Joel Davis – Jewish Tyranny Growing Bolder as the Populist Right Continues to Falter – Jul 11, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


Jewish Tyranny Growing Bolder as the


Populist Right Continues to Falter


Thu, Jul 11, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalists Joel Davis and Blair Cottrell discuss the following:

1. Blair’s bodybuilding and pharmaceutical enhancements
2. The recent European elections. National Rally party in France received 40% of votes but lost.
3. Other parties formed an alliance against National Rally
4. Freedom Party in Austria could potentially form government
5. Reform Party in Britain polled at 20% but received 14% of votes
6. Project 2025 plan by Heritage Foundation mentioned
7. Trump disavowed Project 2025
8. Speculation about Trump being influenced by Zionist money
9. Discussion of Trump becoming a typical politician
10. Young people seen as more radical due to online political opinions
11. Palestinian activist Hash Taya investigated for potential hate speech
12. Comparison to Blair’s 2017 conviction for racial vilification
13. Blair explains details of his charge and legal battle
14. Discussion of Jewish lobby groups’ influence on hate speech laws
15. Jewish Julia Seagal appointed as Australia’s special envoy to combat antisemitism
16. Debate on supporting Israel while denying white identity
17. Analysis of Jewish community’s navigation of tensions with various groups
18. Blair argues change is inevitable due to contradictions in “Jewish tyranny”
19. Discussion of when feminism went too far
20. Blair’s view on women as instinctual beings
21. Conversation about Schopenhauer’s philosophy
22. Schopenhauer’s influence on various historical figures
23. Discussion of Otto Weininger’s philosophy and suicide
24. Schopenhauer’s impact on Hitler, Nietzsche, and Wagner
25. Weininger’s view of life force as lower, earthly nature
26. Blair’s disagreement with Weininger’s worldview
27. Critique of feminism disconnecting women from racial duties and motherhood
28. Debate on traditional gender roles
29. Discussion of women’s liberation through careers vs. motherhood
30. Blair’s argument for the value of motherhood over careers
31. Debate on the meaning and purpose of life
32. Blair’s view on achievement through motherhood vs. social media following





Published on Thu, Jul 11, 2024




Jewish tyranny growing bolder as the populist right continues to falter
July 11, 2024
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(Words: 27,713 – 2:38:36 mins)



Joel Davis: Live. It is the 11 July 2024, another episode of the Joel and Blair Show. I know I have promised to change the name of the show and we will change the name of the show! And we will develop the show! But let us cook. We still cooking up the new idea. We want to, when we make the brand change, we want to stick the landing and make it actually interesting. We don’t want to just chop and change names and chop and change formats. We want to transition to a new paradigm in a way that actually feels like a new paradigm.


So in the meantime, you’re getting The Joel and Blair Show, and it’s a pretty good show and it’s constantly growing. Seems like we’ve got a solid viewer base, a lot of positive feedback.


So you’re going to take what you got for now and you’re going to be happy with it. We only want to change it if we can change it for the better.


But how you doing, Blair? See you got the FED post shirt on. Although I did say that the microphone kind of covers up the tee, so it looks like it says “error”.


Blair Cottrell: This is a band. Just so everyone knows. I’m pretty sure this was an Australian hardcore band, maybe. I kind of inherited this shirt from somebody else. So and I just thought it was kind of funny. I’ve had people remark in public how they find it intimidating, but it’s just like a nice baggy shirt I wear at home. So don’t get the wrong idea by this shirt. I’m not encouraging anything. [chuckling]


Of course, we’re not allowed to do that. But how are you? How are you going, mate? We did a pretty intense leg session at the gym last night. I’d say relative to my usual leg sessions, 50% intensity. And Joel joined us. How are you feeling?


Joel Davis: Yeah, I feel fine. You know, I have a residual knee injury and, yeah, after doing that leg session, we really isolated the quads. I realised I should have been doing more quad isolation and weighted lunges. If I’d been doing that for the last few months, I’m sure my knee would be in much better shape than it is so I feel good, though, that I found an exercise that I think will help because, yeah, my knees are pretty ripped up.


I got hit by a car when I was a teenager and had a pretty bad knee injury. And it did heal and I have never re-injured it since, but it’s never been 100%. And because that’s my front leg when I’m kickboxing, it tends to get kicked a lot and so a lot of pressure goes on that knee because anyone who knows about kickboxing knows that your front leg cops the brunt of the kicks, and it means your front leg gets more conditioned because it gets used to getting kicked.


But every time you’ve got your weight on your front foot and you get kicked in the kind of thigh area, well, that’s a lot of pressure on the knee joint and then that repeatedly getting cracked over and over and over again! When I finally took a break from sparring all the time and allowed my knee to kind of breathe, because when you’re sparring regularly and getting kicked in the leg all the time, you’re kind of just used to leg pain and you just don’t think too much of it.


But then when I started focusing more on lifting for the wintertime and doing squats, I was really feeling not stable in my left knee in the squats. So I did appreciate, because the last few times we went to the gym, we just did very Blair Cottrell workouts of just spamming bicep curls and just getting like a really chest, … What a chest! [chuckling]


Blair Cottrell: For the record, for the record, I do proper workouts, like bodybuilding workouts. I don’t just do bicep curls all the time. So and people know that anyone who’s gone through sessions with me. I consider myself to be a knowledgeable professional, right.


Joel Davis: Oh you are!


Blair Cottrell: That’s why I market myself as a personal trainer.


Joel Davis: You are, but you also just do shitloads of chest and biceps for aesthetics. And you have like a massive chest and biceps as a result! [chuckling] Hey, that’s cool! There’s nothing wrong with that.


But, you know, we’ve been doing that a lot. And thing is, another point is during the week I’ve been doing bench press and overhead press and do dips and stuff like that. So it’s kind of like I’m just doing a lot of the exercises that I do anyway on other nights.


So yeah, then one night a week that we aim to train together, I think it would be nice to do legs more because I think that’s where my body actually needs the rehab of like a really because as you said:


“You are knowledgeable.”


It is good going to the gym with Blair because, you know, your shit and you can give good advice. And someone like me, who’s just starting out there’s a lot of little details about lifting that can really make a big difference. Like when, it’s not just about lifting, it’s not just about the mentality of just going hard.


There’s also a technique aspect. So I try to soak up, when I’m new to something, I like to soak up the knowledge of experienced people. That’s how you learn. So you and Tom, actually, because Tom used to be an Olympic lifter. Very, very good to have friends like you guys that know your shit at the gym, because it really helps when you got people who know what they’re talking about and actually have experience and have injured themselves doing dumb shit when they were younger and learnt from mistakes and things like that.




Blair Cottrell: Well, that’s intelligent too. It’s intelligent to be able to acknowledge when someone else knows more about something than you do and to listen from them and learn. Some people are so low IQ, they don’t., … They kind of lack the humility. Is that what you would call it? To actually learn from others? They like to just act like they’re the experts in everything, especially on things they know nothing about. I find most ordinary people are like that and it can be a bit frustrating.


But regarding, someone said in the comments BPC 157, which is, … I’m not sure what the legality is surrounding that compound. I’m pretty sure it’s not the illegal, but it’s also not available through prescription either. It’s this grey area supplement that, to my understanding, consists of a series of amino acids, an amino acid complex which in certain animal studies has been shown to regenerate connective tissue, specifically tendon tissue, faster, I think. Someone’s recommending that for your knee. Maybe we could try that. But that’s something we’ll explore further down the track. And I’m just throwing this out there, guys. I’ve got a lot of messages to get through in my DM’s, which I’ve been getting a lot lately regarding online coaching and personal training.


So if you’re waiting for me to reply, please be patient and I’ll get back to you when I can. The streams, my online activity seems to have generated just a bit more attention, more interest in my services, and I want to get across to everyone. I want to make sure I get back to everyone. And I will get back to you.


So if you’re waiting, you won’t be waiting much longer.


Joel Davis: Yeah. And for those that don’t know, just the plug Blair, he does offer., … You can kind of get in contact with him on Telegram. Probably the easiest place. And it’s just @BlairCotrell, right to DM you?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, yeah. Did I just mute myself?


Joel Davis: No, you’re not muted.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it’s just at my full name, no spaces. And, what are my actual thoughts? Have I used BPC 157? Yeah, I did use it. I did localised injections twice a day.


I can’t remember the dose. I think it may have been between 200 and 350 micrograms. Close to the side of the injury, just beneath the skin when I ruptured my pectoral tendon. The problem is that I’m not really sure what to compare it to because I’ve never had an injury like that before. So how do I know if the BBC 157 actually accelerated my recovery or not? I don’t know. But I did make a full recovery in about six months. And I don’t know whether that’s faster than usual. I tend to recover pretty quickly from injuries anyway and I’ve never really had an injury that serious.


So I do think it helps. That’s my feeling. But I don’t know for sure. But I can tell you, interestingly, the same is true for TB 500, too, which is a different peptide. That’s arguably producing similar results to BPC 157. I won’t harp on about this too long because a lot of people probably aren’t interested in this. But it definitely lowered inflammation. Inflammation in my body. Like I get redness in my face, inflamed joints, tendons around the joints. I noticed that that subsided significantly when I was doing these peptides. Couldn’t really afford to continue to do them long term, not doing them anymore.


And there is some evidence that suggests consistent use over a period of a year or longer. You can start to get diminishing results. Like it doesn’t really work anymore, which is true for most synthetic compounds. The body starts to become accustomed to them. But BPC 157 is a synthetic copy of a natural substance that’s made in your gut, and it does contribute to the restoration of connective tissue and lowering inflammation. And I can say that it definitely lowers inflammation.


So anyway, that’s enough about bodybuilding and pharmaceutical enhancements. What’s been going on in the realm of Australian news or world news? Because we cover a range of news, don’t we, each week? What have you got for us, mate?


Joel Davis: Yeah, so, I mean, on the show tonight, I wanted to talk about, because we had been talking about the lead up to the election in Britain, that obviously happened last weekend.


We also have elections in France, which were interesting. Developments around American politics with Trump disavowing Project 2025. And I find all of this interesting not because of:


“Oh, it’s just like, interesting news!”


Which it is, but also for the implications for populist Right-wing politics in general. I think there’s something that we can take away from all of those experiences when thinking about Australian politics.


So I wanted to get into a discussion of some of those subjects, but then also I wanted to get into a discussion around the jewish community and global jewry trying to advance an even more strict censorship regime. I think in particular, in response to the really negative response to recent actions by the Israeli state, around the world. Its popularity feels like it’s at the lowest point that I can remember in my life, at least in the last, you know, 10, 15 years.


Blair Cottrell: Would you say Israel was ever a truly popular nation state, though? It doesn’t feel like there was any authentic support or popularity for Israel. It feels like they just threw a lot of money around and had a lot of influence.





Joel Davis: No, I disagree. I think particularly in America, the Evangelical Christians, they loved it! They got trained to love Israel. And when Right-wingers, so you notice this with boomers. Boomers and Gen-X is like, that, are conservatives that vote for the Liberal Party. They watch Sky News, they listen to 2GB if they’re in Sydney, or 3AW, or whatever it is down here in Melbourne, or that kind of Right-wing talk back radio, the legacy Right-wing media. Because all of that is ridiculously philo-semitic and pro-Israel in particular. And then particularly also if they go to church. Obviously, boomers, they’re more likely to go to church and things like that. Like if they go to a kind of Evangelical Protestant church or something, then they’ve been bombarded with pro-Israel propaganda for decades by “trusted sources”, the people that seem to be on their team, on Team Christian, on Team conservative, which they identify with politically.


And so they see Israel as something that they should support as well:


“It’s the only democracy in the Middle East and judeo Christian values!”


And also if they watch American conservative media, which a lot of Australians do, if they, you know, see things by Ben Shapiro or some other equivalent figure, it’s the same thing.


Blair Cottrell: Let me ask you.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: Are there actually any shared values between the jews and the Christians? Or is Judeo-Christian just a psyop?


Joel Davis: Judeo-Christian as a notion is a psyop. Because, I mean, if we look at Christian history, Christians and jews definitely did not see themselves as on the same team as getting along. We have Christians kicking jews out of their countries, out of their kingdoms, out of their cities, over and over again throughout European history. You know, you’ve got so many great artists and philosophers and theologians and, just high ranking members of the Church and so on, that were very critical of jews. And Catholics in general, I would say, on average, are more critical of jews, but you could say Protestants as well.


Well, I mean, Martin Luther, the first Protestant, if you will, the last book that he wrote was called “On the Jews and Their Lies”. And, it’s a pretty anti-semitic book. [chuckling]


So there’s a long history of anti-jewish views that have been held by people across Christendom. I mean, jews did not have the same political rights as Christian Europeans until modernity. Like the liberation of the jews, was like a hot button political issue in the 18th and 19th century. The idea that:


“Should we give jews equal rights to the rest of us? Hmm.”


It was actually, like, a contentious issue.


And then, of course, we know what happened in the 20th century and so on.


So this idea that jews and Christians always got along is just plainly false! You know, jews themselves, they have got some European blood in them, but they are mixed race. They are semitic people. They are not Europeans. They’re not pure Europeans. They’re a foreign race that has interbred with some Europeans. So they aren’t the same race as us.


And I think the values of Judaism, like rabbinical Judaism, that they practice, are clearly antithetical. I mean, first of all, it’s a supremacist religion. The Talmud very directly denigrates Christians. I believe it says in the Talmud that Jesus Christ is burning in a pit of excrement in hell! You know, it blasphemes against many tenets of the Christian religion.


Blair Cottrell: What do you have to say, though? What do you have to say to some jews who refute the Talmud and hold to the Torah? Because there are jews like that. Are they still living a lifestyle and believing [words unclear] Christianity?


Joel Davis: Well, that’s not a very conventional opinion. It’s like taking a sect, a small sect of Christians that almost no Christians believe in and saying:


“Well, what about these Christians?”


It’s like, well, you know, that’s not the prevailing attitude of the, … And also, there’s a lot of atheist jews. As well, that’s a bigger deal to deal with, …


Blair Cottrell: It could be said that the sort of the anti-Christian heart being black towards the Europeans and the Christians, that results in the kind of passages that are in the Talmud suggesting that Mother Mary, the mother of Christ, was a whore and that Christ is boiling in hot excrement in hell. These are expressions of a disdain that comes from the ethnicity, that comes from the character of the people themselves. It’s not the religion that’s the problem. It’s the people! Right? The expressions, the hatred, the disdain for outsiders, that’s what’s being expressed.


Joel Davis: Yeah, it’s an ethno-religion.


So you can’t really divide one from the other, the jewish religion. Just like Germanic Paganism, it clearly says a lot about the nature of Germanic people. Like, if you read the Eddas and you go:


“Hmm, it makes sense that Swedes and Germans and Anglo Saxons, and so on, would have a God like Odin and a God like Thor, a God like Freyr, like these archetypes, these stories, the character of this religion, it fits with what we know about our people.”


And I think the same is true about the jewish religion.


Blair Cottrell: It does seem like the jews sort of prey on the naivety and the tolerance of Christians and Europeans. Well, we all know this to be the case, but I’m just spelling it out for the audience and someone who might be new to this, but I don’t think we should delve too deep into a discussion about theology and religion, that tends to get a bit nuanced. We’ll probably, like, move on from this subject when you’re ready, I think.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Well, I was just going to introduce another subject. I want to talk about the censorship. There was an article that was written that mentioned you. I want to talk about that.


But before we talk about that, let’s talk about some of the these elections in Europe. And you probably, do you know what Project 2025 is, Blair? Do you probably don’t really follow American politics closely enough.


I’m not sure if you do.




Blair Cottrell: Has it got something to do with some new reset effort, like a lockdown or something? I’ve heard theories about that.


Joel Davis: No. So what Project 2025 is, … So there’s, the biggest conservative think tank, I believe, in the United States is called The Heritage Foundation. And Project 2025 was like a like a series of proposals that they created to say:


“Well, if Trump gets elected president at the next election, here’s our plan for how we’re going to, like, fix America.”


Or whatever. Right. And it had some pretty good stuff in there, to be honest. Like, when you look through it, you’re like:


“Well, if they actually implemented this would be the first time a conservative government ever actually did anything that I can remember of substance in living memory.”


You know, mass deportation of illegals, firing, you know, massive swathes of the current bureaucracy, like firing all the people in the FBI, firing all the people at the State Department, firing all the people at the Justice Department and replacing them with Right-wing people and just trying to wholesale, like, change the power structure in the American government!


Because what a lot of people noticed when Trump got in last time was that basically the American government was still run by Left-wingers, even though you had a nominally Right-wing president. The actual architectural, …


Blair Cottrell: The Deep State is what he called it.


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. But just, yeah, that’s just like there’s so many massive, like, particularly with the American government, there’s so many massive departments.


Blair Cottrell: But that’s what happens when you’re a democracy and you sort of allow and tolerate all these so-called differences of opinion that are even hostile to democracy fundamentally, or the idea of everyone having an opinion. Like, the point is you end up with all these sleeper agents that are in the institutions. This happens over a period of a few decades. Then they spring to action during points of political crises. And it doesn’t really matter who’s the King, who’s the president, who’s the prime minister, those bureaucrats, those sleeper agents are still going to run the country. Right? And you’re kind of stuck with them! Once they’re in there, there’s not really an efficient way to get them out.


The only way to actually reverse the damage that’s done is to start educating a new generation again in a positive, patriotic, nationalistic direction, to eventually replace those sleeper agents with people who aren’t going to destroy the country and hope that the country doesn’t get destroyed in the meantime. Right?


Joel Davis: Yeah.


So anyway, just to explain this, I think for the, because I think it may be a lot of Australians might not know about this. Like, this was cooked up by, as I said, the number one conservative think tank in the United States, The Heritage Foundation. I believe when Reagan got elected in the eighties, there were, like, Heritage Foundation documents given out to everyone who got staffed in his entire administration about how to carry out his administration.


