Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Eric Striker – Aug 28, 2024 – Transcript


Mark Collett


Patriotic Weekly Review – with Eric Striker



Wed, Aug 28, 2024


[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks with Eric Striker, an American nationalist activist:

Topics include:

• Mark apologizes for starting late due to technical issues. He encourages viewers to share the stream and make financial contributions.

• Eric Striker discusses his new show “War Strike” and other projects.

• They discuss recent events in the UK, including new speech laws and immigration policies. Mark says: “Britain has always been regarded as one of the countries in Europe that has had probably more rights when it comes to free speech.”

• They discuss the arrest of Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram. Striker says: “I think that all of this is emanating from Washington, where they see the phrase of the global empire starting to actually go.”

• They debate the role of figures like Candace Owens in discussing controversial topics.

• Mark says: “Millions of people who weren’t aware there was even an issue of zionist or jewish power are all of a sudden aware of that now.”

• They discuss the economic situation in the UK and cuts to social programs.

• Striker comments: “I think the reason they’re rushing to put in all these new surveillance mechanisms… is an anticipation for these extremely hard economic times that are right over the horizon.”

• They talk about the Labour Party’s policies and Keir Starmer’s leadership. Mark predicts: “I think at the next general election… The Tories would make back some seats, not many, but some Labour would have a massively reduced majority, but would still win.”

• They discuss Donald Trump’s chances in the 2024 US election. Striker says: “It’s up in the air, not looking good. Blowing the campaign, running as a conventional conservative.”

• They talk about video games, particularly the Total War series and Castlevania games. Mark says: “The best Castlevania game ever is super Castlevania Four on the Super Nintendo.”

• They discuss their drinking habits and preferences. Striker says: “Anyone who’s actually been out drinking with me will tell you that I turn into a teddy bear.”

• They talk about the Order of Nine Angles and its alleged connections to intelligence agencies.

• Striker: “The Order of Nine Angles in the United States is beyond reasonable doubt, proven in court with documentation controlled by the FBI.”

• They discuss the concept of “indirect discrimination” in UK policies. Mark argues: “This disproportionately affects the indigenous population which is a form of indirect discrimination.”

• They talk about the potential for a “White uprising” in the UK.

• Striker says: “Those protests are remarkable. The anti immigration protests, the white uprising, and they are actually an example for the entire western world.”

• They discuss the changing perception of the West as a bastion of free speech.

• Mark says: “The West is the new soviet police state, and their NKVD is coming for anyone like Durov.”

• They talk about the potential future of Telegram and other social media platforms.

• Striker predicts: “Free speech will lose in the end. But it’s perhaps naive to think that it ever even existed.”

• They discuss the concept of “community leaders” in the context of protests.

• Mark says: “PA is about community building, and myself and Laura and others, in fact, have put themselves forward as community leaders for these demonstrations.”

• They talk about the potential for a book by Striker. “It’s going to be a history book. It’s going to be about a time period everyone’s interested in perhaps what led to the time period.”

• They discuss the idea of “majority rule” in the UK. Striker argues: “If it’s good enough for South Africa, it’s good enough for Britain. Majority rule.”

• They talk about the two-party system and its problems.

• Mark says: “When the new party gets in, it immediately blames the old party for all the problems and asks for a decade to sort them out, at which point they only make things worse.”



Published on Wed, Aug 28, 2024




Patriotic Weekly Review – with Eric Striker
August 29, 2024
Mark Collett
Episode 277 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Eric Striker.
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Eric Striker
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(Words: 20,346 – 2:08:34 mins)



Mark Collett: Hello everybody, and welcome to Patriotic Weekly Review. We are live tonight on DLive, Odysee, Rumble and Entropy. Sorry we’re a few minutes late. I had a couple of minor technical issues which I had to iron out for some reason. Streamyard was playing up a little bit. I don’t know why, couldn’t get it to work. But it is now working and we are ready to fly.


So here we are, and we have the return tonight of Eric Striker. I’ll be introducing him shortly, but before we do that, I just want to say please help share the stream. Please tell everyone we’re live. Obviously, I am de-platformed on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, you name it. I’m only on alternative social networks.


So please do help share this stream, help get the word out that this is happening. That would be really, really helpful for me and it would mean more people get to see this excellent show.


Secondly, please do consider making a contribution to the show. The show will run for 2 hours in the second half of the show. We take questions or comments from the viewers. You can contribute via Odysee or Entropy. If you send your comment or your question, we will read it out live on air in the second hour of the show. And obviously, if you send a financial contribution, I’ll be very grateful. That is what keeps us afloat. It’s what keeps our head above water.


Now, I don’t put any of my work behind a paywall. Everything’s free. All my videos are free, my books free, and people can contact me at And you can download my book from


So if you can spare something, $3, $5, $10, whatever you can afford, it will be greatly appreciated. You can also donate via crypto. All my crypto links are down in the description below. Please do check those out. You can donate whether I am online or offline, and you can find them in the description on Odysee on Rumble and if you’re watching on replay on BitChute.


Finally, as I said earlier, you can write to me at And I will be back later this week. I’ve got a video coming out on the recent stabbings in Germany at the Diversity Festival. I’m also live with Dr David Duke at 04:00 pm on Friday and on Sunday I am back with Natty and the Patriarch for the Nationalist A-Team.


So I’ve got a packed weekend coming up and a packed two hour show. We’ll run slightly late tonight because we started slightly late. And for once it wasn’t Striker’s fault. It was all my fault. Technical issues plagued me. I don’t know what was up with it.


Eric Striker: But anyway, time is money. Time is money.


Mark Collett: Usually late. For once you were on time. It was all my fault. So I apologise.


But we’ve got Eric Striker here. It’s been a while. It’s been 30 weeks since you’ve been on this show? How time flies. You’ve now got your own show with Warren Balogh. You are back. It’s called War Strike. It is excellent, if slightly long for my liking. 7 hours of streaming is probably too much for any normal human being, but Eric Striker is no normal human being.


And he also does an excellent! He’s got his own excellent Substack called Litoria and he still works with the justice report. I regularly share their work. Their takes are always excellent!


So it’s a great pleasure to have you back here tonight, Eric.


And as you haven’t been here for a while, maybe you want to tell everyone what you’ve been up to since we last saw you.


Eric Striker: Yeah. So myself and Warren Balogh have been working on War Strike. It’s used to be twice a week, but I don’t think people have 16 hours in a week to listen to me and Warren. So we cut it down to one eight hour show a week. You know, if you could sit through the Lord of the Rigs trilogy, you could do the same for the War Strike drill. Well, one episode.


So we have that going on. I have Latoria and I might actually be working on a book. Will not say more, but pretty busy. So I hear things are exciting in your neck of the woods. Someone told me something was going on there.


Mark Collett: Things have been exciting. And if by exciting you mean a Labour power grab, which is absolutely terrifying and probably the most draconian set of speech laws incoming that we’ve got in the whole western world. I did say to people that Labour and the Tories, they are two sides of the same coin, but the Tories are kind of like, the car is going to the edge of the cliff at 40 miles an hour, Labour. The car is going to the edge of the cliff at 70 miles an hour. And if anyone ever voted for the Lib-Dems, or if the Lib-Dems ever got to power, well, the car would be going at light speed and you’d be over the edge of the cliff before you even knew it.


But things are getting very interesting here, and Britain has always been regarded as one of the countries in Europe that has had probably more rights when it comes to free speech. We’ve never had specific Holocaust denial laws. We have had anti-Hate Speech laws, which, you know, there is a reasonable threshold there. In the past, if you were to be accused of hate speech, you have to have used threatening, insulting or abusive language. It has to fall in that category. But the new laws they’re bringing in are simply going to state that it was likely that hate would be stirred up.


So these new laws will be probably brought to Parliament shortly after this Hundred Day security sprint that the Home Office on whether assessing different groups, social networks, language used online, individuals that have been named as being the ones that stirred up recent troubles. It’s going to be interesting times, but I think people living in Britain are going to see Britain very rapidly transforming into a Soviet style Police State under the Labour Party.


Eric Striker: Well, I think that one of the reasons the people in Britain are being subjected to this is due to the fact that you are in a Hungary 1956 style situation over there. Those protests are remarkable. The anti-immigration protests, the White uprising, and they are actually an example for the entire Western world that the people there have had enough. They’re not going to allow the system to bully them. So they have to pull out all the hard power stops. You know, they have to just throw everyone in jail, release all the criminals, put all the thought criminals in. It’s how it is. This is the path to power, my friend.


Mark Collett: Well, I’ll say this. The anti-immigration protests have largely fizzled out. Around 1,000 people have been arrested.


And right now the government are arresting, well, a range of other people that said things on social media, and they are still hunting down people who said things online.


So at the moment, it is quite terrifying to be a nationalist in the UK. Well, if you’re a nationalist in the UK, that was saying anything of any note, it is quite terrifying, I can tell you this. I think as and when they bring in these new laws. I did a video on this last week. It’s up on my Odysee channel. I think we’re going to see probably the largest crackdown on free speech, and I think using words such as swamping in conjunction with immigration, that will now become illegal. And they’re going to beef up the existing Online Safety Bill and the online safety laws to basically turn those into some kind of draconian charter for closing down social networks. And Telegram is the one that is really in their sights.


And as we saw sort of at the end of last week, Pavel Durov the Russian who owns Telegram, he has been arrested in France. He is being now held by the French authorities. They keep extending the amount of time they can hold him for. And it appears as if this is probably the first step towards actually shutting down a social network via putting serious, serious pressure in terms of criminal actions against that social network’s owner. I don’t know what you think about this, but I’ve actually got quite a bit to say about this because I find this very interesting.


Eric Striker: Well, the way I look at this, I think the most useful way to look at it is to see developments in the United Kingdom, in France, to see the arrest of Durov. See, this is part of a broader system on War Strike. We’ve done quite a few episodes demonstrating how the United Kingdom has become a vassal state of American high finance, judeo-American high finance.


And so when you see things like someone being arrested, like in the case of Durov, you have to think like, who benefits, right? Who is this coming from? Who’s giving permission for this? I suspect that all of this is emanating from Washington, where they see the phrase of the global empire starting to actually go, the British government is one of the most discredited and hated on the planet by its people. Okay? No doubt about it. It has a very low approval rate. There’s no opposition party in sight. The honeymoon with Kier Starmer was over within days. And you see a crisis of legitimacy in that country. These are very dangerous things for the elites there.


And so when you have a situation like Telegram and Durov, someone who sensibly does not let any government bully him into becoming their tool, you know, Durov has been approached by several intelligence agencies, from the FBI to French intelligence. His phone was hacked, I believe, by French intelligence to work for them. They tried to actually get Telegram to move to Paris to be based out of there, because they want to use Telegram to overthrow the Venezuelan government or spread discord in Iran and so on. But they don’t want it to be used to organise protests against immigration in the UK. They don’t want it to be used to report accurately on what Israel is doing in Gaza. They don’t want it to be used to tell us what’s going on in Ukraine. Our media in the West, particularly Anglo-sphere, is worse than nothing on that.


The only way you can get even a shred of an idea of what’s going on in the Ukraine war is through Telegram. It’s now the osent platform that all professionals use. Twitter is useless. All these others are useless.


So this whole thing where they’re saying Durov is responsible for people selling drugs on Telegram. Well, anyone that has ever had WhatsApp.


Can see that there’s people selling drugs on there all over the place. They talk about child pornography and human trafficking, blaming Durov for that. Instagram was outed as the number one hub for child trafficking of all the Internet platforms. But because Instagram and because WhatsApp.


Are owned by judeo-Americans who work very closely in tandem with the CIA and the FBI, they’re allowed to do this.


And finally, the reason I think they used the French government to arrest Durov, rather than just the American government doing it, is because of section 230.


So what the United States does, the American Deep State, when they can’t actually use American laws to prosecute you, they get one of their NATO vassal states, like France or Britain, to do it for them.


And I think that the ultimate objective here is to break Durov and turn him into a lackey of the judeo-American order so that they can only use it to harm their enemies without any blowback coming back to them.


Mark Collett: Well, what made me laugh about Durov is Durov’s obviously Russian descent, and he left Russia, and he made his home in the West. And I found this pretty damn interesting, because in the era that I was brought up in, I’m an eighties child.


I was born in 1980, and as I was born in 1980, I was brought up on the Sean Connery and Roger Moore James Bond films. And I was brought up in that kind of era where people fled from Russia or from the Soviet Union to come to the West. And there was this idea that if you were a political dissident, the safest place for you to be a political dissident was in the West, because the West was the place where there was free speech, where there was freedom of association, where people had civil rights, where there was more Civil Liberties. And there was this idea that there would be a constant flow of intelligent people fleeing Russia and the Soviet Union to live in places like Britain, France, West Germany, America. That’s where political dissidents fled to. It was a one way movement from east to west.


And Pavel Durov, I’m not sure how old he is, but I’m sure he’s old enough to be sort of influenced by that kind of mindset. And obviously, he came here to the West from Russia. He broke away from Russia because he wanted to create a free speech a where people’s data was encrypted, safe, could be transmitted privately, because he believes in free speech. He believes in something greater. He doesn’t want a Police State. He doesn’t want his app. He doesn’t want his social network to be used by security services to spy on people. He doesn’t want to be bullied into being told who he can and who he can’t have on his social network. He’s a free speech privacy man. And he thought that the West was going to be the defender of his values.


And I find this quite amazing, that in my lifetime, the West has gone from that place which appeared to be this bastion of free speech where people would flee to in order to regain their privacy, their liberties and their rights, to a place that is in many ways far more oppressive than the modern day Eastern Europe or Russia. And all those Bond films where Roger Moore or Sean Connery has to extract a Russian or Soviet scientists to the West so they can be free and enjoy a private life and investigate things in a free and open way. Those days are gone. The West is the new Soviet Police State, and their NKVD is coming for anyone like Durov.


And when I heard that Durov had been arrested, my sort of response was sort of almost to throw my head back in the air and sort of just laugh. Well, not laugh, but sort of to sort of express, oh, God. In that kind of way of why did he think. What was he thinking when he thought places like France or Britain or Germany were going to be safer for him?


Eric Striker: Yeah, I mean, this is an outdated notion that a lot of Russians have going back to the Cold War. Like you said, there’s a very famous Russian dissident, Edward Liminov, and he was a bit of a crackpot. He was basically Putin’s first supposed persecuted dissident. He did the Natsbol party, and Putin cracked down on the Natsbols. They were part of the opposition, along with Alexei Navalny, who was a big Natsbol organiser. Long story there.


But anyway, there’s a book, you know, he wrote kind of a memoir where he moved as a dissident to the United States and realised that America was just as repressive as the Soviet Union.


And so he just kind of wrote off all these systems and became a total nihilist because he was just like, okay, they’re all bad at the end of the day, like anything, if you’re the guy in power, think of the American empire as a collapsing, as a giant with clay feet, where at one point, the American empire wanted everybody to live according to the principles of free trade, right? Well, no longer. Now America is leading the world in protectionism, largely because of China. China is better at the trade than America. They produce more. So now America is the protectionist.


Then you have the issue of human liberty, free speech being an example to the world of a nation where you can say, read or think whatever you want. Well, if your system is being actively challenged and you’re not confident that it can win, you have no choice but to immediately jump to hard power every time. Throwing people in jail, hate speech, legislation, censorship, violence.


Mark Collett: Okay?


Eric Striker: Because you can’t possibly deny that the British government is at least partially responsible for the Asian gangs that go and beat up Whites in retaliation for the immigration protests. Because of course, the police don’t arrest them, right?


And then you have, of course, the Antifa types, who mostly centreed in London and a few big cities, oftentimes made up of the local nonprofits and people in the gay community that are literally paid to be activists. Those people can do violence all they want, and the police are on their side. Right? The police quite literally make a safe path for them to walk and do their fake lark of a protest against the White majority in Britain. So what am I getting at here? Our governments are no different. No government reacts any different. It’s pure thuggery. They are clinging for life. This is the silver lining is that our regimes are actively collapsing, okay? The economies are basically lingering by a thread. The public does not actually believe these regimes, whether in France or in the UK or in America, are legitimate. If you don’t believe me, go look up McCrone’s approval rating or Keir Starmer’s approval rating. We’re becoming poor. I did a whole episode of War Strike on the United Kingdom, how the UK at this point is now manufacturing and exporting less than Mexico.


So in many regards, the United Kingdom, when you look at the GDP per PPP, is an emerging country outside of London. Most of the country is actually kind of poor. And the elites have no solutions for this. They know that there’s going to be an inevitable backlash that will make the current one look like child’s play. We’re not calling for it, we’re not encouraging it, we’re not organising it’s just something that’s going to happen. We are weather forecasters in the storm will come because there is no other. There’s no plan even for what to do with our countries, for what to do with our people.


So they are just reacting in fear. They’re lashing out and discrediting their entire project. The liberal world order in the process. In the long term, this is good for us.


Mark Collett: I think the thing as well that people miss when they talk about Britain’s exports and imports is Britain’s exports do look quite healthy on paper, but most of that is financial services. These aren’t exports, where you’re producing things which have a trickle down effect and actually benefits, benefit normal people. When you have some financial guy sat in an office somewhere who can add a billion pounds to some kind of export, to export in a couple of clicks of a button that does not trickle down to normal people, that isn’t like you created a billion pounds worth of shoes in a factory, and thousands of people were employed. Thousands of people had to be employed to make their uniforms and to make them sandwiches and to cut their hair and to serve them drinks and meals in the pub after they finished work. That’s one of the major problems, that Britain’s economy seems healthier than it is because of the City of London. If you remove the City of London, it wouldn’t look as good on the balance sheet.


And the problem with the City of London as the City of London only benefits a tiny number of people, which obviously creates a huge problem. But back to Durov. I am sure that the French government have been pressured as well by the UK, because there are serious moves now within the UK to ensure that Telegram is banned. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple or Google, via the a store or the Google Play Store at some point moved as well to ban the app. They’re doing this.


