Monika Schaefer
The Flipside with Monika
Ep 03 with Paul Fromm
Sat, Jul 13, 2024
[In this weekly podcast episode on Republic Broadcasting Network, Canadian nationalist and author, Monika Schaefer talks with Paul Fromm, a veteran activist focusing on free speech issues and non-White immigration into Canada.
Key points include:
1. Paul Fromm introduces himself as a long-time activist for free speech and patriotic causes in Canada since 1965.
2. He worked as an English teacher for 25 years, keeping his political views separate from teaching.
3. In 1991, Paul makes a comment to an Indian (feather) at a meeting that causes controversy.
4. The Canadian Jewish Congress and others demand Paul’s firing from his teaching position.
5. A lengthy inquiry is conducted into Paul’s activities.
6. In 1997, the School Board votes to fire Paul following a new Supreme Court legal precedent.
7. Paul fights the firing for seven weeks with help from lawyer Doug Christie.
8. Paul’s union initially supports him but later withdraws support.
9. Paul loses his appeals and his teaching career.
10. He takes various jobs to earn a living.
11. Paul later returns to substitute teaching.
12. Complaints are made against Paul to the Teachers Federation.
13. The Federation votes to revoke Paul’s teaching license, ending his career.
14. Paul has since run organizations promoting free expression.
15. He opposes mass immigration.
16. Paul has assisted others facing speech crime trials in Canada, like Arthur Topham.
17. The conversation discusses two current political prisoners.
18. Leslie Bory is mentioned as one of the political prisoners.
19. Brad Love is also mentioned as a political prisoner.
20. Both Bory and Love are reportedly in prison for their speech.
21. A caller, Lark, brings up the threat of Communitarianism.
Published on Sat, Jul 13, 2024
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The Flipside with Monika, July 13, 2024
July 13, 2024 20:02
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July 13, 2024 20:02
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(Words: 6,780 – 1:00:00 mins)
[Intro Music]
Monika Schaefer: Good evening. Good day. You are listening to The Flip Side with Monika, episode three on the Republic Broadcasting Network. I am your host, Monika Schaefer. It is July 13, 2024.
I am very much looking forward to having a guest this evening. And he is a fellow Canadian. He has been in the trenches, you could say, for years. Actually, for decades. He was aware of really, the big picture of what is going on in this world long before I was! I think I was still playing in the sandbox [chuckling] when he was starting to tell the truth and do some things that got him into some hot water! And I’ll get him to tell his story.
But first, I’m going to just tell you about the summer fundraiser that the RBN is having. The Republic Broadcasting Network. And before I read their blurb about the summer fundraiser, I’d just like to say a word about this sort of thing about fundraising. Please never consider it as “charity”. Think of it more as this is just part of the cost of life. And when we are in an upside down world, then we need to take these things into our own hands.
Now, if we were not in an upside down world and we were living in a world where there were no lies and deceptions from government and from our institutions, then this type of thing would be paid for through our taxes and our, we would be just living a world where the mainstream media would be us! [chuckling]
But it’s not! So think of it as part of the cost of living. Cost of life. Yes.
So I’m just going to read their blurb. Please participate in this fundraising effort to help us get over this financial hump for the next three months. That is, for July, August, and September. Donors who contribute $100 or more within this timeframe may request a unique RBN T-shirt. And the first ten participants will also receive an RBN gift package. This will include an additional classic RBN T-shirt, bumper stickers, and business cards. And thank you for your participation. And T-shirts will be sent after the summer fundraiser is over, October 1. And please do include your shipping information and T-shirt size. And you can donate by telephone at 1800 724 2719, extension three. Or go to the and you can find all the information there. There are other ways to donate as well. PayPal or., … Yeah, anyway, I’ll let you sort that out. You could always phone that number. 1800 724 2719, extension three.
Now, to introduce my guest this evening, I’ve mentioned he’s a Canadian and he’s been at this for a long time. Paul Fromm is my guest, and I’m so happy to welcome him.
