Mark Collett – The Town That Chose to Commit Suicide – Jul 26, 2024 – Transcript


Mark Collett


The Town That Chose


to Commit Suicide


Fri, Jul 26, 2024


[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:

This is the story of a small Welsh town named Llantwit Major. The town hit the headlines last year for ‘fighting off the fascists’ and embracing plans for a migrant centre that was set to be built in the heart of their community. Now, a year on, we return to Llantwit to find out how things are working out…

– KATANA]—The-Town-that-Chose-to-Commit-Suicide:5


Published on Fri, Jul 26, 2024




The Town that Chose to Commit Suicide
July 26, 2024
Mark Collett
This is the story of a small Welsh town named Llantwit Major. The town hit the headlines last year for ‘fighting off the fascists’ and embracing plans for a migrant centre that was set to be built in the heart of their community. Now, a year on, we return to Llantwit to find out how things are working out…
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PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to debate with me in the comments about anything I have said, I welcome that. However please listen to the complete podcast and ensure you argue with the points I have made. Arguments that simply consist of nonsense such as “what gives you the right to judge” or “I’m a [insert religious affiliation] and you should be ashamed of yourself” or other such vacuous non-arguments will simply be ridiculed.
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(Words: 1,682 – 11:22 mins)



“Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.”


I can’t tell you who coined this phrase, but it is believed to have originated in ancient Greece. And it’s a pretty accurate observation, that before the fall of any civilisation or empire, it appears that there is a period of social madness – a time of liberal hedonism in which a portion of the population, especially the ruling elite, engage in behaviour that at one time would have been classed as either insane, immoral or degenerate. And this behaviour paves the way for the collapse which follows.


And on the South Coast of Wales, in a small seaside town named Llantwit Major, it could be said that a number of the residents have gone mad! Whether that is the doing of the gods, or it is driven by some other (((force))), is another matter. But the people of Llantwit definitely seem to be embracing a kind of liberal mind virus, one that may well lead to their destruction.


So, pull up a seat, and let me tell you a tale – of the town that chose to commit suicide!


It all starts at the beginning of last year [2023], when it was announced that Llantwit would be hosting what amounts to a migrant camp. This may at first seem strange, as the population of the whole area is less than 10,000, so a migrant camp with just a few hundred migrants would represent a significant change to the demographics of the town – and it wouldn’t be unfair to call this kind of shift; “swamping!”.


When this announcement was made, nationalists were eager to help the town’s residents, and Patriotic Alternative sprang into action in order to arrange a demonstration and assist the locals in pushing back against the proposals. However, what may shock you, is that this offer of help was met with resistance. And in fact, in March of last year, the BBC ran a glowing article titled, and I quote:


“Patriotic Alternative: The town fighting the far-Right with Welsh cakes.”


End quote. This nauseating article, gushed about the “community” response and enthusiastically chronicled how a rag tag group of locals, including the usual busy bodies, liberal do-gooders and even the priest of the local church, all came together to stop the nationalists from spreading a message of “hate and division” in the small town.


The BBC article had the following to say, and I quote:


“‘In the end, they felt the best way to challenge the group was with non-violent resistance-the spirit of welcome’, Father Counsell told BBC News.”


“‘The day will kick off with an overnight vigil at the Church the night before’, he said, followed by a Welsh cake giveaway during the day. Another church will also open a space during the day for anyone feeling anxious about Patriotic Alternative.”


“‘Welsh cakes are a symbol of hospitality,’ Father Counsell said. ‘So if you meet a far-Right, neo-fascist bonehead who looks out of place here, the critical question you must ask that person is: ‘Would you like a Welsh cake?’ It has been branded a ‘day of kindness.’.”


End quote. Yes, many Llantwit residents had truly gone mad! But those whom the gods make mad, are, according to the well-known saying, soon to be destroyed.


But for the time being spirits were high, and it wasn’t long after this day of “kindness” that the local busy bodies declared victory! The fascists had been dispatched! Love and tolerance had won the day and Llantwit was ready to roll out the red carpet for the small number of “refugees” that would be coming to the area.


