Christopher Bollyn – Tricked into War – Israeli Zionist Government was Behind the 9/11 Attack – Sep 20, 2018 – Transcript


Christopher Bollyn


Tricked into War: Israeli Zionist Government was


Behind the 9/11 Attack


Thu, Sep 20, 2018


[In this 2018 presentation Christopher Bollyn, an American investigative journalist and author of several books on 9/11 sets out in detail, naming names, on why and how Israel carried out the, years in preparation, false flag attack 9/11, i.e., to unleash The War OF Terror on the Middle East using American blood and treasure.

Some points Bollyn makes, include:

Is an author of books on 9/11 and the War on Terror.

9/11 and the War on Terror are connected and part of an Israeli plan.

“9/11 was a policy coup” blamed on Muslims to start the War on Terror.

The War on Terror aims to redraw the Middle East map according to Israeli interests.

Menachem Begin, founder of Likud party, is described as “the father of terrorism”.

9/11 was designed to “instill fear and rage in the American population”.

The War on Terror is “the longest and most expensive war, foreign war in US history”.

Trump is quoted: “We have spent $7 trillion in the Middle East. You know what we have for it? Nothing!”

The War on Terror is “based on the official myth of 9/11”.

Wesley Clark is quoted describing a “policy coup” by “hard-nosed people” after 9/11.

The plan is to “take out seven countries in five years” starting with Iraq.

This follows the “Yinon Plan” to break up Arab states into smaller entities.

Hillary Clinton is mentioned as seeking to overthrow Syria’s government “to save Israel”.

Asks “Is the United States waging Israel’s wars?”

Israel wants to expand from “the Nile river to the Euphrates”.

Christian Zionism is “a big problem” in supporting Israel.

John F. Kennedy was “the last great reformer” who challenged these interests.

Israeli control of airport security.

“9/11 was also a computer crime” involving Israeli software companies.

He suggests “revolutions are not made” with 99% support, but with a critical mass.

Encourages informing local police, community leaders, and churches about 9/11.

Now lives in Sweden after being prosecuted in the US.

His latest book is “The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East”.





Published on Thu, Sep 20, 2018




Christopher Bollyn – Tricked Into War: Israeli Zionist Government Was Behind The 9/11 Attack (2018)
11 months ago
Christopher Bollyn
Pirate TV
Middle east
fals flag
public opinion
policy coup
An independent analysis of the events of September 11, 2001.
Includes historical and geo-political background and examines the motivation of the people who played key roles in the destruction of the evidence and the obstruction of justice for the families of the victims.
Investigative journalist and best selling author Christopher Bollyn makes the case for why he believes the Israeli Zionist government was behind the 9/11 attack.
Pirate Television

Christopher Bollyn’s website

Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed The World
by Christopher Bollyn

The Little Drummer Girl – John le Carré

Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger (1998)
Authors: Ash Carter John M. Deutch Philip D. Zelikow
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(Words: 15,268 – Duration: 89 mins)



Christopher Bollyn: Hello. Good afternoon. My name is Christopher Bollyn. Thank you for coming.




And I want to thank the people that organized this conference today. Today we’re going to do a 58 minutes presentation to keep it within constraints for a video. And I’m talking about “Tricked into War”.



Now, I’m not going to go into great detail about the 9/11 crime. The details of the 9/11 crime would take up hours and hours of discussion. I’ve talked about 9/11 and the evidence in other videos, and they’re on YouTube. And I’ve written several books about 9/11.



Today I’m talking about how 9/11 and the War on Terror are connected and linked. This nation has been at war for 17 years. As Donald Trump said the other day, we spent $7 trillion and got nothing for it.



The United States and Syria are at face to face confrontation in Syria as we speak. Russian planes are being shot down with Israeli involvement, off the coast of Syria. And the media in this country barely touches it. All the media in this country talks about is sexual peccadilloes between Kavanaugh and some girl in high school. They say nothing about the situation in Syria, which is very important.



So, I’m the author of Solving 9/11. And as I’ve said in previous presentations, Solving 9/11 ends the war! I was an investigative journalist in Washington, DC when 9/11 started. Here I am presenting evidence of the first citizens Grand Jury in Los Angeles.



And I’m the author of the Solving 9/11 set of books. And the latest book is the War on Terror, which is a very small book about the War on Terror.



The Solving 9/11 set of books investigate various aspects of the false flag of terror atrocity. But my main focus is who is behind 9/11 and why was it done? This is the book of original articles. This is the latest book. I wrote this last summer, The War on Terror, the Plot to Rule the Middle East.



911 was a policy coup. It was blamed on Muslims. 9/11 was blamed on Muslims in order to initiate, to start the War on Terror as an operational war. But behind the War on Terror is a covert strategic plan to redraw the map of the Middle East. You might ask yourself, why is the United States in Syria? We have no national interest in Syria. We haven’t had it for a long, long, long time.


Yet we have troops there. We’re occupying the third eastern part of the country from the Euphrates river to Iraq. And we have also occupied the southern part of the country where Syria butts up against both Jordan and Iraq. Why are we there? What’s the purpose?



Well, 9/11 and the War on Terror were both conceived by Israeli Military Intelligence in the 1970s when Menachem Begin, the head of the Likud Party, came to power. Menachem Begin is known as the “father of terrorism”. Here he is.



He’s the founder of the Likud Party. He was born in Russia, came to Palestine in 42, became leader of the Irgun in 44, which was a terrorist group. Bombed the King David Hotel, killing 93 people. British headquarters in 1946. Then was involved in the massacre of the Dir Yasin village, which was meant to scare the Palestinians to fleeing, which many did. And he created the Likud Party in 1973, became prime minister in 77, and promptly invaded Lebanon in 1978.



