Red Ice TV – Extinction Rebellion, Our Future of Bugs and Pods – Morgoth’s Review – Oct 10, 2019 — Transcript


[Red Ice’s Henrik interviews Morgoth, of Morgoth’s Review, on the current “astro-turf” psyop operation called “Extinction Rebellion“, no doubt financed by Orgjew organizations, such as Soros, and others, that allows young people to “rebel” by prancing and dancing around in defense of a global tyranny.





Red Ice TV


Extinction Rebellion


Our Future of Bugs and Pods


Morgoth’s Review




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Published on Oct 10, 2019

#ExtinctionRebellion #ClimateScare #Bugs
Extinction Rebellion, Our Future of Bugs & Pods – Morgoth’s Review
•Oct 10, 2019
Red Ice TV
334K subscribers

Morgoth’s Review joins Henrik to talk about the many issues facing the United Kingdom. We begin on the Extinction Rebellion, a new climate weapon the globalists use to get even more money, power and influence. We talk about the promotion of bug eating and pod living. In the second part we discuss demographics, Islamization of England, rise in knife crime, corporate support of milkshake activism and Brexit.

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Henrik: Well ladies and gentlemen welcome back thank you so much for joining us today Henrik here with Red Ice TV. Today with another great show for you lined up with Morgoth’s Review. He’s a gentleman that I’ve tried to get on the show for some time. Actually a really good video made by Aaron Kasparov back, maybe two years ago, maybe even more. I forget when it was. And it was an article written by Morgoth’s Review about — essentially to boil it down into the most simplest sense — Sargon’s promotion of individualism, versus the efficacy of collectivism, or how the collective can operate against the individual.


We might have some time to talk about that later, but that’s kind of an argument that wasn’t that prominent at the time but it has since been. So maybe a little bit less urgent to discuss that, if you will. But anyway, Morgoth, great to have you with us today! How’s everything on your end?


Morgs: I’m doing very well thanks. Thanks for having me on. It’s nice to finally appear on Red Ice, because I was a little bit, just used to blogging in the past and not doing audio and things. But I’m a lot more comfortable with it now


Henrik: Nice. Yeah, of course, you do, you have a in addition to your blog, you do have a YouTube channel now. You do YouTube videos.



How regularly? Like one every week, every other week? What would you say.


Morgs: About two a week. It depends on unlike real life work and stuff


Henrik: Yeah


Morgs: But I go for trying, even when I was just doing the blog, I would always try and get something substantial out for the weekend. And the reason why I started doing YouTube videos was because it was easier to turn on a mic and sort of talk for a little bit, than blogging.



Like writing was actually hard work when you added it, and on top of doing a normal job, actually writing a 1,000 word article twice a week, was quite a lot. And I thought on YouTube I can just kind of speak it. And it was after I went on Millennial Woes I had some more confidence and decided to do it more. Because I first always worried nobody would be able to understand what I was saying, because I’ve got a thick North East accent, but it doesn’t seem to matter.


Henrik: You’re coming in loud and clear? [laughter] we can hear just fine. Now it’s great to have you here, and thank you for doing what you’re doing as well. Some of your videos are magnificent, really good! We’re just talking before we got on here, watching, not you’re absolutely latest one, but the one before that about the “Extinction Rebellion”. And that is something want to talk about as well. But we’re talking about your intro a little bit, which is hilarious! About the theme music which finally, … I called it the first time I heard it was like:


Oh it’s from Superman.


But then I Googled it and I couldn’t find it. But it let’s look at this folks, because I think you’ll enjoy it as well. Here it is here. I’ll turn up the volume a little bit here as well so people can hear that. There we go! Look at this



Nice! Alright! [laughter]


Morgs: The whole thing with “Hate Reading the Guardian” was — especially when I was doing the blog — I became kind of used to covering some very, very, heavy (((subjects))) which we can’t really talk about on YouTube now. And it was nice to go from that, to sort of deliberately going for ridiculously low hanging fruit and just rolling with it and having some fun with it. Because you can get bogged down in the really serious stuff. And so I try for like once a month, or something, to look at just the most ridiculous article I can find at the Guardian and then just tear to bits and have a big laugh at it! Because that’s what it deserves. And I think it’s good for morale, as well.



Henrik: Exactly I mean, that’s what it is. Ridicule is a very effective weapon in our arsenal. It’s certainly used by our enemies as well against the things that they don’t like. And it’s now there’s such easy targets, as you say, — it’s amazing that there aren’t more well, you know what? Movies, TV shows? And I mean, it’s even that some of their own are starting to eat each other over the ridiculousness! But it’s a it’s, as you say, it’s a fruit ripe for picking. But anyway, so this is a lot of fun, what you do going into the Guardian and looking at some of their articles, making fun of it and breaking it down. How long have you been doing the blog, though, before we talk about that, before we go into actually stuff about the “Extinction Rebellion“?



