Thomas Sewell
Messiah or Caeser
Thu, Jul 25, 2024
[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activist, founder of NSN, Tom Sewell discusses the following:
• Personal relationships with God and different religious perspectives.
• Everyone has their own concept of God or something they worship.
• Explores the idea of personalizing God and its implications.
• Discussion of different forms of worship, from monotheism to paganism.
• Exploration of the concept of ancestral gods and their influence on national identity.
• The speaker importance of having a national god for a country’s survival.
• The relationship between parents and children as a reflection of divine relationships.
• The concept of mutation and its role in evolution and societal change.
• Exploration of the balance between good and evil in society and personal growth.
• The challenges of creating a safe and healthy environment for women and children.
• The importance of masculine energy in protecting society.
• Exploration of the concept of “blood and honor” as a motto and its significance.
• The differences between Roman and Germanic principles in society building.
• The importance of understanding and channeling one’s inner child.
• Exploration of the concept of the “coming man” or messiah figure in different cultures.
• Donald Trump’s role in current politics and his limitations.
• The importance of taking power before theorizing about solutions.
• Exploration of the concept of putting the jews on trial for their actions.
• The importance of using one’s voice to effect change.
• The challenges of building and maintaining a White nationalist organization.
• The concept of cultural weight and its importance in group dynamics.
• Discussion of the importance of having the right caliber of men in an organization.
• The challenges of managing different personality types within a group.
• Exploration of the concept of healthy ego and its role in leadership.
• The importance of understanding human psychology in political strategy.
• The need to address fundamental societal issues rather than just symptoms.
• Exploration of the concept of creating a healthy environment for women and children.
• The importance of understanding primal instincts in political strategy.
• The need to balance freedom and authority in society.
• Exploration of the concept of power and its relationship to freedom.
• Discussion of different approaches to explaining the worldview to “normies”.
• The importance of getting people to notice societal issues.
• Exploration of the concept of making arguments from a position of strength.
• Discussion of Hitler’s vegetarianism and its place in National Socialist ideology.
• The challenges of interpreting historical figures’ actions and words.
• Exploration of the concept of schisms in ideological movements.
• The importance of understanding and addressing female anxiety in society.
• The need to create a multi-generational organization.
• Exploration of the concept of using the voice to channel the “Aryan spirit”.
• The importance of consistency and faith in building a movement.
Published on Thu, Jul 25, 2024
25/7/24 Messiah or Caeser
July 25, 2024
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Thomas Sewell
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(Words: 25,868 – 2:48:19 mins)
Testing, one, two, three, testing. Just waiting for that to come through. Yeah, awesome! That’s coming through just fine. About a two second delay.
So I haven’t done a stream in some time. I’ve been very busy with a few things and the thoughts that have been going through my mind recently, especially on the long drives to and from work, I’ve been thinking about my personal relationship with Goddesse. So I hear religious people speak like this and I think I’m grasping at a similar idea but from a very different angle. And that is personalizing God. Not saying that you as an individual God, I’m not saying that. But this idea that we all have our own goddess and I’ve never actually met a true atheist in the sense that they don’t have some sort of deep conviction. And not that God is a conviction, that’s not what I’m saying. But that we all worship something. In many cases we worship lots of things.
And sometimes we worship a goddess universally or in its singular form, but often we can interpret or worship God in many forms.
And then obviously that blurs the lines between monotheism and Paganism because some forms of worshipping are more, not necessary, diluted, but they are compartmentalised into these archetypes or these downstream forces from a singular God.
And then of course you have people so far detached from that where they don’t even worship the God anymore. They don’t even worship the downstream force. That’s like a sub God that represents God or is a part of God. They don’t even worship that anymore. They more or less follow the routines religiously of the downstream faith. And that could be something like afl I’ve covered in the past. Or football, sports, ball, how people obsess over soccer, soccer, football, AFL, rugby, whatever you want to call all these ball sports. They’re all downstream of the temple of Mars or the temple of Tyr Thor. There’s always this upward, sharp, masculine force and there’s always ways of embodying that force. And that’s usually through a tribe that really believes and understands in its thumos or in its tier or in its Mars, a tribe that understands that part of itself, that that’s part of its collective unconsciousness, that it’s part of its existence, that it’s not a larp, that it is innate to its will. A tribe that has this strong energy, this strong focus will always have these outward displays of masculinity through sport. And that’s obviously extremely spiritual. That’s more or less one step removed from total God. If there’s a God of gods, that’s only one step removed from that.
So it’s quite a holy and spiritual thing. So when the non-Whites, Shitsa Aussies, they say:
“Oh all you care about is football and meat pies.”
Well, it’s like they’re summarizing our Paganism quite clearly, that the average Aussie puts this stuff. Most importantly, the average Aussie doesn’t just put these things, but puts material things, material things more important than God. They consider themselves atheists or agnostics. They don’t go to church, they don’t know who Yahweh is. The average Australian does not know who Yahweh is and therefore cannot recognise Yahweh as being their ancestral God or being their God, however you want to look at it.
So everyone has a highest form that they’re aspiring to be or that they’re interested in, and no one thing is God. That’s a false way of looking at this conversation.
The idea that we can continue on this path, though, where our nation doesn’t have a total God force without that, and without recognizing that and understanding that the nation dies. So every nation that wishes to exist as a nation has a God. A kind of funny way of putting it is if you’re in Croatia, then God is Croatian. If you’re in Korea, then God is Korean. You’ll notice that the Korean Presbyterians will make, like, Korean Jesus. They’ll have like, a Korean Yahweh, or a Korean Jesus.
So when you adopt universalistic or world religions, when you adopt these things, it’s the most innate thing for any tribe of people that wishes to survive. To do is to imprint its ancestral God on top of the universalistic God. You know, if you ask any religious people, they will always believe Muslims get really offended when you say Muhammad had, you know, he had light eyes and light hair. He potentially was blonde hair, blue eyed. He at least had a red beard. And Muslims get really angry at that because the average Arab doesn’t look like that. And they actually get not just deeply offended because, you’re talking about their prophet and they don’t like that, but also it hurts them at a deeper level because it means they’re actually not like their God and they’re not even moving in the right direction of their God unless they’re forming, like, a rape gang and being transported across the Mediterranean into Europe in order to steal more European DNA, like a giant rape gang, which is basically what Muhammadism is. It’s a giant rape gang. It’s the world’s biggest rape gang!
It’s why we have to defeat it, because they don’t have the, they’re not made of The Right Stuff. They don’t have the stuff we have in our DNA. They’re not carrying it’s been either, either. They never carried it. Well, they’re a hybridisation of those that carried it and lost it and those that never carried it.
And so we’re carrying something. And what we’re carrying is the seed of God. Whether you’re Christian, pagan, agnostic, doesn’t matter. What we’re carrying is the seed of God. That’s a fact. That’s not debatable. That’s not a pagan statement, or a Christian statement. That’s a fact. So in recognizing that, then whose seed are you? Then you can work out what God you have. So it’s sort of a chicken and egg situation. You know, when I first met Tim Lutz, when I first met Tim Lutz, I asked him why he didn’t have more children.
And I think that was the first thing I asked him.
And then the second thing I asked him was, one of the second things that I asked him was about his belief in Goddesse. Does he believe in God? And he said to me that he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know anything about a God, but what he knows is that his children are God. And that in his way of looking at it, in his experience raising children as a young man, very young, Tim had his first group of children when he was very young.
So this is when he’s in his forming philosophical years. In your twenties, you’re really forming the philosophy of life between, I guess, 20 and, 208. There’s a, that’s like the last quarter of your mental maturity. After 28, most people don’t change much. You kind of set in your ways the path. You kind of decided between 20 and, 208.
That’s why it’s so important. This formative years, obviously, these years. This is sort of Steiner school stuff.
But anyway, I’ll get back on topic. So to be raising, most of us aren’t raising children in our twenties. Most of us don’t have children until like older than 28. But Tim’s one of the only guys I know that’s, that went through that whole period raising kids and his relationship with his kids.
The first thing he thought about when he thought about godliness or God was his children. And that’s really interesting because I had never said that I never repeated that to Beckley.
And the other day, she was saying to me how sometimes she looks at Luna, like, not to sound ridiculous, but like, it’s a God. And I don’t want people taking this out of context. Like this is some sort of wacky Paganism where we’re, like, saying that. Saying that the whole universe’s creator is like in the soul of a single child. Obviously, that’s, like a crucial metaphor. A lot of religions have this and play on this and there’s a lot of Buddhist stuff in here, but also there’s stuff in all sorts of universal religions about the purity of a child’s soul, and that in the purity of a child’s soul, you’re almost responsible for God as a parent. It’s this whole new set of responsibilities and this whole new interpretation with the universe. It’s a different relationship with the universe. It’s a different relationship with the spiritual. And because you’re dealing with a creature, this baby, this version of you, that’s superior in every single fundamental way, that’s not materially. It’s even more superior to you in a lot of material ways, obviously, just hasn’t developed yet.
So it could be corrupted and put in the wrong direction, or it could be made as perfect as you could possibly make it.
And so that’s obviously one of your core principles as a parenthood, being the father to the Son.
So there’s a especially in Christian theology, there’s this idea of the Father and the Son. There’s Yahweh and Jesus, but it’s one and the same. There’s the Holy Spirit, and it’s this. I know not everyone’s a trinitarian. I’m not a trinitarian, but I understand what it’s trying to say. I think it’s a very clever, even though I don’t subscribe to that form of religion or Christianity, that’s a very, very clever way of explaining how there are these multitudes of forces that God acts through. And so God acts through the son and the father. Or there’s this obviously, separation of two primary forces, that being the sky father and that being the earth mother.
So this idea that women are a grounded, grounded force, like a womb or an egg, or a ball, a sphere, an earth, a plane, whatever you want to its a healthy environment. That’s what they’re meant to represent, a healthy environment.
And then you have, obviously, the sky father. The seed in the Bible or son of Odin or whether you’re pagan or Christian, we all agree that we come from the seed of God. And it’s a masculine force. It has different. It can be harsh, it can be cruel, it. But that’s not its purpose. Its purpose is it. It is struggle, it is hardship, it is strength, it is honour, it is all these kind of masculine forces and masculine energy. So we can immediately start seeing these two different energies playing out.
And so, obviously, as a father, you have an interesting relationship with your children, and as a mother, you have a different relationship to the father. And that puts two God forces or two separations of the God force onto the singular being, the singular life form that’s come from the mother and father.
So this idea of if we come from God, if we can come from one, what does. When two creates one, how does that reflect that relationship? How does it go back? How does one become two and two become one and one become two and two become one?
And I’m not getting into trannies or transvestites or anything like this. Obviously, there’s distortions of this relationship. There’s a distortion of the intermingling of the DNA. There’s a distortion. There’s bad practice, bad breeding practice. There’s bad coupling. There’s bad relationships. And when it’s not fused correctly, one into two and two into one. And this process, ad infinitum, you end up with these inversions and distortions and mutations. Mutation is an important part of evolution.
Regardless of whether you’re Darwinian or not. Mutation is key to evolution. And mutation and struggle work together to create evolution.
But what the factor of mutation is schism, and that it doesn’t always mutate correctly. It doesn’t always mutate on the straight and narrow. There’s inversions and distortions of reality.
So when people need to consider, it’s not all. This is sort of a bit Nietzsche and like a bit Beyond Good and Evil. Sometimes to understand an idea, you have to. You can only understand it in its form. That’s beyond placing good and evil on it. Not everything is in that. In the black and white, there are things that you can look at from black and white. Absolutely! But you also need to look at symbolism as well. Symbolism is important.
And an example of this is looking at. I’m not. Yeah, there’s obviously demons and there’s angels.
There’s obviously higher God forces or lighter good forces. And there’s obviously evil. Evil obviously exists. And it’s not that we need evil for good to exist. I don’t believe in that it’s just that for the organism to go beyond material, it has to be fighting constantly. It has to be fighting these forces. So whether it’s looking at society as a whole, whether you’re looking at children, raising a child and planning out the society that you want to build, are kind of the same thing.
And so in a society, there are people that make mistakes. I’m trying to give you a practical example of what I was just explaining about the presence of evil and the presence of good and their antagonism and the area where there’s in between and how to deal and manage with evil that exists. So in a society that we’re managing, vice exists, for example. There are always people that are going to want to schism away from the straight and arrow. There are people who want to try this method out or that method. They want to make their own mistakes. They might know that conventional wisdom says that this is bad and not to do it. Like, you know, for thousands of years, we didn’t let women vote, and then we decided to let women vote.
And so for thousands of years, the conventional wisdom was, this is not something that needs to be challenged or addressed or subject to.
And then in a very short period of time, we let women vote. That’s quite an interesting phenomenon that a lot of people reflect on, and it’s important to reflect on, because we let women make their own mistakes.
Now, that’s not really against natural law. If we create a healthy environment, and I don’t want people saying, Tom thinks that women should vote, or Tom thinks that not letting women vote is a bad idea, that’s not the path I’m going down. I’m just using it as merely an example to illustrate what if we never let women vote? What if we never had liberalism? What if we never had anarchy or chaos? How would we know how to course correct?
So when we’re dealing with the mistakes that women make, and then women can’t take personal responsibility for the mistakes they’re making, this is just a philosophical truth. Women will blame men. They’ve made these mistakes. They’ve, you know, begged or demanded that they have the right to vote. They’ve voted for all these Left-wing policies in 99% of cases. I think there’s only one instance where I think White women on the whole vote for Donald Trump, which we’ll get into later.
But obviously, Donald Trump is not anywhere near what he should be.
And the fact that that’s even an option is because women have been given the right to vote. So they’ll vote for maybe the slightly more Right-wing of the two. But that’s only because Donald Trump has been fundamentally longhoused by jews and by a feminine society, a liberal society. He is a liberal. But yes, where I’m going with this is you have two choices. You make a society that’s like a Garden of Eden, that’s walled, that keeps all the bad out, and you let women make their own mistake, or you let children make their own mistakes. You let women and children make their own mistakes. It’s like the forest people. You live in the forest, or you live in the Garden of Eden, in this kind of land that’s safe and hospitable, where Mother Nature rules, where there’s a very strong female creative energy, where there’s a strong childlike energy, where this is a safe and healthy environment for people to make mistakes, for people to trip and fall over.
And ultimately, it’s all eugenic. If you can’t live in the forest, if you’re not good at living in the forest, if you don’t fit in with that nurturing earth, then, well, maybe you should live in the forest now that can only exist with the masculine energy around it, with the walls, with the protection, with sharp sticks pointing outwards. So when women are making really stupid mistakes politically, and when women, for example, in recent news, just yesterday, I saw on the news that an Australian woman, I’m assuming that means a White woman, has travelled over to Paris for the Olympics and she just got gang raped by five Africans. And it’s rare that this is in the news because normally stuff like this happens and they just kind of wash it under, put under the rugged.
But in this case, they actually, it’s made the news here. It’s gone viral. And we all can see as men that are politically intelligent, that that is a pretty fucking stupid move to make. That’s like the most idiotic woman thing to do, to travel solo to these former nations like France or Germany or whatever, and think that you’re going to be safe, like thinking that you live in this world of multicultural utopia. It’s just absolutely insane and delusional. The real, the reality of living in this excuse of a society is an increase in things like this, an increased risk of getting gang raped. Just walking down the street as a woman, you would think that would turn all women into Nazis overnight. Now it turns them a little bit more. And it turns men a little bit more. Absolutely! Okay, we got to deal with this problem. We got a, all right, we’ve got a lack of sharp sticks. You know, we’ve tried this forest thing. We’ve tried this. Hey, let’s just make a nice, happy, healthy environment. And the kids you know, fall over and scrape their knee and then climb trees.
But overall, they’re safe. You know, people can make their own mistakes. Oh, look. Oh, they did drugs. Oh, but they’ve come good, and they’ve got a good career now. It’s like people can make their own mistakes and just move forward. It’s like, no, what we’ve created, well, we don’t know. We’re not even in charge of this anymore. The jews have come in and they’ve just set up horrible traps everywhere. They’ve just set up a huge amount of environmental stress and pressure, an unnecessary amount.
The only thing that the amount of stress is necessary for is to develop the correct consciousness and strength to remove the people that are putting you under that much of a stress of a threat. So when women make these clear and obvious mistakes, their naivety and the public’s, the masses naivety is Beyond Good and Evil. You see, it’s a childlikeness that’s meant to force the men of the society to stand up and just make the decisions for people, because we’ve had too long where we all sit there and talk about what decisions are going to be made of, instead of the men just being in charge and just making the decisions. And women are actually at a subconscious level begging men and likewise weak, anxiety ridden, sort of Leftoid communist men are begging for the strong men to actually stand up and make the right decisions because they’re only communists. They’re only these weak little freaks and faggots and everything else. They’re only like this because they’re being poisoned. They’re being poisoned. They’re subject now to this weak environment, and they’re, and even if at a conscious level, they’ll nip at your heels, though. Crabs in a bucket, you know, they’re obviously sick and demented. They’re kind of dying. Not all of them, but most of them, most of them are going down into the hole together.
