Patriotic Alternative
A Message to the Anti-White System
Laura Towler’s 2024 PA Conference Speech
Sat, Oct 19, 2024
[In this video Laura Towler, Deputy Leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, gives an impassioned speech at PA’s annual conference about her husband’s (Sam Melia) imprisonment.
The following points were made by Laura:
Sam Melia was arrested by Counter Terrorism for distributing stickers deemed to “stir up racial hatred”.
Counter Terrorism failed to find evidence of more serious crimes against Sam.
Sam was sentenced to two years in prison for distributing stickers and “racially aggravated criminal damage”.
The prosecution admitted “the truth is no defense in court”.
A jury found Sam guilty despite a lack of evidence of intent to incite racial hatred.
Expressed her disgust with the jury: “I do not forgive you and I never will.”
The judge disagreed with the verdict but later gave a harsh sentence, which Laura attributes to external pressure.
Criticizes the probation service and their arguments: “What does it even mean to be British anyway?”
Children’s Services assessed whether Sam and Laura were a risk to their children due to their views and concluded “no”.
The “silent majority are becoming less silent” in support of their cause.
The state’s actions have made Sam “a hero” and “champion of free speech”.
Laura states: “Your grip is loosening” regarding the state’s control over dissenting voices.
Quotes a supporter saying the “whole ZOG system needs to come crashing down!”.
Patriotic Alternative remains “standing strong, defiant, telling the truth” after five years.
Increased publicity for their cause due to Sam’s case.
Support from various right-wing and some left-wing figures and media outlets.
The “Overton Window” has shifted in their direction.
Thanks supporters for their help during Sam’s imprisonment.
Sam will be released in two months but remain on license until March 2026.
Published on Sat, Oct 19, 2024
A Message to the Anti-White System – Laura Towler’s 2024 PA Conference Speech
October 27, 2024
Patriotic Alternative
PA Deputy Leader Laura Melia’s speech at the 2024 Patriotic Alternative Conference.
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(Words: 5,794 – Duration: 36 mins)
Aaron Spreadbury: So, with that all said, I can introduce our first speaker. Our first speaker is someone that we all know and love. She has become quite famous for her ability to multitask, not only raising multiple children, but running a business at the same time, all while filling the role of Patriotic Alternative’s deputy leader. We don’t know how she does it, but she takes it all in her stride nonetheless, and with a smile to boot.
Even with her husband Sam, currently in prison for Thought Crime, she has proven to be an exemplar of our values, striking off a daily storm of troubles that serves only to cement the respect that this wonderful woman so rightfully commands. So give a cheer for the Queen of British nationalism, it’s Laura Melia!
[loud applause]
Laura Towler: Thank you so much! I am losing my voice, so I’m hoping it lasts throughout the whole speech. But if my voice goes, I might try and get Sam’s dad up here to finish my speech for me. No pressure! [chuckling]
What a year it’s been! I’ve never wanted to give a speech as much as I’ve wanted to give this one. There’s so much that I want to say and so much that I want to get on the record. I’ve actually been writing this speech in my head all year, and there’s so many people that I want to hold to account.
What I’m saying is my patience has finally reached its limit. And there’s a reason that I chose to wear a dress with lightning bolts on it today.
When I stood up here last year at Patriotic Alternative 2023 conference, I didn’t know that within a year my husband, Sam Melia, would be in prison. I didn’t know that I’d have another daughter who I delivered by myself, without her father there. A daughter who, now six months old, doesn’t recognise her dad because she only gets 90 minutes with him a week. I didn’t know that I’d be battling against counter-terrorism, judges, barristers, probation and social services. I didn’t know that I’d be testifying in court and debating a King’s Council barrister who specialises in murder, serious violence and terrorism on the topic of Sir Oswald Mosley.
I didn’t know that my husband would be banned from seeing his children, speaking to his children, viewing photographs of his children, and even speaking about his children. I didn’t know that children’s services would be coming into my home and assessing my husband and I on whether we’re a risk to our children.
I didn’t know that my husband would be classed as such a dangerous criminal, A criminal with a high likelihood of committing, quote, unquote, “serious harm”. That he would be denied home detention curfew and would have to serve his full custodial sentence behind bars.