And I think there’s going to be an interesting knock on effect as well.


Number one, we’ve seen this sort of flipping of the narrative, where the West is no longer a bastion of free speech and is many ways more oppressive than powers in the east.


And secondly, I think this is a big flex on people like Elon Musk, because in the UK, the British government have mentioned Telegram. They have talked about the need to control Telegram and the bad things happen on Telegram. But the UK government have also criticised Elon Musk, accused him of stirring tension, sharing disinformation, and allowing Twitter to let people like Tommy Robinson and others call for people to attend protests and to share information that led to those protests becoming hotbeds of disorder.


So I think some of this is potentially a way to threaten Musk. What do you think to that?


Eric Striker: I have to strongly disagree with that.


In fact, I think this crackdown on Telegram is synergistic, with a move to nudge more people towards Twitter. And let me explain my theory here. So it recently came out that the top shareholders for Twitter are a group of jewish billionaires, many of them with connections to Israeli intelligence, such as Bill Ackmanden. There’s another guy, Larry Ellison. I believe even Puff Daddy or P. Diddy is a major shareholder at Twitter.


So there’s a lot of shady stuff going on in terms of the control of Twitter, the interaction they have with the Israeli government and the British government. Because how else does the British Police State find those who make naughty tweets who are anonymous, if not through collaboration from Twitter?


So these are all open ended questions. Not saying that any smoking gun yet, but I think there are many reasons to be sceptical of Twitter.


For example, I was researching the loan process, how Elon Musk bought Twitter. And it’s kind of suspicious, because on paper, it’s the worst business deal banks have made, probably since 2008. They loaned him $13 billion to buy Twitter. The company, as soon as Elon Musk took power, lost half of its value. He paid 44 billion. It’s now worth 19 billion. Very bad decision from the banks. So is there a government role? Is there a clandestine intelligence agreement going on with Twitter with this strange money that was used to buy Twitter? That Musk put in some money, but a lot of it also came from these banks that, on paper, made one of the worst banking decisions in history with Twitter.


So these are all questions that I believe are open ended. I think that it’s not controversial to say that even if Musk is not a bad actor, that if he’s a good actor, that he’s going to be far more willing to work with the British government and the American governments than Pavel Durov and his 30 engineers, because there’s only 30 people that work on Telegram, by the way. So he keeps a very tight circle. Pavel Durov, just to compare, Google has thousands of workers dedicated just to censorship. So think of that in terms of the corruptibility of the whole project.


So I think that, actually, if I had to speculate, there may be a move to push some of the energy onto Twitter where the American government can better see it. The American government has a backdoor, can watch. Everybody has. It’s the owners close to home, rather than Babel Durov, who’s in the United Arab Emirates and flying around the world and kind of a loose cannon. Just my own theory here. I don’t think Musk is in any trouble.


Mark Collett: Well, the UK government has sort of mentioned him. Twitter already has to abide by certain laws in countries like Germany, where certain tweets are greyed out. The World bank suspended all their advertising on Twitter the other day over Musk’s refusal to suspend certain racist accounts.


And I do think the arrest of Pavel Durov is something that would worry someone like Musk.


Now, the UK government are never going to extradite him from America, that’s a fact. But he would be maybe foolish to land on British soil and other people are going to be feeling the same way. You know, again, you talk about America using its vassal states. Well, America probably isn’t going to arrest Musk for allowing hate speech to flourish on Twitter, but if he landed in Britain, Britain could arrest him. Same with the French state.


And I think that, obviously, I’m not saying Musk is 100% a nationalist, but since he has. Since he has taken on Twitter, he has used the platform to change sort of what’s allowed to be said. And he’s boosted numerous people. He’s talked about the JQ, he’s let numerous people back. He’s allowing people to use the platform more freely than it was before.


I mean, this isn’t perfect because there’s certain people who haven’t been allowed back.


And I think the British government do fear that kind of social network. I think the British government do fear somebody like Musk, you know, allowing Twitter to be used in that way. I mean, notably, one MP was very unhappy that he allowed the Donald Trump interview on X. You know, obviously, the government themselves have mentioned him, so I don’t really think there’s a conspiracy here. I think, you know, Musk should definitely be wary about where he travels to.


Eric Striker: I don’t think Musk is very close to the American intelligence state.


In fact, some of his companies are funded by the American Deep State. He’s very close to the Israeli government. He’s very close to many of these different regimes. Sure, that he allows some degree of free speech, but again, this is pulling energy away from Telegram. If you’re going to be able to use Twitter, you’re not going to use Telegram, because Telegram is full. There’s no conversation happening there. And if there is a lot of different feds and stuff are polluting the platform with all types of shenanigans, Twitter is less so on that front.


But I do think that Twitter might have more to it than meets the eye. And I don’t think Musk is as big of as big of a fan as we might think.


After all, remember, you’re allowed to say what you want on Twitter to a point, to an extent, as long as you’re not politically organising. Who were the people that were surgically banned when they brought everybody back onto Twitter? Who was surgically banned? Who remained surgically banned? It was everybody with NJP, right? Everybody from Patriotic Alternative, everybody from the Nordic Resistance Movement, basically all the organic leaders of the White race, regardless of the country, the political organisations, the vehicles that turn free speech into political action. Legal, after all of it protected by law, according to the little book, every rule followed.


Yet nevertheless, when we would upload a video of an NJP protest on Twitter, it would be immediately flagged and shut down. The account would be closed. Even those that were there for years would suddenly be closed without any warning and no appeal. I find that to be incredibly suspicious, particularly how surgical it is. It’s the people inside of Twitter know exactly who we are and are very hostile to us, specifically you and I, Mark. You and I, …


Mark Collett: Look, I understand that, and I understand there have been other Twitter accounts that have been taken care of, so to speak. You know, Kevin MacDonald, David Duke, Lucas Gage. There have been several people who were removed and several people who have been allowed back.


However, I will say this. Twitter is a much more approachable platform than Telegram.


Now, Telegram is arguably a more useful platform in terms of organising things because of the way it does pretty much everything. You can stream, you can share movies, you can have discussion groups, you can use it as you would use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch. You know, you can use it to organise in a way that basically draws from every existing social network or video sharing site.


So it is a very useful tool, but it is not immediately as discoverable or digestible as a site like Twitter, which allows you to reach millions more.


And I think there have been people I know you’re not a great fan of people like Nick Fuentes, but they come on there and they’re getting, you know, millions of people are seeing his tweets on things like the JQ.


And I think that’s important in terms of education. But I do totally agree with you. There is a hard barrier on Twitter that prevents anyone going onto the platform who is trying to organise a real world ethno-nationalist movement. And that is something that we absolutely noticed. And it wasn’t just a case of one account going down, it was a case of all accounts going down at exactly the same moment. And a hard ban being placed on any links to websites associated with that organisation.


So you can’t share links or you couldn’t share links to NJP you couldn’t share links to Patrick, or you can’t share links to Patriotic Alternative.


When it comes down to it is a very, very difficult situation to be in, because obviously, I’m not happy that I’m banned there, but I am happy that other people who regularly come on my show are allowed there to speak freely and to speak to a wider audience than I do.


Eric Striker: Here’s where I have my critiques of that, is that there’s a sort of ersatz effect here, where you have figures like Candace Owens who are allowed to use these platforms and grow very large. They attract people throwing a couple of bones out on JQ stuff, but then they spin you off down this rabbit hole of pure nonsense of paranoid schizophrenia. I think what they’re. What’s going on here is certain types of people, I’m not saying they’re agents or whatever, but I think certain types of opinions are actually artificially boosted on Twitter, while those that are more common sense are not. And that’s not something I’m making up, because there are hackers that actually saw some of the algorithms that Twitter under Musk has, where accounts like end wokeness or clown world are boosted artificially. Ben Shapiro. Boosted artificially.


And I think it’s to actually manipulate the public conversation going on a bit. Remember, it’s not that people are seeing Candace Owens or Nick Fuentes, and suddenly they’re awake to the JQ. It’s the jews themselves for their behaviour in Gaza, where they are quite literally raping people and then defending. Raping people in their captivity, murdering children by the thousands. That’s what’s waking people up.


So when you have somebody like Candice Owens say:


“Well, it’s because they believe in Sapatian Frankism.”


And so on and so forth, they’re engaging in epistemic pollution of the discussion. It’s not that they believe in Frankism. It’s that they. That’s who they are. They believe in the Talmud. The Talmud says, rise and kill them first. Kill the man, the woman, the child, hell, even kill the new puppy in the house. They have this mindset. The world is waking up, because, again, the Left is growing to be very anti-zionist, just as the Right is. And it’s simply for the same reason the world was angry at ISIS. They are the ones making themselves look bad.


So my fear is, some of these performers on Twitter that do some of the half good, half bad, they may actually be doing some harm to the conversation in terms of trying to understand what it is that billions of people in the world are seeing right before their eyes, largely on Telegram. That’s where you get the hardcore footage from the war in Gaza that is actually really making an impression on people. To see little kids with their heads blown off, to seeing people getting systematically raped with the permission of the Israeli government officials, to see journalists in Israel defending that behaviour, this is actually what’s radicalising people.


And so if you’re on Twitter, you may be nudged in a different direction or maybe off the target a bit. That’s just my opinion or my.


Mark Collett: I disagree with you, and I’ll tell you why I disagree with you. Candice Owens. She’s not someone who I believe understands everything as well as, say, myself, you, somebody like Dr David Duke or Kevin MacDonald.


But the fact she’s talking about this in any degree and that she’s holding these sort of crazy Twitter Spaces where anyone can join, and you’ve got people like Dan Bilzerian talking about it and they’re all trying to get to the bottom of these issues and they’re talking about the JQ in any way. Millions of people who weren’t aware there was even an issue of Zionist or jewish power are all of a sudden aware of that now. They might not be given a copy of My Awakening or jewish supremacism or The Culture of Critique or some book that’s going to explain it in greater detail that is going to lay everything out right from A to Z in a logical fashion. But they’re sort of getting A, B, C, F, G, I, H, D, E, you know, X, Y, Z. And there’s some bits missing because Candice Owens, I believe, doesn’t know exactly what she’s talking about at the moment.


But the fact she’s talking about it to some degree is better than not talking about it at all! Because four or five years ago, people like Dan Bilzerian, Candice Owens, and the people surrounding them wouldn’t have even touched this with a barge pole. They’d have called it a crazy conspiracy theory. Now they’re entertaining it to a large degree. Surely that’s got to be better. Surely there’s going to be lots of people who would have never even talked about our talking points who are now at least considerate them.


Eric Striker: Yeah, I mean, I hope you’re right about that. I think that, again, the Snooki effect, right? I believe it was D and G or one of these luxury handbag companies used to pay the reality TV star Snooki to carry their rivals bag in order to lower the value prestige of the rivals company. So I fear that there could be some of that going on now. It’s not the entire thing. These conversations are happening organically because of how world affairs are turning out.


So I guess we’ll just have to see with time what the natural effect of this is. But I only find it suspicious that they surgically make sure that we are silenced while these people are boosted. I find that to be odd. That’s all I’m saying. And when something doesn’t add up, when you see that two plus two equals five, just ask a few questions. Not saying I have some proof or anything. I’m just saying let’s wait and see a bit before running our victory laps with this one.


Mark Collett: Well, as I said, ….


So this is how I see it. Musk hasn’t given us everything we want. We’ve not got the moon on a stick, but we have got more than we had before. And not only have we got more than we had before in terms of free speech on the platform, we have more big content creators who used to be the Zionist playpen. So Candice Owens was one of Shapiro’s girls. She did what Shapiro told her to do. She said what she was meant to say. She was meant to be the base black lady that talked about wokeness but didn’t step out of her playpen. She is now broken out of the playpen and is running riot, saying things that Shapiro is very uncomfortable with her saying.


And I think we’ve got to look at things and say:


“Hey, ultimately, the cup is half full now. It’s not perfect. We’ve not got the moon on a stick!”


You know, she’s not turning up there with a vast and encyclopedic knowledge of how what happened in and around World War Two led to a New World Order, which changed the fundamental value system of the West, ushered in western liberal democracy, which was basically the foundation for our racial annihilation, the destruction of the family unit, and ultimately the replacement of White people. She couldn’t put it in that manner yet because she’s not where we are as people, but she’s on the road to being where we are. Well, yeah, I mean, look, also, I’m not.


Eric Striker: I’m not saying. I’m not attacking her just for that, but I’m saying, how come there’s no White men? Maybe damned military, right? Where are the White men? Like, pretty chat, right? He’s the only one, though. Where are the other White men that stand up and say these things? I mean, I find that suspicious as well. What? There’s no Whites who can defend Whites now? Why do we need to go through blacks to defend our race like that? Doesn’t even make any sense.


Mark Collett: Look, I’ll tell you why. I’ll tell you why, Eric, and this is going to blow your mind!


In fact, if that crazy hairdo doesn’t lift up an inch with this mind blowing, this mind blowing take, I don’t know what will happen.


Eric Striker: I’m gripping myself. I’m bracing yourself.


Mark Collett: Look, I’m telling you this now. People like Sargon of Akkad and other people who are, you know, influencers with huge followings, they know about the JQ, they know about it and but they’re too sort of media savvy and too invested in their production companies and the money they’re making and their positions to say anything. He knows we’re being replaced. He knows who’s doing it. And he knows what’s going on in Gaza is evil, but he’s too savvy to talk about it.


Candace Owens, on the other hand, she has a problem with impulse control. So when she hears something that interests her rather than thinking, is this going to be good for my long term bank balance and my ability to stream on YouTube and employ 20 people and attend conferences and travel all over the world, she says:


“I’ve heard this mind blowing thing. I’ve got to tell you all.”


And sometimes someone with that kind of low impulse control who hears something that blows their mind and wants to tell the world, is more useful than the slightly more intelligent, calculated individual that decides that some form of regulated speech and calculated cowardice is going to be more financially productive for them. And Candace is that person. Her and Dan Bilzerian, they’re not going to be Mensa members. But because of that, when they hear about a conspiracy, they don’t think to themselves:


“Is this going to make me look mad?”


They think:


“I’ve got to warn the world!”


Eric Striker: Why?


Let me ask you, though, let me ask you, though, why are they allowed to use social media freely while forget me, okay, you could say I’m a thug or I’m a hateful Nazi or whatever. What about Kevin MacDonald, who’s an academic? What about Jared Taylor, who’s a southern gentleman? What about all these people that are dignified, that do make. Yeah, they are Mensa members. These are actual Mensa members that make the White case, right? Make the case against the Zionists and the jews. How come they’re not allowed to use.


Mark Collett: I can tell you why. I can tell you why. Because Candice Owens, she built herself a much, much bigger audience, a much bigger platform, and she has numerous what are basically regarded as reputational shields. She is an African-American female with a huge conservative audience. That would be very noticeable if she disappeared for raising these issues. Somebody like me, 60,000 Twitter followers in our movement. That’s a good number. It was an exceptional number before the big cull. If I’d been allowed back properly, I’d probably be on 100, 4150 thousand now, maybe more. But still, Kevin Macdonald, myself, you know, even David Duke, they are small fry in terms of followers compared to Candice. And she has those reputational shields and she is somebody who was put on this pedestal. You see me and you, we’ve never been put on a pedestal. No one has ever said, right, you’ve got to listen to Mark and Striker.


Whereas for years the establishment Conservatives were going, Candace Owens is the one to listen to. So taking her down is now a lot harder than taking us down.


Eric Striker: I have to say. I remember 20 16, 20 17, 20 18. Before the big crackdown, people like Ian Miles Chung used to come on my show for exposure. Seriously, if you remember the heel turn days, we used to get thousands of live viewers with big actual guests. You’re allowed to use YouTube freely to grow. And we did. I disagree. I think our message is popular. I think we can be put on a pedestal.


And I think we actually make the compelling arguments without talking about reptiles and UFO’s and Masonic cults and child sacrifices. I’m serious. Like I sort of got. I mean, you don’t agree with me that there’s something on.


Mark Collett: No, I agree with you, mate. Look, I’m not saying we shouldn’t be put on a pedestal, but what I’m saying, I was there, mate. 2016, millions of views on individual videos, videos that went viral being retweeted by Donald Trump junior and sitting Congressman. I loved it!


But the fact is, it’s still not a blip on what she built and her mainstream acceptance. You know, she was the kind of person that was interviewing Donald Trump. And I’m just, look, I’m not putting you down or me down, but I know when someone’s a bigger creator than me, I can deal with that. I’m a big boy. Should I have more followers? Yes. Should I be on Twitter? Yes. Should I have my YouTube reinstated and unthrottled so I can get a million subs? Absolutely! My talking points were lapped up on YouTube. I had videos which in the first hour, were getting 27,000 views and people going mad for them.


But the fact is, I was bannable because I was a smaller name, whereas somebody like Candice is a bigger name. Whether that’s right or wrong, I don’t know. I can. I can live. I’m happy to live in a shell.


Eric Striker: It’s not personal. My idea here is that we. It’s not that it’s a fair race. Candace Owens. I’ve actually reported on this. Candace Owens was discovered on a modeling website by a bunch of jews about five years ago. So, like, it’s not like she’s someone who is purely organic. That’s just this more charismatic or compelling figure. She was astroturfed, Mark, and that’s something that I find is very common with these Twitter people. They’re astroturfed by, oftentimes, our moral racial enemies.


And in the case of Candace Owens, Lauren Boebert, all of these figures in the conservative movement, they were all discovered on a modeling website before they were ever political, given a script, brought into the conservative movement. This is how it works in America. It’s not like in England, where over there, you have a different way, like, people like, you actually have. As silly as the Tories are, there are actual Right-wing intellectuals in England.