This is the emblem of the Irgun which he was the head of its a jewish terrorist group and it’s connected to the Netanyahu family, because Mr Netanyahu’s father was the director of this movement, the Irgun, and the New Zionist organization since 1940.



Here is both Mr Begin and Netanyahu. These men are cut from the same cloth. This is the group that they belong to the great group that they have allegiance to is a group of terrorists.


In 1974, a British journalist asked Mr Begin, he said:


“How does it feel in the light of all that’s going on to be seen as the father of terrorism in the Middle East?”


And Begin said:


“In the Middle East?”


He said:


“In all the world!”


So he put on himself the mantle of being the father of terrorism in all the world. That’s his words.


Well, 9/11 was a false flag terror atrocity that was designed to instill fear and rage in the American population, so that we would accept and we would get behind this War on Terror.



And I have to say it succeeded very well. 17 years later, we are still involved in the War on Terror. There is virtually no public resistance to it, and there is no political resistance to it.


But starting the War on Terror, the open ended War on Terror, was the primary reason for the false flag terror attacks of 9/11.



911 was a policy coup that brought us a Global War On Terror and a series of disastrous wars across the region. They call it “The Long War”.



The War on Terror is a suitable title because the War on Terror is the longest and most expensive war, foreign war in us history, yet there is no resistance to it. How can that be? How can the American people be so numb to American war fighting in a dozen countries across the Middle East?


Well, the main reason is because it’s out of sight, out of mind. Unless you have family involved in the war, you don’t hear about it on TV. You don’t hear about it on the radio. You don’t read about it in the newspapers. Not like Vietnam. Vietnam, we heard about, we saw pictures on Life magazine. Today we see nothing. Nothing!




This is what Donald Trump said in April [April 28, 2018]. He said:



“We have spent $7 trillion. Trillion with a that, $7 trillion in the Middle East. You know what we have for it? Nothing! Nothing!”


And he’s absolutely right! As the author of the Art of the Deal, you would think that he would see that this is a very bad deal and rectify it as soon as possible.


The War on Terror is all based., … It’s not just a name, it’s an authorization, it’s a title. It’s an authorization and funding. And it was passed two days after 9/11, three days after 9/11, by the Authorization for Use of Military Force, which basically gave the president the authority to wage war against anybody he thought was behind 9/11.



So these are some of the places where we, where the authorization used military force has been invoked.



Was Eritrea? Was Somalia? Were they involved in 9/11? Was Libya involved in 9/11? We, of course, heard about Afghanistan. But are all these countries involved in 9/11? No, of course they’re not! But the authorization to use military force based on 9/11 crime has been abused, terribly abused! It opened up the pandora’s box for American open ended war fighting across the Middle East, around the world actually.



The fraudulent War on Terror is based on the official myth of 9/11. They go hand in hand. The War on Terror is a criminal fraud.



We are spending about $400 million per person, per US victim of terrorism per year. So for a cause of death, if you have cancer or influenza, you get pennies! This stack of bills would have to be 1,000 times higher to reflect the amount of money that’s being spent per victim of terrorism. Terrorism is not a leading cause of death in this country.



The War on Terror is an Israeli stratagem pushed by Netanyahu since 1979 to trick the United States into waging war against Israel’s enemies.



The War on Terror is based on the 9/11 lie. And unfortunately, Donald Trump has adopted that lie. He said in August of 2017:


“9/11, the worst terrorist attack in our history, was planned and directed from Afghanistan because that country was ruled by a government that gave comfort and shelter to terrorists.”


And he said that as he increased military presence and effort in Afghanistan.



Wesley Clark, who was running for president, this was the man who ran US military forces in Europe during the Yugoslavia campaign. And he said:


“Whether you’re a Democrat, or a Republican, if you’re an American, you ought to be concerned about the strategy of the United States in this region. What is our aim? What is our purpose? Why are we there? Why are Americans dying in this region? That is the issue.”


He said:


“What happened on 9/11 is that we didn’t have a strategy, we didn’t have bipartisan agreement, we didn’t have American understanding of it, and we had instead a policy coup in this country. A coup! A policy coup! Some hard nosed people took over the direction of American policy, and they never bothered to inform the rest of us.”




He should know. Who’s he talking about? He’s talking about the Zionist neocons. These three people here, Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, Douglas Feith. They’re three of the Defense Policy Board members who crafted the policy for the Pentagon that was put into effect after 9/11.



Here they are a few months after 9/11, meeting with the Israeli Chief of Staff right here, Shaul Mufaz. He’s the highest military person in Israel. And they’re discussing, what will America be doing? Well, Wesley Clark heard about the memo. He got the memo ten days after 9/11. He said:



“I went through the Pentagon and I saw Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz. One of the generals called me in and said, ‘Sir, we’ve made the decision, we’re going to war with Iraq’.”


He said:


“We’re going to war with Iraq? Why?”


“I don’t know.”


He said:


“I came back a few weeks later and by that time we were bombing Afghanistan. I said, ‘are we still going to war with Iraq?’.”


He said:


“Oh, sir, it’s much worse than that. We’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off with Iran.”


And as you can see from this shopping list of this agenda, all of those countries have been done with the exception of Iran.


Now, what’s going on here is that an Israeli plan known as the Yinon Plan, which was articulated in 1982, is being put into effect. So that countries are being balkanized. That is, they’re being broken up into ethnic statelets.



They’re causing friction between the various ethnic groups, breaking them up into ethnic statelets. That’s the name of the game in Syria. That’s what they did in Iraq. That’s what’s happened in Libya. Etcetera. This is the Israeli plan to dominate the Middle East by breaking up the large Arab states and breaking up their armies and breaking the countries into pieces like Yugoslavia. There will be no competition for Israel, and Israel will have hegemony over the entire region.