So that gives you a kind of idea of how powerful these guys are. And there were so many people involved in creating this project and working with this project who were in the Trump administration last time. And everyone thinks he’s going to be in the Trump administration this time. And it was basically planning and readying staffing so that when Trump got in, they could come along and say:


“Here, we’ve already assembled a team for you to hire into all these different positions so they can go and, like, take control of the entire all the institutions of the American government and bring it under conservative control for the first time in forever, basically.”


But it wasn’t just about taking over all these different government departments. You know, it says on the Wikipedia page, it says here:


“The plan proposes taking partisan control of the Department of Justice, the FBI, the Department of Commerce, blah, blah, blah, dismantling the Department of Homeland Security.”


Blair Cottrell: Joel, what does that mean, “taking partisan control”? What does that mean exactly?


Joel Davis: It just means firing everyone because right now the FBI is run by Leftists and the Department of Justice is run by Leftists.


So the Department of Justice was going after, … Because these are supposed to be, in principle, neutral institutions, but they aren’t. No institution is neutral. It’s either run by Left-wingers or it’s run by Right-wingers. Like, that’s just how it is. That’s true about every political institution.


Blair Cottrell: Very true.


Joel Davis: And basically every political institution is run by Left-wingers because conservatives have said:


“Well, shouldn’t these institutions be neutral?”


And Left-wingers are like:


“Let’s take them over and use them against our political enemies.”


So when one side stays neutral while the other side tries to actually use power, the side that wants to use power wins against the cucks that want to stay neutral, which is why conservatives always lose.


And finally, conservatives are saying:


“You know what? How about we fucking take control instead of having our enemies control these institutions?”


Because they noticed when they had the Black Lives Matter riots in the United States, basically the Department of Justice didn’t go after any of the rioters even though they burned down all these American cities. Antifa is running around America when they’re with literal guns strapped to them, … Imagine if like, a White nationalist group organised like Antifa and would armed marching through the streets in full tactical gear with military grade weapons.




Blair Cottrell: But there was still a Right-wing kid that did exactly the same thing. What was his name? The kid that shot those Anti-fascists?


Joel Davis: Carl Rittenhouse. Yeah. But he wasn’t part of any organisation. He was just like some kid that showed up.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Was that what I was gonna say? It was kind of like cool to see, it wasn’t cool to see people get shot. It was cool to see him actually get off on self defense.


Joel Davis: It was cool to see people get shot! The people he shot, one of them was jewish. They were fucking., … One of them was like a jewish paedophile. I think two of them were paedophiles.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I forgot about jewish, …


Joel Davis: Like, he killed people that needed to die. Like, it was based that he shot them and it was good that he got off. He himself has done a lot of cringe stuff since that, but whatever. He killed the jewish paedophile, let him have a win!


But anyway, the Department of Justice is obviously run by Leftists, because they won’t go after Left-wingers for stuff that they would absolutely throw the book at Right-wingers for doing. Like with the January 6th thing, they were locking all these people up. But Left-wingers, you know, occupy government buildings in their protests all the time.


Blair Cottrell: And they get, that’s enough consequence when the Leftists are in power on an institutional level, of course they’re going to overlook crimes and unethical activities that their own supporters and philosophical comrades are engaged in. And we would probably do the same if we had institutional power. Right?


Joel Davis: So that was the idea.


So the idea was like, have a, we put Right-wingers in charge of these organisations and they start using them to go after Antifa and going after Left-wing groups and BLM, rather than going after Right-wing groups.


Blair Cottrell: The unethical activities we would engage in that would get overlooked. I think they’d be a lot more based than what the Anti-fascists do. Like, there’d be a lot more in your face confrontation and a lot less petty backstabbing and like little shitty terror efforts like burning cars or smashing windows and stuff like that. I can’t imagine that people like me who hold to my philosophy would be engaging in acts like that. They’d kind of be more upper cuts and less backstabbing, which would be nice, a nice change on a fringe political level, in my opinion.


Joel Davis: Yeah. But just going through this, you know, it has like some random stuff that, like, it’s like whatever it’s talking about cutting funding to Medicare or Medicaid or something. But it says here as well:


“Trying to criminalise pornography, removing all legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, terminating diversity, equity and inclusion programs, ending affirmative action, and having the DOJ prosecute, quote, anti-White racism. It also recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the US by using the military to capture and place them in internment camps.”


So, I mean, all that sounds quite good, right?


Blair Cottrell: Where does this plan come from? Does this come from the Internet? Or is it someone in the Trump administration has written this?


Joel Davis: I said, The Heritage Foundation, which is like the biggest think tank in Washington that’s affiliated with conservatism, I think, or one of the biggest think tanks.


And a lot of the people involved in the plan are people that projected to be involved in the Trump campaign. And they’re trying to actively start the campaign now. Anyway, they’ve been cooking this up for years. And people, I’ve seen a lot of people who are pro-Trump, like people like Thultide and so on, and saying:


“Well, you know whatever the problems are with Trump, this sounds awesome! This is a good reason to vote for him, right? This plan sounds really awesome!”


And that’s you can kind of see the argument. However Trump came out, … And Leftists have been freaking out about this. Leftists have been like:


“Oh, my God, Trump is going to institute a fascist dictatorship. This is going to be horrible. We have to defeat Trump!”


And so on.


But anyway, no one really cares. The Leftist cried about it, but no one, like Right-wingers, will think that it’s awesome! So Trump’s doing incredibly well in the polls. Biden we talked about it. You know, he had a horrible debate. Everyone thinks that he’s done. People aren’t even sure if he’s even going to make it to the election or if you’ll have to get replaced with somebody else. And it looks like Trump is going to win the election.


And then Trump decides to come out and say:


“I have nothing to do with Project 2025!”


This is, even though he obviously did, people in, his, people very close to him obviously did have something to do with it. But he’s decided to come out and make it clear to the public that, as I said, he has nothing to do with, he disavowed it twice, distanced himself from it, said he’ll have nothing to do with it.


And then also reports then came out in the media saying, in the Right-wing media saying that a lot of the people that have been associated with the project are now being blacklisted from the Trump administration. So they won’t be able to work for the Trump administration. And instead, some other agenda or plan that is being proposed by another element of the conservative movement, which is way more cucked, is now being endorsed by the Trump campaign.


And a lot of people in America who are, or of a pro-White, more radical Right persuasion that are kind of Trump supporters, are basically they’re freaking out over this. They’re saying, like:


“If Project 2025 gets rejected in favour of a more centrist plan, well, isn’t that convenient? All this Zionist money came in. Hundreds of millions of dollars came in from Zionist. Trump got bought off, and now he’s cucking, even though he doesn’t have to cuck, he’s on track to win!”


And, yeah, I think it shows the anti-Trump people were right all along, that jewish money overrides any plans that anyone who was in the conservative movement that was trying, …





Blair Cottrell: Is it just money? Because Trump has this reputation of being someone who can’t be bought. But you don’t always influence people or control people just through money. You do it through having information about them. You do it through blackmail. You do it through extortion.


Joel Davis: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: What do they know about Trump? What’s Trump involved in? What’s Trump worried about?


Joel Davis: I mean, these are good questions.


Blair Cottrell: I mean, why would Trump [words unclear] Project 2025? Like, what reasons does he have not to support it? What’s he worried about? These are questions that need to be answered.


Joel Davis: Yeah, he married off his daughter to a jew.


And, yeah, it was funny, there was this video that I saw the other day of, it was Joe Biden after he gave a speech. And there were all these people in the crowd. There was a black woman and a bunch of White ladies standing around the black woman. And then Biden was hugging all the White ladies.


And then just the black lady goes to hug him, and he just goes to the White lady as if she doesn’t exist. And the black lady’s just standing there just really sad.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, but wasn’t Biden, like, notoriously racist when he was younger?


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! I was like, Biden is more racist than Trump! Where Trump has got a long track record of being very supportive of blacks and gays! And when Trump was president the first time, what did he do for White people? He did nothing for White people! But he bent over backwards for jews and for blacks and for gays. He was the first ever US president elected who supported gay marriage, by the way. So maybe Trump all along actually just kind of isn’t really Right-wing. And he just said some kind of edgy stuff to get himself elected at one point.


And the whole thing is a scam! You know, there’s also that angle to look at here.


But obviously, he’s getting advised by people who are saying:


“You’ve got to disavow this because it’s going to look bad and it’s going to potentially lose us the election.”


Blair Cottrell: The people around him, I think, have chipped away at him. I think he went in with good intentions, he went into a snake pit with good intentions. He got bitten a lot. I think he’s been worn down. I think his spirit has been, how should I say, just diluted. I don’t think he was the same man he was when he was younger as a result of just the amount of chaos, harassment that he’s being exposed to.


And I think it’s gotten to him a little bit. And maybe that’s why he softened his position. But maybe you’re right. Maybe his position was never that hard. Maybe from the beginning, he just wanted power for power’s sake. But, I don’t know.


I feel like there was an element of authenticity motivating Trump from the beginning, but I don’t know if I still see that now.


Joel Davis: Yeah. What made it cool in 2015 was he didn’t seem like a politician. He seemed like a genuine outsider who just kind of barged his way into politics and was kind of breaking the paradigm.


Whereas now he feels like just another politician. He’s just another politician now. Now he’s had almost a ten year career in politics, and he’s just become part of the system. He’s just another system politician. And his policies are more or less standard, Right-wing policies. You know, he isn’t really anything that, … Like, even the conservative movement seems to be. More elements of it are more based than he is. Like, The Heritage Foundation is outflanking Trump to the Right. Trump is like:


“Whoa! This Heritage Foundation plan is a little too radical for me!”


The Heritage Foundation is just like, as I said, the biggest conservative think tank in Washington. This is hardly, they’re not political outsiders, they’re political insiders on the Right.


So, yeah, like, it’s pretty disappointing to see. But I think this is a problem that we will perpetually see with a lot of these populist politicians, is that a lot of them are all rhetoric. But very little substance. They aren’t really political power players. They are just good marketers. They’re good at marketing themselves. They’ll do edgy things in order to establish a brand, an outsider brand, but they don’t actually have strong political convictions or an actual plan for what to do with political power, once they can get some of it that can meaningfully change society.


It’s just about mobilising people, like voters behind them. They’re just really good campaigners. Trump is a good campaigner. He’s not really a good statesman. Like he showed when he was president last time, that he wasn’t really capable of accomplishing very much at all!


And it seems like that’s going to be what we get again. He probably will become president. Yeah, I don’t know if you want to comment on that?





Blair Cottrell: I’ve got nothing on that specifically.


Joel Davis: Yeah, but I guess moving on. There was an election in France. It wasn’t for the presidency, but just for the, what they call the National Assembly, which is like the same thing as, like the House of Representatives here, I guess. And the so-called “far-Right” party, which aren’t particularly far-Right. They’re basically like the French version of One Nation. They’re about similar kind of policies to One Nation, maybe even. I don’t even know if they’re even as edgy as one nation.


Anyway, they got about 40% of the vote, which was their best ever result, but all the other parties formed an alliance against them, so they lost. And it was quite interesting to see how even the conservative Party in France, like the centre Right party, chose to side with communists, literal communists, in a big coalition, as opposed to the far-Right. So it shows the so-called “far-Right”, they’re not even far-Right, they’re just populist Right. Yeah, it would have been considered Left-wing 50 years ago with their policies.


But anyway, the so-called centre Right party sided, as I said, with literal communists against them.


And I think it’s quite instructive to show what conservatives truly are.


Blair Cottrell: It’s actually, it’s also instructive or demonstrating what’s going to continue to happen throughout Europe and European extension colonies in elections. When an actual nationalistic party, I’m not suggesting that’s what the party was in France. I don’t know anything about French politics. But when some party that is far-Right is actually getting popular enough to be elected, all the other rats will team up against it and make sure that it doesn’t get power.


So I suppose in politics in other countries, that needs to be taken into account. And maybe the far-Right parties need to look at making temporary alliances with other parties to prevent this happening or to try to prevent it happening. I don’t know what the solution is, but I can see something similar to this kind of happens in Australian electoral process where we have this system of preferencing, where the party you vote for or even the independent that you’d vote for may just preference your votes to a major party and it funnels your votes back into other directions you didn’t want them to actually go in.


And I think that’s a way that they circumvent certain people from getting positions of power here in Australia. That probably happens to some degree and it’s going to continue happening around the world. That’s the point. So it needs to be taken into consideration by anyone who’s playing the official political game.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think in Austria, the so-called “far-Right” party, which are actually probably better. They’re called the Freedom Party. They’re probably better than Front Nationale. I’m sorry, it’s not Front Nationale, it’s called National Rally. Marine Le Pen’s party. The old party was called Front Nationale. That was established by her father that she led and then basically disbanded and replaced with the more cucked version.


Yeah. The Freedom Party in Austria, they do have remigration on their proposal platform. They are, I think, polling very well. They’re polling around, give or take 30% of the popular vote. And the conservatives, I think are polling around, 20%.


So I don’t know when the next Austrian election is, but it’s very possible that they could form a government together.


And I think they have before. So in Austria, the centre Right will actually work with the populist Right to create a government, it seems. Although I guess we’ll see what happens when they have an election. But that’s a relatively minor country.


But in a lot of the other countries that are more consequential, like in Germany, everyone is allied together basically against the AfD. And we see the same kind of thing happening in France.


So the far-Right, it’s basically the so-called “far-Right”, which isn’t far-Right. It’s like populist Right, against everyone!


And I think that’s really what politics is, I think. Either you stand for making the country Whiter, you stand against all the forces that stand for making the country browner, more or less even.


Blair Cottrell: It is ethnic nationalism, European ethnic nationalism, against the whole system. That’s what it all comes down to!


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think that what happened in France really reveals that. Even though, as I said, they aren’t actually proper ethno-nationalists. But nevertheless, they’re being treated as though they are, and they are being supported by many ethno-nationalists, as well, the only option on the table to vote for:


“Well, at least they might do something about all the immigrants. They might slow the immigrants down, they might send some of them back.”


Similar to the reasons why people voted for the Reform Party in Britain. And that was the other election that happened recently, consequential election.


And the Reform Party didn’t do as well as they were polling. They were polling up over 20% a week out of the, from the election. I think they only got 14% of the vote, which is still pretty good for them. It was their best ever performance. Well, you know, for them or any of their, like, predecessor parties, like UKIP. And so they, I guess they would, when the election was announced, 14%, they probably would have bit your hand off for that. But it looked like they could have done much better. But they had a really bad final week. We talked about on the show last week how they started cucking, the media started putting them on the defensive.


And it’s similar to the Trump thing. Like the Left-wing media somehow put Trump on the defensive when they didn’t, when he didn’t need to go on the defensive. But it’s this pussy cucked to the centre mentality that so many conservatives have.


And I think the Reform Party did the same thing. Instead of doubling down and holding firm, they cucked to the Left and they lost momentum. They didn’t show strength and conviction.





Blair Cottrell: It’s the fear of being extreme! The fear of being considered extreme, labelled extreme.


But I think politicians, activists, everyone, needs to overcome that fear. It’s just a word. Words are just vibrations and winds we send out through the air. Words of wind, says George RR Martin in his classic series, Song of Ice and Fire. That’s all! Words are just vibrations, and they produce a certain effect in certain people.


But you can immunise yourself against the effect words have on you. I just don’t know why people are so afraid of words. It’s never made sense to me. That’s the power of the word, I suppose. Something we definitely need to overcome.


Joel Davis: I think what is undervalued in politics is the power of conviction! When you have complete 100% conviction in your beliefs, where you see yourself as righteous and justified, and you therefore disregard the attacks of the enemy. The Left-wing does not change its policies and behave differently in order to satisfy Right-wing attacks. You know, if the Right-wing press says, whatever Right-wingers say about the Left, the Left-wing does not care! Because they think that Right-wingers are all evil racists! So what the hell would they care about their opinion for? They don’t. They have no respect for our opinion.


Whereas like, the Right-wing in the more mainstream sense, still fears the Left. It still shows that it is the junior partner, that it is the submissive partner over and over again by when the mainstream media attacks them, which is really, the Left-wing is attacking them because the mainstream media has an obvious Left-wing bias. You know, they submit, they’re constantly trying to justify themselves and rationalise themselves and play things down and so on.


Blair Cottrell: They should be responding aggressively.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: When someone is attacking you with words, “racist, extremist”, you don’t explain why you’re not those things. You attack them in return. Right? And there’s plenty of ways to attack them. You can accuse them of being rapists by proxy because they’re inviting people into the country who rape and murder! So you just call them rapist murderers! Immigrant supporters, like, call them paedophiles! Call them extremists in a different sense.


Like, you’ve got to return fire when you’re attacked with these kind of slander labels and terms. You can’t be defensive. As soon as you start explaining yourself, you put yourself in the weaker position. Right? Because who do you explain yourself to, typically? I’ve been through this a few times, but we’ll go through it again.


You explain yourself to someone who’s in authority over you. Police officers when they pull you over, your teachers when they ask you what you’re doing in classroom, your parents when they’re asking, where are you going? These people and characters, they have power over you.


And so they have the right to demand an explanation. Leftists, bureaucrats in institutions, journalists, they have no right to demand any explanation from you. And you don’t need to explain or apologise or compromise with them! When they attack you attack them back! I’ve actually stressed the importance of having our own words that we use to return fire when we’re attacked with certain words.


And I’ve explored it just in some effort. But what you say about “conviction” I see as “authenticity”. Authentically believing, is the most extremely powerful thing that we can incorporate into our philosophy. We can’t be tentative. We can’t be unsure. We can’t be too scared of consequences. No, we need to authentically actually believe, regardless of consequences! Then the words, the vigor, the passion will come to us and we’ll be able to respond, return fire with enough bite to have the same or greater effect with our words, as the words have on us! Words like “racist” and “extremist”.


