Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript


Joel Davis


Building Nationalism from the Ground Up



Thu, Sep 26, 2024


[In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following:

The show has expanded its audience significantly by broadcasting on Twitter.

They’ve grown their audience despite being deplatformed from YouTube.

They talk about the upcoming Australian Football League grand final weekend, and critique the commercialization and politicization of Australian football, while discussing the potential for politicizing sports for nationalist causes.

They discuss the concept of building nationalism from the ground up, and argue that existing institutions have failed and a new movement needs to be built from scratch.

Emphasize the importance of organizing white men around a “no compromise white nationalism.”

Discuss strategies for building a parallel economy and community for their activists and the need for physical spaces and property for the movement.

The challenges of fundraising and managing finances for their organization and the importance of transparency and accountability in handling donations.

They critique excessive moralizing and ideological debates within the nationalist movement, and argue for a focus on racial identity as the foundation for their movement, despite the challenges of uniting different factions within white nationalism.

National Socialism and its relevance today and strategies for normalizing their ideology and breaking the “spell” of anti-Nazi sentiment.

The importance of building a distinctly Australian form of nationalism.

The need for white people to collectively fund pro-white organizations and the potential for creating nationalist labor unions.

The challenges of digital currencies and financial deplatforming.

They analyze why American nationalists struggle to unite compared to Australian nationalists, and differences in national identity and historical narratives between Australia and the US.

The importance of youth involvement in their movement.

Strategies for recruiting and organizing supporters of different ages.

The need for a balance between intellectual debates and practical organizing.

The importance of focusing on existential racial issues over other ideological differences, and the necessity of breaking taboos around National Socialism.

The challenges of building a movement in a hostile political environment.

Alliances with non-white groups against Jews.

They critique strategies that focus solely on opposing Jews rather than promoting white interests.

The importance of having a positive vision, not just opposition to enemies, and the need for sacrifice and commitment from supporters.

The conversation covers the challenges of maintaining ideological purity while growing a movement.

And more, …




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Published on Thu, Sep 26, 2024



Building Nationalism from the ground up
Joel Davis
3 Dislikes
Streamed on:
Sep 26, 7:03 am EDT
Republican Politics
Joel Davis Blair Cottrell Thomas Sewell
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(Words: 33964 – Duration: 185 mins)



Joel Davis: Live. It is the 26 September 2024. Another episode of the show.


We’re back on Twitter. We had an incredible viewership on Twitter last week. We got way more views on Twitter than we get on any other platform. But our Rumble audience sustained. We got the same amount of views on the Rumble stream as we did the week before. Plus all these extra Twitter views. A big expansion of the audience just from broadcasting to Twitter now.


So as I said last week, I can’t believe we didn’t do this earlier, but it’s really nice to get that kind of response. And it feels like the show, man, I remember going back to last year when my YouTube was banned. We had a Joel and Blair show YouTube account that was banned. Then my YouTube was banned. I think Blair got a YouTube account banned as well. So we got hammered! We got completely wiped out on YouTube, and that was a real blow.


And then we were shunted onto Rumble. And we were already on Odysee and Cozy, but we’re shunted onto Rumble and we have to build up from scratch on Rumble.


And then this year, we got the Rumble audience back up to where it peaked on YouTube and then actually went past the peak YouTube audience. So we grew the show bigger on Rumble than it ever was on YouTube, and that felt like an achievement.


And then we then just now added a Twitter audience that then more than doubled the audience that we already had. So being de-platformed off YouTube has never been this good. Fuck YouTube! We don’t need YouTube. We’re now pulling, you know, three times the audience for the show that we were pulling when we were on YouTube a year ago. So that feels really good that we were able to withstand that hit. That really sucked at the time. And it felt a lot., … You know, if you told me a year in a year’s time, the show will have three times as many viewers, even though you’re still banned from YouTube, I would have probably not believed you. So kudos to everyone tuning in. Feels really good that we were able to basically take that blow and keep soldering on. Fuck YouTube! Fuck Google! Fuck ZOG! Hail Elon Musk! Hail our people!