In America, it’s literally just a bunch of actors and actresses and models that are recruited by Rudy Giuliani, by people in the GOP, in order to basically have a lot of sex appeal and tick off a couple of diversity boxes. The worst of DEI. And that’s the real story of Candace Owens, why she’s now doing some degree of anti-jew stuff up for debate. Maybe it is sincere. Maybe she has taken her own path. All I’m saying, though, is its not, like, personal, like:


“Oh, I’m jealous, or whatever. It’s about the fair competition in the marketplace of ideas.”


They actively crush us while actively boosting these people. And I don’t think that is ultimately to our benefit in the long term. That’s just my view on that.


Mark Collett: Well, I think it is to our benefit. I think the more people that talk about our issues, it’s a good thing.


And from my perspective, if we. If we only limit people if we only limit people to talking about our issues, if they completely understand them and are completely 110% on our level, then there’s going to be a lot fewer people talking about the issues that we wish to actually speak about. And when people come to big, complex issues such as the issues that you and I are very, very well versed in. What ends up happening is those people almost need to completely re-educate them themselves, and they need to do a lot of learning.


So when you come to issues of race realism, of jewish or Zionist power, you have to completely change your way of thinking. Things are no longer just Left and Right. They’re no longer just Labour and Conservatives. They’re no longer just, well, immigration has gone a little too far because, you know, well meaning idiots opened the borders thinking they were going to make a utopian world. They’ll happily reverse that when they realise they were wrong. You know, all of a sudden things change and you go through a re-education process. And that re-education process can take years, probably even take a decade or more for some people who really dive into these things.


And I think there are people in the mainstream or who have been in the mainstream who are now talking about our issues are going through sort of an educational process. And those people are fundamentally finding their feet now. And I can’t really castigate somebody like Candice for finding her feet.


And I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt that she’s being honest and open now. If she turns out she’s not people can replay this stream and laugh at me and say:


“Oh, she’s gone back on it.”


Or I. But I was listening to her Twitter space, and I’ve got to say, she sounded like a lot of people that I know who, when they first started finding out about these things, were struggling to put all the dots together. And maybe we’re not on Twitter not just because we were politically active, but because if we were on Twitter, we’d have helped her join the dots. I don’t know. I think there’s a lot of complexity to this, but I do think she’s doing, you know, she’s waking up people that we would never have reached.


Eric Striker: Yep. I mean, you could make that argument. We’ll just have to wait and see. Again, what we’re doing is, at least in my case, distinct from what she’s doing. She’s promoting a sort of reactionary Christian nationalism that is multiracial, that is for miscegenation, that is for things that I’m not for now. Could it be a shoehorn? And through other ideas, very possible.


However, the Overton Window theory that getting a black woman to say something moves the Overton Window. I don’t have evidence for that. I have to wait and see. Let’s figure it out here.


Mark Collett: Yeah, well, there are some other things we were going to talk about, but that was a very interesting discussion.


Obviously, we led with Pavel Durov, we led with what’s happening on Twitter, we led with the censorship and the fact that maybe, maybe some of this heavy handed censorship is to scare people, maybe it’s not.


But I will say this.


One thing we were going to discuss was the Notting Hill carnival. We might discuss that later if we’ve got time. But something else that does seem to have gone on turbo, since Labour have got in and Labour have only, you know, Labour have been in for less than 100 days, but they’ve already cut winter fuel allowance for 10 million pensioners in England and Wales.


And a lot of this seems to be going to fund a proposed amnesty for 44,000 illegal immigrants, which, you know, some people have costed, will end up essentially setting the taxpayer back 18 billion pounds. Because as soon as these people are given to amnesty, they will all be eligible, you know, for healthcare, for housing, for financial benefits, dental work, all manner of different benefits that will be given to them.


And when I say, people say:


“Well, healthcare, you know, everyone gets healthcare.”


Yeah, but not everyone gets interpreters when they’re in hospital. You know, if I go to the hospital with a with my wife, because she’s going to give birth. Well, it just happens, you know, somebody comes in, the midwife comes in, she helps you. If you see a migrant taking their wife into hospital to give birth, well, yeah, they have a midwife, and that costs money.


But they also have an interpreter who’s getting paid 30 pounds an hour or more to stand there and be the middleman. You know, these people cost the taxpayer a huge amount of money.


But I think this is quite interesting because it basically gives you an insight into what the British government have got planned for native Brits over the next five years. Because if within the first hundred days, they’ve already broken their promise about not scrapping winter fuel allowance, they’ve already. And this might be something else you’re interested in, Eric, before you give your take, Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves also made big promises that they would ensure that fuel duties, that fuel costs didn’t rise, and only did they say they would protect the winter fuel allowance. But they assured people that Labour would be the party that prevented gas and electric bills rising any further. You know, they were going to be the party of the people. But within a hundred days they’ve said:


“Well, not only we taking away your fuel allowance, but your bills are going to rise and basically deal with it.”


Eric Striker: I’ve been following the Labour Party’s development on this specific issue, and part of the reason I think this is a bigger story than internationally even, is that if there is a war in the Middle East, which could break out any second, price of oil will go up 100%. It will be something unthinkable. How are people going to heat their homes? War could break out. Iran, Israel, Israel, Lebanon. With the with the British military involved, any second. All that would cause devastation, a devastating surge in gas prices and oil prices.


And here, with all of this happening, you have the Ukraine, and then if that happens, the one, two punch people will freeze to death. And that’s the subsidy that they want to cut. They don’t want to cut the support for the Ukraine, they don’t want to cut the interventions. That ridiculous intervention the British Navy is doing in Yemen. What does that have to do with the British people? Why is the British navy fighting the Houthis in Yemen?


There’s no actual purpose for that other than to drag Britain into a war in France. If you’re following the budget controversies in the European Union, where they have a central commission, right, and they make sure all EU members have a balanced budget or are working towards a balanced budget. Well, the McCrone government is racking up debt like crazy, and now I believe next month they’re going to be presenting another budget. It’s going to be also in the red. And there’s a debate going on about whether the Eudez will actually tell them to make more cuts.


So you see this again in all the vassal states, France and the UK, in particular countries that are sinking in debt, balance of payments crisis. This is going to harm the people above all.


And I think the reason they’re rushing to put in all these new surveillance mechanisms, passing these new Hate Speech laws, passing new laws against people being able to protest in the street, is an anticipation for these extremely hard economic times that are right over the horizon. That’s my view.


Mark Collett: I agree.


And I’ll say this, though, looking at this is a form of indirect discrimination.


Now, pensioners in this country, when you look at the demographic pyramid, are overwhelmingly White British. So White Britons make up 74.4% of the population overall.


And when you look at how the population pyramid is composed, the White pensioner that the pensioners that will be having their fuel allowance taken away, they will probably be 95% plus White British.


So this disproportionately affects the indigenous population which is a form of indirect discrimination. If you took away healthcare for people suffering from rickets in the UK, well, that would disproportionately affect people from an African or an Afro-Caribbean background, because people from Afro-Caribbean backgrounds are more likely to suffer from vitamin D deficiencies and the subsequent bone problems that result.


So if you were to say:


“Well, from now on, we’re cutting all help with that.”


People would say that’s an indirect form of discrimination because it disproportionately affects the Afro Caribbean community and this disproportionately affects the White British community.


And I think this needs to be pointed out, I think this needs to be hammered home, because fundamentally, I believe that all the cuts that the Labour Party will make in the coming months and years will all be forms of indirect discrimination that disproportionately affect the White British. I don’t know if you’ve got a take on that. And, well, actually, I’ve got another thing to throw to you. Before this, I remember something similar happening to this in America where black youths were wearing their jeans or their trousers sagging down so you could see their underwear, you could see sort of their boxer shorts or their pants underneath and their bums were hanging out. And a number of shops said, look, this is obscene. You know, we don’t allow people into the shop who are naked and we’re not allowing people coming in that are showing their underwear as such. You know, we have a policy on not showing your undergarments in the shops, so no one is allowed in wearing these sagging pants.


And as soon as that policy was passed, you had all these people coming forward and saying:


“Well, this is an indirect form of discrimination because White people don’t wear their jeans like that. The only people that wear their jeans like that are black youth.”


So basically you’re saying no blacks allowed via a different method.


And I think it’s time that we as White people started using these same methods of attack against the system. Because I believe this is indirect discrimination. It blatantly is, by their metric.


So we should use that term.


Eric Striker: Well, first and foremost, the United Kingdom is not America. You know, you can make an argument like Alexi de Tocqueville who said America has three root races, right? Indians, Africans, Europeans. They have been here the entire time. One could make that argument.


But in the United Kingdom, all non-Europeans, all non-indigenous British people are guests of the British people, of the White British people. That’s it!


There is no such thing as a non-White British person.


And so when there isn’t enough money to go around for pensioners to have heat in the winter, then it’s time to make different calculations. Because when you have pensioners going without heat in the winter while putting migrants who are illegally in the country in five star hotels, and the government is paying for that one, well, that is a situation where the guests are being treated better than the actual owners of the home.


And so I think that making these types of arguments that it’s an island, it’s a crowded island, resources are scant, there’s no jobs. This is something I always say to people immigrate to Britain for various reasons, but primarily it’s for economic reasons.


So my argument to people from the non-European world immigrating to Britain is, what are you even doing there? The native Englishmen don’t even have decent jobs anymore. What are you doing there? There’s nothing to do there. Unless you are, like you said, a City of London financier, or more accurately, a Wall Street financier, engaging in leveraged bias, looting British companies, productive British companies. The story of the Cadbury Egg company economy being bought out by foreign multinationals, looted with the quality declining, pulling out all this economic activity from the UK and just simply flooding it with exports, there’s nothing there for the English. The English are having problems feeding and clothing themselves and heating their homes. Why do people keep going there? That’s, I think the most compelling argument to make is you have a home. The English people only have England. That is their only home.


People from India and Pakistan, people from Africa, people from the Caribbean, they have a home. Okay? You have eaten all the food in your guests refrigerator. The party’s over. Time to go home. That’s my logic with this. Okay? It’s very simple. And the shocking thing about the UK is that no matter which party you vote for, you get the same immigration policy, you get the same policies on free speech and liberty to actually describe things that are right in front of you. The land of George Orwell and the birthplace of liberalism and the idea of free speech has no free speech.


So what is the point of even voting? I think this is where the English, and the British in general, are ahead of Americans and that you guys have discredited your phony Conservative Party, which, if you read Lord Ha ha, Oswald Moseley’s right hand man, if you read twilight over England, he says in there in like 1930s, he says the Tories have never conserved anything. He was saying this 100 years ago.


And so the destruction of the Conservative Party, the revelation that all the parties are basically the same thing is going to lead to a new consciousness in Britain about these very questions that we’re debating.


And I think this is an exciting moment in history, despite all of the problems that are over the horizon, the big crackdowns and so on.


At the end of the day, the government in Britain is facing this crisis of confidence where it cannot feed, clothe or provide central heating to its population.


So what is there to do, then? Right.


Mark Collett: Well, thank you for that. Let’s do some of these Superchats. If you haven’t donated but you want to donate, there’s still an hour left of the show, so here goes. Desalin 715. Thanks so much said. I don’t think Telegram will be going anywhere. It’s too valuable a source of Intel and tool of disinfo for various state actors. Instead, Durov will likely strike a deal to curtail its more illegal content piracy, CSAM, while allowing CIA, Israeli Ukrainian honey pots to continue. I don’t think that will happen. Do, you know what I think is going to happen? I think Durov will be given two choices. I think he will either capitulate to the West and walk out of there and make his home here in the West, or he will go back to mother Russia. The Russians will get him out of there and he will capitulate to them and they will say:


“Look, we are going to give you all the free speech you want in everywhere except for Russia, and we will protect you, we will look after you, and basically, we will do a deal.”


And I think Putin’s a very, very calculating man. He’s a very intelligent man.


And I think he can see the fact that the Russians have done everything they can to get hold of Durov while he’s been in captivity in France. While they’ve demanded consular access to him, the Russian press have been completely on his side. I think there’s going to be some deals made.


Now, we could obviously go down the third route and say:


“No, no, no, I am going to go it alone. I’m going to be a stateless individual. I’m going to try to find somewhere in the world that embodies my values.”


But I think that would be the hardest option for him. I don’t know. What do you think, Striker?


Eric Striker: Yeah. I’m actually impressed by the Kremlin putting aside their difference with Durov to defend them here.


One thing I will disagree with you on is the idea that Google and Apple and all these hosts for apps will ever take Telegram off unless they absolutely need to, because Telegram is infinitely valuable to western intelligence agencies in the Mossad, it’s the number one most used messaging a in the post Soviet space. It’s got a billion users. People in Gaza use it, people in Russia use it. People in Ukraine use it’s Belarus, the entire Belarus rioting where they tried to overthrow the government with sponsorship of MI6 and the CIA. That whole thing was planned and organised through Telegram.


So the question is, are they willing to sacrifice this access to these populations, in order to stave off the little bit of backwash like people organising in England against immigration or organising in France, the Yellow Vest riots used it. Or getting the word out about what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians. These things are sort of delicate balances. What’s absolutely true, though, is free speech will lose in the end.


But it’s perhaps naive to think that it ever even existed.


The idea that someone can take on state actors and allow pure freedom, eventually someone is going to step in and put a gun to your head and make you choose.


And I think that Durov should choose the Kremlin. That’s my opinion. They’re the least worst option because you cannot compare the amount of hate speech and regulations on speech in the West compared to Russia. Okay? Yes, they have them in Russia as well, but it’s nothing even close to what it is in the West where they get you for a retweet in England. Like, it’s just an absurdity. Okay? The West is the enemy of free speech. They cannot let Whites speak. It cannot allow any criticism of jews.


Because if you allow even a little bit, it’s the damn breaking effect. Okay? Because that’s how bad the legitimacy crisis is.


Mark Collett: Yeah, I agree. And I’ll go a little bit further.


Actually, though, Telegram wasn’t the primary site used to arrange anti-migrant protests in the UK. It was actually Twitter and Facebook, the sites which were awash with the information, with Twitter and Facebook and the primary person pushing it. The press have blamed Tommy Robinson, who’s out of the country at the moment. But the vast majority of stuff that went on and the vast majority of arrests, I haven’t heard of any Telegram arrests so far. The arrests were actually Facebook and Twitter.


So, you know, take that as you will.


Eric Striker: There you go.


Mark Collett: But because most of the people involved in those disturbances were just normal average Joe’s, they don’t even know that Telegram exists. They were sort of the angry people off the street that don’t know about the likes of you and me. If you say to them, who’s the biggest nationalist in Britain? The only person they’ve heard of is Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson.


Eric Striker: I have to say, though, here in the United States, sometimes it’s easy for Europeans, I understand why, to look at us with rose tinted glasses. But I’ll tell you, just to demonstrate the amount of control there is even in this country. Me, a small time journalist, when I was doing my journalism, and I was exposing stories of illegal conduct, criminal conduct from groups like the FBI, from the ADL, organising rapes and honey pots and so on, I exposed some of these in the capacity of a journalist, using my full First Amendment rights. And the government, US government’s response was to place me on the terrorist watch list.


So I was harassed everywhere. I flew, I was followed. They were going through my wallet, my everything at the airport.


So if they’re doing that to a little guy like me, just doing little, like blog journalism, I don’t know how much any social media company in the purview or the American sphere of influence, how much freedom and an actual earnest liberty and right to speak you can have without lots and lots of qualifications. That’s just my opinion on that.


Mark Collett: Thank you. John might be gay gave $5. Thank you so much! Said:


“Thanks from, shekels your way, Mark. I really hope you can become the next Mosley that England so desperately needs. Wishing you and PA nothing but the best. Warm regards from the United States.”


Well, thank you so much! $5 came from Dad. Thank you very much, said:


“Mark and, Striker, do you have any thoughts on the nationalist process in Leipzig, which involved various individuals, all of whom were, of course, registered and stopped by the police?”


I haven’t even heard of those protests. Have you Striker?


Eric Striker: I saw. I think he’s speaking of a German nationalist protest in a train station where they were there, and it looked kind of like a soccer firm. It’s very unique to the east German scene, where there’s a lot of mixing between soccer firms. And it’s very working class, very similar, actually, to the British nationalist movement. But they were there saying some pretty edgy things.


But even if you are registered and photographed, at some point you have to say something. Look at what they’re doing to Germany. Okay? Like, they’re going to photograph you, they’re going to register you, but you have to fight for your country anyway. That’s just my opinion on that you have to be careful. Try not to break the law. Try not to do that. But you have to fight for your country.


At some point, someone has to do something. And going out and protesting for Germany. Germany for Germans is a perfectly legitimate cause regardless of what the illegitimate German government says.


Mark Collett: Well, thank you, Dewey von Swindlestein gave $5. Thank you so much! Said:


“Great screen guys. If people want a great education in geopolitics past, present and future, check out Strikers work. He has great taste and knowledge of Scotch also!”


On, do you like lots of Scotch? Striker. Are you a heavy drinker?


Eric Striker: I’m not as heavy as people assume.


Mark Collett: But, yeah, people on the Internet claim that you like this sort of, yeah, whiskey soaked mess. Is that the case?


Eric Striker: Oh, people on the Internet think I’m a drinking, womanizing, whatever. Most of it true. The only reason I don’t drink more is that Scotch is really expensive.


So I just literally just wet my lips and enjoy the flavours.


Mark Collett: Enjoy the flavours. The stuff tastes disgusting!


Eric Striker: Oh, how dare you? Have you ever had a spade burn 15, Mark?


Mark Collett: I haven’t, but I whiskey out, my friend. It’s all, look, it’s passable. It’s passable. But I’m not a big fan, to be honest.


To be honest, when I used to have a drink, which wasn’t very often, I used to like a gin and tonic because gin is very flavourful, and you can get lots of different mixes of gin. There’s a lot of different aromas, a lot of different flavours, a lot of different things added in, and it can be mixed with a variety of different sort of fruits to bring out the flavour. So I quite like that. I quite like that. But I’m off the alcohol more or less 100%. The problem with drinking, for me, is I start to say what I really, really think, which can be quite insulting to people that I regularly hold in my emotions over.