The problem is, we’re not going to be able to come up with the Right attack words and responses until we incorporate that authentic belief, that vigor, that passion, that’s totally disregarding consequences and actually believing that this is the purpose of life. This is the way forward, this is the right way. And that over there is the enemy! Right. We need to really get that fundamentalist if we’re going to start winning, even in the word game.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I talked about this in my opinion piece in The Noticer that was published last week, about how when the Right allows the Left to attack them and cancel members on the Right, basically the Left convinces the right to cancel their own fighters. The people who say things that piss off the Left are the fighters! The people on the Right who are taking the rhetorical fight, who are actual true believers, who aren’t just pure career politicians that are very careful about what they say and how they behave in order to not catch the ire of the enemy. They’re people that would actually be willing to take the fight to the enemy that actually have some conviction. And those are the ones that the Left go after and force the right to cancel.


And so the Right institutionally is left with no fighters! It’s left with a bunch of cucks! It’s left with a bunch of careerists! Of people who are just basically there to market themselves and to try and get a position, get elected for the sake of getting elected, not to actually do anything with, …





Blair Cottrell: It’s like an enemy, kind of like, it’s like a military enemy air striking all your strategic and fundamental military bases, so that all that’s left is villages and peasants.


Joel Davis: Like, imagine if we said:


“Oh, that guy on the left, he loves gays and blacks and he wants to fill this country up with brown people and he loves jews!”


And like, from our Right-wing perspective, that’s actually a series of insults. But a Left-winger would say:




So when the Left-winger says to us:


“Oh, he’s a racist, he’s a nationalist! He wants to put White people first and so on.”


You should say [chuckling]:


“Absolutely, I do!”


Because that’s the reason why someone is voting for National Rally in France or voting for Reform Party in Britain is because they want to keep France, White! They want to keep Britain, White! That’s ultimately what it’s about. And a lot of people won’t admit it and the politicians won’t directly say it, but that’s actually what it’s about! And you can dress it up with whatever optics you want. That is really what it’s about.


When the Left-wing says “you’re a racist”, what they’re saying is:


“You’re trying to make the country Whiter. You’re trying to stand up for the native White population of the country!”


And then they go:


“No, no, no! We respect everyone, as long as they come here legally. No matter what colour of your skin, everyone should have the same rights!”


And so on.


Immediately, what you have done is you have denied the actual reason why anyone is voting for! You’re completely backing down from, …


Blair Cottrell: You’re compromising!


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: And you never compromise in politics. You never apologise! You never explain! And you do not compromise under any circumstances!


Joel Davis: I understand, if they don’t want to be too, I got to say, if they don’t want to be too explicit, I can understand that. Like, they go radical, but then just don’t, … Some things are best left unsaid. You don’t have to say everything.


And I think a lot of these people would do better if they didn’t say everything.


Blair Cottrell: It’s wise to always say less than necessary.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: If you’re someone who’s skillful with the word, then you’ll always want to say more. But it always pays to say less and to have people waiting for more from you and seeking more from. You’re always better off saying less than too much, especially in politics or in any realm of influence. The less you say, the more valuable your words are. Kind of like currency, right? The more money there is in circulation in any country, the less valuable the money is. Or the nation’s currency is because of there’s so much of it. Words are much the same. The more you use, the more you devalue what you have to say.


So, and this is useful on an individual level as well. If you’re trying to relate to other people, if you’re trying to get a girlfriend, you know, sometimes you need to say less.


Joel Davis: Yeah. A lot of people need to lurk more and say less. I think that I definitely agree with that.


But you know, this also relates to this was my take on Telegram, and this relates to what I was driving at a bit earlier about the changing attitudes around the jews. Because studies have been done in this and show that young Right-wingers are way less pro-Israel than older Right-wingers. It’s because younger Right-wingers spend time on the Internet and develop their political opinions on the Internet. And the Internet isn’t as controlled by the jews as the legacy forms of media.


And so you can get jew-critical Right-wing discourse on the Internet that you don’t get in the mainstream media. But boomers aren’t on the Internet, so they don’t know about any of that. Their thought patterns about politics are set by legacy mainstream media. And so they have legacy mainstream media opinions.


And the same thing is true in broad strokes. I think, in Britain, the young people mostly voted for the Left, but young people that voted for the Right, they voted more for the Reform Party, way more than they voted for the Tories. But the reverse was true for older voters.


And so the older 55 plus Right-wing voters in Britain, they still came out and voted for the Tories. And that’s how the Tories basically were able to get more votes than Reform.


So what I said on Telegram was, I don’t know if there’s really a way to reach the boomers. I think basically we’d have to wait for them to die, because I don’t think that they have the capacity to transition to the new form of media that would enable them to, as a matter en masse, as a generation, to transform their thinking into a new paradigm.


Whereas young people, because they’re online the, …


Blair Cottrell: The lukewarm disposition of boomers will die with them, and the new generations will be naturally more radical as a result of the circumstances around us. Right?





Joel Davis: Yeah, it’s the circumstances, but I think it’s also the media diet, because people’s political opinions and tastes are set by the political media that they consume. If you’re developing your political opinions through social media rather than mainstream media, well, that’s going to be a completely different experience.


And so I think the generational gap that we see, and it also works the same for the Left. Like, the young Leftists are more radical than older Leftists because, you know, Left-wing discourse also gets more radical online than it does on television or something. Young people don’t watch television. Young people don’t listen to the radio, they don’t read newspapers, and so that doesn’t determine their political belief.


And it would be a great thing when mainstream media dies legacy, mainstream media dies with the boomers, and we can wipe away that whole paradigm of politics and all the voting patterns that correspond to that.


Unfortunately, by the time that happens, White people will be pretty close to a minority, and about half of White people will be Leftists.


And so we’re going to be fighting an uphill battle. But that’s literally, that’s how the cards have been dealt. It isn’t over! If we can get the healthy half of young Whites onto Team Racism, get them organised, that’s still an incredibly powerful political faction that can determine its own destiny and win back dignity and power for our people.


So that, to me, is what the political project is.


It’s not going to be about winning the next election or something. It’s going to be a multi decade project of trying to win over the culture, over our generation and the younger generations, and change the way in which White people think about politics and get us to start collectivizing and organising around that new paradigm. And the conditions around us are only going to keep getting worse and worse and making it more and more necessary.


So that’s in our favour, in terms of, it’s not really in our favour. It’s against us. But it’s in the favour of us developing this form of politics that we represent.


Blair Cottrell: And it’s not just politics. Politics and society, they overlap a lot. And I think the change needs to be social just as much as it needs to be political. So people need to change their lifestyles, attitudes, their approach to life, their perspective of the world itself and of themselves. All of this changes to be more in line with ethnic nationalism.


And this is the counterculture. Counterculture has an effect on the people socially, not just on the political strata. Everyone changes their whole worldview, and it changes gradually, fundamentally.


But are we ready to move on to the next subject? I think you wanted to bring up an article?


Joel Davis: Yeah, I just also got a Superchat from Gustavus Vasa said:


“How do we donate to the New Chair for Blair Fund?”


Maybe you need to make a chair, …


Blair Cottrell: How do you know? How do I have an uncomfortable chair? I must look uncomfortable. Like, how does he know? You can’t even see the chair. That’s very., … How do you call it? I’m pretty tired at the moment. It’s very perceptive of you to notice. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, we are noticers. Uh, we are a community of noticers.


But I’m going to pull up this article that actually, it mentioned you posted it on your Telegram earlier in the week. I think this is something interesting for us to analyze.


So this is in the Herald Sun.


Blair Cottrell: Sorry, continue.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I’ll just read some of the article, and then I’m keen to get your take on it because, I mean, it mentions you. So:


“Police investigating potential charges against Hash Tayeh., …”


I don’t know how to say this brown person’s name, ..:


“For inciting serious contempt for jews. Leading pro-Palestinian activist Hash Tayeh could face rare hate crime charges with his actions compared to that of far-Right extremist Blair Cottrell.”


And here’s a picture of him. I guess, I think he has a burger shop. I think this is the guy that, …


Blair Cottrell: Did his burger shop get blown up or something?


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think this is the guy that got his burger shop firebombed. Yeah. I don’t think the investigation, …


Blair Cottrell: If you are watching this and you don’t know the circumstances, it had something to do with pro-Israel, pro-Palestinian activists clashing. This guy had a burger shop. He was pro-Palestinian. His burger shop got firebombed. I think it was in the night, I’m assuming, but I’m not sure the details. But the circumstances, the how should I call it, relationship between the Palestinians and the Israeli supporters in Australia is currently burning hot! And it’s got the government anxious. There’s just recently been, … And I think you might bring this article up later as well. There’s a new bureaucrat with a new position, a jewish woman.


I can’t remember her name. I think it might be Jill something, but she’s been appointed by the Prime Minister to stop criticism of Israel.


Basically combat “anti-semitism”, so they say. But really it’s just any criticism of Israel is going to be censored, targeted and stopped on her watch!


Joel Davis: Not just of Israel! Also just jews in general.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I suppose. And she’s paid for, … Her position, salary is going to be paid by working class Australians, whether they like it or not! Right? And not to be too niche or exclusive, the Prime Minister said:


“He’s also going to create a position, the exact same position, but to combat Islamophobia.”


He hasn’t named anyone for this position yet. But I thought to myself:


“Well, where’s the person who’s going to be combating anti-White racism? Where’s the person who’s going to be combating anti-Asian racism? If you’re going to do this for a couple of races, you probably need to do it for all races!”


But that’s obviously not going to happen. But it goes to show, …


Joel Davis: Well, the anti-Asian one might get added.


I mean, I’m sure if they push for that hard enough, they might be able to get it. Or the anti-Indian racism or something. I’m holding my breath for the anti-White racism Commissar!





Blair Cottrell: But you ust got to appreciate the irony that the majority of the working class Australian citizenry, they’re Whites! And they’re going to be paying the salary of a person from a foreign race who’s in a government position preventing criticism of her race, when they themselves don’t even have anyone in government doing that for them! White people don’t have anyone who’s trying to curb or reduce anti-White racism. It’s actually not even recognised! If you try to bring up anti-White racism on a government level in Australia, you’ll be laughed at, and probably just thrown out. So it’s just an ironic, sad situation! But I digress.


Joel Davis: That was actually the next story I was going to bring up after this, but I’ll still bring it up. Because actually I have something to say about that as well.


But I want to get through this because I want to get your thoughts specifically on this and then we can segue into that.


So anyway, they’re going up to this guy for so-called hate crimes, but I believe it’s just for speech. And says here:


“For inciting serious contempt for jews. And it is understood senior police are examining strong parallels between Mr Tayeh’s (whatever his name is) activity in organising and attending protests and that of far-Right extremist Blair Cottrell.”


Now, you were the only person that I think has ever, … Well, it says here:


“Cottrell was in 2017 the first Victorian ever convicted under the Racial Vilification Act for inciting serious contempt for Muslims. He later unsuccessfully appealed the conviction with the decision by county court Chief Judge Peter Kidd. Considered a blueprint for future prosecutions anyway.”


So other than them going after you with this law, I don’t think they’ve really gone after anyone. Maybe, you know, of them going after someone else?


Blair Cottrell: There’s two other people who were charged alongside me. Neil Erickson, close colleague and friend of mine, actually, Neil Erickson. And Christopher Shortas, who was also a colleague of mine and an activist at the time.


So there were three of us that were actually charged. I was the only one to appeal the initial conviction and take it to a higher court to try to have the conviction overturned. That’s why it’s kind of attached to me.


And also the media likes to dramatically oversimplify things.


And so when they bring this charge up, they just bring my face up and my name, I suppose.


Joel Davis: But since that incident, all those years ago, I don’t think anyone else has been convicted under, …


Blair Cottrell: No, they haven’t. They haven’t. No.


Joel Davis: So you’re basically, you were like the guinea pig, and now they’re finally going after somebody else. Although I don’t think he’s actually been charged, I think there’s just pressure mounting from the jews to charge him. So I’m sure he will be charged.


Blair Cottrell: I think this may have come from a tweet. There’s a jewish character on X who has been complaining that I was charged with this specific offence. Because the police are saying that the Palestinian activists aren’t doing anything wrong. There’s nothing they can really charge them with. They’re not breaking the law.


But there’s a jewish character on X, as I said, who’s been using my conviction as an example of how some of these Palestinian protesters could be charged.


And I think finally, some journalists might have picked up on those tweets, those X posts, and that’s what’s caused this article to pop up. That’s what’s motivated him to write it doesn’t seem like there’s that much in it. As you said, no one’s actually being charged. It’s sort of just an article.


I think the most valuable thing that comes from this article, in my opinion, is how much it details the amount of pressure jewish lobby groups can put, not just on politicians, but on the police, to influence how they’re charging people and why. It’s like the police aren’t even free to charge people at their own discretion. They need to be instructed on how to charge people and what to charge them with by jewish lobby groups! People loyal to a foreign nation and supporting a foreign nation are essentially controlling state police, telling them what to do.


Because there’s various different examples how jewish politicians, lobbyists and businessmen are doing exactly that! And those examples are given in that article. Which is really profound information, and that should get people’s ears burning, eyes paying attention.


But anyway, I won’t carry on too much about how the law works in Australia because I don’t want to get too deep into that it’s kind of boring.


But what I will say is, yes, I was among the first people one of the three to be charged with, … The charge they’ve mentioned, but they actually didn’t word it correctly. Again, the media oversimplify things and actually make the reality of what’s actually happening, obscure.


I was not charged with inciting anything, and it was never proved that I incited anything against anyone. That’s not what I was charged with. It’s a lot worse than that! I was charged with:


“Intent to incite, ridicule, revulsion, or serious contempt for a specific class of people, namely Muslims.”


That was the exact wording of the charge. Think about that for a second. Not inciting, “intent to incite”! That means the prosecution in my case did not have to prove that I had actually incited anything. What did they have to prove? They had to prove, they had to go inside my mind, my subconscious, and prove that I wanted to incite people to feel feelings of revulsion or hold contempt towards Muslims. That was the purpose behind my protests at the time. And they successfully convinced the judge of that.





The judge decided that I was guilty through inference, they call it means through his own special reasoning. Being an impressive judge, member of the legal bureaucracy, he’s in a position where he can just decide that I’m lying and the prosecution is telling the truth, and then I’m guilty. That’s how it all went down. It sounds ridiculous, but that’s how it all went down. That’s the truth!


And if they do charge this guy, this Palestinian activist, with the same charges they hit me with, there isn’t any good defense against it. There’s no precedent case where there was a good defense against it.


My defense was that it wasn’t actually my intent to incite, ridicule or revulsion of anyone. My intent was to promote a protest. Because the exact action or activity I was engaged in with my colleagues, that led to me being charged, we were trying to protest a mosque development in Bendigo, a rural Victorian town in Australia. It was early days, and we were focusing on local matters, and we made a dummy out of pillows and we beheaded the dummy, like did a makeshift Islamic style beheading, which still happens in Islamic countries. And there was some fake blood, and we kind of thought it was amusing. But the whole point was to try to drum up support for the protest against the mosque development. Right? That was the point of the stunt. But we were charged for that stunt!


And as I said, the prosecution convinced the chief judge of the county court in Victoria that it was my intent during that stunt to incite revulsion, ridicule, or serious contempt for Muslim people. I said, as I told you just before, I said:


“That wasn’t my intent. My intent was to promote a protest.”


The protest that did take place, and it was quite popular, actually. A couple of thousand people attended. Had the local government a little bit worried, actually, especially the Mayor at the time, Peter Cox, who had his finger in the pie with this mosque and was set to make a bit of money from it, actually. And there’s a lot of details about that I won’t get into, like that we told to the people at the time. We brought this to the attention of the public and the local government, the media, they really didn’t like it! Right?


So that’s the story behind that. And the worrying thing is, it’s a pretty awful precedent and there is no defense against it, as I said. But no one came to my defense when I was charged. It wasn’t like these legal academics who understood that this was a step too far for the prosecution, which it’s not like they came to support me. There was no media support. There was no one saying:


“He’s being discriminated against because of his beliefs.”


Nothing like that. I had one sympathetic lawyer named John Bolton who travelled down to Victoria from Queensland and represented me when he could. Right. I still paid him here and there, but most of the time, like, I didn’t have a lot of money because I was trying to raise funds from my supporters.


And the last element of the story, the last aspect of the story, if you’re interested, still, is, while I was trying to defend myself from this charge and overturn the conviction, my bank accounts got shut down. And I was censored from Twitter and Facebook at the same time. So I wasn’t able to inform my supporters of what was happening in the courts. I wasn’t able to raise money to continue paying the court fees, to continue paying my lawyer. I was blacklisted while I was trying to defend myself in a so-called democracy.


And that’s why I wasn’t able to overturn the conviction, in the end. I just had to accept it because I had no money and I had no way of communicating with my supporters at the time, people who are actually interested in the case and following it was a real eye opener, let me say, as to how things actually work in this so-called fucking democracy in Australia!


Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, it’s also just a ridiculous law.


I mean, the idea that you can’t have contempt, what contempt means is that you basically don’t care about, you don’t consider someone as something that you should care about. Um, what? Like, so it’s illegal to not care about Muslims, or it’s illegal to not care about jews, or it’s illegal to think that other people, or encourage other people to not care about a particular group? So you legally have to care about all of these groups? But of course you don’t have to care about Whites. It’s only these minority groups. But yeah, it’s ridiculous! Like, why do you have to care about identity groups?


Blair Cottrell: But it’s only one. That’s only one element of the charge to the other words are, like I said, if the other words in the charge were “intent to incite revulsion or ridicule”. Ridicule is literally was making fun!


You can’t think about making fun of someone even if they are actually ridiculous! You can’t think about making fun of them and use carrier service without breaking the law.


Joel Davis: You can’t find something disgusting? Like, why not? I mean, it’s a human emotion. You know, it’s illegal to find jews or Muslims disgusting? Why is it illegal?


