Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle


of Race and the Politics of Will


Thu, Sep 19, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:

• Now hosting a live stream on Twitter/X for the first time.

• Recent activism and interviews, including one with a young Australian influencer/YouTuber, Max Caruso.

• They criticize Nick Fuentes’ views on their street activism tactics.

• Argue for the importance of militant street activism to recruit and inspire supporters.

• The need for white nationalism and racial loyalty: “We are one racial family with one shared destiny and the survival of our race.”

• Criticize attempts at political alliances with non-white groups.

• Discuss recent Australian political events, including a politician’s comments on Abo “Welcome” ceremonies.

• Argue that White people need to “stop White flighting and start fighting back” against immigration.

• Criticize conservative politics and argue for more radical action.

• The differences between American and Australian politics and nationalism, “White nationalism was the product of struggle in Australia.”

• Criticize Muslim immigration and Islamic views.

• Importance of aesthetics and looking “cool” in political activism. “Looking cool is actually really more important than almost anything else that you do in politics.”

• The need to appeal to women supporters.

• Discuss historical figures like Hitler and philosophical concepts related to their ideology.

• Criticize “multiracial alliance retards” and argue for racial separatism.

• Discuss the concept of freedom and its relation to racial identity. “Freedom wasn’t this abstract concept, therefore, of you’re free because people leave you alone. No, you’re free because you are loved by your people and because your people make you free.”

• The importance of loyalty to one’s race and family.

• Meta-ethical positions and their relation to white nationalism.

• Criticize universalist ethical systems and argue for particularism.

• Express support for white nationalists in other countries, particularly America and Europe.

• Discuss gun rights and criticize Americans who focus on guns while “everything slips through your fingers.”

• Argue for the need for a political movement to represent White Americans.

• Discuss historical events like the American Revolution and Australian Federation.

• Criticize the influence of jews in politics and media.

• Discuss the concept of “cucking” and argue against compromising their beliefs.

• Express admiration for militant Christian groups and discuss potential alliances.

• Argue for the deportation of non-White people from Australia.

• Discuss the concept of “White flight” and argue against it.

• Criticize mainstream politicians and media figures.

• Importance of recruiting young men to their cause.

• Argue for the need to “shock people with the irrational” to gain support.

• Discuss the concept of social cohesion and argue that it requires racial homogeneity.

• Criticize multiculturalism and argue for white-only societies.

• Discuss the concept of “larping” in politics and argue for genuine action.

• Express support for historical fascist and NS figures.

• Importance of building a movement that can challenge the current political system.

• The need to adapt to current political pressures: “We have just enough pressure in order to effectively adapt to and overcome our adversaries at this point.”

• The concept of existential struggle and its relation to their ideology.

• End by expressing support for white nationalists globally and encouraging further action.



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Published on Thu, Sep 19, 2024




The purpose of street activism, the principle of race and the politics of will
Joel Davis
Streamed on:
Sep 19, 6:40 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
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follow Blair on X:
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(Words: 30,174 – Duration: 170 mins)



Joel Davis: We are live. We are live. It is the 19th of September 2024. We’re actually live on Twitter. Live on X for the first time.


Finally rigged it. I don’t know why I didn’t start streaming these streams on Twitter earlier because, yeah, it’s just like an obviously good platform. I saw some other nationalists that have been streaming up there and they got crazy numbers of views and they get a shitload of, … I remember when I did streams with Elijah Schaffer, he streamed it on X as well and it got heaps of views. We’re going to stream every show on Twitter now.


So you can watch the show on Twitter, but if you’re already accustomed to watching it on Rumble, stay on Rumble because the Rumble’s got a good live chat.


So you can stay on the live chat on Rumble. And also we’re on Odysee. But yeah, you can watch on Twitter. And the replay will be available. I think it automatically re-uploads as a replay. So we’ll see. Hopefully there’s no technical difficulties this time, but we’re into the show. Tom actually going to join us. He’s just turned his webcam off because he’s smashing down his late dinner and it’d be a little bit uncouth for him to finish it on stream.


