Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


Muslims to Create Their Own Party as


“Extremism Experts” Cry About Us to the Media


Thu, Jul 4, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss current events:

Topics include:

1. Joel and Blair discuss The Australian newspaper article that misrepresents quotes and takes them out of context.

2. The article falsely implies they advocate for terrorism.

3. It suggests their popularity grew due to Middle East conflicts, but they say it was due to platform bans.

4. They feel the article aims to delegitimize and censor them.

5. Blair’s father was confused by the misleading article.

6. They analyze factually incorrect statements in the article.

7. The article quotes someone calling Joel an intellectual leader, which he found flattering.

8. It suggests they try to exploit conflicts, which they deny.

9. Blair questions linking their content to overseas conflicts and Australia’s harmony.

10. Joel’s comments to the journalist were still misrepresented.

11. They believe the article was poorly written propaganda, not information.

12. They discuss the British election happening that day.

13. They predict the Conservative party will lose many seats.

14. Labour is likely to win the election.

15. Reform UK and Nigel Farage gained momentum but recent racism scandals hurt its chances.

16. One scandal involved an actor using a fake accent to talk about harming refugees.

17. Farage apologized and distanced himself from those candidates.

18. This stalled Reform UK’s momentum.

19. They hope the Conservatives lose all seats.

20. They don’t think Reform UK will win seats either.

21. They analyze Farage’s recent interview comments about judging people by character, not identity.

22. They note identity does impact character.

23. They discuss racist views of Marx and Engels.

24. Corporations push a rental economy model to make people work more.

25. This leaves less leisure time for politics.

26. They think this distracts people and helps the establishment.

27. They discuss a potential new Muslim party in Australia.

28. It could win seats from Labor due to treatment of Senator Fatima Payman.

29. Joel and Blair analyze demographics and argue the Muslim vote could defeat some Labor candidates.

30. They are skeptical the Muslim party will materialize but acknowledge the ramifications if it does.

31. Blair asks for Joel’s thoughts on British politics.

32. Joel doesn’t follow it closely but thinks Mark Collett understands the issues and personalities well.

33. They agree Mark is very knowledgeable about British politics.

34. Blair plays a news clip about potential for Muslim political power in Australia.

35. After discussing the clip, they talk about tensions between Labor appeasing Jewish and Muslim voters.

36. They discuss why some White men like Asian females.



#BanThe ADL; Stop immigration. Eject the invaders. Hang the traitors.




Published on Thu, Jul 4, 2024




Muslims to create their own party as “extremism experts” cry about us to the media
July 4, 2024
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(Words: 23,697 – 2:14:14 mins)



[Intro Video]


Joel Davis: I am White. I want to continue existing. I want my race to continue existing and I want it to flourish, actually.


I’m not engaging in politics because I like politics. I fucking hate politics! I’m engaging in politics because I’m a racist!


Thomas Sewell: And what our mission is here until the end of time is to secure the existence of our people.


Blair Cottrell: Well, to me, racism is just instinct and everything, everyone is racist!


Thomas Sewell: I give you this again, blood and honour! Blood and honour! Blood and honour!


[End Intro Video]


Joel Davis: Yeah, there was a little intro that a friend of the show made. He goes by the White Australia Policy on Twitter. So go follow the White Australia Policy on Twitter. He does a lot of clips. He clips us a lot and great account. So go give him a follow.


Yeah, it is the 4th of July, 2024. And a lot’s been happening in world politics, in Australian politics. For once, things that are actually interesting have been happening this week. And also things that are interesting have been happening to us.


The Tom Sewell, Elijah Schaeffer interview finally came out. There was an article written about us in The Australian. There’s an election today in Britain. It’ll be interesting to see how that goes. We’ll probably talk about that a little bit. Apparently it seems like Joe Biden is going to drop out of the presidential race. We could discuss that, perhaps, but also, yeah, there’s a big news story about Muslims breaking away from the Labor Party to create their own party.


Yeah, a lot to discuss this evening. A lot to get into. Blair and I had a few other things we wanted to discuss actually, as well. We were talking about at the gym last night.


So yeah, we’re going to try and fit, fit it all into 2 hours. Tom will be with us shortly. But how you doing this evening, Blair?


Blair Cottrell: Crazy hair day. I’m having a crazy hair day! So sorry about this is the best I can do. There was an article about us too. Did you mention that? In The Australian, down here in Australia?


Joel Davis: I did.


Blair Cottrell: Where we’re all in an article, we’re in the news again for the opinions that we hold, which is pretty standard,


Joel Davis: But we’ll definitely analyze it.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I think I want to get into it a little bit. I don’t want to give it too much oxygen, but it’s a bit disappointing that that style of journalism still exists. I suppose I’m not surprised that it still exists because the regime hasn’t changed.


But you know, journalism, when it comes from the establishment, the established media, it’s not really journalism, it’s propaganda. It’s designed to., … Well, it’s supposed to create a certain feeling or attitude in people, but it’s failed to even do that. This article that came out about us. And we will get into it more as we approach that topic. I’ll save what I have to say on it for when we get to that actual subject matter. Because I’ve got some good insights.


Joel Davis: Well, do you want to maybe talk about it first? Because we’re already on. I’ll pull it up here. I’ll pull up.


So it’s in The Australian. And for those who don’t know, maybe some foreigners watching the show, The Australian is one of the biggest newspapers in Australia. It is the only national newspaper. All the other newspapers are specific to a particular city or state, but The Australian is printed and sold all over the country. It is the flagship newspaper of News Corporation. You know, the Murdochs. You know, them as the people who own Fox News, probably most famously, but they also own Sky News in Australia and they own all the conservative media, basically, in Britain, Australia and the United States. And they are arch neocons.


Blair Cottrell: The media machine Leftists always accuse them of being like a pro-Right-wing and White supremacist? The Murdoch media, isn’t that them?


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, they are neoconservatives. They differ from the progressives. They do defend the Liberal Party and they love Israel.


So this is basically like Sky News in a newspaper, more or less, although Sky News is maybe even a little bit more to the right of The Australian. They keep it, they play it very straight.


Blair Cottrell: Look at the opening sort of footnote here:


“Australia’s neo-Nazis have been posing with portraits of Hitler and swastikas and calling jewish people sewer rats as security experts warn of their continuing threat after October 7.”


I suppose there’s a bit of context to add there. Like who called jewish people “sewer rats”? Wasn’t that in reference to underneath New York City when they were found to actually be burrowing and doing some sort of construction or digging work in the sewers of New York? I’m pretty sure that comment was made in reference to that news story. Am I wrong?


Joel Davis: Yeah. I mean, actually, now that you mentioned that’s good memory, because I didn’t even think of that. I was like:


“Well, maybe I did call them sewer rats at some point?”


I don’t really remember doing that. It doesn’t sound like something that I would say necessarily. But sure, whatever! I mean, agree with the phrase, why not?


Blair Cottrell: But there’s important content.


Joel Davis: They took it out of context. Yeah, they took it out of context. Like, we were talking about the infamous jew tunnels that they found underneath New York. When was that story? Was it last year?




Blair Cottrell: It was like, it was like six months ago, maybe. And I remember, some guys tweet. It was like a comparison of one guy’s tweet before the jewish tunnels underneath New York synagogue and around the synagogue were discovered.


And then afterwards, before he was tweeting about it on X, saying:


“I swear to God, there’s jews underneath my floorboards! I can hear people having conversations in Yiddish all throughout the night. And I think they’re digging. I’m not sure what they’re doing. Someone needs to look into this!”


And then after it all got exposed, he was like:


“I told you I’m not crazy!”


So this guy could hear them underneath his house. I just remember that, about that story really standing out as pretty amusing.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, that was a pretty funny time. I remember we were memeing it at the time, so in that context, calling them sewer rats would have made sense.


But anyway, yeah, so what? Like, I’m obviously anti-semitic. So:


“Oh, they’ve taken me out of context saying something anti-semitic!”


Like, you don’t have to take me out of context. You can just put me in context. And there’s plenty of things for you to [chuckling] write an article about. You know what I mean?


Blair Cottrell: But the thing is if they add the context, it makes more sense.


And that’s what I want to put in there or put out there before you start going through this article, this is a really confusing article! It doesn’t make a lot of sense. There’s stuff in there that will make sense, but the information is kind of all over the place. And the statements that they’ve put in there from Joel, Tom, and myself, they’re put in there without context, and they’re kind of random.


Like, my dad read this article. This was printed in The Australian newspaper, which my dad still buys. And he was really confused by the article. He’s like, after reading it:


“I just felt stupider! I felt like I knew less than I knew before. Its like, what did I just read? I didn’t get any information about what’s actually happening with the rise of the far-Right, so to speak.”


So my dad was confused. I didn’t even read it yet, to be honest.


So this will be the first time I’ve actually scanned it. I read some of that.


Joel Davis: Really bad journalism. Because it had no real, like, point or story. It was just like a whole bunch of random quotes and facts, like, loosely connected.


Anyway, there’s the picture. They put the picture that I posted. We did Hitler’s birthday in Adelaide. We went over to Adelaide, hung out with some of the boys over there. We did Hitler’s birthday at a German restaurant. And, yeah, we’re cutting our little cake there.


And I put a picture of me and Tom on the day, just. And it says here:


“NSN leader Thomas Sewel with Joel Davis cutting a swastika cake at a birthday party for Adolf Hitler on April 20!”




Blair Cottrell: Like, [chuckling] you’re cutting a cake. Who cares? Oh, there’s a swastika on the cake.


Joel Davis: Technically, Thomas not leader of NSN. This is actually factually incorrect. Jacob Hersant is the leader of the NSN. Thomas Sewell is the leader of the EAM, European Australian Movement.


So, I mean, there you go. That’s false. Anyway:


“On April 20, members from Australia’s neo-Nazi network broke bread and shared drinks at a German pub in Victoria around a table decorated with frame photographs of Adolf Hitler.”


Well, again, German pub in Victoria. Incorrect. Is actually in South Australia.


So again, more poor journalism.


Blair Cottrell: Really poor.


Joel Davis: And also, “neo-Nazi network”. What does that even mean? It says here:


“Emerging figure Joel Davis, whose social media reach has skyrocketed since October 7, as has his anti-semitism!”


So they’re basically implying that before October 7, I wasn’t really talking about the jews or Israel or anything. And then I just exploited the Israeli invasion of Gaza, even though I barely talk about it. And if anything, I’ve said less anti-jewish stuff since October 7 than before. Like, my anti-semitism has, … I don’t give a shit about Palestine! My anti-semitism has not actually increased. I actually become annoyed at, like, how much, … I got annoyed at how much people were fixating upon Palestine at the time and was saying:


“Hey, how about we talk more about White people and less about Palestinians?”


Blair Cottrell: So for average IQ grugs like me, October 7 is when Israel invaded Gaza or when the war started over there. Is that right?


Joel Davis: Yeah, that was last. No, I think October 7 might have been when, … Because there was that Palestinian the Hamas attack on some rave party with a bunch of jews at it near the border. And then I think that might have been October 7.


But anyway, …


Blair Cottrell: Well, how’s it feel? How’s it feel to be an emerging figure, Joel Davis?


Joel Davis: Well, I mean, it’s good to be “emerging”. I’m going in the right direction, apparently.


Blair Cottrell: I [chuckling] think you’ve, …


Joel Davis: Well, actually not arrived yet. Like, so basically what he, what he’s prophesying is that I’m going to get bigger and more successful. I’m just only emerging.


So, I mean, that’s a compliment!


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. I think he’s kind of signaling to relevant intelligence agencies there:


“Hey, do something about this guy, because he’s going to continue growing unless you do.”


I think that’s the kind of point of this article, in my opinion. We’ll keep reading through it and see what this guy’s.


Joel Davis: I’m just going to. I’ll enjoy the compliment:


“Seated nearby were rising figures in the movement, Michael Nelson and Nathan Bull, both active National Socialist network members, and Tim Lutz, who an extremism expert, called their, quote, ‘key violent Right-wing actor’.”




Blair Cottrell: Right. No, no mention of the fact that he just got his car bombed on Christmas Eve outside his house and the police just did nothing about it. We’ll just reference Tim as a violent man. It’s violent terrorism that’s being dealt to him for his beliefs.


Joel Davis: Tim is skillful at violence in the sense that he’s a great boxer, but, like, he only boxes people who step into the room with him voluntarily.


So basically, he just beats up nazis all day! Because that’s the only [chuckling] people that train with him! Tim is the ultimate Nazi puncher, and then he got his car blown up by communists.


And apparently he’s a key violent Right-wing actor.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. [chuckling] He did nothing about it. He didn’t respond by being violent.


I mean, if someone exploded my car, I’d be trying to find who did it and, like, deal my own version of justice to them. That’s just me personally. But Tim’s a violent guy? He didn’t react that way. In my experience. Tim’s pretty kind, sensible sort of man. Yeah. He’s a fight trainer.


But I don’t know, isn’t the point in learning how to fight so you don’t really have to, and if you do have to, then you don’t really have much of a chance of being hurt. I don’t know. Let’s continue.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think Tim is under a lot of police surveillance and he’s a political activist, and so he probably made the right decision not to retaliate, as difficult as that would be in that situation.


Anyway, he’s just talking about how he did a little Hitler birthday party.


Anyway, it says here:


“Since the onset of the Israel Hamas war on October 7, their influence, reach and following has grown concurrent with hardening anti-semitic rhetoric!”


Have you, have we really been talking about the Israel Hamas war, Blair? Like, Blair didn’t even know what October 7 was [chuckling] apparently on the show, which they’re referring to.


Blair Cottrell: It hasn’t been a huge talking point, to be honest. Like, it’s all over mainstream news.


And although it’s on mainstream news.


Joel Davis: I talked about it when it first happened because it was topical.


But, yeah, it’s kind of funny. This article, what’s interesting about is that they focus more upon our anti-semitism, but they don’t really talk about our racism.


And that’s how like, this is a this is like a neocon, you know, jewish Liberal Party angle.


Blair Cottrell: It’s an imagined reality. You know, like most mainstream media articles, it represents an imagined reality that the journalist wants to exist.


Joel Davis: Yeah, this article is written to try and make conservatives who like Israel and jews, you know, get them upset, basically, that’s what this article is about. And to justify using the state to censor us or to just delegitimize us in general.


It says here:


“Davis, whose anti-semitic vitriol is the most extreme.”


So there you go. I got the most extreme anti-semitic vitriol. That’s pretty good:


“Has seen his followers increase by almost 1000% since October 7. His Rumble page, where he hosts a podcast with extremist Blair Cottrell, shot from 297 followers in the weeks before October 7 to about 3, 300.”


Well, here’s the other thing. We were on YouTube, and my YouTube got banned, like, around the time I think it might have been in September. So my YouTube got banned just before October 7.


And so then we moved to Rumble. That’s why my Rumble. I wasn’t really using Rumble before. I barely set it up.


So that’s why my followers have increased. [chuckling] Got nothing to do with fucking October 7 and the Israel war! Like, it’s so stupid! It says here:


“On X where Davis is one of the few leading figures not to have had his account suspended. His followers have doubled, from 11,000 in September to more than 25,000.”


And again, part of the reason why was because I was banned until Elon Musk brought me back last year.


And so I’ve been able to grow now organically. But only got my account back, like, last May or something.


So, it’s got nothing to do with fucking Israel! Anyway. It says here:


“Experts said Right-wing extremism has been on the rise and remained a threat and came after Sewell led a neo-Nazi rally in Sydney on Australia Day.”


Well, what was the threat? We went to go march in Sydney and apparently that’s a threat! Like they’re accusing us of plotting terrorism or something because we got on a train and sang a song and we’re going to march around with Australian flags. That’s terrorism?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, there’s no threat there! I don’t know what they’re implying. The guys tried to hold a rally, I think, in support of Australia Day. Imagine that! Being an Australian and wanting to support your national holiday, and being told you’re not allowed to by the police because you didn’t have the Right views and opinions. That’s what happened to the guys on that day. And there was no threat there. The only real threat was against those guys who were trying to demonstrate on that day. And the threat was from the police.


Joel Davis: Well, yeah, exactly. I mean, we were basically held, were detained inside a train for like 4 hours. Yeah. And then hounded, basically harassed by police for an entire weekend. And it says here:


“The Counter Extremism Project warned key figures needed to be monitored more closely.”


By the way, this Counter Extremism Project is not an Australian organisation. It’s an organisation that was founded in the United States by members of the American or ex-members of the American Congress. It’s not even an Australian organisation. It’s run by, as I said, it’s basically a cutout of the American Deep State and the American government.





Blair Cottrell: Isn’t that a kick in the teeth to ASIO? Like, we have our own security intelligence organisation here. What right does this foreign agency have to step in and keep an eye on, quote, unquote, “extremist groups”? I’m pretty sure we have our own agencies here that do that.


Joel Davis: Yeah, so basically the American government is insinuating itself through this organisation, which clearly, which hires people in Australia as well and probably gets funding from the Australian government, but it’s an organisation that is funded by governments and that is an extension of the intelligence services in some way. ASIO is like, it’s probably integrated with ASIO, it’s integrated with the CIA as part of their kind of architecture of the millions of different groups and organisations, and so on, that it deploys.


So anyway, apparently we need to be monitored more closely. Well, you’re talking about the show that we broadcast on the Internet and the things that we say openly on the Internet. Anyone can monitor what I have to say, on the Internet. What more do you want? Like, I’m not breaking any laws.


Blair Cottrell: That’s actually. That’s always been my goal, too, for the movements, the community, to be rather ostentatious and open. Like, what we believe is publicly known. Our activity is very public, very deliberate, very legitimate. So there’s nothing happening underground. There’s nothing secret going on. It’s, like, kind of obvious who we are and what we believe. So there really isn’t much more to know or understand about who we are and what we believe, because, you know, as you said, we stream publicly every week and talk about who we are and what we believe!


So again, this guy is just trying to make us sound menacing and like some sort of security threat, I suppose. That’s the whole point of the article, like you said.


Joel Davis: Yeah, it said here, this is quoting the ASIO Director General, Mike Burgess, that apparently we remain a significant threat in the terrorism landscape. The thing is, Mike Burgess’s full comments were interesting. He said:


“Number one, that we are awful, but not lawful.”


I’m sorry:


“We are awful but lawful!”


Sorry, I messed that up. We are awful but lawful, he said. So he said that we don’t commit crime. We’re not doing anything illegal by existing and by politically organising, number one.


Number two, he also said, and their reports also state that:


“The terrorist threat, comes from people that aren’t in our organisation or aren’t in our community. So called lone wolf actors that become demoralised because they feel as though our community, our organisations, our project, is not capable of achieving political change. And they decide to go out and do some lone wolf terrorist attack of their own volition.”


Now that. So it’s actually the complete opposite. Like, basically what that was an admission of, therefore, is that we are preventing terrorism by existing. We’re giving people hope. They are admitting that we’re not advocating for terrorism. And they said something like:


“Well, they’re smart enough not to advocate for terrorism.”


Like, as if we secretly want to do terrorism.


Blair Cottrell: It doesn’t take that much intelligence not to advocate for terrorism. But does that mean the journalist has also taken ASIO’s Director General comments out of context as well? He’s just picked and chosen one small thing, or has he just lied and made something up? Did the Director General actually say that?


Joel Davis: Yeah, he did.


