Resurrection Europa — Jordan Peterson Dismantled, Jan 24, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT


[In this 31 minute video, Resurrection Europa outlines Jordan Peterson’s role as an anti-White shill for the Globalists, with attention to his role working for the UN and his editing of a report — “to strip out most of the ideological claptrap” — that outlines a Marxist like blueprint for one world government.


Peterson’s role can be likened to that of a Pied Piper, using his “Self-Help” platitudes, his declared opposition to extreme leftist positions, his rejection of “identity politics” (for White consumption only)and his promotion of the “individual”, to lure mostly young White males away from having any kind of group identity as Whites, that could defend White countries against the mass Third World invasions engineered by the Globalists. He directs them towards atomized individualism that is defenceless against the Jew World Order being imposed upon us.


Simply put, Peterson demonizes nationalist and identity politics for Whites — the only thing that will save Whites from racial and cultural destruction — because his words show, beneath his “only trying to help” camouflage, that he is anti-White and pro-Jew World Order.


“I don’t think that the Caucasian, let’s say, should revert to being ‘White’! I think that’s a bad idea! It’s a dangerous idea! And it’s coming fast! And I don’t like to see that.” — Peterson








Resurrection Europa


Jordan Peterson Dismantled


Jan 24, 2019






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YouTube Description


Published on Jan 24, 2019


Resurrection Europa


A documentary exposing Jordan Peterson’s agenda to subvert and destroy the rising political right wing, and neutralize European nationalism.


This video completely exposes Peterson’s anti-White agenda and his strategy for implementing it. Any Peterson fans who are not beyond saving will be deprogrammed by watching this video.


Jordan Peterson’s primary goal is to neutralize the political right and White identity. He does not care about the Marxist take over of our nations, in fact he was hired by the United Nations to help usher it along. Peterson’s only reason for stepping into the limelight was because he saw a massive right wing backlash fomenting, and realized it was going to destroy the left.


His job is to implement “plan B“, to steer the rising tide of nationalism into an impotent cul-de-sac of centrist individualism, giving our enemies just enough time to tip the demographic balance of our countries so that our destruction is sealed.


Peterson is explicitly targeting young White males for indoctrination with an insidious political ideology he calls radical individualism. He has created a pseudo-religion self-help cult; he is delivering his ideology to the disaffected youth by combining it with a self-help regimen wrapped in empty religious metaphor.


While our enemies are working tirelessly to destroy our nations in a ruthlessly calculated and organized fashion, Jordan Peterson is brainwashing a generation of young White men to be atomized individuals who perceive group cooperation based on ethnic identity and nationality as the height of evil.


And in the process of doing so, Peterson and his friends are making untold millions of dollars.


BitChute mirror:…


Carpenter Brut – Turbo Killer…

H.U.V.A. Network – Dissolving Time…


Sources of clips used in the video:

0:26 | 18:49
Jordan Peterson to Conservatives: Do NOT Play Identity Politics…

Jordan Peterson on European Pride…

Jordan Peterson on political polarization & Pepe the Frog…

0:50 | 0:53 | 5:00 | 5:55 | 7:51
Joe Rogan Experience #1006…

0:59 | 23:28
The Metaphysics of Pepe…

Political Correctness Debate ft. Stephen Fry, Jordan Peterson, Michael Dyson,

Michelle Goldberg…

Jordan Peterson – Can You Withstand Tragedy?…

Jordan Peterson Questioned on Alt-Right Fanbase | CLIP…

2016/10/24: My response…

8:58 | 9:31
Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism | Jordan B Peterson…

13:35 | 14:11 | 15:48
Jordan Peterson on European Pride…

Dr. Jordan Peterson lays out the case against postmodernism and the radical


Noel Ignatiev…

17:40 | 20:36
Jordan Peterson | Mad About Pankaj Mishra Review & Examines Society/Tump

