Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis


Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored,


Paedo Freaks Destroyed


Fri, Jul 19, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:

Recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump discussed
Debate over whether it was sincere or a setup
Suspicious details noted, including Secret Service incompetence
Strange aspects of shooter’s background examined
Stock market activities before attempt analyzed
Trump quickly chooses JD Vance as VP pick after attempt
Vance’s connections to Peter Thiel explored
Thiel’s background and involvement in tech companies outlined
National conservatism movement and its ideology discussed
Potential new Cold War dynamic between US-led West and China-Russia bloc predicted
Proxy conflicts in contested regions anticipated
Brazil seen as contested ground between communist and fascist forces
Trump’s surprising survival of assassination attempt noted
Patriotic sentiment reinvigorated by Trump’s recovery
Biden rumored to step down from presidential race
Biden’s team quashes rumors, citing COVID diagnosis
Debate over incompetence vs. deliberate setup in assassination attempt
Suspicious financial details about shooter discussed
Company shorting Trump stock before attempt mentioned
National Socialist Network (NSN) protest in Adelaide, Australia described
Drag queen story hour event at local library targeted
Police presence and library lockdown due to threats
Mixed community views on Drag Story Hour event
Elderly female protesters confront female police officer
NSN members described as normal people with legitimate concerns
Censorship of efforts to humanize far-right groups noted
Blair’s YouTube channel deleted after posting video with NSN members
Balanced news coverage of protest analyzed
Pulse nightclub shooter’s background questioned
Bringing children to Drag Storytime events condemned
Disturbing sexual meanings in performer names noted
Peter Thiel’s suspected CIA connections discussed
Thiel’s involvement in Facebook and Palantir explored
Vance seen as representing new elite faction countering China
Yoram Hazoni’s leadership in national conservatism movement mentioned
Limiting immigration while securing Israel as part of ideology
Potential proxy conflicts in Africa, Pacific Islands, and South America
Brazil’s political landscape analyzed
Concerns about community’s future expressed by NSN members
Censorship of far-right groups’ humanization efforts highlighted



Published on Fri, Jul 19, 2024




Trump inevitable, Blair censored, Paedo freaks destroyed
Joel Davis
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Streamed on:
Jul 19, 6:35 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
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(Words: 29,944 – 2:45:02 mins)



Joel Davis: We are live. It is the 19 July 2024, and this is Hulk Hogan:


“So all you criminals, all you lowlifes, all you scumbags, all you drug dealers, and all you crooked politicians need to answer one question, brother! What you gonna do when Donald Trump and all the trumpomaniacs run wild on you, brother? [crowd cheers] God bless you and thank you.”


Anyway, I thought that was kind of funny. America’s funny. You’re muted, by the way, Tom.


Thomas Sewell: They’re obsessed with the hand gesture now. Like the fist. They’re really doing it. They’re like, overdoing it.


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, HH, though. HH! Start of the stream.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, HH!


Joel Davis: But yeah, unfortunately, Blair can’t make the show tonight. I was actually going to do a show last night with Blair, but I had some personal things come up, so it’s actually my fault. Blair already had something on tonight.


I was going to do a show with Blair and then a show with Tom because they were busy on the alternate nights.


But yeah, something came up for me yesterday. So sorry to have run at home. It’s not Blair’s fault that he’s missing this week. It’s actually my fault, really. Although what happened to me was outside of my control as well.


So, anyway, point is, unfortunately, no Blair this week, which sucks, but we’ve got Tom. So it’s the Joel and Tom show. And we are going to change the name. I’ve made progress on the new name, but we’re going to make graphics. I Whittled it down to two choices and we’ll see. I’ll see how the graphics come up. We’ll make a decision on what name we want to go forward with. But for now, it’s the Joel and Tom show.


As I said, it’s the 19 July 2024 and a lot to talk about.


Been a big week, particularly in American politics. It’s going to be a lot of American politics, I think, in this show, but also some things happening at home, including Blair himself attempting to get onto YouTube with some normie friendly content and getting swiftly censored. The NSN boys were out in force, destroyed. Pedo freaks rally down in Adelaide. We can analyze that a little bit. So lots of to cover. Immigration, news, and so on.


But first of all, Tom, I want to get your take on., … Do you think that the assassination attempt on Trump was set up? Do you think he was set up like he was? Some elite actors, some powerful actors, conspired to have him taken out and basically they got unlucky. It didn’t materialise.


Or do you think it was just some random libtard and just mass incompetence from the Secret Service because there’s obviously a lot going for both narratives, but there’s a lot of, I don’t know how close you’ve been following the story, but there’s a lot of very strange aspects to the story that make me lean towards the setup theory. But where do you stand?



Thomas Sewell: I believe that it was a setup. I think that the Secret Service was under orders to allow it to happen.


The idea that it could be just a mere fluke that they would, … Like a lot of the libtards are pretending that this was a setup from another angle. They’re pretending it’s like a was set up to be fake as opposed to set up to be real. I think it was set up to be real. But I think it’s a combination of everything you said. I think it’s a combination of one part incompetence, one part dysgenic freak libtard who also happened to be in a Blackrock promotion video or advertising video for a school or something.


So that’s odd. That shows that the person is somewhat, even if it’s three steps removed, they’re politically connected somehow. Yeah. There’s just a combination of factors.


And so I think that there was a serious attempt on his life. I don’t think it’s a, … I don’t think there was an effort to try to not kill him. You know what I mean? I think that his head turn at the last minute is what saves his life. So I do think that’s sincere.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: I mean, and there’s a lot of, … Sorry, before I pass it back. The last thing I’ll say on it, because I’m sure you’ve got a lot to say on it, is there’s so many people on the Internet talking about the ballistics and talking about how could you miss from that distance? And everyone’s all of a sudden a marksmanship expert whenever there’s like, a shooting.


And, yeah, it, to me, it undermines every other incident that’s ever happened in my mind when you get, just dozens of people in the group chats and on Twitter, you know, talk, trying to break down how impossible it is to miss at that distance. And I don’t think any of these people have any sort of realistic training. The amount of stress this guy would have been under to only miss by, like, a couple inches from a really unstable position. I believe he had iron sights as well.


I mean, that’s actually quite a hard shot to make, even if, you know how to use it, considering the stress. He got to be within a couple inches. And that’s even for trained soldiers, that’s actually quite hard to get that first hit at that distance.


So, yeah, that’s frustrating!


Joel Davis: And if he didn’t turn his head, like, it would have hit. So he came pretty close.


Thomas Sewell: Absolutely! Yeah, yeah. The shooter was basically on the mark.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I mean, he did fire off more shots, but., …




Thomas Sewell: Yeah, but they don’t count. Yeah. Because after that first shot, it throws everything out. He’s not in a stable firing position.


Joel Davis: Yeah. And he knows that he’s just about to die as well.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, exactly! The adrenaline would have been crazy! Like, the secret to marksmanship is, … Well, there’s many basic principles, but one of them is to stay calm, to just be calm and breathe. It’s a form of meditation.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: And you can’t do that in that scenario, as some, like, 20 year old, untrained or barely trained young guy. It’s not possible. Yeah, I think it’s sincere. That’s just the short answer.


Joel Davis: Yeah. But the setup theory isn’t that the guy wasn’t a sincere libtard. That’s obviously true.


But the idea is that he’s a patsy, that he was groomed, perhaps, and that then there was a conspiracy to basically undermine the Secret Service from effectively protecting Trump to enable him to get in position and take the shot.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, absolutely!


Joel Davis: And there’s a few weird, … Because they could say:


“Well there’s this woman running the Secret Service who’s incompetent. Look at all these incompetent women running around!”


You know, we’ve seen the images. There was that one woman who doesn’t seem to know how to put her gun back in her holster. It was quite comical.


But that’s almost like part of the setup. Like, if you were going to do a setup, you would put a bunch of incompetent women all around it to make it look like incompetence. Like that would be part of doing a good setup. And, it’s not like the Secret Service have a track record of incompetence. They’re pretty competent.


There were people that were interviewed who said:


“Oh, I’ve been to heaps of Trump rallies over the year. And I remember when I got to this one, it was quite strange, because I was looking around at all the roofs and there was only like two snipers up there.”


But he’s like:


“Every other Trump rally I’ve ever been to, it’s just covered in snipers! And it’s just covered in personnel. They seemed way understaffed!”


And that building, it was a very obvious building. Like, they had people like experts from military intelligence and so on, even on like Left-wing media like CNN that got interviewed. And they were like:


“I think it was a setup because of the sheer incompetence is almost too high for it to be believable because it’s such an obvious position.”


They said:


“Like, if you identify that position almost immediately as one of the main positions that you have to secure, and you would immediately put personnel on the building.”


But the fact that they didn’t put any personnel on that building, he says, it’s just insane! Like, there’s no way that you could have that kind of oversight. When they interviewed the head of the Secret Service, I can’t remember her name. And I don’t know why a woman is running the Secret Service. It’s quite crazy! And why she hasn’t stepped down yet and why she hasn’t been fired! [chuckling] I mean, that’s even more crazy, after what happened.


Thomas Sewell: And criminally investigated.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Well, I’m sure there’ll be an investigation, particularly considering that Trump is going to win, almost definitely! So if there isn’t one now, there’ll be one when he gets in, surely.


But she said on the news when she was grilled about it that:


“Oh, well, the roof was sloped, so we didn’t want to put someone up there.”


I mean, [chuckling] it’s the most ridiculous excuse I’ve ever heard!


First of all, there was a bunch of other sloped roofs of people on top of people walk on sloped roofs all the time. You work on roofs for a job. You know, [chuckling] people can walk on roofs!


Thomas Sewell: I can’t confirm. I know a thing about sloped roofs.


Joel Davis: Yeah. But also what’s ridiculous is, well, even if that was the case, which is ridiculous, but even if that was the case, you could put someone on the ground around the building. The fact they didn’t even do that, … And there’s obviously all the video footage that we’ve seen of people who are around the building that were, like, pointing it out to law enforcement, apparently.


Also, apparently this guy came in hours before Trump got on stage and he had a sight [rifle sight] and he was walking around and, basically using the sight to check out all the sniper positions. And the snipers were like:


“Hey, there’s some guy down there with a sight, and he’s looking straight at us. Maybe we should go and look at that guy.”


And apparently he got stopped, and they’re like:


“Oh, he doesn’t have a gun on him. He just has a sight for some reason.”


And so they just let him go, which is insane!


And then he pops up on the roof. People are notifying law enforcement minutes before he takes the shot. Apparently a cop climbed up there, and he pointed the rifle at him, and he climbed back down. How was there no communications from anyone to say “get the guy off stage”?


So the fact that there was no reaction.


And then also there was two sniper positions. One was obstructed by a tree, but the other sniper position wasn’t obstructed by a tree, because as soon as a few shots go off, immediately that sniper pops the shooter.


So obviously he had a sight on the shooter, so that means., … And he was kind of basically pointing in his direction. You can see in the image before the shots went off. So why didn’t he take the shot earlier? You know, there’s just too many factors for me to just believe that it was just massive incompetence.





Thomas Sewell: I heard one theory that I disagree with, that the sniper on the left was aiming at him, but was possibly uncertain as to whether he had a rifle or not. And obviously was just keeping an eye on this person randomly crawling on the roof. And maybe they thought it was just a teenager just crawling up there for a better view.


And then they would have, like a:


“Oh, you know, until you can confirm it’s a rifle, to just shoot people randomly at Trump crowds.”


That’s bullshit! That’s nonsense! And the two reasons why that’s nonsense is the scope on that rifle that that sniper had was like a six to 20. Like, you would see it clear as day, like it was in the room with you. You’d be able to see the fact that he was armed. You wouldn’t be, like, unsure, like:


“Oh, that’s 100 meters away!”


It would look like the person was a meter in front of you. Those scopes are that Zoomed in, or have the capacity to zoom in that much. So there’s no way he would have, like, uncertainty as to whether the person had a rifle or not.


And secondly, they’re all on comms [communications]. They’re all on comms! They’re all on radio. So the fact that there were police notified that there was a shooter on the roof.


I mean, there’s just too much evidence, there’s too many witness statements of people going to the police saying:


“Hey, look, there’s a guy with a gun on the roof!”


In the two to three minutes before the shooting started. And the idea that that wouldn’t echo through the comms like, yeah, is just absolutely ridiculous! It’s beyond incompetence!


So, yeah, I think it was a genuine assassination attempt. I think this libtard was a sincere libtard. Like, I think he was a spiteful mutant freak. Is he potentially got more connections and was potentially groomed by the intelligence services or the Deep State? I think the strongest evidence that there’s something going on behind the scenes and it’s not just a disgruntled libtard, that it is an organised assassination attempt, is the shorting of the stocks.


The fact that that Austin private equity group shorted something, like, I think they tried to short $370 million worth of stock. Or that’s the profit they would have made, …


Joel Davis: Of course, they said it was a “clerical error”. They said:


“Oh, we accidentally put 10,000 X on the option.”


And that’s quite convenient once the bullet misses and everyone’s like:


“Hey, what’s going on with this?”


So, I mean, I guess it is possible in theory that it could have been an accident, but it’s a very unlucky accident then, because it’s incredibly suspicious!


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Everyone’s kind of saying, I don’t normally reply to the chat, unless you guys do your Superchats, but there’s a lot of people in the chat saying that it was “obviously a hoax”. And even the guys that I was at work with today were saying:


“Oh, you don’t think it was a blood pact, like it seems too WWE.”


And then you started the show with the Hulk Hogan thing, which is funny because it’s like they do the blood packs and the WWE. America is obviously one big giant, you know, reality TV show. And it is a political circus. But is it possible for it to all be a complete hoax? Yeah, absolutely! Just like every other shooting and mass shooting that Alex Jones got in trouble talking about.


I remember seeing all the YouTube videos breaking that down. There were people that said that they, that thing that happened in New Zealand was a hoax and that it was CGI. And there’s all these other reasons why they think it was a hoax. There’s no bullet holes, and why did the magazine get on the floor?


You know, I do agree that there’s a lot of around Port Arthur, there’s a lot of bullshit, and that that probably was like Mossad, or a setup.


But in this case, we’ve got so many cameras, so much footage. It’s not 1996. It’s like a Trump rally. And that bullet, those bullets flew through the crowd and hit people and killed a fire-fighter. Jesus sees.


Joel Davis: The image where you can see the, it’s not the bullet, but it’s whatever they call, like the wake behind the bullet.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yeah. Like the gases or something. Yeah, like the, …


Joel Davis: Yeah, like the air displacement.


But also, what also doesn’t make sense is the motive. Like, Trump was already up in the polls like, two days before the assassination attempt. News was breaking in America that all these big jewish donors were pulling out from Biden, putting pressure on Biden to step down. And that pressure’s only increased with conflicting reports coming out today about:


“Biden’s going to step down!”


And people from Biden’s team saying:


“No, he isn’t! This is bullshit!”


And people are trying to move against him in the Democrat party to make him step down.


So the Democrat party are a total mess. And Trump did what? Like the debate, he didn’t necessarily do too well in the debate with Biden, but Biden was horrible! We covered it on the show saying:


“Well, it looks like Trump.”


We’ve been saying it for weeks:


“Looks like Trump’s going to win!”


He seems he’s way ahead in all the swing states and all the polling in the swing states. He’s got all the momentum. Biden’s a spent force. All these, all these people are coalescing behind Trump. Elon Musk has officially endorsed Trump and a lot of other big donors, jewish donors coming behind Trump. Israel seems to want Trump, or at least a large portion of the Israel lobby wants Trump. So it does seem like there’s a lot of elite support behind him and coalescence behind him in general.





So why would you need to stage an assassination attempt in order to., … It was a desperate situation where they needed to flip the election or change perception or anything. I don’t think this will actually have too much of an effect on the polls. I don’t think there’s a lot of people that were previously going to vote Biden that were like:


“Oh, well, they almost shot Trump. Now I’m going to completely switch my political allegiance!”


It’s not one of those. It’s one of those things that galvanises your own supporters, but they were going to vote for you anyway. So to me, it doesn’t really make any sense.


Like the Port Arthur thing, that shooting enabled laws to be passed that completely changed gun law, like completely disarmed Australians, or the Sandy Hook thing or whatever. I don’t know too much about the Sandy Hook shooting, but if you were going to say that was staged, well, you can see a motive. There was momentum at the time in America to do assault rifle bans and so on, and there was a lot of tension between the gun rights people and the Left. So that was under Obama, right? Obama kind of was going after the guns.


So you can kind of see there being a political purpose to those shootings. And it’s not like assassination attempts are rare in American political history. There was an assassination attempt on Reagan. There was an assassination attempt on Nixon. There was obviously a successful assassination of JFK.


Thomas Sewell: And his brother, …


Joel Davis: Then you got McKinley going back in history, Abraham Lincoln. Like, multiple US presidents have been assassinated in history.


So the idea that they would do an assassination attempt, it’s not exactly this outlandish, far fetched thing is actually par for the course in American politics. So it’s not like Trump doesn’t have anyone that hates him or anyone powerful that’s against him. You could say:


“Yeah, he’s gotten a decent portion of the elite on his side in comparison to 2016 when he first ran.”


But there’s still obviously a lot of powerful actors that don’t like him. And it’s almost a desperate situation where it makes more sense that you would take him out because he seemed like he was inevitable to win the election, even more so now, I guess. But it seemed inevitable. Biden was a total mess. There’s no obvious replacement. He’s already the nominee, or the presumptive nominee for the Democrats have already had their primary.


So it’s a real mess to try and replace Biden with anyone else. And they can’t just sub in Kamala Harris because she polls even worse than Biden.


So they’re going to have to bring someone from left field, convince him to step down. It’s then they’re going to have to do this shoehorn campaign the last four months. You know, it just seems impossible for them to really beat Trump.


So the idea of:


“Fuck, we’ve got to take him out because we can’t beat him and he’s going to become president.”


That actually is more plausible. You know, people could say:


“Well the system seems to have suffered on Trump. He’s beaten a lot of these legal cases. The Supreme Court ruled in his favour. All these jewish donors flipped, supporting him and so on.”


And that’s all true. But just because certain portions of the elite flip, there could be disgruntled elites that are really upset about that, where maybe they’re upset that he’s going to pull out, he’s going to end the war in Ukraine.


There was a theory that Fuentes put forward that:


“Oh, well, the jews, like Israel, are trying to take him out, because then he’d be replaced by Nikki Haley or DeSantis or something.”


And they’d be even more pro-Israel than Trump now that Biden is falling apart they don’t need Trump to beat Biden and they’re getting Biden out. Maybe they think they could take Trump out and Biden out and then put two more Zionist shills in place, both of them, or something.


And I didn’t really buy that. It was an interesting theory. I don’t really buy that. I think it’s a bit too convoluted. It seems like Trump has really got Israel behind him. So I don’t think they would take him out.


But, no, it’s kind of hard to establish exactly who would have done it, but we know that someone could have done it. It is interesting to speculate, but there’s no real obvious theory for who set him up or who, if it was a setup. But it does look. Fuck! It does look like a setup! Like, it looks real. It looks really implausible that it’s just a kind of, …


Thomas Sewell: Whatever it is, the Secret Service in on it, 100%. Whoever’s behind it, the Secret Service, are working with them closely. Because they did not provide adequate security, like, beyond incompetence! Very nefarious.


But, yeah. Is there anything else you want to cover on that subject? It’s definitely been a talking point for most people during the week.