But the thing is, when they said the neo-Nazi threat, they said “lone wolf attacks” is their assessment, which is a reasonable assessment.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I thought that’s what it was. So he’s taken it out of context and made it seem like the director general said something that he didn’t say.


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, he said something. Yeah. But they’re making it seem like they tried to proscribe the organisation and it didn’t work. We covered it on the show when this was happening last year.


Anyway, to continue on with the article:


“Members of the Australia’s jewish community are the targets, apparently, quote, ‘I am against Israel because I’m against jews, not because I am pro-Palestine’. Davis told followers.”


True. And I added, apparently:


“That the fundamental problem with jews are that they were destroying Australia.”


Again, true. I’ve stated on the show many times that my issue with jews are what they’re doing to the White race, what they’re doing to Australia.


And as it says here, when I said here, when I described jewish people apparently as sewer rats and said that I advocated for the mass proliferation of anti-semitism, I proclaimed:


“My job was to teach people that organised jewry was the enemy.”

And that’s the key fact here. I’m not just randomly hating on jews just because I woke up one day and I just decided I don’t like the way they look or something. We talk on the show about what organised jewry, and I talk about on my social media what organised jewry does! There’s a series of organisations that represent the jewish community, what powerful jewish elements do with their power, what they themselves state their intentions are of we lay it out on the show. We laid it out a million times over on social media, on other broadcasts that I’ve done. It’s all quite clear.


But it’s presented here, like, we just want to do terrorist attacks against jews, even though we don’t do terrorist attacks, or something.


Anyway, that’s us.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Saying “jews are the targets” is a really interesting way to phrase it. Targets for what, specifically? It’s just dirty journalism. It’s really dirty journalism!


Joel Davis: I said:


“They’re a political enemy, and I’m targeting them for criticism.”


And they’re making it seem like I’m advocating that we go and blow up synagogues or something. Just ridiculous! Yeah. Says here:


“Davis has emerged as one of the more popular voices among the neo-Nazi community.”


Blair Cottrell: Well, that’s true.





Joel Davis: Yeah:


“Alongside more high profile figures such as Sewell, Cottrell and Jacob Hesant. Blah, blah, blah.”


Just talks about how we have Sewell on the show:


“How across hours of footage, we have hatred of jews, Holocaust denial, and admiration for Hitler being prominent.”


Apparently, Sewell said, quote:


“If jews weren’t behaving like they do, we probably wouldn’t be making any anti-semitic comments.”


Well, there you go. [chuckling] I’m surprised. Good that they put that in, because that really hits the nail on the head. A problem is with how jews behave. Quote, from Tom:


“Instead, would be like, there’s some funky people that wear stupid clothes and look ugly, and we don’t want anything to do with them, but we wouldn’t be such hardcore anti-semites.”


Well, facts! Continuing on here, it says:


“In June, Davis said, quote, ‘racism was the most beautiful way to live’!”


Sounds like something I’d say:


“And why people needed to use Hitler’s Nuremberg rally speech to inspire themselves.”




“Hitler’s so wholesome, a loving soul, Davis said, adding that jewish people needed the Holocaust as a sacrifice to perpetuate jewish victimology.”


This is kind of taken out of context here. Like, jewish people needed the Holocaust as a sacrifice to perpetuate jewish victimology. Obviously, what I mean here is that they need the Holocaust as a narrative device to perpetuate their own victimhood so that they can maintain a double standard where jewish supremacy can’t be criticised because that’s anti-semitism. But we can criticise White supremacy on the grounds of it being racist. And that this is a completely ridiculous double standard. That doesn’t make any sense.


But then you can back process it through:


“But the Holocaust and jews are the ultimate victims and so on.”


And therefore rationalise it within the Left-wing framework of, basically inverting all hierarchies around who [word unclear] the democracy that we live under.


Blair Cottrell: The proof is in the pudding, and the puddings on the table, Holocaust denial is explicitly illegal in 18 [21] countries. If it wasn’t so integral to jewish world interests to have this Holocaust narrative maintained, then why would they make it illegal to question it?


Joel Davis: Yeah. Yeah, exactly!


I mean, it doesn’t make any sense. Why, if it’s just so obvious and true that it happened, well, why can’t we have an open debate about it? Why can’t historians, …?


Blair Cottrell: Because the moment you start having an open debate, you see that the logistics are impossible and the evidence just isn’t there. That’s where the problems begin. The moment the debate is open, the moment the discussion is open, there’s some serious issues with logistics and evidence.


And that’s why it’s illegal to question the Holocaust.


Joel Davis: And even in the countries where it’s not illegal. Like in Australia, it’s not illegal. In America, it’s not illegal. Most European countries it is illegal.


But in the countries where it’s not illegal, say you’re a historian who wants to do a professional job of researching the Holocaust and write books on the subject, your career is over! You’re completely kicked out of any university. You can never get a job anywhere. Your books will probably get banned from Amazon, so you won’t be able to sell them to anyone.


So basically, you just have to destroy your entire career as a historian. And then everyone is going to hate you, and the jews are going to come after you and you’re going to get, … We’ve seen what’s happened to high profile historians that have been on our side, like what’s happened to David Irving and so on.


You know, you get absolutely hammered! I you become persona non-grata. You ruin your career.


So even in places where it is legal to question, it’s still institutionally almost impossible to get away with questioning it and do proper scholarship. You can’t be published in any mainstream journal. You can’t be promoted anywhere. Any interviews you do will get taken down from YouTube. You probably get banned from all social media. There’s no way for you to promote your ideas.


And so the mainstream historians don’t even have to respond to your arguments. You can lay out all these arguments as to why they’re wrong and you’re right, but they don’t even, they can just dismiss you. They don’t actually have to deal with your arguments.


And so, like, academia doesn’t actually function correctly to determine the truth! If academics aren’t held to the standard that they have to respond to the arguments of the rival viewpoints. Like in mainstream history, that isn’t so contentious. That’s what happens. You have different viewpoints represented by different historians, and they provide their arguments against one another. And there’s actually a process, that, of discourse that has taken place to determine. Okay, well, let’s weigh up. Who makes more sense? Who’s explaining the evidence better?


Blair Cottrell: It’s actually, it’s embarrassing that people actually think that we have an academia in this day and age, especially in the realm of history and philosophy. We don’t really have an academia. We just have people gate-keeping what you’re allowed to believe. And that’s it.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I’m just going to read a couple of Superchats while we got a little break here. Spencer. Basically, he sent $14.88. I always liked those Superchats. He said he’s from America. He’s a fan of us. Says that:


“You all aware of Luke McKee?”


No, I don’t know who he is:


“Or on good terms or anything like that. Just give me the rundown of what you boys think of his crazy ass.”


What is with Americans and everything being about “arse”?


Blair Cottrell: They spell it differently to us. We spell it ARSE.


Is Joel still there?


Joel Davis: We are going to kick your arse!


Blair Cottrell: There you are.


Joel Davis: Fine. Did I cut out?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, just briefly.


Joel Davis: Am I back?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. I don’t think you were saying anything particularly important anyway.


Joel Davis: No, I was just, … Anyway, I don’t know who Luke McKee is. Sorry. And Ukrainian Groyper said on Rumble, he said:


“Hey, Joel, thoughts on the new Fuentes studio? Do you like the optics?”


I do. And I saw someone point out that it looks a little bit like the, … Have you seen the Joker movie, Blair? The newer one?


Blair Cottrell: The latest one?


Joel Davis: Yeah. From like 2019, I think it was.


Blair Cottrell: Does it look like Robert De Niro studio that he gets shot in?


Joel Davis: Yeah. Like there’s not like one to one, exactly. But there is some similarities. I thought that was quite funny. I don’t know if that was intentional or not, but I found it funny.


Blair Cottrell: I haven’t seen the new studio yet. Fuentes studio. Have to check it out.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think he just did the first episode like yesterday or something. Yeah, it looks good. I mean, I guess the old style was kind of iconic, but maybe it got a little played out.


And obviously he has a lot more money now, so he can do something a little bit more professional. That’s what we want to do.


And Skinhead friend said:


“Any plans on bringing some more guests on?”


Yeah, there’s a few people that I like to bring on as guests. Bit difficult to have guests on the show from Australia, though, because, I mean, we’re so controversial. They’re going to get these hit piece articles written about them about how they’re evil neo-Nazis that want to kill all the jews or something. [chuckling]


So it’s kind of difficult to get good guests on, but we’d like to. When it makes sense, we will.


Anyway. What else does it say in this article? Oh! This is the part that I wanted to talk about. Quote:


“Extremism expert Josh Roosh said Davis was a, quote, ‘abhorrent ideologue’ who viewed himself as the new, quote, intellectual vanguard of the far-Right. Quote. ‘He spends a lot of time engaging internationally. He sees himself as the brains behind the movement.’ The Deakin University Professor said ‘he’s developed a huge following but he’s also international. His numbers are consistent. For him to post so regularly in such detail, it’s almost a full-time job. There’s a question as to how he is resourcing his life’.”


And so I actually posted a screenshot of this, and I tagged him in it on Twitter, and I said:


“You know, thanks for the compliment.”


It’s kind of funny how he can’t, like he can’t comprehend my Anglo work ethic, that I could work full-time and do this at the same time.


Blair Cottrell: Maybe he’s just not as smart as you and that he just can’t fathom the possibility of that, because that’s so characteristic of the modern day academia. They’re plagued with this intellectual arrogance where they think they’re so much smarter than everybody else. And they’re not able to actually acknowledge when someone is smarter than them. You’re smarter than him. And he’s struggling to understand it. He can’t fathom it. Because inside the four walls of his fucking classroom, he thinks he knows everything. Everything about you and everything about the world that matters. He doesn’t believe that he could learn anything from someone like you. Maybe he could, but that’s not the way these people operate.


It’s just I hate these academics, man! These so-called intellectuals! They think they know everything.


Like, I spent only four or five weeks inside a quote, unquote, “higher education department” before I was removed because of my personal history and what I believe after it was discovered who I was. It was pretty funny how that all panned out, actually.


But in that four or five week period, these people., … And it was only a Cert 4, it’s not even a diploma, right? I was just getting started to see if I could do the study. They were bad mouthing tradesmen, people who work in factories. They look down on everyone! The academia, these people that call themselves Leftists and Marxists and social justice advocates. They think tradespeople are vulgar and disgusting! They think people who work ordinary jobs, street sweepers, bricklayers, are stupid! And they just openly talk about it and discuss it in classrooms. And the Professors encourage it too. The Professors join in the laugh along with the students. Like, the intellectual arrogance in the institutions, the academic institutions is disgusting, man! It’s repulsive!


I couldn’t even breathe in there around these people. They’re all so pathetic! Like, we just need a complete overhaul of what we understand to be academic, in my opinion.


Joel Davis: Yeah. And I mean this guy. He’s not just a normal academic. Like, he’s getting paid by these think tanks that are obviously connected to the national security department or, sorry, the national security and intelligence sector in some way. You know, they get direct funding from the state. And he writes on “toxic masculinity” and how the far-Right plays into toxic masculinity in an age of feminism. Like, men that are alienated by empowered women, and that’s why they turn to the far-Right. Like, he basically, just fuels these mainstream talking points with some, like, pseudo academic, …


Blair Cottrell: He’s basically just a piece of shit! He’s a piece of shit, who gets paid for being a piece of shit!


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly!


And then I tagged him in a post. I said:


“Thanks for the compliment.”


I didn’t even attack him, really. I just said, thanks for the compliment. And he then blocked me and blocked everyone, seemingly who liked the tweet, or not even who liked it, but everyone who replied to it or whatever.


Blair Cottrell: So academic! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah. Yeah, I thought that was funny. He was afraid of what would happen. But we managed to go and have a look and see that his wife is brown and his daughter looks brown. So that obviously adds another element to this. Like, he’s a race mixer.


Blair Cottrell: He’s invested into egalitarianism, into the world system. Too invested to ever turn back.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! Yeah, what I found humourous was I said to him, I said:


“You know, people like me, we are putting food on the table for you and your mixed race family so that you don’t have to have a real job.”


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, that’s a good point. So just by existing, being, … Sorry, just cut out for a second. How’s your Wi-Fi, man? It’s kind of sketchy.


That’s a good way of looking at it though, that our existence actually keeps people like this academic, employed people who are paid to monitor and write reports on Joel, Tom, me, maybe. I don’t know. I’m not really that interesting these days. I don’t think. I don’t know if any reports are being written on me. If there are, they’d probably be pretty boring, ..


But yeah. Are you finished reading the piece? You were just cut out there, so I was just filling in.





Joel Davis: Yeah, I’ll just finish reading what he has to say here. He said something about how:


“Tom said on the show that jewish women love the Nazi uniform. They’ve got fetishes for it.”


Fact check. True.


Blair Cottrell: Sometimes true.


Joel Davis:


“In January, Davis said Nazi gas chambers, quote ‘didn’t seem very German. Despite their masterful engineering, the Germans just didn’t do a very good job with their gas chambers’, he said. Cottrell told his co-host that having watched a documentary about dictator Pol Pot, he’d become more confident the Holocaust was fake, calling it mathematically impossible. This, the Cambodian killing fields, this is what a real extermination camp looks like, he said.”




Blair Cottrell: Well, that’s not entirely true either. It wasn’t a documentary on Pol Pot. It was a YouTube video of [word unclear] going to the Cambodian killing fields.


And my exact remarks, because this journalist reached out to us, to Tom and I, at least I don’t think he reached out to Joel. But he messaged me and Tom and offered us what he called “right of reply”. And he initially asked:


“Do I stand by statements that I’ve made in the weekly stream, The Joel and Blair Show?”


And I responded with:


“Well, you’ll have to tell me what statements you’re referring to exactly, because I can’t really, I need context.”


And he said:


“Specifically, you said the Holocaust seemed mathematically impossible.”


And I said:




My exact response was:


“Yes, I do believe the Holocaust is war propaganda. And by the Holocaust.”


I was very explicit:


“By the Holocaust specifically, I meant the gassing of 6 million jews in gas chambers built by Germans.”


I said:


“I think that’s war propaganda. Meaning it’s either wildly exaggerated or entirely made up. Because the logistics are impossible and the evidence just isn’t there.”


Right. He said:


“Thanks, I’ll include some of your comments.”


He also asked me:


“Are you concerned about some Senate inquiry into Right-wing extremism?”


And he was like. He said:


“Your group.”


Or something like that. I said:


“Look, mate, I’m not actually a part of any group. I’m just a guy with a Telegram channel. And I don’t know about any Senate inquiries. I said, the only thing that concerns me is my country and the direction that’s currently going in.”


But then he added that into the article, the line “the only thing that concerns me is my country and the direction it’s going in” without any context. So it looks like some random statement I made. It’s just a badly written article. That’s the point. It’s shit journalism! It’s lazy journalism! It’s dirty journalism! And it leaves the reader feeling kind of confused afterwards because there’s all these remarks, things were said, and it makes sense to us because we kind of remember the context in which we said that, and it reminds us of a talking point that we were making when we were saying those things.


But then to the average person reading this, it’s just all over the place! It makes no fucking sense! This whole article makes no fucking sense! It leaves the reader feeling confused. So, like I said, it’s just shit journalism. That’s just the truth! If the journalist himself is watching this, which I hope he is, that’s just the truth bro! Your journalism fucking sucks!


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! Like the whole idea of doing a hit piece is that you need to make the audience dislike us, but because it’s so choppy and incoherent, I don’t think you did a very good job of that at all!


Blair Cottrell: All you’ve done is created intrigue. You’ve created confusion and intrigue. That’s what you’ve achieved with this article. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! It’s not even a good hit piece.


Blair Cottrell: They said:


“Oh, you’ve got right of reply.”


And I just rephrased exactly what I said to the journalist in response, which was my, you know, me fulfilling my right of reply that was apparently offered to me. And he just rephrased everything I said as “it’s not illegal to have an opinion”, which is not what I said.


I actually finished up my statement by saying:


“I’m glad I live in Australia, where it’s not illegal to have my perspective on the so-called Holocaust, because it’s explicitly illegal in 18 countries. People have gone to jail for asking questions about it in these countries.”


That’s what I said. Rather than printing that, he’s probably too worried about printing that. He rephrased everything I said as:


“It’s not illegal to have an opinion.”


Which is not actually what I said. So just disappointing, man.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I know what Tom said as well.


By the way. You have right of reply. Why don’t I have right of reply?


Blair Cottrell: It’s mostly about you’re the only one who didn’t get right of reply. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah. Why? Why have I got no right of reply? I mean, it’s pretty easy to find me. Apparently he knows what my social media is. He’s writing about my social media and quoting my social media. So it shouldn’t be that hard for him to send me a DM [Direct Message]. He figured out how to send you and Tom DM’s. So he doesn’t have journalistic ethics like basic journalistic ethics that when you write an article about someone, you’re supposed to ask them for comment. Yeah, he misrepresented your comments.


Blair Cottrell: I wasn’t born into a time where journalists had ethics. I’ve never known any journalists to have ethics! Maybe some of the freelance ones, actually. But no one in the mainstream, that’s for sure.





Joel Davis: This is Thank God we got It’s the only decent news site in the country. But yeah, interesting:


“Deacon University extremism researcher Lydia Khalil.”


It sounds like a some kind of Muslim, some kind of Arab or some kind of MENA, you know, Middle Eastern something said:


“Fertile post-war conditions imbued any extremist actor, but neo-Nazis were still grappling with how best to exploit October 7, given that they are both anti-semitic and Islamophobic.”




“Right-wing extremists latch onto important sociopolitical issues in an attempt to gain attention from a wider audience, she said.”


So basically we talk about things that are in the news, like anyone else does. We talk about what’s topical, what we find interesting that’s happening in the world.


And it’s like:


“Oh, it’s an attempt to gain attention for our nefarious terrorist plot or something.”


Like, as if we can’t just have an opinion about something:


“Our social harmony has been challenged and fringe elements and extremist actors benefit from a polarised environment.”


You know what we should ask? How come a war that is occurring on the other side of the planet between Israel and Palestine, two countries that really we should have nothing to do with? Why is that challenging Australia’s social harmony? You know, it shouldn’t even be fucking relevant to Australia! And the reason it is is because we imported a bunch of jews and Muslims into our country, who then try to then influence our politics and influence the direction of our society in such a way that this then becomes a contentious issue.


Blair Cottrell: Exactly!


Joel Davis: It shouldn’t be.


So what we’re saying is this shouldn’t be our fucking problem! And that’s actually how the majority of Australians feel. The majority of Australians don’t want to fucking give a shit about Israel versus Palestine! They don’t want to, …


Blair Cottrell: They don’t want to be paying for it.


Joel Davis: Yeah, but they don’t want to give a fuck about it! Most people don’t want to give a fuck about it!


So they don’t want it to be our fucking problem! So when that’s our view, which is, yeah, it shouldn’t be our fucking problem! And all the people who are making it our problem should get the fuck out of our country and go, we should deport them all back to their fucking shithole in the Middle East and they can duke it out over who gets to control it between themselves and will focus on just having White Australia back. That’s such a controversial opinion.


But they present the way that they present it. And this Lydia Khalil, she’s one of them by the sound of her name:


“They’ll be attempting to do so to exploit the war, but it’s a complicated conflict for them to navigate.”