So we’re going to start off with me and Blair. Blair, how you doing this evening?


Blair Cottrell: I’m good, man. I’m just trying to figure out how I change my settings on X to see quote, unquote, “sensitive content” because I just reshared this stream on X. Really excited to be streaming on X, by the way. First time we’ve done it, as Joel said, so should really soak up some new viewers, which is great. But how do I change my settings so I can see sensitive content? Like, does anyone have any instructions for me?


Joel Davis: I’ve got all these blocks on my account. Anything that goes on my account is classified as, …


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it sucks!


But look, someone sent me an instruction on how to do that. We won’t get into it on the stream to divert the conversation that way, but someone tell me how to do that because I’m a little bit boomer tech with this stuff.


But yeah, I’m going well, really busy. I’m working as much as I can to make a bit of money for an endeavour of mine that’s coming up next month. But other than that, yeah, man, I’m just keeping an eye on current affairs.


Our mutual friend Thomas Sewell caught up with upcoming young Australian influencer today. So we might talk a little bit about that. I saw that you’ve been getting into a bit of back and forth with Fuentes, so that’ll be interesting to get your take on what’s happening there. But how you feeling Tom Sewell. What’s up?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I’m great. Just had a busy afternoon, but glad to be on the show. I just watched over that video. I thought the young guy did a good job. You can tell he’s very afraid of censorship. So we did, like, a half an hour interview, and he put up maybe four minutes of it, and the rest is just him at 7/11 being casually racist and funny.


So I have high hopes for the young man. It’s a shame that that generation’s kind of got a lot of brain rot. But you just got to roll with the punches.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I’ll just show it here on the screen.


So this is the video. Tom just got interviewed by this guy, Max Caruso on YouTube. He just uploaded the video about an hour ago. And, yeah, he does these things where he goes and interviews gangsters and different people. And he decided to interview Tom.


So I haven’t actually seen it yet because he just uploaded it. But after Tom went and did the interview, he came to training, and it sounded like he had a good time. And it was a lot of fun. So should be some fun content.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it’s sad he’s so concerned about censorship, he left out a lot of the funny stuff.


So he would ask a question and I would just nonchalantly sort of answer it in a way that would just be normal in our scene. But for someone that’s very, very neutral politically and not exposed to our scene, he just found everything that I was saying hilarious in a kind of not in a nervous way, necessarily, but I think that generation are so divorced from just truth, just stern truth. They’re used to people, like, beating around the bush, and then they can’t even say faggot at school or like, there’s a lot of things that they don’t expect people to say.


So when I was explaining things the way that I sometimes do, I try to keep it as short and as succinct as possible because I knew his audience would have a short attention span. And he left out. I got him laughing quite a bit. Like, he left out a lot of the gold. Like he said to me at one point:


“I just always kind of I understand what you’re saying, but I grew up with this idea that Australia was for everyone.”


And I said to him:


“For everyone?”


And he was like:


“Yeah, you know, we’re multicultural. Just everyone can come here.”


And I said to him:


“If everyone is Australian, then what does Australian mean?”


And he just went really blank and kind of looked at the ground awkwardly.


And I was like:


“If every colour is red, then what colour is red?”


And he kind of just had, like, …


Blair Cottrell: That’s a great analogy. Wow, that’s great!




Thomas Sewell: Yeah, he just had this, like, windows 95 kind of like loading screen or like Apple loading screen. It’s like, do, do, do! Yeah, he was just like, … And then even the cameraman started laughing. And it’s sad that he left stuff like that out because that, to me, is really funny, confronting logic that they’ve never been exposed to as young people. And, yeah, there was another time where he sort of asked the same question again in a different way to get a different answer.


And I was like:


“All right, I’ll say something even dumber because., …”


Well, not dumber, but I’ll say something that maybe would be more controversial or more able to get on YouTube than what I just said. Cause it makes too much sense.


And I said to him:


“So you’re saying Belay [sp] is just as Australian as me?”


And he just lost it! He was like:


“Did you just click at me?”