But anyway, let’s get into the show. Blair, you want to? It’s grand final weekend here in Australia, and that means for Victorians, we don’t have to go to work tomorrow. So that’s pretty sick. But sports ball is kind of gay. I’m sure they’ll do some, like, gay abo [Aboriginal] shit at the beginning and maybe some just gay actual gay shit as well. Sometimes they Chuck that in with the gay abo shit! So I won’t be watching it. I don’t give a fuck about it! But you had some thoughts.


Blair Cottrell: Big sports ball weekend. That’s what we’re about to experience, especially in Victoria. Victoria was the birthplace of the Australian Football League [AFL] or Aussie Rules football.


So everyone’s looking forward to four days off. The holidays begin tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, Sunday is the sort of sporting experience, sports ball experience. And then I think Monday people get off as well. And there’s a real retard vibe out there. I just went to the gym and got home a little bit late and people are driving erratically, lining up at bottle shops, takeaway food shops and just getting in the way and being more retarded than usual. And it’s because this is the last day they had to work before sportsball weekend. So they’re just very excited for that reason and more retarded than usual for that reason as well.


A little bit frustrating for me because I’m completely disconnected from the public consciousness. I’m able to feel it, but I’m not connected to it. I’m still removed, so I can observe it, I can sort of read it, but it doesn’t rub off on me so much and I just want to go about my business as normal. But not everyone is as cynical as I am.


So I’m not trying to say you can’t enjoy your football. Like, we have a big sporting culture in Australia and I come from an AFL family myself, so I can appreciate it. Some watch, some somewhat. There’s a certain sort of soldierly aspect to the football player. They do do a lot of intensive training and they do have a lot of personal pride and team pride, like that sort of camaraderie, you might say that similar to like a battalion, or a political group like the like you boys are involved in.


So I can appreciate it, I can respect it. But the average peasant that sort of goes to the sports ball games and gets all hysterical and drunk and who looks forward to drinking a lot and taking a lot of drugs on sportsball weekends, they’re out in force right now and it’s just a little bit annoying.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, I think there’s something special about it. Whenever you talk to non-Whites and they mention Australian culture, it’s the first thing that they do mention. They say:


“Oh, yeah, foottie and beer and meat pies.”


And look, I think football can be saved. I think certainly when we take state power we can certainly de-commercialise football, refocus on its localness and we can do a lot for football. We can make sports ball great again, certainly.


And as you said, there’s a martial component to it which is valuable. Australian soldiers were so highly regarded in the First and Second World War because we’re like a footy nation, like we’re a sporting nation and the Germans, the British. There’s lots of historical accounts of commentary on how Australian and New Zealand soldiers were of great stock and just great physical composition. And a lot of it is due to better diet and better exercise. So and just being a new colony as well. But I won’t get too caught up in that.




But what I will say about the weekend is I think the whole experience that go like, because I talk to the guys that work about, I am connected to it in the sense that everyone I work with, I’m the alien. Everyone I work with is obsessed with football. And I don’t want to get too like a psychoanalysis on it, but there’s something about the process, the ecstasis and the catharsis. There’s something about cheering and being disappointed or cheering and being happy at the end. There is some sort of strange spiritual, there is a metaphysics to it, certainly, that they, that does exist within the psyche of the majority of the population that should be nurtured and taken care of in a positive way. Obviously it’s been commercialised. It’s been made gay and pro-aboriginal and all this sort of nonsense! So obviously it’s been hijacked.


My main criticism of the nationalists that came before us is in Australia is their lack of, and I mean before us. I’m talking about the generation before. It’s not five years before we came on the scene, but the people that were around 30, 40 years before UPF [United Patriots Front] existed, or we came on the scene, they should have focused on AFL. If they had focused in the seventies and eighties on politicizing AFL for the Right-wing and bringing about a will to power and making that a central part of Australian nationalism back then, the movement as a whole would be just so well established. Because in Europe we have these intergenerational nationalists, intergenerational families of nationalists that did this at the end of the Second World War.