Morgs: I started the blog in 20, it was Christmas of 2014 going into 2015. And the reason why I got stuck with [the name]Morgoth’s Review” was, because I would go on The Daily Telegraph in the comment section and at Brietbart, and I was always, you know, trolling and trying to red pill people under the main articles. But I kept getting banned! And when I would go back I would have a different Tolkien-esque name.


And then, I finally got just tired of being banned and I happened to be on the one called “Morgoth” when I opened up the blog. I thought I want to have a place where I can’t be banned anymore. And I’m learning all of this stuff and I want to just write it on my own blog where I can’t be banned, rather than just sort of fritter it away on all of these comments which just keep disappearing, because they’re being deleted all of the time. And so eventually that’s how it ended up being “Morgoth’s Review”.


Henrik: Is that how you, sorry to interrupt, is that how you got the very thoughtful URL of nwioqeqkdw dot com as well? [laughter]


Morgs: Because I didn’t know what I was doing! With technology, and I tried writing it in and it wouldn’t accept it. And I ended up just mashing me hand into the keyboard! And then that one it did accept! So that’s how great things are born!


Henrik: People should feel fine about searching for Morgoth’s Review, it’s actually the top three results, I was surprised, I’m encouraged by that! That’s great! Google actually spat out your blog, your YouTube channel, and your Twitter account on that


Morgs: Yeah, well it’s not a title that triggers the algorithms really. And to be fair, I’ve always had a very heavy focus on sort of pop culture and movies, and what’s going on in the here and the now, as well.


Henrik: Yes


Morgs: So I’ve tended to fly under the radar quite a lot.



Henrik: All right. Well why don’t we talk a little bit about “Extinction Rebellion”? Obviously you’re in the UK, so that we could talk about some of the things going on over there. I mean, there’s so many things to discuss about, from demographics, to crime, to Islamification, to all these kinds of things.


But one of the bigger movements right now is — well in addition to I guess the Brexit issue that’s happening and we’ll hopefully we can squeeze that into here a bit later — but the “Extinction Rebellion”, the climate craze is just out of control in a lot of Western European countries right now.


The states included unfortunately, you know, this Swedish young girl Greta Thunberg is kind of heading, is really becoming the face of that. I did a video on that too that was going down fairly well. But what can you say about the “Extinction Rebellion” and is it is that something that came out of Britain? I think I’ve seen the most of that particular movement out of the UK, if I’m not mistaken


Morgs: Yeah, well the social media and stuff, they talk about having like what, I don’t know what you’d call them, “cells”, or something, but across 60 countries. But it definitely seems to be centered around London. That’s where the hub is. Which is interesting, because London is like the historical city of the (((money power))) and globalism, and whatnot.



And this is where they’ve chosen to be most prominent. I believe today, or yesterday they’ve shut off an airport. And one of the main airports for London’s being shut down, because of them. And yeah as you see on the screen there, they wear all of this freakish garb and terrify everybody.


But they have largely been mocked, because they don’t look like a grassroots movement. A grassroot movement doesn’t look like that. A grassroots movement has a couple of signs with some with some cheap paint on them. And this looks very professional and also very middle-class by the way.


Henrik: Right.


Morgs: Very, very middle-class! And it’s a bit ridiculous to be honest. Imhr but that I think I mean, I got into it on me me “Guardian Hate Read”. They’re pushing on an open door, because what they’re saying to the elites, is you have to have more power and more control to save the planet. They have arrested quite a few of them. But by and large, it’s seems a bit fake. I mean, last week they had a fire engine which spray-painted this red dye all over, …


Morgs: Yeah, I saw that.


Morgs: … The Exchequer, or something. And then they have obviously never done real work before, because they didn’t understand how to [10:00] handle a high-pressure hose! And it spun out of their hands and went everywhere. But there was like a Channel for News team was on hand to record it all. And you have to ask:


Well where did you get a fire engine and why did the security services allow you to park it outside of such like one of the most prominent buildings in London?


Where they wander into the very seat of power in Britain! And Mark Collett said on his show last night, that if it was a nationalist group, or some dissident right-wing group who did that, they’d be called terrorists, and absolutely destroyed by the security forces! And yet in the case of “Extinction Rebellion” the police danced along with them! They actually danced along with it, and get on board! It’s very strange


Henrik: I’m looking for the tweet. There’s one gal on Twitter I think she goes by, yeah “The European Housewife”. Oh there it is. Let me pull that up there to you. Because she had that on her tweet as well. She said:


My husband is a fireman, and it’s impossible to steal a fire engine. The keys are locked up and have GPS trackers. They know exactly where it is at all times. It’s hard to start up and drive one. Takes special training and we have security. Something is off here.



In other words, kind of implying that someone on the inside was more than willing to help out in this little stunt.


Morgs: Yeah. It makes you wonder.