Here’s Hillary Clinton. Some people point out that her emblem here is very reminiscent of 9/11.


But in 2012, Secretary of State Clinton wrote that:


“The best way to help Israel vis a vis Iran’s nuclear ambitions is to use force in Syria to overthrow the government.”


This email proves that the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton sought to overthrow the government of Syria, elected government of Syria, to save Israel, to serve Israel.


So if you understand that, you will understand why we are doing what we’re doing in Iran today or in Syria today.


I just read an article yesterday that says that the United States presence will continue in Syria beyond the end of the year because the mission has changed. The mission now is to prevent, is to kick Iran out of Syria. So American forces are now in Syria to battle with Iran and push Iran back. Did we choose that? Has Congress chosen that? Has anybody spoken about that? Of course not.




This photograph is from the Yarmouk, a Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus.



And this is one of the ways that terrorism is used to destroy the lives of common people. The Palestinians are refugees since 19 47, 48 in Damascus. And what happened is that ISIS was infiltrated into this camp, ISIS, the terror group. And that brought about fire into the camp. Syrian, Russian, American, whoever was fighting against ISIS in this place, and it destroyed the camp. This camp used to house 120,000 people. Today it houses 200.


So these Palestinians were made a target, just like the people of Raqqa, Mosul, or any other place. ISIS is the target, and they put that target wherever they want and then destroy everything around the target.



So the question is, this is from Linda Heard, a British expert in the Middle East. She says, is the United States waging Israel’s wars? She said:


“There is one thing that we do know. Oded Yinon’s 1982 Zionist plan for the Middle East is in large part taking shape. Is this coincidence? Was Yinon a psychic? Maybe.”


She says:


“Alternatively, we in the West are victims of a long held agenda, not of our making, and without a doubt, not in our interests.”



So we’re waging war for another entity, for another nation, for another interest that’s not ours, and we’re paying for it. Our sons and daughters are fighting it.



And this is the partition of Palestine. When it happened in 1947, Menachem Begin rejected it. He said:


“Jerusalem was and will forever be our capital. And Eretz Israel will be restored to the people of Israel, all of it and forever!”


This is to give you an idea what Eretz Israel means. It means the land of Israel. And according to people like Menachem Begin, it extends from the Nile river to the Euphrates.



And this area right here is the Kurdish area, which happens to be occupied by the United States. This is all Syria right here. This is where the United States is occupying one third of Syria.



These are the various ethnic communities, religions, factions in Iraq and Syria. And from the Yinon plan, Yinon said:


“The dissolution of Syria in Iraq is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern Front. The dissolution of the military power of these states serves as the primary short term target.”


This is exactly what we did when we went to Iraq first 1991, and then again in 2003, we destroyed the Iraqi military.


If you remember, one of the first things that happened is when we got into Iraq, we disbanded the entire military, sent everybody home. No more jobs, no entitlements, nothing!


So the military went away. And in Syria, we’ve been trying to do the same thing for the last seven years.



Now, this is another break here. This area, this area here, periwinkle, is the area of the Kurds. And this area is where most of the oil is. And the United States and Israel are supporting the Kurdish independence. This area here in northern Iraq and this part of northern Syria. And in pursuing that, the largest holder of the reserves in this Kurdistan area of Iraq is a company called Janelle Energy, which is a Rothschild company.


So they’re going after the strategic assets. And these two cities, Mosul and Raqqa, were targets of the American anti-terrorist attacks last summer, which destroyed those cities. Destroyed them!



Here’s Mosul in June of 2017. The great mosque of all Nuri, destroyed in the battle of Mosul. The Americans put our artillery around the cities and just pounded them for months. And that has a price. Here’s Syria, the other city in Raqqa, in Syria, October 2017, at least half the city is totally destroyed.



Now, here you have to understand that these are on the edge of the Kurdish area. But these cities are, Mosul is the second biggest city in Iraq. They contained a lot. They were inhabited by a lot of Sunni Muslims, and that’s why they were pounded. So we said we were fighting ISIS, but under the pretext of fighting ISIS, we destroyed the cities and pushed a lot of people into become refugees.



The northern part of both Iraq and Syria are peopled by the Kurds. And this was the leader of the Kurdish movement in Iraq. He resigned shortly after his failed attempt to separate the country.



But I’m showing you the relationship with Israel. Here’s his father, Mustafa, meeting with the Mossad chief in 1966.



Here’s his father in Israel, meeting with Moshe Dayan.



And this is the Israeli flag flying along with the Kurdish flag in a protest, or a rally in Irbil.



So 9/11 happened. We were very quickly given this narrative, I call it the “Zionist Narrative”, about what happened. And the media has imposed on the public a false story that radical Islamic terrorists were to blame for 9/11.



Now, the only way to liberate ourselves and our nations from the madness that we’re currently in for 17 years is to expose and understand the true source of the terrorism. If you go away from this presentation or if you believe that Muslims did 9/11 with all nano-thermite and destroying the buildings and fooling the US military, then you will support the logic of war. If you understand we’ve been deceived about 9/11, the logic of war evaporates.


What happened after 9/11 is that the media and the government declared it to be an “Act of War”. Now that’s a very important legal term because that meant that there would not be a criminal investigation, but rather we would treat it as an act of war by 19 Arabs, who happened to be supposedly coming from Afghanistan. And based on that logic, we went to war in Afghanistan.




But Larry Johnson, speaking about the terrorists, or the alleged terrorists in Florida – he is a former director of counter-terrorism in the State Department – he said:


“We don’t have anything in history to compare with this. The only thing that comes close to it is a former Soviet intelligence operation.”