(Insightful Interview)…

Jordan Peterson – Clean Up Your Room!…

Jordan Peterson – Ideologies are Parasitical Memes…

The Frankfurt School & Cultural Marxism – 2 of 3…

Jordan Peterson Confronted with the Jewish Question by Brian Ruhe (short


24:01 | 28:29
2016/11/16: An update…

Jordan Peterson on political polarization & Pepe the Frog…

Free Bird Media Canada: Jordan Peterson and panelists explain why Faith Goldy was uninvited from Free Speech event…

Jordan Peterson Debates Linguistics Professor On Gender Pronouns…

Jordan Peterson on de platforming FAITH GOLDY…

Google Memo: Aftermath | Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux…

Jordan Peterson talks about the Arab-Israeli conflict…

Martin Weill face à Jordan Peterson, l’intellectuel aux théories masculinistes…


People & Blogs














Peterson: I don’t think that the Caucasian, let’s say, should revert to being White! I think that’s a bad idea! It’s a dangerous idea!




What the hell! Pride! What’s that? That’s not the right response.



I think I understand what’s going on with the Kek Boys and with Pepe, a hell of a lot better than the people do who are, you know, casual observers of it, because I’ve actually studied it.



Starting to produce an extraordinarily dangerous counter position. The alt-Right, that’s part of it. The Kekistanis, it’s this Pepe thing.



I mean, when I first saw the frog, I mean, the Pepe frog, I really recoiled from it.



Media (male): More recently, what has gone wrong with the Right?


Peterson: Well, where? It’s threatening to go too far in identitarian Europe, that’s for sure.



With the people in Europe, who are turning to a regressive nationalism as an alternative to the current state of chaos.



Many people write me from the Right, from the fringes of the radical Right, saying precisely that listening to my lectures stopped them from going all the way.




Europa: Just what exactly is Jordan Peterson endgame?



It’s been just over two years now since he first appeared on the scene.


Peterson: I also said I wouldn’t mouth the words of the ideologically possessed. And that was with regards to gender neutral pronouns.



Europa: At first, everyone thought he was just a brave University professor who had had enough of the Cultural Marxist garbage that has taken over our society. That he’d snapped when the Canadian government announced it was going to legally mandate calling people “zim, zher, and zelf



Peterson came out of the gate with some vicious rebukes of the political Left and even called them what they are: Cultural Marxists.



But it didn’t take long for Peterson to begin showing his true colors.




Nearly at the same time he was thrust into the spotlight for defying the social justice clique at the University of Toronto, Peterson began positioning himself to evangelize a very specific demographic: Young White males.



What followed after fall of 2016 was a meteoric rise to fame at the hands of the mainstream media, in which they made every effort to disguise as being organic.



Soon thereafter, his mission became plain to see.




Jordan Peterson’s primary goal is to neutralize the political Right.



There are a large number of people who believe that Peterson is a force for good, because he has criticized Left-wing politics and Cultural Marxism.



However what was his motivation for doing so? What was the straw that broke the camel’s back and caused Peterson to go public with his objections to Left-wing politics?



Did Jordan Peterson choose to sound the alarm at any point during his decades-long career as he witnessed the Cultural Marxist infiltration of academia transform hundreds of thousands of students into useful idiots?



No, he did not!



Did Jordan Peterson choose to alert the world to the danger of the Cultural Marxist subversion of the world governments as he worked at the United Nations?



Helping them write a Marxist document that outlined their plans for creating equality of outcome inside of and between every country on Earth.



No! He didn’t!



On the surface it might seem like his primary concern was the encroachment on the liberties of freedom of speech.



With his activism debut consisting of a YouTube video he published in the fall of 2016, where he expressed his refusal to speak to preferred pronouns of transsexuals. And his objection to Canadian federal legislation mandating speech of that nature.



However, very shortly after doing so Jordan Peterson gave an interview with the Canadian State non-media broadcaster, the CBC, in which he stated:



“I can tell you one thing that I’m very terrified of, and you can think about this. I think that the continual careless pushing of people by Left-wing radicals is dangerously waking up the Right-wing. So you can consider this a prophecy from me, if you want.

Inside the collective is a beast. And the beast uses it’s fists. If you wake up the Beast then violence emerges. I’m afraid that this continual pushing by radical Left-wingers is going to wake up the Beast!”


Peterson expressed his terror at the realization that he had, had.