Blair Cottrell: But it’s not. The point is that was not even what was in my mind at the time. That’s not why I was performing this protest.


Joel Davis: It’s just a ridiculous law, though.




Blair Cottrell: Yeah. We just got approached by a local group of mums from this rural state town in Victoria, and they had all this information about this mosque development and all these, you know, shifty politicians with family members in construction who are going to be making a lot of money out of it. They brought all this to our attention and we’re like:


“Hey, we should expose this. We should go to Bendigo and start some activism against this.”


And this was the result. Intent to incite, ridicule, revulsion. What’s the other one? Serious contempt or something.


I can’t remember the exact wording now, I’ve said it too many times, but the result was I got charged with a “thought crime”. I got charged with a fucking thought crime for protesting against a mosque development that the local community did not want! And they approached us and asked us for help with it, because we had some reach on Facebook at the time.


That’s the whole story, man. And I’ve been through it a few times. It’s one of those things that just kind of got swept under the rug. Because I was so censored, I couldn’t tell anyone about it as it was happening.


And now it’s old news, and so no one cares. It’s just a legal precedent that exists now so they can use it again against someone else. That means. And they’re looking at using it against this Hash guy. But what’s he actually done? They say:


“Oh, they’re comparing his activity to extremist Blair Cottrell!”


Well, what did I actually do that was so extremist? Go to some protests, talk on the Internet. What’s he doing that’s so “extremist”? Well, he doesn’t like Israel, and he’s protesting against Israel. And they say specifically in the details what they’re comparing his activity to, which apparently relates to “extremist Blair Cottrell” is organising and attending protests. That’s what’s got their knickers in a knot! Oh he’s organising and attending protests! How dare he! [word unclear] crime. It’s the same attitude that state police had towards me back in the day.


But interestingly, last comment I’ll make on the whole story, because we’ll move on. We’ve been talking about it for a little while now. Interestingly, you can see that the pressure to use this law against this Palestinian activist is coming from jewish lobbyists, businessmen, and groups and individuals that want him charged. Right.


The first time I showed up to Magistrates Courthouse in Melbourne to answer for this charge, one of the first ever mentions. And I distinctly remember this, I made sure I logged it because it was something I didn’t expect to see. Not so brazenly, anyway. About three or four jewish characters with the what are they called? The little hats on their heads, kippers or yarmulkes? They were in suits, and they were in the courtroom with the prosecution handing them papers! And the prosecution was sitting there saying nothing and nodding as though being instructed!


And then these jewish characters. And this was right before my case. This was in preparation. The prosecution was in preparation for my case, for this thought crime.


And then those jewish characters left the room, and I never saw them again throughout the process of the entire proceedings, all the way up to the county court three years later, I never saw them again.


But I thought:


“What’s that about? Where are they from? What are they doing giving paperwork to the prosecution? And why is the prosecution acting as though they’re being instructed by them?”


So maybe back in 2017, when I was charged, the same characters that are pressuring police to use these charges now, were the same groups and lobbyists who were actually introducing this law in the first place and wanted to set the precedent! Maybe it was the same groups, the same jewish lobbyists? I don’t know. I just remember that’s what I saw.


Joel Davis: Speaking of jewish lobbyists on the story that you mentioned earlier from The Noticer dot news, best news site in Australia:


“Australia appoints jewish lawyer as first, quote, ‘special envoy’ to combat anti-semitism.”


This is her here, named Jillian Segal, or Seagull. I don’t know exactly how you say it either. She’s:


“Been named Australia’s first special envoy to combat anti-semitism. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, he said on Tuesday the appointment had been made as part of, quote, ‘ongoing efforts to preserve social cohesion’ and said the government would soon name a special envoy on Islamophobia.”


I actually replied to this tweet and got more likes than he did. Yeah, suck shit, Albanese! Every time I reply to you on Twitter, I get more likes than you. I think I ratioed him a whole bunch of times, now. It’s quite funny. I’m sure he’s seen it.


I remember the first time I did it, actually. He went on the radio in Adelaide and was crying about it. He didn’t cry about me directly, but he said:


“Oh on social media, the horrible things that people say! And I try not to look at it, but I. But I still check it. And when I check it, I just get horrified at all the horrible racist and misogynist things I see!”


It was just the day after I said something to him which blew up. So, I like to think that he saw that and got triggered by it.


Anyway quMs Segal was born in South Africa before moving to Australia, where she attended exclusive Sydney private school. Kambala. Is a former Deputy Chancellor of the University of New South Wales, served on the National Australia Bank Board, and was president of the Executive Council of Australian jewry.”


So, yeah, she was a jewish banker and, yeah, literally, head honcho of the Executive Council of Australian jewry. She will serve a three year term and report directly to the prime minister and the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, who she will advise on the issue of anti-semitism.”


So in a way, she’s kind of like a jewish Voice to the government.





Blair Cottrell: The three year term is interesting. The three year term suggests that perhaps they hope to have anti-semitism sort of “dealt and done with” in the next three years. They hope to introduce the necessary laws, censorship and pressure to have it all done with within the next three years.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I don’t know. Maybe it’s ust a rolling three year thing and yeah, anyway, she said, quote, as special. Sorry, Albanese said, quote:


“As special envoy Ms Segal will listen to and engage with jewish Australians, the wider Australian community, religious discrimination experts in all levels of government, on the most effective way to combat anti-semitism. Ms Segal will attend the World jewish Congress in Argentina next week in her role as special envoy, alongside other special envoys to combat anti-semitism from around the world.”


So this also indicates, … Is quite interesting. So Australia’s not the only country appointing these special envoys. Everyone, apparently all countries are doing, all around the world and they’re all going to go and meet at the World jewish Congress to talk about how they can basically change the laws of every country in the world to ban criticism of jews!


And part of that criticism will undoubtedly be positing the idea that there is an international jewish cabal that tries to control governments and censor and shut down free speech to prevent criticism of this very fact!


So it’s kind of ironic. You can’t even point out the very thing that they’re doing, because of the very thing that they’re doing.


Blair Cottrell: Like, doesn’t that just verify that they’re doing what you’re accusing them of doing. That’s the point.


But it’s actually exciting, Joel! It’s exciting because this level of tyranny and control always produces a strong backlash! Like this kind of tyranny produces and feeds its own opposition massively! So it’s exciting stuff!


Joel Davis: I like to hope. So I mean, unfortunately they have a lot of this kind of control in some European countries and I haven’t really seen the same backlash.


So, I don’t know, we’ll see. Maybe they’re overstepping the mark at the moment.


Also, I got a Superchat on Odysee from Operation Werewolf. He just sent a Roman. And hail to you sir.


But yeah, continuing on with this article:


“Many Australians criticised Mr Albanese’s appointment of Miss Segal on social media, pointing out there was no such position to combat anti-White racism or Anglophobia.”


As Blair said earlier:


“Someone called Hays Media group said, ‘will you be setting up one to combat Christophobia? Is discrimination against Christians an issue for your government? Do White Australians get a representative to sit at the table for the social cohesion discussions? Asked another.’.”


Blair Cottrell: No, is the answer. No, they do not! [chuckling] They’re not “chosen” enough.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Anyway the jews, they seem, you know what’s interesting as well is that the Attorney General [Mark Alfred Dreyfus] is jewish.


So the guy in charge of, basically the executive branch of the government pertaining to legal prosecution, is a jew! And it says here at the end of the article:


“He is preparing a Hate Speech Bill that will criminalise serious vilification based on race, sexuality, gender, disability, and religion, government sources revealed in May.”


So we’ve already got laws on the books that they’ve gone after you with. They’re probably not happy with those laws. They want to make the laws tougher, an said I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up trying to come after us at some point. I would not be surprised at all! And I say, bring it on! And we’ll see you in court. It’ll be very interesting to see.


Blair Cottrell: I’ve got no faith in due process.


Joel Davis: Neither do I.


Blair Cottrell: I’m contemptuous of court these days. I do have contempt for court these days. But, yeah, I don’t know if I would still go. I’ve always said that if I was summoned to court again for some sort of hate speech charge, I just wouldn’t show up. And when the police came to get me, if I was, if some order was drawn up for me to be arrested or something, I’ll just fight them. Fuck it! I’m at that point where I’m just sick of it, man! I’m sick of having my speech and thoughts controlled! And I’m just ready to defend myself physically from any intervention to prevent me from having the opinions that I have.


So just leave me alone! I recommend you leave me alone. [chuckling] If you’re thinking about intervening in my life in a legal way, if you’re one of those people.


Joel Davis: Well, now that you’ve said that, when they come to arrest you, I’m sure they’ll send, …


Blair Cottrell: Actually, yeah, on a live stream, not a wise thing to say on a live stream was it? Yeah, I can’t really take it back now. And I’m not doing anything illegal anyway, so I’m pretty, uh. As you guys know, I’m, uh, I wouldn’t say careful, but I’m articulate. I word things in a way that’s like not gonna get me into any serious trouble. So I think anyway.


But the problem with these laws that they’re talking about introducing, it doesn’t matter how fair and articulate you are. If you’re criticising the jews in any way, shape or form, the jewish community, Israel! They’ll come for you, and you’ll go to jail! Which is what this guy right here is about to say.


Joel Davis: Yeah, so this is the president of the World Jewish Congress, who we’ve got to have a jew sent as a special envoy by the Australian government to go and meet with. And this is the kind of thing that goes on at these World Jewish Congresses.





President of the World Jewish Congress: All world leaders, all politicians must lead in this effort. Words are not enough! Political speeches are not enough! Laws must be passed, severe, tough, real laws that will put these hate mongers away in prison for a long time! [applause]

Blair Cottrell: Why does everyone there look like a corpse? Everyone there is really old man! Jews should be more scared of death than they are of anti-semitism. They’ve got a lot more to worry about than anti-semitism, such as whether or not their hearts are going to still be beating in the morning! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, jews don’t age well. You know, sometimes younger jews, they look just like Whites, some of them, if they’re a little mixed, but then as they get older, they just become more and more jewish.


Blair Cottrell: That’s what happens when you don’t work out. It’s what happens when you don’t have, …


Joel Davis: What, you just become more and more jewish? You stop working out. [chuckling]


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, pretty much. You don’t work out, you become more jewish! Let’s just, let’s just leave it at that’s a good line.


Joel Davis: [chuckling] It was pretty funny. Yeah. Well, I think we more or less covered that subject.


I mean, I guess an interesting thing to analyze, though, is how the jews going to play this? Because they do have an interesting kind of complexity in how they navigate the Israel issue in combination with their relation to kind of pro-White elements. People like us, we’re not out on the street marching for Palestine. We aren’t waving Palestinian flags. We don’t really care about Palestine. We hate Israel! We don’t want to be giving them money or support or anything. We don’t have any love for the jews. We don’t want jews in our country. We don’t want jews in positions of power in our country, for sure!


But we oppose jews from a pro-White perspective, whereas you’ve got Leftists like communists and so on, and the Muslim diaspora in Australia, out on the streets going hard against Israel. Left-wing voters are very anti-Israel because, you know, they’ve been telling, the jews just spent last year telling all the Left-wingers in Australia how bad settler colonialism is and the poor Aboriginals, and how the land was stolen off the Aboriginals, and now they’re trying to come out and say:


“That them stealing the land of the Palestinians is totally different, though, bro! It’s totally legit. Like, it’s nothing like what the Anglos did, stealing the land off the abos, that was bad! But when we steal land off the Palestinians, that’s great! When we genocide Palestinians, that’s really because the Holocaust!”


And a lot of these Leftists don’t buy it. You know, a lot of Leftists don’t buy it. They like they agree, they’re good little goys that agree that:


“When a more powerful race comes in and takes over land from a less powerful race, that’s a bad thing! ?”


And so they are opposed to Israel and obviously the Muslims are opposed to Israel because the victims in this situation are Muslims. And so they have solidarity with their own group, as you’d expect. And the jews really helped to bring all these Muslims in [to Australia].


So they’ve created this problem where the Right-wing, they kind of need in order to defend Israel, because the Left-wing, the Labor government that’s in right now, they really are trying to play both sides. They’re trying to keep the Muslims and the jews happy and they’re giving a little bit to each side.


But as we talked about on the show last week, the Muslims are getting really agitated by how pro-jewish the Labor Party is, and they’re talking about breaking a way to start their own party. The Greens are very pro-Palestine. Many elements of the Labor Party are very pro-Palestine and kind of getting forced to toe the party line by the establishment and their voters are very pro-Palestine.


In fact, Australia in general, I think the majority of Australians that have been polled think we should recognise the Palestinian state and don’t agree with the aggression of Israel’s actions toward the Palestinians. So Israel is not winning the optics war in Australia or anywhere really in the world. They aren’t popular, and they really aren’t popular with young people, brown or White.


And so they probably don’t want to then go to war against White nationalists right now. If they start trying to take us on and start attacking the Whiteman, they’re going to be attacking maybe the last friend that they have, which is the Whiteman! Because it seems like all these non-Whites don’t really have any love for Israel except for maybe the Indians who love Israel because they hate Pakistan and they hate Muslims on account of being Hindu. So they side with the jews. But outside of them, they’re not really getting much love from any of these other minority demographics.


A lot of young White people are very Leftist. They’re very pro-Palestinian. Or if they’re on the Right, maybe they’re just straight up anti-semitic like us. And so do they really want to be seen going after you, me, someone like Tom, people who the Right-wing White Australians might actually sympathize with and say:


“Hey, wait a second. I thought the jews were supposed to be on Team Western Civilisation and we were going after the Muslims, but now they are going after our side.”





Blair Cottrell: I do see your point, but I’m really not sure. I’m really not sure if they have any legitimate fear. Maybe they do consider things optically from some angle, but there’s always going to be members of their community that get very upset by comments like someone such, if someone such as yourself has made, someone like Tom, and they’re going to kind of go out on a whim and put pressure on police and that kind of thing. As we’re seeing with this Palestinian activists.


It’s my opinion that the Palestinian activists in Australia are currently just a lot louder than ethnic nationalists, and as a result, well, Palestinians, I suppose, are still ethnic nationalists of a certain type. There’s Palestinian nationalists. I’m talking about White Australian nationalists. They’re louder than us, and so they’re just attracting more attention. In my opinion once they’re out of the picture, we’ll be in the scope again, but we’ll just, we’ll see. Time will tell. I can’t be sure.


Joel Davis: Yeah, time will tell. I’m not saying, I’m not making a prediction. I’m saying this is the problem, the bind that they’re in. If they try to go after us and after, you know, communists and Muslims, all at the same time, they kind of risk running out of allies. They kind of risk really isolating themselves. So I welcome them to try it out and see how it goes. Because and maybe that’s why Israel is so aggressive right now.


Blair Cottrell: I don’t think Joel’s had a stint in court for any hate speech charge charge or anything political yet. Joel hasn’t been through the years of turmoil. So Joel’s excited!


Joel Davis: I was talking about this other day.


Blair Cottrell: Joel wants to have a crack!


Joel Davis: I’m fine with going to jail. I got a lot of reading to do. Can do push ups, and I’ll just read so many philosophy books. So I’ll come out with all these notebooks filled with essays, or write like a book in there or something.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, you really would too. Even I did that. Like, I just wrote with a pen and paper, and I had so much or so many rather junk notes that I came out with that I didn’t know what to do with. And I did a lot of reading, too.


But I think every man could benefit from going to prison at least once in his lifetime.


The solitude, the time you get to spend reading the books you’ve always wanted to read and thinking about things, just understanding yourself better and why you do what you do, why you think the way you do you get so much time to do that. And you just formulate a much better understanding of everything. Just that solitude, very important to men, I think. Well, everyone’s different. But in my opinion, it benefited me. It seemed to benefit Tom Sewell as well. Like, he came out a lot wiser.


And I think it would benefit you too.


However, it is a waste of time still! You can still use your time wisely out here in society. It’s just more difficult because there’s more distractions.


Joel Davis: Obviously, I want to be in society. I want to be with my friends. I want to be doing my activism. I want to make White babies. I got tuff to do!


But, you know, at the end of the day, if the enemy wants to put me in a room, isolate me in a room for six months, or a year, if that’s something that I have to go through as part of my struggle, if that’s part of the load that I have to bear, the cross I have to bear in this life, I’ve made my peace with it already. I have zero fear!


I’m not going to go to jail on purpose. I’m going to try, … But I’m also not going to fucking submit to the fucking ZOG tyranny. If they’re going to put me in jail for having an opinion and turn me into a Martyr and turn me into a hero and give me a chance to go and write a book or something, and so I can have free food and free meals, and I have to go to work for six months, be my fucking guest! A year or whatever it fucking is.


Blair Cottrell: It’s wise to operate on the presumption that you’re not going to jail, and I don’t think you will, to be honest.


But look, it’s like, …


Joel Davis: I’m just saying I’m not afraid of these laws they want to bring.


Blair Cottrell: It’s definitely a good attitude to have. It links back into what we were talking about before when I said:


“You can’t be held back by fear of consequence!”


You have to believe in what you believe in! You have to give yourself to it entirely in order to generate the passion that’s necessary to win!


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. It just, the cards that are dealt will be dealt. It is what it is.


Maybe we should go through some Superchats.


But anyway, yeah, I think also, before we get to the Superchats, I just want to impress upon this point, I think the jews are in a bit of an optical bind, because if they want to have war on behalf of Israel in the Middle East, they, ZOG might actually want us to go to war with China. As we mentioned on the show before. They want us to be go at the Muslims, they want us to go at the communists that hate Israel and so on.


If they want their ethno-state defended, they want their empire defended. They’re going to need to let White men have some dignity and express some racism. You can’t have all of these things.


And then in addition to that, be like:


“Fuck White people! Racism is horrible and the most evil thing in the world!”


And completely deny any expression of pro-White sentiment or White Identity. It just simply won’t work!


