Eva Vlaardingerbroek – Full Speech at CPAC Hungary – Apr 25, 2024 – Transcript


Eva Vlaardingerbroek


Full Speech at CPAC Hungary


The Forbidden Truth


Thu, Apr 25, 2024


[In this video Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a Dutch political commentator, gives a speech at the CPAC Hungary event held on April 25-26, 2024, with over 3,000 participants, and 80 speakers.

Here message is that the European “elites” have betrayed their people through their agenda of implementing the “Great Replacement” flooding Europe with hordes of non-Whites, and that it is time to fight back by replacing the EU, else European civilisation will be destroyed.











Published on Thu, Apr 25, 2024




5:20 / 12:40
Eva Vlaardingerbroek full speech at CPAC Hungary
273 subscribers
Apr 28, 2024 #CPACHungary

Here it is! The full speech I gave at #CPACHungary that the establishment is currently losing its absolute mind over.
I spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory – it’s reality. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the end of our civilization as we know it if we don’t turn things around.
Follow along using the transcript.
Show transcript
273 subscribers


The Center for Fundamental Rights has concluded a more successful CPAC Hungary than ever before. A coalition of pro-peace, anti-globalist forces was formed at the third conservative jamboree, and now the international right from Europe to America is joining forces for the elections.
This year’s CPAC Hungary attracted an unprecedented three thousand participants. The event was attended by nearly 500 foreign guests from six continents and featured a total of 80 speakers, including two sitting prime ministers, Viktor Orbán and Irakli Kobakhidze, and three former Prime Ministers, including Tony Abbott, Mateusz Moriawecki and Janez Janša, seven ministers (five Hungarians and two Israelis), ten political party leaders, including Santiago Abascal, Geert Wilders and Tom van Grieken, three US Congressman (Andy Harris, Paul Gosar, Keith Self) and seven Polish political leaders. There was no shortage of video messages, with Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, Vivek Ramaswamy fourthermore André Ventura, founder of the Portuguese Chega! party, encouraging the Hungarian audience to stand up for their struggles.
The real media, the real news media network, was represented by 36 media brands from 13 countries, with 140 press representatives. There were also 50 exhibiting partners, including think tanks from the US and Central Europe, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy and Poland.




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(Words: 1,562 – 12:40 mins)



Hello, Hungary.


Hello, Budapest.


Hello, fellow Europeans and American friends.


Thank you so much for having me. Allow me to skip formalities for a moment and dive right into a subject that is not so cheerful, but very, very necessary to discuss.


Let me walk you through the past seven days in Europe.


This week in Stockholm, three elderly women in their seventies were stabbed in broad daylight on the streets. In London, four people were stabbed in a time span of just 42 hours. In Paris, hundreds of African migrants took to the street to riot. And in Brigolo, also in France, yet another church was burned down to the ground.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is just a few incidents in just a couple of days on our beautiful continent. But we all know that these incidents aren’t “incidents” anymore.


If there’s one thing that’s for sure, is that we know, and our governments also know, that there is a link between mass migration and crime.


In the Dutch city of Dordrecht, something interesting happened the other day. They announced, and this is a small city in the Netherlands, in my home country, that a new asylum centre will be put in that little town. And what did the municipality do? They said:


“We are going to offer citizens who live in the vicinity of this centre €1,000 to take extra safety measures.”


Our new reality in Europe consists of frequent rapes, stabbings, killings, murders, shootings, even beheadings. But let me be clear about one thing. This did not used to happen before. This is a newly imported problem!


Samuel P. Huntington predicted this over 25 years ago when he wrote, and I quote:


“In the new world of mass migration, the most pervasive, important and dangerous conflicts will not be between the social classes. They will not be between the rich and the poor. They will be between peoples belonging to different cultural entities. Tribal wars and ethnic conflicts will occur within civilisations.”


Well, boy, was he right! And the worst part is we as a society seem to have become indifferent to it. When another White boy, or a White girl dies at the hands of an immigrant, we might shake our head, we might let out a sigh. We might even get angry for a minute or two. And then we go on with our lives. We offer the family thoughts and prayers, but nothing ever changes!


Ladies and gentlemen, what does that say about us? This is a response of a society that has already given up. A society that has already accepted it’s defeat.


But is this true? Have we given up? Do we really accept the new reality that our globalist leaders have in mind for us?