That the takeover of Western academia, the media, and governments, by Cultural Marxists was catalyzing a response by the political Right.





Peterson: Part of the reason that I landed in the political hot water that I landed in last year, was because I was increasingly aware that this process of polarization was going to take place. And that the continual, in my estimation anyways, the continual clawing of new ground underneath a radical Leftist rubric, especially in the universities, is starting to produce an extraordinarily dangerous counter position.



Europa: His analysis was that the policies and the aggressive dogma being churned out by the political Left were being done in a careless manner that was leading to what he believed would culminate in the political Left being neutralized by the Right-wing.


This is the real reason why Peterson decided he needed to step on to the public stage.


Not because he wants to dismantle Cultural Marxism, but, because he realized that the political Left current strategy for achieving their goals is in the process of backfiring spectacularly!



Bret Weinstein: What’s going on the Left is a bit of a new twist. What you have is a coalition of different tribal identities that aren’t large enough to marshal a force on their own. And so they’re united, and together they are a formidable force. But what’s going to happen is that’s an unstable entity. At the point that force gains power it’s going to come apart, as the internal dynamics rip it up! It’s not capable of restraining the version that recurs on the Right.


The version that does manifest as White Nationalism. That version is stable, because it does represent an actual population that has an evolutionary basis for remaining cohesive.



Europa: Jordan Peterson spent the last two decades of his career watching academia become infested to the gills with Marxist intellectuals.



Watching as hundreds of thousands of students were radicalized by their propaganda.



Watching as their rhetoric and demands became more, and more, extreme, while he sat back idly and did nothing!



Remember also that Peterson proudly worked at the United Nations from 2009 until 2012 for George Soros’ protege, Jim Balsillie.



Where he helped draft a Cultural Marxist document that outlined how the Western world’s wealth must be redistributed to the Third World.



And how the West must also accept and subsidize illegal immigration from the Third World.


At no point in Peterson’s career, including while working at the United Nations, did he feel the need to sound the alarm about the cultural Marxists takeover of Western institutions!



What spurred Peterson to action, was not only his realization that the methodology by which the political left was implementing it’s revolution was triggering an organic reaction, but that, that reaction was fully capable of and likely to succeed in implementing a final solution to the Marxist problem.



Peterson: And your point Brett, that the radical Right actually is more powerful, once they get organized, is a really good one, because there’s no fractionation!


Bret Weinstein: It’s more stable.


Peterson: You bet! And they have all the guns! That’s another thing to think about.


Europa: And so Jordan Peterson decided to attempt to strangle the fledgling Right-wing in its cradle.




He proceeded to deploy a sophisticated attack, disguised cunningly as a centrist rebuke of political extremes. With that in reality was a message of reformation to the Left.



And what he intended to be a killing blow to the Right.



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Stratagem: Accuse Whites of playing Marxist identity politics.



One of Peterson’s most substantial achievements has been the instantiation in the minds of his followers the belief that Europeans working together to resist their collective dispossession, and extermination, is no different than Marxist identity politics.





Any concerted effort made by Whites as a group to resist dispossession by progressive government policies, or by mass immigration is condemned by Peterson as being a manifestation of Identity politics.




Peterson: The French intellectuals had to admit that communism was a bad deal by the end of the 1960s. And what happened was that they played a sleight-of-hand game in some sense, and rebranded themselves under the postmodern guise. And that’s where Identity politics came from.



Europa: According to Peterson, Identity politics are when a group identifies itself as being oppressed by another group and demands that the group that is oppressing them give up their wealth and power for redistribution amongst the oppressed group.



Peterson: And so they started to play a sleight of hand and instead of pitting the proletariat, the working class, against the bourgeoisie, they started to pit the oppressed against the oppressor. And that opened up the avenue to identifying any number of groups as oppressed, and oppressor, and to continue the same narrative under a different name.



Europa: Some may believe that when Peterson claims Whites are playing Identity politics, he is, in fact, describing any form of politics that aims to advance the interests of European people as a group.





However, in reality, Peterson has, in fact, tried to construct a narrative in which Whites are literally trying to define an oppressed-oppressor dichotomy, to pursue Marxist identity politics.