And just before I get him to say hello, I would just like to tell you that when I was first in the “hot seat”, you can say after I did my video [Sorry Mom, I was Wrong About the Holocaust] and I was starting to endure the wrath of the people in my own community as well as further afield, one of the first things that I was smeared by association, I was smeared by association for I had associated with this man, Paul Fromm! [chuckling] I think it’s quite funny now. I mean, it’s comical!
Unfortunately, we tend to be very much a herd creature, our people in general. We like to be part of the group, the group mentality. It seems to be very important to us in general to be accepted by our group.
Now, that is fine if we’re not infiltrated by an enemy. But it is really a hindrance for us when we have an enemy that moves among us, hiding themselves and doing their business by stealth and lies and deception and tricking us into believing that they are part of our group and they are not!
And I’m just going to give one little story about how powerful that “by association” thing is. And Paul knows all of these characters that I’m going to talk about. He knows them well.
When Arthur Topham was facing the Inquisition and for speech that our enemy does not like, I was putting out the word on social media, Facebook and whatnot, I was saying:
“You’ve got to support this man. It’s about free speech. And even if you don’t agree with everything that he says, it’s really a fight for all of us. Because if he loses this battle, then we all lose!”
Because really think of it as a battle for free speech. Well, then one of my good friends at the time, who I played lots of music with, and he was a very intelligent man. He was a chief forester. So he really was very competent man. But he comes back to me with this. He says:
“Well, I’ve checked out Arthur Topham’s website.”
The, that he had at the time. And I guess the most recent article there was, he did a very complimentary piece, like an obituary, you could say, for Douglas Christie, who had just died recently at that time. And Douglas, and my friend says:
“Douglas Christie, he defended Ernst Zundel! And now Arthur is writing good things about Douglas Christie! So, no, I’m not going to support this man. Sorry, Monika. No. Done! I’m not!”
So this was like a third degree of association, really. Third degree of association. So a lawyer defends Ernst Zundel. Ernst Zundel, in this man’s eyes, was bad. And then Arthur writes something nice about Doug Christie after Doug Christie dies. And this man, this former friend of mine, does not want to support the court case, or he doesn’t want to support this man, who is really in a big fight. And I was saying:
“You know, listen, support free speech for this.”
So there you go, by association.
So this similar thing happened with me. People were writing things in the local paper in Jasper:
“Oh, she associates with Paul Fromm!”
Talking about me. So in this upside down world, Paul, I would take that as a great compliment.
Now, of course, it’s when we’re still in that world, it just seems, you know, hurtful and whatnot for both you and me. But really, we should both take it as a compliment.
So welcome to The Flip Side with Monika, Paul Fromm! Hello? Are you there? Okay, Paul, do you want to unmute? Perhaps you’re muted now. I see a mute button on Paul’s, …
Hello? Paul? Hmm. Okay. We might have to just maybe figure that out, and I’ll carry on. And then as soon as Paul can get through, I would sure appreciate it if he could let us know. [chuckling]
Well, I’m going to get Paul to tell his story, because he had his own trials and tribulations. He used to be a teacher, I believe, math and English. I might be wrong on that. I’ll have to get him to tell us. But he did upset a certain group of people. That same group of people who is that we’re always up against, the ones we’re not allowed to criticize, lest we be called “anti-semitic”. It’s always them. They’re the ones who are responsible for having put my brother and myself in jail for saying certain things that disagreed with their narrative of World War Two, history, the so-called jewish Holocaust.
Anyway, I’m not exactly sure what it was that Paul was saying at the time, but he was fired from his job. I do know that. And so since then, he’s been hard at work. He’s got several organizations under his name, the CAFE, which is the Canadian Association for Free Expression and C-FAR, I think.
Okay, I’m not getting a clear signal. Are you getting something there?
Paul Fromm: I can hear you.
Monika Schaefer: There you go. You are there. Good! Okay, Paul, would you like to tell a little bit your story?
Paul Fromm: Oh, okay.
Monika Schaefer: I don’t know if you could hear me. Could you hear me?
Paul Fromm: Yeah, I can hear. I heard everything.
Monika Schaefer: Okay, good. So why don’t you carry on and fill in the blanks there. I was just starting to get into it.