Now, obviously, we’re not going to get sucked into it with them. You know, they’re all going in the bin. It’s all genetic waste, unfortunately, or like 99% of it is genetic waste. Only a very, very small group of people are going to get out of the rip before it implodes. That are in there that are already involved. If you’re already on the outside of that rip, you know, we’re swimming to safety.
But yeah, it’s self correcting. The earth is self correct, self correcting. And you have to consider that when you’re dealing with either a child, or a woman making their own mistakes, or whether you’re dealing with something that is inherently corrupted and can’t help itself. And does it really matter whether they can help themselves or not?
And that kind of takes me into the second question or the second part of this conversation, and that is a lot of people will FED post, actually, I have a pause first. I have a pause. Yeah, awesome! Okay, jet’s actually pretty up to speed once.
So the second part of this is you can theorize. Resolving hypotheticals in the short and intermediate term, you can theorize, okay, we’re going to cross these obstacles. What do we do?
And I think it’s very important for a movement, very important for its leaders. It’s important for anyone to have forethought and foreplanning, but often in that you can get caught in the traps of analysis, paralysis, you can get caught in the traps of ideas Manning. You can get caught in the traps of theorizing everything without any practice, without any action. And thought should always precede action, but you can’t have thought alone. And some people even get caught so deep in the question, and maybe I’m guilty of this myself, but there is a jewish question, for example, and people that aren’t initiated on the jewish question, people that don’t understand the jewish question, they immediately, when they hear it, they immediately jump to the Holocaust. And what they want to know as a kind of NPC, as you bring up the jewish question, what they want to know is Holocaust good or bad? Just straight away they’re just like, okay, is he coming at this? Is he bringing up the jewish question from the perspective that the Holocaust was bad, or is he coming at it from the idea that the Holocaust was good? And that’s like the immediate input code that they want.
And then when they’ve got that, let’s say you say Holocaust good, then immediately everything you say after that doesn’t matter.
And if you say Holocaust bad, they’re still sceptical. Then they’re like, okay, so what? So you hate jews? Do you hate jews?
So they’ve kind of been trained, they’ve been put under a spell, quite conveniently to the spell is very complex when you think about when you break down this idea. That as soon as you bring up a very important question, probably the most fundamental question, or at least the second most fundamental question, after knowing thyself, knowing thy enemy. So knowing thy enemy, knowing what the jews have been up to for thousands of years and how they’re continuing to behave, it’s an absolutely crucial, fundamental question.
But most people ignore its crucialness and its fundamentality because they have actually been given a pre-record download in their brain. And this plays out with almost every single person that you bring up the jewish question to. For now, although that number is dwindling massively! I remember ten years ago, it was basically every person I’d ever met.
And then you randomly meet one person that doesn’t run you through the NPC log, and they’ve actually got an open mind, and we’ll actually talk about the jewish question with you’re like, this guy is obviously a Nazi like me. How the hell does this guy know about the question? How does it. How is this guy able to rationalise the JQ?
And so you’re merely like, whoa, I found another one out there in the Wilderness, in the forest. But the I would say that it’s a much larger percentage. I can’t give you an exact percentage, but if it’s like, if it used to be one in a hundred people you talk to about this now, it’s probably probably one in three, I would say. I’d say probably one in three. And it’s almost regardless of age, I do think younger people are better. Older people are a lot. They know about it. They actually do know about it, but they’re a lot more scared to talk about it’s a much more of a social faux pas. They’ve kind of got that. I think the boomers are kind of got that aristocratic French anti-semitism where the idea was that it’s only for closed. It’s not for open discussion, it’s just for the aristocrats should know what’s going on. But the public don’t really need to know. It’s not something you really talk about lightly or in public.
Whereas I believe. I don’t believe in that kind of anti-semitism. I believe it’s something that should be spoken about publicly. I believe it’s something that should be spoken about regularly for the root, for the purpose of solving the question. So where people can get caught up in this question is they start looking at solutions that they can’t employ. That’s one of the most important things that I want to warn people against, where you talk about how we’re going to resolve the problem before we’ve taken power, because no matter what, however long the jewish conversation goes for the jewish question, no matter how long that conversation goes for, there’s two different ultimatums that you can reach. There’s an ultimatum where you’re talking about the Holocaust or not, or there’s an ultimatum where it’s, are we going to take power, or are we going to be just subject to the jewish question?
So I prefer people to go down the path of thinking about how do we take power, or we choose taking power over being subjected, over being enslaved to this question. So it’s not, let’s not talk about our slavery, or let’s only talk about our slavery in the Right circles. It’s let’s openly talk about our slavery so that we can no longer be enslaved. Because if we allow ourselves to be enslaved for much longer, we’re going to die collectively as a race.
So they’re leading us to the slaughter. They’ve got a very long term vision of that it’s not like next year.
And that’s why, I guess, a lot of people don’t understand how much has changed over 100 years. But the next hundred will continue going down the same path unless we revolt, unless we take back our countries from jewish rule, the jewish oligarchy. Now there are so many jewish questions, and people always want to know what I think about the what is the punishment? What should the punishment be for jewish behaviour? And we can’t really theorize that, and we can’t put that into practice either, just yet. What we need to focus on is taking power. And when we’ve taken power, then, and only then, can we then properly theorize an action, a punishment for how they’ve behaved.
So I guess when you’re asked this question about the Holocaust or not the Holocaust, or about what should you know, do you hate jews? Do you not hate jews? When you bring up the jewish question and someone takes serious offence to that, in my opinion, the conversation should go like this. What have the jews done? Have we got all the facts? We should investigate everything that the jews have done, and we should put them on trial, and they should defend themselves. They should be able to defend themselves, and we will put them on trial and let that judgement move forward, because until we’ve done that, how can we resolve anti-semitism if there is all these issues with anti-semitism? It’s like, why don’t we go to trial. Why don’t we go to judgement? Because the jews love judges. But this is where the question of Messiah or Caesar comes down. Who will be the judge? Will it be a jewish messiah or will it be a Caesar? Or will it be a Christ, 20.0? Or will it be a Hitler 2.0? Who will it be? Who will be the judge?
What Hitler’s instructions were to us was to fight for becoming man. Because the coming man, actually the one that’s strong enough to wield that question, the coming man is the one that’s strong enough to pull that sword from the stone. When the coming man pulls the sword from the stone, when the coming man can make judgement on this question, it is because everything has been exposed. It has to go to trial first.
Now, I suggest that it would be, and I know this is already in the hive mind, the idea that it would be a Nuremberg 2.0, but the jews need to be put on trial. I’m not going to say, and I’m not the comment. No one is to say, in my opinion. There are people that already say guilty. Everyone says guilty, guilty, guilty. You’re probably right.
Now, there are obviously people that are kind of less extreme. There are people within the conservative sections that are starting to touch on the jewish question. You know, I notice Tucker Carlson recently addressed AIPAC and addressed the Schofield Bible and addressed nefarious, offensive, subversive behaviour coming from people that happen to be jewish. How many lives have been lost because of AIPAC? How many lives have been lost? How many people are these jewish organisations responsible for killing, assassination, torture? You know, just all the wars in the Middle East, for example. I’m not crying over dead Hajis, but just to make a case against the jews. There is a case against them. This is clear. Everyone knows this. That’s not even touching on reserve fractional banking.
You know, the Rothschilds, the banking cartels, the Federal Reserve, usury, interest, the enslavement. Everyone’s got a mortgage to pay the jews. You’re not paying the government. Who’s getting the money? Who’s making the money? The jews. It’s going to the elite jews, the people behind the jewish power lobbies. What about Wall Street? That’s just one giant jewish casino. And the casino, the house always wins. And the house controls the house. You know, it controls government. You know, the big jewish house controls the well, the little jewish house controls the big, you know, American house.
So that’s something to consider. You know, that they’ve got this giant mafiosa scheme running out of Wall Street. You know, how many years would it take to go through and actually find all the corruption? Because we know it’s corrupt. We know. But to actually prove it, to actually pull apart every conspiracy that the jews have done, let’s say, in recent history, let’s not. We could make a case going back 3,000 years. Absolutely!
But let’s just do like a ten year case. If you did a ten year case and managed to articulate that, I mean, how long does it take to go from being sick of hearing anti-semitic comments to being sick of jewish crime? You know, how long does it take to go from being sick of hearing the word nigger to being sick of niggers? Like, you know how much time does it take?
Now obviously, we’re all at different limits. We’ve all reached. We’ve all got different limits. And you’re all here because you’ve reached your limit. Your tolerance has reached its limit for jewish lies, jewish conspiracy. You know, what they’re working towards, what they’re building towards and how they’re treating the area, how they’re treating us.
So that’s important to consider. But you cannot, you as an individual, you’re not actually making the call. The person that’s making the call, the coming man, the one that’s actually making the decision in time, is doing it alone. I’ll tell you that you actually cannot influence the one that will make that decision. Whatever you want to call the messiah, the coming man, the Aryan, the Christ, the antichrist, Hitler 2.0, whatever you’re calling Kalki, whatever you want to call them, you actually can’t influence that person. That person can only wield the sword alone. You know, they won’t do it or not do it because of what you say. So it’s obviously something that people are pretty confident about in our circles as to what should happen. And it gets exciting to think about justice for our people, considering what the jews have done to us.
But let’s redirect the majority of that energy into actually getting to the judgement. Let’s actually get to the judgement. Because if we don’t build enough power, if we don’t build enough White power, when that judgement happens, we’re going to be powerless.
So let’s get into a powerful position in order to assist that judgement taking place. And it will be fair. It will be fair and kind. The coming man is fair and kind. I assure you that’s an important trait. So that ties in. That ties in because it’s a triumph of the will, and it’s all about personal wills and the collective unconsciousness. The collective God lives inside of the White race. It lives inside of us. It’s our ancestral goddess. It’s an energy that we’re devoted to, and we are a devotion of it. And when we’re working towards something in a collective spirit, in a collective will, it’s being driven from behind through the strength of an ancestral God for our survival. And that ancestral God is a life force itself that’s gotten us to this point, that’s gotten us as far as we’ve gone. And there’s more to go.
Regardless of whether you believe we’ve fallen at some stage, because obviously we have. Things ebb and flow. We’ve obviously fallen from a higher point. We clearly had a higher point previously. And we’re on prison planet or something. We’re in a test. We’re in some sort of survival moment where we’re putting them not as healthy environment potentially, to what we’ve built in the past or where we’ve come from.
Regardless what we’re working towards, this higher being, we can see within ourselves how much of ourselves is being given to that higher being and how much is being given to other gods. And some of these gods aren’t gods. Some of these gods are demons. How much of yourself are you giving to demons? How much of yourself are you giving to these lower forces? When you give energy to these lower forces, it strengthens those forces. It strengthens that collective will.
And then that collective will defeats our survival. Collective will, our ancestral God. So we are whole and we are parts. And likewise a God. Energy is at whole and is at parts and is fighting itself the way we are fighting ourself. I’ll just take a pause.
So who is my God? Or who is your God? Who is your God? Because it has to be purer than you. It has to be stronger than you. But not just physically, beyond physically. It is a creature capable of higher self control, higher discipline, higher restraint, higher moral strength. This creature has to balance.
Of course, being aristocratic in the sense that is, the more purer your spirit, the more you’re kind of disgusted by impurity. But disgust as an emotion has many different forms. Sometimes it has the form of pity. Sometimes it has the form of hate. These are the two most common male and female versions of disgust as an emotion. Women, when they see something disgusting, often they’ll have pity for them. Men, when they see something disgusting, they hate like men hate faggots because they’re disgusting! But women, they kind of have pity on them. So but this is both a disgust reaction and that’s aristocratic, to have a disgust response. If you don’t have a disgust response, you’re going to get along with Indians. You know, you’re going to eat off the floor. You’re going to do all these things that Indians do because Indians have lost their disgust response in a lot of ways. And different races just have different levels of disgust response and special into kind of different areas that are probably about intergenerational survival. So.
But how do you do that without being a snob? And this comes to the elitist versus folkish principle. So God, your God, if you’re a National Socialist, has understood the balance between the aristocratic soul but without the snobbery and how to affect that within the individual psyche and within the collective psyche, because there has to be is God alone? Well, no, that’s another important.
A lot of people think that God’s alone. Yeah. No, no, because God needs us. This is another Aryan concept. This is understood by Aryans. God needs us. Yeah. It’s not, it’s not. The dependent is the wrong word. It’s not about dependence or independence. It’s this idea that it’s one and the same, that it’s a reflection.
So, yeah, that’s why you should take it seriously. The spawn of goddess.
But obviously, there’s a lot of factors that you can assess within the ideal, within the ideal man, within the ideal God. Because when you read about a God, when you learn about a God and you learn about what it does and how it behaves, that does define whether you become a follower of that God, whether you identify with that God, whether you’re a become integrated with that God. So, especially if the God is claiming to be perfect.
And so this is an interesting philosophical point, especially between Christianity and Paganism. Pagans can recognise that the gods are not perfect, whereas Christians have to accept that God is perfect.
So when you’re reading about Yahweh, and Yahweh clearly does something that you don’t agree with fundamentally, at your core, it’s not like a slight disagreement. It’s that at your essence and at Yahweh’s essence, there is a disagreement, a core disagreement. You have two options. You have only two options at that point. You, because you can’t. Let’s say, in this hypothetical, you cannot change your core disagreement, no matter how much you try to want to accept it, because you want to accept the whole package, and you want to understand that element. Or maybe there’s multiple elements, and you need to understand why at that element. Why is that a crossroads that you can’t pass? And I covered this, for example, on the previous stream that I did called the messiah or Messiah complex, where I didn’t talk about how leaders have messiah complexes, but I talked about how followers have messiah complexes. And the idea that I’ve lost a lot of men in my organisation because I’m not perfect. So I’ve lost Mendez, mostly Christians, because I’m not perfect, sometimes because I’m not Christian, but sometimes that means the same thing to them. So I’ve lost pagans as well, and I’ve lost a lot of agnostics and a lot of atheists or people that have never really articulated a spiritual belief other than, oh, my mum goes to church or something.
And then they kind of just talk more about worldview when you’re getting to know them or when you’re vetting them. But these people that I’ve lost, most of them, it’s been a personal.
There’s been a personal element to it that if Tom was better or stronger or this or that or whatever it was, then I would join him, or then I would stay involved, or then I would get involved. And that who I am as an individual is 100% reflective of the trajectory of where we’re going now. That could be true, that could be correct, and that would rely on all fascism, all National Socialism in order for it to be successful. To rely almost entirely on a cult of personality, which I am not super interested in. I think a little bit is healthy for any sort of organisation, community. I mean, when you’ve got a captain, like a footy captain in your team, there’s got to be a little bit of a cult of personality around your footy captain. It’s not like a 100% cult of personality, but it’s like a 10%. It’s like everyone’s like, he’s the guy. He’s the man. He’s the captain. And that’s a natural, innate. You want to have a certain amount of pride in the man that you’re calling your leader or your captain on the football team or your coach. You want to have this pride in your coach. You have this pride in your captain. And that’s kind of what I am I don’t look at myself as being this other kind of creature that’s much, much, much further down the road and a result of being born at the right time and being born at The Right Stuff, which time and stuff will tell. But at this stage, I see myself as that.
And I think it’s important for leaders to see themselves as that. And not every leader is a potential goddess. I know that sounds really rational, that we have to put it like that, but that is one of the breakdowns of White nationalism growing. One of the breakdowns is men hold the guy that’s one rung above them or two rungs above them or three rungs above them. They view these men as being the demigods that are going to save us from. It’s going to be the reincarnation of Hitler or Khalki. They’re looking for some. There are people that I think they don’t have. I think it’s just a maturity thing. I think when you’re young, you’re quicker to idolize, and maybe when you’re older, you’re quicker to be pessimistic or sort of shut down and be critical of people when you meet them.
A lot of people like that, when they become jaded and older. When you’re younger, you’re usually a bit pure. And you’re not looking for mistakes, you’re looking for the positives. People and mistakes, they pile up over time.
So that’s an important, that comes back to the Messiah complex. And then if we peel back from the Messiah complex, we can get into these. The difference between the Messiah and Caesar. So Caesar or Kaiser, the King of Kingsley, the emperor, however you want to put it, is a different character to the Messiah. They’re both. Everyone’s looking for this character in general, as I said before, some people are looking for the Messiah, some people are looking for Caesar, some people are looking for Trump. Some people are looking for Hitler, some people are looking for Christ, some people are looking for Muhammad. There’s obviously, the Chinese are always looking for a strong mandeh. They racially need a strongman. The Indians need a strongman of types. And there’s all these different types of front men or strongmen or spiritual leaders or religious leaders. There’s many different archetypes. There’s many different types of these. And you’re going to want the one that more closely resembles some sort of archetype of the chosen man on earth. From your version of what you think the chosen man on earth should be, like, Muhammadism is this idea. You know, Islam is this idea that fundamentally, at its core, that Muhammad is the perfect man, that he’s chosen by God to be the perfect man. God gave him this grace and power and pussy all these women and all these battles and all these victories, he got given all these things because he lived the perfect life. He was the perfect man. He was the chosen one, basically.