Basically every normie that I crossed paths with, you know, every family member, just. Everyone was just talking to me about the Trump assassination:


“Oh, did you hear what happened?”


Like, of course.





Joel Davis: Yeah. I mean, it was quite interesting, I think. What made it interesting as well was the kind of sense of the almost, like, mystical fate, you could read into it that:


“Oh, like, he’s basically supposed to be dead, but there was, like some superhuman force that intervened.”


I mean, he himself was saying that.


Of course he would say that. And I’ve speculated as to, like, what that could be because I am a bit of a mystic in how I see the world. I know you are as well. I’m not like, a pure rationalist. I do believe in God. I do believe in supernatural forces. But it isn’t so much that I think:


“Oh, Trump is a great guy!”


And obviously, I accept, like, he’s kind of bought out by Zionist interests. He’s really just a conservative. Okay. He’s a maybe a more bombastic! He’s got, like, kind of machismo energy and so on. He’s a polarizing figure. Differentiates himself with his popular style and charisma from other conservative politicians. But his policies, they aren’t particularly radical, let’s say.


And so I don’t see it as so much like his political agenda, getting into power is destined by God, but more almost that he’s supposed to get in power perhaps for some alternative reason, that some crisis is on the horizon. We’ve talked about in the show before. The potential for war with China. There’s also the potential for war in the Middle East. Obviously, Israel is talking about or giving off signs that it’s going to go to war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Could that end up going beyond that and drag Iran in? There could be a lot of political pressure in the United States to go at Iran, particularly with a Trump-Vance administration and a Republican Congress and Senate, which looks like what we’re going to get. And they’re all owned by AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee], except for one guy, basically.


Thomas Sewell: These leads out of the Trump assassination. I thought it was very strange, very suspicious. And I’m sure this has been mentioned before that within, what, one day, within two days of being subject to an attempted assassination, he picks a VP, that was, … I’d honestly never, oh, I think I’ve heard of him once, but he honestly wasn’t on my radar as a VP pick.


And one of the first observations that I saw on Twitter was people saying:


“Of the top five potential VP picks, they were all Indian or Indian adjacent.”


And there was a list. Vance, who’s married to an Indian, and a whole bunch of other, you know, part Indian or full Indians that are sort of big.


Joel Davis: Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy.


Thomas Sewell: Vivek. Yeah. There was a couple others on there that I noticed and recognised their names.


Joel Davis: One of them was Tim Scott, who’s black.


Thomas Sewell: Oh, really? Okay. I didn’t see that one on the list, but, okay. The majority of the list of the VP picks were Indian or Indian adjacent.


And I was saying recently to the guys that this is just basic geopolitics, this is basic strategy. This is thousands of years old, if you consider what comes next.


And I think this adds more weight, more credence to the fact that we’re going to be going to war with China, Iran and Russia. And that they’re trying to get India on side.


And that’s why our countries have been flooded for the last twelve months with Indians, obviously for the last decade. But really, especially in the last twelve to 24 months, Canada, the United States and Australia have been completely flooded with Indians.


And then we see who are the vice president picks. Well, it’s not a traditional marriage in that sense. But thousands of years ago, if you were going to go to war with one tribe and you needed to make an ally really quickly, you would marry one of your sons or one of your daughters to that ally tribe to confirm the alliance. And obviously, Trump’s already done that. He’s married all his children to jews, except Barron.


And obviously Biden’s done that. He’s married all his children to jews.


But in the absence of marrying your children to the “greatest ally” or their masters, I should say, certainly picking a VP that has an Indian background or is Indian adjacent is going to help secure a geopolitical alliance with Indians in general. Because it’s like:


“Well, you’re on the boat, you know what I mean?”


Well, not the deportation boat, but “you’re in the camp”, so to speak.


It’s like we’re intertwining the blood. Which is the ultimate, …


Joel Davis: What we saw, what we saw from Trump the other day as well. There was a clip, he went on a podcast that was, apparently, it was set up by Vance, by the way, that appearance where a few weeks ago, where he went on and said:


“Oh, you know, yeah, we can’t have illegal immigration, but we want people to come legally. And like all these people that are coming to America and going to our universities, we’ve got to staple green cards onto the diplomas. We’ve got to get the high quality, university educated immigrants rather than these illegal immigrants. We’re going to deport the illegal immigrants.”


And so what I said was:


“Well, you’re just trying to swap out the Mexicans for pajeets!”


Thomas Sewell: Yes, exactly. Exactly!


Joel Davis: Yeah.




Thomas Sewell: And this is part of a broader geopolitical strategy for US foreign policy and western foreign policy, that we’re going to start allying ourselves further and further with India in order to break up BRICs. In order to get India out of that Russia, China, Iran sort of relationship.


Joel Davis: Yeah. India is the easiest one to peel away because India has hostility with Pakistan, who are obviously allied with a lot of the other Islamic States and hate Israel. India’s got a good relationship with Israel. India also has a massive geopolitically with China and a historical relationship to the Anglos.


Obviously, we colonised them. They all speak English, … So yeah, they’re the obvious easiest pick.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Well, that’s another thing. If we go to war with Iran and the Middle East again, it potentially, like, Pakistan was not., … Although on paper, Pakistan was an ally in our war against Iraq and Afghanistan, they weren’t! And anyone within the state knows that they weren’t actually an ally. They were a puppet government in place, but they were actively undermining the effort. And they were helping the Afghanis, they’re helping the Taliban.


And I think they were hiding Osama as well, if you want to believe that Osama was still alive or is dead or whatever your theory is. I mean, obviously, everyone’s got a different take on that, but who cares?


What’s important is that if we go to war with the Middle East again, in general, we go to war with Iran, it has a strong chance of dragging the rest of them in. And that could drag in Pakistan. And obviously, India, as you said before, India and Pakistan arena a very long feud, and they’re like arch nemesis of each other.


Joel Davis: So Pakistan is also allied with China. Very well allied with China now.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Because they got the “One Belt One Road”* through Pakistan and Afghanistan now. Yeah. So it’s all coming to fruition. Putin talks about a multipolar world, and obviously, that’s one of the most common talking points now.


[* OBOR is a Chinese project that aims to improve connectivity and co-operation among 78 countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe. It involves building roads, railways, ports, pipelines, and other infrastructure projects to boost China’s domestic growth and economic diplomacy.]


But it’s not looking like there’s going to be too many polls. It’s kind of like a new, it’s just like a dual polar world that just hasn’t quite formed yet, but is in the process where we’re looking at a new Cold War, and we’ve got a new set of allies.


Joel Davis: Yeah, of course. And it’s pretty much the same boundaries as the first Cold War, except we have more of Europe on our side now, geographically.


Thomas Sewell: The third world is more developed now.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly!


Thomas Sewell: And they’re more able to mobilise.


Joel Davis: China is more dominant. Russia is the junior partner, whereas it was the opposite way around, obviously, in the original Cold War. That’s definitely a factor.


So the JD Vance pick wasn’t a surprise to me, actually, credit to Nick Fuentes. He said on a podcast months ago, he’s like:


“JD Vance will be the pick. I heard it on good authority.”


So that proves that Nick obviously has [chuckling] a little bit of inside baseball. He called it like, months ago, and he’s been really pushing hard against it and pre-emptively criticising it because he views Vance as basically a, …


Thomas Sewell: He’s very Zionist, isn’t he?


Joel Davis: Yeah. As an extension of the Yoram Hazony led National Conservatism clique. Yoram Hazony* is a jew, an Israeli citizen, although I think he might have, I don’t know if he was born in Israel or America, but I think he went to university in America, but he’s an Israeli citizen. And National Conservatism was kind of astroturfed into existence after Trump got elected as an attempt by, … And also, they’re very well connected, I should say, in Europe. The National Conservatism conferences in Europe, all the big kind of populist Right parties and their leadership from a lot of these European countries like people like Giorgia Meloni from Italy and so on.


[* Yoram Hazony is an Israeli-American philosopher, Bible scholar, and political theorist. He is president of the Herzl Institute in Jerusalem and serves as the chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation and president of the Herzl Institute. His 2018 book, The Virtue of Nationalism, established Hazony as one of the leading proponents of a new kind of “national conservatism.”]


They speak at their conferences and they’ll talk about immigration. They won’t necessarily talk about it in terms of race, though. They talk about in terms of “culture” and in terms of “history” and just ways in which you can define a nation anyway but through ethnic terms. Although in Europe, they are a little bit more ethno-nationalist in their rhetoric, but in America, not so much.


And Hazony, actually, I flicked through one of his books, and Hazony kind of defines America and Europe differently. He’s almost willing to concede a little bit of ethnic nationalism to the European countries, but denies it to the United States. Which makes sense from a jewish perspective. Because the jews don’t necessarily need to be included in Dutch or French nationalism in the same way they need to be included within American nationalism, because America is the power centre. That’s the hotbed of jewish power. That’s where the majority of the jews are. That’s where all the key decisions get made. And so defining America as:


“Yes, yes, we care about defending European cultures and so on, but America, America’s different. America’s a nation about freedom and Christianity and so on! And it’s a multiracial country and always was because the blacks were there, et cetera.”


And that gives the jews more security, have been included within the identity of the state. Right?


So anyway, he has been very much promoted. And then he is connected to Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel is from what they call the “PayPal Mafia”, which also includes Elon Musk, the initial investors in PayPal. Peter Thiel is a massive billionaire, very influential in American Right-wing politics. He actually funded JD Vance into the Senate, so he funded his political career into existence. JD Vance was a venture capitalist originally. And Peter Thiel owns Palantir. And Palantir is the number one software contractor to the US Department of Defense.


So he’s very much plugged into the American military industrial complex. He was also one of the first investors in Facebook.


Now Facebook, if you look at the history of Facebook in the 1990s, there was a project by DARPA, which is an extension of the American military, like a kind of research and development wing of the US military. They basically developed Facebook in the late nineties and the early two thousands.


And then when they closed down the programme that developed a Facebook like product, immediately, the next day, Facebook goes public and, like, it’s launched. And it’s the exact same day. So it’s quite obvious that they basically develop Facebook.


And you can see why the American government want to develop Facebook, because it’s a way of, well, rather than having to spy on everyone, you can just create Facebook and they’ll just give you all their information for free, right? And they’ll have fun doing it.


So anyway, obviously, Mark Zuckerberg was brought in to head that up. But Peter Thiel was tapped on the shoulder and said:


“Hey, you might want to throw some money in this.”


That’s kind of how it works with these DARPA projects. They created Google as well. They’ll create a lot of these big tech companies. They’ll basically create all the primary infrastructure. And then they’ll go and bring in some jewish investors and say, or other elite investors that are connected to their networks and say:


“Throw your money in here!”


And then they become billionaires. And obviously, the jews who run Google, that happened.


Now, Peter Thiel not only became a billionaire, he’s a member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg group. This guy is fucking connected! You know what I mean? And Peter Thiel, actually, his career started. He said:


“Oh, I went to Stanford. I left Stanford.”


He went and worked for a law firm in New York. I can’t remember the name of the law firm. I apologise. But that law firm is a well known CIA front group. And then he worked there for like, six months. And he’s like:


“Oh, I didn’t really work out being a lawyer, so I decided to move back to California and become a venture capitalist. And then I made a couple of investments. And I just was one of the first people ever to invest in PayPal and Facebook.”


“And then they just blew up and became like billion dollar companies. And now I’m a billionaire. And now I run Palantir, the number one software contractor to the US Department of Defense. And now I’m funding vice presidents into existence and I’m on the steering committee of Bilderberg!”


That doesn’t happen by accident. People don’t go from just being a nobody to becoming someone like that. And he’s obviously well connected with Elon Musk.


And apparently news reports came out that Elon Musk, because he just donated like $50 million to the Trump campaign and officially endorsed Trump. And it kind of seemed like:


“Oh, he’s just reacting to the Trump assassination attempt.”


But no, it came out that it was conditional on, yes, Vance getting picked.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I heard that after the fact, that Musk was big on JD Vance. And it looks like Trump has gone from draining the swamp to ingratiating the swamp. You know, the swamp is right there as his right hand man.


Joel Davis: Yeah, but what’s interesting about Thiel, because you can watch a lot of his lectures on YouTube because he fans as himself as a bit of an intellectual. He was a very close associate of Mencius Moldbug, also known as Curtis Yarvin*, who’s a big jewish political blogger. And he goes on all these podcasts and so on.


[* Curtis Guy Yarvin (born 1973), also known by the pen name Mencius Moldbug, is a jewish-American blogger. He is known, along with philosopher Nick Land, for founding the anti-egalitarian and anti-democratic philosophical movement known as the Dark Enlightenment or Neo-reactionary movement.]


He actually went on Tucker Carlson show. He invented so-called “Neo-reaction”. And he’s quite popular in kind of like nerdy, esoteric Right-wing theory cell circles. So I’ve been aware of him for a long time because that’s kind of my forte. But he is a very close associate, he’s kind of the court jew of Peter Thiel.


So that’s quite interesting. And Peter Thiel, if you look at his statements, he had this one lecture that I remember watching where he said:


“During the Cold War, 1950s and the 1960s in particular, when there was this threat of global nuclear annihilation and World War III.”


He said:


“That was when you have the fastest development in the American tech sector, where they’re creating the space programme and they’re inventing computers and computing technology, and all this incredible technology is coming out of the United States.”


He said:


“Why is that?”


He’s like:


“Well, because we’re at war and were competing technologically with another superpower. The existential imperative on all of America’s best and brightest was not just, ‘oh, I want to create new technology because that’s my job or because I want to make money’. It was, ‘we have to create the technology before the Russians do so that we can stay ahead’ because it’s, like, existentially necessary to protect the free world from collapse, falling to communism.”


“We have to prove that liberal democracy and the West is the best!”


And he said:


“Then once the Cold War Peters out, then you get stagnation in American society.”


And he says:


“With war with China on the horizon, and maybe that can change. Maybe the tech sector can be re energized by structural competition against China, kind of existential competition.”


So he’s been talking about the threat of China war with China for a very long time. So that kind of plays into the whole idea that the US tech sector that’s connected to the Military-Industrial Complex*, they are very much anti-China.


[* The expression Military–Industrial Complex (MIC) describes the relationship between a country’s military and the defense industry that supplies it, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy. A driving factor behind the relationship between the military and the defense-minded corporations is that both sides benefit—one side from obtaining weapons, and the other from being paid to supply them. Wikipedia]





And you can see, like Tucker Carlson, who associates with that clique and has interviewed a lot of people from that clique. He’s a China hawk, but then he’s against war with Russia and Ukraine. He criticises the Ukraine war, but also says:


“We should be focusing on China!”


All the time. And there’s other elements of the US defense establishment, foreign policy establishment that are aligned with the Right or this clique on the Right that are saying the same thing.


So the whole pushing of the pro-Putin, pro-Russia thing on the Right, that’s part of it’s more like:


“Well, we can’t be committed here and in China at the same time. We should be redirecting our forces to Taiwan, pulling out for that reason.”


So there’s, I think, a complex kind of almost, like, struggle within American elites. There’s, like, these legacy American elites that are committed to, like, NATO and are committed to, … And they’re more on the left. They’re committed to the project of global liberal democracy:


“Everywhere must become a liberal democracy. We must extend liberalism into Russia!”


And so on.


And then you’ve got this more realist tech elite that has aligned itself with Trump and the Right, that also is aligned with the Zionists who say:


“Well, protect Israel. But other than that, really everything should be focused on China.”


And even some of them might even be saying:


“We don’t even want to even get too involved in the Middle East to protect Israel. We’ll do the bare minimum to keep Israel happy. But China’s really the big threat.”


So that all, I think, fits together into what Vance represents, I think, as a pick, which is, yeah, China, Hawking, basically.


Thomas Sewell: Mmm. Very interesting stuff. Entering a new Cold War, perhaps. You know, it might not go hot, but we’re definitely gearing up for war with China. And if it doesn’t go hot soon, China will plan to just wait us out. Because they believe that our society, I think from the top down, I’m talking about China here. China believes from the top down that our society is just on the brink of collapse.


And I guess it is on the brink of civil war, and we are collapsing. And I guess their main theory is just to just slowly, creepily, encroach on the borders. And obviously, they’ve got some pretty interesting, you know, Rubicons or whatever to cross, like Taiwan, or Taiwan Strait, for that matter.


But also there’s smaller ones. And if I recall in the cold War, the first Cold War with Russia, although we never directly went to war with Russia, we went, or the Soviet Union, we went to war in a lot of places which were contested ground.


So perhaps the next 30 or 40 years, we could be seeing maybe not outright war with China and with Taiwan, but we see a lot of smaller wars that might not be beneficial to us, but would be in places like Fiji. I know that the Chinese are trying to expand into the islands way south of their region of control. And they’re pushing their influence around in Micronesia and in, …


Joel Davis: The Solomon islands.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah the Solomon Islands and stuff, not just Micronesia in general, just all those islands.


And obviously in Africa, we could see some serious conflicts in Africa. I’m not so sure about South America. I don’t know how much influence the Chinese really have over there, but certainly that’s another player.


Joel Davis: Brazil seems contested ground.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Okay. Well, that’s a good point, because it’s politically very unstable, because you’ve basically got a 21st century version of the kind of Spanish or Argentinian dichotomy. And obviously, there’s always been strong national fascist roots in South America, but also very strong communist roots in South America, obviously stemming from the two major different populations, the Amerindians and the either Portuguese or Spanish.


And obviously in Brazil, you’ve also got huge Italian and German populations there as well, that primarily or almost entirely vote for Bolsonaro.


But, yeah, you’ve got some pretty radical communist politics and proto-fascist, or not proto-fascist, but neo-Fascist politics emerging out of the conservative scenes everywhere, all over the world. So as we’ve all theorized before, all politics, all liberal democracies, is really caught between a rock and a hard place, and that’s fascism and communism, or National Socialism and communism. If it’s an ethno-state or attempting to be an ethno-state.


So, yeah, the fire rises!


Joel Davis: And during the Cold War, the United States was a lot more, was willing to bend its rules with its allies. You know, it was allied with what a lot of people consider to be a fascist regime in Spain, in France and Spain. And that didn’t really become Democratised fully until, like the eighties. Portugal, Salazars, Portugal, similar story. There was basically a fascist coup backed by the Americans in Chile in the 1970s. South Korea was effectively a fascist state for the first half of the Cold War.


And ultimately, as they won, and particularly after they won, they were able to enforce liberal democracy on all of their allies.


But while they were still fighting communism, they had to kind of bend the rules a little bit. And there was a lot of rationalisation. Like Hannah Arendt, who was a jewish political philosopher, she made the argument:


“Well, there’s totalitarianism and authoritarianism. And authoritarianism is bad, but it’s not as bad as totalitarianism, which is like the Nazis or the Soviet Union. So if we have to ally with authoritarian states against totalitarian states, that it’s ultimately the Liberal thing to do.”


So you could start to see these kinds of copes come in. And that’s what’s interesting about the Curtis Yarvin court jew. I mean, Peter Thiel seems to have a bit of jewish ancestry. He’s not like a pure jew, but he seems to have a bit of jewish ancestry from what I remember. He’s also a homosexual, by the way. A very strange individual.





But Curtis Yarvin represents a way of criticising:


“Oh, maybe democracy actually kind of sucks and monarchy is better.”


But he doesn’t do it from the perspective of our perspective, where he’s talking about the volk or anything like that. He does it from just like:


“Oh, from the perspective of how do you make government run smoothly and how do you ensure freedom?”