And after all, locals were assured, it was only going to be 90 Ukrainian refugees who would be staying on a temporary basis; surely fewer than 100 people couldn’t be that much of a problem, it was obvious? The small but welcoming community of Llantwit would absorb these few needy folk and would live in harmony with their new neighbours!


And besides, there was a large unused site the heart of the community where an old school used to stand, why not house them there? The site wasn’t in use any more, and as all the eager liberal minded activists stated:


“What better way for Llantwit to prove its progressive credentials than for the town to open its Gates to those most in need?”


And what could go wrong – I mean really, would a few young and beautiful Ukrainian women really darken the Llantwit landscape? After all, who wouldn’t want to open their door to a bevy of Eastern European beauties?


So now, over a year on from Llantwit’s victory against the fascists, let’s return to the small seaside town to see how things are working out, …








What’s this? They’ve only gone and turned the site of the old school into what looks like a prison camp! And those “90 people”, well it turns out they meant “90 housing units”, and I think it looks like far more than 90 units. And each one is clearly going to house what could be whole families. And there is another small issue, remember the whole Ukrainian thing, well that has died down now, that’s been and gone –k the boat has sailed on that one.


So, I’m pretty sure that this migrant camp isn’t going to result in 90 beautiful Ukrainian women wandering around Llantwit eating Welsh cakes and Sunning themselves on the beach!


And remember that smug article the BBC published back in March of 2023? Well, according to the BBC, local residents have now changed their tune, it’s no longer all hugs and celebrations, because those nasty fascists from out of town, the same ones that the local busy bodies claimed were spreading lies and misinformation in order to stir up unfounded fears, well, it appears that the fascists were telling the truth!


In fact, if us fascists got anything wrong, it was that we understated the size and scale of the nightmare facing Llantwit residents! Even we didn’t think it would be this bad, …


Anyway, let’s have a read from this more recent BBC article, and I quote:


“A new housing development in a seaside town has been compared to a prison by locals who say it has also been built too close to their homes. A total of 90 temporary homes have been constructed on the site of a former school in Llantwit Major, Vale of Glamorgan.”


“The Vale council says it is for Ukrainian refugees. And the site was allocated for housing in the Local Development Plan (LDP), but residents with gardens backing on to it call it ‘overbearing’.”


“‘It looks like I’m living next door to a storage container yard,’ said Steve McGranaghan, a retired RAF engineer.”


“‘My biggest concern is they are too close to me. They should be 21 metres (69 of the) away under planning guidelines, and they’re less than 10 metres (33 of the) away. If they’d built 72 houses which is in the LDP, I’d have no issue. I’m not someone who says ‘not in my back yard’.”


“He claimed they would no longer be used for Ukrainian refugees.”


“‘Nobody has been able to challenge this,’ he said. ‘I volunteered to host a Ukrainian family, so we didn’t have an issue at first. Now our concern is this won’t be for housing Ukrainians, and it’ll become housing stock and it won’t be temporary. If there was a bad way to do something, the Vale of Glamorgan council have chosen the worst possible way to do it’.”


End quote. Oh, deary me! The massive site of the former school is now filled with container like homes, and they’re not temporary anymore, they’re permanent! And worse still, they’re not for Ukrainians either! Poor old Steve isn’t going to be doffing his cap to the beautiful Svetlana when he goes out to walk the dog and pick up the papers, he’s going to be clutching his mobile phone as he dodges gangs of what the BBC lovingly terms “youths”.


And just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, it does! The site of the former school was meant to be getting turned into a new health care centre for local people who are currently struggling to get an appointment with a GP. This situation reached an ironic peak when a local councillor by the name of Gwyn John, who VOTED FOR the migrant centre, went running to the national press whining that when he rang his local GP, he ended up at number 32 in a queue and eventually had to give up before ever speaking to a doctor!


However, you may be interesting in hearing what Councillor Gwyn had to say when the motion for the migrant centre was put before the local council, and I quote:


“Make no mistake about it, we are supporting this motion tonight and we will oppose any racist behaviour in our town. The group are very strong in opposing any Right-wing activity in our town in the future.”