Paul Fromm: Okay. Well, I’ve been a long time activist and freedom and patriotic causes going back to about 1965. And I, without going into my whole history, I have to say, and I do this by way of introduction. Well, I have two big issues, free speech and immigration. Not enough free speech and too much immigration!
And that’s what I’ve been pursuing for the better part of five decades. I was very sympathetic to you when you got into all this trouble. And it’s typical of the tactics of our enemy.
And immediately, one of the things that Doug Christie used to say about these so-called “hate charges”. That there’s a process. And it’s defamation, isolate, criminalize! So first of all, the media and others usually egged on by the usual suspects defame you. There are hysterical articles about how horrible you are and so on.
And then the next thing, the goal of that, among other things, is to isolate you. And exactly, exactly what you’re describing happened to you:
“Oh, I won’t help Arthur Topham because you said something nice about Paul Fromm. Or you associated with Paul Fromm.”
And so eventually, [words unclear] your supporters, because your friends or supporters are all intimidated and scared. Now that does not always work, but it’s what’s in place.
So in my own case, I’ve been an activist for a good number of years. I’ve been an English instructor in Peel County for 25 years. And I had a former Director of Education called me an “exemplary teacher”. So there’s never any problem with my teaching. And I kept my politics out of the classroom. I taught English, and I had fairly high standards. And I know I was appreciated because I was regularly called to do night school or summer school. So teachers who are not very good or real screw up, don’t get the invitation. I did. So, yeah, I was a successful professional.
And then in 1991, I went to a meeting of the Dramas [sp] Committee on community and racial relations. And at that meeting, there was a native Indian who was promoting, who was demanding more and more repression, that fascist groups should not be allowed to use facilities for meetings and so on and so on.
And he listed a number of things and then he said, and other measures. So I piped up [words unclear]
Now, I thought that was very funny. And many other people did, when I told the story over the years. What I was saying was:
“How far would you go? Just start [words unclear] free speech.”
Well, anyway, their meeting went nuts, …
Monika Schaefer: Paul, excuse me, can you just repeat what you typed up? Because your connection is not super clear. Not in my ear, anyway. And I just missed. What did you type up that sent them into a fit?
Paul Fromm: Well, no, I didn’t type up. I piped up. I heckled up.
Monika Schaefer: You piped up! I’m sorry. [chuckling] Okay.
Paul Fromm: And I said:
“Scalp them!”
You know, like how far? He was saying, “and other measures”.
And I said:
“Scalp them?”
Question mark. Like:
“How far would you go?”
Anyway, this was quite upsetting.
Monika Schaefer: Yeah.
Paul Fromm: And so I was thrown out of the meeting. And the next day, the Canadian jewish Congress and others started demanding my Board of Education fire me!
Notice there’s nothing I did in the classroom or said in the classroom. On my own time, on my own dime, I made a comment.
Okay, well, this was fought over and finally the Board of Education decided to give me a reprimand that:
“I shouldn’t say things like that and I shouldn’t do it again.”
I never agreed with that. I thought I was on my own time, you know?
Anyway, so by now, though, the dark forces were really gunning for me. So they came across a film about 18 months later that I had of a meeting I’d attended in December of 1990. And it was for the Nationalist Heritage Front, and I had given a speech about freedom of speech.
Anyway, they alleged that somewhere in the corner of the room there was a swastika.
Now, I didn’t put it there, I didn’t waive it and so on, but I gained guilt by association. So now they were really after me! And the Board of Education was so flummoxed that they called upon the Minister of Education to do something, because the Minister of Education had the power in those days to take away your teaching certificate.
Monika Schaefer: You know, Paul, just to pause there, I find that interesting. Oh, somewhere in the room they found a swastika, and you mentioned you didn’t put it there.
Now, aside from the fact that the swastika is, it’s been demonized, and that’s just a really false thing because swastika has always represented something good. But just aside from that, probably it was provocateur that did that, because that’s how they operate. They want to get you, so they’ll do some action that’s like it’s a provocation. And they do it themselves. Like those who want to take you out, probably did that.
But anyway, carry on with your story.
Paul Fromm: Well, that’s possible. So they asked the Minister of Education to take away my teaching certificate.
Now, the Minister of Education at the time was an NDP’er [sp], but he didn’t! He investigated the case.