And secondly, so basically, if you think now that I can be quite cutting and maybe slightly go too close to the bone, well, if I’ve had a drink, I’m going all the way through the bone, through the marrow, and out the other side.


And secondly, I tend to find if I have a drink, I wake up the next day and I don’t want to be alive.


So I don’t like that feeling of a hangover.


Eric Striker: Ah, see, I’m the opposite. Anyone who’s actually been out drinking with me will tell you that I turn into a Teddy bear. A very affectionate, very nice, much nicer than when I’m sober. So I’m the opposite.


Mark Collett: Do you become one of these big emotional boobs that likes to cry on everyone’s shoulders and hugs.


Eric Striker: I don’t know if I cry on people’s shoulders, but I like to hug people and make jokes and have a good time.


Now, if I was a guy who drank and got really violent, which I do in my twenties, I had a few instances like that, but I’m well behaved.


The one thing you’re right about, once you pass a certain time in your thirties, boy, do you feel it. You gotta plan two days in advance. You got three weeks, and you gotta plan out a whole week. That’s real bad. No, that I agree with. That I agree with you see, you’d.


Mark Collett: Be the worst person to be paired with me for a drinking session because as you got all sort of huggy and touchy feely, I’d be like:


“Look, I need to hit this guy as hard as I can in the liver so he collapses!”


Then I’m going to walk out claiming he’s had a heart attack. The ambulance will come, I’ll go home, sober up, play some Mario Kart, and I’ll call him in the morning and try to claim it was all an accident.


Eric Striker: Well, good luck hitting me in the liver. So it’s so hardened and you’re just gonna break your hand. It’s so pickled and hardened that you just hurt yourself, my friend. And there goes your Mario Kart. Look, there you go.


Mark Collett: I’m a bad guy when I’m drunk as well, because I will tell everyone what I think of them. And if especially if I’m in a public place, I will not be able to keep any of my opinions trapped inside. Like, my verbal diarrhoea goes up to ten and intolerable people do hear about it.


So this is why I’ve been sober for a good decade.


Eric Striker: Yeah, I can see the logic in that. I can see it.


Mark Collett: But look, if you ever do make it to Britain, by some miracle and people pay enough in Superchats, you and I should do some mad online drinking game.


Eric Striker: Well, I gotta say, Mark, to be honest, if I had one dream, if I had to die tomorrow and I had one dream, it would be to see some of the distilleries in Scotland, the idol of distilleries in particular. I love those. It’s just such a it would be such an amazing experience.


Mark Collett: If you come to. If you ever come to England, you and I will do that. I’ll make that promise here and, …


Eric Striker: Oh, my God! All right. Hopefully I’m not banned. I never got some of the other Alt-Right people, they all got letters from McQueen telling them to never set foot in the country. It was like a little. A little cutesy. Someone showed me the envelope. It was like a cutesy, like, little from her Majesty.


And then you open it, says, don’t you ever sent in our fucking country! We’re gonna.


So I haven’t received one of those yet. So we’ll see. Maybe maybe one day I’ll be able to get.


Mark Collett: And also, Striker, do you know, why I have a functional, loving relationship with a wonderful family? Ah, it’s because I don’t go out drinking. The problem is, when you go out drinking, you can become a little bit flirty. It does bring out sort of the jovial, slightly womanizing, you know, cheeky younger Mark which, …


Eric Striker: You’re on video, I would say:


“Hey, I would say, turn the video off and say it later, because you’re going to get yourself into some trouble, my friend. You literally, …”


Mark Collett: I don’t drink. I don’t drink.


But when you do drink, you see, that’s the problem. When you’re drinking and you go out and you’re single, nobody looks at you.


But when you’re drinking and you go out and you’re happily married and you’re in a good relationship, it’s like you give off these pheromones, and every available woman in the place is like:


“Oh, look, drinking, married man. Let’s go and talk to.”


Eric Striker: That’s why, you know, that’s the problem is you have a few drinks, they try to take advantage of you, and they I mean, I have to watch out. You know, you’re right. You’re right. No, like I say, what parking?


Mark Collett: What clean living guy. I prefer to be at the gym, going for a run weekend out in the countryside with the family that is the man that I am today.


Eric Striker: Yeah. If I had kids and a family, I’d probably do the same. You know, I can’t.


But, you know, me, I’m sort of an older bachelor type, so, you know how it is.


Mark Collett: But you’re not as old as me, are you?


Eric Striker: I’m. How old are you?


Mark Collett: I’m 43.


Eric Striker: No, no, no, I’m not that.


Mark Collett: I mean, you look hideously ravaged, but I didn’t think you were as old.


Eric Striker: As you should see me on the inside. No, no, no! But you’re absolutely right! It’s a good thing to be clean living I know that I’m a bad example. Don’t follow my example.


But, you know, it is what it.


Mark Collett: Is we should do. We should do one of those, like, one of those sort of shows where you have to live with me for a week doing my things, then I have to live with you for a week doing your things, and we’ll see whether we kill each other by the end of the fortnight.


Eric Striker: Yeah, well. Well, I would. I’ll take you up on that.


Mark Collett: Anyway, let’s move on.


Thank you so much for the Superchat. Feminine Revival gave $25. Thank you so much! And said:


“Thank you for a nice afternoon show with a little man waving.”


Well, thank you, my dear. Generous British Gammon gave $25. Thank you, my friend. Always good to see you here. And he said:


“People I know who watch a lot of mainstream media are saying that Starmer is coming across as incompetent and out of his depth. When he was heckled in Southport, he certainly looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights. Do you think he’ll still be PM by the next election?”


Well, I’ll say this. Starmer came into the electoral period with a record lead over Rishi Sunak. He has now dropped 16 points in the polls in less than 100 days. It’s almost like he came in, gone into power, and somebody said:


“Look, boss, no one could tank it as hard as Sunak did!”


And Starmer just turned his head and said:


“Hold my drink!”


Took the control of the plane and just nose dived into oblivion. Like this guy. He’s sort of the British Biden in terms of approval ratings.


Eric Striker: Yeah.


And this is what every western democracy is going to look like from now on, you’re going to have prime ministers and presidents with a 25-30% approval rating. And this is just how it’s going to be from now on. You know, stormwater never had a chance. Okay. Everybody was saying just give them a few days in office and the honeymoon will be over.


Now, the question is, though, what’s going on with the Tory Party? Are there just no White men that can be prime minister? Conservative prime ministers? Because from my understanding, the new leaders of the Tory Party are all like, Indians. They have a new batch of Hindus. Is that true?


Mark Collett: What it is the Conservative Party are fundamentally stuck because they know that they’re actually the default winners of every election. Because most Brits are against immigration, transgender progressivism. They want a traditionalist small government. You know, stay out of my backyard and don’t bring the immigrants here. That’s what they want. But most Conservatives want the opposite of that because they’re just career politicians.


However, there are a number of non-White Conservatives who have, like the Candice Owens reputational shield because they’re black or Indian, or a black woman or an Indian woman. So they can talk about immigration in much harsher terms than Whites without having the word racist screamed in their face.


So the Tories believe that if they bring somebody in, like Preeti Patel or Kemi Badenoch, and put them at the forefront, they can go a lot harder on immigration. So Starmer will stand there saying:


“We need to flood the country.”


Then the based black woman will stand there and go:


“No, we need to stop them coming in!”


And people will be like:


“Well, she can’t be racist because she’s black. We’ll vote for them!”


And you’re laughing, but that is literally the Conservative Party’s thought process. It’s put somebody up front who isn’t White.


So when they talk about immigration, we can’t be called racist. That is their plan to get back to power.


Eric Striker: Yeah.


And I think that that’s a product of not being able to choose your presidents. Someone like Priti Patel would even be competitive in an American election, as bad as things are. Even Kamala Harris, who’s the equivalent, was never elected. She was chosen, cherry picked and put, never won a single delegate in the primary.


So I think that’s actually these sort of affirmative action prime ministers, or a product of the sort of Parliamentary system where for Americans that don’t know, in England, you vote for a party and the party picks the prime minister, the people don’t get a say.


But I think they made it pretty clear that they’re not comfortable with a Rishi Sunak in the last election that I do see.


Mark Collett: Well, the problem with Rishi Sunakhe was it was a bit sort of too little, too late.


And what I mean by too little, too late is too many Tory prime ministers had said how they were going to fix the problem and those Tory prime ministers didn’t fix the problem. And by that time, they didn’t trust the Tories. There was all kinds of problems. And Sunak washing was a weak Weasley little man and he didn’t appeal to people and they shot themselves in the foot.


But do I think Starmer will be PM by the next general election? I think he will because he has such a majority.


But I think at the next general election, and this is going to, if the next general election was held tomorrow, I think the following would happen. The Tories would make back some seats, not many, but some Labour would have a massively reduced majority, but would still win. And the major benefactor would be the Reform Party. They came 30, they got 34 second places. Farage would be the big winner, and people would then start to look at Farage like a more serious player. And over time, that would damage the Conservatives and put major, major pressure on the establishment to do something about immigration. That’s where it would be going.


But that said, who knows what’s going to happen in four to five years? And who knows when the next general election is going to be? Because Starmer has the privilege. He can call it whenever he wants. He could call it. He could call another general election tomorrow if he wanted. I doubt he’s going to do that, but he has the privilege.


So I think he will call it, you know, he won’t leave it the full five years. I doubt very much, but who knows what’s going to happen? Who knows what could cause it to be called?


Anyway, Derwski gave $5. Thanks so much:


“Good take. Some of these mainstream people are using our talking points for their own purpose and may even water down the message.”


Well, that’s why we’ve got to hold their feet to the fire. And I just wish that Candace Owens had me on. That’s all! I wish.


Eric Striker: Let me ask you a question. Why is it these people bring on Theo Vaughn and talk to him about David Duke, but they don’t bring on David Duke?


Mark Collett: Well, look, I know that, you know.


Eric Striker: I like, and, hey, I have nothing against the Ovon, but I saw an interview with Tucker Carlson, and Tucker Carlson is like:


“Oh, you live with David Duke, huh? You were his neighbour.”


And Theo Vaughn’s like:


“Yeah, he’s a nice guy.”


And then Tucker Carlson’s like:


“Well, David Duke’s a fan. Well, why don’t you bring him on and ask him, like, why don’t you interview him? What are you afraid of? What’s Theo Vaughn got to say that David Duke doesn’t as a political commentator?”


Right. Think of it from that perspective. There’s a lot. I have a less I have a less optimistic view of these people. Something stinks about them, in my opinion.


But again, we already know. We have our opinions on this.


Mark Collett: Yeah, we do have our opinions on this.


And I will say this. Obviously, I know that these people aren’t our people, but they’re doing something. And look, David, I speak to David Duke, and he’s happy when somebody like Candice Owens speaks about it.


And I think sometimes you’ve just got to be happy. If I spent my life being angry that somebody was recycling or rehashing one of my talking points without crediting me, I’d probably have stomach up by now. I just sit there and think to myself, well, you know, at least somebody’s saying it. And I can’t live my life angry all the time.


Eric Striker: So I don’t think it’s that sometimes these people take half of what we’re saying and then fuse it with something that’s wrong and makes what we’re saying refuted.


So that’s my only thing. It’s an alleyway to nowhere. Where there’s one way of looking at it, where they’re putting out their gateways to us. That’s one way to look at it.


Mark Collett: Yeah.


Eric Striker: There’s another way to look at it in that these are nets, people that are coming in our direction at 100 miles an hour, flying in our direction, seeing what Israel is doing, seeing the Zionists control the 40 standing ovations for Benjamin Netanyahu, a literal war criminal who’s a fugitive, getting this from both parties in the Congress. So people see this, they’re flying in our direction, and then Candace Owens is there the rest stop to spin it off into something else. So are they gateways or are they gatekeepers?


And I think that’s the debate.


And I think there’s an argument for both sides. Right? I think there’s possibly both are happening, you know?


Mark Collett: Well, I think it’s difficult to know when somebody, when you’ve got somebody who’s been part of the mainstream and they seem to be breaking away from the mainstream. You don’t know whether they really are breaking away from the mainstream or whether they’re an offshoot of the mainstream who’s secretly still working for the mainstream to con people into not coming to us. And it’s difficult to know, and I understand why people suspicious.


Eric Striker: But as I said, it’s comparable to Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson. They kind of play this role. Are they gateways or are they gatekeepers? Nigel Farage tells you to people’s faces. He says:


“I’m a gatekeeper. I’m the reason the BNP fell apart.”


Tommy Robinson will tell you the same thing:


“The reason why these soccer hooligans are not in the National Front and instead they’re waving Israeli flags is because of me.”


So when someone tells you they are, believe them. That’s my view on that.


Mark Collett: Yeah, that’s pretty accurate. Dying Cockney said:


“Real suppression is becoming a minority in your own home and being arrested for complaining about it.”


Very good point. Derwski gave $5. Thank you so much, said:


“Mark and Striker. Have you heard the new song oprah war sturm silta by flak. It’s a song about events on silt, Germany from this year.”


Sorry, I have not heard that.


Eric Striker: I haven’t heard it.


Mark Collett: Jez 9999 gave $5:


“What do you think about the fact that Pavel Durov was chosen by Klaus Schwab’s WF young global leaders to join their organisation presenting Finland?”


I didn’t know that.


Eric Striker: I don’t know anything about that, so I can’t comment.


Mark Collett: I mean, look, if that’s true, that is obviously concerning, and I’ll have to look into that more, but I genuinely didn’t know that. But I suppose, again, if Pavel Durov was still on the reservation, he wouldn’t be sat in a French jail cell right now. You know, at the end of the day, they don’t jail people who are playing their game. You get jailed or bumped off or lose all your money when you stop playing their game, or in some cases, when you’ve committed major criminal acts for them that can no longer be covered up.


But I don’t think Pavel Durov falls into that latter camp. I think people who fall into that latter camp are like you, Sam Bankman, free. He committed major criminal acts, and when it can no longer be covered up, they had to burn him.


But I don’t think Durov’s done any of those things.


Eric Striker: In the case of Durov, Western elites have played a push-pull game with him, where they’ll compliment him and bring him to their events, while at the same time saying:


“Hey, how come you don’t give us access? Backdoor access? Why don’t you help us out here? We’re helping you here. We’re inviting you to this event. We’re giving you good publicity for protecting you. Why don’t you give us this?”


Like I said, Emmanuel Macron made an effort to convince Pavel Durov to host Telegram in Paris as a sort of prestige thing for France, where he wants France to be a tech hub. He tried to bring him in. Pavel Durov said:


“Listen, we could. I’ll talk to you. We can be meet at events and stuff, but I’m not bringing my company to France.”


So it’s not as black and white as people think. They want Babel Durov to work for them. And he’s push-pulling away. And that’s the big thing here. You better believe they’re talking to him in private, saying:


“Listen, just give us this and we’ll let you go. We’ll make you a billionaire, we’ll give you anything you want.”


Right? They’re doing that as we speak.


So it’s a matter of the man having principles. That’s my view on that.


Mark Collett: Yeah, I’ll go along with that. I’ll go along with that. GoyBoy 1488. Gave 1488, thanks so much. And said:


“Mark, how do you get along with everyone? Striker, how do you get along with almost no one?”


Eric Striker: Well, I’ll say, very simple. I’ll say this, I’ll say this to me. No, that’s a joke!


But in all seriousness, ideas matter, okay? And I’m convinced that there’s a very specific way to save our race. I’m not here, I’m not in this movement to make friends or whatever. If I do, that’s great!


But ultimately I’m convinced that the only way we’re going to save our race is by doing it correct, doing it right.


And so when people introduce epistemic pollution into our movement with this, with wacky cockadoodle conspiracy theories and trying to introduce debates about whether we should be racialists or religious or any of that’s taking us off of our mission. And some people think that simply, politically, or ideologically disagreeing with them is a personal attack, when it’s nothing. I could care less about anyone’s personality, but I do think that doing things the right way, if you’re not going to do them the right way, you might as well not do anything. That’s just my opinion on that.


Mark Collett: I get on with everyone because except for a couple of bottom feeders, basically, but I get on with the vast majority of people because fundamentally, if I see somebody doing something that isn’t a hundred percent how I do it, I basically keep my mouth shut. Because if people are doing something good, I tend to let them get on with it!


And I like to be friends with everyone.


And I think the movement is better with more connections rather than fewer. And if we do have big differences with one another, maybe we should deal with those differences after we’ve achieved our goals. We can always have our little bun fights when we’re sat in Parliament rather than having our bun fights, you know, while we’re basically sat in the ghetto getting nowhere. That’s more my thing. And I just try to be friendly with everyone. And look, I like lots of people that Striker doesn’t like. And I like Striker, and I like to be friends with everyone.


And I’ve got to say this, I know that Striker doesn’t get on with everyone, and I value, but I do think Striker does valuable work and he wouldn’t be on the show if he didn’t. I don’t have, like, people on the show to be sort of clowns or like Jokers or people to humiliate me and Striker.


And also something else, right? If I think Striker’s wrong about something, I’ll have him on the show and we’ll talk about it in a respectful manner. I’m not going to write a four page like essay rubbishing him to rile him up. If he says something that really annoyed me, I would privately message him.


So, for example, he was meant, he made me buy a computer game because he said he was going to play it with me online. And then he didn’t play it with me online. So I sent him a message saying:


“Striker, you are a dickhead!”


And that was it. I didn’t have to do a big public post. I said:


“You made me buy Rome Total War Two and then never played it with me. That means you’re a jerk.”


Eric Striker: Hold on, who says we’re never going to play? Oh, you have to be patient, my friend. You know what?


Mark Collett: I’ve been waiting months to beat you at that game.


Eric Striker: We’ll figure something. We still have to figure it out. The problem for me is finding a decent team. Because you British guys, you’re all into the esports. You just sit a record because it’s always raining over there.