Notice how they haven’t got one quote from us about the war in this whole fucking article! Yeah, anyway. It’s just a, you know, BS saying that apparently we’re creating a “shadow standby army with our active club network”.


Blair Cottrell: A “shadow standby army”.That’s a really interesting way to phrase it. That’s also an interesting way to view a bunch of guys training in a garage. [chuckling] Because that’s all it actually is, the active clubs. But I suppose they want to nip it in the bud, right, in case it becomes too many guys training in too many garages. That might cause a bit of stress for the current regime.


So I suppose there, they want to take care of it before it grows into that, maybe.


Joel Davis: Yeah. It basically just ends in them saying like:


“Oh, you see, like there’s a horseshoe theory. Both the communists and the Nazis hate the jews and hate Israel.”


Because this is written for conservatives to try and get conservatives not to like us, because they perceive us as being like the Left in sympathizing with terrorism and hating Israel.


And that’s why they don’t want to talk about our opinion, our patriotic opinions or our racist opinions too much. Because they know that a lot of those conservatives they’re trying to make dislike us would actually agree with our comments and go:


“You know what? These guys are actually pretty cool!”


So that it’s interesting. Like, you would think in a normal hit piece they would talk about how horribly racist we are. But they both, they don’t mention it in this. Because they’re worried that the boomers who read The Australian are going to like what we have to say! [chuckling]


So it’s quite funny.





Blair Cottrell: Yeah. We’ve been pressuring and bullying conservatives into pushing out our talking points out there for the last ten years or so, perhaps longer. So I don’t think the conservatives ever dislike us. I think they wish they could be as cool as us, but they know they can’t get away with saying a lot of what they want to say. But I don’t know.


I’m not a real big fan of the conservative media. I mean, my last experience with the conservative media is when I was invited onto Sky News, which I did nothing to organise! They approached me, they wanted me on their show and they asked if I would come back regularly. And I was just like:


“Yeah, yeah, let’s do it!”


I was just the responder. I was like:


“Yes, here I am. What time? Where do you want me?”


You know, and then they kind of just buckled under the first bit of pressure from their sponsors. But that’s history. It’s a long time ago now.


How’s it going Mr Sewell? Good to see you, mate.


Thomas Sewell: Ah, yes, hello. I am here.


Blair Cottrell: No Wuckas. I like your T-shirt. [chuckling] Very working class.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, just sort of lighten up the mood.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, we need a bit of that.


Joel Davis: We just kind of spent most of the show so far talking about that article in The Australian.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Shout out Josh Ruse, you know, head of the communist department of DeaconUniversity. Shout out Kaz Ross or whatever her name is, that fat loser in Tasmania that’s obsessed with us.



Blair Cottrell: Why do I know that name, Kaz Ross? Who’s that woman?


Thomas Sewell: She’s the communist researcher in the University of Tasmania. I think she has like a working relationship with the CCP as well, and, …


Blair Cottrell: With The Australian and with Murdoch media as well, apparently.


Joel Davis: No, she wasn’t quoted in this article. She actually criticised, …


Thomas Sewell: She has in the past.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think more the Left-wing press quotes her.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, Nick McKenzie, I think.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: What are my thoughts on it? I thought it was good optics. I agree with the communists that it was a disaster for the press to give us a fair hearing and quote us verbatim. You know, if the communists want to win, then they have to lie, basically. That’s the only way that they can win, is lie and manipulate reality. That’s the only way communists can win! Because if we say the truth, if we say our opinions, if the communists say their opinions, and if the media are just neutral and just publish both opinions, we will win on a long enough timeline, on a really short timeline. If the media just let, like, if Sky News just let Blair on once a fortnight, once a month, we would be much closer to a White Australia.


But they have to lie. They have to sabotage, they have to subvert, they have to asphyxiate. It’s all they’ve got. They don’t actually have any moral or truthful strategies.


It’s funny because a lot of these people work at universities and they’re in “ethics departments”, and this is the calibre of their ethics.


So we’re on the winning team. We’re just on a long., … It’s just a marathon. That’s what everyone needs to remember. It’s a marathon. And we gotta push that boulder up the hill. That’s just the spirit of it.


Blair Cottrell: And let me just say it’s enjoyable for us! It’s actually easy for us. There’s a saying, “no rest for the wicked”, right? It’s a lot of work to censor and sabotage and harass and slander and lie. We don’t have to do any of that! We just pop up on this show, hang back, spit some facts, talk some truth, and have fun doing it!


And then all the work needs to be put in to do all that sabotage, I just mentioned against us. Right?


So we’re having a great time here! This is easy for us. We can do this all day, all week.



Thomas Sewell: We can do this all year. I thought, I don’t know if it’s already covered, but the reaction from Josh Ruse to Joel pumping out so much content on social media, where he kind of he tried to allude that Joel must have some financial backer. Like, there must be some secret person funding Joel’s just like, Daily Racism. Because the amount of racism that he’s pumping out is on a scale of more than one, …


Joel Davis: I have an actual work ethic.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


And it’s like these fucking pathetic losers, they have never worked hard for anything in their life. They’ve just done the bare minimum. They’ve just gone through, and people like Drew Pavlou, you know, where their power and influence comes from is they suck dick! Either physically or metaphorically or both. They just agree with the system’s talking points. They just agree with. They tell people what they want to hear, and the system, that is. And they’re like:


“Look, I’m loyal. Look, I’ll run a counter extremists and lobby. I’ll do this. I’ll write an essay on how toxic masculinity and the far-Right do X, Y and Z!”


And this gets noticed by the system. The system’s like:


“Wow! This guy’s loyal! This guy gets it! Wow, this guy, he wants a gold star on his chest. He’s a good goy!”


And they just get promotions. And then it’s a feedback loop. It’s an instant feedback loop.


So the system pets just constantly get reinforced. And they end up, you know, as the heads of universities or the heads of departments of universities or media. So, yeah, they think they’re, they think they’ve got some sort of like a work ethic and that’s why they’re there. They’ve got like a false perception of who they are and what they are.


Whereas us, we’ve been nothing but persecuted and we might not make as much money as them, and we might not have prestigious titles like they do. But we’re not, you know, we’re not scared of them. But they’re very, very afraid of us!


Blair Cottrell: There’s one thing I’m absolutely sure of! No one in Western institutions in this day and age is in any position of influence, power or prestige as a result of their own intelligence or ability. No one! [chuckling]


Quite the opposite, actually. They’re there because they weren’t good enough, but as Tom was saying, they were loyal enough. They were willing to kiss the boot!


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: They’re obedient enough. That’s how you get position in the West right now, by being obedient! By kissing boots! Not by having any sort of talent, intelligence or ability.


Of course, it’s difficult for these people to acknowledge that, though. You need a little bit of ego awareness to understand that. Which is not something that’s cultivated in the institutions, specifically the universities.


As I said, what is cultivated is intellectual arrogance. They want people going to university to believe that they’re smarter than everyone else, and that’s why they’re there.


Because if you think that you’re smarter than everyone else, you’ll never wonder that perhaps you’ve been fooled. You’ll never think:


“Hang on, maybe I’m being taken for a ride here. Maybe I’ve been misled. Maybe I’ve invested myself into something that isn’t entirely true? Maybe I’m being taken advantage of?”


If you think you’re really smart, you’ll think you’re too smart to be fooled! And that’s exactly why universities cultivate intellectual arrogance, to make sure no one ever questions what they’re putting out.


They say, I don’t know. What do you think, Joel? I want to hear your thoughts on that?





Joel Davis: Well, I mean, when you become a Professor, when you become a credentialed academic in a political discipline, obviously it’s different if you’re just doing, like, biology or something. I know biology actually is still contentious because of the race issue, but say you’re studying some aspect of biology that doesn’t have anything to do with politics, then you can just be an actual intellectual, and just do your work.


But when you move into any kind of area that becomes politically contentious and then that’s then multiplied if you move into something that’s directly political. Like this guy probably has a Political Science degree or something, like sociology degree or something like that. Then basically you’re just an ideologue. You’re an ideologue on behalf of the current the regime’s ideology. And therefore your credential to be an official “expert” on some area of political relevance is dependent upon you being a dutiful ideologue, a dutiful participant in the perpetuation of the status quo, the political status quo.


And so then you then conflate your apparent intelligence, your apparent education, with your adherence to the political status quo. And for the reasons that you just did before, it becomes a way to mistake basically sucking off power with actually having any competence or intellectual acumen yourself. And all these people are midwits. They aren’t interesting.


Josh Ruse would be incredibly boring to have a conversation with. And they probably see someone like me and they realise:


“Well, this guy’s actually interesting.”


Like, even if they think that I’m an abhorrent ideologue or hateful quasi-terrorist or something. Yeah, they probably can’t help but realise that I am smarter and more interesting than them. So I’m sure that sucks for them.


And Kaz Ross is watching this right now, this fat land whale down in Tasmania who gets paid to watch our show every week. [chuckling] And I’m sure she feels terrible about herself, mostly because she’s a fat land whale. But also because she realises that we’re actually enjoying our lives and that we’re actually interesting, that we actually have a humanity of substance. And these people, as I said to that loser Josh Ruse, like:


“You should be thanking me for putting food on the table for your mixed race family where you don’t actually have to work a real job, because without people like me, you’d have to go and work a real job!”


Thomas Sewell: And not be a parasite.


Blair Cottrell: But these people, like, you know what comes to mind? You know, everyone knows Yuri Bezmanov, one of my favourite lectures, former KGB agent, escaped to America and ended up telling his crazy story involving a bunch of slides to back up the legitimacy of his claims.


He was talking about, I can’t remember who it was. It may have been the son of an American president at the time being invited over to USSR, Soviet Union, to attend a wedding of some, you know, high ranking Soviet bureaucrat. And he was showing pictures of this particular American politician, or relative to a politician, dancing and laughing at this Soviet style wedding. And Yuri was saying:


“This American politician, he thinks he’s been invited to Soviet Union because he’s a prestigious intellectual. No! That’s not why he’s been invited there, though!”


He explains that he’s been invited there because he’s a naive, egocentric idiot! Who the Soviets know they can put on a certain performance for him. They know he’s then going to go back to America and he’s going to shill Soviet policy to the American people. That’s why he’s been selected, because he’s an idiot! That’s why he’s been flown over here and had all these expensives paid.


And the same is true for people who make it in the institutions in Australia. You’re selected as a result of your naivety, your obedience, your stupidity, your inability to actually question the status quo or even begin to question it! That’s what gets you into certain positions, that’s what gets you opportunities.


I thought that’d be a good way to summarize it.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think we should probably move on because we talked about this for almost an hour. A couple interesting, … I want to talk about the Muslim party, the Muslim schism from labour. I think that’s a bigger story.


But before we get into that, a few smaller stories. It is the 4th of July in the United States.


So I just want to say, happy Independence Day to our American viewers.


But also, we said on the show last week, I basically said that I think enough powers that be want Trump in this time, particularly Zionist elements. And that the resistance of the libtards has been broken. And now we’re seeing reports that Kamala Harris will probably end up being running again, running against Trump! [chuckling] Because Biden is probably going to bow out. And the betting markets actually have Harris favoured over Biden to win the Democratic nomination now, even though the primary is already over. So that’s a total shit show!


And the Supreme Court just ruled a couple days ago in favour of presidential immunity, basically covering any so-called, like, official acts of a president, de facto lawful, and they can’t be prosecuted for them, which kiboshed a lot of these, you know, they’ll probably still have court cases against Trump, but it really did undermine them and probably delayed them all until after the election is over, when Trump can just become president and then pardon himself, I believe, of any crimes, anyway.


So basically, I think Trump is locked on to win the election. And if Trump is locked on to win the election, …


Blair Cottrell: Can you actually do that as a president, you can just pardon yourself of crimes?


Joel Davis: I believe. So presidential pardons are pretty widely., … Yeah, they’re pretty open. I think they can pretty much apply to pretty much anything. I don’t think they’re really that challengable in the courts. But anyway, I’m not an expert, but I believe so.


So basically, though, it seems like everything is set up for Trump to win! I think he storms into the White House at the end of the year. I don’t see any resistance to it. He’s way ahead in the polls. He’s only going up in the polls. And so I think what that means is a few things.


Number one, it means probably that the Russia and Ukraine war will end soon. I think if Trump gets in, I think, basically, Putin is just waiting till the election ends to try and negotiate with the Trump administration a solution. So I think the Ukraine war will probably end early next year.


I think Trump will basically go full China hawk and really put the pressure on China, and we’ll see if China snap and invade Taiwan. I saw a news article from a few weeks ago where apparently Xi Jinping said to, when he met with European leaders, that:


“The Americans are trying to goad us into invading Taiwan, and we’re not going to take the bait.”


But they basically do military drills as if they’re just about practicing how to invade Taiwan every six months.


So I don’t know exactly what he means by that. And it’s official state policy that Taiwan is Chinese territory and that they’re the Rightful government over Taiwan, that Taiwan is China. So I don’t know how they’re supposed to just infinitely defer that. It is in China’s strategic interest, probably not to engage in a war with the United States, but nevertheless.


And then if Trump gets in and he sorts things out with the Russians and things keep escalating with Israel, where now they’re talking about escalating things with Hezbollah and there being a war between, literally between Hezbollah and Israel that bleeds into Lebanon. And obviously they’ve got smoke with Iran. You know, it is very significant if Trump gets in what that means for global politics, war with China, war with Iran. That Trump could actually galvanise the American population and probably the broader West behind, like, patriotic elements, Right-wing elements in the West, White men behind a war like that Biden never could hope to do. That if it’s seen as a libtard war, no one will support it. But if it’s seen as a based Trumpian patriotic war, maybe they can sell it. I don’t know.


Thomas Sewell: That’s a good point.


Joel Davis: I think it increases the likelihood of there being another major war. I think it also increases the likelihood of there being a probably a peaceful solution, relatively, to the Ukraine thing. Like, I think I predicted on Telegram, I would say they’ll give Russia some of what they want, like the Oblast that they claimed, and maybe demilitarize half of Ukraine or something, but ultimately keep the rest integrated into NATO, or whatever in the EU.


But, yeah, so that maybe stabilises things in Europe to an extent. And I don’t know whether you guys think that’s a good thing, or a bad thing!


I’m actually very interested to see what happens in a peaceful Ukraine when all of these fighters now return to a so-called democratic process where they can organise and vote in elections again. I would anticipate the Ukrainian population is way more nationalistic and patriotic than they were before the war started, and they’re already pretty, like patriotic. I don’t think that they’re just going to roll over and accept some crazy Left-wing government that wants to import a bunch of blacks and legalise gay marriage. I feel like they would probably have a resistance to that. And the country is full of weapons and everyone knows how to use them because they’ve all been conscripted into fighting a war.


So you’ve got this, like, okay, they’ve been brutalised, but whoever remains.


Thomas Sewell: A tinderbox.


Joel Davis: Yeah. So that could end up being very interesting. What could potentially happen.




Thomas Sewell: It’ll be like 1919 Germany in a lot of ways, because you’re going to have the libshit government trying to push, … I mean, did you see they tried to have a gay pride parade recently in Kiev. And 400 young nationalist lads went down and just bashed the faggots. And they had to call the riot police, but there’s not many riot police because all the men are at the front line and the teenagers just bashed the riot police.


Blair Cottrell: [chuckling] Yeah, I didn’t see that.


Joel Davis: Zelensky has only a 17% approval rating or something. Like, no one is going to vote for this guy as soon as there’s an election.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, AZOV as an organisation prior to the war, prior to them becoming mobilised or an armed unit, they were one of the most organised and sophisticated White nationalist groups in the world. I mean, between Ukraine and Germany, I would say they’re the two most organised White nationalists in the world prior to 2014.


So most of the White nationalists in Russia had fled Russia and moved to Ukraine prior to 2014 to get out of the way of Putin’s persecution.


And since 2014, a lot of White Russians have become radicalised and become more nationalistic as White nationalists as well. And because Putin’s been at war with Ukraine, he can’t exactly do the same crackdowns that he did prior to 2014 on the White nationalists in Russia. So White nationalism is on the rise in Russia and in Ukraine, and they’re both armed.


So when the war ends, it’s going to be very difficult for the government to demobilise those men that are both ideologically strong and physically armed.


Joel Davis: Yeah. And like so many of those weapons have been unaccountable for.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And there’s been terrorist attacks against., … So there’s so many dynamics going on at the moment as the war begins to close. There’s obviously, there’s been some recent Russian offences and they’ve been taking a little bit more territory. But it is like 1918 on the Western front. Even though they’re doing offensives and they’re taking territory, it has more or less sort of stabilised.


And there’s been a lot of terrorist attacks in Russia. I think specifically, there were some Dagestanis that attacked, even though it’s not technically in Russia, it’s one of the Republics.


But in Dagestan, apparently there was a group of Dagestani Muslims that attacked some Russian Orthodox churches and killed a bunch of people. So Russia itself is a tinderbox, not just Ukraine. Russia itself is a tinderbox. And Putin has to be very careful as to how he’s going to, at the close of this war, how he’s going to continue to build the Islamic faction in Russia. Because, as we all know, Russia is dealing with the same kind of mass immigration as the West. Russia is not immune to it. Despite the propaganda from some people that probably are getting Kremlin bucks.


You have huge, … I mean, we’re talking hundreds of thousands of Central Asians in even the most Whitest cities, like St. Petersburg. You know, the fastest growing population in Russia is Islamic. So there’s so much, so much potential for chaos.


Joel Davis: Yeah. The Russian state is a lot more stable, though. They’re able to repress White nationalism. So in other people don’t know this, but in the late two thousands and early 2010s, there was a massive White nationalist movement in Russia. Massive marches against immigration, hundreds of thousands of people in the streets. Very radical time in Russian politics. Basically, all the leaders of that movement were jailed or, just taken out in one way or another from the political scene.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Assassinated.


Joel Davis: Or even if they weren’t assassinated, they were just defeated. Whether they were thrown in jail, assassinated, financially screwed over, whatever the case may be.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And it’s a different dynamic now because they’ve sent a lot of these White men to the front lines now. And, for example, the Special Forces troops, I think that was Spenatz that captured the terrorists that did the attack in Moscow. They all had Nazi patches on their kit, the ones that caught the terrorists. It’s just a strange dynamic. But there is a lot of White nationalism growing, not just in Ukraine. We know it’s in Ukraine, but it’s also growing in Russia. And there will be a second wave.


Like, the government had huge crackdowns in Australia after Cronulla. Huge crackdowns on White nationalism! Huge crackdowns! The media propaganda, especially in liberal democracy, was very strong. You know, Cronulla went from this awesome retribution of White Australians fighting back against Lebanese people that were raping women and everything else, like sexually harassing women at the beach and bashing lifeguards.


It went from this great day of national solidarity to the most sickening and disgusting and evil and reprehensible day in Australia, the darkest day in Australia’s history! Like it was some sort of terror attack. And you know, so there was a huge campaign against it then, and they worked really hard. And I don’t think White nationalism really recovered until the anti-Islam movement sort of spiked back up in 2014, 2015, which is sort of where the three of us started getting properly involved in politics.


So I think these things happen in waves. And when this war comes to an end, there’s going to be a lot of Russian troops that would have fought in Ukraine and killed their fellow Ukrainians. I mean White Russians and Ukrainians are very similar. They’re both Rus, they’re Kievan and Moscowite Ruse, and they’re fighting their fellow brothers.