I know one thing for sure, and that is that if nothing changes, if we don’t start to seriously fight for our continent, for our religion, for our people, our countries, then this time that we live in will go down in history as the time in which Western nations no longer had to get invaded by hostile armies in order to be conquered. This time will then go down in history as the period in which the invader was actively invited in by a corrupt elite! And not only did this corrupt elite invite the enemy in, they made the native population pay for it, too!


Everyone who has eyes can see it. The native, White, Christian European population is being replaced at an ever accelerating rate.


Let me back this up for you with some statistics from my home country. Let’s take Amsterdam, the capital. Amsterdam currently consists of 56% migrants. The Hague, 58% migrants. Rotterdam, almost 60% migrants.


And of course, most of these immigrants come from non-Christian, non-Western African and Middle Eastern countries. Conclusion; the Dutch population is already outnumbered in the majority of our cities.




But let’s look onwards. London, 54% migrants. Again, conclusion; native population outnumbered. Brussels, colour me shocked! 70% migrants. Conclusion; native population majorly outnumbered. And other Europeans will, of course, follow suit soon, if they haven’t already.


So I’m going to draw the forbidden conclusion here. The Great Replacement Theory is no longer a theory, it’s reality!


And what’s interesting about “replacement” is that the establishment will either deny its existence, or when they admit to it, they say that it’s a good thing that the native European population is soon no longer a majority on its own continent.


Dutch national disgrace and dubbed climate Pope, Frans Timmermans already stated in 2015 that:


“Diversity is humanity’s destiny! And that Europe will be diverse!”


And of course, by now, I think we all know what they mean with the word “diversity”. It means less White people, less of you!


Imagine this in an Asian or an African country. Imagine their leaders rejoicing in the fact that their people will soon no longer be a majority in their own country. Absolutely unthinkable! Unimaginable!


So what in the world is wrong with our leaders?


The underlying sentiment of what they say is always the same. Our establishment claims that White people are evil and that our history is somehow fundamentally different from that of others. Consciously or unconsciously, they have sucked up the lies and the anti-White dogmas of the neo-Marxist Critical Race Theory.


That’s why the totalitarians in Brussels are trying to force you, the Hungarian people, a sovereign nation, to accept immigrants, despite the fact that the population has said no, and so has the government.


But make no mistake, the majority of the Dutch people haven’t asked for this either. Just like Brussels is forcing Hungary to accept these hordes of immigrants, they are doing the same now, even in the smallest of towns in the Netherlands. No part may remain Dutch in the traditional sense of the word. No part of Europe may remain European.


And it’s not difficult to understand why. If the old Europe still exists in certain places, then people will be able to compare the new Europe to the old. And news-flash, they will prefer the old. That’s why the Eurocrats hate Hungary so much!


And their message is clear:


“Our way of life, our Christian religion, our nations, they have to go. Without exception!”


Their vision of the future is the neo-liberal, unrecognizable Europe, where every city becomes kind of like Brussels. Ugly, dirty, unsafe, zero social cohesion, where the buildings are constantly under construction and they never, ever seem to finish. And even when they do, the end result is uglier somehow than what they started with and what are we left with? A permanent state of isolation, confusion and disorientation! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the New [Jew] World Order!






So what’s the antidote? A strong Christian Europe of sovereign nation states!


That’s why we need to outright reject the lie that nationalism causes war. It’s not nationalism or national sovereignty that causes war. It’s expansionism. And where in Europe do we find that nowadays? In one place and one place only. Brussels!




Isn’t it funny how the same people who erode our national sovereignty and love to do it, give it all up to the Eurocrats there, that those people are now telling us that we need to spend billions and billions of Euros on the national sovereignty of Ukraine? It’s a joke, honestly! And it’s a pretty sick, expensive and dangerous joke.


During a recent interview, I got asked by an interviewer:


“Do you think that you ever go too far? Do you think that you’re ever too radical?”


I thought about it for a second and I said:


“No, no, I don’t think I go too far.




Truth be told, ladies and gentlemen, I think we in Europe do not go far enough! I think that if we really think about the organised structural attack on our civilisation, that we don’t do enough. Do we do enough to stop the attack on our families, on our continent, on our countries and our religion? When we hear about another murder, another stabbing of a young, innocent child, do we do enough? When we know that our national sovereignty has been given up in less than a century to Brussels, do we do enough? When we hear that Christian kids in Germany are now converting to Islam to fit in, do we do enough! I don’t think so!