In the spring of 2018 Peterson published a short article on his blog entitled, “On the so-called Jewish Question”. In that article he wrote:


“Why do the reactionary conspiracy theorists even bother? This is a straightforward matter. If you’re misguided enough to play identity politics, whether on the Left, or the right, you require a victim. In the right wing case, European culture, or some variant, and a perpetrator, jews! Otherwise you can’t play the game!”




Europa: So whenever Peterson dismisses and condemns Europeans as playing toxic Identity politics for working together to put an end to mass immigration that is rendering them a minority in their own countries, or for working together to put an end to the Marxist subversion of their nations that has hell-bent on incrementally dispossessing them, he is, in fact, making the claim that those Europeans want nothing more than to play the victim and demand redistribution of power from jews, to themselves.



It is with this sleight of hand that Peterson falsely equates White’s wanting to protect the demographic destiny of their own countries with totalitarianism, evil, and danger.


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Peterson’s fallacy here is plainly revealed when one considers the fact that both the USA and Canada both before World War Two, were classical liberal democracies that shed blood to defeat totalitarian regimes. And both countries strictly enforced the demographic character of their countries with immigration laws that nearly exclusively permitted European immigration only.


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Furthermore, when Peterson differentiates between men and women, it is no different than someone differentiating between races.


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It is a form of Identity politics that is based on objective biological reality, rather than any kind of ideology. And is thus the antithesis of Marxist class warfare Identity politics.


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Having established that White’s protecting their nations and the future of their children from certain destruction, is automatically tantamount to the instantiation of some flavor of totalitarian regime.


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Peterson’s next objective was to undermine the psychological foundations of European identity itself.


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Stratagem: Psychopathologize and deconstruct White identity.


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Peterson frequently uses his position of authority as a psychologist to psycho-pathologize White identity.


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More than once he has referred to Whites who desire to organize together to protect intergroup interests as “pathological”.


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At other times he likes to chastise Whites for committing the sin of racial pride, deeming it as well to be a pathology.


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During a talk, Peterson was confronted with a quote from Canadian historical sociologist and professor at the University of New Brunswick, Ricardo Duchesne. In the quote Duchene argued that for the underlying spirit of individualism to be preserved in the West, European people themselves must be preserved. Arguing that individualism was a trait that seems to be inherent to European peoples. Concluding that Europeans must therefore take pride in their ethnic identity and heritage as a means of self preservation. And therefore as a means of preserving the spirit of individualism itself.


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Rather than addressing the actual premises and conclusion of Duchesne’s argument, Peterson went on a tirade about how ethnic pride is sinful and unacceptable, casting scorn upon Duchene and other Whites who dare to take pride in their heritage and culture.


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Peterson: That’s nothing to be proud of! That is something to tremble before! To take on as an ethical burden! And not to wave a flag for how wonderful you are! That you happen to have the same skin color as some of the people who thought that up! It’s not the right response!


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Europa: Peterson’s chastisement of Europeans who take pride in their heritage and culture is based on the absurd assumption that any who do so are trying to literally take personal credit for the achievements of their ancestors.


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Peterson: So I don’t feel pride about that! I feel, I feel like I have something to live up to! That’s not the same thing man! And so, these right-wingers and this it’s like, look what we’ve done! It’s like no! It’s not you that did that! That’s something man! You’ve got to have your act together before you would dare to say “well that was me!” it’s like, yeah, sure, sure it was you! Yeah right! No!


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Europa: The reality, of course, is that pride in one’s heritage, culture, and civilization is not, in fact, hubristic pride, but one of pride of ownership.


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An emotion that engenders the very deep sense of responsibility and appreciation that is necessary to preserve those things, the very feelings that Peterson claims should be felt in place of pride.


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At some point Peterson declared that the goal of what he calls the “radical right”, his disparaging term for European people who wish to cooperate with one another to protect their nations from certain destruction, is to cultivate “unearned identity” and the “glories of the past”.




