Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Jacob Hersant – Oct 16, 2024 – Transcript


Mark Collett


Patriotic Weekly Review with


Jacob Hersant


Wed, Oct 16, 2024


[In this livestream video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, talks with proud Aussie National Socialist Jacob Hersant. Items discussed include:

Jacob Hersant is a 25-year-old Australian National Socialist activist.
He faces legal troubles for giving a “Nazi gesture” in public.
Jacob founded the National Socialist Network in Australia.
Believes in “Australia for the Whiteman” as a core principle.
He’s appealing his conviction on free speech grounds, but faces a “relatively modest term of imprisonment” if appeals fail.
Has been politically active since age 15-16.
Sees growth in explicit White nationalist movements in Australia.
NSN focuses on legal activism and political messaging, and being “uncompromising in your founding principles.”
Argues White nationalists and National Socialists face similar persecution.
Supports separation of races and repatriation of non-White immigrants.
Has sympathy for other racial nationalists but prioritizes Whites.
Jacob defines racism as “putting your particular race first.”
Advocates for aboriginals to be given separate reservations.
Sees his legal case as a “win-win” for publicity.
Urges supporters to donate to other causes, not his legal defense.
Allows free use of his content: “Do whatever you want with my videos.”
Criticizes compromise and moderation in nationalist movements.
Admires historical figures like Adolf Hitler and George Lincoln Rockwell.
Sees White people worldwide facing similar threats.
Believes National Socialism is the best ideology for this era.
Argues against watering down principles for electoral success.
Sees his group’s radical image as an asset for publicity.
Believes Australia is being “demographically replaced” rapidly.
Criticizes conservative parties for aiding “the worst aspects of our enemies.”
Sees potential for more radical nationalist parties to gain support.
Advocates a “holistic mindset” in nationalist activism.
Believes white nationalists will inevitably be called “Nazis” anyway.
Sees the Second World War as an unavoidable topic in debates.
Argues National Socialism is no less “sellable” than White nationalism.
Criticizes the “egregious censorship” and “moral policing” in society.
Believes his group’s messaging resonates with average Australians.
Sees his imprisonment as less concerning than UK political prisoners.
Quotes Rockwell: “The path to the palace leads through the dungeons.”
Believes nationalists shouldn’t apologize for their views anymore.
Sees increasing public support for their position in Australia.
Advocates working with other races internationally, not domestically.
“We need to be immovable on our ideals. Australia for the White man. White revolution is the only solution.”



Published on Wed, Oct 16, 2024




Patriotic Weekly Review – with Jacob Hersant
October 17, 2024
Mark Collett
Episode 284 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Jacob Hersant.
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Jacob Hersant
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(Words: 18,579 – Duration: 2:05:13 mins)



Mark Collett: Hello everybody, and welcome to Patriotic Weekly Review, episode number 284. And we are here live tonight on Odysee, DLive, Rumble and Entropy. It’s going to be a big show. We have got the man of the hour with us. I’ll be introducing him shortly. His name says Joel, but it is not Joel, as you can see, it’s Jacob Hersant. And Jacob is a man who has been in the news recently and will be talking tonight extensively about why he’s been in the news about his fight for freedom of speech and fight for freedom of expression, and why he’s the first man in the whole of Australia to be taken to court for waving his arm in the air. That is the kind of tyranny they are living under in Australia!


But before we get into that, please do like and share the stream. Please do help get the word out. Please do make sure as many people know about this stream as possible because it’s really important and it’s a new guest. People often say:


“Mark, you keep having the same guests on.”


And that is a valid criticism, but this is a new one, and I try to get a new one on when new and intelligent people come up and we can give them a bit of a leg up and help them to tell their story. And that’s what tonight’s all about. So if you’re one of the people who likes new guests, give this a shout out.


Now, I’m going to be back later in the week. I’m going to be back on Friday with a pre-recorded video, back on Friday with Dr David Duke. And I don’t think, I’m not sure whether I’m around on Sunday, but I am planning something for the Halloween stream, which will be later in the month. There’s going to be no book club this month because of the Halloween stream. So with all that in mind, please do check out my other videos as well. We did a great film club this week with Devon Stack and we’ve also got a video out about how Tommy Robinson wants to bring Indians to the UK, because apparently Indians are wonderful people. But India is actually the most dangerous country in the world for women and girls. Tommy wants to protect everyone from Muslim groomers, but he wants to import men from the country that has the most child brides in the whole world. So no joined-up thinking from Tommy Robinson there. So check that video out.


And finally, if you want to support this stream, if you want to support my work, if you think what I do is good, if you like PWR, if you like Patriotic Alternative, if you like all of the good things that I do week in, week out, please consider making a small donation.


Now, hundreds of people watch this show live, and thousands and thousands of people watch it over its lifespan when it’s up online. If everyone gave, $3, we would be very well funded. So please consider something. $3, $5, $10. Nothing’s behind the paywall or give whatever you feel the show is worth. This is what keeps my head above water. It allows me to keep doing these shows. It allows me to keep doing the activism that I do and arranging all the things in the real world that I do, such as the support network for political prisoners.


So please consider making a donation throughout the show.


And if you do make a donation, please do attach a question for myself or Jacob and we will answer it in the second hour of the show. So the second hour of the show will all be questions from the audience. So if you want to support my work and you want to support what we’re doing here, please consider something and we will answer your question later in the show.


Now, you can also donate by crypto-currency. All the crypto links are in the description below.


And finally, I’m a very approachable guy. You can write to me at I’m always available for a chat or for some advice, etc. Etc. Or just generally for feedback. And I get people from all over the world writing to me. And you’re welcome to write to me too, whenever you want. As I said, none of that is behind any paywall. So please do consider giving a small donation.


Anyway, let’s get into the show because it’s going to be a good one.


Now, tonight we’ve got a young up and comer on the scene. He’s Australian. You might have seen him alongside the likes of Joel Davis, alongside Blair Cottrell, alongside Thomas Sewell. He is a man that is going through legal troubles of his own because the Australian government at the moment is going through somewhat of a draconian clamp down on nationalists, on the symbols that they can display, on the things that they can say, and on the way they hold their arm! So Jacob, without further ado, would you like to introduce yourself to my audience? It’s a pleasure to have you here tonight. Introduce yourself to my audience and tell people what you’ve been going through.




Jacob Hersant: Hello. Thank you for that introduction. My name is Jacob Hersant. It’s a nice 05:00 am here in Melbourne, Victoria, in Australia.


So I’m a little bit tired, but I digress. I’ll try my best to be as cogent and articulate as possible. I’m an Australian National Socialist. I’ve been a political activist for eight years now. And most of my activism has been for an organisation which I founded, the National Socialist Network.


A lot of people know about us now because of our kind of NS attention grabbing activism. We’ve become basically a household name here in Australia based on that activism. Right now I’m in the news particular for being the first person in the state of Victoria for being charged with giving the Nazi salute. I was convicted in the magistrate’s court, which is the lowest court in Australia, not for giving the Nazi salute, but giving a “Nazi gesture” that resembles the Nazi salute.


So the laws are very broad. If people confuse you for giving the Nazi salute, you can be convicted as well.


So the magistrate actually ruled I didn’t give the Nazi salute, which I think most people would probably agree with, because most people know what the Nazi salute looks likes. But I did give a gesture that could be confused for the Nazi salute, and most people would confuse it for the Nazi salute, which I can. I can agree with. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable finding for the magistrate to find. But we didn’t only make that argument.


So the reason this court case is going to go on for a while and I’m going to be appealing it, is because my lawyer made an argument that this law is invalid based on the fact that Australia has an implied right to freedom of political communication. So Australia doesn’t have any explicit right to political communication or freedom of speech or anything like that. But we have High Court rulings or High Court judgements that affirm the fact that because we are a liberal democracy, the Constitution outlines a liberal democracy, that by virtue of that fact, we have an implied right of political communication because that system would not work without there being freedom of speech and freedom of political communication.


So that’s what I’m going to be appealing about. And that’s what there’s going to be lots of publicity about this case going forward into the future. That argument’s going to be made at higher courts, all the way to the High Court because, yeah, I’ve indicated that I want to take it all the way. My lawyers are happy to take it all the way.


So it’s going to be a long, long process. But I don’t mind this court battle in particular. I’ve had other court battles which have been less fun because I’ve had to either represent myself or I’ve been facing more serious charges, serious punishments. I can talk about that further on in the stream.


So I’ve been convicted of giving the Nazi gesture that resembles a Nazi salute, but I’ve also been sentenced to imprisonment. I haven’t been given the exact length of imprisonment. What the magistrate said is it will be a relatively modest term of imprisonment. So whether that’s one month or two months or three months, I’m not sure.


A lot of people are worried for me because I’ll be going to jail, but I won’t be going to jail until all of my rights of appeal are exhausted, so I won’t be punished for it until all of its done. So people don’t need to worry about me in the immediate future. And they don’t need to worry about me in general, because I’m happy. I’m not happy to go to jail, but I’m willing to go to jail to make this argument, because I believe that Australians should have the right to political communication, not only for us, particularly as a political group, as National Socialists, but everyone should have the right to express themselves. I think that’s a right that Anglo Saxons cherish. And it is a bit of a strange situation in 2024 where you have the “fascists” defending free speech against a liberal, an allegedly liberal government.


But it’s not the most confusing thing I’ve seen in 2024, so.


Mark Collett: So how old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?


Jacob Hersant: I’m 25 years old.


Mark Collett: You’re 25 years old! Oh, what I would give to be 25 again! And you’re really in the thick of this, but you’ve been an activist for quite some time, so this isn’t something new to you’ve obviously come into nationalism quite young, but generally speaking, this might not be something you’re aware of or it might be something you’re aware of, when I was in the BNP, you probably. Were you alive then? Yeah. You would have been very, very small.