So the idea is like well, usually a lot of the tech sector people like Elon Musk and so on, they were libertarians. Libertarianism and kind of tech bro ism have always been kind of associated.


But obviously, libertarianism is a totally kind of bankrupt ideology because it doesn’t have any real concept of how to wield power. It’s always just like:


“How do you, like, break down the state as much as possible?”


And obviously, that’s a totally failed mission, and it’s never really succeeded anywhere that has been tried. And what they came to realise was, well, you look at the work of someone like Hans Hermann Hopper, who was an anarcho-capitalist libertarian type, but who was also sympathetic to monarchism and argue that monarchy actually provides more freedom than democracy, because if you have a secure centralised power, it’s a different incentive structure.


So if you have a democracy, well, then you’re going to have more socialism, because then if you want to get the pleb votes, you’re going to have to basically offer to spend the government’s money on a whole series of social programs to win their votes and transfer wealth from the rich to the poor. And so democracy incentivises a larger and larger state, and grows the state, and intervenes a lot in the economy.


And so if you want to have a state that doesn’t do that as much, you would rather have more of a dictatorship. And you could see the kind of Chile under Pinochet was kind of like that. It was like this libertarian fascism combination. Dictatorship.


Thomas Sewell: Well, this. How do you pronounce his name? Bukell. Buchel. BUELE.


Joel Davis: Bukele. In El Salvador.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, he’s like a little mini dictator. He’s doing really well. Yeah, yeah. In a good way.


Joel Davis: Yeah. No, he seems to have done, yeah, he seems really cleaned up the country.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, he’s a straight up [word unclear]


Joel Davis: The guy who got elected president in Argentina, Millet. He’s like a libertarian, but at the same time, …


Thomas Sewell: He’s a libertarian clown. Yeah.


Joel Davis: Yeah. But he’s also, like, willing to work with the global establishment, particularly. He’s aligned himself with the America and like, Elon Musk is over there meeting with him:


“How great is this guy?”


So it’s part of that same clique. Bolsonaro seems to have been supported by that clique, but he got defeated by Lula, I think his name is, who’s like a communist. And he’s allied with the Chinese and the Russians.


Thomas Sewell: He’s like Bernie Sanders on steroids, that guy.


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. So you could see like this new kind of dichotomy and the kind of Atlanticist global liberalism elite represented by Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden and so on, that seems to be falling by the wayside. And this new kind of Americana, Pax Americana, new Cold War ideology seems to be rising. And that’s kind of what Trumpism seems to represent now, like to kind of build into this larger theme about what this means for the world.


So that’s quite interesting because it seems like Australia is like, the slowest to react to all of these developments. We still have the old form of politics. We don’t have this, like, rising Right-wing populist movement. Yeah. Like, Albanese seems to be of the ilk of the Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden era.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: And that seems to be, I think that’ll gradually kind of melt away. I remember you talking about on this show when we first started doing it, you were talking about analyzing the Joe Rogan podcast because your mates at work would listen to Joe Rogan, and you were noticing Joe Rogan pivot where he was a little bit more Left leaning and he started going really hard against, quote, unquote, “wokeness” and kind of pivoting more to the Right-wing.


Thomas Sewell: He called it, the “new centre”. Yeah.


Joel Davis: Yeah. I think that basically is the cultural shift.


Thomas Sewell: Tech bro, libertarian mixed with., … Yeah, like, it’s aware of what’s going on in China. It’s anti-woke, but it’s pro, kind of degeneracy. It’s kind of this weird blend of yeah, … It’s like, let me smoke weed and shoot guns, but also, like, trannies are bad!


Joel Davis: Yeah, trannies are bad. But who cares about gay marriage and abortion?


That’s what’s interesting as well. At this Republican National Convention that happened this week, it was basically gay marriage was put into the Republican Party platform officially. The Trumps have killed a lot of the anti-abortion momentum. And a lot of racists who aren’t Christians think that’s actually a good thing because abortion disproportionately basically culls the black population in the United States.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, it is natural law. No, it is natural selection.


Joel Davis: Yeah, but the reason why Trump wants to, … I don’t know if Trump is a crypto racist trying to cull the blacks., …


Thomas Sewell: Nah, I don’t think he’s coming from that angle.


Joel Davis: He’s looking at it electorally.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: It’s just unpopular. He knows that there’s a whole bunch of women that will come out to vote for their abortion rights, that if you don’t touch them, they might stay home or maybe they’ll vote for you.


And I think that he’s just looking at it like that.





Thomas Sewell: It’s the Stacy vote. There’s like a Stacy form of feminism. There’s like pretty girl feminism, like, obviously there’s ugly girl feminism. And they’re like the dysgenic freaks and they’re all fat, retarded and shaved their heads and they want abortion so they can in theory, if they got pregnant, kill their children.


Whereas, Stacey feminism is like, there’s hot chicks want to degrade women around them so that they look more hot. So, like, they’re the ultimate, like, women haters.


And so all the, like, hot chicks, they’ll congratulate and they’ll like people’s pictures on Facebook or Instagram if they’ve done something stupid. And they’ll be like:


“Oh, your new haircut looks so great!”


And it’s like, Stacey bullying, feminism, nationalism. And, yeah, you see that a lot. You see that a lot in these kind of Red states where these women are, like, conservative. They’ve got three or four kids. They live in a nice home, but they’re pro-abortion.


And it’s like:


“But you never had an abortion. You had all your children.”


And it’s like:


“Yeah, but what about other women? They’ll want an abortion.”


It’s like:


“Yeah, you want other women to kill their kids! You just want your kids.”


It’s a very strange form of, when you think about it from a natural selection perspective, it’s like, they want the loser chicks to kill their genes so that only the Stacy’s have kids. And, yeah, you see that a lot.


Joel Davis: Yeah. It’s also a big factor with the Latina vote, because the Latinas love their abortions, even though they’re all Catholics, because they’re also all [word unclear], and their baby daddies aren’t necessarily hanging around a lot of the time. So the Latina vote can really get mobilised through if Republicans touch abortions.


Otherwise, you know what’s interesting about America is that Latinos and Latinas, I think they’re almost, they’re more than double the black population, but they basically get the same amount of black votes as you get Hispanic votes, because a lot of them just aren’t that engaged with politics, which makes sense because they aren’t really a heritage population of the United States. So they don’t have the same ties to the United States and its political culture as blacks and Whites do. Blacks obviously have a racial grievance that really motivates them, particularly black women. Black women all vote. Black men are usually too lazy to vote. That’s kind of what also makes the whole Trump strategy of trying to appeal to the black male vote. It’s like, yeah, in opinion polls, a bunch of black guys will be like:


“Yeah, I like Trump!”


But then when it comes to election day and they have to get out of bed and, like, not start sipping on a 40, but actually get down to a polling booth and like pull a lever. It’s like:


“Oh, man! Like, I don’t, I forgot, it’s just I was eating, you know, sipping some syrup and eating some fried chicken and shit!”


And like:


“Oh, fuck! I mean, I guess I didn’t vote for Trump!”


So but whereas the black woman, Locquious, will be getting down there to vote for Joe Biden because Trump’s an evil, mean racist. Anyway, the point is, yeah. [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: You can see it as well. You can see them like, it’s their form of yeah, … It’s like all social justice.


Joel Davis: But anyway, the I thought that was interesting, though, to notice that, yeah, Trump is going hard on., … I remember I actually saw Eric Trump, one of Trump’s sons, get interviewed and they were like:


“Eric, why is Trump, basically changing his stance on abortion and gay marriage?”


And he’s like:


“Well, wait a second! He actually never opposed gay marriage!”


Which is true. Trump was the first ever US president to run on supporting gay marriage. Or to be fair, I think Clinton also ran on supporting it, but Obama did only flipped to supporting it after he was re-elected a couple of years before the end of his second term. That’s obviously an indication of the larger cultural trends. Obviously, Obama’s actually a crypto faggot and so on. So I’m sure he always supported gay marriage in spirit, but just waited till it was politically expedient.


But the point remains that Trump was never opposed to gay marriage, but he was a little bit more pro-life in the first term.


And I think that was just trying to appeal to the Republicans. And then I think he made the adjustment based upon recent developments, like the Dobbs decision overturning Roe vs Wade. And there was a reaction by, as I said, the Latinas came out to vote Blue in the last midterms or whatever, and so he made the adjustment.


But the point is that Eric Trump was like:


“But we’ve got to focus on other issues like immigration.”


And that’s interesting. Like, they’ll put immigration front and centre and they’re letting a lot of the Christian, early Trump, 2016-20, like President Trump was a lot more explicitly Christian. He would reference Jesus Christ a lot. Today I watched his speech, or a significant portion of his speech, and he was talking about how God saved him and so on, but he didn’t mention Jesus Christ once. Which I found interesting. And the whole tone of the whole RNC, they had the Sikh woman doing some weird prayer.


Thomas Sewell: That was very strange.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: And again, that is more for the Indian alliance. That was all to do with, that was like a Indian alliance ritual. Like:


“See, we’re doing it at our conventions!”





Joel Davis: Why wouldn’t they do the Hindu thing? It’s almost like, that’s almost dumb from, even from that standpoint because like, there’s the whole Khalistan* issue and Sikh-Hindu tensions and so on.


[* The Khalistan movement is a separatist movement seeking to create a homeland for Sikhs by establishing an ethno‐religious sovereign state called Khalistan in the Punjab region.]


Thomas Sewell: I don’t know the exact demographics of the Indians that are in the United States. So maybe that’s relevant to that. Maybe there’s a higher percentage of Sikhs than Hindus or disproportionate.


Joel Davis: It probably is, because I think the Sikhs as a minority, I think they try to, …


Thomas Sewell: High income earners. Yeah, they’re high income earners as well.


Joel Davis: Like, there’s a decent amount of them that come here. Yeah, they seem to be disproportionate. Like, obviously, the majority of the Indians that come here are Hindus, but, yeah, more Sikhs than the percentage of the total Indian population do come here. And probably similar to America. I know that’s probably true for Canada as well.


But my point being, it was kind of like this:


“Perennialist Freemason, all religions are legitimate and they all worship the same God, and we respect all faiths as, whether you’re Muslim or Christian or Hindu or whatever, jewish, it’s all the same.”


You know, it had that tone. And I think that actually comports with how a lot of contemporary people think. The majority of Americans they’ll tick the Christian box, but they aren’t like hard, doctrinaire Christians because they’ll tick the Christian box, but also they want to have abortions and they’re pretty gay, and they have a bunch of friends that have different religious views and they don’t really get that offended by it.


And so they’re kind of this neo-perennialist. It’s not really a religion, but it’s kind of this new agey, neo-perennialist kind of worldview, basically. And that seems to kind of, …


Thomas Sewell: Globalism. Globalism is probably the primary worldview.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: So it’s all get along to get along.


Joel Davis: Yeah, that’s part of it. But it seems, because there’s like those famous clips of where they asked Trump what is what his favourite Bible verse was? And he’s like:


“Well there’s just so many good ones. I can’t tell you one.”


And they were kind of like:


“You don’t know one Bible verse?”


He’s like:


“No, no, there’s just so many!”


And they’re like:


“You know what’s your favourite Testament? Old Testament or New Testament?”


He’s like:


“Well, you know, about the same. They’re both great. They’re both fantastic! I always say that the Art of the Deal is my second favourite book behind the Bible!”


He has this, like, he’s kind of acting like as if he’s never read the Bible in his life. It’s quite funny.


Anyway, the point is he kind of showed that he had this almost like fake Christianity. Like, I remember they asked him once if he prayed to. And he said:


“No, I don’t need to pray. I don’t believe in praying.”


They’re like:


“What do you mean, you’re a Christian?”


He’s like:


“I don’t believe in that.”


It’s just like:


“I’m a winner. I don’t need to pray. I just get what I want!”


Kind of thing. It’s kind of funny!


Thomas Sewell: [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Kind of [chuckling] had the attitude, typical Trump shit! I’m actually trying to pull it up because it’s a pretty funny clip.


But the point is that, yeah, he kind of has always had this kind of disingenuous kind of American political Christianity, which he is seemingly happy to drop. And the same thing with the pro-life stuff.


And it seems like even though there is a vocal minority of very devout Christians in American politics that are more influential than in a lot of other Western countries, the same trends of kind of declining church attendance rates and declining faith and declining, … Even people who do go to church or who do profess faith, they’re kind of declining orthodoxy in their doctrinal beliefs. And there’s kind of an adjustment, therefore, that he seems to be precipitating. And he made very clear in his speech:


“I’m a leader for all Americans, of all race, colour, creed, whatever!”


And so that really does also comport with that Joe Roganist neo-centrism:


“We don’t want to be too conservative on any social issue. Like, yeah, the tranny thing is too far, but we don’t want to be too conservative on any social issue because we’re going to exclude an increasingly secular or perennialist multi-religious., …”


And also largely, a lot of people are atheists or agnostics:


“We don’t want to exclude any of these people. We want to create this big, inclusive, get rid of the illegal immigrants, and civic nationalism.”


That all seems to be really coalescing. And that makes sense of what would be popular.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I saw one thing from that porn star or whatever she was that was speaking at the RNC. I think it was just the introduction to her speech. And she said something like:


“We don’t care whether you’re gay or straight or White or black.”


And basically saying that this is the worldview that she stands up for and it’s the same as Trump and it’s the same as the RNC, and Kumbaya together. And I just thought, this is fucking brilliant! And then I saw that that Shabbos goyim*, or whatever he was.


I can’t remember his full name, but I’m pretty sure his name was Shabois. And he was saying.


[* A Shabbos goy, Shabbat goy or Shabbes goy is a non-jew who is employed by jews to perform certain types of work that Jewish religious law prohibits a jew from doing on the Shabbat (Friday evening, Saturday). Aka, as a jewish insult, someone who serves the jews.]


Joel Davis: Yeah, Shabbos.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And he was saying about how obviously they need to ban anti-semitism, you know, it needs to be illegal.


Joel Davis: Kestenbaum.*


Thomas Sewell: And it turns out he’s actually a registered Democrat and tweeted about his support for the Democrats, like, a week ago.


And so they had a Democrat, a porn star. I’m sure this has all been said before, but for those that aren’t aware of this, yeah, it seems like the RNC convention was the most normal, …


[* One of the ‘everyday Americans’ included in Wednesday’s RNC speaker list is recent Harvard grad Shabbos Kestenbaum, who is suing the university over its alleged failure to combat anti-semitism on campus. Wall Street Journal]





Joel Davis: Wasn’t even like a blonde, Americana, big tits porn star. She was a half black, shaved head, bald with face tattoos on her forehead porn star. It was really egregious. And she has clips talking about how Satanism is a logical religion or something that I saw going around.


And then, yeah, Kestenbaum, as you said, he tweeted, like, literally ten days ago. I’ll quote him here. @ShabbosK is his Twitter handle. It says here:


“I am a Democrat. I spoke out against Russia interference in the 2016 election to sow division and supported policies to combat it. I am begging my party now to immediately do the same with Iran.”


And then obviously, he wasn’t getting enough love from the Democrats in his anti-Iran message. So now he’s speaking at the RNC, you know, literally a week later.


Thomas Sewell: Incredible!


Joel Davis: Yeah, it is. But that’s par for the course. Remember, like a while ago, they had all the pro-Palestine protests on American college campuses. And then there were, like, these patriotic young White Americans that were lionised by the media, particularly Fox News, for kind of attacking them and hoisting American flags on campus. But, you know, there was, like. I think there was some White frat guys that did it, and the media kind of ignored them.


But then there were these jewish frat guys who did it, and then they became, like, turned into superstars and they had their little cameo. And, yeah, there was a lot of cringe.


The only element, I would say from the RNC that was cool, other than Hulk Hogan. He liked, ripped. I got to play the Hulk Hogan clip. The Hulk Hogan thing was actually, I love American retardation! I find it, …


Thomas Sewell: It’s getting closer and closer to that movie Idiocracy. Every day we’re just getting closer to reality TV.


Joel Davis: HH, brother!


Hulk Hogan: But what happened last week when they took a shot at my hero! [crowd cheering] And they tried to kill the next president of the United States! Enough was enough! And I said:

“Let Trumpomania run wild, brother! Let Trumpomania rule again! Let Trumpomania Make America Great Again!”


Why not do that, instead of that kind of thing? Even me, as, like, a cynical asshole Nazi, I’m like:


“Okay, I kind of like it!”


Like, that shit’s kind of, … And the Magatards must be cooming at that shit! The Magatards are cooming themselves like crazy! We put the half black porn star up and the Sikh woman singing prayers to some God, I can’t even remember the name of, …


Thomas Sewell: Because they’re trying to appeal to everyone.


Joel Davis: Yeah, but go only on Hulkamania, in my opinion. [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: You know how Indians can withstand, like, copious amounts of the smell of shit! Americans have a different kind of tolerance for cringe. Americans can just tolerate just immense atomic levels of cringe! Their whole culture is just built on being able to withstand the most amount of cringe! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Yeah, [chuckling] yeah. Like, they had a kid rock performance, and I caught a little bit of that they had Dana White from the UFC introduce Trump. And it was quite funny because he was clearly on a shitload of cocaine, because he was just garbling his jaw and licking his lips and, like, his eyes were darting around the room, was yelling into the mic in this kind of bizarre way! [chuckling] Yeah, it was really Murica on the last day. Like, this was like, think day four, but yeah, it was like, over the top woke! Like, even like, shit the Democrats wouldn’t even do on day one. And then day four, they just like, tripled down on, like, Fox News, WWE, UFC, kid rock! [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: They threw everything at it, threw everything at it.


Joel Davis: Yeah. This guy, though, was. I thought this was interesting.


Thomas Homan: As a guy who spent 34 years deporting illegal aliens, I got a message to the millions of illegal aliens that Joe Biden’s released in our country in violation of federal law. You better start packing now! [crowd cheers] You’re damn right! Because you’re going home!


Joel Davis: Anyway. I thought that was kind of interesting.


I mean, I would say that’s like, the one good policy. And Trump did mention, like he said in his speech, and he said it before in his rallies, they want to do the largest deportations in world history. They referenced Dwight Eisenhower, his administration, the fifties, Operation Wetback, where they deported, like, one and a half million Mexicans. And he said:


“We’re going to, like, smash their record or whatever with all of our deportations!”


And you could be cynical and say:


“Oh, they’re going to deport all the Mexicans and then bring in pajeets legally, so what’s the difference?”


In fact, maybe that’s worse. Maybe you’d rather have Mexicans than pajeets. But I still think it would be a good thing to see the state, a modern Western state carry out a mass deportation of millions of people just so that people can see that it’s possible. And they’re going to have to use the military to do it. I would just love to see the military, …


Thomas Sewell: Under budget and ahead of schedule! That’s Trump’s little caption for it. Yeah.





Joel Davis: Yeah, I do think it would be great! Like, that would be the one keynote thing. Maybe the jews will let him do it just because he’s giving them everything else that they want.


So he has made it a kind of centre point, like the way that the [border] wall was like a centre point last time. This seems to be one of his main centre point policies. And according to opinion polls, when Trump was elected in 2016, only about 40 something percent of Americans said that they would support mass deporting illegal immigrants. Now it’s like 66% or something in the last poll they did. So there’s public support for it, just probably because of the sheer quantity that have come over the border in recent years. And, yeah, obviously people could say:


“Well, what are they going to do about illegal immigration?”