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What Peterson is doing here is, in fact, paving the way for the most extreme forms of egalitarianism. Since one cannot control their DNA, or their heritage, nor can one control their environment, the person one is cannot be earned. This is the same argument that is used by those who argue for equality of outcome.


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For example, they will argue that since intelligence is either largely determined by genetics, or the environment, it is an advantage that is not earned. And therefore measures must be put in place to mitigate that unfair, unearned, advantage. What Peterson is actually saying. Is that Whites have no rights to their own identity based on their heritage, since they did not work to earn who their parents, or ancestors were.


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Peterson: You’re using your unearned, …


Europa: Privilege, …


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Peterson wanted to say unearned “privilege”. Referring, of course, to White privilege.


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But realized his error, and began racking his brain for a synonym.


Peterson: The unearned gift that’s been granted to you, as a source of personal pride in your accomplishments due to your skin! It’s like, no, not good! Not a good argument!


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Europa: Just as the cultural Marxists do, Peterson likes to deconstruct the White race down to nothing more than the level of melanin in one skin!


Peterson: The other thing about the whole “angry young White men” thing, is that my “angry young White men” followers are a hell of a lot less angry, and a hell of a lot less “White” than they would have been, if they wouldn’t have been following me! Because one of the things, you know, I’ve had many, many, letters from young men who’ve also said that they had been attracted to the more dogmatic end of the Right, more dogmatic Right wing end of the political spectrum. And that listening to my videos has been exactly what’s kept them, more, or less, in the middle!


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Europa: Deconstructing “Whiteness” as the cultural Marxists call it, is something that Peterson loves to do at every opportunity.


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Noel Ignatiev: My concern is doing away with Whiteness. If you abolish slavery, you abolish slave holders. In the same way, if you abolish racial oppression you do away with Whiteness. “Whiteness” is an identity. It arises entirely out of oppression! Whiteness is not a culture, it’s not a religion, it’s not a language, it’s simply an oppressive social category.


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Europa: In a tweet to evolutionary psychologist Kevin MacDonald in late 2017 Peterson posed the classic cultural Marxist question.


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How do you define White?


Peterson: Who’s White exactly? Like where, how do you draw these distinction? Even going so far as to make the absurd declaration that biological organisms do not have an interest in the propagation of their DNA into the future. While some may try to argue that Peterson’s primary concern was trying to prevent society from being stabilized by what he calls “tribalism”, or “identity politics”, it is clear that when it comes to Europeans, Peterson’s motives go far beyond simply warning about the dangers of group identity.


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He has declared that White identity itself is a “mental illness” and not only that, but that the White race itself is a “fiction”! Just as the cultural Marxists do. The people who he claims to oppose the very hint of a White individual taking pride in their heritage causes Peterson to lapse into a venomous tirade of shaming and castigation.


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All of this is fueled by his profound fear that if White’s unite in solidarity to protect themselves and the future of their children, it will somehow lead to the total destruction of Western civilization.


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Peterson: I think it’s genocidal in its ultimate expression. I think it will bring down our civilization if we pursue it.


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Stratagem: Combine self-help advice, political ideology, and religion.


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Peterson: Clean up your room!


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Peterson has woven a complex psychological mind trap in the form of a political ideology, disguised as a self-help regimen, wrapped in the religious metaphor.


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Peterson: Ideologies are fragmented religions, essentially. They use the same symbolic understructure, but they only tell part of the story.


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Europa: Despite Peterson’s assertion that ideology itself is the root of all evil, and that ideology must therefore be rejected in favor of the righteous path of the individual, he is ironically, by doing so, pushing his own ideology that he himself calls “radical individualism”.


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Media (male): What was the adverse effect of the Frankfurt School on the world?


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Miles Wolpin: Well, I would say if we looked at our own country, and to a lesser degree, perhaps Western Europe, we live in an era today when patriotism defense of our own nationality, independence, sovereignty, are all under attack. To paint middle-class morality as repressive, to paint authority, within the family, outside the family, as repressive! To promote personal liberation, or what we might call “radical individualism”.


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Peterson: I don’t see any alternatives than the than the “radical individualism” that’s predicated on these deep stories that characterizes the West. It’s the right answer!