Henrik: Yeah. Which kind of goes to the heart of what you’re talking about here. That this is essentially a globalist run promotion, a campaign essentially, to get people to, yes, essentially if we just dive down into the essentials of this. Give up power that’s what they were arguing in The Guardian article too, that you go through, right. We have to have more control! You don’t know what’s best for you, because we’re all gonna die in — I don’t know, what they pick up on this green New Deal story about 12 years I guess as well. We’re all gonna die in 12 years, therefore give us all the control, give us all the money, and we’ll take care of you! We’ll keep you safe! Right?


Morgs: Yeah. Well they are demanding that the elite take that power and then do it. And so in The Guardian article that I went through, Polly Toynbee was actually saying they should ban beef.



And you end up in a situation where we are all going to be put in pods, and we’re all going to have maggot sausages in Mega City One! And Extinction Rebellion is demanding that the global elite actually do that! Now the way to look at this I think, is if you remove that Extinction Rebellion from the equation, and then this is what the global elite want to have happen anyway. It’s all about just making you a unit of consumption and production, living in your pods and eating maggots, maggot burgers.



And then if they were to just come straight out with that, then everybody’s gonna riot in the streets and say this is ridiculous! You know, if the [word unclear] at the European Union, or the head of the IMF for the United Nations, if they said:


Okay here’s the plan. We are going to ship you all of these megacities and put you in these little pod complexes, and we’re going to put chips in your arms, and have a cashless society. And you just have to work and consume until you die.


Then everybody would reject the program outright. What Extinction Rebellion does, is add a sort of moral framework to that. So then it becomes the “moral thing” to do. They want to get from A to C, but you have to bring in B, which then adds the moral part of the equation. Because then they can see:


Oh! We’ve got no choice! We have to do this to save the planet!


And it becomes much easier when you have a controlled opposition, like Extinction Rebellion.



Henrik: Yes, exactly! But this is what they do, they create movements which you which they, you know, kind of pose as grassroots, or this comes from the people, or whatever. But it’s to say they’re very advanced in terms of the marketing of this, the logos, the flags and everything. And I honed in a little bit on their symbolism as well, which is the hourglass. I think they even release a free paper, by the way, that you can get it. I would assume it’s in the UK called the “Hourglass” which is interesting enough. This theme of:


We’re running out of time! There is no more time! We have to act now! Don’t think!


There are no rational thinking about this:


We’re all gonna die!


It’s a scare tactic essentially to gain as much power in as quick time as possible. [15:00]


Morgs: And this also has an effect on children


Henrik: Oh yeah.


Morgs: I don’t know if it was in Britain, or not, but there was a young boy actually committed suicide, because — I think it may have been in Britain — he had sort of been saturated in this apocalypse. This idea that the ice is going to melt, the sun’s gonna burn the planet up, we’re all going to die in 12 years! And a lot of children are being completely traumatized by it. And one one young boy committed suicide, because of it — if I’m reading it rightly. And, of course, the more minor part of that would be where the children will then put extra pressure on the parents to support the agenda.



Henrik: Yeah. There’s BBC climate change:


Twelve years to save the planet? Make that 18 months.


Lol that was released in July 2019. So they’re certainly not doing anything to mitigate this traumatization of the kids. But the reason why this is so effective as well is, because of “guilt”, right? That’s why they wheel children at the front of this thing. They’re hiding behind the kids, so that they can cry, and scream, and be traumatized by it:


Mommy! Daddy!


Or whoever they’re calling on saying:


Do something! Why are you not doing anything?


And it guilts the adults into thinking:


Well, what do we do? What’s the option?


And then you have the Extinction Rebellion groups out there saying:


Well just give the elites all the power and things will be great!


Morgs: I mean, the BBC article, it’s interesting when they released that, because we were having like the summer heat wave at the time. So everybody was walking around in their shorts and the T-shirts with a bottle of water. Everybody was hot and getting sunburned. And then somebody’s decided now was a good time to role this out, this idea that this is going to be the norm. This is a psychological thing where:


Yeah just look at it now. This is what it’s gonna be like on Christmas Day! And you’ve only got [words unclear]


Henrik: Oh God, it’s pathetic!


Morgs: There was one picture of a man and he was in London, like part of the Extinction Rebellion, and he had a photograph of his two children, and he laid down in the street crying holding the picture of his two children. As if they had both just been killed in some awful accident!



And so a reporter went over and said they’re like:


What are you doing? What the hell is this?


And then he just turned around and said:


Oh, I’m here with a protest. It’s okay. It’s all fine.


And so [the reporter] said:


What is it.


And he said:


Watch, I’ll show you.


And then he put his head back down looked at the photo again and started crying! It was all just a theater! Just, it’s ridiculous!