Sorry, about legal immigration, probably that isn’t going to improve. But there’s still like something crazy! Like they estimate 15 to 30 million illegal immigrants in America, at least.


So that’s a pretty large amount of people. So if they were going to seriously undertake their removal, I think that would be an objectively good thing. And it would just be great optics for mass deportations as an idea, as a concept. Obviously, it would be different, like in Australia, we would want to do a mass deportation of legal immigrants! But so that would obviously have a different connotation.


But nevertheless, just to show that it’s possible. But you can round people up and remove them en masse. And you can do it in a clean and orderly fashion, like you said, on time and under budget or ahead of schedule and under budget. So I do like that. I do feel like, I mean, other people say:


“Well, why would you hope for that? They’re just promising it, but they won’t deliver it.”


And yeah, I’m sceptical, but at the same time, something to keep an eye on because he’s going to win! It doesn’t matter what anyone watching the show does.


Thomas Sewell: He didn’t complete the wall, but he at least brought the wall into the conversation. And we have the images of the wall. We have the Democrats crying at the wall! The wall was a symbolic victory, even if it wasn’t like a logistic victory.


And likewise, I think the same thing will happen with the deportations. They’re not going to send back the 35 million illegal Mexicans and Central Americans in the country. No way! But they’ll send enough back to prove a point. And that’s certainly a better position and a better situation.


But ultimately, it doesn’t change our situation. We still need to build power.


Joel Davis: Of course.


Thomas Sewell: And I think a lot of the rhetoric that’s happening stems from the innate strength of the far-Right. And that it’s much better to get Trump to appeal to the far-Right than it is to not have a far-Right or it is to not have Trump.


So, yeah, obviously things are moving in the right direction. It’s just not as fast as everyone wants it to. Everyone wants a fascist dictator to take over tomorrow. But realistically, we’re still a few more election cycles away from that happening.


Joel Davis: Yeah, definitely. I think we just need to see mass., … And it’s important for Europe as well because momentum is really building there around re-migration. I think a mass deportation being effected in America would be inspirational and would galvanise, I think, a lot of the European Right to further rigidify their policies.


Thomas Sewell: There’s no legitimacy to the Leftist opposition when they come to the table in the Parliament and say:


“Oh, but this is not logistically feasible or this is going to cost too much money.”


All these talking points go out the window once Trump has actually proven you can deport a couple million people in a short period of time. And yeah, America sneezes and the rest of the world blows its nose is a pretty common expression for these kind of how, you know, politics bleeds out of America. Once America does something, once the rest of the world is like:


“Oh, that’s possible. Okay, well, we’re allowed to do that now.”


And everyone’s kind of waiting for permission from Rome or big daddy or however you want to look at it from a political standpoint. They always wait for the capital. The capital’s kind of sometimes got to make the first move. Otherwise it’s seen as like a rebellion against the order. You know, you can’t just have like the Danish just deport like a couple hundred thousand, you know, Algerians or whatever the fuck is in Denmark at the moment. I’m sure there’s some racial subset there that’s balkanizing it. You can’t really do that until you kind of get permission, unless you risk what happened with Germany, basically. And that was a very different world to today.


Do you want to get on the next topic?


Joel Davis: I wanted to ask you your opinion about, because there’s one other, it’s kind of related to this, but it’s a different story. And it’s really been grouping Right-wing Twitter, particularly the American wing of Right-wing Twitter, which is the dominant element of it over the last few days. There’s this account called Libs of TikTok. I’m sure you’re aware of it’s run by some jewish woman. It’s just like some conservative account.


But anyway, there’s been a whole bunch of like, American libtards that have been going on social media and being like:


“Oh, like the assassin, don’t miss next time!”


About like the assassination attempt.


And they got a few of them fired from their jobs, or something, in the way that Leftists have been getting us fired from our jobs. And there’s been a bit of a debate on the online right as to, like, whether it’s a good, or a bad thing! Some side was saying:


“Oh, it’s not good optics. They’re just like random libtard, you know, moms and pops. They’re just normie libtards. Like, getting them fired from their job at Home Depot is kind of bad optics or something.”


The other view that I think people like myself, I agree with this is, fuck libtards! They have been complicit, …


Thomas Sewell: Annihilation.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! They have been complicit in, look at what happened during Covid, what they were complicit in there. What they’ve been complicit in getting so many of our guys fired for our political opinions. They have yet been complicit in the social enforcement of an agenda that’s trying to genocide our race and turn our kids into faggots and trannies.


I think Sam Hyde said on Twitter that they basically all need to be put into electroshock therapy or re-education camps or something.


Thomas Sewell: I agree. At a minimum.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly! And he made a very good post on the matter. And I think, basically, …


Thomas Sewell: I heard he had a good tweet on it, but I hadn’t seen the tweet yet. Is that the famous tweet people are talking about that went off?


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. Went off. You should look it up. I did quote, tweet it.


So, yeah, you could find it on my page.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I’ll have a look at it. Well, yeah. My initial reaction is, Adolf Hitler says:


“We must fight fire with fire and poison gas with poison gas!”


So that’s doctrinal for me. So nothing’s off limits in that regard.


And I also am just a big believer in just reflecting what they’re doing to us back onto them. So if it works, if it’s effective, you know, send it back on them. They deserve it’s cosmic justice. It’s harming karma however you want to look at it.





Furthermore, what I’d say is that if you can’t rule by love and respect, then you can only rule by fear.


Now, ultimately, you don’t want to have to rule by fear, but we’re in a toxic relationship with libshits! We actually don’t want to be married to them. We don’t want to be in a society with them. We’re in a dysfunctional family, or a dysfunctional marriage. And it ultimately needs to be a split, a schism, a divorce, we can go to couples therapy. There’s all sorts of things that we can do, but I don’t think any of it is going to fix it.


So, yeah, anything that creates – this might be taken out of context by the intelligence surveillance organisations of the country – but what we’re in is an arms race.


And I’m going to say that from a completely philosophical standpoint.


Joel Davis: Metaphorical.


Thomas Sewell: We’re in an arms race, and they’re using these weapons. Yeah, a metaphorical arms race. Exactly! And they’re using these weapons against us, like doxxing, like firing. They’re using the weapons against us. We would be absolutely foolish to not retaliate with the same capacity, because we’re in an arms race and people on our side. And I think I’ve written some essays on this before, the people on our side that are like:


“No, I’m not with them. I’m not with the fighters. I’m not with the people doing this!”


They’re just cowards! They are not actually against these people getting doxxed on a moral principle. They’re not against these people losing their jobs based on a moral principle. What they’re against is the arms race. They’re against us doing it back because they know inherently that that will make libshits more radical, and then libshits are going to become more violent, more aggressive. Their politics is going to become more radical and revolutionary, and it’s ultimately going to lead to a Spanish civil war scenario where the communists are pulling the nuns out of the Churches and raping them.


And because these cowards don’t ultimately want to fight back, when it gets to that level, … Because when it gets to that level, when the communists are pulling the nuns out of the Church and raping them, and pulling the corpses out of the Church and the effigies and anything else that’s of some sort of significance, and defiling them, pissing on them, raping the corpses, whatever they were doing, … When that eventually does occur, because of this arms race of back and forth, because we keep standing up for ourselves, they keep escalating, we keep standing up for ourselves, they keep escalating. And this back and forth keeps occurring.


Again, they always draw first blood. We didn’t start cancel culture, we didn’t start doxxing, we didn’t start any of these things. And likewise with the assassination attempt on Trump, I can’t think of an assassination attempt on any Left-wing politician in recent history.


But anyway, …


Joel Davis: There’s been heaps of attempts of other Right-wing politicians in Europe over the past year.


Thomas Sewell: Exactly! There’s been knife attacks, hammer attacks, shootings you know, there’s been all sorts of attacks on us, …


Joel Davis: In Spain and Germany.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, likewise in Greece and in Italy and in Spain, there’s many nationalists that have been murdered and assassinated. The one time there’s an assassination, or it wasn’t assassination, but there was a murder in Greece that caused Golden Dawn to be shut down and registered as a criminal organisation.


Golden Dawn members were assassinated in the past, and the Antifas and the communist groups, none of them were designated as criminal organisations. So there’s an arms race. That’s what happens. And when we retaliate, generally, that’s what happens. So you’re going to have people saying:


“Oh, you can’t do this! This has to be taken off the table!”


Because they’re ultimately afraid to stand up and fight. When it gets to the nuns getting pulled out of the Church and raped, the people that are on our side when it comes time to actually form the, … I can’t remember the name of the Spanish nationalist battalion that actually went out and dealt with that problem. But the equivalent of how, why was the Einsatzgruppen*, and why were the SS forming anti-guerrilla warfare units, counterinsurgency units? Why were they forming units to hunt down paramilitaries? Well, that’s because jews trained by NKVD were behind enemy lines and they were doing horrible war crimes behind enemy lines after Operation Barbarossa**.


[* The Einsatzgruppen were special units of the German Security Police and SD assigned to execute security measures immediately behind German lines. With the assistance of the Waffen SS, police units, the army, allied Romanian forces, and local collaborators, the Einsatzgruppen conducted shooting of partisans and other local enemy forces.]


[** Operation Barbarossa was the pre-emptive offensive invasion of the Soviet Union by Germany and many of its Axis allies, starting on Sunday, 22 June 1941, during World War II. It was the largest and costliest land offensive in human history, with around 10 million combatants taking part, and over 8 million casualties by the end of the operation.]


And so the SS had to form units to deal with that problem. They had to form pretty savage units to deal with that pretty savage problem. In my opinion, don’t fear the arms race. Just lean into it and fight back, and there’s going to be casualties in war. And as it escalates, that will lead to the libshits working out more strategies to harm conservative people.



But, yeah, absolutely! I think that libshits should be in fear to say that kind of stuff on the Internet. It shows that we’re taking back ground, which is very important in the psychological space.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Superchat, by the way, from Gustavus Vassar, saying:


“When will you invite Haas to the show?”


I don’t think that’s going to be happening anytime soon. He’s a pretty bad host, actually. When I debated him last weekend, probably shouldn’t have agreed to a debate with a communist without a moderator.


So that was kind of probably stupid by me. Anyway, so, yeah, I don’t really have any interest in engaging with the hostile person, particularly a non-White communist without a moderator ever again as a result of that.


But yeah, on this topic of what you’re describing. Again, to bring up Carl Schmitt, Carl Schmitt diagnoses liberalism in the classical sense as de-politicizing, in the sense that liberalism says:


“We’re going to have these rights and these norms and all the different political ideologies have to respect these norms so that we can have a kind of fair and just and reasonable competition within the paradigm of these rules and strictures to prevent political polarisation and a contest for absolute power between one or another ideological faction.”


And so liberalism is in a certain sense, not actually a form of politics, but it’s a form of anti-politics by this definition.


And so these libertarian and conservative types who are like:


“Well, if you engage in cancel culture, you’re just as bad as the Left. (Or) if you engage in identity politics, well, you’re just as bad as the Left or blah, blah, blah! You’re just playing into the enemy’s hands!”




“If the enemy is doing identity politics and you do White Identity Politics, you’re just playing into their hands. You’re just proving their point. You do cancel culture, then you can’t complain about them doing cancel culture!”


And the thing is, the issue is not the tactics of the Left. The issue is not the means of the Left. It’s the ends of the Left. It’s what they’re using the tactics for.


Thomas Sewell: Exactly!


Joel Davis: Like the issue isn’t that people use guns when they try to kill people. The issue is when they kill people unjustly. If you’re killing bad people, then using a gun is a good thing. In the same sense of if you’re using cancel culture against Leftists who are the enemy of our civilisation, it’s a good thing. If using identity politics to defend the White race, it’s a good thing because we are speaking from the perspective of what’s good for the White race, what’s good for Western civilisation, what’s good for our families, for our nations. And the Left is fundamentally opposed to that. They’re a civilisational virus!


Thomas Sewell: Yes!


Joel Davis: And so the issue isn’t how they’re going about things. The issue is what they are, what they’re for. And what these conservatives want to do is they want to preserve this space of society that can somehow be de-politicised where it doesn’t matter if you’re on the left or the Right or what race you are or what political affiliations you have:


“We can all just watch the game and touch grass together. And so on and drink a beer and talk about the weather.”


They want to preserve this kind of social peace from being politicised.


But the thing is that that time is well and truly over! When we were a homogeneous White society and it was like the 1950s and the argument between the Left and the Right was over tax policy or something, we could have a fair and gentlemanly political conflict that didn’t infect all of society. Now the Left has basically totally gone after us, to try and completely de-platform us from being able to participate in politics. We’re banned from using social media. We’re banned from using many, most venues. We’re banned from so many aspects of society, indirectly, if not directly, because of our political affiliations. And so many other people on the Right experience the same thing across the Western world.


They’ve taken over the school system, they’ve taken over the media, they’ve taken over the government, and they’re using all of these institutions to completely destroy our civilisation and kill our race!


And so your response to that is:


“We’re at war!”


You don’t get to choose to go to war or not when the enemy has chosen to go to war.


Thomas Sewell: Exactly!


Joel Davis: You only get to choose whether you’re going to war or not, when the enemy is still trying to have peace, where the enemy hasn’t declared war on you yet. Once they declare war, you have no choice! You just got to fight! You either fight or you surrender!





And so what these conservatives actually are, is they’re surrender monkeys.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: Like, they delude through their convoluted morality, they basically are appealing to, they say:


“Well, the moral thing to do would be to have a society that was de-politicised, that had these fair and just rules that all people would be subject to.”


That’s not actually a moral system, though. What that is a truce. What that is that is a negotiation, …


Thomas Sewell: A truce with the devil.


Joel Davis: Yeah, but the thing is that the devil’s not interested in taking the truce, first of all. And second of all, even if they were, the only reason that they would be interested in taking the truce would be because we had turned the tables and now we were in the ascendancy, in which case we should just run over them and fucking crush them! Because then we’re winning!


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Joel Davis: So there’s no point taking a truce. When you have to appeal to rights and democracies and norms, it means you’re in the losing position. It means you’re like trying to say to the enemy:


“Hey, hey, hey! We should have all of these, I should have all of these things that protect me from you totally dominating me.”


But once you’re in power, all of those things become irrational. They just become limitations on your power.


So the Left are in power. They’re saying:


“Well, fuck rights! Fuck democracy! Fuck all of these things!”


They were only useful to use against the Right when they still had some power, when they were still afraid of them. Now that they’re no longer afraid of us, they’re destroying all of these things.


So now we have to fight them. Like, the time under which these things could have protected us is long gone. And trying to appeal to them as principles against your own side makes no sense. Appealing to them against the enemy, trying to expose the enemy’s hypocrisy or whatever, yeah, that does make sense. And if you can convince dumbasses on the left to care about the rights of Right-wingers, then go right ahead. Let them be useful idiots that basically take the boot off our neck as a result. But I’m trying to convince your own side to take the boot off your enemy’s neck. It’s fucking retarded, strategically.


But, of course, a lot of these conservatives, they don’t think in these terms. They don’t want to fight. As you said. They’re afraid of polarisation. They’re afraid of civil war or, …


Thomas Sewell: Because they think we’ll lose. They’re defeatists! They’re fundamentally weak! They’re lazy! They’re defeatists!


Joel Davis: And even if they win, even if they thought that we could win, they probably still would argue against it because they don’t want to, …


Thomas Sewell: They might break a nail, …


Joel Davis: Winning would still still cost. Like, no war is won without casualties. And they don’t want to pay the price.


So a lot of the people that were saying:


“Oh, you shouldn’t go after this poor woman, blah, blah, blah.”


A lot of them, I noticed, were, were women, or they were gen-Xer types and so on. Obviously, on Twitter, it’s hard to tell exactly who someone is because, well, …


Thomas Sewell: They haven’t been hurt yet. They haven’t been hurt by the Left. They’re in a comfortable position. They’re comfortable, you know, they’re paying off their mortgage. They’ve got a decent job. You know, they haven’t been hurt. They haven’t suffered from the Left’s tyranny. They haven’t had their bank accounts closed down. They haven’t had the police knock on their door. Because they’re not fighting, they’re just spectating, they’re like:


“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let’s be civil here, guys. Come on!”


And it’s like:


“Do you forget what they did to us? Do you think we’ve forgotten what they’ve done to us?”


We’re going to do much worse to them, when the shoe is on the other foot.


Joel Davis: Yeah, exactly!


Also, the other objection that I heard was from more people on our side who were saying:


“Oh, like, why are you supporting this? The Libs of TikTok, they’re run by, that account is run by a jewish woman. Trump is a Zionist, so who cares if someone is advocating for assassinating them?”


My response to this is, those principles that we just discussed about Left-Right polarisation are actually more important than any of those specific details.


Secondly, when Leftists and jews attack each other, the only proper response to that is to get your popcorn out and cheer it on, because you just want them to do as much damage to each other as possible. But third of all there’s a distinction between, … Like, there’s attacking Trump from the Right, which is basically attacking Trump because he’s not enough like Hitler. Trump should be more Hitler.


And so those kinds of attacks are different. Like, those kinds of attacks are legitimate. They’re like an internal Right-wing attack trying to drag the consciousness towards a more Right-wing position. But the Left-wing attack is that Trump is too much like Hitler, or Trump, like, even if it’s delusional, they’re like:


“Trump is literally Hitler!”


And so when they’re attacking Trump, they’re attacking the idea of Hitler, basically. They’re attacking the idea of a strong Right-wing leader who actually stands up for White people and stands up to the Left.




Now, now, that might not actually comport with the reality of Trump, but it doesn’t matter because that idea is still a real political idea, because the spectre of a Right-wing populist leader rising and seizing control of the state and basically destroying libtards and basically deporting all the non-Whites and putting all the trannies and gays into re-education camps and all this kind of stuff, that is still like a spectre that haunts the political process.


The idea of like, proper Right-wing political victory, not conservatives winning election, but like, the establishment of a Right-wing authoritarian state, what that would mean, what that would imply. And people see echoes of that kind of Julius Caesar figure or Hitlerian figure in Trump, because the Right-wing energy that coalesced around Trump had that spectre. He tapped into that spectre, even if he doesn’t actually embody it in practice.


So when a Left-winger attacks Trump, they’re really, from that perspective, they’re attacking the Right, they’re attacking Right-wing authoritarianism, they’re attacking the spectre of Hitler, they’re attacking the White race, they’re attacking everything that we hold dear.


And so because they’re attacking him for the wrong reason that just proves that they’re the political enemy, and therefore, any punishment that comes out to them, any discipline that comes out to them, fantastic! I wouldn’t agree with canceling anyone on the Right who is, like a far-Right person who attacks Trump from the Right, obviously. That’s totally legitimately, totally different.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: So, and I haven’t actually seen that happening. I haven’t seen, like, a, like, a wignat who is calling Trump a jewish shill or something. No one’s going after them and getting them fired for that. They’re getting fired for their actual political beliefs, not for that specific one.


So, yeah, I wouldn’t be too concerned. Like, ultimately, what is being achieved here is nothing that really impacts us. It’s just like, laugh at the libtard suffering and cheer on more libtard suffering.


Thomas Sewell: Yes, I agree to these terms.


Joel Davis: You know did you see that video of Tucker Carlson that I posted a few days ago?


Thomas Sewell: I saw two videos of Tucker Carlson. One was of him going after the Schofield Bible, and the other was him talking about, Great Replacement, again.