And a lot of the firms in England and a lot of the hooligan clubs in Europe, most of them are National Socialists or fascists or just very, very Right-wing. And that took a long time to develop that culture, that subculture within the football. And football in Europe is very political! But in America and Australia it’s very gay! It’s very anti-political. It’s very depoliticised to the point where it’s just anti-White. It’s so non-political that they’re then in the absence of a political nature of the sport, the state apparatus and the corporate state apparatus have managed to infiltrate and put their astroturf, fake culture, not a grassroots nationalist culture, which is what it should be.


Blair Cottrell: It’s modern day coliseum. It’s just the coliseum. There’s a tribal aspect to the energy there. It’s something we’ve failed to tap into politically, but not entirely. We did take a banner to the footy once, remember? Probably 2016, I think that was.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, that caused such an hysterical reaction from the AFL official community. I mean, like the AFL administrative officers, because they couldn’t believe that someone had the guts [chuckling] to actually walk in there with a Right-wing banner and display it right in front of the scoreboard in front of everyone in the middle of a game!


Thomas Sewell: Yes.


Blair Cottrell: And they realised that they can’t actually stop people from doing that. Like, all we did was put that banner under my shirt. I just wore a baggy jacket and I walked in and paid for my ticket.xLike, anyone. And how are they able to identify everyone who’s going in there? That’s a lot. There’s like hundreds of how many people. Tens of thousands of people going into that.


Joel Davis: Especially if you larp as a fat guy!


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, well, that’s actually exactly what I did. What was the game? It was Essendon versus.


Thomas Sewell: Collingwood.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, yeah. And I bought an oversized Collingwood jacket. I didn’t even support Collingwood just to conceal the banner and I never wore it again. I don’t know what happened to that jacket. [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: Your dad’s probably got it.


Blair Cottrell: Maybe, [chuckling] but Dad tends to wear the baggier jackets. He’s of that generation.


But the point was there’s no way they can actually stop us doing stuff like that. I’m kind of disappointed that no one’s done anything like that since. And even in us, I suppose, for not replicating that kind of activity. But who knows? Plenty of potential for that in the future.


Thomas Sewell: We’ll get back to it. We’re just trying to build up the footy boy culture at the moment. So it’s important, I think, for there to be an innate organic culture of people that already go to the footy.


And so we’ve recruited a lot of people this year and probably 5% are avid football fans, which is an improvement from the 0% that we’ve had in the past. Most people that we’ve recruited over the years have wanted nothing to do with AFL, just because of its de-politicisation and its anti-White nature.


But now that we’re becoming larger as a movement, we are starting to tap into a bit more sportsball fans, which is good. I actually appreciate that. I want that. I want to build a subculture of people that like that.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, we’ve definitely been too dismissive of football fans as though they’re beneath our politics for some reason, which is a little bit arrogant, I think we should really be tapping into the, …


Thomas Sewell: There’s got to be a class marriage, there’s got to be a class marriage and there’s different classes of politically active people. And what we need to focus on. We’ve been a Spearhead for a long time. We need to focus on, “inclusivity” is a bad dirty word these days, but we do need to focus on mobilising further classes of political agency.




Joel Davis: Yeah, I think I understand the take. Though, when people say:


“Oh, look at all these grown men giving so much emotion and concern for some football team, but they put absolutely zero time, effort, resources or emotion into saving their nation or the existential threat that our people feel.”


And I do have that contempt myself. I do understand it.


So I get that. But you said this before, Tom, and I agree we kind of need to pick one team and put all the racist energy behind them and make them the racist team.


And so all the Lefties, like, start hating that particular team and then they become notorious. And then young racists get, …


Blair Cottrell: That’s already happened to some degree, like the wogs*. The wogs notoriously support Carlton. Carlton’s notoriously supported by wogs. And Collingwood is like the team of the White Aussie Bogans. So that already organically took place to some degree.


