Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant



Sun, Aug 18, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis and Jacob Hersant discuss the following:

• Recent demonstrations and their ideology.

• Organizing stealth protests to avoid police interference: “we’ve had to go stealth mode”

• Discuss wearing masks and uniforms for anonymity and intimidation: “It gives you a look… that you are a kind of militant”

• Demographic change: “We are going to be a minority in this country, a hated and persecuted minority”

• Criticize leftists and anti-fascists: “these leftists just show up and they’re like, oh, yeah, I agree with this, so let’s do it”

• Tactics for recruiting new members: “every time we do a rally, what we’re actually doing is we’re soliciting recruitment”

• Confronting a pro-refugee protest: “We force the juxtaposition of us versus the enemy”

• Media coverage benefits them: “the media played right into our hands again”

• Runic symbols in their branding: “I love the runes because I’m a racist white man”

• Admiration for NS Germany: “the SS used the Sieg runes”

• Criticize multiculturalism in Australia: “You walk around in Melbourne or Sydney now you see more non white faces than white faces”

• Building a parallel community for supporters: “We train together. We socialize together.”

• Encourage viewers to join their movement: “get active, get involved”

• Anti-Semitic views: “These people are just working for the Jews”

• Recent protests in Brisbane and Melbourne

• Criticize police response to their demonstrations

• Desire to deport immigrants: “Mass deportations now”

• Discuss aesthetics and branding of their movement

• Tactics are successful: “I thought we came off looking great”

• White nationalist views on Australian identity and culture

• Internal organization of their movement

• Criticize “conservative” approaches as ineffective

• Desire for militant action: “we want to have the intellectualism as well. But when it comes to being on the street, you have to embrace that street look”

• Risks of activism and arrests

• Demographic changes threaten white Australians

• Admiration for historical fascist movements

• Using social media to spread their message

• Criticize immigration and multiculturalism policies

• Encourage viewers to sign a petition against social media regulation





Published on Sun, Aug 18, 2024




Activist reflections (feat. Jacob Hersant)
August 18, 2024
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fuck off were full
jacob hersant
joel davis
mass deportations now
national socialist network
File size
2.12 GB



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(Words: 15,426 – Duration: 97 mins)



Joel Davis: We are live. It is Sunday night, it’s the 18th of August, 2024 and doing a stream with Jacob, finally. Jacob is over at Tom’s house, which is why you can see the familiar background but a different head. So anyway, before you get going, how you doing this evening?


The best places to follow Jacob are you is Telegram, in my opinion. And your Telegram and your Twitter, they’re both linked in the description, but follow Jacob on both platforms, if you haven’t already. But we’re doing a stream tonight because we just wanted to reflect upon our recent activism, quite a few recent ops that we’ve done as a group over the last few weeks, and also just the theory behind, like, why we approach things the way we do. Because a lot of people, you know, online, they say:


“Well, why don’t you do this and why don’t you do that? And why do you do this for?”


And so on. So we thought we could just go through some of those common objections and ideas and just kind of explain why we have kind of crafted our particular approach. But I say “our”, I’m more of a recent addition. Jacob is a veteran to this kind of activism. He’s been doing it for many, many years, since before he was even an adult. So I thought an interesting place to start would be to ask you before we talk about what we’ve done over the last few weeks, how did you get into nationalism in the first place? What was the basic progression?


Jacob Hersant: I first got into nationalism by being interested in history. So I used to love, like most teenage boys, I’d like war movies, war video games, but particularly ones about the Second World War. And I was playing these games, and I’m like, I should actually learn about what this conflict’s about, because most people have a bit of an understanding about the Second World War, but their understanding comes down, when it comes down to it is basically good guys versus bad guys.


And I stumbled across a documentary on YouTube. This is back when you could actually find information on YouTube, called The Greatest Story Never Told. And I watched it all in basically one sitting. It’s 6 hours long, but I watched it and it just blew my mind! That documentary is very good for red pilling people.


But after I watched that, I considered myself a National Socialist and a fascist, but I didn’t have the understanding of what that actually meant. I didn’t have the worldview solidified in my brain. So it took quite a while of research on the Internet, going to places like, or rather listening to people like TRS and Iron March. I think my biggest influence, insofar as actually understanding National Socialism, was Iron March and the resources that they produced, the books and things like that.


So that’s how I really developed the political view that would make me later go down the path of activism.


So there wasn’t any National Socialist groups around at that time in Australia. So a bunch of my friends that I’d met through the Internet, nationalist friends, and I founded a group called Antipodean Resistance, which was an explicitly National Socialist organisation that organised kind of similar to what National Socialist Network is now, but it was a lot more militant in its message, a lot more radical, and had a bit more of a, I guess you could say extreme or militant look than National Socialist Network. That wasn’t my decision. I wasn’t the leader of the organisation. My view of how politics should be done is what we’re doing with National Socialist Network.


But eventually that group basically fizzled out, and I got involved with Lads Society and Thomas Sewell, and they were focusing more on, I guess, organising around community building rather than bringing out a political message through activism.


So I spent quite a bit of time with them, but I got the impression that we needed to become political again. We needed to start getting the message out. We needed to be doing stickers, banners, demonstrations, and things like that. So I founded National Socialist Network with that goal in mind. And now we’ve expanded to what we have today. So we’re practically National Socialist Network and European Australian Movement. It’s basically the biggest movement in Australia when it comes to White nationalism.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


So basically, this current iteration of the organisation was mostly, what was your idea, as you described, coming out of the mutation, out of your time in the Antipodean Resistance.


And by the way, for those who don’t aware what that term “antipodean” means, it just literally means the antipodes are like, the opposite side of a sphere. So, like, Australia and New Zealand being the antipodes of Europe. That’s all that is referencing.


But, yeah, the current project, the street activist project wing of what we’re doing was kind of your brainchild. But then when you and Tom were attacked by communists in a parking lot, you know, years ago, and then they then pinned charges of, I think it was, what was it? Assault? And I can’t remember the exact charges you would know that they pinned on.


Jacob Hersant: So we were charged with armed robbery. That was the main charge and the most serious charge, which entails mandatory jail times of, I think it might be like a year or two years or something.