Jacob Hersant: Yeah, I born in 1991.


Mark Collett: So by the time the BNP was in decline, in about 2010, you’d have been eleven. But the point is, the BNP was the most successful electoral nationalist group in the UK. And we looked at our data, we looked at our membership data and we could see that the average length a member would be involved was 18 months. So when you took everyone’s membership into account and you did an average. The average length of membership was 18 months.


So the average person never got to being two years involved in the organisation. But you’re 25. You’ve been involved in this movement for eight years. Logically, that means you got involved when you were 17, and you’ve spent around a third of your life involved.


So you’re pretty committed to this. You’ve been involved for quite a long time when you take your whole life into account. I mean, obviously not a long time when you take human existence into account, but a third of your life involving the cause is very, very admirable. You came into things a little bit younger than I did. How do you feel over the time that you’ve been involved? Have things changed in Australia in terms of the acceptance of the movement, involvement of people in more radical politics, and has there been a greater acceptance of your opinions and the things that you’re fighting for?




Jacob Hersant: Yeah, so I think we’ve grown a lot as an explicit National Socialist movement. When I was first getting involved in politics, there was really nothing. There was nothing in way of a well, even really just an explicit White nationalist movement or National Socialist movement. We’ve had a remnants of previous groups, older groups that were still around, but they were more or less defunct, maybe just running an Internet blog or something. Really websites that look like they’re from 2005 and things like that.


But there was a milieu of people that were energized from the Trump campaign. So you had people that were associating with the Alt-Right and all that kind of meme magic energy of that time.


I wasn’t involved when I was 17. It was earlier than that. So I was getting involved in our circles, probably around 15 years old, 16 years old is when I became involved in real life.


I started meeting up with people off websites like The Right Stuff dot biz, [TRS] and Iron March* and things like that.


[* Iron March was a far-Right neo-fascist and Neo-Nazi web forum. The site opened in 2011 and attracted neo-fascist and Neo-Nazi members, including militants from organised far-Right groups and members who would later go on to commit acts of terror! The forum closed in 2017. Subsequently, former users moved to alternative websites and social networking services, such as Discord. Wikipedia]


Well, Iron March doesn’t exist anymore. TRS still exists in some sort of form, but they had a forum back then. And I was meeting people, and I was just encouraging people. I was like:


“We gotta get involved in real life. Like, we need to start our own organisation and do things like that.”


So we originally founded an organisation called Antipodean Resistance. Antipodean just refers to Australia and New Zealand, because it’s the opposite part of the world as Europe. And that was explicit National Socialism. But it was very, very radical! And it could accurately be described as “extremist”, because the way it presented itself it had a very militant look. It wasn’t engaged in violence or anything like that, but it projected that more or less kind of nowhere near as bad as, like, what Atomwaffen was, but it was that kind of vein.


Like, that wasn’t my choice. What we have now is my choice because that’s an organisation I founded, but nonetheless, I was in those circles and I was participating in that.


But then I was branching out, and I was getting involved with other movements as well, like the Lads Society. So there’s all these kind of organisations like UPF, United Patriots Front. I won’t go too deep into a level, but I basically was getting in contact with everybody.


And eventually I founded this, because most people didn’t really believe in my vision of activism, which was being explicitly National Socialist, but being focused on politics rather than kind of militant messaging. And I won’t repeat any of the kind of slogans and the things that Antipodean Resistance represented, as you’re in Britain, but people can Google that if they want to know what that was like about.


So from all that kind of stuff, from Lads Society and Antipodean Resistance, I came from all that and founded National Socialist Network. And it was originally just me, and whoever I could rope around for a photo. People can go and check the initial photos that were posted of National Socialist Network, and it’s basically like an art blog of me [chuckling] just posted in the black mask and the black clothes. And there’s very few people in it, just a few of my friends I could rope along.


But now it’s grown to basically the biggest group in Australia, a household name as I said.


To answer your question about how much success we’ve had in terms of the movement, I think now we actually have an established organisation. We’ve got the banner up, and people can join and get involved with people that have been involved in it for quite a while. We haven’t been involved as long as someone like you have, like Thomas Sewell and myself and Joel and all that.


But nonetheless, I’ve been involved for, it’s probably nine years now. I think I was saying eight years, a year ago. So it’s probably nine years now. Yeah, and I just think all across the world, everyone will probably feel how much progress has been made in terms of getting our messaging out there, how much support we have.


And I think part of that is also just how decadent and terrible things are becoming socially in Western countries. There would have just been decades even before your time Mark, wherever people were just so comfortable in the seventies and the eighties, and immigration wasn’t an existential crisis of all of our nations. It was a lot more manageable when these minorities actually were minorities. But now they’re becoming a very sizable minority, soon to become majorities in all the major cities of White countries.


So I think we’re making lots of progress. I’m very optimistic about how things, things are going with our organisation, in particular in Australia. I’m optimistic about this legal fight. I think we won’t have any troubles actually winning. Even if we don’t win, because that’s a possibility. Maybe the High Court will rule that free speech doesn’t apply to Nazis. Political communication isn’t allowed for Nazis.


But nonetheless, the whole circus around all of this, how it’s made the government look, the publicity it’s got for us, how it’s made us look to White Australians who value political rights, I think all of it will be worth it.


So I think it’s always just going to be a win-win, what’s happening now. So I’m optimistic.


Mark Collett: So, obviously, your group, you would describe it as being more or less the most Right-wing group in Australia.


And you mentioned some other groups like Atomwaffen, who were just absolute fed nutcases! How do you stop your group attracting those kind of people? I mean, I’ve had a few guests on who spoke about Atomwaffen, the kind of people that were involved, absolute dibs, who did nothing good for the movement. And those kind of people sort of gravitate towards something they feel is going to be more edgy and more extreme. How do people like yourself and Joel keep those kind of people away from your group and stop it from descending, like other groups who are obviously openly NS, have done in the past?




Jacob Hersant: Yeah, I think the main problem with Atomwaffen is the leadership. It’s always the leadership. And what is going to be tolerated.


Mark Collett: Well, I mean, the main problem were they were basically Feds and sort of spergy Satanist dorks who killed each other.


Jacob Hersant: Yeah, well, I don’t, …


Mark Collett: You know, that’s not just a small problem, that’s like a huge problem. And it obviously attracted those sort of people. And I know there’s been numerous people who’ve written long exposes on how the feds were heavily involved with them, but you guys seem to avoided those kind of spergy nuts.


And what I’m asking you is sort of, how did you manage to structure your group so it attracted people that weren’t those kind of spergy* nuts?


[* Spergy-Used to describe an individual as socially unaware, or inept. Just to the right of being incapable of social interaction. Tolerable, if you have sympathy for their lack of understanding. Origin: A play off of Asperger’s Syndrome. A functional portion of the Autistic Spectrum. Often those who use the word “spergy” have more sensitivity than people who use the term “retarded” to describe the socially inept. Source: Urban Dictionary]


Jacob Hersant: I think it just comes from excluding those kind of people that aren’t in it for legal activism. Because our organisation is about legal activism.


Obviously, we get charged for things like Bill Posting. I’ve been charged with Bill postering and obviously giving the salute. But we don’t engage in any kind of unlawful or illegal activity that most people would look at my criminal record and go:


“Why are these things crimes? Like putting up stickers? Why is putting up a sticker a crime? Why is giving a gesture a crime?”


So that’s the kind of political “crime” that we’re kind of engaged in. It’s a low level stuff. We’re not interested in violence or killing people, or even just attacking our enemies in a kind of low level way, like street brawls and all those kind of things. We’re interested in political messaging. I think the fundamental thing is the leadership!


The fact that we’re not going to tolerate people that aren’t there for our mission, our political mission, which is primarily to build out our strength of the movement, to recruit more members, and to bring our message to White Australians. The most effective way we can do that, is legally and through legal activism, just regular political activism. So we’re focused on that.


Some people message me on the Internet, and they say:


“Like, Jacob, where’s your secret army to overthrow the government?”


And I just tell them:


“Well, I don’t have one! And I don’t know why you’re asking me about my secret army, if you want me to have a secret army. I don’t have one. But why are you asking me on the Internet? And do you not find that this activity of recruiting people, getting our message out there, is valuable activity?”


I think it is valuable activity. That’s what I’m going to be focusing on.


In regards to Atomwaffen, I don’t know any of the real particulars of what was happening with them, with satanism and federal agents entrapping them and all that. I know more or less about it, but only vaguely. I know what happened. I remember when I first encountered Atomwaffen, which was back on the Iron March form, I had a very bad impression of them, because I just thought from the start, calling your group attack atomic weapons in German was just a very strange thing for an American group to do, having the nuclear logo, all these kind of things. So I was always confused by it.


But then obviously, all the unfolding tragedy in regards to what happened, all that’s what really turned me off. But I don’t know whether or not it was founded by bad actors originally. If they just tolerated bad actors, what happened? I know the original founder Brandon Russell went to jail, so probably he was just somebody that tolerated all this and it all just went to hell!


But then again, I don’t know. That’s, that would just be a guess for me, really. I don’t know the specifics. I know a lot of people know a lot more about that.


Mark Collett: I did an interview with a few people about this. I mean, when I look at groups like Atomwaffen, I just see them as just complete loons, sort of at best case scenario, you’ve got loons, at worst case scenario, you’ve got feds. And everything in between is basically just sort of the scum of our movement, sort of drawn to weird groups like that embrace things such as you know, they were heavily tied up with that Satanist group, The Order of Nine Angles, etcetera. Some of them were involved with sexual abuse and other absolutely abhorrent stuff like that.