But here we are. I don’t say any of this for sympathy. I say it because I want you all to know how the British state treats political dissidents in 2024. Being the deputy leader of Patriotic Alternative, I’m lucky enough to have a platform right now. I have a stage, a microphone, 200 people in front of me and a very talented media team who are recording my every word. And it will then be uploaded to the Internet where thousands more people will hear it.
So I’m going to use this platform to call some people out. I’m going to hold those who are responsible for that big list of things I just mentioned to account during this speech. I’m going to reveal everything they’ve done, secrets I’ve kept until now, and the things that they don’t want you to know. Throughout this speech, I’m going to be talking to the various groups who have done us wrong.
Now, I understand that I’ve started off pretty heavy there. I’ve gone a little bit Liam Neeson, [chuckling] but the tone of this speech will not be negative. It’s been a tough year for us. We’ve fought battles and some we’ve won and some we’ve lost. But we remain optimistic. One does not lash out this hard at somebody who is irrelevant. And we’ve all heard the phrase about the flak and the target.
Patriotic Alternative has every single Avenue cut off for us. We’re banned from all social media websites. We’re not allowed to register as a political party. We’re not allowed bank accounts or payment processes. We’re constantly lied about by politicians, academics and the press. We’re spoken about non-stop. They keep making documentaries about us, but we’re not allowed a right of reply. They won’t let Mark Collett on TV to defend us.
Yet still, we are Britain’s largest and most active nationalist organisation! [applause] And that tells you that despite the struggles that we face, we offer something that the public want. We are truly over the target!
And today I’m going to be telling you how desperate the state is to stop the rise of nationalism! So let’s begin.
Three and a half years ago, my husband, Sam Melia, was arrested by Counter-Terrorism for three offences. One terrorism offence, and two public order offences. He was taken to a police station while they raided our home. And as soon as they got him to the police station, they immediately dropped the terrorism offence and one of the public order offences.
The public order offence, which remained active, was for:
“Distributing written material with the intention to stir up racial hatred.”
And this offence related to Sam publishing an archive of stickers on the Internet that people could download, print off, and put up in public places. The project was called the Hundred-Handers.
Would Counter-Terrorism have got the warrant to arrest Sam and raid our home without those first two offences? I don’t think so. and we’ve spoken to numerous legal professionals this year, and we’ve learnt that when it comes to Counter-Terrorism, they just get whatever they want. They hold out a piece of paper, it gets signed, no evidence needed.
So they made out like Sam was some sort of dangerous terrorist in order to get into our home and look through our lives. Counter Terrorism, however, failed!
Now, that might not make much sense because my husband’s currently in prison, but believe me, they never really cared about the stickers. They had all the evidence for the stickers back when they arrested Sam in spring 2021, but they did nothing with it for two years.
During those two years, they instead desperately tried to find something more serious that they could pin on Sam. They were passed over false information from Hope Not Hate. Sam’s alleged links to National Action turned out to be false. There was no evidence for it. They tried the good cop, bad cop routine. They tried making Sam’s life hell by giving him extremely strict bail conditions and even saying to him on one occasion in front of me:
“This ends when you want it to end. Give us what we want!”
They tried getting me on side against Sam, attempting to influence me into nudging Sam and making him admit to something that he hadn’t done. And they threatened Sam with 10 years:
“Your wife’s pregnant, isn’t she, Sam? Give us what you want, or you’ll miss the first decade of your child’s life. Give us what we want!”
So what did they want? Well, from start to finish, Counter Terrorism spent five years on this investigation. Five years and millions of pounds of taxpayers money. That kind of expenditure has to be justified. Having looked through every element of Sam’s life, his home, his devices, every conversation that he’d ever had, they found no crime.
But what they did have was something that they hung onto desperately with the hope that it might be their golden ticket. A device, an encrypted hard drive that they couldn’t get into. They tried every dirty tactic in the book in order to get Sam to hand over that password. But Sam never spoke. He no commented every question, he refused to sign anything and he gave away no passwords. Now, this device that apparently had really bad stuff on it, Counter Terrorism actually never got into it.
And I’m going to reveal right now for the first time what is on that device. And I know Counter Terrorism will be watching this speech. It isn’t terrorism, it isn’t anything illegal. It’s nothing scary, it’s actually nothing political at all! It’s our customer data for Grandma Towler’s.