So it’s a very serious charge. But they eventually offered us a deal of “violent disorder”, so we pleaded to violent disorder. Violent disorder, that’s a charge that’s being used in Britain now to lock up a lot of the protesters, the street protesters. But it basically just means being part of a group of six or more people and being part of that group with the intent of committing violence. Even if you can’t be proven to have committed violence or done anything by virtue of being part of that group, you are guilty of the crime of violent disorder.


So that’s what we pleaded to. And I didn’t get any more jail time than I had already done, which was just three days on remand until I got bailed. But I got ridiculous bail conditions of not being able to post on the Internet and not being able to associate with people with my political views.


So it was very, very frustrating to be on bail for two years and not be allowed to be political.




Joel Davis: Yeah, that’s the only reason why I brought it up. You didn’t even get charged with assault originally. So armed robbery, because presumably they said that they waved their phone in your face or something and you grabbed it or something like that?


Jacob Hersant: They alleged that it was a group of 20 people attacking their car at once with balaclavas on. Like, more or less, if you see what our demonstration looks like, they say that it was basically like 20 of us, like, we look like in the demonstration, but three of us were carrying hunting knives, box cutters and those kind of weapons and trying to stab people through the car windows and demanding phones. And then they gave the phones. This is what their witness statement says.


So this is what they claim to the cops. And so by virtue of being part of a group that had, is alleged to have had box cutters and hunting knives, and they’re making demands for a phone. That’s armed robbery.


Joel Davis: Yeah, but what actually happened was you were just attacked by communists, basically, and then defended yourself.


Jacob Hersant: Well, what actually happened was they were taking photos of us with their phones, and Thomas Sewell walked over to ask them what they were doing, and they freaked out and then tried to basically violently, not violently, but erratically, drive in a tiny little car park, and they ended up hitting people with their car.


And then that’s when people started trying to get them out of the car because they thought these people. Well, it’s not that they thought, these people were running people over with their car. So that’s where the violence and all of that kind of mayhem happens, because these people basically tried to run people over, and most people aren’t going to just sit like good little boys and take that.


Joel Davis: Yeah. But anyway, I bring that up only just to, as I said, because to point out that you were basically put on the bench, forced onto the bench, onto the sidelines for two years by the State.


And so as a result, Tom served some time in prison. But when he got out of prison, he didn’t really serve as in he was charged with a crime that forced him to be put in prison. He was just kind of locked up without being released on bail for seven months, quite infamously. But once he got out of prison, basically, you were unable to function as an activist legally.


And so he basically had to kind of keep your operation going at the time. And then since late last year, I think, was it around October or so, this matter finally got resolved, you were able to come back into the fold and function as more of the aesthetic director.


So some of the marches that were done last year, like the infamous “Destroy Pedo Freaks” rally, for example, you can see a little bit of a distinction between some of those rallies and the more recent ones in the way that the banners are designed and this kind of the specifications of the uniform and so on, that’s more your kind of aesthetic vision, I think, of having more uniformity, where everyone except the front man are supposed to have the balaclava on, and we’re wearing the longer sleeve pants, a jacket and so on. And everyone looks a lot more like carbon copies of one another, just different sizes, based upon how big they are as human beings, basically. And like, the runes kind of suddenly, on the background of the banners and so on. There’s a more just coherent aesthetic, I think, in recent marches.


And anyway, I think it’s been quite successful. And the last few marches that we have done, obviously, we were up in Brisbane. You weren’t able to go to that one because of other bail conditions, because you’re currently getting dragged through the courts because of an alleged Roman salute, that you kind of it was kind of, … It was kind of an aborted Roman, when you came out of court [chuckling] and interviewed by the media, you kind of did like a half Roman.


And then:


“Oops, that’s illegal now!”


Because, of course, the jews had the laws changed nationally and within each state in Australia to criminalise the Roman salute, towards the end of last year as well, in response directly to literally us. Anyways, you’re being dragged through the courts because of that, and they just try and slap bail conditions upon you when you go through these processes to try and hamstring your activism. But thankfully, they aren’t as strict as last time.


But you can’t travel interstate. So unfortunately, that kind of sucks! But the last two rallies we did in Melbourne, one of them, you were the front man. The “Mass Deportations Now” rally, that was, I think, really successful. The aesthetic was really nice with a great hype video and great images from that. And even the image of you getting arrested by the police, because what happened basically on the day was when the police reacted to what we were doing. Obviously, their objective was arrest you and arrest the people holding the banner, because they didn’t have the manpower to arrest everyone because there was 40 of us.




So you got arrested, and there’s kind of iconic picture of you just sitting on the steps of Flinders Street Station in Melbourne, just kind of looking bemused:


“How ridiculous is this?”


I think one of the coppers, like, a female, and your hands are handcuffed behind your back. I might try and pull it up.


But I thought it was kind of interesting, that rally, because you getting arrested. It was almost like a benefit to the rally. Like, I was thinking at the time, I was standing next to you just before you got arrested, and I was like:


“I think maybe we should move on, because it seems like the police are forming up.”


And I don’t think you thought that they were just all gun for you, and you thought they didn’t have enough numbers, so you kind of just kept strutting around, yelling into the megaphone. And then about seven of them just came up to you at once:


“Jacob Hersant, you’re under arrest!”


And just grabbed you. There wasn’t really anything that we could do. And the rest of us just kind of rolled out from there. But the arrest, it made the news, and the kind of narrative around the arrest kind of fueled the news cycle online, which I think helped maybe propel the rally itself to a little bit more notoriety.


And then they didn’t even charge you with anything. They threatened to charge you with “offensive behaviour” or some ridiculous nonsense crime that ZOG has made up in the last few years to shut down political free expression, but they didn’t actually lay any charges on you. So it seems like they were just kind of throwing that threat out as an excuse to break up the rally or prevent us from continuing on with our action that day. But thankfully, it was already towards the end.


But how do you see it? Like, the Mass Deportations Now rally. Let’s talk about that was three weeks ago. Did you see that as a success? I did. I thought, like, you got a really cool speech out. The video was excellent! And even the arrest, like I said, kind of fit the narrative of the day. You know, you did a couple hours at the police station, and then we came and picked you up, and that was it. It wasn’t so bad getting arrested, I don’t think, under those circumstances.


