Mark Collett
Britain’s Digital Police State
Sat, Aug 24, 2024
[In this video Mark Collett, leader of the pro-White British nationalist movement, Patriotic Alternative, says:
“In the wake of the recent disorder at anti-migrant protests, the Labour Government are poised to bring in the most draconian speech laws the West has ever seen. A new police force will be assembled to monitor the internet for ‘thought crimes’, turning Britain into a digital police state where ‘wrong think’ is classed as terrorism.”
– KATANA]—Britain’s-Digital-Police-State:4
Published on Sat, Aug 24, 2024
Britain’s Digital Police State
August 23, 2024
Mark Collett
In the wake of the recent disorder at anti-migrant protests, the Labour Government are poised to bring in the most draconian speech laws the West has ever seen. A new police force will be assembled to monitor the internet for ‘thought crimes’, turning Britain into a digital police state where ‘wrong think’ is classed as terrorism.
The Online Safety Bill will KILL Free Speech
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(Words: 1,383 – Duration: 9:26 mins)
This week the Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, has promised to crack down on people “pushing harmful and hateful beliefs”, and to “kickstart” a new approach to fighting extremism. And extremism will now cover an even broader range of opinions, including misogyny.
And the cogs have already been set in motion, with the Home Office commissioning a “rapid sprint” to develop a new approach to “countering extremism”.
And all this is being done, because according to Cooper, and I quote:
“For too long governments have failed to address the rise in extremism, both online and on our streets, and we’ve seen the number of young people radicalised online grow. Hateful incitement of all kinds fractures and frays the very fabric of our communities and our democracy.”
End Quote. Now that’s a lot of what can be called “establishment speak”.
So let’s translate Cooper’s statement into normal English, so we can understand what she really means.
When anyone in the government starts talking about ideas or beliefs that they don’t like and wish to criminalise, they immediately use the term “extremism”.
That’s because extremism is a loaded term, one which in recent years the media has been using interchangeably with the term “terrorism”.
Now some may accuse the media and press of merely being lazy, but that’s not the case here. There has been a concerted effort to conflate these two terms, that’s because terrorism is something that is universally disliked by the vast majority of people – but it’s also a highly emotive term and one that can be used to sway people’s opinions.
However, terrorism is the use of violence, or the threat of violence, in order to bring about social, political or religious change. The key to the term, is “violence”. Terrorism involves either the direct use of violence, or the threat thereof.
Extremism on the other hand, is simply the holding of social, political or religious views that could be deemed as “extreme”.
And there’s a huge difference there. There’s a massive jump from holding views that the government deems “extreme” and using “violence”.
The distinction between the two is clear, obvious and easily discernible. But that’s exactly why the press, the media and now the government are doing everything in their power to use the terms interchangeably – essentially blurring the lines to the point that holding a belief that the government deems “extreme” will soon be classed in the same bracket as committing an act of violence.
Because that’s the whole point of this new legislation, it’s not being draughted to “protect communities” as Yvette’s spin doctors and press release writers would like the public to think, it’s being draughted so the government can move forward with their plan to bring in legislation that will effectively outlaw certain beliefs.
In short, this new legislation is “thought crime” legislation, which will pave the way toward the state being able to initiate criminal action against those who hold the “wrong” beliefs – because thinking an “extreme” thought will be likened to making a “bomb”, and expressing that “extreme thought” will be equated to detonating that bomb in a public place.
But that sounds like a massive restriction is about to be placed on our freedoms. But just think of the children!
And that’s literally what Cooper’s press release said, because as soon as the government begin talking about a restriction on our freedoms, they have to frame it in such a way that it appears to be all about protecting people, especially children. And that’s what Cooper stated. The kids are being radicalised – and most of this radicalisation takes place online. Que the resurrection of the previous government’s Online Safety Bill!
Now I did a full video on the appallingly misnamed Online Safety Bill a few years back, it’s linked in the description below. In Cooper’s press release, she enthusiastically talks about bringing that Bill into law and making it as robust as possible. Replace the word “robust” with “restrictive” or “draconian”, and you will understand what she’s really getting at.
In short, we are going to see massive new restrictions on online freedoms; we will see the regulation of social media and video sharing sites, and as Keir Starmer stated, we will see the creation of an entire new police force just for monitoring what people are saying online. This is Big Brother in its final and most terrifying form; the most advanced surveillance-state the world has ever known monitoring everything you say and write and then passing your opinions on to the Ministry of Truth in order to see if those opinions are legal.