And apparently there were censorship groups that burst into his office cursing him and swearing and carrying on because he wouldn’t take it away.
Anyway, so what he did was he set up a special committee, sorry, special inquiry under an NDP lawyer who is going to look into me and my case. So that inquiry, which was supposed to be over in a month, ended up extending about, if I recall correctly, about seven months. And they heard from various lobby groups, they heard from a few students, they heard from a few teachers.
And I actually did have some support from a number of other teachers. One who was, I think, an NDP’er. And she said:
“Well, I don’t agree with Paul, but he’s always been a good teacher and he’s never brought his views into the classroom.”
And several others said the same thing.
And I was at that time the most investigated teacher ever in the province of Ontario!
Now I hadn’t molested students or stolen the coffee fund or anything like that! I had expressed my own views on my own time, off school property.
Okay, the inquiry, it was a complicated finding, but it said:
“Well, his remarks didn’t go far enough for him to be fired under the present legislation, but he should be. The legislation should be changed and then he could be fired and then, …”
Anyway, so the board of education didn’t know what to do with me, so they decided they would put me into adult education. And many people said that was the punishment because I would now have to deal with a lot of non-Whites. Well, it wasn’t a punishment! I mean, I didn’t see it as such.
The adults were very motivated to learn. They’d come back to school as adults and they came back because they wanted to get their high school diploma and they wanted to learn! Whereas many of the adolescents, I mean, some of the adolescents didn’t want to learn. They’re going through a rebellious stage and they hate adults. They hate everybody! So I had virtually no trouble with any of the adults, even though over 50% of them were non-White. And I’m supposed to have been made so angry by that. I wasn’t. Things went well.
But finally, we now skip ahead to 1997. So they’ve been after me for six years.
Finally, in 1997, the board voted to fire me. And that’s because the Supreme Court had heard the Malcolm Ross case. He was a teacher in New Brunswick and he had written a number of books, one against abortion, one against the jewish lobby, and so on. Again, on his own time, on his own dime, off school property.
And it was alleged in the human rights theory that he created a “poisoned environment”. And we would hear that more and more:
“Your very existence on this earth creates a poisoned environment!”
And you probably heard that, Monika, in Jasper. Your very being alive, poisons things!
Monika Schaefer: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. This is so interesting, Paul. Yeah. The poisoned environment and the fact that they had to make special, you know, different laws. I mean, it reminded me of Robert Faurisson. For whom they made a special law in France, just for him! It’s just really amazing how they pursued you. And they really had a hard time to fire you because you did your job very well! [chuckling]
You’re the kind of guy they don’t like at all because you’re intelligent, you do your job well, you’re conscientious, but somehow they have to get rid of you because you’re too wise to the situation and you’re seeing things way in advance of most of us, I have to say. Like way before, most of us have seen really what was wrong with this mass immigration and mass immigration from third world countries and whatnot. That it would change the very fabric of our nations. And look at where we are at now! My goodness! And you were really ahead of the of the curveball there on that. But please carry on.
Paul Fromm: Unfortunately, those were the old days and there have been enough cases since then, not just in education, that we have a new form of slavery. Your employer owns you 24 hours a day! It used to be your employer was entitled to seven or 8 hours a day of your work and diligence. And what you did on your own time was your business in more. In many cases now, that’s no longer the situation.
Anyway, so I hired Doug Christie. We had a couple meetings with the Board. And he put up a fantastic fight! And I was supposed to be fired in a week. And we dragged it out for seven weeks.
And finally my union leader said, and the union was backing me at this stage. He said:
“Boy, your lawyer has made some great speeches. He is really powerful! But you’re going to lose.”
I said:
“What do you mean? You just said, I’ve got a great lawyer.”
He says:
“Well, I’ll tell you what. You’re going to lose, because the day they fire you (sorry), the day after they fire you, the phone calls stop!”
Monika Schaefer: The phone calls. What? Sorry?
Paul Fromm: The phone calls stop!
Monika Schaefer: Oh!