Jacob Hersant: I think the rally was definitely a success, and I do think that the arrest benefited it, because it makes us look like we’re actually the cutting edge. We’re not just there being silly. We’re being proven to be making an impact to the point that the government hates us that much, that they’re just going to arrest us for doing what other political groups do practically every day. Like, every other political movement is allowed to demonstrate on the streets, use the megaphone, even block traffic and walk through the streets. They’re allowed to do that.


But then we go do it for 15 minutes. They have a specialist team of police officers waiting. They know my name specifically. They just come out of nowhere:


“Jacob Hersant, you’re under arrest!”


And I was asking them:


“What is the charge? What is the charge?”


It was like my, this is my democracy manifest moment. And I’m just asking him:


“What’s the charge? Like, why am I being arrested?”


And none of the police officers could answer until they had some sergeant or some high ranking guy, and he said:


“You’re under arrest for the crime of grossly offensive behaviour.”


I was like:


“Okay, that’s interesting.”


The law is actually one that cannot be used against protesters. A lot of these laws that are being used against us are laws in which it states:


“The law cannot be used against people dissenting, protesting, industrial action.”


All of those kind of things, because Victoria has pretty good laws. And it was also, they did the same thing with Brisbane, the “public order law”, or whatever it was, and that had similar. The law was qualified in writing saying:


“You can’t use it against protesters.”


But they do it nonetheless because they just don’t care. These people are just working for the jews. None of them really believe in liberal democracy. Like, nobody cares about law anymore in this country. Like, they’re just words on a piece of paper that they’re happy to wipe their arse with whenever it’s convenient!


So, hey, I’m not complaining. If they want to disintegrate their ideals, that’s fine. It’ll just make our job easier. But it was definitely successful. A demonstration doesn’t need to be long. That demonstration was maybe 15 minutes.


But it’s not really about being seen by the people in person. It’s about being seen on the Internet. That’s where everyone sees it. And those videos went viral. They went everywhere. I’ve seen re-uploads of footage of that with like a million views, half a million views and things like that. And it is part of being seen as being seen, being out in the public. But it’s not actually the people there that matter, it’s the people that see it after. And the news publicly, the publicity that you get, the Internet, the dissemination of your message over the Internet, that’s what it’s so important. And we’re just going to have to keep doing in the future.


We’re going to have to do these short and sharp demonstrations, sshow up, achieve the task, and then get out of there. Because the police aren’t just going to allow us to have these democratic rights that they assure us that we have, and that everybody, every yellow, brown and black and communist and Palestinian, they all have rights, but not us, obviously, because we’re just White filth. You know, we’re the scum. We’re the oppressor of the whole world. We’re the world enemy according to these liberals.


So we should pivot to the one we recently did, the “Fuck Off! We’re Full” demonstration. But you took charge for that one, so I’ll let you speak about that one.




Joel Davis: Yeah, I think just on a note on some of what you said. There a lot of the reason why our approach is how it is, the reason why we can’t publicize what we’re going to do. Because if we said in public:


“Hey, we’re going to be at this place at this time like a day or two before come down and see us.”


You know, lots of people would show up. We do have a lot of supporters. And less people would show up because they would be afraid of getting arrested or getting doxxed. But still a bunch of people would show up. But we can’t do that because if we publicize where we’re going to be, that means the police show up. That means the Riot Squad shows up with, 200 roided up dudes in full tactical gear and pepper spray and all the works.


At one rally last year, they even used sonic weapons, sonic crowd control weapons, to disperse the crowd where they basically create this like super high pitched sound that just makes you like, need to like run out of like a 1 km radius, otherwise your eardrums will blow up. I mean, this is the kind of thing that they do when they have the time to prepare.


And also in the past, Antifa will show up and the police will allow them essentially to assault our activists totally freely and openly. And then if anyone on our side fights back, they get arrested. But there’s been times in the past where Antifa will show up with like 1 kg tins of canned fruit and just start pelting them at our boys. I think Tom actually got hit in the sternum at a rally last year with a one kilo tin of mangoes or whatever it was. And it winded him pretty bad. I mean he got back up and kept trucking. But, you know, imagine you caught one of those things to the head.


So that’s kind of what happens when you advertise that you’re going to show up somewhere. And it’s better because in a certain sense, if you can advertise it, because then the media will be there, supporters will be there, and so on, and you can get more out of the demonstration in that respect. But there’s so many negatives.


So we’ve had to go stealth mode. And stealth mode means you can only tell people who are trusted members of our crew to be there in order to prevent leakage to the authorities, to political enemies and so on. But it enables us to actually have the tactical advantage of spontaneously arising and then moving before the authorities have much time to react. They do start reacting and they start building up their forces, but, it’s kind of like a blitzkrieg, if you will. We have the advantage of speed. You know, we get the jump on the enemy, we can kind of exercise our rights through tactical efficiency, and then our rally is done by the time the authorities or our political enemies have been able to react. And then we pack up and go home, and it’s a successful operation.


So that was the logic of what we did on Friday afternoon. As you said, this one was my, it was kind of my op, really. The “Mass Deportations Now”, one, we came up with the idea as a group, but then you kind of executed that one we were able to plan.


Whereas this, I just kind of found out in basically the day before. I’d been keeping my eye on it a little bit, but we only just got back from Brisbane. We had our national meet. We obviously did an activism up in Brisbane as well last weekend. But I kept my eye on, I think on Monday night, before I got back from Brisbane, I saw some images online from Auspil, the TikToker who was trying to document this, and he ended up getting moved on by police and arrested by police just for trying to journalistically document what was happening. But communists in Melbourne had organised this group of what they call, quote, unquote, “refugees”. But they’re not refugees, they’re just Indians and various other kind of Middle Easterners and so on, who have been playing the system, getting one Visa and swapping it for another Visa and so on, or overstaying their visa. Some of them are probably, like, illegally staying in Australia because they want to drive Uber, they want to parasite off the Australian economy built by the Whiteman.