Henrik: Yeah! It’s a show. And, of course, many of these stunts that Extinction Rebellion do on the streets in the UK, is to do “Die-ins”, right? They lay down and die! They have coffins with them, and all this kind of stuff


Morgs: Yeah


Henrik: It’s like a death cult, right?


Morgs: Yeah you can see it even in the clothes that they wear. It is like a death cult. This is the end of the world. And, of course, I mean, this isn’t this isn’t new.


Henrik: No.


Morgs: They’re doing it again but for political ends


Henrik: Yeah exactly. I think it was Dave Vance on Twitter, he was posting a lot of the stuff here, in the last couple of days



They’re doing like dancing to raves things, they’re doing weird things on the streets. And it’s like:


What are they doing? Who’s this for exactly?


I think it was this. Let’s turn on the audio on this one. They’re like raving away and this, like [word unclear] and stuff like that here.



What the hell! [laughter] Oh all right, that seems to that seems to fix the climate right there Morgoth!


Morgs: I remember a meme of Oswald Spengler which just has his sort of miserable serious face, and he says:


I don’t want to say that I told you so, but I told you so!


Henrik: Yup!


Morgs: [word unclear] kind of materializing through that craziness there. This is where civilizations go to die!


Henrik: That is absolutely correct. I mean, it is interesting in that way. I mean, they don’t, they haven’t picked the death theme, if you will, for the same reasons that we kind of identified them with that as well. But it does interlock in an interesting way, these different positions. That it’s like:


Yeah it’s the death of our civilization.


This is peak Western world right now, and he’s obsessed about death and we’re all gonna die. And it’s almost like an embracing of it — I mean, sure they come with this idea, we have to stop it in whatever, but it almost feels like there’s a kind of a “sadistic embracement” of it! You see what I’m getting at?


Morgs: Yeah, I definitely do. I mean, what’s interesting to think of, I mean, I talk about pop culture, because I think and we all know, you know, we all know (((who))) controls it. And well, that’s why it’s interesting to look at this. This dichotomy between is this just something in the zeitgeist, or is this people making decisions — in this case it would be Hollywood studios?


But what I do find interesting is that in the Cold War in the 1950s, 1960s, you had that like 10-minute warning and people genuinely thought that missiles could land and wipe out life on Earth. And that it could happen at any moment. And yet the culture itself would be quite optimistic. So you would you do the “undercover” where you had, again, school kids hiding under their desks, because the Russians might launch their nukes. And people had to live with all this, all of the time. But then they would go through that, and they would watch that there are deals over nuclear warheads, and always images of mushroom clouds wiping out the world. But then they’d go off and watch John Wayne and Mary Poppins have this cinema! [laughter]


It was all relatively, the culture itself was optimistic. Yet today that’s not the case. Today the culture is either this sterile bland pop music, or the Hollywood Machine, which is just relentlessly pessimistic! All of these superhero movies where cities and nations are being wiped out! All of them are like that, you know.


And then we just look at the Joker movie everybody’s talking about. Everything’s rundown and grotty. And so the culture itself is full of doom and gloom in a way that it didn’t used to be.


Henrik: Yeah.


Morgs: There isn’t really an optimistic side to it.


Henrik: Yeah, that’s right. And at the same time, you know, we do have, of course, a lot of material success and stuff. But then you realize it’s not about that either.


And in this case it’s about inventing a plight, right? There’s so many things that various groups do talk about and what should be the primary focus of the culture, like, let’s say demographics, or like low birth rates. These are the disastrous things! Or open borders, or that the globalists are trying to eradicate nations and individual cultures, definitely the West! But all around the world essentially.


And those things should be at the forefront of discussions we should have about how we’re losing control, we’re losing free speech, we can’t say anything anymore! No dissent is allowed. But then this comes along and kind of hijacks the attention of all these other things that’s happening, and this is at the forefront. It’s very bizarre!



Morgs: It’s bizarre, because there is actually a serious discussion to be had about the nature of this technological, globalist, materialistic, society. And, you know, you’ve got to go back to the early nineteen hundred’s to people like Heidegger and Spengler, who are now, of course, very unpopular thinkers. And then you had some others as well. But the general thing was to have people say:


Oh wait a minute! Where is all of this going to lead? What effect is all of us having on the lived life of people?


And they were never taken seriously, because there was too much money involved, and you end up where we are now. So the discussion we should have is one of:


Do we really want to live like this?


Even with all of the technology that we have, nobody is saying we have to smash the whole machine to pieces, but at least sort of renegotiate how we actually live in it, you know what I mean?


Henrik: Yeah, because there are limits to growth. I mean, this is like the false dichotomy of the Left-Right, the Conservative-Liberal kind of thing that’s going on. Where the Conservatives are like, that’s ridiculous! Yeah economic growth, bringing them all in and convert them to, you know, the Westerners, right? And we’ll economically will do great, kind of thing. They’re trying to shut down our economy!