And so the more you live this guy, the more you understand what this guy was about, the more you devote yourself to him. And obviously, as the messenger for Allah, then obviously the better your life’s going to be. The more power you’re going to have, the more money you’re going to have, the more bitches you’re going to have. It’s like when Andrew Tate converted, it was just like, really? Is that, like, how long did, how long was that conversation? It would have been like five minutes of some Muslim explaining to him what Islam was about. He’s like, what the fuck? That’s what I believe. Holy shit, I’ve been Muslim this whole time. He’s like, yeah, brother, that’s how it works. You’ve been Muslim the whole time, and now you finally, you finally figured it out. You finally remembered that you were Muslim the whole time.
And so I do agree with that when it comes to religion, I do agree with. I don’t agree with Islam. I do agree that this is how people find themselves in religions. This is how people find themselves in ideals. It’s pretty simple. It’s also how people find themselves lost. Because there’s so many false idols, there’s so many people falsely promoted, and people are so busy with these celebrities, they’re not thinking about really crucial, important, either historical or living figures. And so probably the most historic living person at the moment, like, right now, at this very point in time, the whole world is. Their eyes are fixed on Donald Trump. That’s a fact, right? The whole world’s eyes. No, everyone’s eyes is looking at Donald Trump. He’s literally got everyone’s eyes on him. And that’s important to consider. That’s very, very important to consider.
And that’s why there’s this conversation about, is he going to be the man? Is he going to be the Caesar? Because we know he’s not the Messiah. We know he’s not Hitler 2.0. Even though the Left are like:
“Oh, he’s Hitler 2.0!”
He’s not Hitler 2.0. It’s not possible because Hitler was a mystic, you know, is India going to have a Gandhi 2.0? Probably, maybe. Would they be a mystic? Maybe. You know, are the Chinese going to have another Mao? You know, are the Russians going to have another Stalin or Lenin or Tsar Alexander? What are the Russians going to have next? You know, because we’re in this very dynamic situation with American politics, which is the Rome, the new Rome, and we’ve got the democracy. You know, we’ve got the Republic. It’s actually a more accurate way of saying we’ve got the Republic. It’s literally the Republic. And are we gonna have a Caesar? Are we gonna have someone that just. We know they’re not perfect. We know they’re not the Messiah. We know that they got a lot of fundamental. They’re not necessarily like a nobility aristocracy. They’re not going to be necessarily like a we know that Donald Trump, if he had the balls to do it, could never become in himself, in his own right, a dynastic religious figure. Not possible. He could be with Baron. Obviously, people, there’s eyes on Baron as well. What is The Prince going to become? What is The Prince? Because that does define the legacy.
Now, I’m not saying that Trump is our saviour, okay? But I’m saying that the world, a lot of the world, looks at Trump as the saviour.
Now, I don’t think the jews see him as the messiah. I think they just see him as a useful person to bring about the Messiah.
And I think we should consider that he’s a useful person to bring about the coming man as well. He’s not necessarily under our control. He sort of Donald Trump is quite strongly, he’s playing both sides. He’s quite obviously under the control of jews, but he is obviously, in his rhetoric, quite opening the door to White nationalism in his rhetoric. That’s a fact.
And that’s why he gets a lot of criticism from the Left. The Left-wing jews are saying to the Right-wing jews, hey, can we do zionism with a different person? This is not the person to help push jewish supremacy. This person’s opening the door a little bit too much to the far-Right, and we could have someone even more to the Left.
And then the jews like, no, no, no, that won’t work. The Right-wing jews are like, that won’t work. We need this guy. This is the guy. If he was more to the Left, it wouldn’t fool them. They would create their own. He’s in the exact perfect spot to get the majority of the White vote. You know that’s how Right-wing jews and Left-wing jews are sort of defining the caesar that they’re putting in front of you now. Is that conspired? Is that planned? I think it’s a bit of both. I don’t think everything’s like a hundred percent a jewish psyop, although I think that they don’t have to go to work like us. So they can actually sit there for long periods of time. And they have the map money. They have the power. They have the money and the power to actually do it, to actually move and shake things in the direction that they want it to go.
So I’m not going to get into the assassination and everything like that. We cover that on stream. But there’s these archetypes now. What is Trump now? Trump’s not my God! Trump’s not my Caesar. Trump’s. And I can understand why there’s a lot of Trump anti-Trump hate in our, you know, far-Right scene, because we want to not alienate ourselves from the broader right, but we want to make it really clear that that’s not the direction, that’s not, that this is not the guy and that the guy hasn’t arrived yet. He’s on the way. We don’t even know who the guy is yet, but we know that it’s not that guy. It’s something that’s going to come from this area. This is where it’s going to re-emerge the ideal man. This is like a pragmatic character that can get us a few things for now, but he doesn’t have the strength to go all the way. He doesn’t have the strength to resolve the question. He’s in bed with the jews, basically.
So how can he put the jews on trial? Because he would be putting himself under trial. So he can’t really do that. He’s in a difficult position. It’s not that he’s compromised in a sense that the way we look at usually how politicians are compromised, you know, usually when we look at a compromised politician, we’re talking about the fact that they’re compromised because the jews have got some actual proper blackmail on them, like child rape stuff. And look, I wouldn’t put it past Trump, considering I’m pretty sure he was friends with Epstein.
But there’s a lot of data to and fro.
But when I say Trump is compromised, I’m not alluding to that as a fact. It could be real, but I don’t know. What I’m alluding to is the fact that he just merely associates and intermingles and marries jews. And that, to me, makes him compromised. How could that man be the judge? How could that man swing the axe? How could that man make it? Make or swing the gavel? You know make the correct judgement on jewish crimes against White people? Not possible. So our energy needs to go into this, into we, until we have the guy.
So that’s what we’re working towards, which is pretty cool to think about that as a collective. We’re working towards creating the guy that’s going to do it but in order to create that guy, we actually all have to be working towards that, because it’s a race. We’re in a race to becoming man, to the Ubermensch. So it’s, you got to create a healthy environment for competition. You can’t, you don’t want anything to become too defined too early. You want to create healthy competition, competition and struggle. Struggle is the father of all things, and competition is a struggle, and struggle is a competition.
So that is an important concept to have in mind.
But, yeah, obviously the jews, when they want a messiah, they obviously believe that the messiah will come. Look, obviously there’s twelve different types of jews. There are a lot of different types of jews.
But one of those common messiah complexes for the jews is that he’s going to be a rabbi, that he’s going to be a teacher, that he’s going to come, the messiah is going to come, and he’s going to unlock the next stage and free jews from this material plant, and he’s going to do all these good things for jews. He’s going to put, he’s going to send jews to heaven. All the jews are going to go to heaven. And that’s when Messiah comes.
And I think a lot of Christians have a similar idea that with revelation and with the messiah or Christ, 20.0, obviously, there’s different kinds of Christians, and some believe that it’s already, Christ is already reborn in us, and they have that kind of take on it.
But I think most Christians and the typical Christianity that you’d learn about is this idea that when the Messiah comes, you’re going to heaven. We’re all going to heaven, which could be considered as a metaphor. It could be considered physical or literal, or it could be something beyond time.
So it could be this, I like to refer to heaven as being QUite a rational concePt, and that it’s beyond, it’s just simply beyond time. It’s not a word that describes a time frame. It’s a word that can only be understood not using a time frame. So I like the Roman concept of heaven, or one of the main concepts was Elysium, obviously popularised by Gladiator. And studying basic Roman history, you’ll find that it was this idea of what man is in the future. It was this idea of what my son is in the future. It’s this idea of, when I die, where am I going? In perpetuity, perpetually, where am I going?
So when you think about one of the types of heavens or afterlifes you can have, if you’re a Nordic warrior and this idea of going to Valhalla and the great hall where you fight and you feast and you’re fighting and feasting forever, indefinitely, and you keep respawning in the morning, so to speak, and this idea is beyond time. And so analyzing those afterlifes, analyzing those things, taking time out of consideration, what you’re looking at is timelessly, are we going to continue on this trajectory timelessly? Is this going to be always a core, fundamental part of who we are? Because that is the energy that you are. You are the fire. You are an element. Obviously, there would be people that would argue, well, that doesn’t look like heaven to me, because that just looks like one thing, and I feel more connected to God on a universalistic level. And heaven wouldn’t just be this one thing. Why would it just be that one thing?
And so then you’ve got to differentiate between a universalistic one thing, heaven, or is there like a pantheon of heavens, depending on which God you’re. If you special. If you Max into just one sub goddess or one of the gods, however you want to look at from polytheistic perspective.
So, yeah, will there be a people. Will there be a people in Elysium? Are the Romans in Elysium now? Are there Romans still alive, materially, genetically? Are there Romans still alive? Is that Roman archetype? Is it going to survive likewise? Is the Germanic, or is the Nordic, is its archetype going to survive forever? Is it alive right now? Are there Vikings right now? Are there people that still have that same spirit and that same blood and that same drive? Are they alive right now? Are they actually beyond time? Is the struggle between the Aryan and the jew? And obviously, I just articulated two Aryan civilisations, the Germanic race of Aryans and the Roman race of Aryans, and then both being Aryan, but both having slightly different forces, one Evola would say more being and one more becoming, one more domesticated or civilised, one more barbaric and free.
So, but two fundamental Aryan subraces, or forces, which you could say is similar in the spirit between the Greeks and the Scythians, for example. You could even say, in some ways, going back, if we want to go Old Testament, you could say, in some ways, it’s the later stage deterioration between Jacob and Esau. You know, these two for. Perhaps you could. I’m not going to do that. I’m not going to say that. But that’s an idea that you could have.
So if you think about the ancient, there’s an ancient battle between the Aryan collective unconsciousness and the jewish collective unconsciousness, and it’s beyond time. And to go on to a deeper, well, I don’t know, I need to have a breather. I need a break. But there is obviously that further ideal or idea that comes. I think the first time I learnt or studied the idea was a Roman historian talked about the need to not destroy Carthage. That if we destroy Carthage, it’ll weaken Rome. And that once Carthage is destroyed, there’ll be nothing to keep us in this kind of perpetual check.
And obviously they. Well, it’s bigger than just a perpetual check. But this idea that there needed to be that relationship between the two, ultimately they went down the path they were going to go down. It’s kind of a silly question. If you were looking at Woolies and Coles like the duopoly of supermarkets, it’s like you destroy one. Like, ultimately one’s going to destroy the other. If you maintain the duopoly for in perpetuity.
I mean, yeah, you can’t stop these forces of nature. Like, it’s eventually going to go to one, and then one’s going to go into lots. Like everything’s becoming a monopoly. And that’s the jewish goddess. That’s the jewish God. The jewish God wants everything into a monopoly. That’s the jewish God. That’s why everything’s gone global. So they can then all be owned by Israel and Wall Street. They want to just own everything. They want to control everything. They want to control all material. They want to enslave all material. And that’s their goddess, that’s what their God wants. That’s their bio-spirit. That’s just innate to them. We don’t. We don’t. We want to have a different kind of marriage with material. We’re not like neurotic, anxious, obsessed, like the jewish God over the bag of money. It’s not that we don’t want the bag of money. But that it’s that I. We recognise that there’s a bag of money, and I don’t want the jew having it. Is it gonna weaken me? It will a little bit, but can. Is there ways of strengthening with it? There are ways of strengthening. Okay. All right.
So it’s like, there’s this, like, rational conversation around material, around our relationship with material. That’s because our God’s very philosophical that way. Obviously, the jewish goddess rationalises things as well. I’m not saying that the jewish God doesn’t. The jewish God has a lot of internal monologue, maybe even more than ours, probably a little bit more than us. But quantity is not quality. That doesn’t make their God superior than us. I want to make that clear. But yes, they have a God, and yes, we have a God. They’re two separate gods.
This idea that they’re the same God, well, there are people that will try in the future to say that there will be people who understand this fundamental truth, that there is a jewish God and that there is an Aryan God.
And then they will make some sort of argument that these gods are both demigods of the same God. And that is philosophically correct. But they will probably make that conception, they will probably make that argument that they are two demigods of a total universal God. They will make that argument more specifically for the purpose of subverting justice or subverting judgement down the track as to what should happen down the track. Because they’ll say:
“Well, this branch is of the same tree, and so therefore this branch cannot be removed. We can’t prune this branch despite the fact that it’s rotten because it’s part of the tree. Pruning the branch would be equivalent to pruning the whole tree.”
And that is a false philosophical statement without proving the statement incorrect, as that it is the branch of the same tree. I don’t think, I doubt that.
But in saying that, in saying that is another way of saying, therefore, God’s not perfect. Because if we have an ancestral God and they have an ancestral God, then in theory, those, both those gods come from the same God in theory. And therefore that God is not perfect in entirety. It’s perfect only in some exclusive way. There’s only a small part of that God that’s perfect, and there’s things of that God. There’s parts of that God that are not perfect. And God, over a long enough timeline, is perfecting its perfection.
Now, I think that’s a pretty first thing that’s one I think, regardless of whether you’re Christian, pagan or agnostic, have no religious beliefs. I think that’s one that you could say is fair if you’ve been thinking about it, because for a very long time, I didn’t call myself religious, but I believed that God existed. And there’s that weird early phase of your own personal religious or spiritual development where especially being raised as an atheist, anyone that was raised as an atheist would certainly have to reflect upon what did they, how did they feel about life as a whole when they were in that phase.
And then at some point you graduate, at some point you change to thinking, well, actually, hang on a minute. There is animation.
Actually, hang on a minute. There are these things beyond just chemicals. There are these things just beyond elements. There are things beyond just the material.
There’s obviously something going on at a deeper level. I can feel it. I can just feel it. You can’t even rationalise it yet. You can just feel it.
So, yeah, I’ll just take a pause. I’ll take a pause. I haven’t really addressed the chat much. I think I’ve been going an hour and a half.
But that was just my whole flow for this stream was just because I haven’t done one, about six weeks was really just about God. And then I, obviously you have prophets to gods. You have, you know, as I said in the title, the Messiah complex, the Caesar complex, you have all these sort of things, and some are man made and some are made by God. And, yeah, I don’t want people sitting on their hands doing nothing. It’s a hard relationship to have with Trump as a character because you don’t want people doing nothing, but you don’t want people worshipping him. You want to make it very clear that this is not the guy, but also realise that people are at least politically energized that previously weren’t. And maybe they need to be let down. And when they get let down by the false idol, then they can find the true light. That’s a pretty common way of putting it without being too sort of artsy. That’s a pretty common way that religions will talk about The Times that we’re living in, but they’ll speak of it in the future, talking about right now, talking about the past. And they’ll say how these kind of times men were tested were really, really tested between these dragged between these forces. Absolutely dragged between them.
So, yeah, pause.
Okay, so I haven’t really gone through the comments at all! The most recent comment was, sorry. The oldest comment I can scroll back to was 40 minutes ago. So any comments at the start of the stream? I can’t really go through. I’ll just start reading them at random. There’s nothing really jumping at me. The governess says the magic is surreal. Watching normies do mental gymnastics around the JQ is just amazing! Most normies don’t even know a jew or has only met one before, but will defend them to the death, it seems. Oh, that’s when I was talking about the program. When you run the program. Oh, that’s absolutely incredible phenomenon.
And once you start realizing that, you start working out how to beat the computer you’re talking to. Some people say, there’s no point trying to beat the computer. You can’t UN programme the TV, but you can UN programme the TV. I don’t like arguing with people. I get tired arguing with people. But you just have to realise what the input code is and everyone’s got the correct, there’s correct sequence of information. A lot of times when people start talking about, oh, just kill them all. Then obviously people that are at a previous input code, it can stagnate them in their journey and their growth. The next one is, do I think the hit on Trump was genuine fake? I said, I wouldn’t really talk about that because, yeah, it’s just America. What I’ve always said on these streams, these big, long rants, is, I’ve always said, America is a reality TV show.
So it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. Someone says, can anyone else not donate to this page? Yeah, I’m not sure how donations work, obviously. Sorry. Ideally, I’d like to take one day off work a week and stream and produce content, articles, essays, write my books, read more, do all the things I’d like to do during the week. And it’d be nice if I could work out a way of fundraising that. So that day off a week is still covered, so I can still pay my bills, but I’ll work towards that. We’ll get there. We’ll get there. But, yeah. I don’t know anything about shilling for money on Odysee. I don’t even know how it I don’t have it linked. I’ve got, like, a certain amount of these little credits, and I don’t know what the conversion of that is into Australian dollars. And I’ve just left it in there the whole time that I’ve had this.
So I don’t know how that works, but I’ll work it out. People just talked about. Yeah. Is it possible that I’m not seeking donations?
Well, look, it’s just a mixed bag. It’s like, yeah, it’d be nice, it would help, but no, it’s not my motivation for doing this. Zero says who would win? Every top intellectual in the West versus one Aussie construction worker. Yeah. As long as that construction work has got confidence. I’ve got confidence in myself, I’ve got self respect.