So, you know, even being a shitling peasant in Australia is still way better than being the equivalent of a middle class person in some shitty brown country. So they don’t want to leave, and they’re demanding permanent visas.


Now they obviously don’t qualify for permanent visas, and it’s quite easy to qualify for permanent visas because the Australian government is working very hard to demographically replace White people in Australia. So hundreds of thousands of brown people manage to get permanent visas every year, but these people can’t even qualify for that. But they’re still demanding that they get to stay anyway, just because! And the communists have organised them.




So what we saw in the crowd on Friday was kind of, for every one dysgenic brown communist face, you saw about five brown faces, and I guess that’s the ratio of their organisation. And the communists are getting them to do their slogans. They were chanting:


“No borders, no nations, no deportations!”


And there was even, like, a red and black anarcho-communist flag being waved. So we’re talking about the radical far-Left. Like, the Victorian Socialists are involved, but other socialist groups are involved, talking about the radical, the most radical Left people in Melbourne politics, which is the most Left-wing city in Australia. So it’s the Left of the Left. And then a bunch of pajeets and Afghans and so on that can’t speak English.


So they’re marching around at the Department of Homeland Affairs. They’re not just marching around, they’ve, like, set up an encampment, and I think they’ve been there permanently for over a week now. And they’re just basically going to camp out there, blocking off traffic, blocking off the sidewalk, and making a nuisance of themselves until they’re all given permanent visas.


Now, the average Australian would be like:


“Who the fuck do you think you are? Like, how can you not even have a permanent Visa to be in this country and start making political demands?”


And these people, they call themselves “refugees”, but they’re not even from countries that have active war. They’re just economic migrants. So it’s just totally laughable.


But nevertheless, they’re there and the media has covered it a little bit, but not really because I think even the Left-wing media knows that it’s not sympathetic. If they were to give a genuine kind of coverage to what these people are doing, maybe outside of the Left-wing press, the average Aussie battler, the average Australian working class, kind of hi-vis wearing tradie or factory worker or whatever, would look at this and say:


“Who the fuck are these parasites? Get them out! Like, deport them now!”


So it was a great opportunity for us to do something. And so even though. And I saw that there Friday at 05:30 pm or 05:00 pm or something, they were going to have speeches from various socialist leaders, including a sitting Member of Parliament from the Green Party.


And so I thought, we got to go down there and disrupt this. We got some of the boys together on short notice. We got like 20 of the boys together. You know, it’s difficult on short notice to get all our guys out, but we got 20 boys out. Didn’t tell anyone we were going down there for operational security reasons, mobilised nearby. And when we marched up onto the street, you could see that we totally caught them by surprise, applying these principles.


As I said, if we said two days before, if we went on the show on Thursday night, we did a show, Blair and Tom and I, if we said:


“We’re going to go down to this location at this time.”


We probably could have got 100 people down there.


But then if we get 100 people down there, those hundred people are going to be faced by Riot Squad and get maced. You know, all the communists will show up with projectiles ready to throw them at us and so on. And you get a lot of people hurt and arrested. And then no one wants to come to the next thing that you organise. But what we did by catching them by surprise meant that the police that they had down there, because they are the far-Left. They don’t send the kind of cops they send when we do something. They send all the female cops. They send, like, there was like homosexual male cops with like, lispy voices and rainbow lanyards and stuff. It was the full “uphold the anal sex”, you know, Victoria police entourage. But there wasn’t even that many of them. Like I said:


“I think there was only like seven or eight police.”


And so when we marched up on the street, the police, you could see the fear in their eyes. There was like one cop that was maybe a heterosexual male out of all of them. And he pulled his mace out straight away, pointed at us, and was looking around at all the women and homosexuals beside him, like:


“Oh, shit! What are we gonna do?”


But we were’nt there to engage the police in violence because that would have prevented us from being able to do our activist action. For us, it was about our slogans. It was about a show of force, a show of opposition, and a big sign that said, “Fuck Off! We’re Full!”.


And usually I get told off. No profanity. I got told off after the ‘Mass Deportations Now’ rally for flipping off a Lefty that was yelling things out at us. Because we usually have a standard of no profanity, no offensive gestures, just professional optics, you know, upstanding optics! But we went for the “Fuck Off! We’re Full” banner this time. Because for those who aren’t from Australia or maybe even some of the young Zoomers, when I was a little kid in the two thousands, and I think it was even bigger, even a bigger thing in the nineties, there were these bumper stickers that you’d see everywhere that said, “Fuck Off, We’re Full”. And they’d be inside a little like, cartoon of Australia. And it was just a kind of bogan, quasi White nationalist, anti-immigration slogan. And you’d see guys that they’d be driving around in like a Holden ute and they’d have like, a Eureka flag bumper sticker, or a Ned Kelly bumper sticker, or “Such is Life” written in old English, which is Ned Kelly’s final quote, or Southern Cross. Just like Aussie bumper stickers, you’d have a “Fuck off! We’re Full!” sticker as well. And it was just a classic kind of like bogan racism.




So it just felt very appropriate to direct that message at these browns demanding to stay. Because I knew if that gets on the news, there’s going to be all of these, you know, red blooded White working class Aussies and even middle class Aussies that are just going to be like:


“Fuck, yes!”


Like the rising tide of brown immigration, the mass the mass replacement essentially of White people. You walk around in Melbourne or Sydney now you see more non-White faces than White faces. Like, we went out for a drink the other night. We had to keep changing the club. We kept walking to different clubs and bars. We had to keep kind of going in and going out until we could find one that actually felt White. Because you’d walk in and you’re just surrounded by like full mystery meat every single race in the world with horrible, like, negro music. That’s what Australian cities are like now. You become a stranger in your own country.


So, yeah, we knew that the provocation would be one that would actually solicit a lot of sympathy. And thankfully the media took the bait. They put us on the news with our chance, with our slogan. And I thought we came off looking great and I thought it was a pretty successful up. How do you, how do you see it? I think for me, and I think you would agree with this, it’s almost like the media reaction is almost more important than anything else.


Jacob Hersant: Well, I don’t like to base our politics on the reaction of our enemies because it’s something that you can’t determine because if they’re very smart, they will just not give you exactly what you want.