But it’s like, I’m sorry, but well I’m not sorry, but it’s not going to work forever. This is not gonna function! We are already at the precipice of this, you know, at the height of this population explosion. And at some point either we take charge of this and start to direct things and decide [25:01] where we go, or nature is going to do that for us, right? And at that point if we have a colony collapse, or some kind of disaster, or civil unrest, or something, it’ll be one of the biggest die-offs, I guess that we’ve ever seen in human history! That’s what awaiting us if we just continue on the path that we are on right now.



Morgs: Yeah. And this sort of hands of the zeitgeist, and it had sort of manifests itself in pop culture.


I mean, the last Godzilla movie fascinated me about what it was actually saying, in effect, it was where the old gods from the mother earth, Godzilla and then the other monsters as well, had come back to stamp out humans, which was like a virus infecting the planet and destroying nature. And so the old monsters had come back to protect the planet.


Now it’s very interesting that all of this stuff is sort of in the general culture, it’s all in the backs of people’s minds. And I would say, why don’t we just stop for a moment and ask ourselves what this is all for? Well, what is its purpose? What is the purpose of the global economy? And the conservatives, as you say, will say it’s for goods and services. But are they really that important to have? Are they more important than the actual quality of life?


Because it’s, again, it’s the early 20th century thinkers who are reactionaries and on the right — I think was Rene Gounon [sp] would talk about the quantification of the world, where everything became a quantity to be consumed and it overruled the actual quality of life.


And so the idea of sitting in a pod eating a maggot burger is where that all leads! Because if you’ve got the best iPhone and the flat-screen TV, you’re a success, you’ve made it, and it’s all worth it for that.



Henrik: Absolutely! I mean, look at the matrix, right? I mean, that’s really what awaits us if this continues, to work out those kinks that might follow. I mean, we do have a establishment that not only want to push us towards utilitarianism, because they want to incentivise essentially, having as many people around as possible, or something. Or for the sake of, let’s say demographically replace Westerners, or something like that, that’s why just cram em all in megacities and stuff like that!


But to deal with the potential fallout of some people being, if your biological entity might be unhappy, if you’re spending the majority of your life in a small pod. So the best way around that is just to jack you into a digital world, a virtual space, where you can run around! You can do whatever you want, you can be whoever you want, no restrictions, no limitations! It will be all clean and nice, if that’s what you want.


It could be a forever beach hut down in Bahamas, or something, right? And eventually we’ll be fed like a single-cell protein, or as you say, maggots, or something like that. I mean, that’s the future we’re looking at right now!


Morgs: Yeah. I mean, with the iPhone they’re already halfway there. Because it’s not as sophisticated as the matrix sort of jacking you in.


But I saw an interesting meme last week. Where it showed you all of these people on the London Underground, and one of the photos, they all had their iPhones and then they’ve done that again but they Photoshopped out the iPhones so they were just looking at their hands. And it was as if they were just staring, they were all atomized! Nobody was looking at anybody else, on one was talking to anybody else! And when you remove their phone they’re all just looking down into their hands. And it’s all just this emptiness internalized.


So they’re actually quite far with the Matrix scenario. It’s just it’s in the form of the iPhone that you walk around with, in which your eyes are glued to all the time, rather than having the plug going in the back of your head


Henrik: Yeah. And all this will be very subtle. The steps will be very gradual in a sense that it won’t be a dramatic shift towards that. I mean, I think they’ll probably go towards like augmented reality initially first. You know, projections onto things, or something that interfaces with your neural, with your visuals, you know, your eyes essentially. Where you see certain things, there’s like overlays on reality, rights and eventually you start, well remove the unpleasant things, or whatever you don’t want to see, and it becomes a very selective little experience. It’s all ultimately let’s [30:01] face it, it’s escape from reality, because we all know that right now reality sucks! And no one likes where this is going. Everyone sees that quality is going down the drain. Yeah go ahead



Morgs: It’s also interesting that what we’re talking about now which is solely the commodification of humanity, this is the kind of criticism Extinction Rebellion could be leveling at the elites, and at the system.


Henrik: Yes


Morgs: Well they’re not. They’re doing the opposite! They’re demanding that the system has more power, and more control, to save the world from an abstract problem. Whereas we, let’s say nationalists, or people on the dissident right, should be looking at this is that we’re interested in how this is affecting the people, more than the climate. How is the system, how is this machine actually dealing with people? And it’s dealing with us like the maggots!


I did a video on that called “Deep Fried Human Nuggets”, where essentially they’re breeding a new kind of person.


And what you’ll end up with is where you’re just, because you can apply this to the way they have done it on chickens. There are mass chicken batteries, and the you get some chickens which are specially bred for the breast, and then others which are specially bred for the legs. And the one that’s bred for the breast can’t walk, because they’re not interested in the legs. And it just lies, it spends it’s life lying hooked up with a tube in its mouth which is feeding it. And it’s disgusting! You can see that optimal production would just be this ball of meat, with a mouth and an anus {laughing]. And think of like when humans are on [word unclear].