So they’re going to have to, basically, something’s got to give! The contradictions of the jewish tyranny, they’re too much! They can’t keep subsisting like this forever. Eventually, something’s got to give. The dam is going to break in one direction or another. So I’m just prophesying that and I’m just gonna help accelerate that dam breaking! I’m just gonna play my role in stretching the jewish tyranny out until it cracks! Because I don’t see it as a stable system.


And I don’t think they do either, which is why they’ve been very frenetic lately. Israel’s been making a lot of aggressive actions. I think they feel like:


“When the boomers die, we might not necessarily be able to count on when maybe America’s economy collapses or something. We might not be able to count on the West to defend us. And so we better make hay while the sun shines!”


And that’s probably, probably why they’re ratcheting things up and going more aggressive, both with their tyrannical reforms in Western countries and with Israeli aggression in the Middle East. So put Trump in, try and do another ZOG war or something. You know, I can definitely see that being on the jewish playbook for the coming years.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it’s good observation, and I generally agree. We had a Superchat earlier on in the show, which I saved because I didn’t want to forget about it.


Joel Davis: The feminism one?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Who said that?


Joel Davis: It’s from White Power. White Power said, at what point? Oh, you want to read it? You read it.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I just copied it here, but I forgot to put down the name of the person who asked it. But it says:


“At what point do you feel the women’s rights, feminism movement, went too far? Is there any aspect of feminism that you are in support of?”


All right, well, I think it went too far. The moments it suggested that women were conscious, independently thinking beings.


And I’m not trying to be condescending here. [Joel chuckles] Hey, listen, I’m not trying to be condescending. This is very true of women. Generally speaking. There’s always outliers. You get women who are more conscientious [conscious] than instinctual.


But fundamentally, women are more instinctual. Meaning they’re motivated by instincts, not by conscientious [conscious] thought. Men are conscientious [conscious] or more conscientious [conscious] on average. Meaning they’re thinking about what they want to do, what they want to say, and they’re deciding based on a series of nuances and choices. They’re not entirely motivated by instinct. Men can go against their instinct. This is why women can be the process of approaching women and sparking interest in them, romantic interests. It can be mapped out as though you’re hunting venison. Because venison is an instinctual animal. It can only react in a certain set of ways. It can only run this fast and in these directions at any given moment, depending on its environment and so forth.


But the point is that women are much the same. They’re always going to respond or react in a certain series of ways based on what their instinct is programming them to do in certain circumstance. Right? And so women getting the vote, women being in politics, women running businesses, or being promoted into positions like that, it was wrong, because they don’t think the way men do they don’t think conscientiously [consciously], they think instinctively. And they’re motivated by instinct, by feeling, by survival, by vengeance, wrath, stuff like that. Stuff that’s really not, how should I say, part of a pragmatic, conscientious [conscious] thought process.


And basically that contributes, I think to the, what I suppose you could describe as the gradual downfall of Western civilisation. Women being considered equal to men or at least thinking like men do. Women don’t think the way men do. In a lot of cases, women don’t think much at all! Right.


Well, they might feel that they think a lot, but they’re thinking based on instincts rather than conscientious [conscious] observation or independent thought. And that’s not, I’m not actually trying to take anything away from women. I kind of admire it in a way. I think that’s why women don’t kill themselves most of the time, because it’s in their instinct to survive, usually for the purposes of having and raising children and protecting those children.


But the point is, the reason women don’t kill themselves as much as men do is because their instinct is protecting them from doing that. Men kill themselves because they’re seeing things for what they are and they’re thinking about things based on their conscientious [conscious] thought process. Cold observation. Right.


So that’s my opinion. That’s when feminism went too far.


And I think feminism went too far from the very beginning, in that sense, I don’t think there ever should have been a feminism. It was ridiculous from the start!


Joel Davis: Blair, have you ever read Otto Weininger’s Sex and Character*?


[* Weininger, Otto, 1880-1903. Sex & Character: Https://]


Blair Cottrell: No, but it sounds interesting.


Joel Davis: Yeah. I think you might appreciate that book. I could send you a link, actually, to the audiobook later, if you into it. I got an audiobook version of it. It actually seemed to detail, there may be some analogous ideas to what you express in your own words there, but far more fleshed out.


Anyway, that’s a little book I recommend. It’s an interesting book. I’m not saying I co-sign on everything that’s in the book, but it is a very interesting book.


But when it comes to the issue of feminism, …


Blair Cottrell: What made you think of that book? Was there something in there that was contained in the book, something that I said?




Joel Davis: Yeah. Well basically, Otto Weininger, it’s quite provocative. He basically argues that he doesn’t think women have souls. [chuckling] They don’t have transcendent and they don’t have the capacity for transcendent kind of like self awareness and subjectivity and therefore, like conscientious ethics, and that they are pure instinct.


Blair Cottrell: In an extreme sense. Like I said, there’s always outliers wherever you get some women who, …


Joel Davis: He also says in the book, he says in the book that he’s talking about the Platonic archetype of woman and man and that like most people actually have, most like there’s no pure, pure masculine man or pure feminine woman, but that all women have aspects of masculinity and all men have aspects of femininity in their personalities, …


Blair Cottrell: I’m a living example. Even though I’m a living example of what you were just saying. Because even though I, you know, ostensibly I seem quite masculine and I’m understood as being very masculine, I have a somewhat feminine nature because I’m more intuitive than most men. And the reason I have this understanding of women being instinctual creatures is because I can relate to it somewhat. I’m a survivalist myself. I always want to survive. I would never hurt or kill myself, for example. But I’ve always been able to understand women on a slightly deeper level than most men can. And I think it’s because part of my nature is feminine.


If you look at my astrological chart, it’s almost entirely feminine. There’s a couple of masculine placements, but it’s almost all feminine. That doesn’t make me female! It just means that I’m kind of tapped into the world of instinct and intuition slightly more than most men would be, I think anyway. I feel different on different days, so it’s hard to map it out exactly.


Joel Davis: Yeah. I mean, you’re in touch with your emotions, and you’re kind of like nurturing as well. Oh, you have like a nurturing quality, kind of like, which you could say is like a maternal quality.


Blair Cottrell: You’re saying that in my presence you feel cared for, is that what you’re saying, Joel? That’s nice.


Joel Davis: Well, yeah, you do. Yeah, you do a lot of little things. You are considerate like that. So, yeah, it’s not necessarily a bad trait. I don’t criticising you. It’s a good trait, you know?


But, yeah, Otto Weiningers, he kind of he, again, I don’t co-sign on all of his theories. Uh, he basically was a jewish incel that that ended up committing suicide after writing this book. And he has an interesting, like, part of it where he talks about how the jewish race is spiritually feminine. Yeah, [chuckling] there’s some interesting aspects to the book, and he tries to kind of set up a philosophical case to kind of substantiate his point. He draws a lot from, like, Kantian, like a, kind of like a Kantian Schopenhauerian interpretation of what subjectivity is and what ethics is, and then basically denies that women would have the Kantian transcendental unity of our perception in full faculty.


And he articulates what he thinks of as genius. He says most men don’t have much genius at all, but that genius is a quality that the great men have. And he sees, like philosophers and artists as the truly great men. And that genius is the capacity to perceive the transcendent and to articulate the transcendent, whether it be as an artist, or a philosopher.


And that he says, basically, that woman doesn’t have capacity for genius, [chuckling] that genius is masculine. It’s a pretty provocative thesis. But with intellectual books, it’s not about whether you agree or disagree. It’s about considering the ideas and thinking about the arguments and, just considering the perspective and comparing it to other perspectives. And I think, you know, so whether you find that idea offensive or not, I think it’s an interesting book to read. Nevertheless, it is a very provocative and engaging book.


But he also talks about there being, like, two archetypes of the feminine. And when Julius Evola, in The Metaphysics of Sex, when he talks about Otto Weininger’s work, he kind of rejects the way that he categorizes women as either meeting the archetype of the mother or the prostitute. Evola says this is a very misogynistic framing and reductive framing, and that a better framing would be the mother and the lover as opposed to the mother and [chuckling] the prostitute. But Otto Weiniger, as I said, he was.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, but I would say that’s a very feminist perspective. Evola’s perspective was very feminist.


Joel Davis: I don’t know. I mean, maybe. Yeah, you could say that. Otto Weiniger, though, like, he was an aesthetic. He thought that, like, sexuality was itself that sex was kind of immoral. You know, he had this kind of Schopenhauerian asceticism, and he ended up blowing his brains out. And he was a jew. So, …


Blair Cottrell: It doesn’t sound like he enjoyed his life very much. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! [chuckling]


But nevertheless the maternal archetype, he says, of the feminine, Otto Weininger he says that the maternal archetype, … And again, these are pure archetypes, he says most women have aspects of both, to varying degrees. But he said:


“A woman that is more of a maternal woman, a motherly woman, that she will actually enjoy sex more because basically, she is in touch with the race. She is the Guardian of the race, and she’ll probably get pregnant at a young age. She won’t be too picky about her man, and she will take great pleasure in cucking and in having a big family and being a mother, and she’ll treat her husband in a nurturing, motherly way, be happy to cook for him and take care of him in the kind of conventional, domestic way, and that she’ll take great pleasure in matchmaking. Once she is married herself, she’ll be very interested in trying to match all the younger women up with men and so that they breed, because she basically is the spirit of the race in a kind of pure instinctual form, that’s the perpetuation of the race. And that she’ll have a certain kind of heroic quality, that she’d be willing to do anything for her children, to defend her children from any and all threats.”


But Otto Weininger said he doesn’t actually respect this that much, even though the way I just said it, it seems pretty respectable, because he says that:


“It’s animalistic, that there’s animals that exhibit all of these traits.”


And he says:


“In a way, the prostitute is maybe a higher form of woman because there’s no equivalent in the animal species. But that the prostitute is kind of like a cowardly figure that is that gets more pleasure out of attention from men than the actual act of sex or the act of reproduction., …”


Blair Cottrell: You see a lot of that!


Joel Davis: And yeah:


“Collecting a massive amount of simps, and catching the eyes of men and being enjoyed as an object of desire, as an end of itself, …”




Blair Cottrell: That spirit, the spirit of the prostitute, …


Joel Davis: That’s feminism!


Blair Cottrell: Possesses women of the modern era, doesn’t it? That’s just basically summing up, …


Joel Davis: That’s why I brought this up! Because I think the problem with feminism is that feminism does not celebrate the woman as mother. And I don’t agree with Otto Vinegar. I think the maternal, … I have more respect for the motherly archetype than he does. But he doesn’t have respect for race. He does say pro-Aryan stuff and anti-jewish stuff. He’s a self-hating jew, but he’s ultimately, like a Schopenhauerian ascetic. And for those who don’t know about Schopenhauer’s philosophy, I’ll just briefly mention.


A key idea in Schopenhauer’s philosophy is the idea of the “will to life”. Schopenhauer says that basically, we have, within the self, we have the capacity for a pure subjectivity, which is purely rational, purely disinterested, isn’t led around by the will, which can behold, like a great work of art or mystical insight about God, and that this is what is noble and what is grand in man, in mankind, but that basically, we get sucked out of that mode of subjectivity and redirected out of that mode of subjectivity by the will to life, which is compelling us to go out into the world and breed, go out in the world, have material success, elevate one social position, pair off with a woman and perpetuate the species. Because the will to life is like the force of the race that is within us and directing us away from our transcendent nature, which is pure subjectivity, which is purely immaterial. And it’s trying to drive us into the material world, because the will to life has its own agenda, which is the continuation of the race.


And Schopenhauer kind of has contempt for the “will to life”. He sees it as a lower, animalistic nature. And his philosophy is about how to get beyond it and basically achieve deep mystical insight and artistic appreciation totally independently of this force, of the life force, which he sees as kind of the enemy in his philosophy. And he. Schopenhauer was very misogynistic himself. He wrote a paper called “On Woman”, which is one of the most misogynistic pieces of philosophy ever written, where he basically really denigrates women and advocates for polygamy and wife beating and so on.


Blair Cottrell: And this guy shot himself, right?


Joel Davis: No. Otto Weiniger. I don’t know if he shot himself. He killed himself. Schopenhauer did not shoot himself. No. But Schopenhauer was a massive influence on Otto Weininger. Schopenhauer was a massive influence on a lot of people. He was one of Hitler’s favourite philosophers. Nietzsche really built off Schopenhauer, and he really ended up turning on Schopenhauer and criticising a lot of his ideas. Schopenhauer was a massive influence on Richard Wagner. So he’s a very important figure in history of Germane culture.


But anyway, he was also very influential on Weininger.


And the reason why I’d bring that up is Because Weininger shares that view, that the life force, he doesn’t respect it. He sees it as a lower, earthly, material nature. And he is a Christian mystic who basically wants to get away from the material world and sexuality and so on, and move towards God, move towards the transcendent, which he sees as kind of antithetically opposed to it.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, …


Joel Davis: I don’t like that kind of worldview. I disagree with that worldview. So I view the motherly instinct in the woman as actually something that’s quite beautiful. And I see the perpetuation of the race as something that’s quite beautiful.


Blair Cottrell: The race is material. So as a racial, …


Joel Davis: I don’t think it is just material.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, but material things and life. It’s kind of all we have while we’re here. That’s all that’s tangible anyway. And I don’t think, like, seeking death is a wise thing to do, because what that philosophy kind of entails is that death isn’t a bad thing because death would theoretically move you on from the decadence of materialism and that kind of thing and worldliness. And I kind of understand that in a way.


But I also think that we’re here for a reason. I think it’s not easy to get here. I think it’s not wise to seek death, because even if reincarnation is a real thing and you do find your way back here eventually, it’s not guaranteed, and I think it’s quite difficult to do. So while you’re here, you really want to make the most of it! It’s not easy to get here. Don’t seek death. That’s how I feel. It’s what my intuition tells me.





Joel Davis: Yeah, I think it’s pretty natural to not seek death. It’s pretty rare that someone. That someone commits suicide.


But also, I just don’t like the harsh duality between spirit and nature. I think God created nature with purpose and that spirit and nature are imbued with one another. I don’t think putting them in opposition to one another is healthy at all! I think it’s actually very destructive in both directions.


But anyway, the point, though, is that I think what feminism is is this prostitute archetype, the liberation of woman as, and ironically, as object of desire in a certain sense, and as a free agent to basically extricate herself from maternal duties and to extricate herself from maternity as such, and instead to become just something that can be frivolously enjoyed without any kind of larger meaning. The disconnection of woman from the race, the disconnection from women from family, from blood, from, I think, an actual purpose.


And a lot of women think that:


“Oh, I’m being liberated now, I can go and build a career!”


And so on.


Like, what for? I mean, the reason why men are building careers, …


Blair Cottrell: Then you die. Then you die, and you leave it all behind.


So what’s the point?


Joel Davis: The reason why men are building careers is because they’re trying to create wealth to pass down to their family. They’re trying to participate in the advancement of their race. They’re trying to participate in the advancement of their nation.


Blair Cottrell: I think women project their own motivations onto men.


What I mean by that is women think men want power in the corporate or business world just for power’s sake, because that’s how women think. But that’s not true. Men don’t seek out, no guy wants to be a CEO, just be a CEO. You know, he want, as you said, he’s doing it for a reason. And that reason trickles down to family, always!


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, in general. I mean, there might be some outliers, but those people would be, would be psychopaths. Those people would be seriously defective and living a nihilistic and meaningless life. There’d be like, a Patrick Bateman or something, like someone who’s just seeking status out of this kind of sociopathic desire to, like, dominate over others and ascend, like meaningless social hierarchies without any overarching purpose or meaning. No that is, that’s actually disgusting!


So yeah, and I think, and feminists have no respect for maternity. They have no respect for, they view it degrading to be a mother in the home. I think it’s more degrading to be a man, having to go out and work as a ZOG slave for 8 hours a day plus, five days a week, and then come home and pay for, and you’re basically like, you’re kind of enslaved to your wife. If your wife’s at home and you’re out working, and then you come home, and then your wife gets to spend all your money while she’s basically at home, just like in the house that you pay for, enjoying the benefits of your labour, …


Blair Cottrell: But she spends your money for food for you. Like, she’s buying stuff for you.


Joel Davis: Yeah. No, of course, it’s for the family.


But in a certain, you could look at it in a certain sense of, like you’re kind of serving her in on a certain level. She’s the aristocrat of leisure, …


Blair Cottrell: I know what you are saying.


Joel Davis: But of course, then she’s supposed to serve you. She’s supposed to take care of you. She’s supposed to massage you and love and affectionate, nurturing, and so then it’s all kind of even. Take care of your children.


Blair Cottrell: The irony of it is that women had it so much better then. And we were, women went in a position where they had so much more time, freedom and leisure, and all they had to do was just cook a meal every now and then and keep the place clean. They didn’t have to go out and bust their arse with some company and pay tax, and overheads and licensing and registration and mortgages and so forth.


So this goes to show that through the correct application of words or propaganda, you can literally make people believe anything. You can make women believe that becoming a wage slave for ZOG is liberation. Like, I see women standing on the street holding these stop slow signs in the rain or in summer heat on 38 C degree days, completely covered, because that’s company legislation, or what do you call it, policy. You can’t expose any skin to the sun because you might get skin cancer. And we can’t have people suing the company. So even on the hottest days of the year, down here in Australia, they’re completely covered in jackets and long pants and hats, and they’re standing there for 9 hours a day in that heat, that sun, stop slow sign on the “lollipop”, we call it down here on road traffic.


And I think to myself as I drive past these women:


“Do you feel liberated? Do you feel liberated? [chuckling] Seriously?”