But in this case, they did give us exactly what we wanted. Because this was a no lose situation for us. Our position is just so much more popular than the communists and the browns in this circumstance. It’s like the Destroy Pedo Freaks one. When you go with a banner saying Destroy Pedo Freaks it’s a lose-lose situation for the communists. They have to go out and defend Drag Queen and paedophiles fundamentally. And this was another one where it was a win-win.


So the best strategy for the media, the government, the Leftists would be to just not talk about it because they can’t win. But they had to try their best to do the spin. The Herald Sun brought out an article saying that apparently we got chased off. The communists have been saying we ran away, even though there’s just video footage from so many different angles of us just getting the job done. And then we just walked off before the police could mobilise in sufficient numbers to perhaps arrest you or try to ID all of us and all of that.


The plan is you get there, you do the demonstration, you achieve the task and then you get out of there. There’s no benefit from just sitting there and waiting for your enemies to capitalise on you being there. You got to be dynamic. You got to go in shock and awe and then get out. And we did that so effectively and all the communists can do is just complain on the Internet. We’ve been seeing, they’ve been whining so much and they’re really on a back foot in Melbourne right now. I think they’re becoming increasingly frustrated by the fact that the police are the only ones that are really inhibiting what we’re doing.


The communists have become practically irrelevant. And if they want to fight fascism, perhaps they should start paying taxes so that the police [chuckling] can fight us more effectively. Like, I think they should just really just accept their fate as system pets and they should get the nine to five, pay the taxes, pay the mortgage and just let the police deal with us. Because at least they’re not going to stop us, but they’re opposing us. They’re actually opposing us in a way that is inconvenient for us.


So I think it went really, really well. The publicity, the clips we brought out. I think it was extremely sympathetic to the Right-wing generally. I haven’t seen really any counter signaling of this from anybody online. I think we’re becoming increasingly sympathetic as time goes on. But particularly for these actions, who really is going to come out and complain about what we did? It was a win-win situation. We went in there, we got it done with no problems and it was just a massive W. And the Left are just seething! They’re just very, very frustrated at how well we’re doing now.


But we shouldn’t get complacent like we’re taking the W’s now. But we’ve got to be meticulous with our planning, with our strategy. And we just got to carry on because the more wins we have, the more ire we’re going to draw from the system and these people are going to start preparing. The more success we have, the more it’s going to mobilise the police and these anti-fascists to get more serious in their opposition to us.


Joel Davis: Yeah, sure. I’m just going to play a few clips from Friday.



That was a little chuno, our rework of Auslander Raus with some English lyrics, Australiana lyrics. This is us with the banner.



I was on mute. Yeah. A few clips there. Just an idea. I think I might actually play the media clip from Channel Nine because I thought that was excellent! We could kind of break that down in a bit. Yeah. What you said about Antifa, like Vic Paul [sp] was the new Antifa, I thought was quite funny.




Jacob Hersant: Yeah.


One thing of note as well is that with that demonstration, there was only 20 of us, but we went toe to toe with so many communists and so many muds because they were so disorganised and they didn’t have any intent to actually oppose us effectively. They’re claiming that we got chased off by them, but there was no violence at all! About six police officers managed to maintain distance between the refugees and the communists and us.


Joel Davis: The police didn’t maintain it.


Jacob Hersant: They didn’t have to maintain it.


Joel Davis: They were, like, holding us back from attacking 200 communists and browns. But the communists and browns required no restraint. They just restrained themselves. They were afraid.


Jacob Hersant: Yeah, well, the communists weren’t interested. Like, there was 200 of them. Yeah, they claim they’re going to “bash the fash”. They claim that they’re anti-fascist fighters, but in a 200 versus 20, outnumbered ten to one, these people can’t even bash the fash as they claim they’re going to do.


And then they have the gall to say that they ran us away. They didn’t do anything. And they weren’t even organised enough to drown us out with chants or anything like that, because it was too many foreigners that basically could barely even speak English. You can see in the footage they’re dancing around and they’re just gesticulating [chuckling] and just going wild. But they couldn’t organise themselves to do their Anti-fascist and refugee chants or anything like that to drown us out. So it ended up being us 20 people just yelling our slogans because we actually know them. We were drowning them out. And you can see that in the footage. You can hear us over, like, a horde of 200 communists and muds.


So it was fortunate for us that they didn’t have competent organisers that could organise the numbers they had to effectively oppose us.


Joel Davis: Yeah, absolutely! There was a few funny chimp outs, I noticed in the crowd where like one or two of the Indians would try and act like they were going to come at us and then they would just let their fellow jeets, like, pull them back into the crowd. You know, that kind of thing people do where they go:


“Oh, yeah, you want to fight?”


And then let their friends drag them back. They were doing that thing over and over again! And Jimbo, was just:


“Come on! Come on!”


Jacob Hersant: :


“Hold me back, bro! Hold me back!”


Joel Davis: Yes. If they wanted to charge us, they could charge at us in a big group, and they could have had a brawl if they wanted to. We would have had no choice because the police weren’t going to be able to stop it! And you could see the police all facing us. They were there to prevent us. Like the, when we show up, the one of the female police comes over to me, probably the one of the more attractive, one of the more fuckable female police. She came over to me and was like:


“Oh, like are you guys gonna fight them or what are you gonna do?”


And then I was like:


“We’re just here to exercise our rights, the freedom of assembly, just like they are, so you got nothing to worry about.”


And she was like:


“Oh, okay.”


And then they just went back to just like, standing in like a line in front of us. So they were more worried about us attacking them. And then you could even see the narrative coming out from the communists is like:


“Oh, Nazis came to try and shut us down and attack us and we needed police protection.”


If I saw a video come out today where one of the brown organisers was on the megaphone saying to the police that they need to protect all of them from any attacks, and if anyone gets attacked by people like us, then they’re going to sue the police and all of this. So they can see, they know that the police are on their side, the system is on their side, and they’re demanding that the police force function as like their own personal bodyguards or something because they’re so afraid of Nazis coming down to beat them up. But apparently they chased us away, so doesn’t really make sense.