So you’re inside playing the role. You’re going to embarrass us, you’re going to embarrass the Americans. So I have to find a decent team, find someone that can hold their own against you fellas, I’ll tell you this as well.


Mark Collett: Striker is also a giant baby.


So when I bought this game, I spent 60 hours practicing it, playing as Rome. And then Striker goes, by the way, don’t know when it’s gonna happen, gonna put it off for another month. A new rule. No one’s allowed to play as rome at this point. If I’d been in the same room as him, I’d have had to have been restrained. After practicing it for like 2 hours a day, for 30 days, I was, …


Eric Striker: Like, Rome is overpowered. Rome is overpowered. You can’t play as Rome. Come on now.


Mark Collett: So not only is he late to the party. He’s also got these bizarre rules that he pulls out of his backside so that you couldn’t possibly win.


Eric Striker: They don’t. According to the official esports from Rome Total war. Rome is banned. So that’s actually the official sports league of Rome total war.


Mark Collett: But it’s called Rome Total War.


Eric Striker: And you’re like, I know Rome. No, they’re really strong. Come on now. Come on!


Mark Collett: I think he had a list as well. Like, no Rome, no chariots, no elephants.


Eric Striker: That’s right.


Mark Collett: I did really enjoy. I gotta say, this is in jest though, cuz joking aside, I did play it for 60 hours, but I absolutely loved its a fantastic game.


And if you can get it for cheap on like a CD key site where it’s only like 8.99, Rome Total War Two Emperor Edition, it’s a lot of for seven quid or eight quid is what I paid for it. 60 hours of fun is a lot of fun. So to be fair, joking aside, I got to actually thank Striker for getting me into it and having so much fun. Although the wife wouldn’t say the same thing because the amount of times she called me down for dinner and I shouted back:


“Look, I’m just trying to occupy Carthage. Be gone, woman!”


Eric Striker: I’ve heard women actually talking about their husbands and their spouses playing map games, like military map games, and that’s apparently a thing women talk about oh, yeah, my husband’s just looking at a map and moving like a little flag on a map all day.


So this is apparently a common thing in our movement to play map games. Hearts of iron and so on. And we’re on toll war to a lesser extent.


Mark Collett: We’ll have to do a whole stream on this. I realise we’re running short on time and I could talk about this all night, so we’ll move on. Commodore’s detritus. I can’t pronounce your name, mate. Sorry. But you gave $5, which I’m very thankful for. I’ll call you Commodus Davitrus. I think that’s how it’s pronounced. He sent an Imga picture saying:


“Dogs on skateboards, drinking alcohol and smoking should be banned!”


Well, thank you for that. The Resident Baker gave $5. Thank you very much. Said:


“Hi, Mark, great show. Good to see Striker back on with you. What do you think about Labour’s new plans to promote eating of the insects, especially crickets? Sounds disgusting!”


I’ve got to say this, anyone that eats lobsters, crabs and little things that scuttle around at the bottom of the sea on, like, eight legs. Can’t whine too much about insects. They’re like the insects of the sea.


So I wouldn’t want to eat them myself, but I wouldn’t eat lobsters and little scuttling things. Anything that scuttles, anything that’s got more than four legs shouldn’t be eaten, basically.


Eric Striker: Is that what’s the problem with so they’re there. They opened up a new Cambodian restaurant in your town with. What are you talking about? Insects? Are they trying to get you to eat which insects?


Mark Collett: Mainly crickets. But as I said:


“I’m not a fan of eating like, anything, really, that’s got more than four legs. That’s just my rule.”


Eric Striker: Yeah, I gotta admit, I agree with you on that one.


Mark Collett: So that’s the rule. In the world of Collett, if it has four legs, it can be eaten. If it has more. Not for me. Chewy von Swindlestai, $5. Thank you so much!:


“The UK government are going to continue working with community leaders for minority. Every time there is trouble, they will eventually have to accept that we need representation.”


Look, I’ve already pointed this out. This works with PA.


So when you see these protests that go violent and there’s hundreds of police officers there, that’s not a PA protest. When you see a PA protest, there’s two police officers there, because I’m the community leader that arranges it with them, lays out boundaries and talks to them about what’s a go and what’s a no go. We have a good relationship when it comes to arranging protests, and we’ve never had anyone arrested at any of our events because we do the whole community leader thing. PA is about community building, and myself and Laura and others, in fact, have put themselves forward as community leaders for these demonstrations.


You know, it’s important to note that you can do it, but you have to step forward. You know, the problem is people say:


“We need White community leaders.”


But no one steps forward. Then someone does step forward and say:


“Well, look, come to me, speak to me, I’ll deal with the police liaison.”


Then a load of people get all funny and go:


“Oh, he’s a fed because he spoke to police liaison.”


Well, you know, who are you going to speak to if you’re a community leader? That’s how it works. Ok. Wire gave $5. Thank you so much! And gave thumbs up. Well, thank you very much. I appreciate that greatly. Wife Waffen gave $7. Thank you so much! And said:


“Have a great weekend!”


Very kind of you and always good for your support. Thank you so much! Musket basket gave $5 and said:




Test worked. My friend, my good friend Stars Nikki Foroff, who’s been writing to me every day, gave $3. Thank you so much! Said:


“Hi, Mark. No questions this time. I just want to say thank you for the show and also for you taking some time in your schedule to respond to my emails.”


Well, I found them very good, so thank you very much. Jay Bradley gave $5. Thank you so much! And said:


“Striker is one of the best guests, 100% understands the JQ, along with Devon Stack. What’s both your takes on Lucas Gage and what the jews have done to him?”


Well, I’m not on Twitter, but I know he’s banned. I find it interesting that Musk banned him. I’m not sure why. What’s your take on this, Striker? Why has Lucas Gage been victim of the banhammer?


Eric Striker: I don’t know. I’ve known Lucas Gage for like a decade. It’s a very long story. He was trying. People say I don’t get along with people, but throughout the NJP, he was in the background trying to undermine this project we had on the grounds that it was racist, which is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.


So I don’t know what’s going on with that. Again, some of this Twitter stuff, soap operas and stuff, I haven’t been following them very closely. I don’t think it’s all that consequential, personally.


Mark Collett: Yeah, well, thank you, VM. I don’t know about it. I invited Lucas on the show. I emailed Lucas Gage and said:


“Would you like to come on the show and talk about it?”


He never responded. He didn’t get back to me. Don’t know if he didn’t see the email, the invitation. Still there. Lucas, I’ve got nothing against you. Would be happy to talk about it. Enjoyed having you on the show last time. So VM gave $5. Thanks so much:


“Loving War Strike. Great commute. Audio at 1.5 speed. Striker, what powers you through 8 hours of streaming coffees, cigarettes, or the raw energy of Superchat shekels?”


Eric Striker: Well, I got it. What might your book be about by hour six? It’s actually. Yes. The superpower of a Superchat shekel. Yes.


Now, I get a nice 250 milligram coffee, nitro brew coffee, and yes, plenty, and plenty of nicotine. But oh, there. There you go. There you go. What are the yellow. Those are yellow Red Bulls, right?


Mark Collett: Oh, yes. These are the greatest thing in the world. Tropic, limited edition, tropical. And I’m in love with them.


But we had a major issue in the house. The wife went out and was like, I’ve got a treat for you. I brought you a load. And they were sugar free. That was almost divorce proceedings!


The only thing that stopped it being a full on, like, wife versus husband wrestling match was the fact that she said:


“Look, I paid for them. So you didn’t financially lose out.”


At that point, I had to sort of begrudgingly accept that I’d just have to drink them all, which I did.


Eric Striker: Well, not for nothing, if it was my wife with the sugar free Red Bulls, well, there’d be a broken bottle over her head. Just saying. I mean, no, as for the book I’m writing, the I’m not going to give any details yet. We’re still in talks with the publisher. It’s going to be a history book. It’s going to be about a time period everyone’s interested in perhaps what led to the time period. And it’s going to be a great project. I’m in talks with the publisher on this, going to really focus on this. It’ll be my first book, actually, so I’m actually pretty excited about it.


Mark Collett: And will it be featured on Mark’s Book Club?


Eric Striker: Um, well, what do you have to do? What do you have to do to get on the book club?


Mark Collett: You just have to send me the book.


Eric Striker: Okay. All right, I’ll send it to you. I’ll send it to you now.


Mark Collett: We’ll buy copies. Don’t worry, mate, we’ll support.


Eric Striker: No, no, no! I’ll make sure you get a copy for sure.


Mark Collett: Thank you. VM gave another $3. Thank you so much! Said:


“Mark on Telegram pressure. Have you seen UK copy report where the Terragram thing came from? It’s something only mentioned by Hope Not Hate in their reports for shoehorning into hate crime legislation.”


So this is the thing, Striker. There was this page on Telegram called Terragram, which was meant to be sort of a White nationalist terrorist page. And it’s been alleged by a group called UK Column or UK Column have alleged that Terragram was set up by the anti-racist Hope Not Hate group specifically to get Telegrams shut down.


Now, I’m saying a lot of alleged here because I’m not the one. I don’t know about this. I’ve seen it. I’ve not read into it. I don’t know the full details, but those are the allegations made by UK Column about Hope Not Hate. But they are allegations and allegations I didn’t make, so don’t sue me.


Eric Striker: I’m not familiar with that allegation in particular, but I have done deeply reported articles on the nature of some of those extremely violent, satanic, pro-terrorism, sort of fake Nazi groups on Telegram. And they are almost always, without any exception, controlled by the American intelligence apparatus, the FBI and MI5 in particular.


And I’ll tell you this because I interviewed several young men who were brought into this, into these cults. And in one case, they were drugged by an undercover FBI agent. Let me repeat that they were given drugs by an undercover FBI agent who later testified in court in their case as an FBI agent. He was undercover. He gave them psychedelic mushrooms. He gave them all sorts of mind altering drugs.


And then there was another young man who told me this undercover FBI agent and an FBI informant named Joshua Sutter actually raped a minor. They tied down a 17 year old boy and raped him. An undercover FBI agent and an informant. This is all an article I wrote about The Order of Nine Angles. I have all of the proof in it.


And later on in court, it all came out. Not all the abuses, those are from interviews, but it was very well reported. So anytime you see somebody openly calling for mass shootings and blowing things up on Telegram, 90% of the time it is some kind of agent, some kind of agent provocateur, trying to either rope people in or, like he was saying, shut down Telegram as a platform, period.


Mark Collett: Well, similar things happened in the UK. There was a group called National Action. Their leader, called Ben Raymond, was a big weirdo. He had two people who were very close to him. One was called Ryan Fleming. He was a known paedophile. Ben Raymond kept him around despite him being convicted of a sex offence against a child. He claimed it was all a mix up. He then got taken back to jail for a separate sex offence against a child. He was another Order of Nine Angles. Freak.


And secondly, the other guy in National Action was a guy called Jack Renshaw, who has been jailed for attempting to groom two underage boys.


And all of this was floating around one of these banned groups and very, very odd behaviour. All tied in with Order of Nine Angles. Weirdos.


Eric Striker: Order. The Order of Nine Angles in the United States is beyond reasonable doubt, proven in court with documentation controlled by the FBI. It’s an FBI informant who’s been paid thousands of dollars every year to produce child pornography, recruit young underage people, rape them, allegations of torture allegations of indoctrination. And this is all being done with the permission, help and money of the FBI. This is a story I put out a few years ago. You can find it on UN’s still about The Order of Nine Angles.


So that’s all you need to know about that.


Mark Collett: Well, thank you so much! Charlie Bowie gave $5. Thank you very much. Said:


“Another great show as usual. Thanks, chaps.”


Space Can gave $5. Thank you so much! Said:


“I wouldn’t call Sargon, say he’s closer to a traitor.Also, Strikers hair is awesome!”


Well, thank you so much, Vlad. Victorian gave $5. Thanks much. He says:


“I think more than civil rights for Whites, Brits should want to make more of the native American preservation route. Civil rights was all about integration and left could counter this line of thinking, and integration is extinction.”


Well, civil rights for White people, I think, will go down better than simply American preservation. Because I’ll tell you this now, there is no way of the British government going to give us a reservation. If the British government said to us today:


“Right, Mark, you can have Yorkshire as a reservation for White people.”


Yorkshire would be the best place in the entire world within about a decade. You know, they’re not going to give White people a reservation because it wouldn’t be a reservation. It would be paradise.


Eric Striker: It’s a small island. How are you going to ask for a reservation? The island is the reservation. It’s the reservation for British people. The whole island?


Mark Collett: Yeah.


Eric Striker: It’s still a majority wide country. I think that the main argument, actually, the powerful argument is majority rule. If it’s good enough for South Africa, it’s good enough for Britain. Majority rule. Put immigration up for a referendum, put the existence of migrants in the country up for a referendum. Whether they should be paid to leave. Put it all up. Majority rule. It’s very simple. Okay.


Instead, the British government viciously suppresses the majority while allowing minorities to act however they want. That is unacceptable.


Mark Collett: Agreed. ScaredyCat gave $4. Thanks so much:


“Hi Striker and mark, best wishes.”


Well, thank you so much! Flying Dutchman gave $24. Thank you very much:


“I always knew Elvis was still alive. Thank you so much!”


Thank you very much. He said:


“Ever played Total War? Thrones of Britannia can defend the island from the Danes as the Saxons and such?”


I haven’t. I’ve only played Rome Two. The problem is with those sort of games, you get sucked into them for so many hours that playing one is enough. I played a civilisation on the Super Nintendo, which is like the first iteration. And even that, the most basic iteration can suck like 24, 30 hours out of you in a single game.


Eric Striker: It’s insane! Oh, God! Yeah. Command and Conquer. Oh, lord.


Mark Collett: Oh, God! I love that’s another game we should play. We’ve got a Superchat here from PA, Scotland supporter. It says:


“Keir Starmer’s wing of the Uni party is blaming its other wing for creating the disaster in which we now live. The Uni party’s legacy anti-White monoblock media establishment dutifully relays the Uni party propaganda on state controlled television. Where is the monoblock media still effective today?”


Well, on the television, I’d say this. You’ve made a very good point there.


And this is one of the problems with the two party system. When the new party gets in, it immediately blames the old party for all the problems and asks for a decade to sort them out, at which point they only make things worse. They switch round again and the incoming party blames the outgoing party for all the problems. And it’s just a vicious circle.


So that is a good point. Cathugger gave a dollar. Thank you so much, and said:


“Shrimp may well be the cockroach of the ocean, but it’s unbeatable with chili, lime and coconut. If cockroaches would taste like that, he would see me hunting in the streets of New York at night.”


I will say this shrimp are the only scuttling creature that I can tolerate in terms of taste.


Eric Striker: I mean, it’s because they’re generally fried. I like coconut shrimp.


Mark Collett: Yeah, they are the only tolerable scuttling creature. That’s what I’ve got.


Eric Striker: Yeah. It is disgusting when you think about them, though they are discussing.


Mark Collett: You have to prep them as well, because if they’re badly prepped, people don’t remove their. There’s a light, a black line down the back of the shrimp, and that’s basically its poop sack. And if you don’t remove that, you’re eating the shrimp’s poop. So make sure you take that off. RoryHerbert gave $5. Thanks so much. Said:


“Dear Mark, I have to ask Striker his opinion on Donald Trump and does he think he will be the next president of America?”


Eric Striker: It’s up in the air, not looking good! Blowing the campaign, running as a conventional conservative. There’s no way to win if you’re a conventional conservative.


So I don’t know, a lot could change in the next few months, but for now, it’s not looking good for Trump. Not looking good!


Mark Collett: Oh, I completely agree. And I’ll go even further up against Biden. He was a shoe in. But since Kamala Harris has taken over, he looks rudderless and his energy seems to have dissipated.


Now, I think what will be the most telling indicator of where this is going to go is his first debate with Harris. That first debate with Harris will tell you really how bad things are.


Now obviously happens. He’s going to have a little bit of a honeymoon period, and then things will naturally swing back to Trump a little bit. You know, any incoming candidate is going to have a slight honeymoon period, but this is a candidate that I think he’s going to be able to. He’s going to be less effective dealing with Kamala Harris than he was with either Biden or Clinton. And I think he’s got big trouble.


And if you asked me to bet on it right now, I would bet that he doesn’t win the election.


Eric Striker: Yeah, no, I could see that. You’re right. He looks rudderless, and I think he’s going to look really old next to Kamala Harris. And even if that doesn’t really matter as much as some consultants think, it’s going to start a debate among the Gopdhead punditry about how old he is and so on. You know, I, a few months ago, even before Biden dropped out, like three or four months ago, I was saying, for all we know, we might not even have Biden and Trump in the 2024 election. And now Biden’s down. Will Trump make it to November? I mean, who knows? Who knows? He came within inches of not making it.


A couple of weeks ago, he came within inches. So who knows if he’ll make it, if they’ll ask him to step down, if they’ll indict him for something? There’s so much up in the air in the clown election that making predictions even at this far into the election cycle is very difficult.


Mark Collett: Well, thank you. Flayer Kate gave $10. Thank you so much! Said:


“Hey, Mark, long time viewer, first time chatter. Cheers.”


Well, thank you for the $10. Iron Will gave $5. Thank you so much! And said:


“Mark, will you be getting the Castlevania Dominus collection? Dawn of Sorrow is on there. Which is the best Castlevania game?”


Well, I’ll tell you this.


Firstly, you’re wrong. The best Castlevania game ever is super Castlevania four on the super Nintendo. That is perfect.


But I will say this. I have beaten all of the Castlevanias on the Nintendo nes, with the exception of Kid Dracula, that only came out in Japan. I’ve beaten both the Castlevanias on the Super Nintendo, all of the Castlevanias on the Game Boy advance, the PC Engine, Castlevania, and the PlayStation one, Symphony of the night.