Henrik: Yeah! I mean, yeah. What is it all for, right? Well, what’s the purpose of this thing? What is the experiences that we do want? And right now there’s no — well there are some people that do have direction and they know what they’re doing, they want to try to mold and shape the world in their image. They’re getting us there. This is, all this stuff that’s happening right now is a “success story” as far as they’re concerned, so far.


But there, of course, are ruminations of discontent underneath the surface, that’s bubbling up. And that’s why they’re so heavily trying to block, and censor, and shut people’s ability down to communicate these dangerous ideas that are poking holes and in this new global utopia that they’re building for us.


Morgs: And I mean, especially when you tackle the machine in these ways it does bypass a lot of the alarm systems as well. Essentially, it’s arguing from the Left. This is the job that the Left have left open to people on the Right, to say:


Well actually, we think living a genuine, quality, life is more important than having all of these consumer goods.


There should be a left-wing, but they have left that out. They’re become obsessed with the power. And they have become sort of locked in the system and in the grid themselves. And so there’s a big opening for dissident, more traditional minded people on the right, nationalists, to say:


Well, it’s not so much about hating other groups, it’s just that we want to have a genuine sense of being in community in our own country! And it’s gonna be outside of this sort of controlled grid of global capital and technology.



Henrik: Yeah I absolutely, … This is a very obviously important and interesting philosophical discussion to have. And it’s the one that we need to have more often. And I do want to continue with this. There was just one thing I wanted to go back to before we lose kind of the Extinction Rebellion and some of the things that they’re promoting here. Because we’ve heard in recent years, it’s really the recent few months now, that this has picked up about how dangerous people who are pro-nationalism are. It’s a very intense pressure, if you will, from the mainstream media, and kind of the culture of overall.



But I heard something, one of the guys at the Extinction Rebellion was talking about, speaking about, violence and things like that. Let’s play this, and I’m gonna get your take on this, because we always hear, of course, that people who object this kind of stuff, are the dangerous violent ones. But listen to this here:


We are going to force the governments to act! And if we don’t, if they don’t, we will bring them down and create a democracy fit for purpose! And yes! Some may die in the process. And yes! Some may die in the process.


Imagine if a nationalist would have said that, Morgoth.


Morgs: Yeah, they’d be destroyed! [35:01] There’d be an armed police force and helicopters! You’d be gone, you’d be gone off the face of the earth in no time at all!


Henrik: Yeah!


Morgs: It’s fascinating, it’s unbelievable!


I mean, for much, much less than saying something like that. I did a video, just somebody who called out the local labor councilors on issues relating to child grooming and sex trafficking, in town in the North called Sunland. And he went to jail for 21 months, because he stood in the middle of the town and had a big rant against who was responsible! And the carted him off to jail for 21 months!


And here you have like a well-spoken man, and very middle-class, and quite polished, talking about yeah, people will die. It’s unbelievable!


Henrik: Yeah, we’re gonna hold you off from the halls of power, and yeah, some people will have to die. But it’s fine, you know, because we gotta break some eggs in this wonderful omelet we’re making here! But of course, as you say, this is being allowed. This is being permitted, because this group is in the hands of the (((globalists))).


They are being used as a tool by them, because it’s effective to try to get people to, I guess to give the appearance that it’s some kind of grassroots support for us handing over power and influence into fewer and fewer hands.


Well, is there something else that you’ve been looking at, when it comes to like the Extinction Rebellion, of how they’re being used, or something like that, that’s worth to squeeze in here, in the first segment, before we take a break in a few minutes?


Morgs: Just one thing I would touch on, is that by and large, as this sort of controlled opposition psychological operation, it’s been a bit of a failure. It has become a bit of a joke. But we’ve reached a stage, I mean we’re probably going to go into Brexit, where the elite don’t really care whether you believe it, or not. Because you’ve got no choice in the matter. So you can tweet, and you can make videos laughing at Extinction Rebellion, but they don’t care! They’re just gonna run with the narrative anyway, because there’s nothing you can do about it.


I mean, in the past it used to be much more sophisticated. Occupy Wall Street and these kinds of groups, that you can actually debate. I think that was actually legit, but got co-opted. But whatever the case may be, the people seem to take them more seriously. Whereas we’ve reached a stage now where the elite say:


Yeah, okay, it looks ridiculous but, you know, we don’t care, because there’s nothing you can do about it!


Henrik: Yeah and it needs to be pointed out too, for maybe newcomers, newly red-pilled people — whatever you want to call it — but people are starting to question the lies and the garbage that is being shoved down our throats, that much of this, which the Extinction Rebellion bases their hysteria around, has been debunked.