We did what we wanted. We got all of our chants out, we got all the photo-ops we wanted to do. What are we going to do, just stay there for like 4 hours? You know, we were there for 20 minutes, we accomplished our objective. And if we hung around for another hour, all that would have been achieved is more and more police would have been called in and they would have piled up and probably eventually tried to arrest us. So what would be the point once we got the footage that we want and solicited the response that we wanted? Yeah, so we just got out of there and I went down the pub for a few drinks. [chuckling] I had a bit of a headache from screaming into the megaphone for 20 minutes, to be honest.


But it was a pretty successful operation. And, yeah, you said you don’t like relying on the media, but that’s the thing I think tactically as a group compared to when I look around the world, and analyze some of the other activist groups. There’s other activist groups that have more activists than us who can get more bodies in the street than us. But I feel like our aesthetics and the kind of the way that we target certain events, we’re very, very good at soliciting a media reaction. The media can’t help themselves but cover us. And so we’re able to inject ourselves and insert ourselves into mainstream political discussion, I think, very effectively.




And this was another example of that because a very significant portion, at least, of Melbourne’s population, is aware, you know, millions of people are aware that 20 of us showed up with our big Fuck Off, We’re Full sign. And that’s in many respects the whole point of activism is for the people in your society to be aware of your message and to see you for what you’re doing. When they put us on the news, jumping around, dancing, singing Fuck Off, We’re Full. With a huge Fuck Off, We’re Full sign. And they tried to portray us in a negative light, but look at what we’re opposing. We force the juxtaposition of us versus the enemy. They interview the enemy. The enemy has nothing really to say for themselves other than that we’re mean for not making them feel included in our country or welcome. And they just got to see all these entitled brown faces.


And then the argument was, oh, are the conservative politicians who are lackeys for the jews and are calling for Gaza refugees to be barred from Australia? Are they responsible for what we did? Like, did we see Peter Dutton come out and say:


“Well, I went and met with the jews and we came to the realisation that we don’t want any Gazan refugees to come here and blow up synagogues or something. So we’re not going to let them in. And then we got so inspired that we decided to go and protest. But we never thought of being White nationalists until we saw that on television.”


Or something, apparently.


But then they then wheeled out Dvir Abramovich, who’s the head of the Australian Anti-Defamation Commission, which is the Australian knockoff, shitty version of the ADL in the United States. So he’s like the kind of Jonathan Greenblatt from, if you will.


Anyway, they put him on television and he would have gone on a whole spiel, knowing Dvir Abramovich going on about how the Holocaust was the holabonga was so horrible and the 6th guerrillion and Nazis are so evil, but they didn’t even bother clipping any of that into the news. They just clipped the part where he said:


“Oh no, they marched not because of anything Peter Dutton said.”


Because, of course he likes what Peter Dutton said. Because what Peter Dutton said was brown nosing his people. They are just concerned about the Great Replacement. They’re concerned about the White race being replaced by a rising tide of non-White immigration. And that was, and it was like, gee, thanks Dvir! Like you just corrected the record on our behalf. That was fantastic! So even like the jew shills ended up being like clipped into the news into a way that suited our agenda and our narrative.


So the media played right into our hands again for the umpteenth time, gave us positive publicity. So, yeah, I was very happy with that. I’ll get what you think about that, but I’ll find the clip for the benefit of the audience.


Jacob Hersant: Yes. Well, to circle back to the police, the police were actually pretty decent this time because they just did what they’re supposed to do, keep the groups separated. They faced us because obviously we’re the small group and they thought that they could control us more effectively than a horde of 200 muds that probably don’t even speak English. And the communists aren’t going to follow their directions.


So that’s why they were facing us. For some reason, when they face the other way and they face the communists, the communists get like super conspiratorial and they’re like:


“You’re protecting the Nazis! The police are protecting the Nazis!”


But this was a situation where it was reversed. They could have attacked the police, weren’t facing them at all! But it turns out the Nazis didn’t need protection because there was 200 of them and they’re not going to do anything. [chuckling]


The only thing they’re going to do is if they’re well prepared, they’ll stand behind a police line and they’ll throw missiles, because they know the police aren’t going to go after them. That’s the extent of their anti-fascism. But that’s not going to route a group of activists. They claim they want to chase us away and all that kind of stuff, but none of them are ready to basically overrun us and attack us and force a brawl, because they don’t have the Constitution for it.


But that’s okay. Like, we’re not looking for violence. We showed up there with a task. We got that task done, we got the win and we’re happy! That’s how the extent of our activism, that’s what we wanted to happen. It happened perfectly so we’re satisfied.


We don’t need to sit on the Internet lying about what happened or crying about it, whining like Dr Kaz Ross, our favourite fat uni-bitch, Antifa, she was whining about how the police could have arrested us under all these kind of laws. Like they’ve just become cheerleaders of the police. But I’m glad that they’ve just accepted their fate as system pets. Like they don’t need a lie about it. They don’t need to be delusional. Like they need to just back the blue and just accept their fate.




[Remainder of Transcript in Progress]











Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 10/8/2024 = 200)

HyperChat min: 100
1 month ago
Come face to face with Haitian the other day. I swear I was lookiin’ at a demon! WE are not the same and they have no business around us or our children! :flag_australia: :flag_united_kingdom: :flag_united_states: :flag_canada: :flag_germany:


1 month ago
Australia for the White man!


1 month ago
they’re confident that whites are as good as extinct. Trump and all the faggot politicians act like whites are already a distant memory.

1 month ago
Jacob has the genuine look and demeanor of a natural leader. He is a true asset to our movement. Keep up the great work, lads. Deus vult.


1 month ago

christians arent under attack, WHITES are under attack. jews are not flooding brown christian countries wuth muslims

Anti-Progressive Praxis
1 month ago
Fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck trannies, fuck dykes.

Hide replies
1 month ago
Catchy little jingle there.

1 month ago
The anti war symbol, and the same symbol green peace uses, is actually a death rune. Pierce always mentions that.

Hide replies

1 month ago
is it really? i didn’t know that

Hide replies
1 month ago
Yeah, if you notice that Pierce used the same symbol for National Alliance, but he has it the other way around, which he states then becomes the life rune.