“Well, they can’t. They’re cannibals, aren’t they? From the Congo, like, Belay.”


And it was a good time.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I can tell he wants to make something of himself, this guy. You know, he’s probably trying to protect his brand somewhat, as a lot of you know, upcoming influencers try to do.


Joel Davis: But hopefully, … I said, be very careful.


Thomas Sewell: I said, be very careful about getting a YouTube strike if you want to make it with what you’re doing. Be very careful with your interview with me. Like, don’t put too much up. Be very careful.


Blair Cottrell: As you know, Tom, like, YouTube strikes, they don’t have to give you strikes. They can just delete you! If he’s seen to be platforming someone who’s like a significant or considered some sort of threat to national security, that’s what Intelligence will say. YouTube will just take it, take his account down completely. So it’ll be interesting to see if it stays up. Like, he’s in dangerous territory. I think he doesn’t understand how dangerous the territory is in censorship terms.


But, yeah, it’ll be interesting to see if it stays up. And I’m glad it was fun. I’m going to watch it. I haven’t watched it yet. I watched it on mute while Joel and I were warming up just to get perspective of the vibe. And it looked like good fun.


Joel Davis: Yeah. It’d be interesting to give it a watch after this, but in the meantime, we’ve got a stream to do. And there’s some subjects I really wanted to cover this evening. And the catalyst for it was., … Yeah, like, I got into a little bit of an argument with Nick Fuentes on Twitter, but it was an amicable argument. I just basically restated my criticism of the idea that we could form some kind of alliance politically with Muslims or other non-White factions that would be reliable in any way because they have completely different interests. Like, White people have specific existential interests, other groups have different interests. Maybe they converge on a particular issue.


But as the news cycle shifts, as things happen, eventually we find ourselves on opposite sides on another issue and the alliance breaks down. That’s why race needs to be the principle, because that provides consistency. There is always a pro-White position that is consistent on every issue, and we have blood loyalty to one another. We are one racial family with one shared destiny and the survival of our race. We’re being attacked as a race, and the survival of our race is ultimately dependent upon our ability to reassert ourselves as a race. And no one else is going to come and save us but ourselves. And that’s just the reality. I see the political reality.


So I see any of this attempt at extending the political definition to include non-Whites, as just a waste of time, a waste of energy, fundamentally unstable. And it might seem like it’s a good idea temporarily, but it will always end up kind of falling apart in time. So I reiterated my point on that. And we had a little bit of a back and forth, particularly over the Israel-Palestine thing, because obviously, fuck Israel! Obviously we stand opposed to the jews and we want Israel cut off. I think we would actually want the jews expelled from all Western countries and Israel cut off completely.


But having said that, putting all of this political energy, and this isn’t something that I necessarily accused Fuentes of doing, but a lot of other people in the scene did this to excess, of putting way too much political energy, I think, into defending Palestine and focusing upon the pro-Palestine movement, which is led by brown people, brown immigrants in the West, in alliance with communists. Two enemy factions of us! Putting all of this energy into the pro-Palestine movement to the point that what are we getting out of that? They don’t have any sympathy for us. They don’t do anything for White people. In fact, communists and browns that make up this core coalition, they’re directly opposed to us and our direct political enemies.


So I’m not going to put much political energy into defending the pro-Palestine cause. I’m quite happy to criticise Israel, to attack Israel, to attack jewish influence. But from a pro-White perspective, from the perspective that White people shouldn’t be funding or supporting this foreign state, why do we go to war in Iraq for Israel’s interests? Obviously, it’s because of jewish infiltration and subversion of western governments. And not one White soldier should have given his life to defend Israel’s interests. I mean, that’s insane!




So obviously we agree on that point, but I think the criticism should be from a pro-White standpoint. We should criticise jews on the basis of how jewish power adversely affects White people, not how it adversely affects other groups. So that we remain entrenched in asserting our particular interests as a race and as a people. The retort was:


“Okay, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be reduced to that. All of these liberal and Islamic critics of Israel are still putting negative attention on the jews, and this is waking people up to the problem with the jews and so on.”


