Mark Collett – Farage Adopts a Nationalist Re-Migration Policy – Jun 21, 2024 – Transcript


Mark Collett


Farage Adopts a


Nationalist Re-Migration Policy


Fri, Jun 21, 2024


[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:

“Nigel Farage and the Reform Party have taken on an ethno-nationalist policy of re-migration. But is this genuine, can you trust Nigel Farage, or is he just controlled opposition? We examine what Nigel REALLY thinks about ethno-nationalist politics and non-migration into Britain.”


1. Nigel Farage has adopted nationalist policies like deporting illegal migrants and leaving the European Court of Human Rights. 

2. Collett has been making similar election leaflets for nationalist candidates. 

3. Farage seems to be copying these policies and passing them off as his own. 

4. This angers nationalists who have long fought for these policies.  

5. Farage has spoken against ethno-nationalism and taken credit for destroying the BNP. 

6. Farage has said Brexit would allow more Commonwealth immigration. 

7. Post-Brexit, non-white immigration has increased from India, Pakistan, etc. 

8. Farage again took credit for destroying the BNP and not working with far-right groups.

9. Collett argues Farage is controlled opposition, co-opting nationalist policies.

10. However, it shows nationalist talking points have gone mainstream. 

11. Farage is going further than even the BNP did at its peak. 

12. Nationalists should vote Reform to destroy the Conservatives, but remember Farage is not the real solution.



Published on Fri, Jun 21, 2024




Farage Adopts a Nationalist Re-Migration Policy
June 21, 2024
Mark Collett
Nigel Farage and the Reform Party have taken on an ethno-nationalist policy of re-migration. But is this genuine, can you trust Nigel Farage, or is he just controlled opposition? We examine what Nigel REALLY thinks about ethno-nationalist politics and non-migration into Britain.
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(Words: 2,375 – 14:01 mins)




Earlier this week Nigel Farage took to X in order to make a bold new pledge, and I quote:


“Reform UK will leave the European Convention on Human Rights [ECHR] and deport all illegal migrants to stop the boats.”


End quote. Now this sounds rather familiar, well, to me it does, because I’ve spent the last few weeks working on election leaflets for a number of nationalist candidates who are all standing in the general election. These leaflets read:






It’s almost like Nigel is aware of this and has been, to put it politely, copying our homework! If one was to be less polite, they might say he stole our policy!


And Nigel Farage’s borrowing of our policies will annoy some people.


And those people have a right to be annoyed: Nationalists have been standing in elections for decades and fighting those elections on this very platform, only for Nigel Farage to swoop in and take the policy for himself, potentially conning millions into thinking he’s the real deal when it comes to speaking about migration and demographic change.



But what’s even more enraging is that Farage has repeatedly spoken out about how he opposes genuine ethno-nationalism, even going so far as to state that he supports more non-White migration in Britain. He proudly stated that he destroyed the British National Party [BNP] – Britain’s most electorally successful nationalist vehicle. Don’t believe me, well watch this:




[Sam Delaney’s News Thing-RT]

News Thing: Our special guest, Nigel Farage!



Nigel, it’s good to have you on the show. Do you ever, ever feel in the tiniest bit responsible for the atmosphere of hostility, particularly that which we read about following the Brexit result towards foreigners and immigrants in this country? Any pangs of guilt about that?



Nigel Farage: Let’s just be fair. There were some horrendous things said by both sides. There were some on the Brexit side who hurled racist abuse at Polish people or whatever. Yeah, it happened, all right.

Equally, there were some on the Remain side who sent insults and threats through social media to those who were prominent on the Brexit side. Let me just say this to you. Do I feel responsible for people saying extreme things? Quite the reverse. I destroyed the British National Party!

We had a far-Right party in this country who genuinely were anti-jew, anti-black and all of those things. And I came along and I said to their voters:

“If you’re holding your nose and voting for this party is a protest, don’t! Come and vote for me!”