Tendie Research Room
1 month ago(edited)
upside down Algiz Rune is the opposite of Life.

Talmudvision Zogberg
1 month ago
Share the gospels with muslims? In other words make browns brothers in Christ so they can stay in your country. We are in a racial battle not an Abrahamic one.

1 month ago

1 month ago
The Tower of Babel told us that they MUST stay in their own nations.


Lampshade Denier
1 month ago
Absolutely love you guys!!!!!

1 month ago
he’s a smart articulate lad 👍😊


1 month ago
its good to have multiple organizations. it makes it harder for the government to take them down. if everyone’s under the same umbrella it’s much easier for them. it’s good to keep it compartmentalized

The Crucible 01
1 month ago
both jacob and joel are top blokes and doing great work


1 month ago
Every time I see “Fuck off, we’re full!” I always think “Even if we weren’t full, we still don’t want you third world scumbags.”

Vol Tare
1 month ago
“White replacement theory” Ha what theory. The jews should stop mentioning this as it’s obviously happening in every white country. Even calling attention to it to attempt to discredit it wakes whites up. They are not sending their best.

1 month ago
great having jacob. i love hearing his takes

1 month ago
Good stream

1 month ago

Who runs all the NGOs bringing them into Europe?

1 month ago

The replacement of whites is well under way. Less than 10% of the World’s population is white, they are achieving their racist goal. I intend to fight to the end.

1 month ago
The wrong migrants have been pushed into Western countries for too long. This is why our societies are falling into chaos. The end is near so be prepared.

1 month ago
^^^ Truth

1 month ago
All Masked = cant single out the leader by name, Like they did to Jacob and Thomas previuosly

1 month ago
“When will there be justice in Athens? There will be justice in Athens when those who are not injured are as outraged as those who are.” ~ Thucydides

The Crucible 01
1 month ago
even the smallest towns in australia are overrun

1 month ago

that’s the thing, weak normies can live in a fantasy, but they can’t ignore everything turning to crap around them forever

1 month ago
critical mass is being reached in many areas

1 month ago
Very nice. Stay busy lads.

1 month ago
Who dresses this boy?

Hide replies
1 month ago
Your mom.

1 month ago
Can the Cunts actually save the West??? Fucking Hell, I think they can. Receive my fucking power!!


1 month ago
hard to believe TGSNT was available on YouTube.

1 month ago
thanks for the post, and godspeed!


1 month ago


1 month ago
i was banned off gab for saying Torba wasnt pro white, in his comment section

Hide replies
1 month ago
C’mon Resist , torba’s pro White . You obviously didn’t see that pic of torba shaking hands with dershowitz .


1 month ago
Yeah include him in the cinematic universe lol

1 month ago
heil victory


1 month ago

1 month ago
what is the difference between EAM and NSN

1 month ago
You are fighting an uphill battle against demons. Fight fire with fire!

1 month ago
they love rewriting history

Rebbe Schneerson
1 month ago
If the UK is anything to go by – You will lose your cities very quickly, and very soon.

Hide replies

1 month ago
aren’t most cities lost already? dirty, dangerous, and infested with nons

1 month ago
should challenge some of those punk cops to take off their badges and settle it one on one


1 month ago
i like the Aussie Natsoc Kommando aesthetic

1 month ago
the masks cover up the handsomeness chadliness

1 month ago
More than one immigrant a minute arrived in Australia during the last year, shock new data shows.

More than one immigrant a minute arrived in Australia during the last year, shock new data shows

1 month ago
your opinion means nothing you selfish brown mongrel

1 month ago
Muslim Demographics. Islam will overwhelm Christendom unless Christians recognize the demographic realities, begin reproducing again, and share the gospel with Muslims.


1 month ago(edited)
Wait until Jacob finds out that “Arabic numerals” are actually Persian, that is, came from Nordic-phenotype, Aryan Scythians.

Hide replies
I’m briks bitch
28 days ago

Hide replies

27 days ago

1 month ago
When we win, those demanding to stay ought get heir wish. If fact, we ought remove any choice they thought they’d had on the matter.

1 month ago
Joel looks fucked

1 month ago
Activists = terrorists.

Archipelago Woes
1 month ago
Gosh these browns are literal parasites. ” 12 years an that’s rude” ! lol. Fuck offffffff

Secure the future of our people
1 month ago

Pure White
1 month ago

Pure White
1 month ago
Hit the fire

Northern Blue
1 month ago
Top stream chaps

1 month ago


1 month ago
Morning folks.

1 month ago

1 month ago
Cheers chaps o/

1 month ago

1 month ago

Exactly. The truth telling of lies.

1 month ago

1 month ago

1 month ago

1 month ago
Yup, that cop had at least 6 other cops behind him; only reason he was acting like a degenerate traitorous scum.

1 month ago

1 month ago
Whites will be a distant memory… they’ll teach the shit skins that they built our nations

1 month ago
they want our extermination

1 month ago

1 month ago
Give me a Jacob!

1 month ago
the Roman aesthetic is fucking glorious 👍

1 month ago

i believe its a spiritual battle for pagans too. but primarily its a racial battle.

1 month ago
fuck 0. roman numerals are good enough to build shit and conquer shit lol

1 month ago
However, hundreds of millions of Christians have been murdered in the last century alone. This is a spiritual battle. Jews recognize this with their demon entities and so should we with Christ as our spiritual leader.

1 month ago

Pure White
1 month ago

1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago

1 month ago
“i don’t wanna be called raycissssss”

1 month ago
power in numbers as they say

1 month ago

1 month ago

They are cowards and would run off into the bush.

1 month ago
The cop who said “You are not welcome in this city,” looked kind gaaaaaaeee. I think he secretly wanted you for hisself! :laughing:

1 month ago

I believe they* want the worst of the worst to come in…they want the death ☠️ and destruction they bring

1 month ago
Black Chads

1 month ago
^^Very soothing to the eye o/

1 month ago


1 month ago

o/ o/ o///

No mask can ever Cover Such Things o/o/o///

1 month ago


The Crucible 01
1 month ago

The Crucible 01
1 month ago

lol noice

1 month ago

o/ i be lurker waffen o/

The Crucible 01
1 month ago
drilla o/

1 month ago

sad if true

The Crucible 01
1 month ago

that sucks

1 month ago
Especially where there seems no end in sight as to how many ‘muds’ they flood our countries with!