Joel Davis: Yeah, the Great Replacement one, should I play? It’s only, like, a minute 30.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: I want to get your thoughts on this. I gave my thoughts on Telegram and Twitter. Because I think this is interesting, like, this seems to be a step ahead of stuff that we’ve heard from Tucker up till this point.


Tucker: You know, why would you want to watch the people whose ancestors built the country die, mock them as they die, and then replace them? I don’t understand. I mean, that suggests actual hate, like, homicidal hate! I would never want something like that for anybody. By the way, it’s not just the United States. It’s happening all over the Western world. The people whose ancestors built these countries are dying, and they’re being replaced. And it’s like, why would you want to do that? There’s something very heavy going on.



You know, I mean, go to Sweden, go to the UK, go to London! I mean, it’s shocking! And I don’t at this point care if you’re not allowed to notice it or if you’re racist to notice it’s happening in Ireland. Ireland! Ireland was never a colonial power! Like, in the United States, like:

“Well, you have to put up this because you were mean to Puerto Rico or something!”

You know what I mean?

Or you’ve used too much carbon. So you have an obligation to allow all of Central Africa move to your country and give them housing vouchers. Okay. But Ireland never did anything to anybody. Ireland was oppressed by Great Britain, actually. It was never a colonial power! Sat out an entire World War [WW II]. No, exactly! They suffered a potato famine. So why are you doing this to the Irish? They are the indigenous population of their island, and you’re watching them die and replacing them with people from the third world. On what basis are you doing that, George Soros, actually? Like, what’s the real answer? And you have to think that this is genocidal intent. Like, what else is it? I mean, honestly, what else is it?:

“Oh, shut up!”

How about, no! Because I want to live it’s 1985 in the country that I loved, where honest questions could be asked with full confidence. You had a right to do that because you’re an American. And I’m going to live that way until I die. And I don’t care what they do to me. I’m going to live it’s 1985 in my country.



And I’m going to ask a super obvious question:

“Why are you doing that? And why are we putting up with it?”

I don’t think we should!


Thomas Sewell: Is that Donald Trump junior on the left?


Joel Davis: I don’t think so. that was on the Dan Bongino show.


Thomas Sewell: Is he the guy in the middle? That looked like Donald Trump junior on the left? Whoever it was on the left, was very uncomfortable. Not very uncomfortable, but was hiding their uncomfortableness with it. And I was wondering whether that was Donald Trump junior, because it kind of looked like him. It could be wrong.


Joel Davis: Yeah, actually it is! It is Donald Trump Junior. Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. That’s definitely a huge increase in the rhetoric. That’s basically our rhetoric from a couple years ago. So he’s come a long way. Obviously, he said some pretty dumb things in the past, and even recently, even within the last twelve months, he said some pretty stupid things like that he doesn’t care. He said something that was like, could be perceived as quite anti-White. But that those statements seem just straight down the line. And he’s the most influential journalist in the world. And we’ve got Elon Musk often agreeing with a lot of the things Tucker Carlson says, and a lot of the memes floating around in our circles.


So we’ve got basically the richest man or second richest man in the world, and we’ve got the most influential, most watched, listened to journalist in the world, just straight up, he just straight up said that White genocide is a real thing and why is it happening? Who’s pushing it and why?


I like the rhetoricalness of it. I like the rhetoric of it, because sometimes if you say what’s happening, … Like, we can just say it’s the jews! And we can say:


“It’s the satanic, Kabbalahistic, Blackrock jews!”


And we can say who it is. But sometimes just asking the question is equally as powerful.





As much as everyone’s obsessed with saying:


“It’s the jews! It’s the jews!”


Often that doesn’t wake people up. It can shut people off. Versus just asking the question, plants that seed and opens the door to the next step. He’s opening doors. And these people, I thought if they’re controlled, if they controlled opposition, that kind of behaviour does not appear controlled. That kind of behaviour from him appears very open and free. Like, that’s his actual rhetoric. That doesn’t seem like a script, that doesn’t seem like the jews have told him what he’s allowed to say and what he’s not allowed to say. That just sounds completely sincere.


And when we think about the old gatekeepers, when we were dealing with the 2016 election cycle, Trump was saying all these things that were quite marvelous and about the wall and about American manufacturing and about it was like, it was very Baby Hitler. Yeah, it was like very baby Hitler. And we can’t have Hitler yet, but we can have, like, this really, really, really watered down version of it where it’s like:


“Wow! Finally just, …”


Joel Davis: [words unclear]


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, exactly! And [word unclear] Hitler.


And then you had all these gatekeepers in the wider scene that weren’t really directly related to Trump. But you had these Ben Sharpiros, you had these Jordan Peterstein’s, you had all these characters, and they were really gate-keeping everyone. I noticed a lot of people started getting engaged in politics in 2016, and they’re on YouTube and they’re watching Trump speeches or they’re watching this kind of stuff.


And then the next video is “Peterstein”! And then it just takes you off course, because they’re gate-keeping and diverting. They’re diverting your attention.


Whereas what Tucker’s doing there, either consciously or unconsciously, he is opening the door to the next question, which is if he’s asking who’s doing it and why? And does this constitute genocide? Because that’s what it looks like. The next question is:


“Okay, so it’s the jews. They’re doing it because they hate us! It is genocide! What do we do about it?”


That’s a logical conclusion. That’s the dialogue.


Joel Davis: And even if you don’t even go to, “it’s the jews”, I think the logical conclusion to draw from it is:


“We’re being attacked as a race, therefore we have to defend ourselves as a race.”


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


zz And that’s why when I posted it, I also posted a video of him, his remarks from last year, where he counter-signaled the idea of White Identity Politics, saying:


“Well, just because you have the same skin colour as me. Why would you? You can’t speak on my behalf.”


And I thought that was a ridiculous idea because. Yeah, I thought that was a ridiculous notion, though, because, yeah, like, now you kind of can’t have both of those views at the same time. You know, you can’t say you can’t have White Identity Politics and also, but there’s a White genocide happening.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: We’ll see how he develops later.


Thomas Sewell: It is interesting what he says at the end there about:


“I want to live in 1985!”


Specifically, like this golden era of probably his childhood or his teenage years or young twenties or something.


And it’s like this golden era that he remembers where everything was sane and normal and black people were cool and crime was low [chuckling] and everyone just got along and it was like utopia, kind of semi multi-cult, like “salt and pepper” America. He wants to go back to salt and pepper America where nobody cared about race. Everyone’s colour-blind. He can’t have that! So now he’s asking questions about why we’re getting genocided. So that I think that that’s definitely an escalation in the right direction. In the arms race.


Joel Davis: Yeah. When Tucker was in Australia recently, he was asked by some Leftist journalist, …


Thomas Sewell: That Asian chick?


Joel Davis: From the ABC, I don’t remember what she looked like because I just saw the video of, you could hear her voice, but I didn’t see her yeah, she could have been Asian.


Anyway, she asked him:


“Why are you promoting the racist conspiracy theory, the ‘Great Replacement’ that’s linked to mass shootings and blah, blah, blah?”


And he laughed at her. But what he said was:


“Well, it’s not just the White Americans that are being replaced, it’s also the black Americans!”


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Joel Davis: And a lot of people interpreted that in a negative way, and I could see why.


But at the same time, there is a certain kind of logic to that. But he’s trying to get out of being called a racist. But it is a obvious rhetorical move where you can say:


“Well, you know, America was a White country with a black minority, and that’s actually who real Americans are. And all these, you know, people that are coming in now, they aren’t really Americans or whatever.”


You can kind of see a certain logic to that where you can, … But then the thing is, you can’t extend that logic to any European country. And he explicitly defended a whole series of European countries. And also he said the same thing was happening in Australia.


So if he wants to have that, like, way of getting out of being called a racist in American politics, but then he still groups it in:


“Well, blacks aren’t being replaced in Africa, are they?”


So it just seems like these black slaves are just caught in the crossfire of White genocide and just so happen to have their jobs taken by Mexicans. But it’s not because George Soros and the jews are trying to replace blacks. It’s because they’re trying to replace Whites and they just so happen to be there.


So you could say it is a form of cucking. It is a form of optics cucking, but at the same time, … And he probably does genuinely like blacks, he did have a lot of blacks on his show when he was on Fox. I remember he interviewed Kanye West and, yeah, he seemed to kind of he always seemed to kind of have a certain kind of a negrophilia of sorts, which I guess is, …


Thomas Sewell: Everyone saying in the chat that Blair is trying to connect, that Blair’s in the house?


Oh, yeah, it is. Yeah, send him a link to the stream.


Joel Davis: I’ll send him a link. Yeah, I guess he’s free. That’s good.


But what I was gonna say about Tucker. Like, it’s not the rhetoric that I would use, but I can kind of see that gives him a certain kind of political protection where he can kind of pretend like he’s got his arm around the black guy and then he’s like:


“America is just us! Not any of you people!”


I don’t love it, but it’s still a vast improvement.


And then the day after he does this with Donald Trump junior sitting there on the stream, and then he’s sitting next to Trump at the RNC the following day taking photos. So, …


He kind of has this level of legitimacy and he has his own network now, ever since he got fired from Fox, where I guess he can kind of do what he wants and he’s been taking shots at Israel and now he’s talking, he’s a free man now. He can kind of do what he wants. And he’s so popular and he’s kind of independent that I guess he can get away with it.


So I’m kind of warming to him based upon those remarks in particular, if I’m honest.


Thomas Sewell: That’s incredible, the things he’s saying. It’s absolutely changing the political dynamic. How’s it going, Blair? Good to see you.


Blair Cottrell: Hey, guys. Thanks for inviting me on. Sorry I had to message the main chat there and sorry I’m late. I wasn’t actually intending on making it home in time, but just got home from a family birthday dinner and I’m glad that I made it. I don’t know what’s being discussed, but I’ll just try to keep up with whatever topics passing by, …


Thomas Sewell: It was mostly just the RNC conference.


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Just Trump, the assassination. Yeah. Geopolitics. So just like American-Indian alliance at the moment.


Joel Davis: Would you like to weigh in on anything to do with America or would you like to instead talk about you getting your YouTube banned, because that was also on the agenda.


Blair Cottrell: I think the biggest news is obviously the assassination attempt! I’ve yet to, …


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, we have covered it, though. We have completely, we covered the first, like 20 minutes of the show. So we can just jump straight to the next topic. Unless you want to give your take.


Blair Cottrell: Like, my take is that I’m just kind of stunned by it. Not that it happened, but that he survived it! It’s just shocking that he survived it! I couldn’t believe it! When I saw that computer generated image where if he didn’t turn his head at the opportune time, the bullet would have gone through his skull. Is that just some Jupiterian-Sagi [astrology] luck or is this kind of, … I don’t know. I just don’t know how to describe this man. I don’t get it! I’m just like:


“Wow! He survived an assassination attempt by millimeters. Incredible! ?”


Joel Davis: And then the fist bumps and, like:


“Fight! Fight! Fight!”


Like was, it was pretty epic.


Blair Cottrell: Like WWE, everyone’s, …


Joel Davis: He kind of threw a Roman!


Blair Cottrell: Look. It’s really reinvigorated a bit of patriotic sentiment in the American people, and that’s great to see! And really, that’s all I can say about it. Let’s be honest. Like, I’m an outsider, I’m not an American, but there’s been some really cool footage that’s come of it.


And actually, the latest Trump video that came out the official Trump video was actually really based. It was really cool! Like, I enjoyed watching it. It was good propaganda, good electoral propaganda. I thought it was pretty funny.


Joel Davis: What was the video you’re referring to?


Blair Cottrell: The boys posted it in one of the chats. I don’t know. And they said it was unironically good. So I checked it out. It was just titled Make America Great Again. But it was just a compilation of his speeches and stuff. Like, you probably wouldn’t find it that interesting, but it was actually a cool video.


But what I was going to say is I find it amusing that Biden, as we predicted last week, has dropped out of the presidential race. But Kamala Harris, sorry, …


Joel Davis: That isn’t confirmed. There’s just rumours. But there are rumours.


Blair Cottrell: I thought it was confirmed.


Joel Davis: No, no, no! It was just rumours. But then people from Biden’s team came out and said, so apparently Biden has Covid right now. So he’s nowhere to be seen.


But yeah, people from Biden’s team came out and quashed the rumours after the rumours swelled up and it seemed like, okay, this might be the end for Biden. Then they came out and said:


“No, he’s not stepping down.”


So there seems to be a power struggle. There’s a large portion of the Democrat party that are really putting maximum pressure on him, trying to make him step down. But ultimately they can’t remove him, like, he has to step down because he’s already won the primary. So he’s already got the nomination. So they actually delayed the Democrat convention by a few weeks to give themselves more time to try and make him step down and everything. So they probably will get him to step down, but who knows? He could hold on for dear life Aryan Joe.


Blair Cottrell: It’s frustrating because I’m getting information saying:


“Oh, he has stepped down, or he’s going to step down.”


But as you’ve just described, it’s obviously a power struggle within the Democrat party over there. But I don’t know. I’ll be surprised if he sticks it out the whole way. Hopefully he does. [chuckling] I think that’ll make for an easier Trump victory.


But let’s be honest. I’m pretty sure Trump’s going to win the presidency now after that spectacular, incomprehensible survival of the assassination attempt! I think it’s in the bag for Trump, but that’s all I’ve got to say on it. I suppose. This is the first time I’ve appeared on camera commenting on that specific subject, but I don’t really want to get too much into it because I’m not a learnt person when it comes to American politics.


So all I can really do is give that sort of reaction to the process of the assassination. [chuckling]





Joel Davis: I want to ask you, though. Do you think it was a setup or do you think it was incompetence? I know you initially said incompetence, and I can understand why because there was a lot of evidence of incompetence, but in my opinion, that itself was probably part of the setup. Like, you put a bunch of retarded women to be not the fall guys, the fall girls and so on, so that you can sell the incompetence narrative.


But I think the oversight was so extensive and there’s so many weird details. Like, apparently the shooter had, like, three foreign bank accounts, and he doesn’t have any social media. Like, they’re really kind of covering up his background and then not securing the building, not even putting, like, any personnel on the building that he climbed up upon was like, a ridiculous oversight. It seemed almost too ridiculous to me.


And also there was that bank, that investment bank that shorted all of this stock in Donald Trump Media or whatever the day before. And they said it was a clerical error, but it seems kind of convenient. There’s a lot of dodgy shit around it that makes me suspicious. But I saw you start to get a bit more suspicious on Telegram.


So what’s your view on it? What percentage chance do you think it was incompetence? And what percentage chance do you think it was a setup?


Blair Cottrell: Initially, I did just think it was incompetence, and I put it down to too many women, or inexperienced women, specifically, as boots on the ground Secret Service members. And I did a bit of a write up on this on my Telegram channel, perhaps even on my new X account, too, which I finally got around to making, since it’s looking like I’m not going to get my original old Twitter account back, regardless of the amount of kicking and screaming that I’m doing. Which I’m not really doing a lot of kicking and screaming, that’s not really my style. What I mean is, I’m just not going to get my old account back, it seems.


But I put it down to just females, because women, they don’t usually do well in situations where they have to think and react quickly. And this is not really having a dig at women, but women are never actually sure of what to do. And they’re never sure of how to act or react, especially in a high stress situation. And if you’ve ever played, and this was the wording I used in my post, if you’ve ever played Call of Duty or chess against a woman, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.


I think the reason Trump almost got shot, or initially, I thought the reason Trump almost got shot was simply because too much time was wasted on the indecision of women. There was too many women in the decision making process, in how the Secret Service was set up, and there was too many women around Trump, at the time of the assassination attempt. And they just weren’t sure of what to do! They just weren’t sure! And it all just came down to that indecision.


However, after I saw that’s a Austin Wealth Group, or whatever they were called, shorted 12 million worth of Trump shares, or 12,000 Trump shares, however it actually works, I’m not sure, because I’m not an economist, I’m not someone who sits on the stock market looking at shares all day. But I know what a short is. I know that it’s betting that a stock falls and Trump stocks would have fallen, obviously. His business would have taken a massive hit if he had have been killed, obviously.


And then there was the shorting of Rumble from the same business entity, a business entity, Austin Wealth, which also is a major donor to Zionist and jewish groups throughout America. That’s really fucking suspicious! That indicates prior knowledge somewhere by someone, okay, that was connected to this specific group.


But as you said, they’re claiming that it was just a mistake, it was just a clerical error. As if! Like that you don’t make, when you’re a wealth group that big, that organised, you don’t make clerical errors that large, it just doesn’t happen!


So they’re covering, they’re trying to claim ignorance.


So I’m not actually sure at this stage. I think more information is going to come out in time, as it always does, and we’ll be in a better position to have a clearer perspective on what was actually happening on that day and leading up to that day. The lack of information about the shooter is also really interesting. There is some speculation that he was a transvestite, but I’m not sure if that’s confirmed. If he does turn out to be a member of the transgender community, that’s going to be pretty significant. [chuckling] That’s going to put members of this community who are politically active on watch lists, as they probably should be anyway, because they’re taking a plethora of drugs and they’re generally deranged as a rule. So I think most people who are transvestites and into politics should already have eyes on them.


But look, I won’t comment any further because I could imagine you guys have already gone into some detail before I arrived on the show, pretty much ready to move on.


My perspective is, initially I thought it was incompetence and just too many women in Secret Service. Now I’m starting to think that someone knew something, but I’m not sure whether that someone had enough influence to actually set it up or not. They may have just heard that something was going on and made the Right moves to try to make money out of it. Because that’s all these investment companies do when it, especially those of a judaic nature, they don’t really care who lives and who dies, and they’re not really overly invested in who lives and who dies. They’re just trying to make as much money as they can from circumstance. Right?


So Austin Wealth Group, them doing the shorts on the Trump shares the day before the assassination attempt. It doesn’t really indicate that they were involved, but it does indicate that someone in that company, connected to that company, knew something and they were trying to profit from it. That’s what it indicates to me.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think it’s a reasonable suspicion. It’ll be interesting because I think Trump will get in. I thought he was already kind of inevitable to win even before that, but I think it’s even more locked in now, I don’t anticipate there’s going to be a very thorough investigation now. But you would think once he gets in, he’s going to want to go after whoever the fuck killed, like, tried to kill him. You would think just based on self preservation. So you think he’d probably have a proper, a real good investigation once, …


Blair Cottrell: But Joel, the first thing you should do is sack the director of the Secret Service. That Kimberly woman, after she said:


“Oh, I didn’t put people on that roof. That was a known threat and identified a threat because there was a slope on the roof. But I did have counter-snipers on a different sloped roof.”


What kind of, what a fucking, … What an ignorant, …


Joel Davis: You could put people on the ground as well to prevent anyone climbing up there.


Blair Cottrell: But she needs to take this. Like, nothing against women generally, but that is just so stereotypically female to refuse to take responsibility and refuse to resign in a situation where any other person would resign. You know, you just resign.


Joel Davis: Do you think that’s part of the setup? Because, like, it’s too stupid! Like, even for a woman. Like, maybe it’s not too stupid for a woman. But it feels almost too stupid to me that, like, surely even she isn’t that stupid! You know what I mean?


Blair Cottrell: I just don’t know, …


Joel Davis: Then it gives you a way to be angry at the incompetent, retarded woman rather than suspecting the setup.


Blair Cottrell: I don’t know. I think when it comes to women, the tendency to stubbornly, …


Joel Davis: I hear what [chuckling] you’re saying!