So, yeah, it’s important to know who you are as an individual. It’s important to know, like really know. That sounds really like a meaningless platitude, but if you can stop all the distractions, if you can just shoo away all the distractions, every distraction, every conversation, every idea, everything. If you can just get it all out away from you, meditate, if you have to work it out, and then when you’ve gotten rid of all those things, if you can then be put in a conversation with the enemy, ideological enemy, whatever, some Leftoid intellectual, if you can clear out all the distractions, what you’ll find in that conversation, if you just say the truth!
If you just say the truth, if you’re just honest, you’ll destroy any intellectual. You’ll destroy any intellectual. Yeah, there’s a there’s a genius of youth, there’s a genius of just being a child. And often that’s what I’m channeling when I’m answering questions, when I’m dealing with journalists or when I’m dealing with. I kind of just try to channel my inner child. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I often go into an interview, or a conversation and it helps me to not swear. It helps me to not swear. I’m not actually doing this today, but maybe I can have a breather, get a drink or something and come back and channel it a bit more. A bit better. But I often don’t swear as much when I’m doing it properly, when I’m really channeling. And I kind of have this empathy into my former self, I have an empathy into ten year old me.
And if ten year old me knew everything that I know that young kid, but had my strength, that I have now, but had that ten year old’s clarity and purity and honesty and naivety, in the sense that there is consequences, there’s consequences for saying the things that I say. When I say what I say, there’s consequences. I know. I know there are consequences, but I just don’t care! I just don’t care about the consequences of saying the truth and my observations, whether I’m right or wrong, it doesn’t matter. It’s irrelevant whether I’m right or wrong, because that’s peer review as far as I’m concerned. I don’t care for peer review. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. It’s the truth! It’s my truth, you know, so it’s all irrelevant.
And ten year old me is just so honest, so brutally honest. It’s not tainted by the world of politics and the world of compromise, and there’s a youthfulness that you have to hold onto. You know, how could you lie to your own children? Because your children know when they’re lying, when they’re being lied to most of the time. And how could you lie to your own children? You know, when you talk to the public, the public have, in innate naivety, sometimes as well, a purity. The White public, the White masses have a natural naivety. They just trust the people who are in charge, because that’s just. They’re busy little bees, and there’s nothing ignoble about the bee. The bee is a noble creature. It’s all part of God’s plan. The bee is part of God’s plan. And the White normie or the White lukewarm, or the White neutral, however you want to put it, the White uncommitted is a busy little bee. They’re a busy little bee. And they’re just loyal to the Queen, they’re just loyal to the government. They’re just loyal to whoever’s in charge.
So that’s something to consider as well. Yeah. I hope I have a breather. I have a pause because we’re way off topic, but I just got caught. Yeah. Someone says:
“This is the most boring content I have ever seen!”
That’s cool. That’s awesome! Well, as I said, it’s not really for peer review. That’s not why I’m doing this. Yeah, if it’s boring, just turn it off. Like, they want me to be more entertaining. They want their God is got a bit more of jester. They want, like, a court jester. They don’t want a Caesar. They don’t want to. Or if they have a Caesar, they want the Caesar to be like WWE Caesar. You know, he’s got to be like an entertainer, like Trump, because Trump’s not boring. Trump’s an entertainer. He’s the funny orange man. You know, he’s a clown. Trump’s a clown. Very entertaining. All eyes are fixed on the clown. Yes. The clown emperor. That’s what Trump is. He’s the clown emperor and yeah, he’s made a lot of money. He’s made a lot of money. He’s the rich fool. He’s the rich clown emperor. The rich fool emperor, yeah.
So if he is Caesar, that’s what kind of Caesar he’ll be. Yeah, he’s the rich fool Caesar and I’m boring. Are you religious, Tom? Well, that’s sort of covered, yeah. Yeah. Someone says, low barrier to entry for Islam. That’s when I was going on about the it’s a giant rave gang. That’s a good point. What’s odd about Muslims and Indians is that Islam talks about certain health rules and wrestling, and the Hindu gods are portrayed as these jaguar. But every Muslim in Indian and Melbourne is lanky or fat. Yeah. Well, they’re just not even very loyal to their own.
I mean, the Hindus and the Sikhs, they’re not very loyal to their own gods. Or they’re. Excuse me. They’re kind of loyal. Every religion devolves like this. Every religion devolves where people follow one set of rules but not the others.
So you see that in Christianity. You see that in Judaism. You know, people. Some people follow the rule about chopping the top of your penis off. You know think about how insane that is. That’s absolute insanity! Imagine. Imagine your God just for one moment. You have a God. You all do. And your God wants you to chop the top of your penis off for them. Just have a think about that’s your God. You’re in this conundrum. You’re back in the conundrum where it’s like, do you submit to this God? Or do you pick a new one? Do you submit to this guy? Why does this guy. Why does this creature, this thing, this thing beyond thing things, what’s it doing with my foreskin? What’s it doing with it? Like, why would your God want that? That’s your idea of a God? I don’t recognise that God. That’s the God of the jews. That is the God of the jews. I don’t care what you call your religion. I don’t care what you call it. Call it whatever you want. It’s not really about what you call it’s about what it does, isn’t it? Isn’t that kind of a crucial subject? It doesn’t really matter what you call your religion. What matters is what it does. What does it do? What does your God do? Tell me. Tell me. What does your God do? Tell me. Not what do you believe in, but what does your God do? Who is your goddess? What is his name? What does he do? That will tell you a lot about people. That probably tells you the most when you really think about it, if you really want to know someone. Isn’t that funny that the boomers kind of created this, or the jews passed on to the boomers? The jews gave the boomers a curse, lots of curses.
But one of the curses that seemed to have stuck quite well with them is don’t talk about religion or politics at the dinner table. You know, how can you really get to know someone if you don’t know their God? And it takes me back to like Rudyard Kipling. It takes me back to the 19th and, 200th century, where people are like, early 20th century people are discovering other cultures and they’re writing about them. And there’s all these racist writers at the moment that have discovered Muhammadism. No, not at the moment. Sorry.
But there’s a lot of once from about 100 years ago, becoming quite noticed in 2024, they weren’t really, they were really only noticed by a really small subculture that was sort of cotton dawn.
But, you know, now it’s becoming almost a mainstream talking point. Like like Lovecraft, like HG Wells, like obviously Kipling. Kipling’s always been based. Everyone’s always known that.
But there’s a few others that I’m skipping over. Yeah, just some old. Ancient. Not ancient, sorry. Some old, you know, early 1900s writers or late 1800s writers. And they’re still popular from their works in the modern time.
And obviously the communistic education system has been removing these people from the curriculum since they noticed it in the sixties and seventies that this is bygone stuff. And let’s replace it with, I don’t know, little Tom Sawyer or something like that. Like, let’s replace it with the die of the day, the communist sort of Left-wing leaning literature of the day, not this stuff.
So, yeah, that’s important. That’s important to know. What was I saying? To really know someone, you have to really know who their God is. You have to really know who their God is. And, yeah, then you understand someone’s fundamental position.
So this makes this makes the argument argument, like we’re gonna have an argument with Islam. Like, it’s going to be an argument.
But the question as to, obviously, can Islamists, Mohammedans, whatever, can they exist within Europe? Can they exist within North America? Can they exist within any White colony? Can we tolerate Islamists, Mohammedans, considering who their God is?
Likewise the jews? Can we tolerate any of them living in proximity to us when we know what their God is, we know what their God wants of them and what their God rewards. And we need to understand this at a very thorough level. And this Nuremberg 2.0, if you want to call it that, I think that would be very poetic to have it there. I think a lot about how, at the end of World War One, the French made the Germans sign the peace treaty in that train.
And then when Hitler defeated the French in six weeks, he took them back to that same exact train and made them sign the inverse peace treaty back to Germany in the same train. He was very poetic like that.
And I believe that the tragedy that was Nuremburg, not just the horrible Holocaust against the German people and the firebombing and the killing in the millions of German civilians, at Nuremberg itself, the most disgraced, the worst, the biggest injustice in legal history.
And I think that’s actually why I read Imperium by Francis Yockley. I think he starts with that. I think that really hooked me when I was reading Imperium for the first time. I think he was talking about it as being the greatest injustice to think how they treated those great, noble men at Nuremberg.
And so I think it would be very spiritually valuable that when we do make judgement on the jews, that we do it at Nuremberg. I think that’s the one place it should be, where we turn the cards on them, where all the jews, all the people responsible when the investigation is done, all the people responsible are all put. You know, whether it’s a Covid agenda. It’s interesting that the cookers talk about this. Nuremberg two. We need a Nuremberg two. It’s true. Absolutely, absolutely!
But it’s not like Nuremberg two. Like:
“Oh, we’re going to kill all the Nazis!”
Again, it’s like Nuremberg two. It’s like the inversion of Nuremberg one. The same way that Hitler did an inversion in the train carriage. He was like, train carriage two, we’re going to do train carriage two, but this time it’s going to be different.
And I think about that a lot with a lot of things. Like, we’re going to do this number two. There’s gonna be Hitler too, but he’s gonna be different this time. Yeah, there’s gonna be some things that are gonna be, like, interestingly different because Hitler won. This is what you did to him. So then there’s gonna be Hitler, too, and vice versa. I’m sure. Anyone that’s following along with any sort of prophet idea or idea of their God as their God reincarnates or as forces reincarnate or as factors replicate like the train carriage or like, Nuremberg. Yeah, I think that’s important. Yeah. Someone says that a couple guys are appreciating the Elijah Schaffer interview.
As I said, I didn’t have much time to meditate before that interview. I was quite agitated just by the forces of the universe. Not by Elijah or not by anything else, but just rush, rush, rush, rush, rush. Go, go, go. I didn’t. It was a very, very busy weekend. We had a lot of club stuff on, and I was really under the pump.
And then on top of that, to chuck in that interview, at the same time as all these other things I’m trying, trying to resolve and work out, there’s just not enough time in the week and no holiday or no trip, is there ever enough time to do all the things that need to happen. But I didn’t get enough time to meditate as much as I would have liked to beforehand.
And when I say meditate, I don’t mean any specific larp. I don’t mean necessarily sitting cross legged and omming or any sort of specific box breathing or anything like that. Meditating, to me can be, as I do occasionally do the box breathing, and I do occasionally do breathing techniques, but I try to go beyond that. I try not to even incorporate some sort of theory. I try to just completely tune out everything. And what it might look like is me going for a walk, looking at things, but I’m not actually looking at anything. I’m not looking at anything materially. I’m just really inside my own space. And what my body’s doing is just wondering. My body’s just wondering because I’m in there wondering. I’m in there configuring and finding out where I am.
And then, yeah, then you can do a proper interview. I don’t suggest this to everyone. It’s not like if an interview comes up for one of you guys. It’s not like that. You’ve got to go for some. You’ve got to Rey, you’ve got to invent some process to get yourself in character or up to speed or in tune with you or whatever you’d call it. I just think that thinking is very important. It’s very important to just have clear thinking. Very, very clear thinking. And just if life is so fast and it’s going and there’s so many distractions, it’s very hard to answer truthfully or honestly or you’re often going to answer things pragmatically because you’re just caught up in time. You’re caught up. But to be beyond time to be. To get something, to get something new out, because you can just sit there and regurgitate talking points, but to get something new out, to get whatever it is that you’re carrying as a message, because you’re carrying something almost everyone’s carrying, some unique way of putting it. And when you’re carrying that, you have to be able to tune into that you have to believe that you’re carrying it to begin with. You have to believe that you’re carrying it. If you don’t realise that, if you’re just silent and you’re on the Internet, you might not believe that you’re carrying something crucial to unlocking it, that there’s not a messenger inside you, obviously, there’s. People have many different qualities. Some people will not be geared heavily in mercury in the sense of, from a paganistic way of looking at it, the messenger. You know, there’s a messenger goddess. In any pantheon, there’s a messenger God.
In any pantheon, there’s a God that has a relationship, often with speech, often with news or wisdom as well. Sometimes these things can be blurred. The library is a place where you can access old information, the archives, but you can also access the current information. These kind of temples and this kind of God force has always been built around. Is it wisdom and justice coming through in your message, or is it you’re just passing on something? It’s important for you to pass on something, and that’s why you have to have self confidence. You have to the reason why, in a strange way, the reason why it was me talking to Elijah Schaffer. This is a very strange way of looking at it, but I think it’s kind of true. In a strange way, you’re watching me talking to Elijah Schaffer. When you have the same ideas that I have, we have very, very similar ideas, we’ve probably have very similar life experience.
But the reason why it was me having the conversation and you watching, not the other way around, was that every conversation that I had with human beings up until the conversation with Elijah, I picked a path in that conversation that ended up being on that show and being interviewed, when you have roughly the same articulism and ideas that I have, some of you might even be better spoken than me and might even be a better representative for the Rex. You might even be Whiter than me. I might look kind of not even that White for a White nationalist. But what I want everyone that’s watching this to consider in their own personal lives is when you’re having the conversation with whoever, your physiotherapist, your mechanic, whoever you know, a family member, a friend, whoever you’re having this conversation with about not just the jewish question, but just our race, our civilisation, when you’re doing the racist foreplay, when you’re talking about this stuff, when you’re talking politics, every single one of those conversations counts towards your personal gravitas. It counts towards you making significant change. I want you to consider that and how important it is to put the right input code in to be aware that you’re trying to help deprogram good hearted people in society that would understand that, would see if given the opportunity.
But we need to work out how to give them the opportunity. So we can’t save them all, and we certainly can’t save many of the degenerates, but there’s a lot of lukewarms in the middle, and a lot of them we can save, maybe even the majority.
But first, obviously you have to save yourself first, obviously you have to. It bleeds out from the centre.
So the centre is the self, and then what bleeds out from the self is the direct family. Direct family.
So you have to have the confidence, especially with your wife, or if you’re a woman, especially with your husband. If you’re younger and you’re dating boyfriend, girlfriend, 100%, you cannot ever. This is something that’s so core and fundamental to you. It’s something that you should freely express in the best way possible to the people around you that are closest to you. And it bleeds out from there. And when we all collectively do this, The Voice, when we all collectively use The Voice, this sounds kind of Skyrim, kind of I don’t know, it’s a bit lappy, but it’s true. It’s The Voice. Hitler used The Voice. This is a very, very important point. You have to use The Voice. It’s not just about listening to me use The Voice. You have to use The Voice. The Aryan spirit has to channel through you, through your voice, whether you’re a man, or a woman, whether you’re young, or whether you’re old. The Aryan spirit has to be channeled through you, and it has to be used through The Voice. You have to use The Voice. You have to speak up. We can’t win until you speak up. That’s the truth!
So it’s not necessarily about me marching through the city with the guys when there’s enough of us. No, no, no! Even before then. Even before then, until you’ve used The Voice you can’t help the next stage.
So that’s when there’s enough of us. I mean, we are in an interesting situation in the, where we’re seeing in real time a change in doxing, the impact of doxing, and we’re seeing a real change. And there’s a trajectory. The more people that use The Voice, the more people that use The Voice, the more people they go mask off. The general trajectory. Yes, there are still casualties, but the general trajectory is less damage. That’s a fact. One of the most surprising ones was recently a senior guy within the organise who’s actually in quite a senior white-collar role. He was recently doxxed, and we were all kind of like:
“Oh, it’s going to be over for him because he the kind of guy that the system hates because they’ve got resources, they’ve got skills, kind of one of our older hits.”
And his boss was just like:
“Nah, it’s cool. Just keep it on the download. It’s fine. Don’t stress.”
Yeah, I’ve been contacted by people, but I stress about it also.
Actually, let’s talk about your contract for next year. You know, it’s going up. And the guy’s actually had two pay rises in the time since he got doxed, since his boss found out. And that is just, that’s pretty much unheard of in that, in those kind of industries. I won’t say what industry he’s in, but that’s pretty much unheard of most people had to bounce around. They had to find new jobs in the same industry. They still kept their white-collar jobs because I know a lot of White-collar guys are worried. Blue collar guys, not as much. Most of the people we recruit, atrades and younger guys.
But when we do recruit white-collar people, they’re very like, oh they trade on eggshells with everything. They usually don’t come to activism. They usually just do the training side of things and the community building side of things. And they’re usually mostly guys we’ve lost when they’ve settled down and had families.
And so that’s what we’re trying to prevent now with more of our community building process. Community building wasn’t the it’s not the means of itself. It’s the idea of we need to be a multi-generational organisation, and we can’t just keep losing our old heads. We can’t just keep losing our family men we can’t just keep losing people that have skills.
So it’s just like a very simple way of keeping the political organism alive.
So that’s something to consider. That’s something consider. Yeah. Someone says, is Tom’s interview Schaeffer on Rumble? Only on Rumble now. It’s been uploaded onto Twitter Telegram. Now. There’s, like, full versions of it. Tom needs to do another episode of Racist Couch.