1 month ago

yea i think i heard shie is

1 month ago

Not sure.

1 month ago

isnt she married to a jew?

1 month ago

once it reaches their front door 🚪they can’t

1 month ago
Eva Vlaardingerbroek’s speech at the CPAC convention in Hungry.

1 month ago
Jacob is a top lad a great bloke 👍

1 month ago

1 month ago

Dews are Dews.

1 month ago

yeah I’m referring to the normies who act as though it’s so fucking evil to deny them entry

1 month ago
spot on, Annie

1 month ago
People are seeing thru this crap, especially when they ‘notice’ their cities crumbling before their very eyes!

The Crucible 01
1 month ago
jews bro jews

1 month ago

Dews are the reason we are having these problems.

1 month ago
how the fuck have they been here for 12 years without residency??? send them back

1 month ago
I mean why is it evil to say stay in your war or natural disaster in India

1 month ago
ohh shit listen to their energy guys… I dunno. They’re pretty impressive

1 month ago
“Unwelcome visitors or not” sounded like she meant the Indians

1 month ago
Gees, reporter hit all key words! Unbleiievable!

The Crucible 01
1 month ago


1 month ago
they’re all selfish fucks .. they have zero empathy for how it affects us

1 month ago
Why weren’t they sent back over that 12 years?

The Crucible 01
1 month ago

1 month ago
RIP Jack Karlson, may he enjoy succulent Chinese meals in Heaven. o7

The Crucible 01
1 month ago
fuck off shit skin we’re full

The Crucible 01
1 month ago

1 month ago
I wouldn’t want one on my property for 5 fucking minutes smh 😏 either as a tenant or employee

1 month ago

No time for sleep. :rage:

1 month ago
Keep up the great work guys

1 month ago
Based Dvir??

1 month ago

1488% agreed

1 month ago

fucking traitor landlords and business owners only care about the $$$…they all need to suffer

The Crucible 01
1 month ago

1 month ago

1 month ago
Kmart ADL

1 month ago
Great interview, you should invite Jacob more on the show.

1 month ago
^^^It is criminal what they have done.

1 month ago

i doubt u’ll have to hope too hard… the prick will pay one way or another, traitors always do

1 month ago

its sad how the elite have mixed the aryan with this demonic dark race of cannibalistic voodoo witchcraft niggers

1 month ago

I hope one of the miscreants stabs him over some dispute

1 month ago
good luck to his property


1 month ago

1 month ago

my fucking traitor landlord now rented to those filthy beasts smh 😏

1 month ago
slowly cowering away =/= ‘chasing nazis away…’

1 month ago
lol 😂

1 month ago

Smoke em. Who gives a fuck,

1 month ago

1 month ago
sleep 😴 is for the weak….I’ve been up for 3 days …siege heil 🙋‍♂️

1 month ago
o/ my fash

1 month ago

Good night cupcake.

1 month ago
its about bedtime for me but i thought i would say hi

1 month ago
they don’t want the smoke

1 month ago

1 month ago

1 month ago

are you the real moonman?? 😲

1 month ago


1 month ago

1 month ago
Deaf Forever. Motorhead:

1 month ago
they’ve all seen the movie 300…

1 month ago
right to the point

1 month ago
fucking love it

1 month ago
fuck off we’re full

1 month ago
Poojeet 💩💩💩

1 month ago

Laws you say? Those no longer exist. As they can arrest you at will for absolutely nothing at all.

1 month ago
how to avoid prison while being active…?

1 month ago
defund the police was about emptying the prisons to put criminals on the street while making room for white boy patriots

Adult White Female – WPW
1 month ago

Amen SIstra :white_heart: /

1 month ago
Different laws apply to different groups. Whites must abide by the strictest laws.

1 month ago
Heil Frauline o/


1 month ago

1 month ago

1 month ago
We are everywhere and they cannot stop us! Gott mit uns.

1 month ago

1 month ago
Pajeet Documentary (2024)

1 month ago
Need more than a bumper sticker. Drive the scum out.

1 month ago
sad how many too immature / damaged to grasp how important it is to take the high-road of good, wholesome optics

1 month ago
Cleansing from within. Fuck off we’re full.

1 month ago

Adult White Female – WPW
1 month ago

1 month ago

Mornin’ and :sun:/

1 month ago


1 month ago
‘Open Borders Albo’ brings a record 1.15 million immigrants into Australia – largely from India and China.

‘Open Borders Albo’ brings a record 1.15 million immigrants into Australia – largely from India and China

1 month ago

Letting the scum back out at our expense.

1 month ago

1 month ago

1 month ago

1 month ago

1 month ago
hello lads

1 month ago
ignore the violent savages – attack the only group that actually doesn’t attack ppl…

The Crucible 01
1 month ago
i remember the antipodean resistance

Ethno Nationalist
1 month ago

1 month ago
legend o/ o/ o/

The Crucible 01
1 month ago

1 month ago
great work over there guys, love from Uk 🇬🇧



See Also





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript




Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Political Existentialism, Zionist Hypocrisy, Austrians Vote for Remigration – Oct 3, 2024 – Transcript





Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version 2: Thu, Oct 10, 2024 — Updated Joel Davis See Also links and image.

Version 1: Wed, Oct 9, 2024 — Published post. Trancript completed = 49/97 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes Odysee comments (200).

This entry was posted in Anti-semitism, anti-White, Australia, Deception, Demographics, Freedom of Speech, Israel, Jacob Hersant, Jew World Order, Jewish Hypocrisy, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, jews — persecution by, Joel Davis, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, National Socialism - Philosphy, Nationalism, Police - Harassment, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race, Racism, Third Reich, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, White genocide, White Nationalism, Zionism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript

  1. Pingback: Joel Davis – Jews Turn Hersant into a Free Speech Martyr – Oct 9, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  2. Pingback: Thomas Sewell – Nationalists Chanting ‘White Man Fight Back’ Protest – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

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