Because these are the 19 led hijackers. But 15 of them lived in Florida, where many of them had been issued duplicate licenses, others had passports had been stolen, which meant that somebody was using their identity for them and leaving behind a trail in their name.



And we now know from the BBC News shortly after 9/11 that I think seven of them were well, and alive after 9/11. And they said:


“My picture is being used. My name is being used, but I’m fine. I’m alive.”




So that raises the question, if at least seven of the hijackers were still alive after 9/11, who were the people playing the roles of the real hijackers? Were there real hijackings? Was it all a show? Well, about the 19 hijackers. Robert Mueller, who was then head of the CIA, FBI, excuse me, said in September 2002, he said:


“There is no legal proof to prove the identities of the suicidal hijackers.”



Now, this is an old Mossad trick. If you read the book The Little Drummer Girl, you’ll see that the Mossad tells the actress who’s leaving a trail for a Palestinian. The Mossad man tells the woman, the actress:


“Terror is theater. Theater is a con trick. Do, you know what that means? Con trick? You’ve been deceived.”


And that’s what we are as a nation. The whole deception is meant to deceive us.


I went to Germany after 9/11, shortly after, because I knew it was dangerous to be pointing out the lies of the government story when the government was going to war.


So I went to Germany for a couple years and worked out of Berlin. And I spoke to some of the former German intelligence agents, heads, chiefs, and they told me, this guy told me that it looked like:


“A Hollywood production.”



And he talked about:


“The deathly precision and the magnitude of planning would have required years of planning. And the absence of leaks.”


He said:


“Was further indication that the attacks were state organized actions.”


So what state are we talking about?


Another German guy, Andreas von Bulow, told me without hesitation:


“It’s Israel, Mossad!”


But when I wrote that in my newspaper, he was a little bit surprised because he said that:


“He told that to every journalist in Germany, but it had never been printed.”


And he thought it wouldn’t be printed in my paper as well, but it was printed.


So I’m going to point out some of the key connections, Israeli connections to 9/11.



One of the first ones is that when Israel was becoming a state in 1948, before it became a state, the joint chiefs of Staff did 13 papers about what this would mean for the American military. And they wrote in the 13th paper that:


“The Zionist strategy will seek to involve the US in a continuously widening and deepening series of operations intended to secure maximum jewish objectives.”



And the maximum jewish objectives were:


“The expansion of Eretz Israel.”


That means the land of Israel:


“Into Jordan, Lebanon and Syria and the establishment of jewish military and economic hegemony over the entire Middle East.”



Well, this is what’s going on today and this is what the United States is facilitating.


This is the short list of Israeli terrorism attacks prior to 9/11.


In 1944, they killed the British minister, Lord Moyne, in Cairo. This was done by Lehi, or the Stern gang. PIn 46, they sent letter bombs to British officials, including the foreign minister, Ernest Bevin.


In 46, they bombed the King David Hotel, killing 93 people. That was British mandate headquarters. It was under the British at that time.



In 1947, Irgun placed a bomb at the colonial office in London, which failed to detonate.


In 47, Lehi sent letter bombs to the Truman White House.


In 1948, Irgun and Haganah bombed the Semiramis Hotel, killing 26 people.


And in 1948, Irgun and Lehi massacred the entire village of Deir Yasin.


That’s all before Israel even became a state. This is the bombing of the King David Hotel. That’s Menachem Begin.



This was the worst terrorist attack in Israeli-Palestinian history to this point.


Then Irgun bombed the British embassy in Rome in October 46.



So they were global in their reach. They would go to London, they would go to Britain. I mean, they would go to Italy. They would even send bombs to America. They sent bombs to the Truman White House.


And this is one of the bombers. This is Yitzhak Shamir. He was the head of Lehi. He was the head of the Stern gang when they killed this man, the UN mediator Count Folke Bernadotte, in 1948.



Now, when Menachem Begin came to the United States in 1948, in December, Albert Einstein penned a letter with, 26 jewish intellectuals about what Americans should know about the Israeli terrorists, the jewish terrorists. He was talking about Menachem Begin’s party at the time. And he said:


“The public avowals of Begin’s party are no guide whatsoever to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism. Whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the fascist state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character. From its past actions, we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.”







Now, if Americans had paid attention to what Einstein told them in 48, we would not have had 9/11, because the same people are involved, the very same party, ideology and people. What happened is that these terrorists, these are the terrorists of zionism. Begin, Shamir, Sharon.



They came to power in 1977. I happened to live in Israel at the time. And this was a very sad day for Labor people because they said:


“This is the day that the terrorists have taken power.”


They knew what they were talking about.


Then the terrorists went to work right away. Begin invaded Lebanon in 78, and there was a Palestinian attack in Nahariya.


And the response was, this man said:


“Kill them all!”


And they set up a terrorist squad that operated in Lebanon for four years. And this is Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan.



And he set up an organization called the Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners, in which he used car bombs and truck bombs to destroy Palestinian and Syrian targets and to foment conflict between the various ethnic groups of Lebanon. It was very successful. He did it for four years!



This was revealed in a recent book that came out this year, Rise and Kill First, by an Israeli author named Ronan Bergman, New York Times bestseller. But when they interviewed Ronan Bergman, the New York Times, or when they write about the book, they leave out that little bit of history, that Israel was using a terrorist squad. They would hire, they would recruit people from the Sunni community, the Shiite community, Druze community, to drive the trucks. And then they would blow them up in places that they needed to blow them up.



Because this is not discussed in American media, because this shows that Israel is a state that has openly practiced terrorism! There’s no question about it. Remember the years 1979 to 1983? And they say:


“The aim was to cause chaos amongst the Palestinians and Syrians in Lebanon without leaving an Israeli fingerprint, to give them the feeling that they were constantly under attack and instill them with a sense of insecurity.”