However, I’m yet to play any of the games on the dominant collection because they came out on the three.


On the Nintendo DS, which is much harder to emulate, you need dual screen support, so I’m much more likely to pick that up. I will probably grab it on the Switch. I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t played them, but you’ve made a bold claim about dawn of sorrow, so I am looking forward. I am probably going to grab that. I haven’t bought any of the other collections because I got all the original games.


So I’m not going to buy collections of games that I’ve literally got on my shelf over there.


Eric Striker: So I remember the one I played. I played it for like a whole weekend without pausing, was Symphony of the night. Yeah, for PlayStation. Right. I played the other ones off and on, but that was my favourite by a lot. And that was like those games are too hard. Are they still making them?


Mark Collett: No, but I’ve got something big for you, if you like. If you like symphony of the night, try the three Castlevanias on the Game Boy advance. Circle of the Moon. What are they called? Circle of the Moon. I forget the names of them now, but they’re really, really good! Circle of the Moon is the least good one.


The other two are much better. Circle of the Moon’s a little bit rough around the edges, but still very good and very enjoyable if you like Castlevania, but if you can track down. They’re very easy to get with an emulator, very easy to set up. But the two game Boy advance ones that came after Circle of the Moon, harmony of dissonance. That’s the first one. I really love that.


And then the other one. Really good. Yeah, go for it. You enjoy those.


Eric Striker: Yeah, I haven’t played those games in like two decades, my friend.


Mark Collett: Do it. You will enjoy it.


Eric Striker: I don’t have time. I wish, I wish. Oh.


Mark Collett: And finally, Jewy Swindlestein gave $5. Thank you so much! And said:


“Beagle in enthusiasts are gay.”


Well, thank you very much for that. I don’t know where that came from, but that brings us to the end of the show. Area of Sorrow. That’s the other one. That’s really good as well. But I slightly preferred Harmony and Dissonance. Just because. Well, I like them both. I like them both.


I’ve got to say this. Maybe I could be tempted into doing a Castlevania on stream again.


Anyway, on that bombshell, we’ve run over by six minutes. But thank you so much! Big thanks to Striker for being here. Would you like the last word, my friend, before we shut things down?


Eric Striker: Oh, yeah. No, just a message of support to my English friends in your national revolution. Stay steadfast. And just to plug my own stuff. Yeah, we got War Strike on Thursdays, 06:00 pm Eastern, Latoria dot Haven’t really been updating it much. I’m busy because I’m writing. Gonna start writing a book now, so keep your eyes peeled for that. And on Twitter if you want to find me there. It’s litorial ittoria 88. That’s my Twitter. I don’t use it that much, but I’m there if you want to follow me.


So, yeah, thanks, Mark.


Mark Collett: Well, thank you so much for being here. I’d just like to say, as I said, a huge thanks to Striker.


I’ll be back later in the week. We’ve got the Nationalist A-Team. Sunday night back with David Duke. 04:00 pm UK time on Friday. Video coming about the stabbings in Germany. That’ll be out 01:00 pm Friday.


And finally, we’ll be back next week with a new guest, Pox Popular. He is a new guest. Everyone asked for him. He’s agreed to come on! So, new guest next Wednesday. So just again, huge thank you to Striker for coming on. It’s been a great show. Thank you to everyone who donated so generously.


And finally, huge thank you to everyone who supported the show across all platforms. At peak, we had over 700 people watching live tonight. Good numbers. Absolutely solid show. Thank you. This community is wonderful! I love you all. Until next time, stay strong, keep fighting and I’ll see you same time next week. Thank you, everybody and good night.












Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 8/29/2024 = 897)

Mark Collett
6 hours ago
Pinned by @MarkCollett
If you would like to contribute to the stream, please use Entropy:

5 minutes ago
great to hear two differing opinions from friends and not have it devolve into a slap fight.(Fuentes VS Some Muslim/”Hispanic” Kitty 🐈 fight) seriously we need more rational discussions amongst ourselves like this 👍🏼👌🏼.

22 minutes ago
Great show, gents. Thank you both for your important work.

2 hours ago
I note that the Swastika and Roman Salute are still not illegal in the Jew-K while they are both now illegal in Jewstralia. Imagine my shock.

2 hours ago
Striker doesn’t inhale his cigarette smoke…..he swallows it.


4 hours ago
get ready brother

4 hours ago
stay strong brothers o/

Archipelago Woes
4 hours ago

4 hours ago
no red ice today they’re on vacation BTW 🙁


4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Ava reposts his stuff if anyone is interested.

4 hours ago

lol, never peace brother

4 hours ago
Yea good stream

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Excellent show.

4 hours ago
The King

4 hours ago

says the infirmed. keep watching kalergi ball

4 hours ago
Striker looks like Elvis

4 hours ago
Vox Populi makes really good vids.


4 hours ago

plus they’ve made a member of the Ultramarines as a black man…

4 hours ago


4 hours ago
Great show


4 hours ago
Buying games today is not a good idea, you’ll likely be supporting those antiwhite scum.

4 hours ago

manage your time better

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
bye everyone. hang in there

4 hours ago
🔥 Great show and chat. Night folks.🔥

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

time sink

4 hours ago

4 hours ago


4 hours ago
Good night Brothers and Sisters

4 hours ago
dont tell me its football, i hope it isnt

4 hours ago
and whats your secret shame?


4 hours ago

The Senior writer I recall is “Ashley Cooper” who wants to “blacklist CIS white men”.

4 hours ago
I switched out computer games for computer hacking.

The Ayatollah
4 hours ago
I’m live here as soon as this finishes:

4 hours ago
computer games should be seen as a secret shame like porn

4 hours ago
aria of sorrow, its the only one I’ve played

4 hours ago
Game Boy Advance had some really underrated titles.

4 hours ago

Crusader Kings 3 or bust.

4 hours ago

if so, let the game burn.

4 hours ago
Strikers got it right


4 hours ago
I don’t buy games anymore, it’s always wokeslop anti-white jew shit.

Hide replies

1 hour ago
check out paradox games, specifically crusader kings three. being angry all the time on the internet is not good for you in the long run, people dont like to be around someone who is bitter, even if they agree with their views

4 hours ago

VTMB and Deus Ex were great

4 hours ago
I have no ideal what these words mean 🥴

4 hours ago
London has fallen’s final boss is a crown flinging king charles…impossible without mods

4 hours ago
Castlevania was hard, but Ninja Gaiden was way harder.

4 hours ago
has all the cultures of the world represented accurately, including africa lmao

4 hours ago

Didn’t they have a tranny developing that game who also hates whites?

4 hours ago

one of the best of all time vtmb

4 hours ago
all other games of the same type pale in comparison

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
crusader kings 3 or naught

4 hours ago
anyone play vampire the masquerade bloodlines ?

4 hours ago
SOTN is best Castlevania

4 hours ago
mark needs to play the new Space Marine 2.


4 hours ago
thats why his vp is so young and has military background

4 hours ago
whoever is counting the votes decides

4 hours ago
he will, and he will hand the baton to the guy he picked as vice president to kick off the war

4 hours ago

lol true. but the other side is very strong and very deranged too

4 hours ago
I think he will win because he’s a pressure release valve. The U.S.A is becoming angry and racist again and only trump can cool that off and buy them more time to genocide us

4 hours ago


4 hours ago
Only the dissident right can give him the victory

4 hours ago
so he will win

4 hours ago

the dip and rise yes

4 hours ago

jignat/right wing jews want him to win, and they’re ascendant

4 hours ago

America is now in a point in which not even the Weimar solutions would not work. u would need some extreme.

4 hours ago
400k votes delivered at 5am to swing states, its all rigged

4 hours ago
clown show ***

4 hours ago
the elections are all rigged like last time. why would he win ? its all rigged. who counts the votes . its a clown shoe

4 hours ago
it isnt, trump is going to win. watch it happen, been saying it since he lost 2020

4 hours ago

then lobster is the same (it isnt)

4 hours ago
ho ho ho don’t eat the shrimp ho ho ho ho

4 hours ago
bloody hell that’s what I thought numerous places don’t take out the crap sack….

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

more or less the same

4 hours ago
Beagle enthusiasts are gay


4 hours ago
then you’ll love crawfish


4 hours ago
oh now shrimps okay mark ? lol

4 hours ago

Hello brother.

Stewart Passmore
4 hours ago

4 hours ago
just waiting for starmers starzi to batter down my door

4 hours ago


4 hours ago
two party Jew party

4 hours ago
🎸Keep on march!🎸

4 hours ago
yea, its tiresome


4 hours ago

I would not call it good. it simply reinclued stripped features. though the WRE hardest difficulty campaign was fantastic.

4 hours ago

😒you’ll be back

4 hours ago
total war died with rome 2

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

remove the subsides for non whites, watch that policy enforce itself.

4 hours ago
In SA it’s majority rights for blacks, but in England it’s minority rights.

4 hours ago

I hope it succeeds.

4 hours ago
a referendum will never help.

4 hours ago
the minimum should be 95% white in the UK . demanded. force. not asked

4 hours ago
well said Striker

4 hours ago
Well said Striker

4 hours ago
until it isnt


4 hours ago
the entire land is a homeland for whites. its all yours


4 hours ago
already is M8

4 hours ago
Orania is doing well.

4 hours ago
they won’t allow us anywhere. we’re at war

4 hours ago
always look at someone’s past

4 hours ago
sargon will stab us in the back if/when the dust settles. u just wait

4 hours ago
that terminology civil rights for whites is tainted by what civil rights was about. it was about white genocide

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
soygon lol what a trash heap


4 hours ago
civ1 first appeared on PC. Mark is stuck in console land


4 hours ago

Attila was actually really good, but the Creative Assembly is now a faggot woke company.

4 hours ago

success is south Africa being governed by afrikkaners again. short of that is just living in purgatory

4 hours ago


4 hours ago
Clocked in 1700h in “Unity of Command 2″…

4 hours ago
im playing fall of London IRL and im losing

4 hours ago
britannia was fun

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

ya take everything from non whites

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

of course

4 hours ago
wasnt Renshaw in the young BNP?

4 hours ago
fbi op

4 hours ago

4 hours ago


4 hours ago
didn’t they do some insane shit with atom waffen too

4 hours ago
whats ur guy’s take on scott ritter, i cant figure him out

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
I read that National Justice article

4 hours ago

maybe I should ? hmmm…lol joking hahaha

4 hours ago

never had it

4 hours ago
sick fkin animals

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
they raped an informant?

Walther Mauser
4 hours ago

4 hours ago

does it taste good ?

4 hours ago
This is why I push Christ.

4 hours ago

4 hours ago


4 hours ago
reminds me of that fed satanic “white nationalist” cult. I forgot which it was. but it was so extreme and horrific

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
… lol

4 hours ago
white nationalist cults are almost always feds. there is some horror storied I’ve heard. really horrific evil fed shit

4 hours ago
there’s an energy drink called pussy

4 hours ago
they have a set o forign and local energy drinks, tried the local ones like red bull etc…they suck

4 hours ago


4 hours ago
no, the drink shark


4 hours ago
striker is going for the Elvis look ? the side burns are hardcore lol

4 hours ago

I can smell them from yards away

4 hours ago
shark tastes like crap

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

yea i dont like them much

4 hours ago
Amp is my favorite energy drink

4 hours ago

Red Bull is in the room with me now.

The Resident Baker
4 hours ago
Send Mark the book so he can read the back cover.

4 hours ago
How about tea or coffee

4 hours ago
its ok, just tell me where the red bull butt u, its fine


4 hours ago
I have never had energy drinks, they smell disgusting like very sugary bubblegum

4 hours ago
lucas gage just uses third worldist takes to condemn Israel,,, completely oblivious (or perhaps not) to how those takes can be used against Whites…

4 hours ago
I can’t stand this red bull simping. Total chemical trash product.

4 hours ago
Mark took one for the team

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Harsh but fair

4 hours ago
You can make a new family mark

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Leave her immediately

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
mark collett fi like dem tropical red bull ting

4 hours ago
don’t start talking about niccotine. stopped years ago. worst craving on this entire planet


4 hours ago
hes a sperg, simple as

4 hours ago
cocaine striker ? jk

4 hours ago
hes tard wrangling christians

4 hours ago

also octopusses are too intelligent to eat

Teutonic Truth
4 hours ago
Five legs is a no go

4 hours ago
I’ve heard he’s doing over the top crazy things from numerous people. something is going on there. don’t know what

4 hours ago
he went too hard trying to lure and keep his christian base and they kicked him off

4 hours ago

I had it at restaurants, still rubber

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

4 hours ago
from what I’ve heard Lucas is going allegedly too extreme with his spergery ( and I love spergery )

4 hours ago

@Cathugger: Thank you for your contribution.

4 hours ago
lol lucas sperged out

4 hours ago

indeed. Unless I can’t cook it right

4 hours ago

and squid I presume but they both taste wonderful…and smell horrible. I smelled up a whole hall way with my octopus in summer school when I was a teen. fun stuff

4 hours ago

it is like rubber

4 hours ago
lobster, crab, fish, shark, crawfish, i dont eat any other seafood

4 hours ago
Eating octopus is like chewing bubble gum

4 hours ago
Dear Mark, I have to ask Striker’s opinion on Donald Trump and does he think that he will be the next President of the USA?

4 hours ago
shrimp may be the cockroach of the ocean but it’s unbeatable with chilli lime and coconut. if cockroaches would taste like that you would see me hunting in the streets of New York at night.

4 hours ago
It’s what the plants crave

4 hours ago
We used to eat Brawn

4 hours ago
Never eat Octopus. They’re too smart to be eaten.

4 hours ago
its like alex jones

keeps rightoids from going full bore ending up in “whites firsts” circles

4 hours ago
Lobster was once trash food, that was given to prisoners.

Stature of the Gods
4 hours ago
seaweed is a cheap food if you live near a beach

4 hours ago
I always played TW Rome as Celts

4 hours ago
lobster’s bloody delicious tho

The Resident Baker
4 hours ago


4 hours ago
lobsters are big sea insects

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

she’ll keep them on her plantation lol. or they’ll move to another gatekeeper

4 hours ago

Tendie Research Room
4 hours ago
except oysters, oysters is patrician

4 hours ago
Kosher food laws

Tendie Research Room
4 hours ago
shellfish is sea bugs

Commodvs Detritvs
4 hours ago

Nobody can handle the Roman V I guess

4 hours ago
Never eat anything with a face

4 hours ago
Except those sea insects tastes good

Stature of the Gods
4 hours ago
garlic mussels mmmmm

4 hours ago
oy vey no shellfish

4 hours ago
Crickets aren’t part of our culture.

Obscure Truth
4 hours ago

Yes, but others are just starting to learn about JQ from her. They will slowly come over to our side, I hope.

4 hours ago

Tendie Research Room
4 hours ago
hear hear

4 hours ago


4 hours ago
the aryan urge to conquer europe

4 hours ago
I only play Melvors Idle because it does everything on autopilot

4 hours ago

ego issue

4 hours ago
We have too many Generals and not enough soldiers.

4 hours ago
attila menu music is goated

4 hours ago
play Civ III

4 hours ago
My husband plays table top wargames.

4 hours ago
“hes just looking at a map”

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
I don’t recall there ever being indians in Rome 2

4 hours ago
i had the same problem with stellaris

Teutonic Truth
4 hours ago
M🤍 C

4 hours ago
repeat of history

Stature of the Gods
4 hours ago
because of starting area

Tendie Research Room
4 hours ago
jeet civ hjahaha

Stature of the Gods
4 hours ago
are hardest

Stature of the Gods
4 hours ago

4 hours ago
attila is really cool too

4 hours ago
anyone played manor lords?

4 hours ago
Who was the hardest to play in Rome? I can’t remember, maybe the Armenians on highest dif?

Stature of the Gods
4 hours ago
you need the mods with rome 2

Tendie Research Room
4 hours ago
all you need is heavy inf and shock cav

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Age of empires 2 GOAT

4 hours ago
no elephants wtf

4 hours ago
playing rome in rome total war is like making a human warrior in DnD

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

Tendie Research Room
4 hours ago
rome is the easiest

4 hours ago
Playing as Rome in Rome total war is not bragging material lol

4 hours ago
Striker is gonna get some Japanese players who have been playing since they were in diapers

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
i think striker will lose

Archipelago Woes
4 hours ago

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

hi Nick o/

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

4 hours ago
first u have to have a tent


4 hours ago

Tendie Research Room
4 hours ago

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Ok, Striker, that wasn;t cool bro

4 hours ago
but I agree with Mark about big tent

4 hours ago
Striker is one of the best

4 hours ago
he hates keith woods lol

4 hours ago
lol keith woods

4 hours ago
man, the religion shot is the most obvious yet its the most adhere to. boggles my mind


4 hours ago
I agree with Mark here

4 hours ago
except that debate is needed since religion countersignals the idea of race

4 hours ago

nah, she and her ilk are hindrances, speedbumps to the destination that is where we are at already

Commodvs Detritvs
4 hours ago
We love Striker

Obscure Truth
4 hours ago
Candace cannot possibly harm us because we know who and what she is, she cannot deceive us. We do not support her in anything except JQ. So we are definitely on the winning side.

4 hours ago
Stop picking on Striker!! 😀

Commodvs Detritvs
4 hours ago
Month and a half

4 hours ago

@Jewy-Von-Swindelstein: Thank you for your kind donation.

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
telegram is compromised now if it isnt already

4 hours ago

so true , his problems are numerous and solutions are few

Commodvs Detritvs
4 hours ago
How long did that bitch last? Liz Truss?

4 hours ago
its just elitists squabbles

4 hours ago

yea thats why i dont care about government, only to the extent i can mitigate their effect/screw up their shots

4 hours ago
If the Uk government are going to continue working with “community leaders” from minority groups every time there is trouble will they eventually have to accept that we also need representation?