And eventually they were prescribed as a terrorist group in the UK. They never existed in the UK, and I don’t believe they exist anymore. But they’re absolutely not a group that anyone with any sort of, well, I’ve never met anyone who’s a credible actor or anyone at all who’s shilled from there. Kind of, to me, when I see a group like that, and there’s nobody sort of who’s behind a group like that. And everybody who’s a sensible person is like, stay a mile away from that group.




And for me, as soon as I saw them and heard the stupid name, it sort of sets your antennae wiggling because you kind of think, who’s actually behind this and what’s the point of them? What are they going to achieve? Etcetera.


But moving on from that, I don’t want to spend the whole show sort of discussing freaks and weirdos. But with your situation, you guys, you’re not hiding behind your computer screens. You don’t have a silly name, or a daft logo. You’re not Satanists. You guys walk into court, you wear suit, shirts and ties, you look very smart, you come out of court, your heads are held high. People like, obviously, Joel, very good optics, etcetera. Because some of the people in my chat seem really impressed by everything you guys are doing, and some of them think are obviously a little bit more iffy about your optics.


Now, you do actually come out there, you very open that you’re National Socialists, but you present yourselves in a very approachable, clean cut, almost desirable manner.


So when you came out of court, you guys look fantastic! You know, you don’t look like weirdos. You don’t look like freaks. If the public are expecting some sort of dweebs, oddities, you know, freak show parading outside of court, they get the absolute opposite of that. I mean, you guys also look like Australian Chad males. Do you ever find that the public have got a disconnect between what they might believe somebody who calls themselves a National Socialist would look like and the way that you guys present yourselves, the way you guys articulate your arguments, and the fact that you are so clean cut, and approachable when people see you?


Jacob Hersant: Yeah, I think we’ve got a good balance of the kind of street radicalism and protests in regards to putting on the black uniform and the masks, and a good balance of the more kind of bourgeois system politics. But that only really comes out when it comes we’re going into court, and that’s appropriate time to be wearing the suit and obviously defending our legal rights.


So I can understand why people are sceptical in regards to, … It’s a very, very stark look, what we’ve chose in regards to wearing all black and wearing the masks. I understand a lot of people prefer a more traditional kind of political look in terms of a conservative look, where maybe you wear a suit and tie or something smart casual or things like that. But we really wanted to differentiate ourselves from the rest of the Right insofar as we are radicals and that we’re street protesters. Like, we’re the only Right-wing group in Australia that really protests consistently, like we’re a protest group. The Left have their equivalents. They’ve got their socialist and communist groups, they’ve got their environmentalist groups and all that. The Right-wing will only really come out. They’re not organised. They’ll come out for rallies occasionally, whether it be anti-transgender ones or occasionally. What are they? I can’t even recall what they really protest about. They don’t protest here as much as I’m sure they do in other countries. We want to differentiate ourselves from the rest of the Right. And come up with a new, well, it’s not really a new image, but a different image from the rest of the Right. So we chose black as the colour because that’s the tradition of fascism and National Socialism in Anglo-sphere countries, particularly the blackshirt movement in Great Britain.


And obviously it harkens back to the Italians as well, their blackshirts, the SS in Germany. We just thought that black was the most appropriate colour for our movement.


And then the masks, on one level they’re practical, but they’re also symbolic. And it’s fashion. People like masks, [chuckling] whether I know a lot of people don’t like masks because of what happened during Covid [chuckling] and I understand that, but people still like masks and you know, when it’s appropriate. And I think that radical street demonstrations is an appropriate time to wear masks. So hopefully people can get over that.


But yeah, it’s practical because it obviously protects the identities of people who are demonstrating for our beliefs. Because there’s large swathes of Leftists in this country that feel that they have the right to destroy people’s lives based on their political views. And very many unscrupulous people will aid them in that, whether it be employers, banks, all these institutions are more than willing to aid these people in their activism, not really activism, but just their harassment of nationalist activists. So it protects the identities of people like that. So it’s got a practical function.


But also it’s got a symbolic function insofar as when we’re going to demonstrate it’s not about our individual identities as activists. We’re not there to be seen, we’re there for our political message to be seen. And when you put on the mask, you represent the political idea rather than yourself as an individual, your ego, your individual identity. You become a National Socialist, you become that Black Shirt activist, and you become part of the collective of people that are there to support the one person that has the mask off, whether it be me or Joel or Thomas, and that is differentiated from the rest of the group and who has something to say. So it’s symbolic, and it’s practical. That’s why we have the uniformity. Nonetheless. If people want to do different types of optics, would that optics work in the UK? My preliminary guess would be no. I probably wouldn’t do it.


But I think that it’s been very successful in Australia. I think most people now seeing all the success we’ve had over the years would probably agree, yes, it has been successful here in Australia.


So people can be sceptical anyway, I understand, people have different tastes in terms of what they want to see from a political group. But I still think that there is space for what we’re doing here in Australia and there’s space for people to do other things if they want to present a more kind of traditional political face like you guys are doing in the UK, we have no problem with that.




Mark Collett: See, I’m not suggesting, … Look, I’ve read a lot of different theories from different people about how to advance nationalism. And I’ve read the Rockwell theory. The Rockwell theory is that if you do things that are slightly more edgy and slightly more outrageous, you stand out from the pack, people notice you and you grow amongst a radical and dedicated audience. And that is a legitimate point to make. And I’ve also heard the theory that if you basically tone everything down and cuck on your policies, you get to power.


Now, as I see it, neither of those two options have led to anyone coming to power in the West. You could argue that someone like Marine Le Pen is close to power, or the AfD are close to power, but if you look at what they’ve ceeded in order to get where they have, they no longer hold on to the political points that they had when they started out. And I’m a firm believer that if you get to power and you hold power for the sake of power, but you’ve given up on everything that you believed in when you started that journey toward power, there was no point in making that journey in the first place. It’s an absolute waste of everybody’s time.


So, for example if you founded a nationalist group and you got people elected, and those people then ended up voting for diversity and inclusion in their elected positions just so they could further that the organisation and be more acceptable, what would be the point of the organisation existing? The organisation shouldn’t exist. It’s a waste of time. So I do acknowledge what some people say, that you guys may be scary, you might put people off, but also I’ve seen these appeasers go down the route of selling everything out, dropping all their opinions, kicking people out because they say the wrong thing. And that hasn’t exactly borne fruit either. You know, then you end up in a situation where you’re in a Nigel Farage type place. And yeah, Nigel Farage has got some MP’s, but he’s not in power and he’s saying some of the right things and he’s built a very large and successful populist movement, but he hasn’t yet attained power. And if he did get to power, with all of the caveats and all of the compromises, would he actually be able to turn around the demographic problem? And this is an age old debate, so I’m not knocking what you’re doing, I’m just asking why you’re doing it, so you can explain it to my audience, who are kind of split on it. You know, don’t think I’m digging at you. The fact of the matter is there are different approaches.


And if people look at your group and they want to understand the fruit born from your tree, you only have to look at your recent Whiteman Fight Back event. And that went viral. People all over the world saw that.


I mean, if somebody had said to you guys, right, we’re going to give you that degree of advertising, but you’re going to pay us for it, you guys wouldn’t have been able to raise that money in probably 100 years to get that much publicity from one event. You couldn’t have bought that kind of publicity unless you were like George Soros or Blackrock or the government themselves.


So what you’re doing by branding yourself in that way is you’re creating a kind of outrage that forces the press to cover you, that gives you a level of publicity that you wouldn’t otherwise get if you were just a micro party that played by their rules. So I do understand the logic behind it and I’m not saying what’s right or wrong because as I said, as of yet, in the Western world, there hasn’t been a nationalist party that is yet to get to power. And arguably, if you class people like Giorgia Meloni as nationalists, when they got to power, they were so watered down that they just carried on letting migrants in anyway.


So the whole exercise was a complete waste of time! Because if you’re going to get to power and you can’t do what you wanted to do, it’s all irrelevant. It was all just pointless.


As I said, I’m not knocking it, I’m just sort of asking you so my audience can hear how you do things.


And I think what you did was striking. Now, whether it will win over the masses or not is a different thing. But has anything ever won over the masses other than football, beer and takeaway?


Jacob Hersant: That is a good point. Yeah. Well, surprisingly, I think Australian opinion is coming around to our position, as far as they can go. Like, obviously the average Boomer or Gen-Xer isn’t ready to talk about Adolf Hitler.


But I remember previously where before this kind of last year or two of activism, we never were seeing really support from the public, but now just the centre Right and just the whole Right in general kind of have a begrudging respect for us and will come out and kind of defend us.


And I think part of that is just because of how intelligent we’ve been with what battles we’ve chosen to take up. We’ve gone after issues where it’s just a win-win for us and that any publicity we get from it is going to make us look good. The one we did with, I wasn’t around yet because I was on bail conditions. I wasn’t involved in the activism at that time. I was banned from seeing everyone. But that’s a thing I can talk about later. But the Destroy Pedo Freaks, one where obviously that was activism against transgenders.




So it was a let women speak rally, and they, the activists showed up and were protesting it with a giant banner that said Destroy Pedo Freaks.


So obviously, with a banner like that, practically everyone agrees with what it says, but it’s still a radical message when you really think about it. Destroy Pedo Freaks But considering our elite is inundated with paedophiles and people that enable paedophiles, transgenders and all that. But when they publicize it, and they go:


“Look at these terrible people!”


The average Right-winger goes and says:


“Well, I want to destroy pedo freaks. What’s the issue?”


And then, obviously, this most recent one that you brought up, Corowa, we were there protesting the fact that the biggest employer in that town has been bought out by international finance and all the locals have been fired and they’re bringing in foreign labour to replace them. So any publicity we get for that, for standing up for locals, for something that is like, this egregious crime against their community is good, and they’ve given us all that publicity, and we’ve looked good while doing it, and we’ve got such radical look to us.