This is exactly the same strategy that was applied to Iraq in the 1990s, since the war. Remember car bombs going off every day between the communities, driving the people against each other?


And this is exactly what they did to us after 9/11, the bombing in Bali, the bombing in Madrid, the bombing in London, 9/11, so that they went global then, and they wanted to put fear into the entire Western world that were all insecure! And that’s exactly what the terrorism is all about. They want us to feel insecure so that we will support their war agenda.


Then in 1983, a nondescript group that had never been heard of before bombed US Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 marines.



Caspar Weinberger, defense secretary at the time, said:


“There is no knowledge, we have no knowledge about who did the bombing.”


This is exactly the same time that Israel was doing exactly this. And we now know from Viktor Ostrowski, who wrote Mossadnik, who wrote about Mossad’s actions in a book By Way of Deception. He said that:


“Mossad knew the specific time and location of the bombing, but only gave the US skimpy general information, which was worthless.”


So they knew about the bomb. They knew what it was going to be, where it was going to be, what the truck looked like, but they didn’t tell us. That’s like, either “let it happen on purpose” or “made it happen on purpose”. And it’s the worst, it’s the largest [single] loss of life among the US Marines since Iwo Jima.



Here are a couple of Israeli terrorists from the 1950s. Shimon Peres, Pinhas Lavon and Moshe Dayan. These two characters play a big role in Israeli history, especially in the use of false flag terrorism. This photograph was taken a few months after they were busted for the Lavon Affair in Egypt when they put bombs, nitroglycerin bombs, in American libraries and British libraries and cinema theaters and cultural institutions in Cairo, in an attempt to drive the British and the Americans away from Nasser, away from Egypt. But they were caught. And they’re still smiling!



After it was discovered by the prime minister at the time, Moshe Sherrett. He said that:


“Shimon Peres shares the same ideology as Pinhas Lavon. He wants to frighten the West into supporting Israel’s aims.”


And this is exactly where we are today. The whole name of the game of the terrorism is to scare us into supporting Israel’s aims, to drive us as a nation, as a people, as a military, right behind the Israel camp, so that we become the fighters of their wars for them, because we are affected by the fear.


In 1967, some people would say:


“Israel would never do that. They’re our ally.”


I would point them to read about the USS Liberty attack in 1967 during the Six Day War in which Israeli planes and boats bombed the USS Liberty, a spy ship, which was in international waters off the coast of Egypt, killing 34 Americans and wounding 171.



Two thirds of the crew was destroyed, was murdered or injured. It’s the most decorated ship in naval history. And it’s the one subject of this war, the Six Day War that Americans know virtually nothing about because it’s suppressed. Because if Americans understood. The pilots were asked by the ground control:


“Identify the ship!”


The pilots called back:


“It’s American. It’s American!”


The order came from the ground:


“Sink the ship! No survivors.”


Now, if Americans understood that history, which has been revealed since 2006, they would realize that Israel is a state that will attack the United States when it suits their purposes.



This is an attack in Libya in 1986 in which the United States was tricked. Israel tricked the United States into attacking Libya. They rented an apartment in Tripoli. Then they broadcast radio transmissions to the apartment in Tripoli, which then went up into the satellite. The American signals intelligence picked up the information thinking that it was coming from Libya and then went and attacked Libya. This was when they killed Qaddafi’s daughter and all that, back in 1986.







So the War on Terror. I’m going to talk a little bit about how the War on Terror evolved. It’s an Israeli stratagem. How it developed.



In 1978 is when this all started to come into fruition. In 1978, Israeli intelligence agent Arnon Milchan made his first film called the Medusa Touch, in which a Boeing 747 crashes into the Pan Am building.




Here they are setting up for the film. This is the cover of the book. And here we have the same year he made the film. Here we have Arnon Milchan meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Ezer Weizman.


So you can see he’s at the very highest level of the Israeli military. They’re making a movie predicting something that’s going to happen in the future.



Here he is. He’s a big Hollywood producer. Made JFK, Pretty Woman, Brazil, other films. He’s said to be worth $5 billion.


But the point is, if you read the book about Arnon Milchan called Confidential, you’ll see that he is the external banker who controls the slush funds that Mossad uses for external operations. That’s where the money comes from.


And he made this film in the year 2000. Well, his partner, his business partner, a man named Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News, Rupert Murdoch’s company, made this film in 2,000 in which a Boeing passenger aircraft is flown into the World Trade Center.



And this aired on TV. This plane in the movie was a half an hour film, worth watching. It’s called The Lone Gunman, pilot episode. And in this movie, the plane is remotely hijacked with passengers on it. And the blame is put on the American Military Industrial Complex, looking for a new enemy.



In 1979, the head, this is one year later. The head of Israeli intelligence, this man, Isser Harel, predicted that:


“The Arabs would attack the tallest building in New York City.”


He made that prediction to this man, Michael Evans, a Zionist, a jewish Christian Evangelist from Texas. And Harel predicted that the Arab terrorists would attack the tallest building in New York City. That was 22 years before 9/11.



And you see the relationship here between Mr Evans and Menachem Begin. The prediction went like this. You know, they were meeting, and Mr Evans said:


“Do you think that terrorism will come to America? And if so, where and why?”



This is 1979. Harel said:


“I fear it will come to you in America. America has the power, but not the will to fight terrorism.”


Et cetera, et cetera.


As to the where, Harel said:


“New York City is a symbol of freedom and capitalism. It’s likely they will attack. They will strike the empire State Building, your tallest building, and symbol of your power.”


He pretended to be ignorant about the tallest building.



And in 1979, this man, Bibi Netanyahu, came back from his., … He had been working in Boston for a Rothschild company called Boston Consulting Group, in Boston. He went back, this is his father. And they started something called the Netanyahu Institute, in which they began promoting the idea of:


“Terrorism being the scourge that the West has to fight.”


