Category Archives: Propaganda – Anti-German

Entschuldigung Mama, ich hatte Unrecht was den Holocaust betrifft — TRANSCRIPT

[In diesem kurzem Video (6 Minuten), entschuldigt sich mittelältere deutsch-kanadische Frau Monika Schaefer verspätet aber herzlich bei ihren Eltern, für die Zeiten in denen sie Vorwürfe gegen ihnen und das deutsche Volk gemacht hat, weil sie nicht den Holocaust gestoppt … Continue reading

Posted in Brainwashing, Canada, Europe, German language post, Germany, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Naming, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, National Socialism, Propaganda - Anti-German, Schaefer - Alfred, Schaefer - Monika, Third Reich, Transcript, typhus, White genocide, WW II, Zyklon B | 4 Comments

Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust — TRANSCRIPT

  [In this short five-minute video Monika Schaefer, a middle-aged German-Canadian woman gives a belated, yet heartfelt apology to her deceased parents for the times when she reproached them and the German people for failing to stop the “Holocaust” from … Continue reading

Posted in Brainwashing, Canada, Europe, Germany, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Naming, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, National Socialism, Propaganda - Anti-German, Schaefer - Alfred, Schaefer - Monika, Third Reich, Transcript, typhus, White genocide, WW II, Zyklon B | 15 Comments

Red Ice: Lana Lokteff Interviews Evalion — TRANSCRIPT

    [In this friendly and at times amusing interview, Lana Lektoff from Red Ice (Radio 3Fourteen) talks with Evalion on her YouTube video’s that gained over 500,000 views in a matter of a few months. But it wasn’t long until YouTube … Continue reading

Posted in America, Brainwashing, David Duke, Donald Trump, Europe, Evalion, Germany, Goebbels, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Homosexuality, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Naming, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, Multiculturalism, National Socialism, Negros, New World Order, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Race - Mixing, Radio 3Fourteen, Red Ice Radio, Third Reich, Third World Immigration, Transcript, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW I, WW II | 5 Comments

The Realist Report Interviews Eric Hunt — TRANSCRIPT

May 2016   [Here’s the transcript of an audio interview by John Friend with Eric Hunt about his revisionist video making, and his latest video, “Questioning the Holocaust, Why We Believed — Part One”.   Both Friend and Hunt don’t mince their words … Continue reading

Posted in America, Arabs, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Bk - Hellstorm, Brainwashing, Carlo Mattogno, Dachau, Elie Wiesel, Eric hunt, Europe, Europe - Central, Europe - Eastern, Fascism, France, Germany, Germar Rudolf, Goebbels, Himmler, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Homosexuality, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Lying, Jews - Naming, John Friend, Jürgen Graf, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, National Socialism, Negros, New World Order, Poland, Propaganda - Anti-German, Race, Syria, Third Reich, Third World Immigration, Transcript, typhus, Uncategorized, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW I, WW II, Zyklon B | 16 Comments

The Most Anti-semitic Video Ever – The Truth About Jews — TRANSCRIPT

  [This is the transcript of a 15 minute video by Evalion giving, in her endearing teenage anime style voice, a summary on how jews have been secretly subverting our societies for a long time.    Organized jewry has been … Continue reading

Posted in America, Anti-Defamation League, Barbara Spectre, Communism, Critical Theory, Europe, Evalion, False Flag Attacks, Family - Anti, Feminism, Frankfurt School, Freedom of Speech, Germany, Globalism, Gun Control, Hate Speech, Hollywood, Holocaust, Holohoax, Homosexuality, Iraq, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Lying, LBGT, Liberalism, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, National Socialism, New World Order, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, Talmud, Third World, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, USS Liberty, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, Zionism, Zionists | 11 Comments

Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil — TRANSCRIPT

  [This is the transcript of a 7 minute video by Evalion giving, in her endearing teenage anime style voice, a short summary of why Hitler wasn’t (((evil)))*, but was in fact, the opposite of that — KATANA.] * It’s become a … Continue reading

Posted in Auschwitz, Europe, Evalion, Germany, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Media - jewish domination, National Socialism, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, Third Reich, Transcript, White Nationalism, WW II | 11 Comments

Teaching Whites about Jews — TRANSCRIPT

[This is the transcript of a 43 minute video by the History Reviewed Channel guy, in his usual measured tone, on the need to teach Whites about jews, especially about their unparalleled ability to lie and deceive. An exemplar of this is the … Continue reading

Posted in Alex Linder, America, Auschwitz, Banksters, Brainwashing, Britain, Christainity, Communism, Deception, Europe, Fascism, Germany, Himmler, History Review Channel, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Naming, Media - jewish domination, Mind Control, Multiculturalism, National Socialism, New World Order, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, South Africa, Syria, Third Reich, Third World, Third World Immigration, Transcript, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II | 4 Comments

The Holocaust Lie — Made in America

  [Horst Mahler describes the creation of the Nuremberg Trials by American jews and how the trials were kangaroo courts that lynched the Germans  — KATANA.]     The Holocaust Lie   Made in America     circa 2006   … Continue reading

Posted in Auschwitz, Brainwashing, Britain, Christainity, Churchill, Communism, Europe, Franklin D., Germany, Germar Rudolf, Goebbels, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, Israel, Jew World Order, Jews, Mind Control, National Socialism, New World Order, Nuremberg, Palestine, Poland, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, Robert Faurisson, Roosevelt, Talmud, Third Reich, WW I, WW II | 25 Comments

Hey Brussels: It’s Fun to Fight Wars for the Jews, isn’t It?

  [Very frank article on the recent Brussels bombing, where the author cuts to the chase and points the finger at the ultimate cause of it, namely Organized jewry — KATANA.]     Hey Brussels: It’s Fun to Fight    Wars for the … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Arabs, Brainwashing, Europe, Germany, Goebbels, Hitler, Holocaust, Holohoax, ISIS, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Media - jewish domination, Muslim invasion, National Socialism, New World Order, Propaganda - Anti-German, Third Reich, Third World Immigration, Thomas Dalton, White genocide, WW II | 1 Comment

Teaching White Kids about Adolf Hitler — TRANSCRIPT

  [This is the transcript of a 65 minute video by the History Reviewed Channel guy, in his usual measured tone, on the need to teach younger Whites about Adolf Hitler and his true White revolution that severely threatened to break the power of … Continue reading

Posted in America, Austria, Bk - Mein Kampf, Brainwashing, Britain, Christainity, Communism, Europe, Fascism, Germany, Himmler, History Review Channel, Hitler, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jews, Jews - Naming, Mind Control, Multiculturalism, National Socialism, Nuremberg, Propaganda - Anti-German, Revisionism, South Africa, Suicide, Third Reich, Third World, Third World Immigration, Transcript, Waffen SS, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II | 2 Comments