Paul Fromm: The pressure. And so in other words, …
Monika Schaefer: The board was getting probably many, many phone calls. And I wouldn’t doubt that there was a big organized lobby that was making these phone calls happen. And I just would venture to say that it was very likely the jewish lobby. They are very organized. That’s just., …
Paul Fromm: It was them!
Anyway, in January of 1997, I was fired!
Now, I’ve had a 25 year career. I had a wife and two small children. That didn’t matter. I was out on my rear end! I applied for unemployment insurance and was turned down because I was “fired for cause”. Well, I said:
“We are in the process of, the union and I, are in the process of aggrieving the firing!”
It didn’t matter.
So we went to the Court of Appeal, and I had a good lawyer, Barbara Kulaszka, or the late Barbara Kulaszka. The government’s Lawyer was an oriental woman. And the judge, I swear, was drunk! And he mocked both lawyers, and in the end, ruled against me.
So I’m unemployed, and although we’re appealing the firing, I have no income. The appeal, nothing goes quickly in Canadian justice. Took about a year and a half, and I lost on a two to one vote by the Arbitration Board. And I did various things to earn a living. And I got back into education with a different board as a substitute teacher. And this would be about seven or eight years later.
And then the Teachers Federation, under complaints, after complaints of the (((usual suspects))), the Teachers Federation, decided they would try to take away my teaching license. So without a teaching license you can’t teach in Ontario. And after a big fight, they did! They voted. They said that I had “consorted”. That was the term, “consorted with disreputable people”, one of them being Representative Dr David Duke. I had been at conferences in the United States, again, all my own time, off school property. And I had “bad friends”, or, I mean “bad acquaintances”. Pretty much what was being said about you and Arthur Topham. You knew bad people, so therefore you’re no good and you deserve no help!
And so that ended my teaching career.
And I had to look for other employment. And it’s a pretty ruthless world! And I learned a lot about human nature.
Monika Schaefer: No doubt! No doubt you did, Paul, as did I. This isolation tactic, and you perfectly said it earlier, that first the defamation and the isolation and then the criminalization!
Paul Fromm: Yeah. Now, because once you’re isolated, it’s easier to take you to court. You’ve got no friends, presumably now, no money, except your own, if you have any. And you know, you’re the ideal victim.
[music playing]
Monika Schaefer: We’re coming up against the bottom of the hour, but please hold on and we’ll be right back after these messages.
Thank you very much for listening.
Monika Schaefer: Okay, I think we’ll like to welcome you back to The Flipside with Monika and our guest, Paul Fromm. And we have a little bit more to discuss and talk about, and then we would like to take callers in the last 15 minutes of the show. So the number for that is 512 248 8252 or toll free 1800 313 9443.
Now, Paul, you were just going to tell us a story about your association or what they perceived as your association with the KKK. Why don’t you tell us what you had in mind there.
Paul Fromm: A radical Leftist author at the time dealt with the so-called Right in Canada and did a profile on me. And she called me a sort of a Fred McMurray character. You know, shirt and tie, gentle spoken, button down, and a good teacher. Okay.
But when it came time for my, … When they were trying to take away my teaching certificate, one of the allegations by one of my former department heads was:
“Well, the rumor was I was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.”
And so when I had her on the witness stand, I said:
“Well, okay. Would that concern you?”
She said:
“Well, yes.”
I said:
“Well, where did you get the information?”
“Well, it was sort of general knowledge.”
I said:
“Come on, you’re university educated. You know the scientific method. I mean, you have to prove things. Well, what was the proof?”
“Oh, well, it was generally known.”
And I said:
“Okay, you thought that was the case. And you saw me every day in the English department office. Why didn’t you ever ask me? I mean, ‘is it true you’re a member of the Klan?’.”
“Oh, well, people were afraid of you.”
I said:
“Why was that? Did I ever threaten you?”
“Did I ever threaten anybody else around the school?”
“Well, no.”
“Did I threaten the students?”
“Well, no.”
“So I said, nobody ever threatened you had this concern or belief, but you never asked me!”
Monika Schaefer: Isn’t that something!
Paul Fromm: And I thought:
“Honest to God, these people are disgusting!”
You know?