And they had a conference in 1979 called The Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism. They blamed all the terrorism in the world on Russia, on the Soviet Union. And George Bush spoke on the third day at the final conference and spoke in support of these pre-emptive strikes against nations that are supporting terrorism.



And Begin, I mean, Mr Netanyahu went on to make a career promoting the War on Terrorism. Terrorism, How The West Can Win, Fighting Terrorism, and calling for the United States to come to the Middle East to wage war against those terrorist entities that were plaguing Israel. Because Netanyahu logic goes like this. He says that:


“Israel is attacked because the Arabs are opposed to our Western identity, our Western values, our Western way of life. We’re a Western nation.”


He says, and:


“Therefore the West is the target. Therefore it’s incumbent on the West to come and fight the terrorists for us, because we’re all the target.”



So what they did in 1983, in order to have a War on Terror, you need to have a foe. So they created the foe. They created the foe in Pakistan using a guy named Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who was a very anti-Western militia group he had called Hezb-I-Islami. And the CIA and the Saudis bankrolled the operation. And Israelis trained and armed these people in Pakistan.



It was done in 1983, in 85. It began when this man, Ehud Barak, was the head of Israeli Military Intelligence. And they sent their men and weapons they had taken off the battlefield of Lebanon, took them to Pakistan and trained these characters, people like Osama Bin Laden, in the arts of terrorism. How to make a bicycle bomb and a car bomb and how to fight urban battles against the Russians. These jihadis were meant to fight against the Russians, the Red Army in Afghanistan.



And in 1983 it was done by Charlie Wilson, this Congressman from Texas. He’s the one who led the whole thing. And he arranged with the Israelis to provide the weapons and the trainers in Pakistan. And this is him shaking hands with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.


But the question is, why would the United States and Britain, why would they be funding and training the most anti-Western of the Mujahideen? This man was rabidly anti-Western. Why would you do that? Because they were creating the boogeyman. They were creating the enemy for the next War on Terror, which was Al-Qaeda. And it was done.



This is the man. This is Zvi Rafiah, the head of Israeli Intelligence in Washington, DC. And he was this man’s handler, Charlie Wilson’s handler. And this man, Zvi Rafiah, used Charlie Wilson’s office as if it were his own office.



And this is the Hebrew speaking double agent named Ali Mohamed, who was Osama Bin Laden’s first trainer.




Now, he’s supposedly Egyptian, but he speaks fluent Hebrew. Where did he learn the Hebrew? He’s a double agent. So he was working with the Israelis, training Osama Bin Laden. And this guy, he set up the cell that bombed the US embassies in Africa. He trained the men who were blamed for bombing the World Trade Center in 1993. And he trained the men who killed Rabbi Kahane in New York City.


And then he was finally arrested and put in jail for bombing the embassies in Africa. He was put in a federal penitentiary in this country, from which he disappeared without a trace.



And this is the Gulbuddin’s gang. This is when they became Al-Qaeda. In 1994, the Arabs became Al-Qaeda and the Pashtun speakers became Taliban. Then Israeli Mossad got the contract for the World Trade Center in 1987. Security contract, anti-terrorism security contract.



And it went to this man, Avraham Shalom Bendor. He was the head of Shin Bet. He was involved in a murder in Palestine, in Israel of a couple Palestinians. And he came to America and was the president of this company Atwell Security who got the contract for the World Trade Center.



But when the Port Authority discovered, this is Zvi Malkin and Shalom Bendor, when the Port Authority discovered that this man was using a fake name and he’d been convicted of murder in Israel, they tore up the contract. Had they not torn up the contract in 1987, 9/11 probably would have happened in the 1980s or early 1990s. But they were rejected by the Port Authority.



They didn’t go home to Israel. They didn’t give up the plan. They went to work for a couple American jews who did have inside in the Pentagon, Maurice Greenberg and Jules Kroll. And Jules Kroll had a company called Kroll Associates who got the security contract for the World Trade Center in 1993, after the first bombing.


And at that point, Shalom Bendor was working for him.



And in 1992, this son of a terrorist. This is Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago right now. His father was a member of that Stern Gang, the Lehi Gang. This man became the senior advisor to Bill Clinton. This is the guy that set up the whole Lewinsky thing. But he was also instrumental. He was the Mossad’s man in the White House, so that he made sure that the right people got appointed to the bench. The right appointments were made of under Clinton to make the 9/11 project move forward. And his father was a member of Lehi. He served in the Israeli army, yet he was the senior advisor to the White House.



This is the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. And in this case, Michael Chertoff was the US Attorney for the District of New Jersey. He played a key role in the prosecution in which Muslims were blamed for the bombing. The six people were killed. Chertoff oversaw the prosecution. And Mukasey, Judge Mukasey, oversaw the actual trial.



And in the trial, the FBI, who was involved in actually making the truck bomb, they paid this man $1 million.



This is another Egyptian colonel. This man was the guy who ran the sting operation in which these guys were stung. And he used wires and recorded so that they became indictable. And he testified. He was paid $1 million. This guy, Emad Salem, was paid $1 million to testify against these other fellows that he had rounded up. And then he went into the witness protection program, you know, new name, new face.



And then this ideation of the War on Terror, or of the 9/11 came out in this article in Foreign Affairs, in which Philip Zelikow, John Deutch and Ashton Carter wrote about “Catastrophic Terrorism”, how this would be something that:


“Could happen next month!”


And in this article, they had a study group. They imagined the “transforming event”. They imagined the event, like 9/11, that would change America, fundamentally change our policies, our foreign policy, our domestic policy, change the nation. This was printed in Christmas 1998.