[* Wog is a racial slur used to refer, in British English, to black and South Asian people, and, in Australian English, to people from the Mediterranean region. Whilst it is extremely derogatory in British English, in Australian English it may be considered non-offensive depending on how the word is used, due to reclamation and changing connotations. Wikipedia]


Thomas Sewell: And St Kilda is the team of the coke snorting builders.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah! [chuckling]


Joel Davis: I remember a friend of ours, Patrick O’Sullivan, shout out to Patrick O’Sullivan.


Thomas Sewell: Shout out to the Reverend!


Joel Davis: Hail Combat 18 and death to ZOG!


Anyway, he said that back in the day, St Kilda, because St Kilda is a very jewish area in Melbourne. It’s like one of the most jewish suburbs of Melbourne for those who are foreigners and don’t know. Their football team, it actually has the red, white and black.


So it’s the same colours as, like the Imperial German colours. And the jews got very upset about this and lobbied for it to be changed and obviously it was unsuccessful. So that’s kind of like a funny piece of history.


But yeah, I think we got to pick a team and make them the Nazi team. I don’t know which team it is, but like when we figure it out, let me know. I’ll buy all the gear, I’ll wrap it and, … It’ll happen organically.


Thomas Sewell: It’ll happen organically.


Joel Davis: I’ll be a watching the games. And yeah, I’ll get into, …


Blair Cottrell: [words unclear] Victorian thing.


Thomas Sewell: A series of players and they’ll refuse to do the latest jargon, whatever the latest political humiliation ritual is. Eventually, like we saw with that Welcome to Country recently, was that the semi-final or the preliminary?


Blair Cottrell: I think so.


Thomas Sewell: And how many of those players were looking at the ground or scoffing. So the body language is already like, …


Blair Cottrell: It’s already resisting.


Thomas Sewell: Yes, there is a resistance and all it’s going to take is one, similar to, there was a scandal probably five or six years ago with an islander rugby player that didn’t he say something on Facebook about how like:


“Fags aren’t going to heaven.”


Blair Cottrell: Folau or Falou?


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, he said something on Facebook like:


“Gays aren’t going to heaven.”


Joel Davis: He’s a Mormon.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And then the NRL tried to remove him and then I think he took them to court. I can’t remember whether he won or lost, but that set a really important precedence that you can stand up to these institutions and there is going to be a lot of support from the public and it is worth dragging it through the courts. It is worth not necessarily being a political Martyr, but it is worth taking a stand, win or lose.


Joel Davis: Yeah, it would be good to, …


Thomas Sewell: It’ll happen again.


Joel Davis: Like if, like one of these teams, if they do like a mass walk off of the Welcome to Country, then, okay, we’ll get behind them. NSN will be at the next game. [chuckling] We’ll be there shaking around the scarves or whatever.


But I guess one thing about AFL, which is good is that it is a very White sport. Like if you watch the English Premier League or the NFL or like the equivalent in other countries, which they are, there’s a lot of non-Whites. Like, it’s almost majority non-White, I would say, like these leagues. I know they’re completely different sports. But AFL is like even that now they’re starting to bring some blacks into its still like 95% White.


Thomas Sewell: They’re doing programs. So if you’re Aboriginal or black, you’re, they’re being hyper selected. There’s a lot of programs at the moment for Sudanese youth and for Aboriginal youth to just play footy full-time. They’re just trying to astroturf the sport full of brown people. There’s no such thing for Whites, for White kids. If you’re a twelve year old, 14 year old, you’re a White kid at high school, there’s no programme for you to just play footy full-time.


But when I was doing Resi-care because all the kids on paper were written down as Aboriginal, even though they weren’t, they all had these openings. They all could, because they weren’t going to school anyway. So they can just go to this like, this football thing. Especially in the Northern Territory and wherever, like there’s like refugees being sent. And the purpose of it is to inorganically stack the AFL. To basically branch stack it. They basically want to branch stack it. They want to fudge the statistics, they want to fudge the representation.


Blair Cottrell: Do you reckon the way Australian football, like the rules are set up, it makes it a sport that’s kind of favours the Anglo Saxon predisposition, genetic predisposition, because it’s not just endurance, but you need ball skills, team skills, you need to work together as a unit. There’s a great deal of discipline that goes into being a professional footballer in that field.