And then these Russian troops will be coming home to St. Petersburg or Moscow or wherever they’re coming home to. And their neighbourhoods are gonna be full of fucking, you know, Kazakhs and Uzbeks and central Asians, and they’re gonna be like:


“What the fuck? Why am I killing Ukrainians when these people, …”


And then, yeah, it’s a tinderbox on both sides, which is good. Chaos is good.


Joel Davis: What is under appreciated about their collapse of the Soviet Union, just on this one subject is a lot of, because of the way that it’s portrayed in the West, it’s like:


“Oh, communism fell apart because it’s such a ridiculous system and they couldn’t manage the economy correctly and blah, blah, blah.”


And obviously there’s some truth to that.


But one of the main motivating factors why the Russian people wanted to end the Soviet Union is because they didn’t want to be stuck in a giant country with Uzbeks and Tajiks and all these other groups, non-White groups that had been integrated into the Soviet Union.


So the Soviet Union was only 50% White. But the Russian Federation, after the Soviet Union collapsed, and it shed all of these Republics, it also lost Belarus and Ukraine, which are White countries, but it shed all these non-White countries. It was 80% White. So they got rid of all these non-Whites! And they were able to have a coherent, more ethnic nationalism again.


And a lot of people don’t talk about that because it’s inconvenient, but it’s the truth! And Russians are more ethically conscious, on average, than a lot of Westerners, than a lot of Anglos, Germans or whatever.


So I think the Russian people are very racist. They’re very self aware, very ethnically self aware, and always have been. The question is whether the Russian state can hold on to repressive power the way that it does. It’s a very brutal regime. Putin is a very skilled, Machiavellian operator. Maybe it might be like when Putin dies, if there’s a power struggle, when Putin dies or when he’s no longer fit to run the country, I would say that might be the chance for a movement to rise up and make a challenge for power in Russia. But until then, I don’t know. I’m more sceptical.


Whereas in Ukraine, I feel like it might be a lot more difficult for the regime in Ukraine post-war to have that kind of stability that the Russian regime has, because it’s been ravaged by war. It’s far more delegitimized in the eyes of its own people. There’s way more loose weaponry lying around to more. It’s just the situation is way more transient and disordered. And that’s always when revolutions or new political movements are able to really make ground, is when power is in a moment of disorder and chaos.


But what were you going to say, Blair?


Blair Cottrell: I was going to say I’m really not surprised that Joe Biden is dropping out of the presidential race.


Joel Davis: It’s predicted. It’s not confirmed.


Blair Cottrell: I think he will, though, and it’s not because he’s stupid. Okay. Because you can be a retard in politics. That’s actually not much of a disadvantageous. But Biden is breaking the one rule that you cannot break. Right? It’s not being a retard, it’s being weak! Biden looks and sounds weak! You can’t do that in politics. You can be stupid, you can be manic, you can be retarded, but you cannot be weak. And Biden looks weak. That’s why he’ll never get support, and that’s why he’s going to drop out, I think.


Joel Davis: Good point.


Thomas Sewell: He also accidentally says the truth sometimes. He’s so senile that he gets his briefings and then he does a press conference, and he just, he says, I can’t think of an example of my head, but I’m sure people in the chat know.


And there’s endless clips of him saying the truth out loud. Like, I think he said that they were going to attack the Nord stream, they’re going to blow up the pipeline. And then they did it. And he was like, and then he did a press conference and he was like:


“Well, you know, things were going to happen.”


And like, just didn’t deny that they fucking blew it up! And like, that was meant to be a state secret.


Joel Davis: Some of the best Biden quotes are when he’s trying to be anti-racist. Like, where he’s like:


“Oh I just want black kids to do, they can do just as well at school, at school as the normal kids like, yeah.”


Cukg Because, like, Biden back in the seventies was actually, like, pro-segregation in the nineties in Congress, saying like, there’s black super predator criminals on the streets and we’ve got to clean up the streets. Like, he used to be, like, an actual, like, proper racist. [chuckling]


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, but back in the seventies, those talking points were probably the kind of stuff that the American people wanted to hear. The kind of stuff that would get your party voted for, right?


Thomas Sewell: Yes. These people hug the centre. That’s why they’re in power, because they’ve hugged the axis. In the army the guys that tried to get rank, not through merit or being good soldiers, they just try to be best friends with the people who are in charge. And they got called “pole smokers”. They were called pole smokers [cock suckers].


And I think about the metaphysics of that a lot, because they were “hugging the pole”, and the pole is like the axis. The axis is like what the earth turns around. It’s like the centre. They’re trying to hug the centre in hopes that the centre recognises them and ingratiates them into the core. And that that’s what all these people do they just, whatever they think, they don’t have their own personal opinions. They just think:


“What is the Avenue to power? What do the people currently believe at this exact moment? I’ll say that, and then when my masters want it moved one degree over, I’ll move it one degree over.”


And that’s all he’s done. He’s changed his opinions on everything, like, five times.


Joel Davis: Yeah, he’s a totally cynical, …


Thomas Sewell: Wasn’t Barack Obama against gay marriage? And he’s a faggot married to a man!


Blair Cottrell: Like, most people have such a strong power of forgetting, though. Like, such short memories. It doesn’t seem to matter.


Thomas Sewell: It says that in the Talmud.


Blair Cottrell: It doesn’t seem to matter how many times mainstream politicians change their opinion because the ordinary minds out there, they don’t remember that this politician used to say the opposite of what he’s saying now they just. It’s like every week is a new year to the ordinary mind. So, yeah, …


Thomas Sewell: They rely on that. And it helps when they have the distractions. If we had more time to think. That’s the other thing people don’t have., … We’re getting crushed by so many different directions. And because people are all at work so many hours a week, and they got stuck in traffic for so many hours, and there’s just too many distractions. They don’t have time to think, and that’s why they’re not as political as they should be. If we had more leisure time, there’d be more political agency.


Blair Cottrell: Do you believe that, though? Or has there always been a significant portion of the population that just won’t think, even if they do get the chance to?


Thomas Sewell: Absolutely! Of course. I’m not denying that. I’m not denying that. And I think that that percentage of the population has increased, certainly. But I also think that there used to be a middle class, and I think the middle class was a lot more political.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: I think the middle class used to have that leisure time. The middle class, by definition, was debt free. So we don’t have a middle class anymore. I don’t know anyone in my generation that owns a home outright. I don’t know a single person. Oh, actually, sorry, I know one and that was because of a direct inheritance. But like that’s not an ideal circumstance. That’s just unfortunate.


But yeah, I don’t know anyone whose parents are alive that own their own home.


So that means they’re all in debt. That means they’re forced to continue to pay the rates or the rent. And because you’re doing that, you’re forced to work five, six days a week. And so if you weren’t, then you might only work three or four days a week.


Blair Cottrell: But rent extends into all things now. I went to use, like, I purchased Microsoft office recently just so I could do some work from home. And no longer can you actually just buy it once. You subscribe now, so you’re not actually purchasing it, you’re renting it. If you don’t keep paying your rent, then you don’t get use of the program. So even, you know, programs like computer programs are all rented now. You don’t actually own anything anymore.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, they’re trying to move a lot of things. I mean, they started with streaming services. They’re trying to move video games across to that as well.


So they’re trying to push everything into this. The more the corporations like Blackrock, you know, these big mega corps, Wall Street, I’ll just say Wall Street or the jews. It’s easy to just say the jews. But the more the power the jews have, the more they put their bio-spirit to everything.


So just something like video games, for example, when it was made by White men and some token Asians, it was about, it was an art form. It was about the art. You know, you pay for the art, of course, it’s not for free.


Blair Cottrell: They cared about, they used to care about the story, the music, everything. There was passion inlaid into the development of the game, wasn’t there? Yeah. And no longer is that the case.


Thomas Sewell: But now the more successful those companies got, the more they got sharked and bought up by Wall Street. And then the people that owned it originally, they were the founders of the spirit of any form of art, really. You know, they moved on, they retired because they got their hundreds of millions now.


And then when that corporation took over it, it started to just focus on purely money making. So everything’s just being Tower of Babel. So it just keeps getting taller until it eventually collapses. Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: I’m just thinking of World of Warcraft. What a great game that was back in the day. And it just got bastardized by the exact process you just described. I’m pretty sure it’s owned by a jewish guy now. His name is like Bobby Kotick or something. He’s like one of the heads or biggest shareholders of Blizzard Entertainment. He’s like one of the most hated people in gaming. Yeah, everyone hates him. Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Anyway, what’s next Joel, on the menu?





Joel Davis: Well, there is an election in Britain today and I think it’s an interesting election. It’ll be interesting to see how the results go for a couple reasons. One, because the conservatives, like, there’s the whole meme going around of zero seats. I don’t think they’ll get zero. It’d be great if they did, but there’s going to be a bloodbath for the Tories. They’ve been in government in Britain now for like 15 years or something. And they definitely going to lose this election.


Obviously there’s the rise of the Reform Party and Nigel Farage. It was going well in the last week there’s been cucking. There’s been. There was this kind of concocted scandal, a so-called “racism” scandal, where somebody who allegedly was an actor infiltrated the party and was at some event and was putting on some like fake Cockney geezer accent and talking about murking refugees. And then they blew and then they posted it on TikTok and it became this big story in Britain.


And then they found, like a few other people that were running for reform that had said some based stuff on their social medias back in the day about blacks having low IQs or something.


And instead of just ignoring it and continuing to truck forward with momentum, he started apologizing and started trying to reassure everyone that:


“No, he loves all people and he’s not a racist.”


And removing those, he removed these people from his party and so on. And it really seemed to stall the momentum that they had.


Now, some people might say that that was necessary, that the Overton Window hasn’t shifted to the point where you can just own that and just keep trucking forward. But personally, I think it was an energy shift. They had this positive energy in the last week. The energy turned negative and they let the media and the establishment get into their skin and it took the edge off, and they seemed to dip in the kind of the final polls where they were kind of surging.


So we’ll see the results. But it wasn’t great to see this. Actually, I think he got interviewed by Jordan Peterson that went out yesterday or something. And this clip I thought was interesting. I thought we could analyze this clip.


Farage: I was asked the other day, what was I going to do for the black community? Do, you know what I said? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! I couldn’t give a damn whether you’re black or White, whether you’re gay or straight. I really don’t care! You’ll be judged by your character. You’ll be judged by your ability. You’ll be judged by, are you a contributor to society, or a taker out!

And right at the moment, this is considered to be dangerous radical thinking! But I think if we can start to explain why this matters, if we can start to explain that that’s the only way we’re going to have any chance of a unified society that works together with mutual benefit for each other, I think this is one of the next great political battles, and we’re going to need some quite brave leaders.


Blair Cottrell: As though being black and gay has no bearing on your character. I mean, obviously it does.


Joel Davis: Yeah. I mean, I thought it was kind of funny because it started out like, well, this is kind of based. And then it went very cringe, but basically, …


Thomas Sewell: The Guevara quote:


“The revolution will do for the negro what the negro has done for the revolution. Absolutely nothing!”




Blair Cottrell: [chuckling] These racist quotes, based!


Thomas Sewell: I think he was talking about killing gays as well in one of his quotes, how they were disgusting!


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. That good old fashioned communism!


Thomas Sewell: Good old fashioned communists!


Blair Cottrell: They weren’t even modern day communists.


Thomas Sewell: Well, they were nationalists, and they only subscribed to communism because they wanted the Kremlin bucks. That’s it! They weren’t actual communists. They were just nationalist revolutionaries. Yeah.


And so it was just, there was a lot of those civil wars were two different types of nationalist revolutionaries fighting each other for control. Two different factions. And one faction sided with the US State Department and one faction sided with the Kremlin. It’s like the Vietnam war, as well. They weren’t, they weren’t really communists. They were just nationalists.


Joel Davis: Well, I mean, even, even Karl Marx himself. Marx and Engels were kind of White supremacists because they didn’t believe that, like, it was going to be possible for the non-White working classes to participate in the historical development of the economic system. So they, like in their journals, they supported America, America and the American Mexican war. Like, basically just like taking Mexico and colonizing it because they thought Mexicans were like lazy beaners that weren’t going to be capable of even developing an industrial system that could turn into, like, their communist utopia in the first place. That’s kind of quite funny because whenever you bring that up to communists, they always get quite uncomfortable.


Thomas Sewell: But that’s why I think most of them are Trotskites, because I think Trotsky had some based, not based quotes. Sorry, he had some more modern communist quotes.


But anyway, back to the Farage thing.


Joel Davis: You’re speaking of base quotes, …


Thomas Sewell: The old geezer, …


Old Geezer: But since that bloke said, and he’s only saying what we all think, shoot them when they’re coming off the boats.

Man: Oh! I’m not thinking that. Are you thinking that?

Old Geezer: Oh, you’re awoke [chuckling]


Joel Davis: I love it. [chuckling] I love that.


Thomas Sewell: Exactly how my dad, like, relates to politics.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Based geezer! I’ve got a Superchat from some Indian. Why are you watching? As I’ve said before, I don’t want brown, …


Thomas Sewell: I had to abuse my Mod powers and ban someone because he made two comments about, … Oh, someone just asked. Someone sent $20 and said:


“Why did he get banned?”


Because he was talking about Asian-White alliance.


And I just muted him for the rest of the stream. He can talk next time we have a stream. It wasn’t a permanent ban. It’s just we’re not doing that.


Joel Davis: We’re trying to create an alliance with Whites right now.


Once we have a White alliance, then we can start worrying about any of this other bullshit! We’re a million miles away from that right now. Also got a Superchat from Skeletor2. He sent me a big Superchat and he just said:


“No questions, just thanks for the content. Here’s some of my weekend UFC winnings.”


Nice one. You obviously picked a few winners, so well done.


But yeah, that was a based Cockney. Fashionista also sent me a Roman Superchat. I appreciate that.


But yeah, the whole Reform thing, I would like to see reform do well, even though there was the cucking because it’s still meta-politically, demonstrating that anti-immigration sentiment is fueling, is kind of demanding a different kind of politics at the end of the day. What did reform run on? They ran on basically cutting immigration to Net Zero and deporting illegal immigrants. That isn’t perfect. But White Papers wrote an article that said if they implemented all the policies in their manifesto, Britain would get 4% Whiter.


So it’s well, it’s good that people are voting for that kind of thing should be rewarded, you would hope for by the electorate. And I want to see the conservatives lose every single seat. Reform aren’t going to win the election. Labour will win the election. It’s not even a question of who will win. It’s just a question of can the Tories get wiped out?


And I think it would be good to see that.


But at the same time you could argue that, well, the Reform Party is actually a problem because this kind of civic nationalist rhetoric, if we have a some people will say that what Farage is putting forward is a higher quality version of conservatism, a more robust form of conservatism, that this is therefore dangerous, because if conservatism can pivot into a more refined version that wants to cut down immigration and slow down the process of White genocide to better integrate the immigrants or whatever. That this will basically destroy the capacity to organise a more radical reaction or something.


Thomas Sewell: It’s a very good point. But even reform will have its natural death. Reform, ideally, it crushes the conservative Party [Tory] and then itself has an even shorter lifespan than the conservatives.


And then the next force that comes along that crushes Reform will be more radical.


Joel Davis: Yeah, that’s what my argument was. I’d rather Reform become the new Tories. And then we’re attacking Reform from the Right. Then what we’re in right now, where there’s this intermediary spot that can be occupied, that can offer a kind of Right-wing populist alternative. Like, the people kind of need to get Right-wing populism, realise it isn’t enough so that they can feel that they need more. I think it’s like you have phases of polarisation. I don’t think we can just go straight from where we are now to White nationalism wins the election.


You know, I don’t think it’s realistic.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, UKIP was kind of the opposite in a way. It didn’t crush the conservatives. It crushed the nationalists.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: And then people, they got their UKIP, they got their exit because it was ultimately motivated by White nationalism or ethnocentric politics. And almost everything on the Right is just fundamentally motivated by ethnocentric politics. They just call it something else.


Like, even fiscal conservatism is racism. It’s just like the lightest, weakest form of racism because fiscal conservatism is just like we don’t want to spend more White tax dollars on brown people. That’s all fiscal conservatism is. It’s just the laziest, weakest, wimpiest racism!


So the entire Right-wing is racist! The Left are correct in that framing.


But yeah, there’s just wimp racists which call themselves conservatives.


And then obviously there’s now this Reform thing, which I guess they’re conservatives as well, but they’re just not using that term. But that is their fundamental ideology.


But as you said, they’re a slightly more robust version. They’re sticking to some original, well, not original, but sticking to some principles from ten years ago at least, which is an improvement.


Joel Davis: It’s like, it’s kind of like One Nation but with a more charismatic leader. That’s basically what Reform is.


Thomas Sewell: Common sense! It’s common sense. That’s what all the boomers say. It’s common sense that needs to prevail. [chuckling] Which is true. Which is true.


But it’s just a really wimpy way of saying we need to like prosecute every single traitor!


Joel Davis: We need to be racist without being racist!


Blair Cottrell: That would be great!


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, there’s so many traitors that we’re going to need camps! There is that many traitors. We’re going to need an entire institution to track down every traitor! And I can see Blair already going:


“Oh no, oh no, what’s Tom going to say this time?”


Blair Cottrell: No, I don’t mind. I was imagining all the academics in those camps being like:


“Oh, but I’m too smart to be here, you know!” [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, well, Mr Ruse and Ms Kaz Ross or whatever she is. Yeah, we’re going to shut the airports when we win, so you better leave before we take that out, because we’re going to shut the airports. [chuckling] You’re not going anywhere. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: So Blair, what’s your take on the Farage thing and the British election? Because I know you don’t like focusing too much on international politics, you’re more parochial, you like focusing more on Australian politics. But no, British politics is still relevant. I think they have a very similar political system to us and culture and the developments there I think have implications for what’s possible here or what to expect in Australian politics. So, …


Blair Cottrell: I keep hearing that Farage is cucking, and Farage is backpedaling. Is that true? And if so, how? Is it this comments that we just saw him make then? Because that didn’t seem to be that much of a cuck position. He’s obviously just trying to appeal to as many different type of voters right before the election as possible. How is he cucking exactly?


Joel Davis: No, no. That clip that I just played is his consistent position that he’s had since I can remember him coming on the scene. I just played that as a kind of like an exposition.


But the cucking, I mean, was when people in his party apparently had a tweet, you know, from, or a Facebook post from ten years ago talking about blacks having low IQs, kicked them out of the party. Like, canceling people from your party days before the election, rather than standing by your candidates over, like, allowing the enemy to basically create, like, a fake scandal in your party. I think that was cucking. I don’t think he had to do that. I think he could have said:


“Well, they are our candidates. Whatever they said, it is what it is. We move forward.”


I feel like that would have been stronger.


But what do you think? Do you think it’s not possible or something? Like, he had to boot them from the party under the auspices of what he states that he believes?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I’m not really sure whether he had to boot them or not. I just haven’t been paying close enough attention. Probably better off speaking to Mark Collett and getting his perspective on it. I’m sure he’d be right into it and he would understand all the ins and outs of Farage and British politics. I’m kind of disconnected from the British hive mind, so I’d like to get more connected, though. Definitely taking an interest, but currently I really don’t know enough to make a comment, so I’ve got nothing to add.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I will stream again with Mark soon. I’m interested to get his opinions on the fallouts of how this election goes.