But when we actually go, what we’re doing with our radical, you know, presenting that radical face and that radical look, every activism we do is for the most reasonable thing, and it actually makes us look good. We’re doing the PR work that we need to do to get our ideals across, not by watering down our ideals or anything like that. But by going for those particular issues at the perfect time that make us look good.


So it’s becoming increasingly easy for us to get our message across because of how bad the government is treating our population, how much they are destroying our country. I don’t think we necessarily need to be on the back foot anymore. The government’s, the one’s that are on the back foot, they’ve got the responsibility of ruling over the country and they’re disintegrating it. We’re just in never ending decline. Everything’s being destroyed. We’re being replaced in all of our towns. We’re less wealthy. People are less happy.


There’s a lot of problems, and we don’t need to apologise for our views anymore. People thought that in the 1980s and 1990s, the things, things were a lot better. There was obviously National Socialists and White nationalists back then that were railing on because they knew what was coming. But most people couldn’t see that. People do understand it now. People do understand what’s going on with the decline of our civilisation, the attacks on our race. People understand it.


So I think that kind of message of radicalism and that message of strength that we give out is going to be increasingly successful. And it was interesting what you were talking about in regards to, no nationalist party has taken power since the Second World War. And I think a lot of people forget that they get very wedded to their own particular idea of how we can succeed. They get kind of myopic and they think that all, the only way that’s going to work is their way. I don’t think we really need to be that kind of fixed in our view of what can be successful. And I think there can be many strategies going on at once in many different countries. I think would be fools to think that what we’re doing in Australia needs to be replicated in a different country. It’d probably be good in some countries. It’d probably not be so good in the jurisdictions, among other nationalities.


I think what you said about movements giving up their ideals and then basically wasting all the effort because they’ve engaged in electioneering, they’ve put so much money into it, so much effort, so much time, only to do nothing. Like you said, Georgia Meloni, I think that’s true. The problem with the cuckservatives and all that is they’ve been in and out of power since the Second World War, and all they’ve done is aid and abet the worst aspects of our enemies the Left. And we haven’t ever been in power as National Socialists, as explicit, … Well, I guess since the Second World War, we still had a kind of inertia of White nationalism, but not what we would call White nationalists today. People that are serious racists and that see a kind of a need for racial solidarity and base their politics solely on that.


So we haven’t been to power, but nonetheless there’s been successful movements like Golden Dawn before they got arrested, and that was egregious what happened to them. Just so unjust, what happened to the leadership of Golden Dawn. But before that happened, they were the third biggest party in Greece. I think increasingly radical parties like that are going to be more successful. I think Greece was just facing such a terrible time before, what we’re facing now in the West.


But I think all across the West, I think things are going to start to look more like how Greece was during austerity. I think things are going to look more like how Weimar Germany looked, and that people are going to look to radical nationalist solutions. Whether that’s explicit National Socialism or not, I can’t tell you. But in Australia, we’re going to be doing that’s what we’re doing.




Mark Collett: No, as I said, I find it an interesting debate, and I do look at this from a point of view of what are you trying to achieve as well? You know, not everything is about trying to achieve electoral victory.


Now, if you said to me:


“Mark, if you’re trying to achieve electoral victory, how would you go about it?”


Well, there’s only one chance of any party achieving electoral victory in the UK, and that’s the Reform Party. So you would have to go into that party, you’d have to go deep undercover, you’d have to say everything they wanted you to say, and you’d have to try and get yourself into a position where you were standing in a Parliamentary seat, where you would win, and then you could go mask off when you got in Parliament. That would be a potential way forward, which is really the only potential way forward for a young nationalist who wants to win a Parliamentary seat.


Now, there are other objectives.


So the group that I lead, Patriotic Alternative, we are a community building group, we raise awareness and we’re an indigenous advocacy group. So we, at the moment, have just raised 15,000 pounds, which would probably be about 30,000 Australian dollars, for political prisoners. And we are distributing that money to the families of people who have been sent to jail because they protested against the murders that took place in Southport.


So there are different, … Not every group has to be the same. And what you do and the way you go about what you do is often built around your objectives.


Now, if your objectives are to be a party that sweeps to power and wins a record majority, you’re probably going to go about things in a different way to if you’re trying to get young men into healthy behavioural patterns, or if you’re trying to build a community, or if you’re trying to raise money for political prisoners, or if you’re trying to just shift the Overton Window. You know, there are nationalist groups out there that exist solely to have sort of intellectual conferences, to hold debates, to publish books. And I’m not saying there is a one size fits all way to do things. And I certainly think you have captured the attention of Australians.


And I think one of the things about what you do that’s interesting is you go out there and you probably have slogans, publicity material and campaign headlines that most normal Australians would agree with. So if you’re calling sort of paedophiles freaks and saying:


“Look, we need these people off our streets!”


Most Australians are going to agree with that. And ironically, you’re probably the only group that’s saying that, which sends a real powerful message to the Australian people that the only people that are going to speak their language are guys walking down the street dressed in black who have to wear face masks, because otherwise the Left will dox them and try and ruin their lives.


And I do think that in itself sends a powerful political message as a form of protest. And as I said, I think there’s a lot of different things that can be achieved through different methods. And I do admire the fact that you are young, I admire the fact that you are doing things exactly how you want to do them, and that you are not bending to society.


And I do think that’s an interesting point, because I’m just going to throw this at you. See, people expect nationalists to always bend. We have to conform, we have to meet people halfway, we have to compromise. But the Left never compromise! The Left never meet people halfway. You know, if the Left want to do Drag Queen Story Hour, if they want to sell, you know, puberty blockers to kids, if they want children being brought up with all manner of degenerates being brought into their schools, they want children being taken to mosques, sat in front of imams with their shoes off, in order to pray, in order to say Islamic prayers. All of this diversity, inclusion, LGBT, it’s all pushed on, children. It’s all done at 100 miles an hour, and they never compromise! It’s always them at, you know, at 100%. And they’ve been pushing like this for years.


The only people that ever really compromise or ever really go down the route of sort of letting go of things are basically nationalists, Conservatives, or for want of a sort of an umbrella term, sort of the Right-wing.


So if you look at every standpoint Conservatives have made over the last 50 years, they’ve eventually given up on those standpoints and slipped towards the Left.


However, every standpoint that the Left has taken over the past 50 years, they clung onto regardless of public opinion, and eventually they’ve got their own way.


And when you look at that, it’s depressing. But it also kind of sends a message to maybe if Conservatives and nationalists in the past hadn’t been so quick to compromise, we’d be in a better position today.




Jacob Hersant: Yes, well, that’s true. Where we’ve got the idea of just being completely immovable in terms of our principles, or me in particular, is Mein Kampf. Adolf Hitler talks explicitly about how you have to be uncompromising in your, in your kind of founding principles, and that once those are set in stone, your founding principles are set in stone. They cannot be changed. You have to stay by those principles, because you need there to be permanence, you need there to be staying power. And people need to know what they’re fighting for and what they’re propagating. Because if it’s changing every year, what your ideals are, then people can’t really gain kind of veterancy in that, in fighting for those ideals.


Because if you start, maybe you get, let’s take a concrete example of Trump. Maybe you join that Make America Great Again movement based on what Trump was saying:


“Lock her up! Lock Hillary Clinton up!”


What else was he saying? Build a wall. All these kind of things.


So this is what you’re fighting for. These are the concrete things that you want to be achieved. But then when he gets into power, he immediately compromises on that. Hillary Clinton is still at liberty, as everyone knows. I think there is a wall. I heard conflicting things, that there is a wall. But nonetheless, the southern border is practically open. And millions of foreigners are pouring over the southern US border. So none of that has been achieved.


And that’s why you have things like you mentioned earlier, the 18 month syndrome, that people get involved in politics, they get discouraged because either, they don’t see enough progress or the founding reasons that they got involved in that particular group have been discarded, and they’re no longer fighting for what they originally got involved in.


But Hitler says, you need to figure out what your ideals are, what you’re actually fighting for. You need to be honest about them, and you need to just stick by them. And that’s what we’ve done. Even when we were small, even when it was just me. But we said what our core ideas are like Australia for the Whiteman. We’re never going to water that down. That’s our belief. And everyone understands when you see a person, Australian National Socialist, that means Australia for the Whiteman, that’s not going to change. People don’t have that with the rest of the Right.


If you look at Trump, does it mean build a wall? Does it mean actually protect our borders? Does it mean lock up Hillary? You never know! People that are more kind of amorphous like that, and they don’t have a concrete position that they stick to, you don’t know what you’re fighting for. If you’re involved in that group, you don’t know what they believe, you don’t know what they’re going to do. And that creates confusion and frustration.


So I think Hitler was completely correct about the need to be immovable on those core principles. I think we need to be immovable on our ideals. Australia for the Whiteman! White revolution is the only solution! I boiled it down to all these little slogans, Whiteman fight back! We need to be immovable on these kind of things.


But then when it comes to strategies, I think there’s many things that we can be doing and to circle it back to what we were talking about previously, there’s many, many different things that we can do. And it behooves us to have a holistic mindset. We need people that are intellectuals. We need people that are running book clubs, we need people that are running publishing houses We need people that are running intellectual websites.


At the same time, we need people that are trying to do electioneering and things thinking like that. We need movement comedians. I’m sure a lot of people see all the trolling that goes on and all the memes. We need people that are entertaining in that kind of way. We need people that are being street protesters. I think the people that are really going to be effective in this time are people that can not get caught up on their own little particular taste in activism. What they think is the best kind of human activity, we should be engaging in. And that can take a bird’s eye view and look holistically at everything that’s happening and go:


“All of this is valuable, all of this is advancing our cause!”


Because there’s so many different realms of humanity activity that we need to be engaging in. And most people aren’t going to be universal polymath geniuses that can delve in every kind of thing. But we got to have that mindset that we are glad that other people are doing those kind of work, doing that work that we aren’t particularly suited, we don’t have the temperament for.