Joel Davis: And yeah, I think you will never, as a woman, you will never really experience love that is truly meaningful outside of the context of, like husband and children. You know, outside of that, you are just an object of pleasure. Like, you don’t have any deeper meaning than that you can only become more than that through becoming a wife and a mother. Then you become the Guardian of the blood of, you become the Guardian of the race. When someone is the mother of your children, it’s not the same thing as when they’re your girlfriend. And when someone’s your mother, I mean, she literally gives you life, you know, there’s, that’s a different kind of love. She nurtures you into existence. It’s a special kind of Bond that no other Bond can really measure up to.


So, yeah, ultimately that’s way more satisfying and dignified than any career path or, yeah, being admired for having nice tits or whatever, because you’re down at the gym dressed like a hoe, bending over in front of men or something. And they’re looking at your butt, …


Blair Cottrell: The woman with three healthy children has achieved so much more than the woman with 100,000 Instagram followers or the lawyer or the established media bureaucrat. The woman with children who are healthy, she’s achieved so much more.


Well, let’s close the subject to move on. I had someone who just reposted his Superchat because I missed it. Its Mr Anglo, he says:


“I, as an Englishman, deeply envy Aussies for having you three soldier like trio. We in the UK lack hardened men like you, Blair and Sewell.”


Well, thanks, mate! That’s very kind of you to say:


“Would you guys agree that the beating heart of world jewry is in the UK?”


I would say it’s in America. What do you think, Joe?


Joel Davis: Yeah, definitely transplanted to America.


I mean, there was probably a time it transplanted from Amsterdam to London after the Glorious Revolution, but then, yeah, then it really established itself in the United States, particularly in New York, but also Hollywood and DC. The main centres of power in the United States. Incredibly jewish. But I know from being in Manhattan, there’s a shitload of jews there! The place feels really jewish.


I mean, even the accent of how none jewish Whites talk that come from New York, it has like Yiddish elements to it. That’s how, …


Blair Cottrell: Give an example of the accent. Can you give it to us?


Joel Davis: I don’t want to try.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I’m walking here! Come on! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: That was pretty bad. I don’t want to do. [chuckling] I don’t do it on stream to us. I don’t know, maybe someone’s in the chat. Hey, send me a Superchat if you want me to do it. I’ll do it for. I’ll do it like in the spirit of Judaism, send me your shekels and I’ll do my New York accent. No, Ivoryan said, …


Blair Cottrell: Joel’s dancing for shekels! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: [chuckling] Ivoryan said:


“Would you ever interview Thomas Rousseau on your show?”

Well, we’ve interviewed Thomas Rousseau on this show twice, actually, already!
But that was when we were still on YouTube. You might find them floating around an Odysee or something. If you can’t find it, let me know. Maybe I need to re-upload some stuff that got lost when YouTube got banned. So let me know if you guys struggle to find it. But I think it’s on Odysee.


But yeah, we interviewed him twice. He is a friend of the show. We do support Thomas. We do support Patriot Front. I’m talked to quite a few members of Patriot Front online. They’re all great guys. I admire what they do. We all respect what they do.


Obviously, we do things differently in Australia than how they do things.


But, you know, they’re pretty impressive, I think, in the way that they’re able to conduct successful street marches at a decent scale. Good numbers, cool uniforms. Thomas is a really good guy and all power to them! They’re getting out there and trying to do something.


“What do you think of flash demonstrations as a way to control public discourse?”


Do you want to answer that and give you just a general opinion on Patriot Front?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I was going to say that I love the guys at Patriot Front and what they’re doing. They very well put together, very professional. They seem really organised. And Thomas seems like a capable, respected leader.


And I was really happy to be involved in the first interview we did with him. I don’t think I did the second as well. I can’t remember.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think the second one was me and Tom, and like Tom Sewell and Thomas Rousseau, whereas the first one, I think, was you and I and Rousseau.


Blair Cottrell: Flash demonstrations is a way to control public discourse? It all depends on the kind of media framing and resources you have to control the narrative after the demonstrations.


I mean, the demonstration is only one piece of the puzzle. Very quickly, after the demonstration, if you think your work’s done when the demonstration is done, you don’t know politics. You have to get to work, you know, doubly as hard after the demonstration to frame the narrative, to make sure people understand what happened from your perspective, and to get your propaganda out there to combat the sort of slander and hostile propaganda that’s going to be bombarded against you by all the major publications. The enemy has more resources than us, but we have the truth on our side. So we actually need to do less work!


But we still need to work hard enough to frame a narrative after a flash demonstration or events. If we don’t put in the work to do that, most people don’t actually attend the event. Right? Most people don’t go there and see for themselves what’s going on. So if most people get their information only from the enemy, then that’s what they’re going to believe.


So that’s my opinion of those flash demonstrations. You really need to put in the work to frame the narrative afterwards. If you’re not going to do that, there’s not much point doing the demonstration in the first place.





Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. I thought Rousseau did quite well when he got interviewed on, I can’t remember the name of the guy. Patrick Bette David, I think he’s like a Persian immigrant to the United States who’s insinuated himself into the American conservative movement. But he has millions of followers on YouTube. I hadn’t really seen much from him before, other than I think he took a shot at Ben Shapiro, which went viral, which kind of interesting, I guess. I think he was taking a shot at the at the jews from a Christian kind of perspective, because I think he’s a Christian.


Anyway, he interviewed Thomas Rousseau, and he actually ended up being quite hostile towards him through that interview. Obviously, he felt personally slighted by Thomas Rousseau being a White nationalist. And I don’t know if Thomas would agree with that categorisation. He would probably call himself an “American nationalist”. But then he also qualifies it by saying:


“The American nation is of the European race.”


So, you know, he’s a White nationalist, I think, by most people’s definitions.


Blair Cottrell: Joel. Skeletor Two. Sorry to interrupt you with this. I just have to get this in there and see how you respond. Skeletor Two sends $50.


Thank you very much. And he says:


“Joel, sing an Alison Chain song in a New York jewish accent. You gotta sing at least one line from a song.”


Joel Davis: I have no idea! How the hell could you? I don’t know how to sing in New York. I could maybe try to talk in New York. I don’t know how to sing it.


Blair Cottrell: The first song that’s coming up is called “Love, Hate, Love”. And the first line in the lyric is:


“I tried to love you. I thought I could.”


Come on, you’ve got to sing that. “I tried to love you. I thought I could”.


Joel Davis: I honestly don’t know how to do that it’s beyond me.


Blair Cottrell: Come on, you just got $50! You said if someone paid you would do it.


Joel Davis: I didn’t say I would start singing in New York accent! I said I could imitate a New York accent.


Blair Cottrell: Here’s the deal! You don’t have to sing it. Just say it. “I tried to love you. I thought I could.”

Joel Davis: [chuckling] That’s hard one, because usually when I do a New York accent, I say shit like:


“Oh, I toook my dooog for a waalk to get a hot doog. And, hey, I’m waalking here!”


You know, like that kind of shit! Like I don’t know how to say just anything in New York. I’ve got catch-phrases.


Blair Cottrell: I’m just glad we got you to do the accent at all!


Joel Davis: Sorry. All right. Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: I’m happy.


Joel Davis: So asking me to sing in New Yorker I don’t even know how to do that. I’m sorry.


Blair Cottrell: It would have been hard. Hey, to be honest, it would have been hard. I can’t even, like. I would try it, but I can’t even, like, think of how I would sing that in a New York accent. That’s a whole different ballpark of linguistics.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Because, like, when New Yorkers sing, they don’t have an accent anymore! They just sound normal! Like, they only have an accent when they talk. That doesn’t translate to singing, as far as I know.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Actually, even poems, even Englishmen, when they sing, they sometimes sound American, I’ve noticed. What’s with that?


Joel Davis: Well, it’s just everyone who speaks English kind of sounds the same when they sing, whether you’re Irish or Scottish or American or Australian or whatever. There’s certain exceptions, like, if you think of certain English singers who really kind of have a strong, like, you think of Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols, or the guy from Oasis or something, like, they’ve got a really, like. Or the guy from Blur. They’ve got, like, a really, like, English, like, Damon Alban, I think his name is. The guy who was also the singer of Gorillaz. They’ve got a really, like, quintessentially English style of singing. They’ve got this, like, attitude through how they sing. Or even, you could even say, maybe even John Lennon from the Beatles. He kind of has a little bit of a twang that represents that scouser accent.


But with those exceptions put to one side, generally speaking, accents don’t come through in most styles of singing, only if it’s really played up. So yeah that’s my observation. Maybe people can disagree.


On the subject of, there was one more Superchat here. It says, someone attacked you, Blair. He said:


“Why does Blair like androgynous looking females wearing hoodies?”


Blair Cottrell: Oh, no, no, no! Wait, wait, wait! That wasn’t our Superchat. That was just something I put in the.


Joel Davis: You got triggered?


Blair Cottrell: I wanted to know what they meant by that. I was like:


“Has this person seen me with someone?”


Like, what are they, …


Joel Davis: How do they know? Yeah, how do they know? Do you even like, why do, …


Blair Cottrell: Why do I like females, androgynous females wearing hoodies? And I think it was in relation to the hoodie that I was wearing last time belonging to a female.


But I resolved the problem in the comments section. I just got a little bit more information on what that person was actually asking, but it wasn’t a Superchat, so it doesn’t get airtime.


Joel Davis: Thor 91 Centre sent an O7. Like, you know, one of these.


Blair Cottrell: So, yeah, salute. Salutations!


Joel Davis: But yeah, people are saying Blair’s kind of suss for being pro-hoodie.


Blair Cottrell: In what way?


Like I’ve said before that I don’t mind strong looking women. Strong looking women. Again, when you’re as big as I am, even the big women still seem like normal women. Right?


And I’m not just saying I’m a huge guy. I’m not trying to blow my own trumpet, but there is reasoning behind it. A strong looking woman is going to give you strong children. I don’t want to frail woman. I don’t want a little girl. I want a girl that’s got, like, strong legs, strong arms, bit of muscle. So then the child I have is going to have good muscular genetics. Pretty much simple mathematics, isn’t it?


Joel Davis: Yeah. That’s totally not gay! [chuckling]


Blair Cottrell: I’m a known appreciator of women, so I’m not explaining myself here. Just spitting facts, man! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: [chuckling] Necromantic on Odysee sent a Roman.


And then this guy on Odysee, he sent less than 0.01 of the Odysee crypto dollars that are worth less than a dollar.


So he basically sent, like, not even a cent.


So that’s kind of funny. But we’ll read out your Superchat anyway. [chuckling] Secure the Future of Our People, said:


“Thoughts on the Lucas Gage situation? Sam Parker is doing a good job mounting a defense and made Elon respond. Maybe Twitter Spaces and campaigns are the way to bring Tom back to?”


Okay, so thoughts on the Lucas Gage situation? I don’t know if Blair is even aware of the Lucas Gage situation. He was temporarily banned, but I saw that he got restored. He hasn’t posted yet, so I don’t know if he’s locked out of his account. But Musk basically said that he would be banned for six months for inciting violence against jews.


And the example that he gave was:


“Could be construed as him calling for jews to be expelled or removed from society or expelled from America.”


I don’t think that’s the same thing as inciting violence, because the only way in which that could actually be carried out would be with the state. And I think, therefore, it falls into the purview of a political opinion. And everything that the state does in a certain sense, is backed by violence. Like, if you don’t pay your taxes and the state comes to forcibly seize your assets, does that mean that advocating for income taxes means that you’re inciting violence against people who won’t pay taxes? No! I don’t think advocating for mass deportations of a particular group is inciting violence. I think it’s a political opinion.


So you’re advocating for something the state would do. I think, therefore, it’s should fall under the category of political speech. He’s not saying individuals should just go out in-groups of ten and engage in terroristic violence against people or something. He’s clearly not implying that with what was posted.


So I thought that was kind of bullshit from Musk.


And I think if he was speaking similarly about any other group other than jews, maybe it would have been overlooked. But the jews have extra protections than everybody else for obvious reasons. So that was my thoughts on that situation.


But, yeah, obviously it’s good to pressure Musk. I thought it was good to see Musk getting hounded by people. Because the thing is, it’s like, whether you like Lucas or not, I don’t agree with Lucas Gage on quite a few things. Tom and I, …


Blair Cottrell: Did you guys, didn’t you have him on a show and had a discussion with him, didn’t you?


Joel Davis: Yeah, we did. Tom and I did a show with him. When was this? Now I’m trying to think. I think it was like six months ago almost.


And also I had a Twitter space maybe a month or two after that, and he jumped on. And we disagreed on some things.


So I don’t see eye to eye on Lucas on everything, but he kind of goes for that big tent anti-semitism, bring everyone together against the jews approach. I don’t think that’s correct. I talked about on the show many times. I believe in bringing White people together for our own interests.


And we have enemies as a people, but it’s primarily about coming together for our own interests. I don’t want to ally with a bunch of brown and black people against jews. I want to ally with White people for White people. And that’s the basic fundamental distinction.


But anyway, nevertheless, I think he should have free political speech. Definitely! I think it’s good that he, … I mean, I’m not a fan of jews, so I don’t really have a problem with him criticising jews. A lot of what he says about jews is obviously quite accurate.


So I don’t see him as, like, an enemy or anything. I just don’t agree with his approach. But he says a lot of things I agree with. Sometimes he posts, like, Hitler speeches on Twitter to millions of views and things like that. And he backed me up after I debated Drew Pavlou, and he said:


“I did great in the debate.”


And he does say pro-White stuff as well. So, it’s not like he never says pro-White stuff. I just don’t agree with everything he says. But you don’t have to agree with everything that anyone, … I don’t agree with everything that almost anyone says. But they shouldn’t be banned from Twitter, particularly when the jews want someone banned for anti-semitism or it’s an unfair application of the rules, in my view. I think we should defend them even if we don’t ideologically agree with them on all points, because we want the maximum amount of pressure to be placed for there to be free political speech on Twitter over anything controversial. Because everything that we say is controversial. So we want political speech which is controversial protected across the board. Particularly if it’s associated with anti-semitism or racism or anything like that.


So I think it’s good that Musk got pressured, and I think it’s good to see him trying to explain himself to people on the timeline, justify himself. And, yeah, I don’t know if we can build up enough pressure to get Tom reinstated.


Also, I think Tom still hasn’t actually appealed his band. I think maybe if he appeals it, it might actually be successful, because the band seemed like bullshit! And I think he’s just taking a break from Twitter or something. As far as I know, he actually hasn’t had an appeal rejected yet. He hasn’t lodged the appeal, so he should. He should appeal first, and that might work.


But in order to be able to put pressure on Musk to respond, you have to be a pretty high profile figure internationally. Lucas Gage has 300,000 followers. He regularly has tweets that get millions of views. He really does a really good job of getting a lot of attention on Twitter. So because he can get so much attention on Twitter, it’s a bigger deal when he gets banned or someone like Nick Fuentes gets banned just because of the sheer quantity of attention. The attention on people like us just isn’t at that same quantity.


So it’s a lot harder to get Musk to respond to anyone, because he doesn’t really feel the pressure from us down here in Australia like he feels it, …





Blair Cottrell: Well, he would be a busy guy. He’d be a really busy guy. So getting into his field of vision, even just for a moment, you’d need to be a pretty significant character to do that. Otherwise, you could just fluke it. Maybe.


But we’ve had another Superchat from Whitler 88 Lose. Maybe I’m saying that wrong, but he says, he’s asking you, Joel:


“How would a fair and moderated debate between Fuentes and Peterson go?”


I’ve got to say, that sounds really interesting. Fuentes and, what’s his name? Jordan Peterson. I think Fuentes. I think Nick would have him in a corner. I really think he would. I think Peterson would do his best to try to skillfully talk his way out of that corner.


And so that’s why I think it would be interesting to watch.


Joel Davis: Yeah, obviously, it would be an interesting event. I mean, because they’d pretty, …


Blair Cottrell: I don’t think Peterson would do it. Peterson wouldn’t risk it.


Joel Davis: No!


Blair Cottrell: He has too much to lose.


Joel Davis: I think he’s already publicly stated that he has no interest in doing it. But it would be interesting, because the debate would be mostly about jews and anti-semitism, and Peterson would be trying to psychologically diagnose the pathologies of Nick’s mind and why he’s a hateful anti-semite! And Nick would probably start attacking Jordan Peterson and the fact that he’s a philo-semite and the fact that his wife kind of looks jewish.


That’s the thing. I want to put that out there. Does anyone know if his wife has jewish ancestry? Because I saw a clip of her speaking recently, and she had a jewy look to her face, and I think their daughter looks kind of jewy as well. I don’t think Jordan Peterson has any jewish ancestry. He looks very Anglo-Celtic to me. You know, he’s just Anglo-Celtic Canadian. But his wife really does have that look. And maybe it’s not true, but if anyone has any information, send it my way, because I’m curious if he’s married in with a jewish bloodline. That would really explain his philo-semitism.


Blair Cottrell: He’s definitely come across the jewish question, because he’s quoted Solzhenitsyn. Is it Solzhenitsyn, is that how you say it?


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. He’s quoted his books and then just casually dismissed this other book, what’s it called? Certain amount of years together. Solzhenitsyn.


Joel Davis: Yeah. That’s like 500 years ago or something [200 Years Together].


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. But that’s specifically about the jewish role in Soviet communism and the Gulags. And Peterson has written a forward., … [words unclear] Yeah, I think it’s like not just the jewish role in Soviet communism, but the jewish role in the execution of the Tsar, the revolution, and the events leading up to that in the decades preceding. And the Gulag Archipelago. Is that how you say it?


Joel Davis: Archipelago?


Blair Cottrell: Archipelago. You can tell that I read because I pronounce words how they sound, but I wasn’t actually educated in the language by a professional, so I do that quite a lot. You’ll have to forgive me. But Jordan Peterson has written a foreword in those publications.


But then when he was asked, I remember specifically during a certain interview, it may have been when he was in Australia, actually, years ago, when he was on the Griff Train, which I suppose he’s still on to some degree, making busts of himself! He actually sells busts of himself on his website! I’m not kidding! Like little plaster busts. He was asked specifically about Solzhenitsyn’s other book, Two Hundred Years Together. And when he was asked about it, he paused, he took a sip of his water. He continued to look at the floor for a few moments, and he just said, he shook his head and said:


“I can’t do it! I can’t comment on that!”