I mean, Climategate back in 2010. All this was centered around Britain at the time. East Anglia University was it, the Climate Research Unit, the CRU. A lot of the numbers that the IPCC gathered actually came from CRU. And this 1.5 degrees which is the latest report that the IPCC released, is the whole basis of this:


Oh my god we only have 12 years!


Because if it’s an increase by 1.5 percent, it’s all gonna, you know, we’re all gonna die, we’re all gonna die in some major heat wave, or whatever, you know, some horrible fire! But much of the individual measurements that at CRU did was released in these leaked emails, that they had been placed in very shady places, like parking lots, had been placed in things about which were artificially warmed by human construction, denser areas. They have been fiddling with the numbers and stuff.


I mean, this is 2010, I can’t remember all the details from it. But Tim Ball, a lot of other people that covered this extensively back then. And it should have been an issue which was like laid to rest. And it felt at the time, Morgoth, that some of these things did die. That Al Gore was at the forefront at that time, and a lot of him and his work, kind of felt like he was discredited. But now it’s brought back again, because people don’t have that long-term memory. They can’t even remember this, right?


Morgs: Yeah. I mean, according Al Gore, New York should be under war are now! Also, he’s just bought up a beachfront property in San Francisco last year, or something. A really sort of slick mansion on the beach! [laughter] And he, of all people, knows that well we should be underwater, but it didn’t happen.


But it is, yeah, it is something that they roll out. This time it’s kind of like Extinction Rebellion is for the age of social justice, rather than sort of tackling [40:01] the more thoughtful, sits there and considers the facts and the science. That didn’t work, so in the age of the social justice warrior, we will retell the same narrative and do it again for people, these emotionally distraught Millennials. And you can see that exactly what they’ve done.


Henrik: Yeah. There’s so many things on a psychological level which are clever and weaved into this, because people do need a purpose, they need to feel good about something that they’re doing, and stuff. And so these groups, and these kinds of stunts, or whatever you want to call it, pop up on a regular basis really, to kind of allow people to flood, and put their discontent into that, their attention, their focus.


And again, yes there is a very real and important aspect of environmentalism weaved into that, but as you said, before, eloquently it’s a deflection, actually, away from the real kind of issues. And what’s happening with all the chemicals, and even human medication being dumped in the water supply. And, you know, things that are altering us, that are leading to other weird weird side effects. None of that is being discussed. It’s essentially just pay more money and hand over power, that’s all that it is now, at this point!


Morgs: The male suicide epidemic across the West, is another symptom of the modern world. And whether, or not this is all to do, it’s not to do with the climate, but it is to do with the way we actually live in the modern world, which is depressing a lot of men. And, of course, this doesn’t come in at the equation at all. In fact, you ended up living in a pod and eating a maggot burger, and watch virtual reality porn on your flat-screen TV, and that’s your lot, is not going to help with that whatsoever.


But in actual real problems which people are faced with, they don’t help at all. It’s to further empower the elite to restrict how people live, and actually get us into the pods.


Henrik: Yes. And you pointed out in that article too. So a couple of interesting facts, if we can squeeze in here before we take a short break. But they were arguing for people to stop flying, don’t travel, stop eating meat, or beef specifically, I think it was as well. Was there anything else they added on to that list of what we plebs need to do?


Morgs: What she said was that they will make it so that driving, and flying, and eating beef, will be made socially taboo in the same way that smoking was.


Henrik: That is right.



Morgs: So that this indirect pressure, and, of course, in the end smoking just became completely banned everywhere! And eventually with vaping it was kind of replaced entirely. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. I used to smoke and I didn’t do it anymore.


But the point is you can, they can socially engineer things at that macro level, to change people’s behaviors and away from say eating beef. I mean, a couple of people pointed out that eating beef actually is genuinely terrible for the environment.


And yeah, so it gets back to that point. Again, is it natural that four billion people on earth have access to steaks, because all of our cattle has to be reared in, let’s say the Amazon or wherever. There’s definitely real deep discussions to be had on this subject. Should should beef be a luxury item? There’s a good case to be made for sayin yeah, it should. But then we can substitute it with like fish, or something like that. But this is not really what Extinction Rebellion are arguing for, at all.


Henrik: No, it’s you shut up, and you eat the maggots now! You get the bugs! And, you know, we at the top will do everything as usual, in fact, we get more luxury. We get more control, more money, more resources, and everything else!


No, it’s a total fraud! A total sham! If they were sincere about this they wouldn’t weave in migration into this, as a kind of, you know, I’ve seen the links, climate migration, we have to accept immigrants now, because of, you know, there’s climate change in other areas. And therefore bringing people millions of people each year into kind of a Western world lifestyle is somehow going to aid to this process?


I think it’s, at the end of the day, it’s, … I think one of (((their))) primary goals is demographic replacement! And that’s part of their control agenda, right? Destroy those pesky Europeans that might do some weird kind of unexpected things when it comes to protesting against their subversion, I guess their submission, right.