Mark Collett: That’s certainly a very interesting perspective. And I suppose they can take everything from a man, but they can’t take away what’s in your heart. That’s something that you have to give.


And if you give that up freely and you’re happy to part with that’s on your head, it’s not on theirs. So I suppose, you know, really, if you were to go to jail, you would go to jail as a free man, because you’ve held on to all of the things that are in your heart. You’ve refused to cede any ground, and you can go there with your head held high. You know, I think that’s a very interesting perspective.


And when I look at some of the people who’ve been sent to jail in the UK, I see them in the same way. One short, final question before we go into the second hour of the show and we answer everyone’s questions. We’re going to read the Superchat soon. If you haven’t sent a donation you want to contribute to the show, please do consider sending one. There’s still another hour of the show to go.


But, Jacob, if you do go to jail, do you think you will see a wider wave of support? Do you think people will see you as a Martyr?


Because I’ll tell you this is the way I see it. I’m going to be brutally honest with you here. I don’t think the vast majority of Australians are going to come running to your side and defend you, but I do think the majority of Australians would think it was wrong for you to go to jail for simply raising your arm in the air.


And I think there’s a huge sense of injustice around these things. And we’ve recently seen this in the UK with the anti-immigrant protests and some of the people getting a bit rambunctious at those protests. So what you tend to see is if somebody who is sort of Right-wing and they manage to step over the line in some small, arbitrary manner, they get the full force of the law thrown at them. Whereas if you’re a Leftist and you do that, you’re given a pass.


So you’ll have a Left-wing mob pull down a statue and dump it in a river and it’s “social justice”. And the court overturns any sort of notion of it being criminal damage, it’s just social justice.


Whereas if you’re a White guy and you put your arm in the air, you’re actually going to go to jail for putting your arm in the air.


And I do think that whilst you might not get everybody on Australia behind you and wanting to join your organisation, I do think there’s going to be a huge, huge number of people who think what’s being done to you is fundamentally unfair and fundamentally against the ideals of freedom of speech and freedom of expression.





Jacob Hersant: Yeah, well, I think it’s another situation where we’re just in a win-win situation in regards to publicity of this, it’s going to be massive publicity, but it can only be good publicity because it’s making what is our core population that we want to convince over to our ideals, obviously, the White population of Australia. And to obviously the White population of the world because it’s so interconnected with the Internet, but in particular the White Australian population.


And on the whole, like you said, people actually do sympathize with our movement in this fight. And that’s what we need to keep doing. That’s what we’ve been doing, where it’s like they see an issue, whether it be Drag Queen Story Hour or free speech, all these kind of things. And we want the White Australian public to look at these issues and they go:


“Why am I agreeing with the Nazis again, against the government?”


That’s what we need to do over and over again! And that’s what we’ve been so smart at, in Australia particularly. But I’m facing nothing like what the UK political prisoners are facing. What is happening there is just egregious. Like, it is insane! People shouldn’t worry about me like they worry about the what’s happening to the people in the UK. I’m not facing two years, like, for stickers, like, what happened to Sam Melia. I’m not facing eight year sentences like what happened to the National Action guys, which was just insanity! Such an injustice what happened, in my opinion. I think what they got jailed for was just insane! I don’t think it constituted terrorism at all! I thought it was just political activism, and that they were just unjustly imprisoned.


And the if I get jailed, obviously, after all these appeal things, two months in jail really is not like, that’s a holiday, in my opinion. I’ll be in solitary confinement, so I’ll just be allowed to read books, write things, write poetry. I like to write poetry. So people don’t need to worry about me in regards to that. And I’m a political activist. I understand that. I agree with George Lincoln Rockwell when he said “the path to the palace leads through the dungeons”, that if we are going to be serious about our ideals, we’re going to draw flak from the system, we’re going to be attacked by the system and we’re going to have to accept that if you’re standing on a battlefield, a political battlefield, you’re going to have your enemy attack you. They’re going to be trying to, … I’m being completely metaphorical here. I’m using this as a metaphor for our politics. Obviously, we’re not on a literal battlefield fighting our enemies. But we’re in a political battlefield. And these people are obviously going to try their best to make sure that their army wins and that our army is destroyed. So I’m more than willing to go to prison.


The other thing is, I know a lot of people ask me about donating to the legal cause. I do not need donations at all because I’ve been in prison for this, so I’ll get Legal Aid. The taxpayer is going to be paying for that.


So there are so many more National Socialists and White nationalists all across the world that need your money. I do not need your money in this fight. And my lawyers, even if they weren’t getting Legal Aid, they said they believe in free speech, they believe in this particular case. So they’re willing to do a pro-bono, which for people that don’t know legalese, that just means that they’re willing to do it for free. They’re willing to provide legal representation for free.


But I think we have in this fight in particular, free speech is such an important issue for us, and it is such a popular issue for us because people are sick of the censorship. They’re sick of what’s called “wokeness”. They’re sick of just the egregious censorship, the moral policing for the worst these degenerates, like, these scum, these people that are morally policing us and making it so we can’t even call women, women, we can’t complain about immigration. This is actually very popular, us standing up for free speech.


And another important thing, what you were saying is that I could have my head held high. And I did have my head held high when I was defending myself against these hostile journalists and things like that. And they really don’t know how to respond to that, because they want me to be there and apologetic:


“I’m so sorry that I gave a gesture. I’m so sorry. Like, I just, please don’t hurt me!”




But when you go there and you have your head held high and you have the courage of your convictions, and you say:


“No, this law is invalid. What I gave was an honourable salute. There’s no problem. This is my beliefs!”


That kind of, that throws them off. They don’t know really how to do it, how to kind of paint you, and they have to just basically misrepresent what’s actually happening. Like, The Herald Sun is a newspaper in Melbourne, and they took a photo of me just looking. I was just not smiling at one point, and then they took a photo of me smiling and they took a photo of me not smiling. And they’re like:


“Nazi has his smile wiped off his face because he got convicted!”




So they have to just rely on complete falsehoods and things like that. I think journalists are becoming more cognizant of the fact that nationalists can’t just hang themselves, aren’t hanging themselves anymore. We’re not making ourselves look like fools. And then they’re realizing that and they’re like:


“Oh, we can’t present them accurately now because that’s not working anymore. Every time we present them accurately, it only strengthens their position.”


So I think what you said is definitely right, but I’ll just reiterate. Yeah, I think what’s happening with the political prisoners in Britain is so much more important. I think they need so much more support than I do in this fight, because Australia, we just do not have the viciousness that the British establishment has to its White population. Not to say that there isn’t injustice here, there isn’t viciousness or anything, but it is not the equivalent of what the British are facing. And I think the British particularly need the support of all White people all around the world, especially other Anglo Saxons in America and New Zealand and Australia and Canada. You know, don’t forget Canada. [chuckling] We all need to support you guys. I think that’s where people’s support really needs to go.


Mark Collett: Well, thank you. Well, let’s do some of these Superchats and, well, not some of them. Let’s do all of these Superchats.


And if you want a Superchat, there’s still time tonight. Open Borders for Israel gave $5. Thanks so much. Said:


“Hail Jacob. A true Aussie nationalist. Mark, like everywhere else in the West, the jewish lobby is incredibly powerful here. Both play both sides of politics. Brenton Sanderson writes great articles on the jewish war on White Australia and The Occidental Observer.”


Well, thank you so much! Well, I’ll check that out. Dsallen7 gave $15. Thank you so much! And said:


“As an American, I feel like Australia is more openly oppressive and tyrannical in the hard power sense than the US. Maybe it’s because White Australians still have a stronger and more cohesive ethnic identity than US Whites. Whatever the case, I wish Jacob the best in fighting this evil.”


Yeah, I mean, it’s really weird because Australia, from a British perspective, is sort of a super based place. Brits think in Australia, you guys are sort of the manly guys. You have the right to do what you want. No one messes with you. I think most Brits would find it kind of weird to think of Australians sort of having restrictions on speech because you’re basically seen by others in the Anglo-sphere as sort of a very White, masculine nation.


Jacob Hersant: Well, we have the same jurisprudence and the same system as Britain has, but we also have a tradition of obviously convicts here.


So we’re a convict colony initially. And that obviously such a long history of that, having convicts and things like that, it doesn’t just wash away. We do not have any kind of tradition of libertarianism or freedom in the sense of American tradition here at all! As I was talking about earlier, the right to political communication here is only implied by the fact that we have a liberal, democratic constitution. We don’t have affirmative rights here, we don’t have a freedom of speech like the Americans have freedom of association and all these kind of things. We have nothing like that.


Every time that our politicians try to put in an equivalent, there’s never any support from the two major parties to do it. It never gets done. I think people have a always “Greener somewhere else”. I think people have rose coloured glasses when they look over to Australia. We really have the same problems as every other Western country. We are having our country systematically destroyed just like every other, not every other White country, but all the major White countries. Britain, America, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, Germany, France, Spain, Britain, Ireland, everywhere. We’re having the exact same problem. So if people are looking to us in terms of the society for a better situation, we do not have it. I can guarantee you that.


In fact, race replacement here is probably worse considering we have such a small population and so much land. At least with places like Germany and Britain and America to a lesser degree, they have such dense populations and such big populations for small land and such inertia in terms of how big the population is there, that they can’t be replaced as quickly as New Zealand and Australia are being replaced.


So we are being demographically replaced so much quicker than countries like Germany and Britain. Britain had their floodgates open so much earlier than we did in Australia in the 1970s and we’re still in a terrible position. I think people shouldn’t look to us and think that we’re some sort of larrikins and therefore we’re more based. I’m telling you, we have just the exact same problems with Leftists, the same problems with White apathy, the same problems with cuckservatism. It’s more or less the same here.