Thomas Sewell: I wouldn’t say Anglo Saxon. I would say, and it’s ironic that it is your exact racial description. I would say it favours Celto-Nordics. I would say it’s a sport that favours the Nordic, the traditional German racial classification of what Nordics are and favours, I think. And it’s, and it comes from a Celtic background. I mean, its origin is a modified version of Gaelic football, which again, was a martial art designed by the Celts to maintain an army under British occupation. Basically all Celtic sports were built like that.


And that’s why we did it. That’s why we’ve done it for a long time, why it’s absolutely crucial we continue to do it.


And obviously because it favours the longer, the longer tendon and limb length. You know, most footballers are quite tall and long limbed, like all sort of running and throwing sports. Yeah, they’re lean, they’re endurant. It doesn’t necessarily favour like kind of Denarids or lower Saxons or like short, stocky guys or mountainous people. It doesn’t really suit that kind of type. It suits the kind of Nordic plain runners. So and, but there’s that type. There’s that build. There’s that AFL build in almost every race except probably Asians. There is that build. But obviously, …


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, there’s no Chinaman playing AFL.


Thomas Sewell: No. And obviously there’s a lot of reasons for that, but, yeah, they certainly don’t organically have that kind of build. It’s suited or Celto-Nordics. And unfortunately, Central Africans. Central Africans are going to be very good at it if they can stack enough of them with it.


So if they can run programs to promote Central Africans,


Joel Davis: Which they are.


Thomas Sewell: West Africans are too fast, twitch. They’re probably better for rugby and power sports. And East Africans are too endurant, they’re too brittle. So, but Central Africans are a hybrid of the two. So they would actually make good AFL players if the sport was to be played over there, unfortunately. That doesn’t mean I’m not a racist anymore! That’s just a genetic fact.


Blair Cottrell: Yeah, well, family members of mine that have been draughted and have played in the past, they’re all long limbs sprinters, jumpers, lean endurance. So that there’s something to what you’re saying for sure.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah. And what the advantage of the Whiteman is, it’s just that we’ve got the brain on the sporting field or on the battlefield. The Whiteman didn’t conquer Africa or these other continents because we’re like infinitely physically superior in terms of muscle mass or strength, although we’re definitely a lot better than Indians. Indian men have lower upper body strength than White women. That’s a fact. Which is, …


Blair Cottrell: Even grip strength.


Thomas Sewell: Oh, yeah. Upper body strength, grip strength.


Blair Cottrell: That’s interesting because that makes them bad rapists! You’d think that’d be like, …


Thomas Sewell: That’s why they’re gang rapists.


Blair Cottrell: Oh right! They need to work together. I see, I see.


Thomas Sewell: That’s how their continent works.


But, yeah, certainly the reason why we’ve been such great conquerors and the reason why we also, as a race, good sportsmen or kind of obsessed with sports is more to do with the tactics involved in the sport. You don’t win by just being more athletic than the opposition. You win by having better teamwork and better communication. And that’s where the Whiteman excels.


So when you take away all the White coaches and all the White culture and all the White establishment around these English soccer teams, for example, and it’s just Africans coaching Africans. They’re not going to be as good as the White team. You know, they’re only good because they’re propped up.


I think Hitler says something in Mein Kampf about how you can basically, you can teach an African to do an opera or to be a conductor, or you can teach an African to play a musical instrument and do jazz, or you can teach an African to be a politician, even. Like one day they might in France. I think he makes like this little subtle mock of the French saying, like:


“One day there’ll be African politicians in France. They’ll manage to teach one like that.”


But ultimately it’s still a Whiteman that taught him to do that. So that’s an important distinction. That’s straight MK, that’s straight Mein Kampf. That’s important to know.


Blair Cottrell: Straight Pastor Manning too. Remember Pastor Manning? He said:


“Talk to a black man. I don’t care! He could be an astrophysicist, or a doctor. You talk to him. He’s got no fucking sense!”