Blair Cottrell: Onto power just in spite of you. I think, like, we can’t underestimate them.


Joel Davis: Women are so bad at taking responsibility. It’s insane! I mean, it is a great point. Every time a woman takes responsibility, they always, like, spin it around to blaming you in some convoluted way.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, look, but I’m not here to, …


Joel Davis: You made me feel this way and yeah, …


Blair Cottrell: I don’t want to bash on women too much. Like, we sort of give women a hard time on this show sometimes, even though women are really appreciative of us.


I mean, I can speak for both of you guys. Like, we have, like, got girlfriends. Everyone’s happy. We have the respect of women in our lives. So we got to take that into consideration too. Women aren’t all bad! But look, I’ve kind of just jumped on this show without, like, being prepared or actually thinking that I was going to come on tonight.


So I can’t really give a, how should I say, calm, detailed explanation of my take other than what I’ve given up until this point. So probably best that we just finish it there and maybe move on to the next subject, if you’re ready to do that.





Joel Davis: Yeah, I want to talk quickly, …


Thomas Sewell: What’s that show called? I think it’s controlled opposition, but it’s like an Arab news network, and they always got, like, people on there with crazy rants. What’s it called? It’s not Al Jazeera, but it’s like the anti-Judah, …


Joel Davis: Memory TV.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Memory TV. Yeah. We’re like the Aryan version of Memory TV, where no matter what we’re talking about, somehow it devolves to, like, complaining about women or the jews.


Joel Davis: Yeah, but it’s kind of based.


Blair Cottrell: The feminine element of society is doing fundamental damage to our society. So it’s no wonder that we keep going on, … And when I say feminine element, I’m not necessarily always referring to women. That’s the thing. But look, we won’t open up that can of worms.


Thomas Sewell: He’s just referring to incompetence and weakness in general. [chuckling]


Joel Davis: Blair brought it back to, like:


“No, no, we actually respected women!”


But then [chuckling] the misogyny just has to, like, exude out of him regardless. No, we respect the particular women that would be upset at us for having these opinions, but we’re just talking about all the other women.


All right, [chuckling] I think that’s what Blair’s trying to say.


Blair Cottrell: Look, at the end of the day, let me finish it with this will be the full stop. Any sensible woman would not deny that there should not be women in active, protective, defensive, military services or military stuff. Like, if you’re a sensible woman, you would agree that those are male roles, because men have a faster response time, they’re more decisive. They’re just better suited to those roles. Men will just eliminate the threat. If there’s a threat, they’ll limit it. They’ll shoot it!


Whereas a woman would be like:


“Oh, shit! Should I do it? I’m not sure. Is it the right thing? What if it’s an innocent person? What if this is the wrong decision? What should I do? Someone tell me what to do!”


Right? Whereas if it’s a man in that position and he’s trained, there’s a threat on that roof over there. Bang, dead!


Joel Davis: They actually have the caption from the Secret Service people on the stage. And the woman was quoted in the transcript as saying:


“What’s happening? What are we doing? What’s happening? What are we doing?”


And she’s like, running around, flailing while everyone else jumps on Trump, and they’re all on the floor.


Thomas Sewell: She hid behind Trump! Have you seen the photo of them hiding behind Trump?


Blair Cottrell: The wage gap!


Thomas Sewell: The wage gap. Yeah.


All right, next question.


Joel Davis: Yes.


Thomas Sewell: There’s a few Superchats. Did you want to do them first? Are you doing them at the end?


Joel Davis: No, I’ll do at the end because we got to talk about this story, which is about Blair. Which is:


“So Australian censorship worsens.”


This is from Get all your news from Noticer dot News:


“Australian censorship worsens as YouTube bans nationalist Blair Cottrell for travel vlog.”


Here’s like the thumbnail of the video. I think you can still find this video on Rumble, right, Blair? You put it on Rumble as well?


vv not yet. I was planning on.


Joel Davis: You put on Telegram. You put on Telegram?


Blair Cottrell: No, I think YouTube was actually the only place that was uploaded to for the time being. My plan was to kind of concentrate my forces, because that YouTube channel was four years old, and it was one that I set up just for fun, basically, just to stir shit up and for shits and gigs, but nothing overly political or edgy. Mostly gym advice, bit of reaction type video. Like, I tried that as well. I was just trying different stuff, and I didn’t expect it to get taken down. I was like:


“Why would they delete this channel? Like, I’m not really saying anything provocative?”


And I was surprised that it lasted for four years. It was paid premium.


If you read this article, everything in there is accurate. Noticer News reached out to me because they thought it was absurd that a YouTube channel could be just wiped after I upload a travel vlog that involves me training with some members of an Active group. There’s nothing political really said in the group. Like, in the footage, it’s all normal stuff, just guys working out in a gym. And I publicly stated that my intention was to kind of shed a little bit of light on what these guys are really like.


I mean, they’re just normal guys with regular jobs and families who are concerned about where their country’s going, what’s happening to their ethnic community, which is a totally normal, legitimate concern. They’re not, you know, extremist threat, neo-Nazi enemy to the country, kind of! That’s not who these guys are in reality. And I know that because a lot of them are my friends.


And I just wanted to make a bit of an effort to break the perception that the media has created about guys in the Right-wing. I mean, yes, some of the guys in the Right-wing can be a bit extreme, but it’s not the kind of extreme where they’re like some sort of terrorist threat. They’re just extremely dedicated to the survival of their country, their community, their culture, which is a good thing in a lot of cases. I mean we know a lot about how the phrase “extreme” is used these days. It’s used to scare people away from legitimate, dedicated, organised groups and men. Right?


But look, long story short, I woke up the other day, went to my first client, and on the way there I thought:


“Oh, I’ll listen to some music.”


Because I was using YouTube music, which is kind of like a Spotify alternative. If you pay for YouTube Premium, you get access to this secondary a which basically converts every video song uploaded to YouTube into its own track.


And so you can have a library. But I couldn’t access my music because it said, like, it wouldn’t load. And everything else was loading.


So I’m like, what’s going on? And then I saw that the whole YouTube channel was gone. YouTube channel was gone. Check my emails. YouTube had sent me an email saying:


“You have repeatedly and severely violated our community guidelines.”


And so I went through the appeal process. I wrote the appeal and I said:


“Hey, can you give me an example? One single example of how I have severely or repeatedly violated your community guidelines? Like, just one example would be great, just so I understand where you’re coming from.”


They replied a day later saying:


“Sorry, we’re not restoring your account due to violations. See you later, alligator.”


So they didn’t answer my question.


Thomas Sewell: And it’s just talking to a psychopath, you know?


Blair Cottrell: Yeah. The reason this is significant, though, is because I wasn’t using that channel for anything other than humanizing members of the so-called “far-Right” Nazi groups. Like, these are real people with real legitimate concerns.


And as I said, I publicly stated that it was my effort to humanise these guys a little bit. It wasn’t the primary reason for which I was filming the content. I was just kind of having fun. But I slotted some of that stuff in there because I thought I might as well do something productive while I’m making content.


And after my very first effort to upload a single video in which I clearly show that these are just like normal guys going to the gym, they have lunch together, they train together, they have normal views. And actually, when you understand what’s happened to them in their lives, their perspectives are completely understandable.


After one single effort to try to do that, I’m just completely nuked! My whole account is deleted. And I’ve just got no right to ask why the appeal process is rejected straight away.


I also tried to get the attention of YouTube on X, formally Twitter. And I did get their attention, thanks to the help of some of the guys in the community. But it looks like I was just talking to an algorithm robot. It was just telling me:


“Oh, it was for circumvention.”


Meaning I was already banned and I was circumventing the ban. But I said the account was four years old and it was paid premium for four years, and it was under my full name. So why were you taking my money for four years if I was supposed to be banned! And the account that they said was originally banned or something. They might be referring to The Joel and Blair Show because I was a part of that program, because they’ve banned The Joel and Blair Show. Maybe that’s their idea of how I’ve circumvented their ban?


Joel Davis: That was the same reason they gave that my YouTube was banned. They said I was circumventing the ban of The Joel and Blair Show channel. So what? We create a channel for a separate show? The two of us do. And therefore both of our YouTube channels are circumventing that original ban, even though both of our YouTube channels predated it by several years and had lots of different content on it that had nothing to do with the show. That’s totally ridiculous!


Blair Cottrell: Look, the point is, I just got completely targeted and wiped from YouTube for life! Not for giving some offensive opinion, not for harassing anyone, not for actually doing anything other than to try to humanise and show the real lives, the real types of people that are on the far-Right or in the nationalist community. That’s all I was trying to do. And after my first effort to do that, I completely shut down and censored. That is eye opening, man!


Because a lot of effort has been put in by major media and political class, academic class, especially in my country, Australia, to vilify members of the nationalist community, to make them seem more like the “next terrorist threat”. And I’m thinking:


“Well, I know that’s not true, because I am a nationalist and my friends are in nationalist groups, active clubs, and there’s none of that terrorism going on.”


There’s none of that like planning for violence shit that they’re accused of its not actually happening! And because I tried to show that it’s not actually happening, I got censored, completely wiped! So they want and need people to believe that guys in the nationalist community are some sort of violent threat. And anyone who tries to demonstrate that that’s not true is hurting their agenda is completely wiped from the Internet.


That’s really eye opening. It should be eye opening. It should be concerning to you if you’re watching this.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think well said.


We kind of been going for a while. So I want to move on quickly to the next topic. I want to cover this and then we’ll do the Superchats. So send your Superchats now if you want a question read out.


But this happened. This is some of the boys in Adelaide. We were in Adelaide for Hitler’s birthday*, Tom and I, in April. And I’d met some of these guys before at other events, but some of them I hadn’t really met before or hadn’t had much of a chance to speak to. And we got a chance to hang out with them for a few days and they’re good guys.


[* Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician who was the dictator of National Socialist Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945. He rose to power as the leader of the NS Party, becoming the chancellor in 1933 and then taking the title of Führer und Reichskanzler in 1934.]


Anyway, they did a little demonstration. And this is the clip from Seven News, Adelaide of the event. What day was this, Tom? Was it on Sunday or Monday?


Thomas Sewell: It was on Monday.


Joel Davis: Yeah, Monday.


Thomas Sewell: A couple guys had a day off work and the other couple that were there, I think they’re uni students. So it was hard to get a full turnout because most of the guys were at work. But that’s when evil strikes when all the men are at work.





Joel Davis: Anyway, here’s the clip from the news.



Andrea Nicolas (7 News): There were frightening scenes here outside the council this morning as parents arrived with their children to attend the school holiday event. Expecting a backlash, the council moved Rainbow Story Time with Drag Queen Fifi Ladouche an hour earlier to 09:00 am. But protesters got wind of the time change.



Bearded Man: They’re quite happy to let children get groomed while you film me!

Gillian Aldridge (Salisbury Mayor): They all came in really bravely and I was really impressed with them all. One little boy thought they were there especially to cheer him on.

Andrea Nicolas (7 News): There was a heavy police presence as several threats sent the chambers into lockdown. No one was allowed in for several hours while demonstrators condemned the programme being run inside.

Raina Cruise: Imagine a ten year old coming and seeing a man dressed provocatively and he is, as a woman, doing Story Time, then going home and asking, mum:

“Mum, was that a boy, or a girl?”

Stuart Lindsay: We don’t approve of this and we’ll do anything we can to ensure that it stops happening.

Gillian Aldridge (Salisbury Mayor): The Story Time went beautifully. It was lovely. We sang lots of nursery rhymes and clapped our hands to show us you’re happy. It was very pleasant. The books went down really well and children had a lovely, safe time.

Andrea Nicolas (7 News): The council had received more than 100 complaints leading up to today’s event, but maintains it was about promoting diversity.

Gillian Aldridge (Salisbury Mayor): All sorts of people live in Salisbury. Where we care about them all and we include them all. And that’s what it is. We’re an inclusive community.

Andrea Nicolas (7 News): The council isn’t ruling out a similar event in future, but at this stage, there’s nothing in the calendar.





Blair Cottrell: That’s interestingly balanced reporting. What do you guys reckon? Like, usually they’re much harsher on the protesters and defending the transgenders in stories like this, but for once they actually went to the protesters for comment. Like, you almost never see that in media these days.


Joel Davis: Yeah, well, we’ve obviously protested a lot of Drag Queen Story Hours over the last couple years and we’ve never got a fair crack at the whip like that, where, as you say, it’s pretty 50-50. Maybe it’s slightly more biased towards the state, the local council or whatever, and the event itself, but it’s not too bad.


And also the fact that they put images of NSNx activists with their “Destroy Pedo Freaks” banner and they don’t even mention the term “neo-Nazi” once. Oh, it’s just protesters, but they put the images up there. It’s surprisingly normalizing. But I think it indicates, like, a change in attitudes towards the tranny issue. I think the public is obviously on our side. I think pretty much everyone is on our side on this issue.


And according to the boys that were there, I spoke to a few of them and obviously so would Tom would have. It’s, you know, they’re part of the organisation and they said they had a really positive response from the other protesters in the community. And they had a lot of good conversation and they were basically welcomed and accepted, seemingly by the normal mums and dads that came down to protest.


Blair Cottrell: I think these journalists, if they are given sort of unequivocal evidence or like undeniable evidence that the community is against something, like, how long can they keep ignoring that? Eventually they have to report on it in some objective manner.


And hopefully the same happens for the plight of our ethnic community down here in Australia. Like, if they start to see that it’s actually happening, it’s real. The ethnic replacement of traditional Australians is real and it is concerning.


But we know that there’s an agenda behind it all that they’re connected to, so maybe not. But I do see a glimmer of hope there. What do you think, is this part of some repatriation? Is there like an old conservative Right-wing element sneaking back into news reporting? I know that you’ve probably spoken about this.


Thomas Sewell: No.


Joel Davis: I don’t think being against trannies, grooming children is conservative or Right-wing. It’s just basically the opinion of pretty much everyone in society bar a fringe group of freaks that have somehow captured the government, …


Thomas Sewell: A [word unclear] majority of Labor Party. That freak. How freaky was that lady? That was the stuff of nightmares!


Joel Davis: Yeah, she [Mayor] looks like a tranny herself.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, she did. She sold her soul. She was very, very disturbing. The energy. I got very bad vibes.


But there was there was a couple speeches made by the boys at the rally, and the audience was very supportive. So the other protesters, the other people that came down, they were, yeah, cheering, clapping. We handed out hundreds of little leaflets explaining what had happened. And a lot of there was a lot of positive commentary, people supporting the NSN presence.


So I think to answer your question, Blair, is this like a Right-wing influence creeping into the media? I don’t think so. I think it’s more your first point that at a certain point, it becomes impossible to be disingenuous.


I mean, they could try harder, sure, but maybe Seven News Adelaide’s not as hard working as, or as jewish as Seven News Melbourne. That’s probably one. You know, Adelaide is like a big country town, so they’re probably a little bit more objective and a little bit more honest with their reporting. Although they’ve negatively put us in the press in the past.


The fact that the NSN, the radical Spearhead of the anti-trans agenda, and then the more conservative and reasonable and also older people, they’re mostly elderly people, are there with the NSN, with the sort of youthful revolutionary vanguard. It is hard for the media to just say, how can the media sit there and say, even though we are actually National Socialists, we are Nazis, the media would struggle to, … Well, it’s not that they would struggle. But imagine, the other version of that news release is the media saying:


“And then neo-Nazis counter-protested it!”


And, yeah, there is footage of us being there, but then a lot of the footage they would have to use would have, like, elderly people, like grandmas and grandpas saying:


“This is unacceptable! I don’t think that this should happen. This shouldn’t be in front of children!”


Blair Cottrell: It wouldn’t make sense.


Thomas Sewell: It would seem ridiculous!


And then the average person on the street or the average person at home on the couch watching it would be like:


“Wait a minute, I’m against Drag Queen sore. Am I a Nazi as well? Does the media define me as a Nazi?”


And all that would ultimately do on a long enough timeline is create more support for the Nazis.


So if they have any hope of holding onto the centre, the smart political decision is to almost kind of just pretend we weren’t there. Yeah, like when we’re together with the broadhead, when we’re together with the community. Maybe the best thing is to just ignore our presence instead of labeling everyone that’s there as a Nazi. Maybe that tactics not working anymore.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, it’s a good point. Definitely!





Thomas Sewell: The other thing that was on the leaflet that they handed out was an explanation of the name of the transvestite, the “Fifi Ladouche”. So it’s quite, quite disturbing. “Fifi” had some sort of sexual meaning to it. And then Ladouche, …


Blair Cottrell: It’s what they call a, … How can I say this without seeming vulgar?


Thomas Sewell: Well, it’s very vulgar, but, yeah.


Blair Cottrell: When the guys are in jail and they’re trying to make what replicates female genitalia for their own private purposes, they do it out of kitchen gloves and moisturizer. They call it “a Fifi”. Yeah, that’s what that’s called. [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. Well, that’s what was explained in the, … Which I didn’t even know, maybe because I was in solitary confinement!


But the other thing, obviously, everyone knows what a douche is and yeah. So what a fucking disturbing name for a child performer, even if they weren’t a transvestite. And the connotations around transvestites getting sex change operations and cutting their penises off and having it inverted into a fake vagina and then needing to douche their vagina every day. Because it’s not a vagina, it’s their fucking anus! It’s like an inverted penis.


And then someone called “Fifi Ladouche” is then reading children’s books in front of children. It just keeps getting more and more sickening! And then the boys also said that there was a few mums that came down with their kids and, yeah, the guys just did everything they could to just get in their face and call them disgusting, for what they were doing. But the police were pretty aggressive once they got close to the people coming down.


So, imagine the kind of person that brings their small child to visit it. I mean, it’s the ultimate prayer at the altar of Satan, …


Blair Cottrell: It’s very subversive, …


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, your husband’s at work and then you go down there with your six year old who’s on school holidays or whatever, your eight year old, to go look at a fucking transvestite sex performer! Like, it’s just so messed up!


Like these people should be, as Sam Hyde said, as a minimum, you know, it should be electroshock therapy and camps. We got to put these people in camps. That’s the bare minimum rational thing to do.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, I think it is. It’s egregiously subversive, too. I’ll just add the fact that they expose themselves to children not just physically, but the words they’re using to describe themselves. The names have strong sexual connotations or are kind of like nicknames, replacement words for genitalia or sex acts. And they’re using those names that, to children, would just seem like playful, fun names. But the children don’t realise, the parents, too, in their naivety and their ignorance, don’t realise that they’re exposing their children to subversive sexual conotations. You know, so that’s part of the grooming process. It’s a very egregious subversion. Very obvious.


Joel Davis: So this is some of the video just to get a feel for the event without Seven News images, what the boys did, I thought, I’ll play some of these.


NSN Protestors: Ladies and gentlemen, we, of the National Socialist Network, advocate due process and the death penalty for paedophiles! Put to death! Paedophiles! Put to death! Paedophiles! Put to death! Paedophiles! Put to death! Paedophiles!


Blair Cottrell: Is that Jimon Roberts Adelaide edition? [chuckling] It’s kind of that sort of energy, isn’t it?


NSN Protestors: Paedophiles! Put to death! Paedophiles! Put to death!


Thomas Sewell: It’s funny because they butt heads all the time and, like, they’re always staunching each other, but they’re the same person, like, in different form.


Blair Cottrell: Which is why they’re staunching each other. Right? [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, that’s funny.