Blair Cottrell: Mark really stays in the loop with who’s the WHO of politics in England and what’s being said behind the scenes and who knows who. Mark knows everything.


So if we want to get a good take, I think Mark’s the go to guy.





Joel Davis: Yeah.


But, yeah, I’m interested to see how it goes. If you’re English, maybe leave a comment. Are you going to vote today? Are you going to bother? If you are, what? Who are you going to vote for?


But yeah, I guess the final story for us this evening I wanted to talk about. I posted this clip on my Telegram, but I’ll post it again. Oh, sorry. I’ll play it for everyone now, in case you didn’t see it. This is from the news a few nights ago and we’ll discuss this, I think, to bring the show to a conclusion.


Media woman: A new Muslim political movement is confident that it can win seats from the Labor Party at the next federal election, challenging them in traditional heartland streets in both Sydney and Melbourne. They say the treatment of now outcast labour Senator Fatima Payman has been the last straw. Here’s our national affairs editor, Hugh Remington, with this exclusive report.

Hugh Remington: If Gaza has brought despair, the treatment of Senator Fatima Payman has focused White hot anger at the Albanese government.

Mahmud Hawila: I have never seen this level of unity and camaraderie and support within the Muslim community.

Hugh Remington: Senator Payman says she’s faced intimidation from Labour since crossing the floor to vote for Palestinian statehood.

Katy Gallagher (Finance Minister): I know pretty closely how hard everyone has tried to support Senator Payman.

Hugh Remington: Labour now believes she could quit the party within days.

Mark Butler (Health Minister): No individual is bigger than the team.

Hugh Remington: But a Muslim movement is now targeting at least a dozen Labour seats, saying their vote has been taken for granted.

Interviewer (male): Do you believe that you can win seats from the Labor Party?

Mahmud Hawila: I certainly think we will win seats.

Hugh Remington: In Sydney on the new draught boundaries. Muslims make up 32% in Jason Clare’s electorate, his margin is 12%. Fellow minister Tony Burke has 25% Muslim constituents, margin 15%. Chris Bowen, 14% Muslims, 7% margin. In Parr a matter a 11% Muslim voters, a margin of less than 1%. Werriwa 16% Muslim voters, a margin of five. In Victoria, the Labour seats of Bruce, Holt, Calwell and Wills all have a higher Muslim vote than a majority for the sitting MP.

Hugh Remington: If Muslim voters are so steamed up they act as a block. And if a effective preference deals can be made at next year’s election, the Muslim vote on its own could be enough to destroy a Labor majority government!

Mark Butler (Health Minister): I’m confident that Labour candidates can stand on our strong record.

Hugh Remington: But Labour has a fight for survival in what has long been considered the safest of ground.


Joel Davis: Anyway.


Thomas Sewell: Demographics are destiny! Demographics are destiny! It’s just perfect1


Joel Davis: It’s a very positive development. I don’t know if we’ll actually amount. Oh, sorry.


Blair Cottrell: So it’s so well deserved. I was saying by the Labor Party and yeah, Joel’s takeaway from this, I read on Telegram, was spot on! Everyone’s going to play identity politics. Everyone’s going to vote racially, everyone’s going to vote ethnically.


And so we need to do the same. Right. So it’s, the writing’s on the wall.


Thomas Sewell: We got to destroy the Uni-party, we’ve got to destroy the duopoly. Then we’re going to destroy the centre Right. And all the factions need to be broken down, smashed into a million pieces and rebuilt from scratch. That’s the only way forward! Just break it all down and rebuild it from scratch with the building block that we’ve got. Race!


Joel Davis: Yeah, talking about UK politics, I also posted a, it’s relevant to this.


I also posted a graph showing the voter demographics, I think, at the last British election based upon ethnicity. And it’s for all the different big minority ethnic groups in Britain. And it showed that every single ethnic group except Indians, majority voted for the Labor Party and had almost No votes for any of the other parties in Britain. And Indians are voting conservative. Why? Well, number one, because they hate Pakistanis and Labour is perceived as appealing more to the Muslims, so they vote against the Muslims. But also, too, because the conservatives have been infiltrated by Indians and have a literal Indian running, like Rishi Sunak, running the party now.


So they’re playing identity politics. It’s not that, like, Indians are like, model minorities that are integrating better into Britain or some bullshit that a conservative would say. They’re just playing their own ethnic feuds out in politics as well.


Thomas Sewell: Until they can eventually make their own party as well.


Joel Davis: Yeah. And we’ll see that here. Like, the Chinese will try and take over the Liberals, and the Indians will try and take over Labour. And if that doesn’t work, eventually they’re going to break off into their own factions, …


Thomas Sewell: Into a million pieces.


Joel Davis: And yeah, in a multiracial society it just becomes a ethnic headcount, the elections.


Thomas Sewell: Who is the leader of Labour at the moment.


Joel Davis: In Britain?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: Keir Starmer.


Thomas Sewell: Who’s that?


Joel Davis: Well, he’s just like, they put him in because previously they had that communist guy.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Corbyn. I remember Jeremy Corbyn.


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. And the jews didn’t like him because he was too pro-Palestine, so they put in Keir Starmer, and Keir Starmer is more of like a Blairite who presents himself as a kind of centrist and a kind of presentable Leftist. Like:


“We aren’t the kooky Left, we’re the business sense.”


Blair Cottrell: He’s talking about Tony Blair, right?


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Joel Davis: Yeah. That was Tony Blair.


Thomas Sewell: He’s not a Cottrell!


Joel Davis: Yeah, Tony. He’s a Blairite in the sense that that was what Tony Blair was in the nineties. He was a way of, because the British Left prior to under the Thatcher years, when Thatcher was prime minister, they had this very radical almost like communist edge to them. They were very hardcore Socialists.


Thomas Sewell: This guy’s a Fabian. Yeah. He’s a private school Labour.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Reargate Grammar School, where Starmer studied. This is Fabian territory. [words unclear] these private school Labours.


Joel Davis: So he got in and then when October 7 happened, as that article about us kept bringing up, the Muslims got really upset in Britain because Labour obviously is cucked to the jews. They would prove that they’re not anti-semitic. Remember they had that black woman, Diane Abbott, who’s one of their Labour Members of Parliament over there, and she said something about how:


“Oh, the jews go on about the Holocaust, but they didn’t get enslaved like blacks!”


And then she got blasted for anti-semitic comments and, like, she had to come out and apologise to the jews for thinking that her black victimhood mattered more than their jewish victimhood. It was quite funny.


But so, like, Labor Party got, like, whipped back into shape by the jews and there was:


“Oh, it’s full of anti-semitic communists, like Jeremy Corbyn!”


Anyway, they all went back into shape.


So now the Muslims are alienated. And so then the Muslims said that they were going to break away and do their own thing, but that never materialised and Labour will win the election now in Britain.


So now the Muslims are trying to say that they’re going to do the same thing here. They’re all talk. Let’s see if they can implement it. Because we know with brown people they are low agency, and they like to talk a big game, but can they actually put the organisation together to pull it off? We’ll see.


I would like to see it happen because I think it accelerates things. Like, if the Muslims have their own party, then White Australians are going to start thinking:


“Well, wait a second if that’s how multiculturalism works, like, what the hell! What game are we actually playing here?”


Then our message all of a sudden becomes a lot more relevant. The idea that, well, you don’t have a choice. Like, identity politics is here.


Thomas Sewell: Who will speak for the White?


Joel Davis: Play the game!





Thomas Sewell: Everyone else has someone to speak for them. Who will speak for the Whites? Because at the moment it’s not explicit. You’ve still got White faces in Parliament that are just openly anti-White, that are speaking for the Punjabis. But when there’s a Punjabi speaking for the Punjabi. So when there’s a Muslim speaking for the Muslims. When there’s a Chinaman speaking for the Chinaman.


And then the only White people in Parliament are speaking for diversity and multiculturalism!


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, they’ll just be laughed at!


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, exactly! That’s when there’s going to be a need for someone that speaks for the Whites.


Blair Cottrell: That’s the direction politics is going in. And it’s pretty exciting, really, because I think organically, it can’t really go in any other direction.


I mean, that’s just the natural process it has to take. And it shows that, I suppose, we’re on the right side of history.


Thomas Sewell: Yes. There’s always going to be a centre faction, and I think that that will be populated by primarily mixed race people. Because they don’t have anywhere to fall into. So they’re going to be like the last liberals in the normal, in the truest sense, not in the Australian sense.


Blair Cottrell: It’s always thought it must be very difficult to. It’s one of the cruelest things you can do to someone, I think, is to bring a child into the world who doesn’t have an exclusive ethnic identity. Who’s kind of like a halfway between one race and another. It’s a very cruel fate to bestow upon an innocent soul. Because that human, that humanoid creature that you’ve brought into the world is something the world’s never seen before. It’s neither one race nor the other. It’s something in between, something completely different.


And there will always be people like this in a multi ethnic society to some degree. I think, for the most part, most people still tend to partner up with their own, members of their own race, regardless of the amount of multicultural, egalitarian propaganda there is out there you find most people, most Indians still get with Indians, most White people still get with White people, most Asians are still with Asians. There’s some Crossover, of course. I’m not saying there’s not, but generally speaking.


But those children born of the crossings of the mixings, it’s just a creating a very problematic future for that poor soul. It’s like something that I don’t envy, I’ll put it that way. I don’t envy these children.


And like you, like you said, these people will probably end up occupying that perpetual centrist sort of talking point space, because politics is kind of downstream from race, I suppose. Everything’s downstream from race, at the end of the day.


Joel Davis: It’s going to be a massive epidemic in 15 to 20 years, maybe sooner, of “Hapas” in Australian politics. Hapa is being half Asian, half White, because we see all, …


Blair Cottrell: Why do they call them, … Joel why do they call them “Hapas”? What’s that even stand for?


Joel Davis: Let me look it up. I actually don’t, off the top of my head.


Blair Cottrell: No one seems to know. Like, I’ve asked several people, and they’re like, I don’t know.


Everyone just repeats the phrase happen.


Joel Davis: Hawaiian transliteration of the English word “half”.


Okay, so basically it’s Hawaiian for half White. And then it just got extended to apply to anyone of half White, half Asian-Pacific islander descent.


Blair Cottrell: Do you still think that the Asian woman is a significant threat to the Australian Whiteman, Joel?


Joel Davis: Well, of course! I mean, go out for a drink in Sydney in the city, and you will see almost more White guys with Asian women than White guys with White women. And think about all the Hapas that are going to be generated and the resentment complexes that they’re going to have. And they’re going to have reasonably decent IQs. They’re going to be competent. They’re going to be able to go to university. They’re going to be able to get involved in politics, and then they’re going to be able to fill up the Liberal Party and the Labor Party with their nonsense!


Asian women as well. Asian women are higher IQ on average than White women. That isn’t to say that Asian women are smarter than White women. I don’t think that’s necessarily the case.


But they have high competence in a work environment. They’re able to able to therefore ascend corporate hierarchies, get access to high socioeconomic status men. But they’re also able to use the feminist card and then also the racial diversity card to get advantages over Whites and White women, to be able to overpopulate those positions of power. They’re quite ambitious. We can see in East Asia that East Asian women have basically no interest in breeding very much at all! They are very career focused.


So you have these girl boss Asians. If they do breed, they’ll breed with a high socioeconomic status White guy and produce a high socioeconomic status Hapa that could end up being socially influential. And inserting themselves into positions of power and then resentfully trying to gate-keep out White women.


And I’m not necessarily happy about White women being in positions of power either. Obviously, we shouldn’t have any women really in positions of power. We should have gender roles. But, like, ultimately, when we’re thinking about it from a structural standpoint that produces, I think, a great threat to the direction of political power.


You have a bunch of Asian women running HR departments. You have a bunch of Asian women running certain other key parts of social infrastructure. Well, then they’re going to then prosecute so-called racists or nationalists or young White guys that say the wrong thing or behave in a Right-wing fashion, more. They’re going to reward the Leftist men. They’re going to reward the men that will fuck them, and so on. They’re going to be resentful towards the White men that breed with White women and date White women.


So yeah, it’s going to be a massive problem in our society because you could talk about the problems with Muslims and there are problems with Muslims that Muslims aren’t as capable of ascending White socioeconomic hierarchies and breeding with high stock Whites. They just can’t do it. Where Asian women can do it. They’re one of the only non-White groups that are capable of doing that.


So Asians, they’re an impressive race! They’re capable of running a civilisation on their own, like China, Japan, South Korea. These countries are capable of functioning basically almost like a first world country.


The other races can’t produce countries like that means when you bring them into your country, they’re able to then take over our civilisational architecture. It’s not like you can bring in a bunch of Sudanese refugees and yeah, they’re going to commit a bunch of crimes and they’re going to be a menace to society. But you’re not going to have a Sudanese prime minister. You’re not going to have a Sudanese CEO. They’re not going to be able to exercise a real political power. But Asians are like jews in the sense that they’re able to like integrate into White society and infiltrate it from within. It’s a different kind of threat.


Blair Cottrell: I’ve always wondered what it was, …


Joel Davis: I gotta head off! Sorry! I gotta head off.


Blair Cottrell: That’s all right, bro, if you got to go, you got to go. I’m probably gonna take off soon as well. Have you got five minutes?


Thomas Sewell: No.


Blair Cottrell: Okay, I’ll let you go. I’ll probably raise my question on the next stream then next week because I want to get your take on it too.


Thomas Sewell: Write it down in the chat so we remember.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, well, I won’t forget this one, believe me.


Thomas Sewell: Well, … [chuckling]


Blair Cottrell: Well, have a good night, mate.


What I was going to say is I’ve always been curious as to what it is, … God, you can tell I’m getting tired. I’ve always been curious as to what it is about the Asian female that is so alluring to the White male, because I don’t find them particularly attractive. But I’ve speculated as to the answer.


And I think maybe it’s because they seem youthful, because they’re, on average, smaller than White women. And youthfulness has some sort of correlation with being attractive when it comes to women.


So I think maybe White guys kind of get tricked into thinking that this is like a younger, sort of like a more youthful. A woman of more youthful appearance, and therefore she’s more attractive than a White woman or something like that. Like I said, personally, I don’t really find the Asian women that attractive, but I’ve always wondered why White guys do find them attractive. What do you think, Joel?


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, I remember last night in the gym, I pointed out that one guy there with his Asian missus, and I said:


“Look at that Asian GF physiognomy on the cunt!”


You know, because there is a certain kind of physiognomical archetype of the Asian GF-haver generally has. And they look like nerds. They look low test. [testosterone]


So I think in a lot of situations, the Asian GF-haver is just. Yeah, they’re not able to access, able to get a decent White chick. But the Asian market is easier to shop in if you got a White dick. You know, simple as that. You’re just shopping at a discount, basically.


So I think that’s probably the case for a lot of them. Asian women are very sexually aggressive as well. Like, a lot of men don’t know how to approach women. They don’t know how to get with women. Asian women are very forward at least with Whites. They make it very easy. They don’t fuck around. Or they do fuck around, you know what I mean? But they don’t play games, at first. And, I’ve seen., …


Blair Cottrell: What you’re saying is they’re very direct in showing sexual interest.


Joel Davis: Yes, yes, exactly. They’ll make moves. They’ll put themselves forward. And Asian women have an innate, I think, drive, I think a lot of them, to try to assimilate into Australia because they feel excluded. And so getting a White boyfriend is a way that you can become part of normal Australian society.


You know, I notice Asian women generally imitate, … I don’t know what happened to Blair. I noticed that Asian women imitate the Australian female accent very accurately, whereas the other non-White ethnicities, not so much. You seldom hear an Indian or an Arab woman, or a black woman who sounds like a White Australian girl. But you hear Asian women really trying to sound like White girls and almost getting it. Where if you had your eyes closed, maybe you would think she was White. So, yeah, they try to imitate and integrate into, … Blair’s back. I’ll just add him.


Blair Cottrell: Sorry, I closed, I’ve got heaps of windows open and I closed the stream by accident. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah. Asian women have certain advantages over the other non-White women in the sense that, I guess, their complexion and as you said, they kind of have more of like a youthful look or so on. So like, maybe they could be more baseline desirable to people than like a obviously, like a black woman or something would be, or an Aboriginal or some shit like that! Like, they look more feminine, dress feminine and things like that.


But I don’t really see the appeal, like, in the same way that you don’t like. To me, I just think of when I see an Asian woman, I just think of like a chimpanzee without any hair or something, or like an orangutan without hair.


Blair Cottrell: It’s not really like that for me. It’s just they don’t have the density, I like density in women. I’m not talking about fat chicks! I don’t like fat girls! I like strong girls, girls who look like they’re going to give me strong children! And I don’t often see that in Asian women. Asian women seem frail to me. And I suppose that frailty is what I find unattractive. It’s not that I find them unattractive, so to speak. There’s just not a strong attraction there. A result of that frailty. I’m looking for strength.


Joel Davis: You’re like a big ass, and then Asian women have got pancake butts, is that what you’re saying? [chuckling]


Blair Cottrell: More or less. But it also includes thighs and just overall muscular structure. Right. I want, …


Joel Davis: Yeah, the whole shape is off. I agree with that. But it’s about the face more than anything to me. Like, their faces are just fucked up! Like, they look all, … They don’t look human to me.


But anyway, yeah, but a lot of guys out there, they want to coomb and they fall for it. They fall for the meme. Asian women are very good with makeup. Um, they’re able to Hoodwink people. And this is what it is. I guess it I used to get more upset about it, but then from another perspective, it’s like an evolutionary test. Like, who can keep their bloodline pure through this historical moment? The Aryans that do keep their blood pure through this moment, where you’ve got so much degeneracy and homosexuality and kind of all these forces in society that want to prevent you from breeding or get you to miscegenate or whatever. If you can still have White kids and raise them right and they raise them healthy, so they then go and have White families and so on that are healthier, through this environment, then you must have something about you that isn’t completely fucked!


So then, you know, it will purify the race. It will cast off a lot of probably lower quality genetics through this process. So maybe, I’m not saying that I advocate for race mixing, but maybe you kind of have to look at it philosophically a little bit and not get too emotional about it.


But yeah, the problem is that it’s the biological weapon that is all of these half breeds that we’re going to be surrounded by. It’s going to be a really big problem, because they’re going to have blood and emotional ties to Whites by virtue of the fact that they’re half breeds, that are going to make it difficult to differentiate them from us.


Whereas if someone is a completely different race, it’s much easier to kind of draw the line between us and them. So it is a real problem. And, yeah, we have to kind of advocate against it’s really important to talk against it. So I don’t want to just have this cavalier attitude towards it. But then, at the same time, you know, it is the conditions of our time.


I think we should definitely bully men who race mix. Bullying women who race mix as well. I think shame women who race mix. I think getting too emotionally invested. Like, I saw this video that went viral of, I think it was in Poland, but they were talking in English for some reason, and it was like this White woman, I guess she was at this., … It looked like their version of Bunnings, maybe or something like that, whatever the Polish Bunnings is. And I don’t know, there was this pajeet [Indian] with a White woman, and they’re, I don’t know, browsing. And this guy had his camera out and confronted her and was like:


“What are you doing? Why are you going to mix your genetics with this biological weapon, this pajeet?”