I [chuckling] remember that Pastor Manning. If no one’s seen Pastor Manning, it’s kind of an old meme now, but it’s still a good laugh if you can find it.


Thomas Sewell: The only sense Africans make is when they’re talking about women, especially their own women. They understand their own women very well.


Blair Cottrell: And is that why they avoid them? [chuckling]


Thomas Sewell: [chuckling] That’s why they make good comedians, because they usually just complain about women and they’re really funny when do it, because it’s just spot on! They know exactly what’s going on there. Because they’re operating on a lower Chakra. Their masters of like the lowest dimension because that’s where they live. That’s where they’re always gyrating and moving their hips around because all their energy is actually in their, … They don’t have any higher Chakra.


Joel Davis: The use the word “arse” to describe everything.


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, everything’s “arse, shit”.


Joel Davis:


“Yo, arse! Oh, yeah, I saw y’all arse down the street. You know what I mean?”


Thomas Sewell: Yeah, yeah. Between their dick and their ass, that’s where all their energy is. That’s why their pants are saggy. Like, they crip walk. All their energy is down there. So they understand that realm quite well because that’s where they live. They live in the shit!




[Remainder of Transcript in Progress]











Rumble Comments


(Comments as of 9/28/2024 = 30)

1 day ago
Australia for the White Man! o/

› Show 1 reply
1 day ago
Follow Joel and Blair on twitter, Tom on (telegram)! ⚡️⚡️ ⚡️⚡️ ⚡️⚡️ ⚡️⚡️

1 day ago
You can’t label working-class women as dysgenically-tied to a cycle of poverty without saying the same about working class men. This is one example as to you may be coming across as anti-white woman to others. Working class white women are just as white as working class white men. I am not a member of the working class, but when you say things that make it seem like you want to disown your own kin, it compromises our very important sense of racial solidarity. I see you guys as my brothers. We share the same Kelto-Nordic blood. But the question is: do you in turn see me as your sister? I am not trying to nitpick as you guys have done so much amazing work, and I’ll be grateful whether or not you consider my feedback. I will continue to support you guys because you’re my brothers. You’re right that we need to weed out the weakest links within our race. But if there’s anything you guys have taught me, it’s that white solidarity is more important now than ever. We don’t need some kind of gender divide compromising our solidarity and sense of kinship. Many white women are looking for a “home” where they feel like they’re part of the in-group. We are essential to the survival of our race, just as you are. I think we could make huge strides if it’s clearly communicated to white women that you guys are on our side and are fighting for our interests.

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1 day ago
What women believe doesn’t matter, nor should it. As a movement, trying to pander to women in a way that curtails the message to make it more palatable to women and their sensibilities is futile and naive. Especially considering women have had decades of programming by feminism and other andjacent ideologies, they are essentially self emulating on the pyre of modernity in defiance to their own self ruin. In the pursuit of appeasing them you temper your own stances from being as strong as they need to be, and you fail to capture the ire of women anyway. Men need to be men and that means making women unhappy — an inevitable, unavoidable reality, and in fact necessary. Women who are amongst the underclass and destroyed working classes are impossible to help see reason, but the men are capable to a degree. That is the difference, and a very real difference we must not ignore. How are you going to make a chain smoking single mother of 4 to 3 different fathers see the error in her ways. You won’t. The state supports her decisions and society reinforces her worldview. These women can bring through generations of imbeciles through their mate selection and rearing methods. Men do not possess that kind of societal weapon of mass destruction. “I think we could make huge strides if it’s clearly communicated to white women that you guys are on our side and are fighting for our interests.” How? By saying abortion is wrong, something that would cause mass outrage as the overwhelming majority of women on both sides of the political spectrum support it? By saying women are incapable of leading on account of their inherent nature and these duties should be left to men. By saying women’s purpose is motherhood and should be done as young as possible so as to maximise their window of fertility? All of these things are absolutely necessary to be said, none of them would go down well with modern women. This is why, respectfully, we need to not give a fuck what women think.

1 day ago
The fact that you would question them fighting for your interests enough, that they should strive to prove themselves more to women than they do, based on the fact that you don’t feel they speak in the right tone or go to the right extent in their messaging to be adequately women friendly or female oriented just proves my point in the matter.