Cooper then talks about “hateful incitement” – which is a window into what they are planning in terms of new laws. Anything you say that the state deems “likely” to incite hate could lead to arrest, and if convicted, a person will receive a custodial sentence. This is a considerable change to existing Hate Speech laws, where speech much by either abusive, threatening or insulting in order to meet the threshold for prosecution.
Furthermore, existing forms of hate, such as hatred toward racial, ethnic and religious groups will now be joined by new forms of hate, based on “immigration status” and “nationality”. It’s also likely that additional categories of hate will emerge, making it illegal to incite hatred towards the media and politicians.
As a result, it is likely that terms such as “swamping” and “replacement” will become illegal when used in connection with immigration.
It is also likely that referring to the race, ethnicity or religion of a criminal or terrorist will become illegal. Finally, criticising the justice system for two-tier policing, calling the media “fake news” or accusing politicians of engaging in activities that are harmful to the British people, will also likely be deemed as speech that could incite hate.
This legislation will effectively seek to outlaw any criticism of migration, the behaviour of immigrant groups and even make it illegal to criticise politicians, the justice system and the media for their roles in bringing about inequality that reduces White Britons to second-class citizens.
There will of course be notable exemptions to these laws in order to shield those within the establishment from prosecution: Those elected to Parliament, those working in officially licenced broadcast media and those working for a major newspaper will automatically be exempt. Other establishment figures within the judiciary, police force and academia may also qualify for exemptions – especially if they hold high ranking positions.
This will create the ultimate two-tier system. If you are part of the “establishment” you will be able to speak freely, however if you are not, you will be heavily monitored and you will be subject to police, or even counter terrorist action, if you are accused of “wrong think”.
Finally, Cooper makes a bold plea, that all this must be done in order to prevent our communities from falling apart. In other words; multiculturalism is such an incredible failure that the only way our society can be held together is by ushering in utter tyranny and creating the most oppressive Police State imaginable in order to enforce official state doctrine.
But Cooper doesn’t stop there, she then adds the icing on the cake, claiming that this new legislation was not only necessary to protect our communities, but also to protect our “democracy”!
Yes, the same “democracy” where a party can take a third of the vote but win two-thirds of the seats in Parliament, because we absolutely wouldn’t want real representation that reflects the mood of the nation, as that would threaten everything that Yvette Cooper and her cronies stand for.
This isn’t about protecting children, communities or democracy, this is about removing the rights of White Britons; by means of bringing in the most oppressive anti-free speech laws that the West has ever seen!
These new laws are essentially blasphemy laws – and the new religion they seek to protect is that of multiculturalism, and whilst the multicultural Pharisees and their stooges will be exempt from these laws, if you, as a member of the public, speak out against multiculturalism – or any of its liberal and progressive idols – you will be dragged out of your home and be subject to the kind of show trial that would make Soviet Commissars blush!
Odysee Comments
(Comments as of 9/24/2024 = 42)
1 month ago
you’re an extremist if you don’t wish your children raped and or murdered by males from other tribes smh
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1 month ago
Saying, “I don’t like becoming a hated minority in my homeland.” is extremism, hate speech, and potential terrorism. We need to normalize it by standing in the streets by the millions with a sign that says that. Normalize speech that the government doesn’t approve of. This “protected” group crap is like instructing my body’s immune system that it’s not allowed to fend off colonies of bacteria in my body that will make me sick and die. Whites are being genocided by their public servants.
Keyboard warriors, street protestors, “thugs in the street.” The former evolve into the latter if the public servants ignore the real issues and smothers the keyboard warriors. The real issue is importing masses of other races and cultures. The public servants refuse to admit that race is real and that it matters.
Extremism is relative. From the perspective of a Muslim country the behavior and thinking in the UK is “extreme.”
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1 month ago
“Whites are being genocided by their public servants.”
That’s because these public servants are really the servants of the Jewish-led plutocracy which actually wields power from behind the scenes. These unaccountable rulers are determined to bring about a Kalergian Technocracy (= a centrally planned command economy using the AI algorithms, Digital IDs, the Internet of Things, SMART devices etc. with the elites controlling all means of production) in which a Jewish-led rainbow plutocratic and managerial elite rules absolutely over a multiracial mass population which is utterly dependent on the establishment economic system and is treated as a flock of sheeple.