End quote. And now the silly old fool can’t get a doctor’s appointment! Oh well – my heart bleeds!


Anyway, what is there left to say? Not much really, but I will share a picture with you – it’s on the screen now. It’s some local dickhead from who dressed up as a Welsh cake. Yes, this total retard wandered around Llantwit for a day dressed up like this in order to stick to the “fascists”! Well, as I said, those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.


My only lasting hope, is that when things do go wrong in this tiny town, it’s people like this smug moron in his silly outfit and pompous local councillors and busy bodies like Gwyn John who will bear the brunt of the problems, rather than the well-meaning folk who opposed the migrant centre but were beaten in into silence by the liberal morons who were screaming “racist” at anyone and everyone who wished for sanity to prevail!












Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 8/14/2024 = 116)

18 days ago
I was there, and not one of those hypocrites offered me a Welsh cake.
Some of their “peaceful” demonstrators told me “you are f…ing dead” though.
They were wrong about that too.

Bort Sampson
18 days ago
Everyone that wants diversity is going to get it good and hard….and unlubed

18 days ago
I simply cannot comprehend how a quick look at the UK’s brown towns doesn’t make people become anti-immigration.

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By Their Works
18 days ago
Just like in Jewmerica, they stay in their White enclaves 24/7, like hypocrites, while they virtue signal and subvert the same culture they depend on and have succeeded because of. Retarded “GoodWhites” programmed for racial suicide and treason.


3 days ago
They don’t look, if anyone tries to show them they call them racists, they live in 100% English communities and never ever listen to the complaints of those who have to experience the results of mass immigration.
Like all useful idiots they won’t admit there is a problem until it is far too late, that’s why you get examples like this town.

18 days ago
Whites are participating in a sellection event.

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18 days ago
Whites are being exposed to a series of intelligently devised selection events, never seen before on planet earth. It’s why we call it a “Genocide”, it’s like wondering why a previously healthy field of wheat isn’t doing well, when the farmer is using seawater to water the field, releasing rabbits, using the wrong mineral supplements for wheat crop and allowing weeds to choke the wheat sprouts.


18 days ago
Yeah, the Oofy Doofy Whites and the oldies are getting selected out. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.


18 days ago
Retards. I am tired of talking to these boomers, let them become living examples of why we are right and they are wrong. Let them live in the bed they make.

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The Pork Report
18 days ago
Except that it harms the rest of us. And leftists are so evil that they liked to see other Whites harmed.

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17 days ago
Boomers and leftists are the same, you are right they both enjoy harming us. F them both


18 days ago
Plenty of boomers fight for nationalism. In a blink, you will be in your 60s and youngsters will be blaming you. Don’t divide, unite and fight.

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17 days ago
I have never met any, not a single one.

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7 days ago
You should get out more

17 days ago
There are plenty of young kids doing the same anti-White shit.

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17 days ago
Young kids who have zero say in anything.

15 days ago(edited)
Kids haven’t had decades to self reflect on their terrible decisions. I really try not to be divisive but the guys right, the vast majority of boomers are retarded when it comes to race.


18 days ago
As someone who knows Wales . I can tell you the vale of Glamorgan is littered with stupid liberal types . They tried working class Llanelli and failed . Their own fault . Idiots


18 days ago
Idiots drank the kool-aid. They need to take a look across the Irish Sea for a better approach.

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18 days ago
so true


18 days ago
Father Counsell would be wise to recall that priests have been killed by refugees in recent years.

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18 days ago
Mark should go interview that priest in about 6 months to see how he feels now


18 days ago
Goes to show ya that age doesn’t always bring wisdom.


3 days ago
He’s not much of a priest though seeing as he clearly has never read the bible. That sign stating that Jesus Christ was a refugee is a blatant lie. He never fled any war, his mother and adoptive father lived peacefully in Judea, as far as can be determined he never left his country of origin and he died there. The whole king Herod killing all the babies thing doesn’t even fit the refugee narrative, seeing as it occured in a town that his family was passing through and never extended past its boundaries, nor was it a case that his family had to flee pursuers at any other time after that one night.
So no Jesus Christ was not a refugee.