And I said:


“I don’t really think that’s the case.”


For me, there’s plenty of anti-Israel sentiment in the community. It’s a totally normal position. At least half of society is pro-Palestine, at least in most Western countries pro-Palestinian sentiment is actually higher than pro-Israel sentiment. There’s a lot of celebrities that are pro-Palestinian. The entire Left basically is pro-Palestinian in the rank and file. Obviously, the jews have captured the major centr-Left parties and keep them kind of in a more neutral position on the issue, leaning more towards the pro-Israel position.


But ultimately, the average Leftist is pretty anti-Israel. So does that mean that they’re anti-jewish? No, because they criticise Israel from a racial egalitarian perspective. The perspective that:


“The problem with Israel is that it’s a settler colonial, western White supremacist state.”


And they use basically the same criticism of Israel that they used to criticise the White settlement of Australia or the White settlement of the United States or Canada or whatever, and to de-legitimize that.


And so I don’t want to play into that framework. Because as a White Australian, that directly undermines me as well! I mean, I’m against Israel because it’s jewish! Not because it’s settler, colonialist or because it’s supremacist or any of these other things.


So anyway, …


Blair Cottrell: Joel, if you had to pick a side, what side would it be?


Joel Davis: I would pick Palestine, because fuck jews! But I don’t have to pick a side necessarily. Like, I picked the side of the Whiteman, because I’m White. I pick my own side.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Let me be clear. Let me be clear. Like, if Israel just incinerates a million Palestinians with incendiary bombs tonight, I don’t care!


And I also don’t care if, what are they, Hamas and Hezbollah? I don’t care if they gas a million jews tomorrow. I don’t care! I’m an Australian racist. I don’t care! My only concern would be, okay, how are we going to develop, build up and defend our national existence against these psychopaths killing each other over there? That’s what concerns me. Am I wrong?


Joel Davis: I mean, yeah. It makes sense to only be concerned with your own people, as opposed to worried about a foreign conflict. The only reason it’s our problem is because the jews are in our country, making it our problem through infiltrating our government and sending our resources, and most particularly American resources, to the aid of Israel and getting us involved in their conflict.


And then also, then we get the Palestinian immigrants brought into our countries as well, and that becomes other Islamic immigrants in general.


And so then we’ve got a pro-Palestine movement and a pro-zionist movement clashing in Australian politics and in all Western political dynamics, when it shouldn’t be our fucking problem! There shouldn’t be any jews or Palestinians or Muslims in any of our countries! And it should just be some weird foreign conflict that you read about on like, page 30 of the newspaper or something. It shouldn’t be something that we have to care about.


So anyway, that was the argument. So then a lot of people kept Superchatting, I think Nick’s show this week, asking him about me. And there was a response that he gave. I thought we could watch it and react to it. Not because it’s a big deal, the personal attack, but more because he then attacked street activism. He attacked basically our organisation and basically said:


“Oh, what’s the point of marching in the street in black? And so on?”


And so I thought it would be good to respond to it, to kind of explain, what our actual philosophy is behind doing it. Because this is something that is important, I think, to reiterate. Like, obviously, it’s a major part of what we do. So we’re going to explain why we do it.


But anyway, I’ll play the clip. I got the clip here. I’ll play the clip and we’ll analyze it’s actually a nine minute clip. I don’t know if I want to play the whole thing, it would take ages.


Blair Cottrell: I’ll do my best to pay attention.


Joel Davis: Sorry?


Thomas Sewell: The most important part is the last section, so maybe play the start and play the end.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I’ll play the final clip.


Superchat: Skip sent $10. Could you elaborate on your thoughts about Joel Davis? The wignat circles he’s now a part of seem to always criticise you, which is disappointing. Always saw him as a potential Australian version of you. Would you be down to debate him in Twitter space?


Nick Fuentes: Well, the truth is, it’s kind of irrelevant, because he lives in Australia.