And the pajeet was a pussy! He just was on his phone and, like, not even, like, talking back to the guy. And then walked off. Like, he didn’t even confront him. And then some other White woman came over and confronted him, and the video ended.


Anyway, that video went viral. And, like I can see where he was coming from. Why he would confront the woman and why. It’s like, what the hell? When you see a reasonably normal looking White person with a non-White, it’s like, it is disgusting just to see it. And you kind of feel like you want to say something or do something.


And sometimes I do say something myself, but also, the same time, I don’t know, it kind of almost reeked of autism and desperation. The way that he approached her, I didn’t actually necessarily agree with the approach. I didn’t know if it was the best propaganda, because there was all these pajeets online that were like:


“Oh, yes, see the Whiteman. We’re taking your women!”


Or something. Like, they’re not taking our women. Like, barely any attractive White women are dating them.


So it’s almost like my attitude towards the woman that is, go off with the pajeet. Your pajeet now! Like, you’re basically brown now. We we don’t want youk we don’t fucking want you k. We’ve got plenty of hot White chicks that want to fuck White guys. We don’t need you. Like, just go! Go be with your fucking pajeets! Go shit in your street!


Blair Cottrell: I’ve got an interesting take on this question before we sign off. We’ve been streaming for a couple of hours now. And my chair, this chair is really hurting my arse tonight. I think I did a bit of a glute workout in addition to doing quads earlier, and it must be that, that’s, like, causing me this pain.


But anyway, when I was 15, like, one of the first girlfriends I ever had, because she came onto me so strongly, and I was just responsive, I was like:


“Yeah, okay.”


I think she was part Indonesian. And you said before that people, it might be appropriate to bully people who are sort of like, dating outside their race and so forth.


But I can tell you it wasn’t being bullied that made me question what I was doing with this girl back then. It was being congratulated by some random staff member at a cafe that we went to in Southland. I think I took her on a date or something, and because I was so White, some Leftist staffer at this cafe went out of her way to come and congratulate us on being like, such a “modern couple”. She said:


“Because you two look so different, it’s really nice to see two people who are so different together.”


And I felt so sickened that I was recognised and being, like, congratulated for that! The relationship didn’t last much longer after that. I just came up with reasons not to go out with her anymore. I didn’t want to be recognised and congratulated by some modern culture whore for my choice in mates. Like that, to me, didn’t sit well with me.


In the same way that the praise of my public school teachers didn’t sit very well with me either. I didn’t like the pat on the back, the:


“Well done Blair! The good boy for doing what you’re told and doing what we want you to do.”


It’s like, that was what made me react in an opposite fashion.


So what I’m saying is, bullying doesn’t work for everyone. If I was bullied or teased for being with that girl, I probably would have stuck it out longer just in spite of the bullying, you know what I’m saying?


So I think everyone develops at their own rate. And I think we shouldn’t get too emotional when we see someone who might be dressing a certain way or going through a certain phase or dating someone that we think they shouldn’t be dating. It’s not really for us to say, right? You got to respect the person’s autonomy, and you got to realise that they’re, …


Joel Davis: No! You don’t have to respect people’s autonomy. Fuck their autonomy! Who gives a shit!


Blair Cottrell: No, people. You want autonomy, right? You want people to respect your autonomy. How would you feel if someone was like:


“No, you’re not allowed to fucking date that girl!”


You’d be like:


“Fuck you! I’m going to do what I want!”




So they’re going to respond the same. That’s why bullying doesn’t work on most people. If you tell someone, …


Joel Davis: It does work. If you have a guy that’s, like, an ugly, like, they’re dating a pajeet chick or some gook chick, or some White woman she’s dating, like, a black guy, …


Blair Cottrell: But if you shame them, …


Joel Davis: If you shame, you shame them, I think they do feel like, I don’t think they go off, …


Blair Cottrell: I can only speak for myself. If I was shamed because of my choice of mate, I would stay with that person longer, just in spite of the person who was shaming me.


And I think some people will respond that way.


So what I’m saying is probably just keep your comments to yourselves and let the person figure it out for themselves. Because circumstances will develop, and they will figure it out for themselves. Unless they’re completely stupid, in which case, it’s no great loss to the race anyway, right?


So I don’t really think it’s appropriate to be saying anything.





Joel Davis: Well, I think the way that he said it seems pathetic! But, like, in other instances, like, remember that video? Have you seen it of the White woman? And she’s like, shaming. She’s like a kind of older lady on the train in Australia, and she’s like, shaming this guy that has a Asian missus. And it’s like:


“Oh, like, you’re pathetic! Like, you couldn’t get a White girl to fuck you! Like, you’re a loser!”


That was funny. Thought that was quite funny!


So I think the thing is with shaming as well. Shaming isn’t just about trying to change their behaviour. It’s also about everyone that sees the shaming, that impacts them in some way. It’s like:


“Oh, I wouldn’t want to be like, that person.”


You know what I mean?:


“I wouldn’t want to be shamed. I wouldn’t want to feel that shame that they’re feeling. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like, I actually agree. Like, that’s disgusting!”


You know what I mean?


Blair Cottrell: I do understand there’s pros and cons either way, I suppose it all depends on the person. Everyone’s gonna react differently to shame, bullying, reinforcement, congratulations. Like I said, I didn’t like being congratulated. I think when I was congratulated, it used to, like, send a shiver down my spine. And I used to think that maybe I should do the opposite of what I’ve been congratulated for. I don’t want the praise of people.


Joel Davis: It’s like, a classy, Anglo way to shame, too. Like:


“Oh, like what? What a modern relationship. Oh, you guys are just so cute together, how you’re so different!”


That’s kind of, like a way to, like, mind fuck shame them. Like, in a certain way. You know? Like, even that it’s even a subject at all!


So, yeah, I see what you’re saying. Like, it’s all about context. Going around being a spurg, just trying to, like, shame people in general in public. You know, it definitely might have the opposite effect at times. It can be based. You have to do it in a certain way.


But I just objected to this idea that we have to respect race. I don’t have any respect for people who are doing objectively wrong things. Like, should we respect the autonomy of heroin addicts?:


“Well, it’s their life. They want to do heroin. It’s up to them!”


I don’t know. I don’t think we should respect sees.


Blair Cottrell: What can you actually do, though? It’s not within your power, really, to actually stop a heroin addict taking heroin? Just like it’s not really within your power to stop people race mixing, you’re saying, …


Joel Davis: I can express my opinion, I can express my view. I could. I can. I can say:


“Well, that’s shameful. I shun you!”


I can express disgust and, like a kind of exclusionary sentiment. Like society is built around, you know, behaviours that are tolerated and not tolerated.


Like, there was a time in not too long ago, a few generations ago, where a White person who got into a relationship with a non-White person, they would be shunned from many aspects of polite society. They’d be a shame when their family and a lot of their friends would stop talking to them. And that had an impact. That had a real impact. So, like, shame, …


Blair Cottrell: People seem to be more moved by sort of our negative expressions in that regard. All we need to do is look at, you know, pandemic process and those vaccine injections. I mean, the main reason people went and got vaccinated, one of the main reasons is because they were being shamed. I think probably the main reason was threat of job loss and not being able to pay your bills and make ends meet.


But I think shaming and bullying played a big role there as well. And the best results in governing the human race in terms of what recent history is showing us is the best results come with violence and terror. [chuckling] So I think people are more moved by those negative expressions.


So when I’m suggesting that maybe we pay respect to people’s autonomy and hope that people will come to the right conclusion in their own time, it’s probably wishful thinking on my. On my behalf, but I’m only suggesting that we treat people as I would want to be treated, you see?


Joel Davis: I agree with you there. Going around being a sperg and expressing your, … Like I see race mixed couples all the time. If I went around and was like and expressed my opinion at random strangers all the time, that would be kind of ridiculous! Obviously, I don’t do that. But I’m just saying in principle I don’t respect their autonomy either. I don’t in principle give a shit about their autonomy. I just choose. I just see it as a waste of energy to say anything. But sometimes I’m in the mood and I just say “yuck!”, when I walk by blair Cottrell: There’s definitely still a layer of shame that is upheld kind of instinctively by the average working White family. Like most parents will say:


“I don’t care if my child becomes gay. I’ll still love them.”


Most boomer parents:


“I don’t care if my child brings home someone of a different race. That’s their decision.”


They say that, but beneath those words, in the core of their being, they still hope and pray that their child won’t go gay or won’t bring home someone of another race. And there is that underlying disappointment, the tone of disappointment if their child ever does anything like that.


So there is still an organic, intrinsic shaming process that does take place, which I think is part of, I suppose you could call it the natural instinct for collective self preservation being expressed by the parents.


But it’s definitely not very explicit. There’s nothing explicit about this shame. It’s very, … There’s an undertone of it, but you really have to be intuitive to feel it and notice it.


And I think a lot of children probably miss it and don’t even understand that their parents are disappointed when they are. So yeah, like, we’ll close this subject off, though, I suppose, and think about ending the stream.


I was going to bring up a question and, you know what it is, but we’ll do it next week because I want to get Tom in on it as well, to see what he says. We’ll do that next Thursday.


Joel Davis: I’m trying to look up the study because there was a study that was done on how even in our anti-racist society that mixed race couples still, like, solicit negative reactions from the average person.


Blair Cottrell: They do. That’s basically what I’m trying to say. The average person, it doesn’t even have to be a family member. The average member of your extended ethnic community will still express an underlying tone of disappointment and dissatisfaction when they see you race mixing.


Joel Davis: They wouldn’t even admit it to themselves explicitly, perhaps, but it would just be like, almost like an instinct.


Blair Cottrell: It’s very intrinsic, like I said, not explicit, but it’s very. I don’t know, how do we say. It’s kind of like a holistic thing. You need to be intuitive to feel it and notice it, as I said. But it’s definitely there.


Joel Davis: No, yeah, you’re right about that. I think that’s 100% true.


But we were talking about the, … So to conclude the subject and then we’ll finish the show.


It’ll be interesting to see if this Muslim party, if they can get it off the ground. I hope that they do, just because of the meta-political ramifications of it. I think it would be quite interesting story and would, I think, provoke good reactions from White Australians who would view it as threatening as they should.


But, yeah, I’m sceptical of whether the Muslims actually have the wherewithal to get their shit together. It probably won’t end up materializing into much, really.


Blair Cottrell: Let me say this, let me say this. They’ll be really easy to subvert. If the Muslims do try to sort of become this kind of fifth column in politics and split the Labour Party up, it’s going to be really easy for certain interested groups and agencies to get into the Muslim communities and turn them against each other and prevent that from happening. They’re really aggressive, passionate, easy to stir up people. So I’d be surprised if they actually did get their shit together and split the Labour Party up. But we’ll see. Time will tell.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, I hope. So and they do have that one Muslim Senator who broke ranks, and so they’ve got something to build on. And it does just show, like the Islam versus jew thing, like Labour wants to suck off the jews and suck off the Muslims at the same time, but they can’t. You know, it’s a contradiction. They ultimately can’t.


And there’s that fundamental instability with trying to build this massive multiethnic alliance against Whites, which is that all these different groups have their own issues with one another and their own individual interests that don’t always align. And so there’s all these fracture points in that alliance. And as that kind of breaks up and comes up to the surface, I think it’s a good thing to see.


So, yeah, we’ll be watching developments and keep an eye on it, and we’ll obviously talk about it on the show if it materialises into anything, it should make, make things interesting. And, yeah, I guess we’ll be back next week to analyze what’s happened.


But also, by the way, I don’t know why I didn’t mention this already. So Tom was on the show with Elijah Schaffer. It was on Censored dot TV, which is paywalled. Clips got spread around on Twitter and stuff.


If you want to watch the whole show, if you go to Telegram and you go to The Joel and Blair Show archive channel. So The Joel and Blair Show archive channel is, the link is Joel and Blair. Not only will you find audio versions of every episode of this show so that you can listen to it on Telegram, but there’s also the full version of the interview by Elijah of Tom shared in there. So you can if you want to watch, if you haven’t seen it, you can find it there.


But, yeah, go and subscribe to the Telegram so you can get audio versions of our show each week for your listening pleasure. And yeah, I guess, uh. Ready to sign off, Blair?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. Choose your propaganda, my friends. This is good propaganda we’re giving to you right now. So there’s good propaganda and there’s bad propaganda. Choose the good stuff. Choose our stuff!


It’s been a good show. Had some good Superchats, great engagement. Viewer base keeps increasing. It’s really exciting. So thanks, guys. Thanks for tuning in. We’ll see you all next week.












Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 7/7/2024 = 670)
(Latest at top)

9 hours ago
Worth noting that the bastard mixed offspring of these mispairings will go on to mostly miscegenate with Whites. Miscegenation leads to more miscegenation.

17 hours ago
Elijah Schafer was called out yesterday by a prominent WN as an ethnic jew. If it is true, it is not an insignificant detail.
If it is true, let’s hope the Aussie boys will not fall into the eternal trap of “letting one termite in” in order to gain media advantage.
The fault of the Aryan is letting his guard down with the jew to gain some sort of short-term gain that usually turns out to be more
nuisance than gain. It is the pattern we see throughout history that has led to our situation again today.
Sorry I couldn’t put this in a superchat. Prenez-garde, gents

19 hours ago
Tom is correct overall about the Russian Federation (RF, official name, not “Russia”) and Ukraine. But he overestimates the potential for White Nationalism in the RF. The sheer damage of zombification and inverse selection by 100years of bolshevism is underrated, similar miscalculation Germans did in early 1940s (the reports on Russian recruits who joined the Germans to fight against bolshevism, complete biomass before the training – true, quickly recovered but had been totally demoralised)The bolshevist genocide killed 100 mln Russians in 20 cetury. The Russians don’t even use the Russian language now, they use the abridged by bolsheviks version.Those white Russians who Tom thinks will return to discover their homeland overrun by asians and rise up – they went to Ukraine when their home cities had been already overrun by them. Putin opened the floodgates about 5 years into power, 18 years ago. They went to Ukraine to “fight nazis” (in addition to poverty, average wages $200-300/month in the RF). The Soviet “peoples’ friendship,” multinationalism, is part of their, their fathers’ and grandfathers’ “We defeated German Fascists” cult, it’s a state religion. The Russians had been totally stripped of their national and racial sense.
Tom doesn’t have the correct numbers – not hundreds of thousands of foreign Asians in Russian cities but tens of mlns. There are 40 mln muslims in the RF, and it’s rapidly growing. The population of the RF is 60%White (80% 20 years ago), Moscow is 30% White. The white population in the RF has been decreasing 1 mln annually. Moscow has the largest mosque in the world after Mecca, new, and they are building the second one, 6 times larger.
3ndly, Tom perhaps underestimates the race-mixing effect of the Soviet Union. Lots of those Russians at the frontline have some asian grandpa, etc.
4ly, the de-nordisation of the Russian (and Ukrainian) nation. Those whites left aren’t nordic enough.


23 hours ago
[Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

1 day ago
Fuck the muslim vote. Australia for the White Man!

1 day ago
To be quoted as saying such wonderful things, even by lowly kayak journalists ..
you’re living the life, dude!

1 day ago
Enjoyed the discussion at the end about the ethics of shaming. Oh, and that intro is a gem. Could we have a little sign-off as well?

1 day ago
Hail our volk🫳🏻🤚🏻🫳🏻

1 day ago
I would also like to state, last summer I saw this chubby white girl with a big fat black guy outside a bar and I barked at them very loudly from across the street “GROSS! GROSS! GROSS!” and they immediately stopped laughing and were looking at me and looked curiously at one another after. Two weeks ago I saw an attractive white female with a groid and I commented “yuck disgusting” when they passed me and I saw her walking away from him and he kept trying to follow her and she kept walking faster. I didn’t follow long enough (only a few minutes) before I changed direction from where she was headed to know what resulted. Maybe I should have tried to swoop her up.


1 day ago
When you speak of miscegenation you should include the fact that mixed kids are more unhealthy in general and if they fall ill they will likely never be able to find an organ donor or be able to receive a blood transfusion.

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1 day ago
They seem more violent and have more of the nonwhite characteristics.

2 days ago

No problem. It happens with just text all the time.

2 days ago


2 days ago

Ah sorry misunderstood

2 days ago

And do shouldn’t you then make sure you take care of yourself so you can better live for England.

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago


2 days ago

2 days ago

Well, I’m not saying to go out and talk to every person. I thought what I said would imply being social with things a person is already interested.


2 days ago
Stay White


2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago


2 days ago
cheers chaps


2 days ago
thanks joel and blair o/

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago


2 days ago
but yeah shit’s getting serious ill sese you lil niggers in ukraine.

2 days ago

Or the realization there is no future.


2 days ago
and beer

2 days ago
It is on Odysee


2 days ago

my life is for england

2 days ago
The philipino and the mexican…

2 days ago

And they do. Too much. A lot of addiction and general anti-social behavior stems from lack of care for one’s own life.


2 days ago
The only reason for race mixng in the past was rape from a group defeat.. It signals subjugation


2 days ago
probably put it back up


2 days ago

Be cautious, being sociable often means conforming to the engineered society.


2 days ago
the world is slightly better

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago
🔥🔥repost🔥🔥 and like the Twitter if you can please!


2 days ago
i am sociable i ripped trans flag?

2 days ago

What does that have to do with becoming more sociable?

2 days ago
White Australians is redundant


2 days ago
It’s a visceral response.


2 days ago

every race and people should (in their OWN FUCKING COUNTRIES)


2 days ago

I reject many retarded women.

2 days ago

There are a lot of White people that need to love themselves.


2 days ago
It is worse genocide than violent war


2 days ago

no i am good looking i get so many retarded woman


2 days ago
Race mixing is genocide

2 days ago


2 days ago
we not robots

2 days ago

In fact, a lonely person will first have to earn to be more sociable to even meet a possible partner.


2 days ago
and we all human and need love


2 days ago
yeah but if people are going to go on the internet and say stuff its hard to operate in society

2 days ago
Hybrids are popular at the dog shelters

2 days ago
the younger ones see ads on tv and they think its normal

2 days ago

Not every person is going to get married and have kids. That’s reality. While I do empathize with someone not having any partner. That doesn’t mean it should make them lonely.

2 days ago

No one ever in their life will met someone they agree with on everything, not even twins with their own sibling.

2 days ago
asians are what we want white women to be

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2 days ago
Our folklore and mythology is full of stories of formidable women, but they are always recognisable as women, rejoicing in their proficiency in feminine pursuits, imcluding deceiving and punishing their husbands unfortunatley. The problem is our folklore is suited to life in more or less homogeneous European nations. Multi-racial societies necessitate a very tight rein on women to maintain the race, totally at odds with our ways, and this is why living in them is so poisonous to our race spirit.


2 days ago
ah least you wised up

2 days ago
equality is for leftist fags


2 days ago
yeah man lol

2 days ago

quiet fool

2 days ago
oh nauur cannot pay tax

2 days ago
It’s actually quite funny to do. You see a white girl with a island nigger at the supermarket and you give her that disgusting look and watch the look on her face, she knows what she’s done wrong.

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1 day ago
In the US, mixers will think it’s funny. They like getting attention and upsetting people. When they have or adopt a brown baby, they parade it around, making sure everyone sees it.

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1 day ago
hmmm not good.