I’m not against anybody. I just want us to start putting British people first. And I almost single handedly destroyed the far-Right in British politics. That’s not a bad achievement.





And that’s not just a one off, before the Brexit vote, Nigel was on a Television debate where he stated that voting for Brexit would be good for ethnic minorities and people from the Commonwealth, because it would mean an end to White migration from Europe and allow more black people into Britain from former colonies. He clearly stated that he believed that would be a good thing.







Black woman (in audience): Hi, Nigel. I know a lot of people. I have access to a predominantly black British audience. And a lot of the concerns that they have raised alongside concerns that I have myself, is that you are going to increase the fear and discrimination of black British people through your anti-immigration rhetoric. Are you encouraging racism?

Nigel Farage: I don’t think you could be more wrong. And here’s why. And here’s why.

Black woman: Well, how are you going to safeguard that is essentially what I want to know.



Nigel Farage: Well, and here’s why. I take a very strongly pro-Commonwealth view. I think it was very bad and wrong of us to turn our backs on the Commonwealth in favour of a European political project, and we’ve made a bad mistake.

So now what we do is, if you’ve got a qualification and you come from India or you come from parts of Africa, you now find it very, very difficult to get into this country, despite the historical strong, …

Black woman: You’re still anti-immigration, so I don’t. You are anti-immigration and, …

Nigel Farage: I won’t have that.

Black woman: You are anti-immigration. And you are scare mongering and inflammatory content in your campaign that have gone against people that look non-White. How are White British people going to stop discrimination about their identity and nationality in this country? That is what I really want to know! (audience applauds)




Nigel Farage: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Well, I tell you what, if you want to think that, and you don’t want to, …

Black woman: I don’t think that. The majority of people that look black British or non-White have those concerns, and you are dismissing that.

Nigel Farage: Well, lots of them. Can I tell you that lots of them voted for my party in the last election?

Black woman: Did they?

Nigel Farage: Stand for us as candidates.

Black woman: Did they? Can I see evidence, and on what numbers?

Nigel Farage: And you’re not listening, are you?

Black woman: How much of the 3% voted for UKIP?



Nigel Farage: I can’t do a lot unless I’m allowed to talk. Now look, I’m explaining to you that I take a view that is strongly pro-Commonwealth. If we have an Australian style point system rather than an open door to 508 million people, then actually it’ll be better for black people coming into Britain who currently find it very difficult because we have this open door.

And I would also say this to you, that once again, this attempt to demonise the Leave campaign, or me, actually, there is big support for this amongst the ethnic minorities in this country who know that actually our current open border policy is damaging all of our communities. And here’s our chance, maybe, our one and only chance as a nation, to get a grip on this issue.





Post Brexit we have seen a massive increase in migration, and Nigel got his wish, as now around 90 per cent of migration is non-White with India, Pakistan, China, Nigeria and Zimbabwe being the top five countries of origin for migrants coming to Britain via the “Australian style points-based migration system” that he wished for.


Effectively, post Brexit, White migration from the continent has been replaced by non-White migration from all over the world.


But it doesn’t end there! Recently Nigel was back talking about the BNP. And this is what he had to say:




[GBNews Live London-Breaking: Reform UK Press Conference-Nigel Farage demands to be invited to 4-way BBC TV debate]



Nigel Farage: I knew the founders of the AfD [Alternative for Germany] and I saw them in the European Parliament. Because it was actually founded by academics who were really worried about Germany’s place in the Euro. And that was the main thing that got the party going. Yeah, look, they’ve had some real wrongins in the AfD, not at grassroots level, but at quite senior elected level, out in, as you know, better than me, out in some other [word unclear].

All I can tell you is this. In my previous incarnation as leader of UKIP [UK Independence Party] I had an absolute rule that nobody who’d ever been part of the British National Party or any organisation like that could even be a member of the party, let alone a candidate! And I was absolutely ruthless about that! And I think because I did that, I would honestly say to you, I did more to destroy the British National Party as an electoral force in Britain than absolutely anybody else!