Two of the authors, Ashton Carter and John Deutch, worked for a company called Global Technology Partners, which is an exclusive affiliate of Rothschild North America. I point out these Rothschild connections because there are throughout the entire saga. You find that one step removed from the crime, you find a Rothschild, a Rothschild connection. And the Rothschilds are, of course, the bankers that control our Federal Reserve system and other countries central banks.



So, 9/11, the New Pearl Harbor. The Zionist neocons had called for a New Pearl Harbor in order to effect the change they needed to see.



This is the Project for a New American Century run by the Kagan family. These are some of the signatories to the document. And they had imagined that this revolutionary change that they saw turning America into the global police force:


“Would require a catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a New Pearl Harbor.”



And in 2001, an Israeli Mossad company, Rothschild company, called ICTS, controlled security at the US airports. And these are the three principles. Here is Yitzhak Shamir’s son, Yair Shamir. This is Cukierman, and this is Boaz Harel. They ran the company that either let these guys on the airplane, or didn’t. But their company was excused from the process. And so we’ll never know unless we have some change in the attitude about 9/11.





And then in July 2001, Zionists, that’s strong supporters of Israel, got the lease for the World Trade Center. It became their property. And that was done through a man named Ron Lauder, the son of Este Lauder.




And in Israel, he works together with Major General Daniel Rothschild at Mossad University. He has a school there, and he runs the Institute for Policy and Strategy. This man was put in charge of privatizing New York property for Governor Pataky. He oversaw the privatization efforts of New York State in which they decided to privatize the World Trade Center, because the World Trade Center was public property prior to 9/11.



And then it went from the port authority. This man, Lew Eisenberg, he transferred after negotiations, the property to this man, Larry Silverstein. But these men are connected through something called the UJA Federation of New York, which is a Zionist fundraising operation, where he’s the national chairman and he is on the board of the Planning Board.



And again, Larry Silverstein, the man who got the World Trade Center lease for 99 years is this man here. He had weekly phone calls every Sunday afternoon with Benjamin Netanyahu.



Then on July 24, 2001, he got the keys to the front door of the World Trade Center.



This is what was left five weeks later.



On 9/11 Ehud Olmerttt, Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister, was on a secret visit to New York City.



This was taken about two weeks later, but he was there on September 10 and September 11 in New York City.



Here he is with Netanyahu. By the way, he wound up spending a couple years in jail recently for bribery.



Here he is after he came back from his ten days away in Israel, he came back to the United States.


And since New York City and Jerusalem are sister cities, and he was the Mayor of Jerusalem and the Deputy Prime Minister of Israel, he acted like the Big Brother to Rudy Giuliani.



But on September 11, when all civilian flights were grounded in this country, one full El Al Boeing 747 took off from JFK bound for Tel Aviv. The flight departed at 4:11 pm with US military officials on the scene authorizing and clearing the flight for takeoff. Who was on that plane? Well, obviously, Ehud Olmertt was one of the people on the plane.


This is about the Put Options. You may have heard about the Put Options in which people profited by knowing that the stocks of the airlines and insurance companies would tank on 9/11. And 95% of these options were put by this man’s former company.



Now this man is “Buzzy” Krongard. And on 9/11, he was executive director of the CIA. But before he became executive director of the CIA, he was the director of Alex Brown, the company that placed the put options.



And here’s the relationship between Alvin Krongard, Alvin Krongard and his wife. And his wife works directly with Rothschild Asset Management.


And then there were thousands of Israelis who were warned about 9/11, and there were 4,000 who were expected to have been at [in the area of] the World Trade Center that day, or the Pentagon.



And that comes from the Israeli Foreign Ministry. That’s not Arab propaganda. It’s from the Israeli Foreign Ministry.


And apparently they got the message through a system called Odigo, which warned people who had that Israeli system of messaging not to go to the World Trade Center that day. The warning message went out about two or 3 hours before it happened. It warned people:


“Not to be at the World Trade Center at 8:45 because all hell would break loose.”



So apparently those 4,000 Israelis who avoided harm got the message, they got the memo.



And then there were these “Five Dancing Israeli” who were seen celebrating and high fiving the attack at the World Trade Center before [after] the first plane struck. They were on the New Jersey side of the river, and they were photographing and high fiving, and they were observed, and they were arrested on the afternoon of 9/11. It was written about in the New Jersey newspapers, but it was not reported in any other paper outside of New Jersey.



The two men that did not appear, they’re on a TV show. These three guys are on TV show. They said:


“We’re not Mossad!”


No, because the two Mossad guys are sitting in the audience. The Kurtzberg brothers were sitting in the audience because they could not go up on the stage and say:


“We’re not Mossad.”


They are Mossad. And US law enforcement knew it from the minute they arrested these guys that they were Mossad.


And one of the guys, this is one of the minions, he said:


“Our purpose was to document the event.”


Here’s the head of the company behind these foster grants here, Dominik Suter. He fled the country on the 12th or the 13th, and when the FBI went to get him again, he was gone.


And this is one of the trucks of their company. They had this truck that was reported by New York police, Urban Moving Systems. It wasn’t a moving company at all! It was a front company. It was set up to facilitate the 9/11 attacks. And they had this truck with the picture of the World Trade Center being struck by a plane.


Now on 9/11, when it happened, in the studio, the London studio, the BBC, world television, the largest English speaking broadcasting in the world, who was there except Ehud Barak! Ready to give the interpretation. Remember, the General, Wesley Clark said:


“We did not have American understanding of it.”


No, what he’s implying is that we had:


“A foreign country’s understanding of it.”


We had Israeli understanding. The Israelis interpreted 9/11 for us.