[audience laughs]
So when I say that your data is secure, when you shop at! [applause] We take your privacy very seriously. So Counter Terrorism had failed. They had the stickers, but they didn’t care about the stickers and they never got into this device. So they dropped off the surface of the earth and for two years they went quiet.
And then we contacted them. We contacted them for two reasons.
Firstly, because they had all of our stuff, our computers, our phones, our devices, my PlayStation 4. They had over 30 of our items. But mainly we contacted them because they’d released Sam under investigation. They didn’t close the file, and we had it hanging over us. By now we had a daughter who was one and a half years old and we just wanted to put an end to it and move on with our lives. So Sam contacted them and said:
“Make a decision. Charge me or close the file.”
And that week, they charged Sam for the stickers:
“Distributing written material with the intention to stir up racial hatred. Let’s give it a shot. We’ve spent enough time and money on it!”
I imagine, is what they said.
Does Sam regret contacting them? No, because it’s now over. And sometimes it’s better to know something than to deal with “what if” forever.
So now I’d like to speak to the first group of people that I will be addressing in this speech. Dear Counter Terrorism and West Yorkshire Police, bearing in mind the amount of resources that you wasted on my husband, I can only assume that we’ve solved terrorism in this country! I don’t know how you can sleep at night when you didn’t find what you were looking for, when you followed your lead but found no evidence of crime, you should have closed the file. You took away two years from a man’s life, a daddy away from two little girls, all because you couldn’t handle the fact that your investigation had failed. You utter scumbags!
[loud applause]
This is not justice! Justice would be looking at all the evidence and then coming to a conclusion based on that evidence, not searching for evidence to match the narrative that you’ve already written, and discarding any evidence that proves you wrong. Is this what you imagined you’d be doing when you made the decision to fight terrorism? Raiding the home of a young family because the father warned about mass immigration?
But perhaps you already know all of this. Perhaps this is why you could never look me in the eye at Sam’s trial. I would say that now you’ve stopped faffing about with stickers, you could go and catch some real criminals. But we all know you have no intention of doing that. Too busy arresting people for social media posts, prancing around in pride parades and painting your fingernails! Is it any wonder that only 5.7% of crimes are solved in the United Kingdom? In the eyes of the British public, you are a disgrace!
Fast forward to today and we all know how this story ended. There was a trial at the start of this year. Sam pleaded not guilty, but he was found guilty of two offences by jury vote and he was sentenced to two years in prison.
Sam’s first offence was, as I said:
“Distributing written material with the intention to stir up racial hatred.”
And it was in relation to Sam uploading an archive of 310 stickers on the Internet that people could download, print off and put up in public places. The second offence was:
“Racially aggravated criminal damage.”
Now, this offence is usually for things like if you set fire to a mosque or if you kick over some jewish Headstones, but in Sam’s case, it was for stickers on lampposts. Stickers that peel off and leave the lamppost completely undamaged. The equivalent of a lost dog poster. Every single lamppost and bus stop in Leeds city centre is covered in stickers, some of them with rather aggressive and violent messages on them, especially the ones directed towards us.
But of course, the police aren’t pursuing any of those or even calling them “criminal damage”. It’s only criminal damage when it suits them. So what did the stickers say?
Well, there were 310 stickers in total, and they covered a variety of topics. So things like immigration, health, education, the media, the establishment, academia and art, plus other things. Only 13% of the stickers, so just over 1 in 10 were about other races, religions, ethnicities or things like diversity, multiculturalism. You may have seen some of the stickers in the press, and I want to be completely honest about the full archive of stickers. I’ve seen people say online that Sam was sent to prison because he said “White Lives Matter”, and in a way, he was, because the judge told the jury that:
“You have to consider the full archive of 310 stickers when making your decision. You can’t just cherry pick one or two bad stickers.”
None of the stickers encouraged violence. None of them used any racial slurs.
So let’s take a look at some of the most “offensive” ones. “Labour loves Muslim rape gangs”. I mean, you did promote Naz Shah to the Shadow Minister of State for Women and Equality after she tweeted:
“Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths for the good of diversity.”
You could say that Sam was telling the truth!
Another sticker said:
“We will be a minority by 2066.”
This is a fact.
In fact, it’s likely more than 2066, earlier than 2066 now. And this was a prediction by Professor David Coleman, one of the leading demographers in the country.
Another sticker said:
“There is a war on Whites.”