Dissident Doctrine
18 days ago
Llan-twits. I hope this lesson isn’t lost on them.


18 days ago
Vainglorious virtue signallers only ever learn anything the hard way.


18 days ago(edited)
There is a certain look they all have, a sort of vacant dimwitted gaze, mouth gaping as they prepare to vomit verbal garbage.
Anyway good luck with your brand new ghetto courtesy of the traitor government who you support.

18 days ago
Excellent round up of the situation Mark.
Perhaps a follow up on the neighbouring St. Athan?

Caesar Himself
18 days ago
The Irish people set these jew bunkers on fire. Welsh bros take note


18 days ago
This is horrible but I don’t think anything will change until every do-gooder has diversity rubbed into their faces with nowhere to run. Maybe then they will at least keep quiet when “fascists” try to help our people.

The Pork Report
18 days ago
The stupidity of the leftist locals is staggering. I think they want to be replaced because they are too stupid and weak for this world.

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18 days ago
If Patriotic Alternative were in charge the general population would be just as enthusiastic in the opposite direction.

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The Pork Report
17 days ago
True. In a sane society, the mainstream would simply be working their jobs and raising their families.

Baron Brezzik
18 days ago
Jesus was a refugee? Oh really?
Was Jesus black, gay and female too? 😑😑😑

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18 days ago
He’s everyone!


17 days ago
“Was Jesus black, gay and female too?”
Depends on the church you attend, but it’ll be one of the above, yes.

18 days ago
(((Liberal))) mind-virus.
“Jesus Was A Refugee”, I think, lays bare at least 90% of the problem. Jesus, according to their Bibles (or the Buy Bull as I like to call it), was indeed an (((other)))… and 95% of the teachings attributed to this character can be summed up as imploring his devotees to become anti-racist, passivist, rejectors of tangible reality and trusters of The Plan. People can argue against these facts all they want, but if they’re truly honest and are capable of seriously scrutinizing their religion’s core dogmas they will reach the same conclusions.

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15 days ago
Christians lead The Inquisition. They weren’t pussies. The church has been overtaken by the tribe.

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15 days ago(edited)
I’m not saying there wasn’t a time when Christianity was violent. To deny that is to deny historical reality. No, early Christian movements were VERY capable of dishing out extreme hurt. After all, they conquered our ancestors with triple salvos of ideological subversion, intolerance and terror.
“The greatness of Christianity was not established through compromise. They had no reason to engage in negotiations of appeasement with those who had roughly similar, ancient philosophical opinions. It was created through unyielding and fanatical declaration and defense of its own teachings…Christianity could never be content with building its own altar. It was driven to destroy pagan altars. The faith could only grow when there was no controversy, and it did grow out of this fanatical intolerance. In fact, intolerance is absolutely indispensable for the growth of any faith. Now one may object and say such occurrences in world history are related mainly to Jewish ways of thinking, and it is true that this kind of intolerance and fanaticism are common symptoms of Jewish nature. This may be right a thousand times over; however, it is part of all history, and though deeply regrettable, and though we may only grudgingly admit it is part of history, and you can even say this intolerance is not part of human nature, yet it does not change the fact that this is how the world exists today…People today may be troubled to discover that the first intellectual terrorism was inflicted by Christianity on the unrestricted ancient world. However, he will not be able to dispute the fact that since that time, the world has been driven and dominated by Christian forces. Force can only be broken by force, and terrorism can only be broken by terrorism. Only then can a new order be created.” (Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf)
While undeniably true that the early Christian movements “weren’t pussies”, it’s evident in hindsight that after the conquering phase, once the religion became

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15 days ago(edited)
established as THE religion of “our people”, once our gentile/pagan ancestors were tamed, Christendom itself naturally became tame… and deracinated, tolerant, willing and eager to suffer the “stripes of the devil”, the wounds inflicted upon the faithful by the cruel world so that they might in part emulate their crucified savior. This was always the logical outcome of Christianity; Jews didn’t need to subvert what was already baked into the cake.