[Remainder of Transcript in Progress]










Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 10/17/2024 = 434)

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Jacob Hersant
October 17, 2024
Mark Collett
Episode 284 of Patriotic Weekly Review with special guest Jacob Hersant.
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Jacob Hersant
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Mark Collett
4 hours ago
Pinned by @MarkCollett
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1 hour ago
Hail Hersant.

Abby Eagle
1 hour ago
At bus stops in Australia there is a sign with an iconic man with arm raised in a Roman salute with the words “Hail Bus” or “Hail Driver”.

2 hours ago
Hail Victory

Archipelago Woes
34 minutes ago
Heil Hersant!

Ethno Nationalist
2 hours ago
Thanks Mark and Jacob is a great guest blood and Honour 1488 o/


2 hours ago
Romans for Jacob o///


2 hours ago
Thank you for a great stream and a great guest.


2 hours ago
Great stream today. Jacob is an engaging and intelligent speaker.

2 hours ago
going to watch the great Tollah

2 hours ago
tru dat I meant to say

2 hours ago
Heil Frens!

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

The Resident Baker
2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Thanks Mark, thanks Joel, o/

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Good evening everyone.

2 hours ago


2 hours ago
or stay sober 👌🏻

2 hours ago
Great guest.

2 hours ago

try dat, but use it as its supposed to be used

2 hours ago
don’t sniff glue kidz M’kay

2 hours ago

and that will never change. those primitives have always done this and always will. but let’s starve ourselves out for random primitives who would chop us all up, eat us and then use our skulls for a voodoo ritual

2 hours ago
great stream, great chat 👍

2 hours ago
Good night Brothers and Sisters

2 hours ago
when they discovered our alcohol and glue, it really fkd them.

2 hours ago


2 hours ago
We have to admit how embarrassing n cringe the altruism of the white man is. These primitive people cannot be helped

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
They are only something to observe

2 hours ago
same thing they tried N Canada 🇨🇦

2 hours ago
they’re like Africans. they never evolved

2 hours ago
that’s not Joel. That’s Jacob

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
They are who they are and thats ok. Just never interfere with them

2 hours ago
the way they STILL try to get them civilized is abusive to them. and no, that’s not cucking. they should be just left alone

2 hours ago
their own culture is eating their own kids

2 hours ago

glue will fuck anyone up

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Tollah, giz a rap?

2 hours ago

boss 👌

2 hours ago
Tollah! see you then

2 hours ago

as if every “starvation crisis” is the responsibility of Whitey. I just heard of some 130 million Africans in some sort of alleged starvation crisis and then somehow we’re obligated to give them endless aid. those primitives will ALWAYS be starving because it’s what THEY DO. primitives

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
Its like aliens interfering with Humans. Dont interfere with Africa

The Ayatollah
2 hours ago
I’m live here once this finishes:

Lampshade Denier
2 hours ago
Very handsome.

2 hours ago

correct. they don’t seem to understand that the world is based of struggle, competition, extreme violence. that is nature, and nature always wins. this world that we live in is not natural, an it will come to and end faster than they think.

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
Just leave them be

2 hours ago
juxtaposition any abo with any European

2 hours ago
it would be falsely perceived as controversial because they will be depicted as they’re just like us. they’re the opposite of us racially and in our nature

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
they wandering around naked eating worms before we arrived in Australia

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
The unique expressions of humanity aren’t interchangeable within one society

2 hours ago
Don’t be rama rama

2 hours ago
their average intelligence is profoundly low. some of the lowest on earth. they aren’t like modern human Whites in the slightest

2 hours ago
Based Jacob

2 hours ago
People that have never met any abos will seethe. But if you’ve ever met a full blooded abo you know hes right.

2 hours ago
I hear they sleep on the roads lol

2 hours ago

💯 inferiority complex

2 hours ago
that’s fair. they’re extremely primitive. he’s right

The Awakened Saxon
2 hours ago
The creator of The Impartial Truth is of Iranian ethnicity and is a conviction National Socialist.

2 hours ago
every parasite eventually dies when they kill the host

2 hours ago

altruism, morality. crippling in the face of genocide. may kind weak illusions and delusions fall to dust and be humiliated for their false notions of a peaceful and loving world

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago

Perhaps they lash out due to a inferiority complex?

2 hours ago
You can call yourself an ethno-nationalists, but they will still call you a racist.

2 hours ago

Yes, it works well

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
The label is only used when it’s against us

2 hours ago
and yet they wanna dominate us. morality will really be the end of us. it’s our biggest weakness.

2 hours ago

It’s about disarming jewish slander. A racists is someone who’s racially aware, to them.

2 hours ago
like I have said, they’re already going after some Asian nations. one is Japan. Japan has followed our trajectory ‘hand in hand’ since the 60s. minus the mass invasion. but the trickle has begun there. the games of Non Japanese subversion is already very much alive and in swing

2 hours ago
I try to use “in group preference” in lieu of “racist”

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
It’s a label that really doesnt even make sense when really considering it

Joe Marsh
2 hours ago
Toffee come on my stream Monday lar

Ethno Nationalist
2 hours ago
Mark Germany had a homogeneous country at that time

2 hours ago
AH did not have a blind hatred of all other races. He understood the fundamental problem was Jewish hegemony. The Jewish elite play the races off against each other, this is why they fund Tommy to focus solely on Islam

2 hours ago
Big Joe!

2 hours ago

gtsy laa

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago

Why weren’t they brought back and settled in Liberia? Look at this mess we are left with wtf dude

2 hours ago

oy that’s too much hate thoughts you lot

2 hours ago
Racially Conscious

2 hours ago
We can’t win over any race brainwashed normies with the term “racist”

2 hours ago
“racism” is just White ethnocentrism in what it’s perceived as

Joe Marsh
2 hours ago
If we described ourselves as racist in the UK they would arrest us guaranteed

2 hours ago

3 months is being generous 😂

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
We are told everyone can do that except us of course

2 hours ago


Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
We are fpr true peace and harmony

2 hours ago
well said

2 hours ago
even if you haaate them still use them as propaganda against our mutual enemy.

2 hours ago

Ethno Nationalist
2 hours ago
Muslims in there own countries ok not when they in our countries

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
I hope good for Black Americans but it’s not our concern

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
That’s healthy and respectable

The Crucible 01
2 hours ago

once you get to know me, you will realize i am indeed a cunt. no hard feeling towards you. its my nature 🙂

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

could’ve just posted your channel link instead of being a C***

2 hours ago
prior to racism in the UK , there was a time they call it : “RACIALIST”

2 hours ago

Essentially, yes

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago

Yes and call Florida ‘New Africa”. Im sure it would fall into chaos within 3 months and they would be back to blaming us for everything

2 hours ago

Hello mate.

2 hours ago
most Palestinians want to be left alone in Palastine.

2 hours ago
racism is just an Anti White slur

2 hours ago
Is a racist someone who dislikes other races, or just someone who acknowledges the differences between the races.

2 hours ago
Mark has sympathy for the palestinians. but if the roles were reversed. they wouldn’t have sympathy for us, they would rejoice.

2 hours ago

give the blacks one state n isolate them all there. Florida maybe

Better Based Than Erased
2 hours ago
But do the Palestinians have sympathy for Indigenous Europeans and want their future (European) assured – not so sure..

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
Africa can do as they please but stay the hell away from our lands

The Crucible 01
2 hours ago

mornin fella o/

2 hours ago
Hail Jacob 0/

Chuck Gerety
2 hours ago
We aren’t against anyone as much as we are just for ourselves

2 hours ago

just want to see it in my lifetime

The Crucible 01
2 hours ago

i am actually awesome af

2 hours ago

f**ks sake 🙄 you seem like a cool fella

Ethno Nationalist
2 hours ago
Well said Jacob Race First o/

The Crucible 01
2 hours ago

you dont ignore it all, you have been commenting on the videos ive uploaded liar lol

2 hours ago
We are familiar, but I’ll just ignore any of that type of behavior. Thanks though

The Crucible 01
2 hours ago

what do you think?

2 hours ago

whats your channel, I’ll sub

2 hours ago
yes he worked with other ethnic groups that weren’t in his own country because it was a homogenous Germany

The Crucible 01
2 hours ago

yeah well said lol

The Crucible 01
2 hours ago

hince why i made the comment

2 hours ago

2 hours ago

well said Toffee

The Crucible 01
2 hours ago

yes i do, his commented on my channel several times

2 hours ago

how is that a helpful comment? You dont even know who the person who asked the question is

2 hours ago
What kind of ball? sports ball?

2 hours ago

agreed We Will Win

2 hours ago
Ok, cool. Thanks.

2 hours ago

I’m convinced that we can defeat them. It is going to be a long road ahead but we’ll get there

The Crucible 01
2 hours ago

an irl activist someone who has ball unlike you

2 hours ago

Australian Nationalist from the same group as Joel Davis

2 hours ago

some based Australian

2 hours ago
Jacob Hersant

2 hours ago

Australian Nationalist

2 hours ago

wise and the right approach

2 hours ago
Just got here, can anyone fill me in on who the guest is please?

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

hello and welcome

2 hours ago
certified psychopaths

2 hours ago

I have saved the anger for later. Now, I have decided to fight back with our propaganda

2 hours ago
Hello everyone o/

2 hours ago


2 hours ago
poisoned their fecking food

2 hours ago
or more

2 hours ago

they killed at least a million Germans in the camps after the war

2 hours ago

Banking issues.

2 hours ago
Remember – we are dealing with an enemy who bombs children. And this didn’t start in middle east. They did the same to the German children even after they surrendered

Better Based Than Erased
2 hours ago
I’m suspicious of the Homeland founder – I believe he associated with the BNP membership list people- then he does forsakes PA at a most suspicious time almost designed to do maximum harm…

Reactionary Traditionalist
2 hours ago
What happened to Fraser Anning?