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1 day ago
The normies in the states are far different. Most conservatives here are all for adopting nonwhites and race-mixing. They always promote themselves as “not a racist!”. The US is becoming horrendously nonwhite.

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1 day ago
Can’t be any worse than NZ. Try it, it works even in the most extreme faggot nigger loving kike controlled hell hole in the world.

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1 day ago
It’s so sad. NZ is such a beautiful country. It’s sad the leaders want to give it back to the Maori. These white leaders are mentally ill.

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1 day ago
Yeah (((white leaders)))…..

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1 day ago
Yeah, ours are traitors. Ruined our nation.

1 day ago
“It’s sad the leaders want to give it back to the Maori.”
oh no they dont want to give it back to them, they want to take the power for themselves by pretending to be shitskins. same shit happens in australia too. you will see these same people speak against dna testing for shitskin benefits because they know they would get found out.

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1 day ago
In the US, there’s no testing for “native americans” and there’s low life whites with some alleged minute amount of their blood, collecting monthly benefits. That is the same guilt trip they’ve hung on the US. We won the land, fair and square, and even paid for certain land purchases. We don’t owe them anything.

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1 day ago
“In the US, there’s no testing for “native americans”
just a standard DNA test will tell you very precisely your ethnicity. ive been DNA tested by the hospital to ensure i didnt have genetic problems in my dna, they found out that because my mothers side had a genetic issue but my fathers side didnt i didnt share that issue. loads of people would have already been dna tested as part of blood tests and the like so it would be simple to database it but then people wouldnt be able to lie and hide behind fake siberian-indian ancestry…
“We won the land, fair and square,”
this is yet another trap the enemy set out for us, no one put the dirt there, no one ever owns it… walking over a piece of land then demanding you somehow own it is the height of theft… Whites built the nation exclusively for Whites. its the value on top of the “dirt”…
Stone Age Europeans were first native Americans
The Mystery of the First Americans (Oct 2000) [Kennewick Man][real native americans].

whats more is that these shitskins who want to genocide us can never repay us for what we have already given them, mostly for free. they have technology their people could never have discovered if not for us and there are still packs of niggers in africa who cant even grasp how to use the wheel today after we introduced it to them hundreds of years ago…
A Case for Reparations by The Alternative Hypothesis


1 day ago
“They like getting attention and upsetting people.”
yes dont get upset, get disgusted. they despise that because it bursts their virtue signalling bubble. you see it all the time with these white women who have nigglets and the shame they feel and the fact none of them can get a man any more.


1 day ago
Maybe they’ll think it’s less funny when they get spat at


2 days ago
some people are lonely and just need love we alll humans but should stay in own countries

2 days ago

Way ahead of ya on that, haha.


2 days ago

dont agree

2 days ago
stop race mixing by shipping the bing bongs back to china


2 days ago
Look at race mixers in disgust when you see them

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1 day ago
That’s a given with me.

2 days ago
Ones I’ve known

2 days ago
Most of the White men who got the “Yellow Fever” got over it inside of a year or two.

2 days ago
some follower will respond better to bullying

2 days ago
its called wisdom

2 days ago
normalise shaming race mixing


2 days ago

well i was just telling you guys so you avoid my mistakes

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago

2 days ago

“You’re just like your bloody father” isn’t a phrase heard by every child in a single mother’s household here by accident.

2 days ago
you wont will you just type harder you twat

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago

2 days ago
The tattoo thing with young women now needs to end. Literally no male I work with has one. EVERY FEMALE does. And not just one tattoo. Like at least 10 each. On their necks and arms and hands.

2 days ago

2 days ago
I will fight Blair if he tries to fuck the massive titty chink

2 days ago
Just givingthem a disgusted look is all you need to do


2 days ago
say it in person

2 days ago

wtf did you say?

2 days ago

Like father like son, like mother like daughter. Your offspring is the person you mated with.

2 days ago
her mum;s a massive cunt though

2 days ago
she’s so pretty

2 days ago
blonde hair english girl blue eyes (worth it)

2 days ago
I took about 5 or 6 times of my dad trying to tell me about some black guy on TV or whatever touching on some of our talking points. I would just keep telling him, “I don’t care. Stop letting nons be the ones that you wait to hear from to confirm what you already know to be true.”


2 days ago
I saw a massive chubby Chinese with massive tits and ass bouncingly jogging

2 days ago
20 years of child support survivor here x

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1 day ago
I’m the child of a single mother who wanted chlid support and never got it. Makes me very apprehensive of women in general, not sure how you go about filtering the good ones who would be worthy of procreating with other than seeing how many notches are in their belt.

2 days ago

Men don’t breed here anymore, degenerates do. Unsurprising in a society engineered for R selection rather than K selection

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1 day ago
Could you explain what R selection and K selection is? Never heard of it.

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1 day ago
In a nut shell, breeding because you can verses breeding the best you can.

1 day ago
Also note this was a live stream comment, the context of which I made it was subject to the timely content in the stream itself. Without the timestamp of when I said it in relation to the stream the context is lost.

2 days ago
but yeah niggers are a different species

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1 day ago
19% ghost DNA.

2 days ago

facifist photoshopping himself a German girl..

2 days ago
oh yeah white girls are the best (and he worst)

2 days ago
hahaha pajeets taking Aryan women hahahaha

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1 day ago
I’ve seen it once last summer. She was an attractive girl kept inching closer to me until she was right by me, but I was so disgusted by that fact and she was wearing a mask I wouldn’t risk it. Who knows what happens to you if you poke a girl who took those shots.

2 days ago

the percent of neanderthal in whites is much lower tho

2 days ago
also my dad was manly

2 days ago

they didnt engineer me i have my own opinions

Strength & Honour by The Grace of God.⚡️⚡️Patient, Present and Deliberate. \o
2 days ago

Strength & Honour by The Grace of God.⚡️⚡️Patient, Present and Deliberate. \o
2 days ago
I saw that

2 days ago
wheres this video

2 days ago
Bunnings will sell japanese sexrobots before pajeets rapebots

2 days ago
asians n Aryans both have a common ancestry with Neanderthal DNA, other races like nogs are completely different hominids


2 days ago
The jews have engineered society to be dysgenic, they have done this to NZ for centuries. 1887 and 1938 two key moments of NZ’s dysgenics. What’s the point in breeding whites when the output is nigger whites. It took just 2 generations of that in NZ to completely fucking destroy the country


2 days ago
(im taking the piss)

2 days ago
any holes a goal mate

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1 day ago
Sounds like you don’t have options.

2 days ago
Asian and White are basically the same species

2 days ago
they both have a high % of neanderthal DNA

2 days ago
race mixers are biologically broken


2 days ago
its jews

2 days ago

i dont think gooks are the enemy tbqh

2 days ago
and NOT feel the need*

2 days ago
chinks are stealthy like jews

2 days ago

Yea, he was great. I’m just saying I wish more regular Whites were the ones saying it and feel the need to hear it from a non for them to feel comfortable saying it.

2 days ago


2 days ago
Joel mad because he never hava happy ending

2 days ago
or the chink that can do algerbra in her head

2 days ago
lol yes

2 days ago
should someone date the fat english girl with the trans flag laying on he bench outside the pub

Strength & Honour by The Grace of God.⚡️⚡️Patient, Present and Deliberate. \o
2 days ago
monkeys 😂😂

2 days ago

2 days ago
LOL joel

2 days ago
Someone in chat said 1/3 of asians had genes for a soul. I don’t believe that is true.

2 days ago
It’s kind of childish.

2 days ago
Blair likes some meat on dems bones

2 days ago
a sheila that can carry a slab

2 days ago

yeah but still tho i thought he was a nice guy i have a few asian friends even in londanistan

2 days ago
blair had his share

2 days ago
possible yes, but one is clearly observable, just look at divorce statistics, who initiates them all, who uses Gov as weapon etc


2 days ago

Yea…Not enough though for me to care. I don’t care if any non-Whites speak for us. I won’t counter signal it. I just want Whites to be the ones saying it.


2 days ago
also they come from conservative background

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago
🔥🔥repost🔥🔥 and like the Twitter if you can please!

2 days ago

Both are possible at the same time

Strength & Honour by The Grace of God.⚡️⚡️Patient, Present and Deliberate. \o
2 days ago
“ohhh so creamy”

2 days ago
you are doing your kids dirty if you race mix


2 days ago
but we need our own countries for sure

2 days ago
The reason some men find Asians, especially the Japanese women, attractive is that behave feminine.

2 days ago

Haha, oh well.

2 days ago
oh the old “it’s all these weak men” rather than maybe White women are mostly toxic and destructive

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1 day ago
We are certainly both to blame.

1 day ago
It comes down to whether we are raised with fundamental and traditional values and are protected to some extent from imbibing escalating media and pedagogical leftism. Exposure to traditional stories a la Lord of the Rings but really anything from the 1960s or earlier, devoid of sexual degeneracy, is critical. Young adult fiction lis literal poison injected into the minds of young women. Demoralisation is the main weapon against men.

2 days ago
i really dont dislike asians

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1 day ago
Me neither. They are the only other race I think we can work with.

2 days ago


2 days ago
Yellow fever is spread by mozzies

2 days ago

yeah man there was that asian dude who was on youtube saying enough is enough leave white people alone

2 days ago

European men don’t need nor should want a rice cooker.

2 days ago
yellow fever

2 days ago
don’t drill the rice

2 days ago
because they look youthful which is a sign of fertility

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1 day ago
Asians are very neotenous.

Show reply
2 days ago

But even then, some of them are smart enough to see through the bullshit.

2 days ago
feminine and cooperative – less likely to divorce, steal kids n divorce-rape men

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1 day ago
I’ve been looking at the records of women I know who have been divorced and am pleasantly surprised by the fact that they amicably agreed not to divorce rape their ex-husband and of the ones that I know who have kids were fair in their sharing/caring for the child. Perhaps this is turning around slightly with millennial aged females? I will need to see a larger sample size.

Hardarr Enwurd
2 days ago

China does. Their leadership has promised a hundred years for every year of the century of humiliation.

2 days ago
Blair you dated a asain girl in your early days.. you should know

2 days ago


2 days ago

sry its no wuckas instead of no worries lol

2 days ago
Chinese aspire to be Jews.

Why does China admire the Jews?

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1 day ago
Communism started in China thanks to jews like Sydney Rittenberg. I’m not surprised. But I’ve been seeing many Chinese speaking out against jews lately.

Show reply

2 days ago
It is their durability

2 days ago

Oh they do if they attend a Western university.

Dawn Browning
2 days ago

2 days ago


2 days ago
asians dont have a religion that says we are evil and should be killed and destroyed

Strength & Honour by The Grace of God.⚡️⚡️Patient, Present and Deliberate. \o
2 days ago
“eating Asian pussy all I need is sweet and sour sauce” – Ye

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1 day ago
All I can say is, never eat African pussy. Smelliest pussy slime I’ve ever experienced. Iranian, Native American, not bad but still not European.

2 days ago

wtf lol

Hardarr Enwurd
2 days ago
China functions via theft

2 days ago
at least when you make mongrel dogs you can trade in a chinese takeaway, can you do that with human hybrids?

2 days ago
tbh i am a degenerae asshole i had to many women

2 days ago
I don’t think asians are too fond of browns though either.

Strength & Honour by The Grace of God.⚡️⚡️Patient, Present and Deliberate. \o
2 days ago

2 days ago
Animal shelter kids?

Strength & Honour by The Grace of God.⚡️⚡️Patient, Present and Deliberate. \o
2 days ago
I know a white European guy with an Asian wife and she makes his life miserable


2 days ago
i think she was half polak

2 days ago
considering how most women have chosen to side with jews, asian women are just more feminine, that has an impact

2 days ago
Thats Dutton correct? Looks like a hapa to me

2 days ago

2 days ago
Just a good White woman would do for me. Can’t be picky nowadays.

2 days ago
although messy

2 days ago

i had one and she was nice

2 days ago


Strength & Honour by The Grace of God.⚡️⚡️Patient, Present and Deliberate. \o
2 days ago
do NOT RACE MIX !!!!!

2 days ago
I need me an Aussie woman, that’d be sick

2 days ago
Islanders seem to be really nice to white people and savages to other islanders

2 days ago
so everything is basically mathmatics

2 days ago
have you SEEN Aussie white women lately??

2 days ago
speaking of McKee, he has happa children lol

2 days ago
The gentle cannibal

2 days ago
and then math

2 days ago
Waifu Waffen

2 days ago
because genetics is chemstry and chemistry is physics

2 days ago
Pacific Islanders are fucking savages.

2 days ago
I jsut call them hybrids or mongrel scum

2 days ago
its all physics at the end of the day innit

2 days ago
Ive always found half asian whites to be extremely annoying

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1 day ago
Yeah they are really annoying to look at if they have some European characteristics. Most times they just look Asian though and I couldn’t tell the difference.

2 days ago
happa is a Hawaiian word

2 days ago
It is some hawaian shit

2 days ago
We’re so multi cultural that there are several ethnic area’s in the workplace’s lunch room.

2 days ago
well everything is downstream from genetics. then race etc

2 days ago

No worries. I’ve used and know of.

2 days ago
like some kind of ethnic chimera

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago

2 days ago

lol yup

2 days ago
No fucking worries I imagine ,

2 days ago
england is so fucked bros there are trans flags everywhere and people are mind controlled as fuck. they couldve been nice decent people but somehow they’ve turned into demons

2 days ago

no fuckin’ worries?

2 days ago

2 days ago

I’ve not heard that phrase before either.

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
We’ll have Racial Parties.

2 days ago


2 days ago

it’s a play on No Wucken Furries

2 days ago
Australia for the WHITE MAN

2 days ago
if i want kageroos in england am i a traitor?

Hide replies

1 day ago
Probably. You wouldn’t want to see those things when you’re driving.

Strength & Honour by The Grace of God.⚡️⚡️Patient, Present and Deliberate. \o
2 days ago

2 days ago


2 days ago
Oh ok. I’m American so forgive my ignorance.

2 days ago
Mass deportasians

2 days ago
no worries

2 days ago

No Worries

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago

2 days ago


2 days ago
NO Muslims

2 days ago
What does Thomas’s shirt mean?

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
Diane Abacus

2 days ago
Private Schools are generally superior

2 days ago
his dad made tools lol

2 days ago
Crony Blair

2 days ago
and raped like 1000 kids

2 days ago
who fucked dead bodies on morgues

2 days ago
he;s a faggot who let off jimmy saville

2 days ago

2 days ago
the united kingdom of great britain and northern island is fucked

2 days ago

2 days ago
Send them all to Greenland and change it to Brownland and don’t let them ever go more than 10 miles off the land in the air or sea.

2 days ago
fuck yeah tom

2 days ago

2 days ago
is that Sandra Sully?

2 days ago

said he will be vooting after all n just writing treasonous cvnts on the ballot…

2 days ago
I’m mostly Englsih and I say kiull them all

2 days ago

2 days ago

and the increase in the non white population is due to advances in agricultural and medical sciences originating from white people

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
Mark’s on form with all Anglospere.

2 days ago
i am english and its gonna suck balls

2 days ago
Mark has said his stuff

2 days ago
its just the civilisational wheel turning

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago
🔥🔥repost🔥🔥 and like the Twitter if you can please!


2 days ago

we need kangeroos in england deport then here

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
Mark Collett

2 days ago
just leave them alone fucking zioinist TWATS

2 days ago

2 days ago

Of course. India gets just about as much AID from the US each year as Israel. Billions. Without our AID. Africa, the ME, South America. They would be 1/10th of the population they have now.


2 days ago
absolutely disgusting volks


2 days ago


2 days ago
i had a muslamic person ask me what i thought about gaza and i said its disgusting and it makes me sad to see it

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
I’ve never liked Farage. He’s a fork-tongued Showman

2 days ago
Because some pajeet on X said some retarded comment to me, I looked up how White the world was in 1950. It was 75%. I knew it obviously was much higher than now, but holy shit. 75% to 6%. After the boomers die off, what will it be? Three percent? Two?

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1 day ago
Where did you find that? I’ve heard 30% hard to believe 75%

Show reply

2 days ago
reform “sponsered by pfizer”

2 days ago
royally and truly fucked

2 days ago
Blair’s audio setup is pretty crisp

2 days ago
He is a gay poofter

2 days ago
blair just likes focusing on spanian

2 days ago
i think we’re fucked

Hide replies

1 day ago
I used to think that way as well. My identity used to be very correlated with my music preferences as well. Now, I can barely tolerate any form of art and my identity is more open to being around country music loving folks and normal people. We’ll be fine, history proves this, let’s not forget we can’t rest on our laurels.

2 days ago
Did you know that carbon sequestration is good for politcians?

2 days ago
we all anglos dude

2 days ago
Already established by the current governmetn

2 days ago
or just one volcano…

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
I love this here “WE” re Britain. Focus on Canada next.

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago
🔥🔥repost🔥🔥 and like the Twitter if you can please!

2 days ago
ONE NATION is pure clown

2 days ago
i used to work that before i got kicked out because they are faggot s

2 days ago
legally and fast

2 days ago
he worked in the City trading

2 days ago
hang him

2 days ago
Nigel was proud for destorying the BNP

2 days ago


2 days ago
this is the ratcheting of the Overton window


2 days ago
my dad was manly

2 days ago
pretty sure this was Nigel’s ancestor

2 days ago
He may direct things our way, but he must hang as a traitor

2 days ago
my dad’s party

2 days ago
he destryed he BNP

2 days ago
Nigel isa traitor

2 days ago
yeah thats why i ripped down the fag flag and got banned from the stupid pub

2 days ago

2 days ago
If some fag says woke, sya it is jewish, in whatever way works


2 days ago
it dont look like mary poppins anymore

2 days ago
fucking east london is cleared of us

2 days ago
woke = jewish


2 days ago
looks like an old blair

2 days ago
based cockney cunt

2 days ago
nigel farage:

2 days ago
no lie

2 days ago
great point Thomas, they only sided with the soviets just to go against the US who was occupying their country

2 days ago


2 days ago
Wait Trudeau’s father spoke some truths about niggers and communism?

2 days ago
Nigel is just badly spelt nig,,,,

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago
🔥🔥repost🔥🔥 and like the Twitter if you can please!

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago
would you rape him?

2 days ago

2 days ago
he should go on the lotus eaters

2 days ago

2 days ago
More gay than milo

2 days ago
except if you’re jewish redacted

2 days ago
that suit screams gay

2 days ago
CivNat Farage, cringe

2 days ago
MLK bullshit

2 days ago
lol poofter

2 days ago
you can literally commit crime in london (i dont) and nothing happens

2 days ago


Dawn Browning
2 days ago
Farage is like the chick in that there movie who runs away from her weddings

2 days ago
when the fridge light comes on…

Hide replies
1 day ago
That looks fake

2 days ago
Nigel is a queer Trump

2 days ago
its all fake

2 days ago
Nigel farage has been a cuck since day 1,it’s been obvious !

2 days ago
farrage looking like crap these days gay suit too

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago
Renting seems like the cohering principle of the “stakeholder economy.”

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago
I hate niggles

2 days ago
Blair playing WoW hahaha nice

2 days ago
i been drinking since i was 14 and i still look like a greek god

2 days ago
VARG POINTING lets find out

2 days ago

2 days ago
Blair, use free Open Source software n OS’s


2 days ago
Biospirit but how much biofuel do they have?