So I just don’t really care that much about, … Look, what does Australia have to do with us? That guy’s not American, so what does he have to do with us?


Joel Davis: I mean, then he proceeds to talk about me for nine minutes, so it must have something to do with you.


But anyway, I’ll try and skip to the point at which he talks about street activism.




Nick Fuentes: We wouldn’t do that at a rally. We wouldn’t do that at a thing. [word unclear] reform. I don’t know what the model is there. Like lowbrow, … I don’t know. I don’t think we’re ever going to. And it’s because of this charismatic leader you’re behind who he’s apparently in love with. It’s like, yeah, I don’t know. So are you really committed? Are you really serious about your core convictions if you’re changing them all the time?


Joel Davis: So, okay, so this part, he kind of criticised me, saying that I flip flopped on Christianity.


I started out online as kind of more of an intellectual, doing intellectual content, like theory cell content. I wasn’t doing activism then.


Blair Cottrell: I can’t picture that! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. I wasn’t doing activism then, but basically I started out doing that kind of content. But at that time, my worldview wasn’t a million miles away from where it is now. I was a kind of Nietzschean, imperialist, racialist at that time. And that kind of my guiding kind of philosophy.


Then I went through a phase of trying to give Christianity a chance. I was raised a Christian. I turned away from the faith in my teens, and I tried to give it a chance again as an adult. And I ended up giving Catholicism a chance. I was raised a Protestant, and I was kind of I couldn’t go back to that. So I thought maybe I had the wrong brand. Maybe if I go back to the original brand, if I go back to Coke rather than Pepsi, it might taste better.


And I gave it a proper chance. I really did. That was a sincere thing. I don’t really see how that indicates that I lack conviction, to give a religion a chance, then ultimately, I just don’t. I lost my. I don’t have faith in the Church. I don’t think the Church is a legitimate institution.


But this whole time, I was a White nationalist. I never was nothing racially focused. I was never not pro-White. I’ve been pretty consistent in that core principle.


So the time in which I was a Catholic, I was a White nationalist, I was a Holocaust revisionist or denier, whatever you want to call it. You know, I talked about World War Two. I talked about the Nazis in positive terms. I defended Hitler. So it isn’t like this is like a million miles away from [chuckling] what I was doing before. I just basically had a religious phase. But he’s kind of defining that as flip flopping, like saying that what I’m doing now, I don’t have conviction.


I decided to get involved in activism. I surveyed the Australian scene. This is the only project that I thought was interesting and that was going anywhere in a positive way. So I decided to embrace this particular project. It aligned with my convictions and with my personality.


So that’s why I’m doing what I’m doing. Apparently, that’s flip flopping. Anyway.


Blair Cottrell: I don’t know. It seems like a pretty standard process of development. It’s not really flip flopping. Yeah, but that’s just my take.


Joel Davis: Yeah. I mean, maybe Hitler was right when Hitler said that you shouldn’t get involved in politics until you’re 30, …


Blair Cottrell: Don’t say that! You’re not even 30 yet. Right?


So you’re still, …


Joel Davis: Yeah. Maybe he was correct about that. Maybe I should have, like, finished, … Because now I’m kind of in my. I think I’ve finished my kind of maturing. I’ve kind of arrived. And maybe I should have waited.


But at the same time, I don’t really regret my previous involvements, because, as I said, it’s not like I haven’t been pro-White or, basically agitating for the same things the whole time.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Tom and I got started early too. We got started early. And I don’t think either of us regret it. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! And you guys got started in a position that in now as well. Like, you tried a project. It wasn’t exactly the right formula. Like, you had some success, but it wasn’t exactly the right formula. Went back to the drawing board, reassessed. You have to learn on the job! And I feel like, similar to me. I tried some things out earnestly and then went back to the drawing board and revised it.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. I actually had conversation with Jim Salem, who at the time was called the “grandfather of Australian White nationalism”. When I was 21 and I was first getting involved in public activism, and I went up to “The Bunker”, as they call it, in Sydney in Tempe, and I said to him that quote, I said:


“You know, Hitler described that a man wasn’t politically mature until 30. And should I sort of just keep observing and keep an eye on things and keep developing myself and then maybe emerge as a political commentator, or a political leader, or a political activist at 30?”