Monika Schaefer: Well, that’s, … I mean, I could think of many examples of similar stories like that wherever they could have just asked a simple question. Like the judge in Germany at one of my bail hearings, when afterwards, the justification for keeping me in jail was longer than our meeting itself, or it took longer to read it than the meeting took itself. And there were some ridiculous assumptions they made that I thought:
“Well, they could have just asked me that!”
But they didn’t. They just have their preconceived agenda, or their notion. And besides which, I’ll just say this, Paul, about the KKK. It’s another one of those things that, my goodness, have we ever been lied to about that whole organization! Not that I want to get into that now. I would be going down a whole another rabbit trail for our hour now.
But it’s just another one of those things that we’ve been really, really deceived about the nature of that organization and the history and whatnot, and what they did and what it was about.
So, yeah, just to put that. But there you go. They didn’t even ask you if you were part of it, but they just assumed you were. And that’s it. Verdict is made, and then, …
Paul Fromm: The fix was in. I was never going to win that hearing anyway, but I certainly landed a lot of, … Messed these witnesses up pretty well. And even through the help of Dave Lindsay, who is a sort of he doesn’t like being called a paralegal, because legally he’s not. But he probably knows more about the law than most lawyers anyway.
Monika Schaefer: Yes.
Paul Fromm: I was told at one point it would cost., … The hearing was supposed to go on for about 20 some days, and it would cost about $1,000 a day for the transcript. And there’s no way I could afford it. By this time, the union was no longer supporting me. So my entire defense was out of my own pocket.
Well, Dave said:
“We will challenge that before the committee on the basis that the Magna Carta says that ‘justice shall not be bought or sold’.”
And we knocked them on their rear ends with that argument!:
“Look, if I’m not allowed to have the transcript, if I have to pay for it and I can’t afford it, justice is being denied to me!”
Well, that absolutely flummoxed them! And in the end, I got my transcript free!
So we won a few. Maybe I didn’t win the main battle, but it was a great fight. Oh, yes!
And at one of the sessions, two members of the jewish Defense League [JDL, not the ADL, but similar], they were picketing the hearing that day. I mean, God knows why! They wanted me gone. But okay, that’s what the hearing was about.
So the two members jumped into this elevator as I got in and they tried to attack me! And two metro police were in the elevator. They did it right in front of the cops and the cops restrained them, so they never landed the blow on me. And yeah, yeah, it was, as they said back in those days, a hairy time!
Monika Schaefer: Oh, my goodness! Yeah.
And so, okay, so thanks for telling us about your story. Basically, I’m sure there, we could talk for hours about it and we still wouldn’t have heard all the interesting details about it.
But then, you know what I find so admirable is then what you’ve been doing for the last several decades with the Canadian Association for Free Expression and with C-FAR. What does C-FAR stand for?
Paul Fromm: It stands for Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform. But our major endeavor is publishing the Canadian Immigration Hotline. Our major issue is [word unclear] immigration.
Monika Schaefer: Right. And then you’ve also assisted and been involved, I think, to some degree or other, with many speech crime trials in Canada. And Arthur Tophams, that’s where I first met you face to face. And I know you were involved in many others. And there are current political prisoners. The two that come to my mind, and there might be more, but I’m not sure right now. But Leslie Bory, who is in prison in Ontario, and it’s probably the worst prison in Canada, it sounds like the conditions are just horrendous!
And then there’s Brad Love in northern Alberta. And he’s going to come out of, and yeah, … I hear some music, but it’s for a different show there! [chuckling] Okay. That’s it! It’s taken care of thanks.
Yeah, so we could talk a little bit about both of them. I had thought about reading excerpts, but I probably should dedicate a whole show to reading some excerpts out of their letters. I’m in correspondence with both of them. Brad Love is soon coming out. Like, I think in just a few days, maybe in a week from now or so. he did just a little tiny blurb here when he was writing, this was back in, let’s see, May. And there were lots of fires.
And so he was a bit concerned about his home. Because eight years ago he lost everything. And he says:
“Please, not again, Lord. But my landlord says all is well up there. Yet, still I’m nervous. I’d call the Mayor up there, but he would call the cops on me or he called the cops on me in 2020. I’d call the newspaper. But yeah, the same thing I kid you not! Oh, yeah. Radio station as well. And two MP’s. Should I continue?”