Yeah, we’ll get around to it. Just been very, very busy. People just send in their regards. Someone saying in the chat, the God of the jews is Satan. Yeah, there’s a few people arguing the chat. Why were the Germans geopolitically aligned with the Muslims in World War Two? Or some of them? That’s just people not having an understanding, a most basic understanding of history. There was. When it becomes a World War, no one really addresses much, but I’ll try and do it quickly. When it becomes a World War there’s these intricate details of Germany’s fighting Britain in Europe, but there’s this intricate detail where the German armed forces have worked out how much supply or manpower is coming out of India, for example, to support their war effort. That’s what their intelligence would say.
And then there’s parts of the intelligence unit would be briefing a general on this kind of side quest being like, look, how much is there something we can do about this? And then it’s another part of the intelligence that would say:
“Oh, there’s actually a big anti-British movement in India, for example. And let’s say it’s a bunch of Muslims in what we now call Pakistan, and they don’t want anything to do with the British support of India. Should we help support this group here to cause destabilisation in India in order to stop India from supporting Britain in our war in Europe?”
And the intelligent decision, pragmatic decision on the ground would have been, yeah, absolutely! Let’s do everything we can to sabotage a British supply of manpower and resources and food and this and that and the other. Whatever else India is producing. Let’s try to, if we can destabilise this by 20%, then.
So there’s a cost analysis of it as well.
So it’s not just morally, is this the right thing to do?
But it’s more strategically, is this the right thing to do?
And then obviously there’s the cost analysis, which all sort of middle managers have to do. And what you have to do when you’re at war, not in a holy war, even though it was a holy war, but, yeah, there’s just always going to be middle management people that have to make these kind of calls.
And so this idea that it’s like Hitler’s personal alignment, it’s like, yeah, like, again, Hitler was so busy, Hitler was so caught up in all these things, that Hitler didn’t have enough time to speak to himself and be alone and make the right decisions. A lot of the time, decisions were just made for him because there was just too many decisions. Imagine Hitler, World War Two. How many decisions? The man’s already micromanaging more than any political leader of the day. Like, he was micromanaging way too much. And I can guarantee he wasn’t micromanaging that it’s just something that just happened. So don’t take too much philosophical offence to that or think that Hitler’s impure because of that. Someone says here, what advice would you give to help with expanding a small orc? Yeah, sorry, I’m just reading through a few more questions. Yeah, I think a lot of what I said on the stream is advice for a You have to have the right calibre of Mendez. You have to have the right colour of men. That’s really the most important thing.
And so when you’re vetting someone, when you’re. You want to grow small, you want to grow slow to start with. You don’t want to just accept every person that comes in to start with. You want to just take your time. You want to really take your time. Engaging, evolving. You’re not, you don’t want to rush into it, because you need to know that these first few men that you’re triving and training with, that they’re the ones that can stick around. They’ve got The Right Stuff. They’re made of The Right Stuff, and that they have the same God as you. I think that’s very important as well. No matter what they call their God, they have to have the same ideal as you. They have to have the same principles as you. It can’t just be surface level ideology. It can’t just be like, yeah, I hate niggers, or, yeah, I hate the jews, or that’s not enough. That’s not enough. When you’re a small group, I think you really should get the Right calibre of guys around you to start with and then you can start taking on people. Then you can start taking on when there’s enough of you and you’ve got enough of a cultural weight. You know, like this little click that you’ve made of it has a cultural weight to it.
And then when you add people into it doesn’t dilute it too much too quickly. It can always maintain its cultural weight. When it dilutes, it gets a feedback. It dilutes and it feeds back. It doesn’t just dilute, dilute, dilute, dilute until the group doesn’t even know what it is anymore and you’ve got a really big group that doesn’t have any real principles or values. Because I’ve built groups bigger than what I have now, much bigger, but it doesn’t matter. It’s like you’re back at square one. As soon as you try to change anything in the right direction, you’re much better. Starting with a pure core. And you don’t want to dilute yourself, your core, with time.
But you can accept, I don’t know if projects is the right word, but you can accept guys that that they’re not at the standard, but you can articulate the standard to them and help develop them and not over nurture them, but help develop them and see if they can grow to the standard.
But, yeah, enforcement, strict standards for your inner circle. That’s what I would say. And ideally, you’d want to keep the majority of your inner circle as you’re in a circle. It’s not a fun process, demoting people out of your inner circle, because this is another thing people don’t consider. When organisations first develop, the length of time someone has spent in the to begin with is more important than anything else. That’s the beginning of all organisations. So if someone’s been around longer, then that’s like the sole kind of hierarchy or authority.
And as you get bigger, when you’re like five guys, that makes sense because when there’s five of you, there’s a new guy, and when there’s six of you, there’s a new new guy, and that goes up, that just keeps happening until you’re sort of at like 1215 guys. It still always happens, but eventually you start losing track of who the newest, newest guy guys. There’s like a few new guys because you’re bigger and you’re growing at a different rate and you’re kind of like 40 or 50 guys. And maybe there’s three that are new this week versus in the early days. It’s very slow. It might take two months or three months before you go from five men to six men. It’s very, very slow growth in the early days, but it’s more about quality. Don’t worry about quantity in the early days, just worry about quality.
So that’s very important. Yeah. When you’re a larger group, you have a structure. You have a very clear structure. You have people that have very clear roles. And there’s a much clearer hierarchy. And that hierarchy gets clearer and clearer the larger the group gets. Under 100 guys, there doesn’t need to be that much clarity. Just people need to know who their go to guy is. People need to know who their rep is. We don’t need to have a cult of personality around junior leaders or senior leaders or the leader, especially not when it’s so small and tiny.
So you can define yourself, you can declare yourself, you can. As a small group leader, you can create a small individuality of your leadership because you’re a captain, you see, you’re a captain, so you’ve stood out. You’re a man amongst men, and you’re a captain and you deserve it. And I don’t have any. I like that a lot. A couple of my state leaders are like that they kind of I won’t name who, but there’s a couple guys out there and they there you get it. Like, it’s They want to. They want to maintain. You’ve got this or you’ve got a brand, but they want to just like, push the boundary of the brand.
When I was in the army, there were some offices that would salute different. I’m not going to do it on recording, but there was a way that you were taught to salute, but there were officers that would like. They would salute clearly outside of the pan. There’s a Pam on how to salute and how to. What angle to hold your arm and your hand and your fingers and this and this and this. And there’s diagrams and there’s a very clear, obvious way of how you salute.
But there were officers that would just push the boundaries of the salute until their salute looks nothing like the salute in the pan. And they would get away with it because they’re a good off. They were a good officer. They were a good officer, so they would get away with it. I think that’s an interesting thing to understand, is some people put more focus on being the individual, being the captain, than they do on actually being good at their job. So be good at your job, and then you get kind of these privileges. And if you’re really good at your job, you get huge individuation and you can be like you can peacock or you can have as much ego as your brain can manage. You know that’s kind of that’s how I feel. And I know that when my ego gets bigger than my brain, God strikes me down. My God is not cruel to me. That’s not the right way to put it. But, my God, I. When I just get a little bit too greedy, it’s kind of its kind of op. It’s kind of overpowered because it’s kind of not fair in the sense that if it was like pure chaos, if you never knew, if you never got, if your God never strikes you down, if, like, nature never corrects your course, then the chance of you being on the right course is very low. You know, like nature or God, whatever how you want to look at it. The creative energies of the mother, the creative energies of the father, they’re going to strike you down. They’re going to smite you know, when you do the wrong thing, as a civilisation, as an individual.
So, yeah, it’s good to just keep your ego in check or whatever the issue is. Every. Every person’s got a different thing. Yeah. But being a captain, being a small crew leader is to be a junior leader.
The most important thing is that the men genuinely respect. Respect you. It’s never, ever going to work if the men don’t genuinely respect you. It does come down to gravitas. It does come down to genuine respect. You know, in Band of Brothers, there’s that famous scene, and I see it a lot of World War Two movies, and where they have that famous line where they say you salute the rank, not the man. You know, you salute the rank, not the man. It’s the rank. And we’re living in, excuse me, the situation we have that’s very roman, we’re more Germanic. That’s a very Roman sort of philosophy, in my opinion. Germanic philosophy is you salute the man.
And that’s why Germanics are a bit more barbarian, they’re a bit more disorderly.
But we have to recognise ourselves. Most Europeans are not pure Germanics. Most Europeans, I know some guys that are very rowdy. They’re very, you know, they’re not very Roman. You know, they’re not very. They’re barbarians. I know some guys that are just blond beasts, barbarians from the north. They’re just born out of time and they’re attracted to our movement and they’re all awesome, but they don’t want any rules, they don’t want any laws. They just they. But they are truly barbarians. But they’re White nationalists.
And then you’ve got kind of more nerdy types, very legalistic, and the Constitution’s got the right wording in it. That’s how we fix the problem. And they’re White nationalists as well, but they’re kind of more. They’re less Germanic in their essence, and more kind of maybe roman, more bureaucratic. So you kind of have these two spirits alive within a leader, within an organise, and within the men that you recruit.
So you need to be. You need to be conscious of that you need. The bigger you get, the more discipline you need.
So the early days, you don’t want to be over disciplined. That’s kind of what the point I’m getting at. I’ve seen a few groups start up and it’s like three guys, four guys, and the leader is like, just a bit too overbearing with this rule and that rule.
And it’s like, there’s like four of us, man. Like, come on, let’s just. Let’s try to get the ten guys. That’s kind of more important.
And then that guy’s like, no, I listened to this Tom saw stream, and he was saying, the purity is more important than, than size and that we have to have the most pure guys possible. So let’s. Unless, like, get really autistic and lost in the source the nitty-gritty of how the group should be run, you know, instead of kind of just get the ball moving and just kind of fix things as they sort of establish. Fix problems as they establish. So ultimately, whether you start small or start big, like, whether you start pure or not pure if you’re on the right path, like, I didn’t start very pure at the start of building my. I kind of just let in a lot of people. And almost all the people that I wasn’t really conscious about that. I wasn’t really consciously, like, evaluating them as having The Right Stuff. A lot of them left, almost all of them left.
So if you’re not pure, you’re going to lose people anyway.
So, yeah, start small and build up.
So this has been going for 2 hours now, hasn’t it? That’s a long time to just listen to me talk and answer questions. Yeah, 2 hours. Wow! I can just do some, like. I think that was meant to be a quick answer, wasn’t it? But I just got lost in the rant. I haven’t done a rant for a while. It’s therapeutic. Here’s an interesting question from bass Chungus. Any tips for or rants on the schizo maxing archetypes? I feel like you tone down your third eye a lot on streams and [laughter] Trumps right ear. Yeah, schizo maxing. I think it’s just important. I think it’s very, very important to people to be able to speak in symbols. I am very interested in all forms of communication. I’ve recently been learning some baby sign language because I find it fascinating to be able to talk in signs to my baby. And I want to teach all my kids sign language if I have the time.
I also want to teach them German and eventually some old Nordic language or something and try to, like, recycle, like Psyop or recycle the language of English into like this Nordo English because English is going to turn into pig English. It’s like, you can see how English is deteriorating, so we actually need to turn English into a different language. It all ties in with the civilisational mitosis. So I got this stuff going on in my mind, and then I’m also thinking about sign language just as, like, how awesome it is.
But, yeah, it’s very important for people to be able to speak in signs.
So you can call it, like, schizomaxing, but again, that carries that sort of negative connotation that it’s like an innate negative. And it is, if it’s untuned, you’ve got to tune your ability to view symbols and to study symbols. It’s very important. Yeah, but you do come across, like, schizophrenia. Posting is, it only comes across bad when you’re an amateur. It only comes across bad when you’re not. You got to be very fine tuned. Very, very fine tuned.
Because if you have that part of your mind open, most people don’t.
But if you have its a blessing and a curse if you have that part of your mind open and it’s not tuned. You’re just going to sound like a maniac! You’re just going to sound like an insane person. And other people with their mind open are going to listen to you, and it’s up to them whether they want to disagree with you or not, because your mind’s open, but it’ll never open. It’s not capable. That mind, that untuned mind, is not capable of using The Voice, getting the correct vibration to un, you know, unwoke the people that have got the brain virus. The jews have put them under a spell and it’s black magic, and we’ve got to get them out of that spell. They’re very clever linguistically, they’re very conniving linguistically. They know how to create spells, and it really does come back to that as a principle. Gaelic. Nord says, Thomas, have you ever read about Roman rituals? There’s one called evacuate. Evacuateo decorum, or diorum. Wouldn’t that be decorum?
Anyway, they basically invited foreign gods, or racial foreigners that they defeated in battle back to Rome, perhaps to increase their power levels. I believe they made a big mistake in inviting the jewish God back. Yeah, absolutely! I am aware of Roman and Greek rituals. They’re the most famous story on this exact ritual is Troy, which is kind of interesting because the Romans come from Troy, they come from the Trojans. The Romans are the Trojans.
So the yeah, the wooden horse is a form of deity that they brought back with them into the city gates, and it’s a metaphor for evoking enemy gods. When you bring enemy gods symbolism, whatever the power, just talking about the schizo maxing, you got to be able to read in symbols, you know. Did the Trojan Horse in the movie, Troy was a symbol? If you only ever watched that movie and never knew anything else, you might not have seen it as a symbol, you might have seen it just merely as a material wooden horse.
But if you’ve studied history outside of watching Hollywood movies, you would know that it’s a perfect allegory for things appear as a present, things appear as something that could bring us good grace or power or enrichment, and they turn out to actually be completely hostile. It turns out to be a facade for something extremely hostile and damaging, and that we should have an immune system that keeps out these things.
So, yeah, that’s a very important point.
I also think that the main difference between the Roman state of being was moving in a direction that ultimately changed their blood, and they weren’t the Roman principle. You know, I’ve said this many times when asked about the use of the motto blood and honour as our symbolism.
And I actually remember in the early days, really early days, before we used that as a motto. I actually went up to Jacob and I said to him, I said:
“We should have a motto because we’re just ideas, man.”
You got to imagine it’s just a dozen guys, two dozen guys, and you’re just hanging out in the backyard gym, and you’re like, we’re going to make it. We’re going to make an organise. We’re going to make a, like, we’ve just been hanging out, and we think we’re at the numbers now, where we can actually just launch a brand of an organise and we’ll start formalizing things. We’re kind of at that size where you start formalizing. You’re not just a bunch of guys, a bunch of in on a social club anymore. You’re actually starting to organise and create a subculture. And reinforce that subculture.
And so what you do is you get, like, you make up a flag. It’s like, this is one, that’s one of the first things you do you make up a flag. You’re like:
“Hey, this piece of cloth, this is us. This is our thing. This is our symbol. This is us. It’s just innate. It’s entirely innate.”
It’s one of those masculine things you can do is just pick a random thing with a bunch of other guys that you actually, you actually have a form of brotherhood with and so, but you pick some innate thing, or a mascot or an icon, or a symbol, or a rune or something, and you’re like, yep, this is us. And that’s one of the first things.
And one of the second things you do is things like chance slogans, whatever. Like, there’s got to be some very basic branding. There’s going to be some very basic. It’s not like a Freemason secret handshake, but some groups, I’m sure they do secret handshakes. Well, actually, that’s one of the things we did. Not a secret handshake, but we did the Roman handshake instead of a normal handshake. We just decided to do that just randomly. And how we actually came to the conversation about blood and honour was I said to Jacob, we need a motto. Like, we need something that we say. And Jacob was like:
“Yeah, hail Hitler!”
And I was like I think that might be a bit full on, to start with, I think and Jacob would just. He would walk into a room full of people that he knew it, that they were racist, and he would walk into the room and he would say, how’s it going, fellow racists? What’s going on? Klansmen? How’s he going? Klansmen?
Hello. Klansmen.
Hello, racist. Hail Hitler. Like, he would just introduce himself like that. Like, it was, it was. Now it’s kind of normal. People are kind of they understand it now, but back then we’ve come a long way. Five years ago, ten years ago, you know, Jacob, hers are walking in the room, and it’s like this is, like early days. Everyone’s just trading on eggshells on the racism. And he just walked in and said like, yep, hail Hitler. Hail Klansman. Stuff like this. So I said to Jacob, I don’t want to do hail Hitler as, like, a like, our standard thing that we say all the time. Like, at the end of training, we should say something. And he’s like:
“Yeah, yeah. Like, hell, Hitler.”
I’m like:
“No, I’m thinking more like, in Gladiator, we’re like, before they go into battle.”
This is a real conversation. I was like, Gladiator. I brought the Gladiator. I know. Gladiator two cocked. Yeah. We don’t have to talk about it, but Gladiator one, not cucked. Gladiator one, awesome! You know, obviously it’s cucked like 90, nineties style. Like they had to put a black slave in there and shit like that, but whatever. But, yeah. So I said, no. Before the battle, he says, strength and honour. They, like, shake hands, or they do, like, Roman handshake. Strength and honour. And we already do the Roman handshake, and we don’t do the Roman handshake because of Gladiator. But I don’t even think we got it from Gladiator. I think you got it more I just knew it was a Viking thing they did. I just knew it was like an ancient handshake. Obviously, I saw it in Gladiator because it’s obvious the Romans did that as well. They did the Roman salute. They did the Roman handshake.