And he said:


“No, no, there’s a lot that I disagree with Hitler on. That’s ridiculous! Alexander the Great defeated the Persians when he was 21 years old!”


At one of the battles. Can’t remember the battle, but he mentioned the battle specifically.


And, I mean, that is slightly different in the sense that he was born the son of a king. So that kind of helps get your political career up and running at 21! But it was a fair point. It was a fair point. I think he said something like, he’d conquered, like, a third of the known world by 28.


And so, yeah, I think Joel’s comments are fair. I think Nick’s comments on this, especially, are unfair. This idea, I can’t consider Joel someone that’s flip flopped on any of these issues. That’s the thing about being a political commentator, like Nick or like Joel or like ourselves, we make a thousand takes over the course of two years or three years.


So you can selectively pick, you know, anything and put them in distinction to each other or play them at the same time as each other. And it can appear that someone’s flip flopped on their views. And that’s not true. That’s not consistent with what Joel’s development has been like. And anyone to try to go back to their religious roots and explore Catholicism and then say:


“Well, that’s not for me.”


You know, that’s fine and noble. And obviously, Nick is personally affected by that. Nick’s a Catholic, isn’t he? So he would see that as some sort of apostasy. So that’s a personal dig. Like, he feels that’s an attack on his faith, that’s an attack on his convictions.


And then the other comments, the what’s it called? Not homophobic. What is it? The homoeroticism or whatever that he’s trying to bring up is just more of a projection of his own psyche. He’s the one with the gay accusations.




Blair Cottrell: Oh! Oh!


Thomas Sewell: This is the truth! Like when there’s been multiple occasions where his tabs have been open in the background and he said that he’s been hacked. Everyone’s defended him and protected him, but this is the stuff that’s been smeared against him and his associations with Catboy Cammy, who, like, would suck dildos on livestream. And he was friends with this guy and he did sleepovers with Catboy Cammie. That’s fucking weird! So he’s got some dubious associations, and he’s made many dubious comments.


And then to be involved in a nationalist organisation that has established leadership, that has established figureheads, it’s such a strange take that Nick has that to join an organisation must mean that you’re homosexually attracted to the leader. Is that why Nick isn’t involved in an organisation? Because he would have he would have to love big daddy Trump to join the Republican Party, or he’s got some strange, …


Blair Cottrell: Maybe there’s no American. Maybe no American organize leaders are hot enough for Nick? [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Maybe. Maybe.


But, yeah, it’s very immature. And he shouldn’t be punching Right. He is to the Left of us. He shouldn’t be punching Right.


But anyway, I’ll let you continue.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, I don’t have a problem with him expressing criticism of my views on whatever subject.


But, I mean, I’ve always been a friend to Nick. I’ve defended him from some people that I think have given him unfair criticism and personal attacks many times in the past, because I’m a pretty fair and reasonable person.


So it’s kind of weird to be like, yeah, I don’t think anyone really thinks I’m a faggot. You know, that’s not really a problem that I have to deal with. So it’s kind of weird for him to go there, but anyway.


Nick Fuentes: You bounce right out of it. And now you’re a NatSoc, and it’s because of this charismatic leader you’re behind, who’s apparently in love with. It’s like, yeah, I don’t know.

And the whole thing’s just kind of like, it’s too, like, lowbrow. Like, I don’t know. I don’t think we’re ever going to have political Reform because a bunch of meatheads dress in all black and yell the n-word, throwing up Nazi salutes. Like, I don’t think that’s ever actually going to lead to political reform.


Joel Davis: By the way, this idea that I don’t think we’ve ever, like, yelled the n-word in at a public rally because there isn’t any black people really, in Australia to speak of I mean, there’s a few, but it’s not that relevant. So I don’t even know what he’s talking about there.