2 days ago

beer is good

2 days ago


2 days ago
I kind of get the subscription model with software because pirating is so rampant

2 days ago
More time, more footy and beer for most, …

2 days ago

I don’t doubt that! I asked about him cause I’ll run into him on Twitter spaces here and there. I asked him about Thomas and NSN and he acted like they had interacted with each other before

2 days ago
i only click on links in 4chan

2 days ago

2 days ago
you’ll own nothing

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago
Follow Joel on twitter and Blair, Tom on (telegram)


2 days ago

You didnt see the full picture! She threw it to the floor and did a sieg heil

2 days ago
linux mint niggers

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1 day ago
I suggest changing over to Manjaro the pacman software manager is way better.

2 days ago

Dunno, McKee is pretty niche.

2 days ago

2 days ago
Few people are even capable of thinking, thanks to selective breeding programs like that applied here in NZ in 1938

2 days ago
what? One Nation will totally save us!

2 days ago

2 days ago
we’re so fucked bros

2 days ago
and he’s raising his kids as jews

2 days ago
but do you know if Thomas does?***

2 days ago
keir starmers wife is jewish

2 days ago

2 days ago
Michael is a strong and beautiful woman

2 days ago

and that’s cool, you been a fan of Sewell for awhile? Joel said he doesn’t know McKee, but don’t know if Thomas does?

2 days ago

is you channel awesome?

Secure the future of our people
2 days ago
🔥🔥repost🔥🔥 and like the Twitter if you can please!

My Awesome Channel
2 days ago
god im thomas sewe

2 days ago
based Putin shills are annoying and won’t listen to evidence

2 days ago
Rand just wanted loot drops

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago
Corn pop was a bad dude

2 days ago
“racial jungle” – Joe

2 days ago
Biden probably hates niggers. He just knows he cant say that.

2 days ago

you an Aussie?

2 days ago

‘muh based putin’ clowns really are clueless. Even when you point out to them he invoked holocaust denial in 2014 (pay careful attention to that date) they just call you a nafo faggot or some retarded this.

2 days ago
Weak women are all over politics these days and they seem to be doing pretty well with the retards

2 days ago
“Back in chains”

2 days ago
Joe forgot

2 days ago
i can’t believe they will run president poopy pants again

2 days ago
“pause for applause”

2 days ago

yeah I know of him

2 days ago
Russia invaded Ukraine because of threatened NATO expansion, i.e., an existential threat to Russia.

2 days ago

yep! he’s so schizo and thinks the entire system is coming after him hahaa

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
Dropping out or droooooping out?

2 days ago

Is McKee that dude who thinks pedos are gang stalking him?

2 days ago
You cant be openly Natsoc in Russia, that is why the Russian Natsocs moved to Ukraine and Belarus

2 days ago
you retards realise putin has built more christian churches in russia than even hitler did? and has almost the same friendship that hitler did with the muslims? i mean ffs hitler literally had meetings with the palestine mufti and also gave india its independence….

Hide replies

1 day ago
Not aware of the latter. But, I’m not a fan of Christianity, going along with the end time prophecies and building the third temple so we can be decapitated isn’t very appealing. Plus how the right is shifting into race doesnt matter only Christian identity is concerning.

Show reply

2 days ago
so what i have to shoot the guy i was chilling with? no thanks

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
Some Russians are horrid. Some are awesome.

My Awesome Channel
2 days ago

My Awesome Channel
2 days ago
you have to see that Thomas have no clue about history or moving forward

2 days ago
he also jails you for saying 5,999,999

2 days ago
Putin is still making it illegal to be against his “Eurasian” diversity ideology

Hide replies

1 day ago
Concerning indeed. Christianity is now a weapon being used against our race.

2 days ago
i was drinking beer with a russian guy he was awesome very nice guy

2 days ago
Ethnoly uncnscious

2 days ago
They’re not going to be coming home to Khazaria, only jews allowed.

2 days ago
Putin and jews want to exterminate White slavs, that has been mostly done.

2 days ago
the people who do it will need to know that there will be two corpses leaving the building

My Awesome Channel
2 days ago
Ur really gay Tom


2 days ago
No after Cronulla you did not have genocide of people like in Ukraine

2 days ago
ill tell you i wont be fucking about if they come put me in a van to die in ukraine

2 days ago
I’ve heard it said the Russia was always an empire, so they’ve had multiple ethnicities to deal with since day 1

2 days ago
i, for one, welcome being conscripted by a hindoo.


2 days ago
Russian Standard vodka symbolizes the struggle of bear and eagle tearing apart the parasite

2 days ago

we’ll see i suppose.

Dawn Browning
2 days ago

We will

2 days ago
i will hide in the jew tunnels

2 days ago
Putin loves his multiculturalism and Islamic mosques

2 days ago
I guess putin just has to offer them another thousand mosques

2 days ago
Putin knows he has no future if he loses the war

2 days ago
i dont think all of us will make the next 10 years

2 days ago
It does seem like an intentional genocide of slavs

2 days ago
Jews behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung in China


2 days ago


2 days ago
Everyone likes a White Russian

2 days ago
In the end the jews win from their forced wars.

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
Nobody seems to want war with China these days. Who will make our desktops?

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1 day ago
Intel is opening a plant in Ohio should be finished in the next 8 years.

2 days ago
Rule 1 no poofters

2 days ago
shits getting serious

2 days ago
sounds based thomas

2 days ago

ZOG vs BOG two sides of the same shekel.

2 days ago
int the newwer movie

2 days ago
or maybe you will see me have a bomb from a russian drone dropped on my head on 4chan

2 days ago

2 days ago
keir starmer can fuck off

2 days ago
they will

2 days ago

Liu Kang??

2 days ago
If ZOG wants war with China that will engineer it.

2 days ago
and no i wont be going fighting there

2 days ago

2 days ago
ukraine is fucked

2 days ago
Was there a japanese in mortal kombat?

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1 day ago
Liu Kang? Original concept sketches for a proposed Midway Games fighting title by artist and lead game designer John Tobias featured a Japanese character named Minamoto Yoshitsune.[5][6] However, according to Tobias, during production of what would become Mortal Kombat, the Midway staff “just couldn’t deal with the name”
If so then Shang Tsung surely is Japanese. The guy who threw his hat I can’t remember his name is likely Japanese.

2 days ago


2 days ago


2 days ago
(((east))) vs (((west))) war has been decades in the making.

2 days ago
The official US view is that Taiwan IS part of China.

2 days ago
at least chinks have a sense of honour (ish)

2 days ago

love mortal kombat haha

2 days ago
they will be touching the great wall of chyna next

2 days ago
I knew Trump was Raiden

2 days ago


2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago
joels a real one. he is a real one.

2 days ago

2 days ago
Trump famously didn’t start war with Iran last time

2 days ago
trump is a shabbos goy mate

2 days ago
trump is for sure in, so get ready white man. we MUST dodge the draft and NOT fight for israe

2 days ago
i BET the plan is making trump look like he clear winner, the ‘steal’ the voot again, they push nutters to kick shit off n then they can enact draconian laws – don’t be surprised

2 days ago
Trump could have drained the swamp

2 days ago
im so done with them

2 days ago
if you are friends with someone why’d they sell you something shit

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
This is why I like how you 3 are being spoken of as being serious of low humour.

2 days ago
CCG is the Bist

2 days ago
they are mind control

2 days ago


2 days ago
yes Joel, Trump is a shoo in for presidency. it’s been obvious for months at this point

2 days ago
one time i bought a bike off a jew and i was too big for it and he convinced me to buy it regardless

2 days ago


2 days ago
hey mr cat man

2 days ago
Joel casually mogging the lactose intolerance mudskins with his milk tisk tisk

2 days ago
same thing

2 days ago
yeah retarded

2 days ago
I can walk into a room of engineers and I would be mediocre, I can walk into a room of biologists and I will be an enemy of hostile morons.


2 days ago

No, it’s jewish

2 days ago

omg that’s retarded.

2 days ago

100% serious, lets say your thesis is about Gaussian random number generation using atomic effects (ie thermal noise) You need to write a section on how it’s going to affect the niggers.

2 days ago
oh by the way my dad owns the company that makes the surgical masks so virus etc wear masks

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
Yuri was 😳

2 days ago
get rekt

2 days ago
Truth is most harmful in biology

2 days ago

2 days ago
also wear blue surgical masks because virus or some shit

2 days ago
also white people bad but race doesnt exist


2 days ago
race doesnt exist but we need ethnic minorities to donate blood

Dawn Browning
2 days ago

You’re gonna ACE it 😉🤣

2 days ago
Biology is low IQ because of political force

2 days ago
fucking clown world mate

2 days ago

2 days ago

are you serious?

2 days ago
speaking biology we need to measure blairs ears

2 days ago
Biology is low iq, that is why I was smarter than them easily

2 days ago
Humility, innit?

2 days ago
Your fucking thesis on a STEM subject these days has to include a section “ethnic and cultural sensitivity” now

2 days ago
deep Blair is best Blair

2 days ago
I’m smarter than them

2 days ago

Snakes on a plane more like essays on a train to auschwitz

2 days ago
im going to learn how to walk on stilts and rip those ones down in picadilly too

2 days ago
Academics for the most part are bludgers, sucking on the teat of White taxpayers who they despise.

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
We have more.

2 days ago
Essays deported first

2 days ago
she was fat as fuck

2 days ago
and the manager of the pub was laying on the bench outside

2 days ago
industrial racism o/

2 days ago
cathartic even

2 days ago
it was so cathertic ripping that trans flag down

2 days ago
The Australian ethno genesis

2 days ago
No fucking durries

2 days ago
you do you i suppose

2 days ago
its wot we do

2 days ago

Don’t worry about it

2 days ago
why you aussies always have to make words weird

2 days ago
no fuckin worries

2 days ago

2 days ago
what is a wuckas?

2 days ago
MurdochChan is cool

2 days ago
listen to this after the stream but LOL: GEORGE DEFINITELY NOT STRAIT – ALL MY EX’S THINK I’M SEXIST

Fan of the Era
2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago
i think i could beat half of them in an arm wrestle though

2 days ago

Well and what do they train for?

2 days ago
yeah just manly guys with opinions chill out

2 days ago
just dudes working out and training haha

2 days ago
that’s kinda based, they think you’re a shadow army

2 days ago
Deport syrian girl

2 days ago


2 days ago
Science is best tested by replication, can 6 million jews be removed without decreasing their population?

2 days ago
who would dig the london underground if not for jews lol

2 days ago
War? More like a genocide

2 days ago
6 billion!

2 days ago

2 days ago
Nobody will every supply 6 million, even if I have a solid system

2 days ago
if i write “nigger” on the ballet paper is it a hate crime? asking for a friend

2 days ago

2 days ago
99.9% of the time, Journos are sub human

2 days ago
i will vooooot green party just to be a controversial bugger

2 days ago
Do you guys even have an Eco-friendly bio-compost consultant? I would have a crack at it if you gave me notice.

2 days ago
philosophical sorry bit pissed

2 days ago
very intelliigent and philiosphical

2 days ago
yeah these lads are awesome

2 days ago
Great discussion guys.

2 days ago

yes. yes it is.

2 days ago
Paying tax is gay

2 days ago
im not far right. im just a curious conservative

2 days ago
Fuck that. I look forward to getting the flu so I can get some time off work

2 days ago
How are you far right?

2 days ago
and their flu jabs too lol

2 days ago

yeah man people are fucking retarded

2 days ago
McKee is this crazy schizo Aussie that goes on Twitter spaces talking about the OTO 24/7

2 days ago
i still dont quite understand what the whole covid nonsense was about

2 days ago


2 days ago
Also Jews probably made original covid19, look at K26R polymorphism

2 days ago
why cant they just die

2 days ago
my old man was BNP though i am not that extreme lol

2 days ago
these are literal 90s views

2 days ago
Hit a witha redatceed

2 days ago
kill paedos, no immigration, low taxes faggots in the cloest death to commies that kinda thing

2 days ago
actually my views
are pretty centrist from the 90s i guess these days i am far right lol

2 days ago
Nobody can argue against a a rational centrist.

2 days ago
not far wrong though

2 days ago
I’m a rational centrist.

2 days ago

You’ll get there

2 days ago
not far right, just right so far

2 days ago
some people are literally on their 12th booster lmao

2 days ago
Take a shot 4 years later they may comment on mRNA assault.

2 days ago
the hola bunga

2 days ago
hollocaust never happened (this comment will be illegal tomorrow)

2 days ago

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
Free Ursula

2 days ago
the guy who let off jimmy saville is going to be the most powerful person in england. im drinking harder

2 days ago
The brown Rat can make an excellent pet and should not be confused with a hostile parasite eg. jews

2 days ago
Rattus norvegicus, is a noble animal do not slander them.

2 days ago
maybe that’s how september 11th happened jew tunnels lol

2 days ago
we just need to find the tunnels lol

2 days ago
dont do terrorisms plz

2 days ago
Loan shark people usuaraying

2 days ago
this is off topic but I just got finished talking to him on a Twitter space and I’m curious. I’m a fan of yall and I’m from the states so idk, are yall aware of Luke McKee? on good terms or anything like that? just give me the rundown of what you boys think of his crazy ass

2 days ago
crying mate lol

2 days ago


2 days ago
5 eyes and a big nose

2 days ago
“this is america we dont do this in this counry” lol

2 days ago
Australian values are primarily White nationalism

2 days ago
in the walls lol

2 days ago
and the mattresses with blood on them lol wtf

2 days ago
im still laughing about the jew tunnels that was the funniest shit i ever saw

2 days ago
RAnd also lives in Canberra

2 days ago
Randbot stand with HAMAS above wHite people

2 days ago
im a punctuation nazi

2 days ago
We stan Borwn

2 days ago

Sure but there is no Neo-National Socialist ideology. It is only ever used as a slur.

2 days ago
80s not 80’s increase your IQ

2 days ago

“neo-nazis” were part of the punk scene of the 70’s/80’s… they were degenerates who wanted to be the most degenerate thing they could think of

2 days ago
I cannot recall Joel caring about genocide of browns, I never gave a fuck about sand people.

2 days ago
fyi i am not a nazi i just want the english constitution enforced.

2 days ago
“Neo-Nazi” never made any sense. There is nothing new about our National Socialism.

Dawn Browning
2 days ago
Ey Up

2 days ago

2 days ago
it was this year in jan

2 days ago
neo conservative = anti-White faggot traitors

2 days ago
you guys are hillarious

2 days ago
sky news in england is fucking retarded

2 days ago
Deport all invaders

2 days ago
kick the fuckers out!

2 days ago

are you english?

2 days ago
just trying to have a quiet beer and then people put dirty paedo flags in my face what the actual fuck

2 days ago
my people have literally invented everything of value in the world…

2 days ago
i aint fucking proud i hate these people

2 days ago

im a proud White man proud of my people….

2 days ago
(i would have won)

2 days ago
literally white night english people simping for the landlady i almost got into a fight over it

2 days ago
whats your obsession with being noble?

2 days ago
at least that story would have made you seem noble……….be better

2 days ago
little internet typer

2 days ago
Aussielander Aus

2 days ago


2 days ago
Austlander Aus

2 days ago

year old account, 9 followers, no content, no comments on your community page… imagine i dont even care you exist LOL

Ethno Nationalist
2 days ago

2 days ago

i am english. from landanistan

2 days ago
oh dan.. He’s a faggpt

2 days ago
aussie with all 4 of my grandparents were english

2 days ago

kinda. im more ranting i suppose

2 days ago

are you talking tp somene

2 days ago
seeing as you are SOO great

2 days ago
i wont tell you my other story that happened yesterday then where i ripped a trans flag off the wall from a pub and got kicked out… .

2 days ago
im not a noble person i am a working class english dude

2 days ago
its not a noble story…. be better…

2 days ago
i wasn’t bragging i was just telling a story about the aussie bird chill dude

2 days ago
it just makes you look bad

2 days ago

then stop bragging about it tbh….

2 days ago
how do get kangeroos to england? i think we need them

2 days ago

2 days ago
fair enough

2 days ago

er this was when i was in my 20s

2 days ago

quit being a degenerate fella

2 days ago
It’s the memories that matter, ..

2 days ago
her room was disgusting. clothes everywhere. she was hot though

2 days ago

quite honestly i was so pissed i passed out lol

2 days ago

Good one! So she went down, …

2 days ago
one time i met an aussie nurse from a dating app. i took her down the local pub. i asked her what her ex bf did. she said he was miner. i replied “isn’t that illegal”? she thought about it for 30 seconds and then laughed. we proceeded to drink a lot and she took me back to her house. it was awesome.

2 days ago
well, anyways, england was nice while it lasted. i shall be drinking rather a large amount of beer and tomorrow i will wake up to a labour government.

2 days ago
i spoke to a black person and he agreed that the trans flag is a paedo flag. racism was less that day

2 days ago
hello lads

2 days ago
[Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript]

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

2 days ago
While you’re waiting, check out the transcript of last weeks show:

2 days ago

2 days ago



See Also




Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript

Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version History


Version 5:

Version 4: Mon, Jul 8, 2024 — Added an image.

Version 3: Sun, Jul 7, 2024 — TQ for 134/134 mins = 4.5. Transcript complete. Updated Odysee comments (670).

Version 2: Sat, Jul 6, 2024 — TQ for 95/134 mins = 4.5. Added an image.

Version 1: Fri, Jul 5, 2024 — Published post. Transcript Quality (TQ) for 46/134 mins = 4.5. Includes Odysee comments (620).

This entry was posted in Anti-semitism, anti-White, Bk - Mein Kampf, Gaza, Globalism, Hamas, Hate Speech, Hitler, Israel, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Naming, Joel Davis, Labour Party - UK, Mark Collett, Multiculturalism, Multiracialism, National Socialism, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Patriotic Alternative, Police - Harassment, Propaganda, Propaganda - Anti-German, Public opinion - Manipulation, Race - Mixing, Race Differences, Racism, Reform Party - UK, Revisionism, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Thought Police, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, UK, Ukraine War 2022, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, Zionism, Zionists, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

  1. Pingback: The Flipside with Monika – Ep 2 – Jul 6, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  2. Pingback: Mark Collett – Dustborn – a Game for No One – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  3. Pingback: Mark Collett – The Plan for an Islamic State on a Scottish Island – Aug 2, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  4. Pingback: Scott Ritter on the Shame & Evil That is Israel – Aug 11, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  5. Pingback: Thomas Sewell – Bread and Butter Nationalism – Aug 25, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  6. Pingback: Show 36 – Frank Salter – Oct 18, 2023 – Transcript | katana17

  7. Pingback: Harry Richardson – Speech – Anglophobia Moreton Bay SC – Sep 26, 2022 – Transcript | katana17

  8. Pingback: Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  9. Pingback: Christopher Bollyn – Tricked into War – Israeli Zionist Government was Behind the 9/11 Attack – Sep 20, 2018 – Transcript | katana17

  10. Pingback: Joel Davis – We’ll Talk About the News but Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents – Sep 13, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  11. Pingback: Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  12. Pingback: Mark Collett – Britain’s Digital Police State – Aug 24, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  13. Pingback: Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  14. Pingback: Joel Davis – Political Existentialism, Zionist Hypocrisy, Austrians Vote for Remigration – Oct 3, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

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