But I think all Aryans did this. All Aryans. Aryan salute, Aryan handshake. You know, it’s the same thing to me.
But, yeah, I said like, strength and honour. That’s a good one. Like, I’m not saying let’s use strength and honour. But I’m saying something that sounds like that, like a sign off. We need to have a sign off as a group. And he was like, whoa, you wouldn’t do strength and honour because they’re fundamentally the same principle. They’re just at a material level, but blood and honour, they’re like inverse principles, or not inverse principles, but they’re principles that are, you know, two different ends of the same thing. You know what I’m talking about. Blood and honour verse. Strength and honour. I should wrote a poem tying into this, the reason why I picked blood and honour instead of strength and honour. Obviously, blood and honour is more in line with the Natsoc worldview. And it’s not from a movie or from Roman history. It’s from very recent history. It’s from very recent National Socialist ideology. And it is honouring the fallen of World War Two in doing that it’s honouring Hitler in doing that.
But obviously, it’s a more broader term than just saying, hail Hitler. It’s a more broader term that talks of a more philosophical worldview, a worldview being made of blood and of honour, the union, the marriage of those forces.
So it’s a second thing on that is that the Romans didn’t have a motto of blood and honour, and that’s why we should make it blood and honour, because the Romans don’t really exist anymore. The Roman Empire failed because they didn’t have blood and honour as their highest principle. They had strength and honour as that higher principle. So strength and honour can’t exist without blood. Strength and honour can’t exist if you know, you take slaves and you dilute yourself through these slaves. We can’t do what the Romans did.
So we need to have. We need to take, you know, Hitler says, in my country, clearly, we need to take that which works. You know, when you read a book you need to be able to get something out of it. You need to be able to take the knowledge and discard what isn’t fundamental to finishing your sculpture, which is your I, your stone like worldview. And so to me, that blend is very difficult to ascertain, the blend of Roman principles and Germanic principles. But things that are obvious, things that are striking for me, is taking their. The Romans had an attention to detail. They had an attention detail, and I think the Germans have already taken that to an extent. I don’t think the Germans, the modern day Germans, when I’m talking, when I say German, sometimes you got to understand, I’m not talking about German. I’m talking about Germanics as opposed to Germans.
I’m not talking about German as a 21st century political designation of a group of people that live in Germany that are of general descent. I’m talking about two archetypes. I’m talking about the Germanic Nordic barbarian, the blond beast, and I’m talking about the kind of Roman soldier, bureaucrat, aristocrat. That’s kind of what I’m archetype.
So they’re both archetypes, but it’s both very different. Archives. I think a modern day German is already a halfway point between these two principles. I don’t think I would consider myself a full barbarian, but I also wouldn’t consider myself a full kind of creature of these Roman machinations. I do think of myself as more free spirited. So, yeah.
Anyway, pause this stupid question here. Tom, if you saw a black woman being attacked, would you help her? It’s important to. When people ask those kind of questions, drift, Hamlet. When people ask those kind of questions, it’s important to pause and consider the motivation of the person answering, asking the question, why are they asking that question? What do they want to hear and what’s the truth? And is it necessary to explain that at the moment? Yeah. People just talking about active clubs in the chat. If there’s no other questions, I can go into active club for a little bit, although I think it’s been pretty broadly covered, especially answering that question before about how to start up an active club and those foundational phases, building the purity of it.
But, yeah, if there’s no other questions, I see there’s an 181 people in the chat, and that’s the most it has been the whole time. And there’s not really much else to cover. Yeah. Someone says, first time, thank you for your work and dedication. You’re one of our strongest leaders and an inspiration. That’s from Pavlov’s puppy and from wall. Now we’ve got. What do you think the next step after active club is? Well, that’s. Yeah, that is something that I can definitely go into briefly. I’ll practice my short answer. The next logical step after the active club is the active brand.
And I think that’s what Rob Rondo’s done really well in the US, that it is a brand. It’s beyond just one individual clique or one little club. It’s the brand. He’s built a brand, ..
And so the brand requires a staff leadership.
So when you build a brand, when you start when it’s not just like ten guys at a park, when you’ve got, say, five or six or ten different clubs, and they’re all got 5, 10, 20, 30, some of them maybe even 40, some of the bigger ones. You know, when you start looking at your membership not in the sort of single digits or in the dozens, you start looking at it in the hundreds, you have to evolve from focusing on the active club as a club, as a group of individual clubs. You have to consider it at a brand level or at a company level.
So that’s like from how you would break down that in a corporate structure is you would consider that they’re branches and that you have like a main company, a main body, and from a military, not that it’s a paramilitary organisation, but just purely to break down any sort of structure, what would be considered a company sized structure, you’re breaking it down into Platoons and sections.
And so you have to start considering who’s leading each section. You have to have some sort of top down staff command that control the brand as a whole.
So that’s kind of what we do with our EAM [European Australian Movement], NSN [National Socialist Network]. They’re brands. They’ve got a staying power, they’ve got a brand power. They’re not brands from a corporate sense in the way that our purpose isn’t to make money.
So you’ve got a brand like Nike. Obviously, its purpose is to make as much money as possible as Nike. That’s like a jewish version or just a corporate version, if that’s just your main principle.
But obviously our highest principle is not about corporate power. We don’t really care about the marketplace. We just acknowledge that the marketplace exists and that people need a market of some sort and it should be regulated fair and well and kind. Yeah, it’s not like our focus. It’s not what we’re really looking at. What we’re looking at is how do we save our people? How do we save our race?
So we’re building a brand. Yeah, it’s beyond just a little click of guys that know each other in person. It’s a national brand.
And so that requires national branding, it requires national leadership, whether that’s behind the scenes or in the open doesn’t really matter too much at that stage. And I guess that’s when you start going from a section or Platoon size to a company or battalion size. So it’s different kind of management you need to be considering at that stage. And we can study Mein Kampf quite well to understand how Hitler organised his men into different branches. And you can just study NS philosophy, NS history. And really, any history, history is very important. You can’t study Roman history without getting into the nitty-gritty of how a legion broke down and how Roman society functioned and how it was built and who built the roads and all this sort of stuff. It’s, or how did a phalanx or hippoplite. How did the Greeks organise their army? Or how did the Greeks organise their society? What were men’s duties and responsibilities?
So, yeah, when you’re growing to the next stage, you just have to consider, well, what are the foundational, historical, successful models that you built us that society has been built on? What were their inherent flaws? You have to consider what their inherent flaws were, where there was perhaps a lack of balance, or where there was perhaps too much balance with things that we shouldn’t have.
And then, yeah, like you as a leader, whether that’s of ten men, or a hundred, or a thousand, then decide or try to guide that ten, or a hundred or thousand men on their destiny.
So, yeah, you’re gonna get pretty good at surfing the Kali yuga, so to speak. Yeah. Someone says, is there a group near Parr a matter a? Yeah, we’ve got groups everywhere in Australia. Near is the subjective term. Is it ten minutes away? Not really, no. But have we got guys in that general region? Yes, we’ve got guys in every region, every town, every city, every suburb, or almost every suburb.
So, yeah, and if we don’t, we have one in the suburb next to you, and if it’s not in the suburb next to you, it’s two over.
So, yeah, as guys join in the early days, they’ll be like, oh the closest member to me is a whole suburb away.
But then in the future, you’re going to be surrounded by too many Nazis. You’re going to be sick of fucking. How many Nazis live near you? You know, you’re going to be like, where’s the closest non-Nazi to me? Because every single person near you will be a Nazi. And that’s just what happens along our timelines.
So if you just stick around, you just. There are guys that are isolated. They join. They’re isolated in the middle of nowhere, or they’re in Parramatta you know, it’s 40 minutes training. That’s just too far. It’s too far for now, sure, but just stick with it. And then maybe in six months time, or a year’s time or 18 months time, you just have got to have that consistency and that faith that there’s going to be more guys joining up in your local area than the one you have to drive to. And then during the week you can just train with those guys. And then only once a week do you train with the guys in that broader general area because there’s just too much to drive there every day or every second day or however often you want to train. Localism becomes a key part of it.
But yeah, in the early days, you’ve got to be committed. You got to show even more commitment to be the Spearhead, to be the guy that you’ve got to consider yourself. Whatever suburb you’re in, whatever town you’re in, if you’re the only one, you’ve got to consider yourself that. You’ve got to be better than the next guy that joins. Not so you can be better than him, but you would be better than him in the sense that when he joins, he’s like:
“Oh, wow, this guy has obviously been doing the worldview. They’re not joining in like the guy that joined before them, the guy that’s their rep or that’s in charge of their area is like, you wouldn’t want to join an organise where the guy that’s the ref, your area is not good, not in a good position, not in a good place.”
So if you’re joining early and you’re the only guy in your area and you’re not in a good place, it just use it as motivation. Just be like when another guy in the suburb gets recruited they can look at me and be like:
“Oh, fuck, this guy’s been around two years. Holy shit! It was just him by himself for two years and fucking, he’s a beast. Look at him. Shit!”
You know, you kind of want that going through his head. Not:
“Fuck, this guy’s a loser. No wonder he’s been around here two years and hasn’t had any friends.”
You know what I mean?
So it’s like, what kind of man are you? What level are you at when the first guy that gets recruited in your area or the second guy or the third? Well, you’re obviously the first guy, but after you.
So you have to consider that.
And then that decides your importance and your role and you’re in a way, in a kind of Viking way. Your fame, your gravitas, your clout. You know, you don’t have to be a clout chaser, but it is a motivation of all men. Not an entire motivation, but not no motivation. It’s somewhere in there. Some men maybe more than others, but you gotta have a healthy ego. Healthy. Am I just gonna be a contributor to this? Am I just gonna be a lukewarm, a warm body? Am I gonna come down, get involved with this organisation and just I’ll just do the bare minimum and just. I’ll do my duty, you know, for the White race. Like, no passion, no drive. You know, you have to consider that when you’re getting involved with the group. Where’s your passion? Where’s your drive? How much do you believe in it? How much do you care? And are you going to put that forward? Are you going to pay that forward? Are you going to pay that energy forward? And is that collective will and that collective drive going to move this movement to success? Or are you just going to come just plod along and carry yourself where it needs to be? And you see that?
You see guys, they don’t really have much drive. They’re there. They’re doing better than nothing, but they don’t really have the drive. We need drive. We need men that are driven. Need men that are really driven. Not to the point of destruction, not to the point where you burn out, obviously, we see a lot of young guys really driven.
And then you watch them start to burn out, and you watch them just overdo it, overdo it, overdo it.
And then you try to have these conversations like, hey you need to take a day off. You know, they’re like:
“No, no, no!”
And then you’re like, oh. And then something happens in their life, and then it’s like all this pressure hits them all at once, and they’re like:
“Oh, I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
They kind of like, explode. Not explode, but, you know what I mean? They kind of like, burn out. Like a quick burnout, as opposed to just telling them, hey, just, yeah, you’re doing well. You’re growing, you know, everything’s going fine, everything’s good, you’re getting your life together. Everything’s coming together your contribution for this, what it’s doing, you know, we’re succeeding with people like you know, don’t be so hard on yourself. You know, you kind of have that conversation. You know, you’re doing well. You don’t need to do any more. We’re happy with what you’re doing right now. Just maintain that if you need to take a little bit of a step back so you got some breathing space, do that you know.
So human management is very important when you’re running a little club. You have to be a good reader of people’s character. You have to understand people. You have to be able to empathize with people, you do have to really understand the men that they’re around you, and you also have to understand your own limitations. That’s important as well. You need to understand where there’s a certain limit and you’ve reached a limit, and you’re just not physically capable at this stage of having more responsibility. You’re kind of at your physical limit. You’ll burn out if you get more responsibility lumped on you. And for some people, that’s just like the bare minimum. For some people, the bare minimum is just too much responsibility. Like the idea of just being healthy, in shape, a little bit of exercise every week, coming to the occasional activism. For some people, that’s too much. That’s too much. They have to be unfit, they have to be overweight, they have to be irresponsible with their social life, or their drinking life, or whatever it is. They’re partying life. They have to be not at the activism. There are people that are like this, and that’s difficult. That’s difficult to manage. That’s very difficult to manage when there are people that are almost like, specifically self destructive.
And so you have to make an analysis as to whether you’re going to maintain this person as a member of your organisation, or whether you’re not going to maintain them. And that’s hard to swing that axis. Hard. That’s a very difficult thing to have power over, the power to exclude and to be able to make the right decision so that will get tested for everyone. And it’s not just the leaders. Even without saying anything to the leader, even without saying anything to leader, everyone has an energy, and everyone can read, they’re paying attention to everyone else’s energy. And when the energy is off, when it’s wrong, sometimes, even without saying stuff, there is just an energy where there’s a groupthink, there’s a hive mind, and people go, mmm, nah, I don’t have confidence in this person, or I don’t have confidence in this person to this capacity. I’d have confidence with them as a member, but not as a leader, or I’d have confidence with them as an associate, but not as a member. And that’s very important. Yeah. Yes, many such cases, but every, it’s, every organisation is going to be different the exact way that I do it. Is not necessarily the best way, it’s just the way that I’m doing it. There’ll be groups that will do it differently and maybe their ways are better. And that will prove in enough time, given enough time, that will prove, it’s proven by the quality of men that you have, not just right now, but in the future.
And so the more time that goes on, the better quality of men that you have around you, the better quality of families that you have around you. And built on that principle of honour, built on that principle of nobility, not just necessarily about surrounding yourself with rich people or powerful people in the now, because those people aren’t as important as good, honourable, loyal people are. Into the indefinite, you can surround yourself, you can be a socialite and surround yourself with liberal, democratic elitists. There’s an elite within the Liberal democracy, and there’s a lot of people doing that. They’re kind of chasing that dream. Just in wider society that is obviously the archetype or the goddess of wider society, like wider liberal democracy is really obsessed and really devoted to these false idols. You know, they’re sort of one of the worst examples that I’m talking about is the Kardashian effect or the Kardashian idol. There are people that sort of idolize this lifestyle, this reality TV lifestyle of these fake billionaires, and they’re just pieces of shit, basically. And society is just caught up with this the God of luck is the God of the orgy, is the God of liberalism. You know, is the yeah, you know, where I’m going with this. They kind of worship that as their primary God. Yeah, much to consider. Much to consider. Jaw once stated, any White nationalist movement that succeeds in getting power would be crushed by the US government. So our race depends on American White nationalists seizing power. Do you agree? I’ve tried activism here in Michigan and it sometimes feels like an uphill battle. And we’re failing our kin across the West.
Yeah, I mean, the United States is the new Rome, and a lot of the power sits there and rests there. And that is like the fundamental political battleground. I believe that it’s going to be a chain reaction, that it’s not just simply that the US has to rise up and then the rest of us can. Although we discussed on stream recently with the Trump situation and the idea that when America sneezes, the rest of the world blows its nose. There is a lot of people, there’s a lot of eyes on America. There’s a lot of eyes on Trump as I said before, it is the dominant political culture across the West. So.
But in saying that doesn’t mean that as soon as they do something, it gives us permission, as. It’s just as likely. It’s just as, like, what I’m trying to say is this. It’s just as likely that a country will do something that needs to be done and that will inspire Americans. It’s just as likely as that to happen as then America makes it the norm, and then the other half of Western civilisation downstream of that decision, also make the correct decision. So, hypothetically, it wouldn’t be America to first do proper deportations. America might talk about it, like, Trump might talk about it, but then it could be some random country in Europe that’s the it could be, I don’t know, it could be Italy, it could be Greece, it could be Germany, it could be Poland. They could do a large deportation, and then that could inspire the Americans to then do it. And then it becomes the norm in, say, Canada or Britain or Australia, because America’s done it now.
So I think that’s a likely relationship. Yeah. Obviously, we’re all looking at each other across the world like:
“Hey, let’s fix this!”
Yeah. Pablo’s Papi says:
“Have you studied psychologically, psychological behavioural influence, suggestion, and persuasion as a political propaganda tool? I think it is very valuable, considering we don’t use it like the jews to, but fight fire with fire, so to speak.”
Yeah, I mean, I have a basic understanding of psychology, of Jungian and Freudian psychology. I understand emotions and behaviour well in the sense that I can convert that into a political understanding. Should the average person do this? Yes, I think the average person should. Should just consider more, to notice more, to think more about what’s happening around them at a microcosm and at a macrocosm, to analyze daily interactions, to analyze just what you’re encountered with in life. And in doing so, you will learn much more than doing a psychology degree.
But if you did both, and I’m not saying for people to do psychology degrees, but you can open the textbook, you can read shit online, you can watch YouTube videos, you can do research into basic human psychology and behavioural psychology, even animal psychology. You know, I like watching the studies on primates. I like watching the studies on them, because you can extrapolate a lot. You can see what’s primal. And that’s primal is there’s got to be a balance between primal instincts and higher instincts. And they have to work together. So understanding what drives people’s primal instincts can help you develop political strategy, and not from a false perspective, but by truly understanding people at a primal level.