And the same thing applies this time. And of course, because it’s been a very rapidly called election and because 450 of our candidates have never stood before, they’re not sophisticated politicos. They will have liked things on Facebook with links to somebody else. It doesn’t make them extreme Right or far-Right. I don’t want support from people like that. I’ve never had the support and work with people like that. I never will support people like that! I’m as acutely aware of the problem.

We are in a better place with all of that than the AfD, of that I have no doubt. And yes, of course, we’re going to have our problems with candidates, as every party is with a very, very rushed election.

But it’s funny, really. Even though there are 651 seats up for grabs in the Commons, in most of the United Kingdom, there are really only three names people are going to vote for. They’re going to vote for Sunak, Starmer* or Farage! And that’s the reality.





Yes! He repeats his earlier claim about destroying the BNP and goes on to say that anyone who supported the BNP is BANNED from standing for his party.


So, I think it’s clear where Nigel stands. He is proud to not be one of us! He is proud to have opposed real nationalism! And he effectively wants to block real nationalists from attaining positions of power in Britain.


Which begs the question. Why is then so eager to take on genuine nationalist policies that address the issues of border control and even re-migration?




Well, I did a stream about Britain’s broken electoral system about a month ago. And in that stream, I talked about controlled opposition. And I think it’s fair to say, for most people watching this video, Nigel definitely falls into that category! An assertion that is backed up by the fact he clearly dislikes genuine ethno-nationalists, yet he’s adopting our talking points in order to ensure that he scoops up all the votes that we would be likely to receive.


So, is the fact that Nigel is talking about re-migration a bad thing?



Well, the immediate knee jerk answer may appear to be “YES”. But let’s take a bit longer to make up our minds, as there is another way to look at this.


You see, on the flipside, Nigel adopting our policies does prove one thing: And that is that our talking points about migration and demographics have gone mainstream. Nigel Farage and Reform look set to genuinely challenge and possibly destroy the Conservative Party at this elections and they are doing so by running with genuine nationalist policies.



And just to put this in perspective, I was in charge of the MAJORITY of nationalist leaflets produced for the BNP between 2002 and, 2010. And I was the one who designed the BNPs Euro Election leaflets in 2009, which resulted in the BNPs most notable electoral victory, which saw two MEPs being elected.



And it may surprise some, but those BNP leaflets at that European Election were actually markedly tamer than Farage’s current rhetoric. In fact, those leaflets focused on “Putting British People First” and on “British Jobs for British Workers”.


Those leaflets did mention immigration, but there was no mention of deportations – in fact the BNP at the time rarely ever mentioned re-migration.


So, the fact that Farage is having to actually go further than the BNP did, at what was arguably its height, is very interesting.



But it’s not just interesting, it’s a testament to what we have achieved over the past six years or so. we have created such a noise, we have created so many headlines and so much debate, that we have dragged the Overton Window so far in our direction, that the same man who boasts about destroying the BNP is now standing on a platform that is more explicitly about demographics than the BNP did at its height.


Now understandably, it might be galling for some that we aren’t the ones at the forefront of this electoral push and that genuine ethno-nationalists are being frozen out of the debate that we worked so hard to drag into the spotlight. But the fact this debate is occurring so publicly can only be a good thing!



So that leads to the big question; should you vote Reform?


Well, the answer to that depends upon two things; firstly, whether you want to destroy the Conservative Party. And secondly, who else is standing in your area? If you have an English Democrat or British Democrat candidate standing – then vote for them. But the vast majority of voters won’t have that option on the ballot paper.



And if you are faced with the prospect of choosing between Conservative, Labour, Lib-Dem and Reform – I suggest you vote Reform and help them to completely wipe out the Conservative Party.


The objective of this general election for nationalist should be to drag the Overton Window further right by destroying the centrist pro-migration Conservative party for good!