18 days ago
I have no sympathy for them. Even when the truth dawns, they still can’t be honest. They deserve all the blessings of diversity!

Matt Hammond
18 days ago
It’s almost as if they’ll just keep lying and lying and lying and lying and lying and lying and lying and lying and lying and lying until we finally put our foot down.

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By Their Works
17 days ago
That’s it, brother! If we keep putting up with it, they will just cackle with glee, and continue on with our destruction.

my garden birds
16 days ago
How could they be so f—-///g stupid? Hope they enjoy the diversity, they deserve it.

18 days ago
Perhaps, PA should do some busking there and sing “Who’s Sorry Now” ha ha.

– 🗲 GamerMosleyMomentUK 🗲 –
18 days ago
The fist of consequence seldom arrives lubed.

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18 days ago
Think I’ll put that on a T-shirt.

18 days ago(edited)
Those that the Gods wish to destroy, they first make Christian. Hail Jupiter!

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18 days ago
Lol if you knew religious history you would realise why its funny you say that

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18 days ago
Keep coping, kristard

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17 days ago
I am not christian/. You and the majority have zero knowledge of religious history or religion and just parrot adam greenbergs lies.

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17 days ago
I came to my own conclusions about the yid psy opp called “Christardinsanity” LONG before I ever heard of Green. I am a PAGAN. I follow and revere AUTHENTIC WHITE Gods, you absolute TOOL.

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17 days ago
Yeah exactly, funny how your “own conclusion” is the same one that benefits the jew. I am pagan also, but I am not a total retard that panders to the jewish supremacy narrative that they created all religion including Christianity.

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17 days ago
Uh huh. Bye.


15 days ago
jesus was a jew

18 days ago
From the look of it, not much of value was lost with the death of this town. Lot of people in these circles tend to get a bit triggered when i point it out, but the fact is that not all White people can be reached or saved. Nor should they. A good portion are not just “brainwashed” or “mislead”, they’re loud and proud race traitors who can’t wait to throw their own under the bus or directly to the wolves in some cases. These types are, in my opinion, a flat out liability that we can’t afford to have around at this stage of the game. Maybe it’s better if they take themselves out of the equation.
It’s sad that you can’t trust other white people, but what can ya do? You gonna let them drag you under the water to drown with them? What good is that? Not me. White lives matter, but so does my life. I’m not wasting it on lost causes. But you guys go right ahead if that’s your thing. I don’t mind telling you that the people who have caused the most problems in my life…the people who screwed me over the worst…were my own People. That doesn’t mean I want them to disappear or wish ill on them, but it’s the truth.

18 days ago
Hard not to gloat….
None of them would be able to point to a single city, town, village or even country where “Diversity” has been a roaring success for anyone other than immigrants, but they sowed…now they can reap….i bet they cry themselves to sleep watching their property prices tumble….


18 days ago
Great video Mark, amazing it all went wrong for them… who’d have thought it

18 days ago
The knuckle dragging whiggers got what they deserved I’m glad about it


18 days ago
At the end of the day I see everything as it should be. Pain suffering and death en masse is coming to most White folk i the near future. They won’t understand why and will vilify us till their end. This is what I envision happening. No one will respect a people who do not defend themselves.


18 days ago
The leftie mind virus that contaminated Lant twit residents is a national terminal disease that destroys the thinking abilities of humans. Its our version of America’s TDS.


18 days ago
They are slowly learning.

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18 days ago
How are We patriots going to face so many threats?

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18 days ago
all we can do is to continue the fight, more people are coming around to our ideas though

18 days ago
It’s too slow tho. They will be at the brink before they understand what they’ve done.

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17 days ago
Hitler had numerous allies and obviously many enemies, but now ,in our european lands and cities we have 64 millions of invaders, Germany has 26% of them. Add to them the half of the white native population of each country that votes “Agenda 2030” . I mean i really have no idea where to hide and have a peaceful white life.