And you’ve literally proved Sam’s point with this one, with your treatment of him. A White man advocating for White people:
“Terrorist, extremist!”
Small hats, big problems! I mean, they do wear small hats! [chuckling].
During the trial, and after Sam was sentenced, Sam gained international attention from the public and the media. The reason being there are elements of Sam’s case that really made it stood out.
Firstly, the prosecution said that all 310 stickers were legal. So he was convicted for his intentions behind legal speech.
Secondly, the prosecution said:
“The truth is no defense in court.”
So they openly said:
“It doesn’t matter if every single sticker is true, you’re still not allowed to say it.”
The truth is no defence in court, is probably the most Orwellian statement I’ve ever heard in my life! You’re not allowed to tell the truth! And they’ll say:
“You can tell the truth, you just can’t use it to incite hatred.”
What a load of nonsense! You should be able to tell the truth, full stop. Let people make up their own minds. If you say that the White British are going to be a minority and that’s a good thing, you’re allowed to say that. But if you say that the White British are going to be a minority and that’s a bad thing! Whoa! Hate speech! The truth is no defense.
How can you win a case where the truth is no defense?
The third reason why Sam Garnered a lot of attention is that the prosecution admitted that no crimes had been committed as a result of the stickers. Zero, was their answer. And the legal jargon that they used during the trial said:
“Was likely to stir up racial hatred.”
Well, it wasn’t! It didn’t happen over five days. You said it didn’t happen.
And the fourth reason why Sam’s case got so much attention and outraged so many people is because no evidence was ever provided by the prosecution of Sam intending to incite racial hatred. I know that sounds mental, but if you attended the trial, you will know that to be true. Not a single piece of evidence!
Just silly things, like a funny picture of Hitler. My book on my bedside table, Tomorrow We Live by Sir Oswald Mosley. I got up in court and I testified that the book was mine. And I even added the receipts of when I bought it from before me and Sam got together to the evidence pack.
I remember standing on the witness stand and having this debate with the prosecuting barrister about the book. A book that none of them have read, but they entered it into evidence. It’s not a book about race. It’s a critique of the Parliamentary system in Britain in the 1930s. It doesn’t mention race because Britain was 99% White back then. But we’re having this conversation about this book, which is apparently evidence of Sam’s intentions. It’s just so surreal and so wrong on so many levels! I just wish I’d have asked the barrister in the court:
“Have you read this book, then?”
Though I doubt it would have made much of a difference to that jury, and I doubt he would have answered the question.
Sam, on the other hand, had lots of evidence of his intentions. Measures that he’d taken to ensure that the project didn’t cause any problems for anyone, measures to stop people from misusing the project, and every private and public message that he’d ever sent discussing the project where he mentioned his intentions.
When you lose a trial like this, you go back over it in your mind and you wonder if you should have done things differently, answered questions differently.
But the fact is, on paper, we won! We presented evidence of Sam’s intentions. They did not! If you’d have entered all the evidence into a computer, it would have come back and said that Sam was not guilty. An intelligent and brave jury would have voted not guilty. If 12 random people from in this room were on that jury, you would have got the correct answer. But the jury that day didn’t.
We can blame the establishment all we want for what happened, but ultimately Sam is in prison right now because a jury of Sam’s so-called “peers” decided that he was guilty. And when they came back with the guilty verdict, we were all shocked. I don’t just mean that we were shocked. Sam’s friends who want to believe that he’s innocent, but everybody was shocked! The judge was visibly shocked! And after dismissing the jury and the public gallery, he outright said that he did not agree with the verdict.
And the prosecution were shocked. We heard them talking during one of the breaks and they said that they didn’t think that they could win the case.
When the jury came back with that verdict, I went through a cycle of grief. At first I was shocked and confused and then angry and then upset. I didn’t check social media for a couple of days because I thought it would anger and upset me. And if the jury came back with that verdict, surely they’re representative of the British public, right? I didn’t want to see people gloating about it or saying bad things about Sam.
And for a brief moment I thought, what is the point? Are our people even worthy saving? Why don’t Sam and I just move out to the country, buy a little fixer upper and get away from it all? Why risk everything for these people?