Joel Davis: So anyway, to give you an idea that it’s quite staunch that he’s chanting:


“Paedophiles put to death! Pedophiles put to death!”


And then [chuckling] later the community is like:


“Okay, these guys seem kind of cool.”


And they seem to be willing to get leaflets and have a chat.


[Locals cheering and applauding]


NSN member: So we’ve come here from the NSN to protest against the paedophilia that’s happening in this library. Unfortunately, they’ve taken the time back, so we have not been able to encounter the paedophile.


Male: He’s got to leave. He’s got to leave. He has to leave.


NSN member: He’s in this building, there is a groomer. Grooming children! We can’t [words unclear] And the police here are protecting this paedophile.


Blair Cottrell: There’s a line in there. There’s a line in there what one of the guys says, and it just demonstrates how effective this kind of activism is at generating an appeal, or a pipeline to mainstream Australian workers, because the guy literally just says:


“Yeah, I don’t like pedos either!”


And basically what he’s saying is:


“There’s a group of nazis over there. They don’t like paedophiles. Yeah, I don’t like paedophiles either. I’ll join these guys!”


That’s [chuckling] basically what the tone of that suggested.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, we’ll be in the same camp. Well, what, the Adelaide guys are just messaging me now because they’re watching the stream live. They’re just saying to me that there was an incident. They’re trying to look for footage of it. We won’t be able to get it up tonight, but some of the old ladies, some of the women that were at the protest, obviously on our side, went up to one of the female cops and got in her face and called her an “enabler”, saying:


“You’re enabling paedophilia!”


And the female cop started crying.


So I don’t have footage to link you that straight away, but they’re looking through it now to try to find it so we can upload it. We didn’t make the cop cry, but the other protesters made the made the cop cry when she was called an enabler.


So that’s very interesting as well. First police officer that actually has any real emotions and empathy and any sense of compassion for what they’re actually doing. Or, sorry, responsibility, because most cops are just ZOG bots. They just give you the [word unclear] rights there when you explain to them what they’re doing.


So that’s actually the first time I’ve ever heard of a cop, you know, innately expressing their emotion not being able to hide what they are doing.


Blair Cottrell: Actually thinking about what they’re doing instead of just thinking about the wage that they’re making.


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think it’s a bit different when a granny is telling them off, then when it’s one of us. When it’s one of us, they kind of feel more defensive:


“Oh, this guy is just a hateful, mean Nazi! I don’t have to listen to him!”


But then when it’s like, grandma, it’s kind of like, well, …


Thomas Sewell: Grandma Waffen!



Joel Davis: Yes, you kind of have to listen to grandma!





Blair Cottrell: Well, she has the wisdom! The wisdom of age. She’s the crone of the community.


Joel Davis: We were talking before about women. You know, women don’t know what. Like, you listen to grandmas. Grandmas, they’re actually gold.


Thomas Sewell: We have the best grandmas! Our grandmas make gold.


Joel Davis: If one of you, if one or hopefully both of your grandmothers are still alive, people watching, if you’re young, hopefully both of them are still alive. Mine is still alive, thankfully. God bless them! Talk to them! Particularly about the good old days and blah, blah, blah. There’s a lot there. There’s a lot of value there.


But anyway, yeah, this was another one of the videos that they sent me. This kind of just shows that the public seem quite fine with them. They were saying that the “paedophile put to death” chant that some of the grandmas started joining in at one point.


So the staunch method ended up paying dividends. It’s just good. It’s just good to see people that are pretty openly National Socialist taking an easyW on an issue. I mean, everyone agrees that trannies grooming kids is fucked! And turns out normal people realise that we’re obviously the good side, even despite all the connotations. So interesting course of events. And we’ve had positive reactions that other, from the public, probably even by probably our standards, surprisingly positive reactions from members of the public and other demonstrations that we’ve done over in recent memory.


Blair Cottrell: The chant isn’t necessarily, how should I say, it’s really going to resonate with people because ordinary people are quite brutal. They’re more receptive to black and white than they are to grey.


What I mean is if this guy was saying:


“You know, paedophiles should be fined.”


People would be like:


“Yeah, …”


Thomas Sewell: Harsher punishments, mandatory sentencing.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, no one gets jeered up by that it’s like you’ll find if you say:


“Let’s fine this person or let’s give this person community order!”


People will be like:


“Err, …”


But if you’re like:


“Let’s destroy this person! Let’s exterminate this person for what they’ve done!”


Then ordinary people are like:




Joel Davis: If we had a referendum on reintroducing the death penalty just for paedophiles, it would win in a landslide.


Blair Cottrell: Hundred percent. Yeah.


Joel Davis: But meanwhile they get like sentences from our fucked up justice system of like literally two, three, four years in prison and then they get out on 18 months of good behaviour. It’s fucking disgusting!


Anyway, I’m going to go through some of these Superchats because we’ve been streaming for a while. 308 A-Okay, said:


“Thoughts on Christian nationalism. How important do you think faith is to fascism and nationalism? Thanks for the show.”


I’ll give my quick thoughts on this. Obviously, this is a very large subject, so I’m not going to give my complete thoughts on this, but my view is that the idea of Christian nationalism is itself, it doesn’t really make sense. Like, you could say that a nation, like, say, for example, the nation of Britain, that Anglicanism is the, or at least Protestant Christianity is the religion of Britain and that they should teach it to children in schools and that it should be like kind of part of the culture of the country and they should celebrate Christian days and so on.


Yeah, like that obviously makes sense. Like, that is the religion of that country and so that should be respected.


But the way that it’s used often, in particular in the American context, is that America is a Christian nation. Like, as if that is what defines being an American. Not anything to do with blood, not anything to do with ethnicity or race. And obviously I reject that.


I mean, the word nationalism means fundamentally, like, etymologically a people of shared ancestry, a people of shared birth, of shared origin. Obviously shared religion and shared culture. These are all characteristics of a nation. But you can’t, like, if you try to take those things out of shared ancestry and say nations are just a shared culture or just a shared religion, then you’re no longer talking about nationalism. So it really depends what you mean. Like, if you’re just saying:


“Oh, Australia is a historically Christian nation and that should be respected or Britain is or whatever.”


Then yes, like, that’s obviously true. As to how important do you think faith is to fascism and nationalism? Fascism, I mean, faith is important, but Christianity specifically, I don’t think it’s necessarily important to fascism. You can see fascism as a secular ideology or as a non-Christian ideology in certain instantiations. There’s nothing inherently Christian about fascism, although it can be made compatible with Christianity, as it has been in certain contexts.


Think about, like the Romanians under Codreanu, for example, like the Iron Guard. That was obviously a very Christian form of fascism, but it isn’t necessarily the case. So faith the idea of fascism, is having faith in the nation, faith in the state, like the idea of the state as an embodiment of the will of the people, which people have to give their will, give their faithfulness and their commitment to the nation for it to gain strength, to be able to define its own destiny in the world. I mean, that’s obviously true, but I don’t think that’s really what you’re asking.


So I guess my view on Christians in the movement is Christians should be included in the movement, obviously, but I don’t think the movement should be exclusively Christian. The movement has to be inclusive to White people of non-Christian beliefs. It just has to.


And the majority of White people aren’t practicing Christians. You might be able to say a lot of White people will say that they’re Christian, but very, very few actually practice Christianity.


So you can’t have a movement to represent our people that limits itself to Christianity. Because a large, if you go to any church now in a Western country, a very large portion of the congregation are non-Whites. So to create a Christian identitarianism, I think, is a mistake. As a result of that, I’m a racial identitarian.


But, yeah, that’s basically my view.





Blair Cottrell: I agree. I’m in 100% agreement. This is why, despite having a Catholic upbringing, not a strong one, but moderate Catholic, probably less than moderate Catholic upbringing, I’ve never really publicly declared myself a Christian, or a Catholic, because I know that that doesn’t appeal to everyone, and it’s not really central to my identity as much as my race is central to my identity. Like, my race is really who I am, more so than my religious associations.


So, yeah, agreed.


Joel Davis: Uh, Tom, do you want to weigh in? Prefer no comment? Southern Fried 33. He said:


“Destroy the libtards!”


That’s obviously in relation to what Tom and I were discussing before Blair jumped on, where basically Blair, there was a lot of controversy. I don’t know if you saw it on Right-wing Twitter, because some American libtards who were basically conservatives were going after Leftists that had posted on social media pro-assassination comments like:


“Oh, next time, don’t miss! And I wish Trump got shot, blah, blah, blah.”


And a few of them got fired from their jobs. And there was a debate on Right-wing Twitter as to whether this was good or bad, because shouldn’t we be against cancel culture and so on.


But then I think my view was fuck libtards! Like, they’ve been complicit in Covid.


Blair Cottrell: They should consider themselves lucky if that’s all that happens, because I think they should have even worse consequences. But, yeah, fire them from their jobs, great! That’s what they’re doing to us. Do it back to them and more! Like, that’s my opinion.


Joel Davis: Yeah, yeah. We’re all in agreement on that. Apollonian JL said:


“Did you see those gypos – He’s referring to gypsies – and Muslims rioting in England. Liberals and Muslims on Twitter tried blaming it on quote, unquote, ‘Romanians’, LOL! Maybe those National Front guys were onto something all those years ago?”


They were. The gypsies and Muslims rioting, I did see that. I did see Mark Collett talking about it and a few of the other English accounts talking about it. I didn’t really weigh in too much into the story because my head’s been a little bit in American politics land the last few days, and then I got so sucked into American politics land for a few days that I needed a palate cleanse. And so I spent about 3 hours today watching Hitler speeches!


So, yeah, I didn’t really follow [chuckling] the story too closely, but I did see a tweet from that Suleiman Ahmed piece of shit who is prominent in the pro-Palestine movement, who’s some Paki who lives in England, basically saying that:


“Yeah, gypsies are Romanians, and therefore it was some kind of anti-Romanian or anti-European, response to be against gypsies.”


When gypsies are racially like Indian, basically, for people that don’t know. There are obviously Irish Travelers and things like this which are racially European, but the actual gypsies are literally Indian immigrants into Europe. They aren’t racially the same as the Whites. Maybe they have a little bit of White blood that has mixed in, but they aren’t White.


So, yeah, kind of ridiculous to call them Romanians. We can talk about the wog question, but Romanians are not the same thing as gypsies. There’s a lot of gypsies in Romania because a lot of them came into Romania, but they’re completely different ethnically and racially.


But, yeah, I think that my take on, without really knowing much about the story on the Muslims rioting is this is what happens when you bring in a fifth column that has its own kind of political views that are totally different in its own culture, and it has a kind of robust assertion of itself where it wants to kind of take over your society and it wants to assert itself over its own communities. And obviously, Islam is a very robust worldview with religion, politics, identity, all basically within one very rigid religious identity. It’s not like Christianity, for example, which, kind of leaves politics and race and all these things kind of outside of its purview to various degrees, depending on your denomination. Islam is a far more cohesive ideology.


And so when you let them into your country, they’re eventually going to take over communities, they’re going to start running the communities based upon their own norms and standards. And they’re going to disrespect law enforcement from the state. They’re going to openly disrespect the state, which has been treating them with kids gloves because of the ideology of multiculturalism and all this bullshit, this anti-White bullshit that has been perpetrated on the British people by the State for decades.


So why would they respect the state? Why would they respect law and order? The only solution to the Islam problem in Britain is mass deportation. Just as simple as that!


Anyway, I’m sure you guys agree with those, but I don’t know if did you guys see that story at all? I don’t actually know too much about it.


Blair Cottrell: Have you guys ever met a Romanian?


Joel Davis: Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I met one on the weekend.


Blair Cottrell: Oh, interesting. Well, the only one I can remember meeting was inside prison when I was younger. Very naturally exploitative people. It took a while to get it out of him why he was in prison. Like, I was really interested why he was in prison, how? Because he was actually from Romania with the accent and everything.


And he eventually admitted that even though he had signed a document with Australian intelligence swearing that he wouldn’t tell anyone why he was in jail. He was in jail for ATM forking, which involves creating a device shaped like a large fork, which can be jammed into Australian ATM’s and tricks the ATM into emptying out all its cash!


And that’s why he was in jail and he was to be deported immediately at the end of his sentence. And he was never to tell anyone how he made the device. And he wrote, he signed a piece of paper with Australian intelligence swearing he would never, never tell anyone. That was the only Romanian guy I ever met.


So, yeah, I think that lifestyle appeals to them.


Joel Davis: Pretty impressive!


Thomas Sewell: Fuck ZOG!


Joel Davis: Yeah, I think it’s pretty impressive.


I mean, that’s a crafty little Romanian. But yeah, Romania is, because that’s been a place of conflict historically, particularly between Christendom and Islam trying to invade Europe over the years and also the collapse of the Byzantine empire and in general, and all the kind of ethnic chaos that ensued from that and so on.


Romania is not that racially homogenous. So you do have some Romanians that are kind of Germanic, some that are quite Slavic, some that are quite woggish. They look like they’re from the Balkans or some of the women from Romania even look like Latinas. You would think that they’re a Latina, but actually they’re Romanian.


But anyway, there’s one more Superchat here from Nicotine Nationalist. Shout out to Nicotine, who said:


“Thoughts on the efficacy of street level activism versus think tank type institutional takeover?”


I’m just going to say straight off the bat, I think both of these things are necessary. Any functional political movement that is capable of exercising power in the contemporary political context has both of these elements. So I don’t see it as a dichotomy. What do you guys think?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I think “versus” is the wrong question. It’s different horses for different courses.


So if you’re 18 to 25 and you’re fit and you’re healthy and you want to get involved with activism, get involved with activism. Obviously, there’s guys of all ages involved in activism, but that’s the primary demographic.


Whereas if you’re 65 years old, you’re a multimillionaire, you have huge assets, resources, networks, you’re involved in all sorts of different groups, and you have friends of a similar kind of stock. You’re not going to be marching down the street with NSN holding a banner saying, “destroy Pedo freaks”, are you? You’re going to be thinking in a back room with other people that are probably millionaires or very wealthy, and you’re going to work out a way of:


“Well, why don’t we make a legal team, or a legal lobby that can defend these activists, like how the Left-wing have their activists, and we don’t want to do activism. But notice they’ve always got a legal team that defends them. And also they have legal teams that go after and lobby the government or lobby the courts or lobby the police, but say that we’re going to sue the police if you don’t prosecute this person for a hate crime. And maybe we should do that the next time a White person gets murdered?”


You know, if I was 65 and I was a millionaire and I had a legal background, that’s what I would be doing. I wouldn’t be marching through the street with a banner that says, “destroy pedo freaks”.


So it’s not really this or that, it’s everything. We should do everything. And so every person that has our views should consider:


“Well, what are my skills? What kind of person am I? What age am I in? Where’s my energy directed at?”


And then do it! Because we’ve got all the ideas. There’s infinite ideas! And our organisation alone has 10,000 ideas, has more ideas than men. And there’s dozens of organisations across the country and networks, and if, yeah, you should work out which one sort of suits you. And no one takes offence if someone joins me and says:


“Hey, Tom, look, this just isn’t for me. I think I’m going to go do this instead.”


I say:


“Please do that! Please actually go and do that! Don’t talk about it. Actually go and do it!”


Blair Cottrell: Something significant just occurred to me as you were speaking then. It’s that we don’t need 20 men with 10,000 ideas. We need 10,000 men with one idea. That’s how you win. Yeah.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: And look, even though I’ve got an aggressive personality, so I’m a bit soft on the public activism and the shit stirring. Yeah, I think there’s a place for both these activities. Tom used to say:


“Let a thousand flowers blossom!”


And it means, obviously, let each flower, let each stem grow at its own rate, in its own field, in its own way. It doesn’t all have to be concentrated into one type of one method or all of your political energy.


So. Yeah, I’m in agreement with you guys on that one, too.


Thomas Sewell: That’s not actually my quote, by the way, but I do say it all the time. [chuckling]


Blair Cottrell: I first heard it from you, so.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I first heard it from Jim Salem.


Blair Cottrell: No, there you go. Yeah, wise old man. He’s part of the hive mind still, maybe.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Joel Davis: Well, it’s a common. It’s a common phrase, but.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. I think Mao said it.


Joel Davis: Yeah. Golf Lover sent a $14.88 Superchat, which I always appreciate, said:


“Great shows lately, even from an optimistic perspective, Whites won’t be able to maintain Oy Vey power over all of our nations around the world, which formerly White nation will become a totally lost cause, first. Surely a mass Exodus of Whites could potentially bolster the cause in other nations.”


I don’t really like this kind of mentality. I think we should basically be staunch and demand all of our shit back! I don’t necessarily mean regaining all of our former colonial empires. I’m not opposed to that. I mean, in terms of the places that were ours, which I define as obviously Europe, in addition to North America, like United States and Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the South African Cape. You could say:


“Well, that’s cucked because I don’t want to take Rhodesia back or something.”


So maybe that’s a lost cause. I don’t know.


But I’m actually fine with taking Rhodesia back.


But I mean, as like, a basic minimum demand. I would say that those would be the minimum demands. And you could say:


“Well, why do we need to take the Cape back?”


I think a Volkstart in the Cape is necessary. Like, White settlers, mostly from Holland, but also from other European countries, were actually the original settlers of the land there. It was pretty uninhabited. And the Zulus that came in actually came into the eastern side of South Africa, or what is now known as South Africa, around the same time that the first White settlers were getting there and basically genocided the natives of South Africa. And then ended up confronting the Whites and having wars with the Whites.


So the Zulus that are now the largest black demographic in South Africa are just as illegitimate, you could say, as the Whites, if you want to play that game. But they didn’t even get to the Cape first.


So I would say a Volkstart, but then some people would say:


“Well, we should just get the White South Africans over to Australia and America to help us fight here, because it’s a bit of a lost cause and we’re not really able to help them because we don’t have control of our own countries.”


And you could say that’s strategically reasonable. But I don’t think you really talk about South Africa. You probably want me to say, let’s abandon America or let’s abandon Australia or something. And I just don’t think that that’s on the table.


Even if we can’t completely ethnically cleanse these places, we need to take back political power. We need to take back our own spaces in North America, and we need to take back some political power in North America because it’s so important, globally, strategically, to have power in North America, because America is the most powerful country in the world. And that’s for a reason. It’s because of its geography. It’s not just by accident that a really powerful superpower could build itself in North America.


So I think abandoning, just all moving back to Europe is just unacceptable. Europe is resource poor. It is actually quite a small space, considering. I think there’s probably just as many Whites living outside of Europe as there are non-Whites within Europe. And Europe is pretty crowded as it is.


So I think we have expanded successfully and we should demand to keep our settler, our settled colonies.


But, yeah, what do I think? Probably the worst situation is? It’s really a toss up between here and Canada, probably.


But having said that, you could almost say Britain is almost worse because of the level of anti-White, the level of authoritarianism from the state, and the level of anti-White saturation in their culture, in their political system. You could almost say that it’s worse in Britain than it is here. But at the same time, because it’s like a native land, it seems harder to lose, and it’s also totally unacceptable. We could just simply never accept losing Britain. I mean, that would be absurd! We’d have to fight for it at some point. I think we will.


But, yeah, I think, obviously the colonies would be more likely to be abandoned first than the homeland, or our ancestral homeland.


But I think we’re far stronger and far better off keeping the colonies and taking them back. And if we build the consciousness to take back Europe, that same consciousness can be used to take back the colonies. I don’t see a scenario where we could take back Europe and just not be racist enough to take back North America and Australia.




Blair Cottrell: Good spiel.