I mean, yeah, we do pretty, like hardcore rallies that can be kind of aggressive and militant, but, yeah, and even if we did yell, the n-word, …


Blair Cottrell: Political upheaval is a collection of activities that all sort of have that collaborative effect. It’s not like yeah, a bunch of guys protesting isn’t the only reason political change happens, but it might be integral in some way, you know?


Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, the reason why we go into the street is, there’s multiple reasons. But one reason is because it provokes a reaction from the media, from the political class. I mean, the last few times that we’ve done rallies.


So the last rally that we did, we had the “Fuck Off! We’re Full!” rally where we confronted the refugee encampment. We forced Dvir Abramovich to go onto the news and a bunch of politicians to go into the news and argue about it. And Dvir Abramovich, by the way, is the Australian Jonathan Greenblatt, basically for the American audience. Like, he’s the jew that runs our version of the ADL [Anti-Defamation League].


He had to go on the news and explain “Great Replacement Theory” to the Australian people. And that, like that’s what we’re motivated by. We think that, like, White people are being replaced and this crazy conspiracy theory, and that’s what we’re there for.


And so that was brilliant! And the clips from that rally, by my count, of everything that I saw, accumulated at least 5 million views online on TikTok, on Twitter.


And the rally we did before that, where we, the ‘Mass Deportations Now’ rally that also got millions and millions of views online. It went all over the media sthings we have done in Sydney and Melbourne and so on, where the prime minister has had to come out into the media and condemn us or the premier of various states, like top level politicians, leaders from the jewish community and so on. So we provoke a reaction, to then get the Australian people to become aware of us. And we’ve become somewhat of a brand in Australian politics. So there’s a meta-political aspect to that.


But at the same time, there is also a recruitment aspect. Like we are showing ourselves to the people to say:


“Hey, come and join us!”


And every time we do a rally, we get a spike in recruits. Ultimately, we don’t have anywhere near enough people. But you’ve got to start somewhere.


Our idea is, well, if we keep doing this and we keep recruiting, in a few years time there’s going to be thousands of us. In a few more years time, maybe tens of thousands, and then it has a completely different connotation. Now we are literally mobilising seriously large quantities of White men in every city in Australia in a very prominent and powerful way that then becomes very interesting politically. But you have to start somewhere.


[Remainder of Transcript in Progress]










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(Comments as of 9/20/2024 = 18)

9 hours ago
fucking jews

8 hours ago
Re: Nick’s silly homoerotic characterization of a “charismatic leader” — a touch ironic… Not due to Ali/Catboy past, but because: If Joel’s fraternal respect for Tom as a man elder + proven leader is gay… Please describe thousands of childless virgins who worship Nick + unthinkingly get every single opinion straight from his mouth (and laughably paying him money to be publicly mocked and belittled).

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11 hours ago
Here’s last week’s show. [Joel Davis – We’ll Talk About the News but Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents – Sep 13, 2024 – Transcript] [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following: • Recent Australian government moves on internet censorship and social media age limits. • Certain type of women being attracted to official positions in HR, government, etc., and having a particular appearance and manner. • The lack of discipline and schools where even in primary schools teachers are being attacked. • The psychology of leftists regarding envy. • Haitians being dumped in Springfield, Ohio. • Criticize a father whose son was killed by a Haitian immigrant for saying he wished a White man had killed his son instead. • The Swedish government’s plan to pay immigrants large sums to leave Sweden. • Express admiration for the Ku Klux Klan, calling them “true fucking heroes of the aryan race.” • Discuss Greg Johnson being gay and criticize homosexuality in general. • Talk about women cheating and social media’s role in relationships. • Discuss libertarianism and criticize libertarian views
on immigration and economics. • Discuss the Chinese government, drawing some parallels to fascism. • “Hitler was willing to, you know, he was a strategic politician, like any good politician, looking out for the interests of their nation.” • “Homophobia actually in, like, every. Pretty much every, like, culture ever in, like, human history.” • “Jews are probably the least homophobic.” • “We need the Klan. We need to bring back the Klan.” • “White people want things like justice and fairness and freedom and, you know, honor and respect and rights and liberties.” • “Haiti is disgusting. And again, they have the legacy of White genocide.” ..