1 day ago
Last week’s show’s transcript: [Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript] [In this livestream episode Aussie nationalist activists Joel Davis, Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell discuss the following: • Now hosting a live stream on Twitter/X for the first time. • Recent activism and interviews, including one with a young Australian influencer/YouTuber, Max Caruso. • They criticize Nick Fuentes’ views
on their street activism tactics. • Argue for the importance of militant street activism to recruit and inspire supporters. • The need for white nationalism and racial loyalty: “We are one racial family with one shared destiny and the survival of our race.” • Criticize attempts at political alliances with non-white groups. • Discuss recent Australian political events, including a politician’s comments on Abo “Welcome” ceremonies. • Argue that White people need to “stop White flighting and start fighting back” against immigration. • Criticize conservative politics and argue for more radical action. • The differences between American and Australian politics and nationalism, “White nationalism was the product of struggle in Australia.” • Criticize Muslim immigration and Islamic views. • Importance of aesthetics and looking “cool” in political activism. “Looking cool is actually really more important than almost anything else that you do in politics.” • The need to appeal to women supporters. • Discuss historical figures like Hitler and philosophical concepts related to their ideology. • Criticize “multiracial alliance retards” and argue for racial separatism. • Discuss the concept of freedom and its relation to racial identity. “Freedom wasn’t this abstract concept, therefore, of you’re free because people leave you alone. … more

1 day ago
5ill the whiteman . ramp up the message,we might get the reaction we need.

1 day ago
You guys are three of this Yank’s very favorite honkies. (Honky is American slang for Whites, and was coined by blacks in the mid-20th Century.)

1 day ago
I’d gladly donate if you set that up

1 day ago
You guys giving shit to the fat cunt paedo who’s a lego enthusiast was pretty funny. The fattie also needs prison time.

13 hours ago
I think that the ONLY reason more people are not supporting white nationalists with monthly subscriptions is simply because it’s too dangerous for them to do so. Enter a credit card and they out themselves, go on a government list, and then get their bank cancelled. I know that you guys have done WAY more than that, but most people find that terrifying. I think there is a lot of money and support that WANTS to come your way, they just aren’t sure how to securely do so.

1 day ago
Jew tube
1 like

1 day ago
“But the Jews are without any doubt the strongest, most tenacious, and purest race now living in Europe.” “And for this, it might perhaps be useful and reasonable to expel the anti-Semitic ranters out of the country.”- Nietzsche Beyond Good and Evil pg 251. Has anyone else woken up from the Judeo-Nietzsche psyop?
1 like

1 day ago
The more people know you guys the more people know you guys! I am getting on age wise how can an old bastard like me assist!
1 like

21 hours ago
that’s a great idea, about the “Doner Class”. I think that’s essential to build a resilient foundation to opporate from.
1 like

1 day ago
hail from the heart of the GAE. thanks for what you guys do.

1 day ago
Australia belong to Indians. and remember Whites are Pigskin and they smell very bad like a died stinky pig

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22 hours ago
Lol the only place for you subhuman pajeets is in India. You stinky cunts drink cows piss and eat their shit while we have them butchered and eat their delicious steaks. Don’t you have some uberjeets orders to deliver on your scooter anyway?!
1 like

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19 hours ago
Keep crying piggyskinboi we will replace u even in europe. ur time is over. ur jewish masters don’t want u anymore haha.

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19 hours ago
Great show.

18 hours ago
I wouldnt rule out the possibility of a war kicking off and suspending the US election. Harris becomes de facto President & Zog gets what he wants. 🤷‍♂️

17 hours ago
Since when has there been a “speaker’s corner” in Sydney and I’ve lived there all my life, so it’s setup to be an easy to target location. That’s the first time I’ve heard of a speakers corner.

13 hours ago
great show

8 hours ago
We need that stream with Mike Enoch soon, Joel!