This man, the head of former Defense Minister, Chief of Staff, he said:


“The world will never be the same from today on! We know who’s behind this, Osama Bin Laden, and we know where he is!”


He said:


“It’s time to launch an operational, concrete war against terror, full stop!”




And that’s what we’ve been doing for the last 17 years, following the Israeli diktat! Living our lives according to the Israeli interpretation of 9/11. That’s what they’ve imposed on us. They’ve imposed a Zionist narrative to explain what happened on 9/11.



Here’s Bibi Netanyahu. And on 9/11, he praised the attacks because they had kickstarted his War on Terror that he’d been pushing uphill for the last, 20 years.



He told the New York Times. He was asked:


“How will this affect American Israeli relations?”


He said:


“It’s very good!”


When 30,000 people are expected to be in the pile, he said:


“It’s very good. It will generate immediate sympathy.”


And the relationship between Netanyahu and Barak is that Barak was his commander in the Sayeret Matkal, a covert commando force of Israeli military intelligence.



And Bibi Netanyahu spoke the next day, September 12, in Jerusalem.



He said:


“We must build a coalition against terror today. It’s time to take on the militant Islamic regimes with a great deal of strength. We should crush the terrorist infrastructure that threatens the entire free world.”


Yet if you look at the coalition that’s put together in Syria or in Iraq, you will never find the Israeli flag, because the Israelis are the ones who are running the operation, but keep their fingers out of it.


But you see now in Syria, you see the Israelis are now bombing every day. They’re attacking Syria on a daily basis. And they were the ones who actually got the Russian plane shot down.


Their four fighters came over and were striking Syria, putting the slow moving Russian reconnaissance plane in the middle, and it got shot.


And he also said, Netanyahu said in 2001, he said:


“I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction.”


That’s what they’re doing to us. They’re pulling us around like an ox with a ring in its nose. And he said:


“We are benefiting.”


This is him speaking to an Israeli audience.



He said:


“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the twin towers, the Pentagon and the American struggle in Iraq.”


He said that in 2008.



And then there was an Israeli son of the Mossad who controlled the 9/11 investigation.



This is the man, Michael Chertoff. He was put in charge of the investigation, which became a non-investigation in which the evidence was destroyed. And for day to day decisions, Chertoff had the last word.



Then he became Homeland Security Czar in 2005. In this position, he maintained his control of the evidence of 9/11.



Controlling the evidence, destroying the evidence, was a key aspect of his work. And the evidence was destroyed from the day one. This is some of the steel that was piled up. That was a big steel pile of steel.



And they began right away carting the steel off to a couple Zionist junkyards where it was destroyed 24/7. Cut into small pieces, mixed with other scrap and sent to Asia for destruction.


Because the steel would provide evidence of what really caused the towers to fall.



And then the Zionists presided over the 9/11 lawsuits and litigation. This is the judge, Alvin K. Hellerstein. There was a fundamental conflict of interest, though.



His son worked for a law firm in Israel that represented ICTS, the company that was overseeing security at the airports on 9/11 in Boston, in Newark, in Dulles. Here’s the relationship.



His son was working for a company that was the parent company of ICTS. And that same group of people, ICTS, was in the tort litigation that he oversaw for the families of 9/11. That’s a primary conflict of interest. And the Zionists also oversaw the settlements of the money.



This man dished out the money for the first, 2,900 families. His name is Kenneth Feinberg, very high level Zionist. This is Sheila Birnbaum. She oversaw the war of attrition against the 96 families. There are 96 families who held out for a day in court. They never got it. One by one, they were settled out of court.


And the Zionist control the 9/11 myth and the legacy. This is the Ground Zero. This is the World Trade Center memorial.



And they control the interpretation of the event was given to us by this 9/11 Commission Report by this man, Philip Zelikow, who’s an expert at creating public myths.



And he came to the table as Executive Director of the Commission with a complete outline already finished, before the staff even began working.


So he had prepared the myth in advance. Then they would pick information that they would put into the myth to make it work.



But the people who worked on the 9/11 Commission, like the senior counsel John Farmer, said that:


“What government and military officials told Congress, the Commission, the media and the public about who knew what when, was almost entirely and inexplicably untrue.”


Here are the co-chairmen of the Commission Report.



They said:


“To this day, we don’t know why NORAD told us what they told us. It was just so far from the truth!”


So these are the people who actually wrote the report or worked on the report telling you that it’s a pack of lies!


Then the Israelis constructed the memorial, the legacy, where the kids go in the school buses and get the walk around and go to the museum.



The World Trade Center memorial was designed by an Israeli, this man here, Michael Arad, who’s the son of Moshe Arad, the former Israeli ambassador of the United States.



So from A to Z, from ideation to legacy, it’s all been an Israeli project. For 17 years the media has given us this story, a false narrative about 9/11 and the War on Terror, all the while suppressing real evidence that disproves the official myth.



Like the molten metal that poured off the building. Like the molten metal that was found in the basement of the World Trade Center. Like the tiny droplets of molten iron that were found in the dust. Because the attitude of the media has been this is from three years later. New York Times.



In the three years since 9/11, we’ve begun to understand that it’s possible to know what happened without knowing what happened.


That’s their position! We don’t need to know!




[Remainder of Transcript in Progress]










Odysee Comments


(Comments as of 9/10/2024 = 1)

30 weeks ago
I have linked to a lot of Bolly’s work on 9/11 in this substack essay: Israel and elements of the US government did 9/11

‹ Hide 1 reply


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One Response to Christopher Bollyn – Tricked into War – Israeli Zionist Government was Behind the 9/11 Attack – Sep 20, 2018 – Transcript

  1. Pingback: Joel Davis – We’ll Talk About the News but Let’s Be Honest You’re Here for the Tangents – Sep 13, 2024 – Transcript | katana17

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