4 hours ago
He’s been released pending court appearance

4 hours ago
Half the worlds elites are former young global leader at this point

4 hours ago

Also, gas and electricity prices are going up at much the same time. That could destroy Starmer.

4 hours ago
its the honky tonk man

4 hours ago
theres alot of tory chum in the waters of GB news

4 hours ago
so he was undercover for the other side and not zog?


Teutonic Truth
4 hours ago
DUKE is the most bona fide Loyalist ever.

4 hours ago
if they’re really breaking away from the system, they’d be dead

4 hours ago
they dont know thats what they’re doing sometimes…but its what they’re doing

4 hours ago
low impulse control lmao

4 hours ago

he is on Frodi’s show

The Resident Baker
4 hours ago

I was thinking the same thing.

4 hours ago
holy shit

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Off topic but anyone know where Reed Johnson went to?

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
anyone who shills Andrew tates (owens, carlson) are not to be trusted

4 hours ago

yes but also further , the economy won’t improve

4 hours ago
and they get ramped off

4 hours ago
what did i keep saying??

4 hours ago
thank u!!!!!

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
theo von had bernie sanders and Trump a week apart, he’s tied with them

4 hours ago
David Duke has been undercover for 50 years but he is finally breaking the case

4 hours ago


Let’s see what happens after the October budget. That will be interesting.

Teutonic Truth
4 hours ago
Cucker Tarlson is a malicious Coward.

4 hours ago
yea, they’re preventing people from reaching people like mark and striker etc

Archipelago Woes
4 hours ago
Imagine david duke reaching Theo Von’s audience.. We can only wish.

4 hours ago
david duke is kinda feddy tho but thats just me

4 hours ago
next pm probably a Dei candidate

The Resident Baker
4 hours ago
Hi Mark. Great show, good to see Striker back on with you. What do you think about Labour’s new plans to promote the eating of insects, especially crickets? Sounds disgusting to me.

4 hours ago
owens husband is shifty

4 hours ago
striker again

4 hours ago

4 hours ago

very possible , he is already unpopular

4 hours ago
get them to play along, i hear u mark

4 hours ago
I think Starmer will be out before the next election, one way or the other.


4 hours ago
Imagine a democracy where no one shows up to the ballot box.

4 hours ago
Priti Patel ,who when a backbencher went for talks with the israeli secret service without permission, that would usually bar you from political office, but surprise surprise she ended up as home secretary years later

4 hours ago
Conservatards will simp out for a black conservative, who is only like 25% as conservative as them, much harder than they will for a White that is more at their level…

4 hours ago

true, burning in the melting pot

4 hours ago
i dont care about the squabbles of elites

4 hours ago
Sunak looked like a pajeet mr potatoe head

4 hours ago
the only people cooked are the ones governed by the british government whoever it is

4 hours ago
tories are cooked

4 hours ago
yea, gotta keep ur kids on the winning team

4 hours ago
Striker makes me laugh and laughter is the best medicine

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
u mean like candace ownes? xD

Archipelago Woes
4 hours ago
:fedpost: those migrants lol

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
They get some protection by not being White

4 hours ago
Conservatards simp for brown “conservatives”

4 hours ago
Torys trying to be the Diverse moderates between Labour and Reform now

4 hours ago
Tories need at least one more Indian female to stand a chance at getting elected.

4 hours ago
he is

hes a militant zealot sperg for globohomo

Archipelago Woes
4 hours ago

4 hours ago
isnt Starmers personal rating now -16

Archipelago Woes
4 hours ago
Lets go Strike! o.

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
resurrect corbyn!

My Portal 2 chambers
4 hours ago
Starmer seems like a true believer in leftist ideology.

4 hours ago
Six Point Starmer

4 hours ago
Two Tier Steir

4 hours ago
Starmer has gone berserk

4 hours ago
not rly, its just social proof

they dont rly want the guy, they want to be around him. its a halo. Same way everyone wants to take pictures with a lambo or aston martin but they dont and/or cant own/maintain one

Commodvs Detritvs
4 hours ago
The Daily Starmer

4 hours ago
Make mutton chops great again!

4 hours ago

Thank you for your generosity.

5 hours ago
Contact the Sam Hyde network for a show, would watch

My Portal 2 chambers
5 hours ago
Perfect Strangers reboot

5 hours ago


5 hours ago
single men stink to single women, weird

5 hours ago
striker’s woman keeps a good house

5 hours ago
This stream has taken an unexpected turn 😂

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
I’d consider it an honor to be banned from the land of my ancestors by the current traitors and tyrants.

5 hours ago
someone get mark a drink stat

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
The royal family has been getting bred by Rothschilds since the 1800s look it up

5 hours ago
The Odd Couple?

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago

5 hours ago

something like that

5 hours ago
its all about that brooklyn-water, does wonders for a man’s constitution

5 hours ago
That haircut is mogging mark

5 hours ago
Mark, how do u get along with everyone? Striker, how do you get along with almost no one?

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
Women see a guy with a girlfriend as attractive because he must have something going for him

5 hours ago
I feel sorry for younger folk. Everything is on camera now. Years ago, what went on was always in the past.

5 hours ago

5 hours ago

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
I’m hammered right now

5 hours ago
oh geez lol

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
a Whisky stream

5 hours ago

lol. yea drink lots of water. its too much

5 hours ago

Thank you for your kind donation.

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago

I drank an entire bottle of red wine today so I’m misfiring

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
Tourettes Mark

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
he turns into a spreg

5 hours ago

what are you taking about

5 hours ago
someone get mark a drink please

5 hours ago

lmao :laughing:

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago

Red Wine?

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago
Somebody post picture of that sign with the dog riding a skateboard smoking a ciggy and having a Martini

5 hours ago

Yeah, me too. I keep it under control now. I lost too many times ha ha

5 hours ago
Striker’s telling the truth.

5 hours ago
Iron Liver

5 hours ago


5 hours ago
just drink lots of water and salt

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago

Its kind of a woman drink?

5 hours ago
What do you think about the fact that Pavel Durov was chosen by Klaus Schwab’s WEF Young Global Leaders to join their organization, representing Finland?

5 hours ago
takes forever to get it out of ur body

5 hours ago
Can relate

5 hours ago
The older you get, the worse the hangover. It gets to the point when it’s not worth it.

5 hours ago
im an aggressive drunk its what made me quit years ago

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
metabolism slows

5 hours ago
yea it catches up

5 hours ago

wrong gaba agonism. makes you relaxed enough to be blatant

5 hours ago
lot of wet shoulders at the bar

5 hours ago
Hail the strong Aussies

Bianca Fights The Zombies
5 hours ago
need to have a drinking stream

5 hours ago
I’ve never had a hang over in my life

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
Alcohol isn’t telling the truth because it’s a clouded state of judgement

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
i like a nice botlle of isle of Jura Whiskey.

5 hours ago

5 hours ago


Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago
ginnan tonnix

5 hours ago
bordeaux wine is nice

5 hours ago

they are good

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
Red Wine

5 hours ago
true. Gin is a good alcohol drink.

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
gin keeps you thin, whiskey makes me frisky

5 hours ago
Haven’t drank a drop in 3 months

5 hours ago
Redbull and McDonalds

5 hours ago

Rum is good value for money

5 hours ago

Yeah and I flllow Cottrell ans Sewell and Joell.

5 hours ago
I’d like a nice rum and coke now

5 hours ago
i like rum

5 hours ago
Forget Scotch. English whisky is much smoother

5 hours ago
Gin and Tonic is a womens drink

5 hours ago
Mark only drinks redbull

5 hours ago
I like Rum

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago
Friendship ended with Mark Collet

5 hours ago


5 hours ago
lieutennant dan you aint got no legs

5 hours ago
The Aussie nationalists are doing it too.

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
10/10 name

5 hours ago

Teutonic Truth
5 hours ago
Communications outlets don’t merit more than a single syllable designation. X Post Reposted X

5 hours ago
Thank you once more


5 hours ago
what leverage do they have tho

5 hours ago
Striker runs Suriname

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
I can put my real name and photo out because I’m a little guy

5 hours ago
I saw that too , good optics

5 hours ago
Striker is huge in Azerbaijan.

5 hours ago
bourbon > scoth

5 hours ago

yes I have seen that as well, very cool

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
They see him as a biker bar guy

Teutonic Truth
5 hours ago
CommonSense Nationalism will Prevail⚪ Go Free with CommonSense!

5 hours ago
If anyone wants to take a listen:

5 hours ago
Whiskey and cigarette smoking mess lol

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
they also claim coke addict

5 hours ago
Striker is a distinguished man

5 hours ago
I heard israel makes the best scotch (jk(

5 hours ago
Striker is big in Japan

5 hours ago
Mark and Striker, have you heard the new song “Opa war Sturmsylter” by FLAK? It’s a song about events on Sylt(Germany) from this year.

5 hours ago
isolate that drop

5 hours ago
you’re both with significant influence

5 hours ago
it is what it is

5 hours ago
yea he is, figuratively and literally

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
you arent a little guy striker

5 hours ago

what else will i spend these bullshir tokens on?

5 hours ago

so true

5 hours ago
exactly thats the only people they heard of because thats the way its set up, they’re there to prevent normies from getting to striker and mark

5 hours ago

Thank you for your contribution.

5 hours ago

Nice! I’m a fan of Striker, but I just thought it was a funny comparison :grinning:

Teutonic Truth
5 hours ago
X Post Reposted X

5 hours ago
Organized Jewry greatly fears the truth

5 hours ago
and that is why they will loose they are out of goodwill

5 hours ago
real suppression is becoming a minority in your own home and being arrested for complaining about it

5 hours ago
I agree

Nothing like a bit of a friendly debate, after all.

5 hours ago
putin never comes out and says “ayo its israel that has to pay for this” its always (((the west))) its always USA, its always the attack dog and not the owner to blame

5 hours ago

I had to google Jimmy Neutron. I’m glad I did. 😆

5 hours ago

nail on the head

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago
Striker is looming

5 hours ago
The UK economy relies on the real estate boom and equity based debt. There is no significant industry or job creation (jobs that provide a family man with a genuine economic stake)

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
people say race war race war. when all u have to do is pull the plug on subsidies for immigrants and wait for winter lmao

Tendie Research Room
5 hours ago

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
It’s not our fault their countries are hopeless slums

5 hours ago
Vassal state: How America runs Britain, i think

5 hours ago


Tendie Research Room
5 hours ago
what was the title of the book again?

5 hours ago
all liberty defending man have been slaughtered or cucked, we are ripe for the soros picking

5 hours ago
winter comes, the government keeps u warm


Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago
James Joyce

5 hours ago

why go home when your existence is subsidized?

5 hours ago
From the book vassal state

5 hours ago
Time to go home but they’re no good at taking the hint 😁

5 hours ago

Thank you for your donation.

5 hours ago
remove welfare, the immigrants will either leave or starve. especially when winter comes around. but that requires taking power

5 hours ago
right , party is over go home

5 hours ago
Striker really knows his stuff about England.

Teutonic Truth
5 hours ago .uk

5 hours ago
hes doing things in russian interest even if it means enabling the handlers of the west ie israel/jews

5 hours ago

True, signal is better.

5 hours ago
Also Telegram is NOT end-to-end encrypted, despite them advertising it as being so.

5 hours ago
putin is the other side of the op

5 hours ago
I like to see a bit of disagreement on PWR

5 hours ago
UK is more like 60% White British certainly not 74%

5 hours ago
Jimmy Neutron is all grown up now

5 hours ago
Our insane leaders will probably ask for the Ukraine win for Durov lol

5 hours ago
Putin is no genius just our “leaders” make him look like one.

5 hours ago
they don’t care

5 hours ago
Maybe firebombing and starving germans was not a great idea.

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
Their countries suck so bad they will arrive there no matter what

5 hours ago

there are state elections in the east and AFD myight win the “governor” posts inthe easts at least in Sachsen and Thuringia

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago
Yo, Chedda Man was a blue gummed boot lipped n r, it’s science and sheeit

5 hours ago
going to Turkey to get my notting hill shank dislodged, still waiting in A and E

5 hours ago
we wuz chedda-man

5 hours ago

ah i see, i take back my previous comment then, if they own the factories/labour

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
They cant claim stolen land in Great Britain so tell them to piss

5 hours ago
A storm is coming

5 hours ago

no, because all of them did not do this in prison. the ones with the sagged pants were some other guy’s bych

5 hours ago

I am not sure but I think Leipzig and Dresden are quite large industrial centers

5 hours ago
cuz they can’t have belts in prison.

5 hours ago

why am I not surprised

5 hours ago
saggy pants was a CIA prison psyop, that stuck.

5 hours ago
Hugo boss suits for all

5 hours ago
the protest isnt going to amount to anything much if they dont have leverage

thats why i ask

5 hours ago
sagging pants is a custom they learn in prison

5 hours ago

and what do they do/make? their economy

5 hours ago
that pants thing is a homosexual thing btw, originated in prisons

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
that originated in prison rapes by the way

5 hours ago

they are more white than the west

5 hours ago

My pleasure 👍

5 hours ago
That type of antiwhite violence is pretty much normalized in the US.

5 hours ago

Thank you again for your donation.

5 hours ago
afro caribs stabbed a white man who almost died while taking his baby for a stroll. its insane in uk

5 hours ago
Boomers gunna get reked

5 hours ago
Alice Weidel (AFD) said yesterday at a rally that she want’s a survey in to who destroyed the Nordstream two

5 hours ago
Only figthing age matters.

5 hours ago
Let’s face it: Starmer would be happy if White pensioners froze to death

5 hours ago

whats their demographics and what do they mostly make/do?

5 hours ago
Striker just Nailed-it

5 hours ago

Thank you for your generous donation, Sir.

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago
New Yorkers distrust people with suntans

5 hours ago


5 hours ago

a lot of protests in eastern Germany

5 hours ago
only flames are going to remove the jews in dissarmed countries.

5 hours ago

of course 😊 I’m glad to be here

5 hours ago
Mark’s looking sharp as nail, where do you tan, i have a tanning bed at home, you should look into it

5 hours ago
Good takes. Some of these “mainstream people” are using our talking points for their own purpose and may even water down the message.

5 hours ago

is that so? how so?

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago
I have a better question, why does the Royal Navy have Daleks on top of their ships?

5 hours ago
People I know who watch a lot of MSM are saying that Starmer is coming across as incompetent and out of his depth.
When he was heckled in Southport he certainly looked like a rabbit caught in headlights.
Do you think he’ll still be PM by the next election?

5 hours ago
for israel yes

5 hours ago
In germany things are slowly heating up

5 hours ago
they should scrap the government headquarters for firewood

5 hours ago
Oj could run wakanda, but he’s dead now.

5 hours ago
Smash that :fire: button family, wfp

5 hours ago

poorly informed u say, u literally said u started listening to her 3 weeks ago. u dont know the shot and thats fine. just stop trying to cope or have one over me when youre clearly new to this because you’re starting to annoy me

5 hours ago
Johnny Bravo has really let himself go….so sad

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago

Ha good point

5 hours ago


5 hours ago

5 hours ago


5 hours ago
OJ is a slightly honorary Aryan, he killed a jew and a mudshark.

5 hours ago
Mark is still a little naive. Begin with dont trust. guilty till proven otherwise

5 hours ago

im saying its irrelevant if she has european genes or not. if shes not doing or saying things which help whites in the long and short term, shes a hindrance

5 hours ago

Thank you for your generous donation.

the woodlander
5 hours ago
i often need an interpreter to understand the doctors

5 hours ago
No elite who allows their kids to marry jews can be trusted

5 hours ago

So it’s the one drop rule and we cannot have any honoraries or allies?

5 hours ago

He likes sucking them off

5 hours ago
I remember candace on ethan ralphs killstream back in the day

5 hours ago
Thank you for a nice afternoon show o/

5 hours ago

ok carlota, ok. whatever.

5 hours ago
Her Twitter space was ridiculous. Tate, scumbag blow hard talking over everyone

5 hours ago

White people have to stop letting their kids marry jews

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago

25–30% about

5 hours ago
Trump is a jew.

5 hours ago
look how that went

5 hours ago
Her boss was literally Ben Shapiro… she knows who the jews are

5 hours ago
We’re dragging them forward and when they begin to adopt our views
at leatr somewhat that’s not always the end of the world.

5 hours ago
use her and throw her away i say

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
We shall see

5 hours ago

watch some Dustin Nemos videos before you have a knee jerk reaction. I was you 2 months ago

5 hours ago
shes there to PREVENT people from finding U

5 hours ago
we don’t need a book edited by jews. We are RACE ONLY.

5 hours ago
shes not reeducating anyone

she and her ilk are GATEKEEPING against people like u and striker

5 hours ago
We need God on our side. Christian Identity will do that for us

5 hours ago
no one is saying she has to be 100% on our points. thats not the point, the point is she is inorganic and part of an op

5 hours ago
Candace is paid by the jews, always was.

5 hours ago
stop trying to strawman/redirect because ur point was invalidated

De Dubius Unum
5 hours ago
i got into it with a person recently from the U..K. he said that mas immigration wasn’t a big deal in the U.K. ? he was obliviously a Globalist shill

5 hours ago

no one is crying, people are WARNING

5 hours ago
yes, but does she wash her chicken with dish soap?

5 hours ago
Owens doesn’t need a pay check; she married into significant wealth

5 hours ago
its to no oees benifet to cry about it

5 hours ago
sperg power

5 hours ago
striker the sperg gets it 1000%

5 hours ago
Agree with Striker.

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
Trump and race are the only gates left to keep.

5 hours ago
Exactly right haha

5 hours ago
and now shes on the outside looking in so shes going with the wind

5 hours ago
she was ALLOWED to build

5 hours ago
I wouldnt be surprised if shes still getting a paycheck from the daily wire

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
So she wasnt naturally a deep thinker. Rather superficially rose to the top

5 hours ago
striker dropping the shots, finally

5 hours ago
Candace was working for or at least acting for some surveillance tier org, but I can’t remember its name

5 hours ago
seems like a very jewy plan

5 hours ago
trump is 100% white

5 hours ago
I think the system is nervous

5 hours ago
irrelevant, shes an op

5 hours ago
Owens looks like she has a good bit of White dna.