17 days ago
I don’t think they are, honestly. I’d be shocked if 1 in 10 Whites graduate to our level of thinking even after multiple negative, even life-threatening, experiences. My observation is that a person either gets it, or they don’t. It seems like there could be a strong genetic factor at work here. Racial conciousness appears to be far more prevalent in some Whites than others. Even Whites who have never been exposed to ethno-nationalist material. It just comes naturally to them.

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11 days ago
totally agree with this, long before i discovered the truth about race, i knew something was wrong about having different races so close to me. at about 12 years of age i actually had a nightmare where i was walking around the area i grew up and it was full of arabs and mosqs i understood nothing about the world but i dreamed this, later in life when i was a little older in my first job working on a shop till i noticed how different races act it was so obvious to me. then i got a little older and got my first proper girl friend, i would point stuff out and she could not see it she thought i was racist and had me watch films like amarican history x and she convinced me that i was the problem. I was with this girl for another 2 years the whole time i just ignored my instinct, a few years after me and this girl split up i fell right back into it because i was seeing more and more arabs and blacks turning up. sorry long story just to tell you that I think your right haha cutting it short during covid i stumbled on europa the last battle, and the greatest story never told and everything suddenly made sense to me, but it was easier for me to grasp what i was hearing and reading because I had this instinct already in me.

Earthling Carl
15 days ago
That town won’t exist in a few decades after being around for centuries, very sad.

Bunyip Nationalist
17 days ago
these idiots should have known aint no Ukrainians gonna live in a refugee centre


18 days ago
Liberalism must be destroyed mr collet Hh

18 days ago
the good of the village will be met with… well diversity


18 days ago
This series of events should be a talking point for PA when they protest the next replacement centre, because that community is D E A D, first their shops and pubs will go, then the public amenities like parks will become no-go zones, finally they will be left living as prisoners in their own homes, having to drive 30 minutes to buy groceries, the lucky ones who paid off their mortgages will have the choice of selling their homes for a fraction of the price in 2022-3, the unlucky ones will be stuck paying off a worthless mortgage or defaulting and renting for what remains of their lives.
The people who counter-protested are horrible people who deserve what is coming for them. They are the kind of amoral people who will always side with authority, they are schoolyard tattletales grown up, But they are the minority, most people are so beaten down they just kept their hopes and worries to themselves. Now their peaceful little community has the deathly problems of innercity Hull or London airdropped onto their doorstep. I have nothing but sympathy in my heart for the ordinary Llantwitian. It’s not right.

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By Their Works
17 days ago
and PA may just have to go back as it goes to shit and recruit anyone worth saving.

Wonderful World
18 days ago
Ukrainan are as loud, dirty and stupid as African. That was my experience encountering with them. What is worth of welcoming them as refugees? I believe that this entire Ukranian refugee thing is another plan to destroy Europe. Always usual suspects are behind all of this. Normies can not see it. Sad….

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18 days ago
They’re greedy parasites. The Irish government even paid for them to bring their damn pets over.

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18 days ago
You’re retarded.

18 days ago
I believe these “Ukrainians” hail from Sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Sub-Continent.

18 days ago
You’re a retard. In my experience, Ukrainians are generally good people. Doesn’t mean I want tons of their refugees coming over, but comparing them to africans is ridiculous. You dont seem very bright, though, so I’m not surprised. Also, Ukrainians are european. Dummy.


16 days ago
When being proved right is both sad and tragic at the same time. I feel really sorry for those that didn’t get their voices heard and are forced to suffer the consequences of the actions of proud and boastful fools


18 days ago(edited)
When the western demonic overlords decide to start WWIII, everyone remember who the actual enemy is and have at it.

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By Their Works
17 days ago
Yeah, IDK what Shabbos Goy politicians think is going to happen to them when the destruction they have facilitated gets into full swing. Are they going to be raptured to The Great Goy plantation in the sky? They will be hunted for street cred, ffs.

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17 days ago
Pretty much the entire ruling class of the west deserve extermination at this point…


18 days ago
Haha “some local dickhead”.

The Awakened Saxon
17 days ago
Major Dimwits


17 days ago
Karma Llantwit… You should have resisted when you had the chance.