And then after a couple of days, I looked online and to my surprise, I saw the massive amount of support that Sam had! I’m not exaggerating when I say that around 98% of the posts I’ve seen about Sam are on his side. People wanted to interview me about Sam. Everybody was outraged! And he’s still spoken about today every single day. Seriously. Go to Twitter, search “Sam Melia”, every single day!
And I realised that we’re not the minority. The jury are the minority. I don’t know if they were too cowardly to defend a so-called “racist”, especially with there being a couple of ethnic minorities on the jury. But I do know that if our people don’t have the confidence or the means to stand up for our people, that is not a sign for us to tap out. That’s a sign for us to work harder.
Dear jury, I have no idea what happened in that deliberation room and perhaps I never will. How on earth you came to a guilty verdict regarding Sam’s intentions when no evidence of his intentions was ever presented and 87% of the stickers weren’t even about other races, I’ll never understand! I felt many different emotions towards you this year. Anger, sadness and confusion. But the one overriding feeling that I felt towards you is disgust! Disgust that not even one of you had the balls to stand up for a man’s right to speak! Because that’s the liberal mind, isn’t it? Avoiding a minor unpleasantness now so that a major unpleasantness becomes unavoidable later!
[Loud applause]
Many may disagree with my stance here, but I do not forgive you and I never will. It is because of people like you that we’re in this mess. People are so scared of words like “racist” that the mass scale rape of children gets covered up and terrorists backpacks don’t get checked and that results in 22 people dead.
Sam has more courage and backbone than you ever will!
[Loud applause]
I hope you’ve read the public’s comments about you. I hope it keeps you up at night. And if you are ever affected by the issues that Sam raised in your future, will you remember that you condemned Sam to prison for looking out for you?
Now, I mentioned earlier that the judge explicitly said that he didn’t agree with the guilty verdict. And he was actually a very good judge throughout the trial. He seemed to like Sam and he really did not like the prosecution.
However, a month after the trial and verdict, when we came back for the sentencing, he was a different man. George Galloway had just been elected and Rishi Sunak, who was the Prime Minister at the time, had given a speech on the Friday about the rise of anti-semitism in Britain. We were supposed to meet for sentencing on the Monday morning, but we received a message saying that it had been rescheduled to the afternoon. The judge had been called somewhere.
That afternoon the judge was like a different man. He wasn’t joking and smiling anymore. He looked like he wanted to cry. And he gave his sentencing comments. And suddenly Sam’s crime was all about jews and anti-semitism! His trial hadn’t been about that. It was mainly about grooming, gangs, race demographics. But the judge made all these comments saying things like:
“Since the 1930s, there’s a real threat of anti-semitism on our streets, because there had been all these pro-Palestinian marches.”
He sentenced Sam to two years in prison for stickers that he created in 2019 because of Marches that happened in 2024. “Sensitive social climate” is the phrase they used. Sam does not have a time machine and he does not have a crystal ball. The judge also said that the sentence was to act as a deterrent to others with the same beliefs.
Dear Judge, I don’t know who got to you, but I know that somebody did. You are a liar! You lied continuously throughout your sentencing remarks. For example, you said that Sam had an obsessive interest in Oswald Mosley. The only mention of Mosley throughout the entire trial was my book! And you know that. Liar!
The sentence may not have been your decision, but you made it nonetheless. You took a little girl’s daddy away from her because he was worried about immigration. And I want you to know the result of your decision. For a while, whenever somebody knocked on the door, my daughter would say, “daddy”. It broke my heart when we went to visit Sam one day when she picked up her bug catcher, thinking that she could go and catch bugs with her dad. And I had to tell her:
“We can’t because he’s not allowed to get up off his chair.”
I will never, ever forgive you for the upset you caused my daughter.
My husband’s legacy will be that of a loving family man who put his head above the parapet to create a better nation for our people. Your legacy will be that of a traitor! Tough on patriots, and soft on paedophiles. In the last two weeks, 30 paedophiles, all found with category eight images, have walked free from courts across the UK. These same judges will send you to prison for posting stickers, sharing books, making podcasts, throwing a traffic cone, or even defending yourself against a police dog. It is a badge of honour to stand in opposition to you!
Once Sam was convicted, we then had to deal with probation for the first time. You know the midwits that you encounter on Twitter who think that they’re really smart and they just make these dumb arguments that you’ve heard a million times before? That’s probation. Let’s listen to some of the arguments that they’ve put forward in the last month:
“What does it even mean to be British anyway?”