Miles Wolpin: In short, to foment the rebellion of youth against traditional morality and authority structures in their society, something we can see as diffused through our society today!


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Europa: This political ideology of his, is inextricably enmeshed with his self-help advice, whereby he admonishes people to “clean their rooms” and set their life in order.


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According to Peterson those who do not adhere to his political ideology of radical individualism, fail to do so due to suffering from a “pathological personality defect” of some kind, stemming from a refusal to clean their rooms and bear the cross of individual responsibility.


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The average Peterson fan is totally incapable of separating the, in itself, benign self-help advice from Peterson’s political ideology. The result is that those who follow his ideology end up in a perpetual state of masturbatory self-improvement, perceiving those who cooperate together in groups based on some set of shared normative values, as being psychologically damaged and morally inferior.


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They end up perceiving any criticism of Peterson’s politics as a personal attack on their efforts to improve themselves.


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And as an attack on the man whom they see as having been instrumental to their self-improvement, or salvation.


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All of this closely matches the patterns of a cult. With Peterson’s followers acting based on strong emotions, rather than logic to staunchly defend their charismatic cult leader, and his ideology of “radical individualism


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European male: Look at the audience. It’s mostly European men and a few women. Very few people from minority backgrounds, or so-called minorities. There are very few Asians, actually there are no Chinese at all, maybe a couple of Indians [dot], no Arabs, and no blacks. So what does this tell you? It tells you that those people feel the system is not right. Those people feel that something is missing! Their needs are not met! And everybody else’s needs are met, because they are not here. They don’t care.


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Europa: In retrospect, it is plainly evident that Peterson made an effort to market himself and his cult to young White males from the very beginning.


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In the fall of 2016 Peterson attempted to subvert the mimetic culture by intentionally associating himself with Pepe the Frog, claiming that spiritual synchronicity had crowned him the “spokes frog”.


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Male interviewer: Oh yeah, when I saw the video that you put up, … Was it two days ago, now?


Peterson: Yup.


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Male interviewer: Yeah two days ago. I couldn’t believe it. Yeah, and the next morning I got an email from my brother who also studies symbolism and is a very smart person. And he said: :


“Does Jordan know he’s incarnating Pepe right now?”


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Peterson: Yeah. Well, the funny thing is, you know, I knew about Pepe, but I had nothing like that on my mind when I made the video. It never even entered my mind that was an association.:


“As spokes-frog, I’m announcing that there’s something polluted about the water in which we’re all swimming in.”


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Europa: Note how he was careful to position the orange circle on the painting behind him around his head, as if it were a divine aura, or halo. A symbolism that he no doubt intended to convey his status as the divinely appointed “spokes Frog prophet” of the young White males he refers to as the “lost Kek boys”.


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Wendy Mesley: So you’re a prophet?


Peterson: Well, [chuckling] you know, we’re in a new world, in many ways, because of the reach of social media. And so I have this immense multimedia platform.


Europa: The reality is that Jordan Peterson’s self-help advice in the form of “clean your room” is nothing more than a delivery vector for his insidious anti-White political ideology.


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An ideology that he refuses to publicly defend.


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Stratagem: Exclude the radical Right from debate.


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Many are aware of Peterson’s hypocritical decision to uninvite Canadian journalist Faith Goldy from a free speech event at the Canada, Christian College in November of 2017.


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With his stated reason being that Faith had chosen to associate with someone on the political right whose opinions he disagreed with.


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Male audience member: I understand that Faith Goldy was removed from the original August panel, because of her podcast with the controversial Daily Stormer, after Charlottesville. This seems like a performative contradiction to remove Faith, because of one interview, while claiming to believe in freedom of speech.


Peterson: She was associating with people whose views she should have questioned. It was her journalistic responsibility to question them. And as a consequence is that she became too hot of a property for us.


Europa: What is less known, however, is that Jordan Peterson has a personal rule of intentionally excluding people from public debate based on their opinions and points of view.


Peterson: We know how to put a box around the extremists on the Right! Basically we say:


“Oh! You’re making claims of ethnic, or racial superiority! You’re not part of the conversation anymore.”