Just don’t get swept away with the hype.


Don’t be fooled into thinking of Nigel Farage as the real solution, instead, think of him as more of a step in the right direction. We still desire a genuine nationalist victory, but we must be realistic. The road toward that victory is long, and over the course of that journey there will be many smaller victories and many objectives that we need to achieve.



One of those victories is get people talking about the issues we hold dear – and it appears we’ve done that. Mission complete!


One of the objectives we must continue to pursue is destroying the traitorous Conservative Party and confining it to the history books – and that’s something we can make a reality on July 4th.


[* Kier Starmer is largely funded by a Trevor Chin, president of Israel based UJIA [United Jewish Israel Appeal] and is also on the executive board of BICOM [Britain, Israel Communications and Research Centre], the largest Israel lobby group in the UK. BICOM, is headed by a Richard Peter, who was formerly employed by the Israeli prime minister’s office and is still an IDF reserve.]












Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 6/24/2024 = 62)

2 days ago
No such thing as black British

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2 days ago
If you go groveling before these ungrateful creatures and begging for their approval as Farage did, they will only hate and attack you more ruthlessly. And rightly so.

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King Tut
2 days ago


2 days ago
or black European.


2 days ago
We all know that anyone who talks of ‘Judeo Christian culture’ (🤢), as Farage does, is definitely not our man.
But if it helps to destroy the Tories, he’ll get my vote.

Matt Hammond
2 days ago
The entitlement of that African audience member literally gave me a headache.

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2 days ago
She has to go back.

Show reply

1 day ago
It would have been amazing if he had just said “You’re not British” when she repeatedly said “Black/non-white British”. One can only dream…
Imagine if I, a potato n, claimed I am Chinese just because I was born there by some freak coincidence.


2 days ago
Give everything to non whites until you are totally drained of everything.

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2 days ago
just give the a free trip home in a container ship

Dissident Doctrine
2 days ago
A DNA test; the established scientific means of determining whereabouts on the planet a person is from, will conclusively prove that brown people are not from this continent, let alone the British Isles. The way ethnics have been convinced, by the regime, that they’re somehow British, is just rage fuel. It boils my piss. Hyphenated-Brits are not real Brits.
They don’t look, sound, think or behave like us. They are not us. The only thing that remotely identifies them as British is the fraudulent paperwork given to them by a government comprised of traitors and liars.

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2 days ago
Well said!

2 days ago
The coloreds brazenly require the British to accept colored occupation and settlement of the UK, but equally brazenly required the superior, civilizational Europeans to leave “colored” regions of the world (although the Europeans were objectively technologically improving the colored regions).

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2 days ago
They missed out on, not one, but two industrial revolutions, and didn’t even invent the wheel.


2 days ago
Even if he has problems with the JQ and a generous definition of British, it’s nevertheless good that he helps push the Overton-window further in the necessary direction.


2 days ago
Do British and Irish conservatives ever talk about the Oliver Cromwell and King William of Orange’s importance in the mongrelization and destruction of britain? these two leaders heavily supported the Jews and Fought against the Native British Stuart Monarchy (King William of Orange’s invasion of England was supported by Jewish Bankers this is public knowledge they publicly admit they destroyed Britain)