2 hours ago


3 hours ago
Steve Laws glows in the dark

3 hours ago

The AI translations of AH are going viral on tiktok

3 hours ago
Has Steve Laws joined the H land party?

3 hours ago
Steve Laws is a good guy all the same.

3 hours ago

one interesting phenomenon is that NS imagery and AH’s speeches have become very popular recently. The fact that my generation even admitted that AH had some “good policies” makes this even better. The moment we undermine the lies told about AH and NatSoc, the enemy loses.

3 hours ago

Better Based Than Erased
3 hours ago
Homeland – suspicious – designed to fail or keep people occupied. & if an (unikely) electoral miracle occurs become ukip lite as designed…

3 hours ago

agreed a few thousand like him and we would win

3 hours ago
as we’re being outnumbered

3 hours ago
just like trump

3 hours ago
they’re just more stalling tactics

3 hours ago

yea he’s a top young man ⚡️

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

agreed but it is clear that Jacob is a true idealist

the woodlander
3 hours ago

hi mate

3 hours ago
Always acknowledge people who have contributed

3 hours ago
another traitor pretending to be based. sickening

3 hours ago

Hello Sir.

3 hours ago

yes and there is no way of telling if he has or hadn’t

3 hours ago
signed up to DEI

3 hours ago


3 hours ago
anyone who shares Jacobs stuff should credit him. Respect to the lad for being so modest ⚡️

3 hours ago
Oh dear.

the woodlander
3 hours ago

boomer truth regime

3 hours ago

Yes I know. He is very smart. My point is that a man like that must always have kids

3 hours ago

yes there is a generational issue

3 hours ago
probably has to swat away the Stralian lass’s

the woodlander
3 hours ago
full out NS doesnt fly in the UK at the present, to many people fell for the propogander, but the younger generations are much more detached.

3 hours ago

I didn’t say he hadnt. Murdoch is very strategically advanced. that’s all I’ll say

3 hours ago

he really should. He must pass on his pro white instincts.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

bankers , Israel, the “new world orde”, those for malice and treachery

3 hours ago
bankster’s))))) won WW one & two, obviously

3 hours ago

he’s not uncle old yet but I’d be real worried if he hasn’t had kids yet

3 hours ago

uncle Tim Murdock has the best terms

3 hours ago

which is why there are different groups

3 hours ago
caught a live one. Hello all.

3 hours ago
#its ok to be White…

3 hours ago
good hashtag that #teamwhiteunite. ALL of us

3 hours ago
Noooo that’s literally an elite narrative about multi racial kumbaya under an alien attack wtf

3 hours ago
Its whitepilling to see bright young Nationalists like Jacob doing great work and standing up for our race.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
i am White.

3 hours ago
we are White but there is many different distinct variant s of White bloodlines and long standing legacies

3 hours ago
White unity world wide

3 hours ago
It’s pointless nitpicking. We are English AND we are white.

3 hours ago
I’d just call myself pro white

3 hours ago
i want to win, n we won’t win with outright Austrian painter optics. I wish we could, but we can’t 🤷‍♂️

3 hours ago
looking at the world today it is difficult to say that the good guys won WWII

3 hours ago

A movement is born

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Australian Chad Network

3 hours ago

it don’t matter . the way they’re playing that game with corrupting entire fields to be dominated by invaders is the inception phase of solidifying future power. like bloody browns in gas stations and ubers and taxis

Jagdeep Jano
3 hours ago
Hey Mark, Steve Laws gave a great speech at the Home Lnd Party Conference a few weeks ago. Do you support Steve and the Home Lnd Party, led by your friend Ken, and do you suggest Nationalists join them?

3 hours ago


3 hours ago

3 hours ago
every people have fought other people, we just happened to be the best

3 hours ago

evening kidda gtsy

3 hours ago

so they’re moving fast with the agenda. bastards

3 hours ago
like links on the White chain

3 hours ago

Hello Toffee la

3 hours ago
every Western White nation we’re told all we did was enter Non White lands, subjugate and slaughter them. it is never that simple. it is immensely more intricate

3 hours ago
White European bones pre date so called native Americans. the evidence has already been confirmed. all we did was leave north america a very long time ago ..for some odd reason.maybe natural disasters and then CAME BACK

3 hours ago

The Pork Report
3 hours ago
It’s great being White

3 hours ago
“WHite Australia policy ”

Arab Social Nationalist
3 hours ago
All White people are under attack. Separation by White ethnicities is lunacy. The enemy views
White people as one, so White people’s defence should necessarily be unified.

3 hours ago
if you want to specify the phenotype of our people that’s fine too. but we all are white

3 hours ago
we are White. people saying we shouldn’t use White are retards

The Anglosphere
3 hours ago
We love the Anglosphere

3 hours ago


3 hours ago
lol it’s true

3 hours ago
I am your father Jacob

3 hours ago
I’ve just realised who Jacob reminds me of! He looks a bit like Morrissey. That’s a compliment, i love Morrissey, he’s quite based

3 hours ago
“they” are obviously ramping up their replacement scheme

3 hours ago

lmao, yes only slightly though

3 hours ago
Hail the Anglosphere and all our White Countries! o/

3 hours ago
I read recently that the UK is one of the most densely populated places on earth now. India level densely populated, but with slightly less poo in the streets

The Pork Report
3 hours ago

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Libertarianism is jewish poison

3 hours ago
do all the black power salute’s you please ✊🏿 don’t you dare salute as a White man 🫳🏻🤚🏻🫳🏻

Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
The British criminals arrived in Australia and formed who we know as Australians

3 hours ago

id rather we use our superior white intellect n be more sensible n tactical.

3 hours ago
it’s getting harder for normie’s to cope every day

3 hours ago
If they are imprisoning you for your political beliefs, there comes a time when you have to stand up, or at least support the people that do.

3 hours ago
Hail Britain and the British people

Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
The amount of hate towards our people is so obvious I don’t see how a normie cant see it at this point

3 hours ago
Jacob, recently you stated you like memes and other “tomfoolery” are you averse to someone taking your speeches and putting music to them?

3 hours ago

pointlessly throwing up the Romans has achieved nothing for Jacob

3 hours ago
be scared White man, never offend poc’s

3 hours ago
but being a scared pussy isn’t changing jack shite neither

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

fully agree. I’ve been, it wasn’t fun.

Ethno Nationalist
3 hours ago
Honour is a great thing

Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
Lawyers can be scumbags. There’s the occasional good one but you know what I mean

The Resident Baker
3 hours ago

Cracking show with Horus the other night, mate.

3 hours ago
Great show, I really like NS network

Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago

They had some crazy devices back in 1300

3 hours ago

evening Si gtsy

Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago

We can take note of the medevil torture time

the woodlander
3 hours ago

evening mate

3 hours ago
great show so far gents 👏

3 hours ago
we need experts in physical punishments

Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
The 1965 immigration act was a compromise and look where that lead us

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
obviously 🙄

3 hours ago
I think going to jail is not noble, it’s stupid & to be avoided

3 hours ago
hostile journo’s ie activist

the woodlander
3 hours ago
very encouraging to see such a switched on 25 yr old

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
an honest lawyer a rare thing indeed

3 hours ago
it’s an attack by coward’s

3 hours ago

Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
It’s a battle alright just a different type of battle without swords in the traditional sense

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
a poet and a warrior what more can you be

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

nice one laa much appreciated

3 hours ago
remigration yesterday!

3 hours ago
then it’s too late

3 hours ago
we’ve seen what happens to virtue signaling anti racist’s already, they eventually get “enriched”

Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
Destroying statues because Brown people cant build civilization. The insanity of it goes without words

3 hours ago

those are the kind of experts we need today

The Awakened Saxon
3 hours ago
100 percent Jacob – Never Compromise

3 hours ago
ask Sewell lol he’ll tell you the same

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
yeah of course but Jacob is fearless, 3 hots & a cot with time to read

3 hours ago

apart from imprison him for a long time. He’s useless in jail, we want our active young lads at liberty not languishing in a cell.

Chuck Gerety
3 hours ago
Have a clear definable outline beforehand that we never compromise on

3 hours ago
they’re using everything from planes ✈️ too container ship’s

3 hours ago


3 hours ago

well said

3 hours ago
No point in having a wall if the gates are open

3 hours ago
now Trumps a dog on a Zionist Chain.

3 hours ago
there is no wall

3 hours ago
there’s nothing they can do to him to make him back down

3 hours ago
Jacobs basically made himself indestructible by the evil anti White regime

3 hours ago
well said Mark.

The Resident Baker
3 hours ago
Another great guest Mark. The recent activism undertaken by Jacob and the lads has been superb. I wish him the best of luck in his fight with the anti-White system in Australia.

3 hours ago
we are common sense

3 hours ago
fecking system ngo’s against everything English

3 hours ago
f^ck cope not haaate lol

Arab Social Nationalist
3 hours ago
Good luck, when Reform get Hope Not Hate to vet their candidates

3 hours ago
Win hearts & minds

3 hours ago
💯 percent It’s ok to be White

3 hours ago
Another great example of a reasonably message put out by nationalists that exposed the regime to come out of the woodwork was “Its ok to be White” It exposed them so bad. The message was so reasonable yet they lost their minds over it calling it “HATE!” & “RACISM!” etc. Lol.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

I actually donated to him when he got arrested

3 hours ago
“successful movements like…….. before they got arrested…” LOL

3 hours ago
Even though we all face fundamentally the same situation all countries have their own particular circumstances

3 hours ago
should PA replicate Stralian WN tactics N the uk 🇬🇧 would it be possible

3 hours ago
Destroy Paedo Freaks! is a great slogan.

Jagdeep Jano
3 hours ago
To my knowledge he is Thin Red Line . “Oy vey Tommy Robinson has been arrested everyone, we need your shekels to get him out again!!”