And so they might kind of, there’s a couple examples, let’s put it that way, historically, that have given them pause. And (((they))) think:


Well, yeah, if we can destroy national homogeneity, if we can destroy the ethnic makeup, the glue that makes up these various nations, globalism is going to be so much easier!


Another plus side is that can replace Europeans specifically! Kind of get they them out of the picture. And I think that’s related to what you mentioned before, that appreciation for freedom, liberty, and that kind of thing, is among the highest I think among Europeans overall.


So we’re a we’re an obstacle in the way towards globalism


Morgs: I would also just point out as well, that what we see emerging from “social justice” which is “Whiteness studies”, which is where Europeans are sort of, they will call the whole system “Whiteness”, and say “Whiteness” is something that has to be abolished. That ties in very nicely with this new climate agenda, because it’s the same system that they’re talking about.



Henrik: A few of those kinds of headlines which I was thinking about, like climate refugees, population displacement, building a trade union, civil society, Guardian again. Orwellian anti-refugee system hints at what’s to come for climate refugees. Everyone has the right to move safely and legally.



CNN: Climate change to create hundred and forty three million migrants. World Bank says:


You’re ready for tens of millions of climate refugees.


Right? So we’ve seen these kinds of headlines being pushed in the mainstream for some time time now, but no one questions bringing millions of people into Western lifestyle would be the worst thing for the environment, in fact.

Morgs: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And it’s all one humanity, one mass, one big blob, and it will need one government to control it!


Henrik: That’s right! Oversee everything and it’s, I mean, it’s problem, reaction, solution, right? You create problems, you offer, you get outrage, and then you offer the solution. Which is again:


We’ll take care of you! Just hand over more control to us, and we’ll make sure it’s right!


It’s all very clever! It’s all in the books. But let’s take a break here Morgoth, and then we’ll dive into much more here in part two. But plug some of your stuff then. Let us know where people need to go, follow your blog, subscribe to your YouTube, Twitter, etc.


Morgs: Morgoth’s Review on all of me platforms, on YouTube, BitChute, which is becoming more of an important site.


Henrik: That is right. I do have to remember mentioning that, thank you for bringing that up, by the way.


Morgs: BitChute and Morgoth’s Review on blogspot as well is easy to find as well.



Henrik: Now does a search work on BitChute? Let’s see. I just know that sometimes it’s not the best on there


Morgs: If you type it in from Google, or your search browser.



Henrik: Yeah, I did find it there. Yeah, Morgoth’s Review. Yeah, doing good on subs over there too, so that’s great.


Morgs: I also do the occasional video. All of my live streams are probably gonna go on to BitChute. And then, from time to time, I do a sort of monologue, which is a bit too hot for YouTube. That one in the corner there called “Cracks in the Goldberg” is an example of a too hot for YouTube video. Which I’ll do, just for BitChute to help BitChute along. And you really see the difference as well. They’re popular when they just go on exclusively on BitChute.


Henrik: Yes, it’s true. No, that’s great! I think I watched that one, that’s about a month old. I recognized the thumbnail. I thought that that was really good, as well. And I forget, I think it was a BitChute right away that I saw it. But yeah, some good stuff over there. So make sure you subscribe to Morgoth’s Review on be BitChute as well.


But guys we’ll take a short break here. We’ll be back in part two. More with Morgoth’s Review coming up. Stay tuned and see you on the other side.



Alright ladies and gentlemen, we’re gonna continue in part two with Morgoth’s Review. Definitely make sure that you tune in. We’re going to continue to talk about Brexit, demographic situation, and new census that’s coming out in the UK next year. That’s gonna be very revealing in terms of the demographic transformation of the UK.



We’re gonna talk about the increase in knife crime, acid attacks. Of course, the kind of unholy alliance between the Left and Islam in the UK, is kind of beginning to tear a little bit at the seams. We will dive into detail about that and kind of discuss in a bit. What it will take to get people of English descent to realise what the establishment is doing to them, and what they actually what kind of future they’re going to create for their kids and their grandchildren.


Anyway a lot to get into. Definitely make sure you don’t miss it. Head on over to Red Ice Members com. Sign up for a membership with us, it’s the best way to support us and, of course, you get access to hundreds and hundreds of hours of good content. Interviews, weekend warrior, exclusive videos, bunch of stuff is in the members section for you, as well.

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This entry was posted in Britain, Communism, Extinction Rebellion, Freedom of Speech, Globalism, Henrik Palmgren, Hollywood, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Media - BBC, Morgoths Review, Multiculturalism, Red Ice Radio, Red Ice Radio - Henrik, Thought Crime, Uncategorized, Western Civilization. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Red Ice TV – Extinction Rebellion, Our Future of Bugs and Pods – Morgoth’s Review – Oct 10, 2019 — Transcript

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