So [chuckling] you see, he’s in jail for writing letters and making phone calls to these representatives that are supposed to be available for us, the citizens! But that’s what he’s in jail for, because I guess they feel that he is pestering them too much.
And then there’s Leslie Bory, who has been in jail now for 16 months plus. And he has not yet been formally charged. Is that correct, Paul? Can you talk a little bit about that? And then we’ll take some callers before we reach the top of the hour.
Paul Fromm: The great abuses of the Canadian justice system is the remand system.
Now, you have a right, if you’re accused of a crime, charged with a crime, to get reasonable bail. That is a right. And it can only be canceled for very serious reasons.
Now, we, without naming names, but summarizing, there are a number of instances recently of people even, who’ve been accused of murder, who are out on bail, armed robbery, shooting people, blah, blah, blah, out on bail!
But political dissidents, like one of the leaders of the truckers Freedom Convoy, Tamara Lich, she’d been in jail for 57 days, denied bail, and when she finally did get bail, she was virtually a prisoner in her own home, not allowed on the Internet, etcetera. Political dissidents have trouble getting bail. And that was Leslie Bory. Leslie had his own little television program on the Internet, I think it was called Brantford TV. And he took some pretty strong stands about, about jews, about police, and so on.
And so he did a broadcast on February 11th of 2023. Four days later, …
Monika Schaefer: Two days later, I believe.
Paul Fromm: Yeah, two days later the police show up armed, to the job he held in a workshop, and guns pointed. The guy was unarmed.
Monika Schaefer: He said he had a lunch kit in one hand and keys in the other hand, and they took him down, you know, SWAT team, like. Yeah, like a dangerous criminal style!
Paul Fromm: The police were raiding his home. They stole his computer and various towers, and his wife was taken off in handcuffs, put in a police cruiser. They put those spike strips across the street, blocked the street off. The woman is unarmed! And she was never charged. There was nothing to charge her with. But anyway, …
Monika Schaefer: So it’s to make a big scene, isn’t it, to show the neighborhood:
“There’s a very dangerous man living here!”
I mean, they did that to me. They came with their flashing lights, two of their, you know, reds and blues vehicles. And I lived like half a block from the RCMP station in Jasper, and yet they drove over with their lights going full bore. And I lived in a co-op there. So dense housing and so that all the neighbors could:
“See what a dangerous person lives here!”
Paul Fromm: What did she do!:
“Oh, my God! Are our dogs even safe around her?”
But so it was a high impact takedown, and he was charged with three counts of uttering threats against groups, not individuals.
And then later he was charged with one count under the hate law:
“The willful promotion of hate against a privileged group.”
In this case, jews. And one count of:
“Willfully promoting genocide.”
And, okay, all these are non-violent offenses.
Monika Schaefer: If I could just interject, Paul. He’s the messenger. The long and the short of it is that he is the messenger. I say don’t shoot the messenger!
I mean, this is how it is right now.
And we do have a caller on the line, but if you’d like to just complete that thought briefly, we’ll take the call.
Paul Fromm: Anyway. He’s basically in there for running his mouth in a politically incorrect way.
Monika Schaefer: Right.
Paul Fromm: He had bad thoughts as opposed to people who get bail who did bad things, or I should say, do bad things, anyway.
Monika Schaefer: Yeah. The irony is he could be in jail already, sitting in jail longer than what the charge would merit, as in the he’s already, … Like, they won’t let him out until he’s already served the time. That even if he’s guilty of some crime, like, you know what I mean? Like, they just hold him there.
Paul Fromm: He probably already has. Anyway, that was February 14, 2023. Despite numerous attempts to get bail, they have failed. Bail denied. He remains there in warehouse. And there is a very large number of people in Canada, particularly in Ontario, who are essentially being warehoused. They call it “remand”. They’re not given bail, and they’re just there in bad conditions in a prison week after week.
He is now being in for over 500 days. We’ve had six protests outside the prison to support him, and this is a real injustice. His alleged crime are bad words and bad thoughts! He hasn’t hurt anybody. But the system fears the thinker far more than they do the guy that goes and beats someone.