3 hours ago
ahh, the “it’s more problematic than ever” white pill. how quaint.

4 hours ago
I sAvi yemini still active ?

4 hours ago
very good

4 hours ago

aahh of course! I forgot about that little wrongun

4 hours ago

Nigel Garbage, i like that 😂

Jagdeep Jano
4 hours ago
Toffee, they have Avi Yemini, a Jew from Rebel Media

4 hours ago
Nigel Garbage is looking after Nigel Garbage.

Arab Social Nationalist
4 hours ago
He believes it’s all about “values”. He’s all about jews and Hindus, just like Tommy.

Arab Social Nationalist
4 hours ago
Farage doesn’t believe that White people have a right to be a majority in this country

4 hours ago
Ask Jacob if Australia has it’s own version of Tommy Robinson, a high profile fake kosher Nationalist type

4 hours ago
our enemies will never ever be appeased, there is no upside to compromising

4 hours ago

I agree

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
My issue is with clout chasers who are pretending to be based

Arab Social Nationalist
4 hours ago
Nationalism should be a broad church, and you need radicals who reject worries about optics.

4 hours ago

let a thousand flowers bloom

4 hours ago
I think we need both types of NS org – ones like Jacobs and one’s like Mark’s. Best of both worlds.

4 hours ago

originally it was, the left first became environmentalists in the seventies

4 hours ago
Notice Tommy has been encouraging people not to wear masks at his upcoming demo. Wants people to doxx themselves in my opinion.

4 hours ago
wind-breaker nationalism o/

4 hours ago

thanks to you for stopping by

4 hours ago
cant tune in just wanted to say thanks to mark and patriotic alternative

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago

He’s a real life hero

4 hours ago

Dr Duke is the absolute GOAT 😎

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
Yes typically its attractive people who gravitate to our points

4 hours ago

this is their real religion

4 hours ago

indeed, he go elected as well

4 hours ago
they all seem to be good looking guys

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
Duke was a very well spoken, articulate, handsome and reasonable man which appealed to normie Whites

4 hours ago
Need to found a group called “Australian Chad Males”.

Jagdeep Jano
4 hours ago
Jacob, I think Tom might’ve discussed this the other week – will you set up some way for people outside Australia to donate to your organisation?

4 hours ago
The order of the nine Uncles 🙂

4 hours ago
We are the good guys

4 hours ago
Satanism is absolutely wrong

4 hours ago

I like ythe conversation in the chat and you can learn a lot

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago

I appreciate you responding to my comment

4 hours ago


4 hours ago
When the leadership begin killing each other itis a bit of a problem

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago

Yes they aren’t doing us any favors

4 hours ago
Who was the jogger that was saluting behind Jacob when he gave a statement at the courthouse. Was he charged with doing that?

The Crucible 01
4 hours ago


Lampshade Denier
4 hours ago

He’s too busy criticizing the men who actually do something.

Arab Social Nationalist
4 hours ago
Feds and children doing Satanism in the woods

4 hours ago

very wise

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
We have high standards and filter out the wacko morons

4 hours ago

good thanks

The Crucible 01
4 hours ago

then by all means start your own organization and run it the way you want it

Arab Social Nationalist
4 hours ago
Jacob: I congratulate you for sticking to National Socialism, a worldview which is objectively true, despite the squeamishness, embarrassment and pearl-clutching of less robust nationalist minds. How do you deal with those who reject NS and argue against its relevance to modern White nationalism? \o

4 hours ago

Does seem to be the case a lot. Lay off booze and porn, get in shape, etc.

4 hours ago


Lampshade Denier
4 hours ago

No, it doesn’t. People follow strong men.

4 hours ago

lol true

4 hours ago
Joel is really charismatic.

Lampshade Denier
4 hours ago
“milieu”…Joel’s favorite word

4 hours ago

a good evening to you as well

4 hours ago
young people are the most threatened by Multiculturalism, look at the ADF vote in Germany, very popular with 18 to 25yr olds.

the woodlander
4 hours ago

evening mate

4 hours ago

Hey ASN. Are you on Twitter nowadays?

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
I get dissapointed when we get dropouts.

4 hours ago
Hardcore Aussie

4 hours ago
Hello Folks

4 hours ago
NS network is that the same as the organisation that Thomas Sewell, Joel Davis and Blair Cotrell are members of ?

4 hours ago

it should be a priority for all white Nationalists across the globe

4 hours ago
I think it takes all sorts. Some orgs appeal to certain people, other approaches work better with others – let everyone do it their way, see what sticks.

4 hours ago

Having someone like Blair Cottrell in their movement probably got them to make fitness a priority.

Chief Moody
4 hours ago
Evening troops

Lampshade Denier
4 hours ago

I adore the Aussie chads.

4 hours ago
Sewell’s group come across as Hollywood-style Nazis. Clownish and counterproductive. That’s just what the Jewish establishment likes to see. It puts off intelligent, high-value folk

4 hours ago
I’ve noticed the Aussie Nationalists tend to be in good shape 💪a lot of British Nationalists need to exercise more

The Crucible 01
4 hours ago
Joel has changed a lot since the last he was on with mark, lol

4 hours ago
I like the Aussies

Arab Social Nationalist
4 hours ago
It’s almost as if the liberals are the authoritarians

4 hours ago

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
In USA it might be a felony eventually to say White Lives Matter

Adamic Flesh
4 hours ago
^ this

4 hours ago
it’s just playing in to our enemies hands throwing up the Romans, it won’t bring more white people on to our side.

4 hours ago
o/ (just waving to you all in the distance)

4 hours ago
The awakening is on the rise. All the best and all the support to all national-revolutionary comrades, keep on fighting and never give in. “Der Kampf ist der Vater aller Dinge”/”Struggle is the father of all things.”

4 hours ago
it says Joel not Jacob


4 hours ago
Great guest – Jacob is very knowledgeable and speaks so well, he’s a great advocate for our people. It’s awful the way a so-called liberal ‘democracy’ is persecuting him for his political beliefs.

4 hours ago
This may be something that you may have covered during the talk, but I am under the firm belief that to ensure our survival we must all unite, not be separate as American, European and Australian but as a people under attack.

4 hours ago
Throwing you a salute at the forbidden angle o/

4 hours ago

Arab Social Nationalist
4 hours ago

Hello! Will I be seeing you this weekend?

Jagdeep Jano
4 hours ago
Jacob is great, would be nice to see him on more of Joel and Blair’s streams, really enjoyed the last one. PS – Jacob looks like Mark’s little brother, or son

4 hours ago
Hit the fire button, guys!

4 hours ago

Hello you

4 hours ago
it says Joel not Jacob, on the stream


4 hours ago
o/ ⚡️⚡️🫡🫡🤝🤝

Eagle Pax Max
4 hours ago
Hello Chat

4 hours ago

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
European people worldwide must be the best if they feel the need to constantly attack us. It’s not our fault their countries suck compared to ours.

4 hours ago
Evening folks, am off to an exercise class and will watch on catch up 🤗

Arab Social Nationalist
4 hours ago
Greetings goyim \o

4 hours ago
heil o/

4 hours ago
The child brides is to keep the caste system together. lots of arranged marriages

Lampshade Denier
4 hours ago

Go to Australia and do better. Otherwise, STFU.

Ethno Nationalist
4 hours ago
Hail Jacob Hail Victory to NSN o/

4 hours ago
Heil Jacob

Lampshade Denier
4 hours ago
Jacob is the man!!!!

Jon Snow
4 hours ago

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Is he going to get Collett in jail? Sewell’s group are more like Hollywood Nazis

The Resident Baker
4 hours ago
Good evening everyone

the woodlander
4 hours ago

hi rose

the woodlander
4 hours ago

evening rory

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Good evening folks.

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Good evening everyone.

Ethno Nationalist
4 hours ago
Good evening our Folk 1488 o/

Stature of the Gods
4 hours ago
hello all

the woodlander
4 hours ago
lots of trees, lots of rain… dodgy signal tonight

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
We will survive and thrive better then ever

4 hours ago
Good evening

4 hours ago
Hello my fellow indigenous Europeans.

4 hours ago
Hello Mark

4 hours ago
Good evening.

Chuck Gerety
4 hours ago
USA is set for total destruction however the saving White Pill is that a unified,powerful, healthy and racially aware White ethnostate will arise afterwards

5 hours ago
As an American, I feel like Australia is more openly oppressive and tyrannical, in the “hard power” sense, than the US. Maybe it’s because White Australians still have a stronger and more cohesive ethnic identity than US Whites. Whatever the case, I wish Jacob the best in fighting this evil.

6 hours ago
Great guest!

Open Borders for Israel
9 hours ago
hail jacob! a true aussie nationalist! Mark – like everywhere else in the West, the Jewish lobby is incredibly powerful here, play both sides of politics…brentan sanderson writes great articles on the jewish war on white Australia at the occidental observer…

17 hours ago
Jacob had me laughing out loud recently on Joel’s show, talking about “Hard c*nt” energy.

SteveOfWessex WP Sports
1 day ago
Jacob Hersant did nothing wrong o/

SteveOfWessex WP Sports
1 day ago

& chat o//



See Also





Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript




Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Political Existentialism, Zionist Hypocrisy, Austrians Vote for Remigration – Oct 3, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Jews Turn Hersant into a Free Speech Martyr – Oct 9, 2024 – Transcript





Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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This entry was posted in Activism -White, anti-White, Australia, Australian Politicians, Blair Cotterell, conservatism, Court Case, England, Ethno-nationalism, Extremism, Freedom of Speech, Germany, Globalism, Hitler, Hitler Quotes, Jacob Hersant, Jew World Order, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Naming, Joel Davis, Leftists, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialism, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Patriotic Alternative, Patriotic Weekly Review, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race, Racism, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Western Civilization, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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