6 hours ago
I like Nick and Joel. if I had to pick a leader to follow it would have to be Joel though. Nick comes off as too weak and effeminate, although I agree with a lot of his ideas

5 hours ago
Also, these guys who call you “low brow” come across as sniveling weak fagg0ts to heterosexual women of ALL class backgrounds, whether lower, middle, or upper. Does Nick have any concept as to how he and his movement look in comparison to your guys’?? They call you “low class” to deflect from the fact that they appear to be dysgenic freaks who are too physically and mentally weak to protect the women and children in their community. They claim they’re more “professional” than you guys, but I highly doubt most groypers even have much professional success – they’re just castrated cowards and pretend it makes them “civilized.” Why would any woman be inspired to procreate with THAT?! The groypers complain about white women endlessly because they have a slave morality, and it’s annoying – this is one of the reasons why they betray us for and identify with genetic inferiors like Myron Gaines and Tate. They don’t have an authentic White masculine identity or any dignity. Women aren’t attracted to these guys for a good reason. They’ll say it’s because of feminism when really, it’s their own cowardice and inferiority that repulses us. The fact that we’re not into effeminate boys who seem like they’re 15 years old is because we’re not lesbian pedos lmao, not because of “feminism.” Groypers resent nature’s hierarchy

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7 hours ago
Nicky literally worships Stalin. His own admission. Check out his old vdo.
1 like

6 hours ago
Thomas has the right idea. Just shaving it all off, Joel.
1 like

5 hours ago
Comedy is the crucible of all society, and that is why the Jews use it to their end . they have hijacked us through it.

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5 hours ago
Being a Christian of any brand and being a white nationalist is an oxymoron. Christians worship a Jewish desert wizard, pretend to drink his blood, turn the other cheek, think everyone’s equal and then cope by saying he was Caucasian when he actually wasn’t even real and he was made up to get gentiles to worship the Jewish god.

4 hours ago
o/ I’ll gladly die w/ truth and patriotism on my lips than to perish as a subservient sell-out nation-traitor groveling to modern dystopia. I’ve got such immense respect for all three of you. Australia is a great nation, I love your guys history. It’s righteous and very colonial.

3 hours ago
w joel

1 hour ago
White Fucking Power! o/

59 minutes ago
Joel I couldn’t even follow you on X cause it said sensitive content they literally won’t let people follow your X account lol

34 minutes ago
1:00 minute in when Tom elaborates on how their public-street activism doesn’t require the flag anymore, even though said in jest, granted yes it’s true, point made, but i still affirm and insist the flags are still necesssary for decorum, signaling and the metaphysics of the substance of the thing

28 minutes ago
God Nick is so annoying. Hes the one who started the first optics war and divided the movement up after Charlottesville. Everyone who didnt meet his standard of optics he would attack and then everybody divided on those lines….optics cucks vs wignats lol. Even Anglin, the biggest wignat sperg on the internet, jumped in on Nicks side and started calling everyone neo nazis lol…I couldnt believe it…like we all just wouldnt notice his complete flip flop.. Oh God and then the woman question thing, they then had to force a division over that too. And that weird fucker weev that ended up being a jew lol. I dont trust these people anymore, we got more gayops going on here than anywhere on earth, so I just assume someones some kind of bad actor if all they do is divisive shit.


See Also





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript




Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript





Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version 1: Fri, Sep 20, 2024 — Published post. Transcript Quality = 5/5 for 28/17o mins. Includes Odysee comments (18).

This entry was posted in Activism -White, America, anti-White, Arabs, Australia, Blair Cotterell, Christainity, Ethno-nationalism, Ethnocentrism, Fascism, Hitler Quotes, Immigration, Islam, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Neocons, Joel Davis, Liberalism, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Muslim, National Socialism, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Palestine, Political Correctness, Race, Race Differences, Racism, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Transcript, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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