Monika Schaefer: That is the key, Paul! The system that is composed of the criminals. The criminals are running the show. They fear the speech. You know, the truth more than anything else, because that is exactly what will undermine their power!
Paul Fromm: If your audience has ever read Alexander Solzhenitsyn. He described the conditions in the prison camps, the Gulags, and yes, things were not very good for anybody. But killers and rapists and robbers were not treated as badly as the political prisoners. That incident is punished far more!
Monika Schaefer: This is what we’re seeing now. Mr Producer, could you bring in Larkin from Texas? Because we just have five minutes remaining and we’d like to., … He’s been waiting for a while there. Are you there, Lark?
Lark: I am. Thanks, Monika.
Monika Schaefer: Go ahead.
Lark: And how are you, Paul? Paul, I must say that I’ve long wanted to talk to you. Quickly. Are you familiar with Sam Dixon?
Paul Fromm: Oh, yeah. Great friend of mine.
Lark: Yeah. Maybe you could talk to him sometime. He did a keynote address on behalf of Richard Spencer and his group a dozen years ago and you can find it online. It was called America the God that Failed. And in the first couple. In the first couple of minutes, Mr Dixon describes himself as a communitarian.
So this is an important word that I want to bring to your attention because I’ve been researching this for 20 years. You know, I learned quite a bit about what you are confronting by a Professor, the late Doctor Harrell Rome.
Paul Fromm: Oh, yes, I knew him years ago. Yes.
Lark: Yeah. His stuff is still to be found on the Internet. But and this is for you too, Monika.
The truth is, you guys are running into what’s called R2P, or Responsibility to Protect. And this is a part and parcel of communitarian law.
Now, all law enforcement in America since the Patriot Act post 9/11 has been communitarian law enforcement. And it’s taken hold of the courts. Don’t forget that on day 9/11, 2001, it was a Canadian that was captain of the ship there at NORAD in Colorado Springs, Colorado. They basically were part of the command structure.
So the point is that a lot of Canadian history, as we all know, has been tied to the hip with the events that occurred in America over time. And we’ve heard talk about the North American Union and stuff like that. Well, this is actually occurring right on our watch.
But here’s why it called. If you do a search, it’s called COREVALUES, all capped. One word. COREVALUES. It was published in 2013. I’ve already supplied a link to the board op for your benefit, Monika and Paul.
Monika Schaefer: Thank you.
Lark: And yeah, if you guys look at that, you’re going to get at the root of how it is that you’re being railroaded and essentially being harmed by the justice system. And because we have simply not been made aware, we were never sent the memo that the new law of the entire world in a hyper connected time is the same law as the European Union, because that’s the legal undergirding. And that law in the European Union is known as Communitarian Law. So I’ve dropped you a few breadcrumbs. You can always reach out to me if you ever want to talk. But this is what’s at the root of what has happened to you, Paul.
Paul Fromm: So you’ll have to give us a contact.
Monika Schaefer: Thank you, Lark, for that call. Excellent call! And I do see the link there, so maybe, Paul, you can see it as well. We can use that link before we lose after the end of the call here. And we just have about a minute left. But thank you again, Lark, for the call. Excellent information.
So, Paul, would you like to tell people where they can find your work, your newsletters online, that kind of thing? Go ahead.
Paul Fromm: Yes. Well, first of all, if you want to contact me and get samples of my newsletters, email me at That’s The free speech website is CAFE. Or go online for the Canadian Association for Free Expression and you’ll get the contact there.
Monika Schaefer: Paul, 10 seconds. What about any other words to take us out?
Paul Fromm: It’s really important that you support the people who are in prison, the political prisoners. Get the address from Monika or me and drop them a note.
Monika Schaefer: has the political prisoner addresses. Thank you so much! Thank you, Paul, for coming on our show. And thank you, Mr Producer, for your excellent work. And we’ll see you next week.
RBN Comments
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See Also
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Version History
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Version 2: Tue, Jul 23, 2024 — Corrected speaker name after 37 min mark.
Version 1: Tue, Jul 16, 2024 — Published post. Includes RBN comments (0).
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