So if you understand White people at a primal level, you’ll understand that White people are anxious at the moment. They’re very anxious at a primal level. There is an anxiety and fear in every White person about a future, consciously or subconsciously. And it is displayed in Leftism. It’s false. The false action, the false path of the anxiety of being anxious about the future is all these Leftists focusing on the environment and becoming like eco communists. You know, they fear that there’s something wrong. They’re kind of just slightly misguided.
And so the jews understand it and that’s why they create political pathways for feelings that they can understand in order to redirect them and misdirect them. So yes, we need to understand the same primal instincts in order to redirect people into actually fixing the problem and meeting those primal needs when we’re not. Because women, as I said before earlier in the stream, women need a healthy environment. This is very important. This is very fundamental. Women need a healthy environment. We need to create a healthy environment for women and children. That’s what we have to do. We can handle things worse. We’re men. That’s what we’re built for. We’re built to go outside the wall. We’re built to go outside the wall. We’re actually built for the outside wall.
We’re not actually built to just stay in the Garden of Eden. So, and we just have to be. So in saying that, I’m a little off topic here, I’ll try and draw back the question. Psychology. Psychology, yeah. To, to create that healthy environment for people to stop female anxiety. You know, our birth rates, low anxiety.
Okay, so it’s not what you call. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that they’re anxious. It doesn’t matter they’ve got anxiety. The issue is that we’re not replacing ourselves because they’re not healthy. The masses are not healthy because they’re being poisoned by jews. So we are the honest men that are assessing the situation. We’ve sat down, we’ve assessed the situation that all these fundamental issues in society can be resolved if these people or the majority of these issues can be resolved just purely by creating a healthy environment.
And then we can start isolating toxic things. We can start when everything’s healthy. Then we can start looking at genes that are retoxifying the situation or genes that are trying to not necessarily revert back to a different new, that could be a potentially better direction, but toxic genes that are trying to revert into a lower form, revert into destructive energy. And how do we stay on top of that? And it’s not always bye. Putting it out, putting out, putting out. Sometimes it’s being honest and addressing it. You know, for example, you could smash the communists, you could smash the communists, you could smash all their talking points. You could you go full, you know, fuck the environment. You know what I mean? Like the communists, obviously there’s a cross section of women that identify as communists or identify with this kind of Lefty politics because they genuinely think that the world is going to end. They genuinely think that we’re destroying the world now we are polluting the world. We are. And I’m an environmentalist and so obviously, yeah, crush communism.
You know, if I’m the man holding the sword and I get put in the position, I’ll have the strength to swing it on the communists. The ideology needs to be smashed. The ideology needs to be destroyed. It needs to be completely eradicated. But it stemmed from a fundamental flaw and that flaw actually needs to be fixed. You can’t just remove an ideology from society. You can’t just cancel it, censor it, like how the Left are trying to get rid of Nazis. Well, they’re trying to get rid of Nazis because they’re trying to get rid of White people. And Nazis are the things that keep White people alive because Nazi or Aryan ideology is the ideology that has kept White people alive. It’s the only thing that’s kept White people alive through every ultimate challenge that we faced.
So that’s why they’re trying to get rid of us. Yeah, yeah.
And so we need to understand what motivates people and how to fix the fundamental issues. Why are people depressed? Why are people anxious? Why are people. This needs to be fixed, ultimately, not just like:
“Oh, here’s some drugs to make it not noticeable.”
Yeah. People talking about boxing in the chat, how to join a boxing gym. That’s all pretty, pretty obvious. Someone asking you about Hitler’s vegetarianism. Not something I want to do a big topic on for this stream, but basically it was just world renouncing. So I’ve covered it before, the Hitler vegetarianism. He went world renouncing for a little bit for a couple years. He just wanted to try to get to the next level and see if he could see something there, see something beyond time there, I can’t tell you whether it worked for him or whether it didn’t.
But ultimately the war went the way it did and what happened happened. So it’s just, that’s just a part of the story. That’s not me. I can understand why people need to keep bringing it up. I wasn’t going to flesh this out, but if it is important principle when creating doctrine, the Muslims, for example, because there’s so much that Muhammad left and obviously the Christians with Jesus, there’s so many books, there’s so many hadiths, there’s so many accounts.
And then you’ve got to have accounts of Nicaea. You’ve got to work out what you’re keeping in and what you’re taking out, what’s important, what’s not important and what should be overlooked or what should be more explained.
And so there would be people that would want to pretend like Hitler wasn’t a vegetarian because it doesn’t suit their current agenda, which is we’re all eating as much meat as we can. That’s basically everyone within White nationalism, except a few guys that are reverting to that part. There’s people that maybe are going a bit too far down the Hare Krishna sort of stuff and they get involved with vegetarianism. And it is what it is. It leads to where it leads to, but maybe that’s just what they need at the time. I don’t know. It is what it is, but that’s politically inconvenient at the moment.
But I don’t think we should overlook that. I don’t think we need to be afraid of that.
The reality is that he was a mystic and that he was exploring time. He was exploring his own destiny, his own fate. He had achieved so much by that point.
And then obviously we started to see him making other decisions. And the Muslims will sit there with Muhammad and they’ll say:
“Well, if there’s a clash where Hitler basically says, ‘You should eat meat in Mein Kampf’, and you should eat food closest to the most natural source of it. So the least processed, the better. The more it’s in its first form, is what we’re meant to be eating. That’s what Hitler’s philosophy was on diet closest to the first form.”
And basically, the more you need to process something, the worse it is for you long term.
Then you’ve got obviously a vegetarian phase. And what the Muslims do is they say:
“Well, whatever was said second, because more of God’s knowledge was, was given to Muhammad later on.”
So if he’s contradicted himself between what he said when he was young and what he said when he’s old, take the older, and I’m not going to make that call. That’s something that’s quite well known within theology, that when you have conflicting statements, you take the statement that was made when the person was older and wiser as a general rule.
But in Christianity, obviously, it doesn’t work like that at all! It’s just a game of mental gymnastics. When you’ve got something that clashes and then you’ve got an issue of translation and you have to consult some of its biggest Hebrew and, yeah, then you can maybe formulate an argument as to what was meant in that exact scenario.
And obviously then there’s schisms in different churches because, well, one side thinks it means this and one side thinks it means that, but ultimately, you know, it all works out. It all works out because, you know, there’ll be an understanding of Hitler and there’ll be an understanding of Hitler’s National Socialism, and there’ll be an understanding of blending that with what we need to do going forward into the future. That will be the most successful model. And if there’s schisms that are slightly less successful, but still White nationalist National Socialists, and they’re a slightly different version of it with a slightly different interpretation, well, if it leads to our victory, then that’s what. That’s ultimately a good thing. Someone says. Thoughts on Stu Peters? I like what I’ve seen. I think he’s an interesting character. He seems to be pretty red pilled on everything. I don’t have anything negative to say about them. I haven’t seen anything bad about them. They seem like they know what they’re doing. I haven’t followed their whole journey, but, yeah, it’s awesome to see people like that come out of the woodwork. Yeah. People just asking about water filters. What water filter? I use. Yeah.
A lot of people talking about vegetarianism, meat, diet, stuff like this. Yeah, I don’t really want to talk about that stuff. I think there’s a lot of streams talking about diethyde. I wasn’t going to go into that in terms of my talking points. I’ll just quickly go through what I had planned and I think that would. It was mostly just about who’s going to solve the problem and how we get there. I said Messiah Versa.
But the most important thing that I want you to take away from the stream is everyone has a God. Everyone’s working towards a God, everyone’s actually contributing to the building of a goddess, their own God, the God that’s in their image and that they are in the image of as just a reflection. Then if you want that messiah to come, if you want that Caesar to come, you have to create it, you have to contribute to it, you have to build it. That’s very important through your work.
The other thing was about women and children needing to be able to be in a healthy environment where they can make their own mistakes.
So we need to create a healthy environment for them. We can’t blame what’s innate to naivety and to not having what women lack and what children lack in forward thinking, logic, and reason. What they lack is they usually gain in a kind of personal intuition. So children have intuition. Women have a lot of intuition. Men do as well, of course. But we are more likely to confuse ourselves from our intuition.
But, yeah, women need to not, like, full anarchy, but some sort of, like. It’s like the opposite of an archo tyranny. It’s like this relationship between authority and freedom. It can’t be full freedom, but it can’t be full authority. We have to blend freedom and authority together.
A lot of people go, oh, freedom freed. Our freedoms are under attack. It’s like, yeah, yeah, our power is under attack. You know, it’s like, it’s not just our freedom that’s under attack, it’s our power. We used to have power. We’re losing our power, and you’re people are conflating their freedom with their power. But I understand that at a deeper level, they’re similar terms. A lot of our power comes from freedom and our freedom comes from our power.
So there is a relationship between freedom and power, which kind of that would be a slogan. That would be a political branding slogan, like White power and White freedom. You know what I mean? It’d be like power and freedom for the Whiteman. That suits both narratives, in my opinion, because there’s a lot of people that they just kind of want to be left alone. They’re unhappy. They just want to be left alone. They don’t hate anyone. They just want freedom. And they don’t have to think about trannies and refugees, basically. They just want to go back to, like, 1980s, whatever it is.
And then the other motivation is people that, like, we need fucking, you know, total power.
So, yeah, someone says:
“How would you explain the worldview to a normie?”
Geez, why I did it. There’s 50 ways of doing it. It just depends what comes to mind at the time. It’s more important, how would you explain it to a normie or neutral, someone that’s politically neutral, someone that’s not awake, someone that’s not aware of what’s happening, they’re not noticing.
So if you come at it from that angle, then consider that you need to get them asking the right questions. You need to get them to notice what you notice. So however that works, whatever the dynamic is, if it’s your father, if it’s your mother, if it’s your girlfriend, if it’s a younger sibling or an older sibling, someone in your personal life that you’re trying to red pill, then you have to consider what will get them noticing, what will get them noticing, what will make you know, what’s a threat to their existence that they would, they would pick up on.
So you have to see it that way.
And a lot of people, it’s gonna be very hard to wake them up, because when you consider that question, a lot of people, they only consider threats to their materialism. They only really consider threats to the comfort of their life. So those people, it’s not that it’s not worth waking them up, but if they’re not passionate people, if they’re not passionate and principled people, yeah, you just have to consider that sometimes. Just slogans and symbols and just power, power for power sake, because they’re never going to really respect it. They’re never gonna. Some people are just never gonna understand it, they’re never gonna respect it.
But what they will respect is power for power’s sake. They’ll just respect strength.
So whatever argument you’re making come from a position of strength. Yeah, that’s an equally important principle to not just making the right argument, but making the right argument from a position of strength. Yeah, I hope that helps. Alright, well, thank you for joining me. It’s been almost 3 hours. That’s way too long. Have a nice day. Blood and honour. Hail Hitler!
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 7/29/2024 = 323)
3 days ago
Love and gratitude from the States.
Heil Hitler and 14 Words.
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
Great Work Thomas.. we appreciate you. wfp
3 days ago
fake n gay. Holocaust never happened
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
3 days ago
Yes your spot on o/. sorry im quite new to your content to be honest
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1 hour ago
I’d say Thomas Sewell,Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell, Warren Balogh [Warstrike with Eric Striker], Weston Paradigm, Just Joe Radio, White Rabbit Radio, Mark Collett etc.. Also Nordic Frontier lads [recently labeled terrorists byt the Judeo-terrorists who occupy the USA gov state dept, so they were banned but they are wholesome, non-violent,patriots and can still be found on Rumble temporary and Telegram, or maybe their website directly]
I’m sure I’m missing some but I work outside 6-7 days a week so I put all these guys streams on rotation and don’t disagree much with any of them. They all have their own style so it’s a well-rounded lineup if you have headphones on 50-60 hours a week.
2 days ago
Tom, I’m watching a couple of days late in Canada so you probably won’t read this, but this is great content, there isn’t enough commentary on life through a natsoc lense and i want to see and hear more.
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15 hours ago
Hey, I’m from the east coast of Canada. O/
Good to see other Canadians here.
3 days ago
Absolutley. thanks o/
Harry Holler
3 days ago
Jesus tells you to spread the other cheek
Walther Mauser
3 days ago
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3 days ago
Walther – I appreciate that you are always so consistently and comprehensively ahead of the curve. Tremendous channel – still working through to download.
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
the main thing people need too do is stop eating the poisoned commercial foods and drinking fluoride water…eat clean it will change your life
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
3 days ago
The Governess
3 days ago
the magic is so real, watching normies do mental gymnastics around the JQ is just amazing. most normies don’t even know a jew or has knowingly met one before but will defend them to the death it seems
Karl Hakenkreuz
3 days ago
It’s the holocaust conspiracy theory
3 days ago
Isn’t kind of ironic Buddhism is actually an Aryan religion and is categorized as Eastern whilst the semitic religions are viewed as Western, it’s an inversion
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
The Doctrine of Awakening is not the same as Buddhism. Read more.
Muh Fashy Bookshelf
2 days ago
Tom, Hitler was a Catholic. Catholicism is technically a European religion.
2 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
thank you. it’s an honor. he does the heavy lifting. best, Penelope
3 days ago
Active Club here in Canada is growing. We have big plans
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Hobo TV
3 days ago(edited)
this is good, but I’m sad I’m at the age that I’m probably not going to be accepted
need an organization for tribe and train that accepts those of us in the 40 years range. DM me on telegram if you can help.
3 days ago
WHITE POWER CHAPTERS are popping up everywhere
3 days ago
Thanks o/
3 days ago
thanks thomas o/
3 days ago
ahh man. he should hve one even if to just take questions. I know he’s not interested in being a pro streamer, but getting a few extra bucks can always be thrown towards his org’s activities
3 days ago
I can tell your a great speaker and know how to be an authority etc. Ive been researching Psy-Ops alot lately like CIA/RAND documents and stuff. very interesting.
3 days ago
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
the Jbolshevik communists took over America 1913 then used the power of the dollar too spread communism world wide
3 days ago
Hence why the (((gov))) and (((ASIO))) is terrified of your organization Thomas
3 days ago
Have you studied psychological behavioral influence, suggestion and persuasion as a political/propaganda tool? I think it is very valuable, considering we dont use it like the jews do but fight fire with fore so to speak.
3 days ago
I could even see him being a leader of something like a World Aryan Congress to combat the World Jewish Congress \o
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
if we cant take over or remove the corrupt system politically that does not leave many other choices.
3 days ago
Tom has the potential to be Australia’s Hitler
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
Hello/ Tommy first time Catching you Live
3 days ago
First time chatter. Thank you for all your work and dedication. You are one of our strongest leaders and an inspiration o/
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3 days ago
Hello Pavlov – I am just catching up on this terrific replay myself
3 days ago
I wish we had a Thomas Sewell clone here in Canada. Our NS scene is utterly lacking.
Love & Division
3 days ago
Practically speaking that’s true. The God of the Jews is Satan
3 days ago
Great points all.
3 days ago
I think Trump only cares about himself, I don’t think he is loyal to anyone, just controlled to a significant extent.
3 days ago
Trump has been an owned asset since his 1990s bankruptcy. The banks’ (jewish) lawyer said it plainly: “We made the decision that he would be worth more to us alive than dead…dead meaning in bankruptcy. We don’t want him to be a bankruptcy, we want him out in the world selling these assets for us”
3 days ago
Well Trump’s family are jews now, so he is ostensibly a jew himself; since his children haven’t married Gentiles
Walther Mauser
3 days ago
Heard miriam adelson wants a ‘book of trump’ put in the bible. She can afford to have it done. lol
Wizard in the Woods
3 days ago
If you’ve read classical Greek philosophy, you realize they were dealing with the same shit as now. Plato’s popular work is literally called The Republic.
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
External conditions are the output of an internal chemistry. Plato was smarter than you as yet know. Pearls —> swine.
Show reply
3 days ago
without holywood and the media trump would be just another real estate mogul
3 days ago
I think he already fucked off back to his Hasan piker stream
Walther Mauser
3 days ago
Plenty of side show entertainment channels you can go check out
3 days ago
It’s good that Tom’s addressing these topics
3 days ago
gov’t owes jews money
3 days ago
do you think the hit on Trump was genuine or staged fake and ghay? or somewhat both
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
Boys will be boys.
Operation Werewolf
3 days ago
we are living through the greatest selection event in 1000 years. those that survive this generation will be worthy of being called Aryan. will will loose all of our dysgenic waste. see you on the other side boys
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
Time is your brain’s explanation for fear. Release fear to “release time”.
3 days ago
Great discussion Thomas. Wishing you the best from the U.S
The Governess
3 days ago
some can’t learn anything without making mistakes, not everyone learns from others mistakes
Wizard in the Woods
3 days ago
Nature is at scale. Lessons / morality can be learned by observing other parts of nature interacting. What happens to the bug can happy to you. There are laws of nature.
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
It could be more accurate to say nature has an Order rather than laws. Man makes laws. Order makes man (through nature).