The totalitarian institute of the European Union needs to come down. Let me be clear. I don’t believe in reforms when the foundation of your institution is rotten. And that is the case in Brussels. You can rebuild the house on top of it all you want, but it’s still going to crumble! So the only answer is the Tower of Babel needs to be destroyed.!




Ladies and gentlemen, we are the daughters and sons of the greatest nations on earth!




And we need to ask ourselves, what has happened to us? Where do we come from? And more importantly, where are we going? Our elites have declared a war on us! And now it is time for us to put on the full armour of God, fight back and win! Thank you so much!


[loud applause]












Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 5/3/2024 = 33)

4 days ago
Great speech

3 days ago
Now that is some lady, not a single thing could anyone disagree with, unless you’re an import of course . I’m with you all the way, I hope all the right people are appreciating your efforts of bringing the truth. Thank you 🇬🇧󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

3 days ago
God Bless You

15 hours ago
Eva speaks the truth! Love her!

2 days ago
30 million views
bravo Eva!

23 hours ago
May God bless her, and her Guardian Angel take extra special care of her!

1 day ago
Truth. Thanks, Eva. WWG1WGA

2 days ago
I agree with this woman 100%.

3 days ago
God Bless that young woman. I hope she becomes the New Greta.

7 hours ago
Believe whatever you want but people were segregated for a reason.

1 day ago
As an Alabama , U.S.A. man, I am very proud to hear such a speech. I am in complete agreement with every thing you said. I am ready to die for my country. We are all i a revolution and if it takes it, we will fight.
A great civilization is conquered within before it is conquered without. Maga Maga Maga.

1 reply

1 day ago
Beautifully said! Even some of us in San Francisco feel the same way!

23 hours ago
She nailed it

3 days ago (edited)
Youtube is probably supressing the number of views
, 880 my ass!!! This should go SUPER VIRAL!!!

3 replies

21 hours ago
they are. she even got a strike for hate speech. which is absurd

21 hours ago
Of course, the comments are disappearing down the NYC rathole quickly.

17 hours ago

@Arthera0 Distgusting if that algorithm was a person I don’t want to say what I’d want to do!

23 hours ago (edited)
words words words, pretty words but just words and words are just wind without actions.

1 day ago (edited)
6:30 Did you say Europe will DIE-first or DIE-verse?

2 days ago
An Eva-future versus a Greta-future.
I know what I’ll choose

1 day ago
0:10 What happened when the social-scientists afffericaneyezed the wonderfully gentle European honey bee? 2:12

7 hours ago

17 hours ago


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Version 1: Fri, May 3, 2024 — Published post. Includes Odysee comments (33).

This entry was posted in anti-Christian, anti-White, Conference Speech, conservatism, Demographics, Ethno-nationalism, European Union, Globalism, Holland, Hungary, Immigration, Jew World Order, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, Karlergi Plan, Marxism, Marxist Utopia, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, Muslim invasion, Propaganda, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race Differences, Speech, Third World Immigration, Third World Invasion, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Transcript, Ukraine War 2022, Victor Orban, Western Civilization, White genocide, White Nationalism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Eva Vlaardingerbroek – Full Speech at CPAC Hungary – Apr 25, 2024 – Transcript

  1. martin says:

    Great speech, great lady. There is one word in brackets which tells us who is the enemy who wants so much to destroy Europe and Europeans the new (Jew) world order.

    They control the media, control the politicians, the banks of course and they are even openly committing a genocide which, like our replacement they deny is happening.

    To end the dictatorship in Brussels requires to fight our mortal enemy (2 world wars manufactured by them already).

    And the globalists won’t give away power because of our words, or protests and elections are almost all rigged, so there is only one solution and the problem is:

    Do Europeans have the courage to fight physically to destroy the vermin who want their death and the death of their chiuldren?
    Are Europeans (and Americans) ready to kill and die to survive?

    so far, with the millions of morons who complied during the covid PLANDEMIC-SCAMDEMIC, I would conclude that we are doomed, but history shows that changes have never been done by majorities but by motivated minorities.

    Are we ready to kill and die for our lands?

    • admin says:

      Yeah, it could unfortunately come down to violence. The thinkers in our societies across the West need to wake up sooner than later if the worst outcome is to be avoided.

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