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2 days ago
After they financed his regicide of Charles I in 1649, Cromwell re-admitted Jews to England in 1656 (ending Edward I’s 1290 Edict of Expulsion). They thought they had finished off the Stuart Kings but Cromwell was so terrible a tyrant, the Stuarts were restored in 1660.
Meanwhile c. 1496 the family of Amsterdam banker Abraham Israel Suasso was expelled from Iberia by the Portuguese Inquisition—resettling in what was then the Jewish HQ Holland.
Not even demanding any collateral, Abraham Israel Suasso lent 2 million guilders to shabbos goy William of Orange to invade England and collaborate with domestic traitors to overthrow his uncle/father-in-law King James II of England (VII of Scots, whence the ancient Stewart dynasty originated) completing the Jewish Conquest of England in 1688. Upon usurping the throne, William of Orange repaid Jews in every way, opening the Bank of England in 1694–total cohencidence—the Jewish power centre shifted from Amsterdam to the City of London.
In his historical memoirs, Friedrich the Great of Prussia records this (the German king writing in French transcribes the name „Suasso“ with the spelling „Schwartzau“):
«Le prince d’Orange entreprit de détrôner son beau-père…Un juif d’Amsterdam, nommé Schwartzau, lui prêta deux millions pour cette expédition, en lui disant : „Si vous êtes heureux, je sais que vous me les rendrez; si vous êtes malheureux, je consens de les perdre.”»
(«The Prince of Orange undertook to dethrone his father-in-law…A Jew from Amsterdam named Schwartzau lent him two million for the venture, saying: “If you are lucky, I know that you will give it back to me. If you are unlucky, I will resign myself to losing it.”»)


2 days ago
He is doing what Thatcher did to the NF. He is a fraud, like Thatcher.

Lars Agerbæk Odyssæus
2 days ago
Mark Collett you are a source of reason


2 days ago
Farage’s claim to “remigrate” migrants = Trump’s claim to build the wall. It ain’t gonna happen.
We’ll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on
Sit in judgment of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song
I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around me
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
And I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
Change, it had to come
We knew it all along
We were liberated from the fold, that’s all
And the world looks just the same
And history ain’t changed
‘Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war
I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around me
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
And I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
No, no
I’ll move myself and my family aside
If we happen to be left half alive
I’ll get all my papers and smile at the sky
For I know that the hypnotized never lie
Do ya?
There’s nothing in the street
Looks any different to me
And the slogans are effaced, by-the-bye
And the parting on the left
Is now the parting on the right
And the beards have all grown longer overnight
I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around me
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
And I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
Don’t get fooled again
No, no
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss

2 days ago
Whilst I agree with the vast majority of this video, I for one will be spoiling my ballot.
There is no one in my area worthy of representing my people, who will not put our people first.
They don’t even advocate for us.
A spoiled vote is the only way I can voice my opinion.

Gott mit uns 2
2 days ago
The destruction of europe is the jew kalergi plan , meaning massive immigration for destroy the national pride ,destroy white people and in the future destroy all of europe !!!! Liike a famous song says “ausländer raus” !!!!!!!


2 days ago
Please dont call it Migration. Call it immigration. That’s what it is.

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1 day ago

1 day ago


2 days ago
I figured if anybody would advocate for Brittan it would be Farage. Good luck, my brothers and sisters across the pond. You’ll need it.

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1 day ago
I think the ghosts of 20 million dead Germans haunts the UK.

Suncross TV ⊕
2 days ago
“He’s not box office gold, he’s just good at taking credit for other people’s work” – Edwina Currie, GB ‘News’, July 2023


2 days ago
For Brits, Farage may be currently the best option, like Zemmour was for France few years back. Given both of them wouldn’t renew back on their promises. Because, here is the thing, it’s zero no brainer that in the world of politics there isn’t always a free room, empty room and sometimes compromise, making an exception, sacrificing for greater good is necessary. So there won’t be simpleton takes like ‘Farage destroyed right wing” or “Zemmour is Jewish”, if Farage really makes a fuss on British mainstream, then that can only be beneficial to groups like PA.
Given that Farage doesn’t ally himself with the Tories and put groups like PA in crosshairs.


1 day ago(edited)
normalising our talking points to normies is a step forward, no matter what is happening in our currupt political has been said recently, the talk of net zero migration is a perfect opportunity to push for a more sensible complete reversal of forced multiculturalism. 😁


2 days ago
I am glad to see a pragmatic attitude. One step at a time, it is going to take us a long time to undo the mess created.