The Jewish-led elites will not tolerate opposition to their monstrous totalitarian and genocidal coup from above. They have crossed their Rubicon. We can expect them to continue escalating their Orwellian police state governance.
Fate is calling on us to continue building and strengthening our collective resistance. This will become increasingly painful. But if we won’t make the inevitable sacrifices we won’t survive.
1 month ago
I’m not sure how I fEeL about you posting my comment for me without my consent, rEpOrTeD .
1 month ago
Declaring people’s righteous anger to be extremism is a grave mistake. That won’t keep the steam in the pot forever. They have no answers, and no one is looking for any. How could they! All viable answers would expose them.
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1 month ago
I detect a veiled threat in your comment. That’s “potential” terrorism. The System certainly is pushing “thought” control with its speech laws. I noticed that Mark mentioned in the video that autorotative source of news will be exempt from the hate speech laws and I assume politicians too. I take that as only the authorities are allowed to tell people what to think and how to feel about it. The whole population is being smothered by feminists.
Collett did a good job connecting the dots between “speech that the government doesn’t like” with “extremism” and “terrorism.” Adding “extreme misogyny” to the list of thoughts that the System doesn’t like is an attack on the patriarchy hence an attack on the nation. Feminism equals open borders.
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1 month ago
I have also noticed the special exceptions time and again in the past. On Facebook, for example, saying really disgusting things about Russians is officially no reason to be banned completely. That seems to have been okay for some time now. I haven’t heard anything from Downing Street about it. It’s all so hypocritical it could make you sick.
1 month ago
“Our democracy” is a code word for “Zionist occupation and rule”
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1 month ago
Always has been.
1 month ago
Microsoft bringing in Keylogging and full computer snapshots (windows recall) to spy on users at hardware level. Dedicated A.I. NPU spying chips in future hardware (even Linux users will have to avoid this hardware.
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1 month ago
Adopt Linux
Earthling Carl
1 month ago
It’s literally 1984!!
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1 month ago
“”Whether he went on with the diary, or whether he did
not go on with it, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him
just the same. He had committed — would still have committed, even if
he had never set pen to paper — the essential crime that contained all
others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a
thing that could be concealed for ever. You might dodge successfully for
a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you.””
1 month ago
protecting the poor immigrants from hurty words smh meanwhile they’re the ones actually spilling blood
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Robert Demon
1 month ago
The UK government protects foreign rapists, murderers and pederasts but lock up the native population for writing “mean” tweets that are completely factual. White British people should be executing their whole government and then deporting all foreigners.
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30 days ago
I take it you live in a safe country. Just liking your post would probably get a prison sentence.
Robert Demon
23 days ago
I’m in Australia
1 month ago(edited)
Dystopian but they are going to far too many people will be affected
1 month ago
Mass immigration has destroyed our communities.
30 days ago
This is what happens when you give women the vote.
No words
1 month ago(edited)
I think extreme irony and sarcasm is called for. From now on, we should mock the system by calling them majesty, excellency, perfect, beloved fathers of the system and we should do it with a stupidly huge smile. We must mock by follow their rules to the extreme… and then wonder if loving their magnificence perfection in this extreme way is itself extremism. WE HAVE TO MOCK THEM RELENTLESLLY.
By the way, is insulting the prime minister a crime? What can we shout at him in public according to this law? Is it legal to call him traitor? Is it legal to call him a rat?
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1 month ago
He is not Treasonous to the state, just the population.
Matt Hammond
30 days ago(edited)
That deranged lunatic Yvette Cooper is heavily complicit in child rape and genocide. She’s an absolute traitor. Never forget her stupid little ‘refugees welcome’ sign or how she tried to have Red Ice shut down. Again, I look forward to the very harshest of punishments eventually being meted out to her, Kier Starmer, and all the other shitbag politicians.
1 month ago
Batshit crazy women like Yvette Cooper will be the end of us.
Archive Mr.AG
1 month ago
Democracy? Its just occupation.
29 days ago
They’ll eventually arrest people if the are accused of harbouring “hateful thought”. Making thought crimes a reality.
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29 days ago
Isn’t that what already happened to Sam Melia? He broke no laws, the stickers he produced were legal, the contents of them were legal. He went to jail because a jury decided his “intent” was bad, i.e. he had bad thoughts.