Joel Davis: Yeah, I remember that.


Blair Cottrell: That was his reaction to being questioned directly about the jewish question. So he knows, but he doesn’t touch on it.


And so that’s why he’s got no interest in obviously debating or speaking with Fuentes, because he would have to talk about it and he doesn’t want to risk it.


Joel Davis: Not only is he a massive philo-semite, I mean, he’s like literally done sit down interviews with Benjamin Netanyahu and talking about justifications for the Israeli state. He works for Ben Shapiro at the Daily Wire now. Like, he is so plugged in with jews, it’s crazy!


And I don’t know about all of his historical connections, but it seemed like he was promoted when he blew up as a de-radicalisation op because he’s talking about Nietzsche and Carl Jung and a lot of these subject matters, intellectual subject matters that budding Right-wingers would be interested in, and tried to redirect energy into this kind of anti-collectivist, classical liberal kind of angle, Judeo-Christian morality angle and so on.


So it definitely seemed like, he’s obviously a conservative, like a pro-jewish conservative by the contemporary definition of what the conservative now believes, which isn’t actually really conservative of anything. But we know this.


But I think he was actively promoted, probably as a de-radicalisation op, and then it probably was working to a certain extent. And he would proudly boast of how:


“Oh, I led people away from the Alt-Right and brought them back to classical liberalism.”


And things like that, when he was on the kind of ascent.


But then I think he lost a lot of legitimacy by putting himself forward as this great psychologist and the dad that you never had and all this kind of stuff.


And then he had a total mental breakdown. He was abusing psychological medication, …


Blair Cottrell: Combination of benzos and anti-psychs. I think he was addicted to., … He first he started becoming addicted to Valium and then started hitting harder stuff.


I read a really interesting report that basically encapsulated the series of events which led to his spiral downward. And he went to Russia and got some experimental therapy that his daughter encouraged him to get. And it actually made him a lot worse, I think. And I don’t know, I can’t remember all the stages of his decline, but I know that the guy has seriously struggled with prescription medication, …


Joel Davis: I’m sorry, his daughter is a whore.


Blair Cottrell: She was hanging around with Andrew Tate for a while just for attention, but I don’t know the story myself.


Joel Davis: Posing in underwear on the Internet and things like that.


Blair Cottrell: Like most women these days. I mean, most women, you can find pictures, …


Joel Davis: No!


Blair Cottrell: In their underwear on the Internet. It’s just how things are now. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: But I don’t think that’s actually true. I think maybe it’s like 40% of women, and then there’s like, 60, so she’s in the 40% more whorish women, you know, at the very least. [chuckling]


Blair Cottrell: Anyway, that’s probably true.


Joel Davis: Probably a reason why a lot of them don’t have underwear pictures on the Internet is because they’re too fat to look good in the underwear pictures. I don’t know.


Blair Cottrell: Hey, wait. The women who are taking antidepressants, for some reason, their inhibitions are affected by the antidepressants and they’re still getting around in skimpy outfits, even though they’re very overweight, and they don’t seem to feel like there’s a problem with it. I don’t know whether it’s a combination of that kind of “body positivity” movement that’s going on, but I definitely think it’s influenced by the SSRI’s. Antidepressants just make people less ashamed of themselves. They make people do things they wouldn’t usually do because they’d be too anxious or ashamed. So weaker inhibitions, obviously, are a result of that.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


But anyway, Peterson is a joke! I mean, he had that period where he kept bursting into tears all the time, and, like, I think a lot of people got wise to him just being one of these babblers. He’s the dumb person, smart person! Like, he has a way of saying nothing and making it seem really sophisticated, if you’re a fucking midwit! And, yeah, he just spent all this time clamouring for Internet censorship and demanding, like, abolishing anonymity online, and now he’s clamouring for the censorship of anti-semites with his whore daughter. And that was what his argument with Nick Fuentes was about earlier in the week.


But he’s supposed to be this classical liberal, free speech guy, who is all about individualism. But when anonymous trolls are attacking him on the Internet for being a mess and a philo-semite, or when people are saying things critical of jews on the Internet, now, all of a sudden he becomes an authoritarian, just like his supposed enemies.


So his supposed political enemies on the left that he rose to prominence by refusing to comply with, you know, compelled speech to refer to transgender people or something like, he took an easy double-you on an issue that everyone agrees with, which is the trans issue and free speech, but he won’t actually apply it. When it gets hard, when it gets to, like, affecting him personally or affecting the jews, then all of a sudden, now he’s just basically a communist.


Blair Cottrell: Much like. Much like Ben Shapiro. Ben Shapiro did the same thing, took the easy double-you on basic trans questions, built some notoriety, and basically same result now, too.


But I think Peterson’s time in the sun is definitely done.


I’ve got to go. Something’s come up, and I’ve got to shuffle off. We’ve been streaming for almost two and a half hours. There’s a couple more Superchats to go through, guys, which Joel will go through before he finishes up.


Joel Davis: Oh, yeah.


Blair Cottrell: Because you got to read the Superchats. I think there might only be one more from Rumble.


Joel Davis: There’s also a couple from Entropy that I’ll touch on that with, …


Blair Cottrell: Stay with Joel. Stay with Joel. He’ll read up your Superchats and finish up the stream. But it was good to see you all or be with you all. I can’t see you. But I will be here again next week and we’ll continue the conversation, get into the news. I’ll see you then. See you guys!





Joel Davis: Okay, so Mr Anglo said, referring back to my previous Superchat, He sent the Superchat asking about, is the UK the world centre of jewry, the beating heart of world jury? He asked, he said:


“Referring back to my previous Superchat, I believe I worded it wrong. Do you guys think the UK is the most far-Left anti-White nation in all of the English speaking world, or would Canada or the EU win?”


I mean, it’s pretty bad in Canada, it’s pretty bad in Britain. I think the Police State in Britain, the way that it treats White nationalists is probably as bad as it gets, in the Anglo-sphere. It probably could be even worse in Germany.


But in the Anglo-sphere, I think Britain is about as bad as it gets. They got the strictest laws on speech, on political speech, and they are willing to go harder, the state, to kind of prosecute and put people in jail, as we’ve seen with people like Sam Melia getting five [two] years prison. What was it, two years? I can’t remember if, I think he got two years prison over stickers. And other people getting five and seven year sentences over, just basically engaging in White nationalist political activism.


So, yeah, I don’t think we see that kind of thing in the other Anglo-sphere countries at that level. Like, people have gone to jail, but not those kind of sentences that you get in Britain. And just that kind of that tendency of someone will get drunk and make an edgy, racist tweet on Twitter and maybe not even be that political, and they get knocked on the door from the cops. You know, that doesn’t happen in Australia, not yet. So I don’t think that even happens in Canada.


So I think Britain probably is about as bad as it gets in that respect.


But the mass immigration, the negrophilia, and so on. It’s pretty bad, but it’s all pretty bad. I don’t know. It’s kind of like a pointless question. It’s kind of fucked everywhere. Australia by per capita, I think we were taking more immigrants over the last two years than even Britain was.


So we’re getting browner faster than even Britain is so it depends which way you want to slice it. I think the Australian population is probably more Right-wing, on average, than the British population. But that’s partly because one of the most Right-wing demographics, the most nationalist demographics in Australia is all the immigrants from Britain. They’re more Right-wing than, on average, than native born populations.


So there’s a certain amount of White flight to Australia perhaps, that we’re benefiting from.


Anyway, I don’t know if that answers your question, but that’s what I got for you. On Entropy. Slavic Luckovic. Well, he also asked on here:


“How would a moderated debate go between Fuentes and Peterson?”


We answered that. He also said:


“Joel, do you think Lucas Gages retarded sperging is to any benefit in the counter-semitic movement?”


You know, I think sometimes he can be a little bit hysterical, which is kind of ironic. It’s kind of like almost the way that, like, a hysterical jew can kind of over exaggerate to the point that it’s harder to take them seriously.


And I think maybe if he chilled a little bit and explained his points, a lot of people would find that more persuasive.


But, you know, he’s got a bigger following than me.


So obviously he’s playing to some market, but some people argue that he’s playing to maybe a less sophisticated market with some of his antics. You know, so I’m someone who engages in antics. I get criticised for being too edgy. But so, who am I to talk?


But I think being edgy has its benefits. I don’t think the problem is edge. I think it’s just about you’re putting yourself forward in having an intelligent point. And I don’t think hysteria plays well. I think you want to stay calm. You can show passion. But when you, like, when everyone was sending all the pizzas to his house and he was like:


“The jews are sending pizza deliveries to my house!”


I think that was kind of the wrong reaction. [chuckling] He just kind of invited more., … For those who don’t know, like last week, there was a big story on Twitter, was kind of basically Lucas Gage getting all these prank pizza deliveries, and then he started complaining about it on Twitter, and then people messing with him started messing with him even harder!


And then they started, like, swatting him, where they called the cops on him. And they kept sending around guys to check, fix gas leaks and just calling any kind of random, like, home call services to his house. And he ended up getting his Social Security number doxxed somehow. And, yeah, it ended up getting way out of hand.


And obviously that harassment is way out of hand, but he almost kind of invited it on himself by freaking out so much over the pizza deliveries, which was kind of comical. And obviously, then his enemies took it too far and made him, like, I think, a genuine victim. And he had to get his family to move out of his house. And he’s had to, like, freeze all of his bank accounts and credit cards or something because people were trying to fraudulently take out loans in his name or something.


I don’t know. It sounded like he got pretty wild that he was getting arrested by cops over, people calling, claiming that he was beating his wife or something as a prank. I don’t know exactly all the details, but it got way out of hand.


But, yeah, I think when you, like:


“Oh the jews are sending so many pizza deliveries to my house!”


Like you kind of make yourself into a meme and just invite., … When someone is pranking you, if you react to it publicly, you’re giving them what they want. That gives them, like, a satisfaction! That encourages them to do it more because they want to see how you’re going to react next. If you don’t react at all, then they don’t get any fun! If they don’t get any fun, everyone gets bored and moves on. Yeah, it’s a [word unclear] lesson from all of that.


But I don’t want to hit, punch the man too much while he’s down. I think I like him! I think he’s a good guy! When I spoke to him, as I said:


“Don’t see eye to eye on everything, but I think his heart’s in the right place. I think he’s trying to do something that he thinks will work, that will benefit the White race in his own way.”


You know, I think he’s a good natured person at the end of the day, so I wish him well!


Also Slavic Luckovic said:


“Does Nick’s superpower of making White nationalism mainstream, even with other races, have any benefit other than them platforming and pushing his talking points?”


Well, I don’t know if I would say that Nick makes White nationalism mainstream, because it seems as though Nick’s primary framework that he presents is a kind of anti-semitic, Catholic, American civic nationalism, kind of like those things mixed together, but then also like a pro-White sentiment. That seems to be the formula. It’s not really White nationalism. I don’t think he would agree with the label of being called a White nationalist. I don’t think he would identify with that label.


I think he accepts a kind of multiracial America, but just wants to preserve a White majority and Christian religion. And he plays upon that loyalty to then differentiate. I don’t want to use the phrase “plays upon”, but he appeals to that loyalty to that American Christian identity as a way to differentiate jews on religious lines and say:


“Well, these people need to be marginalised and maybe even removed from America because they’re a hostile, alien element that aren’t in sync with the Christian, White, black, or Hispanic populations of America.”


I think he tries to appeal a little bit to that. But then at the same time, he says we should preserve the White majority.


So, is that White nationalist or not? I don’t know. You can decide.


As for the getting the support of non-Whites, I think, generally speaking, if you have to adapt your position in order to appeal to non-Whites, and ultimately what you’re doing is you’re trying to advance the cause of White racial consciousness, well, you’re basically sacrificing the White racial consciousness, the purity of that position, in order to appeal to non-Whites, which is exactly the problem! The problem is that Whites have basically sacrificed our identity in general to be inclusive to non-Whites within our societies.


So I don’t agree with that. But he has a different view than me because I don’t think that’s his primary commitment. I think his primary commitment is religious, not racialist. So he has a different framework of priorities than what I have, and so he acts accordingly.


But do I think he’s a positive force in politics? Absolutely! Because he does a really good job at basically sitting on the edge of the conservative movement and feeding them more radical talking points. Not just on jews, but just in general, just kind of reactionary, fascist, far-Right opinions, authoritarianism, race realism, the idea that Whites need to develop a racial consciousness, that Whites need to think racially about politics. He does introduce a lot of good ideas on the fringe of the conservative movement that is positive, that helps people.


You know, there’s a lot of people that are in this movement where their first point of contact, they were like a conservative or something, or just vaguely Right leaning. And then they encountered Nick Fuentes, and that started them down the journey towards becoming someone like us. So I think we see the evidence of that.


But I really don’t care so much about whether blacks become pro-White or anti-semitic, or whether brown immigrants to the United States become anti-semitic. I care about whether White people wake up to these realities, these racial realities. Insofar as Nick facilitates that, I think it’s great! And I don’t really see as much value with the non-Whites.


I think spiritually, if you have a movement, like I said:


“That’s conciliatory to non-White elements, that’s inclusive towards non-White elements.”


You don’t really have a movement that is creating the full mentality that is necessary. Which is a mentality that is pro-White first and foremost, that is kind of exclusivist, where Whites start differentiating themselves from the multiracial society around them and building our own internal community and culture and identity completely distinctly from the other non-White races.





Now, does that mean, I think, that we can never have any kind of productive relationship with non-White races? No, I don’t think so. I think there could be circumstances in which that would make sense. But I don’t think those circumstances are really going to come into being politically until Whites have kind of collectivised, until Whites are actually a faction that is organised around our White Identity, and we have White leaders that represent White people. Then we would have the collective power to demand respect from other groups, and we’d have someone that could, or a group of people that could actually speak on behalf of our race in a credible way. Because our race would be racially conscious and organised.


So, to me, that’s objective number one! We have to get the White race organised, and all other objectives are just secondary to that primary objective, to me. So I think that’s probably the main difference between his viewpoint and my viewpoint. There you go.


Staltis Stead:


“Great to see you guys getting recognition from active clubs in the United States. What are your thoughts on how the positives and negatives of each of the activist groups in the USA, practice, optics, etcetera?”


I don’t have the dossier on all the different active clubs in America. You know, I see stuff online, but I don’t really know everything that everyone is doing.


So I don’t have, like, these developed opinions on all the different active clubs and all the activism that they’ve done and how good their recruiting is going and all the rest of it.


So I can’t really give you a full spectrum answer. But I see a lot of active, like, random active club guys from different cities. I don’t know if they’re Patriot Front affiliated or not. Some of them seem to be, some of them aren’t. I don’t know exactly how the architecture all works over there. And I have good, good things to say about it. I see it seems to be growing. There seems to be more and more people rocking up to training. The network seems to be expanding. Patriot Front seem to have a lot of members in particular. I already stated before, I’m a fan of what they do, …


So yeah, but all the other organisations, I don’t really know too much about them, so I can’t really comment.


Jake 313 said:


“Here’s a bit of Australian trivia. Who was the first Australian that coined the now popular scum term ‘multiculturalism’? Here’s a hint. He was an ex prime minister, and the state he came from started with a V. In order to see the future, you must know your past.”


I didn’t actually know who coined the term “multiculturalism”. I guess you can let me know who it is.


Jake 313 also said:


“I think for the last 30 to 40 years, the level of psychological subversion inflicted upon the public has been an extreme one. It’s been entirely against Whites. The government cries ‘racism’ whilst promoting racist ideals such as diversity hiring.”


Yeah, well, that’s clear and obvious.


So, I guess that’s pretty much all the Superchats.


So I guess we’ll end the show there.


Hope everyone enjoyed the show. Thanks for watching, and, yeah, we’ll see you all next week for another episode. And maybe Tom will be back. He’s had a lot on lately, so hasn’t been on the show as much.


And we will transform the name of the show soon. We will be The Joel and Blair Show no longer. I don’t think it’s really appropriate, considering how much Tom contributes to the show. But also, it’s just. It was just kind of like a placeholder name. We want to have a name that conveys, like, an idea as opposed to just our names. So, things are coming. Things are cooking. I hope you enjoyed the show.


We’ll see you next week. Bon voyage!












Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 7/12/2024 = 285)

9 hours ago

nah they are polynesian savages no better than the niggers or abos tbh……..


5 hours ago
Good stream as always. White Power! o/


9 hours ago
NZ took more than double in proportion to existing population than Canada, I found it strange only Canada was highlighted.

9 hours ago
Blair needs to knock up 2005 Gina Carrano


9 hours ago
thje abos were brought out by the dutch and genocided the pigmys……


9 hours ago

yea shitskins who have never given anything to humanity


9 hours ago
every other race only advances by how much White dna they can steal….. the only race that suffers by non white admix is Whites


9 hours ago
the only pure race are Whites

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
White tail spiders are also awful. I got bitten taking the washing off the line. 2 X finger inflammation. A week at the docs, twice a day, making my arse cheeks look like antibiotic pin cushions fixed it.

8 hours ago

Rand says many things.

8 hours ago

Rand says huntsman spiders are harmless, my mates dog is still recovering 4 days after a bite

8 hours ago


8 hours ago

8 hours ago

NJP is nit a thing, Rand is a fukit

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago
🏆Joel🏆Love Love to all you Beautifuls MWAH

8 hours ago
Tom’s great (All three of you are!) I’m glad he’s included.

8 hours ago

8 hours ago

8 hours ago

8 hours ago

8 hours ago

8 hours ago

When do you think the guys at TRS/NJP are going to give a positive presentation on you guy so

will also have a positive opinion of you great guys.