“Why does it matter if we become a minority? Maybe we deserve it because of colonialism.”
“We’ve always been a nation of immigrants!”
“The Windrush generation came here to rebuild our country after the war.”
It was probation who classified Sam as a PPRC, a Person Posing Risk to Children, and passed over information to Children Services, which kicked off the assessment that we had to have, regarding whether we are a risk to our children. They told Children Services that I also had extreme views, even though I was nothing to do with Sam’s offence. And when I asked them for some evidence of my extreme views, they sent me two things.
The first thing was the first paragraph, copied and pasted from Patriotic Alternative Wikipedia page. You know Wikipedia that anybody can edit. Wikipedia that you’re not even allowed to reference in a school essay? That was the first piece of evidence of me having extreme views.
And the second piece of evidence of me having extreme views is this.
Now, bear with me, because if you think this doesn’t make sense, it’s because it doesn’t. So seven years Before Patriotic Alternative were formed, Professor David Coleman, who was the Professor of Demography at the University of Oxford, made a prediction that based on current trends, the White British ethnic group would be a minority in the United Kingdom by 2066. And when he gave this prediction, he didn’t class black people and Asian people as White British. And then seven years in the future, Patriotic Alternative was formed. And I’m part of Patriotic Alternative, so apparently that means I have extreme views. Does it even make sense? So because he didn’t class black and Asian people as White, that means I’m an “extremist”!
They’re completely useless and they’re in charge! These people hold the power over Sam’s future.
So we had to do this assessment because of Sam’s “racist and offensive” views and books to see if we were indoctrinating our children. I can honestly say that whenever my 2 year old chooses a bedtime story book, she’s never chosen Mein Kampf! [laughter] It doesn’t quite have the same appeal to it as Rabbit Snap and Postman Bear. But we had to do this assessment.
And the people who covered up the mass scale abuse, torture, rape and murder of children. And I was set with my husband to see if he’s a risk to children because he warned about the mass scale abuse, rape, torture and murder of children!
To cut a long story short, because I could go on about this for a while, but to my surprise, Children’s Services sided with me and Sam and they said that we were no risk.
Sam was allowed to see his children again. Probation recently just tried to book in another assessment with Children’s Services for when Sam is released. And Children’s Services told them:
They said:
“Leave them alone, they’re good people.”
These room temperature IQ morons who work in Probation will be responsible for Sam attending weekly sessions when he is released so that he can have his views realigned. They’re so out of their depth, it’s untrue. And when you engage with them, there’s this constant narrative that Sam is:
“Dangerous, Sam is a bad person, Sam is an extremist!”
We all know Sam and that’s not the Sam that we know. And you just want to shake them and you want to say:
“Do you actually believe this or are you just going along with it for the sake of your job? Do you actually believe that a man should get a two year custodial sentence for his alleged intentions behind legal, truthful speech?”
Dear Probation, I just find it so laughable that you think you’re going to align Sam’s views. The arguments that you put forward are not clever. They’re not making us think. They’re stupid and tedious, and we’ve heard them a million times before. When you talk about Sam being “dangerous”, when you use the phrase “serious harm”, do you really believe that or are you just going along with it because you’re told to?
Because Sam may be behind bars right now, but he’s a freer man than any of you. He told the truth! He made a stand! He has a clear conscience and he can hold his head up high! Can the same be said for you?
So I reached the end of my speech. One day in the future, accounts will be settled. We will remember the names of all those who did us wrong. And a time will come when they sit in front of our judges and they answer legally and peacefully for their actions. Until that day comes, the silent majority are becoming less silent. Your deterrents have only angered and energized people further.
You wanted to make Sam into an example. And in a way you did. But not the example that you wanted. You made him into a hero! A champion of free speech! And you showed the world how fragile, weak and anti-White you are! The British state terrified of a man and his stickers!
You only have power over people when they still have something to lose. Take away their freedom and their family and their voice and their concerns and don’t be surprised when these people are no longer under your control. Your grip is loosening. When you go after somebody for nothing, it doesn’t send a message saying:
“I better watch what I say.”
It sends a message saying:
“It doesn’t matter what I say, they will come for me anyway!”