5 hours ago
thats the emj take of religiuon over race bullshit

5 hours ago
Ive seen Dustin’s videos. still RACE ONLY, screw religion until we clean it up and remove the jew edits, thats what got us here.

5 hours ago
past matters

De Dubius Unum
5 hours ago
He walked away from me with his white family , I did mention Mark and others who are from the U.K. and are feed up, but I realize you have speech laws thoughwhich is insane

5 hours ago

no u havent, u just found out today she was hired by jews off explore talent

5 hours ago
look how many years alex jonesers were in his camp before very few of them came to our thing

5 hours ago
That sounds very sus

5 hours ago

no offence but u just got here, 3 weeks u listened to owen for

5 hours ago
such theatre much fake wow

5 hours ago
her first gig was crowdfunding for a online pillory for young girls social media sins

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
Thats a bit shocking

De Dubius Unum
5 hours ago
We are fighting the powersthatbe out of jew control our message is more popular

5 hours ago

I remember Candace was unwatchable and a bad person in the past. Her transformation came only with her ultra-based ultra-Catholic husband.

5 hours ago
thats where she was pulled from

5 hours ago
so the blueprint is work for the jews build your rep turn on the jews

5 hours ago
What was that “big brother” group she worked for?

5 hours ago

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
Yeah she was

5 hours ago
She didn’t build anything lol

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
you were never a small name. you always had lots of popularity mark. at least since I started seeing you

Obscure Truth
5 hours ago
As long as it benefits us, it’s good.

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
Well she’s a black female so her popularity will come to her far easier

5 hours ago
she was ALLOWED to build it


5 hours ago
I remember HeelTurn outro Music. That pilot who went flying a little, with no experience, only XboX … good times

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
2016 the Golden year

5 hours ago
Everyone I speak to says Listen to Mark and Striker. I only speak to three people though!

5 hours ago
I remember heelturn show.

5 hours ago
Those were the days. Bloodsports too

5 hours ago

go checker her in 2020

5 hours ago
Great Stream guys. If people want a great education in geo politics past, present and future check out Striker’s work, he has great taste and knowledge of Scotch also

5 hours ago
yeah really

5 hours ago

Walsh also shits on the GOP for pandering to leftist freaks too. I’ll take that and when he says something tarded I’ll call it out too.

5 hours ago
Candace is very smart, not cultured, but very smart and articulate. She totally destroyed the rabbi and Piers Morgan in debates.

5 hours ago
I loved heelturn

5 hours ago
heelturn when spencer was good…..a lifetime ago

5 hours ago
jews recruited her from explore talent

5 hours ago
heelturn was great

5 hours ago
shes an op tho mark. just bad at playing her role now

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
In many ways Candace is a DEI in the right wing sphere

5 hours ago
I put you guys on a pedestal 😆

5 hours ago
All that matters if you get the Eye of Sauron on you

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago

As long as it actually does without giving the enemy any ammo to use against us

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
Candace appealed to normie much faster as the based black lady which was very trendy at the time

5 hours ago
I strongly suspect Sargon & his media operation are Jewish funded, just like the rest of he British establishment-right. They never call out the evil that’s being carried out in Palestine or the extent of Zionist influence

5 hours ago
Bilzerian is a trust fund baby chasing the latest trend much like the tates

5 hours ago
synthesise the shots. i think candace is an op but shes playing her role badly because of low impulse control

5 hours ago
Vox Day had as reply to Ron Unz article on Candace to say that her mix of wealth and black shield may simply be too much of a hassle for Youtube

5 hours ago

It works in our favor, period. That’s why.

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
fair enough mark

5 hours ago


5 hours ago

i rest my case lol

5 hours ago
HOT TAKE :fire:

5 hours ago
right right, collet has a point

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago

Because who is giving us those Ws and what’s their motivation?

5 hours ago
You’re probably giving them too much credit.

5 hours ago

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
She has black privilege so it helps her

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
Jews know that the goy waking up is inevitable, and just like a good magician they’ll control which direction that goes.

5 hours ago
Candace lacks a frontal lobe

5 hours ago

5 hours ago

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
They would get cancelled into oblivion if they told the truth on everything

5 hours ago
I got shit on the other day for saying Matt Walsh is saying ‘anti-White’ and releasing a documentary on anti-White racism because he isn’t one of /ourguys/. Why can’t we take the little Ws when we get them w/o attacking each other?

5 hours ago
We need a mentally ill billionaire to talk about how based AH was to win.

5 hours ago
sit down, have my coke in hand

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago
I tend to be more on Striker’s side of this issue

5 hours ago
Striker has a point

5 hours ago
ima sit down for this one

5 hours ago
I bet Candace eats spoonfuls of raw corn starch when no one is watching

5 hours ago

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
She might know however she doesn’t want to get completely canclled

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
EXACTLY striker

5 hours ago
The system will release more and more information as they consolidate more and more power

5 hours ago
no one is saying for her to be 100% on our side

but look at her origin, her past. who took her in. she is an OP

5 hours ago
the fact that her channel shows up in the yt reccomended section should raise alarm bells

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
We can take what we can get

5 hours ago
if its 2 years ago or less i rest my case

5 hours ago

yes they do it on purpose to waste everyone’s time.

5 hours ago

when did u start?

5 hours ago
and u are a virgin

5 hours ago
striker is a freak show grifter

5 hours ago
she is there to take crap, tie it to legit points to make the whole thing look like crap

5 hours ago

5 hours ago

sigh, and she talks about ufos and retarded crap also

Obscure Truth
5 hours ago

5 hours ago
Striker is right about that.

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
Snookie is now a washed up hag

5 hours ago
Snookie, havent heard that in 10 years

5 hours ago
excatly striker

5 hours ago
who the fuk is this freak Striker???? he looks like a horror movie character for God sake

5 hours ago
Jersey girls

5 hours ago

no collette, shes there to tie cook shit to legit conspiracies then sink it

5 hours ago
Snookie effect lol

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
She’s aware of the clear hypocrisy however she isn’t going into the Zionist dominance in the West

5 hours ago
You could redpill millions of Christians with Dustin Nemos with Christian Identity. Something to consider

Obscure Truth
5 hours ago
Indeed. Yeah, let her talk.

5 hours ago
jews pulled her and bobert and others off of explore talent

5 hours ago
did u see the link i sent? lol

5 hours ago
Owens has a huge reach

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
Candace isn’t extremely knowledgeable on it but we appreciate her scraping the surface in the mainstream

5 hours ago
doesnt matter

look at her origin. she is there to tie cook shit to legit conspiracies to sink it

5 hours ago
the groypers are already turning on her lol

5 hours ago
Maybe the new version of 80/20 is not to lie about the other 20%, but to talk about ancient aliens instead.

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago
Not sure she’s not an op

5 hours ago

they took it down but she was on explore talent

5 hours ago
It’s genocide

5 hours ago
It’s not a war

5 hours ago

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago

I’m undecided. She’ll say something 100% truthful and then in the next breath say something idiotic

Walther Mauser
5 hours ago

5 hours ago
There is truth to that for sure

5 hours ago
yea she is, check her origin

and its not the talmud striker its the torah

5 hours ago
I’ve had 2 twitter accounts suspended. If they ban me they must be very desperate.

Chuck Gerety
5 hours ago
USA gives Israel a license to murder

Subversion Diversion
5 hours ago
this is what Adam Green calls “kosher antisemitism”

5 hours ago
Candace Owens is just slightly ignorant. I don’t believe she’s cynically acting as controlled opposition

5 hours ago
yes these people are fake and should be ignored.

5 hours ago
Striker’s bitrate is dropping

Tendie Research Room
5 hours ago
they done goofed and deplatformed the dissidents and its costing them allot of resources to keep track of all these groups gone underwater. Their move is to attract dissidents back where they can monitor and analyze more effectively

Commodvs Detritvs
5 hours ago

5 hours ago
o/ hail striker

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
candace ovens

5 hours ago
Elvis has entered the building

5 hours ago
He got rid of Lucas Gage on trumped up charges. The Jews did not like Gage’s Twitter account; they pressured Musk to ban him

5 hours ago
ahhh makes sense

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
Musk is too largeand a household name

5 hours ago
Twitter has always been the right arm of the US govt. it was largely responsible for the Arab Spring in the early 2010’s

5 hours ago
Long-term Twitter will greatly grow in value

5 hours ago
gay rapper

6 hours ago
old jewry

6 hours ago
tied to labor

6 hours ago
TL;DR its not tied to labored

6 hours ago
i dont think its good, because cornered animals fight to the death with their all

6 hours ago


6 hours ago
they’re flailing, cornered animal tactic

6 hours ago
financialized economy

Chief Moody
6 hours ago
Evening troops

6 hours ago
I suggest also another guest

, Dustin Nemos, has lots of proof that jews are not israelites. Christian Identity would be very powerful for Christians in the movement.

6 hours ago

Thank you for your kind donation.

Horse Consoler
5 hours ago

puff doodle

5 hours ago

yes indeed

6 hours ago
p diddle

6 hours ago
Great show, great guest

6 hours ago

His videos are great.

6 hours ago
flex on elon

6 hours ago

6 hours ago
This Zionist occupied government does not work or strategically plan on behalf of the mass of the population. Self-interested puppets

6 hours ago
no they weren’t pressured. they want this because its good precedence for europe

6 hours ago

just followed

6 hours ago

6 hours ago
or the guy prior

6 hours ago
when it was mao, oh boy

6 hours ago

depends on who is in charge, xi is in charge so u get a library if u give him a vector for his markets

6 hours ago
Mark and Striker, do you have any thoughts on the nationalist protest in Leipzig, which involved various individuals, all of whom were, of course, registered and stopped by the police?

6 hours ago
yea, hard power, they’re flailing like a cornered animal

6 hours ago
If you deal with China they will build you a massive Library, if you deal with America they will troon your kids and bring in infinity migrants.

6 hours ago
communists and famine as a weapon go hand in hand

6 hours ago

nope, they just had a bunch of jews in their ranks and one of them (lazar kaganovich) gave the green light for a famine, mugabe style

6 hours ago
Genuine free speech is a real threat to the Zionist order and their power grip

6 hours ago
at least the Soviet Union didn’t have mass migration and Lgbtq bullshit

6 hours ago
or he could of been lead into a honey trap


6 hours ago
yeah but ultimately it wasn’t worth it if the west breaks him anyway

6 hours ago

makes sense they’d do that because telegram is a threat to them too, theres enemies of them who organize on telegram, they press him, the west does the work for putin

Horse Consoler
6 hours ago

BANG! blood dribbles down…

6 hours ago
the west is a dystopian shithole

Commodvs Detritvs
6 hours ago
Dammit now I have “From Russia With Love” stuck in my head

6 hours ago
Russia made a huge mistake pressing him in the first place, should’ve just be patient

6 hours ago
I can’t sign up for goyim. I want to post videos there again. I have gone back and forward on ht several times myself

6 hours ago
lol ok, keep coping

6 hours ago
Seen all that, inconclusive

6 hours ago
i can link the proof here but id get banned

6 hours ago

6 hours ago

6 hours ago
handsome truth is gay and stupid, literally

6 hours ago

Get Handsome Truth on again?

6 hours ago
I just made a Telegram channel, I’m still trying to understand it lol:
Anyone want to be my first sub lol

6 hours ago
came to the west for poosie

6 hours ago

6 hours ago

thats how they got mordecai vanunu whistleblower

6 hours ago


6 hours ago
I didn’t thinks so, but i have standards lmao

Chuck Gerety
6 hours ago
Grindr is a hotbed for child preds

6 hours ago
She wasn’t even that attractive.

6 hours ago
she was hot

6 hours ago


6 hours ago
Did you see the bird that got him? lol

6 hours ago

probably was honeypotted lol. cant imagine not being savvy about not knowing you have a target on ur back

6 hours ago
striker looks like a young Boz Boorer ,guitarist with Morrisseys backing band.

6 hours ago
Warstrike is a superb show, very high quality

6 hours ago
WarStrike is excellent.

6 hours ago
Durov was stupid to come to the west

6 hours ago

yea, he’ll play ball now or go behind bars. telegram is compromised now if it wasnt already

6 hours ago
Striker is a great thinker and journalist/ researcher and recommend his and Warren’s show Warstrike

6 hours ago
Pavel Durov was apparently in talks to return to Russia 🇷🇺

6 hours ago
reminds me of James Dean from ‘rebel without a cause’

6 hours ago

he refused to hand a backdoor to sec services so its claimed

6 hours ago

RIP lmao

6 hours ago
shut it down

Chuck Gerety
6 hours ago
It’s cool how his sideburns know how to morph on demand

6 hours ago
(((Online Safety Bill)))

6 hours ago
holy shit telegram owner arrested? :.

6 hours ago


6 hours ago

Lol you’re right, maybe this aryan hair just makes me miss my dead black wife

6 hours ago
Starmer is close to the Crown Prosecution Service; the Crown Prosecution Service is Zionist occupied

6 hours ago


Joe Marsh
6 hours ago
Hes the king of rock n roll

6 hours ago

6 hours ago
the strike and mike talk?

the only good thing on trs at the time?

6 hours ago

Go with a Fro to pay respects to your dead black wife lol

the woodlander
6 hours ago

nope he just took up smoking and being racist..its all good

6 hours ago

even more important it is not good for him

6 hours ago
I thought that was part of ‘the look’

6 hours ago
he wants to die sooner/go out early, doesnt wanna reach old age


Joe Marsh
6 hours ago
Elvis aint dead

6 hours ago
Striker needs to pack in the chain smoking. Not a good look

6 hours ago
u can sit through it if ur a sperg

6 hours ago


6 hours ago


6 hours ago
throwing some shekels your way. Mark, i really hope you can become the next mosley that england so desperately needs. wishing you and PA nothing but the best. warm regards from the Jewnited states.

6 hours ago
strikers hair is class , lay off him 🙂

6 hours ago

I was talking the episode long time ago

6 hours ago
ive already toned down my language on twitter ,half expected a knock on the door.

6 hours ago
I like the guy on the right but I might try out a different hair style lol

6 hours ago

no, they both got kicked to the curb because they were disrupting mike/jesse’s grift

6 hours ago
Elvis is also in Argentina!

6 hours ago
pomade nationalism

6 hours ago
Strike and Mike had an episode or two with Warren was substituting for Moike, I think that’s how WarStrike got the name

6 hours ago
he’s a grifter

6 hours ago
The pack of cigs in the folded up black t sleeve

6 hours ago
like the Morrissey quiff.

6 hours ago

he’s our last and only hope

Chuck Gerety
6 hours ago
Jimmy Neutron

6 hours ago

He’s gonna rock this town, lol

6 hours ago
Don’t mock the look lol

6 hours ago
Striker takes his time with the afrosheen prep.

6 hours ago

good evening

6 hours ago
is Eric getting the Stray Cats back together?

6 hours ago
Good evening.

6 hours ago
I had hair like that…circa 1977

6 hours ago


6 hours ago


6 hours ago
Keith Woods persistence on social media is a bit puzzling.

6 hours ago


6 hours ago
I can’t remember any songs past 1994


6 hours ago

6 hours ago
did he say 30 weeks?? only feels like the other day striker was on the show

6 hours ago
Warstrike is great

6 hours ago
lol striker thinks keith woods is a fed xD

6 hours ago

that’s the only song I know of

6 hours ago

that’s crazy good that he got shot

6 hours ago
or coffee, not sure

The Resident Baker
6 hours ago
Evening all o/

6 hours ago

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully things will change in Europe soon.

6 hours ago
tea and cigarettes?

6 hours ago

again today ?

6 hours ago

A separate incident to the diversity festival stabbing?

Commodvs Detritvs
6 hours ago
How he can afford cigarettes in New York I’ll never know

6 hours ago
Hey, Mark. Do you think it’s in bad taste for Eric to mock the suffering of Ukrainians in the war (

3:02:25) but expect us to feel solidarity with Palestinians?

the woodlander
6 hours ago


6 hours ago


6 hours ago
hail chat people o/

Stature of the Gods
6 hours ago

6 hours ago
here we go

the woodlander
6 hours ago

Commodvs Detritvs
6 hours ago

6 hours ago

6 hours ago

6 hours ago


6 hours ago
Hello folks

6 hours ago

good evening mate

6 hours ago
Stryker is usually a few mins late. I think it’s his anti assassination tactic.

6 hours ago
“Keith Woods: The World Bank is boycotting X over the account of @ barrystantonGBP after pressure from CBS News” lol

the woodlander
6 hours ago

evening friend

6 hours ago
Running on Striker time LOL.

6 hours ago
Good evening all

6 hours ago
Good evening

and chat.

6 hours ago
lol striker the sperg

6 hours ago

6 hours ago


6 hours ago

7 hours ago
I don’t think Telegram will be going anywhere. It’s too valuable a source of intel and tool of disinfo for various state actors. Instead, Durov will likely strike a deal to curtail its more illegal content (piracy, CSAM) while allowing CIA, Israeli, Ukrainian honeypots to continue.

Commodvs Detritvs
7 hours ago
Striker and k.d. lang apparently

8 hours ago

14 hours ago
4am in Aussie!

Northern Blue
18 hours ago
8am show? Serious schedule change



See Also






Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript

Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript





Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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This entry was posted in Britain, Donald Trump, Eric Striker, Ethno-nationalism, Ethnocentrism, Extremism, Freedom of Speech, Hate Speech, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Naming, Jews - Tool of, Mark Collett, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Muslim invasion, Nationalism, Patriotic Weekly Review, Race, Telegram, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Twitter/X, Ukraine War 2022, White genocide, White Nationalism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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