17 days ago
People need to suffer the consequences of their actions if they are ever to learn to stop being retarded.

17 days ago(edited)
Mark Colett are any of you nationalists ever going to do a video on telegony and the tainted wombs of the many young whores who go with the trend and gets blacked? Or is that too defeatist a topic to touch on lmao!

18 days ago
Lol “bone head”. How is it we have so many virtue signalling morons in our midst now?

18 days ago


18 days ago
Llan TWIT.


18 days ago(edited)
What Future Awaits A Darkening Europe? Read The “𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟒” Of Our Time! 🢂𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗗 𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗗𝗔𝗬🢀 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘖𝘯 𝘌𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩 & 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘝𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘦 𝘛𝘰 𝘚𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘦 ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴏɴʟɪɴᴇ ʙᴏᴏᴋꜱᴇʟʟᴇʀꜱ
What Future Awaits A Darkening America? Read The “𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟒” Of Our Time! 🢂𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗗 𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗗𝗔𝗬🢀 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘖𝘯 𝘌𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩 & 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘝𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘦 𝘛𝘰 𝘚𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘦 ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴏɴʟɪɴᴇ ʙᴏᴏᴋꜱᴇʟʟᴇʀꜱ
:thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

Speak your mind
16 days ago


17 days ago
😂😂 these people deserve what they get.

Dawn Browning
18 days ago
We were brought up to be kind to everyone else. Some of us woke up. Have pity on those who don’t understand that no pity will be given to them.
Love Love to all the Beautifuls

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18 days ago
I’m all out of pity for these pathetic ingrates. They’re traitors and proud of it. Fk’em. They got what they deserved.

Pro Patria: Patriot and Nationalist Channels
13 days ago(edited)
End quotation, not “…end quote”. There is no such thing as a “quote”. Quotation is the noun, the verb form is quote. For example, “I would like to quote a quotation by Mark, “Those who the Gods wish to destroy…”, end quotation.


14 days ago
Gwyn is not gwynning now

15 days ago
This is beautiful. I hope we can import Africans into every town, family, and household in the world.

17 days ago
Well I can’t say I will miss them.

18 days ago
The morons don’t seem to realise that the migrants are fascists themselves, I mean look at the countries they came from, they haven’t left those shit holes to escape from them, they left them to conquer other nations.

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18 days ago
They aren’t fascists. I dont think you know what fascism is. Retard.


18 days ago
You keep using that word…I do not think it means what you think it means.

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17 days ago
Explain it to me since the other guy took the pussy way out to block me from replying

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The Pork Report
17 days ago
Fascists are anti-communists, which means we are nationalist, anti-globalist, and anti-jew (the ones who are pushing globalism, open borders, and mass immigration on the West; look up the Gates of Toledo, and look up HIAS the jewish org that helps illegals and whose motto is “Open the Gates”).

13 days ago
“they haven’t left those shit holes to escape from them, they left them to conquer other nations.”
Who said the fascists weren’t intelligent

18 days ago
No Thumbs down on Collet. I wonder why?

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18 days ago
Maybe we get another NJP jew grift soon?


18 days ago
Removing the ability to splat videos is sus.


9 days ago
Karma strikes again

12 days ago
Some will virtue signal themselves into a living hell.

13 days ago
Rwanda is 98% Christian, muppets

14 days ago
LMAO that dude at
literally looks like a chipmunk!

15 days ago
Total boomer death as soon as possible. The tv consuming fools are not capable of comprehending how much they destroy.

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15 days ago
It’s more of the silent generation than the boomers. The silent generation are the real virtue signal errors. The boomers got all the brainwashing and acted accordingly. They were babies after the end of World War II.

my garden birds
16 days ago
How could they be so stupid?They deserve the diversity.



See Also






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Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript

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Joel Davis – Muslims to Create Their Own Party as “Extremism Experts” Cry About US to the Media – Jul 4, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Trump Inevitable, Blair Censored, Paedo Freaks Destroyed – Jul 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – When Will Enough Be Enough? – Jul 25, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript





Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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