2 days ago
finally something happening in Britain


2 days ago
Farage is not controlled opposition. Judge him simply by his current actions and current policies, not by words said in the past. He may not be the saviour of Britain, lets be realistic. But if you follow enough of his more personal interviews, especially when referencing Enoch Powell’s famous speech, you begin to understand he says what he can while avoiding stupidly giving ammunition to his opponents. And like him or loathe him, he’s the best in the mainstream game.

2 days ago
Keep pushing right guys. It’s slowly moving.

2 days ago(edited)
Renazification and the Rise of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) Party in Germany 卐

14 hours ago
Conservatives always do this. They co-opt our talking points, use them in their campaigns, then completely abandon them once in power. I wish people would stop falling for their tricks.

21 hours ago
Farage said people had to hold their nose to vote BNP, when the reality is we’ll have to hold our nose to vote Reform.
He’s an obvious Zionist shill, but in most seats Reform are the best chance of destroying the Tories, lowering migration at least a bit, and moving politics further right. And Reform getting a large share of the votes but no or only a few seats will bring the topic of electoral reform back.
The fact deportations are even being discussed is because of people continually pushing the topic, Farage is reacting to a demand that is very obviously there in the public. Europe is moving ever further towards nationalist policies, especially the youth, and it’s spreading via social media – only boomers get their opinions from the TV and mainstream media now.


1 day ago
Do we get to define what African or Asian is? No? Then they don’t get to define who we are.


1 day ago
Black British? What’s that? The British are a nation not some artificial identity that anyone on the planet can adopt. There are many black nations. The British are not among them.

1 day ago
Just deporting the illegal migrants is not enough. It’d be a good start though.


2 days ago
I’ll be voting reform. It’s all baby steps, things are starting to change.


2 days ago
I’ve pretty much been ignoring the politicians but next week I’m may check out the debate between Trump & Biden and will certainly want to know what happens with your election the following week.


2 days ago
Farage still supports the agenda 21 UN Climate Change sustainability tyranny, so he’s not really for the people.


2 days ago

2 days ago
lets not forget he’s an ar.e licker of trump,who said he’s proud of promoting the covid vax and anybody that denies the holocaust should be shot


8 minutes ago
Don’t believe him he is a shyster

Based and Rempilled
15 hours ago
Good work Mr Mark

1 day ago
Get ready for 50 million Nigerians.

Based and Redpilled Doggo
1 day ago
Farage’s view on black people is analogous to that of Trump’s .

Based and Redpilled Doggo
1 day ago
How should nationalists view Brexit?

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1 day ago
As a scam to increase immigration even more?

21 hours ago
Logically, it’s a correct thing to do. An unelected foreign body should not be making British laws or ruling over our courts.
In practice, the scum politicians used it as an excuse to bring in as many migrants as possible and line their pockets with bribes from big business.
Brexit gave us the power to do anything we wanted (in theory), but the Tories just chose to do a load of bad things as well as keeping most of the EU laws and ECHR.

1 day ago
We all know who his alliance lies with.

1 day ago
razror sharp analysis on uk politics, unfortunately it just fortifies the point made by some which is there is no political solution for nationalists. Theres traitors, controlled opposition and suckers surrounding on every side.

2 days ago
It will be better for black people!!!! Wow nice one nigel, hopefully the black people vote for you mate

Reptilian Archives
2 days ago
I captured Nigel Farage shape shifting into a reptilian looking creature.

2 days ago
i was right !!! ha ha spat at for my opinions 25 years ago , ah feck um !!



See Also




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Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

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Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

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Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

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Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




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Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

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Version 1: Fri, Jun 28, 2024 — Published post. TQ = 5.0. Includes Odysee comments (62).

This entry was posted in Activism -White, anti-White, BNP, Conservative Party, Demographics, Immigration, Keir Starmer, Labour Party - UK, Mark Collett, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Nationalism, Nigel Farage, Propaganda, Racism, Reform Party - UK, Third World Invasion, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, UK, UKIP, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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