Suncross TV ⊕
30 days ago
From the very first point of contact with the thought police (NKVD2) it has to be “no comment” at all times. Cooperative non-cooperation means name, address, DoB and occupation if you prefer, nothing else, no cooperation. If charged, plead not guilty, run trial, let a jury decide and if convicted find grounds for appeal. If appeal against conviction is refused, go to the Criminal Cases Review Commission. Never apologise, never empower the hateful regime with a guilty plea like RobNsob’s fanboys.
1 month ago
Dont know how you survive day by day there in antiwhite regime hell in UK but keep your head up Mark. There is nothing more to fight for anymore than Whitr Unity. Without Whites standing up and we will all be dead anyways so may as well go for it. Fear no evil as we walk thru the valley of antiwhite hell and death, and Imnot religious btw but as Whites we camnot fear death anymore…it’s us(the pro whites) VS antiwhites..thats it. And we better not lose
just my thinking DPG
28 days ago
all to protect the the biggest terrorists…israel which is the most extremist and violent area in the world while they have been mass murdering for 75 years in occupied Palestine which began in 1946-48 when the IRGUN and Stern terrorists bombed the British, forcing them to flee.
30 days ago(edited)
Time to abandon ship. Britain is beyond saving. It might still be be possible to save the White race, but I can’t see much hope for most European countries.
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30 days ago
Brits had their opportunity to stop this with Oswald Mosley but instead trashed him.
Suncross TV ⊕
30 days ago
The Online Safety Act is already law and does not to be “rehashed” but Starmer will amend it to create the single narrative, any other opinion will be criminal incitement like the Soviet Union.
30 days ago
What I can’t figure out for the life of me is what these creatures – pardon me, politicians – expect to get out of it longterm. For now, they might think in terms of money, votes, and power, but do they really think this will last forever? Don’t they think that far ahead? Do they believe society will just continue to exist as it always has? Do they really think they can control the hordes they are so keen on importing and shielding from any consequence of criminal behaviour?
Their heads are on the chopping block same as ours, only a bit later, and I do not understand how they cannot see that.
1 month ago
So like, yea. Its time to get…difficult.
1 month ago
RICUSPEAK – Britain’s New Digital Police State Terminology
Christian Patriot Farmer
1 month ago
The Celto-Saxons are the Lost Tribes of Israel. The first time Jews are mentioned in the Bible in 2 Kings 16:6 it is in the context of a war between Israel and the Jews. There was this split and civil war because Solomon sacrificed children to demons. The star on the Jewish flag was his witchcraft symbol. Many calling themselves Jews are Ashkenazi which are not Semites at all, but Japhites. Whatever their genetics, the Jews are the children of the devil, the offspring of Cain, who was born from Eve having sex with Satan. Cain murdered Abel, and this is what Jesus was referring to when He said in John
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” Jesus’ lineage comes from Seth, as stated in Luke
. Seth was Adam and Eve’s 3rd son after Cain killed Abel. Anyway, the Jews want to destroy the Lost Tribes of Israel who are the Celto-Saxon peoples. There are many proofs to this. The major one is that the tribal symbols from Genesis 24 can be found on family crests all throughout Europe. Here are the symbols, take a look at your ancestral family crest and find what tribe you are from:
We are all over Europe, Australia, Canada, and America. The reason they named the modern state of Israel, “Israel” is to destroy our Celto-Saxon Israel heritage. They were thinking about naming it Judea, but some Polish Ashenazi Jew leading the project chose Israel. It is completely ridiculous and Satanic. Satan’s way is slavery, but where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty.
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Robert Demon
23 days ago
I don’t know about that.
30 days ago
Misogyny Extremism! damn they’re on to me.
Cone of Silence
30 days ago
It’s unrelenting but not the first.
I think it was King Charles II was made a decree about misinformation about him.
It was illegal to even gossip about him even in the pub or in your home.
Truthstream media did a stream on this subject.
Speaking of Kings, don’t hear much about this from the present one, so one would gather he’s ok with this treatment of his subjects.
I recon the eugenicist Phillip would have had something to say on his countries population growth, but alas he cannot.
1 month ago
Good luck with that Coop
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1 month ago
Chicken coop?
See Also
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Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT
Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript
Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript
911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor
Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017
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