6 hours ago
1:37:40 what a non sequitur, blair is a crack up 😂

1 day ago
Also, if race-mixing women are dysgenic and the trash is taking itself out, how about race-mixing men? White men race-mix more often than white women do. By this logic, more white men need to be taken out than white women….

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1 day ago
check “children born to white parents 2016-2019” racemix for women is 12.7 racemix for men is 11.8 so it’s false men racemix more, but slightly less

1 day ago
“White men race-mix more often than white women do.” Nope. Except for some yellow fever among the men, the mixing with backs is nearly 100 percent women cuz men find black women completely disgusting, its basically beastiality. Not sure of the exact figures but I’ll bet $6,000,000 most of the race mixing is women, at least with the blacks anyway, which is arguably the worst form of it. There just needs to be laws with harsh punishments put in place, it shouldnt be left up to the individual to decide to create mongrel enemies for us all to have to deal with later, whether women or men, but at that point we’d already have enough power that there wouldnt be any non whites left in the country to race mix with anyway lol.

1 day ago
The white men who mix with Asian women are typically high IQ types, and increasingly higher status. Granted many of these types are soy nerds, but they are apart of the capable and productive classes. The white women who bring through a generation of disenfranchised mulattoes are largely dysgenic in the first place. If white men were just as willing to race mix as white women, there wouldn’t be such a thing as incels.


See Also





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Joel Davis – The White Australia Policy with Matthew Grant – Jul 27, 2023 – Transcript

Joel Davis – On Activist Politics and White Advocacy – PA Conference Speech – Oct 7, 2023 – Transcript

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Slightly Offensive – Is America (& the West) Over? – Guest – Joel Davis – May 31, 2024 – Transcript




Red Ice TV – Nationalism for White People & Activist Persecution in Australia – Joel Davis & Thomas Sewell – Jun 15, 2024 – Transcript

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Joel Davis – Mass Deportations Now! – Aug 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Wargaming the Response as Communists Organise Brown Parasites – Aug 22, 2024 – Transcript



Joel Davis – Analysing the Implications of the Pajeet Hate Surge – Aug 29, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – WWII Revisionism Re-enters the Mainstream – Sep 6, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – The Purpose of Street Activism, the Principle of Race and the Politics of Will – Sep 19, 2024 – Transcript

Joel Davis – Building Nationalism from the Ground Up – Sep 26, 2024 – Transcript




Mark Collett — It’s Okay To Be White — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Christmas Adverts – Multicultural Propaganda — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — What We Must Do To Win — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — Assad Didn’t Do It – Faked Syrian Gas Attack — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett — The jewish Question Explained in Four Minutes — TRANSCRIPT

Mark Collett at The Scandza Forum, Copenhagen – Oct 12, 2019 — Transcript

Patriotic Weekly Review – with Blair Cottrell – Dec 4, 2019 — TRANSCRIPT

Dangerfield – Talking Tough with Mark Collett – Mar 28, 2020 — Transcript

Mark Collett – Sam Melia Sentencing – with Laura Towler – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript

Joe Marsh – Sam Melia Going into Court Before He was Sentenced – Mar 1, 2024 – Transcript




911 – The Jews Had Me Fooled: A Jewish Engineered Pearl Harbor

Organized jewry Did 9/11

Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9/11 — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Christopher Bollyn – Sep 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

AE911Truth – Exposing Those Who Covered up the Crime of the Century – May 28, 2023 – Transcript



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This entry was posted in Activism -White, America, Anti-semitism, anti-White, Australia, Australian Politicians, Blair Cotterell, Boomers, Jew World Order, Jewish Problem/Question, Jewish Supremacism, Jews, Jews - Naming, Joel Davis, Media - jewish domination, Memes, Multiculturalism, National Socialism, National Socialism - Philosphy, National Socialist Network - Aus, Nationalism, Race, Third World Invasion, Thomas Sewell, Trade Unions, Traitors - Journalists, Traitors - Politicians, Traitors - White, Transcript, Twitter/X, White Australia Policy, White genocide, White Nationalism, WW II, X (xTwitter), YouTube Censorship, ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government. Bookmark the permalink.

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