I mean, I think the fundamental criteria for drawing boundaries around the Right, are claims of racial, or ethnic superiority. That seems to me to be the place where conservatism degenerates into something approximating ethno nationalist fascism. It’s something like that.


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Europa: According to Peterson anyone who thinks there is a biological difference between the different genetic groups of human beings must be isolated and excluded from all public debate of any kind.


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This is beyond hypocritical, given that Peterson admitted himself on Stefan Molyneux show, that there exists large and permanent discrepancies in average IQ between the different racial groups.


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Peterson: So IQ is a particularly ugly aspect of science. Because the IQ literature reveals that which no one would want to be the case!


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Molyneux: Mmm.


Peterson: Which is that there are profound and virtually irremediable differences in people’s cognitive performance. And that those differences have a very solid biological and heritable basis. No one wants to hear that! They don’t want to hear that it’s biological! They don’t want to hear that it’s heritable! They don’t want to hear that it’s permanent! They don’t want to hear that it’s irremediable and that it actually has a practical consequence! And no wonder they don’t want to hear it.


Molyneux: And even worse they don’t want to hear that it differs between genders and ethnicities. That is to me one of the most painful things that I’ve ever learned in my life, is this kind of information! It is one of the great heartbreaks when it comes to the dream of pure egalitarianism! And that is I think even harder, it’s an even harder pill for people to swallow!


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Europa: Not only that, but Peterson wrote an entire essay about the genetic superiority of Ashkenazi jews relating to their allegedly having an average IQ one standard deviation above that of Europeans. Stating that:


“Jewish people are over-represented in positions of competence and authority, because as a group they have a higher mean IQ.”


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It’s plainly obvious the Peterson’s decree that any individual who brings up the topic of genetic differences between groups of humans should be ejected from and barred from public debate applies only to Whites. As does ultimately his decree that tribalism is the height of evil.


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Peterson: So, you’ll notice these sculptures behind me. They are made by a native artist named Charles Joseph.


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And Charles Joseph is a friend and now a brother of mine, as I’ve been inducted into their tribal group.


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Jordan Peterson’s endgame is one of the same as the globalist machine.


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Peterson is working at the psychological level to inoculate a generation of young White males against racial awareness.


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Just as Whites are on the cusp of becoming a minority group in their own countries the world over.


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While our enemies are waging war against us in a ruthless calculated and organized manner, Peterson is telling us that we must be “individualistic and atomized”. He has created an insidious political ideology and is delivering it with a spoonful of sugar to an audience who is hungry for an answer to the destruction that is being wrought upon them.


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The very destruction that Peterson is working to prevent them from effectively opposing.


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And he is doing all of this for a 30 pieces of silver!


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Peterson: I make $80,000 a month on Patreon. My book is selling about 20,000 copies a week. I have royalties that probably amount to something approximating a dollar fifty on each of those. The tours garner about 35,000 to 50,000 dollars an evening. I have a business that’s generating, I don’t know, something in the neighborhood of 200,000 dollars a month, for me personally. There’s some other smaller sources of income than that.


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Male interviewer: You are making a lot of money out of this.


Peterson: Yes. I certainly am. And so are a lot of other people. I’m not ashamed of making money. It’s very hard to make money.










See Also:



Jordan Peterson Debates Cathy Newman on the Gender Pay Gap — TRANSCRIPT


Resurrection Europa — Jordan Peterson Is An Anti-White Globalist, Nov 2018 — TRANSCRIPT





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Version History



Version 3:


Version 2: Nov 17, 2022  — Improved formatting. Added more images.


Version 1: Feb 4, 2019  — Published post.

This entry was posted in Alt-Right, Brainwashing, Canada, Communism, Deception, Europe, Freedom of Speech, George Soros, Globalism, Hate Speech, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Lying, Jews - Tool of, Jordan Peterson, Marxism, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, Multiculturalism, Nationalism, New World Order, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Race, Race - Mixing, Third World, Third World Immigration, Thought Crime, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Trilateral Commission, United Nations, Western Civilization, White genocide, White Nationalism. Bookmark the permalink.

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