Show reply
3 days ago
Wow, What a synchronicity, I just finished watching your Elijah Schaffer interview and now I see you’re live here, Thank you for all you do Thomas and much love and well wishes from here in northern Sweden 14
Wizard in the Woods
3 days ago
Paganism is the witnessing of the divine force in nature playing out through all of its parts. There’s a reason the old religions believed this because we constantly lived in nature observing it. Modernity has separated us from nature, so it’s hard to have these experiences and relate
3 days ago
This should be an interesting one, Toms got based takes on religious concepts
Who Said That?
3 days ago
By what standard do you call yourself Aryan? Have you considered all history is myth, rather than “reality”?
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Thomas Sewell
2 days ago
you make no sense.
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Who Said That?
2 days ago
Thank you for your response. I will clarify that Aryan is a term that should be used for more than just genetics. There is a certain inner character which must be proven before the bestowment of title
Show reply
White Community
2 days ago
good analysis
Jewish god and Aryan god
Aryans really need to study and understand Jews in order to free themselves
3 days ago
Somebody pls inform Tom that Stalin wasn’t Russian, Jugashvili “Stalin” wasn’t even White
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Thomas Sewell
2 days ago
I know, the point still stands.
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2 days ago
Thanks. BTW, overall, very inspirational high-octane stuff, thank you.
3 days ago
Rabbi Yeshuah is no god of White men either.
3 days ago
Tom has so much wisdom for being a relatively young man o/
Hobo TV
3 days ago
Hail total White Victory!
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
How do you expect that to happen? You are outnumbered.
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Hobo TV
1 day ago
We will show you. soon.
Matt Hammond
3 days ago
I had to put my serious hat on for this.
3 days ago
no, not tonight
3 days ago
3 days ago
tanklin, stack, then nnr o/ see ya
3 days ago
Devon Stack after party at Nicks
Heeb Watch
3 days ago
3 days ago
You going live tonight, brother?
3 days ago
3 days ago
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
Prove it with intelligence rather than intensity.
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3 days ago
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Who Said That?
2 days ago
The symbol of the Aryan Elite is the mark of immobility, the Swastika.
3 days ago
you’re very kind. lovely, thanks so much. P.
3 days ago
chlorine is bad for soil life, so best avoided or let it evaporate before watering plants
3 days ago
Blood and Honor. Heil Tom. Heil
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
Karl Hakenkreuz
3 days ago
Thanks Tom o/
Dawn Browning
3 days ago
I do on homegrown veggies.
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
Rebellious Goy
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
I doubt it would be a problem, use rainwater if you can.
3 days ago
this is what I was getting at with the psych/influence stuff. There are certain techniques for different types of people and situations
Dawn Browning
3 days ago
I’m also looking for info if flouride accumulates in vegetables & meat via town water
3 days ago
Power brings freedom too
3 days ago
3 days ago
very well said
3 days ago
rational centrism
Rebellious Goy
3 days ago
“politically applied biology”
3 days ago
Tom how would explain the worldview to a normie
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
Very good question here.
3 days ago
Huge support on Marks show
3 days ago
I haven’t turned up anything on entropy itself nor his telegram. Will check rumble too
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
chicken fish steak veggies rice and fruits..stop eating sugar
Rebellious Goy
3 days ago
i bet he advanced to the raw meat carnivore diet but didnt announce it
3 days ago
Being a vegetarian creates more gas
Saxon Dawn
3 days ago
Someone mentioned joining an AC in Michigan. The FRM has an AC in Michigan The Sons of Hengist we are recruiting reach out to me if your interested. We have AC’s around the country.
3 days ago
many thanks, P.
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
i distill
Dawn Browning
3 days ago
What water filter do you use?
3 days ago
I don’t think so, but i’ll check entropy itself and his telegram and see if there’s a link there. just a min
3 days ago
White people are the primary force fixing the environment
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
…And the primary force behind grievous loss of life in the whole civilized world. Think about it.
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3 days ago
You are a gay anti-White.
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Who Said That?
2 days ago
The environment can’t be fixed. Work on your self, gayboy.
3 days ago
We? got a pajeet or Chinaman in your pocket?
3 days ago
salient question, thanks for asking. I’d love to know. best, Penelope
3 days ago
Im not promoting being manipulative in a bad way of course, but some people need tricked into doing whats right for them
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
You have potential.
3 days ago
Anxiety = thinking about the future
3 days ago
the parts of your brain responsible for anxiety also light up with thankfulness. Philippians 4:6-7 talks about this
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Who Said That?
3 days ago
Excellent reference. The passage only gets better after this too. Don’t settle for mere belief and faith. Pursue understanding.
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
whats your thoughts on stew peters? he was going ham for a while…
Rebellious Goy
3 days ago
in msm? the ex-dailywire negress probably
3 days ago
3 days ago
I don’t think so.
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
who does everyone consider the main person outing the subversive juws right now in msm??
3 days ago
does Thomas have an entropy or something chat?
Rebellious Goy
3 days ago
aye the fightin risih are rising
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Yes, Ireland
3 days ago
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
dasjuden is turning American into a third world shithole by flooding us with millions shitskins
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
nothing changes until the fed Res is taken from their greedy rubbing hands
3 days ago
What was the deal with Hitler’s vegetarianism? i can understand the sympathy for animals and was myself a vegetarian for about a year, But it seems like something impractical for a society at large. HH.
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Frederick the Hate
3 days ago
He wasn’t a vegetarian for just ethical reasons or pity for animals. He believed there were health benefits to a vegetarian diet. He, of course, also did not impose his diet on the nation… lol. HH
Who Said That?
3 days ago
Vegetarianism is a form of Ascetic practice common among monks. This is more likely than the alternative of shortage of meat. Most likely it was a personal sacrifice he made for a specific purpose.
3 days ago
yea good point. you only have one brain and its delicate. Train defensive movement, big time. Mike Tyson was the best at it, once you get the basics down in the gym study his drills and fights
3 days ago
3 days ago
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
3 days ago
I agree that the US is the hub of ZOG especially militarily but our revolution needs to be a global aryan revolution so that the jews don’t create an intra-NATO war to stamp out the revolution.
3 days ago
Yeah im sure biden was out boxing several times a week….
3 days ago
Its a good skill, and its fun. Your best bet is a gym, once a week with a AC is good but not really enough to develop skills in it.
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
you can train but taking constant blows too your head will make you slow someday…look at our leader biden brain dead head
3 days ago
i have wasted years of dedication scribbling on walls…i am ready to use the same determination into something more productive
3 days ago
what a time to be alive
3 days ago
Find an mma gym
3 days ago
I want to fight it feels good
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
go to the range instead
3 days ago
Join a gym
3 days ago
if i dont have a nat soc to teach me boxing whats the best way to learn
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
you are correct sir again
3 days ago
i am always keen for a trek…nowhere within sydney is too far for me, thanks
3 days ago
when your org is big, and everywhere, that’s when it starts to threaten jewish power
3 days ago
3 days ago
NSN Darwin
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
its not a U.S. Gov and yes you are correct. They use the FiB to infiltrate and make up crimes on any group that tries too collectivize
3 days ago
i am messaging the bot now…thanks thomas and thad
3 days ago
3 days ago
on telegram as well
3 days ago
Joel once stated any WN movement that succeeds in getting power would be crushed by the US Govt, so our race depends on American WNs seizing power. Do you agree? I’ve tried activism here in Michigan and it’s sometimes feel like a uphill battle and we’re failing our kin across the West
3 days ago
on telegram
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
I like the way you think mister
3 days ago
i thought they were based in victoria…ill try messsging eam on telegram, thanks
Kiowa Renegade
3 days ago
i vote for Goose SStomping
3 days ago
yea, NSN and EAM
Rebellious Goy
3 days ago
parrot mountains?
3 days ago
is there a group near parramtta???
3 days ago
what do you think the next step after active clubs is
3 days ago
I agree. Active Clubs seem to be the best option in Canada right now. We have some big plans in the works.
3 days ago
I wish them well but they ultimately are not NS and they allow non-whites at their VIP events.
3 days ago
Not a fan of Diagolon?
3 days ago
3 days ago
Words and stories shape reality. Real and fictional ones. Fiction is what fuels future inventions, people imagined planes before fully building them.
3 days ago
What’s up my Aryan brothers and sisters? Greetings from Canada.
3 days ago
WN is exploding on Twitter right now. It’s incredible. Even mainstream guys like Anthony Cumia are promoting it.
3 days ago
Don’t you think that “give them bread and circuses” is a simple solution?… Obviously the jews do not want White European Gentiles to have influence in the production of films and tv…
3 days ago
turkey has replica of that trojan horse
Rebellious Goy
3 days ago
the old cunning linguist
3 days ago
Tom if you saw a black woman being attacked, would you help her?
3 days ago
Have you ever read about Roman rituals? theres 1 called evocatio deorum that basically invited foreign gods of racial foreigners that they defeated in battle back to rome. perhaps to increase their power levels. i believe they made a big mistake in inviting the jewish god back.
3 days ago
I’m just listening while I work. earphone in and getting my work done. cheers.
3 days ago
have you seen what handsome truth has been up to lately?
3 days ago
But only 10-15% of the nation is habitable
3 days ago
chastisement. happens to me
Heeb Watch
3 days ago
I think many people focus so heavily on demographics when looking for a place to purchase land/home that they overlook density. Australia has amazing population density. 27 million on the entire continent
3 days ago
be great if you could get Jason & Mark on
Love & Division
3 days ago
Be careful you don’t get dragged into a David Koresh situation.
Based Chungus
3 days ago
Any tips for or rants on the schizomaxxing archetypes? I feel like you tone down your third eye a lot on streams lol…trump’s right ear….
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
One of the most unfortunate things about Hitler is that although he was a great wartime leader, his true talent was at running a great country, creating peace
3 days ago
I woke up a around 4am
3 days ago
Are Whites waking up in Australia
3 days ago
Foreigners out!
3 days ago
sure seems like it, their god certain seems demonic
3 days ago
what advice would you give to help with expanding a smaller org
Heeb Watch
3 days ago
If you live in the states and want to get a trade skill, look into the WIOA grant. I got it to pay for my whole trade school plus $500 dollars for work clothes.
3 days ago
Have you seen what Handsome truth has been up to lately?
3 days ago
I tried contacting NS13 in Ontario, got no response
3 days ago
most people dont get doxxed if they take basic opsec precautions
Rebellious Goy
3 days ago
based boss
3 days ago
3 days ago
they doxxed too may people
3 days ago
yea, doxxing doesn’t do what it used to
3 days ago
3 days ago
Walther Mauser
3 days ago
Who would dare strike a god king, yo!
3 days ago
3 days ago
It is kind of odd that some people believe nobody would conspire to kill Trump.
3 days ago
yeah that was a great interview with Elijah. sent that to alot of people.
Walther Mauser
3 days ago
Pragmatic realpolitik
3 days ago
The right ear thing was at the least an interesting coincidence
Anonymous Goy
3 days ago
3 days ago
I was watching
. He interviewed Thomas awhile ago. Does a good current events show
3 days ago
Not sure as to why but they wouldnt have allowed any ,eaningful amount to move to germany.
3 days ago
Based Chungus
3 days ago
Any tips for or rants on the schizomaxxing archetypes? I feel like you tone down your third eye a lot on streams lol…trump’s right ear….
3 days ago
i wonder why the germans were so buddy buddy with muslims…they were doing it in the first world war..perhaps it was “enemy of my enemy” thing
3 days ago
lol i figured that
3 days ago
That being said im sure the original muslims like the old persians and hindus were not like the current ones.
3 days ago
I meant to post that in another chat…
3 days ago
Yeah, Rudolf Hess was treated with no dignity
3 days ago
Dr Jim Wickstrom was right
3 days ago
Just because Hitler said nice things about certain muslim practices doesnt mean anything admirable is coming from its adherents today.
3 days ago
3 days ago
Thanks for the heads up mate
Walther Mauser
3 days ago
Harry Holler
3 days ago
Jews are our god in the West
3 days ago
Its all good, i appreciate the effort Brother
3 days ago
Jesus also talks about the coming man in “The parable of the Tenants’ to the High Priests and Pharisees.
3 days ago
Thomas Sewell is Live
3 days ago
God does nothing, you have to do it.
3 days ago
Good Evening o/
Walther Mauser
3 days ago
lol, beat me to it
3 days ago
3 days ago
Thanks Walter !
Heeb Watch
3 days ago
Evening from Denver, CO Chat & Sewell \o
3 days ago
Your not boring if you got a few braincells to rub together, and some will to power
3 days ago
Tom needs to to another episode of Racist Couch
3 days ago
3 days ago
Thankyou. Appreciate it
3 days ago
the talk has been outstanding.
3 days ago
Is Toms interview with Schaefer only on Rumble errr? Cant find it on Schaefers channel here
Wizard in the Woods
3 days ago
Tabula Rasa – blank slate. People are covered with beliefs and ideas that they’ve picked up like a nasty windshield filled with bugs. Enlightenment is an unprogramming. That’s the child-like state of truth.
3 days ago
You have to add a bank account to your Odysee account in order to receive donations. Odysee has very low fees compared to other livestream platforms.
3 days ago
you can still trade them on some exchanges?
3 days ago
Those Odysee LBC tokens are completely worthless since being shut down by the (((US Securities Exchange Commission)))
3 days ago
3 days ago
being gay and Blue Orbital is moron
3 days ago
Rumble maybe
3 days ago
Hail Sewell
Harry Holler
3 days ago
Blue Orbital
3 days ago
being a christian and against jewish power is a oxymoron
Harry Holler
3 days ago
“Because muh Jeebus was a jew too”
Walther Mauser
3 days ago
Bad Tölz Junkerschulen type streams are the best.
Harry Holler
3 days ago
That Elijah Schaffer interview was a godike performance, Thomas.
3 days ago
Better is the little that the righteous has
than the abundance of many wicked.
17 For ythe arms of the wicked shall be broken,
but the LORD zupholds the righteous.
3 days ago
Near death experiences
Harry Holler
3 days ago
Come on, follow Jesus, and just spread the other cheek when the jews fuvk you over
Harry Holler
3 days ago
Lol. Thank you.
Wizard in the Woods
3 days ago
Welcome to the higher IQ chat
Harry Holler
3 days ago
goddamn. Red Ice was boring the shot out of me
3 days ago
It goes all the way back to Cro-Magnon VS. Neanderthal. Jews have high levels of neanderthal admixture; they are the descendants of the human-neanderthal hybrids discovered in Israel:
3 days ago
heaven is true, beautiful and good
3 days ago
Varg’s belief is basically reincarnation, but only if you mate within your own race
3 days ago
Yes; Trump will just put the normiecons back to sleep. Kabala Harris and her Jewish husband would be the best strategic choice for 3rd positionists
3 days ago
I personally want Trump to lose. I want White Americans to realize that no one is coming to save them, demographics are destiny, and non whites are voting against them based on race. I don’t think his assassination would have lead directly to a civil war but soead up the process
3 days ago
3 days ago
They need the White representation so they will fight for Israel, thats it.
3 days ago
Whats odd about muslims and indians. Is that islam talks about certain health rules and wrestling and the hindu gods are portayed as these jakced warriors, but every muslim & indian in melbourne is lanky or fat.
3 days ago
jews have propoed up trump to all ends
3 days ago
ghandi was a fag
3 days ago
Low barrier to entry for islam…
The Pork Report
3 days ago
Walther Mauser
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
are you religious, Tom?
My Awesome Channel
3 days ago
this is the most boring content I have ever seen
3 days ago
remember to conserve your vril/seed bros
3 days ago
Based Chungus
3 days ago
Any tips for or rants on the schizomaxxing archetypes? I feel like you tone down your third eye a lot on streams lol…trump’s right ear….
3 days ago
mass deportations to africa asap
3 days ago
who would win: every top ‘intellectual’ in the West vs 1 aussie construction worker?
3 days ago
im sure he has other social media that you can reech out, but to be honest ive never seen Sewell live like other guys
Operation Werewolf
3 days ago
is ther any otherway?
3 days ago
its possible that hees not seeking donations
The Governess
3 days ago
looks to be disabled
3 days ago
it says only creators with verified cash accounts.
Operation Werewolf
3 days ago
Can anyone else not donate to this page?
3 days ago
Boomer Nerd
3 days ago
[Isa 3:12 KJV][as for] my people, children [are] their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause [thee] to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
3 days ago
if your society’s norms/morals run counter to nature, it’ll be enslaved and gang raped by a society with norms that are in concordance with nature
3 days ago
3 days ago
HH and I don’t mean the WWF
The Governess
3 days ago
3 days ago
good evening, brothers
3 days ago
Listening on a forklift o/
3 days ago
3 days ago
3 days ago
88 o/
3 days ago
3 days ago
fuck niggers and jews
See Also
Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript
Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript
Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript
Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript
Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript
Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT
Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript
Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT
The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT
Guns and Butter interviews Christopher Bollyn — The War on Terror – Dec 18, 2019 — Transcript
AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript
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