right, take care. Well, you know what we could do, we should arrange a debate. That’s what we should do with some other people.
Mark Collett: I love debates.
David Clews: I know. And you’re good. Your thing is as well Mark’s good at them, because Mark’s been doing it for quite a long time. So he is quite experienced. Right! Well done everyone! Bye-bye.
Mark Collett: Good night. Have a nice weekend.
David Clews: Cheers. Huge thanks to Mark and Laura for coming on the show.
[Newer comments at top]
2 hours ago
Obsessed with jews these people , fed op , want to discredit nationalisats with their loony theories about jews running everything. If an overwhelming majority of whites compared to the number of jews have been utterly defeated , then I would argue that the fault is theirs and nobody elses. Imagine being beaten by such a small number of people ? These people want you to come across as crackpots so noone takes you seriously.
3 hours ago
Not worth saving is a good point , pathetic netflix watching mask wearers everywhere . Not going to prison for these sheep tbh.
3 hours ago
Fair play to David, most wouldn’t even host the likes of Mark and Laura. Give it five years and he’ll be saying what we say
3 hours ago
@12mins ish ” Fascism ” Fascism was a movement to save Europe from communism, though thanks to today’s media almost everyone thinks that fascism is something horrible.
5 hours ago
The funny thing is, Mark and Laura’s solution IS the cozy option. This guy is just a coward.
18 hours ago
Mark and Laura are spot on about collectivism, they don’t want us to because we then become a very strong threat to you know who.
look at last time nationalism was great.
btw this guy clews is a civic moron, hope he suffers from multiculturalism.
clews huh, sounds more like jews
21 hours ago
Jews run 99% of the Media. The majority of the Billionaires. Why dont we talk about Rothchilds, Blackrock, Bidens cabinet as the wealthiest largest owneship of EVERYTHING.
1 day ago
This comment was slimed to death.
1 day ago
it’s like beating your head against a wall with this guy, just any way to avoid facing any issue straight on, just wasles away over and over and voer…
1 day ago
Mark Collett is the hero of our people, he is our single best hope.
1 day ago
This Clews chap comes across as bit of a wet cunt.
1 day ago
1 day ago
Mark and Laura are heroes!
1 day ago
Great responses there PA.
1 day ago
Mark and Laura talk a lot of sense. The media paint them as demons, in reality they are entirely reasonable.
1 day ago
NGO = Non Goyim Orginization
1 day ago
David, saying that White people have a right to exist is not “going too far down the rabbit hole”.
1 day ago
good job having PA on the show. Although I’ve got to say David Clews you are the slipperiest bas I’ve heard since Destiny.
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1 day ago
I wouldn’t go that far, destiny is an outright anti-white. David agrees with us, he’s just mistaken on how to achieve our goals and is a bit of a doomer. His heart is in the right place but not his head.
1 day ago
Transcript of this discussion here:
1 day ago
Mark Collet on form as ever, Laura you are also a living legend. Heros of our time.
3 days ago
Brilliant to have PA on the show. Demographics is destiny. White people are worth advocating for since we are under fire. Sounds a bit quiet.
3 days ago
Great to see Mark and Laura on the show.
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3 days ago
Yes, about time after 4 years of cucking.
3 days ago
The sound is REALLY quiet.
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3 days ago
UNN have always been a cowboy set up; one of the reasons i unsub’d. You’d think after 4 years they’d have sorted it.
15 hours ago
Transcript here:
1 day ago
Civnats need to step aside and make way for real Nationalists like Mark and Laura.
2 days ago
It’s incredible how these people will keep on making excuses for Jews.
“Devil’s Advocate” is right.
3 days ago
Hats off to David, UNN does some amazing work and it’s wonderful to see him give Mark and Laura the opportunity to speak. They are two of the hardest working patriots in the UK.
3 days ago
years ago I saw a community meeting in California where Whites are already a minority. there are all sorts of “minority” privileges and programs. A White woman asked “these special programs are for minorities, right? White people are a minority so shouldn’t they be eligible for these programs as well?”, and everyone on the board said no, because White people aren’t minorities. “minority” in the way they use it is just code for nonWhite. Special programs for “minorities” are just special programs for nonWhites, they are nothing but an excuse, a pretext to justify the victimization of White people.
3 days ago
David, Jews are not persecuted. The events that have happened to them over the centuries are retaliation for their actions. They disrupt the societies they inhabit, get found out, then are punished by the populace. They’ve been expelled from 109 territories throughout history. A couple of times you may be able to attribute to prejudice or misunderstanding, but 109 times?
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 109 times? It’s just ludicrous to believe they are blameless victims. They were kicked out of England, in the year 1290, for the ritual murder of children. Oliver Cromwell allowed them to return, in exchange for funding for his revolution. They’ve been subverting Britain ever since. Britain’s first anti-racism legislation, the 1965 ‘Race Relations Act’ was introduced by Home Secretary Frank Soskice, a Ukrainian Jew, whose father was a leading Bolshevik. That legislation wasn’t for the purpose of protecting the 10,000 blacks that were in Britain at the time, it was to protect Jews from criticism for their actions. Further limitations to our freedom of speech were introduced by Malcolm Rifkind and Leon Britan (Brittansky) with the ‘Public Oder Act’ Both Rifkind and Brittan are(were) Jewish.
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3 hours ago
Obsessed , are you saying that the jews are so superior to you that a few of them can run rings around you . You lot are just oddballs tbh.
3 days ago
Coutries with “social credit scores” thrive on cashless society. Hence why I can’t understand how anyone can be in favor of any kind of social credit score system. Just imagine the US or UK with a cashless social credit system… “You’re guilty of seven counts of wrong-think this week – no groceries for you…”
3 days ago
This comment was slimed to death.
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1 day ago
That guy who said he was Jesus Christ?
3 days ago
Clews, another Scotch person living in a 95 per cent white Scotland pushing for the replacement of the English, just like George Galloway, who for many, many years pushed for multi racialism in England and then ran off to Scotland after he’d rubbed English noses in their replacement, and after London had turned into the shit hole he’d helped turn it in to.
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1 day ago
Scotland and Wales are only a few years behind England in terms of demographic replacement.
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1 day ago
They are many, many years behind.
Show reply
5 hours ago
When Scottish and Welsh children are being sexually enslaved by immigrants on the same scale of English girls, then they’ll be at the same level.
3 days ago
A lot of “But what iffery” and jaw dropping cuckery from Clews.
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1 day ago
That’s what civnats do.
3 days ago
This young woman tells it like it is:
Handing out the Stop Anti-White Discrimination leaflets in the BAMEed Takeover event and engaging BAMEed anti-white activists.
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3 days ago
You nicked my picture haha
See Also
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
John Mearsheimer – Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? – Sep 26, 2015 – Transcript
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Version History
Version 5: Apr 1, 2022 — Added PDF of post (Ver 1).
Version 4: Mar 30, 2022 — Odysee comments (45) updated.
Version 3: Mar 29, 2022 — Added 33 mins of transcript. Transcript is now complete.
Version 2: Mar 28, 2022 — Added 25 mins of transcript. 55/78 mins of transcript complete. Odysee comments (21) updated.
Version 1: Mar 27, 2022 — Published post. 30/78 mins of transcript complete. Odysee comments (17) added.