Joel Davis: You guys want to, …


Thomas Sewell: White revolution is the only solution!


Joel Davis: Yeah, basically, I want it all fucking back! And maybe we should. Once we get it all back, we should probably take some fucking more, considering how they’ve all treated us. We’ll save that for.


Blair Cottrell: What does Lincoln Rockwell say?


Joel Davis: That’s what my grandson’s to work out. Yeah, I’m gonna take it back! Yeah. It’s been a long stream. I hope everyone enjoyed.


Thomas Sewell: Night.


Joel Davis: Good night Tom. Good night to everyone at home.


Thomas Sewell: Good night, fellow racists. And the [words unclear] that aren’t racist yet.


Joel Davis: I don’t think any of them are really watching the show.


Thomas Sewell: See you. Bye.


vv See bro.


Joel Davis: But, Blair, while you’re here, what’s your Twitter handle? Your new Twitter?


Blair Cottrell: Uh, it’s not a great one. It’s B, underscore Cottrell. My full name, COTTRELL89. The old one was BCOTTRELL89, so I just added it on an underscore. I could probably think of a better one, but that’s what it is for now. Maybe I’ll just keep it at that.


But it’s in the process of getting verified. It’s taking a long time, so it should be verified within the next few days, I hope. Hopefully within the week. So then I’ll get that little blue tick, and I’ll look more official, and all of my posts will be more official. Because I think being a paid up verified X user does make you more official in current political climate. So I’m looking forward to that.


And I’m sorry I was late today, I, but I’m glad I still jumped on the end and, yeah, caught the tail end of the stream. It was great to be involved, as always. Thanks everybody for tuning in. Thanks to Joel for hosting it and doing such a great job. He’s the heart and soul of the stream, as always. And I suppose if there’s nothing else, Joel, I’ll see you guys next week.


Joel Davis: Like I said at the beginning of the show, it’s my fault we didn’t stream last night, which would have suited you better, so it’s not your fault you had to jump on late. Thanks for jumping on anyway, and it made the stream better, and yeah, thanks everyone, for watching.


We had like, across the three platforms, like 750 peak viewers at one point, so show gets a good view, viewership. There’s like 10,000 views every stream on Rumble now, just on Rumble, a few thousand more on other platforms.


So the show, despite the platforming from YouTube, is doing well. It keeps growing, and I really appreciate the audience supporting the show. Share it with your friends, you know, clip it up. There was a time in which the show was getting clipped more, and I was seeing it all over Twitter, I was seeing it all over TikTok. That’s kind of died off. So what’s happened to the clippers? Like, pick your game up, clip the show more, help us spread the show, help us spread the clips. Yeah, follow Blair on Twitter and yeah, we’ll see you all next week.












Rumble Comments


(Comments as of 7/24/2024 = 66)

4 days ago
Best content on Rumble, blood and honor!

4 days ago
Follow Joel and Blair on twitter, Tom on (telegram) ⚡️⚡️ ⚡️⚡️ ⚡️⚡️ ⚡️⚡️

4 days ago
cheers from USA lads

4 days ago
Love you guys but you are wrong about Trump and the Theil owned guys like Tucker. They are not our guys and they are not for us. The nat socs in America have enough to deal with trying to wrangle our own retards into understanding that, Fuentes, Warren, JFG, Spencer, Collett, Striker, Borzoi, etc have the correct take on it. It’s false hope to think Trump’s victory is us winning.

‹ Hide 5 replies
4 days ago
How about we stop supporting Jewish factions and their figureheads. Trump works for Jews not for white people how is this still a discussion

3 days ago
I feel like you weren’t listening properly, we quite clearly aren’t Trump supporters. We were trying to analyse things quite objectively as foreigners, as American politics has such a large impact upon Australia – particularly in regards to rising tensions with China.

‹ Hide 2 replies
3 days ago
Ok cool, sorry if I was unfair. You 3 are incredible dude Australia is lucky to have and I often wish y’all were Americans. 0/

3 days ago
I’ve got a transcript up of the video, so you can check, …) [Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript]

4 days ago
I don’t think you were listening properly
1 like

2 days ago
A win for Trump is a win for isreal/jews. Trump NEVER defends the white race. He defends every race but the White population.
1 like

4 days ago
We’ve officially reached level idiocracy in America.

‹ Hide 2 replies
4 days ago
Could you imagine a Liberal Party or One Nation conference where they put on stage some idiot Boomer relic like Angry Anderson or Merv Hughes to amp up the vibe? Hulk Hogan WTF is that.

4 days ago
Trump loves the Jews but he’s not a supporter of what’s happening in Gaza or the greater Israel project, from what I can tell. Why has Nikki Haley been hanging around for the last couple of years even though she has almost zero support? It’s almost as if by some miracle, something would have changed, and her wanting to “glass” Gaza would be all of the support ZOG would need
1 like

3 days ago
No. The blacks were not included in the founding of the USA. They were property that other blacks sold to whites. It was never about blacks at all. The USA is White Christian identity with other cultures mixing in with that. There has just been a ridiculous anti-white, white guilt sentiment being pushed onto us. It is not organic.

4 days ago
Cheers from America

4 days ago

3 days ago
Absolute banger of a show boys. And Blair showing up afterall was the cherry on top!

3 days ago
This show is great, gentlemen.

3 days ago
Facts guy’s facts! As an American Nationalist America has definitely become a clown show it’s embarrassing, I’m sometimes ashamed of being an American. This country has gotten so bad, that I believe there isn’t any fixing to it.

4 days ago
based stream gents

4 days ago
Only way is to align with a major religious group. Latin Mass Catholics blowing up In the suburbs.
1 like

› Show 1 reply
4 days ago
Ahhh dude’s I’m so hyped about this, definitely gonna listen too this while driving.
1 like

3 days ago
Destroy Paedo Freaks!
1 like

2 days ago
cheers from the economic zone called fake canada
1 like

2 days ago
Great steam, gents. Never stop giving ’em hell. Deus vult.
1 like

2 days ago
Great stream. 14 o7
1 like

2 days ago
Blair could be the template for a classically handsome Aryan man.
1 like

4 days ago
Crooks guy is MK Ultra.

4 days ago
Fuck X, it’s not a FREE SPEECH PLAYFORM, Elon workd for The Deep State=The jew elites, X has hired an Israeli firm to collect data on users of X. Blair should fuck X off completely, ALL Jew owned social media outlets cannot be trusted. Jew tube as well cannot be trusted. Another bullshit anti FREE SPEECH, censorship is what jews do best. ✡️👎🖕💩🤮✡️

4 days ago
I loved how Blair could come on and truly believe he has found out Biden dropped out days ago. Nobody cared, most people are probably thinking that. Talk about being of no consequence at all and people are taking America seriously still?

4 days ago
guys where do u get your unpasteurized milk? im in NSW.

4 days ago
Trans- humanist freak mayor Gillian Aldridge has a son, Mark, who stirs the pot for sovereign causes and may appear to be opposite to his mother. Salisbury, like Onkaparinga, Prospect and probably all local councils, are not to be trusted and must be constantly monitored for implementing the new totalitaria.

3 days ago
It was not incompetence. It was intentional. Incompetence is just the useful way they will have to cover their tracks. Not guarding that roof was absolutely planned. People pointed out the shooter several minutes before he shot. There was plenty of time to get Trump off the stage. Police & SS ignored the people warning them. That was flat out caught on video by several different people. No way out of it. Mayorkas sent these buffoons. Trump turned his head at the right moment. He is alive by the grace of God.

‹ Hide 2 replies
2 days ago
Your man made sky fairy had NOTHING to do with it.

20 hours ago
Fake Assassination Attempt on Trump HTTPS://WWW.BITCHUTE.COM/VIDEO/IPK5TXCYJBVO Source: Vax daddy IsraHELL First (not America) TRUMP STAGES HIS HEAD WOUND 36 Odd “Coincidences” Involving Trump in Popular Culture TRUMP SERVANT OF BAAL, & THE GATE & ARCH OF BAAL, ABORTION, SACRIFICE & GENOCIDE IN THE US UNIPARTY Trump: “Bring Back The Death Penalty” For Antisemitism

3 days ago
do you know what “noahidism” is? it’s basically christianity but without jesus. maybe trump is leading people into that

‹ Hide 1 reply
4 hours ago
NOAHIDE LAWS, KABBALAH, & THE ONE WORLD RELIGION The Satanic Jew New World Order laws turning innocents into terrorists! NOAHIDE LAWS AND DECAPITATION FOR CONFESSING JESUS IS LORD “IT IS IN FACT, THE LUBAVITCH JEWISH MOVEMENT OF WHICH THE NWO IS BASED” RABBIS DISCUSS THEIR PLANS FOR WHITE CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE This man has a script of the trump assassination attempt three months before it happened TRUMPS KID SHOOTER DRAGS HUGE LADDER ACROSS THE GRASSY KNOLL FAKE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON TRUMP HTTPS://WWW.BITCHUTE.COM/VIDEO/DPCZJYUGNKAR Fake and ghay. Oh boy, has it galvanised the Trump train! shows Trump doing the Commie fist in the air. Predictive programming – j depp, martin sheen film, madonna @ 3.000 “Wait wait take my photo” Fake Assassination Attempt on Trump HTTPS://WWW.BITCHUTE.COM/VIDEO/IPK5TXCYJBVO Source: Gun man was not aiming at Trump Vax daddy IsraHELL First (not America) TRUMP STAGES HIS HEAD WOUND 36 Odd “Coincidences” Involving Trump in Popular Culture TRUMP SERVANT OF BAAL, & THE GATE & ARCH OF BAAL, ABORTION, SACRIFICE & GENOCIDE IN THE US UNIPARTY Trump: “Bring Back The Death Penalty” For Antisemitism

3 days ago
Nice to hear such accurate takes on current events here in the US. Also, you’ve unwittingly created a new hashtag: #grannywaffen!

3 days ago
[Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript]

3 days ago

3 days ago
Roof top in direct line of sight about 130 yards from Trump and NO SECRET SERVICE guarding it.

3 days ago
nice to see the show again. haven’t watched since they were banned on Yt

2 days ago

2 days ago
Tom makes the show worth watching tbh. Yeah he isn’t too intellectual but he’s so naturally based and always has something interesting to say.

2 days ago
America is stupid, Their Cowards Their Brainwashed Their Pathetic It’s Humiliating They won’t fight their way out of a paper bag..

2 days ago
My theory is that Trump genuinely caused a rift within the ruling class, and that his attempted assassination was one faction trying to take out the other faction’s main guy.

2 days ago
The whole Jeet love in makes a lot more sense now. Tom nailed it.

16 hours ago
I oppose the doxxing and firing of the libtards who publicly wished the assassination attempt on Trump was successful. Not because I oppose doxxing as a tool. It’s a losing strategy to not use effective methods against your enemies that you use against you. I oppose it on the grounds that Trump isn’t our guy. A lot of people in our own sphere probably wished the same to end the fake nationalism that absorbs energies we should be receiving. We shouldn’t be out to get all libtards fired, only those who attack us.

10 hours ago
You really do bash on women and Americans. Could you please cool it with the negativity.

4 days ago
I believe the late arrivals from the Pale Of Settlement and the ones dethroned by Putin have a slight ideological divergence with the Jews that inhabitated Angloshere/Germany. The faction involved in the Trump assassination is the former, they have an ambition to destroy Russia first and made big bets on Ukraine. The latter see Israel as the main priority and the maintenance of their global empire. The problem is their interests converge in destroying BRICS, so Trump is surrounded by scorpions ready to sting if he makes the wrong move against Russia.

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3 days ago
Putin and Medvedev and their oligarchs are Jews, and Bolshevik Jews at that. Nice try.
1 like

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2 days ago
What are you trying to imply exactly (“Nice try”)? I dont believe Jews have the level of control in Russia or any of the BRICS nations today, like they have in the west. They definitely dont have control over China, North Korea and Iran. If you believe they do you are nuts. Why do you think the west is collectively at war with Russia?

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1 day ago
JEWS CELEBRATING THE BROTHER WAR BETWEEN RUSSIA AND UKRAINE. The Allies have always collaborated with Soviet Russia – nothing has changed! VLADIMIR PUTIN & HIS FAKE ENEMIES FOR THE HOLOHOAX RELIGION Russia Vs Ukraine – Jew Vladimir Putin Vs Jew Volodymyr Zelensky—Jew-Vladimir-Putin-Vs-Jew-Volodymyr-Zelensky Ukrainian speaks on jews on both sides: Joint Statement on Counterterrorism Cooperation Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and President Vladimir V. Putin on Counterterrorism Cooperation USA builds military for Soviet UnionДень_Победы_в_Сакском_районе,_2022,_33.jpg Moscow chief rabbi: Trump ‘good news’ for US, Russia, and Israel PUTIN MAY NOT BE GOOD FOR RUSSIA, BUT HE IS GOOD FOR THE JEWS OF RUSSIA
3 days ago
Really, LMAO. You brainwashed religious nut jobs are the special kind of stupid, not just stupid, but the special kind of stupid. Religions cloud the mind with utter nonsense. Religions turn people into blathering idiots, like yourself. Religions destroy any and all critical thinking faculties. It’s how the jew controls you gullible mindless dumbed down goyim. The Dead Sea Scrolls And The Essene Origins Of Christianity Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Multiple Messiahs Through The Centuries Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. The Jewish Hand In The World Wars.

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3 days ago
You’ll wake up one day, hell I use to be an Atheist, until something spiritual happened within my life that changed my view’s.

› Show 2 replies
4 hours ago
Adolf Hitler’s Christian Germany: The Twelve Year Christendom The history of the yellow star Although this public branding of the Jews is associated with Hitler’s Germany, it predated the Holocaust by centuries. In Europe, it first appeared in 1215, when the Fourth Congress of the Lateran introduced an easily distinguishable dress code for all Jews and Muslims. This took the form of a special head covering, such as a pointy hat, or a garb in the form of pieces of fabric attached to clothes. The aim was to force Jews to convert to Christianity, and the dress law persisted in some places until the eighteenth century. Only the age of the Enlightenment and the spread of liberalism led to the fall of the medieval ghettos, and the Jews to receive equality. Reinstitution of Jewish Ghetto[edit] Under Napoleonic rule, the Jewish Roman Ghetto had been abolished and Jews were free to live and move where they would. Following the restoration of Papal rule, Pius VII re-instituted the confinement of Jews to the Ghetto, having the doors closed at nighttime.[14] Pius VII issued an encyclical “Diu satis” in order to advocate a return to the values of the Gospel and universalized the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows for 15 September. He condemned Freemasonry and the movement of the Carbonari in the encyclical Ecclesiam a Jesu Christo in 1821. Pius VII asserted that Freemasons must be excommunicated and it linked them with the Carbonari, an anti-clerical revolutionary group in Italy. All members of the Carbonari were also excommunicated. Pius VII was multilingual and had the ability to speak Italian, French, English and Latin.

3 days ago
This was a set up. And Trump was behind it. The Messiah is born. Cannot believe that after everything we know about him that NS can even believe this man is anything but a Jewish asset.

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3 days ago
And the moon is made of green cheese. Lol
1 like

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2 days ago
They are no NatSocs, they are Masonic Neo Hollywood NAZIs. The National Socialists did not have any hatred for mankind unlike the J$ws and their shabos goy useful fools. Adolf Hitler’s Christian Germany: The Twelve Year Christendom DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NATIONAL SOCIALISTS AND NEO NAZIS “I am infinitely informed on the topic and you are saying precisely what the media says. That should give you pause. Let me help you with your homework. Let me give you some quick points 1. Vlad Dracula (Catholic Knight) saved Europe from the Eastern semite invasion. 2. Isabella of Spain (Catholic Queen) saved Europe from the Western semite invasion 3. Adolph (Catholic), Mussolini (Catholic), Franco (Catholic), etc., saved Europe from the enslaved Slavic horde.”

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1 day ago
Vlad only converted to Catholicism as a precondition to being released as a prisoner of the Hungarian Crown. He was Orthodox prior to that. Power was his game, not religion. This I say as a Catholic so their is no love here from me toward the Orthodox faith rather just presenting a fact. The Vlachs, the people he ruled over in Wallachia, were themselves Orthodox in faith. Catholics under his rule were Hungarians and Saxons found within his territories. Now having written that I do not see what your comment has to do with mine. In the words of Pauline Hanson I ask, “please explain?”.

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1 day ago
Anyone can say they’re Catholic online. You can’t even affirm the bleeding obvious. That’s all you can comment on? Pauline Hanson and her Kosher Australian nationalism? Are you kidding?
4 days ago
Lol. the entire assassination attempt was staged by that fucking orange cunt himself. these retards are jerking off to his fist bumps. ridiculous.


See Also






Joel Davis – Mark Collett vs Greg Johnson – The Ukraine Debate – Oct 17, 2022 – Transcript

Mark Collett – Patriotic Weekly Review – with Joel Davis – Apr 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Australian Nationalism with Matthew Grant – Dec 17, 2022 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Debate – Is Diversity Our Strength? – Joel Davis vs Drew Pavlou – Apr 5, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Enthusiasm, Twitter Politics & Activist Persecution – Jun 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Vibe Has Shifted and the Paradigm is Shifting – Jun 13, 2024 – Transcript

Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript

Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Polarisation Phases – with Blair & Tom – Jun 20, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Conservative Terrorism in Australia as Trump Set to Become New ZOG Boss – Jun 28, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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Version History



Version 5: Wed, Jul 24, 2024 — Transcript now fully proofed. Added 2 images Drag Queen Story Hour Protest, Adelaide. Added Grandma Waffen SS image. Updated Rumble comments (66).

Version 4: Tue, Jul 23, 2024 — Transcript Quality (TQ) for 125/165 mins = 5. Added Tucker images.

Version 3: Mon, Jul 22, 2024 — Transcript Quality (TQ) for 87/165 mins = 5. Added Trump image, bullet earring.

Version 2: Sun, Jul 21, 2024 — Transcript Quality (TQ) for 49/165 mins = 5.

Version 1: Sat, Jul 20, 2024 — Published post. Transcript Quality (TQ) for 21/165 mins = 5. Includes Rumble comments (17).

This entry was posted in Anti-semitism, anti-White, Australia, Blair Cotterell, Boomers, Conspiracy Theories, Donal Trump - Assassination Attempt, Donald Trump, Drag Queen Story Hour, Hate Speech, Jew World Order, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Hostile Elite, Jews - Tool of, Joe Biden, Joel Davis, Media - jewish domination, Multiculturalism, Race, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Thought Crime, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, Ukraine, White genocide, White Nationalism, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

  1. Pingback: Scott Ritter on the Shame & Evil That is Israel – Aug 11, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  2. Pingback: Thomas Sewell – Bread and Butter Nationalism – Aug 25, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  3. Pingback: Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  4. Pingback: Christopher Bollyn – Tricked into War – Israeli Zionist Government was Behind the 9/11 Attack – Sep 20, 2018 – Transcript | katana17

  5. Pingback: Joel Davis – We’ll Talk About the News but Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents – Sep 13, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  6. Pingback: Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  7. Pingback: Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  8. Pingback: Joel Davis – Activist Reflections with Jacob Hersant – Aug 18, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  9. Pingback: Joel Davis – Jews Turn Hersant into a Free Speech Martyr – Oct 9, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

  10. Pingback: Thomas Sewell – Nationalists Chanting ‘White Man Fight Back’ Protest – Oct 12, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

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