Dawn Browning
8 hours ago

It’s not clear that she will spend any time in jail.

8 hours ago
With some gayness*

8 hours ago

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Cheers MMS

9 hours ago


Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
I was wondering if Elon was trying to protect Gage at one point

9 hours ago
Italians hate when you send them better pizza

9 hours ago
He is just low IQ, pretty simple

9 hours ago
Canada is introducing retrospective laws

9 hours ago
Such is life under the global jewish tyranny.

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Has Ursula actually been incarcerated?

9 hours ago
Germany Ursula Haverbeck

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
2 years SAM MELIA

9 hours ago
It is very froidian

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

9 hours ago
We need anonymity in political discussions for the same reason we vote anonymously; the fucking jews get violent when you try to be reasonable and realistic (white).

9 hours ago
He is happy to talk about dreaming of eating his grandmothers muff

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Yup. 2 of my female clients were on SSRIs. Not only were they degenerate, they redecorated every 6 months.

9 hours ago


9 hours ago
Carnivore diet is good, being a traitor who wants to eat your grandmas muff is not.

9 hours ago


9 hours ago
JP is a wreck

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago


9 hours ago

Blair is a human, not a kiwi

9 hours ago
I often get his videos pushed to me on youtube

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
I know Blairs struggle well, It took years to stop saying pot-ten-ch o-me-ter rather than pot-om-me-ter as I read the word for years before I heard it ever spoken. Euler is another I still will mistakenly say You-ler rather than oil-ler

9 hours ago
It was prior to Trump election they started pushing Jordan Peterson. He was in UN meetings etc.

9 hours ago
maybe 8 yearsthinking about it

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
200 years is frightful

9 hours ago
He was always a globalist lefty zionist, promoted on artificially youtube for over 10 years

9 hours ago
Excellent book

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

True, Mr Perfect. When the time comes, I’ll politely bow out. Until then, you’ll have to bear the likes of my awakened nature along with the confrontations that you & I will also face. We have tough times ahead. You more so than me.

9 hours ago
200 years together

9 hours ago

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
jewy lol

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
good point Joel

9 hours ago
Peterson has to be on the lying side. Therefore his job is much tougher

9 hours ago
Jesse lee Peterson would get oral sex from Nick

9 hours ago
rage against the system

9 hours ago

based right wing anarchy…..

9 hours ago
No one is above criticism. That’s the problem, they are doing the antithesis of this.

9 hours ago

poast dm?

9 hours ago
from kissing tbe wall to kissing koshrr ass

9 hours ago
I meant to say I would fight with Blair for viking women,not against him

9 hours ago
I always find this funny, as if Musk has the time to care for Cage enough to personally click the ban button.

9 hours ago

so true

9 hours ago
Based, I will fight Blair for viking women anyday

9 hours ago
Hoodies are white as fuck as long as they are made from Mammoth skin

9 hours ago
Blair wants a sheildmaiden

9 hours ago
just got a rumble notification, did i miss another live

9 hours ago
Camping is in tents

9 hours ago
singing is for normies

9 hours ago

yea i know… he is a shitskin nigger…….. why are you even in this chats when everyone here would banish you from any of our countries?

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Irish shanties don’t sound English

9 hours ago
Say “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer” in (((New York))) accent.

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

Hubby’s not Aus Aboriginal

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
Imagine living in the closett for $000 a month

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
OMG. Is this BPP sending these request?

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
No the first sot Ben Shapiro took that went viral

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Patrick looked promising TBH

9 hours ago

they arent abos..

9 hours ago
he did well

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

Are you talking about Aboriginals?

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

Top comment

9 hours ago
Blair honorary TRS now

9 hours ago
nosy and whiny

9 hours ago

you know your people used to cook their 2nd child because they couldnt look after more than one child and their own fathers raped their own children…

9 hours ago

9 hours ago
New yorj

9 hours ago
or they tasted bad

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago


9 hours ago
Polynesians could navigate, they also didn’t want to live near abos

9 hours ago
my people walked on another planet…….. youre cant even form a working country……..

9 hours ago
Men and women are naturally complimentary, the two of you pair bond and work for building a home and family. But the fucking Jews fucked that shit up, they made men and women oppositional, they ripped women out of the home and chained them to an office desk where they are taxed and subject to usury

9 hours ago
name me even a single discovery or invention by any of them?

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

Polynesian ancient genetics include Brazil & Chinese Asia.

9 hours ago


9 hours ago
the only pure race are Whites –

fucking based

9 hours ago
he was an anti-natalist

9 hours ago

Ask Dawn.

9 hours ago

as far as i understand it they have always been mixed…

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Not that Dawn

9 hours ago
Shoppenhower got up at the crack of Dawn

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

There are NO non-miscegenated Maori any more. I think the last pure died in the 1960’s.

9 hours ago

Moari are highly Europeanised due to early race mixing propaganda from Jews who made there way here from England. It’s a bit of a bugger as you don’t know what you’re going to get when you met one. Some are absolutely great honest hard working intelligent and some well mongrel mob.

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

You have other valuable skills. You earn the snags & meat.

9 hours ago
I thought that was just spear fishing

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

They won’t let me go with them as I always smell too nice, which puts the wildlife off, apparently. I’m happy with that!

9 hours ago
you cant even do it without misapropriating White culture…..

9 hours ago

dry aging hunting bounty is a european thing…

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago


9 hours ago

I get it from white mates who hunt. Not my cup of tea for a fun time out, but I dare not complain as I get suasages and steaks.

9 hours ago

Amazing culture, did you try the trditional long pork?

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

Best breakfast I had was 5 day matured venison caught by a Maori.

9 hours ago
NZ was the first country to have women voting. Guess who was behind that (the media lies, it was not Kate Sheppard)

9 hours ago
feminism is jewish

9 hours ago
Venison stop running when you blow their neck apart with a 308 (deer hunting is a popular sport in nz)

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago
Us women are 108th on the Chess Ratings, tut tut

9 hours ago
Italians were White then, some still are


9 hours ago

Dawn Browning
9 hours ago

10 hours ago

its actually fascist.. the first natural farming methods were advanced by the italians from memory

10 hours ago
perhaps you should be afraid of these laws since they target you directly. You protest child story hour at some library, but they appoint someone that targets freedom of speech directly and you guys don’t do shit. Kinda sad

10 hours ago
permaculture is White

10 hours ago


10 hours ago


10 hours ago

devon is great 👍

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago

To think I worked on a team who rewired the LSE in the 80’s & taught them how to use vampire taps & fax cards. Meh. I’m into seeds, chooks, propagation & grandchildren these days. Good things.

10 hours ago

LOL oh yea that was why i said it… love devon

10 hours ago

It was some Jews in a clip he uses saying half a million dollars

10 hours ago
lol you can read books in solitude without going to prison too

10 hours ago
Write yo eassay man

10 hours ago


10 hours ago
we need to prepare legal defence funds now

10 hours ago

I can only drive a manual. Automatics stop suddenly with tire smoke and skid marks when I try to change gear

10 hours ago

idont know what that is in relation to… maybe i missed something

10 hours ago
nah buddy you’re missing the point, the jews couldn’t care less about the muslims in aus. They’re just being used to push laws to gag whites protesting against jewish control

Secure the future of our people
10 hours ago


10 hours ago

LOOOL. fair enough

10 hours ago


Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Has Lucas’ naughty chair been reduced?

Secure the future of our people
10 hours ago
Thoughts on the Lucas Gage situation? Sam Parker is doing good job on mounting a defense and made Elon response. Maybe twitter spaces and campaigns are the way to bring Tom back too.

10 hours ago


10 hours ago

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago

I can only drive an automatic.

10 hours ago

(((half a million dollars))) LOL.

Secure the future of our people
10 hours ago
Thoughts on the Lucas Gage situation?

10 hours ago

10 hours ago
John Travolta

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Clash: Go Straight to Hell

10 hours ago
evil Goblins

10 hours ago

hey fren… i think im the only one whos commented on your community page… youre probably just looking at your notifs?

10 hours ago
Australia is always White, it is just losing ground

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
OMG Blair, step back with one foot. at least. It will change.

10 hours ago


10 hours ago
60% at best

10 hours ago
total bs

10 hours ago
whitest lol, get out ur village dude

10 hours ago
2016 aussie census saw australia as some 95% white still… even the latest one in 2022/23 i forget still saw as both as massively White

10 hours ago
not really aus is not that white at all lol

10 hours ago
Three drunks enter the chat I get to the bar first and beat both of you



Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Strong Cities & ISD have been a little quiet lately.

10 hours ago

actually both are the least cucked… we were both the Whitest countries which is why the jews have been trying to flood us the most

10 hours ago
wonder which country is more cucked australia or canada…think they’re both tied for first atm

10 hours ago

They stick their fingers in all the pies.

10 hours ago

ok its late here.. and im just shitposting for the most part lol

10 hours ago


10 hours ago

It was a light hearted joke, mostly

10 hours ago

yea because the very term (((athiesm))) is a trap to pull you back into jewish religions… the meaning of the word is that you “disbelieve in any gods” including the ones i just made up in my mind right now… its a trap to pull you back into judaism…

10 hours ago
so you boys are running on limited time on these platform highly likely. This bitch is here to pressure the platforms to ‘shut it down’

10 hours ago
is there such a thing as a ‘Jewish Australian’?

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
No, 3 years is a standard contract

10 hours ago
The process to recruit for this position likely started months ago…meaning all this was planned. jews used the palestine protest to justify this

10 hours ago

well no, you said (((atheists run the chat)))… atheism is yet another judeo-christian trap where anyone that dosnt believe in the jewish god is somehow evil…

10 hours ago
Jewish groups in the USA file unsolicited “amicus curiae” briefs with the court as a way of pushing their agenda in the legal system through establishing judicial precedent.

10 hours ago

The (((New Atheist))) movement was poised too, as I used to say to them So you’re telling me because there’s no god it is okay to ass fuck 100 men in a month spreading disease and filth everywhere? What kind of logic is that!

10 hours ago

you tagged the wrong guy

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago

Found it. It looks like I have 50+ others to as well.

10 hours ago

(((judeo-christians))) have only flourished when the jews in government forced it on my White people and you genocited my people……….

10 hours ago
in aus if you raise your arm the wrong way you can get arrested. How’s that democracy working out for ya :laughing_1:

10 hours ago


Operation Werewolf
10 hours ago

10 hours ago
Atheists run chat

10 hours ago


10 hours ago
Oy vey goy it’s another shoah

10 hours ago
Jewish contempt for Palestinians isn’t prosecuted

10 hours ago
the problem was that we went more towards (((god)))

10 hours ago
This Jillian jew lady will shut down online speech on exposing jews, so it’ll be illegal to even talk about this at all.

10 hours ago
anti semitism sounds like a justifiable reaction to semitism 🤷🏼

10 hours ago
we had the White australia policy… and rejected jews and shitskins without (((god)))

10 hours ago

10 hours ago

10 hours ago
Well since you don’t have any god given rights in the country, the state can make anything up to arrest you. That’s the problem with australia.

10 hours ago

10 hours ago

i barely have the time to deal with my own shit… let alone be up on all the lore

10 hours ago
If they are combating, does that mean we can use reason in defense?

10 hours ago
And I thoroughly enjoyed it.

10 hours ago


It started in the chat of

‘s stream that morning.

10 hours ago

lol yea everyone does… you would/should have got a notif of it

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago

I have a community page? Hang on…..

10 hours ago
if the situation Blair just outlined doesn’t describe foreign occupation, I don’t know what does

10 hours ago

oh jesus fuck…. i missed all of that…..

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago

Oh, I’m glad that I missed those interactions

10 hours ago

hey fren. i put a question on your community page a few days ago, maybe you missed it? or maybe you just didnt want to answer it? feel free to delete it if you just dont want to answer it, i was just curious.

10 hours ago

LOL. I should probably explain

isn’t quite right in the head and at times will stir up shit, he was telling me to act like a nigger and think with ‘muh dick’ and knock up any random woman like he did…. and it escalated from there.

10 hours ago
I suport jewish tranny frfrnc

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago

Oh, I get it now. You do some great info streams. I’ve learnt so much. All I want for Christmas is a soldering kit *heehee

10 hours ago
the position should be renamed Gunt Guard for Zionism

10 hours ago
kebab shop I would think

10 hours ago
inciting serious contempt lol

10 hours ago

also their programming is too deep, there are exception though

10 hours ago
selling burgers is dangerous business

10 hours ago
Burgers look shithouse.

10 hours ago
Fair guess lol

10 hours ago
You can never redpill boomers. They don’t have the tech ‘know how’ to find non mainstream information.

10 hours ago
Odin helps him noticing

10 hours ago
what do you guys know about this new antisemitism envoy Jillian Segal. Who is she? Seems like a south African jew lawyer, but not sure.

10 hours ago
If we could get 20 % (rehaps even less) of all Whites genuine on our side I believe we would win

10 hours ago
to circle back to the early point about humility and learning

10 hours ago
boomers are extremely arrogant which prevents them from learning anything

10 hours ago

LOL do understand that little stream was over an argument with

where I said I don’t want to be a degenerate just to have bastard children like you and he in turn tried to twist what I had said to mean mixed race children.

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
You won’t find definitions of many modern day words in pre-2000 printed dictionaries.

10 hours ago


10 hours ago
abracadabra, I create as I speak

10 hours ago
words can speak truth to tyranny

10 hours ago

a very cool fact, Le Pen himself was a paratrooper and I think he saw action in Algeria

10 hours ago
Blair w it comes down to each person taking individual responsibility for the future of their race

10 hours ago
SS Charlemagne was the last SS unit to be fighting in Berlin i believe.

10 hours ago
don’t gaslight me bro 🤣

10 hours ago
One of the founding member was a former member of the Waffen SS. SS Charlemagne

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Intellectually vs physically, as per usual.

10 hours ago
hahah 😆

10 hours ago

Probably 👍💪

11 hours ago
Deporting illegals won’t change anything

11 hours ago
America is 50% White

11 hours ago
pipe dream

11 hours ago
Sounds like the trust the plan bros

11 hours ago
Federally Mandated White Nepotism. Noice

11 hours ago
Kyle Rittenhouse is jewish

11 hours ago

Is there any other type?

11 hours ago
yeah too bad he was guarding a car 🚗 lot owned my Indians smh 😒 q

11 hours ago
3 pedo jews

11 hours ago
we’re under a Bolshevik talmudic oligarchic plutocracy qq

10 hours ago

maybe he’s kicking some commie ass 😡

10 hours ago
Is anyone surprised they lost? politics is setup to be all about influence and money, jewish money and influence.

10 hours ago
Absolute classic conservatism

10 hours ago
Where is Thomas ?

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Who owns the TV? Come on…

Dawn Browning
10 hours ago
Don’t be soft, Joel. Trump had his TV shows for how long before he stood?

10 hours ago
he’s a typical rich capitalist… he admitted gave money to the clintons to pay for access … humidity hired little brown people to work in his hotels etc. he didn’t fool me

10 hours ago
I wanna take shrooms and try to find Hyperborea

11 hours ago
thanks lad for the live stream together as Australians we will be stronger

11 hours ago
Biden circe 1985: “We already have a nigger mayor and we don’t need another nigger bigshot,

11 hours ago
Big Mike

11 hours ago
Obama is married to a man

11 hours ago
Trump is a spiritual wigger. King of the wigger republic

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
Didn’t all the real estate agents downgrade the value of Trump’s properties?

11 hours ago
I thought that was Bidens best performance yet

11 hours ago
We need to deport all the blacks

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago
The injuries were ironic re Rittenhouse.

11 hours ago
we need to deport the tiny hat people

11 hours ago
Some people are made into symbols, symbols that represent more radical views
relative to what those individuals actually believe. Rittenhouse, Trump, etc… These people wont save you only you can.

11 hours ago
America is “””White””” not White

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

Are you the drunk bloke who was recently in Poland checking out bunkers & stealing relics?

Patton Was Right
11 hours ago
only took him 30 years to figure it out 😁

11 hours ago
work on mobility first and build from there

Patton Was Right
11 hours ago
Martin Luther

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

Your muscle memory is still there, just go easy & keep up as much as is safe.

11 hours ago
good evening all I hope everyone is well

11 hours ago
Yeah okay now.

Dawn Browning
11 hours ago

All good here

11 hours ago
Sound is right down for both of you.

11 hours ago
Sound is right down.

11 hours ago
I had 17″ upper arms 💪 now I’m an old dude 😭

11 hours ago
im jacked 💪as fuck on White Fucking Power 🙋‍♂️

11 hours ago


11 hours ago
Thanks Katana

13 hours ago
Something to do while waiting?
Have a look at last week’s show. Here’s the transcript for “Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024”.



See Also





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript

Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Jewish Tyranny Growing Bolder as the Populist Right Continues to Falter – Jul 11, 2024 – Transcript



Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version History


Version 5: Mon, Jul 15, 2024 — TQ for 158/158 mins = 5. Transcript fully proofed.

Version 4: Sun, Jul 14, 2024 — TQ for 119/158 mins = 5.

Version 3: Sat, Jul 13, 2024 — TQ for 78/158 mins = 5.

Version 2: Fri, Jul 12, 2024 — TQ for 33/158 mins = 5.

Version 1: Fri, Jul 12, 2024 — Published post. Transcript Quality (TQ) = 3.5. Includes Odysee comments (285).

This entry was posted in Activism -White, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, America, Anti-semitism, anti-White, Australia, Blair Cotterell, Britain, Democracy - Fake, Demographics, Donald Trump, Ethno-nationalism, Ethnocentrism, Europe, Feminism, Hitler, Immigration, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, Joel Davis, Media - jewish domination, Muslim, National Socialism - Philosphy, Nationalism, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Public opinion - Manipulation, Pysops, Race, Reform Party - UK, Republican Party, Third World Invasion, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, UK, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, X (xTwitter), Zionism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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