Somebody left a message on my Telegram channel the other day and I really liked it. So I wanted to read it out in my speech. His name is John:
“Every entity of the anti-White bureaucratic UK state are nothing but utter scum! The whole ZOG system that is infested with corrupt to the core spiteful mutants needs to come crashing down!”
I could not agree more! Once victory is ours, never forget what these people have done. Hard times create strong men. We’ve never had our beliefs tested so harshly. But here we are. Patriotic Alternative, five years on, standing strong, defiant, telling the truth like we first did five years ago. Uncompromising! Unforgiving and driven unconditionally by a love for our people. Our activists are truly the best of the best!
When I stood up here last year at Patriotic Alternative 2023 conference, I didn’t know that the British state would show us all how weak, fragile and desperate they are by sending a man to prison for legal, truthful speech. I didn’t know that millions of people world-wide would see and agree with Sam’s stickers. Thank you for the publicity, by the way. I didn’t know that the whole of the political Right and even parts of the Left would unite on an issue. Something that I want to see more of and Sam’s story would reach Alex Jones, Tommy Robinson UK Column, Britain First, Spiked, GB News, and even Elon Musk.
I didn’t know that parts of the system, Children’s Services, would side with us and that we could get reports changed if we refused to accept the labels they put on us and if we fight back with facts and professionalism.
I didn’t know that the British public was so mad that they would riot up and down the country in response to the impact of mass immigration.
I didn’t know that email campaigns and pressure groups worked.
I didn’t know that the Overton Window would move so far in our direction that MPs like Nigel Farage now have talking points that sound like a 2016 Mark Collett YouTube video.
And I didn’t know that Patriotic Alternative would find our niche and that through advocacy, pressure and activism, we could have an instant impact on our people.
Lastly, I didn’t know how blessed I was to have such a wonderful community around me. And I’d personally like to thank you all for the support that you’ve shown me and Sam this year. Sam will be leaving prison in two months. He will then stay at an approved premises for at least six months. And he’s on licence until the first of March, 2026.
Believe me, when that day comes, there’s a lot he’s going to want to say. Freedom for Sam Melia and freedom for all political prisoners!
Thank you.
[Long, loud, standing applause]
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 10/28/2024 = 16)
1 day ago
brilliant speech laura as always……..hope the big man is home soon
1 day ago
Best speech this year !
1 day ago
They can call us all the names they want but they’ll never call us liars!
1 day ago
Only the soulless antiWhite haters could watch this and not be swayed to sympathize. War has a way of taking fathers away from their babies. This war is waged by the leaders upon their own people.
Spooky Kermie
23 hours ago
God bless Sam. God bless you, Laura. God bless PA, one and all. o7
22 hours ago
Laura has comprehensively described and exposed the anti-White system right there!
And spoken right from the heart.
Amazing speech.
Dawn Browning
1 day ago
17 hours ago
I regret not being able to like this hard enough.
8 hours ago
A dress with lightning bolts. Unfathomably based, Laura.
10 hours ago
“Sam may be behind bars right now, but he is a freer man than any of you. He told the truth, he made a stand, he has a clear conscience and he can hold his head up high. Can the same be said for you?”
Fantastic. Reminds me of Ursula Haverbeck smiling as she leaves court.
17 hours ago
Great Speech.
11 hours ago
If I could choose one piece of evidence from the last ten years to prove the treachery of the British state, it would be this speech. And yet at the same time, it proves the goodness of one English woman.
Well done, Laura. You make us proud.
12 hours ago
Fantastic! I’ve shared this with semi-based people
6 hours ago
the british goverment is demonic. their minions will fall
Spooky Kermie
7 hours ago
“How can you win a case where the truth is no defense?”
10 hours ago
What did the jury look like ?
Hide replies
10 hours ago
Never mind
my heyoo heyoo
2 hours ago(edited)
Vengeance will be ours! Vengeance for Sam and for Millions of us both the dead and alive
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Version History
Version 5:
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Version 3:
Version 2: Fri, Nov 1, 2024 — Added See Also image and links.
Version 1: Mon, Oct 28, 2024 — Published post. Transcript completed = 36/36 mins. Transcript Quality = 5/5. Includes Odysee comments (16).
Pingback: Patriotic Alternative – Hope is Our Duty – Blair Cottrell’s 2024 PA Conference Speech – Oct 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17
Pingback: Mark Collett – Facing the Storm – PA Conference Speech 2024 – Oct 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17